Sundrops – Oenothera fruticosa

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Sundrops (Oenothera fruticosa)  are in the  Evening Primrose family

Sundrops, a day bloomer, has round bright yellow flowers with four petals.  The buds are reddish in color.  The lower leaves of the plant, which stands about 2 feet tall, are also speckled in red.  It is  a very faithful perennial establishing plants in groups which come back year after year in sunny, open spaces.

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Seeds appear after the plant has bloomed out

 The seeds are easy to gather in late summer and are very good germinators.  Planted in the spring, the seeds make vigorous plants which can be transplanted in late summer.

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This is a photograph of a young plant in early spring. Notice the remnant of a dried stalk from last year’s blooms.  It is a mature plant as can be seen by the three rosettes.  Discovering the little plants with the red splotches on it in early spring, they can be moved into flower beds with ease.

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In addition to sowing Sundrop seeds into our flower beds, several plants found in the property have been transplanted into our perennial borders taking advantage of the fact that it is so easy to identify the plant because of its red spots.  They have vigorous roots and placed in rich garden soil they take to their new home without a whimper!  Not all native plants do some.  Some plants absolutely and stubbornly refused to be transplanted.  Not so the attractive little Sundrops.

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