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Night Scented Flowers - List

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The best night scented or evening scented plants and flowers a have scent that is usually enhanced by receiving direct sunlight in the afternoon.

Night Scented Flowers - ListNight Scented Flowers - ListNight Scented Flowers - ListNight Scented Flowers - List
Night Scented Flowers - List

The plants give off their most powerful scent in the evening and into the night. The plants have evolved flowers to attract the insect pollinators that usually fly at dusk such as moths, and due to the increased amount of insects in your garden you might also attract bats. Plant them separately around your garden to have lovely summer evening strolls sampling their delightful fragrances.
Interactions between genes may be a common mechanism for a plants circadian clock to influence or control the production of evenings fragrant and floral scents.

Night Scented Flowers

Hardy annual:
For seeds: Sow outdoors March to June.
Height 30am Spread 30cm
For seeds: Direct sow where the plants are to flower. Prepare soil and rake into fine tilth. Sow seeds 6mm deep in rows 30cm apart. Do not exclude light. Germination takes 7 to 21days. When large enough to handle thin out to 8cm spacing. Keep thinning as plants grow to spacing of 30cm.

Approx. 30cm tall, flowers the same year as sown. East to grow for delicate scent and color. Ideal for patio pots and cutting. Sow outdoors in April where they are to flower, seedings appear 14-21 days. Sow about .5cm deep directly into finely prepared soil which has already been watered. Water well until plants established. If in a pot place by the door and appreciate their scent as you walk by. Sow seeds in curves to create a more pleasing effect. Mix with Night Scented Stock to give scent both day and night.

The large shrubs or small trees of this genus are grown for their very large, fragrant, pendent trumpet flowers. They are still often found under the name Datura, but the true daturas are short lived, herbaceous plants with smaller, more upright flowers and capsular fruits that are usually prickly (brugmansias have fleshy, unarmed fruit that may be very long and narrow). Five or more species are currently attributed to Brugmansia, most originating in the Andes of northern South America, though even there they seem always to be associated with human habitation. They are evergreen or semi-evergreen and their leaves are large and soft, rather like tobacco leaves but smaller, and all parts of the plant are narcotic and poisonous.

Hardy perennial 50cm tall which flowers in the first year. Easy to grow for mixed borders or containers. Sow seeds indoors on windowsill in March. Sow .5cm deep in tray of compost. Water well and place in warm. Keep moist. Seedlings appear in 14-28 days. Transplant seedlings 5cm apart when large enough to handle. Handle by the leaf, not the stem. Accustom to outdoor conditions before planing out in May 20cm apart. When grown remove deadheads to prolong flowering. Flowers early to late summer.

Sow indoors or under glass: Feb to March.
Sow outdoors May to Jul.
Height 90cm. Spread 45cm.
For indoors sowing. Sow 3mm deep into moist well drained seed compose in 5cm pots. Ideal temp. 15 to 18 degrees Celsius. 21 to 28 days germination. Plant out after danger of frost has passed.
For outdoors sowing sow 8mm deep into raked soil, 30mm spacing. Press into soil walking over the area. Keep moist until germination.

A half hardy annual 150cm tall, flowers the same year as sown. Ideal for spot planting or as a border backdrop. Sow indoors on a windowsill in March. Sow thinly on the surface of a tray of pre-watered compost. Keep the compost moist, to preserve humidity cover tray with plastic lid or clingfilm. Seedlings appear in 14-28 days when cover can be removed. Transplant seedlings 5cm apart when large enough to handle, always handle by the leaf not stem. Accustom young plants to outside conditions before planting 45cm apart in May when frosts are over. Flowers in the early summer.

Powerful evening fragrance at dusk. A hardy or half hardy annual maroon coloured flower which will flower the same year as sown. 30cm high. Grow in the garden or in patio pots. Sow outdoors in 3mm drills where you want them to flower May to Jun. Sow into soil already watered, seedlings will appear in 14-28 days. Sowing in a curve creates a pleasing effect. Height 45cm Spread 45cm.
Can be sown indoors or under glass Feb-Apr. Sow 2mm deep into moist well drained seed compost. Ideal temp 15-18 degrees Celsius. Germination takes 7-14 days when large enough to handle transplant seedlings to 8cm pots. Grown on in cooler conditions.10 to13 degrees Celsius. Acclimatise and plant out when danger of frost has passed with 45cm spacing.

The large shrubs or small trees of this genus are grown for their very large, fragrant, pendent trumpet flowers. They are still often found under the name Datura, but the true daturas are short lived, herbaceous plants with smaller, more upright flowers and capsular fruits that are usually prickly (brugmansias have fleshy, unarmed fruit that may be very long and narrow). Five or more species are currently attributed to Brugmansia, most originating in the Andes of northern South America, though even there they seem always to be associated with human habitation. They are evergreen or semi-evergreen and their leaves are large and soft, rather like tobacco leaves but smaller, and all parts of the plant are narcotic and poisonous.

Half Hardy Annual/Perennial : Easy to grow from seed. (Seeds are poisonous).
From seed: Sow indoors or under glass: Feb-May. Height 90cm. Spread 100cm.
From seed: Sow indoors Feb-May. Surface sow onto moist, well drained seed compost. Do not cover seed, light is needed for germination. Keep moist. Place in propagator. Ideal temp 18-20 degrees. Germination takes 1-3 weeks approx. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots and grow on. Acclimatise and plant out after frost has passed.

Highly scented flowers with a height of 25cm. Ideal for planing in beds or containers. Sow indoors January to July in trays of seed compost. Sow thinly and cover with .5cm of compost. Firm gently and keep moist. Cover with plastic/glass to retain humidity. Seedlings appear in 15-21 days. Make two or three sowings for a longer season. Remove cover when seedlings appear. When large enough to transplant, then 5cm apart in a tray. Stand outside in May to accustom to outdoors. Then transplant 15cm apart in a flowering position, flowers April through late summer.

Synonyms/tags: Evening Scented Flowers, Night Scented Flowers, Night Scent

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 htaeFeb. 26, 2020, 9:47 p.m.
Rating given 5.

Inital review given by Htae for it's Night Scented flower list.

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