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What You'll Be Creating

In this tutorial, we’ll draw a pair of antlers—a beautiful element from the world of nature. We’ll start with a graphite pencil sketch, designing the typical structure of deer antlers from scratch. Then we’ll create an illusion of texture and complete our drawing using ink liners.

But first, let’s talk about the difference between horns and antlers. It’s always useful to learn more about the object you’re going to draw!

Antlers are grown as an extension of the animal's skull and are a single structure. They are generally found only on males of the Cervidae family, which includes all species of deer, moose, and elk. Antlers are grown every spring and shed every winter.

Horns, on the other hand, are two-part structures. They are found on members of the Bovidae family, which includes species as diverse as cows, sheep, goats, and even antelopes and gazelles. Both males and females may have horns, and the size and shape of horns vary from species to species. With rare exceptions, horns are never branched and never shed. In many species, horns never stop growing throughout an animal's life.

What You Will Need

To complete this project, you'll need the following equipment:

  • a graphite pencil (I recommend using an HB or B type)
  • an eraser
  • an ink liner number 0.05
  • an ink liner number 0.1
  • an ink liner number 0.2
  • a sheet of drawing paper
The art supplies for this project The art supplies for this project The art supplies for this project

1. How to Draw Antlers With a Graphite Pencil

Step 1

I outline the border of the skull, just for our reference, and then add a core line.

Drawing the initial linesDrawing the initial linesDrawing the initial lines

Each antler grows from an attachment point on the skull called a pedicle. I mark the foundations of the antlers, using oval shapes.

Adding the pediclesAdding the pediclesAdding the pedicles

Step 2

I draw the framework of the horns. We’ll start with simple forked structures and add more elements later. Antlers often have a slight asymmetry and non-typical tines, so don’t strive for absolute perfection.

Draw the antlers simultaneously, because if you draw just one and then copy and flip it digitally, your artwork won’t look natural.

Drawing the framework of the antlersDrawing the framework of the antlersDrawing the framework of the antlers

Step 3

I draw the contours of the longest parts of the antlers, also known as the main beams or antler stems.

Drawing the main beamsDrawing the main beamsDrawing the main beams

Step 4

I draw the short transitional parts; they join the branches with the antler stems.

As you can see in the image, I add the oval shapes to these parts, as if we’re looking at the antlers in a cross-section. Thinking about the forms in this manner helps to make the drawing more realistic.

Drawing the transitional partsDrawing the transitional partsDrawing the transitional parts

I draw the branch growing from the main beam.

Adding the branchAdding the branchAdding the branch

Step 5

I add two shorter branches to the antler stems; let's agree that they are not equal.

Adding shorter branchesAdding shorter branchesAdding shorter branches

Step 6

I draw the curved branches that are facing the viewer.

Drawing the front branchesDrawing the front branchesDrawing the front branches

To emphasize the direction of these branches, I add a border between their sides. Now the front branches look more credible.

Adding the sidesAdding the sidesAdding the sides

Step 7

I draw the short branches in the lower part of the antlers. Another name for these elements is the brow tines.

Adding the brow tinesAdding the brow tinesAdding the brow tines

Step 8

I refine the contours of the antlers, making the lines smoother. Now you can add some new tines or creative features if you wish.

It’s time to erase the unnecessary pencil lines.

Refining the drawingRefining the drawingRefining the drawing

Step 9

Let’s add some texture to the base part of the antlers (it is called a burr, or coronet). The coronet has a distinctive pattern, resembling a set of outgrowths.

Drawing the coronet textureDrawing the coronet textureDrawing the coronet texture

Step 10

I draw long graphite lines, marking the texture of the main beam and the branches. The texture here is much smoother than on the coronet part.

Sketching the texture of antlersSketching the texture of antlersSketching the texture of antlers

2. How to Draw Antlers With Ink Liners

Step 1

I outline the main contours of the antlers, using the 0.2 ink liner.

Creating the contoursCreating the contoursCreating the contours

Step 2

With the 0.1 ink liner, I add the lines to create a texture. You can find a sample of this hatching in the image below.

Working on the texture of the antlersWorking on the texture of the antlersWorking on the texture of the antlers

Step 3

I add some shadows to the texture, applying groups of short horizontal hatches. Our goal here is to reveal the contours of the texture.

Refining the texture with the shadowsRefining the texture with the shadowsRefining the texture with the shadows

Step 4

With the 0.05 liner, I add contour hatching to the sides of the main beam and branches. The drawing looks more three-dimensional!

Applying the contour hatchingApplying the contour hatchingApplying the contour hatching

Step 5

With the 0.1 liner, I increase the contrast in my drawing, adding more short hatches and dots to the core shadows.

Completing the drawing of deer antlersCompleting the drawing of deer antlersCompleting the drawing of deer antlers

You're Done With Your Deer Antlers Drawing!

Congratulations! Now you know how to draw antlers. I hope you enjoyed both the process and the result.

I wish you much success in drawing with graphite pencils and ink. Have fun capturing the unique charm of the wonderful world of animals and nature.

The result of our workThe result of our workThe result of our work

5 Amazing Deer Antler Drawings Turned Into Logos (From Envato Elements)

If you enjoyed drawing deer antlers and don't know what to do with those sketches, you can always make a logo out of them!

We gathered some deer antler drawings that were made into great logos for you to check out. You can also go to Envato Elements to find thousands of creative assets like logos, fonts, illustrations, and graphics for a small monthly fee. Subscribe and get unlimited downloads!

1. Simple Deer Antlers Drawing Logo (AI, EPS)

Simple Deer AntlersSimple Deer AntlersSimple Deer Antlers

Are you looking for a sleek and minimalist logo that evokes the elegance of deer? Look no further than this simple deer antlers logo. It's a must-have design element if you want to boost your business image or just add a touch of quality to your next project.

2. Dark Deer Antler Outline Logo (AI, EPS, JPG, PDF, PNG)

Dark Deer Antler LogoDark Deer Antler LogoDark Deer Antler Logo

Here's an antlers drawing that was turned into a versatile logo. The best thing about this modern design is the choice of dark and white versions, which will go perfectly with any of your design projects. Why settle for a generic logo when you can have one that genuinely expresses your brand's spirit? 

3. Jump Deer Logo With Slogan (AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, PSD)

Jump Deer Logo with SloganJump Deer Logo with SloganJump Deer Logo with Slogan

If you're more into color, you'll love this deer logo in different shades of blue. This logo is available in a variety of file formats, making it simple to edit and include in your branding. It also includes a placeholder for your brand's slogan. 

4. Modern Dancing Deer Antler Outline (AI, EPS, JPG, PDF)

Dancing Lineart LogoDancing Lineart LogoDancing Lineart Logo

Antlers indicate vitality and power in some cultures, whereas deer represent gentleness and intellect. If you're trying to add one of these features to your logo, you might want to consider using this minimal deer antler outline logo. It includes a very simple design that would work with any brand.

5. Cool Deer Antler Outline Logo (AI, EPS)

The Stag Deer Antler LogoThe Stag Deer Antler LogoThe Stag Deer Antler Logo

Featuring an elegant deer on a rocky cliff, this design is all about strength and power. With its bold outline and attention to detail, it's the perfect choice for any business or organization that wants to convey a sense of confidence and courage. Download the file and give it a try!

Discover More Tutorials on Envato Tuts+

If you found our step-by-step deer antlers drawing tutorial helpful, you may be interested in learning more. Here on Envato Tuts+ we have a variety of tutorials to help you improve your art and design skills. Check them out:

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