Achillea clypeolata

Achillea clypeolata



Achillea clypeolata

An amazing Yarrow from the Balkans with silvery foliage and glowing yellow flowers. Shorter in stature than the more popular A. filipendulina, it is easy to tuck in almost anywhere in the landscape and provides stunning contrast even before blooming.

Germinates easily indoors: press seeds into the surface of moist soil and cover with plastic. Keep warm, around 70°F, under bright lights. Seeds will germinate in a week or so. Prick out to grow on in individual cells or pots once seedlings have true leaves. May be potted up into larger containers as necessary before transplanting in spring or autumn.

Like all Achillea species, A. Clypeolata is deerproof and drought tolerant. Requires full sun and well-drained soil. Will spread over several years to form an attractive weed-smothering mat. Attracts pollinators. Suitable for fresh cut or dried flowers. Grows to just under 2' in flower. Hardy to at least zone 4. Stunning and easy.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.

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