Osmanthus x burkwoodii

Osmanthus x burkwoodii
“Burkwood osmanthus”

Evergreen Shrub

Zone: 7 – 9
Native habitat: hybrid was raised in England; Asia and Europe for parent plants

Soil: fertile, will tolerate any including clay
Moisture: well drained, drought tolerant once established
Light: full sun (better) to full shade (few flowers and more open growth)
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): Slow growing to 5′ – 10’ x 5′ – 10′
Other: will shed leaves if too dry but will usually recover


Shape/Stem:  large, dense, evergreen, rounded habit
Leaf: Thick, serrated, opposite, mid-green, leathery. ovate, 2.5-5cm
Flower: Little white, tubular flowers, fragrant, absolutely covered
Bloom: April
Other: slow to grow; fruits are few and black

Treatment (how to…)
Plant:  regular, water while establishing; can grow open when young if in too much shade so keep this in mind
Maintain: low maintenance; fertilize once per year; can be pruned hard and will come back, prune after flower (thinning or heading back)
Propagate: seed, cutting

Landscape:  Background plant, hedging (spectacular in flower), large mixed borders, woodland margin, or anywhere where the fragrance would be appreciated, bank or slope, screening
Companion planting: can look stunning planted in a white garden (with other white blooms); strong enough constitution and large enough stature to support a clematis growing up to add summer excitement; ombines with others with larger leaves, such as rhododendrons and Mahonia
Medicinal: not known;

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant


Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon
Nature: large tough slow growing evergreen shrub, fragrant
Identification (key features): leaves: dark green, ovate, 2.5-5cm; flowers, clusters of small, highly-scented, white, April
Interesting facts: AGM winner; parents are the Chinese Osmanthus delavayi and the Turkish/Georgian Osmanthus decor
Cultivars: O. delavayi – rounded plant with arching stems 10′-16’ x 10’

Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’

Osmanthus heterphyllus ‘Goshiki’
“False Holly”

Evergreen Shrub

Zone: 7-10
Native habitat: Eastern Asia

Conditionsosmanthus flower
Soil: rich
Moisture: moist, well drained
Light: full sun to part sun
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 4′ x 5′
Other: drought tolerant once established, flowers best in part shade

Shape/Stem:  compactosmanthus-id
Leaf: opposite, holy like, coarsely spined, oval, leathery, marbled with cream, new growth can be tinged bronze/pink
Flower: inconspicuous, small,  white, fragrant, in leaf axilis, tubular, 4 lobes
Bloom: late summer
Other: slow to grow;  blue black fruit

Treatment (how to…)
Plant:  regular
Maintain: low maintenance; minimal
pruning (keep dense form when young) osmanthus-wholeshrubbushy
Propagate: seed, cutting

Landscape:  woodland, colourful informal hedge, container (happy for years), courtyard, informal, rock, patio, city, evergreen accent
Companion planting: looks bad with other variegated plants (so avoid planting with these)
Medicinal: not known;osmanthusleaves
Other: great year round colour

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant

Interestosmanthus sheered
Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon
Nature: compact, slow growing evergreen shrub, fragrant
Identification (key features): leaf shape (holly like), 5 colours, small flowers and their scent
Interesting facts: great plant pick; Goshiki means ‘five colored’ in Japanese and refers to the various colors found on each leaf
Cultivars: is a cultivar; there are many other cultivars too

Cornus mas

Cornus mas
“Cornellian cherry dogwood”

Deciduous shrub or small tree

Zone: 5-9
Native habitat: Europe to Western Asia

Soil: average
Moisture: well drained, moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 15′ – 20′ x 15′
Other: keep moist in summer


Shape/stem: shrub or tree (depending on how you train it), dark brown branches, young twigs green, old bark exfoliates
Leaf: opposite, ovate, oblong, entire margin, broad, 3″ x 1-2″, green, red fall foliage,
Flower: clusters/umbels  (10-25 flowers), small, four petals, 5mm, yellow, before leaves, sometimes showy bracts
Bloom: winter
Other: fruit, oblong, drupe, red, 1″, messy, contain 1 seed

cornusmasflwoerTreatment (how to…)
Plant: seperate seed from flesh, stratification, generally easy to grow, slow germination, plant in a warm place by a wall
Maintain: low maintenance, rarely prune, train to be a tree by taking off low branches
Propagate: seed, hardwood cuttings autumn

Landscape: fall colour, winter garden, flower bed, screening, cottage, specimen, woodland
Companion planting: Hamamelis mollis
Medicinal: edible, Chinese medicine used to retain the jing, essence, tonify the kidneys
Other: fruit is edible and pretty but don’t plant on a dive way or patio where have to clean, make jam out of it, distill to make liquor; wood is dense and used traditionally for making toolscornusmasleafandberry

Pests and disease: none significant,
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant, animals eat berries

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon – 2 gallon
Nature: hardy upright shrub of tree
Identification (key features): 
Interesting facts: 

Cultivation: C. m. ‘Golden Glory’ (most notable of cultivars, RHS’s AGM, more prolific bloom at a younger age), C. m. ‘Variegata’ (thick white margin, grey green leaves, RHS’s AGM), C. m. ‘Aureoelegantissima’ (yellow variegation with pink and green tinges), C. m. “Aurea’ (yellow leaves)


Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’

Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’
“Siberian dogwod”

Deciduous shrub

Zone: 3-9
Native habitat: Siberia

Soil: neutral, acidic
Moisture: well drained, moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 5′ – 8′ x 4′ (un-pruned)
Other: full sun for best colour

Shape/stem: thicket of thin stems, multi-stemmed, woody, Cornus_alba_Sibirica_leafandberryyoung stems bright red, suckering
Leaf: ovate, green, turning red in fall
Flower: small flowers, dense clusters, cream, flat head, (some showy bracts), not too significant
Bloom: spring
Other: white berries, best colours in young stems

Cornus_alba_Sibirica_leafTreatment (how to…)
Maintain: low maintenance, prune in late march (before bud break), coppice (to keep colour in stems) or remove 1/3 of stems that are oldest to the base yearly; layer compost over it in fall
Propagate: hardwood cuttings autumn

Landscape: rain garden, hedge, winter interestcorunusalbasibirica-bark
Companion planting: cornus spp. in other colours
Medicinal: none known
Other: attracts birds and butterflies

Pests and disease: none significant,
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant,

Local info,: not native grows well
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon
Nature: vibrant red multi-stemmed shrub
Identification (key features): red stem, lenticles, 
Interesting facts: 
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Cultivation: C. a. ‘Elegantissima’ (variegated green and creamy white folliage)
Comments: grown for winter colour, helps control erosion

Salix ‘Flame’

Salix ‘Flame’
“Flame Willow”

Deciduous Shrub or Small Tree

Zone: 3-6
Native habitat : Salix (of which this cultivar is from) is found all around the Northern Hemisphere

Soil: average soil
Moisture: well drained to poor drainage, moist to average
Light: full sun
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 20′ x 15-20′ (unless pruned)
Other: want it to face the light from the direction you will be looking at it

Shape/stem: upright, oval, multi-stems, orange to red winter stems, older stems get browner, stems turn slightly inward
Leaf: alternate branches and leaves, narrow, lance shaped, 4″, bright green, turn yellow in the fall
Flower: no flowers, no catkins, no seeds
Bloom: n/a
Other: Neat, does not spread out

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: may want to give a water ring, may want to stake if in a windy location,
Maintain: coppice every 1-3 years, or prune hard (to maintain smaller size)
Propagate: No catkins or seeds, only reproduce by cutting; roots very easily, take a stem, cut 1/8″ bellow bud and stick it in the ground

Landscape: grown for great colour on fall bare branches, can be substitute for red dogwood
Companion planting:
Medicinal: none known
Other: cut vase

Pests and disease: not common, rust, aphids, caterpillars
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1 gallon
Nature: prolific willow with great fall and winter color
Identification (key features): colour of bark, alternate buds
Interesting facts:

Comments: grows very fast, reproduces only vegetaively,