
Tag Archives: rhododendron Karin magnolia elizabeth magnolia Susan Japanese maple acer Jordan Indian hawthorn Rhaphiolepis indica shindeshojo summer prunus red sentinel deer

Looking at  pictures from previous years our spring was warmer this year and all  plants were at least 2 weeks ahead of their regular schedule.

This pink inherited rhododendron heralds the end of the spring and beginning of the summer for me. It starts to bloom end of the May and ends full bloom in the middle of June. It is interesting hybrid as it will re- bloom here and there all summer and occasionally even in the fall. I tried to search the interenet for a match and closest I could come up with was Rhododendron ‘Mrs Horace Fogg’ or her child Brianna.

pink rhodo

Very “blousy” flowers and the “Lordei Group” look.

large pink rhododendron1

My new rhododendron Karin is definitely in the same family


As Usual rhododendrons were fallowed by peonies, poppies ireses, lilacs . I added few more peonies but they did not  bloom this year.


But the star this spring was Magnolia Elizabeth.  I do not have it for long time but it is already substantial and lovely tree.


Detail if the flowers



Magnolia Susan looked especially lovely this spring and the fragrance filled the yard every evening.



magnolia susan-close-up

Another nice tree I planted couple of years ago is Japanese maple Jordan. Unfortunately, it seems that it cannot take the sun its getting and its leaves completely burned at end of the summer. I really like it in the spot it is in but will have to dig it out and replant in more shady area. Only few  of my Japanese Maples can take full sun. Most can’t.


Comes May and June and the garden comes alive. Whisteria blooming by the entrance door


Delightful flowers of Indian hawthorn “Majestic beauty”  (Rhaphiolepis  indica).indian-hawthorn3


Bright colour of Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’ ) brightens the otherwise green corner. April colour:


July colour


And this is September colour


Looking up hill from an area I call Sun Valley this is a mish-mash of plants. Some planted by me, some inherited and some just growing wild. One of the favorite spots I love to sit in the summer.



and later in the summer


I am realizing more and more that I cannot plant a large variety of plants that our climate here would allow me. Wild life is just too numerous. And that goes not only for flowers (perennial or annual) but also for my fruit trees, berries, grapes and produce. Everything is eaten before it is ready for us humans. Between deer, bears, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, numerous birds there is nothing left for us. Even wasp get into small fruits and berries.  Interestingly, I have planted an crab-apple (red sentinel) just for wildlife and no one is interested in it.

It looks lovely in spring, just loaded with pink blooms which will fully open to white.


and in fall these little red apples are like jewels shining against the sky.


My sad story at the end of the summer.

We have many deer browsing around and through our property. I learned to accept them.

One very young fawn was around all the time and appeared to be very friendly.


 I did not see any adult deer walking with her and she was into everything. I noticed that even some very toxic plants were munched on. I speculated that for some reason her mother abounded her. Poor thing looked sick and worse with every day passing. 


We offered her an apple and she accepted.


Then I did not see her for some time. She died.  My OH found her dead in the forest but did not tell me. So I did not know for some time. He waited for me to get out for part of the day that he could bury her without me being around. Then he told me. It was a sad day.

RIP in peace little one.
