Wasp spider

Argiope bruennichi

"Argiope bruennichi", or the wasp spider, is a species of orb-web spider distributed throughout central Europe, Northern Europe, north Africa and parts of Asia. Like many other members of the genus "Argiope", it shows striking yellow and black markings on its abdomen.
Huge spider with white body and black/yellow stripes  Algeria,Argiope bruennichi,Geotagged,Wasp spider,insect,macro,nature,spider


The male of the species is much smaller than the female. It can often be seen in or near a female's web waiting for her to complete her final moult, at which time she reaches sexual maturity. At this time her chelicerae will be soft for a short time and the male may mate with the female without the danger of being eaten.
Argiope bruennichi  Argiope bruennichi,Arthropods,Insects,Macro,Spiders,Wasp spider


There is one subspecies currently recognized:
⤷  "Argiope bruennichi nigrofasciata" Franganillo, 1910
Wasp Spider A close up of a very large wasp spider found in a grassy field. Argiope bruennichi,Geotagged,Italy,Summer,Wasp spider,eyes,macro,spider


The spider builds a spiral orb web at dawn or dusk, commonly in long grass a little above ground level, taking it approximately an hour. The prominent zigzag shape called the "stabilimentum", or web decoration, featured at the centre of the orb is of uncertain function, though it may be to attract insects.

When a prey item is first caught in the web, "Argiope bruennichi" will quickly immobilise its prey by wrapping it in silk. The prey is then bitten and then injected with a paralysing venom and a protein dissolving enzyme.


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