Arne Quinze
“ Cityscape (2007)
Quinze’s artwork is mainly referring to social interaction, evolution,communication, rhythm, the interplay of lines, contrasts and contradictions. Recurring techniques in his work are multiple types of...
  1. that-guy-loves-neon-wood:

    Cityscape (2007)

    Quinze’s artwork is mainly referring to social interaction, evolution,communication, rhythm, the interplay of lines, contrasts and contradictions. Recurring techniques in his work are multiple types of wood, including salvaged wood; cardboard, electrical colors in fluorescent paint. Because of their intense orange-red color the sculptures contrast with their natural surroundings and generate the sentiment of estrangement. People are completely absorbed by the orange initiating astonished reactions.
    Cityscape (2007) and The Sequence (2008) are two of his giant wooden public art installations in the centre of Brussels. It was the first time a sculpture gave the impression touching two buildings in the city center while traffic still passes by underneath it.
    Arne showed many of his work in Brussels, New York, Miami, Sao Paulo, Mila and Verona.

  1. 4 notesTimestamp: Tuesday 2018/12/11 9:49:24Via: that-guy-loves-neon-wood
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