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Pest Management Decision Guide
26 September 2017

Downy mildew on lettuce.: Bremia lactucae; Lettuce downy mildew


Bremia lactucae (downy mildew of lettuce); browning and chlorosis of lettuce leaves (©AgrEvo)
Bremia lactucae (downy mildew of lettuce); necrotic lesions on lettuce leaf (©AgrEvo)
Bremia lactucae (downy mildew of lettuce); chlorosis of leaves (©AgrEvo)


Use resistant varieties if available
Do not plant crop next to or downwind of infected fields since downy mildew spores spread via wind
Keep fields free from weeds, particularly those in the daisy or sunflower family as these species are hosts of downy mildew. Removing weeds also improves aeration (the pathogen favours wet environments)
Space plants far enough apart that leaves can dry quickly after watering or rains. Spacing should be 30-40 cm between rows, 15-20 cm between seedlings, depending on the variety (check recommendation provided with seeds)
Avoid overhead irrigation to prevent leaves being wet for long periods of time
Avoid irrigating crop at night when temperatures and cool and there is less evaporation of water off of the leaf surface
Disinfect farm implements/tools with household bleach (1 part bleach to 1 part water) to avoid spreading the disease
Rotate with crops not susceptible to the disease (crop not listed in the Monitoring column) for 2-3 years. The spores of the pathogen can survive in the soil for this long
Avoid planting overlapping crops of lettuce if downy mildew symptoms are seen since it can spread from older to younger plants


Additional relevant crops: globe artichoke, endive, chicory, ornamental spp.
Downy mildew infects seedlings and mature plants
Look out for:
Light green/yellow round/angular spots on the top of leaves, particularly older leaves. Spots merge and turn brown, sometimes becoming soft and slimy
Leaf spots may become infected by additional pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea (grey mold)
White cotton-like growth develops on the underside of leaves in cool and humid conditions
Monitor crop closely when weather is cool (less than 23°C) and damp (humidity is more then 85%).
Consider taking action as soon as symptoms are seen

Direct Control

During crop growth, remove any infected plants immediately and destroy by burning (if allowed in your area) or burying deeply (at least 1 m)
After harvest, collect plant remains and burn or bury deeply (at least 1 m)

Indexing Terms


  1. burning
  2. cardoons
  3. chicory
  4. control
  5. crop density
  6. cultivars
  7. cultural control
  8. disease control
  9. disease resistance
  10. downy mildew
  11. endives
  12. extension
  13. fungal diseases
  14. globe artichokes
  15. lettuce downy mildew
  16. lettuces
  17. mildews
  18. monitoring
  19. ornamental plants
  20. pathogens
  21. pest management
  22. pests
  23. plant density
  24. plant disease control
  25. plant diseases
  26. plant pathogenic fungi
  27. plant pathogens
  28. rotations
  29. spacing
  30. varietal resistance
  31. varieties
  32. weed control
  33. weeds

Organism Descriptors

  1. Bremia
  2. Bremia lactucae
  3. Cichorium
  4. Cichorium endivia
  5. Cichorium intybus
  6. Cynara cardunculus
  7. Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
  8. fungi
  9. Lactuca
  10. Lactuca sativa
  11. plants


  1. climate smart agriculture
  2. artichokes
  3. cultivated varieties
  4. fungus
  5. ornamentals
  6. pest management decision guides
  7. phytopathogenic fungi
  8. phytopathogens
  9. plant-pathogenic fungi
  10. flaming
  11. resistance to disease
  12. advisory services
  13. extension activities
  14. crop rotation
  15. rotational cropping
  16. subsaharan Africa
  17. Abyssinia
  18. People's Republic of China
  19. Tanganyika
  20. Trinidad & Tobago

Geographical Locations

  1. Africa South of Sahara
  2. Ethiopia
  3. China
  4. Tanzania
  5. Trinidad and Tobago
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Barbados
  8. Ghana
  9. India
  10. Jamaica
  11. Kenya
  12. Malaysia
  13. Nepal
  14. Pakistan
  15. Thailand

Broader Terms

  1. Peronosporaceae
  2. Peronosporales
  3. Oomycetes
  4. Oomycota
  5. Chromista
  6. eukaryotes
  7. Bremia
  8. Asteraceae
  9. Asterales
  10. eudicots
  11. angiosperms
  12. Spermatophyta
  13. plants
  14. Cichorium
  15. Cynara
  16. Cynara cardunculus
  17. Lactuca
  18. Africa
  19. ACP Countries
  20. East Africa
  21. Africa South of Sahara
  22. Least Developed Countries
  23. low Human Development Index countries
  24. low income countries
  25. APEC countries
  26. East Asia
  27. Asia
  28. high Human Development Index countries
  29. upper-middle income countries
  30. Anglophone Africa
  31. Commonwealth of Nations
  32. lower-middle income countries
  33. SADC Countries
  34. Caribbean Community
  35. high income countries
  36. Lesser Antilles
  37. Antilles
  38. Caribbean
  39. America
  40. medium Human Development Index countries
  41. South Asia
  42. very high Human Development Index countries
  43. Windward Islands
  44. West Africa
  45. Greater Antilles
  46. ASEAN Countries
  47. South East Asia

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Published In

cover image PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank
Pest Management Decision Guides
Pest Management Decision Guide: Green List


Issue publication date: 1 January 2017
Published online: 26 September 2017






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