Rhododendron Azalea


Rhododendron Azalea 'Homebush' verzaubert mit zarten rosa Blüten. Diese Azaleen-Sorte bringt eine sanfte und romantische Note in Ihren Garten.
Rhododendron Azalea 'Corneille': Ihre weiß/rosa Blüten verleihen Ihrem Garten eine zeitlose Eleganz.
Rhododendron Azalea 'Daviesii': Ihre weiß-gelben Blüten zaubern eine lebendige Atmosphäre in Ihren Garten. Erfahren Sie mehr über diese farbenfrohe Azaleenart.
Die lebendigen gelben Blüten von Rhododendron Azalea 'Golden Sunset' bringen strahlende Schönheit in Ihren Garten und setzen sonnige Akzente.
Rhododendron Azalea 'Golden Eagle': Die rot-orangen Blüten dieser Sorte bringen eine lebendige und warme Atmosphäre in Ihren Garten.
Genießen Sie die intensive Schönheit von Rhododendron Azalea 'Fireball' mit ihren leuchtend roten Blüten. Diese Azaleen-Sorte verleiht Ihrem Garten eine unvergleichliche Feurigkeit.


Our Rhododendron and Azaleas

The botanical name of the rhododendron comes from the Greek and means rose tree. Today, these plants are among the most important flowering shrubs in our gardens, along with roses and hydrangeas. Their colour spectrum surpasses that of the roses, as the rhododendron wild varieties and their hybrids also include intense blue varieties.
This plant species includes everything, from small dwarf shrubs to 20 m tall trees, in both deciduous and evergreen varieties. If the basic soil requirements are met, they are easy-care shrubs with lush flowers.

Rhododendron application areas

Rhododendrons can generally be pruned well and can also provide privacy as a narrow hedge. Evergreen, carefully pruned rhododendron hybrids are bizarre soloists and provide evergreen accents in plantings.

The wild varieties of Rhododendron and their hybrids as well as Azaleas have been in vogue for some years now, as they can be combined well with low shrubs, perennials and grasses. In addition, Japanese azaleas, regularly pruned, provide wonderful flowering greenery. Newer cultivars, such as Rhododendron micranthum 'Bloombux‘®, are a suitable substitute for boxwood.

Azaleas, planted over a large area and pruned into shape, are extremely low-maintenance. Once the area is overgrown and closed, annual pruning is sufficient. In comparison, a lawn needs to be mown around 30 times a year.

Good care and sufficient watering after planting are crucial for the success of greening the area. The main goal: The area should be closed as quickly as possible, and weeds in this area should be avoided at all costs. A mulch layer of bark, lava or gravel is recommended after planting; this reduces wild weeds and evaporation in equal measure. When using organic materials, care must be taken to ensure a sufficient supply of nitrogen in the soil.

Species and variety overview

Deciduous Azaleas

Botanists have been including the genus Azalea under the genus Rhododendron for more than 150 years; there is thus no longer any difference between these two botanical terms. Therefore, azaleas are only listed as a category of rhododendrons nowadays. The deciduous azalenas are considered more robust and adaptable than evergreen varieties. The most beautiful and valuable azaleas have been selected from the large array.

Japanese Azaleas

This category includes low, semi-evergreen azaleas that have been cultivated as garden plants in Eastern Asia for centuries. The colours of these plants - brightly glowing „cold“ hues - are less warm and glowing than those of the deciduous azaleas. They are garden jewels hat require more care in use than the robust deciduous varieties.

The categorisation of Japanese azaleas into large-flower, small-flower and Diamant Azaleas no longer exists as there are slow-growing, large-flower azaleas among the new cultivars. Thus, the assortment is divided into price groups, as are the rhododendrons.

Find your Rhododendron Azalea

Examples from our nursery manufactory