Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) - bare root - led in double U-shape

Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) -...

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Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) - bare root - led in double U-shape

Art. nr. 201833223

€87.25 per unit

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Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) - pot - bush


Product information "Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) - bare root - led in double U-shape"

Product specifications

Application / use plant: Unknown - n/a
Application / use plant - details: Especially as hand apple
Bloom Month: Unknown - n/a
Bloom color: White
Branches / bark: Unknown - n/a
Flower color - details: White, pink in bud
Frost hardiness - details: Good (-23 to -18°c), usda zone 6
Frost resistance: Very good winter hardy
Fruit: Big fruit, Purple, Red
Fruit - details: Dark red to purplish red, fairly large
Full grown plant height: 200-300 cm
Growth habit : Unknown - n/a
Growth habit - details: Strong, especially in the first few years, needs to be bent outwards
Humidity/Soil: Moist soil
Latin plant family: Rosaceae
Leaf / Foliage: Green
Leaf / foliage - details: Deciduous, green
Location: Full sun
Location - details: Preferably full sun
Maturity: Mid to late october
Minimum growing height (in cm): 200
Plant characteristic: Edible (fruit, leaf, flower), Climbing shrub or slate, Attracts birds, Fruit-bearing
Plant family: Rose family
Synonym / Trade name: Malus domestica 'Dali', Malus domestica 'Gloster '69', Malus domestica 'Gloster' - sel.86, Malus domestica Gloster 69
Taste: Juicy, fresh sour, firm flesh
Winter foliage: Losing leaf
maximal growth height (in cm): 300
type of crop: Fruit
type of soil: Clay soil (calcareous), Normal soil
type of soil / ground - details: Any good garden soil

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Malus domestica 'Gloster' (Gloster 69) - pot - bush
