When we think of the young Arnold Schwarzenegger treading the boards of the world's top bodybuilding stages in the 70s, it's hard to imagine he was struggling with an ounce of self doubt.

In his latest Netflix documentary, Arnold, clips of the bodybuilding legend show him flexing and demonstrating the statuesque picture of perfection we all know. However, as he describes the massive highs from winning multiple Mr. Universe competitions in succession, he also reveals some of the lows associated with the pressures of physique training.

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'I never really was satisfied with my body,' says Schwarzenegger. 'I looked in the mirror and said to myself, "I don't know how this shit body can ever win this competition."'

According to a study published by the Journal of Behavioural Medicine, perfectionist tendencies are linked to being more susceptible to muscle dysmorphia. This in combination with external pressures could have played a very real role in encouraging Schwarzenegger's body dissatisfaction at the time.

'When I brag about myself, that’s all bullshit. It's kind of like the other me I want the world to see. In reality, when I’m by myself, I look at it and I say to myself, "It’s not there yet. It's not happening." I think it's the very thing that made me always be on the edge and always want more.'

The doc goes on to show how even someone like Arnie isn't bulletproof and has had to deal with body shaming. Upon moving to America and training at Gold's Gym, he recounts how he faced criticism for his 'balloon belly' and the emptiness he experienced after placing 2nd in Mr. Universe USA. 'I was so devastated, I was lying there in the middle of the night in bed, in this hotel room, and I thought the world is coming to an end. I cried the whole night'.

Not one for giving up, he continues to explain how he returned to bodybuilding with renewed determination and discipline after his defeat. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Headshot of Kate Neudecker
Kate Neudecker

Kate is a fitness writer for Men’s Health UK where she contributes regular workouts, training tips and nutrition guides. She has a post graduate diploma in Sports Performance Nutrition and before joining Men’s Health she was a nutritionist, fitness writer and personal trainer with over 5k hours coaching on the gym floor. Kate has a keen interest in volunteering for animal shelters and when she isn’t lifting weights in her garden, she can be found walking her rescue dog.