How to Plant and Grow Goldenrod

This cheery native perennial will be a star in your garden.

Goldenrod brightens the landscape with its vibrant yellow or gold flowers when many other perennials are winding down in preparation for colder weather. It begins displaying its yellow blossoms beginning in late summer and continuing into fall. Some varieties feature large flower clusters held at the tops of tall stems; others boast gracefully arching stems holding single rows of blossoms. Look closely and you'll see each large spiky, fleecy, or flat-topped flowerhead features hundreds of tiny daisy-like flowers that resemble those of aster, a close relative of goldenrod. 

The genus of this tough perennial comprises more than 100 species, most of them native to North America, It attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. 

Different species of goldenrod come from environments with widely differing soil conditions. These native habitats range from sunny meadows to salty seaside habitats and soggy bogs. Do some research to determine which type of goldenrod is most suitable for your local growing conditions.

Goldenrod Overview

Genus Name Solidago spp.
Common Name Goldenrod
Plant Type Perennial
Light Part Sun, Sun
Height 3 to 5 feet
Width 1 to 3 feet
Flower Color Yellow
Foliage Color Blue/Green
Season Features Fall Bloom, Summer Bloom
Special Features Attracts Birds, Cut Flowers, Low Maintenance
Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Propagation Division, Seed
Problem Solvers Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Slope/Erosion Control

Where to Plant Goldenrod

Goldenrod should be planted in full sun but otherwise, it is highly adaptable and grows in a wide range of soils from clay to sand and acidic to neutral pH.

Some but not all goldenrod varieties spread aggressively. Take this into account when selecting a planting location and variety. For smaller spaces or a neat and tidy look, choose a clump-forming variety. If your garden has a more naturalistic look, simply leave plenty of room between goldenrod and other plants to prevent it from choking them out. Another option to keep goldenrod contained is to plant it near a physical barrier, such as a wall.

How and When to Plant Goldenrod

Plant nursery-grown potted goldenrod in the spring or fall. dig a hole about twice the diameter of the pot and about the same depth. Place the plant in the hole and fill in original soil to the top of the root ball. Gently tamp down the soil and water it well. Keep the soil evenly moist for a few weeks until the plant is established.

Space plants 1 to 3 feet apart, depending on the height of the variety.

Goldenrod Care Tips

The plant needs minimal care, with the exception of keeping the plant from expanding into unwanted garden areas.


For most types of goldenrod, full sun is a must, as it ensures the biggest, showiest blossoms possible, and helps the taller species and varieties stay vertical without staking. Partial shade is only recommended in hot climates at the very upper end of the plant's zone range.

Soil and Water

The only real soil requirement of goldenrod is that the soil is well-drained. Apart from that, it grows in any type of soil texture and nutrient levels, even in poor soil, in a pH range between 5.0 and 7.0.

Watering is only needed after planting, Keeping the soil evenly moist—but not soggy—boosts the beauty of the plant's floral display. Once established, goldenrod is drought-tolerant.

Temperature and Humidity

Many goldenrod species grow in a wide zone range from northern areas with subzero winters to southern locations with mild winters and hot, humid summers. Other species, such as seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens), require a warm climate, Zone 8-10, or California goldenrod (Solidago velutina ssp. californica), Zone 6-10. Picking a goldenrod that is native to your part of the country ensures it is adapted to your conditions.


Goldenrod doesn't need fertilizer to thrive, on the contrary—the extra nitrogen leads to floppy growth.


During the growing season, goldenrod only needs pruning if it gets so tall that it falls over. To prevent that from happening, in the early summer, cut the stems back by about one-third, which will ensure a more compact growth.

Removing the faded flower heads is only necessary if you are afraid of the plant reseeding, otherwise, let the flowers turn into seeds—they feed birds such as goldfinches and cardinals.

In late winter or early spring, remove the dead stalks to the ground to make room for the new growth.

Potting and Repotting Goldenrod

In some settings, especially small spaces, growing goldenrod in a container is a good alternative to growing it in a perennial bed because it lets you better control its spread (at least from the roots). Use a container at least 12 inches in diameter with large drainage holes. Fill the pot with well-draining potting mix.

Like all container plants, and unlike goldenrod in the landscape, it needs to be watered regularly, especially in hot summer weather.

Goldenrod in containers also requires winterization, as the roots—despite the plant’s cold-hardiness—are not sufficiently insulated. Bury the pot in garden soil or create a planting silo by placing the pot in a larger pot and filling the space with mulch or sand.

When roots grow out of the drainage holes, or the plant becomes root-bound, transplant it to a larger pot, or divide it and replant a section of it in a pot of the same size with fresh potting soil.

Pests and Problems

Goldenrod rarely suffers from serious problems with insects or diseases. Watch for powdery
, especially when it's grown in shade. Prevention is best, so plant this perennial in full sun with ample space between plants to foster good air circulation. Other potential diseases include rust and leaf spot.

Deer rarely feed on goldenrod.

How to Propagate Goldenrod

Because goldenrod is such a vigorous grower, dividing the plants as frequently as every two years is the easiest propagation method. In the spring, just before new growth starts, dig out the clump, cut it into smaller sections with a spade or a sharp knife, and replant it at the same depth as the original plant. Keep it watered until you see new growth.

Goldenrod is also easy to propagate from seed, which you can do indoors to get a head start on the growing season. Fill small pots or flats with potting mix, press the seeds into the soil, and do not cover, as the seeds need light to germinate. Mist it at least daily to keep it evenly moist. At 70 degrees F, the seeds will germinate in 14 to 21 days. Make sure the seedlings get plenty of light and harden them off before transplanting them outdoors after the last spring frost, 12 to 18 inches apart.

Types of Goldenrod

Showy Goldenrod

What makes this species different from other goldenrods is its upright, unbranched growth of about 5 feet in height. It also blooms a little later than other goldenrods. The plume-like flower clump sits atop an attractive red stem. Zone 3-8

Stiff Goldenrod

This species with stiff, unbranched stems is known to be especially tough, growing in the most inhospitable soils. The flowers sustain Monarch butterflies before their fall migration. Zone 3-9

'Fireworks' Goldenrod

goldenrod Solidago rugosa Fireworks
Denny Schrock

Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' is a popular variety that forms impressive clumps of delicate airy cascading stems of gold in late summer. 3-4 feet tall. Zones 4-9.

'Goldenmosa' Goldenrod

'Goldenmosa' Goldenrod and pink flowers
Peter Krumhardt

This variety of Solidago bears plenty of foot-long sprays of golden yellow flowers atop leafy stems. This hybrid grows 30 inches tall and is hardy in Zones 4-9.

'Little Lemon' Goldenrod

'Little Lemon' Goldenrod
Denny Schrock

One of the most compact goldenrods, this cultivar reaches just 12 to 18 inches tall—great for smaller gardens. It has large, fluffy heads of light lemon yellow. Zones 5-8

Goldenrod Companion Plants


aster Symphyotrichum x alpellus 'Triumph'
Jay Wilde

Asters get their name from the Latin word for "star," and their flowers are indeed the superstars of the fall garden. Some types of this native plant can reach up to 6 feet with flowers in white and pink but also, perhaps most strikingly, in rich purples and showy lavenders. Not all asters are fall bloomers. Extend the season by growing some of the summer bloomers, as well. Some are naturally compact; tall types that grow more than 2 feet tall benefit from staking or an early-season pinching or cutting back by about one-third in July or so to keep the plant more compact. Zone 3-9

Russian Sage

russian sage silver-leaf plant
Peter Krumhardt

With its tall wispy wands of lavender or blue flowers and silvery foliage, Russian sage is an important player in summer and fall gardens. It shows off well against most flowers and provides an elegant look to flower borders. The aromatic leaves are oblong, deeply cut along the edges. Foot-long panicles of flowers bloom for many weeks. Excellent drainage and full sun are ideal, although very light shade is tolerated. Plant close to avoid staking since the tall plants tend to flop. Zone 4-9


Helenium Mardi Gras
Peter Krumhardt

Long-blooming helenium lights up the late-season garden with showy daisy flowers in brilliant yellows, browns, and mahogany, centered with prominent yellow or brown discs. Many of the best cultivars are hybrids. All are excellent for cutting. Deadhead to extend bloom time, and divide the clumps every couple of years to ensure vigor. Zone 3-9

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are ragweed and goldenrod the same thing?

    For years, the pollen of goldenrod was falsely accused of causing misery for allergy sufferers. The true culprit, however, is ragweed (Ambrosia), which blooms about the same time as goldenrod. Ragweed produces copious amounts of airborne pollen, while goldenrod’s heavy, sticky pollen relies upon insects—not wind—for pollination.

  • Are goldenrod soldier beetles harmful?

    These elongated orange beetles with two distinctive dark brown or black spots on their wing cases are beneficial insects; they are important pollinators. If you find them on your goldenrod or any other plant, let them be, they are harmless and cause no damage to plants or people.

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