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Seminar: New ASIMO Humanoid Robot Version 3

All dates for this event occur in the past.

Dreese Laboratories, room 260
Columbus, OH 43210
United States


Dr. Atsuo Orita
Assistant Chief Engineer, Fundamental Technology Research Center, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Japan

Dr. Takahide Yoshiike
Principal Scientist, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH, Germany


A new ASIMO humanoid robot was developed in an effort to realize a robot that can coexist with and assist people in society. The objective of the development is to improve situation awareness and autonomy in  a real environment. Technologies such as multi-modal sensing, situation estimation and prediction, and autonomous action generation were newly developed so that ASIMO can operate adaptively in dynamically changing situations. We also developed a 13-axis hand whose five fingers can be independently controlled. To operate continuously among humans, movement quickness was improved by reducing body weight incorporating newly designed high performance electronic hardware. 

As a result, the following enhancements were achieved: ASIMO can autonomously start interaction with humans and change its action according to human response; ASIMO can walk in crowded situations, and walk on a bumpy floor; ASIMO can grasp some target objects robustly, and manipulate them with its sensitive fingers.

Host: David Orin
Categories: SeminarStudent