Saxifraga apiculata

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White Mountain Saxifrage (Saxifraga x apiculata), sometimes listed as a distinct species, this early-flowering mossy saxifrage is thought to be a hybrid between Saxifraga marginata and Saxifraga sancta. Its forms small tufted hummocks of densely packed foliage and from late winter is studded with small heads of creamy white to primrose yellow flowers. There are several colours in varying sizes and flower. saxifraga-2487htm'>Saxifraga. <a href='saxifragaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Saxifragaceae</a>.

White Mountain Saxifrage (Saxifraga x apiculata), sometimes listed as a distinct species, this early-flowering mossy saxifrage is thought to be a hybrid between Saxifraga marginata and Saxifraga sancta. Its forms small tufted hummocks of densely packed foliage and from late winter is studded with small heads of creamy white to primrose yellow flowers. There are several colours in varying sizes and flower. saxifraga-2487htm'>Saxifraga. Saxifragaceae.


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ID: CFGv959.jpg






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