Exbucklandia populnea

Strange name Exbucklandia, but makes sense when the taxonomic history reveals there was confusion with Bucklandia and this Genus had to find a new name…. There are a couple of small trees from Yunnan developing at different growth rates in the garden. One planted in the root competition of a large Sitka Spruce has reached only half the height of another in good soil 50 metres away indicating a liking for good conditions. The larger plant (about 10-12m tall), has just started to flower and fruit. I was still rather surprised recently though to see that it was performing at both ends at the same time. As can be seen from the emerging flowers there isn’t much of a horticultural show to be had, more a curiosity with the buds creeping out of a flattened envelope comprising a pair of enlarged stipules. The woody fruits show Hamamelidaceae with close morphology to Rhodoleia and even Corylopsis. From a distance the bold leathery foliage makes a statement and adds serious wow factor for garden visitors. The leaf shape varies with age, as young plants show off with pointed lobes, these gradually giving way to a more simple plate like shape with maturity. There are attractive reddish tints from this evergreen in spring as the older leaves are pushed off with the emerging young growth. Seed has been sent many times over the last 100 years but it is only recently becoming established outside its native SE Asian origins.