NUS Architecture   -   Villa dall’Ava

Villa dall’Ava

Precedence Analysis on Form, Space and Tectonics

This project focuses on the study of precedent houses, using drawings and models, as an introduction to precedent analyses through exercises on form/language, tectonics/materials, space/light, and scale. The aim of this is to understand how architectural ideas and materials are translated into spatial, formal-compositional and tectonic articulation by different architects. In my selected project, I chose to investigate Villa dall’Ava by Rem Koolhaas.

// Gridding Dissection

The architecture, in relation to its site, can be dissected into a four-by-three-by-three massing grid. This 3-dimensional spatial deconstruction distinctively separates the massing and void spaces. This preliminary analysis of the arrangement of the massing structure via this grid system allows for further analysis of the design of the architecture.

// Visual Connectivity

Through the study of the arrangements of massings and void spaces, the design of the architecture can be interpreted as a deliberate construction to propagate visual connectivity across all four levels through the offsets of the various massings, both horizontally and vertically, in relation to the angled terrain, as shown in the illustrated sections.