Asplenium scolopendrium ‘Furcata’ – Hart’s Tongue Fern (3.5″ Pot)

An evergreen fern with lovely, uncut, strap-like fronds. They are deep green, 3″ wide and turn chartreuse when backlit by the sun.

Ferns thrive in neutral to acidic, loose, richly organic soil. Excellent for mass plantings, rock gardens, containers, in woodlands and naturalized landscapes.

Colors (Foliage)

Growth Habit

Recommended Light Conditions

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Approximate Mature Height

Approximate Mature Width


An evergreen fern with lovely, uncut, strap-like fronds. They are deep green, 3″ wide and turn chartreuse when backlit by the sun.

Ferns thrive in neutral to acidic, loose, richly organic soil. Excellent for mass plantings, rock gardens, containers, in woodlands and naturalized landscapes.