23 Replies to “Flower of the Day: Rubus Odoratus”

  1. We have a similar wild purple flowering raspberry here in New England. I like the varying shades and guess it is the age of the bloom that affects that?

  2. Is that a bud or some kind of seed pod at the upper left? The petals look like crepe paper to me, but a distinguished rare kind of crepe paper with what appears to be a blush of the burgundy within the lavenders. I like the name “Flowering Raspberry.” I think it’s poetic.

    1. I think the far left one is a bud. It seems a funny name because I would have thought that all raspberries flower before they fruit. These are especially nice flowers.

    1. I am still ‘stalking’ the other plant you suggested was some form of rubus. You are most likely right, but it is a puzzle. They flowered, were full of bees, but the flowers have not fruited, just dried and wizened. There are loads of them locally, all the same.

        1. I did and of the shrivelled non-fruits too, but not very good ones. It has white bark, but it is not the whitebark raspberry (not tender, no fruit). It seems to be grown as a barrier/boundary plant as it grows thick, tall and wild.

  3. These are lovely – a great colour. I’ve never seen a flowering raspberry before – bet bees like it!

  4. But all raspberries flower — just like blackberries and strawberries. Our favored native is Rubus trivialis — the dewberry. The fruit looks like a small blackberry, and they can be just as sweet and delicious. Every spring people head out to the railroad tracks and fence rows to collect them. This one certainly shows off its membership in the rose family!

    1. They do, but the flowers of this one are very striking. I don’t know that I’ve seen – or sampled – the dewberry. It is surprising how differently our wild blackberries can taste when fully ripe. Some are sour and seedy, others are delicious.

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