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Procumbens Juniper, scientifically known as Juniperus procumbens, is a low-growing evergreen shrub native to Japan, prized for its spreading, ground-hugging growth habit and attractive foliage. Here are some key points about this plant:

  1. Appearance: Procumbens Juniper has a prostrate, spreading growth habit, forming a dense mat of trailing branches. The foliage consists of small, scale-like leaves that are typically dark green in color. The branches often have a slightly cascading appearance, creating a picturesque ground cover effect.

  2. Size: This juniper typically grows to a height of 6 to 18 inches with a spread of 5 to 6 feet, forming a low, spreading mound. Its compact size and spreading habit make it an excellent choice for ground cover in gardens, borders, and rockeries.

  3. Color and Texture: The foliage of Procumbens Juniper is typically dark green, although it may have blue-green or grayish tones. The scale-like leaves give the plant a fine texture, adding depth and dimension to the landscape.

  4. Sun and Soil Requirements: Procumbens Juniper thrives in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-drained soil. It is tolerant of a variety of soil types, including sandy and rocky soils, but it does best in soil with good drainage.

  5. Watering: Once established, Procumbens Juniper is relatively drought-tolerant and only requires occasional watering during dry periods. However, it's important to provide regular watering, especially during the plant's establishment period.

  6. Pruning: Pruning requirements for Procumbens Juniper are minimal. You may need to trim back any dead or damaged branches and lightly shape the plant to maintain its spreading form. Avoid heavy pruning, as it can affect the plant's natural appearance.

  7. Landscape Use: Procumbens Juniper is commonly used as a ground cover plant, providing erosion control on slopes and filling in spaces in garden beds and borders. It also works well in rock gardens, where its spreading habit can cascade over rocks and other landscape features.

  8. Deer Resistance: Procumbens Juniper is known for its resistance to browsing by deer, making it a suitable choice for landscapes where deer may be a concern.

Overall, Procumbens Juniper is a versatile and low-maintenance evergreen shrub valued for its spreading habit, attractive foliage, and adaptability to various landscape conditions. Whether used as a ground cover, erosion control plant, or rock garden specimen, it adds texture and interest to garden landscapes throughout the year.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Ground Cover
Mature Height:
6-18 Inches
Mature Width:
5-6 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun/ Partial Shade
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:

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