Invasive Species Council of British Columbia
Grow Me Instead

Hybrid astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii

About This Species

Zone 4a

Grow me instead of Purple loosestrife

False spirea is a graceful, twiggy garden perennial known for its shiny leaves and upright pyramidal clusters of flowers available in many colours depending on cultivar. Serrated, glossy foliage and upright feathery blooms make this plant a lovely, colorful shade plant with textural interest. False spirea requires moist but well draining soil to thrive. It can tolerate full sun but only if the soil is consistently moist and nutrient rich. The blooms make a nice cut flower for arrangements.

When selecting non-invasive plants for your garden, be sure to look for those that are suitable for your location, including moisture requirements, hardiness zone, and avoidance of known bear attractants among other factors.

Plant Special Features

  • Fire smart
  • Bear smart
  • Pollinator friendly

Moisture Requirements


Dry or occasionally moist conditions