ASCII Art Paint

by Kirill_live


free and open-source web-based application for creating and editing images consisting of text characters and hieroglyphs (ASCII graphics / Shift_JIS art / Kaomoji and many others). Decorate your text and surprise your readers with an original social media post or blog post using ASCII graphics. The tool does not require an internet connection and can work offline in a browser.

Home Page:


Simple interface

The editor has basic functionality and an interface similar to most popular graphic editors for more convenient use. You can use drag and drop to open a file. The usual txt file format is used to load and save data, which ensures full compatibility with other text editors.

Simple interface

Adapting bitmaps

If you open a bitmap in the editor, it will be displayed on the background of the canvas and can be used as a template or example to redraw the image into text symbols.

Adapting bitmaps

Customizable symbol palette

Using the built-in symbol table, you can get all the available symbols of a font in the selected range and use them to create your own symbol palette. You can specify a symbol to draw without using the palette, but using the keyboard, including using keyboard shortcuts for special symbols. Optionally, you can load multiple fonts from .ttf, .woff and .woff2 files and use them instead of the default font.

Customizable symbol palette

Image to text conversion

You can convert a bitmap image to text format by specifying the size and symbols palette, from the symbol for the darkest color to the symbol for the lightest color. Thus, you have complete control over the conversion process to get the most suitable result.

Image to text conversion

Dark & light interface theme

You can easily and quickly switch between dark and light user interfaces themes. this feature will show you how images will look on a dark background with light symbols or a light background with dark symbols.

Dark interface theme

Built-in text editor

The built-in text editor will allow you to work with the image in the same way as in a regular text editor. In addition this feature will allow you to quickly add data to the editor and copy it back to the clipboard.

Built-in text editor
Last updated October 01, 2022
Release Date
June 28, 2022