Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Boltonia asteroides Pink Beauty

Common Name: Pink Beauty Boltonia

DescriptionA pink flowering version of the more common Boltonia Snow Bank.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-9
Sunlightfull, tolerates a little shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerspale pink Aster-like, small, produced in abundance, early September through October
Leavesblue green leaves, heavy stalks, forms dense clumps
Dimensions4-5 feet tall, 36-48" spread, can be spaced 36" on center
MaintenancePink Beauty has a looser growing habit than Snow Bank and may need staking, especially in shaded conditions. Fall clean up will require a good lopping shears to cut the thick stalks. It seems that the plant loses some vigor as the clumps get older. I just divide them every 3 years or so to rejuvenate the growth.
Cultivar OriginDiscovered by Edith Edelman in a North Carolina (USA) garden.
Author's NotesI have tried this plant a few times. It seems to lack the vigor of the white species plant.
Notes & ReferenceNorth Creek Nursery web site
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