Phlox douglasii by Heritage in Japan.

Phlox subulata, a.k.a. Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox, Mountain Phlox or Moss Pink, native of Eastern U.S.

Creeping phloxes are a beautiful sight usually forming carpets over banks or hanging down walls.


One day, I was busy chasing and photographing two butterflies one black and one yellow in this patch to notice at first what flowers these were. Then I realized these flowers that the butterflies so loved were Shiba-zakura which were featured in the morning news in bloom in one of the parks covering the entire river bank. Shiba means lawn and zakura means sakura (cherry blossoms) so the flower’s Japanese name means lawn cherry blossoms, given on account that the flower’s shape resembles very closely a pink cherry blossom. From my ID book it is called the phlox subulata which is said to be very good for a rock garden or dry bank. We have them planted in our garden now.

Shibazakura tumbles over the edge most charmingly in profuse blooms in the fall and in spring, twice a year.

Beautiful complement to many other plantings.

Ajuga and moss phlox-lined garden path

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