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Flower for today :-)

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Adonis amurensis Sandanzaki :-)))
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I love dandelions too!


Thank you so much PCVS - I love dandelions even many people says it is no good. It can grow anywere and it lightens up and in some ways easy to keep away if you want to :-))))

Oh! I did some research and they are both members of the same family.

@Sissel thank you. I like this little flower a lot.


Thanks so much Alias :-)))



No PCVS, I don't think so :-))))

Is it related to the dandelion?

This is an interesting flower. I've never seen it before!


Thank you so much Jackie and Junko :-))))

Very different looking flower. Thank you.

I would have said beautiful posey. Thank you, I've never seen one.


Yes Neville - you are both very clever and good learners :-)))))
Thank you so much


Exactly what both ParsonWayne and I would have said, Sissel, but you were too quick for us!! :-))) ♥♥♥

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