Santiago Tique's profile

Villa dall'Ava (OMA)

Tribute to Rem Koolhaas
Hi! this is my first personal project.
I'm proud to show my rendition of Villa dall'Ava (Rem Koolhaas, OMA).
One of many tribute projects of iconic architects of history what I am doing.
Hope you enjoy it!. 
You can see my Vray World publication here 
Thanks for watching. 
3ds max - V-Ray - Ps.
The villa is situated on a hill which slopes steeply toward the Seine, the Bois de Boulogne, and the city of Paris, in the residential area of Saint Cloud - a neighbourhood characterised by 19th century houses in a classical "Monet" landscape.
LOCATION:  Paris, France
CLIENT: Mr. and Ms. Boudet
YEAR: 1984 - 1991
PROGRAM: Residential
TEAM: Rem Koolhas - Xaveer de Geyter - Jeroen Thomas
This information was consulted from the official website of OMA 

Villa dall'Ava (OMA)

Villa dall'Ava (OMA)

My rendition of Villa dall'Ava (OMA) 1991 Paris, France. First personal project done in 3ds Max, Vray, Photoshop.
