Green Hill Farm -- Great New Hostas  
Bob and Nancy Solberg, Chapel Hill, NC -- Hosta, Hosta!!

The Book of Little Hostas
200 Small, Very Small, and Mini Varieties
by Kathy Guest Shadrack and Michael Shadrack
Irresistible ideas for using little hostas in a wide range of garden settings
"The hosta world has been waiting for a book like this."--Bob Solberg, American Hosta Growers Association
Order from Green Hill: $27.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Free shipping if the book is part of your hosta order.

Hostas are irresistible. Their sculptural leaves and appealing textures make it difficult to stop at one, and it is easy to fill a garden with them. Help is at hand with this attractive guide to the popular new small hostas that take up less space and are ideally suited to container cultivation. They can be used on their own or with companion plants to make charming displays on the patio, porch, or even windowsill.

Many small hostas are simply scaled-down versions of classic hostas, while others offer distinctly new attributes in terms of color, leaf shape, and patterning. Like full-size hostas, small hostas can be upright, flat, or cascading; there are varieties that are full of substance, and others that are fine and delicate; there are green ones, gold ones, blue ones, variegated ones, and splashed ones. Some are better garden plants than others, and a valuable function of this book is to showcase the very best of the new introductions. Photographs of the hostas in garden settings show how admirably they respond to imaginative display in a wide range of situations including waterside, woodland, and rock gardens.

Beautifully illustrated and highly informative, this handpicked selection of diminutive hostas will inspire hobbyists and gardeners alike and provide inspiration for new planting schemes.

About the authors:

Kathy Guest Shadrack has gardened passionately in Western New York for over 25 years and has maintained collections of hostas, irises, and daylilies. A former secretary of the American Iris Society, she is currently the secretary of the American Hosta Society.

Michael Shadrack is a member of the British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society and the American Hosta Society. His interest in photography has led to a library of nearly 3200 hosta images, many of which have been published in books, magazines, and catalogs. He regularly lectures on hostas in Europe and North America.

To order this book:

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Revised January 19, 2011