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Thalictrum Delavayi Hewitt’s Double — 29 Comments

  1. Hi Alastair,
    What an exciting new project. The house looks lovely, and it will of course be transformed when the garden takes shape. I wish you all the best in getting settled in your new home, and with your new chapter of life. xx

  2. Hi Rick, good to hear from you. Settling in fine, moving involves so much tiresome stuff. You are also thinking of moving, I didn’t expect that, choose wisely and good luck, I will keep my eye on your developments.

  3. Hi Alistair, I am so pleased that your move seems to have gone well as I myself will be on the move in the next 12 months although I am not sure exactly where to. You seem to have a reasonable area to go at and no doubt by the end of summer you will have transformed it in your usual inimitable fashion. I wish you all the very best for the future.

  4. That is a beautiful plant. Your house is coming along wonderfully and looks so cute. I know the garden you plan will be as beautiful as your last.

  5. Hello Sarah, surprising how we can adapt to changing circumstances. The driveway, we are considering putting a dividing gate and fence part way up the drive and make a secluded courtyard garden.

  6. I am sorry that your eyesight is deteriorating and that you have had to stop driving. I hope that you are adjusting to life without your car.

    I am just wondering how long it will be before you crowbar out the odd paviour or six and replace them with planting 😉 A lady in my last village managed to have a flowering driveway with two little wheel runs through it – so pretty and practical, although she had a gravel drive which won’t fall apart in quite the same way as paving!

    Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home. I look forward to seeing your garden develop. If it is anything like your last one it will be looking wonderful in no time at all!

  7. Hello Alistair, I’m sure you’ll settle very quickly back into Scotland, I got the impression that you never really wanted to leave it for Cheshire. The new house and garden is such a blank canvas. I’m imagining lots of acers and foliage plants perhaps with some rocks and water for a Japanese theme. I’m looking forward to seeing your third garden develop. I know it will be – as always – immaculately beautiful.

  8. What a beautiful and airy plant! I don’t think that is something I see commonly planted at all here. I hope you are settling in well. That is always sad to leave a garden, but I know you will enjoy planning and planting this new one.

  9. Hi Debs, I guess Thalictrum would struggle in excessive heat. I would welcome a little more heat where we now live, although its not that bad.

  10. I am looking forward to seeing your new garden take shape! Your space has marvelous potential. I have admired thalictrum in books but doubt it will grow here. I would love to find something similar on a smaller scale that will take high heat .

  11. Hi, Alistair!
    Finally you have moved and think about the new garden creation. I love this stage in gardening, it’s important time. I have Thalictrum aquilegifolium in my garden, it grows well and in some times does self-seeding. Your is pretty, love this color.

  12. Hello Alistair — it’s lovely to hear from you again. I didn’t realize meadow rue grew so tall — I don’t know why I don’t grow it — it’s so pretty. I’m sure your wife especially is glad to be back ‘home.’ You have another clean slate to work with! Exciting! You will do a great job, I know. I love courtyard gardens and look forward to seeing yours. P. x

  13. Lucy, temperature in Cheshire was just perfect for me, not too hot and not too cold. Nevertheless I am going to embrace the change and will make the best of any decent days.

  14. Thank you Maureen, so nice to hear from you. Myra had an aunt who moved with her family from Aberdeen to Vancouver island back in the 60s, they were very happy there. Myra is responsible for the design of the front garden this time, she suffers from a bad back so I am the labourer, I think it is going to look really good.

  15. Hi Alistair, good to see you are now settled in your new home; I so enjoy receiving your emails and reading your blogs. I live on the West coast of Canada on Vancouver Island, but am originally from North London, UK. I wish you both well, I am in your age bracket so appreciate this age thing. All the best , I so look forward to seeing the progression of your garden. Lucky neighbours, they’re in for a treat. Take care, Maureen.

  16. Not in the least meaning it to sound bleak. I used to live in Fife and miss the cold. I’ve never quite got used to the south coast of England. It’s all very well for holidays – indeed it’s stunningly wonderful for holidays – but it rarely seems to have any real ‘weather’. Summer all year round is fine if you can take it but three day frosts . . . well, perversely, I miss three day frosts!

  17. Thanks for dropping by Kathleen, I haven’t given up gardening but have had to stop driving. Its not a big garden, but we will make the best of it.

  18. Hi Lucy, the picture you paint of Fife makes it seem rather bleak, blue sky is not so bad though. I have made reference to our move in the last few posts. Haven’t made that big a deal of it though.
    Lovely as Cheshire was, Scotland is our home.

  19. Hello Alistair nice to here from you again and so sorry to here you have bad eyesight now and had to give up gardening.

    You have a big garden to turn into a stunning garden like Aberdeen .Good luck .

    It does sound nic eand making a courtyard garden will be lovley.

  20. I haven’t visited for a while so hadn’t realised you are moving / have moved again. (East Fife . . . cold! blue sky! frost! windy! ? ? ? ) I’ve been going back through your posts trying to find one which explains why you have returned to Scotland. If there is one . . could you give me a link? (This is pretty radical – and a very different garden!)

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