Salvia 'Berggaten'

Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’

Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’ : is  a low mounding plant, about 20 cm H, often called the “Broad Leaf Sage”. Mainly grown for it’s broad grey green leaves.
Salvia 'Berggarten'
Salvia ‘Berggarten’

Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’ very rarely flowers, but is mainly grown for it’s broad leaves.

Flowers: are a blue mauve colour, a typical falcate Salvia  officinalis type flower,  a green and coloured ribbed  calyx  but very rarely seen.

Calyces: a  green ribbed  calyx, coloured at the tips on the exposed sides,  but very rarely seen.

Leaves: are a broad round/ oval shape, grey and textured. They have a typical but milder “sagey smell”. New growth are large, appearing in spring with a lot of small congested leaf growth down the stems.
Occasionally getting  mildew in  damp or humid environments.
Being a form of officinalis, the leaves are very edible, but it is mainly grown for it’s broad leaves as a low growing small shrub.

Salvia 'Berggarten'
Salvia ‘Berggarten








Salvia officinalis’Berggarten’ is quite edible, but not often used in culinary dishes.

S. ‘Berggarten’ is best grown in full sun, in an open space that is not hemmed in with other plants. This Salvia make a good border along a pathway , the mounds gradually spreading to meet each other.It also Makes an excellent addition to a “Grey garden “, being neat and tidy, often seen as a very architectural plant.

It is a tough, hardy plant for to summer heat and winter cold.  Will withstand a frost and even a dumping of snow. garden, but requires good drainage.

At the end of autumn when it can die off, remove all the old leaves and stems, allowing the crowded new shoots at the base to grow.

Propagation: is usually by tip cuttings which are taken in Spring from new growth.

Not always available

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