
Sohal Tang - Adult Show

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Acanthurus sohal Common Name: Sohal Tang, Sohal Surgeonfish, Red Sea Clown Surgeon Description: At first glance, the Sohal Tang will catch your eye. This fish has a very beautiful appearance and is noted as being one of the most beautiful fish in the family of surgeonfish. The body of the fish has black or dark blue horizontal bars that start at the eyes and go across the entire body. What makes this fish so striking is the electric blue lining that surrounds the anal, dorsal, and tail fins. Recommended Tank Size: The Sohal Tang should be kept in a tank able to hold at least 100 gallons of water. The water within the tank should be kept at a temperature of approximately 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of about 8.1-8.4. This fish may be aggressive at times with new tankmates and with other tangs but should get along well with old tankmates and other aggressive fish. Make sure the tank is large with plenty of room for swimming. Food & Diet: The Sohal Tang has a big appetite. Sometimes this fish can be susceptible to Lateral Line erosion disease so it is a good idea to feed them a vegetarian diet that is high in vitamins like beta-carotene. This fish will also eat meaty foods but should be given plenty of seaweed or algae. This fish should be fed at lest 3 times per week. Level of Care: Moderate Reef Compatibility: Reef compatible