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This Glass Bottle House Is One Of Florida's Most Secret Roadside Attractions

Some would say it's all bottled up.

Once you enjoy a bottle of wine, what do you with it — probably just toss it out, right? Well, there is a man in Florida that didn't let things bottle up; Leon Weisener built a small house with glass bottles and dubbed it the Bottle House.

Carabelle Bottle House is made of over 6,000 glass bottles with a measurement of 12 feet long and eight feet high. There is also a small geodesic sphere which represents the artist's life and self-portrait. According to Carrabelle's website "The sphere gets larger and more layered as we live longer and acquire more knowledge."

Even though the house is small, it transmits beautiful light. The house always welcoming to the public and if you decide to go, don't forget to sign the guestbook.

The Bottle House was completed in 2012 and is one of Florida's best-kept secrets. According to Atlas Obscura, the house features German handmade stained glass and round lenses from school buses to provide a better lighting effect.

Other additions to the property include mannequin hands, ostrich eggs, antique hay rake tines, copper pipes and wooden balls.

Carrabelle Bottle House is not the only attraction of the property. You can also find a 15-foot-tall lighthouse with a revolving light at the top.

This artistic structure is free to the public and a great roadside attraction to discover. The artist continues to add other displays to the property such as a wine cork-covered furniture.

If you live in North Florida, this is an incredible art installation to visit. For more information about future projects click here.

Carrabelle Bottle House

Address: 604 SE. Avenue F, Carrabelle, FL 32322

Hours: If the gate is open, you are welcomed to explore the house.

Why you need to go: This unique house is made out of glass and features a one-of-a-kind architecture. 


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