Kaley Cuoco Just Got Silvery, Ice-Cream-Inspired Hair

Horrible pun warning: It's sweet.
Image may contain Kaley Cuoco Face Human Person Skin Dimples and Smile
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The last time Kaley Cuoco made a drastic hair change was back in 2014, when the Big Bang Theory actress chopped her hair for a plot-twist pixie. (Full disclosure: We had to google that. It's been that long.) Aside from that, Cuoco tends to play it pretty straight with her hair choices, her buttery-blond waves a constant on this roller coaster we call life. But things change: Salma Hayek goes rose gold, and Cuoco goes silver-blue with a case of "ooh"-worthy "sherbet" streaks.

The actress posted the look on Instagram last night, dubbing it "dreamy sherbet hair." A nod to the ice cream beauty trend? Eh, probably not. Cuoco's spin is decidedly less literal than the dairy cos-play, but we can see how she got there: Her new color looks like dessert-inspo'd goodness.

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Given the silver unicorn necklace she's wearing in the picture, we were a little surprised she didn't draw the parallel, but also a little glad she's keeping it fresh. From careful photo analysis of the image—using our eyes to their full capabilities—we can all see she chose to save a few platinum streaks around her face, a trick we're definitely keeping in mind the next time a pastel hair craving strikes. Even with Cuoco's dessert attribution, the color's still making us think of Storm in X-Men, but we might just have comic books on the brain (s/o to Bella Thorne's pink hair, plus the general Wonder Woman phenomenon).

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The color came from Hollywood hairstylist Faye Woods, who also posted a few photos of Kaley gradually moving through the platinum process (as one does for max color payoff—pastel color shows up best on lightened, blank canvas strands). Whether or not this icy shade is the end game, we'll have to wait and see.

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