WSU Clark County Extension

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Parker's Variety Yarrow

Scientific name: Achillea filipendulina 'Parker's Variety'

Type:Groundcovers Herbaceus
Plant Requirements
Zone:3 to 8
Plant Characteristics
Height:4 ft
Width:3 ft
Bloom:Summer flowers
Bloom Time:June to July
Bloom Color:Yellow
Additional Characteristics



Wildlife value

Description Of all the different yarrow cultivars the one known as ‘Parker’s Variety’ is prized for its upright growth which bears bright yellow golden flowers throughout the summer.

As with other yarrows this groundcover herbaceous cultivar forms spreading clumps of deeply-dissected, fern-like and aromatic foliage which is grey-green in color. Beginning in June and lasting through July, tall (3’-4’) long stems shoot up which bear golden yellow flowers in dense and flattened, compound structures known as corymbs. Flower clusters can be as large as 4” across.

Yarrow does best on dry sites in full sun. Avoid soggy sites, or those that are windy as the flower stalks are prone to falling over. Spent flower clusters can be removed as they fade in order to prolong the bloom during the summer. This cultivar can spread as well as self-seed so it may need to be divided every couple of years if it is not to be used as a groundcover.

Pest free if grown on well drained sites.
For assistance, contact Dr. Charles Brun (, (360) 397-6060 5701
Computing and Web Resources, PO Box 6234, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6234