Texas Tech University

Vanhoutte Spirea

Spiraea x vanhouttei

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Spiraea x vanhouttei

Spiraea x vanhouttei Photo Gallery

Spiraea x vanhouttei Plant Information

Scientific Name: Spiraea x vanhouttei
Common Name: Vanhoutte spirea
Family: Rosaceae
Suggested Uses: mass plantings, borders, screens
Plant Form: vase-shaped, round, arching branches
Height: 3 - 6 feet tall
Spread: up to 8 feet wide
Foliage: alternate, simple, and deciduous

course serrations start half way up the margins

leaf is thumb-shaped and about 1 inch long
Flower: very showy, white corymbs
Bloom Period: Spring
USDA Zone: zones 3 - 8
Additional Notes: very tough shrub that can take poor conditions

most popular of all spireas; cross between S. trilobata x S. cantoniensis

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