It’s easy to grow your own flowers from seed. Here’s beautiful flowers, growing information & seed collections for gifts.


Welcome to Country Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds for your garden, for cut flowers and for wildlife. Do you dream of a beautiful garden full of scented flowers and buzzing with wildlife? Just sow a few packets of seeds for gorgeous blooms to fill your borders quickly, for cut flowers and food for bees and butterflies. Here are some beautiful and easy plants for you to grow.
There are lots of easy flower seeds to sow and grow in May. You can help your garden wildlife by growing beautiful open-centred blooms. It’s Spring and at last things are warming up outdoors. Spring sown flowers often bloom in just 8-10 weeks so it’s the perfect time to choose what you’d love to see in your garden this year. Checkout Seeds to Sow in May for some inspiration and ideas. Wishing you a very Happy and Flower Filled Spring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Gardening. Gillian 🙂

Verbascum nigrum and Lychnis coronaria

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Verbascum and Lychnis Seeds

If you are looking for a dramatic combination of plants for your garden borders then how about Verbascum nigrum and Lychnis coronaria? This pair of perennials work particularly well together. They flower at the same time and both enjoy sunny well drained conditions. They are Perfect for Pollinators and what's more the centre of each Verbascum flower is exactly the same colour as the Lychnis flowers.

Verbascum nigrum is a tall perennial plant producing spires of butter yellow blooms each with deep pink or violet centres. Very attractive in the garden and brilliant for wildlife too. As you can see from these photos, blooms are wide open making the pollen and nectar easily accessible for bees and other pollinating insects. After flowering seed loving birds such as Goldfinches will feast on the seeds. In winter the hollow stems make excellent hibernation sites for small creatures. If you are keen to attract wildlife to your garden then you can't go wrong with Verbascum nigrum. Recommended by the RHS as Perfect for Pollinators.

Lychnis coronaria is one of our most beautiful and popular garden plants. This lovely perennial plant produces tall silvery stems topped by deep pink flowers. Blooms are wide open and are easy for Bees and Butterflies to land on. In fact they are great for lots of pollinating insects and recommended by the RHS too. Lychnis flowers from June until August. Each individual flower is upward facing which makes is jolly useful and attractive in the garden. Grow in full sun with well drained soil for best results.

Both Verbascum and Lychnis are lovely for cottage gardens, wildlife gardens, gravel gardens and also more formal herbaceous borders. Flowers from June until September or October. They grow beautifully with all sorts of summer flowering shrubs, grasses and perennials including Geranium, Geum and Verbena.

Genus Verbascum nigrum and Lychnis coronaria

Common name Dark Mullein and Rose Campion
Plant Type Hardy Perennials. First Year Flowering if sown early in the year (Jan/Feb).
Height & Spread 60cm-1.2m tall (2-4 feet) x 45cm (18 inches) spread
Sow Seeds Lychnis coronaria: Sow seeds indoors January - April & September - November. Sow direct May, June and July. Germinates in 2 weeks at 16°C-21°C. Seeds need cold stratification before sowing and require light to germinate so do not cover after sowing.
Verbascum nigrum: Sow seeds indoors in long pots or root trainers in January - February for flowering the same year. Germinates in 2 weeks at 13°C-16°C. Sow direct May & June or in late August & September for flowering next year
Thin/Plant Out In the garden allow a minimum space of 50cm per plant.
Conditions Required Verbascum and Lychnis love well drained soil. They prefer an open site with plenty of sunshine.
Flower Production Flowers from June to September. Verbascum flowers are suitable for drying but not long lasting as fresh cut flowers.
Maintenance Verbascum: Remove the main/central flower spike after flowering to encourage more side shoots to form. Allow seed heads to form on those flower spikes so Verbascum will feed your garden birds and self sow.
Lychnis: Dead-head regularly to make sure that your plants continue to produce new blooms. If you allow seed heads to form then Lychnis will self sow.
Planting Combinations Verbascum and Lychnis grows particularly well with other summer flowering perennials and grasses such as Geum, Geranium and Verbena.

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