
(pronounced: mil-YOH-nee-ah)


Maxillarieae subtribe Oncidiinae

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Honoring Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton, a generous patron of horticulture, orchidology, and natural science.


A genus of nine species from Brazil and southern South America.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


1 Sepals and petals unmarked. 2 1' Sepals and petals spotted or barred. 5 2(1) Flowers produced 1--2 at a time. 3 2' Flowers several, produced simultaneously. 4 3(2) Sepals and petals sulphur-yellow. M. flava 3' Sepals and petals white or purple. M. spectabilis 4(2') Petals linear-lanceolate; lip violin-shaped. M. flavescens 4' Petals oblong-elliptic; lip elliptic-obovate. M. regnellii 5(1') Lip tubular, concealing the column, with the lateral margins touching. M. candida 5' Lip not tubular. 6 6(5') Lip violin-shaped, with conspicuous lateral lobes. . 6' Lip essentially unlobed, lateral lobes, if present, minute. 7 7(6') Callus of about 10 teeth; apex of lip usually a transversely elliptic lobule. M. russeliana 7' Callus of 2--4 teeth; lip obovate without a distinctly defined apical lobule. M. cuneata


Baker, C. and M. Baker 1995. Those other Miltonias. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 64(9):976-985; Brieger, F. C. 1965. Evolucao disruptiva marginal em Miltonia Ldl. (Orchidaceae). Ciencia e Cultura 17:155-156; Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1983. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 1. Enleitung und schlüssel der Gattungen. Die Orchidee 34:128-134; Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1983. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 2. Die bedeutung von Merkmalen und Sippen. Die Orchidee 34:216-219; Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1984. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 3. Die Gattungen Anneliesia und Miltonioides. Die Orchidee 35:41-46; Senghas, K. 1997. Miltonia und verwandte Gattungen. Pfitzeriana 1(1):1-109; Senghas, K. 1999. Anneliesia kayasimae. J. Orchideenfr. 6(3):186-187.