Gillenia trifoliata

Gillenia trifoliata
Syn. Porteranthus trifoliatus
“Bowman’s root”

Herbaceous Perennial

Zone: 4 – 9
Native habitat : Eastern North America

Soil: fertile
Moisture: well-drained, moist
Light: full sun (best) to part shade
Exposure: shelter
Plant size (h x w): 24″ – 36″ x 12″ – 24″
Other: can handle shade and still flower but will flop over

Shape/stem: clump-forming, sprawling when young, stems get stronger and more rigid with age; upright (as long as getting good water); loose form (see-through it); stems red
Leaf: 3 lobed, green leaves, turning reddish in fall
Flower: Lax panicles (sprays), star-shaped flower, 3-4cm, white, red calyce
Bloom: spring to summer
Other: rhizomatous; beautiful fall colour; small red seed pods

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general; may want to stake in first few year till stems become stronger
Maintain:  low maintenance; divide in late fall or when emerging in spring when it gets too big or a ring of growth
Propagate:  division, cutting


Landscape: perennial boarder, container, cottage, mixed boarder, cut flower
Companion planting: nice with ground cover in front or shorter blooms and taller perennials or shrubs that you can see into behind
Medicinal: none known
Other: attracts butterflies

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: Maybe (if super hungry they will probably eat)
Other animals:

Local info,: not native to Victoria but is native to Canada
Pot size (to purchase):
Identification (key features): leaves: small, 3-lobed; flowers: open sprays, starry white small flowers, red calyces; topples over in shade or when dry
Interesting facts: AGM winner

Comments: attractive because of its see through wafting look