Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'

Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'
Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'
Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'
Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'
Price: £2.45
RHS Perfect for pollinatorsAttractive to pollinatorsPerennial that will flower in its first year from sowingPerfect for cutting
    Shades of carmine. 5ft (1.5m)

    Amongst the showiest of hardy, herbaceous perennials, the Russell Lupins are unusual in having a colour range embracing the three primary colours, red, yellow and blue. Easily raised from seed, they will flower in the second year (sown early, some will even flower the first season). Hardy throughout the British Isles.

    Genus: Lupinus

    Species: polyphyllus

    Variety: 'The Pages'

    Family Name: Leguminosae/Fabaceae

    Seed Catalogue No.: 828J

    Hardiness: Hardy

    Lifecycle: Perennial

    Suitable for: Cut Flowers

    Colour: Red/Maroon

    Flowers: June, July, August

    Lighting Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Sun, Sheltered Sun

    Soil Type: Sand, Loam

    Soil Acidity: Neutral, Acid

    Moisture: Well-drained

    Customer Reviews - Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'

    Average Rating: 5 (5 of 5 based on 1 reviews)

    Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'

    Good germination

    Reviewed by Lobo on

    Germinated almost 100'ter following instructions. Very excited for next year, saved lots by growing from seed. Thank you!

    Rating: 5/55


    Customer Review - Lupinus polyphyllus, 'The Pages'


    Germination Instructions

    Sow indoors. Prior to sowing soak seeds in hot water for 1-3 days until swelling is noticeable. Sow 5mm deep into moist well-drained seed compost. Ideal temp. 18-20°C. Germination takes 18-21 days. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots and grow on until 30cm tall. Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed with 50cm spacing.

    Growing Instructions

    Prefers well-drained fertile sandy soil in full or partial sun. Water generously in dry weather.

    Cultivation Instructions

    Deadhead to prolong flowering window.

    When to Sow

    • Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors
    • Flowers/Harvest

    Approximate number of seeds per packet: 115

    Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.