Pacers rout Knicks in Game 7, advance to the Eastern Conference finals for first time since 2014

Life with a wheelchair-bound basset hound

Joe Tamborello
Meet our basset hound Charlie. His wheelchair doesn't slow him down.

Maybe you've seen Charlie around town with me or my wife. He's the overly friendly basset hound in a blue wheelchair. He wants to say hi to everyone.

Charlie poses in Fountain Square.

Charlie has had his wheelchair for nearly four years now. The photo below was taken the day before he lost use of his back legs completely. Finding this image brings up a lot of emotions. I both love to look at it and hate it.

Charlie's last day running "correctly" on all four legs.

The morning after, he crawled into our bedroom in pain. After a hectic Sunday spent driving to an emergency veterinarian and a pet hospital far away, we found out he had a genetic disease called Intervertebral Disk Disease or IVDD.

Charlie now lives a happy life.

The ER veterinarian gave us options to ponder as we made the two-hour drive to the hospital with Charlie filled with pain killers - an expensive surgery that may not work, drugs and a lot of therapy, or put him down. I remember crying in the backseat with him as my wife drove.

A young Charlie (left) meets former Chicago Blackhawks player Patrick Sharp's basset hound Shooter at Guardian Angel Basset Hound Rescue's Waddle basset hound gathering in Dwight, Ill.

We knew he could still lead a good life. We would fight for him. My wife and I promised we'd never add up the vet bills.

Charlie now enjoys stopping to smell flowers.

Through exercises and therapy sessions, Charlie has regained some use of his back legs. He can even stand and walk a little on his back legs. Although, he's a bit unsteady.

Charlie is very proud that he was able to get this knot off the end of a bone.

Now, Charlie can get around the house OK without his wheelchair. He just looks like he's had one too many beers (we've all been there). Sometimes he does yoga.

Is this downward, forward dog?

But, for longer walks, he loves getting in his wheelchair.

He gets around Indy.

"I'm Charles Montgomery Ward and I approve this message."

And he meets a lot of interesting people.

This is not Charlie's father.
Charlie put on his best Professor X costume for Gen Con.
We're not in Indy anymore.

Charlie loves stopping to say hi to the firefighters in Fountain Square.

Charlie always looks for his friends at Indianapolis Fire Department's house in Fountain Square.

If you see us walking, say hi.

Charlie meets a three-legged dog in Fletcher Place.
Making friends.
Break time on the Monon.

Maybe you'll help wear him out for the day.

My borderline vulgar dog.

If your dog is ever diagnosed with IVDD, do not give up hope. Get a hold of IndyStar Social Media Platforms Editor @JoeTamborello on Twitter or Instagram (a lot of Charlie pics). Email him at or call him at 317-444-6002. Your dog can live a happy life. Charlie is proof.