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Alode of Propagation , Soil ,




Second Edition with Additional Supplement to February, 1832.

EDITED BY J. C. LOUDON, F.L., H., G., & Z.S.


E tillepage of lliis Catalogue indicates how much it is in advance of all that have
*rto published ; but there are MOM Improvement! in it nut there stated and till
l' it may he requisite to give some explanation.
e numeration of the species in tne Linnt'nn Arrangement, and the use of figures ii
ters in designating the varieties, are adopted with a view to facilitate the inuinbem
in gardens, of dried specimens in herbariums, of drawings, or of seeds. For
w we have given an explanation of the Setun mode of cutting tallies (u. xxi.
Emplest and best for cutting with • kaift OH number sticks. The genera are num
rately for the same purposes, and for more ready reference to the Unneau AnaD"
I the Jussieucan, and to both Arrangements from the General Index. A star
*e either the number of a species, or that of a genus, indicates ih;it next in alliavu
is an additional species or genu?', or several additional species or genera, in tlit
.ni ( p. 467, to p. 490). A section (§) indicates that the name has been changed,
genus or species has undergone some alteration in the Supplement
the Natural Order two numbers are placed, as totals of species (e. g. sp. 4.
|iir>t indicates the number of species in the Catalogue, the second the total ni
prto described by botanists, An accurate idea is thus given of what additions an
ted toilu; British Homis, in any genus of plants.
be sign* used ior the habits of plants (col. 3.), and those'of their habitation and duj
le garden [col. 4.); explained in p. vli. viii.. are improvements in botanical descr
lie Editor, iirst described in the Enegdgptfia of Gardening in 1822, and applied ii
a£a of Plant* (Kt edit 18S9). The twenty-three varieties of habit are indi.
Igures of the plants themselves ; as a tree for a tree, a shrub lor n shrub, a
ler for plants of these descriptions, a grass for a grnss, a bulb for a bulb, a plant fit
rater for an aquatic, 6cc, to recollect which requires no exertion of memory. A pel
JMieateil by ;i triangle, A, the sign of the Trinity, and therefore connected with perj
fction or eternity, instead of the old sign, if. ; an annual remains a circle as before, c
^•, .-uiiong otlier reasons, gardeners sow patches of annual flowers in circles ; and a hi
dooblfl circle, Q>, instead of the old sign, £ . The bark stove is a parallelogram, •,
be considered as representing the section of a hot-house closed on all sides to m
Jrcatest degree of boat; the dry stove, three sides of a parallelogram, —|, to main!..
degree of heat; the green-house two and a half sides of a parallelogram, i_J,'
re may be considered as tlie section of u green-house; and tlie frame two sidesjjss^l
fillclogmn), j, which may be supposed to resemble the section of a frame or pit
Unation will assist the reader in recollecting these signs. By combining the si
[tttion with tliose of hiibitation, G5J, 2Sk S3J> Ui> &<-*•> one column is made to s(
prase of two. Thus, with these natural signs of habit, which amount to twenty-!
nation and habitation, a/hich amount to nineteen, we have extended the power ofc
i.irtineni of abridged botanical description from ten, the greatest number of si
INC entirely arbitrary, that, we believe, has hitherto been used in botanical works, r
, and these all natural or characteristic, the number employed in this Catalogue.
he system:*!ic names are accented on a simple principle, which is explained in '
. viii. The derivations of the genera are given, and the specific systematic
•"•ally translated, any explanatory words accompanying such translation being prir
'lie. Those names, whether of genera or species, which are commemorative, as B.
^honour of Sir Joseph Banks, are distinguished by having the subjoined letters in
fere the rest of the word is in Human, and in Roman where the rest of the word
tiunksia.; those which huve bee» applied to plants by the classic writers of antiij
linguished by having the initial tetter in Italic, as Pyrus, where tlie rest of (lie we
»nan, anil in Roman where the rest of the word is in Italic, as Pyrm. All words, |
lecific, of unknown derivation, or aboriginal names, aro wholly in Italic or wb
lan, according \o i]JL. letter in which the preceding or following matter may !)<•
ieria £)H£MH Boj. or Pax&ria Lingun B(f. This mode of ir.Jicution, which occur
KdiuH in J82G, was first exemplified in the second volume t>.r the < > Mag
.with the inotle of accentuation ndi>|iteil in Ihi* Catalogue, is continued in that mag
in tlie AfogosiKt' i)f Xatiiral History^ not only in tlie scientific names of plants, bi
te of animals and minerals,
fSliort Introductions are given to the IJnncan and Jussieuean Systems,
engravings; and this circumstance, together with the important one of all the spa
names being literally translated, will, by giving the meaning of almost nil the terms use
botanical description, in a great measure supersede the necessity of a grammar of bo1
to the young gardener. The literal translation of the specific names may be considered
to a certain extent, teaching him the Latin language, and the etymologies of the geri
names will give him the meaning of a number of Greek words. The species of tor
genus, where numerous, are subdivided into sections and subsections, which arc st
defined by specific characters ; and so copious are the descriptive particulars after
species, that we will venture to assert that the genus to which any plant belongs hi
known, the specific name, in a majority of cases, may be discovered by this Catalogue witl
the aid of a. S}xcw$ PiaiUarum.
In the popular descriptions of the Natural Orders, the medicinal properties art
mica] uses are slightly noticed; and the soil, propagation, and general treatment of '"• ,
different groups indicated; so that this part of the work, in our opinion the most valui p
collection of botanical facts that h;is enrer been brought into so small a space, may be J if)
stdered an epitase of the history, uses, and culture of the whole vegetable kingdom. ^ T * \

ever has a sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge of plants and of vegetable cult!
to|\ generalise on these subjects, will find in this Natural Arrangement the rudiment
ling that can be said or written on botany, gardening, and agriculture.
thi "
:K numerations of those species
which are adapted for culture in the, op en air in Bri
or in corresponding climates 'th an estimate of the quantity of ground which each o
or tribe would occupy, are given in the Natural Arrangement, with a view to the f<
ation of arboreturns or botanic flower-gardens ; but, for an explanation of this iinpro
and of its value to the practical gardener, we must refer to the body of the work. (p. 19
The same proportionate enumerations will prove useful in contriving the size of the diffc
drawers, divisions, boxes, volumes, or pages, required for preserving a hortus si ecu *
collections of drawings, of engravings, of seeds, or of specimens of woods.
The Supplement to the Linnean Arrangement (p. 467.) includes all the plants iiitroo1,
to Britain, and figured in English botanical works, up to February, 1830; and Ada
Supplements in continuation are intended to be printed from time to time, and sold
raU'ly, or done up with new impressions of the body of the work.
No further explanation appearing necessary in this Preface, it remains for the Edit!
state that the Linnean Arrangement audits Supplement are entirely Om work of Mr. GKC
D O N ; the Natural Anangemenl is t't>imiU-<l on Unit of Professor LISDLET, vitli •,
additions and shemiions rendered necessary by the plan of this Catalogue; and Dr.
VILLK, the profound cryptogam ist, assisted in arranging the Cryptogamia. Those vrha
acquainted with the present state of botany, and with the botanists of this country, will a
that three gentlemen better adapted for cooperating in producing a Catalogue like that
submitted to the public are not to be found. All that the Editor claims for himself is
plan of the work, which he certainly considers much superior to any tiling that has pree
it. The literal translation of the specific names, the derivations of the generic names
indications of derivations, :jnd, above all, the general descriptions of the Natural Or
will, he confidently expects, be found not only of great value in (Irtwifilining the n
of plants, and in recognising them at sight, both individually and in masses ; but in assi
tlie botanical student and practical gardener to acquire some knowledge of their stmc
physiology, analogies, affinities, properties, uses, and culture.
JJayswater, May, 1830. J. C. L.
T H E first Additional Supplement, enumerating all the new plants introduced to Britain J
made known there, with the scientific changes in their names, Sec, up to February, 189
is now (August, 1832) published. In it, the genera are arranged alphabetically, for mj
ready reference from the body of the work, and from the first Supplement (p. 467.) ; an.i I
to save the necessity of a second index. All the genera in the body of the work, and
the first Supplement (p. 467.), to which there are any species added, or in uliich any atu
Uons are made, in the first Additional Supplement (p. .577. to p. 602.), arc marked »ii
star ( • ) ; and the same will be done, as future Additional Supplements are published.
Whoever wishes to ascertain the additions and improvement! made subsequently toj
last Additional Supplement may consult, the Gardenia** Magazine; iu which, under
article which will be henceforth contained in wverj number, untulwi, " •
Botanical Notices of New Plants, and of Old Plants of Interest, aopplfimentary to the li»
Editions of the Encydoptectia of Plants, and of the HOT/US Sritirmiaa," will be foU
the name of every plant newly introduced or originated, and of every recent improvement
botanical nomenclature.

,.„ «nd General Iiitrodm-. - Page til 'List of Bonks referred to
• tiutw used in the I/mnean Arrangement vii Method* of naming nod numbering Plant*
lllttlf» for Pronouncing HnUinieal Names viii Drying Plant* ami forming a Herbarium
., borttie* f<« Generic ami Specific Name* ix [ Drawing Plants, Flowers, Fruits, to

Introduction to the Linn can Arrangement . ixiii
Table of Linnean Classes

specie* 1 ia, genera and specie*

iries 4 ia, genera and specie*
specie* B
ti, genera nnd specie* m
nutria, genera and 6pccie*
12 TAOCLrau 296
^p . 8tner« and species 14
ectlndritit genera and t p e e s
Paljfiiuilritt, genera and specie*
,ien and species 23 JBqvutis, geHcra and »|»ccica 331
V and species SupJrjtun, genera and *i>vcie* aae
Fruslransa, genera and species sn
37 ifeeatMa, genera atid specie*
SegT't, genera and »]iocie»
M<mdndr/at genera and specie*
THi'mdria, genera and specie* 373
t3 Ht-iiittdrta, genera and specie* 37+
Lurnandape US CTriA
,iera and species 118 • uiiliia, genera and fpecies 37*
VN'raandj^e* US , j;eii(Ta imd spectes 375
a, gwieM 'frifiinliiii. gttoen and species 376
Telrutultia, genera and specie* 378
nets and species . 116 Petttilndria, genera and specie* 380
j, genera and specie* . 1S8 Hciilnuria, genera anil specie* . 381
ji, genera and species - 140 Oetandria, genera and »]H;cie*
rin, genera and tpcciei - 148 Icotdndria, gynera nnd specie* saa
Pvlyt'tiulria, gcnvra and specie* 389
fa, gaoen ami species - 143 A/IIK ttdiiph ia, gei icra a nd species BBS
, genera and specie* - 143 D U E CIA 387
ma, genera and upctiei . 114 , genu* and specie* 393
•<;:v•via, genera and species Di'iiidria, gtinera and species
. 144 Trtiinrfiia, genera ami specie* 393
gynia, genera and species - 144 mdrin, genera and sjiecie*
ftttiii, genera and specie* . 1S8 j'tittiiiiilrin, genera nnd sp«'ies S9S
- 158 Ilrxritulria, genera and specie* -
. genera and attecie*
nia, genera and species . 1G0 Qett'tmlria, gentu a n j specie* m
thsiiiia^ genera and specie* 401
Munwf/niti, genera and species . ISO Deci'mdria, genera and species . «n
ynia, genets .iud «pecie* . lfil in, gHK'ra and specie* - 401
nera and specie* - It,:.' Jeotii'iilrin, i>t?)iera and specie* - +*
• HI A 'ia, genera anil apectei
•>aynia, genera and i - 1(2 MaiusdvipMat genera and species . 403
. 175
Trigfinla, genera aid i, - 179 Manofcia, genera and species - 405
.ifjtiiUu, genera suid specie* . 1S.J CtoVfe, genera and *pecie*
iJrragynia, genera unil » | « ii's - 187
\I>HIA FVieei
Monogijnia, genera and species - 187 PaljfpodiUcm, genera and Bpcries +17
.1 mid specie* . 190 Otmumt. ecu , Kf|i'-'J"-1 a "d *p*clei
i-iicra and specie* - 1«) . nera arid spi'i-io*
:. -ra and specie* - 193 Dj, , genera mid «]MH:iM
Pew - 'fd species . 193 PuroptJridct, Ktnera and spveies -
lie fa . 193 . .:-i,,!:, ind -p. l [at
- 19» iMCoptxttntir, genera and *]>ecie*
iinia, genera and species ilartilcheea, genera and species . 4S5
nifl, eenera and species - .m Musci
A'ilomi, genera and specie* . 423
i ucra and specie* . soo
i, gtiiera and specit* . 808 Gytonostt/mi, genera and species . |BS
Apiopertshnni, genera and specie* . MB
•'•i^ynia, genera and tpecici . - £15 H, Kenyra and species - IBS
- 2S1 Schutocurjn, Ktnera nnd tJM?ciC* - . 431
'AtKir, genera and specie* . 431
I '111 M|H*cicS
, anil spetk-s
. as Mathtne>T, genera and qweic*
Kostoekina, genns and specie*
. 432
. 433
. on •ifen>aid*rt genera and ipeciet . IN
nia, genera and species • 232 ice*, genera and specie* - 4S7
•.', fata and s]»erie« . 0M Tloridea, genera and specie* . 437
FucaUUG, genera and specie* . 438
•neraat " - 254
U" Taand - 867 Idiotktilami, genera and *pecl« - . 43S
.•itithtUmni, genera and *pecje* . 441
•Irin, IJMMCa an.i i . sta Ih.mothiiiami, goner* and *pecies - 4+1
™, gintra and *[».•, . - 871 AtfitUarni, genus and specie* • 445
7'1' i-ra an rt specie* - 871 p
. S76 - goDera and specie* - 445
Tin, guncm and species
j « c « r f i , genera mid *pecto« . SK5 | ~iiiimtnomycifes, genera and tpecies . 445
i, genuro and sixti • W| PyreiumiyiAtes, genera and specie* - 45S
genera and tpecies UtutcromueiUs, genera and specie* - 459
Coiuotttyctiei, genera and specie* . 4S
Supplement to llie Linnean Arrangement 467
Explanatory Introduction - 491
Introduction to the Juuicufean System - - 4lS

UlCOTYLEUtl.VEjK. Combret&ceffi 5)3 Myop6rins . . .
Kainmeuli^a.' - . - wr. VtwhysietD- 513 &csntMoeM .
Uilteiiiiw.i? • 4!« Khizo|i!ioreic 513 Ornlsaiichem .
Lopbirrn? 513 I^milinlaria; . .
Annnitaw . . . m
• HKi Onugriiria; Bia Primuiaccir
Mouis|>ermiecfE vje, Halor'tgeto 514 (nlobuISirire .
licrtierJdeio . CtrtUrfbfltem 514 I'lumbaKfneB
l'dtlnphyll&ces .• m
• m LyOirariw or Silii-irim
497 Tun*ri*dne«t
514 l'tlllt:tV'!IIK13
Iiv<!ro|>cllidce - 6W Nytiitginac
N"yinpJ)«ftcett 111- List oin i c e a 514 Amarantli^cea;
Suntbmtte . 49S Al.inagi&ui 515 Phjtnlftniia
. 188 PliiliittOliihca - • :,ir, L'lli-noptrtlOK
l*au n i r.n'r i' • • .. 515 ItogoinAcesc
Fumnriac«n .
Criicifrra - - • .m Mvrlicute
CucurUUoac 515 Polygbnea
Bendltoea . .- SAAt Passifiorcni 616 Lauriott
Datisec* • 500 IjOiLieie . 516 lt>ri»iic«as
Cupparldpm . 500 Tiinieri&eise . 51IJ ProtcV-pa?
J irtiftneSB PorMi)4cC9 516 Ttiymelje**
. aw K 111 UM \ (. Tl l l i . u - • • Hfi ^/ajrriueit
Jii\lllM> - • . •
500 CraMiilAoeM
Cist umom .vlti Santalilcoa;
A il.iriesp . . . . mm <l«e JEla-nfrnwD
Droserfccom . 601 • nr OpuntiJwetc . i mic . a
}'iilyi!a]i.';r . 501 Gross uLtrita; 517 Cytlnen
Ttmaintteem . 501 Kscail.'.iiiic 517 I'liijihnrliijVccoi
i RtOipOl l 'V
- 501 ^l i7
^t -j C" 3-" ] 1 f 111 •hi^JT'
+ 1 *i l It 1 HI U ? l ^ t * * «
. Dl Cuuoni&ccff ADttdtaBKfl
Frankemaceae .'.IT
Caryopliylleo; - - - 501 Unibell irerie 617 •iHB

. -
- .
- . m Arnliftt'ose
- 50S t iipriiYiliEiewe
l'ipfriirfaj .
Hombiu-ci! • - Mi Lor&niheu; 5it»
Ilyttncri&ccie - - .-'fi- - • 519 'tteeat
TII&MSD . - .503 . M!> ll.iniatnelidi>» -* *5a
Ela-orirpesa . . . 503 ulari&E ComftTtB
- -
- 503
503 !)i]Mjirt^
. 5S0 Erapctrwc * sl
CamclUfex - . . 5 0 3 Calyternt i . a»
. 530
Olaeliw - - - 80S • s i tit 690 , i iCi)TYI.EUi!lNE£
AurnriliieejE - - 504 - 5ffl!
Hyperieineffi . - 504 Stylidca; Cycildra"
(Hittiferw - - - 504 (iaodcniivtic - BBS Hydrochartdeas • i" ^ |

Marcpraavi&cea! - - 5lH iiiulikeoa: - 52S Ali-riiiict'ie

jurythroKyles; . .
- 5i>i
. ass '" •
-. 623
triceie (Jrcliidwe
M4lpigiii4ce» - - SOB
AccritiMB . . . 505 JVnciLccse Scit£ nu ncie * f|
Hlppocastanett . • . Ml5 L\p^UTult'EE - 5i3 t'itiiica;
]ChiznU.'ilei£ - - • 506 liloctiieai . 5£> llus&ceo;
Sapind&cett - - 5(!5 Styracinea; . -"1^4 Iriilfiu
MelibceiE . . - 6W MyninofB . BM Iitt'iiioiJorieea.'
A m p c l i d e t e . . . ^cii Sap6tex . 5M Hypoxidvse
i h c e a . . . 5 0 6 Kltoniivs . 524AinHryllidcc
TropxMcte - - -500 llri-xidx . H4 H cmeroCilHdoe • ' 1
BattuoJaoi - - SOfi Oteiiiffi - 524Dioscoritx-
Osalideic . • '507 Ja*mineat - 585T..mea - 5-^fl
ZygophfUac - «tr^cltnca! - 5£5smil'icea - 5 1
RutitctD . - .507 Apocjnete . 525Asphodfeiete . * . - 5oJ
Siraarubaceffi . . 507 Aiclepltdwa - 525Tuhpacea; - ;1"5
Ochnaceie - - - 507 CietitiincK . me Mt'laiitlififtw - -7 j
t'oriaritae . . . 508 Bipooniftcon: • ass BromelibcAee . • ^ '4
. . 5 0 8
508 CMB&CBB Poutedtres
. sen Comntelinec
•• 554JI
Itruniftccw . . - S O S Seaikinen - 52*; ••

* ^^B
SuttSOm - - . SIS Pol Din on i i c e * Hera
• * "
Homalinea - . 508 HydroU-Jt-en; TJphinos .
. £ 0 9 CiuivutvulAcoe A r u i d t t e . . . • 54 fl
. . . 5 Q 9 Roragiiics .m
• ssn FluviAle* - 54ll
T e r c b i n t h i c e * . . . 5 0 9 Cordf&owg - 5S7. Juncfie - 5411
I^oguininttsie - • BOS Hvilroplifllea: GilliMibe - 541 {
Kosftcoe . . . 5 1 2
• 527 Ilistiilre.'C • 54J 1
Calyc&ntheat . . . 5 1 3 - H8 Cypericea - - 541
GranatKE . . . 5 1 3 Labi^Ue - 5i« Gromineffi . : • » • . •

llemecfloe . - - 5 1 3 "VcrbcniccK - Ix:'

LyeopoJfnwt • 54t AFITV'I.LX.
FoiuVut. ^irj-ilticcffl • 544 A1«e • 544
FiUcet • - - 5*3 Mi'isci . 544 l.icton« . - 545 d
Equitetice* - - - 544 Hcpbtic* • 544 Fingi • *** I
Genera) Index
First Additional Supplemciit _

COLUMN & Height. bar. he. barren heaths,

COLUMN 2. English Name. bar. pa. barren pastures,
bastbastard, ftd fruited. fit floating. ba. s. p. barren sandy places,
hg bearing. hyb. hybrid. bog. h. boggy heaths,
branched. Ik like. COLUMN 7. Time of Flowering. bog. pi. boggy places.
brctbrauted. lvd leaved.
brd berried. sctd scented. ja January, s September. . C
caL calyxed. shpd shaped. f February, o October. bo. me. boggy meadows,
eld colored. spkd spiked. mr March, n November. bor. fi. borders of fields,
dble double. sund spined. ap April d December. br. branches,
flwdflowered. stkd stalked. my May. •P Spring. bu. fl. bushy fields,
flwgflowering. stmd stemmed. jn June, su Summer, bu. hi. bushy hills,
fmd formed. stmnd stamened. jl July, aut Autumn. bu. pL bushy places,
fr. fringed. wgd winged. au August Winter, calcareous banks,
all sea all seasons, cal ro. calcareous rocks,
COLUMN a Habit. wet w wet weather. ch. ba. chalky banks,
3f Deciduous tree. ch. cl. chalky cliffs,
COLUMN & Color of the Flower. ch. fi. chalky fields.
2 Evergreen tree.
ch. hil. chalky hills.
1 Palm tree. Ap apetalous. Li lilac. ch. pa. chalky pasture!.
* Deciduous shrub. JErug a>rugi. Lu lurid. ch. so. chalky soil.
<i Evergreen shrub. nous. 0 orange. ch. wo. chalky woods.
B blue. Och ochraceous clov. fi. clover fields.
Jot deciduous undcr.shrub. Bd blood. 01 olive. clt. gr. cultivated ground.
tt. Evergreen under-shrub. Bh blush. Oliva olivaceous. cor. fi. corn fields.
_$ Deciduous twiner, ligneous or Bksh blackish. black. P purple. dit. ditches.
Pa pale. dit ba. ditch banks.
herbaceous. Br brown. Pk pink or d. m. pL dry mountainous places.
%_ Evergreen twiner, lig. or herb. Bri brick-co- rose, dr. co. dry commons.
X Deciduous climber, lig. or herb. Bran brownish. lored. PI pellucid, dr. fl. dry fields.
R red. dr. he. dry heaths.
fi_ Evergreen climber, lig. or herb. Bsh bluish. Ro rosy, dr. pa. dry pastures.
-* Deciduous trailer, lig. or herb. Bt bright Rsh reddish, dr. wo. dry woods.
fU Evergreen trailer, lig. or herb. C crimson. Ru rufous, d. st pL dry stony places.
Css caesious. Rus russet d. st w. dry stony woods.
^ Deciduous creeper, lig. or herb. Ch chestnut Rust ruaty-co- dungh. dunghills.
Xn Evergreen creeper, lig. or herb. Ci citron. lored. ed.of d. edges of ditches.
Cin cinereous S scarlet. gra. ba. gravelly banks.
^ Deciduous herbaceous plant - Cop copper-co. Saf saffron.
£ Evergreen herbaceous plant gra. he. gravelly heaths,
lored. Sil silvery. gra. pa. gravelly pastures,
nib Grass, Crea crcam-co- Smo smoky ash. gra. so. gravelly soil,
tf Bulbous plant lored. color. hea. heaths,
D dark. Spot spotted. hea. w. heaths and woods,
ft Fusiform-rooted plant Din dingy. St striped, hed. hedges,
A Tuberous-rooted plant Dl dull Str straw, hed. b. hedge banks,
* Aquatic. Dp deep. Su sulphur, hghlv. Highland valleys.
F flesh. I Tan tan-color- g g
£• Epiphyte. Fer ferruginousl ed.. hiL pa. hilly pastures,
Fi fiery. Taw tawny. ir. bog. Irish bogs,
COLUMN 4. Duration and Habitation. Fla flame-co- (Test testaceous. ir. mo. Irish mountains,
lored. 1 Tran transpa- ir. roc. Irish rocks,
A" Perennial ir. sho. Irish shores,
Q> Bicnn'ul. Ful fulvid. rent
Fus fuscous. I Umb umber-co- ir. thL Irish thickets,
O Annual. G green. I lored. lak. lakes,
• Bark, or moist, stove. Gl glaucous. V violet m. alp. moist alpine places.
C Dry stove. Go golden. Va variegated. mar. marshes.
Gsh greenish. 1 Ve vermilion. margins of lakes.
l_J Green-house. Gy grey. Vy veiny. m. a.w. moist alpine woods.
I lrame. Hoa hoary. W white. m. c h. moist chalky hills.
L light Wsh whitish. moist chalky soiL
GH Bark stove perenniaL La lake. e mea. meadows.
L Y yellow,
7^1 Dry stove perenniaL Ld llivid.
iid I Yah yellowish. me. pa. meadows and pastures.
iA| Green-house perenniaL Lem leraon-cld. I m* he } mountainous heaths.
AJ Frame perennial. m. hed. moist hedges.
ITS! Bark stove biennial COLUMN 9. Native Country. mic. ro. micaceous rocks.
m. me. moist meadows.
j Hi Dry stove bienniaL C. G. H. Cape of Good Hope. moi. fi. moist fields.
' OI bienniaL E. Ind. E. Indies. moist grounds.
N. Amer. North America. moi. h. moist heaths.
HI Frame bienniaL N. Eur. North of Europe. mou pi moi6t places.
ED Bark stove annual N. Holl. New Holland. moist rocks.
22 Dry stove annuaL N. S.W. New South Wales. xnol w. moist woods.
S. Amer. South America. mo. pi mountainous places.
iQJ Green-house annuaL S. Eur. South of Europe. mos. b. mossy bogs.
.Q] Frame annuaL V. Di. L. Van Diemen's Land. moun. mountains.
W. Ind. West Indies. m. pas. moist pastures.
COLUMN 5. Popular Character. ms.pas. mountainous pastures.
ag. agricultural. !m medicinal COLUMN 10. Year of Introduction m. r. h. mountainous rocky heaths,
cl clothiiiff. I or ornamental of Exotics, and Localities of Bri- mrit. r. maritime rocks.
clt cultivate in p poisonous, tish Species. m. r. tr. moist rocks and trees.
its native pr pretty, m. s. pi moist shady places.
country, rk for rock. al.bogs alpine bogs, m. thi. mountainous thickets.
cu curious, work. al. b. p. alpine bushy places, m wa mountainous woods.
cul culinary, ro robust al. hea. alpine heaths, mud.d. muildy ditches.
de delicate, spl splendid. aLlak. alpine lakes, mud s. muddy shores.
dy dyeing plant tm timber tree. alma, alpine marshes, n. of e north of England.
ec iHsonomical. un uninteresting al. me. alpine meadows, n. of s. north of Scotland.
cl elegant w weed, abuhd- al. riv. alpine rivers, old w. 7 o11 i.
esc esculent ant in cul- al. roc. alpine rock's, oldwa.j ldwaU8-
fr fruit tree, tivated soils a. r. tr. alpine rocks and trees, os. hoL osier holts.
fra fragrant in its native ba. banks. pas. pastures.
fP grotesque. country. bar. gr. barren ground. pea. d. peaty ditches.
A 4
Vill RULES FOR PRONOUNCING BOTANICAL NAMES., river banks, so. co. south coast COLUMN 11. Propagation.
rivul. rivulets, s. of s. south of Scotland,
ro. kid, road sides, •p. bo. spongy bogs, B by budding.
rub. rubbish, sta. wa. stagnant water, C cuttings.
s&hea. sandy heaths, •tin w. stones in water, D division of the plant
sal. m. salt marshes, ato. hi. stony hills, 0 grafting.
sa, ma. sandy marshes, sta pa. stony pastures, 1 inarching.
san. fi. sandy fields, sto. pi. . stony places, L layers. sandy ground, sta wa. stones and walls. Ls leaves.
•an. pi. eandy places, sun.U sunny hills, O offsets.
san. sh. sandy shorea sun. /a sunny rocks, R division of the root
sa. pas. sandy pastures, thick, thickets, S seeds.
saw. d. salt-water ditches. tr. trees, Sk suckers.
sa.w. p. Bandy wet places. tr. & st trees and stones,
sc. alp. Scottish alps. tru. tr. trunks of trees, COLUMN 12. Soil.
scbog. Scottish bogs. tur. bo. turfy bogs, aq. watery places,
sc.UL Scottish islands, tur.he. turfy heath, ca common garden soil,
s. cliffs sea cliffs. unc. gr. uncultivated ground, cp. common peat, or bog.
sc. ma. Scottish marshes. unc. pi. uncultivated places, h. heavy rich clay.
sc. ma Scottish mountains. wa. gr. waste ground, h.L heavy loam.
sapas. Scottish pastures. h. wet alpine heaths, L loam.
sc. roc. Scottish rocks. w. alp. Welsh alps, l.p. loam and peat, most loam.
sa sh. Scottish shores. watco. watery commons, It light vegetable soil
scthi. Scottish thickets. wat pL watery places, itL light loam.
gawds. J Scottish wood*. w. bog. Welsh bogs, m.s. moist soil.
sc. wo. _ w. co. wet commons, p. peat
sea co. sea coast w, gr. wet ground, p.!. peat and loam, most peat
sea sh. sea shore. w. lak. Welsh lakes, r. rich garden soil,
sev. isl. Severn isles. w. roc. Welsh rocks, r.m. rich mould, shady banks. p. wet sandy places, ru. rubbish, shady bogs. w. s. gr. wet shady ground, s. sand.
sha. la. shady lanes. p. wet shady places, s.I. sandy loam.
•ha. pL shady places, watery shady places, s.p. sandy peat
sh. roc. shady rocks. w. thi. wet thickets. s.p.L sand, peat, and loam.
s. m. pL shady moist places.
Accents.—.In the first sixty-two pages the acute (') is used to denote accented syllables merely: after p. 62. it is
restrained to such vowels as are sounded short, while the grave C) is placed c e r those sounded long, as M&rtha,
Mary. The systematic names are distinguished as classical, i. c. names applied to plants by the ancients, by
the first letter being in Italic, as jfbies; as commemorative, by the terminating letter or letters being in
Italic, as Banks/a ; and as aboriginal, or of uncertain derivation, by the whoie word being in Italic, as JF/rua.
All the other names are formed, in almost every case, from the Greek, but sometimes from the Greek and Latin.


IN classical words there are as many syllables as there are vowels; except when u with any other vowel
follows g, q, or «, and when two vowels unite to form a diphthong. The diphthongs are <e, ce, at, ei, oi, ui, au,
ru, and on. These seldom coalesce in final syllables. oo, ee, ca, and other combinations which never occur as
diphthongs, in classical words, follow, in commemorative names, the pronunciation of their primitives, as
Teediii, Wdodsio.
In this work, with the exception of the first sixty-two pages of the Linnean Arrangement, the sounds of the
accented vowels arc indicated by the mark placed over each, the long sound by a grave accent (v), the thort by
an acute ('); but, as in the abovementioned sixty-two pages the acute accent alone in employed, the following
observations will be found useful in showing when the vowel is to be sounded long, and when short: ~
Every accented penultimate vowel is pronounced long, when followed by a vowel or a single consonant, as
Ach'iWka tomentbsa; but it is shortened when followed by two consonants or a double one, as 56rbus, Taxus;
except when the first consonant is a mute and the second a liquid, as AHwus.
Every accented antepenultimate vowel, except u, is pronounced short, as J/elleborus, Jftimulus; but when
succeeded by a single consonant, followed by e or i and another vowel, it is lengthened, as Stellaria; except 1,
which is short, as 7 ilia.
A unaccented, ending a word, is pronounced like the interjection ah, as SMcta {ah).
£ final, with or without a consonant preceding, always forms a distinct syllable, as Sileno, Aide; also when
the vowel is followed by a final consonant as Tnchoma-nes, not Tricho-mane*.
/ unaccented, if final, sounds as if written eye, as Splca venti {eye); but, when it ends a syllable not final,
it has the sound of e, as A/cspilus {Mespclus), Smith// (Smithe-eyc).
Y is subject to tlie same rules as 1.
The diphthongs ee and a? conform to the rules fore; ei is generally pronounced like eye; the other diph-
thongs have the common English sounds.
In addition to the primary accent, every word of more than three syllables contains a secondary accent,
which is regulated by the same rules. The secondary accent must always be at least two syllables before the
primary accent, as in Chelidbnium; for its place the ear is a sufficient guide, and even were it entirely omitted,
still, however inharmonious, the pronunciation would not be incorrect
- C and a arc hard before a, 0, and «, as Cornus, Calium; soft before e, 1, and y, as Cetraria, Citrus.
T s and c, before ia, ie, ii, to, hi, and eu, when preceded by the accent, change their sounds, t and c into
sh as bletuz, ficia; and s into zh, as Bias/a: but, when the accent is on the first diphthongal vowel, the pre-
cedine consonant preserves its sound, as aurantlacum.
Ch before a vowel, is pronounced like k, as Chelulonium (kel), C6Ichicum [kolkekum); but in commemora-
tive names it follows their primitives, as Richardsunto, in which the ch is soft
Cm, en, ct, em, en, mn, tm,ps,pt, and other uncombinable consonants, when they begin a word, are pro-
nounced with the first letter mute, as Ptens {teris), t'nlcus {tukus), Gmellna {melina), 6'nidia {nidia); in the
middle of a word they separate as in English, as lap-sana, L^ra-na.
Ph, followed by a mute, is not sounded; but, followed by a vowel or a liquid, sounds like /, as /'hleun
Sch sounds like sk, as &hoexnus (skenus): in // and zm both letters are heard.
S, at the end of a word, has its pure hissing sound, as Dactylis j except when preceded by e, rt or n, when
it sounds like %, as Rtbes (ex).
X, at the beginning of a word, sounds like 2. as Xanthium; in any other situation it retains its own sound,
as ftxus, Tfcnarix. {Gardener's Magazine, vol. v. p. 333.)


Albertini and Schwebit'tz. Writers upon Bb'hm. Bohmer. A German botanical writer.
Fftngi. Bois. Boissieu la Martiniere, who accompanied
Abel. Abel. A traveller in China, and author of La Peyrouse.
a Notice of Chinese plants. Boj. Bojer. A professor of botany in the Isle of
Ach. Acharius. A Swedish professor, and writer France.
upon lichens. Bol. Bolton. An English writer on F&ngi.
F. Adams. A Russian botanist, who tra- Bonp. Bonpland. A French traveller in South
velled through Arctic and Eastern America, and botanist
Siberia. Bore. Borckhausen. A writer upon the Flora or
Adan. Adanson. A French systematic botanist. Hesse Darmstadt
Afzcliui. A Swedish professor. Bory. Bory de St. Vincent. A French traveller
Ag. Agardh. A Swedish professor, and writer and botanist *
upon iJigie, &c. Bosc. Bosc. A French botanist, and traveller in
Ait. Aiton. The supcrintendant of the King's North America.
garden at Kcw. Bouch. Boucher. A writer upon the French Flora.
Alb. Albertini. A writer upon FAngi. Bouchi. F. A. G. Boucher. A French botanist
All. Allioni. An Italian botanist Bow. J. Bowie. A collector of plants for Kew
Anun. Ammann. An old Russian botanist. Gardens.
Andcr. Anderson. A London merchant j published B. R. Botanical Register. By Ker and Lindley.
a paper on peonies. Br. Patrick Browne, M. D. Author of Civil
Andr, Andrews. A famous botanical draughts. and Natural History of Jamaica. An
man. Irish botanist .
Andrx. Andrxejowski. A Russian botanist. B. Rep. Botanical Repository. By Andrews and
Ard. Arduini. An Italian botanist. others.
Asso. Asso. A Spanish botanist. Brad. Bradley. An old English writer upon sue
Aub. Aul*L A French traveller in Guiana. culent plants.
And. AudWrt. A French cultivator. Bred. Bredcmcyer. A German.
Balb. Balm. A French professor of botany. Brid. Bridel. A Gennan writer upon mosses.
Bac. Bade. A German botanist ? Brig. J. Brignoli. Professor at Verona.
Baldw. Baldwin, M. D., of Savannah in Georgia Brm. Burmann. A Dutch editor of other
A botanist people's works.
Bartling, M. D., and Wendland, of Got. Broeg. Broegelmann. A German botanist
tingen, botanists. Brong. A. Brongniart. A French botanist
BanJcs. Bunks. A great traveller and patron of Brot. Brotero. A Portuguese botanist
science. Brou. Broussonet. A French botanist, and tra-
Jiarrl, Barrelier. A French botanist of 1714. veller in Barbary.
Bart. Barton, M. D. Formerly a professor at Buc. Buchanan. An English physician, and
Philadelphia. traveller in Nepal.
Barlr. Bartram. Formerly a nurseryman at Phi. Bui. Bulliard. A French writer upon Fungi.
ladclphia. Burc. Burchcll. An English botanist, and tra-
Bast. Bastard or Batard. A writer upon the veller at the Cape of Good Hope.
Flora of France. Burg. Burgsdorf. A German botanist
Batsch. Batsch. A writer upon FGngL But. Buxbaum, M. D. A Russian botanist; tra-
Batt. Battarra. Published a History of Fungi, velled through Armenia.
1789. Cas. Casalpmus. A famous old Italian botanist
J. C. Baumgarlen, M. D, of Schasburgh, In Cam. Catnpana. An Italian cultivator.
Transylvania. A botanist Campb. Campdera. A Spanish botanist
Bauh. Bavhin, brothers; professors of medicine, C.$R, Castagne and Robillard. French botanists ?
published MftO, 1650. Carey. W. Carey, D. D., of Seramporc.
Bautn. J. C. Baumgartcn, M.D., of Schasburgh, in Carm. Capt. 1). Carmichael. A Scotch botanist
Cass. H, Casfini. A French botanist
Transylvania. A botanist
Botanical Cabinet By Loddiges and Sons. Castag. L. Castagne. A French botanist ?
Beauprct. A French botanist, mentioned Cat. M. Catesby. A botanist and traveller in
Beaup. in Dec. Systema. North America.
Palisot dc Bcauvois. A French traveller Cav. Cavamlles. A Spanish professor and bo-
Beauv. and botanist tanist
•Duke of Bedford. A great promoter of C. Bauh. Caspar Bauhin. A celebrated botanist of
Bedf. botany. the sixteenth century.
Bel. Bellardi. An Italian botanist Cer. Vicente Cervantez. A Spanish botanist and
Bcnth. Bcntham. An English botanist, secretary to professor.
the Horticultural Society, London. Chaix. Chair. A French botanist and ecclesiastic.
Berg. Bergius. A Swedish writer upon Cape Cham. Chamisso. A German traveller round the
Berger. plunts. world.
Bcrnh. J. Bergcrct, M. D A French botanist Choi. Choisy. A Swiss botanist.
Bert. ftitn/tardi. A German botanist Clair. Clairville. A French botanist
Bes. J&rtohni. A writer upon the Flora of Italy, Clar. J. Clarion. A French botanist
the Cri Kusaian
P rofeM
or, resident m Clem. S. Clemente. A S»>am*h agriculturist
Bieb. Clus. Clutius. An old French botanist and tra.
Bicberstein. A Russian botanist of great vcller.
Bfo. note. Co. a ColrWe's Catalogue. Plants cultivated in
Bivona. A Sicilian botanist Colvillc's nursery, Chelsea.
Biutne. Rlume, M: D. A Dutch botanist
B.U. Botanical Magazine. By Curtis, Sims, &c. Colb. Colebrooke. A celebrated English writer
Boer. ^ , r rW* 1 I U d i a n P lant8 -
Boerhaavc. An old Dutch botanist
Coll. J. F. Colladon. A Genevese botanist.
Com. Commelin. A Dutch garden botanist Gled. Glcditsch. A German botanist
Corr. Corria de Serra. A Portuguese botanist Glox. Gloxin. A botanist of Strasburgh.
and diplomatist Gm. Gmelin. A Russian botenist, and traveller
Cr. Crantz. An Austrian botanist in Siberia.
Cun. . A. Cunningham. A collector of plants for Goch. Gochnat. A German botanist
Kcw Gardens. Gold. Goldie. A nurseryman at Ayr, in Scotland.
Cur. Curtis. An English writer upon plants. Goldd. Goldhack. A Russian botanist.
Cits. Cusson. A Swiss writer upon Umbeluferse, Good, Goodenough. Bishop of Carlisle An Eng-
whose wife burnt his herbarium. lish botanist.
Cyr. Cyrilli. An Italian botanist Gou. Gouan. A French botanist
Dan. Danthuine. A French botanist Grah. Graham, M. D. Regius professor of botany
Dat>. H. Davies, D. D. A Welsh botanist at Edinburgh. An assiduous botanist
D.Don. David Don. Librarian to the Linnean Greu. Greville. An English botanist, and writ''
Society. upon cryptogamic plants.
Deb. Debry. A botanist of Frankfort Gro. Gronovius. A botanist of Leyden.
Dee. Decandolie. A celebrated French system, Guer. Guersent. A French botanist.
atic botanist Gal. GUldenstacdt. A Russian botanist
Del Delile. A French professor, and traveller GUnt. GUnther. A Silesian botanist
in Egypt Habl. Hnbltzl. A Russian botanist
JDelan. Delany. An English artist. H<e. Hanks. A German botanical writer.
Delcss. Delesscrt. A French botanist Hal. Holler. A Swiss botanist
Desf. Desfontaines. A French botanist, and tra- Hal./. Holier the younger.
veller in Barbary. Hamilton. A Scotch botanist and traveller
Dcsp. Dcsportes. A French botanist. Ham. in the East Indies.
Desr. Dcsrousseaux. A French botanist Humboldt and Bonpland. Famous tra-
Deso. Desvaux. A French professor of botany. H.SfB. vellers and botanists.
Deth. Detharding. A botanist of Rostoch. Hookert L.L.D., and Greville, L. L.D. Eng-
Dick. Dickson. An English cryptogamic bo- H.QG. lish botanists resident in Scotland.
tanist H.QT. Hooker and Taylor. English botanists.
Die. Dietrich. A German gardener. Har. Har tig. A writer on the culture of forest
DiL Dillwyn. An English writer upon Con- trees.
• fervas. Haw. Haworth. An English writer upon succu-
Dit. Ditmar. A Dutch botanist lent plants.
Domb. Dmnbry. A French traveller in South Hay. Hayue. A German botanist
'America. H.ber. Hortus Beroltnensis.
Dor. Dorthes. A French botanist. H. C. Chelsea botanic garden.
Don. Douglas. A collector of plants. H.Cels. Catalogue of the plants cultivated in the
Dow. Downe. Not known. garden of M. Cels.
Dry. Dryander. A Swedish botanist Hedw. Hedwig. A German cryptogamic botanist
Dub. Dubois. A French botanist Hei. Heister. A German botanist.
Duch. Duchesne. A French botanist or horticul- Hortus Erfurtsiensis. Catalogue of the
turist plants cultivated in the botanical gar-
Dufr. Dufresne. A French .writer upon va- den of Erfurt
lerians. Her. am. Herb, amat, by Delaune.
Duh. DuhameL A celebrated French physio, Herb. Herbert. An English divine ana ootanist
logical botanist Herit. VHeritier. A French botanist
Dum. Dumont Courset. A writer upon French Herm. Hermann. Professor of botany at Leyden.
garden plants. Heyne. Heyne. A writer on East Indian plants.
DundL DunaL A French botanist Auguste St. Hilaire. A French botanist,
Durand. A French botanist Hit. and traveller in Brazil.
Durb. Durborough. Not known. Hill. An English compiler of botanical
Du Rot. A German writer upon plants. Hill. matters.
Dut. Dutour. A Belgic botanist Hortus Kewensis. A catalogue of the
DuvaL A French botanist U.K. plants growing in the King's garden at
E.B. English Botany. By Sowerby and Smith.
Eddy. Eddy. An English gardener. H.L. Liverpool botanic garden.
E. F. English Flora. By Sir. J. E. Smith. Hofg. Hoffinannsegg. A botanist of Dresden.
Ehren. Ehrenberg. A German traveller in Hofin. Hoffmann. A German writer upon Um-
- Arabia, &c. belhfers, &c
Ehrh. Ehrhart. A German botanist Hogg. A nurseryman it New York.
El. ElUs. London merchant and botanist Hbkert. A Swedish botanist.
Etl. Elliot. An American botanist Hoi. HoltvelL An English botanist
Exp. Espt'r. A German writer on Fungi. Holm. Holmskiold. A Danish botanist
Et. Ettlinger. A German writer on Salvia. Holmsk. Holmskiold. A Danish botanist
F,m. Faucoult. A French botanist? Hook. Hooker. An English botanist, and professor
Feu. FeuUlee. A Chilian botanist. at Glasgow.
Fis. Fischer. A Russian botanist Hoppe. Hoppe. A German botanist, and collector Flora Briiannica. By Sir James Edward of plants.
Smith. Horn. Hornemann. A Danish botanist and pro-
Ft dan. Flora Danica. By Oeder, Horncmann, and fessor.
others. Horns. Homschuch. A German botanist and pro- Flora Gneca, by Sir J. E. Smith. fessor.
Fl. Ion. Flora Londinensis. By Curtis and Hooker. Hort. Qf the gardens.
Ft. per. Flora Pcruviona. By Ruiz and Pavon. Host. Host. An Austrian writer upon grapes
Flu. Flligge. A German writer upon grasses. and European plants.
Forsk. Forskahl. A Danish naturalist, and tra- Hout Houttuyn. A botanist of Amsterdam.
veller in Arabia. KPar. Of the Paris garden,
Forster. A traveller in the South Seas with H. T. Hortus Taurinensis. Catalogue of the plants
Captain Cook. cultivated in the botanical garden at
Fro. Frazcr. A gardener, and collector of plants Turin.
in North America. H.Tr. Transactions of the London Horticultural
Fries. Fries. A Swedish botanist, and writer upon Society.
fungi Hud. Hudson. An English writer upon British
Fro. Frolich. A German writer upon Gentlana. plants.
Funk. A German cryptogamic botanist Hum, Humboldt. A celebrated Prussian traveller
Funk. Gartner. A celebrated German carpolo-
Gae. and philosopher.
Hun, Hunter. An English botanist
G.SsA. tantAmU Hrtm. Hartmann. A botanist of Stockholm,
Gnu. Gaudin. A Swiss botanist- Jves. Jves. An American botanist
Ga Gay. A French botanist J. Jussicu. A celebrated French systematic
G. George Don. botanist.
Ger. Gerard. An old French botanist Joe. Jacquin. An Austrian traveller in South
Gilib. Gilibert. A Lithuanian botanist America, and botanist
Gill. Gillies's MSS. Dr. Gillies, a Scotch botanist Jack. Jackson. An English botanist
Gingins. A French botanist . Junghans. A botanist of Halle.
Jon. Jones. An accomplished writer upon Mayer. Mayer. Several German botanists of this
Indian matters. name.
Katn. Kamjtfer. A traveller in Japan. Med. Medicus. A German botanist of the last
Not known. century. "
Kitaibel. A Hungarian botanist Menz. Menxies. A Scotch botanist, and traveller
KnighVs Protctoc&B. round the world with Vancouver.
Koch. A professor at Erlang. Merat. Merat. A French botanist.
Koel. Jfoeler. A writer on German and French Mertens. A French Botanist
19 Mert. Meyer. A German botanist
grasses. Mey.
Kblle. Kofle. A botanist of Erlang. Micheli. A Florentine botanist
Kon. Mich. Miers. A South American collector.
Kbnig. Several German naturalists of this Mien.
name. Mik. Mi/can, A German writer on Brazilian
Kth. Kunth. A Prussian botanist. plants.
Kunxe. Kunxe. A German crytogamic botanist Mil. Miller. An English gardener and botanist
x*. Linnaus. The celebrated Swedish re- Mir. Mirbel. A French physiological botanist
former of natural history. Moc. Mocino. A Mexican botanist
I.ab. Labillardiere A French botanist Moen. Moench. A German botanist
Lag. Lagasca. A Spanish botanist and pro. Mohr. Mohr. A German cryptogamic writer.
fessor. Mol. Molina. An Italian writer upon the natural
Lai. La Lave. A Mexican botanist history of Chile.
Lam. Lamarck. A French botanist Man. Montin. A Swedish botanist
Lamb. A. R. Lambert, V. P. L. S. The most liberal Mor. Morison. An old writer on plants.
botanist in England. Nothing in bo- Mord. Mordant de Launy. A French botanist
tany can well be completed without Moret. Moretti. An Italian botanist.
his assistance. Moug. Mougeot. A German cryptogamic botanist.
Lan. Langsdorff. A Russian botanist Muhl. Muhlenberg. A North American botanist
Lap. La Peyrouse. A French writer upon the Mur. Murray. A German botanist
plants of the Pyrenees. Mussin-Puschkin. A Russian botanist and
Lar. LMToche. A French botanist. Mus. tra\ cllcr in Caucasus.
Law. Lawrence (Miss). An English flower- Mutis. A Spanish botanist, resident in New
painter. Mutis. Grenada.
ix. Laxmann. A German writer on Siberian Michaux. A French botanist, and traveller
plants. Mx. in North America.
Lee. Leconte. An American botanist N.SfM. Nees and Martius. German botanists.
Lech. Lechenault. A French botanist. Neck. Necker. A German writer upon botanical
Led. Ledebour. A botanist and traveller in affairs.
Siberia. Kees. Nets v. Escnbeck. A German botanist
Lee. A nurseryman at Hammersmith. Nest. Ncstler. A botanist of Strasburgh.
Leers. Leers. A German botanist Niv. Niven. Once a collector of plants at the
Leh. Lchmann. A German botanist and pro- Cape.
fessor at Hamburgh. Noc. Nocca. A professor of Pavia.
Lejeune. A French botanist Nois. Noisette. A French nurseryman.
Lent. Leman. A botanist mentioned in Dec. Fl. Nor. Noronha. A Spanish botanist who visited
Franc. Madagascar.
L* Lcpechin. A Russian botanist Nut. Nuttali. A North American botanist
Lepel. Lepelletier. A French botanist Oed. Oeder. A Danish botanist.
L ewis Lewis. An American traveller. Oliv. Olivier. A French botanist and traveller
Leys. Leysser. A botanist of Halle. in Persia.
L.JU. Linnaus the younger. The son of the great Or. Ortega, A Spanish botanist
Linnsus. Otth. Otth. A French writer in Decandolle's
Lich. Lichtenstein. A German botanist and pro- Prodromus.
fessor. Otto. Otto. A Prussian gardener.
Light. Jightfoot. A writer upon the Scottish PalL Pallas. A Russian traveller and naturalist
Parm. Parmentier. A French nurseryman.
'HJeb. Liljeblad. A professor at Upsal. Pat. Patnn. A Russian traveller.
Lind. Lindern. A French botanist Perp. Perpenti. A female Italian botanist
Lima. Lindtey. An English botanist, and pro- Pers. Persoon. A French botanist
fesssor in London. Pet. Petagna. A Neajwlitan botanist
Livinston. A Scotch botanist. Ph. Pursh. A Prussian botanist, and traveller
Link. A Prussian botanist in North America.
• Link and Otto. Prussian botanists. Plu. Plumier. A French botanist, and traveller
Lobel An old writer upon plants. in the West Indies.
Lo. c. Loddiges* Catalogue. Catalogue of the Pohl. Pohl. A German botanist
plants cultivated in Loddiges' nursery Poir. Poiret. A French botanical compiler.
at Hackney. Pott. Poiteau. A French botanist and draughts.
Lock. Lock/tart. Superintendant of the Trinidad man.
botanical garden. Pot. Pollini. A professor at Verona.
Lod. Loddiges. English nurserymen and bo- Poll Pollich. A German writer on the plants
tanists. of the Palatinate.
Loejfling. A Swedish botanist and traveller. Pop. Poppig. A German botanist
Ul Loiseleur Dcslongchamps. A French bo. Pou. Pourret. A French botanist. -
tanist Presl. Presl A Bohemian botanist
Lon. Londes. A botanist of Gottingen. Bad. Raddi. An Italian cryptogamic botanist,
Lo.s. Loddiges* Supplement. and traveller in Brazil.
Lou. Loureiro. A Portuguese traveller in Rani. Raeuschel. A German botanist
Cochin China, Raft. Rafim'sque Schnialz. A modern writer
London. J. C. Loudon. Auth. of various agricultural, upon botanical matters.
horticultural, and botanical works. Ram. Ramand. A French botanist
Lum. Linnean Society's Transactions. R. £ P. Ruiz and Pavon. Spanish botanists, and
Lunan. Lumnitxer. A Gorman botanist travellers in Peru and Chile.
Lyell. Lunan. A writer on Jamaica plants. if. %S. Rbmer and Schultcs. German editors of
Lyng. Lyell. A Scotch botanist Linnsus's Species Plantarum.
Lyngbye. A Danish writer upon crypto- Rau. Rau. A German botanist
gamic matters. R.Br. Robert Brown. A distinguished English
Ma. C. Lyon. A collector of American plants, botanist, and traveller in New Holland.
tents c ai?logue'. Cat alogue of the Rchb. Reichenbach. A German botanist
Red. Redout*?. A French botanical draughts-
at Clapton. man.
Mare. Mocino and Sess4. Mexican botanists. Redout. Redowski. A Russian botanical collector
Marcgraav. A traveller in Brazil. Reich. Reichard. A botanist of Frankfort
Marsh. Marshall. A writer on American trees. Reinw.
Mart. Reinwardt. A professor at Leyden.
Martius. A Bavarian botanist, and tra- Ret. ^clhan. A writer upon the Flora of Cam-
veller in Brazil. bridgeshire.
Mas. Masson. A collector of plants at the Cape, Req.
and elsewhere. Requien. A French botanist
Retx. Rctxius. A German botanist
Reyn. Reynier. A botanist of Lausanne. Sttier. Suter. A Swiss botanist.
Rh. Rheede. Author of Hortus Malabaricuft. Swert. Swertius. An old writer on plants.
Rich. Richard. A French botanist. Swt. Sweet. An English botanist
Risso. Risso. An Italian writer upon Oranges Swx. Swartx. A Swedish botanist, and traveller
Riv. Rivinus. A German botanist. in the West Indies.
R. It. Redout&s Liliace'es. Symes. Symes. A writer on English plants.
Robs. Robson. An English botanist Ten. Tenore. A Neapolitan botanist
Roch. RocheL Superintendant of the garden at Thib. Thibaud de Chanvalon. A French botanist
Pest Thomas. Thomas. A Swiss collector of plants.
Roem. Roemer. A German botanist Thore. Thore. A French botanist
Rokde. Rohde. A botanist of Bremen. Thory. Thory. A French botanist
Rol. Rolander. A Swedish botanist Thou. Du Petit Thouars. A French botanist, and
Roll. Rollinson. A nurseryman near London. traveller in Madagascar.
Rose. Roscoe. An English botanist, and writer Thouin. Thouin. A French botanist
upon Scitammee. Thuil. Thuillier. A French botanist
Roth. Roth. A German botanical writer. Thun. Thunberg. A Swedish botanical traveller.
Rox. Roxburgh. An Indian botanist Timm. Timm. A German botanist
Rtb. Rottboll. A Danish botanist Tineo. Tineo. A professor at Palermo.
Rtl. Rattier. A German missionary. Tode. Tode. A German writer on Fungi
Rud. Rudge. An English writer upon botanical Torrey. Torrey. An American botanist
subjects. Tou. Tournefort. An old French botanist, and
Rudol. Rudolph. A German botanist traveller in Greece and Asia Minor.
Rum. Rumph'ms. Author of Herbarium Am. Trot. Trattinik. A botanist of Vienna
boinensis. Trent. Trentepohl. A German botanist
Rus. Russel. A botanist of Aleppo. Trev. Treviranus. A German botanist
Sab. Sabine. An English amateur of botany. Trin. Trinius. A writer on grasses.
Sal. Salisbury. An English botanist Turn. Dawson Turner. An English writer on
Saint. The Prince ofSalm Dyck. A noble Ger- sea weeds.
man amateur. Turp. Turp. A French botanist and draughts-
S. $ TV. Schroder and JVettttland. German bo. man. .
tanists. Turra. Turra. An Italian botanist
Santi. Santi. An Italian botanist Tus. Tussac. A French writer on the Flora of
Savl. SavL An Italian botanist the Antilles.
Savig. Savigny. A French botanist Uc. Ucria. A botanist of Palermo.
Schaff. Schtrffcr. A German writer upon F6ngi. Urv. D*Urville. A Captain in the French navy.
Schk. Schkuhr. A German writer upon grasses Vail. Vaillant. A French botanist and traveller.
and ferns. Van. Vandelli. A Portuguese botanLst.
Schl. Schleichcr. A Swiss plant collector. Ven. Ventenat. A French botanist
Schlee. Schlechtendahl. A German botanist Vest. Vest An Styrian botanist
Schmidt. Schmidt. A Bohemian botanist Vig. Vigvier. A writer upon Poppies.
Schott. Schott. A traveller in Brazil. Vtl. Villars. A French botanist
Schous. Schousboe. A writer upon the Flora of Vit. Vitmann. A German botanist
Morocco. Viv. Viviani. An Italian botanist
Sehr. Schroder. A German botanist W. Willdcnow. A German botanist
Schrank. Schrank. A Bavarian botanist Wahl. Wahlenberg. A Swedish botanist
Schreb. Schreber. A German botanist Wai. Wallich. Superintendant of the botanical
Schu. Schubler. A professor at Tubingen. garden at Calcutta.
Schult. Schultes. A Bavarian botanist Wald. Waldstein. A noble German patron of
Schulx. Schtiltz. A German botanist. botany.
Schum. Schumacher. A Danish botanist Wallr. Wallroth. A German botanist
Schw. Schweigger. A German botanist, author Walt. Walter. A writer on the Flora of Carolina.
of Flora Erlangcnsis. Wan. Wangenhcim. A German botanist
Schwa. Schweegrichen. A German cryptogamic Waldstein and Kitaibel. Authors of the
botanist Flora of Hungary.
Schwein. Schweinitz. An American botanist Weber and Mohr. German botanists.
Sco. Scopoli. An Italian botanist Wat. Watson. An English writer upon trees
Seb. Sebastiani. An Italian botanist. and shrubs.
Sessi. Sessi. A Mexican botanist Web. Weber. A Gcnnan cryptogamist
Sib. Sibthorp. An English botanist, and tra- WeieeL WeieeL A German botanist.
veller in Greece. Wethe. Wethe. A German writer on Rbb\.
Sirb. Sieber. A botanical collector. Wein. Weinmann. A German gardener, super-
Sims. Sims. An English garden botanist intendant of one the royal gardens in
Sm. Sir J. E. Smith. An English botanist, and Russia.
purchaser of the Linncan herbarium. Weis. Weis. A German botanist
Silt. Sinclair. Nurseryman at New Cross. W. en. Willdenow's Enumeration of the Plants in
Sol, Solander. A Swedish botanist, and com. the Berlin Garden.
panion of Sir Joseph Banks in Cook's West. West. An English botanist
voyage round the world. Wibel. Wibel. A German botanist
Sole. Sole. A writer on mints. Wig. Wiggers. A German botanist
Son. Sonnerat. A French botanist, and tra- Wtk. Wtkstrom. A Swedish botanist
veller. With. Withering. An English botanist
Sow. Sowerby. An English botanical draughts- Wnl. Hendland. A German garden botanist.
man. Woods. Woods. An English writer on roses.
Sparmann. A Swedish travelling botanist. Woodw. Woodward. An English botanist.
De Spin. A botanist of Turin. Worm. Wonnshiold. A Norwegian botanist
Sprengel. A German botanist Wre. Wredow. A German divine and botanist
Stackhouse. An English botanist Wrede. Wrede. A German botanist.
Slcchmann. A writer on Artemisia. WuL Wulfen. A German botanist
Stephan. A Russian botanist Y. Young. A writer in the Linnean Transac-
Sternberg. A noble German botanist tions.
SteudeL A Gcnnan botanist Zea. Zea. A Spanish botanist
Steven. A Russian botanist Zey. Zeyher. A German gardener.
Sturm. A Gcnnan botanical draughts- Zuc. Zuccagnt. Su]>crmtcndant of the botanical
man. garden at Florence.

AJ). China. Abel (C). A Voyage to China. 4to. Ard. sag. Arduini (Pietro), in Saggi dell' Accad.
Ab. ins. Abbott's Natural History of the In. de Padova. 2 vols.
A sects of Carolina. Folio. Ard. sp. Id. Animadversionum Botanicarum
Ac. boh. Abhandlungen einer Gcscllschaft in Specimen. 4to. Patavii, 1759.
Boehmen, zur Aufnahme dcr Ma- As. res. Asiatic Researches, or the Transac-
thematik, der Vaterlsndischen tions of the Society instituted in
Geschichte und der Naturge- Bengal 4to. Calcutta, 1788, &c.
schichte. 8vo. Prags, 1775—1789. Asso ar. De Asso (Ignatius). Synopsis Stir-
Ac. bon. Dc Bononiense Scientiarum, et Ar. pium indigenarum Arragoniae.
tium Institute, Commentarii. 4to. 4ta Marsilis, 1779.
Bononia?. 7 vols. 1748—1791. Aub. gui. Aublet (Fusee). Histoire des Plantcs
Ac. not. Commentarii Socictatis Regise Scien. de la Guiane Franchise. 4 vols.
tiarum Goettingensis. 4to. 1751. 4ta London, 1773. ,. _.
1754. 1769. 1816. Bal. mis. Balbis (Joh. Baptist). Miscellanea
Ac. haf. Acta Literaria Universitatis Haf. Botanica. 4to. 1804.
niensis. 1 vol 4to. Hafnls, 1778. BaLst Id. Horti Academici Taurinensis
Ac. hel. Acta Helvetica Physico-mathematico- Stirpium minus cognitarum aut
botanico-modica. 8 vols. 4to. forte novarum Icones ct Descrip-
Basiles, 1757—1777. tion ea.' Taurini, 1810.
Ac. hoi. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Acade- Bal. tic. Id. Flora Ticincnsis. 2 vols. 8vo.
mL'iis Haiidlingar. 8vo. Stock- Ticin. 1816—1821.
holm, 1739—1816. Banks K. Banks (Joscphus). Icones sclectae
Ac. par. Actes dc la Society d'Histoire Na- Plantarum quas in Japonia collegit
turcllc de Paris. 1 vol. fol. Paris, et delineavit E. Ksmpfer. FoL
1792. London, 1791.
Ac. pet. Commentarii Academis Scicntiaram Bar. fl. Barton (W. P. C). Flora of North
Imperials Pctropolitans. 14 vols. America. 4to.
4to. Petropoli, 1728—1751. Bar. ic. Barrclier (Jacobus). Plants per Gal.
Ac. st Kongl Vetenskaps Academicns Hand- Ham, Hispaniam, ct Italiam ob-
hngar. Stockholm, 1739. 8vo. scrvatae. Fol. Parisiis, 1714.
Ac. tou. Histoirc ct Memoires dc 1'Academic Bartr. it Bartram (Will.). Travels through
Royale des Sciences, &c, de Tou. South and North Carolina. 1 vol.
louse. 3 vols. 4to. Toulouse, 1782. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1791.
1784.178a Bast j. Bastard (T.), in Schrader's Journal
Ac. up. Acta Literaria et Scien tiarum Up- fur die Botanik V
flaliae publicata. 8vo. 1720—1816. Batarra Batarra (John Ant.). Fungorum Agri
Aghardt, in Svcnsk Botanik. U vols. Arimincnsis Historia. 4to. Fa.
Ag. sven. bot 8yo. Stockholm, 1804 to the present venti©, 1759.
time. Batsch fun. Batsch (Aug. Joh. Georg. CarL).
AUioui (Carolus). Auctuarium ad Elenchus Fungorum. 4to. Hale,
Al. au. Floram Pedemontanam. 1 fasc. 1783— 178a
8vo. Taurini, I7f&. Bauer h. h. Bauer (Ferdin.). Illustrationes Florc
Albcrtini (J. B. dc) and Schweinitz Novae Hollandis. Fol. 1813.
Alb. & Schw. (L. D. de). Conspectus Fungorum Ban. his. Bauhin (Johannes). Historia Plan.
in Lusatis Superioris Agro Nis- tarum universalis. Fol. 1651.
kiensi cresccntium. 1 vol. 8vo. Bau. pin. Bauhin (Caspar). Pinax Theatri
Lipsis, 180.). Botanici. 4to. Basilca?, 1623.
Alp. sg. Alpinus (Prosper). De Plantis JEgypti Bau. pr. Id. Prodromus Theatri Botanici, in
liber. 4to. Venetiis, 1592. quo plants supra 600 proponuntur.
ALped. AUioni (Carolus). Flora Pedemontana 4to. Franc. Mcen. 16(20.
3 vols. fol. Taurini, 1785. Beau. Ow. Allioni. Palisot de Beauvois. Flore
Alp. ex. Id. De Plantis Exoticis libri duo. 4to. des Royaumes d'Oware ct de
Venctiis, 1629. Benin.. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1805.
Altau. Id. Miscellanea Philosophico-mathc- Beauv. gr. Id. Essai d'une nouvclle Agrosto-
matica Societatis private TaurU graphic. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1812.
nensis. Transactions of the American
Am. ac. Linnei Amcenitates Academics, seu Philosophical Society. 4to, 3 vols.
Dissertationes antehac seorsim Philadelphia, 1774—1193.
edits. 10 vols. 8vo. Holmiae et BeL tau. Bellardi (Ludovico). Memoires de
Lipsiffi, 1749, et seq. I'Academie Royale des Sciences
Amans s. Amans. Obs. in Recueil des Travaux de dc Turin. 4to. 1782.
la Societe d'Agriculture d'Agens. Berg. c. Bergius (Peter Jonas). Descriptionei
1vol. Plantarum ex Capite Bons Spei.
Am. rut Ammann (Johan.). Stirpium rario- 8yo. Stockholm, 1767.
rum in Imperio Rutheno sponte Berg. ho. Id. in Kongl. Vetenskaps Acade.
provenientium Icones ct Dcscrip- miens Handlingar. 8vo. Stock,
tionee. 4to. Petrop. 1739. holm, 1739.
An. bot Annals of Botany, by C. Kdnig and Berg. ph. Bergeret* Phytonomatotechnie uni.
J. Sims. 2 vols. 8vo. London, vcrselle. 3 vols. fol. Paris.
1805 and 1806. Ber. mag. Martini (Fried. Henr. Wilh.). Ber.
And. ger. Andrews (Henry). Coloured En. linisches Magazin, Oder ge.
gravings of Geraniums. Fol. Lon- sammlcte schriften. 4 band, 8vo.
don. Berlin, 1765—1767.
And. heaths. Id. Coloured Engravings of Heaths, Ber. ph. tr. Bergius (P. J.), in Philosophical Trans.
with botanical descriptions. 3 vols. actions, vol. for 1772. London.
A . fol. London, 1802—1809. Bes.eys. Be&ler (Basilius). Hortus Eystettensis.
And. rep. Id. The Botanist's Repository for 2 vols. fol. Nuremberg, 1612.
new and rare Plants. 10 vols. Bib. it Memorie di Matematica e tisica della
' 4to. London, 1797, ct seq. Societa Italiana. 4to, 1 vol. Ve-
An. mu. Annales du Museum d'Histoire Na- rona, 1782 and 1816.
turelle. 24 vols 4ta Paris, 1802 Bieb. cen. Bieberstein (Marschall von). Centu-
LL A t o l t h e present time. ris Plantarum rariorum Rossis
An. wett. Annalen der Wctteranischen Gescll- Meridionalis. Charkovia?. Fol
schait fur die gesammte Natur- Biv. cen. Bivona Bernardi (Antonin.). Sicu-
kundc. tarum PUntarum Centuria prima.
Ard. m. Arduini (Pictro). Memoria di Os. Biv. sic. rj 8^0- Panormi, 1806.
servazioni e di Sperienzc sopra la. stirpium rariorum minusque cog-
la Coltura e gli Usi di varie Piante. mtarum in Sicilia provenientium
Descriptiones. 4to. 1813.
4to. Padova, 1766.
Black. Blackwell (Eliz.). A curious Herbal, Bur. am. Burmann (Johannes). Plants Ainr>
containing 600 cuts of the use. ricanae a C. Plunder detects et A
Ail plants. 2 vols. to). London, J. Burmanno edits. Fol. Am-
1737. stelod. 1755.
Boc. mu. Boccone (Paolo). Museo di Piante Bur. in. Id. Flora Indica. 1 vol. 4to. Lugd.
rare delta Sicilia, Malta, Corsica, Bat 1768.
Italia, Piemonte, e Germania. Bur. zey. Id. Thesaurus Zeylanicus. 4to. Amst.
4to. Venetia, 1697. 1737.
Boc. sic. Id. Icones et Descriptiones rariorum Bux. c. Buxbaum (Joh. Christ). Plantarum
Plantarum Siciliic, Melits, Gallis, minus cognitarum Centuria? quin-
et Italia?. 4to. Londini. 1674. quc. 4to. 1728.
Boer. Boerhaave (Hermannus). Index Plan- Cam. ep. Camerarius (.Joachim). De Plantis
tarum quie in Horto A cad. Lugd. Epitome utilissima. 1 voL 4ta
Bat repcriuntur. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. Fmncof. M«n. 1586.
1710. Cam. h. Id. Hortus Mcdicus et Philosophicus.
Bolt. fll. Bolton (James). Filices Britannia. 4to. Franc Msn. 1588.
4to. London, 178.5—1790. Cat car. Catesby (Marsh). The Natural His-
Bolt piL Id. Geschichte der Merkwiirdigsten tory of Carolina, Florida, &c. £
Pilze. Berlin, 1795 vols. fol. London, 1741—174.).
Bonam. Bonamy (Franc). Flora? Nannetensis Cav. djs. Cavanilles (Ant. Jos.). Monadelphia?
Prodromus. 1 vol. 12mo. Nantes, Classis Dibsertationes. 10 vols.
1782. " 4to. Paris, 1785—1789. Madriti,
Bon. mon. Bonnland (Aime). Monographic des 1790.
Melastomes et Rhexes et autres Cav. ic. Id. Icones et Descriptiones Planta-
Plantes de cet Ordrc. Fol. Paris. rum qua; aut sponte in Hispania
1809. crcscunt aut in Hortis hospitantur.
Bon. nav. Id. Description des Plantes rares 6 vols. foL Madrit 1791—1800.
cultives a Malmaison et X Navarre. C. g. Commentarii Societatis Regie Scien-
Fol. 1813. tiarum Gottingcnsis. 4to. 1751—
Bon. rhcx. Id. Monographic des Melastomes ct 1816.
Rhexes ct autres Plantes de Chan. cam. Chandler's Camellias. London.
cet Ordre. Fol. Paris, 1809. Chois. hyp. Choisy (J. D ) . Prodromus d'une
Bory. Bory de St Vincent (J. I). M.). Monographie dc la Famille del
Voyage en Espagne a* travers les Hypcricinecs. 4to. 1821.
Royaumes de Galice, Leon, &c CL h. Clusius (Carolus). RariorumPlantaruni
8vo. Historia. Fol. Antwerp, NiOl.
Bot cab. The Botanical Cabinet. By Conrad Cl.pan. Id. Rariorum aliquot Stirpium per
I.odfliges and Sons. 14 vols. 12mo Pannoniamobserv. Historia. 1 voL
and 4to, published monthly. 8vo. 1583 (HalL), 1584 (His.)
Bot mag. The Botanical Magazine. 8vo. 55 vols. Col. cas. Colladon (Frederic). Histoire Natu-
London, 1787—18J0. relle et Mcdiralc des Casses. 1 voL
Bot mis. Hooker (Will. Jackson). Botanical 4to. Montpelier, 1816.
Miscellany. 2 parts, 8vo. London, Col. ec. Columna (Fabius). Minus cognitarum
Stirpiuin l£cphras:s. 4to. Koxaas,
Bot reg. The Botanical Register. 8vo. 14 vols. 16W.
London, 1815—1830. Col. h. rip. Colla. Hortus Ripulensis. 4to. Turinf
Bot rep. The Botanist's Repository for new and 1829— 18S7.
rare Plants. 10 vols. 4 to. Lon- Col. ph. Columna (Fabius). Phytobasanot. 4to.
don, 1797, et seqq.
Braam. Bream's Icones Chinenses. Not pub- Com. h. Commelyn (Caspar). Horti Medici
lished. Amstclodamdhsis rariorum Plan-
Brad. sue. Bradley (Richard). Historia Planta- tarum Descriptio et Icones. 9
rum Succulentarum. 4to. Lon- vols. fol. Amst 1703.
don, 1716—1727. Com. pet Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum
Bra. saL De Braune (Franz. Ant}. Salzbur- Imperialis Petropolitans. 14 vols.
gischc Flora. 8vo. 1791. 4ta Petrop. 1728—1751.
Brew. jour. Brewstcr's Philosophical Journal. Com. pr. Commelyn (Caspar). Prseludia Bo-
Edinburgh, published every three tanica ad publicas Plantarum
months. Demonstrationes. 4to. L. Bat.
Brey. c Breynius (Jacobus). Exoticarum Plan- 1703.
tarum Centuria. FoL Gedani, Com. r. Id. Horti Medici Amsteiodamensis
1678. Plants rariores et exotics. 4to.
Brey. pr. Id. Prodromus Fasciculi rariorum L. Bat 1706.
Plantarum in Hortis Hollandie Cook. Cook (James). Voyage round the
observatarum. 2 vols. 4to. Ge- World (2d). 2 \ols 4to. 1777.
dani, 1680^1689. Cor. ca. Cornuti (Jacob.). Canadenaium Plan
Brid. mus. Bridel (Samuel Elias). Muscologia. tarum aliarumque nondum odita
4to. Goths et Parisiis, 1797— rum Historia. 4to. Paris, 1635.
1803. Cr. au. Crantz (Henr. Joh. Nepoin.). Stir-
Br. jam Browne (Patrick). The Civil and Na- pes Austriacs. 8vo. 1762.
tural History of Jamaica. FoL Crypt brit. Greville (Charles Kaye). The British
London, 1756. Cryptogamic Flora. 5 vols. 8vo.
Brot. lus. Brotero (Felix Avcilar). Flora Lusi- Cup. pa. Cupani (Franciecus). Pamphylum
tanica. 2 vols. 8vo. Olyssip, 1801 Siculum, scu Historia Plantarum
Brot ph. Id. PhytographiaLusitanise selection Sicilis. 1 vol. Fol.
FoL Olyssip. 1801. Cup. sic. Id. Catalogus Plantarum Sicularum
Br. rera. Brown (Robert). General Remarks, noviter detectarum. Panormi.
Geographical and Systematical, on 1652.
the Botany of Terra Australis. Cur. Ion. Curtis (William). Flora Londinensis.
4to. 1814. Fol. London, 1777, continued.
Bruce tr. Bruce (James). Travels to discover Cyr. ne. Cyrillo (Domcnico). Plantarum ra-
the Source of the Nile. 5 vols. riorum Regni Ncariolitani S|>eci-
4to. Edinburgh, 1790. men. Fol. NeapoL 17S8—1792.
Bry. hist Bryant (Charles). Flora Dietetica, Dalech. Dalechamps (Jacques). Hibtoriagenc-
or History of Esculent Plants. ralis Plantarum. 2 vols. fol. Lugd.
1 vol. 8vo London, 178:}. 1586—1587.
Buch. Buchoz (Pierre Joseph). Collection Dec as. Decandolle (Augustus Pyramus).
des Flours. Fol. Paris. Astragalogia. 4to, ctfol. 1801.'.
Bui her. Bulliard. Hcrbicr de la France. Fol. Dec. bis. Id. Monographie des Biscutelles, in
1780, &c. Annales du Museum, vol. 1&
Bui ph. Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societe 1811. 4to.
Philomathique de Paris. 1791— Dec. cac. Id. Dissertation on Cacti, in Memoire*
1816. du Museum, voL 17.
Bur at. Burmann (Johannes). Rariorum Afri- Dec. diss. Id. Dissertations difTercns sur «*
canarum Plantarum Decades 10. Botaniquc. Various fascicle**
4to. Amstelodami, 1738—17*19. 4to.
iieuandolle (Augustus Pyramus). Ehr. pic. Ehret (George Dion.). Plantw et Pa-
Plantcs rares du Jardin de Ge- piliones rariores. Fol. London,
neve. Fasc. 1, 2. fol. Geneva, 1748—1759.
1825. Encyc. pi. Loudon (J. C. L.). Encyclopaedia of
Id. Icones Plantamm Gallic rario- Plants. 8vo. London, 1830.
>ec. leg. rum. 4to. Paris, 1808. Eng. bot English Botany, by Sir James Edward
Id. Memoires sur les Legumineuses. Smith, and Mr. James Sowerby.
mon. 4to. 36 vols. 8vo.
Id. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Bo- Esper fuci. Esper (Eug. Joh. Christ). Icones Fu-
tanici Monspchensis, addito obser- corum. Abbildungcn der Tange.
vationum circa Species *novas aut 4ta Nurnbcrg, 1797—1799.
non satis cognitas Fascicule 8vo. Ex. bot Exotic Botany, by Sir J. E. Smith.
1813. 2 vols. 4to London, 18U4-1808.
Jea n»u.
Id. Aitfiales du Museum d'Histoire Ex.fl. See Hook. ex. fl. Naturelle. 4to. 1802. Fer. hes. Ferrari (Joh. Baptist). Hespendes,
Id. Plantarum Historia succulenta- sive de malorum aureorum cul-
rum. Fol. and 4to. Paris. 1799 ture ct usu. Fol. Roma?, 1646.
—1830. Feu. ch. 7Feuillee (Louis). Journal des Obser-
Delile (Alire Rafeneau). Memoires Feu. ob. 3 vations Physiques, Mathema-
Botaniques extraits dc la De- tiques, et Botamqucs, faites dans
scription de 1'Egypte. FoL Paris, l'Amerique Meridionale, &c. 4to.
1813. Et Flora iEgyptiaca illus- Paris, 1714—17i?5.
trata. FoL Paris, 1813. Fi. n. h. Field (Baron.) Geographical Me-
eryn. De la Roche (Francois). Eryngiorum moirs of New South Wales. 1 vol.
necnon Generis novi Alepidee His- 8vo. London, 1825.
&eless. toria. FoL Paris, 1808. Fisch ic. in. Collection of Drawings sent by Fischer
Dclessert (Benj.). Icones selects Plan, to Deca'idolle. Not published.
tarum in System, univers. descrip- FJ. ant Dc Tussac iF. R.). Flora Antillarum.
m tarum. 4to. 1820. Fol. Paris, 1808, et seq.
Watson (P. W.) Dendrologia Britan- Fl. bad Gmelin (Carol. Christ). Flora Ba-
Des. Eg. nica. 1 vol. 1825. densis-Alsatica. 8vo. 1808.
Description de l'Egypte, ou Recueil FLbo. Schmidt (Franc. Wilib.). Flora Bohe-
des Observations et des Re. mica. 2 vols. fol. Pragae, 1793,1794.
cherches faites pendant l'Expe1- Fl. con. Morris (Richard). Flora Couspicua.
dition de l'Armle Franchise. 4to, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1826.
Desf. etfol. 1810. FLdan. Flora Danica, sive Icones Plantarum
Desfontaines (Rend Louiche). Me- sponte nasccntium in llcgnis
moires dc 1* Academic Royale des Dauiec et Norvegise, &c. 9 vols.
Sciences. 4to. 1666. fol. Hafnie, 1761—1829. By Vahl,
Id. Flora Atlantica. 2 vols. 4to. Horneman, and Mullcr.
. ch. Paris, 1798—1799. FLgr. Sibthorp (Joh.). Flora Gracca, ed.
Id. Choix des Plantcs du Corollaire J. E. Smith. 6 vok. fol. London,
des Institute de Touniefort 1 voL 1806—1829.
4to. Pans, 1808. Fl. lap. Linneus (Carolus). Flora Lapponica.
Id. Icones picta; Hort. Par. A 8vo. Amstclodami, 1757.
Series of'Drawings of Plants Fl. Ion. Curtis (William). Flora Londinensis*
grown in the Jardin des Plantcs, Fol. London, 1777, continued.
Desv. Paris. Not published. Fl. mex. ic. in, Sesse and MocHTo. Flora Mexirana
Desvaux. Journal de Botanique. icon. ined. Iconibus ab ipso Sesse
8vo. 1808. et Cervantesio curatis nondum
Sturm (Jacob). Deutschlands Flora. editis usus est Candolleus.
2 vols. 4to. Nurnbcrg, 1793, &c FLmon. Magroff(W.). Flora Monacensis.
Dickson (James). Plantarum Crypto- FLnap. Tenore (Michel). Flora Neapolitana.
gamicarum Britannia Fasciculi. 4vols. foL Neap. 1811, &c
3 vols. 4to. London, 1785—1793. Gunnerus (Joh. Enn.). Flora Norve-
Dillenius (John J?c.) Hortus Eltham- Fl. norv.
gica. 2 vols. foL Nidrosie, 1766 j
M. muse. ensis. 2 vols. fol. Londini, 1732. Hafhis, 1772.
Id. Historia Muscorum. 4to. Oxonii, Ruiz (HippoL) et Pavon (Jos.). Flora
D 1741. Fl. per.
°d.m. Peruvnna et Chilensis. 5 vols.
Dodart (Denys). Memoires pour scrvir foL Madriti, 1798—1799.
a l'Histoire des Plantes. FoL FL por. Hoflmansegg and Link. Flore Por-
Paris, 1676. tugaise. Fol. Rostock and Berlin*
Dodoneus or Dodoens (Rambrot). Stir. 1806, &c.
pium Histories Pemptades vi. FoL Fl.pyr. Picot de la Peyrouse (Philippe).
Antwerp, 1583. Figures de la Flore des Pyrenees.
Dufresnc (Pierre). Histoirc Naturelle Fl. scot Fol. Paris, 1795—1801.
ct Medicate de la Famille des Va- Lightfoot <John). Flora Scotica. 2
ar. lerianees. 4to. 1811. Fl.ver. vols. 8vo. London, 1777.
Duhamcl du Monccau (Henri Louis). Pollini (Cyrus). Flora Veionensis.
Traite des Arbres et Arbustes For. eg. 3 vols. 8vo. Verona, 1822—1824.
qui se cultivent en France en Forskaol (Petrus). Flora iEgyptiaco.
*>uh. ft. pleine terre. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. Arabica. 4to. 1775. Or, Icones
1755. For. co. goet RerumNat. 4to. Hafnie, 1776.
Id. Traitl des Arbres fruitiers. 2 vols. Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scienti-
4to, Paris, 1768; 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, arum Gottingensis. 4to. Got-
1782; foL Paris, 1808, etseq. Font tingen, 1751, to the present time.
Id. See Dun. ar. A new edition, Forster (George). Characteres gene-
by Michel. 5 vols. folio. Paris, ruin Plantarum quas in ltinere ad
mon. 1801—1816. Insulas Maris Australis,&c. 4ta
Dunal (Michel Felix). Monographic Fras. mon. 1776.
so. Id. Fraser (John). A short History of
des Anonacces. 4to. the Agrostis Cornucopia?. FoL
Histoire Naturelle, Medicate, et London, 1789.
Economiquc, des Solanum et Fries obs.
Fries (Elias). Obscrvationes Myco-
des Genres qui ont £te confon- logicc. 12mo. 2 vols. Hafnia,
•lus avec eux. 4to. Montpelier, 1815^-1818.
Du Roi (Joh. Phil.). Die Harbkesche Fuchs.
Fuchs (Lconhard). De Historia Stir,
wilde Baumzucht. 2 vols. 8vo. pium Comroentarii insignes. Fo.,
Braunschweig, 1771—1772. Basilis, 1542—1545.
Dillwyn (Lewis Weston). Synopsis
of the British Confervs. 4to. 1802 Gaertner (Josephus). De Fructibus et
Sj-Jour. —1814. Seminibus Plantarum. 2a 5vols
154 \ The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. Gar. aix. Lipsiai, 1788-1791. -*ta
P». Jour. Garidel (Pierre Joseph). Histoire des
3 Edinburgh. 8vo. Published quar-
terly. Plantes qui naissent aux Environs
d'Axx. 2voJs.fol. Aix, 1715.
Gard. mag. Loudon (J. C. L.). Gardener's Maga- H. mon. Decandolle (Aug. Pyr.). Catij
zine. Vols. 1. to 6. London, 1826 Horti Monspeliensis. 8va
—1830, continued. spehi, 1813: 8vo, Gottingen,
Gaydifl. Gay (John). Fragment d'une Mono. H. n. h. Hotton (Petrus). Rei herbaria
graphie des Buttneriacees. 4to. toria et fatto sermo Acad.
Paris, 1823. Lugd. 1695. „,
Ger. em. Gerard (John). The Herbal, or Ge- Hof. cryp. Hoffmann (George Franz.). ;'
neral History of Plants. 1 vol. bilia Cryptogamica. 4to. M
fol. London, 1797. Enlarged by 1787—1790.
Johnson. 1 vol. fol. 1633. Ho£ ger. Id. Flora Germanica.
Ger. gal. Gerard (Ludovic). Flora Gallo-pro- Hof. got Id. Programiaa Hortus
vincialis. 8vo. Paris, 1761. Fol. 179a i
Gil. euu Gilibert (Joh. Em.). Histoirc des Hof. ph. Id. Phytographische Blatter. 1
Plantes de l'Europc, ou Elemens
de Botaniquc Pratique. 2 vols. Gottingen. jl
8vo, Lyons, 1798; 3 vols. 8vo, Hof. sa. Id. Historia Salicum Iconibus *\
Lyons, 1806. trata. Fol. Lipsis, 1785.
Gm. it Gmelin (J. G.). Reise durch Sibiricn Hof. urn. Id. Plantarum Umbelliferaru0
4 vols. 8yo. Gotting. 1751—1753. nera. 8vo. 1816. -
Gm. si. Id. Flora Sibirica. 4 vols. 4to. Pe- Hook. ex. fl. Hooker (W. J.). The Exotic '
tropol. 1747—1769. rr , 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1825—ft
Gou. iL Gouan (Antoine). Ulustrationes Bo. Hook. jung. Id. Monograph of the British iW g
tanicse. Fol. Tiguri, 1773. germannis. 4to. London,
Gou. m. Id. Hortus Regius Monspeliensis. 8vo. 1816. *
Lugduni, 1762. Hor. ph. Hors Physics Berolinenscs. Fi*'
Grev. cryp. Greville (Robert Kaye). The Scottish lin. i|
Cryptogamic Flora. 4 vols. 8vo. Hort tr. Transactions of the Horticultu*
Gr. wo. Sinclair (George). Hortus Gramineus ciety of London. 7 vols. 4** j
Woburncnsis. 1 vol. 8vo. 1825. Host'gr. Host (Nicol Thorn.). Icones
Hac. ca. Hacquet (Balthazar). Plantar Alpins scriptiones Graminum
Carniolics. 4to. Vienna, 1782. rum. 3 vols. fol. Vindob.
Hag. lich. Hagen (C. G.). Tentamcn Historis 1803, A
Lichcnum prsscrtim Prussicorum. H. pfl. Houttuyn (Martin). Des r
1 vol. 8vo. Regiomonti, 1782. Linne! Pflanzcnsystcm
Halh. Hallcr (Albert). Historia Stirpium Anlcitung des Ho
indigenarum Helvetia;. 3 vols. fol. Werks. 14 vols. 8vo.
Berne, 1768. 1777—1788.
H. an. Hortus Anglicus. Ic. h. k. Bauer (Francis). Delineations »*
H. & B. Von Humboldt (Alexand. Fr. Henr.) tic Plants cultivated in the/:
et Bonpland (Aime). Plantes Garden at Kew, published •%
Equinoxialcs. Fol. 1808. J. Aiton. Fol. London, 1™
H. & B. n. Humboldt, Bonpland, and Kunth. Is. ac. pa. Isnard. See Ac. par.
Nova PlantarumGencra ct Species. Jac. am. Von Jacquin (Nicolas Joi
7 vols. 4to. Paris, 181.3 to 1825. piura Americanarum
H. & G. Hooker (W. J.) and Greville (R. K.). Fol. 17fiJ.
Icones Filicum. FoL London,1827. Jac. am. pic. Id. The same work with
Hay. ter. Hayne (Frid. Gottlieb). Termini Bo. plates, no date.
tanici Iconibus illustrati. 4to. Jac. au. Id. Florae Austriacs Icones.
Berlin, 1799. fol. Vindob. 1773—1778.
Hay. us. Id. in Usteri's Annalcn der Botanik. Jac. c. Id. Collectanea ad Botanii
6 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1791—179.J. spectantia. 5 vols. 4to.
H. ben. Roxburgh (Will). Hortus Bengal. 1786—1796.
ensis. 1 voL 8vo. Calcutta, 1814. Jac. ec. Id. Eclogs Botanies. FoL 181
H. ber. Willdenow (Car. Lud.). Hortus Be. Jac. fr. Id. Fragmenta Botanica. ***
rolinensis. FoL Berlin, 1806—1810. —1809. .
H. cL Linnaeus (Carolus). Hortus Cliftbrti. Jac. gram. Id. Eclogs Botanies. Fol. 1811;
anus. Fol. Amst. 1737. Jac. h. vin. Id. Hortus Botanicus Vin«lrlin
Hed. cryp. Hedwig (Johannes.). Theoria Genera. 3 vols. fol. Vindob. 170
tionis ct Fructificationis Planta- Jac. ic. Id. Icones Plantarum rariorutf*
rum Cryptogamicarum. 1 vol. 4ta fol. Vindob. 1781—1793.
Petropoli, 1784. Jac. m. Id. Miscellanea Austriaca »
Hed. mus. Id. Species Muscorum Frondosorum, tanicam, &c, spectantia.
4to. Lipsiae, 1801. 4ta Vindob. 1778—1781.
Her. am. Courset (Dumont de), or Delaune. Jac, ob. Id. Observations Botanies. *
Herbier de V Amateur. Paris. dob. 1764—1771.
Herb. ap. Herbert (William). A Botanical Ar. Jac. ox. Id. Oxalidis Monographia >
rangementof Bulbous Roots. 8vo illustrata. 4to. Vindob.
1821. Jac. sc Id. Plantarum rarioruin Hor
Her. ger. L'Heritier (Charles Louis). Geranio. rei Schccnbrunensis. 4 v
logia. Fol. Paris, 1787, 1788. Vindobonen. 1797—1804.
Her. lug. Hermann (Paulus). Horti Lugduni Jac. st Id. Stapelis cults. Fol.
Batavi Catalogue 8vo. Lugd. Bat 1806—1815.
1687. Jo. h. n. • Journal d'Histoire Naturclle.
Her. par. Id. Paradisus Batavus. 4to. Lugd. 4to. Paris, 1792. ..„
Bat 1798. Jo. sc. Journal of Science, editedKI!ath tn^ j
Her. ser. L'Heritier (Charles Louis). Scrtum Institution. 8vo. «-- - "»
Anglicum, sive Plants rariores. terly. M fi
Fol. Paris, 178a Jun. ic. Junghans (Phil. Carp.). Icon? \
Her. st. Id. Stirpes novae aut minus cognite. tarum ad Vitam i:
Fol. Paris, 1784—1785. Hals, 1787.
H. er. wo. Hortus Ericcus Woburncnsis. 4to. Juss. 6ci. Jussieu, in Memoircs de r
1 vol. London, 1824. Royale des Sciences.
H. flor. Passsus (Crispinus). Hortus Floridus. 1740.
Fol. Arnheim, 1614. Ksm. am. Ksmpfer (Engelbcrt).
H. eot Hortus Gottingensis. 2 fasc foL Got- Exotics. 4to. Lei»B- „.
• tingae, 1809—1813. Ksm. ic. Id. Icones selects Plantari""
H, has. Moench (Conrad). Enumeratio Plan- London, 1791.
tarum indigenarum Hassieae. 1 Keraabr. Kerner (John Sim.). A
vol. 8vo. Cassel, 1777. und Beschreibungen
H. kew. Aiton (William). Hortus Kewensis. Welche in Wurteni
_, Ed. 1. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. Wachsen. 4 heft. 4tc,
H. mat Lagasca (Mariano). Catalogus Plan. 1783—1786.
tarum qua in Horto Regio Madri- Ker rev. Ker (John Bellenden).
tensi colebantur anno 1815. 8vo. tarum hucusque in
Madriti, 181& Botanicorum ~ ~J"
London, 1801.

Ker strel ic. Kcr (John Bellendcn). Coloured Magazin dcr Gesellschaft Natur-
figures of the Genus Strelitzia. iutchunden Freunde.
FoL Lob ic. De Lobcl or Lobelius (Mathias). Stir-
Kno. dcL Knorr (Gcorg. Wolfgang). Deliciffi pium Icones. 4to. Antwerp,
Naturs selects. 2 vols. fol. Nurn- lilOl.
berg, 1766—1767. Lob.ob. Id. Observations Botanies.
Kna th. Id. Thesaurus Rei Herbariae Hortcn- Lccfling (Peter), ltcr Hispanicum.
sisque universalis. 2 vols. foL 8vo. Stockholm, 1758.
1770—1772. Loe.pi. Locsclius (John). Flora Prussica. 4ta
Kr.siL Krockcr (Ant Jon.). Flora Silesiaca Hegiomonti, 1793.
renovata. 2 vols. 8vo. Vratislavis, Loi. gal Loiseleur Deslongchamps (J. L. A.).
1787-1790. Flora Gallica, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris,
Kth. miin. Kunth (Car. Sigism.). Mimoses et 1806—lfc07.
autrcs Plantes Legumincuscs du Id. Notices sur les Plantes a ajoutcr
Nouveau Continent FoL Paris, & la Flore de France. 1 vol. 8vo.
1819, &c. Paris, 1810.
Kun. nov. g. Id. Nova Genera ct Species Plan- Loi. sup. Id. Supplement to Flora Gallica.
tarum. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Paris, 1807.
Lab. n. h. Labillardiere (Jac. Jul.). Novae Hoi- Loud. cnc. pi Loudon (J. C. L ). Encyclopaedia of
landis Plantarum Specimen. Plants. 8vo. London, 1850.
2 vols. fol. Paris, 1804—180ft Loud. g. m. Id. Gardener's Magazine. Vols. 1. to
Lab. syr. Id. Icones Plantarum Syris rariorum. a London, 1826—30, continued.
Fol. Paris 1791—1812. Loud. m. n. h. Id. Magazine of Natural History,
Lab. vo. Id. Relation du Voyage a la Recherche Vols. 1. to 3. London, 1828—31),
de la Peyrouse. Paris, 1798. 2 continued.
vols. 8vo. Lyng. hyd. Lyngbye ^H. C). Hydrophytologia
Lamb. ci. Lambert (Aylmer Bourke). Descrip- Danica. 4to. Copenhagen.
tion of the Genus Cinchona. Lon- Mag. ber. Martini (Henr.). Berlinischcs Magazin
don, 1797. odcr Gcsammlette Schriftcn. 8vo.
Lamb. pin. Id. A Description of the Genus Pi- Berlin, 1765—1767.
nus. FoL London, 1803. New Mag. h. Magnol (Petrus). Hortus Regius
ed. 1829. Monspcliensis. 8vo. Monsp. 1697.
Lam. ic. in. Lamarck (Jean Baptistc Monet de la) Mag. mo. Id. Botanicon Monspclicnse. 12mo.
Icones Plantarum incd. Monsp. 1686.
Lam. il. Id. Illustration des Genres. 4to. Paris, Mae. nat hUt. Loudon J.C.l^. Magazine of Natural
1791, &c. Hintory.
__ibtory. Vols. 1. to 3. London,
Lamour. dis. Lamouroux (Justin). Dissertations 1828—30, continued. d
sur plusicurs Especcs de Fucua. Marcg. bra. Marcgravius (Gcorg.). Historia Rcrum
4to. Agcn, 1805. Nuturalium Brasilia:. FoL L. Bat.
&O.ab. ILink (Henr. Frid.) et Otto (FrM.).
y Abbildungen und Beschreibun- Mart. br. Martius (C. F. P.). Nova Genera ct
»n selteuer Ptianzen in Berlin Sj-ecics Plantarum quas in ltinere
i c ~
S arten. 4to. Berlin, 1821, and
following years.
per Brosiliain ann. 1817—1820.
*- & O. dm. /rf. Ucbcr die Gattungen Melocattus Mart ccn. Mart>n (John). Historia Plantarum
und Echinocactus in Hort Soc, rariorum. Cent 1. dec. 1—5. FoL
London, 1728.
T 0 _ Trans. Berlin, vol. 2. 4to. Von Martius (Carl. F. P.). Specimen
{ * « p - h . ber. W. Hors Physics Berolinenses. Fol. Mart med.
. sax. Lapeyrouse (Philip Picot). Monogra- Matcris Medics Branilicnsis.
phia Saxifragarum. Cujus par. Monach. 1824. Fol
tem facit Toulouse. Mart palm, ic Id. Genera et Species Palmarum quas
Lar. dis. De La Roche (Daniel). Specimen in ltinere per Brazilian! collegit.
Botanicum inaugurate sistens De- Monach. 1824, FoL
scriptionps Plantarum aliquot no- Mass Masson (Francis). Stapclis novae.
varum. 4to. 1766. Fol. London, 1798.
Lawr. pass. Lawrence (Miss). Six numbers of Mat com. Matlnolus (P. Andr.). Commentarii
coloured figures of Passion in Libros Dioscoridis de Medica
Flowers. FoL London. Materia.
Lawr. ros. Id. A Collection of Roses from Mat op. Id. Opera Omnia. FoL Francof.
Nature. FoL London, 1799. 1598; Basiles, 1674.
L. D. fr. Ixuseleur's Duhamel, &c. A new Mee. ic. Meerburg (NicoL). Plantarum selec-
edition by Loiseleur Deslong- tarum Icones picte. FoL L. Bat
champs. See Duh. fr. 1798.
Lee. pas. Leconte's Pastures. Mem. m. Mi'moires du Museum d'Histoire Na- ? Leers (Joh. Dan.). Flora Herbor. turelle. 4to. Paris, 1815—18i'9.
Leers her. 3 nensis. 8vo. Colon. Allobr. 1789. M£m. m&sc. Memoircs de la Societe Imp^riale des
Leh. as. Lehmann (J. C. GX Plants Asperi. Naturalistes de Moscow. 6 vols.
folis Nucif. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin, ' 4to. Moscow, 1811, to the present
1818. time.
Leh.b. Id. in Berlinisches Magaziu, &c. Men. pu. Mentzel (Christ.). Pugillus Plantarum
Leh. m. Id. MonographiaGeneris Primularum. Tariorum. Fol. 1682.
4to. Lipsiae, 1817. Mer. sur.- Merian (Maria Sybilla). De Meta-
Leh. nic. Id. Gcnem Nicotianarum Historia. morphosibus Insectonim Surina-
4to. 1818. mensium. Fol. Hags, 1726.
Leh. pot Id. Monographia Generis Potentil- M. fl. vi. Morctti (Gius.). Notizia supra diverse
larum. 4to. Hamburgh, 1820. Piante da aggunpiarsi alia Flora
L. f. dec. Linnsus (Carolus, filius). Plantarum Viccntina. 4to. 1813.
rariorum Horti Upsalicnsis Decas. M.h. Morison (Robert). Plantarum His.
FoL Stock. 1762-i toria Universalis Oxonicnsia. S
L. f. fa. Id. Plantarum rariorum Horti Up- vols. fol. Oxon. 1680.
saliensis fasciculus 1. Fol. Lips. Mic. am. Michaux (Andrf). Flora Boreall-
1767. Americana. 2 vols. 8va Paris,
Lind. coL Lindley (John). Collectanea Botanica. 1803.
Fol. London, 1821. Mic. ar. Michaux (Andre1 Franc, fils). Histoire
Lind. dig. Id. Digitalium Monographia. FoL dcsArbrcs forcstiersdel'Amerique
London, 1821. Septentnonale. $ <ro\a. 4to. Paris.
land. n s . Id. Rosarum Monographia. 8vo. 1810—1813. »
London. 1820. Mic. gen. Micheli (Peter Ant). Nova Plantarum
Lin. er. Linnsus's Lricae. Genera. FoL Florence, 17 J9. k
I«in. tr. Transactions of the Linnean Society Mic. quer. Histoire des
of London. 4to. London, 1791— e rAmerique Seirtcn-
Lk.obs. Link (Henr. Frid.). Observationes in Mil .d. ed. MiUer (Philip). 0 Gardener^f Diction-
Ordines Plantarum Naturales
(Fungos tantum), (lisa. L et 2. in
Mil. ic. Miller (Philip). Figures of Plants Pal. ros. Pallas (Peter Simon) Flora
described in the Gardener's Dic- Petrop. 1784—1788.
tionary. 2 vols. fol. London, 1760. Par. Ion. Salisbury (Rich. Ant).
M. in. Memoires de l'lnstitut National des Londinensis. 2 vols. 4to.
Sciences ct des Arts. 1 vol. 4to. 1805—180a
Paris, 1796, et seq. Par. p. Parkinson (John). A
MissChalm, ic. Figures of Bulbs, by Miss Chalmers. Pleasant Flowers. FoL
Not yet published. 1629.
M. msq. Usher, in Memoirs of Natural History Parry's app. ic. Parry (William). A Voyage to
of Moscow. See M6m. Mosc cover the North West Patf
Moen. wei. Moench (Conrad). Vcrzeichniss Aus- 4to. London. Appendix. ^
landUcher Baume des Lusts- Parkinson (John). Theatrum BcW1
chlosses Weissenstein. 8vo. cum. FoL London, ltvM). , .-
Frankf. 1785. Patters. Patterson (William). A Narrative*
Ma gr. Monti (Josephus). Catalogi Stirpium Four Journeys into the CountrL
Agri Bononiensis Prodromus Gra- the Hottentots. 4to. London, 17"
mina et Affinia complectens. 1 voL Pen. dtsp. Persoon (Christ Henr). Tcntt*J
4to. Bononis, 1719. Dispositionis methodic© F » T
Muhldan. Muller(OttFrid.) Flora Danica Vols. rum. 8vo. Lijw. 171)7.
4. and 5. The rest by Vahl and Pers. ic. pict Id. Icones picts Spccieruin rari
Horneman. 5 vols. foL Havnis, Fungorum. 4to. Paris and S
1566-1782. 1803.
M. um. Morrison (Robert). Plantarum Urn. Pers. syn. Id. Synopsis Plantarum, scu En
belliferarum Distributio nova dion Botanicum. 2 vols.
Fol. Oxon.1672. Paris, 1805—1807.
Munt. ph. Munting (Abrah.). PhytographiaPet brit Petiver (James). Herbarii Brita
curiosa 1 vol. fol. 1702.1713.1727. Catalogus. FoL London, 1
Mur. Murray (Joh. Andr.). Prodromus 1704.
Designationis Stirpium Gottingen- PetfiL Id. Pterigraphia Americana
sium. 8vo. Gotting. 1770. London.
Muse. brit. Hooker and Taylor. Muscologia Bri. Petg. Id. Gazophylacium Naturs et
tannica 8vo. London, 1818. FoL London, 1702—1704.
Muse. hib. Turner (Dawson). Muscologis Hiber- Petm. Id. Mussi Petiveriani Centurl*
nics Specimen. 12mo. London, 8vo. London, 1(195.
1804. Ph. am. Pursh (Frederick). Flora Amcri
N. a p. Nova Acta Academis Scientiarum Septentrionalis. 2 vols. 8vo.
Imperialis Petropolitans. don, 1814. J
Nat ber. Willdenow (Lud.). Der Gesellschaft Transactions of the Royal Sonf"
Naturforschcnder Freunde zu Ber- London. Many vols. 4to.
lin neue Schriften. 4to. Berlin, 1665, to the present time. .„
1795, and following years. Pic. h. p. Picciuoli (Giuseppe). Hortus Pan**
N. c g. Novi Commentarii Societatis Regis ticus 4to. Firenze, 17H 5.
Scientiarum Gottingensis. 4to. Piso (Gulielm.). Historia Natui
1751, to the present time. Brasilis. FoL Amsterdam, 1
N. C p. Novi Commcntarii Academis Impe- Pis. lib. Id. De Indis utriusque Re n.itt
rialis Petropolitans. et medica libri 14. FoL li»:S. rf
N. cur Nova Acta Physico-medica Academis PI. am. Plumier (Charles). Description *5
Cssarea Leopoklino-Caroiins Na- Plantes dc lf Amerique. FoL
turae Curiosorum. 4to. Continued —1712. „
to the present time. Flan.h. b. Plants Selects Horti BcrolineP"
Nees h. b. Nees von Eseubeck (C. G.). Hors See L. & O. ab., the same. —
Physics Berolinenses collects PLed.B. Plumier (Charles). Plants AmericfT
ex Symbolis Virorum doctorum k C. Plumier detects et »J
Link, Rudolphi, &c. fol. 1820. Burmanno edits. FoL
Neespilze. Id. Das System dcr Pilze und 1755.
Schwamme. 4to. Wurtzburg, 1817. PI. fiL Id. Traite des Fougeres de
Nees r. g. Id. Assisted by Aug. Wcihc. Rubis rique. FoL Paris, 1705. _g
Germanicis cdendis,&c. 4to. Rome, PL gen. Id. Nova PUntarum Americanan''
1823. Genera. 4ta Paris, 170J
Men pot Nestler (C. G.). Monographic de PLic. Id. Plantarum Americanarum -^
Potentilla 4to. Parish's et Argen- 10, continentes Plantas 4°^
torati, 1816. olim C. Plumierius detexit.
N. h. Acta Literaria Universitatis Haf- depinxit Edidit Johannes ™
niensis. 4to. Hafhis, 1778, and mannus. FoL Amst, 1755. ^
following years. Plk.ic, Plenck (Jos. Jac.) Icones P l ^ 03 ^J
N. m. r. Nees and Martius, in Nova Acta Phy- medicinaliuiu. Fasc. fol. IS
sico.medica Academis Cssares seq. A %M
Leopoldino-Carolins Naturs Cu- Pluk. al. Plukenett (Leonard). A1magcst<?
riosorum Bonns. 4to. From 1757, Botanicum, sive Phyt Onotf**
to the present time. con. 1 voL 4to. 179& . ^
Nocca tr. Nocca (Dominicus). Ticinensis Horti Plulcam. Id. Amaltheum Botanicum. 1 voL ^
Plants selects. 1 fasc. foL Pa- 1705. J
pis, 1814. Plulcm. Id. Almagesti botanici Mantissa. 1'
NoL jar. Noisette (Louis). Le Jardin Fruitier. 4to. 1700. .,,.,1.
4to. Paris, 1813. Pluk. ph. Id. Phytographia, scu Stirpium triorum, &c. 4vols. 4ta Lo
Or. d. De Ortega (Cas. Gomez). Novarum 1691-170&
aut rariorum Plantarum HorL R. Poc. crat Pococke. CratsgL xrufi
Madritensis Decades. 4to. Ma- Pohl fl. bo. Pohl. (Imman.). Versuch einer r»T.
drid, 1797,1798. Bohmens. 2 vols. 8vo. P™
Osb. it Osbeck (Peter). A Voyage to China, 1810—1814. rtrte.
&c. 8vo. London, 1771. Poiteau et Turpin. Flore Paris» cn '
Pa it ger. Pallas (Peter Simon). Reise durch FoL Paris, 1808, &c
Verschiedcne Provinzen des Rus- Purt fl. Purton (Th.). Midland Flora
sischen Reichs. 3 vols. 4to. 8vo. Stratford upon Avon,
Petrop. 1771—1776. Qahis. Quer (Martinez). Flora
Pal. as. Id. Species Astragalorum descripts 4 vols. 4to. Madrid,
et Iconibus illustrate. FoL Lips. 1764.
_. . .„ 1800. Raddi m. Raddi (Joseph). Memoir
PaL ill. id. lllustrationes Plantarum minus Obscrvationes in Atti
_ , .„ coonitarum. FoL Lipsis, 1803L vol. 9. and in Memorie di
PaL it Id. Voyages dans PEmpire Russe vols. 18. and 19.
8 vols. 8vo. Rad. die Radius (Justus). Dc Pyrola
PaL p. Id. In the Pctersburgh Transactions. maphila Specimen. 4 t a
See Ac. pet

Rauw hod. 7 Rauwolf (Leonh.). Aigentliche Be- Sc. v. Schrader (H. A.). CommenUtio de
Rauw. it. j schreibung der Raiss in den Mor- Veronicis spicatis. 8vo. Gottinga;,
ganlandcr. 4to. Laugangen, 158* 1803.
—1583. Sc. verb. Id. Monographia Generis VerbascL
Ray sy. Ray (Joh.). Synopsis Stirpium Britan- 4to. Gottinge, 1813.
nicarum. 1 vol. 8vo. Sch. ag. Scheuchzer (Johan.). Agrostographia,
Rchb. ac. Reichenbach (Lodov.). Monoeraphia sive Graminum, Juncorum, Cype-
Generis Aconiti et Delphinii. rorum, iisque Affinium Histona.
Fol. Lipsiae, 1820. 1 vol, 4to. Tigari, 1775.
Rchb. bot Id. Hortus Botamcus. 4to. Lipsiae, Schwcnckc (Mart. W.). Bcschryving
1824. der Gewassen. Gravhage, 1760.
Reb. neo. Rcbcntisch (Joh. Frider.). Prodromus Sch.ce. Schreber (John ChristJ. Beschreibung
Flora? Neomarchicffi. 8vo. Bero- der Gnesser. Fol. Leipsic, 1769 and
1810. 3 fasc.
Red. lil. lini, Scha?ftbr (Jac. Christ). Fungorum
Redout! (P. J.). Les Liliacees. 8 vols. Schaeff.
fol. Paris, 1802—1816. Bavaris et Palatinatus Icones.
Red. ros. Id. Les Roses. Fol. Paris. 4 vols 4to. Ratisbonae, 1702—1770.
Rwi. spec. Rcneaulme (Paul). Specimen His- Schlcca. Schkuhr (Christ). Histoire des Carex
toric Plantarum. 4to. Paris, 1611. ou Laiches. 8vo. Lcipsig, 1802.
Retz. Retzius (And. Joh.). Observationes Schk.cryp. Id. Vicr und zwanzigste Klassedes
Botanies. 4to. London, 1774—1791. Linncschen Pflanzensystems. 4ta
R-Hou. Reliquiae Houstoniana?. 4to. Lwidon, Wittenberg, 1809.
17H1. Schk. fil. Id. Abbildungen dor Farrnkrauter.
Riv. mon. Rivinus (Aug. Quirinus). Ordo Plan- Schk. han. Id. Botanisches Handbuch. 3 vols. 8vo.
tarum Flore irregulari monopetalo. Wittenberg, 1791—1803.
Fol. Lips. 1690. Schk. us. Id. in Usteri's (Paul) Annalen dcr
Riv. tct Id. Ordo Plantarum Flore irregulari Botanik. 6 vols. Zurich, from
tetrupetalo. Fol. Lips. 1699. 1791 to 179.3.
R- mal. Van Rhcede (Henricus). Hortus In- SchL ran. Schlcchtcndahl (A.). Animadversiones
dicus Mulabaricus. 12 vols. fol. in Ranunculeas Candollii. 4to.
1678—1703. Berlin, 1819, 182a In 2 fasciculi.
Rob. ic. Robert (Nicolas). Icones Plantarum. Schm. ar. Schmidt (Franz ). CEstcrreichs Allgc.
Fol. Paris, 1701. meine Baumzucht 2 vols. foL
Rw. ar. Roemcr (Jac. Job.). Archiv fur die Vienna, 1792—1794.
Botanik. 3vols.4to. 1796—1799. Schm. ic. Schmicdcl (Cas. Christ). Icones Plan.
Rw. ac. Id. Scriptores de Plantis Hispanicis, tarum. Fol. Norimb. 1762.
Lusitanicis, ct Brasiliensibus. Schn. ic. Schneevooght (G. Voorhclm). Icones
1 vol. 8vo. 1796. Plantarum rariorum. 2 vols. fol.
Rose, scit Roscoe (W.). Figures of the Order of Haarlem, 1793.
Scitainincs or Monandrous Plants. Schou. Schousboe (P. K. A.). Iagttagelser
1 vol. fol. Liverpool. over vaextriget i Marocco. 4to.
Rost. J. Rostkow (Fr. Gul. lh.). Monogra- Kiobenh. 1800.
phia Generis Junci. 8vo. Berolini, Sch. mo. Schranck (Fr. von Paula). Plants
1801. rariores Horti Monaccnsis. Fol.
Roth abh. .Roth (Alb. Wilh.). Botanisrhe Ab- Munich, 1817—1819.
handlungen und Bcobachtungcn. Schreb. dec. Von Schreber (Joh. Christ Dan.).
4to. Nuremberg, 1787. Icones Plantarum minus cognita.
ttox. cor. Roxburgh (William). Plants of the rum. Decas 1. Fol. Hals, 1766.
Coast of CoromandeL 2 vols. fol. Schreb. gr. Id. Beschreibung der Grsscr. 2 vols.
London, 1795—1798. foL Lips. 1769—1779.
Rtb. gr. Rottboll (Christ. Friis.). Descriptiones Schwxg. sup. Schwegrichen (Frid.). Species Mus-
_«, Icones
» Plantarum rariorum.
i»i—i corum Hedwig Supplementum.
Fol. Hafnie, 1773. 4to. Lips. 1811.
Ru. am. Rumphius (George Everh.). Herba- Scop. car. Scopoli (Joh. Ant). Flora Carniolica.
rium Amboinense. 6 vols. fol. 8vo. Vienna?, 1760.
Am*t 1750. Scop. d. Id. Deliciae Florae Insubrics. 3 vols.
Rud. gui. Rudge (Edward). Plantarum Guians fol. Ticini, 1786—1788.
rarioruri Icones et Descr. FoL Seba Seba (Alb.). Locupletissimi Rerum
London, 1805. Naturalium Thesauri Descriptio.
Rus. al. Russell (Alex.). Natural History of 4 vols. fol. Amst 1734—1765.
Aleppo. 1vol. 4to. 1756. Ed. 2. Seba. rom. Sebastiani (Ant). Romanarum Plan-
1794. tarum. 2 vols. 4to. Rome, 1813
Sab. rom. Sabbati (Liberatus). Hortus Romanus. —1815.
7 vols. fol. Rome, 1772—1784. Seg. ver. Seguier (Joh. Franc). Plants Vero.
Sal. st Salisbury (Richard Anthony). Icones nenscs. 3 vols. 8vo. Verona, 1745.
Stirpium rariorum. FoL London, Ser. heL Seringe (N. C.I. Musec Helvltique
1791. d'Histoire Naturelle. 4to. 1818—
San. vi. Santi (George). Viaggi al Mont Amiata 1820.
e per la Toscana. 3 vols. 8vo. Shaw bar. Shaw (Thomas). Travels in Barbary
Pisa, 1795—1806. and the Levant. 1 voL foL 1738.
Savi d. Supplement, 1746.
Savi med. Savi (Gajetanus). Dissertatio PhaseolL
Id. Materia Medica vegetabile Tos- SL jam. Sloane (Hans). A Voyage to Madeira,
s cana. Fol. Firenze, 1805. Barbadoes, Nevis.St Christopher's,
avi ph. and Jamaica. 2 vols. foi London,
Savi pis. Id. Memoir on Phaseolus.
Id. Flora Pisana. 2 vols. 8vo. Pisa, 1707.
Sm. ex. bot. Smith (J. Edward). Exotic Botany.
Sc b. j. Schradcr (H. A.). Journal flir die 1804—1808.
Botanik. 10 fasc. 8vo. Got- Sm. ic. in. Id. Plantarum Icones hactenus in-
editte. fasc. 1—3. 1789—1791. Fol.
Sc. dansk. Id. Det Kongcligc Danske Landhuus Sm. ic. pic. Id. Icones picts Plantarum rari.
holdings-sclkabs Schrifter. 4 vols. orum. FoL London, 1790—1793.
8vo. Kiobbcnhavn, 1776—1794. Sm. n. h. Id. A Specimen of the Botany of
Sc. gen. nov. Id. Nova Vlantaxum Genera. 1 fasc. New Holland. 4to. London, 1793.
Fol. 1797. Sm. spic. Id. Spicilegium Botanicum. Fol. Lon<.
Sc. gcr. ld don, 1791—1792.
- 1*jj°wGermanica.8vo. Gotting*, Id. Tracts relating to Natural Hit,
Sc. hrl. tory. 1 vol. 8vo. 1798.
Id. De Halophytis Pallasii. 4to.
Soc. mos. See Mlm. mosc.
Schan. Id. Sertum Hanovcrianum. Fol. Sol. min. Britanni
Gotting. 1795—1796.
Sc. phiL Id. Dissertation on the Genus Phi- Son. i t Sonnerat (P.). ' Voyage a la NouveUe
ladelphus. Not published. Guinee. 4to. Paris, 177&
Scsam. Id. Systematische Sammlung Kryp- Sow. Sowerby (James). Coloured figures of
togamischcr Gewachse. 2 fasc. English Fungi. FoL London,
«vo. Gfcttingen, 1796,1797. 1796-1815, &c.
a 2
Spar. h. Sparrman (Andr.). Kongl. Svenska Th. up. Thunberg (Car. Petr.), in Acta Lite-
Vetcnskaps Academiens Handlin. raria et Scientiarum Upsaliac aut
gar. 8vo. Stockholm, from 1739 ab Academia Uixtalicnsi pubheata,
to 1816. . t 1750—181&
Spr. b. m. Sprengel (Curt), in Bcrhnisches Til. pis. Tilli (Mich. Aug.). Cataiogus Horti
Pisani. Fol. Florence, 1723.
Spr. cryp. Magazin. „ . Todefun. Tode (Hcnr. Jul). Fungi Mecklcn.
Id. Introduction to the Study of burgenscs sclcctl 4to. Luneburg.
Cryptogamous Plants, translated 1790.
Spr. end. from the German. 8vo. 1813. To. it Tournefort (Pitton de). Relation d'un
Id. Neuc Endeckungen un Ganzen Voyage au Levant 2 vols. 4to.
Umfang dcr I'flanzenkunde. 8vo. Paris, J7I7-
Spr. hal. Lipsia, 1820. Tou. ins. Id. Institutions Rei Hcrbariae. 3
Id. Florae Halcnsis Tentamcn novum. vols. 4to. 1717.1719.
Spr. urn. 8vo. Hals Sax. 1806. Tourn. vo. See To it
Id. Plantaruin Umbellifcrarum Pro- Toz. mu. d. fir. Tozzetti. Musco di Firenze.
Stack, fuel dromus. 4to. Halsr, 1813. Trat ar. Trattinnick (Leop.). Archiv der
Stackhouse (John). Nereis Britan- Gewachskunde. 4to. Vienn.1811
Stcr. sax. nira. Fol. Bath, 1795—1707. —1812.
Stcrnbcrg (Graf. Casp.). Rcvibio Saxi. Trat. au. Id. Flora Austriaca sicca. FoL 1792.
fragarum Icombus illustrata. 1 voL Trat tab. Id. Observationes Botanies Tabula-
Steer, stra. fol. 1810. rium Rci Herbaria illustrantes.
Stcerck (Ant). Libellua de Stra. 4to. 1811.
monio, Hyosciamo, Aconito. 8vo. Trat th. Id. Thesaurus Botanicus. FoL Vicn.
Stur. deu. 1763. 1819.
Stur. ger. 7 Sturm (Jacob). Deutschlands Flora. Tr. ehr. Trcw (Christ Jac). Plants select®
j 4to. Many volumes. Nuremberg, ab Ehret picUe. Fol. 1750—
1798—1829. 1773.
Sw. au. ic. in. Sweet (It.)- Flora Australasica. 1 voL
Trcv. b. Trcvirnnus (Lud. Christ), in Berlin.
8va London, 18*7,1828. isches Magazin.
Sw. cis. Id. Cistincae. The Natural Order of
Cistus, or Rock-Rcsn. 1 voL 8vo. Trev. del. Id. De Delphinio et Aquilcgia Ob-
London, 18:30. scrvationcs. 4to. 1817.
Swert fl. . Swertius (Einan.). Florilegium trac TrL ob. Triumfetti (Joh. Bapt). Observa.
tans de variis Floribus. 1 voL fol. tioncs dc Ortu ct Vegctatione
1613. Plantarum. 4to. Rome, 1G85.
Sw. fl. gar. Sweet (R,). The British Flower Gar. Tr. pi. Trcw (Christ Jac). Plantoe rariorcs.
den. 8vo. London, published in Ed. J. C. Keller. Fol. 17G3.
monthly numbers. Turn. fuci. Turner (Dawson). Historia Fuco.
Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. Id.\ British Flower Garden. 1823 to rum. 3 vols. foL London, 1802,
the present time, 3 vols. of the old &c
scries; and a part of a volume Us. an. Ustcri (Paul). Ncue Annalen der
of the new series, 1830. Botanik. 8vo. 1794.
Sw. gcr. Id. Geraniaccs. 8vo. Published in Valil cc. Vahl (Martinus). Eclogac Americana
monthly numbers. Fol. 1796.
Swz. b. m. Swartz (OU>f)» in Berlinisches Ma. Vahl ic. Id. Icones Plantarum in Eclogis de
gazin. \ scriptarum. Fol. 1798.
Swz. fiL Id. Synopsis'F^licum, earum Genera Vahl sy. Id. Symbols Botanies. Fol. Hafh.
et Species complcctens. 8vo. Kilis, 1790—1794.
1806. Vail, it Vaillant iSebastien). Botanicon Pa.
Swz. fl. Id. Flora India* Occidentals. 3 vols. risiense. 1 vol. folio. Leid. 1727.
8vo. ErlangsR, 1797. 1800. 1806. VaiL pa. Id. Botnnicon Parisiense, Operis
Swz. i c Id. Iconcs l'lantarum Indiae Occi- majoris Prodromus. 8vo. L. Bat
dentalis. 1 fasc. Fol. 1794. 1723.
Swz. ob. Id. Observations Botanies. 8vo. Vau. con. Vauchcr (Jean Picr.-e). Histoire des
Erlanga?, 1791. Confcri'cs d'Eau douce. 4to. Ge-
Swz. pr. Id. Prodromus Descriptionum Ve- neve, 1803.
getab. Indite Occidentalis. 8vo. Vcn. eels. Ventcnat (Etienne Pierre). Descrip.
Holmis, 17S8. tion dcs Plantes nouvelles ou pcu
Tab. ic. TaLernemontanus (Jac Theod.). Ei. connues du Jardin de J. M. Cels.
cones Pldiitarum, cur. N. Bassso. Fol. Paris, 1800.
4to. Frankf. 1590. Ven. ch. Id. Choix dcs Plantes. Fol. Paris.
Tab. kr. Id. Kraiuterbuch. Fol. IJ88. 1803—1808.
Tau. h. c Tausch (Ign. Fred.). Hortus Canalius. Ven. mal. Id. Jardin dc la Mulmaison. FoL
Fol. part 1. Prague, 182a 1803—1805.
Th. act haf. Thunberg (Car. Pctr.>, in ActaLitcra- Ven.tiL Id. Monographic du Genre Tilleul.
ria Univcrsitatis Hafniensis. 1 voL 4to. Paris, 1802.
4to. Hafnis, 1770. Vib. ce. Viborg on the Cerealia.
Th. gar. Id. Disscrtatio de Gardenia. 4to. Vig. his. Viguier (L G. A.). Histoire Naturclle
Upsal, 1780. dcs Pavots et dcs Arjcmoncs.
Th. h. Id. in Kongl. Svenska Vctcnskaps 4to. Montpclicr, 1814.
Acadeinicns Handlingar. 8vo. ViL deL Villars (D.\ Histoire dcs Pinntos du
Stockholm, 1759—1816. Dauphinl. $ vols. 8vo. Grenoble,
Thore j. Thorc (Jean). Observations in 1786—1788.
Journal de Botanique. Vil. s. j. Id. in Schrader's Journal fiir die Ro.
Thou. af. Du Petit Thouars (Aubcrt). Histoire tanik. 5 vols. 8va Gottingcn,
des Vegetaux recucilUes dans Ics 1803—1810.
lies Australcs d'Afrique. 4to. ViL stras. Id. Catalogue m^thodique duJardin
Paris, 1806. de Strasbourg. Svo. 1807.
Thou. or. Id. Histoire dcs Plantes Orchidt'cs Viv. an. Viviani (Dom.). Aunali di Botan-
recueillics sur Ics trois Isles A us. ica. 2 vols. 8vo. Gcnova, ltO2,
tralcs d'Afrique. 8vo. Paris, 1822 1803.
Th. p. Thunberg (Car. Petr), in Novi Com. Viv. ft. Id. Flors Italics Fragmcnta. 4to.
mentarit Academic Imperialis Genoa, 18C8.
Pctronolitans. 20 vols. 4to. 1720 Viv. lib. Id. Flors Libycae Specimen. FoL Ge-
—1776. noa, 1824.
Thun. dra. Id. Diss. Dracaena, 2 vols. 4to. Up- Voi nor. Volckamer (Joh. Gcorg.). Flora
sal, 1780. Noribergensis. 4ta Noribcrgs,
Thun. er. Id. Dissert de Erica. 4to. Upsal, 1700.
VV. ach. Willdenow (Car. Lud.). Tractatus de
Thun. fie. Id. 1785. Diss. Ficus Genus. Upsal, 1786. Achillei* ct Tanaceto. 8vo. Hals
Thun. ir. Id. Dissertatio de Iris. 4to. 1782. Magd. 1789.
Thun. jap. Id. Flora Japonica. 8vo. Lips. 1784. Wa. fl. hcl. Wahlenberg (Gcorg.). De Vegctatione
Thun. pr. ///. Dissertatio de Protea. 1781. Helvetica. Svo. Furic 1813.
Thun. v. Id. ^Voyage au Japon, Svo. Wa. lap. Id. Flora Lapponica. Svo. Berlin.
17J'6. 1812.
Lie. Wallicti (Nmh.). Planfcr rnrjorca Won, er. Woniiland (Job. Clirist). Ericarum
Asiatic*. 2parU,fal. !,oiiiion,I830. 1 cones et Dracriptlanffl. 4ti>, lTL'M,
Jrf. Asiatic Researches, or Trans- &c.
;ii'tii)ns of ihu Society instituted. Wen. tian. Id. Sct-tum Hanoveratmrn. 4 faic. FoL
in Rwipi, -Ito. 1788. Won. bar. Id. Hftrttu Herrenhusanus. Fol.
WaJtca. Walter (T'lom.). Flora Caroliniano. 1798,
Rvo. I^imlon, 1788. Wen, ob. /rf. BotnuiJirhc BcobnchtuiiEen. 1 voL
Walt h. Woltber; Atijr.Krt*!.}. ncstpnatio Plan. 4in. I I.umvcr,
tarum Hnrti cjus Bvo, UH I73fl W. et£ "Willtlonow (C'nr. Lnd.i, In Acts Ac*.
WaUrteta (Franc.) et Kttaibd I'-mv. ileiniO! electaralii MnguntinK Sd-
DoseripLioites ct tc»m.'s I'lanliiruin entisrura UHIIHUI qon E^fordiat.
rnrlorum Hungnritc. 3 vols. l'ul. 2 vols. BTOL Kriorif ct Gotbi
VIenn. 1803—1813, ]7tfl i the rtp«t in 4tu, ll'i:> and
Wang. Von Wangenhelm (Fried Ad. JuL). 177.,
Aiiplliiniung North Amctikani. Wern, tr. Triins.icLioni: r>r Memoirs of tlie Wer-
•char Holwtsn, 1 vol. folio. ii-ty. 8vn. Edinburgh,
OottingK J787. . to the jiVpsfiit time,
Willilcuow (Car, l.urt.). Historic Amu- WilUienow tCar. Lud.\ llortus Bero.
rtnthorum, Pol Turid, I71KK w. 1). b. liucntiii. Fol. Berlin, 18U6—1810.
Wi b. m. lit. In tterJintschi:* Mngnzin exler GC \v. n. her Id. in Ni-wen Schriften <!(>• Hi?rlin-
wminleU: ifchriften, &c 4ta 1765 l«-hM Gcsetldfhad naturfoi
Tti7. den (lreutirtc. 6 vols. Svo. Berlin,
Weig. ob». ^l (Christ. Ehrrntj.). Observa. 1780-
tiones Botanicit>. 4t<>, Gryphia?, Wood. WoodTUielWUliiua}. Medical Botanj,
177S. 3 vols. « o . IT'KI,
Wein. tiiMnn (J. Gull. Phytantliowi \V. 1.1.. Willtk-imw (Car. Lud.}. Fhytograpnia.
Ic(Hionr;]jiJiic;i. 4vol& lol. ilegemh. 1-1. Krlnngjr, 17i)7.
1737—nis, Za. Zanoo (Antonio). Istoria Botanic*.
[Juh. Chrirt,). Collcctio Ztt Fol Ilolognn, Kt75,
l'lantaruin Uin exoticarum fju.mi Zorn (Barthol.1!. Icone* PlsntaniM
iniiigtnarum. 4U>. Haliovt-ric, ' innlium. Bvo. Nurcmtx 177U
1805, &c. —1784.


lv gardens or garden scenery where accuracy and intelligence are aimed at, all the less
common plants, ligneous and herbaceous a«d tvli the variotios (>f fruits, should h:tvc iJTfir
names affixed to them ; with the addition of llivir native ouintry, year of introduction if
exotic, and natural order. Larch, oak, and yeiv are the most driruliJe timbers for forming
tallies en which to write or paint these names. The cheapest and best description of cast-
iron tally is that of Mr. Stuart Murray (Caret. Mag. vol. Hi..p. 29.), the next bust thn
used in the garden of the Horticultural Society. ( GariL Mag, vol. vi. p. 407.) For trees,
shrill)^;, and large plants, tho names may be painted on the ends of bricks, as in M-
T-oddiges's arhuretiiiii • or, what is belter, there are i»inctlcd bricks in itnitation of Smnrt
Miii-ray's tally, and earthenware tallies «ith j.;inels, and with the names impressed by types
on the clay before bum ing, manufactured by Patkeof TonstaQ near NewtastU under Lyne,
iiml by ALlurdyec of Clay Hills near hbmdtma. [Gard. Hag. \o\, vi, p. 399.)
Where plants cannot be named, they should hsve number* affixed to Uiem referring to .L
cataloguej and that theaennmben maybe eenendlj ondCTstood, the common nun
should ue made use of. TbaaB may be painteo on woud, iron, or earthenware tallies. But
as ihe common numersds require Ih* nte of the pea or pencil, gardeners have de^is^d si
for them which may be readily cut wiUi the knife on slicks.
Is much the simplest, and at the same time the most comprehensive, The signs made
use of are as under •. —
1 2 3 * 6 6 7


Tlie advantages of these murks over those- in common use are, that they ar ( and
more easily made by sin^lv distinct cuts; und that no number, however high, reniiirw more
marks Ihao it would require figures written with a pun. The only way En winch the me-
mory is apt to misgive, in this scheme, is by confounding / and \, si ami K, A and y,
with each other, u a cliild would confound the figures G and 9; but this slight incon-
venience will be remedied by die following Uy, which may bt.' easily b»niu in the mind.
Li-t us recollect Out, in writing, wo naturally draw a stroll- ttora the ri^lit at top, to the
at bottom, thus /, and not in tbc opposite direction, thus \ : now, in all the above
numbers which differ from t'ach other in the direction »f tf.o diagonal ]ine, that wbith is
in the direction usual in writing precedes the other, thus / \ sy N /, , \ ; the other two,
£ 3 6 1 8 9
A and V i will not be confounded, on recollecting that V >s the usual numeral letter for fiv«.
xx'n D R Y I N G PLANTS, H E R B A R I U M , D R A W I N G PLANTS, &e.

As an example of application, suppooe we take species 341, variety 8, the tally

cut thus-, —

The long cut (—) between the number of tho species and the number of the variety is
me*e!y to separate the one from the other, and is to be considered as the sign of separation.
By the use of this tign several numbers may be cut on one stick; it is a fixed rule that the
number si11ill always read from the rout or sharpened end of die tally, because it is necessary
for the operator to liolil that end in his hand in cutting the marks. Names written on tallies,
on (he contrary, should always read from the top, by which means the letters are kept at
the grcau^t practicable distance from the soil.


THE best mode for gardeners, and such as have little spare time to dry specimens of
plants, is to gather them when perfectly free from exterior moitfture, place them between
paper, and press them with bag* of hot sand. lu this way they dry oi' their natural color in
a few hours. {Mag. Nut. Jiist. vol. i, p. 196.) Or they may be dried in sand (Ibul. vol. iii,
p. 459.)
To fill up a space that would otherwise remain an unseemly blank, we shall lien*observe,
that every gardener ought to dry plants and form them into a herbarium. The herbarium
may be a folio volume of stout thick paper, white, if he can afford it; it' not, brown; allowing
in binding the thickness of it leaf for e\ cry page, in order that, when filled with specimens, it
may shut close and preserve its form. Mi\ Toward, who baa formed one of the handsomest gar-
dener's herbariums we have any where seen, in tour thick folio volumes, uses cartridge pa;
ling i<» tfio back of each leaf a leaf of brown blotting paper, and round die margin of
both surfaces of the double leaf so formed strips of cartridge paper. These strips rather
more than compensate far the thickness of the dried specimens; so that when the leaves arc
bound up, their edges cut, and the books shut close, the external air is excluded, and the
appearance as neat as tlmi of any printed volume. (Gard. Mag. vol. iv. p. 4:i6.) The
specimens, ;i* dried in sand, or between loose leaves of pupi'ror in any old book, may be fixed
to the cartridge side of the leaves of tlie herbarium book, according to any arrangement which
may be preferred,


EVERY gnrdeneT ought also to be able to draw plants; and this he may acquire himself by
copying with a pen or pencil, without the aid of colors (for all the essential objects of
drawings may be effected by lines), the outlines of the ribs, veins, ami other inner lines
of the different parts of the dried specimens as they lie flat before him oo the paper.
Having practised tliis for some time, he may then draw plants, flowers, ami fruits from na-
ture j beginning by washing one side of a pane of glass over with gum, holding that when dry
between his eye and the plant or other objeet to be drawn, and then tracing the object with tlif
point of a nuil in the gum, or on it with the paint of ;t b!»cfc-lend pencil. (Gard. Ma«. vol. vi.
p. SOS.) The outline of hard fruits, such as the apple and pear, may he correctly taken by
dividing them into two parts, u may that of soft fruits if not too ripe.. {Gtxrd. Mag, vol. iv.
p. 230.) Every gardener ought also to l>e able to draw landscapes, figures, and animals, all
manner of ganhi! iiM|>k'inr;: ictures, and pi :ms of gardens and maps of estates. This
he may acquire atmsetf bj Copying the various engravings in our Enqtdupwdias of Gardening
and Agriculture; and for |ti;ins, uiiiji-,, and landscape-scenery more paxticulatiy, t>_v copying
the elementary plute (PI. I. sold by itself, under the title of Elementary Detail*for Pictorial
Map-drawing, for 3s. Gd.) of our Illustrations of Landscape-I'mnlcn-.inn and Garden Archi-
ttctvre, He may afterward* draw figures and landscapes from nature, firs) through a gummed
pane of glass, and nest on paper; and finally, measure and draw from nature implements
ami buildings, nnd map gardens, parks, and fan
On correctly applying, pronouncing, and spelling the names of plants ; on drawing plans
neatly, and being able to product; off hand a sketch of any thing; on being able to measure
and value all kinds of country work ; above all, on good penmanship, spelling, and writing
a correct and intelligent letter, much of the success in life of a gardener depends. Without
possessing these qualities, by a regular course of education at school, or determining to
labour bard at sclf-iustim-Uon till he lias possessed them, no young mail in the present
improving age should attempt the profession.


ot plants. For this purpose some one organ, common to plants in general, is fixed on: and, according to
certain condition* in which this organ is found, individual species are referred to their places in the system,
as wordi, by their Initial totters., are referred to their places in U alphabetical dictionary.
IT) toe proffrcu of artitifial syiicms dille/t-nt organs have been filed on by diilinul Waniit*; but those
which have been most exteriilvP|y employee) are t i e eonBai by Tonrncfort, and the stamens and pistil* by
U n n s i u . The »y«tem of I onrndbrt )>;,* been .i RG<H1 deal employed in France, and may be comldeied as the
artificial system or that country ; that of Lfimirus has been empWed in most other countries, and is justly
esteemed by far the most perfect artificial syiiem which has hitherto been produced. It b, therefore, adopted
In this work.

wcrvw, " will soon parcel re that it is to be understood merely as a dictionary, to make nut any plant that
jnay fall in hia WHy." {Gram, of Bot.) " I f we examine," says Decandol 1 e," the ;irti lici:d systems which hava
Been hitherto deviged, we shall find the n«*t celebratcil Of them, that which was propo«ed by Linnaus, to
po»»e*s a dccliled superiority over all others, not only because it is consistently derived from one siuipl*
ejple, but also because the author of it, by means of n new nomenclature, has given to his terms the gi
«i»tinctn«s of mcanin K ." {Elements of tiu Philos. of 1'inats, by UcaimhUc <tn<t Sprcngel) V
11 ot subsequent advance* in science may enable lx>tamMs to dispense with the Liimenu system altogether, it
" n o t for ui to aftlnn ; but in the mean time nothing can be inure certain than that the Linnean system is the
nest leading arrangement for such a work as the present, in Uie existing »tale of botanical knowledge in
on tain. *
^According to the Linnean »\slom all plant* are furnishi d with flower*, either conspicuous OT loottupteuoui.
i n e plant!! with contpkuoial flowers are arranged according to the number and position ol ilicir stamens and
P"™*; those with incontpicuoui Bowen areananged awctnliiig to I lie situation of the flowers on the plant,
or according to other cirtuTti»tanL-c* in the plnnt itMlC
To discover the u.niic ol ;> plant by the Linnean system, therefore, all that it
iry for a beginner is to possess a fpecimen of It in flower, and to benblc
to know it! different parts by the m n n given them by botanists. To d&Korer the
CIOM, order, ami genus of a plant, it is only necessary to be able to distinguish and
name the (lifl'eretit part* of the (lower. TheM [Ktrts are: the cabx or cup [J'tg. I. a),
which in that leaf, or thane leaves, by which the flower is usually enclosed when in a
hud, ami which, when the flower Is cxpamtwl, appear under it The corolla
(corona, a crown) is the colored leaf, oi leaves, of a flower [fig. 1. It}. I k e Btamt-n
(or flwt principle of any thing) is the thread-like proews, or processes, Imme.
ili.itcly within the leaves or the corolUi (Jfg. 2.): It cotwlfils of two parts, the Slfment
ot umad [a\ and the anther /> i ibis nniher contains what is called lliejtollen, or "
IviiiK meal c\ In the centre ill the flower is the pistil '.Jxg- S-J '• it conaists of
thnM parts, the y,t-t- nu of the fruii
and ttic »ti^nia fir summit (c), wbieh cruwn* Hie style, and is dettiiittl tu receive
' the fructifying pollen.
The pistil anil utamcn
pl anil «tann are the cs^ntinl itinl ii*rt«
parta of a flower.
flower. Tho
The corolla or the calyx may be
antinK, »nd jret the Sower will I*-, tfrniod perfect, became the absence of those parts is no
obstaclu to rujHinlurtiiili. Kvcn the Itjl* ;uid the lil.niiciii m.iy be absent without preventing tlie
•f'tDntiori or riptninK ot the fruit; and there am many (lowers vrhlob tunrc the author sitting olo«»
'" the corolla, .Vc, without a 1I1.LIIU.TI1, and the ltigma tu the germen without a style; but the
aai|tht'r, the germen. u»
i|tlier th i th ma are essential.til
The sceil is contained in tho pericarp, or seed-vessel, which is the germen when j^own to maturlty.
of the seed-vi•--.•) VLirifsm-rnrrling t o t u form, substance, &c.; hut the word pericarp (;"'"> about, karpon,
fruit; is apntteahle (o all its varit :• the base ur medium lvliieli connects the other parts
of the fructification. {Magimiiu- <rf Nnlurat JJttlory, vol. I. p. fiSA)
The degree of knowledge eonveyed bj the i<>\lowing Table, .init the precedinji observations, will enable a
"alnncr to discover at least the das* and ordex of any plant wbleh he may find in flower.
Fittsr GkAKt> DIVIHIU*.*- Plants u-iih conspicuous Flowers {Phaneroglintia).
n llic larnd (lovrer.
'Malt :md l.'in.i!... organs ell .rim1.
not un.tcd elihiT atom or Ivlow,
0 m) EM.
t" 1. Monilr
Momtadria (nvMfuj one,
4 Oiifr,,n iiiufi). Ki.unplc, 8.
iLit p. 1 {Jit, twice, Mfutt A vonum).

1 [

f 5. Trlandrla [tru. Uiritt,

3. Monogynli, I%j'nla, Tricj nJo (fn*J, Uiilce,
a iiiniw).

Thnt, 3. Manojtfnla, DlfiJiUa, Trigjnl*.

L uner, IIMII ). i'im ton. 14
f 1. Tclrnixtria (Mm, (bar,
Four, < fl*w^, II m^ii L i

f 5. PonuEiUiiiA (iiftifi*,
Fltp, - -J atw, nrnnn}. i.j I4ttvni4 (jrrtifr. dvci^He, a woman )i PolYJt
[]<v*yst ft\itnyM gyttr, n \
r 6, Hi nJndria (Atr^ (li, mirr,
Sin, • s • man.) iciila l>i(ulLa. A Monagjnij, DifjVnla,
I 1)6

Seven, - \ attert q man), ^hculul 4. Morw^nin, D^nl*,

t Hl^HJciAtalium. 143
V B> OctdiuWa (nWi>, i-lchl,
4. Mcmogj'nii, Digjnla, Trifffiita, Tctn/Jnla.
1 qfcd«i. 144

Mm, f 9. EnntSmlrlft (rnnM, nine,

u ,". U :n ;;• nil, Trigjnia, Hciafffnfa I'i
1ft) a wotuaii).
( 10. ihcHMtlrl.t iMv, ten,
Ten, • •; uiwr, a man). .Saif&u^B I K j , TrljtfnJa, IVnU
/. umlirbta. IStt ( * * « , ten. i&nr, a )
Ilodccrfnclrbi (rfftlalw,
_ V "•
rum, 1S7 tMOU)
Miinr, fnqiimtlj ) lJi,lcoaandrlB(Ti(vn'. twrnij,
IWL-iitjf. utacltnl> aner,amiin). fraia* S. Honottjnla. {.li/*. iwfr, irtnb,
lotlii! L sljl, - ) Oijacinlhl. 1U4 , tJuljjnfDl.w

j ( P

• • IfeH 'rLI l| l i ' l i £ T l ! j

f 14. DicIjnimJa (iiii,1 tvlct
'Tva lorm, ami two) duwtfliu, pawa ; *upi
ihurt, • -| rtMWyof twgilatniKii ).
t TsflerwMi Ifceld. IH

Knur Long and ITDJ I, SiUquiHl {.I
ibort. ll»)
tttu ultf ill.
"bj llie t))jmcnn,
I 1G. Moiiad^n>hla (irictHM,
rinlo ono bottj, - •< onr. WIWIJKH. lit 7. Trltodrti, Penlindrtt, llrotinJrii, i
I ttlUra fricrant. Decindrta, Dudaodndria, Tuljindria

Into two bodi«, - 4. PentanUrU, ttttandria, (

l-s. P,
.into many bodlos, . 4, Umtndria, Dodttindria, Icovlndtia, ]

Uj (hti onthrt* or l«i», f '*• r<il)'KitinLi aqualli (iqual), TolTcamia

(•urnrtlmxu), 1'ulvsiiinla IV
Into A ollmkcr, -j

(itwIMni) >t-l 40. fiynifTidri* tffVI'i » <•*•

ilkLuiilin^uiwii, U man, our, a 11 inn). 5. Monasdiia, DUndfta, H*i4ndrta.

rfrn the uinc plant.

on riiiremt |>Unu, -
f 21. DSirVia (rfij, ivfct.nUH,
• < hcuic), fannabli u-
i | mpn^*, mnp,
home). 6ticdr^jita S.Moni(nitri»,Dlilndrl«,Triindrfa<TetntndriB,lVn
tdiuuiA, nefandria, Fuljisduat Mwadclimu*
11. Mmi.inJrin, IHJmW.i, TrUiiiliin, Tfl
PcohlBdna, H.«jn.ln., Lklatui:
d r ^ IVcjtndha, T><icli-i:indfia, JroMiiM
I'oljdntlrla, Monnddptila. Ujuindti*.
onlhuamtordWiiTTntplimtiV •
alons Hlih hennatibttxUM-j i S. MonitVia, UaVU.

SKCOKDGEAND DIVISION. — Plants with inconspicuous Flowers {CryptogAuna)

9. F/1i«aOUiri •'• i"«B (*^"«^ t»r.'.

Dace). i •'
mm P •' V>talt,fn "onlV
;, Panfi {/loupu, a nu




Kfstematlc EnRlish Native . Reference to

Name and Country, o
Authority. Name. FfeUKS.

• 1 . CA'NNA L. INDIAN SHOT. (Canna, a cane or mat, Celt.) 34.-35.

1 patens Rote. Rio Jan. J778. R r.m Bot.rcg.576
2 indica L. Indian India 1570. R r.m Red HI. 201
2 maculfita spotted India ... R r.m Hook, ex fl.53
3 coccinea Rose. scarlet & Amer. 1731. R r.m Bot. mag. 452
4 h'ltea Rose. yellow E Indies 1629. R r.m BoL mag. 2085
5 LamMrti B. M. Lambert's Trinidad 1819. R r.m Bot.rcg.470
6 gigantta Desf. gigantic S. Amer. 1809. R r.m Bot. rcg.20fi'
7 occideiitalis Rose. western W. Indies 1822. R r.m Bot.rcg.772
8 lanuginosa Rose. woolly
Maranh. 1823. D r.m Hose. scit. ic.
Brazils 1822. D r.m Rose, wit ic.
9 carnea Rose. £S S. Amer. 1820. D r.m Rose, scit ic.
10 sylvestris Rose. wild
U aiirantfara Rose. orange £[2Sor Brazil 1824. D r.m Rose, scit ic.
12polym6rpha/.o.C. multitorm £ El or S. Amer. 1825. D r.m
13sanguinealo.C. blody £E]or year S Amer. 1820. D r.m
Hesculenta Lo.C. esculent £Elor 4 year S. Amer. 1822. D r.m
1") lanccolata I.o.C. lanceolate £ El or 3 year Brazil 1825. D r.m
16 limbata Rose. bordered £ El or year Brazil 1818. R r.m Botreg.771
17 variibilis W. variable £E)or 3 year India 1822. R r.m
18 rubra IV. red El or 3 year W.Indies 1820. R r.m
19 rubncaulis Lk. red-stemmed El or 3 m y 1821. R r.m eatable Elclt 3 s.d Peru 1820. R r.m Bot.reg.775
21 speciosa B. M. showy El or 3 au.8 S. Amer. 1820. tt r.m Bot mag. 2317
22 excflsa Lod. lottv Brazil 1820. R r.m Bot cab. 743
23 latifolia Lod. broad-leaved _ Brazil 1820. R r.m BoL cab. 834
24 angustifulia L. narrow-leaved £ El or apmy S S. Amer. 1824. R r.m ic.
2a orientalis Rose. oriental £ El or 4 my.jn H.Y £. Indies 1820. R r.m Row. scit Ic.
chinensis IV. en.
2fldva yellow £ El or 4 my.jn Y E. Indies 1820. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
SGcompacta Rose. compact £ E] or U a p m y R E. Indies 1820. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
27 denudata Rose. 2 jnjl S Brazil 1818. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
2 latifolia naked £ El or 2 jl R Brazil 1818. R r.m Rose. scit. ic.
broad-leaved £ f/Mor 4 myjn O
28 pallida Rose. yiulc-Jtuwering £ E l or W. Indies 1820. R r.m Rose. scit. ic
2 latifolia broad-leaved 3 myjn Y W.Indies 1820. R r.m Rose, scit ic
29 crocea Lac. £ EJ or 2 my.jn R 1823. R r.m
30 pedunculate B. M. safn-on-colorcd £ El or 6 s.d O 1820. R r.m Bot mag. 2323
^jnnceaRetz. stalked £ LS or 1 my.jn Indies 182a R r.m
32 flaccida Rote. rushy £ rXlor 5 jl S. Carol. 1788. R r.m Sal. st. 3.2
33glaficaL. flaccid £ £R]or
El or 2 S. Amer. 1732. R r.m Ex. bot 2.102
prdfa glaucous £ El or 2 S. Amer. ... R r.m Bot mag. 2302
34iridifl6ra/7.;*r. rufous £ El or 6 d.ja Peru 1816. R r.m Bot mag. 1968
* 2. MARA'NT/f L ARROW ROOT. {B. Marantit a Venetian physician, d. 1554.) Cunnea. 14. — 20.
« arundtnacea L. rccd-like Elclt 2 W S. Amer. 1732. k s.l Bot. mag. '2307
% Indica 7W. Indian £ El or 2 W W.Indies 1800. D s.l SI jam. 149
37 gracihs Rud. slender £ El or 3 w Guiana 1B2.1 D s.l Rud. gui. 3
•# divaricata Jto«c. divaricate £Elor w Brazil 1818. R r.m Rose. scit. ic.
2purpurascens purpurascent £Elor 2 jLau w Brazil 1823. R r.m Rose. scit. ic.
pWi«rf oblique £ El or 2 d R Guiana 1803. R s.l Rud. gui. 2
dtea Jfl<r. yellow £ EJor 2 jnjl Caraccas 180U. R 6.1 Jac.ic2. 201
41 angustiffilia B. M. narrow-leaved £ El or 2 Y.w R W. Indies 1820. R R 8.1
s.l BotTnag 2,398
42 Tonchat Aub. Tonchat £ El or 8 R E. Indies 1819. R s.l
R s.l
43 gibba Sm. gibbous £ El or 4 au W E. Indies 1818. R s.l Kosc. scit. ic
44 sylvatica Rose. wood £ El or 2 Y W.Indies 1800. D s.l
petiolated £ El or Guiana 1818. D s.l Rud. gui. 37
«variegataX,o variegated £ EJor 1 jlau S. Aincr. 1825. D s.l
47 blcolor JCf r two-colored W Brazil 1&?& D p.l Botreg.786
« malaccfinsis W. Malacca 2 jnjl Y.w E. Indies 1820. D 8.1 Ru. am. 5.71
* 3. CALATHEA ML?. CALVTHEA. (Kata/hot, a basket; from the form of the stigma.) Cdnnex. 7. —9.
Wzebrina Undl. Zebra plant £ E l o r 2 year R.Y Brazil 1815. H s.p Botreg.385
«) vioUcca Lindl. violet-colored £ ( £ ) o r ljjlau P Brazil 1S25. D s.l Botrofi.9<U

51 flavcsccns Lindl. flavcsccnt £ El !>rr au Y Brazil 1822. D si Bot. rcg. 932

52 Allouya Jac. Allouya £ El ° 8 W Trinidad 1824. D s.1
53 longibractcata B.R. long-bractcd £ El or P Brazil 182a D 8.1 Bot reg. 1020
54 RiW Lo. C. Row's £ El or apjl Brazil 1825. D 8.1
55 villosa Lo. C villous £ El or apjl Brazil 1825. D s.1
4. THA'LM L. THALIA. (J. Thalius, a German physician, d. 1588.) Cdnnere. 2. —
56 dcalbata Rose. whited * i A J o r 4 B S. Carol. 1791. R p.l Bot. mag. 1690
57 gcniculata Hose. jointed £ El or 2 au.s B W. Indies 1823. D p.l PI. gen. 26.108
• 5. PHRY'NIUM L. PHRTNIOM. (P/irynos,a frog; a jilant of marshes.) Cunnea. 14. —
58 capitatum W. headed £ El or 5 W . P E. Indies 1807. R s.l As. res. 11. 3
59 imbricatum Rox. imbricated — or l,my.jl Pa.R E. Indies 1818. D s.1
60 dichutomum Rox. forked £ Elor W £. Indies 1810. R s.1
61 i>arvifl6rum Rox. small-flowered £ Elor Y E. Indies 1820. R s.1 Rose, scit ic
62 grandiflorum Rose, great-flowered £ Elor Y Brazil 1823. R 8.1 Rose. scit. ic.
63 spicatum Rox. spiked £ Elor Y £. Indies 1835. R 8.1 Rose, scit ic
64 Myrostna Rose. Myrrh-scented 2 W S. Amcr. 1820. R r.m Rose, scit ic
Myrosma cannaofolia L.Jil.
65 comdsum Rose. tufted £ ES or 3 Y Surinam 1812. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
MarantA comosa L.Jil.
66 Parkeri Rose. Parker's £ El or 2 Y Grenada 1823. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
67 Cas&po Rose. Casupo £ El or 13 Y S. Amcr. 1820. R r.m Rose, tscit. ic
MarantA Cas&po Jac.
68 elltpticum Rose. elliptic £E)or Pa.Y Guiana 1822. R r.m Rose, scit ic
Maranta spicata Aub.
69 virgatum Rox. twiggy £ El or 8 jn.jl W EL Indies 1818. D s.l
70 obliquum Lo. C. oblique tf tAlor II Y E. Indies 1824. D s.l
71 angustifoliumLo.C. narrow-leaved £ E l o r 1J my.jl Y £. Indies 1824. D s.l
• 6. HEDY'CHIUM Kiin. HEDYCIHUM. (Hedys, sweet,chion,snow: flower.) Scitaminear. 20.—
72 coronarium ~
Rox. garland• £ El or 5" jn.s
" Y•" E. Indies 1791. R p.l Bot mag. 708
73 angustifolium Rox. narrow-leaved £ El or 5 jn.s S E. Indies 1815. R s.l Rose, scit ic,
74 aurantiacum Rose, orange-colored £ E l or
5 o E. Indies 1812. D 8.1 Rose, scit ic.
angustifolium S. M.
75 coccineum Rose. scarlet £ El or 6 S £. Indies 1815. D s.l Bot rcg. 157
angustifolium B. R.
76 gracile Rox. slender £ El o r 3 jn W Bengal 1823. R s.l
77 carncum Carey flesh-colored £ E] or 4 au Pk E. Indies 1H23. D 1 Bot mag. 2657
78 longitolium Rose, long-lcuvcd £ El or 6 jn.jl R E. Indies 1819. D 8.1 Rose, scit ic
79 flavum Rox. yellow £ El or 3 Y Nepal 1822. II s.l Bot. cab. 604
80 flavcsccns Lod. flavcsccnt £ OS or 6 jn Y India 18S2. R s.I Bot cab. 723
81 hetcromallum B. R. variable-haired £ El or 3 Y India 1822. R 8.1 Bot. reg. 767
82spcci6sum Wai. showy £ El or 8 au.s Pa.Y E. Indies 1823. D s.l
83 maximum Rose. largest £ El or 8 au W E. Indies 1820. D s.l Rose, scit ic
84 cl&tum R.Br. tall £ Elor 5 jn.d Pa.R K Indies 1818. R s.1 Bot. reg. 526
85 Gardnerjanum Wai. Gardner's £ El or 7 Y E. Indies 1819. R r.s Bot reg. 771
or Crca E. Indies 1823. D 8.1 Rose, scit ic.
86 villosum Wai. villous £ El 3
87 glaucum Rose. sca-gi-een £ El or W E. Indies 1822. D s.1 Rose scit. ic
88 clllpticum Sm. elliptic £ El or 5 jU W E. Indies 1804. D 8.1 Rose, scit ic.
89 acuininatum Br. acuminate £ Elor 4 W E. Indies 1820. D s.l Rose, scit ic.
90 spicatuin B. M. spiked £ Elor 3 jn Y India 1810. R co Bot. mag. 2300
91 thyrsif6rmc Sm. thyrsc-formed £ E 3 o r 4 W Nepal 1018. D 8.1 Rose scit ic
7. ROSC(yEil Sm. RO9COBA. (W. Roseoe, the historian of the Medici.) Scilamincee. 5. —
92 purpiirea Sm. purple Nepal 1820. K s.1 Ex. bot 97
93gracilis Sm. slender Nepal 1821. D s.l
94 elatior Sm. taller Nepal 1820. D s.1
95 spicata Sm. spiked Nepal 1820. D 8.1
96 capitata Sm. capitate Nepal 1819. D 8.1
• 8. ALPl'NIi! L, ALPIMIA. (P. Alpini, an Italian physician, d. 1615.) Scitaminete. 24. —
97 comosa Jac. tufted-spiked £ E] or 1 ap.jn W Caraccas 1752. R s.l Jac. ic. v. 3
98 Galdnca Swz. Galanga £ El clt 6 p.f W.T R Indies ... R 8.1 Ru. am. 5.63
90raccmosa Rose. racemose £ El or 5 jl.s W W. Indies 1752. R s.1 PI. ic. 11.20
100 occidentals Swz. occidental £ El or 6 jl w Jamaica 1793. R s.1
101 nutans Rose. nodding £ E l o r 13 ap.jn Pk .„ E. Indies 1792. R 8.1 Ex. bot. 2.106
102 difl'issa Rose. two-cleft £ El or 6 P.B.Y E. Indies 1818. D s.1 Rose. scit. ic
103 auricul&ta Rose. eared £ El or 4| R.Y E. Indies 1814. D s.1 Ro&c. scit ic
104 exalt&ta Mey. lofty £ El o' 20 my.jn R.Y Surinam 1820. D Rose, scit ic
105 ctirnua B. M: drooping £ El o r fi a PJ n Pk E. Indies 1804. R 8.1 Bot mag. 1900
106 calcarata Rose.
106calcarata Rose. spur-flowercd £ El or 3 s W E. Indi?s 1800. R 8.1 Bot rep. 421
107 malaccunsis Rose. Malayan £ E l oorr 55 aau
P-my W E. Indies 1799. R 8.1 Bot reg. SSS
108 mOtica Rox. spurlcss £ El W E. Indies 1811. R 8.1 Rose scit. ic
109 bracteata Rox. bracteatc £ E3 or 3 my.jn W E. Indies 182 K D s.l
110 Antillarum R. % S. Antilles £ El or 4 my.jn F W.Indies 1826. D s.l SI. jam. 105.2
111 pcnicillata Rose. pencilled £iAJor 3 my.jn Pk China D s.l Rose, scit ic
112 spicata Rox. spiked £ El or 2 ... Sumatra 1822. R r.m
113 stri&ta Lk. striated £ El or 4 E. Indies 1818. D s.l
114 RoscocARa R. & S Roscoe's £ El or 3 my E. Indies 182a D s.1
bracteata Rose, non Rox.
115 Cardambmum Rox. cardamom £ El clt 8 au W.p E. Indies 1815. R B.1 R.mal. 11.4,5
116 tunulfita B. R. tubular £ El or 2 R Demerara 18'20. R s.l Bot rcg. 777
117 punfcea Rox. scarlet £ El or 6 mr S E. Indies 1820. D 8.1
118 media Spr. mediate £ El or 6 R E. Indies 1815. D s.1 Lin. tr. 10.4, *
Cardamomum medium Rox.
1191ingua?f6rmis Box. tongue-formed £ El or 6 j l . a u R E. Indies 1820. D s.1
120 ALMghasRose. Allug.ofCe>lon£ E l o r 2 R E. Indies 1796. R s.1 Bot rep. 501
*9. HELLE'NIil W. HELLENIA. (C. N. Hellenius, Professor at Aba) ScitaminecE. 2. —5.
121 cpfilea R. Br.
100 u
b\ue-berried £ E l o r 4 jn.jl W N. Holl. 182a D s.1 Rose, scit ic,
" "-- W.
— China £ El or 3 jn jl W China 1825. D s.1
10. ZI'NGIBER Gae. GINGER. (The original Indian name.) Scttamtnear. 13.—14.
123 pandurfitum Rox. fiddle-lipped £ El or 3 my-jn Pk E. Indies 1812. R s.l
124 Mi6ga Rosa Mioga A iAJ or 2 my jn Pk Japan 1796. R r ra _,
lS5officinale-fio«c. officinal S El clt 2 jn.'au R E. Indies 160b. R r,m Jac vin. 1.7*

126 ZerHmbet Rose. Zerumbet Y.o E. IndieB 1690. n r.m Ex. hot 2.112
1*7 Casum&nar Rox. Casumunar W.v E. Indies 1807. It r.m Bot mag. 1426
E. Indies 1796. R s.l
128purpureum Rose. purp\e-bracted E. Indies 1822. R s.1 Box. cor. 2.196
129 roscum Rox. rosy E. Indies 1822. R s.1 Rose, scit ic
130 riibens Rox. red E. Indies 1823. 1) s.1
1.31 hgul&tum Rox. ligulate E. Indies 1822. R a.l
LB squarrosum Rox. rough-spiked E. Indies 1821. R s.l Rose, scit ic.
133 chrysanthum Rose, gold-flowered E. Indies 1825. II s.l Rosa scit ic.
;£; capitatum Rose. capitate E. Indies 1820. R s.l
135 elitum Rox. lofty Seitaminea. 10. —17.
•11. CO STUS Rote. Comm bothlnd. 1752. R s.l
1% arabicuo L. Arabian W. Indies 1793. R 8.1 Rose. scit. ic.
I37spicatus IV. spiked E. Indies 1799. R s.l Jac. ic. 1.1
138 speciosus Rose. snowy E, Indies 1799. R s.1 Bot reg. 665
139 ncpalcnsis Rose. Nepal
•peciosus /3 angustifolius B. R. S. Leone 1822. R 6.1 Bot reg. 683
140 at'er B. R. African S. Leone 1822. R s.1 Rose, scit ic.
141 maculatus Rose. spotted
aYer & hirsfitus B. R. St. Vine R s.l Jacsc. 1.1
142 spiralis Rox. spiral
Alp. spiralis Joe. MaranhaolS23. Bot. reg. 899
143 Pisonw LindL Pison's (23
144 villoslssimus Jac. most villous j£ (22 or 6 n.d St Vine. 1822. Jac. fr. 80
145 lanatus ho. C. woolly j£ E l or 3 my.jn S. Amer. 1820.
M2. KJEMPFE'RL* L. GALANGALE. [E. Kcemjtfer, a German naturalist, d. 1716.) Seitaminea. 7 . - 8 .
146 rotiinda L. round-rooted ~1 or 1 R.w E. Indies 1761. R s.l Bot mag. 920
147 Galanca L. Galanga W . P E. Indies 1728. R 8.1 Bot mag. 850
148 angujitifolia Jac. narrow-leaved W . D E. Indies 1797. R 8.1 Red liL 7.389
149 pandurlta Rox. Rddlcshapett E. Indies 1797. R a l Bot reg. 173
150 iatifulia Bonn broad-leaved E. Indies 1803. R ft.1
151 ovalifolia Rox. oval Malacca 1822. R si Rose, scit ic.
152 marginata Carey margined E. Indies 1822. R s.l Rose, scit ic.
*13. AMCyMUM Rose. AMOMUM. (A. privative, mo-mos, impurity; & counter-poison.) Seitaminea:. 13.—20.
153 Aftelii Rose. Afzeluu's ^ 1 2 3 or 3 my.jn Pk S. Leone 1795. R r.m An. bot. 1,13
154 grandiflorum Sm. largc-flowcrcd r E l or 3 jnjf W S. Leone 179J. R r.m Ex. bot 111
Ia5 anguatif6hum Rox. narrow-leaved iElor 8 jn.jl R Madagasc. ... R r.m Son. it 2.137
156 dealbatum Rox. whiied [El or 3 xnr.ap W Bengal 1819. R s.l
157 sylvestre Sum. wild [El or 1 mr.ap W W. Indies 1819. R s.l SI jam. 1.105
158 t'ardamumura L. gftia/Zcardamom' 4 my.jn pa.Br E. Indies 1820. D s.l Ru. am. 5.65.1
159 aculeatum Rox. prickly 10 O H i n d u * 1819. D s.l As.res. 11.6
160 latifolium Afx. broad-leaved [El or 4 ap.jn P.Y & Leone 1824. D s.l
161 subul&tum Rox. subulate [El or 3 mr.ap Y Bengal 1822. R 8.1
162 Grana Paradlsi W. grain of parad. [El clt R Madagasc. ... R r.m Rmal 11.6
163 mlximum ROT. greatest 5 jn W E. Indies ... R s.1 Bot. reg. 929
164aroiriticum Rox. aromatic 3 my.jl P.Y E. Indies 182a D 8.1
165 serlccum Rox.. silky or 6 jn.jl W E. Indies 1819. D s.l
• 14. CURCWMA L. TURMERIC. (Kurkumt the Arabic naracj Seitaminea. 20. —
166 Zedoaria Rose Zedoary ^ E3 or 3 R E. Indies 1797. R r.m Bot. mag. 1546
167 arom&tica Sal. aromatic ]or 2 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1804. R s.l Rose, scit ic.
1(» Idtifoha Rose. broad-leaved ] or 12 my.jn Y E. Indies 1880. R s.1 Rose, scit ic.
169 Zcr&mbet Rox. Zerumbet [ EJ clt 3 Y E. Indies 1807. R r.m Bot mag. 9000
170 aruginosa Rox. rusty 5 R.Y E. Indies 1807. R r.m
171 rubescens Rox. rubescent 3 my.s Y E. Indies 1805. R r.m Rose, scit ic.
172 cassia Rox. grey 1 apjn Y Bengal 1819. R s.1
173comusa Rox. tuftcd-flowcred 2 my R.Y R Indies 1819. R s.1
174 clata Rox. tall 3 my C E. Indies 1819. R B.I Rose. scit. ic.
175 ferruginea Rox. ferrugineous Y E. Indies 1819. R s.l Rose, scit Ic.
176 leucorhiza Rox. white-rooted R.Y E. Indies 1819. R 8.1
177 xanthorhiza Rox. yellow-rooted R Amboyna 1819. R al
178 rubricai'iliB Lk. red-btemmed R E. Indies 1822. R M
179 anguatilolia Rox. narrow-leaved Y E. Indies 1822. R s.l As. res. IL 5
180 vindifl6ra Rox. green-flowered Y.o Sumatra 1822. R s.1
181 petiolata Rox. petiolated B Pegu 1822. R s.1 Rose, scit ic
182 Amada Rox. Ama.da.ginger R.Y Bengal 1819. R s.1 Rose. scit. ic.
18316nga Ros. long-rooted 2 ail E. Indies 1759. R s.l Jac. vin. 3.4
184 montana Rox. mountain 2 my.jn R.w E. Indies 1824. R s.1 Rox. cor. 151
183 reclinita Rox. rcchnatc Pk E. Indies 1824. D s.l
15. GLO'BBA Rose. GLOBRA. (SO named in the Moluccas.) Seitaminea. 8. — 9.
186 mar&ntina Rose. maranta-like 4 (23 E] or 1* Y E, Indies e 1800.
1 R s.1 Ex. bot 2.103
187 bulbHcra Rox. bulbiferous
1 ...11..C " ^
EJ or 2 jlau Y
Sri a si . . . v E. Indies
v T « . I : _ . 1820.
toon. Dr\ s.1

188 onx«5nsis Rox. Orixian 2 Pk £ Indies 1819. D s.1 As. re8.ll. 8
180 Careyana Hox. Dr. Carey's IJau Y Pegu 1822. R s.l Bot cab. 6:4
190 orecta Dec. upright W E. Indies 1820. R s.l Red. lil. 174
191 raccmosa Sm. racemose Y Ceylon 1812. It s.1 Sm. ex. bot 117
libra Rox.
192pendula Rox. Rox. COT. 3.2C8
193 scssihfl6ra B. M. Bot mag. 1428
(The flowers resemble the insect mantis.) Seitaminea
P E I d i 1808 R 1 B

196 lanuginosum R. Br. woolly

18. L O P E ' Z / J * Cav. LOPEZIA. (T. Lopez, a Spanish botanist.) Onagrdria. 7 10.
197 hin6ta Jac. hairy £ l Q j o r If s.n R Mexico 1796. S' co Jac. c. 5.15.4
198 racem6sa Cav. racemose [| au.o R Mexico 1792. S co Bot mag. 251
199 frutdscens
fd D
Dec. frutescent n Ljpr 1 JLB R Mexico 1826. S r.m
200 pftmila Kth. dwarf O P' R Mexico 1824. S r.m
201 hfspida Swt hispid O or 11 8.0 R Mexico 182a S co Sw. fl. gar. ic in
m coronita U. X. coronet-/Z0WCTvd O or R Mexico 1805. S co Bot. rep. 551
203 cordSta Horn. cordate O or 1| JU P Mexico 1821. S co

19. B O E R H A A ' V / J I L. HOQWBED. (The celebrated Dutch physician, d. 1758.) Nj/ctagine*. 9 . - 3 6 .

S04 erecta X. upright £ (23 or If jLs W India 1733. S co Jac. vin. 1.5,6
2O5diffusa W. spreading £.123
£. 123 or
or 1 au.8 C India 1690. S co
206 procfimbens Roxb. procumbent *•» 123 or 1 jl.n R E. Indies 1800. co R.mal.7.56
207 hirsCita X. hairy JU • or 1 S Jamaica 1733. co Jac. vin. 1.1
208 plumbaginca Cav. Plumbago-like £ (23 or \\ R Spain 1820. co Cav. ic. 2.112
£09 discolor Kth. two-colored £ (23 or 1* s R Guayaquil 1825. S co
S10 visc6sa Lag. clammy £. (23 or 3 ap.8 S Peru 1821. C co
211 scandens X. climbing fl_ CD or 6 ap.8 G Jamaica 1691. S co Jac. vin. 1.4
212cxcHsa W. tall nHor 5 ap.n R S. Amer. 1820. C co
20. CENTRA'NTHUSXVfc CRNTBANTHUS. (Kentron, a spur, an/hos, a flower) ValeriiLnece. 3 . - 4 .
213 ruber Dec. red j A or H my.jl C Britain mea. R co Eng. bot 1531
2fl6reaibo white-flowering; A or 11 W Britain gard. D co
214 angustifolius Dee, narrow-leaved t A or U myjl C & Europe 1759. R co FLgr.29
215Calcitrapa Dttfr. caltrop-kaved O or 1 myjl P Portugal 1683. S co Fl. gr. 50
* 21. VOCHY'&IA Poir. VOCHTSIA. (The original name of the Caribes.) Vochysiece. 1. —15.
216 excelsa Lam. lofty I C D o r 30 au.s Y Trinidad 1825. C s.p Aub.gui.18.6
22. POLLl'CHLI W. POLLICBIA. IJ. A. Pollich, a German botanist) Chenopbde*. 1.
217 campestris W. field OJ or 6 8 Ap C. B. S. 1780. C co Sm. spic. 1.1
23. SALICCRNIA X. GLABSWORT. {Sal, salt, cornu, a horn; salt-wort) Chenophdete. 6. —18.
218ai*bica W. Arabian # i _ J o r 1 jnjl Ap Arabia 1758. C s.l M.h.2.33.7
219 fruticosa L. shrubby 1 au.8 Ap Britain sea sh. S 8 Eng. bot. 2467
220 perennans IV. perennial \ au.8 Ap Siberia 1823. S S.1 Pal i t 1.1). 1
221 radlcans E. R rooting 18 P
Britain sea sh. S s Eng. bot. 1691
222 herbacea L. herbaceous O clt 1 au.8 A p Britain sea sh. S s Eng. bot 415
223 procambens E. R procumbent JU O clt \ au Ap England sal. m. S 1 Eng. bot 1691
MARESTAIL. (Hippos, a mare, oura, a tan.)HippwM*"- 1.-2.
24 vulgaris L. common "A w
1 my.jn Ap Britain" dit R co Eng. bot763
25. ZOSTE'RA L. WBACKORAaS. (Zoster, a xiband; referring to the leaves.) Fluviales, 1.
225 marina X. marine * A « au.8 Ap Britain sea sh. S Eng. bot 467
26. CHLORA'NTHUS Sun. CHLOBANTHUS. (Odoros, green, onthos, a flower.) Chlor&nthete. 3 . - 4 .
226 inconspicuus Sun. obscure I L R C U 1 ap.s Ap China 1781. C co
227 monfetachys Lindl. one-spiked jg E2 cu 1 Ap China 1819. C co land. coL 17
228 monander R. Br. one-anthered t L p c u l j j n Ap China 1817. C co



•27. CORISPE'RMUM X. TICKSEBD. {Kori*, a bug or tick, sperma, a seed.) Chawpbdea. 11. —16.
229 Aywopifolium X. hyssop-leaved O un li jl Ap Euroiie 1739. S co FLgr.1.1
230 squarr6sum X. Tough-spiked O un 1 au.s Ap Russia 1759. S co Pal. ros. 2.99
231 RcdowakiV Fis. Redowsky's O un Ap Siberia 1822. S co
232 intermedium Schw. intermediate O un \ Ap Poland 1822. S co
£33p6ngens Vahl pungent O un Ap Siberia 1818. S co Bun. c 3.56
234 uitidum R.&S. clear O un 1 A"p H u n g a r y 1820. S co
235 canescens w.SfK. canescent O un 1 jLau Ap Hungary 1824. S co
236 patens &$& spreading O un 1 Ap 1824. S co
237 tenue Lk. slender O un 1 Ap 1825. S co
238 glomer&tum Lag. glomerated O un 1 jLau Ap 1824. S co
239 Manchailii Stev. Marschall's O un 1 Ap Caucasus 1820. S co
• 2 8 . CALLITRICIIE W. WATER STARWOBT. (Kallos, beauty, thrix, hair.) Hakragete. 2.
240 verna X. spring £ o w \ ap.o W Britain dit. S aq Eng. bot 722
aquatica E. R
2 aquitica E. FL water £ O w iap.o W Britain dit. S aq CoL ec. 1.316
41 auiumnalis X. autumnal * O w \ jn.s W Britain dit S aq Eng. bot 722.2
aquitica y E.R
29. SLITUM X. STRAWBERRY BUTE. (Bliton, insipid, Gr. and Celt.) Chenopbdear. 5.
242 capitfitum X. berry-headed ' or 2 *Ap Austria
O " !" ***** 1633. S" ru
— "P.&T.fl.
"" 1.2
243 virgfitum X. twiggy O or 2 my.s Ap S. Europe 1680. S ru Bot mag. 276
244 chenopodioides Lam. O O un 21 Ap Crimea 1797. S co M.h. i 3 2 . l l
245petiolareX*. petiolate un Ap 1824. S co
246 maritimum NuL sea-side O cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1825. S co
SO. MNIA'RUM Font. MNIARUM. (Mttiaros, mossy.) Chenqpbdecc. 1 — 2 .
247 bifl6rum Font. two-flowered £ |AJ cu i jn.jl W N. Zeal. 1823. S s.p For. co. goet 1.1
3L ASPICA'RPA Rich. ASPICABPA. (Aspis, a shield, karpos, a fruit) Malpighidcem. 1,
£48 urens Rich. stinging ] 5J jn.jl Ap & Amer. 1821. C co Mem. m. 2. IS
32. MONE'RMA R.Br. MONEBMA. (Monos, one, herma% a support j bne glume.) Graminae. 1.
249 mon&ndrum R. Br. monandrous m ^ cu I jl Ap Spain 1804. S co Cav. ic. 39.1
Psillu'rus nardoidea Trin. Rottboellia monfindra Cav.
33. CI'NNA X. CINNA. (Ancient name of a grass growing in Cilicia) Grammar. 1. — 2.
250arundinaceaX. reedy Jk A cu 3 jn.s Ap Canada 1799. S co 49


Vahl WILD TAMARIND. (Kodarion, a leathern pouch, the Leguminous. 2. —
eso^.""^"i""*JVm acute-leaved 2 D o r 20 f P . E S. Leone 18U. Lp Roe. ar. 1.31.6
252obtusifoUumi<^. obtuse-leaved «CZ]or 14 f P . E S. Leone 1824. C l.p
MoL MAYTENIML (The aboriginal name.) Celdstrtwe. 1.
MoL ox 2 —I or 15 W Chile 1822. C co Feu. ch. 3.27
36- CLEA L. OLIVE. _
254 Oleaster flqfe.
Oleaster, wild » i _ J o r 5 W
oil, Gr. and Celt.) autue. la—la
255 europa/a £ Portugal 1821. C co
European 2 uJ ft 15 w & Europe 1570. C r.m
2 longifolia long-leaved ^ V U f r 15 w S. Europe ... C r.m Bot cab. 456
3 latifolia broad-leaved \\\
| ft: 15
'({* i_j ft 15 w w S. Europe ... C r.m
4 ferruglnea S. Europe . . . ' C r.m
5 obliqua oblique-leaved ' i | fir 15 w S. Europe ... C r.m
M 6 6uxifiSlia
box-leaved $ l—J ft 15 w S. Europe ... C r.m
waited m i_j or ~ C. G. H T 1814. C p.l
256 verrucosa Thun. American ii lor 6
jn W N. Amer. 1758. S s.p Cat car. 1.61
258 dioica Rox. dioecious 2 D or SO mr E. Indies 1818. fc.l
259 c£rnua
oeu\ r
??i « drooping «Dor 10 ... W
W Mauritius 1816. C 8.1
2 6 0 Ro f W E. Indies 1820. C r.m
n*bujghi<MU»R.4S.2)r.Roxburgh s2 • or 15 au.s
261 fragransThin. fragrant or 4 Y China 1771. L p.l Bot mag. 1552
262 lancca Vahl lance-feared or 20 W I. France 1819. C r.m
263- —r-.—....
capensia w, L. Cape l U o r 5jDi W C. 6. H. 1730. C p.l Botreg.613 «
264 emarginata Vahl emarginate 2 O or 40 au.s W Madagas. 1825. r.m 8.2
265 undulata
265 arb6rea
undulataJae.Jae. wave-form* • l_Jor 6 W C. G. H. 173a p.l Bot cab. 379
266 Lo. C. 2 l _ J o r 20 au.s W 1825. r.m
2tf7 cxcelsa H. JL tree
268 paniculfta R. Br. tall 2 L_l or 15 my W Madeira 1784. P-l
panicled 2 LJ or 10 jl W N. HolL 1825. C r.m
269 PHILLY'REA L. L. PHILLYREA. (Phyllon,, aa icai leaf;i itruiy.;
leafy.) OLeintB. 11.
narrow-leaved or ~8 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.1 8.3
2 iif^li rosemary-lvd or 8 myjn W
3 brachiata S. Europe 1597. L s.1
brachiate or 8 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.1
270 media L. mediate or 15 myjn W & Europe 1597. L s.p
2 ouxifolia box-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.p
271 virgfita W. twiggy or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L si
272 pendula H. K. drooping or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.1
273 oleaeffilia H. K. olive-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.1
274 /igustrifolia W. privet-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1596. C l.p
275 la^vis W. Bmooth4eaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.1
276 ilicifftia W. holly-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. L s.l
277 latiftlia- L. broad-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
278 obliqua H. K. q or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
279 robusta Rox. robust 2 • tm 60 jnjl W E. Indies 1824. C s.l
M. CHIONA FRINGE TREE. (Chion, snow, anthos, a flower.) Oteinar. a — a
281 maritima Ph. Virginian
_ % or 30 myjl W N. Amer. 1736. L p.1 Cat car. 1.69
882 axillaris R. Br. marine
ax\\.Jlowering IE or 10 myjl W N. Amer. 1736. L p.l
A O or 7 myjl W E. Indies 1810. C p.l
JP{ N ° T E L i E ' A Yen. NOTELJEA.
J83 longiftlia R. Br. long-leaved (Notos, south, elaia, olive.) Oleirue. 5.—&
284 punctata R:Br. spotted - "ll__Jor
L J o r 3 jnjl mrjn W W N.S.W.N.S.W. 1790.
1824. C C s.p
s.p Bot rep. 316
W5 ovfiU R. Br. ovzte-leaved iLjor jnjl W N.S.W. 1824. C s.p
«6/igustrina Yen. privet-leaved »l_Jor Lau w V. Di. L. 1807.
287 rlgida Desf. rigid ll_Jor 3 jlau w V. DL L. 1821. C §.p
C s.p
Jl. K. shining • l_Jor 8 jn.s W OtU e. 2 4.
China 17P4.
17P4. g.l s.1
2 floribundum profuse-flwd • j_Jor 8 jn.s W China 1
289 vulgare L. common A or 10 njl w Britain hedg. 1794. g.l s.l
2 scmpcrvircns evergreen m or 8 njl w Italy S co Eng.bot64
3 xanthocarpum yellow-berried tt or "
8 jn. I w Italy ... L co
4 leucocarpum white-berried A or 8 jnjl w Britain hedg. ... L co co
5 variegatum variegated A or 8 jnjl w Britain grd. L co
narrow-leaved A or 8 jnjl w Britain hedg. gard. L co
6 angustif61ium hd L co
41. „ LILAC. (Syrinx, the native name in Barbary.) Of tour, 3.—4.
290 vulL common or 8 my B Persia 1597. Skco Schk.han. 1.2
v\o\et-flowered or 8 my P Persia Skco Bot mag. 133
2 vi'olacea white or 5 my W Persia Skco
3 alba or 8 my P Persia Skco*
4 variegSta or 10 my P Persia Skco
or 4 myjn V China ... L l.p
4 rothomagcnsis Tun. Rouen hyb. or 4 myjn V China 1795. L l.p
292 pe'rsica L. Persian or 5 my P Persia ... L s.p Bot mag. 486
2 alba white P* 2 my w Persia 1640. LL Lp s.p
3 laciniSta cut-leaved or 5 my p Persia
M?^^ treeofg^ness'iTcD'or \&~ .'..
Jasminae. 1.
W R Indies 1781. C r.m Bot reg. 399
^ 3 . JASMFNUMZ. JASMINE. (Ysmyn, the Arabic name.) Jasmine*. 33.- -SI.
Sdmbac U
294 2SdmbacU Zambac £_'
L |D o r 6 year W E. Indies 1665. C r.m
fl6re plcno 6 year W E. Indies 1700. C r.m Bot. rep. J.1
doublc-flwg H I—lor 6 year \V
three-leaved fl C~"lor E. Indies 1730. C r.m Bot mag.497 1785
g5 hirsfitum L.
JSjo iaurifdlium Rox. hairy m\ lor 3 W E. Indies 1759. C r.m Ex. bot 2.118
laurel-leaved • • o r 4 my.s
. „.,,.» W W Bot. reg. 521
W7 angiutiftlium JL. E, Indies 1816. C. s.1 Bur. in. 4.2.
uarrow-lcaved | Q o r 10 year
B 0

298 glaficum H. K. glaucous 3 au W C.G.H. 1774. C l.p Sal. st. 8

299 acandens Vahl climbing 10 jl W £. Indies 1820. C co
300 bractcatum Box. largc-hTacted 30 W EL Indies 1818. C 8.1
301 latifolium Rox. broad-leaved 20 jnjl W
w E. Indies 1817. C 8.1
302 arborcscens Box. arborescent 12 ... W E. Indies 1824. C r.m
303 trinfrve Vahl three-nerved 20 ... w E. Indies 1804. C l.p
SOI simplicifoliumFortf. simple-leaved 3 jnjl w S. Seas 1800. C r.m Bot. mag. 980
305 gracile R. Br. slender 3 year w
»» Norfolk 1.1791. C s.p Hot. rep. 127
JOG elonga'tum L. elongated 10 W E. Indies 1820. C r.m Ber ph. tr. 1772.
Sff7 acumin&tum R. Br. acuminate 10 W N. HolL 1820. C l.p
308 paniculatum Box. pnnicled 5 ja W China 1818. C r.m Bot. cab. 4fi9
309 undulatum Vahl wavy 5 ja W China 1819. C r.m Bot. reg. 4-iti
310 auriculatum Vahl auriculated 10 my.s W E. Indies 1790. C r.m Bot. reg. L'ltt
Sll campanula'tum Lk. campanulate 4 :.. w 1822. C r.m
312 flexile Vahl flexible E Indies 1825. C r.m
313 capense fhun. 10 W C.G. H. 1816. C r.m
Cape 8 apjl W
314 wylamcuci Ma. C. Ceylon Ceylon 1823. C r.m
315 tortu6sura W. 6 W C.G.H. 1818. C r.m Jac. sc. 4.490
twisted 6 my.jl W
flgxile Jac.
316 dispennum Wa/. two-seeded' l i lor 8 ... W Nepal 1825. C l.p
317 divaric&tum A. Zfo*. divaricate fl_ i | or 10 ap.jl W N.lloll. 1819. C r.m Bot reg. 12W
318 heterophfllum/for. variable-leaved » | _ J or 14 jnjl w Nepal 1820. C r.m
319 azoricum L. Azorian I i_J or 5 ap.n Y Madeira 1724. C r.m Bot. reg. 89
320 frfiticans L. sprouty S or 3 apo Y S. Europe 1570. C r.m Bot mag. 461
321 humile L. low Ik or 3 jn.s Y S. Europe 1656. L co Bot reg. 350
322 odoratlssimuxn L. sweetest-scent. J_ t_J or 3 my.n W Madeira 1656. C r.m Bot mag. 285
323 revolutum B. R. revolute-/ftiMi £_ i _ j or 12 mr.o Y E. Indies 1812. C r.m Bot reg. 178
324 officinalc L. officinal _& or 15 jn.o W E. Indies 1548. C co Bot mag. 31
2 fol. argenteis silvcr-lcavcd A or 15 jn.o W E. Indies ... C co
3 fol. aftreis golden-leaved T or 15 jn.o W E. Indies ... C co
• 4 fl6ribus plenis double-flowered^ or 15 jn.o W E. Indies C co
325 grandiflorum L. lurgc-flowered £. i | or 15 jn.o W E. Indies 1629. C r.m Bot reg. 91
326 stenopetalum Lindl. narrow-petalcd « CD or W E. Indies 1824. C co
44. LErTA'NDRA Nut. LEPTANDRA. (Leptos, slender, aner, an anther.) Scrophuldrirue. 2.—
327 virginica Nut. Virginian ^ A o r 5 W 1714. D co Hof. got. 15.1
Veronica virginica L.
S incarn&ta flesh-colored ^ A or 5 F ...... 1714. D co
328 sibirica Nut. Siberian ^ ^ o r 3 jLau B ...... 1779. D co Am. rut 20. 4
Verdnica sibirica L.
•45. VERO'NICA L. SPEEDWELL. (Name of a princess, or altered fromBetonica.) Scrophvlutirue. 134. — 170
329 foli6sa Kit. leafy ^ A or 3 jl.a B Hungary 1805. D e o W.&K.2.1 2.102
330 crenulata Vahl notch-flowered • S. Europe 1814. D co Hof. p h . E . 3
331 maritima L. marine Sweden 1570. D co Sc. v . 2 9 . 1 . 1
332H6stiiR.&a Host's Germany 1819. D co
333 Stephanidna R. & S. Stcphan's Persia 1821. D co
334 angustiflHia Fit. narrow-leaved H Siberia 1822. D co
335 spfiria Schr. spurious Siberia 1731. D co G m e 1 . i t 1.39
336 panicula'ta Pall. paiiicled Russia 1797. D co
337 complicata liqfg. complicate-/^ S. Europe 1812. D s.l Hof. ph. E. 4
338 azfirca Schott sky-blue 1821. D co
339 polystachya Lk. many-spiked 1821. D co
310 glabra Schr. smooth S. Europe 1804. D co Sc.v.25.1.4
2 alba white D co
341 leucantha Fis. white-flowered ' Siberia' 1817. D co
342 amethystina W. en. amethyst S. Europe 1812. D co
343 elatior Ehrh. taller S. Europe 1808. D co
344 acuta Mart. acute 1822. D co
345 argtita Schr. sharp-notched S. Europe 1812. D co Scv.22.2.2
346 melanc61ica Desf. melancholy 1820. D co
347 nltida Lk. clear Europe 1817. D co
348 longibracteata Lk. long-bracted 1817. D co
2 Iatif61ia broad-leaved 1818 D co
349 media Schr. mediate Germany 1H04. D co Sc.v.23.1.2
350per»icif61ia Schott peach-leaved 1823. D co
351 praalta H. C. very high 1817. D co
3SS austrulis Schr. southern S. Europe 1812. D co Scv.24 2.3
353 longiftlia L. long-leaved S. Europe 1731. D co Sc.v.24.2.1
2 incarnata flesh-colored D co
3 alba white D co
354 grossa Mart. gross Crimea 1821. D co
355 ambigua Mart. doubtful Sweden 1823. D co
356 falcita Mart. falcate-leaved 1820. D co
357 neglecta Vahl neglected Siberia 1797. D co W.&K.3.244
358 incana L. hoary Russia 1759. D co Hof. got 15.6
359 grindia Fis. grand Siberia 1826L D co
360 Wormski61dtiR.&S. Wormskiold's jnjl Greenlandl819. D co Bot. mag. 2975
361 rlgens Mart. stiff* 1823. D co
382 elegans Dee. elegant myjn
S. France 1822. D co
363 brevif61ia Lk. short-leaved myjn 1822. D co
364 spicata L. spiked England D co Eng. bot 2
365 incarna'ta G. Don small flesh-cld "ijjiu 1800. D co
366 Cltisi'j Schott Ecluse's Hungary 1822. D co
367 Waldsteiniana Schott Waldstein's I 1817. D co
368 conftisa R. $ S. confused II jnjl 1819. O co
3fi9 mentht^fdlta Schott mint-leaved 1 jl.8 Austria 1823. D co
370 Barrelien* Schott Barrelier's 1 JLf S. Europe 18£3. D co
371 orchidea Crz. orchis-flowered" Europe 1819. I) co Bot. mag. 2210
372 longiftora R. 8f S. long-rtowered ...... 1824. D co
S73 corymb6sa Hort. corymbose 1817. D co
374 h^brida L. hybrid England moun. D co Eng. bot. 673
375 csassifulia Kit. thick-leaved S, myjn Europe 1622. D co
376 ruthenica Joe. Russian 2 myjn Russia 1821. D co
977 F6na? Gou.
Pona's A or I myjn Pyrenees 1822. D co Gou. iL 1.1
378 villosa Schr. villoua ^ A or U B & Europe 1804. D co Sc.v.31.1 3
379 pinnata L. pinnate-tawed k A or 1 B Siberia 1775. D co 15.10
3S0 incisa //. K. cut-leaved k A or 2 jn,au B Siberia 1779. D co JJotcab.UD7
381 lacuu&ta H. K. jagged leaved ifc A or " B Siberia 1780. D co Jun. ic. 2
38i!parvifl6ra Vahl small-flowered «-i lor jnjl B New Zeal. 1822. C s.p
3S3 gentinno/rfe* Vahl gentian-like -3* A or myjn D.B Levant 1748. D co Bot mag. 1002
384 pallida Horn. Dale A or 1 iny.jn B Tauria 1821. D co
385 oellidioides L. dauy-likc i ^ o r ] B SwitzcrL 1775. D co Hal. h. 15.1
386 fruticulosa L. shrub-hke-rtAd a. or F Scotland sc. alp. D co Eng. bot 1028
3H7 saxatilis L. rock -* A or B Scotland sc. alp. D co Eng. bot 1027
388 nummularia GOM money wort-lvJ Jc A or * * j B Pyrenees 1820. D co 1.1.2
389 alpina L. alpine Jc A or imy B Europe ... D co
2 lntegnffilia R.SfS. entire-leaved •* A or ft my.jn B Silesia 1814. D co Kr. sil 28.3
3 pfcmila All. dwarf Jc A or ft my B Piedmont 1819. D s.p Al.ped.22.1
4 obtusifolia R. 8[S. obtuse-leaved Jc A or ft my B Scotland moun. D s.p Eng. bot 484
5 heterophflla/{.$& variable-leaved-* A or ft my B Europe ... 1> s-P
6 rotundifolia R.$S. round-leaved J: A or m B Europe 1816. D s.p Bra. sal. 15.2
390 depauperata Kit. impoverished k A or ft, *.. B Hungary 1823. D s.p W.&K.3.245
391 scrpyllitolia L. Serpylhum-lvd 5 ^ or ft ap.jl B Britain me. pa. D co Eng. bot 1075
2 tenella ScAm. tender Jc A or i apjl B Europe D s.p
3 neglecta ScAm. neglected Jc A or ft apjn B Europe D co
4 quaternata quaternate -* A or J my.jn B Europe D co
5 nuiMnularifolia moneywort-lvd Jc A or ft myjn B Europe D co
6 humifusa humituse Jc A or ft myjn B Europe D co
392 tenella All. tender -^ _AI pr ft myjn B France 1820. D co AI.ped.22.1
393 cretica Pall. Cretan ^r Al pr ft myjn B Crete 1819. D co
3H microphylla Kit. small-leaved ^ ^ or B Hungary 1822. D s.p
395decu8sdta//.iC. cxosi-leuvcd «• |_J or B Falkl. I. 1776. C r.m Bot mag. 242
S9fi aphf lla L. leaAenstalked £L A or B Italy 1775. D co Seg.ver.1.3.2
397 Bcccab&nga L. Brook-lime £ A clt 2 myjn B Britain rivul. D co Eng. bot. 655
398 carol imana Pair. Carolina & A or 1 jnjl B Carolina 1821. D co
399/fnaKalhsL. Pimperncl-ftfc =fe A or B Britain mar. D co Eng. bot 7S1
400 Bcutellata L. saucer-leaved =fe A or 2 jl F Britain mar. D co Eng. bot 782
401 parmulana 7Vo/. small-shielded ^ A *>r 2 R & Europe 1824. D co
402 onentahs //. /C eastern Jc A or 1 jLau L.B Levant 1748. D co Bot. cab. 419
403 tai'inca W. Taunan Jc A pr 1 B Siberia 1820. R 1.1 Bot cab. 911
404 tenuifolia Sfcw. fine-leaved B Iberia 1821. D co
405 trichocdrpa R. $ S. hairy-capsuled B Levant 182a D 8.1
pilor irpa Lk
406 caucasica liicb. Caucasian ft jnjl Pa.R Caucasus 1816. D co Bot cab. 1369
2 latifolia G. Don broad-leaved I jnjl. Pa.R Caucasus 1820. D co
407 Jacquini Schott Jacquin's I my.jn B Austria 1748. D co 4.329
408 pectinata Vahl pectinated 1 myjn B Italy 1819. D co Bux.c. 39.1
409Schmfdti*R.&S. Schmidt's 1 my.jn B Bohemia 1820. D co
410 austrlaca Jac. Austrian ] L.B Austria 1748. D co M.h.2.23.12
411 multifida L. much-cut ft my jl L.B Siberia 1748. D co Bot mag. 1679
412 pmnatifida W. pinnatifid 1 myjn B 1817. D e o
413 Alli6n« Vil. Alliom's ft L.B & Europe 1748. 1) co Al. ped. 1. 46. i
p 1748.
414 officin^lis L. officinal 4 apjl B B
t i D co Eng. bot 765
415 Tournefortii ViL Tournefort's ftmyjn B France 1821. D co
416 sctlgera D. Don bristled ft apjl Scotland raed. D co
hirsfita Hopk. B
417MullenVinaR.&S. Muller'a 1 jnjl Syria 1825. D B.p
418 Chaixi Lap. Chaix's ft jnjl S. Europe 1825. D fl.I
419 prostrata L trailing 1 myjn Germany 1774. D co Riv. mon. 95
420 plicata Pohl plaited 2 myjn Bohemia 1817. D co Pohl fl. bo. 1
421 dentSta Schr. 1 myjn Europe 1818. D co CL h. 349
422 micrantha Hofg. small-flowered jt A or lft myjn W Portugal 1822. D co FL por. 57
423 Jamiifolia Hayne dead-nettle-lvd ^ A or myjn 1825. D co
424 melissefulia Pair. balm-leaved j| A or myjn B 1826. D co
425 latifdlia Z,. broad-leaved k A or myjn W.B Austria 1748. D co Sw. fl. gar. 23
426 Tedcuum L. Germander-/vd^ A or 2 L.B Germany 1596. D co Bot cab. 425
427 polym6rplia W. en. multiform ^t A or 1 B 1817. D co
428 pilosa L. pilose ^ A or \\ myjn B Bohemia 1819. D co
429 acutifl6ra Lap. acute-flowered 1 my.jn B France 1821. D co
430 crinita Kit. hairy 1 B Hungary 1822. D
431 C'hamae'drys L. Germander H Britain m.pas. D co Eng. bot. 623
432 ttrticxfoha L. nettle-leaved l j n j l L.B Austria 1776. D co
438 circvoiVrs G. Don Circea-like ft myjn 11 Switzerl. 1820. D e o 1.51
434 montana L. mountain B Britain moi.w. D co Eng. bot. 766
435 pcduncularis Bicb. pcdunculatcd myjn B Caucasus 1826. D co
436 pctra/a »«?». rock myjn B Caucasus 1821. D co
437 pcrfohata R. Br. perfoliatc B N. S. W. 1815. D r.m Bot mag. 1936
4.V>; labiata R. Br. labiated apjl L.B N. Holl. 1802. C r.m Bot mag. 1660
*39 plebeia R. Br. plebeian jnjl B N. S. W. 1820, D co
«0 sracilis /I. Br. slender myjn B N. S. W. 1820. D co
Mldistans R.Br. distant myjn B N. S. W. 1825. D co
%4+2p61chra G.Don fair f B N. Holl. 1823. D Lp
443 maxima 6Yev. largest 1 myjn B Caucasus 1824. S co Bux. c. 1.34
444 v6rna L. vernal ft B Britain S 8s Eng. bot 25
445 digitata TaA/ digitated ft jl B S. Europe 1805. S CO
446 triphyllos L. three-leaved ft B Britain S 8 Eng. bot 26
447 Aedera>fAlia 7M ivy-leaved 1 inr.jn B Britain S CO Eng. bot 784
448 cymbalina Bert. cymbalaria-/vd Jc O or 2 W S. Europe 1821. S CO 9
449 percgrina L. outlandish O cu ft mr jn W N. Europe 1680. CO Fl. dan. 407
450 filif6rmi8 5w. filiform Jc O or ft my L.B Levant 1780. S CO Bux. c. 1.40.1
451 prs'cox All. early O or ftxnr B & Europe 1775. S CO 5. LI
452 acinifolia L. acinus-leaved O or L.B S. Europe 1788. S CO P.&T.fl.l.S3
453 arvensis L. corn field Jc O w B Britain oldw. S CO Eng. bot 734
454 agrestis L. rural Jc O w ' nirjl B Britain cltgr. S co Eng. bot 783
2 vcrsicolor various-colored O w 'ft mrjl B Britain fields, S co
3opaca opaque O w ft mrjl B Britain fields. S co
455 amcc'na Stev. pleasant O pr ft ap.ray R Iberia .1824. S co
456 bUoba ToA/ two-lobcd O pr ft B Iberia 1819. S co Bux.c. 1.36
457 pulch£Ua Bernh. pretty O pr ft W 1819. S co
B 4

458 pfrstea Pohr. Persian O p r I B Persia 1818. S co

459 Buxnaumi Ten. Buxbaum's O pr i apjn W S. Europe 1800. S co Fl. nap. 7.1
4<i. DIPLOPHY'LLUM Leh. DIPLOPHYLLUM. (Diploos, double, phytlon, a leaf.) Scrophtdaniue. 1.
460 wrort/c^forme/^A.veronica-formed-* O cu } B Caucasus 1813. S co Lin. tr. 11.13
Veronica CYista galli Stev.
47. MICRA'NTHEMUM Mx. MICRANTHEMUM. (Mikros,small,anthos, a flower.) Prtmulacece. 1.—2.
4(U orbicuUtum itf*. round-taiwwf JL .AJ pr } niy.jn W Carolina 1826. D s.p
• 48. GALIPEA Aub. GALIPEA. (The name in Guiana.) Rutucetc. 1.
4G2 trifoliata Aub. three-leaved • • o r 4? . . G Guiana 1803. p.l Aub. gui. 269
49. SCHWE'NCKM L. SCIIWENCKIA. (J. T. Schvoenck, Prof. Med. at Jena.) Scrophuldrince. 1. — 7.
463 americana L. American £ 33 1 au.s Li Guiana 1781. C s.p
60. HEMI'MERIS L. HEMIMERIB (Hetni, half, merit, a p:irtj a half flower.) Scrophuldriwe. 1.
4(34 monta'na /.. mountain C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Lam. iL 538
51. HO'STvi Jac. . HOSTA. (N. T. Host, a German botanist.) Verbendccce. 3.
465 cierulea Jac. blue * Q o r 6 B Mexico 1733. C p.l Bot mag. 2611
Curm'itia punct&ta W.
466 latifolia Hum. broad-leaved I or 6 B Mexico 1824. p.1
467 longifdlia Hum. long-leaved lor 6 B Mexico 1826. l
52. CORNU'TJ^ L, COBNUTIA. (J. Cornutus, a physician of Paris.) Verbendceee. 1.
468 pyramidata L. pyramidal • • o r 6 jl B Mexico 1733. C p.l 541
53. GRATl'OLA L. HEDGE HVSSOP. (Gratia, grace of God; as a purge.) Scrophularitue. 5.—35.
469 officmalis L. officinal 1 L.B Europe 1568. D co Fl. dan. 363
470 virginica L Virginian 1 au Y Virginia 1759. D co
471 aurea Ph. golden i my.jn Y N. Amer. 1820. D co Bot cab. 1399
472 latifoha R Br. broad-leaved 1 jl au W N. Holl. 1822. D p.l
473 quadndentata Mx. four-toothed I W N. Amer. 1821. D co 16.2
54. BONNA'Yi< Lk. BONNAYA. (Ronnay, a German botanist) ScrophidariiKT. 3. —12.
474 brachiata Lk. brach late O p r 1 au "W Brazil
~ 1823V S L. &O. a.b. g.ll
475 vcronictefoWa Spr. speedwell-lvd — ijn.s Pk £. Indies 1798. C co R.mal.9.59
Gratlola verontacfohu. Arias.
476 rcptans Spr. creeping £r ES3 or | jn.jl B E. Indies 1820. D &p
* 55. SCH1Z A'NTHUS Ft. per. SCIIIZANTIILS. (Schixo, to cut, anthos, funusg aa flower.) Scrophutdrinte.
477 pinnatus Ft. per. pinnate O or 2 jn.o W P Chile 1822. Lp Hook. ex. fl. 73
478 pomgens Hook. sprcading-sto/fced O or 2 jn.o W.P Chile 1822. Hook. ex. fl. 86
56. ELYTRA'RIA Mx. ELYTRARIA {Elytron, an envelope: its scaly stem.) Acanthaceic. 7 . - 9 .
479 virg&ta Mx. twiggy Carolina 1813. D B.p Mic. am. 1. 1
480 crenata Vahl crcnatc E. Indies 1820. D s.p Rox. cor. 127
Justice acaulis Rox.
481 margin&ta Bcauv. marginate Guinea 1823. 8.p
482 imbricata Pers. imbricated W. Indies 1824. s.p Vahl cc. 1.1
483 caulescens Led. caulescent E. Indies 1823. s.p
484 ramosa Hum. branched Mexico 1825. CO
485 lyrfita Vahl lyrate E. Indies 1825. S co
57. HYPOE'STES Sol. HVPOESTES. (Hypoestet, an inner garment; the involucrum.) Acanthacea. 4. —11.
486involucrataRox. involucred • • o r W E. Indies 1811. C p.l
487 purpurea R. Br. purple j g E J o r 2 myjn Pu China 1822. C p.1
488 fastuosa Sol. sumptuous • • or 2 my.jl R E. Indies 1818. C p.l
489 serpens JL Br. creeping ArOSor ... Australia 1820. D p.l
*58. JUSTl'CId L. JUSTICIA. (J. Justice, an eminent Scotch hort and bot) Acanthacete. 58. —150.
490 bicalyculata Vahl two-calyxed o or 3 au Li E. Indies 1755. 8.1 Cav. ic. 1.71
491 hispiria W. hispid £ E) or Y.w S. Leone 1824. D p.1
492 Ecbolium /.. ex lulling JK • or 3 B R Indies 1759. C pi Bot mag. 1847
493 thyrsiflora Rox. thyrse-flower'd • • or 8 ap.jl S E. Indies 1812. C p.1
494 vitelHna Rox. yolk-like n. • or 1 my.jn Y.B E. Indies 1818. C p.1
495 alba liox. white ft • or 2 apjl W E Indies 1816. C p.1
496 corcinca Aub. scarlet tt. I lor 5 f S S. Amer. 1770. C p.1 Bot mag. 432
497 t'chiofdcs L. Echium-likc j£ £Z3 or 1 R E. Indies 1820. C p.1
4»8 quadrifida Vahl four times cut tt. • or 3 mr.s S Mexico 1795. C p.1 Par. Ion. 50
499 pumila Die. dwarf «L • or i mr.jn S Amer. 1820. C p.1
600 nlgricans Lou. blackish «L L_J or 6 mr.8 W.R China 1819. C p.1
501 nitida Jac. clear tL QH or 4 mr.s W W. Indies 1790. C pi Bot. rep. 57
502 bractcolata Jac. small-bracted tL • or 6 P Caraccas 1823. C p.1 Jac. ic. 21)5
503 picta L. painted tt • or 8 C E. Indies 1780. C p.1 R.mal.6.60
2 ldrido-sanRUinea lurid b\ood-lvd 8 C E. Indies 1780. C p.1 Bot mag. 1870
504 naniculata Vahl panicled *.Qor Pk E Indies 1811. S p.1 R.mal.9.56
505 variegata Aub. tfAfl
striped-flowered* 2 myjn R Guiana 1825. C p.1 Aub. gui. 1.4
506 «alfcina Vahl vi\\\ovi-leaved M l i au.s R Peru 1816. C s.p
507 polysperma Rox. many-seeded Jk { P.B E. Indies 1818. S p.l
508 sccunda Vahl side-flowering J* 3 jn.jl R W. Indies 1793. C p.1 Bot mag. 2000
509 gcniculata B. M. jointed m 2 jn.jl P W. Indies 1820. C p.1 Bot mag. 2487
510 ciliaris L. ciliated 1 W W. Indies 1780. S 8.1 Jacvin.2 104
511 lucida Vahl shining-leaved M • or 3 S W. Indies 1795. C p.l Bot mag. 1014
512 elongata Vahl elongated myjn R E. Indies 1812. C sp
513 cuspidata Vahl cuspidate jj Arabia 1820. C s.p
514 «alvisfl6ra Hum. sage-flowered S Mexico 1824. C p?
£15 Gendartissa L. Gendarussa jn jl Li E. Indies 1800. C p.1 Botrcg. 635
516 carthagincn8is Jac. Carthagena jl P Carthag. 1792. C s.p.lBotreg.797 ,
517 ncmorosa Sun. 2 my.jn P W. Indies 1825.
518 pedunculosa Mx. grove U Li N. Amer. 1759. C 1 Bot mag. 2367
519 polystachya Lam. pedunculated 2 jn.jl P Guiana 1821. C p.l
520 procumbens L. many-spiked Pk E. Indies 179a L s.p Pluk. al. 56.
521 Guinquangulaxia Kcmnve-znuXed i P E. Indies 1820. C p.1
822 diffusa W. diffuse 1 my.jn W K Indies 1826. C p.1
523 htimilis Mx. dwarf w Jamaica
N. Amer 1318. C p.1
1795. R sp SI.jam. 1.103.2
524 coma'ta L. comate p
525 eustachi£na Jac. Eustachian au.1 O St. Eustac.1799. C s.p Jac. am. pic. 15
52e Kcridna Swt. Ker's «*-Oor S jn.o W E. Indies 1790. C p.1 Bot reg. 309
custachiana Bot. reg. 309
**- w large-snouted 2 f.o W E. Indies 1790. BoL mag. 325
1>cci68a Aw 8how 3 K E. Indies 1818.
?S » - y • •or 4 aus
•-•or 1 au.o
E. Indies
£ Indies
Bot mag. 2722
Ru. am. 6.22.1
5J0 Hoxburgh/a'/u»H&S. Roxburgh's
tincturia /to*.
5*1 pectorfllg Jflc. pectoral balsam* E2 m 3 my,
myjn P W.Indies 1787. L s.p Bot reg. 796
532 humifusa SM». humifuse £ CD or injl Pk Jamaica 182a C p.1
5:33 periplocifolia Jhe. periploca-lvd tt. CD or jn
P S. Amer. 1799. C s.p Jac. c. 7.2
534 reflcxifl6ra Mx. reflex-flowered j£ CZ3 or P W.Indies 1824. C s.p
— furcata
535 ».«..» wt,M forked £< lor jn.jl V Peru 1795. C p.l Bot mag. 430
536 HthospermifiiliaJtfc. Gromwell-lvd SU CD or P Peru 1796. C p.l Jac. sc. 1.4
537 caracasana Jac. Caraccas 1^ CD or V Caraccas 1822. C p.l Jac. ic 2. 206
538 plumbaginacfoliaJac. Plumbago-lvd t- CD or my.jn V W. Indies 1819. C pi Jac. ec. 12
539 Adhatoda L. Adhatoda ? CD or p Ceylon 16[19. c s.1 Bot mag. 861*
54()2tet6nica Vahl hctony-leaved « . D o r myjl w E. Indies 1737. S p.1 R.mal.2.21
541 maculate Lod. spotted tt. CD pr my.jl Pk E. Indies 1824. C p.1 Bot cab. 626
R.$S. moat branchy tt-CDor mr
£ jnjl P E. Indies 1825. C p.l
beautiful " — 2 my.jn P 1818. C p.1
5*4 Ayssopifolia L. hyssop-leaved tt. 1 | or 2 Y Canaries 1690. C p.1 Mil. ic. 9.13
5*5 orchioides L.M. Orch is-1 ike tt. i_J or 2 au C. G.H. 1774. C p.1 Ven. mal. 51
54T» flavicoma B. R. yellow-tufted tt. I lor 2 jl.s Y Brazil 1825. C p.1 Bot reg. 1027
547 caly-tricha Hook. beautiful hairy tt. I—I or 2 jamy Y 1824. S P.1 Ex.fl.212
Vahl D
»«-xiPn8BA. (D«, ble,lleio,
double, l to shut: ;fruitirtui ofui 21 valves.)
vaiv J Acanthacea:. 11.—92.
»ff led
six-angled rm
O oorr 2 jl R
R k A
5. Amer. 1733 1733. _ ... " " 279.6
49 resupinata Vahl rcsupinutc rm or
550 bivalvis Vahl j
< i or i jnji P W.P S. Amer. 1805. S p.1 Cav. ic. 3.203
r -—.-.- - — - two-valved E. Indies 1818. C p.l Ru. am. 6. 22.1
551 martinicensis Vahl Martinique tt-CDor W. Indies 1818. C s.1 Jac. am. 5. 6
g r J ^ i a n a Vahl -Peruvian
- — tt, CD or 2•2 P
Peru 1818. C p.1 Fl. per. 1.16. a
553 verticillaria Vahl vrhorl-Jlowered tt. 1 lor
554 chinensis Vahl China jC .Alor my jn P C. G. H. 1826. C p.s
555 pectinfita Vahl pectinated tt. I lor au.o Pa.B E. Indies 181& C s 1 Bur. in. 8.64.1
556 scorpioides Vahl Hcorpiou-like tt. I—lor B E. Indies 1798. C p.1 Rox. cor. 2.153
557 audrgens Void asHiirgcnt tt I—leu 2 R VeraCruz 1802. C p.1 K. Hou. a 1
Br. jam. 2.1
558 rctusa Vahl rctuae jg 2 rar.ap W. Indies 1818. S
W. Indies 1821. C f Bot cab. 721
R. Br. NELSONIA. (D. Nelson, a bot who accompanied Capt. Cook.) Acanthacea. 1.—5.
hairy £ CD un 22 . R E. Indies 1818. 181 C p.l
61. ERA'NTHEMUM It. Br. ERANTIIEMUM. {Ear, spring, antbos, a flower.) Acanthdcea?. 10. — 24.
56050 spinosum
Bpinosum li. Br. thornv
thorny «_r~i«r 3i jLau
tt-Oor :i-.. "' m.r'*-^ 1733. i
561 pulchellum 27. li. pretty W.Indies C B.p Jac. am. 2.2.1
tt. I lor 2 ja.o B E. Indies 17fN>.
*B variabile A ^r. variable tt. L-Jor 2 jnjl P C s.p Bot rep. 88
563 bicolor 2T Af. N. Holl. 1820. c gp
two-colored tt. CD or | W.a Luconia 18(J2. c
56* strictum llox. strict Q4
Qe4 2 P Nepal 1818. c e.p B o t mag. 1423
5a? crenulatum Wai. crenulate n-CDpr o Li Nepal 1824. c p.l Bot. reg. 867
566 capensc L. Cape tt. ( | or ap.iny P E. Indies 1818. C s.p' B o t reg. 879
567 elegans J^auv. elegant jnjl Sc Guinea 1824. C s.p Beau. ow. 50
568 roseum R. Br. rose-colored tt-CDpr E. Indies l»20. C s.p
«J9 ambiguum R. $ S. ambiguous tt,CDor & R 1821. C s.p
" " ( ^ " ^ . a c i i r c f l n r t o j . a f l o w c r . ) PrimuMcee. 1.
salsola-like LJ or 1 mr Pu.B Tcncrilib 1825. C s.p
^ WULFEWIA. {F. X. Wulfen, a German botanist.) Scrophvldrin*. 1. —
Carinthian O pr B Carinthia 1817. S co Jac. ic. 1.2
r ^121
Italy 1824. D s.p 5.39
0<* pinnaca L. \t\ngJeaved Scrophuldrirue. 6 55.
575 scahiosscfnlia R. &S. Scabious-lvd t ^ K o r
575scabio«a;rnliail.*5.Scabioiig.lvd 22 mv.o V rhii" 1773. S s.p Bot. mag. 41
my.o Y Chile 1822. C co Bot. mag. 2405
576 rugosa Fl. per. wrinkled tt._Jor 2 au.s Y Chile 1822. C" co Hook:
« * • _ex.
- -fl.
—99 .
577 integrifoTia L. entire-leaved « . _ J o r 2 au.s Y Chile C co Bot reg. 744
578 corymbosa Cav. corymbose 1 Alor 1 myjn Y Chile 1822. S co Bot. rcg.723
^nSSSmvut. F S ^ ft O Falkl. I. 1777. D In Bot. mag. 348

Portugal jn.jl Li - - - - - bogs D bog Eng. bot 145

581 vulgaris L. common Jray V
5|2alplnaL. alpine Britain bogs D bog Eng. bot. 70
«S grandifl6ra Lam. i ap W Germany 1794. D bog Fl. dan. 453
large-flowered iapmy B Britain ir. bog. D bog Eng. bot. 1128
5jlft.tea Walt. yellow * jnjl Y Carolina 1816. S bog Bot reg. 126
«» edentuU Hook. toothless iap Y N. Amer. 1S23. D bog Hook. ex. fl. 1
5845 v 5 ™ . C £ L A RIA c 7 om i n SS DEDMl if 0I £ ^^Vittletottle; W .torooU)i>»/iA t t W,te.3.I. —63.
gffminor/. lS2? S £ °U *Ji n j l X 2 r i t a I n "ta.wa.Daq
_ - o . DOL 253
inte ejtateS ^ . ^ . * £ - . _ X a n
intermedia Hay " KSSurii^ ™ S S c u ,'S.y.Jn YS^ !S E"tawa. E SSD Baq3 Eng.£ SbotK &
591 urticifoha B. M. B S. Amer. S p.1 Jac. ob. 4.86
umbr6sa Hum. nettle-leaved or 2 my.jl B S. Amer. Bot. mag. 1848
S p.1
592 jamaicensis Vahl Jamaica
593 prismatica Vahl 2 jn.s B W.Indies 1714. C p.1 Bot mag. I860
prismatic 2 my.jn B W.Indies 1699. C
594 cayennensis Vahl Cayenne p.1 Jac. ic. 2.208
595 hirsutissima Lk. 3 my.jn B Cayenne 1892. p.1
most hairy 1} mr.ap B Brazil 1822.
jgBorubicar Orubian 3 V Panama 1G99.
597 mutabills 3 mr.e O S. Amer. 1801. Lp Ehr.pic.5.1

W Italy

600 austrfilis R. Br. southern W N. Hull. 1823. D co

601 virgfnicus L. Virginian Wp Virginia 17G0. D m.8
2 ffucrcifohus Oak-leaved W N. Amer. 17<XX D co
602 intermedium Schr. intermediate W Europe 1820. D m.s
70. AMETHY'STEA L. AMETHYSTEA. {Amcthystos, the amethyst; color of flower.) Labidhe. 1.
603 cserulea L. blue-flowering O pr 1J jn.jl B Siberia 1759. S p.l Bot mag. 2448
71. ZIZI'PHORA L. ZIZIPIIORA. (Zizi, the Indian name, and phoreo, to bear ?) Labiatee. 10.—13.
604 ocinoldes L. Thyme-like Jk A rk t 11 Siberia 1786. D 8.1
605 dinopodioidesXnm. BaslUike O rk !in Pk Siberia 1821. S co Ac. pet. 1810.11
icrpyllacea H. K. headed O or JjLau R Syria 1752. FL gr. 1. IS
606 capitata L. Spanish O or i jn R Spain 1759. Lam. iL 1& 1
6D7 hispamca L. spiked O or P Spain 1826.
fi()8 spic£ta Lag. lijn
609 tenfiior L. slenderer O or *" jn.jl Li levant 1752. Lam. il. 18.2
610 tafirica L. Tnurian O or Jjl.S 11 Tauria 1816.
611 *erpyllacca Bieb. Serpyllium-likct* A rk * R Caucasus 180.1. Bot mag. 906
612 media Lk. mediate t. A rk 4 R Caucasus 1822.
613 dasy£ntha liicb. thick-flowered JU A, rk } Ii Siberia 1803. Bot. mag. 1093
Pousehklni H. K.
72. CUNI'LA L. CIINILA. (Konos, a cone, or Cunila, the name of a town ?) Labidtte. 2. — 5.
614 marifina L. Maryland ^ A or 1 jl.s It N. Amer. 1759. D e o M. h.3.19.7
615 coccinea Nut. scarlet £ IAJ I* 1| s S N. Amer. 1823. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 163
7a ZJEDEO'MA Pers. HKDEOMA. (Ilcdcoma, a Greek name for mint.) Lubidtic. 2.-3.
ffl6pulegiofdes Ph. Pennyroyal-like O or • Jnau B N.Amer. 1777. S co
617 /hymofdes Pars. Thyme-like O or £ R France 1699. S co M.h.3.19.6
•74. MONA'ROrf L. MONARDA. (N. Monardext a physic, of Seville, in 16th cent.) Labidtte. 17.—
618 fistul6sa L. hoWow-statked N. Amer. 1656. D r.m Mil. ic. 122.2
619 media W. en. mediate N. Amer. 1656. 1) r.m
620 m611is L. soft N. Amor. 1656. D r.m
621 oblongata II. JL ob\o\ig.feaved N. Amer. 17til. D r.l
622 chnop6dia /,. Wild-BasiWw* N. Amer. 1771. 1> r.l
623 purptirea Ph. purple N. Amer. 1789. D r.l Bot. mag. 145
634 altissima W. tallest N. Amer. 1821. D r.l
625 affinis Lk. allied N. Amer. 1821. R p.l
626 rug6sa H. K. wrinkled N. Amer. 17ol. D r.l
627Kalmirf/ia Ph. Kalm's N. Amer. 1813. D P.l Ph. am. 1
628 didyma L. twin, or Qswego tea N. Amer. 1752. D r l Bot mag. 546
629 Russellufna Sims llusscl's N. Amer. 1823. R p.l Bot. mag. 2513
§630ciliata/,. ciliated N. Amer. 1798. D r.l 164.3
631 dtriod6ra Cav. lemon-scented Mexico 1825. II p.l
i632hirsfitaL. hairy N. Amer. 1798. D r.l
633 gracihs Ph. slender N. Amer. IH'.'O. D r.m
6J4 punctata L. dotted N. Amer. 1714. S s.p Bot reg. 87
75. flOSMARI'NUS L. ROSEMARY. (lios, dew, martinis, of the sea; on sea-shores.) Labiata. 2.
635 offlcinalis /.. officinal or 4 ja.ap S. Europe 1548. FLgr.1.14
2 latifolius broad-leaved i l or 12 ja.ap S. Europe 1548.
3 fol. argenteis silver-leaved • or 4 ja.ap S. Europe ... C
4 fol. aOreis gold-leaved • or 12 ja.ap S. Europe 1548. C
636 chilensis MoL Chile il or 4 jl Chile 1795. C
•76. SA'LVIA L. SAGE. (Salvus, safe: medical qualities.) Labiatee. 124.— 230.
637 pomifera L. apple-bearing tt. or 2 B Candia 1699. C p.l 1.15
638 calycina Sm. large-calyxed tt. or Pk Levant 182,1 C co
639 canariensis L. Canary 4 jns P Canaries 1697. C l.p 2.19
640 aurea L. go\dcn-flwd L_J or 3 ap.n Y C. G. H. 1731. C p.l Bot mag. 182
641 dentata H. K. tooth-leaved l_Jor * d.ja
dja W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l
642 interrfipta Schous. or 1 ap.s
ap.s W Barbary 1798. 1798. C 8.1
8.1 1
643 pilantha Lk. hairy-flowered or 2 B 1822. C co
644 pinnata L. vr'ingcfl-leaved Q) or P Levant 1731. C s.1 Boer. 1.167
645 Hablitz/Yrna W. Hablitz's or liiu B Siberia 1795. C co Bot mag. 1429
646 scabiostefolia Lam. Scabious-leaved J« or 1 au W Siberia 1818. C co 15.15
647 vulnerarixfolia IV. Vulncraria-lvd or 1 W Armenia 18'2(). C co
648 l.tnccolata Cav. lanceolate O or 1 my.s B W. Indies 1813. S co Jac. cc. 2.12
649 hirsdta Jacq. hirsute O or 1 my.jn B 1801. S co Jac. sc. 3.252
650 angustifolia Cav. narrow-leaved j£ lAlor 2 jn.jl B Mexico 1806. C co Cav. ic. 317
651 leuca'ntha Cav. whitc-flowcrcd ]P IAI or 2 W Mexico 1825. C 8.1 Cav. ic. 1.24
652 azurca Lam. azure-flowered 5. _A or 6 au B Carolina 1806. C co Bot. mag. 1728
653 ameth^fctina Sm. Amethyst yg fAlpr 2 au.s B Colombia 1817. C 6.1 Sra. ic.2.27
654 psetidcucoccineaJinc. bastard-scarlet £ (23 or 3 S S. Amer. 1797. C s.p Jac. ic. 2.209
655 BoosiaTM Jac. Boos's tf lAlor 2 mr.ap B
S. amce'na Bot. reg. 446. Peru 1821. C co 1.47
656 rosea Vahl
657 tubiflora Cav.
rosy tt. I lor
tube-flowered tf fAior W" SR MexicoE. Indies 1816. C s.l
1820. C r.m Cav. ic. 1.25
658 /amiitolja Jac. Lamium-lvd tt. | | or * JI B S Amer. 1821. C p.l Jac. sc. 3.318
659 mcxicana L. Mexican £ iAI or 2 my.jl S Mexico 1724. C p.l Cav. ic.1.26
660 chamaedryoides Cav. Germander-liken. LAJ or B Mexico 1795. C p.l Bot mag. 308
661 «corodoniaef61iaD^.Scorodonia-lvd tt A or 2 W 1825. C co
662 ce'sia IV. en. grey _ iAJ or 2 jn.s B S. Amer. 1813. C p.l
663 involucrata Cav. involucrate tt.1 lor 2 P Mexico 1825. C s.l Cav. ic. 2.105
664 purpftrea Cav. purple )g lAlor 2) my.jl P Mexico 1825. C 6.1 Cav. i c 2.106
665 hispanica L. Spanish O or 1J P.B Spain 1739. S p.l Bot reg. 359
666 ser6tina L. late-flowering \g lAlor B Ohio 1803. C s.l Jac. ic. 1.3
667 dominica TV. Dominica jf E l or f" jl W W. Indies 1759. C s p Swz. on. 18.1.1
668 Miaef61ia Vahl Lime-tree-lvd 4 B.c S. Amer. 1793. C p i Jac. sc. 3.254
669 polystachya Or. many-spiked LAl 3 o.d B Mexico 18(22. C co 3.318
670 micrantha Vahl small-flowered tAlor 1 my.jn B Cuba 1823. C co
671 formosa W. beautiful »_J o r 4 ap.o S Peru 1783. C p.l Bot. mag. 376
672 coccinea L. Al 2 ap.o S S. Amer. 1774. C p.l Mur. 177a 1
673 pulchella Dec. pretty lAlor 2 o.f S S. Amer. 1821. C co Col. h. np. 16
674 amarissima Or. bitterest lAlor 2 jLau B Mexico 1803. C fl.p Bot. reg. 347
675 glutinfoa L. glutinous A or 3 jn.s Y Germany 1796. C co M . h . 3 . i a l 8
^v ^J»J^J«iJ mj ^J ^J •*! *ij ^3 ^J ^J «kj ^J ^J ^1 ^M ^o ^3^J^J^3*»J^J^J^J^I^3^*I^J^J^y^J ^I^J^J^J^l^J^I^J^3^1^I^J^J^J^J^i3*J •J^'7*J^5^I*J^iT^J^I*J ^fOS 0) Si O% O% C% O% Gl O% O% £h Oi Oi S% Ok C\ Oi flk fl% C4 A f* ^^ ^^ ^^

>i»c oo>oooo>ooLC>»[l>i>o&o> »>»o»ooooooo>OOOQOi>i»o&L»»»»»»>»C>»»[l>»»&> LCCLoB^L §

cgo^ ^-ooooooooooooooogooc^ooo^^ooo^ogooggooooogoooooogooooooogooggoecooooocoooo-ooooogggooo^oc-DQ -

IE SV » l i s-ii-s £S ?• I?? B ! lt*vi ? ?^-s I*E^ gr »i l ;tv rr*nl trim r


762 scabriuscula H. K. roughish E. Florida 177(1 D p.l

763 ov£lis Ph. ovalJeaued Carolina 1812. D p.1
764 tubcrosa Mx. tuberous Carolina 1806. R p.1
765an\adUB. M. Anise-scented Carolina 1806. Dp.1 Bot. mag. 1213
•78. CATA'LPA J. CATALPA. (Indian name.) Bignonidcece. 3 . - 5 .
/g synnga-tvd \ or 20 W N. Amcr. 1726. S p.1 Bot mag. 1094
767 longlssima H. K. longest-podded ; CD or 20 W. Indies 1777. L s.p PL ic. 57
768 microphyila
microphyila Spr.
Spr. small-leaved ; Dor 15 Hispaniol.1820. C p.l PL ic. 55
B i i microphyila
i Lam.
79. GHI'NIi* Schreb. GIIINIA. (Ghmi, an Italian botanist.) < VerbenacetB. 1 . - 2 .
769 spinosa Schreb. thorny-/rutted O c u 2 au P W. Indies 1733. S s.l R.Hou.2
80. FONTANE S/i< Lab. FONTANESIA. (M. Desfontaines, professor of botany at Paris.) Oleitue. 1. — 2.
770phillyreofdesl.a6. phillyrea-like tt_Jor J or IS
12 au
au YY Syria 1787. C 8.1'
8.1 Lab.syr.1.1
81. LlNOCIE'R^ Swz. LINOCIERA. (G. Linocier, a French physician.) O&ifue. 3 . - 7 .
771 compacta
- - R.- Br.- compact • • o r 10 ... W W. Indies 1793. C Ls.p Jac.c.2.6.1
772 /igustrina Swz. Privet-like • D o r 12 ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.s
773 cotinif61ia Vahl Cotinus-leaved sH CD or 12 ' ... W Ceylon 1818. C s.l
•82. ACA/NA L. ACJENA. (Akaina, a thorn;; the berrieaj rj SanguisSrbea?. 10. —16.
774 latebrosa H. K latebrose AI 1 G C. G
C G. H. 1774. C l.p.s
775 pinnatiflda Fl. per. pinnatifid my.jn Chile 1822. D l.p.s Fl. per. 1.104
776 ovahfoha Fl. per. oval-leaved my.jn Peru 1802. n l.p.s Ven. eels. 6
777 adscendens Vahl ascending my.jn Magellan 1822. u l.p.s
778 magcllanica Vahl Magellan my.jn Magellan 1823. D co 22.2
779Sanguiin'irba Vahl BurneUleaved jn N. Zeal. 1796. D l.p.s Lam. il. 12.1
780 Mcida Vahl shining i my.jn G Falkl. I. 1777. D l.p.s 22.3
781 argentea Ft. per. silvery 2 m y.jn G Chile 1822. D l.p.s Fl. per. 1.103
782 lsvigata 11. K. smooth G Magellan 1790. D l.p.s
783 ovina Cun. sheep * jn.jl G N. HolL 1818. D co
8a O'RNUS Pert. FLOWERING! Asn. (Oren, L/r c» ( i.Heb. vi ciww. Gr., ornus, Lat, a wild ash.)
t oreinos.
J cu.| Oltina:. 5.
784 europe'a Pen. European ¥ or 30 my.jn W Italy 1810. (r co FLgr. 1.4
785 americana Ph. American y or 30 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. G co
786 rohindifolia Pen. round-leaved ¥ or 30 ap W Italy 1697. G co W.b.m.2.1
787 striata Swt. striated $ or 30 W N. Amer. 1818. G co
/Vaxinus 8tri£ta Spr.
788 flonbiinda Wai. bundle-flowered^ or 30 W Nepal 1822. G co
84. MoaiNA. (L. Morin, a French botanist) Dipsaeete. 1.
789 p£rsica L. Persian AI or 3 R w Persia 1740. C s.p FLgr.1.28
85. CIRC JEM L. ENCHANTER'S NIGHTSHADE. (The enchantress Circe; damp sha. pi) Onagrdrhv. 3.
790 lutctiina L. Parisian ^L A or 1 R Britain D co Enp. bot. 1056
791 intermedia Ehrh. intermediate 3i A or R Europe 1821. D co FL dan. 256
792 alpina L. mountain ^ A o r i jn.s R Britain moun. D co Eng. bot 1057
86. FE'DIA Moen. FEDIA. (A(Aname nameofofAdansonn,
probably without
without meaning.)
meaning.) Valentine*. 1.—2.
793 cornucopia? Vahl horn of plenty O or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1796. S co FL gr. 32
*87. PIMELE'A Forst. PIMELEA. {Pimele% fat?) Thymdiet. 12. —32.
794 /inif6ha Sm. flax-leaved
flax Lj 2 W N. S. W. 1793. C s.p Bot. mag. 89
795 colllna It Br. hill «. i_J pr 2 W W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
796 gladca R. Br. glaucous 2 my.jn W N. Holl. 1824. c s.p
797 /igustrina Lab. privet-like 2 N. Holl. 1823. c s.p Lab.n. h. 1.3
798 /inoides Cun. flax-like 2 ap.s W N. HolL 1826. c s.p
799 decussata R. Br. decussate a-Ljpr 2 my.j R
2 my.jn N. Holl. 1824. c
800 rosea R. Br. rosy tL i lor 2 mr.s R N. Holl. 1800. c s-P 8
801 filamentosa Rud. thready . tt.l_Jor N. HolL 1826. c s.p Bot. mag. 1458
802 drup^cea Lab. chf
cherry-fruited a. i |or my W N. HolL 1817. c s.p Lin. tr. 10.14.1
803 paucifl6ra Schr. few-flowered Hi lor my W V.Di.L, 1812. c s.p Bot. cab. 540
804 spic£ta R. Br. spiked tL i_J or 2 mr.s WW N. Holl. 1824. c l.p Bot. cab. 179
805 incana R. Br. hoary tL i_J cu 2 W N. HoU. 1824. c sp 10.14.
88. CLA'DIUM Schr. CLADIUM. (Klados, a branch or twig.) Cyperaceee. 5. —14.
806 gcrmamcum Schr. German ilk A un 3 App Britain mar. D m.8 Eng. bot 950
8(17 occidental Schr. Western M EJ cu 3 my.jn yj A
Ap Jamaica 1820. D Lp
808 glomer£tum IL Br. glomcrated M iAI cu jl Ap N. HolL 1816. D aq
809,/unceum R Br. rushy Jilk uAJ cu Ap N. HolL 1820. D aq
810 *cho»noJdes R. Br. Schocnus-like JUr iAJ c u jLau Ap N. HolL 1823. D aq Lab. n.h. 1.18
Schas'nus acQtus Lab.

89. GU'NNERJ L. GUNNERA. [E. Gunner, bishop of Drontheim, a botanist) Urticae 1—3."
811 perp^nsa L. well considered^ iAicu l|jLau P C. G.H. 1688. D m.s Bot mag. 2376



9a ANTHOXA'NTHUM L. SPRING GRASS. (Anthos, a flower, xanthos, yellow; spikes.) Gramitwce.
812 odor&tum L. 6weet-scented m A g my Ap Britain me pa. S h.l Eng. bot 647
2l&xum loose JBL A cu my Ap Britain S co
3 pub^scens pubescent M A cu my Ap Britain S co
4 ramoBum branched m A cu Ap Britain S co
81S amarum Brot.
814 ovatum Lag.
M A cu
i ji
iST Ap Morocco 1810. S co
M O CU Ap Spain 1821. S co
815 gracile BivT slender Jiii A cu l a p Ap Sicily 1820. S co Biv. s i c M
91. CORYCA'RPUS Zea. CORYCAHPUB. {Korys, a helmet, karpot, a fruit.) Gramima. I . -
816 arundinaccus Zea recd-like J i ^ c u S ap.jl Ap N. Amer. lblO. S co 10
Fcstuca diandra Mx.

92. SCHMI'DT7il Trat SCIIMIDTIA. (Schmidt, a German botaniBt) Gramine*. 1.

817 subtilw Trat. small i Q cu i my.jl Ap Bohemia 1820. S p.1 'Prat. au. 451
Colcauthua subtilis R$S.


93. PITER L. PEPPER. (Pippul, lese, long pepper; or i/o,todig»t) Pipers**- ^irj}6'
818 peltatum L. peltated «. 2 A '. Indies 1748. C r.m PL am. 56. 74
819 umbellatum L. umbelled W.Indies 1748. C l.p
820 macroph y* Hum 5wz. broad-leaved CL W. Indies 1800. C r.m Aub.gui.23
821 geniculatum W. swoUen/jomtcd «L Jamaica 1823. C r.m
882 adfmcum L. hooked'
8S3 hfspidum 7/. SfB. hi&pidUeaved Jamaica 1748. C r.m Jac ic. S. S10
824 hirstitum Stws.
titum Stw hairy S. Amer. 1793. C r.m
825 Amaldeo
L. Amalago W. Indies 1793. C r.m
82G M L Bctlc Jamaica 1759. C r.m SL jam. 1. 87.1
827 nigrum L. black E. Indies 1804. C r.m R.maL 7.15
828 tuberculatum Jac. tuberculate E. Indies 1790. C r.m Lam. U.79.S3
829 trioicum ltox. trioccious S. Amer. 1816. C r.m
830 discolor Swx. two-colored E. Indies 1818. C r.m Jac. ic. 8. £12
831 reticulatum /,. netted Ap W. Indies 1821. C r.m Bot cab. 610
832 decumanum L. great Ap W. Indies 1748. C r.m PL am. 57.75
833 Siribda L. Siriboa Ap Carthag. 1768. C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 215
834 longum L. long d t 6 jn Ap E. Indies 1768. C r.m Ku. am. 5.117
835 gl&brum Mil. smooth cu 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1788. C r.m lift 2
836 /auruulium Mil. Laurel-leaved cu 10 Ap Catnpeac. 1768. C r.m
837 tomcntosum Mil. downy cu 14 myjn Ap W. Indies 1768. C r.m
838 nltidum Swz. lii cu 3 my.jn Ap W. Indies 1768. C r.m
839 racemosum Mil. great racemose • • cu 10 ... Ap Jamaica 1793. C r.m
840 acutitolium R.AS. sharp-leaved 3 ... Ap Campeac. 1768. C r.m
841 colubrinum Lk. snake 3 ... Ap Peru 1823. C r.m Fl. per. 1.61. a.
842 medium Jac. mediate Brazil 1820. C r.m
843 marginStum Jac. marginate W.Indies 1820. C r.m Jac.ic.8. 8
844 glauccsccns Jac. glauccscent AP
Ap S. Amer. 1811. C r.m Jac. ic. 2.15
Peru 1822. C r.m Jac. ec. 1.76
94. PE-'EBCMI A R 4 P. PEPEHOMIA. (Analogous to Piper.) Piperdcea. 41.—134.
845 brathyphylla W. short-leaved £ 23 cu jn.s Ap S. Amer. 1818. C r.m
846amplexirau'Hs£wz. stem-clasping £Z]cu 1 Jn.s Ap W. Indies 1793. C r.m
847 magnolia/to Vahl Magnolia-lvd £ 23 cu 1| Ap W. Indies 17JJ3. C r.m Jac. ic 2. 213
848 obtusiffria IV. obtuse-leaved £ 23 cu 1 apjl Ap W. Indies 1739. C r.m Tr. chr. 54. 9
849 c\m\afolia Jac. Clusia-leavcd Jw 22 cu 1 myjn G S. Amer. 1K17. C p.1 Jac. ic. 2.212
850 cuncifolia W. en. wedge-leaved £ 23 cu 1 jn.jl Ap Caraccas 18(& C r.m Jac. ic. S. 214
851 macrostachya Rich, large-spiked ^ 23 cu 1 myjn G Trinidad 1K-J4. C p.l
852 tenella Swz. slender 1 my.jn G Jamaica 1820. C p i
853 tristachya Kth. three-spiked \ myjn G W. Indies 182ti. C p.l H.&B.n. 1.6
854 reniftrmis Hook. reniform } my.jn G St. Vine 1824. C p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 164
855 ovalifolia Hook. ova\-leaved i myjn G St. Vine. 1834. C p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 165
856 alfita Vahl winged I mr.ap Ap S. Amer. 1812. C r.m Fl. per. 3148
857 acuminita W. en. acuminate 1 Jn.jl Ap W.Indies 1812. C r.m Hot.mag. 1882
858 distachya Pers. two-rowed cu U jn.jl Ap S. Amer. 179a C r.m I'l. am. 51.67
859 conacea Vahl leathery 4 myjn Ap E. Indies 1815. C r.m Bot. cab. 128
860 discolor it. * S. two-colored £ SIcu 1 jLau Ap S. Amer. 1821. C r.m Bot cab. 610
861 maculosa Vahl spot-stalked £ 23 cu i s AP
StDomin.1790. C r.m PI. am. 60.66
862 pcllticida Kth. pellucid 23 cu Ap S. Amer. 17+8. C r.m PI. am. 54.72
863 rotundifdlia Kth. round-leaved £ 23 cu Ap S. Amer. 1822. C r.m PI. am. 69
864 hispidula R. & S. little-hispid OJcu iau.s Ap Jamaica 1818. C r.m Swz. ic. 4
865 nummularifolia Kth. moneyw.-lvd £ 23 cu i myjl Ap Jamaica 1818. C r.m
866 pubescens Haw. pubescent £ 23 cu 1 J10.. i Ap S. Amer. laoy. C r.m
867 hfimilis Vahl low £ 21 cu A
W.Indies 1708. C r.m
868 triftha Pers. three-leaved " 23 cu | Ap Jamcka S. Amer. 1802. C r.m PI. am. 52.68
869 pulchella IV. fair SI cu i jl.o Ap 177H. C r m Hot. cab. 574
870 pernkiirftilia Kth. Pereskia-lvd £ 23 cu 1 myjn Ap S.Amer. 1820. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 67
871 Manila Kth. bland £ 23 cu 1^ my.n Ap Caraccas 1802. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. SI
872 rubricating Nees rcd-stemmeil £ ZJCU 1 myjn Ap 1822, C r.m Nccah.b. 8
873 polystachya W. many-spiked £ 23 cu Jjnjl Ap Jamaica 1775. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. S3
874 quadrifolia Kth. four-leaved £ 23 cu i jn.jl Ap S. Amer. 1818. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 22
ore :ina?qualif61ia
..__ i;«i- nRAS.
, unequal-leaved £ 21 or 1 Ap
876 stellata Pers. Peru 1800. C r.m Fl. per. 1.46. a.
starry £ 23 cu 1 myjl Ap Jamaica 1802. C r.m Jac. vin. 2.217
877 inc&na Haw. great-dovtny £ 7Z\ cu I f AI
878 tahnifolia Kth. Brazil 1815. C r.m Bot. cab. 503
Talinum-Wd ^ 23 cu i my.jn G W.Indies 1820. C p.1
87.' tricarinata Haw.
880 amplexifoha Lk.
three-keeled j^ 23 cu
stem-clasping £ 23 cu
881 subrotunda Haw. roundish./^ £ 23 cu 1 f
J my.jn G
f.ap Ap W. Indies 1818. C p.1
Ap S. Amer. 1823. C r.m
882 serpent JL, 23 cu i my.jn G 1812. C r.m
epensKfA. creeping %, 7$ cu ^ Ap JamaicaS. Amer.
182a C p.1
1823. C r.m
884 rubella Haw. small red £ 23 cu | mr.ap Ap W. Indies 1820. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 59
885 capensis L. Cape . * , 2 3 c u i myjn G G.G.H. 18ft C r.l


95. VALERIA'NA L. VAMHIAN. {Valere, to be in health : or, Valerius, a king ?) Va.lerHb.neeB. SO. —70.
886 c&tica L. Celtic W Switzcrl. 1748. D D co
Jac. c. 1. 1
^ ^ or r my.jn Pk S. Europe 1822. D co Jac. m. 2.17. 2
887 suplna Vahl supine
8885ahunca All. Lavender £ A or ijn.jl R France 18*1. D co Al. ped. 1. 70.1
889 saxatilis L. ™* &. A or W Austria 1748. D co 3.267
890 elongata Jac. elongated £ A or Y Austria 1812. D co Jac. au. 3. 219
891 montana L. , mountain |t A or L.R Switzerl. 1748. D co Bot cab. 317
892 alliariaefolia Vahl Alharia-Ivd ^ A or R.w Caucasus 182GL D s.p
893 tuberosa L. tuberoua-rooted& A or my.jn L.R S. Europe 1629. D co M. h. 3.15.20
894 asarifolia Dufr. Asarum-leaved & A or jn.jl R Crete 1824. D sp
895 diof ca L. . dioecious 5 A or F Britain mar. D co
896' Phu L. Phu & A or 3 my.jl W Germany 1597. D co Black. 250
897 tripteris L. three-winged ^ A or 1 W Switzerl. 1752. D co Jac. au.3.268
898 heterophy'lla Lois, various-leaved J A or 11 jn.jl R France 1817. I) co Lou gal. 1.2
899 pyrenaica L. Pyrcnean ^ A or 23 my.jn Pk Scotland sc.wo. D CO Eng. bot. 1591
900 officinalis L. officinal 5 A m 23 jn.jl F Britain mar. D co Eng. bot 698
901 «ambuc(tolia Mile. Elder-leaved ^ A or 23 my.jn Pk Germany 1819. D co
902 «isymbriifi51ia Vahl Sisymbrium lvdjfc Q> or 11 jnjl R S. Europe 1824. D co
903 intermedia Vahl intermediate ^ A or 1 W Pyrenees 1818. D co
904Cardamines 2ta?6. Cardamine-lvd^ A or ] Pk Caucasus 1824. D s.p
905 capensis Thunb. Cape <fe iAl or R C. G. H. 1816, D co
•96. VALERIANE'LLA Dufr. LA-MD'S LETTUCE. (A diminutive of Valerian.) Valerianeof. 18. — 24.
906 echinata Dec. pricMy-capsuled O cul L Pk S. Europe 1807. S co Col ec. 1.206
907 olit6ria Dec. salad O cul *ap. my Bk Britain comfi. S eo Eng. bot 811
908 dentata Dec. toothed O un 1 ap.jn B Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot 1370
909 vesicaria Dufr. bladdery O un 4 W Candia 1739. S co 1.34
910 coronata Dec. crowned O un 4 ap.jn Pk Portugal 1731. S co 1.209
911 discoidca Dufr. discoid O un Japjl B Italy 1731. S co M.h.3.16.29
912 carinata Dec. keeled O un 4 B France 1819. S co
913 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited O un I apmy Li France 1821. S co M.h.3.16.33
914 radiata Vahl O un 1 Pk N. Amer. 1821. S co
915 dasycarpa Bieb. radiated O un 1 Li Crimea 1821. S co
916 uncinata Bieb. shaggy-fruited O un 1 my.jn Li Tauria 1822. S co
917 auricula Dec. hooK-fruitcd O un I my.jn Pk S. France 1824. S co
918 pumila Dec. eared O un 4 Pk & Europe 1826. S co Dufr. v. 3.7
919 mixta Vahl dwarf O un 1 my in Pk Provence 1818. S co Dufr. v. 3.6
920 platyloba Dufr. mixed O un 4. my.jn Pk ...... 1825. S co Dufr. v. 1
921 exscapa Stev. broad-lobed O un 4 my.jn Pk Siberia 1826. S co
stemlcss O un 1 my.jn Pk Tauria 1821. S co
97. OXY'B APHUS R. $ P. UMBRELLA-WORT. (Oxys, acid, baphey dyer's color.) Hyctaginece. 12.—13.
923 visc6sus Herit. viscid jp 6 my.s P C~l.p~ Bot. mag. 434
924 aggregatus Cav. aggregate tf Al cu 1 Pk N. Spain 1811. S 8.1 Cav. ic. 437
925 glabnfolius W. en. smooth-leaved tf Al cu 3 P N.Spain 1811. C s.l Cav. ic. 379
926 Cervantcsu Lag. Ccrvantes's j£ ^AJ CU 2 jn.jl P Mexico 1823. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 84
927 expansus R.S[P. expanded JU^AJcu 2 P Peru 1819. S r.m Fl. per. 1. 75. a.
928 ovatus Vahl ovate L Alcu 2 jl.s P Peru 1820. S s.p FL per. 1.77. b
929 nyctagineus Nut. nocturnal -4 A. cu 1 j l s P Missouri 1823. S s.p
AlU6nia nyctaginea A/x.
930 pilosus Nut. pilose -* A cu 1 Missouri 1812. S fl.p
Alli6nia pilosa PA.
931 hirsutus Nut. hairy -4 A cu 1 jl.s P a . S s.p
i f h Nut.
932 angustifuhus Nt narrow-leaved -A A cu 1 jl.s P Louisiana 1812. S s.p
Calymenia angustifolia AW. Alhonia linearis Ph.
933 decumbens Nut. decumbent -* A * 2 jl.s P Missouri 1818. S s.p
98. BOLDO'jf Lag. BOLDOA. (D. Soldo, a Spanish botanist) Nyctaginece. S. — 5.
934 purpurasccn8 Cav. purpurascent £ 1 myjn V Cuba 1820. C sJ Cav.h.m.7
935 fanceolata Lag. Iwncc-leavcd tt. 3 jn.jl P W. Indies 1824. C 8.1 H.&B.1. 44
Salpianchus arcnarius //. § B.
99. LOEFLl'NG/^ L. LOSFUNGIA. (P. Lafling, a Swedish botanist) G e*. 2 . - 3 .
936 hispanica L. Spanish O cu i j n G Spain 1770. $.1 Cav. ic. 1. 94
937 pentandra Cav. pentandrous O cu * jn.jl G S. Europe 1820. S r.m Cav. ic 2.148.3
100. HIPPOCRATES L. HIPPOCHATEA. (Hippocrates, father of physic.) HinpocratedceA*. 5. — 24
938 obcordata Lam. obcordate A. CU or 10 ... G.w W. Indies 1819. C p.l Lam. U. 1. 28.1
scandens Jac.
939 ovata Lam. ovate 4. CD or 10 ... G w & Amer. 1793. C p.l Lam. U. 1. A S
voldbilis L.
940 indica W. Indian 10 G.w E. Indies 1818. Rox. cor. 2.130
941 obtusifolia Rox. obtuse-leaved Qor 14 G.w E. Indies 1818. Hox. cor. a 205
942 arb6rea Rex. tree LZ] 20 G.w E. Indies 182a
101. TONSE'LLA Vahl. TONSBLLA. (Ravoua-tontelle, a Caribc name.) Hippocrateace<e. 2. —10.
943scandens Vahl climbing {LCD or 6 au.s G Guiana 1824. C s.l Aub.guLl. 10
944 pyriformis H. T. pear-shaped |_ Q or 5 ... G Guiana 1825. C 3.1
102. A'NTHODON B. $ P. ANTHODON. ) ffiocated
[Anthos, a flower, oifofi, a tooth.) ffimocratedce*. 2.—
945 naniculatum Mart, panicled * C or 12 12 YYu R RioJJan. 18181818. CC p.ll
946 ellipticum Mart. elliptic * C or 12 Y.G Rio Jan. 1818. C p.l

103 JO/HNW ROX. JOHNIA. {Rev. Dr. John, of Tranquebar.) Hippocrateacca. 2.
947 salacioides Rot. Salacia-like Dor 4 ... Y.G E.Indies 1822. C p . l
948 coromandelianaAojr. Coromandel or 10 Y.a K Indies 1820. C p.l
104. O'LAX L. OLAX. {Olax, a furrow; the flower.) Olacinete. 2,^.3.
949 scandens Rox. climbing L D o r 8 year W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Rox. cor. 2.
950 imbricate Rox.
imbricated i. CZ) or 8 year W E. Indies 1820. C 1 p*
Olacinete. 1. — 3

WIDOW- (Kneoron, a name of Theophrastus's.) Tcrebintaceee. 2.

or 6 ap.s Y S. Europe 1793. C p.l Lam. il. 27
6 ap.s Y Madeira 1822. C p.l Ven. eels 77
Terebintdcete. 3 . - 4 .
ww dentata Jac. tooth-leaued ...8. C p.l SI.jam.2.222.1
S56ilicif6ha5tuz. ! • tm 30 jl R
holly-leaved ; • tm 15 R W. Indies L7IH). C p.l Jac. am. 13.173.4
Caribbee Is. 1789. C p.l Plum. ic. 118.1
VOUAPA. (ACaribe name.) Legumindsee. 1.
957 biftlia Aub. two-leaved » O o r 10 ... Guiana 1823. C s.l Aub. gui. 1.1
e109.. OU'TEA Aub. JOUTAY.
58 bijugaiDee.
D<?<:. two-pah
(A Caribe name.) Legnmindsee. 2 . - 3 .
Macrol6bium bijugum Calb. or 10 ... E. Indies 1823. C s.l 12.17
959 guianensis Jtffr. Guuiua 1 O or 20 Guiana 1825. C s.l Aub. gui. 1.9
110. XY'RTS L. XYRIS. ' (Xyros, acute.)
960 opercul£ta Lab. covered JUmcete.. 7.*—27.
961 brevifolia A£r. £ 123 pr 1 jnjl Y fc. S. W. 1804. S bog Bot mag. 1158
short-leaved £ A pr j Y Carolina
962 Ue'vis R.Br. smooth 1812. S bog
9GSbractea"ta2J./?r. £ E2 pr li Y N. Holl. 1819. S bog
bracted £ iAJ pr I Y N. Holl.
964Juncea /J. tfr. rush-like 1825. S bog
W)5 gr&cihs R. Br. £LAI pr 1 Y N. Holl. 1i2 S bog
slender £ lAI pr i Y N. Holl. 1821.
•66 americana /fw6. American S bog
£ A pr i jl.s B Guiana 1825. D bog Aub. gui. 1.14
111. CALLI'SIA. L. CALLISIA. (Kalos. pretty.)
«»7 repens L. creeping Commelinea. 1.—3.
**E3pr ijnjl B W. Indies 1776. R B.p Jac. am. 11.11
1 E
»» angustifolia Mr. 5i^."
»69 dianthifolia Dec.
"?i #*°i«?s-^>>-*j*««a.
narrow-leaved f jnjl
tch botani
CaiMina 1824.
CommeYme*. 23.—50.
D p.l
pink-leaved 4 jl-au B 1816.
vJO cajcnneniu Sic/t. Cayenne jnjl R R s.p Red. lil. 7.990
971 dubia Dec. Guiana 1823.
doubtful jnjl B ...... 1818.
yj2 hirtfilla Vahl D ps
973 virginica L. hairy 1 my.jl B N. Amer. 1820.
B Virginia 1779. D p.s Red. m. 6.359
974 mollis Jac. Virginian
975 obliqua Vahl B Caraccas 1804. R s.p
soft B
976 tuborosa L. 1820. R s.p 135.174.4
£77 coeiestis W. B Mexico 1732.
B R s.p Jac. ic. 2.293
978 fa^ciculata JZ %P. fascicled 1813.
979 bcngalcnsis Forsk. Bengal B Lima 1817. D p.s
980 parvifldra Zee B Bengal 1794. R
R r.m
s.p Bot rep. 399
small-flowered B R
981 commtinis L. common 1824. D r.m
p.s Bot mag. 1695
Jg Pol^gama Ao/A
P.B America 1732. R s.1
S co PI. per.
Red. lil. 1.72.6
polygamous B D p.s Mur.
?J3deficiens/fer*. deficient China 1818. Ksm.18.5
JJ* longicafihs J<ic. B Brazil 182J. C- . Bot. mag. 2644
long-stalked B Caraccas 1806.
985 caroliniana Walt. Carolina R s.p Jac. ic. 2.294
986p5llidH*A P.B America
—w..w- 1732.
<(U« D r.m
pale blue B Trinidad 1820. D ps W.h.b.2.87
upright B
988 caripensis H. & B. Caripe lft jnjl
989 cyanea R. Br. B
Trinidad 1826. D p.s
bright-blue 1 jlau B
N. HolL 1820. R s.l
990 africana L. African 1 my.o
C G . H . 1759. R r.m Bot mag. 1431
w-» uuiura n. JUT. two-flowered Commelinee. 11. —£9.
N. Holl. 1820. R co
992 ambigua Beauv ambiguous £ • or V S. Leone 1822. D r.m Beau. ow. 15
Chinese £ iA) or 1 my.jn P.B China 1820. I) r.m Bot reg. 659
993 sinica Ker acuminate j^ [23 or I B
994 acuminate R. Br. naked-stemmedJU E] or N. Holl. 1822. D s.l
»95 nudicaulis R. Br. 8 P i r a l B E. Indies 1818. D„ ... R.maL9.63
%r 1AI or ft B E. Indies 1783. 1) s.l
996 Bpirata L. •imil?r , Xr iA) or 1 B
997 aff'inis R. Br. long-leaved £ (A] pr 1 au N. Holl. 1820. D e.p
998 longifiSHa Hook. naked-flowered £ Ol or ft jn.jl B Mozambi. 182.*. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. £04
999 »nudinora L. serrulated ~ — B E. Indies 1824. D p.s l'luk. al. 27.4
.w V , . u . a U i rn,u
1000 scrrulata Vahl serruiatea ft jn.jl B Trinidad 1824. D p.s
1001 sequinoxi&lis Beauv. equinoxial B Guinea 1820. D p.s Beau. ow. 15
114. ORTE'GJii L. ORTEGIA. (C. O. de Ortega, a Spanish botanist.) CaryophijlletB. 2.
1002 hispanica L. Spanish A cu I jn.jl Ap Spain 1768. D l.p Cav. ic. 1.47
1003 dtchotoma All. forked A cu Jau.s Ap Italy 1781. D i p Al.tau.3.4.1
; joints.)
cu S s.l 4. S65
Pall. Ap France 1820. S s.l
Siberian O cu Ap Siberia 1826.
i Pall, opposite-leaved O cu S s.l Gm. si. 23.1
Ap Siberia 1826. S s.l Pal. it 52
hard-seeded O cu Ap Tauria 1818.
i009inalacoph?Uum4be6. soft-leaved O cu S s.l Pal. it 56
Ap Caucasus 1823. S s.1 Bux. c. J.17.2
in*ii1Cl- CROCUS L. Caocua. (Krokin, Chaldee.)
1010 vernus E. B. lrldete. 18.— 91.
A or } f.ap P England tnea. O co Eng. bot 344
2 neapolitanus Ten. Neapolitan A or if.ap P.B Naples
l f t l l obovatusi?.& obovate O co Bot. mag. 8G0
A or P S , Europe ... O co Bot mag. 2240
}011albifl6rusXrt. white-flowered A °r \ fmr W
1012 minimus Red Austria O co
smallest A or fmr P 1629. O co
1013 verslcolor H. K. party-colored A or
1014 biflorus Mil. P S. Europe 1629. O co Bot mag. 1110
two-flowered A or 9 fmr W Crimea 1629. O co Bot mag. 845
1015 pusillus Ten. little A or
1016 susi^nus Kit. Naples 1824. O co Bot. cab. 1454
Suaian A or * Y Turkey 1G05.
1017 reticulatus Stev. netted A or O ro Bot mag. 652
1018 striatus lit. channelled A or i 1 fmr B
...... 1820.
O co
1019 sulphdreus H. K. v
A or O co
sulphur-cofomi tf i f.rar
or 1 Y S. Europe 1629. O co Bot mag. 938
1020 luteus Lam, P.Y S. Europe 1029. O co Bot mag. 1384
common yellow
yellow""tf A or i fmr Y Turkey 1629.
1081 laKena3fl6rus Sal. O co Bot. mag. 45
bottle-flowered A or D.Y Greece O co Fl. gr. 1.35
yellow A or i Cmr P.Y Greece O co Bot mag. 1111

1022 maxiacus R M. Mssian tf A or } f.ap Y Greece 1629. O co Botmag.l 111.45

1023 stellans Haw. starry tf A or i Y O co Hort. tr. 136
1024 sattvus L. cultivated saffron* A or *s.o V England mea. O s.1 Eng. bot 343
1025 ser6tinus H. K. late autumnal tf A or i s.n V S Europe 1629. O co Bot. mag. 1267
1026 nudifl6rus Sm. naked-flowered tf A or | an V England mea. O co Eng. bot. 491
Pallas'sautumnal? A or ft s.o Li Crimea 1821. O co
1027 Pallasii Bicb.
WlTSENIA. (Af. Witsen, a Dutch patron of botany.) Iridete. 3 . - 5 .
•117. WITSE'N/ilL. Moorish iAJ or 4 n.ja Y.B C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. reg 5
1028 mafira L. corymbose iAI or i ap.s P.B C. G. H. 18u3. C s.p Bot mag. 895
1029 corymb6sa Sm. branched iAl or 1 ap.jn P.B C. G. H. 1819. C s p
1030 ram6sa Vahl , birdlime jj viscid nature of the roots.)
118. /'XIA £. I XIA. Iridea?. 24.—
1031 linearis L. linear tf LAI orr || apm WW CCG.H. G H 17D6 17D6. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 570
1032 capillaris £. capillary tf LAJ or 1} V C G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 617
1033 aulica H. K. courtly tf LAJ or 2 Pk C G. H. 1774. O s.p 1 Bot. mag. 1013
1034 fucata Ker stained tf LAJ or i jn.jl j j l PkPk C G. H. 1800. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1379
1035 incarnata Joe. flesh-colored tf LAJor apmy F C G. H. O s.p.Uac.ic.2.282
1036 patens //. K. spreading-JftiNf tf tAJor ap P C. G. H. 1779. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 522
1037 leucantha Pert. white-flowered tf LAJ or my W C. G. H. 1779. O s p.Uac. ic. 2. 278
1038 flexuosa H. K. bending-jf a/fcrf tf lAlor Fk C. G. H. 1757. O s.p 1 Bot mag. 624
1039 aristata A Af. awned lAlor Pk C. G. H. 1800. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 589
1040 hybnda Ker spurious lAlor W C. G. H. 1757. O 8.p.l Bot. mag. 128
1041 conica //. K. conical i At or O C G. H. 1757. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 539
1042 monadclnha H. K. monadelphous LAJor B C. G. H. 1792. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 607
2 ctirta Andr. short lAlor \ O C. G. H. 1792. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1378
1043 columcllaris 1 K. pillar lAlor au Va C G. H. 1790. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 630
1044 amce'na Lk. pretty lAlor R C G. H. 1822. O s.p.1
1045 maculata L. spotted tAJor my.jn C. G. H. 1780. O s p.l Bot rep. 196
2 ochroleiica cream-colored iAI or my.jn P.V C G. H. 1780. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1285
1046 ovata Andr. ovate LAJOT R C. G. H. 1780. O s.p.1 And. rep. 23
1047 capitata Peri. headed A I or
tf iAI myjn W . B C. G. H. 1780. O s.p.l Bot. rep. 159
1048 dubia Red. doubtful tf lAlor R C G.H. O s.p.1 Red. lil.2.64
1049 vindiflura Pen. green-flowered tf iAJ or I my.jn G C. G. H. 1780. O s.p 1 Botmag. 549
1050 eiecta H K. upright tf iAI or l i m y j n W C G. H. 1757. O s.p.1 Bot m. 62a 1173
2 incarnata flesh-colored tf LAJor my.jn F C G. H. 1757. O s.p.1 And. rep. 155
31utea yellow tf lAlor my.jn Y CG.H. 1757. O s.p.I And. rep. 159
1051 crateroides Ker crater-like tf lAJor my.jn D.R C G. H. 1778. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 594
1052 retftsa Sal. retuse tf tAJor
H L.Y CG.H. 1793. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 629
O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 542
1053 scillaris Kit. tf tAJor ja.f Va C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 599
1054 crfspa Thun. tf lAJor B CG.H. 1787.
* 119. TRICHONE'MA Ker TMCHONEMA. (Thrix, hair, nema, a filament) lrkdete. 13.
1055Bulbocodium Ker Bulbocodium tf A or | mr.ap R S. Europe 1739. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 265
1056 purpurascens Swt. purpuraBcent tf lAlor imr.ap Pu Italy 1825. O s.p.1 Ten. fl. nap. 1. S
/'xia purpurascens Ten.
1057 Columns Ten, Columna's tf i At or I mr.ap B Italy 1825. O s.p.1
10^8 coelestinuin Swt. sky blue tf lAlor £ mr.ap H Carolina 1818. O s.p.1 Bart it 3
/'xia coelestlna Bart.
1059 cruciatum Ker cruciate tf LAJor 4 my B C. G. H. 1758. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 575
1060 quadrangulum Swt. quadrangular tf LAJor imyjl ... CG.H. 1825. O s.p.1
/'xia quadrangula R. Sf S.
1061 recfirvum Spr. recurved tf iA) or i my.jl R C. G. H. 1812. O s.p.1 Red. HI. 5.25.1
1062 chloroleticum Ker milk-colored tf LAJor \ my.jl G.w CG.H. 1825. O s.p.1 Jac. ic. 2. 270
1063 caulcscens B. M. caulescent tf LAJ or * jnjl Y C. G. H. 1810. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1392
% 1064 monadclphum Swt. monadelphous tf LAJ or \ R C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.1
1065 pudfeum Ker blush tf LAJor § au R C. G. H. 1808. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1244.
1066 speciosum Ker showy tf LAJor \ mr.ap R C. G. H. 1808. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1476
1067 roseum Ker rosy tf LAJor \ jl Pk C. G. H. 1808. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1225
120. GEISSORHI'Z A Ker TILE ROOT. (Geison,. a tile, . t a. root)
. rhiza IrUtoe. 11. —12.
1068 Lar6chei R. & S. Dc la Roche's tf LAJ or £ my V C. G. H. 1790. R s.p.1 Bot mag. 598
1069Jtinrea Ik. rushy tf LAJ or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1822. O s.p.1
1070setacca Ker hv\st\e4eaved tf LAJ or 1 jn.jl Su C G. H. 1809. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1255
1071 obtusaU Ker blunted tf iAI or 1 my Y C. G. H. 1801. O s.p.l Bot mag. 672
1072 vaginata Swt. sheathed tf _AJ or l\ s Y.B C G . H . 1824. R i p Sw. fl. gar. 138
1073 s^ci'mda Ker side-flowering tf lAJor 1 my W C G . H . 1795. O s.p.1 Botm..W7.1105
2 ccorulea blue tf LAJ or 1 my B C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 5«7
3 albescens albescent tf LAJ or 1 my W C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. Ilu3
1074 sublutca Ker yellowish tf LAJ or 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l
1(175 imbneata Ker imbricated tf LAI or 1 my.jn Va C. G. H. 182T>. O s.p.1
1076 hirta Ker hairy tf LAJor 1 my W CG.H. 1825. O s.p.l
1077 excisa Ker short-leaved tf iAJ or § W C. G. H. 1789. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 584
1078 ciliaris Sal. ciliated tf tAJ or 1 ... C G. H. ... O s.p.l
121. HESPERA'NTHA Ker EVENING FLOWER. (Hespera, evening, anthos, a flower.) /rfcfar. 6.
1079 radiata Ker radiated tf LAJor | ap.jn V C G. H. 1794. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 573
1080 pil6sa Ker hairy tf iAJ or | V C G. H. 1811. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1475
1081 angusta Ker narrow-leaved tf • Ai or i myjn W C G . H . 1825. O s.p.Uac.ic.2.279
/'xia angusta Jae.
1082£raminif6lia5w/. gTass-leaved tf iAI or | au.s V C. G. H. 3808. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 123*
1083 talcata Ker sickle leaved tf LAJ or | V C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 566
1084 cinnam6raea Ker Cinnamon tf tAI or | V C G. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1054
• 122. SPARA'XIS Ker SPARAXIS. (Sparasso,to tear;
my 6 lacerated spathes.) Iridece. 7 . - 9 .
1085 tricolor Ker three-colored tf iAJ or
2 sanguineo-purpurea bloody purple tf LAJ or R.P C G. H. 1789. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 381
3 violaceo-purpurea violel purple tf iAJ or V.p C G. H. 1811. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 148«
4r6seo-alba red and white tf LAJor Pk C G . H . 1811. O s.p.1 Bot.mag.1482.;3
1086 vc»icolor Swt party-colored tf ^ / o r 8 P.Y CG.H. 1811. O s.p.1 Bot.mag.H82-
two-colored tf iAI or I mr.ap B.Y C. CG.H. 1825. R si Sw. fl.gar.160
1087 bicolor Ker G. H. 1786. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 548
1088 grandifldra Ker great-flowered tf LAJor ap Pu C. G.
striated tf iAI or H. 1758. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 541
2 striata Va C G. H. 1758. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 779
3 Liliago 1i\y-Jlowered tf tAJor \ «P W C G. H. 1758.
1089bulbiferai&r bulb-bearing tf LAJor | myjn V O s.p.1 Bot reg. 259
1090 fragrans Ker sweet-scented tf tAJor f my.,1 Y C G.
C. H. 1825.
G. H. 1758. OO s.p.1 Bot. mag. 545
1091 aneinoniflura B M. anemone-flwd tf LAJor imygl W CG.H. 1825. O 8.p.lJacic.2.273
/'xia anemomeflOra Jac.
123. TRITOTJIA Ker THITONIA. (Triton, >n. a weathercock; in allusion to the stamens.) Irideaf. 22.—2a
1092 crispa Ker curivd-Ieaved tf LAI or I ap my Y C. O. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot mag. 678
lOWJ aiiigozanthacflura5w/.Anigosan.-fl. tf JSUr iiiijl Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. ic.
1094 vlndis Ker grecn-flovuered tf lAlor C. G. H. 17H8. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1275
10»5 r6sea Ker
1(J««5 Ker rosy tf lAlor C. G. H. 179i O s.p.l Hot. mag. 618
lOSWi capensis Xier Cape tf iAlor 1 au.o W C. G. H. 1811. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1>31
1097 loiiKiflora Jfc-r long-flowered tf iAlor ap.jn W ('. G. H. 1774. O s.p.1 Bot. map. 2J6
101)8 tenuiflora f'aht slender.flwd tf lAJor apjn Y C G. H. 1811. O s.p.lB.m.l502.f.maj.
1099 Luncolor 5u>/. self-colored tf iAlor ap.jn Y C G H. mil. O s.p.l B.m.l502.f.min.
110Uroch6nris4L .V De la Roche tf LAlor au Y c! G. H. 1811. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 150J
1101 pdlhddjfrr pate-flowered tf LAI or au W C G . H. 1806. O s.p.Uac. ic.ii.2Gl2
1102pectin&ta Ker pectinated tf iAI or myjn Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.1
lmUlK lined tf iAI or 2 my Va C. G. H. 1774. O s.p. Bot. mag. « 7
i Ker striated tf iAI or myjn B C. G. H. 1825. O s.p. Jac ic. 2.2GD
1105 sei'urigera Ker axe-bcaring tf LAI or i " l v C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. oH3
llOOflavaAVr yellow tf iAlor | Y C. G. H. 1780. O s.p.1 Bot. reg.747
1107 squaTula tor squalid tf iAI or Ru C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 581
windowed tf iAlor Ji»nyi Y n C. G. H. 1801. O s.p.l BoL mag. /04
1108 fenestrata AVr » C. G. H. 1758. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 184
1109 crocata Ker saffroned tf iAlor i my.jn O
blasted tf lAlor C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 682
lllOdcnsta Ker 1 my Ful C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 609
1111 miniata Ker vermilion-./7w<2 tf iAlor i au Ful C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Red. 111. 3. 124
1112 xantlrispila Ker ycl low-spotted
lowspo tf IAI or I my.jl RY
refracted tf iAlor 1 myjn Y C. G. H. 1815. O s.p.l Bot. reg. 135
1113 refracta Ker
• 124. VTATSfyVIA Ker WATBONIA. (IV. Watson, a London apothecary.) Iridea. 13.—
U14splciUAfcr spiked tf LAI or
LAI or *£ my y Pk C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 523
1115 jDlantaginoa Ker Plantiin tf lAlor 2- jnjl W C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot mag. 5z5
1116punctata/i.7i/-. dotted-flowered tf lAlor 1 P C H. H. 1800. O s.p.l Bot. rep. 177
1117 roseo-alba Ker red and white tf lAlor 1 Pk C. G. H. ... O s.p.l Bot. mag. 537
2 variegAta variegated tf 1 Va C. G. H. ... O fl.p.l Bot. mag. 1193
1118 marginata Ker marginated tf LAI o0 r 3 jn Pk C. G. H. 1774. O s p.l Bot. mag. 608
2 ininur leaser tf iAI * 3 o Pk C. G. H. 1812. O 8.ixl Bot uwg. 1530
1119strictiH6ra ATer strict-flowered tf 1 jn K C. U. H. 1810. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 1406
1120 rose* Ker rosy tf 2 P C. G. H. 1803 O s.p.1 But. mag. 1U72
1121 brevifolia Ker short-leaved tf lAlor 1 my Pk C. G. H. 1794. O s.p.l Bot. mag. H01
1122 iridifolia Jac. Iris-leaved tf iAlor 2|my F C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Jac. ic. 2.234
2Kll bright tf iAlor 4 my y R C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot mag. (WO
112+Menana Ker Menan's tf _Ajor 1| my.jn F C. G. H. 1750. O s.p.1 Bot. m. 418.1194
1125 hfimilis Ker humble tf iA|or 2 my.jl La C. G. H. 1754. O s.p.l Bot. m. 631.1193
1126 a l c a l d Jfe Aletna-like tf ' Al or limy.jl S C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 441
vanegated-^wd i Alor 1* myjl Va C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 533
125. BABIA'NA Ker BABIANA. {Babiancr, Dut.; the roots the food of baboons.) Irideee. 17.
1127 Thunblrgii Ker Thunberg's tf. tAJ or 1 ap p P C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.1
1128 ringons Ker gninng-floivered tf iAI or i my.jn j P T. G. H. 1752. O e p Bot cab. 1006
1129tubifl6ra Ker tube-flowered tf ijn Y.R C. G. H. 1774. O s p Bot. mag. 847
1lfti tubata IF. long-lubei tf lAlor i jn W.a C. G. II. 1774. O s p Bot mag. 6S0
1131 spathacea Ker 6heathy tf iAlor & jii L.B C. G. H. 1801. O s.p Bot. mag. 638
1132 *ambu.cina Air HAdar-scented tf iAJ °f I B C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Bot. mag. 1019
liajdlsticha Ker two-ranked tf iAlor * jj
jn.jl B C. Li. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. nug. 626
1134 plicata AVr folded tf IAI or h iny.jn Pu C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 576
113.>8trk:taArt>r strict g iAlor I uiy.jn B.w V. G. H. 1757. O s.p Bot. mag. 621
1136 angust i folia A'er narrow-leaved i iAlor 1 my.jn Va C. G. H. 1757. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 637
/'xia strieta A 3/.
11137 tenuiflora Swt. slender-flwd tf lAJor \ myjn P C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.1 Sw. fl. gar. ic.
1138 sulphfiroa Ker nu\\)hur-flu>d tf lAlor i myjn Y C. G. H. 17!5. O s.p Bot. mag. 1053
11*59 mucronata Ker mucronatc tf i Al or 4 myjn P C. G. H. 18S5. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 253
1140 villosa Ker hairy tf iAI or *au D.n C. G. H. 1778. O s.p Bot. mag. 583
1141 obiusifolia Ker obtuse-leaved tf lAlor my.jn B C. G. H. 1825. O ».p.Uac. ic. 2.284
J'xia villosa Jac. not H. K.
1142 purpfi rea Ker purple tf lAJor « yi P C. G. H. 1806. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 1052
1143 rdbro-cyanea Ker red and blue tf lAlur | ap.jn B . B C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Bot mag. 410
1144 n.'ina Spr. dwarf tf | B C. G. H. 1807. O s.p.1 And. rep. 137
Crladlolus ninus And. Bep.
* 126 LAPEYROU'S/itf Ker LAPEYROISIA. (La Peyrousry the French navigator.) Iridea. 8.
1145 rorymbfoa Ker corymbose tf Alor i my.jn U C. li. H. 17?'1. O s.p Bot. mag. 595
114CfaIcata AVr falcate tf tAlor | myjn B C. G. H. lb2J. O
1147 fasciculata Ker fasciculate tf lAlor i my.jn W C. G. U. 1825. O s.p.1 Jac. ic. 2. 291
Galaxia plicata Jac.
1148 fisMfolia Ker cloft-lcnvcd tf iAlor | au.8 V C. G. H. 1809. O a p Bot mag. 1246
114'Janteps Ker two-edged tf ^ J p r i B li C. G. H. 1824. 11 s.l Sw. fl. gar. 143
1150aculcata Swt. prickly tf lAlor i my.jl B.Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar.icin.
1151 Ailennfdes Ker Catchfly-like tf tAJor Jmyjl V C. G. H. 1822. O s.p.1 Jac. ic. 2.270
1152 Fabricu Ker Fabricius's tf * my.jl B C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.1
I A. (>/tfff«, black, juAflira, globule; bulbs.) Irideaf. 3.
1153 ^raminca Dec. Grass-leaved tf iAI 1 G C. G. H. 1787. O a.p Red. hi. 163
1154 lntermtdia Swt. Intermediate tf iAI or 1 Y.c; C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 615
Aframinca B. R. not Bed.
1155indil6ha Dec. Iris-leaved tf iAJ or 1 Y o C. G. H. 1787. O s.p Jac. ic. 2.236.
•128. GLADI'OLUS L. Conv FLAG. (Gladius a sword; the leaves.) Iridea. 3 7 . - 4 6 .
1 lo(» Wztspnius Thuu. Watson's tfiAJor 1> D . R C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.1 Botmag.4RUe9
„ „ 2 variegatus variegated tf yAl or 1 mr.ap R.w C. G. H. 1801. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 5G9
1157 viperitu* Ker viper tf iAlor i ap my G.Y C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 688
1158a)atus L. Vfinged-flwd tf iAlor myjn S.v C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 586
2 algoensis Herb. Algoa May tf lAJor $ jl O C. G. H. 1824, R l-p Bot. mag. 2tiOS
1159 namuqu6nsis Ker Namaqua tf .Aior 5 myjn O.G C. G. H. 1800. O fl.p.l Bot. mag. 592
1160 permeabilis Lar. permeable tf iAI or f myjn C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Lar. dis. 2
1161 brcvifulius Jac. short-leaved tf iAI or 1^ Ujn o £ 2- 5 ! ? ! • 2 s*pl Bot.mag.727.992
1162 hinutus L. hairy tf iAI or l j a p j n Pk
1163 versicolor Ker various-colored tftf U myjn Pk C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 574
2 binervis B. M. two-nerved tf iAI or 1| my.jn Br C. G. H. 1794. O s.p.1 Bot. mag.«1042
3 tentiior Ker slenderer tf iAlor 1 myjn Pk C. G. H. 1806. O s.p.l Bot. mag.»1042
1164 ednlis Ker eatable tf iAI cul myjn Va C. G. H. 1779. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 55d
lias hastatus Tfit/n. hastate tf A l" W F C. G. H. 1816. O s.p.1 Bot reg. 169
C G. H. 1810. O s p 1 Bot mag. 1564

1166trlstls L. sad iAI or 1 myjn Br.Y C. G. H. 1745. O *.p.l Bot. mag. 272
1167c6ncolor Sal. self-colored * •Alor 1 myjn Y C. G. H. 1790. O s.p.1 Par. Ion. 8
1168 hyahnus Jac. glassy • Alor 1 myjn Y.R C. G. H. 1825. O fl.p.l Jac. ic. 2.242
1169 tenellus Jac. tender •Alor 5 my.jn Va.Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2.248
1170 Colvillu Swt. Colville's ! lAlpr 1 jnjl S.Y hybrid 1824. O l.s Sw. fl. gar. 155
1171 trichonemifolius Ker tf .Alor 1 Y C. G. H. 1810. O 8.p.l Bot mag. 1483
1172 gracilis Jac. small .Alor S mr.ap B.w C. G. H. 1800. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 562
1173 debilis Sims weak LAJ pr l i my W C. G. H. ... O p.l Bot. mag. 2585
1174 recbrvus H. K. recurved 5
tf • Alor S Str C. G. H. 1758. O s.p.l Bot mug. 578
1175 carneus Jac. fleah-colored tf .Alor s' my.jn F C. G. H. 179a O s.p.1 Bot mag. 591
1176 cuspidatus L. pointed tf iAI or 1| W.BrC. G. H. 1795. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 582
1177 blandus H. K. bland lAlor 11 jn
tf lAlor L.P C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 625
1178 dlbidus Vahl whitish tf ] my.jn C. G. H. 1774. O B.p.l Bot. mag. 648
2 pictus B.M. painted tf lAlor 1[ myjl R.W C. G. H. 1794. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1665
1179 trimaculutus Vahl three-spotted tf lAJor ] my.jn R.w C. G. H. 1794. O s.p.l
1180 campanulas B. R. beW-fluwered • Alor ]l , m y L.p C. G. H. 1794. O s.p.l Bot. rep. 188
1181 angttstus L. nanovr-icaved •Alor i ! my.jn L.Y C. G. H. 1757. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 602
1182 involutus Lar. involute « lAlor :I£ my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1757. O s.p.l Lar. dis. 2. 3
1183 flexu6sus Thun. flexuous lAlor : myjn O 1825. O s.p.1 Thun. ir. 1. 1
1184 undulatus Jac. xva\e-Jtowered tf lAlor : Pk e. G. H. 1760. O s.p.1 Jac. ic 2.242
2 palhdus pale tf lAlor : . C. G.
P.Pk C. G. H. 1760. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 647
3 carncus flesh-colored • Alor : . F C. G. H. 1760. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 538
1185 floribdndus Jac. bundle-flwd • Alor :I myjl Ci C. G. H. 1788. O s.p.l Bot mag. 610
1186 Mfllen Ker Miller's tf Alor 1 4
• V C. G. H. 1751. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 632
1187 cardmalis B. M. cardinal tf .Alor iI D.B C. G. H. 1789. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 135
1188 byzantlnus Mil. Byzantine 0 A or 5 R Turkey W29. O s p Bot. mag. 874
1189 communis L. common tf A or iIiijnjl
i H!
jn. 1 11 S. Europe 1506. O s.p.l Hot. mag. 86
2 c&rneus flesh-colored A or 1 F S. Europe 1596. O r.m Bot mag. 1575
1190tcnuis Bicb. slender A or ; . myjn R Tauria 1823. O co
1191 imbric&tus I>. imbricated A o*" 1 my.jn K Russia 1820. O l p
1192 segetum Ker corn field • Alor i2 jnjl P S. Europe 1596. O B.p.l Bot. mag. 719
129. SYNNOT/i* Swt SYNNOTIA. (W. Synnot, who collected many plants at the Cape) Irideee. 3.
1193 variegfita Swt. variegated tf iAI or £ ap.jn Va C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.1 Sw. fl. gar. 150
1194 bfcolor Swt. two-colored tf LAJ or $ mr.ap B.v C. G. H. 1786. O s.p.1 Bot mag. 548
/'xiabicolorAA/l SparaxiabicolorAVr. (iladiolus bicolor W.
1195 galeatus Swt. hclmctcd tf iAI or 1 mr.ap B.Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 258
Gladiolus galcatus Jac.
* 130. ANOMATHE'CA Ker ANOMATHECA. (Anomos, singular, theca, a capsule.) Iridea. 1.
1196 juncca Ker rushy g lAlor | Li C. G. H. 1791. O B.p.l B o t mag. 606
131. A N T H O L Y ' Z A L . ANTIIOLYZA. (Anthos, fl.,lyssa,ragc; fl. like a mouth ready to bite.) Iridea>. 3 — 4.
1197 sthiopica L. Ethiopian tf iAJ or 3 my.jn S.o C. G. H. 1759. O a.p.l Bot. mag. 561
1198 prs&lta Dec. very tall tf iAI or 2 ja.f O C G. H. ... O s.p.l B o t mag. 1172
ethiopica fi vitfgera B. M. ^ _ __ - M J ,
1199 monttna Ker mountain tf j^d fra 1 jn Br C. G. H. 1822. R s.p Bot cab. 1022
132. ANISA'NTHUS Swt. ANISANTHUS. (Anisns, unequal, anthos, a. flower.) IrtdetE. 3.
1200 spl€ndens Swt. splendid tf |AJ °r li myjn S C.
" G." H. 18i>5. O s.p.1 Sw. fl. gar. ic.
1201 Cunonwi Swt Cunon's tf iAJ or 2 myjn S C. G. H. 1756. O s.p.1 Bot. mag. 843
AntholyzaCunon/rt B.M. GladiolusCunonia H. K.
1202 quadianguliris Swt. quadrangular tf iAJ °f 2 mr.ap Y C. G. H. 17C0. O s.p.1 B o t mag. 567
Gladiolus quadrangularis 2f.Af. abbreviatus And. rep. 1(36
133. X l P H l ' D I U M Aubl. XIPHIDIUM. { p , a sword: the leaves.)
{Xiphos, Ilccmodoracece. 2.
1203 album W. white £ [23 or \\\\
3 or W W. Indies 1787. U s.p
1204 caerGleum Aubl. blue £ EJ or l\ B Guiana 1793. II s.p Aub.gui. 1.11
134. LEPTA'NTHUS Mx. LEFTANTHUS. (Leptos, slender, anthos, a flower.) Pontedereee. 1.
1205 gnmlneiu Mx. grassy =*= A 1 Y N. Amer. 182a D aq Hook. ex. fl. 94
135. HETERANTHENRA Beauv. HETERANTHERA. (Heteros, variable,aner, anther.) Pontedtrece. 3 . - 7 .
1206 reniformis 7f. £[P. kidney-leaved ^ ( £ ] o r B S. Amer. 1824 Sk aq Fl. per. 1.71
1207 aciita JF. acute kidn.-lvd ^ LAJ or flt jnjl W Virginia 1812. Skaq ac. am.
Leptanthus rcniformis Mx. not R. %P. [4. 173. ic
1208 limdsa Vahl bog A A or B N. Amer. 1822. D m.8
136. WACHENDCKRF/^ L. WACHENDORFIA. (E. J. Wachendorf, a Dutch bot.) Hamodoraceee. 8. — a
1209 thyrsiflora L. thyrse.flowered £ LAJ or 2 myjn Y C. G. H. 1759. D r.m Bot. mag. 1060
1210 paniculata Thun. panicled £ iAI or 2 f Y C. G. H. 1700. D r.m Bot mag. 616
1211 Hibberti Swt Hibbert's ^ .Alor 2 fjn Y C. G. H. 1823. D r.m Bot mag. 2610
paniculata/3 B.M.
1212 hirsuta Ker hairy • Alor U j n V C. G. H. 1687. D r.m Bot mag. 614
1213 brevifulia Ker short-leaved lAlor 1 mr.ap P C. G. H. 1795. D r.m Bot. mag. 1166
1214 BrcyniafM R. & S. Brcynius's • Al or 1 mr.ap C. G. H. 1825. D r.m Brey.c.37
1215 graminea Thun. grass-leaved iAI or 1 jn Y C. G. H. ... D r.m
1216 tenclla Thun. tender •Alor 1 jn Y C G. H. 1816. D r.m
137. HJEMODO'RUM Sm. HAMODORUM. (Haima, blood, doron, gift; flower.) Hamodordcea*. 2 . - 6 .
1217 planifolium R. Br. flat-leaved £ L or 1} jl.n O N. S W. 1810. S s.p Bot. mag. 1610
1218 teretifolium R. Br. round-leaved £ 1 jl n O N. Holl. 1822. D s.p
138. ARFSTEA L. ARISTEA. {Arista, a point, or beard; the leaves.) Iridece. 5 . - 7 .
1219cyanea//.A\ bright blue £ LAJor i apjn B C. G. H. 1759. S s.p Bot mag. 458
1220 capitata H. K. headed £ LAI or 3 B C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot mag. 605
1221 spiralis Vahl spiral-Jfcnueraf £ iAJ or 1 Pa.B C. G. H. 1795. C s p Bot mag. 520
1222 melaleuca Ker black and white£ lAJor 1 my.jn Pa.B C. G. H. 1796. C s.p Bot mag. 1277
1223 pusllla Ker little £ LAJ or i jnjl B C.G.H. 180& C s.p Bot mag. 1231
139. Dl'LATRIS L. Di LATHIS. (Dis, two, later, a tile.) Heemodordeece. 3. —
gJymbosarA corymbose iAI or 1 my P.r C. G. H. 179a S s.p Ex. bot L16
clammy iAI or | ... B C. G. H. 1795. S s.p Lam. U. 34
1225 visc6sa Thun. panicled £ iAI or 1 my.jl B C. G. H. 1825. S s.p
1226 paniculata Thun.
140. LACHNA'NTHES Ell. LACHNANTIIES. {Lachnc, wool, anthos, a flower.) Harmodordcea. 1.
;227 tinctoria EU. dyer's £ iAI dy l^ Pk N. Amer. 1812. S s.p Mic. am. 1.4
IXlatris Heritiera Pcrs. EMlatris tinctoria Ph.

Chile 1825. R g p
1 Georgia
B g 180ft
ft O s.p 10.1
*142. J'Ris L. I HIS.
1232 susiana L. Susian(/n», the eye; the variety
l n M p and brilliancy of its colors.) Irhtcar 94 121
1233 Hvida Trot. livid 3f£E 7i R fevant 1596. Rs.l Bot.'mag7l
1234 florentina L. Florentine % A or 1J Ld
U Ld LevantLevant DD s.l
sl Red. IIIl. is
Red Id.
J235 eermanica L. German 2 myjn W S. Europe 159ft R p.1 Hot. mag. 671
1236 Hume* G. Don 3 myjn B Germany 1573. R co Bot. mag. 670
/. nepalensis B. R not 2 B Nepal 1822. D co Bot reg. 818
1237 pallida Lam. pale
1238 I on gi flora R. $ S. long-flowered myjn Pa.B Turkey 1596. R co Bot mag. 685
1239 flavesccns Red. flavescent •P-J" • 1824. D s.l
1240 orientals Thun. oriental m
y j n L.B
Jf 1818. R co Red. lil.375
1241 xambucina L. Elder-scented myjn L.B China 1790. R R co Bot. mag. 1604
1243 lunda H. K. dingy L.B co Bot. mag. 187
1243 sordula W. Br S. Europe 1658. R co
1244 squalens L.
sordid W S. Europe 1758. R co Bot.mag.6d9.9D6
1245 vanegata L. St o ...... 1819. R co
variegated ' St Bot. mag. 787
1246 neglecta //orit. neglected : S. Europe 1768. R s.l Bot. mag. 16
1247 Swertii Lam. Swert's : Pa.B Hungary 1597. R co Bot. mag. 24,15
aphylla B. M. 1} W R co. Bot mag. 870
1248 plicate Lain. plicate i
1249 biflora L. two-flowered ~i or 2 myjn W . B ...... 1821. R co Red.IiLS57
1250 sub-biflura .ffrcrf. 1| P S. Europe 159ft R co
sub-two-flwd 3 11 V
1251 nepalensis D. Don Portugal 159ft R p.1 Bot. mag. 11S0
1252 flexu6sa Mur. Nepal j 1} B Nepal 18123. R co Sw.fl.gjr.n.8.11
1253 cristate tf. /£ flexuous ; 2 my.jn W Germany 1810. R co Mur. 7. 4
1254 chinensis B At. crested ; *my Pa.B N. Amer. 175(1 R p.1 Bot. mag. 412
1255 arenana Kit. 1 myjn Pa.B _. China 1792. R co Bot mag. 373
1256 lutescens £/zm. Chinese ^ 'jn Y Hungary 1802. R co Bot. reg. 549
1257 flavissima PaU. sand ; i Y Germany 1748. R p.1 Red. lil. 26J
1258 pumila L. lutescent ; f myjn Siberia 1814. R co Jac.ic.3.220
1259 violacea Swf. yellowest
«CHHW Z 4 myjn Austria 1596. R p.1 Bot mag. 6.1209
S umilajd violacea B. dwarf M.
ichdtoma £../£/. dwarf violaceous;
1261 nudicauhs Lam. w
1 au L.
S. Europe 1800. D co Bot mag. 1261
Dauria 1784. R p.1 Bot reg. 246
1262 scariosa W. . M. 1 my. n B 1820. R co
1263 amic'na Dec. forked ^ 1 my. n B Russia 182ft R co
1264 bohemica Schmidt naked-stemmed 5 1 myjn B „ 1821. R co Red. lil. 8.336
1265 vircscens Dec. 1 myjn B Bohemia 1825. R s.p
scanous A I myjn Y
1266 hungarica Kit. „ 1820. R co Red. HI. 5.295
1267 morrwldes Ker delictte J| 1 my V R co W.&K.3.226
Bohemian j} A. or i B Hungary 1815.
viresccnt ^ata Hook. C G. H. 1758. D p.1 Bot. mag. 693
Hungarian ^ Britain R p.1 Eng. bot. 578
Alorsd-like 3 jn r N. Amer. 1812. D co Bot mag. 2239
M. " • I myjn Greece? 1820. R co Red. 1il. 4. £36
2 jnjl Germany 1826. D co
lorn * v'l'»cgaU variegated-/*/,/ j Britain R p.1
1272versi olorL.
r eCa p various-colored i Britain gard. D co
*- copper-colored "3 1 myjn N. Amer. 1732. D s.l Bot mag. 21
entata Ph ? jnjl N. Amer. 1812.
three-toothed I lfmyjn ™" ' ^ 1496
N. Amer. 1820. i ic.ui.
H. C. Tangier ;
i*76 ginira LL. Virginian ; Tangiers 1820.
1277BoJtonirf»aR.&s. Bolton's ; N. Amer. 1758.
« r a c i 1 " Bolt- , or 1*. Amer. 1823.
8 fir
P J spurious 2
ba&tard | Pa.B Siberia 1759. R co Bot mag. 875
vel| B Italy 1820. R co Bieb.cen.2.77
B M.
!#• owish-whiter L.Y Levant 1757. R co Bot. mag. 1515
JS? halophila Pall. Guldenstadt's 2 Y
salt-loving Siberia 1757. R co Bot. mag. 61
128J stenogyna Dec. narrow-btigm. 3 Jl.a B Siberia 1780. R co Bot. mag. 1131
1284 curtopetala D short-i>ctaled limyjn Y 1819. R co Red. hi. 6. 310
V1PII u 1J myjn Y.B 1823. R s.p Red. lil. 6.340
h ----tilumed & A or
, r { l d 6 x a stev.
Iberian ff ^ or 1i myjn B Sil>eria
my.jn R Iberia JSIV 5 ** Pal-it. 3. ap. 6 1
esert6rum Gul desert 1O*U. A S.p
verna L. B Russia 1811. D p.l Bot mag. 1514
ycntr'c6i«a Pall. bellied D co Pluk. al. 196.6
^pns/Vr* elegant Pa.B Dauria 18U0. D co PaL it ft 1
siblnca /„. Siberian
2fl 6re Ibo
. » O co
ruriestlS white-flowering' L.B Siberia 1596. R co Bot.mag.50.11 ftf
W Siberia 1596. D co Bot mag. 116J
Ay-blue B N. Amer. 1824. D p.1
sweet-scented P Siberia 1823. R co Bot mag. 2528
}gto acuta Lk. 2 jnjl B 1821. O co
}f»6 Ph. acute-leaved 2 myjn B
}%Hgr*mlne L. prumatic
Graaa-fcaved 1 myjn P N. Amer. 1812.
milis Bicb low
1 B
St Austria 1597.
Caucasus 1812.
R£! 2£ »129*
taJ8fc IV. 1 Pa.B Oennany 1759. R co ---nug. H23
S * B5 & mr 1% Tauria
1 in jl

1822.i i»
Ion. got. mag. 58
R co -Bot. mag. 2361
three-flowered lijnjl 1821.
3Pal]asMl). M. S.hcr.a 1819. R co
short-pointed 2 jiijl Tartary l«20. R co got. mag. 2326
1304 ruthfaica Ker Pallas's 2 jnjl
1 my
China 1820. R co Bot. mag. 2331
Bot mag. 2331
Chinese •Silivria 1804. S co Bot.
Russian D co mag. 13M

1305 tuberfsa L. tuberose tf A or | mr.ap G.B Levantf 1597. O s.p Bot. mag. 531
1306 alfita Poir. winged tf A ° r I B Algiers 1801. O co 1.6
1307A'IphiumA. Xiphiura tf A or 14 B.Y Spain 1596. O co Bot. mag. 686
1308 Jiphiofdes Ehrh. Xiphium-Hke Jl.Y vSpain 1571. O co Bot. mag. 687
130!) lusilanica Ker Portuguese tf A or 2 ap B Portugal 1796. O co Bot. mag. 679
1310 tenuiloha Pall. slender-leaved tf A or l i m y L.B Jfeuria 1796. D co Pa), it. 3.2
1311pe>aicaL. Persian tf or 1 mr B.Y Persia 1629. O co Bot. mag. 1
1312 reticulSta Bieb. netted If A or mr.ap B Iberia 1821. R co
1313 caucaYica Hqfm. Caucasian tf A or mr Y Caucasus 1821. It co
•U3. MOUJE'AL MORJSA. (R. Moore, a botanist of Shrewsbury.) Iridett. 20. —93.
1314 anfttista Ker narrow Jeaved tf IAJ or f my j n Ful C. G. H. 17*!>0. D s p Bot. mag. 1276
1315 edulis Ker eatable tf tAI cul 4 my.jn Li C. G. H. 1792. I) s.p B.mag.hU 1-238
1316 odfira Sal. sweet-scented tf IAJ or 2 my.jn Li C. G. H. 1792. D s p Par. Ion. 10
1317 loiiKiftfia Andr- long-leaved tf iAJ or 3 my.jn Y C. G. H, 1803. D s.p And. rep. 45
edulin y lutescens But. mag. 1238
1318 longiflora ILK. long.flowcred tf iAl or | my.jn Y C. G. H. 1801. D s p Bot. mag. 712
1319 setfirca Ker setaceous tf IAJ or i jn jl Y C. G. H. 182/5. 1) sp Thun. ir. 1. 1
1320 trlstis Ker i\u\\.Colorcd tf LAI or I my.jn B C. G. H. 17(18. I) sp Bot. mag. 577
1321 crispa Ker curled tf LAJ or j myjn B C. G. H. 18()3. D s p Bot mag. 1284
1322 bitumin6sa Ker bituminous tf iAJ or 1 ap my Y C. G. H. 1787. I) s p Bot. mag. 1045
1323 polyntachya Ker m.iny-spiked tf iAJ or 1 jjn jl Y C. G. H. 1825. 1) up
1324 viscana Ker vi.cid tf iAJ or 1 jn j Li C. G. H. INCH). D s p Bot. mag. 587
1325 ramdsa Ker ramose tf LA) or 3 my.jn Y C. G. H. 17H9. 1) sp Bot. mrig. 771
1326 plumaria Ker feathered tf LAI or 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 18*5. 1) sp
13275iByrinchium Ker SUyrincluum tf A cul \ myjn B S. Europe 1597. 1) B.p Bot. mag. 1407
1328 Tenorca/ta Swt Tenorc's tf A or 1 ap.iny P N l
Naples 1624. K l.p Sw.fl.gar.110
1329 minuta Ker small tf iAl or \ jnjl B C. Cr. H. 1825. 1) s p
1330 papilionacca Ker butterfly tf LAI or \ my.jn Va C. G. H. 1795. U s.p Bot. mag. 750
1331 cihata //. K. fnngud-leavcd tf iAJ or ± apjn P C. G. H. 1587. I) e.p Bot. mag. 1061
1332 barbigvra Sal. be.irded tf iAl or i Y C. G. II. 1587. D s.p Bot. mag. 1012
* 144. M A'RI CA Schrcb. MA MCA. (Maraino, to become flaccid; the flowers.) It idea:. 7.
1333 Northiana Ker North's ~ 123 or 4 Y.B Brazil 1789. D s.p Bot. mag. 654
1334 cerfilca Ker blue lAJor 2 myjn B Brazil 1818. 1) co Bot. n-ff. 713
1335 Sablni Liudl. Capt. Sabine's _ ._ 2 au P St. Thorn. 1822. R p.I Hort. tr. fi. 1
1336 martinic6nsia Ker. Martinico tf [23 or 2 jn Y Martinico 1782. I) s.p Bot. mag. 416
1337 hfmiilis R.8fS. low tf iAJ or J "my.jl Y Brazil 1823. D p.l Bot. cab. 685
1338 palud6sa W. marsh A (23 or 1 W Ciukiiia 1792. Sk s p hot. m.ig. 646
1339 semi-apcrta Lod. half-open j£ LAJ or 1J my.jn Y Brazils 18^0. D co Bot. cab. 685
• 145. SISYRI'NCIIIUM/,. SISYRINCIIII;M. M. (Syst |.ig or hog, rhygchost a snout) I? idea. 14.— 23.
1340 plicfttum Spr. folded (23 or 2 W M\ Indies 1779. Sk s.p Bot. inag. 655
Marica plica'ta B. M.
1341 jaalmifolium /,. palm-leaved tf (23 or W Brazil 1823. D p.l
1342 bcrmudianuni /,. Bermuda tf tAI or jnjl B Bermudas 1732. D co Bot. mag. 94
Marica tridioides B. M.
1343 Nuttall* Swt. Nuttall's tf A or 1 jn jl N. Amer. 1823. D s p
bcrmudia'nuin Nut.
1344 finceps /,. two-edged tf A or 1 jnjl B N. Amer. 1693. I) co Bot. mag. 461
1345 mucronatum Mx. mucronate tf A or $ J n J' B N. Amer. 1812. J) p i
134-5 convolfituin Noc. convolute jf ^AJ or J my.jn Y S. Amer. 1816. 1) co Red. HI. 47
1347 tenuifohum J/i/m. slender-leaved tf AJ or 4 my.jn Y S. Amer. 1816. D co Red. hi. 275
1348 Idtcum /,. yellow tf IAJ or | myjl Y S. Amer. 1823. D fl.p
1349 cahtornicum Spr. Californian £ |AJ or | my s Y California 1796. Sks.p Bot. mag. 983
1350 micranthum tW small-llouercd tf" iAJ °i" 1 Jt>-jl Y S, Amer. 1815. D co Cav.dis. 191.2
1331 tridilohum Hum. Iris-leaved tf .AJ or i m yJ^ Y S. Amer. 1822. D s.p Bot reg. 646
MArica tridit'olia A 7f.
1352 lixum Lk. loose tf AJ or j my.jl Y S. Amer. 1818. D s p
1353 striatum CWv. channelled ^ A or 2 ap.s Y Mexico 1788. Ske.p Bot. mag. 701
146. BOBA'RT/yJ L. BOB A tin/v. (Jacob Bobart, professor of botany at Oxford, 1669.) Iridear. 3
1354 gladiata Swt. gladiated tf iAi or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1816. D s.p Bot. rcg. 229
Muricagladi&aJfor, Mor^Vz gladiata IV.
1355s)Kitliacea/,. sheathed tf iAJ or J jnjl C. G. H. 1798. D s.p Thun. ir. 1
Mor^'rt spathacca Ker
1356 aurantlaca Zuc. orange tf A or f f.ap O Belgia 1827. D s.p
147. VIEUSSEU'X/iiLar. VIEI»SEUXIA. (M. Vteusseux, a physician of Geneva.) Iudeee. 11.
1357 tripetaloWes Dec. 3-petaled-like tf iAJ or 1" V " C.
« -G."H.• 1802.
— • O fi.p Bot. « . - mag.
_ . . - ,70S
Mor^'rt tripetala Ker, /'ris tripctala Thvnb.
1358 pav6nica Dec. peacock tf ,Alor 1 myjn R.B C. G. H. 1790. O s p Bot mag. 1247
Mor^'ri pav6nia B.M. /'rtspavdnia L.
1359 vill6sa Spr. villous tf |AJ or 1 P C. G. H. 1789. D s.p Bot. mag. 571
/'ris villosaKer, Mora'a vill6sa U.K.
1360 tricuspis Fit. _ three-pointed tf. „ .Alor 1
, „ 1 jn jn G C G. H. 1776. D s.p Bot. mag. 696
Moree'a tiicuspig Ker,, Ferrftri/i trictispis p s Jr.
1361 /glauc6pis
riu tricuspisDecThun. grcy-c>ed Jr.
- ' - - *pavonia
/'ria " ' - *" Ker greye>ed tf j^j r 1 myjl RH C
or 1 myjl R.H C. G. H. 1776. D s.p Bot mag. 168
1362 Bcllendeni Swt Bellen den's
f&ortc'a tricuspis y Kitea It. M. tf tA) or 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1803. D i.p Bot mag. 772
1363 tenuis It. # S. slender
Mor&'a tenuis //. K. tf iAl or 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 1807. D s.p Bot mag. 1047
1364 spiralib R. Sf S. spiral tf iAlor myjn W C. G. H. 1824. D s.p I>ar. dis. 5
13G5 unguiculana R. ft S. soft-clawed tf iAlor myjn Va C. G. H. 1802. D s p Bot. mag. 593
Morce'a unguiculata H.K.
1366 liirida Swt. lurid tf iAJ or 1 jn Cr C. G. II. 1817. D B.p Bot. reg. 312
Morte'a Uirida B. R.
1367 fugax Lar. fugacious tf LAI or 1 jnjl P C. G. H. 1825. D s.p Lar. dis. ic.
148. RENEA'LMM R. Br. RBNEALMIA. [P.&M. L. Renealmc, first a Fr. phys.,otherabot) Iridcee. 3—4.
1368 grandiflura R. Br. large-flowered tf LAJ or H ap W N. Zeal. 1822. R p.l Sw. fl. gar. 64
1369paniculata/t.£r. panirled tf iA|or \\ W N. Hull. 182J. D p i
1370 pulchella A. Br. pretty tf LS or 1 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1823. D p.l
149. PARDA'NTHUS Ker PARDANTHUS. {Pardos, a leopard, anthos, a flower.) Iiidete. fi
1371 chindnsis Ker Chinese tf A or 2 jn jl O China 1759. R p 1 Bot mag. 171
137* nepalcnris Swt Nepal tf A or 2 Jn.jl O Nepal 1823. D p.l

150. SCHCE'NUS L. Boo Rrsu. (Schoinus, a cord; made into cordage.) Cyperaccte. 5. — C8.
1373 mucronatus L.. pointed jUb A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1781. 1) bog J/l. gr. 1. 43
1.S74 nfgricans /,. blackish job A w w 1 jl Ap Britain sp. bo. D bog Eng. bot. J121
& f J __ . p* N HoI, 1 8 i a D b « *
1375 imberbis R Br. beardless iAl 1 Ap
137(i melan6stachys.fl.flr. black-spiked N. Holl. 1822. D bog
JllbiAlcu 1 il au Ap W. Indies 1H22. I) bog
1377 stellatus W. star-headed jlitiAlpr fs.'d Ap
151. CH^TCKSPORA R. Br. CIIATOSPORA. (Chafe, a bristle or awn, spora, «"»ed-l Cyperaceat. 2 —23.
1378 ferruglnea Hum. rusty jllk A un i Ap Europe 1821. D bog Sc. •"--. 1.1.4
Schce'nus ferrugfneus L.
1379 turbinata R. Br. turbinated Jllb iAI cu i jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. D bog
152. LEPIDOSPE'RM A Lab. LEPIDOSPERMA. (Lepis, a scale, sperma, a seed.) Cyperacef. 1. - - SI.
1380gladiaU7£.A. gladiated JIULAICU 4 j l . a u Ap N. Holl. 1819. D bog Lab.n. h. 1.12
ISa D U U ' C H I U M Pets. Dnuciiiuv. (The name of an island, where found.) Cyperaeeat. L - - 8 .
138J spathaceum Pw*. spathaci-ous Jllb A cu ... Ap N. Amer. 1818. D bog Pluk. «1. 301.1
154. RHYNCHO'SPORA Vahl RIIVNCHOSPORA. (Rhygchos, a beak, spora, a seed.) Cypcracc*. 3 . - 3 8 .
1382 alba Vahl wh\te-headed jUb A w 1 au Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot 985
1383 fusca Vahl hrown-headed Jllb A w 1 au Ap Britain bogs. I) bog Eng. bot. 1575
13S4 comata Lk. tult-hcaded jlib(ZQcu If au Ap Brazil 1820. D bog
155. FIMBRI'STYLIS Vahl FIMDRISTYMS. (Fimbria, a fringe, stylus, a style.) Cypeiacea?. 4 . - 6 5 .
13H5 dichotoma ftiM riichotomous Jllli O un 1 jn.jl Ap E. Indie* 1819. I) bog Ktb. gr. 13.1
138f»annun R. &S. annual Jilt O un Ap S. Europe l.slO. S bog Host gr. 3.63
1387 pubcrula Vahl
Vahl mossy jllli A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. 1) bog
1383 dipliylla Vahl two-leaved M A un 1 jn.jl Ap Nepal 1822. S bog
Ifl-1 ABILDGAA / RD/i4 Vahl ABILDGAARUIA. (Prof. Abilgaard, of Copenhagen.) Cyperaccee. 8 . - 4 .
138}) moixMtachva Vahl oncspiked dliiAlcu Ap N. Holl. 1819. D bog SI. jam. 1.7ft 2?
13U0 trfstachys Vahl three-spiked Jllk tAI cu 1 Ap N. HolL 1824. D bog

157 TSO'LEPIS R.Br. ISOLEPIS. (Isos, equal, /<y>&, a scale; flower of equal scales.) Cyperacea. 8.—48.
1391 fltiitans R. Br. floating & A cu fit jl au Ap Britain dit. D aq Eng. bot 216
6'cirpus fltiitans E. B
1*J«2 setacea R. Br. bri.stle-Mr jllL O cu \ Ap Britain bogs. S bog Eng. bot. 1693
1J93 tenulssima D Don slenderest jiib O cu i jn.jl Ap Nepal 1821. S bog
.Vcirpusdensus IVal.
1394 nodusa R. Br. knotted JUI LAI cu 1J Ap N. Holl. 1820. D bog Un. tr. 10.13.2
A'ci'rpus gracilis Rud.
1395 complanata R.SfS. flattened Jllfa iAI cu ... Ap E. Indies 1823. D bog
1396//oloschce / nusA$5. whole Schocnus Jllb A cu A jl Ap England scash. Skbog Eng. bot. 1612
1397romana R.ffS. Roman jBb A cu 3 jl Ap Austria ... Sk bog Jac. au. 5.448
1398 austrahs R $S. southern Jilfa A cu 3 jl Ap S. Europe ... Sk bog Pluk. ph. 40.5

168. ffCI'KPUSAAr. C U B RUSH. (Cirs, rushes, Celt.)) Cyperacea. 17. —120.

1399 ciespitr'-BUs L. tufted jllb A 1 jl Ap Britain tur. he. Sk bog Eng. bot. 102
1400 pduci floras E. B. few-flowered jllb A w inu Ap Britain bgs. m. Skbog 1122
141)1 elongittus Ham. elongated jllb A un 1 s Ap Nopal 1825. S bog
1402 lacurtris L. lake £• A ec 6 jLau Ap Britain riv* rs. Sk bog Eng. bot. 635
1403 RitiruUtiM L. jointed Jllb EM un 2 au.s Ap Europe 182(1 S bog R. mal 12.71
140* glaftcm E. B. glaucous Jllb A w 2 jl au Ap England sal. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 2321
140.1 triquetcr /, triangular Jllb A W 3 au Ap England mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1694
140R mucronatus jr. shnqi-pointed jllb A un 2 an Ap Kur. Asia ... Sk bog
1407 carniatus E. B. keeled JUI A 3 Ap p England riv. ba. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1!$:)
1408 carfcinus 5m. Carox-like Jllb A CU 1 1 A Bnta.n bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 1010
.^^^choBiiuscompressus E. B. Ap
1409 rfifus E. F. rufous Jllb A cu I jl Ap Scotland bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 71)1
Schce'mis rfifus E. B.
1410 maritimus L. salt-marsh Jllb A w il.s Ap Britain sal. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 542
J411 radlcans Srhk. rooting juif A un Ap Europe 1800. D bog Sellk. us. 4.1
1412 atrovfrens MM. dark-green jllb A un Ap N. Amer. 1H18. I) bog
1413 Luzufce L. Luzula Jllb I £ ] un jl.s Ap R Indies 1776. Sk bog Pluk m.27.417.3
1414 Hylvaticus L. wood jllb A w jl.s Ap Britain m. n. p. Sk bog Eng. bot 919
14l5quinquanguUrisr<iA/livc.anglcd jUfa A cu Jn.jl Ap 1820. D bog
159. ELEO'CHARIS rt. Br. SPIKE RUSH. (Elos, a marsh, ehalro. to delight.) Cyperacete. 9 . - 2 8 .
f e aedta R Br.
1416 " " " " acute-Avz/af Jllb I A I C U * - " Ap ' N. Holl 181Q. i>l>og
1117 geniculata R. Br. jointed Jllb iAI cu Ap W. Ind. 1822 D bog SI. jam. 1.83. 3
1418 pAli'istris R. Br. jllb A w Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 131
ov5fa Roth marsh
i-raj'milticaftlis Sm.
jBk A un jj Ap
Ap Germany 1818. Sk bog
Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 1187
many-stemmed Jllb A cu
_. _, «cirpiii multicaulis E. B.
1421 aric-ul5ris R. Br needle jllb A w { jl Ap Britain mar. Skbog>
c(nnuiacicuUrii E. B.
otfi R 4 V. obtuse-scaled Mi A cu { Ap N. Amer. 1818. D bog
142.J glaucesccns R SfS glauccsccnt Jllb A cu I Ap N. Amer. 1830. D hog
I424tenuls R.SfS. slender JMb A cu Ap N. Amer. 1824. D bog
160. ELY'NA Schr. ElA'NA. (Elyo, to cover.) Cyperaccee 1.
14y.> sinc&ta
^ Schr. spiked A cu { jn.jl Ap Europe 1819. S bog Vil.del.2.6
Carex Bellardi All. myosuroides Vil.
1H1. ERIO'PHORUM COTTON GRAM. (Erion, wool, phoreo% to liear; seeds in wool.) Cyperdce*. 7 . - 9 .
3JS? vaginStum L sheathed
*" ' JUI A P' " mr.ap Ap Britain moors. D bog Eng. bot 873
JS|l0!s?l"chyfS?*"- m»ny-spiked Jllb 2 ir jn.jl Ap nntain bog*. 1) bog Eng. bot. 563
14JH pubescens Eng. Ft. downy m A or my.jl Ap England bogs. 1) bog
142«) angiistifolium Reich, n.irrow-lcaved m A P«" an Ap Britain bops. D bog Eng. bot. 564
14.M) virK<nicum L. Virginian m A P«" Ap N. Amer. lHi'O. D bog Pluk. al. 29Q.4
1431 f,racile Ruth slender jllfa A P r i Ap Scotland ac. mo. D bog Eng. bot 2402
1432 capitiltum E. B. headed JUfa A P' f au.s Ap Scotland sc. mo. D bog Eng. bot. 2387
•162. O P O MPers. TRI
P TRICHOPBORITM. (TOrfe, hair*, pAftrro,, to bear.)
.) Cyperaceat. 2
1433 cmcrinum Pen. Cyperus-Uke Jib A cu 2 | my.s Ap N. Amer. 1802. D bog Pluk. m. 419.3
1434 alpl num Pers. alpine Jib A cu Ap Scotland bogs. D bog Eng. bot 311

• 163. CYPETUJS L. CYPEHI'S. {Cynris, a nama of Venus; roou aphrodisiacal.) Cyperdcete. 50.— 300.
1435 Aituni R. & S. Aiton'8 JUi iAJ cu H jn.jl Ap C. G. H. S bog
14.36 articulatus L. jointed O au Ap Jamaica 1817. S l)og SI. jam. 81.1
1437 niloticus Forsk. Nilotic O cu au Ap Egypt 1810. S bog
1438 visc6sus H. K. clammy Ap Jamaica 1781. Sk bog Jac. ic 2.295
1439 compactus Retx. compact jllb O un Ap Chile 1819. S bog
1440 tencllus Vahl slender jllb uOJcu Ap C. G. H. 1819. S bog Pluk al. 300.4.5
1441 mucronftus Rtb.
1442 pann6nicu8 L.
jllb GQ] un
jut O cu 5 Ap W. Indies 1819. S bog Rtb. gr. 8.
Ap Hungary 1781. Skbog Host gr. 3.20
1443 6riza>'us Rich. Briza-Hke jllfa El un 1 Ap S. Amer. 1817. S bog
1444 alternifolius L. alternate-lvd jllfa El cu Ap Madagasc.1781. Sk bog Jac. ic. 2.998
1445 dubius Rtb. doubtful jllfa El cu 1 jnjl Ap E. Indies 1802. S bog Rtb. gr. 20.4.5
144ti conglomerfitus L. conglomerated 2 fmr Ap Arabia 1818. S bog 15.7
1447 compresws L. compressed Ap Jamaica 1820. S bog SI. jam. 77.1
1448 vcgctus W froh M A cu »JJau jl Ap America 1790. Sk bog Jac. vin. 3.12
1449 ligularis L. g jllfa O un 14" jn jl Ap Jamaica 1817. S bog 11. 2
1450 Lnzula W. m EJ cu 21 |my.s 1 au.8 Ap W.Indies ... Skbog 13.3
Luzula my.s
1451 paniculatus Vahl panicled jllb El cu 1
* myjl
y.jl Ap E. Indies 1804. D bog
1452 p5tcns " " spreading jllfa O un .jl Ap W. Indies 1821. S bog
1453 rlgidus rigid jllfa El un W. Indies 1826. S bog
1454 pallescens _ pallescent Jllfa A un 2
jn-jl Ap S. Europe ... D bog D e s f . a t l . 9
1455 flavcsccns L. flavesccnt Jllfa G) cu 1 jjn.s Ap Germany 1776. S bog Host gr. 3.72
1456 fuscus L. brown jllfa O cu JJLi AP
England mar. S bog Host gr. a 73
1407 conglomerates Rtb. conglomerated jllfa El cu
1 my.s Ap Arabia 1820. D bog
1458 erubesccns Lk. erubescent Jlfa LAI cu my.jn Ap 1820. D bog
1459 austr&lis ScAn southern jlil O un myjl Ap & Europe 1824. S bog Seg. vcr. a 2.2
1460 esculcntus L. eatable A A cul Ap & Europe 15U7. Skbog Hobtgr.3.75
14(51 hydra A/j. hydra jufa A un Ap N. Amer. 1812. S bog
1462 Pang6rei A/& Pangore's jyfaEJ un Ap Ceylon 1824. S bog Rtb. gr.7.3
1463 b&dius L. brown JBIIAICU AP
Algiers 18(X). Skbog 1.7.2
I464patulus Host spreading jib O un 1 Ap
S. Europe 1824. S bog Host gr. 74
1465 l6ngus L. long Mi A cu 3 jl' Ap England mar. Sk bog Eng. hot. 1309
1466 tenuifl6rus Rib. slendcr-flwd u n l f jLau S. EurojMi 1818. S bog Jac. ic. 2.29G
M A Italy 1834. S bog Mo. gr. 12.1. 2
1467 M6nU L. fil. Monti's jllfa O un 1 s Paraniata 1826. S bog
1468 paramattensis X*. Paramatta jllfa O un 1 myjn Ap W. Indies 1786. Skbog 11.3
1469 8tr1g6sus L. strigose AP
JifaElcu E. Indies 1802. Skbog R.mal. 12.56
1470 J'na L. Ira jlfaEJcu Ap
1471 distans Vahl distant jyfa u\\ cu 2 Ap W. Indies 1820. D bog Jac. ic. 299
1472 fastigiatus Rtb. fastigiate jllfa El cu 1 Ap E. Indies 1800. Skbog
C. G. H. 1804.
1473 Alopccuroldes A/A. Foxtail-like Jib I A I C U 2 Ap S. Europe 1823. Skbog
1474 crugntus Rtb. bloody un 1 jnjl Ap S bog 5.1
jUfa A Italy . 1804.
1475 glomeratus L. clustered jU k o cu
2 Ap S. Europe 1820. S bog
1476 polyccphalus Lk. many-headed
jllfa iAJ
O un Ap E. Indies 1819. S bog
1477 polystachys 7?/6. i k d JIUI
many-spiked un Ap S bog
S. Europe ... S bog Lam.i1.38.
1478 fasciculans Lam. parcelled Jllfa O un Ap W. Indies 1819.
1479 leucoclphalus white-headed Mi A un au Ap Nc|Nil S bog
1826. S bog
1480 carfcinus D. Don Carcx-hke Jllfa A un au.s Ap Nepal 1824.
1481 tristilcus D. Don three-furrowed jllb A un n Ap E. Indies ... S bog
1482 diftonnis L. two-formed Mi O un jnjl Ap Egypt 1825. S bog 9.2
1483 prostratus tftfft. prostrate jUb O un N! Ap Egypt 1824. S bog Del. »g. 5.3
1484 dives Del. rich jllb A un Jnjl Ap S bog
• 164. PAPY^RUS Lk. PAPYRUS. (Zfoteir, Syrian; hence Papyrus, py , Egyptian
gyp paper.) Cyperdce<e. 4 . - 6 .
1485 antiqu6rum Lk. ancient =*=EJor ' 10
" jl.s - A
Ap E
Egypt I8d3. D b?i Mic. gen. 44.19
1486 odor&tus W. sweet-scented £ El 10 Ap W. Indies 1819. D bog b SI.SI jam.
j 7410
Cyperiu odor&tus Brtn.
1487 laxifldrus Spr. lax-flowered ^ E ] Ap Madagasc.1822. D bog
1488 t'lcgans G. Don elegant ^ iAJ or Ap W. Indies 1820. D bog SI. jam. 1.75.1
Cypurus clcgans L.
165. KYLLI'NGii L. KVLLINGA. (P. Kylline, a Danish botanist, d. 1696.) Cyperdcete. 6. —14.
1489 monocephala L. one-headed JlbEfun || jnjljj Ap India 1793. Skbog Rtbgr.4.4
1+90 intermedia R. Br. intermediate JUb Ell un un 4 jnjl jn.jl App N. Holl. 1822. S bog
1491 polycephala Lk. many-headed l un 1 A Ap Brazil 1820. 1) bog
14!)2 uncinata Lk. hooked | Ap Brazil 1820. D bog
1493 triceps L. three-headed j E l u i Ap India 1776. Skbog
1494 brevifolia Rib. short-leaved Jllb El un 1 my Ap W. Indies 1817. D bog Rtb. gr. 4.3
166. Af ARl'SCUS Vahl MARISCUS. {Mar, a marsh, Celt.; growing in marshes.) Cyperdcete. 7. — 28.
1495 umbellftus Vahl umbelled Mi El cu 14 Ap E. Indies 1789. Skbog
1496 clatus Vahl tall Jllb —El CU - - - - - Ap - E . indies 1803. Sk bog Jac. ic. 2.500
1497 conflexus Lk. conHexed Jllb El CU Ap Brazil 1819. D bog
1498 aggrcgatus W. aggregated ill E l cu T jnjl Ap 1822. D bog
1499 iianlceus Vahl ranic-xro«« jllfa El un 1 jnjl A p S. Amer. 1820. D bog 6.1
1500 lae'vis R. Br. smooth jiih l A l u n 2 Ap N. Holl. 1818. S bog
1501 ovularu Vahl egg-seeded jllb El un 1 Ap Carolina 1818. S bog Pluk. al. 91.4
167. REMIRE'A Aub. REMIHEA. (The native name in Guiana.) Gramkneee. 1. — 2.
1502 maritima Aub. sea JB» A cu Ap Florida 1822. Dseas. Aub. gui. 16
168. LY'GEUM L. LYCEUM. (Lygeo, to bend; its flexibility for ropes, baskets, etc.) Granuncte. 1.
1503 £partuni L. Broom ML A oe 1} myjn Ap Spain 1776. D co Cl. h. 2. S
169. COItNUCOTIJE L. CORNUCOPIA (Cornu, a horn, coma, plenty; the spike) Grammes. 1.
1504cucullatumL. hooded jllb O cu j au Ap Levant 1788. S co 1.51
170. CE'NCHRUS L. CENCHRUS. (Kegchros, the Greek name of the Millet.) Graminece. 4.--12.
1505 cchinatus L. echinatcd Jlfa O c u 2 au.d Ap W. Indies 1691. S co Cav.ic5.39.4C2
1506 iribuloldes L. Tribulus-liko Jlfa O cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1818. S co CaV.ic.5.461
1507 splnifex Cav. thorn-producing Jllb A cu 1 myjn Ap S. Amer. 1820. S co Cav. ic. 5.461
1508 auatrfilis R. Br. southern Jllb O cu 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. S co
171. FUIRE'Nil Rtb. FUIRENA. {G. Fuiren, a Danish botanist.) Cyperacete. 1. — 9.
1509 umbclla'ta Rtb. umbelled -J«k El cu 1 myjn Ap W. Indies 1825. D bog Rtb. gr. 17.
172. HYPCKLYTRUM Vahl HYPOLVTRIIM. {Hypos, underneath,elytron, involurrum.) Cyperacea. l.—9>
1510 scncgalcnsc Rich. Senegal JUI 23 cu 2 Ap Senegal 1824. S bog

173. PENNISETUM Rich. PENNISETUM (Penna, a feather, seta, a bristle.) G

1£11 sctosura Rich. setose Jfa O un 2 jl au Ap Brazil 1H17. S co Ru. am. fi. 7.2.6
1512 polyst&chyum RSfS. many-spiked Jb O un 2 Ap E. Indies 1S04. S co
1513 violaceum Lam. " Violet O un Ap Senegal 18J0. s co
1514 orient&le Rich. oriental m Q un 1 jnjll Guiana 1817. S co
1515 comprcssum R. Br. compressed m E3 un 1 Ap
N. Holl. 18'.'0. S co
1516 Aolcoides A # S . Holcus-like M O un 1 jLau Ap £. Indies 1816. S co
Panicum Aolcofdcs Rox.
1517 cenchroides Rich. Cenchrus-like M Ol cu U Ap C.G.H. 1777. S co
1518 barbatum R. SrS. bearded Jttk O un 1 jlau Ap E. Indies 1823. S co
1519 dichotomum Del dichotomous Jit Q) un 2 Ap Egypt 1833. S co Del. eg. 8.3
1520nepalenscSpr. Nepal jllb O un 2 jlau Ap Nepal 1822. S co
174. SPARTI'NA Schreb. SPARTINA. {Spartine, a rope made from broom.) Gramine*. 8. —10.
1521 strieta Roth strict m cu 1 au Ap Britain sal. m. D co ^ng. bot. 380
1592 cynosuroides Roth Dog's-tail-like Jb cu 3 au.s Ap N. Amer. 1781. D co L. f. fa. 1. 17. 9
1523 alterniflora Xoi. alternate-flwd Jii un 1| au.s Ap France 1819. D co
1524 polyst&chya Mhl. many-gpiked Jb cu 6 au.s Ap N. Amer. 1781. D co
1525 puraila Roth dwarf M un i au.s Ap N. Amer. 1826. 1) co
1526,/uncca A/A/. rushy Mi cu 11 jlau Ap N. Amer. 1781. D co
1527 patens A/A/. spreading ilk A cu 14
4j jlau Ap N. Amer. 1781. S r.m
1528 gemculata ifoittv. jitd
jointed 2 jl Ap Java 1822. S co Bur. in. 12.2
JHh lAI cu 2
175. DIPLA'ZIA Rich. DIPLAZIA. (Diplazo, to double; the glumes.) Cyperdcete. 1.
1529 karattioWa. Rich. Karutas-leaved Jb El un 3 au s Ap Guiana 1835. 13 co
176. tfA'RDUS L. MAT GRASS. (Nardos, Gr., nard, Hub,, having a peculiar perfume.) Gramine*. 1.—2.
1530 strieta L. strict Jb A cu i jn.jl Ap Britain molh. D bog Eng. bot 290
177. ORYZO'PSIS Mx. ORYZOPSIS. (Oryza, rice, opsh, appearance.) Graminece. 1.
1531 asperifoua Mx. rough-leaved Jilt cu 3 Ap N. Amer. 1822. D co


17ft P A ' S P A L U M i . PASPALDM. (Paspallos, one of the Greek names for Millet.) Graminece. 23. — 84.
1532 setaccum Mr. setaceous Jb O un \* Ap N. Amer. 1818. S co
1533 ciliatifulium Mx. cihated-leavcd Jb QS un 1 jLau Ap S. Amer. 1820. S co
pubescens W.
1534 debile Poir. weak Jb O un s j Ap Asia 1817. S co
1535 fihforme Swz. lililorin Mi O un J j Ap W. Indies 1817. S co
SwdTtzidimm Flug.
1536 vaginjtum Swz. sheathed i I au Ap W. Indies 1820. S co
1537 coujugatum Berg. conjugate ,1111 un l jnjl Ap S. Amer. 1817. S co Berg. lio. 7.8
1538 not Hum Flug. marked Jb O un 1 Ap W. Indies 1817. S co Swz. ob. 2 1
1539 inaequfile Lk. unequal Jb O un 1 Ap Manilla 1819. S co
1540 K6ra Forst. Kora Jb ES or 1J jLau Ap E. Indies 1810. S co
littorale JL Br.
1541 gl&brum Poir. smooth Jb (SI un 1 Ap W.Indies 1816. S co
1542 pusillum Ven. weak Jfa GEJ un J Ap W. Indies 1822. S co
orbicul&tum Poir.
1543 diffiirme R. & S. two-formed Jb O un 1 jlau Ap N. Amer. 1818. S co Lee. pas. 91
1544 la'vis Mx. 6mooth Jb O un 2 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1820. S co
1545 quadriftrium Lam. four-rowed Jcu 1 jn.jl Ap Trinidad 1820. S co
1546 dubium Dec. doubtful O un 1 Ap 1818. S co
1547 vill6sum Thun. villous Jfa O un 1 Ap Asia 1824. S co Thun. jap. 8
1548 distichum L. two-ranked Jb OQ cu 11 jl Ap Jamaica 1776. S co Swz. ob. 35.2. 1
1549 serotinum Flug. evening Jb O cu I| Ap N. Amer. 1804. S co
Digitaria pildsa W.
1550 diw^ctum/,. dissected Ap S. Amer. 1818. S co
1551 scrobiculatum L. furrowed m d c u n ji.s Ap E. Indies 1778. S co H. n. h. 13.89.3
tender * O u n Ap 1817. S co
1552 tcncllum lte«/ panided
1553 panfcul&tum L. Jilt ED cu 8 jl.s Ap Jamaica 1782. S co SI. jam. 1.72.2
1554 stolontfcrum Bosc stoloniferous Jfa iAI cu 2 JI.B Ap Peru 1794. S co Jac. ic. 2. W2
1555 virg&tum L. twiggy Jb O un 1 jnjl Ap W. Indies 1820. S co SI. jam. 1.89.1
1556 elegans Flug. elegant 14 jl Ap Brazil 1816. S co
AupuiPoaoN. (Amphi, round, pogon, a beard.) Graminece. 1 — 5
strict Jllb tAJ cu ... my.jn Ap N. HolL 1823. S co
AXONOPUSBeauv. AXONOPUS. (Axon, axis, pous, a foot.) Oramhwa. 3.
1558 cimicinus Beam. cimexian Jb O cu jl a Ap India 1788.
8 S co
1559 digitatus Beauv. digitate Jfa (Q] un Ap W.Indies 1820. co
law aQreus Beauv. golden Jhfrnun Ap W. Indies 1821. co H. & B. 1.27
, 1?1. WI'LIUM L. MILLET GRASS. {Millr, a thousand ; seeds.) Graminece. 7. — 20.
1561 effi'isum L. common Jt A* 3 jnjl A p Britain m. s. p. S m.s Eng. bot. 1106
1562 confertum W. crowded Jib A un 1 jnjl Ap Switsterl. 1825T S co
1563 vclutlnum Dec. velvety Jib O un Ap Mexico 1823. S co
1564 gallecicum Fit. Gallician Jb O un 2 jn.jl Ap Galhcia 1824. S co
15T5 vcrnale Xieb. vernal
vcnmi Jfa O un 2 jn.jl Ap Tauria 1824. S co
15ik> microspermum Lag. smalLsccdcd Jfa O un 1 jnjl Ap N. Spain 1825. S co
1567 firut&cens Lk. frutcsccnt Jfa A cu 1 ... Ap Crimea 1822. S co
182. CERE'S/4 Pcrs. CBRESIA. (Ceres, a goddess, inventress of tillage.) Graminete. 1. *. 2.
1568 elegans Pers. elegant £ lAlor
j 22 Ap Peru 1816. S coco Jac.
J fr.
f 80
i*aspalum membranaceum Flug.
18a PIPTATHETRUM Beauv. PIPTATIIERUM. (Pipto, to fall, other, an awn.)
1569 parad6xum Beauv. paradoxical M A cu 3 jn.jl Ap France 1771. Graminece. 3.
Jtfilium parad6xum L. Arachne virescens Trin, S co Host gr. 3.23
1570 caerulcsccns Beauv. cserulescent Jb A cu 2 jn.jl Ap Barbary 1819
Jtfilium csrulescciiH Schous. S co

1571 multifl6rum R.$S. many.flowercd M ^ c u 2 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1778. S co H a t gr. 3.45

Jlfillum multifl6rum Cav. orundinaceum Ft. gr.
184. KNA'PP/4 E. B. KNAPPIA. {Mr. M. Knapp, who wrote on British grasses.) Graminece. 1.
1572<jgroatldea J E . A Agrostis-likc Jl* O cu ± mr.ap Ap Wales S s Eng. bot. 1127
•185. DIGITA'RlA Sco. FINGER GRABS. {DigUus, a finger; heads being fingered.) Gr ami near. 14 — S9.
" Pers.
1573 sangiun&hs ~ "
bloody Jib 6~ ag~- 1 au Ap Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 849
1574 villosa Pers. villous JUi O un H jl.s Ap N. Amer. 1781. S co
Io75 tegyptiaca IV. en. Egyptian JU> O un 14 jl Ap Egypt 1794. S co Jac. ob. 3. 70
1A76 cilians tV. ciliated Jiifa O un H Ap China 1804. S co Ho»t gr. 4. 15
1577 marginata Lk. marginatc O un ft jl Ap Brazil 182£ S co
1578 bicorms R U( S. two-horned tm un ' E. Indies 1826. S co
1A79 afflnit H.JSfS. similar O un 1 Jn.jl S. Amcr. 1820. S co
1580 slabra A. * S . bmooth O un Ap Britain san.pI.S co Eng.bots.2G13
humifi'isa Pert.
1581 uanpaloidcs A/x. Faspalum-like JiUi O un Ap N. Amer. 1824. S co
1582 barbata W. bearded M O un Ap E. Indies 18L'l. S co
1583 hnearis Per*. linear JIUI [Q] un 1 Jnjl AP W. Indies 1819. S co
1584 bitVirmm W. two-tormcd JUk O un Ap W. Indies 1817. S co
1585 filif6nnis Mhl. filiform cu | Jl Ap N. Amer. 1781. S co
158u'ItoxburghM'Spr. Roxburgh's
JVfihuin tihftnne Box.
•it- Ap Kindles 1818. S co

18a PANICU PANIC GRABS. {Panicula, a panicle; or panis,bread.) Graminece. 48.—220.

1587 colunuin L. husbandman's M Q ag Ap E. Indies 1699. S co Ehr.pic.3.3
J588 decumbons F/i#. decumbent — un " Ap W.Indies 1824. " CO ~
1589 attenuatum IV. en. attenuated un jnjl Ap Carolina 1818. CO
1591) miliare Lam. Millt-t Ap E. Indies 1818. CO
1591 6nzoidcs L. Ap E. Indies 1801. CO Pluk. al. 191.1
1592 flajiduin lietx. yellowish jjlau Ap Jamaica 1823.
p Jamaica CO
1593 faWlcuIatum Sum. fascicled m O cu 2 jjl jnjl 1801.
Ap W. Indies 1819. CO
1594 molle Sun. soft jllk O un 2 jnjl Ap CO
1.5*15 /ralmifolium A'ort. 1'alm-lcavcd Jilt TAl un 6 All E. Indies 1804. CO
1596 plicatuin Lam. plaited 3 jn.jl E. Indies IS21.
Ap KIndies 1816. CO
1597 ncrviiHum Box. nerved Jilt iAJ un 3 Ap CO
1598 costatum /tax. ribbed JUII LAJ un 3 E Indies 1805.
Ap Carthag. CO
1."><)!) I'tirtltaginense Stvx. Carthagcna JUII LAI un 3 1817.
Ap E. Indies 1818. CO
Ji•«Mi Imlicum Rox. Indian juir LAJ un 5 Ap N. Amer. 1765. CO
lirfjJ latifolium A. broad-leaved jiu A un 5 au.B Ap W.Indies 18*2. CO M.h.J.5.4
lii1*1.' uryzoldcs &*na. It ice-like juiifm un 3 jl Ap N. Amer. 1802. CO
[ii< .J cLinilebiinum L. JIUI A un Ap Jamaica 1W,O. CO
lMtf tlivaricatiiin Z,. divaricate }M 5 Ap Carolina 1824. CO Jac. sc. 1.25
liiO.> cfichoioinum £. dichotomous M O un 1i j j l Ap W. Indies 1820. CO
liji'fi tcnellum Lam. tender jllli O un 4 Jnjl Ap W. Indies 1817. CO
nan rtiiscuin swz. brown JUL [A! un I Ap E. Indies 1820. CO

1608 villosum Lam. villous | u n 1 Ap W. Indies 185M. CO

Km Uxuin Swt. loose I un 2 Ap E. Indies lWO. CO
UilO mterruptum ff. interrupted 4 Ap CO
Kil I arl)orcticciia L. artx)re8ccnt Ljun
j 10 mr.ap Ap K N.
Indies 1776.
Amcr. 1781.
1U12 virgatuin A. igiiy A
U l 1 au.s Ap CO
1613 nitiiJuin Lam. sh.ning O un jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1819. CO
J(il4 uliKiiii'^um Roth bog O un Ap J8'20. bog
1(>15 ancepH A/jr. two-edged juii A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1816. CO
l<iI<J«riiiKliiiaceum Swz. Keed-hke JIU LAJ un 3 Ap Jamaica 1819. CO
Kil7 <><iluratuin L. colored M O un 2 jl.s Ap Egypt 1771. CO Jac. ic 1.58
l o i s n']ii'iiH / creeping jiUi O un 1 jl.s Ap S. Europe 1777. CO N. gr. 1.61
1 ll
1()J» proliliruni Z,am. prohterous juii A cu £ jn au Ap N. Amcr. 1^0. CO
UW nuinuii.inuin Deaf. Nuinidiuii jiui O un 2 Ap Numidia 1818. CO Dcsf. at. 1.11
Ki'JI hispiduluin lietx. hispid O un 2 Ap E. Indies 1*4. CO
l&ii Irunicntaceum llox. iruiueutaccous JUII O cul 2 Ap E. Indies 1810. CO
1(W;J muncatum Ac/x. prickly Jflll O CU Ap E. Indies 1K05. CO
lfis?4 ?/nliaccuin Z,. millet Jllk O ag Ap E. Indies \5%. CO Hostgr. 2.20
lt>23 i?ong> lodes Joe. p JUII O un Ap W. Indies 1826. CO
l(»L;(i lai've Uim. smooth O un in.jl Ap W. Indies 1820. CO
16^7 capillare A. haxx-itamclcd JUii O uii Ap America 1758. CO
2 minor A. ^ 5. smaller O un jnjl Ap America 1758. CO
1628 diftu6um Son. difTune juii (23 un Ap W. Indies 1821. CO
162?> aaperrimum Lit. roughest jib O un 1 jnjl Ap 1821. CO
1630 maximum Jflc. largest JUL O un jnjl
Ap W. Indies 1820. CO
1631 p&tena L. spreAding 1 An India 1804. CO
1632 aldssimum 3ffy. tallest JUII O un 3
Ap 1816. CO
1633 marginatum R. Br. margmate jut 2 3 un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1822. CO
1H34 bicolor it. Br. two-colored 2 Ap N. Holl. 1822. CO
1633 brevifolium L. short-leaved Ap E. Indies 1800. CO Pluk. aL 176.189
O un
187. SETA'RIA Seauu,. SBTAHIA. {Seta, a bristle; the involucmm.) Graminea. 26.-35.
163G sericca Beauv silky Jill* O un Iftmy.s Ap W. Indies 1780. S co
16.17 vcrticillaU Arauv. whorlcd Mi O w 1ft Ap England S co Eng. bot.874
HM8 vlr'ulis &ra«v. green Mi O w Ap England san.fl. S co Eng. bot 875
1(^9 pumila Lk. dwarf 4Ul« O un 11 Ap 1819. S co
1610 macrochie'ta Spr. long-haired JUL O un 2 Ap ...... 1819 S co
16tl purpurascens Hum. purpurascent M O un *2 •• jl.s Braxd 1822. S CO
1642 intermedia /to/A intermediate _ un A P E. Indies 1821. S CO
1643 Weinmanni 11. & S. Weinman's Mi O O un 14 jl.s A P Tenerifle ISKi. S CO
1644 glafica Beauv. glaucous O un A P S. Europe 1771. S CO Hostgr. 2.16
lt>45 holvola R. &S. pale red O un 4 Ap E. Indies 1821. S CO
16tt> trubescens S $S. erubescent O un 1 Ap W. Indies 1818. S CO
1647 Rcniculata f/or». jointed Mi O un 1805. S CO
1048 maritima Poir. sea-side Jlfc O un 1$ jl.s A
1816. S CO
1649 germamca Beauv. German JUk O ag S. Europe 1548. S CO Hostgr.2.16
16JO italica A*aiiif. Italian JUk O ec lft AP India 1816. S CO Ru. am. 5.76.2
1651 comp6sita H. $ B. compound ML o un 2 A
P S. Amer. 1824. S CO
1652 cylindrica if. is. cylindrical juii O un 1 Ap 1819. CO
1653 setosa Beam setose JIUI O un 21 AP W. Indies 1804. CO
16*54 polytt&chya R.$S. many-spiked JUk ,Q| un 2 Ap Brazil 1824. CO
2 jl.s Ap Brazil 1819. S co
1655 tcnacissima R.$S. most tenacious JBkO S. Amer. 1821. S co
16561'ennisetum R.$S. Pennisetum jaw O 2 Ap 1820. S co
ld*7 scandens Spr. scandent JUk O Ap
3 JU Ap IK IS. S co
it&S aurfcoma Lk. golden- hairca juii O un C. G. H. 1820. S co
1C."9 aspera Lk. rough jilfa A un AP
ltittj muncata Lk. prickly Ap N. Amer. 1818. S co
1661 ccnchroidcs Ccnchrus-Iike i O " « Ap Cayenne 1821. S co
188. ECHINO'CHLOA JRMKW. PRICKLY GRASS. (Echinos, a hedgehog, <chloa, 'ass.) Graminea. 8. —
1662 ttagntna Uettuo. stagnant jilt O un J j U u Ap" Kindies Hungary 1802.
1802. SS co
co Host gr. 3.51
1663 commutata R. 8(S. changed juii O un Ap
IMuicum stavninum Host ...... 1818. S co
1664 intermedia It. Si S. intermediate un li Ap
O un 1818. S co
1665 crythroupcrina R.SfS. red-seeded o 1 Ap
1 E. Indies 1781. S co
1666 crua-curvi Beauo. crow's-foot O un co
1667 <:rus.galli Beauv. cock's-foot O c u Ap Britain S
Pdnxcum crus-galli E. li.
1668 echinata It. 4 & prickly jUfa O Ap N. Amer. 1818. S co
1669 setlgera It. % S. sctigerous Ol Ap E. Indies 1820. S co
189. ORTHOPCVGON R Br. ORTIIOPOGOV. (Ortftos, straight, po^on, »JjJ"!:L Graminea.
:TI» k-..«£ii..u
1670 hiitellus R. Br.» o- ha;*«
hairy d H . rw
OB as 1 injl Ap
Ap W. Indies 1 J9J. S co
1«T71 uiidulatitolius Spr wavy-leaved juii O M Ap S. Euroi>c 1795. S co Host gr. S 52
1672 liurminnJ It. Br. Hurman's illii THun jn.jl Ap E. Indies 1800. S co Hur. in. 12. 1
1673 Aromoides R. # S. Bromus-like juii rm un Ap Trinidad 1820. S co
/oliaccus Spr. 1818. H. pfl. 12. 96.1
Ap Ceylon
1(774 compdaitus R Br. compound
167J africanus G. Don African
Oplismcnus atrica.ius Beauv.
[13 un
E3 un i." jnjl
' uu Ap Africa 1824. Beau. ow. 2.67.1

190. MOKA'CHNE Beam

1676 unilateral is Beauv. one-sided
.A/ilium villusum Lk.

JUfa O
1678 spiedta W. spiked
V.Y2. [SA'CHNE R. Br. IS.VCHNE. (Isos, equal, achne, a gume.)
1679 australis R. Br. southern jttb A un I Jnjl Ap N. Holl. 1820. S bog
193. ZAPPA'GO Schreb. LAPPAOC, ( L « ^ M , the burdock; with rough prickly flowers.) ^ J ^ J J f T s f i
1G80 raccmosa Schreb. racemose m 6 cu l j l . a u Ap S. Europe 1771. S co Hostgr. 1.S6
194. STI'PA L. GBASS. (StffPet a silky or feathery substance.) Graminea. g. —
feathered ilk A or Q Britain al.roc. 1) s.l Eng. bot.
1681 penn.ita L.
itiHShftmilii Cav. low JlUi O cu Ap S. Amer. 1802. S co Cav. ic. 5. 466.1
twUted JUfa A un 1 Ap Greece 1890. D pi 86
H«8Jt6rcilis Deft 1820. D p.l Dcitf. at. 1.28
16S1 L a g t a * It &S. LuKascis Jii A un U Ap Spain
ltiR.1 tcn.irissnna L. most tenacious M A ijl Siuiiii 1817. D co Dcsf. at. 1.30
Hoat gr. 3. S
lfiH-i capillata L. long-h.iired ML A Ap Europe 1815. I) co 1.85
16S7 Jfincea L. l l h l l JlUi A CU Ap France 1772. D co
16*8 gigantea Lag. giant jUfa A cu 3 Ap Spain _.._... _182.3. D 8.U
I689anstclla/, nwhed jilfa A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1819. D pu.l Flgr.87 Cav. ic. 5.466.2
16<K) bicolor Vahl two-colored jUfa A un 1 Ap K. Amer. 1S20. D F.p
1691 con fcrta R,%S. crowded jilfa A cu 2 AP 1819. P Lp
1692 sibinca Lam. Siberian 3 Ap Siberia 1777. D co Gm. si. 1.22
JUI A cu
193. ARISTI'DAZ. Ai:isTin\. (Arista, an car of corn.) Graminea. 2. —14.
169.J R. Br. wandering JIIL iAJ cu 2 Ap N. Holl. 1816. D p i Cav. ic. 5.471
1694 stipoidei R. Br. Stipa-hkc iUb_AJcu l | j n j l Ap N. Holl. 1826. S p.l
196. CH/ETA'RIA Beauv. iiA
CIIJEXAKIA v<•"••*•">-»-"•• — bristle.)
(Matte, an awn or Jrirtle.) Graminea. 4 , - 2 1 .
Iti95 adscensi6nis Beauv. ascension jUt(Z]un 1 Ap W. Indies 1820. S co SI. jam. 1.2.56
Aristida adscensi6nis W.
1696 h^stnx Beauv. i>orcup»'^ jilfa [S] un 2 Ap E. Indies 1820. S co 191.5
1697 divaricata Hum. ci"»--kipate jUfa iAJ un 2 Ap S. Amer. J818. S co Jar. ec. 6
1698 cwrulcacens R. $ * csrulesccnt jilfa O un 2 Ap Canaries 1818. S co Dcsf. at. 1.21. 2
197. C H * T P ' * U S Lk. CiiiRTiiRtBi. Chate, a head of hair, oura, a tail; silky panicles.) Graminea. 1. —2.
1699 fasciculus Lk. bundled jUfa O un i JLf Ap Spain 18ia S co
198 LAGU'RUS L. HARE'S-TAII. Gnxss. (I-agos, a hare, oura, a tail.) GravMnea. 1.
1700 ovatus L. ovate-spfterf jlih O cu 1 jn Ap Guernsey bor. fi. S co Eng. bot 1384
199. ECHINOPO'GON Beauv. ECIUNOPOGON. (Echinos, pricklv, poeon, a beard.) Graminea. 1.
1701 ovitua Beauv. ovate jUfa JU un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1820. S p.fl Lab. n. h. 1.21
ylgrostis ovatus Lab.
200. HIRRO'CHLOE Gm. HIBROCIILOE. (Micros, holy, chloe, grass.) Graminea. a—7.
1702 boreaiis Il.tyS. northern jUfa A cu 1 my.jn Ap Scotland moun. D co Gr. wo. 1G7. ic.
JLACUH boreaiis Schr. odoratus L. _,„ _
17WJ aiiRlralis R.ftS. southern Jilfa A cu 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1777. D co
1704 frajtrans R A S. sweet-scented JUfa A cu 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1777. D co
//olcus odoratus Mr.
2f'. POLYPO'GON Detfi POLYPOGOX. (Poly, many, pagan, a beard.)
way s. S co Eng. bot 1704
05 monupclit'nsis
monxpclii'nsis Deft lifontpelicr
Dcsf. Montpelier JU
JU fafa O
O pr
. " — Ap
' A
" Britain
w u !tl
' " D co Eng. bot 1251
170T) littnraliH S/n. Khorc jUfa O pr Ap Britain sea s.
ifKrostiii httoralis E. B.
1707 maritimus IV. sea-side M O un A p 8. Europe 1817. S co
1708 tatiivifiH Fis. Tarturian jifa O un 1
... Ap Tartary 1820. S co
ltO') glomcratus IV. glomerated jUfa O un li Ap N. Amer. 1820. 3 co
Jgrostis sctosus Muhl
202 GASTRI'DFUM Beauv. GASTRIDIVM. (Gadridion, a little swelling.) Graminea. 2.
1710 australe Beauv. southern JUfa O ag i Ap Britain san. iS co Eng. bot 1107
JVfHium lendfgerum E. B.
1711 mAticum Spr. beardless M O un Ap Sicily 1819. S co
* 203. JGRCySTlS L. BENT GRASS. (The Greek name for all grasses. Agros, a field.) Graminete. 40.—110.
1712 stolonf fera L. creeping Fiorin j ^ ag 1 jl ApP Britain moi.m. C h.l Eng. bot 1532
2 latilolia Sin. broad-leaved
- - - Jt A - aga
- 1 jl jj Ap Britain mo. pa. S co Gr.wo.225 ic.
Britain mo. pa. S co Gr.wo.346.ic.
3 angustif61ia Sin. narrow-leaved „* A g ' J Ap Britain
4 arist&ta Sin. awned WX A ag 1 jl A p mo. i». S co Gr.wo.345.ic.
5 ncmor&lis Sin. grove 4 A a g I JJ AP Britain woods. S co
6 palustris Sin. marsh ,* A ag 1 J Britain mar. S co
1713 diffusa Host diffuse Jllb A un 1 Ap Austria 1818. 1) co Hostgr.4.55
1714 ncglecta Schr. neglected Jllb A un 1 AP Pannonia 1820. D co
1715 capillaris Sm. capillaiy Jllb A un Ap Caucasus 1825. D co Sm. ic. in. 3.54
1716tenella R.qS. slender JlUt A un 1 Tyrol 1821. D e o Sc. gcr. 1.5.1
1717 spfina R. & S. spurious Jllb A un 1 Pannonia 1826. D e o Hostgr. 4 51
decumbent Jllb A un 1 jnjl AP
Ap Pannonia 1819. D e o Hostgr. 4.54
1718 decumbens Host
1719 £lba L. white Fiorin ^ A ag Ap Britain mar. S m.s Gr.wo.342.ic.
2 purpurascens purpura8ccnt Wfc A ag AP Britain mar. S co Eng. bot. 118
3 vivlpara viviparous wk A ag AP Britain mar. S co
1720 dulcis Sm. sweet Jllb A un jn.jl A p Greece 1818. D co
1721 tenuifolia Bieb. fine-leaved Jib A un un Ap Caucasus 1820. D co
1722 patula G«u. spreading Jib A A p Switzerl. 1818. I) co
1723 valcntina R. k S. Valentia Jllb A un Ap France 1819. D co
1724 gigantea Roth gigantic jllb A un A p Caucasus 1820. D co Sc.ger. 1.11. 2
1725 dubia /,«?« doubtful Jllb A un Ap Germany 1818. D co Lee. her. 4. 4
1726 frondosa Ten. frondose M A un jn.jl Ap Italy 1824. D co
1727 vulgaris E. B. common Jk A un w Ap Britain me. pa. S 1 Eng. bot. 1671
1728 ambf gua A. & S. ambiguous jub A un 1 Jl Ap Europe 1819. D co Host gr. 56
llMJuies&l Lk. Juress's Jllb A 1 jnjl Ap Germany 1820. D co
1730 Juixira Mx. rough Jllb A un 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1820. D co
1731 capensis 77e«i». J jn.jl C. G. H. 1818. D co
1732 virgimca W. Cape jllb A un N. Amer. 1820. I) co Lab. n. h. 1.23
Virginian Jllb A un 1 jl France 1818. D co
1733 maritima Lam.
1734 versicolor Stev. sea-side Jllb A un
! H! Caucasus 1820. D co
1735 debilis Poir. party-colored Jllb A Ul> France 1818. D co
1736F6rsteri R.&S. weak Jllb A Jjl Austria 1821. D co
17J7hIspida W. Forstcr's Mi A un 1 jjnjl AP Europe 1805. S co
A p
1738 sylvatica L. hispid jiib A un 1 i J'-au jn.jl Britain woods. S m.s Lee. her. 4.3
1739 varia Host wood jllb A un ljjnjl Germany 1817. D co
1740 latifolia 0«o un AP Germany 1826. D co
variable Jllb A un Jnjl
1741 Ten6r« Otto broad-leaved Jllb A un Ap Italy 182a D co
1742 plebeia A. ifr. Ap N. Holl. 1806 1) co
Tenore's jllb A l i n
1743 ae'mula A. £fc plebeian Jllb A | Ap N. Holl. 1822. I) co
1744 Billardieri R. Br. rival jllb A lun n 1 N. Holl. 180ii. D co Lab. n. h. 1.31
1745 verticilla'ta W. La Billardicr's M A 1 S. Europe 1800. S co
1746 sp'ica-venti W. vrhoTl-Jtotuered Mi O un 1 jn.jl Enclaiid san. fi. S s.1 Eng. bot 951
1747 intcrrupta L. AP S. Europe 1820. S co Host gr. 48
windward-bpkd Jllb O cu 4 jnjl
1748 pallida Dec. interrupted Mi O un 2 France 1819. S co
Ap Vallesia 1821. S co
1749 purpurca Gflif. pale Jllb O un i j n j l
1750 paucifl6ra It.&S. purple jllb O un 1 jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 1824. D co
1751 retrofracta few-flowered jiib A cu l J.'-au Ap N. Holl. 1806. S s.l
JUb A un(Thtix, 2 hair, chloa, grass.) Graminete. 6.—30.
1752 longiscta Trtn. long-awned Jllb A cu 1 Ap . Amer. 1820. S co
ylgrustis temufl6ra Muhl. Cfnna tcnuifl6ra Lk
1753 mexicana Trin. Mexican Mi A cu Ap Mexico 1780. S co Wil.h.b.12
jfgrostis mexicana L. Cfnna mexicana Beauv.
1754 foh6sa Ttin. leafy Jib A cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1819. S co
jfurotitis filiformisW. Clnna nTifornrisLA.
1755 sobolifera Trtn. sobohferouo M A cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1819. S ro
1756 microspcrma Dec. small-seeded Jllb O cu 1 Ap Mexico 1820. S co
AgTiMtu microsperma Lag.
1757 capillaris Dec. capillary Jllb A cu | Ap Carolina 1818. S co
805. TRICHO'DIUM Mx. TRICIIODIUM. r, hair, eidos, like; inflorescence.) Graminete. 12. —18.
1758 caninum Schr. dog Jllb A w 1£ Ap Britain nns. S co Eng. bot. 1856
1759 alpinum ll.SfS. alpine Jllb A un Ap Europe 1821. D co Sc. gcr 1. 3.4
1760 rupestre R.&S. rock Jllb A un Ap S. Europe 1815. S co Sc. ger. 1 3.5
1761 nvglictum R&S. neglected Jllb A un | jnjl Ap Pannonia 1819. D co
1762 flavescens Host flavescent Jllb A un jnjl AP Europe 1817. D co Host gr. 4.52
1765 setaceum R.&S. bristly Jllb A un Ap Britain dr. he. S co Eng. bot 1188
1764 rubrum Schult red Jllb A un Ap Lapland 1820. D co
Z765 hybridum Schult. hybrid Jllb A un jnjl AP Switzerl. 1821. D co
1766 difflisum Lk. diffuse m A un AP 1816. S co
1767 decfimbens Mx. decumbent Jib A ag jnjl N. Amer. 1786. S co Fras. mon. ic.
1768 laxiflorum Mx. loose-flowered Jllb Q> un A P N. Amer. 1818. S co Mic. am. 1. 8
1769eleguna Thore elegant JUb O un Jnjl Ap France 1818. D co Thore j. 2
206. TRTSTEGIS Nees. TRISTEGIS. (Tress, three, stege% a covering; three glumes.) Graminea 1
1770 glutinosa Nees clammy M A CU * jnjl Ap 1822. S co Nees h. b.*7
207. SPORCBOLUS R Br. SPOROBOLUS. (Svoros, a seed, ballo, to cast forth.) Gramincee 5—10.
1771 indicus 72. Br. Indian M O cu 2 au.o Ap India 177a S co SLjamlVai
1772 purpurascens Beauv. purpurascent JllbOJcu If au.s Ap W. Indies ~ 1806. S co
jfgrostis purpurascens Stvx.
tenaclssimus Beauv. most tenacious Jllb EJ cu
1773 tenac i au.s AP E. Indies 1801. Jac. ic. 16
1774 elongatus R. Br. elongated Jllb O cu au.s Ap N. Holl. 182a
1775 diandrus Beauv. diandrous Jllb iQI cu au.s Ap E. Indies 1820.
Agr6t>tis diandrus Retz.
208 AIRO'PSISD^v. AiROPSia {Aira, hair grass,
% - .. .
opsis, . like.)
-. Graminea. 4 . - 6 .
1776 globusa Desv. globose Mi A un 1 jn.jl Ap France 1826. D co Thore j. 1.7.3
1777 obtusata Desv. ohtuse-valved Jllb A un 1 jn.jl Ap Carolina 1826. D co
1778 t'amlollei Desv. Decandolle's jiib A cu 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1820. S co Dec. ic. 1
.— flgrostidea Dec. Aira. /rgrostldea Lois.
1779 brevifolia R. % s short-leaved JUfa A cu 1 jnjl Ap Missouri 1818. S co
^ira brevif61ia Ph.
: . ^ . , I A Trrn- PBMBALU. (Periliallo, to encompass.) Graminete. 1.
1780 hispanica Trtn. Spanish Jllb O un 1 jn Ap Spain 1820. S co Cav. Ic 44 1
Aira involucrata Cav.
210. PSA'MMA Beauv. MAT GRASS. (Psammos, sand; Its place of growth.) GramlneaJ. 1 — 2 .
1781 arenaria Beauv. sand Jllfa A cu 2 jnjl Ap Britain sea — «co. S 8 Eng. bot. 520
Brando arcnaria E.B.
IYPSIS. [Krypto, to conceal; the flowers concealed in {heleaves.) Gromlne*. 3.-&
1782 aculeata H. K. priickly V o u n *au Ap S. Europe 1783. S co Host gr. 1.31
1783 alopecuroides Sehr. Foxtail M Q _ un i j l . a u Ap Germany 1816. S co Host gr. 1.29
Heleochloa Alopecuroides Host. Phalaris crypsoldes Urv.
1784«cha»noides Lam. Rush-like JIIU O un J au Ap & Europe 1783. S co Host gr. 30
212. .ILOPECU'RUS L. .. FOXTAIL GRASS. (Alopex, a fox, aura, a toil.) Gramine*.15-22.
1785 bulbosus L. bulbous 1 A w ' l'jl Ap England sal. m. S i a s Eng. bot. 1249
1785 arundiiiHceus Pair. Itcod-like jllk A ag 2 jn.jl Ap Europe 18C6. D co
1787 macr6stachya Pair. long-spiked Jllfa A cu 1£ Ap Burbary 1826. S co
1788 eolobachnoides R S(S Colobachne-lkjUfa A cu 1JJ Ap Siberia 182a S co
1789 brachystachys
b h t h BBieb.
b short-spiked
h t k d 1 A_ l \
l\ j Ap Siberia 1820. S co
1790 pratensis L. nicailow Jllfa A ag 2 my Ap Britain mca. S h.l Eng. bot. 759
1791 nigricans Horn. blackish M A ag 4 jnjl App Europe 1815. S co Jacec. 13
1792 alplnus E. B. Alpine Jlfa A cu i my.jn A Ap Scotland S s.l Eng. bot. 1126
1793 agrestis L. wild M O w M Ap Britain ro. aid. S s.l Eng. bot. 848
1794 geniculatus L. jointed A A w 1 myau Ap Britain mea. S m.» Eng. bot. 1250
1795 fulvus E. B. fu\vu\.spiked M A w 1 jn Ap England ponds. S m.s Eng. bot 1467
17% utriculatus Per*. bladdcred A O un 1 Ap p Italy 1777. S co Host gr. 3.7
1797 ramosus Poir. branching jllfa A un 1 jnjl A
Ap Carolina 1819. D co
1798 ventncfaus Pen. ventricose jllfa A un 1 jn.jl Ap France 1821. D co
1799 cchina'tus Thun. hedgehog JHfa tEfl un | jnjl Ap C G. II. 1825. S co
213. PHLE'UM L. CAT'B-TAIL GRASS. 'Greek name for Typha?, applied by L. to this plant.) Gramlnea. 9.—
1800 pratense L. meadow JUb A ag 2 jl Ap Britain me. pa. S m.s Eng b o t '
1 majus Sin. larger M A ag 2 jl Ap Britain me. pa. S co Gr. wo 195. ic.
2 minus Sin. smaller Jilb A «8 2 jl Ap Britain me pa. S co Gr. wo. 197. ic.
1801 nodosum L. knotted JIUI A w Ujl.s Ap Britain Wales. S co Fl. dan. 380
1802 BertolinM R. &S. Bertolini's M A un 1 jnjl Ap Italy 1826. O co
stolonil'crum Bert. ?
1803 alninum Alpine iU A cu 1 jl Ap Scotland sr. alp. S h.l Eng. bot 519
1H()4 Michelii W. en. MicheU's M A ag 1 jn.jl Ap Scotland al. roc. S co Eng. bot 2265
18o5 commutStum Gau. changed M A un \ jnjl Ap Valcsia 1820. I) co
ltt(M) fclfnuin Sm. cat's JIUC Q un 1 jl Ap Greece 1819. S co
1807 cchiiuitum Host hedgehog M Q un | jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1818. S co Host gr. 3.11
1808 Gerard/ All. Gerard's M A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1820. D co Jac. ic. S01
214. A C H N O D C N T O N Beauv. ACIIXODOTON. (Ach?w, & chaff or husk todoust& tooth.) Gramlttece. 2.
1809 Bellirdi Beauv. Bellardi's Jllfa A un i jnjl Ap Spain 1798. S co
Phnlaris Bcll&xdf W.
slender Jllfa O un 1 jnjl Ap Mesopota 1804. S co Bar. ic. 14.1
215. CHIL&CHLOA Beauv. CIIILOCIILOA. (Cnifos, fodder,chloa, grass.) Gramlnete. 5.—&
1811 Boehmcri Beauv. B<rhmcr*s Jllfa O w ' ' Ap England plains. S co Eng. bot. 479
Phl£uai Bd'hmeri E. B.
1812 cuspulata R. $ S. cuspidate jllfa A un j jnjl Ap Austria 1821. D co Host gr. 4.20
1813 asnora R. % S. rou^h- 1 jlau Ap England hea. S. co Eng. bot 1077
Pnlcum paniculfitum E B. jllk O w
1814 annua R. % S. annual J jnjl Ap Caucasus 1821. S co
Phlcum finnuum Bieb. jllfa O un
1815 arenaria Schr. Ap England seaxo. S co Eng. bot 222
jllfa O w
Phdlaris aren&ria E. B.
216. PHA'LARIS L. CANARY GRABS. (Phalaros, brilliant; having shining seeds.) Graminete. 13.—23.
1816 canari^nsis L. Canary jllfa O ag 2 Ap Britain unc. pi. S r.m Eng. bot 1310
1817 aquatica H. K. water ± Oun Ujn.jl jj Ap Egypt 1778. S co Host gr. £ 38
1818 minor Retz. smaller Jilfa O un 1 Jnjl Jjl P S. Europe 1823. S co
J819 cacommutata R.8[S. changed
ioo. P*nui8 Thun. Cape
jllfa O or
Jllfa O un
-JP C G H. 182a
Italy S co Bar. ic 700.2
1804 S co
1»21 caerulcsccns Detf. cicrulcsccnt Jilfa Q> un Ap Spain 1818. S Bux. c. 4.53
1B22 nitida Presl shining jn.jl A
P S. Europe 1820. S CO
18'iJ quadiiv£lvis
18&J fi f l
Lag. four-valvcd Jllfa O un jn.jl Ap Spain 1824. S CO
1821 appcndiculata R. S[S. appeiidiculate Jilfa O or jnjl Ap Egypt 1820. S co
1825 paradiixa L. paradoxical M O un Ap Levant 1687. S co Host gr. 2.40
1826 microstachya Dec. small-spiked Jilfa O un 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1826. S co
1827 bulbosa Cav. bulbous Jllk A un 1 jnjl AP Spain 1798. S co Cav. ic. 1.64
io28 nodosa Bieb. knotty Jllfa A u n H jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1820. D co
oSI7. DE'GRAPHIS Trm. DEGRAPIIIS (Dis, twice, grapho, to mark ) Graminea. 2.—
1829 arundinacca Trin. Reed-like jiifa A ^ w 3 jl Ap Britain riv. ba. S co Eng. bot 402
Artindo colorata E B.
IQOA 2 v a r i °Ka t a variegated Jllfa A or 3 jl Ap Britain gard. co
jHfa A un 3 jl Ap N. Amer. 1820. CO
i«30 amcricana Ell. American
8 C R Y N E P H O R U Mx.
IQO! - 9 ' Beauv. CLUB GRASS. (Koryne, a dub, phoreo, to bear.) Gramlnea. Q.
1B31 canescens Beauv. caneacent Jllfa A w Ap England S s.1 Eng bot. 1190
ilira canescens i5. A
1832 articulatus Beauv. jointed Mi A cu i Ap S. Euro|ic 1816. S co Deaf, at 1. IS
219. ^I'HA L. HAIR GRASS. (The Greek name of our Lolium.) Gramlnea. 12. —18.
1833 )/ilchcl)a W. pretty Jllfa OO un ij Ap
A Spain
Si 1820. S s
1834 flcxu6sa L. Hexuous Jilfa A w 1 jlau Ap Britain hea. S s.l Eng. bot 1519
WV) caryoph^Uca L. Cltivc-pink./ii</ jllfa O w Ap Britain sa. .pas. S s.l Eng. bot 812
lH.'Jfi vcrslrolor R. $ S. Ap Spain 1821. I) co
1837 atropur]>iiroa IVahl. party-colored
Jllfa A un
Jllfa A un Ap Finmark 1820. S co FL dan. 961
18.'J8 lcndiucra Lag. maffgot-bcaringjilk O unun i Jn.jl Ap Spain 1826. D co
1839 humihs Bieb. dwarf jllfa A 1 jnjl Ap Caucasus 1826. D co
1840 refracta Lag. refracted jilfa A un 1 jnjl Ap Spain 1825. D co
3841 glabrata Brot. smooth jllk A un 1 jnjl Ap Portugal 1820. D co
1842 pallens Sjtr. pale Jllfa A un 1 Ap N. Amer. lKL'O. S co
1H43 arundinacca L. Reed-like JHfa A cu 3 Ap Cumana 1817. S co
1844 seminedtra Kit. half-ncutcr jllfa A cu 1 Ap Hungary 1812. S co
J*h£laris semincutra R. $ S

220. CATABRO'SA Beauv. CATABBOSA. (Katabrosis, food.) Gramlnca. 2. —

1815 aqutftica
q Beauv. aquatic & A cu 1$ my.jn Ap England rivu). D aq Eng. bot 1557
Aim aqualica E.
Aim aqualica E B.
1846viridula R.#S. greenish £ A cu 1 jn.jl Ap 1816. D aq
•231. DESCHA'MPS/^ Beauv DESCHAMPSIA. (AT. Deschamps, M.D. a French botanist.) Graminece. 11. —14.
1847 cawpitosa Beauv. tufted jlk A wo jnjl Ap Britain m.sp. S co Eng. bot. 1453
A\TA caspitosa L.
2 vivipara viviparous m A cu 3 jnjl Ap Britain m. sp. S co
1848 glomerata G. Don glomcrated JIU A cu 3 jnjl Ap Scotland moun. S co
1849 la>vig;ita RSfS. snmoth-leaved Jllb A cu 1 Ap Scotland sc. alp. S co Eng. bot 2102
Aim IsvigatJ Sm.
1850 nlnina R S(S. Alpine M A un A P Denmark 1819. S Fl. dan. 961
1851 bottnica Trin. ltottnica M A cu 3 Jnjl Ap Bottnia 1816. S Wa. lap. 1.4
Air a. Irtttmuj IVaht.
1852 moiitiina G Dan mountain Jllb A un 2 jnjl Ap Lapland 1817. S co 4
A\TA montuita L.
lSr,3 ambfj<ua Beam. ambiguous jllb A un 2 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 18*1. S co
1H.'I4 ili«col«r It. # S. two-colored juif A un 1J jn.jl Ap France 1817. S co
IH-i.O./a'nrca Beauv. Kush-like jllb A un 2 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1819. S co
1856 media It. # S. mediate jiu< A un 1 jnjl Ap Montpel. 1817. S co
292 E I U A ' C H N E 7i.Br. ERIACHNB. {Erion, wool, achm, a glume.) Graminece. 1.—8.
1857 obtfoa R. Br. obtuse Jib A cu 1 jn.jl Ap N. Ainer. 1819. S co Ac. pet 11.7
jfira truncata Mid.
22.J. ilVE'NA L. OAT GRASS. (Aten, from r/«n, to eat, Celt.) Gramtneat. 17. —40.
1858 pra-'cox Beano. early Jib O w i my.jn Ap Britain hea. S co Eng. bot 121)6
Aim praj'cox E. B.
1859 brevin Roth short O un f jnjl Ap Germany 1804. S co Host gr. 3.42
1860 filba Dec. white O un 1 j»jl A p France 18'i0. 1) co
18(il oricntahs Schreb. eastern O *B 3 jnjl Ap 17«J8. S co Host gr. 3.44
1862 sativa L. cultivated O ag 3 jnjl Ap r.m Host gr. 2.59
1 molanosperma black-seeded O ag 3 jn.jl A P
2 leucospcrma white-seeded O ag 3 jnjl Ap co
IMS nuda L. naked O «g 2 jnjl Ap r.m Host gr. 3.43
18G4 fatua L. insipid O w 4 au Ap Britain cor. fi. co Host gr. 2.58
lbG» itcrilia L. barren O cu 4 jlau Ap Barbary 1640 co Host gr. 2.57
lHiui hirsuta hirsute O un 3 jus Ap B.irbary 17t'8. S co
1867 sem|iervlrens Vil. evergreen A un 1 jn.jl A P
Cierniauy 1820. I) co Vil. del. 2.5
1HG8 fallax Itee. doubtful A un 1 jn.jl Ap France 1S24. 1) co
18ti9setacea Pi/. setaceous A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1825. D co Vil. del. 2. 5
1870 pratensis Z>. meadow A ag 1 Jajl Ap Britain me. pa. S hi Eng. bot. K04
1871 6romofdes Gou. Krnin us-like A un 2 jnjl Ap France 1820. D co
1872 pl.imculinis Schr. flaUs talked A un 2 jnjl Ap Germany 18^1. I) co Sc.gcr.6.2
1873 vernicdlor Ti/. party-colored A un 1 jn jl A P S. Euro|>€ 1819. I) co Vil del. 2.4.5
dwarf A un Ap N. Africa 1825. D co
1874 pumila Detf.
224. TRISE'TUM Pers. TRISBTLM. (Treis, three, seta, a brist Ic.) Graminea. 20. — 35.
1875 stnfitum Per*. striated Jllb O un li Ap S. Europe 1804. S co Lee. her. 9. 3
Avena striata Lam.
1876 tenue R. $ S. slender M O un jnjl Ap S. Europe 1820. S co Host gr. 2.55
1877 L6'flinKf<f/ium R. & S. Ixcfling's M O un jnjl Ap Spain 1770 S co Cav. ic. 1.45.1
1878 pensvlv£inuumJ3craf/i;.PcnnHylvanian Jllb O un Ap N. Amer. 1785. S co
1 8 7 9 neglectum R * S. neglected M O un jnjl Ap Italy 1826. S co Savi pis. 1.1.4
1880 inicranthum /i. 8j S. sinall.tlowcrcd JlU. O un Ap 18 .'fi. S co
1881 parviriorum Pers. small-flowered Jllb O oun
jn.jl Ap Italy 1820. S co 1.32
18H«yilopecurus li. % S. Fox-t.ul M O 2 jnjl Ap 1816. S co
1883 coiuiensatum R. $ S. condensed Jllb O un H jnjl Ap Sicily 1819. S co
1884 pilosum Bicb. pilose jllb O un 2 jnjl Ap Iberia 1818. S. co
1885 pub^scens Jl. $ S downy Jllb A w Ap Britain ch. pa. D s.l Eng. bot 1640
Av(-na pub&scens E. B.
1886 rigidum Bicb. rigid Jllb A un 1 jnjl Ap Caucasus 1819. D co
1887 alptuum R. $ S. alpine M A w Ap Britain sc. alp. D co Eng. bot 2141
Avini planiculmis E. B. alpina E. F.
1888 R. Sf S. Carpathian Jllb O un jn.jl Ap Austria 1824. S co Host gr. 4.31
1889 flavor en-, ft. ,V .V. flavescent Jllb A w jn.jl Ap Britain ... S co Eng. bot. 952
Avena flavescens E. B.
1890 alp£*tre Beauv. mountain J!!b A un 1 jnjl A P Europe
1819. D co Host gr. 3. 39
1891 brevit6lium R 8s S. short-leaved Jill A un 1 ju-jl A
P S co Ho-.t gr fi. 40
S. Europe 1818.
1892 arglnteum R. $ S. silvery Jllb A un ]}jnjl A p S co Host gr. 2 53
Switzcrl. 1819.
1893 distichophyllum Vil. distich-leaved M A un 1 | jn.s D co Host gr 2.53
Switzcrl. 1796.
1894 airoldes Beauv. Aira-likc Jlk O un * jn.jl AP
Ap S co Host gr. 2.43
Switzerl. 18U0.
225. TRICHfl/TA Beauv. TRICIIJETA. {Trelst three, chcete, a bristle.) Gramlnne. 1.
1895 ovata Beauv. ovate jllb A un ... jn au Ap S. Europe 1824. S co Cav. ic. 6.591.2
2fr6mus ovdtus Cav. Trisetum ovatum Pers. Avena ovata Spr.
226. DANTHO'N/y* Dec. DANTIIONIA. (Af. Danthoine, a French botanist) Graminete. 10. —18.
1896 longil'61ia R. Br. long-leaved Jllb iAI un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1823. co
1897 sennannularis R. Br. semi-annular jub iAI un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1823. CO Lab. n. h. 1.3
jfrtindo semiannularis Lab.
1898 pilosa R Br. pilose JUb LAI un A p N. Holl. 182.3. CO
1899 provincial is Dec. Provence Mi Q un jnjl Ap S. Europe 1821. CO Vil. del. 2.2.9
ylvena provincialis Poir.
1900 *tng6sa Beauv. strigose Jllb O w 3 jnjl Ap Britain hed. S co Eng. bot. 1266
Av&w* strig6sa E. B.
1901 spicata .Mi/. spiked Jllb O un 2 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1824. S co
A vlna glumacea Mx.
1902 serlcra Nut. silky Jllb LAI un 2 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1826. S co
19O.J macrfintha R % S. long-flowered Jllb O un 2 jn jl A p C. G. H. 1810. S co
1904 curvitoha R.8[S. curved-leaved JUI iAI un 1 jnjl Ap C. G H. 1816. S co
1905 calycina A $S. large-cdyxed JUb LAI un 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. S co
227. GAUDl'SIA Beauv. GAUDINIA. (3f. Gaudiit, a Swiss botanist.) Graminece. 1.
1906 fragihs Beauv. brittle Mi A un Us Ap Siiain 1778. D co Host gr. 2.54
Ai friigUi* L.
228. CENTOTHE'CA Desu. CEVTOTIIECA. (Kenteo, to prick, tkeea% a sheath.) C Graminea. 1.
1907 /appacoa Dcsv. Burdock M O cu 1 jl Ap E Indies 1773. S co Beauv. gr. 14.7
Cenchrus/appaccus L.
229. PHllAGMITES Trin REED. {Phragmos, a hedge j forming hedges.) Gramineee. 1.
1908 commfinis Trin. common fe A ec 6 jl.s Ap Britain dit D aq Eng. hot. 401
^ri'mdoPhragmftes E. B.
230. ^RU'NDO With. WATER REED. {Arundo, a reed, Lat.9 aru, water, Celt.) Graminea. a — 9
1909 IMnax W. Donax Jlfa A ec Ap S. Europe Io48. S co {J«»tgr.4.38
2 versfcolor strii>ed M A or 3 Ap S. Europe 1648. S co M. h. 3.8.9
1910 tcnax Vahl tough Jllfa A un 3 jl.s Ap S. Europe 18£i D co C y. ne. 2.12
VJII Fescue-like Jllfa A un 2 jl.s Ap Germany 1823. D e o
231. CAL AM A GRO'STIS Adan. CALAMAGROSTIS. (Kalamos, a reed, agrostis, grass.) Graminea. 18. --30.
1912 epigejos Roth terrestrial Jllfa A w S Ap Britain moi. pi. S bog Lng. bot 40J
jfrAmio epigejos E.B.
1913 stricta Spr. strict JUfa A w Ap Scotland mar. S bog
i4r6udo stricta E. B.
1914 httorea Dec. shore Jllfa A un Ap Europe 1818. D bog Sc. ger. 1.4. 2
1915 eftYisa Gm. effuse jllfa A un 1J jn.jl AP Siberia 1818. D bog
](U(i laxa //OA/ loose JUfa A un ii.jl Ap Europe 18m D bog Hostgr.4. 43
1917 Haller/V/'/m Dec. Haller's jiifa A un 2" jnjl Ap Germany 18*21. D bog be. ger. 1.4.3
^ri'indo Pscudophragmltis Schr.
MIR LaiiKsd6rf/> Spr. Langsdorfs Jlfc A un 4 jnjl Ap 182a D bog
l'»l(» glauca Horn. glaucous Jiifa A un lftjnjl Ap N. Amer. 1819. D bog
I'M) btrigosa Wahl. rti Jiifa A un I* jnjl Finmark 1817. D bog Wa.lap.ll. a. b.
l'»ai vana Host variable 4Kb A un 1 jnjl Alp. Eur. 1819. 1) bog
1(H>2 acutifliira R.S[S. acute-flowered a ^ u n 2 jnjl ^
Ap Europe 1820. D bog
1923 sylvatica Dec. wood
o Jllfa A A un 2 Ap Germany wo. S bog Host gr. 4.49
Calamagrostis arundinacca Roth, A^Tostis arundinucea L.
1921 conffIInis SSpr. similar
il ' Jllifa A un 2 jjnjl jl Ap N. Amcr. 1819. D bog
1923 Hostii R. & S. Host's Jllfa A un li jn.jl Ap
sylvatica Host Alp. Eur. 1819. D bog Host gr. 4.48
192G lanceolata Roth lanceolate Jllfa A w 2 Ap
ArhnAo C'alainagr6stis E.B. jfgrostis lanceolata B. & S. Britain m. s. s. D bog Eng. bot. 2159
1927 tencila Host tender Jllfa A un f jn.jl Ap
jfrfindo humilis R SfS. Bohemia 1824. D bog Host gr. 4. 50
1928 niontana Host mountain Jllfa A un 1 jnjl Ap Germany 1820. D hog Hostgr.4.46
1929 speciosa Schr. showy Jllfa A un 2 jnjl Ap Germany 1818. D bog

232. CHRYSU'RUS Mx. CHRVSURUS. (Chrysos, gold, oura, a tail; the flowers.) Graminea!. 4.
1930 aurcus Beauv. goUan-sj/iketl Jfc O uif j Jl Ap Levant 1770. S co Host gr. 3.4
Cynosiirus adreus L. cynoburoldcn Pers.
1931 echinatus Beauv. hedgehog Mi O w 2 au Ap England san. fl. S Eng. bot 1333
19J2 cflVisus Beauv. cffUse M O or 1 Ap S. Europe 1824. S
1933 elegans Beauv. elegant Jlib O or 1 jl au Ap S. Europe 1816. S Desf. at. 1.17
Cynosuruu elegans Dei/.
233. SESLE'RJ.4 Sco. SESLERIA. (Scslcr, a physician and botanist of the ISth century.) Graminea!. 8.—11.
1934 elongata Host
Ill ainmnt. U_-J elongated
lfa AA un un 11 jj
iii SI AAPl l Germany
f i n r m g n v 1805.
Iflfl/i S
K ro
t>n Hostgr. 2.97
1935 cylindrica Dec. cylindrical Jiifa A un Ap S. Europe 1821. D co
193fi tcnuifolia Schr. fine-leaved Jllfa A un Ap Germany IK20. D co Sc. ger. 1.6.4
19J7 caerulea Ant blue Jllfa A w my.jn Ap Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. Ibl3
, M Cynosiirus cueruleus E. B.
1938 nkida Ten. shining Jllfa A un 1 Ap Italy 1826. D co
J9.J9 tenella Host tender Jllfa A P«" j Ap Switzerl. 1819. S co Host gr. 2.100
1940 dlaticha Pers. two-rowed Jllfa A un J Ap (icrmany 18i?6. D co Jac. ic. 19
1941 sphaerocephala Ard. round-headed Jlifa A pr £ Ap Switzerl. 1819. S co Hostgr. 2.99
234. CYNOSU'RUS L. DOG'S-TAIL GRASS. {Kyon, a dog, ourat a tail.) Gramineee. I.— 8.
1942 cristatus L. crested M A »g 2 au Ap Britain pas. S s.l Eng. bot. S16
235. KCELK'MA Pers. KOILERIA. (A/. Kohicr, professor of natural history at Maycncc.) Gramincar. 15.—20.
I943cristuta Pers crested jllfa A un 1 Ap Europe 1800. S co Hostgr. 2. ~.~>
Sglubra tt.fS. smooth jllfa A or 1 Ap Britain pus.
pus. S co Eng bot. 643
Aim cnst&ta E. B
1944 granclilloru R. & S. large-flowering Jllfa A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1824. S co
l\)\~t glauca Dec. glaucous Jllfa A un J jn.jl Ap Denmark 181S. D co
1U46' jx-nbylvanica Dec. Pcnnsylvanian Jllfa A un 1 jn.jl A p N. Amcr. 1817. D co
1W lobata Bich. lohatc Jfa A un * jn.jl Caucasus 1825. D co
1U48 macrantlia li.&S. long-flowered Jllfa A un 1 Russia lsi'4. S co
1W) vallesiaca Dec. Vallais Jiifa A un jj
*jjl AP Vallais JK17. D co
IDTJO tubcrosa Pers. tulicrous i t A un A p Europe 1802. CO Lam. il. 45.4
1951 imbescens Beauv. pubescent Jllfa Q> un jl
jnjl Ap S Europe 1800. S co Ger. gal. 1
1952 liirbQta Dec. ' hairy jiifa A un jjl.jl Ap Valcsia 1S2I. D co
1953 vill6sa Dec. villous Jllfa A un jnjjl AP Sweden 1818. D co
l!*54 Dhleoides Pers. Cat's-taiMikc Jllfa O un jl au A Portugal 1802. S co Deaf. at. 1.23
1955 hispida Dec. hispid Jflfa o un Mediterr. 1819. S co Savi pis. 1.5
1!66 brachystachya Dec. short-spiked jiifa A un S. France 1H21. D co
19.>7 aegyptiaca Jac. ? Egyptian jllfa O un i jnjl Ap W26. 8 co
* 236. WA'CTYLIS L. COCK'S-FOO-J GRAHS. (Dactylos, a finger j finger-grass.) Gtamlnete. 10. —20.
195H flonuTata L. glomcrated Jllfa A og jnjl Ap Britain mea. S h.l Eng. bot. 335
lf':)I) Klaiu'esfons W. en. glaucescent juii A un jn.jl Ap Switzerl 1818. D cu
19II(I littorahs IV. shore jllfa A un Ap S Kuropc 181H. S co 45.5
1961 h.spamra W. en. Spanish Jlfa A un Ap Spain 1814. S co
196"2 glauca Roth glaucous jllfa A un Ap S..xony 1800. S co
l!)(i.'I liiaritimn Schr. sea J i A un Ap Civnnany 18520. D co
l!H»»- rupens Dcsf. creeping 4A«n #{!!:ji Ap liarbary 18i.'l. S co Desf. at 1.15
liUiS adsceriflcns R. Sf S. ascending JMfa I A I u n Ap C. G. H. 18^3. S co
19(i6 cynosuroides Roth Cynoburus like Jdfa Ol un A jnau Ap E. Indies 182a S co
1967 patens //. K. spreading Jllfa A un au.s Ap N. Amer. 1781. S co
237. GLYCE'RIA B. Br. GLYCERIA. (Glykcros, sweet; spike of flowers.)
1968 flfcitans R. Br. floating : A w 1} Ap Britain iwnds. S aq Eng. bot. 1*520
Festtica fluitans L.

238. FESTV'CA L. FESCUE GRASS. s. (Fest% pasture cr food, Celt.) Gran

Gramlnea. 47.-68.
1969 tcnella Ph. tender m O un f Ap N. Amcr. 1804. S CO
1970 ovina /,. sheep's JUb A J jn Ap Britain S s.l Eng. bot 565
1971 Aordciiormis Sin. Hordeum-like JUfa A Ap Britain . „ S co Gr. wo. 159. ic.
1972 tcnuifolia L. flne-leaved A A P Britain S CO
1973 vivipara E. B. viviparous A Britain S 8.1 Eng. bot 1355
JUK A a g
1974 capillata Lam.
1975 curvula Gau.
1976 alpina GAU.
curved-leaved Jllfa A u
alpine Jib A


A p
France 1820. D co
Switzerl. 1825. I) co
SwitzcrL 1821. D co
1977 alpostris Host mountain JUb A un jii.jl Ap Switzerl. 1819. D co Host gr. 4.63
1978 Halleri Vil. Hallcr's jiiit A Ul> Ap S France 18^1. D co
JIUI A un jl
1979 ameth^stina Host amethystine u n Ap S. Europe 1804. S co Host gr. 2.89
1980 cassia E. B. grey M A 1 jnjl England bar. he. S co Eng. bot. 1917
1981 strirta Host strict Jttb A w 1 Jn.jl Austria 1818. I) co Host gr. 2.86
un A
19H2 intermedia R.&S. intermediate juit A u n ijnjl Switzerl. 1K19. D co
198J hirsuta Host hairy jdk A k l P Germany 1818. S co
1984 pallenn Host pale Jllb A aS AP Switzerl. 1819. D co Host gr. 2.85
1985 vallcHiaca Gau. Vallais juit A l i n P Vallais 1820. 1) co
l9H6x£nthina 11% S. yellow un 1 jj ^
Ap Switzerl. 1820. D co
1987 glomerata Rus. glomcrated jHk A u n 1 jnjl Ap France 1826. D co Host gr. 3.19
1988 fallax Thuil. fallacious jb A uu nn 1 jnjl Ap France 1826. I) co
1989 vaiia Host variable m A a 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1823. S S co
co Host gr. 2.90
1990 flavescens Bel. flavesccnt M A « f jnjl Ap Savoy 1804.
1991 vaginata Kit. sheathed j«fa A A unun 1|U jnjl
n Ap Hungary 1804. S co
1992 pannonica Wul. Pannonian jiib A un 1 Jnjl Ap Hungary 1804. S co Host gr. 4.62
1993 bulb6sa Biv. bulbous jllfa A un 1 jnjl Ap Italy 1820. D co
1994 cihata Lk. ciliated jiifa A un i Ap Portugal 1802. S co Host gr. 4. 65
1995 ndtans Ph. nodding jUb A un 3 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1805. S co
1996 pubescens Lk. downy Jllfa A un 1 jnjl AP Hungary 1822. S co
1997 hcterophflla Jl various-leaved jiifa A aun 1 3 jnjl Ap France 1812. S co Vail. pa. 19.6
1998 duriuscula L. hardish jiifc A £ 1 jn AP Britain
Europe S
Eng. lx>t. 470
S co FL dan. 700
1999 dumctorum JL. thicket ju A u n 1 AP
2000 triflora Zte«/. Ap S. Europe 1819. S CO
2001 rubra L. three-flowered jyfa wA un 1 Ap Britain me. pa. S hi Eng. bot. 2056
red JUb A a j
2002 camhrica Sin.
Welsh jllfa A S
1 jnjl Ap Wales . . . S CO Gr. wo. 157. ic
2003 glabra 5/n.
smooth Jllfa A a 8 1 jnjl Ap Britain S co
2004 Fffi'nas L/i£. jn.jl Ap Spain 182a D co
2005 cynoKuroldes Desf. Fa>nas jttfa A una j|au Ap S. Europe 1820. S co Deaf, at 1.21
Cynosurus-like Ji if
a A K 3 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1812. S co
large-flowered Jllfa A un
2006 grandifl6ra Lam.
2007 scr6tina Jfcrf un 1 Ap Austria 1819. D co Host gr. 2.92
\atc-Jlotvering M Ap Russia 1806. D co
20l)8 loj'vis Fis.
2009 rubens Po«.
2010 glauca Lorn.
J lfa 6
jUb A a g
ag 1
1 jn
Ap S Europe 1776. S co Fl. gr. 83
Ap S. Europe . . . S co 46.3
2011 mex iciina Zto/tn glaucous jllb O u n l*jl jl Ap Mexico 1805. S co
2012 balcarica Zuc. Mexican jib A u n Ap Minorca 1825. D co
2013 laxa Host Balearic
loose jllfa A un Ap SwitzcrL 1819. D co Host gr. 2. 80
2014 scabra faA/ scabrous JUL A
un n 1 Al> Austria 1821. 1) co
2015aspera Pair. rough jjfa A un jn. 1 Ap France 1818. D co
239. SCHEDONO'RUS Beauv. (Scfiedon, near to, aros, a mountain.) Gramine*. 17.— 36.
2016pratensis A i£ meadow A ag If jnjl Ap Britain m.pas. S co Eng. bot 1592
Festuca pratensis E. B.
2017 /JhoMiicoides R.&S. Phccnix-likc jllfa A <*u P Switzerl. 1819. S co
201H clatior 11. & S. taller A
Ap Eng. bot 1593
jiifa A aK jl Britain m. me S co
Festdca elatinr E. B.
2019 camilcsccns R. % S. cffirulescent jllfa A un 1 jn jl Ap Barbary 1818. co
2020 snadiceus R & S. sheathy jllfa A <-'U 1£ Ap Italy 1775. CO Hostgr. 3.20
Frstdca spadicea L.
2021 inermis R. $ S. unarmed A un 2 Ap Germany 1794. S co Hostgr. 1.9
ifromus uiermis E. B.
2022 calamanus R. & S. Reed-1 ike Aw 3 Ap Scotland S co Eng. bot 1005
Festuca ealamaria E. B.
2023 deciduus R. & S. deciduous A ag If jnjl Ap Britain S co Eng. bot 226b
Festtoa decidua E. B.
2024 sylvaticus R. &, S. wood A ag 2 Ap Germany 1804. S co Host gr. 2.78
Festdca sylvatica Host
202>> /oliaceus R. & S. loliaceous ^ A ag l i Ap Britain mo. pa. S co Eng. but 1281
FestOca /oliacea E. B.
2026 Scheutzcrt II. & S. Schcutzer's Jh A un 1 Ap S Europe 1816. S
Fes/Uca Scheutzeri Gau.
2027 ndtans 11 & S nodding Jllb A un 1 jnjl Ap Hungary 1825. S co Hostgr.4.61
FestUca n 6 tans Ph.
9028 nigrescens R. if S. nigrescent Jill A ag 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. S co
FestUca nigrcscena Lam.
9029 violaceus R $S. violaceous Jlfa A un 1 jnjl Ap Europe 1817. S co
Fes/Uca violarca Gau.
2Q3Q poset'Ormla R $ S. Poa-form JUb A ag 1 jnjl Ap SwitzerL 1819. S co Hostgr.2.81
FestUca jpostorinis Host
9031 pdmilus R. $ S. dwarf Jib A un Ap S. Europe 1820. co Hostgr. 2.91
9032 tencllus R & S. tender jllb A un Ap N. Amcr. 1804. CO
Festuca tendla Ph. Brachypodium/tv/tfcoldes L.
240. MYGALU'RUSZ.*. MOUSE-TAIL. (Mygafr, a field mouse, ourat a tail.) Graminc*. 6.
2033 caud&tus Lk. tailed Ow ijn Ap Britain ways. S co 1412
FestUca Myurus E. B.
2034 ftromoides Lk. Bromus-like Ow i m y j n Ap Britain walls. S co Eng. bot 1411
Fcstfca 6romofdcs E. R.
2035 stipoldcs Lk. Sti|>a-like O un I jnjl in.jl Ap Majorca 179a S co Bar. ic. 76.1
2036 delicatulus Lk. delicate O
Q ui
un «jn.jlin.jl Ap Spain 1817. S co
9037 unigli'unis Lk. single-husked Ow Ap Britain seaco. S co Eng. bot 1430
Festtica uniglumis E. B.
2038 Alnpccuroides Lk. Foxtail-like A un Ap S. Europe 1819. S co
241. BBOME GRASS. r, a Greek name for a sort of wild oat) Gramlnete. 47. — 66.
2039 secalinm L. Rye-like JUk Ow 2 Ap England corn n. S co Eng. bot. 1171
2040 elongitus Gau. elongated Jib O un 2 Ap SwitzerL 1819. S co
9041 commutitus Schr. changed m A un Ap S. Europe 1818. D co
2042 vclutinuB Schr. Hostgr. 1.11
velvet Mi O un jn.jl Ap Europe 1818. S co
2()43 multifldrus E. B. many.flowered a o v Ap Britain ... S co
2044 mnllis L. Eng. bot. 1884
soft tiiii o w Britain walls S co Eng. bot 1078
20-15 Gaudint R. & S. Gaudini SwitzerL J8i.'O. 8 co
Jib O u n
2046 confcrtus £ « * . close-headed Jiib O un Iberia 1823. 8 co
2047 raccmosus L. jnjl Jac. ec. 14
racemose Jllb O w 2 England 8 h.l Eng. bot 1079
2048 crt'Ctus £. B. ujmgnc
upright Jib A w England 8 co
2049 Bicbersteinii' R. ft S. Biebcrstein's Jllb A un 3 AP
Eng. bot 471
1 Caucasus 1826. D co
2050 australis B. Br. Australian Jiib o un 2 N. HolL 1823. 8 co
2051 lancrolatus W. spcar-lraved Jib O u n 3 , nau AP Crimea 1798. S co
2052 hirsutissimus Cyr. most hairy JVb A un 3 n.jl Italy 1817. D co
2053 vestitus A # & Ap
clothed 1 AP
C. G. H. 1816. S co
2054 volglnsis j^r. Volga O un 2 ,n.njl France 1818. S co Jac. ec. 15
2055 laxuu //or». AP
2056 lanugintisus Po/>.
loosQ-headed A un 2 jnjn.jl AP 1818. D co
2057 variegatus jBicrA.
woolly M O un 3 jn. AP S. Europe 1824. S co
S0i8 squarrfsus L.
variegated Jllb A un 3 Caucasus 1818. S co
rough Jllb A un 3 England corn fl. S co Eng. bot 1885
2059 yflopccurus FaM Fox-tail Jllb O un 2 jnau Barbary 1799. S co Desf. at. 1.25
2060 t6rtilis Presl S. Europe 182(1 8 co
20G1 pArgans L.
twisted Jiib O un 1 jnjl
purging A un Canada 1793. 8 co
2062 pub&ccns itfW. pubescent M A un 3 jnjl N. Amcr. 1820. D co
2063 asper L. rough 4 England m.s.p. S co
Jtlb O W Eng. bot 1172
2061 pratlnsis £. B. meadow Jllb A w 2 AP England corn fi. 8 co Eng. bot 920
2065 pcndulinus .tyr. pendulous __ O un 2 jnjl Ap Europe 1817. S co
2066 parvifldrus Desf. small-flowered Jiib A un 2 jn.ji Ap S. Europe 18212. 8 co
20(>7 glaucus L A V glaucous JVb A un 2 jnjl Ap Pyrenees iH^fi. D co Fl. pyr. 53
2068 altissimus /»A. tallest 8 N Amer. 1812. 8 co
20U9 giganWus Schr. giant
Jiib A
A un 3 jlau
Ap Britain mca. D co
„ D—. .. giant Jb A w
Eng. bot 1820
Festuca gigantea E. B. 3 jnau Ap Britain mea. S co Eng. bot 1337
2 trifldrus threcflowered jUfa A ag
triflura E.B. long-leaved M A ag 4 Ap Scotland sea s. S co
2070 3longifttrus
l i f i l i IV. en. long.flowcred Jllb A un 2 jnjl Ap 1818. D co
2071 cili&tus L. ciliated Jllb O un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1802. S co
%fI2 arvlnsis E. B. field JIUi A w 3 Ap Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot. 1984
2073 stenhs /,. barren JIUi O W 2 Ap Britain rub. S co Eng. bot 1030
2074 tectdrum /,. roof Jiifa GD un 1 Ap Europe 1776. S co Host gr. 1.15
2075 madritensis L. Madrid Jllb O w Ap Britain walls. S hi.
2076 /igusticus AIL Eng. bot 1006
Lovage-like Jllb O un 3 Ap SwitzerL 181ft S co Bar. ic. 76. 2
2077 rigidus Roth rigid _ un 2 jnjl Ap France 1821. S co Host gr. 18
'-'O7H pil6sus Spr. pilose Jiib A un 2 Ap 8. Europe 1816. S co
207<>jub£tus Pil. mancd Jllb O un 1 Ap Italy 1823. S co
20H0 maximus Roth greatest M o un 3 Ap Morocco 1804. S h.l
2(181 Jcoparius L. Detf. at. 1.26
Broom Jllb O un 2 Ap S. Europe 1819. S co Cav. ic 1. 45
20H2 humilis Cav. dwarf jllb O un 1 Ap S. Europe 1823. S co
20H3 stcnophf Uus Lk. Cav. ic. 6.589.2
narrow-leaved Jllb A un 3 Ap 1820. S co
2|>84 scabtrrimus Ten. roughest l O un 9 Ap Italy 1820. S co
208.'j/M/iicoIdes Lk. Festuca-like M A un 1 jn.jl Ap ...... 1826. D co
« R 5 S T R A / R I A 7Wn- ROSTRARIA. (Rostrum, a beak.) Gramme*. 1.
pubescens Trin. pubescent Jllb O un 1 Ap Europe 1820. S co
/fromiis rfactylofdcB Roth, Dactylis pungens Horn.
? »«*- (Brachys, short, pousta foot) Gramlne*. 2 2 . - 2 a
JU AW 3 j n a U AP Britain hea
jjrumus pmnatui " - S c o K..g.bot730
2088rupestre A * & rock JUb A un 1 jnjl Ap SL Europe 18ia D e o Hostgr.4.17
Zfrdmus rupestris Host.
2089 brcvisetum R. A S. short-bristled Jllb A un 1 jn.jl AP 1825. D co
2090 8trig6sum R. $ S. strigosc Jllb A un li jnjl AP Tauria 1819.
2091 cffispitosum R. «f S. tufted 8 ro
JUb A un 1 jnjl P S. Europe 1820. S co Hostgr. 4.18
2092 ramdsum li & S. branched M A un 2 jnjl A
AP S. Europe 1818.
209J jDhsnicofdcs R. & S. Micenic-like JHc A un 8 ro Deaf, at 1.24,1
AP Germany 182J.
»M obtumfolium Lk. blunt-leaved JUb M un I jn-jl AP Spain 18J8.
D ro
2095 'Vcnorianum It & S. Tenore*B II 8 co
JUk A un 1 jnjl Italy 1823. S co
20JKJ longifdlium R. .y S. long-leaved JUb A un 2 jnjl AP Barbary iei8.
2097 sylvftticum Ji.S(S. wood AP S co
JJIb A w 2 Ap Britain bed.
JVrdmus sylvaticuB E. B. S co Eng. bot 729
2098 rctusum bcauv. retuse Jiifa A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1826. D ro
c JUb O un | Ap Italv 1758. S co Jac. ic 2.303
JUb A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1772. S co Host gr. 1.20
two-spiked JUb O un iJLau Ap & Europe 1781.
tende S co 26.1
un i jnjl Ap Spain 1826. 8 co
" «»'•'«» rigidaito/A
Ap a Europe 18 ia S co Viv.fY.26,1
slcnder.flwd *JUb8
O un
JUb O w
S. Europe 18ia
Germany 1826.
jnjl Ap Britain sea co. S co Eng. bot. 221
um £.
JUb O un my.jn A P Germany 1819. S co 24
JUb O un Ap S. Euro|ie 1800. S co
SRASIDB OAT. {Unus, one, alone; united glumes.) Graminea. 1 — 7.
broad-leaved Jllb A un 4 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 180P. S co
pamrlcd JUb A un 4 jnjl Ap N. Amcr 1793.
8 co Cat car. 1.32
2112 dutichophy"lla R. $ S. spiked
distich -leaved MM A ,„, | li Ap N . AmL . ri lliM
in f jnjl Ap N. Amcr. 1789. S co
(Tret's, three, cuspis, a point.) S co l.-a
QUinqucfida Bcauv. five-cieft JUb A ag S jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1820. ¥
•**da caeruleBccns Mx. r.m Jac ec. lo
246. DIPLA'CHNE Beam. (Diploot,double,achne,chaff.) Gramlnete. 1—2,
*iUtt Ap N Am
W co

847. CER ATCCHLOA Beauv. HORN GRASS. (Keras, a horn, chloa, grass; the seeds.) Graminea. 1. — 2L
2115 gnioloidcs Beauv. Uniola-like M Q un 1ft jl Ap N. Amer. 1788. S co H. ber. 1.3
Festuca ttiuoloides IV.
248. SCHl'SMUS JfcnwL Sen ISM us. (Schisme, a cleft; outer palea.) Gramlnete. I.
211(5 marginalus Beauv. margined Mi O un ijn.jl Ap Spain 1781. S co 46.1
Festhca calycina L.
849. TKIO'Dl A R. Br. TRIODI*. (Treis, three, odous, teeth; the palea.) Graminea. 1. —10.
2117 decumbens R. Br. decumbent Jii A w 1 Ap Britain .. S co
P6a decumbens L.
250. BECKMA'NNJ.4 Host. BRCKMANNIA. (The author of the History of Inventions.) Gramlnete. 1.
2118 erucaeforinitf Host Eruca-form Mi Q un 2 jl Ap Europe 1773. S co Host gr. a 6
Cynusurus crrucaeformis W.
251. ME'LICA /,. MELIC GRASS. (Mel, honey; the name in Italy for the great millet.) Gramlnete. 9 . - 2 4 .
2119ciliata/,. ciliated
ciliated Jllh A or 3 jl App Europe 1771. S s.l Host gr. 2.12
2120 Rnuhfui
Bauhini All.
All. Baullill'fl
Baulun's JlUc A
jllh A un 2 AAn
p lt.ilv
Italy* IWlfi
1806. SS v.n Hcikt gr.
co Hobt 4 o.'l
itr. 4.2.'!
2121 nfitans L. nodding JBh A or Ap Britain m o u n . S s.l Eng. bot 10.39
2122 uniflora Retx. one-flowered JUh A P r my.jn Ap Britain groves. S m s Eng. bot. 1058
2123 pyramidalis Lam. pyramidal Barbary 1804. S co Bar. IC. 1)6.1
jllh A un N. A m e r . 1820. S co M.h.
8124 spoci6sa Mhl. snowy AP
2125 glabra Ph. smooth jllh jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1812. S co If. li.SL7.51
2126 altUsima L. tallest or Ap Siberia 1770. S Ht>btgr.2.9
2127 sylvatica Lk. wood un jnjl Ap Germany 1824. D co
* 252. MOLI'NZ/f Schrank. MOLINIA. ((?. J Molina, who wrote on the plants of Chile, in 1782.) Graminete. 1.
2128 cajrulea Schrank blue Mi A w 1 an Ap Britain bogs. S p.m Eng. bot. 750
Melica csrulca E. B.
253. /TM'ZA L. QUAKING GRASS. (Brizo, to nod; trembling spikolets.) Graminea. 9.
2129 minor /,. smaller Jllh O or | England corn fl. S co Eng. bot. 1316
2130 virens L. green M O or 1ft jl an Ap Spain 18()0. S Hay. tcr. 25. 6
2131 htfmilis Afcfc humble Jtt O un ft jnjl Ap Caucasus 1825. Sc. ger. 4. 10
2132 media L. mediate ill A or 11 my.jn Ap Britain pas. Eng. bot. 340
2133 Cltisii It & a Clusius's JHh ^ o r myjl
yj Ap S. Europe 18L>0. Thorej.3.24.2
2134 gemculata Thun. jointed m o or jlau Ap C. G. H. 1816.
2135 elatior Sm. taller Q> or j» AP Greece 1817. 1.74
213i) maxima £,. greatest O or ii jnjl S. Europe 1633. Host gr. 2.30
2137 rubra Lam. red Jllh O pr 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1H20. S
254. PO'A /,. MISADOW GRASS. (Poat grass or herbage.) Graminea. 72. — 143.
2138 alpina L. Alpine Jllh A cu I jn.jl Ap Scotland scnlp. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 1003
2139 collina Host hill JUi A un 1 jnjl Ap Austria 1826. D co Host gr. 2. 66
P. thermal is Pen.
2140 coucinna Gnu. neat S. France 1817. D co
2141 flexuosa E. B. zigzag Scotland scalp. S h.l Eng. bot. 1123
2142 distichophylla Gail. distiuh-lcavcd Austria 1819. D co Host gr. 4,26
P ficxu6sa Host
2143 laxa Hoe. )oosc-spikcd jJlk A un Ap Germany 1800. S ro Host gr. 3.15
2144 Hallcrirto R. & S. llaller's J i A un ft Jnjl Ap Vallcsia 1821. D co
214.1 cic'sia J&. JR grey JIUJ A w Scotland scino. S s.l Eng. bot 1719
2146 urachyphy'lla PA. short-leaved JUh A un 1 J»jl N. Amer. 1816. S co
2147 vivipara W. en. viviparous JUh A un ijnjl
AP Switzerl. 1800. S co Fl. dan. 807
2148 trivialis /,. common JUh A ag
A p
Britain me |». S h.l Eng. bot. 107i?
2149 pratensis L. meadow Mi A ag 1J
lft my.jn
j Ap
A p
Britain me pa. S s.l ling. bot. ll/7>>
2angustifolia W. narrow-leaved jllh A ag 2 Ap
Germany ... S co I^ee her. 6 3
2150 nil mills E. B. humble Jllh A w ft my.jn Ap Britain S si Kng. Lot. J004
2151 annua L. annual JUh O w | mr.o Ap Bnta.n pas. S hi Eng. bot 11H
215'2 coespitusa Forst. tufted JUh A un I jn.jl Ap N. Zeal. 1822. S co
2153 badensis //AA Baden JUh A un \ jl Ap Baden 1800. S CO Host gr. 2. (If)
2154 sud£tica Hae. Swedish JUh A un 3 Ap Germany 1802. S CO Host gr. 3. Id
JUh A un ! !1 Europe 1819.
2155 hybrida C?flM.
2156 Gmelini Kocl.
Gmehn's JUh
A un " iWJ
A un i jiijl
Germany 1818.
Switzerl. 1826.
2157 gracilis Desf. slender JUh A un i jnjl Ap Mt. Ccnis 1791. 1) co
2158 cunisia All. Mount Ccnis JUh A un i Ap N. Amer. 1604. S co Host gr. 3.1
21.09 riava L yellow JUh A un Ap N. Amer. 1819. S co
2160 hirsAta Aff. hairy JUh A un 1 jnjl AP Germany 1800. D co
2161 ser6tina Ehrh. \ate-flowering JUh A un 2 jl.s Ap Germany 1800. S co Lee. her. 6. X
2 l martih Jllh A un 1 Ap Pannoma Ib22. S co Vil. stras. 2. tf
2162 eff'iisa Kit. open JUh A un 1 jnjl N. Amer. 1812. D co
2163 vlridis Mhl. green JUh A ag 5 jnjl AP Dalmatia 1800. S co
2164/tv/ifOffo'rmis Host Fcstuca-form JUh A un 2 jl B S Kurope 181«). b co Host gr. 3.17
21I»5 atrovlrcns liesf. dark-green JUh A un 1 my.jn Ap Kuropc 181!). 1) co Desf. at. 1.17
21fiii cunvoluta Hum. iiin veil utc 1 my.jn 1 ) CO
2lh7 abysMnica / / . K. JUII o un Abyssinia 1775. S co JAC. ic. 1.17
AbyHHimnn Mi o un 1} au.o N. Amer. 1781.
S21K8 capdlaris /,. hait-panicled JUh A un 4 o.n P Europe 1821. S co M. h. 3.6.33
2169 Poircttf K. & S. Poiret's 4 jn.jl Ap I ) CO
2170 chinensis Retx. Jllh o un China 1820. Bur. in. 11. 3
China JUh Al un 1 jnjl AP
N. Holl. 18Z2. S co
2171 austrfilis R. Br. Australian t Ap S co Lab. n. h. 1. .*!
Arixndo tKuelormis Lab. 1 jnjl
2172 plebcia 11 Br. plebeian JUh I A I un 1 jnjl Ap N. Holl. 1892. S co
2173 mucronata Beauv. mucronate jut. (23 un jujl Ap Guinea 1824. S co Beau ow. 1.4
2174 Molineri Balb. Moliner's M A un 1" j n j l Ap Italy S co
1807. Bal. mis. 5. 1
2175 suplna Schr. supine jllh A un jnjl Ap Switzerl. 18V2.D co Host gr. 4.27
2176 muliacca Kit. Millet jllh A un 2" j n j l Ap Europe 1821. I) co
2177 spicata L. spiked JUh A un Jnjl Ap Spain I) co
2178 Ciaudfni R & & (iaudin's jllh A un jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1818.D co
2170 Rtcrilis Bub. barren Mi A un 1 jnjl Ap Tauria 1821.S co
2180 angustata R. Br. narrow-j/v&ai jflfc £ un f Ap Melv Isld. 182aS co
2181 tcnax Lk. tough jllh A 2 AP
1817. S co
2182 comprctisa L. Ji O 1 jnau Britain walla. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 505
Britain moun. S B.I
2183 glauca E. B. glaucous Jllh A 1 A
Ap Ei»n. bot. 17
2184 nomorahs L. wood 2 Britain woods. S h.l i:ng. bot. J2rtf
J» A itl Ap
Britain woods. S co
2 angustif61ia .Sin. narrow-leaved JUh A un 1 mr.jn , Ap (Jr. wo. 182. ic.
9185 depauperita Kit. starved un 1 jnjl Ap Pannonia 1819. 1) ro

2186sulcfitaJL$ furrowed A un jn.Jl Ap N. Amer. 1818. D co

2187 debilis ThuU. jn.jl Ap France 1817. D co
2188 versicolor Bes. feeble
jn.jl Ap Tauria 1818. S co
2189 coarctata Lk. party-colored JUk A un jn.jl Ap Europe 1817. S co
2190 ambointasis L. crowded ill A un n.jl Ap E. Indies 1800. S co Ru. am. ft 7.3
2191 cilianensis All. Ainbnyna Jllb O un iijl Ap S France 1819. S' co Al. ped. 91.2
2192 carolinia*na Spr. Cilian Jlfa A un n.jl Ap Carolina 1817. D co
2l93bulb6saL. Carolina ill A * 11 Ap England pas. S h.l Eng. bot 1071
2191 retroflexa E. B. bulbous Jlli A w 1 jlau Ap Britain pas. S co Eng. bot. 15JS
2195 peruviana Jac. rctroflexed Jllb O un Ap Peru 1802. S co Jacic. 1.18
2l96piH6saA*& Peruvian Jllb O un 1 Ap C. G. H. 1816. S co
lli% papillose Jib O u n 1 jn.jl Ap 8. Eurojie 1824. S co
2198 nervata W. pale Jllfa A w Ap N. Amer. 1812. S CO
2199 imbecllla Font. nerved JUfa A un 1 Ap N. Zeal. 1H2& S co
2200 decipiens R. Br. weak jilt LAI un 1 jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1823. D co
2201 digitata R. Br. deceiving Jllb O un Ap N. S. W. 18</0. S co
2202 Aromof des Vahl A un i myjn Ap Peru? 1820. D co
220.3 elcgans P«>. fingered ^J un
2204 aspera J<ic. Bromus-Iikc jllfa ^J un i my.jn Ap W. Indies 1821. D co
elegant my jn Ap W. Indies 1819. D co Jac. vin.3.56
2205 trumula Lam. rough
Jllb E l u n myjn j Ap Guinea 1824. D co
£20fi anccps For**. Jllb iAI un
jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. D co
22()7 diandra 7f. Jr. trembling jllfa L A I un
two-edged jj
jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1823. D co
2208 filiformis Thun. diandroiu
Jllb A un
A i jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1817. D co
2209 scariosa Lag: filiform Jlfa A un 1 jn jl Ap Spain 1824. D co
scurfy (Eros, love, agrostis (203), grass.) Graminete._ 12. —17.
2J5.pilosa Beauv.
Beauv. Jli O pr Ap Italy " 1804. S co Host gr. 2.68
2211tcn<511a2tefltt». delicate O p r 1 Ap E. Indies 1781. S co Bur. zcy. 47.3
^212 purpurascens Spr. purpurascent O pr Ap 1817. S co
*213 />osf6rmis R. $ S. Poa-form Jllfa O pr 1 jLau Ap Greece 1699. 8 co 73
*2J4 tephrosanthes R.$S. cinercous-flwd Jllfa [H] pr 1 Ap Martiniq 1818. S co
2215 verticillata R. & S. verticillate Jlfa O pr 1 A p S. Europe 1820. S co Cav.ic.1.93
22J6 punctate R. 4 $. dotted Jlfa C3 pr 1 Malabar 1820. S co

2217aB|fy,>tiaca«.4'5. Egyptian Jllfa O pr 1 jLau Egypt 1812. S co Des. eg. 10
2218 denmens il. 4 S. deceiving jVfa O pr 1 1819. S co
2219cynosuroide8A^ ( S. Cynosurus-like JUfa O I»r 1 Egypt 1824. S co Des. eg. 10
P6a cynosuroldes W.
1 jLau Ap N. Amer. 1819. S co M.h. 3.6L33
2221 mexicana Lk. Mexican JBk O pr 1 Mexico 1785. S co
Poa mexicana iMg. Ap
256. MEGASTA'CHYA Beauv. MEOABTACHYA. (Afi r, large, stachys, a spike; flower.) Gramittete. 9. —
2222 Eragrdstis Beauv. Love-grass Jlfa O or Ap Italy 169a S co Host gr. 2.69
2223 amfbilis Beauv. lovely jUfa O or Ap E. Indies 1802. S co 45.2
2f i R rock jMb O pr 1 Injl Ap E Indies 18£(). S co
Briza-likc Jllfa O pr *jnjl Ap C. G. H. 1818. S co Ac. pet. 2.8.1810
2226pulchellatf.5s. neat Jlfa O pr i jn.jl Ap Tauria 1819. S co
2227 spectabilis R.&S. graceful Jllb O pr ljnjl Ap N. Amer. 1820. S co
»228 enfgricans
on ita R. 8[ S. blackish Jllfa E2 pr Ap
S. Amer. 1818. D co
5 3 ! !. « Beauv. elongated Jllfa I S ] pr
o* Jn-Jl
2 E. Indies 1H12. S s.l 3
«s30 ciliiris Beauv. jllfa o pr
ciliated Ap
Jamaica 177«i. S e.l Jac. IC. 2.304
(SMeros, hard, chloat grass.) Gramlneat. 6. —
divaricate Jlfa O un i Ap S. Europe 1802. S co 4.2.1
\v. procumbent Jlfa O w I Ap Britain sea co. S h.s Eng. bot 532
ocum E.B.
hard M O un Ap Europe 1822. S co Host gr. 2.73
2234 rigida Lk. rigid Jib O w Ap Britain san. pi. S co Eng. bot. 1371
r l i ,. Megastachya rlgida Beauv.
'• articulate jflfa O
jH o un
\ jn.jl Ap Barbary 1816. S co Desf.atl.22
dichotomous m. Q un i jiijl Ap Europe 1820. 8 co
Tiiticuxn marltimum L. Festuca maritima Dec.
22J7 aquatica Har. water * A w (Hydor, water, chtoa, grass.) Gramineaf. 4. —
P6a aquatica E. B. Glyceria aquatica Sm. un Ap Britain ' dit S aq Eug. bot. 1315
2238 arundinacea Swt. Reed-hke * A 6 jl Ap Caucasus 1820.
Poa arundinacea Bieb. S aq
2239 maritima Har. sea-side Jlfa A w Ap Britain galt-m.
P6a maritima E. B. Glyceria maritima 5m. S co Eng bot 1140
2240 dfatans Har. distant Jllb A w Ap Britain naa.
P6a dlstana E. It. Glycerl.1 dibtans Sm. S co Eng<botg8&

* O cu K l n d i c s 17M. S co H.inal. IJUiy


asss- : 8: i il: E. Indies 1820. S. co

E. Indies 1820. S co
ig, chloa, grass.) Granrine*. 3. —
pr l jlau A
no^» c*»16ri(t crucifita Sun. p W. Indies 181& S co SI. Jam. 1.69.1
2246 murronata Beauv.
2247 virga*ta Beauv.
Cynosfirus virg&tus

Beauv. LEFTOCIILOA. r, slender, Grair

^—. .. twig-spiked m O cu Ap {.._.. 1707 c ^neaf. 6. —
lemma R. 4 s. very slender M Q cu Ap China
D 23; S S **«•«•»•

£251 doming£nsis Lk. St. Domingo jUkJZDpr 3 Jn Ap W. Indies 1820. S co Jac.ic.22

2252 filif6rmis Beauv. filiform M O pr 2 Ap China 1820. S co 4
P6a chinensis L.
2253 cynosuroides A. AS. Cynosurus-like M .Qj pr ft my.jn Ap E. Indies 1824. S co
2254prdceraJ?.$& tell- JkESpr 4 jl Ap Brazil 1823. S GO
263. CY'NODON Pers. CTNODOW. {Kuon, a dog, odtnu, a tooth.) Gramlnea?. 5. —10.
2255 Dactylon Pers. Dactylon 4 A w 1 jl Ap England ... S co E>ig.boL850
Panicum Dactylon E.B.
2indica Ind. doob-grass Jf O ag f jl Ap E. Indies ... S co Gr.wo.ic
2256 linearis W. en. linear-spiked M O un ft Ap EL Indies 1796. S co
2257 stellatus W. en. stellate Jllk O un 1 jnjl Ap St.Helena 1819. S co
2258 virgatus W. en. twiggy JUk O un 1 jnjl Ap E. Indies 1819. S co
2259pr«'cox J L * & early Jllk O un 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1826. S co
264. ACTINO'CHLOA W. ACTINOCHLOA. {Aktin% a ray, chloa, grast.) Graminete. 4. —15.
2260 proctSmbens Desv. procumbent Jllk O un i j l . a u Ap Philippine 1816. S co 12
Chondrosium procumbens Desf.
2261 tenuis W. slender Jllk O un 1 jLau Ap Mexico 182a S co
Chondrisium utenue Kth.
2262 prostrata Lag. prostrate JBk O un JjLau Ap Mexico 1820. S co H.&B.1.57
2263 hirsfcta Lag. hairy Jllk O un 1 Ap Mexico 182a S co
265. DINE'BRA Beauv. DINBBRA. (Its Arabic name.) Gratninae. 1. — 5 .
2264 arabica Beauv. Arabian Jllk O cu J jn.jl Ap K Indies 18(4. S co Jac. ft. 121.1
266. W A N G E N H E F M / i f Trin. WANGENIIEIMIA. (F. A. J. Wangenheim, a German bot.) Graminetc. 1 . -
!65 Lima Trin. Lima in O w jjLau Ap Spain 1776. S co Cav.ic. 1.91
Dinebra Lima Beauv.
267. E C H I N A ' R I A Z t o u ECIUXARIA. (Echinos, a hedgehog.) Gramlnea. 1.—
2266 capitata Desv. headed Mi Q cu } Ap S. Europe 1771. S co Host gr. 3.8
Cenchrus capitatus Sm. SeslerM echinata Host
268. PAPPO'PHORUM Schreb. PAPPOPHORUM. (Pappost down, phoreo, to carry.) Graminece. 2. — 7 .
2267 nlgricans R Br. black Jllh • Al un 2 Ap N.Holl. 1822. S p.l
2268 phleoides Lag. Phleum-like M C3 un 2 Ap S. Amer. 1822. S p.l
269. TRI'TICUM X. WHEAT. {Tritum, rubbed; ground into flour.) Graminete. 30.—
2269 sstivum L. summer Jflk O ag Baschkiros S r.m Host gr. 3.26
2270 hyblrnum L. winter Jllk O ag 4 jnjl Ap S r.m Host gr. 3.20
2271 sibericum W. Siberian M O Clt 5 jnjl Ap Siberia 1800. S co
2272 compositum L. composite jVk O ag 3 jnjl Ap Egypt 1799.
2273 Linneednum Lag. Linnxan JUk O Clt 3 A p Spain 1820. S r.m
2274 turgidum L. turgid Jllk O ag 3 jnjl Ap S co
2275 fastuosum Lag. proud Mi O clt 3 Ap Spain"" 1820.
2276 Gxrtnerifinum Lag. Gaertner's M O O Clt 3 jlau Ap Spain 1824. S r.m Host gr. 3.28
2277 platystachyum Lag. broad-spiked M O Clt 3 Ap Spain 1821. S co
2278 cochleare Lag. aheW-seeded M O Clt 3 jLau A P Spain 1820. S co
2279 d6rum Desf. stiff~ Ml O Clt 3 Ap S. Europe 1820. S co
T. vill6sum Host S co
2280 siculum A. * S. Sicilian Jllk O Clt 3 JLau Ap Sicily 182a S co Host gr. 4. 6?
2281 Aordeifiirme Host Barley-form Jllk O Clt S A P Austria 1819. S co
2282 compactum Host compact Jllk O clt 3 A P Austria 1819. S co Host gr. 4.5
2283 Cevalloa Lag. Ccvallos JDk O Clt 3 jnjl Ap S co Host gr. 4.7
2284 polonicum L. Polish Jllk O ag 4 " A P 1692. S co
2285 SpMa L. Spelt Jllk O ag 3 jnjl Ap S r.m Host gr. a 21
Zea Host S r.m Host gr. 3.30
2286 monococcum L. one-grained Jlr O ag 3 jnjl A P 1648.
2287 atratum Host dark-headed JHk O Clt 3 A p Austria 182a S r.m Host gr. a 33
2288 Cienfuegos Lag. Cienfuegos Jllk O dt 3 A p Spain 1821. S co Host gr.4.8
2289 Bauhfni Lag. Bauhin's Jllk O clt 3 jLau Ap Spain 1821. CO
2290 dicoccum SchU. two-seeded M O clt 3 jnjl AP
1 album white-seeded JUk O dt 3 jnjl Ap
2rufum rufous-seeded Jllk O dt 3 jnjl Ap
2291 tricoccum SchU. three-seeded JUk O dt 3 jajl Ap Sch.ce. 17.3
9292 venulfcum Ser. small, veined Jllk O Clt 3 jnjl Ap pt
2293 vill6sum Beauv. villous juk O clt 3 jnjl Ap S. Europe 179a FLgr.1.97
Sec&le villdsum L.
2294 squarr6sum Roth squarrous un 1 jnjl Ap Egypt 1800. co Host gr. a 38
2295 hispanicum W. Spanish Mi un Ap Spain 1819. co 1.2a*
2296 creticum R.$S. Cretan O un 1 Ap Crete 1826. co
Secale creticum L.
2297 campestre Kit. field Jllk O un 2 Ap & Europe 1820. S co
270. AGROPY'RUM Beauv. AOROPYBUM. {Agrof, a field, pyros,. wheat.), Gramine*. 26. —69.
2298,/unceiim Beauv. rushy M £ Ap England sea-sh. S co Eng. bot 814
7Yiticum panicum L.
2299 rtpens R. $ S. creeping Mi A w 2 Ap Britain rub. S m.s Eng. bot 909
Triticum repens L.
' 1 arvense R. &S. corn field Mi _ jlau Ap Britain
2 subulatum R. if 5. subulate Mi A W 1 A p Britain s CO Trat tab. 5(tf fl9
3 d u m e t 6 r u m # . * S . thicket Jllk A w A p Britain s CO Schreb. gx.'n& t
4VaillantM»i/mR.&S. Vaillant's jllk A w A p Britain s CO
Srhrch. gr. 2 * l
5 Leerudnum R. & S. Leers's JUk A w 1 A p s CO
Britain s CO Lee. her. 12.4
6capillare«.*S. capillary Jllk A w 1 jLau A p
jlau Ap Russia 1820. s
2300 dasyanthum R.$S. thick-flowered jllk A w
jlau Egypt 1816. s CO
2301 distichum R. $ S.
2302 acu turn R. $S.
two-rowed Mi A w
acute-ftovoered Mi A un
Ap France 1818. s CO
2303 Rlaucum R.fyS. glaucous ilk A un jj l Ap France 1818. D ro Host gr. 4.10
2304 obtusiflurum R Sf S. obtuse-floweredittb A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1819. D CO
2305 densifl6rum R & S. dense-flowered Mi A un 1 injl Ap Siberia 1823. D CO
2306 muriratum R%S. muricated M A un Ujnjl Ap Siberia 1826. D CO
£307 sibincum R. Sf S. Siberian Jlk A un 1 my.jn AP Siberia 1820. D CO
£308 prostratum R. AS. prostrate * A un I my jn Ap Tauria 1819. D CO N.c.g.14.1*'
2309 angustifolium A. * S. narrow-leaved Mi A un 2 m y n Ap Siberia 1824. D CO
variegated Mi A un If my.jn Ap Siberia 1819. D co
shore Jl A u n 1 my.jn Ap & Europe 1819. D co
desert M A un 2 my.jn Ap Siberia 1819. D co
__, .„ _ w rock m A un 1 my.jn Ap Siberia 1825. I) co
2314caninuraA$£ dog Jllil A W i Ap Britain ch. wo. S s.l Eng. bot 1372
S315 cristatum R. AS. crested Jllk A W 1 Ap Britain hed. S co Eng. tot 2267
2316 pectimffrme R.AS. pectimform Jllk A un 1 my.jn Ap Tauria 1819. D co Bux. c. 1.50.3
2317 imbricatum R. A & imbricated Jib A un 1 my.jn Ap Caucasus 1819. I) co
*J18 pectinatum R. A s. pectinated 1} Ap V. Diem. 1818. S co
TViticum pectinatum R. Br.
2319 subulatum Rui. subulate Jiifc A un ljjnjl Ap Europe 181.1. S r.m
2320rigidumA$S. rigid Jllk A un 1 jnjl Ap Germany 1805. S co
jw21 interm&iiuir R.AS. intermediate Jilt A un 1 Germany 1805. S co Host gr. 2.22
«K2 pungens R. A S. pungent ilk A un 1 Ap S. Euroiw 1824. S co
2S2J elongatum G. Don elongated ik A un 5 jn.jl Ap Germany 1805. S co Host gr. 2.23
T.giganteum Hi 8. Tiritfcumelongatum Host

271. LO'LIUM L. RYE GRASS. {Loloa, Celt, lolium, I^at) Gramine*. 7.-11.
XB4 perenne L. perennial M A ag 1| my.jn Ap Britain me pa. S co En,*, bot. 315
lvulgireRA$. common jib A ag U myjn Ap Britain S co Host gr. 1.25
2tenueA4-S. slender M A ag If my.jn Ap Britain co Gr. wo. 211. ic.
3 compositum R. A S. composite Jk A a# 1* my.jn Ap Britain co Sen. ag. 1 7. D .
4ram6sum R. AS. branchy m A »g 1 i my jn Ap Britain co Lee. gr. 12,1
0 RwselUdnum Sin. Russell's jlib A *A 1J my.jn Ap Britain co Gr. wo. 216. ic.
6Whitw6rthiiSin. Whitworth's M A ag IJmyjn Ap Britain co
1 Stickneydnum Sin. Stickney's M A a? U my.jn Ap Britain co
»paniculatuin Sin. paniculate M A *tf Uinyjn Ap Britain co
9 monstrosum Sin. monstrous M A ag 14 my.jn Ap Britdiu co
10 viviparum R.A S. viviparous M A 1} my.jn Ap Britain co
11 multiflorum Pers. many.flowered M | my.jn Ap Britain co
oqoe12 h ? m i l e K $s- humble A a* i my.jn Ap Britain co
« « 5 multifl6rum Lam. many.fiowered JU A un 2 my.jn Ap France 182& S co Vail. pa. 17.2
*326 speciosum Stev. showy M A un 2 myjn Ap Tauria 1824. S co
2327 tenue L. slender M A un
un 3 Ap S. Europe 1591). S co
2 3 ^ temul^ntum L. drunken Darnel M OpP 44 Ap Britain S co Eng. bot 1124
2329 arveuse With. corn-field Mi 2 Jl Ap England cor. ft S oo Eng. bot 1125
2330 rigidum Gau. rigid jiii Ap SwitierL 1820. S 00
1 myjn
272. -E'LYMUS L. LVME GBASS. (According to Linnaeus, elt/o, to cover) Gramincce. 23. — 25.
*j»l arenarius 7* sand
§332 geniculatus E. B. A ag 4 apjn Ap Britain seaco. S s Eng. bot. 1872
23*} sabulous Bieb.
jointed A A p England sea sh. S sg Eng.E botbt 1286
2 3 3 | f t
sandy JU A un kjl AP Siberia __„. S co
1806. S co
gigantic Jib A or A P
»*J5 mexicanus Cav. Mexican Jib A cu 3 Ap N. Amer. 1790. S co Jac ec. 19
| g n aibiricus L. Siberian Jib A un 6 jnjl Ap Mexico 1833. S co
racemose Jib A un Sii jj j l Siberia 1758. D co
* « 8 tener L. tender 1 Aun 3 jnjl Siberia 1826.
^ Philadelphia £. Philadelphia JHt A un 4 AP Ap
Siberia 1801. S co
gjOcanadensisZ. Canadian M A un 4 Ap N. Amer. 179a S co M. h. 3.2.10
glaucous-lvd Jib A un 4 jnjl N. Amer. 1699. S co
AP N. Amer. 1819. D co
Virginian Jib A un 3 jnjl A P
W. striated JVb A un 3 jn.jl Virginia 1781. S co
sA«/. AP N. Amer. 17W. S co
villous ^ A un
/us L. Euro|iean Jib A un N. Amer. 1802. S co
S AP England woods. S s.1 Eng. bot 1317
long-awned Jiu O cu AP Smyrna 1806. S
intermediate S co 24.3

Jtt O un Ap
Medusa's head Jib O un AP Caucasus 1823. D co Bux. c. 1.52
Portugal 1784. S co Schreb. gr. 24.2 JU A un . -. Ap Siberia 1806. S co M. iron. 1.45
Barley-like Jib O un 3 my.jn Ap D co
hystnxZ,. j 1822.
1822. D
Ml A CU 2 jn.jl Ap Crimea 177a S co Jac. ic. 2.303
, A «P?^llahf s trix r ,.c™.
t pseodo-h fttxix R.AS. bastard pore. * O c u 1J jnjl Ap N. Amer.l8ia S co
273. SECA'LE L. RYE.
(An ancient name derived from sreo, to cut) Gramlnete. S. —
2353cer#aleZ. corn Jib O clt •3 jnjT Ap Crimea
. ^%-u Ln -- — s al Host gr. 2.48
winter Jllk CD Clt 3 jnjl AP Tauria S co Black 424
Jib O clt 3 jnjl Ap Tauria S co Host gr. 2.48
jlib O dt Tauria
M O clt 2 W| AP
Ap Tauria
. S
S jn.jl
orientate If. oriental
Jib O clt 3 jnjl Ap Levant 1807. S co W. n. bcr. 2.4.3
Tnticum orientale Bieb.

f. THTKAFOGON. {Tetra. four, pogon, a beard.) Gramlnas. 1.

ous Jib O cu 1 Ap Barbary 181& S co Desf. at a 255

(According to Bodjeus a Slapel. hordus. heavy.) Gramiiura. IB.—

J«b O clt 3 jl Ap Sicily ... S r.m Host gr. a 34
giant 4 jl Ap Levant ... S co
celestial Levant ... S co Vib. ce. 1
black co
six. rowed & Europe 1818. S
dbtichon L. two-rowed r.m Hostgr. asft
2il6 beardless Tartary r.m Hostgr.3.36
naked Tartary co
Spelt Barley Tartary co Ard. sag. 2. 4
nnlanatum Beam, flattened r.m Host gr. 3.37
2365 weafmum Rotk Rye-like S. Europe 1819. S
•""" Nepal Europe ... S co
Nepal 1817. S co 60.96
ium L. bulbous Italy 1770. S CO
Detf. strict S Europe 1824. S co 1.98
wall Britain sal. m. S co Desf. at 1.37
. use rAim. cape T G. H. 1817. S «•! Eng. bot 1971
pratense A i d meadow Britain S co
h.l Eng. bot. 400

2372 marftimum With. Mi O W 1 jn.jl Ap Britain sal. m. S m.8 Eng. bot. 1205
2373 hfstrix Roth porcupine M O CU 1 jn.jl Ap Spain 1821. S* co
2374juba>tumZ,. maned M Q> CU 1 Ap N. Amcr. 1782. S co
276. MICRCCHLOA R. Br. MICBOCHLOA {Mikros, small, chloa, grass.) Graminea. I.
2375 Betficea R. Br. setaceous M Q c\i i jl Ap E. Indies 1806. S co Box. cor. 132
277. JEGOPCKGON/Jiim. JECOPOGON. (Aix, a goat,pogon, a beard.) Graminea!. 2 . - 5 .
2376 puHillus Beauv. small jUb O cu Ap S. Amer. 1822. S co Cav. h. m. 1.5.2
2377 trisetus Lag. three-bristled M O cu 1 Ap S. Amer. 1822. 8 co Cav. h. m. 1.5.3
278. OPHIU'RUS Beauv. HARD GRASS. (Ophis, a snake, oura, a tail.) Graminea. 3.-4.
2378 incurv&us Beauv. incurvate i Q c u f jl Ap Britain sea co S m.s Eng. bot 761)
Rottboellta incurv£ta L.
8379 filiformis Beauv. filiform Jib O cu | jl Ap Portugal 1800. S co Bar. ic. 117.1
RottboclWo filif6rmis Roth
2380 subulltus Beauv. subulate Jk O cu 1 jl Ap S. Europe 1806. S s.1 Bar. ic. 5
Leptftrus cylindricus Trin. Rottbocilia cylindrica W. Moncrma subulfita Beauv.
279. ROTTBOE'LLL* L. ROTTBOELLIA. (C. Rottboett, a Danish botanist) Graminea. 2. —
2381 exalt&ta L. exalted M EJ cu 8 ... Ap E. Indies 1806. S co Rox. cor. 2.157
2382 perfor&a Rox. perforated jHb ES cu 3 ... Ap E. Indies 1822.
S co Rox. cor. 2.182
280. PHOLIU'RUS Trin. PiroLiuaua {Pholis, a scale, euro, a tail.) Graminea?. 1.
2383 pannomcus Trin. Pannonian Jilb O cu f jl Ap Hungary 1804. S co Host gr. 1/24
Ophiurus pannonicus Beauv.
281. ANTHE'PHORA Schreb. ANTIIEPIIORA. (Anthos, a flower,phoreo, to bear.) Graminea. 1.—2.
2384 elegans Schreb. elegant JlibOlcu 2 au.s Ap Jamaica 177& S p.l 41
Tripsacum hermaphroditum L. Cenchrus laevigfitus Trin.
282. MANISU'RUS L. MANISURUS. (Manis, the scaly lizard, oura^a tail; spikes.) Graminea. 1.— 2.
2385 granularis Sum. grained MU^cu 2 Ap E. Indies 1821. D co Rox. cor. 2.118
283. PE'ROTIS H. K. PEROTIS. (Peros, deficient; flower.) Graminea. I. — 2.
2386 latifolia H. K. broad-leaved l O c u 2 au.s Ap E. Indies 1777. S s.p R. mal. 12.62
284. SA'CCHARUM L. SUGAR CANS. {Soukart its Arabic name.) Graminea. 10. —32
2387 ofhcin&rum L. officinal 12 Ap India 1597. Sk r.m SI. jam. 1.66
2388 violaceum Tus. violaceous clt 10 Ap W.Indies 1824. D co R a n t 1.2a
2389 sinense Rox. Chinese clt 6 ... Ap China 1822. D r.m
2390 procerum Rox. tall 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1822. D r.m
2391 contractum Pair. contracted jilb ES cu 4 n.jl Ap Trinidad 1823. D co
2392 caudatum Mey. caudate — 4 ... Ap W. Indies 18KL D r.m SI. jam. 1.70.1
8393 polystachyum Swz. many-spiked JllhfAicu 2 Ap Trinidad 1823. D co
8394 mexicanum Brou. Mexican 1 Ap Mexico 1820. S co
8395 dftbium H. if B. doubtful jilb ES cu 2 Ap Trinidad 1826. D co
8396 Munja Rox. Munja 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1805. D r.m
285.,ERIA / NTHUS Mr. ERIANTHUS. (Erion. wool, anthos, a flower.) Graminea.
Gram 2.-34.
2397 saccharoides Mx. . Sugar-cane-like Jib A P* 5 j l . a u Ap N. Amer. 1826. 1) Lp
Saccharum giganteum Pers.
2398 brevibarbis Mx. shorUbcarded ilk A cu 4 jLau Ap N. Amer. 1822. D p.l
Saccharum brevib&rbe Pers.
286. T R I C H O L J E ' N A R. % S. TRICHOL.«NA. (Thrix, hair, lana, a cassock.) Graminea. 1.
2399 micrantha R. % S. small-flowered Jilb iAl pr 1 jn.jl Ap Tenerifife 1825. S p.l 34
S&ccharum Teneriffte L. Pinxcum Teneridie Spr.
287. IMPERATii Cyr. {Ferrante Imjjerati, a Neapolitan botanist of the 16th century.) Graminea. 2.—
2400 arundtnacca Cyr. reedy Jib A ec 2f Ap S. Europe 1817. S co Cyr. ne. 2.11
2401 spontanea Beauv. spontaneous JiliiEJpr 3 Ap Africa 1824. D co R.mal 12.46
Saccharum spont^ncum L.
288. LEF/RSL4 Swz. LEERSIA. (J. D. Leers, a German botanist.) Graminea. 3. —
2402 oryzoldes Swz. Rice-like jBb A cu 2 jLau Ap Levant 1793. S co Host gr. 1.35
2403 virginica W. Virginian M A CU 1 J, Ap N. Amer. 1770. S co Jac. ic. 2.305
2404 austrilis R. Br. Australian M iAJ un 1| Ap N. Holl. 1819. D p.l
289. ARUNDINA'RIA Mx. CANE-BRAKE. (Altered from arundo, a reed.) Graminea, 2.
2405 macrosperma Mx. long-seeded jilb A or 10 jn Ap N. Amcr. 1809. S co
2406 glaucescens R$S. glaucescent M E] cu 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. D p.l
Lud61fifa glaucescens W. Panicum glaucescens Lam.



* 290. //OLCSTEUM L. HOLOSTEUM. (Holos, all, osteon, a bone; by antiph. no bone.) CarttonhHttea 2—4
£407 umbellfitum L. umbellated O P ' i jlau Pk "England old wa. "S co" Eng. bot S?
2408 diandrum Swz. diandrous O u n i jn.jl W Jamaica 1824. S co Swx. pr. 7
291. POLYCA'RPON L. ALL-SEED. (Polys, many, karpos, seed.) Paronychiece. 2 . - 3 .
2409 tetnphf Hum L. four-leaved O cu i jl W England san. pi. S co Eng. bot. 1031
2410 diphyllum Cav. two-leaved O cu i jn.jl W Spain 1821. S co Cav. ic. 151.1
292 LE^CHEif L. LECHEA. (G. Leche, a Swedish botanist, died 1764.) Cistinea. 4.-6.
2411 major Ph. greater k APT 1 W Canada 1780. D co 1.52. 2
viiu»ga£//. minor L.
2412 minor Ph. lesser A W Canada 1802. D co Lam. iL 52.1
2413 fhymifolia Mt. Thyme-leaved * jl au W N. Amer. 1812. D s.p
minor Wai. A
2414 racemulusa Mx. racemulose I A pr W N. Amer. 1816. D s.p Lam. il. 3.2H1
• 893. ERIOCAU'LON Lam. PIPEWORT. {Erion, wool, kaulos, a stem.) Eriocaulecc. 3 . - 3 4 .
8415septanguUre E.B. aeven.angied * A cu \% W Scotland bogs. D aq Eng. bot 775
2416 austral* Jl. Br. Australian lAl 1} jn W N. Holl. 1820. D bog
2417 fascicul&tum Lam. fascicled O c u i au.8 W Guiana 1825. S bog Lam. il. 50
294. MO'NTIi! L. CHICKWEED. {Joseph Monti, professor of botany, at Bologna.) Portuldceai. 2.
2418 fontana L. fountain £ O w 1 ap.ray W Britain springs. S aq Eng. bot 1206
2419 rivularii Qm. Irook * O un i jn.jl W Labrador 1823. D aq
295. AfOLLU'GO L. MOLLUGO. (A name in Pliny, retained by Linnaeus.) CaryophQUe*. 5. —14.
2420 VM *: M -.iic».
L. T «.!.—i^
whorled o un ,j A Virginia 1748. S co Ehr.pic.6
2421 triphylla Lk. three-leaved O u n I jl Ap Brazil 1821. S m.s
Linkii Dec.
2422 opposititdlia L. opposite-leaved O un | W E. Indies 1818. S co
2423 Schrankfi Scr. Schrank's Oun | jn.jl W Brazil 1826. S co Sen. mo. 6
dichdtoma Schrank
2424 hirta Thun. hairy Oun ijn.jl W C G. H. 1824. S co
MINUARTIA. {Minuart, a Spanish apothecary.) Paronychite. 3.
2425 dich6toma L. dichotomous O cu i jn.jl Ap Spain 1771. S co Ac. st. 1758.1.2
2426 campestris L. field O cu lin jn.jl Ap Spain 1806. S co Ac. st. 1758.1.3
2427 montana L. mountain O cu |jnjl Ap Spain 1806. S co 1.4
n 297. QUE'R/it L. QUERIA. {Don J. Quer y Martinez, a Spanish surgeon.) CaryopkQllea. 1. — 2.
2428 hispanica L. Spanish O cu lin my.s Ap Spain 1800. S co Qu. his. 6.15.2
J g 8 . KGBNI'OLf L. {Samuel Katnig, a Swiss mathematician^
KCENIOIA. Polygfmeae. 1.
2129 islfodica L. Iceland O cu ftap Ap Iceland 1773. S co Lara. il. 51
299. PROSERPINA'CA L. PROSRRPINACA. {Pnaerpo, to creep.) Hatotlgete. 2.
2430 pattstris L. marsh & O cu 1 jl W Canada 1818. D aq
2431 pectinata Ph. pectinated & O cu | W N. Araer. 1822. S aq
*300. ELODE'A Mx. ELODEA. {Elodes, growing in marshy places.) Fluvidles. 1—3.
2432 guyanensU Mt. Guiana ± O c u W Guiana 1820. S aq M. in. 1811.4.1
301. HOUTTU'YNLf Thun. HOUITUTNIA. {Dr. Houttuyn, a virtuoso of Amsterdam.) Aroidae. 2.
2433 cordata Thun. cordate £ CS3 cu 1 my jl Y.o Japan 1820. D s.l Bot mag. 2731
2434 fce'tida Hart. foetid £ E3 cu | Y.o Japan 1800. D s.l



•302. PETRCPHILA R.Br. PETROPIITLA. {Petros, a stone, phileo, to love.) Proteacca. 8.—10.
2435 terctif61ia R. Br. d l d •• |_J
round-leaved J OT '4 "' W "N. Holl. 1824. — S " s.p
2 « 6 filifoiia Jl Br. thread-leaved l l u J o r 5 jn.jl W N. Holl. 18^4. S s.p
2437 rigida R. Br. rigid • l_J or 5 jnjl w N. Holl. 182a S 8.p
2438 pulchella Jl Br. neat LJ or 5 w N. S.W. 1790. S s.p Bot mag. 796
Pr6tea/ucif61ia Sal.
2439 dlvereif61ia R. Br. various-leaved i_Jor 5 ... N. Holl. 1803. S s.p
Z440 pedunculata R. Br. pcdunculated L_I or 4 w N. Holl. 1824. S ip
2441 fastigiata Jl Br. fustigiate u J or 5 vr N. Holl. 1820. S s.p
2442 triftda 11. Br. tntid J 4 w N. Hull 1820. S s.p
303. ISOPO'GON Jl. Br. ISOPOUON. {Isos, equal, pogon, a beard.) Proteacete. 12. —
2443 teretif6lius Jl. Br. round-leaved • L_J or 4 my.jn Pa N. HolL 1823. S s.p
2444 anethifolius R. Br. Dill-leaved • l_J or 5 tnr.jn Pa N. HolL 1796. S s.p Cav.ic.6.549
2445 formosus R Br. handsome *L_Jor 4 mr.jn Pk N. Holl. 1805. S «.p
S446anemonifdhus R. Br. Anemone-lvd il LJ or 5 Y N. Holl.
2447 axillaris R. Br. axillary-Jltm* il L_J or 4 Pa N. Holl. 1791. S s.p Bot mag. 697
2448 ceratophfllus R. Br. Buckshorn-lvd • LJ or 4 my.jn Pa N. Holl. 1824. S s.p
2449 polycephalus R. Br. many-headed • L-J or 3 my.jn Pa N. Holl. 1824. S S s.p
2450 proplnquus Cun. allied • i_J or 3 my.jn Pa N. Holl. 1824. s.p
1824. S e.p
2451 divaricatus R. Br. divaricate • l_Jor 3 my.jn Pa N. HolK 1824! S s.p Bot rep. 465
BArf> Pr6tea divaricata Andr.
2452 trllobus R. Br. three-lobed 4 my.jn Pa N. Holl. 1803. S fl.p
2453 attenuftus Jl Br. attenuate 4 Pa
P N. Holl. 1822. S s
2454 longiftlius Jl. Br. long-leaved i|_Jor 3 jnjl Y N. Holl. 182a C p.l Bot.reg.900
304. PROTEi* L. PROTEA. {Proteus, a self-transforming sea god: diversity.) Proteacea. 47. —5a
2455 cynaroldes L.
2 Artichoke-like • i_J or U mr.n P C. G. H. 1774. . C s.1 mag.
Bot. 770
* 5 6 » t i f61aJl
61Jl broad-leaved t i }or 7 jl.s P C. G. H. 180a S s 1 Bot. mag. 1717
- cocdnea scarlet * i_J or 7 jl.s S C. G. H. 180a C s.1
OAem 3 viridifl6ra green-flowered Mi for 7 jl.s G C. G. H. 1806. C s.1 And. rep. G4fi
2457villlferal./wf/. villiferous Jor 7 jls P C. G. H. 1800. C s.1 Bot rcg. 1023
2458compactoJl.J»-. compact ti lor 6 C. G. H. 1810. C Up
2459 Iongifl6ra Lam. long-flowered »i I or 7 Pa" C. G. H. 1795. C
2460 speci6sa L. splendid i|_Jor 2 mrjn P C. G. H. 1786. S s.1 Bot. mag. 1183
2461 cocclnca Jl. Br. scarlet N Jor 5 S C. G. H. 1824. S s.1
2462 obtfisa Kn. pr. LJ or 10 mr.ap H
speciosa B. M. obtuse C. G. H. 1786. C s.l.p Bot. rep. 110
h^lla R. Br. large-leaved il_Jor 8 W C. G. H. 1824. S 8.1
handsome ti lor 6 my.jn R C. G. H. 1789. S p.l Bot mair 1711
?JS me|alefica R. Br. blk. & white >l Jor 6 mr.jl D.P C. G.H. 1786. C a l p Bot rSf103
2466 hiwfita W. en. hairy »Ljor 4 Pa 1819. eS -s.1
^^ pale l|_Jor 4 Pa C. C. G. H. 1O1U • *"
G. H. 1819. S a 1
S** lepidocarpon
id R. Br. scaly-fruited ll_Jor 6
'469 ncriifolia R Br. Olcandcr-lvd »Ljor 6 fr 5 Bot.wpLaDI.
1) 3

StfOpulchella it Br. neat ft i_J or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. L s.1 Bot. reg. SO

1 ciliata ciliated ft i_J or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. C s.l And. rep. 870
2 glabra smooth ft |_J or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. C s.1 And. rep. 877
3 g|ieci6sa splendid ft |_J or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 And. rep 442
2471 p/itens R. Br. spreading ft L_| or 2 mrjn W.p C. G. H. 1789. C 6.1 Bot. rep. 543
8472 magnifica Kn. pr. magnificent ft i I or 6 mr.jn W C. G. H. 1789. S 8.1 Bot. rep. 4d8
8473 longiftlia R. Br. long-leaved ft i_J or 2 P C. G. H. 1798. S 8.1 Bot reg. 47
8474 incompta 11. Br. untrimmcd ft i I or 3 W C. G. H. 1822. C s.l.p
$475 umbonalitt Kn. pr. embossed ft i_J or 7 W.bk C G. H. 1798. C s.l.p Bot rep. 14*
847(i ligulsfolia strap-leaved ft i_J or 7 P C. G. H. 1798. C a.l Bot. rep. 133
8477 mellffera Than. honey.bearing ft |_J or 6 my.d Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 346
2 alba white fti lor 6 my.d W C. G. H. 1795. C s.1 And. rep. ic.
8478 grandiflora A. -Br. great-flowered ft i_J or 8 my.jn W C. G. H. 1787. S p.l Dot mag. 2447
8 marginata margmated ft L_J or 6 my.jl W C.G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Bot reg 5t>9
8479 Scolymus Thun. Golden thistle fti lor 3 myjn P C. G. H. 1780. C 8.1 Dot. mug. 698
8480 mucronittilia Sal. mucronate-lvd fti |or 3 jl.d W C. G. H. 1803. C 8.1 Bot.
Bot. mag.
g. 933
8481 nana A Br. dwarf fti lor 8 apjl Pk C. G. H. 1787. E b
C s.l.p Ex. bot. 144
2482 pcmiula if. flr.
8485 tenax A 2?/-.
tough fti
ft i_J or
2 mr.jn
2 Pk
C. G. H.
C. G. H. 1801.
C lp
Par. lond. 70
8484 canaliculdta R. Br. channel-leaved ft i_J or
8483 acuminaia B. M. shar|i-pointed ft i_J or
3 f.d
3 mr.jn
P C. G. H.
C. G. H.
ir Bot rep 437
Bot mag. Ki94
8486 acaulis 7%««. stemlcss ft i | or 11 my.s _P C. G. H. 8.1 Bot mag. 2065
8487 lorea R. Br. thonged ft t_J or 1| W C. G. H. 1824. S.1
8488 elonglta R. Br. elongated ft i_J or P C G . H. 1820. 8.1
8489 angustata R. Br. naxrovr-leaved ft i_J or 1 P C. G. H. 1820. 8.1
8490 revoluta if. Br. 1£ P C. G. H. 1824. 8.1
rcvolute-leaved ft i I or 1795.
8491 tenuifolia A. jffr. fine-leaved ft i_J or 1 ... C. G. H. 8.1
I| G C. G. H. 1816. 8.1 Par. Ion. 11
2492 glaucophy lla ifopr. glaucous-leavcdft i_J or 1806.
2493 Ue'vis R. Br. smooth4eaved fti_jor | myjn G C. G. H. 8.1 Bot mag. 8439
longiffilia Sal.
8494 scabra R. Br. rough-leaved ft \ I or | my.jl Br C. G. H. 1809.
8495 ripens Thun. creeping ft i«J or | ... C. G. H. 1800. Wein. 897. a.
8496 turbiniflora R. Br. turbinate-flwd ft i_J or | Pk C. G. H. 1803. Par. Ion. 108
8497 Scolopendrium R. Br. Hart's-tongue ft i_J or C. G. H. 1802.
8498 cordfita 7%M/I. heart-leaved ft L_1 or I| P C. G. H. 1790. Bot. rep. 889
8499 amplexicafilis R. Br. stem-clasping ft i_J or lj P C. G. H. 1802. Par. Ion. 67
8500 homilis R. Br. low-flowering ft i | or 1 Br C. G. H. 1802. Bot rep. 532
8501 acer6sa R. Br. chaffy fti lor 3 Bk C. G. H. 1803. Bot. rep. 577
305. LEUCOSPE'RMUM R. Br. LEUCOSPERMUM. (Leukos, white, tperma, a seed.) Protedceec. 15. — 80.
8508 linelre R. Br. linear-leaved I i_J or 4 au.s ' Y 'CTO.1L 1774. C s.1 Tiiun. pr. 33.4.2
8503 attcnu&tum R. Br. attenuate 1 i_j or 3 Y C. G. II. 1820. S s.p
8504 tdttum R. Br. Hottentot 11 I or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. S p.l
8505 medium R. Br.
2506 formosum
2507 ellipticum R. Br.
ll_Jor 3 my.jn O
t| I or 4 Y
11 I or 4 Y
C. G. H. 1794. C l-l Bot. rep. 17
C. G. H. 1784. S p.! Bot. rep. 4ti9
C. G. H. 1803. C T.i
2508 conocarpum R. Br. cone-fruited _lj_Jor 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. 8.1 Pluk. ph. 200. 2
2509 grandifl«irum it Br. _great-flowered ft|_Jor 4 my.jl Y G.G.H. 1800. p.l Par. Ion. 116
Leucod£ndron grandiflorum Sal.
8510 ptiberum it. Rr. iXovrny-lcaved \ | | or 8 myau Y C. G. H.
G.H. 1774. C s.1
8511 p&tuluin ii. Br. spreading t t_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. S s.p
2512 spatulatuin R. Br. spatulate it lor 2 Y C. G. H. 1825. S s.f
2513 tomenttisum Kn. pr. cottony \ i | or 2 au.a Y C.G. H. 1789. S p.?
2514 parile Kn. pr. matched > I | or 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 1789. C f p
2515 candicans B. R. whitish i\ | or 2 au.s Y C. G.H. 1790. S p.l Bot rep. 894
Protea candicans Andr.
8516 hypophyllum R. Br. under-leaved ft l_J or lt C.G.H. 1787. S p.l PI. man. 440.3
306. MI METES R.Br. MIMETES. (Mimetes, a mimic.) Protedcea. 8. —13
8517 hlrta R. Br. hairy \ l_J or 3| R C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Wein. 4.899. a.
8518 pauciflora R. Br. few-flowered i L_J or 3} R C. G. H. 1818. S Lp
8519 pah'istris marsh \ i_J or P C. G. H. 1808. C l.p Boer. 2.194
8520 cucullita it. Br. cucullate-Zirf : iLJor 2 ... P C.G.H. 1789. S 8.1
Protea cucullata L.
8521 Hartogii R. Br. Hartoge's : 11 lor 5 jnau C. G. H. 1824. 8.1 Wein. 4.906
8522 divaricaU R. Br. divarirate i i_Jor 2{ jn.8 W C. G. H. 1795. 8.1
8523 vacciniit'61ia Swt. Vaccinium-lvd I i_Jor 3 ... C. G. H. 1800.
Deastella vaccimifolia Kn pr.
$32& purpurea R. Br. purple i j o r 2 n.d P C. G. H. 1789. C s.l
307. SERRU'RM R. Br. SEKRURIA. (Dr. J. Serrurier, prof, bot at Utrecht) Proteacete. 34.-46.
8525 glaberrima R. Br. very smooth I i i lor P C. G. H. 1825. S si
52526 diffVisa R Br. diffuse J 11 lor 3 P C. G. H. IHltt S s.1
2527 abrotanifolia Kn. pr. Southernw.-lvd i 11 | or 4 jnau Pk C. G. H. 1803. C l.p Bot. rep. .122
2528 millef61ia Kn pr. thousand-lvd < 11 lor 4 jnau P C. G. H. 1803. C U p Bot rep. 337
2529rtrtemiswr/<J//fl Wormwood-lvd t 11 | or 5 jn au P C. G. H. 1789. C l.p
2o30 pinnata R. Br. pinnate < 11 lor 1 Pk C. G. H. 1803. S p. I Bot. rep. 512
8531 aren&ria R. Br. sand < 11 | or 1 P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p
8538 cyanoldes R. Br. Cyanus-like '• ti lor l^ P C. G. H. 1803.
2,033 nitida R Br. shining < i y i or 2 P C. G. H. 182.3. SS s.1
p.l Pluk.m.61.345.6
8534 pedunculata R. Br. )>edunculate »i | or 7 P C. G. H. 1789. C p.l.sBotrep.264
8535 scoparia R. Br. Broom u I or 3 jnau P C. G. H. 1809.
2536 Niveni R. Br. Niven's i\ lor | P C. G. H. 1800. S 8.1
Prftea decumbens Andr. C s.p.1 Bot rep. 349
2537 villosa R. Br. villous H lor 2 jnau P C. G. H. 1883. S si
2538,/teniculacea R. Br. fennel-leaved ii lor 2 P C. G. H. 1880. S 8.1
2539 ci*i&ta R. Br. ciliated n lor 2 P C. G. H. 1803. C 8.1
2540 cong&ta R. Br. heaped 11 )or 2 jnau P C. G. H. 1820. s.1
2541 sauarr6s<i R Br. squarrose 11 lor 2 P C. G. H. 1810. 8.1
S.H2 shylicoldes it?. Br. Phylica-like 11 | or 3 C. G. H. 1788. p.1 Bot rep. 507. *
2543 se'mula R. Br. rival 11 | or 3 jn au P C. G. H. 1803. C l.p
S544 fl6nda R. Br. flowery i_j 2 P C. G. H. 1824. S a.1 Thun. pr. 1.1
8545 p&rilis Kn. pr. matched 11 lor 2 Pk C. G. H. 1803. C p.l Bot rep. 507
254ft odorata Swt. sweet-scented 2 Pk C. G. H. 1803. C p.l Bot. rep. £45
Vrolea abrotaniCSlia odorata Andr.
2547 emaTginSta Suit. emarginated I LJ or • 2 Fk C.G.H. 1800. C p.1 Bot rep. 536
o e . o Serrurifl aren&ria Kn. pr.
» 4 8 decumbens A Br. decumbent iLjor 1 P C. G.H. 1818. S s.l Thun. pr. 1.1
2549 adsclndens A Br. ascending ijLj 2 P C.G.H. 1819. S 8.1
2550 rubricates A Br. red-stemmed l|_Jor 2 P C.G.H. 1818. S 8.1
2551 flagellaris A Br. whip »LJor 2 P C.G.H. 1816. S s.1
2552 glomerate A Br. glomerated l|_Jor 3 P C. G. H. 1789. S p.1 Bur. a£ 99.2
2533 dectpiens A Br. deceptive I • lor 4 jnau P C G . H. 1806. C Lp
2554 Roxburghi R. Br. Roxburgh's I Ljor 3 W C G . H. 1806. C l.p
2a55 Burmanni tt. Br. Burmann's ij P C.G.H. 1786. C Lp Bur. af. 99.1
2»56 tritemata A Br. triternate 7 P C G . H. 1802. S pp.1 Bot rep. 447
2o57 elongate R Br. elongated L j o r P C.G.H. 1800. C l.p
2558 crithmifolia A Br. Samphire-lvd L J o r 2 R C G . H. 1818. S 8.1
ft 308. NIVE'NW R. Br. NIVBNIA, (J.Niven, a collector of Cape plants.) Protedeea. 7.—12.
2559 sceptrum A Br. sceptre-/*** • LJ or 2 Pa.F C G. H. 1790. S p.1 Spar.h. 1777.55.1
25oO spathul&a A Br. spatulate • LJor P C. G. H. 1790. C s.l 58.5
2a61 parvif61ia A Br. small-leaved • u J o r 1* P C.G.H. 1823. S p.1
O t t o P'otea spatulata W.
2562 spicata A /Jr. spiked • Ljor P C.G.H. 1786. S p.1
2563 cnthmilolia A Br. Samphire-lvd • LJ or 2} Pa.P C G. H. 1797. S p.1 Bot rep. 243
&>64 media It. Br middle • L J o r 6 P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p Bot.rep.234
*>6a Lagopus A Br. Hare's-foot • LJ or 4 P C G H. 1810. S s.l
•wS9" 5 ? R 0 £ E ' P H A L U S A Br. SOROCKPHALIIS. {Soros, a heap,kenhale, a head.) Proteace*. 7.—lft
25ft> setdcca A Br setaceous * L j o r P C. G. H. 1823. S Lp
2567 imberbis A Br. beardless P C G. H. 1806. C s.p
2ab8 spaUUoides A Br. Spatalla-like l i_Jor 3 P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p
£2*fenuifBiia R.Br. slender-leaved 3 P C. G. H. 1802. C
25701anata R.Br. woolly Ljor 2 jn.s P C. G. H. 1790. C Thun. pr. SO. 3
2571 lmbricata A Br. imbricated HuJor 3 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1794. S Bot. rep. 517
2572diversifolia R.Br. various-leaved • J 4 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1803. C l.p
or?W- SPATA'LLA A Br. SPATALLA. {Spatale, wantonness.)
... Proteacece. 2. — ]&
2573m611isA2fr-. soft |_J or 2 P C.G.H. 1826. S p.1
2574 nWca A Br. white t l_J or 2 P C G . H. 1806. S 8.1
2 g 5 bracteata R Br. bracteate l i_J or 3 P C G . H. 1806. S 8.1 1.2
2576 ramul6sa R. Br. ramulose i_J or 3 au.s P C. G. H. 1787. C Lp
o 2 I p r o i i f e r a ^ Br- proliferous l i_J or \\ P C G. H. 1800. C s.l
or 211 myjnj P C G . H. 1789. S s.l Bot rep. 429
2578 lnctirva A Br. Fncurved-/i«f J or 2 P
i_J C. G. H. 1812. S p.1 Thun. pr. 2.3
J579 caudSta A Br. caudate si uJ or 3 myjn P C. G. H. 1806. C Lp
2580 Thunbergii R. Br. Thunberg's i »_-j or lt P C. G. H. 1823. S p.1
2581 1brevifolia A Br. short-leaved
o,SI \ A DENA'NTHOS LoA. ADENANTHOS. {Aden, a gland, anthos, a flower.) Proteace*. 3 . - 5 .
2582 abov&ia Lab.
»82obov&a£a6. obovate « L J o r 5 R R N. Holl. 1826. S s.p Lab.n.h. 1.37
2583 cuneata R. Br. vreAge-Jeaved • LJ or R N. Hoii! 1824. C 8!p.lLab.n!h.i!36
2584 serlcea R. Br. silky • L _ | or R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p.1 Lab. n. h. 1.38
* JJ2. CONOSPE'RMUM A Br. CONOSPERMUM. (Konott&cone,sperma,seed.) Protedcece. 5 . - 9 .
» 8 5 ellfpticum A Br. elliptic • LJ or 3 W N. Holl. 1822. C a.p
ricifillium R
S?SS f - Br. Heath-leaved i_Jor _S W. N. Holl. 1820. C - s.p
~r Lin.
— tr. 10.17.1
2587 faxifolium Sm. Yew-leaved L j o r 3 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot.mag.2724
» o 8 longif6Iium Sm. long-leaved Ljor 4 jaau W.v N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Sm.ex.bot2.82
» 8 9 capitatum J?. Br. capitate »LJor
• '- 3 jaau B N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
r * raceme.keras, a hora) Protedcea. 1. NO
. Laurel-like ^Jor ... N. HolL 1823. C ps W.b.m.l81U0.
* 3J4. P E R S O C N / ^ Sm. PERSOONIA. (C. H. Persoon, of Dutch origin, a celeb, bot.) Proteacece. 15.—25.
*»JJ Pimf61ia A Br. Pine-leaved
**92^uniperina Lab. Juniper-hke •m.L J ioorr 44 jnjl
„jnjl. Y
N. S. W. 1822. I, s.p
N . S . W . 18S6L C s.p Lab.n.h. 1.45
2593 linearis R Br. Imear-Zeaved • LJ or B jLau Y
2594 flexifolia A Br. bent-leaved • L j p r 2 jnjl Y N. S. W. 1794. L s.p Bot mag. 760
2595 teretifolia R Br. round-leaved • LJor 4 jnjl Y N. HolL 1824. C p.1 Bot cab. 922
S596 Chama'pithys Cun. Ground-pine " c_J or 4 Y N. Holl. 1822. C s.p
2597 nutans R. Br. noddins • LJor | N. Holl. 1824. C l.p
2598 hirs6ta R Br. hairy N. Holl. 1824. C Lp
LJor 4 myjl Y
2 f » P'uinoM Cun. frosty LJor 3 jnjl Y N. S.W. 1800. C Lp B o t cab. 327
2600 m61lis R. Br. soft LJor 3 jnjl Y N. S.W. 1824. C Lp
2601 scfibra R Br. scabrous LJor 4 jnjl Y N. S.W. 1826. C l.p
LJor 7 jnjl Pk N. S. W. 1R24. C s p
28W latifoha Andr. broad-leaved LJor 4 jnjl Y N.. SS.W.
N 1795. C
. W . 1795. Lp oL
Lps.p Cav.ic.4.*89
BoL rep280 280
«w>4 ferruginca AM. rusty Y rep
LJor 3 jnjl Y.K NN..SS..W W.. 1823.
1823. CC s.p Sm.ex b o t 2 8 3
2605 lanceolata Andr. LJor 4 jnjl Y N S W 1791
N. S. W. 1791. Li L B
B o t r e p . lii
A Jr. AGASTACHYS. {Agastos, admirable, staehys, a spike.) Ptoteac&e. 1.
R.Br. sweet-scented • LJ or $ ap.8 Pa.Y N. HolL 1826. C s.p
J316. GREVIXLE^ H. Br. GREMLLEA^ (C. F. GreviUe, a patron of natural science.) Proteaceee. 31—4*.
«607 serlcea A Br. silky • uJor 6 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1790. S s.p Motmaff. 86S
2 » £ punicea A Br. scarlet • LJor ... P N. S. W. 1822. C l.p Sm.n.h.9. 5
2609 dftbia A Br. doubtful • LJor 3 ap.s V N. S. W. 1K20. C l.p
2610 acanthifolia Cun. Acanthus-lvd • L J o r 4 ap.s P N. S. W. 1824. C l.p ¥i. n. h. ic.
2611 concinna R Br. neat IJor 4 ap.i P N. S.W. 1824. C
26l2junip£rina R. Br. Juniper-like • LJor 4 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1892. C l.p Bot cab. 1003
261 j aspera A Br. rough • LJ or 3 ap.« Pk N. S. W. 1824. C l l >
2614 linearis R. Br. linear-fcauof • L J o r 6 ap.s W N. S. W. 1790. S s.p Bot rep. 272
2 incarnata R M. lflesh-colored
f c
• LJor 4 aps F N. Holl. 1790. C
_ Salbaiorf. h i l • UJ or 4 ap.s W N. HolL 1790. C ••P B o t mag. 2661
J615 strtcta A ffr. strict • UJ or 4 ap.8 Pk N. S. W. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 1003
»6I6 rosmarinifolia dm. Roscmary.lvd • u J o r 4 ap.s R N. S. W. 1824. C s.p
f617 ripana A Br. river-side • LJ or 4 ap.s Pk N. & W. ]7i»J. C «-P
2618 Dlindersii Cun. Flinders's • Ljor 3 aps P N. S. W. 1824. C i.pP
|W9 arenaria A 2?r. sand • Ljor 5 ap.8 Pk N. S.W. 1803. C In
uminata A Br. acuminate
• LJor
• Ljor
4 ap.s R
n aps
N. & W. 1805. S sip
Pk N. S. \V. 1809. C a.1 i
I) 4

2b*22 mucronuia'ta R. Br. mucronulate H |_J or 4 ap.8 Fk N. S.W. 1809. C l.p

£623 sulphurea Cun. sulphur-c/d 4 ap.s Fa.Y N. S. W. 1884. C l.p
2624 Bauen't R. Br. Bauer's H \ | or 4 R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
2625 pubescens Hook. pubescent H i lor 4 ap.s R N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 216
8686 cinlrea R. Br. cinereous H i lor 4 ap.8 Pa.R K. S. W. 1822. C l.p
QC&l montana R Br. mountain 4 ap.8 V N. S. W. 1842. C s.p
2628 Auxifulia R Br. B o \ .leaved 11 I or 6 f.s Pk N. S. W. 1790. S i.p Bot. rep. 218
8629 mucronifolia Ctm.' mucronate-lvd l»_Jor 3 ap.s V N. S.W. 1824. C s.p
8630 phylicoidcs R. Br. Phylica-like 3 R N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
86J1 podalyru^/tf/fa Swt Podaljria-lvd >i | or 5 R N. Holl. 1821. C s p
8632 ferfer»f6lia Surf. Berbcris-leaved H \ | or 4 R N. Holl. 1821. C s.p
2633 podocarpifolia Swt. Podocarpus-lvd H ,_J or 4 R N. Holl. 1824. C e.p
2634collfna hill • i_J or 4 mrjl Pk NSW. 1802. C l.p
2635 asplenifolia R. Br. Asplenium-lvd 1| | or 5 mrjl Pk N. S. W. 1806. C l.p
2636 hcterophy'lla Host variable-leaved H i_J or 4 R N Holl. 1821. C s.p
8637 trifurcata Art. trifurcate 3 ap au R N. Holl. 1821. C s.p
317. H A ' K E J 4 R. Br. HAKEA. (Baron Hake, a German patron of botany.) Proteacea?. 45.—58.
2638 pugiomformis R. Br. dagger-formed • \_J or 6 myjn W N . S . W . 1796. S s.p Bot cab. 353
8639 pfinlis Kn. or. matched H i lor 6 myjn W
— V . D L L . 1796. C l.p
8640 obliqua R. Br. oblique-,/?UMi H \ I or 6 :.. w N. Holl. 1803. C fl.p
2641 gibbosa Cav. gibbous-/ru/ta/ • i_J or 7 my.jn W N. S. W. 1790. C B.p Cav. ic. 6.534
8642 aciculari* R Br. neeti\e-leaved H i_J or 3 myjn W N. SLW. 1790. C fl.p Ven.mal.lll
2ri43 suaveolens R. Br. sweet-smelling H L_J or W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
8644 pectinata Coll. pectinated H i | or 4 ja.n
myjn W X. Holl. 1810. C s.p Col. h. rip. 11
2f45 microcarna R. Br. small-fruited H |_J or 4 myjn W V . D L L . 1819. C s.p Botreg/475
2645 proplnqua Cun. allied * LJ or 4 myjn W N. S. W. 1824. C s.p
2647sulcata R.Br. mlcatc-leaved H i_J or 4 my.jn W N. Holl. 1820. C fl.p
2648 subulate Cun. mbu\ate-leaved H |_J or 4 myjn W N. S.W. 1824. C fl.p
2649 varia R. Br. variable 11 | or 3 W N. HolL 1825. C fl.p
2650 Klfcina Cun. Furze-like 11 | or 4 myjn W 1824. C s.p
2651 lantgera Ten. woolly 11 | or 3Jmyjn W N. Holl. 1880. C' fl.p
26.12 cpigl6itis Lab. epiglottis 4 my.jn W N. HolL 1819. C s.p Lab. n.h. 1.40
21x53 longifolia Dum. long-leaved 3 myjn W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p
8R54 trifurcata R. Br. three-forked i | or 5 W N. Holl. 1824. C fl.p
2655 flexilis Burc. pliant J
i_J 4 ... w N. HolL 1824. C s.p
2R56 florida R. Br. flowery • i_Jor 5 myjn w N. HolL 1803. C sp Bot mag. 2579
26f>7 linefiris R. Br. linear llL-Jor w N. Holl. 1884. C s.p
2658 ilicifolia R. Br. Holly-leaved • Ljor 4 jl.8 w N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
2659 nitida R. Br. glossy • ujor 5 jnjl w N. HolL 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 2246
8660 amplexicafilis R. Br. stem-clasping • l_Jor 2 ... w N. HolL 1803. C 8.p
8661 prostr&a R. Br. prostrate »l_Jor w N. Holl. 1803. C B.p
2662 ceratonhf Da R. Br horn-leaved • i_| or N. HolL 1803. C B.p
2663 Lambert* Swt Lambert's • l_Jor 4 jnjl w N. S. W. 1825. C s p
StlGt carduifoha Lo. C. Thistle-leaved • i_Jor 4 myjl w N. Holl. 1825. C 8.p
2665 ccratophylla Lo. C. Buckshorn-lvd • uJor 4 w N. HolL 1824. C s.p
2666 acanthophf lla Lk. prickly-leaved H i lor S w N. S. W. 1821. C 8.p
2667 undulata H. Br. wave-leaved • i_jor 3 w N. Holl. 1803. L B.p
2608 oleifolia R. Br. Olive-leaved 5 jnjl w N. Holl. 1794. S s.p
2669 saligna R. Br. \y\\Um.leaved J 7 mr'jl w N. HolL 1791. C s.p Bot rep. 215
2670 cincrea R. Br. cincreous-lmf u lor 5 jnjl w N. Holl. 1803. S fl.p
2671 cane&cens Lk. canesrent t| | or 3 w* N. HolL 18<;0. C fl.p
n lor N.S.W. 1790. C s.p Cav. ic. 6.535
2f>72 dactyloidcs Cav. Dactyhs-likc 7
w N. Holl. 1794. ~
C fl.p
2673 elliptica Lab. elliptic
i lor 4
w N. HolL 1824. C fl.p Lab.n.h. 1.39
8674 ruscifSlia Lab.
2675 clav&ta R. Bt.
clavate Hi for 5
w N. HolL 1824. C «.p Lab. n. h. 1.41
2676 margin&ta A. Br. marginate H t lor 4
w N. HolL 1824. C s.p
2677 repanda Cun. rcpand H\_jor myjl w N. HolL 1824, C fl.p
8678 cuculluta Cun. cucullate myjl w N. HolL 1824. C fl.p
2679 ferruglnea Cun. rusty./eaved i lor myjl w N. HolL 1825. C fl.p
26fiO latifolia Lo. C. broad-leaved myjl w N. Holl. 18<?5. C fl.p
I_J or w N. HolL 1825. C s.p
2681 petrophyllofdea Ma.C. Petrophylla-lk H |_J or w N. HolL 1824. C e.pp
2682 echinata Ma. C. hedgehog Hi lor w N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
2G83angustitoha Ma. C. narrow-leaved Hi lor
318. STENOCA'RPUS R. Br. STENOCARPUS. (Stcnos, narrow, karpos, fruit) Proteacea?. 1.—2.
2684 lalfgnus R. Br. Willow-teawrf H i_J or 5 jnjl G N. Holl. 1819. C fl.1 Bot.reg.441
• 319. LAMBE'RT/i* Sm. LAMBERTIA. {A. B. Lambcrtt Esq., F. R. S., Pres. L. S., etc.) Protedceat.
2ti85 uuifl6ra R. Br. one-flowered H i_J or 3 ... N. Holl. 1884. C s.p
8686 echinata R. Br. hedgehog \\ | or 3 ... N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
26S7 Iongif6ha Lod. long-leaved H_Jor 4 R N. Holl. 1826. C s.p
8688 formosa $m. handsome n lor 4 R N. S. W. 1788. C fl.p Bot rep. 69
2689 inermis R. Br. unarmed ii_Jor 3 N. HolL 1824. C B.p
320. XYLOME'LUM Sm. XYLOMELUM. (Xyltm, wood, melon, an apple.) Proteaceee. 1.
250»yrif6rme Sm. pyrifonn i L j o r 14 N. S..W. 1789. S B.p Cav. ic. 6.536
HSkea pyriformis Cav.
* 321. TELO*PEA R Br. WARRATAR. (Telopos,seen at a distance; its brilliant blossoms.) Proteacea. 1.—2.
2C91 speciosissiina R Br. most splendid f u l l or 10 myjl S N. & W. 1789. C sp "Bot. mag. 1128
322. LOMA'TIA R. Br. LOMATIA. {Loma, a border; winged edge of the seeds.) Proteacete. 5. —8.
2692 silailoiia R. Br. Silaum-leaved i L j o r 8 O N. S. W. 1792. C s.p Bot. mag. 1272
8693 tinrt6ria R. Br. dyer's i I_J or 2 N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Lab n. h. 1.42,43
2694 longifolia R. Br. long-leaved H_Jor 8 jn G N. S. W. 1816. C l.p Botreg.442
2695 flicifolia R. Br. Holly.leaved i L_J or 3 ... N. HolL 1824. C e.p
269G denULta R. Br. toothed t|_Jor 3 Chil 1824. C l.p Fl. per. 1.94. a.
* 323. RHOPA'LA R. Br. RHOPALA. (Roupala, its aboriginal name.) Protedceet. 3 . — 16.
2697 mfeiia R. Br. mediate J L__J or 10 my jn ... Guiana 1823. C l.p Aub.gui. 1.32
Roupdla montana Aubl.
$698 dentata R. Br. tooth.leaved t i _ J o r 10 myau G S. Amer. 1802. C
>....——. _ l.p
2G99 sessilif&lia Rich. sessile-leaved $ L_l or 10 ... G Guiana 1803. C l.p Rud. gui. 1.31
•3S4. KNI'GHT/^ R. Br. KNICHTIA. (T. A. Knight, Esq. F.R.S., Pres. H. S., etc.) Protedce*. 1.
2700 exc^lsa R. Br lofty f Lj or 10 " , F A. Zeal. 1824. C s.p Lin. tr. 10.2

* 325. BA'NKS/jf R, Br. BANKSIA.

S701 pulcheila R. Br. neaUJlowered N. HolL 1803.
2702 spharocarpa R. Br, round-fruited : 6 ... Y
9703 nfitans R. Br. nodding-JftiM* Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l -
11 | or 4 jn.s N. S.W. 1788. C s.p Botmag.73B
2704 eridfolia/,. Heath-leaved 6 year Y N.S.W. 1788. C s.p Bot rep. 45"
2705 spinulosa R. Br. spinulose i lor 6 my.d Y
2706 collina A. i?r. hill i | or 6 Y N. S.W. 1800. C
2707 clatior R. Br. taller L_Jor 20 Y N. HolL 1824. C 1P
2708 occidentalis R. Br. western i lor Y N. HolL 1803. C l.p Lp
2709 littoralis R. Br. sea-side I | or 8 O N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
2710 marginata Cav. marginate i l o r 6 Y N. S W. 1804. G s.t Bot. mag. 1947
2711 depressa R. Br. depressed i lor Y N. HolL 1824. C p.l
2712 australis R. Br. southern i | or 6 ... G N. S. W. 1822. C s.p Bot. reg. 787
2713 insularis R. Br. island or 6 ... Y N. S. W. 1822. C s.p
2714 intcgrifulia R. Br. entire-leaved • L_jor 12 ... Y N. S.W. 1788. C Lp Cav. ic.6 545,546
2715c6mpar R. Br. well-matched • i | or 6 ... Y N. Holl. 1824. C p.l
2716 verticillata R Br. verticillate tL-Jor 12 jl.o Y N. HolL 1794. C s.p Hook, ex. fl. 96
2717 coccinea R. Br. sc-dr\ct-Jiowercd Hi lor 6 S N. HolL 1803. C Lp
2718 paludosa R. Br. marshy Hi lor 5 ja.ap Y N. S.W. 1805. L s.p Bot cab. 392
2719 media R. Br. mediate Hi I or 6 Y N. HolL 1824. C Lp
2720 oblongifolia Cav. oblong-leaved 15 Y N. S.W. 1788. C Lp Bot. cab. 241
2721 latifolia R. Br. broad-leaved I | or 30 G N. S. W. 1802. S s.p Bot. mag. 2406
2722 marcescens R. Br. marcescent i lor 6 year Y N.
2723 attenu&ta R. Br. attenuated i lor 6 Y N. Holl.
Holl. 1794. C L s.p
s.p Bot rep. 258
2724 serr&ta R. Br. s&vf-leaved l_Jor 20 jl.s Y N. S.W. 1794. "
S s.p Bot rep. 82
2725 82'mula R. Br. rival i lor 6 jl.s G N. S. W. 1788. C l.p Bot. reg. 688
2726 dryandr0UfttR.Br.. Dryandra-like i lor 6 Y N. Holl. 1788.
C Lp
2727 ouercifolia if. Br. Oak-leaved i lor 5 Y N. Holl. 1805. C Lp
2728dentfta/.. toothed Ljor 4 ... Y N. S.W. 1822. C s.p
2729 speci6sa R. Br. showy i lor 6 Y N. Holl. 1805. C l.s.p
2730 grandis W. great-flowered I lor 2 ... Y N. Holl. 1794.
2731 prostrata R. Br. prostrate . lor 2 ... Y N. Holl. 1824. S B.p
2732 repens Lab. — ,
creeping „ l-Jor 1ft N. Holl. 1803. C l.p
/NDRi< R Br. DRVANDRA. (Jonas Dryander, a distinguished botanist.) C l.s.p Lab. va15.
Protedcae. 1.23

• 326. DRY A'.
2733 florib&nda la _R. Br. many-flowered H \_J or 3 year Y N. HolL 1803. S s.p Bot mag. 1581
2734 cuneata R. Br. wedge-Aviwd H L_J or 3 f.n YY N.
N. Holl.
Holl. 1803.
1803. C
C Lp
1 brevifolia short-leaved H| | or 3 f.d Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
2 longifolia long-leaved 1| | or 3 f.d Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
2735 armata R. Br. armed H| | or 3 year Y N. Holl. 1803. C Lp
2736 falcata R. Br. falcate H i _ | or 3 Y N. Holl. 1824. C p.l
2737 formosa R. Br. handsome l| I or 4 year Y N. Holl. 1803. C Lp
2738 mucronulata R. Br. mucronulatcd H i | or 3 Y N. Holl. 1824. C P.l
2739 plumosa R Br. feathered sH i_J or 3 Y N. Holl. 1803. C Lp
2740 obtfisi R Br. obtuse-leav?d H i_J or 2 ... Y N. HolL 1803. C Lp
2741 nivea R. Br white-leaved H, |or 2 jls Y N. Holl. 1803. C Lp Lab. vo. 1.24
2742 longifolia R. Br. long-leaved H | _ J o r 2 year Y N. Holl. 1805. S s.p Bot mag. 1582
2743 Baxteri R. Br. Baxter's Hi I or 3 Y N. Holl. 1824. C Lp
2744 tenuifolia R. Br, fine-leaved 2 Y N. HolL 1803. S s.p
2745nteridif61ia R. Br. Pteris-leaved lft§ ... Y N. HolL 1824. c pA
2746 olechnifolia R. Br. Blechnum-lvd 11 ... Y N. Holl. 1824. .C p.l
2747 nerv6sa R. Br. I ... Y N. Holl. 1824. c fp
nervose or
327. STRUTHl'OLA L. STRUTMOLA. (Strouthion, a little sparrow; seeds beak-like.) np*gf" 1 5 / - 1 8 -
'48 virgata L. twiggy H \_J or 2 R C. G. H. 17/9. C s.p Bot rep. 139
2749 ciliata Andr. ciliated H LJ or 2 W C. G. H. 1779. C s.p Bot. rep. 149
2750 lateri flora Horn. side-flowered P IP' 2 Y C. G. H. 1819. C s.p
2751 Iongifl6ra Lam. long-flowered < _ l p r 2 apau Y C. G. H. 1823. C s.p Lam. il. 78
2752 pubescens H. K. pubescent '• i \ | or 3 R C. G. H. 1790. C a p B o t mag. 121
2753 iumperina W. Juniper-leaved 2 ap.s W C. G. H. 1758. C l.p Bot. mag. 222
2754 likens Pair. 11 | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1817. s.p
2755 angustif61ia Lam. shining H L_J pr 3 Y C. G. H. 1816. s.p
275ti erecta W. en. narrow-leaved H i_J or 1J ap.s
upright W C. G. H. 1798. a.p Bot mag. 21:18
strlcta Donn n I or
2757 glabra L. smooth tl_jpr 2 Y C. G. H. 1820. C s p Wen. ob. 2.10
C. G. H. 1817. C s.p Bot cab: 11
2758 incana Lod. hoary 11 | or 2 au W
C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Bot rep. 113
2759 imbricata H. K. t\\e&-lcaved 2 Y
2760 striata Lam. striated 11 lor 2 Y C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
2761 toment6sa H. K. woolly-leaved »l_Jpr 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 17119. C s.p Bot. rep. 334
2762 ovata Thun. ovate-leaved 11 | or 2 f.jn W C. G. H. 1792. s.p Bot. rep. 119
328. OPERCULA'RIA 11 lor
2763 umbellata Gae.
2764 aspera Gae.
2765 hfspida Spr.
aspera J. diph^lla Gae.
2766 sessihfl6ra J.„. sessile-flowered «fc vAl un C. G. H. 1824. S s.p An. mu. 4.70.2
8767 ocyinif61ia J. Basil-leaved £ Ed cu W E. Indies 1824. S s.p
^329. CRYPTOSPE/RMUM Pers. CRYFTOSPERMUM. (Kryptos. hidden, sperma, seed.) OpereularU*. 1.
276S Yofingtf Pers. Young's a j w 4 W N.S.W. 1793. C co 3.5
Opercularia palcata Y.
330. PATRl'N/il J. PATRINIA. (Af. Patrin, a Siberian traveller.) Valerihntai. 7. —t
2769 sibirica J. Siberian " O ~ ? l »"J 4 n V " " i U t a 175L B c o Bot.mag.2325
Valeriuna nithenica W. sibirica L.
2770 rupustris J. rork myjn Y Siberia 1801. S co Bot. mag. 714
Valeridna sibirica W. Fidia rupestris'
2771 scabiosaef61ia Fis. Scabi6sa-leaved my. Dahuria 1817. S Sw. fl. gar. 154
2772 serratulssfolia Fis. Serratula-lvd my.jl • Siberia 1817. S
2773 intermedia Fis. intermediate myj Siberia 1820. S
2774 coronata Fis. crowned myjl Siberia 1826. S
nakedish my.jl Siberia 1826. S co
2775 nudiiiscula Fii.
* 331. PO'THOS L. Pomos. (Potha, its name in Ceylon.) Aroidets. 27. — 39.
8776 scandens L. climbing %, ES cu 4 myjn Ap E. Indies 1821. Sk s.p Uu. am. 5.1.3
8777 olflcinilifl Rox. officinal t E t u 20 apjl Ap E. Indies 1820. Sk p. 1

2778 Peipla Rox. Peeplee ap.jl Ap E. Indies 1820. Skp.l

2779 gigantea Box. giant apjl Ap E. Indies 1824. Skp.1
S78O pertusa Box. perforated ap.jl Ap E. Indies 1824. Skp.l
«781 aca&lis L. stemless 1 ap.jl Ap W Indies 1790. Sks.p Jac. am. 240.153
2782 lanccolata L. lanceJeaved 3* apjl Ap Barbadoesl790. Sks.p PI. am. 47.62
2783 crcnata L crenate J my.jn Ap W. Indies 1823. Sksp Bur. am. 39
2784 gr&cihs Bud. slender 1 myjn Ap Trinidad WX. Sk s.p Rud. gui. 1 32
2785 violacea Sum. vio\et-Jruited 2 ap.jn Ap Jamaica 1793. Sks.l Hook. ex. fl. 55
2786 cannsftlia H. K. Canna-leaved 3 Ap W. Indies 1789. Sks.p Bot. mag. fiO3
2787 crassinervis Jac. thick-nerved 2 | ... App S. Amer. 1796. Sksp Jac. ic. 3.609
2788 cordata L. heart-leaved 3 ap A
Ap America 1770. Sks.p PI. ic. 26.38
2789 sagittata B. M. arrow-leaved 3 au Ap W. Indies 1800. Skp.l Bot. mag. 1584
2790 angustata H. k A narrow | myjn Ap Trinidad 1823. Sk s.p
2791 macrophylla Swz. large-leaved 3 myjn Ap W.Indies 1794. Ska.p Jac. ic. 3.610
grandifolia Jar.
2792 obtusitolia H. K. blunt-leaved my.jn Ap Barbadoesl790. Skp.l
2793 digitata Jffc. digitate my.jn Ap W. Indies 1820. Sks.p Jac. ic. r. 3.611
2794 conacca tf/-aA. coriaceous jn Ap Brazil 1824. Sk B.p Hook. ex. fl. 210
2795 HarrWi Grah. Harris's •- Ap Brazil 18'J4. Ske.p Hook. ex. fl. 211
2796 rubrine'rvia LA. red-nerved S. Amer. 18'JO. Skp.l
2797P''matd L. nalinatcd Ap" S. Amer. 1803. Skp.l PI. am. 49.64
2798 Laaia /fax Lasia E. Indies 1819. Skp.l
2799 pentaphf lla FT. five-leaved Cayenne 18()3. Skp.l Bot. mag. 1375
2800 pinnita L. pinnated Ap E. Indies 18%). Sk p.l Ru. am. 5.183.2
2801 decunfva Box. running Ap E. Indies 1S22. Skp.l
2802 heterophy*lla Box. variable-leaved iL fTElcu 20 Ap E. Indies 1824. Skp.l
332 SYMPLOCA'RPUS Nut. SYMPLOCARPUS. (Symploke, connection, larpos, fruit.) Aroideee. 1.
2803 fce'tidus Nut. fcetid * .AJ cu 1 mr.jn Ap N. Amer. 1735. Sk aq Bot mag.a36
Pothos foe'tidus B. M. J)rac6ntium fte'tidum L.
333. GYMNO'STACHYS R Br. GYMNOBTACIIYS. (Gymnos, naked, stachys, a spike.) Aroidete. 1.
2804 anceps B. Br. two-edged iAI °r 1 Jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1820. Sk p.l
• 334. RIVI'Ni* L. RIYIXA. (A. Q Q. Rivinus, botanist of Saxony,
s, a bota y,d. 1722.)) Chenopbdeet. 6 . - 8 .
2805 hdmilis L. humble . DD or 22 ja j o W W. Indies 1699.
W 1699 S r m Bot mag. 1781
2 canteens W. canescent n. CD or 2 W W. Indies 1804. C Ip
2806 nurpurascens Schr. purpurasccnt tt. CD or Pk W. Indies 1815. c •l.p
2807 lae VM L. smooth n. C J or f.s Pk \V. Indies 1733. S r.m Bot. mag. 2J33
2808 lanccolata W. lanceolate my.jl ... Brazil 1815. Lp
2809 brasiliensis L. Brazilian jn.jl G Brazil 1790. c c P
2810 octandra L. octandrous H.Qor myjn W W. Indies 1752. c p. l Br. jam. 149.23.2
335. CAMPHORO'SMA L. CAMPHOROSVA. (Camphora% I^at. camphor, osmc, Gr. a smell.) Chenophdete. 3.-5.
2811 monspellaca L. Montpehcr a. L_J cu 14 au.g Ap S. Europe K54O. C p.l Suhk. h«n. 1.26
1820. S s.p
2812 acuta L. a.cute-leaved O un 1 au Ap Italy
y 1820.
s.p I^)b.ic.4O4
2813ovata W.tftf. ovate-leaved O un au Ap Hungary B.p W.&K.63
336. ANISACA'NTHA B. Br. AMSACANTHA. {Anisos, unequal, akantha, a.ipine.) Chenopbdi'ear. 1 .
2814 divaricata B. Br. divaricate M il cu 2 N. Holl. 18^4. C p.l
337. AI.CHEMl'LLA L. LADIES' MAMTLE. {Alkemelyeh, its Arabic name.) Sanguitdrbea. 11.
2815 vulgaris L. common Britain me. pa. D co Eng.bot597
2 varivgata variegated Brtain gard. D co
3 glabra Dec. smooth Pyrenees 1817. I) co
2816 hybrida Dec. hybrid Britain moun. D co MiLic. 18
montana W.en.
2817 pubescens L. pubescent Caucasus 1813. D co H.ber.2.79
2818scricca W.en. silky Caucasus 1813. D co
2819 alplna L. alpine Britain rocks. D co
pcntaphiflla L. five-leaved Switzerl. 1784. D co Buc. mu. 1.1
28 -'I fissa Sent. cleft-leaved Sw itzerl. 18.6. I) co
2822 S\bhaMia>f6lia Dec. Sibbaldia-lvd Mexico 1823. D p.l.sH.&B. n.6.561
2823 capensis Thun. Cape C. G. H. 1818. I) p.l I-am. ll. 8ri. 2
2824 A'phanes Leers Parsley-picrt Britain S co Eng. bot 1011
arvensis Sco. A'phanes arvensis L.
2825 corliucopioides Lag. Cornucopia-like Spain 1826. S co
• 338. SANGUISO'RBA L. GREAT BLRNET. (Sanguis, blood, sorbeo9 to absorb.) Sanguisdrbete. 7.
2826 oflicinalis L. officinal Britain me. pa. S co Eng. Iwt. 1312
2 auricul&ta eared Italy Boc. mu. 19. 9
2827 carnea Fis. flesh-colored 1823. D co Sch. mo. 69
rubra Schrank
2828 mauntanica Desf. Mauritanian Mauritan. 1810. D co M. h. 8.18.4
2829 tenui folia Fis. fine-lcavcd 1S20. D co
2830 media L. middle Canada 1785. I) co Za.h. 181.1SB
8831 caiiatlcnais L. Canadian Canada lfi&J. D co Cor. ca. 174
2832 ncgl^ntn G. Don neglected Eurofie? 1800. O co
* 339. DORSTE'N/il L. DORRTENIA. {T. Dorsten, a German imtaniRt) Vrticcw. ft —16.
283.J cordifolia Lam. heart-lcavcd Elcu G W. Indie* 1822. D co Swz. ob. 7.2
2834 brasilicnsis Lam. Brazilian EJcu | G S. Amer. 1792. R s.l
2835 Houstont L. Houston's jn jl G S. Amer. 1747. R s.1 Bot mag. 2017
2836An(olia Lam. Arum-leaved ; EJCU I myjl O Brazil 1M& R s.l Bot mag. 2476
2837 Coti/rajtrva I Contrajerva root i I2S ™ G S. Amer. 1748. Skp.l Jac. ic. a 614
Draksnu contra). leu G Vera Cruz 1818. U pi Bot cab. 677
2&S Draku'na L.
28J9 ccratosanthes Lod. Buckshorn-flwdjg El cu $ mr.jn G S. Amer. 1826.
D 6.p Bot cab. 1215
340. ISNA'RDii L. ISNARDA. {A. T. D. d*Isnard, a French botanist.) Onagrarue. 1. — 6.
2840 palustris L. marsh j , ^ * i J1 G
Britain pools s bog
341. ELJEA'GNUS L. OLEASTER. {Elaia, an olive, agnos, the chaste tree.) ELtugncar. 7.—12.
2841 angustifdlia L. narrow-leaved or 15 jl Y S. Europe 163.3. C co Pal.ros.1.4
2842 argentea Ph. silvery or 10 Ap N. Amer. 1813. C co
2843 onentalis L. Oriental l_J or 10 Ap Levant 1748. L pi Pal. ros. 1.5
2844 arborea Box. tree l _ | or 30 ... Ap Nepal 1819. C co
2846 Iatif61ia L. broad-leaved i CD or 4 Ap £. Indies 1712. L p.l Bur. icy. 59.2
2846 acuminata /Jr. acuminated I or 4 ... ••• C co
2847 conferta Rox. crowded or 10 ... Nepal 1825. C s.p

342. GLOBULA'RIA L. GLOBULARIA. (The flowers in globose heads.) Globuldrhue. 9.—13.

2848 longifdlia L. long-leaved ft pr 3 JLau W Madeira 1775. L p.l Botreg.685
ralicina Lam. p.l Gar. aix42
2849 Alypum L. Alypo «-i_Jpr 2 au.s Pa S. Europe 1640.
2 integrifulium entire-leaved «. »_J orr 2 au.s Pa S. Europe ... p.l
common £ A P | myjn B Europe 1640. p.l Bot mag. 2256
2850 vulgaris L. Spain 1818. D p.ll
2851 /inifulia Lam. Flax-leaved £ A or f myjn B
vulgaris Brot. Spain 164a C Lp
2852 spin6sa MU. prickly-leaved £ i_J pr I myjn B
heart-leaved £ A pr *jnjl B Germany 163a C Lp Jac. au. 3.245
2853 cordifolia L. C Lp Dec. ic. 1. 3
2854 nana Lam. dwarf £ A pr B France 1824.
2855 nudicaulis L. naked-stalked £ A pr i i." B Germany 1629. C p.1 Jac au. 3. 230
2856 Acllidifolia Ten. Daisy-leaved £ A pr R Italy 1825. C sp

•343. HOUSTCN/iJ L. HOUSTONIA. (W. Houston, M. D.f a British botanist, d 17330 J

2857 cerfclea £.. blae-floivered £ A pr * L.B NN. Amer. 1785. D s.p
^urple-flowered£ A Pr * P - Amer. 1800. D co
2858 purpurea L.
344. Dl'PSACUS L. TEASEL. (Dipsao, to thirst j leaves hold water.) Dipsdcea. 7. —10.
2859 fulldnum Af//. fullers' P Britain hedg. S 1 Eng. bot 2080
2860 sylvestris Mil. wood P Britain m.hed S m.s Eng. bot 1032
28t>l laciniatus L. cut-leaved P Germany 1683. S m.s Jac. au. 5. 403
2862 ferox Lot. fierce P S. Europe 1818. S co
28<S3 GmeUni Bieb. GmeUn's B Caucasus 1820. S m.s
2864 inermis Wai. unarmed W Nepal 1823. S m.*
2865 pilosus L. pilose W Britain S m.s Eng. bot 877

345. CEPHALA*RIA Schr. CEPIIALARIA. {Kephale, a head: the flowers in round heads.) Dipsdceaf. 20.
2866 alpfna Schr. Alpine i or 3 jn.jl LY Switzerl. 1570. D co Bes. eys. 8.1
Succisa alpina Spr.
2867 albescens R.&S. albescent Siberia 1804. D co
2868 grse'ca R. 4 S. Greek S. Europe 1819. D co
__ Scabi6sadecurrensL.
2869 rigida R. & S. stiff-leaved C.G.H. 1731. S p.l Com. h. 2.93
2870 attenuata R. £ S. alender-leaved C.G.H. 1774. S Lp
2871 scabra R.SfS.i scabrous CO. H. 1825. C co
2872 transylvfinica R. % S. Transyfvanian Transylv. 1699. S co Jac. vin. 2.111
2873 syriaca R.ScS. Syrian Syria 1633. S co M. h. 3.14.14
2874 leucantha R. & S. white-flowered France 1739. D co Ger. cm. 721.8
2875tataricaA.*& Tartarian £ Russia 1759. S co Ac. up. 1744.1
2876 uralensis Mur. Uralian Siberia 178a S co C. g. 1782.4
2877 Uevigita W.&K. smooth jt Hungary 1805. D co Vf.&K. 3.230
Succisa ccntauriofdes Spr. Hungary 1801. D co W. & K. 13
2878 corniculata R. 8f S. small-horned
2879 leucanihema R. $ S. white-flowered France 182a S co
Lepicephalus leucantha Lag.
\ 2880 coriicea W. en. coriaceous Tauria 1813. D co
, M Lepicpphalus coriacea Lag.
\ 2881 cretacea R. & S. chalky Caucasus 1818. D co
S 2882 Vaill&ntti tt. & S. Vaillant's
. «« Pterocephalus VaiUftnttV Lag. Aleppo 1822, S co
5 2883 papposa R. & S. downy-headed W S, Europe 1597. S co
ft 2884 difindra R.SfS. diandrous P Spain 1823. S co
ft 2885 plum6sa R. A S. plumose B Spain 1819. S co 86.4
Scabi6sa WdUchi' Lk.
n * 346. SC ABICSA VaiL SCABIOUS. .leprosy; medicinal qualities.) Dipsacaz. 68.—103.
2886dich6tomaCTc. forked 1 Pk Sicily 1804. S co Boc. mu. 120
h 2887 Succf sa L. Devil's Bit 1 au.o V Britain pas. D co Eng. bot 878
Succf sa pratlnsis Moen. A or 1| jn.jl P Austria 1819. D co
\ 2888 glabrata Sehott smooth
Succisa glabrata Spr. D co
2889 australis Wul. southern
southern k A pr P Styria 1820.
2890 p»eud.austraUsA. % S. bastard australis^ A or 2 5n P Russia 1825. D co
2891 stricta W. K.
ndrica W. en.
strict A or 2 jn.. :ji R Hungary 1820. S co W.&K.2.138
2892 integrif61ia L. entire-leaved R France 1748. S co
2893 hybrida All. hybrid R S. France 1819. S co
2894 Saicedt Lag. Salceu's W Spain 1823. D co
2895 arvensis L. corn field P Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 659
2896 collina Req. hill P SwitzerL 1819. S co
^^ hirsuta Lap.
2897 mont&na Bieb. mountain W Caucasus 1820. D co
2898 sylvatica L. wood P Austria 1633. D co Jac au. 4.362
HS Pubisccns Kit. pubescent W Hungary 182a D co
Teasel-leaved W Germany 1818. 1> co
2901 carpftica Fis. Carpathian W Prussia 1819. D co
--w. ."ugiiuiia Air.
SKWlimifAliJtrt long-leaved Li Hungary 1802. D co W. & K. 5
SUM diversifoUa Bourn, various-leai R TranBylv. 1826. K co
i ££* Jill&ta S r
P- ciliated 2 |Lau R Germany 1802. D co
\ VMS dumctorum Brou. doubtful i 2 jn.jl W a Europe 1820. C co
Ftcrocephalus dumetbrum Coul. 1 Li Hungary 1802, D co W.&K. 53
1 ?v> c^nescens Kit. canescent D p.1 Gcr. h.582. 2
7 ^ gram6ntia L. Gramont • ' 1 jLau LB & Europe 1597. R co
W 8. France 1826.
ft 2908 setifera Lam. bristle-bearing 2 jnjl V ...... 1820. S co
_ mdlhs W. en. long-haired ' « jnjl
2910 rupestris Bieb. rock P Caucasus 1824. D co
2911 commutata R. Sc S. changed B Siberia 1826. S co
field P Hungary 1818. S co W . & K . 3.204
\ 2913 amoe'na Jac. pleasant P 1820. S co

g j * Pyreniica AIL Pyr»nean 1 jnjl P S. France 1819. S ALped.1.25.2

g } 5 columbaria L. pigeon-house , 1 P Britain dr. pa. S Eng. bot 1311
2916 micrinth small-flowered rk Armenia 1825. S An. mu. 11.25

k 2917 grandifldra Sco. great-flowered Barbary 1804. S co Scop. d. 3.14

I 2918 lucida VU. shining Dauphinyl800. D co
{ 29195ilcnif61ia W.&K. Silene-leaved Hungary 1826. S co W.&K.2,157
& 2920 lutea Fis. yellow Russia 1820. S co
( 2921 sicula L. Sicilian Sicily 1783. S co Jac. vin. 1.15.
i 2022 saxatilis Cav. rock Spain 1827. S co Cav. ic. 2.184
12923 brachiata Sm. branched Greece 1823. S co 109
Ptcrocephalus brachiata Spr.
2024 legionpnsis Lag. Leon Spain 1820. S co
2925 rotata Bieb. rotate . Iberia 1823. S
2926 Bieberstclnii R. & S. Bieberstein's Iberia 1820. S co
2927 intermedia R. 4 S. intermediate S. Europe 1824. S co
2928 rutajfolia Vahl Rue-leaved Sicily 1804. D co Boc. sic. 52
2929 maritima L. K?.,. Italy 168a S co M. h. 6.15.29
2930 Webbiana D. Don Webb's Mt.Ida. 1818. t> co Bot.reg.717
2931 crcnata Cyr. crenate Italy 1825. S co Cyr. ne. 1.3
coronopifolia Sm.
4 2932 holoscrlcea Bert. all-silky Pyrenees 1818. D co
4 2933 toment6sa Cav. woolly Spain 1827. S co Cav. ic. 2. 183
I 2934 mollissima Dec. softest Italy 1820. S co
\ 2935 stellata L. starry Spain 1596. S co Cl. h. 2.1. ic.
laxiflura LA:.
4 2936 simplex D<?«/. simple 2 W S. Europe 1820. S co Desf. at 1.39.1
\ 2937 pectinata Z,fl^. pectinate V Arabia 1824. S co
ty 2938 prolifera /,. proliferous 1 Y Egypt 1683. S co Her. par. 125
\ 2939 atropurpurea L. dark purple jl.s Br ...... 1629. S co Botmag.247
2 carnea flesh-colored F E. Indies 1629. S co
3 rdsea rose-colored R E Indies 1629. S co
4 variegata variegated Va " E. Indies 1629. S co
5 alba white 3 W E. Indies 1629. S co
6 prolifeia proliferous 3 P E. Indies 1629. S co
§ 2040 argentea L. silvery 2 jn.o W Levant 1713. D co An. mu. 11.24
§ 2941 urceolata Jfrtf. jagged 3 Y Barbary 1804. S co M. h. 6.13.24
12942 africana L. African 6 jl.o W Africa 1690. S p.l Her. par. 219
\ 2943 altissima Jrtc. tallest 5 my.jn L.B Africa 1819. S co Jac. vin. 2.185
africana Hort. indurata L.
$ 2944 nitens R. & S. glittering Azores* 1779. D co
Scabidsa licida H.K.
ft 2945 cretica L. Cretan P Crete 1596. S p.l Mor.h.3.15.31
{ 2946 graminifttlia L. Grass-leaved B SwitzerL 1683. D p.l Bot. reg 835
i 2947 caucaeea Bieb. Caucasian B Caucasus 1803. D p.l Bot mag. 886
§ 2948 elcgans Spr. elegant L.B S. Europe 1813. D co
ft 2949 lyrata Forsk. lyrate-faivof P Turkey 1799. S 8.1
$ 2950 palacstfna L. Palestine Ci Palestine 1771. S s.l Jac. vin. 196
Asterocephalus palestlna Spr,
\ 2951 isetensis L. Isetsk w Siberia 1801. S s.l Gm. si. 2.88
) 2952 ucranica L. Ukraine L.Y Ukraine 1795. C s.l Gm. si. 2.87
) 2953 ochrolcAca L. yellowish white Y Germany 1597. D s.l Jac. au. 5.439
\ 2954 bann&tica Kd. Bannatic Pk Hungary 1800. D co W.&K. 10.12
Colfimn^ Ten.
) 2955 Scopolu* Lk. Scopoli's Str S. Europe 1818. D co
I 2!)56 negl^cta Horn. neglected R Germany 1825. S co
2957 incana Schult. hoary R Europe 182a D co
\ 2958 ceratophflla Ten. Buckshorn-lvd R Italy 1826. S co
pil6sa Lag. ?
347. KNAU'T/4 L. KNAUTIA. (C. Knaut, physician at Halle, in Saxony, died 1694) Dipsucea>. 2.
9959 orientals L. Oriental O or 1 jn.s R Levant 1713. S co Sc. han. 1.22
2960 propdntica IV. Propontic ^ Q> or 2 P Levant 1768. S co Til. pis. 15a 48
• 348. GA'LIUM L. BED-STRAW. (Gala, milk; used for curdling milk.) Rubidcea*. 75. — 16a
2961 rubiofdes L. Madder-like 1 jl W S. Europe 1775. D co Bux. c.2.29
2962 diffVisum Sehr. diffuse 1 jnjl W Germany 1820. D co
2963 valmtioldes Bieb. Valantia-like - jnjl W Caucasus 1819. D co
2964 palfistre L. marsh W S. Europe m me. D m.8 Eng. bot 1B57
2965 trifidum L. trifid W Denmark 1826.
2966 montanum L. mountain W France 1819. D
D co
co Fl. dan. 48
2967 Villarsii Gau. Villars's W France 1823. D co Vil. del. 2. 7
2968 catureif61iura Trev. Savory.leaved W Carpathia 1817. D co
9969 pubescens Sehr. pubescent W Germany 1819. D co
2970 |ithospermif61iumFis. Lithosper.-lvd W Russia 1826. D co
2971 frutic6sum W. shrubby W Crete 1819. C co
2972 Hallcrii R. & & Hallcr's W SwitzerL 1819. D co
vernum Sco.
2973 Withering/i E. B. Withering'g w England hea. D «.p Eng. bot 2206
2974 tlebile Hofm. weak w Portugal 1824. D co
2975 campestre Schous. field w Barbary 1820. S co
2976 divancatum Lam divaricate w France 1818. S co Dec.ic.24
2977 megalospermum All. large-seeded w S. France 1826. D co Al.ped.79. 4
2<)78 glabrum Thun. smooth w C G. H. 1825. D co
2979 uligin6sum L. marsh w Britain mar. D m.% Eng. bot 1972
S9H() auHtrlacum Jac Austrian w Europe 1804. I) co Jac. au. 90
C98J Jlorn'mi All. Buccone'a Pk Euro|ic 1801. D co Hoc. mu. 1*5.101
9SM2. obliquum VU. oblique w & France 1826. D co Vil. del. 8. 8
S9H3 ht>16dc8 Lk. marsh w Spain ' 1825. S co
2P84 rdbrum L. red p Italy 1597. D co Ger. h.967.3
2985 verum L. true cheese rennet Y Britain bu. pL D m.s Eng. bot 660
2986 tyrolpnse IV. en. Tyrolese 3r w Tyrol 1801. D co
2987 i»/olKigo L. great hedge Mollugo 3 w Britain hedg. D co Eng. bot 1673
2988 erectum E. B. upright w Britain m. pass. D m.s Eng. bot. 2»J«7
2P89 lucidum All. shining j w Iberia 1819. D co Al.ped.1.77.2
2990 pusillum E. R little i w England moun. D 8.1 Eng. bot 74
2991 alp&tre Gau. Alpine w SwitzerL 1819. S co Vil.deLS.7
anisophyllum VU. i jnjl
2992 fragile Poir. brittle O un i jn.jl W S. Europe 1824. S co
2993 lffi've Thuil. smooth jn. S. Europe 1820. D co
299* supinum Lam. supine Europe 1819. D co Vil. del. 2.7
299.5 tenuifolium All. flne-leaved S. France 1824. D co
29 baldcnse Spr. Mount Baldo S. Europe 1819. D co
2996 Tauria 1818. S co
2997 tcnuissimum Bieb. slenderest S. Europe 1759. D co Bar. ic. 583
2998 Jiniffilium L. Flax-leaved 1778. D co
299!) ngidum Vil. rigid S France 1821. D co Al.ped.774
3000 cinlreum All. cinereous A un S. Europe 1658. D co Fl. dan. 609
3001 sylvaticum L. wood A un ItaW 1699. Boc.«•»•.
awned A un Italy i « * * I>
•»•» ~*
*»««. !
3002 aristitum L. S. Europe 1821. D co Jac. au. 1.81
3003 campanul&tum Vil. campanulate A pr
glaucum Jac. Switzcrl. 1731. D co
1 jnjl
3004 purpfircum L. purple 3t
i jnjl England Wales. D s.l Eng. bot. 384
3005 anglicum E. B. English £
I jjl Switzerl. 1819. D co Ac pel. 1714.15.1
3U0ti helveticum Weigel Swiss £.
sax&tile Dec S. Europe 1820. D co Lam. il. 60.2
3007 pfimilum Lam. dwarf «fc Austria 1819. D co 5.422
3l)()8 scabrum Jac. rough 5 Britain hea. D «.p Eng. bot. 815
3009 saxatile L. rock ^ ap.s
3010 microspermum Detf. small-seeded jnjl S. Europe 1819. S co
3011 microcfirpum Vahl small-fruited jnjl Europe 1819. S co
France Dec.ic.26
3012 parisiense Lk. Parisian jjl
3013 tricorne Stn. three-horned Britain 1817. S co Kng. bot. 1641
3014 vcrrucosum E B. waited . Britain hedg. hea. S co Eng. bot. 2173
saccharatum All. Valfintia /Iparlne W. Levant 1780. S co Bux. c. 1.19 2
3015 Cucullaria R. $ S. Cucullaria my.jl
Valantifl Cucullaria L.
3016 Hpnrium E. B. spurious Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1871
3017 boreale L. northern Britain moun. D co Eng. bot. 105
3018 brcvifohum Stev. short-leaved Caucasus 1819. 1) co
3019 rotundifolium L. round-leaved Europe 1821. D co Jac. au. 94
3020 ellipticum L. elliptic jnjl ...„. 1819. D co
N. Europel821. W.h.b.66
3021 suavtolens IVahl. sweet-scented jnjl Al. ped. 77.1
jnjl S. Europe 1818.
3022 minimum il. ^ 5 . least
mur&le All. France 1824. S co Loi. no. 2.1
3023 verticill&tum Dan. whorled
3024 capillare Cav. capillary Spain 1820. S co Cav. ic. 2.191.1
3021 pilosum H. K. hairy N. Amer. 1778. D co
302ti maritimum L. maritime France 1826. D co
3OV7 caucasicum Lag. Caucasian Caucasus 1824. S co
.'ftJi8 villosum Lam. villous 1 jnjl gr S France 1824. D co Bar. ic. 82
3029tau>icumJR.*S. Taurian i Y Tauria 1818. D co
Valantm ta6rica TV. Galium reflteum Pret Britain hedg. Eng. bot 816
30.50 ^parine /,. Cleavers 3 W
1 jn jl W S. Europe 1817. W.&K.3.202
30:31 infestiTO W. * K. troublesome Egypt 1821.
3032 scabemmum Vahl roughest ijnjl Y
hispidum W. en.
3033 gras'cum L. Grecian A cu Candia 1798. D co Alp. ex. 167.166
(Iluber, red; the roots as a dye.) Rubidcece. 9 . - 2 2
o 349. JlU'BIA L. MADDER.
S. Europe 159a D s.l Lam. il. 60.1

3034 tinct6rum L. dyer's -* A Y
30.J5 perogrina L. foreign Jc A w Y England bu. pi. D co Eng. bot. 851
3056 cordifolia L. heart-leaved -* A cu W Siberia 1783. D pi Pal. it 3.2.1
3037 Boccuni Pet Boccone's Si A or Y Italy 1823. D s.p
30.38 lucida L. bright B.| |un Y Majorca 1762. C lp Fl. gr. 142
3039 fruticosa Jac. shrubby «.i |un jl Y Canaries 177* C P.I Jac. ic. 1.25
shining lor s Y Spain 1812. C Lp
3040 spttndens L.
3041 galioides Poir. Galium-like «.»_Jor 2 Canaries 1816.
narrow-leaved «. LJ or 2 Spain 1772. l.p Lam. il. 60.2
3042 angUHtifulia L.
* 350. ASPE'RULA L. WOODHOOF. (Diminutive ofasper, rough; leaves.) Rubiacete. 24. —31.
3043 Isevig&ta L. smoothed S. Europe 1775. I) s.l M. h.21.4
3044 taurlna L. bull Italy 1739. D s.l M. h. 9.21.1
3045 pyrenaica L. Pyrcnean Spain 1821. D co
3046 longiflora W.ScK. long-flowered Hungary 1821. D co W.&K.2.150
3047 aristata L. awned S. Europe 1823. D co
3048 supina Bieb. supine Caucasus 1821. D co
3049 brevifolia Ven. short-leaved Europe 1823. D co Ven. eels 63
3aOO cynanchica W. Cynanche England ch.hil. D s.l Eng. bot 33
3051 alpina Spr. alpine Caucasus 1820. D co
3052 rigida 5m. rigid Greece 1819. D co Fl. gr. 118
305J crassifolia L. thick-leaved Levant 1775. D s.l
3054 tomentosa Ten. tomentose S. Europe 1817. D co 119
3055 sc&bra Presl rough Italy 1824. D co
3056 tinct6ria L. dyer's Europe 1764. D s.l Tab. ic. 733.1
3057 mont&na Kit. mountain Hungary 1801. D co
3058 arvensis W. corn-Held Europe 1596. S co Lob. Ic. 801.8
30591 arcadiensis B. M. Arcadian Arcadia 1819. D co Bot mag. 2146
3061 hirta Ram. hairy Pyrenees 1817. D co
3061 hiruuta Detf. hirsute Portugal 1819. D co
r6|iens Brot.
30(12 nlioldus Bieb. Galium-likc ^ A or 4 W S. Europe 1710. D co Jac. au. 1.81
Crfilium Klaficum L.
3063 humiftisa lies. trailing -* A °r i W Caucasus 1818. D co
Galium humifusum Bieb.
3064 longifolia Sm. long-leaved £A A or Pr 1 R S. Europe 1820. D co Fl. gr. 117
3065 Aparine Bes. Cleavers 5 2 W S. Europe 1818. D co 1.117
rivalis Stn.
3066 odor&ta L. sweet-scented ^ A or J my.jn W Britain woods. D s.l Eng. bot 755
351. SHERA'RD/il L. FIELD MADDBB. {W. Sherard, a celebrated British botanist.) Rubiacete. 2.
3067 arvensis L. corn field O w \ ap.g B Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot 891
3068 muralis L. wall O un Y Italy 1805. S co Al.ped.77.1
Galium murale All.

352. SPERMACCKCE L. BUTTON-WEED. (Spcrma, seed, aArofte, a point: capsule.) Rubiacece. 22.-68-
3069 glabra Mx. smooth O or 1 W K A n e r . 1823. S P.1
3070 tuodina Mx. Diodia-like O un * jnjl W Jamaica 1810. S CO
3071 ancendens TV. ascendent O un 1 jn.jl W W.Indies 1820. S CO
3072hlspida L. bristly im un V E. Indies 1741. S S.1 Mur.3.6
3073 latifoha Aubl. broad-leaved £ OB un 2 Jl w Guiana 1803. S 8.1 Aub. gui. 19.1
3074 strigdsa B. M. meagre O un 1 w W. Indies 1760. S 8.1 Bot mag. 1558
3075 cornif61ia Fis. Dogwood-leaved rm un 1 my.jn R Brazil 1819. S S.1
307H stylosa Lk. long-styled im un 1 my.jn w Manilla 1819. S 8.1
3077 suffruticdsa Jac. sum-uticose tL 1 lun i F 1824. c Si Jac. sc. 322
3078 radlcans Aubl. rooting j£ E2 un jl W Guiana 1803. s S.l Aub.gui. 1.20.4
3079 las'vis Lam.
3080£spora Aubl.
rough •
O un my.jl
1 Str W. Indies 1820. s
O un 1 jnjl W Trinidad 1819. s
SI. jam. 1.94 2
Aub. gui. '22.6
3081 tei.uior L. slender O or 2 Pk W. Indies 1732. s CO Sc. han. 1.22
3082 lanceolata Lk. lanceolate O or 1 9 . . . W. Indies 1818. p.l
3083 /imioTia Vahl Flax-leaved rm un 1 jnjl w W Indies 1820. ss CO
3084 scabra TV. rough i 1 un AI Jnjl
3085 hirta L. hairy O un jn.jl w E. Indies 1818. s
W. Indies lHia s
CO Jac. ic. SOB
3086 villosa Sum.
3087 rfibra Joe.
rra un myjl
£ inn un l w
i p
W. Indies 1810. s
1804. s
8.1 Jac. sc. 256
3088 Ffschcr* Lk. Fischer's rm un l my.jn w Jamaica 1821. s 8.1
3089 mucronata Nees mucronatc ]£ E ] un 2 jnjl w E. Indies 1818. D
Jamaica 1822. 8.1
3090 Roxburgh** Spr. Roxburgh's £ • a or 1 w
las'vis Rox. s P-l

353, DKVDIA L. DIODIA. ( Diodos, a journeying: a way-side plant.) RuUaccct. 4.—10.

3091 virginica L. Virginian ^ -* A cu J jn.jl W Virginia 1820. s co Jac. ic. 129
3092 verticillata PaM verticillate i*. E J c u i W W. Indies 1821. s CO
3093 prostrfta Suit. prostrate JU Q c u 4 jnjl w W. Indies 1818. s CO
3094 sarmcntosa Sun. twiggy JL w W. Indies 1821. c s.p
354. KN01LM L. KNOXIA. (Robert Knox, an English traveller in 1681.) Rubiacece. 3.
3095 zeylanica L. Ceylon n. O or I W Ceylon 1826. S co Bur. in. 13
3096 corymbosa TV. corymbose ttQor I W E. Indies 1818. S co Lam.lL59.2
Spermacoce sumatrensis Retz.
3097 umbellata Sol. umbellate tL Q or } W E. Indies 1820. S co
Spermac6ce teres Rox.
355. BIGELCV/ii Spr. BIGELOVIA. (Prqf. Bieelow, of North America.) Rubiacece. 3. —11.
3098 verticillata Spr. whorled Q o r W Africa 1732. S s.p DLel.277.358
Spermacoce verticillata L.
3099 commutata Spr. changed tf FAlor i jn.jl W W. Indies 1818. D s.l
Spermacoce verticill&ta Host
3100 stricta Spr. strict OJ pr f jnjl W E. Indies 1820. S s.l
Spermacoce stricta L.
' 356. CRUCIANE'LLA L. CHOSSWORT. (Diminutive of crux, a cross j leaves.) Rubidcex. 13.—16.
3101 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved O cu i jnjl Y France 165a S co Ex. bot 2.109
3102 Iatif61ia L. broad.lcaved O cu G France 1633. S co Bar. i c 520
3103 seyptiaca L.
3104 patula L.
3ia5 pubeBccns TV.
cu i jnjl Y
Candia 1799.
S co
S co
C lp
3106 glomerate Bieb. glomerated A CU 1 Y Iberia 1824. S co
3107 cilifiU Lam. ciliated O cu Y Levant 1805. S co
3108 tuberculdsa Cau. tuberculose O cu 1 Y Spain 1826. S co
3109 marltima L. maritime t t - t ICU 1 Y France 1640. C l.p
3110 amcric&na Mil. American «- L Jcu 1 Y S. Amer. 1780. S co
3111 monspelidca L. Montpelicr O cu Y France 1791. S ls.p
3112 molluginoldes Bieb. Mollugo-likc 1 G Caucasus 1800. D co Bux.c.2.30.1
3113 an6mala Bieb. anomalous k A cu 1 Y Caucasus 1820. S co
357. CALLICA'RPA L. CALLICARPA. (Knlos, beautiful, karpos, fruit.) Ferbenaceat. 12. — 24.
3114 amencana L. American ft i | or 6 jn jl R N. Amer. 1724, C s.p Cat car. 247
3115c£naL. *' >• hoary * • or 3 ... P E. Indies 1799. C s.p Bot. mag. 2107
toment6sa Lam.
3116 Ian4te L. woolly or 4 jnjl P E. Indies 1788. C l.p
3117 incftia Box. hoary lor 4 R E. Indies 1800. C l.p
3118 macrophflla Vahl long-leaved lor 6 Pk India 1808. ~
C i.p Vahl By. 3.53
3119 lanceolana Rox. lanceolate lor 4 P E. Indies 1M& C l.p
3120 ferruginea Sun. rusty 2 jnjl B Jamaica 1794. C lp
3121 longitolia Lam. long-leaved Ljp 3 mr.ap W China 1825. C co Botreg. 864
3122 reticulata Swx. netted i lor 4 R Jamaica 1820. C l.p
3123 rubella B. B. reddish J 2 my Fk China 1822. C co Bot. reg. 883
3124 purpurea J. purple j or 3 jl.n P E. Indies 1822. C l.p
3125 arborea Rox. tree , or 12 jl.n P Rlndies 1820. C l.p
358. AQUA'RTIA Jac. AQUARTIA. (B. Aquart, Jacquin's companion in America.) Soloncee. 1. — 2.
3126 tomentfisa Jac. woolly •Dor 4 ... W S. Amer. 1819. C s.l 15
359. WITHERI'NG/i* Herit WITHERINGIA. (Dr. TV. Withering, a British botanist.) Soldwar. 6.—16.
3127 wlanacea Herit. solanaceous £ 2 2 or 1 my.s Y S. Amer. 1742. D l.p Her. ser. 33.1

3128 stramonifolia ''
Kth. Stramoni.-lvd MCJor 3 Y Mexico 18lJ3. C l.p
3129 crassifulia Dunal thick-leaved • L_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1706. C l.p Di. el 273.332
3130 montana Dunal mountain tf lAJ or 1 W Peru 1822. C 1 p Feu. ob. 46
3131 phyllantha Dunal leaf-flowered O or 1 Y Peru 1822. C l.p Cav. ic. 4. ST>9 1
3132 pinnatf fida Dunal pinnatifid £ iAJ °r 1 B Peru 1822. C
" 'l.p FLper.2.170.6
360. ^ G l ' P H I L A L. JEGIPHILA. (Aix, a goat, philos, dear; liked by goats.) Verbendceee. 7.—14.
3133 martinic^nsis L. Martinique • Qor 6 n W " " "I78a
W.'lHdies S p.l Jacob2.27
3134 arborescens W. arborescent • • o r 10 W Trinidad 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.24
3135 elata Swx. tall Pa.Y W.Indies 1823. C p.l
3136 foe'tida Sun. fetid Li W. Indies 1800. C Lp
3137 trifida Sun. trifid W Jamaica 1826. C p.l
3138 difiVisa Andr. diffuse Y W.Indies 1804. C lp Bot rep.578.1
8139 obovfita Andr. obovate Y W.Indies 1804. C l.p Bot. rep.o/S.2

361. CEPHALA'NTHUS L. BUTTON-WOOD. {Kephale, a head, anthos, a flower.) I ._. i.-a

3140 occidentals L. western flfe or 7 au W N. Amer. 17cb. S Schm. ar. 1.45
w 362. SCOPA'RIA i. SCOPARIA. (Scope, a broom; appearance.) Scrophulurinat. 1.
3141 dulcis £. sweet O c u 3 jn.s W Jamaica 173a S s.1 Her. par. 241
363. CENTU'NCULUS L. BASTARD PIMPERNEL. (The Roman name.) Primuldcea:. J —4.
3142 minimus i. least Ocu | jn.jl F BnUin moi.h. S s.l tng. bot 531
L. PLANTAIN. {Planta, the sole
L. greater of the
my.jn W foot;Britain
similarity.) U co Eng. 76.
me. pa.Plantagine*. bot—116
2 r6sea ro&e-bracted rnyjl Britain ... S co
3144 sinu&ta Lam. sinuate./aiwa' Jnjl 1824. S co
3145 crassa W. thick-leaved l W S. Europe 1793. D s.l Jac. c. 34.16

criapa Jac.
3146 minima Dec. least G.w Austria 1825. S co Trat ar. 42
3147 asiatica L. Asiatic W Siberia 1787. D s.1
3148 cordata Lam. cordate W N. Amer. 1818. S co Jac. ec. 72
3149 Gouans Gm. Gouan's
j G.w S. Europe 1817. S co Cor. ca. 153. ic.
Comfits' Gou.
3150 exaltata Horn. exalted un 2 W 1817. D co
3151 depress* W. flattened G.w 1817 S co
3152 brutia Ten. Brutian W Calabria 1824. S co
3153 gentianoldes Sin. Gentian-like Y.u Greece 1826. S co
3154 humiftisa Bernh. trailing G.w 182a S co
3155 maxima L. largest W.R Siberia 176-3. D co Jac. ic. 1.26
3156 media L. middle W . R Britain me. pa. D e o Eng. bot 1559
3157 kamtchatica Lk. Kamtschatka \ jnjl G.w Kamtsch. 1819. D co
3158 virtfnica Gis. Virginian *jns G.w N. Amer. 1688. S co M. h.3.15.3
3159 capensis Thun. Cape 1 G.w C. G. H. 1788. C co
3160 lanceolata L. lance-leaved imyjl G Britain me. pa. S co Eng. bot. 507
31bl sibinca Desf. Siberian G.W Siberia 1820. D co
1 jnjl G.w Hungary 1819. S co W.&K.h.3.20.
31b2 hungarica W. % K. Hungarian ij»jl
316J altissima Jac. tallest G.w Italy 1774. S co Jacobs. 4.83
3 jnjl G.w S. Europe 1819. D co
3164 montana Lam. - mountain 1 jnjl
3it»5 holosericea Gau. velvety G.w Switzcrl. 1819. S co
316t> sericea W. & K. silky 4 jnjl G.w Hungary 1818. S co W.&K.3.151
3167 Lag6pus L. Hare's-foot I jn.jl G.w Spain 1683. S co Wein.4.820.2
3168 sphsrocephala Poir. round-headed ^ W Austria 1774. D co Jac. vin. 2.125
alpina Jac. not L.
3169 lusitanica L. Portuguese ^ Spain 1781. D 8.1 Baric. 119.745
31/0 eriostachya Ten. woolly-spiked Italy 1824. S co
3171 interrupta Poir. interrupted N. Amer. 1818. S co
J172 varia R. Br. various k N. HolL 182* S co
31/3 mexicana Lk. Mexican ^ I jnjl Mexico 1820. D co
3174 tumida Lk. swelling 1 jnjl Chile 1819. S co
S. Europe 1818. co
3 75 alpina L. alpine * 1 jnjl co
3176 sax£tilis Bieb. rock 5 Caucasus 1820.
1 jnjl S. Europe 1826. co
3177 scorxonerii6\\a Lam. Scorzonera-lvd 5 Spain 1823. en Cav. ic. a 249.1
«*/8 piiosa Cav. pilose Germany 1804. 8.k
3)79 vill6sa Pen. villous S. Europe 1797.
" Bellfirdi All. Bellardi's CO Al.ped.1.85.3

2J5A teretif6ha Sk round-leaved Egypt 1827. S co

3182 maritima L sea Britain sea. co. S co Eng. bot 175
J18J gTaminea Dec. Grass-leaved France 1804. 1) CO Dod. pe. 106
3184 serpentma ViL serpentine France 182i>. S co
2J*J jecurvata L. recurved-/wf S. Europe 17*»9. S s.l Mur. 1780.6
318b WuUeni Sturm Wulfen's Germauy 1802. D co
3187 hirstfta Thun. hairy C. G. H. 1801. S 8.1 Jac. ec. 3.2a3
3 88 gfiisa p f l l . Siberia 1804. D s.1
3189 crassif61ia Forsk. thick-leaved Egypt 18'.'4. S co
3{|1) ntenuiflora W. & K. slender.flwd Hungary 1802. S 8.1 W.&K.1.39
t Hi °tata Lag. Spain 1821. S co
3192 patag6nica Joe. Bpotted Patagonia 1793. S s.l Jac. ic 2.306
3l93 C reticaL. Fatagonian Candia 1711. S co
Cretan S. Europe 1596. D 8.1 Lob. ic. 439
3J9o l/ol6steum Sco. Stishwort 5 Carniola 1821. S co Jac. c 1.10
elongated S N. Amer. 1825. S co
2JJS | Ion f &ta /*• SerrSria J 1 jnjl Barbary 1640. D s.1 Col. ec. 259
3197 Serraria L. long-rooted £ Morocco 17(8. D s.1 M. h.3.17.8
3198 macrorhiza Poir. \ Jl-uu
Buckshorn-lvd S Europe 1820 S co Fl.por. 1.74
?JS ceratophylla Ho/g. Star of the earth t jnjl Britain sea sh. S s.l Eng. bot. 8!>2
38U0 CbrAnopus L. Jacquin's O un France 1821. S co Jac ic. 1.27
•wOl Jacquini R. & S. i jnjl
- ^ Cornfiti Jac. Lafling's O un Spain S co Jac. vin 2.126
? a « Lading/, ^ stom-rlasping O un * j'au Spain 1797. S co Cav. ir. 2. 125
«o». amP'exu'a61is Cow. sheathed A un M.iuritan. 1818. S co Ven.ccls29
g j * vaginfita
ca Fen. small-hearted O un India ? 1821. S co
S? " ^ ' " n«^ h l Poir. whitish A un S. Europe 1776. D s.1 Cav. ic.2. 124?
un | G.w S Europe 1596. C s.1 Wem.4.8J7.a
African un 1 jn G.w Sicily 1640. S s.1 M. h. & 17.4
^Hium L. Fleawort O un I G.w S. Europe 1562. S co M. h.3.17.4
^J «quarr6iw Mur. rough O un 2 aus G.w Egypt 1787. S co Jac. ic. I. 28
^H arenfiria Jti/. sand O un 1 G.w Hungary 1804. S co W.&K.51
32 2Indira/.. Indian O un i Gw India 1780. S co
«13 rtivaricafa Zuc. divaricate O un Iljnjl G.w 1820. S co
rlgida //or/.
J214 strict a Sc/ious. strict O un 1 Gw Morocco 18^4. S Schou. 1. ic. 145
3215 IspaghOa Rox. Inpagool O «*u jnjl W E. Indies 1824. S
3 p ffl dwarf O un G.w S. Europe 17IX). S Mur. 177a 5
arvi small-flowered O un ,4 j jl G.w 1826. S
?5 I P fl«'»ra Desf. Brazilian A un 1 o
3218 braHiliensis .»m W Brazil 1822. S
Bot mag. 1616
iLV D BUDDLEA. (A. Buddie, an English amateur of botany.) Scrophuldrinar 1 0 . 4 a
round-headed St or 15 myjn O Chile 1774. ^o B^'mie.774
lobosa Buc. Neemda ^ d o r 15 jnjl W Nepal list C ?.p *

3221 brasilie'nsis Jac. Brazilian * D o r 10 O Brazil 1822. C l.p

3222 salvifolia Lam. Sage-leaved * i _ J o r 3 au.8 C C.G.H. 17(50. C 8.1 Jac. so. 1.28
3223 jalicifolia Vahl Willow-leaved H O or 6 ... ... S. Amer. 1823. C l.p
3224 jraligna W. en. Willow-like « i _ J o r 6 au.8 W C. G. H . 1816. C l.p Jac. sc. 1.29
3225madagascariensisraA/Madagascar • • o r 1 0 O Madagasc.1824. G Lp Lam. iL 1.69.3
3226 paniculate Wai. panicled * O °r 14 Cap W Nepal 1823. C l.p
3227 diversif61ia B. $ S. various-leaved SO or 6 ... Java 1823. C l.p
3228 americana L. American 10 au Y Mexico 18SG. C l.p

366. E'XACVM L. EXACUM. ' (Ex, out of, ago, to drive: expels poison.) Gettiianea?. 2. —14.
3929 tetrag6num Rtb. four-angled O pr 1^ jl.s B Nepal 1820. S p.1
3250 pulchellum Ph. pretty O pr i au Pk N. Jersey 18:26. S p.l

367. CO UTO VBEA Aubl. COUTOUBEA. (IU name in Guiana.) Gentihneee. 3.

3231 ram6bum Aubl. branchy O or 1J W Brazil 1824. S p.1 Aub.gui. 1.28.1
Exacum ram/isum Void
3232 spicatum Aubl. spiked £ IDS or 1J W Maranh. 1823. S p.1 Aub. gui. 1.27
JS'xacum spic&tum Vahl
3833 verticillatum G.Don whorlcd-headtd tf Ol 1 W Trinidad 1818. S p.l
J^xacum verticillatum W. Gentidna verticillata L.

368. MICROCA'LEZ*. MICROCALE. (Mikros, small, kalos, pretty.) Gentia*ea». 1.

3234 filiforme Lk. filiform O pr J jn.jl Y Britain S i.i Eng.bot235
f x a c u m filiftirme E. B.
SfB. PLA'DERA Boar. PLADER*. {Pladaros, abounding in juice.) Gentihnetc. 2 . - 5 .
3235 virgfite Box. twiggy OJor 1 K E. Indies 1820. S p.1
3236decussate Box. decussate OJor 1 jl.s W W. Indies 1816. S p.1
370. SEBM'A R. Br. (A. Seba, an apothecary of Amsterdam.) Gentihnea. 5 . - 8 .
3237 ovate B. Br. ovate uQJpr Jau H N. Holl. 1820. S p.1 Lab. n. li. 1.52
3838 albens it. Br. whitish Op i a u W C. G. H. 1820. S s.l Bur. af. 74.4
323!) cordate R. Br. hezrt-leaved O or ijlau Y C. G. H. 1815. S co Bur. af. 74.5
3240afirea R.8[S. golden | Y C. G. H. 1824. S p 1 Pluk. al. 275.3
3241 guianensis Spr. Guiana Br Guiana 1825. ~S m.s Aub. gui. 1.26.1
A'xacum guianensis Aubl.
371. MITRASA'CME R Br. MITRASACME. (Mitra, a mitre, akme, a point) Gentihnete. 3. — 20.
3242 polymrtrpha B. Br. multiform f lAi pr i jn.jl W X. Holl. 182G. S s.l
3243 cancsccns B. Br. cancscent £ IAI P' i W N. Holl. 1824. D s.1
3244 wrpyUifolia R. Br. Thyme-leaved £ ^ pr W N.Holl. 1826. D s.l
372. FnA^SER^ Walt FRASEKA. (J. Fraser, a collector of plants in North America.) Gentianear. 1.
3245 carolinensis Walt Carolina £ Q) or 4 G.Y Carolina 1795. S co
' Walter* Mx.
373. P E N J E M L. PEHSA. (P. Peru, auth. with Lobe\ of Adversaria Botan., 1570.) PeiutAceat. 7.—14.
3246 myrtoldes L Myrtle-like i_J or 2 my.jn R C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
3247 fruticulrtsa L. fruticulose J or 1 my.jl K C. G. H. 1822. C p.1
3248 mucronata L. or 8 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1787. S p.l Ven. mal. 87
324.9 squam6sa L. scaly or 1 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1787. S p.l Bot. reg. 106
3250 sarcoculla Thun. thick-necked | I or 1 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1825. S p.1 Pluk. m. 446.6
3251 marginata L. marginated M \ I or li my.jl R C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
3252 lateriflcira Thun. J or 1
side-flowering si t_J jn.jl R C. G. H. 1825. S p.l Mag.ber. 1.3.2
374. BLJE'RIA L. BLKRIA. R.S., physician at Boston, Line.) Ericete. 11. . 1 8 .
3255 ericoides L. Heath-hke 2 au.o P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Pet g. 471.2.10
3254 musc6sa H. K. mossy 1 P C. G. H. 1774. C l.p
3255 fasciculala W. fascicled 2 jn.jl ... C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
3256 paucifolia Wnl. few-leaved 2 jn.jl ... C.G.H. 1812. C s.p Wen. c. 2.43
3257 articulata L. jointed M \ | or 2 my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Lam. a 78
3258 scabra W. scabrous • \ | or 2 my.jn P C. G. H. 1824. C a.p Wen.c. 1.31
3259 deprcssa Lich. depressed H i I or 1 jn.jl ? ... C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
3260 purp6rea L. purple-cowered • L_) or 2 my.jn P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p
3261 dum6sa Wnl. bushy • LJ or 2 jn.jl ... C. G. H. 1806. C sp
3262 glab^Ua Wnl. smoothish • I I or 2 jn.jl ... C. G. H. 1816. C s.p Seb. thes. 1.20.2
3263 ciliaris L. ciliated • i _ | or 2 W C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Wen. c. 2.49
375. SYMPIE'ZA Lich. SYMPIEZA. (Sympiezo, to press together.) Ertce*. 1.
3264 capitellata Lich. small-headed sH|_Jor ... C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Wen. c. 2.37
Blae'ria bractcate Wnl.
376. CHOME'LLf Jac. CIIOMELIA. (J. B. Chomel, a Fr. bot, phys. to Louis XV.) Rubidcear. 2. — 3.
3265 spin6sa Jac spiny • D < » 12 ... W W.Indies 1793. C p.l 18. 13
Ix6raspin6sa Lam.
3266 fasciculate Sim. fascicled * • or 5 W W. Indies 1825. C p.l
Ix6rafasciculata Sum.
377. ADI'NA Sal. APINA. (Adinos, clustered; its flowers in heads.) Rubideea. 1. —2.
S267 globiflora Sal. globe-flowered is CD or 3 W China 1804. C s.l.p Par. Ion. 115
NaucleaAdina Sm.
378. BOUVA'RDL* Sal. BouvARnu. (Dr. Bouvard, a supcrin. of the Paris garden ) Rubiucece. 3. —7.
3268 triphflla Sal. three-leaved * \ | or 2 ap.n S Mexico 1794. C s.p Par. Ion. 88
Jacquini Hum. Houst6nia coccinea B. R.
2 pubescens pubescent H i I or 2 ap.n S Mexico 1794. C s.p Bot. reg. 107
3 glabra smooth *M | or 2 ap.n S Mexico 1794. C s.p
3269 versfcolor Ker various-colored A i_J or 2 Jl.s R S. Amer.? 1814. C Lp Bot. reg. 245
3270 Iongifl6ra Kth. long-flowered 2 ... W Mexico 1827. C s.p.1 Cav. ic. 572.1
379. IXWRA L. IXORA. (A Malabar idol, to which its flowers arc offered.) Rubidceee. 19. —SO.
3271 grandiflora Ker great-flowered * O or 4 au O E. Indies 1814. C l.p Bot reg. 154
coccinea L.
9S7S Bandhdca Rox. Bandhooka • Q o r 3 jl E. Indies 1815. C p.l Bot. reg. 513
I- TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 49 S E. Indies 1823. C p.l

M Botmag.169
safflron-colorcd • • or 3 O aus R Indies 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 782
^.colored iQor 2 R au E Indies 1822. C p.l Rot cab.1048
ftW iDor 4 W au K Indies 1800. Bot. reg 100
whlte ••or 4 W E. Indies 1768. C £l
wedge-leaved « • or 3 W jnjl E. Indies 1822. C p.l BoL reg. 648
twifc-branched HQor 2 A. ... E Indies 182.3. C p.l
3282 P .IS*! ^r< «CDor 13 au S E. Indies 1820. C p.l Bot. cab 009
3281 £11,2? lJ Pavetta Ml a or 3 W E. Indies 1800. C p.l And. rep 78
328J C23? small-flowered • • or 20 au.o W E Indies 1800 C p.l Vahlsy.3.11.52
beard 1 • • o r 12 jnjl W E.Indies 1823. C p.l Bot.mag.2505
? • • or W E. Indies 18'.'0. C p.1
*Dor P Bengal 1819. C p!l Bot.rcg.540
l^firoa^i K Indies 181& C Si
C p.1
3288flavaL 0 .c. * yellow iQot 3 Y E.Indies 1825. C p.l

i l d
* Q Aub.gui.158

flt Wl- C ATESBJS'il W. LILT THORN. (Si Catesby, author of the Nat. Hist, of Carolina.) Rubiuceec. 3
®Si«pin6sa W. spinous J C o r 12 my.s Y I. Provid. 172A C s.p Bot. inag. 131
"292 Idtiffilia Lindl. broad.leaved » D o r 41jnjl . Y W. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot reg. 858
«S*3parvifloraPars. small-flowered H Q o r 2 jnjl W Jamaica 1810. C Lp SL jam. 2.207.1
PAVETTA. (The name in Malabar.) Rubidceee. 3.
Indian • • o r 4 au.o W E. Indies 1791. C p.l Bur. in. 13.3
\ Ixbra panicul&ta Lam. Pav4tta Rox.
• i j o r 4 mr.o W China 1799. C p.l Bot. reg. 198

Sun. ERNODEA. (Ernodes, branching} in allusion to habit of plant i Rulwccce 1 — 3

I . France 1816. C.. P

^ r COCCOCTPSELUM. (JTo***.*, fruit, t W ^ t a vase; berries.) «ii&irfc^. I 7l

ping E 3un
£ E3 un || my
my P \V. Indies 1/93. D s.p Br. jam. 6.1
iESiJ Or
an EnglUhman who travelled in Virginia.) fl«Wrfce*. 1.
ijn W N. Amer. 1761. L, s.p Cat. car. 1.20
d.fffisPw? ' SJEU M A D D E R - 7 ? e tn . «f «l »u W
a n <*'; leaves like ears.) Rvbidce*. 7. -
*J ' E-Indie. 1821. S Vp

£ 5

milk.**fe OunlJUu W E. Indie, S

A«lmatetr«c4ntharom. C i.p Her. at 1.1

(m».0»«f,tonnderofBotMV.,etc..d.l799L) CWo
i_|tm30 ... Fa C. G. rf 1775. C .,1 Bur. a£ 235.83

) CelaOrhie*. 1.
'telea ovata fan. SerlnSSorata adagaw-ttM. C i.p.l Lam. il. 910

. 2. G0

»397. AMMA'NSJJ L. (J. jlnwMitn. i>r<"if. bot at St. Petersburg.) Sallcurbe. 18. —'22.
3318 rotiitnlilVilia Hum. round.lenvcd O un J J'k Nepal 1819. S s i
3319 intifiiiia ].. buad-leafed W \V. Indie S s.l SI. jam. 1.7.*
3330 hi'imilw Mr.; O un R N. Amer. 1823. 5 t.l
SU'll rnmi'isior L. brancliicr O nn 3 1' Virginia $ ».l Hoc. inu. KM
3*!2 verticil! its Lam. wliori Jlutuered [fll CU 1 W Guinea I8W. S (.1 Lam. U. 77.3
SS&TbixsiHam red K Nepal IRIS. S s.1
ivi it. 0 un I P E. Indies 1778. S .si
3355 pentamlra Box. pciitandrmu 01 un i jl.jiu P K. Indies 1823. S s.1
- octandra L.JU. octandmn O un T j l a u It Ii Indies 1820. S CO
»an«uino!£nta Stoz, bltwdy O uu i ) l au R Jamaica 1803. S s.1
itiflu*e O un ] w isaa S co
_ multifl.ira /for. many-flowered iQil mi | K U ii 8 i.l
3330 racemuwi Roth O mi 1 jUu p ism. S BO
83)1 mriculiia »'. eared O un 1 1» Egypt ISM. S co W , h . b . 7
3i32 bMciftm /,. berry-bearing Oun • 8 .-.I Lam.lL77.4
3333 vlridis Horn. O tin 1 Ap S co
3934 c&tpici Hitti. Caspian O tin | P Caspian :- S eo
3335 ««yi>tlaca W. Egyptian iQI uu 1 Ap Eg S |,t S ».l

398. FAii.VRA (Arabic name used by Aviccnna.) RvUeaf. 4. — IS.

333fi Ptcn'.Li L. l*ti'roia f • t m S U au.s G Jbautct 17fi8. C p.1 Dr.Jarn I
Ptoriita '/'/run.
3337 FiperUn h. r.|«-rita Japan 177^ Kasm. 833
3S38 /ragddei " SiM-rush-iike \V. Indies 175!). J a c uni. SJ1. 14

399. ZIF.'IUA Sin. ZlEHM. {M. Zier, a loused botanic.) nutate*, ft—12:
3340 Smiihtf Andr. Snu Ill's l_J or 3 u]>.jl W N. S. W. 1808. C ».p Bot mag. 1395
ia.iiciwlu.ta /(. Br.
3341 macrophjlla lionp, long, leaved !_|or 4 myJj \V I8CQ. C
3342 Ifevigatn AM. nruyoth./riuvtl my.jl W N. HCJII. 1822. C
g34fl inicruph j-lla Amp. I | or 3 my.jl w N. M..1L C tp
33H niluia /{U(/. I (or 4 myjl w N. Hoi I. C i.\> Lin. lr. 1U. 17.2
3S4S Binun Vee. i | or I myjl w N. Hnll. 18SSL C
3346 obcorriitii ('un. nhrrjrtlfttc i 1 or 4 myjl w N. Hull. C
SHI revali'tiii ('un. revolute i | or 4 myjl \v N. HolL C i |1
3348 octandrn Stvt. octiindrouii \ (or a N. Hull. 1825. C Sw. au. ic. in.
400. CI'SSUS L. Cusui. (Tlic Greek name or thcivy.) E8. — BS.
3349 iritiglnca L. Vine-s[)rung 20 Q India Pluk. m.27.337.i
335(1 admits /for. DdlliltC A • mi 8 . . . G E Indiut 18S1 C
3351 latiltitift /.fun.
335° glaftva Roz.
Urniii t.l c a v e d &_ • n -I . . . G E. Indie*
E. Indies
ISC* C Ku. am. 5. IC4. i
glaucous fl_ a ta 10 ... G 1818. C K-maLV. 11
3353 cassia 4fr 15 ... G S. I^eonc D
18S1. C R.mal.7.48
3354 rejH-ii*
SiM puncUculfisa Mr.
3356 qiintlraueulariB /,.
tBs? 2 ...
W ...
30 ...
E. Indies
isia I"
c p.l Iin. am. K -It
3357 *lcyoldw L. Bfarw B_ D o r W ... 0 .1 l l l l . l i l L c «.p Sl.jain. 1. 1U.
3338 nniljcina A1/i. Smilnx-liku ft. CJ
t)r 10 ... a vv. co
3359 ovata Lnm, ovatu 10 ... G 18M. C E.I Ilr. j;iin. I 1 , 1
33<i() aiiNirutira Fen. antarciic ifl) G N. a w. I7S0. C sj But.mng.24SB
glandular G E IndiM 1819. I) TO
iiM-ruis »'. 30 '". G C. G. rL 1792. C S.p 1
Sj(i'> trilnliilta Lnm. thrce.loued 12JLU1 G E. Indies 18?J. C co B. nial. 5 45
33S4 aunculala /toi. Bknd i-Oun G K. l i i - i i e s co
Mid L D M 6 ... G J.i m . l i r a Ififlt C [>.l J:tc. «c. I. 33
Ik-shy1 I_ • un 8 ... O E. Indie* c co Jtu, ntii
33fi7 trifoltatn Jnc. 11) ret - leaved ii . . . c; Jamaica c 11.1 Sl.jatn, '
33S8 miurocania Fnhl *mal I-fruited A. • un 11 . . . G W. . c co PL ic. S
3369 aitgustifuliii Poir. nartoir-lwnd J| I I uo o ,„ G K Iii.ik'- M S . C co
3370 alata Jae winsed i_Oun 6 ,.. 0 S. Amer. 182S, C co Jac. tun. 183,10
337ipet]tapliylla W. Japan
3372 elooKti'.') /(iif.
Li iir
B ip.i
10 ... G
K. initii.'S nsa c «.p
337^ ouioSta //. K. 10 jl c. a 11. Big V l.p
3374 diver>ir61ia JT>c. v:iriou»-[coved
tH or 10 ... a
]•'. Indies 1S20.
taa u CO
Ijim. .1
3375 oriental in Ijim. oriental J_ )un 8 ...
337G quiinjuei'i'iliu 2f. M. 1 un 10 Jl G Bralil 1800.
fi-lcavcd Brazil 4. BtiL. ni^f. iW

401. CO'RNUS L, DmiwooD. G of the «

., a horn ; liardnw« .3.-17.
Ilih nr I W B) HI- . i l l ) . 11 bojj F,ti(t. In-1
(.iiiaiiian 1774. H
3378 (Miia<i<!>nsi« L.
3379 Bfirida A. lluwery
& IT
iir V' W N. Amer. IT.;I. L tu Bot. iii"t;. 5iH>
3380 majcula L. mrtcComet Of 1J ii|- my Y Amtria co*
<t voricffJtla or U C:ili Y Auslri.i •

3331 Miiguinca JL bl m Mi y or 35 f.iil) Vv hrituin mnda 1, oa
3 variegdta Mtcd n B fttfi W Britain tied. C co
3389 Ota /.. nr 81nJ1 w 17*1. L
CO Sehm, ar. 2. <

Ituritian r>r 8 jn.« ffiberia I.

3383 siborica La. C. Siberian IT 8 jn.s w SilM-ria C
3384Ecricea Heiit. silky ur 5 au \v N. Amer.
1683. L
3J8S cirn.ial.-i L, rim mled nr w N. Amer.^
178+. L
I,am. Mrut ur 1,11,1,1 w N. Amer. Sehm. ar. & W
1758. L
variegated t.r w K. Amer. 1768 C
3387 ob)6r>) Dhkmg or 15 ... V Ut-pnl 1S18. C CO ^
3388 [wiiii • OB 6JnJI XV N. Amor. 17« L eo Srhm. nr. £. 00
sawnii''n.ii.'.i..i r.. panlcled \v S A in.-i. co
LH . IP I J II • • 1. • ^^

is >
...«»»• mA'N-TAM.VM U »• Wllil,. wotil (If Samtatdunr. 3. —7.
3SBQ.ii>...,,, / . I1U. l i e III IU ... "r ' <-' P
4 ... K
3391 wyrtirolium Rat. Myr(Ie.leaved
3302 obtusllf)lium R. Br. obtuto.leaved
11 I or
ll_Jor 0 ... It N. Hull. ifisa C |..l Rox-cor. Li
C p.1
W*™ 11
CALTROPS. a caltrop; fruit Hydrochartdeat. 4 . - 5 .
S co Bot reg. 86
?**5 bicftrnii L. S
two-horned i iA] clt flt W £hina
J790. S
co 2.95
MBS bispindsa Jfcw. two-spincd ^ OJ clt flt W E Indies 1822. S co R. maL 11.33
-.««.„.«.«. lt ,. „. ^uaufig, prof. med. at Leipsic.) ._. „. „«,. -,.
Onagrdrite. „,.
J^jnate-leaved^^ un 1 jnjl Y ._„.
Virginia I. SS co
1752. co ~Lam. iL 1.77
3398 hirsuta Lam. hairy A un 1 Y N. Amer. 1812. D p.1
. ^ Pil6sa Walt.
3399 prostrata Box. prostrate Jk O un Y E. Indies 1816. S co
3*00 parviflora Box.
small-flowered O un * Y E. Indies 1825. S co
M05. ALLIO'NU L. ALLIONIA. (Charles AUioni, prof, bot at Turin) Nyctagineaf. 2.—
3*01 viol&ea L. violet-colored O or 1 jl.s V Cumana 1820. S Lp
3*02 incarnate L. Qcsh.colored Q or 1 jl s F Cumana 1820. S l.p Her. st 31


wI P 1 7 "™"- (Count deBttfbn^he celeb. French naturalist.) C jUe*. 2. - 4 .
falua slender-leaved O cu *jn W England sea ca S co 2ng. bot 1313
perennial Jjn.jl W France 1817. S p.l 87.2
(»««»•• with,
with, melon,
m apple; fr. accompany fl.) llamamelUlc*. 2.
Virginian or 10
y. Y 'NN.'Amer.
A 1736. LL p.l
1736 I D Dun.
h ax.1114
rophylla PA. long-leavcd 15 my.n Y
or 15 N. Amer. 1812. L p.1
HYPECOUM. {Hypecheo, to rattle j noise of seeds in pods.) Papaverdceai. 3 . - 6 .
procumbent -A O or 1 jn jl Y S. Europe 1596. S co Schk. ban. 1.27
«-»•»»—- -* O or § jnjl Y & France l»40 S co Par. th. 372.2
erect O or i myjn Y Siberia 1759. S co Am. rut. 58.9



-*u uragbga Jac. {Courts. Mygind, of Vienna, a bot. amateur.) lihamnete. 5.—10.
diuretic r 4 au.s P & Amer. 1790. L p.1 Jac. am. 24.16
Myrtlelleaved or 4 W N. Amer. 1818. L p.1
34U J Rhacoma 4 ... W Jamaica 1798. L p.1 Jac. ic. 2.311
S™ 4-P 1 ^
3415 integnfoha
•»*15 Lam. broad-leaved 4 W W. Indies 1795. C s.p Fl. per. 84.6
entire-leaved 4 ... W Martiniq. 1826. C s.l
^if6 apjn W hedg. S co
apjn W Britain G co
ap.jn W Britain G co
apjn W Britain G co
apjn W Britain G co
apjn W Britain G co
apjn W Britain G co
apjn W Britain G co
-•• "VWUIV8 lit
apjn W Britain G co
-^ n5ta Desf. myjl W G co
SJWbaU^ricaJ!)^. Minorca '' I |or 10
JJ19 Pertido H. £ myjn W Minorca 1815.
G co
Perado }' l_jor 10 Pk Madeira 1760.
Canary Islands} [ G s.l Mce. ic. 2.6
I |or 16 jnjl W Canaries 1820.
G p.l
opaque '» or30 myjn W Carolina 1744.
saflron-colorcd ]' G p.1 Mce. ic. 2.5
axifl6raZai». «Jtm 30 „. W C. G. H. 1794.
G s.p
loose-flowered ]' or20 apjn W Carolina 1811.
i-hinensis B. M. Chinese M G a.p Lam. il. 355
Uahuon Walt l_J or10 jl W China 1814.
G s.f Bot. mag. 2043
Dahoon A -Jor 6 my.jn W Carolina 1726
CaM/ H. K. Cassine Dahoon £ —lor G s.1
Aii 12 au W Carolina 1726.
G 8.1 Cat car. 1. 31
narrow-leaved m -Jor 6 myjn W Carolina 1H06.
G s.l
Cassine-hke Ml or 6 W 1820.
JJg vomu6na /T. Jt emetic t or G ro
?*30*ahcit61ia Jac. 10 W Florida 1700
G p.1 Cat. car. 2.57
3*31 wyrtitoha Lim. Willow-Ieaved * or 5 myjn W Mauritius 1818.
C p.1 Jac. c. 4.2.2
**«>* paraguftisis UU. Myrtle-leaved m or 6 W W. Indies 1806.
Paraguay Tea m IR C p.1
15 , W Paraguay 1823.
C p.1 Lamb. pi. 12. ic.
PLANERA. (J. J. Planer, a German botanist.)
Mx. Richard's il Ulm&c&e.
Uimua nemor&lis //. K. or 12 Br N. Amer. 1760. G co
"— "" Mx. Gmelin** fll or 12 Br N. Amer. I8J& G eo
J£JFaUemk* N o r t h American botanist) Boragine*. 1.—2.
trailing - * O o r k W E Indies 16W
E 2 co Lam. iL89

•414. POTAMOOETON L. POND-WEED. (Potamot, a river, geiton, near; situation.) Atismdce*. 14.—44,
3436 natans L. natant ^ A cu flt au G Britain riv. D co Eng. bot. 1822
3437 flfiitans Roth floating £ A cu flt R Britain dit. D co Eng. bot 1286
3438 heterophy'llum Schreb. vanous-lvd * A cu flt G Britain dit D co Eng. bot. 1285
34'39 iwrfoliatum I/. perforate A cu flt P Britain riv. D co Eng. bot. 168
3440 densum £. close-leaved A cu flt my.jl G Britain dit. D co Eng. bot. 397
3441 luccns L. shining A cu flt jn.jl G Britain dit D co Eng. bot. 376
3442 crfspum L. curled A cu flt jn.jl R Britain rivul. D co Eng. bot 1012
3443 romprt'ssiim L. A cu flt jn.jl G Britain rivul. D co Eng. bot 418
3444 cuspidatum Schr. cubpidatc A cu flt jn.jl Br Britain rivul. 1) co Loe. pr. 66
3445 pectinatum /». pectinate-fai A cu flt jn.jl Ol Britain dit D co Eng. bot. 323
3446 lanccolatum J5. A apeax-leaved A cu flt Ol England w.lak. D co Eng. bot 11)85
3447 gramineum E. B. Gferf A cu flt G Britain dit. D co Eng. bot 2253
3418 pusillum L. small A ru flt G Britain dit D co Eng. bot 215
3449 sct&ceum i. A cu flt G Britain ... D co
415. RU'PPM L. RUPPIA. (H. B. Ruppi, a German botanist.) Fluvidles. 1. —2.
3450 maritima L. sea A cu flt jl G Britain sa. w. d. S s.l Eng. bot 136
• 416. SAGI'NA L. PEARLWORT.s (Sagina, something nourishing, Lat.; sheep-food.) Caryi lleas. 6.-8.
3451 procGmbens /.. "
procumbent O~ w • my.s "* W Britain
" ' • " " Ing. bot. 880
3452 ccr.tstotdcs Sm. O w "ft jnji W Britain Eng. bot 169
Mocnchta cerastoldcs Spr.
3453 tililorinis Pou. filiform O cu * jn.jl w Pyrenees 1824. S co
3454 apltala L. apctalous O w i my.jn w Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 881
3415 maritima Don sea-side O w ft w Ireland sc. alp. S co Eng, bot. 2195
3456 crlcta L. upright O w ft ap my W Britain ... S co Eng. bot 609
Mocnchuz quaternella Ehrh.
417. IXIAJE'A L. TILLJSA. (M.A. Tilli, an Italian botanist, d. 1740.) Crassuldcea>. 2 . - 4 .
3467 musc6sa L. mossy O cu ft jn.o PI England sa. he. S co Eng. bot. 116
34J8 aquatica R. $ S. water ^ O cu P. a N. Europe 1816. S l.p Us. an. 6.1
4 i a BULLIA'RDii Dec. BULLIARDA. (M Bulliard, a French botanist.) Crassuldaw. I.—2.
3459 Vaillant* Dec. Vaillant's ^ O cu ft W S. Europe 1825. S l.p Dec. pL 74
419. RADI'OI.A Dil. RADIOLA. (Radiohis, a little ray : radiated capsule.) CaryopMllece. 1.
3460 millcgrana Sm. all-seed O cu ft W Britain san. pi. S bog Eng. bot 893
420. GONOCA'RPUS Thun. GOWOCARPUS (Gonia, an angle, karpos, fruit; seeds.) Salicdriar. 1. —9.
3461 micranthus Thun. small-flowered o cu 1 W China 1806. S co Thun. jap. 69.15


421. MIRA'BILIS L. MARVEL OF PEHU. (Mirabilis, wonderful: flowers.) Kydaglnete. 5. —
3462 dichotoma L. forked Y BJexico 1640. R co Mart. ce. 1.1
3463 Jaldpa L. Jalap 2 jn.s R W.Indies 1596. R r.m Bot. mag. 371
1 flava ycllovrJlowered ft i_J or 2 jn.s
ycUbw-flmvcred Y \V. Indies 1596 R r.m
2 alha whitc-Jtotvrrcd i | or 2 jn.s W W.Indies 159a R r.m
3 rubro-alba red and white i lor 2 jn.s R.w W. Indies 1596. R r.m
4 rubro-fl&va red and yellow ft i_J or 2 jn.s R.Y W. Indies 1596. R r.m
3464 hfbrida I*pel. hbd
hybrid ft ... LJ| or 2 jn.s R 1813. R r.m
3465 longinY.ra L. long-flowered ft Ljor jn.s W Mexico 1759. R r.m Ex. bot 1.23
3466 suaveolens Kth. sweet-scented ft A or W Mexico 1824. R r.m
• 4 2 2 . ABRO'NIA J. ABROMA. (Abros, delicate the involucrum.) Nyctaglnete. 1.
3467 umbellfita Lam. 'umbelled JU A el ft R California 1823. D s.p Hook. ex. 194
Tricratus admirabilis Her.
* 423. PLUMB A'GO L. LEADWOHT. (Plumbum, a disorder in the eyes: med. qual.) Plumbaginecc. PlumbqginetB. &a —12.
34C8 eurojME'a L. European ^ A or 3 e.o B S. Europe 1596. C p.l Bot mag. 2139
3469 /apathif61ia W Dock-leaved Ji jn.jl Iberia 1822. Sk s.p
3470 zeylanica L. Cingalese 2 ap.s W E. Indies 1731. Sk s.p R mal. 10. 8
3471 r6sca L. rosy t L I l o r lft mr.jl R E. Indies 1777. Sk r.m Bot mag. 230
3472»candens-L. climbing LCD or 3 W W. Indies 1699. Sk s.p SI. jam. 1.133-1
3473 occidcnt^lis Sco. West Indian 3 ap.a W W. Indies 1817. C l.p
zcylanica 0 R. % S. scamlcns Host noikV.
3474 trlstis //. K. dark-J/otwra/ tL i_J or lft my.jn Br C. G. H. 1792 l.p
3475 capcnsis Thun. Cape n. \_J or lftn B C. G. H. 1818. l.p Bot. reg.417
424. //ELIOTRO'PIUM L. TURNSOLE. (Helios, the sun, trope, a turning; flowers.) Boraclnece. 22.— 79-
3476 peruvianum L. Peruvian JU \_J or 2 my.s L'i Peru ~' 1757. C r.m "Bot. mag. 141
2 hybndum More's hybrid tt l_J or 3 my.s Li hybrid 1815. C r.m
3477 corymb6sum R S(P. corymbose SU i_J or 4 my.s Li Peru 1808. C r.m Bot mag. 1609
grandiflorum Sehrank
3478 /inifulium Lch. Flax-leaved n-L-Jor lftjn.8 W C. G.H. 1815. C s.p
Myosotis Irutieoaa TV.
3479 brcvifolium Wai. short-leaved Is D or W.Y Nepal 1824. C p i
3480 zeylamcum Lam. Ceylon «- O or W Ceylon 1818. S r.m Bur. in. 16.2
S481 humilc Lam. humble tL D or my.jn w S. Amer. 1752. C si PLic.227. 2
3482 maroccanum Lch. Morocco «L \ | or jnji w Morocco 1823. s.l
3483 undulatum Vahl v/avaUeaved LB N. Africa 1820. s.p Dcs£at41
crispum Qetf. tt |_Jor
3484 europium L. European O or I jn.o W & Europe 1562. Jac. au. a 207
S4A5 commutatum R. 4> S. changed
hd O or W S. Europe 18()0.
S4Sfi supinum L. supine W S. Europe 1640. Gou. m.
-* Q or
3487 suavfolens Bieb. sweet-scented ijn.o
O or W Caucasus 1825. S s.1
£*|w curabsavicum L. Curasso £ OB or W. Indies 1731. C s.1 SLjam. 1.132.3
3489chenopodioides>F.«rn. GoosefooUike f Jnjl W
I jn.jl W S. Amer. 1823. S Lp
*KW obloiiKifolium Lk. oblong.leaved 0 or S. Europe 1824. S s.1
Hi P'»rvifl6rum L. small-flowered £ i jn.o
DO or
W W. Indies 1732. C s.1 Di. el. 146. 17a
dellnumJfefa. Coroinaiidel tf I jls W E. Indies 1812. S si
0 1 or
i jLn W
ovatum liox. ohov&te-leaved O or
I my.jn B Nepal 1825. S co ' %
anusophy'lluin ifeakj;. unequal-leaved * jnjl W Guinea 1823. S co Beau. OH-. 2. 1)4
s£J ca P« nse *•*'' Cap6 iQJor ijnjl W C. G H. 1824. S s.p
3*96 prostritum A £r. prostrate uQJor i jnjl W N. Hoi). 1826. S s.1
a**/ ^iiaphalodes /,. Gnaphalium-like tL • cu I jl.s W W. Indies 1824. C s.1 77
' rourncfortia g naphaloides R. Br.
^ - J/YOSOTIS L. SCORPION GRASS. (Mys, a rat, otion, a little ear; leaves.) Boraginete. 19. —42.
3498 paltistris With. marsh A p r 1 B.v Britain mea. D e o 1973
ainn P»oidcs W. repens Don
3499 caespitosa SC/IK«. tufted
tufted I jnjl B Britain w. pi. D co
3500 intermedia Lk. intermediate B Britain dr.wo. S co Fl. dan. 583
3501sylvatica£/*rA. wood 1 Jnjl B Britain woods. I) co Kay sy. 9.2
^O2alpdstris// 0 ^ Alpine ijnjl B Switzcrl. 1818. S co
3503 ruplcola E B. rock jnjl Scotland al roc. 1) co Eng. bot 2559
* * * fuaveoleni W.K. aweeuscenieu
sweeUscented Hungary 1823. D co
££> "thospennifolia/lbrn. G Gromwell-lvd Caucasus 1818. 1) co
**» arvensjs
***» arvensis Swi. Sm. corn-field Britain dryfi. S co Eng.lwt.480
J507 yersicolor tfoM party-colored
3508 h't A Britain dryfi. S co Eng. hot. 2558
yellow Spam 1821. S co Cav. ic. 1. 69. 1
weak trance 1820. S co Desv.2.8.2
3510 mvolucrata involucrcd Siberia 1825. S co
g|l«trictaZA. strict Germany 18&. S co
35l2B|»rsifl6raAfi*. scattered-flwd S. France 1822. S co
3513 nuna VU. dwarf Europe 1800. D co Hac. ca. 2.6
3.^14 peduncularis ftm stalked Astracan 1824. S co Trev.b 1813. 4to
slender-flwd S. Europe 1817. S co [147.2.69
*»15 tenuiflora Viv.
e hedgehog,
g e o g , spcrnia,
spcrrna, seed.)
seed.) Boraginete.
Boraglnece. 7. —17.
7. 1
' w-yi*"V" tul
i 11 f c/I
" •' - Virginian Q) or 2 B VirgmiV 1699. S co M.h.11.30.9
«w ^ J ? ° virginica Z.
35 2 c T le A flexum L*. deflexed O) un my.jn Denmark 1820. co
«»18 Laiwula T^h Maiden lip O un Europe 1656. co
<wi« My0*1'*** Law>
rough 2 B Siberia 1802. co
3520 Red6wskii Horn. Itedowsky's Gun J my.jn B Russia 1819. co
^jlbb umi^A. bearded O un Tauria 1823. CO
margmatum matum Leh. mar
marginate O un 1 B Caucasus 1822. CO
•AzyobOtis marginata Bieb.
h MATTIA. (An unknown botanist) Boraginete. 2 . - 4 .
Schuit. umbclled £ A or 1 myjn R Hungary 1822. D s.1 W.&K.148
woolly £ LAJ or S jn Pk Levant 1800. D s.1 An. mu. 10.37
TIABIDIWM. (Tiara, a Persian diadem, eidos, like j seeds.) Boraglnete. 2 . - 3 .
O o r 1 jnjl B W. Indies 1820. S s.1 4
Pum i
num Leh. velvet lOJor 1 jnjl B W. Indies 1820. S s.l

corn-n'cld O w --. cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 123
broad-leaved A or 2 Y
Oriental A or 2 jnjl Y N. Amor. 1824. D co
J5J2 hncatum Uh. two-rowed lAlor H my.jn Levant 1713. D co Bot. mag. 515
J533 apulum Leh. t Q) or 1 P.Y
Cuba 180ft I) co
lineute O un i jn.jl Y
3534 vill6sum L. Auulian A or 1 Greece 182ft S co
5535 tinct6rium Dec. B
villous A or l^ B S. Europe 1768. S co 1.185
___. -^nchusa tuictona FF.dyer's
1*30 purp.-cB?rfileum /.,. S. France 1817. D co
A 1 my P S. Europe 1596. D co
SSBS?? slendcr.flwd
3| my.jn B
i my.jn B England ch. so. D co Eng. l»t. 117
3>39 disi>6rmum L. two-secded O ijnjl B Italy 1825. C co Viv. fr. 5
SJ? 5tnKK«<i«uni
u n i Bicb.
J1 5frutic6sum A 1 B J-gypt
Tauria 1796. S co Jac.ic.2.313
»J1 frut6
3542 prostratum L shrubby 2 iny.jn B Spain
S. Europe 17li9.
1683. CS co
co Bar.
ic. 11G8
prostrate 1 myjn B 1 :
" 1820.
S. Europe 1825. DC co
. . 1.4
(J.G. Batsch, a German professor of botany.) Boraginc*. 4 . - &
or i myjl Y Carolina 18U D e o
cancscent A or 2 . Amer. 1826. R p.1 Mic. am. 14
^ ^ serlcea Leh. lonff-floweied A or *my.jl Y Missouri 1812.
silky D co
A or i myjl Y N. Amer. 1825.
* « 1 . ONO'SMA /.. D sp M.
3^47 stcllulatum Kit. O.VOSMA. (Onas, an ass. osme, smell; grateful to the ass.)
small-8tarred £ .£1 cl i. apjn Y Hungary 1819.
8 13.— 24.
I tatiricum Jlieb. Taunan ik A or i a p j n Y ?^ P W.&K.2.173
*Ht giganteuin Lam. giant Caucasus 1801. D si Bot.mag.889
3550 arenarium IF. K. sand £ A or 1 mrjn Y Tauria 1818.
3551 echioides L. 3t A or 1 apjn Y Hungary 1804. D IF W.&K.27O
Bchium-like 5l A or 1 inr.jn W S. Europe 1681.
3558 tinct«'»rium Bicb. D s.1 "
3^>3 rupestre Bub. dyer's JC .AJel 4. apjn Y Caucasus 182ft
» 5 4 divaricatum Leh. £ -AJcl i. ap.jn
.,- Y S s.p
rock ^l A or 1 np.jn Y Caucasus 181!). S s.p
3555 orientale L. divaricate ^i iZU or Caucasus 1818. S i3.p
imuliclsgimum i my.jn Y Levant 1752
Oriental ^ A or 1 apjn Y Siberia 1768. l) si
tnnervium Leh. simplest Si CM or Y JJ 8.J Bot. mag. 2248
J?*UM S. Amer. 1824.
three-nerved ik A or iinji" Y Caucasus 1752. {* s.l Iieh. as. y
3-horn-si'tjded ^ _AJel Y D co Leh. as. 10
K 3 b sp

432. ilNCHU'SA L. BUGLOSS. (Agehousat paint for the skin; use.) Boraginea. 28.—50.
3560 Barrelieri Gm. Barretter's A or 2 my.jn B S. Europe 1820. D co Bot. mag. 2349
Myosutis obtusa W. $ K.
3561 myosotidinYira Leh. ikfyosotis-flwd A or 1 jn.8 B Tauria 1825. D co
Jlfyos6tis macrophy'lla Bieb.
3562 nanlculata H. K. paniclcd 3 my.jn B Madeira 1777. C p.l Fl. gr. ltd
3563 Imcc'na Gar. pleasing 4 jnjl B S. Europe 1817. S co M. h. 28. ll
35u4 asperrima Del. roughest 14 my.jn B Egypt 1817. S co
3565 Miller* W. en. Miller's 1J my.jn Pk Iievant 1713. S co
3566 stylosa Bieb. stylose myjn B Tauria 1820. S co Bieb.cen.23
3567 pr6cera Bet. tall 3 myjn B Gahcia 1824. S co
3568 tinctoria L. dyer's l*jn.o P MontpeL 1596. D co Bot. rep. 576
3569 hlspida Forsk. bristly 1* myjn B Egypt 1817. S co
3570 (endlla Horn. delicate f myjn W Ceylon 1820. S co
zcylanica Pat.
3571 offlcinalis L. officinal _ P Britain sea co. D co Eng. bot. 662
3572 ochroleuca Bieb. yellowish-white^ Pa.Y M.Caucas.1810. D co Bot mag. 1608
2 itahca FT. Italian R.p S. Europe 1597. S co Bot rcg. 483
3573 incarnfita Schr. flesh-colored S. Europe 1816. S co
3574 latifolia XeA. broad-leaved Q) or 2 myjn B 1826. S co
3575 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved A or 2 myjn P S. Europe 1640. D co Fl. gr. 164
3576 leptophyila K. $ S. slender-leaved A or 2 Jl.o P Europe 1640. S co Bot mag. 1897
angustiiolia B. Af.
3577 longifoha IAMI. long-leaved 2} B Italy 1819. S co
3578 /ycopsoides Bes. L y]i l i k li B Russia 1824 S co
3579 maculata //urn. •poltunl-lcaved 1J myjn B 1824. S co
3580 undulfita L. waved-leaved 2 B Spain 1752. D co B i t mag. 2119
3581 Gmelini Led. Gmelin's 2 myjn B Podolia 1817. S co
3582 caplnsis Thun. Cape 1 jl B C. G. H. 1800. S p.l Bot. rep. 336
3583 hjrbrida Ten. hybrid 1} W . B Italy 1820. S co Fl. nap. 11
3584 Agardhii Leh. Agardh's I jl.s B Siberia 1820. S co
3*35 verrucosa Lam. warty i P.v S. Europe 1821. S co 21
3586 rupestris R. Br. rock 1 jl B Siberia 1802. D co PaLit.3.71. E.3
3587 sericea /f. Sf S. silky 1 B Siberia 1802. D co
433. SY'MPHYTUM L. COMFRET. (Sumphuo. to make unite: healing qualities.) Boragineie. 10. —
3588 otticinale L. officinal myjl W Britain " wet pl.'D co Eng. bot 817
2 patens Sib. open my.jl B Britain wet pi. D co
3589 bohemicum Schott Bohemian my.jl K Bohemia 1810. D
3590 tuberusum L. tuberous my.o Y Scotland m D CO Eng. bot 1502
3591 orientate L. eastern myjl W Turkey 17:*>2. D CO Bot. mag. 1912
3592 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian myjl P Caucasus 1820. CO
3593 tauncum W. en. Taurian myjl W Tauria 1806. CO Bot. mag. 1787
3594 bullatum Jac. b 2ft myjl w Caucasus 1818. CO Jac. ec. 81 ?
3595 cordatum Kit. heart-leaved 2 myjl Y . Transylv. 1813. S.1 W. & K. 7
3596 aspemmum H. K. roughest 6 my. s R.B Caucasus 1799. CO Bot mag. 929
2 hybridum hybrid 4 my.s R.B hybrid 1825. CO
3597 peregrinum Led, foreign 2 Podolia 1816. CO
434. ONOSMCDIUM Mx. ONOSMODIUM. (Onosma, Onosma, eidos, like; similarity.) Boraglncct. 2 . - 3 .
3598 hispidum Mx. bristly ^ A or 1 jn Y N. Amer. 1759. D s.l M.h.3.11.^8.3
PursluTi hlspida Leh.
3599 m6Ue Mx. soft ^ W N. Amer. 1812. D 8.1 Mic am. 15
Purshta mullis Leh.
435. CYNOGLO'SSUM L^ HOUND'S-TONGUE. (At/on, a dog, eloua, a tongue; leaves.) Boraglnete. 19.
3600 officinSle L. officinal
3601 Haenkn Schult Haenke's '- Q) or 2 jnjl P.a
B.p Britain rub, S co
Bohemia 1819. co Eng. bot 921
3602 sylvaticum E. B. wood 'i 3 jujl B Britain aha. la. S CO
3603 Dioscoridis Vil. Dioscorides's • 2 P France 1820. S CO Eng. bot 1642
3604 pictum H. K. painted j 2 au L.B Madeira 1658. CO
36U5 bicolor W. two-colored 2 W.p Germany 1820*. S CO Bot. mag. 21i>4
3606 elongfitum Horn. elongated " 2| F 1819. CO
3607 clandestlnum Desf. clandestine ] 2 Br Spain 1821.
3608 amplexicaule Mx. stem-clasping ] 2 myjl B N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Desf. at. 1.44
virgin leum L.
3609 apenninum L. Apennine : apjl R Italy 1731. co 1.70
3610 magellense Ten. Magellan ] myjl P Naples 182a co
3611 austrdlc B. Br. southern j myjl P.R N.Holl. 1820. s.p
3612 hirsGtum Thun. hairy L.B C. G. H. 1806. CO
3613 canescens IV. cancsccnt :
jnau B E. Indies 1819. CO Jac. 8C. 489 .
hirs6tum Jac.
3614 Coltimm? Ten. Columna's P Apennin. 1825. S CO Col. cc. 1.178
3615 holoscriceum Stev. velvety " V Siberia 1821. S CO
3616 umbellatum Kit. umbellated ' P Hungary 1817. S CO
3617 glomuratum Fra. clustered • N. Amer. 1812. S CO
3618 c/wiritohum L. Wallflower-lvd' Levant 1596. S CO
^nchfisa lanSta L.
436. RIND [Pal. RlNDKRA. {Kinder, dean of medicine in Moscow.) Boraglnete. 1. — •'>•
3tilV laivluhtn Ji. SlllOfltll i A « r 1 Jnjl K Siberia 1818.
tetraspis JPal. fynoglou«um U M
437. OMPH ALCDES Leh. VENUS' NAVEL-WORT. (Omphalos, a navel, eidos, like; seeds) Boraginea?. 7.—
3620 nitida I*h. shining £ A or £ apjn W Pm*niMii
Portugal i«io
1812.' TI
D ««
co' Bot. mag. 2589
Cynoglussum nitidum if. Af. Picutia nitida B.&S.
3621 verna Leh. spring tf A el j mr.ap B S. Europe 1633. D co Bot mag. 7
Cynogl6ssumOmphal6des L. Pic6tia v^rna R.SfS.
3622 semnervlrens D. Don evergreen £ A or 2| myjl B Britain rub. D co Eng. bot 45
yfnehftsa sempcrvirens L.
3CS3 amplexicafilis Leh.
3023 amplexicafilis stem-clasping
Leh. stem-clasping O or
O or 11 W Spain 1823. S co Leh. b. 93.6
PicOtta Arassicsfoliait $s. Cynogl6ssum Arassicsf6hum Lag.
3624 httoralu\Leh. sand O pr 1 W France 1826. co
3625 scorpioides Leh. scorpion-like -* O pr 1 B Bohemia 1825. co Leh. b. 98.7
Cynogl6ssum scorpioides Joe
3626 /inifolia Leh. Flax.l O or 1 W Portugal 1648. S co
Cynogl6ssum /inif61ium L.
,*f?ULMONA'RIAZ. LIWCWORT. (Leaves speckled like human lungs.) Boragine*. 17. —19.
a<«7 azurea Bet. aiure 1} ap.jn B Poland 1823. D co
3628 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved * V Britain woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 162S
tuberous f my Pk Hungary 1824. D co
30 m^llis WuL *
p.y B
Jfi3I grandiflora Dec. soft N Amer. 1805. D co Bot mag. 2422
great-flowered mj *Pk
my.jn " France 1819. D co Dec. ic. 64
^blfc oblong my Pk Germany 1818. D co
— ,—«^«.loi W. tny.jn P
3634 offlcinaTis L. pubescent Russia 1821. D co
officinal my Pk England woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 118
3635 saccharata Leh. my.jn W
3636 davurica Fis. sugared Europe 1817. D co Bot. mag. 1743
^T . — 7 — Daurian my Li Dauria 1812. D
„_«, J<uhosnermum davuricum Leh. Ii myjn L.B Hud. Bay 1778. D p.l
3637 paniculata //. Ar. panicled
«MO f- ltno8 l*'mum paniculatum I*h. or 1 myjn P Louisiana 1813. D s.l
mar^inata ivluf. Lithospcrmum margSktum Leh.
ao38 lanceolata Ph. spear-faztmf
v.roimM r Virginian ^ ^ or 1* B N. Amer. 1699. D p.l Bot mag. 160
v^> ^."Pfe p m Leh
3640sibiricaL. Siberian & A or 3 jnjl P N. Amer. 1801. D s.1 Gm. si. 4.15.39
Lithospfrmum sibiricum Uh.
JW1 denticulata R. *S. denticulate % A or 1 myjn P N. Amer. 1800. D co
sibinca Ph. Lithospermum denticuUtum Leh.
•WSmarltimaL. sea *~ A or i j n j l B Britain seash. D s . p
in** •Lltno?Permum maritimum Leh.
*»»3 parviflora Mt. small-flowercd JU A or 4} jnjl B N. Amer. 1827. D e.p
^ 0 r i
3fi45 aspcra Roth greater
(Keros, wax; bees sup. to obtain largely from.) Boraginea. 5.-6.
O or 3 jl au Y.p S France 1596. S co Bot mag. 333
rough O or 2 Y.p S. France 16&J. S co Fl. gr. 170
ggwMrUftfc twisted JO cu 2 Ya Levant 1825. S CO Fl. gr. 1.171
JW7 minor L. smaller O or H j n o Y Austria 1570. S CO Jac. au. 2.124
3648 maculata L. spotted £ Q> or 2 jn.o Y.R S. France 1804. S CO
Tfiio j i r V ^ A ' 0 0 £ • BORAGE (Alt from cor, heart, ago, to affect; cordial qualities.) Boraginea. 6 . - 7 .
3649offlcinjili8L. common O cul 3 jn j nss B B England
England " rub. S co Eng. bot. 36
white-flowered 2 jn.s W England gar. S co
JOIonBifaiaD long-leaved 1 B & Europe 1825. S co Desf. at 1.44
3fi51 onentalis L oriental 2 B Turkey 1752. D co Bot reg. 288
3052 c r c t j v Cretan 1 apjn B Crete 1823. D co Fl. gr. 176
loose-flowered 1 B Corsica 1813. C 8.1 Bot mag. 1798
yen. thick-leaved 2 jn.jl Pk Persia 1822. C 8.1 Yen. eels 100
*wJV J K I C H O D E ' S M A JLBr. TRICIIODESMA. {Thrix,hair,destna,bond: anthers.) Boraeinca. 3.-4.
•W55 Indicum R. Br. Indian O or 1 jn.o B E. Indies 1759. S co Pluk. al. 30.76.3
«««— v« um/t. Br. African O un 1 C. G. H. 1759. S co Is. ac. p. 1718.11
w seyUuiicum Leh. Ceylon CD un 1| E. Indies 1799. S co Jac. ic.2. 314
MADWORT. (Asper, rough; from its asperity.) Boragine*. 1.
•*wprocumbensL. procumbent -* O cu 3 B Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 661
Nonnet a German botanist) Boragineie. 8. —12.
* » p < K ^ M o a i - -fork-flowered
^ • -*• A( J P*
)rn. f jnjl Dk Germany 1G48. D s.1
yellow O pr Crimea 1805. S s.l Noccatr.3
painted -* O pr Va
£yc Leh. Tauria 1800. S co
O pr If jn.jl Pk
Crimea 1823. S s.I
party-colored -* O pr $ jn-jl Va
Caucasus 1820. S co
Jfc O pr 1| my.jn Dk
-* O pr 1 jn.jl P Barbary 1822. S s.1 Za.h.33
O un 1 jnjl Y S. Europe 1804.
Levant 1686. S
S co
co M.h.3.26.11
(Lykos, a wolf, opsis. the face; flowers.) Boraginete. 6. —14.
O un i jnjl W . B S. Europe 1818. S co
„ O un iinjl Caucasus 1820. S co
b. Nonea echioides R.&^
Candia 1683. S co M.h. 11.26.10
Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 938
Levant 1796. S co Bux.c.5.30
072calycSnail.4r5. torge-calyxcd O un | jnjl Y Tcnerifle 1814. S co
445 JJ'CHIUM L. VIPER'S BUULOSS. {Echis, a viper; seeds.)
j«7- fruticdaum L. Boraglne*. 58.— 8a
shrubby M if or 3 my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1759. C p.l Bot reg. 8G
»?/• hlspidum Thun. hispid ril i | or 2 myjn W C. G. H. 18ia C p.l
O075 Isvigatum L. smoolh-stalked mi lor 2 jnjl H C. G. H. 1774. C s.1 Leh. as 3
3o76 glaucoph^llum Joe. glaucous-leaved* i l o r 2 jl V C. G. H. 1792. C s.1 Jac. ic. 2.312
3(»77 glabrmn Vahl smooth «l I | or 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1791. C s.I Bot. rep. 165
3K78 paniculttum Thun. paniculate si i I or 3 my.jl W C. G H. 1815. C p.l
36*1*9 grandiflorum H. K. great-flowered i i lor 3 jnjl Pk Madeira 1787. S p.l Bot. reg. 124
formosum Pen.
3680 ferocissimum B. Bep. fierccstjfaiAed • i_J or 6 jnjl B Madeira 1794. C 8.1 Bot. rep. 39
36BI capitatum L. headed • i_j or R C. G. H. 1819.
SwS verrucosum Swt. waited m i_J or 2 jnjl W C. G. H. 1822. \t pi
Jfl83 argfinteum L. silvery Hi | or 3 jnjl B . C. G. H. 178M. C pi
3684 lasiophyllum I * . hairy-leaved Hi lor 3 jnjl W C. G. H. 1819. S p.l Bot. rep. 154
3g5strig6sumSua. Strigose Hi lor 2 jnjl Vi C. G. H. 1821. t> p.l
3686giganteumL. gigantic 2 jnjl
10 Jin W Canaries 1779. C C p.l
p!l Ven.miil.71

3687 acule&tum Dec. prickly 4 my.

my.U W Canaries 1815. C p.l
3688 molle Dec. »oft 6 jn.jf W Tcnenffe 1820. C p.l
3689 nervosum H. K. fibrous 4 P Madeira 1777. S p.l
3690 bifrons Dec. two-faced 3 myjn W . R Canaries 1820. C p.l Dec. ic. 19
3691 amblguum Dec. ambiguous 3 my.jn W . R Canaries 1820. C p.l Dec. ic.20
36U2 virescens Dec. vircscent 2 Jnjl W Canaries 1820. C pi
3693 randicans L. whitish 3 myjn B Madeira 1777. S p.l Bot. rcg. 43
3694 cynoglossoides R. £ S. Bugloss-like 3 my.jn B Canaries 1816. C p.1
3695 riensiftfrum Dec. close-flowered 2 jnjl B Canaries 1820. C p.l Dec. ic. 22
3696 faBtuoaum Jac. proud 4 P Canaries 1779. C s.l Jac. ec. 41
361/7 strictum L. strict 3 my.d B Canaries 1779. C 8.1 Jac. sc. 1.35
3698 lineutum Jac. lineated 2 myjn W Canaries 1815. C p.l Jac. ec. 42
3699 marrophyllum Leh. long-leaved 3 jn.jl B Canaries 1823. C p.l
3700 foli6sum Ixh. leafy 3 myjn W Canaries ? 1815. C p.l
3701 simplex Dec. simple 1 jn.jl W Tcnenffe 1820. C p.l Decic.71
3702 brauhyantlium Horn, short-flowered C. G. H. ? 1819. C p.l
3703 sc&brum Leh. rough 2 myjl P.B C. G. H. 1820. C p.l
3704 longiflorum Dum. long-flowcrcd 3 jnjl B C. G. H. 1806. C p.l
3705 pyramida'tum Dum. pyramidal 3 myjl B C. G. H. 1820. C p.l
3706 caudatum
3706 d t m Thun.
Th dt
caudate 1 myjn R C. G. H. 1818. C p.l
3707 spic&tum L. spiked-tfu/ar/ y ft W C. G. H. 1799. C il Leh. as. 1
3708 plantagineum L. ¥\antu\n-lcaved 1 jl.o P Italy 1776. S s.1 Bar. ic. 1026
3709 lusitanicum L. Portugal 3 jlau V S. Europe 1731. S co
37l0plantaginoldes R. $S. Plantain-like 1 W S. Europe 1826. S co Jac. vin. 1.45
3711 prostratum Ten. prostrate ; 1 jlau R Egypt 1825. S co
3712 macranthum R. & S. long-flowered ' 1 V Barbary 1818. S co Deaf, at 1.46
grandiflorum Detf.
3713 Mertensw Leh. Mcrtcns's 3 ]ft jnjl B Spain 1824. S co
3714 mnritimum IV. sea B Italy 1815. S co Boc. mu. 2. 78
3715 italicum L. Italian ; 4 jl W Jersey fields S s.l Eng. bot. 2081
3716 austrile Lam. southern U au P S. Europe 1824. S co Sw. fl. gar. 101
3717 pyrena/um W. en. Pyrenean ^ Q) or 1 W Pyrenees 1815. S co
3718 thyrsoideum Ven. thyrsc-like ^ Q> or 1 B S. Europe 1820. S co
3719 rtibrum Jac. red ^ Q) or 4 jlau R Hungary 1791. S co Jac. au. 5. 3
3720 vuleare L. common & Q) or 5 R Britain sto. fi. S l.p Eng. bot. 181
2 flora albo white-flowered | Q ) o r 1 Jlau W Britain walls. S co
3721 violaccum L. vidlet-Jtowered Q> or 3 B Austria 165a S co
3722 tuberculatum Lk. tuberculated ^ Q) or 1 Vi Spain 1820. S co
37^3 parviflorum Roth small-flowered O or 2 jlau B Barbary 1798. S co
3724 micranthum Schous. small-flowered O or 1 Vi Barbary 18'.'4. S co
3725 tcnue Roth slender ^ Q) or 1 jnjl B Sicily 1824. S co
3726 Sibthorpit Sm. Sibthorp's ^ Q or 1 Jnjl R E. Europe 18:24. S co 181
hispidum Fl. gr. elegans Leh.
3727 crlticuin L. Cretan O or 1 jl.s. R Levant 1683. S s.l Bot mag. 1934
3728 diATisum Sm. difflise O or I Jnjl Pk Crete 1817. S co 182
3729 orientate /,. oriental O or 3 Pa.B Levant 17W. S co 1.1
3730 salmanticum Lag. Salamanca ^ O or 1 jnjl Pk Spain 1819. S co
• 446. TOURNEFO'RT/if L. TOIIRNEFORTIA. (J. P. de Tournefort, the celeb. Fr. bot.) Boragineee. 11.—48.
3731 Musser8chmiiliaR.Br.Messcrschinid'stt i_J or 6 jn.o G Canaries 1779. C 6.1 JJot rcg. 464
3732 fruticosa R. Br. shrubby s | | or 4 jnjl W Canaries 1800. C pi
3733 angustifolia R.fyS. narrow-leaved 5 jn.n W.o Canaries 1820. C p.l
3734 argentea L. silvery i_Jor 8 jnn W E. Indies 1K22. C P " Ru. am. 4.55
3735 foetidissixna TV. most fetid •or 9 s Pk Jamaica 1739. p. Pluk.ic.226.230
3736 cym6sa L. cymose Ljj 9 jl Pk Jamaica 1777. C P Jac. ic. 1.31
3737 scabra Lam. scabrous 4 jnjl W.R W. Indies 1700. C p'
c p.'
3738 bicolor Swz. two-colored
3739 suttrutic6sa R. Br. suflruticosc
• •or 6 Jnjl G
Jamaica 1812.
Jamaica 1759. c
• I lor 4 jnjl
\ SI. jam. 2.162.4
3740/aurifoha fun.
3741 mutabilis Ven.
• • or 6
jnjl Y.\v S. Amer. W.G Java
l Yen. ch. 3
• l_Jor
3742 Argtizia if Br. Arguzia i jn.o W Siberia 1780. C 8.1
Mebserschmidttf Arguzia L.
447. MESSERSCHMl'D/il L. MESSERSCHMIDIA. (D. Messerschmid, a Ger. bot.) Boraainete. 4. —12.
14S hirsutissima R.SfS.
3743 _, _. hairiest f O or 10 myjl G.r W. Indies 1818. C p.l SL jam. 2.212.1
TournefortMf hirsutissima Swz.
3744 volubilis R. & S. twining t. CD or 10 jLau G.T Jamaica 1752. C p.l SI. jam. 1.143.2
Tournef6rtM voldbilis L.
3745 scandens R # S. climbing L O or 10 G.v Peru 1816. C p.l Fl. per. 2.148
Tournef6rtta scandens W. volubilis IT AS.
3746 Zaun folia R. 8f S. Laurel-leaved fl_lZD 12 Jl Y W. Indies 1819. C p.l
Toiirnefortia /aurifolia Fen.
*448. NOLA'NA L. NOLAVA. (Nola. a little bell; corolla.) Soldrwa. 2.—a
S747 prostrate L.
3748 paraduxa Lindl.
paradoxical Jk 8 or i jl.s
el 1| au
1761. C p.l Bot. mag. 731
1825. S co Bot.reg.865
•449. ARE'TM L. ARBTIA. (B. Aretius, a Swiss, prof, in univ. of Berne, d. 1574.) Primuldcear. 4. — 9. —
3749 helvetica L. Swiss £ A Pr i myjn W Switzerl. 1775. D s.p Schk. han. 1. ^
i^ndrosace Aretin Lap.
3750 alpina L. alpine £ A pr \ myjn Pk Switzerl. 1775. D s.p Bot cab. 297
Par. Ion. 107
3751 VitaliffM L. Vital's | A 1» I m y j n Y Pyrenees 17H7. I) s p
3752 argentea Gae. silvery j£ ^J pr i myjn W Switzerl. 1826. D s.p
450. /INDRO SACE L. ANDROSACE. Miwrr.aman, Jflfow, a buckler; calyx.) Primulacece. 13. —SB.
3753 maxima L. g i nw-jn W Austria 1797. S p.l Tan AH 4 331
3754 elongata L. O p i \V Austria 1776. S p.l Jac. au. 4.330
elongated O pr
3755 septentrional is L. northern i W Russia 1755. S p.l Bot mag. 2021
O P' I W Denmark 1803. S pi
3756 nfina Horn. dwarf O P* nnaO
inilk-flowercd 5» Q> pr Jjn.s W Siberia 1806. D sp Botmag.20»
3757 lactiflora Fls.
Alisma-Lke ^ Q> ?r i jn.s W Siberia 1820. S l.p Aa .
2Z 58 i 1 ,' 1 ?" 011168 Horn- filiform O p r ft*myjn
W Siberia 1820. S co*
Bastard-jasmine* JM pr Pk Austria 1768. D sp Bot. cab. 232
3759 filif<Srmis Retx. ft jn.jl Pk Pyrenees 1790. D s p Bot mag. <g
vinous ^ ^ j pr
3760 ChainsBjanw WvL m\\V.-whUe S| ^ J pr ft W Austria 1752. D sp Bot. mag. 8W
3761 villfoa L, ft jl au F Switzcri 17»'.S n s..p Dot cab. 4U
3762 lactea L.
376S c&rnea /,.
3764 obtusifolia All. blunt-leaved O or i ap.jn Pk Italy 1817. S sp AL ped. 1.46.1
376D brevifolia ViL short-leaved £ Ol pr i my.jn W S. France 1825. S s.p
*451. PRl'MULA W. PRIMROSE. {Primus, the first; time of flowering.) Primulaeete. 4 3 . - 6 2 .
3766 pre'nitensjfrr very glossy £ i A l o r 1 ja.o Pk China 182a S s.1 Ldnd.coL7
sinensis IAntlL
mtm 2 flore filbo white-flowering* f ja.o W China ... S s.p Sw. fl.gar. 196
37fi7 cortusoirfw L. Cortusa-like I myjl R Siberia 1794. D p.l Bot mag. 399
3768 suaveolens Bert. sweet-scented | Y Italy 1824. D 8.1 FLnap. 1.13
Colftmn* Ten.
3769 inflata Uh. inflated Apr } Y Hungary 1825. D s.1 Leh.m.2
3770 carni6lica Jac. Carniolan 4 mr.ap P Carniola .... D s.1 Jac au. 3. ap. 4.
__ grandiflbra Bast.
3771 Uentifl6rd Andr. tooth.flowered 1 myjl R Siberia 1806. D p.l Bot rep. 451
3772 breviatyla Dec. short-styled i myjl Y France 1818. D co
__, 2verslcolor party-colored i my.jl Y.R France 1818. D co
3773 verig w. Spring Cowslip i myjn Y Britain D s.l Eng. bot 5
~- 2rfibra red i my.jn R Britain gard. D co
3774 vulgfris E. B. i Y Britain woods. D s.l Eng. bot 4
acadlis AIL common
2 plena-camea B.M. double-flesh-cW \ mr my Pk Britain gard. D s.l Bot mag. 229
3 plena-alba double-white i W Britain gard. D s.1
»plena-sulphurea double-brimstone ^ Y Britain gard. D s.1
o plena-rubra double-red £ R Britain gard. D s.1
J O Britain gard. D s.l
76 plena-atropurp
plena-cuprea double-copper £ P Britain gard. D s.1
- - , - 87 Plena-violicea
plena-atropurpurea doub.-drk-purp.
double-violet $ Li Britain gard. D s.1
37'5 8elatior Jac.
Dpna.vinlinua *1.*..LI~ ..:_!_«.
taller Oxlip 1 Y Britain woods. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 518
2 polyantha many-flowered ^ | Va Britain gard. D co
£ calycantha
3777 Pallasw Leh.
^ ^ pr
£ A orr Va Britain gard. D co
myjl Y
iapjl Y
D p.l An. mu. 12.37
1823. D 8.1 Bot reg. 896
£78 amoe'na Bieb. pleasing purple £ A P J P Caucasus 1823. D s.1 Leh. m. 3
3779 Auricula L. Auricula £ A or ^ Y Switzerl. 1596. D h.l Jac. au. 5.415
2Ititea yellow £ A or } Y Switzcrl. 1596. D h i
3 calycantha colored-calyxed£ A or i Y Switzerl. 1596. D h.l
4 intcKcrrima most entire £ A orr } Va Switzcrl. 1596. D h.l Trat tab. 431
•rtoft ^nortensis garden £ A ° 4 ap my Va Europe 1596. D h.l Trat. tab. 432
a/TO Palmur/ Pet. Palinur's £ & or } Y Naples 1816. D h.l Sw. fl. gar. 8
378iBalbi 8 «Leh. Balbis's £ A pr £ Y S. Europe 1823. D p.l M. fl. vi. 7. ic.
J782 marginata B. M. silver-edged £ A or } mr.ap Pk Switzerl. 1777. D s.l Bot. mag. 19
. crenata Loi.
Jongif,iiia fl: Jf. long-leaved £ A or 1 apmy R Levant 1790. D p.l Bot mag. 392
hr 'ongiflora All. long-flowered ^ A P'r imyjl R Europe 1825. D p.l 5.46
mealy £ A ° ijn.jl R Britain D p.l Eng. bot 6
' ica Hook. Ssotch ^ A °r Scotland al.hea. D s.1 Bot cab. 65S
:ta flbrn. strict ^ ^or I Pk Denmark 1822. D 8.1 FL dan. 13&5
Davurian £ A or £ myjn R Siberia 1806. D p.l Bot. mag. 1219
intermedia B. M.
weak j P N. Amer. 1822. D s.l Hook. ex. fl. 68
Altaian | myjl R Altai 1819. D p.l Leh. m. 5
r tun
Jac. Siberian 3 \ myjl R Siberia 1818. D p.l Gm. si. 4.46.1
? 'I»foha PaL
gigantJ giant 5 imyjl R Siberia 1820. D s.l Leh.m.6
Lake Mistassins j } myjl R N. Amer. 1818. D p.l Leh. m. 7
arcluca Jac. Finmarck § * my.jn V Norway 1798. D p.l FLdan. LS8
^ ' * * Rctx.
glutinous ^ R S. Europe 1824. D s.l Jac. au. 5.26
clammy % Piedmont 1792. D p i AL ped. 1. 5 1
entire-leaved i "ijnjl Pk Pyrenees 1792. D p.l Bot. mag. 942
large-cn\y\ed % Ijnjl Pk Switzcrl. 1826. D p.l
pubescent £ i R S. Europe 1800. D 8.1 Jac. in. 1.18
3800cihaUSc/iranA ciliated Swiss i £ R Switzerl. 1700. D s.1
3M)1 decora B M comely £ * a p Pk S. Europe 1800. D p.1 Bot mag. 1922
3302 helvetica Donn Helvetian tf 1 ap.jn R Switzcrl. "D co Bot cab. 348
38(J5 ni
| ap.jn Pk Piedmont 1826. D p.l
± P Switzcrl. 17fi8. D p.l Jac. au. 5 27
Dauria 1790. D s.l Pal. it. G.* 2
3806 i P Switzerl. 17G8. D s.l Bot mag. 1161
| W
'-white £ A or } W Siberia D B.p
broad-leaved £ A pr \ R Pyrenees 1820. D p.l FL pyr. 68
Allioni'8 £ A I»r i R France 1818. D p.l Loi. sup. 3
least ££ A A or fap
fp P S.EEurope 1819. DD s.1
r p e 1819. s.1 Bot.
Bot. rcg. 581
Jff. CORTU'S^ L. B
f f ft^" SANI
^ E . (J. A. Corlusus, prof, of botany at Padua.) Primulace*. 1.
aSU Matthioli Z.
•453 Wattlnohs SL A or * ap.jn R Austria 159a D s.l Bottaag.987
A i S O L D A N ELLA. (Diminutive otsolidus, a shilling; leaves.) Primulacea. 4 —
* f- * A or iap P ' Switieri. 1&5& D pi Bot mag. 4!)
mountain £ A or i ap P Bohemia 1816. D p.l Bot. mag 2163
S L 182 1823.DD s.p

A *-**
* P>my B SWltZerL 1 8 2
°° D8<P

(Dodeka, twelve, theos a divinity.) Prirmdacee. 1 Q

CYCLAMEN. ^ A or 1 apjn
(Kyclas, L.Pleaves)
circular; Virginia PrvmuXdceee
1744 D p.l Bot mag S
38 7 cAum i/U Cos 9. —10
2,'S v e r n u i » Mil spring A A or
A A or \ mrija.ap L.R S. Europe 1596. S B.D Bot. mag. 4
P S. Europe ... 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 9
3819 europa-'um L. European A A or | a u L.R Switzerl 1596. B.p
^^ C168» Lindl. Bot reg. 1013
« 0 penicum Mil. Persian A tAJor R.w Cyprus 1731.
1 inodorum scentless AiAlor R.w Cyprus 1731. p.l - Bot mag. 11

2 odor&tum scented AtAlor \ f.ap H.w Cyprus 1731. S p.l

3 albiflorum whitcflowercd A LAI or
or i f.ap W Cyprus 1731. S p.l
3821 Acderefulium n. K. "
' ' A A \ »P P Britain banks. S p.l Eng. bot 548
europium B.M. & E. B.
1 purpurascens uurpurascent A A or P Britain gard. S p.l
2 albidum vrliitisMuui A A or \ W Britain gard. S p.l
3822 repandum Sin. repand A A or } R Greece 1816. S pi Sw. fl. gar. 132
3823 neapolitanum Ten. Neapolitan A A or \ R Italy 1824. S p.l Savimed.41
3824 lalifoiium 8m. broad-leaved A A or \ R S. Europe l»-0. S p.l Fl. gr. 18")
3825 Iinearif61ium Dec. linear-leaved A A or \ P S. Europe 1824. S s.p Dec. ic. 1. 8
456 H O T T C N / i ! L. WATER VIOLET. (P. Hotton, prof, in the univ. of Leyden, d. 1709.) Primvlacete. 1.—A
3826 palustris L. marsh * A or 1 jLau F England dit S aq Eng bot. S64
* 457. LYSIMA'CHIA L. LOOSE STRIFE. {Lysis, dissolution, mncfie, strife.) Pnmulacea. 18—29.
3827 * ulgaris L. common A or 3 jl s Y Britain watsh. D co Eng. bot 761
3828 £phemerum L. Ephemerum Spain 1730. D pi Bot.mag. 2,346
3829 atropurpurea L. dark-purple Levant 1820. S.C p.l Hook ex. fl. 180
3830 dubia H. K. doubtful Levant 1759. S p.l Mur. 1782.1
atropurpfirea Mur.
3831stricta H.K. strict N. Amer. 1781. D p.I Bot. mag. 104
38.'32 thynsiflora L. thyrse-flowered^ A o r England lakes D co Eng. bot 176
3833 capitate Ph. headed N. Amer. 1813. D co
3834 quadrifolia L. four-Ieaved N. Amer. 1794. D p i Lam. il. 1.101 8
3835 longiftlia Ph. long-leaved N. Amer. 1798. D p.l Bot. mag. 660
quadriflora H. K.
3836 verticillate Pall. whorled Crimea 1820. D co Bot mag. 2293
3837 ciliata L. ciliated N. Amer. 1732. D m.s Walt h. 12
3838 punct£ta L. dotted N. Holl. 1658. D co Jac. au. 4.366
3839 angustitolia Mx. narrow-leaved N. Amer 18(13. D p.l
3840 hybrida Mx. hybrid N. Amer. 18(>(>. D co
3841 Lfnum stellatum L. Flax-star Italy 1658. S s.l Mag. mo. 162
Aster61inon stellatum Lk.
3842 nemorum L. wood k A or imyjl Y Britain D m.s Eng. bot 527
3843 maculata R. Br. spotted £ iAI or 1 Y N. HolL 1825. D p.l
3844 Nummulana L. Moneywort IU A o r Y Britain D m.s Eng. bot 528
•458. JNAGA'LLISL. PIMPEIINEL. (Anagelao, to laugh; removing despondency.) Pritnuidcea. 9. —14.
3845 arvensis L. corn field -* O w i jn.s S Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot. 529
phecnicea Lam.
3846 carnea §chl. fleshy O or i jn.s F Switzerl. 1819. S co
3847 caertilea Schreb. blue -* O w ijn.s B Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot. 1823
3848 indica Suit. Indian O pr 1 my.s B Nepal 1824 S co Sw. fl. gar. 132
3849 fmticosa Fen. shrubby jg OI or 3 my.jl Ve Morocco 1803. C p.l Bot mag. 831
collina Schous.
3850 Iatil6lia L. broad-leaved £ iQ|or 1 my.jl P Spain 1759. C p.l Mee. ic. 1.22
3851 Monelli L. Monelh's £ LAI or 1 my.s B Italy 1648. C pi Bot. mag. 319
3852 /inif6ha L. Flax-leaved £ OI or 1 jn jl B Portugal 1796. C s.l Bot. mag. 2389
3853 tenglla L. delicate WK A or i au.s Pk Britain D l.p Eng. bot 530
459. .DIAPE'NSIA £. DIAPENBIA. (Diapente, composed of five; flowers 5-cIeft) Hydrate*. 1.
3854 lapponica L. Lapland £ A or J W Lapland 1801. D s.l Bot. mag. 1108
460. PYXIDANTHE'RA Mx. PYXIDANTIIERA. (Pyxis, a box, anthera, an anther.) Hydrdlea. 1.
3855 barbulata Mx. small-bearded JU_Alor ,jl W Carolina 1806. D Lp
Diapcnsia cuneifolia Ph.
461. CO'RIS L. Corns. (A Greek name used by Dioscorides.) Primulaceee. 1.
3856 monspehensis L. Montpelier j£ O) or \ jn.jl Li S. Europe 1640. S s.p Bot. mag. 2131
462. GA'LAX L. GALAX. (Gala, milk: whiteness of the flowers.) Saxifrages. 1.
3857 aphylla L. leafless ^ A or i jn.jl W N. Amer. 178a D e.p Bot. mag. 754
Blandfurdta cordata B. Rep.
463. 3/ENYA'NTHES L. BUCK BEAN. (Ment month, anthos, flower; time in blossom.) Geni'thnea. 1. — 2.
3858 trifoliate L. three-leaved ^ A or 1 jl W Britain C co Eng. bot 495
3359 americana G. Don American £ A or 1 jl W N. Amer. 1818. D co
trifoliate Mx.
*464. VJLLA'RS/,4 Ven. VILLARSIA. (VUlars, a distinguished French botanist) Gentianeai. 7. —12.
3860 uymphofdes Ven. Water-lily-like ^ A or fit jn jl Y England rivers.
Wat Skp.1 Eng. bot. 217
A/cnyanthcs nymphoides L.
3861 cordate EU. cordate or fit jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1820. O p.l
3862 indica Ven. Indian | or fit W C.G.H. 1792. Skp.l Bot mag. 658
ii/cnyanthes indica L.
3863 ovate Ven. ovate-leaved ^ iAI or fit my.jl O C. G. H. 1786. Sk p.l Bot mag. 1909
3864 Iacun6sa Ven. pitted A iAJ or fit jnjl W N. Amer. 1812. Skp.l
3865 *arment6sa B. M. twiggy jfI iAI or 1 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1806. Sk bog Bot. mag. 1323
3866 /mrnassiifolia Jl. Br. Parnassia-lvd £ iAI or 8> jn.o Y N. S. W. 1825. Skbog Bot. mag. 1029
3867 remfdrmis It. Br. kidney-form £ iAI or 1 Y N. Holl. 1824. Skbog
• 465. CHIRO'N/if L. 14.
3868^asminoides Thun.
3869 /ychnoides Thun.
3870 nudica6hs L. &p Lin. tr. 7.12.3
3871 /inoides L. Flax-like tt.| |or 2 jl.s R C. G. H. 1787. C ip Bot.mag.511
3872 tetragona L. four-angled « n _ J o r 1 Y C. G. H. 1824. C s.p Lin. tr. 7.12.
3873 baccifera L. berry-bearing tt. i_J or 2 jn jl Y C. G. H. 1759. S s.p Bot. mag. 233
3874 angustifoha H. K. narrow-leaved tt. ( | or 1 R C.G. tt C s.p Bot. mag. 818
3875 frutescens L. frutescent tt. |_J or 1| jn.s R mo.
C. G. H. C s.p Bot mag. 37
2 albiflora white-flowered tt. i I or U jn.s W C. G. H. 1756. C s.p
3876 decu»s&ta Ven. cross-leaved tt. i I or 1^ jn.s R C.G. tt 1756. C s.p Bot. mag. 707
1789. Gentianete. 1.
^Sfi-.E^STOMA Sal. EIJSTOMA.. (Eustoma, beautiful mouth; flower.)
3877 silemiolium 5a/. Sdene-leaved iustoma,
O 1oeauuiui
jl mouin:
W l Pnower.i
i d wmiunete. i.
O or 1 jl W I. Provid. 1804. S s.p Par. Ion. 241
- ERYTHILKA. (Erythraia. red: flowers.) Gentianete. 10.— 30. _
3878 Centauriura
Oentefinum Pert.
Pen. Centeury
Chir6nw Ccnteurium E. B. O or iJLau Pk Britain heaths. S s.1 Eng. bot 417
O&DKfl. I.
11 1
3££ J? ? " £»• broad-leaved O or Pk Britain seas. S 8.1
3M0Cachanl£huanJlfol. Cachanlahuan n i m J jLau Pk Chile 18S5. S Feu. ob. 2. S5
3881 pulchella E. B. pretty O or £au.s Pk England sea co. S Eng.bot458
oooo Cnir 6n*« pulchella SOT. O or i jn.jl Pk England seaco. S s.l Eng. bot. 2305
3882 Iittorahs Fries sea-side
Chir6n«a littor&lis Aw. O pr i Pk S France 1820. S p.s Bar. ic. 1!
3883 spicSta Pers. spiked JLiAjor i jLau Y S. Europe 1777. S s.l Cav.ic.3.
3884 maritima Pen. sea £ lAI or I Pk Spain 1821. S 8.1
«85 conferta Pers. crowded ^ O pr 4 mr R S. Europe 1824. S l.p Sw. fl.gar. 137
*8<> aggregate Swt. aggregate O or I Y S. Europe 1824. S s.1 Bar. ic 468
3887 lutea Bert. yellow
(L. Sabbati, a celebrated Italian botanist) Genti&neaf. 5. — 1 1 .
3888 gncilii Sal. slender k O or 1 jl R N. Amer. ... S co Par. Ion. 32
Chironia gracilis JM*. O pr } P N. Amer. 1826. S p.s
3889angiil&is^. angular , Q> or 1 D.R N. Amer. 1812. S co Bot mag. 1600
3890calyc6sa/V,. * calycose Q> or } K N. Amer. 1817. S co
3891 chloroldes Ph. Chlora-like A or 1| myjn W N. Amer. 1817. C co
3892 pamculata PA. panicled
(Voyria, a name of the Caripons.) Gentihnea. 1.— 3.
roseate (23 or £ K Guiana 1822. S p.1 Aub.gui. 1.83.1
94 {Hippos, a horse, ion, a violet) Gentianear. 3.
viseosum Spr. clammy • OI or 2 jn.jl Y Canaries 1781. S p.1 Sm. ic. fa. a 18
E xacum viscosum Sm.
vciticillatum Spr. verticillate tf PTFlor ljjl.8 W Trinidad 1817. S p.1 Pl.ic.81.2
£'xacum verticilla'tum W.
p I i u m Spr.
Spr. Hyssop-leaved tf £ PI or 1 jl.s Ful E. Indies 1825. S p.1 Bur. af. 74.3
xacum Ayi*opifcliuin IV. "" Gentuina
~ ' i L.
LOGANIA. (J. Logan, a distinguished botanist.) QeuHanete. 3. — II.
-• Br. broad-leaved
£> xacum vaginale Lab. HU 3 ... W N. HolL 1816. C l.p Lab. n.h. 1.51
flpriUfinda R. Br. bundlc-flwd tt-^Jor 2 ap.ray W
Eu6sma albifl6ra B. Rep N. & W. 1797. C l.p Bot rep. 520
revolute «-l_Jor 2 W
N. Holl 1826. C l.p
PHLOX. (Phlox, flame; flowers.) Polemonideea. 23. —31.
pamculata L panicled A or 3 au.s Pk N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Mil. ic 2.205.2
2 alba *^ white ^ or 3 au.s W N. Amer. 1813. D p.1
„ v/aved-leaved A or 3 R N. Amer. 1759. D p.1
acuminSta Ph. acuminate A. or 4 P N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Bot mag. 1880
y,rgin,ca Lo. C. Virginian A or 1 P Virginia 1812. D p.1
Intermediate A or 2 P N. Amer. ... D p.1
«uaveolens if., sweet-scented A o r 2 W N. Amer. 1766. D p.1
2 variegata variegated A °f 1 W N. Amer. 1766. D p.1
pyramidalis H. pyramidal
2 penduhfldra drooping-flwd A or 4 4 F
jlau P
K Amer. 1800. D p.1 Bot cab. 342
N. Amer. ... D p.1
3 A o»" 4 P
corymb6sa corymbose N. Amer. ... D p.1
broad-leaved A or 3 P Carolina 1812. D p.1
spottcd.stalked • A or 4 R N. Amer. 1740. D p.1 127
Carolina A or 1 Jl.s D.P Carolina 1728. D p.1 Bot. mag. 1344
three-flowered A or 1 Jl.. P Carolina 1816. D p.1 Sw. fl. gar. 29
fleshy : A, or Pk N. Amer. 1816.
suffruticose : A or 1 au.s D P N. Amer 1790. D p.1 Bot inag. 2155
: A or 2 D.P N. Amer. 1800. D p.1 Bot reg. 68
shining . A or D p.1
smoothest ; A or 3 R N. Amer. 1725. D p.1 Di. el. 166.202
ovate-leaved , A or HmyJI P N. Amer 1759. D p.1 Bot mag. 528
Lady Liston's A or 1 P N. Amer. 1816. D p.l
Canadian A °r p B N. Amer. 1825. D p.1 Sw. fl. gar. ic. in.
divaricate A or 1 apjn L.B N. Amer. 17-16. D p.1 Bot mag. 163
creeping A or It N. Amer. 1800. D p.1 Bot mag. 563
hairy-leaved A A or 1 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1759.
D p.1 Bot mag. 1307
3921 subulata L. pleasing £ A or ijnjl Pk N. Amer. 1809.
nvfUtea SWA or D p.1 Bot mag. 1308
^922 setaced L I apjn F N. Amer. 1786.
D p.1 Bot. mag. 411
3923 nivalis Swt. bristly £ A or i F N. Amer. 1786.
D p.1 Bot mag. 415
snowy 5 A or | W N. Amer. 1820.
D p.1 Bot cab. 780
Plumbaginea. 1.—4.
1826. S p.1 Cav. ic. 6.527
*«S iSptinf? ° ' N I U M •^ P S«™*VAIERI*N. (J>«femcw, war; for honour of di«6very.) ,
2 album 2 jn Britain D co 14
v/hite-Jtowercd 2 jn W Britain gard. D co
<ta©r 3 m a c »latum syottad-flwd 2 St
slender Britain gard. D co
iriGumAM B Dahuria 1808. D ro
Siberian W
urgif61ium IV. Shep.-Purse.lvd ? .J»^!
,- B
Siberia 1800. D co Sw. fl. gar. 182
Mexico 182a D co
°JJ0 mcxicanum Cav. Mexican 1 B Mexico 1817. D co Bot. reg. 460
475 V E ' S T / ^ W. en.
3931 /ycioidcn
/ycioidcH IV. en.
en. " Boxthorii-like A i , of Clagenfurth.) Soldnca. I.
Cintu /igustrifolia
Ciintua Zitif J. 3 jn Y Chile 1815. C s.p Bot. reg. 299

y|r — , . -rer, pnyiion, a lear.) HydrophulletB. o ^. ±

*io«; K"«cum JU. Virginian I myjn B N. Amer. 1739 6 nis Jlot ree 331
3933 canadense L. Canadian
*my.jn W Canada 1759. D m.s Bot. leg. 242

iS^KW**- 3.-4.
. Jac. rounded — or H jn.jl Pk 2?7 P c o
ya/ophjllum magelliinicum Lam. Al circin&ta IV. 1817. S co Jo. h.n. 10.19
A or 1^ jn jl Pk Peru Deo Fl.per.2.14

M73. NEMO'PHILA Bart. NEMOPHILA. {Nemos, a grove, phileo, to love.) Hydrophylleee. 2.

3937 phacehoides Bart. Phacelia-like ijt or 1 B N. Amer. 1822. S co Bot mag. 2373
3938 pamculata Spr. paniclcd & or $ my.jn P.B N. Amer. 1813. D p.l
Hydrophy'llum appcndiculatuin Mx.
479. RAMO'NDil Mx. RAMONDA. (Af. L. Ramond, a French botanist.) Soldneic. 1.
3939 pyrcnaica Mx. Pyrenean J* A or i my p Pyrenees 1731. D 8.1 Bot mag. 23ft
/xrbascum Myc6ni L. Chaixfa Mycon, p.
480. fERBA'SCUM L. MULLEIN. (Altered from barbascum, bearded.) Soldnete. 67.-74.
3940 TTiapsus L. Shepherd's-club 6 Y Britain ro. sid. S co Eng. bot 549
3941 fhapbifonnc Schr. 2 L.Y Europe 1817. S co
3942 crassifolium Hqfg. thick-leaved 3 Y Spain 1818. S co Fl. por. 1.26
3943 cuspidatum Schr. pointed 4 my.jn Y Vienna 1817. S co Sch. mo. 1.1
3944 gossypfmnn Bieb. woolly 4 Y Caucasus 1820. S co
3945 niveum Ten. snow-white 3 j l a u P.v Naples 1823. S co Fl. nap. 22
3946 candullssimum Dec. whitest 4 Y Montpel. 1823. . S co
3947 /hapsoidcs Httfg. Thapsus-like 3 Y Spain 1819. S co Sch. mo. 5.2
3948 macr.inthum Lk. long-flowered 3 jn.jl Y Portugal 1820. S co 11. por. 27
3949 australe Schr. southern 4 Y S. Europe 1815. S co Sch. mo. 2
3950 jriilomoirics L. Phlomus-like 3 jn.jl Y Italy 1739. S co H. has. 170.4
3951 condensatum Sc/ir. close-Jiowered 4 Y Austria 1820. S co Sc. verb. 3
3952 nemorfsum Schr. grove < 5 Y Austria 1820. S co Sc. verb. 1.2
3953 montanuin Schr. mountain < 3 Y France 1819. S co H. got. 2.12
3954 collinuin 5c*r. hill ] 3 Y Germany 1820. S co Sc. verb. 5.1
3955 versiflorum Schr. inverted-flwd • 3 jn.jl P Bohemia 1823. S co
3956 ramigcrum /Jr. branch-bearing ] 6 Y S. Europe 1824. S co
3957 Bastardii R.&S. Bastard's ] 6 Y France 1824. S co
3958 mucronatum Lam. mucronate « 4 Y Greece 1814. S co
3959 sinuatum L. 2 Y S. Euro|>e 1570. S co 227
3960 pinnatifldum TA/I/ pinnatifid my Y Archipcl. 1788. S p.l
39 undulatum
3961 undulatum Lam.
Lam. waved Y S Europe 1819. S co FI. gr. 226 Y Tauria 1813. S p 1 Bot mag. 1777
3962 bipinnatihdum B. M. Chaix's
bipinnatifid Y S. France 1821. S co Vil. del. 2.13
3983 Chaixii Vil.
39li4 Horncmamii Bcs. Hornemann's Y Europe 1821. S co
3965 Bocrhaavij L. Boerhaavc's Y.p S. Europe 1731. S co Mil. ic. 2.273
3966 elongatum IV. en. \ong-stalked Y Europe 1813. S co
3967 com|>actuin liieb. crowtled : 3 Y Tauria 1820. S co Til. pis. 50?
3968 /maphalodes Bleb. Gnaphaliuro-lk ] 2 Y Caucasus 1825. S co
3969 ZychnltisZ,. Lychnitis ] 3 C Britain ro. sid. S co Eng. bot 58
3970 austriacum Schott Austrian '• 5 Y Austria 1818. S co
3971 pulverulentum E. B. powdered 3 jnau Y England bor fi. S co Eng. bot. 487
3972! lanatum
la Schr. woolly 3 Y Italy 1825. S co
3973 Stevenii Fis. Steven's 5 Y Siberia 1821. S co
3974 inajale Dec hog 3 Y Montpel. 1817. S co
3975 pyramidatum Bieb. pyramidal 3 Y Caucasus 1804. S co Sw. fl. gar. 31
3976 ov£tum Schr. ovate 3 Y Europe 182*. S co H. got 15
3977 rotundifolium Ten. round-leaved 4 Y Italy 1823. S CO Fl. nap. 23
3978 floccosum Kit. woolly 3 jn.jl Y Hungary 1805. S CO W. &K.59
3979 leptostauhyum Dec. slender.spiked 3 Y S. France 1825. S CO
3980 angustif6lium Ten. narrow.leaved 3 Y Naples 1824. S CO
3981 formosum Bieb. handsome 2 Y Russia 1818. S CO Bot. reg. 558
3982 spectabile Bub. showy 2 jn.jl Y.P Tauria 1820. S CO
3983 longifolium Ten. long-leaved 3 Y Naples 1824. S CO Fl. nap. 21
3984 nigrum L. black, root ed Y England ch. so. S p.1 Eng. bot 59
3985 onentale Bieb. eastern jnjl Y Caucasus 1821. S CO
3986 iflopecfirus Thuil. Foxtail Y France 1820. S CO
3987 ramosissimum Poir. braiu-hiest Y France 1824. S CO
3988 hasmorrhoidalc U.K. haemorrhoidal 2 W . P Madeira 1777. S CO
3989 speciosum Schr. comely Y Austria 1818. S CO H. got 16
3990 ovalifolium H. K. oval-leaved O Caucasus 1804. S pi Bot mag. 1037
3991 grandiflorum Schr. great-flowered Y Europe 1820. S CO H. got. 15 •
3992 ^lattana L. Moth Y Britain gra. pi. S CO Eng. bot 393
2£lba white ^t A or W Britain gard. S CO
3993 Alattariofdcs Lam. Blattaria-like ^i CD or Y France 1819. S CO
3994 lyratum Lam. lyrate 9t O> or Y Spain? 1819. S CO
3995 rcpandum W.en. repand ^ Q) or 3 Y Lurope 1813. S CO
3996 Osbeckii W. Osbeck'a ^ Q)or jlau G Spain 1752. S To. i t 2.83
3997 glabrum W en. smooth 3t Q) or 2 Y Europe 1805 S p.l
3998 virgatum With. twiggy ^t Q> or 5 au Y Britain gra. pi. S CO Eng. bot. 550
3999 cuprcum B. At. copper-co/orai 5 A or 3 Br Caucasus 1798. S CO Bot mag. 1226
4000 phecniceum L. Vur\i\c-Jtowered$i A or 3 P S. Europe 17i)6. S p } Bot. mag. 885
4001 puniccum Schr. yellow ^ A or 2| jn.uu Br S. Europe 1820. S H. got. 14
4002 rubiginosum W.&K. rusty k CJ) 4 Y.B Hungary 1817. S p.l W.&K. 197
4003 ferrugineum H. A. ru^t-colored Br S. Europe 16PJ. S CO Bot. rep. 162
4004 triste Lk. dark 2 jLau Y.R S. Europe 1788. S CO And. rep. 162
ferrugineum And rep. not of others.
4005 totomcifclium Dcsf. Betony-leaved 2 Y Armenia 1825. An. mu. 11.4
40U6 spinobum L. thorny 1 my.jn P Crete 1824. Alp. ex. 36
481. DATU'RA L. THORN APPLE. (Alteration of the Arabic name, tdtSrah.) Solunea. 9. —10.
4007 fcrox L. fierce O or 3 jl.s W China 1731. S s.l Za.h. 212.162
4008 Stramonium L. Stramonium O clt 3 jl.s W England rub. S s.l Eng. bot 1288
4(4)9 muncata Lk. rouncated O or 2 jl.s w 1820. S r.m
4010 Tdtula L. Tatula O or 3 jl.s B N. Amer. 1&9. S s.l Mee.ic.2.13
or 3 jl.s
4012 Mitel L
8 or 2 jn.s
O or 2 jl.s
1629. S r.m
1596. S r.m Bot. mag. 1440
"W Guayaquill826. S r m
4013 guayaquildnsis Kth. smooth-fruited O or 2 jn.s W Africa 1780. S r m Jac. vin. 3.82
4014 lae'vis L. horn-stalked O or 2 jl.s \V S. Amer. 1805. S r.m 3.339
4015 ceratocaulon Or.
482. BRUGMA'NS/if Pers. BRUGMANSIA. (Prqf. S. J. Brvgmant, author.) Soldnete. 2 . — *
4016 suaveolen* IV. en. sweet-scented 1 • or 15 au.s AV Peru 1733. C l.p
Datura arborea Hort.
4017 Candida Pers. wh\te.stalkcd J • or 10 au.s W Peru 1813. C l.p FL per. l
3 128
Dattta arb6rea W en.

483. LISIA'NTHUSJSSr. LISIANTHIJS. (List smooth, anthot, a flower.) Gentianete. 10. —31.
4018 Iongif6hus L. long.leaved i l l lor y Jamaica 1793. Br. jam. 9. 1
4019 glaucifolius Jac. glaucous-leaved* • or p Jac. ic. 1.33
4020 exsArtui Swz. drawn out Y W.Tndies 1793.
44)21 latitolius Swz. broad-leaved or 4 jl.s y Jamaica 1821.
4022 umbellatus Swz. umbelled • • or 6 y Jamaica 1822.
4023 cordifulius L. heart-leaved • or 2 y Jamaica 1816. Br. jam. 9.2
• •
4024 acutingulus R. $ P. acute-angled _ El or
4025 grandiflorus Aubl. groat-flowered jy ITB1 or
jlau Y Y
Peru 1820.
Trinidad 1818.
Fl. per. 2.122
Aub. gui. 1.81
40.6 angustifolms Kth. narrow-leaved a Q or y S. Amer. 1824.
4(>27 alatus Aubl. winged w Mexico 18S4. Aub. gui. 1.80
484. SPIGE'LU L. WORM GRASS. (A. Spigclius, prof, at Padua, d. 1625.) Gentianea'. 2.—5.
4028 Anthelmia /,. Anthelmia Ow 14 jl G . B W.Indies 1759. S s.l Bot.mag.2359
4029 manlandica L. Maryland ^ A or 1 S N. Amer. 1694. D \.p
485. N I C A ' N D I U J. NICANURA. {Nicander, a Greek phys. flourished about 150 B. C.) Soldne*. 2.
40.30 physalofdes Pers. Physalis-like O or 2 jLs P Peru 1759. D s.l Bot. mag. 2458
A'tropo physaloides L.
403llndica R.%S. Indian O or 2 jLi B R Indies 1824, S co Ru. am. 6.26.1
Phjrsalis indica Lam.
486. ANI'SODUB Lk. ANISODUS. {Anisos, unequal, odous, a tooth; calyx.) Soluneee. 2.
*;32stramonifulius(r.Don&tramonium-lvd^ A or 5 au.s Y.G Nepal 182a R co Sw. fl. gar. 125
_ Whitleya str.tinoiutolia Svot.
4033 Iftridus Lk. lurid ^ ^ o r 3 au.o Lu Nepal 1824. R co
Nicajidra anomala Lk.
*487. J/YOSCY'AMUS L HENBANE. (Hys, a hog, hyamot% a bean ; eaten by swine.,) Soli'mete. 13. —
4034 nfger L. black O 3 jnjl Y.p Britain rub. S s.l Eng bot. 591
2 finnuus annual 1 jnjl Y.p Europe 1818. S s.l Hot mag- 2S94
4015 albus L. white 2 Pa.WS. Europe 1570 S co Black. Ill
4036 reticuiatus L. netted 1 Y.R Egvpt 1640. S co Com. h. 77. 22
4037 Sencci6nis IV. en. Groundsel linro Y Egypt 1812. C s.l
4038 atirous L. golden 1 mro Y levant 1640. S r.m Bot. mag. 87
4«39 can.tncnsis Ker Canary H year y Canaries 1816. C s.l Bot reg 180
4"4O pusillus L. small Jl Persia 1691. S s.l Pluk.'al. 37.5
+ 41 physaloides L.
4»/4S agrestis Kit.
Physalis-like * I Siberia 1777. D p 1 Bot. mag. &>2
Hungary 1820. S p.l Sw. fl.gar.27
field 1 mr.ap P
4<>l3paUidus Kit. pale 1 ap.iny Y.p Hungary 1815. S
**44 muticus /.. awnlcss 1 ap.iny Y Egypt 1822. S
*»45 orientalis Bleb. eastern I mr.ap Y . P Iberia 1821. D B o t mag. 2414
4<H6 auriculatus Ten. eared II ap P.Y Italy 182J. S
1 jnjl Y
*488. VICOTIA'NA L. TOBACCO. (J. Nicot. of Nismes, procured seeds from a Dutchm.) Soldnect. 24.-27.
4047 fhiticoM L. shrubby tt i _ | or 4 Pk China 1699. C r.m
fW* chinensis Fis. Chinese O or 6 jls Pk China 1819. S co
*°49 macrophylld W.en. long-leaved O or 6 Pk America ... S r.m
40.^0 Tabucum L. Tabacum O clt 4 jlau Pk America 1570. S r m Black. 146
1 attenuftum R. S(S. attenuated O clt 4 jlau Pk S. Amer. 1570. S r.m
2macropliyllum7{.#& long-lcavcd O clt 7 Pk S Amer. 1570. S r.m
3 pallescens A * S. pallescent O clt 4 jlau Pk S. Amer. 1570. S r.m
4 alines R. # .V. wing-stalked O clt 4 Pk S. Amor. 1570. S r.m
5 ser6tinum R.SfS. late O clt 4 Pk S. Amer. 1370. S r.m
6 graclli]ies R. $ S. slender-stalked OO clt 4 jlau Pk S. Amer. 1570. S r.m
7V6rd.iniJ $S. Verdan O clt 4 jlau Pk S. Amer. 1570. S r.m
an« S.P"* 1111 R
- k& tongue-leaved O clt 4 Pk S. Amer. 1570. S r.m
4051 dilatata Lk. dilated O or 3 jl Pk IK'20. S r.m
4GJ2 ybarrensis It $ B. Ybarra O or 2 j l s Pk S Amer. 1823. S r.m
40,,* „„—*.«,:_ „ „ - narrow-leaved
J^angustifolia O or 4 j l s Pk Chile 1819. S co Fl.per. S.130
4054 bonariensis Le Buenos Ayres O or 3 jl.s W B Ayres 1821. S co Leh. nic. 1
* fl5 viscAsa Uh. clammy O or 3 Pk B. Ayres 1824. S r.m
4056 pusilla L. small jy ITBl or 3 au W Vera Cruz 1733. S r.m Mil. ic.2 185.2
4007 glutin6sa L. clammy O or 4 jl.s S Peru 1759. S r.ra Bot rep. 484
4008 rfistica L. rustic O clt 3 j l s G.Y America 1570. S co Black. 437
4059 humilis Desf. humble O or 1 il.s G.Y Egypt 1819. S r.m
«;ri0 paniculuta L. panicled O or 3 G.Y Peru 17.02. S r.m Fl. per 2.129
Honeywort-like O or 2 au G.Y 1821. S co Leh. nic. 2
4062 Langsd6rff"ii Nees Langsdorff's O or 5 au G.Y Chile 181<>. S co Bot. mag. 222
«*'«3 repanda W. repand O clt 2 jnjl
4(ifi4 dectirreni Ag. «« urrem, O or 2 jl.s W HavannahlK20. S co Bot. mag. 2484
decurrent 1820. S r m
«fi5 Plumbago-lvd O or 2 my.jn w" America 181(5. D r.m Jac fr. 84
*W» undulata R. Br. wav#»_/^T».rf lAlclt 2 my.s N. S.W. 1800. 1) r.m Bot. mag. 673
, suaveolens Uh.
* « 7 nnevflora Las. Vinca-flowcred ^ ^\ or 2 jl.s W S. Amer. 1820. r.m
i ' S nuadrivflvis Ph. four-vulved O or 1 W N. Amer. 1811. r.m Bot mag. 1778
* JS multivalvis B. R. many-valvcd O or 2 jl au W Colombia 1820. r.m Bot reg 1057
4070 nina B R |jn W N. Amer. 1823.
dwarf O cu co Bot. reg. 883*
*fn« PfTWNJA J. PETUNIA. {Petun, the name for tobacco in Brazil.) Solane*. 1. — 2 .
* ' / l Pvctaginiflora J. Marv.-Ptru-flwd £ ^ or 4 jn.s W S Amer. 182a C co Sw. fl.gar.119
bicottdna nyctaginiflora Leh.
4079°; S S 9 . P O / L M Jac- S™**"*- (G. A. Scopoli, celeb, prof, of botany, d 1789.) SoMne*. 1.
*"X carnllhca Jbtf. Carniolian .U or 1 D.p Carniola 1780. D e o B o t mag. 1126
* H. & S. jyyoscyamus ScopoUa L.
, _ . . T , , . ^ IPOMGSA. {Ipst bindweed (error of Lin.), homoios, similar.) Convolvvldceee. 111.-.193,
QuamocMVf. Quamodit i O o r 6 jls D.R E. Indies Ifi29. S r.m Bot.mag.244
„ 2 flore albo white-flowered jj O) or 6 jl.« W R Indies 1RL>!>. S r.m
40i44 dissccta IV. cut-lraved £_ El or 10 jn.s S Tropics 1813. C
2JJ7S qumoueloba Vahl five-lobed £_ El un 8 jl.s P W. indies 1810. C «P 1.2.3
J«/6 Kinuata Or. tcoUoft-leaved £. iAl or 6 W Florida 1817. S co
various-leaved &_ El un 10 P a P Cuba 1818. S co Jac. vin. 159
digitated JL El or 10 au.s P W.Indies ... s r.m Jac. fr. 42.4
ulata Dear. tubercled J_ • or 6 jl au ... Bourbon 1818. C r.m PI. ic. 92.1
J l.p 2.199

4060 Carolina L. Carolina _$ O or 10 P Carolina S rm Di.el.84,98

4081 venrtsa Val veiny ft_ Z2 or 10 P Mauritius 1820. C l p
4082 tubcrosa L. tuberous-roofed A 2 3 or 10 ... Pa.Y W. Indies 1731. C s.p Bot. reg. 768
4083 paniculfita L. paniclcd .23 m 20 jns Pk E. Indies 1799. C B.p Bot reg. 62
4064 enosperma Beauv. woolly-seeded A IS! or 10 Pk Guinea 1823. S r.m Beau. ow. 2
4085 senegalensis Lam. Senegal A (23 or 10
(23 j ' Pa.P Guinea 1823. S r.m
4086 marrorhiza L. long-rooted A 23 or 10 Pk Guiana . 1824. S r.m Jac. am. 90.1
4087 splendens G. Don shining Pk Guinea 1823. S r.m
4088 pcntaphflla Jac. A (SI or 18 jn.jl W W. Indies 1739. S s.p Jac. ic 2.319'
pilosa Cnrv. iOor 20 au.i
4089 Cavanillesti R. & S. Cavanillea's ft_CDor 10 au.s Mexico 1815. C p.l Cav. ic. 3.256
pentaphvlla Cav. not JJac.
4090armata7l.$P. armed 6 jl.s Mexico 1824. S p.l Cav. ic. 5.478.«
muncata Cav.
4091 dasysperma Jacq. not Jac.thick-seeded J O o r 10 au.s P E. Indies 1815. C Lp Bot.reg.86
tubcrculata B. R.
4092 p«?ndula R. Br. pendulous ft_ t | or 10 my.o Pk N. S.W. 1808. R l.p Bot. rep 613
409.1 ternata Jac. ternatcleaved tDun 3 W Brazil 1824. S r.m Jac. 6C. 37
4094 parvifl6ra Vahl small-flowered JiQJun 4 P W. Indies 1818. S r.m SI. jam. 97.1
4095 pes-tfgridis L. tiger's-ibot _£ O or 6 au R E, Indies 1732. C s.p I)i. cl. 318 411
4096 cafnci Swt. Cairo ft CD or 8 R Egypt 1680. C r.m Bot. mag. 699
Convolvulus cairicusB.M. Ipomoc'a palmate pal Forsk.
4097 platcnsis Ker Plata ft_E3or 10 jn.s V S. Amer. 1817. S r.m Bot reg. 333
4098 chryseides Ker golden ft (23 or 4 jn.s Y China 1817. S r.m Bot reg. 270
4099 caerulea Ker blue 1 O or L.B E. Indies 1818. S r.m Bot. reg. 276
4100 sctosa Ker bristly P Brazil 1817. S r.m Bot reg. 335
4101 scabra Gm. rough W S. Amer. 1804. S r.m
4102 Tnrpithum L. Turbcth W Ceylon 1759. S r.m Bot. mag 2093
4103 luteola Jac. yellowish S Carolina 1759. S r.m Bot. mag. 221
4104 coucinca L. scarlet D.R W.Indies 1713. S r.m Bot. rep. 99
4105 Iacun6sa L. pitted iO W N. Amer. 1640. S r.m Di. cl. 87. 102
4106£ossypnf6ha W. Gossypium-lvd ft_ CID or 15 P C s.p Bot reg. 75
insignia B. R.
4107 buiia-nox L. good-night W.Indies 1773. S s.l Bot. mag. 752
4108 noctiluca Herb. night-shiniug E. Indies 1820. S co Bot. reg. 889
lutiH6ra B. R.
4109 sanguinca Vahl Wood-flowered f.n D.R W. Indies 1812. C 8.1 Bot reg. 9
4110 mutauilis B.R. changeable my.s P S. Amer. 1812. C p.l Bot. reg. 39
4111 candicans B. M. whitish *_ iAI or 15 W N. Amer. 1776. R p.l Bot mag. 1603
4112 cwrulcscens Rox. cacrulesccnt ft_ (23 or 10 jn au B E. Indies 1820.
4113 tutit'cha Swt. Vine-leaved ft_ • or 10 Y E. Indies 1817. p.l Bur. in. 18.1
Convolvulus vitifolius L.
4114 Jalnpa . B. M. Jalap . m 10 au.s R America 173a C r.m Bot reg. 621
Jaldpa fi rascal?.A Conv61vulus JaldpaB.M. 1572
4115 Micnauxi* Swt Michaux's A CD m 10 au.s W Georgia 1815. C p.l B o t reg. 342
Jaldpa a. B.R. macrorhiza Mx.notL.
4116 henaticif'6lia L. Hcpatica-lvd JO or 10 au.s P E. Indies 1759. S co Bur. in. 50. 20. S
4117 sagittate Pair. sagittate i A or 6 P S. Europe 1821. D co Cav. ic. 2.107
4118platanif6Iia Vahl Plane-leaved ft_ 123 or W W. Indies 1820. 1) co
4119 barbate Roth bearded J O or 10 P N. Amer. 1824. S co Di.eL80.92
4120 v&ria/fo/A various fc.C£]un 10 jl au P America 1810. S •r.m
4121 acuminate Vahl acuminate ft_ D3 un 6 P W. Indies 1818. S rin
4122 angula'ris W. angular f. CD or S E Indies 1823. Pi
4123 commutata R. Sf S. changed _$ O un P N. Amer. J8iU S r.m Cat car. 87
4124 triquetra Vahl triangular ft. CD or P W: indies 1824. S rm
4125 longiflora H.%B. long-flowered ftEJor 6 P S. Amer. 1824. S r.m
4126 Batdtas Poir. Batatas A IS] clt 6 P Tropics 1&97. R p.1 R.mal.7.50
Conv61vulus Batdtas L.
4127 punctate if. £ S. spottcti-calyxed JL or 6 jl.s ' P
4128 fattigiata Swt. fastigiatc *_ or 10 jn.jl P E. Indies 1816. C Lp
Convolvulus fastigia'tus Rox.
4129 bicolor Swt. two-colored ft. (23 or 6 au.s Y.p E. Indies 1816. S p.l
Convolvulus bicolor Rox.
4130 pandurate B. R. fiddle-shaped _$ A or 12 jl.s W.p N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Bot. mag. 1939
Convolvulus panduratus B. M.
4131 «olanif61ia L. Nightshade-lvd_J O or 8 Pk America 1759. C s.p PL ic. 94.1
4132 campanulata L. be\\-Jtuwered j j O o r 8 aus P.w E. Indies 1800. S s.1 R.mal. 1156
4133 multifl6ra Mil. many-flowered J; OJ or 6 jn.jl Pk Jamaica S Lp Pluk. ph. 167.1
4134 malabanca L. Malab:ir ft. O or 10 P E. Indies 1823. C Lp K. mal. 2.51
4135 violacea L. 8 au.g P S. Amer. 1732. S s.1 PL ic. 93.1
4136 c£rnea L. fleshy j E Q o r 10 au.s F S. Amer. 1799. S s.1 Jac. am 26. 18
4137 repanda L. repand jOor 10 au Sc W.Indies 1793. C s.p Par. Ion 81
4138 sibinca L. Siberian _£ O or 8 F Siberia 1779. S co Pal. it. 3.723. K
4139 speciosa L.fil. showy ft_ I lor 8 jlau P E. Indies 1778. S p.l Bot. mag. 2446
.4140 purpfirea Lam. great puq>le j O or n.s D.P America 1629. S co Bot. mag. 113
* 2 incarnata flesh-colored j O or n.s F America 1629. S co
* 3 v&ria various _J O or n.8 St America 1629. S co Bot. mag. 1682
4 leiu£ntha white-flowered _£ Q or n.s w America 1629. S r.m
4141 discolor Jac. sundry-colored j; O or 20 n.s B.w S co Bot mag. 1005
4142 triloba L. three-lobed 10 n.jl V W.'lndies 1752. S s.1
4143 Aiilerifolia L. Ivy.leaved iOor 10 1 V S. Amer. 1773. S si Pl.ic.82 93.2
4144 Nil 1'er.H. Kit 10 l.s L.B America 1.097. S s.p Bot. mag. 188
4145 Aedcracca L. Ivy-like iOor 10 jl.s B N. Amer. 1729. S s.p Bot. reg. 85
barbata Roth
4146 barbfgera Swt. bearded O pr 3 jn.s P N. Amer. 1824. S co Sw.fl.gar.86
4147 cuspidate Pers. sharp-pointed j O or 10 jn.jl L.B S. Amer. 1732. S s.p Fl.per.2.lift*
4148 Dilfenti Desf. Dillemus's _J iQI or A B Guinea ... S p.l Di. cl. 84 9H
4149 /amnifolid L. Tamnus-leaTcd_|| O O or 10 jl B Carolina 1732. S co Di. el. 318.410
4-150 grand i flora L. great-flowered ft_ • or 8 s W E. Indies 1802. S s.1 Bot rep 188
4151 muru-ata Jac. muncate _& O 8 jLau P E. Indies 1777. S co 3.323
. . „ , . —w- purpurascens Bot. reg. 290
4152 obscura L. obscure ' 8 W E, Indies 1732. S s p Bot. reg. 239 w
4153 involucrita Beauv. involucrate 4 R Guinea 182a S s.l Beau. ow. «• y
tED un 10 P E. Indies 1820. S r.m '
4154 hlspida Vahl hispid — • 10 B K Indies 1823. S s.1
4155 capit&te Vahl headed
4 jl.s Pk E. Indies 1815. S s.1
4156 pilosa Swt. P»loM
Cbnv6lvulus pilosus Box. W S.Amer. 1817. S r.m Jac. ic. 2.318
4157 leucantha Jac. white-flowered ^ O or 6 Lau w W Indies 1825. S r.m Jac. vm.3.69
4158 latiflora Desv, broad-flowered* • nau p E. Indies 181& S r.m .
4159 strigiNsa Roth *}?Koae
,J .
10 Uu W Indies 1823. S r.m Jac am. pic. 26
4160 filiformis Jac. filiform 20 jl.s & Amer 1810. C s.1 PI. am. 102
4161 polyanthes B.SfS. Auricula-/?!** W Indies 182.3. S r.m^2
Conv61vulus umbdUtui L. 3 or 2 W W Indies 1822. S co Bot reg. 999
4162 corymbosa Forst. corymbose lor 6 au.a Pk E. Indies 1812. C p.l
4163 pudibunda B.B. blushing
41G4 gangetica Swt. , , GanRetic 12 Pk K Indies 1820. C p.l
Convolvulus gangctlcus Box.
4165blandaStirf. *°ft 12 W
E. Indies 1816. C p.l
Conv6lvulus blandus Rox.
• or
10 R R. mal. 11. S3
4166 Koxbfirghii Swt Roxburgh s J E Indies 1817. C p.l Bot reg. 437
multiflora Rox. 8 R Carolina 1819. S co Botreg.317
4167 sepiana Rox. hedge L. _ Kindles 1778. S co
3 jn.s P
4168 sagittifolia Ker sagittate-leaved^ A Dk el. 87.102
4169 denticulata A. J?r. denticulate . £ O o r 6 jLau Y Mexico 1732. __R s.p
Convolvulus Mddium W. ED or 6 myjl Pk India 1800. S s.1 Jac. ic. 317
4170 glaucifolia L. glaucous-lvd Olor 66 Pk E. Indies 1816. S co
4171 angustifdlia Jac. narrow-leayed au.o P
4172 sphserocephala Swt. round-headed 6 P Mexico 1824. C p.l
Convolvulus spharocephalus Rox. 10 Y E. Indies 1778. S s.p R. mal. 11.65
4173hast!gerattA. spcar-beanng I D " 6 Vi Mexico 1823. S r.m Cav.ic. 3.250
4174tridentatdL. three-toothed l E f l » * 10 my.jl R E. Indies 1822. C p.l
4175 stans Cav. standing
4176 /aurifblia Swt. Laurel-leaved or 4 W E. Indies 1816. S p.l
Conv61vulus /auritolius Bo*. jlau P Cayenne 1824. C p.l Bot mag. 2645
4177 jalicifoha Rox. Willow-leayed |_ 10 jnjl P E. Indies 1770. S s.p Bot reg. 319
4178 hxmonioWs Sims Bignonia-like S.Amer. 172a R s.p PL am. 89.104
4179 J P
4180 niaritnna
brasihcnsi*R.L.Br. sea-side
Brazilian "fi P E. Indies 1800. C p.l
4181 stipulacea Swt. stipulaceous
Conv6lvulus stipulaceus Box.
4182 reptans L. creeping ^ E3 or i p R Indies 1806. D p.l B. maL 11.

{Convoivere, to entwine ; stems.) Eng.bot3l2
F Britain com ft.
corn field Hjn.s Levant 1596. R 8.1 Mil. i d . 102
4183 arvensis L. Scammony 2 W.p N. S.W. 18t»3. C r.m Bot mag 1067
4184 Scammbnia L. erubescent ^iQlor 6 jl.s Pk China
4185 crubeacens R If. 1817. 1) co Bot reg 322
4186 chinensis Ker Chinese 6 A or 6 P Corsica 1824. R co
Corsican i A un 1 Pk E. Indies 18 r
-»2. C r.m
4187 c6rsicus R.&S. toothed 1 Y
4188dentatus Vahl Chile 1817. S i.m Cav. i c 48.4
4189 bonaricnsis Cav. Buenos Ayres or 3 jnau W Italy 1820. R s.1 ¥1. nap. 1.15
Italian . un 2 Pk Tauria 1825 R 8.1
4190 iUilicus Ten. hairy 1| Y.P
4191 hirsutus Bieb. 2 P 1817.
4192 emargmatus Lie. emarginate 15 jn.s B Canaries 1805. R X Bot. leg. 222
4193 pannifulius H. K.
4194 Ianugmbsus Vahl
woolly 3 6 W
O un 3 P
Levant 1818. S r.m
1825. 5. S r.m
4195 intermedius R. AS. intermediate P S. Amer. 1817. S r.m
4 l 9 6 b £ i H « A__ Bogota 3 jn.jl D p.l
P Brazil 1820.
4197 iiiiaceusfK."' Lime-tree-like ' lAlor 3 W . P lsl.Francel818. S co Bot mag. 2205
4l98bicolor Vahl two-colored
2 jns Pk Levant 1597. R s.l Bot mag. 359
4199 althsoldes L. Althsa-like
4 jn.jl P Davuria 1818. R co
4200 bicuspkiatui Fis. bicuspulate
_- 2 * JLau Pk China 1802. R 8.1 Bot mag. 943
4201 oryoniefulius B. if. Briony-leaved
O o r 10 P S. Amer. 1752. S co PI. ic. 91.1
4202 macrocartjus L. long-fruited Cayenne 1806. C P.l ... Aub. gui. 53
smooth — 12 my.jn W
4205 glaber Aubl.
6 W W. Indies 1821. S r.m PL al. 167.6
4204 quinauefolius L. five-leaved L.B E. Indies 1808. C s.1 Bot mag. 2151
4205 [Mintanthus Jac. five-flowered « _ * _ - - 6 jl.s Canaries 1690. R s.1 Bot mag. 1228
Canary S i_J or 20 my.s _.„._ P R 8.1 Par. Ion. 45
4206 canariensis L. «- . o r c6 — : „ Pk Madeira 1777.
4207 farindsus L. mea\j-stalked Cayenne 1816. S co
6 j l i Pk R r.m R. maL 11.53
Pk Ceylon 1799. R r.m Jac. ic. 2.315
4208 cibatus Vahl ciliated fc
greatest Cey/ont. 123 or 20 jl
4209 maximus L.
Herman's JLvAlor 5 au.s W "Peru 1799.
4210 Hcrmannicr Her. Guiana 1823. C s.l Aub. gui. 1.52
4211 gujanensis Aubl. Guiana t CJ or 0 W S. Europe 1820. S co Car. ic. 3.277.1
4212 evolvuloldcs Detf. Evolvulus-like iQjor 15 R
deciimbena Or. Bot reg. 445
4213 slculus L. Sicilian -* O or 1 L.B S. Europe 1640. S co Bot reg. 498
W Canaries 1815. S co
4214 elongatus W. en. \ong-pedunclcd J O or 1 jLau
Pseudo-siculus Br
Pseudo-slculus Brou. W. Indie* 1819. S r.m PL am. 94.2
4215 micr&nthus Desv. small-flowered fc. • un 5 jl.s P
verticillate fc TCJOT CD or 5 jl.s B W. Indies 1819. S r.m PI. ic. 94.2
4216 verticillatua L. . N. Amer.? 1824. S co Dec.ic.97
4217 serotinus Dec. late-fiuivering _* A un 20 jn.s P
4218 arborescens W. arborrscent • Q o r 10 jnjl Mexico 1818. C p.l
4219 ImperMi Vahl Impor.itrs or Y" Naples 1824. D co Cyr. ne. 1.5
4220 rentan* W. creeping w*A ! *! P E. Indies 1806. K pi
Pa.R S. Amer. 1825. C - p.l• Bot reg. 1076
4221 sciobiculitus B. B. smallfu ll-f • - L J o r 1 jl
4222 hirtua L. hairy-stalked J : O o r 2 B K Indies 1804. S _,. S.1
Y Guinea 18«5. U r.m C
v ptBot. reg. 1060
4223 ochraccus B R. yellow $_ EJ or 3 j
Madeira 1788. Bot reg. 133
4224 suifruticbsus H. K. suffVuticose 6 jlau
jl Pk
* \ I or Majorca 1789. S co Jac. c. 4.22.2
422:') pentapctaloldes L. Pentapetalus-lkJC klx O or
O oorr * i. nn L B S. Europe 1714. R s.l Tn. ob.91.91.2
48i'6 line&tus L. lined -* A fJ P Europe ... R pi Bar. ic.311
4227 Gerardi II. & S. i jnjl Pk S. S. Europe 1796. R s.1 Boc. mu. 138. 96
Gerard's Jl AM
422K saxdtilis Vahl *jn W Bot mag. 459
4229 Cnebrum L.
Cneorum «t-i lor 3 my.s Pk Ixjvant 1640.
S. Europe 1770. C Lp Bot mag. 289
42.% Uneari^ B. M. a. i_jor Pk
linear-fraturd -* ^ or 1* my.s Pk Palestine- «">= 1825. I co
4831 «alvifolius Lk. Sage-lcayed | my.s S. Europe 1640. R s.1 Jac. au. 3 296
4232 cantabricus L. Cantabrian I my.s F
4233 DorJ'cnium L. Rock Rose
j * or Ujjjl Pk Levant 1806. C s.1
4234 «copkrius L. Broom
2 au.s W Canaries 1733. C s.1
1} au.s Pk Canaries 179U. Jac. i c 1.34
4235 fl6ridus L. flowery

4236 tricolor L. three-colored O or 3 St S Europe 1629. S co Bot mag. 27

2 albiflbrus white-flowered O or 1 W S. Europe1629. S co
4237 filiranlu Vahl thread-stmd JU[A~]un 1 jn.jl Y Guinea 1824. S s.l
4238Sibth6rniiR.&S. Sibthorp's -* A or 1 n.s - W France 1823. R co FI. gr. 193
4239 ebracteatus Detf. ebrai-teate -* A or 1 jn.s W 1819. R co
4210 multifldus Thun. many-cleft -* O un 2 jn.s P C. G. H. 1821. S s.l
•493. ARGYRErA Lou. SILVER-WEED. (Argyreios,silvery; textureofleaves.) Convolvulctcea:. 7.—12.
4241 splcndens Swt. shining 1. CD or 1 n Fk E. Indies 1820. C co Bot mag. 2GS8
Lettsbima splendcns Box.
4242 specidsa Swt. showy %_ • or 10 R E. Indies 1818. C r.m Bot mag 2446
IponuB%a specidsa Bot. mag. 2239. C. ncrvosus Brm. Lettsbmni nervosa Box.
4243 cuueata Ker wcd^e-leaved fc. • or 10 au.s P E. Indies 1822. C s.l Bot. reg. 661
Lettsdmia cuneata Box.
4244 cym&sa Swt. cymose fc. • or 10 ... Pk E. Indies 182a C r.m
LettbOinfo cymdsa Box.
4245 bdna-nox Swt good-night t. O or 20 ... W E. Indies 1799 C r.m
Lettsoinja bona-nox Box.
4246umfloraSw/. one-flowered %_ CD or 30 ... W E. Indies 1817. C r.m
Lettedinia uni flora Box.
4247 ornata Swt. adorned fc_E2or 10 ... W E. Indies 1824. C r.m
Lettsbmia ornata Box.
494. CALYSTEXGIA B.IBr. Br. BEARBIND. {Kalyx, a calyx, stege, a covering.) Convolvulaceee. 10. —11.
4248 septum B. Br. great hedge j A or 6 jn.s W BriUin m. hed. R s.l Eng. bot 313
Convolvulus bdpi
2 incarnata red-flowered A or 6 jn.s R N. Amer. ... R co Bot mag. 732
4249 sylv&tns B. & S. wood A or 18 jn.s W Hungary 1815. R co
4250 spithamaAi Ph. span or 1 jl W N. Amer. 1796. R co Hook. ex. fl. 07
Convolvulus spithame us L.
4251 paradoxa Ph. paradoxical A un 3 jn.s W N. Amer. 1810. R s.l
4252 Catesbofria Ph. Catesby's A un 3 jn.s P N. Amer. 1810. R 8.1
4253 dahunca Fis. Dahunan A pr ljjl Pk Dahuria 1823. S co Bot mag. 2609
4254 tomentbsa .A. $S.
Convolvulus stans Mx.
woolly i A or ... jnjl N. Amer. 1818. D p.l
4255 Soklanella B. Br. Soldanclla JU A or 1 jnjl F Britain seash. R s.l Eng. bot 314
Convolvulus Soldanella E. B. un
42T»6 reniformis B. Br. kidney-shaped -* A F N. Holl. 1817. R s.p Sw. fl. gar. 181
4257 marginata B. Br. margin ate " -* A Pk N. Holl. 1824. R r.m
495. MORENOS Lai. MOREXOA. (P. Moreno, a Mexican patriot) Convolvulheeee. 3. —5.
42.18 patula Lai. spreading %_ El or 6 ... S Mexico 1826. C p.l
4259 grandifldra Lai. large-flowered i Eflor fi ... S Mexico 1826. C p.l
4260 globo&a Lai. globose %_ LSI or 6 ... S Mexico 1827. C p.l
496. PORA^NA Brm. PORANA. (Poreuo. to journey; extension of branches.) Convolvuldccee. 1.—3.
4261 volubihs Brm. twining fc. • or^50 W K Indies 1820. S p.l Bur. in. 21
497. DINETTUS Swt. DINETUS. (Dineios, that may be twined.) Convolvulftcea. 2.
42U2 racembsa Swt. rarcmose _£ O P* 12 a u - 8 w
Nepal 1823. S co Sw.fl.gar.127
Porkna raccmdsa Box.
4263 panicula'ta Swt. paniclcd J_ • or 10 au.s W E. Indies 182a C p.l
Porana paniculata Box.
498. COB^T^ Cav. COBJSA. {B. Cobo, a Spanish botanist.) Cobtehccte. 1. — 2.
4264 scandens Cav. climbing fl_iAJor 20 my.o P Mexico 1792. S p.l Bot mag. 851
*499. GI'LIil B.&P. GILIA. (P. S. Gt/io, a Spanish botanist) Polemonihcca. 3 . - 6 .
§ 4265 coronopifblia Pen. Buckhorn-lvd ^ O | o r '3 au.s S Carolina 1726. C l.p Ex. bot. 1.13
Cdntuit coronopitdlia W. Ipom6psis elegans Mx.
4266 parvillora Spr. small-flowered O or 2 s.n B America 1793. S co Ex. bot 1.14
IlKJinopsis mconspicua 5m. Cdntua parviflbra Ph.
4267 capitata Hook capitate Q or 1 B Colombia 1826. S p.l Bot. mag. 2698
500. CALDANS7A W. CALDASIA. (.[J. Caldas, a Bogotan naturalist) Polemonihcece. 1.
4268 heterophylla W. variable-leaved O or B N.Spain 1813. S s.p Bot.rcg.96
Bonphindia geminiflora Cav.
501. IIOI'TZIA J. HOITZIA. (Hoitzit, its name in Mexico.) Polemoniacea:. 3 . - 8 .
4269 coci'inea Cav. scarlet i j o r 3 ... S Mexico 1824. C r.m Cav. ic. 6.365
4170 crarulea Cav. blue *i_jor 1 ... Pa.B Mexico 1824. C r.m Cav. ic. 6.366
127i glandulosa Cav. glandulous * i _ J o r 2 ... Pa. R Mexico 1825. C r.m Cav. ic. 4.367
502. RETZl/f Thun. RBTZIA. (A. J. Iietzius, prof. nat. hist at Lund, in Sweden.) Convolwlhcea: 1. —
4272 spicata Thun. spiked «t i_J cu 4 my.jn Br C. G. H. ... C l.p Lam. il. 103
*t 503. LUBI'N/il Com. LUBINIA. (M.drSt. Lubin, a French officer.) Primulacea. 1.—3.
4 .73 atropurpurca Lk. dark-purple JU iAJ cu 2 ... P C. G. H. 1820. C l.p H.ber.27
504."E'PACRIS Forsk. EPACRIS. (£j» t upon, akro*t the top; habitation.) Epacridae. 14.— 20.
4274 purpurascens B. BrT purpurascent 'fti lor 3 ja mr P N. S. W. 1803T C sp Bot.mag.84*
2 rObra rod-flowered ft L_J or 3 R N. Holl. 1K03. C s p Hot. cab. 876
4275 pulch^lla B. Br. neat ft i | or 4 ap.jn Pk N. S. W. 1804. C 8.p Bot. mag. 1170
4270 microph^lla B Br. small-leaved ft i _ | or 2 N. S. W. Ih22. C l.p
4277 grandiflbra B Br. great-flouered ft i I or 3 jajn S N. S. W. 1803. C sp Bot.mag.982
4278 0i)osin«flora Cun. Onosma-flwd ft | f or 2 apjl R N. Holl. 1823. C sp
4279 ruscifblia li. Br. Ruscus-leaved ft i | or 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
4280 sparsa B. Br. scattered • i_jor 2 apjn N. Holl. 182& C s p
4'28l apiculata Cun. small-tufted ftLJor 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1825. C s.p
4282 obtusifoha B. Br. blunt-leaved ft i lor 3 apjn w' N. S. W. 1804. C s.p Ex. bot. 140
428.3 imprcsaa Lab. impressed • l_Jor 3 ap.jl C N. Holl. 1824. s.p Sw. au. 4
4l284 hetorondma Lab. vanous-stmnd ft i lor 3 apjl W N. Holl. 1823. C sp Lab.n.h.56
4285 paludbsa R. Br. marsh • l_Jor 3 apjl Pa R N. Holl. 1825. C s.p
4286 exsertd R Br. drawn-out ft i | or 2 apjn W Vi. Di. L. 1812. C l.p
4287 mucronulata B. Br. small-pointed ftft LJ i lor 3 apjl
or 3 apjl R R N. Hull. 1824.
N. Hull. 1824. C C s.p
505. STYPHENLIA B Br. STYPHKLIA. (Sfypfirlos, rigid; compact habit) Epaerideee. 8.— 9-
4288 tubiflora Sm tube-flowered ft i) or 6 C N. S. W. 1802. S s.p Sm. n. h. 1+
4289 longifolia B. Br long-leaved ft i_J or 3 apjn G N. S. W. 1807. C l.p Bot. reg «*

42901«\a7l. 7?r. fruitful < (Uor 5 ... G N. Holl. 1829. C s.p

W.H adsccmlens R. Br. ascend, ng * »U°f 3 .„ G N. Holl. 1822. C s.p
42!»« viridifldra R Br. green-flowered n lor 4 apjn G N. S. W. I7CU. C a p Bot. rep. 312 _
4i«*i triflbra B. Rep three-flowered 11 lor I) my au Pk N. S W. 1796. C s.p Bot mag. 129?
4204 epacrioldc* Hort. Epacris-Iike l Uor 6 «w C N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
4295 latiftlia A Tir. broad.leaved 4 apjl Pk N. Holl. 1823. C sp
50fi. ME'LICHRUS it Br. MELICIIBUS. (Mrtichros, honey-colored; gl mds of flowers) Epaeridete. 2. —&
4296 rotatus it Tir. rotate « U o r S N Holl. 18^4. C sp Cav. ic. 4.349.1
42«I7 m&dius Cm. middle l y o r 2 S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
LISSA'NTHE R. Br. (Lissos, smooth, anth
LISSANTUB. s, a flower.) Epaerldex. 5. —6.
42«« sapida R. Br. Savoury jnjl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
i LJor 4
4299 subul&ta R Br. subulate apjl W N. Holl.
11 i or 2 C s.p
4 XX) striud'ta R. Br. strigosc • Uor 3
myjl W N. Holl.
4 Jul daphnoides R. Br. Daphne-like jnjl W N. H«U. 1818. C sp
• Uor 3 . „,
4302 ciliaU R. Br. Ciliated • Uor 3
myjl W s.p
N. Holl. 182;>. C e.p
508 ASTROLOWTA U Br. ASTBOLOMA. (Astron, a star, loma, a fringe; flower.) Epaertdece. 2. — 6.
4W3 humifusum R. Br. trailing i j o r 1 myo S N. S. W. IH07. C s.p Bot. mag. 1439
4XH denticulatum 71 Tir. denticulate « U o r 1 my au Pa R N. Holl. 1824. C sp
509. SPRENGFLM Sm SPBBNGBLU. (C. C. Sprengel, of Spandau, in Br.mdenburgh.) Epacrldete. 1—2.
4:05uicdrnataSm. fLesh-cototed ft LJ or 2 apjn F N. S.W. 179J. C s.p Bot. mag. 1719
510. ANDERSONNi\4 R Br. ANDERSOVU (Messrs. W.t A, IV., mAG. Anderson.) Epacrider. 1.—6.
*KX5 sprengelioirfc'* R. Br. Sprengeha-like ft LJ or 2 mrjl Pk N. Holl. 180J. C u.p Bot. mag. Io45
511. LYSINEWIA R Br. LVSIVEMA. (Lysis, a sep-iration, nema, a stamen.) Epaeridete. 4,—fi.
J J*7 pcmapetalum[R^Br. five-petaled
p ft U »' 2fmy Pk N. Holl. 18 J3. C l.p
4.J08 cons|iicuum R. Br. conspicuous I Ljor N. Holl. , . - . . i ip
4JUy pi'mgens R. Br. pungent I1 lor 2 f!ap7 W N. S. W. I8U4. C Lp Bot. m.-g. 844
2 rhbrum red 2 tap R N. S. W. 181)4. C Lp Bot. mag. 1199
F/pacrw rosoa Lod.
4310 attemiatum Lk. attenuated
_ __ «Ljor 2 f.ap W N. S. W. 1812. C l p Bot cab. 38
4311 lasianthum Tt Tir.
_.. hd
hdiry-flowcred ft• LJ or fi Pk N. Holl. 1820. C l p
• 512. DRACOPHY'LLUM 71 Tir. DBACOPIIYLLUM. (Dmkos, a dragon, phyllon, a leaf.) Epacrtdete. 3. — &
4312 scc.'.ndum it Tir. side-flowering ft U or 2 ap au W N. Holl. 1823. S s.p Sw. au. ic. in.
4.JI3 longitTklium TZ. Tir. long-leaved i i j o r 2 W N. Holl. 18^4. C s.p
44314 gracileTZ Tir. slender ft [j or 2 W N. Holl. 182J. C s.p Bot. mag. 2678
513. TROCHOCA'RPA 71.Tir. TBOCHOCABPA. (Trochos, awheel; karpos, fruit; form.) EpacrMea. 1.
4315teurina R. Br. LaurcUtte ft U o r 4 W N. Holl. 182J. C s.p
Styphttia cornifblia Rud.
514. ACRO'TRICHE R. Br. AcaoTKiniE. (Akrost a point, thrix, hair: coroHO Epacrldcf. 3 . - 8 .
4316 corditaT? Tir heart-/«m-rf ft U «r | apjl W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1.63
4317 ovalifolia R. Br. oval-leaved «Uor W N. HolL 182.]. C s.p
4318 divaricata 7*. Tir. divaricate ft • or J my W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
515. MONOTOCA R. Br. MOXOTOCA. (Monos, one, tokos, birth • gcrmen one-seeded.) Epaeridete. 4. — 0.
•319elliptica R. Br. elliptic ft i (or 8 my au W N. S. W. 1HU2. C l.p
4J20]meata7J. Tir. lined ft U or 6 W V. Di. L 1804. C s.p Lab. n.h. 1.61

• Br. Broom I i_J or 5 W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p

R.Br. white i LJ or 6 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
516. PONCELETTW R. Br. PONCEI.ETIA. (M. Poneelet, a French botanist.) Epacridea.
Eva 1.
r 1 myjn ... N. Holl. 182G. C p.ll
«»*sprengelwid« R. Br. Sprengeha-hke ft U or'
J j l 7 - COSME^Ll A R. Br. COSMBLIA. (Kosmeo, to adorn: beauty.) Epaeridete. 1.
* « 4 rubra Tt. Tir. reti-ftotvered ft U o r '' ... It N. Holl. 1826. C s.p
j . * o ^ ^EUCOPO^GON R. Br. LsticoponoM. (Isukos, white,pogon, beard; flowers.) Epaeridete. 13—48
I&£ ^"ceolatus R Br. lanceolate ft U or 12 \V N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. rep. 287
•JSffi Hf,-h...-i* H.
I H. Br. «:..u_i.
Riche's -. •__ 5e «'W M. Holl. 18ii2. C l.p Lab.n.h. 1.66
.mv, —ji».ilia Kichei Lab.
*3s7 obovktus 71 Tir. obovate 1 W N. HolL 1824. C Lp
Styphelia obovkta Lab.
4328cricoldes It.Br H«»nth iAa«<wt A . in* 6 ... W K.S.W. 1815. C lp Cav.ic.4.347.1
at V.Di L. 1824. C p.l
SSSi™«C li§r "S
flr g StJS 2 myjn "W
2 myjl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab.n.h.l.6t
JlS SSi"iSlf ^- ' 8tem rfasping ft U oJ 3 ... X9 KSW. 18ir>. C lp
K Holl. 1818. C lp Cav.ic.4.S49.«
i»»».h|yllug ^ JJ^ small-leaved ft LJ or 2 myjl W
R. Br. Btrialed ft LJ or 3 "W N. Holl. 1823. C l.p
i*R. Br. pressed togcthcrft \ | or 3 W N. Holl. 18m C l.p
uniperinus it Br. Junipc>r./^ve</ ft t lor 3 apjn W N. S. W. 1804. C l.p Bot. cab. 447
""jgw A Tir. sctigerous ft i | or 2 ... W N. Holl. 1884. C l.p
Wi *« CYATHODES. (A>»/A«w,ac ,like; nectary> Epaeridete. 3 . - 7 .
glaucous 1 U o r 20 apjn V.Di. 1. 1818. C e.p Lab.n. h. 1.81
£ ^ M ™ *• - 5r ckly Cedar ft LJ or 6 apjn
Pnckl V. Di. I. 1822. C s p Lab. u. h. 1.6»
4.110 "Whcha Ox^cedrus Labb
*«g acerftsa R. Br. chaiTy U o r 8 W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Gae.flr.2.94
N T H E R A R.Br. STENANTHEBA. (Stenos,narrow,anthera,an anther.) Epaa-ide*. 1.
.Br. Pino-leaved ft U o r 6 myjl S N. S.W. 1811. C s.p Botreg.218
521. AZA'LEA L. AZALEA. (AzaJeos, dry, arid; habitation.) Rhodordeea. 1.1 —
*341 indica L. Indian ft LJ or 4 mr my S China 1808. C p.1 Bot. mag. 1480
2 purpurea pldna ft \ | or 4 P China
3 variegata variegated ft
m i | or 4 mr my St China
4 ilba pure-white ft
ft I | or 4 W China 1819. C p.l
5 aurantlaca orange ft I ) or 4 O China 1*22. C ii.l
purple ft 3 my p China Ih24. C p.1
Chinese ft 3 my Y China U p Bot. cab. 885
PnticaL Pontic ft or 6 myjn Y Turkey
2 Rla&ca L Bp Bot.ni4g.433
glaucous Sk or 6 my.jn Y Turkey
3 albifl6ra or 6 myjn W Turkey L s.p
white-flowered ft L sp Bot.mag.2::ai

4 cuprea copper-colored Sfc or () Cop Turkey L s.p

5 pallida p jl r7 // Sk or (i Pa.Y Turkey L s.p
6 tricolor three-colored 3fc or 6 mrmy Y.R Turkey L s.p
4344 calendulacca Mx. Marygold.likc ft or4 my.jn O N. Amcr. 1806. L s.p
1 crtaea BaftVon-colored ife or4 my.jn Saf N. Amer. ... L p.l Bot mag. 172
2 chrysolccta fine-golden * or my.jn Y N. Amcr. ... L s.p
3 grandiflbra large-flowered a* or my.jn O N. Amer. ... L s.p
4 cuprea copper-colored Sfc or4 my.jn Cop N. Amcr. ... L p.l
5 splendens shining or4 iny.jn O N. Amer. ... L p.1
6 flimmea flame-colored or4 my.jn It N. Amer. 1812. L s.;p Bot reg. 145
7 triumphans triumphant or4 my.jn O N. Amer. ... L p.l
8 ignescens • igncsccnt or4 my.jn R N. Amcr. ... L p.1
4.345 canescens Mx. canesccnt or3 my.jn R N. Amer. 1812. L s.p
4346 speciosa W. showy or4 my.jn S N. Amer. ... L p.1 Den. br. 116
1 major larger-fcarfe/ or4 my.jn
y.jn S N. Amer. L p.1 Bot cab. 634
Scrfspa curled or4 myjn
my.jn S N. Amer. L s.p
3 aurintia orange or my.jn N. Amer. L s.p
4 obllqua oblique or my.jn N. Amer. L s.p
5 prunifblia Plum-leaved or my.jn N. Amer. L s.p
6 cucullata hooded or my.jn N. Amer. L e.p
7 revolitta revolutc or my.jn N. Amcr. L s.p
8 ciliata ciliated or my.jn N. Amer. L
9 acutifolia acute-leaved or my.jn N. Amer. L s.p
10 undulate wavcA-lcaved or myjn N. Amer. L s.p
11 tortulifblia twisted-leaved or my.jn N. Amcr. L s.p
4347 nudiflbra L. naked-flowered ft or3 myjn S.Pk N. Amcr. 1734. L s.p
lalba Ai»/y-whitc ft or4 myjn W N. Amcr. ... L s.p
2 alba pldna double-white or4 myjn W N. Amer. ... L s.p
3 blanda soft ft or4 my.jn Bh N. Amer. ... L
4carnea fleshy or4 myjn Pa.R N. Amer. 1734. L p.l Bot reg. 120
5 caroliniana Carolina ft or4 myjn S N. Amer. L
6 coccinea - scarlet ft or4 myjn S N. Amer. L p.? Bot mag. 180
7 corymbbsa corymbose ft or4 my.jn S N. Amer. L s.p
8 crSspa curled 9fe or4 my.jn Pk N. Amcr. L s.p
9 cumulita bundled SI or4 iny.jn S.Pk N. Amer. L s.p
10 discolor various-colored si or4 myjn W.s N. Amcr. L s.p
11 fastigiata pyramidal 9k or4 my.jn Pk N. Amer. L s.p
12 fl6rida many-flowered ft or4 iny.jn Pk N. Amer. L s.p
13 globbsa globose or4 my.jn Pk N. Amcr. L s.p
14 glomerdta glomeratcd or4 myjn Pk N. Amcr. L s.p
15 incana hoary or 4 iny.jn Pk N. Amcr. L «.p
16 incarnate tLcsh-colored or 4 myjn t N. Amer. L s.p
17 inirabilis wonderful or 4 my.jn S N. Amer. L
18 magnified magnificent or 4 my.jn S N. Amer. L s.p
19 montana mountain or 4 my.jn S N. Amer. L s.p
20 pallida pa\c-flowered or 4 my.jn Pa.R N. Amer. L s.p
21 paludbsa marsh or 4 myjn Pk N. Amer. L s.p
22 papilion&cea butterfly or 4 my.jn Str N. Amer. L s.p
23 partita five-parted or 4 myjn W.R N. Amer. L
24 parviflbra small-flowered or 4 myjn ... N. Amer. L s.p
25 prolifera proliferous or 4 my.jn ... N. Amer. L •P.
26 pamila dwarf or 4 myjn W N. Amcr. L ••P
27 purpurascens purpurascent or 4 myjn P N. Amcr. L ••P
28 purpurea purple or 4 myjn P N. Amer. L
29 purpurea plena double-purple or 4 myjn P N. Amer. L s.p
30rosea roseate or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L 8.p
31 rublrrima reddest or 4 myjn D.R N. Amer. IJ p
32 rubescens rubescent or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L s.p
33 rubicunda ruddy or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L s.p
34 rubra red or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L p.l Bot cab. 51
35 rutilans shining-red or 4 myjn D.R N. Amer, L p.1
36 scmiduplex semidouble or myjn W N. Amer. L p.I
or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L p.l
37 staminea taw-stamened or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L p.1
38 stellatd starry 4 myjn S.w N. Amer. L p.1
39 tricolor or
three-colored or 4 myjn R N. Amer. L p.1
40 vanabilis variable or myjn R,w N. Amer. L p.1
41 varicgata variegated or 4 myjn R.w N. Amer. L p.1
42 versicolor party-colored M
or 4 my.jn V N. Amer.
* L p.1
43 violacea violet-colored or 4 my.jn S N. Amer. L p.1
4548 blcolor PJt. Cohu rail's or 4 my.jn St N. Amer. 1734. Li S.p Tr.clir. 48
434?»vlwdtxi A. two-colored or S W N. Amer. J7J4. L
1 odorfttu dummy w Mce.ic.1L 9
or * V-
2 crispa *l*«*llfl*il
or 4 jl. W N. Amcr. L p.1
3 dealbata curled W N. Amer. L p.1
4 vittata or 4 jl. W.d M. Amer. L p.1
whited or 4 11.
5 penicillata filleted or 4 jl. W . R N. Amer. L p.1
6 variegate pencilled or 4 jl. W . R N. Amer. L p.1
7 rubescens variegated or 4 jl. R N. Amer. L pi
8 pubescens rubescent or 4 jl. R N. Amer. L p.1 Bot. cab. 441
9fi«a pubescent or 4 jl. W N. Amcr.
4350 arborescens Ph. cleft or 10 jl. R N. Amcr. 1818. L s.p
4351 nftida Pk. arborescent or 4 jl. W N. Aroer. 1812. C l.p Bot reg. 414
4352 glauca Lam. Bh'iriing-leaved or 2 jn W N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Den. br. 15
4353 bfspida PA. du?ar/-glaucou8 ft or 155 jnj W N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Den. br. 6
522. CHAMJELETDON Lk. CHAMJELEDON. (Chamai, dwarf, ledon, a kind of cistus.) Rhodordoxe. 1*
4354 procGmbens Lk. trailing tt. or i ap.ray Pk Britain sc m. L s.p Eng. bot 663
Azalea procfimbens L. Loiseleur/a procfimbens Desv.
523. B R E ' X l A Sor. BREXIA. {Brexis, rain; leaves afford protection against.) Brexie<c. 8.
4!>55 madagascariensis Pers. Madagascar t • or 30 jn G Mauritius 1812. C S.p Botreg.i(30
43a6spmbsa Umdl. thomy J D o r SO jn G Madagas. 1812. C pi Bot.reg.87S
4Sa7 chrysoph^lla Swt. golden-leaved $ • or 30 Madagas. 1820. C p.1
. « S * w ? P H I ? R H r Z A L- S N A " ROOT- (°*»*«*. a Bnake, rAiw, a root; med. qual.)
43J8 Mngos U Mungos tt. • or 3 my.d W E. Indies 1820. C s.p
4**?" .AMA'NDi* L. ALLAMANDA. (Dr. F. AUamand, prof, at Leyden.) Apodine*. 1 . - 2 .
*i>9 cathSrtica L. cathartic H Q o r 12 jn.jl Y Guiana 1785. C r.m Bot. mag. 338
Z£K THEOPHRA'ST^ L. THEOPHRABTA. (Tkcophrastus, father of nat. hist.) Apoepnete. 1.—2.
uaf* Lindl. Jussiaeus's * i_J or 3 ... W Hispanio. 1818. S r.m land. col. 26
527. CLAVI\M Rper. CLAVIJA. (J. Clavijo Paxardo. a Spanish naturalist) Myrxinece. 1. — 4.
**1 macrophyila Ft. per. long-leaved £ D o r SO ... W S. Amer. 1816. C r.m
.528 n ' N C A /,. PERIWINKLE. (Tinea/urn, a band; twining shoots.) Apoepnete. 5 . - 6 .
J>62 herttcea J3f. herbaceous JU - -.I.,.. .. ,. .. -p » Hungary
„ - , 1816. D s.l Bot. mag.2002
*>oj nrtnor L. lesser JL, or 1 mr.s V Britain bu. pi. D co Eng. bot 917
or 1 mr.s W Britain gard, D co
I»H» white-jfotsraf JL or 1 mr.s w Britain
- - - gard. D co
o argenteo-variegata gsilvcr-stri(>ed
p JL.
JL.or 1 mr.s V Britain gard. D co
double fU or 2 mr.s V Britain gard. D co
43G1 2Jaftreo-varieglta
m\jor £ gold-striped
greater JU
or 2 mr.s V England groves.!D co Eng. bot. 514
. _ „ variegata variegated JU or 2 mr.s B England gard. co
4365 pusillaZ. amall-Jlowered O or | au B E. Indies 1778. S s.l Mur.2.1
ifl B
a roseate n. CD or 1 mr.o R.w E Indies 1756. C r.m Bot. mag. 248
2 alba vrhite-Jlowered «. • or 1 mr.o W E. Indies 1756. C r.m
3 ocellata rerf-eyed tt-Qor 1 mr.o St E. Indies 1756. C r.m
529- ^E%RIU L. NERIUM. (Ncros, humid; habitat.) Apoepnete. 3.-5.
4367 Oleander L. Oleander l|_Jor 8 jn.o R S. Europe 1596.
L r.m Lam. il. 174
2 filbum »L_Jor 8 jn.o W S. Europe 1596.
L r.m Bot. cab. 700
3 splendens shining t| | or 7 jn.o R L r.m
& Europe 1814.
4, * variegktum variegated i iL_Jpr 8 jn.o St S. Europe ...
L r.m Bot. cab. 666
*368 odirum H. K. sweet-scented i t|Z]or 6 Pa.R E. Indies 168.3.C r.m R.mal. 9. 2
2 c£rncum fleshy i 6 Pk E. Indies 1683.C r.m
. 3 plenum double-flowered* Pa R E. Indies 1683.
C r.m Bot reg. 74
*J69 flavesccns Spin flavescent I Pa.Y 1816.
C r.m
R.Br. ALSTONIA. (Dr C. Alston, prof, of medicine, Edinburgh.) Apocyncte. 2 . - 4 .
Br. poisonous H Q p r 6 my.jn W E. Indies 1823. C p.1
«i«-«^ ' R- Br- school » r ~ | o r 8 W E. Indies 182*. C s.p R.mal. 1.45
oleandraf&lia Lod. Cerium tlnctorium Hort.
R Br
- - CRTPTOLEPIS. (Kryptos, hidden, lepis, a scale.) Apocfjnect. 1.—2.
Lo.C. elegant tQor 6 ... ... Brazil -1824. C p.l
- ALVXIA. (Alyxis. a n x i e t y ; gloomy appearance.} Apocpine*. 1.—8.
Richardson's »L_J or 4 apjn W N. Holl. 1823. C p.l Bot.reg. ic. in
ia R. Br" lluscuslTeaved IILJ or 5 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1820. C s.p
'RDlAKth. THENAnDiA. (M. Thcnard, a disting. French chemist.) Apocpnecc. I. — 2 .
In Kth. bundle.floweredi.Qor 10 ... B Mexico 1823. C p.l H.&B.3.240
37« , Br. PRESTO.VIA. (C. Prestont M. D . , a correspondent of Ray.) Apocpnece. 2.-6.
woolly ft CD or 8 W? Brazil 1820. C p.l
smoothed s_ • or 8 W ? S. Amer. 182°. C p.1
(Dr. W. Wright, a Scotch physician.') Apocpnat. 4.4.-6.
^dysenteric f • or 10 ... W E. Indies 1778. C r.m R.maL 1.47
or 10 ... W E. Indies C r.m Hur. zey. 12.2
coccIneaA,V. sra
1 or 15 W E. Indies 1812. C l.p ISot.reg.933
I spl 12 jn E. Indies 1822. C p s Bot. cab. 894
cerium cocclneum Wat. s

HfiKKJ large-flowered
long-leaved S
( ^ / / i i , the lady of Col. T. Beaumont.) Apocpne*. 2. —
el 20 jn
or 20 ...
W Pi Indies 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 911
W E. Indies 1818. C r.m O I > r e * s ' "
ngifftiia Lod.
- -BCHPTES L. EcniTEs.(Echis, a viper; smooth twining shoots.)
Jjnibellkta Jac. Apocpnece. 22. —. 60.
umbelled % O or 15 jl W Jamaica 1733. C p.1 Jac. am. 30.22
t n— n ,~ on20 ii
jl W W. Indies 1793. C p.1 Jac am. SO. £1
St. Domingo
*_[Z|or 10 Y W. Indies 1820. C p.1 Jac. ic. 53
subercct S_ Q or 10 Y Jamaica ' 1759. C p.1 Bot. mag. 1064
twisted %_ CD or 10 Y Jamaica 1778. C p.l Jac. am. 33.27
S_ CD or 5 Y
E. Indies 1818. C p.1

gsaaraar succulent
*-i_Jcul 1 jl.n
~ "
1 jln
C. G. H. 1795. C p.1
C. G. H. 18'J0. C s.p N. a. p 14.9.2
... C. G. H. 1813. C a.p
.Oor ft o '" Pa.Y R Indies 1812. C
C. J or 8 ... Pk p.1 Bot mag. 1919
6 ... Pk E. K Indies 1823. C p.1
Roth antidyscntcric Indies 1821. C p i
frutcsccnt 10 jn.jl E. Indies 1816. C p.l
netted 6 Y E. Inuies 1818. C p.l
Malabar G R
woolly Malabar 1822. C p.1 R.mal.9.12
JLCZI 3 Y Guiana 1824. C p.1
red-stemmed 6 Y Guiana 1824. C p.1
long.flowercd 6 W? Brazil 1816. C p.1
panicled 10 Y S. Amer. 1823. C p.1
two-formed P.v Carolina 1806. C p.1
Richard's 8 jl
3 jLau Y Guiana 1824. C p.1
10 ... Trinidad 1826. C p.1
(Vollo. to enclose; used for fences in Java.) ApocQnea. 1—2
erguliria glabra W. J . D o r 10 ... W E. Indies 1818. C p.1 ltu. am. 5. 29'

Jac am pic 37
i *L? ' bundle-floweredi. O or 6 Jamaica 182a C pi
lonbdnda Sivx.

540. ICHNOC A'RPUS R. Br. ICHNOCARPI'8. (Ichnos, a vestige, karpos, fruity Apocffnca. I . — 2.
4409 frutesrens //. K. firutescent a • or 10 P h. Indies 17o9. C p i Bur. zey. 12.1
ilpocynum frut&cens L.
H/EMADI'CTYON Lindl. (Haima, blood, diktyon, a net; leaves) ApocQnete. 1.
4410 venfcsum Lintll. r«f-veined s C J o r 20 Y W.Indies 1821. C p.l Bot. mag. 2473
ifchltcs sanguinollnta J. nutans B. M.
542. i^PO'CYNUM L. DOU'S-BANB. (Apo, from, w takes life from them.) Apocpnea. 4. —12.
4*11 anrirosfcmifolium L. Tutsan-leaved £ A or 2 jU itr N. Amcr. 1688. Sk p.l hot. mag 280
4419 rannabinum L. Hemp-like 5 A or 3 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1699. Sk co M. h. 3.3.14
4413 Aypenciffcliuro L. Hypericum-lvd £ A or 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1758. Sk co Jac. vin. 3. m
4414 venetum L. Venetian & A or 2 jn.jl W Adriat Is. lii90. Skco Lob.ic.S72
543 C ARPODrNUS R. Br. CABPODINUS. (Karpos, fruit, dinos, a circle; round fr.) ApocQnea. 1. —
4415 dulcis G. Don sv/eet-Pishamin CD fr 8 jn.jl G S. Leone 1822. C l.p
• 544 PLUMIETR/i* L. PLUMIBBIA. (C. Plunder, a celebrated French botanist.) Apocynete. 21. —23.
4416rfcbraL t • or 15 It
~ Jamaica 1690. C r.m Bot mag 273
CD or 4 P Peru 1820. C nn Fl. per. U. 137
4417 purpfirea R. $ P. purple • Q o r 5 F Peru 1820. C r.m Fl. per. 138
4418 incarnata R. % P. ftcsh-colored £ di or 20 jn.s R.Y E. Indies 1790. C r.m Bot. reg. 114
4419 acuminata H. K. acuminated • or 15 ji.o Va W. Indies 1815. C r.m Bot. rcg. 510
44cJ0 tricolor Fl.per. three-colored Q o r 5 Y Peru 1815. C r.m Fl.per.2 142
4421 lfitea R. $ P. yellow 1 D o r 15 W Jamaica 1733. C r.m Jac. am. 174.2
4422 alba L. white f O or 10 • W W.Indies 1733. C r.m Cat. car. 1.93
4423 obtusa L. hlunUeaved
jj ~— 5 Y S. Amer. C r.m
4424 puillca Jac. two-colored 15 Wv S. Amer. 1815. C r.m Bot. reg. 480
4425 biculor It. & P. long-leaved 5 W Madagas. 1H1& C r.m
4426 longilolia Lam. warted W St.Domin.1812. p.l Bot cab. 681
4427 tubcrculkta Lod. Mexican W Mexico 1810. p.l Bot. cab. 1024
4428 mexicana Lod. fine-leaved S. Amcr. 1820. r.m
4429 tenuifblia Lod. conspicuous S. Amcr. 1820. r.m
4430 consptcua Hart. North's S Amer. 1820. r.m
4431 NorthiVma Lo. C. S. Amer. 1825. r.m
4*.iJ liiamifonUana La C. lllantlford's
44.J.J nfwu 7.0 €'. wlilto w S. Amcr. r.m
4434 maiTopli^ll.i 1.<K C. long-lcnvts.1
w ML Amcr. Wi'A r.m
w S. Amer. 1825. r.m
4435 leucdntha Lo. C. white-flowered W Mexico 1824.
4436 Uouan* U. Don Gouan's r.m Iain. ic. in.
545. LYO'NSA* R Br. LVOXSIA. (/ Lyons, an English botanist) Apocfnc*. I —4.
4437 straminea R. Br. straw-colored %_CJor 6 St N. Holl. 1820. C p.l
• 546. STROPHA'NTHUS Dec. STBOPHANTHUS. (Stropho*.twisted, anthos, flower.) Apoc<jnca>. 2 . - 6 .
4438 dichotomus ilw. forked « Q o r 3 Y China 181b. C r.m £utreg.4ti9
ifchltes caudkta L.
4439 sarmcntusus Dec. sarmentase • • or 6 my.Jl R S. Leone 1824. C p.l Aa mu. 1.27
547. CAMERA'Rli! L. BASTARD MANCHINBBL. (J. Camerorius, a bot of Nuremberg.) Apocpnae. 3.—6L
4440 lat.tulia L. broad-leaved f O o r 30 au W Havannahl733. C r.m Bot rep.2fil
4441 dhlna, B. M. doubttul i Q o r 6 O E. Indies 181J. C r.m Bot cab. 406
WrightfTi dubia Spr.
4442 angustifulia L. narrow-leaved ft CD or 8 8 W S. Amer. 1752. C r.m PI. ic. 72.2
* 548. TABERNJEMONTA N^ L. TABKB\£MONTANA. (J. T. Tobettuemontanvs, eel. bot) Apocpneee. 13.—£6.
4443 citnfMia L. Citron-leaved t • or 15 ... Y Jamaica 1784. C r.m PI. ic. 248.2
4444alba Mil. white J D o r 10 Y % W. Indies 1780. C r.m Jac. am. 175.14
citnfulia Jac. not L.
4445 /aunfulia L. Laurel-leaved £ • or 13 my Y W.Indies 1768. C r.m Bot reg. 716
4446 grandiflura Jac. great-flowered iQor 6 ... W Trinidad 1823. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 41
4447 cymusa Jac. Bprouty ± • or 10 W Carthag. 1820. C r.m
multiflura Lk.
4448 amygdulifrlia Jac. Almond-leaved * CD or 6 my.s W S. Amer. 1780. C r.m Bot reg. 538
4449 discolor Swt. sundry.colored
y i O or 10 Wv Jamaica 1822. C r.m
4450 crispa curled Q o r 6 my.o W £. Indies 1818. C r.m & m a l l . 4 6
445larcuata R.$P. arched • or 40 Crea Peru 1824. C r.m Fl. per. 2.143
4452 f»ersicariaefT>lia Jac. Persicaria-lvd or Crca Carthag. 1819. C r.m Jac. ic. S20
4453 coronana W. garland 4 my.s W £. Indies 1770. C r.m Bot. Cdb.406
ft fliire pleno double my.s W £. Indies 1770. C r.m Bot mug. 1865
Cerium coronarium B. M.
4454 undulata Void waved O Trinidad 1824. C r.m
4455 odorkta Spr. p. sweet-scented
sweetscented HI Y Cayenne 179J. C Aub. gui. 1.
Camerana lb
lbtea W
W. T
Tamaquarina Aub.
540. AMSO^NL* Walt AMSOXIA. (Charles Amason, an American traveller.) Apocfne*. 3. —4.
4456 latifulia Mr. broad-leaved ^ ^ r 2 my jn B N. Amer. 17.">9. D co Bot reg. 1 Jl
Tabernsmontana Amsonia H. K.
4457 raliafulia Ph. Willow-leaved 2 myjn B N. Amer. 1812. D e o Bot mag. 1873
4458 anjgustifblia Mx. narrow-leaved 2 my.jn B N. Amer. 1774. 1) co Vcn. ch. 29
* J50. CE'IlBERji L. CERBERA. (Cerberus1the mythol ;; poisonous qualities.) Apocijnece. ft--,1*
4459 Ahouai L. Ahouai t D o r 20 jn.| Y Brazil 1739. C r.m Bot mag. 737
4460 oviita Cav. oval-leaved * CD or " Y N. Spain ... C r in Cav. ic. 3.270
4461 t'ruticbsa Rox. shrubby CD or 4 my R Pegu 1819. C r.m Bot reg. SHI
4462 Tanquin Kox. Tanquin CD or 4 Pk Zanzibar 1826. C r.m -
4463 OddUam Ham. Odallam • or £0 jn.s W E. Indies 1756. C r.m Bot. mag. 16**
Mdnghas B. M.
4464 lactkna Ham. milky CD or 20 jn,s W Moluccas 1800. C r.m
Mnnfihat H. K.
4465 maculata IV. spotted • CD or 4 jn.jl W Bourbon 1782. C r.m Bot. reg. I?.
44f>6 /aunfulia B C Laurel-leaved • CD or 3 my.s W India 1818. C p.l Bot cab. 989,
4467 Thcvt.t/a L. Thevetia IQor 12 JnJI Y i«7>!£ f*
S Amer. 1735. C .r.m
. . u_»
nag. yjU«
4468 thevetio/<fe« Bon p. Tliovetia-like • Q o r 8 Jn.jl Y N.Spain 1800. C r.m
551. OCHRO^SIA J. OCHROSIA. (Och !: wood.) Apoefnea. 1. — S
4469 borb6mca J.
Cerbera borbonica Spr.
Bourbon • o r 10 ... Bourbon 18S3. C p.l
JW8. DISSOLE NA Lou. DIMSOLRNA. (iMs, double, mien, a tube; tube of corolla.) Apoctine*. I.
« 7 0 verticillata Zoifc whorled » U o r 4 China 1812. C p.1
terbcra chinfnsis Spr.
AAm.--\ •**««« s.n Sco. WILLUQHBBIA. {F. WiZ/ugAty, a distin. English naturalist.) Apocyucct. 1.
*47l eduhs Rot. eatable £ CD or 10 ... E. Indies 1818. C p 1
554. TETCTONA L. TEAK.WOOD. {Tekka. its name in Malabar.) VerbenAce*. 1.
*»72grandisL. great £• tin 100 ... W K Indies 1777. S l.p Rox.cor. 1.6
£UME*LIA Sun. BUMELIA. f (The Greek name for
eek ame r the
e common ash.) Sapbtea. 13. —28.
*473 /ycioldcs W. Boxthorn-like *fc or 10 au W N. Amer. 1758, L 's.1 Duh. ar. 2.68
AAIA ™<ler6xylon /ycioides LL.
« 7 4 oblongi&Ua Nut. oblong-leaved ft or 10 W N. Amer. 1818. L p.l
« 7 5 tenax IV. tough 3£ tm 20 Carniola 1765: C pi Jacob.3.54
A~, .S'deroxylontfenaxl. w
« 7 6r lanugmosa Ph. wootty-leaved Si or 6 ... w Carolina 1806. C r.m
S'J «c«nMaFtf«. reclinate tt or 3 jn w Carolina 1806. C r.m
4472S r t N a / ?- 8erraled *k ft 12 ... w Missouri IK 12. C r.m
«79str,go8aV. meagre 1 -J or 20 w N. Amer. 1818. L p.l
hjderoxylon strigosuni W. ea. 1
I™?n>graS««. black • tm 30 ... w W. Indies 1801). C r.m
• Vahl fibrous " ~ 30 ... w Guiana 1820. C r.m
Hum macrophy'ilum Lam.
~o. C. Bourbon w Bourbon 1B2T>. C r.m
Willow-leaved w S. Amer. 1758. C p.1 Cat. car. 2.75
TJJ* totuUsbima W. most fetid • or 22 Jn au w W. Indies 1820. C r.m
*J^rotundif.MiaStt«. round-leaved D o r 20 ... w W.Indies ... C r.m
*w>cmie A taSa«. wedge-Awwd ot 14 ... w W. Indies 1823. C r.m
l^CHRYSOPHY'LLUM L. STAR-APPI.F.. (Chryso»% gold, phyllon, a leaf.) Sapdte*. A - 1 5 .
WCamMoL. Cainito ± CD ft 50 myjn W W Indies 1737. C r.m Jac. am. 51.37. 1
zjamaicense Jamaica t
„, O fr 40 myjn
myjn W Jamaica 1737. C SI. jam.
jam. 3 229
3 cffirCileum Uue-fruiUd $ • fr 40 my.jn W S. Amer. 17'37. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 58
* mjcrophfJIum «mall.lcaved * a fr 30 myjn W S. Amer. 1800. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 5S
»«Kai»cntcuin./rtc. «ij very ' CL/fr 30 ... VV Martmiq. 17ftS. C r.m JAC. am.53.38.1
•wy angustifolmm Lam. narrow-Ieaved ' L J f r 2() ... W W. Indie* lHll). C r.m
»WU monopyrenum A'wx. oncstoned CD ft 30 ... Br W. Indies mi. C r.m Bur. am. 0!)
aft is ... w Martmiq. 1823. C r.m Jac. am. 38.2
JWlglabrumJoc. 81nO oth Q ft 100 ... W S. Leone Ib24. C r.m
llumG.D<m long-lcaved
* p - NvcTEiismoN.
moN (W^ftterfe, a >at, sition, food; flower.) Sopite*. 1.
i C ffr 30
30 W S. Amer. 1823. C r.m Fl. per. 2.187

S58 SIDERO'XYLON Z. IRON-WOOD. (Sfafew, iron, zylon, wood.) Sapote«. 2 . - R

JT£ " C T m e A unarmed i U o r 5 jl W C.G.H. Ifl«J2. L p.l
*»s^> tomentysum Rax. woolly « a o r 8 ... Y.w E. Indies 1818. C p.l Kox. cor. 1.28
Cr Xyon7
- & S.
ARCANIA. {Argam, Its abonginal name.) Sapbte*. 1.
&H ' ' * - Iron-wood 1 or 14 jl G.v Morocco 171L L co Com. h. 1.83
{N. J. von Jacquin, prof. bot. at Vienna.) Morsiaea. 6. — !>.
J C D o r 10 " T "' " •• - ~ " - *•
bracelet • CD or 6 jn.}l W W. Indies 1768. C p.1 Jac. am. 53.39
orange-/fr»rf A CD or 4 aps O .Sandw. Is. 179ft C p.1 Bot mag. 1639
Rusgus-lcaved • O or 3 W S. Amer. 17L>9. C p.l DL el. 129.149
long-fruitcd • O or 6 my.s O Mexico 1825. C p.l Cav.ia5.483
l i ^ «-Oor 1 my.»? R W. Indies 182a C p.l Jac. am. pic58

« Jac.
is A »•.
5®. LVCV^MA J.
southern IS ::: * kfif & $ is — « • »
LUCTMA. (Ite PoruvUu name.) V
Sapbte*. 4 . - 8 .
«U6 mainmosa J. teated
^h 50 ... W S. Amer. 1739. C r.m Jac. am. pic 59
40 W Cuba 1822. C r.m
40 W Peru 1822. C r.m Fl. per. a 239
Bonp. Willow-leaved 1 Cj ft 40 ... W Mexico 1823. C r.ra
COROIA. (E. Cordus, a Germ, bot of the lfilh century.)
Myxa 1 Cordiace*. 21.—6a'
• or 30 ... W E. Indies 1044. p.1 tt.mal.4.37
domestic 1
O or 16 ... O E. Indies 1620. C p.l Pluk.aL217.2
B tm 30
or 20 ...
CD or 15 nir.ap
, S. Amer. Wlx
E. Indies 1818.
E. Indies 17**9.
C p.1
C p.1
C p.1 Rox. cor. 1.58
G Jamaica 1759. C p.1 SI. jam. 2.203.2
small-flowered W Guiana 1K22. C pi
Pk W.Indies 1789. C p.1 Br. jam. 2A 3
avesrena or 6 jnjl W Guiana 1803. C p.1 Aub.gui.1.86
flavesccnt or 8 ... W Guiana 1K&J. C p.1 Aub. gui.89
i ipincscent
L. • or 60 ... W E. Indies 1824. C p.l
intf Spr. Dillenius's
S or 15 O
or 15 mrap O
• tm 60 ... W
W. Indies 1728.
Bahama 1.1700.
W. In<li«s 1752.
C p.1 Bot mag 794
C p.l Di. e l 255 331,
C p.1 SI jam. 2.221.1
rcticulhta 5o/A netted ~ ) o r 14 It lYn.Hiac 182ri.
C p. Jac sc. 1.40
a i
»fil |or 15 ... Y E. Indies 1820.
C p.1
fibrous 3 or 7 ... W
toothed Guiana 1820. C p.1
3 or 16 ... w Curacoa 1819 C pi
elliptic ' ] tm 50 ... W W.Indies 1804. C «1
forked . J tm 30 ... pk N. Holl. 1824.
small-flowered > CD or 20 ... w C p.|
Jamaica 1819. C p.l

564. V A R R O W S L. VARRONIA. (M. T. Varro,a celeb. Roman, lift years A. C.) Corditice*. 11-.;U.
4531 angustifulia liesf. narrow-leaved f O or 15 W Santa Cruz 1808. C 8.1
curass&vica Lam. Cordia
odia angustifulia
angustifo It. " "
4532 aluifiMia Horn. Aider-leaved —1 ft SO W Mc\:co 1818. C co
6 W Martinico 1795. C 8.1 Jac. am. 41.32
4533 martlnicensia Jac. Martinique
Cordia martinicensis R. 8f S. 12
453* bullata £<wv. blistered W W. Indies 1823. C p.l
Jac. am. pic. 4J
4535 monoupcrma Jac. one-seeded 1 D 12 W Caraccas 18(.O. C Jac. sc. 1.39
4536 Klolriisa Lam. globose m Qor 6 W Jamaica 1818. C siSI jam. 2.194. £
4537 lineata X. lined • •or 4 W W. Indies 1793. C Br.jam. 13.2
4538 mirabiloldes Jae. Mirabilis-like f I lor 12 W Hispanio. 1798. C 8.1 Jac. aro. 41.33
4539 alba Desv. White • I lor 30 W Trinidad 1820. C 8.1 Com. h. 1.80
4540 mollis Dtttf •oft 4 W W. Indies 1821. C 8.1
4541 dichotoma R.QP. forked 4 W Peru 1818. C s.p Fl. per. 2.145. a
C6rdia bifurcata R.%S.
565. PATAGO'NULA L. PATAGONULA. (Patagonia, its native country.) Boraginece. 1.
4542americana I». . ..American $ D o r 20 W S. Amer. 1732. C s.p
Cordia Patagonula If. K.
566. EHRETT/il L. EHRETIA. (D. G. Ehret, a celeb. German bot. draughtsman.) Cordiilcete. 11. —28.
454 J /inifulia L. Tinus-Ieaved I tm "
30 jn.jl W Jamaica 1734.'" C p.l Tr.ehr.4.25
4544 intembdis Herit. intcrnoded I or 6 W Antilles 1819. K.1 Her. st. 1.24
4545 aspera Rox. rough-leaved |or 10 ... w E. Indies 1795. p.l Rox. cor. 1.55
4545 senftta Rox. serrated I or 6 w E. Indies 1823.
4547 laeVis Rox. smooth I or 12 ... w E. Indies 1823. Rox. cor. 1.56
4548 laxa Jac. loose or 6 ... w Bourbon 1826. Jac. sc. 41
4549 microph jrlla Lam. small-leaved | or 10 w E. Indies 1818. Pluk. ph. 31.1
4550 Auxif&ia Rox. Box.lcaved • • or 8 ... w E. Indies 1823. Rox. cor. 1.57
4551 acuminata R. Br. acuminate * I_J or 15 jl w N. Holl. 1820.
4552 d tibia Jac. doubtful * ~~lor 20 ... w Jamaica 1825.
4553 divaricata Dec. divaricate 15 ... w Havannahl820. s.1 Dec. flfon. 4
567. BOURRE^R/i! Gae. BOURRERIA. (Bourer, an apothecary at Nuremberg.) Cordiacea. 2.
4554 succuitfnta Jac. succulent • tm 45 ... W W. Indies 1758. C s.l Jac. ob. 2. 2.26
Ehrt'tia Bourrferia Lam.
4555 exsucca Jae. dry-fruited f • or 15 W W. Indies 1804. C s.1 Jac. am. 173.17
568. ELLI'S/il L. ELLISIA. (J. Ellis, F.R.S., an eminent English naturalist.) Hydrophyilae. 1
4556 Nyctelea L. Nyctelea O cu \ W Virginia 1755. S co Lam. il. 97
569. SERSALI'S/il R.Br. SERSALISIA. (J. B. Sersalis, a Neapolitan ecclesiastic.) Sapbtete. 1.—2.
4557 sericea R. Br. sttky-leaved i j o r 6 ... W N. Holl. 1772. C p.l
Sider6xylon sericeum H. K.
570 MANGLI'LLA Jus. MANGLILLA. (Its name in PeruO MyrAne*. 2. — II.
4558 MilleriaMa Pers. Miller's jLJtmSOjnjl W C. G.H. ... C e o Bot mag. 1858
Sideroxylon mite L. A/ynine mitis Spr.
4559 canariensis W. Canary ±\ | tm 40 Teneriffe 182a C s.p
Sidcruxylon canariense IV. 3/ytsinc canariensis Spr.
* 571. ARDrSIA Sum. AH nisi A. (Ardis, a spear point; segments of corolla.) Myrsinea. 2a— 32.
4560 acuminata IV. acuminated i • or 7»
...... t Guiana 1803. C p.l Bot. mag. 1678
lcacbrea guianensis Aub.
4561 finfiolia Swz. Tinus-lcaved I I or 20 R W. Indies 1820. SI. jam. 2.105
4562 paniculate Rox. panicled • or 12 R E. Indies 1818. Bot reg. 638
pyramidalis Roth
4563 colorata Lk. colored or 10 R E. Indies 1816. C 8.1 Bot cab. 465
4564 corikcca Swz. leathery i or 7 S Antilles 1824. C 8.1
4565 «olanacea Rox. Nightshade-like or 10 jn.s R E. Indies 1798. Pi Bot. mag. 1677
4566 pyramidMis Cav. pyramidal _ • tm 25 R SantaCruzlS18. s l Bot. cab. 448
4567 nil mil is Vahl humble • • or o K Ceylon 1820. 8.L Bur. xcy. 103
4568 httoralis B. R. sea-side 4 jLau R E. Indies 1809. Bot. rep. 630
umbellate Rox.
4569 lanceolate Rox. lanceolate *d) 6 K E. Indies 1820.
4570 elegans Andr. elegant • • 10 R E. Indies ikOD. p.l Bot rep. 49
crenata Rox.
4571 punctate L. dotted 10 jnau W China 1823. C s.1 Bot reg. 8S7
4572 Ientigintaa Ker speckled • •or 6 year W China 1814. C B.1 Bot reg. 533
crenulata B. C crcnata B. M.
4573 macrocarpa l\ al. long-fruited • i 1 or 5 ... F Nepal 1824.
4574 complnnata IVal.
4575 thyrsiflura D. Don
• •
• LJ
... Pk
... Pk
Pinang 1824.
Nepal 1824.
4576 cxcelsa H. K. tall IJ SO Pk Madeira 1784. i.l Gae. fr. 1.77
' Hebcrdcnia R. & S.
4577 canariensis Zey. Canary 10 jl au R Canaries 1820.
•• ••
4578 crenulata Vcn. crenulated 10 jns R W. Indies 1809. Ven. ch. 5
4579 serrulata Swx. saw-leaved 3 jlau R W.Indies 1820. Pl.ic.80
4580 lateriflura IF. side-flowering • I l 6 W W.Indies 1793.
4581 canaliculata Lo. C. channelled 6 1821. Bot cab. 1083
4582 pubetfcens Lo. C. pubescent i l o r 6 ...... 1820.
572. EMBESLIA Bnn. EMBELIA. {/Embilla, its name in Ceylon.) Mvrstnea.
4583 robusta Rox. robust • or 20 ... W.a E. Indies 1823. C p.l 1.—6.
573. ARDUPNA L. ARDUINA. (P. Arduini, curator of the econom. garden of Padua.) Apocynece. I. r r s
4584 bispinusa L. \ two-spined • i_J cu 2 W C. G. H. 1760. C p.l But. cab. 387
574. STRY'CHNOS L. STRYCHNOS. he Greek name of the sola num.) Apocineis. 6. —11*
4585 Nux-vomica L. Vomit-nut f •P G.w E. Indies 1778. S p.l Rox.
cor. 1.*
45S6coluurtna L. snake f I Im E. Indies 1820. S l i mal.
l 77. J
4587 potatorum L. drinkers' '' • m w" E. Indies 1794. P- Rox. cor. 1.
4588 madagascanensis Thou. Madagascar ' > n m Madagas. 1823. s.p
4589 spinusa Lam. spiny '*! w" Madagas. 1818.
4590 axillaris i'nib. axillary W E. Indies 1824. P-l
* 575. FAGRJ&A Thun. CJ. T. Fagrctus, M.D., a Wend of Thunberg.) Apocfi*£*
4591 zclanica Thun. Ceylon Q or Vi ... W Ceylon 1*16 C *.V.l Wti 1782,
Willuirhbna zelanic* Srr.


4592 Carandas L. Carandas
4593 spin&rum L. spiny
4594 ovita R. Br. ov&teJeaved
4595 lanceolate R. Br. lanceolate
4596 Xyl6picron Thou.
4597 fffl'tida L.
4598 Lfagw Boj. Lingun
LygodysMia Lingun Boj.
•599 seinpervlrens H. K. evergreen
Bign&nia semperrtrens W.

4601 terniftlia Kth. three-leaved

4602 canescens L. canesceut w'TndTesiaza c
woolly ap.o W
4U03 tomentdsa Jae.
phys •pain.) Apocynecc 2 . - 3 .
580. V ALLE*SM FL per. VAIXESIA. l'eru io-22. C r.m FL per. 2.151
4604 dichutoma JL if P. dichotomous ——- W N.Spain 1821. C l.p Cav. ic. 3,297
4005 cymbifblia Or. boat-leaved • • o r 3 jn.jl
> tinea. 5.
*581. M&SA J. MJESA. 117. C p.1 Bot mag.
^606 indica Wai. Indian
Bae6botrys indica Box. l_Jor mrjn W Nepal 1818. C p.1
4607 tomentdsa D. Don. woolly W E. Indies 1818. C p.1
4fi!»8 argentea Wai.
4609 macrophflla Wai
• • ap.jl
E. Indies
E. Indies
4610 pubcacens G. Don pubescent • tjor
Bs6botrys pubescens ho. C.
1820. C l.p
"«14 llllliui ZtfC. au»»..a
Amer. 1815. C r.m Bot mag. 1948
4613 viridifldra B. M. green-flowered Ceylon 1820. C
4614 oppositifdlia Hort. opposite-lvd
*€15/aurif61ium//e/ Laurel-leaved
J616 citrif&lium flrfx. Lemon-leaved
*617 macrophfllum Ven. long-leaved
4518 venenatunr Tkun. poisonous DL eL 153.185
Jo^ noct6rnum L. night-smelling
hairy 6 jn.jl C ,._ Bot mag. 1770
Parqui 7 Pa.Y
JjaiPflr^L. Su C p.1 Jae. sc. 452
*«22 suberosum Jae. cotk-barked 5 Caraccas 1823. C p. Jae. sc. 3.332
) g 3 tinctbrium J«c. dying i 4 ap.jn W Peru 1825. C p.1 Fl. per. 2.155
4^4 undulatum Fl per. wa\y 15 ... Y Peru 1825. C pi Fl.per.2,15S
4625conffrtumA*P crowded ' 6 jn.jl Y Brazil 1818 C p.1 Bot. mag. 2974
4626 bracteMum ur» bracteated 8 jn.jl G.« Trinidad 1818. C pi
4627 latif&Hum Lam. broad-leaved 6 jn.jl W -- 1821. C p.1 Jae. sc. 3.325
*628 cauliflorum Jae. stem-flowering 4 my.jn W C l.p Jae. sc. 3. 326
5 apjn G.yr Caraccas
4629 nlicifolium Jae. Sallow-leaved W.Indies 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 618
4630 angustifblium Lod. narrow-leaved 6 jn.jl W Caraccas 1824. C p.1 Jae. sc. 3.327
4631 pendunnum Jae. pendulous 6 jn.jl G.w W.Indies 1759. C p.l
4632 vespcrflnum L. evening 12 my.Jl G Peru 1774. C p i Her. st. 1.35
4633 aunculatum Herit. e&r-leaved 12 injl G E. Indies ... C p.1 Jae. sc. 3.329
4634 faetidtssimum Jae. most fetid 10 Y W.Indies ... C p.1 Bot. mag. 1729
4635 fastigiatum Jae. peaked 4 n W W. Indies 1793. C p.1
4636 odontosp6rmum Jae. tooth-seeded 6 W. Indies 1732. C p.l Di. el. 154.18t>
4637 difirnum L. 10 n W
4638 tomentosum L.
- 6 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1790. C p.1
downy C. G. H. 1824. C p.1
*639 !ycio\de* Lich. Lycium-Hke 5 jn.s W
584. A'TROPA L.
4frW Belladonna L,
4641 arboriscens L.
* 585. JtfANDRA'GOR A Tou. MANDRAKE. (Afanrfrfl, a den, ageiro. to coll SaldneatA.—9
Bui. her. 145.1
4642 vernMig Spr vernal £ A P 3 mr.ap W Levant 1548. K co
4643 prscox ^ S . 1 1 ' 6 ^ precocious
p r l T x Surf. * A P i>»r..p Fu. M M . M» • co
officinalis p Dec
*44 autumnalis Bert. ^ AP * Jn.jl Y.w S. Europe ... R »•» FLgr.232
A'tropa A/andr&i R rm Sw. fl.gar. ic. in.
^wB neglecu G. Don a ^ p Y
(Phpsa,a bladder; calyx.) Solhne*. 30.—40.
586. PHY'SALIS L. WINTER CHERRY. Mil.d.ed.8.206
4&6 arborescens Mil. arborescent
rboresccnl « L J o r- ' 22" YY C.
C.G.H. 1W -c co Cav. ic. 2.102
G. H.-.->•
<>47 frutcsceni Dec. frutescep* 5 ji».Jl Y Spain 1787. C s.l
H U P B Y Canaries 1779. C
A'tropa aristataPoir. Mexico 179& C CO Cav. ic. 2.103
4649 somnifera L. somniferous t L t J w n 2 JLtu G.v R.maL4. 55
4650flexu6saL. flexuose «H_Jun fi ]Lau G.Y E. Indies 1759. C co

Curacoa (23 un 1| jn.s SLY S. Amer. 1699
1699. D co 111.5
* » l curass&vica L. SLY America 1732. D co Bot mag. 2025
4ti53 Jacoulni Lk. Jacquin's Y N. Amer. ... D co Jae. vin. 2.136
_., viscosa Jae. not L. A unun 2 jl
Pcnnsylvanian ^ A £ esc 11 jljLau
s Y N. Amer. 1726. D p.1
ica W S. Europe 1548. D 8.1
ien^i L. Alkckengi 5 A °r 1 jl s
viana L. Peruvian a LJ fr 1^ ap.o W S Amcr. 177i?. S 8.1 Bot map. 1068

4657 edulis B. M. eatable £ EJcul 2 Y S. Amcr. 1773. C co Bot. mag. 1068
4ti5H chenopoditolia Lam, Goosefoot-lvd j( A un -2 Y Peru 17<*. S s.l
4659 tuberusa IV. en. tuberous ^ A un 2 W 1815. I) e.p
4660 pubescens L. pubescent O un 2 Y America 1640. S s.l Feu. ob. 3.1
4661 micranthu Z.Ar. small-flowered O un 26 Y America 1826. S co
4662 nodusa Law*. knotty O "»> Zi Y America 181ft S co
4663 angulata L. an£U\ar-branched O un 2 jn.s W India 17.32. S s.l Di. el. 13.12.12
4664 plnludelphica Mr. Philadelphian O un 1 Y Philadelp. 1800. S co
4665 atriplicifblia Jac. Atriplex-leaved O un
O 2 Y £. Indies 1820. S co Jac. fr. 85. a
chenopoditolia HI
4666 KothJrW U. & S. Roth's O un Y E. Indies 1826.
1 S co
4667 uquata Jirie. even O un Y IJjn.jl 182t>. S co
46riS barbadlnsis Jac. B.irbadoes „ O un Pa. Y W. Indies 1798.
2 S s.l Jac. ic. 1. 89
4fi69 minima X.. smallest O un Pa.Y E. Indies 1759. S s.1 lLmal. 10.71
4670 pruinbsa L. frosty O un l'a.Y America 1726.
1 S s.l Di. el. 10. 9.9
4671 prostrata Herit. trailing O un L.11 Peru
1 178'.'. S s.p Bot rep. 75
472 flft A £ smaU-Howered O un N. Holl. 1820. S s.p
4<f73 g L O un N
1 jl au . S co
4fi74 dubia / doubtiul O un N. Spain 1824.
2 jlau S s.p
4673 feetidissima Lag. mobt letid O un Brazil 1821. S s.p
N. Spain 1820.
fl87. SA'RACIL* FLper. SARACIIA. (J. Saracha, a Spanish botanist.) Solute*. 2.— 3.
467t> procumbens ft per. procumbent Jc O or 3 jn.jl Pa.Y Peru 1X22. D co Fl. per. 2. 180
A'tropa procumbens Cao.
4677 umbellata Jac. umbelled -* O or 4 jn.jl Pa.Y Peru 1822. D co Jac. sc. 495
588. LY'CIUM L. BUX-THUBV. (Lucia in Asia Minor, its original country.) Sotuneee. 18.—28.
4678 afrum L. African J or 10 jn.jl V C. ii. H. 1712. I p.l Bot. reg.354
4(i79 tcnue Lk. slender C. G. H. 1819. p.l
4580 rigidum Thun. riBul V. G. H. 1793. p.l Tr.ehr.24.1
4ti81l tetraiidrum Thun. tctrandrous C. G. H. 1810. pi
4Gi 2 carnosum
Dull. fleshy Hk C. G. H. 1795. p.
468Jini( rophy'lluin Duh. small-leaved C. G. H. 1795. P-l
46S4 ruthemcuin AJur. Russian _ L - - Siberia 1804. p.l Mur. 1779,2
am burbarum /,. Barbary or 12 myau V Barbary 16U6. co Den. br. 9
4 Shaw's E L J o r 8 jnjl W C. G. H. 1700. co Shaw bar £49
«>87 turbinatum Per*. or 12 V China 1709. _ co Duh. no. 119. 31
4688 europuj^um L. European or 12 Pk S. Europe 1730. C co Mic. gen. 105.1
4689 lancuolatum Pair. apeur-leaved 12 Pk S. Europe ... C co Duh. no. 32
4690 chinensc Mil. Chinese 6 P China co Den. br. 8
4691 cinercuin Thun. cinereous _. 5 jn.jl V C. G. H. 1818. p
4692 Trewianutn Duh. Trew's or 15 P China 1818. co Duh. no. 30
469J hurnduin Thun. very prickly i L_J or 3 W C. G. H. 1791. Pi
4(J94 boerhauv/^/o/ium L. Boerliavia-lvd tl |gr 6 P.Pu Peru 1780. p.l Her. st. 45.23
4695 caroliniununi Pit. Carolina i or 4 jl.s B Carolina 1806. P-l
589. LYCIOSERI'SSA R 8fS. LVCIOSERISSA. (Lycium, lye, serissa, ser; serissa-like lycium.) Sotine*. 1.
469ScapensisA4£. Cape m LJ un 2 G C. G. H. 1820. C p.l
590. LYCOPE'RSICUM Ton. LVCOPERSICUM. (Lykos, wolf, persikon, peach j aphrodisiac.) So/tinea. 9. — ltt
4697 pimpiiiollifdhum/)u/OT/ l'impinclla-lvd O clt 3 my.jl G Peru ... S r.m
Solanuin pimpinellif51ium L.
4698 regulare Dunal reRular-leaved O clt 3 myjl G ... S r.m Dun. so. 2.81
4699 peruviaiium Dunal Peruvian ^ iAJ clt 3 my jn Y Peru 1823. D co Feu. ob. 3. 25
4700 Humbuldti W. Humboldt's O clt 3 jl s Y S. Amer. 1822. S co W. h.b.27
4701 pynf6rme Dutial pear-sha[ied O clt 3 jl s Y 1823. S co Dun. so. 26
4702 cerasifurme Dunal cherry.bhaped O clt 3 jl.s G 1800. S r.m Jac. \ in. 1.11
5blanum Pscudo-lycopersicuin Jac.
21atcum ycWow.fruited O clt 3 jn.s G Peru 1800. S r.m
4703 esculcntuin Dunal eatable apple O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1590. S r.m Ru. am. 5.1*34.1
Solatium Lycopersicum L.
1 erythrocarpum red-fruited *"* O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1596. S r.m
2 chrybOi-arpum yellow-fruited O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 15<>6. S r.m
3 leucocarpum white-fruited O fit 3 jl.s G S. Amcr. 1596. S r.m
4704 proctiinbens Dunal prucumbent -* O clt- 1 jl.s Crea S. Amer. 1700. S r.m
4705 commutatum Spr. changed O clt 3 jl.s Y S. Amer. 1818. S r.m
* 591. S O L A^NUM L. NK.IITSHADE*. {Solor, to c o m f o r t ; soothes by stupefying.) Solunce. 143. — 370.
4706 tuberubiim L. tuberous A A ag 2 jn au W Peru 15-17. R r.m Bau. pr. 89 89
2 Commersoni Poir. Commerson's A A clt 2 my.o W S Amer. 1822. R co 5.10
4707 appcntliculatuin//,$7y.appemli<-uljteu*l r j j or 3 W Mexico Ib23. R co Dun. bo. 2. 84
4708 ScaforthianumAiulr. Seaiorth's JL O or 20 jl.s Pk Barbadoesl804. C l.p Bot. rep. 504
4709 ^etaccum Cav. HeuU/eavcd 4 jn.jl Pk S. Amer. 18o3. C l.pp Bot.
Bot. rep. 511
4710 muricatum //. K prickly • Q o r 3 jlau V Peru 1785. C l.p
l p Feu.
Feu ob.
ob 772.
772 15
4711 diverbifulium 11. ^B. various-leaved H ! lun 3 jn.jl Pk Caraccas 1825. C r.m Dun. so.2.88
4712 oliganthum Lk. ' few-flowered l i lor 3 W 1824. C co
4713 laciniatum R. Br. cut-leaved llLJor 3 V N. Holl. 1772. S s.p Bot. mag. 349
2 herbaceum herbaceous £ El 3 V V. Di. L. 1772. R ssii
4714 fuercifolium L. Oak-leayed A or in jl V Peru 1787. C Feu. ob. 772.15
4715 radkans L. jooting P Peru 1771. I) s.p 1*1 dec. 1.10
| V Peru 1786. D co Jac. ic. 1.40
4716 corymbosum Jac. fcorymbose
4717 Dulcamara L. Bitter-sweet 1 P V Britain hed. C si Eng. bot.5t>5
2 alba white-flowered P jn.jl W Britain hed. C co
3 vanegata variegated V.w Britain hed. C co
4718 angulatum RSfS. angular Dot W Lima 1823. C pi 2.95.1
quitense Lam.
4719 p>gina? um Cav. dwarfish O un B Bonaria 1819. S co Cav. ic. 5 439. *
4720 Teghre Aub. Tcgore 2 jn.jl B Guiana 1823. C p 1 Aub. gui. 1 84
4721 httoriile Lk. sea-side * D o r 4 my.jl W France 1819 C co
4722 macrncarpum L. long-fruited 1 my.s B Peru 175». C sp Mil. ic. 2.294
4723 calycinum Dunal large-calyxed 1 jn.jl B Mexico 1820. S co Dun. so. i'0
4724pentadactyluw G.Don"flve-fingered » D c u 3 B Trinidad 1818. c r m
47!i) racenuflurum Dunal clustcr-riwd £ Ol or 5 Jl.s P.B S. Amer. 1818.
4726 iethi6piciiin /.. Ktluopidii O or M i l s \V Ethiopia C p.l 3.33
4727 Zuccagmnftu/nDunal Zuccjgm's O or U J».jl \V S Ip Jai\ vin. J.1*
S <*o Dim. M*. II
4788 triquctrum Cav. three-cornered • • or 2 }njl W N Spain 1820. C p.l Cav. ic. 3.259
4729 Pseudo-ca)>sicuin L. Bart capsicum .or 4 jn.s W Madeira 1596. S r.m Sab. rom. 59
4730 nodiflorum Jac. joint-flowering O un 10 jnjl W I. France 1822. S co Jac. ic. 2.326
4731 Dilleiu* Schult. Dillenius's O un 2 jn.a W 1818. S co Di. el. 275.355
J732 guinelnse Lam Guinea O p 4 jn.s G Guinea 1817. S s.1 Di. el. 274 354
4733 mclanocerasumff.fn. black cherry W Virginia 1820. S
4734 nigrum L. Wack-bcrrtcd O P 2 jn.s S Di. el. 275.356
3 jn.s W Britain nib. S s.1 Eng. bot. 5G6
47:35 pterocaule Dunal wing-stemmed O un 2 jn.s V America 1H20. S co Di. eL 275.256
4736 rubrum Mil. red-berried O un 2 jnjl W S. Ainer. 1817. S co
4737 flavum Kit. ycllovr-berried O un 2 jnjl W France 1817. S co
4738 olerdceuin Rich. ]iotherb O- un i W Brazil 1817. S co Pis. lib. 4. 3
47o9judaicum Shuli. Jewish O un 1| W S. Europe 1816. S co
4740 triangulate Lam. triangular O un l| Pa.V E. Indies 1800. S co
4741 mimatum Bernh. red-bet ricd
4742 humile Bernh.
4743 villosum IV. en.
8 un 4
O un 5 jn.s
' jnjl W S. Europe IH23. S co
un 1 jn.jl W S. Europe 1823. S co
W Barbaduesl820. S s.1 Di. cl. 274.353
4744 hirsfttum Dunal hairy O un 2 jn.s W Egypt 1817. S co
4745 Kitaibcli Schult Kitaibel'a un 1 jn.s W Pannonia 1822. S co
4746 Be"ssen Wein.
4747 patulum Pers.
4748suffruticusum&ft0iu. half shrubby
8 un 1 jn.s
4 jn.s
O or 4 my s W
America 1820. S co
India 1818. S 8.1 Di. el. 275.355
Barbary 1804. C Ip
4749 crfspum Ft. per. curled • i_Jor 18 jn.jl W Chile 1824. C co Fl. per. 2.158
4750 longiflcrum Vahl long-flowered f _ J o r 3 V Cayenne 1823. C p.l Dun. so. 9
longifolium Dunal
4751 bomblnsc Jac. Bombay l-Jor 12 jn.jl W Mexico 1822. C co Dun. so. 101
4752 /aurifT.lium Dunal Laurel-leaved CD or 8 jnjl ... S. Amer. 1820
c_Jr 4 myjn W Mexico 1818. CC p.l
4753 CervantesM Lag. Cervantes's Dun. so. 8
4754 verbascifulium L. Mullein-leaved • o r 7 jnjl
W W. Indies 1749. S p.l Jnc. vin. 1.13
4755 puhescens IV. pubescent • o r 5 jnjl P K. Indies 1820. C s.1 W. ph. 1.3
475b' platamfuliuin Sims Plane-leaved •un 3 jl B S. Amer. 18i'3. S co Bot mag. 1618
47.07 argenteum Dunal silvery I lor jnjl ... Brazil 1824. C pa Dun. so. 3!)
4758 auric ul&tum H. K. ear-leaved I lor V Madagasr 1773. S p.l Scop. d. 3. H
4759 diph^lluin L. two-leaved •or JnjV W W. Indies 1699. C s.1 Jac. ic. 2.322
4760 trlste Jac. • sad 6 jjn.jl l V W. Indies ]HSu C p.l Jac. am. pic. 49
4761 arbureum H. S[B. tree f • or 40 jnjl W Cumana 1819. C p.l Dun. so. 2.194
4762 havanense L. Havannah *"* • or 5 B W.Indies 1793. C co Jac. am. 49.35
476 3 aggregatum Jac. clustered or 6 jnjl P ('. G. H. 1821. C p.s Jac. ic. H. 323
4764/ycioides W. Lycium-like or 4 myjn Pa.B Peru 1791. C s.p Jac. ic. 1. 46
476.5 uniflorum L. one-flowered or 3 myjn B N.Spain 1820. C co
4766 neglectum Dunal neglected or 4 jnjl V W. Indies 18-J4. C p.a PI. am. 245.4
4767 monAiithum It S(S. one-flowered 2 jnjl B N. Spain 1818. C p.l
uniflorum Lag.
4768 ttkgax J.ic. fleeting • •or 5 myjl W Caraccas 1816. C p.l Jac. ic. 324
47«9 stellatum Jac. starred • l_Jor 6 jnjl B 1822. C co Jac. ic. 1.325
4770 virgatum Ijim. twiggy • l_Jor 4 jl s V W. Indies 1820. C p.s Dun. so. 40
4771 scandens L fit.
4772 conaceum H+k.
4773 lentum Cav
t aor 10
• or 4 jlau P . B
... Surinam 1820. C p.l
1820. C p.l
LCD or 5 jn.s P.v N.Spain 1823. C p.l Cav. ic. 4. .%'8
Bot. mag. 2708
4774 elaagnifblium Cav. Oleaster-lvd • (or 6 jnjl B Chile 182a C co Cav ic. 3.2K!
4775 stelllgerum R. Br. star-bearing »L_|or 3 Pa.P N. Holl. 182a C p.l Sm. ex. bot. 2.88
4776 raccmunum L. racemose • •or 4 jlau W W.Indies 1781. C co Jac. am. 50.3b'
4777 igncum L. firc-spined • •or 3 m m W S. Amer. 1714. C s.p Jac. vin. 1.14
A.-7-.u . half-armed • •or 6 myjn 1820. C co
Bahama • i_jor 6 jnjl w Bahama 1732. S p.l Di. el. 271.350
12?h^ tlcll|
r t u mAtum Dunal netted • •or 3 jnjl V W.Indies 1820. C p.l Dun. so. 48
?*l ,l PaM shaggy • •or w Trinidad 1821. C p.l Vahl ic. 3.21
4/82 elatum Lk. tall • •or jn.jl w „ 1820. C p.l
eil tO8Um L soft • •or n.s B Trinidad 1818. C s.1 Dun. so. ISO
H .
785 hybndum Jac. hybrid
* i 1 or 2 jll.i
• •or S jnjl P
C. G H. 1662. C p.l Boc sic 8.5
JnS «*ctacum Jac. starlet j Guinea 1815. C p.l Jac. vin. 2.11J
or 2 jnjl P.B 1810. C p.l Jac. ic. 43
*/«7 cestrifulium Fis. Ccstrum-lvd all lor 2 Jnjl W
»(88 j Swx. Jamaica , 1823. C p.l
-vioo jamaicensc Sun. Jamaica 41 • or 4 jn.jl W Jamaica 1818. C p.l
4789 heter6tnchumZ)i/n<i/ variable-haired fl • or 2 jnjl W S. Amer. 1824. C p.l Dun so. 20
4790 cuneifolium Dunal wedge-leaved * • or 2 jnjl W Guiana ISIS. C p.l SI. jam. 141.3
4791 mexicanum M. $S Mexican tk I lor 3 jnjl W Mexico 1825. C p.l
A7iio M IM.:I- - twining %_ • or 8 jnjl V W. Indies 1823. C p.l Pluk. m. 4.32
4/9;3 brasiliense Dunal Brazilian m • or 2 jnjl B
4794 lanceajfolium Jac. lance-leaved Brazil 1830. C p.l PI. am. 454. 4
A • <>r 10 W. Indies 1816. C co Jac. ic. 2.239
479i umbrusum Dunal shady • • or 2 jnjl w" Trinidad 1825. C p.l Dun. so. 126
*4?JJ 'ubiginosum Vahl rusty m CD or 3 jnjl W Guiana 1821. C p.l Vahl ic. 13
*4 2 fafct«B'arum IV.
utlluVsUm Du peaked • il I | or 2 jn.41 Pa.B W S. Europe 1818. C p.l Dun. so. 16.2
4799 bonarienhe L.
*<*l clammy ft • or 4 jnjl 1810. C p.l Dun. so. 2.54 •
W**) op6nnum W. Buenos Ayres ft \ | or 10 jn.s W B. Ayres 1727. C II Di.eL364.272.351
autumnal ft CD or A jn.jl B 1820. C p.l Dun. so. 16
star-like ft I I or 2 jnjl W 1818. C p.1
half-unarmed ft • or 7 B W. Indies 1752. C In Jac. am 40. .3
ceolatum Cav. lanceolate ft I I or 7 jnjl
ganteum Jac. Pa.B Mexico 1800. C s.l Bot. mag. 2173
vum Sivz. giant f \ | or 15 jnjl V C G. H. 17S«. C s.p Bot. mag. 1921
>ugineum Jac. grim ft I lor 5 P a B W. Indies 1816. C p.l Pluk al. S55.3.
ferrugincous ft i | or 4 Jlau - Pa.B
.lonaccum B. R. saponaceous 1816. C p i Jac. M*. a .134
i ovigorum Dunal ft i_J or jl W Chile 1825. S p.1 Bot. reg. 2097
Mffongena L. egg-bearer iQJ cul jnjl B Africa,&c.l597. S I.p
1 violaccum r\o\et-frui/ed iQJ cul
2 ilbum jnjl B Tropics 1597. S r.m
white-fruited O cul JILjl B Tropics 1597. S r.m
3 .utcum je\\ow-frutted iQ) cul
4 ruber jnjj B Tropics 1597. S r.m
red-fruited iQI cul jn.jl B Tropics 1597. S Km
W09 insanum L. iOl cul B
« , . esculentum Dunal au.s E Indies 1815. S l.p Pluk. aL 22a 3
« 1 0 Br6wn« Dunal Brown's 1 L.J or 3 Jn au V N. Holl. 1820. C p.l
^ violaceum R. Br.
Si J 0 ^ meum L. Sodom Africa
hoary Ceylon £ r m Her.lug.575
icum L JSS- C P1 Scop. d. 1.1
Indian India 1732. S p.l Di. el. 270.549

4814 undatum Lam. waved 111 lor 3 jnjl V Malabar 1820. C s.p R.mal.2.37
4815 Aneu'ivi Lain. Madag. potato A GS un 3 my.s W India 1818. L r.m
4816 coagulans Forsk. curdling • or 3 jl W Arabia F. 1802. C s p Jac. sc. 4. 469
4817 sanctum Dunal holy L_jor 3 jnjl P Egypt 1818. s.p
4818 marginatum IV. white-edged I | or 4 jn.s P Africa 1775. s.p Bot. mag. 1928
4819 campcchicnse W. Campeachy I l u n 2 jl V America 1732. s.p Di. el. 268.347
4800 Trdngvm Poir. Trongum RTI un | jnjl W E. Indies 1816. co Ru.aro.5.86 1
4821 congense Lk. Congo 3 jnjl B Guinea 1821. co
4822 fuscatum L. dusky iQJor 1J jn.jl S S. Amer. 1817. Jac. ic. 1.42
4823 aculeatlssimum Jac. prickliest • uJor 3 apjl Pa.B S. Amer. 1816. Jac. ic. 1.41
4824 polyacanthum Lam. many-spincd • •or 4 jn.s R W.Indies 1821. Cav. ic. 3.236
pamflftrum Cav. . .
48£5 mynacanthum Dunal inany-spined • •or 3 P 1822. C p.l Dun. so. 19
4826 mamin6sum L. teated Oor 4 Pa.B W. Indies 1699. S s.p Pluk. al. '226.1
4827 stramonifolium Jac. Stramonium-lvd* • or 6 jn.s P W. Indies 1778. C s p Jac. ic. 1.44
4828 flavescens Dunal flavesccnt •or 3 jnjl B Trinidad 1826. C s.l Dun. so. 67.2
4829 ftrox L. „ flcrce . . jg EJun 2 au.s P £. Indies 1795. C l.p
48:30 caini»nulatum«.J?r.. campanulatc
cp1 iQjor 1 jn.s W N. Holl. 1819. S p.l Dun. so. 2.69
48.J1 armatum R. Br. ** m
™ • l_Jor 2 au.a N. Holl. 1819. S p.l
4832 pungentium R. Br. pungent iQlor 1 au.s N. Holl. 182.3. S co Dun. so. 2. 70
4833 cinfcreum R. Br. ashy • l_Jor 1 au.s N. Holl. 1823. S p.l
48.24 Mflldri Jac. Miller's • l_Jor 3 W C. G. H. 1762. C 6.1 Jac. ic. 2.330
4835 rigescens Jac. rigescent • i_Jor ljjnjl V C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1 Jac. sc. 1.42
4836 ciliatum Lam. ciliated • O un 2 jnjl W 1820. C 8.1 Dun. so. 18
4837 trilobatum L. threc-lobed • •or 12 au V India 1759. C s.p Bur. in. 57.22.2
4838 acetossfolium Lam. Sorrel-leaved • I 1 cu 1 w E. Indies 1759. S p.l Bur. in. 22.2
4839 carolinensc L. Carolina iQlun 2 jl.s Carolina 1732. S p.l Jac. ic. 2.331
4840 viol&ceum Jac. violet • •or 4 jnjl Pa.B E. Indies 1817. C s.p Jac. fr. 133. 1
4841 /Vracantha 5m. Flre-thom • •or 4 au.s PB Madagasc.1789. C r.m Ex. bot 2.64
2 inermis unarmed • •or 4 au.o Madagasc.1789. C r.m Bot mag. 2547
4842 spinosissimum Lo. C. spiniest • •or 3 jnjl P 1820. C p.l
484S melan6xylum Lk. black-wooded • •or 3 jnjl v" 1821. C p.l
4844 virginianum Pers. Virginian O un 1| B Virginia 1662. S s.p Di. el. 267.346
4845 Jacquini W. Jacquin's fm un 2 s.n P
E. Indies 1804. S s.p Jac. ic. 2.332
4846 xanthocarpon S.SfW. yellow-fruited O un ijnjl Ethiopia 1824. S co Sc. nan. 1.2
4847 Balbisu Dunal Balbis's • l_Jor 4 ap.s B S. Amer. 1816. C co Bot reg. 140
4848 tectum Pers. covered • LJor B Mexico 1824. C co Cav. ic. 4.309
3 ap.a Y
592. NYCTE RIUM Fen. NYCTERIUH. (Nykteros, nocturnal; time of flowering.) Solanece. 7.—S.
4840 cordilulium Ven. heart-leaved • LJ or 2 P CaiLlsL 1779. C co Ven. maL 85
Solanum vcspcrtllio H. K.
4850 amazbnium B. M. Amazonian • • or 3 P Mexico 1800. C Bot reg. 71
Lamberts* Swt Solanum nmaztauumA 2£.
4851 lobatum Swt. lobed O or 2 Y Louisiana 1813. S co Ph. am. 8.7
Solanum heterandrum Ph.
485°Fontanesianum Dunal Desfontaine's O or 2 jl.s Y Brazil 1813. S co Bot reg. 177
4853 corn uturn Lk. horned • • or 1 Y .Mexico 1823. S s.D An. mu. 3.9
4854 rostrajtum Lk. beaked O or 2 Y Mexico 1823. S s.p Dun. so. 24
4855 heterodoxum Dunal variable O or 2 B Mexico 1820. S s.p Dun. so. 25
593. CA'PSICUM L. CAPSICUM. (Kapto, to bite ; pungent qualities.) Sol&neat. 2 3 . - 2 8 .
4856 Jinnuum L. annual O cul 1 jnjl S r.m Kno. th.2.6
4857 longum Dec. \ong.fruitcd O cul
O W India 154s! S r.m Fuchs733
4858 cordiforme Mil. heart-shaped O cul jjinjl W India S r.m
4859 tetragunum Mil. four-angled O cul jnjl W India S r.m
4860 angulusum Mil. angular/rutted O cul jn.jl W India S r.m
48H1 spha^ricum g\6b\.\\af-fruitedn. • cul 2 ap.jl W 1807. C r.m
4862 ovatum Dec. ov&te-frui/ed it • cul 3 jn.s W 1824. S r.m
4863 c6nicum Lam. conical-/rutV(.'</ O cul ]| jn jl W Guiana 1820. S r.m
4864 pendulum IV. en. pendulous fL • cul 2 ap.jl W 1804. C r.m
4865 luteum Lam. yeUow-fruitcd «L • cul 2 W E. Indies 1820. S r.ra
4866gr6ssum W. large n.Olcul W India 1759. S r.m Bes. cys. 1.11.1
2 globusum g\obc-fniited M.I lclt W E. Indies ... S r.m
3 luteum ycMovr-fruited n-Qclt W E. Indies ... S r.m
4867 conoldes Mil. cone-like r~ll W India 1750. C r.m
4868 pyramidale Mil. pyramidal W Egypt 1750. C r.m
4869 cerasif6rme IV.
4870 globiferum Mey.
•9 Pa.Y W.Indies 1739. S r.m
W Guiana 1824. S r.m
4871 MiWcri R. & S. Miller's W W. Indies ... S r.m
cerasiformc Mil.
4872 frutcscens L. frutescent Pa.Y India 1656. C r.m Ku.a M .o.88
2 toruliisum Jac. sub-twisted W E. Indies 1820. S r.m
4873 bicolor Jac. two-colored W. Indies 1804. C r m Bot mag. 1835
4874 baccatum L. berried 1731. C r.m SI. jam. 1.146.2
4875 sinense IV. Chinese China 1807. C r.m Jac. vin. 3.67
4876 microrarpon Dec. small-fruited 1820. C r.m
4877 cerasiflbrum Lk. cherry-flwd ' 1823. C r.m
4878 micranthum Lk. smalUflowered n. • cul 3 myjn W Braiil 1824. C r.m
594. LEE\4 L. LEEA. (J. Leet father, son, and grandson, esteemed bot and cult) Melihcece. 6. —
W Eldcr-leaved Y E. Indies 1790. Cav.dis.7.
4880 squaU L. even G E. Indies 1777. Lp
4881 crispa L. curled W C. G. H. 1767. 1-P Bot rep. 355
long-leaved W K Indies 1806.
4882 macrophy'lla Box. hairy E. Indies 182a !-P
4883 hirta Rox. G
robust O E. Indies 182a
4884 robusta Rox.
* 595. SPERM ADI'CTYON Rox. SPERMADICTTON. (Sperma, seed, dictyon, a net.) Rubmcets. 1. — 2.
4885 suavtolens Rox. sweet-scented • • or 4 o W E. Indies lSia C l.p Bot reg. 348
596. DENTE'LLA Font DENTELLA. (Dim. of dens, a tooth : corolla) Rubihce*. I . — f t
4886 rtpens For*/. creeping •-•or ijl W N. HoU. 1802. S co 118
Oldenlfindio reiiens i.
597. MACROCNETMUM L. MACROCNEMUM. (Makros, long, kneme, a leg; fl. stalks.) Rubihce*. S. — M
4887jamaicenseZ,. Jamaica $ D o r 14 ... W Jamaica 180a C p.1 Swa.ob.6&3.
4888 strictum Rox. strict • • « : 10 ... W E. Indies 1804. n p.l "•
4889 tinctonum H.tfB. dying I C I I o r 30 s.o B Trinidad 1820. p.l
598. EXOSTE'MM A Rich. UXOSTEMMA ( £ J » , without, stemtm,a• crown.) RuhthauB. 4. — lti.
4890c.iribajxumlF. Caribscan t • or 20 jn.s W W. Indies 1780. C j.p Bot. rep. 481
4891 flonbundum W. many-flowered J • tm 40 ... W W. Indies 1794. Lamb. ci. 27.7
48!>2 longiflbrum R. & S. long-flowered f • or JO jnjl W Caraccas 1890. p. Lamb. ci. 12
48113brachycarpum 1L%S. short-fruited | Q o r 30 jnjl W Jamaica p.1 Lamb. ci. 8
599. HYMENODI'CTYON Wai. HYMENODICTYOK. (Hymen, a membrane, diktyon, a net) Rubiace*. 2.-4.
4894 thyrsiflbrum Wai thyrse-flowered* CD or 15 jnjl G.Y E. Indies 1819. C l.p
Cinchona thyrsiflura Rox.
4895 excelsum IVal. tall 30 G.Y E. Indies 182a C Lp Rox. cor. 2.106
Cinchona excclsa Rox.
600. C I N C H O N N J « L. ClNCIIO.VA. Cured the Countess of dnchon of a fever.) Muse*. 2.—20.
4896 offlcinklis L. officinal — m 18 It Peru 1810. C Lp
4897 scabra Lod. scabrous m 6 1820. C Lp
601. BURCHE'LLL* R. Br. BURCIIBLLIA. {W. Burchell, a traveller in Africa.) RuMdeea?. 2.—
4898 bubanna R. Br. buffalo • • or 3 my.jn S C. G. H. 1818. C r.m Bot. reg. 899
4899 Sap&isis'i. JR. Cape i l Q e l 3 mr S C. G. H. ... C p.l Bot. reg. 466
602. RONDELET/il L. ROXDELETIA. (W. Ronddet, a celebrated physician.) Rubi(tce<e. 9. — 31.
49(X) americana L. Americau • • or 10 au W W.Indies 1752. C s.p FLic.213.1
4901 Ucvigkta smooth-leaved H • or 12 W W.
W. Indies
Indies 1790. C s.p
4902hirtaSwz. hairy 10 Pk Jamaica 1776. C
Jamaica 1776. C s.p
Jamaica 1824.
1824. C C s.p
4903 /aunfulia Sun. « Laurel-leaved 5 W W Jamaica
Jamaica 182a C s.p Br.jam.2.2
4904 hirauta Swz. hairy 5 Y Jamaica 1819. C s.p
4905 thyrsoidea Swx. thyrsoid 5 W Jamaica 182a C s.p Br. jam 2. $
4906 racembsa Sivz. racemose 6 W Jamaica 181J). C s.p
4907 tomcntbsa Swz. tomontose 6 W W E. Indies 1820. C s.p
4908 paniculate Rox. panicled 6
603. COUTARPA AubL COUTAREA. (Coutari, its name in Guiana.) Rubiiceaf. 1.
4909 suecibsa Aubl. beautiful 12 ... P Guiana 1803. C s.p Aub.gui. 122
Portland/a hexandra W.
604. PORTLAND/^ L. PORTLANDIA.. (Duchess of Portland, faiaow patroness of b o t ^ . ) A i M a « »
4910 grandiflbra L. great-flowered f CJor 12 W Jamaica 1775. C s.p Botmag.28«,
4911 coccinea Swz. scarlet • r 5 ... SS Jamaica
Jamaica 1812.
1812 CC s.psp
* 605.
O P H O R AFis a gland, phoreo. to bear.) Campamdhcece, 14. —
4912 marsupiiflora Fis. purse-flowered A or • Pa.B 1818. R co Bot. reg. 149
Campanula coronata B. R.
4913 Gmelini Fis. Gmelin's my.jl Pa.B Siberia 1820. D co Gm. si. 3.33
4914 coronopiftlia Fis. Buckshorn-lvd Apr jn.jl B Dahuria 1822. R co Sw. IL gar. 104
Campanula coronopifblia R. Sf S.
4915 dcnticulata Fis. denticulated ^ or 1 B Siberia 1817. D p.1 Sw.fl.gar. 116
Campanula tricuspidMa R. & S.
4916 commtinis Fis. common Siberian Jt A or 4 jl.s Pa.B Siberia 1810. D p.l
Campanula commfcnis R. SrS. D co
2 suaveolens Hort. sweet-scented jnjl Pa.B Siberia 1816.
. 3 hybrida R. A S. hybrid jj
jnjl Pa.B Siberia 181& D co
H917 /lhfblia G. Don Lily-leaved 2 my.s Pa.B Siberia 1784. D p i Bot reg. 236
Camp&nula /ihfblia W.
4918 Kabelaisiuna G. Don Rabcluis's ^ A or
l\ B Siberia 1823. D p.l
Camp&nula RabelaisiAna R. & S. or
4919 Lamarkidna Fis. Lamark's ^ A Pa.B Siberia 1824. D Lp
Campanula Lamarkidna R. & S. o r
4920 stylbsa Fis. long-slylcd ^ A 1| my.jn Pa. B Siberia 1820. R co
Campanula stylbsa Lam.
4921 intermedia Svot. intermediate A or Pa.B Siberia 1819. D p.1
Camp&nula intermedia R. 8c S.
4922 iieriplocifblia Fis. Pcripioca-lvd r .8 Pa.B Siberia 1824. D p.1
Campanula pcriplocifblia Lam.

4923 Fischer* G. Don Fischer's A or 2 jLs Pa.B Siberia 1819. D p.1
Campanula Fischer; R. & S.
4924 veretkiafb/ia Fis. Pereskia-lvd A or liji Pa.B Siberia 182L D p.1
Campanula {texcskue/biia R & S.
4925 verticillata Fis. whorlcd 2 jn L.B Siberia 1783. D s.1 Pal. it 3. G.I
Campanula verticillata W.
{G.Wahteng, M.D.,
., uth.Fl.
Lap.) Campamdace*.5.<—
Campamdacea. .
4926 grandiflbra Schr. great-flowered A or 1 B Siberia 1782. D p.1 Bot. mag. 252
Camp&nula grandiflbra L.
«27 pendula Schr. pendulous O or W.p Madeira 1777. s.l
4928 elongata Schr. elongated O or B 1819. co
Camp&nula elongata W.
*607. CAMPANULA I. BELL-FLOWER. (Dimin. of catnpana, a bell; corolla.) CampantUdceat. 129.—220.
T*29 ccnisia L. Mt. Cenis ^ A or i jnjl Switzerl. 1775. R co Al. ped. 1. a 2
J930 uniflbra L. one-flowered ^ Al or ijnjl Lapland 1815. R s p Fl. lap. 9.5,6
4931 difftsa Vahl diffuse ^ A or i JUu Alps,Italyl826. R co II. 2
4932mufophf(laJ&7. small-leaved ^ A or 4 jnjl B Hungary 1820. R co
J933 Uell&rdi All. Bellardi's S A or 4 jn jl B Italy 1813. R co AL ped. 1.85.5
4334 p611a L. R co Bot. cab. 554
4935 ZoJ-'sii Wul. • russet ^ A pr I jnjl B Austria 1779.
D co Jac. ic 2. 334
Zoys's & or | D.B Carniola 1813.
4936 carpatica L. Carpathian /\ or 4 B Carp. Alps 1774. D p.1 Bot mag. 117
4937 rotundifblia L. round-leaved A. or 4 jnau R Britain hea. D p.1 Eng. bot. 866
2 tlbre &lbo white-flowered A, or 1 W Britain woods. R co
4938 exc^sa Schl. cut off A or i myjn B Switzerl. 1820. R co Bot. cab. 561
_ usilla Hae. diminutive A, or Pa.B Switzerl. 1821. R co Bau. pr. 34.51
) ca>spitbsa Sco. tufted A or | B Austria 1819. R co Scop. car. ed. 2.4
I Pfimila B. M. dwarf : A or i B Switzerl. D p.1 Bot mag. 512
d n j o 2flbrealbo white-flowered : A or t W SwitzerL R co
g g puMscens Schmidt pubescent '. A or 1 B Bohemia J813. D co
erminii Lk.
slender I OJor 1 ap au R N. S. W. 1794.
Portugal 1823.
R co Bot mag. 691
Hcrmin's J B S co Fl.por.2.72

4945 quadriflda R. Br. four-cleft ft B N. Holl. 1820. S co

4946 littoralis Lab. sand ft B N. Holl. 1820.
180. S p.l Lab. n.h. 1.70
4947 Scheilchzeri Vil. Scheuchzer's f B Europe 1813. D co Bot cab. 485
4948 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved 1 jnau B France 1818. D co Mag. ma 46
4949 virgata Raji. twiggy : 1 B N. Amer. 1823. D co
4950 lanceolata Lap. lanceolate 1 B France 1819. R
K cco Al. ped. 47. a
4951 heterodoxa Vest heterodox ft B Siberia 1818. K co
4W52 Waldstciniuna It. & S. Waldstein's ft B Hungary 1824. R co W. & K. 136
flexubsa Kit.
4953 /initolia Hue. Flax-leaved f B SwitzerL 1819. D co Vil. del. 1.10
4954 rigescens Pall. rigescent B Siberia 1820. R co
4955 spatulata Sm. spatulate-/w* 1 B Greece 1817. S p.l 203
4956 ramosissima Sm. branchiest ft B Greece 1820. S co 204
lobe\io)des W.
4957 pfitula A. spreading 1 V Britain pas. S p.l Eng. bot. 42
4958 neglecta R. 8eS. neglected 2 m au B 1818. S co
1 B Tauria 1820. R co
4959 calycina Bieb. 1 Mogadore 182.). S co
4960 Broussonetiuna A. $ & Hroussonet's 1 jlau S. Europe 1818. S co
41*61 Locflingw Brot. Loefling's 2 Siberia 1825. D co
4962 infundibuluin Vest funncUJtwd
Rampion ___ _ 3 Britain hed. b. S r.m Eng. bot 283
4963 Aapunculuit L. elegant ^^ or 1 Siberia 1821. R ro
4!>64 elegans R.lifS.
s|iccibsa W. Peach-leaved 3t A or °r 3 jl.a B Europe 159ft D p.l Fl.dan. 1087
4965 persicifolia L. largest peach-lvd^i A or 3 jl.a B Europe 1596. D«p.l Bot. mag. 397
2 maxima double A/uoflwd^t & o r 3 jl.a B Europe 1596. D co
3 flora pleno white-flowered ^ A 3 jl.s W Europe 1596. D co
4 fibre albo dble white-flwd^f A or 3 jl.s W Europe 1596. D co
5 flore albo pleno Urge-flowering ^ A or or
jl.s B Europe 1596. D co
6 grand is jl.s Pa.B Carmola 1596. D p.l
4966 pyramidal is L. pyramidal 5 A
2 fibre albo white-flowered 3 A or W Europe ... D p. I
4967 verslcolor Sm. various-colored £(. A or St Geeece 1788. D a.1 Bot.repi396
planiflbra W. en. S p.l Jac. sc. 3.536
4968obnqua W.en. oblique B 1813.
4969 amenckna L. American B Pcnsylv. 1763. C s.l
4970 plamfldra Lam. flat-flowered B Siberia 1817. 1) p.l
4971 acummata Mx. acuminate B N. Amer. 1826. D p.l
4972 Ottontiina R. & S. Otto's B C. G H. 1825. C P.s
4973 nitida ii. Jfc shining _ W N. Amer. 1731. D p.l Ill
2 flbrc caeruleo blue-flowered ^ A or jl-a B N. Amer. 1731. D pi
4974 aurea L. go\den-Jlowered* \ | or 3 jl.s Y Madeira 1777. S s.p Bot. reg. .07
2 latifbha R. $ S. broad-leaved §t \ I or 2 jl.s Y Madeira 1777. S s.p l)uh. cd. nov. 41
3 angustifbha R.8[S. narrow-leaved M\ | or 2 jl.a Y Madeira 1777. S s.p Jac. sc. 4.472
4975 rhomboidea L. rhomboid ifc A °r 2 jl Pa.B Switzerl. 1775. D p.l
p Bot. cab. 603
4976 Alpine Lam. Alpinus's 1 jn.jl B Italy 1800. s.p
A or Britain s. m. p.
S Eng. bot. 302
4977 latifblia L. broad-leaved _ 4 jl P p.l
2 flbrc albo white-flowering^ A A or 3 W D
D co
4978 macrantha Ft*. long-flowered ^ A or 3 jn.jl P Russia 1822. D co Bot mag. 2353
4979 eriocarpa Bieb. woolly-fruited ^ A or 2 jn.jl P Caucasus 1823. R co
4980 urticifblia Schmidt Nettle-leaved ^ A or 3 au B Germany 1800. D co
4981 Trachelium L. Throatwurt & A or or
4 jnau V Britain woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 12
2 fibre pleno double A/t/e-flwd^ A or 3 B Britun g.trd. D co
3 fibre albo white-flowered ^ A or 3 W Britain woods. D co
4 fibre pleno albo dble white-flwd^t A 3 W Britain gard. D co
4982 ftellidifblia Lap. Daisy-leaved ^ Q) or 2 B Pyrenees 1823. S s.p
4983 crenata W. crenaietl-leavcd &. A or 2 B Russia 18i'O R co
neglecta Bes.
4984 rapunculoldcs L. Rampion-like
. 3 jn.jl B England woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 1369
4985 intundibuliformis Sims tunnel-shaped 2 jl P Siberia 1822. D co Bot mag. !&»
4986 trachclioldes Bieb. Throat wort-like 3 B Caucasus 1817. R co
4987 sarmatica B. R. Sarmatian 2 Pa.B Siberia 1803. D co Bot. reg. 2SI
gummifera R. % S.
4988 bonomensis L. Bononian 2 au.s B Italy 1773. D co M. h.
4989 simplex Dec. simple-stmd 21 B S. France 1819. R co
4990 obhquifblia Ten. oblique-leaved 2} B Italy 1824. R co Fl. nap. 17
4991 trichocalytlna Ten. hairy-calyxed B Italy 1823. R co Fl. nap. 16
4992 ruthenica Bieb. Russian 2 B Caucasus 1815. D co
4993ipreta R &S. despised 2 Pa.B Siberia 1825. R ro
4f)94 graminifblia L. Grass-leaved | jnjl B Italy 1816. D s.p W.&K.I5?
4995 tenuitulia Kit. line-leaved 1 V Hungary 1817. R pi W. & K. 155
4996 glomerata L. clustered 2 my.s V Britain ch. pi. D p1 Eng. bot. 90
3 fibre albo white-flowered ' 1 my.s W Britain ch. pi. D co
4 fibrej>leno filbo dble wlnte-flwi 1 my.s W Britain gard. D co
4997 cephalantha Horn. head-flowered 1 jLi B Russia 1817. R co
4998 cephalbtis Horn. roimcf-headed 1 jn jl B 1818. D co
4999 specibsa Horn. showy 2 my.jn P Siberia 1824. R co Bot reg. 690
glomerata /3 dahurica B 1L
5000 nica*ensis If. $ S. Nice * jn.jl p Piedmont 182a D co AL ped. 39.1
glomcrata All. petra>*a L.
5001 congesta R. # 5. crowded 1 B France 1823. R co
5002 elliptica Kit. cllipticul 1 B Hungary 1826. R co Boc. mu.58
5U03 fohbsa Ten. leafy 1 jlau B Italy 1826. R co Fl nap. 18
5004 Rafneri Perp. Rainer's 1 B Italy 182a R co Bib. it 13. 1817
5005 Cervicana L. Thruatwort 3 jl L.P Germany 1708. S s.p Bot. cab. 452
5006 macrostachya W. long-spiked 1* jn.jl B Hungary 1814. S co
multiflbra Kit
5007 cervicurioldes R. $ S. Cervicaria-Iikc 1 jlau B Italy 1822. R co
"" *
Bieb. hill 1 B Caucasus 1803. I) p.l Bot. mag. 5*27
5009 aziirea Sal. azure Hjnjl L.P Switzerl 1778. D p.l Bot.. mag. A31
5010 Lore< Pol. Lore's li jn.jl P Italy 1824. S co Bot. mag. fcdtf
baldensis Balb.
5011 milk-flowered 6 jl s W Siberia 1814. C &p Bot. reg. 241
O glactifltira
g g Bieb.
crowded-jItM* 2 ils Pa.B Bavaria 1817. C sp Bot. cab. 515
5 O 1 2 k > F
5013thynoideal.. thyrsoid 2 B SwitzerL 1785. S s.p Bot mag. 129V
5014 velutlna Desf. velvety ft myjl B S. turope 1826. R s.p
5015 AHionU Vil. AUioni's £[ A or B S. France 182a S p.l Al.pcd.6.3
5016 peregrlna L. peregrine ^ iffil or H C. G. H. 179*. S p.l Bot mag. 1257
5017 cernua Th. nodding^wJ jfr iH)l or W C. G. H. 1804. S p.l
5018 capcnsis
capcnsis L. L. Cape iQj or B C. G. H. 1803. S s.p Bot. mag. 782
Rollla dectimbcns A A.
5019 barbata
unc L. bearded ^ A or li Jn.jl L.B Italy 1752. R p.1 Bot mag. 1258
2 5 ? PPu& &ta
2 5 ? Vandfesi
5021 t G-&"»«• „ dotted-/itouk?r<?d
Don Comtesse deVandes's
A or 1 my.jn W
Crea Siberia 1813.
D co Bot mag. 1723
D p.l
- a A or |ljl
5022 Medium L
2 flore albo
L. " "
Medium ^ Q) or
i J B S co Kno. th. l.G. 2
Germany 1597. S co
J023 affmis R. % S. white-flowering^ Q> or 4 jn.s B S co An. mu. II. 15
allied ^ Q> or 2 jn.s S. Europe 1824. S co Desf. at. 51
corymbose ^ Q) or U B
Betony.icavcd ^ Q) or 2 my.jl B Crete 1820. S co 2.2H
5026 dichotoma5/n.
5027 longiftha Zap dnhotoinous O or 1 B Greece 1820. S co
long-leaved ^ A or D.B Sicily 1820. R co Fl. pyr. 6
5028 spicata W. U B Pyrenees 1820. S sp Al. lied. 1.46. S
5029 alpina /,. spiked £ Q) or 4 jn.s
alpine ^ A or 1 jl B Switzerl. 178ti D p.l Bot mag. 9.V7
5030 m611i8 L. SwitzerU 1779. C 6.1 Bot rants. 404
5031 saxatilis /,. soft £ LA) or 1 P
rock £ lAJor 1 B Sicily 1788. 1) p.l Bar. ic. 79.813
5032 alliaria?ftlia IV. Candia 1768. C p.l Par. Ion. 26
Alliaria-leaved ^ A °r 1 jl s B
5033 gummifera IV. gum-bearing ^ A or 1 B Caucasus 1803. R co
Aetonicaefulid Bieb. Caucasus 1818.
50.34 /amiifolia Bieb. Lamium-lvd ^ ^ or 3 jn.jl Pa.Y Iberia 1823. R co Bux. c. 5.18
pendulous ^ Q) or 1 jlau Crea Caucasus 1823. S co
Armenian 3( Q) or 1 Pa.B Russia 1826. S co
Violet-leaved 5 Q) or B Siberia 1817. S co
Adami Bieb. Adam's & Q) or 1 B Caucasus 18'J1. S co
50:>9 88ibiricaZ.
ibiiZ Siberian S Q) or 1 jl.B B Siberia 1783. C s.p Bot mag. 659
J040 diverge™ W. en. spreading & Q) or 1| jnjl B Hungary 1814. S s.l W.&K.258
—.„ ^ A or 1 V Hungary 1804. D co W. & K. 64
iica Bieb. Caucasian ^ A or f V Caucasus 1804. D co
.— R.& S. Bieberstcin's & A or i B Caucasus 1820. R p.1
rupettris Bieb.
5045 stricta L. small-flowered 3K Q) or 1} B Iberia J819. S co An. mu. 11.14
5046 laciniata L. strict ^ Q) or 2 B Syria 1819. S s.p An. mu. 11.13
jugged-leaved ^ A or 2 SB Greece 1788. » p.I Bot. rep. 385
5047 lyrata Lam. lyrate 5 A or 11 Vi S. Europe 1823. D co
«H8 cichoracea Sib cichoraceous ^ A °r 2 jn.jl B Greece 1768. D co Bot mag. 811
a |t:ir
? P a B jl/'
IV. en. won\\y.ieaved ^ Q) or 2 B 1814, S s.l
tomentisa woolly jfc AJor 1 W Levant 1810. D co Ven. eels 18
*»5l £rinus L. Erinus O or | PaB S. Europe 1768. S 6.1 M. h 5. a 25
5052 rfrabafTuli Draba.leaved O or PaB Athens 182.J. S s.l Fl. gr. 215
Erinus-like O or | PaB Africa 18&J. S si Her. lug. I l l
fOSjflatiiie^L. Elatine -* A or j j l a u P:uB S. Europe 18i.'3. S si Al ped. 1. 1
«J.«J Aederacea W. Ivy-leaved £ A or i my.jn B England m. s. p. D co Eng. bot 73
5056 hispidula /.. rough ish O or i my au B C. G. H. 1817. S co Coia h. 2.37
5057 dehiscens Box. dehiscent iQI or 1 my au B E. Indies 1818. S co As. res. 12.6
58 8 #vJ? l l S M A r7 i O . C A / R P U S Herit
- PwsMATocARPua (Prisma, a prism, karpos, fruit) Campanuldccar. ft
lZ^fi^W*** * « - J « l « B C. G. H. 1787. ^
Herit. shining O or f W C. G. H. 1787. S s.l Her. ser. 2.3
50fin c, ampu ? num
H. K.
rKS L 1 ? i 'W'jLook.-glass O or 1 P S. Europe 159a S s.l Bot mag. 10
Campanula Speculum L.
O or 1 W S. Europe 1596. S co
°"ol hirs&tus Ten. hairy
ula hlrta R. Sc S. Italy 1824. S co Fl. nap. 19
O or | B
i Herit. hybrid
ula hylwida L. England cha. fi. S s.1 Eng. bot 375
O or 1 P
—«- j»n;aius Ten. talcate-peta/ed
Campanula falckta R. * S. Italy 1820. S co Fl. nap. 20
O or } myau B
^064 Cain
Pentagbnia Herit. fivcangled Turkey 1686. S s.l
tn.*r » 1 « nul a Pentagonia L. Bot. reg. 56
O or 1 B.p
50u5 perfohjitus Herit. perfoliate N. Amer. 1680. S s.l M. h.
s«f Ul i* n " ia i^ivfxi:\«..
50«? Camiuiniila I*nWiata L. r
O or 1 myau V
5066 •nterrf.ptus Herit. interrupted C. G. H. 1818. S co
Campanula interrupta W. 1 my.jl B
* " & LOBE^LWL. r, celeb, bot. auth. and phys., d. 1616.)
simplex Thun. t (a
. . . _ . (i.«
B C. G. H. . H.1794.
7 C Lp
linekris Thun. linear-fcawrf . \_J or * ... B C. G. H. 1791. C l.p
setaceous iAJ or i my.jl B C. G. H. 1816.
Pine-leaved D p.l Th. h. 1811. 11
. \ | or 1| V C. G. H. 1752. S s.p Bot. rep. 24/)

L. Dortmann's
A or 1 V
A or 1 B
C G. H. 1794.
Britain lakes.
N. Amer. 1823.
R l.p
R l.p
D bog
Bot. mag. 1484
Eng. bot. 140
% Willow-leaved S Chile 1794.
gigantea B M. 6 R s.p Bot mag. 1325
k A 0T 1 B Carolina 1820. S co Bot mag. £238
5 A o r 1 jls B N. Amer. 1824. S a.p
B Mexico 1824. D p.1
6} in au China 1817. S co
£ iAJ or S
i jn.s
jLau Chile 1826. C s.p
1 jnjl W.Indies 1824. D s'u
3 jnjl
N.Spain 1825. C p.T Cav.ic,6.518

, persiciftlia Cav. not root

Lam.. s p g ^ | s.o W C. G. H. 1/ S.p
M decumbent lAJor io.n c p.T Bot mag. 2519
C G. H. Bot. mag. «277
D co

£086 triquetra L. triangular 1 B C. G. H. 1774. C B.p

5087 fenestralis Cav. windowed u O J o r 1 jn.s B Mexico 1824. S p.m Cav. i t 6. 512.2
5088 longiflf>ra L. long-flowered £ [ 1 W Jamaica 1752. S sp 1.27
5089 tomcnioaa /,. woolly ^ LAI «P £ my.* B C. G. H. 1821. D s.p
50M) sccundn L side-flowering j£ IAJ or j, W C. G. H. 1790. S s.p
50M1 acuminata Sivz. acuminated JfU E3 or 2 G.v W. Indies 18<A C p.l SI. jam. 1.95.2
50112 mcotiaiurfdlia Roth Tobacco-leaved £ OJ or 2 jn.jl £. Indies 1822. C p.l
5093 Clayton/ana Mx. Clayton's 3t A or 2 jnjl B N. Amer. 1824. D s.p W.h.b.1.30
goodcniohlrs W. spicata /.am.
5094 nssfirgens L. nssurgent 3 jno S W. Indies 1787. C s p Bot. ran. 553
5095f<ilgcns//.4J?. fulgent 3t _AJ °r 3 my s S Mexico 1809. C B.p Bot. rep. 659
5()9(i oerbascifulia Swi. Mullein-leaved 3t A or 6 my.jn R Nepal 1822. D r.m
5097 pyramiilalis Walt. pyramidal £ iAI or 3 my 8 S
4 ft P Nepal 1K22. D co Bot mag. 2387
509BcardinaliBj,. Virginia C sp Bot mag. 320
cardinal flower 3 my.s s Mexico 1814! C s.p Bot rcg. 60
shining 1 B C. G. H. 1774. S sp
iilOO dcbilis L. feeble
5101 alatail. 2?r. 11 B N. S.W. 1804. S sp Lab. n. h. 1.72
vringed-stalked 8 B.O S J. Fernan. 1K24. It CO Bot. mag. 2550
51U2 Tiipa L. Tupa
5103 syphilitic* L. 2 au.o L.B Virginia 1665. C a.p Bot. reg. 537
5104 sunnamensis L. syphilitic 2 jajl O W. Indies 1786. C s.p Bot mag. 225
2 rubra Surinam 2 jajl It W. Indies 1820. C *.p Bot. cab. 749
5105 graciliH R. Br. red 1 jl.o D.B N. S. W. 1801. S s.p Bot mag. 741
5106 purpurabcens R. Br. slender 1 B N. S.W. 1809. D s.p
purpurascent lftjlau Pa.B N. Amor. 175ft, S a.p Ac. up. 1741,1
5107 mflKta L. inflated
5108 Cliffbrtiana L. JJ jlau Pk N. Amer. 173.3. S s.p
Clifford's 1 11 N. Amer. 1800. S co
5109 Michauxii Nut. Michaux's
Cliffbrt/Vmrt Mx. not Nut.
5110 trialata D. Don three-winged £ L A J C U B Nepal 1822. S s.p Hook. ex. fl. 44
micrantha Hook.
5111 iircnsL. burning England hea. S Eng.bot953
6112 scrrulata Schott serrulated O or f jn.jl B Spain 1820. S ap
5113pubcrula Mx. mossy or I jn.jl
k A 3 Pa,B N. Amer. 1800. S s.p
5114 a«ia* na Mx. pleasing & A or B N. Amer. 1812. D si An. mu. 18.1
5115 miniita L. small g lAlcul * " W C. G. H . . 1772. R sp Bot mag. 2.J90
5116 minima B. M. least a iAi°r *jl W C. G. H. 1800. D sp Bot. mag. 2077
5117 laurcntia L. Laurcntian B Italy 1778. S B.p Mic. gen. 18.14
5118 tcnella Biv. » delicate iQlor \ my.jl P.v Sicily 1821. D co
5J19 campaiuiloldcs Thun. Campanula-Ik ^ A or i W China 1) co Bot reg. 733
6120 £nnus L. Erinus fjn.8 B C. G. H. 1752. S 8.p Bot. mag. 901
5121 campanulata Lam. campanulate "* iDI or \ jn.jl B C. G. H. 1821. S s.p
5122 fnnoldea L. Erinus.|ikc £ OJ or \ B C. G. H. 1759. R s.p Her. lug. 109
5123 bicolor H. K. two-colored iQJ or } Pa.B C. G. H. 1795. C sp Bot. mag. 514
5l24ilicitolia AVr Holly-leaved £ lAlor Pk C. G. H. 1815. D s.p Bot. mag. 1896
5125 anceps L. two-edged id or C. G. H. 1818. S B.p
5126 pubescens H. K. C. G. H. 1780. R &p Jacsc. 2.178
pubescent £ i^jor E. Indies 1821. D sp
5127 zcylanica L. Ceylon £ iAI oo rr Sebal. 22. 12?
5128 lutea L. C. G. H. 1774. S 8.p Bot. mag. 1319
yellow £ iAI o r C. G. H. 175!). Bur. af. 40.2
5129 hirsiita L. hairy £ iAI C s.p
5130varhfbliaA3f. C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Bot mag. 1692
vanous-leaved £ iAJ or C. G. H. 1752. Bot mag. 644
5131 coronopifblia L. Coronopus-lvd £ vAl oo rr S s.p
5132 umbcllKta Vest umbellate £ iAJl o r 1818. D s.p
5l33ThunbergiiSwt. Thunbcrg's fj <A c. G."H. 1812. D s.p
roronopitulia Thun. not B. M.
5134 crenuta Thun. notched-leaved £ iAJ or | B C. G H. 1794. c
"P _
5135 dentkta Cav. toothed £ iAI o r 1 jn.jl B N. Holl. 1824. D s.p Cav. i c a 522
5136 inundata R Br. overflowed A . A I or i jn.jl B N. Holl. 1821.
5137 carulea B. M. blue "g lAlor U jnjl B C. G. H. 1824. D s.p
5138 Simsrt Swt Sims's tf ^Alor I o.n B C. G. H. 1819. D pL Rot mag. 2701
peduncuUta B.M. not R. Br. D co Bot mag. 2251
5139concolor R.Br. self-colored <c lAlor 1 my.jn B N. Holl. 1819. D p.1
5140 globosa R. Br. globose £ LAJ <ir 1 myjl B N. Holl. 1824. D p.l
5141 jenccioldes Cun. Senecio-like f .Aior 1 jl B N. Holl. 1824. D p.1 Bot reg. 964
Is6toma axillaris Lt'nd/.
5142pedunculkta A.2?r. pedunculated tf lAlor 1 o.n B N. Holl. 1819. D co
5143 corymbosa B. M. corymbose £ iAJ or § R C. G. H. D p.1 Bot mag. 2693
610. MONOTSIS Sal. MONOPSIS. (Monos,
, . one. opsis, a face.) Lobelihccce. 2. — M
5144 consnicua Sol. conspicuous O orr i B C. G.H. 1812. S s.p Bot mag. 1499
Lobelia Speculum B. M.
5145 inconspicua Sal. inconspicuous O or \ P C. G. H. 1812. S s.p
611. PHYTEITMA L. RAMPION. (A name adopted from Dioscorides.) Campamdhcea 2 8 . - 9 6
514f> pauciflorum L. few-flowered iny.jn B Switzerl. 1823. D p.l
5147 globularifolitim Ster. Globularia-lvd myjl B S. France 1820. D p.l -
5148 Scheuchzcri All. Scheucher's i nw.jn B Switzerl. 1813. D co Bot. mag. 1797
514<> sco) zonm'folium Vil. Scorzoncra-lvd I B Alps 1819. D p.1
5150 sibiricum Vest Siberian B Siberia 1817. D p.l
5151 Michtlit AH. Michcli's B Switzerl. 1S22. D p.l
5152 hemisphae'ricum L. hemispherical B Switzerl. 1752. D p.l Jac.ia2.SSS
5153 hispid um Schl. hispid B Switzerl. 1825. D p.1
5154 com5sum Wul. tufted B Austria 1752. S s.l Jac.« « , .au.
a u .5.
5155 orbicult\re L. round-headed jnau V England D p.1 Eng. bot 1**
5156 Sieberw Spr. Sieber's my-jl
5157 Charmelii Vil. Charmeli's my.jl B Pyrenees 1826. D p.1 „ ,f <j
5158 humile Schl. *jjjjl B Pyrenees 1823. D p.1 Vil. deL 2.1'• a
humble B Switzerl. 1825. D p.1
5159 ina?quatum Kit. levelled 1 my.jl
5160 ellipticum VU. elliptic | B Austria 1820. D p.1 . _ ., t
orbiculare W B SwitzerL 1817. D p.1 Vil. del 2. " • a
short.lcavcd | B Switzerl. 1819. D p.1
f If? *&}im Schmidt black 1 D.B Bohemia 1820. D a.p 66
5163 cordatum B. M. heart-leaved jjlau B Hungary 1804. D co Bot. mag. I*
5164 fretonicifolium ViL Betony-Ieaved 2 jnjl Pa.B S. Europe 1818. D p I s 7
5165 spicktum L. Bpikcd 2 jnau W Europe 1597. I> p.1 Bot. mag. 2 *
5l6n Hiiller/ All. Hallcr's ijl
. V S. France 1822. D p.1
5167 ovatum IV. ovate-spiked 2 jn'au D.V Europe 1814. 1> p.l
SJ68 virgatum W. twiggy Q>pr
1 my.jn B
6169 lanccolatum W. Lebanon 1820. D p.l Bot cab. 667
b i jn.jl R Armenia 1S26. 1) p.l An. mu. 11.5
1 B Caucasus ISO*. 1) p.1 Hot mag. 1015
2 Li Hungary 1804. D p.l W.&K714
2 B Candia NiiO. D p.1 Vcn. eels 5^
2 jn.jl B S. Europe 1819. D p.l Bot. mag. 2145
THROAT WOQT. {Trachelos, the throat: supposedmed. qual.) Catnpanu/ucea. 2 —4.
Wue Q> or 2 jLs B Italy 1640. 8 r.m Bot. reg. 72
spreading £ ^•— *IJLS
-* - B
*» C. G. «H. --"•-
rw* 1787. »S —
r.m "
. 613. ROE'LL.* L. ROELLA. (G. Roelle, Amsterdam.) Campanult)ce<e. 5.-9.
Jl76ciliata£. ciliated tt.. f or 1 jn.s P ' C. G. H. 1774. S s p Bot. mag. 378
5 77 filif6rmis Lam. filiform tt I | or 1 jn.s B C. G. H. 1816. C s.p Lam. II. 12a 2
5178squarr6saL. rough JL iAJ or Ijl B C.G.H. 1787. S s.p
5179 decfirrens Herit. decurrent ~ 1 jLs B C. G. H. 1787. S Lp Her.ser.16
6180 muscbsa Thun. mossy ijl.s B CG.H. 1802. S Lp
'. LECHENAULTIA. (M. Lechenault, a French bot and trav.) Goodenbvue. 2 . - 4
a - U p r 1 jn S N. Holl. 1824. C p.l ic. in.
1 ap.jl O N. HolL 1824. C p.l Bot reg. 916

(Dr. Goodenough, bishop of Carlisle.) Goodenbvue. 7 . - 3 3 .

Daisy-leaved f lAJor Y N. Holl. 1823. S s.p
r panicled ^ tAJor 1 Y N. Holl. 1823. S s.p Cav.ic.6.507
8 ficilisA^ r . slender tf""
.Alel " Y N. Holl. 1822. Dpi Bot. cab. 1058
ovktaS»i. ovatcJeaved n.\ | or
n.o Y N. S. W. 1793. S s.p Bot rep. 68
large-flowered tt. | | or Y N. a\V. 1803. S s.p Bot mag. 890
various-leaved tt. | | or in.o P a . R N . Holl. 1826. S s.p Cav.ic.ft508
Ivy-leaved 1^ lAlor Y N. Holl. 1823. S s.p
5l%6t ? V ™ A L E S 3r. EUTHALESL (Eu, well, thaleo, to push or sprout) Goodenbvue. 1.
crinervis it. A*. three .nerved 1 my.s P.v N. Holl. 1803. C lp Bot.mag. 1137
5lSi7«t2^oM» I SRA
a Jr. DAMPIERA. (Capt. W. Dumpier, a celeb, voyager and bot) Goodenbvue. 2. —13.
strict £ lAJ or 1 B N. S. W. 1814. C Lp An. mu. 18.2
iwovalifohaA.Br. oval-leaved H iAJ or 1 B N. HolL 1824. C s.p An. mu. 18.1
Primuldcete. f 3 —
[) bog
sea-side )C lAlpr 3 8.1
_,% Campanula-Ik tf lAlpr C. G. H. D p.l
nula por&sa Thun.
VELLEIA. (Major Vettcu, skilled in algae.) Goodcnbvke. 3 . - 6 .
lyrate lap Y N. Holl. 1819. D s.p Bot. reg. 551
poxaAifr. paradoxical * jl Y N. HolL 1824. C p.T Bot reg. 971
spatulkta A ifr. spatulate 1 ap Y N. HolL 1825. D s.p An. mu. 18.1

*• SCJSVOLA. (Sccvva, the left hand, Lat.; corolla.) Goodcnbv'ue. 8. —25.
Plumier's tt.r~lor
I r — i « #M w W.Indies 1724. C Lp PI. ic. 165.1
VJ-obUfc Plumiferi L.
r. _- —
hl . . V6 . . . B D
K tt. • or 2 ... Pa.R E Indies 1820. C sp
>** Rox. Taccada 21 au W E. Indies 1810. C Lp Ru. nm.4. .C4
thick-leaved tt. i lor 3 au.o W N. Holl. 1805. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1. 79
6204 mVo^l '"1118
0 i a &
cuneiform tt. | | or 11 ... ... N. Holl. 1824. C Lp Lab. n.h.80
aSS^iF" 9
- ^all-fruited tf iAlor 11 my.s P.v N. S. W. 1790. D e.p Bot mag. 287
ooc feni
52ns ., l « &lbida Sm.
"205 8uav*o.nn. » »- sweet-scented £ ^ o r 2 au.s B N. S. W. 1793. D s.p Bot. rep. 22
2 jl Li N. Holl. 1827. € Lp Sm.n.h.5
^oodenia ramosissima 5m.

,.,- R S. Europe ... C co Schm. ar. 106
or 15 my.jn O Italy ... C co
5210 * dia?cious or 6 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1776. C coBot. reg. 138
* * * evergreen or 15 S N. Amer. 1656. C s.p
Bot mag. 781
fr I or 15 S Carolina 1656. C e.p
Bot. mag. 1753
Pleasant or 20 jnau R N. Amer. 1730. C si H. an. 15.10.8
or 10 my.jn Y Carolina 1810. C s,l Bot mag. 1318
or 20 my.jn Y Canada 1822. C co Hook. ex. 11.27
or 6 jn Y Missouri 1825. L co
or 8 jn.8 R.Y Minorca 1772. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 640
or 20 my.jl Y hedg. C co
or 20 my.jl Y.R
Oak-leaved i or 20 my.jl Y.R
or 20 my.jl Y.B
C co Schm. arb. 108
C co Ho. an. 15.5.6
C co
variegated or 15 my.jl Y . B Britain
I or 15 jl.s C co
R China 1806. C p.1 Bot reg. 70
15 jl.s O Nepal 1817. C p.1
China 1806. C p.l Bot. reg.

white-berried A or
villous A or
Fly Sk or
oblong-leaved fife or

5807 iberica Bieb. Iberian or 6 O Iberia J824. C co

5228 pyrenaica W. Pyrenean or 4 my W Pyrenees 1739. C co Mag. h. 209
5229 canescens Schous. canet>ccnt or 10 S Europe ... C r.m Desf. at. 152
5230 microphy'IIa W.
5231 hispid a /»«//.
i or 4
or 5 ...
Sihena 1818. C co
Siberia 1820. c
5232 o r i e n t s Lam. Oriental or 16 Y Iberia 1823. c r.m
5233 alpigcna W. Alpine A or 6 Y SwitzcrL 1596. c s.1 Sclim. ar. 112
5234 sibirica *V*/ Siberian or 5 Y Siberia 1*10. C co
5235 caerfclea W. \A\ic-berried A or 4 mr.ap Y Switzerl. 1639. C co Bot mag. 1965
523(i canadensis A/A/. or 4 . Canada 1812. C co
* 623. SYMPHO^RI A Ph. ST. PETER'S WORT. (Sympkoreo, to accumulate; dust fr.) Caprifoliuce*. 3. — 6.
5237 glomerata Ph glomerated A or 4 au.s Pk N. Amer. 1730. C s.1 Schm. ar.115
Lonfccra Symphoricarpos L.
5238 racemosa Ph racemose A or 4 jl.s Pk N. Amer. 1817. C 8.1 Rot. mag. 2211
5239 punfcea Sims scarlet A or 4 jl.s It N. Amur. 1815. C 8.1 Bot. inag. 2469
624. DlERVl'LLA Tou. DIERVILLA. (Dterville, a Fr. surgeon, who travelled in Acadia.) Caprifaliuaw. 1.
5240 l&tea Ph. yeUow-Jtawered ft or 3 jn.Jl Y N. Amer. 17o9. C s.) Bot. mag. 1796
canadenbis IF. Lonfcero Diervilla L.
625. TRIO STEUM L. FKVERWORT. {Treis, three, osteon, a bone; seeds.) Caprifvlihcea;. 2 . - 3 .
5241 perfohktum L. perfoliatc jfc A m 2 jn.jl D.R N. Amer. 1730. D p.l Schk. ban. 1.41
5242 angusliiOlium L. n narrow-leaved ^ £ cu 1 jn.jl Y Virginia 1699. D p.l Pluk. al. 104.2
626. LEYCESTE^R/lrf Wai LEYCESTERIA. (W. Leycester, chief judge at Bengal.) Caprifoliucece. L
5243 formosa Wai. handsome A \ | or 4 au.s W.p Nepal 1824. C r m
627. COFF&A L. COFFER TREE. (Grows spontaneously in Caffat prov. of Narea, in Africa.) Rubihcea. 1.-10.
5244 arabica L. Arabian £ • dt 20 au.n W Yemen 1696 S r.m Bot. mag. 1303
628. CHIOCO'CCA W. SVOW-DERRV. (Chion, snow, koMos, a berry.) Rubtocete. 2.-7.
5245 racembsa W. racemose * • or 6 f W Jamaica 1729. C p.l HOOK. ex. fl. <)3
5246 angulfuga Mart anguifuge • • m 3 W Brazil 1824. C s.1 Mart. med. 5
629. SERI'SSA J. SERISSA. (A name given by Commerson, meaning unknown.) Rubiace<e. 1.
5247 foe'tida W. Fetid *L|_Jor 2 my.s W J.ipan 17K7. L r.m Bot. mag. 351
2 fl5re pleno double-floweredtt. LJ or 2 uiy.s W Japan 1687. L r.m
630 CA'NTHIUM Lam. CANTHIUM. {Canti, the Malabar name.) Rubiuce*. 1. —4.
5248dubiumA R. doubtful A i _ J o r 3 jl W E. Indies 1824. C r.m Bot reg. 1026
• 631. PSYCHO'TRIA L. PSYCIIOTRIA. life: medicinal qualities.) Rubiacae. 18. — 100.
»249 asifitica L. Asiatic A W \V. Indies 1806. C l.p 161
5'230 glabrata Sivx. smooth A W Jamaica 1810. C l.p
5231 megalosperma Vahl large-seeded A W W. Indies 1824. C Ip
5252 /auri folia Swz. Laurel-leaved A w Jamaica 1818. C l.p
5253 hirsuta Swz. hairy A w Jamaica 1826. ~C "l.p
5254 citritolia Swz. Citron-leaved ... W W.Indies 1793. C r.m
5255 margmata Swz. marginate myjn W Jamaica 1819. C l.p
5256 myrtiphjflla SUKU Myrtle-leaved ... W Jamaica 1826. C l.p SI. jam. 2.209
5257 parasltica Swz. parasitic W W. Indies 1802. C l.p Jac. am. 51. 1
5258 brachiata Swx. croM-branched ... W.Y W.Indies 1793. C l.p
5259 pub^scens Swz. pubescent Y.u J.imaicd 181(i. C l.p
5260 pedunculkta Swx. pedunculated Y Jamaica 1818. C l.p
5261 corikcea Par. coriaceous Y S. Amer. 1810. C l.p
5262 undkta Jac. wavy my.jn W Bahamas 18£3. C l.p Jac. sc. a 260
5263 elllptica B. R. elliptical my.jn G Brazils 1821. C l.p Bot reg. 607
5264 cumane'nsig H. &B. Cumana ... Y Trinidad 1824. C l.p
52(i5 lineata W &B. lineated ... W Caraccaa 1824. C l.p
526ti rtgida Bred. rigid au.s Y Trinidad 1820. C l.p
632. NONA T& LI A Aub. NONATELIA. (Its name in Guiana.) Rubttce*. 4.-8.
5267 racemosa Aub. racemose A • or 3 jn jl W Guiana 1818. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.72
Psychotria racemosa W.
5268 violacea Aub. vio\et-berried A • or 4 jn.jl W Guiana 1894. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.73
52<59 officinalis Aub. officinal A On* 4 jn jl G Guiana 1827. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.75
Psychotria involucrata Swz.
5270 lutea Aub. yellow tt • or 1 jn.jl Y Guiana 182a C l.p Aub. gui. 1.74
633. PALIClTltJ^ Aub. PALICURIA. ( l e Palicour%of Guiana) Rubiticea-. 1.—7.
527lcr6ceaA$& saffron-dd i D o r 4 O W.Indies 1823. C s.1 Br.jam. 13.1
Psychdtria crocea Swx.
634. HAME'LLI^ L. HAMELLIA. (H. L.DU HamelDu Monceou, celeb, bot., d. 1782.) Rubiacrtr. 6.--?•
5272 ppatens L. spreading
p n „g i Q__
Qo r 5 j S Hispaniolal/52. C p.l Ex. bot 1. ^
5273 sphaerocarpa H.8(B. roundfruited
round-fruited A A• or• O «•—*--
Mexico •««1811. - C p.l
• — --—
Fl. per 2.221
5274 ventricosa Swz. larKe-bellied m • or 8 s.n Y W.Indies 177a C p.l Bot mag. 1894
5275 chrysantha Stvz. yellow-flowercdA • or 8 o.d Y Jamaica 1822. C p.l Jac. ta. 2.335
5276 axilKiris Sun. axillary A • or 2 au.s Y W. Indies 18^2. C p.l
5277 odorata //. # B. sweet-scented A • or 5 ... Y S. Amer. 1824. C p.l
635. POSOQUFRIA Aub. PDSOQUERIA. {Aymara-posoqueri, so named by the Galibis.) Rubihcea. 2.—
5278longiflura Aub long-flowered i Q o r 6 ... W Guiana 1822. C p.l Aub.gui. 51
Solcna longiflora W.
5279gracilisA.$& slender Ador 6 ... W Guiana 1825. C p.l Rud.guLl.4l
Solcna gr&cilis Rud.
* 636. TOCOY&NA Aub. TOCOTENA. (Its name in Guiana.) Rubiacete. 1. — 5. _.
5280 longiflora Aub. long-flowered A Q o r 6 ... Y Guiana 1826. C s.p Aub. gui. L * 1
Meriana specidsa W.
ANGUI . VANGUIERA. (Foa-vanguier, its Madagascar name.) Rubiace*. 2.
fSSI e d W i s
• • lr 15 ...
A Q c u 4 jn.jl
India 1809. C p.l Lam. il. 159
Madagasc.lSia C p.l
.roSSi G A f DB^J/J L. GARDENIA. (A. Garden, M. D., of Charleston.) Rubiace*. 26,-52.
5S83 dumetbrum Wai. thicket A O or 6 jl.s W " "—•--- 1777# c p,, X p c o r . 136

Cunthium coronntum Lam. Posoqulria dumctorum Wat.

5284 rad\caiu Thun. rooting Hi lor 1 mr.jn W China 1804. C r.m Bot.reg.73
£285fl6rida£. flowery li lor 5 jl.o Pa.Y China 1754. C Lp Botreg. 449
_ 2florcplcno double-flowered* i | or 5 jl.o Pa.Y China 1754. C l.p Ehr. pic. 15
g g 6 Thunb6rgia L. Thunberg's * i | or 6 W C. G. H. 1773. C Lp Bot. inag. 1004
fi887 latiftlia //. K. broad-leaved * O or 7 Pa.Y E. Indies 1787. C r.m Itox. cor. 2.134
£288 Musse'nda L. Mussanda-tife * Q o r 5 W Carthag. 1820. C Lp Jac. am. 73
«*89 parvifl6ra Poir. small-flowered * Q o r 4 ap.jn W E. Indies 1818. C Lp
5290 pubescens /to*A pubescent it I lor 4 ... E. Indies 1824. C Lp
Jjgl Kothmannifl L. Rothmann's il i_J or 10 jl"' Pa.Y C. G H. 1774. L Lp Bot mag. 690
^92 uligin&sa ifctfz. marsh mi lor 3 W E. Indies 1802. C Lp Rox. cor. 2.135
°*93propinquaZ,im#. allied «Qor 8 W E. Indies 1823. C r.m Bot. reg. 975
°*94 arrnhta Suw. armed or 10 W W. Indies 1813. C Lp
Mussa'nda spinosa Jac.
gp5 micrantha W. small-flowered * • or 4 w China 1806. r.m Th. gar. 8.1.1
"SBo iragrans Rox. fragrant " ~~~" 4 w E. Indies 1820. Lp Rox. cor. 2.137
Patoqulria fragrans Wai.
5297 n fitans Rox. nodding. * D or 4 W E. Indies 1820. C Lp Gac. fr. 1.28
Posoqulria nht&nsWal.
5298 spinosa Thun. spiny * D o r 8 W China 1800. C Lp Th. gar.2.4
toon yuntMum chinense Pers.
tetracantha Spr. four-spined * Dor 5 W & Amer. 1820. C Lp
Ktmn Mussai'nda tetrac&ntha Cav. * O or 8 W R Indies 1812. C Lp
°WW longispina Rox. long-spined
R9ftt f°soqutria longisptaa Wai. W
|3MlfccidaJfcw. shining E. Indies 1819. l.p
* * * montana Rox. mountain W E. Indies 1819. C l.pp
jgW amoeba*. M. pleasing Pk China C r.m Bot. m.ig. 1004
*mancampanulas Rox. campanulated K Indies 1815. C r.m
5^ 8ultifbliaLorf. narrow-leaved w" 1823. C r.m Bot cab. 512
OJU6 mexicana
thcobromafolia Fis. Cacao-leaved W a Amer. ... C r.m
Hori. Mexican 8 Mexico 1817. l.p
Vavitta Fis. Pavetta-flte 6 w w E, Indies 1817. »P
. 6 3 9 . GENrPA Tou. GENIP TREE. (Genepapo, its name in Guiana.) Rubticeo!. 5.—
^americanaJ. American f • fr JO ... Pa.Y S. Amer. 1779. P PI. ic. 127.135
gjMerianiBRich. Menan's J f3 fr 10 ... W Cayenne 180ft Lp
oblong-leaved $ • fr 20 ... Y Peru 1821. P FL per. 2.220. a
ucn. eatable J • fr 30 ... W Guiana 1824, Lp
?ulenta Lou.
e?culenta eatable
ea $ L j p r 20 * China 1823. 1-P
Gardenia escul&ite 5/>r.
53id°- °XYA NTHUS Dec. OXVANTUUS. (Oxys, acute, anthos, a flower.) Rubihcae. I.
°«"4 8peciosusfl«r. showy * • or 3 jl W S. Leone 1789. C p.l Lind.col.13
RANDIA. (J. Randy F.R S., a London botanist.) Rubihceee. 7. —10.
obovate » D o r 6 W Peru 1820. C Lp Fl.per.2.220.b.
round-leaved * C D o r 6 W Peru 1820. C l.p
14 my.s W W. Indies 1733. C Lp Bot mag. 1841
am. obovSita Kth.
long-flowered « D o r 5 jl.s W & Leone 1696. C Lp Par. Ion. 96

532 amall-flowered * 4 jl.s W W. Indies 1818. C Lp SI. jam. 2.207.1

long-flowered 4 au.s W E. Indies 1818. C Lp 156.3
W. 5 W China 1818. C Lp
racemose ill lor 6 ... GAS E. Indies 1820. C Lp
(Its name in Ceylon.) Rubitcea. 8. —18
I • or 8 jn.s Y E. Indies 1814. C pi Botreg. 517
i CD or 6 jn.s O E Indies 182a
I1 I or 3 my.s Y China 1805. C p.l
20 au.s R Trinidad 1825. C p.l Bot mag. 2099
5S? 6 au.s R
C p.l Vahisy.2.29
Trinidad 1820. C pi Jacsc. 1.43
f g y showy *CDor
6 jn.s ... I. France 1834. C p.l 157.2
j329arcuataLnm. De la Lande's * • or
30chinensisJtow. arched ilQor 5 ... Y I. France 1822 C pi
China «l_Jor 6 China 1820. C p.l
, of Nepal.) Rubihce*. 1.
R Nepal 1823. C p.t Sw. fl. gar. 145

downy Georgia 1786. L* pT"5i'c. ain. 13

{Erithales. intensely green; foliage.) Rubidce*. 2L—4s
shrubby D f r 15 jLau W Jamaica 1793. C nJ Br. jam. 17.3
won Spr. Timon D or 12 E. Indies 1823. C l.p Ru. am. 3. 140
(G. H. Weber, a German botanist.) Rubtocetc. 2. —4.
rymbo IQcr 6 ... W E. Indies 1759. C l.p R. maL2.23
i/MwM cymosum { d o r SO ... W E. Indies 1811. C Lp

odSfH - p oonPd^°? AMAi

» i pendulous branches.) Ttuliihcete. 1.—a
» H_Jor 2 ... W Canaries 1772. C Lp

or 8 ...
or 6 ap.jl
or 6 mrjl
or 10 j l o
s as sags.*->•>•«
W E. Indies 1816. C rm Ru am i on
W. Indies 1791 C F . S * S . 5 t i S
heart-leaved 40

Cfdamlia m ( lor 60 O E. Imnn 4** c r.m R ma] 3.33

tasa rc ltox. cor. 1.5*
/VH^purjirirea Rox. puqili: .t 1 lor 10 ... P Iv lijilll .-
(5347 Utintblr Hun, CD or 10 PB.R E. Indies r.m!
5348 undulata IIW. •waved, leaved 1 lor so ... Y !•: l u d i M im. c r.m
650. CEPHAE*LIS Su*. CaMttun (Kephale, a heat 1: flower*.) RubiAcrx. 8 . - 2 6 .
5349 violiicen Sun. vidiit-Aerrifrf *. ESjor 1 Jn-jl W W. Indie* 181S. c r.m Aub. gui I. tw
Tapagamia viollcea Sure.
5350 tuinenlosa faM
a 1—i or
tt 1 1 or
4 jn.s Br Trinidad 1835.
r.m /Vul). gui. 1. 55 c
jtl.S r.m
ii^'il punlcea Vtihl
s w Jamuka 1793. C l.p (!
• oi
* ZLi "r 15I ap.jn... p
Trinidad I8JE1. r.m Aub. gui. 1. G3.3
5353 win'ureA IK.
Tapaebmin piirp&re 1 Aitli
5354 involucrftta W. involurrarcd
o | lor 5 jn.i w Guiana 18JR r.m Aub. gui. 1.64
w S. Lcanc
( •

BSS5 pedunculftU SaL

5356 asillarii Sws.
calyclnn L.
1 1 or S f
* (~l or 4 w Uraiil ld'ii;.
Par. luii. 103
Und. col. £1 c ft
651. GEOTHILA D Don. GenrniLA (Gf, the earth, phile o, tolove.1 llub&ccte. 1.
£357 ia>iftSrmii D. Don kidney-ihapcd fAlor i apjn r.a W. Inuiei 17: U 1-P Jac. am. 4fi
Psycho tria herbicea L.
659, SARCOCE'PHALUS^/i Gns Puca. (Sarx, Besh. keptiaU, a head; flower*.) RKb&cftt. 1.
5358 csculcntut Af%, eatable a • f*115 jl i'k S-Lconc c P-l Hort. tr. 5.18
053. HIHTE'I.LA W. ESnentLta. (HirAi*. Ii airy; young branches.) Chry&oliaWinesr. 2.—13L
5359 racembsa Lam. racemose ? 1 lor S5 ... V W. [iidie»1782. Lp Aub. gui. 1.9S
amcriduja Aub, » 1 1 or SO ...
5300 triindnt Swx. Irinndrou* w
Jamaica 1816. Lp Jac. am. |iic II c
ameriduia Joe. not Aub. paiiicu&ta
K54, TIUPH.VSIA Lou, T w r a i s u . {Triphatiot, triple; Sower* and leave*.)
SStil auraiitialn Mm.
Llmunui IriloDaia It,
Ilitlc-oranec a l_Jfr s JnJl w China 17W. c r.m But- rep. 143
635. H T I S Z. Tan. {Giiyd :. l r . . , Celt. , bat of treci.) Amfx-t&a*. ia—23.
53flS vinifeia L. wine-bearing 1 fr jn.jl G Various C
crumpled ft 20 jnjl G 1648. C i . p Sdim, ic. 34 8
53St dent'ita Lk. tooDuil 1 oror 10 1 ieax r.m
53S5 Wallfchtf Dec.
5305 glflbrJlla Koih
i moot tied
10 1 **^
*«• E . 1 rj.lii-s 1H19.
r.m co
5357 Indlea i. Indian • or O K. Indies 111 ft •.1 R.mnl.7.6 c
5368 enribea Dec. Caribc 6 r~1 or 10 •M G so • IT

W. Indie* 1800. r.m SI. jam. £.210.* c

tmiica Swx.
S369 iabrtisca L. WiJd Vine fr 10 .„ G N. Amer. L s.p!
2 b&ca* albii white-borrjed lr 10 G H. Aratr. L
5370 jntivllii A/jr. lummer or ... G
so N. Amer. C *P Jac t c 425
\ lllplll.l Jl'.
t\nualc.!,yivfd • or 10 • »» G N. Amcr.
i-^ ji i.
C r.m
5371 Purlnf Ham. I'ur.ut's or 10 ... Nepal c r.m
5372 cordiftilia Mr. cord a U'-It',: \ •«! or 10 m G N. Amer. 1806i c Joe.«. 427
5373 rip&ria Hx. T or 'M mj,Jn N. Amcr. [SOS. «.p Hot, mag. 2429
5374 rotundifolia Mi. roundlc>aved J. or 90 ... G N. Amer. 1606, B-p c
65ft AMPELOTSJSJ it. AlilPELOPfilf [Ampetot, a vine , rwcmblanco.) Amveh'dca:. 4 . - 7 .
5375 cordita Mr. lieatt-/iv)tv(/ i or H N. Amer. 1803. C CO
Cltius Ampeluplis P e n .
5376 biplnniU AT*. bi pi mi ate or 15 Fa K. Amcr.
5377 AeuBfftem A/r. Ivj.ltke J
• or GO JllJl Ro noa cc COCO Cor. ca.JO0
N. Amer,
CIMU* quinquef&liui Mr. ma.
5378 hiwtita Dunn hairy 1 or 60 up. my P.a K. Amer. (80S c co
657. BHA'MNUS L. Bl'CKTHOBN. (Ram, a. tult of tranche*, Cell.) J •u mnet f. sa-6i..
5379 jflatenius L. bast.-lml.- A la tut a or 40 apjn G S. Ktirope 1620. CO
1 balcirica Balearic or 40 G B. Eurtif* I. CO
Sponinh ft or 40 apjn G S. Europe M I. CO
Sgftbra cmooth jai
or 40 op. n G S. Europe t*
entire-leaved or 40 ap. D s. Europe L
5 maculita a m* BO

6 ai'irea
nj nit ted M

or 40 ll G B KIIFOJH: L CO
golden -criged or 40 np! II O. S, Europe •I
L co
TjiriegaU-d up. n S. l-'nrujKj
7 v.-irjcg^ta or 40 O I. eo
8 argL-ittea Mwr-cdged ft or *1 flP.j II G S. Kuri.ju- L co
9 ljicinijra JiiKgetl-Zt'dwJ • or 40 G BL 1 -l!i '']•!• I, co
£380 hybridus Htril. hybrid at or 12 my.jn L co Hcr.ur.S
£381 CltilM W. Cluiiut'i or 30
a S. Europe IQ2ft L
5S8SglanduliwuW.JtT. glandukir • 1 [or 15 jn.jl oG Caauiei I7K5. C
pJ \<m. ii
53S3 integrifftliu* Dec, en tire-leaved • t | or 3 o Tenerhft 18SJ2.
c r.m Jiei-. mon i"
5384 »urlnamf>n«is Sen. Surinam • 1 1 or 1 .» G.Y Surinam 1SJJ (• rm Scop,(i
5385 kinRifblids Detfi Inng.tcitved or 6 • ... G L
mo, CO

53SB ^ n o M eV/frtS. Winttr-lwr.-lk a 1_J or u au.i Y C G. H. 1778, C p. I Her. trr 9

ft G.T
5387 feltifuliu* Thuk C I'ltis-leavcd
1 | or SO ap.jn C 1 • ) - Hur. af. wj«
5388 catharticiu 1.. purging or 15 my.jn G.V >iig!and hod. i. CO LJIK. boL I s ?
£389 virgutus /iflr.
dyc-r'» ft
or 8
or 5
in jl
y issa L1.
r.m W.&K
5390 tincliiriiM W. S[IL Pa.Y
5391 ii, (W-t drius f.. dyer's or 6 jn.jl G.V S. Europe issa
LG83. I. CO A r L i m - , ' s j
1 w
S39S mxiiilis /.. rock or 1 my.jn G.Y Europe CO175S. C Jai . su. »•
tiS95 olcold^ / j . Oljve-Iifco • or 4 JnJl G.Y Spain 17iSL L CO *
W^l ftuxifuliua J'ojr. Box-leaved • or 6 my.jn ... s, Europe I.™
5395 pub^tcciu JP«>. pUbOM'CItt or 4 my.jn Pa.\ Kr.mce 1817. Ei r.m
539A crmulktuf J/ A* crenulnte \ | or 8
mr O.Y Iteetttb ma tL P-l
5397 feclotdm L. or t.d G.Y Spain 175! CO (\1F, iC 2. ™
\*,»\ l i t e r I I . h k c
A i nurad •• or 6 t.d G.Y Sjaii! 175£ I. CO
53fleErythT<ixylon />aa lic-d.UOOd • or 6 Y.w Stberta 1BB3, I- CO
5399 piimilu* I. dwarf
• or •J Jl Caniiola L CO Scnp-e^"
SaOOWulffeniSpr.^ WuHen't or 1 Jl G S. Europe 1752. L co Jac. c 2.11
_..,, pumilus Jac.
JfOl rupestris Fil. rock or 2 my.jn G S. Europe 1811. L r.m
•>*02 valentlnus W. Valentla or 2 myjn G S. Europe 1816. L co Cav. ic. 2.181
(...^P^milus Cav.
5*03 alplnus L. Alpine or 5 myjn G Switzerl. 1752. L co
5404 davfcricus Fis. Davurian or 10 myjn G Davuria 1817. L r.m PaLros.2.61
5JC5 nlnifblius HeriL Aldcr-leaved or 4 my G N. Amer. 1778. L co
f*06 franguloldcs Mx. Frangula-like or 4 myjn G N. Amer. 1810. L co
g07 pusllius Ten. weak or 1 my Italy 182a L r.ra

sss anas' fc
? f » caroliniknus Carolina or 4 myjn G N. Amer. 1818. L p.l
Frangula or 12 W Britain woods. S co 250
broad-leaved or 4 jl G Azores 177a L co Den. br. 11
0*11 Thetxans L. Theezan tea * i_J or 3 myjn G China ... C p.l
mlcio n Uu8
2K P J smallIeaved
t t * A small-Ieaved • • or 4 Mexico 1823. C r.m H. & B. 1.616
SU ^"fionus £. four-angled ft ii_Jlor 6 ... G C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
5414 lanceolatus Ph. spear-leaved ft or 12 myjn G
N. Amer. 1812. C p.l
{M. Berchem, a French botanist?) Rhamnea. 2 . - 5 .
uDcc. lined • i_Jor 8 jn.jl G China 1804. C l.p Osb.7
1inPktU8.D,'c. lined " L j _ J o
, ? m n u s*scc.
- *—--"—o
e^tus JL. twining
_$ "# S. or 15 jnjl G Carolina 1714. S B.p Jac. ic. 2.336
vol5bilisDtfc twining 1 o
(£n6plia volubilis R$S. Ah&mnus voTobilis L.
(Ax Greek
in 51
adopted from Dioscorides.) Rhamnne. 2 . - 5 .
°*17 aculektus Lam. pointed or 4 jnjl P.o R ^nmne Wflfi.
S. Europe 1596.S Sco co Lam. il. 210 210
6418 virgatus D. Don twiggy or 6 au.s G.Y Nepal 1817. L co Bot. mag. 2535
Zizyphus incfirvus B.M. not Wai.
fiiSS 0
" ? x ; z YPHUS Tw. ZIZVPHUS. , the Moorish, Zhmtf, the Arabic name.) Itkdmtu*. 18.-48.
»UJ^»« Lam. common ft 6 au.s P.o & Europe 1640. C l.p PaLros.2.59
- ^ -ffhamnus Zizyphus i .
China I /or 3 myjn W China 1818. L r.m
Lotc-tree 4 ... G.Y Africa 1731. S p.J Desf. 1788,21
mucronate 2 LJ or Y.o C. G.H. 1810. S r.m
iguana kl_|or 3 jLau
Y Antilles 1820. C r.m Cav. ic. 3.291
Christ's-thorn t or 6 au.s
G.Y Egypt L p.l Alp.seg. IS*
flexuous or 6 Y... Nepal 1820. L rra
white-fruited Jfr 10 G.Y China 1817. C pi
Caracutta or 10 myjn
G.v Mysore issa CC p.ll
Napeca or 15 W... Ceylon 1816. C fp Ru. am. 2. 37
incurved ft or 5 G.Y Nepal r.m
182a C r.m Bot. mag. 2535
Cfinoplia • •or 3 G.Y Ceylon Bur zey. 61
• •or 6 G.Y E. Indies 1824. C
round-leaved HQor 6 ... G.Y lylorF
CeylorF 1824. C Pluk. al. 197.2
Jujube A Q f r 16 P.o E. Indies 1759. C Ru. am. 2.36
*Qor 6 P.G E.Indies 1821. C l.p
*t_Jfr 6 myjl G.v China 1822. C l.p
•CDor 6 ... Madagasc.1820. C Lp
(A. Condal. a Spanish physician.) Rhdmnea. 1. —2.
*_Jcu 2 ... G Chile 1824. C co FLper.84
myrtoldes Or.

ssas r, the latter season: time of ripening.)

• l_Jor 3 myjn W
• L_i or 3 jnjl W
C.G. H. 1824.
C. G. H. 1818.
• UJ or 3 jl W C. G. H. 1824.
Celastrmea. 26.-87.
C s.p
C p.l
C p.l 97.1
• i_Jor 6 myjn W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Buc. 12. 6. 3
shining H-Ljor 2 ap.s W C. G. H. 1722. C p.l Mee. ic. 1.12
i or 20 jl
or 15 myjn Y
Ljor 5
D o r 16

!." w'
Virginia 1759.
N. Amer. 1736.
Japan 1817.
Pluk. al. 28.5
Schk. han. 1.47
E. Indies 1810. C l.p
Cassine-like i | or 4 au.s W Canaries 1779. C p.l Her. ser. 6.10
three-styled Dor 5 myjn ... I. France 1824. C 8.p
drooping i_Jor 5 my.jn G C G.H. 1817. C s.p
waved 4 myjn "W C. G. H. 1826. C S.D
Myrtle-leaved or 20 "W Jamaica 1810. c SL jam. 2.193 J
four-angled I lor 6 W C G. H. 1816. C
• Q or w Brazil 1820. C
(_Jor w C. G. H. 1817. C
• L-Jor Y Peru 1824. C Fl. per. SL 2S9. a,
•Dot 7 Mexico 1824. C 8.1
linear •l_Jor 4 myjn W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
cmdrginate • i | or 8 C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
rigid 3 myjn W C G . H. 1818. C p.l
Box-leaved 4 myjn W C.G. H. 1752. C p.l Bot mag. 21H
lexubsus Thun. uymose Ljor 3 jl W C. G. H. 1815.
tnultifli.rus Lam. flexuous i_J or 6 myjn W C. G. H. I8ao. C p.l Bot inag. 2070
Pyractinthus L. many.flowercd L-Jor 4 my.jn W S. Europe 1816. c p.i
fire-spined - •— g royjn W C G.H. 1742. C p.] Botmag.lifi7

(J. Hartogt a Dutch traveller.) <

as C p.l

• LJ or
or 6 I.
C G. H. 1824. C Thun pT.2
G 2

665. SEKA.XIA Com. SENACIA. (Senac, a French physician.) Pittospbrea. 2. — '

5467 undulata Lam. wave-leaved L O o r 12 ... W Bourbon 1785. C Lp
5468 nepalensis Dec. Nepal 10 ... W Nepal 1820. C Lp
Celastrus verticillatus Box.
* 666. £UO'NYMUS Tou. SPINDLB TBBB. (Having afeood name, by antiphrasis; fetid.) Celastrinece. 17.—30.
europsxus L.
5469 europs\is L. European » or 15 my.jl W Britain 'bed. S B.1
1 pdmilus dwarf or 4 my.jl W S 8.1
2 leucoc&rpus Dec. white-fruited or 12 my.jl W Britain L r.m
5470 verrucosus Sco. wartcd ill or 6 my.jn G Austria 1763. L p.1 Schm. ar. 72
5471 latifolius Bauh. broad-leaved da or 10 jn.jl G Austria 1730. L s.l Bot. mag. 2384
54-12 nanus Bicb. dwarf ft or 3 Caucasus 1825. C r.m
5473 atropurpureus Jac dark purple or 6 jn.jl
ft or 6 jn.jl Pk N. Amer. N. Amer. 1756 L p.1 Schm. ar. 73
5474 americanus L. American 1683. L s.p Schm. ar. 75
5475 sarmentosus Nut. sarmentose or 3 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1824. L p.1
scandens Hort.
5476 angustifuhus Ph. narrow-leaved ft or 6 jn.jl Y.B N. Amer. 1806. L p.1
5477 obovatus Nut. obov&te-leaved ft or 3 my.jl Pk N. Amer. 1820. L p.1
5478 japdnicus Thun. Japan M i_J or 6 Pk Japan 1804. C p.1 Ka?m. ic. 8
5479 lucid us D. Don shining ft or 7 ... W Nepal 1820. C s.p
5480 micranthus D. Don small-flowered ft or 8 ... W Nepal 1820. C s.1
5481 chinensis Lou. Chinese ft I or 4 my.jn W China 1820. C co
5462 echinatus Wai. prickly *—Jor 10 my.jn W Nepal 1824. C co Bot mag. 2767
5483 grandiflurua Wai. largc-flowcred ^ _ j o r 8 my.jl W E. Indies 1824. C s.p
5484 grissus Wai. thick i l I or 6 my.jn W Nepal 1824. C co
5485 Hamiltonidni« Wai. Hamilton's l _ J o r 20 mr W Nepal 1825. L r.m
•667. COLLEVTA* Com. COLLBTIA. (Collet, a French botanist) Rha'mnear. 4. —7.
5486 spinosa Lam. spiny • D o r 2 my.jl Ap Peru 1823. C Lp Lam. il. 2.129
horrida W.
5487 aerratifblia Ven. saw-leaved my.jl Y Peru 1822. C l.p Ven. eels 15
§5488 obcordata Ven. obcordate D Y Peru 1822. C l.p Ven. eels 92
(5489E'phedra Ven. Ephedra-ft'Ae _Jor G Chile 1823. C co Ven. ch. 16
*668. CEANO X THUSL. RED WOOD. (Keo, to prick: name used by Theophrastus.) Bhdmnete. SSL —
5490 lasvigatus Dec. smooth-leaved G.v W.Indies 1818. C l.p
.Ahamnus laevigatus Vahl
5491 capensis Dec. Cape *l_Jor 3 my.jl W C. G.H. 1823. C l.p
.fihamnus capensis Thun.
5492 zeyl&mcus Roth Ceylon • Dor 3 Ceylon 1818. C s.1
Celastrus zeyl&nicus Schult.
§5493 asiaticus L. Asiatic i_Jor 12 Pa.Y Ceylon 1091. C p.1 Cav. ic. 5. 440.1
5494 sphaerocarpus Dec. round-fruited 15 ... G.v Jamaica 1824. C p.1
Jthamnus sphaerospermus Swz.
5495 infestus //. & B. troublesome ) or 4 ... Mexico 1824. C Lp H.&B.n.7.6l*
(5436 colubrinus Lam. snake-wood )tm 20 my.n G Bahama 1762. L co Jac. vin. 3.50
iZhamnus colubrinus L.
(5497 reclinatus Hen/. rcclinatc 5 au G Jamaica 1758. L co Br. jam. 29.2
ithamnus ellipticus H. K. •
5498 mystacinus Dec. bearded tCDor 13 n W.o Africa 1775. S p.1
/Zhamnus mystacinus H. K.
(5499 cubensis Lam. Cuba iQor 5 ... C Cuba 1820. C p.1
jRhamnus cubensis L.
5500 azureus Desf. blue i LJ or 10 ap Pa.B Mexico 1818. C p.1 Bot. reg. 291
ca*rftleus Lag.-
5501 tardiflorus Horn. late-flowering ft or 3 s.n W N. Amer. 1820. L s.l
5502 americanus W. American ft or 2 jl.o W N. Amer. 1713. S p.1 Bot. mag. 1*79
5503 macrocarpus Cav. long-fruitcd • Dor 3 jl.o Y N.Spain 1824. C l.p Cav. ic. 37270
5504 nepalensis Wai. Nepal ft or 10 ... Y Nepal 1820. C p.1
5505 ovatus Desf. t ft or 3 jn.o W N. Amer. 1818. L s.1
5506 perennis Ph. . perennial ^ A or 2 jn.s W Carolina 1822. L s.1 „. a
5507 intermedius Ph. intermediate or 2 jnjl W N. Amer. 1812. C Lp Pluk. al. 28. &
5508 sanguineus Ph. blood-stalked or 2 my.jl W Missouri 1812. C Lp
5509 microphf llus Mr. small-leaved ft or 1* jn.jl W N. Amer. 1806. L p.1
(5510 africanus W. African I or 6 mr.ap B C. G. H. 1712. C p.1 Pluk. ph
5511 Mocinianus Dec. Aiocino's lor ... Mexico 1824. C p.l
Gfi9. CORYNOCA'RPUS Font. CORYNOCARPUS. {Koryne, a club, karpos, fruit.) Myrsine*. 1.
5512 Isvigatus Forst. smooth ± i_J or 20 N. Zeal. 1823. L r.m Font 16
• 670. POMADE'RRIS Lab. POMADEBRIS.u (Poma, a lid, derris, a skin; berries.) Rhamncce.
5513 phillyreoldes Sieb. Phillyrea-like l_J or 2 Pa.Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.p
5514 Lanigera B M. woolly l_J or 3 Pa.Y N. Holl. 1806. C s.p Bot. mag-
5515 ellfptica Lab. ova\.leaved or 10 myjl Pa.Y N. HolL 1805. ~ s p Bot. mag.
5516 acuminata Lk. acuminate i lor 8 my.jl Pa.Y N. Holl. 1816. C s.p
5517 discolor Ven. two-colored i lor 5 myjn Crea N. Holl. 1814. p.1 Vent maL
C p.1
5518 intermedia Sieb. intermediate 4 N. HolL 1825.
5519 apetala Lab. apetalous 7 myjn Pa.Y N. HolL 1803. C p.1 .
5520 aspera Sieb. rough ft i | or 6 myjn Crea N. Holl. 1825. C s.p Lab.n. h.
5521 globulosa G. Don. globulosc ft i lor 6 apjn N. Holl. 1803. C D1
Ceanuthus globuldsus Lab. C p!l Lab.n.h.
5882 capsularis C.
Ct. Don p
capsular M\ |or 3 apjn F.Y N. Holl. 1820. C p.1
C'eanuthus <*nnciil\
/Vmn.'.thne capsularis
" "Forst.
5523 Wendlanditiwfl Swt. Wendland's ft LJ or 6 apjn P.Y N. Hull. 1810. C p.1 Sw. a"-ic*
Ccan5thus \Vendlandion«s R. & S.
6524 spatulkta CT. Don spatulate ft L_J or 4 apjn P.Y N. Holl. 1826. C p.1 Lab. n. »»•l
spatuKitus Lab.
Ceanbthus spatu
6526 phylicifulia LLad. Phylica-leavcd ft i | or apjn C s.p Bot. cab. *-
Pa.Y N. Holl. 1819.
6526fcdif61iaOM. Ledum-leaved
L d l d f fti
t JI or apjn Pa.Y N. HoU. 1824.
C s.p
Sm. APPLB-BEBBV. (J. J. LabiUardiere, a French botanist.) Pittosporea- "
climbing 4_ L-J or 12 C ' N. S. W. 1790. S B P Bot."
5528' mutabnis Sal. changeable | . | | or 8 jn.s P N. S. W. 1795 S sp Bot.
5529 longiflora Lab. long-flowered 4 L_J or 20 jn.s C V. Di. L. 1810. S s.p Bot.
5530 fusif6rmis Lab. spindle-shaped Jj t_j or 8 B V. Di. L. 1823. S s.p Lab.n.
5531 angustifblia Dec. narrow-leaved 1_ i_J or 12 Crea N. HoU. 1820. C s p
5538 parviflora Dec
small-flowered fl_ i_J or 12 B N. HolL 1825. C s.p
(iMa, an olive, dendron.ftxag Celatirtne*. 5 . - 8 .
« U ... G.v Mauritius 1771. C p.l Jac.ic.1.48
or G.w N. Holl. ... C s.
J G>w N&w 179& c J
£? -
- c N h 2 4 1
- - - -
I CD or 3 Antilles 1816. C s.l.p Ven. ch. 23
-"•"•c xyiocarjia ^ Kit.
DIOSMA. (Diw, diTine, omet smellO Rvtaceee. 25.-42.
opposite-leaved m
succulenWurf * i_j or 3 mrjl W C.G. H. 1752.
£j or C p.1 Com. r. 1.1
2 apjn W C.G. H. ... C p.l Wen. c. 1.1
Cypress-leaved «L L_J or lijnjl Pk C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 PI. al. 279.2
litiear-leaved M-i_Jor mr.jl W C.G. H. 1800. C p.1
pectinated «-l | or
subulate apjn B C G. H. 1812. C p.1
»Ljor mrjl W W
C. G. H. 1818. C p.1 Wen. c. 1.8
red mrjl R C.G. H. 1800. C p.1
*Ljor C.G. H. 1752. C p.1 Bot. rep. 451
gJ6tetrag{,n a four-angled W w C.G. II. 1789. C p.1
* apjn C. G. H. ... C p.1
apjl w
slenderest C. G. H. 1820. C p.1
r°*7 tonmt'M.. hairy-lcaved l_Jor mr.jl Pk C. G. H. 1731. C p.1 Com. r. 3.3
twiggy V_Jor mrjl W C.G. H. 1820. C p.1
Hcath-likc l_Jor
J mrjl w C. G. H. 1756. C p.1 Bot mag. 2338
p C.G. H. 1790. C p.1
capitate *LJor 2 myjn w C. G. H. ...
long-leaved 2 mr.jl C p.1 Wen. c. 1.19
*Ljor 2 mrjl w C G. H. 1823. C p.1
heart-shaped tt.iCL i | or
w C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
scaly 1 apjl w" C G . H. 1818. C p.1
corymbose tt-i lor 1* apjl w C. G. H. 1818.
• LJor C. G. C p.1
myjl w H. 1824.
most fetid
hybrid • LJor 22 mrjl w C. C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
ft. Ljor G. C p.l
Broom w C. G. H. H. 1812. C p.1
«-l | or
i»5l! w C. G. H. 1823.1823. C p.1
C p.1
1 apjl
« (Dicha, without, osme, smelL) Ruthcex. 1.
* LJ or 2 apjl W C. G. H. C p.1 Jac. col. 3.20.1

Ruthceee. 10. —
acuminate * i _ J o r 2 . ._ M. \s. n. J775. C p.1 Bot. mag. 573
W C G . H . 1812. C p.1 Bot. cab. 493
*>' ;peci6sa B.." pleasing • LJ or 2 ap.jl R C G . H . 1798. C p.J Bot. reg. 553
showy i l l |or 2 apjl Pk C. G.H. 1789. C p.1 Bot. mag. 1271
many-flowered il LJ or 2 apjl Pk 1790. C p.l
C G . H . 1790.
*— J
* l _ J o r 2 ap.jl Pk C. G. H. 1790. C p.1
Pk C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 Wen. c. 1.10
ft I | or 2 apjl Pk C. G. H. 1786.
il I | or 2 apjl C p.1
2 mrjl Pk C. G. H. 1806. C p.1 PIuk.al411.3

i LJ or 3 mr.jn Pk C G. H. 1789. C p.1 ~_ B . ~«

* LJ or 2 apjl W C G. H. 1824. C p.1 Bot cab. 290
crenata * L J o r 2 f.s W CG.H. 1790. C p.1 Bot mag. 161
chZ^ * L J o r 2 W CG.H. 1774. C p.1.
a Zorf. * l _ j o r 2 apjl W CG.H. 1790. C p.1
* L - J o r 2 apjl W C.G.H. 1816. C p.1 Botreg.502

pretty f.s P
broacMeaved jLau W COH ™ S P-! B °t-mag. 1357
apjn P r^« J2?* £ P1 Bot rep. 33
P CG.a 1774. C p.1 Bot cab! 210
P co a IT?!" r p! y«-*i»
B P lfCTaFrn/ proliferous CZj J
2 ap my W CG H S * Wen. c. 1.14
fea l2
1 ambigua Dec.
- wrinkled •LJor 2 apjn W
jLjor 2 apjn W
C G . H . 1790. C p.1 Wen.c.3.77
Diosma ambigua ambiguous »Ljor C. O. H. 1790. C p.1
i. 2 apjn W C G. H. 1810. C p.1 Bot cab. 461
»acuminate W.en. acuminate 5Ljor 5 apjn V C G. H. 1812.
bearded Ljor 2 apjn "W C G. H. 1810. C p.1 Wen. c. 1.28
imbricated Ljor 3 an.
3 apjnin Pk C G. H. 1774.
2 apjn W C G. H. 1824. 8 jjl Wei,c. 1. 9
2 apjn C. G, H. 1825. C p.1
Flax-leaved 2
w C G. H. C pi
C p.l

aH I S I" III 1
l/JlL C p.1
C p.1
C fp
G 3

S Ventenatidna R. & S. Ventenat's ft LJ or 2 apjn C. G. H. C I.p

S exsiccata Dec. dried up *i_Jor 2 apjn C. G. H. C I.p Lam. a 127. S
5598 hispida W. hispid tt.|_Jor 1 C.G. H. 178aC p.1
5599 brevifolia Lam. short-leaved ft uJ or 2 apjn C. G. H. 1818.
C lp
561)0 reflcxa Lk. retlexed-teaved * i I or 2 apjn C. G. H. 1820.
C I.p
5601 Brun\ades Lk. Brunia-like ft|_Jor 2 apjn C. G. H. 1820.
C Lp
678. SP1RANTHEXRA St. Hel. SPIRANTIIERA. (Speira, a spiral, anthera, an anther.) Ruthcea. 1.
5602 odoratlssima St. Hel. most odorous *Oor 6 ... W . R Brazil 1823. C p.l N. M.r. 11.31
Terpn&ntliusjasminiodbrus Nee*
*679. PITTO'SPORUM Ban. PITTOSPORUM. (Pitloo, to pitch, iporof, feed; in pitchy fluid.) Pittospbre*. 13—17.
5003 i
5603 coriaceum HK
H. K. coriaceous ft ftLJor (J or 10 10 my BB Mdi
Madeira 1787 L P-ll Bot
1787. Bt reg. 151
5604 viridiflorum B. At. green-flowered ftuJor 6 myjn G C. G. H. 1806. C p.1 Bot mag 1(81
5605 Toblra H. K. Tobiru fti_jor n" W China 1804. C p.1 Bot. mag. 131*6
5606 undulatum B. Rep. •waved-leaved ft i lor fjn W.v N. S. W. 1789. C e.p Bot reg. 16
5607 revolutum H. K. revolute fti tor f.ap Y 1795. s.p Bot. reg. 186
5608 fulvum Rud. fulvid *l_Jor Y N. a w. 1820. G r.m Lin. tr. 10. i.0
5flO9 tomentusum Bonp. woolly ftuJor ap.o Y N. Holl. 1824. r.m Bon. nav. 21
5610 fcrruglncum H. JC rusty-leaved ftQor Y N. HolL 1787. G s.p
5611 hirtum W. en. hairy »Ljor my Y Guiana 1822. C r.m
hirsutum Lk. Canaries
5612 Andcr&6nn Fis. Anderson's ft i lor myjn N. Holl. 1820. C r.m
5613 tenuifuhum Gae. thin-leaved ft\_Jor myjn N. Holl. 1820. C r.m Lam. il. 143.1
5614 expense Nois expensive myjn 1820. C r.m
5615 mauritianum Lo. C. Mauritius ft^Jor myjn Mauritius 1825. C r.m
680. LASIOPETALUM Sm, LASIOPETALUM. {Lasios, hairy, petalon, a petal; flower.) Byttneridcex. 2.
51 fiparviflorum
n a r v i f l ^ i m Sm.
.CM* small-flowered li_Jor
i m a l l flnuf/>»J dfc . I «» 3 9, apjl
anil W
W MN. Hnll
Holl. IQlft
1810. CCInI.pI'm
1Q Q 2
5617 lerrugineum Bud. rusty \\ | or 4 apjl W N. Holl. 1791. C s.p Bot mag. 1766
*681. THOMA^S/^ Gay TIIOMASIA. (M. Thomas, a collector of Swiss plants) Byttnerietcea. 5.
5618 purpiirea Gay purple * L j o r 3 apjl P N. HolL 1803. C a.p Bot mag. 1756
Lasiopitalum purpureum B. M.
5619 foliosa Gay leafy #i_Jor apjl Ap N. Holl. 182a C s.p Gay.dis.7
5620 aolankcea Gay Solanum-like il r j or apjl W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1486
5621 triphylla Gay thrce-leavcd *Ljor apjl Ap N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1.88
Lasiopetalum triphyllum Lab.
5622 guerciftlia Gay Oak-leaved or 3 apjl P N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 1485
682. SERI'NG/il Gay SERINGIA. (itf. Seringe, a Swiss botanist.) Byttnerihcea. 1.
5623 platyphf lla Gay broad-leaved * LJ or 12 apjl W N. Holl. 1802. C B.p Mem. m. 7
Lasiopetalum arborescens H. K.
683. BYTTNExR/i< Loe. BYTTNERIA. {B.S.A. BUttner, prof. bot. at Gottingen.) Byttneriace*. 8. —2a
5624 dasyphylla Gay thick-leaved * i_J or 3 jnjl W V.Di.L. 1780. C p.l Bot rep. 603
Commerb5n<a dasyphylla B. Rep.
5625 hermanni/o//o Gay Hermannia-lvd* L_J or N. Holl. 1823. p.1
5626' hcrbarca Rot. herbaceous £fc (Z2 jnjl E. Indies 1820. p.l Box. cor. 1. 9!d
5627 grandifblia Dec. large-leaved • • un E. Indies 1823. p.l
5628 cafts/jvefolia Jac. Catalpa-leaved * • un Caraccas 1823. p.l Jac. sc. 1.46
562!) cordata Lam. cordate * CJ un Peru 1824. p.l Gay dis. 5. ISO.
5630 scabra L. rougb-/eaved tt. • cu P W. Indies 1793. p.1 Oav.dis.5.148.1
5631 microph^lla L. small-leaved tt. CD cu W.p S. Amer. 1816. I.p Cav.dis.5.148.8
684. A Y E N AYENIA. (The Duke D'Ayen, of Koailles.) Malvdcece. 2 . - 6 .
5632 pusilla L. small £ O cu 1 jl.s P Jamaica 1756. C r.m Mil. ic. 79.118
5633 laevigata Surx.
smooth a. • cu 2 ... S Jamaica ... C r.m
685. CALODE'NDRON Thun. CALODENDRON. (Kalos% beautiful, dendron, a tree.) Ruthceee. 1.
5634 capense Thun. Cape 2 LJ or 40 ... Pk C. G. H. 1789. C Lp H. n. h. 4.22
686. TODDASLIA J. TODDALIA. (Kaka Toddali, its Malabar name.) Terebintvcetv. 3 . - 4 .
5635 aculeata Pers. prickly ft O or 6 ... W E. Indies 1790. C s.p 139
Scopolirt aculeata Sm. Paulllnja asia'tica L. o
5636 paniculata Lam. panicled ft • un 6 ... W I. France 1819. C s.p Lam. il. 139. >
Scopolw incrmis Sm.
5637 angustifulia Lam. narrow-leaved ft • or 6 ... W Mauritius 1824. C p.1
Rubintia angustifblia Spr.
* 687. ESCALLO^N/ylMutisEacAtLOMA. (Etcatton, a Spaniard, and American traveller.) Eseallonuz. £— *'
5638 discolor Mvtis sundry-colored ft CD'or 6 ... W S. Amer. 1820. C Lp Veil. ch. 5m
5639 floribunda / / . $ B. flowery ft O or 6 S. Amer. 1827. C Lp
688. RITYSCHL4 Jac. UUYSCIIIA. (F. Ruy*cht M. D., a celebrated Dutch anatomist) Maregravietcea:. I-
5640 clusup/o/ia Jac. Clusia-leaved ft O or 4 ... P W. Indies 1823. C p.1 Jac. am. 51. <
* 689. BURSA^RIA Cau. BURSARIA. (Buna, a pouch.) Pittosporete. 1. a
5641 spinosa Cav. thorny » L j o r 10 au.d W N. S. W. 1793. C s.p Botmag.J7e/
63a CEDREXA L. BASTARD CEDAR. (Cedrus, the cedar tree: aromatic resin.) Cedrilete. Cedrilete 3-T"nl
5642 odorata L.
sweet-scented f a t S O Pk
Pk W. W. Indies 1739. C l p
Indies 1739.
5643 Todna Rox. Toona E
E. Indies
Id 823 C l
5644 velutina Dec. velvety
691. HOV&SIA Thun. HOVENIA. ID. Hoven. a senator of Amsterdam.) Rhdmnete. 2.
5645 dulcis Thun. sweet l i _ j f r 8 W China 1812. C pJ Bot mag. a
acerba Lindl.
6646 ina^ualis Dec. _ unequal LJ fr 10 W Nepal 1823. C p.1
dulcis D. Don and Rox. pubescens Swt.
•692. BRXTN/il L. BRUNIA. (C. Brun. a traveller into the Levant and Russia.) Brvniacc*. 24.-"
5647 JieVis Thun. smooth l_Jpr 2 jn au W C6.H. 1822. 0
5648 nodiflura L. knot-flowered ftujor 6 W
C. G. H. 1786.
C G H P} Brey. c,i.22.'
5649 globusa Thun. globose ft L J P* 2
J nau - - * 18!& p.
5650 deiista Thun. hurnttipred tt. i_J or 1 W C. G. H. 1804. pi Bot cab.*7*
(5651 lanuginosa L. woolly ft L J or 3 W C. G. H. 1774. p.1
5652 comdsa Thun. tufted • L J pr 3 W C. G. H. 1820. P-
5653 verticillata L. whorled ft uJ or 3 W C. G. H. 1794.
5H34 squarruea Thun. squarrose ft i_J pr 2 W CG.H. 1820. P-j
Foxtail-like «-U-|or 1 ... W C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
loose *Ljor 2 w C. G. H. 1805. C p.1
J5657 paleacea L. HuJor 2 w C.G.H. 1791. C p.l Wen. c. 21
$5658 anrotanoldes Thun, chaffy «L I I o r 1* my.jl
Abrotanum-lk • u J p r 2 w
C. G. H. 1787. C p.1 Bot. cab. 355
t 5fo9 plumbsa Lam. w C. G. H. 1824. C p.1
flla Thun. feathery tL i lor 1 w C. G. H. 1804. C p.1
i Thun, small-leaved *L_Jor 2 w C.G.H. 1805. C p.1
Phylica-hke Ljpr 3 w C. G. H. 1820. C p.1 Wen. c. 2.62
«fi3ericotdesWh/. cobweb-like or 3 w C.G.H. 1804. C p.1 Wen. c 2. 57
fb64 raacrocephala FF. Heath-like 3 w C. G. H. 1815. C p.1
£665 superba Bonn long-headed * L J o r 4 nay," w C. G. H. 1791. C p.p.1
5666 fragarioldes W.
*5G67 cilikta L.
superb fLujor 1 ray w C. G. H. 1794. C p.1
5668 elegans Dum.
Strawberry-Ik | | or 1 my, w C.G.H. 1812. C p.1
ciliated * L J p r 2 w C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
«669 formosa Dwn. elegant
5670 hirsCita Lo. C. * L _ | o r 2 w C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
handsome * L J o r 2 w C.G.H. 1820. C p.1
B 693. BROS&ffi hairy (G. de la Brotte, physician to Louis XIII.) Ericece. 1.
5671 coccfnea X. BROSSJSA. * Q o r 4 ... S S.Amer. ... C Lp Fl.ic.64.2
694. 2'TEAZ. ITEA. (The Greek name of the willow.) Er&ete. 1.
5672 virginica X. Virginian SI or 6 j n . a u W N. Amer.1744. L i p Bot. mag. 2409
695. CYRI'LLi* L. CvniLLA. (D. CyriKo, M.D., prof. bot. at Naples.) Erfcete. 2.
fi673 caroliniana Ph. Carolina * U J o r 6 W Carolina 1765. C Lp Bot mag. 2456
5674Antillarum Mr. Antilles * L J o r 6 W Antilles 1824. C p.l
W.CLAYTONIA,. (J. Clayton, botanical collector in Virginia.) Portulhcece. 9.
ir-- "igiuica rn. Virginian A A pr | mr my St N. Amer. 1748. D D s.p Bot. mag. 941
J676 caroliniana H. K. Carolina „ M D s.p Par. Ion. 71
J677 grandiflbra Swt. great-flowercd *£ A
A «- j Pk N. Amer. 1789. "
R s.p Sw. fl. gar.
56/8 lanceolata PA. spoar-leaved | Pk N. Amer. ... D p.1 Ph. am. 1.3
5679sibiricaFF; Siberian _ pr | W N. Amer. 1812. Bot. mag. 2243
g » 0 alsinoldes Ph. Chickweed-like O pr R Siberia 1768. fiotmag. 1J09
J g l perfoliata Donn perfohate O cu i mrjn W Nootk.Sd. 1794. Bot. mag. 133d
«WZ unalaschkensis Fis. Unalaschka O cu I W N. Amer. 1794.
-^ Claytontobiflda W. O p t i mrjl W Russia 18£0.
°°83 Joanned/ia R. & S. Joannes's O pr I my.jl W Siberia 1818. S s.p
697- -BALSAMPNA Biv. BALSAM. (Balsamine,, a name used by by Dioscorides.)
Dioscorides.) Ba Balsamfnea. 10.-17.
°«»4 hortensis Desp. garden
lmpatiens B*S ' ' O o r 3 jl.o R E. Indies 1506. S r.m Black. 583
^ 5 coccinea Dec. scarlet CEo 2 jn.s S R Indies 1808. S r.m Bot. mag. 1256
««g corn&ta Dec. horned iQjor 2 jl.s R Ceylon 1826. S r.m Bur. zcy. 16.1
J«7 minor Dec. smaller lOJor « jl.s R E. Indies 1817. S r.m R. mal. y. 50
g*8 mysorgnsis Dec. Mysore iQJor
«OB9 1 ,-•*-»*• - ljl.s R Mysore 1820. S r.m
broad-leaved iQJor 1 jls Pa.R E. Indies 1818. S r.m R. mal. 9.48
fidaDec. bifid iQlor i jl.s R Japan 1820. S
« g l capensis Dec. Cape iQlor | j l s R C. G. H. 1S18. S r.m
^ * chincnsis Dec.
• - j — -*-"• China iQlor I jl.s P China 18*24. S r.m
madagascariensis j}«:. Madagascar iQlor ^
. .jl.s
. _R „Madagasc.1824.
.._, _S r.m
TOUCH-ME-NOT. (Capsules curl up and burst when touched.) Balsamfnea?. 9.—15.
u oatin « dfe felQIor
floating iHI or 2 jls R E. Indies 1810.
E.Indies 1810. S r.m
W. three-flowered
h O or Pa.R Ceylon 1818. S r.m Bur. zey. 16.2
W. two-flowered ~ N. Amer. ... S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 43
wie-flowered N. Amer. 1817. S r.m
Touch-me-not England S s.p
small-flowered Siberia 1820. S r.m
701 discolor Dec. threc-pctaled Nepal 1825. S r.m
*»7O2 cristate Wai. various-colored Nepal 1820. S r.m
crested China 1827. S r.m
a trench botanist, d. 1767.) 1-7
Pk S. Amer. 1820. S co
nodding P.R E. Indies 1824. S p.1
mmbnDec. twin-flowered S p.1

N. Amer. 18ia D p.1
many-cleft s. E 1752 D
Betony-leaved i apjn B N. Holl. 182a D p.1
sweet i apjn B
spea *jn.jl W N. Amer. 1759. D p.1
Prunella-lvd i ap.jn Pa.B Siberia 182a D p!l
Nepal 1825. D s.p
Siberia 1820. D p.1 Gm. si. 4.49.3
g4 obHqua W. iJLn P.B Peru 1822. D p i '
sister W I* »*=»!» 2 8
butterfly i apjn B
rough imyjn B
doubtful apjn Pa.Y Nepal
i. 190

5730 uliginosa Bes. swamp 1 P Carinthia 1823. D co

5731 rotundifMia Mx. round-leaved \ ap.jn P N. Amcr. 1817. D p.l
5TM asariffclia Ph. Asarum-lcaved i apjn W N. Amer. 1820. D p.l
5733 dentata Ph. toothed t ap.jn B N. Amer. 1817. D p.l
5734 clandestina Ph. clandestine i my Br Pensylv. 1800. D p.1
5735 blanda Nut. charming ft my.jl W N. Amer. 1802L D p.l W. h. b. 24'
5736 ovata Nut. ovate-ieaved i apjn P.D N. Amer. 1783. D p.l
primuliftilia Ph.
5737 pnmuUefulia Gro. Priraroae-lvd 3t A or I aP in p
a.B Carolina 1800. D p.1
• (not of Pur*A)
5738 alleghanensis R. * S. Alleghany A 1 ap.jn B N. Amer. 1824. D p.1
5739 Selkirk* GoL Selkirk's A P»" * jiijl B N. Amer. 1823. D 8.1
5740 hirta L. hairy A or i B England ch. so. D p.1 Eng. bot. 894
5741 humilis ILSfS. humble Alor & ap.jn W Mexico 1824. D p.l H.&B. 5.492.1
5742 hirshta R.SfS. hirsute A or iapjl B Bohemia 1820. D p.l
5743 colHna 2te*. hill A fra 1 B Poland 1822. D co
5744 campestris Bieb. field A or | P Tauria 1824. D co
574.> palftstris Sm. marsh A or 4 my.jn B Britain mos.b. D p.1 Eng. bot. 444
574H Schmidtian/i Schult Schmidt's A or £ my.jn B Austria 1821. D co
5747 pyrenaica Ram. Pyrencan A or | ap.jn B Pyrenees 1817. D p.1
5748 odorata L. sweet-scented A fra | P Britain, D p.1 Eng. bot. 619
1 purpbrca | P Britain D p.1
2 alba £ W Britain D p.1
3 csrulea hluc-Jtowcred mt A ''* | B Britain gard. D pi
double-purple 9n A f r a } P Britain gard. 1) p.1
4 purpdrca plena Britain gard.
5 alba plena double-white ft? A fra j W D p.1
6 csrulea plena double-blue £ B Britain gard. D p.1
4U A fra Britain gard.
7 pallida plena double- pale Ar A fra i Fa.B J) p.1
5749 nlplna Jac. Alpine *r A or *my.jn D.P Auntria 1823. D p.1 Jac. au. 242
5750 japomca Lan. Japan SW A o r * ap.jn B Japan 1818. D p.1
odorata Thun.
5751 palmaris Ham. palm A or |ap.jl Y Nepal 1825. D p.1 "
5752 canlna L. dog's A w \ ap.jn B Britain hca. D p.l Eng. bot. 620
5753 sylvestns Kit. wood A or i my.jn B Hungary 1820. D co
575-1 Kx6keri Gm. Kroker's A or \ my.jn Pa. R Siberia 1820. D p.1
5755 neglccta Schmidt neglected A or 1 my.jn P.B Crimea 1821. D co
5756 AlhuniiPio Allioni's A or i my.jn B France 1823. D p.1 Piovi. 1. 2
arenaria Dec.
5757 phmila Vil. dwarf fcmyjn Pa.B France 1818. D p.1 Vil.stras.5
lancifolia Thore, ericetorum Schr.
5758 glauca Bieb. glaucous ifc i my.jn P . B Poland 1822. D co
5759 sarmentosa Bieb. twiggy %, * jnjl B Caucasus 1824. 1> p.l
5760 lactea E. B. milk-colored jfc A or England moi. h. D p.1 Eng. bot 445
5761 Kuppit All. Ruppius's ^ A pr ,i m v . £ Italy 1822. U p.1 Bot. cab. 686
5762 HornemannsAnaR.&S. Hornemann'sjt A or i my.jn B ...... 1819. D p.1
stricta Horn.
5763 joersicifbha Roth Peach-leaved *)t A or 1£ my.jn
jnjl Crea
Crea Germany 1817. D p.l
5764 montana L. mountain i ^ o r 1 my.jn L.B AI.ofEur.1683. D p.l Bot. mag. 15U5
5765 littorkhs Spr. shore 5t A or i jnjl Pa.B Baltic 1820. ~ '
5766 Langsdorfit Fis. 1 jn.jl B Siberia 1823 D p.l
Langsdorf's ^ A OT ... D p.1
5767 stagn^na Kit. li my.jn Croatia 1820.
bog 3t A o r B Teneriftc 1817. D p.1
5768 Broussonetiana R. & S. Broussonct's ^ Al or
cordata Mx.
5769 hastata W. en. hastate ^ my.jn Carolina 1823. D p.1
5770 Nuttallit Ph. Nuttai's ^ A or my.jn Missouri 1812. D co
5771 triparCita Ell three-parted ^ A or jjl N. Amer. 1823. D p.1
5772 debilis Mx. weak ^ A or N. Amer. 1820. D co
5773valderia Valdcrian & A or Mt. Cenis 1805. D p.1 St. 3
5774 cenlsia All. Mount Cenis ^ A or Mt Cenis 1759. D p.1 Al.ped.2.22.6
5775 nummularifulia Alt. Moneywort-lvd^ A or S. France 1820. D p.1 Al.ped.9.4
5776 canadensis L. Canadian ^ A or N. Amer. 1783. D p.1
5777 striata II. K. streaked ^ A or N. Amer. 1772. D p.1
5778 ochroleuca Lewis' yellowish-white^ A or N. Amer. 1800. D p.1
5779 pubescens H. K. pubescent ^ A or N. Amcr. 1772. D p.1 Bot reg. 390
5780 mir4bihs W. wonderful ]£ A Germany 1732. D p.1 Fl. dan. 1045
5781 radlcans Dec. rooting %f Carolina 1823. D p.1
5782 biflbra L. two>fluwcred ^ A °r Al.ofEur.1752. D p.1 Bot. mag. 2081)
5783 uniflura W. one-dowered ^ Siberia 1774. 1) co Gm. si. 4.48.5
5784 deciimbcns Thun. derumbent ]£ C. G. H. 1819. D p.1
5785 arborcscens W. arlM>rcscent a. Spain 1779. L r.m Bar. ic. 568
5786 saxlcola R. % S. rock-inliabiting^ Portugal 1824. D p.1
saxatihs Hqfg.
5787 tricolor L. thrce-rolored Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot 1287
5788 banatica Kit. Banatian Germany 1820. S co
5789 arvtnsis Sib. lorn.rield Britain S co
5790 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited N. Amcr. 182a D p.1
579lprostnita A * 5 . prostrate Tcnenffe 1824. D p.1
5792declinatafF. AX. turncil aside Pannonia 1818. D p.1 W.&K.223
579J Kitaibclicina K. & S. Kitaibcl's Pannonia 1820. D p.1
5794 Selkirk/7 GoL Selkirk's N. Amcr. 1822. D p.1
5795 bicolor Ph. two-colored N. Amer. 1818. D p.1
5796 altaica Ker Altaic Siberia 1805. D co Bot.rcg.54
2 purpurea purple Siberia 1810. D co
5797 rothomagensisDe*/. Rouen France 1783. D co Bot mag. 1498
5798 saxatilis Schmidt rock Bohemia 1810. D p.1
_ lutea Bes.
5799 sudetica W. en. Sudetic Germany 1805. D eo
S800lutea.E.A yfl Britain m. pas. D p.1 Eng. bot. 721
5801 grandiflira L great-flowered Switzerl. ... D p.1 Hdf.h.556.17
5802 ortades Bieb oreads Tauria 1818. D p.1
5803 Pallas,, Fis. Pallas's Siberia 1818. D p.l
5804 chrysintha Fis. yellow-flowerad Germany 1820. D p.l
3805 amccNia Sumes pleasing Scotland tnoun. D p.1 Eng. bot 1287
5806 Zoys/i Wul. Zoys's
5807 calcarkta L. spurred Carinthia ... D co Jac. c.4 11* l
Switzerl. 1752. D p.l
5808 corn&ta L. honied A or Imyjn B Pyrenees 1776. D p.1 Bot.mag.791
5809 Vmarstan/i R. & S. Villars's A or ijnjl B Vallesia 1830. D p.1
calcarata Vil.
5810 gracilis Sib. slender A or Jjnjl P Greece 1817. D p.1
702. ERPE TION Swt. SPURLESS VIOLET. (Erpetos, trailing, ton, a violet) Vwlani*. 2 . - 3 .
5811 reniWrmis Suit. reniform J^-Alpr i m y . o P3 N. Holl. 1823. D s.p.1 Sw. fl. gar. 170
581S//ederaceaG.i)o» Ivy-leaved KW-Alpr ft my.o P.B N. HolL 1823. D s.p.1 Lab. n.h. 1.91
Hola Aederacea Lab.
703. SG?LEA Ging. SOLBA. (TV. Sole, author of an essay on the genus Mentha.) natorite. I.
58l3c6ncolorGinff. self-colored £ A or 1 jnjl G NT Amer. 1788. D p.1 28
''tola concolor Forst.
704. POMBA^L/il Van. POMBALIA. (Marquis de Pombal, a Portuguese statesman.) Fiolarieat. 1. - - S .
5814 Itiiba Ging. Itulu S E l m 1 jl W Brazil 1822. S co Bot mag. 2453
Ionfdium Ipecacuanha fi B M.
705. IONI'DIUM Ven. IONIDIUM. (Ion, a violet, eidos. like; similarity.) Violar&a. 2.—30.
o815 capcnsc B. $ S. Cape j 1 myjl W C. G. H. 1824. C l.p
Hola capensis Thun.
wlSstrictum Ven. strict • QS or myjl W W. Indies 1824. S p.1
3>17 Snrengelicinum R. & S. Sprcngel's [ .A) or myjl W Pensylva. 1818. S p.1
S&lea atricta Spr.
°°18 polygalasfblium Tun. Polygala-lvd LJ or 1 G.Y S. Amer. 1707. C Lp Vcn. mai. 87
KDI» S i t l e f l verticillita Spr.
•819 verbcnaccum / / . * JR Vervain-like EJ or i my.jl Pa.B Mexico 1823. S Lp H. & B. n. 5.407
706. KOISETTfA H. % R NOISETTIA. (IS. C. Noisette, nurseryman at Paris.) Violariiee. 1.—3.
5820 longifulia II. $ A long-leaved tt.C]or 1 ... Crca Cayenne 1824. S p.1 H.&B.n.5.429.11
Ionidium longif&lium B. # S. V\ola longifblia Poir.
* 707. CALY'PTRION Ging. CALYPTBION. (Kalyptra, a veil, ion, a violet) Violariea. 1.—6.
5821 Aubletij Ging. Aublet's L C D or ti ... Crea Guiana 1823. S p.l Aub. gui. 2,319
- ^ H o l a Hybanthus iteA. Ionfdiura Hybahthus f t £S. . „ * . _ .
"822 pyrifoliutn Afar*. Pyrus-lcaved tt.[Z]or 3 Brazil 1822. S p.1 Martbr. )C.
708. ALSODE'A Thou. ALSODEA. (Alsodes,lcafV.) Violarticc. 2 . - 7 .
uciflora Thou. few-flowered * C ] o r 6 ... W Madagas. 1824. C p.1 Thou. af. 17
tifulia Thou. broad-leaved * Q 6 ... W Madagas. 1824. C p.1 Thou. af. 18.8
709. CERANTHEXRA Beam. CERANTHERA. (Keras, a horn, anthera, an anther.) VitOarieee. 1.—ft
»5 subintegrifolia Jtfl««. sub-entire-lvd ft • or 6 jnjl W Guinea 1824. C 6.1 Beau. ow. 2. G6
a^ PHY'LICA L . PHYLICA. (Phyllikos, leafy j copious evergreen foliage.) Bhdmneaf. 4 5 . - 5 2 .
;**J> ramostssima Dec. branchiest i t J o r 16 my.jn W St.Helcnal810. C p.1
§27 stipularis L. stipular ftuJor 3 my.s W C. G. PI. 1786. C p.1 Bur. a£ 43.2
fJ28 parvifli>ra i,. small-flowered ft LJ or ap.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C p.1
ggJericoldesL. ft i_J or 3 ap.s C. G. H. 1731. C p.1 Botmag. 224
fJSOglabrataT/mn. smooth ft i I or 2 my.jn w
W C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
583l ac e r t«ar- chaffy ft LJ or 3 myjn W C. G. H. 1820. C p.1 PIulcaL 445.1
p 5erg. wool-bearing ft i | or 3 n W C. G H. 1774. C p.1 PI. am. 415.1
anceolata Thun. lance-leaved ft i_J or 3 W C. G. H. 1790. C p.l
blcolor Z. two-colored ft i | or 2 myjl W C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
finda 27«a». side.flowcring ft uJ or 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
imWrbisL. beardless ftLjor SJmyjl W C. G. H. 1824. C p.1 Seba.2.49.5
a t M L southern ~ i_jor 6 apjl W C. G. H. 1818. C p.1
dwarf i lor 1 myjn W C. G. H. 182a C p.1
hairy i l o r 3 apjl W C. G. H. 1820. C p.1
7 villous i l o r 2 my W C. G. H. 1790. C p.1
papillosa papillose i lor 3 myjl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.1 Wen. c. 3.71
Rosemary-lvd or 3 W C. G. H. 1815. C p.1 Bot cab. 849
cylindrica cylindrical 2 W C. G. H. C p.1 Wen. c. 1
xcglaa WnL lofty I u J o r 16 my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. C p.1 Wen. c. 3.4
lorizontklis Vcn. horizontal 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1830. C p.1 Ven. mal. 57
f&HSplum&saJ*': feathered 2 W C. G. H. 1752. C p.1 Bot. cab. 253 ''
Wsquarrosa^u. squarrose i\ | or 2 au.n W C. G. H. 18C0. C p.1 Bot. cab. 56
1 myjn W C. G. H. 1800. C p.1 Spr. b. m.8. 8. 6
pubescent 2 f.ap W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot cab. 695
headed 1 W C. G. H. 1800. " ' Bot.reg.711
globose 3 myjl W C. G. H. 1800.
callous-fcatvrf 1 mr.ap W C. G. H. 1774. p.1
*I>icata L. spiked ftLjor 2 n.d W C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Lam.iL127.3
gSJcordatai. heart-leaved i \ I or 2 myjn P.Y C. G. H. 1789. C p.1 Com. rar. 62. IS
Myrtle-leaved M I or 3 :.: D.Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
L. Box-lcavcd n )or 2 my.s W C. G. H. 1759. C p.l Bot cab. 843
eduies Desf.
Lcdum-leaved n lor S myjl W C. G. H. 1820. C p.1
>ichta Lod.
Olive-hkc 11 (or S myjn W C. G. H. 1800. C l.p Bot cab. 323
dicccious ft i lor 2 my.s W C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
OT. axillary./fwd
rosmarinifolia W.en. S myjn W C. G. H. 1812. C p.1 Spr. b. m. 8.8.4
orientalis Lk. oriental fti_Jor 3 myjn W C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Her. am. 263
redinata Wnl. reclinate ftl_Jor S myjn W C. U. H. 18123. C p.1 Wen. c 2.56
acuminate • 1 lor 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1819. C p.1
W. panicled • i_Jor S myjl W C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
Thun. trichotomous ft I 1 or 3 myjl W C. G. H. 1818. C p.1
Thyme-leaved ftL_Jor 3 my.jl W C. G. H. 1820.
tree iLjor 16 my.jl w
W Tris.d'Ac. 1817. £
P-l Ven.mal.57
Pine-leaved ftl_jor 2 my w C. G. H. 1789L t> p.1
racemose ftujor 2 my.s w C G . H. 1790. C C p.1
1 au.u w C G. H. 1801. C p.1

711. CRYPTA'NDRA Sm. CBYPTANDRA. (Kryptos, hidden, oner, a man; concealed stamens.) Rhdtnnece. 4.
BSJlmcifbYiaSm. Heath-leaved «*|_J«» ljmy.jn W N. Holl. 1821. C sp Lin. tr. 10.18.1
5872 amara Sm. bitter * i _ j c u 14 my.jn W N. Holl. 1821. C s.p Lin. tr. 10.18. 2
5873 obovata Sieb. obovate * i_J cu 1J my.jn W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p
5874 spin&cens Sieb. spinescent • i_J cu 1* my.jn W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p

712. PLECTRCPNIA L. PLECTRONIA. {Plectron, a cock's spur: tree with large spines.) Bhdmneat. L — 2.
5875 corymbbsa L. corymbose i uJ or 20 ... W.a C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Bur. af. 94
7 i a CONOCA'RPUS Jac. BUTTON TREK. (Konos, a cone, karoos, a fruit.) Cambretdcece. 4.
5876 crectus Jac. upright •[ tm 10 ... Pa.Y Jamaica 1752. C p.1 Cat. car. 2. S3
5877 procumbens Jac. procumbent or 1 ... Pa.Y Cuba 1730. C p.l Jac. am. 52.2
5878 racembsus L. racemose • Dor 10 W S. Araer. 1820. C p.l Jac. am. pic. 79
acutc-lcavcd 10 W S. Amer. 1824. C p.l
5879 acutiftlius //.
• (Kuphos,curved;
• stigma.) Lobeli&ce*. 5 . - 8 .
5880 volubilis W. twining Oor 1 P.B C. G. H. 1795. D l.p
Lobelia volubilis L.
5881 bulbosa Berg. bulbous }au.s P.B C. G. H. 1791. D l.p
Cardamine H ISl pr 3 ... C. G. H. 1823. S l.p
5882 Lobelia
Cardamines W.
Cardamines Thun.
5883 incisa W. cut-leaved lOJpr ijlaii Pa.R C. G. H. 1819. S s.p
5884 /»hyteuma W. Hampton AJ Iff Pk C. G. H. 1822. D l.p Bot.reg.fi25
* 715. LIGHTFOOT/jf Herit. LIGHTFOOTIA. {Rev. J. Lightfoot, author of first Fl. Scot.) Campanuldcae. 3.-6.
5885 oxycoccoldes W. Oxycoccos-like n. t\ or i jl B.w C. G. H. 1787. C s.l Ex. bot. 2. 69
5886 tenflla Lad. slender tt. i_J el % jn.jl B C. G. H. 1822. C p.l Bot. cab. 1U38
5887 subulata /fen/. awl-/<?tfi*rf tt. LJ or £ au B C. G. H. 1787. D 8.1 Her. ser. 4. 5
Campanula fruticosa JL interrupta Pers.
7 SHEEP'S SCABIOUS. (Appliedn by Pliny to a wild potherb.) Campanulacear. 2 . - 5
5888 montana L. mountain O pr 1 J -jl B Britain S co Eng. bot. 882
5889 perdnnis Lam. perennial £ A P» 1 jn.jl B France 1787. D co Bot mag. 2198

717. LAGCE*CIA L. CUMIN. {Lagos, a hare, oikas, a dwelling j seeds in wooL) Umbclltfera. 1.
5890cuminoldes£. Cumin-like Q cu 1 jn.jl G.Y Levant 1640. S co Lam. iL 242
718. HE'DERA L IVY. (Hedra, cord, Celt, j the shoots.) Aralidcea. 3. — 8.
5891 JRlix L. common or 40 o.n G Britain woods. L co Eng. bot. 1267
^2 poetica poet's ' or 20 o.n G Britain woods. L co
"3 arborea tree or 8 o.n G Britain ... L co
4 chrysocarpa yellow-berried or 30 o.n G Greece 1815. L co
5892 cananensis IV. Canary or 20 o.n G Canaries ... L co Mag. ber. 2.5.1
5893 plndula Swz. pendulous • or 12 ... Pa.G Jamaica 1824. C p.l Swz. fl. 9
•719. RrBES L. CURRANT. (An acid plant, mentioned by the Arabian physicians.) Gro&sulacete. 3 6 . - 5 2 .
5894 rubrum L. red * G
fr 4
fr G Britain'
Britain C r.m Eng. bot 1289
2 album white I fr G
fr 4 Britain C r.m
3sylvestre wild 0ft or 4 G Britain ... C r.m
5895 carpaticum Kit. Carpathian A or G
or 4 Carpathia 1818. C co
5896 petra»\im L. rock Sk or 4 my R England moun. C co Eng. bot. 705
5897 multiflurum Kit. many-flowered tt or G
or 5 G Hungary 1822. C co Bot. mag. 2368
5898 spicatuin Robs. spiked or G England m.wo. C co Eng. bot. 1290
5899 trifidum Mx.
5900 proc6mbens Pall.
5901 rigens Mx.
or 6 P.Y
fr J m y j n P G N.
uebec 1823. C co Bot mag. 23fi8
ahuria 1804. L xn.s Palros. 2.b5
Amer. 1812. C co
5902 prostratum Herit. prostrate or J| Y N. Amer. 1777. L 8.1 1.2
glandulbbum H. K.
5903 alp^num L. Alpine or 3 G Britain woods. C co Eng. bot 704
5904 trlstc Pall. sad or 3 Y.P Siberia 1820. C co Pal. pet. 10
5905 albincrve Mx. white-nerved fr 4 G N. Amer. ... C co
5906 sangufneum/%. blood-flowered ft 3 Bd N. Amer. 1817. C co
5907 aureum Ph. golden or 8 Y Missouri 1812. C r.m Bot reg. 125
1 fructu albo white-fruited or 8 Y N. Amer. ... C co
S fructu rubro red-fruited or 8 Y N. Amer. ... C co
5908 missouriensis Hort. Missouri or 6 ap Y Missouri C co
5909 riigrum L. black fr 5 G Britain m.hed. C r.m Eng. bot 1291
5910 fl6ridum Herit. florid or 4 Y N. Amer. 1729. C co Di. el. 244.315
5911 laxittorum Ph. loose-flowered or 4 Y.o N. Amer. 1812. C co
5912 resinusum Ph. gummy or 3 Y.o N. Amer. 1800. L co Bot mag. 1583
5913 glandulusum R. 8c P. glandular or 8 ... Peru 1820. C co Fl. per. £33. b.
5914 viscosissimum Pit. most viscid or 4 Y N. Amer. 1826. C co
5915 glaciMc Wai. frozen or 4 Y Nepal 1823. C co
5916 hirtellum Mx. roughish or 3 Y.G N. Amer. 1812. L s.l
5917 gracile Mx. slender or 4 Y.o N. Amer. 1812. L s.1
5918 trifl&rum W. three-flowered or 4 G.Y N. Amer. 1812. L r.l W.h.b.1.61
stamineum Horn.
5919 saxatile Pall. rock ft my.jn G Siberia 1817. C co
5920 orientate Desf. eastern or my.jn G.Y Syria 1824. C co
5921 Diacantha L. two-spined or my.jn G.Y Siberia 1781. L r.l Schm. ar. 97
5922 recltnatum L. reclinate or P.a Germany 1683. L co
5923 macracanthum Lo.C. long-spined or my.jn G C co
5924 Grossulana L. Rough gooseb. Sk fr mr.ap G England hed. C r.m Eng. bot. 12°»
5925 UVa-crispa L. Smooth gooseb. £t ft mr.ap G England hed. C r.m Eng. bot. 2057
5«26 oxyacantholdesL. Hawthorn-like A or 3 W . Y N. Amer. 1705. L co Di. el. 139.166
5927 grossularioides Mx. Rough gooseb.-lkSfc fr niy.jn G N. Amer. C co
£928 rac6stre Poir. lake * or Y.G N. Amer. 1812. C p.l
_, ' Cyn6sbati L. Dog bramble A or 4 ap G Canada 1759. C e.l Schm. ar. 98
KWO caucasicum Adams Caucasian fr 4 my.jn G Caucasus 1819. C co

coif* G 5 O N 9 N V I ^ L. GRONOVIA. (J. F. Gronovius. a botanist of Leyden.) Cucurbitacea. 1- ^

5931 scandens L. climb'ne L D & c u 6 jn if G.Y Jamaica 1731. C p.l JAC. id
fl. O cu 8 Y S. Amer. 1820. S s.p
5932 HumboldttV.«/» R.&S. Humboldt's
£ ACHYRANTHES. (Achyron, chaff, anthos, (I.; envelopes.) Amaranthhcece. 13.—28.
c.i— - r - , _.. .
silver 1 my.o w & c U y
1713. C l.s Boc.sic.16.9
rough 3 my.o Pk India 1751. C l.s MiLic.1.11.2
curled tt. i ICU 2 my.o W.a S. Amer. 1810. S co
5936 virgata Desf. twiggy tt. i l e u 2 my.o W.G W.Indies 1817. S co
£937 brachiAta L. branched iQIcu W E. Indies 1824. S co Pluk. al. 334.5
fp38 obtusifulia Lam. obtuse-leaved 2 my.n Pk C l.p
£959 purrigens Jac. extending Qcu 6 P 1802. C r.m Bot. nag. 830
gMOnfvea W. snowy tt. l_J CU 2 my.jl W Canaries 1780. C r.m
£9*1 frutiebsa Lam. shrubby tt- | | CU 6 my.jl P
5942 pubescens Roth E. Indies 1820. C r.m
pubescent tL | _ J CU U ap.jl Pk 1821. C r.m
f943 australis R. Br. southern « . | |CU 2 jn.jl
«H4 dichotoma L. W N. Holl. 182a S co
5915 verticillata Thun.
dichotomous O cu 1 Jn.jl G N. Amer. ... S co
whorled a. I leu 1 W C. G. H. 1820. S co
AM^I£H- I ? S O 1 ^ H - & B- CHAMISSOA. {M. Chamisso, who accompanied Kotxebue.) Amaranth&ce*. I.—2.
«W6al«88iina^.^A tallest *CJor Y Jamaica 1816. C co H.&B.n.2.125
Achyranthes altissima L.

» t t l l ! 2 P1L 21 ? 118
TRI U 2r R' ? r *, PHI"-0XRaus. (Phitos, a lover, xeros, arid j soiL) Amaranthhce*. 3 . - 7 .
ffiS? ^ ^ ' ^ f checkered fU. El cu * jl.o Pk & Amer. ... C r.m Her. par. 15
- ^ /llecebrum vermiculare /,.
8 1 8 Brazi1iaI
fiQta-? '!! !" ?;^ » tt-Qcu 3 jl.o W Brazil 1790. C r.m Jac. ic 2.346
°**» aggregate if. $2?. aggregate J U E l c u * jl.s W Trinidad 1820. S s.p

724. DESMOCH/ETA Dec. DESMOCHATA. (Desmos, a bond, chaite, hair.) Amaranthhcea. a —12.
atropurphrea Dec. dark-purple 1 au.o P E. Indies 1759. C Lp R.maL10.59
Achyranthes /appacea J.
navescens Dec. flavescent iQJ cu 1 jl.a Y E. Indies 1823. S co Pluk. al. 83. 2
micrantha Dec. small-flowered O cu 1 jn.s Y E. Indies 1820. S co Pluk. al. 82.2
"wostrata Dec. prostrate tt. i lor 2 j l . a u G.p E. Indies 1793. D l.p
omentosa R. $ s. woolly tt. O cu 2 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. S co
1 Vi
" " ~ hook-seeded O cu 1 jl.s ... E. Indies 1820. S co
globose iQj or 1 jl.s Pa.R R Indies 1817. S co Pluk. al. 260.1
. . - —„— spreading )£ El cu 3 au.o W E. Indies 1823. C J.p
Achyranthes pfitula L.
Bo« 5 k. C I i A D O ' S T ACHYS D. Don CLADOSTACHYS. {Klados, a branch, stachus, a spike.) Amaranthaceaf. 9.
***» ftutescens D. Don frutescent tt. • cu 4 au.n G E. Indies 1777. C s.p s.p Ru. am. 5. 83
fioen Achyranthes muricata L. Chamissoa muricata Spr.
°!»9 alternifuha Svot. alternate-leaved OJ cu 1 jLn P E. Indies 1789. S p.l Pluk. al. 260.1
Achyranthes alternifblia W. Desmochs^a alternifblia Dec.
'CEBRUM L. KNOTGRASS. (Illecebra of Pliny, from Ulicio% to allure.) Paronychiete. 7.—15.
iicillktum T.. "" whorled"
.turn L. nrhnrltvi J f 'C\
Jk b nr
P' 4 il W
W England — o .nl
Knvland hntr r. S p.l
cymosum r
VU. sprouty -* O pr W S. Europe 18.U S p.l FLgr.245
chia cymbsa Dtr.
—n Poir. prickly Jc O pr 1 jl G Barbary 1821. S p.l Boc. sic. 20.3
Lich. white-ended Jc O cu ^ jn.jl W C. G. H. 1817. S s.p
Gomphrcna-lk O cu \ jn.jl W Peru 1810. S s.p
clustered )£ E J c u i jn.jl W Brazil 1820. S s.p
diflfuse j£ |AJ cu 1 jn.jl W Trinidad 1817. S fl.p

727. ALTERNANTHEVRA R.Br. ALTERNANTHERA. (Stain, alternately fert. and bar.) AmaranthacecE. 10.-25.
*>7 Achvrimrh* » »- Chaff-flower £ E l c u 1 W Buenos A. 1732. D Lp
Polygonum-likej£ iAJ cu 1 W America 1731. C r.m Her. par. 17
frutescent s. i | or 1 W Peru 1820. S s.p Iler.-st. 1.37
Caraccas jg QSJcu | W Trinidad 1819. S s.p
canescent jg El cu i W Cumana 1825. S s.p
silky £ El cu 2 jn jl W Quito ]K2(). S s.p
procumbent £ EJ cu 4 in jl W Brazil 1818. S s.p
coldestf.2b.. sessile-flowered jg OJ cu } jl.o Br E. Indies 1778. S r.m R, xnal. 10.11
pinbsa Horn. f\g-\\ke-leaved j£ El cu i jn.jl G S. Amer. 1821. S r.m Jac. am. 60.4
axillaris Dec. spinous O cu 1 my.jn Y ...... 1823. S r.m

TOM. PARONYCHIA. (Maladies of finger-nails; mod. qual.) Paronychita. 12.—20.

h**A*A - A.-.. | j n a u w Spain 1683 D p l lobpic.42o. 1

1 W Spain 1812. D s.l

i my.jl W Brazil 1820. S co
3 w Spain ... D 5.1 Scop. d. 13
1 w Spain 1683. I) s.l
§ injl w Italy
1821. S s.p
w Spain
1816. S sp Vil.del. 1.16
i jnjl w
i w Pyrenees
1820. S s.p
1 w Pyrenees
1820. S s.p Vil. a. j. 1801, Ic
i l w France
1818. S u.p Jac. ic. 8.2.1
O cu 1 w Bengal
1820. S s.p
1817. S s.p
{Chen, a goose, leia, prey.) Chenopbde*. 1.
tt. i_J cu 1 au.8 G C. G. H. 1758. C r.m
Mx. forked ^ ^ I l e d fro . m i t 8 a f f l n " y t 0 Paronychia.) n O r i l1s _T s
t-ria canadensis L. * O ) c u | G N. Amer. 1806. S l.p
. JE'RUA Forsk. !^' "• Arabic name.)
lanata J. woolly DDcu 1 .„,» W E. Indie, 1$"%- , * - ^,
Javanese «.acu2a,,.auW £ Indie. 1761 C r.m Bur. in. 65.«

732. LESTIBUDE*Sfi4 R.Br. LESTIDUDESIA. (F. J.Latiboudois, a Flemish bot.) Amaranthikccte. 3 . -

£993 paniculate R. Br. panicled 233 cu 3 jn.s P.Y Jamaica 1733. C r.m SI. jam. 1.91.1
Celosia pamculuta L.
5994 trfgyna R. Br. three-styled ITBlcu I au.o W Senegal 1777. r.m Jac. vin. 3.15
5995 virgata it. Br. twiggy .1 leu au.o G 1815. r.m Jac. ic. 2.339
733. DEERI'NG/i* R. Br. DEERI.VGIA. {Dr. C Deering, an Eng. bot. author.) Amaranth^cece. 2.
591M5 celosioldes R. Br. Cock's-coinb-lk j£ D8 cu 6 au.o W E. Indies 1804. S s.1 Bot mag. 2717
5997 indica Spr. Indian £ iQI pr 2 au.n W E. Indies 1804. S p.l
Celosia baccata Retx.
' 734. TRIA'NTHEMA L. TRIANTIIEMA. (Treis, three, anthemon, flower; disposition.) PortuMcae. 3. — 6.
5998 monogyna L. monogynous O cu 1 my.jn P.o Jamaica 1820. S co Her. par. 2.213
5999 decandra £. decandrous O cu 1 jn.jl G E. Indies 1824. S s.p Bur. in. 31.3
6000 obcorukta Box. hcnrUcavcd fc* LJ CU i jn.jl G E.Indies 1816. S s.p
735. CELOSIA L. COCK'S-CO.MII. (Kelos, burnt; appearance.) AmarantMcete. 14. -i-22.
6001 argentea L. i\\vcTy-$pikcd rmTIor«r 1i jn.s
... o' £, j- china 1740. _ r.m Mart cen. 1.7
2 lineans linear-leaved iQlor 1 J»-Jl F E. Indies 1714. S r.m It inal. 10.39
6002cristktaX. created mi or 2 jns D.R Asia 1570. S r.m Lam. il. 168.1
1 elata tall iQJor 2 jn.s D.K Asia 1570. S r.m Kno.del.l.H.5,6
2 compacta compact iQlor ljjn.s D.R Asia 1570. S r.m
3 flavescens flavescent tOior 1| Y Asia 1570. S r m
6003 comosa Retx. tuftod (Dj or 1 jn.s Pk E. Indies 1802. S r.m
6004 coccinea L. scarlet O or 5 jn.s P China 1597. S r.m
6005 cernua B. Rep. drooping O or P E. Indies 1809. S r.m Bot rep. 635
6006 castrensis L. Cdtnp mi or 23 jl.s P E. Indies 1739. S r.m Bar. ic. 1195
6007 Monsbniii L. Monson's rm or 3 jl.s W E. Indies 1778. S r.m Pluk.all 1.334.4
6008 nodiflura L. knottcd-flwd fmor 2 j l s G E. Indies 1780. S r.m Jac. vin. 1. 98
6009 pyramidal is Brm. pyramidal rmcu 1 jn.s W E. Indies 182a S s.p Bur. in. 25. 1
6010 margaritacea L. pearly tt-l l e u 2 jl.s Y W. Indies 1817. S s.p R. mal.1038
argentea Hort.
6011 nitida Vahl shining O cu 1 JU P Malabar 1706. S SI. jam. 1.91.5
6012 dichotoma Roth
6013 glauca Wni.
grey tt.
O cu 1 Y
\_\ cu 1 W
E. Indies 1824.
C. G. H. 1818.
if Wen. her. 2
6014echinatal/.$.R hedgehog O cu P Orooncko 1821. S 3.1
S 8.1
736. OPLOTHE*CA Kut. OPLOTHECA. (Oplon, armour, theca, a sheath; capsules.) Amaranthace<v.2.—3.
6015 floridana Nut. Florida £ A or 3 s W N. Amer. 1824. K p.l Bot. mag. 2603
6016 interrupta Nut. interrupted JU Qfl or 2 G W. Indies 1733. C r.m Jac. ic. 1.51
Gomphr&na interrupta W.
GOMPH L. GLOBE AMARANTH. { {Go?nphos, p , a club;
; flowers.) Amaranthdce*. 7 . - 2 6 .
17 globosa
6017 lb LL. round d Oor
O 1J
1J my.o o Pw
P.w India 1714. S r.m R. mal. 10.37
«alba white 0 or 1 jn.o W India 1714. S r.m
6018 perennis L. perennial £ CS1 or 2 jl.o P.Y 8. Amer. 1732. C r.m Di. el. 24. 20.29
6019 arborescens X. arborescent n. O or 3 jl.o W S. Amer. 1802. C r.m
6020 lactea Dec. milky white «L • cu 2 W S. Amer. 1823. S s.p Dec. mon. 93
6021 lanata R. Br. woolly 0 1 cu 1 W N. IHull. 1824. S s.p
6022 amarantholdes Roth Amaranth-like OJ c" 2 j | a u w R Idi 182 s
n d i e s 182
°- s P
6023 decumbens Jac. decumbent ITB1 cu i P Mexico
°1826. S s.p Jac. sc. 482
738. LAHA^Y^ R. & S. LAIIAYA. (M. Lahaye, a botanical gardener.) Paronychie*. 10. —15.
6024 diffiisa R & S. diffuse lOJcu W Canaries 1779. S Lp W.h.b..ll
Mollia diffusa W. /Ueccbrum divaricatum H. K.
6025 aristtita R. 8f S. awncd s. LJ cu i jn.jl W Canaries 1780. C l.p
M6U/A anstata H. K.
6026 latifolia R. # 5. broad-leaved tt. LJ cu \ W Tenerifle 1810. S s p
/Uecebrum latifolium W.
6027 stellata R. % S. stellate tt. I leu \ W Guinea 1820. s.p
6ms tenuifoha R. if S. line-leaved i W S. Leone 1817. s.p
6029 corymbosa R. # S. corymbose tt. f~lcu I w Ceylon 1823. s.p Bur. zey. 65. S
6030 ^naphalioldes R. 8f S. Gndphahum-lkflL t_J cu w N. Africa 1818. i.p
6031 nolycarpoldes it. 8f S. Polycarpon-lk j£ tAI cu P.w Sicily 1817. ••p
Hayea polycarpoldes Biv.
6032 fllsinifoha .«.,&• 5. Chickwecd-lvd -* O cu ijmau W S. Europe 1817. S s.p Boc. sic. 38
Hayea alsinituha Biv.
6033 minuartoh/c5 It & & Minuartia-like Jk Q cu \ W Spain 1826. S s.p
739. GLAUOt L. BLACK SALTWORT. (Glavkos, grey; leaves.) Saliciirue. 1.
6034 maritima L. •ea IL A \ ray.jn F Britain salt m. S s.1 Eng. bot 13
740. THE^IUM L. BASTARD TOAD-FLAX. (Thcs, a labouring servant; mean habit.) Santaldceee. 6. —Si
6035 /inophyllum L. Flax-leaved ^ A cu i jn jl W England ch. pa. D p.l Eng. bot. 247
6036 intermedium Schr. intermediate ^ A cu J jn.jl W Germany 1818. S p.l Schk. han.51
6037 montanum Ehrh. mountain ^ A cu i jn.jl W Europe 1817. S p.l Sc.b. j. 119
6038 alpinum L. Alpine £ A cu £ jn.jl W Germany 1814. D p.l 5.416
humifiisum Dec.
6039 ebractektum Hay. bractless A cu ijn.jl Germany 1814. D p.1 Sc. b. j. 1800.7
6040 amplexicaule L. stem-clasping I_J cu 4 W C. G. H. 17b7. C s.l
741. COMA'NDRA Nut. COMANDRA. (Kovie, hair, aner, an anther.) SantalUceee. 1.—2.
6041 umbellata Nut. umbellate ^ A cu 1 jn G N. Amer. 1782. JJ p.l Pluk. m. 342.1
Thesium umbellatum L. Hamiltunia umbellata Spr.,
742. LEPTOME^RIA R. Br. LEPTOMERIA. (Leptos, slender, merit, a part; habit) Santalucete. 2. —&
6042acidailiJr. acid «. LJ CU 1 ... W N. HolL 1823. S p.l ^
6043 Billardi^rj R. Br. LabiHardiere's ttjcu 1 ... W N. Holl. 1823. S p.l Lab. n. h. 1 J9
Thesmm drupkeeum Lab.
«nIS" D AR^INGTO X N/^ Dec. DARLINGTONIA. (Dr. Darlington, an American bot) Z
0044 brach^loba Dec. short-podded £ .A] or 1, s.o W N. Araer. 1803. D p.l Dec. leg.
• Acacia brach^loba TV.
<i045 glandulusa Dee. glandulous * _A| or H 5.0 W N. Amer. 1806. Dp.l
Mimosa glanduKisa Mx. Acacia glandulosa IV.
WALKEEIA. (Jl. Walker, founder of the bot. gard. at Cambridge.) Ochrhce*. 8.
6046 serrata W. serrated • • or 12 ... Y Malabar 1824. C p.I R. mal. 5.48
6047 intcgrif51ia Bee. entire-leaved J Q o r 12 ... Y Guiana ... C p.l
745 HELICO^NIAX. HELICONIA. [Helicon, mountain of the Muses; affinity to Musa.) Mushcece. 10.—12.
6018 Bihai Swz. Bihai
«;h«; j g E l o r 12 O W. Indies 1786. Sk s.p Swz. oh. 96.5.2
6049 caribea Lam. Caribcan £ E ] o r 12 O W. Indies 1798. Sk s.p PI. gen. 59
6050 BAUia Rich. Ballia £ El or 20 jl.s O Maranhaol823. Sk s.l Mer. sur. 54
6051 hfamilis Jac. dwarf £ El or 6 S Caraccas 1798. D s p Jac. sc. 1. 48.49
6052 braziliensis Hook. Brazilian jg I S spl 8 au Brazil 1820. D p.l Hook. ex. H! 190
6053 psittdcorum W. weerot-bedked jg • or 4 au O W. Indies 1797. Sk s.p And. rep. 124
6051 SwartziVina R & S. Swartz's £ E) or 4 Y Jamaica 1800. Sk s.p Bot mag. 502
psittacurum/3 B.M.
6055 Indica Lam. Indian £ 1 2 3 or 4 Madagasc.1818. Sks.l Ru. am. 5.62.2
buccinata Box.
6056 dcalbata Lo. C. whited Sk s.p
hairy-flowered El or 5 O & Amer. 1800. Sk s.I
* 746. L. PLANTAIN TREE. (Altered from Maux, Egyp., in honor of Antonius Musa.) Mushcece. 9. —14.
paradislaca L. common paradisc£ " 20
El clt "" o.d" Pk Tropics 1690. Sk r.m Tr. ehr. 3.18.20
6(J59 sapi^ntum L. wise men's Banana£ El clt 20 mr o Pk Tropics 1729. Sk r.m Tr. ehr. 4.21.23
60H0 nepalcnsis TV. Nepal fTClor 6 Y Nepal 1823. Skr.m
60fil ornata Box. ornamented El or 5 mr.d O E. Indies 182a Sic r.m
6062l glaGcatfar. glaucous EJor 10 ... Pk E. Indies 1824. Skr.m
6063 inaculata Jac. spotted FAIor 10 ... Pk Mauritius 1818. Skr.m
GOb* supcrba Box. superb E l or 14 jl Pk E. Indies 1820. Sk r.m
60f^ rosacea Jac. rosaceous E ] o r 15 P Mauritius 1805. Sk r.m Bot rcg. 706
6066 coccinea Andr. scarlet E l or 4 mr.d S China 1792. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1559
/47. STRELI'TZ/i*
747. STRELIT H. K. STRELITZIA. (Queen of Geo. III. . house of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.) Musuceec. 8.
6%/ augusta Thun. august E l or IS W C. G. H. 1791. Sk p.l Kcr strel. ic.
S*W tf H K. queen's E l or 8 Y C. G. H. 1773. Skp.l Red. hi. 77, 78
ovaXe-leaved El 8 f.ap Y C. G. H. 1777. S k p l Bot.mag.119,120
0/0 h&milis Lk. humble El or 6 my.jn Y C.G. H. ... S p.l
6071 fannfcsa H. K. tnea\y.stalked El or 5 fmr Y C.G. H. 1795. S p.l Ker strel. ic.
£072 angustifoha H. K. narrow-leavcd El or 6 myjn Y C. G.H. 1778. S p.l Ker strel. ic.
w73parvif6lia//. K. small-leaved El or 6 my.jl Y C. G.H. 1796. S p.l Ker strel. ic.
Rush-leaved El or 6 my.jn Y C. G.H ... S p.l Bot rcg. 516


748. MELODrNUS Forst MELODINU& (Melon, an apple, dineo, to turn round; fruit.) ApocijneG. t.
75 scandens Forst.
Fa lib
climbing *Q '15 jU
%_ • pr 15 ' W
l d 1775
1775. C
C s.pp l*nm.
U m iil.
l r79
°wo xnon6gynus Box. monogynous i. • or 10 jl W E. Indies 1820. C r.m Bot rcg. 834
749. PERI'PLOCA £. PERIPLOCA. {Periploke, an intertwining; habit) Asclemudae. 4. —13.
«°77 gr«xca L. Grecian J or JO jLau Br Syria 1597. K d Botreg.803
jSfcfl.Jt smooth JL I—I or 6 ... G.Y Canaries 1779. C p.l Cav. ic. 3 217
079angu8tifolia/,flA. narrow-leaved _£ or 6 ... Y S. Europe 1800. C p.l Dec. ic 2.7
«*»l> naauntiana Poir. Mauritian A _ O ° r 10 ••• Br Malabar 1823. C p.l R. mal. 9.11
w f i r a S ? ^ 0 © 1 ? 0 ^ . 1 1 - ^ CiiYPToaTEGiA. {Kryptos, concealed, stcge, a covering.) Asclepiudece. 2.
wittand.fldraA.ffr. large-flowered *_ • or 6 jn.jl Pk India* 1818. C r.m Bot reg. 435
[ascanensisLo.C. Madagascar a _ Q o r 10 jLau ... Madagasc.1826. C p.l
R.Br. HEMIDEBMUS. {Hemisus, half, demos, a tie: filaments.) Aselepihdece. 1.—2.
Indian i. • or 6 ... G Ceylon 1796. C l.p Bur. zey. 83. 1
(^ a, Arabic.) Asclepftdece. 3.—5.
6 jl W Egypt 1752. C 8.1 Alp. a#. 134
W India 1816. C f,l.p W. ph. 1.5.2
... N. Holl. 1824. C p.l


t L j C U 3 J U u

.{Mrs. Harrison, of Aighburgh, near Liverpool.) Atclep&de*. 1.

• or 6 S Brazil 1825. C s.l Bot mag. 2699

6091 trillbrus R. Br. it. (A, without, Stephanos, crown; stamens.) Aselepiddetv. 2.—C
6092 lincaris B. Br. linear or 4 \V C. G. H. 1816. D p.l
J_ lAJ or 4 W C. G. H. 1816. D p.l

Cynfinchuin viminale L. 1. C r.m Alp. ag. I90

6094 Swartz/ani/m IL & S. Swartz's t Ocu 6
ylsclepias viminahs Swz. W Jamaica 1820. C s.l SI.jam. 1.131.1

hasrttum Th. p.M.9.6


759. DATMIA II. Br. DAMTA. (Its Arabic name.) Asdeptidea'. 4.

6096 cxtensa R. Br. extended or 3 W E. Indies 1777. C p.1 - Jao. ic. 1. 54
Cyn&nchum extensum //. K.
mn cordat.i H. Br. cm date ^ Q 1° J'-au W Arabia 1824.
6098 scandens G. Don climbing fc. O or 10 W Gambia 1824. s.l Beau. ow. 1. 5G
ifrclcpiax scindens Beauv.
6099 blcolor Suit. two-colored ft. O or 6 W £. Indies 1806. S p.l Bot. rep. 562
•Cynanchum blcolor B. Rep.
7fiO. DIPLO'LEPIS JL Br. DIPLOLEPIS. (Diplos, double, lepis, a scale.) Ascleptode*. 3. — 5.
6100 vomittoia/Art*, emetic | _ C D u n 4 Jnjl G China 1820. C p.l
6101 apicuftta Lttull. small-topped t Q u n 4 jn.jj G China 1821. C p.l
6102 ovala £<»<//. ovate * _ C ] u n 4 Jnjl G China 1821. C p.l
* 761. CYNA'NCIIUM L. CVVANCIIUM. {Kyon, ado;gtageheV to strangle; poison.) AscleplMeee. 24.—50
6103 acbtum L. acutc-fcatwa *k A °f 3 i\ W Spain 1596. I) CO Tr. ehr. 44.82
6104 cxfvlHum De*f. tall _J A °r 10 Jl W liarbary lHKi. 1) CO
Mont|>clier ik A or 3 au.s Pk S. Kuropc Ui96. 1) CO Jac. ic. 2. 3-10
610(i pauciflorum R. Br. few-flowered JLO or 10 ••• W Tr.iiifiucb.1820. C s.p W. ph. 1.5.3
6107 cr.'isttifMium R. Br. thick-leaved 1 i | o r 6 ... G r, G. H. 1816. C CO
610H piloHum It. Jir. pilose JLuJor 5 jn.s W C. G. 11. 1726. C p.1 Bot. reg. I l l
6109 Heyuiunum It &S. Heyncs'tf 6 W E. Indies 1895. C
b'llOcapcnse L. Cape
t o or 6 J l " ' W C. G.
tL-Jor H. 1820. C If
6111 r«)8uum R. Br. rosc-colorcd J» n or 3 P Davuria 1818. D ».p
yfscli-piaj davbrica V W Europe 1596. D 0.1 Fl. dan. 849
6112 Vincetoxicum Pert. Vincetoxicum k A or 2
ifscldpiax Vincctdxicum *»• 2 myau Y Europe 1596. D 8.1
6113luteum Spr. ycttovr./lowered k A or CO
6114 mclantho* Desf. black-Howered _£ A or 3 P 1818. D
6115iriurum Pert. black k A or 3 w & Europe 1596. D 8.1' Bot mag. 2390
6116 medium 11. Br. mediate ik A or 3 ... D CO
6117 futcJitum iJt. brown-flowered k A or 3 Br
w 1817. D s.p Gin. si. 4.42
6118 aibiricum 11. Br. Siberian i A or 1 G Siberia 1775. D CO Mur. 2.7
61 U» vilU.sum R.S[S. villous CO
H A or 3 jnau W 1821. D Bdl. mis. 15.4
ilsclcpiaa villCisa IJt.
6120 flmhnatum 11. & B. fringed f_ EJor 10 P Cumana 1826.
S.1 H. & B. n. 3.234 D
6121 fae'tidum R. Br. fetid t O or 10 W Mexico 1820.
C S.1 158
6122 cirrhoHUin Sum. frizzled _£ A or 3 D • p 1825.
6I2.J unri.ttuin B. Rep. wave-leaved t O or 6 G C Bot. rep. 410
W.Indies 1803.
6121 lnucronhtinn B. Rep. sharp-pointed tOor 6 G C Bot. rep. 515
Trinidad 1804.
6125 virullflurum Ker
6126 hirsutura Vohl
hairy t O or
6 o.d
6 ...
E. Indies 1814.
C l.p
Bot mag. 1929
Trinidad 1825.
762. METASTE'LMA R. Br. METASTELMA. (Meta, instead of, stelma, crown j append.) Atdeptikde*. 1.—3.
6127 parviflorum H. Br. small-flowered %_ CD cu 6 ... G.w W.Indies ... C p.l PI. ic. 215.1
763. OXYSTE'LMA R. Br. OXVBTELMA. {Oxys, sharp, ttelma, crown; corona.) Atdepihdete. 1.— 2.
6128 esculcntum R. Br. esculent *. ES cul 4 ... Y E. Indies 181& D 8.1 Rox. cor. 1.11
764, GYMNE'MA R. Br. GYMNEMA. ( mnot, naked, nema, a thread; stamens.) Asclepttdete. 4. —6
6129 iylveutre R. Br. wood t ~or 8 ... G Ceylon 18lfi. C l.p W. ph. 1.5.3
6130 tlngens Spr. tinging t or 8 Jl Y E. Indies 1823. C p.1
ilsclepiw tlngens Rox.
6131 tenaclssimum Spr. most tenacious t O or R Indies 1806. C p.l
ifscldpia* tcnacissima Rox.
6132 lactlfvrum it. Br. lactiferous t El or Ceylon 1824. C l.p

765. SARCO'LOBUS R. Br. SARCOLOBUS. (Sarx, flesh, lobos, a pod.) Asclepiadea. 2.-3.
6133 globbsus R. Br. globose t O or 16 ... W W res. 12. 4
E. Indies 1823. C p.1 Wai.
6134 carinatus JL Br. keeled t O o r 16 ... G.Y E. Indies 1823. C p.1 Wai. res. 12.5
766. CALOTROPIS R. Br. CALOTROPIS. {Kalos, beautiful, tropis, a keel; flower.) Aselepiadete. 2.
6135 prucera R. Br. tall tt O or 6 jl.s W p Persia 1714. C s.l Bot. rep. 271
6136gigantcaR.Br. giant i Q o r 6 jl.s W.p E. Indies 169a C r.m Bot.reg.58
ifscl&piaj gigantea //. K.
767. D I S C H I ' D I A R.Br. DISCHIDIA. (Dig. twice, tehixo, to split.) Atclepi&dea. 2.
6137 bengalcnsis Colb. Bengal %-. I T o r 111 W India 1818. C 8.1 Lin. tr. 12.15
6138 nummulana R. Br. Moncyw.-lvd %+ j S or I Jl.s W Amboyna ... C l.p Ru. am. 5.176.1
768. XYSMALONBIUM R.Br. XYBMALOBIUM. (Xysma,shred,lobos,pod: secd-ves.) • Asdrpiddc<r. 1.—2.
6139 undulatum R. Br. wave-ieaved H | _ J cu I jl G C. G. H. 1783. C p.1 Com. r. 16 '
jfoclepioir undulkta L.
769. ANA'NTHERIX Nut. ANANTHBRIX. {A,a uwithout, antherix, an awn.) Asclepiddea. 1.
6140 vtndis Nut. green ^ A cu • -8 Gv N
- Amer. 1812. D p.1
r viridis Walt.
770. GOMPHOC A'RPUS R. Br. GOMPHOCARPUS. (Gomphos, a dub, karpot, fruit) Atdenftdece. 3.—4.
6141 arborescens B. Br. arborescent liJor 5 d W C. G. H. 1714. C Lp 1.50
yfsulirpias arborcscens L.
6142 crlspus R. Br. vurlcdJeaved LJ jl Y C. G. H. 1714. Com. r. 17
6143 fruticdsua R. Br.
« 1 i i l *__.4.T
_.V«-... IJ 1
*l_Jor jn.s W C G . H , 1714. Bot mag. 1628
• 771. ASCLKF1AS L. SWALLOW-WORT. (Asclephu, the god of medicine.) AsclepMde*. 3 4 . - 6 7 .
6144 ayriaca L. Syrian k A or 4 P N. Amer. 1629. D co Black. 521
6145 exaltata Lk. exalted 5 A or 6 P N. Amer. 1800. D r.m
connUens Baldw.
6146 phytolaccoldes Ph. Phytolacca-like 3 P N. Amer. 1812. D co
6147 ainoe^na Mi. pleasing 3 P N. Amer. 1732. D p.1 Di. el. 27.30
6148 liurpurascens Mx. purpurascent 3 N. Amer. 1732. D p.1 Di. el. 28.31
h^LrulA Mx. P.G
6149 paupercula Mx. poor 2 N. Amer. 1817. D r.m
6150 obtusifolia Mx. obtuse-leaved R N. Amer. 182a D r.m
purpurascens Walt. p
6151 amplcxlcaftlls Mx. stem-clasping 8 jLau R N. Amcr. 1816. D r.m Ab. Ins. 7
6152 acuminata Ph. acuminate 2 R.W N. Ainer. 18*26. D r.m
/aurifdha Mx.
6153 cinfcrea Walt. cinereous 2 N. Amcr. 1325.
Br D r.m
6154 incarnata L. flcsh-caforaf 2 jl.euN. Amcr. 1710.
P D p.l Bot rcg. 250
6155 pulchra Ehrh. fair 2 jlau N. Amer.P D p.l
6156 variegdta L.
6157 curassfrica L.
variegated A or 4
N. Amcr.
S. Amer.
ft D p.l Bot. rang. 1182
S r.m Bot. reg. 81
Curassoa lAJ
2 alba white 3 w S. Amcr. 1692.
jn.s S r.m
6158 eitrifrlia Jac. citron-leaved 1 w S. Amer. isis. D r.m Jac. ic. 343
61.09 nfvfca L. snowy 3 w N. Amer. 1730.
jl.s D p.l Bot mag. 1181
6160 parviflfcra J/. AT. small-flowered 0 jl.O w N. Amor. 1774. C r.m Jac. cc. 28
6161 polyrtachya Walt. many-spiked 4 w N. Amer. 1825. D r.m
61(9 clcbilia Mx. weak 2 w N. Amer. 1818. D r.m
6163 verticilAta /,. whorUleaved 3 W.G N. Amcr. 175i). D p i Pluk. m. 336.3
61(14 quarinfolia Ph. four-leaved 1 W.R N. Amer. 18*). T> rm Jac. ob. 33
6105 mexicXna Chit. Mexican 3 w Mexico 1821. C s.p Cav. ic. 1.58
61fi6 rusea //. & B. roseate 1 jnau Mexico 1824. C r.m
3 R Mexico S r.m
N. Amcr. 1817.
t!167 angust.folia Lk. narrow.lcaved
MM virgata Balb. 3 w 1820. D r.m
61H9 /inifeli i la*. Flax-leaved 3 w Mexico 1818. C s.p
6170 sahcifMia Cod. Willow-leaved 2 w Mexico? 1817. C p.l Bot cab. 272
(»171 asthmfitica L. 8 w Ceylon 1810. C p.1 W. ph. 2.1795
Cynanchum Ipecacudnha W. w
6172 alcxiaca Jae. antidotal | 8 O Ceylon 181& C p.l R. mat. 9.13""
6173 longifolia Ph. long-leaved 3 2 Pa.P N. Amer. 1816. 1) p.1
6174 tubcrnsa L. tuherous-rootedj 2 j 8 O N. Amcr. 1690. 1) s.1 Bot. reg. 76
6175 robra L. red ; ! R Virginia 1825. D p.1
6176 decAmbens IV. decumbent A A or 2 O N. Amcr. 1731. D p.1
6177 Linaria Cav. Toad-flax-tod £ iAl or W Mexico 1802. I) s.l Cav. Ic. 1.57
772. STYLA'NDRA. Nut. STYLANDRA. (Stylos, a column, aner, a man; anthers.) Asclcpidde,
6178 pumila Nut. dwarf ^ -AJ or \ G.v N. Amer. 1824. D r.m
Podostigma pubescens Spr. Jsclep'uu pedicellata Ph.
• 77a GONO'LOBUS Mx. GONOLOBW. (Gonia, an angle, lottos, a pod.) Asclepihdete. 19. —28.
6179 marltimus R. Br. sea-shore f. CD or 6 jn.jl G Carthage 1823. C p.1 Bot. rcg. 931
Cynanchum maritimum L.
6180 subcri>sus R. Br. cork-barked |_Qoi l.s G America 1733. C p.1 Di. el. 229.296
61M1 crispiflbrus R. Br. curled-flowered^ I lor W.a S. Amcr. 1741. C s.p PI. ic. 216.1
CtlHU planiflorus A Br. flat-flowered fT f i o r G Trinidad 1818. C p.1 Jac. am. pic. 81
6183 grandiflfcru* R. Br. large-flowered S CD or G Trinidad 1826. C p.1 Bot. rcg. 1053
6184 rostnltus R. Br. beaked ~~ Trinidad 1824. C p.1
6185 n%igcr R. Br. black '•" D . P Mexico 1825. C p.1 Cav. ic. 2.159
Cynanchum nWrum Cav.
6186 racemosus R fir. racemose W Caraccas 1820. C p.1 Jac. am. pic. 80
6187 diadematus Ker crowned G Mexico 1812. C s.p Bot reg. 252
6188 echinatus Lo. C. hedge-hog C p.1
6189 carolinlnsis R. Br. Carolina P Carolina 1824. C p.l Bot. cab. 365
hirsbtus B. C. not of others
6190 hirsiitus Mx. hairy P N. Amcr. 1806. C l.p Sw. fl. gar. I
N in B N. Amer. IBOti. C l.p
6192 lse vis Mx.
macropbtfllus Nut. smooth
large-leaved — M __ |n.jl Y N. Amcr. 1822. C p.1
619J discolor R. $ S. _ various-colored _J A, or G N. Amcr. 1809. C p.1 Bot mag. 1273
Cyn&nchum discolor B. if.
6194 obnquus R.Br. oblique A or Carolina 1818. D p.l Jac. ic. 2.341
6195 Nuttallirinw Spr. NuttaU's Jlau G Missisippi 1822. D p.1
viridiflorus Nut.
619»I proatrdtus R. Br. prostrate JU LAI or G Mexico 182& C p.1 Cav. Ic. 1.7
6197 uniflorus H.SfB. single-flowered _$ • or W Mexico 1825. C p.1 H.&B.n.S.23B
_,774. PERGULA^RIA L. PEBUULARIA. (Pcrgula, trclliswork; fit for arbours. ) AsclepiUdece. 3.-~6.
©198 odoratfssima 8m. sweetest-scent. % \ ) fra 15 jn.jl G K Indies 1784. C r.m Hot. rep. 185
6199 minor H. K. amallcr f | j Ira 8 Y.u £ Indies 1790. C r.m Bot mag. 755
6200 sanguinol£nta Lindl. bloody }cu 6 G.v & Leone 1822. C r.m Bot. mag. 2532
775. MARSDFN/i! R. Br. MARSDENIA. (W. Marsden, Esq., auth. of Hist, of Sumatra.) Asclepitidccc. 2.-8.
6201 erecta R. Br. upright | fra W Syria 1.097. 8.1 Jac. vin 1.38
6202 suavcolcns R. Br. sweet-scented lira W N.S.W. 1816. s.1 Bot reg. 489
•776. H O ^ R . Br. HOYA. (T. Hoy, F. L. S., gardener at Syon House, d. 1821.) Asdepihdctt. 5. —7.
6203 carn&sa R. Br. fiahy.leaved JLdor 10 Pk Asia
Jl _ . . ! * . . *^ _ . . — _» ^ f^"^ -.— «/\ *l
1802. L r.m Bot mag. 788
. . . 111. A Man 1 111 if)

%6204 lanceolata Hort. lanceolate ^ Q o r 2 ... W E. Indies 1815. C r.m

g05 crassifMia Haw. thick-leaved |_Qor 10 China 1821. C r.m
gO6 P6tt8ii Hort Potts's ft. CD or 10 ... Y China 1824. C r.m
trincrvis Hori. China 1824. C r.m Bot. cab. 936
three-nerved ft. CD or 10 ... W
777. TYLO'PHORA R. Br. TYLOPIIORA. (Tylos, a wart, phono, to bear; ; lvs of corolla.)
) Asclrpiddea. a—5.
08 grandiflbra RR. B
Br. great-flowered
t f l d * L J J 10 jn.jl jj ... NN. HHoll.
l l 1822
1822. CC p.11
6209 barb\ta R Br bearded £ J or 10 10 jn.jljl . N. Holl. 1822. C p.1
6210 cxlll* Colb. ' slender £ Q or 10 jn.jl Pa.P E. Indies 1823. C p.l Lin. tr. 12.16
•778. CEROPlTGIA L. CBROPBGIA. wax, pege, a fountain.) AsclrpiUdraf. 10. —12.
6211 bulobaa Rox. bullmus 2 ap.s Ka E. Indies 1821. K p.l Rox. cor. 1. 7
6212 tubcrtma Rox. tuberous R.a E. Indies IK'JI. R p.l Rox. cor. 1.9
6213 acuminkta Rox. acuminate P Command. 1820. R p.1 Rox. cor. 1.8
6214 iuncea Rox. rushy Y E. Indies 1822. C s.1 Rox. cor. 1.10.
6215 aphylla Haw. leafless W 1817. C p.1
6216 dichtaoma Haw. dichotomous Y E. Indies 1804. C s.1
fJ17 africkna Lod. African Y E. Indies 1823. C s.1 Bot cab. 906
6218 iinu-ita Par. sinuatcd Pa.R C G. H. 1818. C p.1 Bur. af. 15
J219 australis Lo. C. southern ... N. Holl.? 1820. C p.1
i Haw. Stapclia-form P C.G.H. 1824. C p.l
779. STAPBTLW L. STAPELIA. (Dr. J. B. ii Stapel, Dutch editor of Theophrastus.) AselerAMea. 36.
wi grandifl{,ra Mas. great-flowered tt. ID cu 1 s.d D.P C. G. H. 1795. C s.1 Mass. 11

622S spectabilis Haw. showy 1 n.ja D.P CG.H. 1803. C s.1 Bot.mag.fi85
grandiflora B. M.
6223 ambigua Mas. ambiguous tt. IZ1 cu S Jn.n P.Br CG.H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 12.
6224 sorona Mas. bister tt. L J c u 1 jnau D.P CG.H. 1797. C s.l Bot. cab. 94
6225 patula IV. en. spreading tt. ID cu 1 O CG.H. C s.l Jac. st. ic.
6226 rcflcxa Haw. reflcxed tt. ZD cu G.p CG.H. C s.I Bot mag. 1800
deflcxa B. M.
6227 Ibcida Dec. shining tt. Z3 cu 1 P C. G. H. 1812. C-8.1
6228 juvcncula Jac. jtk 1 Br.p C. G. H. C 8.1 Jac. s t ic.
tt. ZD
girl cu
6229 Massuiij Haw. Masson's ZD cu 2 C. G. H.. C 8.1
6230 Asterias Mas. Star-fish tt. ~H cu | my.n P.St C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Bot mag. 536
6231 stellaris Haw. starry tt. l cu C G.H. C H.1
6232 hirsbta W. hairy tt. i cu | P C. G. H. 1710. C s.l Jac. m. 1.8
2 atra Jac. dark-flowered tt. l cu } D.P C. G. H. 1710. C 8.1 Bot. rcg. 156
6233 hamata Jae. hooked tt. i cu i Hd R C. G. H. 1820. C s.l Bot. cab. 242
6234 comata Jac. shaggy tt. I cu 1 s Y.Br C. G. H. 1819. C s.l
6235 multiflora Itec many-flowered tt-ZDcu 1 8 V.B C. G. H. 1817. C s.l
623B rufa A/a*.
6237 pulvinata A/a*.
6238 fisnirfatris Jac.
1 jn.n
4 jn.n
Sk ...
C. G. II.
C. G. H.
C. G. H.
C 8.1
C 8.1
C 8.1
Bot. cab. 239
Bot. mag. 1240
Jac. st ic.
6239 concfnna Mas. neat tt. ZD cu I jn au G C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 18
6240 glanduhflora A/as. gland-flowered tt. cu | au.n Br C. G. H. 1795. C S.1 Mass. 19
6241 gldndulifera Haw. glanduliforous tt. Z ] cu | au.n Br C. G. H. C 8.1
6242 aeuminiita A/a*. acuminated tt. ZD t'U « jl.s P St C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 15. 17
6243 hupfriula /torn. rough mil tt. cu 1 G C. G. H. 1824. C 8.1
<K44 aperta Mas. o\)cn-Jtowercd tt. I cu 2 Y.p C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 37
6245 ramosa A/a*. branchy tt. i cu U jn.jl D.P C. G. H. 1795. C S.1 Mass 32
6246 jirida Mas. dry tt. ID cu } au Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8l Mass. 33
6247 incarnata //aw. I'U 1 F C. G. II. 1793. C 8.1 Mass. 34
ftvsh-colorcd n. C. G. H. 1790. Mass. 23
6248 pilifcra Mas. hairy-tubcrclcd tt. 1cu 1 D.P C 8.1
VriVJ Gordons' Mas. 1 ... Y.Br C. O. H. 1796. C 8.1 Mass. 40
Gordon's n. ZD cu Br C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Uur. af. 27.1
6250 mnmmillaris W. niainimllary n. cu 1 jn.jl
6251 hirtclla Jac. Br C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1 Jac. s t ic.
i jl.s
V1!.. ?
rough ish tt. I cu C. G. H. 1800.
6252 lanigera Haw. wool-bearing n. Icu C C.1
6253 flavicomata Haw. C. G. H. 1810. C 8.1
yellow-tufted «. 1cu C. G. H. 1805.
6254 cordiita Haw. C 8.1
cordate a. cu
tt. ~*n
| Br C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
G255 canescens Haw. cancscent i cu I Br C. G. H.
6256 ophiuncula Haw. small-serpent tt. —i cu 1805. C 8.1
i Br
~ 780. TRIDF/NTEA Haw. TRIDENTEA. (Tridens, trident; flowers.)
dens, a tridet; ) Asclepttdea?. 7.
6257 gcmmiflora Haw. gem-flowered tt.; ii o n D P C.C G.
G H.H 1795.
1 C 8.1 Mass. 15
Stapclia gommifldra Mas. D.P
6258 stygia Haw. Stygian tt. H] cu D.P C. G. H. 1810. 8.1
G259moschata Haw. musky tt. Icu £ Br.P C. G. H. 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
Stapelia hircosa Jac.
6260 vetula Haw. stale tt. Icu 4 my.n D.P C. G. H. 1793. 8.1 Mass. 16
6261 Simsii Haw. Sims's tt. Icu imy.n D.P CG.H. 1800. 8.1 Bot. mag. 1234
StapMw vetula B. M.
6262 pamculata Haw. pannicled tt. Z3 cu * jn.8 V C. G. H. 1805. Si
6263 depressa Jac depressed tt. ^ cu ft Br.P C. G. H. 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
731. GONOSTETMON Haw. GONOSTEMON. onifl, an angle, stemon, a stamen.) Asclejnhdeat. 3.
6264 divaricatus Haw. straddling tt. ZD cu f jn.n D.F C G . H . 17<J3. C s.1 Bot. mag. 1007
Stapclia divaricata Mas.
6265 strirtus Haw. strict tt. ZD cu i jn.8 Pa B C. G. H. 1814. C s.1 Bot. mag. 2037
6266 pallidus Haw. pale tt. ZD cu i jl-8 Pa.B C G. H. 1818. C 8.1 Wen. c. 2.51
782. PODA'NTHES Haw. PonANTHES. (Potiff, a foot, anthos, a flower.) Asclepiadeaf. 6.
6267 pftlchra Haw. beautiful Svlph.*. ZD cu | au.8 Y.St C G . H . 1800. C 8.1. Bot mag. 786
Stapcliii verrucosa B. M.
6268 irrorata Haw. licdewcd ZD 4JU Y.St C. G. H. 1795. C s.1 Bot. cab. 1S7
6269 verrucosa Haw. v/art-flowcred tt. ZDcu i au.o Y.St C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 8
6270 rorlriua Haw. dew-flowing n. leu i jl.s Y.St C. G. H. 1802. C s.1 Jac. st. i c
6271 pulchella Haw. neat tt. leu |my.n Y.St C. G. H. 1795. C s i Mass. 36
6272 ciliata Haw. ciliated B-ZZJCU ft o.d G.St C G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Matis.1
783. TROMO'TRICHE Haw. TBOMOTRICIIE. (Tromos, fear, thru, hair.) Asclepihdcar. 5.
G273 fuscata Haw. browned tt. ZD cu ftjnn Br.P CG.H. 1814. C 8.1 Jac. stic.
Stapelia fuscata Jac.
6274 rcvolhta Haw. revolute-flwd tt. ZD cu 1 jn.s P C G. H. 1790. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 724
Staptlia rcvol&ta Mas.
6275 glauca Haw. glaucous tt. Z3 cu 2 jn.n R.P CG.H. 1799. C s.1
6276 priunosa Haw. frosted tt. ZJ cu Hjn.jl D.Ur C G. H. 1795. C s.1 Mass. 41
6277 obPiqua R. & S. obliquc-ilwd. tt. ZD cu 1 jn.8 Pa.V C G. H. 1805. C 8.1
S t e l i a obflqua W.
784. CKRBEA Haw. ORBEA. (OrW*. an orb: flowers.) Ascteptodea?. 23.
6278 maculosa Haw. spotted tt. cu 1 jn.s Br.v C. G. H. 1804. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1833
Stapelia maculosa Jac.
6279 bisulca Haw. two-farrowed tt. Y.St C G . H . 1805 C s.1
6280 vanegata Haw. variegated tt. Y.St C G. H. 1727. C 8.1 Jac. st. 3
6281 Curtis/i Haw. Curtis'* tt. Y.St C G. H. 169a C 8.1 Bot mag. 26
Staptlia vanegata B.M. \
6282 lepida Haw. pretty tt. cu
^ cu ft jl.n G.St C G . H . ... C 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
P.Y C G . H . 1805. C 8.1 Bot cab. 191
6283 plamfli%>ra Haw. plain-flowered «. 3 cu ft jn.jl Y.St C G . H . 1823. C 8.1 Jacctic.
6284 mutabihs Spr. changeable tt. _J
Stapelia mutabilis Jac. ft jn.8 Y.St C. G.H. 1805. C 8.1
6S85 marginata R. & S. red-edged tt. ZD ft|n.o Y.St C G.H. 1795. C 8.1 Jac st ic.
6286 conspurcata R. & S. defiled tt. ZD C s.1 Bot. reg. 755
6287 normals R. & S. reguhiT.spoticd tt. ZD ft jl-au Y.St C G.H. 1921.
*jl.n Y.St C G.H. 1799. C 8.1 Bot. Top. 448
? 5 2 "^'"ftris Haw. orbicular tt. ^J Y.St C G.H. 1806. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1676
1 jn.s
6289 bufbnia Haw. toad — ftjn.jl Y.St C G.H. 1812. C 8.1 Bot. cab. 828
6290 angulna Haw. Y.St C G. H. 179!*. C 8.1 Bot mag. 1169
ft jn.s C 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
6291 picta Haw. painted' PSt C G. H. 1805.
6292 rugosa W. en. wrinkled 1ftjn.s Y.St C G. H. .1800. C 8.1 Mass. 38
6393 mlxta Haw. mixed
•3894 quinquenenrif Haw. fivo-ncrvcd tt. leu jn.8 Y.St C. G. H. 1800. 1.1
6295 Wendlandtina R. & S. Wendlund's
WendUm tt. ZD cu jn.s Y.s C. G. H. 1818. 8.1 Wen. c. 2.52
Stapclia rugtoa Wnl.
6296 marmorkta R. % S. marbled tt. ZD cu 1 in.s Y.St C. G. H. 1820. C s.1
6297 retusa Haw. rctiue tt. HI cu * Y.St C. G. H. C s.l
6296 WoodfordiAna Haw. Wooriford's tt. ZD cu C. G. H. 1810. C s.l
6299 hiodbra Haw. scentless tt. ZD cu Y.'st C. G. H. 1788. C 8.1
6300 clypcata Haw. shielded tt^cu C. G. H. 1812. C 8.1
Stapelia clypeita Jac.
785. OBE"SIA Haw. OllESIA. (Obesus, fat; flowers.) Asclepihdece. &
6301 geminuta Haw. Iw'injtowerett * my n P.St C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Bot mag. 1326
StapMia gcminata Mas.
6302 decora Haw. graceful tt. I cu i my.n Y.St C. G. H. 1795. Mass. 26
6303 serrulata Haw. serrulate tt. cu | P C. G. H. 1805. Jac. st. ic.
Stapelia serrulata Jac.
786. DUVA'LL/if Haw. DUVALLIA. (A/. Duval, a French botanist.) AsdcpiMca:. 12.
6304 reclinata Haw. reclinate jl.s C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 28
Stapelia reclinata Mas
6305 clegans Haw. elegant C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Bot. mag. 1184
6306 caspitbsa Haw. tufted »**•• E C. G. H. 1790. C s.1 Mats. 29
6307 hirtclla Spr. roughish 1 P C. G. H. C 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
StapMia nirtella Jac. P
6308 radiata Haw. rayed * jl.s p C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 BoL mag. 619
6309 Jacquinidfta R. & S. Jacquiu's ijl.8 p C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1 ic
radiata Jac.
6310 rcplicata Spr. folded back cu jl.s P C. G. H. 1812. C s.l Jac. ft. ic.
Stapelia replicata Jac.
6311 tuberculata Haw. tubcrculate n. leu i jl.s Br C. G. H. 1808. C s.1
6312 Itcvig^ta Haw. smooth n. leu Br C. O. H. C 8l
6313 glomcrata Haw. glomcrated tt. leu' i l Br C. G. H. 1804. C 8.1
6314 compacta Haw. compact tt. leu Br C. G. H. 18(J0. S.l
6315 mastbdes Spr. large-teatcd tt. leu i Br C. G. H. s.1
787. CARUNCULA'RIA Haw. CARUNCULARIA. (Caruncula, fleshy protuberance; fl.) AsclepiMecB. 1.
6316 pedunculata Haw. pedunculate tt. H] cu \ jn.n Br.P C. G. H. P9U. C s.1 Bot mag. 793
Stapelia pedunculata Mas.
788. PECTIN A"RI A Haw. PECTI.VARIA. (Pfc/«i,acomb.) Asdepiatlear. 1.
6317 articuUita Haw. jointed tt. ^ cu jl P C.G.U. 1800. C s.1 Mass. 30
Stapelia articulate Mas.
789. PIARA'NTHUS R.Br. PIABANTHUS (Piar, fatness, anthos, a flower.) AsctepiMcce. 3 . - 4 .
6318 pGllug R. Br. dark tt. ^ cu * au.s D.P C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1648
Stapelia pulla B. M.
8.1 Mass. 24
£319 punctatus A 2?r. dotted tt. 3 cu JjLn D.P C. G. H. 1795. Mass. 22.35
6380 parviflbrus Spr. small-flowered tt. 3 cu J au Y.G C. G. H. 1795.
Stapelia parviflbra Mas.
790. HUE'RNM R.Br. HUBRNIA. (J. Huernius. an early collector of Cape plants.) Asclepiadea. 11—12.
"wl reticulata R. Br. netted CLZHcu i P.St C. G. H. 1793. C s.l Bot. mag. 1662
StapMia reticulata B. M.
j*>22 campanuKita R. Br. bcll.shapcd !13 Jjlo Y.St C. G. H. 1795 C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1227
5?23 venusta R. Br. graceful tt.H]cu i jnjl Y.St G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Mass. 3
<»324 lentiginbsa R. Br. freckled a. leu ij. Y.St c. C. G. H. 1795. c 8.1 Bot. mag. 506
f"B5 KUttkta R. Br. tt. "Z3 cu $ au.n Y.St C. G. H. 1795. 8.1 Mass. 4
humble tt. Iru $aun YSt C. G. H. 1795. c c s.1 Mass. 5
V. Br. Xubc-flowered tt. l e u 2 au.n Y.St C. G. H. 1805. s.1 Bot cab. 225
i R. Br. bearded tt. leu i au.n C. G. H. 1795. c c 8.1s.1 Mass. 7
r*<*x T-r-* Haw. curletl tt-UJcu *«• C. G.H. c
«**r clavSgora_//aw. club.bcaring tt. Z3cu *|Jl.n" Y.St C. G. H. 1795. c 8.1 Jac. st ic.
occllated tt-ZDcu J au.n Y.St C. G.H. c 8.1 Jac. st. ic.
Stapelia ocellata Jac.
*J91. BRACHYSTE'LMA if. Br. BRACUVSTELMA. {Brachys, short, stelma, a crown.) AtclejAadcct. 1.
6332 tuberbsum 7f.Hr. tuberous X ID cu 1* jn.jl P C. G. H. 1821. C s.1 Botrcg.722
*792. CARALLITMA R. Br. CARALLUMA. (IU Indian name.) AsclcpU\de<e. 2.
6333 adscendens R. Br. ascending tt.Z3cu 2 jl P E. Indies 1804. C s.l Rox. cor. 1.30
Staptlia adscendens Rox.
63o4 umbellata Haw. umbelletl tt-Z3cu Pk E. Indies 1804. C s.l
ftSr3n"e rS cWn E / R T / i < L. FELWORT. [E. Swertt a celebrated cultivator in Holland.) Gcntthnea. 3. —16.
KW n » L. perennial ± ^ or 1 P England D m.s Eng. bot. 1411
JIJfnrniculitaGm. small-horned O pr A jl.s Pa.G Siberia 1817. S s.p Gm. si. 4.53.3
^7Mirhaux««waR.&S. Michaux's Q or } JLau G.Tf N. Amcr. 1824. S s.p
corniculata Ph.
GENTIAN. (Virtues first experienced by Gcntivs, king of Illyria.) Geututnea. M.—W.
vellow 5t A or 4 jnjl Y Alp. Eur. 1596. D p.l Mil. ic. 139
liirKri«i A. A nr 24 jn.jl Y.p Y.p Switzcrl. 1817. Dn p.l
purple 3 jnjl B B Alp. Eur. 17ti8. D p ' Bot rep. 117
white-flowered W D p.l
P n n i c * Sc Pannonian 2 jnjl W
P Alp.
Alp.Eur. 1823.
Eur. ... D p.l Jac. au. 2 136
1 Jjnjl Y
Punctata/.. 3 " Apl. Eur. 1775. D pi Jac. au. 5. 28
two-lobcd j, M — -• ,-•„- Y Alp. Eur. lH'JO. D p.l Dec. ic. 15
Burser*s ^ A or 2 jl au Y Pyrenees 1820. D p.l Trat. au. 3.10
. campanulkU Jac. campanulate 2 Su Switzerl. 1819. D p.1 Jac. au. 29
septlmfida PaU. seven-cleft j.j L.B Persia p.l Bot. mag. 1229
7 2 BUttkta spotted J njl B Levant 1804, p.l Bot. mag. 1410
Swallow-wort-lk? j l. a u B Austria 1629. p.l Bot. mag. 1078
long-leaved D.B Siberia 1796. p.l Pal. ros. 2.96
crossed Jnjl D.B Austria p.l Jac. au. 4. 372
ascending B Siberia 1799. p.l Bot.mag.705
decumbent B Siberia 1799. pi Bot mag. 723
Jrigida //« e . frigid W Styria 1817. p.l Trat. au. 7.1
«gida Pa//. cold W Siberia 1808. p.l Pal. ros. 2.95

6353 gelida Bieb. ice-cold P.Y Siberia 1807. D p.l

6354 Pneumonanthe L. Wind-flower B England D p.l Eng. bot 20
2 guttata spotted B D p.l Hot. mag. 1101
6355 Pae&do-pncumonan. C B ibtard I B N. Amer 1800. D p.l
the R. * S. I. wind-flower j
Mnesr-lcaved Carolina 1816. D p.l
6356 linearis Fro. three-flowered Siberia 1807. D p.l PaL ros. 93.1
6357 triflora Pall. Soapwort-/i/d N. Amcr. 1776. D p.l Bot. mag. 1039
6358 Saponaria /,. Catcsby's N. Amer. 1803. D p.l Bot. rep. 418
6369 Cateab^i Walt intermediate N. Amcr. 1820. I) p.l Hot. mag. 230
SSfiO intermlriiu Jt. M. Bot. mag. 1551
IVkil ochrolcucu Frit. N. Amer. 180.J. I> p.l Bot. mag. 1856
6362 incarnata S. M. five-flowered N. Amcr. 1812. D p.l
6363 quinqueflora Lam. Pa.B N. Amcr. 1824. S p.l
amarelloides A/r. golden^ i Y Norway 182a D p.l FL dan. 3.44
6361 aorca L.
qumqucfblia Fl. dan. umbellate fmy.Jn P Caucasus 1823. D p.l
6365 umbellate Bieb. steinless' i B Wales walls. D p.l Eng. bot. 1594
636fi acatilis /,. narrow-leaved 1 B Alp. Eur. 1819. D p.l Lob. ic. a 10
2 ani(Uitit?)lia short-leaved i B Switzcrl. 1819. I) p.l Bar. ic. 103. 2
6MJ7 brachyphflla Fit. alpine i .my.jl B Alp. Eur. 1817. D. p.l Bot. cab. 476
63fK sJplna Fit. Altaian 1 P Siberia 1824. 1) p.l Pal. ros. 97. 1
63(59 allaica Pall. Pyrencan iap.Jl B Pyrenees 1825. D p.l W.&K.207
6370 pyrcnitfca L. dwarf i ap my B Switzcrl. 1817. 1) p.l Jac. au 4. 302
6371 jM.mila L. spring i B England moun. D j>.l Eng. bot 493
6372 verna L. summer i jn.jl B Austria 1818. 1) pi Hacca.4.2.3
637.3 awttva R. AS. Bavarian i jl B Germany 1775. I) p.l Vil. del. 2.10
6374 bavdrica, L. imbricate i B Switzerl. 1819. D p.l Bar. ic. 101
6375 imbricata Fro. i ap.jn P Altai 1824. 1) p.l
6376 angulbsa Bieb. bladdery | ap P S . Europe 1822. 1) p.l W. & K. 206
6377 utnculosa Z,. snowy . i au B Scotland scalp. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 896
6?378 niv.\lis L humble ap P Caucasus 1824. D p.l Pal. ros. 97.2
6379 humihs Sfcw. studded* , ... B? 182a D p.l Bot. mag. 2303
6380 clavata A A/. German i au B Germany 1818. S p.l Fl. mon. 278
6381 germiinica W. Amarella i au P Britain S co Eng. bot. 236
6.382 Amarella
i L. field i au P Britain S co Eng. bot. 237
6384 obtuHI folia IV. obtuse-leaved i Y Switzerl. 1826. S p.l Hte. ar. 1. S. 3
6385 pratensis Fro, meadow B Siberia 1817. S p.l Fl. dan. 328
6386 caucWa B. M. Caucasian i jl V Caucasus 1804. S p.l Bot. mag. 1038
6387 nnKiistifolia Mx. narrow-'.eavcd B N. Amcr. 1812. D p.l
6388 gl.tciaha MJ. icy i B Alp. Eur. 1819. S p.l Fl. dan. 318
638!) cannthiaca Fro. Carinthian iJlau B SwitzerL 1817. S p.l Jac. m. 2.6
6390 cihata Z,. ciliated f au.a L.B Germany 17.ri9. D p.l Jac. au. 113
6391 timbnata W. tau.s B Caucasus 1818. D p.l
cihata /&<•&. fringed
6392 barbata Fro. i au.a B Siberia 1764. D p.l Bot mag. 639
ciliata 2 O / . bearded
6393 crinUa Fro. J jn.jl L.B N. Amer. 1804. S p.l Bot mag. £031
fimbriata A Arp.
795. HYDRCOLEA Z. HYDROLEA. (IIydor, water, elaia, oil; situation, and oily.) Convotvulaceat. 2 . - 6 .
6394 npinogn L. thorny £.\ I or 1 jn jl P.n S. Amcr. 1791. C l.p Bot. rep. 566
6395 quadrivalvis four-valved £ IAJ or 1 jLau B Carolina 1824. S bog
caroliniana Mx.
' 796. EVCLVULUS L. EVOLVULUB. (Evolvo, to roll out; not twining, opp. Convolv.) Convolvul&ce*. 12.-22.
fi3% nummulariua L. Money-wort
" -. — — •- B
» Jamaica
r_—r__ 1816., O 1 ^ „ co„ SI. jam 96.2
O1 .— ^ „
tiJ«*7 Rangeticus L. Ganges -* O pr 1 B E. Indies 1820. CO
am fllsinoidcs R. Br. Chickweed-like-* O pr i B E. Indiea 1817. CO K. mal. 11. 64
6399 hiniitus Lain.
6400 villbsus R. # P.
6401 sericeus Sw.
Jc ITTI pr
i-. TAlpr J B B
Trinidad 1818.
S. Amcr. 1810.
W. Indies 1816.
Lam. il. 2It). 2
Fl. per. 3.25a 6
Br. jam. 10.3
6402 tncanus Pers. hoary i B S. Amcr. 1810. p.s Fl.pcr.a2j2.b.
sericeus R. & P.
6403 /inifolius /,. Flax.leavcd Jt O pr 2 au.s B Jamaica 1732. S co Br. jam. 10. 2
6404Nuttalliiint/f R.&S. Nuttali'a I B N. Amer. 1824. S co
6405 emarginatus L. emarginate •JOpr 1 s B E. Indies 1816. S co Bur. in. 30.1
6406 latifdlius Ker broad-leaved « jnjl W Brazil 1819. D co Bot rcg. 401
797. FA'LKIA L. FALKIA. (J. P. Folk, a Swedish botanist, died 1774) ConvolvulacecB. 1.
6407 repens L. creeping JW lAJ or i Pk C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. rep. 257
798. CU'SCUTA L. DODDER. (Kechout, its Arabic name.) Convoloulucetv. 7 . - 2 3 .
6408 curopsB^a L. Euro|iean A cu Britain hea. D par Eng. bot. 378
6409 A'pftnymum Mur.
6410 chinensis Lam.
True Dodder
A cu i! Britain
hea. D par EIUL bot 55
1803. D par
6411 australis R. Br. southern ' tAlcu au.s N. Holl. 1818. S par
6412 chilensis B. M. Chilian A cu year Chile 1821. D par Bot. rcg. 603
6413 vcrrucosa Swt. wartcd A cu ap.o Nepal 1821. D par Sw. fl. gar. 6
6414 Hortkert Swt. Hooker's f ITHlcu s.o E. Indies 182a S par Hook. ex. fl. 150
rcflcxa var. verrucosa Hook.
6415 amcricana L. American £, E3 cu ... jl.o W . Y S. Amer. 1816. D par SI. jam. 1.128.4
799. DICHO'NDRA Font. DICUONDRA. (D/«, twice, chondros. grain : form of caps.) Convolvuldcea. 5 . - 7 .
III i IWI • • • W

6416 r&i>cns Font. creeping %, IAJPU 1J jnau W N. S W. 1803. C s.p Sm. ic. in. 1.8
6417 serlcea Sum silky i w E 2 c u l j j n a u W Jamaica 1793. C s.p
Carolina 1810. D
6418 carol inensis Mi. Carolina Irr-AJcu & W
repens fi Poir. silvery JWiAJcu § W W.. Indies 1800. D s.p p H.ber.8.81
6419argentea IV. round-leaved J ^ i A J c u | W 1819. D s.p
6420 rotundifolia Lk. CREBSA. (Cressa, a native of Crete, Lat.: abounds there.) Convolnuldcea. 1. — 3 .
„ 800. CRE'SSA L. CrcUn Jt O cu i P Levant 1822. S s.p Lam. il. 183
MICROTEK A Sun. MICBOTBA. (Mikrotes. smallness: minute parts of fructification.; Phytoldcc*. &
6422 debilla Stvx. weak O cu | jn.jl W Jamaica 181d S co tO0
6423 maypurenaia G. Don Maypure Ocu W Trinidad 1817. S co H. AB.n.8.1 8 *
AncistrocarpiiB maypiirensis Kth.
802. VELVZIA W. VBLBZIA. {C. Vein, physician and botanist at Madrld.j CaryopkAlea. 1.
64S4 rigida W. rigid O cu * jl W . P Spain 1633. S co Baric. 1018
801 LINC&NIA L. LINCO.VIA. (Uncertain; probably a man's name) Brunfoeea. 3 . - 4 .
6425 alojiecuroldea L. Fox-taiMikc • i_Jor 22 W
W C. C. G.
G. H.
H. 1816.
1816. C
C pi Swz.b.m.4
6426 fhymifblia Sun. Thyme-leavcd M J
M|_Jor 22 myjii
j WW CC.GG.HH.1825 1825. CCp.l lSwz. b. m. 85. 4
Diosma deusta Thun.
6427 cuipidkta Sun. cuspidate ft|_Jor 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1825. C p.l 5.884.
Diosma cuspidata Thun. £7.1
804. BUMA'LDil Thun. BUMALDA. (J. A. de Bumalda, a botanist of Bologna.) Bruntoce*. 1.
6428 trifolia Thun. three-leaved L J C U 2 jn.s ... Japan 18.12. S co
Staphylta Bumalda Dec.
•905. HEtTCHEIM L. HEITCIIEBA. (J. H. Heucher, prof. med. at Wittcmberg.) Saxifrage*. 7 . - 8 .
6429 amcricana L. American * or 1 myjl P N. Amer. 1616. D s.l
G430 hlspida Ph. hispid or 3 my P N. Amer. 1826. D p
6431 glabra Pail. smooth or 1 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1824. 1) co
6432 pubcscens Ph. pubescent or 1 myjl Pk.v N. Amer. 1812. D Lp
6433 villfca Mx. villous or 4 myjl W N. Amer. 1812. I) l.p
6434 caule&cens Ph. caulescent or 1 my.jl W N.Amcr 1812. D l.p
6435 macrophyllu La. C long-leaved or 1 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1810. D co
806. CUSSO*N/i* L. CIJSSONIA. (A/. Custon, a celebrated French liotanist.) Aralidcect. a
6435 thy mi flora L. thyrsc-flowcrcd * i_J or 6 ... G C. G. H. 1795. C l.p Th. up.3.12
6437 tripterU Coll. three-winged ft I _ J or 4 ... G C. G. H. 1816. C l.p Col. h. rip. 26
6438 spicata L. spike-flowcrcd ft LJ or 6 ... G C. G. H. 1789. C s.1 Th.up.3. 13
807. ANA'BASIS JL ANABASIS. (Anabahto, to ascend; climbs trees.) Chenopbdeee. 4. — 9.
6439 famariscifulia L. Tamarisk-lvd a. i | c u Jn.jl G Spain 1753. "C 'lp Cav. ic.3.2R3
6440 aphf Ha /,. leafless a. i icu Jn.jl G Asia Min. 1817. C l.p Cav.ic.3.284
Salsola articulata Font.
6441 fldrida Bieb. flowery O cu 1 jnjl G Iberia 1817. S Lp Bieb. cen. 1.17
6442 oppositiflora Schr. oppositc-flwd O cu 1 jnjl G.Y Russia 1825. S l.p Pal. it 103,0
808. SALSO'LAZ. SALTWOBT. (Salsus, salt; saline properties.) Chenopbdtte. 16.—51.
6443 KM L. Kali O ec 1 F Britain sea. sh. S s.l Eng. bot 634
6444 TYagus L. Tragus O cu 2 j l . a u W S. .Europe.Europe 1817. S s.l Pal. ill. 2.29
6445 fomariscina Pall. Tamurix-like O cu 2 Y
O Tauria 1820 S a.1 Pal.ilL2.25
644H crissa Bieb. fleshy cu 1 W.v Caucasus 1818. S p.l Bux.c.1.14.2
6447 roaacea L.
6448 oppositifMia Desf.
644!) brachiata Pall.
8 _ cu I j|.au Pk Asia
opposite-leaved tt. __J cu 1 Sicily
1759. S il Schk. han. 1.57
182a C 8.1 Cav. ic 245
O cu 1 Br Tauria 1818. S «.p Pal. III. 2.22
6450 glauca Bieb. glaucous tt. -J cu 4 Y.o Caucasus 1821. C s.p Pal. ill. 2.19
spicata Pall.
6451 vermiculita L. checkered O cu 1J G Siberia 1759. S 8.1 Gm si. 3.18.2
64.02 rigida Pa//. rigid «._Jcu 1 jlau G Siberia 1K24 C 8.1 Gm. si. 4.5
6453 microphy'lla Cav. small-leaved O cu 2 jlau R Spain 175f). Cav. ic. a 2S7
645* verrucosa Bieb. warty O cu G Siberia 1817. s.p Pal. ill. 216
6455 folidsa &/«-. leafy O cu 1 Pk Siberia 1820. s.p B u x . c l . 19.1
Anabasis foliosa L.
645B laniflftra Z,. woolly-flowered O cu jnau Y Siberia 1797. S 8.1 Pal. i t 2. 236. P.
6457 sattva L. cultivated O ec Pk Spain 1781 S s.1 Cav. ic. 3.291
6458 .Sorfrt L. Soda O ec W S. Europe 1683. S 8.1 Jac Tin. 1.68
_ 809. KO x CH/i* Schr. KocniA. (A/. Koch, a German botanist) Chenopbdea. 9. —12.
645!) Ayssopiftlia JtoWb Hyusop-leaved O cu If G Siberia 1801. S co Pal. it. 1.4;)1. PL
JJ*®) trigyna £,*. trigynous O cu 3 G Spain 1804. S s.l Cav. ic. 3.289
JjWl prostrata Schr. trailing , £ l _ J c u 2 G S. Europe 1780. C s.1 3.294
( O cu 1 myjn W.o Hungary 1822. S s.1 W . & K . 1.78
*462 arenaria Both sand
_ , _ Chcnnpodium arenarium Kit.
'>463 «edoTdes .%rAr. Stonccrop-Iike O cu fi Jn G Crimea 1821. s.1 Pall. ill. 36
H4G4 muricata .fcAr. muncatc O cu 1 G Egypt J77& si Al. tau. a 4.2.
erj('»phora Schr. wool-bcaripg O cu f jnjl G Spain 1823. si Sr.haL3
>«)6 «coparia &A r . broom Cypress O cu 3 jn.s G Greece 16K). CO Sc. hal. 1.1.
G467 dasy&ntha ScAr. thick-flowered O cu 1 G Caucasus 182J. sp Pal ill. 1.10
810. CHENOPO'DIUM L. GOOSEFOOT. {Chen, a goose, pout, a foot; leaves) Chenopbdete. 34. — 72.
4*W Bfmus HenHenrku* L. Good Heqry £ Aw 1 G Britain rub. 1) co 1033
64«) Arbicum L. city O w 1 au G Britain dungh. S co Eng. bot. 717
g*7" ^ l i c i s L. Atriplex-like O un 3 au.s S China 17H0. S co Jac. vin.3.80
^Jiibrum/.. red O w 2 au.H R Britain dungh. S co Eng. bot. 1721
«»*72 chrysomelanospeY- Cyellow and "J O un 1 au.8 G Galicia 1820. S co
mum Bulb. Jblavk seeded J
J»*73 cnrthaginvnKc Zue. larthagcna 0 un 11 G Carthag. 1817. S CO
"474 puiicturuum Sco. small-dotted 0 un G Europe 1826. S CO Scon.d. 1.11
Jga Kuuu>6n»c Jac. Guinea 0 un 214 au.a
au.s G Guinea 1790. S -co Jac.ic.i'.345
r wall 0 w G Britain rub. S CO Eng. bot 1732
«*/7 Qumba W. green Quinoa 0 cul 3 jl G Peru 1822. S CO
red Quinoa 0 cul 31} jl G Peru 1822. S CO Feu. ob. 10
<H/8 rhoinbifrlium Mhl. rhomb-leaved 0 un jl.s G N Amer. 1807. S CO
6J79 serotinum L.
*8l Album L.
8un 2 jl.s
w $ au.s
O w ifljI.S
Spain 1821. S CO
Britain dungh. S CO Eng. bot 1724
Britain rub. S CO Eng. bot. 1723
2 subrotfindum rounilinh-leaved O w 2 jl.s G Britain rub. S CO
3vlride green O w i* J i L i G Britain rub. s CO
4 integrifMium entire-leaved O w 2 jl.s G Britain rub. s CO
5 crasbifMium thick-leaved O w S G Britain rub. s CO
^WS opulifuhum Schr. Opulus-leaved O un G Europe 1810. s CO Bast j. 1814,3
ft B
..w „. „ ^J. nctioled O un 1 G S. Amer. 1824. s CO
litoidos LeJ. Blitum-like O un 1 G France 182a s CO
Schradera/inum R. ft S. Schrader's O un 3 G Europe 1817. s CO
fa tidum Schr. not of others
•urn Poir. cuUeaved O »n 1} Europe 1821. S co
H 2

C487 humifiisum Zuc. ground-spread O un I G Europe 1810. S co

6488 giganteum D. Don gigantic O un 6 au.s G Nepal 1818. S oo
6489 h fbridurn L. Iiybrid 5w II au s G Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 1919
6490 Bittrya I. Botrys O un 1 jn.s G S. Europe 1548. S co Fl. gr. 2<i3
6491 Aotryoides Sm. BotrysJJte O w 1 II Britaiu sea. sh. S co Eng. bot. 2247
6493 fce'tidum Lam. fetid O un 4 G Europe 1800. S co Fl. dan. 1152
6493 multifidum L. many-deft 2 jn.o G Buenos A. 1732. D co Di. el. 60.77
6494 ambrosioldes L. Ambrosia-like fir G Mexico 1640. S eo M.h.5.35.8
6495 suttruticosum tV. suffVuticosc o
«L| fun
If jtl.0
2 jl.o G Mexico 1819. S co
649t> anthclminticum L. anthelmintic «.i 1 un 3 jl..iu G America 1732. C co Di. eL fiC. 76
6497 gravfeolcns W. hcavy-umclling O un 4 G Mexico 18'23. S co
6498 gluucum JL. glaucous O w G England rub. S co Eng. bot 1454
0499 margin&tum Spr. margined O un 2 jLau G Europe 1819. S co
6500 iiutulum 7to/A spreading O un 1 G E. Indies 1817. S co
6501 crussifblium Ztetf. thick-leaved O un G Europe 180-2. S co
rank-bmulling 2 jl G Britain rub. S co Eng. bot 1034
«L'Xh2 61idum Sm.
o w 1 G
651)3 polyspermum L. many-seeded w Britain rub. S co Eng. bot 1480
6504 uauiliitum Jar. caudate o un 1 G Guinea 1806. S co Jac. ic. 2.344
(J505 lateralc //. K. lateral o un 2 G Europe 1781. S co
6J06 lanceolatum 3/A/. spoar-lcavcd o un
1 au.s Pcnnsylv. 1809. S co
(5507 ariatatum L. awned o un jn.s G Virginia 1771. S co Gm. si. 3.15.1
(VK)8 scpium Mayer hedge ooun 2 jn.jl
Moravia 1823. S
Siberia 1810. S
co W.n.ber.2.5.2.
6509 acuminatum W. acuminate un
6510 aeutiftlium E. B. acute-leaved o w 1 Britain unc. gr. S co Eng. bot. 1481
6511 maritimum L. sea. o w 5 au G Britain sal. m. S co Eng. l*)t. 633
6512 parvifrlium It. $ S. small-leaved 11. o un 2 G Caucasus 1825. S co PaL ill. 3.44
6513 Biebcrsteinifiitiim 11. & S. Bicbcrstcin's
11*8 O un 3 G Caucasus 1824. S co
6514 hortense R. $ S. garden It un 3 G S. Europe ... S co
Salsola divirgens Foir.
6515 hirshtum Bleb.
6516 fruticbsum Schr.
shrubby tt.
o un
2 au.s
Euro]* 1791. S co
England sea sh. C co
Fl. dan. 187
Eng. bot. 685
Salsula iruticbsa E. B.
6517 altissimum Bicb.
o un 6 jlau
1 au.s
Italy 1775. S co Sc. hal. 1.3
Astracan 1782. S co Jac. vin. 383
Salsula salsa L. o un
6519 setfgerum Dec.
6520 radiatum Schr.
rayed o un
S. Europe 1822.
N. Amcr, 1820.
co An. mu. 2.34
6521 VuUasianum R.&S. Pallas's
6522spic&tum/t.#& spiked
oo un 2 G Persia
Bux.c. 1.31.1
Cav. ic. 3.290
O un 1 G
Salsola sfilsa Cav.
811. BETA L. BEET. (BetL red. in Celtic.) Chenopbdi-te. 7.
6523 vulgftris L. common i cu 4 au G S. Europe 1548. S r.m Schk. han. 1.56
1 viridis green i dt 4 au G S. Europe ... S r.m PI. ic. 169
2 rubra red-rooted i clt 4 au G S. Europe ... S r.m
31utea \c\\ovr-rooted i clt 4 au G S. Europe ... S r.m Kern. ab. 235
6524 macrorhlza Stev. long-rooted clt 6 au G Caucasus 1820. S r.m
6525 patula H. K. spreading | un 1 au G Madeira 1778. C r.m
6526 chela L. Sicilian G Portugal 1570. S r.m PI. ic. 170
6527 crfspa Trat. curled cul 6 au G S Europe 1800. S r.m Trat~.'av."ll7
6528 trfgyna Kit. three-styled or 3 W Hungary 1/9G. S r.m V/.&K. 1.35
6529 maritima L. sea i cul 1 au G Britain sea co. S r.m Eng. bot. 285
812. BO^SEif L. GOLDEN ROD. IE. G. Bosc, a botanist of taipsic.) Chenopbdete. 1. — 2 .
6530 Yervambra L. Yervamora i ll_jor 8 ... Ku Canaries 1728. C p.l Walt. h. 24.10
813. HERNIA*RIA L. RUPTURE-wottT. {Hernia, rupture; supposed med. quaL) Paronychirar. 8.—12.
6531 glabra L. smooth -* A cu £jl G England S co Eng. liot KM
6532 hirsuta L. hairy Jc A cu \ G England S co Eng. bot. 1379
6533 fruticosa L. shrubby tt. cu i G Spam 1814. C p.l Lob.ic.85
6534 polygonoidcs Cav. Knotgrass-like tt. (I cu i G S. Europe 17.02. C l.p Cav. ic. 2. 131
6535 incana Bieb. hoary -* ^ cu * G S. Europe 1822. S l.p Pluk. al. 5J..'!
hirsbta Bieb.
6536 alplna Vil alpine A cu * G S. Europe 1822. S Lp
6537 annua Lag. annual Jk O cu ijlau G Spain 1824. s CO
6538 cinerea Dec. cinereous Jk O cu i jnjl G MontpeL 1823. s CO
•814. U'IMUSL. ELM TREE. {Elm, its name in Celtic.) Ulmuccte. 19.
6539 carapestris L. English field tm 80 Br Britain hcd. L CO Eng. bot. 1886
6540 subcrbsa Afoen. cork-barked tm 40 Br Britain hcd. L CO Eng. bot. 2161
6541 fruticosa tV. shrubby m or 8 Br Europe ... G CO
6542 glabra £. R smooth tm 60 Br Britain hcd. L CO Eng. bot. 22 kS
6543 major & A greater X tm 40 Br Britain ... G CO Eng. but. 2542
6544 montina E. B. mountain tm 40 ap.iny Br Britain hed. S CO Eng. bot 18S7
6545 effusa W. - spreading.^wr/ $ tm 40 Br Britain ... L CO Schk. han. 57
cihata UArA
6546 americana Ph. white American' t tm 40 Br N. Amer. 1752. G CO
6547 alata Mx. winged l tm 30 Br N. Amcr. 1820. G CO Mic. ar. 3.5
6548 alba Xi/. white Hungar. i tin 30 ap.iny Br Hungary 1824. G CO
6549 humllis Amm. low 5i it or 6 ap.iny Br Siberia ... G CO
6550 crispa ff. curled or 20 apmy Br N. Amer. ... G CO
i i
6551 fulva Ph. deep-yellow tm 60 Br N. Amcr. ... G CO Mic. ar. 3. 6
pcndula W.
6552 scabra Mil. scabrous £ tm 40 Br N. Amer. ... L co
6553 piimila W. dwarf -a or 2 Br Siberia 1771. L p.l Pal. ros. 1.43
6554 parvitulia Jac. small-leaved A or 12 my lir 1822. G co Jac. sc. 262 „
6555 microphylla Pers. small-leaved life or 10 Br Siberia L coPal.ros.l.48.A.B.C
6556 chinensis P*r*. China »ijor 3 China
6557 intcgnfclia Rox. entire-leaved f • or 40 ... Br E. Indies 1822. G s.f Rox. cor. 1.78
815- CHAILLE r/il Dec. CHAILLETIA. (If. ChaUlct, a Swiss botanist.) Chaillete*. 1.—6.
6558 Toxicaria G. Don Rat poison * L J P 5 my.jl W S.Leone 1824. C p.l
816. PHY'LLIS L. BASTARD HARE'S EAR. (Phyllon, a leaf: its chief beauty.) Rubihcea:. 1. ^
S9Nbl L. Noble m cu 3 jn.jl G Canaries 1699. C r.m DL el. 299.386

817. CORIA'NDRUM /,. CORIANDER. (Koris,* bug; smell of leaves.) Umbellifer*. I — J -

6560sativumL. cultivated O clt 2 jn W England fields. S co Eng.bot67
818. BI'FORIS Spr. BIFORIS. (Bis. double, forts, a flap; fruit.) UmbeUtfcrte. S.
6561 testicuhitum Bieb. twin-fruited 0Tun 2 j n . j l W S. Europe 1640. S co Pluk-al. 169.2
Cbnandrum tcsticulMum L.
6562 radians Bieb. radiant O un ljjn.jl W Caucasus 1817. S co
Conundrum testiculitum Bieb.
819. SCA'NDIX L. SCANDIX. (Greek name for an eatable plant)
jn.jl W Britain co. fl. Eng. bot. 13117
6563 Pecten L. Veaus's Comb O
6564 austrMis L.
6565 pinnatifida Ven.
O un
O un l i
1my.jn W
m y j n
S. Europe 1713.
w Persia 1805.
co 1.90
Ven. eels 14
6566 falcata Lon. falcate-seeded O un 1 my.jn w Crete 1817. •o
W^lia radians Hofm.
6567 grandiflora L. large-flowered O un If my.jn W Iberia 1818. S co Hof. um.2.3
Wy'lui grandiflura Hqfm.
6508 iberica Bieb. Iberian O un 1 jnjl W Iberia 1823. S co Hof. urn. 2.4
Wylia iberica Hqfm.
*820. jfNTHRI'SCUSPera. Rouon CHERVIL. (By Pliny to a plant like Scandix.) UmbclUfera. & — 9.
6569 vulgXris Per*. common O w 1J my.jn W Britain he. ba, S co Eng. bot. 813
5candix ifnthriscus L.
6570 tuberculata it. 8j S. tubcrculatc O un 1ft my.jn W Syria 1810. S co
6571 taurica Fis. Taurian O un 1 my.jn W Tauria 1820. S co
6572 hispida Dec. hispid O un 1 my.jn w France 1819. S co
6573 nodtaa Pen. knotted O un 1 my.jn w Sicily 1656, S co
6574 trichospcrma R8[S. hairy-seeded O un l i ... w Hungary 1818. S co
6575 nemorbsa Spr. grove A un 2,1 my.jn w Russia 1810. D co Gm. si. 1.49
6576/umarioildes Spr. A un I my.jn w Hungary 1810. D co W.&K.3.224
... — Fumaria-like
. *821. CHJEROPHY'LLUM L, CHERVIL. (Chain, to rejoice, phyllon, leaf; mf\.)UmUBjfetw. 8*.--9B.
% 6577 sylvgstrc L. woo
wood A w & myjn W Britain hed. D co Eng. bot. 752
6578 nltidum Vahl shining A un 3 my.jn W Europe 1820. D co
hybrid A un my.jn w Italy 1822. D co
6579 hfbridum Ten. Europe 1810. 1) co
(5580 divaricatum Poir. divaricate my.jn w
6381 mon6gonum Kit. one-angled un my.jn w Hungary 1810. D co
angulatum Kit.
^6582 sattvum Pers. cultivated O cul li my.jn W England he-ba. D co Eng. bot. 120)
Scandix Cerefulium L.
6583 nrocumbens Lam. procumbent Jfc O uu 1 jnjl W Virginia 1699. D co M. h.9.11. ult.
6584 bulbosum L. bulbous-rao/cd & A un lijnjl W Europe 172ri. D co 1.63
Affrrhis bulbusa Spr. Britain hed. D co Eng. bot 1521
6585temu]umL. giddy Q) w 3 W
6586 hirsbtum L. haxtyUcaved A u n 24 jnjl Pk Switzerl. 1759. U co Jac. au. 2.148
6587 Cicutana ViL Cicutn-leaved un li my.jn H.W S. France 1810. U co
6588 roseum Bieb. rosy un 1| my jn R Caucasus 1817. 1) co Hof. urn. 1.1.33
6589 hum lie Bieb. humble un 1 myjn W Iberia 1&'3. D co
6590 coloratum L. colored un 1} Y Illyria 1806. D co M. h.9.10.6
6591 aureum L. golden un 2 Pk Scotland b. of ti. D co Eng. bot 2103
6592 maculatum Horn, spotted un 3 myjn W S. Europe 1810. D co
6593 torquatum Dec. torquate un 3 my.jn W Piedmont 1819. 1) co
'6594BieberstcinM K.&S. Ilioberstein's un 2 my.jn W Caucasus 1825. D co
6595 tenuifulium Poir. fine-leaved or 1 myjn W ' S. Europe 1818. D co
6596 capense Thun. Cape un 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1810. S co
6^97 aromfiticum L. aromatic or 3 W Germany 1726. D co 2.150
6598 angelicaefulinm Bieb. Angelica-lvd un 3 myjn W Caucasus 1820. D co
\6599canadcnseP<rr«. Canadian or 1} W N. Amer. 1699. D co M. h.9.11
, ^_ Staon canadense L.
^6600 Clayt6ni Pcrs. Clayton's A or 2 W N. Amer. 1806. D co Spr. un. 3.6
Jl/yrrhis Clayt&ni Mx.
_ 822. JERY'NGIUM L. ERYNGO. (Eryggano, to belch: expels wind) UmbeUifcra:. 3 4 . - 5 8 .
N. Amer. 1699. D bog Botreg.372
6601 aquaticum L. aquatic Mexico 1820. D s.l Cav. ic. 6.555
6602 longifulium Cav. long-leaved NewSpainl824. D Lar. cr. 288
6603 bromelte/d/iM7W Lar. Pine-apple-lvd B. Ayres 1817. D Lar. cr. 32
6604 ebracteatum Lam. bractlcss Europe 1596. I) s.1 Jac. au. 4.391
6605 pl3lnum L. RaUeaved l
...„. 18 J0. 1) 8.1 Lar. er. 11
6606 aspenfolium Lar. rough-leaved S. Europe 18«0. 1) 8.1 Dcsf. at 1.55
W»07 dichotomuin Dcsf. dichotomous Caucasus 18'J0. 1) S.1
<&£ K'Knntoum Bieb. giant N. Spain 1824. 1) 6.1 Lar. er. 24
UjOj) Klric
racile Lar. slender Spain 1699. D 8.1 Lar. er. 9
SMV uspidatum L. tntid Caspian 1816. 1) S.1 M.h.7.37.13
\ coruleum Pers. b\ue-floivcred Britain seash. D s.1 Eng bot.7lH
timum L. sea-holly Switzerl. 1597. D s.1 Bot. mag. 9*22
um Lam. alpine France 1816. D 8.1 Vil. del. 17
l stiff Spain 1640. D 8.1 Lar. er. hi
small Portugal 1810. D si
vo1 rm
firi-i" ** P°' Portugal 18(13. I) 8.1 Bot. maff. 14S7
\r.\l cornicuntum Lam.
small-horned Spain 1824. D 8.1 Lob. ic. 2.23
PUM?. nue_/,a»i.
rr!u ^fluKbliuro Cav. slender Spain 1816. D s.1 Lar. er. 10
1 5 * virgmiknum Lam. HaWy-leavcd N. Amer. D s.1 l*r. er. 19
7^1 virgJttum Lam. Virginian N. Amer. 1810. D 8.1 l*r. cr. 20
f t i d L virgate W. Indies 1714. D 8.1 Her. lug. 237
fetid NewSpainltMX). D si Cav. ic. 6. (S4
„ - - - « . - t u r n Cav. serrated Mexico 1820. D s.1 liar. er. 18
™&* Cervantcsii Lar. Cervantcs's _ Britain pas. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 57
^ campfotre L. field Pa.B S. France 1731. D 8.1 Gou il. 7.3
J2J5 Bourghti Gou. Bourgati's L.B Styria 164H. D s.1 M. h. 7.35. 2
r**l amethystinum L. amethystine B S. Europe 1824. D 8.1 Desf. at. 1. .01
' Vahl triangular B Portugal 1821. D s.1 Lar. er. 4
dilated B 1800. D s.l
Anderson's W N. Holl. 1824. D 8.1
Kii. sheep
Lar. tufted B N. Spain 1818. D s.1 Lar. cr 7

6633 azitreum Daf. azure A A or 2 B S. Europe 1790. D s.1

6634 glomcratum Lam. glomerate £ A or 1 B S. Europe 1826. D s.1 Lar. er. 6
823. SANI'CULA L. SANICLB. {JSano, to heal; supposed healing qualities.) Umbelltferee. a
6635 europs*a L. European £ A _w_ i*! n. j.J . yH Britain woods. D s.1 Eng.bot98
6636 canadensis L. Canadian 5 A un 2 jn.jl W Canada 1800. D s.l
6637 manlandica L. Maryland 5t A un 1* jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1765. D s.1 Jac ic. 2.348
834. ECHINO'PHORA L. SEA PARS.VEP. (Echinos, a hedgehog, phoreo, to bear j flowers.) UmbeUlfer*. 3.
6638 spinhsa L. prickly £ A cu f jl W England sea co. D s Eng. bot 2413
6639 tenuifolia L. thin-leaved £ A cu 1 W Apulia 1731. D s 1 M. h. 9.1.2
6640 trichophylla Sm. hair-leaved £ A cu 1 jl W Levant 1820. D co
825. DAU'CUS L. CARROT. (Daio, to separate; discusses flatulency.) UmbeUlferaf. 15.—21.
6641 Carbta L. common iQ)m 3 jnjl W BriUin b. offi . S s.l
2 hortensis yellow garden 5 Q) cul 3 apjl W Europe gard. S r.m
3 aur&itia /o/i/f-orangc ^ CD cul 3 myjl W Europe gard. S r.m
4 proiVox early Zior/t Q) cul 3 my.jl W Euroiw gard. S r.m
6642 mauritdnicus L. Mauntaman Q> un 3 jnjl W Spain 1768. S s.l Al. ped. 2.61.1
664.') polygamus Gau. polygamous W Spain 1817. S co Jac. vin. 3.78
6<>44 maritimus Lam. sea Qun W Britain Cornw,, S s.l Eng. bot. 25iH)
6645 gfimmifer Lam. gum-bearing Q> w W Italy 1H18. S co Bou. mu. 20
6646 Gingidium L. Chervil W France 1722. S 8.1 M.h. 9.9.10
6647 lucidus L. shining W S. Europe 1807. S B.I M h. 3. 9. 14 4
16648 muncutus L. ikl Pk Barbary 1683. S s.l M. h.9.14.4
6649 aurcus Z)t'*f. golden-Jlowered Y & Europe 1823. S co Desf. at 1 61
6650 littoral is Sm. shore W Greece 1820. S co Fl. gr. 271
6651 hlspidus i)f*T. hispid Pk Barbary 1804. S s.l Desf. at. 63
6652 meifMius Brot. Meum-lcavcd W Spain 1817. S co Brot. ph. 1.4
6653 parvifl5rus Detf. small-flowered _ _ Y S. Europe 1824. S co Desf. at. 1.68
6654 orinUus .Oftf, long-haired ^ Q) un W Barbary 1804. S 6.1 Desf. at. 62
6655 montevidecnsis Spr. Monte.Videan Q un W Monte Vi. 1827. S co
•826. CAU'CALIS L. BUR PARSLEV. (Greek name used by Thcophraiitus.) Umbellifcra?. 12.— 27.
46636 grandiflora L. grcat-flowercd O un 1| W S. Europe 1648. S co Jac. au. 1.54
6657 latifolia L. broad-leaved O w 3 R England ch. ti. S co Eng. bot. 198
6658 tfaucoides L. Carrot-like O w 11 jn R England ch. R. co Eng. bot. 197
16659 platycarpos L. broad-seeded O un * W S. Europe 1800. CO M. h.9.14.2
6660 mauntanica L. Mauntanian O un | my.jl W Mauri tan. 1818. CO
6661 leptoph?lla L. flncleaved O un 1 Pk Europe 1739. CO Jac. vin. 195
6662 pbmila IV. dwarf O un 1J Pk S. Europe 1640. CO Cav. ic 2.101
5 6fi6.3 maritima Bauh. sea O un i my.jl H France 1810. CO M. h. 9.14
$6664 orientklis Bux. oriental O un 4 jn.jl W Levant 1699. CO M. h. 9.14.5
2 pulchtTrima W. en. mobt beautiful O un 2 jn.jl W Caucasus 1816. CO Bux. c. 3.33
6665 hispida Desf. hispid O un 1 my.jn W Italy 1818. CO
6666 glkbra Forsk. smooth O un imy.jn W E»ypt 1820. CO For. eg. 23 2,3
(6667 httorklis Bteb. shore O un 1 my.jn W Caucasus 1819. CO Hof. urn. ed.2 1.
C&chrys httoralis Spr. [1.36
827. TORPLIS Gae. TURILIS. {Toreyo, to carve: seeds.) UmbeUlferaf.
I £ orcyo, w B U « ! KCW.; umoeuuerat. o. —6 . - v.
6668 ilnthrlscus Gm. Anthnscus
CaArahs ilnthrlscus Sco. O w R Britain hcd. S co Eng. bot. 987
6669 infesta H. K. troublesome O w 1 Y Britain co. fl. S co Eng. bot. 1314
Ca6calis arveiisis Hud. helvetica Gm.
6670 noritoa Gae. knotted J Ow myjl W Britain co Eng. bot 199
6671 tubcrculata Poir. tuberculatc O un jn.jlW Syria 1817. CO
6672 tnchouperma Spr. hair-sccded O un jnjl w Egypt
1824. CO
Scandix trichosperma L.
6673 ncglccta Spr. neglected O un 1 jnjl W Austria 1817. S co
828. 0L1WR1A Vcn. OLIVE HI A. (G. A. Olivier, a French botanist.) Utnbclllferar. 1.
6674 decumbcns Veil. decumbent -* O cu 1 myjl P Bagdad 1816. S co Ven.cch>21
829. LEDEBlTIt//* Lk. LEDEBUBIA. (A/. Ledebure, a botanical author.) UmbeUtfcree. 1.
6675 pimpinelloldes Lk. Pimpinella-hkc • L un 2 jnjl W Tauria 182a S co
TYagium tauncum Led.
830. 3/Y'RRHIS Mor. MYRRH. (A name used by Dioscoride*.) Umbell\feraf. 1.
6676 odorata Sco. sweet-suented J ^ cc 2} myjn W Britain m. pas. D co Eng. bot 697
831. JBIPNIUM L. EARTH NIJT. (Bounos, a hill; habitation.) UmbeWer*. 4.
6677 flexufisuin 5//i. flexuous ; A w 2 myjn W Britain past D co Eng. bot. 988
Bulboc&Htanuin E. B.
6678 pyrcnexuin LoL Pyrenean A A un 1 jnj W Pyrenees 1826. D co
6f>79 Bulbocaiitanum L. common A A un l i jn. W Portugal 1818. D co Hof. urn. 1.1 4
6680 mnmo'ides Lk. Ammi-like A A un 1 Jn.jl Portugal 1820. D co
flexuusum Brot. jl
832. WALLRO'TH/jtf Spr. WALLROTIIIA. (K WaUroth, M. D., a German botanist) UmbeWfene. 2.
6681 tuberisisa Spr. tuberous A A un ft myjl W Hungary 1823. D co W. & K. 2.182
Iftnium alplnum Kit. Ligusticunj alpliuun Spr.
6682 spl6ndens Spr. shining A A un 1 myjl W Pyrenees 1825. D e o Fl. pyr.85
Zigdsticum splendcns Lap.
833. (ES A'NTHE L. WATER DAOPWORT. (Oinos,' ine, anthos, a flower; odor.) Vmbclllferee. 18.—23.
6683 fistulosa L. flstulous k A P 2 F Britain dit. D m.s Ping, bot 363
fi6B4 pimpinelloides L. Pimpinella-like^ A un W England sal m. D m.s Eng. bot. 347
6685 gymnorhtza Brig. naked-rooted jn.jl W Baltic 1817. D co
f>cucedanit6lia IVre. pimpinelloides
6686 approximate Merat approximate W France
xranee 1817. D cu
ion. *^ co
Man pimpinelloides Thuil.
6687 involucrkU Cav.
688 11 1111
involucrate Spain 1818. D co
fi /* ^ ^'*-''^. Peucedan.-lvd Europe 18lJ0. D aq Lob. ic. 729
6689jilaifiihaBteb. Silaiimleavcd Britain dit D aq Eng. bot 348
jocucedanifolia E. B. not Pall.
6690virgata Pair. twiggy W Spain 1820. D co
6691 prolifera L. proliferous W Italy 1739. D co Jac. vin. 3.62
6692 globulbsa L. globe-headed W Portugal 1710. 1) co 18.9
6G98 crocata L. saffron-colored W Britain dit. 1) m.s Eng. bot 2313
« 3 4 apiifolia Brot. Parsley-leaved W 1806.
Portugal 1806. D co Sub. rom. 84
6695 interrGpta 7%un. interrupted .jjn jl W 1818.
C. G. H. 1818 S co
6696 int-brians Thun. inebriating au.s W C. G. H. 1816. S co
6697 tenuifulia 7%«». fine-leaved jn.jl W C. G.
C. G. H. 1819.
H. 1819. S co
«698 austrklis Wul. southern jl & Europe 1817. 1) co
6699 Dec. glaucous jnjl W S. Europe 1823. D co
6700 nodifl&ra Schous. knot-flowered W N. Africa 1820. S co
Cbnium dichotomum Brou.
834. CRITHMUM L. SAMPHIRE. (Krithe, barley; similarity of seeds.) UmbelVferaf. 8.—4.
6701 maritimum L. sea K A cul 1 jl.s W Britain s. cliffs. D r.m Eng. bot 819
6702 latifblium L. broad-leavcd I iAJ cu li jl Y Canaries 1780. D r.m
Tendria canariensis Spr.
•835. ilTHAMA'NTA L. SPICKNEL. (Found upon Mount Athamas in Sicily.) Umbellifera. 13. —14.
$6703 Libanbtis L. . Rosemary Aw 2 jn jl W England S co Eng. bot. 1SX
6704 Cervaria L. Ccrvaria A un 4 Pa.P Europe 1597. S co Jac. au. 1.69
Ligubticum Cervaria Spr.
6705 sibirica L. Siberian A un jLau W Siberia 1771. co Om. ri. 1.40.1,8
6706 /mnacifulia Spr. Panax-leaved A uu Spain 1823. co Boc. sic. 1
Cachrys panacifulia Vahl w
6707 condens&ta L. close-headed A or jl.s w Siberia 1773. co Gou.iL 83.26
6708 inchna W. ho<try A un jLau w Siberia 1802 co
670!) sicula L. Sicilian A un jnjl w Sicily 168a co Za. h. 70.48
6710 Matthloli WaL Mattluoli's A or jn.jl w Carniola 1802. co Jac. 1c. 1. 57
6711 rretensis L. Cretan Carrot A un jn.j w Austria 1596. co 1.62
6712 &nnua annual O un jn.jl w Candia 1731. co
6713 lasiantha IV. hairy-pctaled A un w Spain 1818. co
6714 tortubsa Spr. twitted I cu w S. Europe 1826. s.p Desf. at. 1.73
6715 carwfolia Step. Caraway-leaved^L A un 1| w Siberia 1819. CO

83& PIMPINE'LLA L. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. (Bipinnufa, twice pinnate j leaves.) UtnbeUjfene. 10.
6716 Saxlflraga L. Saxifrage 1' ' W Britain dry pa. S co Eng. bot. 407
6717 l&tea Desf. 4 W S. Europe 182a S co Desf. at 76
6718 intermedia Nut. intermediate W Europe 1827. S co
6719 cretica Poir. Cretan 1 W S. Europe 1826. S co
6720 rigra W. hUck-rooted 1 W Germany 1683. S co Boc. mu. 80
6721 magna L. great 4 W England woods. S co Eng. bot. 408
2 dissecta cut-leaved 4 W Europe 1800. S co M. h. 9.5
6722 media Hqfm. mediate 4 W Europe 1817. S co Jac. au. 397
6723 dissecta Hrtz. cut-leaved li W England dry pL S co
6724 rotundifuha Spr. round-leaved 2 W Caucasus 1817. S co Spr. um.
Pimpinella rotundifulia Bieb.
6725 tenuis Sieb. slender A un 1 W Crete 1820. S co
837. 7HANGIUM Spr. TRAGIUM. (Tragos, a goat; odor.) UmbeU\fer<e. 7. —10.
6726 jfntaum L. Anise O cul 1 W Egypt 1551. S co
Slson ^n^sum Spr.
6787 Colftmme Spr. Columna's A un 2 W S. Europe 1810. S co Col. ph. 17
Pimpincllii TYagium Lam.
6728 deprehsum Sieb. depressed A un li W Crete 1822. co
6729 aromaticum Spr. aromatic Q) un 1 W Caucasus 1820. CO
6730 Briteri Spr. Brotero's A un li Portugal 1822.
m Pimpinella ftubonoldes Brot. w CO

6731 villosum Desf. villous A un 2 W Morocco 1817. S co

Schousboei Spr.
6738 pcregrinum Spr. foreign A un 8 W Italy 1640. S co Jac. vin. 8.131
838. PHELLA'NDRIUM L. WATER HEMLOCK. (Phelco, to deceive, aner, a man.) Umbcllifcne. 1.
6733 aquaticum L. aquatic k Q> P 3 jnjl W Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 684
839. DO'NDIi* Spr. DONDIA. (Dondie Dupre'e, a French botanist) UmbeUfrene. 1.
6734 £pipoctis Spr. Epipactis A p r 4 mr.ap Y Alps 1823. D p.l 5. U
Astrantia Epipactis L.
840. TRACHYSPE'RMUM Lk. TBACIIYSPERMUM. (Traehys, rough, sperma, seed.) Umbettlferte. 1.
6735 c6pticumSpr. p _ Egyptian
Egyptian O un 2 jnjl W Egypt 1773. S co Jac vin. 2.196
A*mm\ c6pticum L. Daucus copticus Pers. ^iinium cupticum Spr.
6736 rigens G. Don stiff* tt. i_J cu li jnjl W C. G. H. 1787. S co
Cunium rigens L. 2ftnium rigens Spr.
Wl. i<'MMI L. AMMI. lAmmos. sand; habitation.) UmbellUeraf. 8.
22 yH»*K* Lam- Visnaga O un 2 W S. Europe 1596. S co Gae. fr. 1,107
greater O un jnjl W S. Europe 1551. co Black. 447
SiiX "netnifMium Lam. Fennel-leaved CD un jnjl Y Caucasus 1818. co
6740 Joeberi Hok. Bocber's O un W Crete 1817. co
Ul'/crulaBfolium Lag. Ferula-leaved Q> un jnjl W Chile 1822. co
G74B acatilc Spr. stemless A un o Y & Europe 1820. co
iftinium aca61e Bieb. jnjl
6743 glaurifbhum Lap. glaucous-lvd J| O un li jn.jl W France 1816. co
0744 tfaucifMium Seo. Carrot-leaved 5 A un 2 Pa.Y Carniola 1734. co Scop. car. 16
842. mTBON L. BUDON. (Boubon, the groin: supposed medical virtues.) UmbelUfer*. 5 . - 7 .
V>745 maced6nicum W. Macedonian CD cu 2 Pa.Y Greece 1596. S co Black. 382
i^th^manta maced6nica Spr.
(6746 rlgidum Spr. stitHleaved 3 Pk Sicily 1710. Boc. mu. 8.76
2 gummiferum Sm. gum-bearing 3 jl.s Pk Crimea 1804. Sm. ex. bot 120
46747 buchtornense Fis. Buchtorn 2i W Siberia 1816.
. ilthamanta rlgida Horn.
*o748 glaucum Spr. glaucous lijnjl W Tauria 1817. S co
. _. Seseli iictra^um Bieb.
)g49 siculum Spr. Sicilian W Sicily 1820. S M. h. 9.
% TOO dich6tomum Spr. dich otomous W Caucasus 1818, Bot. mag. 8073
Resell dich6tomum Bkb.

€751 gdlbnnum W. Galbanum Y.o C. G. H. 1596. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 2469
5erinum gfilbanum Spr.
6752 lacvigatum H. K. smoothed i_J cu 4 inr.d Y C. G. H. 1774. S 8.1
' ferula lieviguta Spr.
6753 gummiferum W. gum-bearing tL-Jec 7 Jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1731. S 8.1 Com. h. 2. 58
84a CUMrNUM L. CUMIN. (Qttmohn, its Arabic name) UmbeWferte. 1.
6754 Cymlnum L. qfflcinal O fit f jn.jl W Egypt 1594. S co Cav. ic.4.360
•844. SE'SELI /,. MBADOW SAXIFRAGE. (SeycMyous, the Arabic name of a related plant.) UmbeWfera. 27.
6755 pimpinelloldes W.HfiC Pimpinclla-lk^ un 1 jl W S. Europe 1796. S co
Scl'inum podolicum Bes.
6756 Icucosplrmum W.$K. white-seeded & A un lijl W Hungary 1805. co W &K.80
6757 montinum L. mountain 5 A un 1 jnjl W Italy 1658. co Jac. vin. 2.129
6758 glaucum L. glaucous i A un 2 w France 1759. co Jac. au. 1. 144
46759 flinmoldcs/,. Annm-hkc O un | jnjl w S. Europe 1759. co Jac. vin. 1.52
6760 tortufcsum X.. twisted ^ CD un I o w S. Europe 1597. co
6761 divaricatum Ph. divaricate 5 A or 1 mjl Y N. Amcr. 1812. co Bot mag. 1748
6762 //ippomarathrum L. Horse Poppy 5 A un 2 jl P Austria ltiHG. co Jac. au. 2.143
6763 grnclle Kit. slender ^ A un 1} jnjl Y Hungary 1805. co W . & K . 2 . U 7
6764 datum L. tall & A un 1} W Austria 1710. co Gou il. 16.8
6765 annuum L. annual ^ O un | jnjl W France 1817. co Vail. pa. 9.4
^6766 dubium Schrnnk doubtful ^ Q> un 1| jnjl W Russia 1817. co
venosum IJofm. fclinoidcs Bes.
6767 tauricum Lk. Taurian ^ Q un 1 Tauria 1818. co
6768 Boccuni Spr. Boccom's £i Q) un 1 Caucasus 1826. co
/Hibon siculus Bieb.
6769 prolifcrum Spr. proliferous 3t A un 1 jnjl W 1818. co
6770 cha'rophyHordes Thun. Chervil-like £ Ol un 2 n.jl W C. G. H. 1810. CO
6771 stnatum Thun. striated jg £U un 1 n.jl W C. G. H. 1820. CO
6772 cimplstre Bes. field ^ Q) un 1 n.jl W Galicia 1823. CO
46773 vcrticillatum Dcsf. whorlcd O un 1 jl W Spain 1820. CO
puslllum Brot.
6774 cervanarlolium Dec. Cervaria-lvd 11. |_J un 2 jnjl w Teneriffc 1818. CO Dec. ic. 41
6775 tritcrndtum Ph. tritcrnatc 3t A un Y N. Amcr. 1820. CO
6776 fragile Gou. brittle ^ Q un 1 jnjl W 181(1 CO
6777 Pallusti Bes. Pallas's ^ Q un 1 jnjl W Silwria 1818. CO
6778 LobeliuM//w Bes. Lobel's ^ CD un W S. Europe 1817. CO
6779 vanum Trev. various £fc Q) un 1 jn.jl W Silesia 1817. CO
46780 c6rsicum Bes. Corsican ^ Q> un 1 jnjl W Corsica 1820. CO
6781 crassifolium Schr. thick-leaved ^ Q ) u n 1 jn jl W Germany 1823. CO

845. TIIA'PSIA L. DEADLY CARROT. (First discovered in the Isle of Thapsus.) Umbcllifcree. 7 . - 9
6782 villosa L. villous £ A P 4 jnjl Y S. Europe 1710. D s.l M. h. 9.18.3
6783 foe'tida L. fetid 5 A P 2 Y Spain 15!I6. 1) s.l M. h. 9.18.7
6784 gummlfera Spr. gum-bearing ± A cu 2 jnjl Y Spain 1810. D co Dcsf. at 1.72
jLascrpitium g u m m i f e r u m Desf.
6785 Lascrpitii Spr. I*iserwort {fc A cu 2 Y S. Europe 1826. D co Dcsf. at 1.68
Lascrpf t i u m /hapsoldcs Dcsf.
6786 Aaclbpiam L. Swallow-wort 3t A cu 2 Y Levant ... D s.l SI h. 9.18.9
6787 garganica L. Gargaman 3t A cu 2 L.Y Barbary 1683. D s.l Gou. iL 18.10
6788 trifoliate Mil. trifoliate £ 3 jnjl Y N. Arner. 1700. D co
846. ACTINO^TUS Lob. ACTINOTUH. {Actinoiosy radiated j involucrum.) Vmbelllferte. 1.
6789 Helianthi Lab. Sun-flower £ 2 jn W N. Holl. 1831. D s.l Bot.reg.644
Eriocalia major Sm.
847. TRI'NI,* Hofm. TRIM A. (Dr. Triniusfn celebrated Russian botanist.) UmbelUfene. 3.
6790 Hottrafinni Bicb. Hoffmann's ^ Q) w i myjn W England rocks. S co Eng. bot 1209
Pimpin^lla dioica E. B.
6791 Henningii Bicb. Hcnning's Q) un W Hungary 1803 W.&K.27
6792 Kitaibtl* Bieb. Kitiibcl's Q) un 1 W Hungary 1800. W. & K. 172
Pimpin^lla dich6toma L. ramosissima Fts. glauca Kit.
•848. srUML. WATER PARSNEP. • (SJw, water, Celt.) f
UmbeUifcne. 8.
^6793 latifolium L. broad-leaved ^ A P W
3 jl W ' Britain
Bt i l DD aq Eng
rivul. E bot b t 204.
6794 lancifulium Bieb. lance-leaved & A un 2 W Caucasus 1819. D bog
6795 angustifrhum L. narrow-leaved 1 W Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 139
^6796 nodifl5rum L. knot-flowered I W Britain nvuL D aq Eng. bot 639
idJiin repens L. creeping *« A w J n W Britain moi. gr. D m.s Eng. bot. 1431
(!798 Fuluriria L. mower's k A P , W Europe 1726. D sp
6791) Aisarum L. Skirrct A A cul W China 1548. 1) r.m Schk. han. 1.69
&6800sfculum£. Sicilian ^t A un W Y Sicily 1686. I) sp Jac. vin.2,1J3
6801 line?ire Mx. £ A un W N. Amcr. 1810. D co
6802/erulaceum Spr. p .Ferula-like A_ cu S. Europe 1824. D co An. mu. 11.30
2?unium/crulaciaceum 5m. yerulsfblium Desf.
6803 peuccdanoldes S Spr. Pcuccdanum-lk
P d l k ^ A A cu 1 jl.AU Y Caucasus 1818. D co
Biinium ^eucedanoWes Bicb.
46804 bulbosum Tharc bulbous A cu i W France 1826. D e o Thorcj. 1.7.2
849. SVSOU L. HONEY WORT. (Sixun, a running stream. Celt.) llmbcllifcra:. 9. —16.
6805 ^momum L. Amomum Ow 3 *" Britain
«»-*-»- bed. S in.s Eng. bot 954
6806 arvense Brot. corn-field O un 2 Portugal 1817. S co
46807 segetum L. corn Ow 2 W England ch. fi. S m.s Eng. bot 228
6H08 caplllaccum Spr. hairy O un ijnjl W N. Amcr. 1818. S co
46809 / r a m i L. Bishop's weed O un 1 w S. Europe 1819. S co Jac. vin. 200
Pimpinella Iatcrifl5ra Spr.
46810 inundatum W. inundated Ow 1 myjn W Britain dit S aq Eng. bot 227
3/i:um inundatum Spr.
46811 verticillatum W. w\\ox\-leaved A or J'- W Britain m. me. D m.s Eng. bot. 395
Slum verticillatum Lam.
0812sal8um W. salt A un P.Y Siberia 1804. D co Pal. p. 1779,8.1.3
S\\er salsum Spr.
6813 flexuOsum Ten. flexuose A un 1 jLau W Italy 1823. D co
850. SCHU'IuTZIA Spr. Scnm.TZfA. (M. Sehuttx, a celebrated German botanist.) UmbeWJcrts. 1- „
6814 crinUa Spr. long-haired Q) un 1 jLau W Siberia 1818. S co Pal. p. 1779,2. <
Siton crinitum Pali.
an. CICITTA L. COWDANE. (A name of doubtful meaning used by Pliny.) UmbclUfene. 4
(815 virusa L. poisonous ^ m 3 jl W Britain ditch. D m.s Eng. bot 479
6ei6 maculata L. A P W N. Amer. 1759. D e o Pluk. al.*76.1
6817 daurica Fl*. Daurian A un 3 jl au W Siberia 1817. D co Gm. •1.1.47
6818 bulblfera L. bulbiferous A un 1 N. Amcr. 1810. D co
• 852. CONNIUM L. HEMLOCK. (Konao, to whirl round causes giddiness and death) VmbeUlfera. 4.
6819 macuiatum L. spotted ^ Q) m 5 jn jl W Britain hcd. S co Eng. bot. 1191
6820 croaticum J « . Croatian ^ Q r a 6 jn.jl W Hungary 1818. S co
6821 A r r a c a c h a Hook.
8 2 1 Arracacha H o . Arracacha *" G3 cul ° '— jn "jl G.w S. Amer. 1823. I) r.m Hook. ex. fl. 152
6822 moschatum //. $ B. musk W S. Amcr. 1824. D r.m H.&B.n. 5.420
853. CAPNOPHY'LLUM G<». (&] cul (Kapnos. smoke, phyllon, a leaf.) UmbeU\feraf. I.
6823 afticanum G/wr. African CAPNOPHIXLI/M.
O 3 jn.s W C . O H . 1759. S s.l Jac vin. 2. Id*
Conium africanum L. Rhvdxa capensis Lk.
*854. SMY'RNIUMi. ALEXANDERS. (Smyrna, myrrh; similar qualities.) UmbeWferee. 9. — 1
6824 Diosc6ridi« Spr. Dioscoridcb's CD or 2 myjn Y & Europe 1700. S co W. & K. 1.
perfoliatum mot.
6825 Dodona^i Spr. Dodonxus's Q) or 2 my.jn W Spain S co Lob. ic. 790
pcrfoliatum L.
6826 Olusktrum L. Olusatrum 3( Q) cul 4 myjn G Britain sea co. S s.l Eng. bot 230
6827 apiiftiHum fV. Smallage-lvd ^ A or 1 myjl P.Y Canriia 1731. I) s.l
6B28 cicutarium Bkb. ' Cicutn-like ^ A or 2 my.jl G.w Caucasus 1827. D co
$6829 nudicaulc Bieb. naked-stmd ^ A or 3 myjn G Caucasus 1817. D co Spr. um.4.7
. 6830 cordhtum Walt. hearUfeavcd ^ A or 1| jnjl D.P N. Amcr. 1597. D s.l
trifoliatum Bart. Thapsia tnfolidta L.
^6831 aureum L. golden ^ A or 2 my.jn Y N. Amcr. 1699. D r.m
S\son afircum Spr.
6832 integcrriimim L. cntireJcavcd £[ A un 1} jn Y N. Amcr. 1759. D r.m
5ison intcgerrimum Spr.
855. iTPIUM L. PARSLEY. (Apon, water, Celt. i habitation.)
46833 Petrosellnum L. True Parsley t...Q>_ cul 3 jn jl L.Y Sardinia 1548. S r.m
6834 gravenlons L. heavy-smelling Celery* Q> cul 41 W Britain ditch. S m.s Eng. bot. 1210
6H35 prostratum Lab. prostrate £ iAI un ij»jl W V. Di. L. 1826. S co Ven. mal. 81
68J6 romanum Zuc. Roman ^Q)un jn.jl W Italy 1820. S co
6837 fractoph^llum Hofm broken-leaved ^ CD un jnjl 1826. S co
6838 ternktum Pall. tcrnate ^t A un ! Siberia 1824. S co
856. JEGOPOPDIUM L. GOUT-WEED. (Aix, a goat, podion, a little foot; leaves.) Umbrfllfcrtv. 1.
6839 Podagraria L. Podagria, or com.^ Am 2 my.jl W Britain sh. pi. D m.s Eng. bot 9-M)
857. METUM Tou. BAWD-MONEY. (Afcion,, smallerr; delicacyy of leaves.)) Umbcn'fene. 4.
6840 /ftinius Jac. Square Parsley O un 1 jl P 1778 Jac. vin. 2.1«W
1 jl W Pyrenees 1778. S co
6841 MutelDna Gae. ' Mutellina ^ A un
M Phellandnum Mutellina L. 1 jlau P Austria 1774. D e o Al.ped.G0.1
6842 athamanticum Joe. Athamanta-lk 3t A or
ytftham&nta A/cum L. 1$ ap.jn P.Y Britain me. pa. I) m.s Jac. au. 4.303
6843 siblricum 5pr. Siberian ^ A un
Z.ig6sticum arenarium Lk. 6 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. D co
* * ^ . MM * • • & 4 M. M. M « S {Ano, upward, theo, to run; grows quick.) Uml*IHfcne. 5 . - 6 .
•«44 graveolcns L. heavy-smelling ^ Q) cul '3 jnjl Y ' Spain* 1570. S r.m
6845 segetum L. corn O un fjnjl Y Portugal 1796. S co
6846 Sown Rox. Sowa O m 1 jnjl Y E. Indies 1810. S co
<»47 Fceniculum L. Fennel ^t A cul 6 Y England ch. pi. S B.1 Eng. bot 1208
Jl/eum Fconiculum Spr.
2 dulce sweet A cul 4 Y Italy
6848 pijierktum Bert. peppered ; Q) cul 6 jnjl Y Italy 1824. CO

•059. CA%RUM£. CARAWAY. (A native of Caria, in Asia Minor.) Umbelllfenr. 8.

WtoCdruiL, common Q) dt 2 my.jn W Britain me. pa. S B.1 Eng. bot 1503
& CD
6850 simplex W. &CD un 1 my.jn W Siberia 1816. S s.l
*860. CNl'DlUMCtt*. CNIDIUM. (The ancient name of an orach.) Umbelliferar. 7. —10.
6S51 Monnieri Cus. Monnier's O un If W S. Europe 1771. S co Jac. vin. 1.62
§6852 Silatls Spr. SilaUs A 2 Y England mca. D co Eng. bot 2142
Peuccdanum Silaus L.
^6853 alsaticum Spr. Alsatian A un 6 L.Y Austria 1774. D co 1.70
alsaticum L.
6854 pyrens um Spr. Pyrencan A un 1 jnjl W Pyrenees 1731. D co 11.5
6855 canad£nse Spr. Canadian
SeUnum canadonsc Mx. A un 2 W Canada 1817. D co
«856 atropurpdreum Spr. dark-purple
„,_, Sniymium atropurpbreum Lam. A un 2 Philadelp. 1810. D co
6857 Ffscheri Spr. Fischer's
A un Fis.
Angelica Ffschcri R. & S. ^thamanta denudata 2 W Siberia 1820. D co
8jjl. JJUPLEimUM L. HARE'S-EAR. an ox, pleuron. a rib; leaves.) UmbcU\fera. 34.-37.
w»8 rotunoifohum L. round-leaved 2 jn.jl Y England co. fl. S co Eng. bot 99
« r S "ubovatum Lk. subovate imyjl Y Spain 1819. S co
j«fl0 hcterophyllum Lk. various-leaved 1 my.jl Y Egypt 1818. S co
•Wil longiftMium W. long.leavcd 3 my.jl G.v Switzerl. 1713. D co Cam. h. 38
J»()2 afireum Fis. golden 1 my.jn Y Siberia 1820. D co
6K(i3 angulosum L. angulose i myjl G.Y Switzerl. 1759. D co
W64 pyrcnaicum Gou. Pyrcnean 1 myjl G.Y Pyrenees. 1814. D co Gou. it 4.1.2
®65 graminifitlium Vahl Grass-leaved I myjl G.v Switzerl. 1768. D co Jac. ic. 1.56
6866 petra^um L. rock M myjl G.Y Switzerl. 176a D co Pluk. ph. 50.5
6867 stellatum L. starry 1 my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1775. D_ co Hal. h. 771.18
^8 9 falcatum L. falcate J m y ?i G.Y Germany 1739. D s.l Jac. au. 2.158
S 5 rtgidum L. rigid G.Y France 1820. S co M.h.9.12
!SL9 P^yph^Huin Led. many-leaved 2 my.jl G.Y Caucasus 1823. S co
g g l baldense Tou. Mount Bakio 1 my.jn G.Y Mt. Baldo 1817. S co Za.h.40
1*42 siblricum Vest Siberian G.Y Siberia 1H26. S co
t)»73 exalthtum Bkb. cxaltctl
a u
*«, >•
G.Y Tauria 1807. D s.1
2 jl

6874 n&dura H. K. naked-stalked IAJ pr 1}o G.Y C.G.H. 1778. C Lp

6875 tranunculoides W. Crowfoot-bke : A Prr i Jl*u G.Y Pyrenees 1790. D Lp
6876 gnricifolium W. Carcx-lcaved l A P r i l*au G.Y France 1817. S co
6877 Buncriunum W. Burser's t A P i Lau G.Y ...... 1817. S co
6878 paniculatum Brot. paniculate pr l i jn au Y Spain 1824. S co
6879 trifidum Ten. tnfid pr 2} Y Italy 1824. S co
688O./u*nceum L. R G.Y S. Europe 1772. S co
6881 Pollichit R. & S. Pollich's ,iau G.Y Palatine 1818. S co
j(xnceuxn Pall.
6882 nodiflbrum Sm. knot-flowering G.Y Greece 1823. S co 260
6883 oppositifollum Lap. oppositc-lvd G.Y Pyrenees 1819. S co Fl.pyr.73
6884 lancifblium Horn. lance-lcavcd Y Tauna 182a S co
6885 OdontUes L. Odontitcs G.Y Italy 1749. S co Jac. vin.3.91
6886 semicomp6situm Xr. semi-compound G.Y Spain 1778. S co 7.1
6887 grfcile Bieb. slender G.Y Caucasus 1820. S co
6888 glaucum C. * R> glaucous G.Y S. Europe 1819. S co
6S89 tcnulssimum Z-. slenderest G.Y England sea sh. S s Eng. bot 478
6890 Gerardi Jac. Gerard's G.Y S. Europe 1804. S co 3 256
6891 lancifolium /forn. lance-leaved G.Y 1823. S co
862. TENOxR/i* Spr. TENORIA. (A/. Tenore, professor of botany at Naples.) Umbelllfertr. 8.
6892 arborescens Spr. arborescent ll_Jpr 1 au.s G.Y C. G. H. 1810. C l.s
Aipleurum arborescens Thun.
6893 frutictoum Spr. shrubby pr 3 G.Y S. Europe 1595. 14
6894 corftccum Spr. coriaceous i_Jpr G.Y Gibraltar 1784. Jac. ic. 2.3")I
6895 firuticescens Spr. fruticetsccnt J 1} au.s G.Y Spain 17.r& Cav. ic. 2.105
6896 cancscens Schous. cancscent i-Jp 5 au.s G.Y Barbary 1809.
6897 plaiitaiflncuni Spr. Plantain-/wi _Jpr 3 G.Y N. Africa 1810. Dcsf. at 1.57
6898 spinbsum Spr. thorny J 1 au.s G.Y Spain 1752. 8.2.3
6899 diffurme Spr. two-formed 1 au.s G.Y C. G. H. 1752.
* 863. HYDROCOTYLE L. PENNYWORT. (Hydor, water, kotyle, a cavity; leaf.) Umbelllfene. 18 —60.
6900 vulgaris L. common imy.jn R Britain wa. pi. 1) c.p Eng. bot. 751
6901 natans Cyr. nodding \ R Italy 1819. D p Cyr. ne. 1.6
6902 amencana L. American i G N. Amer. 17fX). D p ~ Spr. um. 2.3
6903 pcduncularis R. Br. pedunculate \ G.Y N. Holl. 1823. D co
6904 umbellata L. umbellcd nH A un G N. Amer. 1795. D p Spr. um. 1
6905 bonariensis Lam. Buenos Ayres %, LAJ un G Peru 1810. D p Cav. ic. 5.438
6906 nepalcnsis Hook. Nepal <k _AJ un G Nepal 1820. ~D co Hook. ex. fl. 30
6907 nitldula Rich. rather shining ft* E2 un k my G Java 18'2O. D co Hook. ex. fl. 29
6908 villtaa L. villous & LAI un 1 au G C. G. H. 1795.
6909 rcnif6rmis Thun. kidney-shaped jj£ iAJ un G C. G. H. 1820.
£ LAI un i G C. G. H. 1810.
6910 triloba Thun.
6911 chinensis L.
Chinese ft, LAJ un G
C. G. H. 1818.
C. G. H. 1690.
B5 Th.dis.2ded.3
6912 asiatica L. Asiatic {&, LAI un 1 D p R. maL 10.36
6913 plcbbia R. Br. plebeian ft, LAI un G.Y N. Holl. 1823. I) co
6914 nirsikta Sun. hairy £, E) un i jLau G W. Indies 1810.
D p
snicata Lam. p
6915 sibthorpfcidta Lam. Sibthorpia-like Jk E3 un
6916 ranuncuUrtdcs L. Ranunculus-Ik jfc, -AJ un
i Jl
jl au W
I. France 1800.
N. Amer. 1800. D p Spr. um. 1.2.
6917 rcpanda Per*. repand ft, _AJ un 1 jn.jl N. Amer. 1806. D p Spr. um. 2. 4.
864. BOWLE S S/J R. & a BOWLESIA. (TV. Bowles, an Irish botanist.) Umbelliferof. I 5.
6918 tenera Spr. tender JW -AJ cu i jn au G.Y M. Video 1827. D co
865. SPANA'NTHE Jac. SPANANTIIE. (Spanos, rare, anthos, a flower; umbels.) UmbeWfer*. 1—a
6919 paniculata Jac. panicled jg Q| un 2 W Caraccas 1795. S s.l Jac ic. 2.350
Hydroc6tylc5pana~nthc IV.
866. DRIP&f Doc. DRUSA. (M. Le Dru, a botanist.) Umbelllferar. 1.
6920 oppoaitifolia Dec. opimsite-lcaved^ iAJ un W Tencrifle 1824. D e o An. mu. 10.38
•867. TRACHYMETNE Rud. TnAcnYMENE. (Trachys, rough, hymen, membrane; involuc.) Umbelllfera>. 2-5.
Mai i:_.ji_:_ Spr.
69211ineari8 0 i: n _._ I—..~J
linear-tazwrd «>
«. .L Ji C
. . .U a 5 i~. _ " ' vV
* xiN.Unit
Holl. J824.
1824. CC I D
sp Cav
Cav. icic.5.485
5 485
6922 indsa Rud. cut-leaved . l_J cu N. Holl. 1819! C fl.p" 10.21.2
868. ULOSPE'RMUM Lk. BROADSEED. (Oulos, curled, sperma, a seed.) UmbeWferte. 1.
6923 dich6tomum Lk. dichotomous O cu 1 jn.jl W Barbary 1800. S co Desf. at 1.66
Cbnium dichotomum Desf.
869. OTHITSA L. FOOL'S PARSLEY. (Aithusso,
to make hot; acrid.) VmbelMeree. 4.
6924 Cyiiiipium L. Dog poison, or cam. O J!-* >X Britain S co Eng. bot. 1192
&YiS cynapioldes Bieb. Cynapiuun-likc O W Caucasus 1817. S co Hof. um. 1. 9
6925 elkta Hqftn. superb O U W "' 1820. S co Hof. um. 5.6.5
6927 fatua H. K. insipid O 2 jl.s W 1781. S co
870. IMPERATCTRIA L. MASTERWORT. (Reputed imperial virtues in medicine.) Umbelllfera?. 3.
6928 Ostruthium L. Sparrow, or cotn.^i A m 2 my.jl Pk Scotland p. D co Eng. bot 1380
6929 angustifulia Bel. narrow-leaved ^ & un 2 P S. Europe 1819. D co Lob. ic. 700
6930 mcxickna //. C. Mexican 5 A or 4 G.Y Mexico 1818. S co
871. CALLl'SACE Fis. CALLIBACE. {Kallos, beauty, sakos, a buckler; seeds.) Umbelltfer*.
6931 dahurica FIs. Dahurian A un 2 jlau G Siberia 1816. D co
872. THYSSELrNUM Hqfm. TJIYSBELINUM. (Thyo, to burn, selinon, parsley; acrid juice.) UmbeUlfene.
\6932 palustrc Hqfm. marsh & A un 3 W Britain mars. D m.s Eng. bot. 229
Scftnum palustre L.
6933 Plfnit Lob.
« u i o m i - : - T . 1 . Pliny's
P l i n v ' a % A
A un
un 3
il mi W
XV Italy
Ttniw 1800.
IODA D >co
rv —

£eunum Plinii Hal.

•873. SELVSUML. MILK PARSLEY. (Selene, the moon; UmbeWfera. 23.—
$6934 montanum W. en. mountain A un 3 W co
, nfgricans Gau.
\m&* austrlacum Jac. Austrian 2 W Austria 1804. D co Jac au. 1.71
6!)36 cartij^lia L. Caraway-leaved 2 W Austria 1774. D co Jac au. 1.16
$6937 Chubr&N Jac. Chabra's W Austria 1791. D co 1.72
Imperatbria Chabrss^' Spr.
$6938 Seguicri L. Seguier's 4 W Italy 1774. D s.l Jac. vin. 1.61
Imperatbria Seguierj Spr.
6939 latifolium Bieb. broad-leaved £ A un 2 W Caucasus 1816. D s.1
46940 Oreosennum Sco. Mountain Parsley] A un W Europe 1810. O s.1 Jac. an. 1.68
^thamanta Oreosennum L.
46941 dccipicns Wnl. deceiving j A un 2 jn.jl W Madeira 178.7. D s.l Sc. nan. a 1.13
6942 sihf ricum Rctz. Siberian | A un U W Siberia 1810. D co
6943 polymArphum Spr. multiform 5 A un 2 W Russia 1810. D co
46944 baicalense IV. Baikal | A un U W Hungary 1820. D co
46945 lineare Schum. linear-Arc vaf 3 A u:i S W.R Europe 1817. D co FL dan. 330
Ferula rablense WuL
6946 terebinthaceum L. turpentine A un 2 W Siberia 1816. D co
46947 poucedanoldes Detf. Peucedanum-lk A un 2 W & Europe 1810. D co
694H ven&lum Spr. Venetian A un 2 W S. Europe 1810. D co
6949 rigidulum Viv. rigidish A un 1 W Italy 1826. D co Viv. fr. 1.15
6950 scabrum Lap. rough A un W Pyrenees 1824. D co FL pyr. 77
6951 pod6ticum Bes. Podolian A un 1 W Podolia 1817. 1> co
6952 elegans Bnlb. elegant A un W Europe 1817. D co Bal.st4
6953 Bellardi Balb. BtMlardi'a A un U W S. Europe 1817. D co
6954 pyrenaicum Gou.% Pyrencan A un W Pyrenees 1800. D co Gou. iL 3.5
Angelica pyrenae a Spr.
6955 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian A or lijLau Y Iberia 1823. D co
Imperatona caucasica Spr.
6956 angchcastrum Lk. Angelica-like <k A ui W Pyrenees 1817. D co 5.5
Angelica lancifbha Spr. A'cseh pyrenarum L.
•874. ANGE'LICAZ. ANGELICA. (Supposed angelic virtues.) UmbeUifera. 9.—10.
46957 Archang£lica L. archangel Q> cul 4 & England S m.s Fl. dan. 206
46938 atropurpiirea £. dark-purple Q) un 6 P Canada 1759. S co Cor. ca. 199
6959 lucida L. shining Q> un 2 W Canada 1640. S co Jac. vin. 3.24
6960 triquinkta Mx. tnquinate A un W Canada 1810. D p Spr. um.6.2
6961 sylvestris L. wood Aw 6 F Britain m.wo. D in.s Eng. bot. 1128
69H2 Razoulti Gou. Razoul's A un 2 Pa.P Pyrenees 18 Iti. 1) co Gou. il. 13. fi
6963 verticillans L. whorlcd-jfrvd A un 6 1 G Italy 1683.
lmperathria vcrticillaris Dec. D co Jac. vin. 2.130
6964 pratensis Spr. meadow A un 2 F Galicia 1818.
Imperatona palustris Bes. D co
6965 flavescens Bes. flavescent A un 2 Y Galicia 1818.
D co
*875. ZIGU'STICUMZ* LOVAUB. (Growingg in great abundance in Liguria.) Umbelliferof. 14. —20.
469f>6 Levisticum L. common 6 jnjl P.Y Italy 1596. D co
6967 scAticum L. Scotch 3 cul 2 jnjl W Britain sc. sh. D co Eng. bot. 1207
^6968 nodiflorum Vil. knot-flowering ; 3 G Alp. Eur. 1810. D co Al. ped. 72
Smy'rnium nodiflbrum All.
69fi9 peloponnesttnuni L. Peloponnesian; 4 my.jl P.Y Switserl. 1596. D co 5.13.
6970 Sprengclii Bieb. Sprengel's 5 2 w Italy 1823. D co
6971 alatum Spr. winged-dwirf 3 5 R.W Caucasus 1816. D co
y^thamanU alata Bieb.
6972 othamantoldes Spr. Atharaanta-lk 3 A un IV Pyrenees 1817. S co Jac. vm. 2.197
A thama'nta pyrenaica Jac.
6973 pyrenaicum L. Pyrcnean i A un 3 W Pyrenees 1804. S co Gou. il. 14.10
Griifdium pyrenaicum Spr.
6974 c£ndicans //. K. whitish ; 2 P.Y 178a S co
6975 percgrinum L. foreign ; 2 jn.jl L.Y Portugal 1633. S co Jac. vin. 3.18
6'tson percgrinum Spr.
6976 baleancum W. Balearic 1 jnjl Y Minorca 1804. D co
6JJ77 longifblium L. long-leaved un 3 jnjl Pa.P Siberia 1804. D co M.h.9.15.1
6978 actsifbhum Mx. Aldcr-leaved un 3 W Canada 1810. D co
6979 obtusifclium Horn. obtuse-leaved un li W N. Africa 1824. D co
876. PHYSOSPE'RMUM Cus. PHYSOSPERMUM. to inflate, sperma, seed.) UmbclUfene* I.
6980 commutatum, Spr. altered ^ A un li W England bu. fi. D co Eng. bot. 683
.Ligfisticum cornubiense L.
877. PLEUROSPE'RMUM llqfnu PLEUROBPEBMUM. (Pleuron, a rib, sperma, seed.) UmbeUlferts. 1.
6981 austriacum Hqfm. Austrian ^ A un 2 W Austria 1597. D co Jac. au. 2.151
/.ig&sticum austriacum L.
878. H ASSELQUl'ST/J L. HASSELQUISTIA. (F. Hasselquist, M.D., its discoverer, d. 1752.) Umbelitferee. 2.
6982 aegyptiaca L. Egyptian f) un U jl W Egypt 1768. S co Jac. vin. 1.37
6983 cordate L. heart-leaved
6983 cordate L. heart-leaved O un 1J jl W 1787. S co Jac. vin. 2.193
879. ARTE*DM L. ARTEDI A. {P. Artedi, a Swedish naturalist, d. 1735.) Umbelliferat. 1.
•8H0. FE'RULA L. O un li jl W Levant 1740. S co Lam. iL 193
to strike; used
6985 commfinis L.
698G siblrica Spr.
10 jnjl
4 jnjl
V as rods.)
S. Europe D M.h.19.9. —26.
Siberia 1816. D 8.1 PaLit2.Rpp.N
Peucedanum sibiricum W. Y
L. glaucous P.Y Italy 1596. D s.l
6ra Sm. thyrsc-flovrcrcd W Crete 1825. D co Fl. gr. 280
. aria Lk. capillary Y Spain 1820. D co M. h. 9.15
I nodifK.ra L. knotted-flwd S. Europe 1596. D s.1 Boc. mu. 76
J9ubon rigldius L.
«9!)1 Feruftgo L. Ferulago S. Europe D co 5
nodi flora Jac. not L.
« « 2 strlcta Spr. strict 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1818. S co
JN93 longiR.Ua Fis. long-leaved • 4 Y Siberia 1820. D co
«WW weoldeu L. Meum-likc 3 Y Levant 1810. I> co
«91'5 orientlilis Tou. eastern 3 Y Levant 1759. D s.p To. it. 3.239
&9JG ptaica IV. Persian 6 jLau Y Persia 1782, S s.1 Bot. mag. 2096
Assafoytida B. M.
6%7 Assafe'tida L. Assafoetida Y Persia ... S r.m
<£jp8 caspica Bieb. Caspian Y Caucasus 1819. D co Spr. um. 7.14
69P9 nuda Spr. naked Y Siberia 1821. D co Snr.uin. 7 15
Z[Jj° tingiUna Hcrm. Tangier Y Barbary ltiSO. S s.1 Her. par. 165
«uui obtusifulia Spr. blunt-leaved G Greece 1819. D co FL gr. 277
?nA_ -Pfucedanum obtusiiollum Sm.
!%& pubescens Pall. pubescent Y Siberia 1820. D co
'003 vilfoga Walt. villous W N. Amer. 1824. D co

•881. / . A S E R P I T I U M L . LASERWORT. (Laser, its gum, pis, pitch; smelL) UmbeUiferce. 22.—26.
7004r latifolium L. broad-leaved £ k un 3 jn.jl W Europe 1640. D co Jac. au.2.146
700, j trilobum Crx. three-lobcd £ un my.jl Levant 1640. D co
$7006 aquilcgifolium W. Columbinc-lvd 5 un. my.jl W Austria 171)6. D co Jac. au. 2.147
Siicr aquilegifulium Gae.
7007 /.ibanntis Lam. Rosemary ^t A un 1J jn.jl p Germany 1800. D e o Lob. ic. 705
pub&ccns Lag.
7008 marginatum Kit. margined & A un 2 P Hungary 1823. D co W. & K. 2.109
7009 Archangelicum Joe. archangel £ A un 4 jLau P Carniola 1800. D co Jac. ic. 1. 58
7010 A'ller L. Withy 5 A un 3 my.jl W Austria 1G40. D co Jac. au. 2.145
7011 gallicum Tou. French |E A un 3 jn.jl Y S.. Europe 1688. D co liuk. ph. 198. 6
Europe 1H88.
7012 triquctrum Ven. three-cornered £ A un 3 jn.jl p a .Y Constant 1816. D co Ven. eels 97
Cnchrys triquetra Spr.
7013 angustifolium L. narrow-leaved & A un 2 Jn.jl Pk S. Europe 1738. D co M.h.9.19.9
7014 pruthenicum L. Prussian £ A un 3 W Germany 1759. D co Jac. au. 2.153
7015 ^thamfintic Spr. Athamanta-lk fr Q) un 3 jLau W Siberia 1817. S co
*7016 *ilaffi>lium w. Silaura.lcavcd 5 A un 2 jn.jl Pa.Y Italy 1791. D co, 44
Z,ig6sticum apiftdes Lam.
7017 peucedanoldes L. Pcuccdanum-lkdt A un 2 njl Pk Italy 1816. D co Jac ic 2.350
&7018 lLicidum W. shining 5 Q) un l Pa.P Switzcrl. 1775. S co
Ligfisticum/crulaccum All.
7019 caucasicum Bkb. Caucasian ^ A un 1 jn.jl W Caucasus 182a S co
6'uidium caucasicum Bieb.
7O2Oaureum W. : A un 2 Y Levant 1820. S co Bux.c. 1.43
7021 muoldes Desf.
7022 pilftsum W. en.
S lden
A un 2 Y
Q> un Pa.Y
& Europe 1818. S co Desf. at 1.69
...... 1759. S co
7028 hinfitum Lam. hairy i A un Pa.Y Alps 1759. S co M.h.9.15
Hallcri All.
7024 scabrum Cav. un 3 W Spain 1800. S co Cav. ic. 2.190
7025hfspidum2ft£. hii i un 4 jnjl Caucasus 1817. S co
•882. PEUCE'DANUM L. SULPHUR-WORT. {Peukc, a pine, danot, burning; pungent) UmbelUferte. .
7026 otticinile L. officinal ^ A m 6 my.jl Y Enxland salt m. D c.l Eng. but. 1767
7027 album Hoi. white jn.jl W N. Kuropcl819. co
7()28 panicul.itum Lot. uaniclcd my.j.1 Y France 1818. co
7029 gallicum Tou. . French myjl W 1800. co Gin. si. 1.41
pariHicnsc Dec.
7(W aren^num Ktt. sand 5 jnjl Y Hungary 1816. c.l W.&K.1.20
7031 itfilicum Pen. Italian 8 myjl Y Italy c.l Lob. ic. 781
7032 al|>eatre L. Alp yjnjl Pa.Y France 1739. c.l
7033 ruthcnicum Bkb. Russian 2 my.jn Russia 1818. CO
7034 tauncum Bkb. Taunan \\ myjn Tauria 1820. _
7030 loiiK'ifT>limn Kit. loiiK-lcavcd 5 jlau Hungary 1823. D co W. & K. 251
^7036 Mathiol/ Spr. Mathiolus's 3 jn.jl Italy 1818. D CO
tenui folium Poir.
7037 idc'tensc Spr. Isetsk W.Y Siberia 1824. co Gm. si. 1.42,43
7038 tcnuiftlium Thun. fine-leaved ... C. G. H. 1810. co
703!) ruprstre Hojin. rock Spain 1818. co
7040 siblricum W. Siberian Siberia 1804. c.l W.&K.1.60
7041 aArcum //. K. golden Canaries 1779. co
7042 Vucontibrum Spr. vocuntians* DauphinylbOO. S co Vil. del. 2.14
//eraclcum pdmilum Vil.
•883. PASTINA'CA L. PARSNEP. (Pastinum, a forked planting tool; resemblance.) Umbelllfcrte. 10. — II.
7043 lbcida Gou. ghinmg.leaved 4 Q u n 1J jnjl Y S. Europe 1771. S s.1 Jac. vin. 2. 199
7044 satWa L. cultivated
X C3> cul 4 jl Y England ch. pi. S u.l Eng. bot 556
7045 opaca Bernh. opaqueifc Q) un 7 Europe 1800. S co
7046 gravtolcns Bieb. £ Q) un 2
heavy-scented Tauria 1817. S co Hof. urn. 1. B. 6
Malabaila gravtalcns Hofm.
7047 pnnpincllifulia Bteb. Uurnet-leavcd Q un 2 Y Caucasus 1818. S co Buz. c 3.37
Malaballa pnnpinclloidcs lhtfm.
7048 dissccta Ven. cuUcaved ^t CD un i j j W Levant 181fi. S co Ven. eels 78
47049 Opopanax L. Oi>opanax % A m 6 jnjl W
Ferula Opopanax Spr. S. Europe 1G40. D co Gou. U. 19.13.14
7050 nudicaAlis Spr. nakcd-slmd ^t A un w N. Amer. 1817. D co
Sm^rmum nudicaule Ph.
7051/wniculacca Spr. Fennel-like 3t A un w
Ferula /ccnicufacca Nut. N. Amcr. 1820. D co
(7052 rfgida Spr. rigid A un 2 W
S\\xm rigidius L. Virginia 1774. D s.p M.h.9.7.1
884. HERACLE*r/M L. {Heracles, Hercules: 1sacred to him.) UmbcWfene. 2 8 . - 3 4 .
7053 SphondyTium L. Sphondyhum A myjn' "W"' Britain hcd. D co Eng. bot 939
7054 flavcBccns W. flavescent
A un jnjl w Austria 1789. 1) co 2.173
A un myjn w Britain w. pla. D co Jac. au. 2.174
7a% clcgaus Jac. elegant
A un my.jn w Austria 1810. I) co Jac. au. 2. 175
7057 longifbhum Jac. long-leaved
A un myjn w Austria 1800. D co Jac au. 2.374
7058 sibfricum L. Siberian
A un myjn G Siberia 1768. D co Gm. si. 1.50
7059 7 anaces L. True Cow Parsley| A un 3 W Siberia 1&96. D co Lob. ic. 701
7060 austriacum L. Austrian A un 2 jnjl w Austria 1752. D co Jac. au. 1.61
7061 alplnum L. alpine
Pyrcncan A m 3 jnjl w w
Switzcrl. 173!). D co Bar. ic. 55
Pyrenees 17i». S co H. ber. 53
7062 pyrenaicum Cus. Q> or
7063 iisperum Bieb. rough Q) or 34 "W Caucasus 1818. S co
7064 pubescens Bieb. pubescent Q> or w Caucasus 1823. S co
5 villbsum
illbsum Fis.
Fis villous Q) or 4 w Siberia 1826. S co
7066 caucasicum Stcv. Caucasian Q) or 4 w Caucasus 1818. S co
7067 amphfbhum Lap. large-leaved O) or 6 w Pyrenees 1818. S co Fl.pyr.79
w ...... 1819. S CO W . h . b . 53,54
7068 gummiferum W. en. gum-bearing
7069 Biiecibsum Hofm.
7070 murginktum Fis.
Q) m 4
Q) or 5
large-margined " O) or 5
w Siberia 1617. S CO
w Siberia 1817. S CO
7071 decipiens Fis. deceptive Q> or 5 jnjl w Siberia 1820. S CO
7072 giganteum Fis. giant O> ox 8 jnjl w Siberia 1820. S CO
7073 lanatum Mx. woolly A ox 4 jnjl w N. Amer. 1810. CO
7074 tomentuflbm Sm. tomentose Q) or 4 jnjl w Greece 1820. CO Fl. gr. 281
7075 subvillubum W. subvillous Q) or 6 jnjl w Siberia 1817. CO
7076 basvicum Lam. Basvic : Q> un 8 jn.jl W Siberia 1818. S co
7077 laciniatum Fit. laciniated : CD un 8 jn.jl W Siberia 1819. S co
7CI78 tauricum Fis. Taurian : O) un 5 jn.jl w Tauria 1820. S co
7U79 vorrucusuin Stev. wartcd I Q) un 7 jn.jl w Tauria 1820. S co
7080 /igusticif5hum Bieb. Lovage-leaved [ Q> cu 2 jn.jl w Tauria 1816. S co
•885. 7X)RDY'LIUM L. HARTWORT. (Tornos. a lathe, iUo, to turn: seeds.) UmbcUlfene. 8 . - 9 .
7081 syriacuin Bio. Syrian O un *J1 W Syrii i 1597. S co Jac. vin.154
$7082 officinale L. officinal O
^N w
— 2 m1 jlsi F
l? England
iv.; corn fi. S co Eng. but. 2440
70HJ percgrinum L. foreign O un 2 jl j W Levant 159a S co Cam. h. 37.11
t7O84 fipulum Bio. Apuhan O un llfj fl W Italy 1739. S co Jac. vin. 1. 53
7085 maximum L. greatest O w W England corn fi. S co Eng. bot. 1173
7086 lusitanicum IV. en. Lusitanian
17087 hfamile Dcsf. humble
O un
O un ?, Lau W Spain 1818. S co
Lau W S. Europe 1823. S co Dcsf. at 1.58
7088 tiifblium Seo. Sium-leaved O un n.jl R Carmola 1816. S, co Scop. car. 194. 8
886. ASTRA'NTIAZ. MAOTERWORT. (Astron, A star; UmbeUlfer*. 6.
7089 mdximn B. M. greatest D s.p Bot. mag. 1553
Aelleborifbha Sal. heturophy*lla W.
7090 major L. _ Alp. Eur. 1596. D p.l Ex. bot. 2.76
7'W1 paucifl&ra Bert. few-flowered 5 A or 1 jn.jl W Sicily 1820. D co Hoc. sir. 5
7092 nrinor L. smaller £ A pr j my.jn Pk Switzcrl. 1G86. D p.1 Bot cab. 93
709Jcarni61ica Jac. Caruiolan 5 A pr 1 my.jn St Carniola 1812. 1) pi Jac. au. 10
7094 caucasica W. Caucasian k A or \ jnjl Pk Caucasus 1818. D co
intermedia Bieb.
887. ZOSVMIA Hofm. ZOBIMIA. (//. N. and Z. Zosima, disting. editors of Greek classics.) Vmbell'ifcrce. 1.
7095 ahsinthiftlia Hofm. Wonnwood-lvd O w 2 W Persia 1816. S co Ven. ch. 22
ileraclfetim absinth ifuhum Ven.
888. IlVyM\A Hofin. UDMIA. (Rumia, the goddess who presided over suckling.) Utnbe/llferaf. 1.
70y»i Uiirica Hirfm. Taurian £ A cu 1 Jl W Crimea 1819. 1> co
889. CAXJHRYS L. CACIIRVB. name of doubtful meaning.) Umhellifene. 10.—16.
7097 Libairitis L. Rosemary 3 Y Sicily 1570. S co Schk. nan. 1.65
7098 Morisftns AIL Monson's Y S. Europe 1710. S co M. u m . a i
7099«esclolde» Bieb. Seseli-hke W Tauria 1820. S co 1.4
7100 athainantoldes Bieb. Athamanta-lk W Caucasus 1818. S co
7101 niicrocirpa Bieb. small-fruited w Caucasus 1810. S co M. h. 9.1. 3
7102 odontalKica Pall. toothache Y Siberia 1819. S co 3. ap. 9
7103 cretlca Lam. Cretan W . Y Greece 1823. S co
7104 ta6nca W. Taurian Y Tauria 1816. S co
7105 alpina Bieb. alpine W.Y Tauria 1826. S co
7106 alita Bieb. winged W Levant 1752. S co To. it. 2.121
Xascrpitium /erulaceum L.
890. ilGASY'LLIS Spr. AGASYLLIS. (Greek name of the gum ammoniac plant) UmbeWfvne.
7107 caucasica Spr. Caucasian t Q) un 3 W Caucasus 1818. S co
Cachrys latiftlia Bieb. Slier caucasicum Spr.
.. 891. HIPPOMA'RATHRUM Lk. HIPPOMARATIIRUM. (Hippos, horse, marathron, fennel.) Umbell'fercc. 1.
7108 siculum Lk. Sicilian ^ A cu 3 V. Sicily 1640. D e o Boc. sic 18


fc 892. nBU'RNUM L. VIBURNUM. (Vieo, to tie; pliability.) Ca 'us. 2 8 . - 3 6 .
7109 T\mu L. Laurestinc * or 5 mr.d W S. Europe co Bot mag. 38
2 hirta hairy A or 5 mr.d W S Kurope L co
7110 strictum strict » or 4 mr.d W S. Euro|>e ... L co
2 virgatum twiggy it or 4 mr.d W S. Europe ... L co
7111 finolites Mutis Tinus-hkc tQor 1 ... W S. Amer. 1820. C P.1
7112 lucidum Mil. ehwnng-leavcd A or 6 mr.d W Spain 1596. L co Cl. h. 49
7113 rugusum iVrs. rough-Awim/ * i _ J o r 4 ... W Canaries 1796. pi
7114 villusum Swx. villous A O or 6 ... W Jamaica 1824. p. Bot mag. 2082
7115prumfulium L. Plum-leaved A or 8 my.jn W N. Amcr. 1731. p.1 Den. br. 23
7116 odoratlssimum Kcr bweetcsUsccnt A L-J or 8 f W China 1818. L co Bot rcg. 456
7117 iquamatum MM. scaly or 6 jl W N. Amer. 1822. L p.1 Den. br. 24
4jJ8;>yrif&lium Lam. Pear-leaved A or 6 my.jn w N. Amer. ... L p.1 Den. br. 22
71l9LentagoL. Lcntago A or 8 jl w N. Amer. 1761. L p.l Den br. 21
naked A or Pa.Y N. Amer. 1752. L p.1 Bot. maa 2381
?!si i f i r i c um PalL Daurian ' A or 82 jnjl
W Dahuria 1785. L p.1 Pal. ros. 1.38
7122 obovatum Walt. obov&te-lpavcd A or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. L p.1
? c fiif51i
51ium Pumca-leaved A or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. L p.1
ZJ23 cassim>\<lcs L. Cassine-likc • or
._ 3 jnjl w N. Amer. 1761. L p.1
7124 lttvigAtum //. K. smoothed A or 10 w N. Amer. 1724. L p.1 MiL \c 1.83.1
l\%> nitidum H. K. ihiniiiK-leaocd A or 2 my.jn w N. Amcr. 1758. L p.1
4j2(i dent^um L. tooth./eaved A or 5 jnjl w N. Amer. 1736. L p.1 Den. br. 25
7127 uubescens Ph. pubescent A or 3 jnjl w N. Amer. 17J6. L p.1
7128 laiitanoldcs Mr. Lantana-hkc A or 5 injjn w N. Amer. ... L p.1
7129 Lant^na L. Wayfaring trceA or 10 iuy.jn w Britain hed. L p.l Eng. bot 331
7130 tomentuiium Thun. tomentose M L_| or 6 w Japan
7131 molle Mr. soft Hk or 6 M "W N. Amer. 1812. C p.1
Z} ^ acerifblium L. Maple-leaved A or 4 jn.jl w N. Amcr. 1736. L p.1 Den. br. 118
Guelder Rose A or 10 my.jn w Britain moi.w. L co
L p.1 Eng. bot 332
or 14 myjn w

2r6sea Rose Snowball tree A L p.l
v a n c ata varicgated-/w/ A or 10
or 10
w Britain
Caucasus 1827. L p.1
Pall. oriental A
or 12
w Amer. ... L p.1
s Cranberry-7/Av A or 12 jl w N. L p.1
Ph. tbl/tai A w N. Amer. 1812. L p.1
893. SAMBITCUS L. ELDEB. ISambuca. a musical !
instrument made of this tree.) Caprjfolut 8.—11.
7137 ^Twlus L. Dwarf - - 3•• - "« » - • - Britain
» - » - * - R co ting. bot 475
7138 humilis Mil. humble 2 jn.jl W.a ... R co
7139 chincnsis Lindl. Chinese , 4 s.o W China 1823. R co
7140 nlgra L. black ec 15 my.jl Britain hcd. C co Eng. bot 476
S variegate variegated or 10 my.jl Britain co
3 adrea goldcn-rdged or 10 my.jl Britain h.l
4 pulverulc'nta powdered or 10 my.jl Britain co
5 monstr6sa monktrous or 10 my.jl Britain co
6 viridii green-berried tift or 10 my.jl Britain co
7 ilbida white-berried II or 10 my.jl Britain co
7141 lacmiata Retz. lacimated si or 8 my.jl co Schm. ar. 144
7142 canadcnsi* L. Canadian ik or 6 W N. Amer. 1761. C 8.1 Schm. ar. 142
7143 pubens Mx. downy H" 6 W N. Amer. 1812. C 8.1
7144 raceinusa L. racemose SI or 12 my.jn G.T S. Euruiu> 1596. C CO Jac. icl.59
2 purpurea
3 flavesccns S urplc
or 12 my.jn P S. Europe 159ft C CO
or 12 my.jn Y.G & Europe 1596. C CO
• 894 RHV'S Tou. SUMACH. (Shudd, red, Celt.; fruit) Tereldntuce*. 7 4 . - 8 8 .
7145 Cotinus /,. Wild Olive S 6 jjl G S Europe 16.16. L
S. Jec. au. 3. 210
714fi A/et6pium L. Metopium 11 W. Indies 18!tf. C p.1 Br.jam. 13.3
7147 Coriana L. Coriaria-/vtf *fc S. Europe 15<)6. L co Den. br. 136
7148 typhlna /,. fever 5 N. Amer. 1629. S co Den. br. 17,18
2 Irutesccns frutcsccnt S S co
7149 javanica IV. Java *| Java"" 1799. S p.l Den. br. 15
715(1 scmial.'ita Mur. half-winged t i Macao 1780. p.1 Mur. 6.3
7151 glabra L. smooth SI N. Amer. 1726. p. Di el. 243.3*4
7152 elcgnns IV. elegant SI N. Amer. 1726. p.' 16
7153 vmdifltoa Poir. green-flowered *t N. Amer. ...
7154 pumila Afx. dwarf poisonous** N. Amer. 1806. p.
7155 whinoldcs W. Schinus-like • | Brazil 1824. P
7156 chinlnsis Mi/. Chinese. •\ China 1800. p.
7157 pauciflcra L. few-flowered • i C. G. H. ... P-J
7158 alata Thun. winged *i C.G. H. 1824. p.
7159 copallina /,. gum copal SI G.Y N. Amer. 1688. p. Jac. sc. 3.341
7160 trijuga Poir. thrcc-i>air-/iMf il | Brazil p.
7161 obllqua 7%Kn. oblique Hj C. G. H. 1825. p.1
7162 Commcrsuiitf Poir. Commcrson's Jl j Brazil 1810.
7163 acuminata Dec. acuminate M< Nepal 1820. p.l
7164 succedanca L. succedancous * i China p.l Kaem. 795
7165 vernix /,. varnish It N. Amer. 1713. L co Den. br. 19
venenata Dec.
7168 JMcku-Amida Rox. Bucku-Amela • «_jor G.Y Nepal 1823. S co
7167yraxinifuha D. #<m Ash-leaved Nepal 1820. C p.1
7168 obscura Iiicb. obscure Iberia 1820. L p.l
7169 vermcifera Dec. varmsh-bearinga L_J or G.Y Nepal 1823. S co
Juglandifolia Wai.
7170 Toxicodcndron L. Poison-Oak W* N. Amer. 1640. co
7171 radlcans /,. rooting N. Amer. ... co Bot. mag. 1806
2 volubilis twining N. Amer. co Dun. no. 48
3 microcarpa •mall-fruited N. Amer. co Di.el.375
7172 glaAca De$f. glaucous C G. H. 1821. p.1
7173 lmeatifuha Or. hneatcd-leavcd Cuba 1818.
7174 Thunbergiana ILSeS. Thunberg's C (}. H. p.l
7175 lbcida L. shining-taived C. G. H. 1697. Com. h. 1.93
7176 Cavanillcsii Dec. Cavanilles's Mexico 1816. Cav. ic. 2.135
liicida Cav.
7177 BurmAnni Dec, Bunnann't 6 G.Y C . G . H . 1897. C p.l Bur. af. 91.2
liicida H. K.
7178 nervtoa Poir. ncrvoae C. G. H. 1800. p.l
7179 concfnna Burc. neat h I or C. G. H. 1820. p.l
7180 villoaa L. hairy G.Y C. G. H. 1714. p.1
7181 pyroldcs Burc. Pear.Iike C. G. H. 1816. P-
1\m pubfocens L. pubescent G.Y C. G. H. 1800. p.
7183 atomaria Jac. atomed C. G. H. 1800. p.J 343
7184 albida Schous. white-famed Mogadore 1816. p.
7ia5 excisa Thun. cut-leaved C. G. H. 1816. p.
7186 mucronuta Thun. mucronate C. G. H. 1824. p.
7187 elliptica Thun. elliptic C. G. H. 1818. P-l
7188 penduftna Jac. penrlulous C. G. H. L p.l
-- pohahed-leaved C. G. H. 1758. C p.1
elongate Jac.
7190 viminalis Vahl green-twiggy G.Y C. G. H. 1774. Jacsc & 344
7191 l&ncea L. l&nce-leaved C. G. H. 1810. p
7192 fragrans L. awceUscented C. G. H. 1824. !
7193 rlttida Mil. rigid C. G. H. 1700. P.
7194 cihata Licit. ciliated C. G. H. 1816. P.
7195 trid&ctylis Burc. three-fingered l_j or C. G. H. 1816.
C G. H. 1714.
. P
7196 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved i lor p. Pluk. al. 219.6
7197 rosmannitolia Vahl Rosemary-lvd j C. G. H. 1800. p.i Bur. af 91. 1
7198 sernefTilia Burc. saw-leaved C. G. H. 1816. p.1
7199 iintiulfita Jac. w&\eA4eaved C. G. H. 1816. p.1 Jac. K. 3.346
thcesans Hort
7200 dioica Brou.
7201 Oxyacantha Schous.
» or
Mogadore 1825.
Barbary 1823. J p.l
7202 oxyacantholdes Dum.tUv/ihorn-like SI or Burbary 18'-'4. p.1
7203 lobata Poir. lobeiUleaved Teneritte 1800.
7S04 sinuate Thun. Binuate-leaved «Ljor C. G. H. : p.1
7205 cuneif61ia Desf. wedge-leaved • i \ or G.Y C. G. H. 1816. p.1
720StridentiteZ.. V three-toothed l.L_|or C. G. H. 1816. s.p.l
7207 crenate Thun. crcnated C. G. H ... p.1
7208 micrantha Thun. small-flowered C. G. H. 1818. p.1
7209 dissccta Thun. dissected C. G. H. 1820. p.1
7210 tomentos* L. wooWyJcaved G.Y C U H. 1691. p.l Com. h. 1.92
7811 inrisa L. cut-leaved ll_Jor 2 C. (i. H 1789.
7818 dentate Thun. toothed | | C U 8 ... C. G. H. 1798. C p i
spicata Thun. •piked LJor 3 ... C. 6 . H. 1819. C p.l
7213 pentaphylla Detf. fiyc-leaved i | or 4 ... Barbary 1816. C p.1 Deaf, at 1.77
7214 zizypmna Tinco Ziziphus-hke J 4 ... Sicily 1800. C p.l
7216 aroinatica H. K. aromatic SB or 8 my Y N. Amer. 1759. L p.1 An. mu. 5.30
7216 suaveolent H. K. sweet-smelling dh or 6 my Y N. Amor. ... L p.1
7217 heterophy"lla Dec. various-leaved A L_I or 6 C. G. H. 1800. C p.1
7218 digitate L. digitate H |_J or 10 ... C. G. H. 1820. C p.1
895 CASSrNE L. CASSIVE. (Its name amongst the Indiana of Florida.) Cddttritue. 7.
7219 Maurocenia L. Mauroccni's Hot.cher. | or 5 W C. G. H. 1690. C s.p.1 Di. el. 121.147
7220 capensis L. Cape Phillyrea tt. LJ or 1 W C. G. H. 1629. C s.p.1 Bur. af. 85
7221 Colpodn Thun. COIIKKMI tree * i_J or 6 ... W C. G. H. 1791. C s.p.1 Bur. aC 86
7222 ethlApica Thun. Ethiopian * i_J or 2 W C. G. H. C s.p.1
7223 barbara L. barbarous m \_J or 8 W C. G. H. 18*18. C s.p.1
7224 excelna Rox. tafl « i _ j o r 18 Nepal 1820. C s.p.1
7225 oppositi folia MU. opposite-leaved H i_J or 5 C s.p.1
896. SPATHE LIA L. SPATIIELIA. {Spathe, a palm tree; similarity.) Tercbinthhcea. 1.—8,
7226 simplex L. simple ± • tm 40 ... R Jamaica 1778. S s.p Bot.reg.670
897. STAPHYLENAZ. BLADDER-NUT. {Staphyle, a bunch; disposition of fructification.) Ccltutr'itut. 3 . - 5
7227 pinnata L. pinnate-feaiwd Sk or 6 ap.jn W England hed. L co Eng. bot. 1560
7228 trifulia L. three-leaved A or my.jn W N. Amer. 1640. L co Schm. ar. 80
7229 occidentals Sun. western 1U2OT W Jamaica 1824. C p.1 SI. Jam. 2.220.1
898. STACKHOU'Siii It Br. STACKHOUSIA. (Af. Stackhouse, a British botanist.) StackhmUUe. 1.—2.
7830 liiianifolia Cun. Flax-leaved i_Jor 2 N. Holl. 1821 C s.l.p
899. 7W/MARIXJL TAMARISK. (Tamarisci, a people of the Pyrenees; habitat) Tamaraseinete. 6.— 18.
72J1 gallica L. French or 12 my.o F England so. co. C s.l Eng. bot. 1318
7232 articulate Vahl jointed D o r 30 .. Pk E. Indies C l.p
7233 dioica Rox. dioecious 6 K Indies 1823. C p.1
7234 Indica W. Indian 6 .. F E. Indies ... C fp
7235 germanica L. German or 8 jn.s Pk Germany 1582. C ms Mil. ic. 862.8
7236 dav&nca L. Dahurian or 6 .. Pk Dahuna 1818. C l.p
900. T U ' R N E I U L. TURNERA. JJV. Turner, M.D., died 1568.) Turntrihcea. 11. —84
7237 tilinifblia L. Elm-leaved 3 jn.s Y Jamaica 1733. C p i 10
2 angusti folia B. M. narrow-leaved 3 ap.s Pa.Y Jamaica 1733. C s.p Bot mag. 881
7238 clegans Otto elegant Pa.Y Brazil 1821. C s.p
7239 cuneiformis J. wedge-form JnjV Y S. Amer. 18-J1. S s.p
7240 /riomflora Sims Trionum-flwd year Pa.Y Brazil 1812. C s.p Bot. mag. 8106
7241 brasiliensis W. Brazilian Y Brazil 1810. S fl.p
72(2 Pumil&a L. Dwarf Y Jamaica 1796. S s.l Sl.jam.1.187.6
7243 cistoldes L. ** Cistus-like Y America 1774. S s.1 PI. ic. 150. 1
7244 ru|>e8tris Auh. rock Y Guiana 1824. S B.p Aub. gui.l. 113,1
7245 guianensis Aub. Guiana Y Guiana 182.). S s.p Aub. gui. 1.114
7246 hirta IV. hairy Y Brazil 1818. S sp
7247 raccmosa Joe. racemose Y Siberia? 1789. S 8.1
. PiriquUa racemosa Suit.
901. DRY'PSISL. DRYPSIS. (DryptOt to tear; armed leaves.) Caryopltjllcct. 1.
7248 spinosa L. prickly pr | jn.jl Pa.B Italy 1775. S s.l B o t mag. 8816
902. /fLSrN CIIICKWEED. (Algos.a shady place; habitation.) Caryoph$\le*. 5 . - 6 .
7249 media L. mediate ' Ow 1 jl.s W Britain fields. S co Eng. bot 537
7250 Segetalis L. Sword-grass O cu 1 jl.9 W France 1805. S co
7251 moUugfnea Lag. Mollugo-like O cu * jl.s W Spain ISlfi. S co
7252 puWscens Lk. pubescent O cu i jl.s W 1810. S co
7253 mucronata L. mucronatc O cu 1 jn.jl W & Europe 1777. S co 293
*903. DRYMA^RIA W. DRYMARIA. {Drymos, a forest: habitation.) Caryoph$li*e. 1. — 5.
7254 cordata IV. cordate "3pr W Jamaica 1800. D co Lam. it 51.2
//olostcum cordatum L.
904. TELFSVHIUM U ORPINS. (Sup. to heal old ulcers, like that of Tclcphus.) Portuldcat. 1. — 2 .
7855 Imperau L. Imperato*s -* A w i j n . a u W S. Europe 1658. D s.1 213
905. COR RIG POL A L. STRAPWORT. (Dim in. of corrigia, a leather thong ) PorhduceG. 3.
725G Uttoralis L. 6hore Jk O or i jl au W England so. co. S s Eng. bot. 668
7257 capensis Thun. Cape J; O pr i W C. (i. H. 1819. S co
7258 tQlevbiiJblia Pou. Orpine-leaved Jt A c u £ W S. Europe 1822. S •
*90& PHARKAXEUM W. PHARNACBUM. (Pharnaccs, king of Pontus, first used it.) CaryopkSUea.W.-^.
7859 Acllidifolium Poir. Daisy.lcavcd O c u i W W. Indies 1823. S s.1 PL am. 21.1
»n~ -MoMftgo Aclhdif&lia Dec.
7260 cordifMium L. hcart-leavcd Q| f u I W C.G.ll. 1823. 6.1 Jac. sc. 349
7261 dichutomum Thun. forked iQI cu i j | W C.G.H. 1783. 8.1
2*5? K lom cr.\tum Thun. giomcrateil iDJcu C.G. H. 1817. s.p Pluk. m. 331.4
7263 Ccrvikna L. Ccrviana O cu 1 jn w Russia 1771. Gin. si. a 2a 2
4*5* fperguIoWo* Poir. Spcrgula-Iike tt.1 Icu i j n a u w E. Indies 1819.
CO 214.8
7265 lineare Thun. hncar-lcavrd tt. L_JCU i my.jn C. G. H. 1795. 8.1 Bot rep. 326
7W56 umheUdtum Forsk. umLx'll.itcd Opr w
i jn au Br Egypt 1820. 8.1
7267 iVolh.go L. Mollugo tt. Ocu i W E. Indies 1752. 8.1 Bur. in. 5.4
t,nM AfolHigo Sut'rgvla L.
7268 incanum L. hoary tt-uJpr 1 my.o W C. G. H. 1782. S.1 Bot mag. 1883
7269 pruinoBum Haw. frosty «-l-Jpr C. G. H. 1817. S.1

•.JSPl P°? T ULACA^RIA Joe. PURSLANE TREK. (A Por/Waco-llke plant) Poriuttce*. 1.

7270 afra Jac. African a.jCu 3 ... P Africa 1/32. C r.m Jac. c. 1.88
908. BASE'LLA MALAHAR NIGHTSHADE. (Its Malabar name.) Chenapodett. 8. —10.
red i_ OD cul 8 jl.s Pk E.
Pk E. Indies
Indies 1731.
731. S r.m
black fl_O)cul 3 jl.s W China 1822. S r.m
white ]cul 8 jl.n W E. Indies 1688. S r.m Pluk. aL 63.1
shining Icul 6 jl.n W E. Indies 1802. S r.m *'IM'0**
heart-leaved fl_Ocul 6 jl.n Pa.P R Indies 1802. S r.m
branchy • n%— 6 jl.n s r.m

7277 tubcrtaa //. & B. tuberous& EJor 6 jl.n S. Amer. 1824. S r.m
%_ Oleu 4
margined Mexico 18iJ4. S r.m
909. PORANTHE'RA Rud. PORANTIIEBA. (Poros, a pore, anthcra, an anther.) ............... 1.
7S79criciftlia<Af«i. Heath-leaved a. L. |cu W N. Holl. 1824. C s.1 10. © . 2


910. PARNA'SSI A L. GRABS OP PARNASSUS. (Mt. Parnassus: elegance, and sup. liab.) Droserheete. 4.-7.
7280 nalfihtriB L. *!* k A l>r i jLau W Britain bogs. D bog Eng. not. 82
7281 parviflfcra Dec. small-flowered ^ A pr I my.jl W N. Amer. 1820. I) bog
7282 caroliniana Mx. Carolina £ A P* i my.jn W N. Amcr. 1802. D bog Bot. mag. 1459
7283 usaritolia Ven. Asarura-leavcd ^ A pr W N. Amer. 1812. D bog Ven. mal. 90


•911. A R A B I A L. ARAUA. (Arat annoyance; spinel to travellers.) AraUlccee. 16.—34.
7284 spinosa L. thorny or W Virginia 1688. R p.l 116
7285 hispida Mx. bristly fll or W N. Amer. 1799. R p.l Bot mag. 1085
728() MulilcnbcrgidnaR.&S. Muhlcnbcrg's^t or n.jl W N. Amer. ... R i.p
hispida MM.
7287 raccinoHa L. racemose JtAor jn.s W N. Amcr. 1658. D s.p M. h. 1. 2. 9
7288 nudicadlis L. naked-stalked 5 A or Jnjl W N. Amer. 1731. D B.p
7289 fragrans G. Don sweet-scented • •or W Nepal 1818. C 8.1
Panax fraRrans Rox.
7290 aculeata G. Don prickly 1C2OT W Nepal 1820. C a.p
/federa aculckta Ham.
7291 umbracullfcra Aor. shady W E. Indies 1818.. C 8.1
7292 pcntaphy'lla Thun. five-leaved Japan 1810. C 8.1
7293 fcrruginea //. * B. rusty w Trinidad 1826. C 8.1
7294 digitate Rox. digitate w E. Indies 1817. C 8.1
7295 imcans //. ft B. glittering Trinidad 182<>. C s.p
7296 pube'scens Ztec. pubescent vV". W. Indies 1818. C s.p H.mon.45
7297 arborea L. tree Jamaica 182a C r.m Jac.BC. 51
7/cdera arbbrea Sti*. G
7298 capitate Sun. capitate G W. Indies C r.m Bot cab. 946
/federa capitate Sun.
7299 cochlcate Lam. ehelUeaved W E. Indies 182a C s.p Ru. am. 4.31
(Skiodes, shady, phyllon, leaf.) Aruliaccar. 7 . - 8 .
7300 Br6wnii Spr. Brown's W Jamaica 179a C s.p Br.jam. 19.1
Aralia Sciodaphyilum Sun. f • or 20
7301 digit.\tum G. Dan finger-leaved G E. Indies 1820. C s.l
Actinophyllum digitatum Wai * • or 10
7302 pedicellatum Poir. pedicellate I. Dor 10 P Peru ... C s.l Fl per. 308
7303 c6nicum Poir. conical JLCHor 10 Pa.R Peru ... C s.l Fl. per. 509
Actinophyllum c6nicum R. $ P.
7304 acuminatum Poir. acuminate O o r 10 Y Peru ... C 8.1 Fl. per. 310
7305 pentandrum Poir. pentandrous 18 Pa.R Peru 1820. C B.1 Fl. per SI 1
7906 an6malum G. Don anomalous • or SO W.o Trinidad 1817. C si
CaroHnea insignis Hort.
•913. RO'CHRrfDcc. HOCIIRA. (M. De la Roche, a botanical author.) CrassuRice*. 2.
7307 falcate Dec. tickle-leaved si L J or 3 jn.s R C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 2035
Crassula falcate L.
7308 perfoUata Haw. perfoliate • i_J or 4 S C. G. H. 1700. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 13
2 SO* Haw. white-flowering • i_J or 4 W C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1
914. KALOSA'NTHES Haw. KALOSANTHBS. (Kalos, beautiful, anthos, a flower.) Crassul&cae. 9.
7309 coccinca Haw. scarlet tt | | or 1 S C. G. H. 1710. C s.1 Bot mag. 495
Cr&ssula coccinea L.
2 florc albo Brad. white-flowering t t i I or! 1 W C. G. H. 1811. C 8.1 Brad. sue. 50
7310 mfedia Haw. mediate n. i_J or 1 Jnjl R C. G. H. 1810. C 8.1
7311 vcrsicolor Haw. changeable tt. |_J or 2 mr.s R C. G. H. 1817. C 8.1 Bot rcg. 320
7312 bicolor Haw. two^olorcd tt | | or 1 Jnjl Y.B C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1
7313 odoratf ssima Haw. swectest-scentedft i_J or 1 jnjl Pk C. G. H. 1793. C 81 Bot rep. 26
7314 flava Haw. yellow tt. i lor 1 au.s Y C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1 Pluk.aL314. 2
7315 cymosa Haw. cymosc tt |_J or I au R C G. H. 1800. C 8.1
7316 biconvexa Haw. double-convex tt i | or | „. C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
7317>asminea How. Jasmine-like tt i_J or $ W C. G. H. 1815. C 8.1 Bot mag. '2078
ASSULA. (Dim. of crassus, thick; fleshy leaves and stems.) CrassvlacctB. 5 2 . - 8 3 .
7318 ramosa UK //. K. bh
branchy j
- • ' — 2 Pk C. C. G.
G. H.
H. 774. C s.1
7319 tctragona /* four-angled . a l | or 2 au W C. G. H. 1711. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 19
7320 acutifTilia Lam. acute-leaved tt | | or W Greece? 1795. C 8.1 DecpLS
7321 biplanate Haw. biplanatc tt i lor w C. G. H. 1823. C B.1
7322 rotundif61ia/fow. round-leaved tt i lor aus w C. G. H. C 8.1
7323 bullulkta Haw. small-studded t t i lor au.B Y C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1 Martcen. ic.
7324 scabrella Haw. small-scabrous tt i lor C. G. H. 1810. C 8.1
7325 filicafilis Haw. thread-stmd tt. i | or vV' C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
7326 rcvolvcns Haw. revolving tt |_J or 1 au.s W C. G. H. 182a C 8.1
7327 arbor&cens W. arborescent tt. t_J or 3 my.jn „. Pk C. G. H. 1739. C s.1 Bot mag. 384
7328 obllqua H. K. oblique-teavitf BH L_J or 4 R C. G. H. 175a C s.1 Dec. ic.79
7329 lactea H. K. milk-colored tt | | or f s.o W C. G. H. 1774. C s.1 Bot mag. 1771
7930 albifl6ra Dec. C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1 Bot mag. 23P1
white-flowered tt. \_J or
7331 ciliata L. ciliated tt.i lor i Y C. G. H. 1732. C s.1 Dec. pi. 7
2 media Haw. mediate tt.i lor I Y C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
3 minor Haw. smaller tt. | | or ijlau Y C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
7<B« dejecta Jae. dejected tt. i_J or 1 W C. G. H. J820. C 8.1 Jac. sc. 433
7J33 conclnna Haw. neat tt. i lor C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
7&3t lingularfilia Haw. latchct-lcavcd tt. i | or C. G. H. 18LU C s.I
7335 obtusu Haw. obtuse tt. i | or C. G H. 1812. C 8.1
7336 bibracte\ta Haw. two-bracted tt. L_J or i au.s W C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
2 major Haw. larger tt. | | or iau.s W C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
7337 squamulij^a //aw. squamulosc tt. L_J or W C. G. H. 1817. C s.1
7338 coccinella*//aw. small scarlet tt. (_J or S C. G. H. 1823. C s.1
7339 tclephio'idi-s Haw. Tclcphium-likott. j_J or Pa.R C. G. H. 1818. C 6.1
7340 si ilbra /,. rough-leaved tt. LJ or t jn.jl P.Y C. G. H. 1 7 . C 8.1 Di. ek. 99.117
7341 biconvexa Haw. douhlc-convex tt. L_J or iau W C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1
7342 ramuliflura Lk. branchlet-flwd tt. L_J or 1 jnjl W C. G. H . 1822. C s.1
7343 corymbulns.1 Lk. corymbulose tt. I_J or 1 W C. G. H . 1822. C 8.1
7344 columnaris /,. columnar tt. |_J or W C. G. H . 1789. C s.1 Bur. af. 9
7345 imbricata //. K. imbricated tt. i | or I*jnjf W C. G. H . 1760. C s.1
7346 mcoides Haw. Heath-like tt. i lor W C. G. H . 1820. C 8.1
7:347 rosularis Haw. small-rosy tf lAlor w C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
7348 perfilata Sco. threaded tt. | | or : Pk C. G. H . 1783. C ill Scop. d. 3.6
7349 punctitta L. dotted tt. i | or 1 W C. G. H. 1739. C 8.1
7390 marginalia //. JK marginal tt. |_J or 2 P.v C. G. H . 1774. C s i
pullucida /,. pellucid tt. i_J or 1 jn.s Pk C. G. H. 1732 C 8.1 Di. el. 100. 119
7a >2 Kpathulara W. spathulatcd tt. i | or * Jl.i W C.G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 49
7J53 cordsita H. K. ho,\rt-lt'avt'd tt. i_J or i Pk C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Bot cab. 539
73f>4 CbtylMonis L. Cotyledon-/!/*/ $ Al or W C. G. H. si
73 J5 orbiculan* L. orbicular jg iAI orr Pk C. G. H. ......
7356 retrotl£xa L. bunt b.ick O I'r iJ Y C. G H. 1788. 6.1
7.157 lineolata H. K. in S.1 Bot 17'ii
small-lined £ £2) P i Y C. G. H. 1774.
7358 contauroidcs H. K. Centaury-likc £ Ol pr myjn Pk C. G. H. 1774. 8.1 Her. lug. 553
7359 glomeriita L. glomcratcd O oPrr | auo W C. G H 1774. H.I
7360 Magnul/i Dec. Magnol's O W S. Europe 18(/0. til
73fil subulkta L. subulate O pr C. G. H. 18(M). 8.1 Her. lug. 552
R*" C. G. II. 1810.
7362 pulchllla //. Jfc pretty O orr i my W
73G3 glabra Haw. smooth cluster O P C. G. H. 1774. Si
glomertta 0 H. K.
7364 rfabens L. annual red O pr I m y j n Pk Italv 17.J9. S.1
73fi5 verticilftris /„ VfhorUflowered O pr * Jl Pk S Kuroiie 17«H. 6l
7366 expand //. K. expanded O pr Jinjl W C. G. II. 1774. 8.1
7*,7 spana H. K. s c c • • • ; £21 pr C. G H. 1774. 8.1
i^JS diflVisa //. K. diffuse O p r % jnjl Pk C. G. H. 1774. S.1
t^j moschata Forst. mubky O p r * my.n W N. S. W. 1794. S.1
*916. TURGCysIA Haw. TURGOSIA. (Err. for Pyrgosia: pyrgos, tower; clusters of flowers.) Crassuldeete. 7.
7370 linguiefulia
gutefulia Haw.Haw. tongue-leaved
tong £ iAI or 1 au W C. G. H. 1803. C s.1
ua lingu
(JFiihiiiii.i lingusfuliaHaw.
lin<Tlimf><lt!i Haw.

7^(1 tomentusa
ments W W. wool
woolly lAJor I W C. G. H. 1790. C 8.1
!$? pertusa //«w. pierced lAJor [ n W C. G. H. 1818. C 6.1 Com. pr. 2
7«>73 turrtta Haw. towcrctl \CJA o r \ W C. G. H. 1818. S 8.1
,__. 2 rusea Haw. rose-colored Ol or | f . m r R C. G. H. 1K18. B.1
7374 obovhta Haw. obovatc Olor W C. G. H. 1818. S.1
t>*iii aloides Haw. Aloe-like OJpr W C. G. H. 1774 8.1
7J76 capitclla Haw. small-headed OJ W C. G. H. 1774. 8.1 Dec. pi. 55
917. G L O B I T L E A Haw. GLOBULEA. (Globulus, a globule; stems.) Crassullkcea. 16. — 29.
i'HI cultrata Haw. sharp-leaved «Ll_Jor 1 W C. G. H. 1732. C s.1 Bot. mag. 1940
,. Crassula cultrMa L.
4:2? atropurphrca Haw. dark-purple tt. |_J or \ au \V C. G. H. 1823. C &1
*radicans Haw. " •
t#>r/#/t/-roolingtt. | | or 1 jno W C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
ngua Haw. tongue tt. i_j or W C. G. H. 182.3. C 8.1
.£A hl « ul a »aw. little-tongue a. \ | or * jn.jl W C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
W C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
i*2 capitMa Haw. capitate £ iAJ or i l
obvallata Haw. guarded-leaved a. j | or i W C. G. H. J795. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 61
I *** canescens Htiw. canescent _. lAior W C. G. H. 1800. C s i
'•>85 pamculkta Haw. panirulate jg lAJor i jnjl W C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
7386 impressa Haw. impressed \ au.s W C. G. H. 1820. C s i
2 minor Haw. smaller i Alor | au.s W C. G. H. 1820. C s.1
7387 sulcata Haw. sulcatc __ ij!18 G" C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
7<^88 nudicaulis Haw. C. G. H. 1732. C s.1 Dec. pi. 133
7:|!»<) hlspida Haw.
nakod.stemmcd£ _ i iny.8 w
. hispid fiat-lvd tt. i_J or w C. G.C. H. 1823. C s.1
G. H. 1820. C 8.1
/ muKcmbryantholdes Haw. Mcscin..Iktt. i 4 au.s w C. G. H.
" altior Haw. tallei I aus w C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
1774. C 8.1
I mollis Haw. soft tt. i 1 au w C. G. H. 1823. C s.1
t subincana Haw.
2erecta Haw.
erect tt.
tt. i | or 4 au
i lor | au
w C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
7noi ^URTCVGYNE Haw. CURTOGVNE. CURTOGVNE. (Kurtos, curved.jjy/u?, a style.) Crassulhcea. S.
739J undata Haw, Haw. waved tt-Ljor *au W C. G. H. 1818. C s.1
Cr4 MU
71OI , l » undita Haw.
'JSH undulktn Haw. small-waved tt. | _ J or a u W C. G. H . 1797. C s.1
[) CrasstU&ce*.
. VAU A'NTHES Haw. VAUANTiiEa (Fau, the letter V, anthos, a flower.) uldeae. 1.
chlorffflora Haw. Chlora-flowercd n j o r fjl Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.l Dec. pi. 67
Crassula dich6toma L.
7 920. GISETKA4 L. GISEKIA. (P. D. Giscke, a Danish botanist.) Phytofoce*. *•
73J6 phsLrnaceoldes L. Pharnaceum.likc O cu 1 jn Pa.G E. Indies 1783. Rox. cor. 2. 183
*.92l. z r N U M Bauh. FLAX. (TMn, a thread, Cell.) CaryopJrfllcec. 43. — 61.
French O or 11 jlau Y Y' France 1/77. S co Ger. gal. 15.1
\ afireum W. $ K. golden O ox ^ jn.jl Y Hungary 1820. S p.l W.&K.2.177
yellowish O or I jn.jl Y Tauria 1820. S p.1 Bux c 5.59
knottcd-flwd W Italy 1759. D s.1 M.h.5.fUl
strict O> or 1 myjl Y S. Europe 1759. S p.l
stiff-leawd O or 1 jl Pa.Y Missouri 1807. S co '
Virginian Q) or 1 jl Y N. Amer. 1K07. S GO

7404dahuricura/J.$S. Dahurian 1 jnjl Y Dahurla 1816. D pi

7405 marttiinum L. sea 2 Y S. Europe 1.090. D co Jac. vin. 2.154
7406 arburcum L. tree 2 Y Candia 1788. C p.l Bot. mag. 234
7407 campanulatum L. campanulatcd Y Euroiic 17U5. D p.l
7408 tauricuni W. en. Taurian lijn.jl Y Tauria 1818. C p.l
7409 capitatum R.%8. capitate 1 jn.jl Y Austria 1816. D p.l
7410 flcivum L. yellow $ Y Austria 1793. D p.l Bot. mag. 312
7411 trigynum Aw. three-styled 2 ja.o Y E. Indies 1799. C pi Lot. mag. 1100
7412 africanum L. African 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1771. C p.l Bot. mag. 403
7413 quadrifulium L. four-leaved 2 myjn Y C. (*. H. 1787. C p.l JSoL mag. 431
7414 viebsum
vicbsum L. L. clammy 2 P S. Europe 1818. D co
7415Aypcricifblium&i& Sthairy John's-wt-lvd i jnil P Caucasus 1807. D co Bot. mag. 1048
7416 hirsotum
7416 hirsatum L L. hairv B Austria 175!). 1) co Jac. au. 1.31
7417 ascyriftliuin B. M. Ascyrum-Ivd 1 W Portugal 1800. 1) co Bot. inag. 108
7418 ncrvtoum W. Sf K. fibrous liSnjl B Hungary 182'2. D co W. & K. 105
7419 narbonense L. Narbonno B S. France 1759. D co
7420 usitatiflsiinum L most used w „„
2 j B Britain co. li. S co Eng. bot 1367
7421 marginiitum Poir. tvAi/t'-margincd ^ A or B 1810. S co
angustifuhum W. en.
7422 reflexum //. K. rcficx-leaved S. Europe 1777. D co
7423 squamuluHiim Schr. squamulose Tauria 1819. D co
austriacum Bieb.
7424 dittusum SchuU. diffuse B 1823. S p.!
7425 Lewisw P. ' Lewis's B N. Amcr. 1820. S p.l
7426 angustifblium Hud. narrow-leaved P England S co Eng. bot. 381
7427 sibiricum Dec. Siberian B Siberia 1773. S p.l Bot. mag. 1086
austriacum B. M. not L. perenne L.
7428 Anglicum Mil. English jt A or 2 jn.jl B England ch. pi. S p.l Eng. bot 40
perenne E. B.
7429 austrtacum L. Austrian k A or 1 jnjl B Austria 1775. D co Jac. au. 418
7430 roontanum Schl. mountain or I jn.jl B Switzcrl. 1817. S p.l Scop. car. 11
7431 blcolor Schous. two-colored
tcnuifulium (3 bicolor Pers.
5£ or Y.R Morocco 1820. S co
7432 alplnum L. alpine £ A or i B Austria 1739. S co Sw. fl. gar. 17
7433 decumbens Desf. decumbent £ A or li jn.jl R N. Africa 1817. S co Desf. at. 1.79
angustifblium £ decumbens Pers.
7434 grandiflbrum Desf. ._.„large-flowering A or * Jnil B S. Europe 1820. Desf. at. 1.78
7485 tenuifolium i. slender-leaved 5 A or II jn.jl Pk EurojK; 1759. Jac. au. 3. 215
7436 salsololdcs Lam. Salsola-likc n. or1 jn.jl Pk S. Europe 1810. Bar. ic. 795?
7437suffruticosum L. f l u f f ruticose t t . L J o r
1 au Pk S|uin 1759. Cav. i c 2.108
7438 cathlrticum L. purging . O w i W Britain dr. pa. Eng. bot. 382
922. DRCVSERA L. SUNDEW. (Drosostdew: dew-like glands on leaves.) Droscritcear. 4.—32.
7439 pauciflora Banks few-flowered 1 W C. G. H. 1823\ S bog
7440 acaulis Thun. Btcmless W C O . H. 1823. S bog
7441 rotundifulia L. round-leaved A i jlau W Britain S bog Eng. bot. 8tT7
7442 amcrichna W. American A i W N. Aincr. 1810. S bog
7443 longifolia L. long-leaved A i W.H BriUin S bog Eng. bot. 868
interini:dia Desv.
7444 anglica Hud. English * A Pr i i U u W - R NEngland S bog Eng. bot 869
7445 lincaris Got. Knew.leaved £ A Pr I J n a u F - Amcr. 1818. S bog
744f> fiht'ormis Rqfi. filiform £ A pr i "Win P N. Jersey 1811. S bog
7447 binata Lab. binatc-fazwti £iAJl>r ii»au W N. Holl. 1821. S bog Lab. n.h. 1.105
923. F T B L I S SaL BYBLTS. (Bt/lilis, the daughter of Miletus.) Droscriicea. 1.
7448 tiniflvira 5a/. Flax-flowcrcd £ iAI pr i my.jn B N. Holl. 1800. S bog Par. Ion. 95
924. SIBBA'LD/iJ L. SlHBALDIA. (Sir Robert Sibbaltl, prof, of nhys., Edin.) Rosnccat. 4.—V.
7449 procumbens L. procumbent tA i Y Britain I) s.) Eng. bot 897
2 helvetica G. Don Swiss Switzcrl. 1819. D 6.1
3 amcricaiia G.Don American n a u N. Amcr. 1820. D s.1
i J
7450 parviflura W. small-flowered Y Cappadocia... I) s.1 W.n.bcr.nnjl,5.4
7451 ericta W. upright 1 Pk Siberia 1806. D 8.1 Am. rut. 112.13
polygynous Y.a Siberia 1824. D s.1
925. ALDROVAWDii L. ALDROVANDA. (Ulysses Aldrovandus, an ItaL naturalist) Droscruceee. 1.
7453 vcsiculusa L. vcsiculose * A cu W Italy 182a D i p Ac.bon.2.12
926. COMMERSCPN/ii W. COMMERSONIA. (V. Cotmnerson, Fr. traveller and bot) Bi/ttncriacear. 2 . - 3
broad-leaved * O or 3 jn jl
echinatcd • • or
W Moluccas 1806. C i.p Bot. mg. H9
Moluccas 1820. C p.l Ru. am. 3.119
927. RULI'NG/iJ R. Br. RULINUIA. (J. P. Ruling, author of Essay on Nat Ord.) Byttncrticea. 4.
7430 pann?»8a R.Br. nggeiUeavrd « L J o r ? my W N. Holl. 1819. C I.p Bot mag. 2191
7457 coryUColia Cunn. Hazel-leaved i j o r 3 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C I.p
7458hcrmanniVr/u/iaSwt H c r m a n n i a - l v d i j o r 2 ... W N. Holl. 1819. C s.1
7459 cistifblia Cun. Cistus-lcaved Ml |_J or 2 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C I.p
928. ARME'RIA W.en. THRIFT. (Armtria, swoctwllliam.In/.) Plumbagince. 19.—20.
7460 vulgaris W. en. common A or R Europe ... D co Schk. han. 87
7461 maritima W. en. sea-side A or i my.jl R Britain sea co. D s.l Eng. bot. 226
5titice Armtria L.
7462 nlplna W. en. alpine A or i P Carinthia ... D s.1
7463 arcnsiria Pers. sand A or i Pk France ... D s.1
7464 littoralis W. en. shore A or 1 Pk S. Europe ... D s.1
7465 dianthoides Horn. Pink-like A or i my.jn Pk Europe 1810. D s.1 Sw.fl.gar. ic *
7466 montana G. Don mountain A or i my.jn Pk Scotland moun. 1) 6.1
74«7 hiimilis Lk. dwarf A or i my.jn Pk S. Europe 1817. D s-.l
74(i8 hirta W. hairy A or i my.jn Pk N. Africa 1820. D s.1
2i£|h rounrf-hcaded A or
1 my.jn Pk Europe 1800. D s.1
7470 p6ngcna R. & S. A i my.jn Pk Sinin 1818. D s.1
7471 juniuerif61ia W.
7472^inili)lia7{. &s.
Sunipcr-Icavcd £_
1 myjn
1 my.jn
Spain 1818.
Portugal ...
s.1 Qu. his.
7473 rtllihcea W. Pine-leaved £ A or 1 my.jn VV Spain 171)8. D s.l Civ. ic. 2.109
7474 dcnticullita Bert. GzrMc-lcavcd j£ & or ljiny.jn F Naples 181(x D s.1
7475plantaginea W. toothed £ A or 1 my.jn R S. Europe 181& D s.1
Plantain./wf tf

7476 rcorgofimeftlla Lk. Bcorzonera-lvd £ A or 1 my.jn S 8. Europe 1816. D B.1

7477 latifblia W. en. broad-leaved £ A or 2 my.jl L.R Algarbia 1740. D s.p Jac. fin. 1.42
7478 fasciculata W. en. bundled tt. (_J or 2 F Portugal ... D 8.1 .Ven.cels3S
929. STA'TICE L. SEA LA\EOT)ER. (Statixot to stop; astringency.) Plutnbaeincar. 61. —74.
7479 fframinifulia H. K. Grass-leaved £ jnjl R Siberia 1780. I) s.l
7480 Limonium L. marsh Wild Beet £ B England mud.s I) s 1 Eng. bot 102
7481 carolinikna Walt. Carolina £ jnjl Carolina 1820. D r.m
7482 Gmchni W. Gmclin's £ B Siberia 17"6. 1) &1 Gm. si. 2. 90
7483 Scopkria Pall. Broom £ Q Siberia 1796. I) 8.1
7484 latifMia Sm. broad-leaved £ my.jl B Siberia 1791. D pi
7485 oleifblia Pou. Olivc.lcavcd £ R Italy 1688. -I) s.l
• Scop. d. 1.10
7486 auriculiefolia Vahl Auricula-lvd £ . R Barbary 1781. D s.l
7487 cmarginata W. en. cmarginate £ . "i my.jl Gibraltar ... D s.l
7488 cordkta L. f my.jl S. Europe 1752. D s.l Bar. ic. 805
7489 scabra Thuru 1 my.jl C. G. H. 1788. S r.m
7490 virgata W. en. twiggy 1} Spain ... D s.l
7491 roticulata L. nettixl i England mud.s. D s.l Eng. bot 328
7492 tetragona Thun. K 2 C. G. H. 1820. D 6.1
7493 dichotoma Caw. dichotomous i S. Europe 1810. D B.1 Cav. ic. 1.50
7494 altaica Hort. Altaian 1 Siberia 1820. D s.l
7495 viminea &Ar. twiggy i 1818. D 8.1
7496 caspia W. en. Caspian 1 Pa.B Caspian Sea ... S s.l Gm. si. 2.89.2
7497 echioides L. Echium-like 1 Pa. B S. Europe 1752. S s.l 298
7498 spathulata D ^ . p 1 jnau P Barbary 1804. D s.l Bot. B mag. g. 1617
7499 foillidifolia 5m. I)aifiy-lcaved i Jnjl Pa.B Greece 1810. D r.m FL FLgr.293
7500 greVsa Poir. Greek W Greece 1810. D r.m
7501 Willdenovttna Po»>. Willdcnow's i juu V France 1800. D r.m W.h.b.63
spatulata W. en.
7502 speciftsa L. showy £ .AJor W Russia 1776. D p.1 Bot. mag. 656
7503 conspicua A M. conspicuous Pk Russia 1804. D 8.1 Bot mag. 1«29
7504 tatarica X. Tartarian g A or j Pk Russia 1731. I) p.l Sw. fl. gar. 37
7505 ovalifolia Poir. oyal-lcaved f lAJor W Canaries 1816. I) s.p
7506 flexuusa W. zig-zag P Siberia 1791. D p.l
7507 purpurata L. purjilcd P C. G. H. 1800. D p.l
7508 minitta L. small R Mcditerr. 16/J8. D p.l 200.3
750!) pubeflcens D<rc. pubescent R S. Europe 1824. D s.p Boc. sic. 13
7510 articulate Lot. jointed R S. France 182a D s.p Loi. gal. 2.6
7511 pectinita H.K. iicclinatcd B Canaries 1780. D p.1
7512 fech\nu6 JKcft. hedgehog R Caucasus 1813. C s.l 300
7513 8uffrutic?.sa L. suflruticosc B Siberia 1779. D r.m Gin. si 2.88.2,3
7514 monopctala L. one-petaled P Sicily 1731. C r.m Boc. sic. 16,17
7515 cin&rca Poir, ey B C. G. H. 1810. I) s.l
7516 pruinosa L. W S. Europe 1823. D 8.1
7517/erulhceaZ. Fenncl-fcawrf Y Siberia 1796, D 8.1 Plu. al. 28 4
7518 ginuata L. scollop-leaved P.Y Levant 1629. S r.m Bot. mag. 71
7519 Thouinw Viv. Thouin's B N. Africa 1700. S s.l Mart, ccn.^i
7520 spicata W. spiked I W Caucasus 1819. S 8.1 Gm. si. 2.91.2
lyrkta Bieb.
7521 australis Sjw. southern £ iAl° r N. HolL 1823. S s.l
„„ Taxanthema austrklis It. Br.
7J22 alata IV. en. winged 1 P.Y 1806. D s.l
7.J23 mucronata L. mucronatc R Barbary 1784. C r.m Her. s t l 8
7.>24 globularimfolia' Desf. Globularia-/wJ 1 my.s W Sicily 1822. D r.m Bar. ic. 793
incana L. hoary 1 Pk Egypt 1823. D r.m
7526 macrophf lla TV. long-leaved 2 my.jn W Canaries 1824. C r.m
Z^7 egyptmca Pers. Egyptian l | m y W Egypt 1823. D r.m Bot. mag. 2563
7528 auriculata Bes. eared i B Galicia 1817. D 8.1
?529dataliS». tall 1 B Siberia 1820. D s.l
7530 cuneata //. T. wedge-leaved,. B Siberia 1820. D s.1


930. MYOSITRUSX. MOUSE-TAIL. (Mys.a mouse, oura, a tail; spiked receptacle/) Ranunculheea. 1.
'531 minimus L. least O cu ± Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 435
CEHATOCEPHALUS. (Kcras, a horn, kepha/c, a head; fl.) Ranunculdcea. 2.
Z Moen.
n. sickleleaved
3icklc-/aiivtf O cu i my Y S. Europe 1739. S co Jac. au. 48
orthoccras Dec. straight-horned O cu i my Y Caucasus 1816. S co Dclcss. 1.23
AanUnculus falcatus Bieb.
A HerU
- YELLOW (Xanthos, yellow, rhixa, a root) Banunculdcear. 1.
Parsley-leaved * or 3 fap Pa N. Amer. 1766. Sks.p Bot mag. 1736



• !W3. ATARCI'SSUS / , . • NARCISSUS. (Narke, stupor; effects of smell.) AmaryUidea:. 7 7 . -
7535 potfticua L. poet's ff A or I my W S. Kuro|>c O co Par. p. 7t>
7536 recftrvus Haw. recurved-taHtfdtf A or my S. Eurojic ... O co
7537 patclfAriB Sal. bwin-flwd tf A or my w England O co Eng. bot. 275
jracticus E. B. majMis B. M.
2 cxscrtus Haw. drawn out tf A or my w England gard. O co
3 pl&nus Haw. double
tf A or my w England gard. O co Par. p. 75.1
tf A or W S. Europe 1570. O co liot mag. 193
7538 aiiBUHtifolius B. M. nurrow-leaved
radufloruH Sal. two-flowered tf A or W Britain mea. O co Eng. tot. 27G
75.n>9 biflnrus B. M. slenderer tf A or my L.Y 1789. O co Bot mag. 379
7540 tenuior //• K. crenulatcd tf A or mr.ap W SnaVii"" O co
7542 Trvw
7541 tunus B.
crenulMus Sal.M. Trew's tf A or 1| mr.ap W.v Spain O r.m Bot. mag. 940
754.3 flonhundus S/i/. bundle-flu d tf A or 1* mr.ap W.v Spam O r.m
7544 fiotulmus /faw. hollow-stalked tf A 2 ap W.v O r.m
7545 ccrinus Haw. wax-colored tf A or 1 ap W O r.m
7546 TaxiUta L. Tazetta, or Polyanthus tf A or 1 mr.ap vr Spain 1759. O s.l Par. p. 81.3
7547 multiflbrus Haw. tall many-flwd tf A or 1 ap O s.l B o t mag. 925
Tazetta B. M. not L. Y
2 aurcus Haw. golden many-flwd^ A or ap Y O s.1 Bot. mag. 1026
7548 obsolMus Haw. obsolete tf A r au.s Spain 1819. O s.l Par. p. 89.4
7549 latifblius Haw. broad-lvd. orange tf A ° Yw O s.l
7550 Macttati
7 t Lindl. Mac Leay's A i Crea Smyrna 1815. O s.l Bot. rcg. 987
7551 oricntMis /« oriental tf A or mr.ap W Levant O co Bot. mag. !>48
7552 papyraccus B. M. paper tf A or mr.ap W O co Bot mag. 947
unlcolor Ten. nfcvius Lot.
"• 2jasmincus Haw. Jasmine-like tf A or ap w O s.1
7553 Lilna Haw. Luna tf A or ap w O s.1
7554 grandiflbrus Haw. great-flowered tf A or ap W.Y O s.1
7555 citrinus Haw. Citron-colored tf A or ap W.Y O 0.1 Bot. mag. 946
oricn&lis y B. M.
7556 italicus B. M. Italian tf A or 1 mr.ap Pa.Y S. Europe O co B o t mag. 1188
pYa;xcox Ten.
2 scmiplenus semi-double tf A or mr.ap Crea Italy O s.1
3 plenus . double tf A or mr.ap Cre.i Italy O p.l
7357 tereticaftlis Haw. round-stalked tf A or 1| mr.ap Pa.Y Spain O co Bot mag. 1298
7558 comprcssus Haw. flat-stalked tf A or 1 mr.ap L.Y Spain O co
7559 blfrons B. M. two-faced tf A or 1 mr.ap Y S. Europe O co Bot. mag. 1186
7560 primuhnus Haw. Covi&Wp-citpped tf A or 1 mr.ap Y O co Bot mag. 1299
7561 JonqulUa L. Jonquil tf A or 5 Y Spain 1596. O r.m Bot. mag. 15
2 fibre pldno double tf A or 1 Y Spain 1596. O r.m
7562 Hlmilis Haw. similar Jonquil tf A o*r i«P Y O s.l
75M graciliN Lindl. slender tf A ° 1 j Y O co B o t rcg 816
75(i4 hcininiiliB Haw. lesser curled cup tf A or 1 np Y O s.l Par. p.<>3.4
7565 viridiflbrus Schous. green-flowered tf_ A or ^ au.o G Barbery 1629. O r.m B o t mag. 1687
7566 scrotinus L. late-flowered tf A or iau.o Pa.Y Barbary 1629. O r.m Cl. h. 252
7567 trilobus L. thrce-lobed Jonquil tf A or 1 Y S. Europe HB9. O r.m B o t mag. 78
calath)nus Sal. odurus B. M. tnpartttus Horn.
7568 intcrjeutus Haw. interjected" A ap Y 1810. O &1
7569 odurus L. sweet-scented A , or ap.ny Y & Europe 1629. O 8.1 Botmag.<)Sl
calathmua et B M.
7570 pusillus G. Don small Jonquil tf A or ap 1818. O s.1
Phylugyne minor Hilaw.
2pRnu8 double iQ. Anne's Jonquil tf A or lap 1810. O 8.1
7571 rugulbsus Haw. rugulose cup tf A or 1 ap 1818. O s.1
7572 niiiins Haw. nodding tf A or 1 Y S. Europe 1789. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 945
trilobus B. M.
7673 concolor Haw, self-col, sulphur tf A or t ap Y 1820. O 8.1
7574 infundibulkris SaL funnel-flowered^_ A or | Y O 8.1 Par. p. 92
7575 pulchclluK Haw. pretty tf A or I Y Spain O s.1 B o t mag. 1262
7576 stri&tuhis Haw. small-channelled tf A or *ap * Y O s.1
7577 triandrus L. triandrous tf A or * W Portugal 1629. O 8.1 Par. p. 93.2
7578 cernuus Sal. . pale drooping tf A or iap Y 1818. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 48
triandrus B. M. not L.
7579 capax Sal. capacious tf A or Pa.Y O 8.1 Red. 111. 177 ?
7580 mont\nus B. R. mountain tf A or 1 W Portugal ... O s.1 B o t rcg. 183
7581 galanthifnlius Haw. Snowdrop-lvd tf A or «my W O 8.1 Par. p 73
7582 aUicans Haw. whitening tf A or | mr.ap Pa.Y 1789. O 8.1 Par. p. KI6.
7583 Bulbocodium /. Bulb, or Hoop-pet, tf A or \ mr.ap Y Portugal 1629. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 88.
7584 inflatus L. inflated tf A or \ mr.ap Y O 8.1
2 minor Haw. lesser swoln tf A or J mr PaSu Spain 1696. O 8.1 Par. p. 107.8
7585 lobulMus Haw. small-lobed tf A or | Y R s.l
7586 tenuifulius Sal. slender-leaved tf A or 5 W O s i Sw. fl. gar. 11*
7587 incomparabiiis B.M. incomparable tf A or 1 Y Portugal 1629. O co B o t mag. 121
7588 gibus Haw. incomparable white tf A or ap WY O 8.1
2 pl&nus Haw- double orange Pliccnixti A or ap Su O 8.1
7589 semipartUus Haw. clovcn-cuppcd tf A or mr Su O 8.1
7590 Haw6rthi G. Don Ha worth's tf A or ap Y ...... 1700. O 8.1
Qucltm c6ncolor Haw.
2 plfenus sulphCireus Haw. dble-sulph. tf A or ap Su 1629. O 8.1
7591 aurantiu6 Haw. orange mixed tf A or mr Y 1629. O 8.1
p u s Kiteus au- C double yellow"!
2 plenus Y 1629. O 8.1
wron rantius Haw. £ and orange S or 1 mr
7592 tortuoKus Haw. tw\$ted-petaled tf A or H a p W Spain 1629. O co Par.p.101-*
7593 moschktus L. musk tf A or 1 mr.ap W Spain 1759. B o t mag. 9BJL
7594 patulus Sal. tf A or 1 mr W Spain O co Bot. mag. 130"
uioschatus & B. O co

2 dlbens flaw, whitish Nor/oikfl A or lnr W Spain O co

7595 serratus Haw. serrated tf A o r 1S mr.ap Pa.Y S. Europe O co
2 suavis Haw. sweet tf A or mr.ap Pa.Y S. Europe C) co
7596 spbrius J/aw. spurious tf ap Y England O co
7597 obscissus //aw. dipt trunk tf my Y Spain O co Par. p. 107
7598 Tclambnius Haw. Tciamon's tf A or ap Y O co
2 pi en us //atu. double Daffodil tf & or ap Y O co
3 grandiplenus Haw. great double tf A or ap Y O co
u co Par. p. 101.1
7599 Pseiido-ivarcissus L. Daffodil tf A or mr.ap Pa.Y England woods. O co Eng. bot. 17
festMis //aw.
2 seditious //aw. Scotch Daffodil tf A or mr Y Scotland gard. O co •
3 pl&nus //aw. double lhyffodil tf A or my Y France ... O co Par. p. 101.9
4 plcnissimus most double tf A or mrap Y O co Par. p. l u l . 6
7ri00 tubiflorus 5a/. tube-flowered tf A or mr.ap W.v O i"o
7601 lorifulius Haw. strap-lvd two-cld$ A or mr Y O co Bot. mag. 1187
bfcolor B M. not L.
2 breviflos Haw. short-flwd two-cldf A or mr Y O co
3 anceps Haw. two-edged two-cldT$ A or mr Y ...... 180). O co
7602 blcolor /,. two-colored tf A or W.T Spain 1629. O co
7603 Sablni Lindl. Sabine's tf A or Y O co Bot. reg. 732
7604 nfveus IV. en. snowy tf A or my W S. Europe ... O co
7605 obvalftris Sal. trenched round tf A or mr.ap Y Spain ... O co
7606 major 2*. M. larger tf A or mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O co Hot mag. 51
76U7 propfnnuus Sn/. allied tf A or mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O co
7608 n6bili8 //aw. noble tf A or. mr.ap Y ... O co
7 « » A'jax Sal. Ajax tf A or mr.ap Y O co
7610 phmilus Sal. dwarfish tf A or mr.ap Y Spain ... O co H. flor. 8
7G11 minor L. smaller tf A or mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O s.l Bot inag 6
•934. PANCRA^TIUM L. PANCRATIUM. {Pan, all, kratys, potent; med. qual.) AmarylDdea:. 28. —32.
7612 zcylfinicum L. Ceylon tfEJor 1 jnjr W Ceylon 1752. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 47!)
7613 longiflurum Box. long-flowered tf fTflor 2 jnjl w E. Indies 1H10. O r.m
7614 verec6ndum Sol. ruddy tf fAlor w E Indies 1776. Sk r.m Bot reg. 413
7615 marltimum L. sea tf A or 2 my.jl w S. Europe 15W7. Sk s.p Bot. reg. 161
7616 caroliniknum L. Carolina tf _AJor 2 jnjl w Carolina 175!). Sk r.m Cat. car. 3.5
7617 canariense Ker Canary tS I A I O T ljjnjl. w Canaries 1815. Sk r.m Bot reg. 174
7618 ill^ricum L. Illyrian tf A or 11 my.jn w S. Europe 1615. Sks.p Bot. mag. 718
7619 undulatum Kth. v/nvo-leaved If CAT o r 1 Jnjl w S. Ainer. ... Sk r.m
7(>20 expansum B. M. expanded tf (23 <>r 2 jn.jl w W. Indies 1H20. O r.m Bot mag 1941
7621 littorMe Jac. sea-side tf E l or 2 W S. Amer. 1758. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1879
7622 DryAndri Ker Dryander's tf /Alor 2 W Sk r.m Bot. mag. 8L>5
7623 angustum Ker nariow-leaved tf 2SJor W .Skr.m Bot. reg. 221
7624 dlstichum Herb. two-ranked tf GSJor 1* W S. Amer. O r.m
7tI25 crassifbVmm Herb. thick-leaved _tf fTa W S. Amer. () r.m
7626 rotatum Ker wheel-crowned* tf _AJ or 1 JLSJ W Carolina 1803. Sk r.m Bot mag. 1082
7f»27 mcxichnum L. Mexican tf - ^_«123 - 1- au W
„ Mexico
„ 1732.
,- - Sk r.m Pi. el 2itf. 289
7028 acutifblium Swt. sharp-leaved tf l&J or 2 W Mexico 1824. O r.m Bot reg. 910
mexicanum B. R. not of others, //emerocallis littoralis h acutifolia B.M.
7629 guianense Ker Guiana tf E l orr n W Guiana 1815. Sk r.m Bot reg 265
7J3O at ilof. spreading tf El° W W. Indies 1K22. Sk r.m lied. lil. & 380
?«31pediMeLoA foot (lonffiflwd au W Brazil 1H2(). Skr.m Bot cab. 8(>!)
7632 hragrans Sal, fragrant W W. Indies 1S1<). Sk r.m Bot cab 834
or W E. Indies 1820. Sk r.m
7fi33biflorumil(w. two-flowered t f E l
7M4 cariba?xum L. Caribean tf E l or W W. Indies 1730. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 826
76to declinatum Jac. declined tf E l or 2 my.jl W W. Indies 1825. O r m Bot cab. 558
7636 amaftram SaL handsome 1 W Guiana 1790. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1467
76J7ovatumJlftf. ovate-leaved tf Elor 1 W W.Indies ... Sk r.m Bot. reg. 43
4?£ P i6 Sal. showy tf Elor 11 W W. Indies 1759. Sk r.m Bot mag. 1453
amcricanum Mil American tf — 2 jnjl W Jamaica 1820. O r.m
•935. ISMETNJS; Sal. ISMENE. (The daughter of Cfidipus and Jocasta.) Amaryllfdctc. 3.
7640 nMans Herb. nodding tf C3 or 2} jn.jl W Brazil 1800. Sk r.m BoL mag. 1561
,,_. /"ancrJitium calath\num B. Af.
'WI calathmum Herb. cu\i-Jtowered tf Elor 2| jn.jl W Brazil 1800. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 215
't>42 Amdncaes Herb. Amancacs tf Elor Y Peru 1804. Sk r.m B o t reg. 600
Pancratium Amdncaes B. M.
, & * : EUCRO\5IA Ker EUCHOSIA. {Eu, well, krossos, a fringe; cup of stamens.) AmaryU'idece. 1.
"*3 blcolor Ker two-colored tf lAJ or 1 ap.-my O CapeHor. 1816. O ltl Bot. reg. 207
7fu7* * YCLES Sal. (Eurys, broad, kleio, to close up; perianth tube by stamens.) AmaryUidctv. 3.
°»* amboinlnsis Sal. Amboyna tf El or 2 my jn W Amboyna 1759. O ltl Bot. mag. 1419
*jKAr * ancratium araboinense L. PnAphys amlioincnbis Herb.
^* ncrvisa G. Don nvrvcd-leaued tf El or 1 my.jn W E. Indies 1822. O ltl
7ft,- winum ncrv5sum llor.
** australasica G. Don Australasian tf El or 1 my W N. Holl. 1821. O ltl Bot. reg. 715
•rancratium australasicum Ker.
76tt 8 i\F A I j O S T E 'MMA R Br. CALOSTEMMA. (Kolas, beautiful, ttemma, a crown; flower.) AmarpllUUlea:. 3.
7(»2 ] 6 t e H l n K':r ye"ow
y tf tf A lAJor 1 n Y N. Holl. 18lb. O s.l Bot reg. 4421
76*o !:>»rlMiro"in R- *r. purplel tf tf LAI AI or 1 n P
P N. H
N Holl.
l l 18I l "Bot. rctf. 422
18IJ). OO s.l
tf l N. Holl. 1824, O p.l
^J album R. Br. white
CHLIDA'NTHUS Herb. CULIDANTIII.'S. (Chlidcios* delicate, anthoa, a flower.) Amarylltde*. I.
Agrans Ltndl. fragrant tf iAJ or 1 my.jn Y B. Ayres 1820. O l t l Lmd.col.34
Pancratium Ihtoum Pair.
taj° C H R X S I P H r A L A CuHvsiwiiAiA. (Chrysosygo\dtvhiale. a goblet; flowers.) AmaryUidea:. 4 . - 5 ,
SJVa*r -v veHow tf^or f my O Peru 1820. O l t l Bot reg. 778
tato °n»i8on flavum Herb.
Paucifl&ra Lindl.
ifZZcurv few-flowered tf uA7 or i my O Peru 1822. O l t l Hook. ex. fl. 132
ftei »*lcnt.\ta Herb, curve-toothed tf LAI pr 1 o Y Peru 1825. O p.l B o t reg. i
"°* crucea Red. saflron-colorcd tf tAJ or 1 my Cop S. Amer. 1820
Ker LOPIIIOLA. d yi m of lopha, a crest; crest of the sepals.)
rea Ker. golde * A »r J» myil Y N.N AUKT• 1811.
B i t ' D p.] Bot mag. 1596
i-onostyHs amcricana Ph.
I 3

012. ARGOLA'SIA/. ARGOLABIA. {Argos, white, lasios, woolly; outside of calyx.) Hatnodoracear. 1.
7656 plumusa J. feathery £ iij'or 1* ... W C. G. H. 1787. & i.l.p
Lanaria plumtaa H% K.
9*3. ANIGOZA'NTHOSA. Br. ANIGOZANTHOS. (Anoigo, to expand, anthos, flower.) Hcemodorhcecc. 2.
7657 flavida R. Br. ycllowish-gr<VR-</?iiM*£ IAI or 3 my.s Y N. HoU. 1808. D s.p Bot. mag. 1151
Schwagrichenfa fllvida Spr.
7658 rufa Lab. . rufous £ iAI or 1$ my.s Ru N. HoU. 1824. D l.p Lab. vo. 1.22
944. BARBAC&XZA Van. BAHDACSNIA. (2&«&IC«KI,gov.of MinasGeraes.) Harmottordcete. l.—l.
7659 purpfcrea Hook. purple £ E J o r l|jl P Brazil 1825. D s.1 Bot mag. 2777
945. CONO'STYLIS R. Br. CONOSTTYLIS. (Konos, a cone, stylos, a style.) Hcemodoruccce. 3 . - 4 .
7660 aculeata R. Br. prickly £ LAJ or 1 fo. ifon. 1820. D i p
7661 sctigcra R. Br. sctigerous £ lAJ or 1 N. HoU. 1825. D s.p
7662 serrulata R. Br. serrulated £ lAJor 1 N. HoU. 1824. D s.p
946. URAXNIA Schreb. URANIA. (Ouranios, sublime; statclincss.) Musdcea. 1.
7663 specWwa W. showy £ El or 20 ... 11 Madagasc. ... Skp.l Jac. sc. 1.93
Jtavenula madagascarie'nsis Sonn.
* 947. BUONAPA'RTEif Fl. per. BUONAPARTBA. (Napoleon Buonaparte.) Bromeliaceof. 1.
76G4 juncea Fl. per, Ku»h4eaved jg E3 or ... B Peru 1800. S s.1 Fl. per. 3.242
• 948. AGA^VE L. .. 1 AOAVB. (Altered from agauos, admirable.) Bromeliucea. 11.
7665 amcricnna L. , commocommon American £ S. Amcr. 1640. Skr.m Ilot.rcp.4S8
acgata variegated Americ. £ S. Airier. 1600. Sk r.m
7666 Millcrj Haw. Miller's £ 17oU
7667 fl.iccida Haw. flaccid S. Amcr. 1790. Skr.m
7668 lunda Jac. lurid VeraCruz 1731. Sk r.m Bot mag. 1528
7669 angustifulia Haw. narrow-leaved ...... 1790. Skr.m
7670yi&»ft>lia W. Yucca-leaved 1819. Skr.m
7671 Karaite Mil. Karatto S. Araer. 1768. Skr.m
7672 mcxicana Haw. Mexican Mexico 1817. Skr.m
7673 vivipara L. viviparous &Amcr. 1731. Sk s.p Com. pr. 15
7fi74 polyacfintha flata many.AMr.spnd 1800. Skr.m
7675 virglnica L. Virginian N. Amcr. 1765. Sk r.m Bet mag. 1157
949. FURCRCEM Yen. FURCRQSA. (M. Fourcroy, a celebrated chemist.) BromeUhcea. 7.
7676 gigantca Ven. gigantic 23 or 20 ja.s G S. Amer. 1690. Sk r.m Bot mag. 2205
Agave foytida L.
Ifffl tubcrftsa Haw. tuberous O S. Amer. 1739. Skr.m
7678 cubcnsis Haw. Cuba G S. Amer. 1739. Sk r.m Jac. am. 260. 25
7679 rigida Haw. rigid S. Amer. 1768. Sk r.m
7680 austr.ilis Haw. southern N. HolL 1811. Skr.m
7681 Ctintula Wai. Cantula China 1818. Sk r.m
7682 madagascariensisJiatu. Madagascar Madagasc.1825. Skr.m
950. LITT-ffiM Brig. LITHBA. (Duke of Lptta, near Milan.) Bromelidcea?. 1.
7683 geminifl&ra Brig. twin-flowcrcd £ lAlor 15
twinflowcrcd 1
j G America 1810. Skr.m
A a v e geminifiora
Agave geminifioraXer, Buonapartea
XerBuonapartea juncc
juncca d Hort.
•951. BROME^L/ilL. BROMBLIA. (Olaus Bromcl, a Swedish botanist) Bromelidcea. 13.—18.
7684 scmiscrrata IV. en. half-sawed-forf E j o r 3 year G "S. *Amcr. ... Sk r.m
7685 Pinguin L. Pinguin £ El ec 3 mr.ap
mr.ap R W. Indies 1690. Sk r.m Jac. am. pic. 91
7686 sylv&tris W. wild £ QS or 3 Jl C S. Amcr. 1820. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 2392
7687 fastuiisa Lindl. proud £ (23 or 4 au.s P S. Amcr. 1815. Sks.p Lind.col. 1
7688 KarMus L, Karatas £ [23 or 8 Pk W. Indies 1739. Sk r.m Jac. vin. 1.31,32
7689 chrymintha Jac goldcn-flowcrcd£ [23 or 2 Y Caraccas 1819. Sk s.p Jac. sc. 1.55
7690 hngulkta L. tonguc-lcaved £ [23 or 1J my.jn Y S. Amer. 1759. Sk r m Pi. ic 64.1
7691 bracte;\ta Swx. red-brucled £ [23 or 2 8.0 Pk Jamaica 1785. Sk r.m Par. Ion. 40
7692 Acnnga L. Acanga £ El or 2 .. Brazil 1822. Sk s.p Pis. br. 91
7693 exsudans Lod. sweating fgfT^or 2 s.o W. Indies 1820. Sk r.m Bot cab. 801
7694 paniculigera Sam. panicle-bearing £ El or 2 W.Indies 1822. Skr.m
7695 numilis Jac. low £ (AJor mr Pk 1789. Skr.m Jac.ic. 1.60
7696 sessilifldra Lo. C. sessile-flowered £ El or 3 S. Amer. 1826. Sk r.m
952. AfiANA'SSA Thun. PINE-APPLE. (Nonas, the name in Guiana.) Bromeliucete. 4.
7697 bractenta B. R. bracted £ E] ft 3 mr C.p Brazil 182a Sk r.m Bot reg. 1081
761)8 debiliu B. R. weak £ El ^ 3 mr C ...... ... Skr.m _„
7699 lftcida B. R. shining £ El fir 3 year Pk S. Amcr. ... Sk r.m Di. el. 25.21.22
BromeliYi Ificida W.
7600 sativa B. R. cultivated £ [23 rr 3 year P S. Amer. 1690. Sk r.m Bot mag. 1554
Bromelia Ananas L.
953. GUZMA'N.N/i! Fl. per. GUZMANNIA. (A. Guzman, collector of natural history.) Bromeliacete. 1*
7701 tricolor Fl. per. three-colored £ El or A my G.s S. Amcr. 1820. Sk r.m Lind. col. 8
954. PITCAntN/i* Herit FITCAIRNIA. (W. Pitcairn, M.D., of London.) Bromeliaccce. 16. —19.
7702 bToiacUatfulia H. K. Pine-apple-lvd £ (23 or 2 jn S Jamaica 1781. Sks.p Bot. reg. 1011
7703 angustifulia H. K. narrow-leaved El or 2 year SantCruz 1777. Sk *.p Bot. mag. 1547
7704 integrifolia B. M. entire-leaved El or 2 au K W. Indies 1800. Sks.p Bot.inag. I4o3
7705 latifolia H. K. broad-lcaved El or 2 au.s S W. Indies 1785. Sk s.p Bot mag. H56
7706 flammea B. R. dame-colored 2 n F It Janeirol825. Sk s.p Uotreg. JU92
7707 bracteata H. X. tar^e-bracted red\ Q3 or 2 S W. Indies 1799. Sks.p
Sk s.p lied. UL 7J, 7"*
latifulia Red.
7708 furfuracca W. en. furfuraceous
furfuraceous £ El or 2 R a Amer. 1816. Sk r.m f
7709 staminea B. M. /o^-stamened £ El or 22 ja
/ow-stamened S S. Amer. 1823. Sk r.m Bot mag. **1X
77J0chil6nsisZo. C.
77" hfimilis Hort.
7712 intermedia Hort.
I 1
2 S
Chile 1820. S k s p
S. Amcr. 1820. Ske.p
S. Amer. 182a Sk ap
7713 mdiflbra Hort
7714 media Hort.
mediate i! 2 S
1 S
2 Y
S. Amer. 1820. Skr.m
S. Amer. 1820. Skr.m
W. Indies 1797. Sks.p Bot mag. l*g
7715 sulphbrea B. Ren. £ 3 s W Brazil 1824. Skp.l Bot. mag. 2trJ-
7716 albinos Herb. sulphur-JfuKi if 2 jLau Y Bnuul 1824. Sk r.m But mag.!""
7717 suavbolena B. R. white-flowered
sweet-scented £
* 955. POURRET/v* R. & P. POURRRTIA. (A Pourret, a French botanist) BromelBcea:. 3 . - 6 .
7718 pyramidata R. 8f P. pyramidal ]£ El or 1 jnjl Y Peru 1822. Sk s.p Kl. per. 3.257
7719 coarctata R. 8f P. coarctitc £ El or lftmyjn Y Chile 1822. Sk s.p Feu. ob. 3.39
7720 magnfspatha Coll. large-spathcd £ El or 5 my.jn G.w S. Amcr. 1820. Sk s.l Col. h. rip. 19
•956. TILLA'NDSM L. TILLANDSIA. {Ellas Tillandfius, professor of physic at Abo.) Bromcliaccec. 28.-40.
7721 usneoldes L. Usnca-likc £ El or 6 jl W. Indies 1833. Skp

7722 Bartrami E1L Bartram's £ El cu Carolina 1825. Sk s.p
7723 recurvkta L. rccurved-Jurf £ El or Jamaica 1793.
_. Sks.p SI.jam. 1.121.1
7724 xiphioldes B. R. Xiphium-hkc /? El or W B. Ayrcs 1810. Sks.p Bot. reg. 105
7725 scrrata L. auw-lcavcd j| El or Y Jamaica 1793. Sk s.p PL ic. (tf. 75.1
7726 sctacea Swx. setaceous £ El or B W.Indies 1824. Sks.p
7727 stricta B. M. strict £ Ei or jnjl B Brazil 1810. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1529
1810. ""
7728 bulbbsa Hook. bulbous £ El pr 1 au B Trinidad 1823. Sk r.m Hook. ex. fl. 173
7729 pAlchra Hook. fair £ El pr o fn Pk Trinidad 1823. Skr.m Hook.ex.fl. 154
7730 obscara Lo. C. obscure £ El or 2 ... S. Amer. 1820. Sk s.p
7731 aloifblia Hook. Aloc-lcavcd jSfAicu 1 n.d Pk Trinidad 1824. Sk s.p Hook. ex. fl. 205
7732 nitida floo*. shining £ El cu 2 n.d B Jamaica 1823. Sks.p Hook.ex.fl.218
7733 utrieulata L. bladdercd gfAlor 2 ... P.v S. Amcr. 1793. Sk s.p
7734 tenuifolia L. slender-leaved £ ITflor B W. Indies 1825. S k s p
7735 flexubsa Stuz. flexuose /[ EJ or 1 B W. Indies 1790. Sks.p
2 pallida pale /j El or 1 jnjl Y W.Indies 1815. Sks.p Bot reg. 749
7736 inceps Lod. two-edged £ EI or B W. Indies 1820. Sks.p Bot cab. 771
7737 nbtans Swz. nodding £ El or 2 au B Jamaica 1793. Sks.p
7738 fasciculate Swz. fascicled £ E] or 1 jnjl B W.Indies 1820. Sks.p
7739 canescens Swz. canesccnt £ El or B W. Indies 1824. Sks.p
7740 paniculkta L. paniclcd £ fAl or jnjl B W.Indies 1820. Sks.p
7741 ramosa GUL ramose £ (AJ or jnjl Chile 1823. Sks.p
7742 rigida GUI. rigid £\2±\or jnjl Chile 1823. Sks.p
7743 polystachya Spr. many-spiked £ El or W! S. Amcr. 1825. Sk s.p
7744 bractcata Hook. bractod f El or JnJ} W. Indies 1824. Sks.p
7745 coarctata Gill. straitened £ EI or jnjl Chile 1823. Sks.p
7746 compressa Gill. compressed £ El or jnjl Chile 1823. Sks.p
7747 gracilis Gill. slender £ El or Chile 18U3. Sks.p
7748 angustifolia Swz. narrow-leaved £ El cu ijU' B W.Indies 1822. Sks.p
*957. BILLBE'RGZrf Thun. BILLBEROIA. (J. G. Billberg, a Swedish botanist.) Bromelidcae. 6.
7749 iridifolia B. R. Iris-leaved £ El or 1 mr S.B.Y R.Janciro 1825. Sks.p Bot reg. 1068
Brom&lia tridifulia N. & M.
7750 amoeba Lindl. pleasing £ El or 2 jn S. Amer. 1817. Sks.p Bot reg. 344
Bromclia pallida B. H. Tillandsia amw^ia B. C.
7751 pyramidalis Lindl. pyramidal £ El or 2 f.rar R. Janeiro 1817. Skr.m Bot.reg.203
Bromclia pyramidalis B. M. nudicafini B. R.
7752 nudicaAlis Lindl. naked-stemmed^ El or S apjl C Trinidad 1822, Skr.m Hook.ex. fl. 143
g. Broml'lta nudica^lis Hook.
7753 clavata Lindl. club-shaped £ C51 or limy B Trinidad 1824. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 766
BromMm melanantha B. R.
7754 zcbrlna LindL zebxe^streaked £ E3 or Ilia M. S. Amer. 1820. Sk r.m Bot mag. 9686
Brom&Ua zebrina B. M.
958. CARAGUAyTA Plu. CARAGUATA. (Its name in South America.) Bromeliucea. 1.
7755lingulataLindl. tongue-leaved 2 jnjl Y Jamaica 1795. Sks.p Jac. am. 82
Tillandsia lingulata Jac.
959. PONTEDE X R/^ L. PONTBDERIA. {Julius Pontedera, prof. bot. at Padua.) Ponledcrcee. 6. —10.
• 756 aZilTCa. Kmy fine-blue
~* ""* •*• ' *• ' 1• Jl-au
si B
»> Jamaica
!____: 1824.
•tun. O
7757 crassipes Mart. thick-pctioled & El or fs.o B Guiana 1825. Mart. br. 4
7758cord a taL. heaxUeaved * A ° r
2 B N. Amcr. 1759. Bot mag. 1156
7759 angustifMia PA. narrow-leaved * A or 2 B N. Amcr. 1806.
7760dilatata/faw. 2 my B Klndics 1806. Bot rep. 490
'761 lanceolktaAu/. spreading Jfe fT^or 2 au B N. Amer. 1815. Bot cab. 613
lanceolate * El or
960. H J E M A ' N T H U S L. BLOOD-FLOWER. (Haima, blood, anthos, a flower; flowers.) Amart/llidcec. 21. —
7762 coccineus L. scarlet tf lAlor au.o R C G. H. 1629. O r.m Bot mag. 1075
7763 coarcfttus Jac. straitened tf iA|or Pk C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Bot reg. 181
7764 tigrlnus Jac. ' tiger-spotted tf •Alor f.d F C. G. H. 1790. O r.m Bot mug. 1705
7765 rnacul.\tus Jac. ByotteA-U-aved tf lAlor C. G. H. 179a O s.l.p
776U quadrivulvis Jac. four.valvcd tl iAl or 8.0 F" C. G. H. 1790. O r.m Bot. mag. 1523
7767 crassipes Jac. thick-petiolcd tf lAlor R C. G. H. 1820. O 1
Tv^ hyalocarpus
hl Jac. l
7769 rotundifohus B.M. round-lcavcd tf lAlor
tf lAlor j R
C. G. H. 1822. O s.l.p Jacsc. 409
C. G. H. 1790. O s.l.p Bot mag. 1618
7770 orbicularis Fis. orbicular tf IAI or jn.o W C G . H. 1820.
scarlet tf LAJ or s
C. G. H. 1722. O r.m Bot mag. 1315
777J pumilio Jac.
low tf ^ or
tf lAlor
C. G. H. 1825. O r.m
C. G. H. 1789. O s.l.p Jac. sc. 1
dwarf Pk
7774 pub^ttcens L. pubescent tf lAlor au.s W C G . H. 1774 O r.m Bot.rab.703
white-flowered tf iA)or ) au C G . H. 1791. O r.m Bot. mag. 1239
7775 albiflos W.
7776 multiflfcrus L. many-flowered tf tf ElEl W S. Leone 178a O
s r.m Bot mag. 961
7777 lanccffif'iMius Jac. siicar-leaved tf lAlor my.s R C G. H. 1794. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.60
s.o C G. H. 1759. O r.m
7778 cann'ttus W.
77/9 sanguincus L.
kcul-lcaved tf tAlor
bloody tf iAlor au.s PkC C G. H. 1820. O r.m
7780 mosciAtus Jac. mut,k.sccntcd tf •Alor jU R C. G. H. 1816. O r.m
7/81 amarylloWtu Jac. Ainaryllis-likc tf •Alor au.s Pk C. G. H. 1825. O r.m
7782 carncus Ker Aeslucolorcd tf lAlor f au.s Pk C. G. H. 1819. O s.l.pBotrcg.509
I jnjl
(Gala, milk, anthos, a flower; color.) AmaryUidcar. 2.
7783 nivalis L. snow A or } ja.rar W Britain mca. O co Eng. bot. 19
7784 plicatus Bieb. plaited A or ija.ap W Crimea 1818. O co Bot reg. 545
* 962. LEUCOVUM L. SNOW-FLAKE. {Leukos, white, ion, a violet) Amaryllidccc. 5 . - 7 .
num L.
n5 2vernum L. i
A or W Germany 596. O s.l Botmag.46(
2 cariiithicum B. M. Carpathian
i A «r I f.ap W Casp. M. 1816. O 8.1 B o t mag. 1>"3
trichophyllum Brot. hair-leaved
8ra d
A or ija.f W Barbary 1820. O s.l Bot. reg. 544
n >fl«rum Red
summer tf A or W England O s.l Eng. bot. 6121

7788 pulchcllum Sat. neat A or 1} W O 8.1 Par. Ion. 21

$ 7789 autumnale L. autumnal tf A or i B Pk Portugal 1629. O S.1 B o t inag. 960
963. STRUMA^RIA Jac. STRTWAIIU. (Strutna , a tubercle; base of style.) AmaryUldca. 10.
7790 truncata Jac.
7791 rubella Jac.
7792 aiiKiistifolia Jac.
J i Al or 4 ap my W
lAlor A my JII Pk
C. (}. H. 17!15. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2.357
C G. H. 1795. O 8.1 Jiic. ic. 2.358
tf iAJ or j ap.iny Pk C. G. H. 1795. O 8.1 Jac. ic. ii. 859
779J hiiguaefolia Jac. tongue-leaved tf lAlor i W C. G. H. ... O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2. bQfi
7794 filifolia Jac. thread-le.ived tf iAI or «n W C. G H. 1774. O S.1 Dot reg. 440
7795 spirahs Ker spiral tf lAlor i Pk C. G. H. 1774. O 8.1 Bot mag. 1383
779fi crispa Ker curlvd-Jtoivcred tf lAlor i Pk C. G. H. 1790. O 8.1 Bot mag. 1:363
7797 unduirita Jac. vrnvcd-Jtouiered tf lAlor i my.jn W C. O. H. 1X20. O S.1
7798 sU-lftna Ker starry tf iAI or I o II Pk C. G. H. 17M. O 8.1 Jacsc. 1.71
7799 gcmiuata B. M. }evre\-Jtowered tf LAlor 1 HU Pa.*' C.G.H. 1812. O 8.1 Bot mag. 1620
• 96k CliVSUM L. CMNUV. (Krinon, Greek name of the lily.) Amarylbdete. fil. —66.
7800 lonKill&rum Herb. long-flowered tf LAJ or 2 jl C. ii'. H. 1816. O r.m Bot. reg. 303
longi folium y loiigiflnrinn B. Jl.
7801 aqtiaticum Bare. water tf El or 4 aii.s Pk C. G. H. 1820. O r.m Bot mag. 2352
cainpanulatiim B. M.
7802 HerluTti U. Don. Herbert's or 2 s P k C. G. H . 1774. O r.m Bot reg. 623
rcvoKitum //. K not Limil. Amarylli* revoluta B. B.
7803 crasMiulium ll'rb. thick-leaved LAJ or 2 s Pk C. G. H. 1774. O r.ra B o t reg. 615
capense var. viridifolium B. M.
78C4 ripiinum Herb. tf lAlor 2 Pk C. G. H. 1816. O r.m B o t rep;. 546
7805 capensvi Herb. common Cape tf A or 2 Pk 1752. O r.m Bot. mag. 661
Amarfllia longifblia it. it/. c. G. a
2 Gowciii GowciTi A or 2 jn jl Pk hybrid O r m Hort. tr. it*
7806 flaccidum Herb. flaccid 2 jlau Pk N. Holl. 1816. O r.m Bot. reg. 426
Amaryllis australasica Ker
7807 arcnarium Herb. sand tf 3 2 my W N. Holl. 1822. O r.m Bot. mag. 25/5
2 blandum soft tf EJor 2 my 13 N. Holl. 18(J1. O r.m B o t mag. 2T>31
7808 confertum Herb. crowded tf fAior 2 jn W N. Holl. 1822. O r.m Bot inag. IQiOi
780!) forinobum Hob. beautiful tf E l or 2 jl Brazil 1820. O r.m
7810 molurcanum Herb. Moluccas tf fAlor 2 jlau Pk Moluccas 1819. O r.m B o t mag. 2292
Ainary'llw inoluccana B M.
7811 specioaum Herb. showy tf fAlor 2 Pk E. Indies 1819. O r.m Bnt. mag. 2217
7812 iiifilgnc Herb. noble tf E l or 3 n Fk E. Indies 1819. O r.m Bot. mug. 579
Aniarf llij insignia B. Jl.
7813 latifuliiim Herb. broad-leaved tf E l or 3 Pk E. Indies 1806. O r.m R.mal. 11.30
7814 zcyl.'inicum Ilrrb. Ceylon tf (A] or 3 P Ceylon 1771. O r.m Bot. mag. 1171
Ainnr^lliji zcylanlca // M.
7815 HCiMirum Ih'tb. rough tf E l «w 4 my Pk AznrcH 1810.O r.m Dot. cab. 62D
7810 Cxreytinum Herb. Carey's tf lAJor 2 jl W M-untiu.sl82l. O r.m Bot. inag. 2 hid
7817 subni^raum Herb. submersed tf E l or If jl Pk O
It. JtineirolH'.'O. lint. mag. 244)3
7818 giKanti-um Amir. giant tf EJor 3 W Guinea 1792. O r.m B o t inag. 9U3*
Jfrium petioKitum Herb.
7819 distich um Herb. twb-rowed W . P Guinea 1774. O r.m Bot mag. 1253
Amaryllis ornsita IV.
tf EJ or 2 jn.jl
7820 angustifolium It. Br. narrow.lcavcd t lAlor 2 Jn. 1 W N. Holl. 1824. O l.p
7H21 yucacoulca Herb. Yucca-like tf fAlor 2 Jn.jl n.w Guinea 1740. O r.m
7822 BrousKont t/ Hi-rb. Bronxsonct's t f E l o r K.w (fiiinea 1740. O r.m Bot.mag. 2121
7823 inacrfx'arpum Carey long.truited tf E l or H Pegu 1820. O r.m
7824 brcviliinbum Carey bhort-fringed t f E J o r 2 Pacificlsl. IH'JO. O r.m
7825 Bumatrinum Box. Sumatra t f E l o r 3 w Sumatra 1810. O r.m Bot. reg. 1049
782o' sinicum Carey Chinese t f E l o r 1 w? (hiiia 1819. O r.m
7827 proctrum Carey tall t f E l o r 3 jlau W.u Pegu 1820. O
7828 an6malum Herb. anomalous t f E l o r 1 jlau W China 1822. O r.m
7829 canaliriilatuin Box. channelled-/™/ tf [Ajor 4 w? E. Indies 1810. O r.m
7830 exaltatum Herb. lofty t.f E l o r 3 ... K Indies 1820. () r.m
7831 iKMluncutfitum B. R. /owtf-pcdunclcd tf iAI or 3 jnau w" N. S. W. 1790. O Bot. reg. 52
7832 bracteMuin IV. bracteated tf EJ or 2 Mauritius 1810. O r.m Bot. ivg. 179
brcvituhum B. Jl. w
2 angustifohum Herb, narrow-leaved tf El or w Mauritius 1310. O r.m
7833 asiaticum L. Asiatic Poison-bulb^ EJ P w China 1732. O r.m Bot. mag. 1073
toxicarium liox.
7834 ek-Rans Carey elegant tf E ] 4 a w E Indies 1823. O s.l B o t mag. ?5«&
7835 undulttiim Hook waved tf E l «r w Maranh. 1824. D l.p Hook. LX. fl. 200
7836 crytliropbyHum Carey red-leaved t f E l o rr 2 R E Indies Ih25. O r.m
7837 vcreciuidum Herb, ruddy t f E l ° 2 P.R K. Indies 1820. O r.m
7H.'3H canabfiMuun Carey channcllcd-lvd
' tf IZaor 2 W* E. Indies 1820. O r.m
7839 Coinnu>rnii Jac. Conmiebn's tf r/vlor 2 W S. Amer. 1798. O r.m Jac. sc.202
7840 Ion fM mm Rox. Btrn|>-lcaved tf EJ«»r 5 ••• W Pegu 1819. O r.m
7841 longi fob urn Jtox. l l d tf Elor 3
tf Bengal 1810. O r.m
7842 mauritiiiiuun Ijod. Mauritian tf E o r 4 mr
tf Pk Mauritius 1812. O r.m
7843 augi'istuin Jlox. narrow tf ^ or 1
_t f E l o r 1
W.R E. Indies 1819. O r.m
7844 venubtum Carey graceful W.H E. Indies 18121. O r.m
7845 inultidurum Detf. many-flowered tf EJ or 2 vv E. Indies 1810.
1822. O r.m
7846 amcrtiuin Jtox. pleasing tf El or 2 w E. Indies 1819. O r.m
2 la; ve smooth-margin tf EJ cr 2 ... w O r.m
3 angustifiMium ^//-narrow-lvd tf EJ or 2
tf Elor
... w E. Indies 1819. O r.m
7847 humilu Herb. low 1 o ' w S. Amer. 17i>2.
1822. O co Bot. m.'.g. 26S6
7848 americanum L. American tf Elor r
2 w O r.m Bot. mag. 1034
O co Bot. mag.2ii>5
7849 strictum Herb. strict tf EJ° ? w Maranh. 1X23.1824.
7850 rcvoliitum J.indl. revolute tf Elor ll*j n
w Pegu O r.m
7851 cnsifolium Box. sword-leaved tf d o r w K Indies 1819. O r.m
7S52 def ixura Ker detixed t f E l oo rr 2 ftu.s w 1810. O r.m R.mal. U.r,8
7853 deebnatum Herb. declined tf EJ 2 my w
5 \v
Silhct 1818.
N. Holl. 1KI9.
() r.m B o t mag. 2231
7854 brachyandrum Herb, short-stamened tf or
7855 augustum Jtox. narrow 4 Pk Mauritius 1818. O Bot. reg. 679
7856 amAbile Don lovely t f E l o rr 5 E Indies 1K10. O r.m Bot. mag. 1603
tf EJ° p
sui)crbuin Jtox.
7857 cruentum Ker bloody-Jfowrred tf |or 4 R E. Indies 1810. O r.m Bot. reg. 171
7858 erubescens H. K. erubescent tf 2 jn an Pa.W \V. Indies 1789. O r.m B o t mag. 123*
rdbro limbo B. M. J or
2 m&jus Herb. larger tf E l or 3 R.w S. Ainer. 1789. O r.m
3 minus Herb. smaller tf ED or H R.T S. Amur. 1789. O r.m
4 viridifulium green-leaved 5 123 or 3 W Dcmerara 1819. O r.m
5 berbic6nse Iterbice tf EJor 2 jlau W Bcrbicc 1819. O r.m
78&9 hybridum B. M. hybrid tf EM or 2 P k hybrid 1820. O r.m Bot mag. 2336
7860 phcatum Hort. plaited tf lAlor 2 W China 181& O r.m
* 965. C Y R T A ' N T H U S H. K. CYRTANTIII'S. (Kttrtos, curved, anthos, a flower.) Amaryllideee. 8. —10.
7861 anRUstifblius "II. "'K. narrow-leaved tf tAJor 1 my.jn O C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot. mag. 271
786V! colllnus B. R. lull tf ^J or % G C. G. H. 1816. O r.m Hot. reg. 162
7863 spirilis B. R. spiraWcatvd tf iAl or 1 S C. G. H. 17<X). O r.m Bot. reg. 167
78W ventricosus W. bellied tf iA] or 1 R ? C. G. H. 1770. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.76
78»W obnquus H. K. ohWque-leaved tf iAl or 2 G.o C. G. H. 1724. O r.m Bot. mag. 1133
7866 striatus Herb. striated tf IAJ or $ jl O C. G. H. ... O r.m Bot. mag. 25J4
7Kti7 odorus AT sweet-scented tf iAl or i C C. G. H. 1818. O r.m Bot. reg. 503
7868 pallidus Sims pale tf LAI or 1 lny.jl Pk C. G. H. 1822. O r.m Bot. mag 2471
966. GASTRONEWA Hc.b. GASTRONEMA. (Gaster, a belly, ncma, a filament) Amarylfxdete. 1.
7869 clavatum Herb. clavate tf \ my.jn W.a C. G H. 181& O r.m Bot reg. 168
Cyrtanthus unifldrus B. R.
•967. BRUNSVI'G/J Hei. BRUNSVICIA. (Hie noble family of Brunswick.) Amaryllideee. 12.
7870liiciria Herb. shining tf lAlor 1 au Pk C. G. H. 1818. O r.m Botrcg^J?
AmaryMlij latfcoma B.R. Nertnc latfcoma Ker
7871 minor Lindl. smaller tf iAJ l>r | Pk C. G. H. 1822. R s.l Botreg.a r i4
7872 Josephine? R. L Josephine's tf iAl or l} S C. G. H. 1814. O nn Red. HI. 370.372
2 minor B. R. smaller tf iAJ or 1 S C. G. H. 1814. O r.m Bot. reg. 192,193
3 stnara R AT. striated tf iAJ or 1} S C. G. H. 1823. O r.m Bot. mag. £>78
7873 multifloM Hei. many-flowered tf iAJ or 1 R C. G. H. 1752. O r.m Bot. mag. UH9
Amary'lh.f nrientMis L
7874 marpinMa H. K. raZ-margined tf iAl or 1 s.o S C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.65
7875 radula Jnc. ras\ulcavcd tf iAI or | R C. G. H. 1790. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.68
787(> striata Jac. striated tf iAJ or i s.o Pk C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.70
7877 falckta Ker sickle-lcavcd tf iAl or f my.jn R C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot. inag. 1443
Ammocharis falcatn Herb.
7878 toxicuria Ker l*oison-&if/6 tf iAJ P 1 s.o Pk C. G. H. 1774. O rjn Bot. reg. 567
Hsemuiithiid toxicarius L.
7879 coranica Kcr Coranic Poison-bulb}} iAJ P 1 8.0 Pk C. G. H. 1815. O r.m Bot reg. 159
Ainm6chnris cordnica Herb.
7880 cili iris Ker fringed tf iAJ or 1 jl.o Bk C. G. H. 1752. O r.m Brey. c. 39
IIwniHiithus ciU^ris IV.
7881 dlMticliii Swt. two-rowed tf LAJ or It? C. O. If. 1823. O r.m P a L i t l
Ainar^lli* dlsticha Pat. Bbphanc disticha Kcr
9fi8. NERPNA'Herb. NEHINE. (Nerine, the daughter of Nereus.) Amatyflidear. 12.
7882 curvitulia Herb. curve-leaved iAJ or 1 my.s P C. G. H. 1777. O r.m Bot mag. 725
Amaryllis curvifolia Jac.
7«83 con'isca Herb. glittering tf iAJ or 1 S C. G. H. 1809. O r.m Bot. mag. 1069
7884 sarmYnsis Kcr Guernsey Lily tf iAl °r 1 s.o K Jaiian KK9. O r.m Bot. mag. 2.D4
7885 veniista Herb. lieautiful tf LAI or 1 jn.jl S C. G. H. 1 > . O r.m Bot.mag-lOUO
78H6 flcxiiosaHerb. flexuous tf lAlor 1 8.0 Pk C. G. H. 17JX5. O r.m Botreg. 172
7887 hfimihs Herb. low tf lAlor 2 jn.jl R C. G. H. 17«5. O r.m Bot. inag. 7-'6
^888 unduKita Herb. waved-flowered tf LAI or I my.jn Pk V. d. H. 17..7. O r.m Bot. mag &M
/889 aurca Swt. golden tf LAI or 1 au.s Y China 1777. O r.m Bot. mag. 409
Lycorus aurca Herb.
7890 radiata radiated tf lAJor 1* jn.jl Pk China 1758. O r.m Bot rep. 95
„ Lycorus radiate Herb.
/891 robca Swt. roseate tf iAI or Pk C. G. H. 1818. O r.m Bot mag. 2124
7892 pulchclla Herb. pretty tf •Alor Pk C. G. H. 1820. O u n Bot. m jg. 241/7
7893 vcrsicolor Herb. various-colored tf iAl or 1 JLo Va hybrid 1815. O r!m Herb. ap. it*.
•969. AMARY'LLISK AMARYLLIS. nymph of Virgil's.) Amaryllldetc. 112.—
7894 pumilio Spin dwarf tf ) n Pk C. G. H. 1774. O F.m
78<)5 piunca Ker modcbt tf i my.jl Pk C\ G. H. 17iV>. O nn Kcrrov.8 R
7896 blanda Ker charming tf H my.jn Pk C. G. H. 17.04. O r.m Bot. mag. 1450
7897 Belladonna L. Belladonna Lily tf 2 jl.s F W. Indies 1712. O p.l Bot mag. 733
2 palhda pale.flowered tf 2 jl.s F Madeira ... O pi Red. lil.470
7898 pallidn Herb. pale 1 Pa.R V. G. II. O Bot reg. 714
78<n rcticulata H. K. netted- veined 1 apiny P Brazil 1777. O But. leg. G57
7(.KX) Htriatii'olia Swt. channelled-lvd EJor 1 P Brazil 1815. O r.m
I'm brevifMia Swt. short-leaved fAlor 2 R hybrid 1S21. O r.m
JUCtt suK-rba Swt. superb lAjor 1} ap.jn St hybrid 18i>l. O rm
T\M] grandiflora Swt. large-flowered IZSor 2 myjn St hybrid 1821. O r.m
4'U»4 atrortibeni Swt. dark, red USlox 1} my.jn R hybrid 1821. O
7WJ5 Qlncnra Swt. obscure 2 3 or 1 my.jn St hybrid 1821. O r.m
AW intermedia Lindl. intermediate [SI or ] | myjn S t Brazil 1821. O
7«)7 sulcMa Swt. furrowed IS] 1 np.jn St hybrid 1821. O r.m
7iXJ8 recurved 1 ap.jn St hybrid 18*1. O r.m
i Wells's 1J jlau St hybrid
hybrid 1821. O r.m
ti Swt. Vallct's year P 1821. O r.m
ivil r u W scens Swt. rul)cscent \ R hybrid ... o r.m
/9 2 purpur&scens Swt. purpurasccnt If year P h>brid 1821. o r.m
7913,p^ten8 Swt. Hpreading 2 year P hybrid 18'Jl. o r.m
'914 venlcolor Swt. various-colored tf 1 year Va h}brid 1821. o r.m
7915 costata Swt. ribbed 1 year St hybrid 1821. o r.m
7916 dioica Swt. dio?cious 1 year R.p hybrid 1821. o rm
7917 amcevna Stvt. pleading 1 year R hybrid 1821. o r.m
4|)18 rugosa Swt. rugose St hvbrid 1821. o r.m
'dcf.ra Swt. comely 1} St hybrid 1821. o r.m
pale 1 jn.jl Pa.O" hybrid 1821. o r.m
St hybrid
ooo ',ierv«<»na swt,
f year P.R hybrid
o r.m
•*3 Johnsoni Swt.
Johnson's 2 my.jn St hybrid
o r.m
7D24 iPw;tfibilis hod.
o r.m
•«** Andcr&2»ni Sutt Anderson's 1 jnjl R hybrid 1821. O r.m

7925 ColvilU Swt Colvill's tf El or 1* Jn.jl R.P hybrid 1821. O r.m

7926 undulwflora Swt. wavclct-flwd tf El or 1| year P.w hybrid 1821. O r.m
7927 palliiflora Swt. cloak-flowered tf El or 2 year R.w hybrid 1821. O r m
7928 discolor Swt. various-colored tf EJ or 1 year St hybrid 1821. O r.m
7929 cxpansa Swt. expanded tf El or 1 year D . E hybrid 1821. O r.m
7990 patcntlsbima Swt. very spreading fAl or 1| au.s C hybrid 1821. O r.m
7931 bractcata Swt. bractcd |.or 1 year R hybrid 1821. O rm
7932 Anncsleydna S w t Anncslcy's or 1 my.jl P hybrid 182.3. O r.m
7933 striatiflura Swt. striated-flwd or 1* year St hybrid 1821. O r.m
7934 consobrina Art. cousin or 1 my.jn Pk hybrid 1823. O r.m
7935 phoenicca Swt. purple Elor U m y j l P hybrid 1821. O r.m
7936 stcnantha Swt. narrow-flwd Elor 1 year R hybrid 1821. O r.m
7937 rcginas L. queen's Elor 2 my.jn S America 1725. O r.m Bot reg. 453
2 pulvcrulcnta Lod. powdery Elor U m y j n S hybrid 1820. O r.m
3 vitttoa //. Tr. banded Elor If my.jn S hybrid 1820. O r.m Hort tr. 5.15
7938 rubicunda 5wf. reddish Elor 1 my.jl K hybrid 1823. O r.m
7939 pallcsccns Swt. pallcsccnt Elor 1 year P. a hybrid 1821. O r.m
7940 accedcns Surf. approaching fAlor \\ year D.P hybrid 1821. O r.m
7941 coccfnea Swt. scarlet Elor or
2 year S hybrid 1821. O r.m
7942 ringcns Swt. gaping El 1 year K.w hybrid 1821. O r.m
7913 carncsccns Surf. carnescent FAlor 1 year P.w hybrid 1821. O r.m
7944 ruseo-ilba Swt. red and white [AT or 2 year R.w hybrid 1821. O r.m
7945 spathacea Stu/. spathaccous fAlor If year 11? hybrid 1821. O r.m Bot. mag. 2315
7946 imbuta Swt. imbued fAlor 2 year R hybrid 1821. O r.m
7947 compacU Swt. compact fAlor 1 year R ' hybrid 1821. O r.m
7948 consanguf nca Sw/. related 1 year O hybrid 1821. O
1 jn.jl So Brazil 1823. O r.m
7949 principis Salm
7950 vittata //. K.
2 major Ltn///.
lAJor 1 St
2 my.jl St
C. G. H. 1769. O r.m Bot mag. 129
C. G . H . 1774k O r.m Bot. mag. 1430
7951 lineJtta C0 lined tf lAlor \ R.w 'S.Amer. 1820. O r.m Col. h. rip. 3
vittkta y Harrison* B. R.
7952 p&lchra Swt. fair \ P.w hybrid 182a O r.m
7953 variabilis Swt. variable tf iA»or 1 R.w hybrid 1823. O r.m
7954 Forbesti Lindl. Forbcs's tf .Alsol PkW C G. H. 1823. O s.l C. G. H. 1823. O s.l
2 purpurea LindL purple tf l l If jlau P
7955 vittifera Swt. riband-bearing tf fAlor lfmyjl St hybrid 1823. O r.m
7956 advena Ker stranger tf fAlor * my.jn S Chile 1807. O r.m Bot reg. 1125.1
2 cerina Lindl. wax-colored tf fAlor S my.jn
P.v Chile 1821. O r.m Bot. reg. 1125.2
7957 rutila Ker. fiery-red tf fAlor S Brazil 1815. O r.m Bot. reg. 23
7958 vittata Hort. banded tf fAlor | 1 S hybrid 1816. O r.m
7959 spllndcns Herb. shining tf fAlor 1 my.jn S hybrid 1820. O r.m Herb. ap. 52. ic.
7960 attcnuata Swt. attenuated tf fAlor 1 year Pa.R hybrid 1822. O r.m
7961 punctata Swt. dotted tf fAlor Pa.It hybrid 1822. O r.m
7962 fiilgida Ker fulgid tf fAlor 1%year VVe Brazil 1810. O r.m Bot reg. 226
2 vittata Hort. tf fAlor hybrid 1820. O r.m
banded f Brazil 1833, O. r.m Bot mag. 247
7963 subbarbata B. M. slightly bearded tf E l oo rr 1 year S
1822. O.r.m
7964 mut&bilis Swt. changeable t f E l 1 year Va hybrid
7965 rubro-crocea Swt reddish saffron tf fAl or 1 year R.Saf hybrid 1822. O; r.m
7966 cuprca Swt. copper tf El or
1 year Cop hybrid 1822. O r.m
7967 crockta Ker saffron-colored. t f E l oo rr 1 Ve Brazil 1815. O r.m Bot reg. S8
2 regime Hort. queen's tf El 1 my.jn S hybrid 1810. O r.m
7968 styli'tsa B. M. stylbse tf fAl or 1 my.jn R Maranhaol821. O r.m Bot. reg. 719
maranensis B. R.
7969 pulvcrulcnta Herb. powdery tf fAl or 1 O Brazil 1819. O r.m Bot reg. 534
7970 venusa Swt. veiny tf lAJo0 r' 1 jn.o St hybrid 1822. O r.m
7971 latcritia Swt. brick-co/ored tf i A l or l\ jn.o Bri hybrid 1822. O r.m
7972 fulva Swt. tawny tf LAJ 1 jn.o Br hybrid 1822. Cv r.m
7973 glauccucens Swt. gkiucesccnt tf LAJO* 1} jn.o R hybrid 1822. O r.m
7974 Hoodtf Swt Hood's tf iAlor 1 jao S.w hybrid 1822. O r.m
7975 macrantha Swt. long-flowered tf lAlor 1J jn.o R hybrid 1822. O O r.m
7ltf<> brevi flora Swt. short-flowcrcd tf t A|or I jn.o R hybrid 1822. r.m
71177 cleliuta Swt., dehjfhtlul tf •Aior f jn.o D.ll hybrid
• • • • 1 8 2 2 . O r.m
7978 aiiKibiUs A'utf. lovely 8 lAJ or I1 jn.o Va hvhrid 1822. O r.mO r.m
7H7!) princeps Atorf. princely tf iAJ or 1 jn.o S hybrid
7980 Impcriiilis Surf. imperial tf iAlor 1J jn.o S hybrid ISM. O r.m
7981 augusta Surf. august tf fAl or 2 n.o S hybrid 1822. 1822. O r.m
7982 enspiflura Swt. curled.flowered tf ^AJ or 2 my.jl « hybrid 1822. O r.m
7983 tortuliflora Surf. twibtcd-flwd 2 my.jl S hybrid 1822. O r.m
7984 ignesaens Swt. ignescent 1J my.jl Fla hybrid 1822. O r.m
7985 tricolor Swt. three-colored 2 my.jl Cop hybrid 1822. O r.m
equestrian 1 jl.o S W. Indies 1710. O r.m Bot. mag. 305
7986 equcstris •Ate. \\ jlo
jl.o S W. Indies 1710. O r.m Bot reg. 234
2 major larger
3 plena double If iny.s S W. Indies 180}). O r.m
7987 miniata 71. % P. vermilion 1 jn.jl F Peiu 1*25. O r.m
__ _ flame 1 ap Fla Peru 1825. O r.m Fl. per. 3.286.6
7989 solandrayffira Lindl. Solandra-flwd \\
If apap P.v S. Amer. 1820. O r m Lind. col. 11
2 rubro-stri;ita red-clianncllcd tf If ap.jn R.w S. Amer. 1820. O r.m
3 purpurascens purpurascent tf If ap.jn P.w S. Amer. 1820. O r.m Bot. mag. 2573
banded tf 2 Va S. Amer. 1819. O r.m Bot reg. 876
7990 vittata Lindl. calypt rated tf If G Brazil 1816. O r.m Bot. reg. 164
7991 calyptrata Ker If G.s Brazil 1810. O r.m Bot. reg. 444
7992 auhca Ker courtly tf
2 platypctala B. JR. broad-putalcd tf If O Brazil 1824. O r.m Bot. reg. 1030
parrot tf El o r If G.s Brazil 1816. O O r.m Bot reg. 199
7993 psittaclna Ker W. Indies 1822. r.m
7994 retincrvia Swt. netted t f E l If ap.jn S 1822. O r.m
7995 tortuosa Swt. twisted n jn.o G.s hybrid
four-colored tf U jn.o St hybrid 1822. O r.m
7996 quadricolor Swt. 1822. O r.m MissChapm. ic.
79!J7 multistnata Swt. many-channelled tf 11 jn.o St hybrid
channelled tf If jn.o hybrid 1822. O r.m
7998 canaliculata Swt. s
79<J9 recurvifl&ra Swt. recurved-flwd tf f jn.o hybrid 1822. O r.m
8000 sexmaculata Swt. six-spotted tf If jn.o R hybrid 1822. O r.m
8001 campanu^ta Swt. campanula tc tf If jn.o Cop hybrid 1822. O rnt
8002 rctiflora Swt. net-flowcrcd tf 2 my.jl P.B S hybrid 1822. O r.m
8003 formoiissima L. handsomest tf f m y a u U.ll N. Amer. 1658. O r.m Bot mag. 47
8004 ncrvdsa Hum. ncrvose tf 1 my R? Mexico 1825. O O
«O05 Utarica PaU. Tartarian tf f my B Siberia 1822.
* 970. PHYCE'LLA Lindl. PHYCELLA. (Dim. otphykos, red alkanet; color.) AmarylUdea. a
8006 fgnea Lindl. fiery JEJor 1 n S Chile 1824. O r.m Bot reg. 809
Amary*lli« fgnea Lindl.
8007 cyrtantholdes Lindl. Cyrtanthus-lk V (29 or f Jn C Chile 1824. O r.m Bot mag. 2399
Amary*Ui«cyrtantholdes B. M.
8008 corusca Lindl. glittering tfEJor 1 • S Coquimbo 1825. O i.p.l
971. VALLOTif Sal. VALLOTA. (Pierre Pallet, a French botanist) Amaryllldae. \.
8009 purpurca Herb. purple tf iA|or 1$ my.jn S C G. H. 1774. O p.s Bot. reg. 553
Amaryllis purpiirea H. K.
2 minor Herb. smaller tf iAJ or 1 my.jn S C. G. H. 1774. O p.i Bot mag. 1430
972. GRIFFI'N/if Ker GRIFFINIA. (Wtlliam Griffin, Esq., of South Lambeth.) Amaryllideaf. &
8010 hyacinthina It. Br. violet-colored tf E) or 1 in.s B S. Amer. 1815. O r.m Bot reg. 163
8011 intermedia Lindl. intermediate 9 (23 or fmr.ap B Brazil 18SUL O p.l Bot reg. 990
8012 parviflora Ker small-flowered ? [Z2or | jn.s Pa.P S. Amer. 1815. O r.m Bot reg. 511
973. STERNBE'RG/^ Kit STKRNBERQIA. (Count Caspar Stcrnbcrg, a celeb, bot) Aman/Uide*. 4.—6.
8013 colchiciflbra W. 8c K. Coichicum-flwd tf A or I - au.s Y Hungary 1816. O r.m \V. & K. 2.157
8014 ClxiBiana Ker Eclusc's' ^ A or ~*au.s ~Pa.Y Constant. O r.m Cl. h. 1.163
8015 lutea Ker yellow A or | au.s Y S. Europe 1596. O r.m Bot. mag. 290
2 angustifolia narrow-leaved A or 4 au Y S. Europe 1595. O co
8016 cxigua Ker small tf A or * au.s Y N. Africa 1820. O r.m
* 974. ZEPHYRA'NTHES Herb. 2EFIIYRANTHES. (Zephyros. west wind, anthe, flower.) Amaryllldcaf. 9.
8017 tubfspatha Herb. tube-sputhed tf QS or i my.jl W S. Amer. ... O r.m Bot mag. 1586
Amaryllis tubfspatha Hcnt.
8018 Candida B. M. white tf A or 8 W Peru 1822. O r.m Bot reg. 724
Ainary*lli« Candida B. R.
8019 Atamasco Herb. Atamasco Lily tf A or i my.jn W N. Amer. 1629. O r.m Bot mag. 239
Amary'Uif Atamasco L.
8020 grandiflbra Lindl.
020 graudtlb large-flowered tf .AJ pr my.jn Pk Mexico 1824. O 8.1 Bot reg. 902
8021 carinata B. " M.
" keeled tf .AJ pr I my.jn Pk Mexico 1824. O s.I Bot mag. 2594
8022 vereeunda Herb. blushing tf _AJ pr Pa.It Mexico 1824. O s.l Bot mag. 2583
8023 striata Herb. channelled tf _AI pr I W Mexico 1824. O s.1 Bot mag. 2593
8024 rfcsca Ltndl. rosy tf _AJ or my.jn It Havannahl823. O r.m Bot. reg. 821
8025 chloroleuca Herb. greenish-white tf A or Pa.G O r.m Ker rev. 8.2
•975. HABRA'NTHUS Herb. HADRANTIIUS. (Habros, delicate, anihos, flower.) Amaryllldca?. 6.
8O'.>6 versicolor Herb. changeable tf tf A to Pk S. Amer. 1821. O r.m Bot mag. 2485
8027 loriftlius B. M. strap-leaved tfiAJor S. Amer. 1821. O r.m
8028 gracilifMlus Herb. slender-leaved tf A »
w' S. Amer. 1821. O r.m Bot. mag. 2464
8029 anftubtus Herb. narrow tf iAi pr \s R Brazil 1822. O p.l Bot. mag. 2639
8030 bifidm Herb. two-cleft tf .AJ or 5 jn Pk B. Ayres 1823. O 8.1 Bot mag. 2597
8031 spathaceus Herb. spathaceous tf Al ijl B. Ayres 1823. O r.m
97a DORYA'NTHES Corr. DORYANTIIES. niEB. (Dory, spear, anthc, flower: stem.) Amaryllidea?. 1.
8032 exc£lsa Corr. gigantic tf. iAi or 20 Crea N. S. W. 1800. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1685
977. GETHY'LLIS Z. GETHYLLIS. (Getheo, to rejoice;
j perfume of flowers.) Amaryllidete. 5.
8033 spiralis L. *p\rj\-leaved kJ or % jn.j| jnj| W
W CC. G G. H. 1780. O s.p Bot. mag. 1088
H 1780
fringed W C. G. H. 1788. O s.p Jac. ac. 1.79
8034 ciliaris L.
8035 villbsa L. villous w C. G. H. ,1787. O s.p
8036 lanceolata L. siic&r-leaved w C. G. H. 1790. O s.p
8037 Afra B. B. African w C. G. H. 1820. O e.p Bot. reg. 1016
978. POLIA'NTHES L. TUBEROSE. (Polis, city, anthe, flower.) Hcmcrocallldccc. S.
8038 tubcrusa L. tuberous A iAJ or 3 au.s W E. Indies 1629. O r.m Bot. reg. 63
2 Mure pleno double A iAi or 3 au.s W ... O r.m
8039 gracilis Lk.
slender AlZSor 3 au.s Pa.Y Brazil 1822. O r.m
•979. ALSTR(EMEPR/i4 L. (Baton C. Alstrcemer, a Swcd. bot) Amary/litiear. 10.-33.
8040 Pelegr)na L. Pelcgrina or 1 Jn.a St Peru 17fi3. 11 r.m Hot inng. ISO
8041 l.luttt I* Lii^tu 1 finr S Peru 177& It 1 ».p Hot. niajf- H£
8042 FIOH Martini Ker St. Martin'* fl. lijn w.p.y Chile 1822. S L«.p Bot. reg. 731
8043 pulchfella Sims pretty A E 3 or 3 3 in 8 Chile 1822. S Lfl.p Hook. ex. fl. fH
8044 rosea Hook. roseate A ES or 1 jn.jl Pk Peru L Hook.
1824. R Ls.p Hook ex.
ex fl
fl. 181
S045 SalsUla L. Sal sill a 4123 clt 6 jn.jl jj G.c S. Amer. 18U6. R l.s.p Bot mag 1613
804fl ovata Cav. ovate "* A or 4 jnjl jn.jl R.U.Y Chile 1824. It Ls.p Cav. ic. 1.7G
8047 eclulis J. eatable jglZQ 4 R Trinidad 1820. R l.s.p Fl. ant. 14
8048 pauciflura Kth. few-flowcrcd 4 C3 or O.u Caraccas 1823. 11 l.&p
8049 lurtdla Kth. rather hairy J A or 4 jl H.Y.G Mexico 1824. S p.l Sw. fl. gar. 228
*n80. CONANTHEfRA Fl. per. CONANTIIERA. (Konos, a cone, anthera, an anther.) Asphodhlca. 3.— 5.
v8050campanulata//w/fc. beU-flowcrai J J o r I mt B Chile
1823. O Up Hook. ex. fl. i214
80ol bifolia Fl. ptr two-leaved tf '"~ i— mr ™B ^»- '~
Chile ••""»
182J. '»
O -«
s.l" "«»
Bot ••»»*
cab. «*"•
8052 Slmsii Swt Sims's tf I B Chile 1823. O r.m Bot mag. 241*6
MI- HYPO'XISZ. HYPOXIS. (Hypo, beneath, oxys, sharp; base of capsule.) Hypoxltfea?. 22.—2ft
8053Juncea Sm. rushy ' A'or
'' ' Y "
Carolina 1787. O l.p Sm. epic. 15. lb
XK hygrometrica Lab hygrometric iAJ or jnjl Y N. Holl. 1820. O l.p Lab. n. h. 1.8
«MS ilba L. white W C. G. H. 1806. O p* Jac. c. 4.2.1
K0.>(i obtfisa B R. obtuse tf tAlor i']n Y C. G. H. 1816. O p.1 Bot. reg. 159
8(107 linoaris //. Jtcp. £ iAlorr ^ Y C. G. H. 1792. O Lp Bot rep. 171
W).->H iitellata L. star-Jiowcrcd tf iAJ ° i ap.jn W.D C. G. H. 1752. O s.p Bot. mag. (iti2
80)9 clegans Andr. elegant tf" .Alor I apjn W . B C. G. H. 1752. O s.p Bot mag. 122J
8060 serrfcta L. G&w-lcavcd tf iAlor Y C.G. H. 1788. O l p Bot mag. 709
8Uil brevfscapa Kth. Bhort-scaped tf_ iAlor \ my.jn Y Brazil 1823. O p.l
80fi2 ovata W. ovate C. G. H. 1806. O e.p Bot mag. 1010
"0<j3 vcratrifblia Is. Veratrum.Ivd £ A or C. G. H. 1788. O Lp Jac. ic. 2.367
80(rt caroliuensis Mt. Carolina tf iAlor i j»<jl Y Carolina 1822. O Lp
™*i» decuinbcns L. decumbent tf_ fAlor Jjn.s Y Jamaica 1755. O p.l Mil. i c \. 3i£
2HS 8tel"pilis Ker starry-haired £ lAl ° r 1 jl Y C. G. H. 1821. O s.p Bot reg. 663
*g obtiqua
Jac. obliquc-leavcd tf lAlor ijn-jl Y C. G. H. 1795. O p.l Bot rep. 195
JS » e n " s R. Br. meadow 5 iAlor i mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. O p.l
bra Lod. rough "ff^Jor i au.s Y C. G. H. 182a R p l Bot cab. 970

N Amer
8(170 erecta L. upright £ A or ft J n i l Y
- - 1752. O p.l Bot. mag. 7J0
8()71 Bobolifcra Jac. shookbearing giAJor Jjn.s Y C. G. H. 1771. O p.l Hot. mag. 711
8072 villosa L. villous ? tAJ or f jn.s Y <\ G. H. 1774. O pi Jac. ic. & 207
8073 aquatica L. aquatic j^AJor ijn.jl Y C. G. H. 1787. O p.l
983. CURCITLIGO Gae. CuacuLiao. {Curculio,a weevil; seeds.) Hypoxfdeec. 6.-9.
8074 8umatr;ma Rox. Sumatran £ El or 3 jl Y Sumatra 1818. O l.p Bot. cab. 443
8075 phcata Z)m plaitcd-foivat £ iAJ or 1£ jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1788. O l.p Jac. sc. 1.80
2 glabra smooth * IAJ or 1J jn jl Y C. G. H. 17H8. O l p Bot. rvg. 345
8076 orchioldcs Rox. Orchis-like £ [A3 or J jn.jl Y E. Indies 1800. O l p Rox. c<>r. 1. I.?
8077 brevifMia Dry. short-leaved jg E2 or } my.jl Y E. Indies 1804 O l.p Bot. mag. 1076
8078 latiftha Dr//. broad-leaved £ K3 or 1£ Y Poolo Pin. 1804. O l.p Bot. 2(<J4
8079 rccurvata Dry. recurved-/caww/£ OS or 1 ... Y Bengal 1805. O l.p Bot. rcg. 770
983. MOLINE^RM Coll. MOLINEHIA. {Igiuitio Molinerio, direct, of bot gar. at Turin.) Hypoxidac. 1.
8080 plicate Coll. plaited £ 123 or 1 au S.Y Java 182a D p.l Col. h. rip. 18
B M H O O CANE. {{Sambos, the Indian name)) Grammeee. 8.
8(181 flrmidinacea W. Reed-like
Reedlike ,sJllliQec40
sJllliQec40 Ap
Ap India 1730. Ski Rox.cor. 1.79
8082 verticillata W. v/horl-Jiowcred ill* O cu 20 Ap India 180* Sk 1
808J spinuba Ham. spiny •tflli •
1 l o r 20
20 A p K Indies 1820. Sk 1
8084 stricta Rox. strict jllb • or 20 Ap R Indies 1824. Sk 1,
8085 glauca ho. C. glaucous Jllb r~1 or 20 Ap E. Indies 1H26*. Sk 1
808ti irtgra Lo. C. black Jllb 1 lor 20 Ap R Indies 1825. Sk 1
8087 aristata Lo. C. awned jllb r~lor 20 Ap E Indies 18124. Sk 1
8088 puWscens Lo. C pubescent Jllb r n o r 20 A p E. Indies 1826. Sk 1
985. MELOCA'NNA Tr'm. MELOCAXNA. {Melon,apple, kanna, reed.) Graminete. 1. —2.
8089 bamhusoV\cs, Trin. Bambusa-like Xk • or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. Sk 1
Jiumbusa baccitera Rox.
986. NA'&TUS J. NASTUS. (Nattos, the Greek name for a kind of reed) Graminete. 4.
8090 latifMia Spr. broad-leaved Jib • or 20 Cumana 1818. Sks.p
Bambusa latifolia H. $ li.
987. CA'LAMUS L. CALAMUS. {Kalam, a reed, Arab.) Pdtoue. 6.—13.
8091 verus JJOU. true I c e 20 ... G Cochinch. 1824. S s.l 5.54
mvi nlgcr W. black G Moluccas 1824.
8093 riidcntuin Lou. cable G E Indies 1812. S 8.1
8()L»4 Zalucca Gae. Zalat-ca G £. Indies 1812. S 8.1 Gae. fir. 2.139.2
80U5albus/Vr«. white E. Indies 1812. S r.m Ru. am. 5.52
8096 draco fK dragon E. Indies 1819. S»Ru. am. 5.58.1
988. EHRHA'RIM Thun. EIIRIIAIITA. (F. Ehrhart, a Swiss naturalist) Graminccv. 4. —14.
80f>7 piin\cca Sm. Panic-grass JIUMAICU my.jl Ap C. U. H . ' 1790. S co Sin. ic. in. 1.9
film distichiph^lla Lab. distich-leaved JUiiAJun jnjl Ap N. Holl. 1820. 1) r.m
mm gigantta Ehrh. giant Jilii I A I U I I jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. D s.p
8100 calycina Sm. / JBciAlun jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. 1) s.p Sm. ic. in. 1.33
Alta. capensis L.
989. if'CORUSL. ACORUS. {A, priv., kore, pupil of the eye; med. qual.) Arold ear. 3.
8101 Calamus L. Sweet Flag ^ A >n 2 jnjl Ap
Britain pools. D m.s Eng. bot. 356
8102 terrestris Spr. terrestrial £ A °r 1 ju-jl V China 18-22. 1) co
8103 /^rainlnciis //. K. Uras^Jeaucd £ /^ cu if Ap China 179G. D s.p Sm.epic. 15.
990. ORO'NTIUMZ. OnONTlUM. (A Greek name adopted by Linnaeus.) AroUte c I. — 4.
8104 aquaticum L. aquatic A c u 4 jn Ap N. Amer. 1775. D t.p Hook. ex. fl. 19
991. RO%HDEi4 Roth ROHOEA. {Mich. Bohde, of Bremen, in Germany.) Aroideee. 1.
8105 japonu-a Roth Japan ^ A c e 2 ja.ap Ap Japan 1783. D i p Bot mag. 898
0r6ntium jap6nicum Thun.
• 992. TUPi'STRA Ker TUPISTRA. (Dimin. of typis, a mallet; flower.) AroU&e. 1.
8106 squalida Ker squalid £ QS cu 2 ap Ld Amboyna 1810. R l.p Bot reg. 704
993. TA'CCA Forst TACCA. (Its Malay name.) Aroideee. &
8107 pinnatifida Forst. pinnatifid ec 2 . . . P R Indies 1793. R l.p Bot cab. 692
81(>8aspcra/fox. rough tf EJcu 2 Br E. Indies 1816. R l.p
810*) lffiVis Rox. smooth tf EScu 2 Br E. Indies 1820. R l.p
8110 guineensis G. Don Guinea tf E3cu 2 Br R Indies 1823. R l.p
8111 phalifcra i?o/. crest-bearing tf G3cu 4 jlau Br Mauritius 1826. R l.p
8112 intcgrifuha ACT cntirc-lcavcd ftmy.ii P Bot mag. 1488
R Indies 1810. Sk l.p
• 994. JU'NCUS L. RUSH. (Jung9» to join; first ropes made of rushes.) Junccec. 37. —
81l3acbtus /,. great sharp sea Jllb A cc 6 Ap Britain sea co. S m.s Eng. bot. 1614
8114 maritimus Lam. lesser sharp sea Jllb A 4 au Ap Britain sal. in. S m.s Eng. bot. 1725
8115 conglomerate L. conglomerated Jllb A 2 jn.jl Ap Britain moi.p. S m.« Eng. bot. 835
8116cffTiSU8/.. effuse Jiib 3 Ap Britain moi.p. S m.s Eng. bot. 836
81 i7 g\n6cus Ehrk. glaucous jllb ec 2 jljl Ap England moi.p. S m.s Eng. bot. 665
8118 balticus DM Baltic 1ft jl
jl Ap Britain scaco. S m.s
deludes Lk. arcticus Hook.
8119£rcticusL. nrctic JUb A un 1 my AP Norway 1822. S l a s Fl. dan. 1094
8120 Aiifitanii L. filiform jUb A un J a . u Ap Britain S m.s Eng. bot 1175
8121 trlfldus L. three-leaved jiut A un Ap Scotland scalp. S m.s Eng. bot. 1482
8122 monanthos Jac. one-flowered JUb A un Ap Europe 1820. D m.s
8123 squarrusus L. sqiuirrosc Jilb A w Ap Britain sa.hea. S m.s Eng. bot 933
8124 Gpsncri Sm. Gesncr's Jllb A cu Ap Scotland scalp. S m.s Eng bot. 2174
Rr&cilis E. B. tlnuU Hook.
8125tenuis W. slender Jllb A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1818. S m.s Rost. j. 1.3
812H capitatus Weigel headed O un ft JKau Ap Europe 1823. S s
7 %
5J pygnue us Thud.
fl 1 niimviin\i« mi .1 py^my Jllu A un i A P France 1817. S m.s
8128 planifuhus It. Br. flat-leaved Jllb iAI un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. D co
8129 pauciflurus R. Br. few-flowered Jllb iAI un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. D co
8130 vaginatUK R. Br. sheathed M iAI un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1822, I) co
8131 lampocfirpus Ehrh. shining-fruited Jtlb A w 2 Ap Britain moi.p. S m.s Eng. bot 2143
8132 acutiflorus Ehrh. sharp-flowered Jllb A w 2 Ap Britain moi.p. S m.s Eng. bot 238
8133 obtusiflorus Ehrh. blunt-flowcrcd Jib A w l j a u Ap Briuui mar. S m.s Eng. bot. 2144
8134 valvatus L*. valved mu A Ap Spain 1820. S m.s
8135 polycephalus D. Don lnany.hcadcd Jllb A « jn.jl Ap Scotland moun. D m.s
8136 uliginbsus Roth bog Mi A Ap England tur.hc. S m.s Eng. bot. 801
8137 suriinus G. Don supine jllb A Ap Scotland moun. D m.s
8138 aristMus Mx. bearded jllb A un 1 A|> N. Amer. 1823. S
8139 plebtius R. Br. plebeian Mi LAI un ? Jajl Ap N. Holl. 1816. D co
8140 subvcrticillatus IVul. half-whorled jUb A un j Ap Europe 1821. S m.s
8141 bulbusus L. bulbous jllb A w 1 Ap Britain ... S m.s Eng. bot 934
compressus Jae.
8142 b6ttnicus Wold. Bothnian Jllb A un Ap N. Europe 1820. S m.s
1143 COMIOSUS Bieb. mud Jllb A un 1" A P N. Holl. 1816. D e o
B144 bufuiiius L. toad jllb O w ^ A Britain S m.s En«. bot. 802
8145 Tenageia Ehrh. Tenageia l O un & jnau l France " " S" ms
8146trigluinis£. three-flowered Jllb A un £ jl Ap Britain bgs.m. S m.s Eng. bot. 899
8147 biglumis L. two-flowered Jllh A un \ au Ap Britain bgs.m. S m.s Eng. bot. 898
8148 cas&neus Sm. chestnut Mi A un 1 jl Ap Scotland sc.alp. S m.s Eng. bot. 900
8149 Jacqrini L. Jacquin's Jllb A un Ap Europe 1817. S m.s Jae. au. 3.221
biglnmis Jae.
•995. LITZULA Do;. LIIZULA. (Gramen Lvzula of Bauhin,glowworm grass; shines.) Junceee. 17. —31.
8150 vernalis Dec. venial jllb A un i ap Ap Europe 1820. D m.s
8151 pilosa Sm. hairy jllb A w i Ap Britain groves. D m s Eng. bot. 736 Ap
8152 flav&cens Dec. flavescent jllb A un jl Ap Europe 1820. S ins Hostgr.3.94
8153 Fdrsteri Dec. Forster's jiu. A w my.jn Ap p England woods. S m s Eng. bot. 1293
8154 glabrata Desv. smooth M A un my.jn Ap Norway 1819. D m.s
8155 albida Dec. Vfh\te-hcaded A un my.jn Ap Switzerl. ... S m.s Lee. her. 13.6
815ti littea Dec. yellow Jllb A my.jn Ap Switzcrl. S m.s
8157 spadfcea Dec. light red Jllb A my.jn Ap S. Europe 1821. S m.a Vil. del. 2. 6
Juncus spadiceus TV.
8158 nfvca Dec. snowy jlii A un my.Jn Ap Switzerl. 1770. S m.s 7.7
8159 maxima Dec. greatest jHfa A w my Ap Britain woods S m.s Eng. bot 7J7
8160 arcuata Stvz. arched myjn Ap Scotland moun. S m.s
J6ncus arcuatusftiM jllb A un
8161 spicMa Dec. B])ikcd xik A un ijl m Ap Scotland sc alp. S m.fl Eng. bot. 1176
8162 pedifurmis Dec. foot-formed jllb A un my.jn Ap Europe 1824. S m.s
816 J contfesta Lejun close-headed Jllb A W • j " . A l» France 1805. S m.s Host gr. a 97.5
8164 sudcticus Dec. Sudetic M A un my.jn Ap Silesia 1817. S in.s Kr.sil.52
8165 campcbtris Dec. field | Ap Britain S m.s Eng. bot 672
A 1818. S r.m
8166 multiflbrus LeJ. many-flowered jUb A un ap.jn Ap France
996. CO'RYPHA L. FAM PALM. (Koruphe, the summit; leaves only at top.) Pnlmte. 7. —13.
8167 umbraculifera L. umbrclla-bearingf • cc 100 ... Y E Indies 1742. S r.m R. mal. 3.1.12
8168 glaucescciis Hort. glaucesccnt f 1 lor 100 ... Ap E. Indies 1820. S r.m
816!) eftta Rox. tall ICDor 150 ... Ap E. Indies 1825. S
8170 Ustan Lam. Utan I D o r 50 ... Ap Moluccas 1825. S r.m
817Uectorum//.$& roof 15 ... Ap W.Indies 1825. S r.m
8172 Pumos H. & B.
8173 australis 11. Br.
southern i! lor 20 ...
] or 50 ...
Ap Cuba 1824. S r.m
Ap N. Holl. 1824. S r.m
(Its aboriginal name.)) Pdlnue. 1.—7.
8174bengalensis Spr. Bengal i Q o r 100 100 E.
E Indies 1823. S r.m
Corypha Taliera Rox.
998. LICUATLA Thun. LICUALA. (Its Macassar name.) Pidmce. 2.
8175 spinosa Thun. spiny • Q e c 6 ... W.u E. Indies 1802. S r.m 1.9
8176 peltata Rox. peltate JtCIlor 6 ... W.Y E. Indies 1825. S r.m
oi 999. THRPNAX L.JU. THRIXAX. (Thrinax, a fan; form of leaves.) Piilnue.
2 1.—
8177 parviflura Sun. ismall-flowered £ O ec 15 ... W.u Jamaica 1778. S r.m
1000. TRADESC A'NT/,4 L. SPIDER WORT. {John Tradescant, gardener to Charles I.) Commetinea. 9.1.—99.
8178 fuscita Ker browned £ EJ or s.o S. Amer. 182a L r.m B o t r e g . 4 8 2
8179 malabarica L. Malabar £ El or 1 jLau P E Indies 1776. S k r . m R. mal. 9.63
8180 tuberosa Rox. tuberous A El or 14 jl au B E. Indies 1817. R p.l
8181 8|ieci6sa L. showy £ I2U or 1 B Mexico 1825. D r.m
818£ discolor H. K. various-colored^ 1 ap.s VV & Amer. 178a S k & p B o t mag. 1192
8183 cordifclia Sivz. heart-leaved £, El B Jamaica 1819. D r.m
8184 crecta Cao. upright 2 B Mexico 1794. S r.m Bot. mag. 1340
8185 uudata Hum. waved 1 jn.jl B Trinidad 1819. D r.m
8186 diiirctica Mart. diuretic Jjnjl B Brazil 1825. D r.m
8187 pulchella Hum. neat 1 B Mexico 1825. D e.p
8188 subaspera Ker roughish 1 iny.o P N. Amer. 1812. D r.m Bot. mag. 1597
8189 crassifulia Cav. thick-leaved 3 jl.o B Mexico 1796. L B.p Bot. mag. 1598
8190 virginica L. Virginian \\ my.o B N. Amer. 1629. D p.l B o t mag. 105
2afba white my.o W N. Amer. 1629. 1) r.m
3 rfabra red my.o R N. Amer. 1629. D r.m
4 plena my o B N. Amer. 1629. D r.m
blue and white my.o B.w N. Amer. 1629. D co
5 caeralea fflbida pilose my.o W N. Amer. 1629. I) co Bot reg. 1035
6 Pll68a
v Jtfi. rose-flowered my.o Pk Carolina 1802. D r.m Bot cab. 370
tiflfcra Swz. many-flowered i jn.jl B Jamaica 1820. D r.m
procfin.bens IV. trailing * jn.jl B Trinidad 1824. D r.m Jae. ic. 2.355
multifl6ra Jae.
parvifl6ra if. * small-flowered £ El or 1 au s B Peru 1822. L r.m Fl. per. 3.272.8
i latifalia R. * P. broari-lcavcd * O or 1J s.n B Lima 1816. S r.m Fl. per. 3.272.1
d a u Vahl divaricate )f ElEl or Trinidad 1818. D r.m Aub gui. 1.12
dsf^geiticuKita L. k
knotted i ElEl or i 1
B W.Indies 1783. L s.u
8198 paniculata Rox. panicled ,QJ or 1 au B E. Indies 1816. S pi
1001. CAMPE^LIA Rich. CAMPELIA. -, a bending, helias, the sun.) Commelinete. 1.
Zanonia Rich. El or jl.d B W. Indies 1759. S r.m Red. I'd. 192
Tradtscant/a Zanonia L.
CYANO TIS D. Don CTANOIIS. (Kyanos, blue, oust an ear.) Commdfnear 3 . - 4
ilrisD.Dw* axillary OJor i jj;, R E. Indies 1822. S r.m R. mal lo! 13
nstataZ).i)o» crested OJor 1 jl s B Ceylon 1770. S r.m B o t m a i 1435
Bono £ 'adescdntia cristata L.
"^barbnta D. Don bearded A or 1 jU Ii Nopal 1824. D rm

1003. CARTONETMA R. Br. CARTONEMA. (Kartos, shorn, nema, a filament) Comtndinear. 1.

8203spicitumAJ3!r. spiked £{ZSor D N. Holl. J822. D i p
•1004. DICHORIZ A'NDR A il/i*. DICIIORIZANDRA. (!>**, twice, cAomo, to part, anrr, anther) Commel'nea. 4.-5.
8204 thyrsiflhra A/**, thyrse-flowered £ ED or 4 au II Brazil 1822. R r.m Bot. rcg. 682
8205 puberula Mart. downy £ ES or 3 au s 11 Brazil 1823. D s.p
8206 oxyiwtala /fo •-
OOlMi . . . . . . . • . . ' * . _ • _ rr sharp-pctalcd
. . ! . _ _ . ..<t*«ljisl >^ I A I n r 2
O il mi R
D r.m Bot. mag. 2721
¥ \ • • ~ D o t _ _ _ flnflf

8207 gracilis Jlfar/. slender laau B Brazil D r.m

* 1005.
AGAPANT HerU. AFRICAN LILV. (Agape, love, anthos, flower.) Hemerocattxdete. 3.
8208 — 1 - i i w — »Ucrit.
umbcllatus --.. umbellate tf lAJor B C. G. H. 1692. R r.m Bot. mag.500
2 variegtous variegated
varig tf tflAJor 2 B R r.m
8209 praeY-ox W. en. tf iAI or 4 P.B C. G. H. R r.m
early tf iAI or 2 B
8210 mmor hod. C. G. H. D r.m Bot. cab. 42
1006. B L A N D F C R D W Sm. BLANDFORIMA. (George, Marquis of Blandford.) Hemerocallideie. 2.
8911 nAbilis Sm. noble *iAlor O N. S. W. 1803. S s.l.p Ex. bot. 1.4
8212 grandiflora JZ. 2?r. large-flowered £ i A J o r 2 C N. S. VV. 1812. S s.l.p
1007. i/EMEROCA'LLIS/.. DAY LILY. {Hemcra, day, *<i//o* beauty; duration.) Hcmcrocallidcat. *.
8213 /jraminea //. JC grassy-lcavcU £ A or 1 jn.jl L.Y Siberia 1759. R 8.1 Bot. mag. 87.)
8214 flava /,. yellow £ A or 2 jn Y Siberia l.Wrt. R s.l Bot. mag. 19
8215 dfsticha Donn two-rowed £ A or 2 my.jl O China 1798. R s.1 Sw. fl. Bar. 28
8216 f&lva L. ' fulvous £ A or 4 Ful Levant 1596. R s.1 Bot. mag. 64
• 1008. FU'NKL* Spr. FUNKIA. {Henri/ Funk, a German cryiYtogamist) Hemerocall'tdcce. 2 . - 3 .
8217 subcorduta Spr. subcordate-/vrf £ A or 1 au.s W Japan 1790. R p.l Bot. mag. 1433
J/cmcrocullis jap6nica IV.
8218 ovata Spr. ovate-leaved £ A or 1J my.jl B Japan 1790. R p.l Bot. mag. 894
/iemerocallis csrulca Andr.
1009. RHIPIDODE'NDRON TV. RIIIPIDODEDROV. (Rhipis, a fan, dendron, a tree.) HcmcrocalKdear. L
8219 plicatile Haw. plaited * i _ J g r 8 jn.jl R Africa 1723. C s.l Bot mag. 457
distichum W. if'loii phcatilis //. K.
2majus larger • t - J g r 10jn.jl R Africa 1723. C s.1
1010. PACHIDE'NDRON W. PACIIWENDROV. (Pachys, thick, dendron, tree.) HcmerocaUidea. 8.
8220 africtaum Haw. African * i_J gr 8 jl R C. G. H. 1819. Sk s.l Bot mag. 2517
A'loe afric&na Haw.
8221 pseiido-africAiium Haw. bast. African* |_J gr 6 mr n O C. G. H. 1731. Sk s.1 Bot mag. 1322
A'loe psciido-africiina HerU. africana /2 angustior B. M.
8222 principis Haw. prince's * i_J g* 5 mr.n Y C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
jiloc principis Haw.
8223 ftrox Haw. hedgehog * LJ gf 6 Y C. G. H. 1759. Sks.1 Bot.mag. 1975
A'loc fcrox Dec.
8224 pseudo-ft-rox Haw. bast, hedgehog ** i_J gr 4 my.jn O C.G.H. 1820. Sks.1
A'Xaie psciido-ferox Salm, subferox Spr.
8225 angu8tifi)lium Haw. narrow-leaved * L_J 8T 8 R C. G. H. 1806. Sks.1
if'loo angustif«Mia
8226 8upralae vc Haw. above smooth M LJ gr 5 ... O C. G. H. 1731. Sks.l Com. pr. 71.20

1011. if'LOE L. ALOE. (A'Uoth%its Arabic name.) Hemerocallidea. 49.—L0.

$9Z? dich6toma L. dichotomous ; \8 C. G. H. 1780. Ls s.1
8228 purpurascens Haw. purpurasccnt * 12jl.o C. G. H. 1789. C s.l Bot. mag. 1474
8229 soccotrina Dec. Soccotrinc 12 f.ap C. G. H. 1731. C s.l Bot mag. 472
8230 spicata /,. spikc-flowercd C. G. H. 1795. Sk s.p
8231 pliiridens Haw. many-toothed 2 C. G. H. 1823. Sk 8.1
8232 arhorcscens Dee. artwrcsccnt 12 mr.n C. G. H. 1731. C s.1 Bot. mag. 1306
8233 gracilis Haw. slender 3 jn.jl C. G. H. 1822. Sks.1
8234 fiavispina Haw. ycllow-spincd 5 au C. G. H. 1793. Sk s.1
8235 mitroeiormis L. mitrc-formed 6 au C. G. H. 1732. Sk s.1 Bot. mag. 1270
8236 n<ibilu Haw. noble 5 au C. G. H. 1800. Sk s.1
8237 distans Haw. distant 6 au C. G. H. 1732. Sk s.1 Bot mag. 1362
2 refl^xa Salm reflcxed 4 jlcu C. G. H.. 1820. Sk s.1
3 deprcssa Haw. depressed 4 C G. H. -1820. Sks.1
8238 Commeuns W. Commclin's 3 ... C. G. H. 1819. Sk s.1
mitrsfurmis Salm
8239 xanthacfintha TV. ycllow-spined 3 jn O C. G. H. 1817. Sk s.1
8240 vulgnriH Dec. common 2 Y Levant 1596. Sks.1 Dec.pi.27
barbadensis Haw.
8241 chinensis Haw. Chinese L_Jg 3 Y China 1821. Sks.1
8242 cassia Salm canious tt-L-lgr 2 O C.G.H. 1818. Sks.l
2 clatior 7/<nw. taller J 9 njl R C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8243 frutescens Salm frutcsccnt . 5 R C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
8244 albisp^na Haw. whitc-spincd 7 S C. G. H. 1796. Lss.l
8245 glaiica 7/aw. glaucous a.s R C. G. H. 1731. Sks.1
2rhodacantha B. M. /rm*r-red-spnd a. i ler 4 ja.s R C. G.H. 1731. Sks.1 B o t mag. 1278
8246 spinusior /four. spinier 4 ja.s R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
8247 lineata Haw. lined uJg 5. ... S C. G. H. 1789. Sk s.p
2 glaucescens Haw. glauccsccnt «-l_Jgr 4 ... S C. G. H. 1789. Sks.1
8248 deprcssa //AW. flaUcaved J
L-Jg 6 au - o C. G. H. 1731. Lss.l Bot mag. 1332
8249 brevifulia Haw. short-leaved ijnjl o C.G. ft 1810. Sks.1 Bot mag 996
8250 proli fcra Salm proliferous n-L-Jgr 2 mr.jn o C. G. G. 1819. Sks.1
2 major Salm greater «Ll_Jgr 2 mr.jn o C.G.H. 1819. Sks.1
8251 scrra Dec. savr-leavcd o C. G. H. 1818. Sks.1
8252 paniculkta Joe. panicled s C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1 Jac. fr. 62
8253 stri&tula Haw. iIg 3 jajl R C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8254 ciliaris Haw. fringc/oiva/ n. \ | gr 5 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8255 tenuior //aui. slenderer *L i_J gr 2 Y C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8256 albocincta Haw. white-edged tt. i | gr 3 jn O 1812. Sks.1
8257 serruliita A K. aaw.leaved tL |_J gr 7 R C. 6" H. 1789. Sks.l
8258 obsci'ira /fotv. obscure tt. | I gr 2 R C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 1323
nirta Tire.

S glaficior Haw. more glaucous SL iAI gr 2 R C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1

3 magnidens Haw. large-toothed «L IAI gr 3 jnjl R C. G. H. J820. Sks.l
C. G. H. 1820.
8259 palllscens Haw.
8260 latifblia Haw.
8261 saponaria Haw.
E allescent tLiAltrr
road-lvd-«oap SL |_J gr
common soap *L j_J gr
jLau S
C. G. H. 1795.
C. G. H. 1727.
Bot mag. 154ft
Bot mag. 1460
2 lQteo-stnata Haw. yellow-striated tL || )) grg 4 It C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8262 micracantha JX M. small-spinedl l i d VL\VL|
| gr 3 jl Pk C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1 Bot mag: 2272
826.J vlrens Haw green 3 au.s Y C. G. H. 1790. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1355
8264 subcructa Haw. subcrect £ lAJgr 5 mrjn S C. G. H. 1789. S s.1
2 scmiguttata /tow. half-spotted
p £ lAlgr 3 mrjn S C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
8265 acuminata Haw. acuminate
acuminate £ lAJgr 3 O C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1 Bot mag. 757
hiimilis B. M.
8266 echinMa W. cchinate £ „ 6 C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
82(J7 tubcrculata tubcrc.-hedgeh. £ LAJ gr 2 O C. G. H. 1796. Sks.1
8268 tenuifolia Haw. thin-leaved j£ iAJ gr 1 jnjl O C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8269 vanegata IV. variegated £ LAJ gr 4 mr.s _.Pk C. G. H. 1720. Sks.1 Bot mag. 513
8270 aristata Haw. bearded many4vd £ iAI gr 2 myjn O C. G. H. 1801. Sk&l
8271 subtuberculata Haw. suLtuberculatedj? LAJ gr 2 jnjl O C. G. H. 1620. Sks.1
8272 hiimilis Thun. humble £ iAJ gr 1
1 mr.jn O
mrjn C. G. H. 1731. Sks.l Dec. pi. 39
8273 incftrva Haw. incurved £ iAJ gr 1 mrjn O C. G.H. 1796. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 828
hiimilis (3 inctirva B. M.
1012. BOWIES Haw. BOWIEA. (Jlltouife, a collector of plants for Kcw gardens.) HemcrocaU'idae. 8.
8274 myriacantha Haw. inany-spined apjn R.G C. G. H. 1823. Sks.p
8275 atricana Haw. African o R.o C. G. H. 1823. Sk s.p
1013. GASTEMtlA-Hatu. GASTERIA. (Gastcr, a belly; base of flowers.) Hcmerocallidccc. 42.
8276 pfilchra Haw. fair «. Ljg 3 S.B C. G. H. 1759. C Bot. mag. 765
8277 maculata Haw. spotted «-i_Jgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1759. Sks.1 Bot mag. 979.
2 ftllax Haw. fallacious « J 2 S.B C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8278 picta Haw. painted 3 S.B C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8279 formbsa Haw. beautiful LAJgr 2 jlau S.n C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8280 fasciata Haw. banded lAJgr li jnjl R C G . H . 1820. Sks.1
nf gricans y fasciata Saltn
2 laxa Haw. loose 2 S.B C..G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8281 retata Haw. netted £ LAJ gr 2 S R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8282 nfgricans Haw. dark £ lAlgr 2 jnjl R C. G. H. 1790. Sks.l Bot. mag 838
2 marmoritta Haw. marbled fr Al 1* jnjl R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8283 crassifolia Haw. thick-leaved R C.G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8284 brcvif.Mia Haw. short-lvd tonguc£ lAlgr 14 Jnjl R C G . H . 1809. Sks.1
2 perviridis Haw. very green £ iAJ g 3 S.B C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8285 obtusi folia Haw. blunt-leaved tf lAlgr
jj R C. G. H. 1796. Sks.1
8286 mollis Haw. soft muddy-lvd f j l
JMjl R C. G. H. 1823. Sks.l
8287 subnigricans Haw. blackish £ 1-u S.B C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
2 glabrior smoother £ Sks.l S.B C. G. H. 182a Sks.1
8288 dtsticha Haw. two-rowed j£ S.B C G . H . 1820. Com. h. 2.83
2 major Haw. larger £ , S.R C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8289 conspurcata Haw. dirtied £ mr.s R C G. H. 1796. Sks.1
8290 angulMa Haw. angled £ lAlgr 2 mr.n R C. G. H. 1791. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 1322
longifulia Haw.
2 minor Haw. smaller f tAlgr liau R C G . H . 1820. Sk*.l
8291 sulcata Uaw. sulcated £ LAJ gr 2 S.E C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l Bot mag. 1322.3
8292 excavate Haw. excavated tf lAlgr U ... R C. G. H. 1824. Sks.1 Bot mag. 1322.4
2 obllqua Haw. q g AI li R C. G. H. 1759. 1^8.1
8293 angusti folia Haw. narrow-leaved 1} mr.s R C. G. H. 1731. Sksl Bot mag. 1322.2
2 longifblia Haw. long-leaved 1} mr.s R C G. H. 1796. Sks.1
8294 lwVig Haw. smooth l limr.. R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8295 subverruebsa Haw. subverrucose iAIK r
R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
2 narvipunct'ita small-dotted Al 2 !!! R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
J296 verrucusa Haw. warty £ iAJ gr 2 mr.n R C G.H. 1731. Ski.l Bot. mag. 837
0*97 intermedia Haw. g £ £LLAJ
middle tongue J g gr 2 mr.n R C. G. H. 1790. Sks.1 Bot mag. 1322.1
2 asiierrima Haw. ht lleavedjz iAI gr 2 mr.s R
roughest C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
3 lie vior Haw. smoother jf lAJgr 2 S.B C. G. H. 1820. Sk&l
4 longior Haw. AJ 2 S.R C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8298 ripens Haw. crccuing-t ooted£ iAJKr 1 jl R C G . H 1821. Sks.1
8299 parva Haw. small 2 S.B C C G . H . 182a Sks.1
8300 declpiens Haw. deceiving 2 S.R G. H. 1820. Sks.1
nfgricans Haw.
8301 carinata Haw. £ lAIg 2 jnjl R C G. H. 1731. Lss.l Bot. mag. 1331
8302 strigata Haw. ridged £ lAler 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8303 ltEtipunctata Haw. lively-spotted £ lAlcr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
„ 2 dcnticuKita denticulated __ £ lAler 2 S.H C O. H. 1822. Sks.1
°o04 subcarinata Haw. obbcurc-kcclcd ££ Al 2 jnjl C G. H. 1818. Ske.l
2 viridior Haw. greener jc
£ lAlgr
lAlg 2 o C G. H. 1820. Sks.l
dh/ waved £ LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
Ham. smooth-keeled f lAlgr 3 jn.jl S.R C G. H. 1796. Sks.1
r flaw smaller AJ 2 R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
tida flino. shining £ i A J g r 1 S.R C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
? Krandipunctkta large-dotted £ iAier 1 jlau R C. G. H. 1822. Sks.1
tfc H triangular £ i A J g r 1 § R C. G. H. 182a Sks.1
obtuse ' R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
^10 acinacifolia Haw. mr.s R C G. H. 1819. Sks.1 Bot. mag. Sftft
2 minor Haw. scimitar-lvd C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
£LAJgr' O
«3ll nnens Haw. smaller
£ iAI B* S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
2 bnNvior S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
"312 venftsta Haw. luvuiy
shc)rtL>r-/^ivd jg lAlgr jlau S.R ('. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
«313 pluripunctata How. many-dotted S gr S.R C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
fioi 2 magnipunc^ta large-dotted 5 iAI gr S.R C G. H. 1823. Sks.1
oqiiM «-«oiiuiu»
ensifolia imwi
Haw. sword-loavcd £ iAJ B r S.R C. G. H. 1823. Sks.l
jh*15 candicans Haw. rough mat £/.-whitc£
n lta fliMI
8ii5 S ' " '' smeared
£ IA J r
£ LAJ K r f* R
C G. H. 189& Sk s.l
C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
2 S.R C G. H. 1824. Sks.1
°«»17 bicolor Haw. two-colored £ IAJ 8*
ilS 14 : HAWCRTH/J Duval HAWORTHIA. {A. H. HawoMh, F.L.S., disting. bot.) Hetncrocattfdcar 64
" . ." clammy £ LAlgr H jn.jl Gy C G . H . 1727. Sks.l Bot mag! 814
• viscosa L.

8319 indurata Haw. hard branchy £ iAI gr *jn.Jl Gy C. G. H. 18S0. Sk 8.1

8390 pseiido-tortuosaSoAft subtwist. truing.^ iAJ gr 1 C. G. H. 1818. Sk s.l
8321 torquiita Haw. collared lAJK 1 jLs C G. H. 1823. Sk s 1
8322 concinna Hava. neat lAJgr s ... Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sk s.l
8323 cordifolia Haw. heart-leaved AJ
AJg ft myjl £ yy C. G. H. 1817. Sk s.l
8324 aspcriiiscula Aatv. rough ish
8325 tortutaa //«w. twibted
1 my.s £ C.*K H.
C.. TJ. H.
Sk H.I
Sk s.l Bot. mag. 1337
^Moe rigida B. M. Gy

8326 c6rta //aw. abort-twisted lAlgr C. G.
1O1f Cl.
« 1
8327 tortella Haw. little-twisted * l Alg C. G. H. 1817. SkB.l
8328 nltida Sulm shining
IF lAJgr C. G. H. 1825. Sks.l Bot mag. 2504
8329 settta //«w. bii8tle-tv//»r</
* lAJgr ('. O. H. 1818. Sks.l
8330 cxpansa Haw. £ lAJgr C. G. H. 1795. Sks.l Dec. pi. G2
rigida Itec. cxi>andcd 1 j"n
8331 hfbrida Salm hybrid tf lAJgr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1R21. Sk s.l
8332 scabra /law. rough * jn jl Oy C. G. H. 1818. Sk 81
8333 rfrdida Haw. sordid JP g Gy C G. H. 1820. Sk s 1
8334 venusa Haw. veiny j£iAlgr Oy C. G. H. 18(.U Sk 8.1
A'Xoc vcndsa Lam.
8335 recfirva Haw. recurve-feawrf £ iAJ gr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 1353
833H nfgricans //aw. granuiat. black £ iAJ gr i an Gy C. G. H. Ske.l
8337 pfirva //#iw. small jf iAJ gr *my.jn Gy C. G. H. 1821. Sks.l
8538 teuselliLta Haw. rfrtr/r-checkeredjj LAJgr 4 jnau Gy C. G. H. 1823. Sks.l
8339 multifaria //aw. many-sided £ iAI gr jnjl Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l
8J40 retusa IK rclusc cushion $ LAJ gr 1 my.jl "y C. G. H. 1720. Sk s.l Hot. mag. 455
8341 mutica ///iw. blunt cushion f iAJ gr ft JnJI Gy C. G. H. 18lJ0.Sks.l
8342 mirahilis Haw. admirable cu\hion£ iAJ gr f Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.l Bot mag. 1S54
8343 turgida Haw. turgid cushion ]g ]g LAJ gr
LAJ g ft au Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l
8344 tarte vireiw //aw. lively green ££ iAJAJ gr ft "ii Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l
8 pp papillose jf iAJ gr 1 Gy C. O. H. 1820. Sks.l
2 ticmipapillbsa naif-papillose i iAJ gr lft au Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
8346 crccta IHaw.
la erect pearl ]£ iAI gr i ... Gy C. G. H. 18J8. Sks.l Dec. pi. 57
83-17 fasriata Haw. bandcd-/Mrar/ £ iAJ gr C. G. H. 1818. Sksl
2 major larger ]£ LAJ gr * Gy C. G. H. Sks.l
8348 granata Haw. grained j£ iAI gr i jn au Gy C. G. H. 1735. Sks.l Di. el. la 18
A'\o\i margaritifcra y minima Dil.
8349 brevia Haw. short pearl £ iAJ gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1810 Sk s.l Bot mag. 1360
Aloe margaritifcra y minima //. M.
8350 minor Haw. lebser ;;rtir/ £ |AI gr 1 Gy C. G. H. Sks.l Bot mag. 815
8351 inargaritifera // K. pearl-bearing £ 1 my.s Gy C. G. H. 1739. Sks.l Brad. sue. & 21
8352 Hawortlui Hnrt. Haworth's ^ 1 au Gy C. O. H. 1801. Sks.l
8353 sciniglubrMa //aw. hall'.sinoothcd £ LAJgr \ Gy C\ O. H. 1811. Sks.1
8354 radula Haw. 1805. Sk s.l Jac. sc. 35
c. a. H. 1825.
1 UeVior Haw. smoother £ iAJ gr 1 au Sks.1
2 pluripcrlnta many-pearled tf lAlirr 1 au Gy C. G. II. 1820. Sks.1
3 asptrior Haw. rougher £ LAJ gr 1 au C. G. H. 182'). Sks.1
8355 attenuata //*w. attenuatcd-f*ar/£ LAJ gr 1 C. G. H. 1790. Sks.1
ii'loc radula if. Af. C. G. H. Bot mag. 1345
8356 Rcinwartf Salm Rcinwart's pearl£ LAJ gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l
8357scmimargaritffera//aw. semi-pcarl-bg £ iAI gr 1 mr.s C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
2 major //aw. larger £ iAJ gr 1 mr.s C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
3 minor Haw. smaller £ IAJ gr 1 mr.s C G. H. 1819. rik s.l
4 multipcrlata //aw. many-pearled £ LAJ gr 1 mr.s C G. H. 1819. Sks.l
83.08 coarctata Haw. compressed £ LAJ gr 4au C G. H. 1821. Sks.l
&359 albicans Haw. white-rr/^crf £ iAJ gr 1 Jl C G. H. 17i)5. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 1452
8360 la-^vis //aw. smooth whde-edxvd £ LAJ gr ^ au C. G. H. 1820. Ski.1 Com. h. % 2
8361 ramifcra Haw. branch-bearing £ iAI gr 1 C. G. H. 1821. Sks.1
8362 virescens Haw.
2 minor
£ LAJ gr
£ iAJ gr
1 au.s
ft au.s Sy C. G. H.
C. G. H.
8363 ararhnoldcs Haw. cobweb-like £ lAJgr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1727. Lss.1 Bot. mag. 756
2 minor Haw. smaller colnveb £ *" | au.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
8364 transitions H. K. transparent £ LAJ gr $ uy
C. G. H. 1795. La s.l Bot mag. 1417
8365 setata Haw. bfvsMis-leavcd £ LAJ gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.1
2 nfgricans Haw. blackish £ LAI gr 1 Gy C. G. H. ISM. Sks.1
3 media//aw. mediate 1 Gy C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
4 major Haw.
8366 pall ida //aw.
£ LAJgr
£ lAJgr
ft Jn.jl SS yy C. G. H.
C G. H. 1820.
Sk s.l
8367 atroylrens //aw. dark-green £ lAJgr 1 my Gy C G. H. 182a Sks.1 Bot mag. 1361
A'lo'6 arachnoldcs pumila B M.
83fi8 pumila //aw. dwarf cobweb £ LAJgr 1 my Gy C. G. H. 1752. Sks.1
83G9 fhloracaiitha //aw. gretn-ppined If LAJgr I au Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
8370 angublif'jlia //»w. narrow-leaved £ lAlgr ft jn Gy C. G. H. 18£4. Sks.1
8371 reticulata Haw. netted JgiAJgr 4 Gy C. G. H. 1794. Skfl.l Bot mag. tf!4
8372 cymbiformis Haw. boat-formed £ LAlgr f Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1 Hot. mug. bl/3
concava Haw.
8873 altilineti Haw.
8374 obtiisa //aw.
small blunt
£ LAJgr
ft jn gy C G. H.
C G. H.
Sk s.l
8375 planifiMia Haw. flat-leaved £ lAJgr Gy C G. H. 1824. Sk s.l
8376 mucronata //aw. vnenibr. pointed £ LAJ gr C G. H. 1820. Sks.1
8377 limpida Haw. limpid £ LAJgr }au C (J. H. 1K19. irk 8.1
8378 aristata Haw. awned £ lAlgr
1 jl
C. G. H. 1S20. Sks.1
8379 cuspidata //aw. cuspidate £ iAJ gr Gy C. I*. H. 1819. Sks.l
8380 denticulate Haw. denticulate ^ lAJgr \ au C. G. H. 1819. Sks.1
| au Gy
1015. A'PICRA W. APICRA. (Apikros, not bitter; unlike bitter aloes.) Hemerocall'dc*. \ 1-
83S1 spirMis Haw. gn-a/ spiral n.\ . |I gr
M u* 1 au.s
an a Gy
Civ C.n G.
n UH. iWnA
1790. SkB.l
Cl. ^ I
8382 spirclla Haw. small spiral n. \ | gr 1J au Gy C. G. H. 1808. Sks.1'
838<j bullulita Jac. little-blistered tL | |gr 1| myjn Gy C. G. H. Sk 8.1
8384 iicntagtNiia Haw. five-angled «. i_J gr 1| jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 17.Vl. S k s l Bot. mag. 1333
"2 tnrta twisted tL | f gr 1 jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1800. Sksl
8385 rig\tla IF. rigid «. [_J gr £ Gy C. G. H. 1820, Sks.l
pseudo-rigida Sa/m
8386 aj.pcra Haw. rough tL |_J gr jn Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1
8S87 asj>erula //aw. pale roughish tL i_J gr# jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l
8.1S8 bicarinata Haju. double-keeled tt-i tcr 1 jn C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
83K9 tAgra Haw.
831)0 imbricata Haw.
tL\ | gr
tL\ I gr Sy
C. G. H. 1823. Sks.1
C. G. H. 1731. Sks.1 Bot. mag. 14A5
8391 foholbsa Haw. small-leafy a. I |gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.1 Bot.mag. 1352
* 1016. J.I'LIUMZ. LILY. * (Lit whiteness. Celt.: flowers.) Tulipuccte. 2 6 . - 2 8 .
8392 candid urn L. white " A or 3 Jn.jl W Levant 1556. O r.m Bot mag. 278
2 btriatum striated-./7tv<f j ^ or 4 jn.jl W ... O r.m
3 fcpicatum spiked tf ^ or 4 jnjl W ... O r.m
4 vanegJltum variegated tf A or 4 jnjl w ... O r.m
H.W3japonicum Thun. Japan tf A or w China 1804. O r.m Bot. mag. 1591
83!)4 longiflbrum Thun. long-flowered tf A or 2 myjn w China 1820. O r.m Bot reg. 560
8.3' ?"» nepalense Wai. Nepal tf A or 3 jnjl w Nepal 1825. O p.l
fcJl/G carolimanum Mr. Carolina tf A or 2 jLa'u o N. Amer. 1819. O r.m Bot reg. 580
autumnMe 7-orfL
8C97 bulbifcrum L. com. oranqe, orbulb-bgtf A or 3 jnjl o Italy 1596. O p.l Bot. mag. 36
2 umbclfttum umhc\-jtwd orange tf A or 3 jnjl o Italy 1596. O p.l Bot mag. 1018
838 latifulium ZA:. broad-lvd-6ii/6i/. tf A or 2 jnjl o Europe 1820. O r.m
8.'J99 lancifMium Thun. lance-leaved tf A or 4 o Japan 18'JO. O r.m
8100 spectabile Fis. showy tf A or 2 jnjl L.0 Dauria 1754. O p.l Bot mag. 872
pennsylvanicum B.M. daCiricum Ker
8401 roncolor Sal. self-colored tf A or 2 jl R China 1806. O p.l Bot mag. 1165
8402 Catesbatt Cur. Catesby's tf A or 1 S Carolina 1787. O p.l Bot. mag. 259
8403 philadelphicum L. Philadelphian tf A or 5 S N. Amer. 1757. O r.l Bot. mag. 519
SW4 amrtnum M*. Andes tf A or 4 S N. Ainer. 1819. O r.l Bot. reg. 594
8405 cuiiuilcnse L. Canadian tf A or 4 L.0 N. Amer. 1629. O p.l Bot. mag. 800
2 riorum rciUjtawcrcd tf A or 4 O N. Amer. ir>2!>. O p.l I!ot. mag. 858
8406 pcndulifluru'm Red. pendulous-flwd tf A or 1 jnjl N. Amer. 1820. O r.m Itcd. lil. 105
8407 supcrbum Lam. biipcrb tf A or 6 N. Amer. 1727. O p.l Bot. inag. 936
8408 Murtagon L, Martngon tf A or 3 P Germany l.r>9fi. O co Bot. mag. Iii34
2 |)ubei>ccns pubescent tf A or 3 O Germany 1506. O r.m Bot. mag. 893
8409 gl.ibrum Snr. smooth tf A or 4 O O rm
8410 croccum JBernh. saffron tf A or 3 Y 1596. O co
8411 chalccdumcum L. Chalcedonian tf A or 4 S Levant 1596. O p p.l Bot. mag. 30
8(12 pyrenaicum Gou. Pyrcnean tf A or 2 l D . 0 Pyrenees 1596. O O p.ll Red lil. 145
8-11.) Pomphnium L. Scarlet Pom ponetftfA A or 2 myjn R Siberia 1629. O r.l Hot mag. 971
8414 monadllphum Bleb, monadclphous tf A or 2 jnjl Y Caucasus 1600. O r.l Bot m;ig. 1405
15 tigrinum Ker tiger-spotted tf A or 6 jl.s O China 1804. O r.l Bot. mag. 1237
8410 pumilum Bed. dwarf tf A or 1 jn S Dauria 1816. O r.l Bot reg. 132
tf A or 2 jnjl Caucasus 1820. O p.l
8417 tcnuifblium Bieb. fine-leaved s
(T/toulybfln, its Persian name.) Tulipacear. 16. —17.
1 Y England ch.pit O s.l Eng. bot 63
8418sylv6strisL. wild
creeping Russian^» A A or
or 1 Y Russia 1819. O ~ r.m
8419 repens Fis. creeping
-• • F tf A or 2 apmy St O s.l Sw. fl. gar. 186
84(J0 tfircica Both tf A or l i j n j l Y Levant O r.m Bot. mag. 71
84*1 Cehidna Schr. Ccls's tf A or 2 my St Levant 1816. O r.m Bot reg. 127
8422 cornbta Bed. horned
acuminata Vahl tf A or 1 Y Altai ... O r.m
8423 altaica Pall. Altaian
two-flowered tf A or , ap Y Russia 1806. O r.m B o t reg. 535
8424 bifldra Pall. tf A or l" S Russia 1817. O r.m
8*25 tricolor Fis. three-colored tf A or 1 ap R . D Italy 1816. O s.l Bot. reg. 204
8126 Auulus sMis St. Am. sun's-eyc tf A or 2 St Levant 1577. O r.m B o t mag. 1135
**W7 Gesnc»V/na L. Gesncr's
party-colored tf A or 1| Va Levant lf>03. O r.m
2 vcrsicolor tf A or
3 plena double 1 Va Levant 160.'). O r.m
4 laciniata cut-sepaled tf A or 2 Va Levant lfiOJ. O r.m
_ 5lutea yellow tf A or 11 Y Levant 1603. O r.m
"428 montana B. R. mountain tf A or 1 jl S Persia 1826. O r.m Bot. reg. 1106
J4VJ sujvcolens Roth sweet-scented tf A or } mr.ap 11.v S. Europe 1M)3. O r.m Bot. mag. 8J9
2*J0 pne cox Ten. eax\y.flovoering tf A or 1 ap my S Italy 1825. O r.m Sw. fl. gar. 157
JU3L puhescens W. pubescent tf A or 1 R ISL'4. O r.m Sw. fl.gar.78
JJ.32 Cliisu:;/rt Red. CIUSIUH'S tf A or 1 jn W.p Sicily 1636. O r.m Bot. mag. 1390
84.J3 btellata B. M. starred tf Al or 2} mr.ap \V Kumana 1827. O rm Bot. mag. 2762
* 1018. F K I T I L L A ^ R I A L. FHITILLART. {Fritillus, en: a chess-board ; checkered sepals.) Tulipdcea. 21.—24.
*34 imperialis L. Crown Imperial tf A or 4 mr.ap D.Y Persia 1596. O co
1 ratora red-Jiowered tf A or 4 mr.ap R Persia 1596. O co Bot mag, 194
„ 2 flkva yeWovf-Jlowered tf A ° r 4 mr.ap Y Persia 1596. O co Bot. mag. 1215
84.35 nersica L. 1$ Br Persia 1596. O co Bot mag. 1537
. 2 minima Swert. Persian tf tf A
A or
or | a p . my Br Persia 1596. O co Bot mag. 962
J«6 Obliqua B. M. least Persian tftf AA or 1 ap Br.P Caucasus ... O co Bot mag. 857
2+-'*" tultpiflAin Bieb. obliquc-toivn/ tf A or 1 my Br.P Crimea 1822. O cq
8} « vcrtinirita W. Tulip-leaved tf A or 1 ap" P Crimea '1823. O co
5*3S» ruthcnica Wik. whorlcd tf A or I my P Caucasus 1826. O l.p
**»0 pyrcnaica L. Russian tf A or II myjn D.P 1605. O co Bot mag. 953
**1 n^gra B. M. black tf A or 1 my Y.p Pyrenees 1596. O co Bot mag. 664
Dlfrt I>yrenaica J?.3/.
H2 \v. en. nervcd-leavcd tf A or 1J my D.P Caucasus 1826. O co Bot. mag. 853
minor B. M.
yoMow-flowered tf A or 1 Y Caucasus 1812. O co Bot mag. 1538
1 myjn Br.P Italy 1825. O co
Lusitanian tf A or 1 myjn Br.P Spain 18'J5. O co
H.L.T ,v - » broad-leaved tf A or 1 R Caucasus
'" 1604. O co Bot. mag. 1207
«J}7 meleagris L. guinea-fowl tf A or 1 mrmy P Britain moi. p. O co Eng. bot 623
°**a prro cox .Sw«. early white tf A or 1 W Europe O co
g^ meleaRri« 3 alba Hort. fi pne<cox Pers.
?jW nvclcagcoUles Fis. Melcagris-liko tf A or apmy P Siberia 1824. O l.p
*»0 tenella Bieb. slender tf A or my P Caucasus 18S6. O l.p Bot. mag 1916
o, racemusa a. m\nor B. M. W Siberia 1822. O
>ull 'eucantha Us. white-flwd. Russian tf A or l.p \V N. Amer. O l.p
£ir? ? l b a iVu '- white American tf A or
"*JJ lanceoCita Ph. spear-leaved tf A or
f my D.P Karaschatl759. O co Lin. tr. 10.11
84JU f' l |i Un » kamschatc6nsc L. 1 apmy p y 0 ,p Pn am ,
° * * pudica Spr. chaste tf A «r

1019. CHARLWOOT>/i4 Swt. CHAHLWOODIA. (G.C/iarlzoood, F.L.S.,an enthusiastic Eng.lmt.) Asphodtlea. 4.

8455 conglsta Swt. crowded CDor mr P.B N. Holl. Sw. au 18
8456 stricta Swt. upright mr B N. Zeal. am. Bot.rcg.y56
Draca?*na strtcta B. M 1820.
8457 indivisa G. Don undivided I d or 10 N. Zeal. C p.l
l)racu.'\ia indivisa Font.
8458 australis G. Don southern 10 — B.w N. Zeal. 1823. C p.l
Dracaena australis Forst.
•1020 DRAC£ N NA L. DRACJENA. (Drufczina, she-dragon; juice like dragon's blood.) Asphode/ear. 18.—20.
845<J DT\CO /,. Dragon, or common f • or 10 ... W E. Indies 1640. C p.l Black. 538
8460cnsiftliaJfcur. sword-leaved i Q o r 4 ... W __. 1800. C p.l arborea Lk. tree S. Leone 1800. C p.l
84*8 frfigrans Ker sweet-scented Africa 1768. R p.l B o t mag. 1081
816J tessellata W. Madagasc.1816. C l
inarginata Lam. tessellated
8464 ccrnua Jac. drooping 10 my W Mauritius ... C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 96
846.1 rcflexa Lam. reficxed-lcaved 4 myjl W Madagasc.1819. C p.l
84f>6 fcrrca /<• „ iron 8 mr.ap W China 1771. 11 p.l B o t mag. 2053
84*i7 tcrininiilis Jac. terminal 10 jnjl W E Indies 1820. C p.l Jac. ic. 2. 448
84ri8 purpurea Lo. C. l>ur\>lc-leaved 15 jn.jl W E. Indies 1820. C p.l
8469 umbrarulifera Jo*, umbrella-bearing 10 ... W Mauritius 1788. C p.l Bot cab. 289
8470 ovata B. M. ovate 2 W S. Leone R p.l B o t mag. 1180
8471 intcrrupta Haw. interrupted 2 jnjl w S. Leone 1798. C p.l
8472 leoiiciteis Lo. C. Sierra Leone 3 jnjl w & Leone 1824. C p.l
847:3 notlosa Lo. C. knotted w 182a C p.l
8474(.triataLo. C. striated 4 W C. G. H. 1K20. C p.l
8475 mauritiana Lam. Mauritian 4 W Mauritius 1825. C p.l
8476 undulata L. waved 6 ... W C. G . H . 1816. R p.l
8477 nutans Cun. nodding 4 B N. Holl. 18^0. C p.l
1021. PHYLLOXMA Haw. PIIYLLOMA. (Phi/lion, leaf, loma. fringe; cld-toothcd edges.) AsphodcUce. 4.
8478 nlotflorum Haw. Aloe-flowered f • or 10 ap O Bourbon 1766. R p.l Bot. mag. 1585
Dracaena marginata //. K. Lomatophyllum borb6nicum W.
8479 Jacquini G. Don Jacquin's • i_J or 4 jn O Sk p.l
jj'loe hexaiHJtala Sal. lomatophyllum Jacquini Spr.
8480 rufoclnctum AW. rufous-edged • i_J or 3 jn O E. Indies 1818. Sks.l
A'loil rufocincta Haw.
8481 m\crum Lk. thin-leaved s»|_Jor 3 jn O Mauritius 1817. Sks.1
' A'loc macra Haw.
1022. A L E n t l S L . ALETRIS. (Aleton, meal: covered with powder) 2
Hemerocallidea. 2.
8482 farinosa L. mealy A or i jn W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p Bot mag. 1418
filba Mx.
8483 afirca Mx. ik A or . J Y N. Amer. 1811. R s.p W. h. b. 8
102.3. TRI'TOMA Ker TRITOMA. (Treis, three, temno, to cut; angles of leaves.) Hemerocallidete. S.
8484 Uvaria Ker Uvaria * JVJ or 2 au.s O C. G. H. 1707. R p.l Bot. inag. 758
848.) media Ker mealy intermediate £ _£J or 2 year O C. G. H. 1789. R p.l Bot. mag. 744
8486 piimila Ker dwarf j£ _AJ or 1 s n O C. G. H. 1774. R p.l Bot. mag. 764
1024. VELTHEl'M/il Gled. VELTIIEIMIA. (F. A. de Veltheim.a. German botanist) Hemcrocalllde*. 3 . - 4 .
8487 viridifMia Jac. green-leaved tf LAJ or 2 ap.n F.w C. G. H. I7<i8. O r m Bot mag. 501
- - Hort.
8488 intermedia -- - intermediate tf iAl or 1* ap F.w C. O. H. 1800. O " r.m
8469 glaCica Jac. glaucous tf lAJ or 2 j&ap F.o C. G. H. 1781. O r.m Bot mag. 1091
1025. SANSEVIENJU Thun. SANBBVIERA. (Sunsevter, a Swedish botanist) Ilemerocallidca. 14.
8490 glauca Haw. glaucous j£ ~El~ cu 2 ... W.o Sks.l
84l)l stenoph? ila Lk. narrow-leaved j£ El cu 3 1818. Sks.l
8492 polyphylla Haw. many-leaved jg E3 cu 2 ... W.o Sks.l
8493 gumeeiisis IV. Guinea ]£ E ) cu 2 jn.n j G Guinea 1600. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1180
8494 longiflora Sims long-flowered jg J2J or 2 jl W Africa 1824. Sk co Bot mag. 2634
8495 he'te v'irens Haw. lively-green £ E3 cu 2 W.o Sks.p
8496 fulvoclncta Haw. fulvous-edged H E3 cu 1 ... ... Brazil 1820. Sks.p
8497 spicata Haw. spiked j£ Efl cu 2 W.o E. Indies 1790. Sks.p Cav. ic. 3. 246
8498 zeylanica IV. Ceylon £ ES cu 2 jn.n W.o Ceylon 1731. Sks.p Bot. rcg. 160
8499 ensifolia How. sword-leaved £ Efl cu 1 ... E. Indies Sks.p
8500 lanugmosa W. woolly j£ E l cu 2 E. Indies Sks.p R.maLll.42
8501 grandictispis Haw. large-pointed
„ » £ C3 cu 3 W.o Sks.p
8502 pumila Haw. dwarf j£
j£ E Ell cu
cu 1 W.o C G . H. 1796. Sks.p
8503 cJirnca Andr. fLcah-colored
QcBh-colored j£ A
j£ A or | mr jn For China 1792. Skl.p Bot. rep. 361
sessihflora B. M.
1026. T U L B A % G H / J 4 L. TULBA«HIA. (Tulbagh, a Dutch governor at the C. G. H.) Hemerocallideee. 3.
8504 alliacca L. . Garlic-scented tf iAJ or 1 myjl Br C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot mag. 806
850.") ainnis Lk. allied tf LAJ or 1 my.jl Br C. O. H. 1820. O r.m
8506 ccpacea L. Onion-scented tf iAl or J ap Br C O . H. 1795. O r.m
• 1027. YU'CCA L. ADAM'S NEEDLE. (Yuca, its na e in St Domingo.) Tulipaceat. 19.— 22.
8507 gloriiisa L. glorious li or 4 W.o Aiaoica 1596. Sk r.l Bot mag. 1260
8508 acuminaU Swt. acuminate-./fcud m or 6 au.8 W .,„.. 1800. Skr.l*
8509 aloiftilia L. Aloe-leaved m L-J|or 2 au.s W.o a Amer. 169fi. Skr.l Bot mag. 1700
8510 temufnlia Haw. slender-leaved m or 1 ... W.o Malta 1817. Skr.l
8511 draennis L. dragon m t-J lor 8 au.s W.o & Amer. 1732. Sk r.l Di. eL 324. 117
8512 concava Haw. hoMow-leaved £ A or lftau W.o ...... 1816. Skr.l
8513 o\)Uqua Haw. - obWquc-leaved A or 4 ... W.o 1808. Skr.l
2 major T larger A or 4 ... W.o ...... 1808. Skr.l
8514 flaccida Haw. flaccid A or 2 ... W.o 1816. Skr.l
8515 fierrulkta Haw. scvrulatc-edged m L J |or 10 ... W.o Carolina 1808. Skr.l
8516 recurva Sal. recurvc-Jeaved m or 3 au W.o Georgia 1794. Skr.l Par.Ion.31
8517 superba Haw. superb m L J lor 10 au W.o ... Sk r.l Bot. rep. 473
8518 glaucescens Haw. jlauccscent * or 2 W.o N. Amer. 1819. Skr.l Sw. 11. gar. 53
8519 filamcntosa L. thready A or 2 S.0 Wo Virginia 1675. Skr.l Bot mag. 900
8520 riifo-cfncta Haw. rufous-edged A or JiJl W.o 1816. Skr.m _-
8521 stricta Ker upright or 1 jl W.o Carolina 1817. Skr.m Bot mag. 22»
8522 conspicua Sal. W.o 1818. S k r . m
8523 angustifulia Nui.
narrow-leaved m.
a LJ lor 3 ...
or 2 W.o Missouri 1811. Skr.l B o t . m a g . & &

8524 crenulata Haw. crenulate m or 2 W.o ...... 1818. Sks.L

8525 arcuata Haw. bowed m or 1 W.o ...... 1817. Sks.1
* 1028. ERYTHRO S.—4.
«526 Dens c^nis L.
2 albiflbrura
3 minus
8527 lanceol.Uum Ph. 1113
*,-«- «n»erieanum Ker
8o28 allndum Nut. whitish A or W Louisiana 1824. O p.l

• 1030. ZIGADITNUS Mx. ZIOADENUS. (Zygos, a yoke; aden, gland; two in sepals.) Melanthhceet. 2.
8533, glaMrriinus Mx. smoothest j£ A or 1 myjn Crea N. Amcr. 1811. D s.p Bot. mag. 16S0
Holonias gluberrima B. M.
8J34 bracte&us Swt. bractcd £ A or 1} my.jn Crca N. Amer. 1811. D s.p Bot mag. 1703
Helbnias bracteata B. M.
1031. BULBOCO\DIUM L. BULBOCODIUM. (Bolbos, bulb, kodion. wool j envelope of bulb.) Melanthhcc*. S.
8535 vcmum L. spring tf A or \ D.P Spain 1629. O s.p Bot mag. 153
8536 vcrsicolor Spr. party-colored tf A or | au P Crimea 1820. O p.l Bot rcg. 571
(Klchicum vcrsicolor B. 11.
1032. UVULA N RIA L. UVULARIA. (Formerly used in diseases of the uvula.) Melanthhoeee. 6.
8537 perfoliata Z. perfoliatc my.jn Pa.Y N. Amcr. 1710. Skp.l Ex. bot. 1.49
8538 flava Sm. yellow * myjn Y N. Amcr. 1810. "" " Ex. bot. 1.50
85.J9 lanceoluta H. K, 1 Y N. Amcr. 1710. Skp.l Cor. ca. 41
8540 gramiiflbra Sm. large-flowered 1 myjn P .X Amer. 1802. Skp.l Ex. bot. 1.51
8>>4l sesbilifbha L. sessile-leaved 4jn L.Y N. Aincr. 1790. S k p l Ex. bot. 1. 52
8542 puberula Mx. downy ^ myjn Y N. Amcr. 1824. Skp.l

1033. DPSPORUM Sal. DISPORUM. (2>», twice, poros, a pore.) MelantMce*. 2. —3.
8J43 parviflbrum D. Don smalUfluwcrcd ^ LAJ or 3 jLau Y Nopal 1820. Skp.l
8-J44 fulvum Sal. tavrny-Jtowered 3 iAI cr l^s.n Br China 1801. Skp.l Bot.mag.916
Uvularia chintnsis B. R.
1034. STRE'FrOPUS Mx. STRRPTOPUS. {Streplos, twiktcd, pous, a foot; flower-stalks.) SmUheete. 5.
2>l!> amplexifolius Red. stem-clasping my W HuiiRary 1752. S k i t s Red.lil.259
*>46 distnrtus Mx. distorted my Y N. Amcr. 175a. Sk Its
W rbseus Mx. rosy 1* jnjl Pk N. Amer. 1806. Sk Its Bot. mag. 1489
° lanuginofius Mx. woolly Y.G N. Amcr. 1812. Sk It s Bot. mag. 1490
> simplex 2). Don simple jnjl ... Nepal 1822. S k i t s
«85 1035. BURCHA'RD/i* R. Br. BURCHARDIA. {Henry Burchard9M.D., a bot. author.) Melanthdccec. I.
50 umbellaU B. Br. umbellate £ IAJ or 2 jn jl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.p
B J038L SCHELHA'MMER-4 R. Br. SCIIEI.HAMMERA. (C. C. Schelhammer, prof, at Jena.) MelaiUhucca. S.
5-^i multifiura 11. Br. many-flowered ^ iAJ or 1} N. Holl. 1824. D s.p
**& undul.ita R. Rr. undulate £ iAJ or £ jn P N. Holl. lti&i. D s.p Bot. mag. 2712
RIPO'GONUM Forst. RIPOGONUM. (Ripos, a flexile twig, gonos, a shoot.) Smil&cea. 2.
irviflbrum R. Br. small-flowered fl_ iAJ or 2 jnjl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.p
im 11. Br. white A. iA] or 3 jnjl Vf N. Holl. 1820. D s.p
CONVALLA'RIA L. LILY OF THE VALLEY. (Convallis, a valley; habitation.) Smilhcete. 1.
55majalisZ. Ma]
May ^ A or i myjn W Britain woods. R s.l Eng. bot. 1035
2 ritbra red-flowered & A or | myjn F Britain gard. R s.l
3 flore plcno double 5 A or £ my.jn W lintain gard. R 8.1
..„. SMILACINA. (Dimin. ofsmilax; similar roughness.) Smtlhcea. 6.
nbellata De umbrllato • A or & myjn VV N. Amer. 1778. R 8.1 Bot mag. 1155
norealis Detf. northern ] A or 1 my.jn Y N. Amcr. 1878. R s.l Bot mag. 1403
birCilia Desf. two-leaved • A or i myjn W N. Europe 1596. R s.l Bot mag. 510
rifMia Dcsf. three-leaved ~< A or \V N. Amcr. 1812. R s.l Cm. si. 1.6
canadAiMB Ph. Canadian ] A or I jn.jl W N. Amer. 1812. R s.l
stcllata Desf. starred " A or i myjn W N. Amer. 1633. R s.l Bot mag. 10*3
racemose-/ftiKi - A or 1 my.jn Pa.Y N Amer. 1/540. R 8.1 Bot. mag. 899
tajyc^., ciliated ^ A or i myjn W N. Amcr. 1823. R p.l
ramosa G.Don branchy ] A I>r 2 my.jn Pa.Y Siberia 182a R co
85M 4 ?' f 9 HltG 0m 'DeN A T U M Deltf- SOLOMON'S SEAL. (Polys, many, gonu, a knee; stem.) Smitdccar. 12.—14.
i S ? i!; H & wbovUeaved ^ A or 1 myjn W Scotland woods. R s.l Eng. bot 1035
vcrticillata L.
X m D. Don opposite-lvd ^ W Nepal 1822. R 8.1 Hook. ex. fl. 125
L D. Don finc-leaved «fr lAlor jnjl \VNepal 1816. R s.l
narrow-leaved % A or my.jn w N. Amcr. 1824. R s.l
HyjnIIirium /-"s. hairy * myjn w N. Amcr. 181!). R si
"- 1">'» -PA. channelled w N. Amer. 1812. R
/. common 2 myjn "W.a England moun. R s.l Eng. bot 280
• Polygonatum L.
. , • Thomas bractcd j
• W Switzerl. 1827. R co
[ pubcMrciu Ph. pubescent my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. 11 s.l W. h. b. 45
! jnultirtorum Dcif. many.flowcred my.jn W Britain woods. II a. I Eng. bot. 279
I latifMium Dcsf.
broad-leaved myjn W Germany 1802. R e.l Jac. au. 3. 232
jnacrophf Hum Swt. long-leaved my.jn W N. Araer. 1800. R s.l
85^ Utiruhum Ph. not of others
Polya'nthcinum Bub. many-flowered ^ A or 1 myjn W Caucasus 1826. R s.l
357B 41 - 9 p HIOPO N GON Ker SNAKE'S BEAHD. (Ophis, a snake, pogon, a beard.) Smilucea S
spiked £ _AJ cti 1 au.s V China 1820. D s p.l Bot. reg 593

1042. EITCOMIS Herit. Encovia (Eukomes, beautiful-haired; tufted crown of fl. spike) Asphodclete. 7.
m Ji c G
8680 nana H. K. dwarf jp iAI <w f fmy y Br C. G. H 1774
1774. O r.m Bot mag. 14t!5
8581 pp iAJ o r
purpurcocafilis Dry. purple-stalked £ i A 2 mr.ap G.n C\ G H. 1794. O r.m Bot. rep. 569
8582 hitoha
h t h JJac. two-leaved
t l d iAJ
^ AJ or or L.G C. G. H. 1792. O r.m Bot. mag. 840
858.3 rigiai/.JT. royal J 2 mr.ap G C. G. H. 1702. O r.m Di. el 92.109
ftiBI uiululata H. K. Vfavcd-lcaved •Alor 2 mr.ap G C. G. H. 1760. O r.m Hot. mag 1083
&;85 punctate /ferrf. ({(Kitted iAlor 2 jl G.B C. G. H. 178a O r.m Bot mag. 913
8586 stnata H. K. striated lAlor 2 year G C. G. H. 1790. O r.m Bot mag. 1539
1043. PELIOSA'NTHES Andr. PELIOSANTHES. (Pcltos, livid, anthos. flower.) Melanthhcecc. 2.
&087 humihs Andr. dwarf j£ (2S cu \ my.jn G E. Indies 1809. D r.l Bot. mag. 1532
8588 Tcta B. M. Teta £ E5J" cu \ ap B.G E. Indies 1807. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1302
w APHYLLA'NTHES L. LILY PINK. (Aphyllos, leafless, anthos, flower.) Asphodele*. 1.
8589 monspeliensJB L. Montpclicr ]£ .AJ pr 1 jnjl R France 1791. R s.p Bot. mag. 1132
1045. SOWERBvEM Sm. SOWERDAA. (James Sowerby, F.L.S. H.S., an emin. bot. artist.) Asphodelea. 1
8590Juncea Sm. Rush.leaveU j£ IAI l>r 1 myjl Pk N. S. W. 1792. R s.p Bot. mag. 1104
* 1046. /TLLIUM L. GARLIC. (iflf, hot, C« I.) Asphodtlece. 150.
8591 satlvum L. cultivated tf A c u l *i Jn jl W Sicily 1548. O r.m M. h. 4.15.9
8592 OphiosrorodonCDon Gar. Rocambole tf A clt 4 au.s Pa.R Greece ... O r.m M. h. 2.15.10
£corod6prasum fi L.
8593 controye'rsuin Schr. contrary-strnd A pr 1 Jnjl P 1816. O co
8594 aren\riuin L. sand A pr jn P Britain moi r
w. O co Eng. bot 1358
8595 ScoroilopraHiim L. Rocambole A cul il L.P Denmark l. >9fi. O co
8590 littoreum Bert. sea-Hide A cu P Italy 1818. O co
8597 vine.ile L. vine A pr P Britain mea. O co Eng. bot 1974
8598 confertum Pcrs. crowded A cu P Europe O co M.h.2.15.3
campestre Schl.
8599 Pftnhfl G. Don Pursh's tf A or 2 au Pk.P N. Amer. 1818. O co
vineale Ph.
8600 prolifcrum Schr. proliferous tf A cu 3 jl.o 1820. O co Bot. mag. 1469
8U01 t'tpa L. common Onion tf Q> cul 3 jnjl ... S r.m
2 aggregatum G.Don aggregated tf A cul 1 jnjl ... () co
3 paucitluruin Ttev. few-flowered tf A cu 2 jnjl — O co
8602 Pi'jTrum L. 'Ix?ck' tf Q) cul 2 a p. my Switzerl. 1562. S_ r.m ... Black. 421
860J i4mpel6prasum L. Vine Leek A cu 2 England sun.hi. O co Eng. bot 1657
HUH rotundum L. round A pr 14 jl S. Europe 1820. O co
8C05 HfiUcri (x. Don Haller's A pr 2 Pa.R S. Europe 1818. O co Fl. gr. 344
8ii<HJ rubicimduin Niu. reddish A pr 1 R C. G. H. 1804. O co Bot. mag. 1560
tiiUJl Waldstcini G. Don Waldestcin's A or P Hungary 1826. O co W . & K . 8 2
^rnpelfipr.isum W. 8f K. 2 Jnjl
8608 exitertum G. Don drawn out tf A pr 3 W Russia 18J8. ro
8fJU9 crectum G. Don upright tf -Alpr W C. G. H. 1823. co
8filO ncutiflorum Los. acute-flowered tf A pr" ij R France 1819. co
8611 Synnot/i G.Don Synnot's tf -AJpr U . Pa.R C. G. H. 1825. co
8(112 verrurobum G. Don w <\rty-scpa/ed tf -AJpr 14 Jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1821. co
HGLi multilldrum Dcrf. many-flowered tf A pr R N. Africa 18(.O. co
8<il4 desceiulens /„.
8616 pnunMuin IJc. _ frosted
d d J f „„t i t f A pr
8(il5 bpha.>r(M<eplialon L. round-headed tf A pr
tf A pr
ll D.P Switzerl. 179a
Europe 1759.
Spain 1819.
co Bot mag. 251
co Bot. mag. 1764
8*517 carneum IV. en. ilioAi-colored tf A pr jnjl Pa.P ...... 1816. co
W>18 guttMum Steu. spotted tf A pr W Odessa 1819. co
8(519 ascal6mcum L. Askalon, or Shallot tf
2 miijus
8620 Schanoprasum L.
- greater, or Scallion tf A clt
tf A cul
myjn F
S. Europe
1548. r.m M. h. 4.14. 3
co Mat. op. 420. ic.
Britain m. pas. O r.m Eng. bot 2438
tenuifulium Sal. r
8621 sibiricum W. Siberian tf A pr 1 jl-au Pa.R Siberia 1777. O co Bot. mag. 1141
g Dcsf.f ppalustrc Sal.
8622 acut urn Spr. acute tf A pr 1 Jl Pa.P 1819. O co
8623 foliosuin tied. leafy tf A pr P 1817. O co
8624 fUtulubiim L.* fistulose tf A cul lft G.Y Siberia K>29. O co B o t mag. 1230
8M5 ccpacforme G. Don Ccpa-form tf A cul 2 jl.s W ...... 1824. O co
8626 obHquum L. obWque-teaved tf A pr U j n j l W Siberia 1759. O co B o t mag. 1408
8ti27 rainosum G. Don branchy tf A or 2 jn Pa.Y Siberia 1819. O co
8628 PalKiaii Mur. Pallas's tf A pr R Russia 1819. O co Mur. 1775,3
8(i29 pUKillum Ci/r. small tf A pr W Italy 182(1 O co Ked.lil. 118
8630 rubellum Bteb. reddish tf A pr * R Caucasus 1825. O co
8b31 rcticulktum Fra. x\Q\.ro»tcd tf A pr 1 Jnjl W N. Amer. 1800. O eg B o t mag. 1840
BtclKitum /3 album B.M. angulusuraPA.
8tV>2 oxypetalmn G. Don sharp-|>etuled tf A or S au W S. Europe 1818. O co
8633 intermedium Lam. intermediate tf A or 2 au W S. Europe 1827. O co
paniculMum VU.
8634 oleraccum L. oleraccous tf A pr 1 Jl Pa<Y England corn fi. O co Eng. bot 488
viri'scens Lam.
8635 carinatum L. keeled A pr i f m y j n G.T England rocks. O co Eng. bot 1658
8636 flexum G. Don twisted A pr D.P O co
foytidum W. en.
8637 violaccum W. en. violet A pr 1 V S. Europe 1823. O co ^
8(ii8 aspcrum G. Don rough A or j P S. Europe 1800. O co Red. HI. 7. f»
8639 longfspathum Red. long-spathcd _ A pr 3 Br France 1810. O co Red. lil.3lo
8640 fuscum Kit. brown-flowered tf A pr 2 Br Hungary 1820. O co W.&K.3.**&
8641 paruculatum L. pamcled tf A pr 2 jnjl Pa S. Europe 1780. O co Bot mag. ]*£ 8
8642 pallens L. \rd)c-Jlowered tf A pr ? j j l Pa S. Europe 1779. O co Bot. mag. I* "
8643 tenuiflbrum Ten. slender-flwd tf A Pr Pk Italy " 1824. O s.p FLnap. l j )
8644 pulchcllum G Don pretty tf S Tauria 1 8 1 0 o co Red.hL5.25*
paniculMum lied.
8645 flavum L. ..' yellow A pr Jnjl Y Austria 1759. O co Bot mag.
864B cuucasicum Bieb. Caucasian A pr Jnjl Pk Caucasus ... O co Bot mag.
££Z ^V?**-™ Mb- rock A pr j R Crimea 1814. O co
8648 globosum Bieb. globose A pr 1 au.s P Caucasus 1821. O co
J ? *JJpf 6l 6u m i . Bmall-flowered A l>r 1 jnjl P S. Europe 1781. O co nift
8650 montanum Sm. mountain A pr R Greece 1818. O co Fl. gr. 319
JJwlmoschatumZ. musky A pr iau.s W.P S. Europe 1823. O co W. & K. ] . 68
8652 saxatile Bieb. rocky 5 w Crimea 1823. O co "M
8i>53 strlctum $chr. strict tf Ap Pk 1821. O co
o . . ( deflexum W.
»«>* lincare L. linear-fe«w»<{ tf A p r 1 jn.jl W.ii Siberia 1753. O co Gm. si. 1.13
of»5 nutans L nodding S A pr 1 R Siberia 1785. O co Bot. mag. 1143
***> senescens L. senescent Jjnjl W Germany 1596. O co Gm. si. 1. 11. 2
°<u7 Andersons* G. Don Anderson's tf A pr Siberia 1818. 1) co
w>>8 spunum G. Don .spurious J A l>r 11 jn.jl
jnjl P Siberia 1820. I) co
oo5<J Klciucmn Schr. glaucous tf A or * jnjl Pk Siberia 1800. D co Bot mag. 1150
e W. en. spirale IV. en. senescenstf A B. orM.
)a l b
angulbsum L
X. anguiose
i tf tf A A or
A L.P Germany 1739. O co Bot. mag. 1149
il laxum G.G Don loose tf A pr jn.jl R Siberia 1817. O co
wfS acut&ngulum
& IV. en. acute-angled
tf A pr R 1816. O co
f GJ danubillc S/>r.
S "Danube" jSiji R Germany 1818. O co
«tt4 ser6tinum
6t / latc-flowsring tf A pr au.s R Switzcrl. 1820. O co
whitish tf A pr
J*i5 iilbidum AfcA
tf A pr f Jnjl W Crimea 1K20. O co
8o6tf denudatum Dec. stripped l W.u Siberia 1819. O co Red. lil. 357
flavfocens ito. tf A Pr
8667 rikbciu Schr. red-rooted tf A pr 1 jn.jl P Germany 1S05. O co Bot. mag. 1381
bisulcum B M.
8GR8 prostratum Trev. trailing tf A p r i jn.jl R Siberia 1823. O co
wiflD congtstum G. £ » « crowded-J^wrf tf A or 1 my.jn P Siberia 1818. O co
jJM) narcissi flurum Vit. Narcissus-flwd tf 1 P France O r.m Vil. del. 2. G
™>71 pedemontAiium IK. Picdmontcsc tf 1 jlau R Piedmont 1817. O co Al. ped. US. 1
8C72 sunvt-olcna J sweet-smelling tf 1 j l W Austria 1801. O co Jac. JC. «. 364
nrnhf^iiuini hnm. /jramiiiifolium Pert. meituruin Thore
/jrammifolium Prrs.
jl Crca Hungary 181(1 O co W. & K. 186
2"73 ochrolciicuin W.SfK. ycllowibh white tf A P' 1 Jn R N. Ainer. IBOG. O co Bot. mag. J324
o e J * C c r i l l I u m ll°th drooping tf A l»r 1 J n 11 N. Ainer. 1818. O co lied lil. 100
™15 t'aroliiiMiniTn Dec. Carolina tf A Pr % J» U N. Amur. 1811. O co Bot. mag. 1570
«>7o stcllatum B. M. starred tf A pr i ap w Caucasus 1823. O co
8G77 para<16xum G. Don wonderful tf A Pr
5cllla paradtSxa Bieb. Y S. Europe 1820. O CO Red. lil. 2.99
8j>79 «c<>rz0/i<'m'fbliiim.Drt.Srorzoncra-lv(itf
miigicuin L. magic, or Homer's Moly tf AA Pr 11 jn-jl G.w Austria 15!)i>. O co Bot. mag. 1148
8680 canadensc L. Canadian M tf tf
A pr 1 \ jn.jl P N. Amer. 17:3a. O co
8681 mutabilc Mx. changeable tf A Pr R N. Amer. 1824. O co Red. lil.240
8o8i! incarnatum Horn. ticxh-co/orcd tf A l' r I Jl R Greece 1812. O co Bot. rcg. 978
rftscum £ B. It. ambfguum Sm. 1
8H83 aincc^num G. Don plousing tf A pr 1 my.jn R France It. 1821. O co Fl.nap.28
o, carncum Bert.
™w4 rtaeum L. roseate tf A l»r jn Pa.P France 1752. O co Red. lil. 4.213
2 * 3 longifulium Kth. long-leaved tf iAI °r UP Mexico 182(i. O s.l Bot. reg. 1034
JJgG illyricum Jac. Illynan tf A or jl P Austria 1820. O co Jac. ic. 2. 365
*»687 subhirsutum L. rather hairy tf A Pr my \V S. Europe 1596. O co Bot mag. 774
_ cilidtum Cyr.
a S 8 Clusiani/m Retz. Clusius's tf A pr $ W S. Europe 1803. O co Cl h. 1.192
2 * 9 Chamsmuly L. Dwarf Moly tf A Pr i.. W S. Europe 1774. O co Bot. mag. 1203
5°w brachyslemon Dec. short-stamencd tf A °r W Europe 1819. O co Red. hi. 7.374
myjl O co Fl. nap. 28
S?i "^H10 Ten
«»I*2 caspium
casmum -
Biel 5K.
tf jn
Italy 1824.
Crimea 1822. O co
Bieb. tf A l>r ap
«„,,„ Amarjrlh* caspia L.
owe Cowkni Lindl. Cowan's tf A Pr I jn W Chile 1823. O co Bot. rcg. 758
RISS nc a
. l»ol»t»num Cyr. Neapolitan tf A P' 1 Jl W Naples 1823. O co Sw. fl. gar. 201
triquetrum L. triangular-f/A'tf tf A l>r I my.jn w Spain 1759. O co Bot mag. 869
ndurmum Ten. pgfl
drooping-^2u>rf tf f ap my w Italy 1825. O co Fl. nap. 31
G.Don intermediate A °r 1 iny.jl w Hungary 1820. O co
b\ack-ovaried tf A pr w Barbary 1818. O co

<g '1 tncjccum H. K.

. dark-purple
M |
tf A pr
tf A P«f
tf l>r
MLjln W
Hungary 1821. O co
S. Europe lii()4. O co
N. Amur. 1770. O co
W. & K. 1.17
Bot mag. 499
2J« urs^mim L. bear tf A I»r W Britain woods. O co Eng. bot. 122
0703 VictonMis L. Victorialis tf A cu iny G.v Austria 1739. O co Bot mag. 1222
ftTn 2 aiigustif«Mium narraw-leaved tf A cu my G.Y Scotland 1819. O co Cl. pan. 224
°'0l odurum L. sweet-scented tf A Pr jn \V S. Europe 1820. O co Bot mag. 1142
_ tataricum L.
g705^uncifolium G. Don Rush-leaved tf A pr Jmyjn W Chile 1826*. O co
JJ/Ofi striatum Jac. striated tf A I»r 1 my.jn W Carolina 1800. O co Bot. mag. 1035.1524
°W7 striatellum Limll. small-striated tf A pr lj W.v Chile 1823. D co Bot mag. 2419
Ormthogalum gramincum B. M.
ans Vcn. fragrant tf A pr 1*8.0 W W.Indies 1822. O co
J0»7. ALBITCA L. ALBUCA. (Aldus, white: color of flowers.) Asphodi-lete. 19.
09aitUij tallest tf iAI or '4 ap.m'y — W C.G. H. 1789. O r.m Jac. ic. 1.36
? J r Dr greater tf iA) or 3 G.Y C. G. H. 1759. O r m Bot. mag 804
87 J nVmor L. smaller tf iAI or 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1768. O si Bot. mag.7d0
S 8 flaccida Jac. flaccid tf lAJor 2 my.jn Y.w C. G. H. 1791. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.144
gZ^virliflfJ G C. G. H. 179K O r.m Bot mag. 1656
.. - ry. green-flowered
compressed tf
tf iAI or 1 jn
lAlor jl
my jn Y C. G. H. 1774. O r.m
iastiKiMa Dry. peaked tf lAlor my.jn W C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot. rep. 450
« RaudHU Jac. tailed tf iAI or my.jl W C. G. H. 1791. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.442
7 illifbiia Ker throAd-leaved tf lAlor i iny.jl W C. G. H. 1820. O r.m
asetosaJac. bristly tf lAlor my.jl G C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Bot mag. 14G1
•p vittata Ker banded tf lAlor j U u Y.c C. G. H. 1802. O s.p -Hot m.ig. 1329
*> physodes B. M. flatulent tf lAlor | jnjl W C. G. H. 1804. O r.m Bot. mag. 1046
cxuviata B. M. adder's skin tf my.jl W C. G. H. 1795. O Bot. mag. 871
^ Anthdricum exuviatum Jac.
; aOrea Jac. golden tf ,Alor G.Y C. G. H. 1818. O r.m
%c. Abyssinian tf i/vtor au W Abyssinia 1818. O r.m
sweet-scented tf iAI or ju.jl Y.G C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.Uac. sc. 1.81
?>gax Ker fleeting tf lAlor myjl Y.o C.G.H. 1791. O r.m Bot. reg. 311
872f Anth^ncum fragrans Jac.
87s?7 . C O B * /*. clammy-Zt'flWfd tf iAI or 1 iny.jn W.a C.G.H. 1779. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.445
"Piftlis L. smral-leaved tf iAI or C.G.H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ic. 2.439
K 3

1048. XANTHORRH(E\A Sm. XANTHOMUKEA. (Xanthos, yellow, rheo. to flow; gum.) Atphodxlcee. 6.—/.
8728 australis R. Br. southern n. i_) or 3 W . Holl. 182*. Sk s.p
8729 humilis R. Br. dwarf £ iAI or 2 W N. Holl. 18i»5. Sk fl.p
pumilio R. ltr.
87.30 hast'ihs 7< lit. spear tt.L—|cu 4 W N. S. W. 1803. Sks.p
8731 media /£. 2fr. intermediate tt. i |or 2 W N. Holl. Ski.p
8732 minor R. Br. smaller lAJ 2 ... W N. S.W. 1804. Sks.p
873J bracteata R. Br braeted lAJcu 2 ... W N. S.W. 1810. Sks.p
1049 LAXMA'NN/i* R. Br. LAXMANNIA. (£. Laxmann, a Siberian traveller.) ' AsphodZlear. 1.— 8.
8734 gracilis ii. -Br. slender £ iAI or £ jujl P.w N. Holl. 1824. D s.p
*l(J50 THYSANO*rUS.B.2&\ THYSANOTIH. (Tbysanotos, fringed; three inner sepals.) Asphodele*. 4.—21.
8735 iilnceus A. 5f. Rush-//** tf iAI pr 4 au.s P N. S. W. 18(H. O s.p Bot reg. 656
87.J6 elatior R. Br. taller A iAI or 1 au P N. Holl. 1823. O s.p
8737 isanthcrus R. Br. cvcn-anthcrcd A LAJ pr 4 au.s P N. S. W. 1822. O s.n Bot. reg. 655
87J8 tuher&su* R. Br. tuberous A lAJ el 1 jn P N. Holl. 1825. O s.l
1051. EKIOSPE'llMUM Jac. ERIOSPERMOM. (Erion, woo], sperma, seed; envelope of seed.) Asphodllear. 8.
8739 latifohum Juc. hrond-lcavcd tf iAI cu 1 jn au L.D C. G. H. 180(). Sk s.p Jac. IC. 420
8740 Ueliendeni Suit. Bellcndcn's tf LAI or 1 L.B C. G. H. 1800. Sk s.p Bot. mag. 1002
lahfuliuin a. B. M. not Jac.
8741 nubesceiis Jac. pubescent tf LA)CU W.G C.G. H. 1820. Sks.p Bot reg. 578
8742 lauuginfisuin Jac. woolly tf IAI or 1 jl an W.o C. G. H. 1H20. Sks.p Jac. sc. 3.265
874.'3 luncctcfMiuni Jac. spear-leaved tf IAICU 1 L B c.G. H. 1795. Sk s.p Jac. ic. 2. 421
8744 parvifiMiumJirfc. buiall-lcaved tf LZ\J cu 5 D B c.G H 1796. Sk s.p Jac. ic. 2. 422
8745 foliolifcrum Ker le.iflct-bearing tf lAJ cu Y.o c.G. H. 1806. Sks.p Bot reg. 795
8746 paradox urn Jac. wonderful tf lAJor 1 C. G. H. 1825. Skip Jac. c. sup. 81.1
Ornithogalum parad6xum Jac.
* 1052. GAXGEA Sal. GAGEA. (Sir Thoma* Gage, a bot amateur.) AtpJtod&e*. 16.
8747 uniflora G. Don one-flowered tf A or 4 my.jn Y " Siberia 1781. O s.p N.c.p.18.6.3
0rnith6galum uniflorum L.
8748 stnata Swt. striated tf A or i my.jl Y Europe 1826. O si
Ornithogalum striatum W.
8749 pyginata G. Don pygmy tf A or 4 ap Y Spain 1825. O co
OrnithuKalum ]>ygmacNuin IV.
8750 bobemicH G. Don Bohemian tf A or 4 ap Y Bohemia 1825. O co Ac. boh. 2.121.10
Oriuthugaluin bohemkum Schmidt
8751 fasciculiiris Sal. hwnUc-Jlwd wtf A mr.ap^Y Britain woods. O s.p Bot. mag 1200
lutea B.M. Ornith6galum lutcumf. B.
8752 sylva'tica IV. en. wood tf A P' mr.ap Y Europe ... O s . p Us. an. 5.1.1
8753 villofca Bish. villous tf A or mr.ap Y Caucasus 1S25. O p.l
8754 stellaris Sal. ty
starry tf tf AA Ipr my Y
Ornitlii'igalum minimum R Roth, arvense Pert. Sweden 1759. O e.p Us. an. 15.1
8755 S b i H
Sternbergi/ S b '
Hoppe Stcrnbcrg's tf tf AA or \ mr.ap Y Switstfrl. 1826. O p.l
8756 bracteolaris Sal. bractcolar tf A or ft ap Y Europe 1817. O co Sw. fl. gar. 151
ihl lluteum L. not E. B.
8757 MMthacva IV. fihedthed tf A pr A my Y Germany 1759. O s.p Hay. us. 15.1
8758 thlorAntha Bieb. ycllow-flwd tf A or *ap Y Siberia 1819. O co
8759 gUtica Swt. glaucous tf A or * ap Y Switzcrl. 1825. O co Sw. fl. gar. 176
8760 pusilla Schmidt small tf A or * aP . Y Bohemia 182.3. O co
8761 circinMa //. rounded A pr A my.jn Y Siberia 1789. O s.p Pal. it. D 2
8762 ser6tina B. M. late tf A Y Wales ... O s.p
Anthericum ser6tinum E. B.
* 1053. ORKITHO'GALUM L. STABOF BETHLEHEM/ (Ornis, a bird, gala, milk.) AtphodUece. 4 8 . - 5 6 .
1821. O r.m Pal. it. 2. ap. 106
87fx3 bulbifcrum Pall.
8764 umbcllAtum L.
8765 refractum W.
bulb-bearing tf A or
tf A or
tf A or
p. —
1 apjn
J yjj w
w Russia
England mo p. O co Eng.botl30
Hungary 1820. O p.l
8766 timbriatum W.
8767 cxscapum Ten.
stem less
tf A or
tf A or
4 my.jn w
w Crimea
182<). O co Lind. col. 28
1824. O r.m Fl. nap. 34
8768 montimum Ten. mountain tf A or i my.jn w Italy 1824. O p.l
8769 comosum L. tufted tf A or w Austria O p.l Jac. ic. 2.426
tf lAJor C. G. H. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.408
8770 cntiicum Jac.
8771 nfveum Sol.
snowy tf iA|or 1 jnjl w C. G. H. 1823. 1774. O r.m Bot. reg. 235
tf lAlor Amyjn W.G C. G. H.
8772 ciliatum Thun. ciliated
tf ^ J o r } W C. G. H. 1819. O r.m
6773 crenulktum Thun. crenulated
tf A) or W C. G. H. 1816. O
A 1ny .jn w O
8774 maculktum Thun. spotted
tf LAJor * apjrf W C. G. H. I8'J3.
8775 ten6llum Jac. delicate *jn W C. G. H. J81H. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.427
8776 sccdndum Jac. side-flowering tf LAlor 4 nu W C. G. H. 1826. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.433
8777 pilosuin Thun. pilose tf lAJor 1 W C. G. H. 182ti. O r.m
8778 revolt.turn Jac. rcvolutc-JfriMf tf lAlor 1 mr.jn W 1795. O r.m Bot. mag. 653
8779 datum Andr. tall tf AJor 3 mr W Egypt 1804. O r.m Bot. rep. 523
8780 coryinbosum Fl. per. corymbose tf 14 my W Chil ule 1823. O r.m Bnt. reg. 906
8781 tcuuifolium Red. flne-lcavcd tf iAI or 1 W G. G. H. 1819. O r.m Red. lil. 312
8782 prasinum Ker green-^ouvrrrf tf lAlor j j l G C. G. H. 1816. O r m Hot. reg. 158
878*3 sauvcolens Jac. sweet-scented tf iAI <>r i jjn W C. G. H. 1826. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.431
8784 barbtoum Jac. bearded 0 iAI or my.jl
1 my.j w C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.91
8785 polyph^llum Jac. many-leaved tf iAJ ec JJl
AJiiJl w C. G. H. 1824. 1824.
O r.m Jac. ic. 2.430
878() ovatum Thun. ovate tf iAJ or 1 "my.jn W C. G. H. 1795. O r m
8787 rupestre L. rock tf iAJ or 4 W C. G. H. O r.m _
8788,;uncif61ium Jac. Rush-leaved tf .AJ or f W C. G. H. 1794. O rm Bot.mag.97*
8789 fuscatum Jac. dull tf lAlor 4 Jnjl. L.Y C. G. H. 1820. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.429
8790 odoratum Jac. sweet-scented tf lAlor U my.jn C. G. H. 1795. O r.m Bot. rep. 260
8791 nyramidale L. pyramidal tf A or 2 jn.jl w Spain 1752. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.425
8792 lougibracteatum Jac. long-bracted tf lAlor 4 my w C. G. H. 1817. O r m Jac. sc. 1.29
1795. O r.m Jac. sc. 1.888
8793 scilloides Jac.
• Squill-like tf lAlor w C. G. H. 1629.
8794 latifohum L. broad-leaved tf Alor 1: jnjl w
U Egypt O r.m Bot. mag. 878
87!W narbon^usc L. Narbonnc tf A or w S. Europe 1810. O co Bot. mag. «5W
pyrenaicum I*. Pyrcnean tf A or 2 jn.jl G England pas. O co
K7 7 «tach>oides H. K. Stachys-like tf A or 24 S. Europe 1771. O co Ren. spec. £l
H798 Iacteum Jac. milk-white tf iAI or 1 jn.jl W C G . H . 1796. () r.m Bot mag. llj|*
8799 caudatum 11. K. caudate tf iAJ or 3 W.o C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot. mag.8|W
ffl/0 nutans L. nodding A or 4 jn.jl W Britain O ro 1POT
8801 conrctatum Jac. compressed-,/fuvf tf LAI or 14 Injl W.o C. « . H 1804. O r.m Jar. ic. 43a
8802 atireum Cur. golden tf lAJor f jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1790. O r.m Bot mag. 190
880:3 flavissimum Jac. yellowest tf iAJ or 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1804-. O r.m Jac. ic. 436
8801 thyrsoulcs Jac. thyrsc-like tf lAlor liJnJI W C. G. H. 1757. O r.m Rot. mag. 1164
2 flavcscens fluvcsccnt tf _Ajor 14" "jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1800. O r.m Bot. reg. 305
880: } arabicum L. Arabian tf _AJor li mr.ap W Esypt 1(529, O r.m Bot mag. 7&8
8806 ixioidea //. K. Ixia-like tf _AJor i my.jn W California 179(5. O s.p
88(J7 hispidum Horn. hispid tf iAJ or C. G. H. 1824. O r.m
8808 virens Ltmil. greenish tf lAlor * 0 !•
jnjl G
Del. Bay 182.3. O co Bot. rcg. 814
8809 umfolium B M. onc-lcavcd tf lAI or jn.jl W GibralUr 1805. O r.m HoL.mag.9J5 953
8810 .Squilld B. M. qfflcinal Squill tf .Alor W S. Europe 1829. O r.m Bot. mag. 918
Scilla maritima L.
•1054. SCI'LLA L. SQUILL. (Skyllo, to injure; roots poisonous.) Asphodtlae. 22. — 32.
8811 italica L. Italian tf A or |apjl B Switzerl. 1H05. O pi Bot. mag. 663
8812 peruviana I.. Peruvian tf A or my D.B Spain 1607. O r.m Bot. mag. 749
o 2 alba white tf A or my \V S. Europe 1607. O co
8813 lusitanica L. Lusitanian tf L.B Portugal 1777. O P.l Bot mag 1999
8814 Lilio-J/yacinthu* L. Lily-Hyacinth tf A or my.jl B S. Europe 1597. O co Red. HI. 2115
8815 amce%na L. pleasing
pleasing blue
blue tf A A or i mr.ap Ixjvant 1596. O p.l Bot. inag. 341
8816 sibirica H. K. Siberian o A or J fmr B Siberia 1796. Oji.1 Bot. mag. 1025
8817 prasW W. c»r\\-flowering tf_ A or £ mr.ap D.B 1790.
8818 verna L. vernal tf A or J apmy B Britain rocks. O si Eng. bot 23
8819 unifolia L. one-leaved tf A or i my.ju W Portugal O 8.1
88*0 /ryacinthoides L. Hyacinth-like tf _Alor 4 au B Madeira 1585. O _ r.m Bot mag. 1140
8821 autumnalis L. autu.nnal tf A or 4
4au.s Pk England dr. pa. O " p.l' Eng. bot 78
8822bifoliaL. two-leaved tf A or * f.ap B England woods. O p.l Eng. bot. 24
2 alba white tf A
tf A pr
Pr i Jap It S. Europe ...
W S. Euroi>c ... O co
3 rbbra red O co
8S23 ptimila BroL dwarf tf A ^>r 1 B Spain 1821. O r.m
8824 umbellata Ram. uinbellcd tf A or \ ap B Pyrenees 1822. O p.l Brot ph. 41.8.6
8825 cfrnua Red. drooping | Pk Spain 1815. O p.l Bot. mag. 1461
8826 Indica Rox. Indian tf ES3 or K Indies 1816. () p.l
8827 campanula H. K. campanulate tf A or 1 my.jn D.P Spain 8.1683.p. O p.l
B tBot.mag.
.mg. 127.1102
8828 non scripta L. undcscribed tf A or f mrjn B Britain woods. O E bot
O co Eng. b t 377
n titans 5m.
2 caruca flesh-catered tf A or % mr.jn Pk Britain woods. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 1641
n 3 alba white tf A or $ mr.jn W Britain woods. O s.l
8829 brevifolia tor short-leaved tf _AJ or £ ja Pk C. G. H. 1811. O s.1 Bot mag. 1648
8830 maurita'nica Schous. Mauntanian tf A or £ B Mauritan. 1819. O r.m
88.J1 corymbosa ».
--'• wijmuuMi B. «.
M. corymbose tf .AJ or \ au.d Pk C (5 H 1793. O s.l Botmag. 1748.IL
8832 esculenta B. M. esculent Quamash tf A cc 1 my.jl W N. Amer. 1811. O 8.1 Bot mag. 1574
1055. BELLEViChIA Lap. BELLEVALIA. (P. R. Bclleval, a French botanist.) Asvfiodi/ear. 1.
8833 operculata Lap. lid-covered tf A or 5 my W Italy 1596. O co Bot mag. 936
ficilla romana L. //yacinthu« romanus L.
. 105flL BARNA'RDJil Lindl. BARNABDIA. (E. Barnard, F.L.S., Vice-Sec. Hort. Soc. London.) Asphodile*. 1.
834<cilloldcsAiS. Scilla-hke tf .Al or P China 1826. O p.l Bot. rcg. 1029
_ 1057. PUSCHKI'N//* Adams PUSCUKINIA. (Count M. Pouschkin, a Russian bot.) Asvhodrlea:. 1.
88& scilloidcs Adams Scilla-like tf jfi or ± my.jn P.B Siberia 1819. O 8.1 Lind. col. 24
Adamsia willoldcs W.
1058. MASSO'N/il L. MASSONIA. (Mr. F. Masson, author of Stnpclim Nova;.) Asphodtlca. 13.
«8 .(••> latifi>lia L. broad-leaved tf LAI cu i mr.ap W C. G. H. 1775. O 8.1 Bot mag. 848
«8"7 cordhta Jac. heart-leaved tf tAI or A my.jn W C. G. H. 1826. O r.m
wj A lonRiffiha Jac. long leaved tf LAI cu i mr.ap W C. G. H. ... O B.1 Jac. sc. 4.457
22 •» Candida Burc. white tf iAl cu i mr.ap W C. G. H. ... O s.l Bot reg. 694,
°840 grandiflura Lindl. large-flowered tf lAI cu io W.G C. G. H. 1825. S s.l Bot rcg. 958 ,
"8*1 muricata Ker \)r\ck\y-lcavcd tf iAl cu I W C G. H. 1790. O 8.1 Bot mag. 559
**& scabra //. K. rough tfiAJcu ija.ap W C. G. H. 1790. O a 1 Bot rep. 220
' ' cvlniKita L. prickly-leaved tf IAICU \y W C. G. H. 1790. O 8.1
I i i uuciflora //. K. few-flowered tf IAICU \ my W C. G. H. 1790. O 8.1
; I iingustifblia L. narrow-leaved tf iAIcu \ mr.ap w C. G. H. 1775. O 8.1 Bot mag. 736
^•>Ui uiiuulata Thun. waved-leaved tf iAIcu w C. G. H. 1791. O 8.1
8847 easifMia Ker sword-leaved tf iAIcu * Li C. G. H. 1790. O Si Bot mag. 554
8818 violacea Amir. yuAut-colored tf iAlor i myjn C. G. H. 1800. O r.m And. rep. 46
1059. EREMITRUS Bicb. EIIEMURUS. (Eretnos, solitary, oura, a tail; spikes.) Asphodtleaf. 1.
«»4U spectabilis Bieb. beautiful A or 2 my.jn Y Siberia 1800. O 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 188
ilsphodelus altaicus Pall.
•1060. ZJULBrNE IV. en. BULBISE. {Bolbos, a bulb.) Asphodtleee. 19.—24.
°<w0 hispida Suit. hispid
fta., Anthcricum hispidum L. 1 my.jn G.w C.G. H. 1774. Sk s.l Jac. ic. 2.409
°*>l semibarbhta Spr. semi-bearded £ iAlor 1 jl Y
S B r o Anthcricum semibarbatum It. Br. N. HolL 182a Sks.l Bot. cab. 320
« • « austrtlis Spr. southern tf lAJor 1 jnjl Y
Antherifum bulbusum R Br. N. Holl. 1890. O s.p
bisulchta Haw. bisulcate tf A or In Y N. Holl. 1823. O s.1
annua W. en. annual O or |my.jn Y C. G. H. 1731. S s.p Bot. mag. 1451
B Anthcricum unnuum L.
«8g longfscapa IV. en. loiig-scaped tf iAlor 1 Y C. G. H. 1759. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1339
0856 aaphodeloldes Spr. Asphodelus-lk 2 W C. G. H. 1759. O r.m Jac. vin. 181
' DO.. Anthericum asphodeloldes L.
<£.?7 rostrata W. en. beaked tt_ i | or S Y C. G. H. 1812. C s.1 Jnc. ic. 2.403
JJMJ lrutcscens W. en. frutcsucnt «Ll_jor 2 Y CO H 1702. C s.l Bot mag. 816
2 ^ 9 pugioniformisLAr. dagger-formed jp lAlor 1 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1793. Sks.1 Bot mag. 1454
°ori() triquetra Spr. three-sided tf iAlor 1 Y C G. H. 182a O r.m
ua-, Anthcricum triquctrum Thun.
°lJGl scabra Spr. rough tf lAlor 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1825. Sks.p
Anthericum scabrura Thun.
cilit J ciliated tf lAlor S my Y C.G. H. 1823. S 8.p
praBm6rsa Spr. praemorse tf LAlor 1 jnjl Y C.G.H. 1818. O r.m Jac. ic 2. 406
Anthericum prsm6rsum Jac.
K 4

8864 graminea Haw. Grass-fenucd A my.jn Y C. G. H. 1824. O

8865 aldldcs W. en. Aloe-like LAJor Y C. G. H. 1732. O s.l Bot. mag. 1317
8866 n titans Spr. nodding •Alor Y C. G. H. 1820. O r.m Jac. ic. 2.407
Anthericum nutans Thun.
8867 latifblia Spr. broad-leaved lAlor 2 W C.G.H. 1812. Sks.l Jac. ic.2.408
Anthericum lati folium Thun.
8868 mescmbryantholdcs Haw. Mescm.-lk £ iAI or i myjn Y C. G. H. 1822. O s.p
* 1061. .rfSPHO'DELUS L. ASPHODEL. [, priv., sphallo, to supplant: not surpassed.) Asphodelcee.10.-~12.
8869 luteua L. yellow £ A or
or 33 myjn
myjn Y Y Sicily 1596. R co Bot. mag. 773
8870 tadncus Bieb. AA or
fir 31 myjn
mv in 1*7 Tauria
'IV>i»:. ifilO 11
1812. M co
8871 tenCiior Bieb.
Taurian £ W
Siberia 1824. D co Bot mag. 2G26
slenderer white j£ A d 2 jl Y
S. Europe 1551. It co Bot. mag. 799
8872 rambaus L. branchy £ A °r 2 my W
8873 albus W. white £ A or 2 my W S. Europe ... H co Black. 236
ramdsus var. 0 X.
887* aratWus Brot. summer £ A or 2 jnjl W Spain 1820. R r.m
8875 fiituldsus L. fistulosc £ rcn
A or li jn.s W S. Europe 1596. It co Bot. mag. 984
8876 clavlitus Rox. c\ub.sceded or 1 W E. Indies 1808. S co
8877 creticus Lam. or Candm 1821. R co
Cretan A
£ • Alor 2 jn Y
8878 intermedius Horn. intermediate W Canaries 18^2. K co
1062. CZA'CK/^ Andr. CZACKIA. (Andrexouskii Cxack, a Russian botanist) Asphodelea?. 1.
8879 Liliistrum Andr. Liliaster A or li myjn W S. Europe 1629. D co Bot mag. 318
Anthericum Liliastrum L.
• 1063. PHALA'NGIUM Mx. PIIALANGIUM.[. (Phalagx, a venomous spider; cures bite.) Asphodelea. 4.—
8880 nepalensc Lindl. Nepal AJ or 2 myjn W
j£ _AJ Nepal 1824. R r.m Bot. rcg. 998
8881 Liliago B. M. Liliago & AA or 1 my.jn W S. Europe 159G. D co Bot mag. 16J5
Anthuncum Liliogo L.
2 minor smaller A[ A or $ my.jn W S. Europe 1596. D co Bot. mag. 914
8882 ramosum B. M. branchy 5 A or 2 myjn W S. Europe 1570. D co Bot. mag. 1055
Anthericum rambsum L.
8883 glaucum Pers. glaucous £ _AJ or l i jl W Peru 1823. D p.l
• 106-k ANTHE'RICUM L. ANTIIERICUM. (Anthos, a flower, herkos,
KU9t U,a IK?
hedge.) A&phodttcce. 2 4 . - 3 5
8884 tilifblium Jac. thread-leaved £ iAJ or ii my
my W
W C. C. G.
G. H.H. 1SS1820. Sk s.l Bot. reg. 557
8885 filifonne //. K. filiform £ iAJ or 11 ap ap W
W C. C. G. H.H. 1771774. Sks.p
8886 spiralc /,. spiral £ LAJ or 1 my my W
W C. G. H. HS
C. G. H. 11H24. Sks.p
8887 fragrans Jac. sweet-scented £ iAJ or 11 W
W C. C. G.
G. H.H. J1795.
7H S k s p Bot. rcg. 311
8888 flcxifolium L. flexuous-leavedtf iAJ or 55 my.jn
my.jn WW C. C. G. H.H. 17S1795. Sks.p Jac.ic.2.412
8889 villbsum Lab. villous tf iAJ or 11 jn.jljnjl W
W C. C. G.
G. H.
H. 18S1826. Sk s.p
8890 hirohtum Thun, hairy £ IAJ or 11 jnjl jn.jl WW C. C. G.
G. H. 1820.
II. 185 Skr.m
8891 pilbsum Jac. pilose tf LAJ or 1 iny.jl W C. C. G. H.H. 18V18425. Sk r.m Jac. ic. 2.416
8892 rcvolutum L. rcvolute £ LAJ or. 2 s.d
LAlor. w C.C. G. H. 17'i
W 1731. Sks.l Bot mag. 1044
8893 vesperftnum Jac. evening iAlor 2 my.s w C. G. H. 1803. Sk s.l Bot mag. 1040
88% grainiiufiilium W. Grass-leaved iA|or w C. G. H. 1794. Sks.l Jac. ic. 2.411
8895 undulatum Jac. waved i Alor 1 ap.jn w C. G. H. 1825. Sk r.m
8896 squameum L. scaly lAJor 1 jn.jl w C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l
8897 longifblium Jac. long-leaved i Alor 1 jnjl C. G. H. 1824. S k s p Jac. ic. 2.413
8898 floribundum H. K. bundle-flwd • Alor 1 mr.ap w C. G . H . 1774. Sk s.p
88«i!) Bcrdtinum L. late-flowering _ A or | au.s w England moun, Sk 8.1 Eng. bot. 703
8!KX) triflbrum H. K. three-flowered £ lAJor 1 au.o w C. G. H. 1782. Sks.l
8<J01 bipcduncul.\tum Jac. two-peduncled £ iAI or 1 W C. G. H. 1825. Sk r.m Jac. ic. 2.410
8902 canaliculatum //. A', channelled-/^ £ • Alor 1 W.a C.G. H. 1774. Skr.m Bot.mag. 1124
2 r&him Lindl. rufous a lAJpr | myjn W C. G. H. O 8.1 Bot rcg. 877
8903 crbceum Mx. saffron & Alor ijtijl- Cop N. Amor. 1800. Sks.p
8904 sulphureum W. % K. sulphur ^ A or 1 P.v Hungary 18(J3. Sks.1
8905 albucoiclcs Ait. Albuca-like ^ i Alor 1 jl W C . U . H . 1788. Sks.l
8906 poincndiinum Kcr afternoon £ i Alor 2 jn W C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l Bot rcg. 564
5tilla poineruliana Dec.
8907 falciitum Thun. falcate iAI or 1 jnjl W C. G. H. 1825. Sk r.m

1065. ARTHROPCTDIUM R. Br. AUTHROPODIHM. (Arthron, joint, polls, foot; pedilicels.) Asphodhlca. 5.-6.
8968 pendulum Spr. pendulous £ _AJ or 1| W Teneriffe 1816. Sks.l
Anthericum pendulum Horn.
8909 paniculktum Jl. Br. pamcled tf iAI or 3 my.s W N. S. W. 1800. O s.p Bot. mag. 1421
minus B. R. not li. Br.
8910 iriinus It. Br. smaller £ iAJ pr 1} W N. Holl. 1823. O s.l
8911 Hmbriatum R. Br. fringed tf lAlpr li w N. Holl. 1822. O s.1
8912 cirratum It.Br. curled <C .Alor 3 myjn w N. Zeal. 1821. Sks.p Bot. reg. 709

1066. STYPA'NDRA R. Br. STTPANDUA. (Slype, tow, aner, an anther.) Asphodijea?. 3.-5.
8913glatica R.Br. glaucous tf •Alor I jnjl W N. Holl. 1823. D r.m
Arthropbdium gla6cum Spr.
8914 umbellata R, Br. umbellate ^ LAJ or Jijnjl W N. Holl. 182a D r.m
8915 csspitosa R. Br. tufted tf .A|or 1 l W N. Holl. 1824. D r.m

1067. CHLOROTHYTUM Ker CHLOROPHYTUM. (Chloros, green, phyton, a plant) AsphoaHlra. 3. —4

8916 inornatum Ker unadorned
un £ E3 cu 1 W S. Leone ... D co Bot mag. 1071
onl"T eKitum
« l \ » . . . n R.
It Br.
R. tall
tf.11 i£ LAJCU
. A l o n 20 au.s
ana W
C G.
d H.
II 1751.
1*7R1 SS I.p
In Red.
R a < l HI.
III 191
Anthcricum cfttum H. K.
8918 orchidastrum Lindl. Orchis-like £ CZ3 cu 2 year W S. Leone 1822. S I.p Bot. reg. 813
1068. CS?S\A R. Br. CSSIA. {Frederico Casio, died in 1703.) Asphodeleee. 1. —5.
8919vittataA.£r. riband A LAJ or 1 Pa.B N. & W. 1816. S Lp
Asphodtlea. 3. —5.

..IS 7 0 ' NARTHE^CIUM Mohr NARTHECIUM. (Narthex, a rod; stem.)

II./ Juiic* U. — „
8923ossifragumAt{rf. bone-brcakiDg * A cu Y «... *"
Britain D m.s Eng. l)ot.5i>
8924 americhnum Kcr American £ A cu f Y N. Amcr. 1811. D p Bot. mag. 1#

1071. D I A N J S ' L L J * Ker DIANELLA. {Diana, sylvan goddess j habits w

inhabits woods.)Asphodeleee. 9. —11.
8925 laiVis r>
IOC !«.>..:» R. Br.
n_ smooth
MHAtk AiAJor
an.. '2
it au
... B
U N. Holl.
XT Hnll 1822.
ICOiSk s.p
8926 longifoha R Br. long-leaved A lAI or 2; au B N. Holl. 1822.Sk s.p Bot. reg. 734
8327 strumusd Ker strumous AiAJor Ifmr B N. Holl. 1822.Sks.p Bot reg. 751
8fc.'8 revoliita R. Br. revolutc A lAJor 2 B N. Holl. 182.1.
8929 congehta A. Br. crowded AiAJor 2 B N. Holl. 1820.Sks.p
8930 ncinorbsa £«»». grove A i A l o r 2 au B £. Indies 1731.
Sksp Ru. am. 5.73
8931 ensifiiha B. Al. sword-leaved A LSI or ljau W E. Indies 1731.
Sk p.1 Bot. mag. 1404
Dracaena ensi folia II. K.
8932 racrulea R. Br. blue AiAJor 2 B N. Holl. 1705. Sks.p Bot.inag.505
8933 divaricate R. Br. divaricated AiAlor 3 B N. S.W. 1805. Sks.p

1072. CORDYLPNE R. Br. CORDYLINE. (Kordyle, a club.) AspiwdZlece. 2.

8934 hemichrytta Com. half-golden m • or 2 Bourbon 1823. Sk veg
8935 cannfefilia R. Br. Canna-leaved * LJ or 4 N. Holl. 1820. Sk p.l

• 1073. EITSTREPHUS R. Br. EIJSTREPIIUS. {EU, well, strrpho, to twine; habit) Asphodtlete. 2.
8936 latifdlius R.Br. broad-leaved %_ |_J or 3 jn.jl Pa.P N. S. W. 1800. C sp Bot.mag. 1245
89J7 angustit'uhus R. Br. narrow-leaved fc. i _ | or 3 jl Pa.P N. S. W. 1820. • C s.p

1074. ^SPA'RAGUS L. ASPARAGUS. (A, intens. sparasso, to tear:

UJ prickles.)
pi W*l
8938 offlrinalis L. officinal England seaco. S r.m Eng. bot. 339
8939 longifulius Fis. Iqgg-lcaved Siberia 1827 S co
8940 am irus Dec. bitter France 1824. S r.m
8941sylvatious W'.#A' wood Hungary 1819. S r.m W. & K. 3.201
8942 verticillnris L. whorUlcaved Caucasus 1752. S r.m Bux. cen. 5.37
8943 decliniitus L. declined C. G. H. 1759. R s.p
8944 maritimus Pall. maritime Caspian 1823 R s.p
8945 decumbens Jac. dccuml)cnt C. G. H . 1792. R s.p Jac. sc. 1.97
8946 scandens Thun. climbing C. G. H. 17<J5. R M.p
8947 dahuncus Fts. p.ihunan Dauria 1823. R s.p
8«I48 fnlc\tus L. &\ck\c-lcaved E. Indies 1792. R s.p Bur. zejr. 13. a
8fJ49 raceniosus IV. racemose E Indies 1N08. R s.p
8«)50 Broussonet* Jac. Broussonet's Canaries 18 22. R s.p rctrofractub IK retrofractcd Africa 1759. R s.p Pluk. al. 375. J
8932 asi&ticus L. Asiatic Asia 1759. R s.p Pluk. al. 15.4
8953 sethiopicui L. • Ethiopian C. G. H. 1816. *K s.p
8954 Albus L. white Spain 1540. R a.p M. h. 1. L 3
8955 fltipul^ceus Lam. stipulaccous C. G. H . 18*21. R s.p
*0C>{\ acutit'ohus L. acute-leaved Spain 1640. R s.p
8!)57 flexuosus Thun. flcxuous C. G. H . 1800. R s.p
8958 aphvllus L. leafless S. Europe 1040. R s.p M.h.1.1.2
89.">9 dopendens Thun. drooping C. G. H . 1819. R s.p
896() horridus L." horrid S. Europe 1800. R s.p Cav ic. 2.136
8961 subulatus thun. aw\-leaved C. G. H . 1811. R s.p
8!»6'2 cai>cnsis L. i G C. G. H. 16?>1. R s.p Jac. sc. 3.266
81)63 aarmentusus L. twiggy au W.o Ceylon 1710. R R. nul. 10.10

1075. HERRETRI A R. & P. HERRERIA. (C. A. de Herrera, a Spanish agriculturist) Asphodtleee. 2.

8964 parvifttra B. R. small-flowcred %_ C3 or 8 jn.jl G.Y Brazil 1824. C r.m Bot. reg. 1042
8965 stcllata/< Sf P. starred t _ E 3 c u l 8 jn.jl G.v Chile 1825. C r.m Fl. per. 3. 303. a

* 1076. LUZURIA\>i«Fl.per. LUZURIAGA. (D. Jgn. M. R deLuxuriago,M.D., AsphotVdetE. 2 . - 3 .

8966 cymCisa R. Br. cymose %_ LLJJp pr 3 my.jn G N.. Holl. 1825. C p.l
8967 montana R . Br. mountain £iAliAl
or o r G G NN.HollHoll. 1820
1820. C
C s.p
* 1077. DRI'MIA Jac. DRIMIA. mus, acrid; juice of roots.) Asphod>h\c. 10.
8<M8 altlssima Ker tallest tf iAn If au.s VV.G C. G. H. 1791. G s.p Bot. mag. 1074
896') elita Jac. tall tf LAJ or 2 o.n R.u C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Bot. mag. 822
8s»70 cili-Xris Jac. ciliated tf IAJ or If s P.w C. G. H. 1800. O s.p But. mag. 1444
8971 pusilla Jac. little tf iAJ or * my.jn G C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ic. 2. 374
8(»72 lancesefolia Ker tpcar-leaved tf iAJ or \ s.o P C. G. H. 18oa O s.p Bot. mag. 643
8973 uudull^ta Jac. undulated tf iAJ or au.s G C. G. H. 1819. O s.p Jac.'ie. 2.376
8974 purpuraxcens Jac. purpurasccnt
pp tf tfLAI
LAI or { au.s P C. G. H. 1818. O s.p
8975 revolfita B. M. flflflwrcd tftftf
rvflex.flowercd iAl
l iAl or I au G C. G. H. 1774. O s.p B o t mag. 1380
lanccufolia (B B. M. //yacinthu*
/ i h revolutus
l ///./ K. Lachcnalia reflexa Andr.
8976 mtdia Jac. intermediate tf LAI or li au W C. G H. 1820. O s.p
8977 acuminata Lod. pointed tf iAJ or | au Br C. G. H. 1829. O p.l
P.1 Bot. cab. 1041
o J ? ? - Ml'LLJJil Cav. MILLEA. {JulcinMUla, chief gardener, royal garden, Madrid.) Asphodelets. 1.
"978 biflbra Cat/. two-flowered tf [SI or 1 my.jn W Mexico 1826. O s.l Cav. ic. 2.196

1079. UROPETALON Ker UROPETALOY. (Oura, a toil, petaton, a petal.) AspAodtoeaf. 6.

1 G C. G. H. 1816. O l.p Bot reg. 156
8J80 crispum Burc. cut\cd.leaoed tf lAJor G C. G. H. 18ia O l.p
finoo "or°tinu«» Ker late-flowering tf J^i or ijn'iu G.R Spain 162<). O l.p Bot mag. 859
OJB^ fulvuin Swt. tawny tf Alor f G.R Mogadore 1808. O l.p Bot mag. 1185
8983 longifulium Lindl. long-leaved 2 au P.B Mozambi. 1825. O p.1 Bot reg. 974

— HYACINTH. (A boy killed by ZephyrusJ Asphodlte*. 2— 8.

984 amethystinus amcthyst-cld tf A^ or i ap.iay B S. Europe 1759. O l.p Sw. (1. gar. 135
8985 orientals L.
2 rubcr
S A^^£ or
or f inr.ap B
fi mr.ap
mr.ap R
Levant ISM. O r.m Bot reg. 995
1596. O r.m
3 flavus tf A or f mr.ap Y 1596. O r.m
4 albus yellow tf A or $ mr.ap W •1596. O r.m
H semipllnuB white " or f mr.ap Va G r.m
6 multiplex semi-double tf A or % mr.ap Va 1596. O r.m
ZTJCCA'GNIii Thun. ZUCCAGMA. (A. Zuccagni, gard. rapcrin. at Florence.) l _«
vjridisTfctin. green tf lAJor f au G ^.G.H. 1774. O
"yaclnthiu vlridis L. LachenMw viridis fV.

* 1083. MUSC AMU Detf. GRAPE HYACINTH. {Moschos, musk; smell.) Atphodilece. 7. —10.
8987 glaticum B. 21. ' glaucous A or % my P.o Persia 1825. O s.l Bot. rcg. 1085
8988 moschatum B. M. musk A or f a p m y B.Y Levant 1596. O 6.1 Bot.mag.7J4
//yacinthuj Muscari L.
8989 macrncarpum Swt. long-fruited tf A or i G.Y Levant 1596. O s.l Boi. mag. 1565
moschatum /3 fiavum B. M.
8990 nlfttum Ker ciliated tf A or 1 my Br.p Crimea 1822. O s.l Bot. reg. 394
8991 cuinr.biim W. tufted tf A or 4 B S. Europe l.r><)(>. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 133
2 mon«tr5sum monstrous tf A or \ B S Europe 159(3. O s.l M. h. 4.11. S
illid tf A or 4 my Pa.B Crimea O 8.1
8992 p.'illcns Fis.
8993 fotrydidct IV.
2 palluium
| B Italy
i a p m y Pa.B Italy
1596. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 157
1596. O co Sw. fl. gar. 15. e
3 album white tf A or i W Italy 1596. O co Sw. fl. gar. 15. b
8994 racemusum W. racemose tf A or I ap B Europe 1780. O 8.1 But. mag. 122
2 minus smaller tf A or i ap B Europe 1780. O 8.1
• 1083. LACHENA S LM Jac, LACIIEVALIA. {W. de la Chcnal, bot auth.) Asphodilets. 35. —
89'tf pendulu H. K. i^-i 0 "!...^ §*AIPr f mr.niy R.Y C. G. H. 1789. O 8.1 Bot mag. 590
2 maculata spttc tf _AJ p ^ lLv C. G. H. 1789. O 8.1
8906 punctata Jac. dotted tf _A1 or my.jn P C. G. H. 1824. O 8.1 Jac. ic.2. 597
8997 ruin da Jac. J
TtiA-dotted'Jtwd tf iAl pr f s.o R C. G. H. 18a). O 8.1 liot. mag. 993
8998 quadricolor Jac. four-colored
f l d tftfA J
lAlpr mr.ap S.Y C. G. H. 1774. O S.1 Bot. mag. 588
2 colorata colored-leaved tf LAlpr 4 S.Y C. G. H. 1774. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 1097
89*19 scrtftina Jac. late tf -Alpr | au Pk Spain 1820. O 8.1
9000 tricolor Jac. thrce-rolorcd tf LAlpr 1 R.Y C. G. H. 1774. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 1.61
9001 lut&ola Jac. yellowish tf LAlpr 1 Y.R C. G. H. 1774. O S.l Bot. mag. 82
2 maculnta ttdfc tf LAlpr 1 Y.R C. G. H. 1774. O S.l Bot. mag. 1704
9002 flava Antlr. yellow tf IAJ pr J my.jn Y C. G. H. 1790. O s.l Bot. rep. 77
9003 Hcssiltflura Andr. sestsilt'-nWercd tf iAl pr I my.jn R C. G. H. 1804. O 8.1 Hot. rep. 460
9004 i.sopetala Jac. cqual-pcf iled tf f my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1804. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2.401
9005 umftlia Jac. onc-lcaw "1 tf LAlpr 4 mr.ap W.B C. G. H. 1795. O s.l Bot. mag. 766
9006 pusilla Jac. small tf lAJor W C. G. H. 18*5. O 8.1 Jac. ic. £ 385
9007 bifuha Ker two-lcavcd tf lAlpr mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1813. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 1611
9008 rt.sea Andr. roseate tf ufclpr 1 ap my Pk C. G. H. 1800. O 8.1 Bot. rep. 296
9009 containiiAta H. K. contaminated tf lAJpr * f.»r Pk C. G. H. 1774. O S.1 Bot. mag. 1401
9010 angufnca Swt. serpent tf LAlpr ap.jl W C. G. H. 1825. O 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 179
9011 /ilnflora J«c Lily-flowered tf LAlpr ap.jl W C. G. H. 1825. O 8.1 Jac. c. 2.287
9012 (,'lrtuc/ina Jac. glaucous tf LAlpr mr.ap G.w C. G. H. 1795. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2. 391
9013 mutabilis Lad. tf LAIel B C. O. H. 1825. O S.1 Bot. cab. 1076
9014 orchidhles //. K. Orchuulike tf iAJ pr f.ap G.Y C. G. H. 1752. O 8.1 Bot mag. 1269
1782. O 8.1 Bot. rcg. 287
9015 pallwla //. A'. . tf LAI pr mr.ap Pa.B C. G. H. 1812.
90lfi hy-dcinthoides Jac HyaciutJi-likc tf iAl pr "* mr.ap W . R C. G. H. 1793. O S.1 Jac. ic. 2.382
9017 angustifulia Jac. narrow-leave<l tf iAl pr 1 W C. G. H. 1795. O si Bot. ic mag. 735
9018 patula Jac. sprcading-yiwci tf LAlpr J C. G. H. 1826. O 8.1 Jac. Jac.
y. 384
9019 purpurea Jac. nurple tf iAJ or mr my P C. G. H. 1818. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2.402
9('20 lanccicfulia Jae. lancc-lcavcd tf LAlpr W.o C. G. H. 1825. O si Bot reg. 1085
9J21 glnucum B R. glaucous tf A or f my P.o Persia 1798. O s.1 Bot rcg. 302
9022 fr\-irans Jac. sweet-scented tf LAlpr W.R C. G. H. 1806. O s.1 Bot.
9023 unicolor B. M. self-colored tf LAlpr j| my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1798. O s.1 Bot. mag. 1 J73
mag. 1372
90.'4 lticirid Ker g\o&sy-tcavcd tf LAJpr i Pk C. G. H. 1811. a s.1 B >t. mag. 1517
9025 raccinosa A M. racemose tf iAJ pr 11 my W.o C. G. H. 1790. () 8.1 Bot. mag. 817
9026 piiKtulXta Jnc. bliktcrvd tf LAlpr 1 ja.ap W.o C. G. H. 1798. O 8.1 Bot. mag. 745
9027 purpurco-cairulea Jac. purple-blue tf 1 B.P C. G. H. 1810. O s.1 Bot. mag. 1497
9028 ncrvofui Ker nervetUcavcd tf $jn Pk C. G. H. 1795. O 8.1 Jac. ic. 2.394
9029 violacea Jac. vio\ct-colored tf 1 mr.ap L.B C. G. H. O 8.1
1084. PHO'RMIUM L. FLAX LILY. (Phormos, a basket; U3C in New Holland.) Aspliodelea?. 1.
9030 tcnax Forst. tough y A ec 6 au G.w N. Zeal. 1798. H Up Cook 2.96
•1085. CYANE'LLAZ. CYANELLA. (Dimin.
(Di in. oikij&os,
of hyWos,blue; flowers.)
blue; flowers.) Asphodtlra?. 5.
90-31 capensis L. Cape tf LAI l>r 1 B C G. H. 1768. O s.p Bot. mag. 568
9032 K.tea T/iun. yellow tf LAJ pr 1 jl au Y C. G. H. 1788. O s.p Bot mag. 1252
9033 orchidiformis Jac. Orchis-formed tf LAI or 1 au B C. G. H.' 1826. O s.p Jac. ic. 2.447
9034 iilba Thun. tf ^AJ or 1 W C. G. H. 1819. O s.p Th.h.7.2
9035 lineata Jitore. white tf LAI pr 1 St C. G. H. 1816. O s.p
1086. LEO'NTICE L. LEONTICE. (The Greek name for wild chervil.) Berberideee. 4 . - 5 .
9036 ChrysoKonum L. Golden rod A Alcu 1 mrjn Y Levant 1740. R s.l.p M. h. 3.15.7
9037 alr?\ic.i Pall Altaian A.AJor i Y Siberia 1818. ~R s.l.p
" " 254.2
9(K38 Leontopltalon L. Lion'8-loaf A -A.I cu 1 Y Levant 1597. R n.l.pM. h.3.15.3
90J9 veaicuna Pall. bladdcrcd A Si or Jap my Y Siberia 1821. R s.l.pPal. it.3.5.2
1087. CAULOPHY'LLUM A/*. CAULOPIIYLLUM. (Kaulos, a stem, phyllon, a leaf.) Berberideat. 1.— 8.
9040 (halirtroidcs Mx. Thahctrum-lk A A cu 5 my Y.o N. Amer. 1755. R u.p Mic. am. 1.21
Z.c6nticc /halictroldes L.
1088. DIPHYLLE'IA Mx. DIPIIYLLEIA. (Dis. twice, phyllon. leaf: always two.) Bcrher'dece. 1.
9041 cymosa Mx. cymose ^ Wx $ my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. D i p Bot mag. 1668
1089. 7»RrNOS L. WINTER BERRY. (Prion, a saw j serrated leaves.) lXhdmntce. 11. — 1 3 .
9042 deciduus Dec. deciduous 1 or 4 jn.jl W Virginia L Ls
/Nex nrmoides H.K.
9043 vcrticillatus L. verticillatcd
sa or 6 W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Den. br. 30
W Carolina 1812. L Its Den. br. 29
9044 amblguus Mx. A or
9045 lsvigatus Ph. smooth 4
tt or 4 jnjl w Carolinaw N. Amer. ... L Its Den. br. 28
904fi lanceolktus Ph. lanceolate St or 1811. L Its
9047 glaber L. smooth m or 1} w Canada 1759. L Its
9048 atumkrius Nut. atomed or. 2 w N. Amer. 1822. L Its
9049 jtnrunifolius Desf. Plum-leaved or w 1810. L Its
»»50 corikceus Ph. leather-leaved or 3 jnjl w N. Amer. 18'.'0. L Its
9051 lucidug //. K.
shining m or 2 jnjl w N. Amer. 1778. L Its
„..„ ^ « can«Mlc'iisis R.
9052 mont inua Swx. mountain il [ or w W.Indies 1820. C Its
* 1090. BE'RBERIS L. BERBERRY. (Berletys, its Arabic name.) Berberideat. 15. — 8.
9053 vulgaria /« common " Si fr 8 Y England bu. pi. L co Eng. bot. 49
2 violacea violet-/;ui7<rJ * fr 8 Y L co
3 alba white fruited Sk fr ti Y L co

4 Ihtea Dec. yettovr-fruited fr 6 Y Europe ... L co

5 purp&rea Dec purple-fruited fr 6 Y Europe ... L co
6 rtgra Dec. black-fruited fr 7 Y Europe ... L co
7 asperma Dee. seedless fr 6 Y Europe L co
9054 daGrica Lo. C. Daunan or 8 apjn Y Dauna 1818. L co
VO55 provincftlis Lo. C Provence or 8 Y France 1821. L CO
9056 iberica Fts. Iberian or 5 Y Iberia 1818. L r.m'
vulgtois fi iberica Stev.
9057 cunad&nsis Mil. Canadian fr 8 Y Canada 1759. L co
9058 cmargmata W. en. emarRinate or 3 Y Siberia 1790. G co
9O'>9 sincnsis Detf. Chinese fik or 4 Y G co Den. br.86
90(10 anstkta Dec. awncd or 6 Y China 1815. L co Hook.ex.fl. 98
rhitria R li. Nepal 1820.
9061 erotica L. Cretan or 6 Y L co
Candia 1759.
9062 sibfrica Pall. Siberian Sk or 2 jnjl Y Siberia 1790.
L co Bot. rcg. 487
90S) ilicifolm Furst. Holly-leaved or 4 Y T.delFue. 1791.
L r.m
9064 asiatica Itox. Asiatic or 4 ... Y Nepal 1823.
9065 WallicluV(/m Dec. Wallich's jor 4 apjn Y Ne[ial L r.m DelcBS. 2.1
9066 ruscifulia Lam. Ituscus-leavcd or 5 my.jn Y B. Ayres 182:].
L r.m
9067 heterophy'll.t J. various-leaved or 4 ap.iny Y Magellan 1805.
L r.m Lam. il. 253
* 1091. M AHOWA N u t MAHONIA. L coBcrheridcee.
[Bernard WMahon, of N. Amer., lover of bot) Hook. ex. fl. 14
9068 nervusa Nut. nervose
Jtt'iluris nervosa Ph. fit _J or 10 ... Y N. Amer. 1826. G r.m l»h. am. 1. 5
90ti9 s/nuifulium Nut. Ho\]y-leavcd or (J ... Y
Berbcris i4(]uifolium Ph. N. Amer. 182k G r.m Ph. am. 1.4
9070 lusricul.Hriu Dec. bundled il | or 10 Y
Bitberi* pinnkta Lag. California 1819. L co Bot mag. 2396
1092. NANDPNA Thun. NANDIMA. (Nandin, name in Japan.) Bcrber'idcte. 1.
9071 domfotica Thun. domestic \ i_J or 6 jnjl G.Mr China 1804. C p.l Bot mag. 1109
* 1093. COSSI'GN/ilJ. COSSIONIA. (M. de Cossignyt a French naturalist) Saptndtlcete. 1.
9072 borbonica Dec. Bourbon ~ o r JO Mauritius 1824. C p.l
pinnkta Lam.
1094. HI'LL/if L. HlLLIA. (Sir John HilL a voluminous botanical author.) Rubihceaj. 2.
9073 longiflora Swx. lon^-flowcrcd n Q o r l j f m r W W. Indies 17H9. C B.p Bot mag. 721
9074 tetrandra Swx. tetrandrous «-CZ]or 1 jnjl W Jamaica 1793. C s.p
1095. RICHARDSO^N/^ Kth. RICUARDSOMA. [Richard Richardson, an Eng. bot) Rubiilcett. 8.
9075 scabra Kth. rough a. • w Sa W VeraCruz ... C l.p Sw. fl. gar. 91
Uichardm scabra L.
9076 pilfcsa Kth. pilose - *Ow i W Brazil 1814. S co
109R SCHRA'DEIM Vdhl SCBRADBRA. (Henr. A. D. Schroder, a German botanist) Bubiacea. 1 — 2 .
9077 cephalotes W. round-headed * • or 4 K Jamaica 1820. C Lp
Fuchsia involucrata Swx.
1097. ISE'RT/^ Schreb. IBERTIA (P. E. Isert, a Tanish surg. on coast of Guinea.) Rubiacete. 1.—2.
78 roccinca
9078 rocclnca Vahl scarlet «O spl 10 S Guiana 1820. C 8.1 Aub. gui. 1.123
Gucttarda coccinca A
1098. CANARPNA L. CANARINA. (A native of the Canaries.) Cavipanulhceee. 2.
W79Campfinula L. Campanula • iAI or 3 jamr O Canaries 1696. 11 r.m Bot. mag. 444
9080 isvigKta G. Don smoothed ' AI 3 ja.ap O Canaries 1825. R r.m
*1099. FRANKEWLrf L. SEA HEATH. (John Franlenius, prof. bot. at Upsal.) Frankeniace*. 9.—16.
9081 laj\is L. smooth r A cu F EnRland sal. m. D s.l Eng. bot. 205
«)82 Nofhria Thun. Nothria f
j F C. G. H. 181H. 1) s.l Berg, c 171.1.8
"083 nodiflura Lam. knot-flowered 1 jjl
jn.jl F C.G.H. 1818. D s.l Lain. il. 262.4
9084 hirsfita Sib. hairy cu i jnjl L.B Siberia 1789. D s.l 343
hlspida Dec.
9085 intermedia Dec. intermediate !L ^ cu W S. Europe 1817. D s.l Mic. gen. 22.2
hirsbta Dec. not Sm.
9086 pulvernlenta L. powdery R England c. co. S s.l Eng. bot. 2222
tmi corymbusa Desf. corymbose R Barbary 1819. D B.I Debt at. 1.93
1X188 mollis Bieb. soft R Caucasus 1824. D s.l
9089 mcifolia Sm. Heath-leaved R Canaries 1816. D s.l
•1100. PE^PLISZ. WATER PURSLANE. (Greek name of purslane.) Saiicarke. 2 . - 4 .
9090 Portula L. common |O<!U ^ jl.s P Britain S aq Eng. bot. 1211
9091 altermfulia Bieb. alternate-leaved O cu \ P Siberia 1816. S co
* 1101. S T E P H A W . 4 Dec. STEPHAMA. (F. Stephana professor at Moscow.) Cappartdeee. 1.
9092 clcomoldes Dec. Cleomc-likc *C2 or Caraccas 1823. C l.p I l l
Capparls paradoxa Jac.


1102. ORY'ZAZ. It ICE. (Eruzt its Arabic name.) Gramlne*. 3.
9093 sattva L. cultivated M O ag 2 jl Ap E. Indies 1596. S aq Cat. car. 1 14
9094 latifi,lia Desf. broad.leavcd O ag 2 au Ap S. Amer. 18'-'0. S aq
9095 ncpalensis G. Don Nepal iQJag 2 au Ap Nepal 1818. S aq
1103. iiTRAPHA'XIS Z. ATRAPHAXIS. (A, privative, trepho. to nourish.) Polwbnae 2.
?9?i&£. prickly « t _ J c u 2 au Ap Levant 1732. L l.p DoTbr 119
L. ww&Ueavcd « t _ | c u 2 j n j l Ap C . G . H . 1732. L i p D L d L & S S

1104. OXY'RIA Hill MOUNTAIN SORREL. (Osys, acid.) Polygbttea?. J.

9098 rcnifunnii Sm. kidney-shaped ^ A cu ft jn.jl G Britain alp. pa. D p.l Eng. bot. 910
7tumex digynus L.
S amcric;iiia American £ A cu I jn.jl G N. Amer. ... D p.l
reniftrmis Ph.



' 1105. FLAGELLA^RIA L. FLAQELLARIA. {FlagcUum, rod; long pliant branches.) Mncece.1 1.
9099 lndica £. Indian L O c u 7 jn.jl W India 1782. Skp.l Red. UL 257
1106. SCHEUCHZENRJ/f L. SCIIEUCHZERIA. (John and James Scheuchxer, German bot.) Juncaglne*. 1.
9100 palAstris L. marsh u f myjji Br
j£ ^ cu England sp. bo. O bog Eng. bot 1801
1107. TRIGLCPCHINZ,. ARROW GRABS. (TreU, three, glochin, a point; capsule.) JuncagUic*. 6.—12.
9101 palAstro L. marsh 1 G Britain 1) bog Eng. bot. 366
2 Dirksonu Dickson'a 2 G England mar. 1) bog
9102 derfpiens R. Br. deceiving G N.HoU. 1820. D bog
9103 Barrchcri Loi. Barrcher's G Italy 1820. 1) bog
9104 inarltimum L. sea G Britain sal. in. D bog Eng. bot. 255
9105 elltum Nut. tall G N. Amer. 1818. D bog
9106 bulbubuin Z,. bulbous-roofed o P C. G. H. 1806. O bog Bot. mag. 1445
' 1108. LICHTENSTEI'N/i* W. LICHTENSTEINIA. (M. von Lichtenstein, a Prus. trav.) Melanthacac. 2.
9107 lievigata IV. smoothed £ iAI pr 1 ... B C. G. H. 1824. O B.I
Cyniiition lujvigatum Spr.
9108 undulAta W. wave-leaved £ iAJ or 1 B C. G. H. 1814. O s.l
1109. MYRSIPHY'LLUM W. en. MYRSIPIIYLLUM. (Myrsine, a myrtle, leaf.) Asphodclccc. 2.
9109 asparagoldcs W. en. Asparagus-like 4 iAJ cu 6 inr.o G.w C. G. 1702. R B.p Her. lug. 681
Malbola asparagoldes L.
0110 angustifuhum W. narrow-leaved _$ iAl cu 6 mrd G.w C. G. H. 1752. R s.p Til. pis. 17.12. 2
1110. TOFJE^LIXM Hud. TOFIELDIA. (Mr. Tqfield, a friend of Hudson the bot.) Melanthheeee. 5.--8.
9111 paKistns Sm. marsh j£ A cu jl au G Britain bgs. m. D m.s Eng. bot. 536
9112 alpina Sm. alpine • jg A, CU i G N. Europe ... D m.s Red. hi. £56».tr\s Dec.
9113 stcnopct.ila Sm. narrow-petalcd £ A cu imy G N. Amer. 1820. D m.s
9114 pubcbcens Dry. pubescent j£ A cu * W N. Amur. 1790. I) m.s Pluk. m.342.3
1/115 glutmusa Ph. glutinous £ Apr N. Amer. 1825.
I ... W D p.l
•1111. 3/ELA'NTHIUM L. MELANTIIIUM. (Melas, dusky, antltos, flower.) Melanthhcece. 8—12.
9116fframlncum Cav. grassy tf tAI cu 1 my.jn W Mogadorc .823. 182 O s.l Cav. ic. 587.1
9117junceum IV. liu»\Ueavcd tf iAI cu Jjn.n Pk C.G.-- - — - H.
— - • 11781
/ OO a O s.p Bot. mag. 558
9118sucfimluin Lam. suie-flowering tf iAI cu 11 jn.n W C. C.G. G. H.H. 1812.
181 O s.p Lam.ih26>).2
9119 umflorum Jac. one-flowered tf IAJ cu L.Y C.G. H. 1787. O s.p Bot. mag. 767
Tiilipa Breyniana L.
9120 capensc W. Cape tf iA] cu 4 myjn Br.v C. G. H. 1768. O 8.p
9121 ciliatuin Thun. ciliated tf iAJ or i jn.jl P.T C. G. II. 1810. O s.p
9122 sibincum /,. Siberian tf A, or 1 Siberia 1823. O 8.1
9123/ihalangioldcs IV. Phalangium-lk tf A or 1 jn.jl W Carolina 1810. O s.l Jac. ic. 2.419
1112. ANGUILLA'IUA R. Br. ANUUILLARIA. (AnguiUa, an eel; twisted seed.) Metanthdce*.3.—5.
9124 indica R. Br. Indian £ _AJ or imy.jl D.P Tranqueb.1818. O s.p
9125 biglamlulosa R. Br. biglandulous £ _AJ or \ my.jn P N. Holl. 18l.U O s.p
9126 dioica if. Br. dioecious £ _AJ or i my.jn P N. S. W. 182a O s.p
1113. ORNITHOGLO'SSUM &/. BIRD'S TONGUE. (Ornis, bird, glossa, tongue; petals.) Melanthhcete. 2.
9127 undulatum Suit. waved tf iAJ or | au.o G C. G. H. 1825. O s.p. Sw. fl. gar. 131
9128 viride Sal. green-Jlowercd tf iAI or io.n G C.G.H. 1788. O s.p Botmag.994
Jtfelanthium viride Thun.
1114. MEDEVJ/,4 L. MKHEOLA. (Medea, the sorceress;; med. qual.) Smiluceee. 1.
9129 virginica L. Virginian £ A cu $f jjn Y
Gyronia virginica Nut. Y.u Virginia 1759. li B.p Bot. mag. 1316
* 1115. XEROPHY'LLUM Mx. XEROPIITLLUM. (Xeros, dry, 'on, a leaf; leaves.) Mclanthhceee. 3.
9l30^raminctim M/^. grassy j£ A or 2 myjn N. Amer. 1812. R sp Bot mag. 1599
Hulunias ^nraminca Ker
9131 tf-nax Nut. • tough-frawrf j£ A or 1} my jn W N. Amer. 1811. R s.p Ph. am. 1.9
HcK>nia« tcnax Ph.
9132 asphodcloldes Nut. Asphodel-like £ A or li myjn W N. Amer. 1765. R s.p Bot. mag. 748
setifulium Mx. Helunias asphodeloldcs L.
1116. WU'RMB^ii Thun. WURMBEA. (F. Fan Wurmbs, Sec. Ac. of Sc. at Batavia.) Melanthilcecc. 4.
9133 longiflira W. long-flowered tf iAI cu \ myjn W C. G. H. 1788. O 8.1 Bot mag. Vl[)\
9134 purpurea Dry. purple tf iAJ cu 1 myjn P C. G. H. 1788. O 8.1'Jt
Afelanthium spicktum Hout.
9135 camnanulata W. cam pa nu late tf LAI or \ my.jl W C. G. H. 1819. O s.l
A/elinthium monopetalum L.
9136 phmila w. dwarf tf .Al or \ myjn W C. G. H. 1800. O s p
1117. ANDROCY'MBIUM L. ANDROCYMBU'M. (Anert anther, kvmbion,a saucer; stam.) Melanthucete. 3.
9137 euromoldes W. Eucomis-like tf iAI cu \ G C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 165
Azchinthium eucomoldcs Jac.
9138 melanthioides W, Melanth.-likc tf iAI cu \ jn.jl W C. G. H. 1823. O s.p
9139 volutare Burc. tolloA-lcaved ^ iAJ or | W C. G. H. 1816. O s.p
*1118.TRI'LLIUMZ. TRILLIUM. ILLIUM. (Trilix, tissue of three threads; triple-leaved calyx.) Mclanthhccct. 14.
9140 sessile /,. Biie-leaved A A or £ ap my Br N. Amcr. 1759. R g.p Bot mag. 40
914lnetioKitumPA. '-
petiolate A A or Br N. Amcr. 1811. R s.p
9142 crythrocarpum Mx. red-fruited A A or i my.jn K,w N. Amcr. 1811. 11 s.p Sw.fl.gar.S13
pictum Ph.
9143 ovatum Ph. ovate A or i my.jn Pa.P N. Amor. 1812. R s.p
9144 p&milum Ph. dwarf A or A my.jn R Carolina 1812. R s.p
pusfllum Mx.
9145 cernuum L. drooping-jftMt A A or 1* \V N. Amer. 1758. R s.p Bot mag. 954
9146 erectum L. erect A A or Br N. Amer. 1759. R s.p Bot. mag. 470
rhomboideum Afr. purp&rcum Ker
2 Alburn white-Jtimicri'd A A or | W N. Amer. 1800. R ap Bot mag. 1027
9147 obovatum Ph. ohovatc-leaucd A A or i ap my R Canada 1810. R B.p
9148 undulatum IV. vraveii-petaled A A or | R N. Amcr. 1818. R s.p
9149 pendulum W. pendulous A A or i W N. Amcr. 1805. R s.p W.h.b.1.35
erectum $ Bot.mag.lWn
5)150 Catesb/eN' Ell. Catesby's A A or * my R Carolina 1820. R fl.p Cat car. 1.45
91.>1 ncrvosum Ell. ncrvose A A or 4 R Georgia 1820. R s.p
9152 stylusum Nut. stylose A A or | II Carolina 1823. R s.p
9153 grandiflorum Sal. large-flowered A A or * j W N. Amer. 1799. R s.p Par. Ion. 1
crythrocarpum B. Af.
1119. CO'LCHIcftn L. MEADOW SAFFHOV. {Colchis, its native country.) MelatUhhccte. 9.
Byzantine tf A or is.o P Levant 1629. O s.p Bot mag. 1122
M5 autumiule L. autumnal. tf A or i s.o P Britain mead. O s.p 133
2 album vih'ite-Jlowered tf .A m is.o W Britain mead. O s.p
3fuhisvariegatis varicgated-lvd 3 Am | S.0 P Bnt tin gard. O s.p
4 flora plfeno doublc-flwd tf A or P Britain gard. O s.p
01.% crociflurum Sims Crocus-flwd tf A or | au.s P S. Europe O s.p Bot. mag. 2673
9157 alptnum Dec. alpine tf A or P Apciinin. 1820. O s.p
9158 arenarium Kit. sand tf A or P Hungary 1816. O s.p "W.&K.9.179r
9159 umbrosum Fis. shaded tf A or Pk Crimea 1819. O p i Bot. rej?.. >41
D160 variegatum L. chcckcred-jftiM/ tf A or * au.o P Greece 1629. O Bot mag. 1028
A or S. Europe 1600.
9161 tcssellatum Mil. tessellated
tf A or
i au
o S.D
P.l Al.ped. 1.74.2
9162 mont.\num L. S. Europe 1819., O p.
Mere/ultra mont^na Ram.
1120. MERENDEyRA Bieb. MERBNDBRA. (A name given to Colchicum by the Spaniards.) Melanthhcete. 1.
916J caucasica Bkb. Caucasian tf A or \ au P Caucasus 1823. O B.p
Bulbocodium trigynum Adams, C61chicum caucasicum Spr.
1121. HELO'NIAS L. HELONIAB. (Helos, a marsh; habitation.) MeUmtkacete. 3 . - 4 .
9164 bullata W. boss-garnished A or 1 P N. Amer. 1758. R s.p Bot mag. 747
9165 erythrosperma Afr. red-seeded w N
ftaA. A or J j" - Amer. 1770. R s.p Bot. mag. 803
9166 angustifblia Mr. narrow-leaved £ A or 1 myjn "W
N. Amer. 1823. R s.p
1122. KQIVXA Mx. NOMVA. (P.. C. i , an American botanist))
C Nolin, MelaniMcav. 1.
9167 georgitaa Mx. Georgian A or Si W Georgia 1812. R s.p Pluk. m. 342.1
i*halangium virgatum Lam.
1123. APONOGE^TON Thun. APONOGETON. (Apom, water.Gr//., gciton, neighbour, Gr.\ habitat.)Fluviules. 4.
91H8 monostKchyon /,. siinpLc-spikcd ^ E3 cu { au.o Pk E. Indies 1803. O p.l Bot rep. 406
916!) distkehyon H. K. two-spiked * iAI cu \ rayjl W C. G. H. 1788. O p.l Bot mag. 1293
9170 angustitolium H. K. narrow-leaved ^ LAI cu ft ap.s W C. G. H. 1788. O p.l Bot. mag. 1268
''171 cribpum Thun. curled-leaved ^ QS cu i jl.s W Ceylon 1820. O p.l
1124. SA^BAL Adan. SABAL. (A name given by Adanson, meaning unknown.) Pdltna. S.
9172 Adans&ni B. M. Adanson's i 122 or 6 G Florida 1810. S 8.1 Bot mag. 1434
C6rypha imuor Jac. Chuma^rops aca61is Mx. Rh?iphis arculis W.
9173 Blackburnir)RA Lo.C. Blackburn's £ O or 6 ... G tropics
p 18'25. s.l
9174 graininifMia Lo. C. Grass-leaved £ CU oro r fi6 G S A
S. Amcr. 1825. s.l
9175 umbraculifera Lo. C. umbrella-bear. £ O Jamaica 1825. s.l
9176 PalmJUo Lo. C. Small Palm £ O or 6 Georgia 1823. s.l
1125. L*VISTO S NIAA Br. LIVISTONIA. (Patrick Murray,\ of Levistone, near Edinburgh.) Pdlnue. 2.
9177 inermis R. Br. unarmed £ | | or 10 N. HolL 1824. S r.m
9178 humiiis R. Br. humble £i_Jor 6 N. HolL 1824. S r.m
1126. TJU^MEX L. DOCK. (Rumcx, a spear;
ear; shape of leaves.) Polygbneie. 67."—97.
91797/ydrolapathum Hud. W t Dock
Water D k * A 55jl.
j l au G Bt
Britain R co 2104
aqu^ticus Sm.
9180 britanmcus L. British * A m 2 jn.jl G N. Amer. ... R CO
»J81 m^iximus Schreb. largest A un 6 G Europe 1800. R CO
9182 glomeratus Schreb. glomerato A un 2 jivau G Europe 1818. R CO
9183 divaricatus IV. divaricated A un 2 11 au G Italy 179J. S CO TiL pis. 37.2
9184 Ncmolapathum£ArA. Grove Dock A un 3 G S. Europe 1810. R CO
9185 nemortous Schr. grove A un 2 1 G Germany 1810. R CO
9186 condylbdcs Bieb. knobbed A un 3 jl G Caucasus 1816. S CO
9187 crlspus L. curled A w 2 jn.jl G Britain ]rubble. R CO Eng. bot 1998
9188 Patientia /.. • Patience A cul 4 jn.jl G Italy 157a R CO
Sjj-J confertus \%\ c\ose-headcd 4 jn.jl G Europe 17JW. R CO
SJS »»«•»'«»»»• /-*. Brazilian Umy G Brazil 1K22. R CO
9191 •eninllftris /.. whorled 2 G N. Amer. 1820. R CO
9192 spatulntus Thun. spatulatc G C. G. H. 1820. S CO
cureifulius Campb.
9193 acutus L. *h*rp.leaved G Britain R CO Eng.bot724
9194 laevigatus W. smoothed G Europe 1810. R CO
9195 sylvestris Wallr. wood G Germany 1800. R CO
9196 hetcroph> 11 us Schulz variable-leaved G Germany 1818. R CO
9197 uncatus Trev. hooked G Prussia 1826. R CO
9198 nepalcnsis Spr. Nepal G Nepal 1817. R CO
IM«~ tuberosus Rox.
»199 obtusif&lius L. obtuse-leaved 3 G Britain rubble. R CO 1999
2 G Britain | R CO Eng. bot. 1576
'^00 p(ilcher L. fair

9201 purpareus Lk. purplc-vcined Switzcrl. 1819. R co

9202 Banguineus L. bloody-veined England K co Eng. bot. 1533
9203 cristatus Dec. cresteil 1823. R co
9204 crisratulm Afr. little-curled N. Amor. 1817. S co
9205 palustris Sm. marsh England mar. R co Eng. bot. 1932
9206 maritimus /,. sea Britain salt ma. R co Eng. boL 725
92(17 perhicnrio'ides L. Pcrsicaria-like N. Amer. 1773. S co
9208 {Cgypt'iacus L. Egyptian Egypt 173*. S co Til. pis. 37.1
920!) dentatus Mur. dentated Egypt 1732. S co DL cL 158.191
9*210 strictus Lk. strict 1823. R co
9211 ucramcus Horn. Ukraine Ukraine 1822. S co
9212 aqua'ticus L. water Britain ditch. R co
9213 scuUtus L. bucklered France 1596. R co
9214 vcsicanus L. bladdcred Africa 165a S co M.h.5.28.7
9J15 tingitanus L. Tangier Barbary 1680. R co Za. h. 9.6
9216 lancifulius Lk. lance-leaved 1823. R co
9217 longifulius Kth. long-lea ved S. Amer. 1824. S co
9218 sarcorMzus Lk. fleiihy-rootcd C G. H. 1824. R co
caudntus De&f.
9219 hanticfMiu* Bieb. halbert-lcavcd Crimea 1823. R co
9220 Burchcllii Camp, Burchell's C. G. H. 1820.
sagitt'itus Thun. C co
9221 venusus Ph. veiny ft iA)un 2 G N. Amer. 1819. 9 co
9222 Lunaria L. Moon wort tL\ |CU 2 jn.jl G Canaries 1698. C s.l Pluk,aL252LS
922.3 domesticua Hrtm. domestic * A un 2 Jnjl G SwitzerL 1819. $ co
9224 rf»seu» Z,. rose O un G Egypt 1737. S co
9225 >acprus Balb.
9226 bucephalophorus L. ISuccphalon-bg
9227 timunatus i*ojr. fringed
O cu JJnJl G
Q cu I jn
A Al un 1 jn.jl G
G as? 1810. S co
C. G. H. 1820. R co
S co Cav. ic 1.41.1
9228 Brownif Camp, Brown's A IAI cu G N. Holl. 1823. R co
flmbnatus R. Br.
9229 Acetuea L. Common Sorrel Britain R co Eng. bot. 127
9230 interm&dius Dec. intermediate France 1820. R co
9231 tul>ero8U3 L. tuberous-rooted, Italy 1752. R co 348
9232 trinnguPiris Poir. triangular-/^ 1817. R co
tubcrosus Hort. not /..
9933 Acetosella L. Sheep's Sorrel Britain R co Eng. bot 1674
92.34 anfV.lius L. Arum-leaved Africa 1775. C s.l Jac. vin. 3.93
9335 multifitlus L. • multifld S. Europe 1820. R co Boc. mu. 2.126
9V36 pyrciAicus Lap. Pyrcnean Pyrenees 1812. R co
9237 abyshimcub Jac. Abyssinian Abyssinia 1820. R co
92.J8 amplexicafilis Lap. stem-clasping Pyrenees 1810, R co
92.39 luxbrians L. luxuriant France 1819. R co Boc. mu. 126
9240 alpmus L. alpine France 1597. 11 l.p Zo. ic. 261
92H hastulatus Lamb. hastulate Chile 182.3. R co
9242 frutcMCcnu Thou. frutescent Tns.d'Ac.1823. R co
9243 gigantfeus // K. gigantic Sandw.Is. 1796. R co
9 2 4 i i t ? l i L GraHs-leaved Russia 1820. R co
9245 aculeatus L. prickly Candia ... R co
1127. ETMEX Neck. EMBZ. (Probably without meaning.) Polyghneee. 1.
9246 spinosus Camp. spiny Jc O cu 1 O Candia 1556. S co 347
Jlhxnex spinusus L.
1128. PODO'PTERUS Kth. PODOFTERUB. {POUS, a foot, p&rtt, a wing.) Polyghnece. 1.
9247 mexicanua Kth. Mexican « - u J o r 2 ... Mexico 1825. C s.p H.&B.2.107



1129. WENDLA*NDIA W. WENDLANDIA. (J. C. Wendland, a German botanist) Metdspirhiece. 1.

9248jDopulifMia W. Poplar-leaved £ . | _ J o r 10 jnjl W Florida 1759. C co
Cucculus caronnus Dec.
1130. DAMASO^NIUM ScArcft. DAMABOMUM. (Damazo, to subdue; med. qual.) Hydrocharfdeet. S.
9924!) Indicum W. Indian
dian ^ [73 or 1 jl s W E. Indies 1800. S aq Bot mag. 1201
9250 ovalifulium R B
R. Br. oval-leaved S iAJAJ or 1 jnjl jjl W N
N. Holl
Holl. 1824
1824. S aq
1131. ACTINOCA'RPUS R. Br. ACTINOCARPUS. (Aktin, ray, karpos, fruit; radiated.) Alismhcece. 2.-4.
9251 minor R. Br. smaller A \ W N. S. W. ... S aq
9252 Damasurnum R. Br. Damasonium *a \ W England dit. S aq Eng. bot. 1615
illisma Damabonia L. Damasonium btellatum Pcrs.
1132 J L l ' S M A i . WATER PLANTAIN. (Alis, water, Celt.: habitation.) Alismhcete. 9.—11.
9253 Plantago L. Plantain ^ A or 1* Jnjl P.w Britain pools. S aq Eng. bot 837
9254 lanccolata With. apcar-ieaved £= A or H jnjl P.w Britain pools. S aq
9255 parviflora Ph. . small-flowercd £-. A or 1 W N. Amer. IK 16. S aq
9256 trivialis Ph. trivial ^ A or li jn.jl W N. Amer. 1816. Sk aq
9257 cordifiilia L. heart-leaved ^ E3pr 1 W W. Indies 1810. D aq M.h.15.4.6
9258 parnassifdlia L. Parnassia-lvd ^ -AJpr i jnjl W Italy 1820. D aq
9259 natans L. floating £z A or i W Wales allak. S aq Eng. bot 775
9260 ranunculoldes L. Ranunculus-lk dfe A or iau P Britain S aq Eng. bot. 326
9261 repens Cav. creeping ik A F i W.p Wales&Eng.dit. D aq Cav. ic. 1.55



1133.TRIENTA X LISX. WINTER GREEN. (Trkns, one third; humble stature.) Primulacea. 9.
9262 curopae%a L. European £ A cu i my.jn W Britain m.wo. R s.p Eng. bot 15
9263 americana Ph. American £ A cu ft W N. Araer. 1816. R s.p
1134. DISA'NDRA L. DISANDRA. (DJW, difficult, a ner, anther J number variable.) Scrophuldrinar. 1.
9264prostrataL. trailing JUiAlor | Y Madeira 1771. R P-l Bot. mag. 218
• 1135. FISOSNIA L. PlSONIA. ph rsician at Amsterdam.)
( IV. Piso, a Nyctaginea. 11. — 16.
9265 aculeata L. prickly IQcu 10 mr.ap G Jamaica 1739. C p.l 861
9266 fragrans Desf. fragrant • Dcu 3 .1823. C p.1
9267 macrophf Ua Lk. long-leaved H.l leu 3 182J. C p.1
9268 nfgricans Suns. blackish HI leu 3 ... G.w W. Indies 1806. C p.1
9269 obovata Lk. obovate H1 leu 3 182a C p.1
9270 mexickna Lk. Mexican * 1 leu 4 Mexico 1824. C p.l
9271 nltida W. en. shining • Dcu 3 Madagasc.1824. C p.1
9272 grandis R. Br. large iLjor 12 N. Holl. 1805. C p.1
9273 subcordala Swt. subcordate-/w£ T Dor 30 Jamaica 1821. C p.1
9~'74 obtusata Swt. obiaw-leaued • 1 lor 4 W.Indies 1824. C p.l
9275 hirtella Kth. rather hairy • 1 lor 4 Mexico 1825. C p.1
1136 PETIVETRLf L. PBTIVERIA. (J. Petiver, F.R.S., apothecary, London.) ChenojAdete. 2.
9276alliacea L. Garhc-scented i t Q c u 2 jn.jl W Jamaica 1759. C pi Tr.chr. 33.67
9277 octandra Jae. octandrous n - C J c u S jn.jl W W. Indies 1737. C p.l PI. ic. 2J3.219
' 1137. ^E'SCULUS J,. HORSECHEST.VUT. (Esca, food ; in fabled Golden Age.) Hippocasthnea. 5.
9278 HippoLast.uiura L. Horsech., or com. ^ tm 40 ap.iny W Asia 16-29. S co Schro. ar. 1.38
2 vancgktuin \ or It) W Asia 1629. S co
9279 glabra IV. en. Bmooih-leaved or 12 my ju G.Y N. Amor. 1812. G co
92S0oh'u'nsis Mx. Ohio or SO W N. Amer. ... S co
9281 rubicunda Dec. ruddy or 12 jn> R N. Amcr. 1820. G co 121
carnea Wat.
9282 pallida IV. en. pale-flowered % or 12 jn G.T N. Amer. 1812. G co
1138. VA^VIA Boer. PAVIA. (Pierre Paw, professor of botany at Leyden.) Hippocas/dnete. 7.
9283 rfibra Lam rod-flowered it or 6 my.jn S N. Amer. 1711. G s.1 Den. br. 120
jE'sculus Pavia L.
2 arguta short-notched or 4 ... R Europe 182a G co Bot.reg.993
9284 camea B R. (Lcsh-colored or 16 ... R 1820. G co Bot. reg. 1U56
9285 hhmilis 6. Don humble or 4 my.jn R ... G co Bot. reg. 1018
JE'SCUIUB liumilis Lod.
9286 h^briria Dec. hybrid or 4 my R Y Georgia 1812. G s.l
jK'sculus discolor Ph.
9287 fl?iva Dec. yellow or 20 my.ju Y N. Amer. 1764. G s.1 163
jJEfrculus flXva //. K.
9288 ncglccta G. Don neglected or SO my.jn Pa.Y ...... 1823? G co Bot. reg. 1009
JE'aculu* neglccta Lindl.
0289 macrostachya Dec. long-spiked or 6 jn.jl W N. Amcr. 1820. G co CoL h. rip. 19
parviflura Walt, .i&'sculus macrostachya Mx.
1139. JONE N SJi W. JO.VBSIA. {Sir William Jones, a celebrated scholar and bot) Leewntnb&*. &
9290 Asbca Rux. Asoca f • or 20 ... O E. Indies 1796. C p.l R.mal.5.5!)
pinndta IV.
9291 scandens llox. scandent | _ C D o r 20 O E. Indies 1820. C p.l
1140. DRACO'NTIUM/«. DiUGOAr. (DraAron, a dragon; stems.) Aroidete. 2 . - 6 .
9292 polyuhyllum L. many-leaved Ju 2 mrjn Ap India 17~i9. R l t l Bot rep. 700
9293 spinosum L. prickly 2 Ap Ceylon 1759. R l t l
1141. CA'LLA L. CAI.LA. (Kallos, beauty.) Aro\de<s. 4 . - 5 .
9294 palft&tris L. marsh i ^ or jUu ' W N. Amcr. 1768. 1) p Bot. mag. 1831
aromatica Rox. aromatic j? iA) or 2"jl W China 1813. D r.m Bot mag. 2279
92 J6 pcrtiisa Kth. jwrforated ^ El cu 6 ap.jn W W.Indies 1752. R p.l 184.5
iJracuntium pertusum L.
9297 occdlta Lou. hidden-spiked tf lAlor my.jn W China 1817. D r.m Bot. cab. 12
1142. HICHA'RD/il Kth. RICIIARDIA. (L. C. Richard, an eminent French botanist) Aroidece. 1.
9?98 athiopica Kth. Ethiopian £ u f i j o r 3 W C G . H . 1731. Sk r.m Bot mag. 832
Calla acthiopica L.
1143. PARINATRIUM J. PARINARIUM. (ParinarL the Guiana name of the genus.) Chrysobattne*.3.—b\
9299 exceUjm G. Don tall f CD fr 60 ... W S Leone 1822. C 1
9300 macrophyllum G. Don long-leaved * • fir 3 ... W S. Leone 1822. C r.l
9301 campestre Aub. field iQor 6 ... W Guiana 1824. C s.1 Aub.guI.S06
Petrocarya camp&tris W.



1144. i l ' M E U M L. LIVEUM. (Loimos, a pest; a poisonous plant) ' PorhOhcea 1—4.
8302 4fricanumX. African fciAlP f jnjl W C. G. H. 1774. K tip



1145. SAURUMtUS L. LIZARD'S-TAIL. (Saura, a lizard, oura, a tail; flowcr.spikc.) Piperhcete. X

9303 cernuus L. drooping *= A cu 2 s Ap Virginia 175a D s.p Ijim. ll. 1
9304 l&cidus Jae. •hining fe A cu 1| s Ap N. Amer. 1791. 1) 1 Jac ec. 1.18
9305 chintasis Jlott. Chinese £3 _AJ cu 1J ... Ap China 1819. D 1
1140. ASTRA'NTHUSIMU. ABTHANTHOS. (Aitrontstar,anthot,flower; segments.) Eomnlineee. 1. —2.
9306 cochinchinensii Lou. Cochinchincse * LJ CU 4 jn.jl W* China 1823. C r.m Bot mag. 894



1147. SE'PTASL. SEPTA*. (Septem, seven ; all parts of flower divided into seven.) Sempervfvea. 3 . - 4 .
9307 capcnsiB L. Cape £ tAI cu J au.s W C. G. H. 1774. II s.p Hot. rep. 90
93U8 gloniflbra B. M. globe-flowered £ LAJ cu $ mr.ap W C. G. H. 1809. R s.p Bot. mag 1472
9300 umbella Haw. umbel £ iAJ cu } jl W . G C. G. H. 1800. R s.p Jac. vin. 352



* 1148. TROPJENOLUM L. INDIAN CRIBS. {Tropantm, , aat trophy;

py; leaf and flower.) Tropeble*. 8. —13.
9310 nrtnus ~L. "
smaller - ~O or 1 jn.o
Jc j OY
O.Y Peru 1596. S s.l Bot. mag. 98
2 flora pleno doiible-flowcredl* iAJ or jn.o O.Y Peru 159ft, C 8.1
9311 maju* L. greater _£ O cul jn.o O.Y Peru 1680. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 23
2 flora plcno double-flowcrcdft. LAJ or jn.o O Peru Ifitti. C r.m'
9312 aduncum Sm. hooked ISiGJor jn.o O Peru 1775. S r.m Bot. mag. 1351
pcrcgrinuin Jac>
9313I innn'iliini
Anilr. pinnatc-/faud 2 jn.o P.o Feru C r.m Bot. rep. 535.
9314 hybndum /,. hybrid 4 O C rm Berg.ho.32.1
9315 pcregilnum L. strange 2 j|.s O N. Grana. 1810. C si 1.68
9316 pcntaph^llum Lam. five-leaved •Alor O M. Video 1824. C s.l Lam. il. 277
9317 polypn^llum Cav. many-leaved l 3 jn.jl O.Y Chile 1827. C s.I Cav. ic. 4. 365
1149. R O X B U ' R G H / ^ Jon. ROXBOBGHIA. (JV. Boxburgh,M.D.t6\TCct. of bot gar. Calcutta.) Asphodvlets. f L
9318 gloriosoldcs Hog. Gloriosa-like fl_ (29 or 6 ap Pk.v R Indies 1803. Sk p.l B o t mag. 1500
1150. G R l ' S L E ^ L.
GRISLEA. (fif Gtixfey, a Portuguese surgeon and author.) Salicurkc. 2.
9319 tomentosa Jiox. downy -1: •• prp 3 my.jn R K. Indies 1804. C s.p B o t reg. 30
9320 secunda L. side-flowering L_]or 4 ... Cumana 1820. C p.l
1151. CASTE?Litf Turp. CASTELA. (M. Castel, author of a poem upon plants.) Bhdmnea.
Bhc 1. — 2.
9321 erccta Turp. erect • Dor 4 W.Indies 1825. C p.l
1152. BORONN7i4 Sm. BORONIA. IF. Borone, a servant of Dr. Sibthorp.) RutiHeeee. 10. — 1 4 .
9322 /cdifuliA Gay Lcdum-lcaved * LJ oror 1J mr.ap W N. S. W. 1814. C s.p Ven. mal.59
9323 pinnilta Sm. pntc/Lavrrf u_J 2 fmy N. S. W. 1794. C s.p Hot. rcg.58
9324 tt'traiulra Lab. 2 mr.jn N. Holl. 1824. C fl.p Lab. n. li. 1.125
9325 alata Sm. tutrandrous A | | or 3 mr.jn N. Holl. 1825. C s.p Sw. au. ic. in.
93'Jfi anemnnsefolia Cun. a 1 I or N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
9327 bcrrulata Sm. Aneiiione-lvd H L_J or jnjl N. S.W. 1816. C B.p B o t reg. 842
9528 /wlygala-folia Sm. serrulated tt |_J or mr.jn N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 7
9329 piloiiima Lab. Polygala-leavctlil 1 | or mrjl N. Holl. 1826. C B.p Lab. n. h. 1.126
9330 dcnticuliita Sm. hairy-stamened H i_J or or mr.jl N. Holl. 1823. C s.p B o t reg. 1000
9331 parad6xa Dec. denticulate • u.1 N. Holl. 1825. C *.p
wonderlul il 1 | or
1153. TETRATHE CA Sm. TETRATHECA. (Tetra, four, theke, a cell; cells of anther.) Tremdndre*. 6.
9332 juncea SOT. rushy «. 1—J pr 2 jl-au P fl.pSm. n. h. 1.2
N. S. W. 1803. S fl.p
933J tfricasfolia Sm. heath-leaved «. 1 | prr P N. Holl. 1820. sp 1.20
9334 pilosa Lab. pilose IL i_J P jlau P V. Di. L. 1823. s.p Lab. 11. h. 1.122
9335 /hymifaiia Sm. Thyme-leaved a. L«J pr P N. Holl. 1824. •P Sin. ex. bot. 22
9.136 glandulosa Lab. glandulose «. 1 | pr P V. Di. L. 1822. s.p Lab. n. h. 1. l'J3
9337 rubioides Cun. P N. Holl. 1825. B.p
Rubia-like tt. 1 T°r
MMO-'-.-. C O R R
^ ^ Sm. ConnvGA. (J. Coma de Serra, a celebrated Portuguese botanist) Butucetc. 5.
9338 alba B. Ben white * \_J or fi apjl W N. S. WT 1793. C s.p Bot. rep. 18
9339 rdfa Gat. reddish • (I| or6 6 ap.jl
l W WN H lh'21. C
l l IS'21
N. Holl. CB.pLLab.
b vo.21 2.17
9340 specibsa A Ben. showy * i _ J o r 3 apjl s N. S. W. 180& G sp Bot. reg. 26
9341 pulchella A. Ar. pretty m i_J or 5 apjl
grcen^/7ow«r<Ml m i_J or 6 my.n G
s N. Holl. 1824. G fl.p Sw. au. 1
N. S. W . 1600. C S.p Bot. reg 3
9S42 virens Sm.

1155. PORLIE?IM R. St P. POHLIEQA. (P. Antoine Porlier, a Spanish promoter of botany.) Zygophfllete. 1.
9343 hygrometrica ft. per. hygrometric a. • or Peru 1820. C p i s FJ. per. pr. 7
* 1156. MIMU*SOPS L. MIMUSOFS. (Mimo, an ape, ops, the face; flowers.) Sapote<e. 5. — 6.
9344 ENngi L. Elcngi t • or 15 ... W E. Indies 1796. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.14
9545 pamfolia R. Br. small-leaved t l_J or 10 N. Holl. 1821. C p. I
9316 dissecta Spr. dissected J LJ fr 15 S, Sea Itl. 1804. C p.l
/Pchras dissecta Font.
9347 Kadki L. Kauki or 10 W E. Indies 1796. p.l Ru. am. 3.8
-9348 hcx&ndn Roz. hexandrous or 10 Y.w India 1804.
1157. SCHMIDENLJi4 L. SCUMIDBLIA. (G C. Schmidel, prof, hot, acad. of Erlang.) Sapindtkcete. 3.—18.
9349 aerrata Dec. naw-leaved or 12 W E. Indies 1804. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.61
Ornltrophc serrata Rox.
9350 racembsa L. racemose 15 my.jn W E. Indies 1820. Bur. in. 32.1
9351 Cominia Swz. Cominia Jamaica 1759. SL jam. 2.208.1
Ornitrophe Cominia W.
* 1158. CUPA^NIitf L. CUPANIA. (Father Franc. Cupani, an Italian capuchin.) Sapindhcca. 6. —13.
9362 tomentusa Swz. tomontose t • or 15 ... W W. Indies 18118. C p.l,
9353 exctlsa Kth. lofty W Mexico 1824. C p.l
9354 glabra Sun. smooth my.jn W Jamaica 1822. C p.i
9355 saponarioides Sun. Saponaria-like mr.jn
w E. W. Indies 1810. C p.I
9356 can£scen» Pert. canescent Indies 1818. C p.l
Mollnia canescens Rox. W.Y
9357 dentata Sessi toothed IDor W Mexico 1824. C p.l Fl. raex.
1159. EUPHORIA Com. EnpnoBiA. (Euphoros, fertile: fruit.) Sapindhcete. 4. — 5.
3858 Litchl Desf. Lee-Chce I C J f r 15 my.jn W China 1786. L r.m 306
Dimocarpus LitcKi Lou.
3359 Long^na I^am. Longan £ C 3 f r 15 myjn W China 1786. L r.m Buc.99
Dimocarpus Longdn Lou.
9360 Afcphelium Dec. Burdock 20 my.jl W E. Indies 1809. C r.m Lam. il. 764
Aephelium /appaceum W. Scytalia Rambottan Rox.
t i i l l t BB. RR.
9361 rerticillata whorled i• •frfr
j W . R EL Indies 1820. C r.m Bot. reg. 1059
1160. MELICO'CCAZ. HONET BEHHY. {Melt, honey, kokkos, berry: flavour.) Sapinddceie. 4. — 7.
9362 bfjuga L. two-paired fr 16 ... Y Jamaica 1778. C lt.l Jac am. 108.72
9363 paniculata J. panicled fr SO St.Domin.1820. C c Mem. in. 3.5
9364 oltvs?f6nnis Dec. Olive-shaped fr 20 ... Y W. Indies 1824. C p.l
9J65 trfjuga J. three-paired 20 Ceylon 1820. C s.p M6m.HL 3.8
Scytalia tr/juga Rox.
1161. BLVGHIA H. K. AKEE T H E C (Capt. Btigh first carried bread-fruit to the W. Ind.) Saphuticete. 1.
9366 s£pida H. K. savoury i O f r SO ... W Africa 1793. S r.m,17
1162. MATA^YBA Aub. MATAIBA. (Vernacular name in French Guiana.) SapindHcetc. 2. —5.
9307 guianensis Aub. Guiana S CD tm 60 ... W Guiana 1801 C p.l Aub. guL 1. 128
Ephielis/raxfnea W.
9368 Patrotona Dec. Patris's ± Qtm 50 W Guiana 1825. C p.l
1163. TALI'SIA Aub. TALIBIA. {Toulichi, its name in Guiana.) SapindHcete. 1. •*- 4.
9369 guianensis Aub. Guiana IQor 8 ... R Guiana 1824. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 136
1164. THOUI'N/4 Poit. THOUINIA. (And. Thouin, of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris.) Sapindaccce. 1. — 8.
9370 pinnkta Turp. pinnate i O o r 8 ... W N.Spain 1823. C p.l An. mu. 5.26
1165. VlTMX'KmA Vahl VITMANNIA. (F. Vitmann, professor at Milan, 1792.) Malpighi&cete. 1.
9371 elliptica Vahl elliptic ± D or 20 ... Y Ceylon 1817. C 8.1 Gac. fr. 2.156. 3
1166. KOLREUTE N R/^ Lax. KOLREUTEBIA ( (J. G. Kolreufer, a eclcb. Ger. bot. and nat.) Sapindiicea. p 1.
7 2paniculata
p i l t LLax ild
panicled $ o r l l00 J l l a u Y CChhi i n a
HG3 R R co BBo t .tr e 3g . 3^^
1167. GUA^REA L. GI'AREA. (Guara, its name in Cuba.) Mel&cece. 3 . - 5 .
9373 grandiflftra Dec. great-flowered £ O tin 20 my.jn W S. Amcr. 17552. C r.m Cav.dis.7.210
trichilioldes L.
9374 Swartztf Dec. Swartz's ± O tm 30 mr.jn W Jamaica 1818. C pi SI.jam.2. 170. i
trichiholdes Sun.
9375 ramiflora Ven. branch.flwd J • or 20 W PortoRico 1824. C p.l 41
1168. ylMYNRIS L. AMVRIS. (A. intensive, myrrha, myrrh; perfume of gum.) Terebinthhceee. 10.— 20.
9376 Lunkiw Spr. ' Lunan's f • or 12 jn.jl W Jamaica 1820. C '
9.377 sylvatica Jac. wood CJ or 16 Jn.jl "W Carthag. 179.3. t
\P Jac. am. pic. 188
9378 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian lor 20 jn.o w Brazil 1818. .p
937U Pluniieri Dec. Plunder's ]or £0 ... w W. Indies 1820. Lp Plu. am. 100
clemifura Dec.
w R Indies 1823. P
9380 heptapltflla Rox.
9381 toxlfera W.
poison-bearing w W. Indies 1818. 1
Lp Cat. car. 1.40
_ M ^ balsam! fora L.
9382 acumin^ta Rox. acuminate w E. Indies 1823. ! PP
J3S3 nana Uox. dwarf w E. Indies 1822.
9384 maritima Jac. sea w S. Amcr. 1810. p<
"38J Tecomaca Dec. Teeomaca w Mexico 1827. 1-P
1169. BALSAMODE'NDRON Kth. BALPAMODENDRON. (Balsamon, balsam, dendron, tree.) Tereblnt. 1.—5.
9386 zeylanicum Kth. Ceylon f CD m 30 Ceylon ... C p.l
Amfxn zclanica Retx.
l i m H K D W l ' O M Swv. HEDWIGIA. (John Hedwig, a cryptogamist, died 1799.) Terebinthhcete. 1.—2.
9387 balsamifera Swz. balsam-bearing ± CD or 40 ... W W. Indies 1820. C Lp Gae. fr. 2. 2
1171. XIME^NJ^ L. XlMENIA. (F. Ximenes, a Spanish naturalist) Olacincte. 2. —4.
9388 americana IV. American H o r 15 ... W W.Indies 1759. C s.p Jac. am. pic. 107
9389 inermis L. unarmed or 40 W. Indies 1810.
C Lp
* 1172. BIE'CKIA L. BACKIA. (A. Back, a Swedish physician.) MyrMcete. S. —9.
9390 frut€scens L. frutescent li_Jpr 3 s.d W China 1806. L s.l Obb.l
g ? l2 virghta Ker it | pr 3 au.o W N. Caled. 1806. C s p Bot reo 508
S S KralUs Cun. slender ijor 2 ... W N. Holl. 1826. C s.1 p ^'
J 3 ramostoima Cun. branchiest IJor 3 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C s.1 n
densifolia Sm. close-leaved i L j p r 3 au.o \V N. S. \V. ... C s i p

9395 /inifdlia Rud. Flax-Ieaved * i _ J o r 3 jlau W N. Holl. 1818. C fl.p

9396 diosmaefolia Rud. Diosma-leaved « i_J o* 3 W N. Holl. 1824. C fl.p
9397 camphorata Sm. W N. Holl. 1818. C s.p Bot. mag. 2674
camphor-*vntoi * L_I or 3
•1173. ERVCA L. HEATH. (Ereiko, to break; fragile branches.) Ericett. 543.—
I. TOBIKLO'ILK. — Flowers long and cylindrical.
9398 Plukenetfl L. Flukcnet'i I L J spl 2 * *P Jl. R C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 pa*llida pale I1 l o r Pa.R C.G.H. 1794. C s.p
9399 plcta Nois. painted l|_Jor 2 jl.o O.T C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9400 pudibunda Sal. blush ti ) or 2 jn.i P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Wen. er. 3.5. i c
nutarni Wnl.
9401 Petivferii L. Petivert l_Jp 2 mr.jl Y • C. G. H. 1774, C s.p Lam. iL 288.3
2 cocci nca scarlet i|_Jor 2 mr.jl S C. G. H. C s.p
3 fusca 11 ,lor 2 mr.jl Br C. G. H. 1801. C s.p
9402 Bankeiftoa Andr. Banks's tjl W.p C. G. H. 1787. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 purpfcrca |_J P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
? R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 rtpens
creeping ti lor f * apjl ap.j W C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
4 alba 11 | or
9403 penicilliflura Sal. white 2 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 2
calyculata Wnl. pencilled-flwd ti lor
9404 folliculiiris Sal. follicular *L_Jor 2 f.jl Y C.G.H. 1794. C s.p And.heaths 1
PetivcnVina Andr.
9405 mclastoma Andr. black-mouthed i :i lor myjl R.B C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Bot. cab. 333
9406 verticillata Andr. whorlcd i iLjel S C.G.H. 1774. C fl.p And. heaths 1
2 m\jor larger * ;l_jor j S C. G. H. 1800. C fl.p
9407 Scbd7ia Donn Seba's * mr.jn o C. G. H. 1774. C fl.p And. heaths 1
2 fusca brown 1 i lor ap.jn Br C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
3 lutea yellow i i lor apjn Y C. G. H. 1800. C fl.p
4 minor smaller i l | or ap.jn O C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9408 Ewersdfta H. K. Ewer's * l | or jl.o Pk C. G. H. 1793. C s.p And. heaths 2
2 glabra H. K. smooth I l | or jln Pk C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 specibsa showy i i lor jl.o R C. G. H. 1793. C s.p
4 longiflbra long-flowered i i tor 2 jl.o R C. G. H. 1793, C s.p
5 pilosa pilose I i lor 2 jl.o R C. G. H. 1793. C «.p
9409 aocciflura &>/. sandal-flowered* I I CU G C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 1
9410 demfssa Hart. hanging down i x I or G.Y C. C.
G. H. 1818. C s.p
G. H. 1811. C s.p
9411 densiflftra W. dense-flowered i P C. G H. 1775. C s.p Bot. mag. 189
9412 grandiflbra L. great-flowered i ,_jor my.s Y
2 hbmilis humble I i I »I>1 Y C. G. H. 1806. C s.p
my C. G. H. 1812. C fl.p
9413 cephalutes Thun round-headed i lor myjl P C. G. H. 1774.
9414ttfJK b\oody.floweredtk Ll_J J eorl my.s D.R C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1
9415 perspicua Wnl. c\eHT-floivered l i J leil mr.jn W.p C. G. H. 1820. C sp Wen. cr. 1.7. ic.
941(i carinata Lod. keeled or l i s P C s.p Bot cab. 1071
9417 carinula Lod. i I or I jl.s P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Bot. cab. 926
small-keeled C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9418 Rollinsbnii Hort. Hollinson's i lor 2 jn.jl.. P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p And. heaths ic.
9419 cyllndrica Andr. cylmdric i i or 2 myjn my.jn W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4
9420 rogbsa Andr. rugose i lor 2 f.n P C. G. H. 1800.
9421 speciosa Andr. showy i I or 2 jn.s R.G C. G. H. 18(10. C s.p Bot cab. 575
9422 cximia Lod, choice red i I or 2 jnjl jjl S C s.p
9423 exp&nsa Hort. i I or C. G. H. 1818. C fl.p
expanded my.s S C. G. H. 1792. C fl.p And. heaths 2
9424 ignescens Andr. igncaccnt l_jor mrjn R
various-colored i i lor C. G. H. 1788.
9425 discolor Andr. mr.n R.G C. G. H. 179a C s.p And. heaths 1
i lor s.p And. heaths 1
9426 versicolor Andr. changing-cld my.n R C. G. H. 1800. C
2 major
9427 fascicularis H. K.
parcei-JZtMf 2 C. G. H. 1787. C sp
C s.p And. heaths 1
octophylla L. coronkta Andr. R.w
9428 splendens WnL shining ap.s S P C. G. H. 1792, C s.p Wen. er. 8.5. i c
9429 splendida Ma. C. splendid i_Jor S C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9430 mammbsa L. maroinose JLo C. G. H. 17fi2. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 minor smaller jl.o P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 pfillida pale i lor Pa.R C G. H. 1810. C s.p
9431 epistomia Nois. spout-Jlawercd L_Jor my.jn Y.G C G. H. 1810. C fl-P B o t cab. 1186
9432 procera Wnl. lofty i_Jor pj W C. G. H. 1791. C fl.p
9i33 gtUda Andr. ice-cold J l ap.jl G.w C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot cab. 699
2 £lbens whitish apjl W C. G. H. 1820. C fl.p
9434 serratifblia Andr. saw-leaved l_Jor 1} au.d O C. G. H. 1790. C »p And. heaths 1
9435 scrruluta Hort. serrulated J C. G. H. 1810. C «p
9436 davmflbra Sal. club-flowered |au.o C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 2
Bcsmliflura Andr.
9437 spicata Thun. spiked p year L.Y C. G. H. 1789. C ap And. heaths 1
9438 transpkrens L. transparent 1 || de 1| my W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9439 trans! heens Lee translucent 11 | or 2 R C.G.H. 1797. C s.p
9440 dilphana Spr. diaphanous il_jor If Jnjl P C. G. H. 1796. C sp And.heaths4
transparens Andr. not L.
9441 rcfdlgens Andr. refulgent 11 lor 2 apjl C. G. H. 1800. C sp And. heaths ic
9442 vir&ccns Lod. vircscent 11 lor 1 my Y.o C. G. H. 182a C s.p Bot. cab. 233
944.'} flammca Andr. famc-flowercd 11 | or 1} my.o L.Y _ _ C. G. H. 1798. C s.p And. heaths 2
9444 pallcns Spr. pale 1 Pa.R C. G. H. iboa C fl.p And. heaths 2
9445 ratcrslnidna Andr. Patcrson's 2| Y C.G.H. 1791. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 monstrusa monstrous 2 apau Y C. G. H. C s.p
3 major larger 3 C. G. H. C s.p
4 coccinea scarlet or 2 S C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9446 PatcrsoiiftrofcfoBcdf. Pateraonia-like • i_J 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
Patersonidtui coccinea Andr. 2 O.B C. G. H.
9447 glandulosa Thun. g\andu\o\i8-haired* i_J or iny.jn R.o C. G. R 1801. C s.p
dull-yellow *i_jor my.jn Y C. G. H. 182a C s.p
9449SparminniL.fiL Sparmann's «LJ«P1 mr.s D . 0 C. G. H. 1794. C «p And. heaths 3
9450 perspicua WnL clear i lor my^n Pk C. G. H. 1819. C s.p
2nana dwarf y | or mr.jn Pk C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9451blcolorilwfr. two-colored \_JOT jnjl R.Y C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic
9452 lituiflbra Sal. lituus-flowered i lor jn.s C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
9463 penpicuoldes Bed/. Perspicua-like i i lor my.jn RLP C. C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
U54 cosdta Andr. ^ ribbed-flowered 11 lor Pk G. H. 1795. C s p And. heaths 1
Stupirba superb ij myjn S C. G. H. C i.p And. heaths 1
9455 octagbna Lo. C. eight-angled ft t 1 or C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
9456 purp&rea Andr. purple-flowered ft i_J el C G. H. 1789. C s.p
9457 elata Andr. tall ft • lor C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 8
9458 sulphurea Lod. sulphur ft | | el C. G. H. 1805. C s.p Bot. mag. 1981
9459 laniflora Wnl woolly-flowercdft |_J or CG. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1
sordida Andr,
9460 tubiflora L. tube-flowered ft i | de C. G. H. 1775. C s.p And. heaths 1
9461 buccinifurmis&iJ. trumpct-form-./?uirf L_Jor C G. H. 1818. C sp
9462 simpliciflura Donn simple-flowered i_J or 2 mr.jl C. G. H. 1774. C sp Wen. er. 17.69
9463 Archenana Andr. Lady - Archer's
- ft i lor 1} au.n C G. H. 1796. C s.p And. heaths 2
9464 tpiiria Andr. spurious ft i_J or 2 C G. H. 1796. C s.p And. heaths 1
9465 Hibbertuina Andr. Hibbert's ft L_J spl 2 jn.s C. G. H. 1800. C fi.p And. heaths 3
9466 conspicua //. K. conspicuous ft t_J or 2 C G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 2
94h7 linneoute Bcdf. Linnsca like ft (_J or l f CG. H. 1812. C s.p And. heaths 2
9468 curviflbra L. curve-flowered ft |_J or 2 jl.o C G. H. 1774. C 8.p And. heaths 1
2 rbbra red-flowered ft t I or 2 jl.o C G. H. 1800. C s.p
9469 triphy'lla Lk. three-leaved ft i_J spl 2 jl.n C G. H. 1822. C s.p
9470 monadelpha B. M. monadelphous ft i_J or 1| my.jn C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Bot. mag. 1370
s.p And. heaths 2
9471 conclnna //. K.
9472 pellfccida Andr.
i I de 21 s.o
i_J or 2 jn.n
C. G. H.
C. G. H. ma CC s.p And. heaths 3
9473 pellucidioidcs Bed/. Pellucida-like fti_Jor 1 au.n C G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4
pellucida rfibra Andr. 1808.
9474 viridiflora Hort. rfarft-green-flwd ft L_J or 2 C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9475 lAnnmuna Bedf. Linnauis's
Linnae\z Andr. perspScua /3 //. K.
fti |de li C.G.H. 179a C fl.p And. heaths 8
9476 clavhta //or/. clubbed green-flwdft uJ or n C.G.H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
9477 Bcdfordiuna G. Don D. p/.Bedford's ft i_J or 2 CG. H. And. heaths 2
Linnsdna superba 2fe<# 1800. C s.p
9478 hirsuta Lod. hairy ft L 1 mr.ap C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot cab. 751
9479 panntoa SaL c\oth.flowered ft L 1 fjn C. G. H. C sp
9480 erubescens Andr. erubescent ft L C G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9481 Leehno H. K. Lee's ft L_ 2| C. G. H. 1788. C s.p And. heaths 1
9482 colorans Lod. coloring ft i_J or 2 ap.jn C. G. H. 1817. C s.p Botcab.224
9483 onosnucflora Sal Onosma-flwd ft i_J el 1| mr.s C. G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
9484 viridis Andr. green-cowered ft i I cu 2i my.s C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
9485 sangufnea Lod. bloody ft i_J el 1 year CG. H. 1815. C s.p Bot. cab. 8d
9486 longiftha Down
ongiftha Donn ___„
_ ft |_J or 2 f.jl CG. H. 1787. C s.p Ic.h.k.4
longifulia 2 Sal. pinca Wnl.
9487 ninastrifblia Roll. Pinaater-lvd i lor 1 jl.s C G. H. 1800. C s.p
2 rubra red ft i | or 1 jl.s C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9488 jtf nea Thun. Pine-leaved m i_J or 2 au.d C G. H. 179a C s.p
2 discolor various-colored ft i_J or 2 aud CG. H. C s.p
p spiral ft i_J or 2 au.d CG.E C s.p
4 favoldes honeycomb-Ik ft i_J or 2 au.d C G. H. C s.p
5 echioides Echium-like ft LJ or 2 au.d C. G. H. C s.p
6 pulchella pretty ft i_J or 2 amd CG. H. C s.p
_.„ 7 purpurea purple ft t_J or 2 jl.s C G. H. 1806. C s.p
Flax-like ft i_J or 2 jl.s C. G. H. C s.p
J « 9 /moides JVWi.
9490 longiflora Sal long-flowered ft i 1 or 2 my.jn C G. H. isis. C 6.p Bot cab. 983
^ttl pityophfUa Spr. Pine-leaved ft uJ or 2 fjl CG. H. 1810. C s.p And. heaths 3
pinifdlia Andr.
2 spirklis spiral ft i | or 2 jn.s C G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
t.Ann 3 discolor various-colored ft i I or 2 my.s C G. H. 1810. C fl.p
9J92 afirea >*itrfr. go\i\-colored ft i I el 2 jLs C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 2
9JM elongate Lad elongated ft uJ de l{fn C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab 738
§}9+ lanata WW. woolly ft i | or 1 C G. H. 1775. C s.p
J J « Bowieoft'i Lod. Bowie's ft i | el 1 au.d C G. H. 1822. C s.p Bot. cab. 842
SH% coccinea L. scarlet;/fouN*raf ft i I or 1J year C G. H. 1783. C s.p And. heaths 1
9 *97ex&dansZo
97& sweating ft »_J cu '.li o.n C G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 287
JMW ostrlna 7/»rf. purple ft i | or CG. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 1218
unsavoury ft i_J or C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
Mas«6ni Thun. Masson's ft i I gr C G. H. 1787. C s.p Bot mag. 336
l smaller ft i I or C G. H. C s.p
^J gemmlfera Lod. gem-bearing ft \ | spl C G. H. 1802. C s.p Bot cab. 457
bicolor ^ndr. two-colored ft i | or C. G. H. 7 C s.p
03 exstirgens Andr. rising ft i_J spl C. G. H. 1792. C s.p Bot cab. 835
2 major larger ft i_J or C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 grandiflftra great-flowered ft i I or C G. H. 18(10. C 6.p
4 carnea fiesh-colored ft i | or C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
o r A Spillida pale ft i lor , C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
04vesftta77kM«. clothed ft i | spl C. G. H. 1789. C s.p
lflba white ft L_J el C G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 incarnata tLesh-colored ft i_J spl C G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 2
3 purpurea purple ft i | spl C G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
4rbsea rosy ft i | de C G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 2
5 f61gida bright ft |_J spl C. G. H. C s.p And. heaths 2
6 coccinea scarlet ft i_J spl C G. H. 1789.
1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
7lhtca yellow ft i | spl C G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 3
8 mutabilis changeable M L_J or C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
elegant fti i | snl C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
roseate ft i_J el CG. H. 1798. C s.p Bot. cab. 782
viveniana Andr. Niven's ft i_J spl C G. H. C sp And. heaths 2
qc^ 2 minor smaller ft i lor I fjl P C G. H. 1799.
1812. C s.p
"507 aspera Andr. rough mL CG. H. 1802. C s.p And. heaths 3
1 my.jn Y
II. VBtrnico\x. — Flowers much inflated.
2 £s P.o C G. H.
179a C s.p
Lady Monson's M, lei 4 ap.s W C. G. H.
1787. C s.p Bot. mag. 1915
Red Nightshades | | or 1 Y C. G. H.
1780. C s.p And. heaths 2
, Andr. woolly •, | or lija.a P.r C. G. H.
1803. C fl.p And. heaths 3
picke iiHort. Dickenson's ft ( | or 2 W C. G. H.
1809. C s.p
23 Alba white ft t_j or 2 W C. G. H.
1809. C s.p
i red • \_J or 2 R CG. H.
1809. C s.p
smooth ft i_J de 1 myau W C G. H.
1820. C s.p
Honeywort-lk 4 roy.n D.S CG. H. 1774. C *.p Bot mag. 230
L 2

2 major larger H l o r 4 my.jn S C. G. H. 1800. C Lp

Snana dwarf t | | or 1 my.jn s C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9515 pectinifblia Sal. pectinated-lvd 11 | or 2 jnn K C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9516 princeps Andr. princely 11 lor H j S C. G. H. 1800. C sp Bot. cab. 647
2 carnea tiesh-colorcd L| | or 1 myjl F C. G. H. 1804 C s.p
9517 Swauwbn* Andr. Swainson's 11 lor 2 JLo ILP C. G. H. 1794. C s.p And. heaths 3
9518 Sprengelia Swt Sprengel's u lor 2 jn Y.p C. G. H. 1806. C s.p And. heaths ic.
tricolor Spr.
9519 tricolor Nuts. three-colored 11 | or 2 jn.jl R.o C. G. H. 1810. R.p
2 minor •nailer Ru C. G. H. 1810.
3 major larger iLJor 2 jn.jl R.G C. G. H. 1K10. s.p
9.720 Tcmpledn/i Hort Temple's 11 lor 2 R.p C. G. H. 1820.
charming • • LJW i ap.s L.P C. G. H. J800. •P And. hnntlisS
9521 blanda Andr.
9522 inflkta Thun. inflated '• U lor 14. my.s W.a C. G. H. 1800. s.p Thun 2
9523 ferruginca Andr. rusty * tLjor 1 myjl Ii C. G. H. 1798. C s.p And. heaths 3
9524 metuteflbra B. M. ninepin-flwd i tLjel 1 O C. G. H. 1798. C s p Bot mag.*612
9525 tumida Ker tumid i U my.s S C G. H. 1812. C s.p Hot rcR. tift
9626 tistulieflbra Sal. pipe-flowered I 2 s w C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9521 ubtilta Andr. bottle I I «»P Jl W.E C. C. G. H. 179(1 C s.p And. heaths 2
9528 acuminate Andr. pointed-fcatwrf G. H. C s.p Bot. cab. 2 Jo
Spallida pale t j or U jnjl Pa.R R C. G. H. 1U20. C B.p
III. —Flowers narrowed upwards, with a spreading border.
9529 Lawsbni B. M. Lawson's ft LJ el np.jn F C. G. H. 1802. C Bot. mag. 1720
9530 ventricosa Thun. bellied ft i_J i-u ap.s F C. G. H. 1787. C Bot mug. 35u
2 coccinea scarlet ft LJ or ap.s S C. G. H. C s.p
3 stellifera star-bearing ft LJ or ap.s F C. G. H. C s.p
4 c&rnea flesh-colored ft i | or ap.s F C. G. H. C b.p
5 alba white ft LJ or ap.s W C. G. H. C B.p
6 supgrba superb * LJ or s
ap.s C. G. H.
C. G. H.
C s.p
7 erecta erect ft I_J or ap.s F C s.p
8 nana dwarf ft i_J or Jap.s F C. G. H. C s.p
9 hirsute hairy * i_J or , ap.s F C. G. H. C B.p
9531 praCgnans Andr. swelled ft \_J or ! myjl K C. G. H. 1796. C s.p Bot. cab. 945
9532 glutinbsa Berg. glutinous ft LJ or ! jl.o P C. G. H. 1787. C s.p lo. h. k. 17
2 droseroides Lam. Sundew-like ft LJ or ! jl.o P C. G. H. 1787. C s.p Pet. m. 161
9533 gracilis Lod. not Wnl. slender ft LJ or P.E C. G. H. 1812. C b.p Bot. cab. 244
9534 vernicf flua Sal. varnish-flowing ft i_J or ! mr.s P C.G. H. 1804. C s.p
9535 tetraguna Thun. quadrangular ft LJ or L.Y C. G. H. 178a C s.p And. heaths 3
pugionifolia SaL
9536 densa Andr. dense R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p And hentlic ic.
9537 libyuwa Andr. lrby's jn.o W.a C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9538^asminifl6ra Andr. Jasmine-flwd jn.n C. G. H. 1794. C t.p Aud. heaths 1
2 alba white 2 jn.n W C. G. H. C s.p
9539 ampullacea Cur. flask 2 W W.a C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 303
9540 ampullacioidcs Bed/. Ampullacea-lk ft LJ or 2* myjl R.Y C G. H. 1800. C B.p
9541 Bandontfna Andr. Bandon's ft LJ °* 2 P C. G. H. 1810. C e.p And. heaths 4
9542 Shannonitina Lod. Lady Shannon's! W.p C. G. H. 1806. C s.p Bot cab. 168
9543 Russclltfmi Lod. Rus&cll's i _ 11 Pk C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 1013
9544 rcttirta Thun. recurvcd-fcaivdft i I or I Pk.w C. G. HL 1787. C s.p Bot. mag. 362
9545 tenuiflora Andr. Blemler-flwd ft LJ or —.jn L.Y C G H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
2 alba white ft LJ °r ap.jn' W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
9546 finifblia Sal. Flax-leaved f t L J oo rr jnjl P C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
9547 tenuis Sal. not W. slender ft LJ R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9548 emarginkta Andr. emarginate ft LJ or P C. G. H. 1802. C n.p And. heaths ic.
9549€liflordiana Lod. Lady Clifford's ft LJ or tle W C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Bot. cab. 34
9550 pne'stans Andr. excelling ftLJ jn.n W C. G. H. 1K10. C s.]) And. heaths 3
9551 AyacinthoulM Andr. Hyacinth-like ft I I or Pk C. G. H. 1798. C s.p And. heaths 3
9552 fastigikta L. peaked ft LJ °* H my.s W C. G. H. 1797. C s.p Bot cab. 207
WalkerM/na Andr.
9553 infundibulkri8 Lk. funnel-shaped ft LJ or 1 P C. G. H. 1821. C s.p Bot. cab. 589
9554 infundibulilurmis Andr. funneUhpd ft I j or 2 aun Pa.R C. G. H. 1802. C s.p And heaths 4
9555 Aitonidna Andr. Alton's ft 1 | or 2 jn.s W.p C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot mag. 429
9556 lutea L. yellow I | or P.Y 1774. C s.p And. heaths 1
2 alba white i } or 4 P.Y c. a G. 1810. C s.p
9557 comosa L. tufted r lor f R C. G H. 1787. C s.p Ic. h. k. 18
1 rabra reA-flowered i J d e f R C. G. H. 1787. C s.p Wen. er. 12.7 ic,
2 alba vrhite-flowered f W C. G. H. 1787. C B.p Ami. heaths 2
9558 Musckri Andr. Mus»cari ft LJ fr 1| mr.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1
9559 muscanoldes Hort. Muscari-like ft I I or 2 jn.jl C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9560 rfaphneflbra Sat. Daphne-flwd ft i_l de It Pa.P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p
C. Bot cab. 543
9561 carnL-old Lod. Bub-flesh-cM _ _ . If jl Pk C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9562 rfaphnoides Lod. Daphne-like • or 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot cab. 154
mirabilis HorL
9563 decolbrans tV. discoloring ft LJ°r myjl P C. G.H. 1812. C B.p
9564 Parmentiendntf Lod. Parmentier's ftLJde Pa.P C. G. H. 1810. C fl.p Bot. cab. 197
2 rbsca rose-colored ftLjor R C. G. H. 1810. C B.p
9565 Bonplandtiimi Lod. Bonpland's LJpr mr.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Bot. cab. 345
9566 struthiolajflora Lod. Struthiola-flwd ft LJ °r C. G. H. C s.p
el Pk C. G. H. 1808. C s.p Bot. cab. 289
9567 Humedna Lod. Sir A. Hume's ft LJ
9568 dcnticulkta L. denticulated • l-Jor P C. G. H. 1821. C s.p
9569 radihta Andr. radiated ftLjor au.n C C. G. H. 1798. C s.p And. heaths 1
9570 aristata Andr. awned • i_jor 11 D.P.W C. G. H. 1801. C s.p And. heaths 3
9571 aristclla Bed/. small-awned ftLjor 1J jn.jl R C. G. H. 1806. C sp
aristkta mUior Hort. or
9572 tricolor Swt. three-colored * L - J P.Y.O C. G. H. C s,p And. heaths 3
aristata minor Andr.
9573 primulotdes Andr. Cowslip-like ft LJ or 4 apjl P.R C.G.H. 1802. C s.p Bot. mag. 1548
9i»74 mdndula /,«*. neatish 2 fo P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot cab. 114
larger. ftLJor 2 fo P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9575 moschkta Lod. musk-scented If myjl G C. G. H. 1805. C s.p Bot cab. 614
9576 conckva Lod. concave f mr.ap Pa.P C. G. H. lhO8. C s.p Bot cab. I.i4
9577 Covcntryana Lod Lord Coventry's* \ I pr 1 jnjl Pk C. G. H. 1808, C s.p Bot. cab. 423
9578 Jiroadleydna Andr Broadley's A L-J or 2 ... R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic
9519 wuSmM Lad. admirable f t L J o r 1 my.jn P C G . H. 1800. C f.p
gjjgO erosa Lod. fgnawed *l_Jde f PaPkC. G. H. 1817. C s.p Bot. cab. 133
quadrangular • l_Jor 2'jrijl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9583 n6bilis Ro C.
* J l f jl
2 apjl P
R C. G. H. 1800.
C G . H. 1818.
s.p Bot. cab. 799
9584 notabilis Wnl. notable 2 P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
9585armata5ar. armed Ljor 2 my jl ... C G. H. 1816. C s.p
9586 trissula Lod, spruce Ljpr 14 C. G. H. 1800. C a.p Botcab. 668
S riibra red j 1 R C. G. H. 1810. C •P
IV. CALVIN*. — Flowers enclosed in the inflated calyx. _
9587 c6nica Lo. C conical M\ |or i P? C. G. H. 1830. C s.p Bot. cab. 1179
9588 coriifolia f* Coris-leaved * L_I pr 1* au.d Pa.P C. G. H. 1774. C B.P Bot. mag. 423
calyclna W.
9589 calycinoides Bed/. Calycina-Iike il i_J or 2 jLs R.P C. G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 4
calyclna capitata Hort. glomerate Andr.
9590 calyclna W. /arge-calyxed • i_J or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 3
9591 andromedd»/ZdrAAndr. Androm.flwd Hi I pr 2 mr.jn Pk C. G. H. 1803. C fl.p Bot mag. 1250
9592 cumulaeflora Sal. hcap-flowcred 1 my.s P C. G. H. 1801. C s.p
9593 /?enistsfulia 5a/. Genista-leaved | | or 1 jn.d P C. G. H. C s.p
9594 elegans Andr. elegant i_J el ft mm G C6.H. 1799. C 8.p Bot. mag. 966
9595 triflora L. three-flowered i_Jor 1| mr.jn W C. G. H. 1774. C a.p Wen. er. 12.13
9596 flagellaris Lk. twiggy l_J pr 1* my P.Y C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9597 bracteata Thun. nrrf-bracted L_J or f my.jn II C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9598 turgida Lk. turgid i_J el 1 apjl P C. G. H. 1821. C s.p
95991achnaBff.liai«iirfr. Lachnca-leavcdtt L_JJ d
L dc Iftmyjl W C. G. H. 1793. C s.p And. heaths 3
960()nigrUaL. black-tipped *L—Jcu f mr.jn C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1
9o01 varia Bed/. various *l_Jor 1 j w C G . H. 1810. C s.p
^_ CassbniiHort P.Y
9602 salax Sal. wanton il i_J or 1 W C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
9«)3 biccans L. herry-JUnvering • i_J or 1| apjn P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot mag. 358
P«»4 ffagax Sal. fleeting il i I or U mr.ap P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
sWb triftmphans Lod, conquering il |_J cl 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1802. C sp Bot cab. 257
9606nhylicoides W. Phylica-hke I lor 1} apjn W C G. H. 1800. C s.p
9007 incurva Wnl. incurved l_Jdc Iff myjl jl W C. G. H. 1821. C s.p
9tKi8 tenuifblia L. slender-leaved L_Jor I lk C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Scbal.73.6
9i%9 apcrta Spr. open-flowered l lor mr.ap C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9610 Thunbergia W. Thunbcrg's L_Jpr O C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Bot. mag. 1214
9611 faxifolia //. K. Yew-leaved I lor jl.n P C. G. H. 1788. C s.p And. heaths 1
9612 petiolata Thun. lietioled I leu 4 mr.jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 3
9613 vesieuPins Sal. Vehicular L_Jor 3 C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
9614 imbrickta L. imbricated I |or 1 Pk C. G. H. 178a C s.p
9f>15 microphylla £ o £ small-leaved I lor 1 au.n P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
96(6 velleriflora Sal. woolly-flowered il l_J i_J cucu 1} f.jn W C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 1
9617 bruniddro L. Bruma-like I leu
• l_J cu Ii apjn W C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
9fil8 capitata L. rfotu»iy-headed il I "I or 1} mr jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 1
9619 nodiflbra 5a/. knot-flowered * L _ J o r M R? C. G. H. 1799. C s.p
9620 patens Andr. spreading • L j o r l^mrjn P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9621 fimbriata Andr. fringed il I_J or J mr.jn Pa.P C. G. H. 1800 C s.p And. heaths ic.
9622 melanthera 7%u». dark-anthered • LJ el Pa.P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p Botcab. 867
9H83 flaccida Lk. flaccid • I—I de 1 my W C. G. H. 1822. C s.p
9624 Solundm Andr. Solander's • LJ or 2 au.n R.p C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
9625 humifbsa 5a/. trailing JU |_J or P C. G. H. C s.p
9R26 spir\lis Nois. spiral il L_J or C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
»H27 sexfaria //. Jf. six-parted • I I or W C. G. H. 1774. C s.p
9fi28pachyph^lla5a/. thick-leaved i| I or C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9629 coryd Ui8 Sal. liLTk-anthcred • »_J or C. G. H. C s.p
9630pallida Wnl. pale • I I or apjl P.R C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
«- 2 rubra red i l I I or apjl R C G. H. 1812. C s.p
9633 oppositifblia Andr.
* i_J or
• I I fra
|_J or }
• I_J or 1 It
mr.jn P W
C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
C G. H. 1803. C s.p
C G. H. 1804. C ••P
C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
And. heaths 2
And. heaths 3
Bot. cab. 1060
n/, 2 rubra
9634 biflbra Lk. two-flowered A i I de I apjn W C. G. H. 1819. C s.p Bot cab. 683
9615 obcordata Nois. obcordate i| I or 2 au.s P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
96.36 spumbsa i. frothy * l_J cu W C. G. H. 1786. C s.p Bot. cab. 566
9637 vulgaris L. common A . ec 2 f.jf P Britain heaths. L s.p Eng. bot 1013
Callfina vulgaris Sal.
2 alba "white-flotvered il or W Britain heaths. L fl.p
3 flurc pit-no doublcflowercdil or P , Britain heaths. L fl.p
4 decumbens decumbent ii or fjl R Britain heaths. L s.p
5 tomcntbsa tomentose il or fjl R Britain heaths. L s.p
G varicgkta variegated il or fl R Britain heaths. L s.p
7 coccfnea scarlet il or S Britain heaths. L s.p
spiked M or R Britain heaths. L s.p
ai. glaucous • I | or D.P C. G. H. 1792. C s.p Bot. mag. 580
'-ra Sal. Pyrola-flowercdil | I or W C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
obtuse * |_J or P C. G. H. 1810. C fl.p Bot cab. 1027
loose-flowered • l_Jor \t.% P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
« l&rida Andr. lucid H
• l_Jor i i apjn D.P
C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
KcT; m f i n d ^ Sal. neat ilL_Jor myjl P C. G. H. C s.p
I C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
«SJJ Pe r i H I o c l B f l o » Sal. Pcriploca-flwd • l_Jor 2 au.d P And. heaths ic«.
dwarf « Ljor 1 P C. G. H. C s.p
. small ill lor 1 jnji P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
£ 2 Stogate
S S ^B.* jjJ Brfr
• l_Jor f apjn F C. G. H. C s.p And. heaths 3
M. - ™*Y-cuppcd
gowned C. G.H. 1794. C s.p Bot mag. 1626
9t>49 obnqua Thun. not W. oblique
i l i |or f J» Jl RP C. G. H. C s.p
»l_Jor 2
9650 chl&iAydiflbra Sal. cloak-flowered • i lor 1 my.o P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9651 canaliculata Andr. channelled • i lor a
ff- H R C. G. H. 1801. C s.p And. heaths 3
9652 callosa Wnl. callous jn.ji R C.G.H. 1799i C f.p And. heaths 3
canaliculata minor Andr. *l_Jor 1
9653 horizontals Andr. horizontal-/wf • Ljde 1, jl.8 Pk C. G. H. 1800. C sp And. heaths 3
IV. globefloiwred • l _ J o r l jl« Pk C. G. H. 1789. C s.p
naphaiodes L. Gnaphalium-lk • \i leu | \ W C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Pet. m.68.346.11
^S 56
fabrtlis &i/. carpenter's 1 |or P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p
7 dianthifblia Sal. Pink-leaved i_Jor P C. G. H. 1796. s.p
L 3

9658 lavanduiefblia Sal. Lavender.lvd n lor 2 ... C G . H. 1795. C fl.p

9659 rubella Lod, reddish S jn Fk C. G. H. 1814. C s.p Bot mag. 2165
96tiO brcvifulia Sal. short-leaved i I or 1 C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
V. GLOBOS&FLO^RM.—Flowers small, globose.
9661 ardens Andr. glowing |or 2 ap.jn S C G . H. 1800. C s.p Bot.reg.115
9662 nftida Andr. bright 2 jl"oJ w C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9663 nltens Hort. shining n lor 2 jn.a p C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9664 physodes L. flatulent t| | dc If mrjl w C. G. H. 1788. C s.p Bot. mag. 443
96fi5 orbiculkris Lod. l
orbicularyZ i | | or C. G. H. 1810. C e.p Bpt. cab. 153
9666 viridipurpuroa W. green and purple! ! | or 3 G.p Portugal C s.p Lin. cr. 9. ic.
9667 arborea L. tree i \^Jor S f.jn W S. Europe 1658. C s.p 45
2 stylosa Andr. long-styled i
• - J p r 5 fjn W S. Europe 1658. C s.p
3 squarrusa squarrose I• _Jor 4 f.jn W Europe 1800. C s.p Bot mag. 1139
9668 rcsinosa B. M. resinous l l u j o r 1| O C. G. H. 1803 C s.p And. heaths 2
9669 Lanibert*«>»« Andr. Lambert's • u j d e 1 W C. G. H. 1800. s.p
©670 guttaeflora Stil. spot-flowcred »L_Jor R C G. H. 1791. C s.p And. heaths ic.
incarn.tta Thun.
9671 incamata Andr. not Thun. flesh-cW ill-Jor f.jn Pa.R C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1?
967a ritbens Thun. rcA.flowered *l—lor jn.a C. G. H. 1798. C s.p Bot. cab. 557
9673 minima //. Ccl. least ill—Jor R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9<>74 I fbula Lk. button Ht—Jor P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p
9675 axillaris Thun. ax\\-flowered • LJor Pk C. G. H. 1798. C s.p
9676 strigftsa // K. not Sal. meagre m-Jor W C. G. H. 1798. C s.p And. heaths ic.
axillariH Andr.
9677 margantacca Thun. pezr]-Jlotvcrcd *l—Jcl my.s W C. G. H. 1775. C s.p And. heaths 1
9678 tomentusa Sal. tomentose *l—Jor j.jl P C. G. H. 1798. C s.p
9679 totta Thun. Hottentot • l_Jor j P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
ferox Sal.
9680 pcndula IVnl. pendulous m_Jor 1J P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p,
9681 latcralis W. sulc-Jhwered * L _ J c u ll mrjl R C. G. H. 1791. C s.p And. heaths 1
9682 pedunculata H. Cel. pedunculate HI—Jor 1 o.n P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p And. heaths 4
ciliata Hurt, not I..
9683 fflfipctrifulia L. Crowberry-lvd i l l - J o r 1} ap.jn P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. mag. 447
9684 incfirva Andr. incurved * l—J de 1 W C. G. H. 1802. C s.p And. heaths ic.
9687 fclaginifulia Sat. Selago-lcaved ill—I or 1 fjn C. G. H. 1801. C s.p
9686 planil'ulin L. flat-leaved il I I or 2 jl.s P C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Wen. er. 8 7. ic.
96B7 A-erpyllifolia Lod. Thyme-leaved * I 1 pr JJnJI W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot cab. 744
9685 mantulia Thun. Marum-leaved • l—J or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1773. C s.p And. heaths 1
9689 nuriMiH Hurt. fiery il I_J or 1 s.o P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9690 hclianthcinifolia Sal. Hclianth.-lvd i_Jor 2 f.ap C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
9691 hwpiilula Thun. sub-bristly.«totrfi l_Jel 1 w C. G. H. 1791. C s.p
9692 (luinusa Andr. bushy l_Jor 1 pP C. G. H. 1812. C s.p And. heaths ic.
9693 Schnlliu/ffi Lod. Scholl's L J c u 1| my.jn P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot cab. 538
9694 mollissima Lo. C. softest : l_Jor 1-my W C. G. H. C s.p
9695 Blaudforditma Andr. Ld. BlandfordV LJor U mr.jn C. G. H. 1803. C s.p And. heaths 3
2lusca brown I—Jor 14 mr.jn Dk.Y C G. H. 1803. C e.p
9696 sanguinollnta Lod. bloody Ljpr S myjl Crea C. G. H. 1806.1818. C s.p Bot. cab. 468
9697 pygnue*a Andr. pygmy I lor i jl.o P C G. H. C s.p And. heaths 4
9698 SuviUVam Andr. Savile's I lor jj R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p And. heaths ic
9K99 carncolata Nois. sub-Acah-cfcf I_J or 2 an R.P C G. H. 1810. C s.p
9700 6llula Andr. pipMn-Jlowcred m I—J or 2 au.a P.B C G. H. 1802. C s.p And. heaths 4
9701 subuftta IVnl. subulate-ZcaiMrd » I—J or 2 jl.o P C G. H. 1817. C s.p
9702 hnica Spr. unique il I I or 1* jn.jl P C G. H. 1800. C s.p
pedunculata Sal.
9703 aggregate WnL clustered m I I el C G. H. 1&D7 C s.p
2 alba white-Jfouwrai il l—J el ;jl W C. G. H. 1822. C s.p
9704 perlata Hort. very broad M l-J or P C G. H. 1810. C s.p
9705 stellifcra Andr star-bearing m l_J or ap.jl P hybrid 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic.
9706 conglbta Wnl. closc/ieaded a l-J de jn.jl W C G. H. 1820. C s.p
9707 stcllaris Nois. starry il l_J or \ apjn pP C G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 893
9708 paniculata L. paniclcd s l l I or f.ap R C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. cab. 1194
2 alba white-Jloiuered mt l_J or f.ap W C. G. H. 1774. C s.p
9709 flagclliformis Andr. twig-fbrmed l-J or jaau P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4
9710 suaveolens Lod. sweet-scented il_Jel au Pk C G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. cab. H*
9711 tuberculiiris So/. tuberculate • L_Jor P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
9712 amoAia WnL pleasing sVLjor mrjl P C G. H. 1795. C s.p
plumbsa Andr.
9713 faVvis Andr: smooth Ai-Jde my.jn w C G . H. 1821. C s.p
2 alba white i l l I or 1 my.jn w C. G. H. 1801. C s.p
Pesiza *L_Jde 1 mr.s w C G. H. 1812.
9714 PcsUa Lod,'
9715 gracilis Wnl. slender • Ujor |f.jn w C. G. H. 1794. CC s.p s.p
Bot cab. 265
Wen. er. 8.9. i c
9716 lmbccilla Surf, weak • I_J or 1 Jjl p C G. H. 1793. C s.p
gracilis Sal.
9717 intervallaris Sal. distant-ieatwtf ill_Jor my.n p C G. H. 1800. C s.p
9718 nidularia Z.<MI. nestling • L_Jpr mr.ap Pk C G. H. 1809. C s.p Bot cab. 764
9719 preYox /for/. early • l_Jor P C G. H. 1820. C s.p
9720 Persoluto Z^rf. Garland-flower Ml | or 1J P C G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. mag. 342
2 alba white i l L J o r 1 w C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 rubra red ilLjor 1 R C G. H. 1800. C s.p
9721 grandinbsa lorf. hailstone *Lj|>r mr.ap W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 627
9722 pubescens L. pubescent ilLJor l*f.d P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
2 minor smaller i | or l f . d R C. G. H. 1802. C &p
3 pubescentior more pubescent* i_J or 1 f.d R C. G. H. 1802. C s.p
0723 auriculhris 5a/. eared si LJ or 2 P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9724 modesta Sal. modest il LJ or p C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9725 m61hs Bedf. soft -?* my C. G H. 179a C s.p H . er. wo. 3 .
9726 hirtiflora B. M. hairy-flowered cu P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 481
puhescens Andr. or
0727 mitrnf6rmis Sal. mitre-formed i l L J 2 jn.jl R c. G. H. 1800. C &p
«nao •• -z « Thun. not Andr. 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. C s.p
8tlf?l ia
S J S *l i *-*• Cistus-leaved il i_J cu 2 P C. G. H. 1810. C fl.p
2JS EZFiPV^ Constantia * £j or 1 s.o
P C. G. H . 182a C s.p
R C. G. H. 17B7- C s.p And. heaths 1
9730 decunata Hort. declined il H or
97J1 mucosa L. mucous « LJ el
97.32 ramentacea L. ramentaceoui D.R C. G. H. 1786. C s.p And.heaths 1
9733 melttfera Lk. honey-bearing l_J I P C. G. H. 1820. C B.p
9734 micrtstoma Berg. small-mouthed LJor 1 au.n P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9735 odorala Andr. perfumed 1 apjl W C. G. H. 1904 C s.p Bot. cab. 633
9736 cruriformis Andr. cruciform 1 ap.n P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic.
9737 canesccns Andr. cancscent lj Pk C. G. II. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 2
__ enocephala Andr.
9738 para Lod. pure sjL-Jpr f au.s W C. G. H. 1807. C s.p Bot. cab 72
9739 racemosa 7%tm. racemose •l_Jel li Pk C. G. H. 1793. C s.p
9740 absmthoides L. Wormwood-Ik *L_Jor 1A mrjn P C. G. H. 1792. C s.p
9741 scaritaa Thun. scarious *Ljor I jnjl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p B o t cab. 477
974'J campanulata Wnl. be\\-flowered * L_J el 1 Y C. G. H. 1791. C s.p And. heaths 1
9743 scoparia L. broom * i | pr 6 G C. G. H. 1770. C s.p Lin. er. 14. i c
2 minima least * LJ or 3 G C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9744 triceps Lk. three-headed I | de 1 myjn W C. G. H. 1820. C s.p B o t cab. 962
9745 montana Bedf. mountain i_Jr 2 o P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
9746 crossata Spr. pot-flowered *l_Jor 2 myjn P C. G. H. ... C s.p
9747 ntvea Lod. snowy • J 2 W C G. H. 1816. C s.p
9748 coarcftta Wnl. crowded 1 my.B P C. G. H. 1801. C s.p
9749 if ctiefe Lk. Actson i Ipr l myjn Pa.P C. G. H. 1822. C s.p
9750 conferta Andr. crowded-JItm? I |de W C G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
9751 glomeratetsod. not Andr. glomerated* i | or 2" f.ap P C. G. H. 1780. C s.p
9752 penicilhflura Sal. wAsfe-pencillcd
" - • -L_I CU 2 W.BrC. G. H. 1792. C s.p Wen. er. 4.5. ic
calyculata Wnl.
9753 vilfusa Andr. villous J L J C U 2 fjn W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9754 tiaraeflura Andr. turban-flwd • i_J pr 2 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9755 mutabilis Andr. mutable * • I pr § f.o •< C C C. G. H. 1798. C s.p
9756 oblmua W. ohMque-leavcd • I I or 1| au.0 P C. G. H. 1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
9757 flava Lod. thrce-lvd yellow* I I el \i ap.s Y C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Bot. cab. 882
9758 folibsa Andr. leafy • L_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4
9759 flava H. K. yellow • i_J or 2 my.o Y C G. H. 17U5. C i.p And. heaths 2
2 imbricate B.M. imbricated • i_J or 2 my.o Y C.G.H. 1795. C sp Bot. mag. 1815
9760 ovate Lod. ovatejtowered • l_J or 1 myjn P C.G.H. 1811. C s.p Bot cab. 417
9761 ovaliflura Bo. C. oval-flowered i l L J o r P C. G. H. 1817. C s.p
9762 decora Andr. graceful *l_Jel 2 ja.n P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 3
9763 hispida Andr. hispid ili_Jor 2 P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Arid, heaths ic.
9764 cordate Andr. heart-leaved *l_Jde fapjn W C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 3
9765 Passorina W. Sparrow-wort il i_J cu 2 my.n W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Pet g. 3.7
9766 calyculata Pers. calyculate m\ lor 22 fjn myjl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9767 fililormis Sal. filiform • l | or Iff.ap ... C. G. H. ... C s.p
9768 setXcca Andr. br\Me-leaved • i i_Jpr W C. G. H. 179a C s p And. heaths 1
9769 tenuissima IVnL Blendcrcst i | pr 1 R C. G. H. 1803 C s.p Wen. cr. 6. 9. ic
9770 vcrecCinda Sal. reddish i i_J or 2 ap.s R 'C. G. H. ... C s.p And. heaths ic.
cfrnua Andr.
9771 floribunda Lod. bundle-flwd il l_J cu 1 myjn Pa.P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot cab. 176
VI OVATJEFLO*! — Flowers small, not globose.
9772 carduifolia 5a/. Thistle-leaved • \ r 1 P C. G. H. 1806. C B.p
9773 austrahs L. southern * or i mr jl P Spain 1769. C s.p And. heaths S
9774 cinerca //. K. grey * ec 1 jn.s P ' Britain hea. L s.p Eng. bot 1015
2 alba white-flowered * or 1 jn.s W Britain hca. L s.p
3 atropurpurca dark-purple • or 1 Jn.s D.P Britain mo.he. L co
4 r&ura red • or 1 jn.s R Britain mo.he. L co
5 c&rnca Aesh-colored il or 1 jn.s FF Britain mo.he. L co
9775 stricta Donn 6trict *. or 2 au.n PP S. Europe 1765. C s.p And heaths S
9776 ramulbsa Viv. small-branchy M' or 2 jnjl P S. Europe 1800. C s.p
2 rfcbra red il or 1 jnjl R S. Europe 1800. C s.p
9777 refl£xa Lk. reflexed il i_J cu 1| myjn W C. G. R 1820. C s.p
9778 cernua L. drooping-Jlwd *\ lor 1 au.d P C. G. H. 1791. C B.p Bot cab. 823
9779 lanccolMa Pers. epeax-leaved il L_J or 1 jn.d W C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Wen. er. 8.13.ic
9780 leucanthera Andr. whitc-anthercdil i_J or W C G. H. 1803. C s.p
9781 nfericans Lod. blackish * L-J or 1 ... C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
9782 Tltralix L. Tctralix il ec 1 F Britain moi. h. L B.p Eng. bot 1014
2 alba vrhitc-flowered M or 1 W *~>... L s.p
3 carnca flesh-colored M ' or 1 F Britain mo he. L co
9783 tewrifolia Spr. Teucrium-lvd 41 L-J or 2 my.B C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
9784 cinerajfcens IV. en. cincrascent L_Jor 1 P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
97K5 complanata Nois. Rat-flowered I | or 2 myjl Y C. G. H. 182a C s.p
9786 approximata ScM. approximate il i_Jor 1 myjl R C. G. H. 1823. C s.p
9787 virs;\ta IVnl. twiggy ilLJor_ 1 jln P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
9788 urceolaris Thun, \>\tcX\cT-flwd l_J or 1J myjl W C. G. H. 1778. C s.p Ic.h.k.16
9789 rostttla Bed/. small-beaked t|_Jor 2 apjn W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9791) fadsU Sal. fortunate M I or I apjl Pa.P C. G. H. 1795. C s.p
9791 cubfea L. cube-flowered tl_Jor 1 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 1
«,«« 2 mk J° r larger El | or 1 apjl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9792 exnr6mpta Spr. drawn out 11 | or 2 ap.s P C. G. H. 1811. C s.p
979Mas\ophylla Spr. hairy-leaved I | or 2 P C. G H. 1816. C s.p
9794a88firgensL. rising L j d e 1 myjn W C. G. H. 1821. C s.p
9795 caffra
9795 cifft AdAndr.
An not L. Cafflrarian
CffV i_j or 1| f.o W C. G. H. 1802. C s.p
M 2 spicata spiked I | or 1 | s.o W.. C. G. H. 1800. C B.p And. heaths 1
9796 nudifl&ra L. naked-flowered I | or 2 D. Y C. G. H. 1783. C s.p Sin. ic. in. 3. SI
9797 incana Wnl. hoary . I | cu 1| W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
2 ritbra reA-flowered m \ | cu 1 R C. G. H. 1810. C B.p
9798 lacti flora Lod. milk-flowered * i lor 2 jn.s W C. G. H. 1820. C B,p Bot cab. 901
9799 lactlt'olor Bo. C. milk-colored JH | | or 2 jn.o W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p
9800 regerminans W. regcrminating m L_J or I* R C. G. H. 1791. C s.p
2 a
2\lb white. ii | | or 1 jnjl W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9801 scabriuscula Lk. roughish m | el 1 myjn W C. G. H. 1805. C s p Bot cab. 517
9802 bracteolafis Lam. small-bracted I | or 1 mrjl R _C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
9803 enstffiflora SaL crest-flowered i I or li myjn Pa.P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p
9804 protrudens Lk. protruding LJ de 1 W C. G. H. 1805. C s.p
i*05 flexuusa Andr. ziz-zag L-J or ljapjl W C. G. " H. 1792. C - s.p And. heaths 1
M divaricate WnU
9806 umbellate L. umbelled 3 myjl p Portugal 1782. C sp Bot cab. 1217
"07 stamlnca Andr. reflexed-stmnd * L-J or S Jn.s R C.G.H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 3
L 4 '
9606 caftia Sal. grey i i\ | or 8 mr.Jl R C. G. IT. 1800. C s.p
9809 latifulia Andr. broad-leaved i i\ | or 2 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths f
9810 carnca L. ficah-colured i 1 Pa.P Germany 1763. L s.p Bot. mag. 11
2 hcrbacca Wnl. herbaceous i ijn.ap Pk L s.p
9811 mediterranean. Mediterranean i i or 4 mrmyP Portugal 1648. C s.p Bot mag. 471
9812 sicula Cus. Sicilian i i | or 2 ap.jn R Sicily 1819. C s.p
9813 arbuscula Lod, little tree i H_Jl>r 1 f'.au R C.G.H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 843
9814 varans L. wandering * t or 1 R Cornwall hea. L s.p
2 alba white-flowering * I or 1 W L s.p
3 tenella delicate * t or 1 jlau R Europe L s.p
9815 longipedunculata X. long-stalked I 1 Pk •C.G H. 1R05. C s.p Bot. cab. 103
9816 magnified Andr. magnificent 2 avi.n P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4
9817 Sainsburydna Andr. Salisbury's 2 jn.s P C. G. H. 1800. C sp And. heaths 4
9818 Comptonidna Andr. Compton's l_Jor 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1802. C s.p And. heaths ic.
ciliated or Cornwall hea. C s.p
9819 ciliaris L.
rccurvate |_Jor »•: P
i apjn P C. G. H. 1810. C sp Bot cab. 1093
9H20 recurvata Bedf.
9821 pil&sa Lod. pilose J G C G. H. 1800. C sp Bot. cab. 606
9822 A'phanes Spr. Parsley-piert « l _ J o r 2 mr.jn C G. H. 1820. C s.p
9823 arctata Lo. C. narrow m\ | or 2 aps C. G. II. 1820. C sp
5)824 Siberia W. whitish m L_J or W C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Bot mag. 440
1)825 prop6ndcns Andr. forward-hanging* | | or It P C. G. H. 1800. C fl.pAnd. heaths 2
•1826 intertexa Lod. interwoven il L_J or Ujnjl Y C G. H. JH18. C s.p Bot cab. 1034
ml27 jubata Lod. maned 2 jn.o C G. H. 1816. C sp
9828 stylaris Spr. /tf'iff-stylcd u nif 2 ... C G. H. 1812. C s.p
9829 acutangula Nois. acute-angled IK U j 2 mr.ap W C. O. H. 18fO. C sp
9830 pyramiding B. M. pyramidal 1* Pk C. O. H. 17h7. C s.p Bot mag 36G
9831 denexa Hort. deflcxed 2 jl W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
9832 pyramidiformis Wnl. pyramid-form m i I or 2 H.d P C\ G. H. 1K18. C s.p
983.J /halictraefKira llort. Thalirtniin-flwdn i_J or II Y C. G. H. C s.p
98Ji nola-flura Sal. bell-flowered C. G. II. 1818. C e.p
gloincr^ta llort. n w
9835 bryantha Thun. very flowery * L j o r 1 jii.Jl W C. G. H. 1812. C sp
9836 icnuflora Andr. Echium-flwd *ii_Jel s C. G. H. 17fW. C sp And. heaths 3
2 sup&rba superb *l_Jor fjn s C G. H. 1800. C s.p
3 purpiirea purple slLJor l f.jn p C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
4 coccinea scarlet ilLjor 1 f.jn s C. G. H. 1812. C fl.p
9837 argcntiflura Andr. silver-flowered Hl_Jor
1 apjl w C. c;. H.
C. G. H.
C s.p And. heaths ic,
98.J8 filamcntosa Andr. filamcntosc 2 year p C sp Bot. rcg. 6
9339 tubiftscula Bed/. small-tubed J 2 ja.8 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
pubescciiB minima Andr.
9840 pulchllla Thun. pretty R C. G. H. 1792. C s.p Thun. er. 24.4
9841 bclla Spr. beautiful tLjor 1 ja.o R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot.oab.307
pulchdla llort. not Thun.
9842visc*ria£. clammy-fluid t |_J d 2} mrjl R C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Ic.h.k.l
9843 flcxicafilis H. K. crook-stalked : LJ or I P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
glandulosa Andr. u
9844 tenella Andr. delicate ilL-Jor P CG.H. 1791. C s.p And. heaths 2
9845 alopecuroldcs Wnl. Foxtail-like i l | l 1810. C s.p Bot cab. 874
9846 ftirfurtaa Sal. scurfy 1 au.d R *•" ^ « • 1789. C s.p And. heaths 1
9847 multiflora L. many-flowered or 2 jnii F France 1731. C fl.p And. heaths 2
2 alba white or 2 jn.n W Europe C fl.p
9848 depressa L. depressed i_Jcl | Y C. G. H. 1789. C «.p And. heaths 2
ruiiestris Andr.
9849 adenophora Spr. gland-bearing * u_J or 2 my.jl ... CG.H. 1810. C s.p
9850 nkna Sal. dwarf m i_J el Y C G. H. 1792. C s.p
9851 ambigua Spr. ambiguous tk i_J or 2 ap.iny P C G. H. 179a C >.p And. heaths Ic.
cylindrica Andr.
9862 palljstris Andr. marsh il L_J or 1 my.o F C G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 2
9853 formosa Thun. handsome A uJ or 2 jn.s R C G. H. 1795. C s.p Thun. er. 82.3
2 alba vrhite-flowered *i I or 2 jn.s W C G. H. 1795. C s.p
3 rbbra red-flowered il i_J or 2 R C G. H. 1795. C fl.p
9854 florida Thun. florid ill lor 1 R C. G. H. 1803. C fl.p Thun. er. 64.6
2 mosehkta musk il L-J or 1 R C. G. H. C s.p
9855 antheria Spr. many-Hovered JttLJor 2 apjl R CG.H. 1800. C s.p Bot cab. 234
fl6rida llort.
9856 mucronhta Andr. mucronated il LJ or 1 P C G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3
9857 Solandridfia Andr. Solnndcr's il LJ el 1 mr.s Fk C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2
9858 aedta Andr. nointed-cupped M LJ de | my.jl R C. G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 2
9859 fmpetroides Andr. Empetrum-likc il I I or 1| L.F C. G. H. 1788. C s.p And. heaths 2
9860 pulvcrulenta Lo. C. jMWdercd il L-J or 1 P C G. H. 1820. C fl.p
ytkil turrigcra Sal. turret-bearing il L_J or 1J jn.s R C. G. H. 1796. C fl.p
9862 procdmbens Hort. procumbent A ( I or CG.H. 1800. C fl.p
cupressina llort. t jn.Jl ,P
9863 Bcrguma L. Bcrgius's iiLjcu C. G. H. 1787. C fl.p And. heaths 2
1| P
quadriflura Andr. C G. H. 1810. C s.p
9864 riibcns Thun. not Andr. reddish iiuJor 1 ap.o P
peduncularis Sal C. G. H. 1800. C fl.p
9S65 quadriflora Sal. four-flowered • Ljor 1 ...
9866 barbata Andr. bearded ill-Jor 1 W C G. H. 1799. C s.p And. heaths 2
2 major larger ilLjor 1 R C G. H. 1800. C fl.p And. heaths 2
3 minor smaller *L_Jor 1 R C G. H. 1800. C fl.p And. heaths 2
9867 rctroflexa Wnl. retroflexed j l 1 jl.s "W C G. H. 1787. C s.p* W e n . er.8.7.ic.
pulcl^lla Andr. articularis Thun. C.G.H. 1800. C s.p
9868 equ'isctifulia Sal. Equisetum-lvd i L J o r 2 jl
articularis Hort. not B. M. C. G. H. 1789. C fl.p And. heaths 2
9869 /hymif(>lia Andr. Thyme-leaved LJ | P
9870 exserta Bedf. exserted LI | or 2 f.n P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p And. heaths 4
pcltata Andr. C s.p
9871 fucata Wnl. painted il LJ or 1 P C G . H. 1819.
9872 oxycoccifclia Sal. Oxycoccus-lvd JU i I or R CG.H. 1791. C s.p
9R73 tcnuis Wall. slendcMtiN* * I I el l" f o Pk C G. H. 1790. C a.p
<»874 liirta Thun. hairy-leaved M i_J or 2 apjn C G . H . 1795. C fl.p Thun. er. 56
9875 strig^sa H. K. meagre A i I or 1| mr.ap C G . H . 1775. C s.p
9876 coufertiflora tVnl. crowded-flwd il i_J or Mnyjrw CG.H 1818. C s.p
or 2 ... C.O. H, C s.p
9877 confertiftlia Wnl. crowded-leavcd • uJ
9878 mollearis Sal. toft-leaved 4 L J d e 1 ap.o R C. G. H. 1803. C s p Schn. ic. IT
9H7Q racemffera Andr. raccme-bearingl i l o r 1| ap.jn R C. G. H. 1803. C s.p And. heaths 3
9S80 pilulifera L. pellet-bearing 4 ! I ICU 1 R C. G. H. 1789. C s.p
9881 catervsefolia SaL huddled-leaved 4 \ | or | ap.jn R C. G. H. 179a C s.p
0882 sicaefMia SaL dagger-leaved 4 i lor 1 C.G.H. C sp
9883 tardiflura SaL slow-flowering 4 : I |CU 1J mr.8 F C.G.H. 1790. C s.p Botmag.480
^ pubescens B. M.
9884 cancsccns Wnl. canescent l_Jor 2 mr.o R C G . f t 1802. C s.p And.heathi2
pub£acens minor Andr.
9885 parvi flora Sal small-flwd downy 41 \ | pr mr.8 Pk C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
9886 exfgua SaL small downy 4i i_J pr mr.8 Pk C. G. H. 1790. C s.p
VII. DIBBLE. — Doubtful to what section they belong.
9887 Ctisij Hort. Cels's • l_Jor 1 jn P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
9888 Hnrtnll)/ Ro. C. Hartnell's «t|_Jor 2 my.o P C. G. H . 1820. C s.p
98H9 imperiklif Nois. imperial * l _ J o r 2 my.jl S C. G. H. 1802. C fl.p
9890 Pohlmannt Lo. C. Ponlman's 4M|_]or C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
9H91 filbida Lo. C whitish «LJor 2 my.s w" C. C. G. H. 1826. C s.p
9892 Clint6n/<* Lee Clinton's *l_Jor 2 O. H. 1816. c S.p
9893 c6ncolor Lo. C. self-colored 411 1 or 2 ap au C. G. H . 1820. C B.p
9894 Cushintrtofl Lee Cushin's 4H_jor 2 j l o C. G. H. 181b*. C s.p
C. G. H. 1812. C B.p
PJJD5 Donnjnna Lee Donn's • Ljor 22 mr.jl
C. G. H . 1890. C s.p
JJ'W finltima Lo C neighbouring *j_Jor
C. G. H . 1791. C s.p
9897 SmithwTW Lo. C. Smith's 411 lor 2 C. G. H. 1810. C B.p
9$*S scattered 411 1 or
spiral 4B1 I 1 or 2 ap C. C*. H. 1816. C
C. G. H. 1806. C B.p Hot. cab. 893
starred 411 1 or 2 Jns C. G. H. 1816 C s.p
tortuous 41 \ lor 2 mr.jn C. G. H. 181'J. C n.p
jWB urilna Ise bear 411 lor 2
«JWxeranthemifoliaSal Xcranth.-lvd « t _ J o r 2 C. G. H. 1813. C s.p
9904 diotiflora Sal Diotis-flowered 41 i_j or 2 C. G H. 17»5. C ap
J90.1 vestlflua Sal. flowing-vested 41 i_J or 2 mr jn C G. H . 1795. C s.p
9p061asclvia.W. wanton 411 I or 2 jnau C G. H. 1800. C B.p
JJW diosmseflftra Sal. Diosma-flwd ft| | or ap.jl C. G. H. C s.p
cloak-flowered 41 i_j or 2 fau C. H. H. 179.1. C a.p
9908 palliiflora Sal. C G. H.
9909 tegulasfolia SaL tile-leaved 41 i_J or 2 1801). C s.p
C. O. H. 18()0. C s.p
**'1U lioloserlcea Sal. velvety 41 i_J or 2 f.jl C. O. 11.
^911 sacci flora Sal. sack-flowered 41 i_J or 2 mr.jn 18(X). C s.p
9jU2 cyn\\arJlbra Sal. C. G. H. C s.p
Cvrilla-flwd *L_Jor
~ C (r. H . \m\
9913 vclitaris Sal. javelin-/7tiMf ~ L j o r 2 &jn <\ G. H.
C sp
9914 cuspidlgera &rf. I>oint-bcaring i | or 1193 C s.p
mr.jn C CJ. II.
91)15 stagnMis Lo. C. stagnant r lor C. CS. H. imi C «.p
rj'Jti pulvinifonnis SflZ. pillow-formed i | or C. (* H. C s.p
jgj' aceptnlormis Sal. sceptre-formed I | or 2 au.s C. (i. II. C B.p
gJS branhialis Sal. brachiated i | or mr.s C. G. H.
17P2! C s.p
gW[dl Sal. tun .formed I | or 2 my.s ('. G H. 17iW. C s.p
I | or 2 jn.jl C. O. H. 1KI2. C s.p
i lor 2 my.n C G. H. 1S00. c 8.p
equal \ | or 2 C. G. H. 1780. c. s.p
hairy i lor 2 jamy C. G. H. 1792. C s.p
+ turt
traKulifl6ra Sal barbed-flwd i lor 2 C. G. H. IK00. C s.p
>>niflf»ra turbinated-flwd4l \ | or 2 f.o C. G. H. 17«*3. C
cmbotliriifclia Sal. Embothrum-lvd 41 i_J or 2 fmv C. G. H . 1798. C
SaL capacious 41 i_J or 2 my au C. G. H. 18(16. C s.j>
Pavetta-flwd l i lor 2 C. G. H. 1800. C B.p
nest-flowered 41 i_J or 2 my.o C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
Borbonia-lvd At I_J or 2 mirjl C. G. H . 1816. C s.p
flowery a i_J or mr.jn C. G. H. 1811. C s p
ici flora Sal ncck-flwd 411 lor mrjl 1810. C s.p
Sal. hairy-flowered Mi lor 2 C. G. H. 1800. sp
yssopifblia Sal. Hyssop.leavcd 411 lor 2 my.s C. G. H . 1800. i p
• i lor 2 my.o C. G. H. 1800. « "
harp-bearing 2 C. G. H . 1790. C s.p
' pcnicillata Sal. pencilled 2 ap.jn C. G. H . 1792. C s.p
[ Bquamaeflora Sal. scaly-flowered 411 | or 2 my.d C. G. H. 1796. C s.p
squarrusa Sal. squarroae *l_Jor 2 C. G. H. 1S00. C s p
' stylosa 5a/. stylose «LJor 2 C. G H. 1789. C s.p
|7*. MENZIETS/if Sm. MEVZIESIA. (if. Menzies, F.L.S., an assiduous botanist.)C s.pEricea?. 6 . - 9 .
, [i^ugtnca Ph. fcrrugincous or iimy.jn
y j Br N. Amer. 1811. L «p 1.56
globular.^W or } myjn j BBr N N. AAmer.1806
1806. LL s.p Par. Ion. 44
pilose or } my.jn lir 1822. L s.p
Polion-leaved or 2 jn.i P Ireland moun. L B.p Eng. bot. 35
* nana dwarf or P Ireland L s.p
5 Jongiffjli long-leaved or jlau P
J latif?,lia broad-leaved or P Lp
\yn\Qrftowering or Hau P Britain L s.p
ilrea dark-purple or Liu D.P L s.p
blue or B Scotland hea. L B.p Eng. bot. 2169
•^mpetriKrmis Sm. Empetron-formcdtt. or Pa.R N. Amer. 1810. L s.p
(Stephan FMiot, a North American botanist.) Ericece. 1 2.
J t J76. CHLO^RA L. racemose H | or 2 my.jl W Georgia ... L s.p
YEI.LOW-WOBT. (Chloros, green : dried flowers of C. perfoluta.) Gentihnca: 2.-3.
perfoliatc O or 1 jn.jl Y Britain sh. sc. S s.l Eng. bot. 60
^ "nperfohata L. imperfoliate O or 1 jn.jl Y Italy 1833. S 8.1
^ diibia Lam.
W i 7 7 ' MlCHAU'X/il Herit. MICIIAUXIA. {A. Michaux, botanist to Louis XVI.) Campanuliicect. 2.
'^-{i^nanuloides/fcr//. Campanula-Ik ^ || or 4 L.B Levant 1787. S r.J Bot. mag. 219
"""'" %" Fen. smooth-Btmd 5i | or 3 L.B Persia 1820. S r.l Ven.cels81
JEFFERSO^NZ/I Bart. JEFFERBONIA. (T. Jqfftrson, President of United States.)
« * my ' W N. Amer. 1792. D L\
phfUum diph^llum L.
* 1179. DODO*L£V* L. DODONAA. (R.. Dodoens,, a celebrated botanist)
t) Terebitdhhcece. 18.—22.
9953 viscusa L.
. clammy il LJ un 66 jnjl
J un jn.jl G S. Amer.
A m e . 1690.. C p.lp Cav. ic. 4. 3277
954jamaicen8i8 Dec. Jamaica D c u 5 jn.jl G Jamaica
Ji 1810
1810. CC fl.p Cav.ic.
C i 1.327
viscosa Cav. angustifolia Sum.
9955 bialata Kth. two-winged iQun 4 G S. Amer. 1822. C co
9956 /aurift.lia Sieb. Laurel-leaved G N. HolL 1823. C s.p
9957 Bunnanntdna Dec. Burmann's i Q c u 5 jnjl G E. Indies 1800. C p.l Bur. zey. 23
9958 micrucarpa Dec. small-fruited i • cu 4 jnjl G Bourbon 1824. C p.1 Lam. iL 304.2
9959 jalicitblia Dec. Willow-leaved t|_Jcu 4 jnjl G N. Holl.? 1820. C p.1
angustifolia Lam.
9960 dioica Rox. dioecious ' Q c u 4 jnjl G E. Indies 1819. C p.1 Ru. am. 4.50
hcterophy'lla Hort.
9961 oblongifolia Lk. oblong-leaved I I un 4 ... G.P N. Holl. 1823. C co Bot. reg. 1051
99H2 triquetra Andr. three-sided I | un 5 G N. S. W. 1790. C S.D Bot. rep. 230
9963 cuntata Sm. vicAgc-lt'aved i I cu 3 jnjl
jj G N. Holl. 182a C Lin. tr. 11.19
9964 truncata Lod. LJCU 3 jnjl " G N. Holl. 1820. « P-l
9965 asplcnifoha Rud. Fcrn-lcaved jnjl G N HolL 1820. C p.1 11.20
9966 filiformis Lk. filiform./tviwrf l_Jcu 3 M G 1820. C p.1
9967 angustlssima Hort. narrowesWud cu 3 jnjl G 1823. C p.1
9968 «la;agnoidcs Rud. Elaugnus-like • • c u 5 jnjl G & Domin. 1800. C p.1
996!) pinnata Sm. pinnate-leaved • l |cu 4 jnjl G N. Holl. 1824. C p.1
9970 itcabra Lo. C. scabrous il l_Jcu 4 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1820. C p.1
9971 attcnuata Cun. • attenuate • l_Jcu 4 jnjl G N. HolL 1820. C p.1
C p.1
1180. LAWSO"N/i* L. LAWSONIA. (J. Lawson, M.D., author ofa voyage to Carolina.) Salichrice. a—6.
9972 inermU L. unarmed Henna plant* O cu 10 ... W Egypt 1752, C s.p Rauw. ic. 60.7
9973 spinbsa L. prickly l O c u 18 ... W E. Indies 1759. C s.p R. mal.1.40
9974 purphrea Lam. purple . $ • cu 12 ... P E. Indies 1820. C s.p
* 1181. OSBE'CK/if L. OSDECKIA. (P. Osbeck, a Swedish c , Melastomftcete. 4.—
9975 zcyl&mca L. Ceylon «- Q pr 2 jlau 1799. C s.p Bot. reg. 565
9976 chinensis L. Chinese tt-Opr 1818. C s.p Bot reg. 542
Mcl&btoma osbeckidides Kcr
9977 stellata Don starred «-[Z]pr 1 Nepal 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 674
9978 neiMlcnsis Hook. Nepal I tt.(ZZ)pr U jn Nepal 1821. C p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 31
*1182. AHEOCIA L. RHEXIA. (Rhexis, a rupture;
p; medical qualities) Melastomiicea. 6 . - 8 .
9979 mariana L Maryland a A ff
j P
P N. Amer.
N A r 1759 1759. DD s.p BBot.
t cab. 366
b 366
2 rubella Ph. reddish i Pk N. Amer. 1823. D s.p Sw. fl. gar. 41
9980 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved W N. Amer. 1812. D s.p
mariana y exfilbida Mx.
9981 ciht>sa Mx. cihose 1 P Carolina 1812. D p.1 Ph. am. 1.10
9982 virginica
g L. Virginian P N. Amer. 1759. D p.l Bot mag. 968
9983 Aypcricoides
9983 Aypcricoide W.W Hi
Hypcricum-like O or 1 jUu R Guiana 1820. S s.l Aub. gui. 1.161
9984 versicolor B. R. changing-cld «L • or fs Pk Brazil 1825. C s.p Bot. reg. 1066
•1183. ffiNOTHETRA L. CE.VOTHERA . (Oinos, wine, thera, a catching; acquired smell.) Onagr&rue- 55.—60.
9985 biennis L. biennial ^ CD or 4 Jn.s Y N. Amer. 1629. S co Fl. dan. 446
9986 salicifolia Detf. Willow-leaved ^ C3) or 2 vY * • « - « . co
9987 giobularis H. C. globular 5 CD or 3 Y 1824. co
9988 gauroides Horn. Gaura-like 5 Q> or 4 Y 1810. co
9989 hpectabihs Bernh. showy ^ Q> or 2 Y Mexico 1820. co
9990 albicans Lam. Y Peru 1823. co
9991 grandiflbra H. K. great-flowered 3t CD or 2S Y N. Amer. 1778. co Bot. mag. 2068
suaveolcns Pen.
9992 parviflora L. small-flowered 4 N. Amer. 1757. S Mee. ic. 1.34
9993 muriciita Mur. vrickto-stalked 3 N. Amer. 1789. S Mur. 6.
9994 longiflora Jac. long-flowered 3 jl.s B. Ayres 1776. S Bot mag. 365
9995 odorMa Jac. sweet-scented 2 & Amer. 1790. S Bot reg. 147
undulata Dry.
9996 nocturna Jac. night^meMng £ Q | o r 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. S co Jac. ic. 3.455
strata Led.
9997 villbsa W. villous 2 Y C. G. H. 1791. co'
9998 dentate Cav. toothed O or i Y Peru 1818. co Lind. coL 10
Chamiss5n«5 Lk.
9999 serrulkta Nut. serrulated ^ AAprP 1 jn Y N. Amer. 1824. p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 140
10000 cheirantlufulia Hort. Cheiranth.-lvdtt. | | or lft Y Chile 1823. s.l Bot reg. 1040
10001 minima Ph. least i Y N. Amer. 1825. co
10002 8cr6tina Hort. \atc-Jlowering 1J au.s Y 1820. co Sw.fl.gar.184
1000-J cruciata Nut. cruciatc-yfu>a 3 Y N. Amer. 1824. co
10004 tctragdna Roth four-apgled U Y N. Amer. 1820. co
100(15 coryinbiN)ga Lam. corymbose 3 s Y Mexico 1816. co Bot mag. 1974
lOOOfi stricta Led. strict 1ft jnjl Y 1822. co
10007 mtdia Lk. intermediate S j U u Y N. Amer. 1823. P.1
10008 sinuata L. Bcottop-leavcd Y N. Amer. 1770. s.l Mur. 5.3
10009 tcnuifolia Cav. flnc-leaved jl.s Y Peru 1824. co
10010 micr&ntha Horn. small-flowered myjl Y California 1823. S co
hirta Lk.
10011 mollissima L. softest wave-lvd & Q) or n.o Y B. Ayres 1732. S co Schk. han. 1.105
10012 pubescent* W. pubescent 5 Q) or W S. Amer. 1825. S CO
1001.3 pinnatifida Nut. pinnatifid ~ W N. Amer. 1816. S CO
10014 purpfirca Cur. purple-flowered P N. Amer. 1794. S co Bot mag. 352
10015 rtoeo-filba Bernh. red and white my R.w Nepal 1827. S co
1U016 Roinaiizuvii Led. Romanzow's P N. Amer. 1817. S co Bot. reg. 562
10017 amce^na Hort. pleasing red P N. Amer. 1825. S co
10018 humifCisa Nut. trailing P Florida 1824. S co
10019 tcnllla Cav. delicate P Chile 1822. S co Bot mag. 24x4
10020 albicauTis Fra. white-stalked I W N. Amer. 1811. S
10021 fruticosa L. shrubby 3 D.Y N. Amer. 1737. D s.p Bot mag. <o3»
10022 ambigua Nut. ambiguous 1 Y N. Amer. 1818. D co
1003J inckna Bart. hoary 2 Y N. Amer. 1820. S co
10024 hybrida Mx. hybrid 1 Y N. Amer. 1813. D
10025 ptimila L. dwarf imy.s D.Y N. Amer. 1757. D p.1 Bot. mag. S55
10026 pusilla Mx. small Y N. Amer. 1817. S CO
10027 Uncaris Mx. Jn N. Amer. 1822. D CO
JJ028 macrocarpa Ph. long-fruited 1 jn.jl N. Amer. 1811. R s.p Sw.fl.gar.5
10029 missourc'nsis B. M. Missouri 1 N. Amer. 1818. R af Bot mag. 1592
alata Nut.
10030 glauca Mr. glaucous 2 my.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D s.p Bot. mag. 1606
10031 Frasen' Ph. Eraser's 11 my.o Y N. Amer. 1811. D s.p Bot. mar. 1674
100J2 trlloba Nut. three-lobed 1 my.s Y
rhizocarpa Spr. N. Amer. 1822. S co •* »«
mrt*eaH.K. rosy-flowered 1 myau Pk Peru 178a S p.l Bot mag. 347
10034 tetraptcra Cav. four-winged 1 jnau W Mexico 1796. S s.1 Bot mag. 468
10035 clavkta Kth. clubbed 1 W Mexico 1827. S co
10036 nervnsa /torn. nervose 2 Y 1827. S co
1000 caspitosa 2?. Af. turfy 1 Jnjl W N. Amer. 1811. R p.l Bot mag. 1593
10038 acafilis Cav. stemless 1 my.s W Chile 1821. S co Bot. reg. 7»i3
10(139 spcciosa Nut. showy 1 mr.s W N. Amer. 1821. S co Hook. ex. fl. 80
10040 i t J f e twiggy Ujn P.w Peru 1823. S co FL per. 315
* 1184. GAU'RA L. GAIIRA. (Gauros,superb; flowers.) Onagrdrue. 6.-7.
10041 biennis L. biennial CD or 5 au.o R.w N. Amer. 17h2. S p.l Bot mag. 389
10042 mutabilis Cav. changeable H]pr 2 Y N. Amer. 1795. S s.1 Bot mag. 388
10043 trnothereflbra Zuc. (Enothera-flwd Q> or 11 P S. Amer. 1816. S s.1
10044 coccinea Fra. scarlet •i A °r lau.o S Louisiana 1811. S s.1
10015 fruticosa Jac. shrubby «• • pr 3 ... R.w S. Amer. 1815. S s.1 Jac. ic. 3. 457
10046 tripctala Cav. three-petaled O cu 11 au Pk Mexico 1804. S s.1 Cav. ic. 4.396.1
1185. CLA'RK/ii Ph. CLARKIA. (Capt. Clark, accomp. Capt Lewis to Rocky Mountains.) Onagrhrke. 1.
10047 pulchella Ph. pretty O P' 1ft Jn P N. Amer. 1826. S p.l Bot. reg. 1100
* 1186. EPILCTBIUM L. WILLOW HERB. (Epi, upon, lobos.
— i a pod; flower.) Onagrdrue. 21.—25.
10048 angustifulium L. narrow-leaved 3t A or Britain mea. D cc Eng. bot 1947
2 album white-flowered 5 A or 4 W Britain gard. D co
10049 spicatum iMtn. spiked 5 A or 4 P N. Amer. .. D co
KJ050 angustlssimum/T. JC narrowest-/^ ^ A or 2 P Alp. Eur. 1775. D m.s Bot mag. 76
10051 Dodon<z>'i AIL Dodocns's ^t A or P France 1700. D co
HAlleri Retz.
10052 rosmarinifolium Ph. Roscmary-lvd k A or 2 P N. Amer. 1800. D co
squamhtum Nut.
10053 latifblium L. broad-leaved ^ A or 2 R N.Europe 1779. D co Par. Ion. 58
10054 hir8ixtumL.haiTyt0TCodlinsSfCream^ A or 4 P Britain watpl. D co Eng. bot 838
1(X)55 tomentosum Fen. tomentose ^ A or 3 P Asia 1818. D co Ven. eels 90
10056 parvifl&rum E.B. small-flowered
" ' - -3t A- pr 3 jLau P Britain watpL D co Eng. bot 795
m611e Lam.
10057 villosum Thun. villous lAJor 2 P C. G. H. 1799. O co
10058 mont'inun. Z.. mountain A w 2 jnjl P Britain woods. D co Eng. bot 1177
A or

10059 strictum MM. strict P Pennsylv. 1817. D co
JOOHO r6seum ScArrfi. rose-colored. Aw 1 Pk England mar. D m.s Eng. bot 693
100K1 alsinifolium Vil. Chick weed-lvd Aw 1 Pk Britain sc. al. D m.s Eng. bot 2000
10082 tctragonum L. square-stalked Aw 1 P Britain mar. D m.s Eng. bot 1948
10063 coloratum 3/A/. colored A or P N. Amer. 1805. D l.p
100G4 al|icstre Schmidt alpine 3 jnjl P Switzerl. 1820. S l.p
lOOej dahitricum FM. Daurian p W Dauria 1822. S co
lOOiiG jwilfistre L. marsh A w jl P Britain mar. D co Eng. bot 346
J0JXJ7 obscfirum Schr. obscure A or P P Europe 1815. S co
68 lanccolatum 5e*. lance-leaved A or Italy 1810. D co
10069 alplnum L. alpine Aw JLau R Britain aLriv. D sJ Eng. bot 2001
!0070 lanceoUta - Lou GELA.
lanceolate *l_Jor
(Gelao, to shine; leaves?)
4 ... Y Cochinch. 1820. 8.p
(Marine*. 1.
S l lanceolata Spr.
FUCHSIA. (Z. Fuchs, a celebrated German botanist) Onogrhrke. 13. —19.
JSS21 cocclnea L. scarlet \ i lor 6 my.o S.p Chile 1788. C p.l Bot mag. 97
10072 gracilis Lindl. slender tLjor 8 my.o S.p Chile 1823. C p.1, Bot reg. 847
decussata B. M.
2 mul*ifl5ra many-flowered tl_Jel 6 my.o S.p Chile 1824. Bot reg. 1052
10073 tenella Hort. delicate \\ lei 8 my.o S.p Chile 1824.
10074 virgkta Swt. twiggy h | or 4 my.o S P Mexico 1825.
Bot reg, 1062
10075 c6nica B B. conic 4 jn.o S.P Chile 1825.
0076 macrostfeinon Fl. per. l o ngg - s t a m e n e d * I | |or
10076 el 3 JLo S.p Chile 1823. Bot cab. 1062
JOO77 venusta
JOO77 t KthKth. beautiful
b i f l CJ ell 6 o
IICJ P Mexico 1825.
]W78 /ycioldes Andr. Boxthorn-like *i_Jor 4 ap.o R Chile 1796. Bot. mag. 1024
{ Wfr parviflora B. R. small-flowered l i jor 4 my.o R Mexico 1824. Bot. reg. 1048
'JjJ)8() arborcscens Moc. arborescent J i | or 16 o Pk Mexico 1824. Bot. reg. 943
0U81 sexcorticata
L. barked
barked ill lor
S jn.o G.P N. Zeal. 1824. Bot. reg. 857
' m » c r « excortiedta FFont.
?»>r>da Swt. hybrid i l |_J or 3 my.o S hybrid 1825. P
a|>etala R. % P. apeUlous II i_J or 10 s.o P Chile 1825. !l FL per. 3.322
lrJi? ' CYMINO'SMA Gae. CYMINOSMA. (Kyminon, cumin seed, o$met smelL) But&cear. 2 . - 4 .
XU084 pedunculMa Dec. peduncled m • cu 6 f.d G E. Indies 1800. C lt.l
inno* Jam bolffera pedunculata Lou.
*U085 odorate Dec. sweet-scented China 1818. C Itl
Jambolifera odorata Lou.
- ELAPHBIUM. (Elaphros,contemptible; wood.) Rutdceaf. I.—J.
glabrumJrtc. « m0 oth f 20 ... W Carthag. 1818. C p.1
Fagtlra Elaphrium IV.
-1191. MELFCOPE Font. MBLICOPB. (MelL honey, hope, incision; nectary of notched glands.) Ruthcae. 1.
0087 ternata Forst. ternate • t l l o r ... ... ... N. Zeal. 1222. C p.l 294
_*J192. STADMA'NNLI Lam. STADMANNIA. (M. Stadmantt, a botanical traveller.) Sapindacece. 1.—ft,
0088 australis R.Br. southern I L J O F 30 N. Holl. 1823. C alp
OXYCO'CCUS Pen. CRANBERRY. (Oxy$t acid, kokkos, fruit) £nce^. 4.
Palustris Ph. marsh ft* fir imy.jn Pk Britain L p Eng. bot 319
"accSniumOxycoccus X.
10090 macrocfirpufl Pers. long-fruited JU fr f my.jn Fk N. Araer. 17G0. L bog Den. br. 122
/'acclnium macroca'rpum H. K.
10091 erythrocarpus Pers. red-fruited n. fr 2 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1806. I, bog Den. br. 31
erictus Ph.
10092 hispidufufliVr*. rather hiRpid JU fr i W Huds. Bay 1815. L bog Ph. am. 13
Gaultheria «erpyllifulia PA. faccinium hispfdulum L. ^'rbutus tilifurmis Lam.
• 1194. FACCI'NIUM L. WIIORTLK BERRY. (Perhaps from bacca, a berry.) Erictce. 43. —57.
10093 jfrctOKtaphylos L. Bear's Grape ¥ or 10 npju W Caucasus 1800. L l.p
10091 madeirense Lk. Madeira fr 6 ILo Madeira 1777. L p And. rep. 30
yfrctostaphyloa Andr. padifulium Sm.
10095 diff asum H. K. diffuse $ or 20 my.jl Pk Carolina 17<>5. L p
arbbreum Mx.
10096 dumtoum Andr. bushy II or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1774. L p Bot mag. 1106
hirtaium H. K. frondosum Mx.
uin or 2 my in W N. Amer. 1774. L p.l Den. br. 32
2 hhmile 5 !?5. 5 or 3 myjn ]'k N. Amer. 177». L p
10097 venustum A K. beautiful A or 3 my.jn W.o N. Amer. 1761. L p Bot. rep. 140
10098 frondosum L. frondose it
glaucum Mx. or 2 my.jn W N Amer. 1772. L p
10OK) pallidum //. J£. pale A or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. ... L Lp
1010U clevatum /.o. C. elevated A or 2 myjii W N. Amer. 1772.
10101 stamineum L. /ong-stainened A or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. 1H2A
10102 mucronatum £. mucronate A or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1772. L p Bot rep. 263
10103 Album Z.. white-flowered A
stamineum ^/ufr. or 3 myjn P N. Amer. ... Lp
10104 /ignstrinum /„. Privet-leaved A or 4 myjn P.o N. Amer. 1772. L p Wang. 30.69
10105 rvslnosum H. K. resinous A or 3' myjn Y.u Canada 1772. L p
1 vindescens viridescent-JfuM/A 3 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1772.
2rubcsccns rubrscent-^tud A or L p Bot. mag. 1288
10106 parviflorum Andr. small-flowered A or 3 myjn Br N. Amer. 1804. L p Bot. rep. 123
10107 corymbTisum L. corymbose A or 7 my W N. Amer. 1806. L p
disoin6rphum Mx. Album Lam.
10108 amae^num H. K. pleasing A or 6 myjn W N. Amer. 1765. L p Bot. rep. 138
disom6rphum var. Mx.
10109 virgatum H. K. twiggy A or 3 Pk N. Amer. 1767. L p Bot. rep. 181
2 angustifolium ?Pal. narrow-leaved A or 3 W N. Amer. 1767. L p.l Den. br. 34
10110 marianum Wat. Maryland A or 2 myjn W N. Amer. 1812. L l Den. br. 124
10111 grandiflurum Wat. great-flowered A or 2 W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Den. br. 125. A
10112 clongatum Wat. elongated A or 2 W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Den. br. 125. B
10113 minutiflorum Wat. sm.ill-flowered A or 2 W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Den. br. 125. C
10114 glabrum Wat. smooth A or 2 Pk N. Amer. 1812. L p.l 125. D
10115 galezansMx. Gn\e-leaved A or 2 myjn W N. Amer. 1806. L p
lOllGTuscatumi/.A". darkened A or 2 myjn Pk N. Amer. 1770. L p Bot.reg.302
formusum Andr.
2 angustifolium narrow-leaved A or 2 myjn Pk N. Amer. ...
10117 tcncflum H. K. delicate A fr 1| my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1772.
pennsylvHtiicum Mx.
10118 MyitilliiH L. Myrtle Bilberry* fr If apjn R Britain hea. L p
2 frfictu albo white-fruited A fr 1J ap.jn G Britain moors. L p
10119 uliginbsum L. bog Blealtei ry A fr 2 Pk Britain ... L p Eng.bot581
10120 angUHtitohum //. K nar.-lvd Bluet's A or 2 Pk N. Amer. 1776. L p
myrtilloldcs Mx.
10121 wHcinum Lod. Willow-faitm! A or ljmyjn W N. Amer. ... L l.p
10122 ca?«pitunum Mx. turfy JH or i ... W Huds. Bay 1823. L p
101^3 fUis ldffi^a L. Cowberry tt. $ apjn Pk Britain Skp
2 major larger tt. P* $ apjn Pk N. Amer. ..^ Skp
3 maxima largest tt. f apjn Pk N. Amer. .„ Skp
10124 haUertriftMun Lo. c7l1alfcria-lvd A or 14 my.jn W N. Amer. ... L t.p
10125 myrtifoliuin Mx. Myrtle-leaved JU | pr 1 myjl W Carolina 1812. Lp
10126 crasbifiilium Andr. thick-leaved tt. pr 1 jn.jl Pk Carolina 1787. Bot mag. 1152
10127 mendionale Sun. meridional • • or 2 mrjn W.G Jamaica 1778. LP
10J28 caraoasanum Kth. Caruccas • L ~1 or 6 myjn W Caraccas 1825. C Cp
10129 nitidum PA. glossy tt. pr 1| myjn Pk Carolina 1794. Bot. rcg. 480
2decumbens decumbent JU pr f myjn Pk Carolina 1794. L p Bot mag. 1550
10130 Afyrointtes Mx. Myrsmc-lcaved tt. pr 1| myjn Pk Carolina L p
21anceolktus lanceolate tt. pr lgmyjn Pk Florida ...
3obtusus obtuse ft pr 1* myjn Pk Carolina
10131 prunifolium Lo. C. Plum-leaved A or li myjn Pk N. Amer. ... L I!p
10132 Auxifdlium Andr. Box-leaved JU cu 1 myjn W N. Amer. 1794. L p Bot. mag. 923
brachy'cvruin Mx.
10133 ov^tuni XI*.
lUltW UV4I.UI11 PA. »* te
UYUVC * fr 2 my Pk N. Amer. 1826. L p.l
Mi (Greek name of the fruit of the arbutus.) Melasttnncaj °2 —
10134 capitellktum L. small-1
ill-headed • • or 10 jl ... E. Indies 1796. L p.l Bur. . e y ^
10135 edule Box. edible
t)le J • ft 20 ... P.c Ceylon 1820. C p.l '
1196. LAGE'TTA J; LAGETTA. (Lagefto, its name in Jamaica.) Thymetafar. 1.
10136 lintcaria J. linen * D c u 6 year W Jamaica 1793. C l.p Lam. il. 2M>
.Daphne Lagtita Swz.
1197. DA'PHNE L. DAPHNE. (Daio, to burn, phone, noise crackles when burning.) TAymelefee. 2 2 . - 3 3 .
10137 Mexercum L. Mezcrcon A m 4 f.ap Pk England woods. C p 1 Eng. bot 1381
1 rubrum red-flowered A or 4 f.ap Pk England woods. C p 1
2 album whxte-Jiowered A or 4 f.ap W ... C p.l
3 autuinnMe autumnal A or 4 au,o K Europe ... C s.l
10138 Laureola L. Spurge Laurel or 6 G Britain woods. S s.l Enp. bot. 119
10139 p6ntica L. Politic * : or 4 apmy G Y Pontus 175<). C s.l Bot. mag. 1282
2 rubra Hort red A | | or 4 R hybrid 1827. C s.l
10lK)rinifMia5u«. Tinus-leaved * [__j or 6 ... Jamaica 1773. C l.p
10141 Gnidium /,. Gnidium tt or 2 W Spain 1597. C s.l Bot. rah. 150
10142 odi>ra Thun. sweet-scented A i_J or 3 mr.d P.w China 1771. C r.m Bot. mag. 1587
2 variegau variegated • i_J or 4 W Japan 1800. C l.p
10H3 indica L. Indian • i I or 4 myjl W China 1800. C p.l
10144 papyracea Wai. paper * uj or 4 W Nepal 1824. C s.l As.res.13.315.ift
cannabina Wat.
10145 hfbrida Swt. hybrid 8 R hybrid 1827. C s.l Sw. fl. gar. fcGO
Dauphinii Hort
10146 chinensis Lam. Chinese s* • lor 4 Y China 1825. C s.1
10147 alplna L. alpine m or 2 my.jl W Italy 1759. C p.l Bot. cab. 66
10148 altaica Pall. Altaic m or 3 W Siberia 1796. G p.l But. mag. 1875
10149 Cheorum L. Garland flower n. or 1 ap.s Pk Austria 175& L s.p Bot. mag. 313
10150 stnata Trat. btriated t or 2 jn P Switzerl. 1819. C l.p
10151 collina 8m. hill t or 3 ja.jn P Italy 1752. L 8.1 Bot. mag. 428
10152 neapoli&na Lori. Neapolitan t or 2 jajn P 1822. L s.1 Bot.reg.822
coinna/3 neupolitkna Naples
10153 oleoides Schreb. Olive-like 1 or 2 year W Crete 1815. G p.1 Bot. mag. 1917
10154 serlcea VaM silky i or Crete
olesefulia xLam. 2 my.jn W 182a C l.p
10155 Thymelas a L. N
Wild Olive Spain Pluk. aL 299.2
Passerina 7TiymeltB a Dee. 3 f.ap Y 1815. C s.p
10156 pub&cens L. pubescent or Austria Til. pis. 49.2
10157 Tditon-raira L. Tarton-raira or 3 Y France 1810. C l.p 354
Pawcrlna Turfon-raba Schr. 3 my.jl W 1640. G s i
10158 tomentosa Lam. tomentoae * _ J o r 2 my.jl W Asia 1800. C l.p
Paaserina villusa L.
1198. DI'RCA L. LEATHER WOOD. (Dirka, a fountain; habitation.) Thymela?a. 1.
10159 palCUtrisL. marsh si ec 6 mr.ap Y Virginia 1750. L s.l Bot.rcg.292
* 1199. GNI'DIA L. GNIDIA. (Ancient name of the laurel.) ThytnelaTte. 16. —24.
10160 pinifoliaZ,. Pine-leaved i l i ' I pr 2 my.jn j P Pa.Y
Y CCoin.G 1768. C s p Bot. reg. 19
10161 radiata Wnl. radiated sH | | or 2J 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Bot. cab. i-9
J01K2 imbe*rbis Dry. \ | pr Pa.Y C.G.H. 1792. C fi.p Bot. mag. 1463
10163 simplex L. simple n. \ | el 1 my.jn Y Pa.Y C. G. H. 17Mi C sp Bot mag. 812
10164 flkva Lo. C yellow * i | or 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1825. C ij>
10165 biflbra Thun. two-flowered i l |_J or 2 my.jn C. I*. H. 1800. C B.p
10l66Juniperit?ilia L. Jumper-leaved il
H J i_J or 2 f myjn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
aceriisa Gm. Flax-like sft |_J or 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G.H. 1824. C s.p
10167 /moides Wik. capitate tt. t | cu 1 jiijl Pa.Y C. G. H. 178H. C s.p
10168 capitata W. opjxisite-leaved tt. uJ pr 1 my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1783. C B.p Bot. reg. 2
10169 oppositifolia L. strict il |_J or 2}myjn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1818. u s.p
10170 strlcta Wik. tomentose il i lor 2 my.jn Pa.Y C.G.H. 18'4). C s.p
10171 tomentosa L. silvery il i I or 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. K 182H. C s.p
10172 argentea Thun. silky 11 my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1786. C s.p Bot rep. 225
10173 scrlcea L. imbricated ljmy.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C s.p B o t reg. 757
10174 imbricata L.
denudkta LindU polished
10175 lasvigata Thun. « - l _ J p r 1 my.jl P a . Y C . G H ; 1822. C sp
1200. STEfLLERA L. STELLERA. (G. W. Steller, a celebrated bot collector, d. 1746.) Thymela?* 2 — J
10176 Passerina L. Sparrow-wort O cu 1 W S. Europe 1759. S s.p Jac. i d . 68
Passerina ajinua Wik.
10177 Chamsejasme L. Ground Jasmine tt. LJ or 1 jnjl W Siberia 1817. C s.p Am. rut 2
Passerina Steller* Wik.
l?01. PASSERrNA L. SPARROW-WORT. (Passer, a sparrow; beaked seeds.) _ ThymeUeya. 14.—28.
10178 uniflora L. one-flowered tt. | | cu i W C. G. H 1759. sp Wen ob. i f i
\W79\kxa L.JU. loose tL i_J cu f jn.jl W C. G. H. 1804. p.l Bot cab. 755
J£ 80 tenuiflora Men. slvnder-flwd tt. i leu fjn.s W C. G. H. ... s.p
J018I lineanfblia Wik. lincar.leaved il |_J or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. s.p
10182 filifonnis L. filiform tt-i leu 1 W C. G. H. s.p Wen. ob. 2.15
headed tt-i leu 1 jii.o w C. G. H. 1752.
}J>JM hKSSTxT hairy tt. | | cu w S. 1789. C pA Wen.
S Europe 1759.
ob. 2.17
B o t mag. 1949
«*185 ericoides L. Heath-like * i_J or 3 my.jn w C G. H. 1810. C s.p
Wik. rigid i l i lor 2 my.jn w C G. H. 1817. C ~ s.p
Ma L. ciliated M |_J or 2 my.jn w C G. H. 1818 C s.p
unbe>gw Wik. Thunberg's M \__] or 3 my.jn w G G . H . 1817. C s.p»
randiflora L.fil. great-flowered tt i_J cu 1 my.jn w C. G. H. 1789. C Bot mag. 292
spiked n. i_J cu 1 myjn w C. G. H. 1787. 5 P P-l BotcaU311
10191 an'thyTlokle7'X.//. Anthyllis-like * • lor 2 myjn w C.G. H. 1823. s.p
1202. L A C H N J E M L. LACHNASA. (Lachne, down; clothing of corollaO ThymdaT*.
10192 conglomerata L. clustered s»LJor' 2' jnjf" W G. G.'HTTTO S rm
Passerina conglomerata Thun.
10193 erioccphala L. woolly-headed sV | I or 2 jnjl W C. G. H. 1793. p.l Botmag.1295
10194 purphrea //. K. putp\e-flowered • L_J or 2 jnjl C. G H. 18(J0. p.l Bot. mag. ISM
10195 gla6ra Sal. glaucous 2 my.jl W C. G. H. 1800. p.l Rot mag. 1658
10196 Suxifclia Lam. Box-leaved 2 myjl W C. G. H. 1800. p.l Bot mag. 1657
Gnidia filamentosa L.JU.
(A name by Pliny to a climbing plant.) Combrethcea. 13.—50.
• or 15 jn.d S Madagasc.1818. C r.m Bot mag. 2102
• or 20 ... P S. Leone 1822. C r.m

Afzellliss S0 fjl S. Leone 1826. C r.m
Paniculate ft.a or 50 jajn
S Guinea 1824. C r.m
i_CI]or 15 apjl
S Brazil 1820. C r.m
wefindum J
LCJor 10 apjlO.R Mexico 1835. C r.m
laxum Aub.
side-flowering 10 apjl
Y.a Trinidad 18ia C r.m Aub. gui. 1.137
racemose i_CDor 12 fjl W Benin 1826. C r.m Beau. ow. 2.118
decandrous £_ O or 20 fjl W E Indies 1826. C r.m Box. cor. 1.59
beanled-jtt/flfeda ^_j or 10 ... W Maranh. 1820. C r.m
dwarf iQor £ ... W Nepal 1825. C r.m
ASPIDFSTRA Ker ASPIDISTRA. (Aspidision, a little shield j flowers.)
lurid jgESIcu f j l P China "—'
dotted £ IS] cu 1 mr P China


1S05. GALETNW W. GALEMIA. (C. Galenns, a celeb, physician of Pergamus.) Chenopbdeat. 1. — 3 .
10212 africana W. African n. i | cu 2 W C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Lam. iL 314
1206. APHANA'NTHE Lk. APIIANANTHE. (Aphanes. obscure, anthos. flower.) AmaranihUceoj.
A 1.
10213 celosioldes Lk. Cockscomb-Ik IL U)\ W.G Brazil 1813. C p.ll
1307. WEINMA'NN/;! I* WEINMANNIA. W. Weinmann, a German botanist) Cunonihceaj. 5.—IS.
10214 glabra L. smooch • Dor 6 my.jn W Jamaica 1815. C r.m Lam. 11.313.1
pinnata L.
10215 hirta Stvz. hairy m\ lor 6 my.jn W Jamaica 1820. C r.m
10216 ovata Can. ovate-leaved Ml lor 6 my.jn W Peru 1824. C r.m Cav.ic.6.566
10217 clliptica Kth. elliptic >l lor 4 my.jn W & Araer. 1824. C r.m
10218 trifoliate L.fil. three-leaved inor 4 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. C r.m Lam. il. 313.2
1208. MCEHRI'NGJM L. MQSIIKINGIA. (P. H. G. Mahring, a celebrated physician.) Caryophylleee. 2 . - 3
10219 muscosa L. mossy 3 A cu I jnjl L.P S. Europe 1775. D >.l Schk. nan. 1.10!
10&0 wdifulia W. Sedum-leaved | A cu i jn.jl W.s S. Europe 182a D 6.1 W. b. in. 3.23
1209. AREMCTNIA Dec. AREMONIA. (Change from Agrimonia.) Rosace*. 1.
10221 agrimonoides Dec. Agrimony-like A or 1 jLau Y Italy 1739. D co 1.144
Agnmonia agrimonoides L.


* 1210. POLY'GONUM L. POLTGOMJM. {Polys, many, gonu, a joint; stems.) Polygbnea?. 68. —102.
10222 ramoslssimum Mx. branchicst my.jl N. Amer. 1810. S co
10223 gracile It. Br. slender N. Holl. 1822. D m.s
10224 amphibium L. amphibious Britain dit. I) 8.1
2 hirshtum hairy Britain D co
10225 coccineum MhL scarlet N. Amer. 1819. D "
10226 niloticum Leh. Nile Africa 1824. D m.s
10227 ocreatum L. booted jn.s Siberia 1780. D s.l
10228 plebeium R. Br. plebeian if jl N. Holl. 18-22. S m.s
10229 virginianum
1029 g g
Bieb. Virginian ]| A 3 au.s N. Amer. 1640. D 8.1 Par. th. 857.6
0230 nrite
ri Pers.
P mild
Wt P Peppers* O or 1 N. Amer. 1800. S m.s
l l
10231 salsuglncum Bieb. bbriny
i ^ OO pr 1 Caucasus 1817.
10332 Persicaria L. Persicaria O w l t Britain dit S \'.l Eng. bot 756'
10333 incanum Schmidt hoary O un 2 Germany 1804. S s.1 Pet. brit 3.8
10234 /apathifolium L. Dock-leaved O w 1 jn.s England dungh. S 8.1 Eng. bot 1382
10235 persicarioides Kth. Persicaria-like O or 1J Mexico 1816. S co
10236 senegalensis Mil. Senegal i O or 1* Guinea 1825. S m.s
10237 HydrApipcr L. Water Pepper A O w I jl.a Britain wat pi. S s.1 Eng. bot 989
10238 glabrum Box. smooth O or 1J E. Indies 1810. S co
10239 m"inus Hud. smaller O w \ au.s England S s.1 Eng. bot. 1013
10240 arifolium L. Arum-leaved i O c u 6 my.o N. Amer. 1816. S s.1 PL am. 398.3
102H australe Spr. southern Q) cu 1 N. Holl. 1818. S m.s
10242 barbutum L. bearded -* A cu 1 J n China 1819. S
10243 tincturium Lou. dyer's £OJdy 2 China 1776. C 8.1
10244 decipiens R. Br. deceiving "~ lAlor 2 N. Holl. 1822. S m.8
10245 flonbundum Schlec. bundle-flowered O or Siberia 1818. s co
10246 orientale L. oriental O or 26 E. Indies 1707. s co Bot mag. 213
2 album white-flowered O or 4 jLo E. Indies 1781. s co
10247 pennsylvanicum L. Pennsylvanian O or N. Amer. 1800. D co
10248 setusum Jac. bristly A or 1 AsiaMin. 1817. D co Jacob. 3.57
10249 LaxmfinnJ Lep. Laxmann's A or Davuria 1800. D co
10250 hcrniarioldes Del Hcrniaria-like ^cu Egypt 1827. D co
10251 erectum L. upright O un
O P.R N. Amer. 1792. D 8.1
10252 acet&sum Bieb. sour O Crimea 1820. S co
10253 maritimum L.
10254 gladcum Nut.
glaucous J O un 1
A un
^ A or
S. Europe 1820. D s.1
N. Amer. ... D co
10255 equisetiformc Sm. Equisctum-fmd3 O un S. Europe ... S co
10256 BeUirdi AIL Bcllardi's O un S.Europe ... S co
10257 littorale Lk. sea-shore Jc A un S. Europe ... S co
flagellarc Bert.
10258 arenarium W. $ K. sand Hungary 1807. W.&K.67
10259 Dryandri Spr. Dryander's E. Indies 1800.
elegans Dry.
10260 patulum Bieb. spreading H jn.s W Tauria 1820 S co
10261 aviculire L. small birds' 3 ap.o G Britain rubble. S Eng. bot 125
10262 articulktum L. jointed 1 W N. Amer. 1817. S CO CO
10263 acldulum IV. en. sourish 2 jnjl Wo Siberia 1816.
10264 «allgnum TV. en. Willow-like 4 W.G Siberia 1816. D 8.1
D 8.1 Gm. si. 3.11.1
10265 divaricatum L. divaricating 3 W.G Siberia 1759. D co
10266 difftisum Pall. diffuse | W Siberia 1817. D co
10267 undulatum Mur. vraye-leaved 3 jnjl W.G Siberia 1789. D Gm. si. 3. 10
10268 alptnum All. alpine 2 W SwitzerL 1816. D s.1 s.1 Al.ped.68.1
10209 elegans Ten. elegant 2 W.G Naples 1824. D co
10270 chinenge L Chinese -JO dy 6 W.o China 1795. s.l Bur. in. 30.3 *
10271 patens D. Don spreading 3 A or 1 ... Nepal 1823. SD co
10272 sagittatum L. arrow-leaved i O c u 6 W.G N. Amer. 1759. S s.1 H. cl. 12
10273 cilinbde Mr. hairy-jointed 4 jl.i Pk Canada 1800. S co
10274 adprcssum R, Br. compressed 2 R N. Holl. 1822. L i.p Lab. n. h. 1.127
10275 dumctorum L. thicket 12 my.s W S. Europe 1803. S co Fl. dan 759
10276 Convolvulus L. Woodbine 3 my.s W.a Britain corn fi. S 8.1 Eng. bot 941
10277 tataricum L. Tartarian 2 Siberia 1759. S s i
10278 emarginatum Roth notch, leaved 2 jlau Pk China 1796. S 8.1 Bot. reg. 1065
10279 cymtaum Trev. cymose 2 Pk Nepal 1827. S co
10280 Fagopyrum L. Buck-Wheat 2 Pk England corn fi. S B.1 Eng. bot. 1041
10281 scandens L. American climbing 4 12 jl.s Pk N. Amer. 1749. D co Pluk. aL 177.7
10282 sericeum Pall. silky W Siberia 18i!0. D co Gra. si. 3.9
10283 hirsittum Walt. hairy 1 my.s W N. Amer. 1817. D I.P
10284 vivfparum /* viviparous i my.s W.G Britain al. pas. D si Eng. bot 669
10285 ullfpticum W. elliptic 2 my.jl Pk Siberia 1807. D s.p
10286 Bist6rta L. Snakewced l j my.s Pk Britain me. pa. D co Eng. bot 509
10287 petiolatum D. Don pctiolated 2 P Nepal 1820. D co
10288 macrophf Hum D. Don long-leaved l^ P Nepal 1820. D co
10289 aflftne D. Don kindred | R Nepal 1822. D co
1211. TRAGOPY^RUM Bieb. GOAT'S WHEAT. (Trogos, ag at, pyros, wheat.) Polygbnece. 3.—•&
10290 lanceolatum Bieb. lanceolate tit or 2 Pk Siberia 177a L s.l Bot.reg.255
Polygonum frutescens B. R.
10891ouxifblium Bieb. Box-leaved A or Pk Siberia 1800. L s.l Bot mag. 1065
Polfgonum crispulum B. M. cauc&sicuxn Hqfg.
10298 polygamum Spr. polygamous lift or 2 jLau Pk Carolina 1810. L p.l Ven. eels 63
ygonum potygamum'SVn.
ium Ven. paparvifolium Nut. t
1212. COCCCLOBA L. SEASIDE GRAPH. ' {Kokkos, a berry, lobos, a lobe: fruit.) Polpgbttete. 18. — 23.
10293 uvlfera L. grape-bearing
. . _ W.a W. Indies 1690. C r.m Jac. am. 73
C r.m Pluk. ph. 222.8.
10294 publscens L. pubescent W.a W. Indies 1690. C r.m
10295 orbicularis Lo. C. round-leaved W.a S. Amer. 1825. C r.m PI. ic 146,1
10296 excoriata L. barked W.a W. Indies 1733. C r.m
10297 nivea Jac. white-leaved J W.a Jamaica 1818. C r.m Jnc. am. 114.77
10298 puncthta L. spotted W.G W.Indies 173a C r.m Heok. ex. fl 102
10299 diversiff.lia Jac. various-leaved ¥ Q o r 20 au W.a St. Dom. 1818.
10300 /auriftlia Jac. Laurel-leaved J or 20 au W.G Caraccas 1822. C r.m Jac. sc. 3. 267
C r.m Jac. am. 75
10301 flave'sceng Jac. flavesccnt ^ _ or 15 W . G St. Dom. 1820.
10302 obtusitolia Jac. obtuse-leaved $ O or 20 W.o Carthag. 1822. C rra Jac. am. 74
10303 microstachya W. small-spiked * • or 16 W.G W.Indies 1824. C r.m
parviflftra Poir. W.G & Amer. 1824. C r.m
10304 obovata Kth. ohovate-leaved J
10305 barbadensis Jac. Barbadoes W.G Barbadocsl790. C r.m Jac. ob. 1.8
10306 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian W.G Brazil 1825. C r.m
10307 latifolia Lam. . broad-leaved W.G S. Amer. 1812. C r.ra 316.4
10308 acuminata Kth. acuininate-/wi T W.o N. Grena. 1&0. C r.m
10.300 tenuifolia L. narrow-leaved f W.a Jamaica 1820. C r.m Br.jaro. 3
10310 Iongifolia Lk. long-leaved $ W . G W.Indies 1810. C r.m
1213. BRUNNI'CHM Gae. BBUNWICHIA. IF. Brunnich, a Danish naturalist.) Polygbnea. 1.
'0311 cirrhbsa Gat. tendrilled H—Ior 6 ... Pk Carolina 1787. Lp 1.45.2 ;

J0313 pinnata L. vr\ngtx\.leaved H—I or 10 W.o W. Indies 1752. C r.ra Jac. ob. 3.62.12
1<«14 tetragona Aub. quadrangular-rtwd«_ • or 20 W Guiana 1825. C lp
10315 Vespirtilio
Vesuirtilio SSun. bat i _ Q o r 20 W S. Christo.1823. C s.p Ac. haf. 3.11.1
J0316 meliasftlia J. Melia-leaved A. CD or 12 W.G Brazil 1819. C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 110
10317 senegalensiB J. Senegal LCD or 16 W Guinea 1822. C r.m
*wi« cupania
10318 Cupania Kth. Cupam's |_ • or 20 W Trinidad 1818. s.p
10319 sphscrmdrpa
h Rich, round-fruited A. CD or 26 W Guiana 1824. l.p
10.320curassiivica L. Curassoa « D o r 18 W.G S. Amer. 1739. r.m Jac. ob. & 61.8
10&21 barbadensis Jac. Barbadoes 16 W.a W. Indies 1786. s.p Jac. ob. 3.62. P
10323 polyphflla Schunt. many-lcavcd 20 W.o W. Indies 1739. sp Jac. ob. 3.61.10
10323 cartnaginlnsis Jac Carthagena 16 W Carthag. 1818. Jacob. 3.61.6
W.a W.Indies ... s.p Jac. ob. 3.62.7
10324 caribae a Jac. Caribsan ^.•or 10 16 W S. Amer. 1820. s.p
10325 pubescens Kth. pubescent iDor W Trinidad 1825. lp
10326 hfsuida Jac. hispid LQor 20 20 W Brazil 1816. r.m Jac. sc. 3.268
10327 bipinnata Poir. bipinnate *_\ , — ~~
10328 cauliflora Jac. stem-flowering fl_ • or 18 W Caraccas 1822. C s.p
r.m Jac. ic. 3.450

,1215. S E R I A L Plu. SERIANA. (Phtii Serjeant, a French friar and botanist) Sapindhcea. 5.—21.
10329 sinuata Schunu sinuate-faivrrf fl Hor 15 ... W.a S. Amer. ... C co Jacob.3.61.2
J0330 divarickta ScAttm. W.G Jamaica 1824. C r.m Ac. haf. 3. 12.2
10331 caracastaa W. divaricate fl_Qor 20 Caraccas 1816. C co 1.99
\ |3.32 mexicana W. Caraccas 4_CD OT 15 W.a Mexico 1823. C r.m Ac. haf. 3.11.3
10333 triternata W. Mexican fl I I or 20 W.a S. Amer. 1739. C r.m Jacob.61.10
triternate LC3or 20
URVILLJEA. CD. d' Urville, a French navigator and botanist) Sapindhce*. 2.
• • o r 20 ... W Caraccas 1824. C *r __ ...
rusty — 26 my.jl W Brazil 1823. C s.p Bot. reg. 107
* 1217. CARDIOSPE'RMUM L. HEART SEED. (Kardia, a heart, spertna, seed) Saphtdace*. 6. — | I2.
10336 tfalicacabum L. Winter Cherry 1 E 3 cu 4 jl W.a India 1594. S co Bot. mag. 1049
10337 grandifl6rum Sun. large-flowered » • or 20 jLau W Jamaica 1817. •: u-1
C •«
10338 coluteoidea Kth. Colutea-like fl • or 10 W Caraccas 1818. C 8.1
10339 hirsotum W. hairy t • or 15 W Guinea 1822L C e.1
10340 Corindum L. Indian heart 4 jLau W.a Brazil 1750. S co
10341 pubticens Lag. pubescent 6 jn S N. Spain 1823. S co
. SAPI'NDUS L. SOAP BERET, (tow-soap, Indus, Indian: fruit; cleanses \men.)Saptndhcea. 11. - £ 2 .
ria L. Saponaria < ' t ) e c 20 ... Wa W. Indies 1697. CC p.1 p Com. h. 94
V edged ][aor20 .. W.o Carolina
W Cli ... CC p.ll
Forsyth'a «>aor20 .. W Granada ... C p.l
rtW f Q o r 25 jLs W.o America 1759. C p.1 Pluk. al. 217.7
frutescent - g o r 10 .. W.a Guiana 18*. C p.l A u b .guL 1.139

10318 /aurifMius Vahl Laurcl-lcavcd W.o E. Indies 1820. p.l R. mal. 4.

10349 lonjiifMius Vahl lonij-leavcd W.u E. Indies 1H1JO. CO
10350 emnrginatus Vahl emargmatcd W.o E. Indies 1822. r.m
103M rubiginusua Rot.
10352 Indicus Pair.
E. Indies 1821.
E. Indies 1800. l


1219. KALANCH&E Adan. KALANCHOB. (Chinese name.) Semperv'ivea. 7 . - 8 .
10353 lacimata Dec. cut-leaved n. Z3 cu 2 £. Indies 1781. Ls 8.1 Dec. pl. 100
10354 crenfcta Dec. crcnated tt. ZD cu 2 JLs S. Leone 1793. Ls s.l Hot. mag. 1436
Vcrea crenata Andr.
10355 acutiflora Haw. acute-flowered tt. ^] cu 2 jLs W £. Indies? 1806. Lss.1 Bot.rep.560
Verea acutiflora Andr.
10356 egyptiaca Dec. Egyptian «LZ]CU 2 JLau Y Egypt 1820. La i.l Dec. pl. 63
10357 spatuPita Dec. spatulate ajcu 2 jLau Y China 1820. Lss.l 64
10358 rotundiftlia Haw. round-leaved «. ZD cu 2 W C. G. H. 1820. Lss.l
Crassula rotundifulia Haw.
10359 ceratophylla Haw. horn-leaved «.Z3cu 2 Y hina 1820. Lss.l
1220. BRYOPHY'LLUM Sal. BRYOPHYLLUM. (Biyo, to grow, phyllon. a leaf; leaf plant) Semperuiveof. I.
103G0 calycmum Sal. /ar/,'<r-cuppcd «L Z2 cu 2 ap.jl G.p E. Indies 1800. Ls s.1 Par. Ion. 3
Cotyledon calycinum Lar.
1221. PA^RIS L. PARIS {Par, equal; regularity of parts.) Asphodelear. 3 . - 4 .
10361 quadrifolia L. four-leaved & A cu £ my jn G Britain woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 7
10362 verticillata Bieb. vcrticillate 5 A cu J G Caucasus 1825. D veg
10363 polyphylla Sm. many-leaved ^ A cu | ap.jn G Nepal 1826. D veg
1222. ADCKXA L. ADOXA. {At privative, doxa% glory; not showy.) Saxifrdgea?. 1.
10364 Moschatellina L. Moschatcllina A A cu \ G.v Britain woods. D s.p Eng. bot 453
1223. £ L A T I N E L. WATER-WORT. {Elate, aflr, Greek.) Caryophf/lletg. 2 . - 4 .
10365 Hydr6piper L. Water Pepper * O cu i au W S. Europe ... S s.1 Vail. pa. 2. 2
10366 tripetala Sm. thrcc-pctalcd i O cu 1 au F Britain mar.Ian. S s.1 Eng. bot 955
triandra Schk. hcxandraD^c. Hydropiper E.B.
* 1221. HALORA'GIS Font. HALORAGIS. {Hals, the sea, rhax, berry of grapes.) Halordgear. 2 . - 5 .
10J^7 Ccrcfidia H.K. tail-like tt.i_Jcu 2 ap.s G.R N. Zeal. 1772. C s.p Jac.ial.69
1030t prostraU Font. prostrate J U L J C U ftmy.1 G.» N. ZeaL 1820. C s.p


1225. CINNAMCTMUM jJL Br. CINNAMON. {Kinamon, cinnamon, Arab.) Lattrirue. 11. —15.
10309 verum Swt. true t Q m 40 jn.s W E. Indies 1768. C s.p Bot mag. 1636
/.atinu Cinnamomum L. Cassia B. M.
10370 nitidum Hook. shining Cinnamon^ O m 20 ... G EL Indies 1823. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 176
Zaftrus nltida Rox.
10371 Cassia D. Don Cassia t D m SO my.s G.v Ceylon 1763. C s.p Bot rep. 51*6
•Laftrus Cassia L. Cinnamomum B. Rep.
10672 J/alabatruin G. Don Malabar Leaf ± • or SO ... G.v E. Indies 1805. C s.p R. mal. 5. S3
/.aurus jl/ulabatrum L.
1037S C&tnphora Swt. Camphor tree £ • m 20 mr jn G.w Japan 1727. C s.p
L&uriu'Cthnphora L.
10374 glaficum G. Don glaucous Camphor£ • or 20 ... P.v Japan 1800. C Lp
Xaurus gla6ca Thun.
10375 dulee G. Don sweet cinnamon^ • or 40 ... W . Y E. Indies 1820. C Lp
/.atirus dulcis Rox. BunndnniNecs
10376 Beiolgbta Swt. Bciolgota . CD or 40 ... Y.G E. Indie* 1818. C Lp
Zafirus Beiolgbta Ham.
10377 gracile Swt. slender • or 20 ... Y.G E. Indies 1820. C l.p
Xatirus gracilis Hort.
10378 montanum G. Don mountain D o r 40 ... W.o W.Indies 1810. C Lp
Lauras montana Swz.
10379 Culildban Swt. Cufilaban • or 20 ... G.T E. Indies 1823. C s.1 Ru. am. 2.14
ZaiSrus Culilaban L.
* 122& LAU'RUS L. LAUREL. (Blaur, green, Celt.) . LatirHue. 25.—70.
10380 cor
spl§ndens Hort. shining [\ or 40 ... Yo E. Indies 1800. C l.p
JJ&2A »acea Stvz. leather-leaved '*' or 50 ... W.p W. Indies 1810. C l.p
liiR Willow-leaved 1 > CD or 20 Y.G W. Indies 1826. C l.p
thyrse-flowcrcd ] | O or 30 Y.o Madagasc.1810. C l.p
10384 Chlor6xylon L Cogwood tree ] [ • tm 60 G.w Jamaica 177a C s.p Br.jam.7
10385 floribunda Swz. bundlc-floweredj • or 40 Y.o W.Indies 1800. C l.p
1fto r- «Rgregata Sims aggregate 41 uJ or 3 ja.f G.Y China 1803. L i.p Bot.mag.Sig7
10387 nobilis W. noble ± or 15 Y.w Italy 1561. C s.l Zo.ic.5l
2 undulate wave-leaved * or 4 Y.w ... C
, . „ 3 falicifclia Willow-leaved ft or 6 Y.W C
10388 Indica L. Indian Bay ft | or 20 inr.o G.Y Madeira 1665. C l.p Pluk. al. 304.1
10.J89 fcrtcns II. K. strong-smellingf
„-. i lor 20 mr.o G.Y Madeira 176a C l.p
-0390 cananensis W.en. Canary _ LJ or 10
LJ G.Y Canaries 1815. C l.p
10-91 Borbonia L. Bourbon
Bourbon N. Amer. 1739. C Lp Cat. car. 1.63
10392 crassiftlia Ril thick-leaved Y
tQ Ljoorr 4015 Y.o Cayenne 1800. C lp
10393 exaltata Swz. lofty I • or 60 W.Y Jamaica 1800. C Lp
Ocotea turbacdnsis Kth.
P.Y Jamaica 1800. C l.p
10394 pcndula Swz.
10.-J95 nfvea Lo. C.
10396 carolincnsis Cat.
"BS2 Y.o
1820. C p.1
N. Amer. 1806. L I.p
pubescent "» |_J tm 15 Y.o N. Amer. 1806. L Lp
2 pubescens '' L-J or 15
3 obttisa obtuse : Y.o N. Amer. 180fl. L l.p
Catosby's » l_J or or 15
10 ... W Carolina 1820. L l.p Cat car. 28
10397 Catestedna Mx.
10398 sestivalis L. summer | or 6 ap my Y.o N. Amer. 1775. I* l.p
10399 geniculata Walt. geniculated or 6 ap my Y N. Amer. 1759. L l.p Bot mag. 1471
10400 Z)iospvrus Pers. Jove's fruit or 6 apmy G.Y N. Amer. 1810. L Lp Bot.mag. 1470
10401 albida Spr. or 10 apjn Y.o Carolina 1824. L l.p
, Evfamus &lbidus Nut.
10402 Benzoin L. Benjamin tree tl m 8 Y.a N Amer. 1683. S p.s.1 Com. h. 1.97
1JJJ03 Sassafras L. Sassafras tree ¥ m 50 myjn G.Y
my.jn GY N.
N Amer.
Amer 1633.
1633 S p.s.1
ps1 Cat car.
car 1.55
10404 patens Swz. spreading • or 15 ... W.v W.Indies 1824. C I?

1227. TETRANTHENEtA Jac. TETRANTHERA. (Tctra, four, aner, an anther.) Latirirur. 8. — II.
0405/aurifulia Joe. Laurel-leaved H Q o r 6 my.jn G China 1822. C p.1 Botreg.893
,n Litxiach'xncnm Lam.
10406 apltala Box. apetalous 41 i_J or 8 apjn G.Y N. Holl. 1824. C Lp
_ " » M ' U lilMIIUII
'0407 trinervia Spr. three-nerved tO or 10 apjn Y.o Ceylon 1821. C Lp
, Litxca zpylanica Nees
10408 dealbita R. Br. whited lL_Jor 6 apjn Y.o N. Holl. 1825. C Lp
10109 glaucesccns Spr. glauccscent • or 20 apjn Y.o Mexico 1825. C Lp
Litxi-a glauccscens Kth.
10410 CervantesM Spr. Ccrvantes'a • or 20 Mexico 1823. C s.l
Litxca Ccrvantesii Kth.
10411 ferruglnea R. Br. rusty l _ | o r 6 ap.jn ... N. Holl. 1824. C l.p
10412 sebifera Spr. sebifcrous • o r 10 apjn Y.o E. Indies 1820. C Lp
involucrata Retx.
1228. PE'RSEA Gar. ALLIGATOR PEAR. (Used by Theophrastus for an Egyptian tree.) Laiiritue. 1.
10413 gratlssima Gae. most grateful I C Z l f r 40 ... G.Y W. Indies 1739. C Lp Pluk.aL267.1
Xaurus Persea L.
122J). CRYPTOCANRYA R. Br. CRVPTOCARYA. lKryptost hidden, karya, a nut.) Lauritue. 2 . - 4 .
10+U glaucescens R. Br. glaucescent f t J o r 16 apjn W.Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.p
10415 obovata R. Br. obovztc-leoved f LJ or 16 apjn W.Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p
1230. CASSY^THAi. CASSVTIIA. (Gr. name of the Cuscuta, which it resembles.) Lauritut. 2.-5.
10416 flHKrmis L. filiform j g Q c u 3 W E. Indies 1796. C s.p Pluk.aL173.2
*0417 glab611a A. Br. smoothish ^ L J o r 3 W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
ml??1- ERIO'GONUM Mx. ERIOOONUM. {Erion, wool, gonu, a joint; stems.) Polygbnecc. 4. —&
1X;;8 ton"ent6sum Mr. woolly i A or 2 my.jn W Carolina 1811. S l.p Mic. am. 24
10419 gerlceum PA. silky 5 A or 1 jl Y Missouri 1811. S l.p
,flivum fra.
auciflbrum Ph. few-flowered ^ A o r fi jn.jl Y Louisiana 1820. S l.p
i f t M long-leaved 3 A or 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1822. S l.p



L. HHITBARB. (Rha, the Wolga; first brought from its banks.) Polygbnea?. 14. —15.
nticum L. Uhapontic ft A m 4 my.jn W.o Asia 1573. R co Sab. rom. 1. 34
wave-leaved A cul 4 my.jn W.a China 1734. R co Am. ac. 3. 4
t '*ns Fis. A cul 8 my.jn W Siberia 1800. R r.m
J ••Mricuin Hort. Siberian * A cul 6 myjn W Siberia 1800. R r.m
windowed ;; A cul 6 myjn W 1700. R r.m
^ u m IF. $ hybrid ^ A cul 5 myjn W.a Asia 1778. R co Mur. 1
austrMe D. Doh southern JK A 8 Nepal 1823. R r.m
palmatcd ft A m 5 W.a Bucharia 1763. R co I , f. fa. 7 4
compact ft A m 3 myjn W.a Tartary 1758. R co Mil. i t 2.218
.-•"i caspicum W. Caspian A cul 6 myjn W Russia 1817. R r.m
\<*$<2 crtspum H. C. curled ft A cul 5 myjn W 1800. R r.m
}|H33 austrUcum H. C. Austrian i; A cul 5 my.jn W Austria 1800. R r.m
"'HartSiricum L. Tartarian I A no 3 myjn W.o Tartary 1793. R co
Ribes A cul 2 myjn W.a Levant 1724. R co An. mu. 1. 49
,183a PLE EA Mx. PLERA. {Pleias, the seven stars; flowers.) Jwtceat. 1.
""36 tenuifblia Mx. slender-leaved JBi_AJcu ft my.s Br Carolina 1824. D p.1 Bot mag. 1966



1234. JKTTOMUS L. FLOWKBINO RUSH, (nous, an ox, tcmno, to cut; cropped by oxen.) Butbmeee. 9. —
10437 umbellatusL. umbelled ^ A el 2 jn.jl Pk Britain dit D r.l Eng. bot.651
10438 latifdhus D. Don broad-leaved * A el 1 jnjl W Nepal 1823. D r.l



1235. E D W A ' R D S / 4 Sal. EDWARDSIA. (5. Edwards, a celeb, bot. draughtsman.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 5.—&
10430 grandiflora Sal. large-flowered Sfc | or 12 my.jn Y N. Zeal. 1772. C s.p Bot. mag. 167
10440 chrysopliylla Sal. golden-leaved Sfe | or 12 myjn Y N. Zeal. C s.p Bot. reg.738
10441 nitida Dec. shining *Qor 8 Y Bourbon 1820. C s.p
Sophbra scricea Hit.
10442 microphylla Sal. small-leaved 4 I or 6 my.jn Y N. Zeal. 1772. s.p Bot. mag. 14 IS
10443 minima Lo. C. least A | or 4 my.jn Y N. ZeaL 1818. •P
1236 MYROSPE'RMUM H. %B. MYROSPRRMUM. (Myron, balsam, sperma% seed.) Leg. Pap Soph. 1.— 4.
10444 toluiferum Mx. tolu-bcaring i • m S. Amer. ... C p.l Wood. 3. 193
* 1237. SOPHCTRA L. SOPHORA. (Altered from Sophera, the Arabic name.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 12. —15.
10445 japonica L. Japanese Japan 1763. Bot. reg. 585
2 tuliis variegiktis varicgated-lvd Japan ...
3 plndula drooping Japan Japan
10446 chinensis Lo. C China China 1818.
10447 glauca Uch. glaucous E. Indies 1818.
10448 havanensis Jac. Havannah Havannah 1823. p.1 Jac. am. 173.1
10449 tomentosa L. woolly India 1690. p. Tr. ehr.59
10450 crassifblia Hit. thick-leaved Guinea 1818. p.l
104.01 secundiflura Lag. side-flowering N. Spain 1820. Cav.ic.5.401
10452 littorals Schr.
10453 flavescens H. K.
1820. Bf
1785. D r.l
10454 galcgoidcs Pall. Galcga-like Siberia 1817. D r.m Pal. as. 88
10455 olopccuroldes L. Foxtail-hke Levant 1731. D r.l PaLas.87
10456 sericea Nut. silky N. Amer. 1820. D r.m
Astragalus carndsus Ph.
1238. ORMCTSIA Jack. ORMOSIA. (Ormos, a necklace; seeds worn in necklaces.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2.—*•
10457 dasycarpa Jack. thick-fruited t • or 20 in.jl B W. Indies 1793. C lt.1 Lin. tr. 10.26
10458 coccinea Jack. acailet-seeded j Q o r 20 B Guiana 1823. C s.l 10.27
Robinsa coccinea Aub.
* 1239. A N A G V R I S Tou. BEAN TREFOIL. (Ana, backward, gyros, a circle; pod.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4.
10459 fo'tida L. fetid ft |or 9 Y Spain 1170. C p.l Bot cab. 740
10460 glauca Hort. glaucous * | or 6 Y S. Europe 1800. C p.l
10461 latifolia W. en. broad-leaved II LJ or 10 Y Tenenffe 1815. C p.ll 51
V10462 indica Wai. India * or 8 jl Y Nepal 1821. p.l Hook.ex.fl.1
Baptfsia nepalensis Hook. Therm6psis /aburnifolia D. Don
11240. MACROTROPUSDrc. MACROTROPua { {Makros,
4 . MACROT 6 long, Chi a keel:
Y tropis, C 1 Leg. Pap. Soph.
S2 flower.)
10463 fce'tida Dec. fetid * L _ l o r . 6 aPmY
China °
jfnagyris ftc'tida Lou. sinensis Steu. chinensis Spr.
1241. THERMCVPSISA.^. TIIERMOPSIS. (Thermos, lupine, opsis, resemblance.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4
10464 rhombifblia Nut. rhomb-leaved £ A ° r 2 jn.jl N. Amer. 1811. D r.m
Cy'tigus rhombifulius Ph
10465/abacea Dec. Faba-likc ^ A o r 2 jn.jl Siberia 1818. D r.m Pal. as. 90.«
Sophbra fa.YAcea. Pall, /upinoldes var. a. L.
10466 lanccolata R. Br. spear-leaved ^ A pr 1 Jn.jl Siberia 1779. D lt.l Bot. mag. I* 89
Podalyria /upinoldes IV. Sophbra tapinofdcs Pall.
10467 corgonlnsis 2)rc. Corgon :k A or 1 jl Altai 1820. D r.m Pal. as. 90.1
Sophbra alplna Pa//. Podalyria alp'ina W. en.
1242. VIRGl'LIil Lam. VIRGILIA. (Publius Virgilius Maro, prince of Latin poets.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 6 . " ?
10468 robiniofcta Dec. Robinia-like * L_J or 8 au.s T C. G. H. 1818. C ap
Robinto capensis Brm.
10469 Uiteailf*.
— ycWavr-flowercd
* J *£
** or 15 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1812. P.1 Mic. ar. ie.
10470 sylvitica Dec. wood * i_J or 4 au.o C. G. H. 1816. s.p
Sophbra sylvatica Bare.
10471 afirea Lam. golden-flowered * |_J or 6 jl Y Abyssinia 1777. Her.sU.7 5
10472 intrbsa R. Br. intruded ti I or 8 Y.w C. 6. H. 1790.
10473 capensis Lam. Cape * \ | or 5 P.w C. G. H. 1767. Bot mag. I 590
* 1243. CYCLCTPIA Fen. CYCLOPIA. (Kyklos, a circle, pous, a foot; base of pods.) Leg. Pap.
JS*74 / jcni8toldestf.X. Genista-like • I j o r 8 jlau Y C. G. H. 1787. C pi B o t . m a g . g ^
10475 ^alioldes Dec. Galium-like * \_} or 4 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Fluk.aL41*
a all
4AM « 7°P%& € °l«tea Berg, ^spalathus callosa Brm.
10476 latifolia Dec. broad-leaved m i_j or 5 C. G.H. 1820. C p i
Genista ftuxifblia Brm.
* 1244. BAPTI'SIA Ven. BAPTISIA. (Bapto, to dye: blue tincture from leaves.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 8. —10.
10477 perfolftta R. Br. perfoliate £ ^ | p r 3 au Y Carolina 1732. D c 102.122
10478 lanceolata Ell. lanceolate S A or 1 Y N. Amer. 1818. D s.p
Podalyria uni flora Mx.
10479 australis R. Br. southern N. Amer. 1758. D c Bot mag. 509
10480 mrtllis Nut. soft N. Amer. 1824. D s.p
10481 villosa Ell. villous N. Amer. 1811.
}<WS tinctoria 11. Br. dyer's N. Amer. 175a D c
J048.J exaltAta Sivt. exalted N. Amer. 1816. D c Bot mag. 1099
10484 alba R. Br. vrhite-Jlouiered N. Amer. 1724. I) r.m Sw. fl. gar. 97
D c Bot. mag. 1177
1245. PODALY'RM Lam. PODALYHIA. (Podalirius, a son of JEsculapius.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 13.—14.
85 Burchllli
10485 Burclrflli Dec. Burchell's * or 6 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. p.l
10486 hirsfita W. hairy il or 2 jlau P C. G. H. 1774. p.1
10487 sericea R. Br. silky il or 6 ja.o P C. G. H. 1778. p.l Bot mag. 1923
KH88 cuneifolia Ven. wedge-leaved • 6 myau W C. G. H. 1804. p.1 Ven. eels 99
10489 myrtillifulia W. Myrtle-leaved il 6 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1795. p.1
10490 ftuxifolia W. Box-leaved M 2 my.jl B C. G. H. 1790. p.1 Bot reg. 869
104<>l oleacfulia Sal. Olive-leaved i | or 4 my P C. G. H. 1804. p.i; Par. Ion. 114
10492 styracif&lia B. A/. Styrax-leaved Ljor 6 my.jl Pk C. G. H. 1792. p.1 Bot. mag. 1580
calyptrata W.
10493 Rlauca Dec. glaucous 6 my.jl P C. G. H. 3810. Lam. il. 327.4
10494 argentea Sal. silvery 6 f.jn WE C. G. H. 1789. Bot. mag. 753
biittra B. M.
10495 liparioldes Dee. Liparia-like f.jn F C. G. H.
J0496 subbiflfcra Dec. subbiflowered f.jn
\ | orP C. G. H. 10.
10497 cordkta B. Br. heaxt-leaoed * j my.jl B C. G. H. 1794.
1246. CHORI'ZEMA Lab. CIIORIZEMA. (Choros, dance, xema, drink.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4.—
4 5.
10498 iUcifolia Lab. Holly-leaved ^ J o r 2 mr.o Y.H N. Holl. 1803. S s.p Lab. vo. 1.81
10499 nana B. M. dwarf LJ or | mr.o ' Y . B N. Holl. 1803. S s.p Bot. mag. 1032
lp500 rhumbea R. Br. rhomb-leaved i_J or 2 ap jn Y N. HoJl. 1803. S «.p
J0501 Henchmanm'i IL Br. Henchmann's J spl 2 ap.jn S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Botreg.986
,1247. PODOLO%BIUM R. Br. PODOLOBIUM. (POUS, foot, tobas, pod; with footstalks.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 5. —7.
}?5lJ2trilobatum/«.^r. three-lobcd • L J « 2 aP.jl Y.s N. a W. l g L S 8.J got.™*>™n
10503 stauroph^llum Dec croas-leaved * i_J pr 2 mr N. Hull.
^quifblium ho. C.
10504 hcterophyllum Cun. various-leaved M |_J or S apjl N. HolL 1824. s.p
10505 scandens Dec. climbing A. L—J or 3 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824. 8.p
Chordzema scandens Sm.
2 humifusum Dec. trailing » ^ i _ J o r 1 ap.jn N. HolL 1823. C s.p
,. Davcaria humifusa Sieb.
10506 coriaceum Dec. leatherUeaved * i_J or 2 ap jn N. HolL 1824. C B.p

1848. OXYLO^BIUM Andr. OXYLOBIIJM. (Oxys, sharp, lobos, pod; intedI Pap. Soph. 8.
VT li
V.VU9UU1 n . SJT.
leaved * i _ J s p l 2 O Bot reg. 913
jto(j8 arborescens 7Z. J7r. arborescent • |_J or 6 ap.jn Y V.D.L. 1805. C s.p Bot. reg. 392
10509 ellipticum R. Br. eMiptiJeav • i I or 3 my.s Y V.D.L. 1805. C s.p Lab. n.Ti. 135
iUoio cordifbhum /fwrfr. hearUleaved ti lor 3 aps Y N. S. W. 1807. C a p Bot rep. 492
pmosum Dec.
"j?]l spmosum spiny h |or 2 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1825. C s.p
f i L t
Lo. C. rusty 11 | or 2 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p
obtUBiRilium Swt. bl * J ap.jn S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 5
1«514 P Pultene*
l Dec. blunHeaved i i_J or 2 mr D.O N. HolL 1824. C s.p
lflJ249. CALLFSTACHYS Ven. CALLiSTACiiva {Kalos, beautiful, stachus, spike.) Pap. Soph. 4.
inr, 6 lanceoVata
ov:ita B M
Ven. spear-leaved • LJ or 4 Y N. HolL 1815. C s.p Bot. reg. 216
in?! - ovate-leaved • LJ or
j Y N.
N. Holl.
Holl. 1815. C s.p Bot. mag. 1925
inrJZ c « n eata Sm. wedge-leaved m \_J or 3 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
IQ 6
518 UnariajfMia Ma. C. Toad-flax-lvd * i _ J o r
. J250. BRACHYSETMA R. Br. BRACHYSEMA. {Brachys, short,sema, standard.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2. — 3 .
Utifolium it. Br. broad-leaved ft. i_J or 3 apjl C N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 118
20 undulatum Ker wave-leaved JU uJ cu 3 mr.ap G N. & W. 1820. C s.p Bot reg. 642
10o2l bartjigerum Dec.
- fimbriajum
itiliuriaiuiii Sieb.
bearded-keeled M LJ or jPas^r^V'Saf'MT ^"**1*' "•
10522 grandiflurum Sm. large-flowcred S mr.s Y N. S.W. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. SI
. . . 2 sctifulium Sieb. bristle-leaved 2 mr.s Y N. & W.
10523 latifrlium 11. K. broad-leaved S mr.s Y N . S . W. 1803. C s.p
i Sm. C s.p Ex. bot 58
twiggy 1| mr.jl Y N. HolL 1820. C s.p
,„ — o ...»v«..i R. Br. edged M | | de 2 mr.s Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
«> pedunculare Dec. pedunculate n. tCM or i ap.jl Y N. HolL 1824. C ~ s.p
*T tetratheroldes Sieb. Tetrathcca-likctt. i_j or 11 apjl N. HolL 1824. C s.p
i va\Thn\io)des Ma. C. Mirbelia-like n. i lor Wjl i*aP.jl Y N. HolL 1823. C s.p
IK>Ivm6rphum R.Br. multiform il i_J de 2 Y N. HolL 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 1533
. lanktum Cun. woolly tL | | or Y Holl. 1824. C s.p
\ fetlculatum Ma. C. netted-leaved n. \ | or 14 apjl Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
delicate tt^ior 11 mr.ap Y N. Holl. 1894. C s.p
^iv^cj iomcntu8um Lab tomentose L J d e 3 ap.jl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Lab.n.h. 1.134
J0534 glabratum DeC. ' smooth « . l _ J o r 1} Y N. HolL 1820. C s.p
venustum R. Bt. beautiful * l _ J d e ? aP-3! ?. N. Holl. 1803. C s.p
Jfi pinnAtum Sm. a. ifM or h ap.jl N. Holl. 1820. S s.p
<0537 glaucescens Cun. glauceacent «. |_J or N. Holl. 1824. ~
* apjl
. BURTO*N/yl R. Br. BUHTONIA. (D. Burton, a collector for Kew garden) Leg. Pap. Soph. 3 . - 4 .
rougb./» M d tL L_J pr i my.jl Y N. Holl. 18(13. C s.Lp
BVHsiiuoiin ucc. scssilc-lcaved n. \_J or * my.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.n
m^norD^c. smaller n . i _ J o r * rarjl Y N. HolL 1812. C s.p
Goinpholbbium minus Sm.
TL Br. JACKSOVIA. (G. Jackson, librarian to A. B. Lambert.) Lea. Pan. Snnh 4 — c
Broom./«r« * i _ J p r Y N. S. W. 1803. c*tp^'BotSb 427
spinous * L j p r 2 ap.s Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1.136

10543 furcelllta Dec. fork-branched A u J o r ap.s Y N. Holl. 1824. C «.l.p Bon. nay. 11
10544 rcticulata Dee. netted «|_J ap.s Y N. Holl. 1820. C 8-l.p
Davies/a rcticulata Sm.
1254. VIMIN A'RIA Sm. Rum BROOM. (Vimen, a twig; habit) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2.
10515 denudata&n. stripped ft i_J or 3 jn.s Y N. Holl. 1789. C sp Bot mag. 1190
10546 lateriflora Zir. side-flowering * LJ or 3 jn.s Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
1255. SPHJEROLO^BIUM Sm. SPIIAROLOBIUM. (Sphaira, sphere, lobos, pod; shape.) Lea. Pap. Soph. 2.
10547 vimlneum Sm. twiggy • I_J or 2 Y N. Holl. 1802. C fl.p Bot. mag. 969
111*1 n us Lab.
10548 medium R. Br. mediate * i_J or 3 R N. Holl. 1803. C fl.p
1256. AO^TUS Sm. AOTUB. {A, privative, out, ear; ear-like appendages to calyx wanting.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 3.
10549 villbsa Sm. villous ft t | or S ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 949 .
lericoldeH Heath-like ft \_J or 1| ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1810. C s.l.p Ven.mal. 35
2ferruginca rusty C^or i* ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p Lab. n. h. 1.132
10550 inenna Ma. C. hoary ft |_J or 2 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
10551 virgMa Dee. twiggy ft ^j or 1} ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
1257. DILLWY'N/i* Sm. DILLWYMA. (/. TV. Diliwyn* celebrated botanist) Leg. Pap. Soph. 11. —12.
10552 floribunda Sm. bundled wd i I or 2 apjl Y N. S. W. 1794. C s.l.p Ex. bot. 26
10553 £Tirilulia Sm. Heath.lcaved ft i lor 2 mr.jl N. S.W. 1794. s.l.p Ex. bot. 25
10554 glaberrima Sm. smoothest »Ljor 2 mr.jl N . S W. 1800. s.l.p Bot. mag. 944
10555 parvifolia R. Br. snail-leaved ft i lor 2 mr.jl N. S. W. 1800. s.l.p Bot. mag. 1527
10556 dcicul.\ris Sieb. nccd\e-leavcd ft i | or 1J apjn N. Holl. 1826. R.n.l
10557 rudis Sieb. rustic ftl_|or 2 apjn N. Holl. 1824. B.l.p
2 brevifolia short-lcavcd fti_Jor 2 apjn N. Holl. 1S24. s.p.1
3 terctifolia round-leaved «l_Jor 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824. s.p.1
4 hispidula hispidish ft uJor 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824.
10558 phylicoldes Cun. Phylica-like ft LJ or 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824. C STP
10559 tcnuifblia Sieb. fine-lcavcd ft i I or 1J apjn N. Holl. 1824. C sl.p
105(»0 scricca Cun.
10561 Juniprrina Lod.
10562 cincrascens R. Br.
> Ljor
ft i lor
1J apjn
2 Y
2 mrjl Y
N. Holl. 182 k C s.l.p
V. D. L. 1818. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 401
N. S.W. 1819. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2247
1258. EUTA'XIA R.Br. EDTAXIA. (Eutaxia, modesty; appearance.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2.
10563 wyrtifblia R. Br. Myrtle-leaved i l_J pr H au O N. Holl. 1803. C s i p Bot. mag. 1274
10564 pfuigcns Swt. pungent t LJ or 4 ap.jn O N. Holl. 1825. C p.l Sw. au. 28
DiUwfnia pfmgcns ftfa.C.
1259. SCLEROTHA'MNUS R. Br. SCLEROTHAMNUS. (Skleros, hard, thamnos, shrub.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1.
10565 microphyllus R. Br. smalUleaved ft L_J or 2 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C B.l.p
1260. GASTROLCPBIUM it. Br. GASTROLODIUM. (Gaster, belly,lobos, pod; shape.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1.—3.
10566 bilobum R. Br. two-lobed ft i_J or 2 Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. rcg. 411
1261. EUCHPLUS R. Br. EIJCHILUS. (Eu, well, cheilost a lip; well lipped.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1.'
10567 obcordatus R. Br. obcordate-fw* i i L j o r 2 mrjn Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 60
•1262. P U L T E N ^ i i Sm. PULTKV.EA, (IV. Pultenry, M.D., a botanical author.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 43.
10568 //aphnoldcs Sm. Daphne-like ftl_Jor 2 ju.jl Y N.N.S. . W.
W. 1792. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1391
1050!) obcordiit.t Andr. obcordate./w/ m* . I n> O *%<•• my.jl SI Y
A/ V.
1\ L.r 1808.
i<i/\a C s.l.p Bot. rep. 574
10570 biloba It. Br. two-lobed ft uJor Y N. S.W. 1817. C fl.Kp Bot. mag. 2091
10571 sc2tbra H. K. rough-leaved ft i lor yj ' Y N. S. W. 1803. C s.l.p
10572 incurvuta Cun. incurved fti_|or Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.l.p
10573 ferrugfnca Rud. rusty ft I lor 2 my.jn apjn Y N. Holl. 1810. C s.l.p Lin. tr. 11. S3
10574 raccmulnsa Dec. raccmulose ft i lor 2 apjn Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p
10575 parviflura Sieb. small-flowered ft I | or ap.jl Y N. Holl. 1824.
1057(> rtrlcta B. M. strict *i_jor 2 apjn Y N. S. W. 1803. C s.p.l
10577 elliptica Sm. ' elliptic ft I | or 2 Y N. IIoll. 1810. C B.l.p Bot. mag. 1588
10578 plumusa Sieb. feathery » l _ J o r 21* apjn
apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C B.l.p Lin. tr. 11.24
10579 /hymifolia Sieb. ft t lor
Thyme.lcavcd ft i lor 1 apjn Y N. Holl. 1810. C 8.1.p
10580 hypolampra Sieb brightish apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
10581 villifcra Sieb. hair-bearing ft i lor 2 apjn Y-
ft I, | or 2 N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
10582 /xilygalifulia Rud. Polygala-lvd ft i I or apjn Y N. IIoll. 1817. C
1058.3 flcxihs Sm. flexile * L _ | o r 1£ ap.jn Y N. S. \V. 1801. C fl.F.pLin. tr. 11.25
C s.p.l
10584 cuch'ila Dee. EuehilusZ/Ae ft i | or 2 ap ju Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p.l
10585 retusa Sin. retusc ft i lor 1 1 Y N. S. W. 1789. C l.s.p Bot reg. 373
10586 cuncaU Lo. C. v/vdgc-leaved ftl_jor apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p.l
10587 oxahdifolia Cun. Oxalis-leaved ft i I or 2 ap jn Y N. Holl. 1826. C B.p.l
10588 capitcllata Sieb. I-headed ft i I or 1* apjn Y N. Holl. 1823.
10589 /inophylla Sm. Flnx-lcaved flt | | or 2 myjl Y N. S. W. 1789. C fl.p.l
10590 microphy"lla Sieb. 0mall-lra\ cd ft I | or 1 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1810. C s i p Sc. nan. 3.18
10591 stipulans Sm. stipular ftljor 2 apjl Y N. S. W. 1792. C B.p.l
10692 palcOicea Sm. chatty jl Y N. S. W. 1789. C fl.l.p Bot. mag. 435
10593 aristata Sieb. awncd ap.jn Y 1824.
N. Holl. 1823. C
1U094 cchinula Sieb. small-prickled ft I | or Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p.1
10595 vestita R. Br. clothed ft^jor 3 apjl Y N. Holl. 1822. C s.p.1
10596 canescens Cun. cancscent ft I jor 1 npmy Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.I.p
10597 polifolia Cun. Polium-leaved ft i lor 2 apjn Y N. Holl. 1820. C fl.l.p
10508 dentata Lab. •~ or 2 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
105!)9Juniperina 1Mb. Juniper-Z/te or H
„ apjn Y N. Holl. 1817. C s.p.1 Lab. n. h. 1.131
10600 tonuifolia It. Br. thin-leaved ft i lor 1| Y N. S. W. 1790. C s.l.p Lab. n. h. 1.1&
10601 Sm. villous ft i i or 2 Y N. S. W. 1824. C s.l.p Bot mag. 2086
10602 crassifoha Lo C. thick-leaved fti_jor 2 apjn Y " N. Holl. 1824. C s.l p Bot. mag. 967
10603 incarnate Ma.C. flesh-colored 1 apjn Pa.R N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
10604 argentca Cun. silvery ft T | or 1 Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.l p
1060.1 procumbens Cun. procumbent | Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
lOfiOti rosmarin i folia Ma. C. Rosemary-Ivd ft i | or 2 apjn N. Holl. 1824. C B.l.p
,« aaiwra Sieb.
- - rough ft [ j or N. Holl. 1S22. C sl.p
10608 comiwa Sieb. tufted N. Holl. 1825. C
10609 squarrtsa Sieh.
10610 phyhco)dcs Sieb.
10611 cundida Lod.
a uarrose
ft i I or 5 apjl
fti lor 1 apjn
white-leaved ft i i or liapjn
N. Holl. 1822. C i.p.l
N. Holl. 1825. C B.p.l
N. Holl. C B.p.1
C B.p.l Bot. cab. ISSo
DAVIETSL« Sm. DAVIBSIA. {Rev. H. Davies, F.L.S., a Welshbotanist) Leg. Pap. Soph. 13.
w<>12 raccmulosa Dec. racemulose • i | or 2} N. Holl. 1823. C s. p. I
|0ol3 umbcllulata Sm. small.umbellcd il i ) or 21 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 18 Hi. C sf.p
JU0I4 inrrauata S/n. thick-leavad • |_J or 2J iny.jl V N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p
J aciculari* Sm. nccd\c-/eaved it | | or 2 jn.jl Y N. S. W. 1804. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 1234
gttHcinaSm. Vunc-feauott • t_J or 3 Y N. S. W. 171)2. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 4i
}JJowjiiniprrina lad. Junipor-/i7re • L_J or 2 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1825.
10618 corymbftsa S/n. N. S. W. 1804. C s. l.p
1C619 mimojoldes R. Br. corymbose • i | or 2 W.a
2 Y N. S. W. 1809. C s.l.p
s.l.p Bot rep. 526
,nM% glafica Led. Mimosa-like • L_J or
JJ620 latifolia A Br. broad-leaved • i | or 3 Y N. S. W. 1805. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1757
JUB21 squarrosa S/». squarrose A | | or 21 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.lp
10622 cordata Sm. cord.ite-leaved * i | or 3 jn jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p Bot. reg 1005
alataS/«. winged ti I or 3 Y N. S.W. 1818. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 728
0fi24./uncea Sm. • L.J or jl Y M. Holl. 1823. C s.l.p
1264. MIRBE'L/yf Sm. M I R BELT A. (C. F. B. MirbcL a celebrated Frenrh physiologist.) Leg. Pap. Soph. fi.
10625 reticuKrta 5m. reticulated • l_J or 3 P J N. S. W. 17JK. C s.l.p Bot mag. 1211
10626 dilatata R. Br. dWatml-leaved ii l o r l k N Holl. 180i. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 1041
10627 speciusa Steb. showy tt l o r myjl
yj P N . H u l l . 1824. C s.l.p p
lp&» pungens Cun. pungent , or 2 myjl jl P N. Holl. 1824 1824 CC ss p.
p. I
106J9 grandiflfjra B. M. large-flowered • l _ j o r _ 2 ___„,_
myjl _._P.o N. _.. Holl. 1825. C s.l.p Bot. mag.2771
10630 Baxter* Ma. C. Baxter's JU i_J or 2spsuaut Ya
Y.a NN. Holl
Holl. 1820
1825. LL ss.p.l
p l BBot reg. 1434
o t reg
, 1 2 6 5 . CE'RCIS L. JUDAS T H E E . (Kcrkis, a name of Theophrastus's.) Leg. Cats. Cass. 2.
10631 Siliquastrumi. Siliquastrum *£ or 20 my.jn R S. Europe 1596. L co Bot. mag. 1138
2 flurc albo white-flowered $ or 20 my.jn W S. Europe ... L r.m
3 small-flowered $ or
20 myjn P Buchana 1827. L co
AU632 canadensis L. Canadian J 18 my.jn Pa.R N. Amer. 1730. Lt co
1266. SCHO^T/itf Jac. SCIIOTIA, (R. van der Schot, Jacquin's fellow-travel, in Amer.) Leg. Cats. 4 .—
Cass.4. -5.
10633 specitaa Jac. showy • • or 5 jl.d C C G. H. 1759. C Tp Hot. rej). 348
10634 /nwirtri/idifolia Afz. Tamarind-lvd tt • or 6 my.i C. C. G. H. 1795. C lp Bot. mag. 1153
10635stipulkta H.K. /or^-stipuled » G o r fi iny.s C C. G. H. 1794. C Lp
10636 alitff Thun. winged • L_| or 5 jii.jl C C. G. H. 1816. C l.p

,1267. OMPH ALCTBIUM Jac. OMPIIALOBIUM. {Omphalos, the navel, lobos, a pod.) Ixg. Qes. Cass. 1.
10637 Schfctia Jac. Schot's H 6 my.jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1810. C r.m Jac fr. 15.4
Schbt/a latifolia Jac.
•1268. BAUHVXIA Plu. MOUNTAIN EBONY. (J. and C. Bauhin, two celeb, botanists.) Leg. (Ues. Cass. 45.-68.
J0638 divaricata L. divaricate • • or 5 jn.s W W . 1 I I I . I I » 1718. C l t l H. cl. 15
10639 Lamarksuna Dec. Lamark's • • or W a Amer. 1818. a.1
_ rctbsa Pair, divaricata Lam. and Detf.
*X°*0 spathacca Dec. spathacaous • • or 6 w Mexico 1823. C ltl Fl. mex. ic. in.
'' 1 subrotundifdha Cau. roundish-tvd • • or 6 w Acapulca 1820. C ltl Cav. ic. 5.406
10642 lunkria Cav. haff-xnoow-lvd • • or 6
w Acapulca 1756. 1820. c lltlt l Cav. ic. 5. 407
10.H3aU//^ long-cared 6
w Jamaica c ltl Mil. ic. 1.61
l 4 Porrecta Svaz. stretched out • • p r 6 St W. Indies 1737. c l t l BCav.
o t mag 1708
ic. 5.405
latiftlia Cav.
white • •or 66 my.jn w E. W. Indies 1818.
Indies 1777. c ltl
647 Jcuininata L. acuminated • •or 8 w E. Indies 1808. c ltl R. mal. 1. 34
J06W Paulctti Pers. Pauletia • •or 4 ... w Panama 1820. c ltl Cav. ic. 410
;°£gi largo-flowered • !'•or lor 4 ... ww Peru 1820. c ltl
c ltl
lcptop£tala Dec. sleiuler-))ctalecl • ! lor 5 ... Y.a NcwSpain 1818. c
aculcata L. pr\ck\y-sta/kcd • I lor (* W
\i\nver-leaved • • or 6
W. Indies 1737.
... "W Brasil 1823. c lltlt l PL ic. 44.1
emarKinate 5 ... W Carthag. 1700 cc ltl
{0654 annata Otto armed C ... W Brazil 1824. ltl
{0655 incrmis Pers. unarmed
Q c Cav. ic. 5. 409
Oor 76 ... ... Y.B Acapulca 1810. ltl
JUSSfl rufescens Lam. rufescent P d R Africa 1810. cc ltl Lam. il. 239. S
J'J657 parvifldra Vahl smdll.flowcrcd Dr 6 ... w E. Indies 1808. c ltl
*OK58 madagascari£nsisDf«iF. Madagascar 4 ... w Madagasc.1826. c ltl
10659 ungula Jac. clawed 5 ... w Caraccas 1817. lt.l Jac. fr. 15.1
aculekta Jac. am. \T1.2 c
10660 variegata L. variegated 6 St E. Indies 1690. C ltl R. mal. 1. 32
10661 chinensis Dec. China '•or 6 K China 1800. C ltl Braam 26
*06H2 tomentusa L. ir~)or 6
JJJ663 pubescens Dec.
^•or 4
Y.w E. Indies 1808.
W Jamaica 1823.
C ltl
C ltl
R. mal. 1.35
J0664 multin^rvia Dec. many-nerved 5 W Caraccas 1817. C ltl
«*•«! Klaucesccns Dec. glaucescent • • or 6 W Cumana 1817. C ltl
Vahl racemose £_ • spl 20 E. Indies 1790. C lt.l Vahl sy. 3.62
purple • •«r 6 E. Indies 1778. C lt.l R. mal. 1.33
Rox. rclusc 7 w E. Indies 1820. C ltl
corymbosa Rox. corymbose 6 w E. Indies 1818. C ltl Dec. leg. 13.70
angu'ina ROT.
j scandens L. smalUvd cl
mUvd climbing «_ 30 W.Y E Indies 1790. C l.p IL mal. 8.29
U « l l i a n «"8i8 Aub. Uu
Uuiana f_ 20 w Guiana 1820. C ltl Aub. (jui. 1.145
6 w Caraccas 1K24. C ltl Kth. mini. 46
15 w Carthag. 1810. C Jtl Jac. am. 17J. 3
• •or
w S. Amer. 18uO.
w S. Amer. 1806.
C ltl
C ltl
Her. am. 315
10076 scmibiflda Rox. semibifld ar 8 w E. Indies 1817. C ltl
*Wi77 ferruginea Rox.
rusty.leaved 4. CD or 10 w E. Indies 1820. C ltl
10(>78 malan£rica Rox.
Malabar 15 w E. Indies 1810. C lt.l
10(579 triandra Rox.
! . • or 15 w E. Indies. 1823. C ltl
dica Lo.C.
Indian •I. CD •or°r 6 w E. Indies 1820. C ltl
\Hort. small-leaved o r 106 w a Amer. 1817. C ltl
showy • w 1820. C lt.l
HYMENiE"-4 L. LOCUST T H E E . (Hymen, god of marriage, leaves joined.) Lee. Can Cma i R
Courbaril t f i or 20 ... Y.P W. Indies 1688. C pi Lam il 33o"l
loSt v,erruc«sa Gae. warty-podded TCJorSO P m l L d W 1
Madagasc.l8(»8. ~ p.l ^ -. il. 330.2
*^ CandoH#«;irt K th. Dccandolle's
J CD or 30 ... W Acapulca 1824. P-l H. & B.n. 5fiG

1270. CYNOME^TRA L. CYNOMETOA. ( & « * » dog,mctra,matrix; pods.) Leg. Cas. Can. SL— 4.
10686 cauliflftra L. stem-flowering t • or 30 ... R R E.E.Indies
Indies 1804.
1804. CC s.l.p
s.l.p Lam.
Lam- iL»!• 331
R E.Indies 1822. C s.l.p Rox.cor.28C
10687 polyandra tfo*. polyandrous I • or 20
• 1271. CA'SSIA L. CASSIA. (Katsa, to tear otF,Arab.jrt bark stripped from tree.) /.<#. Ors.Cass.. 106. — 204.
10688 bacillaris L. rod -*'•or '~ 3 "Y ] Indies 1782. C ro Bot. reg. 881
10689 spcciosa Schr. showy •or 5 jnjl Y Brazil 1816. C l.p
10690 corymbbsa Lam. corymbose i_Jor 3 jl Y B. Ayres 1796. C s.p Bot mag. 633
10691 floribtinda Cav. bundle-flwd •or 4 Ji injl Y New Spainl818. C lp
10692 lasvigkta W. en. smooth •pr 3 Y C U.I
grandifltoa Desf. , ,
10693 pendnla W. en. pendulous •or 63 jn.jl
S. Atner. 1820. C p.1
China 1816. C s.l Jac.ic.73
10694 torfcsa Cav. torose
chinensis Jhc. not iJim. torulftsa Pwr.i • or
10695 chinensis Lam. Chinese « LJ or 4 j n - Y China 1807. P.1
10896coromandeliknaJac.l Coromandel i r i o r 8 jn.jl Y Coroman. 1823. 8.1 Jac. fr. 100
not IV en. 3 .
10697 Sophbra L. Sophora • • or 4 JLs Y E. Indies 1658. l t l R.mal.2.52
10698bracte-ita £. bractcatc • I lor 6 ap.d Y W. Indies J822. co
10699alata L. winged-leaved •! lor 12 ... Y W. Indies 1731. p.1 Jacob. 245.2
10700 obovata Coll. ohovate-lvd Senna O m li Y Egypt 1610. lt.l Jac. e c 1.87
5t/nna Lam.
10701 /igustrinoldes Schr. Ligustrina-likc tt. • un Y Arabia 1800. C lt.l
10702 lanccolnta Forsk. lanccol. true Senna*. • m Y Levant ... C lt.l Del.asg.27.1
orientals Pcrs. acutUoba Dec.
10703 italica Lam Italian Senna O or 3 jn.jl Y S. Europe S co M. h.2.24.2
10704 Tardntan Kth. Tarantan Y Cumana 1817. C 8.1
10705 RichardiVina Kth. Richard's «••m 1J Y Cumana 1823. C 8.1 Kth. mim. 42
10706 sericea Swz. silky-/«iwrf O tin Jl Y Jamaica 1731. S s.p Jac. ic. 3. 459
10707 obtusifolia L. blunt-leaved ED un 2 Y Jamaica 1732. S Di. el. 62.72
10708 ciliata Hqfm. ciliated a.nm jjl Y Cuba 162a S
10709 humilis Coll. humble tf ITTTm Y S. Amcr. 1810. S 8.1 Pl.ed.B.76.2
10710 Tbra L. Tora r m un Y E. Indies 1693. S r.m Di. el. 6a 73
au Y E. Indies J817. S
10711 ciliaris Coll. ciliated-/^wrf j£ EH m
10712 pentagbiia Mil. flve-angled IfBlm jnjl Y Peru 1700. S 8.1
E. Indies 1803. S p.1 R. maL2.53
10713 Tdgera Lam.
10714 viminca L.
10715 macranthi-ra Dec. long-anthcred • • o r
• •pr
10716 quinquangularis Rich, five-angled • • o r 3 jnjl
10717 scnnoldes Jac. Senna-like
r... jnjl Y
Indies 1786. C p.1 SI. jam, 2.189.67
1824. C s.l Col. cas. 8
Cayenne 1818. C s.l
E. Indies 1808. C s.p Jac. ic. 1. 70
3 jnjl
Surinam 1820. C s.p Aub. gui. 1.146
10718 Apoucouita Aub.
acuminata IV.
Apoucouita • •or 83 Y
10719 bicapsularis L. two-capsuled • • o r my.jn W. Indies 1739. p.1 PI. ic. 76.1
10720 mollissirna H. $B. softest-leaved • • o r S. Amer. 1816. p.1
10721 aTtem'inioldes Gau. Artemisia-like • I | or N. Holl. 1820. l
10722 glutinusa Dec. clammy • l | or N. Holl. 1818.
10723 dispar W. en. unequal • •or S. Amcr. 1824. B.p
10724 Bcrtcri Coll. Barter's • •or W. Indies 1824. l.p Col. h. rip. 24
10725 acapulcensis II. SfB. Acapulca • •or Acapulca 182a s.I
10726 glauca Lam. glaucous • •or E. Indies 1818.
10727 sulphbrca Dec. sulphur • •un E. Indies 1800. p.1 R. mal. 6.9,10
arborlsccus I'ahl
10728 biflora /,. two-flowered 6 ap.d W.Indies 1766. c Bot. mag. 810
10729 geminiflora M.&S. twin-flowered 5 jnjl Mexico 1824. c CoL cas. 3
10730 nallida Vahl ilc-yellow 6 jnjl S. Amer. 1818. c
10731 Bardaydna Swt
10732 mexicana Jac.
S arclay's
4 jnau
5 jnjl
N. Holl. 1827.
Mexico 1824.
c s.p Sw. au. ic. in
s.l Jac. sc. 203
10733 toment6sa Lam. tomentose 15 jl.s S. Amer. 1822. C co Jac. ic. 1.72
multiglandulbsa Jac.
10734 stipulacea H. K. /ff/gc-stipuled Chile 1786. lt.l Feu. ob. 3.42
10735 cuspidata W. en. cubpidatc S. Amcr. 1820. co
10736 auriculata L. small-cared E. Indies 1777. ltl Pluk. al. 314. 4
10737 fastigiata Vahl peaked E. Indies 1818. 8.1
10738 frondusa H. K. frondose 5 mr.ap W. Indies 1769. lt.l Jac. ic. 1.74
crista Jac.
10739 polyph^lla Jac. many-leaved Q 4 jnjl W.Indies 1816. C 8.1 Jac. ic. 460
10740 marginata W. en. marginate 3 my.jl Surinam 182a C co
10741 hirta W. en. hairy '•el 3 jl.s S. Amer. 1820. C co
10742 longisiliqua L. long-podded r~1 6 jnjl W.Indies 1800. C s.1
10743 icgyptiaci W. en. Egyptian 3 my Egypt 1822. C co
10744 occidentals L. western W. Indies 1759. C p.1 Bpt. reg. 83
10745 planisiliqua L. flat-podded myjl W. Indies 1822. C co PI. am. 77
10746 purpbrea Rox. vur\)\c-stemmc4* • or E. Indies 1821. C co Bot. reg. 856
10747 hirsiita L. hairy . • I lor America 1778. C s.p Jac. sc. 270
10748 linckris Mt. Wucax-podded jn.jl Carolina 1800. C 8.1
10749 p^tula H. K. spreading aus W. Indies 1778. C lt.l
10750 pubescens Jac. pubescent S. Amer. 1818. C 8.1 Jac. fr. 57
10751 fliilcata Dec. furrowed-branched S. Amer. 1820. C 8l CoLcaa.6
C^rnua Balb.
10752 ruscif?)lia J/ic. Buscus-lcaved Madeira 1816. C l t l Jac. ic. 1.71
10753 /igustnna L. VrivcUcaved Baham.Is.1726. C p.1 Bot reg. 109
10754 rohtoioides W. en. Robinia-hkc S. Amer. 1823. C CQ
10755 manlandica L Maryland N. Amcr. 182a D s.p
10756 nfgricans Vahl blackish Egypt 1817. C 8.1 Di.cL26O.3S0
10757 clliptica H. &B. elliptic Trinidad 1818. C 8.1
10758 cmarginata L. -notch-leaved Jamaica 1759. C p.1 Sl.jam.2.180.1>
10759 atomaria L. atomed S. Amer. J810. C 6.1
10760 fl6rida Vahl large-flowered E. Indies 1820. C s.l
10761 reticulate FT. en. netted S. Amcr. 1821. C co
10762 spcctfibilis Dec. showy Caraccas 1820. C 8.1 CoL cas. 7 nO
J°J5? avcrsiflbra Herb. contrary-flwd Brazil 1820. C co Bot mag. 2638
10764 AIMUB L. Absus . India 1777. S lt.l Bur. zey. 97
J0765 Thonningii Dec. Thonning's Guinea 1824. S s.l
10766 /otoldps //. $ B. Lotutlike jnj1 Trinidad 1820. C 8.1
10767 diphflla Lam. two-leaved y .. W. Indies 1781.
ltl Cav. ic. 5. GOO.
2 myjl
10768 bifoliata Dee. bifoliate HQor 2 jn.jl Y Brazil 1820. S 8.1 Col.caa.9i3
10769 gracilis Kth. slender • • or 2 jn.jl Y Orinoco 1817. S 8.1 Kth. mim. 36
10770 tenflla H.8(B. weak • •or 2 jn.jl Y Orinoco 1820. S s.l
10771 hneata Stvz. lincatcd itQor 1 jnjl Y Jamaica 1818. S s.l
1077'2 prortrata W. en. prostrate 1. Eg or \ Y S. Amer. 1819. S co
10773 pilosa L. pilose tf E3 pr 1 jn.jl Y Jamaica 1818. 8 s.l
10774 triflura Jac. three-flowered O p r 1 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1816. S s.l Jac. sc. 480
10775 Hurmann/ Dec. Burmann's .QJ pr 1 Jnjl Y C G. H. 1810. S s.l
flexuos.i B> m.
10776 vir^ta Sun. twiBKy «*-Opr 1 jn.jl Y W.Indies 1810. S si
10777 nictitans L. twinkling O pr 2 jl Y N. Amer. 1800. S lt.l PI a!. 314.5
10778 Chamnecrista L. Ground Crista tt. • pr 1 jn.s Y America 1699. S r m Bot. mag. 157
10779 glandulosa L. glandulous O pr 4 au.o Y W. Indies 1822. S co
10780 mimosoldcs L. Mimosa-hke O pr 2 jn.s Y Ceylon 1806. S lt.l
10781 cipensia Thun. Cape *LL_Jor 1 jn Y C. G. H. 1816. S Itl Bot. cab. SI 1
10782 piinula Lam. dwarf -*Opr 1 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1816. S s.l Pluk. al. 120.1
procttmbens L. not
10783 procGmbcns W. procumbent -* O un 1^ jn jl Y N. Amer. 1806. S lt.l Com. pet 11
10784 jEschyn6menc Dec. vEschynomene ED or 1 jn.jl Y "W. Indies 1810. S lt.l Col. cafl. 17
10785 Parkerir/na Dec. Parker's tt. • or 1| au.s Y Demerara 1817. S lt.l
10786 aspera Mhl. rough O or 1 Y Georgia 1818. S lt.l
10787 angustissima L. narrowest-/^ O or 1 jl au Y E. Indies 1820. S lt.l Ku. am. 6.67.1
10788 Wallichtdmi Dec. Walhch'a Oor 1 jn.jl Y Nepal 1817. S Itl
dimidiata Rax.
10789 flexubsa Z,. flexuous O or 1 Y Brazil 1810. S lt.l Brey. c 23
10790 microphf lla W. small-leaved O pr 1 jn.s Y San. Cruz 1810. S lt.l
10791 arcnaria //. k B. sand tt. • or 1 Y Maypures 1819. S r.m
10792 australis B. M. southern * i _ | or 3 Y N. Holl. 1824. C Itl Bot. mag. 2676
10793 pulchclla.8$. pretty • |_J or 3 Y Mauritius 1825. C U.I
1272.CATHARTOCA'RPUS Per*. CATIIARTOCARPUS. (Kathoiro, to purge, karpos, fruit.) Leg.Ctes.Cass. 8.-13.
0794 b
10794brasilianus L
Lam. Bili
Brazilian <£ •
IQm 30 Y "S. Amer. 1820. C l.p Brey. c. 21
„_ Cassia grandis 1. fit. mAUis Vahl
10795 Humboldtium/5DecHumboldt's ID™ 40 Y Caraccas 1826. C Lp
Cassia spcciufia II. $ B.
10796 Roxburgh// Dec. Roxburgh's ± • m 20 ... Coroman. 1810. C Lp
Cassia marginata Rox. not W.
10797 Trinitatis Reich. Trinidad t • m 20 Y Trinidad 1820. C Lp
10798 javfinicus Pers. Java I L _ I m 12 Pk E. Indies 1779. C Lp
10799 Fistula Pers. Fistula f Dm 20 jn.jl E. Indies 1731. C Lp Wood. 163
Cassia Fistula L. Y
10800consnicuusGf.Don conspicuous JDm 20 Y S. Leone 1793. C Lp
10801 fistutoldes Coll. Fistula-like iQor 20 ... Y Mexico 1826. C l.p CoL cas. 1
127a P A R K I N S O % N / J 4 L. PARKINSONIA. (J. Parkinson, apothecary, and bot author.) Leg.Cees.Cass. 1.
10802 aculeata L. prickly * Q o r 12 ... Y w. Indies 1739. C Lp Jac am. 80

* 1274. POINCIiTJv*i4 L. FLOWBR FENCE. (M. de Pomci% governor of the Antilles.) Leg. Oes. Cass. 3.
1080J pulchernma JL very fair • •• or or10 10jn.s
j. R. E.E.Indies
R.v.o Indes 1691.
1691. C r.m Bot mag. 995
Uliitea yellow
ll • •• oo rr 10
10 jnjl
jn.jl Y Y W.
W Indies 1691. C
I d i 1691 r.m
J0804 insfgnis Kth. noble Q o r 15 ... Cop S. Amer. 1823. p.l Kth. mim. 44
J08 tall Q o r 15 ... Y E. Indies 177a
10805 el4taJL r.m
J 1275 CJESALPI^/if Plu. BRABILETTO. (C. (ketalpbtus, phys. to Pope Clem.VIII.) Leg. Cas. Cast. 20.-32.
}°J06iy,^rtH.K. Nuga « D c c 10 ... Y E. Indies 1801. S p.l Ru. am. 5.50
}°8O7 pamculata Desf. panicled ,.. Y Malabar 1817. S p.l R.mal.6.19
*°|08 acandens Roth scandent Y E. Indies 1800. S p.l
J0809 brasih^nsis L. Brazilian O Jamaica 1739. S p.l
J0810 Suppan L. Sa{)|>an Y E. Indies 1773. S p.l Rox. cor. 1.16
'0811 mimosoldcs Lam. Mimosa-like Y E. Indies 1806. S p.l R. mal. 6.8
}JQ813 2 b f 5
S ! bahamensis
J two-paired Y Jamaica 1770. S p.l Sl.jam.S.181.2,3
Lam. Bahama W Bahama 1820. S p.l Cat car. 2.51
10814 Crista L. Criata W.T Jamaica S p.l PI. gen. 68
10815 Cacal\co H. & B. Cacalaco Y Mexico 1824. S p.l H.&B.2.137
10816 casbioldcs W. en. Cassia-like Y &Amer. 1821. S p.l
10817 mucronata W. en. mucronatc Y Brazil 1823. S p.l
10818 punctata W. en. dotted Y Brazil 1820. S p.l
10819 enneai)hflla Rox. nine-lcavcd Y Kindles 1816. S p.l
10820 oleospcnna Rox. oil-seeded • • o r .. Y E. Indies 1820. S p.l
10821 chiin'nsis Rox. China • • o r 10 Y E. Indies 1310. S p.l
10822 tortu?)8a Rox. twisted • • o r 10 Y E. Indies 1820. S p.l
J0823 Lo. C. cork-barked • • o r 10 Y E. Indies 1823. S p.l
JPJ24 vesicaria Lam. bladdered • • o r 12 Y E. Indies 1820. S p.l
10825 procera Pop. tall t nor 30 Y Cuba 1824. S p.l
1276. REICHA'KDIA Roth RRICUARDIA. (J. J. Reichard, a celeb. French botanist.) Leg.Cas.Cast. I.—
10826 hcxapctala Roth six-pctaled A Q o r 10 ... Y E. Indies 1824. S p.l
Cmalpinia ligulata Hcyne
Kth. COULTBBIA. (Dr. Coulter, a botanical author.) Leg. Cat. Cass. 2 . - 5 .
;ESA".—;••?-""• horrid • • o r 15 ... O Carthage 1824 S p.l H.&B.569
10828tinctoria/>«. .
dycr B • • o r 12 ... O Carthage 1822. S p.l H.&B.568
Poinciana tdrra R. & p. Cicsalpinio tinctbria Domb.
1278. GUILANDFNif J. NICKER TREE..(A/. Guilandin, a Prussian trav. in Africa.) Leg.Cat.Cass. 2 . - 7 .
10829Bdndue L. Bonduc • • o r 12 ... Y India 1640. C s.p 336
*SBaQBonduc£Ua L. small Bonduc • • o r 8 ... Y E. Indies 1700. S p.l Ru. am. 49.1
1279. MORl'NGA Dec. HORSERADISH TREE. (Name in Malabar.) Leg. Cat. Cast. 1.—4.
83l pterygosperma Dec. winged-seeded i • cu 15 ... Y E. Indies 1759. C p.l Jac. ic. 3.461
Hyperanthera Horinga Vahl
HOFFMANSE'GGW Cav. HOFFMANIBGGIA. (J. C. a distin. nat) Lee.Cas Cats 1
aicariaCfli;. iickle-tetfitfrf • • c u e 18W. C s i p cJv^te 398
1281. ADENANTHETRA L. ADENANTHERA. (Aden, a gla;id, anthera, an anther.) Leg.Mimbsece. 2 . - 5 .
10833 pavorina L. peacock MO or 5 Y.w E. Indies 1759. C s. l.p Jac. c. 4.23
10834 falcata L. falcate tQor 5 ... Y E. Indies 1812. C s.l.u Ru. am. 3.11
1282. CA^DIA Forsk. CADIA. (Qadhy, its Arabic name.) Leg Cas Cass, 1.
10835 purpurea W. puiple * d ) c u 6 ja.jl W.p Arabia 1775. C "t.l Pic. h. p. 9. ic.
varia Herit.
1883. JPROSO^PISL. PROSOPIS. (Prosopw^a mask; by Dioscoridcs to Arctium Zappa.) Legum. Mhnbsea. 6.
10836 spidgera /„ snike-bcaring f Q e c 20 ... Y.a E. Indies 1812. S r.m Rox. cor. 1.63
2 Adenanthfera gland-anthercd $ • ec 20 ... Y.a E. Indies 1820. S s.p
Adenanthcra aculeate Rox.
10837 dfilcis Kth. sweet I D e c SO ... W.G N.Spain 1818. S p.1 Kth.mim.34
ifcacia edulis IV. en.
10838 cumanensis Kth. Cumana 2 O or 20 ... W.a Cumana 1822. S p.1
Ac\c\a. cumanensis W.
10839 domingensis Dec. St. Domingo f • or 30 ... Y.a StDomin.1818. S p.l
10840 juliflfcra 7J«r. July flower f O c c 30 jl Y Jamaica 1800. S p.l
h ifcacia falcata Dctf. Mimosa pilifldra Sun.
10841 pAllida Kth. pale Algaroba f • ec 20 ... W.o Peru 1825. S co
1284. LAGONY'CHIUM Bieb. LAGONYCHIUM. (Lagos, a hare, onychion, a little naiL) Legum. Mimbsea. 1.
10842 Stcphantiraum Bieb. Stephan's tt | or 10 Y Persia Casp. 1816. S pi Bux. c. 48
Mimosa micrantha Vahl, /fcacia Stephaimi/w Bieb.
1285. ERYTHROPHLETUM Afz. RED WATER TREE. (Erythros. red,phleost a water plant.) Lcg.Mim. 1.
10843 guineensc G. Don Guinea i • P 100 ... Pa.Y & Leone 1793. S p.l
Afeelsa grandis Hort.
1286. GAGNEBfNA Neck. GAOVEBINA. (Of no meaning.) Leguminbsa Mimbsea. S.
10844 femartscina Dec. Tamarisk-like si • or 6 ... Y Mauritius 1824. S p.1 Dec. leg. 12.64. B
Acacia femarf scina Lam.
10845axillaris Dec. axillary i Q w 6 ... Y Mauritius 1824. S p.1 Dec.leg.l2.64.A
Mimosa pteroc£rpa Lam.
1287. HiEM ATCXYLON L. LOGWOOD. (Hahna, blood, xylon, wood; color of wood.) Leg. Cats. Cass. 1.
10846campechianum L. Campechy JDdySO ... Y S. Amer. 1724. S r.m
128a COPAI'FERAL. BALSAM OF CAPEVI. (Copaiba, Brazilian name, fero, to bear.) Leg.Cas.Cass. 2—14.
10847 offlcinalis L. officinal t CD m 20 ... W S. Amer. 1774. C s.T Jac. am. 86
10848 guianensis Desf. Guiana j D m 90 ... W Guiana 1826. C' p.1 Mem. mu. 7.13
1289. TACHYQA^LIA Aub. TACHYGALIA. (TachygaU, its name in Guiana) Leg. Cas. Cass. 1.—3.
10849bfjugaDec two-paired I Q o r SO ... Y Brazil 1822. C p.l
1290. HARDWI'CKM Rox. HARDWICKIA. (Major-Gen. Hardwick, E. I. C. Artillery.) Leg. Cas. Cass. 9.
10850pinnkta Rox. pinnate t D o r 40 ... Y E. Indies 1818. C p.1
10851 binata Rox. binate J • or 40 ... Y E. Indies 1820. C p.l Rox. cor. 209
1291. BA^PHJA Afz. BAPMA. (Baphe, a dye; use) leguminbsa Swartxtea. 1.
10852 nltida Lod. shining ± D or 30 jn.n W S.Leone 1793. C s.p Bot. cab. 367
1292. TRICHI'LIAZ. TRICHILU. (Tricha, ternary; capsule3-celled and 3-valved.) Meliiicea. 5. —19.
10853 hirtaL. hairy f O or 15 jn.jl W Jamaica 1800. C p.1 SI. jam. 2.220.1
10854 tpondidldes Suix. Hog-plum-like t O or 20 jn.jl W Jamaica 18(X). C p.1 1.103
10855 havandnsis Jac Havannab $ • or 20 jn.jl W Havan nan 18*24. C p.1 Jac. am. 175.38
glabra L.
10856 odorMa B. Rep. sweet-scented f O or 15 jn.jl W W. Indies 1801. C l.p Bot rep. 637
10857 glandulosa Sm. glandulous J • or 20 jn jl W N. Holl. 1824. C l.p
* 1293. JtfETLIA L. BEAD TREE. (The Greek name of the e mmanna ash.) Meliacea. 8. —10.
10858 Axedardch L. Azcdarach ¥ l_J or 45 B Syr
Syria 1656. C s.l Bot. mag. 1066
or 30 W . R E. Indies 1820. C l.p
10850 robusta Rox.
10861 superba Rox.
G. Don superb
!H "or- 20
— ----- ... W «•. R
- E.•* Indies 1816. C l.p
Guinea Lilac <' • or 30 W . R E. Indies 1824. C 1.
10862 semperv^rens W. evergreen *~ 40
' B~ Jamaica 1656. C" 8.1 Bot. reg. 613
10863 composita W. compound^vd t t_| or 20 W R Tencriffb 1810. C l.p p
10864 cxcelsa Dec. lofty L_J or 40 W . R E. Indies 1819. C l.p
10865 Axadirdchta W. Azadirachta J • or 60 W E. Indies 1759. C s.l6.1 Cav. dis. 7.208
1294. SANDO'RICUM Cav. SANDAL TREE. (Santoor, the aboriginal name.) Meliacea. 1.
10866 Indicum Cav. Indian 1 • tm 40 ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Ru. am. 1.61
* 1295. TURRJEV4 I* TURRSA. (George Turraa, professor of botany at Padua.) Melidcea. 2 . - 8 .
10867 vkrens L. green • • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1820. C p.1 Sm. ic. in. 1.10
10868 rlgida Yen. rigid J • or 20 ... Y Mauritius 1816. C p.1 Yen. ch. 48
1296. QUIVI'SIAC&v. QUIVISIA. (Bois de Quivi, name in Isle of France.) Meliiicea. 1—4.
10869 heterophylla Cav. vanous-loaved t Q c u 16 ... W la France 1822. C p.1 Cav. dis. 213
1297. SWIETE^NLJ L. MAHOGANY TREE. (Baron van Swieten, celeb, phys. and bot.) Melidcea. 2. —3.
10870 Mahdgoni L. Mahogany f O tm 80 ... R.Y W. Indies 1734. C pi Cav.dis.7.209
10871 febrifuga Rox. febrifuge J • m 60 ... W.v E. Indies 1796. C p.1 Rox. cor. 1.17
1298. CHLOROOCYLON Dec. CIILOROXYLON. (Chloros, green, tylon, wood.) Meliiicea. 1.
10872 Swietinia Dec. Van Swicten's ± • tm 100 ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Rox. cor. 64
Swietenia Chlor6xylon Rox.
* 1299. FLINDE'RS/J R. Br. FLINPBRSIA. (Capt. M. Flinders, a celebrated voyager.) Meliacea. 1.—*•
10873 australis R. Br. southern £ LJ tm 60 ... W N Holl. 1623. C l.p Br. rem. 1
1300. CARAPA Aub. CABAPA. (Caraipe, its name in Guiana.) Meliiicea. 4.
10874guianensis Aub. Guiana J D o r SO ... Y Guiana 1824. C l.p Aub.gui.S87
10875 guineensis G. Don Guinea t O ec 20 ... Y & Leone 1793. C l.p
Afzelta splcndens Hort. „ £i
10876molucctasis Lam. Moluccas tCZIor 20 ... Y E. Indies 1820. C l.p Ru. am.*© 1
10877 proccra Dec. tall f O or 40 ... Y W. Indies ... C l.p
EKEBE'RG/i* Spar. EKEDEBGIA. (C. G. Ekeberg, a Danish naturalist.) MeUdce*. i,
MS Spar. Cape t L J o r 20 jLau W C. G. K. 1789. C p.l Lam il. 358
E^ Rox. HBYNEA. (Dr. B. Heyne, a German botanist) Melidcear. S.
iS™ tr <J u S a Rox
- three-paired or 20 • W Nepal 1812. C ) p Bot mag. 1738
JWJ80 quinquejuga Rox. five-paired or 20 .. W E. Indies 1816. C
1303. GUAPACUML. LIGNUM MTJR THEE. (Guatac, its name in Guiana.) Zusophfjileee. 3.~5.
10881 officinkle /,. officinal t r~ m 40 jl.s B W. Indies 1694. C ip Lam. il. 542
10t>82 arb&reum Dec. tree J ^ m 30 ... B Trinidad 1816. C p.l Jac. am. 83
lfln Zygoph^llum arboreum Jac.
10883 verticale Or. vertical arior 8 B W. Indies 1820. C p.l
1301. ZYGOPHY'LLUM L. BBAN-CAPER. (Zygos, a pair, pkyllon, a leaf; lvs. in pain.) Uea. 13.-18.
»o simplex L. r gimple tE)or Y St Jago 1825. S Tor. e g . 12
10885 cordifolium L. heart-leaved • i_J cu 6 o O C. G. H. 1774. C
10886 Fab \%o L. 159G. C 545.1
Fabago Cfc A cu 4 jl.s O.w Syria Sc. han. 17. 9
10887 foe'tidum &Ar. fetid * l_J pr 4 O.T C. G. H. 1790. C
2 insuavc J9. A/. unpleasant * | | pr 4 Y C. G. H. 1790. C B o t mag. 372
10888 fruticulbsum Dec. fruticulose Jl i | or 1 Y N. Holl. 1820. C
10889 mmaculttum
a c u l t t u m ////.. K.
K. .i>v,ltL-..v<l/«H7 L_lpr 4 o.n Y C. G. H. 1782. C
JUH90 microphf
i h f Hum H TTAun.A small-leaved lAlor | Y C. G. H. 1816. C
i Morisdna L Morgsana
Morgsana * i_J cu 3 my.s Y C. G. H. 17J2. C
i!X ^•I'fulium L. eessile-leaved m \ | cu 3 Y C G. H. 1713. C Bot. mag. 2184
i!!o «pinosmn L. spiny a. |_J or 1 Y C G. H. 182a C Bur. af. 5 . 2 . 2
*i«y4 coccineum L. scarlet • i | or 3 ... S Egypt 1823. C For. s g . 87.11
10895 album L. white *ZZ]or 2 on W Canaries 1779. C L. f. dec. 1.6
WB96 protitratum TAUII. prostrate JU iAJ or ft Y C. G. H. 1810. C
inl 305 - F A G O W J * Tou. FAOONIA. (Mons. Fagon, a groat patron of botany.) ZygaphQlletc 3.—10.
J0897 crltica L. Cretan tt. L_J c u ~ i f" jn au P Candia 1739. 8 lt.l Bot. mag. 241
10898 arabica L. Arabian tt.|_Jcu 2 P Arabia 17C9. S lt.l
JUl_Jor 1 R Egypt 1820. S p.l De1.aBg.2a2
10899 glutinusa Dec. glutinous
1306. rill'BULUS
rill'BU TVw. CALTROPS. (Tribo, to tear; prickly capsules.) ZygophpUe*. 7.—18.
10900 cistoldcs L. Cistus-like • Y S.Amer. 1752. % ill Bot.reg.791
JSSiJl white
-* iQJ or
-* O cu "1 jn.Jl Y
W Guinea 1826. S '
S. Europe 1596. S CO Lam. il.346.1
iOjJOJ subincrmis Fis. nearly unarmed Jc (QJ or Y Thibet 1820. S 8.1
JWK)4 lanuginosufi L. woolly -* iQj or jjl Y E. Indies 1822. S.1 Bur. ley. 106.1
10905 maximus L. greatest «* O pr jii-jl Y Jamaica 1728. 6.1 Jac. ic. 3.462
10906 trijugatus Nut. three-paired -* O or Y Georgia 1819. S.1

* 1307. LA'RREJ Cav. LARREA. (J. A Larrea, a Spanish botanist) Z )Uete. 1.—a
!0907 nltida Cav. shin\ng4eaved n. |_J or 2 jnjl Y & Amer. 1823. S Cav ic. 6.559

,^308--DICTA'MNUS i. FRAXINELLA. (A Cretan city; grows on mountains near it) Rutikeeee. 2.

10908 Fraxinella Pert. Fraxinella A or 3 my.jl P Germany 1596. S p.l 5.428
lft(Ul albus L.
10909 filbus Lk. white k A or 3 my.jl W Germany 1596. S p.l

309. RUT A Tou. RUE. (Rute, Gr.( and the same in most languages.) Ruthcea. 16.—25.
O i J vr\nga\-leaved n. \_J un 2 G.v Canaries 1780. C r.m
Clus. mountain tt. _J un 2 au.s G.Y S. Europe 1596. C co Jac. ic. 1.76
Pen. Chalcpo tt. i | un 2 jn.s G.Y Africa 1722. C r.m
L. heavy-scented tt. m 3 jn.s G.Y S. Europe 1562. C co Dull. ar. 2.61
i^ teO8a Dec. bractcd tt. | un 1} myjn Y.a Sicily 1819. C co
{ 1 5 divaricita Ten. divaricate tt. | un 2 my.jl Y.o Italy 1820. C co 345.1
10910 angustifMia Pcrs. narrow-leaved tt. |_J un 2 jn.s S. France 1722. C r.m Bot mag. 2311
l n n r t chalepcnsis Vil.
JO917 macrciph^lla Sol. lonp-lcavcd tt. _J un 3 jl Africa 1820. C r.m Bot mag. 2018
0918 albiflura Hook. white-flowered tt. _J pr 2 G.Y Nepal 1823. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 79
. J0919 c<5rsica Dec. Corsican tt. _J un 1 jn.s W Corsica 1818. C co Hoc. mu. 59
\ 10420 patav^nai. Paduan Aj £± un li jn.jl Y.o Italy 1819. C r m Mic. gen. 19
10921 pubescens IT. en. pubescent 5 A un 1}" I G.Y
G.Y Spain 1816. C co Lam. il. 345.2
\ 10922 villosa Bieb. villous a . . J u n 1 jnjl Y.o Caucasus 1818. C co Bux. c.2.28.2
10923 lifolia L. Flax-leaved tt. | un 1| jn s G.Y Spain 1752. C r.m Bot. rep. 565
\ 10924 s< sweet-scented tt. _J un 2 jn.s Y.a Tauria 1800.
/inifulia grandiflora B. M. C co Bot. mag. 2254
U0925 dahurica Dec. Dahurian tt. _J un If my.jl Y.a Dahuria 1820. C co
1310. CRO WEi< Sm. CROWEA. (J. Crowe, of Norwich, a celebrated British botanist.) Rutucac. 2.
Wittow.leavcd m \_J or 3 jl.d P N. S. W. 1790. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 989
broad-leaved «l|_Jor 3 jl
ifulia Lo. C. P N. S. W. 1825. C fl.l.p
M 1 : ERIOSTE^MON Sm. EHIOSTEMON. (ErionKvroo\, stemon, stamen; fringed nMamcnts.) Ruthceiv. 9
10928 Auxiftilius Sm. Box-leaved H_Jor 2 my Pk N. Holl. C p.l
J0929 «alicif61ius Sm. Willow-leaved H I or 3 ap.jl R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p.l Lin. tr. 11.86
Myoporum-like H | or R N. HolL 1824. C fl.p.l
,«. J Obov ^tU8 ClIH. obovatn \\ lor ^apij R N. HolL 1824. C s.p.l
10932 cuspi.iatus Citn. cuspidate 11 I or 3 ap.jl R N. HolL 1824. C s.p.l Bot cab. 1S47
1OJJ.33 mcifolius Mn C Heath-leaved J 3 R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p.l
10f)34 lincarifiiluia Dec
lincnr-leavcd 3 R N. Holl. 182.). C s.p.l
10935 lanccofttus Gae' lanceolate ujor 3 R N. Holl. 18'-'3. C s.p.l Gae. tt. 3.810
10936 squammeus Lab. scaly | 2 R N. Holl. 1822. C s.p.l Lab. n. h. 1. Ml
PIIEBALIUM. (Phibalee, a myrtle j appearance.)
q * L _ J o r 2|apjl
|pj Y N. Holl. 1824. C 8.1.p Vcn. mal. 102
%oldei» l _ | or 6 ap.jl Y N. Holl. 182-?. C s.l.p Fi. n. h. ic.
*Jg39 lachnoWes Cun. Lachnea-like ijor 3 apjl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
JjgfO elatum Cun. tall i _j or 10 apjl \V N. Holl. 1825. C i.l.p
W41 lincKre Ma. C.C. linear Ljor 3 W N Holl. 1825. C s.p.l
10942 *alicifblium M C. Willow-leaved
Ma. i_J or 3 W N. HolL 1825. C fl.p.l
CHOI'SY^ H.&B. CHOIBYA. (J. D. Choisy, a Genevese botanist) Ru
ternate Q o r 6 j l a u W Mexico 1825! C 1 p u.£B. 6.51S
1314. CO'DON FT. CODON. {Kodon, a little bell; corolla.) SolAncaj. 1.
10944 Royeiu* W. Royen's £Olcu 1 i W C.G.H. 1801. S ltl BoL rep.325
1315. GO'MPHl A Schreb. BUTTON-FLOWER. {Gomphos, a club; germen.) Ochnhcece. 6 . - 2 5 .
10945 zeylanica Dec. Ceylon ft Dor 4 ... Y Ceylon 1823. C s.l Bur.zey.56
O'chna zeylanica Lam.
10946 obtusifulia Dec. obtuse-leaved ft D el 3 ... Y Jamaica 1803. C B.I An. mu. 8
1(1917 JabottJpitaSwz. Jabotapita ft • or 5 ... Y Jamaica 1820. C B.I Lam. iL 472.2
10948 nftida Swx. glossy-leaved ft O el 4 ... Y Jamaica 1803. C s.l
10949 laevigata Lo. C. smooth-leaved ft • or 4 ... Y 1820. C a.1
10930 feurlfblia Swx. Laurel-leaved ft O or 5 ... Y Jamaica 1823. C s.l Dec mu. 17.15
131& QUA'SSM W. QUASSIA. (Quassi.a negro slave of Surinam, first used it mcd.) Stmarubdceaf. 1. —4.
10951 amara W. bitter 2 Dm 20 jn.jl R Guiana 1790. C p.l Bot mag. 497
1317. SIMARIPBA Aub. SIM ARUBA. {Simarouba, its name in Guiana.) Simarhbear. 2 . - 3 .
10952 excelsa Dec. lofty I Q m 40 ... Y.w Jamaica 1818. C l.p Ac. haf. 1788.8
Quftssia cxciSlsa Swx.
10953officinalis Dec. officinal ft am 10 ... Y.w W. Indies 1789. C l.p Aub.gui.2.33
Quassia SimariUta L.
I3ia SIMATBA Hil. SIMABA. (Its name in Guiana.) Simarhbeat. 2 . - 7 .
10954orinocensis/i:^2r. Orinoco ft a m 10 ... W Orinoco 1818. C Lp H &B.514
10955 guianensis Aub. Guiana ft D o r 10 ... W Guiana 1826. C Lp Aub. gui. 1.153
Zwingenz amara W.
1319. HEISTETR/ii L. Bois PERDRIX. {Lawrence Heister, prof, bot Halstadt, d. 1758.) Olactneat. 1. — 3.
10956coccinea Jac. scarlet ± D o r 20 ... S W.Indies 1822. C Lp 81
* 1320. LIMOyNIA L. LIMOXIA. (Limoun, the Arabic name of the Citron.) Aurantihcea. 4. —11.
10957 crenulata Rox. crenulate ft D or 4 ... W E. Indies 1808. C r.m Rox. cor. 1. 86
1C958 parviflura B. M. small-flowered ft i | fr 6 year W China ... C r.m Bot mag. 2416
10959 sclndens Rox. scandent fl_ i | or 6 jn.jl W China 1800. C r.m
10960 citrifulia TV. Orange-leaved ft L_J fr 4 year W China 1800. C r.m
1321. BE'RGERi* Kon. BKRGKRA. {C.J. Berger, professor of botany at Kiel.) Aurantihcece. 3.
10961 Konfg/i Rox. Konig's ft O cu 3 jnjf W E Indies 1820. L pi Bot cab. 1019
10902 intcgerrima Rox. very entire-tod ft D cu 4 jn.jl W W. Indies 1823. C s.p
1322. ATALA'NT/jf Corr. ATALANTIA. {Atalanta, the daughter of Schceneus.) Aurantihcete. 1.
10963 monophylla Dec. one-leaved ft D or 4 W E. Indies 1777. C r.m ltox. cor. 1.83
Limbnium monophy'llum Rox.
1323. GLYCO'SMIS Corr. GLYCOSMIS. {Glykys, sweet, ostne, smell: perfume.) AurantiUcecE. 2.
10964 pcntaphjrlla Corr. five-leaved £ D or 20 jn.jl W E. Indies 1790. C r.m Rox. cor. 1. 64
Limbnia pontaphy'lla Retz.
10965 arburea Corr. tree ID or 20 W E. Indies 1796. C r.m Rox. cor. 1.85
1324. CLAUS&NA Brm. CLAUSENA. (Not explained.) Aurantiacece. 1—2.
10966penteph^llaDrc. five-leaved f D o r 20 W Coroman. 1800. C r.m
Limbnia pentaphy'lla Herb. Lam. not Box.
1325. F E R O W i ! Corr. FERONIA. (Goddess of forests.) Aurantiaccw. 1. — 2.
10967 elephantum Corr. elephant apple H Q o r 4 ... W E. Indies 1804. C r.m Rox. cor. 2.141
1326. MURRA'Yi! Kon. MURRAYA. {J. A. Murray, a Swede, prof. bot. Gottingcn.) Aurantiacea?. Q.
10968 exotica L. exotic * D or 8 au.s W E. Indies 1771. C l t l Bot. reg. 434
10969 paniculate WaL panicled ft D o r 8 jl W E. Indies 1823. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 79
1327. COO'K/i4 Sona WAMPEE TREE. {Copt. Cook, celeb. Eng. circumnavigator.) Aurantihcece. 1. —2.
10970 punctata Relz. dotted £ • fr 15 ... W China 1795. C Jt.l Jac. sc. 1.101
1328. G/ERTNETRJ Rox. GARTNERA. (J. Gartner, M.D., F.R.&, a celebrated bot) MalpighiUcece. 2.
10971 racembsa Rox. clustered L D or 15 mr.ap W . Y E. Indies 1796. C p.l Bot rep. 600
Hf ptage mandablbta Gae.
10972obtusifblia ROT. obtuse-leaved 4. D o r 20 ... W China 1810. C p.l
Hiptage obtusifulia Dec.
1329. BUNCHOySIA J. BUNCHOSIA. {Bunchos, coffee, A rob.; similar seeds.) Malpighiucea?. U. — 16.
10973 glandul&sa Dec. glandulous ft D or 10 ... Y W. Indies 1804. C p.l Cav. dis. 8.239.2
Malpfghifl glandultSsa Cav.
10974 glanduHfera / / . * B. gland-bearing ft D or 10 Y W. Indies 1806. C p.l Jac. ic. 3.469
Malpighia glandubfcra Jac.
10975 mtdia Dec. intermediate ft • or 10 Y W. Indies 1790. C p.l
Malpighirt mddia H. K.
10976 polyatachya Dec. many-spiked ft D or 10 Y W. Indies 1806. C p.l Bot. rep. 604
Malpfghia polystachya Andr.
10977 tuberculiita Dec. tuberculatc ft • or 6 Y Caraccas 1806. C p.l Jac. sc. 1.104
Malpighia tubcrculata Jac.
10978 argentea Dec. silvery ftd)or 10 Y Caraccas 1810. C p.l 83
10979nitida Dec. shining • D o r 10 R St.Domin.1800. C p.l Cav.dis.&239.1
Maipfghia nitida L.
10*180 paniculate Dec. panicled ft D o r 10 P Jamaica 1820. C p.l
10981 cumane'nsis G. Don. Cuinana ft O or 10 s Y Cumana 182a C p.l
10982 odorata Dec. scented ft • or 10 Y Carthage 1806. C p.l Jac am. 177. •*
10983canescens Dec. canesccnt ± D o r 20 JLau Y W.Indies 1742 C p.l
Malpighia canescens H. K.
1330. MONO'TROPA L. YELLOW BIRD'S-NEST. {Monostonc, trepo, to turn; fls. one way.) Monotrhpece.
10984 uniflora Mx. one-flowered ^ A cu i W N. Amer. 1824. S s.p Hook. ex.
10985 Hypupitys L\ undcrpines 5 A cu * jn.jl W Britain woods. S s.p Eng. bot 69
1331. D I O N ; E \ 4 L. DioNiEA. (One of the names of Venus.) Broserhcect. 1.
10986 Musripula /.. Venus's Flytrap j£ tAJ cu i W Carolina 1768. S bog Bot mag. 785
1332. GARJTQA Rox. GARVGA. (Garugo, its Telinga name.) Tercbinthhcea. 1.
10987pinnate Rox. mng&Ueaved I Q o r 20 ... Y E. Indies 1808. C p.l Rox.cor.3.208
1333. BOS WE'LL/* Rox. OLIBANUMTREB. (Dr. John Boswell, of Edinburgh.) Terebinth&eece. 2 . - 3 .
10988 sernita Stack. serrated t Om 20 ... Fa.Y E. Indies 1820. C Lp As. res. 9.377.ic.
10989glabraBox. smooth J Q o r 30 ... Pa.Y Coroman. 1823. C l.p Itox. cor. & 207
1334. I'CICA Aub. ICICA. (Its name in Guiana.) TereWnthacear. 4. —15.
10990 heterophyila Dec. various-Jeaved CD or 20 ... W Guiana 1826. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 133
itfmyris hctcrophy*lla W.
10991 gutanensis Aub. Guiana f D o r 30 W Maranh. 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.131
iimyris guianensis W.
10992 ennca~ndra Aub. nine-stamened t • or 20 W Maranh. 1822. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 134
10993 Tacamahuca Kth. Tacamahac i Q o r 20 W Trinidad 1819. C l.p
1335. KA'LMM L. KALMIA. (P. Kalm, professor at Abo, in Sweden.) Bhodorhccte. 6.
1099* latifblia L. broad-leaved "" or 8 my.jl R N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Hot mag. 175
10995 angustifblia L. narrow-leaved or myjl N. Amer. L s.p Bot. mag. 331
Srubra red-flowered or myj N. Amer. L s.p Bot. cab. 502
3 fulris vartegatis variegated-lvd or myjl N. Amer. L s.p
4 minima least or myjl N. Amer. L s.p
5nana dwarf or myjl N. Amer. L s-p
6 rbsea rose-colored or my.d N. Amer. L s.p
7 phmila dwarf or my.jn N. Amer. L s.p
,_ 8 ovita Ph. ovate or. myjn N. Amer. ... L s.p
10996 cuncata Mx. cuneate-leaved or s myjl W . R N. Amer. 1820. L s.p
101)97 glauca L. glaucous or 2 P N. Amer. 17<>7. L s.p Bot. mag. 177
or N. Amer.
T0998 rosmarimfolia PA. Rosemary-lvd 2 R Amer. 1812.
—Jor it N. ltsix. L sup
10999 hirsuta Walt. hairy
R N. Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot mag. 138
,1336. ZE^DUM L. LABRADOR TEA. (Ledon, Greek name of the Cistus.) Rhodorucete. 4.
11000 palustreL. marsh or 2 W Europe 1762. L s.p Bot. cab. 560
2 dccumbens decumbent or 1 W Huds". Bayl762. L s.p
11001 latifolium //. K. broad-leaved or 3 W N. Amer. 1763. L s.p Bet. cab. 584
11002 canadense Lod. Canadian or 11 jn W Canada ... L s.p Bot. cab. 1049
11003 greenlandia Beta. Greenland or 2 W Ireland bogs. L s.p
*1337. AMMYRSPNE Ph. AMMVIISINE. {Ammos, sand, myrsine, a myrtle j habitat) Rhodoracea. J.
11004 Auxifijlia Ph. Box-lcuved «L or 1 W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Bot reg. 531
Xedum duxifolium L. LeiophJrUum ihymifolium Spr.
_ 133a AHODO'RA L. RHODORA. (il*o<fow, a rose; color of flower*.) Rhodordceee. 1.
11005 canadense L. Canadian A or 3 P N. Amer. 1767. L p.l Bot mag. 474
*1339. iZHODODE'NDKON L. RHODODENDRON. (Rhodon, a rose, dendron, a tree.) RAodorilcete. 23.—24.
I lOOfi maximum Z>. largest spl SO Pk N. Amer. 1736. h s.p Bot mag. 951
11007 album Ph. white or 20 W N. Amer. 1811. L s.p
11008 purpCireum PA. purple spl 25 P N. Amer. ... L s.p
11009 ponticum L. Pontic spl 12 my.jn P Gibraltar 1763. L 6.p Bot mag. 650
1 album white or 8 my.jn W gardens L s.p
2 anguHtifclium narrow-leaved or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p
3 fli Cassine-Icavcd or 6 my.jn P gardens ... It S.p
4 cerulesccns cserulcsccnt or 10 myjn B gardens L s.p
5 cont6rtum twiated-pctaled or 8 my.jn P gardens L s.p
6 fibre pleno double- flowered or 12 myjn P gardens ... L s.p
7 fbliis arggnteif silver-leaved or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p
8 fbliis aftreis golden-leaved or 6 myjn P gardens ... L s.p
9 frondbsum leafy or 5 my.jn P gardens ... L s.p
10 intermedium intermediate or 12 myjn P gardens ... L s.p
11 macrophy'llum long-leaved or 12 my.jn P gardens ... L s.p
12 ovktum ovatc/eaved or 6 myjn P gardens L s.p
13 rbseum rosc-Jtowercd or ]0 my.jn R gardens L s.p
14 rubesccns rubescent or 10 myjn R gardens L s.p
15 «aliciftlium Willow-leaved or a myjn P gardens L s.p
16 nepalense Nepal or 5 P Nepal 1817. L s.p
11010 cinnambmeumTTa/. Cinnamon • _ J spl 20 jn P Nepal 1820. L p.l
11011 obtbsum Wat. obtuse 41 spl 12 myjn P Gibraltar 1763. L s.p Den. br. 168

11012 arbbreum Sm. tree _|spl20 ... S Nepal 1820. L s.p Ex. bot 6
2 album white ]sPl20 w Nepal 1818. L s.p
11013 punctatum Andr. or Pk N. N.
Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot rep. 36
Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot reg. 37
2 majus larger datUuUlvd 41 or 6 Pk
11014 azaleoides Desf. Azalea-like 41 spl 3 Pk L s.p Bot. rep. 379
,. 2odordtum sweet-scented 41 or 3 Pk '..'.'." 1820. L s.p
11015 hfbridum B. R. Herbert's hybrid* 3 Pk L s.p Bot reg. 195
H016datiTicumL. Daurian A or 3 mr.d P Siberia' 1780. L s.p Bot. mag, 636
2 atrovlrcns dark .green 41 or _3 f.ap . P Siberia L s.p Bot reg. 194.
3 altaicum Fis. Altaic 41 or 3 mr.ap P Altai 1810. L s.p
JJ017 myrtifblium Lod. Myrtle-leaved 41 yj
spl 12 myjn P Gibraltar 1763. L s.p Bot. cab. 908
11018 ferrugfneum L. rusty./eaved 41 or myjl S Switzerl. 1752. L s.p Bot. cab. 65
11019 hiraiuum L. hairy.leaved 41 or | myjl S Switzcrl. 1656. L s.p Bot mag. 1853
vanegatcd-lvd 41 or 1 myjl S ...... 1800. L s.p
11021 caucasicum Pall
ycllow.flwd ML
\ jn jl Y
Siberia 1796. L s.p Par. Ion. 80
Caucasus 1803. L s.p Bot mag. 1145
022 campanuUltum
11022 c a p m B D r • _Jor P Nepal 1817. L s.p
11023anth^»bgon D. P Nepal 1820. L s.p
aronviticum Wai.
11024 sctosum D. Don setose d | or V Nepal 1825. L s.p
11025 catawbiense Mx. Catawba 41 or P N Amer. 1809. L s.p Bot. mag. 1671
_JJOl'6 CatcsturV •Hort.
-w VH^^OUM. --W... Latesby s 4k myjn
or P N. Amer. 1810.
11027 camtchaticum Pall. Kamtchatka
11027 41 or P Kamtsch. 1802. L s.p
"<£8 Chamaecistus L. Ground Cistus tt. or myjn Pa.P Austria 1786. L s.p Pal ros. 1.33
"029 lapponicum Wahl. Lapland «L | or i R Lapland 1810. C s.p Bot. mag. 488
,J340. L s.p
L. EPIGAA. (Epi, upon,grtia, earth; the stems on ground.) Rhodoriicea. 1 . — 2,
creep'ng IU pr W N. Amer. 1736 L s.p Bot reg. 201

• 1341. ANDRO'MEDif L. ANDROMEDA. (The virgin Andromeda.) Ericeat. 27. —44.

11031 tctragona /.. four-angled tt. _ J or W Lapland 1810. L s.p
11032 Aypnoldca L. Moss-like W . E Inland L s.p IH. dan.10
11033 calyculata L. small-calyxcd or 1} f.ap W N. Amer. 1748. L s.p Pal ros.2.72.1
1 ventricosa ventricose or Kussia 1748. L s.p Dot mag. 1286
2 latifblia broad-lcaved or Ncwfoun. 1748. L s.p HoL cab. 530
3 nana dwarf cu L B.p
11034 angusti folia PA. narrow-leaved or f.ap N. Amcr. 1748. L s.p
11035 crfspa D<;jjr. or N. Amer. 1824. L s.p
11036 ©olifoliaZ,. curled or my a 1» B.j*
1 latiftlia Polium-lcaved or my.s N. Amer. L s.f«
2 media middle, orbroad-leaved
Wild Rosemary*. or my.8 Britain L . 13
3 blt , w\laved ttt.
t or my.s
3 subulata a.w\-leaved tt. or apmy Pk I* "-P
4 minima smallest
5 oleifMia Olive-leaved tt. or Pk L s.p
11037 glaucophylla Lk. glaucous-lvd tt. or my.s Pk L s.p Bot cab. 546
jDoIifolia /3 latifdlia l.od. N Amer. ... L s.p
11038 ro»mariniff>lia Ph. Hobcmary-lvd tt. or 1| my.s Pk N. Amcr. ... L e.p PaLros.2.70. a
11039 jamaiccnsis i Swx.
S Jamaica
Jami ••or 6 W Jamaica 1793. L s.p
11040 mariana L. Maryland tt or 2 my.jl W N. Amcr. 1736. L s.p Pluk. m. 44H. 6
1 ovklis ovaUeaved tt or 2 N. Ainor. 1736. L s.p Uot. mag. 157!)
2 oblonga oblong-leaued tt or 2 my.jl w N. Amcr. 173i». L s.p
11041 spcciusa Mx. showy tt or 3 jn.s w Carolina 1800. L s.p
1 nltida Bhirimg.lcaved tt or 3 jn.s w Carolina 1800. L s.p Bot. mag. 970
2 pulvcrullnta dubty-/<»iw.'a' tt or 3 jn.s w Carolina 1800. L Bp Dot. inajj. 6fi7
SglaAca Wat. glaucous tt or L s.p Den. br. 26
11042 dealbata Lintll. whitened tt orr k2* Pk L s.p Bot rcg. 1010 m
11043 fasciculata A'UBB. bundled ~ W
W Jamaica 1824. C s.p
11044 aalicifolia Wat. Willow-leaved tt.Q or or 20 4 jn W N. Amcr. ... L s.p Den. br. 38
11045 Auxifolia Lam. Box-leaved ttl lor 2 Pk Mauritius 1822. C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 192
11046 coriacea H. K. thick-fcaivcf tt or 2 Pk N. Amer. 1765. L B.p Bot. mag. 1095
nitida Mx. lticida Lam. R N. Amer. 1765. L sp Bot. cab. 672
2 rikbra Lod. red-flowered * or 3
11047 acuminata //. K. acuminate tt or 3 au W N. Amcr. 1765. L s.p Ex. bot 2.89
lucida Jac. populift>lia Lam. reticulata Watt. Jauxina Mx.
11048 CatesbaTi Walt, Catesby's or' 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1793. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1955
spinulusa Ph.
11049 spickta Walt. spiked or jn w N. Amer. ... L s.p 36
11050 axillaris H. K. axil-flowering or w N. Amer. 1765. Sks.p
2 longifulia long-leaved or w N. Amcr. ... Sk Bot mag. 2357
Waltcri W.
11031 cancsccns Lo. C. cancsrent or w N. Amcr. ... L s.p
11052 raccmusa L. branchy fra w N. Amer. 1736. L s.p
paniculata Walt.
2 latifolia broad-Icavcd or 3 w N. Amcr. ... L s.p
Sstrtcta strict or 4 w N. Amcr. ... L s.p
11053 jai>6nica Than. Japan i 1 or 3 ... w Japan 1806. L s.p Thun. jap. 22
11054 rubieinosa Pert. rubiginous 1 lor 10 ... w W. Indies ... C s.p
pubescens Pair.
11055 arboreal*. Sorrel tree or 40 jl.i w N. Amcr. 1752. S s.p Bot. mag. 9a?
11056 flonbunda Ph. bumllc-flwd or 3 my.jn w N. Amer. 1812. Bot mag. 1566
111)57 avuhCAa JVaU. oval-leaved i lor 20 ... w 1825. L . . D As.rea.13.391.ic.
11058 pilulifcra/#». pellet-bearing or 3 jn.jl w ... L s.p

1342. LYO%N/i4 Nut. LVOMA. (J. Lyon, an American collector of plants.) Erfcete. 6.
11059 ferruginea Nut. ferrugincous tt or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1784. L s.p Ven. mal. 80
Andromeda ferruginea Wait.
11060 rlgida Nut. rigid or 20 W K Amer. 1774. L B.p Bot cab. 430
Andromeda ferruginea //. K.
11061 panicul<\ta Nut. pamcled or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1748. L s.p Den. br. 57
Andromeda paniculata L.
11062 multiflora Wat. many-flowered or W N. Amer. ... i.p 128
11063 caprca'folia Wat. tendnl-lcavcd or W N. Amcr. 1812. sp 127
11064 frondosa Nut. leafy or my.jn N. Amer. 1806. s.p
Andr6mcda frondisaPn.
' 1343. ENKIA'NTHUS IMU. ENKIANTIIUB (Egkuos, pregnant, anthos, flower.) Ericete. 2 . - 3 .
11065 quinqueflora Lou. five-flowered L j e l 3 fs Pk China 1812. C s.l.p Bot mag. 161!)
11066 rcticulata Lindl. netted l_Jcl 3 ja.f Pk China 1822. C p.l Bot. rcg. 885

.' 1344. GAULTHE x R/4 L. GAULTHERIA. (M. Gaulthier, M.D. a Fr. writer on maple sugar.) Er'cca. 4. —18.
11067 proctimhens L. procumbent j|> pr Jjl.fl W N. Amcr. 1762. S k s p Bot. rep. 116
11068 SAn/Zon Ph. Shallon tt or 4 my W N. Amer. lh'26. L s.p Ph. am. ic.
llOWHragrans J). Don fragrant tt v_J or 6 ... P.R Nepal 1824. I. s.p As.res.13.297.ic.
11070 antipoda Forst. antipodal HJor 6 ... W N. Zeal. 1820. C b.p
* 1345. ARBUTUS L. STRAWBERRY TREE. {Ar boise, austere bush, Celt.-, rough fruit.) Ertceee. 10. —17.
11071tA>edo£. " '
Unedo m* or- - 10
- « s.d
-- W Ireland S co Eng. bot 2377
2rdber rcA-flowered tt or 10 s.d Pk * L co
3 plenus doublc-Jfouuroa'tt or 5 s.d W.o L co
entire-leaved 11 or 6 s.d Pk L co Bot mag. 2319
5 schizopetalus cut-petalcd tt or 7 s.d W L co
6 crispus curled tt or 8 s.d W L co
7 «alicifblius Willow-leaved tt or 6 s.d W L co
11072 canariensis Lam. Canary tt i lor 8 my.jn W.G Canaries 1796. L co Bot mag. lf»77
11073 andrachno'ides Lk. Andrachnc-lk tt or 8 fmy W.G L s.p Bot. reg. 619
h^bnda D. It.
11074 serratifiilia Nois. serrated-leaved tt \ | or 6 W.6 ......
11075 Andr&chnc L. Andrachnc tt or 10 nir.ap W.G Levant 1724. G p.l Bot. rcg. 113
11076/aurifuha L. Laurel-leaved t | | or 20 ... W Mexico 1825. L B.p
11077 denBiflbra Kth. dense-flowered J | | or 20 ... W Mexico )82<>. L s.P
11078 phillyrcaifbUa Pro. Phillyrea-lvd tt-i_Jor i ... W Peru 1812. L s.p
11079 tomentofla Ph. wooWy-leaved tt or 6 , W N. Amer. 1826. Lp.l
dwarf tt |_J or 4 , w Magellan 1220. L s.p
, AacTOSTAPUYLOS. [Arktos, bear, staphyle, a grape.) Erteea. 2.-5.
lunidtor. Bear's Grape JU or J W Britain moun. L s.p Eng. bot 714
Arbutus irva 6 rsi L.
11082 alpina .S/v. alpine Hack-berried Jc or | F Scotland L s.p Eng. bot 2030
il'rliutus alplna L. ^^
,1347. CLErH CLETTIRA. (Klethra, the Greek name of the alder; resemblance.) Er'cete. 9—12.
IIOKJ aim folia L. Alder-leaved or au.o W N. Amer. 1731. L s.p Lam. i). 369 ~
1108+ tornentosa £<zm. woolly-fcawrf or au.o W N. Amer. 1731. L s.p Den. br. 39
11085 scabra Pers. rough-leauat or au.o •w Georgia 1806. L sp
UOHG imnicuWtii H. K. pjiuclcd or au.o w N. Amer. 1770. L s.p
11087 aciunuiMa A/r. acuminate or au.o w Carolina 1806. L ».p
11088 n ma /.o. C dwarf or au w 1820. L co
11089 arborea //. A'. tree au.o w Madeira 1784. C p.l Bot. mag. 1057
2 minor smaller *L_Jor 2 au.o w Madeira C p.l
3 variegata variegated • l_Jor 3 au w Madeira C p.l
11090 ferruglnca Lk. rustty * L j o r 4 ... w Peru 1800. L co
11091 linifuha Sivx. Tiaus-lcaved l D o r 20 ... w Jamaica 1825. C s.l Br. jam. 21.1
; 4-winged-seed.) Erfce*. 1
my.jn W Georgia
o ... L p.l
r e Bot mag. 1625
unia Agustnna B. M.
, 1349. PY'ROLA JL WINTBRGBEE.V. ^ (Dim. of Pyrus, peartree^ similar leaves.)^ Ertcece. 9. —12.
11093 umfluraZ.. single-flowered £ A W Britain al.wo. R s.p Eng. bot 140
JlOMsecundaL. i d f l i
side-flowering £_ & pr A jn-jl W Britain moi.w. R s.p Eng. bot. 517
11095 minor L. smaller £ R Britain moi.w. 11 s.p Eug. bot. 158
1109(5 rose-colored jfc A pr Pk England woods. II sp Eng. bot '25*3
11097 media Swz. intermediate j£ A pr „ _ _ W.a England woods. R s.p Eng. bot. 1945
1109H rotundifulia L. round-leaved £ A pr * jn.jl W Britain woods. It sp Eng. bot 213
no Asarum-lcaved £ A pr " " " G.Y N. Aincr. 1810. R fl.p
11100 efliptioa ~Nut. .
elliptic-ZfatMtf j£ pr N. Amer. 1818. R s.p Rad. dis. 5.1
w N. Amer.
11101 convoliita liart. convoluted j£ A pr 1818. R s.p Rad. dis. 4.1
chlorantha Sun. G.w
1350. CHTM A'PHILA Ph. CIUMAPHILA. [Chcima, winter, phileo, to love; green in winter.) Erfcete. 2.
11102 inaculata Ph. spotted-leaved £ & m | jn W N. Amer. 1752. Sks.p Bot. mag. 897
Py"rola inaculata L.
U103 corymbbsa Ph. coryxnhoae-ftvod£ A m J jn Pk N. Amer. 1752. Sk s.p Bot mag. 778
Pfrola umbcllata L.
.1351. INOCA'HPUS Forst. OTAIIEITE CHESTNUT. (IS, a fibre, karoos, fruit: envelope.) Sapbtece. 1.
U104 eddlis Forst. eatable I Q f r 20 ... W Souths. Is. 1793. C l.p Lam. U. 382
, 11352. STY^RAX L. STORAX. (Altered from assthirak,in. the
ii Arabic name.) Styracineee. 4. —7.
11105offlcinale/,. officinal Sk or 12 jl w Italy 1597. L 8.1 Bot. rep. 631
JJ106 grandifcliuin//. X. greaMeaved dk or ti jl w N. Amer. 1765. L s.l 129
•1107 pulverulentum .V*. powdery Sk or 4 jn jl w N. Amer. 1794. L 8.1 Den. br. 41
11108 Uevigatum//. J£. smooth A or 4 jLau w N. Amer. 1765. L B.1 40
glabrum Cau.
1353. JUSSIEU^ L. JUSSIBUA. (The celebrated botanical family of Jussieu.) OnagrarUe. 14.—34.
11109 suftruticdsa Z.. suflruticosc ^ ( 2 3 or 1| au.s Y India 1808. C s.p Bot rep. 621
11110 hirtaL. hairy 1 Y S. Amer. 1816. S s.p PL ic. 174.2
H i l l octovAlvis Suw. eight-valvcd 2 jl.s Y S. Amer. ... S s.p
,. „ _ octonervia Lam.
11112 sckbra W. en. rough * El or 4 Y S. Amer. 1816. C s.p
11113 erecta/,. upright or 3 jl.S Y S. Amer. 1739. S s.p PI. ic. 175.2
{IJHovahfiiliaJ?. M. oval-leaved or 2 au.a Y E. Indies 1810. S s.p Bot mag. 2530 ,
WW* Mgittata Pair. sai,'ittate-/ifd _ or i [ B U S Y W. Indies 1820. S H.p
11116 /inifCha Vahl Flax.lcavcd * E3B oror 11 au.s Y & Amur. 181J4. S s.p
11117 n\tans II. &B. flo.itmg * E3 oror 11 nu.s Y VV. Indies 1818. C s.p
11118gr<indiflurail/r. great-flowered ^jAJor or lijl.o
UjLo Y Carolina 1812. C «.p
llU9pul>eKcensL. pubescent ^ OB or or 22 au.g
au.g Y S. Amer. 1800. S s.p
11120 leptoc&rpa Afc*. slender-fruited or 1 au.s Y N. Amer. 1817. S s.p
11121 rcpensZT creeping _ _ _ - or
- _1 au.s Y E. Indies 1817. C fl.p R.raaL2.51
11122 &bil variable i O J o r 2 au.s Y W. Indies 1826. S s.p
1354. GEWNIA Rox. GETONIA. (Unexplained.) Combretiicea. 2.
11123 floribunda Rox. bundle-flwd i_Cjor 6 ... Y.GrE. Indies 1815. C Lp Rox. cor. 87
11124 niltans Rox. nodding LDor 6 ... Ap E. Indies 1816. C l.p
355. QUISQUA^LIS L. ({JMM, who, qualis, what kind; uncertainty.) Combrettceai. 3 . - 5 .
|_ • or 20 O.R E. Indies 1815. C l.p ~
pubescent | _ Q o r 20 ... O.B E. Indies 1815. C l.p
smooth A. d o r 20 China 1815. C Lp
L. MELASTOMA. ...mouth; berries stain.) MelastomdceG. 16.—
Pk China 1818. C _ p.l Bot mag. 2241
P E. Indies 1793. C s.p Bot mag. 599
11130 asffas. kindred R Indies 1810. C Lp
11131 malabathrica L. Malabar E. Indies 179a C s.p Bot reg. 672
HlJ2asperaZ. rough E. Indies 1815. C Lp Bur. zey. 72
11133 Candida D Don white E. Indies 1822. C Lp
11134 nepalensis Zod. Nepal Nepal 1820. C 1 Bot cab. 707
11135 octandra L octandrous », , Ceylon 1815. C P
I p
| J136 corymbbsa H. K. corymbose^uM/ii • S. Leone 1792. C ™
11137 ecostkta H. K. riblesi H I—I Jamaica 1793. C
sp Bot.mag.904
],:l l•J38cymf)sa
*j» vy m< >saWnL
ntu. MJ cymoae-JIwd
uunv-jn S. Amer. 1792.s.pC
11 1 3 9 l a t
139 clongata D. Don D D elongated S.Leone 1823. R
Lp Sc.han.8
111.» °*becki7t grandiflora Afx. Lp
1 1? Afcelia»<i I). Don Afzclius's or 1J my.jn R S. Leone 1824. C l.p
li,*! 'conensis J^od. Sierra Leone or 2 my.jn P S. Leone 1826. C l.p
" ' ^ vJ i l i o a a A l f . villous or ymyjn .., 1820 C l.p
fir6sflaMw/w \argdeaved or 12 S.Amer. ... C l.p

1357. MICOW,* R.&P. MICONIA. (D. Mieon, M.D., a Spanish botanist.) Melattomheea. 15. —
11144 grandifolia D. Don large-leaved " ... W Trinidad 1890. C I.p
Melastoma grandifolia //. C.
11145 rubescens D. Don rubescent W S. Amer. 1818. C Lp
11146 tenui folia D. Don fine-leaved S. Amer. 1818. C I.p
11147 angustata D. Don narrow w
W Trinidad 1820. C l.p
11148 impctioKins D. Don aca&ile-leavcd W W. Indies 1822. C I.p Bon. mon. 29
11149 decusshta D. Don decussate W Guiana 1818. C l.p Aub.gui. 1.156
11150 semicrcnata D. Don half-crenated W Guadalou.1817. C l.p
11151 purpurasccnsD./toi purpurasccnt W Jamaica 1817. C l.p
11152 longiftlia G. Don Ions-leaved W Guiana 1817. C l p Aub. gui. 1.170
11153 prasina G. Don lock-green W Guiana 1817. C l.p Aub.gui. 1.159
Mclastoma lsvigaU Aub.
11154 trintfrvia D Don three-nerved W Jamaica 1795. C Lp
Mcl&toma trinervis W.
21155 tetraudra D. Don tutrandrous SlQor 2 ... Jamaica 1815. C Lp
Mclastoma tetrsindra Swz.
11156 AcinodendronZJ.Mw* Acinodcndronil • or 6 P Jamaica 1804. C Lp PL ic. 142.2
Mclastoma Aoinodcndron L.
11157 purpurasccns/>./)u» purpurascent Si • or 8 P Guiana 1804. C Lp Aub. gui. 1.154
Mclastoma purpdrca IV. purpurascens Aub.
11158 losvigata D. Don smooth StQor 6 W.o a Amer. 1815. C s.p Botreg.663
Melastoma loevigata L.
1356. CHITO^NI A D. Don CHITONIA. (Chiton, a coat of mail; calyx scaly.)^ Mclastomhcca. 5.—
11159 macroph^lla D. Don long-lcavcd " 'W M
Trinidad 1820. P
11160 pyramid<ilis G. Don pyramidal W Trinidad 1817. !Lp
MclAstoma pyramidal is Desf.
11161 fflbicans D.Don while-leaved « Q o r 10 W Mexico 1815. C Lp
Mela&toma albicans Swz.
11162 Fothcrgilla I). Don Fothcrgill's ± • or 20 ... a Amer. 1815. C s.p Aub. gui. 1.175
Mclastoma Fothcrgilla Rich. Fothergilla mir£bilis Aub.
11163 Tamonia G. Don Tamonia i • or 12 W. Indies 1815. C s.p
Mclastoma Tamhnia Swz. Swartziiina Spr.
1359. CLIDI?MIi* D. Don CLIDEMIA. (C/idcmii, an ancient Greek botanist) Melastomaeete. 12. —
11164 llcgans D. Don elegant Si • or J^ W Maranh. 1822. C s.1 Aub. gui. 1.167
Melustoma elcgans Aub.
11165 spicata D. Don spiked • Guiana 1823. C p.l Aub. gui. 1.165
111(>6 agrestis D. Don field Guiana 1822. C p.l Aub. guL 1.166
111U7 cernua D. Don drooping Peru 1820. C p.l
Mclastoma cernua Bonp.
11168 microphylla D. Don small-leaved Si CD or ] W a Amer. 1817. C p.l
11169 holosericea D. Don velvety A Q o r 4 W Brazil 1820. C p.l Pink. am. 252.2
11170 aliita G. Don winged s l ^ o r 4 W Maranh. 1819. C p.l Aub. gui. 1.158
Melastoma alata Aub.
11171 nfvea D. Don snow-white-/wfsl • or 4 W S. Amer. 182a C p.l Bon. mon. 44
11172 aggrcgata 2). Don aggregate SI • or 1£ jl au W Peru 1820. C p.l
11173 velufina D. Don velvety S t Q o r 2 W W. Indies 1816. C p.l
Mclastoma vcluAna W. n
11174 hlrta D. Don hairy H Q o r 6 s.d P Jamaica 1740. C s.p 264.1
Molastoma hlrta L. n
11175 rdhra G. Don red si • or 6 my.jn P Guiana 1793. C s.p Aub. gui. 1.161
Melastoma rubra L.
1360. PLERCPMA D. Don PLEROMA. (Pleroma, fulness; the cells of capsule.) Melastotndcea. 5.—-
11176 heteromalla D. Don heleromallous • • o r 4 jl.s P Brazil 1819. C Lp Bot.reg.644
Melastoma heteromalla B. R.
11177 granulosa D. Don granulous il • or 10 au.s P Brazil 1819. C p.l Bot.reg.G71
Mdastoma grauulosa Dcso. 7?hexia Fontanesii Kth.
11178 vimfnea D. Don twiggy il C J o r 6 P Brazil 1821. C s.p Bot.reg.664
jRhexia vimfnea B. R.
11179 holosoricea D. Don velvety si • or 10 jl B Brazil 1816. C p.l Bot.rcg.32S
Ahcxia holosericea Bonp.
11180 glomerkta G. Don headed * Q o r l|jl B W. Indies 1818. C p.l
Rhtxia. glomerata Lod.
1361. TOCOSCA Aub. TOCOCA. (TOCOCO. its name in Guiana.) Melastomhceee. 2.
11181 AubRtii D. Don Aublet's * • or 3 au.s Pa.K Guiana 1826. C p.l Aub. gui. 1.174
guianensis Aub. Melastoma physiSphora Vahl
11182 TnnMaD. Don woolly • • or 3 au.s Yf Trinidad 1817. C p.l
Melastoma lanata H. C.
* 1362. ACIO v riS D.Don ACIOTIB. (Akis, a point, ous, an ear; petals.) Mclastomhcete. 8.
11183 discolor D. Don various-colored * • or I jl.s W . R Trinidad 1816. C p.l PI. ic.48
Melastoma discolor L.
1U84 aquatica D. Don aquatic «. • pr f jn.jl W . R a Amer. 1793. C bog Aub. gui. 1.169
JZnexia aquatica L. Melastoma aquatica Aub.
1363. MERIAVN^ Swz. JAMAICA ROSE. (M. S. Merian, authoress of a work on insects.) Melastomheex. 3.
111H5 leucantha Swx. white-flowered il • or 6 ... W Jamaica 1825. C p.l
11186 purpurea Swx. purple il^or 6 ... P Jamaica 1825. C p.l
11187 coccinea Swx. scarlet • • or 6 ... S Jamaica 1818. C p.l
1364. PETALONMA Swx. PETALOMA (Petalon, petal,lama, fringe; petals in calyx teeth.) Melattomhce*. 9.
U1188 myrtilloides Swz. Bilberry-like • • < * 10 ... W . Y W. Indies 1823. C p.l Si. jam. 187. 3
(11189 Mour\ri Swz. Mourin * Q o r 3 jl.s W Guiana 1817. C p.1 Aub. gui. 1.180
Mouriri guianensis Aub.
,1365. ACISANTHE X RA J. ACISANTIIERA. (Akis, point, anthera, anther; anthers pointed.) MelastomA-
11190 quadrkta Pcrs. squared siricu 3 Jamaica 1804. C p.l Br. jam. 22.'!
Ahcxia•Acisanf" "
Acisanthcra L.
1366. DA^IS L. DAIB. (Derivation unknown.) ThymelaP*. 1.— 3.
11191 cotinifolia Z. Cotinus-leaved si i_J or 10 jn.jl W.o C. G. H. 1776. C s.l Bot mag. m
1367. BUCPDA L. OLIVE BARK TREE. (SOUS, an ox; fruit like an ox'a horn) Combrethefa. 1. — 4.
11192 £uceras L. Ox's horn j p e c 25 au.s Y.w Jamaica 1793. C l.p 356
,1368. SAMrDA L. SAMVDA. (Greek name of the birch; resemblance.) Samydetv. 8. —15.
11193 glabrata Sivz. smooth • Dor 6 jl.i W W. Indies 1800. C l.s
JJ194 villtaa Sura. villous • •or fi JLi W W. Indies lttffl. C l.s
11195 decurrens Spr. decurrcnt • •or 5 ... G Brazil J820. C s.l
11196 pubdscens L. pubescent • Dor 4 W W. Indies 1793. C l.p Jac. am. 132
JJI97 serrulata L. serrulate 3 jl W W. Indies 1723. C s.p Jac. c. 2.17.1
11198 ruaea H.K. rose-colored 4 jn.jl Pk W. Indies 1793. C s.p Bot.mag.550
11199 nitida L. glossy W~o W. indies 1793. C l.p Br.jam. 23.3
11200macrophflla TV. long-leaved E. Indies 1820. C s.1
viridiflora Pair.
iiSP 1 CftSEA«?W branchflwd
- («/Co*caniM,cooperatorinHortusMalabaricu8.) Samjdeof. 6 . - 2 3 .
»Qor 4 ... Y.o Guiana 1824. C s.1 Aub. gui. 1.127
11201 ramiflbra Vahl branch.flwd
Irouctina guiancnsis Aub.. S. Amer. ISI& C 8.1 Sl.jam.2.211.2
11202parvifloraJF. smJl-flowered « • or 6 ... Y.o Martiniq. 1827. C s.1 Jac am. 85
11203 parvif&ha IV. small-leaved « D o r 6 ... Y.a
decandra Jac. Jamaica 1823. C s.l
}!Xf huiylv ? stri85lW! - wood
*CZ)or 8 ... Y.o Jamaica 1825. C 8.1
J ! 2 £ r s u t a Swz. hairy • • o r 8 ... Y.o Jamaica 1818. C s.l
11206serrulataSwz. serrulate iiQor 6 ... Y.o
iiIS 0 * AQUILA'RIA L. AQUILARIA. (Aquila, an eagle; called Boisd'Aigleby Fr.colonists.) Samf/dea. 1.—2.
11207 malaccensis Lam. Malacca •Cjor 6 ... W.o Malacca 1823. C l.p Cav. dis. 7.224
ovata Cav.
iil? 7 1 ' CERATOPETALUM Sm. CERATOPETALUM. (Keras, a horn, petaton, a petal.) CunoniUcear. 1.
11208 gummiferum Sm. gum-bearing £ L_J or 50 ... Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.1 Sm. n. h. 1.3
i J? 7 2 - BAR W I ' N / J 4 Rud. DARWINIA. {Dr. Darwin, author of the Botanic Garden, a poem.) Myrtucea:. 2.
J1209 fasciculiito Bud. fascicled * i _ J o r 29 my.jl ... N. Holl. 1820. C s.p.1 Lin. tr. 11.22
H210 foxifblia Cun. Yew-leaved • i_J or 29 my.jl ... N. Holl. 1824. C s.p.l



,1373. ROYE%Ni! L.
11211 lucida L.
J1212 villbsa L.
JJ2J4 »iyrtif6Iia Myrtle-leaved _Jor W C.G. H. 1800. C Up
J121S glibraZ. smooth i\ | or 4 s W C. G.H. 1731. C l.p Com. h. 1.155
H216 pubdscens W. en. pubescent n lor 4 W.o CG.H. 1752. C l.p Bot.reg.500
11o ,.,cuneSita Poir.
}J27 hirsiita L. hairy-leaved 7 W CG.H. 1752. C p.1 Lara.iL370.2
}}2 8 angustifWia TV. narrow-leaved W C. C. H. 1789. C p.1
Jgjglrtlfclla broad-leaved lor 5 jnjl W CG.H. 1816. C s p
ambiguous 6 jnjl W CG.H. 1815. C p.T Ven.mal.17
"221 polyandra W. polyandrous i l_j or 6 W CG.H. 1774. C p.1
lisX 4 "mToIn*1A'NTHEMAZ.
TRIANTHEMA. (Treis, three, antJicmon, fl.; flowers by threes.) Portuldeear. 3.-12.
Ii9oi $yna/'- monogynous - * O w 2 G Jamaica 1710. S co Dec pi. 109
lio©;fdecandraZb decandrous -* ED w G India 1762. S co Bur. in. 51.3
'"attobcortutta/fox. obcordate -* O cu 1 G EL Indies 1820. S co
1 IOSI - A ' N T H U S L. KNAWEL. {Skleros, hard, anthos, flower; dry juiceless calyx) Paronychiiar. 3—5.
J{**5annuus2,. annual O un | G Britain s a . f l . S c o Eng. bot 351
i iS(" pcrennis L. perennial -* A, un i au.s G Britain sa. hea, D co Eng. bot. 352
"287 pungent A. A*. pungent O cu i j l . a u G N. Holl. 1826. S s.l
PACHYNE^M A B. Br. PACIIYNEMA. (Pachys, thick, nema, a filament; stamens.) Dillenidcea?. 1.
comptenhtum Ii.Br. fat-branched tL|_Jor l) N. Holl. 1825. C s.l Del. ess. 1.73
y*<TN L. CUNOXIA. (J. C. Cuno, of Amsterdam, in 1750.) Cunonihcea. 1.—2 ?
capgnsis L. Cape ! l _ J o r 20 au W C G . H . 1816. C co Botreg.826
L. HYDRANGEA. (Hydor, water, aggos, a vessel; seed-vessel.) Saxifragesf 6 . - 8 .
112S1^ arborescent A or 6 W.a Virginia 1736. L p.1 Bot. mag. 437 '
heart-leaved tt or 8 W.G Carolina 1806. L p.l Den. br. 42
enovf-white-ieavedSH or 5 W.o Carolina 1786 L p.1 Den. br. 43
no** ,.••«».•<•. ii—wPm Don heteromallous
f Ha 2 flr
or 4 ... W.o Nepal 1821. C
l l i t ?or5n " AM.
c ' '- Oak-leaved or 4 jn.s W.o Florida 1803. C Bot. mug. 975
U235 hortensis Karden or 3 ap.s Pk China 1788. C Bot. mag. 438
Hortensia opuloldcs Lam.
L. GOLDEN M i r H j E . (Chrysos, gold, spfen, spleen; med. qunUSaxtfriigea?. 3.
alternitlui/^ alternatclvd
altematc-lvd tf i* YY
opposiUfohuini. om>ositc-leavedtf j | A cucu i Y
Britain w.sli.p. 1) bog Eng. bot. 54
Britain D bog Eng. bot 490
nepaleiisc D. Don Nepal J| or } Y Nepal 1820. D bog
>. SAXI'FRAGA L. SAXIFRAGE. (Saxum, stone, frango, to break; mod. qual.) Saxtfr<lge<e 92—134.
liguftta Wai. ligulatc £ ^ or i ap.jn W . R Nepal 1821. D p.1 Bot cab. 747
Mogasea cihata Haw.
crassiffilia L. thick-leaved j£ A or 1 mr.myP Siberia
heart-leaved £ ^ or 1 P Siberia 1//9. D s.1

11242 media Haw. intermediate 1 apjn P Britain moun. D co

11243 hirsota L. hirsute 1 myjn F Ireland ir.mou. 1) s 1 Eng. bot. 2322
11244 Geum/,. Geum 1 jnjl W Ireland ir.mou. 1) 8.1 Eng. bot 1561
11245 dcntata /,*. toothed myjn W Britain moun. D co
11246 crcnata /tow. crenated myjn W 1796. D co
11247 sphserofdea Haw. spheroidal myjn F 1800. D co
1124Sumbrusa£. shady London pride £ A or apjn F Britain moun. D s.1 Eng. bot. 663
11249 punctata L. my.jn W Siberia 1699. D s.1 M.h.3.9.17
11250 politaZ,*. polished £ A or myjn W Ireland moun. D co
11251 cuneifulia L. wedge-leaved £ A or n » j W.a Switzcrl. 1768. 1) s.1
Dahurian £ A or W Siberia 1809. D p.s W.&K.1.44
2 davorica D. Don Piedmont 1810. D co
11252 htfbrida Lk. hybrid £ A or W
11233 itellaris L. starry W Britain al. riv. D s.l
2 Schielcheri D. Don Sch'leicher's £ A or W Switzerl. 1819. D p.s, Eng. bot 167
11254 dissimilis O. Don dissimilar £ A or B ijnjl W BenNcvis al.rlv. D s.1
11255/eucanthemifulia Ate. Stock-leaved £ A or f Jn W N. Amcr. 1812. D p.s
1125t)sarmentowiL. twiggy 1U _AI or 1 jnjl W.R China . 1771. D s.1 Bot mag. 92
11257 cuscutlf6Tmi» Lod. Dodder.formedJU _AJ pr i jn.jl W China 1815. D s.1 Bot. cab. 186
11258 critaaFh. gnawed W.Y N. Amer. 1812. D s.1
2 lurstita D. Don hairy W.v N. Amer. 1800. D s.p
11259 rotundifolia L. round-leaved W.R Austria 1596. D s.1 Bot mag. 424
2 rcpanda D. Don repand W Caucasus 1800.. D s.p Stcr. sax. 17.5
11260 gran ulataL. gram-rooted W Britain mepa. D .i.l Eng. bot 500
2 plena w D s.l
11261 bulbifera L. bulb-bearing w S. Europe 1819. I) p.s Col. cc. 1.317
Siberian w Siberia 1802. D a.l Stcr. sax. 25
11263 ctfrnuaL. drooping w Scotland sc. alp. I) 6.1 Eng. but. 661
11264 rivularisZ. brook w Scotland sc. alp. D s.l Eng. bot 2275
1126.1 Acilcracea L. Ivy-leaved w Levant 1752. S 8.1
England tu. bo. I) s.l
Fl. gr. 379
Eng. bot. 1009
11266 HirculusL. Hirculus Y
WilTl ilagcllaris Ster. rod-like Y Greenl. 1819. 1) s.p Ster. sax. 6
11268 flizoldesZ. A izoon-likc Y Britain al.riv. D s.1
119h9aiitiimn\lls£. autumnal Y Britain ... D s.1 Eng. bot. 39
11270 teWsBicb. smooth W Canary 1826. D s.1
]1271bronchiMisL. bronchial Crca Siberia 1819. D s.p Gm. si. 4.65.8
11272 sispcraL. rough W Switzcrl. 1752. D 8.1 Jac. au. 5.31
11273 tenella Wul. delicate rough W Cariuthia 1819. 13 s.p Jac. c. 3.17
H274 6ryoldcsZr. Bryum-like ijnjl SwitzcrL 1752. Jac. m. 2.5.1
11275 Aieracifi.haJH/. Hawkwced-lvd £ A or myjn w Hungary 1789. D s.1 W. & K. 1.18
11276 semipubescens Swt. semi-pubesccnt£ A or myjn Lu N. Amer. 1800. I) s.p
11277 pcnntiylvanica L. PennsVlvanian £ A or 1} my jn G.Y N. Amer. 1732. D s.f Di.cL253.328
smooth £ A or 2 apjn G.Y N. Amer. 1732. 1) s.p
11278 virgin iensis Mx. Virginian £ .Al or i myjl G.v N. Amer. 1790. 1) 8.1 Bot. mag. 1664
N. Amcr. 1812. D s.1
11279 congesta Haw. hea\ted-Jlwd £ AI or e myjl W
nivMis Ph. W
11280 nivMis L. snowy W Britain scalp. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 440
11281 Cotyledon L. Cotyledon W.n Alp. Eur. 15%. D s.1 Fl. dan. 241
11282 lingulata BeL tongue-leaved W Switzerl.
S t l 18001800. ~
D s.1
" Lap. sax. 11
2 inertia D. Don intermediate __ Carniola 1800. D s.1 Ster. sax. 1. a
11283 crustata Vest crustaccous-rrfgo/ £ A or Switzcrl. 1800. U s.1 Ster. sax. 1. b
11284 intermedia Haw. intermediate £ A or W.R I) s.l
11285 intacta IV. em. untouched A or 1 myjl W Tyrol D co H.bcr.2.75
recta Lap. or
S minor Haw. smaller £ A or 1 myjn W Alp. Eur. ... D 8.1
3 parviflora Haw. small-flowered £ A or 1 myjn W Alp. Eur. ... D s.1
11286 Aizbon Mur. Aizoon £ A 1 my.jl W Alp. Eur. 1731. D 6.1 Jac. au. 5.438
11287 mutataL. changed £ A or ftjnjl L.Y Switzerl. 1779. D s.1 Bot. mag. 351
11288 oppositifblia L. opposite-leaved £. A oror ft mr.ap P Britain al. roc. D s.l Eng. bot. 9
11289 binora All. t*ro-fivt& red JL. A ft myjn P Switzerl. 1820. D p.s Al. ped. 21.1
11290 retusa Gou. . rctuse JL. A or ft myjn P Piedmont 1826. D p.s Lap. sax. 18
11291 cassia L. i myjn P.v Switzcrl. 1752. D 8.1 Bot. cab. 421
11292 diapcnsioidcs Bel. grey £ A or i apjn W SwitzerL 1825. D s.p A I. ped. app.3
11293 aretioldes Lap. Diapensia-like £ A P' ft myjl Y Switzcrl. 1826. D p.s Lap. sax. 13
11294 Burscriana L. Arctia-like £ AA 1 mrjn Crea Carniola 1826. D p.s Ster. sax. 10.1
11293 androsacea L. Burscr's £ A A or imyjn W Austria 1792. D 8.1 Jac. au. 4.389
11296 sedoldes L. Androsacc/vtf £ A or i myjn Y Europe 1820. D p.s Jac. m. 2. 21.22
11297 tenera Suter Sedum-like £ A or ft myjn Crea Switzerl. 1819. D p.s Al. ped. 61.2
11298 gcranioildes Z. tender £ A or ft W Pyrenees 1770. D si Lap. sax. 43
11299i Crane's-bill-lk £ A or 1 jnjl W Tauria 1817. S p.s Bieb.ros.2.73
11300 pedatlflda Ehrh. plashy £ Q> or ftmyjn W Scotland scalp. D s.1 Eng. bot 2278
11301 quinqudflda Haw. pedatifid £ A or ft myjn W Britain moun. I) s.1
11302 visebsa Haw. flve-clcft £ A or I my jn W D s.l
clammy i myjn W Pyrenees 1H15. D s.1 Lap. sax. 40
ft my jn W Spain 1804. D s.1 Bot mag. 1651
1 myjn W 1825. D si
11506 ajugifulia L. Bugle-leaved 1 jnjl W Pyrenees 1770. D 8.1 Lap. sax. 31
11307 affinia D. Don kindred ft myjn W D s.1
laeVis Bonn
11308 hfrta Donn hairy £ A or 1 jn W Scotland scalp. D s.1 Eng. bot. 2291
11309 platypetala Sm. broad-petaled £ A or 1 jn W Scotland alroc. D s.l Eng. bot 227C
11310 dcclpicns Ehrh. deceptive £ A or ft myjn W Wales wal.p. D 8.1 Eng. bot 455
palmata Sm. Steinberg's £ A 1 my W Germany ... D s.1 Ster. sax. 24
11312 incurvifulia D. Don incurved-lvd £ A \ myjn W Ireland rocks. D s.1
11313 denudata D. Don stripped £ A i myjn W Scotland cmo. D s.l
11314 pulchllla D. Don pretty £ A ft myjn W Germany 1818. D s.l
11315 tridentata D. Don three-toothed £ A ft myjn W D 8.1
11316 moschata Wul. musky £ A ft myjn L.Y Pyrenees ... D s.1 Lap. sax. 37, #
musco^des Ster.
11317 muscoules Wul. Moss-like £ A ft myjn Pa.Y Switzcrl. 1819.' D s.l Lap. SAX. 35
, _ , moschata With.
JJ3J8 tricuspidata Rib. tricuspidate £ A ft myjn Y Greenl. 1824. D s.l Fl. dan. 976
11919 pygmae^a Haw. pygmy £ A ft myjn W.Y Scotland scalp. D s.1 Eng. bot. S2J*
11320 tridactylltes L. three-flngered O w \ W Britain walls. S s.1 Eng. bot 501

11321 contraversa Ster. contrary-turned O or 4 myjn W S. Europe 1824. S s.l Ster. sax. 16
U322petncNaZ. rock O or * W Norway 1752. 8 s.l Jac. ic. 1.81
11323 adsccndens Vahl ascending £ ^ or i ray W Pyrenees 1752. D s.l Ster. sax. lft 1,8
aqu.itica Lap.
11324 luiiceolata Haw. upcar-bracted f ^ or 4 myjn W Europe 1800. D s.1
2 obtuna Haw. obtuse £ A or i myjn AV Europe 1820. D s.l
11325 l e p t o p h y l l a Pen. fine-leaved £ A or 4 myjn W Wales moun. D s.1
2 angustifidaD/Jon narrow-cleft £ A or 4 myjn W Wales moun. D s.1
11326 condensata Gm. dense £ A or 4 my.jn VV Scotland c. mo. D s.1 Fl.bad.2.3
11327 ketevircns i ) . Uojt lively green £ A or
4 myj» w Scotland c. mo. D e o
11328 Aypmiides L. Moss-like £ A or 4 ap.jn W Britain d.roc. D co Eng. bot 45*
2 viscusa Hort. clammy £ A °rr 4 nivJn w Scotland moun. D co
3 angustifuliu Hort. narrow-leaved j£ A ° i my jn W Scotland moun. D co
4 muscosa D. Dun mossy £ A or 4 my.jn W Scotland moun. D co
5 pulchella D. Don pretty £ A or 4 my.jn W Scotland inoun. D co
11329 cespitosa L. turfy £ A °r 4 myjn C Wales w.alp. D si,794
11330 exarata VUl. engraved £ A or 4 my.jn W S. Europe 1S18. D B.I VH. del. 4.45
11331 granlandia H. K. Greenland £ A or 4 jl W Pyrenees 1732. D 8.1 Lap. sax. 19
11332 elongella Sm. longish-stalked £ A or 1 W Scotland sc. alp. D s.1 Eng. bot 2277
*1381. TIARE'LLA L. TIARELLA. {Tiara, a Persian diadem; mitred capsule.) Saxtfrdge*. 3. —J.
11333 cordifolia L. heart-leaved £ A or * W N. Amer. 1731. D s.p Hot. mag. 1589
11334 Menzitsii Ph. Mcnzies's £ A or°r 1 ap.iny W N. Amer. 1812. 1) s.p
11335 polyphylla D. Don many-leaved £ A 1 W
Nepal 1U20. D p.l
* 1382. MITE'LLA X. MITELLA. (Dimin. of mitra, a mitre; capsule.) „„&*&**&*. *•—
11336 diphylla L. two-leaved £ Apr 4 W N.- Amer. . . - . . ~- pr.-- B o t -—?--
A m e r 1731<
11337 cordifolia Lam. heart-leaved 5 A pr 4 apmy W N. Amer. 1812. D p.1 373.3
11338 niidaL. naked £ Apr W N. Amer. 1758. D p.l Lam. IL 373.2
„ reniformis Lam. N. Amer. 1818. D p.l
11339 prostrata Ms. prostrate or 4 W

*1383. ASTI'LBE Ham. ASTILBB. (A intensive, htness.)

stilbe, brightness.)
jnsive, stii Saxtfrdg
Saxtfrdge*. 1._.—2..
11340 decandra D. Don decandrous A
A or
or S2 myjn W Carolina Carolina 1812. D~ s.p Ven.mal.54
Tiarella biternata Ven.
11341 Struthium L. Sti
JJ342 fastigiata L. peaked
}W43cdinii*« hill 2 W Podolia 1821. S p.l
J1344 arenkna sand W Hungary 1801. S p.1 W.&K.41
}\3*5 i Mur. clammy w Levant 1773. S p.l Mur. 3
J346 ten^lU Poir. delicate
14 jnjl w Europe 1816. S p.1
JJ3+7 altissima L. tallest 1 st Siberia 1759. S p.1
11348 grandittura Poir. great-flowered
w 1800. S p.1
perfoliate F Spain 1732. S p.1 Di. el. 276
}}J«PerfoliataL. 2 'lauria 1817. S p.1
11350 sabultat Stev. sandy W
, . „ icorzoneridYui Detf. perfolikU Bieb. W.G Siberia 1820. S co
'{351 acutifolia Fa. acute-leaved 3
pamcled 4 jnjl W Siberia 1759. S p.l Jac. au. 5. ap. 1
11352 paniculdta L. W S. Europe 1WK). S p.1
J1353 adscendens Jae. ascending «fc , 2
}l354glafica«tfw. glaucous ^ , W Caucasus 1822. S co
Ji^5 l S grassy 3 , 1 R
1 jn.s
Greece 1810.
Crimea 1828.
co Sen. rao.21
Bieb. elegant <
>teveni FIB. Steven's ^ , 2 W Iberia 1822. S co
Jjagrtgensi. 9 St Siberia 1774. S p.1 Bot mag. 1448
creeping ^ iJ-
1 W Crete 1810. S p.1 FLgr.384
?1359 cretica 5m. Cretan Sk
>lia Bieb. fine-le.ived ^[ 1 R Caucasus 1824. S p.1
doulitful ^f 1 my.s W 1815. S p.1
JJ62 prostraU L trailing -* I Jl.s R Siberia 1759. S p.l Bot mag. 1281
} ««3 muralia L. wall *jn.o F Germany 1739. S s.1 Lam. iL 375.1
11364 serdtlna fV. Ute-flowering 1 au.s W Europe 1818. S p.l
iliHiS glomerata Pall. glomerate £V 1 Pa.R Tauria 1818. S p.l
113H6 A'axifraga L. Saxifrage -* JjLau Pk Germany 1774. S p.1 Ex. bot S. 90
H367 rigida X. rigid -* 4 Pk France 1769. S B.1
* 1385. SAPONA X RIA L. SOAPWOBT. (Sapot mucilaginous sap.) Caryopftfllece. 10. —17.
1IC68 VaccariaZ,. Cow-herb O or 2 Pk Germany 1596. S s.l
11:309 perfoliata Rot. perfoliate - ~ KIndies 1800. S co
11-370 officinklis L. ollicmal England hed. D co Eng. bot 1060
2 pltna double ... D co
11371 orymoldes L. Basil-like France 1768. Bot. mag. 154
11J72 glutinosa Bieb.
\\oTi purrigens L.
1680. Jac
Bieb. cen. 2.66
vin. 2.109
\ J374 orientals L. eastern Levant 17J2. S s.p 8.1 Di. el. 167.204
11375 ctrspitusa Dec. turfy Pyrenees 1824. D s.p Dec. ic 2
J1-J76 ICitea L. yellow 4 Switzerl. 1804. D s.p Al.ped.23.1
HJ77 6 Daisy-leaved Italy 1825. D b.p
DI A'NTHUS L. PINK. (DKW, divine, anthot, fl.; magnificence, fragrance.) Caryoi i/lear. 93. —135.
riufer L.
J1378pr61ifer L. uroliferoua
proliferous n o r i Pk EnelandEngland p.l SE p.f Eng. bot. 956
S. Europe 1771. S p.1
H32rt c i i m i n J i t l » L> sma\\-fiawered England grapa. S p.1 Eng. bot 317
11380 Armcric L. Armeria New Jersey 18<26. S co
11381 armcrio\des Rafi. Armeria-like Greece 1820. S s.1 397
11382 pubescens Sm. pubescent O or Crimea 1820. S pi Bot mag. 2288
H'383 Pseud- Armeria Bieb. False Armcria £ Caucasus 1803. S s.1 Bot mag. 1168
11384 discolor Sims various-colored £ Germany 1573. S r.m Bot mag. 207
11385 barbatus L. bearded SweetwUliam ' Siberia 1826. S p.1
11386 dentatus Ft*. toothed 1817. S B.1
i i S aggregatus Poir. aggregate C s.1 Sw. 6. gar. 2
**588 latifolius IV. broad-leaved China" 1804. C p.1 Thun. jap. 83
1 }S? J*p6nicus Thun. Japanese 1823. C p.1
\\m cephalbtes Ser. headed Caucasus 1822. C p.1
^1 capitatus Dec. headed
atrorubeni Bieb. N

11392 polymorphus Bieb multiform £ A or 1 jn.o R Crimea 1823. C p.l

2 dibtimiB Kit. day.flowering £ A or 1 Jn.o R Hungary 1816. C p.l
11393 Balblsii Scr. Balbth's £ A P* I jl R Genoa 1817. C s.l
glaucophjfllus Horn.
11394 ferruginous L. rusty £ Q> or I1 jl.s Ur Italy 1750. S p.l Mil. ic. 1.81.1
11395 Carthusianorum L. Carthusians' jf ^ or JJ R Germany 1573. C 8.1
11396 atrorubcns All. dark-red £ A or 1 jU C Italy 1802. C B.I Jac. ic.3.467
11397 arbfiscula B. 11. little tree «L_Jpr R China 1824. C p.l Bot.reg.103G
11398 arboreus L. tree n. | or li Pk Greece 1820. C s.l
11399 fruticosus L. shrubby or lijn-s Pk Greece 1815. C r.m To. it. 1.9
11400 suflVuticoaus TV. half-shrubby or li jnjl Pk Siberia 1804. C p.l
11401 carolinianus Walt. Carolina £ .AJ or I jn.s P N. Amcr. 1811. C r.m
11402 ruplcola Bieb. rock-inhabiting£ A or 1 jnjl 11 Italy 1820. C 8.1 Fl.nap.39
Bisignu/it Ten.
11403 caryophylluiidcs Schult. Clove-like R ...... 1817. C s.1
11404 asper W. rough-statled Pk SwitzerL 1822. C 8.1
scalier Sent.
11405 coinnus IV.icK hill fjl.e W Hungary 1800. C 8.1 Par. Ion. 62
11406 scrratus Lap. serrated 1 jl.s Pk Pyrenees 1827. C s.l
11407 campdstris /%£. field 1 W . R Tauria 1815. C s.l Rot. mag. 1876
11408 alpestris Balb. ij.ijl R Ebrope 1817. C 8.1 Bal.mis.7.1
11409 nftidus IV.SfK. alpine 1 K Carpath. 1822. C 8.1
11410 diffhsus Sib. shining 11 Cyprus 1820. C 8.1
11411 attenuates Sm. diffuse § jn.jl 11 Spain 1822. C 8.1 Brotph.2.73
11412 hirtus /'#/. attenuated 1 U Trance 1821. C 8.1
11413 gutt\tus Bieb. hairy 1 jl.8 R Caucasus 1816. C s.l
spotted 1 jnjl P Siberia 1817. C s.1
11414 pallidiflurus &r. palc-flowercd
pal lens Bieb.
11415 vcrsicolor /•'*». changcablc-cld £ R.Y Russia 1823. C s.l
11416 pratlnsis Bieb. meadow £ 1 jl.3 W.v Crimea 1820. C 6.1
ochrolc&cus Lie.
11417 chinensis /,. China £ <3 or 1 jls R China 1713. S r.m Bot mag. 28
11418 montanus Bieb. mountain £ A or * jn.s R Caucasus 1803. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1162
11419 C.iryoph?llus L. Clove __ A or 2 F England walls. C rm Eng. bot. 214
2 flore pleno double Carnation £ A or 2 C England -. C r.m Bot. mag. 39
3 fruticusus shrubby Carnation £ A or 3 C England ... C r.m
4 imbricatus imbricated Wheat-car £ A orr li F England ... C r.m Bot. mag. 1662
11420 glaucophyllus i/.C. gglaucous-lvd _ £ A° l R 1827. L CO
11421 sylvcstns Jac.
virgincus Sims
wild £ A or \ jSjl R S. Europe 1732. C 8.1 Bot mag. 1740
11422 longicaulis Ten. long-stcmmed £ A or 1 jnjl W Italy 1820. C 8.1
U42J suavfeolcns Spr. sweet-smelling £ A } 3nj| W ...... 1820. C s.1
Poirct's £ A or 1 jn.jl P 1816. C s.1
2 flore pleno double-flwd £ A or P Greece 1820. C s.l
11425 LiboschitzftiniaScr. Liboschitz's £ A or ilnjl w Tauria 1817. C s.1
11426 monadSphus Ven. monadelphous £ A or 1 jnjl W.Pk Levant ... C s.l Ven.cels39
procumbens Pers.
11427 sylvaticus Hoppe wood A or lijn.s R Ratisbon 1815. S p.l
11428 pomeridiknus L. afternoon A or 1 jnjl Y Levant 1804. C s.1 Par. Ion. 57
finc-prtalcd A or lijl W Caucasus 1K14. C s.1 Bot. mag. 1739
3 picptoiictaluB
K W. pungent A o°rr 1 au.o Pk Spain 1781. C s.1
11431 divaricatus Urv. divuncate Aor 1 jnjl P Greece 1822. C s.1
11432 bicolor/&•&. two-colored A or 1 jn.jl Pk Tauria 1816. C s.l
11433 furcXtus Balb. forked A 1 jn.jl P.* Piedmont 1619. C s.1 Bal.mis.7.2
11434 virgincus L. . . virgin
true A or 1 jnjl R Montpel. 1816. C s.l Di. el. 385
pCingens Poir. rupestris L.
11435 dclto^dcs /,. deltoid £ A or I jn.o F Britain gra. pa. Eng. bot 61
C 8.1
114.% glaucus L. glaucous-/aivai£ A or i jn.o W Britain gra. pa. Di. el. 29a 348
C 6.1
11437 Ayssopifulius Hort. Hyssop-like f Apr ft jn.o Pk Europe J810. S co
114J8crcnatus Thun. crenated £ ^Al or 1 au F C. G. II. 1817. C s.1 Bot reg. 256
or C s.1
11439 marginatus Poir. bordered £ A or 1 jnjl W S. Europe 1820.
11440 rigidus Bieb. rigid £ A or R Casp. Sea 1802. C s.l
11441 clavatus Spr. clavate £ A 1 jn.o C s.1
11442 suavis W. sweet £ A or 1 jn.o Pa.Pk "".'.' .".' C 8.1
11443 caeVius Sm. grey £ A or * jnjl F Britain rocks. C 8.1 Eng. bot. 62
11444 alplnusL. alpine £ A or R Austria 1759. C s.1 Bot mag. 1205
£ A or S. Europe 1820. C s.1
11W5 glacials Hae
ncglcctus Lok
11446 tiner Balb. tender £ A or R Alp. Eur. 1817. C s.l Bal.mis.7.3
11447 Horncmaiin* Scr. Ilorncmann's £ A or R Italy ... C 8.1
fure-Mus Horn.
11448 Stcrnb^rgii Sib. Stcrnbcrg'a A o* ijj R C s.1
11449 pctrse'us VV.&K. rock
£A A or i W Hungary 1804. C s.1 W.&K.3.222
i jn.jl Pk ...... 1804. C s.1 Bot mag. 1204
uribus maj6ribus Dee. larger.flwd£ A °r
11450 pctra3^us B M.
ibcricus W. Iberian £ A or f jnjl P Iberia 1817. C a.l
Willdcnbvii Lk.
11451 ruthenicus lioem. Russian £ A or 1 jnjl P Russia 1816. C s.1
11452 gallicus Pers. French £ A or , P
4jn.a S. France ... C s.1
11453 alhens H. K. whitish lAl or f au W C. G. H, 1787. C p.l Bot. reg. 256
11454 plumanus L. feathered £ A or W.p Europe 1629. C s.l
moachatu8 Deaf, di >ius Horn,
11455 hortensis Schr. garden £ A or 1 St Hungary 1805. C r.m
11456 sax&tilis Pers. rock £ A or i jnjl & Europe 1816. C s.l
11457 squarr68us Balb. squarrose £ A or i W Tauria 1817.
11458 Musslni Horn. Mussini's £ A or I w Caucasus 1823. C p.1 Bieb. cen. 1.33
C p.l
11459 caucdsicus Sims Caucasian A or 1 jn.s p Caucasus 1803.
11460 fragrans Art. fragrant £ A or 1 jn w Austria 1804. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 795
11461 punctatus Spr. dotted £ A or 1 jn Pa.Ii ...... C r.m Bot. mag. 2067
11462 ner6tinus W. ft K. ]&tc-Jtower$ng £ A or 1 jl.s P Hungary 1804.
11463 arenkrius L. t my P Europe C r.m Hot. cab. 896 ^
sand £ A or
11464 prostratua Jac. prostrate A or * jnjl R • C. G. H. 182*. C s.l W.&K.2J2J
11465 fimbriatus Bieb. fringed £ A or Li Iberia 1815. C s.l Bot mag. 2036
oricn&lia Suns
C s.l 3.271
C s.l Bot mag. 100
i !J25 P'umf'flus Spr. feathery * A or Jftjl.s W.Li M. Bald. ... C s.l
i . i7 monspessulanus L. Montpclicr
M t l i £ A or 1 R Montpcl. 1764, C p.l
lilSi «"Pcrl3us Z.. superb £ A or 2 jl.s VV Europe 151)6. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 897
}JjM Fischori Spr. Fischer's £ A or ] jn.jl 11 Russia 1820. C si
11*70 pulchellus Ehfh. pretty ik A or 1 jnjl W.R Siberia 1827. C u.p


. CAMPION. (A name adopted from Pliny.) CaryopJifllcte. 1.
H471 bacciferJ,. berry-bearing i ^ w 1J jn.jl W England hed. D co E»g. bot 1577
*1388. SILE^NEZ. CATCHFLY. (Sialuti, saliva ; viscid frothy moisture of stalks) Caryophpllew. 158.—227.
11472 acaulis L. stemlcss ^ pr ft Pk Britiin sc. alp. D p.l Eng. bot. 1181
2 alba w\\\tc-flower ing £ W Britain sc. alp D s.p
3 frcscapa seamless £ p ft R Switzcrl. 1819. D s.p Al.ped.79. 2
11473 pumllio 6'/iirfn dwarf ^ pr ft P Germany 182.2. D co Stur.dcu. 1. U
1474 fimbrikta Sims fringed fluid & pr 2ft" W Caucasus 1803. D s.1 Bot mag 90S
11475 lacera Sims torn 3 pr W Caucasus 1818. S co Bot mag. 2255
111^« CUcuualiM lacerus Bieb.
} HE ? tel ! ?lta w - * •tw-towni pr 1 W N. Amer. 1696. D co Bot. mag. 1107
} 4778 anmflMa A"m. inflated cu 1 mys W Britain co. fi. D co Eng. bot. 164
i it; Fu*tWoliR Sbhrank narrow-lvd or 1 W Europe 1817. 1) co Fl. nap. 37
{ 479 ovSta Ph. ovate or 1 myjl W N. Amer. 1820. D co
*{W> maritima D<r. sea cu f au.s W Britain sea sh. D s.1 Eng. not. 957
cu W Sicily 1731. S co Hoc. in. 133 92
i S l - ^ n a If. K. Faba-lcavcd un 2 jnjl W Crete J713. S co Di. el. 397.409
L Behen un 2 jn.jl p Nepal 1823. C co
iitX ***« -
11483 indica/far. Indian cu * jnjl Pk Dauria 1824. D co
84 viscaginoMcs Horn. Virago-like or 2 jnjl W Altaia 1819. 1) co
™£raminif6liaO///j Grass-leaved cu f jnjl Pk Siberia 1825. D co
Si Procfimbcns Mur. procumbent ft myjn F Portugal 1732. S co Di. el. 314.406
small-red 1 jnjl Ap 1801. S co
I IS? ilifblia Bl'b. pctallcss ft jnjl W Armenia 1824. D co
Spurrey-like W 1822. D co
S i ^ r o ^ a Moon. Gypsoplula 1 jnjl P 182J. S co
11*92 hispanica Otth fleshy ft Jnjl Crea Spain 1819. S co
Piflora Z
Paifl Spanish
Otites Per*. Otites A cu 1 Crca England gra. so. D co Eng. bot 85
l Volga A pr 1 Volga "1824. D co
small-flowered A pr 1 Hungary 179fi. D co
effuse A pr 1 jlau Volga 1823. D co
Siberian A »'u Siberia 1773. D co Hof.gotl.150.ic.
Russian A or 2 jnjl Russia 1820. S co
many-flowered Q> cu 1 Hungary 1794. S W.&K.1.5G
tall A or 3 jnjl Tauria 1819. S
Tartarian jfc 2 jnau Russia 1769. D co
gigantic j£ I 3 jnjl Africa 1738. S s.l Walt. h. 11
clammy ^ levant 1739. S co To. i t 2.361
conic England sun. fi. S s.1 Eng. bot. 932
iiSS^mofdoaL. conoid & Europe 1683. S s.l 5. 36.6
jX . W cyhndnflira O«A cylindrical-flwd^ 1 jnjl S. Europe 1824. S co
I S unduliita/f. i C vravc-ieaved tf I 1ft au C. G. H. 1775. S p.l
anghZ English * jnjl Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot 1178
Portuguese 1 jnjl Portugal 1732. S co Di. el. 311.401
three-toothed A myjn Barbary 1823. S 8.1
French 1 myjn France 1683. S s.l Di. el. 310.399
compressed 1 jnjl Valencia 1825. S co
jlal3ocymoldesJ Basil-like 1 mr.jn 1823. S co I
}l5l4disUcha W. two-rowed lftjnji 1817. S s.1 Sch. mo. 39
15!£ tW Cerastium-like f W S. Europe 1732. S s.l Di. cl. 309.397
five-wounded 1 Bd England san. fl. S co Eng. bot. 86
ifH can ariensis Spr. Canary ft jnjl W . R Madeira 1822. S co Spr. end. 3
J1518 noctfirnaL.
c night 2 Br S. Europe U183. S 8.1 Di. el. 310.400
WrlS. mcrca Desf. gre
:rey W N. Africa 1818. S co
H520 hirsutlssima R Spain 1&>1. S co
lirsutissima in*. Otth hail
laincst O or 1
Holn. fat O nr X Br.R S Europe 1818. S co
enclosed ft jnjl R 1820. S co
various-colored ftfjl R Greece 1817. S co 410
efldxa L. • reflexed ^
?m !crop«tala Dw. 1 jlau Br S. Europe 1726. D co Mag. mo. 171.ic
small, petaleil n
j m i c r f t n t ha /.*.
^"escens Ten.
minutc-flowcred U j R II
1821. S co
Portugal 1823. S co
cauescciit ^ R Naples 1822. D co
tlichotoniuiis !ft Pk Hungary 1791. S s.l W.&.K.29
in.J W Iberia 1823. S co
1ft Br ...... 1815. S co
JJ5J2 vcspertlna Retx. cveiifniT jn.jl Pk 1794. S 8.1 Jacvin. 3.81
1 533 sabulcttrum Lk. g r J l S Dit Br Barbary 1796. S co Bot mag. 677
} 534 cheiranthiftlia Schott WallOvd 1 jnjl P 1818. S co
1 535 obtusifolia W. obtuse-leaved R San Roccol821. S co
l i S 2 ?olorata Schous. colored P 1820. S co
W^V imbric\ta Desf. imbricated P Morocco 1819. S co
thick-leaved £ i^ WM , W N. Africa 1818. S co DesC at 1.98
•lender O pr 1 Br W
C. G. H. 1774. S p.l
1823. S co
Jcnisee |t A pr 1J jnjl Pk Siberia 1817. S s.1
ciliated £ A cu P Crete 1804. S s.1
pendulous O or 1 myjl R Sicily 1731. S s.1 T,ot mag. 114

11543 hfspida Desf. hispid Jn.jl Barbary 1817. S co

11544 laxiflora Bi ot. loose-flowered Spain 1820. S co
U5V> dechmbens Bernh. decumbent Spain 1823. S co
11546 secundiflbra Otth side-flowering Syria 1820. S co
11547 viscosissima Ten. clammiest Italy 1824. S to
8 longicafilis
nga o
Pou. g Spain 1818. S co
long-stemmed Alps 1822. D co
11549 quadridentata
d i d t t Dec.
D four-toothed
11550 pusilla
C f
weak h d
t Hungary 1804. D s.1 W.&K.&S1'2
11551 alpestris Jac. 1 my.jl Austria 1774. D s.1 Jac. au. 1.96
alpine 4 A un SwitzerL 1774. S s.1 Fl. dan. 4
11552 rupestns L. rock & Q> un
11553 gluucifulia Lag. Spain 1820. S co
glaucous-leaved^ Q) or
11554 parvifblia O//A small-leaved ^ CD or 1817. S co
11555 maperta L. unopcn-Jtawcred O un 2 jnjl Madeira 1732. S 8.1 Di. el. 315.407
11556 clandestine Jac hidden-flawered O un 1 jnjl C. G. H. 1801. S co Jac. c. 3. 3
11557 portensis L. Oporto O cu 1 Portugal 1759. S s.1
11558 ,4ntirrMna£. Snapdragon O un 1 jnjl N Amer. 17:12. S p.l Di. el. 313.403
11559 gemimflbra IV. twin-flowered O cu 1 injl 1816. S co
11560 flavescens W. $-K. flavescent i A Pr I jnjl Hungary 1804. D p.l W. & K. 2.175
115til /imfblia W. Flax-lcavcd O pr 1 ...... 1817. S 8.1
115f Heretical.. Cretan O pr Candia 1732. S s.l Di. el. 314.404.5
11563 divariciita Clem. divaricate O or S. Europe 1818. S co
11564 .<edoldes Jac. Scdum-like O pr Crete 1804. S co Jac. c. 14.1
U565Suxlfraga L. Saxifrage |t A cur France l(!40. D 6.1 Bot. cab. 454
11566 pctra aFK# AT. rock 5 A P Hungary 1822. 1) co
11567 ctmirfnula ftrr* heU-flowered $ A pr Piedmont 1H2J. D co Al. ped. 1.3
11568 vlscida Sor. viscid 5 3 or Carniola 1820. S co
11569 longipetala Ven. long-pctaled O pr 1 Barbary 1822. S co
11570 nutans L. nodding 3t A un 2 jnjl Britain cal. ro. D co Eng. bot 465
11571 saxatilis Sims stone ^ A cu Siberia 1800. D s.1 Bot. mag. 689
11572 livida W. 1 jnjl Carniola 1816. D a.l
livid & A pr Buical
11573 tcnuis IV. slender ik A pr 1816. D p.l
11574 quadrifldaO«A Verona 1818. S co
four-cleft ^ Q) or Spain
11575 viridiflbra L. green-flowered ^ Q) cu 1739. S p.l Her. par. 199
11576 chlorantha W. pale-flowered ^ A cu Germany 1732. D si Di. el. 316.408
11577 nicaccnsis All. Nice O or Piedmont 1820. S co Al. ped. 44.2
11078 ramosisbima De{£ branrhicst 3l Q) or Barbary 1820. S co
11579 diversit'olia 0/fA different-leaved O or 1820. S CO
U5H0 Psammltis /,*. Psammitis ^ Q) or 1818. S co
11081 cath6hca Otth universal 5 A cu Italy 1711. D co Jac. vin. 1.59
11582 elcgans £rrf. elegant O pr Portugal 1819. S co
1158J spatulata Ztteft. spatulatc Q) or Caucasus 1823. S co
11584 tenuifblia GrtA fine-leaved O or Dahuna 1820. S co
11585 ripens Pat. creeping ^t A Pr Siberia 1823. D co
11586 virginica L. Virginian ^L A or N. Amer. 1783. D p.l PI. al. 203.1
11587 Catesbef Walt Catesby's 3t A or Carolina 1810. D p.s Cat. car. 54. ic.
11588 strlcta L. upright
p O pr Spain 1802. S co
11589 muscinulaZ. flytrap Spain 1596. S p.l
11590 noctiflbra L. fght-flowering
nigh " England san. fi. S s.l Eng. bot 291
11591 ornata H.K. ornamented • C.G. H. 1774. S p.l Bot mag. 382
11592 Corsica Dec. Corsican • Corsica 1820. D co Boc. mu. 54
11593 egypt'iaca L. Egyptian Egypt 1800. S 8.1
11594 sctXcca All. silky S. Europe 1801. 8.1 Al. ped. 79.3
11595 pubescens Loi. pubescent Corsica 1818. CO W. h. b. 23
11596 picta P*r*. painted 1822. CO Sw. fl. gar. 98
11597 laevigita Sm. smooth-leaved Greece 1817. CO Fl. gr. 418
11598 bicolor 7%ore two-colored France 1820. CO Dec. ic. 42
11599 rambsa Otth branchy Crete 1820. CO 4125
ramosissima Sm.
11600 rcticulata Desf. netted O Barbary 1804. S p.l Desf. at. 1.99
11601 pcnnsylvamca Mx. Pennsylvanian k A N. Amer. 1806. I) p.l Bot. rcg. 247
11602 vallesiaZ* - Vallesian 5 A SwitzerL 1765. D s.1 A1. ped. 23.2
1160:3 frutiebsa L. shrubby « J Sicily 1629. C p.l Com. h. 33
11604 caspica Pers. Caspian Caucasus 1823. 1) co
11605 Requienii Otth
llhO6 amo?Nna L.
pleasing Jjr » " . Corsica 1823.
Tartary 1779.
D co
D p.l
D s.l Bot mag. 1997
11607 suplna Bieb. supine # Pk Caucasus
1816. S co
11608 depr£ssa Bkb. depressed
11609 i»rad6xa X. paradoxical ijnjl W Europe D p.l Jar. vin. 3.84
11610 chloracfolia Sm. Chlora-leaved 1 jl Pk Armenia 1796. D p.l Bot. mag. 807
11611 itfiliea D<v. Italian 1 au.s LY Italy 1759. S co Jac. ob. 4.7D
11612 pAtula Detf. spreading Hmyjn W Barbary 1823. D co
11613 polyph^lla L. many.leaved 1 myjn W Germany ... D p.l Cl. h. 1.290
11614 ncmoralis W.8fK. grove 1 jnjl W HungaryHungary 18S2. S co
11615 longiflora Ehrh. long-flowered 1793. D p.l W.&K.1.8
Q)cu 1 jnjl Persia 1801. S p.l To. it 154 a
11616 Auplcuro^desL. Bupleurum-lk ljl» W.&K.3.248
11617 mollissima/»«•*. softest A cu Italy 1739. D co
11618 canaCMA hoary A or i | jn.ji ** 1824. S co
11619 regia Sims royal A or U C N. Amer. 1811. D p.l Bot mag. 1724
116-JO Mociniuna Dec. Mocini's Al or I jnjl P Mexico 1H27. S co FL mcx. i c in*
11621 afcccndcns Lag. ascending O cu J myau PPk Spain 1822. S co
11622 csespitusa&ftf. turfy A pr 1 Pk Caucasus 1824. D co
11623 cordifulia AIL cordate-leaved A or i jnjl Pk Piedmont 1819. S p.s AL ped. 2a 3
11624 iltucion Mur. Atocion O pr } my.jl Pk Levant 1781. S iVl Jac, vin. 3. &
orchidea L.
11625 Psebdo-iJtocion Desf. Bast-Atocion O or Pk N. Africa 1820. S co 44flfl
11626 Armeria L. Sweetwilliam O or Pk England cor. fl. S s.1 Eng. bot. 1 3 *
2 alba white-flowered
11627 compacta TU. compact O or ljjl.s Pk Caucasus 1823. S co
11628 congesta Sm. crowded O or 1 jnjl Pk Greece 1818. S co
11689 perfolikta Otth perfoliate l|jjl R & Europe 1817. S co
Cucubalus chlonefbhus Par.
V9- STELLAR L. STITCH WORT. (Stella, a star; starlike flowers.) Caryophflle*. &> -T*"
1J630 ntaiorum L. grove k Aw 1 ap.jn W Britain moi.wo. 1) co Eng. b o t »
11631 latiffclia Pers. broad-leaved ^ A un W Germany 1816. D co

lJfi32dich6tomaL. forked 1} year W Britain clt. gr. S Eng. bot 537

-•iKuumuosa wui. bulbous 1 year W Cannthia 182J. I) Jac. ic. 3. 4ii8
J 6H viscula Bieb. clammy 1 year W Hungary 1820. S W.&K.22
}|M5 J/olostea L. Holostea 1 apjn W Britain woods 1) Eng. bot 511
ij63«i Laxmanni Fis. Laxmann's 1 apjn W Siberia 1823. S
lj*>J7 velufina &?r. velvety | myjn W Baical 1824. I)
ilti38^ramineaL. Grau-leavcd 1 apjn W Britain hed. b. D Eng. bot 803
1J639 glauca With. glaucous marsh f W Britain moi. m. I) Eng. bot 825
ll(!40crassifolia£ArA. thick-luaved 1 W Germany ... D co
11641 uliginusa Cur. bog 1 jnjl W Britain rivuL S bog Eng. bot 1074
aquatica Potf.
11642ccrastdldcs L. Cerastiura-like 3i ft Jnjl W Scotland scalp. D bog Eng bot 911
11643 humif&sa Swz. trailing 3 ft myjn W Norway 181& S co Fl. dan. 978
11644arenariaL. sand ft jn W Spain 1799. S co
11645 scaplgera W. scape-bcaring ijnjl W Scotland scrivu. D co Eng. but 1266
Il64(i multicaulis Jac. many-stemmed 5 jnjl W Carmthia 1816. D s.p Jac.c. 1.19
11647 dah tinea IF. Dahunan £ 1 jnjl W Dahuria 1818. S co
U(>48 murMis Lk. wall ftjn.jl W Candia 1824. S co
11649 dlegans Ser. elegant Siberia 18ft). S co
11650ttngipes Gol. 1 myjn W
long-stalked N. Araer. 1820. S p.l
*.*]?°- ARENA^RIA L. SANDWORT. (Arena, sand: habitation.) Caryophyllete. 68. —160.
• fuiuuifl purple O pr ijl P Spain 182a S s.l
i«i52rubraj,. red O pr i j n a j P Britain S s.1 Eng. bot 852
H653 marina Roth marine A pr ft jnjl P Germany 1795. D s.1
! , - . , marginata Dec.
"654sanna&r. salt-pit O pr ftjnjl P Bohemia 1820. S s.p
HM5 media/,, mediate O w . J jl P Britain scaco. S co Eng. bot 958
i,..,. marina & B.
}J6o6glandulJ,s.i Jac. glandular O or ijn P Europe 1820. S co Jac. sc. 355
iil£ 7 Can
adensis Pers. Canada O pr * jnjl R N. Amer. 1812. S p.l
16J8 gramimfulia Schr. Grass-leaved ; A Pr ftjnjl W Siberia 1817. D e o H. got 5
BliffMia Bieb.
2 glabcrnma Dec. smoothest . A or | jn.jl W Caucasus 1816. D co
$raminifulia IV. en.
giaitotf long-leaved jj W Siberia 1823. D co Gm. si. 63.2
ah&rica Fts. Dahurian 1 jiijl W Dahuria 1824. D s.l
Fis. handsome ijnjl w Dahuria 1824. D s.l
Nardus-leaved • jn.jl w Siberia 1827. D co
Adams Otitcs-like 4 Jnjl w Siberia 1820. D co
stiff ftjnjl W Siberia 1823. D co
Pine-leaved i W Caucasus 1823. D s.p
subulate Caucasus 1822. D s.p
i W
P&ngens Step, viscusa Fa.
capilldns Pair. capillary £A * jnjl W Siberia 1820. D s.l Junip W Armenia 1800. D s.p Sin. ic. in. 1.35

A/*. strict ft" "myjn W N. Amer. 1812, D s.p
toricifiMia/.. Larch-leaved iau W Britain ... D s.p Jac. au. 3.272
i l S i imb "cata Bleb. imbricated i jnjl W Caucasus 1820. D 8.1
} 22 procera Snr. tall ftjnjl VV Siberia 1820. D s.1
\ 673rostrata U'.&K. rostrate i au W Hungary 1816. D s.p Vil. del. 4.47.1
l|674striata Vtl. striated w Switzerl. 1683. D s.p Vil. del 4.47.6
'167a austriaca Jac. Austrian Apr ft jn.6 w Austria 1793. D s.p 3.270
|676cap»llkcea capillaccous O pr 4 jnjl w Piedmont 1819. S s.1 Al.ped.89.2
J 677trifl{,r.iA three-flowered £ A pr i ap.jl w S Europe 1816. D s.p Cav. ic. 3.249. 8
']Ji/8grandifli\raI,. great-flowered £ A pr i jn.s w Switzerl. 1783. D sp ALped.10
JS!j^l Helm's £ A I»rr w Siberia 1826. D s.l
JJ680 macrocariui Ph. long-fruited £ A P ijn.j w N. Amer. 1810. D s.1
*681 canescens Vahl cancsccnt £ A Pr * jnjl w ...... 1817. D s.1
_ inacrocarpa Horn.
11682 verna L. vernal £ A pr imyau W Britain mount D s.p
11683 ramostssima TV. branchiest £ O> Pr ft W Hungary 1816. S co
H681casspitusa£ArA. turfy £ A or ijnjl W Switzerl. 1826. D s.1
11685 Gerardt W. Gerard's £ A Pr i W France 1822. D s.p Jac. au. 445
Jiniflora Jac.
1J686 saxatilis L. rock A pr ftjlau W Germany 1732. D s.p Gm. si. 4,63.8
}JS7pcndula W.^K. pendulous A pr W Hungary 1816. D co W. & K. 2.87
11688 tenuifoha L.
nncleavcd O pr ».M w England S co Eng. bot 210
S Barrelieri Vil.
O pr * jn.jl w S. France 1K20. S co Bar. ic. 580
S hfbrida Vil. O pr ft jnjl w S. France 1827. S co ViLdel.4.47
4 viscldula Vil. hybrid O P' ftjnjl w France 1818. S co
viscidish ft jnjl
iiwSgSSK? 1 * triandroui O
t,l Sch. mo. 30
1 mediterranea Led. Mediterranean - O
.* injl
in jl w
co Jac c. 16
11694 calyculata Poir.
hairy £ A Pr in 1 w Caucasus 18£0. D
calyculate £ A P in. 1 w Hungary
g 1817. D s.1
11695 setacea Thuil.
hetcromalla Pers.
setaceous £ A Pr injl w France D co
11696 fasciculate Gou. fascicled O cu | jn W Scotland scmo. D s.p Eng. bot. 1744
_, fastigiata £m.
J1697 filifolia Forsk. thread-leaved Arabia D s.p Vahl sy. 1.12
JJ698 glomerata Bieb. glomerated Tauria 1818. S co
11699 uliginusa Schl. marsh Switzerl. 1819. D si Dec.ic.46
{1700polygono ides Wxd. Knotgrass-like Switzerl. 1822. D co Al. ped.64.4
;H«1 verticillata W. whorled Armenia 1823. C s,p
]1Z°2 tetrAquetra L. square Pyrenees 1731. D s.p AL ped. 2. 89.1
ii4S l«nceolau AU. lanceolate SwitzerL 1823. D s.1 ALped.26,5
Cherleria-like France D s.p
dense Hungary 1824. Ds.f
montaiia L. mountain France 1800. D s.p Bot. mag 1118

11707 ferpyllifblla L. Thyme-leaved O w i Jn.jl W Britain walls. S CO Eng. bot 923

11708 coimbricensis Brat. Coimbra O pr 1 jn.jl W Portugal 1H19. S
1170.9 pubescens Dec. pubescent 3[ A pr £ jl Archiiwl. 1820. S co
11710 brcvicafclis Ster. short-stalked A pr A jn.jl w Alp. Eur. 1823. 1) co
11711 sritbra Poir. rough A l»r i jnjl w Alp. Eur. 1822. D co
1 ciliated A l»r i w Ireland ir mou. I) s.p Eng. bot 1745
11713 marginatafl«?6. in. margined 3i A I>r | jn jl w Caucasus 1818. D s.p
11714 multicadhs Wul. many-stalked k A pr. 1 w Europe 1794. D s.p Jac. c 1.17.1.
11715 trincrvis L. three-nerved O w 5 myjn w Britain woods. S s.p Eng. bot 1483
11716 balefirica L. Balearic A pr i w w Majorca 1787. D s.p Her. st. 1. 15
11717 ncplaildcs L. Feplis-like A pr i my.jl Britain sea sh. I) s.p Eng. bot. 189
11718 procumbens Vahi prucumbent 4 -Alpr 1 R w Egypt 1801. D s.p Vahlsy.2.33
1391. CHEKLEWi* Hal. CHURLERIA. {John H. Charier, assistant to Jno. Bauhin.) Caryophyllccc. 1.—a
11719 mloldes L. Seduni-like £ A or j Y.w Scotland sc. alp. D s.l Eng. bot 1212
1392. GARIDE'LLi* Tou. GA RID ELL A. (P. Garidel, M.D., of Provence, bot. auth.) Ranunculucear. 1. — 2 .
11720 Nigellastrum L. Nigella-feawca* O or 1£ jn.jl B.o France 1736. S co Bot. mag. 1266
1393. MALPI'GHL* I* BARBADOES CHERRY. (M. Malpighi, prof. med. Bologna.) Malmghuicece. 12.—19.
11721 fucata Ker painted 1814. C p.f Bot. reg.189
macrophylla Deaf.
11722 urens L. stinging Pk S. Amer. 1737. p.l Bot teg. 94
1VI23 cubenals H. & B. Cuba Pa.R Havannahl824. p.l
11724 Angustifolia L. narrow-leaved Pk W. Indies 1737. p.l Bot cab. 321
11725 ^quitulium L. Hol\y-leaved Pk S. Amer. 1759. I Cav.dis.8.L'>i)'.2
11726 cocclfera L. berry-ben ring Pk W. Indies 173.3. p.l Bot. reg. 5(M
11727 glabra L. smooth-leaved mrjl It W. Indies 1757. p.l Bot. mag. 813
11728 biflora Poir. two-flowered or 10 Pa. II S. Amer. 1810. l Cav. dis. 8. 234.8
jmnicifblia Cav.
11729 punicifulia L. Pomcgrannte-lvd ft O or 12 ... Pk W. Indies 1690. PL ic. 16G. 2
11730/aginea Sum. Beech-leaved sH O or 10 Y S. Amer. 1820. p.
11731 dbbia Cav. doubtful i D o r 10 Y Jamaica 1820. p. Cav. dis. 8.242
11732 nltida A/tf. glmsy-leavcd * CD or 6 Pk W. Indies 1733. Cav. dis. 8.239.1
1394. BYRSO'NIMA Rich. BVRSONIMA. (Bt/rsa, a hide; used for tanning.) Malp$ghidce<r. 13.—31.
11733 ..„.,:_«-_
vcrbascifulia „__.„ ,.„,-.!—1__
Dec. Vcrl)astum-lvd «l CD or g j L a u Pa.R Guiana 1810. C p ! Aub. gui. L184
Malpighia verbascifulia L.
11734 /aurifdlia Jl. $ B. Laurel-leaved 10 Y Cumana 1824.
11735 ncrvosa Dec. ncrvosc • D o r 8 Pa.Y Brazil 1820.
Malpighia macrophylla J.
11736 altissima Dec. tallc&t t • or 60 W Guiana 1820. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 181
Malpighia altissima Aub.
11737 crasBif uha Dec. thick-leaved f CD or 20 Y Guiana 1793. C p.1 Aub. gui. 1.183
Malpighia crassifulia L.
11738 MoureUa Dec. Mourcila J CD or 20 au S. Amer. 1823. C p.1 Aub. gui. 1.183
Malpighia MoureUa Aub.
11739 chrysophyila H.SfJi. goltlen-lcaved • D o r 10 au Y Orinoco 1823. C p.1
11740 spicata Dec. spiked 6 Y Antilles 1810. C p.s.1 Cav. dis. 8.237
11741 lucida Dec. shming-leavcd jor 6 Pk W. Indies 1759. C p.1 Bot mag. 2462
Malpighia lucida Sivz.
11742 conScea Dec. \cAthcry-Icaved 2 CD or 30 W Jamaica 1814. C p.l SL jam. 2.163.1
Malpighia enriacea Swx.
11743 reticulate Dec. netted ftQor 10 P.v Cayenne 1823. C p i
11744 volubilis Dec. twining l C Z ) o r 10 au.s Y W. Indies 1793. C p.1 Bot mag. 809
Malpighia volfibilis Suns
11745 nallidd Dec. pale • • or 4 ... Pa Cayenne 1820. C p.l
Malpighia pallida Poir.
1395. BANISTEMt/^ L. BANISTERIA. (lieu. J. Banister, a curious botanist) Malpighiticea*. 12.—47.
11746 aunculata Cav. auriculate LCD or 10 Y Brazil 1820. C p.s.1 Cav. dis. 255
11747 cilistta IV. ciliated 10 ... Y Brazil 1796. C s.l Cav. dis. 9-254
11748 splendens Dec. shining 10 ... Y S. Amer. 1812. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 253
heterophylla W. fulgens Lam.
11749 Humboldt/«wa Dec. Huaiboldt's S. Amer. 1824. C p.s.1
11750 sericea Cav.
11751 tomcntiisa Desf.
LCDor 10
10 ... Y
10 ... Y
jnau Y
Brazil 1810. C s.l Cav. dis. 9. 259
S. Amer. 1820. C p.s.1
11752 faurifulia L. Bay-leaved 10
LCD or 10 ... Y Jamaica 1733. C s.l Bot rcg. 937 „
11753 ferruginea Cav. rusty LCD Brazil 1820. C p.s.1 Cav. dis. 9. 213
11754 periplocafoha Desf. Periuloca-Wd |or 10 Y PortoRicol818. C p.s.1
11755 f6lgens L. shnungfi-uited lor 6 Y W. Indies 1759. C r.m
11756 zanzibanca Boj. Zanzibar lor 10 ... Y Zanzibar 1825. C ps.l
11757 ovata Cav. ovatc-teaved or 6 Y St.Domm.1810. C p.s.11Ven. ch. 51. A
1396. TRIO'PTERIS L. TRIOFTERIS. {Trcis, three, pteron, a wing; capsule.) Malpighihcca. 2 . - 8 .
11758 jamaicensis L. Jamaica L Q o r 10 ... Y Jamaica 1822. C p . l
11759 sericea Lo. C. silky LCDor S. Amer. 1823. C p.1
1397. TETRA'PTERIS Cav. TETRAFTERIB. (Tetra, four, awing; capsule.) Malpighiiicete. 2 . - 7 ;
11760 Mixifulia Cav. Box-leaved * CD or 6 ... StDomin.1822. C p.f Cav. dis. 262.1
Tn6ptcris duxifdlia W.
11761 citriftlid Pers. Orange-leaved il CD or 6 Cayenne 1818. C p.l Cav. dis. 262.9
Tri6pteris citrifblia Sun.
1398. HE PTERIS/f.»J9. HBTEROPTERIB. (t (Heteros,
•os, various,pteron,wing; caps.) Malpiehiacect. 8.-J-:
11762 purpiirca//. $B. purple LCDor 10 ... P W. Indies 1759. C p.1 Tav. dis. 9. « # l
Bamstfertfl nurptirea L.
11763 parvifolia Dec. small-leaved L C D o r 10 P W. Indies 1820.
11764 brachftta H. $B. crw*-branched L CD or 10 Y W.Indies 1759.
Banist&ria brachiate L.
11765 chrysophylla L. golden-leaved L O or 10 Brazil 1793. C r.m Jac. sc. 105
Banistcrin chrysoph^lla Lam.
117fi6c!Dr{ilea//.^A b\uc-Jiowering L C D o r 10 B Havannahl823. C p.1 Pl.ed. B.J*
U767 nltida Kth. glossy • • o r 10 Y S. Amer. 1809. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 244
Banisteria nitida Lam.
* l U U d feai 10 Y S. Amer. 1809. C s.l Botreg.!)5°
HZ5 P P c u K i t a Dec. appendiculated or 10 Y St. Vine. 1820. C p.l
117G9 flonbOnda//. QB. bundle-flwd or 10 B Mexico 1824. C p.l

. 1399 HIR^TA Jac. HIRJEA. (J. N. de la Hire, a French physician, d. 1727.) Malplghiitcc*. 5.—19.
11770 rcdinhtaJac. reclined ^ Q o r 10 ... Y w. Indies ... C s.l Jac am. 146
11771 odorata W. sweet-scented j _ Q o r 8 Guinea 182J. C s.l
11772 iriitans Rox. nodding a Q o r 10 ... E. Indies 1820. C p.l
11773 indicaJZo*. Indian i. • or 10 ... E. Indies 1820. C s.l Rox. cor. S. 1G0
11774 glauu&scens Lo. C. glaucescent | _ Q o r 10 ... E. Indies 1823. C s.l
1400. ERYTHRCXYLON L. ERVTIIROXVLO.V. (Erythros, red, xylon, wood.) Erythrox&lece. a — SSL
11775 /jypericifblium Lam. Hypcricuin-lvdf • tm 40 ... Y.G Mauritius 1818. C s.l Cav. dis. 8.230
11776 havanensc Jac. Havannah $ • or 10 ... Y.u Havannahl822. C 8.1 Jac. am. 87.2
11777 /auriftlium Lam. Laurel-leaved $ O tin 50 ... Y.a Mauritius 1823. C 8.1 Lam. dis. 226
1401. S E T H M Kth. SETIIIA. (S. Sethi, author of a work on culinary vegetables.) ErythroxyltiB. 1.
11778 Indica Dec. Indian £ • tm 40 ... Y E. Indies 1824. C 8.1 Rox. cor. 1.88
Erythr6xylon monogynum Rox.
1402. SPERGULA'STRUM Mx. SPBRGULACTRUM. (From similarity to Spergula.) Caryophjllece. 1.— 3.
11779 lanugindsum Mx. woolly £ A cu J jn.jl W.p N. Araer. 1821. S s.p
Micropetalon lanuginfrsum Pers.



1403. CNE'STIS J. CNESTIS. IKneo, to scratch: prickly capsules.) Connaracete. 3.-9.

11780 glabra Lam. smooth i C D o r 10 ... W . a Mauritius 182i C s.l 387.1
11781 poiyphyila Lam. many-leaved 13 or 6 ... P Mauritius 1823. C s.p
11782 cornicuKita Lam. small-horned CD or 10 ... P Guinea 1793. C s.p

1404. AVERRHO^ L. AVERRIIOA. (Averrhocs, of Corduba, in Spain.) Oxalldece. 2 . - 3 .

11783 BUlmbi L. Bilimbi tree i [ j f r 8 au.s R.Y E. Indies? 1791. C s.l Cav. dis. 7.219
11784 Carambbla L. Carambola f r e e * O f t G.R Ceylon 1733. C s.l Cav. dis. 7. 220

m 1405. SPCNDIAS L. Hoa PLUM. (Greek name of a kind of wild plum.) Terebinthhcete. 4.
11785 purp&rea L. purple • fr 30 ... W.u W.Indies 1817. C s.p SI. jam. 2.219
11786 liitea L. yellow £ • fr 30 ... Y.a W.Indies 1739. C s.p Mor.sur. 13
Myrobaianus L. ^t __
11787 dtilcis Forst. sweet Otaheite applet • fr 50 ... Y.a Society Is. 1793. i.p Lam. il. 384
11788 manglfera Pers. mango-bearing 1 • fr 50 ... w E. Indies 1820.
Mangifera pinnata L.
1406. BUCHANA*NU Rox. BUCHANANIA. (Francis Buchanan, now Hamilton, M.D.) Tercbtnthhcett. 2.
11789 latifolia flat, broad-leaved t Q f r 30 ... W E. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
U790 angustifclia Aox. narrow-leaved f l Z l f r 30 ... W E. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
Mangifera axillaris Lam. Sp6ndias axillaris //. Bcng.
1407. POUPA'RT/ii Com. POUPARTIA. (Called Bois de Poupart by inhab. of Bourbon.) Tt,
11791 borb6nica Lam. Bourbon ± • tm 40 ... P Bourbon 1825. C s.Lif
140a ROBE'RG/J Schreb. ROBERGIA. (Laurent Roberg, yrof. med. atUpsal.) Terebinthfce<g. \.—&.
11792 frutescens W. frutesccnt * • or 6 ... W Guiana 1823. C s.l.p Aub. gui. 187
•1409. COTYLE^DON L. NAVELWORT. (Kofyle. a cavity; cuplike leaves.) Orassnlacea. 41 45.
11793 orbiculMa Haw. romd.leaved t L I IC!U R C. G. H. 1798. C s.l
11794 ovkta Haw. ovate-leaved I | ru 2 jl.o K C. G. H. 1789. C s.l Bot mag. 321
11795 pnpillaris Thun. papillary i I cu l a a u R C. G. H. 1822. C 8.1
117Wobl6nRa Haw. i I cu 2 jl.s K C. G. H. 1690. C s.1
11797 craosifolia Haw. ihick-icavcd tL i | or ... C. G. H. 1824. C 1.1
11798 tnHora Thun. thrcc-flowcrcd tt. | | or *myS Pk.WC.G. H. 1821. C s.1
11799 altcrnans IV. alternate n. i I or ... C. G. H. 1816. C s.1
11800 ramusa Haw. branchy M-i lor jnjl ... C. G. H. 1748. C s.1 M. h. 12.7.39
ramosfssima Mil.
11801 ramoblssima Salm branchiest tLi lor my.jn C. G. H. 1816. C 8.1
11802 fascicul^ris H. K. clustcr-/?ai;af tL i leu jl It C. G. H. 1759. C 8.1 Bur. af. 18
11803 hemisphae'rica L. hemispherical ti i_J IU W.p C. G. H. 1731. C s.1 DecpL87
11804 vlridisUfftv. green tL\ | or C. G. H. 1824. C 8.1
11805 rotundifnlia Haw. round-leaved C. G. H. 182(5. C s.1
118(K) cristata Haw. crested £ tAl| or Va C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
11807 clavif?,lia Haw. club-leaved tf lAlor P C. G. H. 1824. C s.1
11808 spuna L. spurious «Ll_Jcu C. G. H. 1731. C s.1 Com. r. 83
11809 undulku /law. waved tL i lor jnjl C. G. H. 1818. C s.1 Bur. af 19.2
mucronata Lam.
11810,/asminiflbra Salm Jasmine-flwd tt. \ | or C. G. H. 1818. C s.l
11811 data Haw. tall powdered «. \ | or jn.jl C. G. H. 18J6. C s.1
118J2 cujieita 7%II». wcdgelikc «L i_J «r my C. G. H. 1818. C s.1
11813 corugcana Haw. glittering tt. i_J or jn O C. G. U. 1818. C s.1 Bot. cab. 1030
11814 curviflura 5im« curve-flowered tt. i_J cu \{ o C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1 Bot mag. 2044
purphrea Haw. o
11815 dccuss\ta .Simf croii-leavcd tL |_J cu 1| au S C. G. H. 1819. C s.1 Bot. mag. 2518
papiHariti Haw
11816 tricuBpidata // At u. tricuspidate tt-l | or C. G. H. 1823. C s.1
11817 cacalurides Thun. Cacalia-like my C. G. H. 1818. C s.1
11818 rhombifolia Haw. rhomb-leaved «L i lor | or C. G. H. 182.3. C S.1
11819 raammiHvu-is / nun. mammillary tt. i, I or jn W.P C. G. H.
11820 canalicuUita Uaw. small-channelled tt. | | or jn-jl IS!!- £ *!
C. G. H.
11821 ungulhta "Lam. clawed tt. i lor my.jn ... C. G. H. 1818. C s.1 p
11822 maculata Sal. spotted tt.| | or I1i my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1H18. C C s.1
411823 coccinea Cav. scarlet tt. |_JCU S o jnjl S C.G. H. 1818. 1
11824 tuberculosa Lam. tuberculose tt. | | or 1 D C. G. H.
11825 gracilis Haw. slender tt. i | or 1 ... C. G. H. 1800. C U

$11826 csespitbsa Haw. turfy £ iAI cu 1 Y California 1796. C s.1

Unguef6rmis H. K.
11827 dichotoma Jftiw. fork-spincd i lor 1 jnjl C. G. H. W18
§11828 spinbsa L. spiny AJ *au W Siberia 1790. Gm. si. 67.2
Sedum spindsum W.

i11829 serrata L

11830 hisp&nica L.
11831 luteaJ/m*
Umbilicus L.
yellow .
£ A cu 1 in.jl
£ Q> cu ft jnjl
navel Penny-wort£ A pr
£ A
£ A pr
pr X
4 J J J
Siberia 1732. D s.l
1796. S 8.1 Dec. pi. 122
Britain sha.roc. D s.l Eng. bot 325
182a D s.l
England Sk s 1 Eng. bot. 1522
11833 2Malacopttfllum
Mucizbni BrotPall, soft-leaved O pr P.Y Davuria 1815. S s.1 Pa. it. 3. ap. G.I
$11832 Orostachys
luteaJ/m* Malacoph? Hum Fit.
11833 M l t t f
•U10. SE'DUM L. STONECROP. (Sedere, to sit: manner of growth.) Crauulacea. 61 8
11834 maximum Lk. greatest purple £ A or 2 jLs W Spain 1791. D s.l
latifbliuin Bert.
1183/> albicans Haw. white £ A or 2 Jl.s W Europe 1794. D s.l
11836 vcrticillMum L. v/horUeaved £ A or 1 jl.s Pk S. Europe ... D s 1 Am.ac2.4uU
11837 tripltfllum Haw. three-leaved 1 Pk S. Europe ... D s.1
11838 argutum Haw. sharp-toothed £ A or P Carpathia 1820 D s.l
11839 paucidens Haw. few-toothed ££ A or A4
£ jnjl W .:.... 1818. I) s 1
11840 pcctinatuin Haw. pectinate £ A or W.o 1818. D s 1
11841 TQ\lv\\ium L. common Orpinc£ A or 2 jl.s P Britain bor. fi. D s.1 Eng. bot 1319
11842 7blcphtt>)d!c* Mx. Tclcphiuin-likc £ A or 1 jl s P N. Amer. 1810. D s.l
11843 y/nucumpscros L. Auacamp&cros a. A or 4 P France 15JK5. 1) s.1 Bot mag. 118
11844 livulum JK hvid £ A or W.o 1816. D s.1
11845 ^izuon L. Aizoon £ A "or 1 jl.s Y Siberia 1757. I) s.1 101
11846 joopulifiMium/,. Poplar-leaved 1
A or 1 :< - W Siberia 1780. D s.l Bot mag. 211
11847 opjjositifoliiim/?. A/, opposite-leaved £ A A or
or W Caucasus ... 1) s.l Bot mag. 1807
11848 spurium Bleb. spurious A or Pk Caucasus 1816. D s.1 Bot. mag. 2370
11849 dent a turn Haw. toothed A or P 1810. 1) s.1
11850 hfbridiim L. hybrid A or my.jl Y Siberia 1766. D s.1 Mur.6.5
11851 tcrnutum Mx. tcrnate A or 'ftjLau W N. Amer. 1789. D s.1 Bot. rcg. 142
portulacotrics MM.
11852 stelliitum L. starred O or i jnjl W S. Europe 1640. D s.l Cam. h. 7. ic. 2
11853 divaricatum H.JC. spreading n. i | or I jn.jl Pk Madeira 1777. C s.1
11854 Ccpofa L. Ccpaea O or 1 W France HU0. S s.l
11855 spatulatum
r Kit. spathulate £ Q) or W Hungary 1815. S s.l W.ftK.2.104
11856 ffcmpcrvivdidcsifeft. Scmpcrviv.-likc£ A or R Iberia 1823. D 8.1 Bot. mag. 2474
11857 ochrolchvum Sin. yellowish-whitc£ A or W Greece 1818. D si
11858 altlssiimun Pen. tallest £ A or 1 P.Y S. Europe 17(39. D s.l Jac. vin. 1.81
Jacqutai Haw. SempcrvWum «cdif6rme Jac.
11859 cerulcsccns Haw. cuerulescent £ A or Y 1820. D s.1
11860 riasyphy'llum L. thick-lcavcd £ A pr W K walls 1) s.1 Eng. bot. 656
11861 reflexum L. reflex-leaved £ A or Y Britain walls. D s.1 Eng. bot 695
11862 septangulXrc Haw. seven-angled £ A or J»0l Y 1795. D s.1
11863 glaucuin Sm. glaucous £ A or Y England bar sa. U s.1 Eng .bot 2477
11864 colllnum IV. en. hill £ A or Y J815. D 8.1 115
11865 iriinus Haw. smaller shoi t-lud£ A or 1 Y Europe 1810. D 8.1 Dec. pi. 116
reflexum Dec. not of others. ft
11866 spirMe Haw. spiral £ A or 1818. D s.1 Dec. pi. 118
sexangiilare Dec. not E B. ft jnjl
11867 rccurvatum IV. recurved green £ A or Y Europo 1818. D s.1
11868 anopetaluin Dec. upward-lvd grcen£ A or 1 jnjl Pa.Y S. France 1818. D s.1
rupestre VU.
H auranttacum Sal. Orange £ A or i jj O & France 1820. D s.1
11869 virens //. K. green £ A or I jnjl Y Portugal 1774. D s.1
11870 rupestro L. rock £ A pr i Y England rocks. D s.1 Eng. bot. 170
11871 vircbccn* IV. en. viresccnt £ A or 1 G.Y 1815. 1) 8.1
11&72 VonXaridnum Sm. Forster's £ A or il Y Wales w.roc. D si Eng. bot 1802
11873 quadritidum /*<///. four-cleft Y N. Asia 1800. 1) s.l Pa. it. 3. P. 1
11874 nCidum //. K. naked-branchedn. i_J pr *i W Madeira 1777. R s.l
11875 quinquefidum W. fivc-clctt * jnjl W.a 1H00. D si
11876 hcxapctalum Haw. six-petaled | j | Pa.Y 1MX>. D si
11877 s^xfldum Bteb. annual six.cleft W Caucasus 1816. S s.1
11878 monregalcnseAi^. Montreal W S. Europe 18K D s.1 Bot cab. 464
11879 ^pens Dec. creeping \ jn.jl R Switzerl. 1826. D s.p
11880 hispanicum L. Spanish i jnjl P.T Spain 17.;2. D si Jac. au. 5.47
11881 album /,. w'hitc * jnjl W Kngland rocks. D s.1 Eng. bot 1578
11882 villbsum L. villous i jn.jl Pk Britain D s.1 Eng. bot 394
118H3 Annuum L. annual I au W N. Europe 17-m S s.1
11884 atratum L. dark annual iau P
P Italy 1795. S s.1 Jac. au. 1.8
11885 neriileum Vahi pale-h\\iQ \ jl P a B Africa 1822. S s.l Bot. rcg. 520
118H6sexangulareI.. •ix-angled Y
Y England
E d walls. l D s.1 Eng. bot 1646
11887 acre L. acrid jn Y Britain walls. D s.1 Eng. bot 839
11888 saxatile W. rock jnjl ... & Europe 18i>(). D s.1
11889 pallens Yen. pa\e-glaucous Qox ft jn.jl W S. Europe 1816. S s.l
11890 Andcrsunii G. Don Anderson's gl. £ Q) or jnjl W Hungary 1816. S s.l W. & K. 2.181
glaucum W. Sc K. not E. B.
11891 pallidum Bteb. pale O or i in.jl Pa R Caucasus 1817. S s.1
11892 oblongum Haw. oblong £ A or i jlau W Britain rocks. D s.1
11893 aiiglicum L. English £ Apr ft W Britain rocks. D s.1 Eng. bot 171
2 microphjrllum small-leaved £ A or I jnau W Britain rocks. D 8.1
3 hib^rnicum Irish £ A or ft W Ireland rocks D s.1
1411. PE'NTHORUM W. PBNTHORUM. (Pente, five, horos, column; capsule.) Craaulaceie. 1.
11894 seddldes W. Sedum-like £ A cu 1 G.Y Virginia 1768. D s.1 Lam. il. 390
1412. GRliTLUM L. GBIELITM. (Grcios, old: aspect^ Rosucete. 3.
11895 tenuifolium L. slender-leaved £ _ . 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. R p.l Sw. fl. gar. 171
11896 humifusum Thun. trailing 1 apjl Y C. G. H. 1825. R p.l 1
11897 laciniatum Gae. jagged £ iAI or ft au Y C. G. H. 1825. R p.l.s Sw. A. gar. 306
1413. BICPHYTUM Dec. BIOPHYTUM (Bios, life, pkyton, plant: pods open when touched.) Oxaliie*. 1 —
Ilb98sen»it\vumDec. sensitive O pr ft jls Y China 1823. S s.1 Jac,ox.7a4
O'xalis sensitiva L.
* 1414. CXALIS L. WOOD SORREL. (Orys, sharp, or sour; qualities.) Oxalfdea?. 97. — 160.
,. 1. HEDRSAROI'DR*. — Peduncles many-flowered ; stems leafy: leaves trifoliate, middle one petiolcd.
11899 Plumiert Jac. Plunder's « - C ] o r 2 year Y S. Amer. 1K23. C p.l Bot. reg (810
11900 Harm.lS2>rJ
1190ft Barretters Jac.
Ian Barrclier's
H:iri><il •<!••*• aft C]pr . . . . . Pa.R
—I _» lftIIyear Cttrarnaa 1824.
D . P Caraccas 1RQ& f. i l Jac.
?•» ox.
«« Q3
H901 frutirima Bad. shrubby JP' 1 year Y Ilio Jan. 1817.
II. CORNICIILAVA. — Peduncles 1,2, or many, flwd; stems leafy; jIvs. l i f ; tl leaflets
Ivs. palmate-trtfol. ea sessile.
11*02 pergnnans Haw. perennial LAl 2 my.s Y N.S.W. ... O s.p
llyO3bil^ Dillenius's O pr 2 Y America 1798. S s.p
„ 2 fl.'.rida So/. florid O pr 2 Y America 1798. S s.p
11904 stricU L strict A pr II jn.o Y N. Amer. 1658. O s.p Jac. ox. 4
11905 Ly6iiM Ph. Lyon's A pr 1 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1816. O s.p
11906 cormculata L. small-homed O pr Britain sh.roc.O s.p
11907 mlrrophflL. Pair. small-leaved iQlpr * N.S.W. S s.p
riihens Haw.
11908 ripens Thun. crcep'ing-stkd 1 mr.ap Y C.G.H. 1793. O ».p Jac. ox. 78.1
11909 rf>sca J/ic. rosy iAJp mr.ap R Chile 1823. O s.p Bot mag. 2415
11910 flonhtinda Lch. bundle-flwd lAJor 1} R S. Amer. ? 1827. 1) sf Bot reg. 1123
11911 latenflura Ji/c. lateral-flowered ]£ iAJ pr 4 mr.ap P C. G. H. 1824. O s.p Jac.6C.204i
III. SE8SIMF6LI£. — Peduncles axillary, one-flwd; stems elongated, leafy: leaves trifoliate, sessile.
11912 macroBtyli.s Jac. long-styled ViAlor \ an P C. G. H. 1793. () s.p Jac. ox. 9
11913 tubiflura Jac. tube-flowered tf LAlor 1 o.n Pk C. G. H. 1790. O i p Jac.ox. 10
11914 canebcens Jac. canescent tf lAlpr 1 ja.s P C. G H 1821. O sp Jac. ox. 11
11915 secfinda Jac. sidc-flowering tf LAI or § o.n Id C. G. H. 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 12
J1916 hirta £,. ha\T\-stalked tf LAI or f o.n Li C. G. H. 1787. O sp Jac. ox. 13
1J9I7 hirtella Jac. small hairy tf LA) pr 4 mr.ap R C. G. H. 182J O s.p Jac. ox. 16
J1918 multiflora Jac many-flowered tf LAJor f Li C. G. H. 1789. O s.p Jac. ox. 15
11919 rubella Jac. branching small red tf iAJ or 4 s.n Pk C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Hot. mag. 1031
JjgDrosacea Jac. rmccolored 4 lAlpr | s.n Pk C. G. H. 1793. O fl.p Bot. maK. 1698
11921 ftlgida A A. fulgid tf lAJpr isn C C. G. H. 1820. (> s.p Bot. reg. 1073
IV. CAULIFLORJB. — Peduncles axil, one-flwd i stem* elongated, few-leavedj (£f/fc'*3--5?
11922 reptatrix Jac. creeping-rooted \ LAI i "n.d '" F" ' C.- -G.- -H. —~^ O
- 1795. ~ s.p Jac. ox. 20
1J923 virginea Jac. virgin < iAI i>r * W C. G. H. 1820. O s.p Jac. sc. 3.275
11924 dlsticha Jflc. two-rowed tf iAI pr % ja.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1818. O s p Jac. ox. 18
"!«••> incarnata L. flesh-colored tf lAlpr * ap.jn V C.G. H. 17.i9. O s.p Jac ox. 71
!!S2 veiny tf S »r * o'n V.v C. G. H. 1823. 182. O O s.p .p
11927 furckta Loo*. fotk-leaved 1823 O
tf S l>r J s R C G. H. 1823. O s p Bot. cab. 1056
V. CAPRI^MJR. — StenUess ; peduncles 1,2, or many, flowered; leaflets 3 or many, stalked.
JI22? n i w »" Ait. Bowie's ' tf LAI pr ft sin' C C. G. H. 1823. () s.p
"929 sericea L. silky tf iAI or Y C. G. H. 17<)4. O s.p Jac. ox. 77.1
liaH) Burinannt Jac. Burmann's tf lAJpr i o.n Y C. G. II. 1820. O s.p Bur. af. 29
J1931 tctraphylla Cap. four-leaved tf El or pr i Jn.jl P Mexico 1823. O 8.p Cav. ic. 3.237
**932 violdcea L. violet-co/oreo* tf A i my.jn L.P N. Amer. 1772. O s.p Jac. ox. 80.8
i ! S ? P »ctata B. M. dotted tf A or 4 ap.jn P O s.p Bot. reg. 2781
52? <»Prtna L goaVa-foot tf LAJor 4 mr.jn F C. G. H. 1757. O s.p Jac. ox. 76.1
remua Thun. drooping tf iAI or 4£ y Ym C. G. H. 1757. O s.p Jac. ox. 6
> comprcssa Jac. compressed tf LAI or or 4 nyear Y C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Jac. ox. 78. 3
' ilentXta Jac. toothed tf LAI 4 on d F C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 7
nirata Jac. purpled tf iAJ pr 4 F.w C. G. H. 1822. O s.p Jac. sc. 356
I tiJZ "•-^rophjlla Horn, long-leaved tf LAI pr 4 J*-8 Pa.R C. G. H. 1820. O s p .
}JJ*O livida Jac. livid tf LAI or 4 o.n F C. G. H. 1793. O s p Jac. ox. 8
Y C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Bot mag. 8386
H941 lobata Sims lobed tf
VI. SIMPLICIFOLIJE. — Stemless i leaves simple j scapes one, or many, flowered.
"?42 monophylla L. one-leaved tf iA)pr
one-leaved ion Y C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Jac ox. 79.3
11943 lepida Jac. pretty Cape tf lAlpr 4 ja.n W C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Jac. ox. 21
11944 rostrkta Jac. beaked tf Al 4 on P.v C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 22
VII. PTEROPODS. — Stemless ; leaves bifoliate, or trifoliate ; petioles winged j scapes one-flowered.
JJStScrispa Jac. curled tfiAJpr 4 an W G G. H. 1798. O s.p Jac. ox. 23
J SHfilepor'ina Jac. hare's-rarrd tf LAlpr 4 on W G G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox.25
11947 asurina J<ic. assWarof tf iAI pr 4 n.d Y G G. H. 17!)2. O s.p Jac. ox. 24
J1948 lanceafi>lia Jac. spear-leaved tf lAlpr 4 o.n Y G G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac.ox.26
11949/abffifolia Jac. Bean-leaved tf LAJ pr i o.n Y G G. H. 1794. O s.p Jac. ox. 27
VIII. AcETogE'LLf. — Stemless ; leaves trifoliate, petioled; scapes one-flowered.
11950 /abumifoua Jac. Laburnum-lvd tf LA) pr 4 8.0 C.G. H. 1793.
G 7 O s.p p Jac ox. 28
11951 sangufnea Jac. bloody./fawt/ tf lAlpr iod Y C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 29
11952 rbbro-flava Jac. red and yellow tf lAlpr R.T C. G. H. 1823. 1823. ~O s.p Jac. ox. 50
1 H«»3 tricolor Jac. threccolored tf iAI or * o.d W.a C. G. H. 1794. 1794. O e.p Jac. ox. 47
11354 cilikris Jac. tf iAI or }o.n P C. G. H. 17*13. O s.p Jac. ox. SO
l9.>5arcuAta Jac. bowed tf LAJor i o.n V C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 31
1 !W6flacciila f Jac. flaccid tf lAlpr 4o.n W.R C G. H. 1812. O ~ s.p Jac. ox. 51
\ S5 K runty tf
pr 4 jn jl W G G. H. 1820. O s.p Jac. sc. 3.274
undulata Jac.
tf LAJpr I o.n
is.d w G G. H. 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 43
brown-spotted tf LAJ pr ft my.jn Y
w C.G.H, 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 44
G G . H. 1795. O a.p Jac, ox. 45
JJpJlsiilphurea J sulphur-colored tf iAI pr 4 o.n P.v G G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 63
11962 speciosa W. specious tf LAI pr is.n G G. H. O s.p Jac. ox. 60
11963 van* oilis Jac. variable tf \A\ or 4 o.d W . R C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 58
2 grandiflora Jac. great-flowered tf LAI or 4 o.d W C. G. H. 1790. O B.p Jac. ox. 54
3 Simsii Dec.
11964 purpurea W.
LAJ or 4 o.d
lAJpr 4 o.n
w p
C. G. H. 1790. O B.p Bot mag. 1683
C. G. H. 1812. O sp Jac. ox. 56
1)965 convexula Jac. small convex tf ft Jan Pk C. G. H. 1789. O s.p Jac. ox. 55
11966 laevig^ta W. smooth O p ijnjl P .. 1818. S co
1 l!V>7 marginMa Jac. gran-edged tf lAJpr 4 s.d W C. G. H. 1812. O co Jac. ox. 68
11968 pulchella Jac.
11969 obtusa Jac.
11970 lankta /,.
XAunUleaved tf lAlor
S i A'el
4 o.n
H. 1795. O co Jac. ox. 69
C. G. H. 1812. O s.p Jac.
H. 1791. O s.p Jac.
Jac. ox.
ox. 79.1
J ox. 77 77.2
1J971 luteola Jac. yellowish tf
_ Al i ja.s Y C.G. H. 1823. O sp Jac. ox.65
'{972 Acetos^lla L. little sorrel or com. tf A cul 4 W Britain grov. O co E
i{973 americana Dec. American tf A pr i VV N. Amer. O co
delicate tf LAlor i ap my Li G G . H. 179:1 ox 19
4 8.d W O s.p
floating * uAl or
thread-atmd tf E) or
i».o V °
C.G.H. 1815. O s p Jacsc.2.205
11977 blfida c\ovcn-leaved tf lAlor $ s.o V C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 70.4
11978 cuneifolia Jac. wedge-leaved tf lAlor | a p . my W C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 41
11979 Hnearis Jac. linear-shaped tf lAlor V C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 32
11980 rcclinata Jac. reclining tf lAJ or Je.n Pk C. G. H. 179. O «.p Jac. ox. 34
11981 cunekta Jac. cuncate tf iAlpr J ja.s Y.w C. G. H. 1822. O S.p Jac. ox. 40
11982 minuita Jac. venmlion ija.s Ve_ C. G. H. 1819. O B.p Jac. ox. 35
1198J pusilla Jac. weak tf lAJpr I ja.s
tf Pa.R C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Jac. ox. 42
11984 PiGtbe CoL Piotta's tf lAJpr ija.s O C. G. H. 1816. O s.p CoL h. rip. 1
11985 tdnera Spr. tender tf lAJpr i. my Y Brazil 1826. O s.p Bot. rcg. 1045
11986 carnosa Mol. fleshy tf lAipr , . Y Chile 1826. O 8.p. Bot. reg. 1063
IX. ADENOPHT'LUS. - . Stems leafy Ivspetioled, 3—5-foliate ; leaflets linear underneath, at top glandular.
11987 gKibra Thun. smooth tf iAl or § myjn P C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 76.3
11988 verslcolor L. various-colored ff lAlor jamr C C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot mag. 155
11989 gracilis Jac. slender tf lAlpr i~ ja.rar P C. G. H. 1820. O s.p Jac. ox. 33
11990 elongata Jac.
2 amoeVia
flue red
tf lAJor *s.o w R
C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 37
C. G. H. 1810. O s.p Jac. sc. 206
tf lAJpr J s o
11991 tcnuifolia Jac. flnc.lcavcd tf lAlor io.n W.R C. G. H. 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 38
11992 polyphf Ha Jac. many-leaved tf lAlor Pa.P C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 39
11993 Hlifolia Jac. Pk C. G. H. 1822. O s.p Jac. sc. 273
thread-leaved tf lAlor
11994 pentaphjrlla Sims five-leaved tf •ar Pk C. G. H. 1800. O s p Bot. mag. 1549
X. PALM An FOLIJE. . - Stemlcss ; leaves petioled palmately and peltatelv, 5—l&foliate ; scapes one-flwd.
11995 /upinifblia Jac. Lupine-leaved tf LAI pr i o.n Y C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 72
11996 Hava /,. yellow tf _AJ pr f mr.ap Y C.G.H, 1775. O s.p Bot. rcg. 117
11997 pcctinnta Jac. pectinated tfiAlpr \ s.n Y C. G. H 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 7a
11998 flabclhfblia Jac. Ian-leaved 3 lAJ pr | s.n Y.B C. G. H. 1789. O s.f> Jac. ox. 74
11999 tomentbsa Z,. dov/ny-lcaved tf iAl pr i W C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 81
• 1415. LY'CHNIS L. LVCIINIS. {Lychnis, a lamp; down of leaves as wicks.) Caryopkfjlleee. 20 — 93.
12000 Viscaria L. clammy ' A or 1 myjn Pk Britain rocks. I) co Eng. bot 788
2 plena double £ A or my.jn H Britain gard. D co
12001 ncglecta G. Don neglected jjl W D co
Viscaria alba //or/. £ Apr
12002 alplna L. alpine £ A or 1 Pk Scotland scroc. D p.l Eng. bot. 2254
12003 helvetica G. Don Swiss a(pine £ A pr i jn.jl R Switserl. 1814. S s.p Bot mag. 394
alpina B. M. not E. B.
12004 chalcedonica L. Chalcedonian A or 2 jn.jl S Russia 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 257
S£lba v/hitc-jiowcred A or 2 Jiijl W Ilussia D p.l
3 plena A or 2 jnjl S Russia D p.l
12005 fulgens Fis. shining U jn.jl s Siberia 1822. D p.l Bot. mag. 478
12006 grandiflbra Jac. great-flowered \\ jn.s II China 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 223
coronata Thun.
12007 Flos Jbvu L. Flower of Jove £ A or R Germany 1726. co Bot mag. 390
12008 coronaria Lam. crown j£ A or 3 jn.s R Italy 1596. Bot. mag. 24
Agrostemma coronaria L. CO
2 alba vrhxtcflowered £ A or 3 jn.s
3 plena douh\c-Jtowercd£ A or Hjn.s R CO
12009 CccN)i Rbsa Desf. Hose of heaven O or 1 F Levant 1713. r.m Bot mag. £95
Agrostemma Cueii iiosa L. 8.1 Fl. lap. 12.1
12010 apctala L. petallcss Lapland 1810. S co
12011 brachypctala Horn, short-pctalcd Siberia 1817. S co
12012 diurna Sib. day-flowering Britain D co Eng. bot. 1579
sylvi-btris Jloppe
2 flora pleno double-flwd Britain hedges. D co
12013 vcsiiertlna Sm. evemng-^ft^g- Britain wa.&ti. D co Eng. bot. 1580
dioica L.
S fibre pleno doublc-flwd Britain fields. D co
12014 lee\a //. K. joylul Portugal 1778. S i.l
12015 Corsica Loi. Corsican Corsica 1818. S s.p
12016 sibirica L. Siberian Siberia 1817. I) co
12017 pyrenaica Berg. Pyrcnean Pyrenees 1819. D s.p
12018 Floscitcuh L. Cuckoo-flower Britain O co Eng. bot 573
2 florc pl&no doublc-flwd Britain bogs. D p
12019 Githago /.. Corn-cockle Britain com fl. S co Eng. bot. 741
Agrostemma Githago L.
2 nicsdnsis Nicean Italy 1794. S co
Agrostemma nicaeensis IV.
1416. CERA'STIUM L. MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. (Kcras, a horn ; form of capsule.) CaryophQttete. 48.-79.
12020 pauciflbrum Stev. few-flowered O un. jnjl W Siberia 1816. S co
12021 ncinorMc Bieb. grove O un jnjl W Caucasus 1H18. S co
12OSW pcrfoliatum /* per foliate O un jn.jl W Greece 17125. S co Di.eL217.284
12023 caucasicum Fis. Caucasian O un jnjl W Caucasus 1820. S co
1S024 duhfaricum Fit. Dahurian A un my.s W Siberia 1815. D co Bot mag. 1789
amplcxicaule B. M. //olosteum Fis.
12025 maximum L. greatest O un 2 Jnjl Jj W Siberia 1792. co Gm. si. 4.62.2
12026 stellarioideu Afoc. Stellaria-hke O un *myjl*jl W N. Amer. 1810. co
12027 dichotomum /.. forked O un jnjl W Spain 1725. co
12028 glanilulbbiim //. C. glandulous O cu W Europe 1827. co
V2Ul2\) inflatum H C. inflated O cu I jn.jl W Europe 1827. co
12030 rudcralc Bieb. rubbmh O un Jmyjl W Caucasus 1817. co
12031 tauricum Spr. Taurian O un I my.jl W Tauria 1820. co
12032 vulgktum L. common O w * apjn W Britain san pi. S co Eng. bot 789
12013 ovalc Pers. oval O un I ajxjn w Europe 1800. S co
12034 viHcusum L. cinmmy-leaved Ow ap.s w Britain pas. S co Eng. bot. 790
12035 Aolosteoldes Fries Holosteum-like£ A un i my jl w Sweden 1818. D co
12036 barbulbbum Lk. small bearded O un S. Europe 1820. S co
12037 anomalum W.SfK. anomalous O un *i *myjl * W Hungary 1817. S co
12038 semidec&ndrum L. semi-decandrous O w i mr.ap W Britain walls. S co Eng. bot. 1630
120,$ tetrfindrum H. K. tetrandrous Ow J my.jn W Scotland S co Eng. bot. 166
12040 pentandrum L.
1^041 gracile Desf. >
12042 brdchypctalumDf«/ - shorUpetaled
8 un i jnjl
W S. Europe 1821. S co
iinyjl W S. Europe 1818. S co
O un I W S. Europe 1816. S co Dec ic. 44
12043 difltaum Pers. spreading £ A un *ap.s W Europe 1820. D co
12044 serpyllifolium W. Thyme-leaved Q> un Siberia 1817. S co
12045 manticum L. Mantic O un Hungary 1801. S co W.&K.96
18046 rupestre Us. rock Q> un Jnjl W Siberia 1820. S co
12047 campanulatum Viv. beto.flowered O un ijll.jl W Italy 1824. S co Viv. an. 1.8.1
grandiflbrum W.&K.
12048 grandiflorum W . large-flowered
largefl , A pr •i.jl W Siberia 1818. D p.g W. & K. 8.168
12049 tomenttaum L. woolly A un 1 W S Europe 1648. D co Col. ph. 31
12050 Bicberstelntf Dec. Bicbentoin's A un * J"J w Caucasus 1820. D p.l Bot mag. 2782
12051 pusillum Ser. weak O pr 4 jn.jl w Siberia 1824. S
Alp. Eur. 1819. D
12052 laiidtum Lam.
19053 alpinum L.
i jjl w Britain w.alp. D co Eng. bot 472
120.54 ovatum Horn* orate-leaved A un Carinthia 1816. D co
12055 lati folium L. broad-leaved A pr £ Jn.jl W Britain w.alp. D co Eng. bot 473
12056 glaciMe Gau. icy A pr 4 jn.jl W SwitxerL 1819. D pi
12057 lylvaticum W.f wood A pr i jn.jl W Hungary 1820. D p.s W. & K. 1.97
12058 arvense L. field A w ft W Britain corn ft*. D eo Eng. bot. 93
12059 atrictum L. strict A un 1 W Austria 1793. D co Scop. car. 19.1
2 suflruticusum W. suffruticose A un 1 my.jl W S. Europe 1796. D co
12060 diolcum //. K. dioecious A un W Spain 1776. D co
12061 pennsylvanicum Horn. Pennsylvan. A un |l W Pennsylv. 1810. D co
12062 pubescens Gol. pubescent A un w N. Amcr. 1821. D
Pannonia 1817. D
12063 matrense Kit. Matrensian A un w
*. 3« jl
...... 1820. D co
12064 pilbsum Horn. pilose A un
Q> un
w ...... 1819. S co
12065 Sprungclit Ser. Sprengel's jl w 1824. D co
12066 hirs&tum Ten. hairy A w Italy
Italy 1822. S co
12067 Tenorethiwn Ser. Tenore's
pilosum Ten.
O un i'5J w
1417. LARBREM Hil. LARBREA. (Abbi Larbre, a botanical author.) Caryoph$llece. 1.
12068 aquatica Hil. water Aw - l -j l
= ,_» W Britain watpl. D bog Eng. bot 538
Stellaria aquatica Pers. Cer&stium aquaticum L.
* 1418. SPE'RGULA L. SPURRRY. (Spargo, to scatter: expels seeds.) Caryoph$lle<e. 8. — 14.
12069 arv£nsis L. corn-field O w s jlau W Britain S co 1535
pentandrous ~ •. _ 5 . England gan .fi. S co 1536
12070 pentandra L. O w
Pa.R C. G. H. 1810. D s.p
12071 pallida Sal. pale A pr
12072 nodusa L. knotty Aw ijlau W Britain san.hc. D co Eng. bot 694
12073 /aricina L. Larix-likc A p r \ jnjl W Siberia 1820. D f.p 392.1
12074 saginoldes L. Sngina-like Aw 4 W Scotland scalp. D co Eng. bot 210')
12075 subulata Sun. awl-shaped Aw W Britain san.hc. D co Eng. bot 1082
12076 glabra W. smooth W Europe 1816. D s.p Al.ped.64.1
14]9. BE'RGM L. BERGIA. (P. J. Bereius, M.D. professor of nat. hist Stockholm.) Caryophijllea. 1. — 2
verticillata W. whoried O cu { jnjl W . R Egypt 1820. S fl.p Del. s g . 26.1


PHYTOL {Phyton, a plant, lacca, lac; crimson fruit.) *
— octandra
18078 ' - L. d
octandrous tf E ] o r 6 jl.n W.a Mexico 1732. C i.l i. eL 839.30R
12079 stricta Hqfm. strict Q 3 jnjl W.o S. Amer. 1820. C i.p
-•/^ heptindra Rct%. ?
19080 abyssinica W. Abyssinian * or 6 my.jn W.a Africa 1775. R s.l Hof. got.2
19081 bogotensis Hum. Bogotan f CSJor 3 ... W Bogota 1824. C s.p
12082 dodecandra W. en. dodecandrous H E3 or 6 my jn R Africa ... C s.l
12083 decandra L. decand. Virginian Poke $ A cul 5 au.s L.1 Virginia 1615. C s.p Bot mag. 931
12084 mexicana Suit. Mexican j£ QS or 3 W Mexico 1824. C s.p Bot mag. 2633
icosandra B. M.
12085 icos&ndra L. lcosandrous a ] or 3 JLn W E. Indies 1758. C s.p Mil. ic. 207
12086 dlolca L. dioecious $ 14 ... W.o S. Amcr. 1768. C s.p Her. s t 70


1421. if'SARUM L. ASARAOACCA. {At privative, seira, a bandage; unfit for garlands.) Asdrinte. 4 . - 5 .
12087 arifMium Mx. Arum-lcavcd A ij Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 40
12088 curo|Mcxum L. Eurojiean A f my P England woods. D p.l Eng. bot 1083
12089 canadcnsc L. Canadian A cu f a p j l Br Canada 1713. D p.l Bot cab. 889
12090 gramlifolium Lo.C. large-leaved A cu | up. my Br N. Amer. 1820. D p.l
12091 vir^fnicum L. Virginian A cu $ Br Virginia 1759. D p.l Sw.fl.gar. 18
1422. BOCCO%N/^ L. BOCCONIA. (Paolo Boecone. M.D., a Sicilian monk.) Papavcrhcea. 2 . - 3 .
12092 flrutewens L. frutcsccnt Celandine iQ
- 10 [0ja.ap
ja. W . Y W. Indies 1739. C r.m Bot. cab. 83
12093integrif61ia/T4-A entire-leaved M or 4 ja.ap W Mexico 1820. C I.p H.&B. n.1.35
1423. MACLETAY^ R. Br. MACLEAYA. (A. Macleay, secretary to the Lin. Soc.) Papaverhcete. 1.
12094 cordkta It. Br. cordate j£ A or 6 my.jl R.Y China 1795. D r.m Bot. mag. 1905
Bocc5nia cordkta L.
1424. BA'SSU L. BASSIA. (F. BassL curator of the botanic garden at Bologna.) Sapbtae. 3 . - 4
12095 longifolia L. long-leaved f O or 40 E. Indies 1811. C p.l Lam. il. 398
12096 latifiilia Box. broad-leaved t • or 40 ... Y Pi Indies 179!). C p.l Rox. cor 1 19
12097 butyrkcea Box. butter-bearing J • or 40 Nepal 1821 C s.l
1425. BLA KEi4 L. BLAKEA. (M. Blake, a promoter of useful knowledge.) Melastbmear. 2.—12.
12098 trinervia L. three-nerved • Q or 8 jnjl W Jamaica 1789. L s.p Bot mag. 451
12009quinqucn£rvia Aub. five-nerved • • o r 10 jnjl W Trinidad 1820. C s.p Aub. gui. 1.210
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KIMlM IT*. S i|, It.maiytj
1730. S fct, llur.Uf.n

But M r too.
12218 uftglanduldsa Dec. single-glanded O pr 1 jn.jl W . B Mexico 1818. S B.p Cav. ic. 4.306
Clevme uniglandulosa L.
1456. HELIOCA'RPUS t. HELIOCARPUH. {Helios, the sun, karpos, fruit; radiated.) TUftce*. 1.—2.
12219 amcricanus L. American HO or W •>• P Vera Cruz 1733. C p.l Lam. il. 409


1457. CALLrCOMA B. Rep. CALLICOMA. (Kalos, beautiful, kome, hair; tufted heads of fl.) Cunonihceae. 1.
12220 senatifulia B. Rep. saw-leaved ft|_Jor 4 Y N.S.W. 1793. C s.p Bot rep. 566
1458. AGRIMONNIA Tou. AGRIMONY. (From Argemone, a plant used in cataract of the eye.) Roshceee. $.
12221 Exmaloria L. Eupatoria k A™ 3 jn.jl Y Britain D co Eng. bot 1335
D Don Nepal
12222 nepalensis D. ^ ^ or 3 YY Nepal
Nepal 1820. DD co
12223 dahunca IV. Dahurian Y Dahuria 1811. D co
12224 odorata Lam. scented Y Italy 1640. D co
12225 suaviolens PA. sweet-smelling Y Virginia 1810. D co
1222ti pilosa Led. pilose Y Siberia 1819. D co
12227 repens /,. creeping Y Levant 1737. D co
12228 parviflura H. K. small-flowered Y N. Amer. 1766. D co
12299 striata Mx striated-/friMf W N. Amer. 1812. D co



1459. AESETDA L. RESEDA. (Resedo, to calm, to appease; medical qualities.) Reudhcea. 22.-2.3.
12230 jesamo'ides L. Sesamum-like O un Ap France 1787. S 8.1 ALpcd.2.8H.3
12231 /Ihifulia Horn. Flax-leaved O or jlau Y.a S. Europe 1819. S co
12232 glaaca L. glaucous jg iAl un my.jl Ap S. Europe 1700.
Ii233 dipetala H. K. two-petalcd £ iQl un &u C.G. H. 1774. S s.1 Pluk. al. 107. S
12234 rcopana Brou. Brooin-/»te tL \ | un au.s Ap Tcnerifie 1815. S si
12235 Lutenla/.. little yellow Dyer's weed O ag jnjl Ap Britain C s.1
12236 crispala Lk. curled O un jnjl Ap Portugal 1823. s CO
lanceoh\ta Lk. s
12237 virescens Horn. viresccnt Ap Spain 1820.
12238 canescens IV. canescent 1 my.jl Ap Spain 1597. s.l Cl.h. 1.295
122J9 chinensis Lou. China 2 jn.jl Y.a China 1819. co
12240 mediterranea L. Mediterranean IJjns Ap Palestine 1791. s.l Lind. c. 22
12241 odorata L. scented Mignonette 1 jn.o Ap Egypt 1752. r.m Bot. mag. 29
2 frut^scens frutesccnt Mignon. tL i_J or 2 jn.o Ap Egypt 1752. r.m Bot rcg. 227
12242 Phyteimia L. Phytcuma l.jn.8 Ap S. Europe 1752. s.1 2.132
12243 ramosissima Pou. branshiest 2 Ap Spain 1816. 8.1
12244 sax&tilis Pou. rock Ap Spain 1816. s.1
12245 pruintaa Del. frosted Egypt 1824. s.1
12246 Ibtea L. yellow 3 jlau A P Britain S s.1 Eng. bot. 321
12247 undata L. wave-leaved 1 Spain 1739. S 8.1 Bar. ic. 587
12248 filba L. upright white 3 ray.o S. Europe 1596. S 8.1 Lob. ic. 222
12249 fruticul&sa L. small-shrubby a. i_J or 1 s Ap Spain 1794. C 8.1 Jac. ic. 3. 474
12250 bipinnata TV. bipinnatc-Zva B. |_J or 2 Spain 1816. C 8.1
12251 myriophylla Ten. many-leaved jt Q) or 2 Italy 1824. S CO
*1460. EUPHCTRBIJ L. SPURGE. (Euphorbus, physician to Juba, king of Mauritania.) EuphorUacete. 213.
12252 uncinata Dec hooked «- Z] gr 1 Ap C.G.H. 1794. C s.1 Dec. pL 151
12253 squarrusa Haw. squarrose a. I gr Ap C 8.1
12254 tngona Haw. upright triang. • ZD gr 9 P E. Indies 1768. C 8.1
12255 antiquorum L. antique * 13 gr 9 Ap^ E. Indies 1768. C s.p R.maL2.4S
12256 lactea Haw. milk-colored * ID gr 4 jLau Ap E. Indies 1804. C s.p
122.T7 gr&ndidens Haw. great-toothed * ZD gr 5 jl Ap C. 6 . H. 1823. C s.p
12258 canarilnsis L. Canary 1 ZH gr 20 mr.ap Ap Canaries 1697. C 8.p Dec. pi. 140
122:39 stelleeap'ina Haw. Btarry.spined * ZD gr Ap C. G. H. 1824. C si
12260 csrulescens Haw. csrulcbcent * ZZD gr 3 '.". Ap C. G. H. 1824. C 8.1
12261 tctragona Haw. four-angled il ZH gr 4 ... Ap 8.1
12262 heptaguna L. seven-angled A 3 gr 3 jLn Ap C. G. H. 1731. a.p Brad. sue. 2.13
2 ritbra Haw. TcA-sjuned H Z3 gr 4 jn.n A P C. G. H. 1731. s.p
12263 enneaguna Haw. nine-angled * ZD gr 3 jl.o P C. G. IL 1790 B.p
12264 mammillaris L. teated-angled • ID gr 2 Ap C. G. II. 1759. s.p Com. pr. 9
12265 ccreiformis L. Cereus-formed 1 ZD cu Ap C. G. H. 1731. sp
12266 oificinarum L. officinal •H I N! Africa 1597.
P C. G. H. 1824. s.p Dec. pi. 77
12267 odontophylla IV. en. tooth-leaved
12268 polygona Haw. many-angled ft ZD gr 6 £
jnjl Ap C. G. H. 1790.
122t)9 erosa Haw. eroded • _J gr 3 jls" Ap C. G. H. 1805. s.p
12270 nernfiilia L. Oleander-lvd ft ZD gr 4 d Ap India 1690. s.p Dec. pi. 46
12271 toxirana Afx. poisonous ft ZD gr 20 Ap Guinea 1793. sp
12272 louhoguna Lam. crested-angled ft ZD cu 3 Ap Madagasc.1824. s.p Dec. pi. ic^.
12273 hystrix Jac. porcupine ft ZJ gr 6 Ap C. G. H. 1695. 8.p Jac. 8C 2.207
Trcisia hjrstrix Haw.
12274 vkrians Haw. varying-stmd ft ZD gr 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1800. C s.p
12275 grandifulia Haw. great-leaved ft Z] cu 6 ... S. Leone 1798. C s.p
18276macucumerina W. cucumber-/«to tL ZD gr ^ P C. G. H.
Ap C s.p 5
iSZL gnini£inmaJXnv. large-teated ft ZD gr ::: P Mexico 1823. C sp
12278 lanifera Haw. £
wool-bearing ft —I gr 3 ... Ap Mexico 182a C s.p
12279 geminisp\na Haw. double-spined ft ZD g' 3 ... Ap Mexico 1823. C 8.p ,
jszou melofurniis ft v main*i f— ^J M> I or f my.s Ap G6.H. 1774. C s.p Bot rep. 017
anna. rf-i» v^i. ? "•' meion-iorniBO •«• _j Kr
12281 Caput McdbaeL great Med.Headtt- 3 gr 2 au Ap Africa 1731. C s.p Com. pr. 7
Med&sa m\jor /foi£ —' °
1 au Ap C. G. H. 1768. C s.p
2 haimlis Haw. humble

12282 tessellata Haw. checkered ,1/. fin. ZD gr 1 au Ap 1768. C s.p *

12283 fructuspma Haw. spine-fruited M. HM. ZD gr f au Ap C. G. H. 1731. C s.p Dec. pi. 150
2 gcminata Haw. twin-branched tt. ZD gr | au Ap C. «. H. 17.-31. C s.p Bur. af 18.9.1
12284 procumbens Haw. procumbent At.H.n. 13 gr JL au Ap C. G. H. 1768. C s.p Bur. af. 10.1
12285 patula MO. spreading n. I ftr i au Ap C. G. H. 1768. C s.p
Daety lanthes patula /Jaw.
1228.1 anacantha L. spineless s.o Ap C. G. H. 1727. C s.p Dec. pi. 144
12287 globbsa Haw. globose s.o Ap C. G. H. 1823 C s.p
Dactylanthes globbsa Haw.
12288 clava Jae. club 1 Ap C. G. H. 1774. C ap Jae. ic. 1.85
Treisia tuberculata Haw.
12289 Hawurth/i Swt Haworth's 1 Ap C.G,H. 1800. C s.p
Treisia cttiva fl_
12290 tuberculata Jae. tuberculated * ZD gr 2 d Ap C. G. H. 1815. C s.p
12291 myrtifblia /,. Myrtle-leaved H leu 2 jn AP
C. G. H. 1699. C s.p Her. par. ic.
1212JJ2 Aupleurifolia Jae. Bupleurum-lvdtt. ZH gr Ap
C G. H. 1791. C s.p Jae. sc. 1.106
122<)3 mauritanica L. Mauritanian tt. |_J cu [| Ap Mauritan. 1732. C s.p Di. el. 289.373
12294 Lamarktf Haw. Lamarck's tt. leu 1| Ap C. G. H. 1808. C i.p
virgata Per*, not W. $ K.
12295 hanfita Haw. hooked tt. i _ | cu Ap C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Bur. af. 6. SJ
122% Ornlthopus Jae. Bird's-foot 1 Ap C. G. H. 1816. C s.p Jae. fr. 120
l^L^Sl^Brou. leafless tt. i_J cu 1} Ap Tcnerift'e 1815. C sp
Balsam-bearingtt. \ | cu Ap Canaries 1779. C s.p
TirucalH ~ — 3 Ap India 1690. C s.p R.mal.2.144
..,., w1,u>purea Brou. dark-purple A I | cu 3 Ap Teneriffe 1815. C s.p
\i£l pucatoria H. K. fisher's H i |cu 3 Ap Canaries 1777. C ip
i «£?, b r . a c t ^ta Jae. bracted tt. ZJ cu Ap 1809. C s.p 2.276
1-J03 pendula Haw. pendulous tt. 1 3 cu Ap
1808. C s.p
l n o n j rithymalus pendulus Haw.
}«M dendroldes L. tree-like tt. cu Ap
io*t£ ""acampseroldesLam. Anacamp^lktt. 13 cu i ::: Ap S-Vmer. ..." C s!p Di el. 288
io*« ncterophjflla L. various-leaved «- Z3 cu 2 ... Ap & Amer. 1800. C s.p PI. ic. 251. 3
^ cyathophora Jae. cup-bearing £ L_i pr A P & Amcr. 1800. C s.p Bot. reg. 765
I repanda Swt. repand tt. O cu 2 au Ap E. Indies 1808. C s.p
Tith^maius repfindus Haw.
uiglandulusa Haw. twin-glanded cu 3 s Ap Bourbon 1808. C s.p
silenifblia Haw. Catchfly-leavcdtt. ZD cu * jLau A P C. G. H. 1821. C s.p
glaucous tt. 13 cu i j . a u Ap C. G. H. 1821. C «J.p
curled tt. ID cu I Ap C. G. H. 1819. C s.p
tuberous tt. Z3 cu * Ap C. G. H. 1808. C s.p
»n&ra Jae. naked-flowered * • cu 6 au Ap 1800. C s.p Jae. ic. 4 370
tii Cotinus-leaved or 10 Ap S. Amer lti'K). C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 59
pctiolatc c 3 myjn \V. Indies 1800. C s.p Bot mag. 883
mellifera //. K. honey-bearing 6 Ap Madeira 1784. C s.l Bot mag. 1305
Toadflax-lvd tt-Dcu 3 Ap 1794. C si Jae. ic. 1.86
Flax-leaved 2 Ap W. Indies 1774. C s.p
' variegiii variegated O cu Louisiana 1811. S al Bot mag. 1747
...... 1799. S s.1 Jae. sc. 3.277
OJ cu "? jnjl
) prunifMia Jae. Plum-leaved Ap
ymalua geniculatus Haw.
19»OA/au^y ^lia.ri
Mia Lam.
Lam. Pyrus-leaved 1 , ZJcu 2 ... Ap Mauritius ... C s.p
ly'o? rin>Ha Zam. Laurel-leaved 1 . ZDcu 2 ... A p Peru 1K0. C sp
| £ 3 ocymoidea L. Basil-like O un 1 A p S. Amer. 1733. S 6.1
toothed O un 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1806. S s.l
vpericifulia L. Hypericum-lvd O un j Ap America 1727. S 6.1 Hook. ex. fl. S6
V.en. Humboldt's rm un jl.o Ap S. Amer. 18(i9. S 8.1
trailing red O u n J jl.o Ap W.Indies 1758. S s.l
rosy U2 un | a u Ap E. Indies 1808. S s.l
linear 1 1
l Ap Vera Cruz 1824. C s.p
. > glaucoph^lla Pert, glaucous-leaved O un Ap Guinea 1825. S co
}*gl omicroph/lla Lam. small-leaved O un j|.au Ap E. Indies 1818. S co H u t aL 446.5
loSo3 Phthalmica Com. ophthalmic Cfl m R.Janeiro 1824. S co
loo? ^aculuto L. spotted O un UJJi Ap a Amer. 1660. S s.l Jae. vin. 2.186
*-««4 tannensis Si*r. Tanna O cu 1 Ap N. Hcb. 1827. S co
1o Croton clutioldes Forst. I ESJun 1 my.jl Ap S. Amer. 1789. C s.l Jae. ic. 3.477
in« P i c t a ^A^* painted i E. Indies 1800. S s.l Jae. ic 3.478
J23J6 pilulifera L. pellet-bearing ' KH un i AAp p
Africa 1823. S co Jae. ic. 476
*fj37 <cordif61ia W. Scordium-lvd rm cu
AP E. Indies 1818. S co Jae. c. sup. 1L 1
Jai38 hirta Jae. ' hairy O cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. D co
iVcrcurii'i/is Pers. Mcrcurialis-lk rm cu | Ap Brazil 1826. S co
brasiliensis Lam. Brazilian O c u ijnau Ap Ceylon 1P20. S co
small-flowered Bur. zey. 105.2
ysSopifr,liaL. Hyssop-leaved rm un 1 au.s W. Indies 1787. S s.l
d i F dense-leaved O un ijlau Siberia 1817. S co
O cu 1 Ap *P 1818. S co
Thyme-leaved rm un \ Ap India 1699. S s.l 2
Serpyllium-lvd O cu A P S. Amer. 1817. S co
L. Chamaesyce O un A|> & Europe 1752. S s.l M.h.10.2.19
cancscent O cu 1 Ap Spain 1818. S co Cav. ic. 1.63
Wild Purslane O un 1 Ap England sea sh. S s.l Eng. bot 2002
Kuotgrass-Ivd O un i jn.jl Ap N. Amcr. 1704. S s.l Jae. c. sup. 13. 3
aU Ipecacuanha : A un 2 jnjl AP N. Amer. 1812. D 8.1 Bot. mag. 1494
Portulaca-like : A cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1816 D co
led O cu Ap France 1818. S co Cav. ic. 1.34.1
}%1T* humifftsa W.
JJ355 seticornis P«>. bn^t\ed.horn-/rMi^d O cu *JnJl AP Europe 1817. S co
Q cu 1 jLau Ap Italy 1830. S co
{2356 tadrica Zea Taurian O cu 1 jnjl A P Tauria 1820 S co
{2357 obsc&ra Lot. obscure O cu 1 jnjl AP & France 1817. S co
Devil's milk O Ap Britain clt gr. S s.l Eng. bot 959
Bickle-leaved O un 1 au Ap S. Europe 1699. S s.l Jae. au. 2.121
small O Ap Britain cor fi. S s.l Eng. bot 1336
min Peplus-like O un Ap ...... 1800. S s.l
m i
>nia Haw.
i a W. small-flowered O un jl.8 Ap Persia 1803. S s.l
inJkU pointed O un o.d Ap £]£n[* }S?2- S co
retiisa Cav. retuse O un Ap & Europe 1818. S co Cav. ic. 34.3

12365 feptophylla Pcrs. flne-lcaved 1 jl.s Ap S. Europe 1817. S co

12365 pterocdcca Brat. winged-berried 1 jn.jl Ap Spain 1826. S co
12367 prolffcra Horn. proliferous 1 my.jn Ap Nepal 1820. D s.p
12368 undulata Bieb. waved 14 Ap Caucasus 1818. D co
123WJ LathyriB L. Cauer Spurge 3 my.o Ap * England S co Eng. bot 2255
12370 valentlna Or. Valentian 1* Ap Spain 1804. S 8.1
12-371 terrarinaZ,. Terracina IJjlau A P S. Europe 1810. S co
12372 diffTisa W. diffuse i Ap Austria 1798. S 8.1 Jac. ic. 1.88
12,373 ^%pios L. Veax-rooted #jnjl Ap Candia 159a C s.l
12374 larta H. K. joyous 1 Jn.jl 1758. C s.l Jac. ic. 1 87
12375 /satis Pars. l\\ _ A cu 2 jlau Ap Spain 1820. D co Lob. ic. 361
12376 £cniKtoldes L. Genista-like tt. L_J cu 1 Ap C. G. H. 1808. C
12377 coriifolia Lam. Cons-leaved tt. i__J cu 1 A P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
12378 spinbsa L. prickly tt. _J cu 2 my.s A P Levant 1710. C 8.1 Den. br. 45
12.J79 Iruticosa L*. shrubby tt. _Jcu Ap Sicily 1824. C Biv. cen. 1.35
12380 nummuIariflBfolia W. en. Moneyw.-lvtt. L_J CU 180). C co
or 1805. Bot rep. 616
12381 /Miithymoldes L. Epithyraum-lk £ A 1 my.jn Ap Austria D co
12382 villbaa IV.SfK.
' " " villous
-rillous _
^ A or 2 my.jl Ap Hungary 1820. D s.p W.&K.1.93
12.383 dulcis L. sweet j| 1 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1759. D co Jac. au. 3.213
12384 purpurata Thuil. purpled ^ 1 my.jl Ap France 1820. D co
12385 ambigua Kit. ambiguous ^ 1 my.jn Ap Hungary 1817. D co W.&K.135
12386 carruolica Jac. Carmolan 5 1 au Ap Carniola 1796. D co Scop. car. 21
12387 angulata Jac angled ^ l\ Ap Austria 18(J1. D co Jac. ic. 481
12388 flavicoma Dec. yellow-haired 5 Ij Ap S. France 1820. D co
123H9 /'ithyiisa L. Juniper-leaved n., 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1741. C s.l Boc. sic. 5
12.390 portlandica L. Portland £ Britain sea sh. C s.l Eng. bot 441
12391 saxatihs Joe. rock £ i my.jl Ap Austria 1817. C s.p
p Jac ic. 345
12392 Cordcriftaa Dec. Corderi's £ 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1824. C s.p
12393 ParaJias L. Paraliaa £ , 1 jl.s Ap England seash. C 8.1
Eng. bot 195
2 suffhiticusa suftruticose tt., 1 jl.s Ap Europe C
12394 pctalidldcs tL S Ap ...„. 1795. C 8.1
rlgida Haw. not Bieb.
12S95./iincea //. K. rushy £ iAJ cu
Madeira 1779. D 8.1 Jac. sc. 1.107
12396 cong&ta W. en. heaiicd ^ A cu Spain 1817. D CO
12397 al£ppica L. Aleppo £ _AJ cu Crete 1739. D 8.1 Alp. ex. 64
12398 taunnensis W. en. Turin ^A cu Italy 1818. D CO Al. ped. 2.83 8
12399 Mgctalia L. corn O un S. Europe 1699. S 8.1 5.450
12400 divcrsitulia Desf. various-leaved O oror S. Europe 1833. S CO Desf. at. 1. 102
12401 plumusa Hort. feathery O or 1816. S CO
12402 csspitusa Ten. Italy 18'JO. D CO
12403 biuidbcllata Poir. turfy £ A Barbary 1780. D 8.1 Pa. it. ger. 1
12404 angustifblia Haw. double-umbell. £ A cu
narrow-leaved £ A t>u cu 1780. D Si
12405 multicorymbosa Haw. many-corym.£ A 1805. D 8.1
12406 provmcialis W. Provence O un S. Europe 1800. S S.1
12407 pubescens Desf. pubescent O cu
S. Europe 1817. S CO
1800. S S.1
12408 juncoides Haw. Rush-like O un Britain S S.l Eng. bot 883
12409 helioscbpiaZ,.sun-observingJVartwort O w S. Europe 1710. D 81 Jac. ic. a 483
12410 serrata L. narrow savr-lvdy p.8
12411 truncate Pen. truncate z S. Europe 1820. D
1-2412 creticatfaw. Cretan hoary j Levant 1768. C r.m
12413 punicca Swx. scarlet .Jiowered i Jamaica 1778. C 8.1 Bot. reg. 190
12414 verruebsa L. warty I France 1800. D s.1 M.h. 10.3.3
12415 corollate £,. coronate N. Amer. 1803. D s.1 Bot. cab. 390
12416 spathulsfblia Haw. spatula-leaved 1800. C s.1
12417 coralhoides L. Coral-like S. Europe 1752. D s.1
12418 androsemifdlia Donn. Tutsan-lvd Hungary 1804. D s.1
12*19 pilbsa L. hairy Siberia 1758. D 8.1 Gm. si. 2.93
12420 orientalis L. oriental Levant 17.39. D s.1
12421 Vaieriiinte Lam. Valcnan-feawd Siberia 1818. D p.8
Gm. si. 2.94
12422 platyphfllos L. broad-leaved England S CO
Jac. au 376
12423 stricta E. B. strict England ... S co Eng. bot.333
12424 serrulate ThuiL serrulated France 1310. S co
12425 literate L. blotch-leaved 1790. S co Jac. ic. 3.482
S. Europe 1810. D s.p Bux. c.2.27.*
12426 denticulate Lam. denticulate S. Europe 1818. D s.p Desf. at 1.103
12427 atl&ntica Pers. Atlantic [ A cu
ftupleuroules Desf. IAICU a Amer. 1824. C s.p
12428 marginata H.&B. marginaled Nepal 1823. D s.p
12429 longitulia D. Don long-leaved A cu
13430 E'sula L. Esula Britain woods. D co Eng. bot. 1399
124J1 aylva'tica L. wood (un S Europe 1768. C co
124-32 Erythrina Lk. Erythrina iA|CU C. G. H. 18L>3. D co
12433 neapohtana Ten. Ncapuhten O <*u Naples 1816. S co FL nap. 63
12434 glarebsa Bieb. gravel : A un Tauria 1822. 1) co
12435 bialata Lk. two-winged O un 1823. SD co
12436 urallnsis Fis. Ural : A un 3 j!.s Ural 18'21. co
124.37 micrantha Bieb. small-flowered Jmy Tauria 1822 S co Bux.c.2.25
124-38 crispate Horn. curled £ A un 3 my 1821. D co
12439 condylocarpa Bieb. joint-fruited £ A un *my Caucasus 1H123. D co
12440 fragifera Lk. berry-bearing £ Alun H my Italy 18'JO. D co
12441 Gerardfdno Jac. Gerard's £ A un jI Germany 1S01. D co Jac. au. 436
12442 Cyparissias L.
12443 virgata Kit.
£ A pr
£ A un
I England woods. D co
Hungary 1807. I) co
12444 il/yrsinitcs L. Myrsinites £ A un S. Europe 1570. C 8.1
12+15 renexa Spr. reflexed £ A or 1826. C~ s.p
1244^ rigida Bieb. rigid £ A or jj Caucasus 1818. C
12447 imbricate Pers. imbricated tt. |cu
£ AI un 1*
au.s Portugal 1804. C
1809. D s.1 Jac. ic.3.4
12448 mcaeensis VU. Nicean
12449 palustris L. marsh £ A un 4 Ap Sweden 1570. D 8.1 Fl. dan. 866
12450 emarginata H. K emarginate £ A un 2 Ap Italy 1758. I> co
12451 hibcmica W. Irish £ A c u 1 my.jn Ap Britain fields. 1) co Eng. bot $ ?
Bot cab. 973
12452 sahcifblia Hort. Willow-leaved £ A un 2 my.jn Ap Hungary 1804. D co
or 2 mr.jn Ap England woods. C co Eng. bot ^
!SS « y g e s Almond-like tt.
Characias n. pr 4 mr.jn Ap England mo. pi. C co Eng. bot • »
12454 Characias L. Venetian tt. _J cu 1{ Ap Europe 1820. C pi
12455 veneu Lk. glaucescent £ A un 1 mr.jn Ap ...„. 1823, D co
18456 glauceicens IF.
J2457 agrkria Bieb. field Crimea 1821. C co
J2458 pallidaW. pale Hungary 1822. D co
12*59 procdra Bieb. tall Crimea 1819. D co
12460 ccratncarpa Ten. horn-fruited Naples 1823. D co FLnap. 63
12461 aff\nis Dec. kindred Europe 18lJ0. D s.p
J2+62 undulkta tffcft. waved Caucasus 1821. D s.p
«4rwj trigonpearpa Lo.C. triangular-ftd 1823. D *.p
12464 lcicida W. Sf K. shining Hungary 1818. D s.p W. ft K. 55
,1461. PEDILA'NTHUS Neck. SLIPPER PLANT. (Petition, a slipper, anthos, a flower.) Euphorbidcear. ft— 7.
12465 /ithymaloides Pott. Tithymalus-lk tt. ZD cu 1, jLau Ap S. Amer. 1820. C co Bot »«•reg.—837 °«
myrtifulius Lk. Crcpid'iria myrtifolia Haw.
12466 canaliculatus Suit. channelled-/(/d ft. ZD cu 11 Ap S. Amer. 1820. C co Bot. cab. 727
.Euphorbia canahculkta Lod.
12467 padifMius Pott. Padus-leaved tt. H] cu 11 A P & Amer. 1699. C co Her. par. ic.
12468 cordellatus /fatu. small-hearU/vtf tt. Z3 cu 11 Ap S. Amer. 1699. C co Di. el. 288. 372
Crepidaria cordellkta Haw.
12469 carinktus S^r. kee'ed tt ~H cu U Ap 1817. C co Bot mag. 2514
Crepidaria carinkta fliiw.
12470 subcarinktus Haw. subcarinate tt-UJcu Ap S. Amer. 1795. C co
loll?2" V I ' s NEi< L. VISNBA. (Erroneously for Vtam«a; in honor of M. de Fumes of Lisbon.) Onagrdrite. 1.
"471 Mocanlra L. Mocanera i j o r 5 ... W C a n a r i e s 1 8 1 5 . C l . p C o l . h . r i p . 3*



I O J I S 3 - C A L L I ' G O N U M L . C A L L I G O X U M . (Kolas, b e a u t i f u l , g o n u , j o i n t j j o i n U i n s t e a d o f Its.) A f J £

12472 PaUasia H, K. Pallas's tt. or 4 au G . w Casp. S e a 1780. C s.l PaL K M . 2 . 7 7 , 7 8



191J?> GLrNUS L. GLINIIS. (A name given by Theophrastus to the maple.) FUoide*. 1. —5

!2473 /otoldes L. Lotus-like iQJun l i j l Y S. Europe 1788. S 8.1 Boc.sic.2Lll
IS*?? B ,f ACKWE'LLW Com. BLACKWEJXIA. (Elizabeth BlackweU, bot artist) Homaline* 5 . - 8 .
axillary 4 ... W Madagasc.1824. C s.p Lam. il. 412.1
12«- a x . l l ] h . r i 8 *-«»«• k • or 4 ... W E. Indies 182a C s.p
panicled [•or 6 ... W Bourbon 1820. C s.p
K ham. entire-leaved (•or 6 ... W Madagasc.1823. C s.p
grandjfl6ra2.f»Mtf. large-leaved l U o r 5 au W China 1824. C s.p
iolt^* ASTO N/J J. GASTONIA. (Gaston de Bourbon, son of Henry IV., patron of bot) Araliacat. 1. — 2.
«479palmata Wai. palmate • • o r 4 W.o ...... 1818. C p.l Botreg.894


.1467. CEPHALOTUSXoft. CEPHALOTUS. " (Kephalotos, headed: glandular-headed stam.) RosacetB. 1.
18480 follicularis Lab. Collided £LA]CU 1 ... W N. Holl. 1822. S bog Lab. n. h. 2.145


J f M pER
E R V I NVUM L. HOUSELEEK. (Sempervivoy to live for ever ;tenacit; Crasmlacete. 29-32.
b^rrum LL. tree • J o 9 9 mr.d d Y Y Levant Lt 11640. C s.l Bot. reg. 99
^ L. variegated-/wf • 1 | or 4 mr.d Y Levant 1640. C s.1
{^482 cananense Y Canaries 1699. C 8.1 Dec. pL 141
12483 frutescens Haw. Canary «. 1 1 of 3 * j n ! ! . Y Teneriflfe 1824. C s.l
2«4gJutini, 8 umHJir. fruiescent tt. j_J or 1, Y Madeira 1777. C s.l Bot. mag. 1963
S S 5 ^ d l H i C g)andulouB-/iMi tt. L _ | or 1 Y Madeira 1777. C s.l
ciliated n. L_J or W Teneriflfe 1815. C s.l
. 2 hf bridum Haw. hybrid
i «. t lor 1 jLau Y hybrid 1820. C 8.1
«487 cespittoum Spr. turfy v ap.s Y Madeira 1815. C s.l Bot. mag. 1978
1Q . n barbktum Horn, ciliktum B. M.
*m barbktum C. Sm. bearded t t - L j o r 1 Y Canaries 1815. C s.l
lot**.* ^ineolkre Haw.
tt.Ljor jLau Y TenerifFe 1815. C s.l Bot mag. 1980
ISSS Smithii Sims Smith's tt.i | or Y
**a0 a6reum C. Sm. golden Canaries 1815. C sJ Bot reg. 892
calyciforme Haw. tt-Ljor 1 jLau Y Canaries 1820. C s.1
8 ipiirium Haw. spurious

12401 drbicum C. Sm. city St. i | or 2 Y Tcnerifle 1816. S s.1

12492 rvtiiHum Haw. tow retuic «-L-Jor 2 jnau Y Tcnerifle 1824. S al
lMyitubiilutfirinc Haw. table-shaped e. < | or 1| ll.ou Pa.Y Tcncnlle 1817. C
12494 tortuutfum //. K. twisted «.l_J or | Y Canaries 1779. C s.l Bot mag. 296
12495 villnsuin // K. villous a. Jjtijl Y Madeira 1777. D 8.1 Bot mag. 1809
124M Mxinn Haw. loos>c i jl uu Y ••••••
1241/7 stcllatum Sm. starred •PI or D s.l Seg. vcr. 2.17
villoHUin B M. i Y M. Baldo 1790.
12498 tcctfrum L. roof If. A or 1 jn.s F Britain roofs. D s.p Eng. bot 1320
12499 af nctauni Haw. African t AJ 1 C. G. H. 1768. D s.l
12500 dodrantalc IF. en. nine-inch 1 Pk Tcncrifte 1815. S s.I
12.301 flagcllifonne //5. whi|>-fonned £ A or Jjlau R Siberia 1823. C s.l
12502 hirtmn A. hairy 1 jnjl W Italy 1804. D s.p Srhm. ic. 17
1250.'] SOIIOIIUTUIII # M. Boholifcrous £ A or 1 in II P.i.Y Germany ... I) s.p Hot mag. 1457
12504 Klubit'vruin /,. globiferous £ A or Y Germany 1731. I) s.p But. mag Atfl
12505 KramlilKTiim Haw. great-Huwcrcd f A or Europe 1731. D s.l Bot.iuaK.JU7.2H5
Klolmlltcrum B. M. not I.. IV. £ A or
12506 inoiit'muiii L. mountain £ A or R Switicrl. 1752. 1) s.l Dec. pi. 105
22507 vua\riilhuim Haw. cubpiiiatc 1 jnjl R Siberia 1810. D s.l
12508 pinnilum Bieb. dwarf £ A or | Jn. 1 Pa.R Caucasus 1824. 1) s.l
12509 arachnofdcuiii L. cobwebbed
£ A or i Jnjl K .Italy 1699. D s.p Bot. mag. (18
1469. MONA'NTHES //aw. MONANTHBB. {Monot, one, anthos, a flower.) Crassuticta?. 1.
12510 |M>lyphylla Haw. many.leavcd tf IAICU ft jl.s R Canaries 1777. D s.l Bot. mag. 93
ScinpcrvWum Monantho* I».



•1470. CA'CTUS L. MELON THISTLE. (A name applied by Thcophrastus to a spiny plant) Opun/idcea*. 12.~
12/511 Mcloc&ctus L. Melon Turk's CapfL W. Indies 11)88. O s.p.
12512 macrac&ntha Haw. long-spined S. Anicr. 1820. O s.p
'3 dcprlssu Dec. depressed
dd S. Amcr. 1798. O s.p
12514 parvisp'ma Haw. small-spincd W. Indies 181~#. O s.p
12515 uruAcca Haw. hedgehog ' 1818. O s.p
12516 HCIUIIH Haw. old Mexico 1823. O s.p
S12517 latiHpina Haw. broad-spined Mexico 1823. O s.p
12518 rcdficta Spr. restored Mexico 1796. O fl.p
nAbilis Haw.
U2519 n6bilis L. noble 1796. O e.p
rccarva Mil.
twisted 1 Anticua 1768. O s.p
12521 corrugata GUI. corrugated Chile 1824. O fl.p
12522 foliosa GUI. leafy 1624. O s.p
•1471. MAMMILLAMUA/Jaw. MAMMILLA HI A. {Mamma, the nipple; tubercles.) Opttntidcear. 2 2 . -
12523 simplex Haw. simple red-spined n. "H ur I W W. Indies 1688. O s.p Dec. pL 111
Cftctu* mammillaris L.
12524 prollfera Haw. white-mined prolif. n. *~1prr | .. S. Amer. 1800. O • P
12525 discolor Haw. vanous-colorcdtt. ZD K t R 1800. O ••P
Cactus deprcssa Dec.
12526 straminca Haw. stnv/spinrd a. Igr | 1811. O s.p
12527 flavescens Haw. AavcaccnUspinedn. 3 Kr i Y 1811. O ••P
12528 c6nica Haw. conc-heodsd tt. 3 gr | 1808. O s.p
12529parvimamma Haw. small-teateil tt- Igr i .. 1817. O s.p
12530 mafrnim&nuna/firjw. large-tea ted «. " gr Mexico 1893. O
12531 stclltai Haw. starred tt. ZD gr my.jn Pk S. S Amer.
A 1815. O s.p Bot cab. 79
Cactus stcllata JK.
12532 gcminiHpina Haw. two-spincd ... R Mexico 1823. O s.p
12533 coronMa G Don crowned S. Amcr. 1820. O s.p
Cactus coronata W.
12534 coronaria Haw. garland 5 6 S. Amcr. 1817. O s.p
12535 vivipara Ph.
12536 lanifcra//nw.
Cactus glomcrflta Lam.
wooi-bearing «. • s Louisiana 1811. O s.p
t ... II Mexico 1823. O
\9SSH missoununsia Swt. Missouri s.p
Cactus manunillaris Nut. i .. Missouri 1818. O
12538 pusllla Swt. small s.p
Cactus pusllla Dec. i 1820. O
12539 amblgua G. Don ambiguous s.p
Cactus ambfffua Gill. Chile 1827. O
12540 spindsa G Don spiny Chile 1827. O s.p
Cactus spi n6sa Gill.
12541 quadrata G. Don quadrate Chile 1827. O s.p
1O_,_ Cfietus quadrata Gill.
12542 caudata G. Don tailed Chile 1827. O • P
ioe^o C f i c t l " caudata G///.
18543 coccinea G. Don scarlet Chile 1827. O s.p
mm Cactui ooccinea Gill.
12544 solitaria G. Don solitary Chile 1827. O s.p
CactuisolitarUC///. "*
CB»BU«. (ftw(M>Hant) ihoouof jattoortheipeciajO pvUic 44.—SR
| W Iwts, ( ».p BoLrag. 137
UM **«•*• 180ft. C i.p
W S. Amor. 1813. C *.p
('it:I IID nti»6rtni«
/ / . . •

ft Anicr, IB1& C It
8. Amer. ... i: «.p
w w 17
B c
nntile I'k W. ]iulie«18]l. C
.„ Brazil
MOT W S. Amer. 1710. C
W S. Ai.
12S51I irialiguUrti Unto great W \V. IndlatUna C Hut. nun; ISM
18561 thu> W
... & Amer. J809. C
8. Amur, LM& C l.p
... S. A HUT. 17M, C l.p
C pi
A m e r 1810. C I'.jt. r,'K. -fv.

Koyi'ii'f \V S. An C 1.1
vv. imiu-sidga c «.p Hi i par. 115
•**>& RT
vv SL AII. I *.p
S Am,-I. I7B8. C l.p
<70 8a*lap_lim W. Imtift ... C «.p
i i.p Hot.reg.3atl
u» I law. w .. 1817. C ».|i
11 H 111 T Hans, miuri
Uhiut ,. ISLU C L»
m i . Hijto. aerpcDtliM W.p Peru ... C »,t
ticui Hum. .. IS18. C i.i.

(no, .. 1820 C i . p
luim //«ut, cjll Peru C 1.1
i i Wnu». i l l ii •
S. Ailnr.
& Amor. 1BW. C
... I

i7fll IIT. mm, C

\ V I I , , I K M I S . •••,'. I C
I . p

r. Wlllte-t C i.p
"Off , C i.f
ring I, ' W.v J»m.(iira 17<K). C Botrep
lajK'd *~ t> inrjn I'll Kill. niau. 17
o»ate n.; Chile I8?7. C

ui r;. ;>iin mulUftarm (Ml 1827. C i.p

it r •

KIMIMIVl.l.t M Ham. EnpuTUUM. f IM, inion, pityI Inn, a I eaf; Jl n wcri.) VpuntiicftT.
Haw. • wln([<Hl «-3JPr V jil W N. Amer, IS 10. C i.p
phylUi )l,,w. I'liiH.,HII,II,.|I.IL ZDpr !( ... Pa.R Jamaica 1B17. C "" Bot.tnsK.909t

lo L«mii}Miyiiuiitliu'iilt.H
.in Hato. lc.ii".i|iiwfrin|t «L ^ pr 2 m W K Amcr. IM10, C i.p Bot. mag. SfiSB
tLl^opl 9 jn.jl H Itr.uil Ittlll. C P.p Hul. run »»
UKttU b|>( B, H. ilrKam /.*.
Itrunnahiw Bam, •umujtc "LlZlpf 1 in Tk Brazil 1S1H. C i.p 1^
( V i m IruncMn t.k
OFCMTI Haw. I M D U M i u. (Pioiiiitiii may ^ - i " . a eitt of Locri Otiun/i — Sft
• •
i ti JLati y a Amcr. 1731. C
CT | D Dl.
l L(.-LS 9
S9i. 379
i 379
r W.
TtlllB PH.TT a Air,,-r. 1731. C ».! D e c . pi,
p 138
fiino. Pk S. Amer. 17!«5. C Botnwg. 1.W7
, . -.JTyJuitha mniiy.fl.iH 3 Y s. Amer, isn. r «,i Hot. niji.
Ur.inllan O J id ii jUu Y Kr.iiii ISia C ct
liiiiiilik- « - ' )<-\\ I | ... Y ITBS. C i.l
wjOOD-.ii. i.ii n n. I cu & o Pa,Y 1810. C il
Donuaiw 2 | C But. rong.2S«
1B i mill!.,
itrict gr 3 JLau Y C .i!l Dec p i l e
'2 I IH17. (
1 V C il
lu Y 1 Amcr. ]8S0. C «.l
Mow. W.1II tt. »r 1 ... C *.l
Hmu indVan t ^ I Kill ft. All. C 1.D rain
I'j-.'i i.i V/iiti'. (nchihi rll Pk S. AliltT. HWfi. C 1.1
i /Am,. «ii,Kk' i Y S. Amer. Ifilfi. C i'l Bot.mag.il71
" * iifii 1817. C a.1
H,,w. Hin'P.<|iin,.,l tL S. AlitlT. ... C 1.1
oMta Hmv. (fr V S. Amer. 17Wi. C «.l
1 IJt. ....
.•rmi» i*. tcuanrtnw
ndnb >i
I"- Y
1HS0. C a.1
18Ja C
Jamaica 1732. C
3 t r 20 Jl'*' S. Amcr. I1-: 17. C
1*17 qurauivlca Haw.
Beta »3p fi jn.jl
Y i.p
1 miijor Bam.
Cnmm Y C
• 3 n r fi Jn.jl Y Curauoa Ifi90. C if
8 mtdia // K' fi in.jt Y C •.]
tlll.lll'T Y lfflO. C ».l
i I er 6 jn.jl
long Y Curauoa l(W. C i.l
Amu. Igr G jn.JI
O 2

13618 frfigiUa Nut. brittle «. _J gr N. Amcr. 1814. C s.p

12619 polyacantha Haw. many-spincd N. Amer. 18]4. C s.p
Cactus ft-rox JVK/.
12fi20 undia //«u». middle many-spineilit- N. Amcr. 1814. C ip
1'2IW1 tiiliu<.a Ifnw. loafy «. Y S. Amcr. 1H17. C ».p
1'J>'."J piiHillu Unto. small «- Y S. Amcr. 1805. C s.p
li'oJJ Hiilphurca G. Don sulphur-co/orc*/**- Y Chile 1827. C s.p
6'uctUM sulphurca Gill.
scricca tf. Don silky «• Chile 1827. C s.p
Cactus scricca Gill.
* Iffl. RHI'PSALIS Gae. RIIIPSALIS. (/{flips, a willow branch : flexible branches.)) Cacti. 6.
12625 Cahsutha Gar. Cassutha ~ cu I s•
tt. Z3 YY WW.I Indies
d 1758 1758. C
C s.p Hook. ex. fl. SI
Cactus pcndiila Stoz.
12626|iar.witiruH Haw. iKirnsitic Y S. Amer. 1800. sp Dec. pi. 59
12627 grandilK.rus Haw. lurgc-flowcrcd W & Amcr. 1818. ••P
Bot. mag. 2740
fartus finiMn Stilm
12fi28 f'.isfirur>ra Htiw bundled Gsh.W Brazil 1817. s.p Rot mag .'3079
r^C29 II orno'idi's///IIV.
H.IIII Saltwort-like
r e Y E. In.lics 1817. •P Bot max. 24fil
12630 iiiew!iniiryaiithoides//rtii;. Mcscm.-lktL cu W S.Amer. 1817. s.p But. mag. 3078
• 1476. PERE'SK//* Haw. BARB A DOES GOOSEHERRY. (N.F. Pcireskius. Provence, lover of bot.) OjmntiacetB. 4.
126J1 aculeiita Haw. prickly * 13 ft 5 o.n W W. Indies 1696. %M> Di. el. 2'tf. 294
6'actUh VerCukia L.
Brazil 1818
12&& Kratiihl'iMia Haw. large-loaved * Z3 fr ^4 s
- c «P
lS2t>33 Haw. long-Npincd H Z3 " - Amer. 1808. C a.p
19&HjM«rtulaiwnl)i.itf. Do/« Portulaca-lvd» Z3 ft 3 ... W W. Indies 1820. C s.p
Cactus portulacffifulia L.
* 1477. BAHTO*N/if Sims BARTON FA. (Dr. Z?. S. Barton, professor of botany at Philadelphia.) Lodsr*. 9.
12oVJ5 onuta Ph. ornamented £ OJ or 2 jl.s W Missouri 1811. S «q> Bot. mag. 1487
decapetala B. M.
196J6 niula Ph. naked-seeiled ^ OJ or 2 jl.s W Missouri 1811. S s.p
1478. MEKTZVLU L. MENTZBLIA. (C. Mentzel, of Brandenburg; bot author.) Lohte*. 3.
12(Vi7 fispera /,. rough tL CD or H Y America 1733. S co PI. ic. 174. 1
12(U8 oliKospcrma Sims few-bccdcd £ LAJ <>r 2 my.jn Y Louisiana 1812. S s.l Bot mag. 1760
12o'J9 hispida >f. hispid ^LAJor l|jn.jl Y Mexico 1820. S s.l Cav.ic. 1.70
•1479. i'HILADE'LPHUS L. SYRINGA. (Used by Athcnams for a tree now unknown.) PhtiaiUlphcce. 6.
12640 coronariuH L. garland or 8 my.jn W S. Europe 1596. L co Bot. mag. 391
2 naiius Mil. dwarf or 2 my.jn W L co
3 fibre pltno double-flwd or 8 my.jn W S. Europe ... L co
4 ftiliis variegatis variegated-lvd or 8 my.jn W 3. Europe ... L co
12641 grlcilis Lo. C. slender or 3 mr.jn W N. Amer. 1820. I i CO
1264'i nepalfmis Wat. Nepal or 6 jnjl W Nepal 1H22. L co
Y2CAS, inod«>ruH Mil. scentless or 2 jnjl W Carolina 17J8. JJ CO Bot. mag. 1478
1SM>44 granviittoTua IV. large- flowered or G jnjl W Carolina 1H11. L co Bot. reg. 570
12645 hirsutus Nut. hairy or 3 jn W N. Amer. 1820. L co 47
1480. LEPTOSPF/RMUM Forst. LEPTOSPERMUM. {Leptos, slender, sprrma, seed.) Myrttlcete. 29.
12646 grandifMiuin Sm. large-leaved ft i I or 5 jiijl W N. S. \V. 1803. C p 1 Bot. mag. 1810
12647 grand iflorum Loil. larKe-flowered jnjl W N. S.W. 1810. C p.l Bot. cab. 514
12648 cmarginatum Wnl. cinarginate I | or jiijl w N. S. W. 1818.
1264!) serlceuin Lab. silky \ lor jnjl w N. S. W. 1818.
12650 margmatum Lab. margined I | or jnjl w N. S. W. 1820.
12651 pubcscenM Sm. pubescent I | or jn.jl w N. S. W. 1774. P-
12632 lanlgcrum Sm. woolly or jn.jl w N. S. W. 1774. \ Bot CAb. 1192
12o53 fcoparium Forst. broom N Zeal. Taitt \ | or jn.jl w New Zeal. 1772. Bot. rep. 622
12654 tubcrcuHitum Pair, tubcrculatu _ J or w N. S. W. 1816. s.p
12655 attenuatuin Stu. attenuated ft i_J or myjl w N. S. W. 17U5.
]2i>56 ruhricaiilc Vcn. red-btemmcd il LJ o r jnjl w N. S.W. 1817.
I'2(i57 porophf Hum Cav. porous-leaved ft | ) or jn.jl w N. S. W. 1800.
12658 flexuobum Lk. flexuosc ft | | or myjl w N. S. W. 1823.
myjl w N. S. W. 1787.
p\ Col. h.
12659 flavcscens Sm. flavcsccnt il L_J or
w N. S. W. 1800. pi Bot. mag. 2695
Bot. cab. 791
12(»60 Ven. trilocular il | I or
jnjl w N. S.W. P- Vcn. mal. 89
12661 jimipennuin Sm. iun\\\eT-leavcd ft |_J or
w N. S. W. 1790. Cav. ic. 4. 331. <
12titi2 bacchtuin Sm. herry-fruitcd il i_J or
myjl w N. S. W. 1795. P.
Gae. fir. 1.35
12663 ararhnofdcum Sm. cobwebbcd
12M»4 parvifT>huin Sm. small-leaved
il i_J or
si i I or 5 jnjl w N. S. W. 1789.
N. S. W. 1790.
126<>5 Htellatum Cav. starred sH LJ or 5 jnjl Y N. S.W. 1823. P- Cav. ic. 4.330
VJlMi imbricatum Sm. imbricated • i I or 55 w N. S. W. 1820. p.l
12til»7 obtiisum Lo. C. ohtuucleavnl il i_J or J'njl w N. S. W. 1824. s.P
J2668 multicafilc Cun. many-stcmmed sH i I or 4 jn.jl
w N. S.W. 1824. S.D
12669 /hymifdhum Cun. Thyme-leaved • i I or 5 jnjl
w N. S. W. 1791. P]
12070 amblguum 5m. ambiguous
Mctrosidcros corifulius Ven.
il t | or 3 w Ex. bot. 1.69
12671 ovatifolium Swt. ovate-leaved s* LJ or 5 N. Holl. C s.p.1
I-'abricirt myrtif61ia Hort. not W.
12672 squarrosum Sicb. squarrose * i | or 4 W N. Holl. C p.l
12673 pendulum Sicb. pendulous ft i | or 4 W N. Holl. C p.l
1481. FABRI'CM Gae. FABRICIA. (J. C. Fabric'ms, the celcbratcil Danish entomologist.) Nyrthcea. &
1&.74myrtifolia Gae. Myrtle-leaved i j o r 3 ... Y N. Holl. ... C s.p Gae. fr.355.4
12675 hcvigiita Sm. smooth.leaved * i _ J o r 3 myjn Y N. S. W. 1788. C sp Bot. mag. 1304
12676 scricca Nats. silky i j o r 2 ... Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p
12677 stricta Lod. strict » i _ J or 3 ap.jn ... N. Holl. 1827. C s.l Bot. cab. 1219
lsS? ^Irils Lhilil' truc Irou

WS79 hlsimlus Sm.
12II80 floribiiiulus 5m.
12(iSl costatiu Uac
12ii82 glomiil'ircr Sm.
12683 angustifulius Sm.
12684 fisperus Ma. C. rough • i_J or 5 N. HolL 1824. C i.l
12685 capiUtus Stn. capitate M i_J or 5 Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.1
•1483. CALLISTEWON R. Br. CALLISTRMON. (Kallislot, most beautiful, stemon. stam.) Hfyrt&ce*. 14.—18.
ISitifl upccidsusN&v/.' showy * | | or 10 nir.jn C N. S. W. 1823. C s.1 Hot mag. 1761
Mctrot)uti roN spocioaus B. M.
12687 vnninalis G Don twiggy |_Jor 10 mr.Jn R N. & W. 1800. C s.l Gae. ft-. 1.34. 4
Metrosideros virainalis Gae.
12*188 lanccofttus Swt. spear-leaved l_Jor 10 Jn.n C N. S. W. 1788. C 1.1 Bot. mag. 260
Metrosidt-ro cltrinus H. M.
12'58!) pungens G.Don pungent H_Jor 6 my.jn 1827. C 8.1
19U9U rigidus li. Br. rigid lujor 5 N. aw.
1H00. C s.l Dot reg. 393
12<;<)ll Ime^ris
I ^ .Vn»/. linear "Ljor G jn.jl N. Holl. 1788. C s.1 Wen. han. 19.11
12o!K> InicanfMiu-- l.k. linear-leaved _ (ir 10 mr.jn K N. S. W. 1820. C p.l
12<J9 { vindifloriu .SW., green-flowered l_J or 5 G N. S. W. 1818. C s.1 Bot. mag. 2602
K Pine-leaved *Ljor 6 j » J . G N. Holl. C s.1 Wen. c. 1.16
'margin'itu* Swt. margined P.Y N. S. W. C 8.1 Cav. ic. 4.332
I'J«i'(i forinmiis Ma. C. handsome »Ljor 5 N. S. W. 1824, C s.p
l'J<ji7 microph^'llusMil.6* small-leaved il_Jor 5 N. Holl. 1824. C rp
12<i!W seinporflorens 7,o.C. ever-blowing i|_Jor 6 mr.jn C N. Holl. 1818. c p.T Bot cab. £23
12699 riiKiiKisus G. Don. small wrinkly > I | or 6 mr.jn Pk N. S. W. 1821. C p.l
Melrosidi'TOs rugulusus W. N. S . W .
12700 lnphanthiui 5m/. crest-flowered i__}or _ 6 G.v N. Holl. 1800. C s.1 29
MetrosiiU ros lophanthus Vent. salljjnu8~~2j. M.
12701 leptostachyus Sivt. slciider-bpikcd M\ | or 6 G.v N. HolL 1820. C s.1
• 1484. PSl'DIUM L.. JAVA. (Psiilias, a Greek name
GIJAVA. of the pomegranate.) Myrt(lce<e. 16.—22.
1270V pyrlfcrum L. pcar-hcaring
,iear-l>carL-n * C 3 f r 7 jnjl W W. Indies lhf>6. C r.m Bot. reg. 1079
12703 I.itifMiuin Lk. broad-leaved 10 jn.jl W S Amor. 1800. C r.m
J27O4 poinirerum L. apple-bearing 10 jii.jl W W. Indies IW2. C r.m ll.mal.3.35
l«7or> h.ipidisiiinum Jiic. most savoury 10 jn.jl W 1 C r.m
1^70: J guineense Swx. Guinea 8 jiijl W Guinea 18L'2. C r.m
1-707 aroindticum Aub. aromatic 5 ... W W. Indies 1779. C r.m Aub. gui. 1.191
12708 grandiHurum Aub. great-flowered 8 jlau W (Juiana 1K(X). C r.m Aub. gui. 1.190
lV.'70'> guian^nae Rich. (ii 5 W Guiana 1822. C r.m
1^710 fragrans Lo. C. fragrant 8 W Guiana 1823. C r.m
1/711 conlMum B. M. cordate 5 my.jl W W. Indies 1811. C r.ra Bot. mag. 1779
l'-712 nionliinuin Suas. mountain w W. Indies 1779. C r.m
12713 polycdrpum Andr. many-fruited 3 my w Trinidad 1810. C r.m Bot. reg. 653
1-714 CattkM«»M/» Lindl. Cattley's 20 my.jn w S. Amer. 1818. C r.m Lind.col. 16
12715 wiyrtifr.liuin Lo. C. Myrtle-leaved <J f.jl w C r.m
12716 oligosp^rmum Hort. few-seeded 10 ... w 1817. C r.m
12717 chineiikc Lo. C. Chinese 6 ... w 1820. C r.m
1485. NE'LITKIS Gae. NELITIIIS. {Net priv. elytron, seod-case; berry unpartitioncd.) Myrtheete. 1.—3.
12718 JambostUa Gae. Jambosella • • fr 10 ... W Society Is. 1810. C s.p 27.5
•Psldium decaspennum L.JU.
1480. MELANOPSI'DIUM Col. MELANOPSIDIIIM. {Melanos, black,psidiutn, guava.) Rubiaceaf. 1.
12719 nlgrum 6W. black $ • or 12 ... Crea 1828. C s.p Col. h. rip. 35
__£™7. _W.«..M EUGENIA. {Prince Eugene, of Savoy, patron of botany.) Myrtaecat. 2 5 . - 8 7 .
12720 javanira Java « D f r 10* ... W Java 1H2.1 C s.p Hu. am. 1. 38.2
»12721 malacccnsis L. Malay Apple tree 25 S E. Indies 1768. C s.p Bot rep. 458
12722 marrnrarpa Rox. long-fruited 20 ... W
... W E.Indies 1R22. r
C sp
1272.J glandulifera Rox. glanduhferous 10 ... W E. Indies 182. i. C s.p
pretty 10 ... w E. Indies lHVtt. C B.p .
Rox. watery 20 ... w E. Indies 1820. C s.p
_n-~-- ••*.•«••• in at a Rox. acuminate 10 myjl w E. Indies 1820. C s.p
12727 temifMiji Rox. three-leaved w E. Indies 1822. C s p
. 12728 obtusifblia Rox. obtu AC-leaved ... w E Indies 1821. C 8p
i)(729 amplcxicafths Rox. utoin-rlasping myjl W E. Indies 1823. C sp Bot.reg. 1033
127-JO ceraso^lcs Rox. Cherry-like ... W E. Indies 1822. C s.p
, 12781 sumairana Lo. C. Sumatra W Sumatra 1823. C s.p
S12732 Jumbos L. Jainbos j f.jl Gv E. Indies 17(i8. C sp Bot.mag 1696
12733 baruensis Jac. Baruan i W S. Amer. C s.p Jac. ic. 3.486
VS1M axillkris W. axillary i W Jamaica 1793. C s.p
12735 fragrans IV. sweet-scented * W Jamaica 17M. C s.p Bot. mag. 1212
1-716 Mini Aub. Mini i W Guiana 180.3. C s.p Aub gui. 1. 197
12737 elliptica Sm. elliptic-/; uifed I my.s W N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 1872
Myrtle-leaved i apjl W N. Holl. 1818.
C s.p Bot. reg. 627
_. JV/^rtus australis B. M.
1273Q /ig6strina IV. Vrivet-lraved * 8 au W Hispaniol.1708. C s.p
, J*7*° "nifluraL. one-flowered I 7 w Brazil 1759. C s p Bot. mag. 473
* J2741 zcyl&nica W. Ceylon * 10 jn.jl w Ceylon 17*W. C s.p Bot. rep. 619
1-742 biiUimica Wnl. balsam t w 1816. C s.p
1-743 latitolia Aub broad-leaved * w Guiana 1793. C s p Aub. gui. 1. 199
» \5,AI '^ractchta Raeu. bractcatc < w E. Indies 1820. C s.p
tlS^Vincroph^laLflm. long-leaved f w E. Indies 1HV0. C s p
JStt J . llxl flllia W
' Box-leaved 1 my.jn w W. Indies 1818. C s.p
12747 flonbi.nda West bundle-flowered I w W. Indies 1820. C sp
12748 obovata Poir. obovate i w I. France 1823. C s.p
12740 glauca Fis. glaucous *
w 1822. C s.p
12750 sincmarif nsis Aub. Sinemaria myjl w Guiana 1823. C fl.p Aub. gui. 1.198
i w 1825. C s.p
12751 auriculMa 1M, C. small-cured I w E. Indies 1825. C s.p
12752 petalnmo'idcs Lo. C. Pctaloma-like i w E. Indies 1825. C B.p
12753 gracilis Lo. C.
12754 rugftsa Lo. C.
w E. Indies 1824. C s.p
, 1488.
-— w ».w
CLOVB 'KE. {Karyon, nut, phyllon,& leaf; liiids of flowers.) Myrtucc*. 1.
12755 aroraaticus L. aromatic ± • cul i!0 ... Y.w Moluccas 1797. C l.p Dot.mag.2749.2750
* 1489. AfY'nTUS L. MYRTLE. {Myron, sweet ointment; fragrance.) Myrtuccce. 14—55.
**756 coinmunis L. common * LJ or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m Huh. no. 43
1 romana Roman * LJ or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m Mil. ic. 184 1

fitarenfina Tarentlne • L-J or 6 jLau W S. Europe 1597. C r.m

3 italica Italian * LJ or 6 jLau W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
4ba?'rica Batic * L-J or 6 W & Europe 1597. C r.m Black. 114
5 lusitanica Portuguese * L_J or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m a. h. 1.1
6 belgica broad-ivdDutchm i_J or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
7 mucronata 2 W & Europe 1597. C r.m
8 fibre pleno pointed-leaved * t__J or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
9 variegata doublc-floweredtt L_I or 6 W S. Europe 1597. C r.m
10 maculata variegated • l_J or 6* W a Europe 1597. C r.m
12757 tenuifblia Sm. spotted 5 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
12758 tomcntosa H. K. nnc-leaved 6 P China 1776. C s.p Bot mag. 250
12759 aflfinis Hart. vrooWy-leaved fi in.jl P China 1823. C s.p
12760 biflora L. kindred 10 W Jamaica 1759. C s.p Br.jam.25.3
12761 trinervis Sm. two-flowered 5 ... Ww N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
12762 Ifacida L. thrcc-ncrvcd 6 ... W Surinam 1793. C s p
12763 FflAI shining 3 jn.jl w W. Indies 1793. C s.p
12764 Grtgis Swz. bushy 6 w Dominica 1776. C s.p Gac. fr. 33.3
12765 virgultosa Ais. Greg's 6 w Jamaica 1787. C s.p PI. ic. 208.1
612766 kens Sun. twiggy 10 my.jl w Jamaica 1759. C s.p
12767 conacea Vahl acrid Wild
. ^ • or 30 ... w Hispaniol.1759. C s.p PI. ic. 208. 2
1 12 77 6/ 8 ' f t r t d X i Allspice-like £ O or 20 my w W.Indies ... C s.p Bot. cab. 178
12769 obscura B. R. doubtful ail lor w Maranh. 1828. C 8.p Bot. reg. 1044
*1*9°L CALYPTR A'NTHES Swz. CALYPTEANTUE3. (Kalyptra, veil, anthos, flower.)„ Myrtacea. 4 . - 9 ,
12770 Zuzygium Sun. Zuzygium • tm 2il my.jl W W. Indies 1778.
~~ L s.p Br.jam.7.2
\lZniJambolana Vf. Jambolana tree t • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1796. L s.p Ku. am. 1.42
12772 Chytraciilia Swz. forked Chytraculaf O or 20 W Jamaica 1778. L s.p Br. jam. 37.2
412773 caryophylhfdha W. Clove-leaved f • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1822. L s.p llu. am. 1.41
Eugenia caryophyllata liox.
1491. PIME'NTA Lindl. PIMBNTA. (Pimknto, Indian pepper, Span.) Uyrtheete. 1.
12774 vulgaris Undl. common Allspice t • cul 30 my.jl W W. Indies 1723. C s.p Bot mag. 1236
Myrtus Paninta L.
1492. OLY'NTHI A LindL OLTNTRIA. (Olynthos. an unripe fig.) Myrihcew. 1.
12775 disticha Undl. two-rowed £ • or 2 ap.jl W Jamaica 1793. C s.p Bot mag. 867
it/yxtus disticha Swz.
1993. EUCALYPTUS Herit. EUCALYPTI;* (EU, well, kolypto,, to cover: calyx-lid) Myrtacea. 29.
12776 rob&sta Sm. robust Gum tree l_Jtm 30 au.s W N. S. W. 1794. L l.p Sm. n. h. 13
12777 rcticulata Lk. netted l_Jor 30 W N. Holl. 1823. L
" co
12778 pilularis Sm. pelleted l_Jtm 30 W N. & W. 1804. L l.p
12779 rostrata Cav. beaked l_Jtm 30 w N. S. W. 1804. L Lp Cav. ic. 4.342
12780 cornilta Lab. horned l_Jor 30 w N. Holl. 1803. L s.p Lab. vo. 1. 20
12781 globulus Lab. globuled L_Jor 30 w N. Holl. 1810. L s.l Lab. n. h. 1.13
12762 orbicularia Lo.C. orbicular U j o r 30 w N. Holl. 1816. L 8.1
12783 incrassiita Lab. thickened l_Jor 30 w N. HolL 1818, L Lp
12784 marginuta Sm., thick-edged L_Jtm 30 apjl w N. Holl. 1794. L Lp
12785 longiloha Lk. long-lcaved i I or 30 w N. Holl. 1823. L co
12786 tereticornis Sm. round-horned i Itm 30 w N. S. W. 1804. L Lp
12787 resinifera Sm. resin-bg. red Gum tree] i Itm 30 apjl w N. S. W. 1788. L l.p Bot rep. 400
12788 multiflora Sm. many-flowered
l_Jtm 30
i Itm SO
w N. Holl. 1820. LJ
w N. Holl. 1804. L l.p Sm. n. h. 42
12789 capitcllate Sm.
12790 *aligna Sm. \\i)\ow-like i Itm 30 w N. S. W. 1804. Lp
12791 persicifblia L. Peach-leaved or SO jl w N. Holl. 1817. L co
12792 media Lk. intermediate or SO w N. Holl. 1823. L co Bot cab. 501
12793 mucronita Lk. mucronatc SO w N. Holl. 1823. L co
12794 triintha Lk. thrcc-flowvrcd ] ; \i I| or or 30 w N. Holl. 1883. L co
18795 elonsikta Lk. lengthciKd i_J or 30 w N. Holl. 18S3. L co
1S7(Mi loiiKifMiu Undl. lotiK-leaveil I | or 30 Jn w N. Holl. 1823. I< co Bot. reg. 947
187 y Myrtlc-lcared i lor 6 w N. HolL L co
12798 micropttflla Lk. small-lcavcd L_Jor 30 w N. Holl. 1823. L co
12799 stenoph^Ua Lk. narrow-leaved i_Jor 30 w K. Holl. 1823. L co
12800 angustitTilia Lk. narrow-leaved f LJ or 30 w N. HolL 1810. L s.l
12801 phiilyreoldes Lo. C Phillyrea-like l_J or 30 w N. HolL 1820. L 8.1
12802 viminalis Lab. twiggy i_Jor 30 w N. Holl. 1810. L Lp
12803 pulchella Lo. C. pretty L-J or 30 w N. Holl. 1820. L 8.1
, - verruebsa Hort. warty ^: l-Jor 30
w N. Holl. 1820. L 8.1
w N. Holl. 182a L co
12805 Aypericifulia Dum. Hy|)ericuni-lvd
12806 purpur&sccns Lk. purpurasccnt J L_J or
|_J or 30 30 w N. Holl. 182a L co
12807 albicaulis Hort. whitc-stcninicdf | | or 30 w N. Holl. 1810. L &1
12808 pcrfohata Hort. licrfuhate w N. Holl. 1820. L s.l
12809 hetcrophylla Swt variuus-leavcd ;; ;; t_j tm 30
L J tm 30 w N. Holl. 1820. L s.l
l£810 pulverulcnta Lk. powdery 30 jn w N. HolL 1816. L co Bot. mag. 2087
cordata Lod.
12811 hirsute Lk. hairy _ I or 20 w N. HolL • • • L co
12812 microphylla Cun. small-leaved ] i ior 20 w N. HolL 1824. L B.1
12813 rotinitolia Lod. Cotinus-lcavcd ; i | or 30 w N. HolL 1818. L s.l
12814 pulvigcra Cun. powdered l | or 30 w N. Holl. 1824. L 8.1
12815 unduUta Hort. waved I_J or 30 w N. Holl. 1820. L 8.1
12816 alata Hort. winged l_J
i lor 30 w N. Holl. 1816. L 8.1
12817 Aotryo^des Sm. Botrys-likc LJ tm 30 apjl w N. Holl. 1803. l p Cav. ic. 4.341
12818 haemastoma Sm. bloody-mouthed ; L J tin SO w N. Holl. 1803. LL Lp
12819 scabra Nois. rough ; i I or 30 ... w N. HolL 1810. L 8.1
12820 amygdihna Lab. Almond-leaved or SO ... w N. HolL 1820.
12821 piperata 5m. LJ tm 30 w N. S. W. 1788. LL Lp s.l
12822 obliqua Sm. obhque-leaved L_Jtm w V . D . L. 1774. L l.p Par. Ion. 15
12823 corymhfisa Sm. l_J tm 30 w N.S.W. 1788. Cav. ic. 4. 3
?SS! Pan>culata Sm.
piniclcd L_J or 30 w N. & W. 1804. LL Lp s.p
12825iovata Lab. ovate I | or SO ... w N. Holl. 1820. L s.1
1282b cfirvula Sieb. small curved I |tm 30 \v N. Holl. L s.l
12827 pauciflura Sieb few-flowered l_J tm 30 w N. HolL L 8.1
12828 virgata Sieb. twiggy L_Jtm 30 w N. Holl. L 6.1
12829 stricta Sieb. strict l_Jtm 30 w N. Holl. L 6.1
12830 cugeiuordcs Sieb Eugenia-like L-J tm 30 >v N. Holl. L s.l
1494. ALA'NGIUMJ. ALANGIUM. (Alangt. its Malabar name.) MyrtHceco. £.—3.
12831 decap&alum Lam. ten-petaled •H or 10 ... Pa.P E. Indies 1779. C p.l R. mai. 4.17
12832 hexapetalum Lam. six-petaled ] or 15 ... P E- Indies 1823. C p.l R. mal. 4.26
1495. CA'LYTRIX Lab. CALYTRIX. (Kalyx, a calyx, trixos, triple.) Myrt&ce*. 4.—&
12H&J glabra R. Br. smooth i \ | or 4 ap.jn W N. Holl. 1818. C s.1 Bot cab. 586
1283*. rncoide* Cun. Heath-like il_Jor W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
12R.15 flonbGnda Hort. bundle-flwd tj_Jor W N. Holl. 1820. C 8.p
12836 pubescent* Suit. pubescent N. HoU. 1824. C s.p
1496. FCETTDIA Com. FOSTIDIA. (Fcetidus, fetid: odor of wood.)
128J7 xnauntiana Lam. Mauritius 1 • or 26 ... W Mauritius 18*5. C «.l
1497. PITN1CA W. POMEGRANATE. (Punicus, Carthaginian ; from N. Africa to Rome.) Granhtea. 8.
12S38 nana L. dwarf * i _ J o r '5 jl.s w R W. Indies 1723. C r.m Bot. mag. 634
12839 Granatum L. common St fr 18 jn.s S S. Europe 1548. C r.m Bot. mag. 1838
8 album vrhiie-flowered Sfc or 10 jn.s W —
China c r.m Bot. rep. 96
3 plenum double-floweredH or 10 jn.s S S. Europe C r.m Tr.ehr.71.2
4 flavum yellow-./tow<?rcrfSi or 10 jn.i Y S. Europe C r.m

1498. jtfMY'GDALUS Tou. ALMOND. to lacerate j fissured shell.) Roshcete. 6 . - 9 .

12840 nftna L. common dwarf A rar.ap R Russia 1683. B s.l Bot. mag. 161
2 gefrgica Dec. Georgian A mr.ap R Georgia 1818. B p.l
3 campestris Bes. field mr.ap R Podolia 1818. B s.l
12841 inckna W. hoary mr.ap R Caucasus s.l Pal. rofl. 1
12842 sibirica Lo C. Siberian
iberian A mr.ap R Siberia 1820.
1284.J onentklis H. K. oriental mrnp R Levant 1156. fl
12844 commanis L. common, or sweet mr.ap R Barbary 1548. n.l
2 amhra bitter mr.ap R Barbary 1548. h.l Black. 195
3 fragilis Dec. brittle mr.ap 11 Barbary ... h.l Noi.jar.7. 3.2
4 macrocarpa Dec. long-fruited mr.ap R Barbary h i Noi.Jar.7.3
5 persicoldcs Dec. Peach-like mr.ap R Barbary h.l Noi.jar.7.3.1
12845 p&mila W. double dwarf my.jn R China 1683. Dot mag. VYI6
Prunus sinensis Per*.
1499. PE'RSICA Tou. PEACH. (Originally from Persia.) Roshceat. 8.
12846 vulgkris Mil. common 3* fr 15 R Persia 1568. B co Noi.jar.ic.
AvaS gdalus Persica L.
1 cfirne seccdcntc parting-fleshed *£ fr 15 R Persia 1562. B co
8 c&rne adhaerente adhering-fleshed $ fr 15 R Persia 1562. B co
3 flore pleno double-flwd $ or 15 ... Persia ... B co
12847 lsVis D^c. smooth, or Nectarine 5 fr 15 R Persia 1562. B co Noi. jar. 80. S3.
^m^gdalus Pdrsica Nectarina //. A'.
1 came secedente parting,fleshed Y fr 15 apmy R Persia 1562. B co
8 came adhsrente adhering-fleshed J fr 15 R Persia 1568. B co

1500. ^RMENPACA 3\w. APRICOT. (Originally from Armenia.) Rotdeeaf. 4.

12848 vulgans Lam. common % fr 15 W Levant 1548. B co 431
Prunus ylrmenlaca L. n.8
1 ovalifulia Scr. oval-leaved ¥ fr 15 W Levant 154R B co Noi.jar.
,^ 2 cordifulia Ser. heart-'eaved $ fr 15 w Levant 1548. B co Noi. jar.
12849 dasycarpa Pen. thick-fruited $ fr 15 ap w 1800. B co Bot. cab. 1850
Prunus dasycirpa Ehrh.
-.*« 2persicif6liaX.u/. Peach-leaved *£ fr 15 ap W 1800. B co
18850 Biberica ft«. Siberian & fr 6 ap Pk Siberia 1788. L r.m PaLros.1.8
, „ „ Pr&nus Ribcrica L.
18851 brigantiaca Pers. Brigantian SI fr 4 rcir Pk S. Europe 1819. L co L.duh. fr. 5. SB
Prunus brigantiaca VtU
1501. PIIU NUS Tou. PLUM. (Prune, its Greek name.) Rostiecaf. 8. —10.
1x852 spiniiiiu L. spiny Sloe tree B or 1.5 mr.ap W llritnin hod. S co ling. bot. 842
i' microcarpa IVaUr. small.fruitcd Sk or JO mr.ap W Britain hed. S co
3 macrocarpa JYallr. long-fruited fib or lu mr.ap W Britain hed. S CO .
4 ovsita Ser. ovate-fruited A or 10 mr.ap W Britain hod. S co Black. 494
12853 ineititia L. graftcfl Sk fr SO ap W Britain hed. S co
12854 candicans Balb. whitish Sk or 15 ap W 1820.
18855 Cocomilla Ten. Cocomilla tt or 20 ap W S co
12856 marituna JKon. sea tik or 4 my W Calabria 1894. L 8.1
18K57 pubcscpnsPoir.notPA.pultescent fib or 8 my W N. Amer. 1800. L co
18858 domestua L. domestic Plum % fr 20 ap W England 1818.
hed. G r.m Eng. bot. 1783.
fr SO ap W G co 8.13
8 Claudtina Pen. Petite Heine Claude^ il
fr SO ap W G co 2. .11
SmyrobalanaL. Myrobalan fr 20 ap W G co Dull. fr. 2.15
4 dTamasccna L. Dumas Musque3 E fr SO ap G co 2. 20.3
5 luronenfcisfrr. TufmPrunier Suisse*J *• fr SO ap Turin G co Dun. fr. 2. 20.1
6 Juliana L. 5flfw/ Julian's * fr 80 ap W G co Dun. fr. 2 20.4
IV1.0^nflS"- *»»«'Cathcrine's13' fr SO ap W G co 8.89.5'
8 Aubertirma Sor. D/iwe Aubcrt's ' fr SO ap w G co Duh. fr. 2.8,10,
£ ! * Set.Jmperatriceviol. ¥
pyramidahs JDfc.
fr 20 ap w G co 2.18
18859 divaricata Led. divaricate or 10 ap W Caucasus 1820. L co
,««^«"v ^ ASUS J. CHERRY. (First brought from Cerasvs, a town of Pontus in Asia.) Rosdce/e. SO.—42.
18860 avium itfoen. birds* Corone + or 50 W England ... S co Black. 425
1 sylvestns Ser. wild >i fr 50 ap W Britain woods. S co
8 macrocarpa 5w. tongpurpieJtd
-w.. B / «., / w . I l u x
fr 50 ap W SwitzerL ... S co 1.4. D
3 pallida Ser. white
hite and tedfld
tedfld * *'
.4 multiplex Ser. -•-•-•-• - - - 3 •*
douh\v-floweredy or 15 W B co L.duh. fr.5.4.B
12861 dur&cina L. hard 3
fr 20 W S. Europe B co
1 cordigera Ser. heart-bearing \ fr SO a p m y W B co L. duh. fr. 5.2.B
2 QDiusaia
obtusata Ser. blunted fr SO W B co
2 aer. uiuuwu -_ fr 20 W
3 mammillkris Ser. mammillary i $ B co
xnacrophjrlla Porr.

12662 Juliana Dec. Saint Julian's ' 20 W S. Europe ... Q co

U Heaumiana Ser. Heaum's 15 W B co L. duh. fr. 5.19
3 pendula Scr. pendulous ! 10 W S. Europe ... G co
12663 Pseudo-cerasusLftutf. Bastard Cher. 6 W China 1821. G co Bot. rcg. 800
12864 capromana Dec. Capronian 20 apmy W S. Europe ... •G co
1 MontmorencydnaSer.Montmorenc; 20 W G co Noi. jar. 5
2 pallescens Ser. pallcscent ceranMe^ 20 W G co Duh. fr. 2.11
Sgobbtita Ser. Gobbctta, white-fteshf. 20 W G co Duh. fr. 1. 8.
4 poly'gyna Ser. polyg. Cer. a bouquet * * 20 W G co Duh. ft. 4.3
5 multiplex Ser. doub\c-Jlowered% 12 W G co Duh. ft. 4.5
6j9ersiciflbra Ser. Peach-Howered 20 apuny W G co
7 vanegdta Ser. variegated 10 W G co
8 gridtta Ser. Griotte 20 W G co
9 cordigera Guigne heart-bearing J 20 W G co
20 W G co Den. br. 131
2 sessilifl&ra Ser. sessile-flowered fr 20 W G co
12866 Chamajcerasus Loi. Ground Cherry or 8 my W Austria 15S7. L s.1 Jac. ic. 1.90
128K7 ncrsicifulia Loi, Peach-leaved or 8 my W N. Amer. G s.l
12868 pitmila Mx. y
dwarf or 2 my W N. Amer. 17*56. L s.1 Mil. ic. 89.2
128(i9 pygme/a Loi.
12870 nigra Loi.
12871 borekhs Mx.
enorthern Choke
N. Amer. 1823.
N. Amer. 1773.
N. Amer. 1822.
Bot mag, 1117
12872 depress* Ph. depressed Sand or 4 my W N. Airier. 1805. L s.1
12873 hyemalis Mx. Winter Black Choke or 4 my W N. Amer. 1805. L s.1
12874 prostrata Scr. prostrate J* _J or 1 Pk Crete 1802. L s.1 Bot rcg. 136
12875 chicasa Scr. Chicasaw Plumtk or 6 W N. Amer. 1806. L 8.1
12876 pubescens Ser. pubescent dk or 1? W N. Amer. 1820. G co
Prunus pubescens PA.
12877 japonica Loi. or 2 mr.myPk Japan 1810. G co
2 multiplex Ser. double ill or 4 Pk Japan 1810. G co Bot reg. 27
12878 pennsylvanica Loi. Pennsylvanian or SO my W N. Amer. 1773. S co
12879 Mahuleb Mil. Mahaleb or 20 W Austria 1714. G co Jac. au. 3. 227
12880 Padusl)«\ Bird Cherry or 30 W Britain woods. S co Eng. bot. 1383
1 vulgaris Ser. common or 30 W Britain woods. L co I. duh. fr. 5.1
2 parviflora S<r. small-flowered or 30 W N. Europe ... L co FI. dan. 205
3 rubra Ser. red Cornish Bird or 30 W Britain ... L co
Pr&nus rilbra W.
4 bractebsa Ser. /on^-bracted SO W Europe
or L co
12881 virgimana Mx. Virginian ii30 my.jn W Virginia 1724. L co W. nr. 5.9
12882 canadensis Loi. Canadian 15 my.jn W Canada 1820. L co Pluk. aL 158.4
- . _ .Ser.
12883 nepalensis .. Nepal
- r _. . _Jor
20 ... W Nepal 1820. G co
12884 serdtina Lot. 30 my.jn W N. Amer. 1629. L co 48
late American Bird $ ! or
12885 occidentals Zrt Went /mtom < D o r 20 year W Jamaica 1784. L co
12886 lusitanica Loi. Portugal Laurel $ or
20 jn W Portugal 1648. S co Mil. ic. 196.1
12887 Laurocerasus Loi. com. Laurel Ch. A or 1629. C co L. duh. ft. 5.1
12 W Levant 1820.
12888 sphsrocarpa Loi. round-fruited * • or Jamaica C a.p SI jam. 2.193,1
12889 carolinidna Mx. Carol. Evergr. Bird ± 10 jn.jl
or W Carolina 1759. L co
30 my W
• 1503. CHRYSOBA'LANUS L. COCOA PLUM. {Chrysos, gold, balanas, acorn; fruit) Chrysobalhm*. 2 . - 4 .
12890 Icdco L. Icaco West Indian* CD ft 15 ... W W. Indies 1752. L r.m 94
12891 oblongifulius Mx. oblong-leaved * i _ J f r 3 my.jn W Georgia 1812. C l.p Bart. it. a ic.
1504. LOPHTRA Banks LOPIHRA. {Lophos, a crest; bract at flower.) Lophirete. 1.
J2892 afticana£anfts African Scrubby Oak± n or 10 jn.jl W & Leone 1822. S s.l 3.188


1505. JlfE'SPILUS £. MEDLAR. {Mesos,
half, piios, bullet; fruit resembling half a bullet) Rosace*. *•
)2893 germfinica L. en $ fr*2 12myjl
my.jl WW England
England lied
lied. GG hlh.l Eng
Eng. bot
bot. 1523
S stricta Dec. fr 12 myjl W Europe ... G co
3 diffitsa Dec. ft 12 myjl W Europe ... G co Duh.ft. 1.3
1£894 Smiths Dec. or 12 myjn W 1800. L co Ex. bot 1.18
grandifl6ra Sm.
•1506. CRATiENGUS I,. HAWTHORN. (Kratost strength : hardness of wood.) Roster*. 49.-52.
12895 Pyracantha Pert. Evcrgr. Thorn or 10 my W S. Europe 1629. S s.1 Schm. ar. 90
12896 crenulata Box. crenulated : |or JO my.jn W Nepal 18i'O. B si
12897 Crtis-galli L. Cockspur or 20 myjn W N. Amer. 1691. B co Den. br 56
1 splpndcns ff. K. shining or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B co Pluk. al. 46.1
S pyracanthifbliai)^. Pyracant-lvd or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B po
3 #alicif51ia 'Willow-leaved or 20 myjn W N. Amer. ... B co
4 linear is Dec. linear or 20 myjn W N. Amer. ... B co
Jlfcspilus linekris Desf.
12898 puncthta H. X. dotted-/r«»^d or 15 my W N. Amer. 1746. B co 57
1289!) elllptica H. K. elliptic-teawd or 20 my W N. Amer. 1765. B co
12900 /irunifdlia Bosc Plum-leaved or 20 myjn W N. Amer. 1818. B cp
12901 pruneUXbWa. Bosc Prunella-lvd or 20 myjn W B co
12902 latifulia Pers. ' broad-leaved or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. 1820. B co
12903 parvifMia H. K. smalMeaved or 15 myjn W N. Amer. 1704. B co 65
12904 ovalifulia Horn. oval-leaved or 20 myjn W N. Amer. 1810. B co
121)05 apiifulia Mx. Parsley-leaved or 15 my.rjn _VV N. Amer. 1812. B co
12906 pyriftha H. K. Pear-leavcd or 15 jn W N. Amer. 1765. B co 61
lSS« landul "«* W. glandulous or 20 myjn W N. Amer. 175a B
co Botcab.lCiS
co Bot. cab. 126*
1SS5 •P»thulkta Afar. npatufoleaved or 15 myjn W N. Amer. 1806.
soarlet-/mi/<rrf or 20 ap.iny W N. Amer. 16831 B co Den. br. 62
J8910cordataA/tf. heaxuiiaved or SO my W N. Amer. 1738 B co Den. nr. 69

12911 lobata Bosc lobed or 15 my.jn W B co

12912 purpurea Bosc purple or 15 my.jn W 1822. B co Den. br. 60
12913 florentina Zuc. Florentine or 15 my.jn W 1800. B co
,_ P^rus crategifclia Lab.
12914 rfigra IV. & K. black or 30 W Hungary 1819. B co 64
12915 pentagyna W. & K. five-styled x or 15 my.jn W Hungary 1820. B co
12916 flava H. K. yellow Pear-berried $ or 20 my W N. Amcr. 1724. B co Den. br. 59
12917 fissa Bosc cleft * or 15 my.jn W 1810. B co
12918 maroccana Pers. Morocco or 15 my.jn W Barbary 1822. B co
12919 Oxyacantha L. com. Hawthorn1: or 15 my.jn W Britain hed. S co Eng. bot c ic.
2 rusea roseatc-/ZuMf or 15 my.jn R B co
laciniata Wattr.
3 major greater-fruited : or 15 my.jn W B co
4 pr&NttX early » or 15 my.jn W B co
5 plena &ouh\e-flowered • \ or 15 my.jn W B co
6 aurea gohlen-berried $ or 15 my.jn W B co
12920 oxyacantho'idesTTtoJ.Oxyacantha-lk V or 15 my.jn W France 1822. B co
12921 enocirpa Z.//wtt. woolly-fruited * or 15 myjn W Britain woods B co
12922 monogyna Pall. one-styled or 15 my jn W Siberia B co Pal. ros. 1.12
12923 hctcrnphy'lla Flug. various-leaved or 20 myjn W N. Amcr. 1816. B co An. mu. 12.38
1*924 Azarblus L. Azarole or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1640. B co Bot. rep. 579
J2925 Aronia Bosc Aronia , or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1810. B co Foe crat. 85
}*p26 onentalis Bosc oriental Axarole $ or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1810. B co
i2927 tanacetifuIiaPers. Tansy-Ivd AxaroleY or 15 my.jn. W Greece 1789. B co Bot. rep. 591
2 taurica Taurian ** or 15 myjn W Tauria 1800. B co
1O _. Ce\siuna Hort
}*928 odoratlssimaA R. sweetesUsctd A.% or 15 myjn W Crimea B co Bot. rep. 590
ioT 'aciniMa Uc. fringed or 15 myjn W Sicily 1816. B co
12930 melanocartw Bieb. black-berried or 15 myjn W Tauria 1820. B co
129.Jl flabellata Bosc fan-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe B co
1x932 spinoslssima Lod. spiniest or 15 myjn W Europe .•• B co Bot cab. 1100
12933 mexickna 3/ 8c S. Mexican Jor 15 myjn W Mexico 1823. B co
12934 viridis L. green or 15 my.jn W Carolina 1810. B co
1293.) OlivienVina Bosc Olivier'* or 20 my.jn W Asia Min. 1820. B co
12936 Poireti'ma Dec. Poiret's or 20 my.jn W 1810. B co
12937 glabra Lod. smooth or 15 my.jn W N. Aincr. 1818. B co Bot cab. 248
129.58 alplna Mil. alpine or 20 myjn W Italy B co
12939 luciria Mil. shining or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B co
12940 sangutnea Pall. bloody or 15 my.jn W Siberia 1810. B co
12941 carpatica Lo. C. Carpathian or 20 my.jn W Carp-it, mo.... B CQ
12942 corallina Thun. coralline
or 15 my.jn W France ... B co
129*3 florida Lo. C. Florida £
or 20 myjn W N. Amer. ... B co

• 1507. PY%RUS L. PVRUS. (Peren, Celtic.) Rosucete. 40. —46.

1*944 cominunis L. common Pear V or 20 ap W England woods. G co Eng. bot 1784
1 ANchras WaUr. Achras entire-lvd 5 fr 20 ap W G co
2 Pyraster IVallr. Fyns.serrated-lod^ fr 20 ap W G co 87.2
sylvestris Gac.
,«^, _ 3 satWa Dec. garden $ fr 20 ap W G co
12945 Bo Pollveria L. Polver's heoded-lvd ? or 15 apjn W Germany 1786. G co Bot cab. 1009
lorv. 5 »wyllenV)nfl Dec.
lor* •alvifMia Dec. Sage-lvd Aurelian $ or 15 myjn W France 1806. G co
«947 amygdaliformisTj/.
almond-formed $ or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1810. G co
lofuo * '«»«ia Zoi.
^s®48 daeagnifblia Pall. Elaeagnus-lvd $ or 20 myjn W Siberia 1806. G co
k orientalis Horn.
WUIow-lcaved V or 20 my.jn W Russia 1780. G co Bot.reg.514
ta D.Don woolly J
J or 15 my.jn W Nepal 1818. G co
enata D. Don crenated ^ or 15 myjn W Nepal 1820. G co
loir"" "«nta Mnuun* Mt. Sinai Medlar * ft 20 myjn W Levant 1820. G co Den. br. 49
**953 niv&lia Z. snovr-whtte-lvd £ or 6 my W Austria ... G p.l Jac. au. 2. 107
!-954 acerba Hfc. sour apple % fr 20 W Europe ... G co Fl. dan. 1101
,_ 3/alusj3 sylvestris 27. rfnn.
12955 itfalus L. Apple tree fr 20 W Britain woods. G r.m Eng. bot 179
12956 astracanica Dec. Astracan apple fr £0 W Astracan 1810. G co
12957 floribunda B. R. bundlc-flwd or 8 W China 1818. G co Bot reg. 1006
12958 diolca W. dioecious x cu 10 W 1818. G co
12959 spectabilis U.K. showy Chinese apple131 ft 20 my Pk China 1780. G co Bot mag. 267
13960 urunifolia W. Plum-lvd Siberian crab \ fr 20 Pk Siberia 1758. G co Mil. ic. £ 269
12961 bacckta L. berried or 15 Pk Siberia 1784. G co 51
12962 tomentbsa Dum. tomentose or 20 myjn W Eurojie 1810. G co
{|p63 curoniiria L. crown sweet-sctd crab or 20 my Pk Virginia 1724. G co Bot. mag. 9009
i*/ 6 * annustifolia //. K. narrow-leaved , or 20 my l'k N. Amer. 1750. G co Den. br. 132'
12965 ^ria Ehrh. White Beam treef tm 40 myjn W Britain moi.w. G co Eng. bot. 1858
1 obtusifi>lia Dec. blunt-leaved tm 40 my jn W Europe ... G co Fl. dan. 302
2 acutifolia Dec. sharp-leavcd tm 40 myjn W Europe ... G co Duh. no. 34
al|iina W.en.
129G6 intermedia Ehrh. intermediate tm 40 W Sweden 1789. G co Fl. dan. 401
• latifolia Dec. broad-leaved tm 40 W Denmark 1789. G co 80
AV)rbus latifulia Pers.
2 angusUCblia Dec. narrow-leaved £ fr 10 W G co
edulis W.en. England woods. S co Eng. bot. 298
12967 torminalis Ehrh. griping Wild Serviced tm 50 W
Crats^gus torminalis L. or 20 myjn W S. Europe 1810. G co Lab. syr. 4.10
129€8 tnlobata Dec. three-lobed
Upsal ** or 20 myjn W Sweden 1824. G co
129H9 upsali^nsis Lo. C. or 20 my.jn W Egypt 1800. G co
12970 auriculata Dec. auriculatcd England rocks. S
tm 40 myjn W co Eng. bot. 2331
12971 pinnatifida E B. pinnatifld
. 5orbus bybrida L, small-fruited ¥ or 10 myjn W N. Amer. ... L CO
*2972 microcarpa Dec. Ok
,. iSurbus microcarpa Ph. or 30 myjn W Britain moi.w. S co Eng. bot. 337
J29734 aucupkriaGfl*?. fowler'sMountatnAsh or 15 myjn W Canada 1782. G co 54
i S S americkna Dec. American fr 30 myjn W England iroi.w. S co Eng. bo.t 350
*2975 Sorbus Gae. True Service
Sorbus dom^stica L.
12976 lanuginosa Dec. woolly $ or 25 my.jn W Hungary ... S co
12977 spuria Dec. spurious *' or 20 my.jn W ...... 1800. S co Moen.weL6
2 jarnbuciftlia Hort. Elder-leaved 3iil or 20 my.jn W ...... 1818. S co
12978 nopalensis Lo. C. Nepal or 15 my.jn W Nepal 1820. G co
12979 arbutifblia L. Arbutus-leavedA or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. 1700. G co Mil. ic. 100
12980 melanocarpa W. black-fruited A or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. 1700. S co
12981 Chamamespilus LfTutt. Bast. Quince A or 8 my.jn W Pyrenees 1683. L co Schm. ar.87
12982 hybrida Moen, hybrid % tm 40 W S co Moen. wei. 9
12983 edulis W. eatable 5 fr 10 W France 1816. G co Den. br. 52
1508. CYDCTNIA Ibu. QUINCE. (A native of Cudon, in Crete.) Rosdceas. 3.-4.
12984 vulgaris Pers. common fr 20 myjn W Austria 1573. L h.l 4.342
1 malif6rmis Mil. apple-formed fr 20 myjn W 1573. L co
2 lusitanica Mil. Lusitanian fr 20 my.jn W Spain ... L co 1.195
3 obl6nga Mil. oblong-fruiled fr 20 myjn W Europe gard. L co Black. 137
12985 japonica Pers. Japan fr 4 year S Japan 1815. L r.l Bot mag. 632
i alba white fr 4 year" Pk ... L r.l
12986 sinensis Thouin Chinese fr 15 myjn W China 1818. L co Bot. reg. 1248
1509. PHOTrNIA Lindl. PHOTINIA. (Photeinos, shining; leaves.) Rosacea?. 4 . - 6 .
12987 serruftta Lindl. scrrulate-/<Mvtt/£ _J or 10 apjl W China 1804. C p.l Bot. mag. 2105
Cratargus gl vbra Thun.
12988 arbutifulia Lindl. Arbutus-leaved t |or W California 1796. G a l Bot reg. 491
12989 dbbia Lindl. doubtful l u j o r 10 ... W Nepal 1821. L p.l 13.10
Mlspilus bengalensis Hort.
12990 integrif61ia Lindl. entire-leaved f _J or 10 ... W Nepal 1820. L B.p

1510. RAPHICLEPIS Lindl. INDIAN HAWTHORN. (Raphis, needle, lepis, scale; bractea.) Roshcea.6.
12991 Indica LindL Indian • i I or W China 1806. C p.l
12992 rubra Lindl. red H i_J or W China 1820. C p.l Lind.col.3
1299J phsostdmon Lindl. brown-stamenedH i | or W China 1820. C p.l Bot reg. 468
12994 salicifMia Lindl. Willow-leaved * uJ or W China 1821. C pi Bot reg. 652
12995 laeVis Lod. smooth M \ | or W China 1821. C p.l
12996 latifblia Lod. broad-leaved M\ | or W China 1820. C p.l
1511. ERIOBO'TRYA Lindl. LOQIJAT. (Erios, wool, botrys, a bunch of grapes.) Rosheea. 2 . - 4 .
12997 jan6nica Lindl. Japan t -J fr 15 o W Japan 1787. G s.1 Yen. mal. 19
A/cspilu8Jap6nica Thun.
12998 elllptica Lindl. elliptic jor 12 W Nepal 1823. G 8.1
Jlfe'spilus cuila Ham.
1512. AMELA'NCHIER Mcd. AMELANCHIER. (Amelanchier, Savoy name for Medlar.) Rosdceat. 5.
12999 vulgaris Moen. common A or 6 W & Europe 1596. L e o Bot. mag. 2430
Jt/espilus Ameldnchier L.
13000 Botryapium Dee. Grain* Pear A or 12 W N. Amer. 1746. L co Schm. ar. 84
13001 sangufnea Dec. bloody fll or 4 W N. Amer. 1800. L co
JV/espilus canadensis y Mx. Pyrus sangulnea Ph.
13002 ovaus Dec ov&Ueaved A or 8 W N. Amer. 1800. L co

* 1513 COTONEA'STER Mcd. COTONEAOTEB. (Cotoneum, quince tree; similar downy lvs.) Rosace*. 4.-5.
13003 vulg&ris Lindl. common or 4 Pk Europe 1656. L co Schm. ar. 89
A/espilus Cotoneaster L.
13004 tomentbsa Lindl. woolly or 4 Pk 1759. L co
13005 acuminata Lindl. pointed or 4 Pk Nepal 1820. L co 13.9
13006 aff\nis Lindl. bimilar or 4 Pk Nepal 1820. L co
13007 microphy'lla Wai. small-leaved or 4 W Nepal 1825. L co Bot. reg. 1114

1514. WALDSTEI'N/ii W. WALDOTEIMA.r (Francis von Waldstein, a German bot.) Roshcete. 1.

13008 getiidesW. Avens-like ^ A P * jn.jl Y Hungary 1804. D i p Bot. cab. 492

• 1515. SPIRAEA L. SPIRJEA. ;. a cord: flexile branches.)) Roshce*. 36.-46.

13009 opulifc.Ha L. Opulus-lvd A or 5 jnjl W N. Amer. 1690. L co Schm. ar. 1.52
2 tomenteila Ser. small-woolly A or 5 jnjl W N. Amer. ... Skco
13010 ttlmiftlia Sco. Elm-leaved A or 3 jnjl Carniola 1790. L p.l Bot. cab. 1042
13011 cratsgifMia XA:. Hawthorn-lvd A or 3; w 1823. L co
13012 flexuosa Fis. flexuous A or 4 jnjl w Europe 1820. L p.l
13013 bella Sims pretty A or 2 R Nepal 1820. L co Bot mag. 2426
13014 chamedrifblla L. Gcrmandcr-lvd A or W Siberia 1789. L p.l Pal. ros. 1.15
13015 media Ph. intermediate A or 14 jnjl. W Canada L co
13016 oblongifolia Kit. oblong-leaved A or 3 my.jn W Hungary 1816. L p.l W. 8c K. 3.235
13017 dina W. &K. hoary A or w Hungary 182.9. L p.l W. & K. a 227
13018 trilobata L. three-lobed A or 3 my w Siberia 1801. L p.l Den. br. 68
13019 alphia Pall. Alpine A or 3 jl w Siberia 1806. Skp.1 Pal. ros. 1.20
13020 lhalictrioldes Pall. Meadow Ruc-lkA or 2 myjl w Dahurla 1816. Skp.l Pal. ros. 1.18
13021 pickowiensis Bes. Pickow A or jnjl w Podolia 1827. L pi
13022 tobulskia Lo. C. Tobolsk A or jnjl w Russia 1823. L p.l
13023 //ypericifulia L. Hypericum A or 5 W N. Amer. 1640. L co Schm. ar. 26
13024 uralensis for. Uralian A cr 4 W 1817. L co
Aypericifolia * uralensis Ser. crenata Fis.
13025 acutifulia JV.en. acute-leaved A or 4 W Siberia 1817. L co
Ayiicricifolia y acuta Ser.
13026 savrinica Bes. Savrania A 4 W Podolia 1819. L co
Aypcncifolia i savranica Ser.
13027 cfonata Bes. crenaleAJeaved A 2 W Podolia 1739. L p.l Bot. cab. 1252
AypcricifMia y Besseriono Ser.
13028 obovata Kit. ohovate-leoved A 3 myjn W Hungary 1816. Skp.l Bar. ic.564
Aypcricifulia h crenata Ser.
13039 ncpalensis Lo. C Nepal A or 3 jnjl W Nepal 1824. L p.l
13030 ceanothifdha Horn. Ceanothus-lvd A or 2 jnjl W 182a L p.l _
13031 corymbosa Raff. corymbose A or 1} W N. Amer.?1819. L e o Bot cab. 671
13032 Aetuliftlia Pall. Birch-leaved A or 2 jnjl Pk N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Don. br. 67
13033 lasvinata L. vmxxAYi-leaved A or 4 apjn R Siberia 1774. L p.l*»
altaignsis Lax.
13034 ralicifolia L. Willow.leaved or 5 Pk Britain mgLw. Skco Eng. not 1468
2 alpestris Patt, alpine or 5 W Russia 1820. Sk co Pal. ros. 1 22
3 alba £ArA. or 5 W N. Amer. ... Sk co Mil. ic. 257.2
paniculata W. white-flowered
4 latifblia JK broad-leaved or 5 W Europe Skco
t«A« obovata RaJL not IK. tf #.
iJ03o carpinifulia W. en. Hornbeam-lvd or 4 W N. Amer. ... L co Den. br. 66
i*«6 tomentbsa L. toraentose or 5 au.s Pk N. Amer. 1736. Skp.l Schm. ar. 1.51
13037 sorbifolia L. Sorbus-leaved or 4 au W Siberia 1759. Skco Schm. ar. 1.58
2alp\na alpine or 3 au W Siberia 1817. Skco Pal. ros. 1.25
13038 Aruncus L. Goat's-beard A or 4 jnjl W Siberia 1633. D p.l Pal. ros. 1.26
2 amcrichnus Mr. American A or 4 jnjl W N. Amer. ... D p.l
13039 Filipendula L. Dropwort A or Britain m. pas,. D co Eng. bot 284
. j n *° W Britain
5 plena dbldp A or W gard. D co
3 nftnor Campb. smaller A or - jn.o W Europe D co
4 pubescens Campb. oubesccnt A or U in o W France ... D co
13040 Ulm^ria L. Meadow-sweet A or 1 jn.o W Britain m mea. D co Eng. bot 960
2 multiplex Dec. double-flowered A or 2 jn.o W Britain m.raea. D p.l
3 toment6sa Campb. woolly ' A or 2 jn.s W Britain m.mea. D co
4 denudita Campb. stripped • A or 2 jn.s W Britain m.mea. 1) co
5variegata variegated ' A or 2 jn.s Britain mmea. D co
13041 lobXta Mur. lobed 1 A or 2 w Siberia 1765. D p.l Jac. vin. 1.88
?3S2 Palmita Thun. palmate : A or 2 R China 1823. D p.1
1<JO43 digitata W. digitate : A or 2 R Siberia 1823. D p.l PaL ros. 1 27
,1516 GILL&NIA Moen. GILLBNIA. (Probably the name of some obscure botanist.) Rosaceee, 2.
13044 trifoli^ta Moen. three-leaved i A or 2 j n a u R.w N. Amer. 1713. D p.l Bot. mag. 489
Spiraea trifoliate L.
13045 stipultcea Mi*. Air/p-stipuled i A or 2 R.w N. Amer. 1805.' D co
Spiraea stipulacea W. «t.
.1517. SESTTVIUM I* SESuviim. (Not explained.) Ftcoidc*. 5 . - 7 .
1^046 pedunculatum ! ) « . peduncled £ (23 or 2 jn.jl R.W W. Indies 1692. C r.m Lam. il. 434.
ij()47 sessile Pers. sessile-flowered jg [23 or 3 jn.jl R.W W. Indies ... C r.m Dec. pi. 9
Portularastrum Dec.
13048 revolutifblium Vahl revolute-leaved£ E3 pr 1J R.W S. Amer. ... C Lp Bot mae. 1701
13049 loDRifulium W. long-leaved O p r R,w S. Amer. 1816. S l.p
13050rfepens W. creeping O p r 1 R.W E. Indies 1816. S Lp
,1518. AlZOPOK L. AlZOON. {Aei, always, zoon, aliveO Ficoide/e. 5. —16.
13051 canarilnse L. Canary iQJ1 or 1 Y Canaries 1731. S r.m Bot rep. 201
13052 Glinus.Iike " 1 Y C G. H. 1774. C r.m
£3 pcrtbhJiTum L. pcrfoliate 1 Pk C. G. H. 1818. C r.m
hispanicum L. Spanish tJUu Ap Spain 172a S r.m 30
WU55 lanceolatum Mur. spear-leaved f au Pk O G . H. 1752. S r.m

1519. TETRAGO^NIA i . TETRAGONIA. ^n t, four.Amaff, an angle; fruit.) Ficoidcir. 10. — 16.

13056 expansa//.ff. expanded N. Z. Spinach O c u l 6i au.s
au.s G N. ZeaL 1772. C s.l Bot. inag. 2362
130:»7 crystallina Ker crystalline iQJ un 2 jn G Peru
~ 1788. 8.1 Dec. pi. 34
1.JQ08 fruticosa L. shrubby
shrubby tt. n. ii_J| un 2 jl.s G C. G. H. 1712. 8.1 Mil. ic. 2.263.2
I3tti9 dec&mbens Mil. trailing tL |_J un 1 jl.s G C. G. H. 1758. 6.1 Dec. pi. S3
J3060 Tetrfipteris Haw. trmnged-seededn. \ | un 2 jl.s G C. G. H. 1795. 8.1
' ^ I •I Bepicata
I )ic ^ta LL. spiked a. | | un 1 jl G C. G. H. 179T». 8.1
--—! herbkcea L. herbaceous Tf LAJ un C. G. H. 1752. 6.1 Com. h. 2.102
};>0fi3 cchinkte //. K. hedgehog £ Olun * -jnjl
••- s C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 113
13064 line&ro JShni linear B. LJun G C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13065 obovata Haw. obovatc *t uJ un s G C G . H. 1821. C 8.1

*1520. MESEMBHY A'NTHEMUM L. Fia MARIGOLD. (Mcsembria, mid-day, anthemon, fl.) FicoUL 313. —350.
I. ACAI/UA.—Stems none or very short s leaves large.
13066 nsinutum Haw. minute £ IAJ cu A s.n Pk C. G. H. 1795. s.1 Bot mag. 1376
^ 67 minimum Haw. smallest tf IAICU ft s.d Pa.Y C. G. H. 1776.
130t>8 nerpusilhim Haw. >ery small j£ IAJCU |s.d | Pa.Y C. G. H. 1819.
130GD obconlellum Haw. small obcordate jg LAJCU i f.o W C. G. H. 1776. s.l Bot. mag. 1647
l-p'070 obconcllum Haw. small conical j£ LAJ cu ifo W C. G. H. 1786. 8.1
13071 ficifdrmc Salm fig-like tf lAJ cu fo ... C. G. H. 1819. 8.1
J3072 truncatellum Haw. small truncatedj| iAJ cu f.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1795. 8.1
13073U Vfibulifurme Haw. button-shaped £ iAI cu ... C. G. H. 1795. 8.1
Sji 8 B K r m e IIa™> grape-like < iAI cu ... C. G. H. 1820. 8.1 Bur. af. 10.2
?«,«.«. nucif6nne
nucif6nne Haw.
Haw nut-shaped tf iAI cu C. G. H. 1790. si
S SS? testiculire Aft. testiculir ± Si cu W 1774.
C. G. H. 1819. B.I Bot mag. 1573
1J07 ph^llum Haw. eight-lcavcd £ tAJcu in Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.1
s longiusculum rather longer./^/ ^ iAJ cu \n Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.1
3 roseum - rosy tf iAIcu in R C. G. H. 1792. C s.1
obtusec/own £ LAJCU mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1776. C s.1
large-dotted «
C. G. H. 1775. C s.1
CG. H. 1822. C s.1
C. G. H. 1K22. C 8.1
Y C. G. H. 1822. C 8.1
lAJor " Y C. G. H. C 8.1
13083 canum Haw. hoary lAJcu A Y C G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13084 alo)dea Haw Aloe-like LAJCU i ... Y C. G. H. 1819. C s.1
13085 albinbtum Haw. white-marked . lAJor i s Y C. G. H. 1825. C 8.1
13086 albipunctatum/faut. white-dotted , IAJ or is Y C. G. H. 1823. C s.I
13087 cairinum Haw. dog-chap LAlgr i au.o Y C. G. H. 1717. C s.1 Dec. pi. 95
1^088 lup\num Haw. wolf-cA«p lAlgr i ...
Y C. G. H. C 8.1
*30ft) vulp'inum Haw. fox-chap Y
LAlgr i au.o C. G. H. 1795. 8.1
ig)90 4lh^bridum Haw. bastard Y C. G. H. 8.1
°Wum L. whitish lAJgr i*JL«i Y C G . H. 1714. 8.1 Bot. mag. 1824
3Q92 agn"mum Haw. \amb-chap lAJor imy.jn Y CG. H. 1824. 8.1
2 minus Haw., less ^ LAJor i my.Jn Y C. G. H. 1824. 8.1
3 crectiiisculum/Zhtv. more erect-^rf]g i myjn Y C. G. H. 1824.

13093 tigrlnum Haw. tiger-chap £ IAJ STr * in Y C. G. H. 1790. C si Bot reg. 260
13094 felinum Haw. cat-chap £ iAl£ i au.n Y CG.H, 1730. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 152
13095 mustellinum Haw. weasel-dtop £ iAJ Kr I ... Y C.G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13096 erminlnum Haw. crminccttap j£ iAJ or *my.jn Y C. G. H. 1824. C 8.1
13097 murinum Haw. mouse-chap j£ lAJgr t • * C.G. H. 1790. C 8.1
13098 muscullnum Haw. little mouse-c*. £ lAl gr ijl Y CG.H. 1824 C 8.1
13099 dolabrilorme Haw. hatchet-fonncd tt t_J gr i my.n Y C. G. H. 17(A5. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 6
13100 acapigcrum Haw. scape-bearing j£ iA] cu 1 au.8 Y C. G. H. 1823. C 8.1
13101 carWans Haw. keeling IAICU C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
13102 denticulatum Haw. glaucous
denticulate i A/or *ap Y C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
2 gldilcum lAJor i ap Y C. G. H. C 8.1
3 cundidiasimum whitest lAJor Y C G. H. C 8.1
13103 rnbfistuin Haw. robust Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13104 compactum //. X. compact
13105 quadrftiduni Haw. quadnfid
«t u J o r
tt. i_Jor
Y c G. m 1780. C 8.1
1795. C 8.1
13106 bifidum Haw. bifid Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13107 bibrarteatum //aw. double-bracted tt. i | or Y C. G. H. 1803. C 6.1
13108 rostr.Muin L. beaked £ iAJ or p Y C G. H. 1732. C 8.1 Di. el. 186.229
13109 tuberculatum Mil. pimpled £ iAJ or ap Y C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1
13110 ramulbsum Haw. brunihy n. \ | or Y C. G. H. 1791. C 8.1
13111 pisiffirme Haw. pea-shaped £ lAlor W C. G. H. 1796. C 8.1
13112 moniliforme Haw. bracelet-shaped £ iA\ or * mr.ap W C. G. H. 1791. C 8.1
13113 scalpratuin Haw. great kmfe-s>hapeil£ iAl or ' au.o Y C. G. H. 1714. C 8.1 Di. eL 18S. %A
13114 fragrans Salm fragrant £ iAJ or i Y C. G. H. C 8.1
13115 grandirtorum Haw. great-flowered £ iAl gr Y C. G. H. 1824. C 8.1
13116 prapfngue Haw. very fat £ iAl or i jl Y C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
13117 medium Haw. intermediate £ iAi or { au.o Y C. G. H. C 8.1
13118 cultratum Haw. cultrate £ iAJ or £ au.o Y C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13119 Incidum Mil. shining £iAlor | au.o Y C. G H. 17.3. C 8.1
13190 adscendens Haw. ascending tongue £ iAJ or 4 au.o C. G. H. 1805. C 8.1
13121 pustulatum Haw. blistered £ iAl or £aun Y C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
13122 longum Haw. long tongue £ iAl or au Y C. G. H. 1725. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 71
1 deprcssum B.M. depressed £ iAJ or f au.o Y
Y C. G. H. C 8.1
2 dee live Haw. sloping £ iAJ or
| au.o Y C. G. H. C 8.1
3 angustius Haw. narrower £ iAl or
$ au.o Y C. G. H. C 8.1
4 purpurascens Haw. purpurasccnt £ iAJ or
4 au.o C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
5 uncatum Haw. hooked £ iAJ or
f au.o Y C. O. H. 1819. C 8.1
6 attollens Haw. elevating £ iAJ or
| au.o Y C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13123 linguaefdrmc Haw. .tongue-bhaped £ iAJ or
$ au.o Y C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1
2 rufescens Haw. rufescent £ iAJ or
| mr.n Y C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1
g mr.n Y C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
3 subcruciatum//aw. subcruciatc £ iAJ or $ mr.n Y C. G. H.
4 probtratum Haw. prostrate £ iAJ or \ mr.n Y C 8.1
C. G. H. 18*19. C
5 iissurgens Haw. rising £ iAJ or | mr.n Y 8.1
C. G. H. lf.20. C B.1
13124 latum Haw. broad tongue £ iAJ or & mr.n Y C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1 Di. el. 184.225
2 breve Haw. short £_ iAJ or 4 mm Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 1866
13125 depressum Haw. depressed tongue £ iAJ or $ s.n Y C. G. H. 1819. C 6.1
2 lividum Haw. livid * £ iAJ or i s.n Y C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
13126 cruciatum Haw. cross-leaved ui I or | my.n Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13127 taurinum Haw. bull's-Aorn n. i_J or | ».n Y C. G. H.
13128 SUmii Haw. Salm's n. i I or a s.n * C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
2 seraicruciatum fiz/m half-crossed n. i I or 1 s.n Y
Y C. G. H. 1818.
C 8.1
3 angustifolium/faw. narrow-leaved «-1 I or 1 B.n C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13129 surrectum Haw. erect ft |_J or 1 an Y C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
2 brevifolium Haw. short-leaved tL i_J or js.n Y C. G. H. C 8.1
13130 heteroph^llum Haw. various-leaved £ vAJor Y C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13131 angtistum Haw. narrow tongue £ iAJ or "$ mr.o Y C. G. H. 1790. C 8.1
2 pallidum Haw. pale £ iAJ or I m r o Y C. G. H. 1790. C 8.1 Bot. rep. 540
3 neteroph^llumjac. various-leaved £ iAl or | mr.o Y C. G. H. 1790. C 8.1
13132 difforme Haw. deformed tt. i | or | au Y C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1 Di. el. 194.242
13133 bigibberatum Haw. two-bunched n. |_J gr £ au Y C. G. H. 1820. C S.1
13134 bidentatum Haw. two-toothed tL L_J or 1 au Y C. G. H. 1H18. C s.1
2 majus Haw. larger n. i | or Y C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
13135 semicylindricum Haw. semicylindrictt. t_J or f* mr.n Y C. G. H. 1732. C s.1 Di. el. 194.241
13136 gibbusum Haw. gibbous £ lAlor *- R C. G. H. 1780. C 6.1
13137 luteovinde Haw. ycllowish-greentt. |_J or C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13138 pervlndc Haw. very green lAlor Jjamy R C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
13139 pubescens Haw. pubescent } R C. G. H. 1702. C 8.1
13140 calamiformc L. Heed-shaped £ lAlor 1 jl.s W C. G H. 1717. C 8.1 Dec pi. 5
13141 olisubulatum Haw. obdubulatc tt. | | or 1 ... W C. G. H. 1796. C 8.1
13143 cylindricum Haw. cylindrical | f8 R C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
13143 terctifulium Haw. round-leaved lAJor I f.s R C. G. H. 1794. C 8.1
13144 toretifisculum 77aw. rather rounder £ iAJ or 4 ... R C. G. H. 1794. C 8.1
13145 tellidiflorum L. Daisy.flowcred £ iAJ or i • a JJ C. G. H. 1717. C Bl Di. el. 224.223
2 subuKitum Mil. awl-shaped £ iAJ or i R C. G. H. 1717. C Bl
3 viridc Haw. pea-green £ lAlor £ R C. G. H. 1717. C 8.1
13146 acutum Haw. great acutclvd £ lAlor *apn R C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
13147 punctatum Haw. dotted awl-lvd £ lAlor £ ap.n R C. G. H. 17W. C 8.1
13148 diminutum //aw. diminished 4 ap R C. G. H. 1789. C 8.1
2 cauliculatumHaw. small-stemmcd£ iA1 or i ap R C. G. H. 1789. C S.1
II. FASCICULAVA. — Leaves in bundles ; flowers polygynous ; calyx five-leaved.
13149 loreum Dil. thong.sta/ked £ lAJor • 1 s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1732. C Bl Di.eL200.255
2 congestum Haw. crowded £ IAJCU 1s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1805. C B.1
13150 purp&reo-album/faw.purplish white £ lAlgr Jau W C. G. H. 1824. C si
13151 diTersifoiium L. various-leaved £ lAlor 1 mr.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1819. C s.l D i . el. 19a 253
2 glaucius Haw. more glaucous £ tAlor 1 au Pa.Y C. G. H. 1726. C s.I
3 brevifblium Haw. short-lcaxed £ lAJor 1 au Pa.Y C. G. H . . . . C s.1
4 la?\e vlrens Haw. bright green £ lAior au Pa.Y C. G. H . . . . C B.1
• -A 5 ^tMMrtrens Haw. dark-green £ lAlor au Pa.Y C. G. H . . . . C 8.1
'piens/faw. deceiving 1 au Pa.Y C. G. H. 18-^0. C 8.1 ^
i. doubtful lAJ 1 my n Pa.Y C. G. H. 1800. C s.1 Brad. sue. 4.40
- — I Haw, small-horned •Alor 1 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1732. C s.1
pnyllum Dec. equal.leaved lAlor 1 Pa.Y C. G.
timbena Haw. procumbent lAlor 1 Pa. Y C G . H. 1732. C s I D e c . p l . 108
13156 tricolorum Haw. three-colored AJ 1 o Y.R C G . H. 1820. C 8.1
H . 1794. C 4.1 Bot. mag. 2144

13157 pugioniftSrmeL. long dagger, formed tt. i_J or 1 jl.s Pa.Y C G. H. 1714. C i.l Di.el.269
Pk C. G. tt 1714. C B.1
2 clrneum Haw. Haw. tiesb-colored tt. LJ or 1 jl.s p C. G. H. 1714. C s.l
3 purpureum H Haw purple tt.| IJ or 1 jl.»
biennial tt.| | or jl.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1714. C s.l
4 bilnnc Jfew. bi JU Pa.Y C. G. H. 1717. C Bot rcg. 494
13158 capitatum Haw. tt. i | or
branch-bearing tt. | | cu jl.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1816.- C 8.1
2 ramiiwrum //fl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
short-stemmed tt. ( | or il-a
13159 urevicaule Haw.
glittering idagger*. \ | <« or jl.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1812. C s.l
13160 coruscins i/<iw. t e ^ r * • l_J Pa.Y C. G. H. 1791 C s.1
13161 clongMum Haw. elongated tuberous & LJ or my
13161 l
2minus Jtow.
smaller {LJ"' my Pa.Y C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1 Bot. reg. 493
3 fusif6nne Haw. fusiform my Pa.Y C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
I I L P R O B T B A V A . — Trailers ; fiowers polygynous ; calyx five-leaved; leaves connate.
13162 geminatum Jac. twin %* i lor Pk C. G. H. 1819. C 6.1 50
13163 simile Haw. similar i 1 .. Pk C. G. H. 1819. C t.1
loose Pk C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13164 laxum W W.. le
Pk N. Holl. 1805. C B.l
13 sarmentosum t Haw. twiggy JU| | or
13 iidftl H
13166 rigidica6le Haw. stiff-stemmed l v i lor i my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
Pk C. G. H. 1824. C S.1
13167 vilidum Haw. robust 1" my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1810. C 8.1 Jac. ft. 51. %
13168 Scholl/i Salm Sell oil's £mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1 Di. el. 212.273
13169 filamentusum Haw. thready Pk C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13170 serrulAtum Haw. saw-leaved _ j o r i n.d Pk C. G. H. C 8.1
2 viridius Haw. greener *». LJ or | n . d Pk C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1
13171 rubricate Haw. red-stalked JU i_J or Pk C. G. H. C 8.1
2 densius Haw. denser *-1 I or Pk C. G. H. iaia C 8.1
3 subvirens Haw. tall greenish JU LJ or C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1 Bot rep. 508 I
| au.s Pk
13172 acinaciformc L. Bcimitar-forracd JU \ | or 1 au.s Pk C. G. H. 1714. C 8.1
216ngum Haw. long JU i_J or Pk C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1
13173 Isvig&tum Haw. t~
polished — JU |_J or Pk C. G. H. 1811. C s.1
13174 rubrocinctum Haw. red-bordered *au Pk C. (5. H. C 8.1
2 compressum Haw. compressed Pk C. G. H. C si
3 tenerum Haw. tender j-UJ Pk C. G. H. 1768. C s.1 Dec. pi. 41
1317.3 subulktum Haw. subul. Dauy-ftwd J~ i_J or i ) Pk C. G. H. lfiW. C s.l Di. el. 212.273
. 13176 edule L. eatable Hottentot Ftg *~ i_J or Pk C. G. H. 1811. C 8.1 Dec. pi 39
$13177 dimidiatum Haw. halved Hot. Fig J~ L-J or Pk N. Holl. 1804. C s.1
1*3178 glaucescens Haw. glauccscent !U l—I or N. Holl. 1835. C s i
13179 abbreviatum Hatv. short-jointed JU)_Jgr Pk' V. D.L. 1820. 8.1
13180 Ki'.ssi Haw. Ross's Pk N. Holl. 1804. 8.1
13181 virescens Haw. virescent Pk N. Holl. 1791. 8.1
13182 equilaterale Haw. equal-sided JU i l o r Pk C. G. H. 1821. 8.1
« i o « virens
»T Haw.
11 mmriaht green JU| | or
uprightBTf>i Pk C. G. H. 1774. 8.1
13184 reptans H. K. creeping J U | or
C. G. H. 1824. S.1
131H5 debile Haw. smooth weak <*. Pk" N. Zeal. 1773. S.1
13186 austrMe Haw. southern i C. G. H. 1727. 8.1 DL el. 201.257
13187 crassifolium L. thick-leayed LJ Pk N. Holl. 1803. S.1
13188 clavellatum Haw. small cUh-lvd JUi_Jor * jn jl Pk Pk N. Holl. 1810. 8.1
2 minus/fotu. smaller Pk Pk N. Holl. 1803. C 8.1
3 aggregatum Haw. aggregatc-/wrf 4 JnJl
IV. 1.26
G H. C 8.1
13189 forficatum L.
J31H0 geminatum Haw.
13im lnanrinatum Haw. while-edged
13192 rostellum Haw.
twin-shooted *-\ I or

little beak
«L i_J or
«. _i_J
tL J r
C. G. H. 1792. C s.1
C. G. H. 1793. C s.1 C. G. H. 1820. C s.1
Pa.P C. G. H. 1714. C s.1 Di. el. 192.240
1319J pcrfolidtum Mil. great perfoliatetL M-ii_Jlor or Pa.P C. G. H. C 8.1
2 monacanthum Biad. one-spined «L| " | or Pa.P C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1 Di.el.239
13194 uncinellum Haw. small-hooked « - i _ J o r au Pa.P C. G. H. 1725. C 8.1 Dec pi 54
13li>5 uncinhtum Haw. hooked | or au Pa.P C. G. H. C 8.1
13196 semidentatum//aw. half-toothed ... C. G. H. 1824. C
131 J>7 einidens Haw. one-toothed Pa.P C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
lol£)8 viride Haw. green petfoliate'tL \ | or W C. G. H. 1821. C s.1
13199 acutamjulum Haw. acute-angled tt. i_j or « W C. G. H. C s.1
"- curtum
- h Haw.
" shorusheathed «- i_J or 1J W C. G. H. C B.1
2 majus Haw. larger tt. I_J or 1} W C. G. H. C s.1
3 politum Haw. polished tt. i i or 1| W C. G. H. C s.l
4 minus Haw. smaller tt. |_J or 1} W C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1
11201 ... vaginutum
B .... Haw. sheathed tL L_J or 11 j U
2 parviflurmn Haw. small-flowered s. |_J or 3 au
w C. G. H. C 8.1
13202 pamflurum Haw. siiiall-flowcrcd tt. LJ or | au
w C. G. H 1800. C 8.1
13203 rfgidum Haw. rigid tt. i_J or liau
w C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
C. G. H.
131204 tcnellum Haw. delicate perfoliate «. LJ or S
w C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
I32u5 imbricktum //. JL imbricated tt. LJ or 3 jl jl w C. G. H. 1799. C B.1
2 medium Haw. intermediate tt. i_J or 3 jl
w C. G. H. C Bl
3 viride Haw. green tL L-J or w C. G. H. C 8.1
13206 multiflorum Haw. many-flowered tt. i | or 3 jl.s "W 1792. C 8.1 Pluk. ph. 117.1
3 jl.s C.
w C G . H. G. H. C B.1
2 m'uius Haw. smaller tL i__l or
3 rubrum Haw. rciUJiowered tt. |_J or 3 jl.s Pk C. G. H. C B.1
4 pKtens W. spreading B- I_J or 3 jl.s w C. G. H. 1820. CC BB..11
5 rttens Haw. sinning
13207 URibellatum Haw. umbcl-Jiowered tt. |_J or 3 jn.s
tL i_Jor w' C. G. H. 1727. C 8.1 Di. el. 208.266
2 nnomnluin W. anomalous tt. i | or 3 j n s
w C. G. H. C 8.1
13208 tumfdulum Haw. rather tumid tt. i | or 3 mr Pk C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1
2 minus Haw. smaller tt. i | or 3 mr Pk C. G. H. 182a C 8.1
13209 fohosutn Haw. leafy tt. i | or Pk C. G. H. 1802. C 8.1
small-lined tt. | | or C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13210 lineolatum Haw. JU
2 minus Haw. smaller tt. i_J or Pk" C G . H. 181U. C 8.1
smooth tt. |_J or 1.8 C. G. H. 1819. C s.l
3 le*ve Thun. C G. H. 1819. C 8.1
4 nltens Haw. shining tt. i_J or
V DBLTJEFULIA. — Leaves more or less deltoid or hatchet-form.
Pk C. G. H. 1707. C s.1 Di. el 191 $38
. . . . _ - o / I T f HHVI

13211 aerrXtum L. sxvt-keeled tt. i I or 2 in.jl

l*?i S £ k purp/esworded «- U or 2 jn Pk C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1
1794. C 8.1
J3213 Reteropetalumffaw. various-petdlcd tt. U or 2 my au Pk C. G. H. C B.1
C. G. H.
l s o i ^ . . __ % * glaucous t L ^ o r li Pk C. G. H. C 8.1
thick-leaved ii-LJor 1| jlau Pk

13215 mutfibilelfotu. changeable tt.|_Jor lftjl.8 Pk C. G. H. 1792. C 8.1 Dec pi. 60

13216 inclafidens Haw. encompassed tL \ | or lft jn.s Pk C. G. H. 1805. C B.1 Bot. rep. 388
13217 caulesccns Mil. caulescent delta-lvd*. i_J or 1* my.jl Pk C. G. H. 1731. C 8.1 Di. el. 195.243-4
13218 deltoideum Haw. great dclta-/ud a. L _ | or lft my Pk C. G. H. 1731. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 58
13219 muricatum/ftiw. muricated delta-iudt*- I I or Mmy Pk C. G. H. 1731. C B.I Di. el. 195.245-7
2 minus Haw. less tL1 I or 1ft my Pk C. G. H. C s.1
13220 microphyllum Haw. small-leaved tL i | or i Pk C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1
13221 mucronatum Haw. mucronated or Pk C. G. H. 1794. C 8.1
13222 pygmae^um Haw. pygmy Pk C. G. H. 1805. C 8.1
13223 pulchelluin Haw. pretty tL | (or Pk C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
canescens Haw. tLLjor
2 revolutum Haw. revolute tL i_Jor ap Pk C. G. H.

VI. THI'QUBTBA. — Leaves more or less three-cornered, distinct; calyx five-leaved, styles five.
13224 maximum Haw. largest moon-lvd «L i | or lft Pk C. G. H. 1787. s.1 Bot rep. 358
13225 luniitum W. lunate n. | | or 1 Jl Pk C. G. H. 1812.
13226 falcatum L. sickle-leaved tt. | | or 1 Pk C. G. H. 1727. Di.eL 213. 275.6*
13227 dec&mbens Haw. decumbent tt. \ | or 1 my.o Pa.R C. G. H. 1759.
13228 inciirvum Haw. incurved tt. i | or lftjn Pk C. G. H. 1802. Bot cab. 1265
2 dilatans Haw. spreading-ftw/ctftt. i | or lft jn Pk G. H.
3 pallidius Haw. paler a. i_J or 1ft jn Pk C. G. H.
4 densifolium Haw. dense-leaved tL i i or lft jn Pk C. G. H. 1819.
5 roseum fV. rosy tL LJ or Jftjn Pk C. G. H.
13229 confertum Haw. crowded-leaved tL i_J or lft B.O Pk C. G. H. 1805.
13230 falcifurme Haw. sickle-shaped tt. l_J or Pk C. G. H. 1805.
13231 glomcratum L. clustered tL uJ or lft Pk C. G. H. 1732. Bot cab 1043
13232 inflexum Haw. inflexed tL i | or lft jnau Pk C G. H. 1819.
13233 scabrum L. scabrous tL i_J or I Pk G. H. 1731. Di. el. 251
2 purpbreum Haw. purple tL i_J or lft jl P G. H.
13234 vcrsicolor Haw. changeablc-cld tt. i_J or 1 jl Pk G. H. 1795.
13235 retroflexum Haw. rctroflexed tt-Ljor 1 Pk G. H. 1724.
13236 imbricans Haw. imbricating XL i | or lft my.o Pk G. H. 1818.
13237 deflexum H. K. deflcxed tL i | or 2 myo Pk G. H. 1774.
13238 lcptaleon Haw. slender tL i_J or 1 jl.o Pk G. H. 1819.
13239 polyanthon Haw. many-flowered tL i | or HJLo Pk G. H. 1803.
13240 flexile Haw. Jit A IIC "™ 1 au .Pk G. II. 18J0.
13241 polyphy'llum Haw. many-leaved tt. i | or 1ft au Pk G. H. 1819.
13242 violaceum Dec. violet tt. I| | or 2 jn.o P G. H. 1820.
13243 emarginatum L. notch-rfouvrai tL i | or 2 jno Pk G. H. 1732. Di. el. 197.250
13244 dilatatum Haw. dilated tL i | or 2 W G. H. 1820.
13245 virgatum Haw. twiggy tL i_JJ or 3 Pk G. H. 1793.
1324ft bracteatum Haw. bracted tL i | or 3 f.ap Y G. H. 1774. Bot cab. 251
13247 anccps Haw. two-edged tL i_j or Ujl.o Pk G. H. 1811.
2 pallidum Haw. pale tL i_J or lft s.o C. G. H. 1819.
13248 gracile Haw. slender-starry tL |_J or lft n R C. G. H. 1794.
stellatum Haw. lft au.n
2 gracilius Haw. slenderer tL i | or 1 au.n R C. G. H. C s.l
13249 radiatum Haw. rayed tL i | or R C. G. H. 172. C s.l Di. el. 197.249
13250 comproMSum Haw. compressed tt. i | or «*jS" D.R. C. G. II. 1792. C s.1
13251 patulum Haw. spreading tL i | or Pk C. G. H. 1811. C s.l
13252 aspcrum Haw. rough tL i_J or lfto.n C. G. H. 1818. C 8.1
2 cscrulisccns Haw.
H l
c c s tL i_J or C. G. H. 1820. C s.l
13253 formiisum H Haw. beautiful tL |_J or 1 au.8 C C. G. H. 1820. C s.1
13254 siiectabilc Haw. showy tt. i | or 1 C C. G. H. 1787. C s.1 Bot. mag. 396
13255 conspicuum Haw. conspicuous n. i_J or 1 8.o C C. G. H. 1806. C s.1
13256 blandum Haw. bland
bland tL i | or lftjn Pk C. G. H. 1810. C 8.1 Bot. reg. £82
13257 curviflurum Haw. curve-flowered tL i_J or 2 jn W C. G. H. 1818. C s.1
« „ . _ afireum L. gohlcn-JlowcrediL |_J or 1 mr.o y C. G. H. 1750. C s.1 Bot. mag. 262
13259 cymbifolium Haw. boat-leaved tt. i_J or 1 ... Y C. G. H. 1822. C 8.1
13260 aurantium Haw. orange-flowered*- uJ or Y C. G. H. 17H3. C s.l
13261 glaucum L. glaucous-leaved*. i_J or lft jn.jl O C. G. H. 1696 C s i Dec. pi. 148
13262 strictum Haw. strict tL i lor 3 Y C. G. H. 1795. C s.1
13263 cymbiforme Haw. boat-shaped tL | | or Y C. G. H. 1793. C s.1
13264 mucroniformeHaw. sword-shaped tL i_J or 1 jl.aii Y C. G. H. 1821. C 8.1
13265 granifurme Haw. grain-shaped tL i_J or ft 8.0 Y C. G. H. 1727. C s.1 Brad. sue. 2.20
13266 m611e H. K. waft-leaved tt LJ or 1 o Pk C. G.H. 1774. C 8.1
VII. FILICAU'LIA.—Sums slender ; leaves distinct, rounded, and dotted ; flowers opening in the morning.
13267 coccineum Haw. scarlet-floweredtL |_J or lft my.s S CG. H. 1696. C si Bot. mag.59
2 acbtius Haw. acutcr-calyxed tL |_J or Jft my.s S C. G. H. ... C 8.1
3 minus Haw. smaller tt. i | or lft my.s S C. G. H. C 8.1
13268 bicolorum L. two-colored tt. |_J or lft my.s O CG. H. 1732. C B.1 Di. el 202.258
2 patulum Haw. spreading tt. |_J or 1 my.s O C. G. H. C s.1
3 minus Haw. smaller tt. | | or ft my.s O C. G. H . C B.1
13269 inajquale Haw. uncqual-cifjipaitt. i_J or 1 my.s O CG. H. 1716. C 8.1 Brad, sue 1.7
13270 tenuifulium L. slender-leaved tt. |_J or I jn.s S C. G. 1700. C s.l Dec. pi. 82
2 erectuin Haw. erect tt. \ | or I lftjn.8 " C. G. HH.. ... C 8.1
13S71 variabile Haw. variable tt. i_j or lft1
:— - .
Y C. G. H . 1796. C 8.1
2 lseMus Haw. smoother tL y_j or Y C. G. 1796. C 8.1
13272 _spiniforme Haw. thorn-shaped tt-L_Jor 1 -8.O - Pk C. G. H. 1793. C 8.1
Pk C. G. H.
2 subaduncum Haw. rather hooked tt. LJ or 1 8.0 C 8.1
13273 curvifolium W. crooked-leaved n. LJ or 1 O Pk C G. HH .. 1799. C 8.1
13274 flexifbliuxn Haw. bent-leaved tt. LJ or lfto Pk C. G.
H . 1820. C 8.1
2 lae'te virens Haw. lively green tt. LJ or lft o Pk CG. H . 1818. C 8.1
13275 adiincum Haw. hook-leaved tt. LJ or 1 Pk CG. H. 1795. C 8.1
C. G. H.
13276 inconspfcuum Haw. inconspicuous tt. L_J or ft jn.s R 1823. C 8.1
13277 filicaufe Haw. thread-stalked tt. |_J or lft a Pk C. G. H. 1800. C S.1
13278 spinusum L.
13279 stipulaceum /„.
thorny tL i_J or lft jn.s
stipulaccous tt. | | or lft my.jn Pk C.
G. H. 1723. CC s.l
H. 1714. Di.el.208.agj,
s.l Di.el.209.2o'-B
13280 cor&llinum Thun. coral tt. C. G.
\ I or 1 my.jn Pk C. G. H . 1820. C si
}%£} productum
Haw. prolonged-calyxcdn. i_J or 1 my.jn Pk CG. H . 1822. C s.l
! £ £ « l<|P ni Haw. pretty white-flwdtL uJ or lft au.s W CG. H . 1823. C 8.1
13M3 Haw6rth« Donn Haworth's tt. LJ or 1 jajn Br CG. H . 1793. C s.1
13284 l*Tve H. K. smooth white-wooded tt. LJ or lftjl.8 H . 1774, C 8.1
13285 vcrruculatum L. small-warted «Li lor If ray.jn Y C. G. H. 1731. C 8.1 Di.el.859
2 Candolltf Dccandolle's a. i lor I* my.jn Y C. G. H. C 8.1 Dec. pi 36
13286 insilltium TV. grafted a.i ior 1 au.o P CG.H. 1780. C 8.1
purpareo-crbccum Haw.
2 fl\vo-crbceuin Haw. yellow & safC tt. | | or 1 au.o Y CG. H. 1816. C 8.1
3 minus smaller n. { | or au o Y C. G. H. C s.1
13287 luteum Haw. yellow a. t I or 1J Pa.Y C. G. H. 1824. C si
13288 luteolum Haw. yellowish a. i |or i Pa.Y C. G. U. 1824. C 8.1

VIII. VERWJCO*SA. — Leaves and branches almost always more or less warted or papiltous.
13289 crystallinum L. crystalline J± O or 1 W Greece 1725. S e.l Dec. pL 128
13290 glaciXle Haw. frozen Jc o or f W Greece S 8.1
13291 pinnatffidum L. wing-cleft Jc O or 1 my.o Y C G. H. 1774. S 8.1 Bot mag. 67
13292 sessiliflbrum H. K. sessile-flowered Jc iQI or $ jl Y C. G. H. 1774. S 8.1
2 filbum Haw. white -ok iQj or f jl W C. G. H. S 8.1
13293 humifTisum H. K. trailing a. \ | or | W C G. H. 1774. C 8.1
13294 clandestinum Haw. clandestine " «.L-Jor j W C G. H. 1822. C 8.1
13295 Aituni Jac. Alton's £ OJ or J jn.o Pk C G . H . 1774. S 8.1 Jac. vin. 3.7
13298 lanceolatum Haw. small-spear-A/rf O or f W C G. H. 1795. S 8.1
2 rbscum Haw. rosy iQj or | Pk C G. H. 1813. S 8.1
13297 cordifulium L. heart-leaved ft i I or | my.s Pk C G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 102
13298 pomeridianum L. afternoon 1 Y C G. H. 1774. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 540
2 Andrews*! Andrews*s 1 C G. H. S 8.1 Bot rep. 57
J32S9 pUusUm Haw. hairy, „yellow f Y C G. H. 1800. S 8.1
13300 calendulhceum/iiitu. Pot-marigold fau Y C G. H. 1819.
13301 heliantholdcs H.K. Sunflower-like $ au.o Y C G . H . 1774. S 8.1 Dec. pi. 135
Cand611ii Haw. S 8.1
13302 limpiduin 11. K. clear O or 1 j ! R C G. H. 1774. S 8.1 Jac. ic 3.488
1^303 tricolor Haw. three-colored O or R C. G. H. 1795. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 2144
13304 rbscum Haw. roseate O or Si Pk C. G. H. S 8.1
3 linearc Thun. linear O or W C. G. H. 1819. S 8.1
4 album vrnMe-Jlowering iQJ or W C G. H. 1819. S 8.1
13305 villusum L. villous tt. i_J or C. G. H. 1759. C 8.1
13306 caducum H. K. deciduous iQJ or C G. H. 1774. S 8.1
13307 apetalum H. K. netallcss O or C G. H. 1774. S 6.1 Jac. vin. 3.6
13308 nodifldrum L. knot-flowered iQJ or 1 au.o Egypt 1739. S 8.1 Dec. pi. 88
13309 cihatum H. K. ciliated O or 1 ... w C G. H. 1774. C 8.1
13310 geniculiflorum L. joint-flowering iQJ or
w C G. H. 1727. C 8.1 17
13311 Tttpbhum £. Aitcr-lcaved tt. i | or ix jn.o Pa.Y C G. H. 1700. C 8.1 l)i. el. 179.220
13313 expansum L. cxpantled'/vd tt. |_J or Pa.Y C. G. H. 1705. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 94
13313 varians Haw. varying tt. i | or 4 JLo Pa.Y C G. H. 1706. C 8.1 Pet. g. 78.10
13314 tortubsum L. twisted-leaved tt. | | or *jn.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1705. C S.1 Di. cL 181. 222
13315 pallens H. K. jirte-floivcred tt. \ | or J Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1 Dec. pi. 47
133IG loratum Haw. loratc tt. i_j or t W C G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13317 relaxatum W. relaxed tt ( | or I Pk C. G. H. 1815. C 8.1
13318 crassicaule Haw. thick-stemmed tt. L_J or 1 jl-au PILY C G . H . 1815. C 8.1
13319 anatomicum Haw. skeleton-leaved tt. \ | or fjlau W C. G. H. 1803. C 8.1
,o« 2 fragile Haw. brittle tt. i_j or £ W C. G. H. 1803. C 8.1
13320 rectum Haw. straight tt. |_J or W C G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13321 crassuloldes Haw. Crassula-like tt. |_J or i j l . a u Pk C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13322 incomptum Haw. untrimmed tt. i_J or W C G . H . 1819. C 8.1
13.323 splendent L. shining tt. LJ or U W C. G. H. 1716. C 8.1 DecpL85
J33s>4 flexubsum Jfotu. flexuous tt. |_J or l} w C C G. H. 1793. C 8.1
13325 acuminatum flinw. acuminate tt. i_j or 2 au.s w G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13326 alnicaule Haw. white-stemmed a. i_j gr 1 au w C G. H. 1824. C 8.1
13327 sulcatum //ow. furrowed tt. | J or 3 au.a w C G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13328 fastigifctum Haw. peaked tt. L_J or li w C. G. H. 1794. C 8.1
2 reflexum //«w.r reflexed tt. \ | or U au.s w C G. H. 1792. C 8.1
13329 umbelliflbrum » . uinbellatc-flwd tt. | | or l | au.s w C. G. H. 1820.
13330 palltsccns Haw. pullescent tt. i_J or li aas w C. G. II. 1820. C 8.1
C 8.1
w C G. H. 1804.
13331 micranthon Haw. small-flowered tt. i_J or C 8.1
parviflbrum Jac.
__„Junceum Haw.
13332 Hush-leaved tt. i |or 1 au.o Pk C. G. H. 1800. C 8.1
13333 granulicadle Haw. granulated-stmd tt. | | or ... C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13334 Unue Haw. slender tt. |_J or ... C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
]J335 longispinulum Haw. long-spinuled tt. |_J or 1 au.n Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13336 spinuliferum Haw. suinulc-bearing tt. L_J or 1 jn.o Pa.Y C G. H. 17»4. C 8.1
13337 gr6ssum Haw. thick tLi lor 1 au.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. C 8.1
13338 salmbncum Haw. salmon-colored tt. i_J or 3 au.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
13339 canaliculMum Haw. small-chan.-/vfi tt. |__J or 2 JLo Pk C. G. a 1794. C 8.1
13340 viridiflbrum H. K. green-flowered tt j | or 2 JLn G C. G. H. 1774. C S.1 Bot mag. 326
13341 tenuiflbrum Jac. slcnder-flwd tt.i lor 2 . . . Pk C G . H . 1820. C 8.1
13342 nitidum Haw. bright tt-1 | or 2 jLo Y C. G. H. 1790. C 8.1
J3343 brachiMum H. K. brachiated tt. J_J or 1} Y 1774.
C G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13344 subincanum Haw. rather hoary tt. j | or 2 au.s W C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13345 testaceum Haw. tWccotored *• LJ or 3 au.s O C G. H. 1714. C 8.1
13346 tuberbsum L. tuberous-rao^dtt. ( | or 3 jn.o o C. G. H. 1714. C 8.1 Dl. eL 264
i«.^ 2 m l n u 8 H a w - —-»»
smaller tt. j | or 2l*jn.o o C G. H. 1824. C 8.1
J S S ™ K>rlrtaum Haw. long-rooted tt. LJ or my.jn w CG.H. C 8.1
13348 iioctiflbrum
o mL. night-flowering tt. i_J or 2 C. G. H. 1714. C 8.1 Bot. cab. 4U5
5 8 S * m I n o " m Haw- st »w-colored tt. L_1 or 2 Str C.G.H. 1732. C 8.1
5 S "
3 datum H Haw. l n. i J| or 3 S 1714.
elate C. G. H. C 8.1
fulvous tt, i_J or 2 Ful C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13350 defoliatum Haw. defoliated tt. i lor 2 C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13351 honzontale Haw. horizontal-/^ tt. i lor 2 Str C. C H. 1795. C S.1
13352 speciosum Haw. specious tt. i | or 1} my.o s 1793.
C. G. H. 1704. C s.1
13353 nrtcans L. glittering tt.; I or 1* s C. G. H. 1732. C 8.1 Bot mag. 448
13354 maculMum Haw. spotted-sealAed n. \ | or fj ... 8 C G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13355 flXvum Haw. small yellow . i_ J or 4 au Y CG.H. 1819. C 8.1
13356 obriquum Haw. oblique tt.| | or 1 au P C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1 Bot.rcg.863
small-leaved tt.|_Jor
iiS 5 ? parvifblium Haw. short-leaved lau P CG.H. 1777. C 8.1
tt.i lor l'jLo R C. G. H. C 8.1
{£58 brevifblium H. K. -—
{JgroBubglobbsum Haw. subglobose J 1 jl.o R CG.H. 1795.1792. C 8.1
***Q pulverulentum Haw. powdery | my Pk C. G. H. C 8.1

13361 hlspidum L. hispid JL. I | o r f my.o P C. G. H. 1704. C 8.1 Di. el. 278
2 platypetalum Haw. broad-petaled JU|_Jor fmy.o P C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1
13362 hirtcllum Haw. dwarf bristly JL.L—°r I my.n Pk C. G. H. 1792. c s i
13363 candcns Haw. glittering JUi_Jor iHjLau ... P... C. G. H. 1820. c 8.1
13364 subcompreiuum//aw. subcompressedJU i_J or C. G. H. 1823. c 8.1
2 minus Haw. smaller tt. i_J or 1 P C. G. H. 182J. c 8.1
13365 flonbtindum Haw. bundle-flwd JUuJor I my.o Pk C. G. H. 1704. c 8.1 Di. eL 214.289
133H5 torquhtum Haw. torqued iL. t )or $ my.o Pk C. G. H. 1820. c S.1
1*3367 calydnum Haw. /0M£-CUppCd fU\ | or 5 W C G. H. 1819. c s i
13368 stnatum Haw. striated-bristly 1*1 |or f my.o Pk C. G. H. 1727. 8.1 Di.el.281
2 pollens pale lsi_Jor Jmy.o w C. G. H. c
... c s.1 Dec. pL 138
13369 attenuhtum Haw. attenuated JL.I | o r I my.o w C. G. H. 1821. s.1
13J70 hispitobum Haw. brUtly-lcavod JUL-Jor $ my.o w C. G. H. 1818. c 8.1
2 roscum Haw. rosy 1* L J or i my.o Pk C. G. H. 1818. c s.l
c 8.1 Dec. pi. 24
13371 echinktum H. K. hedgehog tt. j_jor ^ jl.o Y C. G. H. 1774. c
2 album Haw white tt. i_J or i jl.o W C. G. H 1774. c 8.1
13372 strumiibum L. strumose tt.i lor | au Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. c 6.1
13373 barluituin L. trailing beardedt*. | | or f Pk C. G. H. 1705. c 8.1 Dec. pi. 28
13.174 gtclligeruin Haw. star-bearing tt. i 1 or £ my.o Pk C. G. H. 1793. c 8.1 Bot. mag. 70
13375 BtellMum Dec. Starry-bearded tt.i_jor | S.O Pk C. G. H. 1716. c 8.1 Di.el.235
iiirButuiii jjciWi
13376 densum //aw. densc-bearded tt. i lor £ Pk C. G. H. 1732. c 8.1 Bot mag. 1220
13377 bulbosum Haw. bulbous *Li_Jor £au Pk C. G. H. 1820. 8.1
13378 intonsum Haw. unshaved t L | |or i jl Pk C. G. H. 1824. cc 8.1
2 (ilbum Haw. white tt-i lor Pk C. G. H. 1824. 8.1
1521. HYMENO'GYNE Haw. HVMBNOGYNB. (Hymen,membrane,gyne,woman; style.) Flcoideee. 1.
13379 gftbra Haw. smooth iDJcu f jLo Pa.Y C.U.H. 1787. S 8.1 Bot rep. 57
Mesembry£nthcmum glabrum H. K.

CLASS X I I . O A S S R 8.


•J522. JKTSA TOIL ROSE. (Rhodd, red, Celt; color of flower.) Roiacets. 116.—150.
I. SIMPLICIFOLIA. — Leaves ample, cxstipulatr.
13380 ferferifblia PalL Berberry-lvd tt _J or 1} jnjl Y Persia 1790. L r.m Par. Ion. 101
II. FERGCEB. — Very prickly ; branches clothed wUh persistent tomentum ; fruit naked.
13381 ferox Law. fierce tt or 3 R Caucasus 1796. L co Dot. reg. 420
kamch&tica Red. ., <#MN
13382 kamch&tica Ven. Kamtschatka tt or 4 R Kamtsch. 1802. L co Bot. reg. 419
2 nUens Lindl. shining tt or 4 R 1822. L co Bot reg. 824
III. BBACTEA^TJE —Branches andfrvU clothed ivith persistent tomentum.
13383 involucrata Rox. involucrated * I or 3 W R Indies 1818. L co Bot. reg. 739
13384 bracteata Wnl. bractcated Ji or 2 au.o W China 1795. C l.p Vcn. eels 28
2 scabricatilis Lindl. rough-stemmedl or S au.o W China C l.p Bot mag. 1377
IV. CIKNAM6MEJE. — Setigerous or unarmed bracteate ; leaflets lanceolate, glandless; disk slender.
13385 nitida W. glossy or 2 R N. Amer. 1807. L co Lind. ros. 2
13386 Aapa Base Turnip or 4 R N. Amer. ... L co Red. ros. 1.7
13387 lucida Shrh. or 2 R N. Amer. 1724. L co Di.eL245.316
13388 pennsylvanica Lk. hfxght-leaved
Pennsylvanian tt or 5 jnjl Pk Pennsylvan.... L r.m
13389 gemclla W. twin-flowering tt or 3 R N. Amer. 1800. L* co
13390 laxa Lindl. loose Carolina tt or 3 R N Amer. L co Lind. ros. 3
13391 parvi flora Ehrh. small-flowered tt P* F N. Amer. 1724. L s.p Lawr. ros. 3
2 flure pR-no double-flowered tt pr 1} F N. Amer. ... L co
13392 taurica Bieb. Taurian tt or 6 Pk Tauria L co
13393 Wo6dNi Lindl. Woods's tt or 3 mr.jn R N. Amer. ... L co Bot.reg.97C)
13394 caroHna L. Carolina tt or 6 jnjl R N. Amer. 1726. L s.p Lind. ros. 4
2 Honda Donne Florida tt or 5 jn.jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p
13395/raxinifulia Bore. Ash-leaved tt or 6 my.jn R Newfound. ... L co Bot. reg. 458
13396 cinnamumea L. Cinnamon tt or 6 my Pk Europe ... L co Eng. bot 2388
2 flora plcno double-flwd tt or 5 my.jn P Europe L co Lind. ros. 5
3 flora somipleno scmidouble-flwdiik or 7 my.jn R Siberia 1805. L co
13397 pygmae^a Bteb. pygmy tt or 3 jnjl Pk Caucasus 1820. L r.m Bicb.cen. 1.2
13398 ctinophy'lla Red. recluiing-lvd tt or 6 my.jl W 1820. L r.m Red. ros. 1.43.ic
13399 fruticosa Bes. shrubby ft or 6 jnjl Pk Vallesia 1817. L r.m
13400 ambigua Wallr. ambiguous tt or 6 jnjl Pk Germany ... L r.m
13401 dahurica Pall. Dahunan tt or 6 myjl Pk Siberia 1824. L r.m
134(J2 adenoph^lla W. gland-leaved tt or 4 jnjl Pk L r.m
13403 majalis Retx. May tt pr 3 my.jn Pk Europe L co Fh dan. 688
13404 macrophyila Lindl. long.ieaved tt or 6 Nepal 1822. L co Lind. ros. 6
13405 Lyontf Ph. Lyon's tt or 4 Pk L r.m
V. PIMPINELLIFOUJL —Piickles equal, numerous, bractless, sepals connivent persistent; disk almost none.
13406 alptaa L. alpine or 3 jnjl Pk Switzerl. 1683. L r.m Bot. reg. 424
2 pyrenaica Gou. Pyrcnean or 3 jnjl ~Pk Pyrenees
~ ~ co 19
3 en
« ^ M ? du»na L. pendulous or 5 my.jn P Switzerl. 1726. L co Lawr. ros. 91
13407 suavis W. sweet or 4 Pk 1818. L r.m
13408 balsamea Spr. balsam or 3 jnjl R 1825. L r.m
13J09muricata£*. muricatcd or 3 Pk 1820.
13410 rubflla Stn. reddish or 2 jnjl Pk England sea sh. L co Eng. bot 2521
I«LMI2 Z. melan
°cfirpa Lindl. black-fruited tt
melanocfii or 2 jnjl Pk L co
13411 rtrtcta Lindl strict Carolina tt or 3 jn Pk N. Amer. ... L co Lind. ros. 7

13412 aciculkris Lindl. acicular II or 6 myjn Pk Siberia 1805. L co

2 pauciflora Lindl. few-flowered ft or 6 mv.jn Pk Siberia 1813. L CO
13413 sulphurea //. K. double sulphur 8k or 3 jl" Y Levant 1>29. L 8.1 Hot. reg. 4i>
13414 lutescens Ph. lutescent 8k or 3 my.jn Pa.Y Siberia? 1780. L co liind. ros i)
13415 Eglantiria L. Eglantine 8k or Y L co Hot. inag. 3(>J
liitea unfcolor B.M. 4 my.jn
2 luttola Thore yellowish Sfe or 4 my.jn Y I- co Bot. mag. 1570
hispida R M.
13416* flava Wik. yellow 8k or 4 jn.jl Y L r.m
13417 spinosissima L. spiniest Scotch Jfe or 2 jnjl W.B Britain sa.hca. L pi bot. 197
Garden Varieties.
Blush. Anderson's Double Marbled, Double Crimson Two-colored, Small Double
Lady's Marbled, Double Dark White, Large Double
Blush, Double Lady's Marbled, Double Light White, Large Semi-double
Blush, Double Pink Purple, Double White, Small Double
Blush, Double Provins Purple, Small Double Light White, Whitley's Double
Blush, Double Rose Red, Double Dark Yellow, Globe Double
Blush, Dutch Double • Red, Double Light Yellow, Large Double
Blush, Princess Double Red, True Double Yellow, Pale Double
Crimson, Double 'IVo-colorctl, Large Double Yellow, Small Double

2 reversa Lindl. reversed 8k or 1 my.jn W Siberia 1814. L co Hot. reg. 451

3 sanicuisorbifolia Lindl. Buract-lvdfl or 3 myjn W L co
13418 grandi flora Lindl. large-flowered 8k or 4 my.jn W Siberia 1818. C O ••*- —Bot.
» — —
• Jreg.> 888
——-- n

13419 myriacantha Dec. myriatl-spincd i» or 1 myjn W S. France 1820. L co Lind. L i d ros. 10

13420 Bieberstcfnii Lindl. Bieberstein's 8k or 2 myjn W Caucasus 1822. L co
ferox Bkb.
13421 involuta Sm. involuted 8k or 2 n. I W Hebrides moun. L co Eng. bot 2068
13422 rcvlrsa W. & K. reversed or 5 jti-jl W.Y Hungary 1816. L co W. Ac K. 264
13423 alftica Red. Altaian or 3 W Altaia 1818. L r in Pal. ros. 75
spinoblssima y PalUitf Lindl.
13434 melanocarpa Lk. dark-fruited or jii.jl W S. Europe 1817. L r.m
13425 oxyacantha Bieb. sharp-spined or jn.jl W Caucasus 1820. L r.m
13426 Sabmi Woods Sabine's or 8 myjn W . R Britain woods. L co
13427 Doniuna Woods Don's or 4 my.jn Pk Britain hetl L co
VI. CE.VTIFOLIJR — Prickles unequal, bracleate ; disk thick, surrounding the throats leaflets rugose.
1S428 damascena Mil. Damascus A or 3 jn.jl Pk Levant 1573. L co Lawr. ros. 38
Garden Varieties.
Agathe, Rouge Brunswick Hundred-leaved, Petite Quatre Saisons, flesh-co-
Argentea Cluster, Pale Incomparable lored
Auguste, Belle Couronnee, Belle Mignonne, Favorite |uatre Saisons, Francois
Aurora Couronncc Petite Monarque, Grande juatre Saisons Panacho.
Belgic, Blush Damas Argcnte Monthly, Red >uatrc Saisons Pomponc
Belgiquc Carnee Damas Pourpre Monthly, White >uatrc Saisons sans cpines
Belgique Violette Damask, Hlush Pajstana )uatrc Saisons, semu
Bifcra Carnea Damask, lied Paragon double
Bifcra de Naples Damask, White Parnassus Royal, Great
Bifera grandiflora Egyptian Perpetual Swiss
Blush, Early Emiwror Prolific Valiant
Blush, Imiierial Felicite Quatre Saisons Versailles
Blush, Monthly Goliath Quatre Saisons blanche York and Lancaster
Blush, Watson's Gracieuse Zealand
13429 centifblia L. hundred.lvd Provins or 3 Pk S. Europe 1596. L r.m lied. ros. 1.1
provincialis Mil.
Garden Varieties.
Aunay, Belle d' Constance Petite Hollande Provins, Royal
Aurora Cramois, Grand Persian Provins, Scarlet
Belgic, Red Cumberland Pompon, Gros Provins, Semidoublc
Blandford, or Kingston Dragon Pourprce Aimablc Provins, Shaillcrs
Blush, Royal Duchesse d'Angouleme Pourpree Favorite Provins, Single
Bourbon Duchesse de Berri Pourpree Violette Provins, White
Bright Crumpled Elysian Prolific Rouge Siipcrbc
Cabbage, Blush Emperor Provins, Blush Sans pltulea
Cabbage, Single Juno Provins, Cabbage Souchet
Carmine Louis XVIII. Provins, Childings Spongs
Carmine, Superb Malta Provins, Common Striped Nosegay
Centfeuilles Anemone Mfcre Gryone Provins, Damask Surpassantc
Ccntfcuillcs de Bruxclles Mottled Puqile Provins, Dutch Syren
Ccntfuuillcs de Hesse Nea]>olitau Provins, Early Trianon, Belle de
Centfeuilles Gaufree Provins, Grand Versailles
Chamois (Eillet Proving, Imperial
Cluster One-sided Vilmoriu
Provins, Invinciblo
2 muscosa Mil. moss flft or 3 jn.jl Pk , L r.m Red. ros. 1.8
Garden Varieties.
Moss, Blush Moss, Dark Moss, Single Moss, White
Moss, Common Moss, Prolific Moss, Striped
3 pompbnia Dec. Pompone or 2 jn.jl Pk S. Europe L Red. ros. 1.21
Garden Varieties.
Dc Meaux Mignonne Charmante Provins, Dwarf Rheims, Dc
Dwarf Bagshot Pompone Provins, Small St. Francis
Mosby de Meaux . Pompone, Proliferous
14a 4bipinntaiJtafc bipinnate ft or 3 jn jl R L co Red. ros. £. 4
13430 gftlilca L. French officinal St or 2 Jnjl P S. Europe 1596. L co Bot. reg. 44K

Garden Varieties.
Admirable Fanny Bias Mignonne Prince
! Prince William V.
Aigle noir Fiery Mignonne, Blush
Albanian Flanders Mignonne, Dark Princess
Amaranth Flemish Mignonne, Favorite Prolific
Antwerp Formidable Mignonne, Red Pronville
Atlas Fringed Mignonne, Semidouble Proserpine
Belle Aurora Garnet Mignonne, Striped Provins Pulmonaire
Beaute Aimablc Gay Mirabelle Purple, Blue
Beaute Rouge Giant Mogul Purple, Bright
Beaute Supreme Gloria Mundi Montauban Purple, Favorite
Bijou Granaatappcl Morocco Purple, Grand
Bishop Grand Monarque Mottled, Black Purple, Light
Black Frizzled Grand Sultan Natalie Purple, Royal
Blue Henry IV. Negrette Pyramid
Bouquet Rouge Royalc Herminie, Belle Negro Queen
Brunette Hervi Ninon de l'Enclos Ranunculus
Brussels Hollandc, Noir dc Nonpareil Ranunculus, Early
Buonaparte Hundred-leaved, Blush Nonsuch Red and Violet
Burning Coal Hundred-leaved, Dutch Normandy Roi de France
Cardinal Hundred-leaved, Single- Officinal Mundi
Carmine ton's Officinal, Blush Rose de Parade
Carmine Brillante Imperatrice Officinal, Carmine Royal Red
Carmine, Proliferous * Incomparable Orleans Royal Virgin
Carnation Infernal Ornement dc Parade Sable
Catalouian ^Invincible Passtana St. John's
Champion Italian Panachcc, Petite Sanspareil
Chancellor Josephine Paradise Sceptre
Changeable Junon Paragon Shell
Cherry King Pavot Spanish
Clementine La Dauphine Pcrruque Stadtholder
Coquette L'Ombrc Agreable Phoenix Stepney
Coulcur de Feu L'Ombre Superbe Plicate Striped Nosegay
Cramoisie, Belle Leyden Pluto Sultana
Cramoisie, Grande Lisbon Pomona Superb Red *
Crimson, Dutch Lively Pompadour Trafalgar
Crimson, Purple Lurid Pompon Bazard Triumphant
Crimson, Royal Maiden Poniutowsky Tuscany
Crown Majorca Poppy Two-colored'
Cupid Malabar Porcelaine Velvet, Double
Damask, Black Malta Portland Velvet, Semidouble
Delicious Mantcau Royal Pourprcc, Belle Velvet, Single
Dingy MarUed Pourpre Bouquet Velvet, Striped
Due de Guiche Marbled, Dark Pourpre Channantc Venetran
Duchesse d'Orleans Marbled, Double Pourpre de Tyr Victory
Dwarf Proliferous Marbled, Grand Pourprec, Grande Belle Violet, Dark
Enchanter Margaret Pounce, Point Violette, Belle
Enfant de France Matchless Pourpres, Roi des Violette ct Rouge
Eucharis Mauve Pounce Velours
2 pumila L. dwarf wild officinal A or Jj R Austria 1810. L co 198
13431 marginata Wallr. margined Sk or 5 I Pk Germany 1818. L r.m
13432 pulchella Spr. neat Sk or 2 . 11 France 1824. L r.m
13433 parvituliafArA. uruAUvd Burgundy ik or 1 . P Europe L r.m Bot. reg. 452
VIT. VILLOSAS.—Prickles straight; sepals conniu.persist, j disk thick, surround, throats branches upright
13434 turbinata//. K. turhmatc Frankfort Sk or 5 j n . a u Pk 1629. L r.m Lawr. ros. 69
lorbesshnca double Orbessandl or 4 inau Pk L r.m
13435 coruscans Lk. glittering A or 6 Pk L r.m
13436 gracilis Woods slender flk or 8 jnjl R Britain highl.v. L r.m Eng. bot. 583
13437 L. villous or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L co Eng. bot. 2459
mollis Sm.
13438 heterophylla Woods various-leaved or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges L co
13(39 scabnuscula E. B. rather
rather rougher Sfe or 6 jnjl Pk Britain hedges. L co Eng. bot. 1896
13440 tomentosa Sm. l l d DDog SSkk
ilowny-lvd or 6 jnjl Pk England hed. L co Eng. bot. 990
2 rcsiiiusa Lindl. i
resinous Sk or 4 jn.jl R Ireland ... L co
15441 cuspidata liieb. cuspidate or 6 jnjl Pk Tauria 1817. L r.m
13442 montana Stev. mountain or 6 jnjl R Tauria 1821. L r.m
13443 molhs Led. soft or 6 jnjl R Caucasus 1818. L r.m
13444 Wilidcnfivii Spr. W'illdenow's or 4 jnjl W Siberia 1820. L r.m
arcnaria Bieb.
13445 alba L. single white or 4 jn.jl W Crimea 1597. L r.m Lawr.ros.37
Garden Varieties.
Agate Due d'Yorck Maiden's Blush, Great Rbsea
Belle Aurorc Eliza Maiden's Blush, Small Simonville
Blanche a Coour Vert Feutlle Fcrmee Moraga la Favorite Spineless Virgin
Blanche de Belgique Grande Cuisse de Nymphe Muscat Rouge Thorniest*, Double
Blush, Double White Hennettc, Belle Nova Ccelestis TnangulVis
Bouquet Blanc Joanne d*Arc Nbva Plena White, Double
Celestial Maiden's Blush, Cluster Petite Cuisse dc Nymphe White, Semidouble
13446 hib&rnica Sm. Irish HI or 2 jn.n Pk Ireland ir.thi. Skco
VI11. RuBiGiNbsJE.—Prickles unequal; sepals persistent; disk thick ; branches arched ; leaflets glandular.
13447 l&tca Mil. single yellow tt or 3 jn Y Germany 1596. L r.m Bot mag. 363
2 punlcca Mil. scarlet Austrian A or 3 jn Y.o Germany 1596. L r.m Bot mag. 1077
13448 rubiginosa L. rusty Sweet Briar it or 5 my.jn Pk Britain S co Eng. bot 991
Garden Varieties.
American, Single Double Monstrous Scarlet
Blush Dwarf, Semidouble Mossy Tree, Double
Clementine Maiden Petite Hessoise White, Semidouble
Cluster Mannines Royal Zabeth

2 micrantha Sm. •mall-flowered flk or (5 my.jl Pk Britain thick. L co

3 umbcllata Iscrs umb. Sweet BriarSk or 4 my.jn Pk Germany ... L r.m Lawr.ros.G~i
4 sepium Thuil. heilge St Britain thick. L co
5 inoilora As. scentless 3k or 3 my.jn Pk Britain hcd. L co Cur. Ion. 117
13449 Bdnvri Woods Horror's 3k 6 my.jn Pk
Pk Britain hed. L co Eng. bot. 2579
13450 suaveolens Rofi. sweet-smelling 3k 6 mrjl "•
Pk N. Amer. 1800. L r.m
I34ol pulverulenta Bicb. Caucas. dusty St 6 my.jl Pk Caucasus 1817. L r.m
13452 iberica Stcv. Iberian 3k 6 my.jl Pk Iberia 18m L r.m
13453 floribunda Stcv. bundlc-flwd 3k 6 myjl W Tauria 1819. L r.m
rubiginbsa Bleb. 6 my.jl
134.34 pruinosa Lindl. frosted 3k or 3 my.jn Pk Siberia 1818. L co
13455 glutinbsa Sm. glutinous Cretan Sk or 2 my.jn Pk Candia 1821. L co Red. ros. 1.47
IX. CANINJS. — Prickles equal, hooked ; lvs glandless ; sep. decid.; disk surround, throat j branches arched.
13456 sericea Lindl. silky 3k or 6 my.jn Pk Nepal 1822. p.l Lind. ros J2
13457 caucasea Lindl. Caucasian 3k or 20 jnjl K Caucasus 1798. L co
13458 can't na L. dog, or Hip 3fc or 8 jnjl Pk Britain hed. L co Eng. bot. 992
2 coll'ma Jae. hill 3k or 8 jnjl Pk Britain hed. L co Eng. bot. 1895
3 dumctorumTftui/. thicket 3k or 8 jnjl Pk England hed. L co
4 cassia E. B. grey 3k or 6 jnjl Pk.w Scotland hed. L co Eng. btt. 2367
13459 saxatihs Stev. rock 3k or 5 jnjl Pk Tauria 1820. L r m
13460 baltica Roth Baltic 3fc or 5 jnjl Pk Baltic L r.m
13461 leucdutha Bleb. white-flowered 3k or 10 jnjl W Iberia __
L r.m Lind. ros. 11
134tW nuda fFow/« naked 3k or jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L co
1346J Sherirdi Dav. Shcrard's 3k or 6 jnjl Pk Britain -hedges. L co
13464 sarmentacea Sivz. twiggy -* or 6 Pk Britain, hedges. L co Cur. Ion. 5.34
13465 br.ictesccns Woods bractcscent 3k or 6 jnjl
jnjl Pk Britain hedges. L co
13466 Former* Sm. Forater's * or 6 Pk Britain hedges. L co
13467 surculosa Woods spnggy «* or 4 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L co
13468 rubrifi.lia VU. red-leaved Hk or 6 jnjl P Europe 1814. L co Bot. rcg. 430
2 Uedutert Thory Rertoute's 3k or 3 jnjl P ...... 1822. L ro Red. ros. 1. 38
13469 Montezbnue H.&B. Montezuma's 3 jnjl Pk Mexico 1825. C r.m Red. ros. 1. 16
13470 indica L. blush Indian 20 year F China 1789. C p.l Lawr. ros. 2ti
Garden Varieties referable either to R. Indica or R. semperflbrens.
Xiba Ccntifulia Lhcida Purpurca
Animating Cerise eclatante Major Sanguinea
A\ro-rilgra Chiffbnnce Minor Sains Epines
Bengale £ Bouquet Cucullata Monstrusa Subalba
Bengale a Fl. Panachl E'legans Moonshine Terneaux
Bengale Blanche Iiurula Nlgra Thisbc
Bichunia Gigant^a OchroleCica Veloutec
Carnescens Lie de Vin
2 odoratissima Swt. sweetest-sctd i* I or 3 Pa.PkChina 1810. C p.l Bot. reg. 804
S p&mild Jterf. dwarf » _ J o r 1 Pk China C p.l Red. ros. 1.42
4 Fongifolia W, long>F///ow-lvd« |or 5 China C p.l Red. ros. 2. 12
5 Noisettidna Noisette's • _] or 10 my.s hybrid C p.1 Red. ros. 2.77. ic
13471 RoxWirghi Hort. Roxburgh's fl I or 13 my.s China 1821. C p.l
13472 Ayaclnthina Hort Hyacinth-scented fl I or 13 my.s hybrid 1821. C p.l
"I Boursotiltii Hort. Boursoult's fl | or *13 my.s hybrid 1821. C p.l
1J474 Fra&eriumi Hort. Frascr's m | or 4 my.s hybrid C p.1
1S475 purpurea Hort. purple * | or 4 my.s hybrid C p.1
13476 flavescens Hort. flavesccnt China * _ J or 3 my.s Crea China 1821. C p.l
13477 Liingii Swt Lady Long's ft or 20 jnjl R hybrid L
13478 nivea Dec. _.,. snowy T or 20 jl Pa China 1820. C B.p
13479 semperflurens Cur. ever-blowing » or 10 year C China 1789. C p.l p.l Bot. mag. 284
13480 Lawrenccu/ia Swt. Miss Lawrence's* | or I year R China 1810. C p.1l Bot mag. 1762
13481 microphy'lla Box. small-leaved • i I or 3 Pk E. Indies 1823. C p.1 Bot. rcg. 919
X. SY'STYLJE. — Styles joined into an elongated column ; stipules adnate.
13482 systyla Desf. clustcrcd-stylcd dk 6 my.jl Britain hed. L co Eng. bot 1895
2 Mons6ni<zr Lindl. Lady Monson's ik 3 my.jl Britain hed. L co Red. ros. 3.67. ic
13483 arvensis Hud. corn white dog -* 8 jnjl Britain hcd. L co Eng. bot 188
13484 h^brida Schl. hybrid A 4 my.jn Switzcrl. L co
13485 sempervirens L. evergreen fL. S. Europe 1629. L co Bot reg. 465
2 cnprcolkta D. Don Vfi\n\n%Ayrsh. -* 1818. L co
1348K gcminata Rau. twin 3k njl Switzcrl. 1819. L r.m
13487 Itussolmna Hort. Russcl's cottage X L p.1
13488 multiflora Thun. many-flowered X China 1804. C s.l
2 multiplex double China 1804. C s.p Bot. mag. 1059
3 alba white China 1810. C p.1
13489 GrcvlllM Hort. Greville's China C p.1
13490 Brununii Lindl. Brown's Nepal 1822. C co Lind. ros. 14
13491 mobchAta Mil. musk Barbary 1596. L r.m Lawr. ros. 64
2 tibre plJ-no double-flwd Barbary 1596. L Lawr. ros. 53
3 ncpalensis Lindl. Nepal Nepal 1822. L co B o t rcg. 829
4 arburva Pers. tree Persia 1824. L co
nivea Lindl. snow bush 1822. L co B o t reg. 861
mt,,M 'ifi"atooBC
f i Ev ratine 1822. L co
13492 rubifclia R. Br. Bramblo-lvd N. Amer. 1800. L p.1
2 fenestralis Lindl. windowed N. Amer. 1800. L p.1 Lind. ros. 15
XI. BANKSIA^NJE. — Stipules narrow, nearly free, often deciduous ; leaves qftenest ternates stems scaudent.
13493 slnica Ait. threc-lvd China £: or 5 my jl W China 1759. p. Lind. ros. 16
13494 Banks/a? R. Br. Lady Banks's fl_ or 20 jnjl W China 1807. p. Bot reg. 397
2 flure luteo yellow-flowered fl_ or Y China 1824. p.
3 multiplex ^tucn or 20 jnjl Y E. Indies 1824. P Bot. reg. 1105
13195 microcarpa Thun. small-fruited J or 10 my.s W China 1822. l Lind. ros. 18
*lo23. .fllTBUS L. BRAMBLE.
BRAMBLE. {Rub, red, Celtic; fruit) Rosdcc*. 63. —116.
I. PiNNATirtuL — Lvs pinnate, underneath smooth, from No. 13500. undern. clothed with while tomentum.
13406 rosnefolius 5m. Rose-leaved ii_Jor 3 ap.o W Mauritius 1811. Sra. ic. pic. 3.60
2 coronkriui garland iLJor 3 ap.o W Mauritius 1811. p.l Bot mag. 1783
r ?

13497 Eglantlria Trat Eglantine il L_J or 3 ap jl W N. Holl. 1835. C p.l

J.J4P8 pinnntus IV. pinnate • I I or 5 jn.jl Pk Madeira 1789. C p.l
1;34M> suberectus Ander. sub-upright Sk or 4 jn.s W Britain woods. Sk co Eng. bot. 2572
ncmorusus Hay.
1 J500 micranthus D. Don email-flowered Sk fr 10 K Nopal 1822. C co Bot. rcg. 854
paucitiorus Lindl.
13TO1 dibtanb D. Don distant or 5 jl W Nepal 1818. L co
1.1502 apltalus Pair. pctallcss I lor 6 Is. France 1823. C p
1.1303 occidcnlMis /,. occidental fr 5 my.jn W N. Amer. 1696. Skco Di. el. 247. 319
13504 aspcrX). Don rough or 5 my.jn W Nepal
_._r_. 1821. I- pi
13505 Idae'us L. fr 5 my.jn W Britain m.wo. Sk r.m Kng bot. 2442
II. PALMATIFuui. — Leaves palmate, 3—5-foIiatc.
13506 lacinfttus W. en. j.xg-leaved Jk or 12 jn.s W.n L co Den. br. 69
i:i">ij7 tnvwlis Ph. trivial Jk or 7
T jnjl
:.> :i W\\i N. Amer. 1789. Skco
13508 caeVius L. „grey. Dewberry
, r Jk fr 2 jnjl W Britain bor. fi. Skco Eng. bot. 826
135W> folioliiiui D. Don small loaty or 6 jnjl w Nepal 1818. L co
1.1510 pedunculosusD.Zto/i pcdunculatcd or 5 jnjl w Nepal 1818. L co
13511 tlagellariB IV. en. rod or 6 jnjl w N. Amer. 1789. Skco
13512 inermis IV. en. unarmetl Jk or 12 jnjl w N. Amer. 1805. Sk co
13.113 corylifolius E. B. Hazel-leaved or 10 jl w Britain lied. Sk co Eng. bot. 827
13514 agrestis IV. & K. field Jk or 6 jnjl w Hungary 1820. L co W. 8c K. 3.2fiS
13515 plicatus Weihe folded -* or 10 jn.s w Iintain hcd. I i CO
13516 afTinis Weihe similar Jk or 8 jns w Britain hedges. L co Nccs r. g 3 •
13517 Klmifolius Schoit Elm-leaved Jk or 10 jn.s w Spain 1823. L co
13518 Iiukiuiius Ser. Link's -* or 10 jn.jl \v Europe 1821. I. co
paniculatus Schlec.
13519 fruticusus L. common olirubby-* or 10 jn.s Pk hcd. L co Eng. bot. 715
2 iilluis \\ lute-fruited -* or 10 jn.s Britain hcd. L co
3 pluuus doublcJlauK'redJk or 6 jn.s w lirituin hcd. L co
13520 tamcntfisus Weihe woolly.leared -* or 10 jn.s Pk Germany 1818 L co Nccs r. g. 8
13521 glandulbsus JV. en. glandular -* or 10 jn.s W Germany 1810. L co
13522 hirtus W.QK. hairy Jk or 10 jns W Hungary 1816. L vo W. & K. 2.141
13523 b&nctus Schrcb. holy -* or 8 jnjl W Palestine 1823. L co
13524 can£sccns Dec. canescent -Jc or 6 jn.s Pk Alp. Eur. 1820. I< co
13525 fsistigiiitus Weihe fastigate -* or 8 jn.s w Switzcrl. 1819. L co Noes r. g. 2
13526 /iliajfiMms Weihe Lime-tree-lvd Jk or 6 jnjl ww Germany 181!). L co
13527 cordifMius HVMe heart-leaved -* or 8 jnjl w Germany 1816. L co
11528 rubncafilis Weihe red-slcnimud Jk or 6 jnjl Germany 1818. L co
1.3529 Mcnkii Weir.c MenkV. -* or 8 ju.jl w Germany 1816. L co
13530 BeUeditandUilli j gehtochlcii.taM^
or 10 jnjl Europe 1823. L co
w L co
13531 Schlelcheri Weihe Schleichcr's Jk or 8 jnjl w Germany 1818
L co
11532 horridus Weihe horrid -* or 6 jnjl w Germany 1817.
L co
1 3533 Icuc66tachys Sehl. white-i-piked Jk or 10 jn.jl w Britain hedges.
L co
1.1534 rhammfuliusWeihe Buckthoru-lvd -* or 10 jn.s w Britain hed.
L co
1 i535 nitidus Weihe shining £a or 3 jn.s w Britain thick.
13536 argutus Lk. &hi\xy>-tootlii-d Jk or 3 jnjl w N. Amer. 182.3. Ii CO
13537 cuneifulius Ph. wedge, leaved or 3 jnjl
w N. Amer. 1811.
I. France 1824. C co
13538 sanguinolentus Lk. blood-mf i lor R
13539 Sprengc'li* Weihe Sprengel's or 10 jn.s Pk Germany 1823. L co
villusus/3 vulplnus Ser.
13540I •.illXmia
vill5sus IF
If shaggy
ska or 3 W N. Amer. 1777. Skco
13541 strigusus Ph. stngose si or 3 jnjl w N. Amer. ... Skco
13542 jamaicensis L. Jamaica 1 lor 6 Jamaica 1822. C co SI. jam. 2.213.1
13543 hlspidus L
13344 lanugniosus Stev. woolly
bribtly 2 or
3 au
10 jnjl w Canada 1768. Skco
Siberia 1820. I J CO
13545 tctraphyllus H. K, four-leaved Jk or 10 jnjl w N. Amer. 1819. L co
13546 parvif<>liiis 1*. small-leaved Jk 2 au.s Pk China 1818. 1# co Bot reg. 496
13547 canadtMisis L. Canadian Jk' or 3 jnjl W N. Amer. 1811. Skco
J3548 saxatilis /,. stone Jk A or *j» W Britain m.wo. Sk p.l Eng. bot. 2233
13549 triflf)rus Rick. three-flowered «* A or in w Canada Skpl
13550 arcticus L. arctic afc A fr ^ Pk Scotland aL ro. Skp.l Eng. bot. 1585
13551 pistillatus Sm. close-styled ^ A or i jnjl H Labrador 1802. Skpl Ex. bot. 2. 86
acaulis Mx.
13552 sgopodioldes Ser. ^ or 1J jnjl W N. Amer. 1825. Skp.1
III. LODATIFOLII. — Leaves simple, merely lobed.
19553 odorktus L. sweet-scented A or 7 jn.jl R N. Amer. 1700. Skco Bot mag. 323
13554 rcflexus Ker 3 11 China 1817. Skco Bot rcg. 461
reftcxed JL. |_J or E. Indies 1810. Skl.p Ru am. 5.47.2
13555 molucc^nus L. 3 It
13556 rugtwus Sfn. Moluccas JU. i | or 3 jnjl R S. Amer. 1819. C co
13557 stellatus Sm. wrinkly A y J or jnjl W N. Amer. 1824.
Sm. ic pin. 3.64
13558 Chamaem&rus L. starred ^ A or i my.jn W Eng. bot. 716
Britain moun. Sk p.l
^ ^ fr
(Denis Daiibard, a French botanist.) Kosiicece. I. —3.
13559 iriolxoldes Mx. Violet-like A cu J my jn W N. Amer. 17G8. D l.p Mic. am. 1. 27
repens L.
1526. COMARO'PSIS Rich. COMAROFSM. (Comarum> marsh cinqucfoil, opsis, appearance.) Rosiicete. 2. — I
13560 Doniana Dec. Don's f A or i my.jn Y N. Amer. 1800. D l.p Bot mag. 1567
Dalibarda fragario'ides B. M. Waldstefni'a Uoniuna Trat
13561 fragario'ides Dec. Strawberry-Ik A cu i my.jn W N. Amer. 1803. D 1 p Mic. am. 1. 28
Dahbarda fragarioides Mx.
152R FRAGA N RIA Ton. on. STRAWBERRY. (Fragrans, fragrant; ; perfum ut.) Rosnccee. 13.
perfumed fruit.)
13562 vesca L . edible A f r' 11 apmy W Britain woodb. .Rs-s.l . Eng.
- . bot
. 1524
13561 calyi^na Ijoi. A fr ap.jn W France ... Rs r.l
grandiflf.ra Tliuil.
13564 monoph^lla W.~ one-leaved £ A fr 1 my.jn w 1773. Rss.l Bot mag. 63
l colftlla
A fr 1 ap.n Germany 1768. Rs r.l
™ Ehrh. hill Green Pine*
J?5S VSPVP** D u c h - MajaufedeChamp.^ A fr I w France
w France ... Rs r.l
B r lln l 1 ap.jn w ... Rs r.l Noi. jar. 13. 2
J^S , f ?w I>uch. Brcsling \ A fr 1 apjn R N. Amer. ... Ks r.l
woods. R« r.l E.ig. bot. 2197
?5S;'K-'inoi^?8.&r- Plane-like « A fr M| W Britain
N. Amer. ... Rs r I
1.1569 elatjor/;*rA. taller \ A fr W
11570 cnnaiU'nsis MM. Canada *
13571 virginiana Mil. scar/c/Virginia £ /^fr 1 W N. Amer. &. Rsr.l Noi. jar. 12.2
13.772 grandiflbra Ehrh. Pine great-flwd £ A frr 1 W Surinam 1759. Rsr.l Mil.ic2.lSS
J357J cJiilensis Ehrh. Chile £ A f j myjn W S. Amrr. 1727. Rs r.l Noi. jar. 1% 1
13574 bonaricnsis J. Buenos Ayres j£ A ft1 2 apjn Ap B. Ayres ... Rsr.l
13575 indica Andr. yellow Indian J^ A or 1 my.o Y India 1805. Rs s.p Bot. reg. 61

1527. CO'MARUM L. COMA RUM. (Komaron, the arbutus; similarity of fruit) Boificear. 1.
13 J7G paKistre L. marsh Cinquefoil£ & cu P Britain D p
Potcntilla GSmarum Sco.

*1528. POTENTI'LLA L. CINQUBFOIL. (Potens, powerful; supposed med. qual.) Roshecce. 102.— 126.
I. PorENTiLLA'srauM. —. Petals yellow, rarelyrpurple ; haves palmate, from No. 13G40. pinnate.
1.3577 fruticosa L. shrubby ft — •' - "England
• ' • -
• - - • *L — Eng.'—
co *•— bot. 88
13578 floribunda Ph. bundle-flowered ft N. Amer. 1811. if co Den. br. 70
1;;">79 nivea L. snowy ^ I jn au Siberia 1816. D co Bot cab. 460
13580 angustifblia ScAtec. many-leaved 5 i my jn Siberia 1824. D co Leh. pot 19
leucophyila Fis.
13581 grandiflura /«. great-flowered !fc 1 jnjl Siberia 1640. D co Bot. mag. 75
1:3582 uniflura L«f. one-flowered £ my.jn Dahuria 1819. D co Leh. pot 18
13383 macrantha Lerf. long-flowered ^ i my.jn Siberia 1820 1) co
1358* minima Half. smallest ^ 1 my.jn Switzcrl. 1818. D co Bot. cab. 480
13585 glacialis Half. icy 5 Switzerl. 181!). D co Sor hel. 1.7
13586 frigida f i t frigid i J apjn Alp. Ddp 1819. D co Nes. pot. 10.3
135877 veluttna
veluttn Leh. velvety ^ |apjn France 1819. D co
13588 villosa
l villous £lt A N. Amcr. 1820. D co Leh. pot 16
l S W. Strawberry-like^ jnjl S. Europe 1800. I) co Leh. pot 15
13590speciosa ... showy <3t jnjl Crete tf'.'l. I) co No*, pot. 11
13591 bithynica Horn. Bitliynian ^ jnjl Bithynia 1817. D co
13592 declniKta Horn. dcclinatc-Aran ^ my jn ...... 1817. D co
• 1.3593 norvegica/.. Norwegian ^ jnjl N. Europe 1764. S co Fl. dan. 171
13594 monspehensis L. Montpulicr «fc J jl.nii France KiSO. 1) co M. h.2.20.2
I $95 elatior Schl. taller <£ 2 jn.jl Siberia 1824. D co Leh. pot. 14
13596 subacauhs L. sub-stemlcss 3l & France 1820. D co Scop. car. 1.23
cincrca Chaix
13597 reptans L. creeping i jn.s Britain D co Eng. bot. 862
13598 huinifusa Nut. trailing , Missouri 1823. D co
13599 flagellaris W. rod , Siberia 1824. D co Leh pot 12
r Tauria 1818. D co
13 m umbroia Stev. shady ;
13601 vinosa Lo. C. vinous : 1 j.j 1818. D co
l-*t«02 canadensis L. Canadian : 1 jnjl N. Amer. 1800. I) co Nes. pot 10.1
13im sarmentosa W. en. twiggy N. Amer. 180*. D co
13604 vcrna L. »P"ng « jl Britain highl. p. 1) co Eng bot. 37
13505 ojAca L. opaque } Y S. Europe ltibO. D co Jac. ic. 1.91
13,506 cn.cea Leh. Sdffron-colored ^ myjn Cop Y Switzcrl. 1816. D co Jac ic. 3.499
sabauda Dec. filiform is Vil. 1 my.jl
13607 debilis Schl. weak myjii Switzcrl. 1819. D co
13605 aurea L. golden myjl Scotland sc. alp. D co Eng. bot. 561
2 Balisburgtnsis Ser. Salisbury my.jn S. Europe 182a D co Jac. ic. 1. 490
salibburgcnsis Hae.
13nO9])dtula IV.fy.K. spreading I my.jl Hungary 1818. D co W. & K. 2. 199
I36K) ^eranioides W. Geranium-like my.jl Armenia 1820. D co Nes. pot. 5. 1
13611 Halleri Ser. Haller's myjl Switzcrl. 1819. D co Hal. h. 21.4
11613 pumila Pair. dwarf i my.jl N. Amer. 1810. D co
1.3613 ThoinVi Ten. Thomas's Italy 1822. D co Fl. nap. 1.44
l;iJ14 pctiiD a SchL rock i niyjl Switzcrl. 1819. D co
1361.3 ar^entca L. silvery Britain gra. pa. I) co Eng. bot. 89
1:3616 Gunthcri Pohl Guntficr's myjl Europe 1818. 1) co I*h. pot. 10
1-3617 ralkbra Ten. Calabrian jnjl It<dy 1820. I) co Fl. nap. 45
13618 Weinmfinni Lod. Weinmann's jnjl Europe 1817. 1) co Bot. cab. 706
13619 inehnata ViL inclinetl-A//?;i. jn.jl Alp.Delp. 1818. D co Vil. del. 3. 45
13620 cane&cens Bcs- cancscent jnjl Europe 1817. I) co Tau. h. c. 1.10
1 >621 intermedia /.. intermediate mys Switzerl. 1786. D co
13622 collina VMM hill jnjl S. Europe 1816. 1) co
13623 inc'isa Dcsf. cut-leaved jnjl 1818. D co
13634 virgcita Leh. twiggy jnjl 1.S20. D co
J3.&3 taiinca IV. Taurian jnjl Tauria 1K2I). 1) co I<eh. pot 9
13626 thuringiaca Bernh. Thuringian jnjl Germany 181!). D co
1^627 adscendens W. en ascending jnjl Hungary 1806. D co
13:23stipuldris L. ' '
stipnlar Siberia 1727. I) co Gm. si. 3.57.2
- 13629 obscura W. obscure jnjl Siberia 18(0. D co Bal. tic. 10
13630 laciniusa W.&K. jnjl Hungary 1816. 1) co Leh. pot 7
13631 pedMa W. jagged
pedatc j l Kurojic 1819. 1) ro Bot. cab. 579
].-:G32 hirsata Mx. N. Amer. 18W. 1) co
13633 hlrta W. hairy
hairy S. Europe 1725. D co
13(i34 recta L. S. Europe 1648. D co Jac. au. 4.383
nstracanica Jac. upright
Astracan Siberia 1787. I) co Jac. ic. 1.92
1363b atrusanguinca Lod. dark-bloody Nepal 1822. D co Bot. mag. 268!)
1 637 formusa D. Don beautiful
beautiful Nepal 1822. D ro Hook. ex. fl. 88
nepalensis Hook.
1^V>8 ruthenica W. Russian Siberia 1799. D co M. h. 20. 2
13639 dlftasa IV. en. diffUsc 1817. D co
1J640 bifurca L. forked .leaved Siberia 1773. D co 1.27.1
2 subsericea Ser. rather silky Astracan 1827. D co
7S641 supvma L. trailing £ Siberia 1696. D co Jac au. 5.406
13542 pimpinello\des L. Burnet-like Levant 1758. D co Bux.cen. 1.48
13643 ornithopodioidcs Lan. Ornith.-likc 1827. D GO
1-I644 cicutariaefoha W. clammy
Cicuta-leavcd 1 Galacca 1818. D co Nes. pot 2.2
13<)45 viscusa Donn Dauria 1797. D co Nes. pot. 36
hlspida Nest.
1 ^646 pennsylvanica L. Pennsylvanian Y N. Amer. 1725. D co Jac. vin. 2.189
nispida W.en.
13M7 inultifida L. many-cleft £ myjn Siberia 1759. D co Ser. hel. 1.8.
1^648 bifltra W. two-flowered i myjn Siberia 1820. D co Leh. pot. 20
1^649 verticiliaris W. i my.jl Siberia 1818. D co Am. rut 16

13GBO gedidea BLu. Geum-like iJnJI Y Tauria 1820. D co Leh. pot. 2

13651 Sprengelidwa Lch. Sprengel's 1 jnjl Y Siberia 1824, D co Leh.pot. 3
fragarioidcs W.
13652 Fihpendula Schl. Dropwort 1 Jnjl Y Dahuria 1893. D co
13653 Sanguisurba Schl. Burnet 1 myjn Crea Siberia 1826. D co Leh. pot. 5
13654 agrimonioides Bleb. Agrimony-like I myjn Y Caucasus 1817. D co
13655 candicans If. $ B. i myjn Y Mexico 1820. D co
13636 Egedii Worm. whitish i my.jn Y Denmark 1820. D co Fl. dan. 1578
13657 sericca Z,. p'gcdius's J myjn Y Siberia 1780. D co Leh. pot. 6
13658 Anserina £. silky _ — .-- | my.s Y Britain m. me. 1) co
136a9hneariloba A/.$ff. Goose Tansy jfc Zl w i my.jn Y Mexico 1824. D co Fl.mcx.ic in.298
13660 splcndens HfeJL linear-lobcd ^ iAJ or 1 my.jl Y Nepal 1822. D co Sw. fl. gar. 191
lincatu Trev. fine jfc A or
IT. FHACARIA'STRUM. — Petals white or red, sometimes ycllou&h ; leaves pinnate, from No. 13664. palmate.
13661 Sales&vii Step. Salcsovius's ft or 2 W Siberia 1823 L p.) Leh. pot. 1
13662 rupestris L. rock & A P' 1 my.s W England al. roc. D co Kng. bot. 2058
136ti3 fragarioldes L. Strawberry-Ik 5 A P' I my.jn W Siberia 1773. D co Gm. si. 3.3*. 2
13664 alba/.. white & A pr i W Wales w. .tip. I) co Kng. bot. 13S4
136G5 alcheniilloulcs Lap. Alchcmilla-likeCfe A or \ my.jn W Pyrenees 182J. D co Ac. tou.1.17
. 13666 micrantha Rani. small-flowered ^ A or £ my.jn W Switzerl. 1820. D co Ser. heL1.5
13667 hybnda IVallr. hybrid & A or 4 myjn W Germany 18iO. D co
13ri68 glabra Lod. smooth shrubby^ or 2 W Dahuria 1818. D co Bot cab. 914
13669 Fragiria Pair. _ Strawberry y ^ A cu £ myjn W Britain banks. D co Eng. bot 1785
FraKariuKtrum Ehrh. Fragaria stcrilis L.
13670 caulesccns
l L.
L caulescent
l t $ A or 1 my.jn W . Y Austria 1759. D'co Jac. au 3.220
13671 Clusuma Jac. Cluhius's A pr 1 W . Y Austria 1806. D co Bot. mag. 1327
13672 /upmoides JV. Lupin-like A pr ^ jn.jl W . Y Alp Eur. 1739. 1) co Bot cab. 654
13673 multidentata Ser. many-toothed A pr g jnjl W . R Austria 1798. D co Jac. au. 5. ap. 25
nitida Jac.
13674 Valeria L. Valdert A °r 1 my.jn W Piedmont 1825. D co Al.ped.24.1
13675 nitida L. . shining A or . J n' j l '. W . R Switzerl. 1816. D co Boc. mu. 9.4
13676 apennina Ten. Apcnnine A or 4 myjn W Apenninesl821. D co Fl. nap. 46
13677 Boccuni Nest. Boccon's A or 4 jnjl W Apcnninesl82:l D co Ncs. pot. 10. 2
13678 tridentata Sol. three-toothed-tod - W Scotland sc. alp. D co Eng. bot 2389

* 1529. TO'RMENTI'LLA L. SEPTFOIL. XTormentum, pain: supp. efficacy in tooth-ache.) Rosdcear. 2.

13679 reptans L. creeping TA A w i jn jl V Britain Rs co Eng. bot. 864
13680 er£cta L. erect ^ A w 1 my.o Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 863
ofticinalis E. B.
* 1530. GE'UM L. to give a relish: roots of G. urbanum.) Roshcete. 21.— 37.
13681 canadense Mur. Canadian A or Y Canada 1810. D CO Mur. 5.4
13682 macrophyllum W. en. long-leaved A or 2 jn.jl Y Kamtsch. 1804. D p.l
13683 heterophyllum Desu. vanous-lvd A or 2 jnjl W 1816. D CO
13684 intermedium Bes. intermediate A or 14 Y Volhynia 1794. D p.l
13685 virgimanum Ph. Virginian A or 1J W N. Ainer. D pi Her. par. I l l
13686 album Ph. white-Jiowered A or 1 W N. Amer. 1730. D p.l Jac. vin. 2.175
canadense Jac.
13687 Portenschlagid-1 Portcnschlag's
num Trat J A or ljjnjl Y 1820. D CO
13688 urbanum /.. city A or Ih Y Britain woods. D p.l Eng. bot 1400
13689 chilolnse Balb. Chile A or 2 ... Cop Chile 1826. D CO Bot. reg. 1088
coccineum B. R.
13690 ranunculoides Ser. Ranunculus-Ik A or 1 jnjl Y 1823. D CO •
hctcrojihyllum Hart, not Desf.
13691 rivMe L. river A or 1 jnjl ILBr Britain m. me. D p.l Eng. bot. 106
ii intermedium W. intermediate A or 14 myjn Y Germany 1794. D W. h b. 1.69
13692 nutans Rafi. nodding A or H jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1825. D pi
13693 hybridum Jac. hybrid A or 1 jnjl R.Br Europe ... D pi Jac. ic. 1.94
13694 pyrcnkicum Ram. Pyrenean A or li jnjl Y Pyrenees 1804. D p.l Lam. il. 44
inchnatum Schl.
13695 rotundifuhum Lan. round-leaved A or 1 jnjl Y Russia 1820. D CO
Adams/a rotundifulia Fls.
13696 brachypctalum Ser. short-petaled A or 1 jnjl Y 1818. D CO
13697 atlanticuin Desf. Atlantic A or 1 jnjl Y S. Europe 1810. " D CO
sylvaticum Pou. biflurum Brat.
13698 strlctum Ph. strict A or 1 myjn St N. Amer. 1778. D p.l Jac. i d . 93
13699 agrimonioidcs Ph. Agrimony-Ik A or N. Amer. 1811. D
13700 ciliMum Ph. ciliated A or 1 jnjl w
Y N. Amer. 1818. D CO
13701 radiatum Mx. radiated A or 1 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1815. D CO
1531. KWB.RIA Dec. KERRIA. (W. Ker, a collector of plants for Kcw Gardens.) Bosdcea. 1.
13702 japonica Dec. Japan ft or 3 year V Japan 1700. L co Bot mag. 129<i
Corchorus japonicus L.
1532. CALYCA'NTHUS L. ALLSPICE. (Kalyx, calyx, anthos, flower; colored calyx.) Calycunthea.
13703 fl6ridus W. florid Sk fra 6 Br Carolina 1726. L l.p Bot. mag. 503
13704 ftrtilis W. fertile A fra 3 myau Br Carolina 1726. L l.p Bot reg. 404
13705 lsevigatus W. en. smooth-feawrf Si fra 3 my.jl Br N. Amer. 18(16. L l.p Bot reg. 481
13706 oblongilolius Nut. oblong-leaved Sk fra 4 Br N. Amer. 1820. L l.p
13707 pennsylvanicusLo-C. Pennsylvanian SI fra 4 Br Pennsylv. 1820. L l.p
1533. RHEE'D/4 L. RHEEDIA. (Henr. van Rheede win Draakenstein, patron of bot.) Guttiferce? 1. — -•
13708 javanica Hort. Java IDor Java 1826. C s.l.p
1»34. CHIMONA'NTHUS Lindl. CHIMOXANTIIUS. (Cheimon, winter, anthos, fl.; time of fl.) Calycdnthea:.}-'
13709 fragrans Ltmtt. N fragrant A fra 6 d.f Y.R Japan 1766. L l.p Bot.mag.4oo
Calycanthus pra cox L. A-.
SgrandiflorusLmd/. large-flowered SI fra 8 df Y.R China ... L e o Bot. reg. 451
31uteua yellow II fra 6 d.f Y Japan 1818. L l.p
^JifJ ? ^ A SI..L
13710 octopetaUi
DRYAS. (Having leaves like tne oak, which was sacred to the Dryads.) Bosacef-
eight-petaled U pr \ W Britain al.roc. D s.p Eng bot 451

S amencana American JU pr * W N. Amer. 1800. D s.p


13711 integrifdlia Vahl entire-leaved ! W Grcenlandl824. D s.p Fl. dan. 1216
13712 tcnella Ph. delicate i W Canada 1820. D i p Hook. ex. fl. 220
intcgrifblia Hook.
1536. COLITRIA R.Br. COLURIA. (Kolouros, deprived of a tail; seed.) Rosace*. 1.—3.
13713 potentilloides R. Br. Potentilla-like L A pr i in O Siberia 1780. D p.1
Geum potentilloidcs L.
* 1537. SIEVE'RS/ii W. SIEVERSIA. Rosticeee. 6.
13714 montana Spr. mountain Jac. au. 4.373
13715 r£ptan3 Spr. creeping Jac. au. 5. ap. 22
13716 anemonriides IV. Anemone-like
13717 glacialis Spr. icy D p.1
Adamsi/i glacialis Fis.
13718 triflftra R. Br. threc-flowcrcd A pr 4 Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.1
Geum triflnra Ph.
Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.1

1538. EUPOMAVTIA R. Br. EUPOMATIA. , well, pomaxo, to close

Close with a uu
wiiu a lid;» fl.
u. •bud.) Anonhce* f 1.
13720 /aurina R. Br. Laurel-like or 4X ' V HolL
N. Hnll 1HQ4 C
1824. C S1IW



•1539. CA'PPARIS L. CAPER TREE. (Kabar, capers, Arabic.) CapparIdea?. ZJ.—118.

13721 mariana Joe. Marianne Is. i D < w 4 ... W Timor 18^0. C 8.1 109
13722 spinosa L. common spiny * • cul 3 W S. Europe 1596. C s.l Bot mag. 29
13723 ovata Desf. ovate A I or 3 W S. Europe ... C s.1 Boc. sic. 42.
Fontantsii Dec.
13724 horbacea W. herbaceous £ .Al or 2 ... W Tauria 1818. S 8.1
1372.-3 aegyptia Lanu Egyptian • 1 lor 3 ... W Egypt 1822. C Del. eg. 31.3
1372ti aph^lla Roth leafless • CZD o r 4 W E. Indies 1822. C Ls.l
13727 zcylanica L. Ceylon • i i or 6 ... W Ceylon 1819. C ?
13728 acuininXta 7F. acuminate • 1 lor 6 ... w E. Indies 1S22. C 8.1 Braam 29
13729 sepWma L. hedge • flor 4 ... E Indies 1S23. C LP
13730 Urassi Dec. Brass's w
• 1 lor 4 .. . w GoldCoastl793. C 8.1
13731 frondusa Jac. leafy • •or 7 ... G Carihag. lbOO. C al Jac. am. 104
13732 triflora Mil. three-flowered • •or 4 .. W S. Amer. ... C p.1
1373.3 cynophalluphora Z, Bay-leaved • 1 lor 8 .. , G.i G.w W. Indies 1752. C r.m Jac. am. 98
13734 custachiana Jac. St. Eustach • 1 lor 6 .. . st St.Eustachlh22. C p.1 Jac. am. pic. 146
13735 «allfrna f^a/// Wil \ovt-leaved • •or 8 .. . w Sant. Cruz 1807. C r.m
137J;> InicHris Jac. linear-ieaued • 1 lor 1.5 .. W. Indies 1793. C r.m Jac. am. 102
137-^7 verruedsa Jac. warty 8 w Carthage. 18 JO. C s 1 Jac. am. 99
13738 pulchcrnma Jac. fairest •• 1 •or . w
lor 10 .. . w Carthage. 1700. C 8.1 Jac am. 106 •
arborescens Mil.
13739 amygdalma Lam. A\mand-like • •or 6 . w W. Indies 18ia C s.1 PI. gen. 40.16
13740 odoratfssima Jac. sweetest-sccntcci*aor (i ..
. w Caracas 1814. C r.m Jac. sc. 1.110
13741 tenuisiliqua Jac. slender-podded • 1 ior G Caraccas 1823. C s.1 Jac am. 105
. w Jamaica
13742 ferruglnea L. ferrugincous • 1 lor 4 ... C s.l Br.jam. 28.1
octandra Jac. . w
13743 Brcynia L. Breynius's • 1 lor 11 .. . w \V. Indies 1752. C I.p Jac. am. 103
13744 jatnaiccnsis Jac. Jamaica • •or 4 ... w Jamaica 1793. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 101
13745 torul&sa Swz.
uncmata Lo. C.
twisted • •or 6 ... w W.Indies 1822. C si
1-3746 undulata Lo. C. waved • •or 6 ... w C si
13747 auriculkta Lo. C. eared • •or 6 ... w C s.1
1540. NIEBITHH/ii Dec. NIEBUHRIA. (Carslcn Niebuhr, a traveller in Arabia.) Capparlde*. ' 3 . - 7 .
13748 caftra Dec. Caffrarian I J o r 4 ... W C. G. H. 1818. C ap
Crate va cfiffra Burc.
mi liaga8(>an6nsis D<rc
JSS ! - - Madagascar • • or 4 ... W Madagasc.1822. C p.1
13750 oblongiRilia Dec. oblong-leaved « i _ | or 4 ... W E. Indies 182*. C s.p
Capparib heteroclita Rox.
ii7Rir^CZ."" ".r^ V a n l RVAMEA. (John Ryan, M.D. F.R.S. a correspondent of Vuhl's.) Flacourtihnccc.
13751 speciiisa Vahl showy I Q o 10 ... W Trinidad 1823. C s.1 Vahl ec. 1.9
Pdtrlnia pyrifera Rich.

, . : ; ; ' H A S ? 6 ? * ^ ' ' * H u - MARCGRAVIA. (G. Marcgroaf, auth. of a voy. to Brazil.) Marcgraviacece. 2.-4.
13752 umbellate Z umbelled t a c u 2 0 S „ . ' W W. Indies 1792. C s.l.p
13753 conacea Vahl leathery-ieawrf • O cu 20 ... \V Guiana 1820. C s.l.p

1543. ANTHOLCTMA Lab. ANTHOLOMA. (Anthos, a flower, loma, a fringe.) Marceramhceo* 1

13754 montana La*. mountain • • o r 10 N. Holl. 1810. C i.1 x £ v o «
1544. NORA'NTEA Aub. NORANTEA. {Gonoro-Antcgri, its name in Guiana)
15755 guian£nsis Aub. Guiana • • or 4 ... V Guiana 1818. u s.1
A'scyrum violaceum Aub.
15756brasilicnsis Choi. Brazil ••or 4 Brazil 1-T'O C c i
P 4

1545. ACTJPA L. ACT*:A. (Aktaia, an elm; rcscmtfance in foliage.) Ranunciddceee. 3.—

13757 spic&ta L. spiked Bane-berry & A or 3 ap.jn W Britain m.wo. K s.l Eng. bot. 918
13758 alba Mil. ' vrhite-berried £ A or 2 apjii W N. Amcr. ... 11 p.l Cor. ca. 77
brachypetaia Dec. amcrickna Ph.
13759 rftbra IV. en. red-berried A or 1J ap.jn W N. Amer. R p.l
brachypeiala/3 rCtbra Dec.
1546. MACROvrYS Raft. MACROTYS. (Makros, long, otu, ear; capsule.) RanuncuBcets. 1.—2.
13760 raccmosa Itafi. racemose A or 2 ap.jn W N. Amer. D p.l
Acts?& racemosa L.
•1547. SANGUINAMIIA L. Puccoox. (Sanguis, blood; blood-colored juice.) Papaverdce*. I.
13761 canadensisZ,. Canadian Bloodwort jfc A p r i mr.ap W N. Amer. 1680. R s.p Bot mag. 162
• 1548. PODOPHY'LLUM /* DI/CK'S-FOOT. (Potts, foot, phylton. leaf; resemblance.) PodophyMcea. 1.—2.
13762 peltAtum L. peltate May Apple £ A cu | my R N. Amer. 1654. D s.p Bot mag. 1819
1549. CHELIDO^NIUM Bank. CELANDINE. (Chelidon, the swallow; time of flwg.) Papaverhcea. 3.—5.
13763 m\ju9 Mtf. common larger £ A w 2 ap.o Y Britain shn.bx £> co Eng. bot 1581
13764 grandiflbrum Dec. great-flowered ^ ^ or 2 ap.o Y Duhuria 1320. D co
13765 laciniituin Mil. jagged & A or 2 ap.o Y S. Europe ... D co Mil. ic. 1.92.1
1550. ROME'RL* Med. ROMEBIA. (J. J. fflfrnrr, prof. bot. at Landihut, died 1820.) Papaverdceat. 2.-3.
13766 hybrida Dec. hybrid ' Q or '2 myjn P Britain hed. S co Eng. bot 201
Chclidumum hy"bridum L.
13767 rcfracta Dec. refracted O or 1 jnjl V Tauria 1818. S co Delcss.2.8
* 1551. GfLAU'CIUM Tou. HORN POPPY. (Glaukos, glaucous; color of plant) Papaverdcete. 4 . - 5 .
13768 flavura Dec. yellow Q) or 2 jn.o Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 8
UMcum H. K.
13769 fulvum Sm. tawny ; Q> or 2 s.u.8 O S. Europe 1802. S co Sw. fi. gar. 35
13770 phoeniceum 5m. purple O or 2 jnjl R England S co Eng. bot. 1433
corniculktum L.
2 flaviflorum yellow-flowered O or 1 jnjl Y.a Tauria 1823. S co
13771 rubrum Sm. red O or 1 jnjl R Greece 1818. S co 488
* 1552. PAPA*VER Tou. POPPY. (Papa, pap, Celt.; formerly used in children's food.) Papaverhcete. 21.—-27.
1. HISPIMCA'RPA. — Capsules hispid.
13772 nudicatile L. nakcd-stalkcd Siberia 1730. S
1 Ibteum yellovr-flowered Siberia 1730. S Bot mag. 1633
2 cocclneuxn scarlet hybrid 182a S Fl. con. 59
3 glabratum Dec. smooth Siberia 1800. S s.1
4 radicNtum Dec. rooted Norway 1800. S 8.1 Fl. dan. 41
13773 rubro-auranfiacumF«. red orange Dahuria 1822. S Bot. mag. 2344
13774 microcarpum Dec. small-fruited Kamtsch 1824. S
13775 pyrcnaicum W. Pyrenean rjrcnees 1800. S Bar. ic. 764
aurantiacum Loi.
2 puniceum Dec. Tcd-Jlotttered 31 A or 1 R Pyrenees S
alplnum Lap.
13776 alplnum L. alpine A or I jnjl W Austria 1759. S co Jac. au. 1.83
Biirsert Crz.
13777 hybridum L. hybrid O or England S co Eng. bot 43
13778 Argem6nc L. Argemone O or Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot 643
II. GLABRICA/RPA.—Capsules smooth.
13779 d&bium L. doubtful O or 2 jnjl Britain S co Eng. bot. 644
13780 /2hoe as L. Rhceas common Corn O or 2 jnjl S Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot 645
2 maculata B]iottcd-Jtou>crcd O or H jn.jl Va Britain fields. S co Cur. Ion. 32
3 coccinea scarlet O or } j»jl S Britain gard. S co Tab. ic. 1
4 carnea flesh-colored O or lijnjl
li F Britain gard. S co Bar. ic. 763
5 alba white O or 1** jnjl W Britain gard. S co Wein. 788. d,
fi variegata variegated O or U jn.jl Va Britain gard. S co Wein. 79a a.
7 multiplex double o or Va Britain gard. S co Wcia 79a b.
13781 trilobum Spr.
13782 laevigatum Bieb.
O or
O or 1 jnjl R
R Holland 1818. S co
Caucasus 1818. S co
13783 arenarium Bieb. sand O or 1 jn-jl R Caucasus 1820. S co
13784 Roubi«x* Vig. Roubius's O or R S. Europe 1818. S co Vig. his. 1.1
13785 floribfindum Detf. bundlc-flwd ^ Q> or 1 jnjl S Levant 1815. S co Bot reg. 134
13786 horridum Dec. nJI R N. Holl. 18i?6. S co Sw. fl. gar. 173
13787 setigcrum Dec.
brittle-bearing i*t
O or
O or W S. Europe 1825. S co Sw. fl. gar. 172
England corn fi. S co Lam. il. 451
13788 somniferum L. somniferous O m 2 jlau w
1 nigrum Dec. black-seeded O m 2 w Britain gard. S co Lob. ic. 274. 1
2 flmbrfttum fringed O or 4 Va Britain gard. co 2.^2.1
3 rtibro-pleiium double red O or 4 Va Britain gard. co Wein. 795. c.
4 album Dec. xvhitcseeded O m 4 W Britain gard. co Eng. bot 2145
5 albo-plcnum double white-seeded O or 5 jlau Va Britain gard. co Swert fl. 2.22. 2
6 varieg^um variegated O or 5 Va Britain gard. co
1378!) oriontMe L. oriental ^ A or 5 jlau R Levant 1714. co Bot mag. 57
13790 bractcAtum Lindl. bracted A or 4 R Siberia 1818. co Lind. col. 23
pulcherrimum Fis. 3 my.jn
13791 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian O or 4 my.jn
jnjl R Caucasus 1813. co Bot. mag. 1675
13792 armenuu'um Lam. Armenian O or i Y Armenia 1815. s.p
1553. MECONO'PSIS Vis. MECONOPSIS. (Mekon, a poppy, opsis, resemblance.) Papaverbcee. 1. — 4.
13793 cambrica Vig. Welsh ffc A or 1 Y England aLroc. S ap Eng. bot 66 '
Papaver cambricum L.
* 1554. ARGEMO^NE Tov. ARGEMONE. (Argema, cataract of the eye; sup. med. qual.) Papaveracea.,4.
13794 mexicina L. Mexican
O or 1| Y Mexico 1592. S co Bot mag 243
13795 albifftra Sims -•- '-
white-flowered ~ or 14 W Mexico 1821. S co Bot mag. 23**
$ 13796 Kulphbrca Suit sulphur O or Su Mexico 1827. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic. m
1.7797 grandiflura Swt great white-ftodk. A or 3 jlau W Mexico 1827. S co Sw.fl.gar.226
L SIDESADDLE FLOWER. (Dr. Sarrax.'n, a French physician.) Sarraci-nia. 4 . - 6 -
H 2 5vanoHkns
- i x . Mr.
. yellow }f Alcu 2 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1752. R bog Bot. mag. {§"
13799 pustulcd yf Alcu 1 jnjl Y N. Arner. 1803. R bog Bot.mag. 17w
adunca Ex. bot. 53
13800 rhbra Walt. red £ _A1 cu 1 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1786* R bog Hook. ex. fl. 13
psittaclna Afr.
13801 purpbrea L. purple ]£ .AJ cu 1 jnjl P N. Amer. 1640. R bog Bot mag. 849
1556. OTMPHJt?A Seek. WATER LILY. (Nymphe, a water-nymph; habitation.) Nymphtvdcae. 18.— 21.
I. CYANEA. — Anthers drawn out at ton ; flmucrs blue or bluish ; leaves peltate, entire, or bluntly sinuated.
13802 acutifolia Dec. shield-leaved *sQ5]or flt jl.s . B C. G. H. 1/92. R m.s And. rep. 197
oeriilea Andr. and R M. not Savig. .«-. » „ ~
13803 cajrfilea Savig. blue S E D o r flt jn.s B Egypt 1/92. R m.s Bot. mag. 2058
sieH'ita var. B. U.
13804 stelKita JK. starred-Jfwd £ = E ] o r flt jn.s B E. Indies 1803. R m.8 Botrep.3oO
13805 cyXnea Rox. Indian blue * (23 or flt jn.s B E. Indies 1800. R m.a
calUara Doun
II. LOTOS. — Flowers while or red ; leaves peltate, often toothed, rarely entire, underneath pubescent.
13806 ed fills Dec. eatable feGSlor flt jn.s W E. Indies 1800. R m.s Par. Ion. 14.
eaculcnta ROT. CastMui edfilis Sal. .:
13807 puWsccns W. pubesc. //W/OTB Lotus *= El or flt Pk E. Indies 1803. R m.s Beau. ow. 2. 83
13808 rfcbra ROT. teA-Jlowered £ 123 or flt R E. Indies 1803. R m.s Bot mag. 1280
2 rosea B. M. roseate * C5J or flt Pk E. Indies 1803. R m.s Bot mag. 1364
13809 Lotus L. Egyptian Lotus*: IZ3 or flt jn.8 Pk Egypt 1802. R m.B Del. sg. 60.1
CastMirt mystica Sal.
13810 thermMis Dec. thermal Iluni. Lotus 2= 23 or flt jn.s W Hungary 1800. R m.s Bot mag. 797
Lotus B. M. not L.
13811 ampla Dec. amplc/riv*/! *=E3or flt jn.s W Jamaica 1801. R m.8 Pl.mss.4
13812 versicolor Rox. various-colored^ E2 or flt au Pk.w E. Indies 1807. R m.s Bot mag. 1189
III. CASTAYI A. — Flowers white; leaves cordate, not peltate.
13813 reniformis Walt. kulney-shaped *•- A or flt jn.s W Carolina 1810. R m.8 Dcless. 2. 5
13814 alba L. white i ^ or flt jn jl W Britain riv.,&c. R m.8 Eng bot. 160
2canadensis Canadian % A or flt jnjl W Canada 1820. R m.s
13815 odorata H. K. sweet-scented ^ A or flt il W N. Amer. I78o. R m.s Bot. mag. 819
13816 ltfinor Dec. smaller £^ ^ or flt jl W N. Amer. 1812. R m.s Bot. mag. 16o2
odor<\ta/3 TtiiaoT B. M. . -_«_ n — . -m^..
1S17 nltida R M. shining cup-fiwd ^ A or flt W Siberia 1809. R m.s Bot. mag. 1359
1J818 pygnueNi //. K. pygmy H A or flt my.s W China 1805. R m.s Botm.ig. 152J
" ) blanda Mey. charming Guiana** £E\ or flt jn.s W Trinidad 18'JO. R m.s
1557. XlTPHAR Sm. NUPHAR. (Neufar, Arabic name for J/ymph£BNa.) Nympheacear. 5 — 6 .
1J820 l&tea Sm. common yellow ^ A or flt jn.jl Y Brit iwols.&c. II m.s Eng. bot 159
13821 Kalmw/m U. K. Kalm's ^ A or flt Y Canada 1807. R m.s Bot mag. 1243
15822 sngittaefolia Ph. arrow-leaved * ^ or flt jn.s Y N. Amer. 1824. R m.s
13823 ptiraila Sm. dwarf yellow A A or flt Y Scotland al.lak.ll m.s Eng bot. 2298
minima E. B. _. __ .__« -. _ _«.
13824 advend II K. stranger & A or flt Y N. Amer. 17/2. R m.s Bot. mag. 684
2VymphaNa advena H. K.
15~». LIMNTO/CHARIS2ton».LiMNOCHAiiis (Limne, pool, chairo, to delight; habitat) HydrocharUea. 1.—3.
13825 l'luinitri Rich. Plumicrt ^ IZS3 or 1* jn.n Y Brazil 1822. S m.s Bot mag. 2525
1559. TERNSTRCF/M//* L. TER\sm(EViA. {M. Ternstrcem, a Swedish naturalist.) Ternstrocmulcev. 4.—14.
13826 br'vipes Dec short-peduncled * CZ) or fi jl au II S. Amcr. 1818. C s.p Col. h. rip. 38
J3827 peduncuftris Dec. pedunculated ft[Z)or 6 jn au ... W. Indies 1S18. C p.l
13828 punctita 5un. dotted ft[Z)or 6 G W. Indies 1820. C si Aub.gui. 1.228
13829 vcnta.i Spr. veiny ftQor 6 ... Brazil 182 fc C s.l
— . . T h u n . CI.EYERA. [A. Cleyer, M. D., a German botanist) TernstrcenUliceee. 1.—2.
13830 jap6nica Thun. Japan ft^Jor 5 Japan 1820. C s.}> Ksm. 5.774. ic.
15t>l. FKEZlETRjf Swz. FREZIEKA. (il. F. Fretier, a traveller in Peru and Chile.) Ternstrccmiuce*. 1 —7-
138;>1 theao\des Swz. Tea-hke « i _ J or Jamaica 1818. C s.l
* 1.062. LETTSO\M/^ R.&P. LETTBOMM. (J. Cockley Lettsom, an English naturalist.) Ternstreemidcetr. 1.
1^832 toinentbsa R.S[P. woolly ft i_J or 4 Peru 1823. C s.1 Fl. per. 14
1503. BROWNLO'W/il Rox. BROWNLOWIA. (The late L n ^ jB^tmrn/ow. dnugh. of Sir A Hume.) TOihceee.l.
13833 el^ta Rox. tall £ • or 60 ... Y E. Indies 1830. C s.1 Rox. cor. ic.
EURY^AL-E Sal. EURYALE. (Euryn'e, one of the Gorgons; thorny menacing habit.) Kymphteteete. 1.
138-34 ftrox Sal. fierce & El or flt jl s 11 India 1809. R m.s Bot. mag. 1447
Anncsl&a spinusa B. R.
1.165. BI'XA L. AVOTTA. ( U S South American name.) Bixinc*r. 3.
13S.J5 OrcllUna L Orellana lUJra 2) Pk W. Indies 1690. S s.p Bot.mag. T4fi6
}S,'5Jmrnflrea/for'- Pu|T>le J a m P E. Indies 1817. S s.p
138J7 Urucuriina W. Urucu 2 a » « 20 Pk Brazil 1820. S s p
?• BE'RRYi* Rox. BERRYA. {Dr. Berry, who first introduced it to bot gard. of Calcutta.) Tiliacete. 1.
Amomllla Rox. Amomilla £ • or 20 ... E. Indies 18'J0. C p.1
._.,,._w , (Notexplained.) Bixinee. 1.—7.
£ £ £ ( o r orr
';^- crosi
ftQcu 4 jlau Y W. Indies 189& C s.n Bot reg. 97-2
vS?^ ^'^-« * H c u Y Montserratl823. C s.l
1J841 Mmfurmia Dec. Tea-formed ftQcu 6 jnau Y Bourbon 1820. C s.1 Bory2.24
Ludia ncterophjrlla^/y
1568. IiU x DI A Lam. LuniA. {Ludo, to sport: in shape of lvs. in young and old plant) BUtncte. 2 — 3
1&<42 heteronhylla lutm. various-leaved ft CD or 4 Y Mauritius 1823. C sp I*in.iL466. L2
13843 sessiliflora IMW. seasile-flowered ft lOJor 4 j l . a u Y Mauritius 1820. C s.p J a c s c 1.112
tuberculata Joe. . ~
1569. itiS'TIA L. LJETIA. (J. de Laet, of Antwerp, author of a history of America.) Bixinece 1 —fi
138M Thamnij Sun. Thamnia ft a or 4 W \V. Indies 1824. C s.p Br.jajn.25.?
1570. SLOA^NE^ L. SLOANEA. (Sir Hans Sloane, principal founder of British Museum) Tilutaxm 9—s
13845 dentkta L. tooth-leaved tQtm40 ... W S. Amer. 1752. C p'l PI ic?244
3B4S «ineinari^ngi« Aub. Sinemaria H Q or 15 jn.jl W Guiana 18-23. C s.p Aub gui. 212

1571. APEVBA Marg. APEIDA. (Its name in Guiana.) Tilihcea. 4.-8.

13847 Tibofirbou Aub. Tibourbou • or 7 ... Y S. Amer. 1756. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 213
hirsute Lam.
13848 Petowno Aub. Petourao 40 Y S. Amer. 1817. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. £15
hispida Gae.
13849 aspera Aub. rough-capsuled • tin CO Y Cayenne 1792. C Aub. gui. 1. 216
i."OHo betas
13850 i_> u l t t Aub.
JVK •• -
smooth-graved G Cayenne 1817. C Aub. gui. 1. 21+
: • or 10.
1572. SPARRMA'NN/J L. SPAHBMANNIA. (A. Sparrmann, trav. in China and C. G. H.) Tilticcce. 1.
13851 africana L. African £ L-J or 10 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1700. C p.l Bot. mag. 516
1573. ENTELEPA R. Br. ENTELEA. (Enteles, perfect; all the stamens fertile) Tilidcr<v. 1.
13852 arborcscens R. Br. arborescent f U or 20 ray W N. Zeal. 1820. C p.l Bot. mag. 2480
1574. MUNTI'NGJJ L. MUNTIXGIA. (Abraham Hunting, prof, bot at Groningen, d. 1683.) Tilihcea. 1.
13853 Calabhra L. Calabura • • c u 3 jn.jl \V Jamaica 1690. C p.l Jac. am. 107
1575. GRE'W/yl J. GREWIA. [Nehemiah Grew, M.D. F.R.S., physiological botanist) Tilihcea*. 27. — 65.
13854 tomentosa J. woolly (•or 10 Java
hirsiita 5/«.
13855 hirsuta Vahl hairy-leaved • • o r 10 ... P E. Indies 1816. C p.l
13856 bracteata Roth /arge-bracted • I l o r 10 ... P E. Indies 1820. C p.l
13857 Mallococca L. woolly-berried • I l o r 10 au.s Pa.P E. Indies 1792. c ftp Forst. 29
Mallocucca crenata Forst.
13858 M/crocos 77. X. small-berried • •or 7 ... G E Indies 1799. c 11. mal. 1.56
13859 oppositifuha Buc. opposite-leaved '• • or 10 ... P Nepal 1818. c
13860 umbellata /Sox. umbellate • or 10 ... P E. Indies 1816.
• •or 10 ... W Guinea 1818. c
13861 bicolor J. two-colored An. mu. 1. 50.2
13862 Ruthii Dec. Roth's • •or 10 ... W E. Indies 1819. cc p l
13863 jaivifMia Roth Sago-loaved l o r 6 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. p.l
• •or 10 ... Y C. G. H. 1819. c
• I
13864 flava D«r. yellow
13865 ovalifulia J. oval-leaved • •or 8 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. c p.l c
13S66 afflnis Lindl. similar lor 3 ... G China 1824.
E. Indies 1816. c
• I CO
13867 paniculata Box. panicled • I l o r 10 ...
13868 oriental is L. oriental w.
• •or 10 P E. Indies 1767. c pp ll R. mal. 5.4o
1386!) pildsa Lam. pilose • I lor 10 ... W E. Indies 1804. c p.l
13870 scrrulata Ttec. serrulated • I lor 6 jl.s E. Indies 1818. c >.l
13871 carpinifolia J. Hornbeam-lvd • I 1 or 10 ... wGuinea 1823. p.l An. mu. 4. 51. 1
13872 occidentklis L. occidental • | ] or 10 jl.s p wC. G. H. 1690. cc p l Bot. mag. 422
13873 asiatica X. Asiatic • 1 I or 12 p E. Indies 1792. c Son. it. H. 133
13874 subinsquMis Dec. rather unequal tt • or 10 ... w E. Indies 1816. c p'l
13875 aspera 7io/A rough • • or 7 jl.s E. Indies 1818.
w E. Indies 1812. c p!i
13876 filiaefMia Vahl Lime-trce-lvd • • or 12 w EL Indies 1816. c pl
villous • I lor 8 jl.s w 1820. c pl
13877 villosa W.
13878 terebinth inaceaDec. turpentine-*cW • i | or 10 w ...
•» lor 6 R C. G. H. 1818. c
E. Indies 1816. c
13879obtusifMia W.en. blunt-leaved
13880 ulmifolia Box. Elm-loavcd • • or 10 ... W c p'l
1576. 7TL1A L. LIME TREE. (Plelea. the elm; resemblance?) Tilihcea. 9. —10.
13881 microph^lla fen. small-leaved tm 50 au.s Y.o Britain woods. L co Eng. bot. 1705
parvifolia Ehrh.
13882 intermedia Hay. intermediate tm 50 jnau Y.o Britain woods. L co Fl. dan. 553
13883 riibra Dec. common red tm 50 Y.G Britain woods. L co
connth\ai-a Bose
13881 platyphylla Sco. broad-leaved *£ tm 50 au.s Y.o Britain woods. L co Vcn. til. 1.2
grandif6ha Ehrh. cordifulia Bes.
2 laciniata Mil. fringed tm 50 au Y.o Britain ... L co
13885 americana L. American tm CO jn.jl Y.o N. Amer. 1752. L co Den. br. 134
glabra Ven. canadensis Mx.
13886 laxiflura Mx. loose-flowered ¥ tm 50 jn jl W N. Amer. 1820. L co
13887 pubescens H. K. pubescent £ tm 20 Y.o N. Amer. 1726. L co Den. br. 135
carolimana 3///.
2 leptophylla Ven. thin-leaved ^ tm 20 Y.G N. Amer. ... L co
13888 alba W. § K. white £ tm 30 Y.G Hungary 1767 L co Den. br. 71
argentea Dec.
13889 heterophylla Ven. various-leaved *£ tm 30 Y.o N. Amer. 1811. L co Yen. til. 5
alba Mx.
1577. CO'RCHORUS L. CORCHOBUS. (Kore, pupil, horco, to purge: sup. med. qual.) !
13890 siliquuflus L. •iliquose tt. •• unun 3 jn au R W. Indies 1732. C l.p Jac. vin. 3.59
13891 hirtus L. hairy tt. I l e u 2 Y S. Amer. 1820. S p.l P. ed. B. 103. 2
1389'J pilolobus Lk. hairy-podded 2 Y S. Amer. 1818. S p.l
13893 triloculans L. thrcc-cellcd 1 Y Arabia 1790. S co Jac. vin. 2.173
13894 oliti.rius L. potherb un 2 Y India KMO. S co Cam. h. 12
13S9J ae'stuans L. Bcnri'hing 2 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1731. S co Jac. vin. 1. 85
13896 tndens) L. three-toothed cu 2 Y Senegal 1824. S p.l Pluk. al. 127.4
13897 acutangulus Lam. acute-angled un 3 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1816 C co Pluk. ph. 44.1
138D8 capsularis L. captular O un l£jnjl Y E. Indies 1725. S l.p Ru. am. 5.78. *
13899 hirsutus L. hairy-capsuled tt. • un 3$ jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1752. S p.l P. ed. B. 104

1578. GRPAS L. AXCIIOVY PEAR. {Grao, to eat:; fruit.) Guttlferis ajpnis. 1.

13900 cauhfldra L. stem-dowering £ • fr 50 W Jamaica 1768. C l.m Sl.jam.2.217.1."
1579 CALOPHY'LLUM L. CAI.OPHVLLUM. (Kalos, beautiful, phyllon, a leaf.) Gnttifene. 4. —»•
13901 Inoph?llum L. tibrous-leaved t • tm 90 ... W E. Indies 1793. C 8.1 It mal. 4.38
13902 Tacamaliuca \V. Tacainahaca J • tm 30 ... W Bourbon 18^2. C s.l Pluk. al. 147.3
13903 C'daba J.ic. Cnlaba tree t • tm 30 ... W India J780. C s.l Jac. am. 165
13yO4 spurmm Dec spurious f • tm 30 ... W Malabar 1800. C s.l It. mal. 4.39
Cdlaba I«
1580. MAMME^A L. MAMMEE TBEE. (Matncy, its American name.) Gutttfene. 1.—3.
13905 americana L. American £ & (W ... W a Amer. 1737. C s.l Jac. am. 182.8-
•1581. BONNE%T\M Schrcb. BONNKIIA. (Charles Bonnet, a Gcnevese naturhlist.) Guttifcr<c.t 1.— f.
13906 palustris Vahl marsh fOor R Trinidad 1819. C s.1 Aub. gui. 1.2*2

1582. O'CHNA Schreb. OCHNA. (Greek name of the wild pear tree; some resemblance.) Ochnhcece.l.—M.
13907 obtusata Dec. blunted ft • or 4 Y E. Indies 1790. C Lp Rox. cor. 1.89
squarrusa L.
13908 lficida Dec. bright ft • or 6 . .. Y E. Indies 1819. C Lp Sc. dansk. 2. 6
13909 nitida Thun. shining ft • or G ... Y C. G. H. 1815. C Lp Dec. mu. 17.2
13910 multiflora Dec. many .flowered ft I—lor 8 .. Y S. Leone 1820. C l.p Dec. mu. 17.3
13911 mauntidna Lam. Mauritian HI—| or 8 .. Y Mauritius 1822. C l.p Dec. mu. 17.5
13912 arborea Bare. tree fQor 20 ... Y C. G. H. 1823. C l.p
Io913 atropurpbrea Dec. dark-purplc-JZuMf *L_Jor 4 ... P C 6 . H . 1816. C l.p Pluk. aU 263.1,2
* 158a DELPMA L. DELIMA. (Delimo, to shave off: leaves used for polishing.) DtUenAceaj. 1. -. 6.
13914 s.irmcntosa /,. sarmentose £. • or 10 ... Y Ceylon 1820. C Lp Bur. in. 37.1
Tetracera sarmentosa Vahl
1584. DOLIOCA'RPUS Rai DOLIOCARPUS. (Do/io*, deceitful, Aaroo*. fruit; poisonous.) DUIentoce*.l. — 4.
13915 Calini-a Gm Calinea L O or 10 ... Y Guiana 1822. C Lp Aub. gui. 1.221
Tetracera Calinea W. Calinea scandens Aub.
1585. £Corr. BENGAL QUINCE. {Male, one of the Hesperides.) Aurantiacea. 1. — 2.
13916 Murmelos Corr. Marmelos ftQfr 6 ... W.R E. Indies 1759. C 1 Rox. cor. 2.143
1586. BERTHOLE^T/^ H. & B. BBAZIL NOT. (L. C. Bertholet, a celebrated chemist.) Lecythidc*. 1.
13917cxcelsaJ7.42l tall 1OP 100 Para ... C p.l.s
• 1587. LAGEItSTIUE'MI^ L. LAGERSTIUBMIA. {Magnus Lagerstram, friend of Lin.) Salicari*. 4. — 7.
13918 indica L. Indian ft O or 6 au.o P E. Indies 1759. C s.1 Bot. mag 405
13919 regtaa Rox. queen's * Q o r 12 ... R E. Indies 1792. C p.1 Rox. cor. 1.&>
13920 graiidiflura Rox. large-flowered » • or 12 ... R E. Indies 1818. C p 1
13921 parviflbra Rox. small-flowered ftQor 12 ... W> E. Indies 1818. C p.1 •
1588. LE'CYTHIS L. LECYTIHS. (Lekythos, an oil jar; •eed-vessel.) Leeyth\de*. 6. — H.
13922 grandiflbra Aub. large-flowered f a or 60 ... Y.w Trinidad 1824. C s.1 Aub. gUL 2. 283
13923 minor jac. smaller SB i i ur i\i ••• *«Tf Carthage. 1825. C s1
13924 amara Aub. bitter ft[Z]or 10 ... Y.w Guiana 1825. C 8.1 Aub. gui. 2. 286
13925 Adnthnun Aub. Adatimon ft a or 8 ... Y.w Y.w Maranh. 1825. C 8.1 Aub. gui. 2. 289
13926 pamflbra Aub. small-flowered ftj ]or 8 Y.w Trinidad 1825. C 8.1
13927 bracteata Aub. bracted lor 10 Y.w Maranh. 1825. C 8.1 Aub. gui. 2. 282
*1589. CTSTUS Tou. ROCK ROSE. {Jdste, ahox\ capsule.) Cistinece. S4.
I. ERYTHROCI'STUS.—Outer se p. narrow, inner with scarious margins ; pet. rose-red or purple; caps. 5-locular.
13928 purpureus Lam. purple 41 or 2 my jl P p Sw. cis. 17
13929 heteroph>llus2)?tf. various-leaved * or 2 jnjl P Algiers s.p Sw. cis. 6
13930 parviflorus Lam. small-flowered * or 3 jnjl Pa.R Crete 1800. s.I Sw. cis. 14
13931 coraplicatus Lam. complicated * or 3 jn.jl R Spain 1818. 6.1
13932 villusus Lam. villous * or 3 jnjl P S. Europe 1640. Duh. ar. 1.64
13933 creticus L. Cretan * or li P Levant 1731. Jac. ic. 1.95
2 tatiricus Dec. Taunan • or 2 jnjl P Tauria 1817.
13934 incanus L. hoary • or 2 P S. Europe 1596. s.p Bot. mag. 43
13935 DunalwMtf* Swt. Dunal's * or 9 myjn
undul.\tus Dunal
13036 cribpus L. curled-leaved * or jnjl P Portugal 1656. s.p Sw.cis.22
13937 filbidus L. white-leaved * or Pa.P Spain 1P40. Par. th. 1
13938 candidlssimus Dunal whitest
13939 vaginatus H. K. sheathed
jn.jl Pa.R Canaries
apjn Pa.P Tenenffe 1779.
1817. if Sw. cis. 3
Sw. cis. 9
13940 scriceus Vahl silky
13941 platysepalus Swt. broad-sepaled A
* or
jnjl R
jnjl R
Spain 1826.
Ef 8.1
Bar. ic. 1315
Sw. cis. 47
13942 canehcens Swt. canescent Ik or jn.jl R Sw. cis. 45
13943 cymdsus Dunal cymose * or jnjl P C 8.1
C 6.1
11. LEDONI A —Sep. 5,2 outer ones largest s pet. white ; stigm subsessile, large capitate: caps. 5 orlO locular.
13944 aalvifolius L. Sage-leaved * or 2 jn.jl W S. Europe 1548. C s.p Sw.cis.5i
13945 corboriensis Pou.
'"• ~ Corbor
" ' ft ~ or .1{. my.jn W s Spain
. - . » . i~ 1 6 5 & cC s.p -Sw. cis.- 8
13^46 obtusifohus Swt. obtuse-leaved ft or 3 jn.jl W C s.l Sw. cis. 42
13947 psilosepalus Swt. smooth-sepaled ft or 3 jnjl w C s.1 Sw. cis. S3
13948 florcntinus Lam. Florentine ft or 3 jnjl w I t a l y " 1825. 8.1 Sw. cis. 59
13940 monspchensis L. Montpelier ft or 2 jn jl w S. Europe 1656. 8.p Jac. c 2.8
13950 Li'don Lam. Lcdon Gum ft or 1 w France 1730. s.p Duh. ar. 1.66
13951 hirsutus Lam. hairy ft or 2 jnjl w Portugal 1656. s.p Sw. cis. 19
13952 laxus //. A'. loose ft or 2 jnjl w Spain 1056. Sw. cis. 12
13953 longifiMius lam. long-leaved ft or 4 jn.jl w S Europe 16(X). » Sw. cis.
13954 popuhfulius Lam. Poplar-leaved ft or 3 myjn w Spain 1656. Sw. cis. 23
13955 l.itifMius Swt. broad-leaved • _J or 4 jn ' w Barbary Sw. cis. 15.
13956 eoiditulius Swt. heart-leavwl ft or 4 jnjl w 1800. s.p Sw. cis. ic'in.
139.77 /aurifi.lius L. Lnurel.leavcd ft or 4 jnjl w Spain 1731. B.p Sw. cis. 52
13958 ladanfferus L. ladanum-bg ft or 4 jnjl w Spain 1629. 8.p Bot. mag. 112
Salbiflorus white-flwd gum ft or 4 jnjl w Spain «P Sw. cis. 84
3m a uratu8
,fl«-« , ? "potted ft or 4 jnjl w Spain 1700. S.1 Sw. cis. 1
139u9 unduKvtus Lie. waved ft or 4 jnjl w S. Europe 1800. C p.l
,«. ^ ^'anifcrus undulatus W.
lSJ-lO c^priui Lam. Cyprus or 4 jnjl W Greece 1800. C p.1 Sw.cis.39
ladaniforus B. M. stcnonhftlus Lk
1SI»61 Cluwi Dunal Clusius's or 3 jnjl W Spain 1810. C a.p Sw. cis. 32
•1590. HELIA'NTHEMUM Tou. SUN ROSE. {Helios, sun, anthemon, fl.; golden bloss.) Cistlne*. 115—124.
rt _.J- H[A'LIMUM.—Sepals 3, rarely 5 ; petals very often spotted at base ; stigmas capitate, subtrilobed.
13962 Libanotis
IV. Roscmary-M l l _ | o r 1 jn Y Spain 1752. C p.1 Bar. ic. 294
13963 -" — **-'Mil. wmbel-/7u«/ ft _J or W W S".S. Europe 17.31.
1751. VV pi Sw.cis.5
139CA scabrusum Pers. rough mt |or | or 3 jn.jljnjl Y Italy 1775. C p.l
13"6.3 algarvi-nse Dunal 3 Y Portugal 1H00. C p.1 Bot. mag. 627
139G6 formusum Dunal _fc lor myjl Y.Br Portugal 1780. C p.1 Sw. cis. 50
139G7 fltriplicifiMium W. beautiful m | or 46 jnjl Spam 1656. C p.1 Bar. ic. 292
Orache-leavcd ft | or 6 jnjl
13968 Aalimifblium W. Sea-Purslane-lvdft Y Spain 1656. P-1 Sw. cis. 4
I or 4 jnjl Y Spain 1800.
13969 ocymo'ides Pers, Basil-like ft _J or 3 jnjl Y B.p Sw. cis. 13
•ampsucifJjTlium Cav. not MU. m Spain 1800. C „,.
J3970 alyssoidcs Fen. Alysbum-like ft I or 3 jnjl Y Portugal 1800. C s.p
13971 rugdsum Dunal wrinkly si | or 3 jnjl Y

13972 lasianthum Pcrs. hairy-flwd • _Jor 3 M . . Y Spain 1826. sp Bar. ic. 289
13973 involucratum Pers. involucrate • I or 3 jn.jjn.jl Y Spain 182fiL s.p
1,1974 chciranthbidcs Pers. Stock-leaved * I or 3 jn.jl Y Portugal 1818. s.p
13975 candidum Swt. white-leaved • or 3 jn.jl Y Spain 8.1 Sw. cis. 2J
13976 elongatum Pers. long-peduncled *»-, I or 2 jl Y Spain 1800. Pi
II. LECIIEOPDBS —Sep.p , 5, outei ones linear ; g stigm. large capitate; capsules smooth, 3-valved, S-celled.
139777 canadense Mx. P Canadian
canadense Mx. Canadian l d tt &
& A A or or 111 jnjn jljl Y N. Amer. 1799. S s.l Sw. cis. 21
13978 rosmannifiMium Ph. Koseinary-lvd tt- or 1 jn.jl l Pa.Y P Y Canada
C d 1823
1823. C sp
13979 glomerktum Lag. glomerate tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y Mexico 182:). C s.p Sw. cis. ic. in.
13980 ramuliflorum Mx. branchlet-flwd ^ A or 1 jn jl Y Carolina 1823. C s.p
13981 brasiliensc Pers. Brazilian JL, _&} or } jn.jl Y Brazil 1823. C s.p Sw.ci8.43
Y Brazil 1823. C s.l.p Sw. cis. 11
13982 polygaUefohum 5u//. Milkwort-lvd it., |pr | Y Carolina 18ii3. C B.p Vcn. eels 74. ic.
13983 carolinianum
X Mx. Carolina j£ A or 1 jn.jl
III. TI/BERA RIA.—Sep. 5, outer larger or smaller; pet. often spotted at base ; styles scarcely any; stigm. capitate.
13«)84 Tubcrkria Mil.' Tuber.ina [.Aior i jn-jl W S. Europe 1752. S s.p Sw. cis. 18
13985 clantagineum Pers. Plantain-like fjl A or * jnjl Y Spain 1823. S s.p
l:J98filign6sumSui/. woody tt. or i i Y IMO'J. S s p Sw. cis. 46
13987 globularia»f<Mium Pers. Globul.-lvd j£ j _AJor Y Spain 18tt>. S
13988 guttatum Mil. spottoU/fairf O or Y England S s'.l Eng. bot. 544
13989 serritum Pers. savr-pctalcd O or Y Spain 180k C s.p Cav. ic. 2.175.1
13990 eriocaulon Dunal woolly-stemmed O or Y Spain 1817. S s.j» Sw. cis. SO
1S991 punctatum W. dotted O or i jn.j Y S France 1816. S s.l Sw. cis. 61
13992 niconspicuum Thib. inconspicuous O or i jn.jl Y Piedmont 1819. S s.p
IV. MACULANUA.—Sepals five, outer ones narrow ; pet. often spotted at base ; stigmas small subtrUobed.
13993 lunulatum Dec. lunulate tt. or ± jn.jl Y Spam 1826. S s.p 2.3
V. BRACIIYPE'TALOV.—Sep. 5touter ones minute ; pet. often spot, at base, small; stigm. simple : caps triquetrous.
_. bot 2414
13995 /edifohum Mi.
villosum Thib. Ledum-leaved
villous OO or or Jijn.jl
jn jl Y Y . England
1823. SS s.l Sw.
cis. ic. in.
13996 niloticum Pers. Nile Our ijnjl Y Egypt 1817. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in.
2 nujus Dec. larger O or 1 jn.jl Y Europe 1817. S s.p Sw. cis. icin.
3 procftmbens Dec. prorumbcut O or \ jn.jl Y France 181(1. S s.p
13«J97 denticulatum Thib. denticulate O or 1 jn.jl Y France 1818. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in.
«alicifuhum Gou.
13998 *alicifulium W. Willow-leaved O or Y S. Europe 1759. S s.p Cav. ic. 2.144
LiDO) sanguincum Lag. bloody-stem?ned O or i jn.jl Y Spain 182& S Sw. cis. ic. in.
14000 ajgyptiacum Mil. Egyptian O or f jn.jl W Egypt 1161. S if Jac. ob. 3. 68
VI. EKIOCA'HPON. — Sepals Jive, outside silkyt two outer ones minute ; styles at base twisted: capsules pilose.
14001 canariensc IV. Canary £> L_J or 1| jn.jl Y Canaries 1790. C p.l Jac. ic. 1.97
14G02 Iilppit Pcrs. Lippius's «. | or jn.jl Y Egypt 1820. C s.p Sw. cis. ic. in.
14003 kahfricum Del. Kahinan tt. _ J or jnjl Y Egypt 1820. C s p Del. leg. 31.2
14004 confertum Dunal close-flowered tt. _ J or Y Tenerifle ... C s.p
VII. FUMANNA. — CaL before flwg. a HI tie twisted, 5-scpal., 2 outer ones small; sti capiLfrinj. subtrilob.
14005 Fumana Mil. i Fumana tt. _J or 1 jnjl Y France 17" C s.p Sw. cis. 1G
mcotocs Dunal
14006 crico)dcs Erica-like |or Jj jn.jl Jl Y S. Europe ... C s.p Cav. ic. 2.172
14O(/7 proi-umbens Dunal procumbent JL. | or I Y S. Europe ... C s.p Bar. ic. 445
14008 la/vipes W. smooth-footed tt. ^J or Y France 1690. C s.p Sw. cis. 24
14009 arabicum Pcrs. Arabian tt. _J or Jnjl Y S. Europe 1826. C s.p
viscidulum Stev.
14010 Barrel)eri Ten. Barrelicr's tt. |or Y Italy 1820 B.p Bar. ic. 416
14011 la^veiVr*. smooth tt. | or Y Spam 182a S.p Cav. ic. 2. 145.1
14012 viride Ten. green «L | or jnjl Y Italy 1825. s.p
14013,/unipcrinuin iMg. Jumper-like tt. | or Y S. Europe 1800. s.n Bar. ic. 443
14014 glutint>suin Pers. clammy tt. | or niy.s Y S. Europe 1790. p.l Cav. ic. 2.145.2
14015 fliymifolium Pers. Thymc-Icavcd tt. | or 14 Y Spain 1658. s.p Bar. ic. 444
VIII. PsEunoci'STUS. — Sep. 5, outer ones minute ; pet. small; styles at base twisted; stigm. capitate 3-lobed.
1401<) origanifMiuin Pers. Marjoram-lvd tt. _J or Spain 1795. C s.p . ic. 3.2fi2
J4017 mulle Pers. soft * - > J o r 1] Spain 18J7. C s.p Cav. ic. a 262. S
14018 dicliotomum Dunal dichotomous tt. | or 1 Spain 1826. C s p Cav. ic. 3. 263.1
14019 o&landicum Dec. (Eland JL, or f Germany 1816 C s.t) Sw. cis. 2
14020alpfotreDunal alp JL. or •.. _ . Germany 1818. C 8.1 Cr. au. 6.1
14021 itahcum Pers. Italian tt. (or 1 jls Italy 1799. C s.p Bar. ic. 366
14022 penicilUtum Thib. pencilled JL or * jn.jl Spain 1817. B.p
14023 obovatum Dunal obovate tt. _J or 1 jnjl Spain 1826. sp
14024 vineMc Pers. vine JL. or iJ»Jl Germany 1817. S.D 8w. cis. 77
14025e.\numDunal hoary JL. |or g jnjl S. Europe 1772. p.l Sw. cis. 56
14026 marifulium Dec. Marum-leavcd JL. or | my.jn Britain al.roc C sp Eng. bot 396
14027 rotundil'uhumDtfnff/ round-leaved JL. _J or } Spain JBiJfi. C S.p CAV. IC. 2.142
140*28 pamcuKitum Dunal panicked JL _J or | jn »u Spain 1826. C S.p
14029 cin&rcum Pers. grey tt. _J or 1 jn au Spain 1818. C Cav. i c 2.141
14030 crassifuliuin Pers. tliick-leaved tt. or 1 my.jl Barbary 1818. C 8.1
14031 squamatum Pers. scaly tt. __J or 1 jnjl Spam 1815. C 8.1 Cav. Ic. 8.139
IX. EIIIELIA'NTIIEMUM. — Calyx 5-sepallcd,outer ones smaller, cover. 2-valvcd 1-cel/ed capsule; stigm. simple.
140o2 glaucum -Pers. * glaucou3-/wi
. . . -tt. or 2 jnaju Y Spain 1815. C s.l Cav?ic 2.261
14(J33 tomentosum Dunal tomentose JL. or Y Svotbmt scalp. C 8.1 Eng bot 2208
14034 lavandulsefi.lium Dm. Lavunder-lvd tt. or • jj " " " S. France 1S17. C 8.p Bar. ic. 288
14035 rtoechadifT.lium Pers. Stoechas-lvd tt. or 1 Injl Spain 1810. C S.p Sw.cis icin.
14036 scrpyllifdlium Mil. Wild Tliyme-lvd tt. or imy.s Austria 1731. C p i Sw. cis. 60
1W37 vul»are Gae. common dwarf "JL, or i my.s Britain gra.ban. C 6.1 Eng. bot. 1321
2 flore pKno double-flwd JL, or ... C s.l Sw. cis. 64
14038 nudicaule Lag. naked-stmd JL, or * jnjl Spain 1826. C s p
14039 Ieptophjrllum2)//na/ fine-leaved JU or jn.jl Spam 1818. C s.p Sw. cis. 20
14040 acunnn itum Pers. acuminate JU or i jn.jl S. Europe 18i!0. C s.p Viv fr. IS. 14.1
14041 ovatum Dunal ovate JL. or jnjl Geneva 1818. C s.p Viv fr. 1.8. a
14042 obseCirum Pers. obscure -—JL. or i Y Europe 1816. s p Sw. cis. ic. in.
-*1"*3 nummuririum Mil. Mone> wort-lvdJL, or Y Spain 1752. 8.1 Cav. ic. 2.14->
**X7* •urrcjanum Mil. Surrey JL. or l Y England cli.hil. C 8.1 Eng. bot. 2207
14045 gyMop.fUium
Ay88op.foiium Ten. Hyssop-lvd JU l t rny.jn Y Italy ... C s.l
2 cupreum Swt.
capper-colored JL. or fmyjn Cop Naples ... C 8.1 Sw.cis.58
m<iltil or * my.jn Cop Italy
C s.n
14046 hirtum Prrs.
14047 Ligusc<r Dunal
double-flwd JL.
hairy-calyxcd tt. „J or 1 jnjl Y Spain 175P. C 8.1 Bar. ic. 488
Lagasca*$ tt. | or i J»Jl Y Spain 162d
14048 aurcum Pers. Montytlier ...
goldon JL. or S Y

14049 obtusiftilium DIIIMI/ blunt-leaved tt. or 1 jn.jl Y Cyprus 1739. C s.l

140.30 angustifolium Pers. narrow-leaved JL. or f jnjl Y 1800. C s.l Jac. Tin. 3.53
I4tt>l majoramefoliumlta?. Marjorain-lvd JU or I iwyj} Y.w France 1818. C s.p
14058 enoscpalon Swt. woolly-sepaled !* or Y S. Europe ... C s.p Sw.cis.76
14(i5.i grandiflorum Dec. large-flowered 1* or 1 Jn-jl Y Italy 1800. C s.p Scop. car. 25
14054 asperum Lag. rough JL. or | W Spain 1827 C s.f
14055 pilusum Pefs. hairy •
J- pr 14 myjn W S. France 1731. C s.1 Sw. cis. 49
14056 jampsucifoliumfrfiV. Samnsuch.-lvd fU or W France ... C p.1 Bot. man. 1803
14057 nulverulentum Dec. powdered JU or W France ... C a.l Sw. cis. 2U
14058 polifTilium Dec. l'olium-leaved
Pni.n™ i««»«.i *-. or |yj W England downs. C s.p
Eng. bot. 1322
violet tt. |or 1 jnjl W Spain Cav. ic. 2.147
14039 violaccum Pers. 1826. C s.p Cav. ic.3.263.2
140i?0 strictum Pers.
strict tt. |or 1 jnjl W Spain 1820. C s.p Sw. cis. 48
linear tt. |or 1 j»jl W S. Europe 1818. C s.p
14061 linetre Pers." twipgy or 1 my.jl W S. Europe 1818. C sp
14062 virgMum Pers. fetid fL. or I my.j W Jac. ic. 1. 98
1800. C s.p Sw. cis. 62
14063 fce'tidum Pciv*. Awnnine n. or i my.jl W Italy 1731. C s.p Sw. cis. ic. in.
14064 apenn'mum Pers.
140ti5 papyraceum Swt.
14066 liispidum Dw/ur/
t ):\y>ct.white .
2 W
I my.jl W
S. Europe
... C s.p
1816. C s.p
* my.jl 11.w S. Europe ... C s.p
Sw. cis. 38
14067 vanegNtum Swt. ciliated or 1 R
S.EuroiKj 182ft. C sp Sw.cis.7
14068 ciliatum i>m. > .„ or ft my.jl R Spain 1800. O s.p
14069 rhodauthum Dunal red-flowered or R S. Europe 1800. C s.p Sw. cis. 51
14070 canescens Swt. cancsccnt JU i j»
rbscum Jar. via. or 1 in'fl R.W S. Europe 1800. C s.p Sw. cis. 26
14071 versicolor Siot. party-colored tt. or 4 jn.ll R S. Europe 1800. C s.p Sw.cis.10
14072 venustum Swt. beautiful JL. or | my.jl R S. Europe 1»K). C s.p
2 fibre plc-no double-flwd JU or Y Spain 180i). C s.i> Sw.cis.53
14073 croccum i ^ r $ . conper-co/a/vd JU or *.W!
5 jnjl P.Y France 1795. C 8.1 Sw. cU.37
14074 sulpburuum IV. en. su\ph\\T-colored*~. or 4 R.V S. Europe ... C 8.1 Jac. ic. 1. 99
14075 mut&b'.lc Pers. changeable tt. or »iil Pk Spain 1815. C s.p Sw. cis. 55
14076 roseum Dec. roseate 1*
1591. SWA'RTZ/il W. SWARTZIA (Olof Swartz. a celebrated botanist.) Legum. Swartxtice. 3. — l.i.
14077 pinnata IV. pinnate * 3 o r 6 ... >V Trinidad' 1820V C p.l An. mu. 9.24.2
14078 grandiflora W. large-flowered or Y Trinidad 1821. p.l Vahlcc.1.3
14079 simphcifolia W. simple-leaved W W. Indies 1818.



1592. B A U ' E R J * H.K. BAHBRA. {Francis and Ferdinand Bauer, celeb. draughtsm.) Cunoniacece. 2.
14080 rubisBfMia//. JC. Madder-leaved * i_J pr l ^ j U Pk N. S. W. 1793. (T s.p Bot. mag 715
14081 htunilis Lk. dwarf « i _ J o r 1 jl.d R N. S. W. 1804. C sp«J7

1593. FOTHERGI'LL^ L. FOTIIERGILLA. (John FothergUl, M.D., a patron of botany.) Hamamalltlea. 4.

14082 alniftlia /,. Alder-leaved tt or 4 ap.jii W N. Amer. 17(55. L s.p But. mag. 1341
14083 major B. M. larger-leaved' *fe or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. 1765. L s.p Bot. mag. 1342
14084 Gardtni Jac. Garden's ft or 4 my.jn W K Amer. 17o5. L s.p Jac. ic. 1.100
14085 serftina B. M. late a or 4 au W N. Amer. 1755. L -s.p •*
1594. CURATE'LLA L. CURATELLA. (Kureuo, to shave j leaves polish bows in Guiana.) DUleniucear. 2.
14086 americana L. American H O or 8 ... W S. Amer. ... L s.p Aub. gu'i. 1.232
14087 alata Ven. wingcd-^io/crfil Q o r 8 ... W Guiana . L s.p
1595. PLEURA'NDRA Lab. PLEURANOKA. (Pleura, rib, aner, anther: stamens ) DUlenince(e.6.—8S.
14088 bracteata R. Br. bracteate I_J or 2 my.jn Y N. IIoll. 18J3. C s.p Dele&s. 1.78
14089 acicularis Lab. needle-leaved 11 | or 2 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1822. C B.p Lab. n. h. 2.14+
14090 strlcta B. Br. strict H_Jor 2 myjn Y N. Holl. 1826. C s.p
14091 Cheorum Can. Garland-flower 11 | or 2 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
14092 calycina Cun. /ar/rr-calyxed H_jor 2 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1826. C s.p
14093 ericifulia Cun. Heath-leaved t L J o r 2 myjn Y N. HolL 1824. C s.p
•1596. P&OTXIA L. REO.W. (Paon, a physician who first used it in medicine.) Ranunculticcce. 19.
1. MOI/TAN. — Shrubby ; disk of A. expanded into a manbranaceous pitcher more or less invdlvine carvels
14094 Moutan H. K. Chinese Tree U or 3 ap.jn P China 1789. C p.1 .
1 pajjaverdcea Papny.ftotvcrcd 9a or 3 apjn W China 1789. C p.1 Bot cab. 547
iBk Banks's Sk or S apjn P China 1789. C p.l Bot.mag. 1154
3 rosea roseate it or 3 ap.jn Pk China p.1
4 Annesl&i Anncsley's or 3 apjn Pk China P-l Hort tr. 6.7
iA*h %iV*' — herbaceous i disk qfJL scarcely or not expanded, surrounding only so much of base of carpels.
14095 a!bifl?»ra Pall. white.flowered ft A or 2 my.jn W Siberia f784. R s.l
l vestMis Ander. virgin . ft A or 2 my.jn W Siberia ... R s 1 Bot. rep. 64
2 Candida Ander. white * A or 2 myjn F Siberia ... R s.l
3 tartarica Tartarian X A or 2 myjn F Siberia ... R si
4 siblrica Siberian ft A or 2 myjn W Siberia ... R s.l
5 rubescens rubesccnt ft A or 2 myjn Pk 1 Siberia 1784. R s.l Bot. reg. 42
6 uniflttra single-flowered ft A or 2 myjn R Siberia ... R a.l
7 Whitleji Vlhittey's double whiter A or 2 myjn Bh China 1784. R s.l Bot. rep. 612
8 Humei Hume's double crimson 2 myjn R China 1784. R s.l Bot. mag. 1768
9 fragrans fragrant 2 myjn R China 1784. II s.1 Hort. tr. c. ic.
14096 triternMa
'" Pall.
~ " triternate 3 myjn P Siberia 1790. R 8.1 Bot. mag. 1441
da6rica Andr.
14097 corallina Retz. coralline 3 my.jn R England ... R si Eng. bot. 1513
14098 officinklis Retz. officinal 3 myjn R Switzerl. 1548. R s.l Bot. mag. 1784
2 rosea roseate 3 myjn R K 6.1
3 blanda bland 3 mj.jn Pk R s.l
4 rubra double red 3 im.jn It tt s.l
5 carnescens carnescent JIf A or 3 my.jn W R 6.1
6 albicans whitening J[ A or 3 myjn W ... R s i
14099 lobata Desf. lobcd ; ; A or 2 my.jn R Spain ... R 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 70
14100 anomala W. anomalous 3( A or 1* myjn Pk Siberia 178a R 8.1 Bot. mag. 1754
laciniata Pal. ros. 2.85
14101 hfbrida Pall. hybrid ft A or 2 myjn R Siberia 1788. R 8.1 Pal. ros. 2.86
14102 tenuifblia L. fine-leaved i< A or 1 | myjn R Siberia 1765. R s i Bot. mag. 926
i. PUBESCB'NTES. — Same as the preceding, but with the leaves underneath pubescent, not smooth.
14103 peregnna Mil. foreign ft A or 54 myjn D.P Levant 1629. R 6.1 Bot. mag. 1050
2 Grevilljj Greville's ft A or 2 myjn P ... R s.1
3 compacta rompact ft A or 2 my jn P ...
14104 critica Lindl. Cretan ft A or 2 my.jn P Candia ... R 8.1 Bot. reg. 819
14105 paraduxa Ander. paradoxical < A or 2 my.jn P Levant ... R s 1
2 flmbriata double fringed if A or 2 myjn P ... R 8.1 Sw. fl.gar. 19
tartarica Mil. R S.I
14106 mullis Ander. soft i( A or H my.jn P ...... ... R S.I Bot. cab. 1263
14107 arietina Ander. ram i ( A or 2 myjn P ...... ... R 8 I
14108 decbra Ander. comely t ( A or 2 myjn P ...... ... R 8.1
1 Pallu&tf P.illas's iI A or 2 myjn P ... R S.l
2 elatior taller j ( A or 2 myjn P ... R s 1
14109 htimilis Retz. dwarf i( A or 2 my.jn P Spain 16J3. R 6.1 Bot. mag. 1422
14110 Rdssi Biv. Ru&s's 5 A or 2 myjn C Sicily ... R S.l Sw. fl gar. 122
14111 pLibens B. M.
14112 villbsa Swt.
;( A or 2 myjn R
A or 2 my.jn R
... R s 1 Bot. mag. 2L'(i4
S. Europe 1816. R 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. Uo
acssiliflbra Sims



* 1597. HIBBE'RT/i* Andr. HIUBEBTIA. {George Hibbert, a disting. collect, of plants.) Dillenidcea*. 9.—19.
14113 volubilis B. Rep. twining %_\ | or 8 my.o Y N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. rep. 126
14114 grossiilariu?fulu Sal. (iooseberry-lvd f_ |_J or 6 Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 1218
14115 dentata it. Br. toothed 6 N. HolL 1816. C B.p Bet. reg. 282
141 lti jraltgna if. Br. WiUow-leaved 3 Y N. Holl. 1823. C sp
14117 virgata 7f. J?r. twiggy I or 3 Y N. Holl. 1822. C e.p
14118 lineans R. Br. linear !|_Jor 2 Y N. Holl. 1821. C s.p
14119 obtusifolia R. Br. obtuse-leaved i LJ or 2 N. Holl. 18124. C s.p
14120 pcdunculata R. Br. pcdunculated H 1 I or 2 Y N. Holl. 1821. C s.p Bot. reg. 1001
corifulia Bot. mag. 2672
14121 cistifblia R. Br. Cistus-leaved * I I or 1 Y N. Holl. 1826. C s.p
1598. H O M A ^ L I U M Jac. HOMALIUM. (Homa/os, equal; stamens.) Homallnea. 1.—2.
14122 racemosum Jac. racemose * Q or 6 my jl W W. Indies 1816. C 8.1 Bot. cab. 261
*1599. DELPHI'NIUM Tou. LARKSPUR. (Delphin, dolphin j supp. resembl. in nectary.) Ranuncul. 4-5.-58
I. CONH6LIDA. — Ovary one ; petals four joined into one. Annual.
14123 Oliveriunum Dec. Oliver's O or B S. Europe 1826. S co Deless. 1.51
14124 A]hci$ L. Ajax's O or U Pk SwitzerL 157a S r.m
2 flure pleno double-flowered Q or 1 jnjl Va Europe 1573. S co Cl. h. 2.2
14125 Consuhda L. Coinfrey or 2 jnjl B England sail. fl. S r.m Eng. bot. c. ic.
2 flure pK-no
14126 pubebcens Dec.
O or
England ... S co Bcs.eys. 2.14.1
Mediterr. 1816. S co 504
ambiguum Lot.
14127 AcovC\t\ L Aconite-like O or jnjl P Levant 1801. Vahl sy. 1.13
14128 peregrlnum W. foreign O or jnjl B Italy 1629. Al.ped.2.25.3
,;unceum Dec.
II. DELPHINE'LLUM. — Ovaries three j petals free, smooth. Annual
14129 ambiguum L. doubtful O or 2 B Barbary 1759. S P-1
14130 cardiopetalum Dec. heart-petaled O or 1 jnjl B Pyrenees 1818. S CO Mat com. 557
14131 virgatum Poir. twiggy O or U jnjl B Syria 1823. S CQ Deless. 1.55
III. DELPHINA'BTRUM. — Ovar. 3 or 5; 'talsfree, lower ones bearded in disk, entire, from No.HlCo. bifid.
14132 grandiflurum L. great-fldwered D.B Siberia 1816. D p.l Bot. mag. 1686
2 fl&rc pleno doubicflowcrcd D.B D p.l
3 album ' white-Jiowered W gardens 1816. D co
4 p&lhdum fale-btue B (
gardens 18 J0. D co
14133 chmonae Fu. China B China 1818. D co Bot cab. 71
14134 cheilanthum Fis. lip-flowered D.B Siberia 1819. D p.l Bot. reg. 473
14135 pscudo-peregrinum Fis. bast, foreign5 R Siberia 18123. D co
14136 puniceum Pall. searXct-Jlowered ^ P Siberia 1785. D p.l
14137 albiflurum Dec. white-flowered * W Armenia 1S23. D co Deless. 1.58
14138 ochrolcucum Stcv. yellowish white "W Iberia 1823. D p.l
14139 h^bridum IV. hybrid B Siberia 1794, D p.l
hirsbtum Pers.
14140 fissum W.&K. cleft Hungary 1816. D co W.&K. 1.81
14141 velutinum Bert. velvety Italy 1819. D co
14142 pentngynum Lam. five-styled S. Europe 1819. D co Desf. at. 1.11*
14143 ^legans Dec. elegant N. Amer. ... D co
2 fibre pleno common double-flwd^ N. Amcr. 1741. D co Fl. con. 43
14144 amoeVuim Stev. pleasing blue 2 Pa.B Siberia 1818. D co Gin. si. 4.77
14145 spuxium Fis. spurious 4 B Siberia 1810. D co
14146 lric6rneJtf*. three-horned Jjlau B N. Amer. 1806. D p.l Bot cab. 506
14147 asfcrcum Mx. azure 6 L.B Carolina 1805. D p.l
14148 exaltatum H. K. exalted 3 B N. Araer. 1758. D pi Mil. ic. 27tt 2
14149 urccolatum Jac.
14150 flcxu&sum Bieb.
urceolate 2 B 1801. D p.l Bot mag. 17°1
flexuous 2 B Caucasus 182a D p.l
14151 revolutum Desf. revolute 6 jn.s P.B D p.l

14152 mesoleftcum Lk. white-middle ^ A or 3 jnjl B.w 1822. D„ p.l

.... Ficon.£5
14153 palmatifidum Dec. palmate-cleft ;fc A or 3 jlau B Siberia 1824. D co
2 glabcllum Dec. Bmoothish ik A or
3 B Siberia 1817. D co Gin. si. 4.75
14154 intermedium //. K. intermediate & A or 8 jl B Silesia 1710. D p.l
1 pilosissimum Dec. hairiest ^ A or 6 jl B Siberia D co Gm. 8i.4.80
2 leptostachyum Dec. slender-spiked jg A or 6 jl B Pyrenees D co
intermedium Lap.
3 ranunculifbliumDec. Ranunc-lvd ^ A or 6 jl B Pyrenees ... D co
4 laxum Dec. loose-spiked ^ A or 6 jl B D co MiL ic. 119
14155 eUktum IV. tall commonBee^ A or 6 Jn.s B Siberia 1597. D p.l Schk.han. 2.145
14156 alp'inum IV. $ K. alpine Bee & A or 5 jlau B Hungary 1816. D co W & K. a 246
14157 cuneatum Stev. wedge-leaved ^ A °r 4 jnjl B Siberia 1816. D co Bot.rcg.327
14158 villosum Stcv. villous ^ A or 4 B Caucasus 1818. D co
14159 dictyocarpum Dec. nettcd-fruited ^ A or 4 jnjl B Siberia 1817. D p.l
1 (160 laxiflurum Dec. loose-flowered ^ A or 3 jnjl B Siberia ... D pi
14161 montanum Dec. mountain 3l A or 4 jl au B Switzerl. 1819. D co
2 bractcusum Dec. bractcose ^ A or 8 B S. Europe 1816. D co
14162 dasycarpum Stev. thick-fruited ^ A or 4 jlau B Caucasus 1819. D co
14163 specibsum Bieb. showy 3l A or 4 jlau B Caucasus 1816. D co Deless.1.62
14164 triste Fis. sad & A or 2 B Dahuria 1819. D co
IV. STAPHISAXGRIA —Ovaries 3 or 5 j petals free; spur short; capsules ventricose.
14165 Requienii Dec. Requicn's ^ CD or 4 my.jn L.B Majorca 1824. S co Dcless. 1.63
14166 pictum W. en. painted ^ Q> or \\ L.B S. Europe 1816. S s.p Wood 151
14167 Staphiskgria L. Stavesacre ^ Q or 2 L.B S. Europe 1596. S s.p FLgr.508

*inOO. iiCONITUM Tou. ACOXITUV. (Plentiful about Acona in Bithynia.) Ranunculhcete. 109.—
I. A'NTIIORA. — Sepals persistent; helmet conical or semicircular ; ovaries 5 s flowers cream-colored, sometimes
variegated with blue ; roots nap/formi / leavet palmatcty cut into linear lobes.
14168 A'nthora L. " Anthora " ^ A or Pa.Y Pyrenees 159o. R co Jac. au. 4. 382
14169 grandiflorum Rchb. largo-flowered ^ A °r 11 jn au Pa.Y Jura 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 1. B
14170 DecandcSlli Kchb. Dccaiidollc'i ^ A or 1£ jn au P«i.Y Siberia R co Rchb. ac. 3
14171 anthorofdeum/teAft. Anthora-like & A or 1} Pa.Y Jura 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 4
inchnktum Ser.
14172 Pallas/* llrhb. Pallas's i A or 2 PaY Siberia 1821. R co 6.A. B
14173 eulophum Rchb. well-crested k A or 1£ jn au PaY Caucasus 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 5
14174 Jacquintf Rchb. Jacquin's ^t A or 1J jnau PaY Austria 1800. R co Jac. au. 4.382
14175 nemorosum Bieb. grove £fc A or 2 Pa.Y Caucasus 1823. R co Rchb. ac. 6
14176 versicolor Stcv. various-colored ^ A or 3 jn.s B.v Siberia 1820. R co Bot. cab. 794
II. LYC6CTONUM. — Sepals deciduous ; helmet conico-cylindrical; ovaries 3 ; flowers cream-colored or voliite,
rarely purple or variegated ; lobes of leaves cuneiform, pinnate, rarely bipinnatc.
14177 lycuctonum ..... L.
w —,«...___
woirs-bane - ^ or 33 j u u pP Alp Eur.
Alp. Eur 15.%.
155)6 D eco o
14178 Vulparia Rchb. fox-fane 3 Pa Y Alp. Eur. 1821. D co Jac. au. 4. 38J
14179 cynrictonum Rchb. tall dog's-bane 3 Pa.Y France 1820. D co
altiasimum Dec.
14180 laxiflbrum Dec. loose-flowered £ A or 3 Pa.Y Switzerl. 1823. D co
14181 rubicundum Fis. reddish & A or P Siberia 1819. D co
141H2 carpaticum Ser. Carpathian £ A or 2i P D co Bot. mag. 2196
H183 auBtrale Rchb southern £ A or P Denmark 1821. D co Fl. dan. 123
14184 lupicidum Rchb. wolPs-bane 3f A or 2 Pa.Y Europe 1821. D co Rchb. ac. 54
14183 tragoctonum Rchb. gnat's-bane 3l A or 2} PaY Switzerl. 1822. D co
14186 thcriophonumJfcAA. beast's-bane 3i A or 2J Pa.Y Europe 1824. D co
14187 rectum Rchb. upright ^ A or 3 Pa.Y Europe 1824. D co
1*188 pyrenaicum L. Pyrenean J3H A or 4 jnjl Y , Pyrenees 1739. D co Rchb. ac. 48
14189 album H. K. white ik A or 4 ) W Levant 1752. D co
14190 barbatum Pat. bearded 3i A or 2 jnjl Pa.Y Siberia 1807. D co Deless.1.61
14191 hispidum Dec. hispid ^ A or 2 jnjl Pa.Y Siberia 1823. D co
14192 sentcntrionalc TV. northern 3t A or 4 B N. EuropelSOO. D co
14193 ochroleCicum JV. yellowish whitest A or 3 L.Y Caucasus 1794. D co
14194 macrophy'llum/ior/. large-leaved k A or 2 jLau Pa.Y D co
III. CA'MMARUM. —Sepals deciduous; helmet conical, compressed; ovaries3 or S ; flowers blue, white, or
variegated, rarely flesh-colored ; roots tuberous; lobes of leaves trapezifortn pinnate.
14195 variegatum.— *L. variegated
»„., A A or 5 j n . a u P.w S. Europe 1597. R co Ser.heM5.18.13
2 bicolor Rchb. two-colored A A or 4 jlau W W.B B SwitzerL 1821.
1821. R co Rchb. ac.31
3 cieriMeum Ser. blue A A or 4 B Switzerl. 1819. R co
4 albiflurum Ser. white-flowered A A or 4 W Switzerl. 1819. R co
14196 rynchanthum Rchb. bilUflowered A A °r 4 P.B Switzerl. 1821. R co
2 bicolor Rchb. two-colored A A or 4 . W . B Switzerl. 1819. R co Cl. h. 2.98.1
14197 hamktum Rchb. hooked A A °r 4 P.B Italy 1810. R co Ser. hel. 1.15.12
141<)8 gibbusum Ser. gibbose A A or B Caucasus 1818. R co Ser. hel. 1.15.14,15
14199 gracile Rchb. slender A A °r B Switzerl. R co Rchb. ac. 7
14li00 Cammarum Jac. Cammarum A A or jn.s P Austria R co Rchb. ac. W
14201 rostratum Bernh. beaked A A or B Switzerl. 1819. R co Bot cab. 203
2 pilosiasculum Ser. rather hairier A A or 3 P Carpa.rao. 1800. R co
.AnM Cammarum Wahl.
14202 hebugynum Dec. blunt-styled A A or 3 P Switzerl. 1819. R co Ser. heL 1.15.18,19
2 multtfldum Schl. many-cleft A A or 3 P SwitzerL 1819. R co
1420.3 nas^tum Fis. great-nosed A A or 3 P Siberia 1818. R co Rchb. ac. 10
lJjmift paniclcd A A or 3 jn.s Pa.B France 1815. R co Rchb. ac. 32
,.-... . Rchb. acuminate A A or 3 B Switzerl. 1819. R co
14506 lacimbsum Rchb. jagged A A or 3 jnau B Switzerl. 1820. R co
14207 cernuum Rchb. drooping A A or 3 B SwitzerL 1800. R co Rchb. ac. 33
2 pauciflbrum few-flowered A A or 3 B SwitzerL 1821. R co
3 rambsum branchy A A or 3 n au B R co
4 flexicaale zigzag-stemmed A A or B SwitzerL R co
14208 CICisii Rchb. Clusius's A A or B Switzerl. 1819. R co Cl h.2.97.1
14209 Florkeanwn Rchb. Flbrke's A A or 3 B SwitzerL 1821. R co Stoer.stra.69.ic.
2 bicolor Rchb. two-colored
A A or 3 B.w Switzerl. 1801. R co
A A or 6 Ls F Japan 1790. R co
14210 japonicum Thun. Japan A A or 4 B Japan ' 1700. R co
2 csnMeum azure A A or 2 B N. Amer. 1768. R co Rchb. ac. 35
14211 uncinatum L. hooked A A or 2 B N. Amer. 1800. R co Bot. mag. 1119
,_ 2 Michauxidniwi Ser. Michaux's A A or 3 jnjl Switzerl. 1825. R co
14212 Funkii Rchb. Funke's B

14213 Meyer; Rchb. Meyer** A A or 3. jn.jJ B SwitzerL 1825. K co

14214 nitidum Fis. shining A A or 3 jn.jl B Switzerl. 1825. R co
14315 plicatum Kolle plaited A A or 3 jn.jl B Switzcrl. 1825. K co
14216 rigidum Ilchb. rigid AAP 3 jiujl R Switzerl. 1825. R co
14217 zooctonum Rchb. poisonous A A Pr B Switzcrl. 182.3. R co
14218 toxicum Rchb. »io«< poisonous A A or
° JnJI B Switzcrl. 1821 R co Rchb. ac. 37
14319 umbrtoum SchL shady A A jn-jl B Switzerl. 1825. R co
14220 albidum Rchb. whiti&h A A or W Europe 1824. R co
14221 oligocarpum Rchb. few-podded A A or B Europe 1823. R co
or 1799.
14222 neomont\num L. new mountain A A 3 B Europe R co Bar ic. 610
14223 Bpeciusum Otto showy A A or 3 B 1823. R co Deless. 1.54
14224 tortufcsum IV. en. twisting A A or 6 P.B 1812. R co Rchb. ac. 24
14225 Gmcrini llclib. Gmelin's A A or 4 B Siberia 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 40
14226 illimtuin Rchb. anointed A A or 4 B 1821. R co
14227 Schlcichcri Rchb. Schleicher's AA A or 2 B Switzerl. 1821. R co Rchb. ac.l. 1
Napellus yy pubescens Dec.
14228 Bernhoxdiiiniim Rchb. liernhardi's A A or jjj B ' Europe R co
14229 flaccidum Rchb. flaccid A A or 5 B Siberia 1822. R co Ser. hel.J. 15.30
14230 maximum Poll. largest A A or 6 B Kamtsch. 1823. R co Rchb. ac. 17
14231 productum Ilchb. Soft A A or 1 B Siberia 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 38
A A or 5 B 1820. R co Rchb ac 31
142i2inolle Rchb. A A or 6 B Siberia 1819. R co Ser.hel.l. 15.37,.1*s
142 iJ cxaltMum Bernh. exalted
14234 intermedium Dec. intermediate A A or 5 B 1820. R co
IV. NAPE'I.LI/9. — Sepals decubtous ; helmet semicircular, rarely navicular j ovaries 3,5, or 7, rarely pilose,
+ flowers blue and white or variegated ; lobes of leaves cuneate bipinnalc ; roots tuberous.
14235 Nancifus L. Monk's-hood A A l>r myjl Europe 151XJ R co Rchb. ac. 2
2 fifbus white-flowered A A or Switzcrl. 1819. R co
3 rubellus small rud-Jlivd A A or Switzerl. 1819. R co
14236 K<Elle<Vm/m Rchb. Kcellc^s A A or S. Europe 1820. R oo Rchb. ac. 11. 1
2pygime uin Rchb. pxgmy A A «r S. Europe 1822 R co Rchb. ac. 12.1
14207 cominut\iurn Rchb changed A A or S. Europe 1823. R co Rchb. ac. 18.3
14238 callybotryon Rchb. iine-racemed A A or S. Europe ... R co Ilchb. ac.16 1
14-'39 Hallerj Rchb. Haller's A A or S. Europe 1821. R co
2 bicolor Rchb. two-colored A A or Switzerl. 1820. R co
14240 virgatum Rchb. Iwiggy A A or S. Europe 1822. R co
14241 hians Rchb. gaping A A or S. Europe 1823. R co
14242 amce'iium Rchb. pleading blue A A or S Europe ... R co Rchb. ac. 14.1
14243 Iloppti Rchb. Hoppc's Carinthia 1823. R co
A A or Siberia 1818. R co Rchb. ac. 41
14241 scmigale-Mum Pall, half-helmetcd.
14l245 incluutonum Rchb. badger's-banc A A or 1821. R co
1424D* formosum Rchb. handsome A s or S. Europe 1824. R co Rchb. ac. 18.1
14247 aciitum Rchb. acute-leaved S* A or S. Europe 1821. R co Rchb ac. 14.2
14248 neubergense Dec. Ncuberg A A or S. Europe 1822. R co Rchb. ac. 17.1
strlctum Rchb.
14249 laxum Rchb. loose AAA oror S. Europe 1820. R co Rchb. ac. 15.4
14231) ls x tum Rchb. joyful A A or S. Europe 1821. R co Rchb. ac. 13.2
14251 squarrusum Rchb. squarrose A A or Siberia 1822. R co
14252 elvitum Rchb. tall A A or Europe 1822. R co
14253 angustifulium Rchb narrow-leaved A A or or Europe 1824. R co
14254 pubescens Moen. pubescent A A or Europe 1824. R co
14255 eusfcRchyon Rchb. well-spiked A A or Europe 1824. R co Rchb ac. 15. 3
l4256r/clphinifiiliumAc/#A.l)clnhinium-lvdA A or N. Amer. 1820. R co Rchb. ac. 42
142»7 Kuhlen Rchb. Kd'hlcr's A A Europe 1824. R co
14258 venustum Rchb. beautiful A A or Switzerl. 1823. R co
14259 eriostemum Dec. woolly-stamened A A or Europe 1821. R co
14260 WildcnovM Rchb. Willdcnow's A A or Europe 1823. R co
142G1 rigiduin Rchb. rigid A A or
Switzerl. 1825. R co
2 grandiflurum Fis. large-flowered A A or Siberia 182o. R co Rchb. ac. 7.1,2
14262 indnctum Koch anointed AA Europe 1829. U co
14263 £minens Koch eminent A A or Europe 18(10. R co
14264 strictum Dec. strict A A or Siberia 1824. R co Ilchb. ac. 15.1
14265 galectonum Rchb. lizard's-bane A A or Hungary R co
1426G leucunthum Rchb. white-flowered A A or 1823. R co
14267 Ottoniunum Ilchb. Otto's A A °r Europe 1824. R co
14268 recugnitum Rchb. recognised A A or 1830. R co
142ti9 Sprcngeln Rchb. Sprengel's . A A °r Europe 1824. R co
14270 amphflurum Rchb. large-flowered A A or Austria 1823. R co Rchb. ac. 8.1
14271 versicolor Rchb. party-colored A A or Switzerl. 1819. R co Bot. cub. 794
14272 decorum Rchb. neat A A °r Pyrenees 1824. R co
14273 tauricum W. Taurian A A or Tauria 1752. R co Rchb. ac. 15.4
laxum Rchb.
14274 volQbile Pall. twining A A or Siberia 1799. R co Rchb. ac. 25
14275 Branntj Rchb. Braune's A A or SwitzerL 1821. R co
14876 bifl5rum Fis. two-flowered A A or jnjl Siberia 1817. R co Kch'.>. ac. !>'>



1601. CARYCTCAR L. BUTTER NUT. (Karyon. & nut: bearing nuts.) Rhnobblea. 3 . - 6 .
14277 nuclferum L. nut-bearing D f r 100 ... Rv Guiana ... C l.p Bot.mag.i-
14278 tomentusum W. woolly • ft 100 ... W Guiana 1820. C B.I Aub.guL23»
,._., Pekea tuberculata Aub.
14279 gftbrum Pers. smooth D f r 100 Guiana 1820. C s.l Aub.gni.240
{Drimys, acrid; bark acrid and aromatic.) ___„—----
14280 WinteriForst^ Winter's 1 am ... ... W? Magellan 1827. C s.l.p *orst.42
Wintera aromatica Mur.


1GD3. TRACHYTE'LLA Dec. TRAWII-TELLA. (Trachytes, roughness; leaves.) Dittenihceet. 1.—S.
14281 i*cta!%a Dec. Acta» «. uJ cu 6 ... W China 1823. C p.l
1604. CIMI CI
104. CIMI CI'FUG A L. BUQWOBT. (Cimex, a bug, fueo, to drive away: sup. quaL) Ranuncutece*. 4. — 5.
282 fa'tida L.
14282 L. fetid £ A in 4 jn.jl L.Y Siberia 1/77. D p.l Lam. iL 487
A Cimidfuga
^ctaAi idf L
14283 americana Mx. American A or 2 jn.jl W . Y Carolina 1824. D p.l Delcss. 1.66
Actte^d podocarpa Dec.
14284 corditaiia Ph. heart-leaved ' A cu 3 jn.jl W . Y N. Amer. 1812, D p.l Bot. mag. 2069
14285 palmata Mx. palmated A cu 4 W . Y N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Bot mag. 1630
• lfiO5. AQUILE X GIA L. COLUMBINE. (Aquila, an eagle; claw-shaped nectaries.) Ranunculhcea. 15.
14286 vulgaris L. common A o r 2 my.jl B Britain fields. D co Eng. bot. 297
2 corniculataZto. sma\].horn.dovble _ A o r 2 myjl B.w Europe ... D co CL h. 2. 204. 1
3 inversa Dec. inverted double ^ A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe ... D co Cl. h. 2. 204. 2
4stellataJDec. starred double ^ A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe ... D co Cl. h. 2. 205. 1
5 degencr Dec degenerate double^ A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe ... D co Cl. h. 2. 205. 2
14287. viscOsa Gou. clammy A or 1J my.jn P Montpel. 1752. D co Gou. il. 19.1
14288 sibirica Lam. Siberian A or li myjl B.W Siberia 1806. D co Deless.1.47
vulgaris dahbrica W.
14289 glundulusa Fis. glandular W.a Siberia 1822. D co
2 concolor Dec. self-colored Altaia 1822. D co
142<)O alpina L. alpine Switzerl. 1731. D co Sw fl. gar. 218
14291 grandifiura Pat. large-flowered Siberia 1818. D s.p
alpina fi grandiflbra Dec.
14292 pyrenaica Dec. Pyrenean 1 myjl B Pyrenees 1818. D fl.p Trev.del.2
14293 canadensis L. Canadian R.o rf Amer. 1640. D i.p Bot mag. 246
14294 formbga Fis. beautiful my.jl R.o Kamtsch. 1822. D fl.p
1429.5 vindiflura Pall. green-flowered ' Siberia 1780. D co J a c i c 1.102
14296 daviinca Patr. Davunan Davuria 1827. D co
14297 atropurpurea W. en. dark purple Siberia D s.p Bot reg. 922
2 Fishcri»na Dec. Fisher's Siberia 1827. D co
atropurpurea Fis.
14298 parviflura Led. small-flowered Siberia 1819. D 8.D Gm.iL 4.74
11299 h jbrida B. M. hybrid Siberia D co Bot mag. 1221
bicolor Pen.
14300 anemono'ides IV. Ancmonc-hke ^ A or 1 my.jl P Altai 1827. D «.p
glandulusa var. Fis.
1606. NIGE'LLA Tou. FENNEL FLOWEB. (Mferr, black; seeds.) Ranunculdcea. 10.—11.
,.. I. EH6BATO9. — Stamens disposed in many series ; sepals sepals white or blue
blue: carpels Joined.
14301 damascena L damask
dk ' O Ooror ~ljjn.s
IJjns L.B SS. Europe
LB Europe 11570. S co Bot mag. 22
, , - 2fl6repleno doublc-flowcrcd O or 1} jn.s L.B S. Europe 1570. S co. CLh.2.208.1
'4302i uoarctXta
uoarctXta GGm. compressed O or $ jn.s W.o S. Europe 1793. S co
. — Stamens disposed in many series, collected into 8 or 10 bundles ; sepals bluish
cultivated O or 14 jn.s L.B* Egypt 1548. Ss.1" Zo. ic. 119
2 crctica Dec. Cretan O or Pa.B Crete ... S co Mat com. 581.4
3 citrina Dee. citron-cld-seeded O or 1} Pa.B S. Europe ... S co M.h.
Indian O or 1 Pa.B E. Indies ... S co
corn-field O or l|jn.s B.w Germany 1683. S s.l Schk. han. 2.146
Spanish O or U jn.s B.w Spain 1629. S s.l Bot. mag. 1265
*~J*/aniculiicea Dec. ¥cnnel-scented O or 1 B.w Tauria 1824. S co M. h.
'4307 divanoata Seuup. divaricated O or 1 B.w Egypt 1817. S co Deleas. 1.46
III. NICELLA'STRUM.-^Stamens disposed in one seriess sepals yellow.
14308 orientalis L. yellow oriental O or IJjn.s Y Syria 1699. S s.l Bot. mag 4264
14309 corniculata Dec small-horned O or 1 Y 1820. S co
U310 ciharia Dec. ciliated O or 1 Y Levant 1827. S co Deleas. 1.45
* 161/7. REAUMITR.M L. REAUMURIA. (Heine A. F. de Reaumur, an entomologist, d. 1757.) Ficoideee 1 ~2
14311 Aypenco.des W. Hypericum-lk n._J pr 2 jl.o P Syria 1800. C a.p Bot reg. 845
/inifulia Sal. //ypericum alternifblium Lab.
1608. C0LBE'R17/f Sal. COLBERTIA. (M. Colbert, a botanical patron.) DUlenihcece. 2.
*312 coromandeliuna Sal Coromandel • or 15 mr.ap Y Coroman. 1803. C P.l Rox cor 20
Dillenirt pentag^nia IV.
*4313 scabrtilla D. Don roughish f • or 10 Y Nepal 1820. C p.1
9 TE
IAJ?? - TRA'CERA L. TETRACERA. (Tetra, four, Tceras, a horn: capsules.) Dillenibce*. 3 . - 2 3 .
*4314 potat6na Afz. drinking % a or SO S. Leone 1822. C p.l
obovata Dec.
Guinea 1793. C p.l
JSiS all?l?.Iia VY' Alder-leaved %_ • or 12 ... Y
4316 1 1 L S. Amer. 1818. C p.i Gae. ft. i. 69 3
Jvit ? " < , twining t O o r 12 ... Y
l ? l °DilR-ma
i W 2 ! R !scandens Hort.
f I i l Rtb> W oRM
'A. LOlaus Wormius, celebrated Danish phys. and nat.) DiUenidce*. -i 4,

. 1611. CARPODO'NTOS £«*. CARPODONTOB. (Karpos, a fruit, odonfof, toothed.) Hyperidne*. 1

*«3I8 lucida Lab. shining i i _ J o r 20 N. HolL 1820. C ? l Lab. vo. 2.18
.1612. SAURAU'Jii W. SAURAUJA. (SauratOo, a Spanish botanist ?) Ternstrcemidcea 2. —19_
14319 excelsa W. tall ft • or Caraccai
")nepalfinsis Dee. Nepal *Dor Nepal & 8 Jl ^"*


1613. NELU'MBIUMJ. SACRED BEAN (Nelumbo, its name in Ceylon.) Nympheehceee. 5. ~7.
14321 speciosum W. showy ^ C 3 o"-r flt Pk India 1787. R m.s Bot mag. 903
14322 caspicum Fis. Caspian #k El or flt Pk Casp. Sea 1822. R m.B
14323 Tantiira Rh. Tamara * 2d or flt Pk Malabar 1818. R m.s R. mal. 11.30
14324 jamaicense Dee. Jamaica *- E] or lit Pa.B Jamaica 1824. R m.i
J4325 Idtcum W. yellow -flowered jfe f7^| or flt Y Carolina 1810. R ro.s
1614 DILLETNM L. DILLEXIA. {J. J. Dillenius, prof. bot. Oxford, a famous cryptog.) DUlenihcece. I.-ft
1432fi speciosa Thun. Bhoviy-flawercd f CD tm SO ... Y E. Indies 1800. C p.l Ex. bot 1.2,3
1615 ILLI'CIUM L. ANISEED TREE. (Illicto, to allure; perfume.) Magnolitlcea?. 3.
14327 floridunum Ell. red Florida si : | or 8 ap.jn R Florida 1766. C s.p Bot. mag. 439
14328 flnisktum L. Anise-scented si \ | or 6 my.jn R Japan 18(J0. C p.l Cl. h 2.202.3
14329 parviHurum Ms. small ycllaw-fiwd i | or 6 my.jn Y Florida 1790. C p.l Yen. eels 22
1616. SMEATHMA'NN/i* Sol. SMBATHMANNIA. {Smeathmann, an African traveller.) Passifibre*. 1.—3.
14330lacvigkta Sol. smooth-leaved » D o r 6 W S. Leone 1822. C s.p
1617. MRIODE'NDRONX. TULIP TREE. (Leirion, a lily, dendron. tree.) Magnoliaceat. 1.
14331 Tulipffera L. common tulip.bearing*j£ r 60 jnjl
or . . Y.R N. Amer. 1663. " s.l" Bot
~ mag. 275
2 obtusiloba obtusc-lobcd $ or 60 jnjl Y.E Pennsylv. 1663.
* 1G18. MAGN(TLI4 L. MAGNOLIA. {Peter Magnol, M.D. prof. bot. Montpelier.) Magnoliacear. 17.—SL
14332 grand i flora L. large-flowered spl 20 jn o W Carolina 1734. L1p
1 elliptica oval-ferruginous spl 20 jn.o W Carolina 1734. L l.p Bot rep. 518
2 obovata obovate broad-leaved spl 20 jn.o w Carolina 1734. L l.p
3 lanccolata Bpc&r-lcaved spl 20 jn.o w Carolina 1734. L l.p Mia ar. 1
4 ferruginea B. M. rusty or 20 jn.o w N. Amer. L l.p Bot. mag. 1952
5 exoniensis Exeter or 20 jn.o w N. Amer. • Bot cab. 814
6 rotundifoha round-leaved spl 20 jn w N. Amer.
7 pre"cox early or £0 my.o w N. Amer. •P
8 crispa curled spl 20 jn w N. Amer.
14333 glauca L. glaucous decidu. swamp*l '• or 20 jn.s w N. Amer. 1688. Bot. mag. 2164
2 Gordonidna Hort. Gordon's dble 1 '•
3 BurchellfVina Hort. Bun-hell's dble 3'•
4 Thomsonia/m Hort. Thomson's
or 20 jn
or 20 jn
or 20 jn.o
w hybrid" 1817.
w N. Amer. ...
L lp
14334 longifblia/f if. long-lvd cverg.swamp' or SO jn.s S p.1
glauca £ longii'Uia Ph.
14335 tripctala L. threc-petalcd or 30 myjn W N. Amer. 1752. L s.l
umbrella Lam.
14336 acuminata L. acuminated or 60 my.jl Y.o N. Amer. 1736 L 8.1 Bot. cab. 418
14337 auriculata Lam. car-leaved or 40 W Carolina 1780. L p.l Bot. mag. 1206
143J8 pyramidata Bart. pyramidal or 20 W Carolina 1811. G p.1 Bot. rcg. 407
143. 9 macrophvlla Mx. long-icaved or 30 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1800. S p.l Bot. mag. 2189
14340 maxima LotL largest or 30 W N. Amer. 1820. L p.l
14341 cordata Mx he,irt-/eaved or 40 jnjl Y.w N. Amer. 1801. L si Bot. cab. 474
14342 conspicua Sat. conspicuous |or 30 f.ap W China 1789. G p.l Bot. mag. 1621
gracilis Sal Yiilan Doc.
14M3 tomcntuKn Thun. tomentoce _J or 20 mr.ap P China 1804. L p.1 Par. Ion. 87
Kbbus Dec.
14344 obovata Thun. obovate St _J or 6 apjn P China 1790. Kami. 43
2 discolor Dec. various-colored a lor 6 apjn P.w 17D0. Bot. mag. 390
1434.'> Soulaiigffina Hort Soulange's ft | or 5 apjn P.w hybrid 1826.
1434ti fuscata Andr. brown-stalked ft i_J or 3 Br China 1789. Bot. mag. 1000
14347 aanometlYm Sal. Anona-leaved ft i | or 3 Br China 1804. Par. Ion. 5
14348 pumila Andr dwarf ft i I or 3 year W China 1786. Bot mag. 977
1619. MICHE N LU L. MICUELIA. (P. A. Michelu the great Florentine botanist.) Magnolihcea. I.—•
14349 Champaca L. Champaca J0tm20 ... Y E. Indies 1779. C s!l 11. mal. 1.19
*1620. UVA X RIA/.. U\ARIA. (Uvat a •ape; bunches of fruit like grapes.) Anonhcea. 6. — 10-
14350 seylanica L. Ceylon >r 20 ... R.o K Indies 1794. C p.1 R. mal. 2.10
14351 velutina Dunal velvety »LJ or 6 ... Br E. Indies IH23. c
Pi ««*«
14352 Gsertncri Dec. Gsertner's ft • or 6 ... Br E. Indies 1820* C p.l" Gae.fir.2.Hf,-/
14353 lutea liox. yellow • CD or 6 ... Br E. Indies 1822. C p.1 Rox.cor. 1.3"
14354 lucida Boj. shining ft • or 6 ... B Malabar 1825. C p.1
14355 toment5sa Box. woolly ft O or 6 ... Br E. Indies 1822. C p.1 Rox. cor. 1.'
* 1621. UNO'NA L. UNONA. {Uno, to unite: stamens with germen.) Ananacea?. 7 . - 3 8 .
14356 N&rum Dunal Narum LDor
LD 1
0 Br Malabar 1820. C p.1 R. mal. 2.9
14357 fuscata Dec. brown • Dor 5 Br Guiana 1818. C p.1
14358 acuminata Dee. acuminate »CDd 6 Guiana 1820. C p.1
14359 esculcnta Dunal esculent 10 Br" Madras 1818. C nl
14360 odorata Dunal sweet-scented 5 Br E. Indies 1819.C p!l 495.1
14361 longi folia Lam. long-leaved O 4 Bengal 1820.C p.1 Son. i t 4 . 1 3 k
14362 aromatica Dunal aromatic Qor 6 Br' Guiana 1820.
dor C p.1 Aub.gui.l
1622. ANCPNA Adan. CUSTARD APPLE, (Menona, its Banda name.) Anonaceaf. 17. —36.
14363 muricata L. muricated Sour-sop G.Y W. Indies 1656. C r.m .Tac. ob. 1.5
14364 fourifolia Dunal Laurel-leu ved Br W. Indies 1823. C r.m Cat car. 2. 67
J4?fi5 obtusifMia Tus. obtuse-leaved Y.c W.Indies 1810. C r.m Fl. * 2 !
"366 pal6stris W. marsh Cork-wood Y W. Indies 1731 r.m P f J g
ift Aub. long-leaved Y.o Guiana 1820. C r.m Aub.gui.JiJ?
palud68a spotted Y.G Trinidad 1818. C r.m Aub.gui.;U£
C r.m Aub.gULl *iW
}155 ^«*- marsh ft
scaly Sweet-sop t
G Guiana 1803.
W.o S. Amer. 1731. C r.m R.maL3.w
14370 squamosa L. Y.a W. Indies 1818. CC
14371 cincrea Dunal

14372 Cherimblia Mil. Cherimoyer 18 Br S. Atner. 1739. C r.mTr. ehr.49

trip£tala H. K.
14373 reticulata L. netted
mucous ft
1f •••fir* 20 ...
fir 12 ...
W.a S. Amer. 1690. C r.m R. mal. 3.30,31
Y.G E. Indies 1820. C r.m Ru. am. 1.4.5
14374 mucusa Jac.
14375 gldbra L. auiooth-fruited
* - —— ± • or 16 Br Carolina 1774. C r.m Cat. car. 2.64
14376 amplexicaulis Lam. stem-clasping r 12 ... Y.a Mauritius 1824. C r.m
14377 asiatica L. Asiatic or 12 ... Y.a Asia 1816. C r.m
14378 mexickna Lo. C. Mexican • o r 12 ... Y.a Mexico 1823. C r.m
14379 senegalensis Dunal Senegal Dor 10 ... Y.a Guinea 1824. C r.m Dcless. 1.86
* 1623. MONODCRA Dunal. MONODOBA. (Monos, one, doron, gift; fruit solitary.) Anonhcecc. 1.
14380 Myristica Dunal Amcr. Nutmeg* • or 20 Jamaica ... C p.l Gae. ft. SL125.1
Anbna Myristica Gae.
1624. ARTA'BOTRYS R. Br. ARTABOTRYS. (Artao. to suspend, botrus, grapes: by tendrils.) Anonhcea. 1.
U81 odoratissiraa/f.2fr.
odoratissiraa ll.Br. sweetest-scented
* or
Q or 6 jnjl Br China 1758. C r.m Bot.rcg.423
hexapctala W.
1625. GU ATTETRIil R. & P. GUATTERIA. (J. B. Guatleri. prof. bot. at Parma.) Anonhccce. 5. -—jMS.
14382 ruf.i Dunal rufous ft Q or 3 Br China J r.m
1822. C r.mBot.
reg. 836
14363 virg«ita Dunal twiggy Lancewood± • tm 30 W Jamaica 1793. C p.l Dun. mon. 31
Uvaria lanceolita Swx.
14384 cerasoides Dunal Cherry-like HQor 16 G E. Indies 1820. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.33
143S5 subernsa Dunal cork-barked *dlor 8 W E. Indies 1820. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.34
Jamaica 1818. C p.l Dun. mon. 32
14386 /aurifulia Dunal Laurul-leaved »Qor 8 w
1626. ASIMINA Adan. ASIMINA. (A name of Canadian origin, meaning unknown.) Anonhceee. 4.-5.
14387 triloba Dunal three-lobed-/W Sfe or 8 au Pa.P N. Amer. 1736. S p.l Cat. car. 2.83
Anbna triloba L.
14388 parviflura Dunal small-flowered Si cu 3 Br N. Amer. 1806 L pi Dunrmon. 9
14389 pygmaTa Dunal pygmy SI cu 2 ... W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Bart. it. 1
14J90grandiflura2)JMfl/ large-flowering SI or 3 ap.jl W Georgia 1820. L p.l Dun. mon. 11
1627. XYLO N PIA L. XYLOPIA. (Altered from Xylopicron; xylon, wood, pticros, bitter.) Anon&ceas. 3.—9.
14391 muricataX. rough-/rw7t-rf «O or 4 W. Inaiesl/93. C p. g r - f 1 * " - * ±
14392 gKibra L. smooth./mtorf t • tm 20 Jamaica ... C p. Pluk. al. S^.4
I M i e f ^ f i firutescent i o o r 4 Guiana 1823. C p.l Aub. gui. 1.21)2
1628. HEPAT1CA Dil. HEPATICA. (Hepatikos, relating to liver; lobed leaves.) Ranunculace*. 4.— 5L
14394 ameru&na B. R. com. American N. Amer. 1800. D 8.1 Bot. reg. 387
4J95 anguldsa Dec. angulose N. Amer. 1816. D s.l
1 N. Amer. 1818. D s.l
Wl'fi acutiloba Dec. acute-lobed^ww. Europe 1573. D si Eng. bot 51
14J97 triloba Chaix common 3-lobed
^nemuiie Heputica L. D s.l
1 ceriilea blue D s.l
2 cscr&leo-plt-na double blue D 8.1 B o t mag. 10
3 rubra red D s.l
4 rbbro-plena double red D s.1
5 alba red-anthered wl D s.l
6 nivea mow-white
* 16S9. i4NEMO NE L. ANEMONE. (Anemos, the wind; growing in exposed places.) Ranunculacea?. 38. —
I. PIJLSATI'LLA. — Seeds ending in long bearded tails ; Ivs of involve, sess. palmately parted into linear lobes.
14398 vemalis L. spring ap W Switzerl. 1752. R s.p Sw. fl. gar. 205
_ 2 flore HitM yellow-flowered "*ap Y S. Europe ... R co
14399 Halleri All* Hallcr's | P Switzerl. 1816. R s.p B o t cab. 940
JJJW cernua Thun. drooping I my.jn R.w Japan 1806. R s.p
14401 pMens L. spreading 1 jnjl L.Y Siberia 17.r>2. R s.p Bot. reg. 61
_ 2 ochroleuca B. M. yellowish white 1 jnjl ~ Siberia 1752.
.. . R pS Bot. mag. 1994
J4402 l>uhatilla L. com. Pulsatilla V England ch. pa. R s.p Eng. bot 51
14403 acutipetalaScAj. acutc-pctalcd i my B
14404 pratensis L. meadow i my D.P Switzerl. 1819. R s.p
Germany 1731. R s.p Fl. dan. 611'
U40.> oluoleta Sims obsolete 4 my P Germany ... R sp Bot mag. 1863
14406 albina Stev. Albana I my W Caucasus 1821. R s.p
14407 dahikrica Fis. Dahurian I my F Dahuria 1819. R s.p
II. PUBONA'NTUUS.— Seeds ending in long bearded tails; leaves ofinvolucrum trifid. petioled.
14408 alplna L. alpine * A *>r jl W.p Austria 1058. R s.p Bot. mag. 2007
14409 sulphiirca L. Bulphur-coloredb & or 1 Su Europe 1816. R s.p Cam. ep. 393. ic.
flpiiK»lia W.
14410 micrantha Dec. •malLflowered ^ A or } jn.jl W.p Austria 1800. II s.p Jac. au. 1.85
alp'ma Jac.
III. ANEMOVA'NTHEA.—Seedsovoid, tailless; pedicles 1 or 2, leafless, l^fiwd.; leaflets ofinvol. sess. or petioled.
14411 coronkriaL. garland A A or St Levant 1596. R l.p Bot mag. 841
. 2 plena douhle-flowered& A or f St R r.l
*4412 pavomna Dec. peacock-ry^ A A or R France II « p M.h.4.25.10
2 flure pl2;no doublcflowcrcdA A or R Europe R s.p Cl. h. 261. ic.
3 ftlgens Dec. shining A or R S. Europe 1818. R s.p
hortensis Thore, pavuiiia Lot.
14413 hurtensifl L. garden A A or I St Italy 1597. R s.p Bot mag. 123
stellata Dec. versicolor Sal.
14414 palmhta /,. palmated A A or I my.jn Y Portugal 1597. R s.p Bot reg. 200
14415 parviflora 3fr. small-flowcred A A or I ap.jn W N. Amcr. 1824. R s.p An. mu. 3.21.1
cuneifulia J.
14416 carolimhna Walt. Carolina A A or 1 my.jn W Carolina 1824. R s.p
tenella Ph.
14-117 apenn^na L. Apcnnine A A or ) mr.ap B England woods. R s.p Eng. bot 1063
14418 caerblea Dec. blue A A or 4 my.jn B Siberia 182n. R s.p Deless. 1.14
1441<) uralensis Dec. Ural A A or i my B Siberia 18'.'4. R s.p
14420 baldensis L. Mount Baldo A A or W Switzerl. 1792. R *.p Jac. ic. 1.103
fraglfcra Mur.
nemorusa L. grove A A or i W.R Britain woods. R s.p Eng. bot 355
double-flowcredA A or i W.R Britain woods. R s.p
i**£2 quinqucfulia L. 5-lvd Amer. tvood& A or } W N. Amer. 1817. R s.p Bar. fl. S. 2
'4423 trifofia L.
three-leaved A A or ^ W France 1597. R s.p M. h. 4.25.1
Q 2

14424 lancifolia PA. lance-leavcd A A or | W N. Amer. 1822. R s.p

14125 ranunculoldes L. Ranunculus-Ik A A or 4 mr ap Y England woods. R s.p Eng. bot 1484
14*26 reflexa Stev. reflexed A A or t mr.ap Y Siberia 1818. R s.p Deless. 1.15
144427 sylvestris L* wood. Snowdrop* A or ft W Germany 1596. R s.p Bot. mag. 54
14428 alba J. white £ A or | jn VV Siberia 1820. R s.p Bot. mag. 2167
ochotensis Fts.
IV. ANCMONOSPB BMO9. — Seeds tailless compressed; pedicles from involucrum numerous, \-flwd,
14429 virgimana L. Virginian 2L A or £ my.jn W N. Amer. 1722. R s.p Her. par. 18
14430 multifida Dec. many-cleft * A or 1 jn.jl W Magellan 1824. R a.p Deless. 1.16
14431 pennsylvfinica L. Pennaylvanian £ A or 1 iny.jn W N. Amer. 1766. R e.p
14432 dich6toma L. forked £ A or 1 my.jii Pa. W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p L. f. dec. 2.15
V. OMALOCA'RPUS. — Seeds compr., oval-orbicul.t smooth, without tails; pediclesnumer. umbel, leafless, l-Jiivd.
14433 narcisaiflura L. Narcissus-flwd £ A or 1 my W Siberia 1773. R a p Bot. mag. 1120
14434 sibirica L. Siberian 3t A or } jn W Siberia 1804. R s.p
V I . PULSELLATOI'DES.—Seeds very hairy; calyx 15 or SO-sepalled;leaves of involucrum 2 or 3, sessile, at top cut.
14435 capSnsis L. n Pe £ tAI or 1 mr.ap P C G. H. 1795. S p.l Bot. mag. 716
Clematis caplnsis Pmr.
1630. ilTRAGE^NE L. ATRAGENB. (A name given by Theophrastus to a species of Clematis.) Ranuncul. 5.
14436 austrlaca B M. Austrian ± or 8 jn.jl B.Y Austria 1792. L co Bot. rep. 180
alptaa L. Clematis alplna Mil.
14437 sibirica L. Siberian 1 or 12 jn.jl W . Y Siberia 1753. L e o Pal. ros.2.76
Clematis sibirica Mil.
14438 ochotensis Pall. Ochot&k, petaled ± or 12 myjl W Siberia 1818. L co
Cilmatis ochotensis Poir.
14439 americana R M. whorled American^ or 15 my.jn P N. Amer. 1797. L s.p Bot mag. 887
Clematis verticillaris Dec.
14410 occidentals Horn, occidental ± or 10 jn.jl 1818. L a.p
Clematis occidentals Dec.
•1631. CLE'MATIS L. VIRGIN'S BOWER. (Klema, a tendril; petioles of old leaves.) Ranunculacea. 39.-84.
I. FLA'MMULA. — Seeds with long feathery bearded tails; flowers panicled; leaves pinnate or bipinnate,from No.
14450. ternate or bUern.;from No. 14459. peduncles trifid, 3.ftwd, Ivs tern. ;from No. 14463. peduncles solitary,
\-flowered, leaves pinnate ; and from No. 14470. peduncles solitary, \-fiowered, leaves undivided.
1 mi erecta All. upright k A or 3 W Austria 1597. D p.l Jac. au. 3.291
2 hispanica Spanish A or 3 W Spain 1800. D co
14442 Flammula L. Flame ± or 20 jl.o W France 1596. S co Kno. th. 2.9
1 rotundifolia round4eavcd ± or 20 jLo France 1596. L co
fragrans Ten. w
2 vulgtais
3 maritiroa L.
14443 Massontdna Dec. Masson's
i or 20 jl.o
or 20 jn.8
France L co
S. Europe ... L p.l
... C. G. H. ... L s.p
14141 orientalis L. oriental L L j o r 12 ... Y.w Levant 1731. Skco Di. el. 119.145
itMdglauca W. glaucous 1 or 8 jl.o Pa.Y Siberia «. L co Den. br. 73
lt4kJ chin£nais Jtetz. ± or 12 ap W.o China 1820. L co Retz. 2
Chinese Li CO H.pfl.7.2
14447 pamculkta Thun. panicled a__Jor 12 ... W Japan 1800.
144» ViUlba L. { white vine, or "I „
Traveller's Joy I ^
Caripe fl_
or 20 w
12 ... w
England hed. S co Eng. bot 612
Trinidad 1820. £ P.1
14450 virginiana L. Virginian X 15 G N. Amer. 1767. L s.p 74
14451 brasiliana Dec. Brazilian fl_ 12 ... W Brazil 1823, L Deles*. 1.1
14452 dioica L. dioBcious fl_ 15 my.jn G.Y W. Indies 1733. L s.p SI. jam. 1.128.1
14453 americana Mil. American fl 12 ... W S. Amer. L s.p
14454 glycino'ides Dec. Glycine-like 10 ... N. Holl. 1826. L p.1
14455 conacea Dec. leather-/<fawerf £ i |or 12 ... W N. HolL 1821. L p.l
australis 1M. C.
1 Hao aristkta B. R. uwned-anthered± |_J or 15 G.v N. Holl. 1812. L s.p Bot.reg. 238
14437 Aedysarifblia Dec. Hedysarum-lvdJ • or 12 o W E. Indies 1819. L co Bot reg. 599
14458 triternata Dec. tnternate ± or 12 ... W 1800. L p.l
14459 brachikta B. R. brachiate fl_ I I or 12 o.d Y.G C. G. H. ... L s.p Bot. reg. 97
14460 grandiflora Dec. large-flowered L CD or 12 Y.o S. Leone 1823. L p.l
14461 zansibarense Boj. Zanzibar A. I—Jor JO Zanzibar 1820. L p.l
14462 dahurica Pers. Dahurian _| or 12 8 Y".G Duhuria 1820. L p.l
14-M.J angustifolia Jac. narrow-leaved A or 4 my.s W Austria 1787. D pi 112
1U64 lineariloba Dec. hnear-lobed A or 4 myjl W Carolina? 1823. D p.l Deless. 1.3
14465 diversifolia Dec. various-leaved A or 4 8.0 W D . Deless. 1.4
14466 Viurna L. Traveller's Joy or 12 jn.8 P N. Amer. 1730. S s.p Di.el. Il8.1f*
11417 cylindrica A Af. y A or 3 jl.s B N. Amer. 1802. L p.l Bot. mag. lieu
1*463 Simsti Swt. Sims's or 8 P N. Amer. 1812. L co Bot mag. 181°
cordata Sims
14469 reticulata Watf. netted 8 jn.8 P N. Amer. 1812. L s.p 72
14&70 integnfblia L. entire-leaved 2 B Hungary 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 65
2 angustifbha /Y«. narr. cntire-lvd 2 jn au B Hungary ... D p.l
3 elongMa Trat. elongated 2 jn.jl B Europe D p.l Trat. tab. 4.1?8
14(71 ochroleuca H. K. yellowish white' 2 jn jl L.Y N. Amer. 1767. D p.l Bot cab. 661
II. VITICE/LLA. — Tails of seeds short, beardless; leaves ternate or decompound.
14472 flprida Thun. florid or 10 ap.s W.Y Japan 1776. L' s.1 Bot mag. 834
2 fibre pleno double-flowered or 10 ap.s W . Y L s.1 „..
14473 ViticeIJa L. vine-bower or 20 jn.s P Spain 15G9. S co Bot mag. 5»
2 plena double purple or 20 jn.s P L co ntrl
14174 campanifibra Brot. bell-flowered ± or 6 jn.s P Spain 1810. L s.1 Bot. cab. 987,
14475 crispa L. curled-flowered ± or 6 jl.s Pa.P N. Amer. 1726. L p.l Bot mag.'
III. CHEIR6PSIS.—Invol. calyctform, situated at top of peduncle underflower ; tails qf seeds bearded.
14476 cirrhbsa L. tendnllcd JL or 12 mr.ap W.G Spain 1596. L e o FLgr.51
14477 pedicellata Swt. pedicellate fl_ or 12 jnau W.G Majorca ... L co Bot.mag.**"
cirrhom B. M. cirrhbsa /3 pedicellata Dec.
1447S Bemitrfloba Lag. half three-lobed* or 12 mr.ap W.G Spain ... L co 05
14*79 baleinca JHcA. Balearic £ « J o r 12 Y.w AKnorca 1783. L e o Bot mag- *"
calyclna H. K.
?RAy£LIA D e c - NABAVELIA. (Narawel, its name in Ceylon.) Ranunculhce*'• } • g j
yamca W. Ceylon L D w 12 L Y Ceyicn 1796L L s.p Rox.cor.-
Jtr.igene zeyl&nica L. ' "•*~ J
* 1633. THALI'CTRUM L. MEADOW RUB. (Thallo, to grow green; young shoots.) Ranunculacea. 5 8 . - 6 7 .
I. TRIPLE^HION. —Fruit triquetrous,'angles winged, substantiate.
14481 aquilegiftlium L,,. Columbine-lvd ^ A A or 3
my.jl L.P Austria 1731. D CO Bot. mag. 1818
2 atro.purp&reum dark-purple A or my.jl D.P Austria 1731. D co Jac. Tin. 3 81
3 fonnusum Dec. beautiful A or myjl P S. Europe 1800. D co Bot.mag.S025
14482 conturtum L. curled-seeded A or jnjl W Siberia 179ft D co
14483 Chelidunii Dec. Swallow-wort A or W Nepal 182n. D p.l
11 PH YSOCA'RPUM.—Fruil inflated, bladdery, stipitate ; flowers dioecious or polygamous ; leaves bitern. or tritern.
14484 clavatum Dec. clavate 5fc A or 2 my.jl W N. Amur. 1820. D co Delcss. 1.6
III. EirniALi'CTRUM.—Fruit ovate, oblong, striated sessile ; flowers dioecious or polygamous ; leaves exstipulate
14185 rovolbtum Dec. revolutc A or 1* jnjl L.Y N. Amer. 18U6. D e o Her. mex. ic.
pub&cens Ph.
14486 carohnianura Bosc Carolina A or 1 my.jl W.T N. Amer. 1818. D co
rugbsum Ph.
14487 diofcum L. dioecious ^ A or jnjl L.Y N. Amer. 1759. D co
1448H polf garaum Mhl. polygamous k A or jn.jl W.p Pennsylv. 1818. D co
14489 stipulaceum Hort. stipulaceous ^t A or jnjl W.Y Europe 1820. D co
14490 Corniit* L. Cornuti's •k A or my.jl W.Y N. Amer. 1640. D co Cor. ca. 187
corynellum Dec.
14491 purpurascens L. purpurascent A or 3 jn.jl L.P N. Amer. 1699. D co
i. GENUIVA. — The same as the preceding, but with the flowers hermaphrodite.
14402 petalof deum L. pctal-likc Dauria 1799. D co Bot cab. 891
14493 alpmum L. alpine Britain bgs. m. D co Eng. bot. 262
14494 fce'tidum L. fetid France 1640. D co W.&K.2.174
,*. stylofdeumZ.
14495 pubescens Schl. pubescent Pa.Y SwitzerL 1819. D co
{4496 acutilobum Dec. sharp-lobed Pa.Y Siberia 1820. D co Deless.1.10
14197 squarrosum Step. rough L.Y Siberia 1806. D co
14498 sibiricum L. Siberian L Y Siberia 1775. D co 1.74
less Pa.Y Britain ch. pa. D co Eng. bot 11
Wattr. hill Pa.Y Europe 1800. D co
. . . . . minus Spr.
14*01 saxatile Schl. rock Europe 1819. D co
nrtnus Poll.
* >?2 cal£bricum Spr. Calabrian Pa.Y Sicily 1800. D co M.h.9 20.60
l k t J f - tall L.Y Hungary 1794. D co Jac. vin. 3.95
1+.104 ambiguum Schl. ambiguous Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
JJ^mkjus Mur. greater G.v England m. thi. D co Eng. bot. 611
f7 medium Mur. middle Hungary 1789. D co Jac. vin. 3.96
conclnnum TV. en. neat D co
nodding Switzerl. 1819. D co
«y trigynous Dahuria 1818. D co
aucescens Dec. glaucescent Russia 1818. D co
li Galium-like Alsace 1816. D co Deless. 1.11
angustifolium Jac. narrow-leaved Pa.Y Germany 1739. D co Jac. vin. 3.43
2 3liicidumZ.
liiidZ shining L. Spain
• • 1739. D co Pluk. al. 65.5
.-} nigricans Jac, blackish Y Austria 1798. D co Jac. au. 5.421
a 5 flavum LL. common yellow O Britain m. me. D co Eng. bot 367
5 aginitum ii Desf. sheathed Y Siberia 1810. D co
inercum Desf. grey Y 1810. D co
s i pt i i f l i l i. Laserpit.-lvd Y.G Europe 1820. D co
varicatum Horn, divaricate Pa.Y Europe 1819. D co
^sum Schr. diffUsc Y.w Europe 1819. D co
JJ521 flexuosum Jac. flexuose n.jl Germany 1820. D co
:*?** acuminatum Spr. acuminate 2 jnjl Europe 1818. D co
i!-^ 3 cynapiifolium Fis. Cynapium-lvd 2 jnjl Siberia 1823. D co
i l - , ongospermum Fis. few-seeded 2 Jnjl Siberia 1820. D co
j*^*diverBens Lk. diverging Siberia 1819. D co
t* »2i> foliolosum Dec. small-leafy 2 Nepal 1819. D co
J-H 7 rosmarinif iifli
rosmarinifblium Pol. Roscmary-lvd jnjl S. Europe 1816. D co
14J28 simplex L. simflc-stalked my.jn Sweden 1778. D co Fl. dan. 244
14529 glaficuxn Desf. glaucous-/^a ved. l Spain 1798. D co M.h.20.1
speciosum Pair.
11530 rugbsum H. K. wrinkly N. Amer. 1774. D co
145.31 discolor W. two-colored N. Amer. 1810. D co
1 (532 jpecibsum Mil. showy-flowered __ Europe 1700. D co
H53.3 crenatum Dec cren&ted-leaved ^ Europe 1800. D co
,„„ "• INDIA I V M . — The same as preceding, but with leaves undivided.
14>34 ranunculinum Mhl. Ranunculus-Ik & A or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1806. D co
IA-OS tu
* » 8 A - —Same as preceding, but with the roots grumose ; sepals petaloid, exceeding Hit stamens.
\SS bCTosum L. tuberous-rooferf* A or 2 jn W Spain 17I& ~R co MiLic. 2.2R5.2
anemonoldes Mx. Anemone-like A or | W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p Bot mag. 866
Anemone thalictroides L.
2 fibre plcno double-flowered^ A or i W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p
i 4 r « „. A D O x ? I £ L Ano.vis. (LORI'S, the beautiful favourite of Venus.) RanunculhcetB. 10. —14.
I J - ' J S " t u m "i l l 8 i -autumnal PA^awBrt^ff O pr 1 my.o C Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot COB

isssgfe* fes 8? IS?

yellow O pr Y S. Europe Wein.28.a,b
citron-co/o^d O or O S. Europe 1819.
small-fruited O or F Spain 1824.
14541 flammea Mur. flame colored O pr Y Austria 1800. Jac. au. 4.355
14542 festivalis L. summer O pr S & Europe 1629. Kno. th. <L A. 12
miniata Jac.
vernal | t A or mr.ap Y Europe D s.p Bot. mag. 134
U&43 vernalis W. Apennine 5 A or Y Alp. Eur. D s.p Men. pu. 3.1
14544 apcnnina L.
vernhlis j3 Mentzelii Dec. A A or 14 jl Y Pyrenees 1817. D co Deless.1.21
pyrenkica Dec. Pyrenean a A or 1 apmy Y Volga 1818. D s.p T>eles8.l.2O
4546 volgcnsis Stev. Volga
KNOWLTOXN.M Sal. KNOWLTONIA. (T. Knowlton, curator of the bot gard. Eltham)
igida Sal. ^ figid-kaved ]£ LAI cu' 1} Y.o C. G. H. 1780. S p.l fi
Adoni* capensis L.
vesicatoria B. M. blistering tf lAJcu l|f.ap Y.ti C. G. H. 1691. S p.l Bot mag. 775

14519 gracilis Dec. slender £ iAl or 1 mr.ap Y.a C. G.H. 1820. S p.l Delcss. 1.19
14550 hirsute Dec. hairy £ IAJ or 1 a p. my Y.u C. G. H. 1823. S p.l Bur. af. 51
Adunis hirshta Poir.
14551 daucifulia Dec. Carrot-leaved £ iAl or l C. G. H. 1822 S p.l
* 1636. FlCAsRl A. Dil. PILEWORT. (Ficus, a fig; fig-like tubercles of root.) Ranuncvlocea. 1. — 2.
14352 ranuncuMdes,Voc».Ranunculus-likeA A w i Y Britain R l . p Eng. bot 584
Ranunculus Ficaria L.
2 plena doub\c-flowered& A or 1 Y Britain he. ba. R l.p
* 1637. R ANU'NCULUS BaUh. CROWFOOT. {Rana, a frog; inhabiting humid places.) Ranunculhcex. 49.—165.
I. BATRA^CIIIUM. — Pericarp transversely striated ; petals white ; claw yellow, marked with a nectarifer. hollow.
14553 Acdcraccus L. Ivy-leaved A P' fit W Britain wat. pi. D co Eng. bot. 2009
14554 tripartUus Dec. three-parted ^ pr fit W Europe dit D co Deless. 7.43
14."J55 obtusiflorus Dec. blunt.flowered w England dit. D co Pet. brit. 39.1
14556 pantothrix Dec. all-hairy A pr flt w Britain dit D co Bar. ic. 566
U fluviatilis Wahl. long-lvd river ^ pr flt w Britain dit. D co Fl. dan. 376
weuccdanifolius All. A or flt
3 csspitosus Thuil. turfy A p r flt jl Ap Britain dit D e o Pet brit 39.3
rigidus Pers. circinatus Sib.
14557 aqufitilis L. water A pr flt W Britain dit. D co Eng. bot 101
2 peltatus Dec. A tt flt W Britain dit D co Bar. ic. 565
II. RANUNCULA'STRUM. -^Carpels smooth, disposed into a close spike ; roots TOO.--.
14558 bullatus L. blistered A A oror 1 myjn Y S. Europe 1640. D co M. h. 31.50
2 grandifldrus Dec. large-flowered A A my.jn Y S. Europe 1640. D co Cl. h. 1.238.1
3 flora pleno double-flwd A A or my.jn Y S. Europe 1640. D co Cor. ca. 95. ic.
14559 chsrophy'llus L. Chcrviyieaved A A cu my.jn Y Portugal ... D r.m Bar. ic. 581
14560 gregaxius Dec. gregarious A A or myjn Y Italy 1817. R co
ThomasM Ten.
14561 paludosus Poir. marsh A A un my.jn Y Barbary 1816. D co
14562 millefoliatus Vahl thousand-lvd A A or my.jn Y Sicily 1820. D co Vahl ey. 2.37
14563 gracilis Dec. slender A A or i myjn Y Archipel. 1818. D s.p
14564/umaria>fulius Desf. Fumitory-lvd A A cu my.jn Y D co Desf. pic. 74
14565"oxyspe'rmus W. ' sharp-seeded A A or my Pa.Y Caucasus 1822. D co
14566 Hornemanni Schl. Hornemann's A A un N. Amer. 1820. D co
14.367 cicutarius Schl." Cicuta-hke A A or myjn Siberia 1818. D co Schl. ran. 4 2
14568 pedatus W. * K. pedate A A or myjn Hungary 1806. D co Bot. mag. 2229
14569 ulyricus L. lllyrian A A or myjn S. Europe 1596. D co 3.222
sericcus W.
14570 monspefiacus L. Montpelier A A or Y S. France ... D co M. h. 30. 43
2 cuneatus Dec. wedge-leaved A A or ap.jn Y S. Europe ... D co Dec. ic.50
apiifulius Desf.
3 rotundifohus Dec. round-leaved A A or 1 apjn Y S. Europe D co
monspellacus Gou.
14571 asiaticus L. Asiatic com. gard. A A or ^ my.jn Va Levant 1596. D r.m Mil. ic. 2.216
2 sangufneus Mil. blood-colored A A or or f¥ myjn S Syria D r.m Cl. h. 1.242. ic
3 tenuilobus Dec. finc-lobcd A A r $myjn W Greece D r.m Bau.hi8.3.862.ic
14572 cortusa/d/ii«W.en. Cortusa leaved A A ° 1 myjn Y Teneriffe 1826. D s.l
14373 crlticus L. Cretan A A 1 Y Candia 1658. D co M. h. 31.48
III. TnfjRA. — Carpels smooth, subglobose ; roots grumose.
14574 Thbra L. Thora kidney-lvd A "A or Y Austria 1710. D co Jac. au. 5.442
14575scutatus W.JkK. ahield-leaved A A or Y Hungary 1817. D co W.&K.2.187
or Y Naples 1824. D co
14576 brevifulius Ten. short-leaved A A or
14577 hy"bridus Biv. hybrid A A f myjn Y Austria 1820. D co Stur. deu. ic.
IV. HECATUNIA. — Carpels smooth, ovate, roundish, disposed into a round head; roots fibrous ; flowers white*
Ivs cut, from No. 1459U. leaves undivided, from No. 14595./.1 yell. Ivs undivided, from 14603. Ivs dissected.
1457878 rutarfulius L.
L. Uuc-leavcd 3» A P* i "^-i w Austria 1759. D r.m Jac. sc. 1.6,7
14579 tsopyrdtdes Dec. Isopy rum-like A or myjl Siberia 181 a I) co
14580 Rlaciklis L. icy } w I^plnnd 1775. D 8.1 FL dan.19
2 aconitotdes Dec. Aconitum-likc' A P*r § w Switzcrl. 1819. 13 8. P
14681 Scguit-ri Vil. Scffuicr'a A° ijnjl w Piodinnnt 1HIP. Vil. doL 4.40
A or w Alp. Kur. LOW. I> CO
1-UlHX MCOIllllltMlUM / . . Afciiiltu-luuvutl • /v or 1 myjn w
humble A or Europe ... D r.m M.h.3.2.1
1 hiimilis Dec. i my.jn w Europe ...
thick-stemmed ' A or
2 crassicaulis Dec. Plane-trcc-lvd A *>r 21 jnjl myjn w Germany 1769. D r.m
D co Fl. dan. I l l
14583 platanifMius!,. double-flowered; A or w Alp. Eur. 1596. D co Bot mag. 204
H flurc pltno 1 myjn
oconitifulius B. M. alpine A Pr 4 w Scotland al. riv. D co Eng. bot. 9390
14584 alp&tris W. crcnated A or *jnjl Hungary 1818. D s.p W. & K. 2.10
14585 crenatus IV.SfK. Apium-leaved Q) coru 2 jnjl W.R Konaria 1816. S " m'.s Deless. 1.26
14586 npiifolius Pers. torn A f myjn w S. France 1K21. D co Bel. tau.5.8
14587 lficerus Bel. frigid A cu f myjn Pa.Y S. Europe 1827. D i p
14588 frigidus Schrank Pyrenean A or 1 my.jn Pyrenees 1807. 1> s.p Deless. 1.27.3
14589 2pyrenaeNis
p / L.
6uplcurifiMius£a/)L Bupleurum-lvd^
p A or Pyrenees 1818. D r.m Jac. m. 1.18.1
* myjl
14590 plantagfncus All. Plantain-lvd A or 1 W Piedmont 1819. D B.p Al.ped.76.1
pyrcnaAis y jolantagincus Dec.
14591 angubtifolius Dec. narrow-leaved 1 W Granada 1822. D s.p Deless. 1.27. A
14592 amplcxicaulis L. stem-clasping Pyrenees 1633. D co Bot. mag. 266
14593 parnassifolius L. Parnassia-lvd S. Europe 1769. D ro Bot. mag. 386
14594 gramineus L. grassy Wales D e o Eng. bot. 2306
SphccnicifuliusD^c. Phaene-leaved Europe gard. D ro M. h. 2. 4.30.»
3 flurc pleno doublc-flou cring D r.m
14595 Lingua L. g Britain mud.d. D co Eng. bot 100
14596 Flaramula L. Flame Spearw. Britain wa.pL D co Eng. bot 387 .
2 serrata Dec. serrated Britain D co M. h. 2.4.29.»
3 ovala Dec. ovule-leaved ^ Britain D co
14597 rcptans Dec. creeping Spearw. &, A cu Britain D co Fl. dan. 108
14598 fihfurmis Mt. thread-formed j^ A N. Amcr. 1823. D s.l ^
J«99 bonariensis Poir. Buenos Ayrcs N. Amer. 1817. S m.s Delets. 1.29
14600 salsuginosus Pall. salt p Siberia 1822. D co Jac. vin. 31
J460 ymfclariaifcliiS: boat-leaved jnjl Siberia 1824. D s.p Am. rut 13.*
14602 aurlcomus L. golden-haired l£ Y Britain woods. D co Eng-bot. 62*
14603 cassbbicus L. Cassubian 2 jnjl Y Siberia 1794. D co Bot. mag. 221'/
11604 abortlvus L. abortive J Y N. Amcr. 1713. D co
14605 hyperbureus Box. northern Y N. Europe 1820. D co FJ. dan. 331
14606 sceleratus L. hurtful 2 my.jn Y Britain wapl. S co Eng. bot 681
14607 pygme*us Wold, pygmy i Y Lapland 1810. D s.p Fl. lap. 3.3
14G08 nivalis Gou. snowy i Y Lapland 1775. D s.f Fl. lap. 3.2
14609 mont&nus IV. mountain i Y Lapland 1775. D s.1 325,326
14610 Vill&rsii Dec. Villars's 1 my.jl Y S. Europe 1819. D co Cr. au. 2.4, 2
Breynidnta Crz.
14611 Gouans W. Gouan's A A or 1 Y Pyrenees 1818. D co Gou. il. 17.1,2
pyrens^us Gou.
14619 acris L. acrid Britain D co Eng. bot 652
2 flore pleno double-fiwd Britain ... D co Bot. mag. 215
3 sylv&ticus Thuil. wood France ... D co
4 multifidus Dec. many-cleft Europe ... D co Lob. ic. 686.1
polyfrithemos Lob.
14613 brbtius Ten. Bmtian Italy 1823. D co Fl. nap. 1.50
14614 Stevenis Bes. Steven's Volhynia 1819. D co
14615 caucasicus B*eb. Caucasian Caucasus 1820. D co
14616 polyanthemoi L. many-flowered N. Europe 1796. D co Lob. ic. 666
14617 hirtus Banks hairy New Zeal. 1820. D s.p
14618 hispidus Mx. hispid N. Amer. 1810. D co
14619 nemorbsus Dec. grove Switzerl. 1810. O co
polyanthemos Suter
SpauciflurusDec. few-flowered Switzerl. 1819. D co Amans5
, _-^ aureus Schl. villosus St. Am.
JJJwO crassicaftlis H. C. thick-stemmcd jn.jl Y Europe 1827. D co
14682 lanugindsus L. woolly-leaved jnjl Y S. Europe 1683. D co Fl. dan. 597
14622 tuberbsus Lap. tuberous my.jl Y Pyrenees 1820. D co
J4623 napellifblius Dec. Napellus-leavcdjfc Y Turkey 1822. D co
~14624 disscctus Bieb.
•a.amiwua AVWV. CUt-fe{ItF£0 I Y Caucasus 1818. D s.p
14625 marylandicus Poir. Maryland 1 my.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1811. D co
14626 repens L. creeping ^ A I Y Britain D co Eng. bot 516
, 2 fibre pleno double-flowered,* A or Y D co
J15S Mre&tus //. K. pale hairy O jn.o Y England rubble. S co Eng. bot. 1504
J4628 pennsylvanicus L. Pennsylvanian A un Y N. Amer. 1785. S p.l Jac. ic. 1.105
14629 fascicularis Mhl. bundled A or injl Y N. Amer ... D co Schl. ran. 2.30.2
14630 tomcntbsus Poir. woolly A or myjl Y N. Amer. 1820. D co obtusifblius Horn. ' obtuse-leaved A un my.jl Y Spain 1819. D co
14632 trifoliatus Desf. trifoliate A un myjl Y Siberia 1817. D co
14633 grandiflbrus L. large-flowered A or i Y Cappariocia ... D co Desf. ch. 44
634 /app\c
14634 /app\ceus Sm. Burdock-like lAJor jn jl Y N. Holl. 1822. D s.p
;4635piebeiusil.jffr. plebeian lAJor myjl
y^ Y N. Holl. 1820. D co
14636 bulbbsus L. bulbous my.jn Britain me. pa. R co Eng. bot 515
b pleno
2 fibre double-floweredA A or myjn R co Lob i c 666. S
3 bractektus Schl. bracted A A or my.jn Pyrenees R co
V. ECHINE'LLA — Carpels rough, from tubercles or prickles; leaves dissected or lobed,from No. 14647. entire.
J4637 Philonbtis'ikte. moisture-loving O or Y S. Europe 1800. S co
J4638 g Col. ec. 316.1
~* pfirvulus
' L. little upright G w i Y England ... S co
14639 tuberculous Kit. tuberculated O or 1 Y Tauria 1817 S co
}}«40 arvensis L. corn-fleld O un 1 Y Britain S co Eng. bot 135
*4641 muncatus L. pr\cY\y-$eeded O un | Y S. Europe 1683. S co Lam. il. 498
2 creticus Dec. Cretan O un Y Crete ... S co M.h.
3 caroUnus Dec. Carolina O un \ JLau Y N. Amer. ... S co Ven. eels 73
1A. echinatus Ven.
*«42 ventriebsus Ven. ventricose O c u | Y Brazil S co
1 muricatus y brasilianus Dec.
iff* 3 P»rv»flbrus L. small-flowered O w mjr jn Y England Eng. bot 120
J4644 chlus Dec. Scio O cu jnjl Y Archipel.
J*645 sessiliflbrus R. Br. sessile-flowered O cu jn.jl Y N. Holl.
14646 trilobus Desf. thrce-lobed O or jl Y Greece 1818.
14647 ophioglossif61iusrtf. Snake'8-tong.-lvd O un Y S. Europe 1823.
'4648 nodiflorus L. knot-flowered un * Y Sicily 1714.
S dentatus Dec. toothed 8 un i myjl yj
Y Sicily Bot. mag. 2171
•163a TRO'LLIUS L. GLOBE FLOWEV. (7Vof,a globe, Ger. s shape of flowers.; RanunculUceee. 6.
14649 europe\is L. European 2" myjn Y Britain groves. D p.l Eng. bot 28
2 h&milis Dec. dwarf 1 my.jn Y Austria 1800. D p.l
14650 napellifblius Crx. Nupcllus-leaved my.jn Y
14651 asiiticus L. Asiatic Europe 1800. D p.l
2 intermedius intermediate my.jn D.O Siberia 1759. D p.l Bot mag. 225
3 hfbridus hybrid myjn Y D p.l
14652 caucasicus Stev. Caucasian r.jn Y Caucasus 1817. D p.l
14653 patulus Sal. spreading O Siberia 1800. D p.l Dclcss.1.44
ranuncMinus Sm.
14654 americknus Mill. American A or | myjl Y N. Amer. 1805. D co Bot mag. 1988
l&xus PA.
1639. JSOPY^RUM L. ISOPVRUM. (Iso$t equal, vyros, wheat; taste of seeds.) Ranuncul&cear. 2 . - 4 .
•'4655/uinan6ides L. Fumitory-like O pr 1 jn W.G Siberia 1741. S s.1 Am. rut. 74.12
14656 /halictrdides L. Thalictrum-lk ^ A P' I mr.ap W.o Italy 175'J. D s.l Jac. au. 2. ia>
• 1640. ER A'NTHIS Sal. WINTER ACONITE. (Erao, to love, anthos, flower; fl. lovely in winter.) Ranuncu. 2.
14657 hyemMis Sal. com
common winter A A or \ Y Italy 1596. O co Bot. mag. 3
7/elleborus hyemalis L.
14658 sibiricus Dec. Siberian A A or \ mr.ap Y Siberia 1826. O co
1641. HELLE'BORUS L. HELLEBORE. {Helcin, to cause !
death, bora, food: poisonous.) Ranuneulacea?. 8.—Jl.
14659 rfiger
nigcr L.
L. black Christmas Rose Pk AAustria
A or *1 "'-
£ A
osei. -~ 1KfV5
1596. D
« -r.m
— «Bot
- • mag. «8
narrow-leaved £ A or 21 mr.ap
mr.ap Pk 1596. I) co
2 angustifolius G Britain woods. D co Eng. bot 200
14660 v/ridis L. K rocn £ A or 1| mr.ap P.G Hungary 1817. D s.l W.&K.2.101""•
14661 purpurascens Kit. purpurascent £ A or 1| mr.ap G Hungary 1817. D s.l
14662 odorus Kit. sweet-scented ]£ A or 1 mr.ap P Hungary 1820. D s.p W.&K.a271
}4fi63atrorIibensJKf. dark-red jC A or 1} mr.ap G Hungary 1817. I) s.1
146M dumetorum Kit. tc
thicket £ A or
A or H f.ap G England D co Eng. bot 613
iKWifcc'tidusL. fetid B*ar's-foot£ A
O 4

14666 lfvidus H. K. livid three-lvd ^.AJ 1 Corsica 1710. D p.1 Bot. mag. 72
2 integrilobus entire-leaved j[ Alor 1 Corsica 1710. D p.1
trifolius Mil
1642. CO'PTlSSal. COPTIS. (Kopto, to c u t ; leaves much cut.) Ranunculacea. I . — 2
146(77 trifolia Sal. three-leaved j£ A Pr 4 ap.ray Br N. Amer. 1782. D p.1 Bot. cab. 173
Jfelleborus triffclius L.
• 1643. CA'LTHA L. MARSH MARIGOLD. (A syncope otkalathos, a ablet; flower.) Ranunculdcea.l.—II,
11668 palGstris L. common marsh ^ A « 1 Y Uritain mar. D m.s Eng. bot. 506
2 flure pleno double-flwd ^ A or 1 up. my Y I ) m.s
14669 radicans G. Don rooting WK A or
\ Y Scotland D m.s Lin. tr. 8.17
14670 asarifolia Dec. Asarum-leaved^ A i Y Unilasch. 1824. D m.s
14671 minor Mil. smaller i A or i my Britain moun. D m.s Tab. ic. 750.2
14672 parnassifulia Rftf :. Parnassia-lvd ^ ^ or $ Y N. Amer. 1815. D m.s
ficario'idcs Ph
14673 flabellifulM /%• fan-leaved 1
* £ or flt Y N Amer. 1818. D m.s Ph. am. 2.17
14674 natana P / / floating my-jn W Siberia 1816. D m.s
* A or
1644. HYDROPE'LTIS Z-. HYDROPELTIS. {Hydor, water, peUe, buckler j leaves.) Hydropeltideee. 1.
14675 purpbrea Mx. purple ^ .AJ cu jLau R N. Amer. 1798. D m.s Bot mag. 1147
Brasenta peltata Ph.
• 1645. HYDR A'STIS L. HYDIUSTIS. (Hydor, water; growing in humid places.) Ranuncul&ce*. 1.
14676 canadensis L. Canadian ^ j ^ J or 4 my.jn G Canada 1759. D m.1 Mil. ic. 2.285



1646. A'JUGA L. BUGLE. iriv. xugon, a yoke j calyx one.leaved.) 11. —17.
14677 Pva Schreb. Iva O cu 4i'- au S. Europe 1759. S &1 Fl. gr. 525
14678 orientklis L. oriental A or 14 my.jn Levant 1732. D s.p Di. el. 53. 61
14679 pyramidalis L. pyramidal A or 4 my.jn Britain D s.p Eng. bot 1270
14680 mtegrifuUa D. Don entire-leaved 4 1 Nepal 1821. D s.1
14681 alplna L. alpine 4 my} England moun. D co Eng. bot 477
14682 genevensis L. Geneva 4 my n Switzerl. 1606. D co Bui. her. 3HI
14683 foliosa Trat. leafy 4 my.jl Switzcrl. 1826. D s.1
14684 rupestrifl Schl. rock 4 jn.jl SwitzerL 1826. D s.1
14685 rcptans L. common creeping 4 n»y.jn Britain moi.w. D n.p Eng. bot. 489
2dlba vihxte-Jtowered 4 my. Britain moi.w. D s.p
3 rubra red-flowered 4 my, Britain moi.w. D s.p
14686australisAJ?r. southern N. Holl. 1822. D s.1
14687 ChamtefpityaSchreb. Ground Pine 4 ap.j England S s.1 Eng. bot. 77
1647. ANISO'MELES R. Br. ANISOMELES. (Anisos, unequal, (,member; anther.) Labtita. 4.-7.
14688 malabarica R. Br. Malabar n. • or I* V E. Indies 1817. C co R. maL 10.93
Ncpeta malabarica L.
14689 ovata R. Br. ovate-leaved O 1| Pk E. Indies 1823. S l.p Bur. zey. 71.1
14690 furcata Lk. forked «L i| * B Nepal 1824. C co
A'juga furedta L.
14691 moschata B. Br. musk 2 P N. Holl. 1824. C s.1
* 1648. TEITCR/I/Af L. GERMANDER. (Teucer, a Trojan prince, first used it in medicine.) Labihtce. 50.—87.
I. AXILLARIFLURA. — Flowers axillary, solitary or in pain,
14692 frfcticans L. narrotv-lvd shrubby * _J or 3 n.s V Spain 1640. C r.m Di. el. 284.366
14693 latifoiium L. broad-lvd tree or 3 n.s V Spain 1640. C r.m Bot mag. 245
14694 hetcrophy'llumJfertt. various-Icaved - J o r 2 jnjl P Madeira 1759. C r.m
14695 Laxmanni Muir Laxmann's k A or 1 Va Siberia 1800. C co W. &K. 1.G9
14696 brevifMium Schreo. short-leaved «. or 1 jnjl Pk Crete 1824. C co 528
14697 asiaticum L. Asiatic SL I or 2 n.o P 1777. C r.m
14698 cub£nse L. Cuba jg O l or 14 my P Cuba 1733. C co Jacob.2.30
14699 nissolianum L. Nissolian jfr Alor 1 Vjl P Spain 1752. D co M. h. 22.19
14700 Pseodo-Chamaypitysl,. Bast.Gr.P. n. or 4jn.jl P S. Europe 1820. C s.p Sab, rom.3.25
14701 campanulatum L. belUflowered 9t A o' 1 W Levant 1728. D co
II. VEBTICILLTFLORA. — Flowers ivhorled, whorls for the most part divided in halves.
H702 rcgium L. royal tL I or 14 my.o P Spain 1699. C T.m Pluk. al 65.1
14703 multiflorum L. many-flowered ^t A or 1 jl.s L.R Spain 1731. C co 117
14704 Iticidum L. shining __5 A or lijn.s P S. Europe 1730. C r.m Mag. h. 52
14705 ChamsMrys L, Germander
Germander ^ A or i P England old w. C co Eng bot. 680
14706 5c6rdium L. Water Germander * A o r P .England mar. D r.m Eng. bot 828
14707 scordioides Schreb. Scordium-like ^ A or 4 jnjl P Crete 1819. D s.1
14708 spin&sum X. thomy O or 4 my.jn W Spain 1640. S co Cav.ic.1.31
14709 .Butrys L. Botrys ' O or R S. Europe 1633. S co Ger. em. 525.*
III. TRIFLORUM.—Peduncles axillary, S-flowered.
14710 trtfidum Retx. tri&dJeaved tt- L_J or 1J P C. G. H. 179L C r.m
, . _ . , IV. CAPITTJLCFL^RA. — — Flowers capitate;
Flow , f from No. 14717. crenated.
; leaves entire, enated. ^_
i & A & narrowest-Zerftt.
J*7ll angus«ssimum&A«&. tZrf 22 jn.jl
jjl PP Spain
Si 1818
1818. CC co.-Bar.
B ic 1080
mi mZ
J2J??i? ^ '- dwarf P
1816. C co Bar. ic. 1092
1816. C co
14713 Jhymifblium&Airk Thyme-leaved «L 4 jn.o
Jjn.o W Austria 1752.
14714 supinum L. tupinc tt 4 jl.o W S. Euroi>e 1710. C co 5.417
14715 montanum L. dwarf mountain«. C co 534

14716 saxfitile Lam. rock JL. or Pa.Y Valentia 1820. s.l M.h.3.11. 4.3
14717 Kilium L. Poly tt.__|or 1 JLi Pa S. Europe 1562. r.m Bar. ic. 1074
14718 Pse&do-flyssopusScAre&.BastHyssoptt. or l£jnjl W Italy 1804. co Col. ec. 1.67
14719 capitatum L. round-headed tt. | or f P Spain 1731. Cav. ic. 119
14720 lusitanicum 5cA»?6. Portuguese tt. | or l|jn.o P Portugal 1822.
147-21 pycnophy"llum ScA/*&. close-leaved ^ A or | P Spain 181fi. Bar. ic. 1096
14722 gnaphaludes Uerit. woolly tt. | or 1J jl.s P Spain 1816. Bar. ic. 1083
14723 afircum Schreb. golden Poly tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1731. Cav. ic. 2.117
14724 flavescens Schreb. flavescent Poly*. | or 1 jl.s Y S. Europe Bar. ic. 1073
V. SPICATIFLURA. — Flowers spiked, from No. 14727. racemose.
14725 hyrcanicum L. Hyreanian & A or 1J au.o P Persia 1763. D co Bot. mag. 2013
14726 inflatum Swz. inflated
in ft atari £ E3 Or 2 3U O Li
Jamaica 1778. D co
!«••»•••«• 177H Tl co Schk.han.160
14727 virginicum L. Virginian ^ A or 2 my.jn B N. Amer. 1768. D
14728 canad6nse L. Canadian ^t A or 2 au.s P N. Amer. 1768. D co .
147297 Ardent
.»»%.-•••. L.
— Arduini's tt. lor Y Candia 1823. C co FLgr.531
Scutelftria cr&tica L.
14730 abutilcAdes Ferit. Mulberry-like tt. il or IS Madeira 1777. C r.m Jacsc. 3.358
14731 Scorodonia L. Wood Sage ^ A or 14 jl Britain woods. D co Eng. bot. 1543
14732 Psendo-ScorodfcniaDw/. Ba*t.W.S. 5 A or S. Europe 1818. D co Desf. at. 2.119
14733ftetonicum Herit. Betony n. i lor Madeira 1775. " r.m Bot. mag. 1114
14734 flavum L. yettow-flowered*. | or S. Europe 1640. r.m Par. th. 109.1
14735 massiliense L. Marseilles tt. | or France 1731. r.m Jac. vin. 1.94
14736 resupinatum Desf. resupinate
resupna O or Pa.Y Barbary 1801. r.m Desf. at 2.117
14737 Jtfarum L. Marum -Jor Pa.P Spain 1640. r.m Par. th. 17.2
14738 subspinbsum Pou. subspinous tt. | or P Minorca 1816. co •
14739 creticum L. Cretan Jor m P Crete 1825. co Fl. gr. 529
VI. CORYMBI FLORA. — Flowers corymbose or paniculate.
14740 pyrenkicum L. Pyrenean ^ A or ^jn.aii Pa. W Pyrenees 1731. co
14741 orientate L. oriental k A o* "1 ' Levant 1752. co Bot mag. 1279
1649. WESTRI'NGJy* Sm. WESTRINGIA. (J. P. Westrtngy physician to the king of Sweden.) Labiutar. 8.
J4742 rosmarinif6rmisSm. Roseinary-shpd« i_J or 4 Pa.B N. S. W. 1791. C s.p Bot rep. 214
14743 Dampieri R. Br. Dampier's
Dampier's il L-J 3 my.jl W N. Holl. " 1803. C s.p
14744 rubiajfolia A Br. Hubia-leaved H i_J or 3 myau W N. N. Holl. 1820. C s.p
J4745 glabra A Br. smooth * i I or 3 W HolL 1844. C s.p
14746 longifblia A Br. long-leaved il i ) or 3 W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
14747 angustifblia A Br. narrow-leaved * i_J or 3 W N. Holl. N. 1823. C s.p
14748 cinerea A Br. * |_J or 3 W Holl. 1821. C s.p
14749 rigidaJR 2fr. rij • i_I or 3 W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
* 16JO. SATURETJA L. SAVORY. . . the Arabic name for all labiate plants.) LabihUe. 15. —18.
14750 approximkta Biv. approximated •— '* my.jnmyjn PP Sicily 1824. C co
{4751 vimlnea L. twiggy Pennyroyal*. • cul 1 P Jamaica 1783. C r.m
14752 raontana L. winter mountaintt. cul 1£ jn.jl P S. Europe 1562. C co FL gr. 543
14753 rupestris Wul. rock j£ A or 1 jn.jl P Carniola 1798. D co Jac. ic. 3.494
- . „ . /hymifolia Sco.
}£54obovata/<,«g. ohovate-leaved or P Spain 1424. C co
14755 tenuifMia Ten. fine-leaved un P S. Europe 1822. D co
14/56 Juliana L. St. Julian's un my.s Pk Italy 1596. D co
i;'H gra;Nca L. Grecian _ f jnjl P.w Greece 1759. co Alp. ex. 264
1J758 hirsUta Presl hairy £ J^l or jnjl
jj P Sicily 1820. co
14759 Tenerift'a Men. Teneriffe tt. i_J un jn.jl P Teneriffe ... p.l
J4760 hortensisi. summer garden O cul Pk Italy 1652. r.m 504,1
4761 nervf)sa W. nervose tt. _J or R Ionian Isl.1820. s.p Desf. at 2.121.2
,.-M capitataDesf. not IV.
1J762 capitata W. headed tt. cul jn.o P Levant 159a r.m Bar. ic. 897
14763 Thymbrai. Thymbra tt. i lor myjl P Candia 1640. r.m Bar. ic. 898
14764 congesta Horn. heaped tt. J R 1821. s.p
, 1651. ISA'NTHUS Mx. ISANTHUS. (Isos% equal, anthos, flower; regular corolla.) LaUaUe. 1.
14765 cseruleus Mx. blue O or 1 jLau B N. Amer. 1818. S s.p Mie. am. 2.30
Trichosteina brachiktum X.
6 THY'MBRA L. THYMBRA. (Name given by the ancients to a plant like thyme.) Labidtct. 3. —4
p f l e d n. |crcu" '-"jn.jln - Pa.P
** Levant
* 1699. C " co Pluk. al. " 11C. 5
14766 spicata L. vrhori-flowered ,cu Ii jn.jl Pa.P Spain 1702. C co
14767 vorticillnta L. ciliated or 1 V S. Europe 1824. C s.l Desf. at 2.122
147G8 cihata Desf.
• 1653. /?YSSOXPUS L. HYSSOP. (From Hebrew name exob, or the Arabic axxof.) Labihte. 6. —7.
14769 officinalis L. cotntn. officinal tt.
.•••• ••* AJUA!M«»1 M*
2 jn.s
«».^ CM
S. Europe 1518.
£«* «• U C? IT1.••»«._•.
Jac. au. 3.254
i r«() o .__. v n f\~ A

14770 Schleichort G. Don Schlcicher's 1 jn.s Switzerl. 1819.

officinalis Schl.
14771 orientnlis IV. en. oriental tt. or 2 jn.s Caucasus ... C co
. f . . _ angustifi)lius Bieb.
J4/72 Lophfinthus L. crest-flowered Siberia 1752. D p.l Jac. vin. 2.182
I ;ill3 «eneto\de§ L. Nei>ete-like N. Amer. 1692. D p.l Jac. vin. 1.68
S147/4 scrophularisfoliusYr. FigworUvd N. Amer. 1800. D co Her. par. 106
1654. fll/PETA JL CAT-MINT. {Nepet, a town in Tuscany.) LabihtcE. 40.—45.
I. CONFERTVEFLUR-E. — Flowers axillary, cymose.
14775 "urifblia Cav. MaruinJeaved
im laauaH V. ^A A or
#%» 1 in m H 'Spafn
Snain 1800. D co Bar. ic. 1166
tM-^a Me]}!?* " * « » Lam. Thymus man ff.lius W. en
14776 croatica Spr. Croatian Hungary 1821. D co
Melissa alba Kit.
14777 parviflora Bieb. small-flowered Caucasus 1820. D co
14778 sibirica Bieb. Siberian Siberia 1804. D co
Teucrium sibericum 7.
14779 graiuhflura Bieb. great-flowered Caucasus 1817. D co colored Caucasus 1806. D co
14781 melis^sfiilia Lam. Balm-leaved Candia 1752. D p.l
i1 l l iongiflura Ven. long-flowered Persia 1802. D co Ven. eels 56
4783 Mussini Bieb. Mussin's Siberia 1804. D co Bot mag. 929
u .
l Oi
longiflbra B. 3/.
*'84inc£nal/. K. hoary Le\ant 1723. D p.l

14785 Nepctella L. small Nepete ^ A cu 1 jLau R S. Europe 1758. D co

amethy'stina Poir.
14786 gravtolens Vil. heavy-smelling £ A cu P S. Europe 1804. D co Al.ped.2.1
patella All.
14787 suaveolens Roem. sweet-scented A or 1} B 1817. D co
14788 amethf atina Desf. amethystine A or \\ B S. Europe 1816. O co
14789/amiifulia IV. en. Lamium-lvd A un P Armenia 1806. D co
14790 angustifwlia Vahl narrow-leaved A cu 2 jn.jl p Spain 1798. D co
arragonensis Lam.
14791 Caftria L. W Britain ro. aid. D co Eng. bot 137
14792 macrouxa Led. long-tailed W.p Siberia 1820. D co
14793 ucrknia L. Ukraine Ukraine 1798. D co
14794 nuda L. naked S. Europe J713. D co 1.84
pann6nica Jac.
14795 pannonica L. Fannonian A cu 4 au.o R Hungary 1683. D co Jac. au. 2. 129
panicul&ta Cr%.
14796 canrulea H. K. blue A cu 1J my.jn B ...... 1777. D co
14797 violJvcca L.. violet-colored A cu 2 jl.s B Spain 172a D co Boc. mu. 36
14798 latif&Ha Dec. broad-leaved A or 4 P Pyrenees 1816. D co
grandifldra Lap.
14799 crispa W. cmled-leavcd £ A cu 2 Pa.B Levant 1800. B co
14800 imbricata Lag. imbricate 5 A or 2 B Spain 1820. D s.l
II. VEHTICILLIFLORJE. — Flowers in whorls.
14801 teucriifblia W. e n . ' Teucrium-lvd ^ A o r 14 P Armenia 1816. Deo
14802 diffusa Fis. diffbse ik A or P Siberia 1824. Deo
14803 teucrioides Lam. Teucrium-likc 5 A or 1J W S. Europe 1820. Deo
14804 marrubiotdes IV. en. Horehound-lk 4 A o r R Deo
14805 italica L. Italian 5 A or 1 R.w Italy 1640. Dp.l Jac. vin. 2.112
14806 multibracteatalto/. many-bracted *j[ A or 3 P Algiers 1817. Deo
14807 suptaa Steu. supine 3l A or 1 B Caucasus 1816. Deo
14808 lanata Jac. woolly 3f A un ljmy.jn P S. Europe 1774. Deo Jac. ob. 3.75
14809 tuberftsa L. tuberous-rooted * A un 2 V Spain 1683. Deo Bar. ic. 602
14810 reticulata Desf. P Morocco 1801. Deo Desf. at S. 124
14811 Scordbtis L. netted 5 A un 2 B N. Africa 1817. Deo Alp. ex. 283
Scordotis 3t A or
$ 14812 multfflda L. III. SPICAT^FLOHC — Flowers in spikes. 1796. D co Gin. si. 3.55
14813ootryotdca UK. l*jn S co C a v . i c l . 4 9
14814 malabarica Pers. many-cleft
Malabar i A un % l i W Siberia
Malabar 1810. S s.l R, mal. 10.93
1655. ELSHO'LTZ/4 W. ELSIIOLTZIA. (J. S. Elsholtx, a Prussian botanist.) Labihta. 3 . - 5 .
14815 ocymoldcs Pers. Basil-like J^ O un 1 jl P E. Indies 1824. ,S co
14816 cnstAta IV. crested O or II my.jl Pk Siberia 1789. IS co 502.1
14817 naniculata W. large-panided ± Q] or 3 jLau Pk E. Indies 1820. <S s.l R. mal. 10.65
Jtfyssopus cristatus Lam.
1656. LAVA'NDULA L. LAVENDER. (Lavo, to wash j use of its distilled water.), Labiate. 11. —12.
14818 Spka W. common 6pike tt. dt l.s Li S. Europe 1568. C 8.1 Schk. nan. 2.157
2 alba white-flowered tt. or l.a W C s.l
14819 latifolia Ehrh. broad-leaved tt. dt l.s Li S. Europe 1568. C s.l
14820 StoTchas L. Stoechas tt. _J or Li S. Europe 1562. C 8.1 Bar. ic. 301
14H21 viridis Merit. green tt. | or U P
yj Li Madeira 1777. C p.l FL por. 1.4
14822 dentata L. tooth-leaved or 9 Spain 1597. C p.l Bot. mag. 401
14K23 pinnata L.JU. pinnated tt. | or U Li
pa Li Madeira 1777. Bot mag. 400
14824 multiflda L. many-cleft iQJor lij jl jl.s 1
Canaries 1597. Lob. ic. 432
14825 heteroph^lla Via. various-leaved or 2 Li 1816.
14826 formbsa Lk. beautiful or 2 Li 1816.
14827 abrotanoldes Lam. Southernw.-lk tt. | or U jn.s Li Canaries 1699. Com. r. G7
§ 14828 camosa W. (toshy-leaved )g Oil or 1| jn.jl Li E. Indies 1788. Am. ac. 10.3
1657. S I D E R r T I S L. IRONWORT. (Sideros, iron; sup. to cure wounds by iron weapons.) LabicUce. 26.—43.
I. EBRACTEAVA. —Bracteas under calyx none.
14629 canariensis L. Canary §H i I or 3 Y Canaries 1697. C r.m Jac. vin. 3. 30
14830 candicans H. K. whitish cu 3 ap.jl Y.Br Madeira 1714. C r.m Com. h. 2.99
14831 erotica L. Cretan tt-_J cu 1 | jn.s W Candia 182a C co
14832 montana JL mountain O or 1| Y.Br Austria 1752. S co Jac. au. 5.434
14833 elegans Mur. elegant O or li jl V 1787. S co Mur. 1.4.
14834 romana L. Roman O or 1 W Italy 1740. S co Cav. ic. 2.187
14835 dectimbens Thun. decumbent -* O or } W C. G. H. 1820. S s.l
II. BnACTEA>ra,, — Bracteate, bracteas entire.
14836 calycintha Bieb. colored-calyxedn. or 1 Pa.Y Russia 1821. D co
14837 syr\aca L. Syrian or 1J jn.s Y Levant 1597. C r.m Sab. rom. 3.40
14838 taunca W. en. Taurian cu Ji jn.s Pa.Y Tauria 1822. C co
14839 perfoliata L. pcrfoliate ^ A o r * au.n Y Levant 1731. C co
14840 Icucintha Cav. white-flowered tt. | or 1 W Spain 1823. D co Cav. ic. 30*
III. DE.VTA^TiE. — Bractcate, bracteas toothed.
14841 incana L. hoary tt. | 1J Spain 1752. C co Cav. ic. 2.186
14842 angustifulia Lag. narrow-leaved 1 jlau Spain 1820. D co
14843 spinosa L. spinyy lijn.s Spain C co
14844 fhcifolia IV. en. Holly-y-leaved i j"-s Levant C co
14845 serrata Lag. / r f 1 jn.s Spain 1818. D co
14846 Ayssopifulia L. Hyssop-leaved jn.n L.Y Pyrenees 1597. C co Schk.han.2.1
14847 pyrenaica Poir. Pyrenean jn.n Y Pyrenees 1827. C co
Ayssopifulia /S i.
14S48 alplna Vil. alpine 1 jnau Y a Franco 1822. D co
14849 fcVtida Poir. fetid 1 jn.n Y Spain 1822. D co
14&O0 rhamedrifolia Cav. Germandcr-lvd 1 Y Spain 1816. D co
14851 «cordio^des Z. Scorclium-hke 1 au n Y France 1597. C co Bar.ic.S« 5
14852 hirghta L. hairy U jn.jl Y S. Europe 1731. C co Cav. ic. 4. SW
14H5-3 crispata W en. curled-leaved l i jn.s Y Gibraltar 1816. C co
14854 lankta L. woolly V Egypt 1818. S co
«<•«« i •> ~~ llcrit. BYSTBOPOOON. [Buot to close, pogon, beard: throat of fl.) Lahiataf.
14855 plumiNsus iferrf. feathery.jfoiwrredtt. LJ or li jn.jl Pa.P Canaries 1779. C |>.l Hcr.tfr.'
14856 onganifohus Merit. Onganumlvd tt. L_J or If j l a u Pa.P Canaries 1815. C fik Her.scr.i

14857 canaricnsis Herit. Canary or Pa.P Canaries 1714. C p.l Com. h. 2.65
14358 punctatus Nerit. dotted l i jla Pa.P Madeira 1775. C p.1 Her.ser.7

* 1659. AfE'NTHil L. MINT. {Mintha, daughter of Cocytus, changed into this plant) Labtttte. 52.-62.
— Whorls of flowers smeate.
$ 14859 quadrifolia Box. four-leaved Ljor 2 P Nepal 1830. C s.1
14860 viridis L. green spear A cul 2 au P Britain mar. D co Eng. bot 2424
14S61 levigata W. en. polished A or lijl P D co
14862 tenuis Mx. slender A °r 1 P N. Araer. D co
viridis Wai
14863 crispdta Schr. crumpled Iff
j P ...... 1807. D co
14864 nepetoldes LeJ. Nepeta-like l i jl
li P Bilgio 1890. D co
14865 uiperltaL. pepper 2 au.s P England watpl. D co Eng. bot. 687
1486f> Aalsamca W. en. Buteam-scented 2 P Italy 1804. D co
14867 ninaca Jac. Nile I P Egypt 1796. D co Jac. vin. 3.87
14868 sylvestris L. wood 2 Li Britain watpl. D co Eng. bot 686
14869 pubescens W. en. pubescent li P D co
14870 canescens Both canescent li P Spain 1800. D co Lob. ic. 511
14871 nemortaa W. en. grove 2 P Britain D co FL dan. 484
14872 hirta W. en. shaggy l i au.s P ...... t.« D co
14873 gratissima W. most grateful n P Germany 1799. D co
14874 Auricularia L. Indian eared ! P E. Indies 1796. D co Ru. am. 6.16
14875 divaricata Lag. divaricate 2 jLau P Spain 1824. D co
14876 cocclnea Box. scarlet 1 S E Indies 1823. D s.p
14877 crispa L. curled 2 P Siberia 1640. D co
14878 incana IV. en. hoary U P 1790. D co
14879 undulkta W. en. wave-leaved I* P 1816. D co
14880 rotundifblia L. round-leaved 2 au.s< R England D co Eng. bot. 446
2 variegate variegated 2 au.s R D co
14881 macrostachya Ten. long-spiked 2 P S. Europe ... D co
rotundifolia W. en. Germany 1800. D co
14882 rugusa Both wrinkly 2 P
14883 lavanduKicea W. en. Lavender-Jwf 1 P Spain 1823. D co
14884 capensis T/tun. Cape 1 P C. G. H. 1816. D co
II. CAPITIFLORJE. — Whorls of flowersBcaMate.
14885 hirsuta L. hairy water 1*5* watpl.Dco
aquatica JL P Naples 1824 D co
14R86 pyramidklis Ten. pyramidal Li
14887 acutifulia Sm. sharp-leaved Britain wat pi. D co Eng. bot. 2415
14888 borealis Mx. northern _ P S. Amcr. 1820. D co
14889 odorata Sm. scented Bcrgamot^t A or P England watpl. D co Eng. bot. 1025
citrate Ehrh.
III AXILLARIFLORA — Whorls o/flowers axillary, remote.
14890 arvensis H. K. corn-field Britain" cor. fi. D co Eng. bot. 2119
- . . , 2pra»\:ox Sole eariy-flowering Britain ... D co Sol. min. c. ic.
14891 agrestis Ten. Britain m. fi. D co Eng. bot 2120
J4892 dentate W. en. toothed Germany 1816. O co
Austrian Germany 1809. D co
14893 austrtaca Jac. Britain pools. D co Eng. bot. 2118
14894 gentMisL. gentile
common red Britain wat pi. D co Eng. bot. 1413
14895 rubra Am. Lapland 1810. D co
148P6 badensis Gm. Baden
J4897 blfinda Wai bland Nepal 1824. D co
14898 borealis Mx. northern N. Amer. 1800. D co
1489}) canadensis L. Canadian N. Amcr. 1801. D co
J49U0 australis B. Br. southern N. Holl. 1820. D co
J4901 Pulegium L. Pennyroyal Britain wet co. D co Eng. bot. 1026
J49l)2 cervuia L. stag Hy$$op-lcr.ved§L A or France 1648. D co
H9U3safivaZ,. cultivated ^ A or England ... 1) co Eng. bot 448
14904 glabrkta W. smoothed Egypt 1802. D co
14905 Kracilis Sm. slender Britain wat pi. D co Eng. bot 449
14906 paldstris Sm. marsh Britain mar. D co
14907 villusa Sm. villous Britain wat pi. D m.s
14908 pratensis Sm. meadow Britain mea. D m.s Sol. min. 17
14909 rivalis Sm. river Britain riv. sid. D m.s
14910 paludosa Sm. marsh Britain mar. D m.s
1660. PERI'LLA W. PERILLA. (Not explained.) Labtttce. 2.
14911 ocymo'ides W. Basil-like O cu W India 1770. S s.l Bot. mag. 2395
14912 fruticosa Box. bhrubby >Ljor 6 jl Nepal 1823. C p.l

1661. HY'PTIS Jac. HvFTis. (Hyptios, resupinate; limb of corolla turned on its back.) Labihta-. 19.—29
LO.11 cbractcata
nhmnfnata B.
H Br.
U— kbractlcss
MAll/ui " " ITV.
O " c«•••
u • 1- —. T»_ n W.
Pa.P Mr Indies 1778. o I .. An m i l *7 QQ Q.
»„ j; i»»"»o
14914 suav^olens Jac. sweet-scented £ jQU un ... W. Indies 1800. co An. mu. 7.39.2
14915 Pseud.-6'hnma>\l./>0tt. Bast. Ger-lvd£ Ol un ... W. Indies 1821. co An. mu 7.31.1
14916 ChammMrys W. Germander-/^ tf Ol un ... Guiana 1821. co An. mu.7.27.4
14917 radi^ta W. iated
radiated ^ iAI cu Pa.P Carolina 1690. An. mu.7.27. 2
1418capitsita Jac. ttcapitate tf O l Pa.P W. Indies 1714. An. mu. 7.27.1
14"19 polvanthos Poit. many-flowered ^ ... Peru 1819. CO
14920 inflate Spr. inflated calyxl tf
inflatd ... Brazil 1823. CO
Marsypianthus hyptoWes Mart.
14921 brevipes Pott. short-stalked Li S. Amcr. 1822. CO
14022 recurvkta Poit. recurved Pa.P Cayenne 1820. CO
14923 polystachya Hum. many-spiked ... Mexico 1824. CO
?4924 canescens Hum. canescent ... Caraccds 1818. CO
Teiicrium rhombifblium W.
14925 pectinate Poit. pectinated Pa.P W. Indies 1776. D l.p
Aeppta pectinata L.
14926 albida Kth. whitish tt.1 leu W Mexico 1824. co
14927 spicata Poit. spiked £ O)un W* W. Indies 1820. CO An. mu. 7.28.2
14928 Plumiferi Poit. Plumier'8 jg Olun W W. Indies 1819. CO PL ic. 163.1
J4929 stachydldcs Lk. Stachys-like rmcu 1824. CO
JJjgJpersica W. Persian tL |_Jcu Pa.P Persia 1800. l p Lin. (r. 6.12
1*931 scoparia Poit. Broom £ Olun ... Maranh. 1825 CO An. nm. 7.31.2
936 DIDYN u n A . 7.YMNOSPJ u K W I A Cuss \ I V

16BS. PYCNO'STACHYS Pair. Presomcnva. t, tlei K, ttachyt a mike.) Labi&ttr. 1.
MMecBrUatAot RDM Dior 3 au B s CO Hook. ex. a VS
•issa vsncBVSid W. LKFCcaiNM, (JUAM Ispechin, a ttiutian l»tani«.) t^lwtar. S.
1WOJ iqiicMa \V. A 1 1'a.V Mexico itwo. o W. li. b. 81
S/orm\nura caule*ccni Or. >
14334 chonopodiiiliii W. Chcntiriod^lvJ k4 A pf t R Siberia 1818. D Lp
• iflM. OI.ECHO'MA £ CHOI-'M' 1 " (Gleditm. a Greek name for a tntt of thyrno.) LabULt. 2 . - 3 .
14H05 Aedcrtuw L. common .:•, w 1 B Britain t i) CO Kng. Iwt. »53
14&£alriiiUJUr. liairy a\ A cu S Pk Hungary ... !) CO \V, & K. 1 IU
• 1663. £A V MIUM L, Ami 1 {Laiwoi, Hie tliroat; thape of flower.) / ,a)Ut U*. 1ft—90.
M957 On,;, la L. Orvaltt, or Btthn-ted £ A or 1 , m v . j l H I ' l i CO BoLm
14938 livri^Aluin / j . tmootb A DO 1 mr.o p Italy 1711. 1) CO Pluk. al. HW 1
lHUl) ruguMUii />. wrinkly & un 1 11 h.,lv I) CO Hot. mu. 5. 29
1414^ KargAiiicum X* Gar^anlan | A un S P I Lily D CO Kx. (Hit. 1. W
11 iiiiu-ul.itum L.
149+S hinutum VJIM.
l«)tt Album X.
A ii n
TT S ap.i
iB V
r sBritain
1«83. D CO Colccl. 185
i) CO
CO £n^ boL ivo
14;>+4 mo«-liatuiii .MiV. muikiciwttrd tin 1 ajij! Levant
w s CO
14f»45 malic Jl. K, IM)ft un i tpjosy w ...... UBS. D CO *£<$
W.m nexubttim Ten.
14917 pur|ifiteuro £.
i' iilblilum
or J n( ...
w 1 p
oo w 1 my.ll Pk
1 Ml VMM
\v •Britain
Britain B«a,fF, s m Eng. bot 769 B CO
14948 iiie'isum IV, tan.a. Eng. IML 1933
149*9 blfldum Cyr. bifid or i jn jf \V Ital]

on Cyr. ne. 1.7

t*t aa
1*960 tomentuium If. woolly Q or i jn.JI A nn en i.i
1*351 am [ilex tea tile />, iti em-cUfpitiK lln Bat w ; i i i r . j n Pfc w
lirit.uii tu.fl.
s I I I

o co Eng. bot. 770 a

1495S multlfidutn L. many.clcit 1 p Lwant ITS-:. CO Com. r. i\i
cu a
I666L GALEO'PSIS L. t, weaaul, cptlt, rcauinblince flower,) Labtidx. 8.-9-
14953 Xadanum L.
14951 oarvlflora Lam,
144)55 anguitlfMia JVnr.
8 un w
j U
1 j U u It
Britain ohaLft 8 CO
SwitxorL 18 IS), .s
Europe s
14966 canctccns Bid). cancsccnt 5o 1111 1 K Caunfa tan. s DO
14&7 pub£toetu Be*. pubcacent un 1 H ticrinjiij isia s CO
I«tW //ltd. villoui o w 1 Y Britain MILli. s cu Eng. bot. 2563
1*959 Tctiahit L.
14900 mfaofal Ciir,
cannauina £o(A
venlcolor 8 w
1} W
(•••rii li
tan.fl. s
Brg boLSOJ
Eng. bot ft?7

1637. GALECKBDOLON Sm. DKAB N O T I S (Gale, vea*al. t xiatoi, fetid imfll. Nate. 1—2. u
1*961 KiteumSw, yelluw it A or 1 my.jii Y in m.aajit i) CO Enx.twt.7B7
Brrorrr. IB rnl,i »ic, iu name in Celtic) J .nl, Ote
14962 otBcinaliiL. officinal A or 1 V Hritain wood) 1) ao Eng. hot! ] 1 «
14363 itrkla //. A", itria A or n J'IJI P I ii-iiiu.iri
D CO Par. tli. CIS. •
14964 lnduia/7. A'. hoary A ur F Italy D i.p
14066 orientblia L. (• A or i j't.ji 1.1' i.. not 1) CO Lam. IL SOT- •
Itt6SJla««rtuiM2. l-..\t.,,l Of It & Europt> 17W. I) CO 1.78
14967 hlr»ila £. h.nry A or i jn.jl P Italy 17 iu. D *-p Mur. 1 3
14968 roacroura O/fo ISOfrMM
S A or ! jn jl Pa. It Kuriipc i^ai. D 1(1
1*969 gnuidlflora W, gr^at* flow end :«
E vr l i J" Ji P SiiH n ria iecKJ. [ i CO Bot nag. TOO
14S70 nlwai Sice, «mwy j A or 1 jn jl R I .lllt.llUl ISiiu, D CO
* 1669, STAX^HYS J*. H E D C K NtTTLL iStachut, a iplkc ; fluwen in inike».) iMbiitiC. S3,—GO.
1. .SuLiTAanFt^UB. — Flower tubsoltfary and opixaitcfrom No. 11977. whort#i,Seu;-J!t)H*mi.
14971 ipinbM L. thorny rt. _ J un ^'. j ' I1 Candla li>H>. 11 I'U K li 1
1497S gfuUnfcia L. (Innimy A or i jn Jl P Candla l l CO M. l> U.4 17
14973 fruficuluta Bitb. little thrubby or 1 P Cancani C p.1
I4tf74 vthi6pica JL. £thiopian lAJor it np.Jl P CU. H. 1771'. l ]i! Jacob. 177
1+S7J c6r«ica i V » . Conican A un i j .au Pk 1883. 11 CO
1*976 angustifolia Bitb. BamnMnnd A ors ; JH..1U P Tiuria *•!' Sw.Egar. lW
li-iiuifolia fait. a
1*77 nigtea A JE. wrinkU n U or Pa,' 1774. Jac. i c i i W
14y78 Actoniarfttta Detf. Bt-tony-lwivcd A <>r
ii Jl V Rocbdte i ) CO c
li'TJ' ftjMopUbHa >fir« Iitmif liaiml a P N. Amt-T. JSIfiL
11. VeartaUiiFbdui. — FhmrrMikari
u CO
M owe rr,/, ,/;^i«- r, fro r» A'o. I5U00. contigumu iitbtjicaltjroi*
irjOa Ut.JtvtuTft,J'V>ii AU I50li m any.JUnvfrrd.
149SO ttrnopliyita £/>r. narrow Jvavnl M. or 1 Y n IHS3. i p.t
h>ii i L r _ •
14982 Kordlridei Pair.
-L ital
ScordiuTii'like T»
| or
V Hoi
.int ITfis o I'l
< •

14963 rnaritiuu L. tea A fra 1 I i/ru|n; ITU. 1) CO Jacvi-

14994 innua L
1*965 BalbWi Ll£.
pub&C6fii 7V7ih.
Balbit'i 8 un
or If myjl
p S. Europe 1713.

s. I'l
a 4. 360

14986 tilrU /..

1+987 arvlnit* I..
1*S68 grandidon tata A £ larjtc toothed k
or 1
w 1
un 1
1725. D CO
Al. pt-
Kii^y. IKA It™
hat. ttg- 1"*
14SWJ albicaulii B. B, whlic-itcmmnljt A un i lau K Chile s Cll
tand i A or
or 1
1 I
levant ISM n I'l
S. Europe ISOi. L>
arraaria B. M.
\Vm ibfrtco Btrh Iberian or 1 P Iberia 189S. I) CO
rortUUta V. ™. Scoi>tium-lvfl A or I Lau V N.Amer.?1816 11 CO
1*99* aipcra W*. A tin ii.;i ti P N. Amcr. 18S1. U CO

WMKhllpltta'wE!"^" Uanid A or
ni 9 P Carolina IR2S. 1) CO
Caiiniut-leavcw un P I8€J5. I> 00
'i'a Harm. Arabian or J R Arabia IS19.
b CO

•nitlcai. '

A w
P •1 DO
M 1) CO
15000 Fceniculum Ph. Fennel-scented jfc Q) CU 2 my.jn B N. Amer. 1821. D co
//yssdpus unifldtus Nut.
15001 palesfina L. Palestinee 1 P Syria 1820. C p.l Bar. ic 279
15002 urcinata Herit. round-leaved 1 my.jl P Barbary 1777. D p.l Her. st. 26
15im cocclnea Jac. scarlet 3 S S. Amer. 1798. C pi Bot mag. 668
V**A mollissima IV. en. softest Pa.P Corfu 1806. I) co W. h. b. GO
150**5 deci'imbens Pers. decumbent 2 my.jl Y.B 1816. D co
1501)6 rfcta /,. upright 2 Y & Europe 1683. D co Jac. au. 4.359
Vmy Hcrnclea AIL Heraclea 3 jn.s P Italy 1822. D co
15008 obl'Kjua Kit. oblique-foiwrrf 2 jn.jl Y Hungary 1816. D co W. & K. 133
l%09 phlomoida W. en. Phlomis-like l i l P ...... 1816. D co
13010 debilis Kth. weak P S. Amer. 1825. D s.p
15011 glaucescens Mas. glaucescent P Caucasus 1826. 1) co
15012 palustris L. marsh Clown's Allheal P Britain moi.m. I) co Eng. bot. 167*
1-5013 gennanica I.. German P England I) co Eng. bot. 829
15014 intermedia H. K. intermediate P Carolina 1762. D co
15015 siblrica Lk. Siberian P Siberia ? 1822. D co Sw. fl. gar. 100
15016 polystachya An. many.spiked P Italy .1821. S co
15017 biennis Roth biennial P Germany 1801. S co
15018 lusitanica Swt. Portuguese P Portugal 1800. D co
Enostemon lusitanicus Lk.
15019 julvisfrlia Ten. Sage.leaved 2 jn.jl P Calabria 1834. D co
15020 cretica L. Cretan 2 P Camlia 1640. D co Walt. h. 108. VJ
15021 alplna L. alpine 2 D.P Germany 15«»7. 1) pi Fl. pyr. 1.8
13032 lan?ita Juc. woolly 2 jn.s St Siberia 1782. 1) pi Jac. ic. 1.107
15023 latiftlia //. A'. broad-leaved 2 jn.jl P 1775. D co
*J£7°. ZIETEWil GletL ZIETENIA. (Probably the name of some obscure botanist.) Labiate.
15024 lay&nduliftlia Pen. Lavendcr.lvd tL or P Levant 1824. C co
orientals Glcd. Stachys lavandulsefulia W.

J5 71 -
(Balto, to reject: oflfbnsive odor.)
3t A « u 2 P Europe ... D s.l
Labiate. 5 . - 7

black ^ A w 2 jl.s P BriU.n bed. D co

. J5027 &Iba"Z" **"" white * A * 2 jl.s W Britain ... D co

? 1505s cinerea D. Don grey k A "n 2 J l - au p Nepal 1824. C si
India 1828. S CO
Iau29diaticha W . two-rowed ^w 1 jl B
* 1672. A/ARRIPBIUM L. HOHEHOUND. [Marrob, a bitter juice, Heb.) LabilaUe. 20.— 81.
I. PE'INTADOV. — Calyx five-toothed.
?2S° A[SKum L. Alyssum * A UJ' PP Spain
Sj 1597. C 8.1 Ger. h. 579.1
Pa.P Levant 1816. D co Jac. ic. 1.109
j-^31 astracfinicum Jac. Astracan
*i«)o2crperegrinum L. foreign' W Sicily 1640. I) co 2.160
\\£? ^ticum Mil. Cretan Levant D co
1JO34 candidissimum L. whitest whites Levant 1732. D s.p
i50.15 niollissimum D.Don softest Nepal 1820. C p.l DL el. 274.214
! S £ ! a r » i e Wont. kindred Siberia? 1822. D co
{5037 suptaum /,. supine S. Kuropc 1714. I) co
j|w8 catanaRilium & f r . CatminUcavcd Levant 1819. n co Boc. mu. 2.96
J^a9 leonuroldes Desr. Caucasus 1819. D co
— Calyx ten-toothed.
African P C. G. H. 1710. D p.l Com. h. 2.90
vul L. common white W Britain rubble. D co Eng. bot 411)
P Ten. Apulian W Italy 1818. D co
hairy PaP D co
>«&tum IV. cinereous Pa.l» Spain 1823. D co
curled-Avzwrf Pa.P & Europe 1714. D co Her. par. 600
, --->» ••ispanicum L. Spanish P Spain 1714. D co Her. par. 201
4 15047 oricntale Spr. P S. Europe 1821. C p l
J9alluta onentalis Presl oriental
V15048 acctabulu&um L. saucer-leaved __, — 1 Candia 1676. C Bar. ic. 129
5 1JO4!) Pscudodictamnus L.'Bast Dictamnustt. _J or Candia 1596. C P-l Lam. iL 508.2
1673. LEONU^RUSi, MOTHERWOBT. , a lion, oura, a tail; spike of flowers.) Labiatet. 14.
15050 Card^aca L. cardiac 3 3 R Britain gra ba. S co Eng. bot. 286
15051 villoRus Desf. villous 3 P Tauria 1820. S co
15052 Marrubi^strum L. Marrubiastrum 2 P Austria 1710. S Jac. au. 5.405
15053 crispus Mur. ld 2 R Siberia 1658. S Mur. 8.4
15054 supmus L. supine 1 R Siberia 1816. S
15055 tatancus L. Tartarian S au.o F Russia 1756, S Mil. ic. 1.80
15056 sibincus /,. Siberian S R Siberia 1759. S
J S 5 7 condcniatui Horn. condensed Ex. hot 9.94
3 P Siberia 1819. S
150J8npaltMcus Spr. Altaian 2 P Altaia 1824. S
J5J»» 8>ectus Schult. neglected 3 P S. Europe 1818. S
Y£P multmdus Desf. many-cleft 1 P
J 2 S i heterophyllus Swt. various-leaved 1817. S
15062 lftcerui l.tndl. -
1 ,— . P 8. Amer. 1819. S Sw. fl. gar. 197
15<rty laniktui Pcrs. torn 3 Jlau Pk Nepal 18S4. S CO
woolly 5 A 8 Y Siberia 1752. S GO
Yl multlfida woolly A L or
Moen. flallota lanlta
, a flame; down used for wicks.) Labtota?. 22.—30.
it**-* -* shrubby Jerusalem Sage* 3 jnjl Y Spain 1596. C co Bot mag. 1843
15065 fcrruglnea Ten. ru»ty 1 S jn.jl Y.Br Naples 1823. C co
15066 cretica Presl Cretan 1 3 jn.jl Y Crete 1820. C co
fruticosa Sieb.
15067 scariosa Presl rough ish • or 3 jn.Jl Y Italy 1823. C co
15068 rtrens Dec. green 4 or 3 jnjl Y S. Europe ... C co
15069 lankta W. en. woolly 1 or H jn.jl Y Spain 1596. C co
angustifolia Dec.
15070 purpurea 5m. purple * or S P Smipic&3
15071 itihca Sm.
1R/V ,_ purpurea L.
Italian 1 or 2 P IST'mL c S
"78 Lychnitis L. Lychnitis • U o r Y.Br S. Europe 1658. C p.l Bot mag.

15073 «alviB»folia Jac. Sage-leaved * or 3 P C co Jac. BC. 3.359

15074 microphjrlla Sieb. small-leaved £ A or -*_. 1827. D p.l
15075 orientalis Dec. oriental jk A or 3 S. Europe 1820. D co
15070 Nissulii W. Missole's £ _A1 or 2 Jnjl Y Levant 1757. D r.m Mil ic. 2.204
15077 samia L. Samian £ A or 3 jnjl Y.Br N. Africa 1714. D p.l Bot. mag. 1891
15078 lunanfolia Sm. Honesty-leaved^- A or 3 jn Br Levant 1818. D co
16079 Russellinna Lag. Russell's £ A or 3 jjl Br Levant 1821. D r.m Bot. mag. 2542
lunanfolia jS Russellid/u* B. M.
15080 cnmta Cav. hair-bracted k A or Spain 1820. D co Cav. ic. 3.247
15081 herba venti L. wind herb £ A or R S. Europe 159a D co Bot mag. 2449
15082 pungcns W. pungent J£ A or jl Br Armenia 1820. D co Sw. fl. gar. 33
15083 tubcrosa L. tuberous A A or jn.o L.P Siberia 1759. D co Bot. mag. 1555
15084 alplna J>att. alpine £ A or P Siberia 181)2. D s.1 PaL p. 2.13
15085 laumata L.
\agged4eaved £ A or jr P Levant 1731. D co Sw. fl. gar. 24
1675. LEU CAS Jl. Br. ^^LEUCAS. {Leukosy white; downy whiteness of flowers.) Labi&t*. 11. — 27.
15086 chinensts R. Br. China O o r lftjn.o W China 1820. S s.l
/*hlumis chinensis Retx.
15087 zeylanica R. Br. Ceylon O un P E. Indies 1777. Jac. ic. 1. Ill
15088 /mifolia Spr. Flax-leaved Oor W E. Indies 1816. s.1
Phlomis zeylanica Mur.
15089 Plukenetti Spr. Plukenett's O o r 3 jLs W E.Indies 1820. S s.l
Phlbmis Plukenetti Roth
15090 cephalotes Spr. rounrf-hcaded O or 2 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. S s.1
15091 abpera Spr. rough-leaved fOI un 1 W Caramanial818. S s.1
15092 indica R. Br. Indian O un w E. Indies 1789. S B.I
15003 urticifulia R. Br. Nettle-leaved O un U jl.s w E. Indies 1810. S s.1
15094 flaccida R. Br. flaccid iQJor 2 jl.s w N. Holl. 1823. S s.l
15095 martinicensis R. Br. Martinique x O w W. Indies 1781. S 8.1 Jac. ic. 1.110
Phlumis martinicensis IV. cariba» a Jac.
15096 biflbra R. Br. two-flowered £ OJ or 2 jl.s W Ceylon 1819. S s.l
1676. LEONCTTIS R. Br. LION'S EAR. V«icvii|
(Leon,a aiiuii|
ous, an ear; fanciful likeness.) LabidUe. 4.
15097 Leondrus R. Br. Lion's tail L J o r 3 o.d S C. G.H. 1812. C p.l Bot. mag. 478
.Phlomis Leonbrus L.
15098 ov.\ta Spr. ovate !_J or If jn.jl O C. G. H. 1713. C p.l Mil. ic. 2.162.1
J>hl6mis LeonUis Thun.
15099 intermedia Lindl. intermediate H| lor 3 s.o O C. G.H. 1822. C p.1 Bot.reg.850
15100 nepetifblia R. Br. Catmint-leaved O or 3 s.o O E. Indies 1778. S s.1 Bot.reg.281
* 1677. MOLUCCE'LLA L. MOLUCCA BALM. (Brought from the Moluccas.) Labiotts. 4. —7.
h 15101 spin&sa L. prickly O cu 1| C Levant 1596. S co Lam. il. 510
15102 laNvis L. smooth O cu l 3 j l a u Pa.P Syria 1570. S co Bot. mag. 1852
15103 Marrubiastrum Step. Marrubiastrum O or 1 P Siberia 182a S s.p
15104 tuberosa Pall. Juberous-roota/A A cu 2 jl Pa.P Tartary 1796. S l.p Pal. it. 3. T.
' 1678. CLINOPONDIUM L. WILD BASIL. {Kline, bed. pous, foot j fl. like turned bed feet.) Labihlte. 3.—4.
15105 vulgare L. common k A or 1 Pk Britain D co Eng. boL 1401
151()6 ffigypttacum Lam. Egyptian A A or 1 P Egypt 1759. D co
15107 onganiftihum Lab. Origanum-lvd k A or i Pk S. Europe 1825. D p.l
• 1(579. PYCNA'NTHEMUM Mx. PVCNANTIIBMUM. (Pyknost dense, anthemos, flower.) LabihUe. 7.—11
15108 incanum Mx. hoary 3 JLo W N. Amer. 1732. D e o Di. el. 74.85
15109 MonardiSfo Mx. Small Monarda 2 W N. Amer.?18l6. D s.p
15110 anstatum Mx. awned 2 au W N. Amer. 1752. D co Mic. am. 2. S3
15111 verticillatura Pers. whorlcd 2 W Carolina 18S2O. S s.p Mic am. 2.31
15112 nfidum Nut. naked 2 jLau W Carolina 1824. D s.p
15113 /inifMium Ph. Flax-leaved W N. Amer. 1739. D co Her. par. 218
7"hymus virginicus Mur.
15114 lanceolatum Ph. spenr.leaved A or 1 W N. Amer. 1812. D co
*1680. ORI'GANTJMZ. MARJORAM. (Oros, a mountain, ganos, joy ; odor and habitation.) Labiate. 20.—24
15115 vulgare L. ' common A cul 2 jn.o Pk Britain ch. w. D s.l Eng. bot. 1143
2 fibre albo white-flowered Britain m.woo. D co
15116 hutnile Poir. dwarf W ...... 1818. D co
15117 virens Lk. green Pk Spain 1824. D co
15118 nonnale D. Don normal B Nepal 1819. D co
15119 hcraclc6ticum L. bast. Winter-sweet' W S. Europe 1640. D s.1 Lob, ic. 492
15120 crcticum L. Cretan W S. Europe 1596. S s.1 Schk. nan. 2.16*
15121 mogastachyum Lk. large-spiked Pk S. Europe 1823. D co
15122 smyrna;'urn L. Smyrna, W Smyrna 1722. C r.m
15123 hlrtum Lk. hairy Pk Levant 1823. D co
15124 oblongatum Lk. oblong W D co
15125 OnUcB L. Onitcs Pk Sicily 1759. D co Boc. mu.38
15126 syriacum L. Syrian 5 Pk Syria 1823. S co
15127 Maiordna L. Sweet Marjoram£ Pk Portugal 1573. S r.m M.h. 11.3.1
15128 Man L. Mastic n. Pk C co Bot. mag. 2005
majoranoldes W.
15129 Indicum Roth Indian ^ OJ or jn.jl W E. Indies 1816. S r.m
15130 TournefurU H. K. Tournefort'8 «. | or au.s Pk Amorgos 1788. C co Bot. rep. 537
15131 sip^leum L. Mount Sipylus n. | or jn.s Pk Levant 1699. C r.m Her. lug. 463
15132 Dictamnus L. Dittany of Cretm. I or Pk Candia 1551. C r.m Bpt. mag.290
15133 benghalense Gar. Bengal «L I or jn.jl Pk Bengal 1820. C l.p Bur. in. 38.3
15134 egyptiacum L. Egyptian B. I fra Pk Egypt 1731. C co Alp. a*g. 95
•1681. THYTtfUSL. THYME. {Thymos, courage; smell reviving.) LabiHUe. 33.-36..
15135 villt>sus L. villous f jnjl P Portugal 1759. C co Fl. por. 1.14
15136 cephal&tes L. P Portugal 1759. C co Fl.por.1.13
15137 numfdicus Poir. Numidian tt. or i P Barbary 1816. D s.1
15138 Marinosc* Ten. Marinosci's tt. or R Italy 1824. D s.1
15139 creticus Brot. Cretan tt. or 1 P Mediterr. 1817. C 8.1
« « M ZJynaus capitatus Lk.
15140 odoratlssimusJ^A. aweetest-scentedtt. or P Tauria 1817. C s.l
15141 aciculkris»/. needle-lcaved fU or P Hungary 1806. C co W.&K. 8.1*7
15IB hir«utu» Bleb. hairy «. or P Spain 1821. C s.l

15143 Zygis L. Zygis tL or 1 au P Spain 1771. S r.m Bar. 1c. 777

15144 MarschalliciffiM W. Marshall's tt, or P Crimea 1817. C co
15 HJ glabratus Lk. smooth tt. or i P S. Europe 1823. C co Fl. por. 15
1514*5 angustifulius Schreb. narrow-leaved** or P C co
15147 Serpyllum L. Wild Thyme U or \ P Britain heaths. C s.p
15148 Ixserens Ehrh. drawn out JU or 1 P Britain heaths. D co
15149 colunusiteA. hill £* or 1 P Tauria 1820. D co
15150 montanus Kit. mountain £* or St Hungary 1806. D e.p W. & K. 1. 71
15151 nummularius B'teb. Moneywort 1* or i J jnjl P Crimea 1822. C co
15152 pannonicus W. en. Pannoman or \ P Hungary 1817. C co
15153 lanugintous Sehk. woolly or i jnau P Britain Scot C co
15154 citriod&rus Pert. Lemon-scented £, or i in au P C co
15155 lucidus Ehrh. nhming-leaved tt. or 1 P C co
15156 vulgaris L. common garden*. cul 1 P a Europe 154a C r.m
2 latifolius broad-leaved tt. cul 1 P C co
15157 Mastichina L. Mastich tt. |or 1 jl.s Pa.P Spain'" 1596. C co Black. 134
15158 elongatus Lk, elongated tt. or 1 jls P- 1816. C co
15159 tomentusus W. en. tomentose tt. or 1 w Spain 1816. C co
C s.l Deaf. at. 2.128
15160 lanceolktus Desf. lanceolate tt. or ijlau p N. Africa 1823.
15161 'Aagoriganum L. Goat's Origan, tt. lor 1 my.jn p Candia 1640. C co Alp. ex. 78
15162 ericsfblius Roth Heath-leaved tt. or p Spain 1806. C co
15163 cro&licus Pert. Croatian tt. or 1 p Hungary 1802. D co W. ft K. 2.156
15164 Piperella L. Small Peppermints. or i p Spain 1810. D s.1 Boc. mu. 2.117
63 filiformis
filiformis W. filiform V. _J or |jn.jl p Minorca 1770. C co
15166 virgatus Ten. twiggy or 1 jlau p Italy 1824. D s.l
15167 fruticulbsus Bert. fruUculose p Sicily 1822. C s.l
or 1 jLau

1682. A CYNO9 Pert. ACT.VOS. (The Greek name of a balsamic plant) Labiate. 11.
15168 vulgiris Pert. BatU-lud common O or ' ! " »Britain dryh. S co Eng. bot. 411
- • - ' - -»—
, -, Thy mug jrf'cynos L.
15169 huterophyllus G.Don, variablclvd _ or t in.jl
O Italy 1822. S co
, Thymus acynoides Ten. heterophyllus Pc Poir.
15170 patavmus Pert. Paduan k | jnau F S. Europe 1776. s.1 Bot mag. 2153
15171 alpmus Pers. alpine £ Ol or iin.8 P Austria 1731. s.1 1 9 7
15172 grand! flurus G. Don great-flowered %. Q> or i P 1810, ll
apyrous grandiflorus Sm.
15173 rotundifolius Pert, round-leaved tt. or P Spain 1820. CO

15174 purpurascens Pers. jmrpurasccnt k Q> or P Spain 1820. CO

15175 herba baroni G.Don herb baroni tt. or 1 jlau P Corsica 1820. 8.1
.„, J^ymus herba baroni Lot.
15176 suaveolens G. Don sweet-scented O or 1 jlau P.R Greece 1817. S fl.1
, „.._ rhynnw suaveolens Sm.
15177 viUosus Pers. villous O or ijnau R Germany 1817. S co
15178 graveolens Lk. heavy-scented tt. or 1 P Crimea 1820. S co

•1683. CALAMI'NTHA Ph. CALAMINT. (Kalos,,bciutifUl, tnintha, mint.) LabihttB. 8 . - 9 .

«179 grandiflfcra Pers. great-flowored ^ A or 1 jn.s R Italy 1596. D co Bot mag. 208
l t t a Melissa grandiflura B. M. . _
15180caroliniana 5w/. Carolina k A or 1 J n J l F Carolina 1801. D co Bot mag. 997
- . , o Thymus grandifldrus A Af. _
Iol81 vulgaris Sw/. common k A or 2 R England D 8.1 Eng. bot 1676
Melissa Calamintha L. Th^mus Calamlntha E.B.
15182 A epeta Ph. Nepete k A or li JLo B England ch.hil. D co Eng. bot 1414

15183 77iarif61ia Pers. Marum-leaved ^ A or li jn.jl P Spain 1788. D co Cav.ic. 6.576

, t l n Mpeta marifulia Csv. Th^mus mantMius IV. en.
"184 critica P«-«. Cretan n. |or Jjnjl P S. Europe 1596. D r.m Bar. ic. 1166
15185 Iruticusa Pert. shrubby. «. I or | jls P Spam 1752. C r.m
15186 dlba Lk. white £ A or W Hungary 1818. D p.l

1684. M E L I ' S S A X . {Melissa, a bee; gather abundance of honey from it.) Labiate. 5.-7.
13187 offlcinihs L. officinal jn.o w S. Europe 1573. D co
S rom'ina Roman hairy jn.o w S. Europe ... D co
15188 cordifulia Pert. heart-leaved jn.o W.P Italy 1808. D co Greece 1818. D s.1
jlau w
15189 altissima Sm. tallest
151U0 pyrenkica Jae. Pyrcncan Pyrenees 1800. D 8.1 Jac. vin. 2.183
//ormmum pyrenkicum L.
15191 polyanthos Lo. C. many-flowered A or 1 jlau W 1820. D s.1
* 1685. DRACOCE'PHALUM L. DRAGON'S H E A D . (Drakon, dragon, kephale, head ; fl.) Labiate. 23. — 90.
15192 Virginianum L. Virginian 3t A or 3 jl.s R N. Amcr. 1683. D p.l Bot mag. 467
15193 speciusuin
151(11 •iww>;.\o>..m c . j Swt. ShOWV ^ TV Or 2 il au ™* Pk
c . k . « Siberia
. taaa 1822. D CO Sw. fl gar. 93
1^>194 denticulktum L. toothed St Carolina 1787. D p.l Bot mag. 214
1011)5 variegatum Veil. varicgatod P Carolina 1812. D co Ven.cels44
15196 cordatum Nut. cordate-leaved P N. Amcr. 1824. D p.l
15197 Ruyachidmm L. Ruysch's B N.Europe 1(!99. D p.l Fl. dan. 121
15198 aubtrtacum L. Austrian B Austria 1.097. D p.l Jac. ic. 1.112
15199 fcotryoldea Stev. Botrys-like P Siberia D co
15J00 palmatum L. palmated P Siberia 1815. D co
15g)l canari^nseL. Canary Balm qfGUead*. i _ | or Pa.P Canaries 1G97. C r.m Com. h. 2.41
15202 peregrinum L. foreign & or B Siberia 1759. D p.l Bot mag. 1084
15203 argunense Fit. Argun 5 ^ or B Siberia 1822. D co Bot. cab. 797
15204 grandiflbrum L. great-flowered $ A or B Siberia 1759. D p.l Bot. mag. 1009
15205 altaiense Lam. Altaian 5 A or 1 jlau P Georgia 1787. D co N.c. p.29. 3
la20h' moldavicum L. Moldavian O or 2 jlau B Moldavia 1596. S co Lam. il 513.1
2 albiflurum white-flowered O or 2 jlau w Moldavia 1596. S co
15207 parviflurum Nut. small-flowered k & cr N. Amer. lBi'5. D p.l
I'iQiticanescensZ.. canescent O or 2 jlau B B
-Levant 1711. 1> co Sw. fl. gar. 58
Him ibencum Step. Iberian k A or 1 jlau B
Iberia 182a D p.l
15210 peltatura L. peltate O or li jlau Levant 1711. S co 513.2
O or ijn.s
Thyme-flowered P Siberia 1752. S co Gm.Bi.a50
"211/hymiflorumi. P
}icnS ? — t »L• " • nodding 5 A or 1 B Siberia 1731. D co .Botreg.841
}g}3chamiedryoWe«JRi/*. Germander-Ik * AJ or i JLau B 1823. D Up
*M riblricum L. Siberian 3 A or 1 B Siberia 1760. D p.l Bot mag. 5185


honey; bees gather abundantly from.) Labiate. 2 . - 4 .
15215 Melissophy'llum L. Melissa-leaved ^ A or * my.jn F England woods. D co Eng. bot.577
2 alpinum alpine ^ A I my.jn F SwitzerL ... D co
15216 grandiflora Sm. great-flowered ^ A °r 1 my W!t England woods. D co Eng. bot 636
• 1687. (yCYMUM L BASIL. (Ozo, a smell; powerful scent.) Labiate. 20. — 31.
thyrsiflorum L.
15 218 gratlssimum L.
15219 basiheum L.
most grateful n.
S un W E. Indies 1806. S s.1 Jac. vin. & 72
un 2 W E.
E. Indies 1751.
Indies 1751.
Jac. ic. 3.495
1548. C s.l Black. 104
15220 pilusum W. en. pilose O cul 1 W India 1816. S r.m
15221 micranthum W. en. small-flowered O un ] jl.s W 1816.
1816. S 8.1
15222 viridc IV. en. green tt. HHun 1 Pa,P ...... 1816.
1816. S s.1
15223 suave W. en. avreet-scented a. L j u n 3 jl.s W.a ...... 1816. 8.1
J5224 canum 5/ww hoary D u n 3 jl.s W China 1822. CO Bot. mag. 2452
15225 sanctum L. holy O un 1 jl W E. Indies 1758. 8.1 R. mal. 70.92
15216 febrifugum Lindt. febrifuge O un 1 jl.s P S. Leone 1822. CO Bot. reg. 753
15221 album L. white lol or 3 jn.o W E. Indies 1816. 8.1
15228 amencanum L. American 1 jl.s W W. Indies 1789. s.l Jac. vin. 3.86
15229 caryophyllatum Rox. Clove-scented rm un 1 W W E. Indies 1817.
152.30 villbsum llox. 2 3 or 22 E. Indies 18J7. s.1
152:11 wienthoiite L. villous CSJor W E. Indies 1783.
Mint-like s.1
15232 inoduruin /.am. 0 un jl.s w E. Indies 1823. 8.1
scentless rm or
15233 cristatum Rox.
15231 grandiflbrum Herit. crested O) or
jl.a w E. Indies 1822.
Abyssinia 1802.
15235 minimum L. great-flowered 1 I un
s.o w
w E. Indies 1573. 8.1 Her. ser. 43
least O cul r.m Schk.han.2.166
15236 cordifuhum J?q/. Mauntius?1825. C 8.1
heart-leaved i-Jun
* 1688. IAJMSVTZEHA Jac. LUMNITZERA. (Stephan Lumnitzcr, a botanical author.) Labiate. 5 . - 9
% 15237 ocymoide3 Jac. Ocymum-hke O or 1^ jl.s W 1823. S co
O'cymiim polycladum Lk.
\ 15238 polyhtachya Jac. many-spiked E J u n 1 w E Indies 1783. S 8.1 Mur.3.3
O'cymum polystachyon L.
15239 tenuiflura Spr. slcndcr-flwd £ Q ] u n 1 jLau Pa.P E. Indies 1703. 8.1 Ru am. 5.912
415240 capitata W. headed O ec 1J W China 180G. S.1
O'cymum capitelUtum L.
15241 mosuhiita Spr. musk iQJ or U jl.s W N. Holl. 1S23. S co
Plectranthus moschkta R. Br.
• 1689. PLECTR A'NTHUS Herit. PLECTRANTHUB. {Plektron, cock's spur, anthos, flower.) Labiutue. 23. — 38.
\ 15242 fruticosus Herit. shrubby tt. | | or 3 jn.s B C.G.H. 1774. C r.m Her. eer. 85.41
15243 scuteilano'idcs R.Br. Skullcap-like O or S B E. Indies 1764. S l.p But mag. 1446
O'cymum scutellarioides H. A.
15244 galeatus Vahl hclmctod O un 2 B Nepal 1820. S s.1
15245 grav&olens R. Br. heavy-smelling tt. i I un 2 au.s B N.Soll. 1826. C p.l
15246 australis R. Br. southern O"' un 2 au.s B N. Holl. 1826. C p.l Bot reg. 1098
15247 incknus Lk. hoary £ iAl or 3 jlau B 1822. D co
15248 monachorum Spr. monks' O un 1 jlau W E. Indies 1796. S s.l
O'cymum monachoxum L.
15249 molhs Spr. soft iGJun 1 8 V E. Indies 1781. S 8.1
O'cymum m6Ue H. K.
15250 asper Spr. rough jun S au.s B E. Indies 1824. C
r Forskohl's lor 3 o.n B Abyssinia 1806. C Bot mag. 2036
barbatus B. R.
15252 strobillferus Rox. strobiliferous O u n 1 B E. Indies 1804. 8.1
15253 secundus Rox. side-flowering O un 1 B R Indies 1816. 8.1
15254 punctatus Herit. dotted jf O o r 2 jamy B Africa 1775. r.m Her. ser. 87.41
152"»5 rotundifolius Spr. round-leaved O un 1 B Mauritius 1823. 8.1
15256 rhymiflorus Spr. Thymc-flwd O un 1 au.s E. Indies 1826.
15257 viscusus Spr. clammy tt. I I un l j aus E. Indies 1826.
15258 parvifl5rus W. en. small, flowered n. | | or 3 jn.s S Amer. 1805. W. h. b. 65
15259 cordifulius D. Don heart-leaved tt. | | un Nepal 1823. 8.1
15260 comusus Sims comose n. I 1 pr 2 au Nepal 1821. CO Bot. mag. 2318
15261 colorktus D. Don colored tt. | | un 2 au.s Nepal 1820.
15262 Coetsa Ham. Coetsa tf iAl un 2 o Nepal 1823.
1526J tematus Sims ternate Omime Plant£ [£] or | au Madagasc.1821. D r.m Bot. mag. 2460
15264 temifolius D. Don three-leaved tf i I un 2 aus Nepal 1820. C p.l

1690. POGOSTE^MON Dcsf. POGOBTEMON. (Pogon, a beard, stemon, a stamen.) Labiate. 1.

15265 plectranthotdes Desf. Plcctranth-lk t t j o r 1 ... W C ep
• 1691. TRICHOSTEXMA L. TRICIIOSTBMA. (Thrix, hair, sterna, stamen; slender.) Labiate. 2.—*•
15266 dichutomum L. dichotomous O or 1 jn jl B N. Amer. 1759. S s.1 lam. il. 515
15267 lincarc MM. hncar-featwtf O pr 1 B N. Amer. 1759. S s.p Di. el. 285.369
1692. PROSTANTHE*RA Lab. PROSTANTHERA. (Prostheke, appendage, anthera, anther.) Labiate. 1. — &
i268 dcnticulXta R. Rr. toothed sH i_J or 4 ... N. HolL 1824. C s.p
152n9 rhumbca R. Br. rhomb-far iwi N. Holl. 1823. s.p
15270 rotundif^lia if. Br. round-leaved sHi_Jor 3 N. Holl. 1824. s.p
15271 inc^sa R. Br. cut-leaved * L J o r 3 jnau N. Holl. 1823.
19T& vioKicca /{. Br. vioi\ct-colored * L _ | o r 5 V N. Holl. 1820. C sip Bot. reg. 107*
15273 line^ris R. Br. \incar-lcaved " I | or 3 ... N.
i*. Holt
n u n . 1824.
io«ii C
C 8>p . .«
15274 lasianthos Lab. villous-flowcredH i_J or 2 jnjl P.w N. &W. 1808. C s.p Bot. reg. I* 3
•1693. SCUTELLA^RIA L. SKULLCAP. (ScuMla, a small dish; figure of calyx.) Labiate. 31.— 4
I. SOLITARIIFLORX. — Flowers axillary, solitary.
- >ga l l d \ A
sinall-capped 111 jjn.s
! 1
BB B it
Britain D co Eng. bot 523
15276 hastifolia L. spear-leavcd P Germany 1798. D co
Scordium.lvd B Siberia 1817. 1
15277 JcordiR.lia Fit. % Pk Britain xn.hed. D S> Eng. bot. 52*
l.-#«78 minor L less
}Sg9 v e r n a l , . spring i jnjl B S. Europe 1821. D pi
15280 ambfgua Kut. ambiguous jnjl B N. Amer. 1824.
15281 h.ivanmsia Jac Havannah B Havannahl793. D El Jac. ob. 2.29
15282 humilis R. Br. dwarf B N. Holl. 1823. D P-l A 106
15283 parvula Mi. \ery small B N. Amer. 1822.
S p.l Hook.ex.fl iu ^

II. RACEMIFLORA—Flowers in racemes, spicate, axillary.

15284 grandiflbra Sims large-flowered ^ A or P.Y Siberia 1804. D 8.1 Bot mag. 635
15285 laterifl&raL. side-flowering £ A or 1 jn.a B N. Araer. 1752. D p.l
III. TERMINALIFL6RJL—Racemes terminal, simple.
15286 orientalis L. oriental k A or 1 jl.s Y Levant 1729. D pi Bot. mag. 2120
15287 macrantha Fit. long-flowered 1 A o r i jl.s B Siberia 1827. D co
15288 zlt&UnLedeb. Altaian ^ A or ft jn.jl ... Siberia 1817. D p.l
15289 decumbens Sieb. decumbent 5 - A i o r ^ jn.jl B S. Europe 1825. D p.1
hfrta Sm.
15290 alplna L. alpine £ A or f jn.o B.w Hungary 1752. D p.l Sw. fl.ear.90
15291 peregrlna L. foreign k A or 2 jn.o V Italy 1683. D co W. & K. 2.125
15292 altfMima L. tallest £ A or 1 D.P Levant 1731. D p.1 Bot. mag. 2548
15293 pillida 2lfe& pale k A or 2 W Crimea 1824. D co Gm. si. 58
15294 Columns AIL Columna's k A or 1J B Italy 1806. D co Sw. A. gar. 52
15295 rubictinda Horn. ruddy k A or 2 Pk 1823. D co
15296 nigrescens Spr. nigrescent * A P* 2 Y Candia 1826. R co
15297 albida L. • whitish k A or lft W.p 1771. D s.l Sab. rora. 3. 29
15298 lupullna L. wolf k A or I in.s Y.w Tartary 1739. D p.l Schm. ic. 73
15299 integrifolia L. entire.leaved jg A °* 1 jn.s B N. Amer. 1731. D p.l Pluk.aL441.6
13300 Ayssopifolia £. Hyssop-leaved k A or 1 jn.s B N. Amer. 1731. D co
15301 purpurascens 5ti«. purpurascent k A or 2 jn.jl B W. Indies 1830. D p.l
15302 caroliniana Lam. Carolina 5 A or lft jn.jl B Carolina 1811. D co Lam. iL 515.3
15303 nervosa Ph. fibrous k A or 1 B Virginia 1826. R co
IV. COMPOSITIFLORJS.- - Racemes compound, terminal.
15301 pilosa Afo. pilose k A or 1 B N. Amer. 1825. D p.l
15J05 serrlta Andr. tawJeaved k A or 4 jn.s B N. Amer. 1800. D s.l Bot rep. 494
* 1694. PR UN&LLA L. SELF-HEAL. {Die breaune, disease of jaws, Ger.; supposed mod. qual,.) Lobtdte.13.
15306 vulgaris L. common ^ A m ft Pk Britain me. pa. D co Eng. bot 961
„ "
white-^oti^r^d W Britain me. pa. D co
Pennsylvanian Pa.B N. Amer. 1801. D P.l W.h.b.9
15307 pennsylvanica ovate-leaved P America S fp
Jo308ovataW. great-flowered L.B Austria 159a D p.l Bot mag. 2014
15309 grandiflbra X. broad-leaved D p.l
15310 latifclia Z.0. C. long-leaved France 1800. D p.l
15311 longifMia P*r*. white Siberia 1800. D p.l
J5312 alba Pall. intermediate Portugal 1790. D 6.1 Bot mag. 337
15313 intermedia Z*. cut 1823. 1) co
15314 inrisa Ur. jagged Austria 1713. D p.l 516.
hastate Spain 1818. D p.1
5 3 l 5Ayssopifolia
lik L. Hyssop-leaved France 1731. I) p.1 M.h.11.5.7
hairy Europe 1812. D p.1
15318 hlrteiternA.
1695. CLEO^NIAL. CLEONM. (A Greek name employed by Theophrastus.) Labtite. 1.
1 Portugal O or 1 jn.jl L.B Portugal 1710. S co Mil. ic. 1.70
5319 lusitanica L.
irl 6 9 6 - -PRA^SIUM L. PRASIUM. (The Greek name for horehound.) LabiaUe. 2.
greater Spanish*. _J cu 2 w Spain J699. C r.m FLgr.S84
15321 rn^nw L. smaller Sicilian*. _J cu l W Sicily 175L C r.m
PIIRVMA. (Meaning unknown.) Jjabiata. 1.
322 leptostachya L. slender-spiked ^ A cu lft au.s W.p N. Amer. 1802. D Lp



*1698. GESNE^RJ^L. GEBNEBIA. (Conrad Gesner, of Zurich, the famous botanist.) GesnerUte. 11.—26.
15323 sckbra Sum. rough tt-Qor 1 S Jamaica 1820. C p.1
15324 corymbosa Sun. corymbose O-CZlor 2 S Jamaica 1822. C p.1
15325 hirsuta H. & B. hairy ttDor 1 S Cumana 1826. C p.1
5 l i f l / Elm-leaved jg EJ or 2 S S. Amer. 1820. C p.1 Bot reg. 1032
penduAna Lindl.
15327 calycma Swx. ftzrgr-calyxed a. CD or lft Jamaica ... C p.1
15328 h ilmills L. hunible it • or * S Cuba ... R p.1 PL gen. 1&3.2
15329 tubiflora Cav. tube-flowered A El or 2 fmr S. Amer. 1815. R pi Cav. ic.584
15330 Douglasii LindL Douglas's A El or lft s R.T Rio Jan. 1826. R p.1
J5331 aggregMa Ker aggregate 2 au S Brazils 1816. R p.1 Bot. reg. 329
15332 bulbtaa Ker bulbous A E ] o r 2 my.jn S Brazils 1816. R p.1 Bot reg. 343
15333 acaulis L. stemless Jamaica 1793. R I.p SL jam. 1.102.1]
A E l or 1 ... S
M}£P; O 9' £ « M " - CODONOPHORA. (Kodon, a little bell, phoreo% to bear.) Gesneriite. 2.
lanceolatc w
GcSbrte* *'
*' l a n - ' ' t t - a o r 2 myjl S & Amer. 1752. C p.1 Bot mag. 1023
15335 grandiflora Lindl. great-flowered lftmyjl S Brazil 1818. C p.1 Bot reg. 428
Gesnerto praainata Ker •

1700. PENTARA^PHIA Lindl. PENTARAPHIA. (Pente, five, raphis, a spike.) Gesner&a/. 1.

-G336longifloraLindl. long.flowered ttQor 14jn.jl ... Jamaica 1823. C p.l
Gesneritf ventriebsa Swx.

1701. SINNFNGLf Nees SINNINUIA. (W. Sinning, gardener to the university of Bonne.) Gesnerieee 6.
15337 Heileri Nees Heller's t L | Z ] o r f jn.jl W.o Rio Jan. 1820. C p.1 Bot. ree. 9ff7
---. J calyclna Hort. /ar/f^c . Cj or 1 jl.aU D
"" Jamaica
——!— 1824.
1824. nC _p.1
ion* p. O
}5339guttata Lindl.
15341 YMhnLmdl.
] or lft my.jl Y.R,W Brazil
Jor lft myjl Y Brazil
] or ]ft my.jl Y.G Braail
23:8 Ri
1827. C |ll

1702. GLOXI'N/i* Herit GLOXINIA. (/?. P. Gloxin, of Colmar, a botanist) Gesneriea?. 4.

15342 maculkta Herit. gpotteA-stalked £ E) or 1 jl.o P S. Amer. 1739. C s.p Botmag.1191 1
15343 spccitoa B. R. showy £ E2 or 4 jn.n P S.j\mer. 1815. C s.p Bot. rcg. 2J3
2 Alba vrhite-flowered £ LSI or £ jn.n W S. Amer. ... D s.p
15344 caulesccns B. R. caulescent £ ES or £ P Pernamb. 1826. I) p.l Bot. rcg. 1127
15345 hirsilta B. M. hairy £ GH'or * B S. Aincr. 1824. D s.p Bot mag. 2690
1703. LINNJE\4 Gro. LINVJEA. (Gar/ von Linni, most eminent of modern naturalists.) Caprtfbliaceaf. 1*
15346 borealis Gro. northern IU A pr i F Scotl. dry st.c. D Lp Eng. bot 433
2 amencana American t, ^ or £ F N. Amer. 1800. D Lp
1704. MELIA'NTHUS L. HONEY FLOWER. (Meli, honey, anthos, flower; abounds in.) Rutacece? 3.
15347 minor L. greater H i_J or 10 my.jl Br C. G. H. 168S. Sk s.1 Bot. rcg. 45
15J48 irfinor L. smaller H i_J or 2 au Br C. G. H. 1696. Sk s.l Bot mag. 301
15340 coinJisws Vahl tufted *i_jor 3 ... Y C. G H. 1820. Sks.l Com. r. 4.4
1705 KRAME^U/if L. KRAMERTA. (J. G. II. and W. II. Kramer, German botanists.) Polygplete. 1.— 7.
15350 panciflora 8eni few.flowered • • or 4 ... ... Mexico 1824. C sp Fl. mex. ic. in.
* 1706. BlGSOySIA L. TRUMPET FLOWER. {AbM Bignon, libr. to Louis XIV.) Blgnonihcece. 53. —82.
I. Bix\*rjE.—Leaves binate, tendriUcd; peduncles one or few ftwd.froni 1.536O. racemose, from 15368. panicled.
15351 unguis L. claw ft_ O or 10 ... V W. Indies 1759. .L s.p PI. am. 94
IC'HIO stiimiiica
ct-nniii/vi Lam.
Tnm to;i£-stamcncd
Innir cfginnnml ft.
a I • Inror |() ...
Hib|>aiiioM8£>. *C
Hlb|>aiiiol.l825. *C Lp PllL SpeC. 56. 2
163.33 caprcoPita L. tcndnlled ± or 15 jn.jl S
S N. Amer. 1710. C B.p
N. Amer. 1710. C s.p Bot. mag. 864
15.114 pub^cens L. pubescent ft. • or 15 jn.jl Y " Campcachyl7.')9. C
'Guiana •-1768. C ~
l."i'ip>.5 roquinuctiMis L. equinoctial ft. • cl 40
VIJ'IG Chainhcrlayn/i B.R. Chainherlayne'sft. O el 40 ap.o Y ap.o
Brazil 1820. tr p
PL ic. 55.1
Bot reg. 741
15J:>7 s.ilic.a'iilia Kth. Willow-leaved ft. • or 10 ... Y
Bonp. yellowish-whiteft_
Trinidad 1SL'4.
fl_OOo r 10 jn.jl Y.w S. Amer. 1824. l
Lam. ft. O cu 10 ... Y W. Indies 1790. •pp
15>)0 R|>cctal>ilis Vahl showy ft_ CZD or 10
P W. Indies 1800. l
ir,)CA plcta Kth. painted ft. D or 10 Va S. Amer. 1823. s.1
15Ji)2 rigcsccnis Jac. rigesceut ft_ • or 20 jnjl Pk Caraccas 182.3. s.p Jac. v . 210
l.rijH] I.icti flora Vahl mdk-flowercd ft_ D or j»jl W SantaCruzl82J. s.p Vahl sy. 66
15361 lnconanlha Lie. smaller-flwd ft. O or 2020 jn.jl Pk N. Holl. ? ... B.p
15365 /aiiriftlia Vahl L:uircl-lcavcd ft^ • or '20 Y* Guiana 1804. 1.P
153ii6 granditoli.'i Jac. largc-loavcil ft_ or 60 apjl Y Caraccas JSIo. P.1 Bot reg. 418
lo.X>7 latif?i\ia Rich. broud-lcaved ft or 10 P Cayenne 182 i. .P
15368 elongata Vahl elongated ft_ • or 8 ... S. Amer. 18J0. P Vahl «c. 2.16
15369 mollissima Kth. ft. Dor 10 ... Caraccas 18iO.
Vahl ce). 2.16
15370 caiidif ans ltich. whitish || I lor 10 ... Cayenne 1820.
15371 diversifMia Kth. vanous-lcavcd ft. • or 10 ... Mexico 1825. Lp P
15372 floribunda Kth. buudlc-flwd II lor 12 ... Mexico Lp
II. TERNAV/E. — Leaves ternate, tendrilled, except Xo. 15382.
15573 cruefgera L.
15374 chirtre Aub.
heteroph>ila 71
Chiriri \B Y.d S Amer. 1759. L s.p PI. ic. 58
R.O Guiana 1824. C Lp Aub. gui. 2.260
O S. Amer. 1816. Bot. reg. 249
15375 yon'ista B. R.
l.i.*'7n inc.irn-jta Aub.
LOor 8.d
P.R Guiana 1820. Aub. gui. 2. 2t>l
15377 m.Mli.s Vahl soft
tomontiii-a Rich, not T/inn.
*-H Guiana 1818. Vahl ec. 2, 10
15378 pjllida Lindl. \n\Q-flowered ftQ 15 jl W W. Indies 1823. C r.m Bot reg. 965
iflTJ!) litttirMis Kth. shore 10 ... P.R Mexico 18.4. C Lp
1.WS0 liridiflora Lod. green-flowered ft. • or 10 my G S. Amer. 18SS. c Lp Bot reg. 1626
15.ASI apurensis Kth. Apure ft. • or 10 ... Y Orinoco 1824. c
15JS2 triph?lla L. thrce-loavcd S O or 10 ... W S. Amer. 1733. !
R l.p
>chin?ita L.
15383 cell bristly./rM//crf fl I lor 20 ... Pk Guiana 1804. C Lp Aub. gui. 2.264
Jacardnda cchinata Spr.
III DICITAVA. — Leaves digitate.
15334 fluviatilis Aub. river Guiana 1824. Aub. gui.2.267
15.')8.> Lcuci'ixylon L. white-wooded W.Indies 1759. Bot rep. 43 4
Vfj&6 rhrysantha Jac. ycllnw.flowered Guiana 182a Lp Aub. gui. 2.211
15.;S7 serrutifMia Vahl saw-leaved W. Indies 1822. Lp
15388 osculifuha Kth. Horscchestnut-lvd Mexico 1-P
IV. PINNA"T/E. — Leaves simply pinnate.
15389 bijuga Vahl twin-leaved H Q or 6 Madagasc. 1822.
Clematis./;/^ ft_ O or 15 Caraccas 1820. !P
15390 Clematis Kth.
V. COMPOSITE. — Leaves decomposed or bipinnate.

15391 varlibilia Jac. variablee ft. CD or 10 ... Y.w Caraccas 1819. P Jac.scS.SlS
15503 indjea L. Indian 40 ... W India 1775. !Lp R. mal. 1.43
15393 subcrosa Box. 38 ... W £ Indies 1820. l.p
Milliugtfinia hortensia / . .
15304 Ch)ca Hum. Chica ft_ • or 10 Orinoco 1819.
lS395^asminifi»Iia Kth. Jasmine-leavedft_ O or 10 O Orinoco 1826. ,LP
15396 alba Aub. white ft_ CD or 8 W Guiana 1823. 1-P Aub.gui.S66
Jacardnda filba Spr.
VI. SIMPLICIFOLIA. — Leaves simple, cordate, five-nerved.
15397 tomentosa Thun. woolly 2 O or 10 Japan 1820. C p.l Ksm. 860
Incarvillea tomentosa Spr.
VII. DU^BIA. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
15398 dectpiens Lo. C. deceiving ft. • or 10 E. Indies ?1823.
15399 crcnata Lo. C. crcnated ft.CDor 10 E Indies? 1823.
15400 lucida Lo. C. shining ft. O or 10 E. Indies? 1823. p
15401 multifida Lo. C many-cleft J|_ I lor 10 E.Indies? 1823. p.!
15402 quadrangulaTis Box. quadrangular ft. O or 10 E. Indies? 1823. pl
15403 purpurea Lo.C. purple •Dor 6 & Amer. 1822.
, 1707. AMPHILOXBIUM Kth. AMPIIILOBIUM. (Amphi, around, lobos, a pod.) Bienoniacett. l-~
15404 panicuKitum Kth. panicled ft. • or 20 ... P W. Indies 1738, C Lp PL ic. 56.1
i paniculate W.
*J708- SPATHO^DEA Beam. SPATHODEA. {Spathe, a sheath ; fl. sheathed at base.) Bignmiacea. 1-~:}j
15405 unckta Spr. hooked ft_Qor 10 • Y Guiana 1804. C s.p Bot mag. J
Bigh&nia unckta B. M.

15406 corymbosa Ven. corymbose i l CD or 6 Y Trinidad 182*. C l.p

15407 Rheedii Spr. Rhecde's £ • or 16 Crea E. Indies 1794. C l.p R.mal.1.43
Bignontospathacea Rctz.
15408 RoxbArgw Spr. Roxburgh's tCJor 12 Pk E. Indies 1820. C l.p
Bigndnco quadnlocularis Rox.
15409 kcVis Beam. smooth f Dor 12 P Guiana 1825. l p Beau. ow. 1. 29
15410 longiflora Ven. long-flowered $ a or 12 R E. Indies 1816. Lp R. maL 6. 29
Bignbnni chelondldes L.
15411/raxinifMia Kth. Ash-leaved LCD or 10 Caraccas 1822. C Lp
Bignonia/raxmifblia Spr.
1709 FIELD/ FIELDIA. (Baron Field, some time chief \eem. 1.
judge in N. S. Wales.) Bignoniace,
15412 australis Cun. southern ft, i_j or 1 W N. Holl. 1826. C a.1 Ex. fl. 232
• 1710. TE'COMA J. TECOMA. (Tecomaxochitly the Mexican name.) Bignoniacete. 13.
15413 splciidida Spr. splendid Q or Y Brazil ' 1820. C p.l
15414 pentaphylla J. five-leaved Y W.Indies 1733. C p.l 118
BignbnzTi jcntaphylla L. Qor
15415 australis R. Br. southern A_Ljor apjl O N . S . W . 1793. C s.p Botmag.865
Bigiioiim Pandora Andr.
15416 digitata Kth. digitate HQor Y S. Amer. 1818. C l.p
15417 molhs Hum. soil Sfc |_j or Y Mexico 1824. C p.l
15418 radicans J. rooting or 30 O N. Amer. 1640. R s.p
Bignunia radicans L.
1 major greater Ash-lvd\ or 30 O N. Amer. 1640. R s.p Bot mag. 485
* 2 minor smaller Ash4vd I or 20 S N. Amer. 1640. C B.p _.r Cat. car. 1.65
15419 grandiflbra Suit. large-flowered J[ i_J or 30 o China 1800. C r.m Bot. mag. 1598
Bignunia erandiflora Thun. chinensis Lam. Incarvillca grandiflura Spr.
15420 caplnsis B. R. Cape | | o r 8 jl.s O C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Bot. reg. 1117
BignuiiMi cap^nsis H. K.
15421 stansJ. standing t D " 12 au America 1730. S l.p Pl.ic.54
Bignonfo stans L.
15422 inctsa Sivt. cutJcavcd H • or 10 au S. Amer. 1850. C l.p
B'lgnoiiia inc^sa Co. C.
15423 fambucifolia Kth. Sambucus-lvd A CD or Y Peru 1824. C p.1
15424 rosafrlia Kth. Rosc-lcavcd • O or Y Peru ... C p.1
15425*orbif6liaKth. Sorbus-leaved * D o r Y & Amer. ... C p.1
1711. CHILO'PSIS D.Don CHILOFSIS. {CheUos, a lip, opsis. resemblance \; flower.) Rignonihcea. I.
15426 salignaD. Don Willow-feawrf • L.J or 10 ... Pk Mexico 1825. C p.l Cav. ic. 3.269,
Bigniinia l'mearis Cav.
VlVi.JACARAf2JDA3. JACARANDA. ^ QU name inBraiil.) Bignoniilce*. 7.
15427 copaia D. Don Copaia f D o r 20 B Guiana 1793. C l.p
procdra Spr. Bignonirf procera W. coputa Aub. Brazil 1824. C l.p Bot reg. 1103
J542S R. Br. woolly JO0'??:!"" S Bahamas 1724. C p.1 pa Cat car. 1.42
15429 bahamensis B. M. Bahama J |_J or 10 B
_ Bignbnirt eoeriilea L. _ Brazil 1818. C p.1 Bot. reg. 631
15430 mimosifulia I). Don Mimosa-leaved i C3 or 10 B
ovalifMia R. Br. 20 Brazil 1820. P
l«*t1I braailiana Pers. Brazilian t LJ or 15 1825. P
pub6scens ho. C. pubescent I O or 15 W. Indies 1800. 1-P
5433/iiicif7iha D.Don Teni-leaved i Q o r
rhombifblia Mey.
. 171*3. DIDYMOCA'RPUS Jac. DlDTMOCARPUS. (Didymos, double, karoos, ft.) Didymocdrpe<s. 1. — 8.
i 15434 Rex/i Bow. Rex's lAlor
\ jaau B C . G . E 182a D p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 227
•1714. SALPIGLO'SSIS R. g[P. SALPIGLOSSIS. (Salpigx, a tube, elossa, a tongue.) Solhnete. 3.
15435 straminea Hook. straw-colored O or 1| R.wD.P Chile 1824. S p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 229
15436 sinuata R. ft P. scolloped Oor Chile 1827.
15437 parviflora G. Don small-flowered EiJor
!I Y Chile 18L7. P-l
, *1715. ECCREMOCA'RPUS A ft P. ECCREMOCARPUS. (Eklcretnes, pendent, karpos, fruit.) Bienoniaeeee. 2 . - 3 .
515438 scarcer R. ft P. rough L u J p r 6 jUu O Chile 1824. C s.l.p Bot reg. 939
15439 longifl&rus Hum. long-flowered fl_ t | pr 6 O Peru 1825. C 8.1.p
1716. SE'SAMUM W. OILV GRAIN. (Semsem, its Arabic name.) Seshmea. 2 . - 4 .
15440 orientale IV. oriental O c l t l f jl W E. Indies 1731. S co R. mal.9-.5j
15141 indicum W. Indian HU dt 1| jl Pa.P E. Indies 1731. S co Bot mag. 1788
* 1717. PENTSTE^MON W. PENTOTEMON. {Pente, flvp, stemon, stamen; 4 perfect, 1 imper.) Serophular. 16.
15442 campanuKitus W. bc\\-Jloivercd £ _ J o r —r.o LP Mexico 1794. D p.l Bot. mag. 1878
15443 rbsvusG.Don roseate tf R Mexico 1825. DD p.1
p.1 Sw.fl.gar.230
Chcluiic r6sca Cer. angustifolia B. R.
S15444 elc^ans G. Don elegant £ L.P Mexico 1827. D p.1
CheKine elegans Kth.
15443 at romirpureusG.Don dark purple j£ UJI-o D.P Mexico 1827. D p.1 Sw.fl.gar.235
Chelone atropurpikrea Suit.
15446 KVmthit G. Don Kunth's £ P Mexico 1825. D p.1 H.&B.2.173
Chclunc angustifolia Kth.
15447 Richardsomi Dou. Richardson's tf Hjn.s D.P Colombia 1825. D p.1 Bot reg. 1121
154481a;vig:,tusttA:. smooth tf 2 au.s L.P N. Amer. 1776. I) p.1 Bot mag. 1425
15449 eriantheruB/»A. woolly-anthered* P Louisiana 1811. D p.l
Chelone enstata Snr.
15450 glaber Ph. smooth tf A or lfjLs D.P Louisiana 1811. D p.l Bot mag. 1672
Chelune erianthera Spr.
15451 hirsntus W. narr.-lvd hairy £ or 1 au.s L.P N. Amer. 1758. D pl tf.h.11.12.3
15452 pubescens H.K. broad-tod pubescent^ or l}au.s L.P N. Amer. 1758. D p.l Bot. mag. 1424
15453 angustitulius Ph. narrow-leaved £ or 1J jl.s L.P Louisiana 1811. D p.l
Chelniio Tcaerulea Spr. hifsuta Mil.
154.Halbirius^ tt/. whitibh £ or f jl.s W Missouri 1823. D p.1
15455 Rradbiiru L'h. Bradbury's £ or 2 jLs P Louisiana 1811. D p.l
.„ Chel5ne grandiflura Spr.
J5456 digitklis Nut. finger £ or 1§ jl.s W Arkansa 1824. D p.1 Sw. fl. gar. 230
*57grftciltsATtf/. slender ]£ or 1 jl.s B N. Amer. 1824. D p.1

* 1718. CHELO*NE L. CHELONE. (Chelone. a tortoise; back of helmet of fl. compared to.) Scrophular. 4 . - 6 .
15468 glabra L. smooth ^ A or 4 au.o W N. Amcr. 1730. I) p.1 Tr. ehr. 83
15459 obliqua L. oblique £ A or 4 au.o P N. Amer. 1752. D p.1 Bot. reg. 175
15460 Lvoiii Ph. Lyon's ^ A or 4 jl.s P N. Amer. 1812. D p.1 Bot. mag. 1864
major B. M. _ ..
15461 gcnt\ano)des Hum. Gentian-like £ _AJ or 3 O.a Mexico 1825. D p.1
1794. D p.1 Bot reg. 116
15462 barbata Cav. bearded ^ A or 3 jn.s O.s Mexico
1719 TOURRE'TTM Domb. TOUBRETTIA. (M. A. de la Tourrcttc, a friend of Rousseau's.) Sehamete.
15463 Jappacea W. Burdock ] O c u 6 R.G Peru 1788. S s.l Sal. st. 5.3
Dombeya feppacea Hsrit.
1720. MARTY'N/4 L. MARTYNIA. [John Martyn, F.R.S., prof, bot, Cambridge.) Sesdmeat. 4 . - 5 .
15464 diandra Glox. two-anthered CD or R NewSpain 1731. S s.l Bot rep. 575
15465 prouoscldea Glox. proboscis-like O or | I*B America 1738. S r.m Bot mag. 1056
annua L.
15466 longiflora L. long-flowered iQjor 2 Pa.P C. 6 . H. 1781. s.l Mee. ic.1.7
yellow fm or l£ Y -Brazils 1825. CO Bot reg. 934
15467 lbtca LindL
1731. CRANIOLANRIA L. CRANIOLARIA. (Kranion, a skull: sup. resemb. in capsules.) Sesamea?. 1.
15468 annua L. annual OJor S.Amer. 1733. S s.l Jac. am. 110
M.trtjruia Craniolaria Swz.
1722. jtCA'NTHUSL. BEAR'S BREECH. {Akantha, a spine; some species spiny.) Acanthiicear. 7 . - 9 .
15469 mollis L. soft A or S jl.8 P.w Italy 1548. D CO Lam. il. 550
15470 nlgcr Mil. black A or 3 jl.s P.w Portugal 1759. D ~ co
15471 hispitnicus Hort. Spanish 2 jl.8 W Spain 1700. D co
15472 spinosus L. pr\ck\y.leaved 3 jl.8 P.w Italy 1629. D co Bot mag. 1808
15473 spinossissimus Pers. spiniest 3 jl.s P.w S. Europe 1629. D co
15474 ilicifuhus L. Holly-leaved E. Indies 1759. C co R.mal.2.48
15475 carduilolius Thun. Thistle-leaved jl.s B C. G. H. 1816. S p.1
1723. BLE'PHARIS J. BLEPIIARIS. (Blepharis, the eyelashes; bracteas of calyx.) Acanthacete. 5. —10.
15476 capensis Pers. Cipe £ O| or 1 B~ C. G.
" H. 1818. S l.p
Acanthus capensis Thun.
15477 furcata Pers. (orkspined n.\ | or 2 C. G. H. 1816. S
15478 procCimbcns Pers. procumbent t| | or C. G. H. 1825. S Lp
15479 boerhaavid/d/ja Pers. l!oerhaavia.lvd El or E. Indies 1821. S Lp Bur. in. 42.2
15480 lincarifbha Pers. linear-leaved O or 2 Guinea 1823. S

1724, LEPIDA'GATHIS W. LEPIDAOATIIIS. (Lepis, a scale, ogathis, a ball.) AcanthiUe*. 1. — 2.

15481 cristata W. crested £ ES or 2 E. Indies 182a C s.1

* 1725. B ARLITR/J L. BARLERIA. (Alt from J. Barrelier, a Domin. of Paris, a eel. bot) Acanthhcece. 12. —21.

15482 ftuxiftlia -
L. -Box-leaved
" " il C3 cu " " W E. Indies 1768. C Lp R.mal.2.47
15483 jolanifolia L. Solanum-leavedft • or B W. Indies ... C ' PI. gen. 43.2
15484 PrionUie L. Prionitis il O or 3 O E. Indies 1759. C R. mal.9.41
15485 longifolia L. long-leaved jf OS or 2 jl.s W E. Indies 1781. S p Pluk. al. 13a 4
15486 cristhta L. crested * O or 2 jn.s B E. Indies 1796. C p. Bot. mag. 1615
15487 longiflora L. long-flowered il • or 3 jn.a E. Indies 1816. C p. Vahl sy. 1.16
15488 flava Jac. yeuo^ fw._ _ __ - __ 3 jn.s E. Indies 1816. C p.1 Bot. reg. 191
mUis B. R. Justicia flava ahl%t Eriinthemum
Era flavum W.
15489 Slba Hort. white « D o r 3 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1815. C co Bot. cab. 360
15490 purpbrea Lod. purple *CI]pr 2 s P E. Indies 1814. C l.p Bot cab. 344
15491 cssrblca Box. blue * • or 2 B E. Indies 1823. C l.p
15492 dichotoma Box. forked • • or 2 P £ Indies 1823. C l.p
15493 Btrigbsa W. strigose * Q or 2 B E. Indies 1820. C l.p

1726. PHAYLO'PSIS J. PIIAYLOPSIS. (Phaylos, contemptible, opsis, appearance.) Acanthacccs. 3.—&

15494 longifuha Sims long-leaved « - Q p r 2 ap.o W S.Leone 1822. S co Bot. reg. 2433
15495 imbricata Swz. imbricated £ El or 1 mr.jl W Mauritius 1822. S m.s
^theiluma imbricata Spr.
15496 glutintaa G. Don clammy j£ O or 1 mr jl W Guinea 1824. S m.s
• 1727. RUE'LL/ilL. RUELLIA. {John RueUe% of Soissons bot., phys. to Francis I.) Acanthhcete. 27.—84*
15497 ocymo'ides Cam Basil-like 1| B Mexico 1815. C Lp Cav. ic 5.456*.'
15498 cilikta Horn. ciliated ipr 2 jl P E. Indies 1806. C l.p 4
15499 austrdlis CaiK southern 2 B N. Holl. 1824. D l.p Cav. ic. 6.586.1
15500 te'tida Hum. fetid 2 B S. Amer. ... C l.p
15501 biflora /,. two-flowered 1 1 Pa.B Carolina 1765. C l.p
15502 vioKicca Aub. violet-colored ] or V Guiana 1820. D l.p Aub.gui.2.271
15503 ralicifrlia Vahl Willow-leaved ] or 1 B E. Indies 1820. S l.p
15504 cihosa Ph ciliated lor 1 Lau B Georgia 18'24. D l.p
15505 rubricafilis Cav. red-stemmed 1 B Mexico 1823. C l.p Cav. ic. 5. 417
15506 ovhta Cav. ovate-leaved £ IZJpr 2 D.B Mexico 1800. I) In Cav. ic JL 5254
15507 pfitula Jac. spreading n - C J p r 1J Jac. ic. 1. 119
15508 anuophflla Wai. unequal-leaved £ El or 2 Pa.V £. Indies 1774. C l.p Bot. cab. 1070
persicifulia B. R. amygdalaefoha Hort. B Klndies? 1823. D l.p
15509 formusa Andr. handsome tt-Dpr 2 jn.s S Brazil 1808. C s.p Bot mag. 1400
elcgans Poir. _
15510 macrophf lla Vahl long-leaved £ El prr 3 ... R & Martha 1824. C Lp Vahlsy.2.39 .
15511 tuberosa /,. dji fTTTpr
tuberous-roofa/A ETP 2 B Jamaica 1752. C Lp SI. jam. 1.95.}
15512 strepens L. rattling tf Alpr 2 Pa.BN. Amer. 1726.
milky j£ IAJ P' 2 Pa.VMexico 1796. D Lp Schk. han. 2.177
15513 lactea Cav.
15514 clandestina L. hidden £ C2
C2 p 2 B Barbadoesl72& C Lp Cav.ic. 3.255
15515 paniculata L. panicled E)P* 3 au P \V. Indies 1768. C Lp Di. el. 248.320
15516 ftilgidd Andr. briw • pr jLau S W. Indies 1804. C s.p SI. jam. 1.100.2
waved £ (23 pr R Indies 1824. C
C Lp Bot rep. 527
15518 hlrta Vahl hairy jg EJ or 1 jLau B" E. Indies 1817. C Lp
i^^«« r-"*w.«w x-ex*. pubescent £ G3G3 p 2 D.B C. G. H. 1823. c
15520 tetragbna Lk four-cornered j£ E l pr 2 jn.jl B Brazil 1824.
C Lp
15521 longitulia Both
15522 cernua Aor.
long-leaved £ El or 2 B E Indies 18^0.
D Lp
drooping j£ E l or 1 jLau B E. Indies 1816.
1552i> dep€ndcns Box. C Lp
dependent £ El or B E. Indies 1816.
D Lp

1728. HYGROTH1LA R. Br. HVGBOPHILA. to love; habitat.) Acanthdce*. 1. —3.

15524 rfngens R. Br. gaping t* El or Indies 1820. D bog
Ruellto ringens L.
1729. 5LETHUM J. BLECHUM. (Blechon, Gr. name of a plant resembling marjoram.) Acanthhcece. 4. — R
15525 BrtwneiJ. Browne's * El or 2 jn ... W. Indies 1780. C j.p SL jam. 1.109.
15526 laxiflorum J. loose-flowered j: El or 1 jn.jl W Jamaica 1818. C l.p
15527 angustifuhum R.Br. narrow-leaved £ El or 1 jn.jl B Jamaica 1824. C l.p
15528 brasihense Lo. C. Brazilian . £ El or 1 jn.jl B Brazil 1824. C Lp

1730. AMASOWJ L. AMASONIA. {Thomas Atnason,an American traveller.) Verbenhce*. 8 . - 4 .

15529 erecta L. erect £ E ) p r 1* au.s Y Maranh. 1823. Sks.l Aub. gu t . 2.252
Taligdlia campestris Aub.
15530 puntcea Vahl scarlet £ El pr 1} au.s Y Trinidad 1825. Sk s.l
1731. APHELA'NDRA R.Br. AVUELWDR A. (Apheles, simple, oner, a male; 1-celled anther.) Acanthuccte. 1.
15531 cristata R. Br. crested il • spl 3 jn.s S W. Indies 1733. C Lp Bot. mag. Iu78
Ruellw cristata B. R. Justfcsa pulcherrima L.

1732. GEISSOME^RIA B.R. GEISSOMERIA. {Geisson, penthouse, meris, part; calyx imbric.) Acanth.}.
15532 longifl&ra B. R. long-flowered m • el 3 S Brazil 1826. C Lp Bot reg. 104J
1733. CROSSA'NDRA Sal. CROSSANDRA. {Krossos, a fringe,aner, a male; anthers.) AcantMceee. 1.
15533 undutefdlia Sal. wave-leaved il • spl ljja.jn O.B E. Indies 1800. C p.1 Bot reg. 69
Ruellia infundibuliformis B. R. Harrachto spcciusa Jac.
1734. THUNBE'RGJW L. TIIONBERCIA. (Ch.P.Thunberg,T.H.S.t F.M.L.S., celeb, bot & trav.VAcanthhceat. 8.
15534 grandiflora Rox. large-flowcred t O or 6 my.s B E. Indies 1820. C p.1 Bot mag S.KiR
15535 Fragrans Box. fragrant 4 my.s W
3 my.s
E. Indies 1796. P-J Bot. mag. 1S81
Trinidad 1820. u p.l Col. h. rip. 21
1553S confota Coll. heart-leaved
15537 canensis Retz. Cape 3 my.r w C. G. H. 182*. C p.l Lam. il. £&>. 1
15538 alata Lod. winged 4 my.s Y E. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot cab. 1045
15539 angulataiFq/. angular _ 4 my.s Y Madagasc.1823. C p.l Bot cab. 1044
15540 coccinea Wai. scarlet % • or 4 my.s Nepal 1823. Hook. ex. fl.195
15541 Hawtaynecina Wai. Hawtayne's taspiio ... s" Nepal 1826. C p.l
C p.l
1735. HEBENSTREIT/^ L. HEBENSTREITIA. {J.E. HebenstrcU, M.D., prof, bot, Ldpiic.) Verbendc. 10.-12.
15542 scabra Thun. rough «L\_J or 1 jn.jl w C G. H. 1824. C s.n
15543 leSaL toothed E l pr 1 my.smy.s W C. G. H. 1739. S p.\p.l Bot. mag.
mag. 483
15544 intcgrifolia L. entire-leaved 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1792. C p.l Bot. rep. 252
av'ireaJ? Rep.
15545 ciliata L. ciliated «- l_l pr 1 my.jl W C. G. H. 1815. C p.1
15546 capit\ta Thun. capitate «- |_J or 1 jnjl W C. G. H. 1823. C s.p
15547 albiflura Lk. white-flowered «. \ I pr 1 my.s w C. G. H. 1822. C p.l
1554H fruticCisa Thun. shrubby tt. I I or l j m y s w C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Bot mag. 1970
15549 cnno ides Thun. Erinus-like
_ .. . ^«• LJ pr 1 my.n w C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
15550 chamaHlryfulia Lk. Germander-lvdtL d LJJ pr 2 my.s w C. G. H. 1822. C p.l
15551 cordata L. heart-leaved «t |_J pr 1 w C G . H. 1774. C p.l
1736. GMELI'Nif L. GMELIVA. (George a
Gmclin, a celeb. Ger. naturalist and trav.) Verbenhcece. 5 . - 6 .
15752 speciosissima D. Don showiest or 15 ... W Nepal 1823. C s.l
155-W arborca Rox. tree or 15 ... Y E. Indies 1824. C s.l
15554 villosa Rox, villous
«:n«.« or 10 E. Indies 1818. C
I55T5 asiatica L. Asiatic lor 10 Y E. Indies 1792. C 452
15558parviflbra Rox, small-flowered f Q o r 10 O E. Indies 1817. C Lp Rox. cor. 32

• 1737. PRE'MNA L. PREMNA. (Premium, a stump of a tree: trunk.) VerbenhcetB. 2. — IS.

15557 reticuliUa J. netted t (HI or 10 Jamaica 1819. C s.l 1.56
1555S integrifolia L, entire-leaved 1 • or 10 E. Indies 1824. C s.l Ru. am. 3.141
* 1738. LANTA^NA L. LANTANA. (An ancient name of Hburnum; similarity.) Verbenace*. 2 8 . - 3 7 .
I. ACULEAVB. — Stems prickly.
15559 aculekta L. prickly iit • or 10 ap.n R W. Indies 1693. C p.1 Bot. mag. 96
15560 hOrrida Kth. nornd I I or 3 ap n R Mexico 1824. C p.1
15/lfil purpiirca Horn. purple 2 jn.s P S. Amor. 1820. C p.1
15562 coccinea Lo. C. scarlet • • or 3 jn.s S. Amcr. 1824. C pi
15563 scabrida H. Jf. roughish >l lor 2 s W. Indies 1774. C p.1 Bot cab. 1T71
15564 melissifolia H. K. Balm-leaved * • or 2 jl.s Y W. Indies 1732. C p.1 Di. eL57.66
15565 nivea Fen. white-flowered mi lor 3 jl.s W E. Indies ... C p.1 Ven. mal 8
15566 Lockhlrtii G. Don Lockhart's il • or 8 jl.o W Trinidad 1820. C p.1
II. INE'RMB& — Stems not prickly.
15567 stricta Swz. strict Dor 3 ... Pa.P Jdi
amaica 1733. C p.1 SL jam. 195.4
15568 radula Swz. rasp-leaved W. Indies 1803. C p.1
155m hlspida Kth. hispid Mexico 1824. C p.1
15570 (alvitefblia Jac Sago-leaved C. G. H. 182a C p.1 Jac. sc. a 285
15571 pilbsa Kth. pilose Cuba 1K2J. C pi
15572 rlcta H. K. upright Jamaica 1758. C p.l Jac. sc. a 360
parvifolia Sal.
15573 invoiucrata L. involucratc W. Indies 1690. C p.l Pluk. al. 114 5
15574 odoriita L. scented W. Indies 1758. C pi Pl.ic.71.2
15575 trifulia L. three-leaved W. Indies 1733. C p.l Bot. mag. 1449
15576 Cammara L. Cammara W. Indies Iflfil. C p.1 Di el. 56. 65
15577 fuctoa Ker painted S. Amer. 1823. C p.l Bot. reg. 798
15578 annua L. annual S. Amer. 1733. C pi Bot. mag. 1022
15579 lavandnlacca W. S. Amer. 1820. C p.1
15580 cr«>cca Lk. copper-co/ortv/ Jamaica ISIS. C p.1
15581 viol<icea Desf. violet-co/ored S. Amer. 1818. C p.1
15582 geminata Spr. twin Trinidad 1819. C p.1
15583 braziliensis Lk. Brazilian Brazil 1823. C p.l
15584 alba Mil. white S. Amer. ... C p.1
15585 mlxta W. mixed W. Indies 17S2. C p.1 Bot. cab. 68
hairy Mexico 1825. C p.1
15586 hlrta Grah.

17S9. ALOY'SM Or. ALOTSIA. (Maria Louisa, mother of Ferd. VIT. king of Spain.) Verbendcea?. 1.—2.
15587 citriodura Or. Lemon-scented Sfc or 3 my.s Pa.P Chile 1784. C 1 Bot mag. 367
Fcrbcna triphylla Herit.
•1740. LI'PPLfL. LIPPIA. (Augustine LigpL a French phyg., traveller in Abyssinia.) Verbenhce*. 1.—25.
15588 purp&rea Jac. purple «• • or 3 jn.jl R Mexico 1823. C p.l Jac cc 85
1741. AfELAMPY^RUM L. Cow WHEAT. (Melas, black, pyros, wheat; seeds.) Scrophnlar'uue. 5—7*
15589 cristatum L. crested w 1J Y England com fi. S co Eng. bot. 41
15590 arvcnse L. purple corn-field w lj jn.jl Y England corn fi. S co Eng.Eng. bot. 53
15591 nemorosum L. O or 11 Europe S Fl.dun 305
15592 pratensc L. grove O w Britain woods. S Eng. hot 113
15593 sylvaticum L. common meadow O w l } Britain m.wo. S Eng. bot. 804
* 1742. SELA^GO /,. SKLAGO. (Set, Bight,jack, salutary, Celt.; supposed meil. qualities.) Verbenacea. 15.—40
15594 canescens Thun. canescent a. LJ pr 1£ jl.n Pa.P C.O.H. 1812. C p.l
15595 diffusa Thun. spreading n. \_J pr 1J P C. G. H. 1807. C p.l
15596 spf nea Lk. spiny «• i J pr 3 ... P C. G. H. 1824. C p.l
diffusa Thun.
15597 ovata Thun. ovate-headed Ljp D.P C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot mag. 186
15598 spicata Lk. spiked n-Ljpr P C. G. H. 1824. C p.1
15599 ramulusa Lk. small-branchy «-l_Jpr W C. G. H. 1824, C p.1
15600 bracteata Thun. bracted «Li_Jpr C. G. H. 1812. C Lp Ven. mal. 10
C I.p
lucida Ven.
15601 dentata Poir. toothed «• 1_J pr 1} W C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
teretifulia Lk.
15602 joolygalo'ides Thun. Milkwort-Iike JI.O P C. G. H. 1807. C p.l
15603 rapunculoldcs L Rampion-like tL|_Jpr 2 V C. G. H. 1824. C p.1
fulvo-macul:\ta Lk.
15604 fasciculiita L. fasciculated «ti_Jpr 1* jn.jl B c. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot reg. 184
15605 rotundifblia Thun, round-leaved 1 jnjl P c. G. H. 1816. C p.l
15606 corymbdsa L. corymbose 2 W G. H. 1699. C p.l Com. h. 240
15607 spiiria L. spurious V G. H. 1779. S p.l Bur. af. 42.3
15608 hetcrophjrlla Thun. various-leaved «t i_J or 1 jLau P c. H. 1823. C p.l Bur. af. 42.1
1743. rPTEX L. CHASTE TREE. (Vieo, to bind; flexible twig9.) Verbenaceat, 12.-28.
I. MONOPHY'LLA. — Leaves simple,
15609 ovata Thun. ovate-leaved M\ |or 4 P China 1796. C Lp
rotundif olia L.
II. TRIPHY'LLK. — Leaves ternate.
15610 trifK.ra Vahl three-flowered fi P Cayenne 1819. C l.p
15611 altissima L. tallest 8 P Ceylon 1802. C LP
IDor :o Lp
1820. c
15fil2 arburea Rox. tree P
15613 alata Roth winged • Dor 10 P E. indies c Lp
15614 bicolor IV. en. two-colored 4 P E. Indies 1810. c Lp
15615 trifMia L. three-leaved • fi or 4 P E. Indies 1759. c p.1 Bot mag. 218
15616 Negundo L. Negundo H~~1or 4 P E. Indies 1812. c Lp
III. PENTAPIIY'LI.*. — Leaves quinate
15617 umbrosa Sum. shady f CJ < CO ... 1' Jamaica 1823. c Lp
15618 A'gnus Castus L. true Chaste T r e e s or 6 B W . B Sicily 1570. c CO
21atiftlia broad-leaved ill or 6 s W . B Sicily 1570. c CO
15619 incisa Lam. cat-leaved M. \ | or 4 jl.s P China 1758. c p.1 Bot mag. 364
Negundo B. M.
15620 Leuc6xylon L. white-wooded Ceylon 1793. C l.p
Wallrothta Lcuc6xylon Roth

• 1744. CHLOA'NTHES B. Br. CIILOANTHES. (Chtoa, greenness, anthos, flower.) Vcrbenbcea. 2 . - 3 .

15621 Stee'chadis R. Br. StcechaWife n. LJ or 2 G.Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.p
15622 glandulosa R. Br. glandulous n. \ | or 2 G.Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p

1745. ZAPAWL4J. ZAPANIA. (P. A. Zappa, an Italian botanist.) Verbenhcece. 2.— 10.
15623 rtoechadifolia L. Stcechas-leaved JU CZ3 un 1 au.s P W. Indies 1732. C l.p Br. jam. 3.1
Lippia stcechadifoHa Kth.
15624 nodifltVa Lam. knot-flowered fU LAJ un 1 P America 1664. C Lp 553
Perbena nodiflora L. Lippia nodiflora Rich.

1746. PRFFA Adan. PRIVA. (Derivation unknown.) Verbenhcete. 2 . - 7 .

15625 mexicana Pers. Mexican E3 pr 2 au.s V Mexico 1726. C lp DLel.302.3S9
hlspida J. Verbena mexicana L.
15626 /appuftcea Pers. Burdock-like (SI or 1| B W. Indies 1817. C s.l SI. jam. 1.110-1
echinhta J.

1747. STRE'PTIUM Rox. STHEPTIUM. (Streptos, twisted; spiral tube of corolla.) Vcrbenftcee. }•
15627 asperum Rox. rough ^ CS3 or 2 jLau V E Indies 1791). C Lp Rox. cor. 2.1 4 6
Priva leptostachya Pers. Tortula aspera IV.

1748. S P I E L M A ' N N J M Med. SPIELMANNIA. (J.fl.SmeZ/wann, Vcrbenace*-**

15628 africana W. African si LJ or 3 f.n W C. G. H. 1710. C r.m Bot mag. IK*

•1749. FERBEWA L. VEEVAIN. (Ferfaen, its Celtic name.) Verbenaceee. 26. —

I. — Leaves undivided.
Iofl29 angustifolia Mx. narrow-leaved 3 B N. Amer. 1802. D co
}X> aniculkta Lam. panicled 3 jlau B N. Amer. 18(X). D co Bot. reg. U
Buenos Ayres 6 jl.o B B. Ayres 1732. S co Di el. 300. Jj
Carolina 6 jn.s W N. Amer. 1732. D co Di!cl.301-
Mettle-leaved 3 jl.s W N. Amer. HS3. C co Rob. ic. 26
many-spiked 4 jlau R Mexico 1820. D p.1
«••<.<• . v H a diffuse 3 B N. Amer. 1818. D p.l
KSi "T??^?"* * Veronica-Ieavi B Mexico 1825. S co ,1976
3 B N. Amer. 1802. D co Bot. mag.
15637 stneta Ven. strict California 1826. S co
Q) or 2 P
15638 lasidstachys Lk. hairy-spiked

15639 trifida Hum. trifld 1818. S •
15610 bractcosa Mx. bracteosc Mexico 1820. S 8
15641 Aubletfo Jac. Aublet's N. Amer. 1774. S r.m Bot. mag. 308
15642 Lambert* B. M. Lambert's S. Amer. ... D co Bot mag 2200
15643 hastkta L. halberd./caved Canada 1710. D co Her. par. 242
1564* pinnatitida Pk. pinnatilid N. Aincr,.181:). 1) p. I
15645 seabra Vahl scabrous Mexico 1825. D
15646 offlcinalis L. officinal Britain ro. sid. D co Eng. bot. 769
15(>47 borona D. Don sister Nepal 1824. S d Sw. fl. gar. 202
15648 spikria L. spurious N. Amer. 1731. S
1:3649 sujuna L. supine Spain 1640. S co Par. th. 675.2
15650 pmitr'ita It. Br. prostrate N. Amer. 1794. D co
15051 hltpida A * P . hispid Peru 1S16. S s Fl. per. 34. a.
15652 cauesceiis Hum. canescent Mexico 1824. S co
15653 elegans Hum. elegant Mexico 18'Jii. S co
15654 ennoldcs W. Erin us-like Peru co FL per. 1. 33. C
1818. S
multiftda R. £ P.

1750. COLEBROCKKEJ Sm. COLEBROOKEA. (7/. T. Colebroohe, an accomplished botanist) Verhenhtxa.2.

15655 nppo9itifMia Sm. ;ite.leavcd * i_J or S
opposite-leaved ... W Nepal 1SJ0. C s.l Sm.ex.boLll5
15G56 ternifMia Rox. te-leavcd ft il or 3
ternate-leavcd ... \V E. Indies 1823. C l.p

1751. AVICE'NNJM L. AVICCNNIA. {Acicenmt, a celebrated Penian philos. and phys.) Mffopdriiue. 1.-3.
15637 tomentusa L. downy-leaved ± • uu 20 ... Pk India 179J. C l.p Beau ow. 47
* 1752. CLEIIODE'NDIIUM L. CtERODENnai'M. (Kleros, lot, dendron, tree j med. uncert) Verben. 38.—40.
I. QUINQIFEDENTAVA. — Calyx Jive-toothed, or almost now:.
15658 ligustrinum R. Br. Vrwct-leaoed 3 au n W Mauritius 1789. C p.1 Jac c. sup. 5.1
15tiT>9 pul>escens Lindl. pubescent H Q — or 4 W W. Indies 1SL'4. C fp Bot reg. 1035
156M flonbundum Lindl. bundle-llwd « LJ 6 Li C l.p
15661 iiicnnc it. Br. unarmed « CD <« 4 au u W E. Indies 1G!)2. C p.l Jac. c. sup. 4.1
15iMi2 angustifMium Spr. narrow-leaved * L_J or 4 ... Mauriliiis 18'J4. C s.l 544.2
15663jaiirifulium Lo.C Willow-leaved « D o r 4 ... V. Indies 1H24. C s.l
15bV>4 coromandcli umin Spr. CoroiiMndeHi • or 6 ... Mauritius 18JJ. C 6.1
madagascarieuse Lo. C. ovatuin Pair. 182.3. C p.1 Beau. ow. 1. 32
15665 volubile Beam. twining |_ O or 6 ... W Guinea
156U6 f t u x i f b n i i m Sm. Box-leaved * D « 4 au W 182U. C p.1
Volkamer** Aimfolia W. en. *
15667 heterophyllum R. Br. vanous-lvd or 3 au.s W Mauritius 1805. C l.p Bot. rep. 554
Volkamcr/Vi angiiblifolia B. Rep.
15668 macrcmhyllum B.M. long-leaved t O or jl W.B E. Indies 181.?. C p.l Bot. mag. 2536
lofW9 rierrktuin D. Don serrated i CD or Nepal 1822. C s.l
15670 lividum L. livid 'LJpr n'" W' China 1824. C co Bot. reg. 945
15i»71 ccrnuum Wai. drooping IQor E. Indies 1H21. C s.l
*5672 nutaus Wai. nodding 11 lor iLd" W* E. Indies C 8.1 B o t mag. 3049
II. QUINQIJEPARTIVA. — Calyx 5-parted ;l tm Bur.
15673 Siphonanthus R. Br. Tubc-flowcr * • 6 W L IIndies C
Siphiinanthus indica L. * • or 6
J5674 vcrticillatum D. Don whorlcd-Zi/d 6 ... Nepal 1818. C l.p
15675 odoratunt Hum. scented 4 ... 11 Nepal 182]. C 8.1
15676 foe'tidum D. Don fetid Qor 5 ... Nepal 1820. C l.p
15677 trichiJtonmm Thun. three-forked J
i_J 6 ... Japan 18(<0.
Io678 fortunatum L. fortunate
15n7y tcrnifTilium D. Don teruate-lcaved
15680 attenuatum R. Br.\ attenuated
D $"...
6 ...
W E. Indies 1784.
Nepal 1K23.
N. Holl. 1824.
sI p Osb. 11

15681 bquainatum Vahl K'.ilcd a 10. jn.s S China 17iM'. C s.p B o t reg. 649
15682 tomcntosum It. Br. downy Lj«r 5 tnr.ap W N . S . W. 1794. C s.p Bot. mag. 1518
15(183 infortunatum /,. unfortunate l | or 6 E. Indies ... C l.p
15(iS4 cost.\tum It. Br. rihl»ctl Dor 6 ... N. Holl. 1S2J. C l.p
15685 phlomotdcs L. Phlmnis-like \—lor 4 au.s W E. Indies 182(). C Bur. in 45.1
15G8H calamitosum L. calamitous 4 jl.o ... E. Indies lHii. C Bur. in. 44
15ii87 frkgrans Ven. fragrant m r~ior 6 au.d W . R China 17911. C Ven inaL70
2 flure pleno doublc-floweredH CD or 6 , au.d W . R China 1790. C ».p
Bot. mag 1834
15G88 viscosum Vat. clammy H • or 6 W E. Indies 179H. C B.p Hot mug. 1805
15G89 paniculAtuni L. paniclcd II lor 6 jl.o S Java 1809. C s.p B o t reg. 495
15CU) glaucum Wai. glaucous II O or E. Indies lSS-i. C 8.1
15ml helianthifiilium Wai SSunflower-lvd
f l l d • • or £. Indies 1824. C 8.1
15692 violaccuin Lk. \\o\ct-culored 1 lor 182VJ. C p.1
15693MrticaefMiuinRox. Kettle-leaved IIII llor R Indies 1824. C 8.1
15694hastatum WaU hMxxA-Icaved t Q o r w E. Indies I8J.0. C 8.1
15695 Leucosccptrum D.Don White SpikedH Q or Nepal 1826. C 8.1 2.116
Lcucosceptrum canuin Sm.

, 1 7 5 3 . VOLKAME^RZd L. VOLKAMERIA. (J. G. Volknmer, a German botanist.) Verbenhce*. « . — a

15696 aculeate L. nnckly « Q o r 4 au.o W W. Indies 17.». C p.1 Br. jam. 20.2
15697 japonica 2%«n. Japan 1 i_J or 50 ... P.w Japan 18-U C P.1"

, c i75*- H O L M S K I O ' L D / i * RetB. HOLMSKMLDIA. (Th. Holmskiold, a Danish bot author.) Verbenhcete. 2.
15698 sanguineaR,tz. bloody * • or 4 ... S Peru 1796. C p.1 Bot.reg. 792
Hasting/a coccinea Sm.
15699 scandens Svtt. climbing |_ • or 5 ap.d S E. Indies 1824. C p.1
1755. PE V 1'RE^ L. PETREA. (Robert James Lord Petre, a botanical patron, d. 1742.) Verbendeea?. 3 . - 6 .
15700 voluliilis L. twisting I Q o r 20 P VeraCruz 1733. C r.m Bot mag. 628
15701 crecta Hort. erect m Q or 10 ... B S. Amer. 1823. C r.m
15702 rugosa Hum. wrinkly « D o t 10 ... B Caraccas 1824. C r.m

1756. JEOLLA'NTHUS Mart. JEoLLktrmvs. (Aiollo, to vary, antkos, flower.) Verbenhce* L

15703 imyholem Mart, sweet-scented O o r 1 W BraxU 1825. S 8.1
11 4

1757. TAMO^NIA Aub. TAMONIA. (Tamone, its name in Guiana.) Verbendcete. 2.

15704 curassavica Pen. Curassoa "~ 1 B W. Indies 1823. S 8.1
vcrbcnacca Swx. Ghinia spm&sa W,
15705 mhtica Pers. awnless Olor 1 B Guiana 1820. S s.1
Ghinia mutica Swx.
1758. CITHARE'XYLUM L. FIDDLE WOOD. (Kithara, lyre, xylont wood.) Verbenacea. 9.-15.
15706 caudituro L. caudate 1 • or 20
... W Jamaica 1763. C l.p Jac.ic.3.501
ercctum Jac. - , , ,_
15707 villfrsum Jac. villous \\ • or 10 St. Domin.1784. C p.1 Jac, i d . 118
15708 subserratum Swx. aubserrated *\ • or 15 W W. Indies 1820. C 8.1
15701) dentatum Lo. C. toothed • or 15, £. Indies? 1824. C s.1
15710 quadrangularc Jac. square-stalked 1 CD tm 50 W* Jamaica 1759. C p.1 Jac. vin. 1.22
15711 cincreum L. aah-colored i J Q o r 15 w W. W. Indies 1739. C p.1
Indies 1816. C s.1 Jac. am. 118
15712 m<Slle Jac. soft jQor 15 w Porto
15713 pentandnim Fen. pentandroua II • or 6 w £. Indies ?1824.
Ricol815. Yen. eels 47
15714 sericeum Lo. C. silky 1 • or 15 c s!
1759. DURA'NIM L DlJRANTA. {Castor Durantes, a phye. and bot, d. 1590.) Verbenhccte. 7. —10.
W15 Plumieri L. Plumier's iDor 15 o
^k r—\ __ ic J>
S. Amer. 1733.
Xt a A _ _ _ Bot. reg. 244
IXIM r> _ i D_». _<*<_ OAA

15716 EUfsia U Ellis's 6 au W. Indies 1739. P-l Bot mag. 1759

microphy'lla Detf.
15717 incrmis Mil. unarmed S. Amer 1739. pl
15718 xalapensis Kth. Xalapa Mexico 1K22. Pj
15719 macrorarpa Kth. long-fruited W. Indies 1818. P-l
dentata Pen.
15720 Mutisii L. Mutis's W. Indies 1820. P .l
15721 argentea Lo. C. silvery E. Indies ?1824. p.1
PEDA'LIUM L. PEDALIUM. (Pedalion, a rudder; dilated angles of fruit) Pedallnete. 1.
15722 murex L. caXttop-fruUed rm cu \\ au.s W . P E. Indies 1778. C l.p Lam. il. 538
• 1761. MYCPORUM Font. MYOPORUM. (Myo, to shut, poros, a pore; leaves.) Myoporirue. 12. —18.
15723 ellf pticum R. Br. elliptictowo* • i lor 2 W N. S. W. 1789. C l.p Bot rep. 283
Pogiinia glabra Andr.
15724 acuminhtum R. Br. acuminate ft L-Jpr 3 ... W N. S.W. 1812. Cl.p
15725 montanum R. Br. mountain ft i lor 2 ... W N. Holl. 1823. C l.p
15726 parvifolium R. Br. small-leaved ft uJpr 3 year w N. Holl. 1803. C l.p Bot mag. 1691
15727 tuberculatum R.Br. tubercled ft L j p r 3 w N. Holl. 1803. ~ 'l.p
15728 insularc R. Br. insular ft l | or 3 w N. S. W. 1800. C p.1
15729 viscosum R. Br. viscid ft i_Jpr 3 ... w N. Holl. 1803. c
15730 crassifolium Font, thick-leaved ft I lor tt ... w N. Zeal. 1822. C l.p
15731 debile R. Br. weak ft w N. S. W. 1793. C l.p Bot mag. 1830
15732 adscendens R. Br. ascending ft N. Holl. 1820. C l.p
15733 diff&sum R. Br. diffuse ft 3 w N. Holl. C l.p
15734 oppositifoliumiMTr. opposite-leaved ft i I pr 3 year w N. Holl. 1803. C l.p
•1762. STENOCHrLUS R. Br. STENOCIIILUS. (Stenos, narrow, cheUos, a lip; Hower lip.) Myopdrince. 1. —3.
15735 glaber R. Br. naoOthUeaved * i _ J o r 2 year R N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 1942
15736 maculatus Ker" spotted * LJ or 3 S N. Holl. 1820. C s.p Bot reg. 647
15737 longifdlius R. Br. long.lcaved * L_J or 4 ap.jl S N. Holl. 1825. C Lp
1763. BO'NTL* L. BONTIA. (J Bant, M.D., a native of Batavia.) Myopdrbue.
15738 c/aphnoldes L. Daphne-like mCJor 6 jn Y.p W.Indies 169a C
2 p.1
pj DLelel. 49.'57
* 1764. OROBA'NCHE L. BROOM RAPE. (Orobos, a vetch, agcho, to strangle.) OrobanchP*. 6. —31.
15739 mfijor L. greater A cu _l}jn.jl Br Britain unc.pj. S s.1 Eng. bot. 421
15740 clatior Suter taller } Y Britain clov.fl. S 8.1 Eng. bot 568
15741 minor Sm. smaller I Y.w Britain S s.1 Eng. bot 422
15742 rfibra Stn. red } au P Britain ir.roc. S 8.1 Eng. bot.c. ic.
15743 csnMea Fit. blue V Britain sea co. S s.1 Eng. bot 423
15744 ramdsa L. branchy au.s Br.P Britain hemp fi. S s.1 Eng. bot. 84
1765. CRESCE'NTLI L. CALABASH TREE. (Pietro Crescenti, of Bologna, agr. author.) Saldne<e. 2 . - 7 .
15745 CujUe L. Cujete f • cu 20 ... G.w Jamaica 1690. C r.m Jac. am. Ill
15746 acuminata Bonn. acuminate J • cu 20 ... G.w Cuba 1822. C r.m
15747 cucurbitina L. Gourd-fruited $ O cu 10 ... W W. Indies 1733. C r.m PI. ic. 109
1766. TANATCIUM Sun. TAMECIUM. (Tanaekes, stretched out; stem.) Soldnea?. 4. —10.
15748pinnatum W. pinnate I D o r 50 ... R Mozambiq.1824. C r.m Jac. c. a 18
Crescentia pinnata Jac. Tripinnaria africana Spr.
1767. CASTILLEV.4 Mutis CASTILLEJA. (Don Castilleja, a Spanish botanist.) Scrophuldritue. 4.
15749 lntegrifolia L. entire-leaved «.Dor Amer. "1825. C l.p Sm. ic. in. 39
15750 moranensis Kth. Moran a.nor Mexico 1825. C s.p
15751 pfill ida Spr. pale ^ ^ or i jn.8 L.P Siberia 1782. D s.p Gin. si. 3.24
BartsfTi pallida L.
15752 septentnonklis Lindl. northern O pr U ' W.o Labrador 1824. S p Bot. reg. 925
1768. EUCHRO*MA Nut. EIJCHROMA. (EU, well, chroma, color; bracteas.) Scrojihulanrue. 2.
15753 coccinea Nut. scarlet-bracted O or | jLau Y N. Amer. 1787. S s.p Plukal.102.5
BartsM coccinea L. CastilK-ja coccinea Spr.
15754 grandiflora Nut. great-flowered ^ ^ or 1} P.T Louisiana 1811. D l.p
Castilleja sessiliflora Ph. grandiflbra Spr.
1769. HALLE'RJi4 L. HALLERIA . .{Albert Holler, a disting. bot and physician.) Scropkulantue. I . —
15755 liicida L. ved m i_J or 6 S
shining-leaved C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Bot mag. 1774
15756 cinptica Thun. elliptic * i_J or 6 ... S C. G. H. 1816. C p.1 Bur. af. 84.1
.1770. LATHR£?A L. TOOTHWORT. (Lathraios, concealed; growing in concealed places.) Orobuncheai. I*1
15757 SquamariaL. scaly £ £ cu 1 ap G Britain dry wo. D co Eng. bot 50
YELLOW RATTLE. (Rhin, snout, anthos, flower.) Scrophuluritue. 4. — W
Cock's comb Ow V Britain S co Eng. bot 657
larger O or 3 Y Britain cornfi. S co

15760 yflectorolophus Poll. Cock's comb O pr Y Europe 18S0. CO

15761 JYixigo L. Trixago O P? 1 jn-a" Y Europe 1800. CO M.h.&24.8
jllector6lophus itefi. Bartsia Trixkgo L. TYixago rhinanthina Zir.
1772. BA'RTSM L. BAHTSIA. (John Bartsck.M.D., a friend of Linnseus's) ScrophtOdnrue. 1—10.
15702 viscbsa L. viscous O or J Y Britain mar. S m.s Eng. bot 1045
15763 Odontltes flM. Odontites O or * jl.s Pk Britain S co Eng. bot 1415
15764 alplna £. alpine O or P Britain alp.nv. S m.s Eng. bot 361
15765 latifolia Sm. broad.leaved
b d l d O or 1 jl.s P & Europe ... S co
1773. EUPHRA^SIA L EYEBRIGIIT. (Euphraino, to delight; sup. to cureblindnesB.) Scrophuldrime. 4.—31.
15766 /inifoliai. Flax-leaved O or { jl.s P France
r ranee i1826.
o n s»S ««#
15767 lutca L. yellow O or lftjl.1 Y " " - --— « - t ™>
15768 alp'ina Lam. alpine fl
O or *1 jl.8 - S. Europe 1816. S co 398
salisburgenris Funk Europe 1827. S co
15769 officinalia L. officinal O w jl.s W Britain past S co Eng. bot 1416
A (Anti, like,rhin, nose; snout-like flowers.) Scrophul. 10.—
2 jn au Pk England oldw. S CO Eng. bot. 129
15770 mkjus
mkjus LL. greater— j£- * ~ • — » - . . . . - '._ « • — i — ion
2 coccfneum scarlet-./foutfra/£ England oldw. S CO
2 " s
3 bfcolor two-colored £ 2 . S.w England oldw. S CO
4 flure plfcno doublc-flowcred£ 2 F England oldw. S CO
15771 meonanthum Lk. smaller.flwd £ 2 jn.s Pk S Europe 1817. ~" CO
15772 medium Lk. intermediate 2 jn.s Pk Europe 1821. S CO
15773 angustifolium Poir. narrow-leaved 2 jn.s Pk Europe 1817. S CO
15774 aempcrvlrens Lap. evergreen 2 jn.s Pk Pyrenees 1821. S CO
15775 molle L. • soft-leaved 1 jl.o W Spain 1752. C s.l
15776 Asarlna L. Asarina i jl W Italy 1649. C r.m Bot mag. 902
15777 sfculum Uc. Sicilian 1* jLau W Sicily 1804. D lp
15778 Gr6ntium L. Orontium 1 jLs F Britain S 8.1 Eng. bot 1155
15779 calydnum Ven. targe-calyxed 1 K 1810. S co
v N
1775. LINA RIA Tou. TOADFLAX. (Linum, flax; similar leaves.) Scrophularitue. 70. — 96.
I. FftimcoSiE. — Small shrubs.
15780 fr&ticans Spr. sprouting B - L j o r 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1822. C s.p
Antirrhinum fruticans Thun.
Teneriffe 1816. C
15781 ccopkria Brou.
15782 dalmaticaifo?*.
B - L J O I 1 jn.jl Y
a. _ J o r HJn.jl Y Levant 1731.
Levant 1731. C IF
C s.l Bux.c.1.24
II. —Stems prostrate; leaves lobed, angularY or toothed t.from No. 15791. subentire.
15783 CymbalarYa W. Cymbalaria A or ^my.n P England oldw. I) s.l Eng. bot 502
J.'784 acutlloba Fis. acute-lobed i my.s Siberia 1825. D s.p
15785 pubescens Presl pubescent I, A orr *my.n Pa Naples 1850. D co
15786 pil{,sa Dec. htiry t A° i jn.s P
Jeaved JL. Pyrenees 1800. D 8.1 Jacob. 2.48
15/87 caucfisica Mus. Caucasian A or ijlau Y Caucasus 1818. S .
-* O or i Jin Y England corn fi. S 8.1 Eng bot. 692
15788 JH&tme Desf. Elatine Jc O or
15789 datinoldesiW. Elafme-like Y S. Europe 1821. S CO Deaf, at 2.132
J5790 cirrhosa IV. ' tendrilled -* O or Pa.B Egyi 177J. S 8.1 Jac. vin. 1.82
J5791 sptiria W. spurious -* O or Y England corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 691
15792 lanlgera Desf. wool-bearing Ji O or jn.s Y Portugal 1818. S CO
.M Antirrhinum apurium Bro. CO
15793 dealbata Lk. whited «* O or i jl.s Y Portugal 182a S co
Antirrhinum lanfgerum Bro.
III. ERE'CTA. — Flowering stems erect; lower leaves opposite or i»horledtfram No. 15841 scattered.
15794 latifclia Dec. broad-leaved O or N Amer. 1800. co Desf. at. 2.134
15795 triph^lla W. three-leaved O or Sicily 1596. s.l Bot. mag. 324
J.£96 re«xa Desf. reflexed O or S. Europe 1810. Al. tau. 2.1
l|»/n7 origanifiilia Bee. ' Marjoram.lvd S. Europe 1785. Bar. ic. 598
Ja7M virgSita Desf. twiggy N. Africa 1817. "f Desf. at 2.135
JS79D cretXcea Fts. cretaceous Siberia 1827. 8.1
l.ri8(K) /hymifTilia Dec. Thyme-leaved S. Europe 1818. CO
15801 fl^va Desf. yellow N. Africa 1820. CO Desf. at 2.136
15802 tranataptna Spr. beyond the Tagus Portugal 1810. B.I
Antirrhinum lusitanicum Lk. pedunculatum Poir. CO
15803 alsinifulia Spr. Alsine-Ieaved Corsica 1834. S s.l
15804 villbsa Spr. villous Spain 1786. D l.P Bar. ic. 597
lBNXi rubrifblia Dec red-lcaved S. France 1826. S 8.1
15806 saxatilis Dec. rock Spain 1819. S 8.1
15807 hirta W hniry-leaved Spain 1759. S co Jac.ic.l.II7
158088 triornithophoraSr. Portugal 1710. C s.p Bot mag. 523
15809 bipartite W. ttwo-parted
h b i d b Barbary 1815. D l p Sw. fl. gar.SO
speciosa Jac.
15810 minor Dec. small O w England S
15811 httoralis IV. seaside -* O or Austria J820. S 8.1
15812 chalepensis Afff. Aleppo O or Levant 1680. S co M.h.5.35.9
J5813 trlstls Mil. dark £ -Alor Spain 17'27. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 74
15814 versicolor Moen. France 1777. S 8.1 Jac. ic. 1.116
various-colored O or
15815 hlans Si S. Europe 1818. D 8.1
Antirrhinum linarioldes gapingL. A or
15816 micrantha Spr. small-flowered -* 1820. S Cav.ic. 1.69.3
15817 viscoea Spr. clammy
l Spain 1786. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 368
15818 purpCirea Mil. purple S. Europe 1648. S co Bot. mag. 99
15819 arenaria Dec. sand S. Europe 1823. S 8.1
15820 alplna Dec. alpine Austria 1570. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 205
15821 lusitanica Tou. Spanish Spain 1819. S 8.1
15822 repens H. K. i England ch. hil. S CO Eng. bot 1253
15823 pyrenaica Dec. Pyrenean Pyrenees 1881. S 8.1
15824 Heelhva W. Hslava 1803. S co
15825 Pelissenr)na Dec. Pclisser's iropel640. S 8.1 Bar. ic. 1162
15826 procdraDrc. tall D co
15827 ^alioldes Ven. Galium-like S. Europe D co
15828 monspessulana L. Montpelier S. France D GO
J5J29 amethy'stina Spr. amethystine O or jn.jl B . T Spain Ow tI
0 suplna Dec. supine Jc Q or jl rY Spain n& 1 3 - -*»

15831 bipunctkta Spr. two-spotted O or 1 Y Spain 1749. S co Bot mag. 200
15839 jpirtea Spr. Broom O or 1 jn.o Y Spain 1772. S
15833 simplex Dec. simple O or 1 jlau P.B S. Europe 1816. S Jac. ic.3.499
15834 arvensis Desf. corn O or 1 jlau P.B S. Europe ... S co
15835 ajpypfiaca H. K. Egyptian O or l*jl Y.P Egypt 1771. S co
15836 ditttisa Lk. diffuse O or i jnjl Spain 1826. S co
15837 multicaulis Spr. many-stalked O or U my.jl w' Levant 1728. S Boc. sic. 19.1
15838 incarnkta Spr. flesh-colored O or i Jn.jl F Spain 1819. S co
15839 rcticulata Desf. net-flowered ^ _AJ or U my.jl P Algiers 1788. D l.p Sm. ic. pic. 8
15840 glaftca W. glaucous-leaved O or 1 P.Y & Europe 1800. S co Bux. c. 4.37
15841 filenifolia Lk. Silene-leaved 3 Y Armenia 1819. D s.1
15842 genistaefolia Mil. Broom-leaved 2 Austria 1704. D co Bot mag. 2183
Flax-leaved Y
15843 /inift.lia W. - - I Y Caucasus 1820. D co
Antirrhinum lArikfia. Bieb.
15844 hcterophttla Detf. one-side-leaved II Y.Br N. Africa 1825. D co Desf. at. 2.140
15845 vulgaris H. K. common ins Y Britain hed. D co Eng. bot. 658
2 Pelnria Pelona jn.s Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 260
15846 LoseW Schw. °?d'a 1 B Tauria 1823. S s.l
Antirrhinum odoram /«a>.
15847 macrofira 2fe<?6. long-tailed 1 jn.s Crimea 1822. D co
Antirrhinum strictum Horn.
15848 juncea Dec. Rush-stalked Y.Br Spain 1780. S co
15849 canadensis Spr. Canada 1 V N. Amer. 1812. S co Yen. eels 49
1776. ANARRHPNUM Desf. ANAHBHIVUM. (A.priv., rhin, nose; opposed to Antirrh.) Scrophul. 3.— 6.
15850 Aellidifolium W. Daisy-leaved jp_ Q> pr B France 1629. S s.1 106
1.5851 puliciiccns Hort. pubescent £ Q) pr U jl s W & Europe 1818. S s.l
15852 fruticosum Desf. shrubby, Q> pr Ijjl.s W S. Europe 1826. S s.1 Desf. at. 2.142
* 1777. ACME'S IA Fen. NEMESIA. (Applied by Dioscoridcs to a kind of Antirrhinum.) Scrophulurina.S.—*.
15853chamoMlrifulia Chama;drys-lvd£ LAJ or 2 ap s P
Fen. Chama;drys-l C. G. H. 1787. D co
Antirrhinum macrocarpum H. H K
15854 fastens Fen. stinking iAl 2 ap.s P C. G. H. 1798. Deo Ven. mai.41
15855 bicornis Pers. two-horned O or 2 P C. G. H. 1774. S e.l Bur. af. 75.3
1778. MAURA'NDYA Jac. MAURANDYA. (Dr. Maurandy, a bot. prof, at Carthagcna.) Scrophuldrinar. 3.
15856 sem|>crflurens Jac. flowering f. i_J or 10 year P Mexico 1796. C l.p Bot mag. 4fiO
15857 autirrhinifloraJftiw. Snajxlrug.-flwd fc_ i_J or 10 year P Mexico 1814. C l.p Bot mag. 1643
15858 Barclayd/w B. R. Barclay's %_ |_J or 10 year B.w Mexico 1825. C l.p Bot reg. 1108
1779. GERA'RDJA L. GERARDIA. (John Gerarde, an old English botanist.) Scrophuidrirue. 6 . - 2 6 .
15&39 rfclphiniftlia L. Larkspur-lvd & E2 or 2 jn.jl Pk E. Indies 1800. C l.p Rox. cor. 1 iK)
158H0 purpurea L. purple 1* N. Amer. 1772. S s.1. Bot mag. 2048
15S61 tenuifolia Vahl slender-leaved 1 N. Amer. 1812. S s.1 12.4
15862 maritima Rafi. seaside 2 N. Ainer. 1823. S Lp
1586 S flkva L. yellow , N. Amer. 1796. D l.p
15864 quercifblia Ph. Oak-leaved 4 N. Amer. 1813. D l.p Ph. am. 19
1780. SEYMEXR/A Ph. SETMERIA. (Henry Seymer. an English naturalist) £c ..._. 2.-4.
15865*tcnuifrlia Ph. fine-leaved O I*1 1 J'-au Y N Amer 17S0
- - - b 8-P
At'zlUa cassioides Gm. Gerardia Afzeb'a Mx.
15866 pcctmata Ph. pectinated O pr 1 jl-au Y N. Amer. 1820. S s.p
1781. PEDICULA X RIS L. LOUSEWORT. (Pediculus, louse; sup. effect on sheep eating.) Scrophul. 21.—57-
I. ROSTRANT£. — Helmet of corolla rostrate.
15867 incarnata Jac. hash-colored I jn.jl Pk Auatria 1796. S Jac. au. 2.140
158*^ rustr^ta W. rostrate | R Switzerl. 1819. S P" p. Jac. au. 205
158i><) tuhcrosa L. tuberous 1 Y Switzerl. 179!). S Hal. h. 323.10
15870 adMccndens Schl. ascending | jLnu R Switzerl. 1819. S P.
15871 gyrodcxa Vil circular i jl-au R Switzerl. 1819. S p. Vil. del. 2.9
1SHT2 atrorubens Dec. dark-red 1 D.R Swilzerl. 1819. S l
asplcnifulia Flo.
15873 uncinaia Step. hook-flotvered Y Siberia 1815.
15874 com|)acta W. close-headed jLau Y Siberia 1815.
15875 resupinata L. my.jl P Siberia 1816. p!l
IL MU^TICJB.— Helmet bluntis/i, bUlentatc; calyx bifid, from 15879. quinqucfld.
15876 palustris L. marsh 2 jn.jl P Britain bog.m. S Eng. bot 399
1.0877 euph rasiokles Step. Eyebright-like Siberia 1816. S Gin. si. 3.43
15878 canailensis L. Canadian U
i Y N. Amer. 18i)0. S Sw. fl. gar 67
15879 sylvatica L. wood 1 my.jl Pk Britain ra.hea. S Eng. bot 400
p Pal. it. J. ap. 8. *
15880 myrioph^Ua Pall, myriad-leaved
15881 coinosa L. tufted
1 my.jl Y
1 Y
Dauria 1816.
Italy 1775. -l
p. Al. pcd. 1.4.1
15882 Sceptrum CaroUfwmL.Charles'8 Sc.
5 au Y Sweden p l F L dan. 2o ^
158K3 rccutita L. circumcised P Austria 1787. p. Jac. au. 3. 258
15884 foliosa L. leafy Y Austria 178a p. Jac. au. 2.139
p 3.206
15885 vertic-illata L.
15886 flanunea L.
my.jn Y
Austria 1790.
Switzerl. 1775. l
p- Hal. h. 8.3
15887 versicolor Wahl party-colored Y.R Switzerl. 1819. l
1782 ERINUS. (ErinoSy a wild fig tree; applied to this plant.) Scrophutdrmte. 5. — 1
15888 alplnus L. smooth alpine jfc A or \ mr.ap B 1739. D s.l
Pyrenees 1739.
15K89 hisp&nicus Pers. hairy Spanish 5 A or „ mr.ap R Spain 1739. D B.I
15890 fragrans H. K. or i my.jn Y.w C. G. H. 1776. C 8.1 Bur. af. 4&J
15H!il L)flini<lca Thun. fragrant n. i_J t my.jn Y.w C. G. H. ... C 8.1 Bot. reg. 7 «
trlstia Thun. Lyclinidca n. i I or 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 1825. C 8.1
dark-flowered n.
* 1783. 3/I'MULUS L. MONKEY FLOWER. (Mimo, an ape; seeds like face.) Scrophulurhnce. 10.— lfj,-
^ or I JLau L.B N. Amer. 1759. D p.l Bot mitt »»
15893 ringen* L. gaping ^ A or f au Pa.P Missouri 1824. D p.l Ph. am. 2 J»
15894 I^w(s» Ph. Lewis's k i lor 3 year O California 1794. C r.m Bot mag^w*
S « p8f/ vifl{
Ji«»a7aiatu »"sus
* ruBHxW.
» Lindl. clammy '
small-flowered m O or year Y Chile 18524. S co Bot.rcg.87*
^ ^ A or 1 L.B N. Amer. 1783. D p . l
i guttitus Dec. spotted-flowered £ A or HJQ.5 Y N. Amer. 1812. D i>.l Bot mag- l J °
luteus B. M. and Ph.
15899 floribundus B. R. bundle-flowered O or ! au Y N. Amer. 1826. S co Bot. reg. 1125
15900 likteus L. yeUovrJowered^ ^ pr *jn.s Y Chile 1826. D p.l Bot reg. 1030
„ 2rivuliiris rivulet J ^ pr f jn.s Y Chile 1826. D p.l
15901 moschatus Dou. musk IT A pr t jl.s Y Colombia 1826. 1> p.l Bot rcg. 1118
15902 lanatus Ph. woolly f ^ l p r 1* jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1826. S p.l
„ 1784. HORNEMA'NN/^ W.en. HORNEMANNIA. (Prof.Hornemann, Copenhagen.) Scrophultfnrup.1,—2.
15903 blcolor W. en. two-colored O p r \ jn.s B E. Indies 1816 8 6.1
Grafiola goodcnUefblia Horn.
, W85. TITTMA'NN/4 Rchb. TITTMANNIA. (TUttnann,amanfsname.) ScrophuUfrinar. 2 . - 8 .
15904 ovata Rchb. ovdte-leaved JE O pr i jn.jl Pa. R SocietyIsL 1816. S s.p Plan. h. b.9
Horncinunnia ovkta L/c.
15905 viscosa Rchb. clammy - * O p r i jnjl ... E. Indies 182a S s.p
Hornemannia viscusa fV.

1786. MA*ZUS Lou. MAZUS. (Mazes, a teat; tubercles closing mouth of corolla.) Scrophular'tn*.
906 rugtwu Lou. wrinkly -* .Q] pr } my.s Y . P China 1780. S s.l Sw.fl.gar.36
1enM . Limlern/a japunica Thun.
15907 pumilio R. Br. dwarf O pr * jnjl Pa.P V. D. L. 1823. S &p
TORENIA. {Rev. Olqf Toren, a Swedish botanist.) ScrophiUdr'irue. 2 . - 6 .
Asiatic JUQSun l P E. Indies 1823. S s.l R. mal.9.53
15909 difttisa Ro'x. diffuse JU ES] un 1 P Nepal 1818. S 8.1
1788. ISOPLE'XIS Lindl. IaoPLEXis. (JJTOS, equal, plexis, ..jent; segments of cor. equal.) Scropfiul. 2.
cinancnsis Lindl. Canary * i | or 4 jn.jl r.O Canaries 1698. S p.l Lind. dig. 27
Digitulis canuriensis L.
xceiitrum Lindl. sceptre tt. i | or 2 Br.O Madeira 1777. S p.l Lind. dig. 28
Digitalis sceptrum L.

* 1789. DIGITALIS L. FOXGLOVE. (Digitale, finger of a glove; form of flower.) Scrophular'ttue. 24.—2a
I. TRANSVE'RSJS. — Upper lip of ventricose corolla transverse,
15912 purpftrea L. purple 4 jn.s P Britain hed.b. S Lind. dig. 2
_,2alba white 4 jl W Britain hcd.b. S
1 Th&psi L. Thansi 14 P Sjiain 1732. S lind. dig. 3
MM"luc T"Ili:n*osa I.K. woolly 3 jnjl R Portugal 1818. S
; , , ? *scens W. & K. fucescent 2 jnjl R Hungary 1823. S
^'"'ianiWgua Mur. ambiguous 3 L.Y Switzcrl. 1596. S co Lind. dig. 7.
ochroleuca Jac. yellowish whitest A or 4 L.Y Europe S co Lind. dig. 8
va Lindl. tawny ^ A or 3 Br S co Lind. dig. 9
, PORRE'CUB. — Middle lobe of lower Up of corolla drawn out.
Wm smooth-leaved '2 " Y Hungary 1816. S co Lind. dig. 10
iron-colored 4 Br Italy 1S97. S co Lind. dig. 12
woolly-spiked 3 Br.Y Russia 1827. S co
golden 3 Br Greece ISlfi. S co Lind. dig. 13
l grey 2 jn.o W.Br Greece 1788. S co Lind. dig. 14
woolly 2 jnjl W.Br Hungary 1789. S co Lind. dig. 15
orientklis Lam eastern l j j n j l W Levant 18LU S co Lind. dig. 16
III. BIDENTAVJE. — Loiver lip of corolla bifid.
smaller i Jnjl ' P Spain 17S9. S s.l Lind. dig. 6
small-flowered A or 1| Br 1798. S co Lind. dig. 17
ismall-flowered A or 2 Y.Br Switzcrl. 1S17. S co
rigid A or 1} Y.a S co Lind dig. 19
imr urascens Roth purpurascent A or 2 Pk Germany 1776. S co Lind. dig. 20
H. K.
tube-flowered A or 2 Y S co Lind. dig. 22
small-yellow A or 2 L.Y France 1629. S co Lind. dig. 23
1 B . , n pa rviflora
lutescent A, or 2 Y S co Lind. dig. 21
15935 media Roth obscure | or 1 O Spain 1778. C pi Lind. dig. 26
intermediate A or 2 Y Germany 1817. S co
intermedia Pert.

* 1790. SCROPHTJLAMtIA L. FIG WORT. (Tubercles on roots like scrophulous tumours.) Scroph. 45.-53.
1503R lann!!!)iTV 8 )h~" Leaves simple, undivided, from No. 13944. cordate; from No. 16981. appendiculate.
,oswt» lanceolau P^. lance-/Wd i A un 3 jl au G.Y Carolina 18LU 1) co
cretaceous ^r A un 2 V.r
Br Siberia 1S27. S en
Silioria 1S27 co
Uru. Balm-leaved 2 Br.P Levant 18'->3. S co
oriental 2 Br Levant 1710. 1) co Schk.han.2 173
\ ruj>e"str:ig Bleb. rock shrubby 2 P Caucasus 1818. 1) co
1 ramoslssima Loi. branch icst 2 P France 1821. D co
fruttsrens Dec.
15942 frutesfcns L. frutcsccnt D.P Portugal 1768. D co Her. lug. 547
1594^3 adscondens IV. en. Br 1816. D co
1.0914 marilAndica L. ascending
lSJ^/i pcrcgrina L. Maryland ~ myjl G.Br N. Amer. 17.VJ. D l.p Cam. h. 43
15946 nmlusa L. foreign 2 ~P Italy 1640. S
_ __
15H47 aquatica L. knotty-rooted 2 my.jl Bil Britain woods D co Eng. bot 1544
35D48 glabr-ita //. K. water my.jl »d Uritain 1> co Eng. bot. &H
15949 Smith// Horn. emunth./eaueii P Cnnnries 1779. S l.p Jac.MC.2.209
15950 biscrriita W. en. Smith's _ P Canaries 1815. D s.l
2 Br ...... 1816. I) co
15951 argiita H. K. doubly-sawed U mj jn Canaries 1778. S co
15952 vcrnllis L. yellow
s h a r spring
/ / r f 2" nif.iny Y Britain S co Eng. bot 567
159.33 glandulosa Kit. glandular 2 jn.s Kr.P Hungary 1S06. D co W.&K.2H
15954 rugosa IV. rough 2 jn.s Br.P Hungary 1816. S co
1^955 Scopblii Hoppe Scopoli's 2 Br Austria 1823. D co Scop. car. 32
{ S ? 5 Scorodbnia L. *~ «*•** 3 P Britain D co Eng. bot. 2209
7 grundidentata Ten. large-toothed 3
) altaica Mur. Altaian 1 myjn PaY Siberia 1786! C co Mur. 4.2
Jtonicifolia L. Betony-lcavcd P Spain 1752. D co Bar. ic. 274

15960 hirsuta Horn. ' hairy 2 Y Europe 1816. D co

15961 appendiculata Jac. «L 3 jl D.P Morocco 1805. D co Jac. sc. 3.286
15962 Balbis/j Horn. lbis'a 2 Y.o Italy 1817. D co
15963 auricuKita JL. en-leaved 2 Br Spain 1772. D co Lob. ic. 533
15964 trifoliate L. 2 iny.s R.v Africa 1731. S co Pluk. al. 313.6
II. — Leaves cut or jagged.
15965 laciniata Kit. 3 jl Br.P Hungary 1806. D co W.&K.2.170
159(i6 verbenaefolia Poir. fag-leaved
Vervain-leaved 2 1 Br.P 1816. S co
15967 pinnatifida Bro. pinnatifid 3 Lau P.w Spam 1819. S co
159C& variegata Bieb. variegated _ 2 Br.P Casp. sho. 1816. D co
15969 ehuWtoUa Bieb. Dwarf Elder-lvd^ 3 Y.P Caucasus 1819. S co
15970 grandiflfrra Dec. great-flowered 3 Y.p S. Amer. 1820. S co
111. PINNA V*. — Leaves pinnate.
15971 lyrata W. en. lyrate-teawerf 3 Br.P Portugal 1816. D co W.h.b.1.55
15972 melllfera H. K. honey-bearing 3 jlau Br.P Barbary 1786. D co
15973 sambucifdlia L. Elder-leaved 3 jl.8 R.u Spain 1640. D co Mil. ic. 2.231
15M7+ hlspida Desf. hispid 2 Y.p S. Europe 1824. S co
15975 tanacetifdlia W. en. lansy-lcavcd 3 jl.8 Br.P Tauria 1804. D co W. h. b. 1.56
15J*7«> canlna L. dog ^ 3 Br.P S. Europe 1683. D co I,ob. ic. 2.55
15977 chryttinthemif&liaW. en Chrys.-lvd ^ 3 Br.P Tauria 1816. D co W. h. b. 1.59
15978 ILICKU L. ehming-leaved "" 2 Br.P Levant 1596. D co W. h. b. 57
15979/ilicilolia Mil. Fein-leaved 3 P.w Crete 1700. S co Tou. it. 85
15980 multifida IV. en. many-clefWirf 3 Br.P ...... 1816. D co W.h. b.1.58
1791. V ANDE'LLIii L. VANDEIXIA. (Dr. Louis VandeUi, prof, bot Coimbra, Portugal.) Scrophul. 1. — 2.
15981 diffusa L. diffuse O c u 1 W S. Cruz 1824. S 8.1 Marcg. br. 32.1
O A L. SIRTIIORFIA. {H. Sibthorp, M.D., prof. bot. at Oxford.) Scrophuldrtnar. 1.—2.
15982 europa^a L. European & A cu ft y ~England
" "
" D s.l Eng. bot. 619
1793. LTMOSE'LLA L. (Limns, mud; habitation.) Scrophularxnee. I . — 5.
15983 aquStica L. water
£ O pr 4 jl.s F Britain S s.l Eng. bot 357
* 1794. BROWA'LLIJ L, BROWALLIA. (John Browallius, bishop of Abo.) Scrophvlartnce. 3. —4.
15984 demfssa L. low UQJor f jns B S. Amer. 1735. S si Bot mag. 1136
15HR5 elata L. tall iQJor ljjn.s B Peru 1768. S si Bot mag. 34
15986 clong^ta Kth. elongated iQJor U jn.s B.w S 8.1
lactea Hort.
• 1795. STEMCTDIA L. STEMOMA. (Stemon^jtamen, double; S^nthered
dis, double;
, dis, S^nthered filaments.) Scrophul.
Sc 6. —14.
suffrutiedsa Bonp
15987 suffVuticdsa suffruticose
Bonp. suffruticose ILCD 1^
1^ R B i l
Brazil 1820
1820. C p.ll
ColGmnea tnfohata Lk.
15988 viscosa ROT. clammy OD un } B R Indies 1818. p.1
159R9 vcrtirillaris Lk. whorled O un J P Brazil 1825. p.l
15990 maritima L. seaside KB un } R S. Amer. 1817. Jac. am. 174.66
15991 duranti/6/ja Swz. Duranta-lcaved QS un 1 W W.Indies 1823. S p.l SI.jam. 1.124.2
Capraria durantj/o/ia L.
15992 parviflbra R. Br. small-flowered O un i W S. Amer. 1759. S p.l
1796. TREVIRA^Ni* W.en. TREVIRANA. (Dr. Treviranus, a German botanist) Scrophuldritue. 1.
15993 coccinca W en. scarlet £ E3 spl l\ au.s S Jamaica 1778. R l.p Bot mag. 374
Cyrilla pulchella Herit.
1797. COUJ'MKEA L. COLIIMNEA. (Fabius Coiumna, of noble family of Colonna, in Italy.) Scroph. 4. — &•
15994 scandens L. climbing fl_ • or 6 au.s S W. Indies 1759. C s.p Bot. reg. 805
15995 hirsute Sun. hairy s. • or 2 au.n Pa.P Jamaica 1780. C s.p Br. jam. 30.3
159!Mi riitilans Swz. red-leaved tt. CJ or 2 au.s P Jamaica 1823. C s.p
15997 tri(oli?itaLk. three-leaved « , Q o r 3 au.n B ...... 182a C s.p
1798. RUSSE'L/i* L. RUSSELIA. {A. Russel> M.D. F. R.S., auth. of nat. hist, of Aleppo.) Scrophu. 3. --&
15998 multiflura B M. many-flowered A Q o r 4 R S. Amer. 1812. C s.p Bot mag. 1528
15999 floribunda Hum. bundle-flwd i Q o r 4 ... R Mexico 1824. C 8.1
16000 ternifolia Kth. ternate-leaved HO or 4 ... R Mexico 1818. C 8.1
1799. DOD A'RT/4 L. DODARTIA. {F. Dodart. M.D. French bot. and acad.) Scrophuldritue. 1. —-^
001 onentahs L.
16001 oriental ^ A or \\ P Levant 1752. D s.p Sw. fl. gar. 147
1800. LINDE'RN/il L. LINDEKNIA. {F.B. von Lindern, M.D of Strashurg, Scrophul. !.--•'
16002 Pyxidiria L. Pyxidana O pr 1 B S. Europe 1789. S s.l 522
1801. HERPE'STIS R. Br. HBRPEOTIS.a. (Herpestes, any thing that creeps; habit.) ScrophuldrvMB. 8. — ^
16003 stricta Schr. strict £ ( 2 9 p r 1 au B 1824. D bog .
16004 Monnierta R. Br. Monnier's — pr "" *L.B
" S. Amer. 177* D bog Ehr. pic. 1* *
16005 portulacacea B. M. B S Amer. 1823. D bog Bot. mag.
16006 cuncifiilia Ph. wedge-leaved i A pr B N. Amer. 1812. D bog
16007 dinplexicuulis Ph. stem-clasping ^ _&| un \ B Carolina 1818. D bog
16008 rotundifolia Ph. round-leaved A ^j un \ Pa.B N. Amer. 1824. D bog
16009 micrantha Ph. small-flowered *= _AJ un \ jlau B N. Amer. 1817. D bog Swz. ic. 33
16010 Brfwnii Pers. Brown's ^ .AJ un i B Jamaica ... D bog
1802. DIA'SCIA Lk. DIASCIA. {Dis, two, askion, little bladder; two protub. at base of cor.) Scroph. t * V
16011 Bergiami Lk. Bergius's O un i ... C. G. H. 1815. S 6.1 Pluk. ph. 520- •*
1803. CAPRA^RIA L. CAPRARIA. •, a goat: leaves liked by goats.) Scrophuldrnns. 5., «T»
16012 biflbra L. two-flowered un 2 W S. Amer. 1752. S l.p * — « * * '
16013 cunchta R. Br. vrcdge-lenved un 2 ... W S. Amer. 1759. C p.l
16014 lanceolata JL spear-leaved un 3 ... W C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 56
16015 uudulata /.. wave-leaved a. I lun 2 mrjl W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot mag. 15
16016 hiimihs W. dwarf fm un 1 jLau W E. Indies 1781 C p.l
Nut COLLINSIA. {Zaccheus Collins, a vice-pres. of Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadcl.)
verna JVK*. spring O el 1 rnvjn B p N. Amer. 1826. S l.p.s Sw.
16018 parviflftra B R small-flowered J c O o r i jn.jl P.n Colombia 1826. S l.p.s Bot. reg
16019grandifluraiT.A. great-flowered O el l m y j l Pk.B Colombia 182fi. S l.p.i Bot. rcg-
\ert a German naturalist.) Scrophutdrttue.
3L£\™ B N. Amer. 1733. D l.p
£ Ol un 1 jl.o B Nepal 1818 S pi
t L ^ j u n lfjLau B N.Holl. 1824. S p.l
biflbra L.

I S # M - N ^ 3 J E A *" Jf ANULEA. (Manus, the hand: five divisions of flowers.) Scrophular,nte. 17. — 4
nifolia Thun, Flax-leaved tt. i_j un 1 W C. G. H. 1820. S p.l '
.Ethiopian ]fc O| un 1 Br ^Ethiopia ... S p.1
Ven. opposite-leaved B.|_jun 1 R C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
O p r l*jn.8 W C. G. H. 1794. S s.p Bot rep. 80
H6 8a villous Opr 1 jn.jl W C G . H , 1783. S s.p
Sli chn
1J jn.n W C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 Bot. rep. 84
«-l |pr
1 jn.n C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Bot. mag. 217
red U ap.s R C. G. H. 1790. C p.1
woolly 1 my.n Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. mag. 322
Wallflower 1 O C G. H. 1795. S s.p Com. h. 2.42
silvery iQJ el 14 jl.n Y C. G. H. 1801. S.D
crystal £ Ol un 1 C. G. H. 1820. p.]
alternate-lvd " ~" 1 N. Holl. 1819. Pi
capitate 1 C. G. H. 1820.
1 jl.n C. G. H. 1823. s.p
2 jl.n 1824.
Thun. cordate £ t Al or | c. G!"H. 1816.
Kth. ANGELONIA. (Angelon, its name in Caraccas.) Scrophularm*. 1.
Willow-leaved £ " 3 au L.B S. Amer. 1818. C co Bot. reg. 415
> RA'NTHUS A.« P. SCHIZANTHIIS. (Schixo, to cut, anthos, flower.) Scrophuldrime. 2.
1GU49' ? - * P- pinnate O el 2 f.n L.B Chile 1822. S co Sw. fl. gr. 63
^ Porrigens Hook. spreading O el 3 f.n . W.H,B Chile 1822. S co Sw. fl. gr. 76
L. BESLERIA. (Basil Besler, an apothecary at Nuremberg.) Gesncrite. 12. —20.
16043 I. DENTicuu^ra — Segments of calyx serrulated or denticulated.
crested L L J o r 3 Y W. Indies 1739. C l.p 119
scarlet-berried tt. • or 3 ... Y Guiana 1819. C p.1 Aub. gui. 2.255
two-colored tt. • or 3 RY Brazil 1826. C p.l
neat tt. 3 Y Trinidad 1806. C l.p Bot. mag. 1146
lia L. Balm-leaved tt. 3 jn.jl O Guiana 1739. C s.p Ex. bot. 1.54
serrulate Joe. serrulated fl_ 6 ... P.Y W. Indies 1806. C Lp 3.290
II. INTEGE'RRIMA — its of calyx entire.
* Guiana
~ • 1739. C l. PL ic. 49.1
Guiana 1820. C p.1 Aub. gui. 2.256
Guiana 1824.4. C p.1 Aub. gui. 2.254
S. Amer. 1823. C Lp
(Meaning unknown.) Scrophularinte. 2.
£ O l o r 2 apjl P . C. G.'H. 1774. C p.l Bot reg. 210
£ O l or 2 my.o P C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Bot. reg. 214
Soldnea.? 4.
r.m Bot. reg. 228
American 4 jnjl -.« r.m Bot. mag. 393
1 latifiMia broad-leavedCD or 4 Jnjl Pa. Y W.Indies ... ^ r.m
, « . _ * anguBtifolia narrow-leaved
CD or 4 jl Pa. Y W.Indies ... C r.m
violkcea IsOd. violet-colored
CD cu 3 jLau Ld W. Indies 1815. C
WGO montana Lo. C. mountain CD or 4 W r.m Bot cab. 792
S.Amer.? 1820. C r.m
* 1812. CE'LSIJ L. CIXSIA. {Glaus Celsius, D.D.,
16061 oricntillis L. oriental O or Greek pro£ at Upsal, friend of Lin.) Solanea?. R—10.
16062 Arctfjrua L. Arclurus ^ (Dior 24 j lll. asu Br.Y
Y Levant 1 7 i a S c o 532
16063 coromandeliana Vahl Coromandel ED or 4 jlau Y Candia 1780. S
1«KJ4 visebsa Roth £. Indies 1783. S p.1 Bot. mag. 1962
clammy ED or Y 1816. S p.1
iRTUSi: «.^>_! rvi:. Bctony-lcaved £ Ol or 3 ilau Y N. Africa ... . S P-
Cretan £ CDI or 2 iLau Y p.1
Crete 1752. S
6 1.8 Y Levant 1816. S p.1 Bot mag. 964
Y 1818. S p.1 ven. eels 27
p.1 Bot reg. 438

2 m y o

3 my.o S
1790. C s.p Bot mag. 210
1823. C co
ANTBOCERCIS. (Anthos, flower, kerkis, ray; radiated cor.) Soldnete. S
16074 albicans Cun. i_Jor 3o N H o U l g 0 A c B o t 2 1 2

l_Jor 3 apjl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Sw. au. 16

16075 visebsa R. Br. viscid \ | or 6 myjn W N.Holl. 1822. C s.p
16076 daurica L. Daurian (Kymbe, a boat: shape of fruit) Scrophularina. 1. —. 2.
t A cu 1 jnjl Y Tauria 1796. D co Am.Am.rut
rut. 1 2


1816. SCHIZOPETALON Sims SCHIZOPBTALON. (Schho, to cut, petition, a petal.) Crucffene. 1.

16077 Wfilkeri Sims Walker's .QJcu 2 my.jl W Chile 1822. S p.1 Bot mag. 2379
1817. MATHrOL;* R. Br. STOCK. (P. A. Matthioli, an Italian physician, d. 1577.) Cruciferce. 17.—28.
I PACIIYNOVITM. — Prfrt/* obovate; back iff stigma thick, not horned: silicle at top thick, not tricuspidate.
16078 incaiia ML Br. hoary Gillyflowern. (or 1 my.ii P England clifls. S l.p £ng. bot. 1935
2 coccinea scarlet tL | or 1 iny.n S1 England gard. S l.p
3 &iiia white branching*. ^ J o r 1 niy.n W England gard. S l.p
4 multiplex double tL | or 1 iny.n Va England gard. S l.p
16079 annua Swt. annual O or 2 iny.n R S. Europe 1731. S " Bau. his. 2.875.1
2 allta white Ten-week stock Q ««" *J lj} W S. Europe S l.p Dalech. 802.1
3 flore pleno double O or 1* R S l.p
16QB0 siinplicicuulis Swt. simple-staid £ CD or 2 P S l.p Bes.eys.2.3.3
2 allia white £ Q> or 2 W S l.p Bes. eys. 2.3.*
16081 gldbrifci Dec. smooth tt. | or 2 my.n W
2 purpiirca purple tt. | or 2 my. n P S l.p M.h.3.8.8
S flore pleno double
" ouble tt. | or 2 my.n P.w S l.p
16082 grs\:a Swt. Grecian Wallflower-lvd Q or 2 my.n W S l.p
IGISO tencstrMis R. Br. window £ O] or 1 P S. Europe ... S l.p
lf)l>84 sinii-ita R. Br. Bco^o\t.leaved £ Q) or 1 V 1709. S l.p Jac. vin. £179
laws acauhs Dec. stcmlcss O or i jn-jl R England sea sh. S l.p Eng. bot 462
Egypt 1818. S sp
II. LUPESRIA. — Petals oblong, of a yellowish purple:
' i back of stigma thick, not horned.
1G0S6 torulosa Dec. twisted "tt-Ljor 2 m'yjl' P C.'G. fl. 1810. C s.p
1G"87 odoralissima R. Br. swccrcst-sctd tt. |_J or 2 jn.jl Ld Persia 1797. G r.m Bot. mag. 17H
2 frigrans Fis. fragrant tL|_Jor 2 jn.jl ' Ld Crimea 182). C r.m
16088 varia Dec. various tf _AJ or J jn jl Lfl Levant 182l>. C r.m Fl. gr. 636
lQiS'JtataricaiJrc. Tartarian £ Q or 1 jnjl R.Y Tartary 183(1. S s.p Pal. it. 1. ap. O
16U90 tristis R. Br. d&rk-Jtuwered tt.L_Jor ]j my.jl Ld S. Europe 17f>8. C s.l Bot. mag. 729
III. PiftVaiA. — Petals yellowish purple; back of stigma horned.
10091 longipetala Dec. long.petalcd O or 1 .ui.jl R.Y Bagdad 1818. S s.p Vcn. eels 93
16092 coronopifuha Dec. Buckhoru-lvd j£ Q) or 1 jnjl P Greece 1819. S s.p Fl. gr. 637
IV. ACINOVON. — Petals obovate ; stigmas horned ; silicles at top tricuspidate.
16093 tricuRpidata R. Br. three-poinlecWud O pr f jlau P Barbary 1739. S e.l 564.9
16094 parviflura R. Br. small-flowered O l»r P Morocco 1799. S s.l

181R CHEIRA'NTHUSZ. WALLFLOWER. {Kheyry, its Arabic name, anthos, flower.) Crwfifer*. 11. — li
I. CHEIXRI. — Styles scarcely any ; seeds imwarginafe.
16095 Che)ri L. Cheiri, or garden tt. _J or 2 ap. I O O S. Europe 1573. S r.m Bui. her. 349
2 flore pl&no double-flwd tt. | or 2 apjl Y C r.m Bes.eys.2.5.3
3 grandiflorus large, flowered tt. _J or 2 ap.jl Y S. Europe 1573. C co Bes. eys. 2.5.*
4 maximus largest tt. | or 2 ap. I Y . S. Europe 1573. C co Bes. eys. 2.5.1
5 scrratus saw-flowered tt. | or 2 apjl Y S. Europe 1.773. c co
6 p&tulus
7 ferrugineus
8 vbrius
(f'lff/Ve-spreadingtt. _J or
rwhty-flowered tt. _J or
various tt.
I S£ Y
S. Europe 1573.
S. Europe 1573.
__J or 2 apjl Va S. Europe l.'>7#.
9 6avescens flavescent tt. _J or 2 apjl Y a Europe 1573. c co
Id thynoldes tbyr»e.flowcredtt. _J or 2 apjl Bd S. Europe 1573. c co
11 sangu incus bloody tt. | or 2 apjl D.Br c r.m
12 hsmanthus double bloody.flwdtt. | or 2 apjl- Bd S. Europe 1573. C co
16096 fruticulusus L. small shrubby tt. i lor Y Britain old wa. S co Eng. hot. 1934
16097 arliorcus Swt. tree sH | | or apjl Y Egvpt 1827. C
16098 alpinus L. alpine tt.i lor Ainyjl Y N.Europe 1810. C sip Wa. lap. lfcl
16099 firmus IV. firm tt. | or 1 my.jl Y Europe 1816. C s.p ,A
16100 ochrolencus Hal. pale yellow £ A or £ apjl Pa.Y SwiUerl. 1820. D co HaLh. 449.1*
diibius Suter
II. CHEIROIVDES/— Styles filiform ; seeds marginate ; siliclesfour-sided.
16101 tcnuiftlius Herit. fine-leavcd tt. \_J or 2 niyjn \ Madeira 1777. C l.p
16102 mutabilis Merit. changeable tt. i__J or " Y.p " --
- • —— - 1-P Bot. mag.
U longifolius Fen. long-leaved tt. i_J or 3 s.d W.p Madeira 1815. co Ven. mal. I
16103 jcoparius W. broom tt. j _ j or 3 my.o W.p Tcncriffe 1812. r.m
2 aerugin«)su8 Dec. rusty tt., | or 3 my.o Rust Tcnenffc 1812. r.m
3 chama^Jeo Ker chameleon J 3 my.o Y.p Tenenfle 1812. C r.m Bot reg. 219
16104 sem[x>rfl5rens Schous. ever-blowing tt. L_J or ' year W Barbary 1815. C s.l
2 frutcscens Pcrs. frutcsccnt tt. | ) or mrjl W Teneriffe 1815. C co
16105 rinifuhus Pers. Flax-leaved tt. i_J or 2 P Spain 1815. C s.1
•1819. tfASTU'RTIUM ML Br. NASTURTIUM. (Nasus, nose, tortus, tormented; effects.) Cruc(fent.
I. CARDA'MINUM.—Petals white, larger than calyx; silicles cylindrical; glands four at base of stamen*
16106offlcinaleA.£r. officinal ^ A cul 1 myjl W Britain rivul. D co Eng. bot S&
5is^mbrium ^astiirtium L.
11. BRACHY^OBOS. — Petals yellow ; silicles cylindrical; glands of receptacle small. ot*
16107 sylvestre R. Br. wood creeping £ A w 1 jn.s Y Britain watpl. D co»»
Sisyrnbrium sylvestre L. n
16108 palnstre Dec. marsh ^ O ^ 1 J -> Britain watpl. S co Eng. bot I? 47
Sisfmbrium terrestre L.
16109 bursifulium Dec. Sheph. Purse-lvd O un .i Crea Kamtsch. 1820. S co . tal*
. a ia
16110 coronopifulium Dec. Buckhorn-lvd O un * jnjl Pa.Y N. Africa J824. S co Dcsf. at ».g
Jfjll sagittatum A. ^r. arrow-leaved jg A un f myjn Pa.Y Siberia 1780. D co Jac. ic. *• *T
22H2 h PP«ense Dec. Lippa j£ A un | myjn Y Carinthia ... D e o K AA
JJJJf Pyrenkicum R. Br. Pyrenean £ A un } myjn Y Pyrenees 1775.
1775. D co
16114 amphibium R. Br. amphibious * A w Y Britain riv. ba. D co
1 indjyjf«»n Dec. undividcd-/vrf A & w Y Britain riv. ba. D co
2 variifolium Dec. various-leaved §b A w 1 jnj Y Britain riv. ba. D co
w ,_ I I ! - CLANDESTINA^RIA. — Petals none or very small and white ; silkies cylindrical.
i«nr bo
i5!}5 nghalgnse Dec. Bengal O un 2 j n . a u W E. Indies ... s co
*°j Jg microsjwrmum
l 2tec. small-seeded O un # W China 1820. S co
in 2)«?. Indian O un i Ap China S co
ic?o°; L EPTOCARP^*A Dec. LEPTOCARREA. (Leptos, slender, karpos, fruit) Cruciferce. 1.
16118 LoesH/j Dec. Loesel's n un l l a u Y Germany 1683. S co Jac. au. 4.324
TurrUis Loeselis R. Br. Sisymbrium Loesel* L.
1821. NOTO'CER AS R. Br. NOTOCERA*. {Notos, the back, keras, a horn; back of pod.) Crudfene. a
Ifiim I- D I C ER^TIIIM. — Silkies dehiscent, two-horned s seeds compressed; flowers small; leaves entire.
*°iiy canariense R. Br. Canary O un 4 au.s Y Canaries 1779. S co Jac. ec. I l l

Dec. Spanish O un | au.8 Y Spain 1821. S co

2?«T E J*\ C E R A N r i U M - — Silkies four-horned ; flowers small, perhaps apetalous; leaves
l sinuately toothed.
U quartricorne Dec. four-horned O un i jnjl W Siberia 1820. S co Deless.2.16
<ar/Bimum ( I u a ( i r i c 5 n i e step ^Tdst(irtiumquadric6rne Dec.
, ? A R B A R # \ * R. Br. WINTER CRESS. (Anciently called Herb of St. Barbara.), Cruel/era?. 4.-—6,
ulg.iris s. /?,-. common * A cul 1* Y Britain
B iti rub.
b D D co Eng. bot. 443
» Barbara L. England brooks. D co Eng. bot. 1129
p e c o x JZ.A-. earlv JSWfe«te Cr«*jfe A cul 1 ap.o Y
ca7Jftr Tauria 1830. D co
16l«s??" - Taurian £ A un 1 ap.o M TT
jSU-nca n7>c. Iberian tf A un 1* Y Iberia 1816. D J.p
1612R Zi "* hi« iMricus fK M.
jantagfnea Dec. Plantain-like ^ A un ft jl.s Y Levant 1799. D co /
fisfmbrium Barbara L.
lfi???n 3 -,8sSTEVEX NJi* Adams STEVENIA. (C. Steven, a Russian botanist.) Cruel/era.
ifiiS I>' «Wes Fts. Alyssum-like O un i myjl W Siberia 1824. S co Deless.2.20
*oi*8 cheirantholdes Dec. Wallflower-Ik £ CD un 1 myjl W.p Siberia 1818. S co Deless.2.21
l 6 i £ S ? R A * Y i l Ster. BRAYA. {Count Bray, a German nobleman.) ^Cruafer*. 1- —2.
^129 aliAiia Ster. alpine £ A cu j jn P Carinthia 1823. S p.l Deless.2.22
A'RRY^ R.Br. PARRYA. {Capt. Edw. Parry, R.N., sent to discover N.W. passage.) Crucfferof. h
^rctica R. Br. arctic jQJ cu | ... P Melville 1.1820. S p.1 Parry's app.
l 6 ^ i 6 v T U R R l V n s 2 W ' . TOWER MUSTARD. (Turris, tower; pyramidal growth.) Cruciferce. 2 . - 3 .
fi?!"* L - smooth long-podded O w 1| my.jn W England S co Eng. bot 777
^iMiginEsa Dec* marsh O un 1 jnjl W Siberia 1823. S co Pal. it 2. app. O
7. -rf'RABISZ. WALL CRESS. (Originally from Arabia.) Crudferte. 4 9 . - 6 7 .
I.naALOMA^TIUM. — Seeds immarginate ; stem leaves cordate, clasping, from No 16W. sessile.
X»r A /?r. vernal O pr 1 my.jn P France 1710. S s.1 Bar. ic. 476
,MnaIf. all>ine JU A pr % W . Y Switzerl. 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 226
* l lUhiuna Dec. Clusius's JU A or I W Pyrenees 1596. D co Cl.h.2.125.2
dwarf JU A or £ W Switzerl. 1819. D co
albulaS/ whitish f ja.o W Caucasus 1798. D s.1
IT. CTI. JU A pr Jac. ec. 71
waved-leave SU A or 1 mrjl W S. Europe 1810. D co
long-leaved SU A or | myjl W Persia 1820. D co
soft JU A or * myjl W Caucasus 1817. D co Delew.2.25
Ma Bieb. bow-leaved £ CD pr 1 W Volga 182a S co
auriculkta auricled O un f my W S. Europe ... S co Al. ped.2.2
a»l>era il//.
2 recta JW. upright O un fmy W Europe ... S co Vil. del. 3.37
3- tputula
-»wU.« jDee.
yn. spreading O un {my W Hungary 1818. S co W.&K.1.59
TurrUis patula £ArA.
4 dasycarpa Andrz. thick-capsuled O unS my w Podolia 1820. S co •
J6141 saxfitihs All. stone JU CD un fmy w Switzerl. ... S co VU. del. 37
16U2 crisjuta W. curled JU A pr 1 my w Carniola 1818. D co
16143 sugittuta Dec. sagittate ]£ CD un1 myjl W S. France ... S co
2 suhgiabrata Dec. subglabrous j ^ CD un
1 my.jl W Europe 1820. S co
3 ovMa Poir. ovate jt CD un1 my.jl W N. Amer. 1818. S co
4 oblongiita Dec. oUongate jf *CD un
1 my.jl W N. Amer. 1827. S co
j£ CD un1 my.jl W N.Europe 1824. S co
£Aw 1 mvjl W Britain rocks. D s.1 Eng. bot 587
shnrt-potl j£ CD or* m'yjl W N.Europe 1825. S co
spatulate £ CD un Bonaria 1823. S co
16147 Allionii Dec.' AHioni's *jnjl W
Tu lt £ A un Italy 1804. D co
I«MO " ' « stricta J//. 2 my.jn W
fe wan
wall £ A un J my.jn
iS85SSViS upright
JApr | my
£ CD pr - • "
W Italy 1824. D co
Crea England rocks. D s.1 Eng. bot. 614
W Ireland S s.1 Eng. bot. 1746
1G150 ciliata A. ^r
Turrltis alpVna W hoary-rfa/ftal £ CD un Jmyjn W SwiUerL 1816.
•UAWO t i i w i u n i i A^. Thalillo'u
Ow 1 W Britain walls.
16151 incana Roth 8.1 Eng. bot 901
16152 Thalia™ L. O un 1 W N. Amer. 1825. CO
£ CD un * jnjl W S. France 18'2A CO Vil. del. 3.37
16155 procfirrensW.* K. pro?S??nt £ CD un 1$ W Barbary 1825. CO Desf. at 163
y. A or W Hungary 1818. D co W.&K.2.144
16156 pra'cox W. & J?. early t* A un f jnjl w Hungary 1820. D co
J0157 SchiwerecktinaDec.
petraexa Lam,
16158 pctraea L
Schiwereck's JU A or * jnjl w Austria 1826. D co
rock SU A or i myjl w Austria 18(>0. D co Cr. au. 3.2
o2 hispida
u... tJ _ JU A or

hispid * my.jl W Scotland rocks. D co £1- dan. 386
hastulate JU A or 4 myjl P Britain rocks. D co
ambiguous £ CD or 4 myjl w Siberia 1824. D
W co
Eng. bot 469
lyrate O un
O pr
w N. Araer. ... co
purple sand Pk Germany 1798.
Haller's £ CD un 1 jn.jl Switzerl. ... s.1 Hook. ex. fl. SSI
w CO W. ft K. 190

16163 stolonifera Horn, shoot-bearing IU A o r ft my.jl W Carniola 1818. D co Scop. car. 39

1(5164 ovine"nsis Wul. Ovirian t. A or ftjnjl Pa.R Carinthia 1824. D e o Jac. i d . 125
16165 ccbennensis Dee. Cevennes £ O) un lft jn.jl Pa.P S. France 1820. S co
16166 Iau6loba Lk. hairy-podded £ O) or 1J my.jl W Mexico 1820. S co
II. LOMA'SPORA. — Seeds marginate ; stem leaves clasping, from No. 16171. sessile.
16167 TurrUa L. Tower Mustardj£ Q> w lft Su England walls. S s.1 Eng. bot 178
2 umbrusa Stev. shades j£ Q) un 1 Su Russia 1827. co
3 plndula Desf. pendulous £ Q> un 1 Su Europe 1817. co
19168 pendula L. pendulous O un 1 my.jl W Missouri 1759. 8.1 Jac. vin. 3.34
16169 Patnnwna Dec. Patnn's A un 1 myjl W Siberia 1818. co Dclcss. 2.27
16170 levigkta Dec. polished A un llmy.jn W N. Amer. 1821. D co
16171 canadensis L. Canadian A un 2 myjl W N. Amer. 1768. D s.l
16172 nutans W. nodding A P' ft mrap W Switzerl. 1658. D co Jac. au. 3.281
16173 fellidifblia Jac. Daisy-leaved A P* i my.jn W . Y Switzerl. 1773. D p.l Jac. au. 3.280
16174 pumila Wul. dwarf ft myjl W Austria 1816. D co Cr. au. 1.281
Sellidifolia Crz. ciliaris W. en.
16175 casrfalea Wul. blue
f. A r ftjnjl Pa.B Switieri. 1793. D co Al. ped. 1.40.2
16176 stellulaU Bert A ° ft my W Italy 1817. D co
16177 collina Ten. hill A un W Naples 1824. D co
III. DU'BIJG. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong,
16178 lucida L. shining-leaved £ A pr ft jn.jl W Hungary 1790. D p.l
16179 stenopetala W. narrow-petaled £ CD or ft jnjl W 1818. S co
16180 alpestris Schl. alpine g-Tft or ft myjl W SwitzerL 1819. S co
16181 dasycarpa Andrx. thick-fruited £ * £ o r ijn.jl W Podolia 1827. D co
* 1828. MACROPO*DIUM Jl. Br. MACROPODIUM. (Makros, long, pous, foot; of seed-vessel.) Cmcifera. 1*
16182 nivkle R. Br. snowy £ A P* 1 jn.s W Siberia 1796. D co Pal it. 2. ap. U
Cardaraine nivkJis Pall.

', 1829. CARDA'MINE L. LADY'S SMOCK. (Dim. of kardamon, water cress, Gr.s taste.) Crucffer<e.25.—&-
I. INDIVPS^. —Leaves nearly all undivided.
16183 rhomboidea Dec. rhomboid £ A un ft jn jl W N. Amer. 1824. D p.l Pluk. al. 435.6
'6184 rotundifolia Mx. round-leaved g A un i my.jn W N. Amer. 1823.
16185 asarif5lia L. Asarum-leaved £ A P' i Jnjl W Italy 1710. D p.l Bot. mag. 1375
16186 Aellidifulia L. Daisy-leaved £ A Pr i&PJn W Scotland seal, D s.l Eng. bot 2355
2 alpina Dec. alpine jg A or i apjn W Austria 1658. D s.l Jac. mus. 1.17.*
tellidifolia Crz.
II. TRI'LOAE. — Leaves for the most part three-lobed.
16187 resedifblia L. Reseda-leaved O un £ jl W Germany 1658. S co Al. ped. 1.57.8
16188 africkna Z. African tf iAI un 1 my jn W C. G. H. 1691. D co Her. par. 208
16189 trifdiia L. three-leaved £ A pr li mr.ap W Switzerl. 1629. D p-1 Bot mag. 452
16190 chilensis Dec. Chile tf A un i mr.ap W Chile 1825. D co
III. PiNNATiPARTiViE. — Leaves for the most part pinnated.
16191 granulosa All. granular * A un 1 W Italy 1820. D m.s"
16192 amara L. bitter Jfe A P* i W Britain D m.s Eng bot 100
16193 uliginosa Bieb. bog ^fe A pr ft apjn W Tauria 1819. D m.s
16194 prorepens Fis. creeping * A un ftapmy W Siberia 1821. I) m.s
16195 pratensis L. meadow Cuckoo fl.^ A prr 1 P Britain me. pa. D m.s Eng. bot 776
3 plena &owh\e-Jtowered i A P 1 L.P ... D m.B
16196 dentata Schult. toothed ^ A un ftapjn W Russia 1820. D m.s
16197 pennsylvanica Mhl. Pennsylvanian A un 1 myjnmyjn W N. Amer. 1818. D m.s
16198 hirsuta L. hairy O un year W Britain mo.s.p. S m.s Eng. bot. 492
16199 sylvfitica Lk. wood O un w Europe ... S m.s Fl. dan. 735
16200 umbrtoa Andrx. shaded O un w Europe 1824. S m.s
16201 parviflora L. small-flowered O un " W France ... S m.s Gm. si. 64
16SS2 impatiens L. impatient O un ap.jn W Britain al. roc. S m.s Eng. bot. 80
16203 latifolia Vahl broad-leaved A or p Spain 1710. S m.s Her. par. 203
16204 macrophf Ua W. long-leaved A or
A p Siberia 1824. D m.s Gm. si. 3.62 _
16205 Chelidknia L. p Italy 1739. D m.s W. & K. 2.140
16206 /halictroides All.
Thalictrum-like A or w Piedmont 1818. S m.s Vil. del. 3.38
Plumieri Vil. O jnjl
16207 glauca Spr. glaucous £ A or ft myjl W Calabria 1827. D m.8 Deless.2.3l

1830. PTERONEITRON Dec. PTERONEURON. (Pteron, wing,neuron, nerve; pods.) ^ T W ^ ^ I IM

16208 carnosum Dec. fleshy A A or ft jnjl W Hungary 1824. D p.l W.&K.X.**"
Cardimine carndsa W.SfK. ^ . AA 9.
16209 gTjENcum Dec. Grecian O un ft jnjl Pa S. Europe 1710. S co Boc. BIC.***
Cardaminc grae ca L. •
183L DENTA N RIA L. DENTARIA. (Dens, tooth; tooth-like structure of roots.) Crudferee. 1
16210 polyph^lla W.SfK. many.leavcd A A el 1 myjn P Hungary 1818. D s.p W.&K
16211 cnneaphy'lla L. nine-leaved A A el 1 myjn Pa.Y Austria 1656. D s.p Jac. au.
16212 glandulosa W. % K. glandulous A A or 1 myjn L.P Hungary 1815. D s.p
16213 laciniata Mhl. jagged A A or 1 myjn W N. Amer. 1822. D «.p Pluk.m
16214 diphj' lla Mx. two-leaved A A el f myjn W.p N. Amer. ... D s.p Bot. mag-
16215 maxima Nut. largest A A el 2 myjn Pa.P N. Amer. 1823. D s-P „ ,
16216trifolia W.SfK. three-leaved A A el 1 myjn W Hungary 1824. D s.p
16217 digitata Lam. digitate A A el lft myjn Pa.P Switzerl. 1656. D
pentaph^llos L. ••P
16218 pinnata Lam. pinnate A A el 1 myjn Pa.P Switzerl. 1683. D s.p Gar.aix.%
16219 quinquefolia Bieb. five-leaved A A 1 myjn P Tauria 1820. D s.p
16220 bulbifera L. bulbiferous A A el lft P England D s.p Gm. g
16221 tcnuif51ia Led. fine-leaved
A A or 1 myjn L.P Siberia 1825. D s.p
1832. NEUROLOXMA Dec. NEUROLOMA. (Neuron, a nerve, loma, a fringe.) Crucifera?.
16222 arabidifl5rum Dec. Arabis-flwd ££ AA . o r ftft ap.jl P Siberia 1800. D co *"
^'rabis grandiflbra L. abid
arabidifolia Dec.
UN (Luna, the moon; broad silvery silicles.) Crucifcr*.
revived ; A or 3 myjn L.P Germany 1596. D co Lar"
16223 redivlva L. biennial , Q> or 4 myjn L.P Germany 1570. S co La:
16224 bi^nnis Moen.
annua L. white-flowered £ CD or 3 myjn W Germany 1570. S co
2 albiflbra Dec.


Uw25 »gyptiaca L. Egyptian
Lunaria Dec.
* A . u » , * . ~ Turra
, 1835. FARSE^TI^ . - . . « FABSETIA.
. . - {Philip Farseti, a noble Venetian botanist.) Crvcifera*. 6.-7.
6226 cheirantholdcs
h R.
Sklik «-_J co Desf. at. 2.160
16226 cheiranthoWcs Stock-like tt._Jcu 1 jn.jl W.P Levant 1788. C
sgypftaca Turra, Cheiranthus Farsttia L. Persia 1823. C co Ven. eels 19
10227 suttruticosa Dec. sub-shrubby tt. | or 1 ap Tou. it 1.248
16228 lunanoides if. Br. Lunaria-like tt. | or 1 jn.jl Archipd. 1731. S co
,™^_ Lunaria grae\:a IV. en. Greece 1820. S s.p Deless. 2.34
0229 criocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y
Y S. Europe 1596. S co Dalech. 1141.1
10230 clvpeata R. Br. bwkla-podded £ Q or 1} jn.jl
16831 cheilranthifoli?Del. Cheiranthus lvd O or 1 jn.jl Y Levant 1818. S co
-rfly'ssum chciranthifblium IV.
ICOQO- *{ERTERO\« Dec. BERTEHOA. (C. J.Bertero, a friend of Decandolle'ft)
16232 incana Dec. hoary j Q> or 1* Jl-« W Europe 1640.
16233 mutabilis Dec. changeable £ A or " 1J jl au Levant 1802. S co Vcn. eels 85
ifioo. * « • * « » mutabilis R. Br. 1823. C co 633
or 1 jl W Sicily
16234 obliqua Dec. oblique
iJ£?\AUBBIEVW*Adan. AUDRIETIA. {M.Aubrkt, Y. botanical draughtsm.) CrucifcrAi. 3L
16235 deltoidca Dec. deltoid %>• A '«" \ »nr- Le\aut 1710. D p.l Bot. mag. 126
lcoat. Farsetia deltoidca R. Br. -rily'ssum deltoideum L.
i«236 purpfirea Dec. purple t- A l*r * n»-J" Greece 1820. D co 643
4 «rjD P S. Europe 1823. D co Sw. fl. gar. icin.
DrUba Aesperidiflora Lam.
(Fesica, a bladder; inflated silicles.) Cructferar. 4. —12.
' VESICA%RIA Law. VESICARIA. S s.l Botmag. 130
l 8s
Law. bladdered A1 or 1 apjn L.Y Levant 1739. S
^ y "m utricufttum A Af.
reticulata Lam. netted ] A or 1 my.jn Y S. Hurope 1700. S s.l Lam. il. 559.2
-41^88uni Vesicaria L.
®*0 sinukta P«>. Q> or ap.jn L.Y Spain
s. aAlp.h.2.134.1
ex. 118
10241 crdtica Poir. Cretan or Y
^l^ssum cr£ticum L.
Andrz. SCIIIVEBBCKIA. (Andr. Sc/rivcreck, a Russian botanist.) Sw. Crttctfene. 1.
fl. gar. 77
dolica Andrz. Podolian £ A or 4 my.jl W Podolia 1821. D s.p
ifl^ssum podolicum Hort.
*1840. ^LY'SSUMZ. MADWOHT. (A, priv., lyssa, canine madness; sup med. qual.) Crnc'tfer<e. 32.-^53.
- Seeds ia each cell lor 2, sometimes boraeredwUha wingi^mens toothed
ISSsaxatilcL. «vk tt. «r 1 Y Candia 1710. C s.l Hot. mag. IMI
v *4 gemonlnsc L. Gemona
*5 oricntale Andr. Smona
oriental '£ oror 1
1 a?.™} Y
Y Europe
Crete ... CCco eo J ^ * « »
spatulate or Y Siberia
C t 1818. C C ccoo Deless.
A r d s p2.37
VA. silvery A or 1 Y Switzcrl. D co Al.ped.54.3
Bertoloni's o r 1 Y Switzerl. 1823. D co
A 1 Y Hungary 1820. D co W.&K.1.6
wall A or 1 Y
, obtuse-leaved Tauria 1828. C co Deless. 2.38
or £ Y Crete 1817. C co Desf. at. 2.141f
L attain icum / t o n Atlantic or
S?S *wpylHf6lium itetf. Thyme-leaved or i Y S. Europe 1822. C co
iror ?1 vem l
- lc «irn. vernal or J Y 1819. C co Sob. mo. 96
JgJ* altortufnum W.%K. twisted A cu l'jAV Y Hungary 1804. D s.l W.&K.91
J i S ° J»'stre L. alpine A cu 1 jn.jl S. Europe 1825. D co Al. ped. 18.2
I62J6 Marschallidnum Andr. Marschall's A or J Y Caucasus 1820. D co
- „ _ alpfstre Art.
*«>"57 montknum L. mountain £ A or ft Y 1713. D s.1 Bot. mag. 419
16258 cuncift>lium Tcfi. wedge-leaved £ A or 4 WJ Y taly 1820. D co
•16259 olympicum Hort. Mt. Olympus £ A or Y 1700. D co
16260 diffusum u 7Vn. difflise £ A or Y Italy 1820. D co
16261 Wulfon's £ A or Y Cannthia 1819. D co
lG2h2 rostratum Stcu. beaked O un Y Crimea 1823. co Acs pet 3.15.1
16'263 umbcllatum Desv. umbellate O or jj Y Tauria 1821. co
16264 mieropctalura Fis. small-petaled O un my.jl Y Siberia 182a co
162^ campestre L. field O un Y France 1768. B.p Bar. ic. 912. 2
16'2(JG hirsbtum Bieb. hairy O or j l
jj Y Tauria 1817. CO Dclcsa.2 40
162(>7 calycinum L. calyxed O un Y Austria 174a Jac. au. 338
16268 minimum IV. smallest O un Y Spain 1791. Trat. tli. 35
11. ANODONTEA. — Stamens toothless ; silicles suhinflated.
16269 edtatulum W.Sf K. toothless £ Q un 1 jl Y Hungary 1820. S co W. & K. 1.92
16270 dasycarpum Step, thick-fruited O or * jn.jl Y Siberia 1819. S co Mag.bcr.18IK.?.
16271 mac III.
acrocarpum IX>BULA\UA.
Dec. — Flowers white ; seeds solitary in each cell; stamens toothless. [ 1H7
"~""~ n" long-fruited tt. | or i myjl W France 1823. C 6.1 Deless. 2.41
16272 rupestre Ten. rock tt. | un \ jn.s W Naples 1825. C co Fl. nap. (X)
« * ^ Aalimifolium
t v -w— W.-• Purslane-lvd tt. | un S jn.s W S. Europe 1820. C co Boc. mu. 39
16274 spinitBumlta L
L. thorny tt._Jcu * W S. Europe 1683. C s.1 Bar. Ic. 808
tt WBNIOCUS (Mene, the moon, okkos. eye: seeds ?) Cruciferte. I.
Desv. Flax-leaved O or i jn.jl Y Caucasus 1817. S co Deless. 2. 42
ill^ssum Anlf5Uum Step.
1842. I C O N I C R. Br. KONIGA. (Charles Konig, F.R.S., British Museum.) Crucifcrcc. 1.
16276 maritima R. Br. seaside „. \, jn.B
Ov pr ,...o W England sea co. S co Eng. Got. 1729
A\fssum marltimum Lam. Adysetum maritimum Lk.
2 variegata variegated tt. i_J or 1 jn.s W C B.1

** !a buckler; form of silicle.) Cruel/era 2 - S

Cav. wool-beafhig 9 I*
o or * yJ Y S. Europe 1710. S co £" i 1 M!
\ my.jl W Spain 1820. S »p

184*. PELT A*RI A X . PELTARIA. {Pelte, a small buckler; form of silicic.) Crucifene. 2.-3.
16279 tflliacea L. GarWc-sccnted ^ A pr 1 my.jl W Austria 1601. D s.l Jac. an. 2. 1'-
16280 glastifulia Dor. Woad-leaved O or 1 my.jl W & Europe 1825. S s.p Delcss.2.43
1845. PETUOCA'LLIS R. Br. PETROCALMS. (Petros, rock, kallos, beauty j beautifying rocks.) Cruc. I.
16281 pyrenaica R. Br. Pyrenean £ A pr ft my.jn Pk Pyrenees 1759. D s.l Bot. mag. 713
Draba pyrenaica L.
* 1846. Dli A%BA L. DRABA. {Drabe, acrid; quality.) Crucifene. 36. —60.
I. AIZ6PSIS. — Plants perennial; flowers yellow J scapes naked ; leaves rigid, ciliated ; styles filiform.
16282 aizrtdes L. Aizoon-like £ A pr } f.ap Y Wales rocks. D a.l Eng. bot. 1271
" ciliaris L.
16283 " ciliatc-ieaved' £• A" " * f Y
Y - -
Switzerl.- 1731.
— - D- s.l. Ger*gal.'
- 1311
16284 brachystemon Dec. short-stamcncd £ /\ pr ftf.ap Y Switzcrl. 1819. D s.l.p Bot. mag. 170
aizoidcs B. M.
16285 cuspidata Bteb. cuspidate " Apr ftft f.ap Y Iberia 1820. D s.p.l
16286 ftryoldes Bieb. Bryum-like _ A pr Up Y Tauria 1820. D s.p.l
16287 bTunurfblia Stev. Brunia-leaved £ Al»r ft jn.jl Y Caucasus 1820. I) B.F
16288 fricstblia Stev. Heath-leaved * A pr ftjnjl Y Caucasus 1821. D s.l
16289 pilusa Adams pilose £& Ap pr ft jnjl Y Siberia 1825. D s.l
16290 A\zoon Wahl. Aizoon £ A pr Y Carinthia 1823. D co
II. CIIRYSODRA BA. —Plants peren.; lus not rigid nor keeled; ft. yel.; styles almost nones silic. oval-oblong-
16291 alp)na L. ^ alpine £ A pr ftap.myY Lapland 1820. D oo Wa. lap. 11.4
2 silicula piir>sa hairy-podded £ A pr ft ap.s Y Greenlandl820. U co
16292 glaciahs Adams icy pr Y Siberia 1H26. D s.l
16293 rcpens Bieb. creeping ft jnjl Y Siberia 1818. D s.l
16294 GmelUii Adams Gmelin's Jjnjl Y Siberia 182a D s.l Gm. si. 3.56
16295 muricclla Wahl. small-prickly A pr ft jnjl W Lapland 1810. D s.l Wa. lap. 11.8
hirta Fl. dan
16296 inrompta Stev. rough £ A pr ft f.ap Y Caucasus 1821. D s.p.l Delcss. 2.44
III. LEUCODRA^BA. — Plants perennial; leaves not rigid ; flowers white ; petals obtuse or subemarginate*
16297 oblongMa R. Br. oblongate Apr myjn W Baffin's B. 1823. D s.p
16298 corymbusa R. Br. corymbose A pr £ myjn W Baffin's B. 182a D s.p
16299 hirta L. hairy A pr I my.jl w N.Europe 1823. D e o Wa. lap. II. 3
16300 rupestris R. Br. rock £ A i myjl w Scotland al.roc. D b.l Eng. bot. 1339
hirta E. B.
16301 nivalis W.
16302 lapponica W.
^ndrosheca Wahl.
£ A pr
£ A pr ••ar w Switzcrl. 1824. 8.1 Fl. dan. 142 r
w Lapland 1810. 6.1 Wa. lap. 11. 5
16303 helvt'tica 5c/'/. Swiss £ A pr ft myjl w Switzerl. 1819. 8.1
16304 fladnisensis Wul. Fladniso £ A pr ft myjl w Switzerl. 1819. 8.1 Jac. m. 1.17.
^ndrostaea W.
16305 tomentosa Qair. woolly £ A pr ft myjl w SwitzerL 1819. 8.1 Wa.fl.hel. 3
16306 stellata Jac. stellate £ A pr ft my.jl w Pyrenees 1820. CO Jac. vin. 4.3
hirta Jac.
10307 sihquusa Bieb. siliquose £ Apr I my.jn w Caucasus 1822. 8.1
16308 austriaca Crz. Austrian A pr i myjl w Austria 1824. Si
16309 lasiocarpa Bock. woolly-fruited A pr imyjl w 1820. 8.1
IV. HALA'BGES. — Plants biennial styles short s flowers white, rarely yellow. _.
16310 incana L. hoary £ Q>pr J my.jn W Britain aLroc. S 8.1 Eng.lM>t38B
cont6rta Ehrh.
16311 confusa Ehrh. confused £ O)pr % myjn W N. Europe S co Fl. dan. 130
inc\na Fl. dan.
16312 cinerea Adams grey £ G> prr ft. myjl W Siberia 1818. co
16313 daurica Dec. £ Q) I> Dauria 1824. co
16314 aurea Vahl Daurian Denmark 1820. co Fl. dan. 1460
£ CD
V. DRABE'LLA. — Plants annual; styles none; flowers small, yellow or white.
16315 liitca Gilib. yellow C pr 'ft j"jl & Europe 18(.>4. S An. mu. H-' '
16316 nemorahs L. grove O pr ft myjn Y Europe 1759. S H. sys.4.60 1
16317 murahs L. wall O pr f my W England moun. S Eng. bot. 91-

1847. ERO'PHILADflr. EROPHILA. love; time

(Er, spring, phtieo, to love; flowering.) Cruel/era.
timeofofflowering.) ^T5'
Cruel/era. ^T
16318 vulgaris Dec. common ^ O pr ii mr.ap W W Britain walls. S s.l E
Britain walls b t
Draba vlrna L.
16319 americana Dec. American O pr i mr.ap W N. Amer. 1816. co
16J20 pra'cox Dec. early O pr ft f.ap W Caucasus 1820. co
Draba pretax Stev.
1848. COCHLEA^RIA Ton. SCURVY GRASS. (Cochlear, a spoon; concave leaves.) Cructferai.
I. KERNIORA.—Silie. globose, at base subtetragonal; filam. 4, in middle jointed ; styles short; stigmas wag*
16321 saxatihs Lam.
Lm rock
ro it A un ft jnjl W Austria 1773. D s.l Jac. au. 2. i<&
3/^agrum saxatile L. ,h.3.l40.»c
16322 auriculata Lam. auriculate ^ AA un ftft jnjljj W p 1818. S co
S. Europe
II. ARMORAVEA. — Silicles elliptic or oblong; styles short, filiform ; stigmas capitate* neartodisctforni.
323 Armoracca /..
16323. Horseradish * A cul 3 my W England D s.l £ng. bot «£•>
16324 macrocarpa IV. $K. long-capsuled
324 macrocirpaW^Ji: long-capsuled * A un 3 jl W Hungary 1806. D i l W.&K.W*
III. CUCHLEAR.—Silicles variable inform, at top not emarginate ; styles very short or none. 1.3
16325 glastifblia L. Woad-lcaved lft myjl W Germany 1648 S co
16326 SnglicaL. English ft my W Britain sea sh. S co Eng. bot 55
16327 offlcinalis L. officinal ft W Britain sea sh. S co Eng. bot 5aO
smaller I W Britain moun. S co
S rotundifTilia Sm. round-leaved i ap my W Britain moun. S
16328 pyrenXica Dec. Pyrcncan , ft ap.jn W Pyrenees 1820. S D
16JS9 grdnlandica L. Greenland ft myjn F Scotland scalp. S co Eng.
16330 danica L. Danish \ myjn W Britain sea sh. S co Eng.bot6»>
16331 fenestrata R. Br. windowed ft my.jn w Greenl. 1820. S s.p
16332 integrifulia Dec. my.jn w Siberia 1822. S s.p
IV. roundish,
emargmate; ;fiowers
fiowers M
16333 acaulis Df
Desf. tless
steinless ££ AA un
un ftft jaap
ja.ap Li Li Portugal
Portugal 1824
1824. D D co JaJac. ec.
pusilla Bro.
I SHEPHERD'S PURSE. {Thlao, to compress; seedf.) Cruafer*. 8- —
:^i«p *"*"• broad-leaved ^r A un 1 mr.ap w Crimea 1822. D co
16335 ceratoc&rpum Mur. horn-fruited O w lftjl W Sib*ia 1779. S co

!i!S5 a r y e n a e L- corn Penny Cress O w i jnjl W

Britain corn fi. S
Caucasus 1818. S
Eng. bot. 1659
{6337 colnnum Bkb. hill O un 1 jnjl W S. Europe 1714. S co Jac. ic. 1.121
J63.38 alhaccum L. GarWc-scented O un * myjl
J6a39 perfohatum L. perfoliate ^ Q) w i apjl W England sto. pa. D s.l Eng. bot. 2354
J6340 montanum Z,. mountain " w Austria ... S s.l 3.2J7
16341 alpcstre L. alpine England m.pas. D s.l Eng. bot. 81

i*!? 50 - CAPSE'LLA l £ m . SHEPHERD'S PURSE. f A diminutive of capsula, a capsule.) Crudferce. 1.

16J42 bursa pasturis Moen. common Q w W Britain ro. sid. S co Eng. bot 1485
Thlaspi bursa pastbris L.
2 minor Dec. smaller O w | f.n W Britain ro. sid. S co Tab. ic. 199
3 intcgrifftlia Dec. entire-leaved O w 1 f.n W Britain ra sid. S co M. h. 2.20.1
4 coronopifblia Dec. Buckhorn-leaved O w 1 f.n W Britain hea. S co
5 apctala Afx. peUlless O w 1 f.n W Britain fields. S co
1851. HUTCHI'NSIil R. Br. HUTCHTNSIA. (Miss Hutchins, an Irian cryptogaraist) Cruclfer*. 7. —11.
!• IBERIDE'LLA—Styles filiform; leaves entire or somewhat toothed.
Jr round-leaved jfc A pr i ray.jl W.p SwitzerL 1759. D co Al. ped. 1.55.2
^ Cepea-lcaved tf A pr * my.jl Pk Carinthia 1824. D i p Jac. m. 2.1
tyl&«a Dee. to/ii-styled imyjl S. Europe 1824. D e o Bot mag. 2772
/bferis stylosa Ten. { A pr
, II. "8A&ruRTfoLVM. —Leaves pinnatefylobcd.
calydna Desv. large-calyxed £ A p r i W Siberia 1823. D 8.p
alpine pr 4 ap.jn W Germany 1775. D co Jac. an. 2.137
_.. rock i W England rocks. S co Eng. bot 111
'idium petrae\im L.
. —Jfimbens Desv. procumbent I ap.jn W Spain 1823. S B.p
•kepidium procumbens L.
„ „ , M4R B, Br. TEESDALIA. (R. Teesdale, an English botanical author.) Cruc\feree. 2.
nudicaulis R. Br. naked-stalked O pr * my jl W Britain S co Eng. bot. 327
ifi«t nudicaulisi. regular pr J W S. Europe 1824. S co
16351 regularise. :
i B E ^ R IDec.
Si. C A N D Y T U P T . (From the country called Iberia, now Spain.) Cruc\ferce. 2 2 . - 2 5 .
ifiAB,ERII>A'STRUM Radicle horizontal; seeds submarginate; septum nearly double? fructif. pedicels racemose,
L0J5Z semperflorens L. ever-flowering tt. i_J fra 1$ year W Sicily 1679. C r.m Za. h. 165
U' IBBRI'DIUM. — Radicle descending; seeds bnmarginate ; septum simple; fructiferous pedicels racemose,
from No. 16364. coiymbose. Span
Gibraltar tt. | | or 1I ap.j Spain 1732.
my njn WW.pkS. Europe 1732.
1739. C
C co
co Bot. mag. 124
C co
rock or # Gar.aixlOl
*olia B. M. Coris-lcaved tt. or 1\ apjl W S Europe 1800
S. co Bot. mag. 1642
1800. C co
? pub&cens W. pubescent tt. or *ap.jn Pa.V C co
evergreen tt. or i \ apJj» W Candia 1731. C co Riv. tet. 224.2
?2 & a r All. Garrcx's tt. or i ap.j W Piedmont 1820. C co Al. ped.
crowded tt. or i ap.jl W Spain 1827. C co
bitter O or I jnjl W S co Eng. bot 52
intermediate j£ Q> or jn.j W France 1823. S co BuL ph. 82. 21
pinnate-leaved O fra W S. Europe 1596. S co Lob. ic. 218
sweet-scented O fra W S. Geneva 1806. S co Cl.h. 132.1
umbellate O or jnjl P Europe 1596. S co B o t mag. 106
Lagasca's O or jnjl w Spain 1822. S co
Flax-leaved jf_ Q) or p S. Europe 1759. S p. I Gar. aix 105
cihata cilldte-leaved £ CD or w Caucasus 1802. S co B o t mag. 1030
Taurian £ CD or f jnjl R Caucasus 1823. S co
violet O or
j£ Q> or
P 1782. S co
16371 snatultta Berger. dwarf O or jnjl P
W.p Dauphiny 1822. S co Bot mag. 2788
16372 Tcnoredna Dec. spatulate Pyrenees 1823. S r.m Berg. ph. ic.
Tenore's £ A or l Pa.P Naples 1823. C co Sw.fl.gar.88
ccpexfulia Ten.
16373 coiitracta Pert. contracted a. or i myjl W Spain 1824. C p.l
1854. BISCUTE'LLA L. BUCKLER MUSTARD. (Bis, double, scutella, saucer'; silicles.) Crudferce. 22.—26.
I. IONDRA^BA. — Calyx at base two-spurred ; gla
16374 auriculata L. car-podded O or 1J jn.jl he receptacle very prominent.
lft*75 engenfolia Dec. Erigcron-lcavcd O or 1} jnjl S. Europe 1683. S co Lam. il. 560.2
16376 nbpida Dec. hispid O or 1$ jnjl S. Europe ... S co
16377 cichoriifulia Lot. Succory-leaved 3l Q) or 1 jnjl S. Europe 1824. S co Bar. ic. 230
Pyrenees 1819. S- co Dec. bis. 2

16381 cihata Dec. sea * 8 \\y
Naples 1824.
M w
S co FLnap. 61
TV. ciliated S. France 1820. S co Dec. ic. 39
IV. deprcsseil Egypt 1818.
16383 microcarna Dec S co
16384 Colftmn^Tcn ' small-fruited S. Europe 18ia S co
163H5 apula /.. Columna's S. Italy 1823. S co Col. ec. 284.1
16386 crioc&rpa Dee. Apulian Italy 1710. s co Lam. il. 560. 1
16387 leiocfirpa Dec. woolly-fruited Spain 1820. S co Dec. bis. 9. 2
1&'{S8 obovata Desf. smooth-fruited Levant 1816. S co 2.141
16J89 levigata L. obovate Europe 1817. S co
smooth-podded Italy 1777. D co Jac. au. 4.339
2alp^stris W.SfK. alpine
16390 montana Cav. Hungary 1816. D co W . & K . 3 228
mountain Spain 1823. S s.p Cav. jc. 2.177
16391 coronopifolia All. Buckhorn.lvd
16392 ambigua Dec. Italy 1790. D co Dec. bis. 18
doubtful S. Italy 1820 D co
16393 saxatilis Dec. stone _ S. Europe 1821. Dec. bis. 11. l
16394 semperv'irens L. D co
1 evergreen £ Spain 1784. C 8.1
6395 stenophflla Desf. narrow-leaved & Spain 1826. Bar. ic. 841
S s.p

1855. MEGACARPiEW Dec. MEOACARPJBA. (Megas, great, karoos, fruit.) Crucffene. 1. — 2 .

16396 laciniata Dec. jagged £ Q) or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. S s.p Dec. bis. 3
Biscutllla megacarpa Fis.
1856. EUCLI'DIUM B. Br. EUCLIDIUM. (Eu, well, kleidoo, to shut up; silicles.) Crudferee. 8.
16397 syriacum 11. Br. Syrian O cu f jLau W Levant 1778. S co Jac. au. 1.6
zrunias syriaca Gae.
16398 tat&ricum Dec. Tartarian O or f W Tartafy 1821. S co Pal. it. 3. ap.77.2
Fella tcnuissima Pall.
1857. OCHTHOXDIUM Dee. OCIITIIODIUM. '(Ochthodes, waited; surface of silicles.) Crucfferar. 1.
16399 egyptiacum Dec. Egyptian O cu f au Y Egypt 17b7. S co Jac. vin. 2.145
2/unias aegypflaca L. /iapistrum ajgyptiacum //. K.

1858. ANASTATIC A L. ROSE OP JERICHO. (Anastasis, resurrection; reviving in water.) Crucifene. 1.

16W0 hierochuntina L. common HJcu | W Levant 1597. S co Jac. vin. 158

1809. CAKPLE Tou. C A RILE. (An Arabic word used for this plant.) Crudfer*. 3 . - 4 .
16401 roaritima Sco. Ben Rocket O or fjn.s P Britain seash. S s.l Eng. bot 231
16402 fegyptiaca W. Egyptian O or 1 P Egypt ... S co M. h.
mantima fi sinuatifulia Dec.
16403 americana Nut. American O or 1 P America 1823. S co Fl. ant. 1.17

18(!0. JIAPI'STRUMBauh. RAPISTRUM. (Rapum, a turnip; similar leaves.) Cruc\feree. 3.-5.

16404 perenne Berger. }>crennial ^ Aun lj jl Y Germany 1789. D 6.1 Jac. au. 5.414
CnBle pcrennis Herit. il/yagrum perenne L. }
16405 rug&suin Berger. wrinkly O un 1£ jn.jl Y S. Europe 1739. S «.l Al. pcd. 1.78
Cak)le rugbsa Herit. A/yagrum rugosum L.
16406 oricntMe Z)<r. oriental O un 1 jl Levant 1795. S co 612
A/yagrum onentalc L.
1861. CHORI'SPORA Dec. CHORISPORA. (Choris, separately, spora, seed; separated.)
cd; sepal Cntctfera. 3 . - 4 .
VQVfJ ten&la Dec. slender O pr * jnjl P ~
Siberia 1780. "S
17( co Pal. it. 3. L. 3
iEaphanus tcnellus Pall.
Sarcuata bowed O p r | jnjl P Siberia S co
iZfiphanus arcuhtus W.
1H408 sibinca Dec. Siberian O un & jn.jl Y Altai 1823. S co Mur. 1775.48.11
Iberia 1821. S co Deless.2.58
l^&ibenca Itec. Iberian O un i jnjl Y
1852. MALCOTMTA R. Br. MALCOMIA. (IV. Malcolm, mentioned by Ray.) Cructferce. ft—16.
16410 africana R. Br. African O or f jn.jl P Africa 1747. S s.1 Boc. sic. 42.1
//e*peris africhna L.
1G411 /aruxacit'ulia Dec. Dandelion-leaved O or P Siberia 1795. S l.p
1CA12 ISxa Dec. loose O or P Siberia 1820. S co
1S413 cMa Dec.
16414 mnrftima R. Br.
Chian dwarf-branching Q or
seaside ifi
O or f my.jn V
P Chio 1732. S
S. Europe 1713. S
si Di.el 147.178
s.l Bot. mag. 166
Chciranthua maritimus L.
16415 arenana Dec. sand O or V Algiers 1804. S s.1 Desf. at 2.162
//^spcris arcnaria Deaf. | jn.jl
16 H6 parviflora Dec. smalUflowered O or V S. Europe 1823. S co Dec'ic.35
1(5417 lyr'ita Dec. lyrate O or P Cyprus 1820. S co Fl. gr. 635
Cheiranthua lyratus Sm. ft
13*18 litlurea R. Br. shore O or 1 jn.n W.v S. Europe 1683. S s.1 Lob. ic. 331.1

* 1863. //E'SPERIS L. ROCKET. (Hesperos, evening; flowers more fragrant towards.) Crucifene. 17.—23.
I. HESPEM'DIUM. — Limb of petals linear, dark ; silicles two-edged, with the valves keeled.
18«9 tristis L. sad £ Q) or 1 ap.jn D.P Austria 1629. S 6.1 Bot. mag. 730
16420 fragrans Fis. fragrant £ Q) or 1 D.P Siberia 1817. S p.1
II. DECLO'SMA. — Limb of petals obovate ; silkies cylindrical or subtetragonal.
16421 laciniata All. fringed £ Q or li my.jn P S. France ... S co Al.ped.82.1
16422 runcinata JV.SfK. runcinate it CD or U jjnjf
£ _CD jl W.p H
W Hungary 1804.
1804 S s.lsl W.&K. 2.200
16423 bituminbsa Sam clammy £ Q> or lj jn.jl W.P ...... 1816. S 6.1
16424 matronalis L. matronly £ A or 4 P Italy 1597. D p.1 Lam. II. 564.1
2 flore albo white-flowered £ A or 4 W D p.1 Tab. kr. 692.1
3 flore plcno rhbro doublc-rcd-flwd£ A or 2 R D p.1 Weia 572. C.
4 flore plfcno albo double whitcflwd£ _ or 2 my au W D p.1
5 flore nlfcno varicgato var.dble-flwd£ A or 2 W.R D p.1 Munt. ph. 186
6 folunora lcaf-flowcrcd £ A A or 2 G D p.1 Wcin. 572. A.
16425 inodora L. scentless £ A or 4 my.jn Pk Britain pas. D s.1 Eng. bot 731
matron&lis /3 sylvestris Dec.
164C6 siberica L. Siberian £ A or 3 Pk Siberia 1800. D p.l
matronalis y siberica Dec.
16127 heterophy'lla Ten. various-leaved £ A or 4 myau R Italy 1823. D co
16428 grandiflora B. M. large-flowered £ A or 4 W.p 1820. D co Bot. mag. 2683
16429 ettta Horn. tall £ CD or 4 jnjl Pk Europe 1821. S co
16430 aprtca Poir. exposed £ A or i my.jn P Siberia 1822. co
16431 rcpanda Lag. repand £ Q) or 2 jn.jl P Spain ' 1821. p.1
1/4.32 bicuspidata Poir. two-pointed £ Q) pr 1 jLau R Armenia 1827. CO
Cheiranthus bicuspidatus IV.
16433 pulchella Dec neat O pr R S. Europe 1827. S CO
16434 ramosissima Desf. branchiest O pr R Algiers 1816. S CO Desf. at 2.161

1361. A
N D R E O S K j Dec. ANDREOSKIA. { (Ant. Andrxejowski,
j , a Russian botanist.)
) Crucifer*. &
1G435 integrifMia Dec. entire-leaved Q un 1 my.jn W . R Siberia 1816. S co
„„„„ Aisymbrium intcgrifulium L.
16436 Dec. glandless O un 1 Siberia 1818. S co
„_Jo_ A'ktfinbnum Sievcrs/£»tt»i Rcdow.
16437 ppectinate
a t e Dec.
Dec. pectinated
pectinated Q>un
^ Q> un 11 my
my.jn W Siberia 1827. S co
ffisymbriit D it
Dec. ii/espons pinnata PPers.
Spmnatiftda W. pinnatifid ^ Q u n 1 my.ap W Siberia 1857. S co
Cheiranthus pinnatifidu* I" .
1865. SISY'MBRIUM L. SISVMBHIUM. (Sisybos, a fringe j fringed roots.) Cruet/era. 43. fil.

16439 cornicuiatum Cav. small-horned O un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1817. S co

« !?" NO'HTA.—5Wcte* cylindrical; calyx spreading; seeds oblong; racemes bract/ess.
iMim n 1 8tnctest
£ l '- * A un / Y S w i t z e r l . 1 6 5 S . D c o 2. 194
BS£XmBieb'' urushy £ Q u n 2 myjn Y Hungary 18S?0. S co W.&K.234
•arassica polymorpha Mur.
,.„„.; seeds ovate, suhtriquetrous ; pedicels bractless: leaves toothed or entire ; from
lobes entire or toothed; from No. 16463. bipinnate, lobes cut, pinnatifid, or multif.d.
Spanish £ Q> un 1* myjn Y Spain ... S co Jac. ic. 1. ik-i
dwarf % O un 1| jnjl
r\ nn tn «i YV Iberia
Th»i. 1818.
ittiB S co
S rn
obtuse-angled CD un 1} Y Switzerl. 1823. S co M. h. 3. 5.10
acute-angled ~ un li jnjl Y Pyrenees 1791. S co Jac. vin. 3.97
A Br fiinM^
- ec Dan Pyrenaica F//. //.
- delion-lvd £ Q) un 4. jnjl Y France 1818. S co Dec. ic. 39
S 3 Y
S 3 isMS
Q> un
Europe 1810. S co
Europe 1810. S co
Austria 1799. S co Jac. au. 3. 232
Austrian Q) un 14 jnjl Y Austria 1799. S co
CD un 2 - .- Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
London Rocket O w 14, Y England walls. S co Eng. bot 1G31
smooth O un l| jnjl Europe 1816. S co
French O un U jnjl Europe 1817. S co
shining O un 2 jnjl Europe 1818. S co
subhastate O un ArchipeL 1817. S co
Columna's O un 2 'j»Jl Italy 1796. S co>
Mimum/.. tallest O un 2 au Siberia 1759. S co Walt. h. 22
orientate/.. oriental O un 2 Levant 1739. S co
Locsol's O un 2 Europe 181(1 S co
Pannonian O un 2 Pa.Y Hungary 1787. S co Jac. ic. 1.123
* rough-podded O un * myjn V 1» S. ¥-•
France 1778. ifia S CO Dau. his. 8.18 3

88 sap- O un 1 Jl
O un
a jnji
Britain S CO Eng. bot. HC3
Persia 1818. S CO
Canaries 1779. C CO Jac. ic. 1.27
tripinnate O un C G.
C G. H. 1820. S CO
y K ^
A un ,*&„ IItaly
^ f l > 1 . ^, cD o ^ coa . Za.
n . h.72

9Up el
s?tfim.mErRA" —Pedkels at I*** bractedi distyles short, thick, iue;
retiue; flowers
flowers small,
small, yell
yellow or white.
c»natum Lag. runcinate ".
9Up le
" S SUUn
O un 4. jn.jl
S SEurope
. Europe1778
1778. S Sc co o
1827. S co
pa. 18
, utu ? l/ '«ff- O un | Y Spain 1820. S co
asp*-*4 ussrvst I s Jac. vin. 1.79

Desf. at. 2. 158

»w ^^ UI1 x J...J1 x vreece lozu. 9 632
VI. DL^DIA. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
16479 crassifblium ftigacious O un 1 jnjl Y Spain isfi. S co
thick-leaved j£ Q> un 2 jnjl Pa.Y Spain 1818. S co H. mat 24
Adan HEDGE GARLIC. (Allium, garlic; smell.) Crucifera. 2.
Andrz. officinal £ A w 3 my W Britain hed. S co Eng. bot. 796
- . , — . - . a AllKiria L.
irachycarpa Bieb. short-fruited £ A un 2 W Iberia 1824. S co
* 1867. JSRY'SIMUM L. HEDGE MUSTARD. (Eryo, to drawj draws and produces blisters.) Cructfcrte. 42.
I. STYM>NK\MA. — Styles long and filiform ; stigmas two. spreading; calyx persistent; flowers nearly sessile.
16482 sessiliflbrum B.Br. sessile-flowered £ Q> un 2 jn.jl Y Siberia 1794. S co Her. ft 1.44
Cheiranthus quadr&ngulus Herit
16483 sihculbsum Dec. silieulose £ Q) un 2 myjl Y Tauria 1823. S co Deless. 2.65
Cheiranthus siliculbsus Bieb.
16484 sleulum Sfir. Sicilian £ Q un 1 myjl Y Sicily 1820. S co
16485 angustifbliura£ArA. narrow-leaved £ Q> un 2 Y Hungary 1800. S co W. & K. 98
Cheiranthus virgatus Poir.
16486 cuspidatum Dec. cuspidate £ Q> un 2 myjn Y Hungary 1822. S co Bux. c 33.1
II. E*\-ia\ii'am»M.—Styles short or scarcely any; siliclcsfour.sided; calyx deciduous; flowerspcdkxllcd.
re. slender-styled jg Q) un 1 myjl Y Caucasus 1827. S co
Y Europe l#20. S co
Y Austria YVX>. S co
Austria 1819. S co 73
CD un Y Portugal 1807. S co
Q> or 14 myjl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
Q) or 1 myjl Y N.Europe 1816. S co Bau. his. 2.873.2
;•;;«= re"'-'"" "£"' golden £ Q) or } myjl Y
liWto Jbencum Dec Iberian tf Q> or 1 my Caucasus 1820. S co Deless. 2.66
Y Armenia 1803. S Lp Botmag. 8J5
Cheiranthus anneriiacus Sims
1G496 cheirantholdes L. Chciranth-like O un Y Britain fields. S co
1«!497 intermedium Schl. intermediate £ Q) or Y Switzerl. 1819. S co . bot. 942
liM98 rcpandum L. repand O un myjn Y Spain 1772. S co
1)499 helvetii'um Dec Swiss £ CD un I >ny.jn Y au. l 22
Cheiranthus helvlticus Jac. s.p Jac
Switzerl. 1793. S
1J500 canescens Both canescent £ Q> or 1 myjl Y
Cheiranthus alpinus Jac. S. Europe 1816. S
00 1.75
I Andrzejoskiantwj lies. Andrzcjoski's £ Q) or 1* myjl Y
diflusum Bieb. co
Tauria" 1S18. S
S 0
16502 firmum Swt. firm £ Q or 1 Y Switicrl. 1819. S co
Cheiranthus f irmus W. en.
16503 collmum Andrx. hill £ Q> or 1 myjl Y Caucasus 1823. S co
Chcirfnthus colftnus Bieb.
16504 icptophjUum Andrz. fine-leaved £ Q> or 1 myjl Y Iberia 1821. S co
Cheiranthus leptophjrllus Bieb.
16905 pumilum Horn dwarf £ Q> or } my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
16506 patulum Horn spreading £ Q> or 1 my.jl Y Europe 18*20. S co
16507 difftisum Ehrh. diffuse £ Q> un 1J my.jl Y S. Europe 1731. D e o 1.75
16508 Ianceolatum B. Br. spear-leaved £ Q un 1 myjl Pa. Y & Europe 1597. S co 1.74
Cheiranthus erysimoldes L.
16509 vcrslcolor Andrx. party-colored £ CD or 1 myjn Va Caucasus 1825. S co
Cheiranthus versicolor Bieb.
16510 rhe'ticum Dec. Rhsetian £ Q> or 1 myjl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
Cheiranthus rhs'ticus Schl.
16511 loiigifiiHiim Dec. large-flowered £ Q) or 1 myjl Y S. Europe 1823. S co
grandiflbrum Desf.
16512 decumbens G. Don decumbent £ Q or 1 myjl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
Cheiranthus decumbens Scnl.
16313 dftbium Dec. doubtful £ Q un 1} myjl Y 1823. S co
Cheirfinthus dubius Horn.
16514 aspcrum Dec. rough £ Q) un l } m y j n Y N. Amer. 1822. S co
16515 Redowskw Wein. Uedowski's £ Q) or 1 W Siberia 1821. S co
16516 strigbsum Dec. strigose £ Q) or 1 my jl Y Siberia 1816. S co
Cheiranthus strigbsus Led.
III. CORI'NGIA. — Styles scarcely any; petals erectish ; leaves cordate, clasping the stem.
16517 ahflnum Baum. alpine £ A un If myjn P.Y Germany 1793. D 8.1 Vil. del. 3.36
ifrassica alpina L.
16513 perfoluitum Crx. pcrfoliate O or 1 jn jl W Austria 1818. S co Jac. au. 282
/frassica orientMis L.
16519 austrlacum Baum. Aust Hare's ear O un 1 jn W England cliffs. S co Eng. bot 1804
ifrassica austriaca Jac.
IV. DU*BIA. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
lfi>20 altlssimum LeJ. tallest £ Q) or 3 my jl Y Germany 1818. S co
16521 bicolor Dec. two-colored £ Q) or 1 my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
Cheiranthus bicolor Horn.
16522 quadricorne Step, four-horned O or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1821. S co
1868. LEPTA N LEUM Drc. LEPTALEUM. {Leptaleos,slender; leaves.) Cructferar. 1.—2.
16523 fllifblium Dec. thread-leaved O cu J jn jl Y Siberia 1820. S co Deless.2.68
Sisyrobrium filifolium W.
1869. S T A N L E Y Nut STANLEYA. {Edward Lord Stanley, F.R.S. vice-pres. of Lin. Soc.) Cruclfene. 1 —3.
16524 pinnatinda Nut. pinnatifid j£ .AJ or 1 jn jl Y Louisiana 1816. S p.l
Cleomc pinnata Ph.
1870. CAMELPNA Crx. GOLD OF PLEASURE. {Chamai, on ground, linon, flax; dwarf.) Cruciferce. 5. —6-
I. CIIAM£LPNUM. — Silicles obovate, marginate; styles conic; stigmas simple. n..
16525 saftva Crx. cultivated O ec 1 myjl Y Britain corn fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 12J4
Jtfvagrum sativum L. n
1 pilbsa Dec. pilose O ec 1 my.jl Y Britain ... S co M. h. 2.21.2
Cheiranthus sylvestris Wallr.
2 glabrata Dec. smooth O ec 1 my.jl Y S co „ _n-
16526 dentata Pers. tooth-leaved O un 1 my.jl Y Europe 1806. S 8.1 Bau. his. 2. «»
16527 microcarpa Andr. small-fruited O un 1 jn jl Y Podolia 1820. S co Deless.2.G9
II. PSEUDOLIVM'M. — SUicles globose, immarginatc ; styles filiform ; stigmas capitate.
16528 barbaroq/o/ia Dec. Cress-leaved £ A un 1 Jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. S co Deless.2.70
16529 austrtaca R. Br. Austrian £ A un 1 jn.jl Y Austria 1795. S s.l 2.11*
187L KE'SLIA Desv. NEBLIA. (Not explained.) Cruc\feree. 1.
16530 paniculata Desv. panicled O un Y Europe 1683. S co 2. HI
A/yagrum paniculatum L.
1872. SENEBIfTRil Poir. WART CRESS. {J. de Senebier, of Geneva, aveg. physiol.) Cructferte. 3 . - - f i
16531 pinnatifida Dec. pinnatifid O w i jLau W England rubble. S co Eng. 1 '
Cbronopus didyma Sm. /.cpfdium didymum L.
36532 Cbronopus Poir. Buckhorn O w i W Britain ro. si. S CO Eng. I
Cbronopus Kucllii Gac „, a
16533 niMtica Dec. Nilotic O cu * jn.jl W Egypt 1827. S co Del. scg 34. ?
Cochlc^ria nil6tica Del.
1873. LEPKDIUM L. PEPPBRWORT. {Lepis, a scale; form of silicles.) Cruc\fera. 31.— 58.
I. CARDA^MA. — Silicles ovate-cordate; valves subturgid, wingless, terminated by the exsertedfiliform ''g{£
16534 DrabaL. Whitlow O un 1 myjn W Europe 1596. D co 4. w
CochleHria Drkba L.
II ELLIPSA'RIA. — Silicles elliptic ; valves keeled, wingless ; style filiform, long.
16535 chalepense L. Aleppo O un 1 my.jl W Aleppo 171)8. S co 1A?
16536^lastifuliumDesf, Woad-leaved O un 1} m y j l W Barbary 1823. S co D e s f . a t 1*'
16537 ample* icaule IV. stem-clasping ^t A un \\ jn.jl W Siberia 1826. D co
I I I . BRADYPI'PTUM. — SUicles elliptic ; valves keeled ; style short; calyx persistent.
16538 coronopifulium Fts. Buckhorn-lvd ^ A un f my.jl W Siberia 1684. D co
IV. Cx'RTnyiotf.'—Silicles suborbicular, emarginate; valves navicular, winged at back ; cotyledons Pf***
16539 sativum L. cultivated Cress O cul 1} jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co ZO1<ZQQ13.1
2 crispum Dec. curled O cul U jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co Bau. n f f j g
3 latifoUum Dec. broad-leaved O cul 1* jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co M.b.&"» ^
Y« LE^PIA.—'Silicles suborbic. emarg.; valves navicular, winged; wings adhering to the short style; cotf/ • -—c
16540 campestre R. Br. hoary field O un f jn.jl W Britain fields. S co Eng-
, - ~ Thlaspi campestre L. _ _ y^t 1803
16541 hlrtum Sm. hairy ^ Q w 1 nJl W Britain fields. S co Eng. DO«-
16542 spintaum /.. ' prickly O un 1 s W Levant 1787. S co
VI. — Silicles subelliptic, at top emarginatcj valves keeled, wingless ; style very short.
VirginianJ O un 1 Jnjl W America 1713. S co Sciik. han. 2.183
}»5}4 8ubulitumL &v/\-leavcd
"""'— ft._Jun W Spain 1739. S p.l Assoar. 6.3
Jfia45 ruderMe L. rubble O un 1 n.jl Britain sea co. S co Eng. bot 1595
1W46 veincisum Roth cut-leaved O un 1 Jnjl Tauria 1818. S co
JiSfZ p e«carium
r r l i i t u mL. bladdery O un \\ Crimea 1820. S co Bux. c. 1. 26
Cardamines L.
^ perforated
Spanish Cress ^ Q)
O un Austria 1640. S co Jac. au. 4. SMJ
1789. S co Ard. sp. 1.18
w un.... 1Jjnjl Spain
divaricate tL | j un 1} C.G. H. 1774. C p.l
bona r en Buenos Ayres
. J »e £• O un 2ft my.jn S. Amer. 1732. S co Di. el. 286.370
w W i u m
Zfcc. wedge-leaved O un 1 Jnjl NewCam.1820. S co
Seel 7! 1WM *'«•«<
»um I'orst. Fish-poison O ec Is Societylsl.1779. S co
16554 A l
AyssopifWium Desv. Hyssop-leaved O un 1 jn.jl N. Holl. 1820. S co
VII. LISPIDIA'BTRUM. — Silicles subeUiplic, very entires valves keeled, wingless; style very short.
oicraceum Ifnrst potherb
nnthorh r\ «ni * « W N. Zeal. 1824. S co
broad-leaved W Levant S co
similar Britain seaco. D co Eng. bot. 182
'. thick-leaved Siberia 1819. D co
suflruticose Hungary 1820. D e o W . & K . 1 . 4
Cao. Spain 1683. S co Cav. ic. 2.161.2
J8561 line ire D linear Spain 1823. S co
16562 / b e n s / ; Iberis Germany 1793. S co Lob. ic. 223
riccinum Dec. African *L 1_J un i w C. G. H. 1816. S co Deless. 2.73
VIII. DU'DIUM.—Doubtful to which section it belongs.
6564 diflusum Dec diffuse O un 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1823. S co

BIVON*4. {Ant. Bivoni Bernardi, an Italian botanist.) Cruclferee. 1.

«J? a Dec
Thlaspi lCiteum Biv.
O un ft Jnjl Y Italy 1824. S co Cup. sic. 2.256

" EUNO^MI A EUNOMIA. (JSu, well, name, fodder; used for fodder.) Cruclfera. 1. — 3 .
opjjositifMia Dec. opposite-leaved £ _£| dt 1 jnjl W Syria 1827. S co Lab. syr. 5.9
£epidium oppositifolium Lab.

-^THIONE^MA R. Br. JETUIONEMA. {Aitho, to scorch, nema, stamen ; tinge.) Crvcifcnc. i.—d.
ri s
Jl Br. rock O pr * Jn.Jl lr S. Europe 1759. S co 3.236
}'» P>
r iriciI
saxftile L.
iRRft!?. eDec
eDec slender
sle O pr i Jnjl Pa.R Carniola 1823. S s.p
lb36y Pa.R Levant 1823. S co Bux. c 1.5.1
Dec. Bu
Buxbaum's O cu | jn.jl
IRP-A P> arahicum Btcb.
»70monospermumiI.Br. one-seeded ^ Q) cu ft Pa.P Spain 1778. S co

*1877. iSA x TIS JBbttA. WOAD. (Isazo, to render equal; supposed effect on rough skin.) Cructfera. 12.^11
I. SAMERAMUA. — Silicles oval or orblculatc, indehiscent% girded by a broad leafy wing.
armenaL. Armenian O or Y Levant 182.?. S co Desv. 3.25.6
mica Brot. Portuguese O or 1 my Y Portugal 1822. S — co
II. GLA'STUM. — Silkies oval oblong, nearly linear, subdehiscent j margin subcrous.
74 mKit. n i«;«- ^ * _ i V _._.,
T._... lfiOff.
«^ DD l Al.ped.86.2
early Hungary 1822. S co Trat. ar.2 68
}2S a Dec. seaside Tauria 1823. S co Deless. 2.76
.iia Fis. blunt-fruited Tauria 182a S co Deless. 2.79
common dyer's England corn fi. S 8.1 Eng bot. 97
t s Stcv. field Persia 1824. S co
™>i9 bannatica Lk. Bannatic
J Ji80 oricntMis IV. 1819. S co
oriental S. Europe 1818. S co
16581 cancscens Dec cancscent
2 ib^rica Stev. Iberian S. Europe 1822. S co Bux. c. 1.5
16582 al£ppica&x>. Aleppo Ibeiia 1823. S co
Levant 1739. S 8.1 Scop. d. 216
1878. TAUSCHE?R.M Fis. TAUSCHERIA. (Ign. F. Tausch, professor at Prague.) „ _.
16583 lasioc&rpa Fa. hairy-podded O or ft jn.jl W Siberia 1824. S s.ppCruciferce.
Fisch ic. in.
16584 gymnocarpa Fis. naked-podded O or ft my jl W Siberia 1820. S 8.1 Fisch. i& in.

1879. 3/Y^AGRUM L. MYAGRUM. (Myia, a fly, agra, capture; viscidity of original species.) Cruclfcra. J.
16585 perfoliktum L. perfoliate O pr ft jnjl Pa.Y France 1648. S co Schk.han.2.178

1880 SOBOLE'WSKl/f Bieb. SOBOLEWSKIA, (G. Sobolexvski, a Russian botanist.) Crucifene. 1.

16586 Iith6phila Bieb. stone-loving £ CD un 2 jn.jl W Iberia 1824. S s.p Deless. 2.80
Crambe macrocfirpa Bieb.

1S81. GOLDB A^CH/^ Dec GOLDBACUIA. (C. L. Goldbach. of Petersburgh, botanist) Cruafer<e. 1 Q.
16587 Aaphanus
tarMts Dec. amooth-leaved
lsvigatus Bieb. O or my.jl Pa. B Astracan 1827. S co Deless. 2.81

1882. STERI'GMA Dec. STISRIGMA. (Sterigma, a support; stamens joined at base.) Cruc\ferte. 2 . - 4 .
16588 Chelr.inthus
tomentosum Dec. woollyW.
tomentosus ^ CD cu 1 apjl Y Astracan 1817. S s.l PaLit.103.2
16589 torulosum Dec. twisted ^ Q ) c u 1 ap.jl Y Iberia 1820. S co
Cheirdnthus torulosus Bieb.

1883. JJRA'SSICA L. CABBAGE. (Bresic, Celtic name of the cabbage.) Cruafera. 2 8 . - 3 7 .

I. BBA'SSICA.—Silicles sessile, sometimes terminated by a conical emntv beat
I6590oleraceal. common oleraceous £ Q> cu 2 ap.jn Y England cliff*. $ r.m Eng. bot 657
Gaiiicn Varietiet.
I. nccjiliala Dec. 4 *• (
> Dee. branch y, Cavalier QMase 1 dcprijua Dee. dcpr^i'.l, Drumhead Cabbage
X vulgirU Dec. common, lUUO»Ara<fc</ Cab. 2 aiibic'rit:;! Dee. spherical, Qretti nrnnd Scutch Cahb,
3 jwordlolia Dec. Oak-leaved i:.m S oborhta Dec, ubuvute, Pottoa Cabbage
4 Mhtllica Dec. Sabdlian, Borecole Lob. ic 2+7.1 4 elliptlcn Dec,, Early York t'ntilttgt
•Julia Dec. Pulm.leaved, Cfcw Palmier 5 conic.i Dec, contcitl, SHgar-ioaj Cabbage
6 covttai Dee. rilibcd, Oiou dc Bcaueais <j rd jr.. Red Citbbajtc
\ 2. cosQta Dee. § 5. Ca<i\o-rk\a Dec.
1 vulgSrls Dec. common, Ch. & gr. cStes I^h.ic 244.1 1 cotnrnuinia Dec. cow. Clt,-rave, Kofit liahi M.h.3.112
3 obl.inga Dec. oblong, Cow trmchuda M. h, & L 4 S cris[>a iiir, curled, Chau-ram cripue
t & bulltita Deo. C>. Pfitnti* Dc7.
5 mtijor D«:. grfater, e wg Cab.. ( 'II ulijim i-er M.h.S.1
K, BntMsU sprouts aspan^o'ideaD.-e. Mil Dale
i L. fickl Y field*. S 1-iig. bot. 22 •

2 (ilefftra iJtr. oil -bearing Y S u e , I i>ii ... S CO

3 pabuliri i fodder ... B CO
4 A'ipo-ftriissina L. CO
S (imiiinilnis /Vc. CO
3 rutabaga 7Jt<;, ... sen
Ili59£ Jttp» Turnip com S, S r.m
5 depressa 2Jcc. depressed ill corn ft. S r.m
3 obf'iiiK' oblong nd cum ti. S r.m
r.m l . f l l j I .
4 iilujfern Dt'c. u:l-hearing •

npai /., Bat co Enx-boi

5 olclfcrtu Are. mUteartng Britain ti Lha. co I.ob. U
3 esculeiituH Dec. esculent ftrit:!!!! in ljoli.ob.SiM, !i
Sflbtu / white llriCilH dil b», S i'ti
S HAviii; /J--i-. Itritjitii dit.tia. S CO
Cntaii) CD
p . * A'. Europe JSI2, CO
16596 cliin&wis L. China
ifo'JG violJLceu L. China M
hoary CO
llulcaric Hlnorn to D d t w Z BG
p Schrank
Vi'm Jtrirni^n.i St HelniaJRIG. Co
ifiGQO (imVuiir Ten. ttnlj .s • Fl. nn::
innaltfida litsf. CO ih,i. .ii. -. /•--
MMS huuillis /A-c. S. Eu S CO
p y j Kuroiw s CO
16fi(W mtmlnixi /f/t/E. Ij 8 CO
16805 rcpii) ib Zfec. i cj > ;i i \ i! S Europe D e n V i l . i!.
II. E«tlCfc'8TttUM. — Silicic? south; terminated by a content batk at base, 1 or 2 nccdril.
1.fflXi Riditr.-i Vil. S Euiojn; ... 1) en Vil. del : •
16fiii7 iiiontnsii //;/./. lulu uf Man Britain tan th. S i.l KUK- 1)0
s EUTCHK ITSO, S s.l iiul. h,
lftW) Cheirfinthtis Vil. Wallflower Swiucrl. lB!a S co Vil. tlcl.3. S7
16610 ebcinmthM^ni Dec. Rtnck.flwd 1806. S co W. h. U l'J
/i':i^h;jnus choir.'inthifl^rn IV.
Ifi6]l Ttiunu't'i'irtii 6'uii. Tonrnefort's SO, A
16813 ftevigitUi /.«A'. niuoniltJiviu-if Hpatn 18S0.
10613 valcndna D«r. Vnkntin Bpain 1818. Bar. ic. 185.1
i'isjmbrium valent'lnum L,
15fiI4 Pfuudo-crucSitruiB JTrii/. BasURocktt 189 •.
10515 fkvtlculuut Cyr. ihrubby |£ Italy Cyr, nft !. 7.

III. MicdoPo*D[tjM.—Stiictfx rotted above receptacle on tkortpedietisi tlyla thort, tleiuter, U-rminateH
copiiatc tUgma.
16616 clongMa Ehrh. ctong.itcd tf a* un ^ »««> Y Himgary 1801. S L\ W . & K . 1.
16617 subulirU li>vt. (iwl Q uti I jn.jl Y Spain 1813. S co Bnjt,i>b,4J

ISM. SINATIS n>«. to hurt, opt, the eye; Criicifcra;. £8.—^

X — Sitidfi h-rete ar stibte/ragona/; style* dart, small, not rostrifarm.
1W18 rCtgiA L. black. 4 liiy.jn Y Itritain corn ft. S r.m Ens '
Sfurglda tmsM 4 mygn V Britain enru tl. S r.m
Prrs. tu-lnU'd 4 my.JK Y Europe Itilii. S co .
VillllLIS 4 my.jn Y i W27. S co
•it] * in. (•: bulk* 1S19. 5 co
genitTitau De etf. lointad 1 Jn.jl Y - CO
bkl 2 ju.Jl Y 1818. S CO
II, CBII»TOBI.>(*''P|!I. — Sflicles terminated hi) an enifttir conicui beak.
16621 l e v i g a U L. tmooth
lfi6S2 hlit f ouricitlatc imy. s co
J6fi23 rnmfisa /tor. branchy E, Indies IS
i l W. cntirc-lenvcd dta J80+. S co W.h.b. L.
mshy China 1710. S co •
Chinese China 17Ha S co AnUp. l1-">
tir<u>ping i co
China 1B0I. S eo
L. pube»cent Sicily I) r.m Ard.
com Charlock com fi. s i.i i:nK
!ia I. ork-ntal Levant S s! Schl
lfifi.12 taftricB FU. Tauruin Tmiria IRIS. S ca
ISM3 nutipinnatlfida Las. mtainii
Dn Katcr lvt;.i.n B TO
WBS5 All,.1.,,,, Jao. Alliuni S eo
MS3G t6 rB ld« JDti. turgid 1S13. S co
icfre terete, fiiloc,; cell* generally Isceded; beak ovate, Utfcded, smooth,
haaty.jointed f Q Un 3 jl Y S. fttropc 17/1. S CO ,
variuut-le;iv«l <f_ Q> un 1} my Jn Y Spain 19B2. S co
v X
- . . , „ ) . LSUCOSINA PIS. — Silkies hispid or smooth, surmounted by an cnstform beak ; valvules torulose.
««39 &(ua L. white O HF 3 Y Britain corn fi. S r.m Eng. bot. KW7
y ** o
un -2 ••.jl
un 1 mr.ap Y
« Morocco 18U4. S r.m Schou.4
jfMJhastAtaDe./. hastate o
U.I 2 jnjl Y
Spain ... S co
leafy o
un 1 Y
N. Holl. 1817. S co
wW* Spula Ten. Apulian o
un 2 jnjl Y
Levant 1820. S co

i«*« *. - v o Italy
- DiBA'ocwa— Calyx somewhat spreading, at base bisaccate.
1823. S co

16645frutescensfl.JC. shrubby O - L J C U ljjn.d Y Madeira 1777. C si

VI. DU^BIA. — Doubtful to what section it belongs.
naked-stemmud£ £ un 1 jnjl Y Syain 1818. b co
i J S 5 - MORICA'NDJ/f Dec. MORICANMA. A. (Stephen Moricand, an Italian botanist.) CrucMer*. 1 - . 3 .
™ 7 ******* Oec. corn Cabbage find £ ® un 1| jn V S. Europe 1739. C co Boc. sic. 25. 3,4

1886. DIPLOTA'XIS Dec. DIPLOTAXIS. (Diptoos, double, tans, seriesj seeds.) Crucifer*. 11 —14.
ion!' CATOiA/«PUM. — Styles scarcely any ; s'dicles pendulous, sessile, or qften pedkeiled ; stigmas btiobed.
SlS l i a I ) ? C
- 'hick"leav~ Oun^jnjl Y Sicily 1818. S co
M9 Pfinduia 2 5 ! * pendulous O un 1* Y Burbary 1823. S co Desf. at 156
1<! ,... pisymbrium pendulum Desf.
«»u0 hispida Dec. hispid O un J Y Egypt ... S co Deleu. 89
.a,,, 1 1 - ANocA'nPiw. — Styles conk, compressed, terminated1 by a two-lobed stigma ; silkies erect, sessile.
Dec. l&uca-like O un 1 jnjl W.p S. Europe 1736. S r.m Jac. v-n. 2.170
l f i r r o ! api« cruco"ides I.
16652 virgkta i)<?c.. twiggy O un f jnjl Y Spain 1817. S co
«wr.. *nj5>» virgata Cow.
ifiOSJ catholiea Dec. universal O un 1 Y Spain 1822. S co
ICTRA 5 l 8 ^brium cath6hcum L.
16654 tenuifblia Dec. fine-leaved A un l}jl.o Y England walls. D s.l il.. a . ^ »w
1 R e . r o'symbrium tcnu'ifbUum L.
• Io6a5 muralis Dee. wall O un l j j l s Y England S co Eng. bot. 10"J0
*-n *«Jmbriuni murale £.
" ) Barreltiri Dec. Barrelier's O u n ijn.jl Pa.Y S. France 1770. S co B a r i c 1016
' viminca Dec. twiggy O un 1 my Y S. France ... S co Boc. sic. 10
rock : [ A un | in Y S. Europe ... D co

ROCKET. (Uro, to burn: biting qualities.) Cructferte. 3.

1665y aaKva Lam. cuUivated-Jlwd O cul 11 Jl Pa. Y S. Europe 1573. S 8.1 Schk. lian. 2.18d
jBrassica £rtica L.
Salbo-gUbra white smooth O cul H W S. Europe 1577. S co Black. 243
3 ilho-pilbsa white pilose O cul U W S. Europe 1577. S co
4 flAvo-gU\bra yellow smooth O cul U Y S. Europe 1577- S co BuI.her.Sl3
5 flavo-pilotia yellow pilose O cul U Y S. Europe 1577. S co FI. gr. 64G, W7
«tfirgida Pers. turgid O cul IJ Y S. Europe 1577. S co
1 tTuco'ides Horn Eruca-like O cul 11 Pa.Y & Europe 1577. S co
8 6 i i / exotic O cul l i j l Y & Europe 1577. S co
hispid O cul 1 jl W Naples 1800. S co
***>l vcsicaria Cav. bladdery O un If jl Pa.Y Spain 1820. S co Assoar.4

, J S 8 - ^E'LLA L. CRESS ROCKET. (Latinised from vrfar, the Celtic name of the cress.) Cruclfera. 1.
«*<» Pseudo-cftisus L. Bastard Cytisus«. i_J or 3 Y Spain 1759. C co Cav. ic. 142
9; BO^LEUM Desv. BOLEUM. (Bolos, a ball j round pods.) Crudfera. 1.
aspcrum Desv. rough tt._Jpr 1 myjl Crea Spain 182a S s.p Desv. 3.6
^iilla aspera Pers.
CAR Crucifene. 1.
ll Dec.
D Vi
annual Veils O pr l Eng.botlUJ
Fella annua L.
1891 SUCCO^WW Med. SUCCOWIA. Cruciferts. 1.
1G665 baleirica Med. Balearic i.l Jac. vin. 2. U4
1892. PSYCHPNE Desf. PsvcniNE (Psyche, a butterfly j wing of seed.) Crucifene. X
16uo6 stylosa Desf. stylose O u n 1J jn.jl Y S. Europe 1818. S co Dt*f. at 2. i«
2'hlaspi Psychme W.

1893. zrLLA Forsk. ZILLA. (The name of an Egyptian p

. ) Crucifene. 1.
1'{G67myagroides Forsk. a. J c u 2 mr Li E
Li Egypt 1822 C co Vcn.mal.16
2 macrocdrpa Spr. long-fruited n. _J cu 1 mr Egypt 1820. C co Gne. fr. 2.142 '2

- CAL (Meaning unknown.) Crucifene. 1

Corvln, Desv. Corvin's O cu lt ap.ju w S. Europe 181(5. S co Bntf. ph 1'
Myagrum iberioWes Brot.
faAK ut
** * (A Greek name for sea cabbage.) O«rf/mr. 11.-
lfifiTOTmaritimaL — ^ w r r i ° 1 ' 1 ' qfsVtcle depressed, thick ; s/i^wa *mife ; larger filament
I»i671 pinnatifida R
WalSL orientals L. oriental Siberia 1759. D 8.1 Jac ic. 1.128
1W»73 taturica Jac.
A A un 1 jnjl W Levant 1752. D s.l
Tartarian A A cul 3 ju.jl
16(774 aspera Bieb. rough A A "« 1 my \V Siberia 1789. D s.l Jac ic. 1.129
lGt>75 cordifitlia Stev. heart-leaved W Tauria 1820. D co
A A or G my
Caucasus 1822. D co

III. DEVDROCIU'MBE.—Lower joint of sUicle filiform, short; stigma seated upon a short style.
16679 fruticfisa L. shrubby «. LJ un S» my.n W Madeira 1777. C s.l
16680 stngusa Uerit. meagre
meagre «. i_J un 1J my.jn W Canaries 1779. C s.1 Jac. ic. 1. ISO
1897. R A'PH ANUS L ,RADISH.(Rha, quickly, phainomai, to appear; rapid germination.) Crucifcrce. 4 . - 9 .
I. RA'PHANUS.— SUiclefungose, bUocular.
16681 saflvus L. cultivated ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China 1548. S r.m
2 radicula Dec. small-rooted ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China 1548. S r.m
2 rotftndus Mil. round-rooted ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China Lr>48. S co Wein.860.c
3 oblongus Dec. oblong Turnip ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China 1548. S r.m
i 4 olelferus Dec. oil-bearing Q ec 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m
chuu'nsis MU.
3 niger Dec. black Spanish
p ft O
ft O 3 myjn W^p China
cul 3 myjn W^p China 1548. S r.m
2 vulgans Dec. common ft ft OOculcul3 myjn
3 j W.p
W China
Chi 1548. S r.m M.h.
3 rotundus Dec. round ft O cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m M.h.2.3. U l
4 griscus Dec. gy ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China 1:148. S r.m
5 albus Dec. white ft O cul 3 myjn W.p China 1548. S rra
orbicularis MU.
16682 eaudatus L. tailed ft O cu 11 Pa.P Java 18J5. S co L.f. dec.3.10
II. UAPHANI'STRC/M. — Silicic terete, acuminate; at maturity monillform, joints one-seeded.
1«)683 Raphanistrum L. Wild Will! Radish
linriiali <"V lir ,11 in il Y
V Britain «corn
U..»«;.% ^ _ . afi. CS ~~ TEng. bot 856
2 flure ilbo Dtr. white-flowered O w jnjl W Britain corn fi. S Wcin. 86S. a.
3 purpurasccns Ztec. purpurascent Ow P Britain corn fi. S Wein. fU& b
4 flure flavo /tec. yellow-flowered O w 1ft jnjl Y Britain corn fi. S Bau.his.2.844.ic
16684 Landra Moret. Landra £ Q) cu 5 jnjl Y Italy 1820. S co
16685 maritiinus 5m. sea ft A w 3 my.jl Y Britain scaco. D co Eng. bot 1643
1898. DIDE'SMIS Desu. DIDESMIS. (Dis, twice, desmos, band; siliclcs of two joints.) Cructfera?. 2 . - 4 .
16686 bipinnatus Dec. bipinnate O un 1 jn.jl W N. Africa 1827. S co
Sinapis bipinnata Desf.
16687 ajgyptiacus Deso. Egyptian O un 1 jnjl Y Egypt 1818. S co Deless. 2.92
JJyagruin tegyptlacum L.
11899. int,karpos,
8 . ENARTHROCA'RPUSLaft. ENARTHROCARPUS. (Ennea, 9,arthron, joint, fr.)Crucff.
karpos,fr.) Crucf. 2.—<•
t Lab.
&fS arcuatus
V'&fS Lb hd
arched O un ^^ jn.jl
jjl Y Y Ct
Crete 1820
1820. 3 co Lab.syr.2
16689 pterocarpus Dec. winged-fruited jnjl Y Egypt 1823. S co Deless. 2.93
/taphanus pterocarpus Pers. O un
1900. 27UWIASZ,. BUNIAS. (Bounos, a hill; habitation.) Cruclferee. 3. ai.
16690 Erucago L. Erucago O un 11 jn.jl Y Austria 1640. S co 4.340
16691 aspcra Retx. rough O un U jn Y Portugal ... S co _,
16692 onentalis L. oriental A un Ij my.jl Y Levant 1731. D co
Vuro, to burn
burn:: biting qualities.) Cruclferee.
uicmg qualities.; w w i / c n d 3.
—5. a
16693 aleppica Gae. Aleppo un 11
O un jlau W.pWp Levant
Levant 16801680. SS 8.11 Gae.G ftfr. «• 48- *
2 1I*
Condylocarpus lacvigatus W.
16694 tenuifblia Dec. fine-leaved O un li jnjl Y Spain 1817. S co
Sinapis hispanica L.
16695 crassifblia Del. thick-leaved O un $ Jn.d W.p Egypt 1823. S co Dcl.aBg.34.1
ifratfsica crassifblia Forsk.
1902. HELIO'PHILA L, HELIOPHILA. (Helios, the sun, phUeo, to love.) Cructfene. 2 2 . - 4 9 .
I. CARPONEXMA. — SUicles sessile, terete, acuminate, indehiscent, or scarcely dehiscent. -
16696 filifurmis L. filiform iQIpr l j j l a u Pa.P C. G. H. 1786. S s.p Lam. il. 56* •»
11. LEPTORMUS. — SUicles sessUe, subcomprcssed% very slender, submoniliform ; joints ovate, oblong.
16697 dissecta T/iun. dissected O pr 1 jn jl B C. G. H. 1819. S s.p
2 pinnata Vahl pinnate O pr 1 W C. G. H. 1792. S s.p
III. ORMI'SCUS. — SUicles sessile, much compressed, moniliform ;Joints orbicular, one-seeded.
16698 ampiexicaulis L. stem-clasping O pr z jn.s W.p
Y.w C. C. G.G. H.
H. 1792.
1774. SS s.p
s.p -Jac.
V e afr.
m a4ft
l . *l l 3
1669!) ptndula W. pendulous O
pinn\ta Fen.
16700 trifida Thutu trifid O pr C. G. H. 1819. S s.p
pinnata L.
16701 pusilla Thun. small O pr W C. G. H. 1824. s.p Pluk.m.432.2
16702 /epidioides Lk. Lepidium-likc O pr W C. G. H. 1818. s.p
IV. Sit.ESECAKPJE\.—Silicles sessUe, compressed, oval, or orbicular.
16703 diflfesa Dec. spreading O pr $ jnjl W C. G. H. 1818. S s.p
16704 peltAriaDec. shield-podded O pr f jnjl W C G. H. 1820. S s.p
Peltaria capensis L.
V. ORTHUSELIS. — SUicles sessUe, mpressed,
with straight
stagt margins.
16705 pilbsa Lam. pilose O pr 1 my.s mys B C. G
C G. HH. 1768
1768. if
if ss.p
integrifolia L. ,496
16706 arabotdes B. M. Arabis-like O pr fjnjl B C. G. H. 1768. S s.p Bot mag.
pilbsa ^ inclsa Dec.
16707 strlcta B. M. O pr f jnjl B C. G. H. 182a s.p Bot man-
16708 digit^ta L. digitate O pr 1 my.s B C. G. H. s.p
16709 pectinata Burc. pectinated O pr 1 jnjl W C. G. H. 18*i9. s.p
16710 coronopifblia L. Buckhorn-lvd O pr Jijnjl
O V C. G. H. 1778. «p Her. lug-
Ifi7ll/tt»nicul\cea R Br. Fennel -leaved p C. G. H. 1774. ».p
Sampliirc-lcnvcil ft OO prl>r j Jn.s C. O. H. i s m •p
16713 platysihqua R. Br. broad-podded tt. LJ pr 1 jlau V C. G. H. 1774. s.p Deless. 2.98
16714 fcoparia Burc. broom IL uJ pr 1 jnjl p C. G. H. 1819. s.p
16715 lineari fblia Burc. linear-leaved n. i | pr 1 jnjl R C. G. H. 1826. s.p
VI. PACHY'STYLUM. — SUicles sessile, subcompressed; linear,Bvelvety; style thick, conical, short;
with entire leaves.
16716 incana H. K. hoary n. i_J pr 2 P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p
VII. CARPOPODIUM. — SUicles pedicellate, linear.
16717 deonuAdes Dec Clcome-like M - U p r 1 jl Y C G. H. 1802. C co
Cheiranthus strictus L. Cleome capensis L.
16718 aquatica L.
water £ O cu
(Subula, an awl 5 form of leaves)
jl W Britain w-rsrw--
. Cructfera\ 1-

1904. CLECTME W. CLBOME. {Kleto, to shut. First applied to a plant like Shupis.) Capp. 20. —53.

jj R Me 1823.
16722 hcptaphilU L seven-leaved 1 W Jamaica 1817.
16723 spinoiai. prickly 2 jn.jl W "W. Indies 1731. s.p Marcg. br. 34
16724 pi. 2 R W. Indies 1812. a.l W. h. b. 1.18
pungent ODpr
16725 pubescens B. M. pubescent O pr lftjln W ...... 1815. S s.1 Bot. mag. 1857
16726 rf,sea Vahl rose-colored O
O ppr
r lft"
lft jnjl
J R Brazil 1823. S co Bot. reg.960
II. SILIQUANUA.-Torus small; thecaphorum short or none; leaves simple, from No. 16728. s.1 3R.mal.9.34
y i ^ r 1 foliate.
monophf Ha L. one* leaved Opr ft jnjl Y Bur. xcy. 100.2
Y Ceylon 1759. S s.l
__,. 2 zeylamca Dee.
16728 procftmbens Jflc.
procumbent rm or I4 jn.jl
jn.jl Y W.Indies 1798. S B.1 Jac. am. 120
Portugal 1776. S Schk.han.2.189.b
16729 viol icea L vinlet-co/ored O pr jn.jl P Di. cL 266.345
16730 Drtleniftna Dec. Dillenius's O pr jnjl W.Y Levant 1732. S 8.1
ornithopodioldes W. Arabia 1794. S s.1 L. f. fa. 8
If731 arabicaarabica hh. Arabian O pr 2 Jnjl Y Iberia 1820. S 8.1
16732 vir iberica Dec. Iberian O or ijjl W Bux.c.1.9.2.
1 S S KHt S^ twiggy O or - Jnjl W Persia 1820. S s.l SI. jam. 12+. 1
pygamaL. polygamous cm or 2 jnjl W W. Indies 1824. S s.l
16735 aculeJita L.
S 2 Hoi
J16737 «* ?
diftTisa Bauh.
R- B
O or
Opr f r*
O o r 1 jnjl
S. Amer. 1817. § 8.1
W. Indies 1730. S s.1
Brazil 1823. S 8.1
-1905- PERITOMA Dec. PERITOMA. {Peritome, a cutting round about; base of calyx.) Capparide*. 1.
16738 serrulata Dec. serrulated O or ft P Missouri 1823. S s.1
Cleomc serrulata Ph.
1906. GYNANDRC/PS1S Dec. GYNANDBOPSIS. , . „ w-r . Capp. 7—11.
5'39 sessihflbra Dec. sessile-flowered O or 1 '.Indies 1820. S s.1
, _ . „ Cleome triphf lla L.
*o740 candelabrum Swt. chandelier iQJor 1 R 1824. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 2G56
- « . . , Cleome candelabrum B. M.
16741 triphylla L. three-leaved O or 1 W W.Indies 1816. S s.l Her.lug.565.ic.
--,._ Cle6me triphylla L. £ Q B o r 3 W Carthage. 1818. S s.1 H.&B.5.436
16742 speci{>8a Dec.
pC l c Dec. showy O o r 2 W £. Indies 1640. S s.1 Bot. mag. 1681
<II»^» °me specibsa H.SfB.
*o743 pentaph^lla Dec. flve-leaved
lertAM Cleome pentaph^lla L. O or 1 jnjl W.p Maranh. 1825 S 8.1
16744 pulchella LindL neat



ATERSOWil R. Br. PATERBONIA. {Colonel William Paterson, an excellent botanist.) Irideee. 7.
16745 scrlcca R. Br. silky lftmyjl N. S. W. 1803. D s.p Bot mag. 1041
16746 lanMa R. Br. woolly £ lAJor i m y j j N. S. W. 1824. I) s.p Sw. au. 15
16747 loiiRifblia R. Br. long-leaved tf lAlor 1 my.jl N. S. W. 1818. D s.p
1674S mMia R. Br. intermediate y: .Aior 1 my.jl N. S. W. 1816. D s.p Sw. au. ic. In
16749 glabrkta R Br. smooth N. S. W. 1814. D s.p Bot reg. 51
16750 occidentMis R. Br. western lAlor 1 myjl N. a W. 1824, D s.p
1H751 glai'ica R Br. glaucous 1 myjl N. S. W. 1820. D s.p Bot. cab 1182
16752 longiscapa Swt. long scaped lAlor 1J myjl N.S.W. D s.p 39
glauca B. M. , iAI or
1908. ORTHROSA/NTHES Swt. ORTIIHOSANTHES. (Orthros, morning, anthos, flower.) Irldcce. 1.
16753 multiflbra Swt. many-flowered iAJ or 1 jnjl B N. Holl. 1820. D s.p Sw. au. 11
•1900. FERUAHtlif L. FERRARIA. (J. B Ferrari, an Italian botanist.) Irideee. 6.
Ifi7")4 undulata L. wavy J i A j o r ft mr.ap G.Br C. G. H. 1775. O sp Bot mag. 144
HT7 »•*> an»i»tifbVia Swt. narrow-leaved 3 iAI pr ft my.jl Br C. G. H. 1835. O s.p
16756 anthcrbsa A'IT anthcred tf LAJ or ft mrjl G.Br C. G. H. 1800. O s.p Bot mag. 751
Lorrarto/rt viridiflbra li. Rep.
1(7757 obtusifulia Swt. obtuse-leaved tf lAlpr
ft myjl Br C. G. H. 1825. O «.p Sw. fl. gar. 148
In7:">8 uncin'ita Swf. honked tf lAlpr
ft my.jl Br C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. Hil
16759 divaricata Swt. divaricate ft myjl Br C G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. «ar. W2
^ S i ^ V J i l c - TIGEB FLOWER. {Tigris, tiger, eidos, likeness; spotted flowers.) IrMear. 2.
16760 pavbnia Jac. peacock tf A or 1 my.s O.a Mexico 1796. O s.p Bot. mag. 532
F* rriria Tigridia B.M. pavbnia L.
2 lvbna Hort. lion tf A or 1 my.s O.R Mexico 1823. O s.p
16761 conchuflbra Swt. shell-flowered tf A »pl 1 my.s D.Y Mexico 1823. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 128
1911. GALA'XIA L. GALAXIA. {Galaktiao, to abound in milkj
16762 ov\ta Thun. ovatcleaved tf lAlor my.s
1H7(K3 grandiflura B. R. great-flowered tf lAlor ft my.s D.Y C. G. H. 1799. O sp Bot.rep 164
16764 mucronularis Sal. mucronulatcd tf iAJ or ft my.s P
16765 versicolor Sal. various-colored tf lAior ft my.g P
'6766 graminea Thun. GrsM-leaved tf lAlor I L.Y JC. SG.5H.- 179J. 5 O»-P Jac.ic.291.inf.cL
0 s.p Bot. mag. 1292

1912. CYPE'LLA Hto-6. CYPELLA. (Ki/pellon, a kind of cup; shape of flower.) Miter. 10.
16767 Herbert* B. M. Herbert's tf iAl or ' 1 Ve B. Ayres 1823. O s.p Bot. mag. 2o99
Tigridia Herbert* B. M. Monc\i Herbert*' B. M.
* 1913.. HERBE'RTTrf
H R E R T T r f Swt
Swt HERBERTIA. (/to*. # Rev. IF. Herbert, an assiduous botanist.) Irtde*. J.
16768 pulchella
l h l l Stvf. neat tf .Al ... B.p Chile 1827. O s.p Sw.fl.gar.222
1914. HOMETR/il Ven. HOMERIA. (Homer, the father of epic poetry.) Irldeat. 10.
16769 spicata Swt. spiked tf LAI or 1} myjn Y C. G. H. 1785. O s.p Bot. mag. 1283
Morefa spicata B. M.
16770 collinas Swt. hill tf iAl or 2 myjn P C. G. H. 1768. O s.p Bot mag. 1033
Morat a collina B.M.
1(3771 exaltkta Swt. exalted tf iAl or 3 myjn Vc C. G. H. 1768. O s.p Bot. mag. 1103
More\i collina /3 exaltkta B. M.
16772 lineata Surf, lined tf lAJor 1 myjn Ve C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. ic in.
16773 />orrifolia Swt. Leek-leaved tf iAl or 2 myjn Ve C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. ic. in.
16774 elegansx Swt. clegajit
Morce a elcgans Jac. tf LAI or lj myjn Ve C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Jac sc. 1.2
16775 flaccida Swt. flaccid
MofteV collina « miniMa minor B. M.
tf LAJ or 1J myjn Vc C. G. H. 1810. O s p Bot. mag. 1612
16T76 minitita Swt. vermilion tf
Itl777 virgkta Swt. twiggy tf or 2 myjn Ve C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 152
Mora^a virgkta Jac.
16778 flexubsa Swt. flexuous tf or
IAI or 1 myjn P C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Jac ic. 2.228
'MoreVi flexubsa B. M. 1 myjn Y C. G. H. 1SU3. O s.p Bot. mag.695



1915. W A L T H E N R / 4 L. WALTHP.RIA. (A. F. Walther% prof. med. at Leipsic) Byttneriucae. 5.-12.

IH779 americana L. American tf DD un 2 my.o Y S. Amer. 1691. 130
S l.p Jac. ic. 1.13
7 tndica L.. Indian * D un 9 Y E. Indies 1799. C p.l Bur. zey. 68
16781 clliptica L. elliptic I un 3 " . . . Y E. Indies 1812. C B.p Cav. dis. 6.17I«
11782 giabra Pair. smooth un 3 jl Y Guadalou.1823. C B.p Sch. mo. 55
lsNvis Schrank
16783 micropliy'lla Cav. small-leaved *Qun 2 jnjl Y E. Indies 1824. C s.l Cav.dis. & 170.2
1916. HERMA'NN/,1 L. HERMANNIA. {Paul Hermann, prof, bot., Leyden.) Byttmridcear. 38.-42.
I. TRIONE'IXA. — Calyx inflated, but especially after flowerings filaments much dilated.
16784 althaeifolia L. Althsa-leaved ft | | or 2* mr.jl V"~""CTG."H. 1728. C l.p Bot. mag.
16785 plickta W. plaitcd-/cui'f</ M. i_J or 3 n.d Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Jac. sc. 2.2i3
16786 candicans H. K. whitish * LJ or 3 apjn Y C.
C. G. H. 1774.7 C l.pp Jacsc. 1.117
16787 mollis L. soil-leaved M |_J or 2 myjn Y C. G. H. 1814. C l.p
16788 decumbcns IV. en. decumbent 41 L-J °r 1 myjn Y C. G. H. 1821. C l.p .„. -
16789 Ayssopifulia L. Hyssop-leaved ft i | or 7 apjn St C. G. H. 1725. C l.p Cav dis. 6.1M-J
16790 trifoliate L. three-leaved ft i I or 2 Y C. G. H. 1752. C l.p Cav.dis6.l8&«
16791 triphylla Cav. three-leaved ft LJ or 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1819. C Lp Cav. dis. 6.178.3
16792 gUndulosa Lk. glandular ft L_J or 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1822. C l.p
10793 tragrans Lk. fragrant ft i_J or C G. H. 1822. C l.p
II. HERMANNE'LLA. — Calyx not, or scarcely inflated ; filaments not dilated.
16794 discrmef61ia ia Jac
Jac. twopointedlvd*
two-pointed-lvdft LJ LJ oror 2 mr.ap Y C. G.
C. G. H.
H. 1795. C l.p Jac. s»c. 1. l.'i
1G795 dfsticha Schr. two-rowed ft i | or 2 Y C. G.
C. G. H.
H. 1789. C Lp Jac sc. 1.118
rotundifulia Jac.
16796 melochioides Burc. Melochia-like ft i lor 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. C l.p
167f»7 Aryonifiiha Burc. Bryony-leaved ft i | or 3 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. 8. C
C l.p
16798 «alvifblia L. Sage-leaved ft i lor apjn Y C. G. H. 1795. Cav. dis.
C Lp Cav.
5. C dis. 6
16799 mlcans Schr. glittering ft i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. C L 1
Lp Jac. sc. 1.119
latifttlia Jac.
16800 involucrata Cav. involucred i_J or 2 myjn Y C. G. H. 1794. C Lp Cav. dis. 6.177-1
hiSOl wordifblia Jac. Germnnder-lvd i_J or 2 ap.n Y C. G
G. H.
H 1794. C Lp Jac. sc. 1.120
18802 dcnudata L. stripped LJJ 2 my.jl Y 1774. C l.pp Jac sc 1.122
C. G. H. 1774
VMM almfolia Jac. Alder.lcaveil ft |_J or 7 f m y Y C. G. H. 1728. C Lp L Bot.
B t m a g«J .J
l()804 runcifTilia Jac. wedgc-lenvrd A |_J or 2 nu.s Y C G. H. 1791. Lp Jacsc. 1.1J-*
It£05 holosericea Jac. velvct-teavcd 41 L_J or 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1792. Lp Jac sc. 3.2!p
Mitt Iff hirsute Jac. hA\ry.branched *H i | or 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1790. Lp Sc.han.l : t
16807 sciibra Cav. rough-lcavcd * i_J or 3 mrap Y C. G. H. 1789. Jacsc. ]
1(5808 inulti flora Jac. many-flowered m \ | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1791. Jacscl.ia»
li>8(J9 fliminea Jac. fL&m&jtowercd * ) | or 3 year O C. G. H. 1794. Bot. mag. 1'^
16810 anguKiris Jac. angular _ | o r 3 Y C. G. H. 1791. Jacscl.Jp"
16811 tnfurcata L. three-forked i i_Jor 3 apjl P C. G. H. 1789. Jac. sc 1.1»
16812 odorkta //. K. sweet-scented 11 lor 3 f.o Y C. G. H. 1780. C Lp cnl
16813 lavanduljpftlia L. Lavcnder-lvd t|_|or lg my.s Y C. G. H. 1732.
16814 velutlna Burc. velvety 11 | or 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. C l.p Bot mag. 50*
16815 fihfblia L. thread-leaved 11 lor Y C. G. H. 1816. C CLl p Jacsc. 1.12
procumbent 11 | or U myjn Y C. G. H. 1792. C Lp Cav. dis. 6.'
16816 proci'imbcns Cav. slender-leaved 11 | or 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. ... C Lp Bot. mag. K
16817 tenuitblia A M. cut-leaved ti lor 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1806. C Lp «-.
36818 incisa Wr. i\ | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1800. C Lp Bot rep. *o*
16819 pulverullnta B. Rep. powdered ti lor 8 my.jl O.T C. G. H. 1820.
KJ820 argentea Sm. silvery tL-Jor 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1823. C Lp
16821 coronopifblia Lk. Buckhorn-lvd C Lp
„ 1917. MAHE'RNId L. MAITERNIA. (An anagram of Hermanns; affinity.) Byttncriace*• -l4vTl7ii. *
16822 verticillata L. whoried n.\_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1820. C Lp Cav. dis. & "
168-3 resetlsfblia Burc. Resetla-leaved ft i I or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. C Lp crr\
16824 bipinn&ta /„. biuinnate a. i_l or 2 Br C. G. H. 1752. C Lp Bot mag.
cuWrA tt. i lor 2 ilau Y.w C. G. H. 1792. C J-P g J S f ^
Jnr. difflise tt-uJor 2 Y C. (?. H. 1774. C Lp Bot. caf. w

1°827 heterophflla Cav. various-leaved tt.

or 2 apjl Y C. G. H. 173L C l p Cav. dis. 6.178.1
iraioo Hcrm annifl grossularia-fblia L.
1525 8C8fI!lfblia Dcc-
1( sessile-leaved tt.i | o r jnjl Y C. G. H. 1818. C p
*29 pulchella Cav. neat tt. i | o r 2 C. G. H. 1792. ! Cav. dis. 6.177.3
Herm/uinin pulchella L. Lp c
•'oriucata Burc. varnished tt-i lor 2 Ve C. G. H. 1816. Lp c
Cav. smooth tt.i_Jor 2 apjl Y C. G. H. 1789. c
l p Bot rep. 85
IRQ«M rata C«w.
JW32 oxalidifblia Airc. Oxalis-leaved tt-Ljor 2 apjl Y C. G. H. 1817. c
«*3J Brandiflbra Dec. great-flowerec tt.| |or 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1791 c ! p Patten. 60 ic.
NM-u ,t erm * nni «6randiflura //. tf. Lp
16834 BurchUltf Swt. Burchcll's tLi_jor 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. c Lp Bot reg 224
not H. K.
1G8J5 ..» ^,tt/. bladdery tLi lor 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. c Lp Cav. dis. 6.181.2
Hermannia odorata /3 intisa Pers.
MELOCHIA. (Melochich, its Arabic name.) • Byttnerihcece. 4 — 5 .
pyramidal tt-CDor 1 P Brazil 1768. C pi Jac. vin. 1.30
tomentose t t C J o r 2 myjn P W. Indies 1768. C p.l Cav. dis. 6.17£ 2
small-leaved tt. • un 1 jnjl W Trinidad 1819. S s.p
small-flowered tt. • or 1 P Caraccas 1820. C Lp
en. RIEDLEIA. CM. Riedle, accomp. Capt Baudin round the world.) Byttncr. 8. — 23.
velvety tt. O un 1 jnjl W E. Indies 1823. S s.l
truncate tt. • un 2 jnjl W E. Indies 1817. S s.l
truncata W.
supine t D u n | jn.jl ... E, Indies 1823. S s.l Pluk. al. 232.4
depressed tt. • un 1 jn.jl W W. Indies 1817. S fl.l Cav. ic. 173.1
leprcssa L.
., r- «.ia Dec. Corchorus-lvd O un 1 jnjl Y E. Indies 1733. S s.l Di. el. 176.217
Mclbchia corchorifblia L.
knot-flowered tt,Qor 2 jnjl Y Jamaica 1800. S s.l SI. jam. 135.2
. ».u Caraccas tt. • or 2 myjl Y Caraccas 1817. S 8.1 Jac. ic. 3.507
?o47 Mrtochia caracasana Jac.
»*7 concatenata Dec. concatenated * OS un 2 jnjl Y E Indies 1810. S s.l Cav. dis. & 175.2
>• MELHA^NIA Forsk. MELIIANIA. {ML Mclhan, in Arabia; firstfound there.) Byltneriucete. 3. —6.
fci-ythroxylon H. K. Red-wood t O or 20 W St.Helena 1772. C s.l Bot mag. 1000
"' on H. K. Black-wood t Q o r 20 W St. Helena 1800. C 8.1 Pluk. m. 33a 5
Dec. Burchell's J • or SO ... W C. G. H. 181& C Lp
OCHRO^MA Swt. OCIIROMA. [Ochros, pale; flowers, leaves, and wool of seeds.) Bombdceic. 2.
i. vrooMy-leaved * • or 20 ... W S. Amer. 181ti. C Lp
Hare's foot • or 20 ... W Jamaica 1802. C p.l Cav. dis. 5.153
PETALOSTE^MUM MX. PETALOSTEMUM. (PetalontpeL,stemon,stam.; joined.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 4.-7.
]»wT °'indidum A/*. white ^ A p r 1 W N. Amer. 1811. D Lp Mic. am. 2.37.1
!*£:canieum Mx. flesh-co/orcd ^ A P' * J l a u Pk N. Amer. 1811. D Lp
violaceum Mx. violaceous £ A pr 1 jLi V N. Amer. 1811. D Lp Bot. mag. 1707
corymbbsum Mx. corymbose S A pr liJLi W N. Amer. 181L D Lp
Dalea Kuhuistora W.
{Flos, w e , ppassion;
f l o passio, s , p ;fl.
f lappendages.) Passfflbreat.&L—90.
. appendages.) Passfflbrec
rtl — ii cc rr tt W
W * undivided ; flowers involucrated ; involucre generally three-leaved.
* undivi CU i JH ,
T S S »«R)lia L. Limetreelvd
L i m e - t r e e - l v d ft
ft. •• or
or 1010 jljl GG.H.D
H D Peru
Peru 1823
1823. C pl Cav.
C p.l Cav dis.
di 10. 285
«»1«rinis i4.
Apple-formed ft.Qfr 20 jl.n G.ii W. Indies 1731. C p.l Bot. reg. 94
angalaris L. 20 au.s G.B.R Jamaica 1768. C r.m Bot. reg. J4
KU^t 5 / angular-sl&nmed t_ • or 10 1823. C r.m
irinR-ttalked ft. • fr 20 G.H.R Mexico W.Indies 1772. C p.] Bot. mag. 66
hgular ft. CD or 20 8 Gy.P N. Gran. 1819. p. An. mu.6.40
Iiaurel-leaved ft. • f i r _. 20 ...jnjl G.p W. Indies 1690. p. Bot reg. 13
Tinns-lcavcd ^ • o r 20 jl Cayenne 1824. An. mu. 6.41.2
J(S^ cocclnea nvo. scarlet ft. • or 20 JLn S Guiana 1820.
f(m66 mucronata Lam. mucronatc ft. • or 20 p.l Aub. gui. 3. S24
10867 £lbida Ker whitish Brazil 1820. Cav. dis. 10.282
ft_Qor 15 au.s W Brazil 1816, _ 1.P Bot. reg. 677
;. — Flowers naked ; calyx double j leaves undivided.
16858 scrratifblia L. saw-leaved ft. • o r 20 my.o G.P W. Indies 1731. C P Bot. mag. 651
16869 cuprca L. copper-co/orerf ft. • or 20 O Bahama 1.1724. C !l Jac. ic. 3.60b'

iJZli pailida L. pale PL am. 90

ft_ • cu 20 au.8 Y.o St. Domin. ... - C Lp Bot. reg. 6tft
10872aurlculaUfl;*A eared ft.Qor 15 ... Ap 1820. C p.i
W3 lunata Sm. II. Bi'LODiE. — Leaves two-lobed; calyx double i involucre none.
biflbra Lam. crescent-Awed ft. • cu 10 W Jamaica 1733. C Sm.ic.pic.l. 1
W Jamaica 1800. C Bot reg. 577
Tnuidad 1817. C
— -~»-- ft_Ocu 8 myjn w" W. Indies 1732. C Di. el. 197.164
sundry-colored ft. • or 8 myjn S. Amer. 1800. C Bot. reg. 597
R. Alaximiliana Bory
16877 rfibra L.
1«1H78 normalis L. red-fruited ] or 15 ap.s R W. Indies 1731. C Bot reg. 96
1KH79 sexflbra J. normal ]or 15 my.jn W Vera Cruz 1771. C
1(^80 capsularis L. Bix-flowcred ]or 16 my.jl Hi span iol. 1826. C An. mu 2.37.1
16881 i-uneata W. capsular ]or 14 jnjl W.Indies 1820. C PI. ic. 138.2
lyrsfblia Tus. wedged ]or 10 W. Indies 1816. C Cav. dis. 12.292
11882 tubcrbsa Jac. tuberous ft. • or 12 jn.o
punctata B. C. W.Indies 1810. C Lp Bot reg. 432
1 APE'TAL£. — Calyx simple ; flowers apetalous ; leaves two-lobed.
SS3 mexicana J. Mexican ft. • or 15 Mexico 1820. C
«84 oblongata Sim. oblong ft. • cu 10 jn.s Ap Jamaica 1816. C p.l A .6.38.2

Bot. mag. 961"


16886 hirctna Swt. goat-scented • or 10 my.o W.a Brazil C pi Bot.reg.321

fa/tida B. M. hirsbta Bot. cab. 139.
16887 picturata JCrr. painted 15 s Brazil 1820. Lp Bot.reg.67S
16888 cuneifblia Cai>. wedge-leaved 15 S. Amor. '1825. n.L Cav. ic. 12.292
16889 eduhs B. M. eatable 30 w W. Indies ... Lp Bot mag. 1989
incarnata fi B. R.
1(890 incarnata L. flesh-colored *_-AJor 30 Pk N. Amer. 1629. C r.m Bot. reg. 332
16891 ciliata H. K. ciliated t CDor 6 jl.s Pk Jamaica 1783. C p.l Bot. mag. 288
16S92 multiftrmis Jac. many-formed 10 ... 1820. C p.1
1(5893 caracasana W. Caraccas 15 jnjl Pk
rubricating Jac. Caraccas 1821. C p.1
16894 trip.irtita /fo-o*. tripartite ] or 14
10895 vitifohd U $ B. Vine-leaved or 10 S. Araer. 1823. p.1
i. DUPLICICA'LYCES. — Flowers naked ; calyx double; leaves three-lobcd.
16896 holoserlcea L. velvet-tea wrd & d)or 10" W.p Vera Cruz 1733. p.1 Bot rcg. 59
16897 hirsata L. hairy ||Dor 8 B W W.Indies 1778. PI. am. 88. A
16898 glafica //. X. glaucous.fazwri£_ Q u n 6 au.s W Cayenne 1779. Lp Bot. rcg. 88
stipulata Aub.
li«*>9 lfttea L. yellow icu 4 my.jn Y.w America 1714. R p.1 Bot. rcg. 79
l-;< 00 punctata L. dottfid-leaved cu 6 my.jn W.v Peru 1784. C p.1 Bot. cab. 101 A
16901 rotundifblia L. round-leaved 8 W W. Indies 1779. C p.l Cav. dis. 10.290
169U2 hemicycla Mey. halt-round 10 Surinam 1817. C p.1 "
glabrata Kth.
16903 racembsa Brot. 20 mr.o S Brazil 1815. C P Bot mag. 2001
2 alata cscrulea B. R. blue-winged 15 apjl Br hybrid 1823. C !l Bot rcg. 848
3 princeps Hort. chief 20 mr.o S hybrid C CO
ii. SIMPLICICA'LYCES—Flowers naked; calyx simple; leaves three-lobed.
16904 gracilis Lk. slender O cu 6 au w 1823. O co Bot. rcg. 870
l(>905 «uberuRa L. Cork.barkcd $_CUcu 6 jn.s w W. Indies 1759. C p.1 Ex. bot. 1.28
16906 Aederacca L. Ivy-leaved L D u n 3 jnjl w W.Indies ... l p PI. am 84
16907 angustif51ia Sco. narrow-leaved tClcu 6 jn.s w W.Indies 1773. 1-P Bot. reg. 188
hetcrophftla Jac.
16908 obscura Ltndl. obscure LDcu 6 W.a W.Indies 1823. Lp
16909 minima L. smallest 6 W Curasao 1690. Lp Bot reg. 144
16910 pelt^ta Cav. peltate 6 au.8 G W. Indies 1778. Lp Bot reg. 507
16911 mmaculata Bonno spotted 4 jn.o Ap N. Amcr. 1812. p.1
pcltata Ph. not of others.
IV. MULTI'FIDJE. —Leaves muUifid.
16912 irfdi&ntum W. Maidenhair %_ r~l or 10
16913 ftryoniaefblia H.$B. Bryony-leaved J. Q or 12 ...
Norfolk 1.1820.
Mexico 1823. l
16914 cacrulca L. common blue or 30 jn.o W.B Brazil 16P9. s.p Rot. mag. 28
2 ca?riMeo-racembsa blue-clustery or 30 jn.o P hybrid ]8'J0. CO Hort. tr. 4.9
3 angustifblia narrow-leaved $_ or 30 jn.o W.B hybrid 1820. CO
4 glauroph Jflla glaucous-leaved_£ or 20 jn.o B Brazil CO
5 Colvfllw Swt, Co\v\\Vs hybrid _& or 12 jl.s Va hybrid 1824. CO S\v. fl.gar. I-1
16915 chinensis Swt. Chinese %_ or 30 jn.o W.B China CO
16916 fil.unentosa Cav. thready or 20 jn.o W.B America 1817. C co Bot. reg. 584
palmata B. C.
16917 scrrata L. saxr.leaved ^ • or 20 ... W.o Martiniq. 1800. C PL am. 79
16919 digitrita G. Don digitate * D or 12 ... B Trinidad 1820. C p.
16919 ixriata L. pedate S O or 15 ... W.a W. Indies 17HI. C p.1 PL am. 81
16920 palmata Lk. palmate fc. CD or 18 ... W Brazil 1818. C p.1
16921 hetcrophylla Lam. various-leaved %_ • or 15 ... W St.Domin.1817. C p.1 PL ic. 139,1
V. Du^fli A.—Doubtful to what section it belongs.
16922 p&tula Wnl spreading $_ • or 11 .-.. ... C
1924. MURUCIPIAJ. MUBUCUIA. (Muricvja, ils name in Brazil) Patsifihrece. 4. —10.
16923 occllata Pert. smnll-cyed j _ D f r 12 S W. Indies 1730. C p.1 Bot. reg. 574
Passi flora Murucuia L.
16924 perfohiita Spr. perfoliate t, • or 15 P W.Indies 1806. C p.1 Bot reg. 78
Passiflbra perfoliata L.
§16925 HerbertiVina Swt. Herbert's J. • or GO jl.s G N. HolL 1821 C p.1 Bot reg. 737
Passi flbra Hcrberti(i«a B. It.
% 10926 adiantifulia Swt. Adinntum-lvd £. • or 20 O Norfolk 1.1792. C p.l Bot reg. 533
Passiflura tzdiantifblia B. R.
1925. TACS0sNIA3. TACSONIA. (Tacso, its name in Peru.) Passiflbre*. 1 — !*•--
16927 peduncularis Pers. pedunculate t_ O or 10 Peru 1815.I. C Lp Cav. ic. 5 . 4 *
Passi flora iieduncularis Cav.
1926. TRIOO N NIA Aub. TRIOONIA. (Treis% three, gonia, an angle; fruit) JUppocratehcea. 2. -•J
16928 villbsa Aub. villous k O or Cayenne 1820. C s.l Aub. gui.
16929 m6llis Dec. soft IQor Brazil 1823. C s.1
* 1927. EKCTOIUM Herit. HERON'S BILL. (Erodios, heron; fruit like head and beak.) Geraniacea?.35.'~5
I. PINNATISK'CTA. — Leaves pinnatelyparted. ,
16930 petraAim W. rock ^ A i jn.jl P S\ Europe 164a D e o 21. l
16931 anthemidifTilium Bieb. Anthc.-lvd ^ A or i jn.jl P Iberia 18W. C Lp ,
16932 glandulbsum W. glandular i jnjl P Spain 1798. S Lp Fl pyr. 1- 1
gravcolens Lap.
16933 StephaniAnum W. Stephan's A or i jnjl B Dahuria 182a S s.p
multifidum Pat.
16934 alp^num Lk. alpine k Apr | R Italy 1814. D co Her.ger.3
16935 crassifblium Desf. thick-leaved £ .AJor S Cyprus 1788. D r.m Sw. ger. l " , ^
16936 laciniatum Cav fringed j( i R Crete 1794. J> r.m Cav. dis.*-'**
169J7hIrtum W. hairy 3 A or B Egypt 1818. S s 1 Jac. ec. J. °°
lff>.T8 stylatum Lem. styled | A or **jnjj P 1826. S s.l
1WMJ) muricatum Hort. prickly
1G94O ciebnium W.
\®*\ cicutarium Lem,
Hemlock-leaved O w
or i jnjl R
un \ jnjl P
Jap.s P
1K27. S s i
S. Europe 1711.
. i 18
Britain ro.sid. S co Jac. vm. »^gj
JSS? bipinnatum W. bipinnate O un | myjn P Numidia 1803.
Cav. Kurnet-leaved O or f jnjl P S. Europe 1800.
,__._-. ..---. pilose O or I jnjl D.P France 1800. S co
16945cicutifbhum Thuil. Cicuta-leaved O or f jnjl P France 1816. S co
!Sjg °m&numW'. Roman £ CDpr \ my.jn P Rome 1724 S CO Eng. bot 377
">J*7 caucalifblium Swt. Caucalis-leaved^ A pr 1 P France 1816. S CO Sw. ger. 6
•tun *ipinum Desf
musk O pr 1 my.jl P England m.pas. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 902
S J-ootrys
K S " Bert.
?"!* Botrys O or f jnjl B Italy 1818. S CO Cav. dis. 4. 90. 2
iBj-.n^ . II. I N D I V I ' S A . — Leaves somewhat three-lobed or undivided.
rtnum r O or 1 jnjl B N. Africa 1818. S CO Cav. dis. 4.126.1
165m ™ !U? n u m ,W. ? - Murcian
crane un i jn.jl P Crete 1596. sD8.1 Cav. dis. 4. 88.2
16959? -
M>»J2 serotinum Steu.
late o & A pr | jl.s B Siberia 1821. CO Sw. ger. 137
inssa1 SS Uica Si e 2'Ar- nitMnlcum «*
S J " ™ ^ Chian un 1 jnjl P Levant 1724. S CO Cav. dis. 4 92.1
S G U T — J^ T*o n" 7 - hymen-like
o ££ .AJ pr fyear Pk Barbary 1789. s r.m Sw. ger. 23
l695RSoi S "u x ' Gousson'8 A or 1 year Pa.P Naples 1821. D CO
l 6 Q J 7 S f e1 1h o i d1e Jac
s w
- Mallow-like or i my.jl B S. Europe 1596. S CO Cav. dis. 4. 91.2
16U58 n S ^ ^ " - Currant-leaved oo or 1 jnjl P C. G. H. s CO Jac. ic. 3 509
16959 3 2 E * hS m1 Ii ui mf a * - flesh-co/orcrf ft. L J or f my jl F C. G. H. 1787. c r.ra Sw. ger. 94
l©KEX?°R d ye s **•& glaucous-lvd O un i R Egypt 1732. CO Di. el. 124.150
2^&\ V' Malope-like £ A or % njl P N. Africa 1810. ss CO Cav. dis. 4.90.1
16061 l 2 2 S ? m LenMaC Z' r, Cl aocrks i8c tai n n a ^ A or * jnjl P Corsica ]817. CO
16962 S amS m mu n W 2 I - bMa - P £ .Al or 1 jnjl P #1823. s CO
16963 S S dV . c* - & A w imy.s F England, D CO Eng. bot. 646
ffi£S *?? -» ReichardVi * .Al pr I ap.s W Minorca 1783. C 8.1 B o t mag. 18
169641 J f ^ ^ n r o - d e s Herit. Gcrajiium Reichardi Mur.
"*>* utt&reum Z*m. shore & A un * ap.s R & Europe 182L D CO


LindL GILLIESIA. (Dr. Gillies, of Conception, in Chile.) Gilliestite. I . — 2 .
grassy tf J c u 1 aus G Chile 1825. O 8.1 B o t mag. 2716



/ stalked leaves ; leaves oblong, entire, or lobed ; lobes entire, or scarcely toothed: from No. lf>9l
16W% i r, cordate, 3-lobcd, or at base appendic. ; from No. 16997. Ivs pinnate, segments cut or multtfid.
16967 mm Jac. long-leaved A lAJ pr i my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic 3.518
""B|ni)rum jac. long-flowered A iAI pr f^ my.jn
«im Jac. my.jn YY C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic. 3.521
ovahfbhum Swt.• oval-leaved C. AiAlpr imyjn
G. W H. 1820. R r.m Sw. ger. 106
'eticulatumS/ netted A lAlpr f my.jn Pk C. G H. 1820. R r.m Sw. ger. 91
rit. ciliated A lAlpr iapjn F C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Her. ger. 7
W. A lAlpr t Y
lar#£-rooted AiAlpr C. G. H. 1794. R r.m Bot. rep. 60
itul&tum Andr. * j n j r Y C. G. H. 1802. R r.m B o t mag. 1718
AiAlpr i Y C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot. rep. 152
i Andr. kindred A iAI pr i Y
i Pers. ray-leaved A lAlpr i Y C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot. rep. 282
—„ n Pers. virgin AiAlpr J m y j l Y C. G. H. 180L R r.m Bot. rep. 222
hi undulatum Ait. ^rave-flowered A lAJpr C.
_. w.G. M.M..
H. 1795.
AtiKj. R
x\ Bot.
JSOI.rep. re|». 317
- 77 lino^lre Pers. A lAlpr Y C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot rep. 292
16978 nfvrum Swt. snow A LAJpr *jnjl Y C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 193
1<>D79 Leeanum Swt. i*es
Lee's A lAlor * jnjl W 1821. R r m Sw. ger. 182
16!)80 inrrassatuin Andr. thickened h A lA/or i my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. R r.m Sw. ger. 3
Ifipfll cirinatum Swt. keeled A lAJor i myjn R C. G. H. 1801. R r.m Bot. mag. 761
IdMs'j ilrprlssutn Jac. depressed A LAlor ^myjn Y C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Sw.geriL'lSS
I-. 1 -; I fiteum Andr. yellow AA i m or i myjn Crea C. C. G.
G. H.
H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic. 3 520
i'.' • I niimmularifulium&i/. Nummul.-lvdA lAlor *myjn Y C. G.H. 1802. R r.m Bot. rep. 123
!<>%.> erobifblium Swt. Orobus-leavcd A lAJ pr i myjl Y C.G.H. 1801. R r.m Par.kmTsf
1WJ86 undulrcflbrum Swt wave-flowered A iAI or i i my.jl Bd hybrid? 1824. R r.ra Sw.ger.3M
myjl Bk C. G. H. 1821. R r.m Sw. ger.&263
lf>(>87 cong£t.tum Swt. crowded A iAI pr * my.jl Li
I»»<iHK rptusum Swt. retusc A iAI pr i my.jl D C C.G H. 1824. it rm Sw.feftSW
<1 ' r nluteafiMium Swt. Colutea-leaved A lAJ pr | my.jl Y.R hybrid? 1824. R r.m Sw. ger. 307
hybrid? 1824. 11 rim Sw. ger. 311
' • li'voliitum Pcrs. revolutc A iAI pr * P
i» "I .uiriciilatum IV. car-leaved AiAlpr * dp.jn Pk _. R r.m RJac.
C. Cj. H. 1800. rm Bot. rep.354
ic. 3.519
hvm lanniatum
K9KU Pers. ja^-leaved
oxnliclirbliiim/>^ A lAJ pr t myjn _Pk C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot rep. 131
VM)d-sorrcl-/(;rf A lAlpr I Y
]6J)f)4 nervifulium Jac. ncrvcd-lcavc
ncrvcd-lcavcd A lAlpr C. G. H. 180L R " -
r.m ~ "
Hot.- ' rep. 300
thrcclcnved A AJ
y Va
V C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic. a 517
W.M5 trinhyllum Jac. AiAlpr t apm F C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic. 3.515
1(«K)6 rcfl^xum Pers. rcttcx./raved
rcttcx./raved A
A lAJ pr
lAJpr jnjl W
I6U97 roscum Ait. rrose-colored
o l A iAI pr I Pk C C.
-. -.G.«.H. 1800.
»niii. R r m Bot. rep. 224
lt)*m rapaccum Jac.RapeFumitory-flwd A .Alpr G. H. 1792. R r.m B o t rep. 173
i apjn Pk C. G. H. 1788. R r.m Bot.rep.2J9
16999 n&tnns Dec. nodding A • Al pr i apjn
17000 corydaliflbrum Swt. Corydalis-flwd A lAlpr Japjn 18 7
17001 barbatum Jac.
17002 flssifblium Pers.
bearded A iAI pr I JLau
cloven-leaved A lAJ pr | Pk
&T&SgSaS2!£& '
17(JO3 set^sum Swt. bristly A iAI pr t Pk
17UJ4 AubomfTilium Pers. Bubon-leavcd A lAJ pr I mr.jl W . P
17005 viola?fl6rum Swt. Violet-flowered A lAJ pr I mrjl W C. G. H. 1810. H r.m Sw.ger.ia
17006 floribfindum Ait.
17007 pH6sum Pers.
A lAJ pr i Pk
A lAJ pr i my.jl Pk G. c a
i t " "~ **« w"' g rep.
er 123
- 420
17008 penniffirme Pers. winged-formed A iAI pr iniyjn Y G. c Sa r m
5 0t
-tr r
2 59
C G. R 1800. R r.m B o t rep. 2 ©

17009 purpuriiscens Pers. purpuraaccnt AiAJp* i my.jn P C. G.H. 1800. It r.m not rep. 204
17010 hirsutum Jac. airy
hairy A LAJ pr I mr Pk C. G. H. 17H8. It r.m Hot. rep. 317
17011 melananthum Jac. black-flowered A lAl P* I my.jn D.Br C. G. H. 171J0. It rm Sw.gcr.73
17012 dioicum Ait. dioecious A LAI pr i jn.jl D.Br C. G. H. 179-"». It r.m Hot. rep. 209
17013 atrum /frnt dark-frown A lAJ pr I iny.jl D.Br C. G. H. 1793. K r.m Sw.gcr.72
] I. DIMA*CRIA. . . .Petals 5,
. unequal,
. . two
. . upper connivent
. spreading
. - . end: stamens
.. shorter
. than. sepals; 5fertUe t
stemlrss herbs*

17014 triciffifohuin
17015 astragalifoliumPirf. Astragalus-lvd A iAJ pr W.p C. G. H. 1788. II r.m Bot. rep. 190
1701(> coronillarfolium Pers. Coronilla-lvd A LAJ pr Br C. G. H. 1795. 11 r.m Bot. rep 305
17017 hencletfblimn Lod. Cow-parsnep-lvdA iAJ pr D Br C. G. H. 1818. It r.m Bot. cab. 437
17018 rumicifftlium Swt. Dock-leaved A LAI pr Y C. G. H. 1S23. 11 r.m Sw.ger. 318
17019 folitaum Swt. leafy A iAJ pr i my.jii W.n C. G. H. 1800. It r.m And. rep. 311
17020 tenellum Andr. slender & LAJ pr t myjl Y C. G. H. 1800. It r.m And. ger.ic.
17021 hetcroph>llum Andr. various-leaved A LAI pr I my jn W.R C. G. H. 1800. K r.m And.ger.ic.
17022 floribfindum Andr. bundlc-flwd * lAlp
A ' * myjl W.R C. G. H. 1800. It r m And. rep. 420
17023 undulutum Andr. waved AiAlpr *my.., W R C. G. H. 1805. R rm And. rep.292
17024 lineare Andr. linear A lAJpr * l Sul.R C. G. H. 1800. R r.m And. rep. 193
11025 radutuin Andr. rayed AiAJpr Jmy. Y C. G. H. 1800. R rm And. rep. 222
17026 punctiitum Andr. dotted A LAJpr * my., Spot C. G. H. 1800. R r.m And.rcp.fiO
17027 afflne Andr. kindred AiAlpr 4 my, P C. G. H. 1800. R r.m And rep. 282
17028 spatulntum Andr. spatulatc AiAlpr i my, Y C. G. H. 1805. It r.m And. rep. 152
17029 rcvolutum Andr. rcvolutc A LAJpr It C. G. H. 1800. It r.m And. rep. 354
17030 virgineum Andr. virgin A LAJpr myjl P C. G. H. 1805. R r.m And. rep. 317
17031 aristatum Swt. awned AiAlpr W.R C. G. H. 1800. It r.m And. rep. 366
17032 apiifolium Andr. Parsley-leaved A LAJ i>r i myjl W.R C. G. H. 1800. R r.m And.ger.ic.-
17033 incrassatum B. M. thick-leaved A iAJ pr 4 jn.J» Pk C. G. H. 1801. It r.m Bot.mag.7^1
17034 carneum Jac. flcbh-colored A iAJ pr i «p.jn Pk C. G. II. 1812. 11 r.m Jac.ic.3i512
III. CYNO'SBATA. — Petals oval, nearly equal, almost twice as long as calyx ; stamens 10, erect, the 5 alternate
ones bearing the anthers ; stems shrubby, erect.
17035 lateritium W. brick-cotored t*-Ljor R C. G. H. 1800. C r.m Jac. cc. 1.97
17036 cynosbatifolium W. Eglantiue-lvd t t - L j o r 1J apjl D.R C r.m W. h. b. 2.78
IV. PERI'STERA. —Petals nearly equal, as long as calyx, or a little larger: stamens 10; 5 longer, nearly equal*
or one only occasionally abortive ; 5 alternate, very short, sterile, tooth-like: herbs with stems, and with the
appearance of Er odium or Geriinium.
17037 coluim/knum Jac. dove's foot £ jn.o p C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Jac. sc. 2.133
170.38 procumbens Pers. procumbent 4 p C. G.H. 1801. S r.m Bot. rep. 234
17039 numifaium W. trailing i my.jl R C.G. H. 1801. S r.m Sw.ger.42
17040 chamaedryfuliumJac.Chaimedrys-lvd^ LAJ pr i my.jn W C. G. H. 1812. R Jac ic.3. 528
17041 australe W. southern tt. LAJ pr * R R. N. S.W. 1792. S r.m 1.100
17042 althaioldes Herit. Althcea-like £ OJ pr 4 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1724. S r.m Jac. c. 4.21.2
i. GRENVI'LLEA. — Petals 5 ; 2 upper ones large, obliquely obovate, 3 lower ones small, spatulate: stamens V- *
4 fertile, ascendent, b sterile, short, subulate.
17043 consplcuum Stot. conspicuous A iAJ or 1 Jl.d D.Pk Africa 1810. C r.m Sw. ger. 3.9BU
Geranium Grenvflloc Andr.
V. OTI'DIA. — Petals oblong, linear, nearly equal, about twice as long as calyx, the two upper auricled *****
base on the upper side; stamens 10, erect, & fertile, 2 upper spatulate or subulate, Slower shorter; stew*
shrubby, fleshy ; leaves alternate pinnated, fleshy ; flowers whitish,
17U44 laxum Swt looacpanicled tt. i | pr 1 apjn W C. G. H. 1821. S p.I Sw. ger. 196
17<;45 ceratophyllum Herit horn-leaved tL • or 1 my.jn W Africa 1786. C r.m Bot. mag. 315
17046 dasycatflon Sims thick-stemmed tt. |_J or 1 jl.d W.p C. G. H. 1795. C r.m m .
17047 crithmifulium Sm. Samphire-lvd tt. i | or 1 my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1790. C r.m Sm. ic. pic. 1£
17048 .iltcrnans W.en. alternate Pars.-lvd «-1 | or 1 W.p C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Wen. her. 2.9
170i9 carnosum Ait. fivahy-staiked n. | j or 1 W.p C. G. H. 1724. Sw. ger. 98
V I. FOLYA'CTIUM. — Sepals nearly equal, re volute: petals 5, nearly equal, obovate : stamens 10 ; 5 fertile, the*
lower long, subulate, upper broad, spatulate, reflexed at end ; the fertile ones shorter, incurved at end: peta"
with a very large dark brown spot, which is scarcely edged with yellow.
17050 multiradmtum W. en. many-rayed A lAJ pr 1 my.jn D.Br C. G. H. 1820. R r.m Sw. gcr. 145 ^
VII. ISOPE'TALIJM. — Upper sepal ending in a honey pore and not in a tube: petals 5, equal:
united in a very short cup; 5 or 6 fertile, spreading, incurved at end ; sterile unequal, subulate, incurved: i
with a fleshy stem. , ac
17051 Cotyl&lonis Herit. Navelwort-/vrf tt. i_J pr f my.jl W St. Helena 1765. S r.m Sw ger. 126
VIII. CAMPY'LIA. — Petals 5, unequal, two upper larger, with an auricled claw: stamens 10, hairy or f^\
cent; 5 fertile, erect; 5 alternate steitle, of which the two upper are longer and hooked back : herbs at tit"
a little shrubby, branched: leaves stalked, ovate or tblong, toothed or cut: petals with an appendage
17052 blatthrium Jac. Moth Muleync tt. j J or 1| jn au V C. G. H. 1720. S r.m Sw. ger. 88
17(w3 eriostt-mon Jac. woolly-stmnd tt. | | or II mrju W C. G. H. 1794. C r.m Jac. sc. 2 . 1 *
170.H holoscriceum Swt. velvety tt. | | or 1| mr.jn D.P C. G. II. 1820. C r.m Sw. ger. 75
170'5 OftiotluRc Jar. CEnothera-/jA-c £ |A| or 1 nirjii Pk C. G. H. 1812. S r.m J.«i-
170.->i) coronopifolium Jac. lUickhorn-lvd tt. | | or 1| jn.o P.v C. G. H. 1791. S r.m Bot. rep. 3 »
17c>'7 c'uiuni Pers. hoary a. | | or ljjn.o Pk C. G. H. 1820.
170)8 carinatum Swt. keeled tt. LJ or If jn.o W.p C. G. H. 1820. S r.m Sw. ger. » •
17059 vcrbasciflurum Swt. Vcrbsjscum-flwdtt. L_J pr 1} Li C. G. H. 1811. S rm Sw.ger.21
i. PIIYMATA'NTHUS. — The same as picceding, hut with the upper petals warted above the C r.m
very short, 5 fertile, recurved, spreading, 5 sterile, straight.
17060 tricolor B. M. three-colored tt. LJ pr 1} year W.p C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Bot. mag.
17061 datum Swt. tall «. LJ pr 2 jn n W.p C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. gcr. J
IX. MYRRHI'DIUM. — Petals*, e r rarely 5 , the two upper very large, obovate, cuneate, ana usually m _
branching lines ; two or three lower much smaller, oblong, linear: stamens 10, with their tube eref fzffrerbSt
straight, generally with nantheitfcrousand5 barren alternately, rarely 7fertile: biennial oror PPerefHzl/
fertile: biennial !Pt^iais^i
rarely shrubby ; 'stems round ; leaves pinnate or temate, often multifid. From No. 170ol. anthers o, p*
from No. 17064. anthers 5, petals 5; from No. 170dJ. anthers 7, petals 4.
17082 canariense JV. Canary tt. | | pr 1^ jl s W . R Canaries 1802. C r.m W.h.b.17
17(163 mynhijolium Ait Myrrh-leaved tt. | | pr 1| W . R C. G. H. 1696. C r.m Jac. «
17064 coriandritoliumjflc. Coriander-lvd £ OJ pr I mr.s W . R C. G. H. 1721. S r.m Sw. g«
'/.Ofia luccrum Jac. torn-leaved )£ iAJ or 1| Pk C. G. H. 1731. S r.m J a c i c - -
S r.m Jac i c 335
\Lvf** flncmonif{)hum Jac. Anemonr-lvd tf Ol or l i j n . a u Pk C. G. H.
17067 eaucalift.iium Jac. Caucalis-leavedtf OJ pr • f mr.s Pk V. G. H. 18i*2. S r.m Jac. i c
17068 multicaule Jac. matiy-Rtalkei* £ O' pr * jnau Pa.V C. G. H. 1802. S r.m J a c i c
Mou'aiA.—Petals 2, distinct at base, abruptly reftexed in the middle; stamens S, nearly equal, in a long
\l%®«**Tiro\iumSivt. Asarum-leaved A'SJ|Sf ^ d ^ ^ ^ J a P C. G. H. 1821. R i p Sw.ger.S06
WOdipetalum/fertf. two-peTalcd A IAJ 2 ft P a " P C ' G ' H * 1795< R L * » * • « « • «
T5™£3 sl*''-1Pclals
* tt' **» • « « • much larger than the rest, emarginatcat end, striated with colored
. ** 5** " *'««"«•: •tew/lO, ascending, spreading at end, hairy at base; 7 fertile, of which the 3
Mr a t o r S r ' 'A<? 3 * * * * «*»<««#. subulate! of equal length: stemshrubby: / * ™ r *»«&
t eft*™
long-stemmed JLi_jpr 1 J»™« w i 5&sffA
Hve.flngered tt.,_Jor 1 mr.jl Pa. Y C. G. H. 1793. £ r.m Bot mag. 547
myjl Pk C. G. H. ... C r.m Jac. ic. 3.533
blistered tt. (_J pr 1 iny.jl Pk C. G. H. ... C r.m Jac. ic. 3.530
rely 5, the two upper with long claws largest, two lower much smaller: stamens
„ J, jointed in middle, connate ; 7 fertile, of which the two lower are loose; the
(ate, of equal length.
square-stalked tt. i_J el 2 Pk C. G. H. 1774. C r.i
XIII variegated tt.i_Jel 2 Pk C. G. H. 1774. C ri
— Petals 5, unequal, the two upper approximating j stamens 10, unequal, 7 fertile,
3 sterile, subulate.
J, the two upper shorter and narrower ; stamens short, erect, the two lowest
A ..-•II . „•! *U . .J.._. .L_.AL.. «_.&..

Sorrel-leaved a. i lor 3 my.s Pk C. G. 171L C r.m Bot. mag. 103

climbing tt | 3 Pk C G. H. 1800. C r.m
Pk C. G. H. 1800. C r.m
17080 K 0 Pp t a , l u n > ^ r * . narrow-petaled tt. LJ or lft jn.jl S C. G. H. 1800. C r.m
•«°u leptopetalum Swt. slendcr-petaled p tt. LJ or 2 jn.jl R C G. H. 1800. C r.m And. gcr ic.
17ftai w e W l u i n stcnoiietalum Andr.
lum Andr. i
iSSut hvbrid 2 my.s Li C. G. H. 1732. C r.m Sw.ger.63
17083 «2X 2 iny.s Br C. G. H. 1800. C r.m Jac. ec. 1.95
biitik-colored t L ^ J o r 2 my.s Pa.R C. G. H. 1812. C r.m Jac. ec. 1.97
17084 JS Mallow-leaved tt, i_j or 2 C. G.. H. 1800.
2 my.a
my.s C. . C r.m And. ger. ic.
crenated tt.v_jor 2 S C. G. H. 1800. C r.m And. ger. ic.
2 au W C. G. H. 1800. C r.m And. ger. ic
2 ap.d S C. G. H. 1710. C r.m Cav. dis. 4.98. 2
twA/te-marginedtL LJ or 2 ap.d S C r.m
4S!^ u m
*"'• «arlet * uJ or 3 ap.d S C G. H. 1710. C r.m
17088 F o S s t a l l i n u m *«*• crystalline
3 ap.d S C G . H . 1710. C r.m
* L_J or 2 ap.d S C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. ger. 226
17089 | I £?T wnn Swt. purple • LJ or 3 ap.d P C. G. H. 1810. C r.m Sw. ger. 3.226.6
17090 hS in . ans AU- dy<&-flowered tt. U or 2 my.s S C. G. H. 1714. C r.m Cav. dis. 4.10A '2
17091A mJoJn^§ tBr uwmn Au m Artt, hetcrogamous tt. LJ or 22
1786.C r m Her. ger. 18
1784. C r.m Sw. ger. 13
' monstrous ».i_Jor
ii. ISOPETALOI'DEA. — Petals similar in size.
17 '•• ALCHEUILLOI'DEA. — Stems herbaceous ; leaves cordate, palmately lobed ; petals small.
l 7 u S S ? l oirumW.
TV. scentla
scentless JU tAI
pr ft my.o Pa.P N. HolL 1796. C r.m W. h. b. L,34
! o m f ™tum .7<, . heaped W N. HolL ... C r.m Sw.ger.68
17094 S s t r k l e Swt- n ° t o f TV. .\ | or my.o Pk C. G. H. 1724. S r.m Cav. dis. 4.103.1
170«)5 2S°8 ratiMin»um Ait. swectest-sctd tt., my.o Va C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. gcr. 172
1709R J?O88U'*?" TV. fragrant Nutmeg tt. x_J or Pk C. G. H. 1731. S r.m Cav. dis. 4.119.2
17097 f' larioWes Ait. Gooseberry-Ik tt. il or 2 Pk C. G. H. 1783. S r.m Jac. c. 4.22.3
niZL an . ce I» Ait. two-edged L.Ainr | Pa.Y C. G. H. 1775. S r.m Her. ger. 9
a J S * ™ * * ^ * AU. tabular Atehemilla-likeJ ft myo
my.o PkPk CC G G. HH. 1693
1693. CC rr.m
m Cav
W«enecuAdestf«tf. Senecio-like iQJcu ,„ W C. G. H. 1775. S_ r.m Her. ger. 11
17101 ii. ATHAitfANTiioi'DEA. — Stems suffrnticosc : leaves pinnate ; lobes multifid.
lium Jac. Southernw.-lvd tt. u_J or 3 iny.jl It C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Jac. sc.2.136
cut-leaued tt. | |or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Bot. rep. 67
Merit, rlnc-lcaved «. i_J or 3 myjl P C. G. H. I7(W. C r.m Her. gcr. 12
ripartitum Swt. triRd-lcavcd n. i |or 3 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1794. C r,m Sw.ger. 115
•pinosum W. thorny tt. LJ or 3 my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Patters. 67
ITI A*- GIBBOBIJM.—Stem* suffruticose-fleshy ; leaves tripinnate or pinnate, fleshy .• petals yellowish brown.
*7106 gibbosum IV. gibbous «. uJ fra 1} my.jl G.V C. G. H. 1712. C r.m Sw. ger. 61
** TRI'UTIA.—Nearly stcmless ; roots fasciculately-tuberous ; Ivs decompoundly laciniate; pet. yellowh flowish brown*
J71O7 Hkvum Ail. yellow Carrot-lod A iAI ""a ft jl.s Y.Br C. G. H. 1724. -„ R r.m Jac. ic. 3.5i>2
-c. ic.
J71O8 nimendulifolium Surf. Dropwort-lvd A iAI cu ft " "- C.
{ my.o G.Br " "G. H." 1812.
""'* R* r.m-—Bot.
«-*--•mag. 1641
{7l()9 petiucllktum Swt. pcdicellcd A lAJ cu 1[ my.o G.Br C. G. H. 1822. R r.m Sw. gcr. 250
j^llO tristc Ait. sad night-smelling^ LAI fra 11 my.o G.Br C. G. H. 1632. K x.m Cav.dis. 4.107.1
{4IU schizopctalumSin/, cut-petaled A i A l c l 11 jnjn i.or C.
Y.Br u 17. n. IOZL.
G. H. 1821. Rtt r.m
r.m Sw.
sw. eer.232
get. Xi
lobktumW. lobed Cow-Parsnep-lvd&iASvu 1 Y.Br C. G. H. 1710. R r.m Sw.ger.51
willefoliatum Swt. Milfoil-leaved A i A l c u « «— Y.Br C. ~. G.
w. H.
... ... R r.m Sw.ecr.2.3
17114 tenttu!»o?™A;^:/S/tT,* *\ort and *™«»{«'A'*A'/ ; leaves cut or toothed ; petals scarlet or bloody.
C. G. H. ...
C. G. H. 172JL C r.m Cav. dis. 4.116.2
't igncscena Swt. flery tt. |_J or lft nir.jn S hybrid?
ery tt. uJ or 1ft mr.jn S 1812. C r.m Sw.ger.2.55
hybrid? 1812.
TJI , J"' ?lcol'?k"A- — Stems tuffruticose ; leaves lobed, hairy ; petals with a broad purple spot in the middle
quinqucvdlncrum IV. five-wounded tt. uJ or 1J my.o D.P C G. H. 17U0. C r.m Bot rep. 114
*71l8btcolor,4tf. two-colored tt^ujor P.w 1778. R r.m Bot mag. 201
vh n \i c ——'•— "-uiw r.w 1 no. 11 r.m uoi.inag.wi
,„ • U>BTU-SINA. Y®e™*£*hy,
late, svffrutkosc;
---«. acute leaves oblong
j roots tuiterously or more; often
fasciculate stamenscordate, a rarely
7 or 6, little cut;
5. stipules lancco-
J7119 pfillcns&o/. paic
pale AiAlpr f m r j l Pa.Y C. G. H. ... R r.m Sw.ger. 148
17120 pulch£llum B. M. neat neat A lAJ pr f W C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot. mag. 524
J7121 pictum Pers. painted A tAJ pr ft W . R C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 160
17122 echinatum B M.
'l93 crassicafile Herd. pnckly.«to/fa»i
thick-stalked AA iAIS! pr W . B C. G. H. ....
i»r 1| 178.\ R» -r.m- » Bot.
-»— mag.
- - 309
: 1
" —" J S. Africa 1786. S r.m Sw. ger. 192
2 macuritum Swt. ^ spotted •» , A
—) o r fi W « • « H.
1786. C r.m Sw.|er.2 192 6
1 7 l o -} primulmum
«....u... Swt.
««*. Primrose-/7u«rf tt. i_j or P C r.m Bot.i
iJjl&cortuar/d/M/wi'Herit. Cortusa-lvd tt.i_Jor 2 j l . a u V C. G. H.
!;>*6 renlfiSnne A 3f. kidney-shaped tt.|_jor 2 year Pk Africa
P C. G. H. r.m Bot mag. 493
•"'• p»»auipbLIA. — Stems shrubby, fleshy ; leaves peltate or t w ^ u c , v-mmu,jicsrw • run
171271.»* • of pedicel; stipules le,j4obcd, fleshy i' nectariferous tube length
' *»pes Herit. Bide-Btalked Iuy-lvd*. LJ or 2 jn au Pa.P C G II 1787 C r.m Her. ger. 24

S zonUum Swt. zoned tt. uJ or 2 my.n Pa.P C. G. H. 1787. C r.m

3 roseum Swt. rose-colored tt. i I or 2 myn R C. G. H. 1787. C r.m
4 albo-marginatumZtec. white-raarg.n. i _ | or 2 my.n Pa.R C. G. H. 1787. C r.m And. ger. ic.
17128 peltatum Ait. peltated tt. LJ or 2 P C. G. H. 1701. C r.m Bot. mag. 20
2 variegatum Andr. variegated *-uJor 2 P C. G. H. 1701. C r.m And. ger. ic.
iii. PLATVPE'TALA. — Two upper petals broader and shorter, and very obtuse.
17129 ovale Herit. ova\-leaved tt.|_Jor 1$ my.jl p C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 28
17130 llegans W. elegant tt. ^J or 3 mr.Jn W . R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Bot. rep. 28
2 minus Surf. araalleryJtud tt. | |or 3 W . R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. ger. 3. 232
3 majus Swt. \arger-flowered tt. L_J or 3 W . R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. ger. 1.36.6
iv. ANISOPB'TALA. — Two upper petals longer and broader j stems shrubby.
u GLAUCESCE'NTIA. — Leaves smooth or nearly so, more or less glaucous.
* Petals white, upper ones most often lined or spotted with red.
17131 glaficura Herit. glaucous-leaved*. uJ uJoror 3 W . R C.G.
* " H. 1775. C r.m Sw. ger. 235
" """•"
17132 diversifohum | | or C. G. H. 1794. C r.m
17133 3iversiK>lium diflerent-leavedtt.
cuspidatum W.Whl. sharp-pointed tt. iuJ |oror 3 W . R C. G. H. C r.m
17134 Bororium IV..., -i
sister _J — | |.—
tt. or 3 jn au W R C r.m
17Lift laeviglttum W. smooth tcrn.-lvdn. |_J or 3 apjl W!R c. G!"H. r.m Cav. dis. 4.121»1
1713t) grandiflorum W. great-flowered tt. i | or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1794. r.m Sw.ger.29
17137 variegatum W. variegated-JhtM/tt. i_J or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1812. r.m Cav.dis.4.118.3
3 apjl W.R
** Petals red or violet, upper ones striped with purple. r.m Jac. ic. 3.541
17138 patulum Jac. spreading tt-i_Jor 3 apjl C. G. H. 1821. r.m Jac. ic. 539
171.19 saniculssfblium W. Sanicle-leaved n. i _ | el 3 PR C. G. H. 1806. J
17140 fijscatum Jac. clouded tt. i_J el 3 ap.jl P.R C. G. H. 1812. C r.m Jac. ic. 3.540
ii. LINEA^TA. — Flowers white, seldom red ; two upper petals intensely lined with red ; leaves ovate, cordate, or
rcntform, toothed, or undivided.
17141 penicillatum W. pencilled tt. uJ el 3 W . R C. G. H. 1794. C r.m r.m Bot.
W. h. b. 1.32
mag. 148
17142 Aetblinum AH. Kirch-leaved tt. i_J el 3 W . R C. G. H. 1759. C r.m Sw. ger. 215
17143 formosissimum Pers. handsomest tt. ( |el 2 W . R C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. ger. 3.215.6
2 linettum Swt. lineate-flowered*. \ I or 2 my.jl W . R C. G. H. 1794.
m. TOMENTOSA.—Petals white, narrow; leaves cordate, soft, tomentose ; stipules spreading.
17144 tomenttaum Jac. woolly CL^Jor 3 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C r.m Bot mag. 518
17145 rito'fulium.Jac. Currant-leaved tt. i_J or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1798. C r.m Jac. ic. a 538
iv. PAPILIO.VAY'EA. — Leaves cordate, flat, toothed i lower petals linear, upper ones lined with purple.
17146 papilionaceum Ait. butterfly tt. LJ or 3 ap.jl P.w C. G. H. 1724. C r.m Sw.ger. 27
17147 cordatum Ait. heart-leaved tt. i_J or 3 mr.jl P.w C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Bot. mag. 165
17148 rubrocfnctum Lk. red-edged tt. \_J or 3 mr.jl P.w C. G. H. 1774. C r.m
17149 conduplicatum W. doublcd-heart-lvdn. i_J or 3 mr.jl P.w ...... 1774. C r.m
v. TuvrvRASCEfSTiA.—Leaves cordate or cuneate, toothed, undivided, or sublobatej lobes obtuse s flowers
purplish ; lower petals oblong or obovate.
* Leaves undivided, cucuUate,from No. 17156. lobed,flat.
17150 cucullatum Ait. hooded-leaved tt. i I or 3 mr. I C. G. H. J690. C r.m Cav.dis.4.106.1
2 striatiflorum Swt. stnatcd-flwd tt. | | or mrjl C. G. H. 1810. C r.m
3 majus Swt. greater Royal Geo. tt. \ | or I C. G. H. 1812. C r.m
4 grandiflbrum Swt. great-flowered tt. | | or 4 mr. C. G. H. 1818. C r.m
5parviflorum Swt. small-flowered ft. i lor mr., C. G. H. 1818. C r.m
17151 specibsum W. specious .\ | or ap.i C. G. H. 1794. C r.m
17152 cochleatum W. cochleate-frtf ML i lor mr.jl C r.m
17153 acenfblium Herit. Maple-leaved tt.i lor 3 p c.P G!"H. 1784. C r.m Her. ger. 21
17154 angulbsum Ait. angulosc t t . u j o r 3 jl.s C. G. H. 1724. C r.m Cav.dis.4.112.2
17155 Barringtfcn* W. Barrington's tt. i_Jor 3 mrjl C G. H. C r.m
17156 Watsfcnti Lk. Watson's tt.LJor mrjl C r.m Sw.ger. ISO
17157 adulterinum Herit. counterfeit
17158 8 semitrilobum
i l b Jac.J
tt. |_J or
h l d i || or
h l three-lobedtt.
ap.jn c. G!"H. 1785. C r.m Sw.ger.22
apjl C. G. H. 1724. C r.m Jac. sc. 2.139
17159 vitifoliinn Ait. Vine-leaved tt. L_J or C r.m Cav.dis.4.111.2
171K0 capitatum Ait. CA\nt&teRose-sctdtL i_J or C. G. H. 1690. S CG. H. r.m And. ger. c. ic.
17161 rubens W. red-flowered «. i I or 3 my.jl jl rm
C r.m
vi. CM'SPA. — Leaves lobed, lobes at top acutely toothed.
17162 obtusifblium Ait. blunt-leaved
l t l d tt. t t J 3 P ._ C r.m Sw.ger.8
17163 tricuspidatum Herit. three-pointed tt. i f or 3 W.p C. G. H. 1780. C r.m Her. ger. 30
17164 scabrum Ait. rough wcdge-lvdo. i_J or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1775. C r.m Jac. ic. 3.542
17165 hermann//o/ittmJac. Hermann ia-lvdtt. \_J or 3 ap.jn Pk C. G. H. ... C r.m Jac. ic. 3.545
17166crispum AU. curl-leaved n. i lor 3 jl.n P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 32,33
17167 exstipulatum
p Ait. exstipulate
. tt. | | or 3 Vi C. G. H. 1779. C r.m Her. ger. 35
171S8 pustulbsum Swt. pimply tt. i_J or 3 C. G. H. 1820. C r.m Sw.ger. 11
17169 p&llidum IV. pa)c-jfowcred tt. |_J or 3 Pk ... C r.m
17170 tcrnatum Jac. ternatc tt. ^_J or 3 Pk C. G. H. 182a C r.m Sw.ger. 165
vii. RA'DULA. — Leaves beyond the middle parted ; lobes toothed, pmnntifld r flowers purplish or pale.
17171 guercifbhum Ait. Oak-leavcd tt i_J or 3 P C. G. H.
2 bipinnatlfidum Suit, bipinnatifid * j_J or 4 P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 14
17172 graveolens Ait. strong.rosc-sctd tt. i_J or 3 mr.jl P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 15
2 variegatum Swt. variegated-/vrf tt. LJ or 3 mr.jl P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 17
Geranium capitatum var. Andr. ... C rm And..ger.ic.
17173 glutinosum Ait. glutinous tt. tt. c_J i_Jor or 3 my.jn
my.jn Pk.w C. G. H. 1777. C r.m Bot. mag. 143
17174 nigrlscens Swt. nigrescent ft L J or 4 my.jn P C. G. H. 1777. C r.m
17175 hlspidum W. hispid
p tt. i lor myjl P C. G. H. 1790. C r.m Cav.dis.4.110.1
17170 radula Ait. rasp-leaved tt. L J or mrjl j P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Bot. mag. 95
17177 balbameum Jac. balsamic tt. LJL J or jl.s Pk C. G. H. 1790. C r.m Jac. ic. 3. £43
17178 aspcrum IV. rough multifid tt tt.J^J or jl.8 Pk C. C. H. 1795. C r.m Roth abh. 10
17179 denticufttum Jac. tooth-leaved tt. L_J or jnjl Pk C. G. H. 1789. C r.m Sw. ger. 109
17180 delphinifthum W. Larkspur-lvd tt. tt J|_J or apjl Pk C r.m
XIV. DU'BIA. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
17181 dlscipes Haw. disk-stalked tt. i leu 5 Africa 1808. r.m
17182 spbrium W. spurious tt. |_J or 2 apjl V c c r.m
17183 gratum IV. grateful Citron-satdn. \ | or 2 Pk.vy c r.m
- nr.thum IV. spurious tt. i_j or 2 apjl Pk c r.m
{7185consanguineum W. kindred tt. i lor 2 Pk c rm
w lde
K!5 ; «» «I*. v
Wildenow's tt. i lor 2 W.vy C. G. H. c r.m
17187 unicol&rum W. one-colored tt. i I or 2 C C.G.H. c r.m
17188 almfdlium W Aidor IOBVMI 2 ap.jl Pk.vy c r.m
17189 amplinhnum W. iargSt 2 ap.jl P c r.m

17190 imbricatum Swt. imbricated . *L i_J or 3 Li.p C.G. H. 1806. C r.m Sw. ger. 1.65
17191 Aeracle#/i/iuwSwtCow.Parsnep-lvdjg \_J or 1 my.s Gy C. G. H. 1H00. C r.m Sw. ger. 3.211
17192 pulverulentum Sivt. powdery £ i | or 1 my.s Gy.bdC. G. H. 1822. C r.m Sw. ger. 3.218
17193 pcdiccllktum Swt. pedicelled £ i_J or 1 my.s Gy.bdC. G. H. 1822. C r.m Sw. ger. a 250
171*44 curdufolium Swt. Thistle-leaved n. LJ or 3 my.s Li. C.G. H. 1816. C r.m Sw. ger. 1.15
17195 rugosum Swt. wrinkly tL |_J or 3 my.s C. G. H. 1800 C r.m And. ger. ic.
17196 BeaufortiVrNtf/n Swt Beaufort's tL i_J or 3 Li C. G. H. ..* C r.m Sw. ger. 2.158
17197 principissse Swt. princess's «. LJ or 3 my.n Dk.PC. G. H. 1820. C Sw. ger. 2.139
1719H citriodurum Hurt. Citron-sccnted tL LJ or 3 W C. G. H. 1800. C r.m And. ger. ic.
1719*) uniflorum Dec. one-flowered tL\ | or 3 ... C. G. H. 1800. C r.m
17200 viscosfssimum Swt. clammiest «-i_J or 3 rayjl Li.W C. G. H. 1820. C r.m Sw. ger. 2.118
17201 itatcntissimum Wnl. most spreading tL i | or 3 Li.w C. G. H. 1890. C r.m Wen. c. ic.
17202 acugnaticum Cartn. Acunna tL | | or 3 ... Tris.d'Ac.l8ia C r.m
17203 quinquelobum Col. five-lobed tL |_J or 3 my.s R C.G. H. 1820. C r.m CoL h. rip. S3

Garden Varieties.
1 abrotanifulium Sw. ger. 351 79 Daveydnum Sw. ger. 32 157 mod6stum Sw. ger MA
2 accroides Sw. ger. 242 80 Denmsidnum Sw. ger. 20 158 Mostyn* Sw. ger. 10
3 acidum Sw. ger. 261 81 dentatum And. ger. ic 159 multiflbrum Sw.ger. 396
4 acutiSobum Sty. ger. 184 82 deuendens Sw. ger. 195 160 multinervo Sw. ger. 17
5 e'mulum Sw. ger. 160 83 diftorme Sw. ger. 105 161 Murraydnum Sw. ger. 164
6 affluens Sw. ger. 194 84 dilatatum Sw. ger. 378 162 mutabile Sw. ger. 213
7 albinbtuin Sw. ger. 359 85 dimacriaeflbrum Sw.eer.220 163 nanum Sw. ger. 102
8 Allta/i Sw. ger. 229 86 diss&tum Sw. ger. 247 164 Nai rnii Sw. ger. 372
9 amoe^num Sw. ger. 121 87 diveruilobum Sw. ger. 361 165 nervbsum Sw. ger. 47
10 anthriscifbhum Sw. ger. 233 88 Dobrcednum Sw. ger. 253 166 Newshamtdnuin Sw. ger. 144
11 ardens Sw. ger. 45 89 dumbsum Sw. ger. 19 167 notatura Stu. ger. 208
12 ardescens Sw. ger. 831 90 elatum Sw. ger. J)6 168 nummularifulium Bot. rep. 123
13 argiitum Sw. ger. 344 91 electum Sw. ger. 23K 169 oblatum Stu. ger. 35
14 armatum Sw. ger. 214 92 eiegans (I.) Sw.ger. 132 170 obovatum Sw. ger. 367
15 asperifolium Sw. ger. 169 93 Regans (11.) Sw.eer. SOS 171 obschrum Sw. ger. 89
16 atrofuscum Sw. ger. 82 94eiegans (VIII.) Sw.eer.222 172 obtusifolium Sw. ger. 25
17 atropurpiireum Sw. ger. 152 95 ercctum Sw. ger. 187 173 optabile Sw ger. 63
18 atrosanguineum Sw. ger. 151 <M erioca&lon Sw. ger. 357 174 opulifblium Sw. ger. 53
19 aurantiacum Sw. ger. 198 97 eriophyllum Sw. ger. 1H 175 ornatum Sw. ger. 39
20 AvToiuilnum Sw. ger. 364 98 cnoslpalum Sw. ger. 371 176 Palkii Sw. ger. 224
21 hailcyanum Sw. ger. 87 99 eximium Sw. ger. 26. 177 pannifblium Sw. ger. 9
22 Bakeridnutn Sw. ger. 240 100 exomatum Sw. ger. 381 178 pdrticeps Sw. ger. 49
423 Barclaydnum Sw. ger. 304 101 exp&nsum Sw. not figured 179 patens Sw. ger. 125
24 BamardiVi/iuwi Sw. ger. 127 102 Fairlu? Sw. ger. 178 180 paucidentatum Sw. ger. 186
25 basilicum Sw ger. 360 103 flaccidum Sw. ger. 337 181 pavonlnum Sw. ger. 40
26 Beadbnto Sw. ger. 191 104 flexubsum Sw. ger. 180 182 pectinitblium Sw. ger. 66
27 Beaufort*?! TiMm Sw. ger. 138 105 floccoflum Sw. ger. 129 183 pcdunculatum Sw. ger. 346
28 bellulum Sw. ger. 60 11)6 flundum Sw. ger. 41 184 phocniccum Sw. ger. 207
29 Bcntinckianum Sw. ger. 350 107 folibsum Sw. ger. 310 185 pinguifblium Sw. ger. 52
30 biflbrum Sw. ger. 287 108 Folsjamboe Sw. ger. 312 186 planifblium Sw. ger. 219
31 biparfitum Sw. ger. 143 109 formbsum Sw. ger. 120 187 platanifblium Sw. ger. 326
32 Blandfordianwn Sw. ger. 101 110 Francisii Sw.ger.349 188 platypltalon Sw. ger. 116
33 blAndum Sw. ger. 4 111 fulgens (XIII. i.) Sw. ger. 339 189 Potter* Sw. ger. 147
34 Boy'lca Sw. ger. 50 112 fuscatum Sw. ger. 210 190 Pfmcednum Sw. ger. 386
35 Breesinnum Sw. ger. 64 113 glabnfblium (ac.) Sw. ger. 363 191 principissas Sw. ger. 139
36 Brightiunum Sw. ger. 227 lH/jlauciifoliuni Sw.eer. 179 192 psiloph^Uum Sw. ger. 356
37 Broughtonte Sw. ger. 181 115 GowiniSw.ger.333 193 pubescens And. ger. ic.
38 Bruwn/i Sw. ger. 146 116 grandidcntatum Sw. ger. 217 194 pulclierrimura Sw.eer. 134
39 Aryonifblium Sw. ger. 320 117 grandiflbrum (VIII. ii.) 195 pulchrum Sw. ger. 107
40 BurnelJanittu Sw. ger. 369 118 Grenvillianitm And ger. 196 pulverulentum Sw. ger. 218
41 cnloce'phatan Sw. ger. 201 119 Gurneycinum Sw. ger. 393 197 purum Sw. ger. 334
42 calycinum Sw. ger.81 120 Hammerslta? Sw. ger. 225 193 />yrethnfolium Sw. ger. 153
43 campyhaeflurum Sw. ger. 251 121 Harwoiid/Ve Sw. ger. 383 199 quadntibrum Sw. ger. 321
44 campyloftepalim Sw.eer.379 122/icdysarifbliumd.) Sw.ger. 355 200 ramigerum Sw. ger. 3T>2
45 candidum Sw. ger. 128 123 Y\o*rc<rfthrwn Sw. ger. 133 201 ramulbsum Sw. ger. 177
46 cardiifolium Sw. ger. 15 124 HozTcunum Sw. ger. 80 202 rccurvatuin Sw. ger. 223
47 carnescens Sw.eer.388 V25 Hhrnci Sw. ger. 324 203 rccurvifblium Sw.eer.343
48 cartilaRincum Sw.eer.382 12(5 Husseyrinttwi Sw. ger. 92 204 rfegiuin Sw. ger. 368
49 caryophyll&ccum Sw. ger. 347 Vil imbricatum Sw. ger. 63 205 reticulatum Sw ger. 143
50 ccrinum Sw. ger. 176 128 imperialc Sw. ger. 365 206 llichidnum Sw. ger. 370
51 chserophyllum Sw. ger. 257 129 incanlscens Sw. ger. 203 207 rigescens Sw.ger. 112
52 Charlwoodii Sw. ger. 380 130'incarnatum Sw. ger. 308 208 ringens Sw. ger. 256
53 chelidomfblium Sw. ger. 341 131 incurvum Sw. ger. 249 209 Robinbbni Sw. ger. 150
54 chenopodifblium Sw.ger. 328 132 inscription Sw. ger. 193 210 rotundilobum Sw. ger.'932
55 chrysanthemifulium Sw. ger. 124 133 insigmtum Sw. ger. 300 211 rubescens Sw ger. 30
56 Clinton*? Sw. ger. 392 134 intertextum Sw. ger. 135 212 rugbsum And. ger. ic.
57 darum Sw. ger. 366 135 involucratum maximum Do. 33 213 Hussel/dnwn Sw. ger. 385
58 coarctatum Sw. ger. 70 136 Jenkins?.n/ Sw. ger. 154 214 sacpeflbrens Sw ger. 58
59 ColvilbVlntim Sw. ger. 260 137 jonqulllinum, Sw. ger. 241 215 salcbrbsum Sw.. ger. 309
60 Colvillii Sw. ger. 86 138 Ktngti Sw. ger. 248 816 SaundersM Sw.ger. 205
61 Colvillii (I.) Sw.ger. 260 139 labyrinthicum (I.) Sw. ger. 276 217 Scarborovitf- Sw. ger. 117
62 Comptbnue Sw. ger. 122 140 Lamberts Sw. ger. 104 218 scintlllans Sw. ger. S8
63 comptum Sw. ger. 955 141 lanccolatum And. ger. ic 219 scitulum Sw.ger. 3£H)
64 concavum Sw. ger. 237 112 lasiocafilon Sw. ger. 364 220 Sc6tWi Sw. ger. 264
65 concinnum Sio. ger. 108 143 latifblium Sw. ger. 335 221 scutatum Sw.ger. 95
66 conclafisum Sw. ger. 305 144 latitbhum (VIII. ii.) 222 Belcitum Sw.eer. 190
67 cdncolor Sw. ger. 140 145 latllobum Sw ger. 236 223 sclenifblium Sw. ger.\S9
68 congestum Sw. ger. 325 146 laxiflbrum Sw ger. 216 224 scrratifbliuin Sw. ger. 221
69 cor6scans Sw. ger. 173 147 Lcghkt?ck<ff Sw. ger. 377 2'25 Seymours Sw. ger. 37
70 Coamitinum Sw. ger. 189 148 lepidum Sw. ger. 156 226 sisymbiifulium(1.) Sw.ger. .JJS
71 crenaflbrum Sw. not figured 149 lineatum Sw. ger. 116 227 Smithidntfmdl.) Sw.ger. ,358
72 crenatum (XIII. i.) Sw.ger. 345. 150 Lousadidnum Sw. ger. 44 228SmithiiSw. gcF. 110
73 crenatum And. ger. ic, 151 lbteum Bot. rep. 328 239 fmyrniifblium Sw. not figured
74 crenulatum Sw ger. 162 152 macranthon Sw. ger. 83 • 230 solJibilo Sw. ger. 24
75 crispum Sw. ger. J83 153 magnistipulatum Sw.ger. 313 231 SouthcotiYifitrm Sw. ger. PAS
76 crithmifblium Sw.ger. 354 154 Mattocks/a/iuwi Sw. ger. 234 232 sppctabile Sw. ger. 136
77 cruentura Sw.ger. 170 155 mclisrinum Sw. ger. 5
78 cuneiflorum Sw. ger. 330 156 mixtum Sw. ger. 71 233 sphsrocephalon Sw. ger. 317
234 qihondyliifMiinn Sw.gcr. 24G
T 2

235 Spinii Sw. ger. 362 245 torrefactum Su>. ger. 243 254 vcrbcnsfblium Sw.ger. 149
236 Stapletbnt Sw. ger. 212 246 tyrianthinum Sw. ger. 183 255 verccundum Sw. ger. 316
237 Stowartit Sw. ger. 353 247 Vanri&oe Sw. ger. 7 256 vcrsicolor Sw. ger. 78
238 striatum Sw. ger. 1 248 varium Sw. ger. 1G6 257 vesperfinum Sw. ger. 239
239 suffusum Sw. ger. ic. in. 249 veniferum Sw. ger. 322 258 villosum Sw. ger. 100
240 sulphbreum Sw. ger. 163 250 vcniflbrum Sw. ger. 258 259 villosum (VIII. ii.) Sw. notfigd.
241 Synnbti (XI.) Sw.ger. 342 251 venosum Sw. ger. 209 260 viscosissimum Sw.ger. 118
242 tanacctifblium Sw.ger.336 252 ventistum Sw. ger. 167 261 WclluTinum Sw. ger. 175
243 Th$nne<r Sw. ger. 74 253 vcrbasciflbrum Sw. ger. 157 262 Youngii Sw. ger. 131
244 TibbitBtffUfKi Sw. ger. 158



1930. AITO*NL4 L. fil. AITONIA. {IV. Alton, head-gardener, royal gardens, Kew.) MeMceee. 1.
17204 capensia L.JU. Cape tt. i_J or 2 ap.s Fk C. G. H. 1777. G r.m Bot mag. 178
19*31. COMESPE'RMA Lab. COMESPERMA. (Kome, hair, sperma, seed.) Polygalece. 2. —10.
17205 tfricina Dec. Heath-like il i_J or 3 P N. HoU. 1822. C s.p 1
17206 cordifblia Cun, heart-leaved * LJ or 3 P N. HoU. 1822. C s.p.l



* 1932. GERAWIUM Hcrit. CRANE'S BILL. (Geranos, crane; capsule like head and beak) Geranihcece. 58.-66.
I. UNIFLORA. — Perennial: peduncles one-flowered.
17207 sibiricum L. Siberian 3fc A P* 1 jnjl W Siberia 1758. D s.l Jac. vin. 1.19
17208 sanguineum L. bloody 3r A P' 1 jn.s Bd Britain rocks. D s.l .
2 villosissimum Dec. hairiest 3 ^ o r } jn.s Bd Europe ... D co
17209 lancastnense With. Lancaster -* A P' I jn.s St Britain ... . D 6.1 Cav.dis/4.76.3
prostKltum Lk. sanguincum /3 prostratuin Dec.
17210 multifidum D. Don multifid H LAJ or 1 jn.n R C.G.H. 1817. C 8.1 Sw.ger.3.245
II. BIPLORA.—Perennial i peduncles two-flowered.
17211 incanum L. hoary multifid CTG.H. 1701. S r.m Cav. dis. 4.82.2
17212 canlscens Herit. canesccnt C. G. H. 1787. S r.m Her. ger. 38
17213 argentcum L. silvcry-leaved S. Europe 1699. D s.l Sw.ger.59
17214 cin&reum Cav. grey Pyrenees ... D s.l Her. ger. 37
vkrium Herit.
17215 ancmonefulium Herit. Anemone-lvd 3 R Madeira 1788. C r.m Sw.ger.244
17216 macrorftizum L. long-rooted 1| my.jn P Italy 1576. D s.l BoL mag. 2420
17217 tubcrbsum L. tuberous-rooted^ 1 Pk Italy 1596. D r.m Sw.ger. 155
17218 gymnocaCilon Dec. naked-atemmed; 1 jn.s B Iberia 1814. D 8.1
17219 ibericum Cav. Iberian I H jn.s B Levant 1802. D s.l Sw.ger.84'
17220 nodbsum L. knotty Z 1 my.o P • England moun. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 1091
17221 angulatum Cur. angular-stalked i 1 myjn P 1789. D 8.1 Bot mag. 203
17222 Wallichfanum Swt. Walhch's R Nepal 1819. D s.l Sw.ger. 90
17223 Vlassovianum Fis. Vlassov's 1 St Crimea ' 1821. D s.1 Sw. ger. 228
17224 striatum L. channelled 1 my.o St Italy 1629. Bot mag. 55
17225 rcfl^xum L. rcfLeXrflowered '• 1} my.jn R Italy 1758. D a.l Cav. dis. 4. 81.1
17226 phae'um Lam. dusky Bk England m.thi. D
D s.l Eng. bot 322
17287 fuscum L. brown Br S. Europe 1759. 1) co
17228 lividum Herit. livid-flowered P Switzerl. 1775. I) s.l Her. ger. 39
17229 enostemon Fis. woolly-stmnd B Siberia 1822. D co Sw. ger. 197
2 pallidum Swt. pale Pa.B Nepal 1822. D s.l Sw. ger. 197.6
17230 Aatrachioides Cav. Batrachium-lk B Europe 1817. D 8.1 Cav. dis. 4. 85.1
17231 Lambert* Swt. Lambert's R Nepal 1824. D s.l Sw. ger. 338
17232 sylvalicum L. wood B Britain m. thi. D B.1 Eng. bot 121
17233 pratense /,. meadow Crottfoot-lvdl B Britain D B.1 Eng. bot 404
2 flurc Mho white-flowered C W Britain gard. D co
3 flure varicgato vanegated-flwdj U my. 11 Str Britain gard. D co
4 datiricum Daurian | Ijmyjl B Dauria 1818. D co
5 flore plcno douhlc-flwd 5 2 my.ll B Scotland moun. D co
17234 longipes Dec. long-stalked ] 1 my.jl Li 1823. D co
LondOsi'i Lk.
17235 maculatum L. spotted f P N. Amer. 1732. D s.l Cav. dis. 4.8a 2
17236 coinnum Bieb. hill 1 P Siberia 1815. D coj
17237 palustre L. marsh 2 P Germany 1732. D B.1 Sw. ger. 3
17238 flconitifulium Herit. Aconite-leaved < li my.jn W SwitzerL 1775. D 8.1 Her. ger. 40
17239 dahbricum Dec. Dahurian 1 my.jn P Dahuria 1820. D co
17240 caeruleum Pat. blue jn.s B Dahuria 1824. D s.l
17241 altaicum Hort. Altaian Pa.R Altaia 1818. D co
17242 pildsum Forst. pilose $ P N. Zeal. 1821. D co Sw. ger. 119
17243 parviflbrum W. en. small-flowered S my.jn P V. D. L. 1816. D co
17244 ncpalensc Swt. Nepal A R Nepal 1818. D co Sw. ger. 12
17245 cristatum Stcv. crested lijn.s R Iberia 1820. D B.1 Soc. mos. 4.5
albanum Bieb.
17246 pyrenaicum L. Pyrenean P Britain me. pa. S 8.1 Eng. bot 405
17247 nemorbsum Ten. grove jn.s P Italy 1821. S co
„__ pyrenaicum y nemorbsum Dec
17248 umbrbsum Kit. shaded I A pr 1 jn.s P Hungary 1804. S co W. & K. 2.144
III. A'NNVA. — Annual; peduncles two-flowered.
17249 molle L.
17250 pusillum L.
17251 rotundiftliura £. round-leaved O w 3n.]l Pk
England S co Eng. bot. 157
17252 pallens Bieb. pale O un ijl
Pa.R Iberia 1820. S co
17253 columblnum L. dove Britain S co Eng. bot 259
17254 dissectum L.
17255 carolinianum L.
O un j ijn.jl
Britain S co Eng. bot. 753
N. Amer. 1725. S co Cav.dis.4.84.1
17256 Villbsum Ten. villous
O un | P W.vy Italy 1820. S co
17257 bohemicum L. Bohemian Bohemia 1683. S co Cav.dis.4.81.2
17258 divaricatum Ehrh. straddling O un { _P Hungary 1799. co W.&K.2. 123
17259 Ukcidum L. shining O un 1 Pk Britain S S co Eng. bot. 75
17260 RobcrtiAnum L. fferft-RobertO w Britain S co Eng. bot 1486
17261 purpbreum Vtt. purple O w 1 ap.o R Switzerl. 1819. S co ViLdel.3.40
17262 inodurum Ph. scentless O pr 1 ap.o R N. Amer.?1800. S co
17263 Briceanuw* Swt. | Miss Brice's O pr t ap.o Pa.R Bristol rocks. S co Sw.ger.icln.
O pr
1 ap.o
1933. PHILOTHE^CA Bud. PHILOTHBCA, {Psilos (err. philos),W
smooth, theke, sheath j tube of stain.) Buthc. 1.
17264 australis Bud. southern si l_J or 2 ap W tf. HolL 1824. C p.1 11.21
Eriostemum salsoloides Sm.
1934. CHEIROSTETMON K'SfB. CHEIROSTBMOW. {Cheir, hand, stemon, stamen.) BmMee*.}.
17265 platanoldes # . $ • £ . Platanus-like £ • or 30 N.Spain 1820. C 8.1 H.&B.1.44
1935. HUGCPNIA L. HUGONIA. {Dr. A. J. Hugo, Hanover, friend of Haller's.) Chlenacea aff\ne. 2 . - 3 .
17266 ntfstax L. mustachio » D o r 10 jn.jl Y Ceylon 1818. C s.l R.mal.!2.29
17267 serrate Lam. serrated I Q o r 8 Y Mauritius 1824. C 8.1 Cav. dia.3.73.1
1936. OMPH ALO BIUM Gae. OMPHALOBIUM. (Omphalos, a navel, labos, a pod.) Connarfaae. 2. —12
17268indicum Gae. Indian *Qor 8 ... Pa.R Ceylon ... C p.l Bur.zey.89
Ahus RxdceHjhvel Mil. Connarus asiaticus W.
17269africanumDec. African «D<» 8 — Pa.R Guinea 1822. C p.1 Cav.dis.7.221
Connarus africanus Lam.
1937. CONN A^RUS L. CONWARUS. (The Greek name given to this kind of tree.) Connarhcece. 3 . - 7 .
17270panicufttus Box. panicled, i Q o r 8 ... W Chittagongl824. C p.l
17271 nitidus Box. shining MO or 8 ... W Silhet 1824. C p.1
17272pubescens Dec. pubescent i Q o r 6 ... W Guiana 1822. C p.1 Aub. gui. 1.187
*1938 BRO'WNEJ Jac. BROWNEA. {Patrick Browne, M.D. auth.of hist, of Jam.) Legum. Cafs. Geoff 3 . - 5 .
17273 coccinea Jac. scarlet sH O spl 6 S W. Indies 1793. C r.l Jac. am. 121
17274rfcsaPers. roseate * Q o r 8 S Trinidad 1820. C s.1 1771.8,9
17275latifolia Jac. broad-leaved i Q o r 6 ... S Trinidad 1824. C 8.1 Jac. fr. 16
1939. PA'RK/i* R. Br. NITTA TREB. (Mungo Park, the celeb. African traveller) Legumin. Mimbsea. 2.
17276 biglobbsa B. Br. biglobular I O esc 30 mr.ap Ve Guinea 1822, S r.m Beau.ow.2LS0
Jiiga biglobusa W.
17277 uniglobosa G. Don uniglobular
4 • esc 30 mr.ap Ve SL Leone 182a S r.m
•194a HO VEi< R.Br. HOVEA. {A. P. Hove, a Polish botanist.) Leg. Pap. Lbtea? GenUteaf. 11.
17278 longifblia B. Br. long-leaved H tor 3 jn.s P N. S.W. 1805. S s.p Bot.reg.614
17279 linearis B. Br. Wneax-leaved 3 mr.jl P N. S. W. 1796. S s.p Bot.reg.463
Poiretta linearis Sm.
17280 rosmarinifolia Curt. Rosemary-lvd 11 lor S mr.jl P N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
17281 lanceolata B. M. spear-leaved l ^ J o r 3 mr.jl P N.Holl. 1805. C s.p Bot mag. 1624
17282 eilfptica Dec. elliptic-leaved 3 mr.jl P N. HolL 1817. C s.p
17283 latifulia Lod. broad-leaved l [ |or 3 mr.jl P N. HolL 1820. C s.p Bot cab. 30
172S4 purpurea Swt. purple ti for 3 mr.jl P N. Holl. 1820. C s.p Sw. au. 13
17285 Celsi »onp. Celfl's ti lor 4 mr.jl B N.Holl. 1818. C s.p Bot.reg.280
17286 mucron&ta Cun. mucronate ti lor 4 mr.jl B N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
17287 pannosa Can. l J 3 mr.jl P N. HolL 1824. C s.p
17288 ianigera Lo. C. wool-bearing 3 mr.jl P N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
19*1. PLATYLO^BIUM Sm. FLAT PEA. (Platys, broad, lobos, pod.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.GenU.4.—5.
17289 formbsum 5m. beautiful * LJ or 4 O N. S. W. 1790. S s.p Bot. mag. 469
17290 parviflbrum Sm. small-flowered m |_J or 4 my.s O N. S. W. 1792. S s.p Bot. mag. 1520
17291 ovatum Andr. ovate M i_J or 4 jn.s O N. HolL 1825. 8 s.p
17292 triangulare B. Br. triangular-fed « i _ J o r 4 jn.s O V. D.L. 1805. S s.p Bot. mag. 1508
1942. PLATYCHrLUM Delau. PLATYCHILUM. (Platys,broad,cheilos,lip; corolla.) Leg.Pap.Lot.GenU. L
17293 CelsWnum Her. am. Cete's § » u j o t t 3 J t l ... Y N. HolL 1820. C s i p Her. am. 187
Gompholobium Cehianum Hort
1943. BOSSIiZTil Ven. BOSSI^A. (Af. Boissieu-Lamartiniere, accomp. La Perouse.) Leg.Pap.LbU Genii. 14.
I. APIIY'LLE. — Stems flat, leafless.
17294 Scolopfodrium Sm. Plank-plant * i _ J o r 10 my.Ji Y N. S. W. 1792. C 8.1.P Bot rep. 191
17295'enskta Sieb. sword H LJ or 6 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.Lp Sw. au.
VS96riiSkB.Br. xufoui.Jlowered*\_Jor 6 jn.s O N.Holl. 1803. C s.Lp
II. Foub&JB. —Stems flat, leafy.
17297 /inophflla B. Br. Flax-leaved * |_J or 3 jl.s O N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2491
17298 heterophflla Ven. various-leaved * i_J or 3 my.d Y N. S. W. 1792. C a.l.p Bot mag. 1144
17299 rotundifblia Dee. round-leaved * i_J or 3 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
17300 rhombifbha Sieb. rhomb-leaved • |_J or 1 my.jn Y N. HolL 1820. C s.l.pSw. au.9
17301 cordifblia Swt. III. TERETICAI/LUE.— Stems round, leafy.
heart-leaved i_J or 1 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p Sw. au. 20
17302 microph^lla Sm. small-leaved |_J or 3 Y N. S.W. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 656
17303 /cnticulans Sieb. Jjcnt\\-leaved i_J or 3 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.l.p Bot cab. 1238
17304 cinerea B. Br. grey sharp-lvd i_J or 3 my.jl Y V. D. L. 1802. C s.l.p Bot reg. 306
17305 prostrata B. Br. prostrate |_J or |JLi Y N. S.W. 1803. C s.l.p Bot mag. 1493
17306 folibsa Cun. leafyy . i l o r 4 my.jn Y N.Holl. 1824. S s.Lp
17307 ftuxifblia Cun. B l
Box-leaved SU i_J J or 4 my.jn Y
N.Holl. 1824 S s.Lp
1944. GOCDLfR.Br. GOODIA. {Peter Good, a collector of plants for Kew gardens.) Leg.Pap.Lbt 6 n k a
17308 ZotifbliaSfl/. Lotus-leaved j L _ J o r 3 ap.H Y V.D.L. 1793. S s.p W mac 958
17309 pubescens Sims pubescent s » L j o r 3 ap.jl Y V.D.L. 1805. S s.p Bt S'1310
17310 polysperma D<rc. many-seeded « i _ J o r 2 apjl Y V.D.L. 1790. C s.p A
Cftisus tomentbsui Andr.; in the gardens, under the name of Go6dia totifblia, frequently.
A iJ

• 1945. SCOTTJi< R.Br. SCOTHA. {Robert Scott, M.D., prof, bot, Dublin.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis.
17311 dentate R. Br. tooth-lcaved * l _ J o r S jn.8 R.u N. HolL 1803. C s.p
1946. T E M P L E T O W J * R.Br. TEMPLBTONIA. (J. Templeton, excellent' Irish bot.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis.
g 8.
17312 retusa R. Br. retuae-leaved * uJ or 2 mr.jn K N.Holl.
N. Holl. 1803.
1803. C s.p Bot. mag
s.p Bot. mag 232334
17313 glauca B. M. glaucous • LJ or 2 R NN Holl
Holl. 1818
1818. C sp Bot.
C s.p Bot reg.
reg 859
1947. RA'FN/i4 Thun. RAFNXA. (C. G. Rafn, Copenhagen a bot author.) Leg. Pap. Lit. Genis. 5.—14.
17314 elliptica Thun. elliptic tt. t_J or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1
17315 cuncifblia Thun. wedge-leaved tt. i_j or 2 jn.jl Y.p C. G. H. 1816. C s.l
17316 triflbra Thun. three-flowered £ O] or 3 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1786. S s.l Bot mag. 482
BorbbnsTz cordata B. Rep.
17317 lancea Dec. lance-leaved tt. LJ or 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1823. C s.l Th. h. 1800.4
17316 opposita Thun. opposite tt. LJ or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1824. C 6.1
Crotalaria opposite L. <
1948. VASCOM Dec. VASCOA. (Fascode Gama, a celeb. Portug. circumnav.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 2.
17319 amplexicafilis Dec. stem-clasping at t - j or 4 Y C. G. H. 1816. € p.l
Uafn/Vi ainplexicaulis Thun. Crotalaria amplexicaulis L.
17320 perfoliata Dec. perfoliatc * i_J or 4 Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Seba 1. 24.5
Borbbnirt perfoliata Thun. Crotalaria amplexicaulis Lam.
* 19*9. BORBO*NJ/I L. BORDOVIA. (Gastonde Bourbon, son of Hen. IV., France.) Leg.Pap.Lbt. Genis. S.-13.
17*21 barbate Lam. bearded ^ 111 |.| or
. . 4.
. . ,, c. G. H. 1823. S p.l
17322 irincrvia L. three-nerved 111| | or 6 C. G. H. 1759. S p.l Pluk. al. 297.4
17323 lanceolate L. lance-leaved 11 | or 5 jl C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Jacsc. 2.217
17324 undulate Thun. wave-leaved \\ | or 4 C. G. H. 1812. C p.l
17325 cordata L. heart-leaved L j or 6 jl.s C. G. H. 1759. S p.l Jacsc.2.218
17326 crenato L. notch-leaved i lor 6 Y C. G. H. 1774. S p.l Bot. mag. 274
17327 ciliata W. ciliated LJor 3 Y C. G. H. 1816. S p.l H.pfl.8r62.2
17328 ruscifblia B. M. Ruscus-Ieaved L j o r 3 jl Y C. G. H. 1790. S p.l Bot mag. 2128
1950. HA'LLIA Thun. HALLIA. (Berger Martin Hall, pupil of Linnaeus.) Leg.Pap. Lbt. Genis. 5 . - 7 .
17329 alata Thun. winged j£ |Q) un P C. G. H. 1818. S l.p
17330 flaccida Thun. flaccid jg O ] u n 1} au.s P C. G. H. 1789. S l.p
17331 cordata Thun. heart-leaved jf. lAJun 2 au P C. G. H. 1787. S l.p Jac.sa3.296
17332 asarina Thun. Asarum-like ig ifDI un I jLau P C. G. H. 1810. " "1.D
1733S imbricate Thun. imbricated tt.i l o r II au P C. G. H. 1812. 8.1 Bot mag. 1850

1951. HEYLA'ND/il Dec. HEVLANDIA. (M.Heuland, artist emp. by DecandoUe.) Leg.Pap.LbLGenls. 2.-3.
17334 leiocarpa Dec. smooth-podded JU (Z3 un 1 Y 1820. S p.l Pluk. aL 454.8
17335 hebecarpa Dec. hairy-podded JU E2 un 1 Y Ceylon 1820. S p.l
Hallia monopliy*lla Desv.
* 1952. CROTALARIA L. CROTALARIA. (Krotalon, a Castanet; seeds rattling.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gents.8A.—140.
I. DECURRE'NTI£.— Leaves simple ; stipules decurrent; racemes terminal or opposite the leaves ; stems herba-
ceous; corolla yellow, smaller than calyx, oi nearly equal.
17336 alata Jfcm. winged P I or 1 Pa.Y Nepal 1818. S co
17337 stipularia Desv. /arge-stipuled i m o r 1 Y Cayenne 1823. S co
17338 nlatycarpa IM. broad-podded Olun 1 jl Y N. Amer. 1823. S co
17339 Purbhfj Dec. Pursh's 1 jn.jl Y N. Amcr. 1800. S co Pluk. al. 277. 2
lffivigata Ph.
17340 parviflora Roth small-flowered O un 2 au.s Y R Indies 1817. S co
17.341 sagittklis L. arrow Oun 1 jnjl Y America 1731. S co Pluk. al. 169.6
17342 bialata Schrank two-winged O o r 1 jnjl Y 1820. 8 co
17343 ovklis Ph. oval Olor 1 Y Carolina 1810. S co
17344 rubigindsa W. rusty ED un i jl O R Indies 1807. S co
II. ADBCURRE'NTUE.—Leaves simple J stipules not decurrent, often nones racemes terminal or opposite the lean
flowers variable.
17345 verucosa L. waited O o r 1 B W. Indies 1731. S r.m Bot reg. 1137
cerulea Jac.
2 acuminata Dec. acuminate Oor 1 B E. Indies 1731. S p.l Bot rep. 208
17346 semperflbrens Fen. ever-blowing • • u n 3 mr.s Y R Indies 1816. C p.l Ven.celsl7
17347 retusa L. retuie-leaved rm un 1 jnjl Y.p E. Indies 1731. S l Bot reg. 253
17348 spect&bilis Roth showy rm or 1} P . E. Indies 1820. S co
17349 pulcherrima Rox. very neat Y Mysore 1814. C co Bot mag. 2027
17350 benghalensis Lam. Bengal O un Y E. Indies 1806. S 8.1 Pluk. al. 169.5
17351 jtincea L. rush-stalked El un 1 Jnjl Y E. Indies 1700. S p.l Bot rep. 422
17352 tenuifolia Rox. fine-leaved tt.r~lor 2 jnjl Y E. Indies 1816. S p.1 Bot reg. 982
17353 fenestrata B. M. vrindow-calyxed O un 2 jnjl Y E. Indies 1815. S p.l Bot. mag. 1933
17354 sericea Retz. silky [Q] un Hjnjl Y E. Indies 1807.
17355 Burmanni Dec. Burxnann's ED or 1 Y E. Indies 1800. co Bur. in. 48.1
sericea Brm.
17356 hirsute W. hairy O or Y R Indies 1818. CO
17357 paniculate W. panicled H • or Jnjl Y Java 1820. 8.1
chinensis Lam. not L.
17358 pulchra Andr. fair tt. O un 2 mr.myY E. Indies 1800. pi Bot rep. 601
17359 Bertcriiina Dec. Berter's tt. O or 2 my.jl Y W. Indies 1818. 8.1
17360 Nova; Hollandiaj Dec. NewHolland j£ ES or 2 my.jl N. Holl. 182a B.1
17361 paulina Schrank St. Paul's 2 au.s Brazil 1823. CO Sen. mo. 88
17362 bifaria L. two-rowed rmor 3 R Indies 1817. CO
17363 diflftsa Lk. diffuse rmun i jnjl CO
17364 biflora L. two-flowered rm un E. Indies 1790. p.l Bur. In. 48.2
laucous rmor Guinea 1824.
17365 glauca JV.
17366 pumila Schrank
17367 tetraguna Andr.
S warf Jcrm
square-stalked j£ O un 2 o.n
or 1816.
E. Indies 1806.
S.1 Bot rep. 593
17368 /inifulia L. Flax-leaved tt.^or Nepal 1820. CO
17369 pelllta Bert. furred tt-Oor Jamaica 1820. CO
17370 acuminate Dec. acuminate .Qjor CG.H. 1820. CO
17371 thebkica Dec. Theban tt-i_Jor 2 my.jl Egypt 1818. C B.1 Del. e g . 37.1
III. AxiixARiFLbRJE. — Leaves simple : stipules not decurrenf or none; flower Pfd"nc*fate.or *««& axillary..
17372 procumbent Af. * S. procumbent JUESJor 1 my.jl Y Mexico 1J23.
S s.l
17373tuberosa Ham. tuberous A O o r ljnjl P Nepal 1821.
» S* - «

IV. ANTHYLLorDBS. — Leaves simple; stipules not decurrent or none s flowers lateral and terminal i calyx
five-parted, very hispid, with two wing-formed lobes.
17374 anthylloldes Lam. Anthyilis-like •"•'or 4 au.s Y E. Indies 1789. s.1
17375 calycma Schrank large-calyxcd O o r 1 Jn jl B E.Indies 1816. s.l Sch. mo.!
17376 nepalensis Lk. Nepal O un 1 jnjl B Nepal 1823. CO
17377 Roxburgi<frta Dec. Roxburgh's n. • or 2 jn.jl Y EL Indies 1820. s.1
stricta Rox. anthylloldcs D. Don
17378 chinensis L. Chinese n. • or 2 jnjl Y China 1818. 8.1
17379 prostrata Rtl. prostrate JiOuu \ jl Y E. Indies 1804. CO
17380 hlrta W. en. hairy O un \\ Y E. Indies 1816. p.1
V. TRIFOUAVS. — Leaves trifoliate; racemes terminal or opposite the leaves; stipules broad, lenfy.
17381 arborcscens Lam. arborescent • i_J un 6 jn.o Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Jac. vin. 3.64
incanlsccns L. _
17382 tdrgidA Her. am. turgid • • o r 3 Y 1820. C 8.1
i. OPPOSITJEFOYIJB.—Leaves trifoliate ; racemes opposite the leaves s stipules setaceous or none.
17383 taburnifclia L. Laburnum-lvd £ Ol un 5 jl.s Y E. Indies 1739. S co R. mal. 9. 27
173S4 pdndula Bert. pendulous tt • or 5 jl.s Y Jamaica 1820. C
17J85 anagyroidcs Hum. Anagyris-like • I 1'or 6 jl.s Y Trinidad 1823. C 8.1
17386 Br6wnea Bert. Browne's •! lor 4 Y Jamaica 1816. C 8.1
17387 br.cteata Rox. torge-bracted • • or 4 Y E. Indies 1820. C 8.1
17388cytiscrtdes Box. Cytisus-like •! lor 3 Y E. Indies 1826. C 8.1
17389 cajanifoWa. Hum. Cajan-Hke • • or G jl.s Y S. Amer. 1824. C 8.1
17390 folitoa TV. leafy • • or 3 }n.jl Y E. Indies 1818. C s.1
17391 orixensis W. en. Onxa O un 1* Y E. Indies 1816. S p.1
17392 virgata Box. twiggy • • or 3 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1816. C 8.1
17393 cubensis Dec. Cuba O or 1 Y Cuba 1820. S 8.1
hirta Lag.
17394 purpurascens Lam. purpurascent rm or 1 P Madagasc.1824. S 8.1
17395 p&mila Or. dwarf nmor Jjnjl Y Cuba 182a S 8.1
17396 incana L. hoary roi un 2 jnjl G.Y W. Indies 1714. S 8p Bot reg. 377
17397 nrtcans Lk glittering tTBlun 2 Pa.Y 1820. S co
17398 curtata Lk. short-keeled m i un 1 Y S CO
17J9D viteirma Ker yolk-like I lun ? TO* X Brazil" 18*19. C co Bot reg. 417
17400 senegalcnsis Bac. Senegal nm or jnjl Senegal 1819. S s.l
17401 villosa Thun. villous 231 or jnjl C. G. H. 1824. S 8.1
17402 modicaginea Lam. Mcdicago-like jnjl E. Indies 1816. S 8.1 K. cur. 4.1803.5
Trifoliastrum W. rmor
17403 purpCirea Ven. cfarft-purple • i_J un 4 P C.G.H. 1790. Bot reg. 128
17404 microphyila Vahl small-leaved Jc [QJ or } Y Arabia 1820. 8.1
17405 micrantha Lk. small-flowered O un 1 Ceylon 1823. CO
17406 pillida H. K. pale-flowered O un 2 jnjl Pa.Y Africa 1775. B.D
17407 arg£ntea Jac. silvery «-i_Jor 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1823. 8.1 Jac. sc. 2.220
17408 pulchclla Andr. neat • L _ j u n 3 jLau Y C. G. H. 1800. P.; Bot. mag 1699
17409 SaXUuna B. Rep. Salt's • • un 3 jnjl Y Abyssinia 1810. p.i Bot. rep. 648
17410 angustiftlia Jac. narrow-leaved • i_J un 1J my.s Pa.Y C. 6 . H. 1815. B.D Jac. BC. 2.219
17411 obscCira Dec. obscure U-uJor 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1820. 8.1
ii. AXILLA^RES. — Leaves trifoliate ; flowers axillary.
17412 /otifolia L. Lotus-leaved * Q u n 3 jn.jl Y.o Jamaica 1732. Di.el.102. 121
17413 axillaris H. K. axil-flowered O un 1} Y Guinea 1781.
17414 triantha A/. $ & three-flowered O or 2 jnjl Y Mexico 1824. FL mex. ic. in.
VI. QUINQUEFOYIA. — Leaves 5-foliate.
17415 quinquef51ia Z#. five-leaved O un 1 jnjl Y E. Indies 1792. C s.p R. mal. 9.28
VI I. D(JNBLE. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
17416 angulata Mil. angular O or 1 jnjl Y S. Amer. 1700. co
17417 frutiebsa MO. shrubby • • or 2 jnjl Y Jamaica 1716. CO
17418 Langsd6rft* Fis. Langsdorf's O or 1 jnjl Y 1820. CO
17419 fulva Box. tawny O o r 1 jnjl Y R Indies 1817. S CO

1953. HYPOCALY'PTUS Thun. HYPOCALYPTUB. {H under, kalypto, to veil.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Gents. 1.
17420 obcordatus Thun. obcordate • LJ or U j P C.G. H. 1823. Cfs-p
Crotalaria cordifolia L.
1954. VIBCTRGIA Spr. VIBOEGIA. {Eric Viborgt an acute Danish botanist) Leg. Pap. Lbt Genis. 2. — &
17421 sertcea Thun. silky • |_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1780. C l.p
17422 obcordata Thun. obcordate • L J O T 2 Y C. G. H. 1810. S l.p Bot cab. 509
Crotalaria floribfinda Lod. obcordata Berg.
1955. LODDIGETSL1 B.M. LODDICESIA. {Conrad Loddiges, nurseryman, Hackney.) Leg.Pap. Lbt. Genis. 1.
17423oxalidifblia B. M. Oxalis-leaved tt. LJ pr \\ my.s Pa.P C. G. H. 1802. C p.l Bot.mag.965
1956. LEBE'CK/ii Thun. LEBECKIA. {Lebeck, an obscure botanist.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 6.—1L
I. SIMPLICIFOLIJS. — Leaves simple.
17424 subnftda Dec. sub-naked «L I_J or \\ Y C. G. H. 1824. C p.l
17425 contaminata Dec. contaminated • i | or 5 Br C. G. H. 1787. S p.1
17426 sepiaria Thun. hedge • i_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.1 Pluk. al. 424.1
II. TRIFOLIA*T2E. — Leaves trifoliate.
17427 subternkta Lk. subternate • i_J or 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1824. S co
17428 scrlcea Thun. silky • i_J or 2 ap Y C. G. H. 1774. S p.l
17429 cytisoldes Thun. CyUsus-like 1 j o r 3 ap Pk C. G. H. 1774. S p.1 Com. b.2.107
1957. DICHPLUS Dec. DICHILUS. (Dis. twice, cheilos, lip: calyx.) r Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 1.
17450 Lebeckiolde* Dec. Lebeckia-like i|_Jor 2f Wv C. G. H. 1826. C p.s Dec. leg. & 35
1958. SARCOPHY'LLUM Thun. SARCOPHVLLUM. {Sarx, flesh, phyllon, leaf) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 1.
17431 carn&sum Th. Heshy-Jointed-lvd • uJ cu 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C s.1 Bot mag. 2502
195a J I S P A ' L A T H U S L. ASPALATHUB. (A, priv., spao, to extract; thorns.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 31.—86.
I. FABCICUIAVE. — Flowers subsessile ; leaves in fascicles.
17432 spinbsaZ. spiny m\_\ot Y C. G. H. 1824. C p.1
17433 capitata L. capitate • LJ or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. C p.1 PhX l 6
17434 astroUcs L. starry • LJ or 2 Y C. G. H. 18ia C p.1 p. Sebale
17435 Chen6poda L. Gooscfoot • LJ pr 3 Y C. G. H. 1750. "" C p.1 Brey.c II
T 4

17436 albena Thun. whitish 4 W C. G. H. 1774. C p.1

17437 hfstrix L. porcupine 2 jlau Y CG. H. 1824. C p.1 620.1
17438 tfiymifolia L. Thyme-leaved 2 Y CO, H. 1825. C p.1 413.1
17439 mcifolia i. Heath-leaved 2 Y C. G. H. 1789. C p.1 Pluk. m. 413.6
17440 hfspida 7%iin. hispid 2 Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.1
17441 asparagoides L. Asparagus-Ik 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.1
17442 multiflura Thun. many-flowered i_J 2 Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.1
174+3 uniflora X. single-flowered LJpr 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.1 Pluk. m. 414. 7
17444 carntaa Z,. fleshy-leaved Ljpr 3 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. C p.1 Bot mag. 1289
17445 crassifdha A Rep. thick-leaved j
Ljp 2 Y C. G. H. 1800. C p.l Bot.rep.353
17446 affinis 7%i*». kindred Ljpr 3 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1822. C tp
17447 genistoides L. l_Jor
Genista-like * L - J o r 2 Y
C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
17448 squarrbsa 7%«». squarrose 2 Y C. G. H. 182a C p.l
17449 lalio'iriea /fertf. 2 jlau Y C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
Galium-likc l j C.G. H. 1789. C p.l
17450 subulata Thun. awl-leaved H jlau Y
17451 globusa J7. /te/». 3 jnjl O C. G. H. 1802. S p.1 Bot. rep. 510
globular C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
17452 /aricina Dec. Lurch-leaved lor 2 Y
17453 aranebsa L. Ljpr ~ njl Y £. C. G. H. 1795. S p.1 Bot mag. 829
cobweb Indies 1759. S p.1 R.mal.9.37
17454 Indica £. Indian R Y C. G. H.
17453 ciliaris L. ciliated
jlau Y C. G. H. 1799. C p.1 Bot. mag. 2233
17456 quinquefolia Z.
17457 candicans H. K.
five-leaved t|_Jor
jnjl Y C. G. H. 1816.
C p.1 4
17458' arglntea X.
Y C. G. H. 1759. C lp
silver-leaved il_Jpr 2 C p.1
II. TRIFOLIA UE.—Turners subsessile ; leaves trifoliate, scarcely fasciculate,
17459 serfcea Thun. silky sH LJ or 2 jlau Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 278.4
17460callosaL. callous m • P' 3 J l a u Y - - - 1812. c 1-P Bot mag. 2329
c G H
17461 _mucron&ta
inii>i _ v. _ L.
v mucronate *._ dk . — 3o :jnjl
— :i Y
v C.
r* G. xiH. 1796.
n. ITII/; tt i ...

17462 pedunculate Herit. /on^-peduncled 6 jLau Y C G . H. 1775. Bot mag. 344

* 1960. CPLEX L. FURZE. [Ac. a point, Celt.; leaves sharp.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 4.
17463 euroiMB^a L. , Kuropean m ag 6 f.ja Y Britain san.he. 8 co £ng.bot742
17464 nana Sm. ] dwarf m or 2 au.d Y Britain dry he. S co Eng. bot.743
17465 hibernica G. Don i Irish sH or 6 au.d Y Ireland ... S co
17466 provincialis Loi. Provence m or 4 Y S. Europe 1823. S co Loi. no. 6.2
1961. STAUROCA'NTHUS Lk. STAUROCANTHUS. (Stauros, cross, akantha, spine.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 1.
17467 aphyllus Lk. . ^.. leafless * or 3 ... Y Spain 1823. S p.1
l/*lex mltis Hort. genistoldes Brot.
1902. SPA'RTIUM L. BROOBL (Sparton. cordage: use in early ages.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 1.
17468iunceum L. Rush or Spanish* ec 6 jl.s Y & Europe 1548. S co Bot mag. 85
2fl5replfeno double-floweredA or 6 jl.s Y S. Europe 1548. S co
1963. GENI'STA L. GENISTA. (Gen, a small bush, Celt.) Leg. Pap. LbL Gents. 4 8 . - 7 6 .
I. INB'UMES. — Unarmed; leaves all or for the most part trifoliate.
17469 paryiflora Dec. small-flowered H or 3 Y S. Europe 1817. S p.l Yen. eels 87
Jto&rtium parvifldrum Ven.
17470 clavata Poir. clavate i lor 3 Y Mogadore 1812. C p.l Ven.cels!7
5partium sericeum Ven.
17471 canariensis L. Canary tl_Jfira 2 my.8 Y Canaries 1656. S s.l Bot.reg.217
17472 candicans L. whitish t or 2 apjl Y Spain 1735. C 8.1 80
17473 patens Dec. spreading k or 2 apjl Y Spam ... S s.p Cav.ic.2.176
5partium patens Cav.
17474 angulata Haji. angulate m or 3 my.jn Y Maryland 1739. C p.1
Spartiuin angulatum W.
17475 /imftlia L. Flax-leaved m | or 3 jajn Y Spain 1739. C p.1 Bot mag. 442
Sp&rtium iinifolium Desf.
17476 triquetra H. K. triangular * or 3 my.jn Y Corsica 1770. C s.p Bot. mag. 314
17477 bracteolata Lk. bracteolate i j o r 2 Y 1823. C co
17478 umbell.\ta Poir. umbelled sH |or 3 ap.jn Y
A'partium umbellatum Desf. Barbary 1799. C p.1 Desf. at 2.180
17479 radiata Sco. rayed or lj jn.jl Y Italy 1758. S s.p Bot mag. 2260
£p3rtium radiatum L.
II. Spixbaa.— Spiny ; leaves trifoliate.
17480 hdrrida Dec. horrid 1 or 3 myjl Y Pyrenees 1821. L p.1 Oil. eu. 2.239.ic
17481 luaitanica L. Portuguese * or 2 Y Portugal 1771. C co Bot. rep. 419
17482 ffcrox Poir. fierce * _ J o r ljjnjl Y Barbary 1800. C p.1 Bot.reg.368
Spartium ftrox Desf.
17483 triacanthos Brot. three-spined • or 2 myjl Y Spain ... C p.1 Brot ph. 54
i. SIMPK.ICIFOI.LS.— Spiny j leaves simple.
17484 svlvestris Sco. wood * or 2 jn.jl Y Hungary 1818. L p.1 Jac.ic.557
17485 Sc6rpius Dec. Scorpion A or 4 mr.ap Y S. Europe 1570. S p.1 Den. br. 78
5partium Sc6rpius L.
17486 hispa"nica L. Spanish • or 2 jn.jl Y Spain 1759. C co Cav. ic. 3.211
17487 itAlica Lod. Italian i or 3 jnjl Y Italy ... L i:o
17488 anglica L. English Petty Whin * or 2 my.jn Y Britain moi. he. S co Eng. bot 132
17489 germanicaZ. German i or 2 Y Germany 1773. L co
III. SiMPUCiFbMA.—Leaves simples stems unarmed.
17490 purgans L. purging As or 4 jnjl P&Y S. France 1768. S p 1 Bui her. 115
Spartium ptirgana L.
17491 cinerea Dec. cinereous 4 jnjl Y S. Europe ... S co Den. br.76
5partium cinereum Vil.
17492 vfrgaU Dec. /on^-twigged «LJ< 5 mrjn Y Madeira 1777. C p.1 Jacic. 1.147
5partium virgktum H. K.
17493 congesta Dec. clow-branched it LJ or 4 apjl Y Tenerifle ... C s.l
5p^rtium congestum W, en,
17494 sericea Wul. silky sH or 3 my.jn Y Austria 1812. S s.1 Jac. ic. 3.556
17495 humifusa L. ground-spread -* or 1 myjn Y S. France 1819. L p.1 Vil del. 3.44
17496 aphyiu Dec. leafless «• or 4 jn.jT Vi Siberia 1800. L p.1 Pal. it. ap. 99.2
mm,*~ *?*"»"«» aphfllum L. S. Europe 1690. S p.l Bot. mag. 683
H437 mono8p«rma Lam. single-seeded or 4 jn.jl W
Spanium monosi>ermum L.

17498 sphsroc£rpa Lam. round-podded A i _ J o r 4 jnjl Y S. Europe 1731. S p.l Ren. spec. 33
Spaxtium sphsrocfirpon L.
17499 atthne'nBis Dec. -ffitna A or 3 jnjl Y Sicily 1816. L p.l Bot. mag. 2674
Spartium ethnense Btv.
17500 tetragona Bes. four-angled -* or 1 Y Podalia 1822. L p.l
17501 scariusa Viv. srarious il or 6 jn.jl Y Italy 1821. L co
januensis Viv. genuensis Pers.
17502 anxantica Ten. Anxantic m or 4 jnjl Italy 1818. L 8.1 Fl. nap. 2.66
17503 tinctbria L. dyer's Green-weedm or 3 Britain dry. pa. S co Eng. bot 44
17504 sibirica L. Siberian * or 2 jnau Siberia 1785. L co Jac VIQ. 2.190
17505 polygabefblia £ w . Polygala-leaved* or 3 Spain 1820. L co
17506 ftoridaL. . flowery H or 6 Spain 1752. S co
17507 mantica Pol. Mantic m or 3 S. Europe 1816. L co Fl. ver. 2.4.2
17508 ovata Kit. ovateJeaved A or 3 Hungary 1816. C co W.&K83
17509 patula Bieb. spreading A or 3 Caucasus 1818. L co
17510 triangularis W. three-angled A or 2 myjn Y Hungary 1815. L co W.&K.153
17511 sagittalis L. anovi.jointed A or imy.jn Y Germany 1570. L co Jac. au. 3.209
17512 diffusa W. diffuse A or 3 myjn Y Italy .1816. L co Jacic 3.553
17513 procumbens Kit. procumbent JU or 1} Y Hungary 1816. L co
prostrata Lam.
17514 dec&nibens Durb. decumbent &. or J myjn Y Burgundy 1775. L p.l Bot. cab. 718
17515 pilusa L. pilose Green-weed A or 6 myjn Y England san.he. S co Eng. bot 208
17516 pilocarpa Lk. hairy-fruited m. or 4 jnjl Y ...... 182a S p.l
* 1964. CY'TISUS L. CYTISUS. (First found at Cythnus, one of the Cyclades.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 34.-44.
L ALBURNOI^DES. — Calyx campanulate ; legumen 1 or 4 seeded, not dilated at the upper suture ; flowers white ;
leaves very few ; branches unarmed. -
17517 nubigenus Lk. cloud-born • uJ or 6 myjn W Teneriffe 1779. C p.l
Spartium nublgenum/f. K.
17518 aums L£. white Portugal A or 8 my W Portugal 1752. S co
5pa>rtium multiflorum H . K . - . « . « „ .
Sincamatus Qesh-colored A or 8 my F Portugal 1818. S 8.1
II. LABU'BNUM. — Calyx campanulate; legumen many-seeded, not dilated at the upper sutures flowers yellow j
branches unarmed, leafy.
17519 Laburnum L. common Laburnum? tm 15 my.jn Y , Switzerl. 1596. S co Bot mag. 176
17520 alptnus Mil. alpine Scotch Laburn.Y tm 30 jn Y Europe 1596. S co
17521 nfgricans L. black-roofed A or 3 jnjl Y Austria 1730. S 8.1 Bot reg. 802
17522 sessilifblius L.' com. sessilc-lvd A or 6 myjn Y Italy 1629. S 8.1 Bot mag. 255
17523 triflorus Herit. three-flowered A or 4 jnjl Y Spain 1640. S 8.1
17524 patens L. spreading A or 4 jnjl Y Portugal 1752. S
Spartium patens L. not Cao.
17525 m611is IV. en, soft A or jnjl Y ...... 1818. B.1
17526 grandiflorus Dec. great-flowered A or jnjl Y Portugal 1816. CO
Spartium grandiflorum Brot.
17527 *copanus Lk. common BroomA or 6 apjl Y England com. S co Eng. bot 1339
Spartium jcoparium L. . ' • •
2£lbus white-/fou>eringA or 6 ap.Jl W England com. S co
III. CALYCC/TOME.—Calyx campanulate, subbilabiate ; legumen thickened towards the upper sutures branches
spiny ; flowjsrs yellow.
17528 spinfaus Lam. spiny Broom A or 2 jnjl Y S. Europe 1596. S p.l Lob. ic. 2.95
Spartium spinbsum L. _ . .. —^ «. . ...... „ . - , . - . .- -
17529 laniger Dec. wool-bearing * _ J o r S jn.jl Y Spain 1821. S p.l Viv. fl. lap. 17.1
Sp&rtmm spinbsum Brot. not W. Calycotomc villota Lk. Spartium villbsum Poir.
IV. TUBOCY'TISUS.--Calyx tubular, at top bilabiate; shrubs Ww
1779.white, purple, Bot.orrcg.
17530 proltferus_wL.fV.&K. white-flowered
proliferous A i l oor
A r 24 jnjl
. Pa.Y ^Hungary — 1806.
"^" ° 8.1 - 1 * "Bot
— mag.
— *«• 1438
17531 albidus
17532 Ieuc&nthus Dec. fV.f ~ white A or 4 jnjl S. Europe pi
17533 purpftreus Sco. purp\cflowercd A or 3 P Austria 1792. S.1 Bot mag. 1176
1 albiflurus white-flowered A or 2 W Austria Bl
17534 biflorus Herit. two-flowered A or 3 myjn Y Hungary 1760. 8.1 Bot reg. 308
1753.5 clongatus IV. $ K. long-branched or 4 my.jn Y Hungary 1804. S.1 W.&K.2.183
17536 multiflorus G. Don many-flowered or Y Europe 1800. 8.1
olongfctus Hort. not W. % K. -
17537 falcatus IV.S(K. Bickle-shaped A or 3 Y Hungary 1816. S 8.1 Bot cab. 520
17538 austriacus L. Austrian A or 3 jn.s Y Austria 1741. S s.l Jac. au. 1.21
17539 hirsbtus L. hairy A or 5 Y S. Europe 1739. S co Jacob.4.96
17540 ruthenicus Fis. Russian A or 3 jnjl Y Russia 1817. S co
17541 sup^inus Jac. supine -* or 1 Y S. Europe 1755. S 6.1 Jac. au. 1.20
17542 capitatus Jac. capitate A or 3 jn.jl Y Austria 1774. S s.l Bot. cab. 497
17543 cihMus Wahl. ciliated A or 3 jnjl Y Carpathia 1817. S co
17544 pol^trichus Bieb. much-haired A or 1| jn.jl Y Tauria 1818. S co
V. 'Lorroi than Dt$.cal— Tube of calyx short, obconic; upper lip biparted, lower one 3-toothed; corolla scarcely longer
•»mrA~ . y* * many-stemmed decumbent undershrubs: flowers few, subcapitate, yellow.
— y - . — L. r Bilver-tan*d A or 3 au Y France 1739. S If
17546 calycinus Bieb. largc-calyxed A or 2 au Y Tauria 1820. S co Bot cab. 673
pauciflorus IV.
dwarf or 1 Levant 1816. Den. br. 81
Tim nanui Walt.
17548 pygma^us W.
pygmy or -•JSP Galacea
VI., CHBONA NTHUB. — Upper lip of calyx bifid, lower one tiifidj lobes acute, length qftube s petals persistent j
- - ^ » x i - Loi.
Att orientalis
17549 r M p
legumen oval, much compressed, two-seeded.
49 onentahs Loi. eastern A or 3 jnjl jnjl Y Y S. Europe
S. Europe 1818. S co
VI1 —Doubtful to what section it belongs.
17550 glomeratus BoJ. - D
glomerated gor 3 Zanzibar 1826. S s.l
1965. ADENOCA'RPUS Dee. ADENOCARPUS. (Aden, gland, karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 6.
17551 hispanicus Dec. Spanish*. A or 3 jnjl Y Spain 1816. S co
Cjrtisus hispanicus Lam.
17552 intermedius Dec. intermediate A or 4 myjl Y Sicily ... S co ah. 1.91.1
Cf tisus complicatus Brot.
17553 teioii&isis Dec. Toulon A or 3 jnjl Y S. France 1800. S co
Spartium complicatum Gou. Cytisus telonensis Loi. Dub. DO. 5.47.2
17551 parvifblius Dec. small-leaved A or 4 myjl Y S. Franoc 1800 S
Spgrtium complicatura Loi. Cfilws complicatus Dec. co
17555 foliolusus Dec. small-leafy *i__|or 6 my.jn Y Canaries 1629. S co Bot.mag.42
Cytisus fohosus H. K.
17556 frankenioufc* Choi. Frankenia-like * i_J or 2 apjl Y Canaries 1815. C s.l
Genista viscbsa IV.
* 196a ONCTNIS L. REBTHARROW. (Onos, an ass, onemi, to delight j grateful to.) Leg. Pap.Lbt. Gen. St. —11L
I. EUONOVIIS— Stipules adhering to the petioles.
i. NA V I BIX. — Leaves simple or bifoliate ; flowers axillary, pedunculate, yellow.
17557 criapa L. curUeaved «. _J un 2 " Spain
*— S* p.l' Mag. mo. 17
17558 hispanica L. Spanish *. _J or l|my.s ~in 1799. C p.l Bot. mag. 2540
17539 vagmalis Vahl sheathed n. | un 2 _ rpt 1815. C co Vcn. eels 32
17560 Mtr.x Dec Goat-root n. ( un 1| my.s S. Europe 1680. S p.l Bot mag. 329
17561 pfnguis L. greasy tt. | un If jl & Europe 1739. C co
matrix fl Dec.
17562 cuspidate Desf. cuspidate H | or 1J my.s Y Algiers 1818.
17563 picta Deif. painted J£ A or 1 my.jn Y.p Barbary 1820. p.
17564 longifolia W. long-leaved a. i tor 2 Y Tenenffe 1816. p.1
17565 falcate Via. falcate a. lor i jn.jl 1| Y S. Europe ... pi Viv.lib.18.3
1756H ramosissima Desf. brancbiest n. | or Y.p Sicily 1819. 8.1 Desf. at 2.186
17567 arenaria Dec. sand n. | or Y S. France 1819. S.1
17568 biflora Desf. two-flowered O or I Y.p S. Y.p Barbary 1818. S.1
17569 visebsa L. clammy O un i jn.jl Y Europe 1759. 8.1 Bar. ic. 1239
17570 brachycarpa Dec. short-podded O or Spain 1823. S.1
17571 breviflora Dec. short-flowered O or i jn.jl Y Y S. Europe 1800. S:l
17572 sicula Cus. Sicilian O or ijn.jl Y.p S. Europe 1680.Sicily 1817. 8.1
17573 pubescens L. pubescent O un 1 CO Brot ph. 58
17574 ornithopodioides L. Bird's-foot-like O un 1 i Y Sicily 1713. CO Cav. ic. 2.192
17575 pallida Horn. pale O or I jn jl P 1820. CO

ii. NATRI'DIUM. — Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers axillary, pedunculate, purplish, rarely white.
17576 rotundifulia L. round-leaved * or 2 myjl Pk Switzerl. 1570. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 335
17577 tnbracteata Dec thrce-bractcd* 1 or 1) my.jl Pk S. Europe 1800. s.1
17578 fruticusa L. shrubby m pr 2 my.jn Pk S. France 1680. 8.1 Bot. mag. 317
17579 tridentata L. three-toothed tt. i_J or 1} P Spain 1752. Cav. ic 2.152
17580 angustlssima Lam. narrowest tt. | or I myjl Pk Spain 1825. 8.1 Bar. ic. 299
17581 cenisia L. Mount Cenis ^ A un Pk Italy 1759. CO Al.ped. 1.10.2
17582 fce'tida Schous. fetid O or * jnjl Pk Morocco 1818. S.1
17583 gemimfldra Lag. twin-flowered O or i
j P Spain 1817. CO
175H4 rcclinata L. reclinate Jk O un St S. Europe 1800. CO Bar. ic. 761
17585 Cherleri L.
17586 pcndula Desf.
O un
O or
jn.jl P
P S. Europe 1771.
S. Europe 1818. s 1. Bau. his. 2.394.2

iii. BUGRA\VA.—Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers sessile or on very short peduncles, purple, rarely white.
Desf. at. 2.191

— arborescens
17587 - - -
Desf. •
arborescent m or 2 my.jl R Barbary 182U C p.l Desf. at 2.193
17588 altissima Lam. tallest un 3 R Italy 1596. D co Jac. vin. 1.93
hirclna Jac.
17589 antiqubrum L. ancients* A un 1 jn jl P S. Europe 1790. D co Lob. ic. 28
spinftsa y glabra Dec.
17590 procurrcns Wallr. procurrent A or 1 jnjl P Europe 1820. D co
17591 rfcpens L. creeping A un 1 Pk Europe ... D co Di. el. 25. 28
arvensis Lam. nau F
17502 spinosa L. spiny un 1 J Britain ... D co Eng.bot682
arvensis E. B.
2 alba white-flowered £ A un 1 W Britain sea si. D co
17593 mitfssima L. mildest O un R Portugal 1732. S co Di. el. 24.27
mm diffusa Ten.
17595 hirte Desf.
hairy *
17596 alopccuroldes L. Foxteil-Uke
17597 monophyMla Desf. one-leaved
e O °r
or 1
O un i jLau P
. _
un 5 P

Italy 1820. S co
S Europe 1816. S co
Portugal 1696. S co Schk. han. 194
Barbary 1800. S co
17598 oligoplrflla Desf. few-leaved O or l^my.s Naples 1823. S p.l Bot mag. 2450
iv. BUGRANOIVDES. — Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers sessile or subsessile, yellow.
17599 arragonensis
Arragonese tL
M Aor
* 11|
1 vnu my.jl
11 Y
V f iSpain
liaim 1816. C r > I 1Lf<
1Q1C Mag. mo. 21
176(X) capitate Cav. capitete i Y Spain 1820. P-} Cav. ic. 2.159.2
17C01 striata Gou. striated i jn.jl Y Spain 1817. p.1
reclinate Lam.
17602 Column* W. Columna's un 1 jnjl Y S. Europe 1732. co
17603 minutissima L. smallest l ° r i jn.jl Y S. France 1818. P.1 Cav. ic. 153
barbate Cav.
17604 variegate L. variegated O un | Y Spain 1784. S co Desf. at £.185
II. LOTONOI^DEB. — Stipules scarcely or not adhering to the petioles ; leafy, as in Lbtusj but with the stamens
monadelphovs, as in the rest o/Onbms. C. G. H. 1818.
17605 parvifldra Berg. small-flowered iQJor _ijnj| co
17606 villusa T/iun. C. G. H. 1820. p.1
17607 geminata H. K. twin-flowered lAlun lJjU Pk C. G. H. 1787.
17608 umbcllata L. umbellate AJ 1 jnjl C. G. R 1816.
17«W gl^bra Thun. smooth | | or J jn.jl C. G. H. 1824.
17610 captnsis L. Cape iQtor i jn.jl
C. G. H. 1800. p.}
17611 emarginata Boj. emarginated Mauritius 1825. p-i
17612 cernua L. drooping-poddedn. \ | un 2 jl.s C.G. H. 1774. CO Com. h. 2.82
1967. REQUIETNJi* Dec. RBQUIENIA. (Af. Requien, of Avignon, a Fr. bot.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genls. 1.—SL
17613 obcordkta Dec. obeordate J L Q o r 1 Jl Y Senegal 1825. C s.p Dec. leg. 4.27
Podatf rin obcordata Lam.
* 1968. JKTHY'LLIS L. KIDNEY VETCH. {Anthos, flower, ioylos, down.") Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 19.—25.
I. DoRYCHNofDES.—Calyx scarcely inflated ; legumens l-seeded ; herbs peqpnnial; roots sMffrutescent i head*
of'flowerspedunculated, leafless; leavesjrinnate.
17614 Gerirds L. Gerard's ^t A or i )n*au W Provence 1806. S co Ger. gal. 18
17615 onobrychitides Cav. St. Foix-like ^ A or J jnjl Y Spain 1817. D s.1 Cav. ic.2.150
II. A8PALATHOI DE9. — Calyx scarcely inflated ; legumen 1 or 2 seeded ; flowers in interrupted spikes, or in the
the turner
axils of the upper leaves
leaves ;; leaves
leaves trifoliate
trifoliate or
or simple
simple;; humble
shrubs. __
17616 cytiMftdes L. vtisusdike «Li_Jor g ap.jn W Spain 1731. C p.1 Bar. ic. 1182
17617 Hermfinnw? L. (crman's « . « J o r 1J apjl Y Levant 1739. C p.1 AIp.ex.Si6

17618 Apfilathi Dec. Aspalathus-likett. | | or 1 ap.jl y C. G. H. 1824. Bot. cab. 1169

17619 tenuifolia L. fine-leaved SL \_J or 1* my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818.
III. ERINA\:RA. — Calyx after flowering evidently inflated; legumen I or 2 seeded, compressed, lanceolate
longer than calyx ; shrubs much branched, spiny, nearly leafless.
17620 erinacea L. prickly tft. |or 1 P Spain 1759. C s.p Bot mag. 676
17621 echinata Hort. hedgehog n.L_jor 1 ap.jl P? S. Europe ? ... C p.l
IV. VuL.\EKAvaiA.—Calyx ofter flowering evidently inflated; legumen 1 or 2 seeded, shorter than calyx or equals
heads of flowers bracteate ; shrubs or herbs with pinnate leaves.
JDvis L.L. Jupiter's Beard * i_J or 3 Pa. Y S. Europe 1640. C p.l Bot. mag. 1927 •
17622 Barba Jbvis
17623 heterophflla L. various-leaved a. i_J or 1 jn H " Pk & Europe 1768. C p.1
17624 montkna L. mountain ^ A or \ jn.jl P S. Europe 1759. S 8.1 Bot. cab. 578
2 alba white ^ ^ or \ jnjl W S Europe 1818. S s.1
17625 Vulneraria L. common Woundwort £ A or • i Y Britain ch.pas. S 8.1 Eng.botl04
Srubra red-flowered k A or i R Britain ch.pas. S s.1
3 albiflbra white-flowered 5 A or i W Britain ch.pas. S s.l
rtistica Mil.
17626 Dillenii Schultz Dillenius's ^ A or i R S. Europe 1816. S s.1 Di.eL320.413
Vulneraria y rubriflura Dec.
17627 polypny'lla Kit. many-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jn Y S. Europe 1816. S s.1
Vulneraria 8 polyphjrlla Dec.
17628 alptna G. Don hairy alpine 5t A or i Y Britain S s.1
V. COENICIVVA. — Calyx inflated; legumen smooth, two or many celled.
17629 tetraphflla L. four-leaved O or 1 W S. Europe 16*0." S c o Bot. mag. 108
17630 hambsa Desf. hooked O or Pa.Y Barbary 1821. S s.1
cornicina Poir.
17631 cornicina L. crow O or 1 W Spain 1759. S p.l Car. i c l . 39.
17632 /otrides L. Lotus-like O or i Jn.jl Y Spain 1739. S co Cav. i d . 40
1969. CYAMO'PSIS Hec. CYAMOPSIS. {Kyamos, bean, opsis, resemblance.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Clit. 1.
17633 psoraMdes Dec. Psoralia-like O or 1 jl au P Arabia 181& S s.1 Cav. ic. 1.59
X)61ichos psoralo'ides Lam. /abaefiSrmis Herit. Psoralea tetragon61obus L. I,up\nus trifoliatus Cav.
1970 PUERA^RIv* Dec. PUERARU. (M. M. N. Puerari, professor at Copenhagen.) Leg. Lbt. Clit. 2.
17634 tubcrtoa Dec. tuberose J.Jor 3 ... Y E. Indies 1806. D s.1
Jfedf larum tuberbsum Box.
17635 Wallichii Dec. Wallich's A. LJ or 3 ... Y Nepal 1826. C s.1 Dec. leg. 43
" 1971. DA?LEA L. DALEA. (Thomas Dale, an English botanist.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Ctitbr. 15. —35.
17636 laxiflbra Ph. loose-flowered ~ A pr 6 W Louisiana 1811. D co
Psoralea laxiflbra Poir.
17637 aurea Nut. golden [ A pr S jlau Y Louisiana 1811. D co
17638 fllopecuroldes Nut. JFo: 1 Pa.B Mississippi 1812. S co Mic. am. 2. 38
Psorilea Dalea L. pr B
17639 CliffbrtWna W.
17640 £ag6pus IV.
8, 4 o.n V
VeraCruz 1737. S co H.cL22
Mexico 1780. S co Cav. ic. 1.86
Psoralea lepor\na H. K.
17641 sericea .La* silky I BSD or V Mexico 1824. C s.p Kth. mim. 48
17642 tuberculata Lag. tuberculated D 2 P Mexico 1824. C s.p
17643 citriodora W. Citron-scented O or 1 o.n Pk N.Spain 1780. S co Cav. ic. 3.271
17H44 mutibilis W. changeable j£ iAI or ljo.n P Mexico 1818. C co Bot mag. 2486
17645 blcolor W. en. two-colored jfc C3 or 2 o.n Y.B S. Amer. 1817. C co Hook. ex. fl. 43
1764ti nutans W. nodding £ E3 or 1 Vi Mexico 1824. C s.p Fl. mcx. ic. in.
17647 reclinkta W. • rcclinate C C3 or Vi Mexico 1820. C s.p
17648 Thoulni Schrank Thouin's |QJ or 1 B 1816. S s.p Sch. mo. 9
17649 phymatbdes W. impostume-likett. i_J or li W.v Caraccas 1819. C s.p Jac.ic.3.563
17650 cnneaph^lla TV. nine-leaved I Q p r 5 Pk W.Indies 1772. S co
* 1972. GALE^GA Tou. GOAT'S RUE. (Gala, milk; increases in animals eating it.) Leg.Pap. Lbt. Clit. 5.
17651 officinalis L. officinal ^ A or 4 jn.s B Spain 1568. D co Mil. ic. 137
2 alba white-flowered Spain D co
17A12 persica Pers. Persian Persia 1826. D co Sw.. fl. gar. 244
11653 biloba Swt. two-lobed 1823. D s.p Sw.
S fl. flgar. 216
17K54 tricolor Hook. three-colored 1823. D l.p
l.p Hook. ex. fl. ic.
17655 orientalis Lam. oriental Levant 1801.
D p.l Bot mag. 2192
1973. AMO'RPHA L. BASTARD INDIGO. (Apriv., ;,form; deformity of cor.) Leg.Pap. Lbt. Clit. 8.
" frutiebsa L.
17656 shrubby II or 6 jn.jl P Carolina 1724. C s.p Bot rcg. 427
2 cmarginata emarginate-Ziuj * or 6 jn.jl P Carolina 1724. C s.p •
176")7 microph^lla Ph. small-leaved * _J fra 2 P Missouri 1811. C s.p
17658 hcrbacea Walt. herbaceous ]£ .Ai or 3 jnjl B Carolina 1803. C s.p Bot cab. 689
pub6scens W.
17659 cancscens Nut. canescent SI | or 3 jLau B Missouri 1812. C s.p
17660 nana Nut. dwarf • _ J o r B Missouri 1811. C s.p
17661 cruceo-lanata Wat. yellow-woolled a | or 5 P N. Amer. 1820. C s.p Den. br. 139
17662 Lewis* Lo. C. Lewis's A _J or 3 P N. Amer. 1820. C s.p
17t>63 gKtbra Desf. smooth SI I or 3 P N. Amer. 1810. C s.p
176641'ragrans Sat. fragrant Si or 3 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1800. C s.p Sw. fl. gar. 241
nana B. M. not of others.
1974. MU'LLER^ L. MULLERA. (O.F.Mutter, a Dane, one of editors of Flora Danlca.) Leg.Pap. Lbt. CM. 1.
17665 momliformis L. bracelet-formed* • or 20 ... Y Guiana 1792. C Lp Men sur. 35
—S'*V. ri ?H 1 '**¥*• *" "HCIDIA. (Pisds,
(nscis, fl*. ca-dot to destroy:
um, cerdo, destroy:bbark, by intoxicating.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Clit. 2.
17666 Erythrina L. red Jamaica Dogw.
D t CD tm 25 ...
... W Wm..R
R W.
W. Indies
Indies 1690.
169. C p.f Lam. am. il. 605. A
17667 carthaginensis Jac. CarthagsjBjsi J or ~or~ "30*"* ... W.R " "
~ Carthag. —" C
16S0. " p.l* P.
" ed.• -a - 133.2*
Erythrina JL K.
1976. AfAVCIA H. & B. AMICIA. (J. B. Amid, celeb, physician.) Leg. Pap. Hedy. Euhed 1 .
17668 zyg6merisJ)«r. two-jointed podded^ • or 8 ... Y Mexico 182& C s.1.
1977. POIRE^T/ilVcn. POIRETIA. {J.L. M. Poiret, editor of Encyc. Botanique.) Lee.Pav.Hed Fuh 1 <?
"669.cfindensr«i. climbing i Q or 6 mr ... Caraccas W C s 1 ^W h^
Gl^cine punctkta W. TurpJnfe punctkta Pers.

1978. ZOOlNJ^Gm. ZORNIA. (J. Zorn, apoth., at Kempten, Bavaria, bot.auth.) Leg.Pap. Bed. Euh. 7.— 1L
I. DIPHT'LLA. — Leaves bifoliate.
17670 glochidiata Rchb. spear-pointed O « u J Y Guiana 182a S p.l
17671 rcticul&ta Sm. netted O c u ^ Y W. Indies 1800. S p.l
diphy'lla /3 ciliata Pers.
17672 zcylonensis Pers. Ceylon Ocu Y Ceylon 1825. S 8.1 Bur. zey. 50.1
17673 angustifblia Mx. narrow-leaved O un 1 Pu India 1733. S p.l R. maL 9.88
17674 dictyocarpa Dec. net-capsuled O c u A ji. a u y N. HoU. 1820. S 8.1
II. TETIUPIIT'LLJ!. — Leaves i-foliated.
17675 tctraph?lla Mx. four-leaved
iour-ieaven IAJCU **
LOJCU ji #au y.y Carolir • 1824. S 8.1 Mic. am. 2.41
An6nymos bracteata Walt, ifcaysarum tetraphy"llum Lam.
17676 capcnsis Pers. Cape iAI cu J Y C.G. H. 1824. S 8.1 Th.up.6.3
l/edjrsarum tetraphyllum Thun.
1979. STYLOSA'NTHES Swx. STYLOSANTRBS. {Stylos, style, anthos,, fl.)) Leg. Pp y Euh. 6. —10.
Pap. Hedy.
17677 procOmbens Swz. procumbent * ' '— 1 )Lau Y W I d 1821. S
W.Indies S coc SL
j 110.2
S/edysarum hamatum L.
17078 erecta Bcauv. erect Y Guinea 1825. s.p Beau. ow. 2.77
17679 visc&sa Swx. clammy Y W.Indies 1818. SI. jam. 1.119.1
17680 mucronata W. mucronate Y Ceylon 1817. s.p Bur.
s.p zey. 106.2
17681 elatior Swz. taller Y America 1816. fl.p Pluk. at 447.7
hispida Mx.
17682 guianensis Swx. Guiana EQor i Y Guiana 1820. S s.p Aub. gui. 2.309
Trifolium guianense Aub.
• 198a ADE'SMI A Dee. ADESMIA.- {,{A, without, , desmos*
* a bond; stain, free.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Euhed.3,—9.
17683 muricata
it DDec. i t d
muricated JJtt iOI
O Icu 11 jn.jl
jjl Y Patagonia
P U i 17931793. SS 8.11 Jac.
J i ic.
5 65688
/fedysaruin muricatum Jac.
17684 pendula Dec. pendulous Jk .QJ cu 1 jn.jl Y B. Ayres 1825. S s.l
17685 papposa Dec. dovmy-podded -* iAI cu 1 jn jl Y Chile 1823. S B.1
jg?schyn6mcne papposa Lag. _
1981. £'BENUS L. EBENUS. (Abnous, ebony, Arabic.) Legwmnhs* Pap. Hedys. Euhedysarece. 2 . - 3 .
17686 cretica L. Cretan n-L-Jor ljjnjl Pk " Candia 1737. p.l Alp. ex. 278
jfathy'Ilis cretica Lam.
17687 Pjnnata Desf. pinnate OJ or | jl au Pk Barbary 1786. S p.l Bot mag. 1092
k W.
1982. ROTH/il Pen. ROTHIA. {A. W. Roth, of Bremen, a German botanist) Leg.Pap.Phas. 1.
17688 trifoliata Pers. trifoliate -* O cu 2 Jn Jl Sul S s.1
Gl^cine humifasa W. en. Cleume prostrata Hort.
1983. TERA'MNUS^r. {Teramnos, soft; delicate pod.) Legum. Pap. Phas. 2,
17689 volubilis Swx. twining %_ • or 10 ... II Jamaica 1824. C r. r.m
17690 uncinatus Sun. hooked — 10 ... R Jamaica 1822.
s.l P.ed.B.221
• 1984. CANAVAsLIAm Dec. CANAVALIA. {Canavali. its Malabar name.)) Legum.
e g . Pap. Phas. 4 ^ * .
Pap. Phas.
17691 obtusifolia Dec. ' obtuse-leaved J_ • or 6 E. Indies laSO. C s.l R. maL 8.43
Z)61ichos rotundifblius Vahl
2 emarginiita Dec. emarginate ) or 6 P E. Indies 1800. Jac.'sc. 2.221
17692 gladiata Dec. *word-podded )or 6 Jn.jl W.B E. Indies 1790. Jac. ic. 560
17693 ensif6rmis W. sword-formed jun 3 E. Indies 1778. Jac. ic 3.559
/>61ichus ensiformis L. P
17694 rosca W. row-colored 3 Pk Jamaica 1812. 5 s.1
/Mlichos roscus Swx.
* 19S5. ZUPPNUS Tou. LUPINE. {Lupus, a wolf; su upposed to destroy fertility of soil.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 23.-~40.
17695 albus L. white 3 W Levant 1596. S co
17696 Thermis L. Thcrmis 3 }jn.jl
_ W Egypt 1802. S co
17697 varius L. variable 3 } B.w S. Europe 1596. S co
17698 hirsiitus L. hairy 2 B S. Europe 1629. S co
17699 bracteolaris Dcsv. bracted 1} B Monte Vi. 1820. CO
17700 pilosus L. pilose 3 F S. Europe 1710. CO
17701 angustifulius L. narrow-leaved 2 B Spain 1686. CO Kno.de1.2.L.:
17702 /inifolius Roth Flax-leaved 2 B 1799. CO Roth abh. 14.5
2 Y Sicily 1596. Bot mag. 140
17703 lute us L. yellow
17704 microcarpus B. M. small-podded
17705 puslllus Ph. little
8 Hap B Chile
1 Pa.B N. Amcr.? 1817.
Bot. mag. 2413
17706 bicolor B. R. two-colored i Pa.B N. Amcr. 1826. CO Bot. rcg. 1109
17707 mcxicknus Cav. Mexican 2 f B Mexico 1819. CO Bot. rcR. 457
17708 leurophjrllug Don. whitc-lcavcd 2 s.o Pk Colombia 1826. _ CO .. Bot. re£. 1124
17709 perennis L. smooth perenn.' 2 my.Jl B N. Amcr. 165a D p.l Bot. mag. 202
17710 nootkatensia B. M. Nootka Sound 2 jnau P Nootka.So.1794. I) p.l Bot mag. 1311
17711 polyphy'llus B. R. many-leaved. 2 jn.jl B Colombia 1826. S I.p Bot rcg. 1096
17712 villusus W. villous i Pk Carolina 1787. D s.1
17713 sericcus Ph. silky 1 P N. Amer. 182t>. D s.p
17714 argenteus Ph. silvery 1 my.ju W N. Amer. 1&6. S 81
17715 arburcus B. M. tree 6 Y 1793. C 8.1 Bot mag. 682
17716 mutabilis Swt. changeable i 5 jl.s B.v Bogota 1819. C s.l Sw. fl. gar. 130
17717 multiflbrus Desv. many-flowered • 4 jl.8 B Monte VL1810. C s.1
1986. PTEROCA'RPUS L. PTEROCABPrs. {Pteron, wing, karpos, fruit.) Legum. Pap. Dalberg. 8 . - 2 2 .
T. MOUTOU'CHIA.—Stamens tnonadcl.; legmnen roundish, suberous, l-seeded, upper suture straight, not winged.
17718 draco L. dragon f • m 40 ... W W. Indies 1820. C s.1 Jac. am. 183.92
II. AMPHYMENIUM.—Stam. monadel.; Jr. suborbicular, 1 or2 seeded,girdedxpund with a tncmbranaceous wine.
17719 Rbhrii Vahl Rohr's f CJor 20 G u S 1816. C s.1 Aub. gui. 147.56
17720 marsbpium Rox. pouch $ • or 40 ... W E. Indies 1811. C s.1 Box. cor. 2.116.
17721 dalbergwridtt Roth Dalbergia-likc ± CU or 10 ... Y E. Indies 1817. C s.l
+im~> 111- SANTALA^IA. — Stamens unequally diadelphtus ; fruit suborbiculate, 2 or 3 seeded.
17722 IndicusW: Indian t • or 30 ... W E. Indies 1818. C s.1
;7723»ntalinusi. RedSaundcrs Wood* • ec 60 ... Y E. Indies 1800. C 8.1
17724 5antalintfides L. Sandal Wood-lkf O or 50 ... Y S. Leone 1793.
1817. C s.1
C t.l
17/25 scandens Poir. climbing f • or J5 ... Y Caraccus

1987. iiMERI'MNUM Br. AMERIMNUM. (A,priv.,menmna,care; supLined.quaU Leg.Pap.Dalb. 2.

17726 Browne* Swt. Browne's •QjorlO lO ... W W. Indies 1793. C r.m Jac. am. 180.58
17727 Btrigulbsum H$B. strigulose Id or 2020 ... W lruudad 1817. C r.m
1988. BRY^A Br. BRTA. {Bryo, to sprout j seeds germinate before falling.) Leg. Pap. Dalb. 2. —3.
17728 £benus
-E'benus Dec.
Dec. Jamaica Ebony* a or Y.G Jamaica 1713. C r.m Br. jam. 31.2
ilmerimnum E'benus Sun. Y.G S.Leone 1821. C r.m
17729 leonensis Lo. C. Sierra Leone *CDor 12
1989. TAMARI'NDUS L. TAMARIND TREE. {Tamarhmdy, Indian date, Arab.) Legum. Pap. Dalb. 2.
17730 indica L. Indian ± • m GO jnjl Y India 163a S r.m R. mal. 1.23
17731 occWentalisDw. western S O m 401 W W. Indies ... S r.m Jac. am. 10
1990. PHYLLO'LOBUM Fit. PIIVLLOLOBUM. {Phytom% a leaf, lobos> a pod.) Legum. PhyBol. 1..—2
17732 sanzibarlnse Boj. Zanzibar £ ES cu Zanzibar 1826. C i.i.p



1991. MONSO*N/if I* MONSONIA. {Lady Anne Monson, eminent for bot. acquirements.)
1 Geranttcea?. 6.-9.
.-««:x.. L.
r specious
•»»,:«.•<• ap.mjr 1P>
« . A I A * 1 anmir C.
r fi H. 1774.
G. H. 1774. RR r.m
r.m Bot.
Bot. inaa.
mag. 73
».my Pa.R C. G. H. ... R r.m Sw. gcr. 1.77
17734 pilo&a W.
specitaa Sw. ger. 77
pilose K
au W C.G.H. 177a It r.m Sw. ger. 199
2C61U* Colla's lAlor P.R.W C.«. G.
H. R r.m Col. h. rip 2
17735 lobata Mon. \ctoed-lcaved lAl P C. G. H. 1774. R rmSw.ger.273
17736 ovita Coy. ovate-leaved O)or au W C. G. H. 1774. R r.m Her. ger. 40
1992. SARCOCAU'LON Dec. SARCOCAULON. {Sarx, .flesh,, kaulos, stem.) Geranidceaf. 2 . - 3 .
17737 L'Heritieri Dec. L'Heritier's tt Z3 or I my.jn P C. G. H. 1790. R r.m Her. ger. 42
Monsons'a spinCisa Herit.
17738 Patcrsonii Dec. Paterson'a n. LJ or 2J my.jn ... C. G. H. 1827. R s.1 Patters. 14
17739 Burmannti Dec. Burmann's tL LJ or 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 1800. S r.m Bur. af. 31
Geranium spindsum Brm.
* 1993. HELI'CTERES L. SCREW TREE. {Helix, a screw; carpels twisted.)'' Bombhceee. 8. —18.
17740 Isbra L. Isore i i C 3 o r 12 Jnjl . Y E. Indies 1733. C p.l Bot mag. 2061
W.Indies 1739. C p.l 149
17741 baruensis L. Baru * Q o r JJ 8 O
17742/jwajBi»me(bliafl:4r-a Guazuma-lvdilQor 10 .
w Orinoco 1820. C p.l
1739. C Lp Jac. vin. 2.143
17743 jamaicensis Jac. Jamaica *CZ)or 8 jn.jl
17744 verbascifolia Herit. Mullein-leaved • • or 8
17745 ferruginata Lk. rusty ••or 8
p Jamaica
Br Brazil
Br Brazil
S Bot. reg.903
17746 lanccolata Dec. hmce-leaved * • or 6 Y E. Indies 1818. C
17747 spicata Colb. spicate * • or 6 E. Indies 1823. C p.l
1994. DOMBEPYi* Cav. DOMBEVA. {Joseph Dombey, a celebrated French bot.) Byttneridcee. 5.—10.
17748 <ilinf6lia Cav. Tilia-leaved ' t Cllor 15 ... W Bourbon 1820. "C 8.1 .3.39. 2
17749 ferruRinea Cav. ferrugineous 5 CD or 15 ... W Mauritius 1815. C 6.1 Cav.dis.3.42.2
17750 cordifrlia Dec. cordate-fcaitfa' T • or 16 ... R E. Indies 1820. C 6.1
17751 punctata Cav. dotted j D o r 16 ... "W Bourbon 1820. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 3.40.1
17752 ovata Cav. ovate 9 • or 16 ... W Bourbon 1822. C 8.1 Cav.dis.3.412
1995. MONTEZlTMitf M. & S. MONTEZUMA. (Moniexuma, a Mexican sovereign.) BombUcete. 1.
17753spcciosisshnaAf.%S.showiest I Q o r 30 ... R Mexico 1827. C
1996. ASSCTNIA Cav. ASSOMA. {Ignatius de Asso, a Spanish botanist.) Byttncrfocece. S.
17754/x>pCilnca Cav. Poplar-feaimf f CD or 10 ... W Bourbon 1820. C s.l Cav. dis. 3.42.3
17755 viburno\de8 Dec. Viburnum-like $ CD or 11 ... W Bourbon 1822.
C 8.1
1997. PENTA'PETES L. PENTAPETES. C7MCT| Ufive, pelalon. petal; flower.)
{Penie, Byttnerihcece. 2.
17756 phoenfcea L. scarlet-flowered £ C3 or 2 jLau S India 1690.' s.p Mil. ic. 201
17757 ovata Dec. ovate-leaved « . ! lor 2 jn.s S N.Spain 1805. s.p Cav. ic: 433
Brotero ovata Cav.
1998. A S T R A P ^ A Lindl. ASTRAP£A. {Astrape, lightning; splendid color of flower.) Byttnerihcece. 2.-3.
17758 Wallichii LindL Wallich's • • spl 20 rf Madagasc.1820. C sfp Bot.1mag. 2503
?SSv.i'C08aSw'- clammy | • or 30 ... Pk? Madagasc.1823. C B.p
17760 tiluefbUa Swt. Lime-tree-lvd J • or 20 Bourbon 1824, C s.p
1999. KY'DIA Rox. KYDIA. {Col. Robert Kyd, first director of Calcutta garden.) ByttneHheete. 2.
17761 calyclna Box. large- ed J D o r SO ... W E. Indies 1818. C s.p Rox. cor. 3.215
17762 fratema ifox. brotherly J D o r 40 ... W E. Indies 1823. C B.p Rox. cor. 5.216
ByttneHdceat. 6.
17763 arcrifolium W. Maple-leaved or 10 jLs EVlndies 1790. C'p.l Bot. mag. 620
17764 /Jlatanifolium Lod. Plane-leaved or 15 .. W E. Indies 1820. C p.l
17765 canescens Box. canescent or \b W E. Indies 1823. C p
17766 fuberifolium W. Cork-tree-lvd or 10 s.o E. Indies 1783. C p.l
17767 lanceaefblium Box. lance-leaved or 13 ... w E. Indies 1820. C p.l Bot. mag. 1526
17768 gemisagittatum Box. balf-sagfttate J • or 10 .. "W E. Indies 1820. C p.l
9001. KLEINHOTIo* L KLEINQOFIA. (M. Kleinhofft formerly director of bot. gard., Java.)
17769 h6spita L. stranger f a or 20 ... P E. Indies 1800. C p.1
_ «00S. PLAGIA'NTHUS Forst. PLACIANTHUS. oblique, anthos, flower.)
17770 divaricatus Forst. divaricated * 8 Jnj N. Zeal. 'l822. t s.l '. 1.


200a MA'LOPEL. MALQPE. (Malos, tender j soft leaves.) Malvdcea?. 2 . - 4 .
17771 malacoides L. Mallow-like jg OJ or 1 jn.jl P Barbary 1710. S s.l Cav. dis. 2.27.1
1777S trtfida Cav. trifld O or 2 jl P Barbary S B.1 Cav. dis. 2.27.2
*2004. AfA'LVAZ. MALLOW. (Malasso, to soften; emollient qualities.) Malvacete. 70.—86.
I. MALVA'STRUM. — Carpels 1-locular, 1-seeded.
i. CUU\SA'NTER. —Flowers yel/ow, in the axils of the upper leaves, sometimes in spikes from the uppermost
leaves being wanting.
17773 tricuspidata H. K. tricuspidate j£ Ol pr 1 Y W. Indies 172a S co Cav. dis. 2.22.2
cororaandeliana W. r
17774 americana L. American O P 1 jn.jl Y W.Indies 1756. GO
17775 scabra Cav. rough-stemmedn. • pr 4 jn.jl Y Peru 1798. co Cav. dis. 5.138.1
jcoparia Jac.
17776 rcopana Herit. Broom 6 au.s Y Peru 1782. C co Jac. ic. 1.139
17777 borbonica W. en. Bourbon 4 jlau Y Mauritius 1816. C co
17778 polystachya Cav. many-spiked «-i_Jpr 6 Y Peru 1798. C co Cav.dis.5.1S8.3
17779 spicata Cav. simple-spiked n. I )pr 2 s.o O Jamaica 1726. C co Cav. dis. 2.20. 4
17780 ovata Cav. ovate it-dpr 2 Y Brazil 1820. C s.p Cav. dis. 20.2
striata L.
17781 tomcntusa L. woolly Dp 3 s.o Y £. Indies 1820. C co Pluk. am. 356.1
17782 waltherfegfd/«i Lk. Walthcria-lvd jg EJ pr Y Java 1824. D co
17783 trachelifolia Lk. Trachclium<lvd O un 1J Y 1821. S co
17784 gangctica L. Ganges O un 1 Y E. Indies 1823. S co
17785 domingensis Spr. Domingo £ E2 pr 2 Y St.Domin.1824. S co
ii. CYMBALAVIJE. — Flowers purplish or white ; pedicels axillary, l-flowered, solitary ; outer calyx 3-leavedj
leaves roundish s stems herbaceous.
17786 leprosa Or. leprous jC E2 un 2 my.jl P Cuba 1815. C co
17787 Sherardifow L. Sherard's ^ A u n 2 myjl P Bithynia 1818. D s.p Cav.dis.2.2T>.4
17788 cretica Cav. Cretan O un 1 myjl P Candia 1825. S co Cav. dis. 5.138.2
iii. BIBRACTBOLOTJE. — Flowers purplish or white ; outer calyx 2-lvd ;; IKT«M.CK pedicels axilla
- „— . stems herbaceous.
17789 hisp£nica L. Spanish O un 1 jl F Spain 1710. S co Desf. at. 2.170
17790 stipulacea Cav.
«-""*-*—«— /oHf-stipulcd O- un l P 1815. co Cav. dis. 2.15.2
17791 sgyptia L.~- Egyptian O un 1 jn.jl L.B Egypt
Spain 1815.
1739. S co CO Cav. dis. 2.17.1
17792 trifida Cav. trifid O un 1J jn.jl Spain 1815. CO Cav. dis. 5.137.2
LVJE. —lsFls p p purplish
is l ; ; pdi
or while pedicels axUL, solit.; invol. 3-lvd s Ivs multiparted ; stems herbaceous.
17793 TournefortWiw
TournefortWna L. L. Ttournefort's
Tburnefort's OO un un 1 B Spain
Spain 7
1759. S co Cav. dis. 2.17.3
17794 iilcea L. Alcca £ A or jl.o P Germany 1597. Deo Bot. mag. 2297
17795 alccoldes Ten. Alcea-like 5 A or jl.o K Italy 1820. D co Bot. mag. 2793
Moreni Pall. ^lcea/S MoreniDec.
17796 moschata L. musk |t A P*" F Britain D co
2 undulata S*OTJ waved 5 A pr W D co Bot. mag. 2298
17797 althaeoldes Cav. Althsa-like O un jlau P Spain 1822. S co Cav. dis. 2.15.3
17798 fastigiata Cav. fastigiate O un R S. Europe 1818. S co Cav. dis. 2.23.2
v. FASCICULA^TJE. — Flowers purple or whites leaves angular cordate, 5-nervedj pedicels axillary, many-
flowered; outer calyx S-leaved ; stems herbaceous.
17799 mauritiana L. Mauritanian 6 jn.jl Pk S. Europe 1768. S co Sw. fl. gar. 81
17800 glabra Desv. smooth China Vk China 1818. S co Cav. dis. 2.25.4
17801 glomerata W. Sf K. glomerated P Hungary 1817. S co
17802 sylvestris L. wood P Britain D co
2 albifldra Dec. white-flowered W Europe ... D co
17803 Henningit Goldb. Henning's Russia 1820. S co
17804 rotundifbliaZ. round-leaved Britain ro.sid. S co Eng. bot. 1092
2 pusilla Sm. small Britain ro.sid. S CO'41
17805 brasiliensis Desr. Brazilian R.Janeiro 1824. S CO
17806 nicaelnsis All. Nice Nice 1810. S co Cav. dis. 2.25.1
17807 microcarpa Desf. small-fruited Egypt 1823. D co
17808 parviflora L. small-flowered Barbary 1779. C co Cav. dis. 2.26.1
17809 verticillata L. vihox\.flowered China 1683. co Cav. dis. 2.25.3
glomerata Hart.
17810 mare6tica Del. Marcotic Egypt 1822. co
17811 crlspa L. curled Syria 1573. co Cav. dis. 2.23.1
17812 bonariensis Cav. Buenos Ayres B. Ay res 1820. ro Cav. dis. 2.22.1
17813 scaberrima Lag. roughest Spain 1827. co
17814 flexubsa Horn. flexuous Europe 1820. co
vi. CAPB'NSES. — Flowers purple or white ; leaves angulate-Iobed ; stem shrubby ; outer calyx 34eaved ; pedicels
solitary, l-flowered, rarely in twos or threes.
17815 amoe^na Sims pleasing l_Jor P C. G. H. 179G. C co Bot. mag. 1998
17816 virgata Cav. twiggy j myjl P C. G. H. 1727. C co Cav. dis. 2.18.2
17817 canensis Cav. Cape Ljor year R C. G. H. 1713. C p.l Bot. reg. 295
17818 balsamica Jac. balsamic LJor my.s P C. G. H. 1800. C co Jac. ic. 1.140
17819 tridactylltes Cav. three-fingered 3 Pk C. G. H. 1791. C p.l Bot. rep. 135
reflcxa And. Rep.
17820 divaricata Andr. straddling I—I 3 jn.s W.vyC.G. H. 1792. C co Bot. reg. 182
17821 rctbsa Cav. blunt-leaved * i I or 4 mr.myPk C.G. H. 1803. C p.l Cav. dis. 2.21.1
17822 calyc'ina Cav. tor^i-calyxed 1 l_J or 4 R C. G. H. 1812. S co Bot. reg. 297
17823 (rhgrans Jac. fragrant A | | or 3 myjl S C. G. H. 1759. C co Bot. reg. 396
17824 stricta Jac. strict • i_J or 3 W.vyC.G, H. 1805. C co 3.294
17825 ftryonifblia
rf L. Bryonyleaved
Bryony-leaved l l | | or 4 P C.G. H. 1731. C co W . h . b . 1 . 4
17826 grossularisfbliaCav.
Gooseberry.lvdil i_J or 3 my.s Pk C. G. H. 1732. C p.l Bot. reg. 561
ITOOO yacantho)des Hor Oxycantha-likeft i | or 4 W C. G. H. 1818. C si
17828 asplrrima Jac. roughest si i | or 3 jn.8 R C. G. H. 1796. C co
vli. MULTIFLOILE. — Flowers purplish or whites peduncles axillary, manyJIowered.
-K. particled milk-wMte • LJ or 4 ja.f W Mexico 1780. C co Cav. ic. 1.20
Cav. red i j o r 4 myjl Ve S. Amer. 1798. C p.l Cav. ic.3.273

1/831 MonroaniiDou. Monro's & A or 2 jLau S Columbia 1828. B o t reg. 1306

17832 pcruvianaZ, Peruvian O un 2 P Peru 1759. Jac vin. 2.156
17833 fim&isisJ, Lima O or 4 jl jl Peru 1768. Jac. vin. 2.141
17834 capitata Cav. capitate • i_J or 22 n.dn.d R Peru 1798. I av. dis. 5.137.1
II. SPHALRbMA. — Carpels unilocular, 2 or many-seeded, joined into a globose fruit; peduncles axillary, often
many-flowered ;; stems shrubby.
17835 umbellata Cav. umbelled * || or 44 ia.inr
i C
C S. Amer. 1814. C co Bot. cab. 222
17836 abutilolde* L. Abutilon-like lor 4 in.s R Bahama 1.1725. C co Bot. mag. 2541
17837 elegans Cav. elegant or 3 R H 1791. C co Jac. c. 4.6.1
17838 angustifblia Cav. narrow-leaved C. G. H. 1780. C p.l Cav. ic. 1.68
or 3 au Pk
III. MODI*OLA. — Carpels bivalved, 2-seeded; values 2-awned, inflexed inwardly, and hence the carpels
are half-bilocular j pedicels axillary, \-flowcred ; stems herbaceous, prostrate, or diffuse.
17839 caroliniana L. Carolina «* O or 1 jn.jl R Carolina 1723. S co Cav. dis. 2.15.1
17840 prostrata Cav. trailing £L|AJor 1 jnau Pk Brazil 1806. S co Bot mag. 2J 15
17841 decumbens IV. en. decumbent fc, LAJ or 1 in.s Pk S Amer. 1815. S co
17842 obtusiloba Hook, obtuse-lobed £^Jor 4 s R Chile 1827. C p.l Bot. mag. 2787

2005. N U T T A ' L L W Dick. NUTTALLIA. {Thomas Nuttall, prof, min., Cambridge, ttew England.) Malv. 2.
17813 digitata Dick. finger-leaved t A or 3 au P N. Amer. 1824. R p 1 Hook. ex. fl. 171
17844 pedata Dick. pedate % A or 3 au P N. Amer. 1824. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 172

2006. KITAIBETLIif W. KITAIBELIA. {Paul Kitaibel, M.D.,prof. bot. at Pest, Hungary.) Malvace*. 1.
17845 vitifblia W. Vine-leaved ^ A or 5 jl.s W Hungary 1801. D p.l Bot. mag. 821
*2007. ifLTHJFA L. MARSH MALLOW. {Altheo, to cure j medical qualities.) Malvacete. 16.— 22.
I. ALTHJEA'STRUM. — Carpels emarginate, destitute of membranaceous margins ; involucels often 8 or 9 cleft.
17846 offlcinMis L. officinal i A ™ 4 jl.s F Britain saltm. D co
17847 taurinensis Dec. Turin R Turin 1817. D co
17848 narbonensis Pou. Narbonnc Pk S. Europe 1780. D co Cav. dis. 2.29. 2
17849 cannibina L. Hemp-leaved P S Europe 1597. D co Cav. dis. 2.30.1
17850 hir*uta L. hairy jn.jl W Britain chl. pi. S co Cav. dis. 2.29.1
17851 Ludwfgii L. Ludwig's 2 jnjl Pk Sicily 1791. S co Cav. dis. 2.30.3
II. ALCR%A. — Carpels surrounded by sulcate tnembranaceous margins ; involucels 6 or 7 cleft.
17852 acafilis Cav.
-JLI!_ /•!_.. stemlcss
itomliuo O /M.
f~\ or 11 :*i il 1>
P Aleppo
A Iminn iKflft fi ne\ Cav. dis. 2. 27.3
fan #1!
17853 caribn>xa B.M. Caribean tf FT Til o r 5 mr.ap Pk W. Indies 1816. Bot. mag. 1916
17854 striata Dec. striated 5 \V
17855 pillida lV.8fK. pa\c-Jlowered %2 6 P. a Hungary 1805. S
17856 rbsea Cav. rosy Hollyhock 8 jl.s R China 1573. 3 Cav. dis. 2.28.1
2 blloba Dec. two-lobcd 8 R S. Europe ... S
grandiflbra Hori,
17857 sinensis Cav. China 1 jl R China 1818. S co Cav. dis. 2. 29. 3
17858 flexubsa A flexuous 3 Pk E. Indies 1803. D co B o t mag. 892
17859/icifblia Cav. Fig-lvd AntwerpHoll 6 jn.a O l e v a n t 1597. S CO Cav. dis. 2.28.2
17860 Froloviana Fis. Frolove f s 3 Siberia 1A27. S CO
17861 leucantha FU. white-flowered 6 w' Siberia 1827 CO

2008. LAVA'TERil L. LAVATERA. (The two Lavaters, friends of Tourncfott's.) Malvacete. 2 4 . - 2 7 .

I STK\JIA. — Receptacle, or axis of fruit, at top expanded into a disk concealing the ovaries.
17862 trimestris L. three-monthly O or 2 jl.s F S. Europe 1633. S co Bot. mag. 109
17863 Pseudo-O'lbia Pair. Bastard Olbia H (_J or 5 jn.jl R S. Europe 1817. C 8.1
undulata Desf.
II. O'LBIA. — Receptacle of fruit central, conical, exserted.
17864 phcenlcea Ven. fine-red i 1 or 5 jn.jl Pk Canaries 1816. C 6.1 Ven.mal.120
17865 hispidn Desf. hispid J o r 6 jnjl Pk Algiers 1804. C co Bot. mag. 2541
17866 ffcrrifolia Cav. Maple-leaved 5 jnjl Pk Tenerifie 1820. C s.1 Her. am. 322
17867 africtaa Cav. African Pk Spain 1820. C s.l Cav. dis. 5.139.1
17868 O'lbia L. Ollria lor 3 in.o R.p France 1570. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 2.32.2
17869 unguicuftta Desf. clawed 6 jl.s Li 1807. C co
17870 mlcans L. glittering H L J o r 3 jnjl P Spain 1796. M.h.1.17.9
17871 lusit&nlca /,. Portuguese * i lor 3 au.s P Portugal 1731. C s.l
17872 flava Desf. yellow Si A or 4 jnjl Y Sicily 1818. D s.l Desf. at. 2.172
Emptdoclis Raeu.
17873 plebeia Sims vulgar N.Holl. 1820. D co Bot. mag. 2269
17874 thuringlaca L. Thuringian Germany 1731. D co Bot. mag. 517
17875 biennis Rieb. biennial Caucasus 1819. S s.l
17876 punctau AU. Italy 1800. S co
III. AX6LOPIIA. — Receptacle at top truncate, expanding in a crest.
17877 maritima Gou. seaside m |or 2 ap.jn W S. Europe 1597. S s.l Cav. dis. 2.32.3
17878 triloba L. threc-lobed a |or 3 jn.jl L.P Spain 1759. C s.l B o t mag. 2226
IV. ANTIIE\MA. — Receptacle small, foveolate, not exserted nor expanded into a crest.
17879 arbbrca L. Tree Mallow CD or 6 jl.o P Britain sea cl. S CO Eng. bot. 1841
17880 neapolitana Ten. Neapolitan A or 6 jl.s P
17881 cretica Z. Cretan Italy 1818. S CO
O or 4 jl.s L.B Candia 1723. S CO Jac. vin. 1.41
17882 sylvestris Brot. wood O or 2 jl.s P Spain 1817. S CO
17883 ambigua Dec. ambiguous O 2 jl.s P Italy 1824. S CO
V. DU BLE. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong,
17884 lanceolate TV. en. lance-leaved O or 2 jl.s P Europe 1817. S co
17885 australis Wein. southern O or 2 jl.s P S. Europe 182a S co
{Malache, mallows; resemblance.) Malvacete. 8. —14
17886 rotundifulia Schrank round-leaved O un 1 Y Brazil 1821. S s 1 Sch. mo 56
17887 capitata L. headed EBun 1 au.s Y W. Indies 1759. S lt.l Cav.dis.23S.1.2
17888 fascuta Jac. fasciate 33un 1 aus R Caraccas 1819. s.l Jac. ic. a 548
17689 triloba Desf. thrce-lobed O un 1 au.s W S. Amer. 1817. 8.1
17890 radiata /,. rayed £ Ol un 1 W St. Dom. 1794. lt.1 Cav. dis. 2.33.3
17891 bracteata Cav. bracteate Oun 1 aas W Brazil 1823. 8.1 Cav. dis. 2.34.2
17892 alcesfulia Jac. Alcsa-leaved O un 1 au.8 Y Caraccas 1805. Jac. ic. 3.549
17893 heptaph>'lla Fit. seven-leaved 1 au.s* Y Brazil 1818. 8.1 Bot. reg. 467
fasciata R. R.
• 2010. UBJTNA L. URENA. (L ren, its name in Milabar.) Malvhcea?. 12.—22.
I. INDIVINJS. — Z«i0« undivided or hardly 3-lobcd.
17894 lobata L. lobed-leaved I un 2 R F China 1731. p.l Di. el. 319.412
17895 scabriuscula Dec. roughish £. Indies 1817. p.1 Cav. dis. 185.1
lobata Cav. O un
17896 repanda Sm. repand Oun 2 R E. Indies 18C0. p.1
17897 multificla Cav. many-cleft tLOun 2 ja.o P £. Indies 1817. p. Cav. dis. 6.184.2
17K98 trie usnis Cav. three-pointed • . O u n 2 K I. France 1820. p. Cav. dis. d 183.1
17899 reticulata Cav. netted tt. O u n 2 R Guiana 1819. p. Cav. dis. 6.183.2
17900 subtriloba Schrank Bub-trilobed O un 2 R Brazil 1823. l Sch. ma 79
IL LODA^TJS. — Leaves deeply 3 or 5 lobed s lobes stnuately lobed.
17901 Swartn* Dec. SwarU's tt. O un 2 ... W Surinam 1816. C P-1 SI. jam. 1.11.2
amcricana Sm.
17902 Sicberi CoU. Siebert O un 2 R I. France 1824. S p.1 Col. h. rep. 39
17903 sinuata L. sinuated tt. O un 3 F E. Indies 1759. C Cav. dis. & 185.2
17904 muricata Dec. muricated O un 2 R Bengal 1816. S
17905 heterophjrlla Sm various-leaved 2 jn.jl R Ceylon 1818. S p.1 Bur. zey. 69.2
SOU. Cav. PAVOMA. (Don Josef Pavon, ofMadrid, a bot author.) Malvdcea?. 16.—24.
I. TvpiiA*LEA. — Carpels echinate from rigid spines.
17906 spinifex W. prickly-seeded
. . x g i U u y ^r. indies 1778. C s.1 Jac. vin. 2.103
JETibiscus spinifex L.
17907 Typhalea Cav. Typhalea l j j l a u W . B Trinidad 1824. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 6.187
Urina Typhalea L.
17908 typhahrtdes JLSfB. Typhalca-like tt. O or 1 Pa.R Trinidad 1824. C p.1
17909 iirens Cav. stinging * O un 2 R Mauritius 1801. C s.l Jac. ic. 3.522
17910 leptocfirpa Cav. slender-capsuled*. O un 2 W Surinam 1818. C s.l
II. MA'LACITE. — Carpels unarmed s involucels shorter than calyx, 5 or IS leaved.
17911 cocclnea Cav. scarlet ' HI lor 2 S StDom. 1816. C s.l Cav. dis, 3.47.1
17912 Columcll* Cav. Columella's it O u n 2 jl W . P Bourbon 1807. C s.l Cav. dis. 3.48.3
17913 parviflbra Desf. small-flowcrcd t L O u n 2 jlau Pa.Y S. Amer. 1818. C s.l
17914 racemosa Sum. racemose tt. O un If Y Jamaica 1817. C 8.1 Cav. dis. 3.46.1
spicata Cav.
17915 pramdrsa W. bitten-leaved A i_J un 10 W C. 6. H. 1774. C s.l Bot mag. 436
III. CANCELLAVUA. — Carpels unarmed involucels 8 or 15 leaved, longer than calyx.
• j ;9nvi
17916 paniculate Cav. panicled O u n 2 Y Caraccas 1820. S s.l Cav. dis. 3.46.2
17917 odortta W. fragrant iQun 2 R £. Indies 1807. C s.l
17918 corymbosa W. corymbose tt.1 lun 2 Y Jamaica 1818. S a.1
17919 ridoldes Horn. Sida-like tt-lTBIun 2 F Bengal 1819. S s.1
17920 zeylanica W. Ceylon 3 jl.s W E. Indies 1790. S s.l Cav. dis. 3.48.2
17921 cancellata Cav. latticed 1 Y Trinidad 1820. S s.1
hibiscus cancellatus L.
2012. MALVAVI'SCUS D'd. MALYAVJSCUS. (Malva, mallow, viscus, glue.) Malvaceae. 3.—15.
17922 arbdreus Cav. tree HQor
Achania Malvavfscus L. 12 year S Jamaica 1714. C p.1 Bot mag. 2305
17923 mullis Dec. soft
Achania molUs H. K. H Q o r 12 au.s S America 1780. C p.1 Bot.reg.ll
17924 pil&sus W. pilose
Achania pilosa Stuz. • Q o r 12 o.n R Jamaica 1780. C p.1 Bot cab.829

2013. L.EBRETO*N/i4 Schrank LEDRETONIA. (Manuel le Breton, a French botanist.) Malvhce*. 1. — 3.

17925cocclnea Schrank scarlet » D o r 10 jn.jl S Brazil 1823. C s.1
* 2014. J/IBI'SCUS L. HIBISCUS. (Ibis, a stork; said to chew and inject as a clyster.) Malv&ce*. 79. —125.
I. CREM6NTIA. — Corollas convoluto-cylindrical; stigma* 5 ; cells of fruH many-seeded.
17926 /iliifl&rus Cav. Lily-flowered i lor 6 jn.jl S
17927 pcdunculatus Cav. /o/i£-peduncled L j or 2 my.d R
17928 lampas Cav. lamp
Bourbon 1822. C s. Cav. dis. 3.57.1
C. G. H. 1812. C s. Bot. reg.231
O or 10 ... Pk E. Indies 180(1 C p.l Cav. dis. 3.56.2
17P29 membranaceusGzc membranaceous D o r 10
17930 spiralis Cav.
17931 tubulbsus Cav.
i Dor
O or 2 jl.o
... Pk

4 jn.jl
1816. C s.1 Cav. dis. 3.57.2
6 jn.jl Y.R Mexico 1823. C s.p Cav. dis. 2.16.2
E Indies 1796. S s.l Cav. dis. 3.68.2
Guinea 1824. C s.p Cav. dis. 3 68.1
17932 senegalensis Cav. Senegal
17933 oxahdifl&rus Boj. t Oxahs-flwd l_Jor 3 ... Y Mauritius 1825. C s.p
II. PENTASPE'EMUM. — Corollas expanded ; valves of capsule in the middle septtferous ; cells 1-seeded.
17934 pentacfrpos L. five-fruited £ i A J o r 3 jl.s L.R Venice 1152. S s.1 Jac. ic. 1.143
17935 virginicus L. Virginian k A °r 2 jl.s R Virginia 1798. D s.1 Jac. ic. 1.142
III. MA'NIHOT. — Loculaments of carpels, many-seeded; seeds smooth ; involucels 4 or 6 leaved s calyx
17936 Mdnitiot L. spathaceous, S-toothed, longitudinally ruptured.
Manihot China 1712. C p.1 Bot mag. 1702
17937 palmatus Cav. palmated S. Amer. 1800. C s.p' Cav. dis. 3. fi3.1
17938/icnlneua L. T\g-leaved Ceylon 1732. C p.l p. Cav. dis. 3.52.2
17939/iculnoxides B. R. Ficulneus>like 1823. C s.p Bot.rcg.938
17940 tetraph^llus Box. four-leaved Bengal 1818. S sp
IV. KE/TM IA. — Loculaments of carpels many-seeded; seeds smooth; corollas expanded ; involucels 5 or 7
leaved; calyx SJobed.
17941 quinquefulius Hort. five-lobed D o r 10 jnjl Y ...... 1800. C S.D
17942 ncerifulius Dec. Maple-leaved i | or 5 mr.jn Pk China 1798. C 8.1 Par. Ion. c. ic.
17943 Absa sinensis L. Chinese Rose I lor 10 D.R E Indies 1731. p.1 Bot mag. 158
2 ena double red D o r 10 D.R E. Indies ... c p.1 Bot. cub. 995
3 flavo-plena double yellow D o r 10 Y E. Indies ... c c p.l
4 c&rneo-plena double flesh D o r 10 jlau F E. Indies 1731. c p.1
5 variegato-plena dble-variegatcd D o r 10 St E. Indies ... Pi Bot. cab. 963
6 l&tea double yellow I lor 10 Y E. Indies 1823. c
c .COp.1 But. cab. 932
17944 syrlacus L. Syrian or 8 au.s P Syria 1596. L Bot mag. 83
1 purpdrcus purp\e-Jlowered A or 8 au.s P ... L CO
S riiber red-flowered tt or 8 au.s R ...... ... L CO
Salbus vrhite-Jlowcred tt or 8 au.s W ...... ... L CO
4variegJitus variegated-./fiwf Si or 8 au.s St ..... ... Tt CO
nlenus double
double white tt or 8 au.s w ...... ••* L CO
oo purpareo-plfenut
purplfe double purple tt or 8 au.s p ••• L CO
7 marginatus margined-tal 8 nus P.w Syria L co
17915 prunens Box. tickling 3 jl.8 Y R Indies 1804. S s.1 Bot rep. 498
V. JURCA^RIA. — Cb^WT^ many^eededj seeds smooth ; corollas expanded ; leaflets ofinvolueel at ton bifure.
179» suratti'nsis L. Surat O or 2 jl.s Y R Indies 1731. S s.l BoL mag 1356
17947 radiatus Cav. rayed O o r Y R Indies 1790. S s.l Bot mag. 1911
17948 furcMus Box. foiked-calyxed Eflor 2 jl.s Y R Indies 1816.
17949 scaber A/r. scabrous j£ IAI or 2 jLs Y Carolina 1810.
aculeatus Wait.
17950 bifurcatus Cav. two-forked 2 jn.jl W. Indies 1825. C s.p Cav. die. 3.51.1
VI. ABELM6SCHUB.— Carpels many-seeded; seeds smooth or with a subviUous tine on the back; corollas
expanded ; involucels constantly with 6 or IB entire leaflets.
»• TUBERCULA^TI Stems prickly from tubercles.
17951 strigusus IAndL strigose * i _ J o r 6 jn.jl Pk Peru 1820. C s.l Bot reg. 860
17952 divcrsifulius Jac. different-leaved* • or 6 jnjl Y R Indies 1798. C s.1 Bot reg. 381
/iculneus Guv.
17953 trilobus Cav. thrce-lobed «• or 2 Y W. Indies 1818. C s.p Cav. dis. 3.53. 2
17954 heteroplrfllus Fen. various-leaved * i_J or 6 aus W . R N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Bot reg. 29
grandiflorus Sal.
17955 cannabinus L. Hemp-feaiwd £ O i o r 5 jn W.p R Indies 1759. S 8.1 Rox. cor. 2.190
17956 wtifolius Z. Vine-leaved £ OS or 2 jl. Y R Indies 1690. S p.l B, maL 6.46
17957 obtusiftlius W. obtuse-leaved * OJ or 2 Y R Indies 1820. S s.p
ii. INR'RME9. — Stems unarmed.
17958 csculcntus L. eatable EH cu 4 jnjl Y W. Indies 1693. r.m Cav. dis. 3. 61. 2
longifMius W. long-leaved Oor 4 jl.o Pa.Y R Indies 1817. s.p
17 )60 Bdtnmia Lk. Bammia O or Ujn-jl 1818. S 8.1
17961 Afoscheiitos L. Mallow Rose 3t A o r 2 au.o Amcr. ... D p.1 Cav. dis. a 63.1
17962 palfiatris L. marsh 5 A or 3 jl.s Pk N. Amcr. 1759. D bog Cav. dis. 3.65.2
179G3 aquaticus Dec.
palfistris Savi
aquatic 3l A ° r 2 W & Europe 1819. D bog
17964 incanus W. hoary jg lAlor 3 s Y Carolina 1806. D b o g W . h . b . 2 4
17965 militans Cav. military 3 au.s P Louisiana 1804. D bog Bot. mag. 2385
17966 specidsus H. K. superb lAJor 2 S Carolina 1778. D bog Bot mag. 360
17967 grandiflorus Mx. large-flowered j£ iAJ or ° F Georgia 1816. D ~ "
179(38 ferrugineus Cav. rustyy TTQ Qoor 115 S Madagas. 1824. C p.l Cav. dis. 3.69.1
17969 lunariftiliUR W. Lunaria-leaved << [[LZ3 LZ3or15
15 P R Indies ... C 8.1
17970 icthi^picus L. ./Ethiopian
JEtli ]» • or 15 au P C. G.H. 1774. C p.l Cav. dis. 3.60 1
17971 mutabilis L. changeable \ or 15 o.d W R Indies 1690. p.l Bot. rep. 228
2 flore pleno double-flowered or 15 o.d w R Indies ...
17972 clypcMus L. BhiehUcapsuted i • or 6 Y Jamaica 1759. p.l Cav. dis. 3.58.1
17973 unidens Lindl. one-toothed t l lor 3 l Y Brazil 1822. co Bot. reg. 878
17974 Abelmdschus L. Musk Okro i i_J or 3 jl.s Y India 1640. r.m R.mal. 2.38
171175 velutlnus //. ^ A. velvet i O or 6 W Cuman.i 1818. s.p
17976 erlocarpus Dec. woolly-fruited i Q o r 4 jl.s Y Bengal 1823. C s.p
VII. BOMBICE'LLA.—Canx7s many-seeded; seeds woolly: corollas most often expanded; involucels 5 or 10 Ivd.
17977 phoeniceus IV. vun\e-ftowered f • or 8 j l . a u P R Indies 1796. C p.1 B o t reg. 230
17978 W malabarica J&Jr Malabar rose ft O or - - - -au.s - ° R
» » Indies
- . — 1818.
—» C " - p.l
» Bot
» reg. 337
17979 rhombifulius Cav. rhomb-leaved R Indies 1823. C a.p Cav. dis. 3.69. 3
J7980 elatus Sun. tall I • or Jamaica 17iX). C p.l
17981 ^ossyjiinus Thun. Cotton-like ft i_J or jLau C. G. H. 1818,
17982 micraiithus Cav. small-flowered a. r~1 or R Indies 1794. C s.p Cav. dis. 3.66.1
17983 clandestine Cav. clandestine « . ! lor Crea Guinea 1823. C s.p Cav. ic. 1.2
VIII. TRI6NUM— Caipels many-seeded; seeds smooth; corollas expanded; involve, many Ivd: calyx inflated.
17984 Trionura L. Bladder Ketmia O or 2 jn.s Y.Br Italy 1596. S co Bot mag. 209
J7985 vesickriusw-«^.
,_— —......~_ Cav. bladdery
bladdery O o r l j j l a u Y.Br Africa 1713. S co Cav. dis. 3.64.2
17986 hispidus Mil. hispid l i jn.s Y.Br C. G. H. S co Bot.reg.80t)
TYionum y hispidumlVc.
IX. SADDARI'FFA. — Cells of capsule many seeded ; seeds smooth ; involuccl Meaved, many-toothed.
17987 Sabdarlffh L. Sabdarifla j g O J o r 2 jn.s Y R Indies 1596. S p.l Cav. dis. 6.198.1
17988 digttttus Cav. digitate O or 2 jl.s W . R Brazil 1816. S co Cav. dis. 3.70.2
2 Kertfni/f Dec. Kcr's £ O J o r 2 jl.s W.R Rio Jan. 1816. S s.1 Bot reg. 608
digitktus B. It.
X. AZA'NZA. — Same as preceding, but with the stems shrubby or arborescent.
17989 circinatus W. rounded Caraccas 182a C p.1
17990tiliaceus L. Lime-tree./w/ R Indies 1739. C p.l Bot reg. 233
17991 tric6spis Cav. three-pointed Society Is. 1820. S s.p Cav. dis. 3.55.2
17992 guinclnsis 2)£c. Guinea Umbrella tr. Guinea 1822. C p.1
17993 abutiloldes W. en. Abutilon-like Jamaica 1818. C p.1 SI. jam. 1.234 4
XI. DU*BII. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
17994 monodous B. R. one-toothed i O o r 2 jn.jl 1820. C s.1
17995 racemftsus B. B. racemose ' O o r 8 S. Amer. 1820. C p.1 Bot reg. 917
17996 Richardsftnj Lindl. Richardson's Jor 3 jns N. Holl. 1820. S co Bot reg. 875
17997 macrophyllus Box. long-li>aved )or 12 jn.jl R Indies 1810. C p.1
17998 borb6nicus Lk. Bourbon lor 10 Bourton 1820. C p.1
17999 gangeticus Lk. Ganges 6 R Indies 1800. p.1
18000 parviflorus Wein. small.flowcred S. Amcr. 1823. p.1
18001 sc&ndcns Box. scandent R Indies 1810. p.l
18002 cancellatus Box. latticed E Indies 1817. p.1
18003 setbsus Rox. setose R Indies 1800. p.ll
18004 pulchellus Lo. C. beautiful Lau R Indies 1890. p.1
XII. LAOUNA*RIA. — Involucels scarcely anyt or l-leaved deciduous.
18005 Patersomi H.K. Paterson's £ i _ J o r 15 P Norfolk 1.1792. C s.p Bot rep. 285
Lagun<?\i Patersonia B. M.
18006 cuneiformis Dec. wedge-shaped f uJ or 15 P N. HolL ... C s.1

15. THESPERSIA Cor.THESPBSM. {Thespesios,
THESPPSIACorr. {spes, divine; planted about tropical churches^ Malvaceae. 2.
18007popdlnea Corr. Yap\ta-leaved J D o r 30 W R Indies 1770. C p.1!aW
i/ibiscus populncus L.
2 guadalunensis Dec. Guadaioupe f O or SO Guadalon. ... C p.1
18008 grandiflbra Dec. great-flowered f O or 30 PortoRicol827. C p.l

2016. GOSSYTIUM L. COTTON. (Gotnemsegiar, its Egyptian name.) Malvaccat. 11.—16.

18009 herbaceum L. common herbaceous O ag 3 jl Y £. Indies 1594. S s.l Cav. dis. a 164.9
18010 mirrunthum Cav. small-flowered £ OJ or 3 Y Persia 1830. S s.p Cav. dis. 6.183
1801Mndicum Lam. Indian tf OJ ag Y R Indies 18oO. S s p Hu. am. 4.12
18012 arboreum L. tree 5 CD or 12 Y EL Indies 1694. C s.p Cav. dis. 6.195
18013 wtifohum Lam. Vine-leaved O ag 3 ... Y E. Indies 1805. S s.p Cav. dis. 6.166
18014 hirsMum L. hairy if Ol ag 3 Y S. Amcr. 1731. S s.p Cav. dis. 6.167
18015 religiosum L. religious Jg EJ ag 3 jl Y India 1777. S s.p Cav. dis. 6.164.1
18016 latifolium Mur. broad-leaved * Q ag 5 Y 1800. s.p Mur. 177a 1
18017 acuminatum Rox. acuminate • • ag 5 Y E. Indies 1882. S S.I'
18018 barbadense L. Barbadocs jf OJ ag 5 s Y Barbadoesl759. S fl.p Bot reg. 84
18019obtusifulium Rox. obtuse-leaved i Q a g 5 Y E. Indies ... S 8.p
2017. REDOUTS'A Ven. REDOUTEA. (P. J. Redout*?, celeb. French bot. draughtsman.) Malvfcear. 1.—2.
18020 heterophylla yen. various-leaved O or 3 jn Y & Amer. 1822. S co Ven. eels 11
2018. LOPI'MIA Mart. LOPIMIA. (Lophnos, easy of decortication.) Malvhceee. 1
18021 malacophylla Mart, soft-leaved t • orr\r 351 jl.s
ii a R
R 11823. S s.p L.fcO.ab.1.30
tfda malacoph^lla Lk.

•2019. PALA^VIA Cay. PALAVIA. {A. Palauy Verdera, second prof, bot., Madrid.) Malvdcear. 2.
18022 malvarf lia Cav. Mallow-leaved O un P Peru 1794. S co Cav. din. 1. II. 4
18023 moschkta Cav. musk O un 1 P Lima 1822. S s.1 Cav. dis. 1.11.5
prostrate Hort.

2020. CRISTA*RIA Cav. CRISTARIA. (Crista% rrestj form of capsules.) Malvdcea?. 1.—4.
18024 coccinea Ph. scarlet A pr i jl.s S Missouri 1811. D p Bot mag. 1673
A/alva coccinea Nut.
2021. A'NODA Cav. ANODA. (Anodos, impervious; capsule cells more united than in Ada.) Malvdc. 7.
I. STELLOTJJ. — Cells qf carpels ending in subspiuose muerones, stellately disposed.
18025 hastata Cav. h&lbett-leavcd OJun ljjn.jl B Mexico 1795). S s.p Bot. rep. 588
18026 triloba Cav. three-lobed LQJ un la jl.s P Mexico 1720. S s.p Cav. dis. 1.10. 3
Sida cristate W.
18027 Dillcnidna Cav. Dillcnius's iQJun lijn.n B Mexico 1725. S co Bot.mag.S30
A'ida cristate B. M.
18028 triangularia Dec. triangular [Qjun 1 B Mexico 1820. S s.p
Slda dcltoldes Horn.
18029 incarnate H.% B. flesh-colored OI un 2 jlau F Mexico 1824. S s.p
II. MLVICA. — Carpels avunless.
18030 acer'ifbUa Dec. Maple-leaved (Q/un 1 B Mexico 1809. S s.p Bot mag. 1541
Slda hastate B. M. not of others
18031 parviflfcra Cav. smaU.flowered iQJun Pa.Y W.Indies 1820. S s.l Cav.ic.5.431
51da crenatiflura Pers.
2022. PERI'PTERA Dec. PERIPTERA. {Periptera, a shuttlecock; flowers resembling.) Malvace*. 1.
$032 punicea Dec. crimson Shuttlecock* • pr 3 myjn C
18032 N.Spain 1814. C co Bot. mag. 1644
Slda Periptera B. M. A'noda punicea Lag,
•2023. S T D A L . SlDA. (A name used by Theophrastus.) Malvhceee. 98. —198.
I. MALVI'NDA. — Carpels 5 or 12, Lseeded, not bladdery.
\. BRSNES. —Pedicels not exceeding the petioles ; leaves oblong or ovate.
18033 /iniftlia Cav. Flax.leaved Ml I un 3 jl Pk Guinea 1822. co
18034 angustifblia Lam. narrow-leaved £ ES un lftil.s Y Brazil 1726. co Her. st 52
18035 viminea Lk. twiggy jg El un 2 O Brazil 1821. co
18036 spinbsa JL. spiny j£ OJ un 1UI Y E. Indies 1680. co Cav. dis. 1.1.9
18037 alba /.. white-^otw? red O un 2 jiijl W E. Indies 1732. co Di. el. 171.210
18038 stipulate Cav. stipulate «. I I un 2 y Mauritius 1819. co Cav. dis. 1. a 10
18039 jamaicensis Cav. Jamaica tt-Dun 2 Y Jamaica 1817. co Cav. dis. 1.2.5
18040 bracteolate Dec. bracteolate • i_J un 2 Y Chile 1824. C co
18041 carpimftlia L. Hornbeam-lvd sH i | un 3 . Y Canaries 1774. C co Jac. ic. 1.1S5
18042 carpinoides Dec. Hornbeam-like tL O un 2 jlau Y S. Amer. 1800. S co
18043 tridentata Cav. three-toothed tt I 1 un 1J Y W. Indies 1824. S co Cav.ic.4.S12
18044 Schranktf Dec. Schrank's j£ ESI un 1 Y Brazil 1820. S co
brasUa Lk.
18045 eroaaLJr. bitten ES un 2 jl.s Y Brazil 1824. co
18046 cilians X. ciliated OJun ljjn.s Y Jamaica 1759. co Cav. dis. 1.3.9
18047 alnifuUa L. Alder-leaved EQ un 2 jl.s Y E. Indies 1732. co Di. el 172.211
ii. — Pedicels elongated, distinctly Jointed
i* ;i leaves
icuvca oblong
uwung or
ur ovate.
18048 frut^scens Cav. frutescent n. l~Tun 2 Y Mauritius 1810. S co Cav. dis. 1.10.1
18049 compressa Dec. compressed Oun 2 jn.s Y Nepal 1823. S co
18050 canariensis W. Canary O un 2 jn.s W E. Indies 1820. S co
18051 rhombifiilia W. rhomb-leaved tkt lun 2 Y India 1732. S co Cav.dii.1.3.12
18052 rhomboidea Box. rhomboid Y
E. Indies 1818. S co
18053 retCisa L. retuse nQun Y
Mauritius 1818. S co
Cav. dis. 1.3.4
philippica Cav.
18054 redsa Schrank cut 2 Brazil 1823. co
18055 calyxhymenia Gay membrane-cal.«. LJ un 2 jnjl M. Holl. 1820. co
18056 iriicans Cav. glittering £ tAlun E. Indies 182a co Cav. dis. 1.2
18057 maculate Cav. spotted | StDomin.1818. co Cav. dis. 1.:
suberusa Herit.
18058 acuminate Dec. acuminate W. Indies 1800. S co
Hi. CountbLME. — Pedicels eh leaves at bate cordate, toothed, not lobed.
18050 pilosa Cav. pilose St Domin.1793. S CO Cav. dii. 1.1 8
18060 hiimilis W. humble E. Indies 1800. S CO Cav. dis. 5.134.2
18061 sup^na Heri^. supine Jamaica 1821. S CO Cav. dis. 6.196.3
1806tf rotundifulia Cav. round-leaved Bourbon 1819. S CO Cav. dis. 1. a 6
18063 multiflora Cbv. many .flowered ML Brazil 1818. S CO Cav. dis. 1.3.3
18064 atgUta Sun. s t h h Z
p f f t W. Indies 1732. C CO
18065 cordiftlia L. C. G. H. 1732. Di. el. 179.209
Jamaica 1820. s
18066 altheifolia Am. Althauuleaved SL jam. 136.8
18067 virens i. Jamaica 1781. C co
stinging C co Cav. di«. 1.2.7
Brazil 1823. S co
18068 verticiHata Cav. whorled « . Q u n 2 JUu Cav.dls. l . L l t
180fi9 dumosa Swx. biishy • • u n 2 jl.i Y Jamaica 1818. C co
18070 paniculata L. panicled £ O un 1J jl.s P Jamaica 1795. S co Cav. dis. 1.12.5
atrosanguinea Jac.
iv. PALMATILOBAVJE. — Leaves palmately deft into 3,5,7»or 9 lobes.
18071 trlloba Cav. threclobed t j u n 3 jl.s W C. G. H. 1794. C co Jac. sc. 2.142
18072 jatropholdes HeriL Physic-nuW/Atf O un 4 au V S. Amer. 1787. S co Her. at. 1.56
18073 graveolens Rox. strong.scented tf Ol un 1 jLau V E. Indies 1820. S co
18074 ncinoldes Herit. Ricinus-like O un 4 au W Peru 1818. S co Cav. dis. 1.3.3
18075 NapsAi Cav. Napea £ A un 4 au.s W Virginia 1748. D co Bot. mag. 2193
NapaOa lsVis L.
18076 diolca Cav. dioecious jt A un 6 au.s W Virginia 1759. D co Cav. dis. 5.132.9
Napae\i dioica L.
18077 wialvaeflbra Dec. Mallow-flwd ^ A or 2 P . B Colombia 1826. D p.l Bot. reg. 1036
II. ABUTILOPPES — Carpels 15 or 40, l-seeded, bladdery.
18078 occidentMis L. occidental O un li Y America 1733. S CO Di.el.7.6.6
18079 fce'tida CAV. stinking O un 1} Y Peru 1795. S co Her. st. 1.53
visctaa Herit.
18080 brevipes Dec. short-stalked O un 1 Y St Marthal822. S co
III. ABU^TILON. — Carpels five to thirty, many-seeded, often bladdery*
i. OLiGOCA'RPiE. — Carpels five or eight.
18081 periplocifolia L. Periploca-lvd £ O| un 2 Y India 1691. co Di. el. 4.3.2
2 zeylanica Ceylon £ OJ un 2 Y Ceylon co
3 caribe*a Caribbee tf O1 un 2 Y W. Indies ... co SI. jam. 139.3
18082 ferruginea Dec. rusty n. I I un 2 Y Peru 1822. co
18083 Lechcnaultidna Dec. Lechenault's n. • un 2 Y E. Indies 1820. co
18084 hernandfoitte* HeriL Hernandia-/w/il O un 6 Y Hispanic 1798. co Her. st. J. 58
18085 luciana Dec. St. Lucia a. I I un 2 jnau W St Lucia 1810. co
18086 nudiflbra Herit. naked-flowered i l l I un 3 my.jn Y Peru 1731. co Her. st 1.59
18087 polyfintha Uc. many-flowered 1 • un 3 my.jn Y 1821. co
18088 aurUa Wai. large-eared : 3 my.jn Y Bengal 1823. co
18089 triquetra L. triangular 2 Y.P W. Indies 1775. co Jac. vin. 2.118
18090 incana Lk. hoary 3 Y Sandw. Is. 1818. co
18091 pulchclla Bonp. neat 2 jlau W N. Holl. 1824. CO Bot mag. 2753
18092 umbellata L. umbellcd liiU Y Jamaica 1788. CO Jac. vin. 1.16
18093 gigantea Jac. giant 5 Y Trinidad 1820. CO 2.141
ii. POLYCA'RPJE. — Carpels nine or more.
18094 reflexa L. reftex-flowered • CD un 3 R Peru 1799. CO Her. st 1.64
18095 crfspa L. curled O un 1 W Carolina 1726. CO Cav. dis. 5.135.2
18096 virgata Cav. twiggy tt. • un 11 Y Peru 1818. CO Cav. ic 1.73
18097 arborea L. tree * • un 6 Y Peru 1772. CO Her. s t 1.63
18098 mauritiana Jac. Mauritius E2 un 2 jl.s Y Mauritius 1789. CO Jac. i c 1.137
planiflbra Cav.
18099 riliffifolia Fis. Lime-tree-leaved iQJun 2 Y China 1821. CO
18100 americana L. woolly O un 1} Y Jamaica 1730. CO
18101 Abutilon L. Abutilon O un 14 Y India 1596. CO H.sys.61
18102 asiatica L. Asiatic 0 un U jlau Y E. Indies 1768. CO Cav. dis. 1.7.2
18103 Sonneratttn/i W. Sonnerat's 0 1 un 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1806. CO Cav. dis. 1. & 4
18104 populifMia W. Poplar-leaved im un 1 Y R Indies 1796. CO Cav. dis. 1.7.9
18105 hiita Lam. hairy OJun 2* Y E. Indies 1820. CO Ru. am. 4.10
pilbsa Herit.
18106 mnllissima Cav. softest OJun 2 jn.jl Y Peru 1789. C eo Cav.dis.2.14.1
dstiflbra Herit.
18107 grandifolia W. en. large-leaved i Q u a 8 n.d Y Peru 1816. C co Bot Teg.360
m6Uis Or.
18108 perm6Uis W. very soft * O un 4 Y S. Amer. 1817. S co
18109 orbiculata Dec. orbicular • i_J un 3 jn.jl Y China 1820. C co
18110 indicaZ,. Indian M O un 1} jl au Y India 1731. S co Cav.dis.1.7.10
18111 vesicKria Cav. bladdery * i_J un 3 Y Mexico 1822. C co Cav. dis. 2.14.3
18112 glatica Cav. glaucous IDun 2 Y Guinea 1824. S co Cav. ic. 1.11
18113 dlbida W. * whitish * i _ J u n 3 W.Y Canaries 1822. co
18114 mollicnma W. soft-haired B. O un 3 Y ...... 1816. co
18115 pdlchra Cott. fair tLCUor 4 Y W.Indies 1824. co CoL h. rip. 34
18116 acerifulia Lag. Maple-leaved tk i_J un 3 B N.Spain 1822. co
IV. DITBUE. — Form qf fruit unknown, and therefore doubtful to which of the sections they belongs leaves linear,
oblong-ovate or lanceolate, from No. 18122. cordate.
18117 Milleri Dec. Miller's 0 vin 1749. S co
18118 semicrenata Lk. half-crenate EJ un Manilla 1823. C co
1811!) AetiMina Horn. Birch-like FAlun S. Amer. 1820. S co
181'iOacranthaZJfc. pointed-flwd Dun Brazil 1820. co
18121 Jpiraeifolia Lk. Spirea-leaved 1 I un 1824. co
18122 brasilicnsis Cav. Brazilian Brazil 1818. co Cav. dis. 1.311
18123 villtea Mil. villoua Pa.Y S. Amer. 1739. co
18124 vcrruculata Dee. small-warted Y Brazil 1822. co
18125 purpurascens Lk. purpurascent Pk Brazil 1822. co
13136 iiatcns Andr. spreading Y Abyssinia 1806. co Bot rep. 571
18127 contracta Lk. contracted Y Madagasc.1823. CO
18128 conferta Lk. clustered Y Brazil 1822. CO
18129 lasiostcga Lk. hairy-topped Y Brazil 1824. CO
18130 pentacarpos Rox. five-capsuled Y E Indies 1820. S co
2024. LAGUNJTif Cav. LAOUNBA. {Andreas Laguna, a Spanish naturalist, d. 1543.) Malvaceat. 2 . - 4
18131 krtAta W. lcbed-leaved O un 3 j l . a u W Bourbon 1787. S co Cav.dis.5 1S&1
18132 sinuate Horn. sinuated O l u n 2 jLau Y E. Indies 1817. S co «•*•'•». i
angulata Hort.
2025. nUl'ZIA Cav. RDIZIA. (D&n Hippolito Ruiz, one of the authors of Flora Peruvian^ <
18133 vanabilisJflft ya
yariable-Wtawl • p or 6 my W Bourbon 1792. C p.l Ja S
18134lobataQw. lobato
l or 6 ... W Bourbon 1816. C p.1 S
i*.8R ERIOUTNA Ike. EWOUMTA. Carton, wool,lama, cloak; calyx woolly.)
18185 WalUch* D e c Wallich't Uor « ... R i Indies 1823. C
2027. CAROLI'NE/I L. CAROMNEA. {Princess Sophia Caroline, of Baden.) Bombucea. 4. — 5.
18136 alba Lod. white CDspl 20 jUu W Brazil 1817. C pi
18JJ7 princeps L. princely —Jspl20 ... R.Y.G W.Indies 1787. C p.l Aub.gui.291.2
18138 irfinor H. K. less ] spl 20 K.Y.C Guiana 1798. C p.l Bot mag. 1412
18139 insignia Swx. showy ] spl 20 ... It W. Indies 1796. C p.l Bot. cab. 1004
2028. ADANSO*N/i4 L. ADANSONIA. {Michel Adanson, a famous French botanist.) Bombucete. 1.
18140 digitata L. digitated Sour Gourd 1 • ec SO ... W Guinea 1724. C p.l Bot. mag. 2791-2
2029. BOWS AX L. SILK-COTTON TREE. (Bombax, cotton: wool in pods.) Bombbce*. 4. —11.
18141 malabarirum Dec. Malabar ± • tm 60 ... s Malabar ... S p.l Hox. cor. 3.247
p p y Hox.
18142 globusum Ab
Aub. globose
lobose f f• •tm
tm GO
Guiana 1824. p.l Aub. gui. 2.281
18143 Ceiba L. Cciba I O tm 100 W S. Amcr. 1692. p.l Jac. au. 176.1
quinatum Jac.
18144 septenatum Jac, aeven-leaved 1 • tm 50 W Carthage. 1699. S p.l Pluk. al. 188.4
hetaphyilum L.
2030. ERIODE'NDttON Dec. ERIODBNDHON. {Erion,vioo\,dcndron, tree: wool in pods.) Bombuccec. 4 . - 5 .
18145 lciantherum Dec. smooth-flwd JU O tm 70 ... S Brazil 1818. S p.l Cav. dis. 5.152.1
Bombax crianthos Cav.
18146 anfractuosum Dec. winding £ • tm 100 ... S £. Indies 1739. S p.l R. ma). 3.49
Bombax pentandrum L.
18147 guineense G. Don Guinea t • tm 130 ... S Guinea 1826. S p.l
18148caribaj%um G.Don Caribbean f • t m 70 ... S W. Indies 17J9. S p.l
2031. MYRO*DIA Schreb. MVHODIA. {Myron, fragrant balsam, odtne, smell; odor of plant.) Bomblcece. 1.—3.
18149 turbinata Swx. turbinatc ft • or 6 ... W W. Indies 1793. C p.l
2032. COCHLOSPE'RMUM Kth. COCHLOSPERMUM. (Kochlo, to twist, sperma, seed) Ternstrcnniacete. 2.
18150 Gobsypium Kth. cottony J a or 60 — Y E. Indies 1824. C p.l Son. it. 2.153
Bombax 6?ossypium L. grandiflurum Sonn
18151 scrratifulium Kth. serrated ± • or 60 ... Y Mexico 1820. C p.l Fl. mcx. ic. in.
Bombax witifolium W. en.

2033.I. GORDO*N/i4 EL GORDONIA. {James Gordon, a nurseryman at Mile-End.) Temstrccmiuceee. 4 . - 6 .

18152 Laaianthus L.
L, Hairy-flower flfc or 6 au.n Y N. Amer. 1739. L P.l Bot. mag. 668
18153 Haunatuxylon
Hemat Swx. Jam. Kcd-wood 9 • tm 40 ... W Jamaica 1820. S I.p
18154 pubfscens IV. pubescent i& or 4 au.n W Carolina 1774. L s.p Ven. mal. 1
Lacathta flurida Sal.
18155 Franklin/ Herit. Franklin's 4 au.n W N. Amer. 1774. L s.p

2034. STUA'RIVM Cav. STUARTIA. {John Stuart, Marquis of Bute, a distinguished bot.) Ternstr. 1.
18156 virginica Dec. common Virginian3f or 10 W N. Amer. 1742. L I.p Bot. rep. 397
Malachodendron L.


{Malakos, ao(t,dendron, tree.) Ternstroemihcea. 1.
18157 ovatura Cav. ovate $ 9 JUu W N Amer
* - 1 7 8 5 . L I.p Bot reg. 1104
Stuartia pentagy"nia Herit.
2036. POLY'SPORA Swt. POLVSPORA. {Polys, many, spora, seed; fruit.) Tcrnstrccmiacete. 1.
18158 axilliiris Swt. axillary * • or 3 W E. Indies 1818. C r.m Bot. reg. 349
Camcilia axillaris B. B. and B. M.

8037. THE"A L. TEA. (Tc/ia, the Chinese name for tea.) CameUiecE. 2 . - 4 .
18159 Bohia L. Bohea H l _ J c l t 4 au.d W China 1768. C I.p Bot mag. 998
chinensis /3 Bohea Dec.
18160 vlridis L. green L| |clt 4 f.n W China 1768. C I.p Bot. cab. 227
chinensis * viridis Dec.

•£038. CAME'LLML. CAMELLIA. {George Joseph Kamel, or Camellus, a Jesuit.) Camell&ec. 6. — 7 .

18161 curyoides B. B. Eurya-like * 1J |or 44 my.jn j w Chi
W China 1824
1824. p.l Bot reg. 983
18162 oleifera Abel oleiferous i i 1 or 4 my.U w China 1819. p.l Bot. cab. 1065
18163 Kissi Wai. Kissi I i I or 10 myjl w Nepal 1823. p.ll
18164 SasfinquaThun. Lady Banks's Sasan.i L j p r 4 f.n w China 1811. p.l Bot. reg. 12
S plena rubra double red i 4 f.n Pk China 1818. p1 Bot. reg. 5*7
3 plena Alba double white i l_Jpr 4 f.n W China 1824. p1 Bot. reg. 1091
4 semiplena alba semidouble white < Ljspl 4 f.n W China 1811. p. I Bot. reg 12
18165 reticulate A, Br. reticulated i Ljspl 6 apjn R China 1824. p.l Bot. reg. 1078
181i?6 japonica L. common Japan i t 1 spl 10 my R China 1739. l
Garden Varieties.
1 rubra single red i I | spl 10 R China 1739. C Bnt mag. 42
2 £lba single white I L j s p l 10 W China p. Bot. cab. 653
3 semiduplex semidouble red i i I spl 10 R China p. Bot. rep 559
4 rubro-plcna double red i i | spl 10 R China p. Bot. rep. 199
5 carnea MiddlcmisVs flesh co/or I I | spl 10 R China p.
6fftyrtifMia Myrtlc/rrtwrf 4 I | spl 10 R China Bot mag. 1670
7 atrorfibcns Loddiges1 dark red I I | spl 10 fmy R China !
8 anemoniflura War. Ancmone-flwd i i I f»pl 10 R China p. Bot. cab. 537
9 verslcolor variegated Waratah * i l spl 10 fmy St China p. Bot. reg. 887
10 pezoniaflbra l'»ony.flou crcdl i | spl 10 Bh China p.
11 varicgkta double striped 1 i I spl 10 fmy Bh China p. Bot. rep. 91
12 Pompbnia _ Keut blush Poinponcl l | spl 10 Bh China P- Bot. reg 23
13 flavescens flavescent Hume's blush*, i ) spl 10 W China p.
P Bot. reg. 112
14 alba pl&na double-white M \ | spl 10 W China Bot. rep. 25
15 Welbankii Wclhank's * i_J spl 10 w China
Bot. reg. 708
Bot. reg. 633
lKinvoluta Lady Long's involute* i_J spl 10 R
17 variabilis variable iv/iite Waratahtk y | spl ... fmy W China Bot. cab. 596
}| hexangulkris hcxangular * v_J spl W fmy R China
19 dianthifl&ra Carnat.-flwd Warat. • LJ spl 10 R China Bot. mag. 2577
JO Kiteo-&lba pale yellow M LJ spl 10 Pa.Y China p._I Bot. reg. 708
21 fimbnata fringed white * i_J spl 10 W China

22 crassincrvls thick-nerved • i_J s P l 1° China

S3 exp&nsa expanded il | | spl 10 China p
21 conchiflura shell-flowered » i _ J s p l 10 China p!
China p!
25 rubricaulis L.Campbeil'srcd-stmd*t, | spl 10 -
SJ6 longifolia long-leaved m \ | spl 10 China
27 aucubtefolia Aucuba-leaved * i_J spl 10 China p
28 coccinea scarlet il \ | spl 10 China p.i!
29 grandiflura great-flowered m \ | spl 10 China pi
SO nana dwarf m LJ spl 10 China p.;
31 incarnata incarnate * | | spl 10 China Bot. cab. 140
32 blanda blush Waratah il ( | spl 10 Bh China P.
33 R6ss*i
il L_\ spl 10
* i_J spl 10
China P .i
35 straminca straw-colored • | | spl 10 Str China p-
36 Aiton* Alton's large single rcdHt \ | dpi JO R seedling p- Chan. cam. 3
37 fllthasiflora Hollyhock-flwd il | | spl 10 fmy R seedling P. Chan. cam. 4
38 corallma coral-flowered il i | spl 10 S seedling p. Chan. cam. 5
39 insignia splendid * ( | spl 10 fmy S seedling P. Chan. cam.6
40fl6nda flowery il i_J spl 10 R seedling P. Chan. cam. 7
41 anemoniflora alba white Anem.-fl. il i | spl 10 W seedling p
Chan. cam. 8
42 Chandler* Chandler's str. Waratah* i_J spl 10 St seedling !{ Chan. cam. 1.
43 punctvkta Gray's spotted il L_J spl 10 seedling
44Ausamfindi Rose of the World* i | spl 10 W.c seedling p.j
45 PTCSSM Press's single-red* \ | spl 10 R seedling P.
46cclipsis Press's eclipse il | | spl 10 seedling p
47 rubro-punctata single red-spotted* i_J spl 10 W.a seedling !
2039. BARRINGTCTNJ/f Font. BARRINGTONIA. (Hon. Daines Barrington, F.R.S.A.S.) Myrtacece. 1.
18167 specifcsa Forst. showy £ • spl 20 ... 8 E. Indies 1786. S r.m Ru. am. 3. Hi
2040. STRAVA^DIUM J. STRAVADIUM. {Tsjeria Samstravadi, its Malabar name.) Mvrtueete. 8.
18168 acutangulum J. sharp-angled f O or 20 ... P E. Indies 1822. L sp R. raal.4.7
Barringtunia acutangula Rox. Eugenia
acutangula L.
18169 racemusum Swt. racemose i O or 20 ... W E. Indies 1822. L s.p R. raal. 4. 6
Barringtonia racemosa Rox. Eugenia racemosa L.

S041. GUST A?VIA L. GUSTAVIA. (Gustavug III. king of Sweden, patron of Lin.) Myrthcete. 1. — 2.
18170 augusta L. august £OspllO ... W •Guiana 1791. C r.m Aub. gui.l.iyj
2042. CARITY/f Rox. CAREYA. (William Carey, bot and nat, its discoverer.) Myrtuccat. 3.
18171 herbacca Rox. herbaceous £ El spl J R E. Indies 1808. D 1. Rox. cor. 3.217
18172 sphcT'rica Rox. round • spl 3"" ... R E. Indies 1823. C pS
18173 arLbrea Rox. tree • spl 10 ... R.Y E. Indies 1823. C p.i Rox. cor. 3.218
2043. itfNDROSATMUM All. TUTSAN. (Aner, a man, haima, blood; color of Juice.) Hyperidnece. ].
18174 officinale All. officinal j A or 2 jLs Y Britain woods. Sk co Eng. bot 1225
Hype'ricum jfadrossVnum L.
2044. il'SCYRUM L. ASCVRUM. (A, priv., skyros, roughness; plants! smooth.) Huperictnete. 5 . - 6 .
18175 pumilura Mx. dwarf £ .A) P* !
I' Y
" "Georgia Oft
" *1806.~ C l.p
18176 crux A'ndre^ L. St. Andrew's cross* | | pr 2 jl Y N. Amer. 1759. C l.p
18177 Aypericoides L. Hypericum-like* i | pr Y N. Amer. 1759. C l.p
18178 stans Mx. standing * I_J pr Y M. Amer. 1806. C l.p Ven.mal.90
18179 amplexicaule Mx. stem-clasping il i | pr jl.s Y N. Amer. 1823. C co
2045. MORISO'NJif Plu. MORISONIA. (R. Morison, prof, of bot. at Oxford, d. 1683.) Capparlde*. t
18180 amcricana L. American £ O or W? W. Indies 1824. C p.i Jac. am. 97
Capparis Morisbni Sun.



2046. MONNIE^R/il W. MONMBRIA. (M. le Mounter, an able bot, phys. to Louis XV.) Rutbccce. 1.
18181 trifblia W. three-leavcd G2jun W Guiana 1792. 8 s.1 Aub.gui.2.293



•2047. CORYD.VLIS Dec. CORYDALIS. (Korydalis, ancient Gr. name for fumitory.) Fumariacet*. 22.—S3.
I. CAPNI^TES. — Roots tuberous s stems simple ; cauline leaves few, alternate.
18182 pauciflura Pers. few-flowered A A or 1 f.ap P Siberia 1819. D p.l Deles*. 2.9. A
iPumaria paucifldra Step.
18183 MarshalliafM Pers. Marshall's A A or t f.ap P Tauria 1824. D p.l Deless.2 10
18184 tuberdsaZto. tuberous hollow-rooted & A or | f.ap P Europe 1596. D co Bot. mag. 232
2 albiflura white-flowered A A or f f.ap W Europe 1596. D co Bot mag. 234
JPumaria cava albiflbra B. M.
18185/abScea Pers. Bean-leaved A A or f f.ap P Germany 1815. D co Fl. dan. 1394
18186 caucasica Dec. Caucasian A A or $ f.ap
ff.ap P Caucasus 1823. D p.l
Fum^ria/abacea Bieb.
18187 bulbosa Dec. bulbous A A or I Pk Britain groves. D co Eng. bot. 1471
FUmaria s61ida Sm.
18188 angustifolia Dec. narrow.leaved A A or P Iberia 1819. D p.l
18189 bracteata Pers. large-bTacted A A or 1 f.ap Pa.Y Siberia 1820. D p.l
18190 n6bilis Pers. noblc-Jlawered A A or 1 my L.Y Siberia 1783. D p.l Bot mag. 1953
11. CAPNOI*DES. — Roots fibrous stems branched ; cauline leaves numerous, alternate.
18191 piEonuefblia Pers. Pacony-leaved ^ A or 1 f.ap P Siberia 1820. D p.l
18192 glafica PA. glaucous O or 2 Y.P N. Amer. 1683. S co Bot. mag. 179
i^umaria sempervlrens L.
18193 strlcta Step. strict 1 my.jl Y Siberia 1827. S p.l
18194 siberica Pers. Siberian Y Siberia 1810. S p.l
18195 impktiens Fis. impatient 1 my.ap Y Siberia 1823. S p.l
18196 aurea W. en. golden 1 myjl Y N. Amer. 1812. S co Bot reg. 66
18197 Kitea Pers. yellow 1) ap.o Y England oldw. D co bot. 588
18198 capnoldcs Pers. Capnus-like 2 my.o W S. Europe 1596. S co
18199 acaulis Pers. stemless , 4 my.o Pa.Y Hungary 1825. S co Jac.ic.3.554
18200 uralensis Fis. Ural ^ 1 au Pa.Y Altai 1824. S co
18201 brevifftra Dec. short-flowered 2 jn.jl Pa.Y Kamtch. 1824. S p.l
18202 claviculata W. tendrilled J. 6 jn.jl W.Y Britain thick. S co Eng. bot. 103
•8048. CYSTICATNOS Boer. CTBTICAPNOS. (Kystis, a bladder, kapnos, fumitory.) Fmnariikce*. 2,
18803 africana Gae. African ± O or 2 jnjl K,w C. G. H. 1696. S s.l Boer. 1.300
Furaaria vesicaria L.
18204 alexandrina G. Don Alexandrian _i O or 2 jn.jl W . R Alexandr.1827. S co
•fiO49. DIE'LYTRA Bore. DIELYTRA. two. elytron, a sheath ; base of flowers.) FumariacetB. 9.
18205 Cucullaria Dec. Monk's hood or £ jn.jl W N. Amer. 1731. D s.p Bot mag. 1127
J^umaria Cucullaria L.
18206 bracteusa Dec. bractcd or 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1823. D p.l
18207 form&sa Dec. handsome or 1 jn.jl F N. Amer. 1796. D p.l Bot. mag. 1335
18208 exlmia Dec. choice or 1* jn.jl F N. Amer. 1812. D p i Bot. reg. 51
J\imaria exlmia Ker
18209 s|>ectfibilifl Dec. remarkable or 1 jn.jl P Siberia 1810. D p.l Am. ac. 7.457.7
18210 specibsa Nois. showy or 1 jn.jl F 1810. D p.l
18211 tenuifolia Dec. fine-leaved or f jnjl
Corydalis tenuifolia Ph. Pk Kamtch. 1820. D p.l Deless. 2.9.13
18212 canadensis Dec. Canadian S jn.jl
Ibryd&lis canadensis Go/. W N. Amer. 1819. D co Bot. mag. 3031.
18213 lachenali^y2oraDcc.Lachcnalia.flwd^ 1 jnjl
P Siberia 1826. D p.l Ac. pet 1.19
•2050. ADLITML4 Ran*. ADLUMIA. (Adlum. an American writer on Vines.) Fumariheece. 1.
18214 cirrhosa Rafi. cirrhose I C J o r 15 jn.s W.p N. Amer. 1778. S s.l Sw. fl. gar. 189
Corydalis fungbsa Ven.
2051. SARCOCA'PNOS Dec. SARCOCAPNOS. (Sarx, flesh, kapnos, fumitory; leaves.) Fumaridcete. 1. — 2 .
18215 enneaphyila Dec. nine-leaved ^ ^ or 1 myjl P.v Spain 1714. D co Boc. mu. 2.73.1
-Fumkria enneaph^lla L.
8052. JTJMA'RIA Tou. FUMITORY. (Fumus, smoke; disagreeable smell of plant) Fumarihcete. 8. —10.
I. PLATYCA'PNOS. — Silicles compressed.
18216 spicata L. spiked Q or 8 j l . a u F S. Europe 1714. S co M.h. 3.12.11
II. SPHAROCA'PNOS, — Silicles globose.
18217 capreolata L. tendrilled lOor my.s Europe ... S Dec. ic. 1.34
2 Burche'llji Burchcll's O cu mr C. G. H. 1816. S
18218 media LoL intermediate O or Britain corn fi. S Eng. bot. 943
capreolata E. B. not L. jnjl
18219 omcinalis L. officinal O w 2 Pk Britain S co Eng. bot 589
18220 parviflora Lam. small-flowered O w 2 au.s Pk England corn fi. S co Eng. bot £90
18221 micr£ntha Lag. small-flowered O or 1 myjl Pk Spain 1823. S co
18222 Vaillantii LoL Vaillant's O or 1 myjl Pk England 1800. S co Vail. pa. 10.6
18283 densiflora Dec. dense-flowered O or 1 myjl Pk Montpel. 1824. S co


•2053. POLY'GALA Tou. MILKWORT. {Polys, much, gala, milk; supp. to increase.) Polyghle*. 48.— 168.
I. PBTCHA'NTHIW. — Keel much crested ; capsules smooth, marginate ; braeteas three at base of pedicels, often
persistent; leaves opposite, from No. 18229. alternate.
18224 oppositifolia L. opposite-leaved i H_Jor R C. G. H. 1790. i.p Bot. reg. 636
18225 cordifolia Thun. heart-leaved | or 3 P C. G. H. 1791. s.p Bot. mag. 2438
18226 tetragoiia Burc. four-angled | or 2 year P C. G. H. 18'JO. s.p
182-27Nummulana Burc. Nummularia-A 3 year P C. G. H. 1812.
18228 latifulia Ker broad-leaved C. G. H. 1820. £f Bot reg. 645
l or 1} my.jn P
corditbha B. M.
18229 borbonw'/o/io Burc. Borbonia-lvd 3 year P C. G. H. 1790. C B.p Bot. mag. 498
o;»posititolia B. At.
18230 myrtifblia L. Myrtle-leaved i i| | or 3 m y . a u C. G. H. 1707. C p.1 Bot. reg. 669
182.31 grandiflora Lod. large-flowered i :r lor 4 rayo C.G. H. 1818. c s7p Bot. cab. 1227
18232 tenuifblia Lk. fine-leaved i 11 | or 3 apjn C. G. H.
182.13 /iliifblia Ma. C. Lily-leaved I 11 4 my.o C. G. H. 1823. C p.l
18234 liguftris Ker ttrap-leaved | or
i i , ; or lj C. G. H. 1820. CC
s.p B o t reg. 637
182.15 intermedia Dec. intermediate i ii lor 3 my.o C. G. H. C s.p
18236 bracteolata L. bractcoldte i 6 my.o C.G. H. 1713. c 8.p Bot. mag. 345
18237 Burmann i Dec. Burmann's J t| | or 3 my.o C G . H. c a.p Bur af. 7 3 . 4
18238 umbellate Thun. umbellate or 1 my.o C O . H. 1713. s s.p Bur. af. 7 3 . 5
1 231 C. G. H. 1816. c s.p
1H2J9 simplex Burc. simple-stemmed . i\ | or 4 my.o
18240 specibsa B. M. showy i \ y | or 6 my.o C. G H. 1814. ^ c B.p
8 p B o t reg. 150
18241 teretitWia Thun. c>lindrical-lvd i 11 | or 3 P C. G. H. 1791. C P.p Hot rep. 370
1824*2 pinifoha Lam. Pine-leaved t b| | or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1823. C e.p L a m . iL 598.8
18243 gem&totdcs Pair. Broom-like i 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p
18244 Garcinw L. Garcin's i 3 my.o P C. G. H. C s.p Bur. af. 7 3 . 3
18245 a t t e n u a t e Lod. attenuated • 11 | or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p B o t cab. 1000
18246 lanceolate Lo. C. lance-leaved 3 my.o P C. G. H. 18*). C s.p
II. POLV'GALON. — Keel crested ; capsules smooth ; braeteas three at base of pedicels, soon falling off.
18247 major Jac. larger Austi tan 1 II Austria 1739. D 6.1 Jac. au. 5.413
18248 vulgaris L. common ft my.jn B Britain D B.I Eng. bot. 76
18249 amara L. bittci | jn B Europe 1775. D I.p Bot. mag. 2437
18250 monspellaca L. Montpelier i jn.jl B Mediterr. ... S 8.1 Dec. ic. 1.9
III. TIMU^TEA. — Keel crested {crest often very minute); capsules smooth, oval-oblong, scarcely emargjnate;
racemes sometimes elongated, sometimes crowded, spike-foamed; flowers small; leaves alternate or verUcillate.
18251 incarnata L. fiesh-coloied or 1 "jnjl Fk N. Amer. 1812. S co
18252 cruciate L.
18253 brevifulia Nut.
short-leaved 8 or i jn.jl
O p r i jn.jl
G.p N. Amer. 1739. S co
... N. Amer. ... S p.l
18254 fastigiata Nut. peaked O pr i jn.jl ... N. Amer. ... S p.l
18255 luteu L. yellow O or 1 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1739. S co Pluk. am. 438. 6
18256 nana Dec. O or i jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. ... S co
vindescens Nut. dwarf
18257 purpQrea Nut. O or i jn.jl P N. Amer. 1739. S i.p
sanguinea Mx. purple
18258 sanguinea L. O or 1 jl.s G.p N. Amer. 1739. S co Pluk. am. 438.5
viridescens Poir. blood.fjDitaf
18259 ambigua Nut. ambiguous O or i j j N. Amer. 1824. P.1
18260 verticillata L. vrhor\-leaved O or ij N. Amer. 1739. co Pluk. am. 438.4
18261 paniculate L. Opr | j P a P S Amer. 1822. CO Bot. reg. 761
18262 graininifolia Poir. panicled
Grass-leaved A or W Carolina 1824. s.p
IV. SE'NEGA. — Keel beardless i the three outer sepals of calyx subequal; leaves alternate.
18263 Senega L. Rattlesnake root^t A or $ jl R.w N. Amer. 1739. S co Bot mag. 1051
V. CIIAMJRBI/XUB. — Lower sepal of calyx concave-cucullate: inside at base embracing a gland.
18264 paucifolia W. few-leaved J| A or \ P N. Amer. 1812. D s.l
18265 Chamebtixus L. Bastard Box C or J my.jn Y Austria 1658. Sk a.1 Bot mag. 316

2054. MURA'LTJJ Neck. MURALTIA. {John von Muralt.K Swiss botanist.) Polyghlett. 14. — 39.
18266 Hcisterta Dec. Heister's 6 ja P C 6 . H 1787. C s.p Bbtmag. 340
Polygala Heisteria L.
18267 fllojwcuro'ides Dec% FoxtaiUike 3 P C. G. H. 1800. C i.p Bot mag. 1006
" i alopccuroldes L.
18268 squarr!!>sa Dec. squarrose ilLJor 3 my.jl P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
18269 stipulkc'ca Burc. stipuled 3 ap.s R C. O. H. 1801. C s.p Bot mag. 171%
18270 junipcrifMia Dec. Juniper-leaved ft LJ or 3 ap.s P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p
18271 difFiisa Burc. diffUse il t_j or 3 year P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p
18272 virguta Burc. twiggy m LJ or 3 year P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
18273 /inoph^lla Burc. I 1 lax-leaved *i lor 3 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
18274 macroccras Burc. long-horned 3 year P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p
18275 mixta L. mixed 3 year P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Bot mag. 1714
Polygala mixte Andr. i | or 1 my.jl C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Bot cab. 420
18876 humilii Swt. humble
Polygala humilis Lod. 1 | or 3 my.jn C G. H. 1824. C i.p
JBVT1 ciharis Burc. ciliated
18278 filiformis Dec. filiform L-Jor lft my.d C. G. H. 1812. C ap
Polygala flliiormis Thun.
18279 micrantha W. small-flowered M i_J or lft year P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot rep. 384
* 3055. MU'NDI A Kih. MUNDIA. {Mundus, neat; appearance.) P,
18280 spinbsa Dec. spiny 11 I or 3 P C. G. H. 1780.
Polygala spinosa L.
8 angustifblia Dec. narrow-leaved luJor 3 P C. O. H. 1800. C s.p
Polygala viminea Hout.
U 4 .

2056. SECURIDA*CA L. SECVMOACA. [Securis, a hatchet; form of end of pod.) Tolyehlece. 2. —8.
18281 volubilis L. twining JDfralfl ... W W. Indies 1739. C p.1 Jac. am. 183.38
18282 virgata Swt. twiggy tCJfiralO ... W Jamaica ... C p.1 P.ed.B.248.1


2057. PLAGICLOBUM Swt. PLAQIOLOBUM. (Plagios, transverse, lobos, a pod.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genii. I
18283 ilicifiMium Swt. Holly-leaved H t_J or 5 mr.jl B N. Holl. 1824 C s.p Sw. au. S
H6veflfliciR»liaCkwi. #
18284 chorizemifoliumSa/. Chonzema-lvd il i_J or S mr.jl B N. HolL 1826. C s.p
Hbvctf chorizcmifolia Dec.
2058. ACHYRO^NIA JP. ACRYRONIA. (Achyron. chaff; branches and leaves chaffy.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1.
18285 villusa W. oi. villoiu A ^jfor 3 jlau Y K. HolL 1819. C pi Wen.her. ]. 12
2Q59. LIPA^RIA L. LIPARIA. (,Liparost brilliant; surface of leaves.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 1.
18286 sphae'rica X. globe-Jtowered * LJ or 4 O C. G. H. 1794. C p.l Bot mag. 1241
2060. P R I E S T L E Y Dec. PRIESTLEYA. (3/. Priestley, physiological botan.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Genis. 14.—15.
I. EI9OTIIBNA. — Calyx thrust in at base.
18287 myrtifolia Dec. Myrtle-leaved * LJ or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1893. C p.l Dec. leg. 29
Liparia myrtifolia Thun.
18288 hirsftta Dec. hairy-stemmed * L-J or 3 ap.d Y C. G. H. 1792. C p.l Bot. reg. 8
Liparia hirshta Thun.
18289 tevigata Dec. smooth-leaved m v_J or Y C. G. H. 1820. C pi Dec. leg.30
, Liparia lsvigata Thun. Borbbnia Isvigata L.
II. ANBISOTHE\. — Calyx ovate or obconically attenuated.
18290 capitata Dec. capitate * LJ or 3 jl au Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l
Liparia capitata Thun.
18291 «aminifolia Dec. Grass-leaved *uJor 3 ju.jl Y C.G. H. 1800. C co
Liparia graminifblia L.
18292 tbres Dec. cylinder-leaved * LJ or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
Liparia teres Thun.
18293 ericsefolia Dec. Heath-leaved * i _ J o r 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Dec. leg. 31
Borbunia iricefblia L.
18294 serfcea Dec. silky-leaved « L j o r 3 jnjl Y C. G. H. 179* C p.1
LipHria sericea L.
181295 axillaris Dec. axillary Jl LJ or 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. J822L C p. I Dec. leg. 32
Borbonta axillaris Lam.
18296 elliptica Dec. elliptic #Jor 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1825. C s.p Dec. leg. 33
18297 villbsa Dec. woolly # u J o r 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C co H.n.h.5.29.1
Liparia villbsa L. Borb6ni<i tomentbsd L.
18298 vestlta Dec. clothed «uJor 3 myjn Y C. G. H. 1800. C p.1 Bot. rep. 382
Liparia vestlta Thun.
III. DirBiJE. — Calyx not known ; and hence doubtful to which of the sections they belong
18299 tomentbsa Dec. downy * LJ or 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C co
Liparia tomentbsa Thun.
18300 umbellifera Dec. umbelliferous I J o r 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1626. C p.1
Liparia umbellifera Tnun,

2061. MEDICA^GO L. MEDICK. (Medike, by Diosc. to a Median grass.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 40. —76.
I. "HJPVLifRih.—Lcgumcn renifomt, falcate or subcochleate, stnooth or pubescent; margins entire ; leaves trtfoL
18301 rupestris Bieb. rock _ or 1 jnjl Y Tauria 1820. D co
18302 brachyc&rpa Fts. short-podded Jc O cu } jnjl Pa.Y Tifliz 1823. S co
J/elilotus brachtfloba Fts.
18303 lupulinai. Hop-like TrefoUJk Q ag 1 Y Britain S co Eng. bot 971
18304 mnii)carpa IVallr. Moss-fruited Jc O cu 4 Y Switzerl. 1816. S co
lupuhna y unguiculata Dec.
18305 Willdenbww Hent. Willdenow's Jc O cu f jnau Europe 1816. S co
18306 cretacea Bieb. chalky Jc ^ cu 4 jll Tauria 1805. D s.l
18307 falcata L. falc&te-pods & A ag 2 1 England bor. fl. D co Eng. bot 1016
1831)8 proctimbons Bes. trailing Jc /^ or 1 njl S. Europe 1H18. I) co
18309 cancell ata Bleb. latticetl Jc ^ or 1 l Caucasus 1818 D co
18510 suffruticbsa Ram. sufflruticose & £ or 2 njl V.Y Pyrenees y 1820.
0 D co
18311 arbbrca L. tree Moon-trefoil £ or 8 my.n Y IUly 1596. C 1.1 LoUic. 2.46.2
18312 sibArica Dec. Siberian O or 1 jnjl Y Siberia 1817. S co
Afclilutus sibcrica Pair.
18313 media Pers. intermediate ^ A or 2 jn.jl B Europe 1817. D co
18314 satlva L. cultivated Lucern£ A ag 2 jnjl V England D r.m Eng. bot. 1749
2 vereicoior various-colored A A or 2 jnjl Y.B Britain ganl. D co
18315 nrostrata Jac. prostrate 3 A cu f jnjl Y Hungary 1793. D s.l Jac. vin. 89
18316 glomerata Balb. clustered ^ A cu 1 jnjl Y Italy ... 1) s.l
18317 glutinbsa Bieb. glutinous Jc A cu 1 jn.jl Y Tauria ... D co
II. SnsocA'BPOS.—Legumen cockleate-orbiculate, pilose or smooth ; margins entire, rough or spiny; Ivs tr\f.
i. Legumens with thin unarmed margins.
18318 obschra lietx. doubtful Jc O cu 1 1734. S co Rets. 1.24.1
18319 IffiVis Desf. smooth -* O cu i S. Europe 1816. S co
Jielix W.
18390 orbicularis Alt, round-podded Jc O cu 1 jLau Y S. Europe 1688. S co M.h.^15.1
1|321 marginkto W. en. margined Jc O cu 1 jLau Y S. Europe 1816. S co M.h.2.15.8
18322 applanata W. flat Jc O cu Y . . . 1810. S co
18323 scutellata AU. dish-like Jc O cu 1 Y S. Europe 1562. S co M.h.2.15.3
18324 gZwiOT bZ rugose Jc O cu 1 Y Sicily 1680. S co M.h.2.15.4
elcgans W.
ii. Ugumens with thick unarmed margins,
18325 tomata W. turned-podded Jk O cu 1 Y §• t u r ° P e l®& co
18326 turbin^ta W. turbinated Jc O cu 1 Y S. Europe 16S0. co M.h.2. W.5
18327 tuberculata W. vrart-podded Jc O cu 1 Y S. Europe 1658. co M.h.2.15. 6
18328 stnata Bast. striated Jk Q cu ft Y S. France 1820. co
tricycla Dec.
iii. Legumens spiny.
18329 apiculata W. small-tufted Jk O cu Y S. Europe 1800. s.l Gae. fr. 2.155. 7
18330 catal6nica Schrank Catalonian Jt O cu i Y Catalonia 1820. Sen. mo. 28
18331 denticul&ta W. toothed Jk O cu 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1800.
18332 flexubsa Ten. flexuous Jk O cu i Y Italy 1819. co
18333 spinulbsa Dec. spinulous Jk O c u i Y S. France 1820. co
18334 pubescens Dec. pubescent Jk O cu i Y Montpcl. 1819. co Bau.his.2.385 ic?
18335 terebellum JF. awl-spined Jk O O cu 1 JIB au Y S. Europe 1798. s.1 15f>. 7?
18336 marina L. sea Jfc A cu 1 Y S. Europe 159a 8.1 Cav. ic. 2.130
18337 coronata Lam. crowned Jfc O cu 1 jnjl Y S. Europe 1660. 8.1 M. h. 2.15. 16
18338 tcntaculata *T. tentaculated Jk O cu 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe .«• CO Gae. fr. 155.7?
18339 Hornemanniiina Ser. Hornemann's Jt O cu i Y Morocco 1818. CO
pubeHcens Horn.
18340 littorMis Rohde shore Jk O cu i Y Europe 1822. CO Bau.his.2 385.ic?
18341 /appacea Lam. Burdock-like •-* O cu i Y S. France 1810. co 2.155.7?
18342 pcntac^cla Dec. five-whorled Jk O cu i Y S. France 1820. co M.h.2.156.19
18343 hystrix 7Vn. porcupine Jfc O cu i Y Naples 1820. co
18344 discif6rmis Dec. disc-formed Jt O cu i Y S. France 1S22. CO
18345 cantiensis Jac. Carst 3f A cu 1 jnjl Y Carinthia 1789 CO Bot. mag. 909
18346 nlgra IV. black Jk O cu 1 Y S. Europe 1789. 8.1 M.h.2. 15.19
18347 /ribuloldes Lam. Caltrops-like Jfc O cu 1 Y & Europe 1730. S.1
18348 cylindrhcea Dec. cylindric Jt O cu i jn.iiu Y 1822. CO
18349 praY-ox Dec. early Jk O O cu i Y & Europe 1820. CO
* OO Y Spain 1818.
softest cu i Y
18350 mollissima /to/A
Greece 1804. 8.1
183 gn
18351 grwVd /fern Grecian
least Jk O cu i 1 niy.jn Y England S CO Fl. dan. 211
18352 minima Lam. Jk O cu i Y
18353 arenXria Ten. sand Italy 1820. » CO
Jk OO cu
littorMis Ten.
18354 muricolcptis Tineo slendcr-prickledJfc Q cu i Y Europe 1820. co
18355 uncinata IV. hooked Jc O cu 1 jl.uu Y S. Europe ... co
18356 distans Poir. distant Jc O cu i Y S. Europe 1810. co M.h.2.15.21
18357 recta Desf. upright o cu 1 Y Barbary 1810. co
18358 aculeata W. prickly Jk O cu 1 Y 1802. CO
18359 maculata W. spotted Jk O cu cu li my.jn Y England 8.1 Eng. hot 1616
18360 strumaria A Er btrumouB Jk o i Y 1820. CO
18:361 ovata //. £r. ovate Jk o cu i Y 1820. CO
18362 caspica F». Caspian Jk o cu i Y Caspia 1816. CO
18.363 Gerardi W. & K. Gerard's Jk O Clcu 1 Y Hungary 1816. COM.h.2.15.18
18364 agr^stis Ten. field Jk O » ijnau Y Italy 1820. CO
18365 rigidula Xn/». rigidhh-podded Jk O cu cu
1 Y S. Europe 17.m 6.1
18366 muricata All. muricated Jk O 1 myjn Y England sea co. S COM.h.2.15.11
18367 sphaerocirpos round-fruited Jfc O cu i Y Italy 1818. S COScba3
18368 milrex W. caltrop Jk O cu 1 Y 1802. 8.1
18369 laciniata AU. ]ag-leaved Jk O cu Y S. Europe 1683. s.1 Brey. c. 34
18370 Tenor/V//irt Ser. Tcnore's Jc O cu i Y Italy 1820. CO •
18371 granadensis W. en. Granada Jc O cu f Y Spam 1816. s.1 Jac. c. 15.2
18.372 intert^xta FK interwoven Jc O cu Y S. Europe 1629. M. h. 2.15.8
18373 cihkris »'. ciliated Jk O cu 1 S
i jn au
France 1686.
S. France 1818.
CO M.h.2.15.7
18374 eclrinus Dec. hedgehog Jt O cu CO M.h.2.15.9
18375 agagr6]«hila wild-goat-loved Jt O cu i Y 1820. CO

2062. HYMEKOCA'RPUS Savi HYMBNOCARPUS. {Hymen, membrane, karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Trif. a
18376 radiatus IV. ray-podded O P' I jn.jl Y Italy 1629. S s.l Lob. ic. 2.38.2
Mcdic&eo radikta L.
18377 circmatun Savi round-podded Jk O Pr i flau Y Italy 1640. S co Gae. fr. 2.155
Medic&go circinata L.
18378 nummulanus W. en. MoncyvrorUvdJk O P* h J'-au Y Italy 1640. S co
Medicago nummuKiria Dec.

2063. TRIGONE'LLA i. FENUGREEK. {Treis, three,gonia,angle; flower.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif.2B.-i6.

I. GHAMMOCA'RPUS.—Flowers capitate or umbellate: legumes ovate, longitudinally nerved, with long beaks.
11*7O caerulea
nmviMao *»r.
d>«. blue
Ulna f\O «%
11 SI »•• B
D 'Switzcrl.
C...&___1 i1562.
t f f l oS ——
co Bot.
n_& mag.
____ 2283
Melilutus caerulca L.
18380 Besserinna Ser. Bes»«r'a O or 1 B Fodolia 1810. S co
A/elilntus procumbens Bes.
18381 uncinata Ser. hooked O or 1 Y Tauria 1798. S co Bux. c. 2.44.1
Jl/eliKitus ham&sa Bicb. uncinata Bes.
18382 littorahs Cus. shore O or 1 jn au Y Sicily 1816. S co
18383 calliceras Fis. pretty.horncd O un ijn.jl Y Tifliz 1823. S eo Dec. gen. 2. ic.
18384 elongata Lk. lengthened Qun { jn.jl Y 1823. S co
IL F<ENUMaB*\;uM. _ Flowers sessile, solitary or in pairs; legumes elongated, compressed, long-beaked,
longitudinally netted.
J25S p y°?ft ta i?^* prostrate Jk O or 1 W S. France 1818. S co Bau. his. 2.365.2
I8086 gladiata Bteb. word-podded Jk Q un J W Tauria 1825. S co
18387 i^enumgrffi^cum L. com. Fenugreek O ec 2 W Montpel. 1597. S co Sc. nan. 2.211
III. BV\EBAS. — Flowers racemosely umbellate, pedunculate, and sessilej legumescytindrically compressed,
subarcuate, reticulated, muctonate.
18388 spinosa L. thorny i. O
un ijlaupedunculate.
Y Candia 1710. S 1.1 Lam. il. 611 2
18389 striata L. striated O un 1 Y Abyssinia 1800. S CO
18390 ham&sa L. hooked un $ Y Egypt 1640. g
18391 flexu5sa Del. flexuose
18392 Fmheritina Dec. Fischer's
O or i jn.jl Y Egypt CO
i Y Tifliz 1818! S CO
flexubsa Fis. O
18393 tenuis Fis.
183D4 canccliata Desf.
*oun * jnjl Y Tifliz
un f Jnjl Y
1824. s CO
1821 s CO
-* o
ti. Racemes sessile.
18396 monspeTlaca L. MontpcIIer or 1 jnjl Montpel. 1710. S f.l W.&K.8 142
18396 pinnatifida Cav. pinuatifid or i Spain 1801. S 8.1 Cav. i d . 38
media Del.
18387 polycerata L. many-horned
y O or 1 jl.8 S. Europe 1640. S 8.1
18398 egypflaca
1 gyp Poir. E t i
Egyptian Jt O or 1 Egypt 1818. S co
18399 i t h t f h Horn. Bird's bill
18399 ornithortfnchua O or k Russia 1818. S co
IV. FALCA'LULA. — flowers umbellate, pedunculate ; legumes compressed, falcate, reticulate, mucronate.
18400 ruthenica L. Russian -4 A or l | i n j l Y Siberia 1741. S p.l
18401 media Lag. intermediate -* A or | Y ...... 1818. S co
18402 platycfrpos L. broad-podded O or 1 jn.s W Siberia 1741 S co Gin. si. 4.9
18403 trfbrida Pou. hybrid <* A cu 1 jn.s W.v France 1806. S 8.1 Dec. ic. 1.29
. . . .
18404 corniculata L. - small-horned
„.,.-»,. ^ O fra Jjn.jl
-- - Y & Europe 1597. S 8.1 M. b. 2.16.11
18405 ornithopodUrtdes Dec. Bird's-foot-Ik .* O or ft jnjl R Britain bar.he. S co Eng. bot. 1047
7'rifM\um omithopodioideu L. _
18406 esculenu IV. en. esculent £2 dt 1$ E. Indies 1815. S s.l

.eg.Pap.Ut.Trif. 1.
2064. POCO'CKJ/f Ser. POCOCUA. {Richard Pococke, a traveller in the Levant.) Leg.
18407 cr&ica Ser. Crete v „»
O or »1 Y Candia 1713. S cc
co M. h . 2 . U . 3
TrifMium Afelilfttus cretica I>. itfelilbtus
slilbtiu cretica
cretica Desf.

2065. MELILO'TUS Tou. MELILOT. (Me/i, honey, lotos, lotus j bees gather.) Leg.Pap.Lbt Trif. 28.-29.
I. COSLOBUVIS. — Legumes lacuno&ely rugose.
18408 Koch/ina W. en. Koch's 3 jn.s Germany 1816. S co
TYifblium Kochianum Hay.
18409 denrata IV. en toothed ^ A un 3 Y Hungary 1802. D co W.&K.1.46*
1H410 lintaris Cav. linear O un 2 jlau Y Spain 181ft. S co
18411 ruthenica Bieb. Russian ^ Q> un W Russia 1830. co
18412 melanobplrma Bes. black-seeded 5 Q) un Y Tauria 1819. S co
18413 otticinalis W. en. officinal O cc Y Britain bus. pi. S Eng. bot 1340
TVifulium JV/elilytus otticinalis L.
18414 pahistm Sur/. marsh un 3 Y Hungary 1820. W.&K.266
18415 arbbrea Castag. tree or 15 W Turkey 1826.
18416 altissima rAitf. Ullest £fc Q> or W S. Europe 1816.
&Iba Lam. [K.M.
18417 leucantha tfocA white-flowered ^ Q) un 4 jl.s W Europe S co Stur. deu. 1.15.
vulg*ris IV. en. alba 7%ifi/.
18418 macrorhiza P«v*. long-rooted 3 Y Hungary 1801. co W.&K.L2
18419 indica Pers. Indian & OA unun 1J Y India 1680. co
18420 parviflura Desf.
rugulusa W.en.
small-flowered O un 2 W Barbary 1798. co
18421 Segetalis Ser. Sword.graas O cu liJUu Y Spain 182a co
18422 poloiuca Pers. Polish O un 2 L.Y Poland 1778. 1818.
18423 taurica Bieb. Taurian un 3 jl.s W Tauria
18424 iialica IMW Italian un 2 Y Italy 1596. CO Cam. b. 29
18425 rotundifulia Ten. round-leaved
18426 gracilis Dec.
18427 pfllida Bes.
8 un 3 Y
un 2 jLs
cu 33 jl.s
Volhinia 1816.
18428 suaveolens Led. sweet-smelling * A or Dahuria 1824. CO

II. PLAGIORUVIB. »- Legumens transversely and subarcuatelu rugose.

18429 arvlnsis Wattr. corn O un 2 jlau Y Germany 1800. CO
18430 Petitpierrctiita Hay. Petitpierre's & Q> un 2 jn.s W Germany 1816. CO
18431 Bcneridna Ser. Besser'i 5 Q) un 4 Y Tauria 1816. CO
plicMa Stev.
18432 messanensis Desf. Messina O un 3 Y Sicily 1680. CO
18433 sulcata Desf. furrowed O un 2 jn-jl Y Algiers 1798. CO
mauritanica JV. en.
III. DU'BIJE.—Doubtful to which of the section* they belong.
18434 BaumetU Horn. Baumetti's O un 1* Y 1818. S co
18435 neapolitana Ten. Neapolitan Q un 2 Y Italy 1823. S co

•2066. TRIFCTLIUM Tau. TREFOIL. (Tres, three,/O/IKWI, leaf; 3 on stalk.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 114. —150.
1. LAGOPII& — Flowers spiked ; spikes oblong, at bast ebracteate ; calyx viUous, after flowering not inflated.
18436 angustifblium L. narrow-leaved O pr 1J Pa.R S. Europe 1640 S s.l Bar. ic.608
18437 intermedium Cus. intermediate O pr 1 jnjl W Italy 1820. co
18438 purpurcum Lot. purple O pr 1 jnjl P France 1816. co Loi. gal. 14
18439 riibena L. red ^A pr 1| jn.s D.R S. Europe 163?. D co 4.385
18440 cicrullgceng Bieb. cwrulesccnt O pr f jl BE Siberia 1^.7. S co
18441 incarnhtum L. fLesh-colored O pr 1 jl F Italy 1^)6. S co Bot. mag. 323
18442 Molineri Balb. Mohner's O or 1 W.a S. Europe 1820. S co
18443 Lagopus Pou. Hare's-foot O pr 1 ... Spain 1827. S co
18444 gracile ThuU. slender O pr 1 jnjl ... France 1816. S co Bar. ic. 901
arv£nse var. gracile Dec.
18445 arvense L. field Hare's-foot O w 1 F Britain san. fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 944
18446 lasiocephalum Lk. hairy-headed O pr \\ P C. G. H. 1823. S co
13447 /ig/isticum Balb. Lovage-like O cu J jnjl W.B Spain 1816. S
co Brot. ph. 63.2
aristatum Horn.
18448 divaricatum Horn, divaricate O cu 4 jnjl W.a S. Europe 1B16. S co
18449 gemcllum Pou. twin-spiked O cu } jnjl Y.o Spain 1818. S CO
}84f>() ^hleo\des Pou. Cat's-tail-hke O cu | my jl W . Y Spain 1818. S CO
18451 /appaccum L. O pr W MontpeL 1787. S S.1 Bar. ic. 871
isr>2cciiinatuin Bieb. prickly O cu J jajl W Caucasus 18£1. S CO
1H-Js">3 erinaceum Bieb. prickly O cu | jnjl Pa.R Iberia 1818. S CO
18454 malacanthum Lk. soft-flowered O pr 1 P ...... 1824. S 8.1
18455 sylvaticum Ger. wood O cu ijnjl P France ... S CO
II. PHLEA'STBUM. — Flowers capitate ; heads ovate, conical; calyx after flowering not infated.
ttfSfiBocc&niSavi Boccon's O cu f jnjl Pa. P Spain 1820. S co grot ph. (a 1
18457 stridtum L striated Ow ijn P Britain S s.l Eng. bot. 1843
I S t S tenuia^rcuaa ZVn. fine-flowered O cu J jnjl Pa.R Italy 1823. S co
18459 scabrum L. rough Jc O pr i myjn W Britain san. fl. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 903

HI. EirraiPHY'LLUM. — Flower* capitates heads ovate, pedunculate or sessile, often bracteate i calys vttlous,
not inflated. ^ n
18460 maritimum Hud. sea O pr i Jnjl Pa.P Britain saLm. S 8.1 Eng. bot 220
13461 irregulkre Pou. irregular O pr ft jn.jl Pa.P Pisania ... S CO Savi pis. 2.1.1
rigidum Savi
18462 suptaum Savi supine Jt O cu ft jn.jl Pa.P S. Europe 1816. S co Savi trif. 46.2
18463 constantinopolitanum Ser. Constautin. O cu ft jn.jl Y Turkey 1820. S co
18464 cinctum Dec girded O cu 1 jnjl PaY ...... 1820. S co
18465 alexandr'mum L. Alexandrian O pr 1 jnjl Pa.Y Egypt 1798. S s.1
18466 ochroleocum L. yellowish-white" Su England dr pa. D s.l Eng. bot 1224
18467 cangscens W. canescent 1 my.jl W.v Cappadoc. 1803. S co Bot mag. 1168
184h8 pann6mcum L. Pannonian 1 myjn W.Y Hungary 1752. D co Jac. ob. g.43
18469 oljrmpicum Hook. Olympic Pa.Y S. Europe 182a S co Bot. mag. 2790
18470 trichocephalum Bicb. hairy.headed 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Caucasus 1827. D co
18471 armeniuin W. Armenian 1 jnjl Pa.P W Armenia 182G. D s.l
18472 squarrosum L. squarrose Spain 1640. S s.l M. h. 2.13.1
2 fl&vicaus Ser. yellowish Pa.Y Puania 1817. S co Savi trif. 65
squarrdsum Savi
18473 albiilum Retx. whitish W.Y 1796. S s.1
18474 Lagasc\num Ser. Lagasca'a 1818.
conicum Lag. Pa.Y Spain
18475 c6nicum Pers. conical 1816. s.1
18476 KitaibeltfnKffi Ser. Kitaibel'a Crea Hungary 1818.
c«'»nicuin Horn.
18477 alncstre L. alpine D.P Europe 1789. S co Bot mag. 2779
18478 medium L. mediate Cow-grass] R England dr. pa. D h.l Eng. bot 190
18479 bractektum Schous. large-bractcd P Morocco 1804. S s.l
18480 expansuin Kit. expanded P 1830. D 8.1
18181 v.igin itum Schl. sheathed Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. D s.l
pratense /3 flavlcans Ser.
18482 pr.itlnsu /* meadow common Clover P Britain me.. pa. D h.l Eng. bot 1770
18453 n6ricum Wul. Noric 5 A Pa.Y Alp. Eur. *1. S s.1
18454 pennsyWanicum W. Pennsylvanian ^t A N. Amer. 1811.
1848.> nallidum IV. tf K. \a\e-flowered Hungary 1803. 8.1 W.&K.1.36
1K48I> ditTusum Ehrh. difttae Hungary 1801. S.1 W. * K. 1.50
18487 hlrtuin All. hairy Barbary 1817. S.1 Desf. at 209.1
hispidum Desf.
184*8 pictum Roth painted 1800. 8.1
18489 Cherleri L. Cherler's Montnel. 1750. 8.1 Bar. ic.859
1K490 sphicror^phalon Dec. round-headed N. Afrtca 1820. 8.1
18491 glol^um L. globose Levant 1713. 8.1
18492 clypeXtum L. shield-like Levant 1711. 8.1 Alp. ex. 306
18493 dtellatum L. starry England so. co. S S.1 Eng. bot 1546
18494 leucanthum Bieb. white-flowered Tauria 1820. S 8.1
obscCirum Cus.
18495 obscdrum Savi obscure Pa.R Italy 1824. S 8.1 Savi trif. 31. 1
18496 fimbnatum B. R. fringed P Colombia 1826. S CO Bot reg. 1070
18497 cyathifcrum B. R. cup-bearing P Colombia 1826. S CO
184^)8 tridentatum B. R. three-toothed P Colombia 1826. S CO
18499 saxatile All. rock P Switzerl. 1816. S 6.1 Alped.59.3
IV. TRIPOLI A/trrauM. — Flowers capitate; heads globose, sessile or pedunculate s flowers often defiexed;
calyxes not inflated.
18500 suftbeatum L. suffocated -* O w 1 jn.jl W England sea sh. S 8.1 Eng. bot 1040
18^01 congestum Cus. crowded Jt O or W . R S. Europe 1820. S s.p
1W02 glomer\tuin L. cluster-Aemferf -* O w Pk England S s.1 Eng. bot. 1063
18503 parviflftrum Ehth. small-flowered O or W Hungary 1820. S s.l
strictum Sturm
J2?O4 strictum L. strict W S. Europe 1805. S s.l W.&K. 1.37
1B-05 ri'iiens L. creeping white CloverJf. W Britain mca. D co Eng. bot. 1769
2 pcntaphyllum five-leaved -* W Britain fields. D co
18506 anomaluin Schrank anomalous W D co Sen. mo. 47
18507 cOrnuum Brot. drooping Pa.P Spain 18'JO. S s.p Brot ph. 62
1S.0O8 pall^scens Schreb pallcscent Pa.Y Carinthia 1804. D s.1
185(«g caespit&sum Reyn. turfy P Switzerl. 1815. D s.1 Vil.del.3.41
18510 angulatum IV. $ K. angular R Hungary 1803. S 8.1 Vf.&K. 1.27
18511 suav&olens IV. sweet-scented P Italy 1820. S co W. h. b. 108
18512 elegans 5ati elegant Pa.R Europe 182a D co Savi pis. 2. L 2
18513 hybridum Savi hybrid P Europe 1777. D s.1 Mic.gen.25.2.6
18514 Midicll)iium Savi Michel's W.G Italy 181:7. S s.1 Mic. gen. 25.2
18.115 reflexum L. reflexed P Virginia 1794. D 6.1
18516 mo monUnum L. mountain W Europe 178ti. D co Fl. dan. 1172
18517 rupMre Ten. rock W Naples 1820. D i p
18518 laAnum Seb. Latin R.w Italy 18'J5. D s.p Seba 1.1.2
V. VKSICA'BTRUM. — Flowers capitate, dense ; lower lip of calyx unchanged, upper one after flowering rising up
inflated and arched, covering the legume.
18519 subterraneum L. subterraneous O pr § my W England bar.he. S Eng. bot. 1048
18520 vesicultoum Savi bladdered O or 3" jnjl R Hungary 1805. S 8.1 W.&K.2.1G5
recurvum W.
18521 spumiMum L. frothy -2k O un * jnjl R France 1771. S s.1 Cup. pa. 61.1
18522 resupinatum L. retiupinatc -* O un ijnjl P Germany 1713. S 8.1 Bar. ic. 872
185V3 fragiferum L. strawberry-bg -* A w i F England moi. p. D s.1 Eng. bot. 1050
18524 tomentosum L. woolly -* O pr I jnjl njl P S. Europe 1640. S s.1 Mag. mo. 264
1852."> physodes Stev. bladdery «* A or ft jn.jl n.jl F Iberia 1818. D s.p
18526 alatum Biv. winged JL A or F
ftjn. S. Europe 1820. D s.p Cup. pa. 97.1
Cupani Tineo
VI. LUPINA'STER. •— Flowers targes petals coriaceous, persistent, red, white, or yellows segment* of calvx y
subulate or erect; leaflets coriaceous, three or seven, with numerous nerves.
18527 uniAfcrum L. one-flowered -* A pr i jnjl B Italy 1800. u~ s.p Bux.c.3.31.1
2 Stembergtamtm Ser. Sternberg's Jt A pr i jnjl W S. Europe 1822.
18528 exlmium Step. choice Jc A pr ft jn.jl P Dahuria 1820. D s.p Bux.c.3.31.2
2 albifl&rum Fis. white-flowered ^ A pr ft jnjl W Altai ip
18529 alpinum L. alpine k A pr P Europe 1775. 5
^KO involucratum 7K involucrcd O pr 1 jnjl Pa.P Mexico • 1802. D s.p
p co Stur. deu. 1. IS
S co

18531 Lupini'ister L. LujRnaster A el P Siberia 1741. D co Bot.mag.879

Lupina\ter pentaphjrllum Moen.
18532 purpurascens Fis. purpurascent A P* 1 jl-au P Siberia 1816. D co
Lupinaster y oblongifulium Ser.
18533 albens Fis. whitish A p r 1 jLau W Siberia 1818. D co
Lupinaster /2 albifK.rum Ser.
18534 megacephalumM/A great-headed A o r 1 Pa.P Missouri D p.l Ph. am. 2. 23
Lupinastcr macrocephalum Ph.
18535 Cussunii Tinea Cusson's 3c A pr 1 B.a Sicily 1826. D co Bonam.245
VII. CHRONO9E\MIUM. — Flowers disposed into an ovate pedunculated head; petals scarious, yellow, after
18536 badium Schreb. brown flowering bay^olored,
A pr ! deflexetl, persistent.
Pyrenees ... D s.1 Bar. ic. 10.24
18537 agrnrium L. field o pr £ Europe 1815. S s.l Fl. dan. 558
18538 sparilceuin L. scarlet A pr I jn.jl Europe 1778. D s.l Bot. mag. 557
18539 decipiens Horn deceiving Q pr 1820. S co
Jc O el 4
18540 speciosum W. showy-flowered Candia 1752. S s.l Lab. syr. 5.10
18541 procftmbens L. procumbent Hop Jc O ag Britain drpa. S s.1 Bot mag. 945
1K5+2 campestrc Schreb. field Jc (j or Switzerl. 1819. S CO
18543 iiariucnsc Dec. Parisian k O or
Jc France ... S CO
18541 Sebastian//;/* S ivi Sebastian's Jc O or Pa.Y Italy 1800. S CO Scba2.4
18545 inicranthuin Viv. small-flowered Jc O or i Y fyrene 1816. S co Viv. lib. 19.3
185*6 minus H. JC lesser y, llow Y Britain S s.1 Eng. bot. 1256
1B547 fihforme L. thread-shaped J: O ff my.jl Y Britain S CO Eng. bot. 1257
VIII. DUNIIA. — Species not sufficiently known.
18548 tenuifolium Ten. fine-leaved Jc Q or _4Jn-J| ••• Italy 1826. S co
18549 clandestinum Lag. clandestine O or i jn.jl Spain 1826. S CO
18550 combsum L. tufted Apr 4 jn.jl America 1798. D 8.1
2067. DORY'CNIUM Ton. DORYCNIUM. {Dory, spear; ancient plant poisoned.) Leg.Pap.Lot. Trtf. 8.—12.
18551 rlctum Ser. upright tt. or 2 R S. Europe 1640. S co Bar. ic. 544
Lotus rectus L.
18552 latifulium IV. broad-leaved ^ A or 1| W Iberia 1818. D co
ibericum IV. en.
18553 hirsfitum Ser. hairy A or 3 R.w S. Europe 1683. S co Bau.his.2.360.ic
.Lotus hirsiitus L.
18554 tomentbsum G. Don woolly M or 3 R.w S. Europe 1817. S co
hirsutum 0 inchnum Ser. Lotus tomentbsus Jiohde, scriccus Dec. aff'inis lies.
18555 parviflbruin Ser. small-flowered Jc O or 1 Y.u S. Europe 1810. S co Desf. at 2. 211
/.otus parviflorus Desf.
18556 subbifloriim Ser. subbiflowcrcd O or 1 ... Spain 1820. S co
.Lotus subbillbrus Lag.
18557 herbaceum V'd. herbaceous & A or ljjn.s W S. Europe 1802. D e o VU. del. 3.41
18558 suttruticosum VU. subshruhby n. jl.8 W S. Europe 1640. S p.l Lob. ic. 2.51.1,2
monspche'nse W. Zutus Dorycnium L.
• 2068. LOTUS L. BIRD'S-FOOT TREFOIL. (Probably of Egyptian origin.) Leg. Pap. Lit. Trtf. 35—56.
I. KROKB^RIA. — Legumes turgid, curved; flowers one or two.
18559 editlis L. esculent -* O clt i Y Italy 1710. S s.l Cav.ic.2.157
II. LOTEA. — Legumes compressed, long; flowers subumbellate.
18560 oroithopodioldes L. Bird's-loot-likc -* O p r jnau Y Sicily 168a S s.1 Cav.ic.2.163
1&061 i>ercprlnu3 L. foreign -* O l>r Y S Europe 1713. S s.1
18562 indicus L. Indian -* O P Y E. Indies 179a S 8.1
Trigonclla indicaW.
18563 flexuusus Lam. flexuous -* A or i Y 1816. S 8.1
III. EIILUTL'S. — Legumes cylindrical, long; flowers corymbose; styles one-toothed\ from No. 18567. toothless.
18564 glaucus H. K. glaucous ]£ OJ pr 1 Y Madeira 1777. S s.1
18565 sessiUfolius Dec. sessile-leaved XL I | or 1 Y Tenenffe 18-JO. C s.1
1S566 rtnthylloides Ven. Anthylhs-like tt. | | pr Y C. G. H. 1812. S s.1 Vcn.mal.92
18:«i7 atropurpurcus Dec. dark-purple « - , | or 1 ap.d D.P Tcnenile 1820. C s.1
i«-,fiR \ann\w\i* w W. St. James's Islandtt. i | or 2 year D.Br C.Verd.Is 1714. C r.m Bot. mag. 79
2Kitcus yeWow-JiowcredtL i_J or 2 year Y C r.m
18569 pusillus Viv. n. O or Y S. Europe 1816. S 8.1
18570 crlticus L. Cretan fU\ I or lijn.s Y Levant 1680. C p.l Cav. ic. 2.156
18571 cytisoldes L Cytisus-Uke Jc O pr 1 Y S. Europe 17o2. S co Al.ped. 1.20.1
§ 18572 serfceus Ph. silky O or 4 Y Missouri 1824. S s.1
18573 Diosc6rid« All. Dioscorides's O pr jnjl Y Nice 1658. S si AI. ped. 1. 59.1
18574Geb^lia Ven. mountain &*_AI esc Pk Aleppo ... D co Ven. eels 57
18575 arabicus L. Arabian -* O pr Pk Arabia 1773. S 8.1 8.1 Jac vin. 2.155
18576 docAmbena Pair. decumbent Jc O or i Y Europe 1816. SS si
18.077 pilogfssimus Pair. hairiest Jc O or , Y France 1818. S
18578 hlspidus Desf. hispid Jc O or I Y Corsica 1817. S s.1 Loi. gal. 16
18579 suaveolcns Pers. sweet-scented or I Y S. France 1816.
18.J80 anguitissimus L. narrowest-ptxWcrf -* Q pr 1 Y Britain sea bca. S Bau. his. 2.356
>r 1J my.jn Y
18581 diflusus Sol.
iaO82 ciliatus Ten.
ciliated -J 9 i Y
England rocks. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 925
Italy 1820. S 8.1
18583 gracilis 1V.8(K. slender Jc O or 1 Hungary 1812. S s.1 W. & K. S. 229
18584 coimbrensis Brot. Coimbra O pr J in.jl W.ii Portugal 1800. S 8.1 Brot ph. 53
18.085 glaliemmus Dec. very smooth Jc O or i j l a u W S. Europe 1816. S 8.1
185K6 odorMus B. M. swcct-sccnteil 1 Barbary 1804. D s.1 Bot. mag. 1233
18587 corniculutus E. B. small-horned Jc A S 1J Britain pas. D co Eng. bot. 2090
2 alplnus Schl. alpine Jc A or i Switzerl. 1819. S s.1
3 crassifulius Pers. thick-leaved Jc A or | Europe 1817. S 8.1
4 vill5sus ThuiL villous Jc A or h Switzerl. 1819. S 8.1
18588 Forstert Swt Forster's Jc A °r 4JLau Britain heaths. S co
decdmbens Forst.
18589 tcnuis W.SfK. slender Jc A pr 1 Y Hungary 1816. D p.l
18590 major Sm. greater Jc A agr 1| Y Britain D s.1 Eng. bot. 2091
18591 pedunculatus Cav. /wj^-pcduiicled Jc A Pr 1 Y Spain 1814. D s.1 Cav. ic. 2.164
18592 palAstris W. marsh Jc A ° ft Y Crete 1821. S s.l
IV. DUNIII. —Doubtful to which of the sections they belong ; the last species is probably an Indigdfcra.
185S3 argenteus H. C. silvery . « .AI or | j».au Y ...... 1827- | co
2 angustifolius narrow-leaved co
18594 lnicrophyllua Hook, small-leaved * jn.jl CO Bot. mag. 2808

2069. TETRAGONOLOBUS Sco. TETRAOONOL. ( 7 W I W , 4 , , angle, lobos, pod.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 5.
595 purpiireus M
18595 l purple
Mae/i. Winged Wi Pea Jk O clt 1 D.F Sicily 179d. S co Botmag. 151
.Lotus Tctragonofobus L
18596 biflbrus Ser. two-flowered Jk O ox J jLau Y N. Africa 1818. S 8.1 Desf.at210
Lotus conjugates Poir. biflbrus Desr.
18597 sihqubsus Roth siliquose •* A or } Y S. Europe 16Sa D co Jac. au. 4.361
£otus siliqubsus L.
18598 maritimus Roth sea .t A or } my.o Y Europe 168a D co Fl. dan. 800
18599 conjugatus Ser. tmn-podded Jk O or | V MontpeL 1754. S s.l
.Lotus conjugates L.

2070. CARMICH AE'LLJ R. Br. CARMICUAELIA. (Can*. Diun ! Cartnichael, F.L.S.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trtf. 1.
18600 australis R. Br. southern ft | | or 2 B N. Holl. 1800. C s.p Bot mag. 1364
.Lotus austrahs Andr,

2071. PSORA^LEA L. PSORA LEA. (Psoraleos, scurfy; appearance of calyx.) Leg.Pap.Lbl.Clit. 34.-62.
I. AXILLARIFLORAS. — Flowers single in the axils of the leaves, pedicellate or sessile.
18601 odoratissima Jac. most fragrant * i_J or 6 Pa.B C. G. H. 1795. C p.l Bot. Jacsc.
18602 arborja B. M. tree my Pa.P G. H. 1814. P
18603 pinnata L. vrlng-leaved \ | or my.jl B C. G. H. 1690. p. Bot. rep. 474
18604 verrucosa W. waited B C. G. H. 1774. p.
I | or
18605 intermedia Bcs. intermediate myjl B C. G. H. 1820. p l Jacsc.2.ic.226.2
186U6 axilKiris /,. axillary-^tud 2 Jnjl B C. G. H. 1820. 8.p
hneans Thun.
18607 tcnuifuha L. finc-leavcd • LJor mr.jl W.B C. G. If. 1793. Jacsc. 2.225
18i»8 multicafilis Jac. mnny-Btalkcd j£ iA)or au.o W.B C. G. H. 1793. Jac. BC. U. 230
18609 aphf lla L. leafless • l_Jor jn.jl B C G. H. 1790. Bot. mag. 1727
18610 /athyrifolia Balb. Lathyrus-lvd i i lor B 1816. Bal. st. ic.
18611 decuinbens//. i£ trailing J U | | or a p. my W.B c. G!"H. 1774. Bot cab. 282
18612 repens /,. creeping IJJUU" B C. G. H. 1774.
18613 hirta L. hairy J 3 W.B C. G. H. 1713. Jac. us. 2.228
18614 aculeaU L. prickly L-Jor 4 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1774. Bot. inag. 2158
II. CAPITAVA. — Flowers axillary, subsessile, and at the top of branches capitate or spicate.
18615 bractelita L. brauted _|or jnjl P C. G. H. 1731. Bot. mag. 446
18616 involucrata Thun. involucred li l o r jn.jl B C. G. H. 1818.
18:!17 spiciita L. long-spiked t|_Jor B C. G. H. 1774. Bot rep. 411
18618 Stachydis L. StSLcbys-leaved ti lor Br C. G. H. 1793.
18t>19 stmta Thun. stnalcd 11 | or my.jn B C. G. H. 1816.
18620 ar^ntea Thun. silvery I uJor my.jl B C. G. H. 1816.
18621 tomentbsa Thun. woolly i|_Jor 3 jnjl B C. G. H. 1820.
18622 capitata L. headed i L-Jor 2 P C. G. H. 1793.
III. SPICAVJE. — Peduncles axillary, at top spicately capitate.
18623 corylifolia L. Hazel-leaved £ Ql or 2 jn.jf V " 'India" '173J>. Bot. mag. 665
18624 arciiaria Nut. sand & ^I or 1 jnau P Missouri 182a
V Levant 1771. Jac. vin. 2.184
18625 palastlna Gou. Palestine £ lAI or 2 ap s Pa.B S. Europe 1570. Lam. il. 614.1
18626 bituminusa L- bituminous m \_J or . 4 ap.s V C. G. H. 1815. Bot. reg. 223
18627 Bericca Poir. silky * |_J or 3 au.o
pedunculata Ker
18628 esculenta PA. IV. POIKADE*NIJ£.
esculent Bread-root— Peduncles
A A clt axillary, at top
B loosely spicate or
Missouri racemose.
1811. R p.l Ph. am. 22
1862<) cuspidataPA. cuspidate large-tooted A A <" 1 jnjl P Louisiana 1811. R p.l
18630 inciina Nut. hoary ft .Aj or 2 B Missouri 1824. R B.I
18631 Lupin£lla Mr. Small Lupine i A or 2 jnjl P Carolina 1812. R p.l
lHfti2 mehlotoides Ms. Melilot-hke 5 A or 3 au V Carolina 1814. R pi Bot. mag. 2063
18633 Onobrychis Nut. Saintfoin-/i/w & A or 3 au P N. Amer. 1818. R p 1 Bot reg. 453
18634 glundulbsa L. glandulous Mexic. tea mt\ | or 4 Pa.B Peru 1770. C p.l Bot mag. 990
18635 pubescens Balb. pubescent * O or 2 au Pa.B Lima 1825. C p.l Bot. reg. 968
18636 canescens Mx. cane&uent A _J or 2 B Carolina 1821. C 8.1
18637 divaricata H. % B. divaricate m. • or 3 au P S . Amcr. 1820. C p.l
18GJ8 dent ita Dec. toothed * i_J or $ P Madeira 1640. C p.l Jac. sc. 2.227
amcricana L.
•2072. INDIGCVFERA L. INDIUO. (Indigo, a blue dyestuff,ffero, to bear.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.CM.48.—126.
I. SiMPLiciFtii.Mi.— Leaves simple, sessile, or on very short footstalks.
18639 tfnifblia Retx. Flax-leaved -* O or 1 P E. Indies 1792. S 8.1 Rox.cor.2.195
18640 fflifblia Thun. thread-leaved ft LJ or 1 jl.o P C. G. H. 1812. C s.l
18641 diphyllaII. OLIGOPIIY'LLA. — Petals elongated ; leaflets one or three, terminal one petioled.
Ven. two-leaved -* iQj pr P Africa 1816, S ' s.p Ven. ch. 30
18642 Lechenaului Dec. Lechcnault's O or 1 P E. Indies 1820. S s.p
18643 tnfolfiU L. trifoliate j£ O] or \ P E. Indies 1816. S e.p
18641 glandulusa IV. glandulous O or 1 P E. Indies 1820. S 8.p
18645 denudata Jac. stripped n.L_|or 1J my.jl P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. cab. 500
18(>46 amorna H. K. pleasing pur/ile-JIwd«. \ | or 1| mr.ap P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p- Bot. reg. 300
18647 microphylla Lam. small-luavcd tt. | | or I year P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p
J!2S r i K a W Ol
'l ; " ri ld
* • CD or 2 11 E. Indies 1816. C B.p
18649 virgata Dec. twiggy a - Q o r \\ P E. Indies 1820 C s.p
III. MULTI'JUGS. — Leaves impari-pinnate, two or many paired.
i. FRDTICOSJS. — Petioles elongated s stems shrubby.
18650 argentea L. hilver-leaved i a cit 2 P E. Indies 1776. s.p Her. s t 79
18651 tinctdria L. East Indian dyer's t CD clt 3 Pk E. Indies 1731. R.mal. 1.54
csprulea Rox.
18652 A*ml L. Anil West Indian • CD clt 3 P W Indies 1731. s.p SL jam. 176.3
18653 GuatimMa Lunan Guatinula it • clt 3 jLau P W. Indies 1800. B.p
tinctbria 3 brachycarpa Dec.
18654 leptostachya Dec. slender-spiked • or 3 jnjl P £. Indies 1818. s.p
18655 atropurpurea Ham. dark-purple J 3 P Nepal 1816. 8. P
18656 Juncea
JunceaHer. Rush-like
Her. \ | 1JJ ... C. G. H. 1825. B.p B o t reg. 104
filifli KeKer, aphylla
ap J.k. I^cbcck/'a contaminata H. K.
18657 nuda G. Don naked J L Q o r 1 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p B o t mag. 2214
Lebeckf/i nuda B. M.
18658 angulata B. R. angled « i _ J o r 2 jn.jl R N. Holl. 1825. C s.p Bot. reg. 991

18659 australis W. southern #l_Jor 4 tnr.jn Pk N. S.W. 1790. C s.p

sylvatica Sieb.
2 gracilis slender \\ | or 5 mr.jl Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot reg. 386
186W frutescens L. frutescent 11 | or 3 P C. G. II. 1822. C s.p
18661 divaricata Joe. divaricate i|_Jor 3 R C s.p Jac. ic. 3.565
ii HERBAGE*. —. Petiole* elongated; stems herbaceous,
18662 lateritia W. buck-colored -* [Q] or 1 ... p £. Indies 1759. C s.p Jac. ic. 359
hirsUta Jac. __
I860) viscbsa Lam. clammy O or I jn.jl P K Indies 1806. S s.p Sc. han. 2 12
18664 hirstita L hairy tdjor | D.P Guinea 1823. S s.p Lam. il. 626.3
18665 endecaphyila Jac. eleven-leaved -* [Q3 el 1 S Guinea 1823. S co Bot. reg. 789
IV. BKACHY'POD*. — Leaves impari-pinnafe ; leaflets approximate ; petioles short.
18666 fragransiBetx.
Betx. fragrant ttQor
18667 gKibra L. smooth -* Oor 1 jljLau P P E.
E. Indies
Indies 1816. C u.p
s.p 166.1
186(S enneaph^Ma L. nine-leaved •* O or P E. Indies 1776. • P Bur. in. 55 1
18659 cytisoldcs Thun. Cytisus-hke i | or 3 jlau R C. G. H 1774. s.p Bot mag. 742
18670 stricta Thun. strict I | or 3 P C. G. H 1812. a.p Jac. NC. 2.236
18(771 angustifolia //. narrow-leaved I | or 2 jn.o P C. G. H. 177*. s.p Bot. mag. 465
18672 /otoldes Lam. Lotus-like i | or 3 R C. G H. 1800. s.p Com. h. 2.84?
V. DIGITAVA. — leaflets three or Jive from the same base.
18673 aspalathdidcs Vahl Aspalathus-lk n | or 2 jnjl P Ceylon 1817. C s.p Pluk.aL201.S
18674 filiformis Thun. filiform ! i | or 2 P C. G. H. 1822. C s.p
18675 coriacea H. K. 11 lor 3 P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p
18676 sarmentusa L. twiggy ijnjl P C. G. H. 178K. D s.p
18677 /br«Ar. spiny |or 1 my.jl P Arabia 1820. C s.p
18678 candicans H. K. hit | or U my.s R C. G. H. 1774. sp Bot. mag. 198
18679 psoralo\des L. Psoralea-like 2 jl.s R C. G. H. 1758. s.p Bot. mag. 476
18680 stipuftris Lk. /ar/jf-stipuled « L_J un R C. G. H. 1824. s.p
186S1 incana Thun. hoary * i_j or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1812. s.p
18682 trita L. worn f Qor 1 Jnjl Pk E, Indies I»i2. •P
18683 Aedysarioldes Lam. Hedysarum-lk f PI or 1 P Africa 1822. sp R. mal. 9.36
I8o84 procCimbens L.
18685 arbbrca Rox.
18686 pulch^lla Rox.
SL iAl or J TO1 Bd C. G. H. 1818.
« Q o r 6 jn.jl
E. Indies 1X20.
E. Indies 1823.
sr 8.1
2073. CLITO^RI A L. CLITORIA. {Kleio, to include; fructification in corol.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Clit. 12. —19.
I. TERNAVEA. — Calyx tubidous ; vcxillum spurless ; leaves immri-jnnnatet two or three paired
18687 heteroph^lla Lam. variong-leaved f, QS or 1 B E. Indies 1812. S s.p Bot. mag. 2111
18688 Ternatea L. Ternatea %_ E3 or 4 B E. Indies 1739. S s.p Bot. mag. 1542
II. EUCLIT^RIA. — Caigx tubidous : vextllum spurless ; leaflets three.
186S9 marihna L. Maryland _$ _AJ or 3 au B N. Amer. 1759. S' s.p
18690 mexicana Lk. Mexican S. iAl oorr 3 s n P Mexico 1828. S co
18691 formusa Hum. beautiful LE] 3 Pk Orinoco 182a C s.l
III. CENTKOSK\MA. — Calyx campanulate, divided beyond the middle into five parts s vextllum spurred at back i
bracleoles longitudinally sttiuted; leaflets three.
18692 virgin iana L. Virginian k El or 6 jl au B America 1732. C s.p Bot reg. 1047
18693 brasiliana L. Brazilian S O or 4 P Brazil 1759. S s.p Brey. c 1
18694 arborescens H. K* arborescent * 123 or 8 au.s Pk Trinidad 1804. C s.p
18695 Plumiert Turp. Plunder's fc_ E3 or 6 s.n W . B W. Indies ... C s.p Bot reg. 268
IV. Du*Bi£. — Doubtful to which section they belong.
18696 cocefnea Schr. scarlet ft. O or 4 S Brazil 1820. 8.1
18697 gracihs Fis. slender ft. ES) or 2 B S. Amer. 1824.
18GD8 lasclvta Buj. wanton ft. i_J or 4 ... Madagasc. 1826.
2074. NEUROCA'RPUM Desv. NEIJROCARPUM. (Neuron, nerve, karpos, fruit) Leg Pap.Lbt.Clit. 2 . - 7 .
18699 simplicifolmm Kth. simple-leaved a. CD or 2 ... W Trinidad 1824. C p.l Kth.mim.59
18700 guianense Desv. Guiana ttQor 2 ... P Guiana 1826. C p.) Aub. guL 2.305
Crotal'ina guian^nsis Aub. longifblia Lam.
2075. COLOG A ^ I A Kth. COLOGANIA. (The family of Coloean, in Tenerifie.) Leg.Pap.Lbt. CM. 2 &
18701 angwstiftlia Kth. narrow-leaved ft. (23 or 3 ... v Mexico 1827. C p.l Kth. mim. 58
18702 BroussonH// Dec. Broussonet's ft, QS or 3 ... V 1827. C p.l
Clitbria Broussonfctii Balb.
2076. G A L A ' C T I A Sr. GALACTIA. (Gala, milk; plants milky.) Legum.
Legum.1Pap. Lbt. Clit. 4. —17.
70 ppendula Pers.s pendulous
p ft. CD pr 6 R Jamaica 1794. C l.p Bot reg. 269
ca 1794.
18704 sericea
' ""
18705 m611is Mx.
Hcd^sarum voliibile L.
— o r 6
or 3 1
" '~~' C s.1
N. Amer. 1827. D s.1 Di. el. 14a 170
18706 glabttla Mx. smoothish £ A « 3 M-»u P N. Amer.
£'rvum vol&bile Walt.
2077. VILMORI'NJ4 Dec. VILMORINIA. (M. VUmorin, memb. of Agricul. Soc.. Paris.) Leg.Pap.L6t.ait 1.
18707 multiflbra Dec. many-flowered i Q o r 6 ... P w. Indies 1820. C s.p
Clitoria multiflora Sun.
2078. B ARBIE^RM Dec. BARBIERIA. (J. B. G. Barbier, M. D. t a French botanist.) Leg.Pap.Lht.Oit. 1.
18708 polyphyMla Dee. many-leaved « Q o r P & Amer. 1818. C s.p Dec. leg. 5.39
Clitbria polyphyila Poir. Galactia pinnata Pers.
2079. DUMA'S/i4 Dec. DUMASIA. (M. Dumas, one of edit of Annals of Nat His.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.QU. S.
18709 villbsa Dec. villous ft, iAl or 6 au.d Pa.Y Nepal 1824. C s.l Dec. leg 44
18710 pubescens Dec. pubescent J_iAlor 6 au.d Y Nepal 1824. C s.1 Bot reg. 962
•8080. GLY'CINEL. GLTCINR. (yy,(Glykys, aweet; lvs and roots of one species.^ Leg.Pap.Lbt. Oil. 9.—28.
18711 Aedysarioldes W. H d y s r u m l k nn. OO ror
Hedysarum-lk ~
P "
Guinea 182a C- P "!
18712 clandestlna WtU. clandestine V CD or Pa.Y N. Holl. 1824. C '.
18713 d^bilis H. K. weak tOlun Cop E. Indies 1778. S P-
18714 minima W. en. smallest %_ iAl or N. Holl. 1818. C P.
18715 strikta W. striated ft. OS or & Amer. 1818. C P- Jac. vin. 76
small-flowered ft^ O l u n E. Indies 1812. S p.
l»7 l 7 heterophyjla Thun. vanous-leaved ft. IAI C G H 1816. C P"
U7l8sec6iM(a n u n . side-flowering t i A l C G. H. 1825. C Pi
18719 mfiUUflooft. soft ft,— W. IndUs 1824. C P-l Hook. ex. fl. 201

S081. CHJETOTALYX Jtee. CIUTTOCALYJC (Chaite, bristle, kalyx, cai.; teeth.) Leg.Pap.LbtQU. 1.—2.
18720 vincentlna Dec. St Vincent's fc. CD or 6 Y St. Vine. 1823. C p.1 Bot.reg.799
Gly~cine vincentlna B. R.
2082. GLYCYRRHrZA Tou. LIQUORICE. (G/yAy*. sweet, rhixa, root)
P a B s
Leg. Pap. Lbt. Gal. 8 . - 9 .
18721 glabra L. common smooth^ A clt 3 jn.a Europe 1562. R r.m Lam. il.625.2
Liquirifia officinMis Moen.
18722 echinkta L. vr\ck\y-headed & A or S jn.8 Fa Italy 1596. R s.p Bot mag. 2154
187l23 glandullfera W. 8f K. glanduliferous 5 A or 3 jSiau Pa Hungary 1805. R l. ? W & K?l 21
18724 lepidtoa Ph. scaled sUky-lvd £ A or 3 Jlau Pa Missouri 1811. R s.1 Bot.mag.S150
18725 fortida Desf. fetid ^ ^ or -' Pa.Y N. Africa 1817. R s.p Deaf. at. 2.199
18726 aapcrrima L. roughest jfc & clt 2 juS LV Siberia""" ITO R «.p Pal. it. ap. M. 3
aspera Pall, hSepida Pall.
18727 uralensis Fis. Ural or 3 jlau
£ A Pa.B Siberia 1818. R s.p
18728 hirshta I#. hairy 5 A clt 3 Pa Levant 1739. R s.p
*2083. TEPHRCT3IA Ptvs. TEPIIROSIA. (Tephros, ash-colored; foliage.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 28.-79.
I. Mu3fDuV.BA. — Leaves pinnate, with an odd one ; racemes axillary, erect, often panicled s calyxes truncate or
with Jive short teeth ; stamens monadelphous ; styles smooth, No. 18731. bearded,
18729 sube-ftsa Dec. Cork-barked • • or 4 R E. Indies 1818. C p.l
Robin/a suberbsa Rox.
18730 fruticosa Dec. shrubby * • or 6 R E. Indies 1816. C p.l
18731 sertcca Dec. silky «L i_J or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.1
18732 Candida Dec. vrhiteJeaved * O or 4 ... Pa.R E. Indies 1816. C p.1
Roblnta Candida Rox.
II. BRISSUNIA. — Leaves pinnate, with an odd one; lobes of calyx acuminate, at base broadish; stamens
monadelphous ; styles laterally bearded ; legumes more or less velvety or hispid; flowers subfasciculate, dis-
posed in terminal panicled racemes ; peduncles axillary.
18733 toxicana Pers. JbA-poison m Q clt 3 ... P.R S. Amer. 1791. C p.l PI. ic. 135
18734 viiginiana Pers. Virginian ^ A or 4 Pk N. Amer. 1765. C s.p
Galdga virglnica L.
III. CRACCorDES. — Leaves pinnate, with an odd one; lobes of calyx acuminate, at base broadish ; stamens
diadelphous ; styles bearded.
18735 ochroleuca Pers. pale-yellow & Q or 3 ... Pa.Y W. Indies 1799. C l.p Jac. ic 1.150
Galega ochroleiica Jac.
IV. REINE%RIA. — Leaves pinnate, with an odd ones teeth of calyx linear, subulate s stamens sometime*
submoiutdrlphous, sometimes diadelphous.
18736caribae^aDec. West Indian i Q o t 3 jn.jl ILw W. Indies 1786. C l.p 125
Galfega caribs2*a Jac. J
" " Pers.
18737 grandifl&ra ~ - '
great-flowered ~* L j• o r 4 my.s Pk C. O. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. reg. 769
G l g a grandiflbra
g Vohl
18738 villosa Pers. villous W E. Indies 1779. Pluk. al. 59.6
18739 purpiirea Pers. purple P E. Indies 1768. Bur. zey. 32
18740 mucronku Dec mucronate Pa C. 6 . H. 1823.
Galega mucronata Th.
18741 lancesfblia Lk. lance-leaved 3 Pa.Y 1820. CO
18742 piscatbria Pers. fisher's inn or 2 jn.jl P India 1778. 1.P
Galega piscatbria H. K.
18743 capensis Pers. Cape i lor 1 P C. G. H. 1825. C s.p.1 Jac.ic.574
18744 hypargjrrea Dee. subsilvery •or 2 jn.jl P E. Indies 1816. C p.1
,_ Galega heterophylla Fa.
18745 littorllis Pers. shore P W Indies 1824. s.l Jac. am. 124
18746 stricta Pers. strict-podded l_Jor my.jn Pk C. G. R 1774. pi Scop.d.,1.3
18747 linearis Pers. \\near-leaved tLf~1or
j R Guinea 1823. s.p.l
18748 pallens Pers. \ta\e-flowered Hi lor 3 Pk C. G. H. 1787. p.1
fn. Galega p&llens H. K.
J8749 apollinea Dec. Apollinis lor 2 B Egypt 1816. Del. eg. 53.5
18750 bifKira Dec. two-flowered lor 2 P 1816.
Galega bifl6ra Poir.
V. DU^BIJB. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong leaves pinnate, with an odd one.
18751 capitulata Lk. small-hcadcd EH or R Owhyhce 1823. C co Jac. ic 3.572
18752 longifMia Jac. long-leaved I CD or 3 jn.jl R S. Amer. 1820. C s.1
187'>3 colon^la /.. Tr. Colonil \ l~l or 3 jn.jl P E. Indies 1818. C s.l
187"»4 pcntaph^lla Rox. flve-leaved i Oor 3 jn.jl P E. Indies 1818. C s.l
18755 Heyniana Rox. Heyne's lOor 3 jnjl P E. Indies 18£2. s.1
18756 chinensis Lindl. Chinese ^•or 2 jLau P China 1826. s.1
2084. NISSCPL/jf Jac. NISSOLIA. (William Nissolle, a French botanist.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 7. —17.
I. NIS9OLIAXRIA. — Teeth of calyx 5, acute: stamens monadelphous.
18757 frutichsa Jac. shrubby L C D or 15 JLn Y S. Amer. 1766. S p.l Jac. vin. 2.167
18758 racemftsa Dec. racemose L D ° r 15 jnau W W. Indies 1800. C s.l
n< GoME%
^a*^n , ^ v. ». z«"«. — Lobesttf calyx 5, roundish ; stamens diadelphous.
18759 glabrata Lk. polished II c5 or 12 ... W 1823? C s.1-
III. MACH^HIUM. — Calyx at base Mbracteolate ; lobes 5, roundish : stamens diadelphous.
:r6ptera Poir. small-winged * • or 10 W Teneriffe 1820. C s.1
18761 Tobiniatfblia Dec Robinia-leaved or 6 St. Vine. 1824. C s.1
IV. DUXBIJ{. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
18762 aculeata Lam. prickly i. O or 12 Rio Jan. 18'A C s.l Lam. il. 600.2
18763 ret&sa W. en. retuse L O or 6 S. Amer. 1819. C s.1
2085 LONCHOCA'RPUS H.*B. LONCIIOCARPIJS. (Logche.Umce, karpos, fr.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.GaL 9. —19.
18764 macrophyilus H.8fB. large-leaved f O or 20 P & Amer. 1818. C s.1
18765 dominge*nsis Dec. St. Domingo • • o r SO R S t Dom. 1820. C s.1
Dalbergia domingfinsis Pert.
18766 violaceus H. S( B. violaceous J Q o r SO V Carthage. 1759. C s.l Jac am. 177.46
Robinta violkcea Jac.
18767 sericeuB H. 8fB. silky 2 O or 12 ... W. Indies 1826. C s,l
Robtnto serf cea Poir.
18768 pyxidarius Dec. box, Palo de Caja f O or 20 P Cuba 1820. 8.1
18769 latiftiius //. $ B. broad-leaved $ O or 20 P W. Indies 180&
Jmerimnum latifblium W. Pterocarpu* latifolius Poir.
18770 roseus Dec. roae-colored f • or 1G ... R S Amcr 1700. C s.l
Robln/a hispida /9 rosea Mil.
18771 scpium Dec hedge 2 O or 20 ... P W. Indies 1821. C s.l Jac. am. IC9.101
Robfnia s&pium Jac.
18772 pubescens Dec. pubescent 1 LJ or 16 ... P S. Amer. 1824. C s.i
ifmerimnum pubescens IV.

2086. ROBI'N/i* L. ROBINIA. (JeanRobin, a French botanist.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Gal. 14.—25
18773 Pseudacacia L. com. Bastard Acacia* tm 40 my.jn W N. Amcr. 1640. S s.l Schn. ar. 1. 25
2 inermis W. unarmed largeJvd* tm 40 my.jn W N. Amer. 8.1
3 crispa Dec. curled 5 or 40 myjl W N. Amer. ? M.1
4 umbraculifera Ifcw. umbrella-bg J or 40 myjn W N. Amer ? S.1
Robinia inermis Dum
5 tortu?»8a Ztec. twisted $ or 40 myjn W N. Amer.? 8.1
18774 dbbia
dubia Fauc. doubtful $ or 30 myjn W . R N. Amer. ? 8.1
hfbrida >*«</. ambigua Poir. echinata Mil.
18775 mon*trosa Hort
Hort. monstrous $ or 30 myjn W . R N. Amcr.? ... S co
18776 procLra
18776 pmcLTa 7.0. C. tall or 30 myjn W R N. Amer. ? ... S co
18777 sophortcfoha. Hort. Sophora-lcavcd Y or 30 myjn W . R N. Amer.? ... S co
t i t Lk
18778 stricta Lk. sstrict
trt * or 30 myjn W . R N. Amer. ? ... S co
18779 amorpha-fulia Lk. Amorpha-lvd or 30 my.jn W . R N. Amer. ? S co
18780 visebsa Fen. clammy tm 30 W.R N." Amcr. 1797. G s.l Bot. mag. 5fl
18781 pendula Or. pendulous or 30 Pk N. Amcr. ... G s.l
18782 hfspida A hispid Rose-A or 10 my.s Pk Carolina 1743. G s.I Bot. mag. 31
2 rosca upright rose or 10 my.s It N. Amer. ? ... G 8.1
18783 purpurea Lk. purple i | or 15 Peru 1810. G co
18784 nucrophy'lla Schr. long-leaved or 10 myjn N. Amer. ? ... S 8.1
hfspida y macrophy"lla Dec. :
187BT) davurica I A. C. Dahurian or 30 myjn ... Davuria 1820. S 8.1
18786 guineensis Guinea i • or 6 W S. Leone 1822. C p.I
2087. SESBAFNIA Pcrs. SESTUNIA. (Scsban, Arabic name.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Gal. 12. —18.
18787 ffiRvptiaca Pcrs. Egyptian Oor 4 jLau Y Egypt 16S0. S co Alp. eg. 81.82
^Eschyn6mene S&han L.
18788 occidental'? Pcrs. western •or 4 Y W.Indies 1816. S l.p
18789 aculefca Pcrs. prickly rm or 4 Y E. Indies 1690. S co Jac.ic.a5G4
18790 cannAbina Pers. Heinp Oor 4 Y E. Indies 1800. S co
18791 afnnis Srhr. kindred [QJor 3 Y E. Indies 1800. S p.I
j£schyn6mcnc cannablna Hort.
18792 punctata Dec. ra/-spotted Oor 3 Y Guinea 1825. S p.I
18793 picta Pcrs. painted O or 6 Y W. Indies 1823. S co Botreg.873
18794 marrnc&rpa MM. long-podded rcTior 3 Y Ixmisiana 1820. S p.I
18795 paluriusa Jac. marsh Oor 3 jlaa Y E. Indies 1816. S p.I
1879ft gracilis Schr. slender Oor 3 Y 1820. S p.I
18797 serlcca Dec. silky roior 3 Y E.Indies?1818. S p.I
18798 uliginusa Rox. bog Oor 2 Y E. Indies 1818. S p.I

208a AGA^Tl Rh. AGATI. (Agaty. its name in the Sanscrit language.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Gal. S.
18799 cocefnea Desv. scarlet fa or 26 R E. Indies 176a C p.l Ru. am. 1.77
Sesbania coccinea Poir.
18800 grandiflura Desv. great-flowered • or 20 R.W.Y E. Indies 1820. C p.l R. mal. 1.51
Sesbinia grandiflbra Poir.
2089. GLOTTI'DIUM Desv. GLOTTID. (Glottis, superior opening of larynx; legume.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Gal. 1.
18801 floridanum Desv. Florida O or 2 Y Florida 1816. S s.p Jac. ic. 148
Phaca floridkna W. Sesb&nia displrma Ph. vesicaria Spr. platyc&rpa Pers. iSschynomcne platyc&rpa Mx.
2090. DAUBENTO*N/i4 Dec. DAUBENTONIA. (3/. Daubenton, celebrated naturalist) Leg.Pap.Lbt Gal. 2.
18802 punfcea Dec. red A O o r 3 Vc NewSpain 182a S s.p Cav.ic.4.316
iEschynbmene miniata Or.
18803longifolia Dec. long-leaved A O o r 3 Y NewSpain 1820. S s.p Cav.ic.4.315
^Eschynomene longifolia Cav. Piscldia longifolia W.
2091. CARAGAyNA Lam. SIBERIAN PEA TREE,, (Carachana, name in Tartary.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 15.
18804 arborescens iMtn. arborescent £ or 15 Y Siberia 1752. S co Schm. ar. 1.33
Robinia Caragana L.
2 inlrmis unarmed A or 10 Y Siberia 1820. S 8.1
18805 arenaria Dow. sand A or 1 Jnjl Y Siberia 1802. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 188G
18806 Altaglina l'oir. Alugana A or 3 apjn Y Siberia 1789. G 8.1 Her. st. 76
Robln/a Altaglina Pall.
18807 microphjflla Dec. small-leaved A or 3 apjn Y Russia 1819. S 8.1 Pal. ros. 42.1,2
Robinia Altaguna var. Pall.
18808 Chamlfigu Lam. Chamlagu A or 4 myjn Y China 177a G co Her. st. 77
18809 frutescens Dec. frutescent A or 5 apmy Y Siberia 1752. L co Sw. fl. gar. 227
Robfnia frutescens L.
18810 Redowski Fis. Redowski's A or 3 myjl Y Siberia 1827. S co Dec. leg. 11.45
18811 mdllis Bes. soft A or 2 Y Tauria 1818. S 8.1
Robinia mollis Bicb. tomentosa Fis.
18812 grnndix flora Dec. large-flowered A or *j] Y Iberia 182a G 8.1
18813 pygma> a Dec. pygmy A or 1 Y Siberia 1751. Sks.p Schm. ar. 1 37
18814 spinosa Dec. thorny A or 6 Y Siberia 1775. L s.p Bot. reg. 1021
18815 tragacantho'idesPair.Goafs thorn-lkA or 4 Y Siberia 1816. G s.l Pal. p. 10.7
18816 juKlta Poir. maned A or 1* ... Y Siberia 1796. G 8.1 Bot. cab. 522
18817 macrocantha Lo. C. large-thorned A or 2 myjn Y Siberia? ... L 8.1
18818 ftrox Lo. C. fierce A or 2 myjn Y Siberia? ... L 8.1

2092. HALIMODE'NDRON Fis. SALT THEE. {Halimos, maritime, dendron, tree.) Leg.Pap.IM.Gal. I.
18819argenteum Fis. silvery A or 6 myjn P Siberia 1779. R »l Bot.mag. 1016
Robinia Halod£ndron L. Caragdna argentca Lam. R 8.1
S subvir&ccns Dec. subvirescent A or 6 myjn P Siberia
Robinia trifl6ra Herit.
3 brachyseiua Dec. short standard A or 6 myjn P Siberia R e.1
8093. DIPHY^SA Jac. DIPHYBA. {Dis, 2, physa, bladder •, Inflated append, to pods.) Leg.Pap. Lbt.GaU 1.
18820carthagen&isis Jac. Carthagena i Q o r 10 ... Y Carthag. 1827. C 8.1 180.51

9091 CALOTHACA Fa. CALOPOACA. {Kalos, beautiful, phake, lentil.) Legum. Pap. Lbt. Gal. 1.
18821 wolgarica Fis. Wolga A or 2 myjn Y Siberia 1786. S 8.1 Pal. ros. 1.47
Cytinu nigncans Pall, pinnatus Pall, wolgaricus L.
8095. COLITTEA L. BLADDER SENNA. {Koluo, to amputate: iup. to die after.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal 5.-7.
om. arborescent* or 10 Y France 1568 sS coco Bot. mag. 81
18823 media W. en. •--- •
intermediate A" or 10 O 140
18824 nepalcnais B. M. Nepal or 5 a u i Y Nepal 1822. S co Bot. mag. 2fi22
18825 cruenta H. K. bloody II or 4 S Levant 1710. L e o
18826 halepplca Dec. Aleppo or 6 my.o Y Levant 1752. S co
S096 SPHJEROSPHrSA Dee. SPH.ER. (Sphaira, sphere,phusa, bladder; pods.) Leg,
827 caapica Dec. Caspian k A or R Siberia 1818. fil .1.82
Cblutea caapica Bieb. Phaca aataila Bleb.
2097. SWAINSOWA Sal. SWAINSONIA. (/«WC Swainson, botHill, gard.A Twickenham.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 3.
i*Ba* »i""i»»i~"" -
>ooo galegifblia
188S8 -.1—-.«.,._ R.
» Br.
„ „_.___ ..... , ~tLJor
Galega-leaved *. 2«
. _ . . ' R« " N. S wiKikviiiiaiu./
N S. W
W. 1800
1800. S S ap Bot
ap Botmag792
mag. 792
2 albiflora R. Br. white-flowered i L j o r 2 W N. S. W. 1826. S ap Botreg.994
18829 coronillifolia 5a/. Coronilla-lvd i r j o r 2 P N. S. W. 1802. S ap Bot mag. 1725
18830 lesserti^/o/M Dec. LeaaertiaJvd I i l j or 2 P N. Holl. 1824. S ap
aatragahfblia Hort.
8096. LESSE'RTJA Dec. LEBBBRTIA. en Delessert, a French bot patron.) I* 8.—18.
18831 annua Dec. annual iQJ or 1 •jnjl- ~ C.
" O.- H.
" 1731.
*— " a.1 -' Hook. ex. fl. 84
18832 diffitsa R. Br. diffuse -* jQJ or 1 C. O. H. 1792. a.l Jac. ic. 3.576
18833 perennans D^c. lasting j£ iAI ©' 1 au C. G. H. 175a 8.1 Jac. vin. 3.3
18834 pdlchra A AT. pretty «- \ _ l pr C. G. H. 1817. co Bnt. mag. 2064
18835 falciformis Dec. aicklcformed «-i_Jor C. G. H. 1H2& B.1
Dec. leg. 6.46'
18836 brachyatachya Dec. ahort-apiked «. i_J or C. G. H. 1821 8.1
18837 annularia Bure. annular n. i_J or C. G. H. 1816. 8.1
«L L J or C. G. H. 1826. 8.1 Bot rcg. 970
18838 fruticosa B. R. shrubby
2099 SUTHERL A'NDL* H. K. SOTIIERLANDIA. (J. Sutherland, author of bot. cat.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 1.
18839 frut&cena H. K. fhiteacent * _ J o r 3 jnjl S C. G. H. 168a S s.1 Bot. mag. 181
Cblatea frutescena L.
* 2100. PHA'CA X. BASTARD VETCH. (Phago, to eat. Adopted from Dioac) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Astrag. 10. —17.
18840 bse'tica L. Betic ^ A pr 4 jl W Spain' 1640. k B.1 M.h.2.8.1
18841 flrigida L. frigid " A_ p r 1 jl Pa.Y Austria 1795. R a.l 166
18H42 alpina Jac. alpine 5 A P' ~
2 jl Pa.Y Austria 17:"»9. R Jac ic. 1.151
18843 glkbra Oar. smooth 3c A or jl W S. France 1818. R B.1
18844 membranacea Fig. mcmbranaccous^t A or
alpina £ dahurica Pis.
li. Pa Y Siberia 1820. R a.l
18845 auatralia L. southern -* A P* Pa.P S. Europe 1779. R 8.1 Bot. cab. 490
18846 astragalina Dec. Astragalua-lk £ A P' 1 jnjl W . B N.Europe 1771. R a.l Bot. cab. 429
18847 lappiinica Wahl. Lapland 5 A or ijl P N.Europe 1816. R a.1 Fl. dan. 1.51
18848 oroboldea Dec. Orobus-like ^ A or 1 jl P Norway 1820. R a.1 Fl. dan. 8.1396
ilatragalua leontinus Wahl orobo\de8 Horn.
18849 arenaria Pall. sand ^ A P' P Siberia 1796. R al Pal. 1,2
* 2101. OXYTROPIS Dec. OXYTROPIS. (Oxys, pointed, tropis, keel; flowers.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Astr. 2a —52.
I- ACAU'LBS. — Stems almost none ; stipules adhering to the petioles ; leaflets conjugate, not uertictflate ; flowers
purple or white, from No.t 18862. cream-coloretL
18850 montana Dee. mountain ^ A Pr P Austria 1581. S al Bot mag. 483
Astragalus montanus L. Phaca montana Crx.
18851 cyknea Bieb. azureCaucasian& A °rr B Caucasus 1818. a.1
18852 uratensis Dec. Uralian 5 A P P Siberia 1800. al Pal. as. 42
2 serlcea Dec. silky 5 A or B Scotland aeaba. S al Eng. bot. 466
Astragalus urallnsis E. B. not L.
18853 s6rdida Pen. mean A pr i Y.p Scotland S al Eng. bot 468
Astragalus uralcnsis L.
18854 ambfgua Dec. ambiguous ,1 myji P Siberia 1817. S al Pal. as. 55
18855 Lamberti Ph. Lambert's Missouri 1811. Bnt. mag. 2147
18856 grandiflura Dec. large-mf-fl wd 1 aus P Siberia 1820. Pal. as. 46
2 Iept6ptera Dec. narrow-winged B Siberia 1HI8.
18857 songanca Dec. Songarian V Altai 1824. PaL as. 51
18858 Iongir6stra Dec. long-beaked A or P Siberia 1820.
Gmellnj Fia
18859 brevirostra Dec. ahort-beaked A pr i jl.8 B Siberia 1802. S co Pal.oa.45
alt\ica Pers.
18860 unchta Dec. honkod i or i W Aleppo 176B. S co
18H61 leptophjrlla Dec. fine-leaved i or R Siberia 1818. S al Pal. as 66
18862 campestria Dec. field - _i pr i jnjl P.v Germany 1778. S al W.&K.2.130
Clova mountain ^i A or Pa.Y Scotland moun. S 8.1 Eng. bot 2522
Aatragalua campcstrls E~B7noiL.
18863 fo'tida Dec. fetid A pr i jUu Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819, S al Vil.del.a43
Astragalus Halleri All.
II. VEETICILL\%BE3. — Leaflets all or for the most part subverticUiate, or two or three leaflets rising from the
same base.
18864 microph^lla Dec. small-tea wrd A or Pa.Y Siberia 1819. S al Pal.aa.76
1886T} verticiUkria Dec. v/hoxX-leaved A or f jlau B.w Siberia 1819. S al Am. rut. 19.1
18866 prostraU Dec. prostrate A or B.w Siberia 1880. S al Pal.aa.72
Astragalus dahuricua Pall.
18867 myrioph^lla Dec. myriad-leaved A or | P.R.W Siberia 181& al Pal. as. 71
18868 oxyphylla Dec. sharp-leaved A or i P Siberia 1816. al Pal. as. 74
HI. CAULESCE'NTES.—Stems elongated; stipules cauUne, not adhering to the petioles; leaflets conm/mie mat
vertidllate ; flowers cream-colored, from No.18870. purple. ^ conjugate, not
18869 piloaa Dec. pilose i A P' I jnAM Pa.Y Siberia 1732. S al Rot cab ri44
18870 Pallaati Pera
Pallas's ^ A or Pa. Y Siberia 1818. S al Pal as »i
18871 dcalbMa Dec. whited A pr I jlau P Caucasus 180a S s.1 Pal. as. 23.2,3
18878 glabra Dec. smooth A or £jlau P Dnhuria 1823. S s.1 8
18873 dcfllxa Dec. deflcxed Apr i jn.jl P Siberia 18(X). S 8.1 Jacic. 1.153
18874 Fischeri* Dec. Fischer's A or 11 Altai 1817. S s.l
18875 dich6ptera Dec. doubly winged A pr 4. jn.jl P Siberia 1815. S s.l PaLas.39
• 2102. ilSTRA'GALUS L. MILK VETCH. {Aster, star, gala, milk.) LegunuPap.Ut.Astrdg. 103. — 248.
I. HYPOGLOTTI'DEI. — Flowers purple j stipules free from the petioles, res, hut between themselves joined at base.
therefore bifid, and 'e the leaves.
18876 hypoglottis L. tongue under tongucJc A or Britain sa. hca. D s.1 Eng. hot 274
18877 dasyglottis Fis. thick-tongucd a A or Siberia 1818. D s.l
18878 purpbreus Lam. purple Jc A or & France 1820. D s.1 Dec. as. 12
18879 /otoides Lam. Lotus-like J: O or China 1763. S s.1 Bot. mag. 1350
sinicus L.
18880 tfnobrychiotfes2fc& Saintfoin-likc & A or Iberia 1819. D s.1 Dec. as. 16
18881 leontinus Jac. lion's tail 3 A or Austria 1816. D 8.1 Bot. cab. 432
18882 Voniiinus Dec. Don's Jc A or Nepal 1818. D 8.1
macrorlrizus D. Don
18883 liayon&isis Lot. Bayonne ^ A or France 1816. D 8.1
18884 tauricus Pall. Taunan ^ A or Tauria 1826. D 8.1 Pal. as. 38
II. DISSITIFLORI. — Stipules neither adhering to the petioles, nor joined together; flowers purple, distant;
legumes straight.
18885 austriacus L. Austrian Pa.B Austria 1640. D 8.1 Jac au. 2.195
1K886 otopterus Dec. ear-winged Pa,B Altai 1817. D s.1
18S87 sulcatus L. furrowed L.1I Siberia 1785. D co Jac. vin. 3.40
18888 gracilis Nut. slender P N. Amcr. 1821. D 8.1
1888!) subulatus Bieb. subulate P Siberia 1820. D s.1 Pal. as. 20
18890 virgatusPafl. twiggy 3 V Siberia 1806. C co Pal. as. 18
III. ONOBRYCHOI'DEI. — Stipules distinct from petiole, and not joined together s flowers purple or white, densely
spicate or capitate ; vexillum linear, elongated ; roots perennial; legumes falcate, frotn No. 188i)2. straight.
18891 leptophyllua Desf. fine-leaved i jnjl W Barbary 1811. D Desf. at 2.207
18892 dahtirfcus Pall. Dahurian fjnjl P Dahuria 1822. D s.l Pal. it. 3. app.
18893 Imearifolius Pers. linear-leaved 1 P Siberia 1780. C p.1 Sw. fl. gar. 73
tenuif7>lius L.
18894 Onobrychia L. Saintfoin P Austria 1640. D 8.1 Jac. au. 1.38
18895 aduncus Bub. hooked P Caucasus 1819. D s.1 Bieb. cen. 2.80
18896 vimineus Pall. twiggy P Siberia 1816. D s.1 Pal. as. 21
18897 fruticosus Pall. shrubby i jnjl V Siberia 1804. D s.1 Pal. as. 19
18898 adsfirgens W. adsurgent A A or 4 jnjl p Siberia 1820. D 8.1 Pal. as. 31
2 prostratus Fis. prostrate 3 A or 4 jnjl p Siberia 1818. D s.l
18899 Laxm&nni Jac. Laxmann's Jc A or 1 p Siberia 1804. D 8.1 Jac. vin. 3.37
18900 caryocarpus B. R. nut-podded iAor 1 jn.jl p N. Amer. 1811. D s.1 Bot reg. 176
camosus Nut.
IV. SESA'AIEI. — Stipules tnot adhering
hng to the
p petioles
o s onorj joined together
g ; flowers purpltsh, densely spicate or
capitate ; legumes straight; roots annualannual.
18901 pentagl6ttis L. flve-tongued i O or i jn.jl P Spain 17S9. s.1 Cav. ic. 2.188
18902 Glaux L. Miltwort Jc O or 4 !jnjl P _....„_
Spain 1596. s.1 CLli. 2.241
( sl
18 X)3 oxygl6ttis Stev. sharptongued Jc O or }w ~
sharp-tongued ,...- ™ Tauria
'*—-« 1817. 8.1
18904 cruciatus Lk. cruciate Jc O or 14, jnjl 1820. 8.1
18905 Stella Gou. star-podded Jc O or 4. S. Europe 1658. CO
18906 /ribuloldes Del. Tribulus-like Jc O or 4 jn.jl Egypt 1817. 8.1
18907 «esamcus L. Sesame-likc Jc O or 1 jujl Pa.B S. Europe 1616. S.1 Gar. aix 12
V. VESICA^RII. — Stipules not adhering to the petioles nor joined together ; fls cream-colored ; calyx bladdery.
18908 vesicarius L. bladdery calyx Jc A or | W . Y Europe 1737. S s.1 W.&K.1.4U

VI. —Stipules neither adhering to the petioles nor together s flowers purple or white s legumes
arched i roots annual.
18909cymbfficarpus Brot. boat-podded Jc QO or 4J jnjl jjl WW.p Spain 1800. s.1 Brot ph. 59.59.
18910 NuttalltViRtff Dec. Nuttall's Jc O or i jn.jl B N. Amer. 1820.
micranthus Nut.
18911 annul\x\% Forsk. annular Jc O or 14 jn.jl P Egypt 1800. s.1 Dec. as. 7
18912 trinuSrphus VU. three-formed Jc C) or j jnjl P S. Europe 1816. s.1 Viv. lib. 10.2
18913 scorpioidcs Pou. scorpion-like podded O or 1 B Spain 1816. co
18914 canaliculatub W. enxhanncl-podded O or 2 jn.jl W ...... 1816. co
18915 mareoticus Del. Mareotic Jf O or | jn jl Li Egypt 1817. s.1 DeL s?g. 39.3
VII. BUCE'RATES.—Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole,' flowers cream-coloreds legumes
qftrnest arched j roots annual.
18916 contortupiicotus L. twisted-plaited Jc O or 1 Pa.Y Silieria 1764. S co Pal. as 79
18917 trimc'stris L. three-monthly Jc O or * jn.jl PaY Egypt 1739. S co Jac. vin. 2.174
18918 hamosus L. hook-podded Jc O Jnjl Pa.Y Spain lft'J3. S co Lam. 1L 622.4
2 macrocarpus largc-fruitcd Jc O or 4jn.jl Pa.Y S. Europe 1820. S 8.1
18919 ffgiceras W. en. goat's horn Jc O or Pa.Y ...... 1818. S co
18920 baceras W. en. ox-homed Jc O or jnjl Pa.Y ...... 1816. S co
18921 epiglottis L. tongue upon tongue Jc Q or jI Pa.Y S. Europe 17J7. S sl Her. lug. 77
18922 triangularis Dec. triangular C or 1 Pa.Y ...... 1818. S 8.1
Phaca triangularis Zea
18923 bs'ticus L. Baetic Jc Q or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y S. Europe 1759. S co Boc.sic.7.4
VIII. SYNOCIIBEAVI. — Stipules free from the petiole, butjoincdtogether ; flowers cream-colored.
r au
18924 capitatus
itt L.
L headed
h d d It A
^ A °
A or 1 1J'-jl Pa.Y
P YLevant
L t 1759. SS s.ll
18925 emarginatus f
18«)2fi mirroph5 llu8 L.
Dec. emarginatc
18«>27 semibilocularis Dec. semibilocular
1U Pa.Y S. Europe 1825. D s.1 Rauw. hod. 29
Y Siberia 1773. D p.l
14 Pa.Y Siberia 1804. D s.1 Dec. as. 23
185)28 r^ptans W. creeping i jnjl W Mexico 1818. D s.l W. h. b. 2.88
189->?) odoratus sweet-scented A or Pa.Y S. Europe 1820. D 8.1 Dec. as. U
181)30 stipulatus D. Don tor^-stipuled A or 1 jn.jl Y Nepal 1822. D 8.1 Bot. mag. 2380
IX. CICEROI'DEI. — Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole ; spikes peduneulated s flowers cream.
colored; roots perennial; legumes sessile.
• glycyphyllug L. sweet-leaved Jc A or 3 jnjl Y o Britain ch. wo. D s.l Eng. bot 203
J5IS2 Blycyphylloldes Dec. GlycyphyL-lk Jc A or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Iberia 1818. 1> 6-1
J893S platyph^llus Fis. broad-leaved Jc A or 1 jnjl Pa.Y Siberia 1824. D s.l
ilxSt r epre8 ll8 L
? L « depressed J: A or \ myjn Pa.Y Europe 1772. D 8.1 Bot. cab. 680
1776. D s.l Bot. cab. I l l
18935 leucophas^us L. dusky Jc A or \ W . Y
18936 CicerL. Vetch Jc A or 2 jnjl Y Europe 1570. D s.1 Jac. au. 251'
18937 uliginous L. marsh ^ A or 2 Pa.Y Siberia 175*. D p.l PaL as. 26 '
18938 micranthus Desu. •mall-flowered ^ A or 1 jnjl Pa.Y 1800. D s.l
18939 carolimanus L. Carolina ^ A or 1| G.v N. Amer. 1732. D s.l Di. el. 39,45
18940 canadinsis L. Canadian ^ A or Pa.Y N. Amer. 1732. D s1 Dod. m. 64
18911 falcatus L. sicklc-potftfcd 5 A or 3 $ jl G.T Siberia ... D p.l Dec. as. 26
vir&cens H. K.
18942 falciformis-Dec. sickle-formed A or yjnjl Pa.Y Algiers 18ia D s.1 Desf. at. 2.206
18943 asper Jac. rough j( Apr 3 jLau Pa.Y Astracan 1796. D p.1 Jac. i c 152
18944 pailcsccns Bleb.
pallescent l A o r 1 jnjl Pa.Y Siberia 1818. D 8.1
X. GALEGIF6RME8. — Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petioles; flowers cream-colored or white;
_ legumes stalked. . . . .
18945 chinensis L. Chinese ^ ^ or 1 jnjl Pa.Y China 1795. S p.1 L.f.dec.3
18946 galegiformis L. Galega-formed ^ A or 2 Y.o Siberia 1729. D si PaL as. 29
malacaphy'llus Hort.
XI. ALOPECUBOI'DEI.—Stipules not adhering to the petiole; stems erect; flowers yellow, crowded into dense
18947 alopeciaB PaU. spikes at the axils of the leaves,, either sessile or on short peduncles.
sea-fox Y Siberia 1800. s.1 Pal. as. 9
18948 maximus L. greatest Foxtail 3 Y America ... 6.1
18949 fllop-jcuroides L. Foxtail-like 3 jlau L.Y Spam 1737. s.1 Pal. as. 8
18950 narbon£nsis Gou. Narbonne 2 jnjl Pa.Y S. Europe 1789. 6.1 PaL as. 10
18951 punticus W. Pontic 3 jnjl s.1 Pal. as. 11
18952 vulplnus W. 2 Pa.Y L.Y
Tauria 1820.
Caucasus 18151 8.1 Pal. as. 7
fox 2 jnjl
alopccunAdes PaU.
XII. CHRISTIA^NI. — Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole ; stems erect; flowers cream-colored,
in subscssile glomerate racemes at the axils of the leaves.
18953 christianus L. Christian ^ A or 3 jl Pa.Y Armenia 1737. D s.I To. it 2. 254
18954 tomentosus Zatn. woolly.leaved £^AJor 3 jl Pa. Y Egypt 1800. S p.1 Dec. as. 29
X I I I . TRAQACA'NTnjs. — Petioles persistent tpinescent; stipules adhering to the petioles.
18955 caucasicus Pall. Caucasian tt. or i jn.jl W Caucasus 1H24. S 8.1 Pal. as. 2
s.p Den. br. 84
18956 Tragacantha L. grear.Goat'sThorntL or 1 my.jl Pa.Y W S. Europe
Levant' 1640. 1640. S s.p Par. th.2
18957 Poterium Vahl Poterium sm.G.T.n. or i jn.jl 8.1 Gar. aix 104
18958 anstatus Herit. awned tt. or 1 my.jl P Pa.Y
Pyrenees 1791.
Egypt 1816. s.l Rus. al. 5
18959 t&miduB W. tumid tt. or § jn.jl
XIV. ANTHYLLOI'DEI.—Stipules adhering to the petioles; petioles unarm.; calyx bladdery<, including the legumes.
18960 amm6dytes Poll, sand viper «L or \ my.jl W Siberia 1820. S s.1 Pal. as. 5
18961 /folicacabus Lam. kettlccalyxed ^ A or i jn Pa.Y Armenia 1806. D s.1 Schreb. dec. 3
Phaca vesicaria Schreb. •
XV. CAPRINI.—Stipules at base adhering to the petioles ; petiolesurair unarmed ; flowersjTCHUIV
m t » y JIUUH.1.1 yellow/ ; KtHW
18962 caprtnus L. goa.Uscented 1" jnjl Pa.Y Barbaryy 1683. D s.l M.h.2.24.3
18963 longiflorus Pall. long-flowered I jnjl Y Tartary
T t 1806. D s.l
1806 1) l P l Pal. as. 80
18964 utnger Pall. bladder-bearing * jnjl Russia 1818. D 8.1 Pal. as. 61
18965 lanigerus Desf. wool-bearing I my. jl Egypt 1791. D 8.1 Desf. at. 202
/ragacanthoides W.
18966 exscapus L. scapeless Jmyjl Y Hungary 1787. D 8.1 Jac. ic. 3.561
18967 diffusus W diffuse myjl Pa.Y Caspia 1820. D 8.1 Pal. as. 68
1896S buchtorm^nsis Pall. Buchtorm Y Siberia 1818. D 8.1 PaL as. 62. A
XVI. INCAVII.—Slip, adhering to unarmed petioles ; calyxes and legumes not bladdery ; leg. perfectly bilocular.
18969 monspessulanuB L. MontpeUer JU A or 1 P France 1710. D s.1 Botmag.375
2 Slbus white t A or 1 jnjl W S. Europe ... S 8.1
18970 incknus L. hoary ^t A °' I Jn-J 1
P Montpel. 1759. D 8.1 Pal. as. 84
18971 brachycarpuB Bieb. short-podded 3c A or 1| jn.jl P Caucasus 1830. D 8.1 Bot. mag. 2335
XVII. RkmcmJbm. —Stipules adhering to the unarmed petioles calyx not bladdery ; ruptured at top after

XVIII. DU^BII. —Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.

18975 negllctus Fis. neglected Jt A or | jnjl ... Siberia 1826. D s.l
18976 acutifolius Sehl. acute-leaved 5 A or i Jn.jl ... Switcerl. 1826. D s.1
18977 mehlotoldes Pott. Melilot-like J A p r 3 jnjl P Siberia 1785. D co Pal. as. 41
18978 arenarius L. sand A or 1 jnjl B Germany 1798. D s.1 Rets, a 3
2103. GULDENSTO'DTM Fis. GuiLDENsrrJLDTiA. (J.A.Guldenstaedt, nat.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Astr. 1.—2.
18979 pauciabra Fts. few.flowered ^ A or * jnjl R Siberia 1827. S s.l PaL as. 66
ifstr&galus pauciflorus Pall.
2104. BISE'RRULA L. HATCHET VETCH. {Bis, twice, serrula, little saw; pods.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Astr. 1.
18980 Pelecinus L. Corn-weed O pr 1 P S. Europe 1640. S s.p Lam. ll. 622
2105. SCORP11TRUS L. CATERPILLAR. {Skorpios, scorpion, aura, tail; twisted pod.) Lcs.Pap.Hed.Cor. 6.-7.
18981 lffivig;ita Sm. smooth-fcavttt -* O or Y Archipel. 1818. S co 718
18982 murickU L. prickly Jr o pr 2" iujl Y S. Europe 1640. S co M.h.2.11.4
18983 sulckta L. * furrowed -* O pr 2 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1596. S 8.1 Desf. at. 2.4
18984 subvillbsa L. subvillous Jc o i» 2 injl Y S. Europe 1731. S co M.h.2.11.2
18985 acutifulia Via. acute-leaved Jf O or £ Injl Y Corsica 1825. S co Viv.lib.19.4
18986 vermiculata L. worm-podded Jc Q pr 2 in jl Y & Europe 1621. S co M. h.2.11.3
* 2106. CORONI'LLA L. CORONILLA. (Corona, a crown; disposition of fls.) Leg. Pap. Hed, Cor. 16. — 20.
I. LU^TEJE.—Flowers yellow.
18987 E'merus L. Scorpion Senna tt or 3 apjn R.Y France 1596. L co Bot mag. 445
18988 jdncea L. Rush or 3 jnjl Y France 1656. C r.m Bot. cab. 235
18989 valentma L. Valentia or 2 rar.n Y S. Europe 1596. C r.m Bot mag. 185
stipularis Lam.
18990 pentaphy*lla Desf. five-leaved | or 2 Jn.jl Y Algiers 1700. C B.p Mil. ic. 289.2
18991 argentea L. silveryleavrd il _J or 2 myjn Y Crete 1664. L 8.1 Mil. ic 2.289.1
18992 glatica L. glaucous seven~lvd it. | or 2 my.s Y France 1722. C r.m
18993 viminalis Sal. twiggy m _J or 3 my.n Y Mogadorel798. C l.p ParionTis'
18994 minima L. least tf Afor Y S. Europe 1658. S co Bot ma* 2179
18995 coronate L. crown-headed tf Alor Y S. Europe 1776. S co Cl h!s« 2
18996 montana Sco. mountain S Alor lljojl Y SwiUerL 177a S p.1 Bot mag. 907
coronate Bieb, not U or W,

18997 iberica Bkb. Iberian Jk A or iJLau Y Iberia 1822. D CO Bot cab. 789
18998 squamata Cav. scaly ^ A or 1 W Crete 182a D CO

II. A'LBA.—Flowers purple or white.

18999 cretica L. Cretan O or 1 jnjl St Candia 1731. S s.1 Jac. vin. 1.25
19000 varia L. various t* A or 1 jl.n Pk Europe 1597. D CO Bot. mag. 258
19001 globbsa Lam. globose a A or 1 jl.n W Crete 1800. I) CO
19002 cappadocica W. Cappadocian k A or f jl W Cappadoc. 1800. D CO
orientklis Mil.
2107. ASTROLO'BIUM Dcsv. ASTROLOBIUM. (Astron, star, lobos, pod: disposition.) Leg.Pqp Hed.Cor. 4.
19003 ebractcatum D«:. ebracteatc O or J jn.jl Y S. Europe 1700. S co Dalech. 1.487.1
Ornithopus ebracteatus Brot. durus Dec.
19001 durum Dec. hard O or | Y Spain 1816. S co Cav. ic. 1.31
Ornithopus diirus Cav.
19005 scorpio'idcs Dec. Scorpius-like O pr | jn.Jl Y & Europe 1506. S co Cav. ic. 1.37
Ornithopus scorphAdes L.
19006 repandum Dec. repand O pr i jn.jl Y Barbary 1805. S co Lam. iL 631.2
Ornithopus rep&ndus Lam.
2108. ORNI'THOPUS L. BIRD'S FOOT. (Ornis, bird, pous, foot; daw.likepods.) Leg.Tap.Ued.Cor. 3.-10.
19007 compressus L. compressed O pr jn.jl Y S. Europe 1730. S c o ' Jierg. ph. 191
19008 perpusUlus L. 1 very small O P* \ K w Britain dry pas. S co Enu. bot. 3fi9
2 nodosus Mil. knotted Jk O or my.jl W . R France ... S co Dalech. 486.2
19009 sativus Brot. cultivated O ag i jn.jl Vy Portugal 1818. S co
pcrpusilius/3 intermedjua Dec.

2109. HIPPOCRETIS L. HORSESHOE VETCH. (Hippos, horse, krepis, shoe; pod.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 9. —10.
1010 balearica
balearica Jac.
Jac. Balearic * |pr 2 my.jn Y Minorca 1776. C r.m Bot. mag. 427
19011 combsa L. tufted V. A P* t Y Y England ch.hil.
England ch.hil. D
D s.l
s.1 Eng. bot. 31
19012 helvetica G. Don Swiss / i ^ / ^ * my.jl Y SwiUerL 1819. D co
combsa Schl.
19013 glatica Ten. glaucous A or | y j Y Italy 1819. D CO Fl. nan. 2.69
19014 raultisiliquosa L. many.podded O pr 1 Y S. Europe 1683. S CO Schk. nan. 2.206
19015 monocarpa Bieb. single-fruited
19016 unisiliqubsa L.
19017 cihata W.
1 jnjl Y
i jn.jl
O pr I jn.jl Y
Y Caucasus 1824. S CO
S. Euro)* 1570. s CO Lam. il. 630.3
& Europe 1818. s CO
19018 biflora Spr. two-flowered Y ...... 1816. s CO
O pr
2110. SECURI'GERA Dec. SECURIGERA. (Securis, hatchet,gero, to bear; pods.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 1.
19019 Coronilla Dec. Coronilla-/ite O pr 1 Y S. Europe 1562. S co Gae. ft. 2.153.3
Coronilla Securidaca L. Securidaca lutea Mil.

2111. DI'PHACA Lou. DIPHACA. (DM, two, phdke, a lentil: two seeds in pod.) Leg.Pap.Hcd.Cor.Buh. 1.
19020 cbchin.chin£nsis L Cochinchina « Q c ) t 3 ... W China ... C p.l Ru. am. 3. 128 '
Dalbergta Diphaca Pers.
2112. PI CTErr/il Dec. PICTETIA. (A. Pictet, a celebratedJAysician.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 2.—t
19021 squamata Dec. _ .scaled i Q o r 4 ... Y W. Indies 1824. C 8.1 VahUy.3.69
Robinia squamata Vahl
19022 aristata Dec. awned or 4 jn.jl Y St Dom. 1816. C s.1 237
u£schyn6mcne aristata Jac.
2113. ORMOCA'RPUM Beauv. ORMOCARPUM. [Urmos, necklace, karpos, fruit) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor Euh
19023 somoides Dec. Senna-like »»»• "«.I»MW.I;, HWJUVS, iruiui i*eg.rap.i
//ed^saruinftnnoldes W. 3 P E. Indies 1816. C s.1

2114. MYRIADE^NUSDesv. MTRIADENITB. [Myrios, innumerable, aden, gland.) Lfg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 1

19024 tetraphjrllus Desu. four-leaved Q c u 1 Y Jamaica 1818. S co SI. jam. 1.116.2
Ornithopus tetraphyllus L.

2115. ^ESCHYNO'MENE L. ^SCIIYNOMENE. (Aischuno, to be ashamed.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 11 37.

19025 aspera L. rough-stemmed O or 2 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1759. S s.1 Brcy. c. 52
19026 sensitlva Swx. sensitive M CD or 3 ... W W. Indies 1733. C s.1 PI. ic. 149
19027 hispida W. hispid O or 2 au Y.R N. Amer. 1803. S 8.1
19028 indica L. Indian cm or 2 jnjl Y E. Indies 1799. S-6.1 R.mal. 9 18
19029 americana L. American ED or 2 Y Jamaica 1732. s ; s.i SI. jam. 1.118. 3
19030 pfitulaPoir. spreading M-fior 31 Y Mauritius 1826. C s.1
19031 pikmila L. dwarf K3 or * Y E. Indies 1818. S s.1 R. mal. 9.21
19032 subviBcbsa Box. subviscid Tm or Y E. Indies 1816. S 8.1
viscidula W. en.
19033 viscidula A/*. viscidish iDlor i jl-au Y Florida 181ft S s.1
prostrata Pour. rattling-podtfctf T l o r 4 Y Caraccas 1820. C s.1 Jac. ft. 42.2
19034 crepitans Jac.
19035 pendula BqJ. pendulous • nor 3 Y Mauritius 1826. C s.1

Slid SMITH//* H.K. SMITHIA. (Sir James E. Smith, F.R.S., founder Lin. Soc.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 3.
19036 sensiAva H. K. sensitive -* O cu | jl.s Y E. Indies 1785. S. s.1 Par. Ion. U2
19037 conftrta Sm. crowded -* |QJ or i Y N. Holl. 182a SC s.1
19038 geminiflbra Both twin-flowered Jc (QJ or i jl.s Y E. Indies 1810. S s.1
2117. LOU'BE A Neck. LOUREA. (Not explained.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 2 . - 3 .
19039 vcspertilibnis Desv. bjM-wine-leaved£ Q) cu 2 W Co.-China 1780. S p.l Jac. ic. 3.566
Aedfsarum vespertilionis L.
19040 renifiSrmis Dec. renifonn-fcawd£ Ol 2 V China 1818. S p.l
2118. VBSBIAVevr. URARIA. (Notexplained.) Leg.PapHed.Cor.Euh. &—7.
,-.., , I. P I N N A V C — Leaves pinnate,with
with an
an oddodd one,
one, two
two oror three paired.
19041 piCta DeSV juAnled-leaved
—-:—» • » a . r—i
» ^> O o~-r 3o
:i - . . is
P #-•..:..—
Guinea ITOO 1788. Sa s.l Jac. ic 3.567
tufted «•! lor 3 P E. Indies 1818. S s.1
v^~-yj~ -*»v hairy SL i \ ox 2 Pk E. Indies ... S s.1 Bur. in. 56
/ledysanun ciinUum L. *
II. TRIPOLIA^TJB. — Leaves trifoliate, terminal ones petioled.
19044 fegopotdes Dec. Hare's-foot-Ik ttilpr P China 1790. S 8.1 Bur. in. 53.2
tfedfsarum lagopodioidcs L.
19045 lagocgphala Dec. hare-headed £ iAI un 2 jl Li Brazil 1824. S co
Hed^aarum lagocephalum Lk.
19046 /,agbuus Dec. Hare's-foot ' ftilor 7 jnjl P Nepal 1824. S s.l
J/cdysarum arbbreum Ham.

2119. N I C O L S O ' N I J I Dec. NICOLSONIA. (Af. Nicolson, wrote on Nat ILSt.Dom.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh.l.S.
19047 barbate Z*c. bearded « . D a 1 jnjl P Jamaica 1818. S 8.1
Ifcdysarum barb&tum L.

•2120. DESMOMMUM Dec. DEBMODIUM. (Desmos, band; stam. joined?) Leg. Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 60.—140.
L EuDESMbDiuM— Joints of legume coriaceous, indehiscent, subettiptic; and at each extremity truncates leaves
,««-» ^ m* Pinnately trifoliate ; peduncles axillary ; flowers corymbosely umbeUate.
19048 umbellatum Dec. uinbeUflowered * • un 3 ... W E. Indies 1801. C l.p Jac. sc. 3.297
2/edysarum umbellatum L.
ALOBIUM.—Joints of legume membranaceous, nearly quadrate, lower side a little convex, afterwards
dehiscentt;i leaves unifoliate ; petioles_ winged
_ ; wings at top, on each side, ending in a tooth :from 19053. leaves
jnnnately trifoliate ; petiole's not winged?
19049 auriculhtum Dec eared tf ITBIor 5 P Timor 1819. s.1
19050 triquetrum Dec. triangular-rffct £ O or 1 jLau P E. Indies 1802. Lp Bur. in. 52.2
Ifectysarum triquetrum L.
19051 psciido-triquetrumDec. OS or 4 Nepal 1820. s.l
19052 alatum Dee. winged £ DD or 4 P E. Indies 1817. s.1
19053 gyrans Dec. whirling-plan/ tf FPlcu 3 JLau P E. Indies .1775. p.1 Jac. ic 3.566
i/edysarum gyrans L.
29054 gyroides Dec. Gyrans-like tf ITBlor E. Indies 1817. S s.1
III. CHALA^RIUM.—Joints of legume membranaceous, indehiscent, oval or orbicular, rarely oblong, with both sides
convex, and at each extremity attenuated ; racemes loose, elongated; pedicels three from each bract; leaves
simple, frotn No. 19062. trifoliate with the terminal one a little larger.
19055 gangeticum Dec. Gangetic jLau Pa.V E. Indies 1762. S r.m Bur. scy. 49.2
O un lilftjLau
//edysarum gangeticum L.
19056 maculatum Dec. spotted Oun 1 India 1732. S l.p Di. el. 141.168
Ifed^sarum maculatum L.
19057 renifonne Dec. kidncy-shaped ] ] or 3 E. Indies 1820. S 8.1 Bu|. in. 52.1
19058 sagittatum Dec. arrow-leaved i jun 3 R E. Indies 1807. S IP
//ed^sarum sagittatum Pair.
19059 angustifbhum Dec. narrow-leaved \ 2 jniau P Mexico 1824. s.1
19060 latifbhum Dec. broad-leaved i 2 au P China 1818. Lp Bdtrcg.355
//edysarum latifolium Box
19061 lasiocarpum Dec. hairy-podded i Q o r 4 jnau R Guinea 1823. S s.1 Beau. ow. 1.18
19062 canadlnse Dec. Canadian A u n 6 jlau P N. Amcr. 1640. D s.1 Cor. ca. 45
/fed^sarum canadense L.
19063 canescens Dec. canescent u n 2 W.P N. Amer. 1733. D s.1 Pluk. al. 308.5
Hed5rsarum canescens L.
19064 manlandicum Dec. Maryland N. Amer. 1725. D s.1 DL el. 144.171
fledyfiarum manlandicum L.
19065 obtusum Dec. obtuse 2 N. Amcr. 1805. D s.1
//edVsarum obtusum MM.
!9 66 ciiiKre Dec. ciliated A o r 2 V N. Amer. 1823, D 8.1
19067 viridiflorum Dec. green-flowered A un 3 jl.8 P N. Amer. 1787. D 8.1 Pluk. al. 308.2
ifedysarum viridiflorum L.
19068 bracteatum Dec. large-bracteA A or \\ .8 P N. Amer. 1818. D s.1
19069 cuspidatum Dec. sharp-pointcd A un lft Lau V N. Amer. 1806. D s.1
//ed^sarum cuapidatum W.
19070 glabcllum Dec. smoothish A or jU P N. Amer. ... D s.l
19071 pamculatum W. paniclcd Al>r jl P N. Amer. 1781. D s.1 Pluk. al.
/liedysarum paniculatum L.
19072 acuminatum Dec. acuminate A un lft P N. Amer. 1805. D a.1
^ed^sarum glutin6sum Mx.
19073 nudiflbrum Dec. naked-flowered N. Amer. 1823. D s.l
19074 paucifltirum Dec. few-flowered N. Amer. 1818. D s.1
19075 rotundifolium Dec. round-leaved N. Amer. 1733. D 8.1
' canescens IV.
19076 stipulaceum Dec. stipulaceous Mexico 1824. Fl. mex. ic. in*
19077 y4partnes Dec. Bedstraw Mexico 1823.
//edy'aarum i4par\nes Lk.
19078 cinereum Dec. grey Mexicoc 1820. C 8.1
19079 dubium B. B. doubtfUl Pa.R NNepal 1824. C a.1 Bot Teg. 967
19080 cq/anifolium Dec. Cajan-leaved B Caraccas 1820. C 8.1 H.&B.n. (J.598
19081 incanum Dec. hoary Jamaica 1818. C s.1 P.ecLB. 149.1
19082 suptaum Dec. supine W. Indies 1816. s.1 SI. jam. 1.118.2
19083 tortuoBum Dec. tw\nted-podded
...._ Jamaica 1781. C s.1 SI. jam. 1.116.2
//edysarum tortuusum Sun.
19084 adscendens Dec. ascending Jamaica 1818. C a.1
i/ed^sarum ascendens Sun.
2 caruleum Undl. blue W.Indies 1818. C a.1 Bob rag. 815
19085 trigonum Dec. three-angled Jamaica 1733. D 8.1
//cd^saruin trigonum Sun.
19086 spirale Dec. spiral Jamaica 1700. C 8.1
19087 tcncllum Dec. delicate Caraccas 1818. S s.l
19088 aspcrum Desv. rough 18ia C 8.1
19069 divcrsifolium Dec. divers-leaved E. Indies 1816. C 8.1
19090 heteroph5rllum Dec. various-leaved E. Indies 182a s i Bur. xey. 54.1
19091 triflbrum Dec. three-flowered India 1796. 8.1 Bur. in. 54.2
Hedysarum triflorum L.
19092 diHTisum Dec. diffuse * Oun 2 P E. Indies 1818. 8.1
19093 tomentbsum Dec. woolly £ lAJun China 1782.
Hedysarum tomentbsum Thun. P
19094 inultiflbrum Dec. many-flowered JIFHun P Nepal 1823. C 6.1
•Hedysarum multiflbrum D. Don
19095 retasum D. Don retuae 2 JLau P Nepal 1820. C 8.1
19096 Lechenault/i Dec Lechcnault's I Inn 2 P E. Indies 1825. C 8.1
19097 capitfitum Dec. headed 3 jl P Ceylon ... C 8.1 Bur. in. 54.1
Hedysarum capitatum Brm. • Dun
19098 guianfose Dec. Guiana ft CZIun 1 jn.jl P Guiana 1823. C s.1
19099 malaeophyllum Dec. soft-leaved jg fAlun 2 jn.jl P Manilla 1822, C p.l
Hedjrsarum malacophjrllum Lk.
19100 serotmum Dec. \ate-Jlowering A un If jLs V ...... 1824. D s.1
J/edysarum serotinum W. en*
19101 brasililnse Poir. Brazilian or 2 P Brazil 1819. C s.1
19102 trinervium Fis. three-nerved or 2 P 1820. C 8.1
19103 collinum Box. hill 2 P . E. Indies 1816. C s.1
19104 cephalotis Box. round-headed Q or 2 P E. Indies 1833. C s.1
19105 hamosum Box. hooked Q or 2 _P E. Indies 1818. C s.1
19106 lacteum BoJ. m\\k-colored • o r 2 W Mauritius 1826. S 8.1
19107 spoctabile BoJ. showy
Dor 2 P Mauritius 1826. S s.1
2121. DICE'RMA Dec. DICERMA. (DSS, twice, henna, prop j bracteas at cal. base.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euk. S.
19108 pulchillum Dec. neat « . Q p r 1 jLau Y E. Indies 1798. C s.1 Bur.zey.52
pulchella L
Z A i i pulchella L.
19109 Regans Dec. elegant « - • pr 1 Y China 1819. C s.l
Zornia Elegans Pers. J/edysarum elegans Lou.
19110 biarticulatum Dec. two-jointed a. • pr 2 jLau Y E. Indies 1808. C s.1 Bur.zey.50.2
i/edysarum biarticulatum L.
2122. TAVERNIE1L* Dec. TAVERXIERA. (J. B. Tavernier, an Eastern trav.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 2 . - 3 .
19111 /appacea Dec. Burdock-like ft. LJ un 1 jlau Y Egypt 1820. S s.1
J/edy'sarum /apphceum Forsk.
19112 nummulana Dec. Moneywort « . | _ J u n 1 jnjl R Arabia 1826. S 6.1 Dec. leg. 6.52
ifcdyWum nummularifulium Dec.
HEDY'SARUM L. HEDYSARUM. (Hedys, sweet, aroma, perfume.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 27.-437.
I. ECHINOLOBIA. — Joints of legume in dbk villous,ribbed, muricate, or glochidate: stemless: from No. 19117.
caulescent; legumes prickly; from No. 191*24. caulescent; legumes pilose, pubescent, or rugosely crested:
from No. 19129. caulescent; legumes rugose, subcristate, or pubescent: segments of calyx short.
19113 grandiflorum PalL large-flowered ^ A or P Tauria 1821. D co Bieb. cen. 63
19114 argenteum L. stiver-leaved & A un i Pa.P Siberia 1796. D s.l P a L i t £ 9
19115 candidum Bieb. white ^ A pr J my.jn P Tauria 1824. D co
2 h&raifepec. humble 5 A or i my.jn P Tauria 1817. D s.1
19116 splendeos Fis. shining jk A or Crea Siberia 1819. D s.1
19117 pallidum Desf. pale £ Q> or 8 jnjl Pa.R N. Africa 1820. S s.l Bot mag. 1251?
19118 coronarium L. garland £ Q) spl 4 jn.jl S Italy 1596. S co 2.155
2 albiflorum white-flowered jg Q) or 3 jnjl W Italy 1596. S co
19119 humile L. humble Jf A un iJ P Spain 164a D si
19120 spinoslssimum L. thorniest O un 1iJU jLau Pa.P Spain 1731. S 8.1
19121 carn5sum Desf. fleshy -* O or 4 jlau P Barbary 182a S s.1 Desf. at 2.200
19122 flexuosum L. flexuous-podded O un 1 jl au P Asia 1680. S s.1 Schk.han.2,207
19123 varium W. variable jf A °r W S. Europe 1820. S s.1
19124 lasiocarpum Led. hairy-podded j|f A or P Siberia 1816. S 8.1

19125 rutidocarpum Dec. wrinkled-poddedJc A or P Siberia 1826. S s.1
19126 Uuricum Pall. Taurian . ^t A pr Pa.P Tauria 1804. D s.1 Bieb. cen. 2.85
19127 r&seum Step. roseate Pk Caucasus 1803. S s.1 Bot mag. 996
19128 altaicum Fis. Altaian Siberia 1818. S s.1
19129 fruticosum L. shrubby Siberia 1782. S s.1 Pal. i t 3.5.1
19130 ibtricum Bwb. Iberian Iberia 1818. D s.1
19131 cretaccum Fis. chalky Siberia 1819. D s.1
II. LEIOLOBIA. — Joints of legumes trntoth, neither echinoid nor pilose ; segments of calyx shorter than corolla.
19132 consangufneumDec. allied 1 P Siberia 1820 D s.1
19133 obscurum L. obscure iJLau P Alp. Eur. 164a D s.I Bot mag. 682
19134 brachysemum Dec. shorUstandanr 1* P Siberia 1817. D s.1 Gin. si. 4.10
obscurum altaicum Fis.
19133 sib^ricum Poir. Siberian alptzc S ; P Siberia 1700. D 8.1 Gin. si. 4.11
19136 caucasicum Bteb. Caucasian 1 jLau P Caucasus 1820. D 8.1
19137 elongatum Fis. elongated \\ jl au P Siberia 1817. D 8.1
19138 alplnum L. alpine 2 jnjl P Siberia 1798. D 8.1 Botreg.808,
III. Dv^NVVL—Doubtful to what section it belongs.
19139 boreite Jftif. northern ^ A or ft jLau P N. Araer. 1824. D s.l
2124. ONOBRVCHIS Tou. SAINTFOI.V. {Onos, ass, brycho, to gnaw.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 2L — 37.
I. EUBRY'CHIS. — Legumes oblique, rugose or prickly in the disk, toothed or interruptedly crested on the back.
19140 sativa Lam. com. cultivated ^ A ag 1 Jnjl Pk Britain ch. pa. S s.1 Eng. bot 96
JJedysarum Onobrychis L.
19141 tanaitica Spr. Tanais A or 1 P Caucasus 1817. S s.1
sativa /3 subvilldsa Dec.
19142 montana Dec. mountain A or P S. Europe 1817. S 8.1
19143 conferta Desv. crowded 1 jnau P Iberia 1817. S 8.1
19144 procumbens Star, procumbent i P Iberia 1819. S s.1
" Dec.
19145 suptaa - supine | Pa.R Switzerl. 1819. S 8.1
19146 glabra Desv. smooth 1 P Tauria 181ft. S 8.1 Gou.iL48?
19147 arenaria Dec. sand 1 P Siberia 1818. S 8.1
19148 mareotica Slew. Mareotic 1 Pa.R Caucasus 182a S S.I
19149 alba W. white 1 W Hungary ISO*. S 8.1 W.&K. 2.111
album W.$K.
19150 petne a Desv. rock W . B Caucasus. 1818. S 8.1
19151 gracilis Bes. slender Pa.P Podolia V&O. S si
19152 saxatilisifff. rock 1 L.Y S. Europe 1790. S Al. pcd. 1.19.1
, M M Hed^sarum saxatile L. 8.1
19153 carpatica Dec. Carpathian 1 Carpathia moun. S 8.1
19154 cW-galli Lam. cock's-bead France 1731. S 8.1
Hcd^sarum caput-galli L.
19155 Crista-galli Lam. Cock's-comb 1 F S. Europe 171tt S si
//ed^sarum C l l X
II. HVMENOBBY^CHIS. — Legumes falcate or suborbieulate, rugose or somewhat prickly m the disk, with the
whole back expanded into a membranaceous crest; scarcely subdentate.
19156 Pallasi* Bieb. Pallas's ^ A or 1 Pa.Y Ibena * oa " - 8.1
1890. - Bieb. cen. 1.3?
19157 radiate Bieb. radiated ^ A oi U Pa. Y Iberia 1818. 8.1 An. mu 12.13
19158 picta Desv. painted $ A or 1 Pa.R Levant 1820. 8.1 Bux. c. 2.42
Michauxii Dec.
19159 ptolemaica Dec. Ptolemais A or 1 Y Egypt 1816. S 8.1 Del. teg. 39.1
III. DBNDROBRYV:HIS.— Legumes smooth, unarmed, crestless ; stems pubescent.
19160 corntoa Desv. homed & _ J o r 1 R Caucasus 1816. S s.l To. it 2.249. ic.
orientals HU.
2125. ELEICTTIS Dec. ELEIOTIS. (Heltios, dormouse, oiu, ear; leaves.) Lee. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 1.
19161 sorbria Dec. sister wh$te-rooted£ £0 un 1 ... R E. Indies 1817. S 8.1 Desv. 3. fa. 31
JSTed^sarum sororium L. HilUa sorbria W. Onobrychis sorbria Desf.
2196. LESPEDE^Zil Mx. LESPEDEZA (Uspedez, gov. of Florida, bot pat.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 15.
19162 Juncea Pers. Rush-branched «.Opr 8 iUu W India 1776? D Lp I* f. dec. 1.4
/fedysarum j&ncema L.
19163 reticulata Pers. netted jn.jl P N. Amer. 1816. D l p
19161 sessihflora Nut. sessile-flowered jl P N. Amcr. ... D Lp
19165 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited V Nepal 1819. D Lp
Anthy'lhs cuneata Ham.
19166 Stuvej Nut. Stuve's UJLau P N. Amer. 1821. D Lp
19167 frutescuis Pers. fruteacent
frutec 4 P Virginia 1739. C lp
19168 capitata Mx. headed 2 jn.jl Str N. Amcr. 1789.' I) Lp
19169 angustifoha EU. narrow-leaved 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1800. D Lp
19170 polystachya Mx. many-spiked 3 w N. Amer. 1783. D Lp Mic am. 2.40
19171 hirta Horn. hairy 2 w N. Amer. 1819. D Lp
villtea Pers.
19172 violacca Pers. \io\et-ftowered 2 V N. Amer. 1789. D s.l
19173 divergens Ph. diverging 2 V N. Amer. 1800. D Lp
19174 procumbent Mx. procumbent I P N. Amer. 1816. D Lp
9175 prostrate Ph. prostrate
p i P N. Amer. 1810. D Lp
19176 l t eH l r t 3 P E. Indies 1819. D Lp
19176 glomerate Horn. \ glomerate
2127. FLEMI'NG/jf Rox. FLEMINGU. (John Fleming, F.R.S. F.L.S. &c.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Ehh. 9.-10.
I. FLEMINOIA'STRUM.—Flowers naked or stipulate, with small deciduous bracteas; leaves trifoliate ; leaJU'fs sessile.
19177 stricte Rox. strict £ EJ un 2 jl.s P India 1798. S s.p Rox. cor. 3.248
19178 semialkta Rox. half-winged t t - Q u n 3 P Nepal
~ 1805.
"~ Rox. cur. 3. 249
19179 congesta Rox. crowded-spiked&Dun 3 jLs P India 1802,
19180 prostrlita Rox. prostrate JU ES or 1 P E. Indies 1816.
19181 procumbens Rox. procumbent JL. EJ or 1 P E. Indies 18ia
19182 nana Rox. dwarf ft-Qun 11 au P India 1804. '
19183 lineaU Rox. lined j£ DD un 2 P India 1793. Bur. in. 53.1
II. OtfravbDiiTM —Flowers furnished with a large, concave, leafy, persistent bractea; leaves simple, penninerved.
19184 strobilifera H. K. strobile-bearing« CD un 3 jLau P, E. Indies 1787. S p.l BoLreg.617
rf ut
strobiliferum L.
_&._u!ICAk.Mi«n Y.

19185 guineensis G. Don Guinea Q o r 10 P Guinea 1825. S Lp

2128. ALHAyGI Tou. MANNA. (Arabic name of the plant) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 2 . - 3 .
19186maurimim Tou. Moors' flL|_Jm 2 jLau R Egypt 1714. S si R a u w . i t 9 4 i c
_ i/ed^sarum Alhhgi L. Manna hebraica D. Don
19187 camel&rum Fis. camels' * ^ | m 1J R Siberia 1816. S s.l
ifedyiarum Yaehdo-Alh&gi Bieb. Manna cispica D. Don
3129. ALYS1C A'RPUS Neck. ALTBICARFUS. (Atysis, chain, karpot, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 5 . - 7
Cor. Euh.
19188 Auplcurifulius Neck. Hare's-ear-lvd tf E3 or 1 P EL Indies 1793. S s.l Bot.
Bot. mag.
mag. 172? '
Hedysarum ftupleurifoliura L. gravaineuTO. Retz.
19189 nummularifbhus IV. Moneywort-lvdj£ ZS un 1 jl.s P India 1777. S Lp Pet g. 26.3
JYedjrgarum nummularifolium L.
19190 vaginklis W. sheathed O un R E. Indies 1790. S Lp Bur. ley. 49.1
Hedjrsarum vaginale L.
19191 monllifcr Dec. bracelet-bearer )£ ED or g ^au p ^ in(jic8 1816. S s.1 Bur. in. 52. 2
19192 5tyracifc)lius Dec. Styrax-lcaved fl-Qun 2 ... P E. Indies 1796. C Lp
Ad? «tyracifblium L.

2130. BREMONTIETRJ Dec. BRBMONTIERA. (if. Bremontier, an agriculturists Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. L

19193 Amm6xylon Dec. Sand-wood • • or 4 ... P Mauritius 1826. C s.l Bux. zey. 82

2131. CPCER Tou. CHICK-PEA. {Kikys, force*. qualities.) Leg. Pap. lie. 1.
19194 ariettnum L. ram's-Atfarf O dt 1 jLau ~P & Europe 1548. S co Bot.mag.2J74
2132. FA^BA Tou. BBAN. (Phago, to eat; esculent) Leg. Pap. Vic 1.
19195 vulgaris Moen. common O cul 3 Jn.Jl W Egypt ... S co Black. 19
Hcia Kiba L.
2equ\na horse O ag 3 Jn.jl P ...... . . . S co
2133. n X I A Tou. VBTCB. ( Vtncio, to bind together; twining tendrils.) Leg. Pap. Fie 72. —108.
I. PBDUNCULA^f. — Flowers pedunculated.
19196 jrifttormisL. Pea-shaped _| A or 2 Pa. Y Austria 1739. R co Jac au. 4.364
19197 amoe^na Fts. Pleasing red 4 A or 2 jnjl Pi Siberia 1818. R co Gm.sL4.3
19198 caroliniana Walt. Carolina ftf/terf 3 A or 2 jn.jl W Carolina 1820. R co
Crdcca Ph.
19199 dumetorum L. hedge ± A or 3 my.jn P France 1752. R co Spr. haL 7
19200 dentata Fis. toothed P Siberia 1819. S co
19201 americana MhL A or
American iuoodj[ A or 4 jn.jl p
W N. Amer. 1800. S co
19202 sylvatica L. common wood A or 6 jLau W.B Britain moi. w. R co
19203 variegaU Desf. variegated A or 3 jn.jl Pa.P Caucasus 1816. S co
19204 cassubica L. Cassubian A or 3 in.jl An. mu. 12.12
L.B Germany 1711. R co Jac. au. 3.229
19205 abbrevikta Fts. short-peduncled A or 2 jnjl Pa.B Caucasus 1818. S co
1920C Crdcca L. Crarra tufted II A or 2 V Britain hed. R co
whitc-flowcrcd 1 ^ or Eng bot. 1168
2fl6ribusfilbis' 2 jnjl W Bntain gard. s co
X 4

S fldrlbus rhbrls red-flowered ft A or R Britain gard. S co

19207 Gcrfrdi Jac Gerard'B T V S. Europe 1810. S co Jac. au. 229
19208 Pseudo-Crmwi Bert. BastardCraccaJ P S. Europe 1880. S co
tenuifolia Ten.
19209 polyphy'lla Desf. many-leaved Pa.P Algiers 1816. S co
19210 argentea Lap. silvery SL Pk Pyrenees 1827. S co
19211 tenuifolia Roth slender-leaved ., V Germany 1799. R co
19212 consentina Spr. Consentian B Italy 1818. S co
19213 capensis Pert. Cape P C. G. H. 1802. R co
19214 canescens £o6. canescent . B Libanus 1800. S co Lab. syr. 7
19215 ochrolefcca Ten. yellowish white. Pa.Y Italy 1825. S co
1921b' onobrychidides L. Saintfoin-like P S. Europe 1789. S co Bot. mag. 2206
19217 atropurpurea Desf. dark-purple P Algiers 1815. R co
19218 bcnghalensis L. Bengal D.P E. Indies 1792. S co Her. lug. 625
19219 perennis Dec. perennial
—«ini«l P a Europe 1820. S co
19220 tongifolia Poir. long-leaved Pa.Y Syria 1818. S co
19221 villbsa FT. yillous D.P Germany 1815. S co
19222 disperma Dec. two-seeded W S. France 1820. S co
parviflbra Loi.
19223 altfssima Desf. tallest P.B Barbary 18*20. S co
19224 biennis X. biennial P Siberia 1753. S co Gm. si. 4.2
19225 Nissolttna L. Nissole's D.P Levant 177a S co Bot reg. 871
atropurphrea Lindt.
19226 pellucida Jac. pellucid 1 P C. G. H. 1812. R co 2.222
19227 bifldra Desf. two-flowered 11 B Algiers 1801. S co Desf. at 2.197
19228 calcarata Desf. spurred 2 K.B Barbary 1790. S co
monantha Retx
19229 syrlacaHttn. Syrian J, O or 2 jn.jl V Syria 1816. S co
II. SESSILIFLURA. — Flowers subsessile.
19230 safivaZ. common cultivated ± O 3 my.jn P Britain com fi. S Eng. bot 334
Ssegetalis corn J O S P Britain corn fl. S h.l
dnemoralis grove i O 3 my.jn P Britain corn fl. S hi
19231 angUDtifulia Sibth. narrow-leaved "J O 1| my.jn It Britain corn fi. S co.
luganensis Schl.
19232 leucospcrma Moen. white-seeded Jfc O 2 P Europe 1810. S co
dlba Moen.
19233 glabra Schl. smooth 2 P Switzcrl. 1819. S co
19234 intermedia Viv. Intermediate 3 jnjl P S. Europe 1818. S co Viv. lib. 19.1
19235 inrisa Bleb, cut 2 P Caucasus 1820. S co
19236 globosa W. globose 1\ B ...... 1804. S co
19237 cordata Wul. cordate 2 P Germany 1816. S co
19238 pilusa Bieb. pilose 2 P Tauria 1818. S co
19239 megalospcrma Bieb. great-seeded " 2 P Tauria 1798. S co
19240 peregrlna L. foreign 1} P France 1779. S co Pluk. al. 233.6
19341 Michaftxu Spr. Michaux's W 1803. S co
19242 ThouW Mart. Thouin's 2 P Europe 1800. S co
19243 ba/tica Fis. Baetic 2 P Europe 1820. S co
19244 Musqulncx Bosc Musquincz li P Europe 1818. S co
19245 amphicarposDor/. both sides podded. , 1 myjn P France 1815. S co Sw.fl.gar.236
19246 pyrenaica Pou. Pyrenean 1 my Y Pyrenees 1818. S co Dec. ic. 133
19247 strata Bieb. striated I* P Tauria 1823. S co
19248 /athynAdes L. Lathyrus-like O or 1* apjn P Britain S h.l Eng. bot 30
-E'rvum soloni6nse L.
19249 Ufivigata Sm. smooth-podded li Pa.Y England sea. sh. S co Eng. bot. 483
19250 dubia Schulx doubtful " 2 P 1820. S co
19251 lutea£. yellow 1} Y Britain scash. S co Eng. bot 481
19252 hirta Balb. hairy 2 W Europe 1816. S co
19253 hybrida L. hybrid } jnau Y England thick. S co Eng. bot 482
19254 hirsute Fis. hairy ( Y Siberia 1818. S co
19255 grandi flora Sco. great-flowering" Y S. Europe 1818. S co Scop. car. 2.42
sordid '_ 1 jnjl Y Hungary 1802. S co W.&K.2.134
19257 Biebersteinu Bcs. Bieberstein's " 1 Y Podolia 1820. S co
sordida Bteb.
19258 tricolor Seb. three-colored If jnau P v Italy 1818. S co Scba rom. 4
19259 bicolor IV. en. two-colored ^_ 2 P.w ...... 182a S ro
192H0 trifldra Ten. three-flowered [ 2 P Italy 1820. S co
19261 pannunica Jac. Pannonian Ujj. W Hungary J658. S ro 1.34
19268 s^pium L. hedge 2 my.jn V Britain hed. S h.l Eng. bot. 1515
193G3 truncfitula Fit. small truncate 1 1'a.Y Siberia 1818. S co
19264 narboncnais L. Narbonne 3 Jn.jl P France 1596. S co Rothabh.2
19265 serratifblia Jac. saw-leaved ~b 3 Jnjl P Hungary 1723. S h.l Jac, au. app. 8
19266 platycarpos Roth broad-podded P Germany 1723. S co Koth abh. 1
19267 monadelpha Roth monadelphous " i 3 P N. Amer. 1820. S co

2134. £'RVUM L. TARE. (Erw, tilled land, Celt.; pest ID.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 10.—18.
L LBNS. — Legumes subinflated, broad, oblong, two-seeded.
19268 /.ens L. Lentil O clt my Pa.B France 1548. co Riv.tet.35
19269 nigricans Bieb. blackish O un jnjl P Tauria 1817. CO
fcntbldes Ten.
19270 Lentlcula Schrcb. Small Lentil X O un 1 jnjl B Carinthia 182a S co Sen. mo. 48
soloniensc WtU. uniflorum Ten. Clcer trrvoldes Brig.
19271 hirsbtum L. hairy I O un 2 jnjl W Britain corn fi. S h.l Eng. bot 970
19272 displrmum Bat. two-seeded ± Q un li jn.jl P E. Indies 1802. S GO
II. ERVI'LIJL — Legumes subinflated, oblong* linear, four or six seeded.
19273 J&rvflia L. Lentil O clt 1 jnjl S. Europe 1596. S Black. 208.3
J4cia ^rvilia W. ETV\\\SL saflva IJk.
19274 monanthos L. one-flowered ft O 1 jnjl P S. Europe 1798. S Stur.ger.1.32 ic
ficia articulUta W. /.athyrus monfinthoa W. en.
19275 tctraspermum L. four-seeded J O un li jn W . B Britain corn fi. S h.l Eng. bot. 1223
19276 grjcilc Dec. slender ft O un 1 jn.jl Pa.B S. Europe 1822. S co Brot. ph. 54
Picia gracilU Loi.
19277pubescensDec. pubescent J, O un 1 jnjl Italy 1820. S co

2135. PPSUM Ton. PBA. (P«, pea, Celt) Leg. Pap. Vie. 7.
19278 sativum L. com. cultivated J O cu 3 jn.s W & Europe ... S co 633
2 saccharatum Ser. sugared O cul jn.s W >• ••• S co
3 macrocarpum Ser. long-podded O cul jn.s w i. ... 9 co
4 umbellatum L. umbellate O cul jn.8 p CO Tab. i c 495
5 quadratum L. squared O cul jn.s w •M S CO
6 hbmile Pair. humble O cul jn.s w ... s CO
19279 elatum 2toA. tall O cul D.P 1820. S CO
19280 Jomardi Schrank Jomardi's O cul w Iberia 1820. S CO
19281 thebaicum W. Theban C °r 3 Egypt
••• 1825. S CO
19282 arvense Z,. field O ag 3 jn.s R S. Europe ... S co M.h.
19283 maritimum L. O or l i jl P England sea sh. R 8.1 Eng. bot 1046
19284 americanum Aft/. American sea A or 1 jLau P N. Amer. 1800. R s.p.1
•2136. ZATHYRUS L. LATHYRUB. {La, augment thouros, anything exciting; qual.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 50.-6*
I. EULA'THYRUS.—Vexiilum at base toothless ; leaflets opposite, or from abortion none; petioles narrow-winged.
— P w n n i f l /peduncles
*•Perennial; ; peduncles many-flowered;
y leaves one-paired, from No.JL929t. many paired.
19285 sylvestrisL. wood EverlaYtingPeal• - • - • - - A or 3•"• jl.s P
" Britain"
... moi.• w. S co
_ £ n g . DOC. oUft
19286 intermt^dius WaUr. intermediate ± A or 4 jl.s R N. Europel820. S co Muhl. dan. 785
19287 magellanicus Lam. Magellan t A or 6 jn.jl P . B CapeHornl744. S co
19288 latifclius L. broad-lvd Everlasting T A or 6 jl.s Pk England woods. S co Eng. hot 1108
19289 rotundifdlius W. round-leaved T A or P Tauria 1822. S co Bieb. cen. 1.22
19290 grandiflbrus B. M. large-flowered T A or 4 jn au P S. Europe 1814. S co Bot. mag. 1938
19291 prate*neis L. meadow H A or 3 Y Britain me. pa. S co Eng. bot iT70
19292 tuberosus L. tuberous A A cul 2 R Holland 1596. S co Bot mag. I l l
19293 rbseus Steo. rosy T A or 2 R Iberia 1822. S co
19294 /risiftirmis L. Pea-formed T A or 3 n.jl W . B Siberia 1759. S co L.f. dec. 20
19295 mutabilis Swt. changeable _| A or 4 P.R Siberia 1825. S co Sw. ft*, gar. 192
19296 californicus B. R. Californian T A or 4 jn.jl P Californial826. S co Bot. reg. 11-14
19297 paltistrisi. marsh JL A °r 4 Pa.P Britain moi. w. S co Eng. bot 169
19298 myrtifolius Mhl. Myrtle-leaved J A or 3 P Philadel. 18*2. S co
19299 polymorphic Nut. multiform ft A or 3 Pa.P Missouri 1824. S co
19300 heterophyilus L. various-leaved T A or 4 jl.s F Europe 1731. S co Bau. his. 2.3(4.1
19301 stipubecus Lee. /ar/jr-stipuled J A or 3 P New York 1816. S co
ii. A'NNUI.—Annual; peduncles one or three-flowered; petioles leafless, from No. 19304; leaves one-paired,
from No. 19320. two or three-paired.
19302 ^'phaca L. Yellow Vetchling 1 O or 1 Y England san. fl. S co Eng. bot. 1167
19303 Nissdlla L. Nissolia O or 1 my C England bus.pL S co Eng. bot. U S
19304 inconspicuus L. inconspicuous O cu 1 P Levant 1739. S co Jac. vin. 1.86
19305 sphsB'ricus Rctx round-seeded O or 1 C S. Europe 1801. co Dec. ic. 1.32
19306 cocclneus Pers. scarlet i O or 2 jn.j S Italy 1800. co
19307 micranthus Ger. small-flowered O or 1 jn.jl P S. France 1816. co
1930S angulatus L. _ angular-seeded O or 1 R S. Europe 168a co Bux.c.3. 42.2
19309 longipcdunculatus Led. long-pedund. O or 1 P 1817. co
19310 leptophfllus Bieb. fine-leaved O or 1 n.ij P Caucasus 1818. co
19311 setifblms L. bristle-leaved O or 1 jnil R S. Europe 1739. co Bau. his. 3.308
19312 amphicarpos L. both sides fruited O cu ijl Pk Levant 1680. co Sw. fl. gar. 236
19313 sattvus L. cultivated Chickling Vetch± O ag 3 jn.jl W S. Europe 1640. co Bot. mag. 115
19314 CIcera L. Ciccraflat-podded I O or R S. Europe 1633. CO Gcr. cm. 3
19315 hifinnuus L. annual _ k O or 4 Y S. Europe 1621. CO Bux* c. 3.42 !
JiSJS »^tus TV. hairy-podded _[ O or 4 jl P England bor. fl. S CO Bot mag. 1255
}^ J Mrtus Lam. hairy J_k O_ cul 4 P Europe 1800. S CO
19318 odoratusL. fragrant Sweet Pea_ L O fra 4 jn.jl Va Sicily 1700. S r.m Bot mag. 60
1 O M - —B——•— *-«. Tangier _ k O or 4 D.P Barbary 1680. S co Bot. mag. 100
1 O or 1 jLau P England S
19S20 bith^nicus Lam. Bithynian co Eng. bot 1842
Pteia bith^nica L.L
, 2 sessiflorus
1 l l a n a—•-»_„_«_.. Ser. sessile-flowered I O or P Switierl. 1819. Stur. ger.1.32. ic
19321 tomidus L. tumid J O or R Piedmont 1820. Al. ped. 1.26.2
II. CLY'MENUM. — Vexillum at base marked on each side with a conical swelling; superior leaves two or si*
foliate; leaflets often alternate; petioles often winged.
19322 inc&rvus Roth curved-nodded Russia " 1802. co Bux.c.4.46
19323 alatua Ten. winged Italy 1823. co
19524 Clfraenum L. Clymcnum Levant 1713. c o • Pluk. al. 114. R
1'>.:J~J articulktus L. joint-podded & Europe 1640. co Bot. mag. 253
ID JJii auriculatus Bert. cared S. Europe 1800. co
19J27 sp&rius W. en. spurious 1815. co
19328 purpbreus Desf. purple Crete co Des£ cor. 61
19329 tenuifolius Desf. flne-leaved N. Africa 1820. co
1S330 corniiUiB Horn. horned ...... 1818. GO
III. DU^BII. —Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
19331 helbdes Lk. marsh JL O or 4 P ...... 18V7. S CO
19332 iUlicus Fit. Italian T O or 3 ... Italy 1827. S CO
19333 luaitinicua Mart. Lusitanian i O or 3 ... Spain 1827. S CO
2137. CTCHRUS Pers. OcHaua (Ochros% pale; pale muddy-colored flowers.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 1.
19334 nkWid* Pers. pale i O o r 2 Pa.Y S.Europe ... S co Tou.ins.219
Pisum O\;hrus Pers.
•2138. 0'ROBUS Tou. BITTER VETCH. {Oro, to excite, bous, an ox; nourishing food.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 34.-48.
I. UNI'JUGL — Leaves one-paired ; leaflets ovate or linear.
19335 laxiflbrus Desf. loose-flwd hairy A A or 1 myjl V Candia 1820. R p i An. mu. 12.8
19336 hirs&tus L. hairy 5 A or 1 my.jn R Thrace 1822. R co Bot mag. 2345
19337 formbsus Stev. beautiful 5 A or f mv.jl P Caucasus 1818. R p.l 11.36
19338 tethyroides L. Lathyrus-like ^ A or 2 jn B Siberia 1758. R p.l Am. rut 7.2
II. MULTI'JUGL—Leaves many-paired; leaflets broad; stipules much smaller than the leaflets; from No. 19359.
spring leaflets
A orr very narrow.P
1 mr.ap
J9339 vemus L. Europe 1629. R s.1 Bot. mag. 521
19340 paucifltous Hort. few-flowered A ° 1 myjf P 1820. R p.l
19341 venbsus IV. veiny A or 1 my.jl B Siberia 1816. R l Gin si. 5.1
}^*2l rock A or 2 jjl P Hungary 1817. R p.l p W.& K.2L126
! ^ S naultiflorus Sie many-flowered A or 2 Pa.R Italy 1820.
R p.l
19344 varicgatus 7V». variegated A or 1 P Italy 11:21.
R p.l Fl. nap. 68

19345 vlcloldes Dec. Vicla-like ; A or Hungary 1819. R p.l W. &K. 3.842

Fic'ia. oroboldes WuL
19346 luteus L. yellow : or 1* jn.jl L.Y Siberia 1759. R h.l
19347 Tournefort/i Lap. Tournefort's 3 or if my.jl Y.p Pyrenees 182L R p.1 Mem. m. 2.10
19348 laevigatus W.fK. smooth | or lft my.Jl Y Hungary 1820. R pi
19349 aurantius Siev. orange 3 or 1| jn.jl Y Iberia 1818. R p.1
19350 sylvaticus L. wood - or 2 my.jl C.P Britain m.wo. R p.1 Eng.bot518
19351 ochroleucus W.%K. yellowish white; or 2 my.jl Pa.Y Hungary 1816. R p.1 W.&K.2.U8
19352 nigerZ. black 1 or 3 jn.jl P Britain woods. R p.1 Bot. mag. 2261
19353 hiimilis Ser. humble 3 or \ jLau P Dahuria 1825. R p.1
/.athyrus hiimilis Fit.
19354 tuberosus L. tuberous . cul 1 my.jn P Britain heaths. R p.1 Eng.botll53
19355 pyrenaicus L. Fyrenean or 2 my.jn P Pyrenees 1699. R p.1 Pluk.aLS10.2
PlukneU'i Lap.
19356 tenuifolius Roth fine-leaved or I my.jl P Germany 1810. R p.1
19357 divaricatus Lap. divaricate or f my.jl P Pyrenees 1816. R p.1 Mem. m. 2.11
19358 erectus Pair. erect 1 P R p.1
19359 varius Sol. various 11 my.jn Y.a Italy 1759. R p.1 Bot mag. 675
19360 can&cens L. caneeccnt If my.jn W.a France 1816. R co
19361 pailcsccns Bieb. pallescent 1 my W Tauria 1823. R co
19362 albus L. vhite-Jlowered 1 my.jn \V Austria 1794. R sJ Sw. fl. gar. 22
1936J lactcus Bieb, milk-white Caucasus 1820. R co
19364 angustifblius L. narrow-leaved Siberia 1766. R s.l Gin. si. 4.5
19365 saxatilis Ven. rock 1 JLau P S. France 1820. S p.1 Ven. eels 94
III. Difrii. — Species not sufficiently known.
19366 coccincus Mil scarlet ^ A or 1 S N. Amer. ? ... D co
2 unijugus Dec. conjugate & A or 1 S N. Amer. ? ... D co Bot. cab. 883
19367 venetus Mil. Venetian 5 A or 1 mr.ap P Germany ... D co Mil.d.ed.2.193.2
19368 Gmeuni Fis. Graelin's 5 A or 1 Siberia 1827. D co

2139. PLATY'STYLIS Swt. PLATYSTYLIS. (Platys, broad, stylis% style.) Leg. Pap. Vic. S.
19369 cyanea Swt. azure i A or 1 ray P Caucasus 1823. R co Sw.fl.gar.239
P'robus cyaneus Stev.
19370 sessiliftlia Swt. sessile-leaved 3t A or 1 my P Tauria 1823. R co Bot mag. 2796
Cfrobus sessilifolius Swt. digitatusA^. pyrcneus PalL
2140. A"RRUS L. WILD LIQUORICE. (Abros, soft; extreme tenderness of leaves.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 1.
19371 precatorius L. prayer ± • or 12 Pa.P W. Indies 1680. S s.p R. mal. 3.39
2141. SWEE*TM Dec. SWEETIA (Robert Sweet, F.L.S., author of several bot periodicals.) Leg.Pap.Phas. 3.
19372 longifolia Dec. long-leaved S O or 4 P S. Amer. 1818. C fl.p Jac. ic. 572
Galega longifblia Jac. Tcphrbsia Iongif61ia Pert.
19373 filif6rmis Dec. thread-shaped ft. CD or 3 JLau P S. Amer. 1820. C s.p Jac. ic. 573
Galega filif6rmis Jac. _ M
19374lignbsa Dec. woody i Q o r 5 ... P StDom. 1824. C s.p
Gly*cine lignbsa Turp.

2142. MICRA'NTHUS Poir. MICRANTHUS. (Mikros, small, anthos, flower.) Leg. Pap. Phateoi. L
19375 cochinchincnsis Lou. Cochinchinese _$ ES clt W China ... S co
2143. AMPHICA'RPA.EW. AMP. (Amphi,on both sides, karpot, fr.j above and undground.) Leg.Pap.Phat. %
19376 sarmentosa EU. twiggy _$ O or 2 a Ap N. Amer. 1820. S fl.p Ab. ins. 21
Gl^cine filusa Horn, sarmentosa Roth
19377 monoica EU. monoecious j O ot • 1 Ap N. Amer. 1781. S s.p Ree. ax. L 8
Gl^cine monoica L.
19378 comdsa G. Don tufted J O u n 1} jLs B N. Amer. 1812. S p.1
Glycine comosa L.

* 2144. KENNEPD/a Ven. KENNEDIA. (Mr. Kennedy, nurseryman, Hammersmith.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 12.
I. LoNGiCARitaE. — Leaves trifoliate ; keel straight, rather longer than the veziUum.
19379 rubicunda Ven. rubicund ft. uJ or 10 Br N. S. w. 1788. C s.p Bot mag. 268
19380 prostrata R. Br. prostrate £ | _ J o r 4 mr.jn S N. S.W, 1790. C s.p Bot mag. 270
19381 moph^Ua Cun. nerve-leaved ft. i_J or 4 ... S N. HolL 1824. C fl.p
19382 dilatata Cun. dilated ft. uJ or 4 ... S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
II. BREYiCARrME. — Leaves trifoliate; keel shorter than the vexillum or wings.
19383 coccinea Ven. sc&rlcUJloweredy, i_l or 10 S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Sw. au. 23
19384 Comptontana Lk. Compton's ft. i_J or 12 mr.jn B N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot rep. 298
19385 parviflijra Ma. C. smalt-flowered ft. (_J or 4 N. HolL 1824. C s.p
19386 neteroph^lla Ma. C. variable-leaved %_\ | or 4 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
III. SiMPLiciFbLi*. — Leaves simple s keel thorter than vexillum or wings.
19387 monophflla Ven. 8irople-leavcd %_ i_j or 10 mr.jn P N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot mag. 263
19388 ovata B. M. ovate-leaved £_i_Jor 6 P N. HolL 1818. C fl.p Bot mag. 2169
latifblia 2.1'mft ,„ _ _ „ . JKt. , ,
IV. BV^BISL —Species not sufficiently known.
19389 apetalaLo. C. apetalous fc_ i_J or 4 . . . Ap ...... 1824. C s.p
19390 sericea Cun. silky i.L_|or 4 N. HolL 1824. C s.p
2145. RHYNCHCTSIA Lou. RHYWCHOM* (Rhynchos, beak; keeL) Leg. Pap. PhateU. 18.—51.
I. MONOPHY'LLS. — Leaves all or far the most part simple, roundish, on longfootttalkt.
19391 renif6rmis Dec. kidncy-formcd-/i»*_£ j±\ pr 2 Y Carolina 1806. D p.1
* Gtfcine renif6rmis Ph.
19392 dimrmis Dec. two-formed _fc A un l i j Y N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Di.cL26.29
Glycine tomentbsa Ph. var. volubilis Mx.
II. PHASEOLOI/DE£. — Leaves trifoliate, on lone footstalks.
19393 erecta Dec. erect ^ A pr SJjn.s Su N. Amer. 1820. D p.1
19394 caribse^a Dec. Caribsan J_E3pr S 6.0 Y W. Indies 1742. C p.1 Bot.rcg.275
Glycine caribae'a Jac.
19395 minima Bee. imallest % 23 un 1} Y Jamaica 1776. S s.1 Jacob. 1.22
ZMIichos minimus L. .
19396 phaseolriides Dec. Kidneybean-lk JL ES un 2 jn.jl Br Jamaica 1818. C p.l Bot. mag. 2284
Glycine phaseololdes Swx. .<lit
19397precaturia Dec. prayer |_QUn 4 JLau Y Mexico 1825. C pj
Glycine precatoria W. en.
19398 reticulaU Dec. neUeaved iplor 6 JLs W Jamaica 1779. C p.l
Glycine reticulata Vahl *-i—1«* ° J«
19399 rhombifblia Dec. rhomb-leaved JLESun 6 ... R Indies 1815. C p.1
19400 suaveolens Dec. sweet-scented I I Q o r 3 jLs Y.B R Indies 1816. C p.1
Glycine suavcolens L.
19101 viscfea Dec. clammy £ C 3 u n 3 jl.s Y R Indies 1820. C p.1
Gtfcine viscosa Both, glutintaa Lech.
19402viscidaDec. viscid inun 3 Y R Indies 1823. C p.1
19403 FredericMna Dec. Frederic's I Q u n 4 lau Y a Amer. 1820. C p.1
19404 Bcarab$Eo\des Dec. scarabeus-like * O un 2 jiijl P R Indies 1773. S s.1 Pluk.aL53.3
Dolichos scarabaeoldes L.
19405biflbraDec. two-flowered J O u n 5 JLau Y R Indies 1816. C p.1
JJolichos scarabaeoides Rot.
19406 angustifolia Dec. narrow-leaved $L_Jun 6 Y C. G.H. 1795. C p.1
Glycine angustifolia Jac.
19407 nrfllifl Dec. soft S Q u n 3 JLau Y Guinea 182a C p.1
Glycine m611is W.
III. EBIO9ENMA. — Leaves trifoliate, all on short footstalks / racemes or fascicles of flowers axillary ; vexUlum
silky villous; stems not climbing.
19408violaceaDec. Violet-like « Q u a 3 Y Guiana 1820. C p.1 Aub. gui. 2.306
Glycine plcta Vahl, Cy"tiaus uiolaceus Aub.
2146. FAG&LIA Neck. FAGHLIA. (Not explained.) Leg. Pap. Phased. 1.
19409 bituminosa Neck, clammy i.C3or 4 ap.s Y.r G.G.H. 1774. € Lp Botreg.261
Gljrcine bituminbsa L.
2147. WlSTA^R/il Nut WISTARIA. {Caspar Wistar, a professor in Pennsylvania.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl 3.
19410 Consequami Loudon Consequa's J; or 15 ray.jn B China 1818. L r.m Sw. fl.gar. 211
sinensis Dec. Glycine sinensis B. R.
19411 frutdscens Nut. frutoscent J or 10 jn.s P N. Amer. 1724. L s.p BOL mag. 2103
Glfcine frutescens L. A^pioa frutescens PA.
19412 floribunda Dec. bundlcflwd -* or 10 ... P.w China 1820. L r.m H.pfl.8.64.2
Z)6hchos iiolystachyos Thun. Glycine floribunda W.
2148. iTPIOS Boer. APIO9. (Apion, a pear; form of roots.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1.
19413 tuberosa Moen. tubcrous-roofcZA & or 6 au.s N. Amer. 1640T R s.p Bot mag. 1198
Glycine ifpios L.
2149. PH ASETOLUS L. KIDNETBKAN. (Phaselus, little boat; sup. resemb. in pods.) Leg.Pap.Phas. 46.-63.
I. EupiiASBN)Lua. — Legumes compressed.
L CABACA'LLA.— Stems pubescent s roots fasdculately tuberous; leaflets entire; vexiilum twisted.
19414 Caracdlla L. Caracalla Jfc ESI cul If au.s Li India 1690. S r.m Bot rep. 341
ii. PERE'NNIS. —Stems herbaceousi roots perennial; racemes subpaniculate ; leaflets entire.
19415 netennis Walt. perennial _$ £ or 3 D.P Carolina 1824 D s.1
£>61ichos polystachyos L.
iiL MACROPODII.—Annual; leaflets entire ; peduncles longer than leaves.
winged J O u n 3 jl P Carolina 1732. S s.1 DleL235.303
19417 specibsus Hum. showy J O o r 6 S Orinoco 1820. S s.1
19418 sylvestris Kth. wood _$ O or 6 S Mexico 1825. S s.1
19419 multiflorua W. many-flowered _g A cul 12 jl.s S a Amer. ? 163a S co Schk.han.2.199.a
2albus white-flowering _$ A cul 12 jl s W a Amer. 163a S co
iv. BRACHYFODH. — Annual; leaflets entires peduncles shorter than leaves.
19100 vulgaris L. common Jj; O cul 1 jn. W India 1597. S co Lob.ic.2L59
2 fawiatus banded-seeded _i O cul ... jl w India?
India? 1597. S co
3 variegatus
19421 compressus Dec.
variegated-seeded _& O cul ... jl
compressed * O cul 2 w
w 1597. S co
S co Savi ph. 3.10. SO
19422 obl6nguB Savi cltilong-secded _1 O cul 1}JLS S co Savi ph. 3.10.14
19423 saponaceus Savi saponaceous J O cul 1 jLs * a. v #•*... S co Savi ph. a 10.15
19424 tumidus Saw tumid Nain Flageolet £ O cul 2 jl.s W S co Savi ph. 3.10.16
19425 hsmatoc&rpus Savi blood-iKMlded ^ O cul 4 Pa.V . S co Savi ph. 3.10.17
19426 sphas'ricus&avi round Haricot d'Orl.J, O cul 4 Pa.V ...... S co Savi ph. a 10.18
19427 gonospermus Savi angled-seeded ^ O cul 4 Pa.V.w S co Savi ph. 3.10.19
19428 derkfius Schrank acr&ped-offbk.seed.J, O cul 3 W.a Brazil 1819. S co Sen. mo. 1.89
19429 lunatus L. ha\f-moon-podded_& O cul 12 in.jl G R Indies 1779. S co H.n.h. 10.63.1
19430 inatno!>nuB L. unpleasing J O u n 6 G.yr Africa 1794. S co Jac. vin. 1.66
19431 torbsus Rox. torose JO or 4 V Nepal 1818. S co
19432 Xuarcstf Jac. Xuares's J O or 4 R a Amer. 1818. S s.1
v. HETEBOPHY'LLI. — Leaflets all or some of them lobed.
19433 microspcrmus Or. small-seeded O or 1 D.P Cuba 1825. S s.1
19434 hcteroph?l)us W. variable-leaved i O o r 4 JLau R Mexico 182a S s.1
19435 oconitifblius
Lius Jt
Jac. Aconite-leaved _$ O cu 9 Pk R Indies 1731. S s.1 Jac. ob. a 52
II. STROPBO'STYLKS. — Legumes terete.
i. LOBATIFOLII. — Leaflets all lobed.
19436 diversifollus Pers. various-lcaved Jc O un 1J jn.jl P N. Amer. 1806. S s.1
trilobus A/x.
19437 trilobus Roth three-lobed O un 2 G R Indies 1777. S s.1 Bur. in. 50.1
1943B subtrilobus Lk. sub-three-lobcd C3 un 1} Y Brazil 1824. S co
19439 angultaus Or. angular-feauoi J O or 3 1820. S s.1
19440 farinbsus L. mealy 3 O un 3 Pk R Indies 1759. S co N. a. p. 1730. 42
19441 stipularis Lam. largv-stipuled O un 2 Y.Br Peru 1805. S s.1
19442 namis W. O un 1 jn.s
W India ... S s.1
ii IXTEGRIFOLII. —Leaflets entire.
pale red J O cul 3 Pa.R Carolina 1732. S co Di.cL233.300
Mungo O cul l j j n j l Y India 17y0. S s.1

19445 chrys4nthos Savi golden-flowered Q o r S JLau Y f.1

19446 radiatus L. rayed O un 1 jn.jl P China 1732. 8.1 M. el. 235.305
19+47 scaber Steu. scabrous O cul 3 jLau Y.o £. Indies ... CO M. h.2.5.8
19*48 lathyroides L. Lathyrus-liko ED or 2 Jamaica 1786. S.1 SI. jam. 1.116.1
19449 semierectus L. half-erect 2 jl S CO Bot. reg. 743
19450 violaceus Steu. violet OD or 3 R
E W. Indies 1732.
Africa 1800. 8.1
of theVsections they
III. Dttaii. — Doub(ftd to which of
19451 Max L. M
Max OO cul
cul l*jn.jl
l*jnjl ~ -India~
" 17i S 8.1 Ru. am. 5.140
19452 hirtus Retx hairy iOor C. G. H. 1818. S co
19453 tfolichoides Box. Dohchos-like i O o r 33
R £. Indies 1824. S co
19454 amoe"nus ForsL pleasing red J O or 4 R Society ls.1820. S co
19455 mesolehcus Forst. white-middled J O 4 jLau Brazil 1818. S co
2150. A'MPHODUSLiiutf. AUPHODUK (Atnphi, on both sides, odous, a tooth.) Leg. Pap. PhasebL 1.
19156 ovktus Lmdl. ovate 2. IS] cu 10 jLau P Trinidad 1820. C s.p Bot reg. 1101

2151. 8ftJA Moen. SOJA. (Sooja, its name in Japan.) Leg. Pan. Vic. 1
19457 hfspida Moen. hispid J O c u l 3 jLau V £. Indies 1790? S s.1 Jac.ic.145
Z>61ichoa Sbja L.

2152. DCLICHOS L. DOLICHOS. {Dolichos, long; length of climbing stem.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 24.—51.
I. EUDULICHOS. — Legumes compressed, apiculated with the style.
19458 ligntaus L. woody J_ l_J or 12 P E. Indies 1776. S p.! Bot mag. 380
19459 Jacquuitf Dec. Jacquin's J_ • or 8 W S. Amer. 1800. C s 1
19460 hirsutus Thun. hirsute S LJ or 10 jn P China 1802. C s.1 Kaem. ic. 41
19461 pilosus Klein pilose-podded j | E D un 3 au PR Indies 1790. S s.1
19462 tetraspdrmus W. four-seeded JLCQun 3 Pa.Y E. Indies 1816. S s.1
19463 capensis L. Cape t_ IAI or 6 Y C. G. H. 1H23L S s.1
194t>4 lieterophyllus Horn, variable-lvd _£ _ O cul 5 ... Canaries 1810. S co
19465 likteus Sun. yeUovr.jtowered^ CD un 8 Y Jamaica US 12. S s.1
19465 Iriflbrus L. two-Howered f, [S3 un 3 Pa.Y E. Indies 1776. S s.1
II. CATIA'NO. —. Legumes cylindric s leaves entire, from No. 19472. lobed.
19467 Catiang LL Catjang " O cul 3 jLau P E. Indies 1793. s.1 R.mal.8.41
19468 monachklis Brot. monks* O cul 2 JLau Pa.R Spain 1816. co
19469 sinensis L. Chinese j O P' 6 frau Pa.R India 1776. i.l Bot mag. 2232
19470 Litbia Forsk. Lubia O cul U W.B Egypt 1818. CO
19471 vcxillktu* vexillated JO cul 3 Y W. Indies 1732. CO Di. el. 2. 302
Pliastolus vexilUtus L.
19472 lobatus W. lobed J O or 3 Y C 6 . H . 1800. CO
19473 angulusus Dec. angulose JL O or 2 Y N. Amer. 1820. pi
III. UNGUICULA'BIA.—Legumes g subcylindrical,
y ending in beaks; leaves entire.
19474unguiculatusJac. clawed j O u n 3 jn.jl Y AV. Indies 1780. S s.1 Jac. vin. 1.23
19475 tranquebancus Jac. Tranquebar _f O un 3 jn.jl W.p E. Indies 1801. S s.1 Jac. vin. 3.70
19476 segquipedalis L. 1J ft. \ong-poddedjL [D]un 6 au W W. Indies 1781. S s.1 Jac. vin. 1.67
19477 inelanupthalmus Dec. black-eyed jO cul 3 Italy 1800. S co
19478 gangcticus Rox. Gangctic %_ CS cu 6 E. Indies ... S co
19479 spha?rospcrmos Dec. round-seeded O cul 4 JLau Jamaica 1816. S co SL jam. 117
IV. Du^an. — Species not sufficiently known,
19480 rcticulatus H. K. net-leaved fc. LJ un 3 jnjl P N. S. W. 1781. 8.1
19481 setsftlius Boj. bristle-leaved S O un 4 Mauritius 1826. s.1
19482 frutescens Ham. Nepal frutescent m i_J or 10 jn.jl Pa.Y Nepal 1820. 8.1
2153. Vl'GNil Savi VIGNA. (Dominic Vigna, commentator on Theophrastus.) Leg. Pap.Phasebl. 1.—.
19483 gjSibra Savi smooth _£ O P* 4 jLau Y M. Amer. 1085. S s.1 Jac, vin. 1. SO
2)61ichos luteolus Jac.

2154. LA'BLAB Adan. LABLAB. [Lablab, the Arabic name of the convolvulus.) Leg. Pap. Phased. 8.
19484 vulgaris Savi common _$ O cul 8 jLau V E. Indies 1794. S s.1 Bot.mag.8U6
Dulichos Lablab L.
19485 purp5reus G. Don purple %_ CS or 12 au.i P E. Indies 1790. S s.1 Bot reg. 830
vulgaris & purpiireus Dec. JDAlichos purpurcus Jac.
19486bengalensis G. Don Bengal J O c u 8 W Kindles 1800. S s.1 Jac vin. 2.124
vulgaris & albiflorus Dec. Z?61ichos bengalcnsis Jac.
19487 nankinicus Savi Nankin W
_$ O cul 8 JL. China 1820. S s.1 Savid.22. l&dg
19488 leucorarpus Saw white-podded _$ O cul 8 11., W E. Indies 1816L S s.1 Savi d. 22.9.a.d
19489 cultrktus Dec. cu\traUi-poddedJ> O cu 8 Lau Japan 18ia S s.1 K s m ic. 25
2>61ichos cultratus Thun. it
19490 microcarpus Dee. small-podded ded JJ EE Q c u 8 p E. Indies 1818. S s.1 Ru. am. 5.141.1
Chi% i_J
19491 nerennans Dec. lasting whiteChina% J cu 8 w China 1820. S s.1 Ru. am. 5.137
JDolichos albiis Lou.

2155. PACHYRHPZUS Rich. PACHYEHIZUS. {Pachys, thick, rhtxa, root; tuberous.) Leg.Pap.Phaseol. 1.-3.
19492angulatus Rich. angled | . D o r 5 Jl P E, Indies 1781. C s.1
D61ichos bulbbsus L.

2156. PARCyCHETUS Ham. PAROCHETUB. {Para, nigh, ochetos, a brook.) Leg. Pop. PhascoL 1.—2.
19493 communis Ham. common HW-AJor 1 jl P Nepal 1820. D s.1

2157. DIO%CLEJ Kth. DIOCLBA. (Diodes Carystinus, an ancient Greek botanist) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1.
1S494 mullis Dec. soft $_E2un Pa.Y ...... 1824. D sJ 88
Dolichos m611is Jac.

2158. PSOPHOCA'RPUS Neck. PSOPHOCAHPI^ (Psophos, a sound, karpos, a fruit.) Leg.Pqp.Phaseol. 1.

19495 tetragon61obus Dec. square-podded _$ O « • «-n B Mauritius 1816. S s.1 Ku. am. 5.133
Dolichos tetragonolobus L.
i%9. MUCU^NA Adan.StVec COW-ITCH. (Muama-Guaca,name in Brazil.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 12.—20.
I. ZOOPHTII A'LMUH. — Isegumes with lamcllose transverse furrows.
19g urens Dee. burning i Q c u 12 Jn.jl Y W. Indies 1691. C l.p PI. am. 107
''/•irhmiiirrni L. Stisolttbiiim fin>n« n<r« "

mnaMm II. STIZOIOBUM, «. — Legumes destitute of transverse lamella.

19497 altissima Dec. tallest | _ Q o r SO ... P Martinico 1779. C I.p Jac. am. 182185
Stizolobium altfssimum Pen.
19198 prhricns Dec. common stinging S • cu 12 ... P India 1680. C I.p£l22
Btizolubium prbriens Per*. E. Indies 1815. C Lp R.mal.8.36
19499 gigantea Dec. giant fc_ • un 20 O
Carpopogon giganteus Box.
19500 imbric'ita Dec. imbricated S • or 10 ... P E. Indies 1815. C Lp
Carpopogon imbricatus Box.
Peru C Lp'
19501 mltis Dec. mild *_Qun 10 ... P Brazil 1824. C Lp Raddim.13.5
19502 macrocerafldes Dec, long-horned-lk S I — l u n 10 ... V
III. DuxBiJB.—Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
19503 monosplrma Box. one-seeded f_ • un 10 ... ... E. Indies 1816. C Lp
19504 atropurpurea Box. dark-purple * • cu 10 ... P E. Indies 1820. C p.l
19.105 nlvea Box. mow.white f_ • un 10 ... W E. Indies 1816. C a,D
195(16 bracteata Box.
19507 anguinca Rox.
|L • cu 10 E. Indies 1826. C
10 E. Indies 1817. C p.l
21G0. CAJA*NUS Dec. PIGEON PEA. (Catiang, its name in Malabar.) Leg.Pon.Phoseol 2.
19508 tricolor Dec. two-colored i D c u l 4 jLau Y E.
K Indies 1800. S s.l Jac. vin. 2.119
CytUus Psehdo-GW Jac.
19509 flavus Dec. yellow [ Q c u l 4 jLau Y E. Indies 1687. 3 §.1 Jacob. LI
Cytisus Chjan L.
2161. CYLI'STA H. K. CVLISTA. (Kylistos, twining: plants.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 4 . - 5 .
ft. O or 4 ... V E. Indies 1806. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.92
19511 tomentosa Box. woolly J2"QI—.
O «.-
T A 4 '..'. VY E!I Indies
17 1S16! CC rwp.lI lRox.cor.221~
n J i s . IQI£ l . w «n> OO1
19512 albiflora B. M. white-flowered * • or 6 W Mauritius ... C p.l Bot. mag. 1859
19513 villosa H. K. villose f _ Q o r 6 Y C. G. H. 1776. S p.l Bot rep. 446
* 2162. ERYTHRrN A L. CORAL TREE. {Erythros, red; flowers.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 31—40.
1. ACAU'LES.—Stemless ; fructiferous racemes and leafy branches annually rising from subterraneous trunks.
19514 herbacea L. herbaceous ]fc uJ or 3 jn.s S Carolina 1724. C I.p Bot mag. 87/
19515 resupinkta Rox,
Rox. resupinate £ • spl 1 ... Pa.S E. Indies 182J. C r.m Rox. cor. .1220
19516 h6rrida Dec. rough * a spi 5 S Mexico 1824. C r.m Fl. mex. ic. in.
II. CAULEBCE'NTES. —Shrubs or trees, stems bearing leaves and racemes of flowers.
19517 carnea H. K. flesh-cafor«* • or '12 my Pk Vera Cruz 1733. S r.m Tr. ehr.8
19518 Corallodendrum L. Coral-trec • or 2010 my.jn S W. Indies 1690. S r.m Com. h. 1.106
19519 enneandria Dec. mne-anthered S r.m Jac. sc. 4.46t>
velutina Jac.
19520 macronhyila Dec. long-leaved • spl 20 Teneriffe 1822. S r.m
19521 mUis Jac. "" l d .,. ,., ~~) spl 20 ... Caraccas 179a S r.m 216
19522 piscidUAdes Hart. Piscidia-hke ) spl 15 ... E. Indies 1800. S r.m
19583 abysslnica Lam. . Abyssinian )spl 10 ... Abyssinia 1820. S r.m
19524 incina W. en. hoary )spl 10 ... E. Indies 182a S r.m
19525 portoricensis Desf. Porto Rico 1 or 10 Porto Ricol800. S r.m
19526 poi&nthes Brot. Grass-flowered • spl 20 ja.f S. Amer. 1820. S r.m Lin. tr. 14.11
19527 secundiflora Brot. side-flowering • spl 20 Brazil 1820. S r.m Lin. tr. 14.12
19528 speciosa Andr. showy • or 10 au.o W Indies 1805. S r.m Bot rep. 4«
19529 rubrinervia H. & B. red-nerved Bogota 182.1. S r.m
19530 ffilgens Hart. shining E. Indies 1801. S r.m
±9531 aculeatissima Desf. prickliest 1800. S r.m
19532 umbrbsa H.8fB. shady Caraccas 1817. S r.m
arb6rea Hart.
Caffrarian C. G. H. 1816. S Lp Bot.reg.736
19534 arborescensJIor. arborescent E. Indies 1818. S r.m Rox. cor. 3.219
19535 Indica Lam. Indian E. Indies 1814. S r.m R.mal.ti.7
19536 stricta Box. strict E. Indies 1816. S r.m
19537 ovalifolia Box. oval-leaved E. Indies 1816. S rm
19538 ovdlis Wat. oval Nepal 1820. S Lp
19539 pf eta L. painted E. Indies 1696. S r.m Ru. am. 2.77
19540 spathkcea Dec. spathaceous W. Indies 1824. rm
19541 niberosa Rox. Cork-barked E. Indies 1816. S r.m
19542 velutina W. velvety Caraccas 1810. S r.m
19543 glafica W. glaucous '» Caraccas 1819. S r.m
19544 fosca Lou. brown-flowered <' E. Indies 1800. C Lp
19545 Crista-gaUi L. Cock's-Comb Brazil 1771. S r.m Sw.fl.gar.214
19546 feurifblia Jac Laurel-leaved & Amer. 1800. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 142
2163. RUDO'LPHM W. RUDOLPHIA. (TV. J. H. Rudolph, a botanist of Jena.) Leg. Pap. PhasebL 2 . - 4 .
19547 dubiaHum. doubtful | . D « 6 ••• 3 Havannahl815. C s.1
Glycine sagittata Hum.
19548 rosea Tut. roseate LQor 6 ... R W.Indies 1826 C s.1 PI. am. 102.1 ?
2164. BITTED Rox. BUTRA. (John. Earl of Bute, a munificent patron of botany.) Leg. Pap. Vie. 3.
19549 frondbsa Rox. leafy t DM 30 ... S ETIndies 1796.
179 C r.l Rox. cor. 1.21
19550 superba Box. superb { • l spl 30
30 S EE.I Indies
d i 1798
1798. C
C r.ll R
Rox. ccor. 1.22
19531 parviflora Box. small-flowered or 20 Coroman. 1818. C r.l
2165. PONGSMIA Ven. PONGAMIA. (Pongam, its Indian name.) Leg. Pap. Dalb. 4.—&
19552 glabra Ven. smooth-lram><f J Q o r 30 ... W E. Indies 1G99. C s.1 Ven.maL2&
Dalbergia arbdrea W. Robinia mUis L.
19553 uliginosa Dec. marsh ± CD or 90 ... W W. Indies 1824. C s.l
Galedhpa ulicinosa Box. Robinia uliginosa W.
19554 grandi flora Ven. large-flowered f • or SO ... IV E. Indies 181& C s.1
19555 Piscidia Box. Piscidia^itc $ • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1818, C s.1
8166. D A L B E R G / Rox. DALBRRGIA. LSichoUu Dalberg, a Swedish botanist) Leg. Pap.
8166. DALBE'RG/^ Dalb. 19.—go
19556 ougetnensis Box. Ougein • • -1».
or _«t
_ °\ir E.
v IIndies 1820. C
. J : » toon r^ r ***•
19557 latifblia Rox. broad-leaved ' • or 30 ... W E. Indies 1811. C s.1 Rox. cor. 2.113
J9558 Sissoo Rox. Sissoo ' • or 30 ... W E. Indies 1820. C s.1
}»g9C6 Crowe's '» • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1823. C s.1
uhigmJ^ai rusty '» • or 10 ... W E. Indies 1811. C s.l Rox. cor. 9.115
robfisu Rox. robust f • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1816. C s.1
19562 alkta Box. winged W E. Indies 1823. C s.l
19563 cmarginata Box. emarginate W E. Indies 1823. C s.1
19564 scandens Box. climbing R E. Indies 1812. C s.1 Rox. cor. 2.192
19565 vol&bilis Box. twining W E. Indies 1818. C s.1 Rox. cor. 2.191
19566 marginata Box. marginated w E. Indies 1823. C s.1
19567 rimtoa Box. chinky w E. Indies 1823. C 6.1
19568 Barcfoyi Hook. Barclay's B Mauritius 1823. C s.l Hook. ex. fl. 188
19569 Telfairti Hook. Telfair's W Mauritius 182a C s.1
19570 frondusa Box. frondose "W E. Indies 1818. C 8.1
19571 paniculata Box. panicled W E. Indies 1811. C 8.1 Roz. cor. 2.114
19572 stipulacea Box. stipulaceous W E. Indies 1820. C s.1
19573 timonensis Dee. Timor or 15 w E. Indies 1826. C 8.1 R.maL6.22
19574 tamarmdifbha Box. Tamarind-lvd or 15 w E. Indies 1820. C 8.1
2167. DREPANOCA'RPUS Mey. DREPANOCARPUS. {Drepanon, sickle, karpos, fruit) Leg. Pop.DoIb. 1.-6.
19575 lunatus Mey. half-moon-capsuled* £3 or 12 ... W a Amer. 1792. C sj PL am. 201.2
Pterocarpus lunatus L.
2168. ECASTAPHYIJ-yMtfr, ECABTAPHTIXUM. (Hekastos, each./Ag/lon, leaf: simple.) Leg.Pap.Dalb. 3.-7.
19576 Br6wnei Pers. Browne's A • or 10 ... W W. Indies 1733. C r.m Br. jam. 32.1
Ptcrocarpus Ecastaphjfllum L.
19577 Sidberi Rchb.
Rchb.- Sieber's
Siebers « Q o r 10 ... W . R .R Guinea
Guinea 1824.
1824. C 8.1
19578 PlumieriPen.
• ~ Plumier's
- - - u r n or io W S. Amer. 1820. C s.1 P.ed.B.246.2
2169. A'RACHISL. EARTH NUT. ,1" {A, without, rhalris, branch.) Leg. toes. Geqfft 1.—2.
19579 hypogs^a L. underground O clt 2 my.jn Y S. Amer. 1712. S s.1 Tr. pi. 3.3
• 2170. VOANDZPIA Thou. VOANDZBIA. (Voandzou, its name in Madagascar.) Leg. Ctes. Geoff: 1.
19580 subterranea Thou. 6ubterran.-/mi %, O clt ± Y Africa 1823. S r.m Dec.leg.iJ.20.10f>
Gl^cine subterranea X. [and L.tdec 1 ?
2171. ANDPBA Lam. ANDIRA. (Its name in Brazil.) Leg. Cats. Geoff: 2. — 6.
19581 racemuua Lam. racemose • or 20 ... P Trinidad 1818. C Lp Pis. br. 2
Geottrcc\i raccrausa-Poir.
19582 inermis%H. % 3. unarmed Om 20 W.Indies 1773. C Lp 1777.10
Geoffhe a ine'rmls Swz.
2172. GEOFFRCYJ W. BAST. CABBAGE TR. (E.F. Geqffroy, Leg.Ca^s.Geqff. 2 — 6 .
19583 spinusa Jae. spiny J D o r 30 ... Y S. Amer. 1818. C l.p Jac. am. 180.62
19584 violacea Pert. violet \ O or 20 ... V Guiana 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 3.301
217a PABIVO^A Aub. PARIVOA. (Its name in Guiana.) Leg. Ctes. Catnea. 1.
19585 grand iflora Aub. large-flowered 2 O or 30 ... P Guiana 1821,1. C r.m Aub. gui. 303
Dimorpha grandiflora W.
2174. DI'PTERIX Schreb. TONQUIN BEAN. (Dis, double,pterux, wing j app. of cal.) Leg.Ca».Geqff. 1—SL
19586odorata W. sweet-scented J D e c f l O ... P Guiana 1793. C Lp Aub.8uL2.896
Bary6sma T6ngo Gae.



2175. THEOBRO^MA L. CHOCOLATE NUT. (Theos, a god, brome, food; delicious.) Byttncribctce. 3.-5.
19587 blcolor H. $ B. two-colored f O clt 16 ... Br NewGran.1820. C r.m H. & B. 1. 30
19588 Cacao L. common Cacao J • clt 16 ... Br S. Amer. 1739. C r.m Bot. cab. 54/)
19589 guiancims W. Guiana J • or 16 ... Br Guiana 1803. C r.m Aub. gui. 2.275
2176. GUAZUSMA Tin. BASTARD CEDAH. (Its name in Mexico.) Byttnerihctee. a
19590 flrimifblia Lam. Elm-leaved t O t m 4 0 au.s Y Jamaica 1739. C p.l Tr. chr. 76
tana *L.
Bubrdma Guaxiana Vf. TheobrbmatkGvaziiii
19591 polybi>trya Cav. many-racemed ± CD or 20 Brazil 1816. C p.l Cav. ic. 3.299
Bubruma polyb6tryum W. en.
19592 tomcntbsa Kth. wooUy f CD or 20 Cumana 1820. C p.l
y (Dury9 a thorn, Malay; spinous fruit)
8177. DU BI0 I* DURIO. Malvdcea?. 1.
19593 zebethlnus L. civet D o r 60 ... W £ Indies 1825. C s.1 L29
2178. ABRCPMA L. ABROMA. (^privative, brome, food; unfit for.) Byttneriiicear. 2 . - 3 .
19594 augusta L. August smooth-ttalkedf O or 10 au P E. Indies 1770. C l.p Jac. vin. 3.1
19595 fastuosa A Br. di8dainlul/>r.-«ttd j Q o r 10 jn.o P N.S.W. 1800. C Lp Par.loal02



*2179. MELALE1TCA £. MELALBUCA. (Afc&w, black, taifow, white; bk. wood,*, branches.) Myrticear. 48.
I. ALTERNIFOLUE.—> Leaves alternate.
19596 Leucadendron L. White Tree. or 15 W E! Indies 1796. C s.l.p Ru. am. 2.16
19597 Cajuputi Rox. Cajuputi Tree or 15 I!! ... R Indies 1800. C s.L P 2.17.1
19598 vindiflora Sm. green-flowered L_Jor 10 .. G N. S. W. 1798. C s.l.pCav.ic.4.333
1959!) paludosa R. Br. marsh L-Jor 6 JLi R N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p
19600 globifcra R. Br. globe-bearing L_J or N.HolL 1803. C 8.1.p
19501 diosmaefiilia Andy. Diosma-leaved I | or jn.jl G N. HolL 1794. C s.l.p Bot rep. 476
19riO2 stypheloides Sm. Styphelia-lvd LJOT my.jn ... N.S.W. 1793. C fcl.p
TX*i3 gcniatifblia Sm. ~ "
Broom-leaved • t-J or
19604 Tanceolata Otto ..I ... N . S . W . 1793. C s.Lp
lance-leaved * i (or
11)605 striataNLab. striated i i lor ... N HolL 1816. C s.l.p H. ber. 36
19606 *hymo ides Lab. Thyme-like-/iMf * i_J or 3 ... P N.HolL 1803. C s.LpLab.n.h.2.165
19607 imbricate Lk. imbricated iM i_J or 4 P N.HolL 1803. C s.l.p Lab. n. h. S. 167
19605 aqu'imca La*. BcaXy-branched or 4 jnjl ... N. Holl. 1800. C B.l.p
19609 taxifolia Schl. Yew-leaved 1 j or 4 , ... P V.D. L. 1805. C s.l.pBotreg.477
19510 pentaguna La6. five-angled i I or ... N. HolL ... C s.Lp
19611 nodosa Sm. knotty i l o r 2 jn.jT ... M. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p
19612 ericifolia 5m. Heath-leaved i | or 3 jl.8 P N. S.W. 1790. L
19613 armillaris Sm. bracelet i | or 2 jnjl G N. S. W. 1788. L s.l.p Ex. bot 1.34
19614 uncinata R. Br. hook-leaved i | or 3 jn.s G N. S. W. 1788. L s.l.p Bot rep. 175
19615 scabra R.Br. rough-leaved i ) or 3 f.8 P N. Holl. 1803. C 8.1.p
19616 pulchella i i . £ r . neat I | or 2 jn.s P K. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p
II. OpposiTiFbLiJE. — Leave* opposite P or verticillate,
N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot cab. 200
19617 incana it. Br. hoary L j o r 3 Y N. HolL 1817. C B.l.p Bot reg. 410
canfocena L.
19618 /hymiftilia Sm. Thyme-leaved 2 jn.8 N.S.W. 1792. C s.Lp Bot mag. 1868
coronata Aruir.
19619 erioccphala Sicb. woolly-headed L j o r 4 ... N. HolL 1824. C s.l.p
19620 decuasata R. Br. decussate I | or 4 jl.s N. HolL 1803. C s.l.p Bot mag. 2268
19621 rotundifolia Hort. lound-leaved i l o r 3 N. HolL 1816. C s.l.p
19622 fulgens R. Br. splendid I J o t 6 jLs N. Holl. 1803. C a.l.pBotreg. 103
19623 discolor Rchb. various-colored i I | or 3 ... N. Holl. ... C s.l.p
19624 ltnarifolia R. Br. Toadflax-lvd J i I or 3 N. S.W. 1793. C s.l.p Ex. bot L 56
l(ffi25 cuticularis Lab. thin-skinned i I | or 3 ... N.HolL ... C s.l.p
19B26 gibbosa Lab. gibbous 1 i l o r 3 ... N.HolL 1820. C s.l.p
h 19627 fascicularis Lab. fascicled I i I or 3 ... N. HolL ... C s.l.p
19628 pendunna Lod. pendulous * i i or 3 ... N.HolL 1820. C s.l.p
19629 trincrvia Sm. three-nerved i i l o r 3 ... N.HolL 181& C s.l.p
1^HJ3O fimbriMa Hort. fringed I i l o r 3 ... N.HolL 1817. C s.l.p
l'ftJl grandis Fts. grand i i lor 4 ... N.HolL ... C s.l.p
1JW;J2 dumi»sa Lod. bushy i | or 2 ... N.HolL ... C B.l.p
I tiJ.i cpacridea Hort. Epacris-like • |_J or 6 ••• N.HolL 1820. C s.Lp
1!;6.J4 euphorhio)des Lod. Euphorbia-like Hi lor 3 ... N.HolL 1824. C s.Lp
ljj&Jj virgata Hort. twiggy Jl LJ or 5 ... N. HolL 181& C s.l.p
«*to(» tenuifolia Ma. C. fine-leaved <li lor 2 N. HolL 1824. C s.l.p
1%37 Aypericifrlia Sm, Hypcricum-lvdM i lor 3 S... N. S.W. 1792. C s.l.p Bot. rep. SOO
19UJ8 squarrbaa Sm. squarrose >LJor 2 W N. S. W. 1794. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1935
l'Vu9 tctragona Hort. four-angled *i lor 4 ... N. Holl. 1820. C B.l.p
19640 calyclna R.Br. permanent-calyxeA * i I or 3 N. Holl. 1803. C B.l.p
19(>41 parvifldra Lk. small-flowered Hi lor 3 ... N.HolL 1816. C s.LpH.bcr.S7
19642 densa R. Br. dense-leaved * i_J or 2 P N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p
19643 tomentusa Coil. woolly i lor 3 Crea N. Holl. 1810. C s.l.p Col.h. rip.37
* 2180. TRISTA^NI A R. Br. TRISTANIA. (Treis, three, stao, to stand; dispos. of flws and Ivs.) Myrthccce. 6L
I <iillincreMului R. Br. Oleandcr-lvd * \ _ J o r 6 jn.s Y N. S.W. 1804. C s.p Bot mag. 1058
i i. i >/*'ri)icif61ia Cun. Peach-leaved * t _ J o r 6 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
i-ulii.irhorlsccns Hort. arboreoccnt ft\_Jor 10 N.HolL 1820. C s.p
Ji«i»47 /aunna R. Br. Laurel-leaved i j o r 6 ... Y N. S. W. 1798. C s.p
WA8conftrViR.Br. crowded * t_J or 6 jl.s Y N. S. W. 1805. C s.p
19649 depressa Lod. depressed H|_Jor 6 N. Holl, 1820. C s.p
2181. CALOTHATVINUS Za&. CALOTHAMNUB. (Kalos, beautiful, thnmnos, shrub.) Myrthcete. 4.—
19650 quadrifida R. Br. four-cleft • i_J or 3 jl.a' S N. HolL 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 1506
19651r villbsa R. Br. villpus ftilor 3 il.8 S N. H«1L 1803. C a.p Bot reg. 1099
l<Hi >2 clavdta Ma. C. clubJeaved • LJ or 2 jLs S N. HolL 1824. C s,p
19653 gracihs R. Br. *)endcr-leaved * L_J or 3 jl.s S N.HolL 1803. C s.p
, .! BEAUFCRTJ^ n. Br. BEAUFORTIA. (Mary, Duchess qfBeaitfort, hot pat) Myrtdcear. &
i >< : .l-.TU88.ita R. Br. decussated • i_J spl 3 my.jl S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 18
i „., ^parsa R. Br. scattered-leaved• U spl 3 ... R N.HolL 1803. C s.p
I!»j6<iearinata Cun. keel-leaved »t_Jspl 3 ... S N.HolL 182a C s.p
2183. mh BILLOTIA. {Mad. Tecophila Billoti, of Turin.) Myrtoce*. 1
19657 ncerosa Coll. Maple-tamoi
I L J o r 5 JLs R N.HolL 1816. C s.p
2184. EUDE'SMIXR.Br. EUDESMIA. (Eut well, desme, bundle; stamens.) Myrtacete. 1.
19658 tctragona ii. Br. four-angled »l_Jor 16 jl W N.HolL 1824. C s.p
2185. CANDO'LLEi! Lab. CANDOLLEA. { Candolle, F.R.S. F.M.L.S. Geneva.) Dillaiiucea;. 1
19659 cuneiformis Lab. wedge-shaped H LJ or 7 ... Y N. HolL 1824. C s.p Bot mag. 2711
s.p Bot 27 '
__-«-.* SY'MPLOCOSi. SYMPLOCOS. {Symploke, connection; claws of petals.) • Symplodnae. 2.—6L
2186. SY'MPL
*ggO tinctiria
19661 tinctoria £.£ dyer's LaureUvd* \_J or 3 ... Y Carolina 1780. L p.l Cat. car. 1.54
»inica Ker Chinese * _ J o r 3 my W China lff& C p.l Bot. reg. 710
19662coccfnca Kth. scarlet ft nor Mexico 1825. H.&D.1.52
19663 cratsegiAdcs D. Don Crataegus-like ft uJ or Nepal 1824.
2187. CITRUS L. ORANGE TREE. (Derivation unknown.) Aurantidcea? 14.—15.
19664 A/edica Risso Median Uman ft i I ft 8 myjl W Asia ... B r.m Fer. hes. 39
19665 Limetta Risso Lemon Bergamot~ •"- 8 myjl W Asia 1648. B r.m Black. 362
19666 Limonum Risso Lime ^ 15 myjl W Asia 1648. B r.m 2.121.2
19667 Aurantium Risso sweetsweet Orange
i/ritimc *_.;\ I | ir15 myjl W Asia 1595. B r.m Lam. iL 639.2
19668 vulgiins Risso common Seville~ ' \*\ LJfr
m xn 15 myjl W Asia ... B r.m to

2 myrtifoha Hort. Myrtle-leaved a I |fr 3 my.jl W Asia ... B r.m Bot reg. 346
196G9 decumana L. huge Shaddock < \ I_J fr 15 my.jl W India 1724. B r.m Ru. am. 2 24.2
19670 hjrstrix Dec. porcupine * ujfr 15 myjl W E. Indies ... B r.m
19671 spinosissima Afiey. spiniest Lime T LJfr
spiniestMJOW: 15 my.jl W Cayenne ... B r.m
19672 japitaica TAuft. Japan small-fruitedf LJfr 6 my.jl W Japan ... B r.m Thun. jap. 15
19673 nobilis Low. noble Afanrfarotll11 | fr 15 myjl W China 1805. B r.m Bot. rep 608
2 minor smaller ft! LJ fr 15 myjl W China 1805. B r.m Botreg.2.11
19674 margarita ZOK. pearl sweet Lemon $ LJfr 15 myjl W China ... B r.m
19S75 angulata W. angular-/rwii«* ? Lj fr 15 myjl W E. Indies ... B r.m Ru. am. 2.32
19676 madurensis IMU. Madura $ i ifr 10 myjl W. China ... B r.m ltu. am. 2.31
19677 Auxifolia Poir. Box-leaved 3 myjl China ... B r.m
2188. XANTHOCHTPMUSBox. XANTHOCHYMUS. (Xanthos,yellow,chymos,juice; fruit.) Guttifcree. 8.
19678 pictbrius Rox. painter's f LJ fr 20 mmm y E. Indies 1796. S r m Box. cor. 2.19ti
19679 ovalifollus Rox. oval-leaved LJ fr 12 ... E. Indies 1H24. S r.m
19ti80 I&teus 1M. yellow ... Y E.Indies? 1824. S r.m
19681 macroph^llus Lo. C. long-leaved <(ZKr 20 ... Y E. Indies ?1824. S r.m
19682 purpftreus Lo. C. purj>le 'iQfr 20 ... Y E. Indies ?1824. S r.m
19683 guinelnsis G.Don Guinea fr 20 ... Y Guinea 1824. S r.m
19684 tincturius Rox. dyer's fr 20 ... Y E. Indies 1818. S r.m
19685 dulcis Rox. sweet fr 20 ... Y E. Indies 1820. S r.m

8189. PENTADE'SMA R. Br. PENTAOESMA. (Pente, five, desme, bundle; stamens.) Gutt\fer*. 1.
19686 butyracea R.Br. butter t[tattow.tree± O ft 30 n ... a Leone 1822. S s.1
• 2190. HYPE'RICUM L. ST. JOHN'S WORT. (Origin unknown.) Hypericlneee. 77. —138.
L ABCYRB^IA.—Sepals at base joined and unequal; stamens numerous; leaves often large; flowers com*
monly terminal, large, and few ; styles commonly three, from No. 19696. styles commonly five.
- - /"/ . K.
19687 elatum " ' tall'• ft or 5 j l . a u Y N. Amer. 1762. L i . l 85
19688 frondusum Mx. leafy c :• xr «.T N.A Amer.
Y tune C
__— 1806.
19689 grandifblium Choi, great-leaved Y Tcncriffe 1818. C Chois. hyp. 3
19690 amcB^um Ph. pleasing Y Carolina 1812. L s.l l)i. cl. 151.182
19691 hirclnum L. goat-scented Y S. Europe 1640. L 8.1 Den. br. 86
2 minus smaller Y S. Europe ... L co Den. br. 87
19692 foliosum H. K. sfiinivgAeafy Y Azores 1778. C p.l
19693 flonbundum H. K. bundlc-flwd Y Madeira 1779. C p.l Com. h. 2.68
19694 ol^mpicum L. Olympian Y Levant 1706, S s.1 Bot. mag. 1867
19695 cananense L. Canary Y Canaries 1699. C p.1 Bot. cab. 953
19696 chinense L. Chinese Y China 1753. C p.1 Bot. mag. 334
monogynum L.
19697 cordifolium Choi, heart-leaved Y Nepal 1825. C co
19698 pyramidatum H. K. pyramidal Y Canada 1759. D p.1 Vcn.mal.118
19699 ^scyron L. St. Peter's wort Y Siberia 1774. Skco Gm. 6i.
19700 ascyr6\des W. Ascyron-hke jnjl Y N. Amer. 1812. Skco
19701 patulum Thun. spreading jnjl Y Nepal 1823. C co Thun. jap. 295
19702 uralum Ham. Ural jn.jl Y Nepal 1823. C s.1 Bot mag. 2375
1970:) oblongifblium Choi, oblong-leaved j^Hi Y
„ Nepal
M-A , „ C si Chois. hyp. 4
19704 Kalmiunum Lam. Kalm's Y N. Amer. 1759. C s.1
19705 calycinum I* Jarw-calyxed jn!s Y Ireland Skco Eng. bot. 2017
19706 balearicum L. Balearic 1} mr.s Y Majorca 1714. C r.m Bot. mag. 137
19707 cochinchincuseZofi. Cochinchinese 3 R China 1821. C co
II. ELODEA. — Calyx five-sepaled ; sepals equal, entire; styles three; filaments numerous, nine, fifteen, or
eighteen ; herbs purplish ; flowers axillary, or crowded terminal.
19708 paiuddsum Choi. marsh 4 A pr 2 K N. Amer. 1821. D co
19709 virginicum L. Virginian S A or l|jLs R N. Amer. 1800. D p.1 Bot rep. 552
Elodda campanulata Ph.
III. PERFORANUIA.— Cat. 5-sepalcd ; scp. equal; stain, numerous*; styles commonly three ; herbs or subshrubs;
flowers axillary or panscled ; leaves rarely linear ; sepals entire, from No. 19740. toothed glandular.
19710 angultaum Mx. &ngu\oBC-toot/icd-flb A jnjl Y N. Amer. 1812. I) p.1
19711 punctatuiD Lam. dotted ft ijj Y N. Amer. 1823. 1) co
19712 dolabrif6rme Ven. hatchet-formedj| A or 2 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1821. D co
19713 proctimbens Mr. procumbent j£ A or | au.8 Y N. Amer. 1822. D co
19714 rosmarimfbliumLam. Roscmary-lvdft __J or 2 Y Carolina 1812. L s.1
19715 virgatum Lam. twig
M K«y k. A or Y N. Amer. 1820. D co
19716 wiyrtifolium Lam. Myrtle-leaved ^t A or 1 Jl-au: Y N. Amer. 1818. D co
19717 prolificum L. proliAc «• or 4 Y N. Amer. 1758. S 8.1 Den. br. 88
19718 glaAcum Mx. glaucous ft _J or U Y N. Amer. 1812. C p.1
19719 lasvigatum H. K. smooth £[ A or Y N. Amer. 1772. D p.1
19720 nudiflorum Mx. naked-flowered ft _J or Ili.O Y N. Amer. 1811. C p.1
19721 quadrangulum L. square-stalked ^t A or U Y Britain m. me. C Eng. bot. 370
19722 d&blum W. doubtful A or 3 Y Britain m. thi. C p.1! Eng. bot 296
delphintfnse Vil.
19723 maculatum All. spotted 2 Y N. Amer. 1789. C p.l
19724 unduUtum Schous. wave-leaved 1 Y Barbary 1802. D p.1
19725 veronensc Spr. Veronese 1 Y Europe 1816. D co
19726 attcnuatum Choi. attenuated-/^ U Y Dahuria 1822. D p.1
19727 ja|M)nicum Thun. Japanese 1| Y Nepal 1K23. D p.1
19728 simplex Mx. simple Y N. Amer. 1826. Pluk. al. 431. £
19729 crfepum L. curUleaved 5t jLau Y Greece 1688. Boc. mu. 12
19730 setbsum H. K. h h d £
b\nhy.unbranched£ ^J or Y Carolina 17?K>. 1) pi
19731 hetcroph^llum Ven. various-lcaved • LJ or Y Persia 1HI2. I) l.p Ven. cel«G8
19732 acgyptlacum L. Egyptian ft i | or jnjl Y Eirypt 1787. C p.1 Bot rcg. 19(»
19733 humiftaum L. trailing Jfc A or iJLau Y Britain pas. I) co Eng. bot. 1226
19734 Liott&rdi Vil. Liottard's Jt Q) or Y Switzerl. 1819. D co Vil. del. 44
19735 pusillum Choi. small Y N. S.W. 1818. D s.1 Lab.n.h.2.175
19736 uivolutum Choi. involuted Y N. S.W. 1822. D B.I Lab. n. h. 8.174
19737 per foraturn L. l>crforatcd ' Y Britain bu.pL D p.l
738 quinqucnervium Walt, five-nerved 1 Y N. Amer. 1759. D p.}
"""'" canacWna
19739 " " Canadian 1 )U N. Amer. 1770. D Pi
19740 elbdea L. marsh Britain sp. bo. D p.l 109
19741 toincnlbsum L. woolly & Europe 1648. D r.m
19742 hirsutuin L. hairy ; mjl Britain D p.l 1156
19743 nummulanum L. MoncyworWvdl a Europe 1823. D co Lam. il. 643
19744 elcgans Step. Siberia 1822. D co Spr. haL 9
KohHitomn Spr. elegant i
19745 glandulbsum H. K. glandulose 2 Y Madeira 1777. C p.l
19746 reflexuin
fl LL. Tt\4
xet\e\4eavcd 11 jn.s Y Teneriffe 1778. C p.1
19747 pulchruin L. "ijl Y Britain woods. D p.l
19748 nervuflum D. Don fair " " " Su Nepal 1820. D co
elodeoldes Choi. nervous
19749 barb&tum L. bearded 2 jn.o Scotland sc. thi. D CO 198
2 calabricum Spr. Calabrian Ujn.o Calabria 1816. D CO
19750 dentatum Lot. toothed 2 jn.o" Mcditerr. 1890. D CO
19751 montanum L. mountain Britain m.wo. D p] Eng. boL 371
19752 fimbriatum Lam. fringed 2 ilau Pyrenees 1821. D p.l Vil.del.44
19753 dlymum IV. &K. alpine 2 Hungary WS&. -| W.&K.265
19754 sthiopicum Thun. Ethiopian 1 C. G. H. 1817. C p.1
19755 pcrfoftatum L. tKirfoliate 1 Italy 1785. D p.1
19756 <erpyllif51ium Lam. Thyme-leaved ilk au Levant 1688. C r.m M.h.
•rkaiMk* 1 - , ,

19757 cihaiom Lam. Levant 1739. D l.p Boc. mu. 127

tniige-Jlowered >|t _^J orT 2
19758 triplindrve Yen. N. Amer. 1821. D CO Ven. eels 58
19759 Ayssopifolium Fil. three-nerved $L A P 1 jLau S. Europe 1823. D CO Vil.del.44
Hyssop-leaved 5 A P ' 1
19761) empctrifbUum W. Empetrum-lvd S. Europe 1820. C p.1 Den. or. 141
19761 Cbris L. • __J pr 1 my.s Levant 1640. C p.1 Bot mag. 178
19762 encoldea L. Conn-leaved 1 __J pr 1 jn.jl Spain 1821. C p.1 Cav. ic. 122
19763 faiwiculatum Lam. fascicled * _J pr 1 Carolina 1811.
aspalathoides W. J

2191. HARO'NGA Thou. HAROVGA. (Its name in Madagascar.) 1 5.

19764, madagascarienais Choi. Madagascar i or 10 ... Y Madagascl C p.1
paniculala Lo. C.
*2192. VI'SMEil Van. VISMEA. (M. de Visme, a Lisbon merchant) Hwericinac. 2.—17.
19765 guianensis Per*. Guiana wax tree* LU or 8 jl.o Y Guiana 1824. C 8.1 Aub.gui.2.311
//ypencum guianense Aub.
19766 brasilieiuis CAoi. Brazilian wax tree* £3 or 8 jl.o Y Brasil 1824. C 8.1 Choi*, hyp. 2

* 2193, LOJCSA Adan. LOASA. (Meaning unknown.) Lodsea. 5. —10.

19767 Place* Lindl. Place's O orr 4 jn.s
jn Y Chile 1822. S co Botreg.785
acanthifuiia R B.
19768 nltida Lam. shining O or 2 jn.s Y Chile 1822. S co Bot reg. 667
tricolor B. R.
19769 volubilis J. twining iQJel l i mr.s Y Chile 1824. S s.1 An. mu.5.2
19770 grandiflbra Lam. large-flowered iQlor 2 ... Y Caraccas 1825. S co An. mu. 5.4
19771 patula Grah. spreading O or 1 jUu1 Y Chile? 1827. S s.1
2194. BLUMENBA^CHJ/f Schr. BLUMBNBACIIIA. (J. F. Blumenbach, F.R.S. prof. med. Gottingen.) Loose*. L
19772 insignis Schr. remarkable -* O or £jl.n W Monte VL1826. S r.m Sw.fl.gar.170
Lohta palmata Spr.
* 2195. SCYPHA'NTHUS Swt. SCVPIIANTHUS. (Skyphos, a cup. anthas, a flower.) Loitsea?. 1.
19773 grandiflbrus SIM/, great-flowered _£ O «f 2 aus Y Chile 1824. S B.1 Sw.fl. gar.238
Ld volubiliB Hort.



2196. GEROPO%GON L. OLD MAN'S BEARD. (Germ, old man, pogon, beard; of seeds.) Comp. Cich. 3 . - 6 .
19774 glaberi. smooth O or 11 Pk Iuly 1704. S co Bot. mag. 479
19775 hirs&tus L. hirsute O or 11 Iuly 1759. S co Col. ec. 1.231
19776calyculatusJac. calyxed j t ^ o r 2 Pk Iuly 1774. S co
2197. rR AGOPOXGON L. GOAT'S BEARD. (Tragos, goat, pogon, beard; of seeds.) Comp. Cich. IS.—17.
I. SUPERA'NTBB. — Florets exceeding the calyx.
19777 canus W . * * . hoary Y Hungary 1824. co
19778 angustifbliuft Bel. narrow-leaved P Italy 1823. CO
narviflbrus Horn. 3 in.jl
19779 oricntalis L. oriental Y Levant 1787. S co
19780 flocebsus W. % K. woolly 3 my.jn Y Hungary 1816. S co W.&K.2.US
19781 roseus Treu. l,roy.jl R Siberia 1826. S co
rhbet Gm.
19782 pusttlus Bicb. gmall CD or Y Iberia 1820. S co

II. JEQUA'NTES. — Floret* equalling the calyx.

19783 pratcnsis L. meadow it C3> °r ? my.jn Y Britain past r.m 43*
19784 dubius Horn. doubtful Q> or 3 ray.jn Pa.Y Podolia 1818. CO
livescens Bes.
19785 mutibilis Jac. changeable CD or 3 myjn Pa Siberia 1816. Jac. ic. 1157
19786 undulatus Jac. — or 2 myjn W.Y Crimea 1790. Jac. ic. 1.158
ss ——M-toKets
III. MINORES smauer than
Flovets smaller man the
me calyx.
19787 porrifbliusX. Leek-lvd Salsify ~ Q> ~ "'cul '4 — ' ~ nP
my.jn -England
- - S r. r.m Eng. bot 638
19788 crocifblius L. Crocus-lvd ( j o r 1 jnjl P% Italy co Col. c c 1.230
1739. S cc
19789 villbsus L. villous Q or 4 myjn P.Y Spain p 1794 S ccco
19790 campestris Bes. field 5 Q> or 3 my.jl Podolia 1819. S co
19791 nujor Jac. grlater , Q> or 6 my.jn Y Austria 1788. S co Jac. au. 1.29

2198. TRO'XIMON Gae. (Troxhnos, eatable^ Comp. Cichor. 2.—

1979S glaucum Ph.- ga or 1 myjn Y Missouri 1811. D e o Bot. mag 1667
19793 cuspidatum Ph. cuspidate or 1 Y Louisiana 1824. D co
margmatum Nut.
2199. ARNOPO%GON TV. SHBEP'9 BEAHD. (Arnos. lamb, pogpn, beard; beard of seeds.) Comp.Ciehor. 4
>794 Dalechamp*/
Dalechamp*/ IV.
IV. Dalecbainp's
Oalecbainp'u ^ , A - p r 2 jn.o L.Y S. Europe 1739. D e o Bot mag. 1623
Urosplrniuin Dalechamp/; Desf.
19795 tiicroldesW. Pi ens-like O pr 1 Y S. Europe 1683. S co Larn.iL 64d 3
19796 asper IV. rough O pr Y Montpel. 1774 S co
19797 capdnsis TV. Cape ^ ^(Jpt 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. S co Jac. ic. 3.577
Urosp£rmum caplnse Spr. ^ «
•2200. PODOSPE'RMUM Dec. PODOSPERMUM. (Pous, foot, sperma, seedy foot-stalked.) Comp.Ciehor. 7-11.
19798 calcitrapifohum Dec. Caltrop-lvd Levant 1820. co Bux. c. 2.23
19799 ladniatum Dec. ]ag-leaved S Europe 1CAQ. s.l Jac au. 4.356
19600 octangulare Dec. octangular S. Europe 1818. co
19801 rescdif?)lium Dec. Beseda-leavcd ^ S Europe 1818. co Boa sic. 7. fa. c.
19802 /araxaci folium Dec. Dandclion-lvd ^ Bohemia 1820. co Jac i c 1.106
Scorzonira /araxaciftlia IV. *
19803 coronopifblium Deaf. Buckhom-lvd N. Africa 1818. oo Desf. at S. 212
19804 pamilum Cav. dwarf O or 1816. co Cav ic. 2.121. S

•2201. SCORZON&RA L. VIPER*S GRASS. (&nir»mt viper, Catalan; sup. med. quaL) CSmjo.Cichor. 2 7 . - 3 5 .
19805 tuberbsa L. tuberous A A pr *J" Y Volga 1825. D e o Pal. it. ap. Y. 3
19806 homilis L. 'humble j^ pr 1 au Y Europe 1597. D c o Jac au. 1.36
auslrtaca W.
•19807 tomentdsa L. tomentose Y Armenia 1780. D co
19808 crispa Bieb. curled jj Y Tauna 1817. S co
19809 hispanica L. Spanish 3 jn.s Y Spain 1576. D co 617.5
19810 macrorhiza Schl. long-rooted 1* jnjl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
19811 glastifulia IV. Woad-leavcd jn.s Y Germany 1816. D co
graininifblia Hofm.
19812 cancifblia Pall. Carex-leaved ^t A P l|
Y Siberia 1805. D co Pal.it3.ap.J.l.l
19813 purptirea L. purpie-Jiotvcrcd jfc A Pr 2 myjn P Austria 1759. D co Jac. au. L 33
19814 rbsea Kit. roseate 3L A pr lfjl Pk Hungary 1807. D co W.&K.2.121
19815 gramimfulia L. Grass-leaved 5 A Pf 2 L.Y Portugal 1759. D co Jac. ob. 4 100
19816 fistulusa Brot. fistulose • ^t fr unn 2 jnjl Y Spain 1817. Ti co
19817 pinifulia Gou. Pine-leaved 5 A" 1* Y S. Europe 1816. D co Bur. ic. 496
subulkta Lam.
19818 trachysperma GUnt. rough-seeded ^ A un H Y Calabria 1818. S co
scrrulata Viv.
19819 angustifulia L. narrow-lcavcd • A pr Y & Europe 1759. D co W.&K.2.1
19820 eriosperma Bicb. woolly-seeded ' A pr 1 Y Siberia 1805. D co
19821 chondrillo'ides Pou. Chondnlla-like" A un 1 jnjl Y Spain 1818. S co
19822 stricta Horn. strict ] A un 2 jnjl Y Tauria 1818. S co
villosa Bieb.
19823 mollis Bieb. soft :^ A un 1* jn.jl Y Caucasus 1818. S co
undulhta Vahl
19824 rumicifulia Hort. Rumex.leaved •^ A un 1 Y ...... 1820. D co
19625 tatirica Bieb Taurian '•ik A pr 1 Y Tauria 182a S co
19826 parviflbra Jac. small-flowered 5 Apr 2 Y Austria 1819. D co 305
19H27 lanaU Bieb. woolly A A Pr 1 JLau Y Iberia 1824 I) co M.h.7.6.17
19828 radi&ta Fis. rayed £ A un * jnjl Siberia 18£0. S co
19629 ensifbha Bieb. sword-leaved it A pr 1 my.jn Y Caucasus 1835. D co
19830 him\ta L. hairy 5 Apr J my.jn Y S. Europe 1818. D co AI.ped.3L 33
19831 villosa Dec. villous ^ Q o r J* jn.jl Y S. Europe 1818. S co Scop. car. 46
* 2202. PICRI'DIUM Pers. PICUIDIUM. (Pikros, bitter; taste.) Comp. Cichor. 3.
19832 vulgare Detf. common O cul 1} Y France 1773. S co Al. ped. 1.16.1
Suiichus jtricroldes IV.
19833 tingitlnum Pers. Tangier O or l|jn.s Y Baruary 1713. Bot. mag. 142
19834 albidum Pers. vrh\tish-Jlowered^ A or 1 jl.o W . Y France 1781. Jac. ic 1.164
Crepis albida W.
•2203. SowrnisTLE. (Somphos, hollow; stems.) Comp. Cichor. 33.— 40.
— Stems shrubby.
19635 fruticosus Jac. shrubl>y u J o r 3 apjl Y Madeira 1777. S p.1 Jac. ic. 1.161
.1 irnn'ini OfV.
II* 11 K. viing-leavcd 3 ... Y Madeira 1777. C CO
19S n\ en. smooth 3 ... Y Madeira 1816. C CO
198^ '' en. \yrc-leavcd 3 ... Y M •»- -- C CO
19839 r'.uiicutu* 11. K. long-rooted 3 jl Y ( 11
V&W AyoscTift>lius Horn. Hyoscris-lvd " 4 myjl Y •\
C l.p
19841 abbrcviktus Lk. shortened 2 my.jn Y C l.p
II. — Leaves undivided.
19842 marUimus L. sea 2 jl.s Y S. Europe 1748. D co Al.ped.1.16.2
\ 19843 sibiricus L. Siberian 2 jl.s L.B Siberia 1759. D co Gin. si. 2.3
19844 cykneus Z>. Zkm Nepal blue 2 ilau B Nepal 1880. D CO
119645 cacalisBfblius Bieb. Cacalia-leavcd liJLau B Ibcna 1826. D Lp
held 2 Crea W. Indies 1818. S co
) 19847 tartaricus L. Tartarian 4 jnjl B Siberia 1784. D co
111. RUNCINAN I.—Leaves runcmate or lyrate.
19848 palustris L. tall marsh ^ A pr " v England D co Eng. bot. 935
19819 arvensis L. corn field * Britain corn fi. D co Eng. bot. 674
198.50 olerkceus L. potherb Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 843
19851 fcper Lk. rough Britain fields. S co
,19852 /araxacifolius JF. Dandelion-Leaved O un Guinea 1824. S co
§19853 PlumieriL. Plumper's Pyrenees 1794. D co
}19854alpmusL. alpine Scotland al. pas. D co Eng. bot. 2425
V19855 Iapp6nicus Fro. Lapland Lapland 1804. D co Sm. ic. in. 21
\ 19856 floricftnus L. Florida N. Amer. 1713. S co
19857 caucasicus Fit. Caucasian Caucasus 1818. D co
19858 acuminatus IF. acuminate N. Amer. 1812. S co
19859 palhdua W. pale Canada 1704. D co Rob. ic. 148.151
19860 clivaricatus ffor». divaricating Ih23. D co
19861 uliginbsus Bleb. swamp Caucasus 1621. S co Schk. han. 256 .
19862 lacerus W. torn 18901 S co
19863 macrophtfllus L. long-leaved N. Amer. 1823. D co
19864 leucophaf us IV. dusky N. Amer. 1821. S co
IV. PINNATI'FIDL — Leaves pinna tifid.
,««„ ^ J L
- very tender O un 2 jLau Y & Europe 1691. S co
19866 diondnlWides Desf. Chondrilla-like * CD or 1| jn.jl Y Spain 1729. S 8.1 Boc.sic.13.7.4
19867 ruseu* Bes. rosy 5 A un 1 jnjl R Podolia 1827. S co •

2204. ZACTITCA L. LETTUCE. (Lac, milk; milky juice exuding when broke) Comp.Cichoriicece. 28.-37.
I. RUNCINA^TA. — ALeaves
: !1
or lyrate.
19868 saftva L. cultivated ^ —' - Y.w
— "...... 1562. S co
19869 crispa L, curled Y 1570. S co
19970 palmata W. palmate cul Y 1683. S co
19S71 /n " E cul 3 Y S. Amer. 1781. S co Jac. ic. I. Ki2
19872 tfucreina /,. Oak-leaved cul 3 myjl Y Sweden 1686. S co
19873 canadensis L. Canadian un 3 Y Canada 1800. S co
19874 stneta Kit. strict un 3 jii.jl Y Hungary 1805. S co W. ft K. 1.48
1987.1 Chaisii Vil Chais's un 1£ Y S Europe 1818. S co Vil.rtel.a32
19876 segusiana Balb. Segusiau pr } P Piedmont 1822. S co
19877 fonchifblia IV. Sowthistlc-lvd un 2 Pa.B Candia 1822. D co
19878 elongata MM. elongated un 3 jnjl Y Pennsylv. 1805. S co
19879 Scariola L. Scanola un 3 Y England rubble. S co Eng. bot 268
19880 maculata Horn. spotted un 6 Y Europe 1817. S co
19881 viminea Lk. «
rusAy-tmggeA un 1 Y Austria 1789. S co 1.9
19889 cichonifolia Dec. S l
Succory-leaved ^ Q ) un 3 JLau Y Pyrenees 1821. S co
joncholdes Lap.
II. — Leaves undivided.
19883 virbsaL. poisonous Britain ch. ba. S co Eng. bot 1957
19884 augustana All. Augustan Italy 1791. S co AL pod. 1.52.1
19885 sagittata Kit. Hungary 1805. S co W.&K.1.1
19886 *ailgna L. \W\\oxv-leavcd England ch. ba. S co Eng. bot 707
19887 £raminea A/r. Grass-leaved tt Amer. 1816. S co
19888 Tntegrifblia A'tf/. entire-leaved Missouri 1817. S co
19889 villisa Jflc. villous 1818. S co
19890 indica L. Indian E. Indies 1784. S co
19891 altissima Bicb. tallest Caucasus 1823. S co
19892 tubcrosa Jac. tuberous ...... 1810. D co Jac. vin. 1.57
11L PIXNATI'FID*. — Leaves pinnatjfid,
19893 cretica Desf. Cretan ^ Q u n 2 Y Crete 1818. S co
19894 tenerrima Pou. very tender 5 A un $jlau P S. Europe 1815. S co
19895 perennis L. perennial 5 A un 2 L.B Germany 1596. D co Bot. mag. 2130

2205. CHONDRl'LLA L. GUM-SUCCORY. (Chondros,lump; lumps of gufomy matter on stems.) Cbm.GieA.aJL

19896 Juncea L. common Rush £L A un U s.o Y France 1633. D co Jac. au. 5.427
19897gramlnea Bieb. Graas-ieavcd 5 A un H «.o Y Volga- 1824. D co
19898 latifblia Bteb. broad-leaved 5 CD un 1 au.s Y Caucasus 1820. S co

•2206. PRENA'NTHESL. PRENANTBES. (Pretie$t drooping, anthos, flower.) Comp. Cichoiac&e. la—19.
I. INDIVIVE. — Leaves undivided.
19899 purpurca L. purple-flowered. 4 jl.8 P Germany 1653. D co Jac. au. 4.317
19900 racembsa Mx. racemose A un 2 Y N. Amer 1812. D p.l
19901 chondrilloides Ard. Chondrilla-like A un 1 Y S. Europe 1817. D co Ard. sp. 2.7
19902 tenuifoha L. fine-leaved A un U j l a u Y Switzerl. 1819. D p.l At ped. 33.2
, 19903 hlspida PalL hispid A un 3 jLau Y Siberia 1825. D P-l
\ 19904 filba 7* white-flowered A or 2jLau W N Amer. 1762. D
19<l0» rubic6nda PA, reddish A un 1| R.w N. Amer. 1816. D p.1 Pi
Bot mag. 1079
h 19906 cordata IV. hevt-leaved A or 4 jlau Pa.Y N. Amer. 1816. D co
II. TRI'LOBJE. — Leaves trifid or trilobed.
& 19907 altissima L. tallest i A or 6 * LY N. Amer. 1696. p.l
\ 19908 serpentaria PA. snake 5 A un 1 Y N. Amer. 1824. p.l Ph. am. 2.24
III. LYRA V s . — Leaves lyrate, runcinate, or pinnatifid.
19909 muralis L. wall 3t A w 2 jl Y Britain woods. D co Eng. bot 457
^ 19910 viminea L. twiggy Jfc Q> or 1$ Y Austria IS 10. S co Jac. au. 9
i 19911 virgata3/x. rod 5 A un 2 jl au Y N. Amer. 1823. D p.l
19912 tuberbsa Stev. tuberous A A un 1 jl ... Iberia 1817. D pi
hlspida Bieb.
19913 deltoidea Bieb. deltoid ^ A un 2 Y Iberia 1825. D pi
IV. FBUTICOS-E. — Stems shrubby.
19914 spinbsa Forsk. prickly tt | un 3 Y Barbary 1640. S co Par th
J9915 pinnata L. pinnate «t i_J un 3 jn.jl Y Tenerifffe 182a S co •Mi
19916 arbbrca Brou. tree tL LJ un 3 jnjl Y Terieriffe 1824. S co
8207. LECNTODON L. DANDELION. {Leon, lion, odon,a, tooth j tooth-like divisions of Ivs.) Comp. Cich. 15.-18.
I. KEFLE'XI. — Involucre refleted.
19917 Taraxacum L. common A w ap.jl Y Britain me. pa. D co Eng.bot510
19918 erythrospermus Ander. red-seeded A un my.jn Y Siberia 1820. D co
19919 cornicuUtus Horn. small-horned my.jn Y Europe 1819. I) co
19920 serftinus Kit. late-flowering A un 14 jl.s Y Hungary 1816. D co W.&K.2.114
19921 alpinus Hoppe alpine A un Y Alp. Eur. 1810. D co
II. AFPRE'SSI. —Involucre erect or oppressed.
19922 pa16stris E. B. marsh A w 1} in jl Y Britain moi. p. D co Eng. bot 553
llvidus Kit.
19923 lievigatua W. smooth-leaved A un Y S. Europe 1816. D co
19924 Stevens Spr. Steven's Y Caucasus J819. D co
alpinus Stev.
19925 nlgricans W. & K. blackish A un Y Hungary 1816. D co
19926 bessarabicus Fis. Bessarabian A un Y Bcssarabialtf21. D co
P —Invouc
19997 obovatus W. leavcd & A un 1 Jl
obovate-leavcd Y Spain
Spain 1805. D co
19928 eridpodus D. Don woolly-footed £ A un Y* Nepal 1818. D e o
19929 bulbbsus L. bulbous ^ A un 1 my.jl Y S. France 182&* D co
Prenanthes bulbosus Dec. //ieracium bulbbaum IV.
19930 glauci-scens Jiicb. glauccsccnt ^ A un 1 jl Volga 1823. D co
IV. Du^Biua—Doubtful to which section it belongs.
19931 cichoraceus Schl. Succory-like ^ A un 1 Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
•2208.-4PA'RG IA Sco. APARGIA. (A Greek name of a plant now unknown.) Comp. Cichordcear. 19. —25.
I. SCAPI'GER/K. —Scape simple onc-Jtoiveted.
19932 aurantiaca Kit. Orange-colored & A Pr i my.jn O Hungary 1816. I) co
19933 alplnaJ/cw*. alpine ^ A un 1 my.jn ^Y Austria 1816. D co Bot. cab. 539
19934 coronopifblia W. Buckhorn-lvd A A un 1 ray.jn Y Numidia 1816. D co Desf. at. 2.214
199.5 fasciculata Biv. fascicled ^ A un 1 jn.jl Y Italy 1820. D co
cichoracca Ten.
19936 hastilis Host spear 1 Y & Europe 1796. D co Jac. au. 2.164
19937 dubia Hoppe doubtful 1 au Y Germany ... D co
19938 incana Sco. hoary 1 my.jn Y S. Europe 1784. I) co Jac. au. 3.287
19939 7'araxaci W. Dandclion-/iM* I au Y Britain scalps. D co Eng. bot. 1109
19940 crfspa W. curled Y France 1803. D co Vil.del.3.25
19941 hSspida Wl hispid Britain ch.nas. D co Eng. bot. 554
19942 crtcea W. saffron k jl.s O Hungary 182a D co
19943 caucaaica Bleb. Caucasian jn]! Y Caucasus 1820. D co
19944 strigosa flfeft. strigose J jn.jl Y Caucasus 1818. D co
19945 macrorftiza Gae. long-rooted 2 jl Y Apulia 1827. D co
19946 Villarsi W. Villars's A un 1 jn jl Y Dauphinyl821. D co Vil.dcl.a25
19947 Gouani Schl. Gpuan's A un 1 my.jn Y Switzerl. 1824. D co
II. CAULESCE'NTES. — Stem or scape divided.
119948 autumnalis Hoppe autumnal *fc A w 1 au Y Britain me pa. D co Eng. bot. 830
19949 aspora Kit. rough 5 A un 1 jn.jl Y Hungary 1805. D co W.&K.2.110
19950 Ayoscro'idcs Sieb. Hyoseris-liko 5fc Q> un 1 jn.jl Y Crete 1827. S co
2209. THIU'NCIA Roth THRINCIA. (Tnrigkos, battlement; seed-crown ofmarg. florets.) Comp.Cichor. 4—6.
19951 hlrta Both rimp/c-haircd A/ A un 1* Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 555
19952 hlspida Both hispid O un 1 Y S. Europe 1815. S co
19953 tuberosa Dec. tuberous-roo/a/A A un * mv j 1 Y s - Europe 1683. D co Lob. ic. 232.1
j4p&rgiatuber?>sa W. Leontodon tubcrosus L. Thrincia pruinbsa Brot.
19954 marocc^na Pars. Morocco O un 1 Y Morocco 1799. S co
Ify6seris hispida Schous.

2210. PrCRIS L. * OX-TONGUE. (Pihos,bitter: taste) Comp. Cichor&ceaf. 12. —18.

19955 Aleracioidcs L. Hawkweod-hke O un IJjlau Y England bor.fl. S co Eng. bot 196
19956 strigosa Bieb. strigose ^ A w 1 Y Tauria 1819. S co
19957 alttssima Del. tallest O w 2| Y Egypt 1800. S co
Crepis /appacea W.
19958 rlgida Led. rigid O un 2 Y S. Europe 1817. S co W.&K.1.19
19y59 dahurica/fr. Dahurian O un I Y Dahuria 1818. S co
Splcenw ort-likc^f O) un l l j l a u Y Barbary 1805. S co Her. at 82
19961 lyfata DeL lyiatc O un 1* Y Egypt 1817. S co
19962 hlspida //. K. hUpid ^ A un 1 jlau Y levant 1789. D co
1996.3 SpreiiKvnVina Chaix Sprcnger's O pr J jn.jl Y Portugal 1783. S co M. h.7.5.17
19964 paucifltira Gae. few-flowered O un 1 Y S. Europe 1816. S co Gae. fr. 2.158.2
19965 llhagad'iolus Pert. Hhagadiolus O un Y Spain 1816. S co 2.144
19966 kamtschatica/,o.t'. Kamtschatka O un 1 Y Kamtsch. 1820. S co

•2211. HIERA'CIUM L. HAWKWEED. (//«rax,hawk; sup. to sharpen sight with juice.)Comp.Cichor. 123.-143.
I. UNIFLORA. — Scapes simple, one.flowcrcd ; stolons none.
19967 rupdstre All. rock • ^ A pr 4J»J1 Y Switzerl.
" *—' 1820. """ D co Al. au. 1.1.1
1!I968 alpmum L. r au
alpine 5 AP h J'- Y Britain al. roc. D co Eng. bot 1110
l!J9(i9 pusillum Ph. small ^t A or ^jlau Y Labrador 1800. D s.p
UJ970 pumilum Hoppe dwarf ^t A w i J'-au Y Switzerl. 1819. D s.p
2 tubuloHum Schl tubulous 5 A or | Y SwitzerL 1819. D s.p
19971 glabr&tum Hoppe smooth ^ A or } Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
2 tubulusum Schl. tubulous 5 A or Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
19072 alpestre Jac.
alp 5 A pr i J'-au Y SwitzerL 1822. D co Jac. au. 191
J19973 aureum Sco. Italy 1769. D p.l Jac. au. 3.297
golden 5 A or | my.jl D.Y
II. STOLONI'FERA.—Stoloniferous scapes many-flowered, seldom leafy..
19974 Pilos&la L. L Mouse-car 9U- A P' i my.jl Y Britain dry pa. 1> co Eng. bot 1093
2 Peletcrinna
iuna Stev.
Stev. Pelcter's smooth fL A or 4 my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
3 Psciido-Pilos^Ua Bast. Mouse-carJ^. A or 1 my. Y Switzerl. 1K19. D co
19975 stolon iferum Kit. stoloniferous L ^ or 1 my.jl Y Hungary 1820. D co
19976 aurantiacum L. Orange & A or jn.jl O Scotland sc.wo. J> p-1 Eng. bot. 1469
2flavum jellow '£, A or Y Switzerl. 181P. D co
J9977 piloseihforme Hoppe Mouse-car like j^ A or | my.jl Y S. Europe 1819. D co
19978 d&bium L. doubtful LApr Y Britain hills.- D co Eng. bot 2332
19979 auricula L. umbelled-eax %, A pr U Y England moun. D co Eng bot. 2368
19980 repcns IV. creeping &r A or Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
19981 Gochnati Spr. Gochnati's JW A or Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
colftnum Goch, cymbsum Oed.
19982 BauMni Bes. Bauhin's &r A or jnjl Y Germany 1818. D co
19983 fallax W. en. fallacious tApr Y 1816. D co
19984 florenfinum VU. Florentine AT A pr Y Germany 1796. D co Bau. pin. 67
19985 prsaltum VU. very high AT A or 2 Y SwitzerL 1819. D co
19986 cymbsum L. cymose 1 my.jn Y Europe 1739. II co Col. ec. 1. S49
19987 piloselloldes VU. Mouse-ear-likc ^ A or * jn.jl Y SwitzerL 1819. D co ViLdel.3.27
19988 flagellarc W. en. twiggy %r A pr 1 my.jl Y ...... 1816. D co
colllnum Bes.
19989 BcaseriYmKwi Spr. Besscr's A or 1 jn.jl Y Germany 1816. D co
auricula Bes. colllnum W.
19990 colllnum Bernh. hill ' A or f my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
r — Scapes many-flowered, naked, sometimes few-leaved ; stolons none.
19991 angustifuliumtfop/tt narrow-leaved ^ A l>r ± -my.jn "Y " Switzerl. 182* "*
' ""'" D ~~
.*!•??'? bittircum Bieb. ...two-forked *» j\ pr 11 jn Y Tauria 1820. 1) co
19993 bifidum Kit. bifid 14 jn Y Hungary D co
19994 Gmclini L. Gmelin's 11 jnjl Y Siberia 1798. D co Gm. si. 2.8.2
19995 praemorsum L. bitten l Pa.Y Switzerl. 1818. D co Gm. si. 2.13.2
19996 crbccum Lam. saffron Cop Siberia 1818. U co Gin.«. 2.8. 1
19997 incarnatum Jac. Rush-colored Pk Carniola 1815. D co Jac. ic. 578
monCnum Sco.
19998 succissfolium All. lopi>cd.lcaved Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
integrifblium Hoppe
19999 Lawsoni Vil. Lawson's Y Britain n.ofe. D e o Eng. bot. 2083
20000 vcnosum W. veiny Y N. Amer. 1790. D co
20001 Gronbvii W. Gronovius's Y N. Amer. 1798. D co
20002 Bubnudum Schl. nakedish Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
IV. FOLIOS*. — Stems leafy ; leaves entire, runcinate or toothed.
20003 paniculatum IV. panicled Canada 1800. D co
20004 glaucum All. glaucous SL Europe 1807. D co
20005 saxatile Jac. rock Austria 1801. D co Jac. ic. 1.163
20006 prenantholdes VU. Prcnanthus-lk Scotl. riv. ba. D co Eng. Dot 2235
20(107 chondrilloidcs Jac. Cliondnlla-like Austria 1640. D co Jac. au. 5.429
20008 jonchiftlium Bteb. Sowthistle-lvd Caucasus 1821. D co
20009 cydonisefblium VU. Quince-leaved France 1816. D co
20010 molle Jac. aoft-tcaved Scotland sc. wo. D co Eng. bot. 2210
20011 ccrinthoulesL. Honey wort-lk Scotland sc. roc. D co Eng. bot 2378
20012 amplexicatile L. stem-clasping Pyrenees 1739. 1) co Al. ped. 15.1
2 pulmonarioldes&A/. Lungwort-Ik ^ Switzerl. 1819. D co
20013 croaticum Kit. Croatian k Hungary 1 D co
20014 intybaccum Jac. Endwc-leaved Pa.Y Europe 1794. D co Jac. au. 5. ap. 43
2(X)15 crassifohum Kit. thick-leaved Hungary
ngary 1820. D co
20016 Halleri Vil. Hallcr's Britain D co Vil.deL3.26
90017 Irfbridum Chaix hybrid Switzerl. 1826. D co
20018 lanatum Kit. woolly Hungary 1820 D co W.&K.2.127
S0019 Hoppcdnum Funk Hoppe's Switzerl. 1819. D co
90020 canewens Schl. canescent SwitzerL 1820. D co
90021 ovatum Schl. ovate SwitzerL 1819. D co
20022 Sternbergii Lk. Sternberg's Switzerl. 1819. D co
20023 maculatum E. B. bpottcd-/t'<zvcrf Britain al.roc. D co Eng bot 2121
90024 pulmon.\rium E. B. Lungwort Scotland ic. roc. D co Eng. bot 2307
90025 pulmonario'ides Vil. Lungwort-like France 1819. D co
20026 pallcsrcns Kit. pallci>cent Hungary 1818. D co
90027 pomfTihum //. Lcek-lcaved Austria 1640. D co 3.286
90028 montanum Jac. mountain S. Europe 1775. 1) co Jac au. 2.190
20029 «taticifolium All. Thrift-leaved Europe 1804. D co Vil. del. 3.27
20030 anchusa?foliumJ5?r/. Bugloss-leavcd Italy 1816. D co
verbaacifolium VU.
90031-vcrbascifuliumP?rs. Mullein-leaved ^ A o r 1 Y S. Europe 1732. D co Mil. ic 1.146.1
Andrpala lanata L
20032 erioph^llum Lk. woolly-leaved D co
20033 sylvaticum L. wood Britain rocks. D co Eng. bot. 2031
20034 vilKisum L. villous alpine Scotland al.roc. D co Eng. bot. 2379
20035 valdcpilosum VU. very pilose Switzerl. 1819. D co
2003t> clongatuin Lap. elongated SwitzerL 1819. D co
20037 SchrSderi Schl. Schrader's Switzerl. 1819. D co
20038 andryaMdm VU. Andryala-likc SwitzerL 1819. D co Vil. del. 3.29
2 Lcotardi Vil. Leotard's Switzerl. 1819. D co
90039 piloccphalum Lk. hairy-headed Europe 1820. D co
90040 trichoce>phalum?P.£/i. hairy-headed' 18231 D co
20041 flexuosuin Kit. bcndinz-stal/ceti, Hungary 1804. D co
200+2 specibsum Horn. showy 1818. D co
20043 prostrttuin Dec prostrated S. Europe 1822. D co
20044 inctaum Bub. hoary Caucasus 1817. D co
20045 Kalmti I* Kalm*s Pennsylv. 1794. I) co
20046 canndensc Mx. Canadian Canada 1800. D co -
20047 virg^tum Ph. twiggy N. Amer. 1816. D co
20048 spociosissimum \V. showiest S. Europe 1821. D co
20049 dcnticulatum E. B. small-toothed Scotland sc.wo. D co Eng. bot. 2122
prenantholdes Sm.
20050 parviflorum Schl. small-flowcrcd SwitzerL 1819. D co
20051 M Uteri Lk. Miller's 1820. D co
20052 sudeticum Ster. Sudctic Switzerl. 1819. D co
20053 whioWes Lum. Viper's-Bugloss-like Hungary 1802. D co W.&K.2.145
20054 picridifulium Schl. Picris-lcaved 1 Lau SwitzerL 1819. D co
20055 vcrruculatum Lk. warlcd 1 1821. D co
90056 undulatum H. K. vravc-lcaved 11 Spain 1778. D oo
90057 macrophVUum Ph. long-leaved 2 Canada 1825. D co
90058 dwitatum Hoppe toothed 2 Switzerl. 1819. D co
*M59 latifblium Frol. broad-leaved 2 Croatia 1820. D co

20000 folibsum W. k K. leafy Y Hungary 1805. D co W.&K.2.145

£0061 racemosum Kit. racemose Y Hungary 1816. I) co
20062 corymbbsum Pert, corymbose Y 1817. D co
£0063 sabaudum L. Savoy Y Italy 1700. D co Al. ped. 17.2
80061 boreale Fries northern Lau Y N. Europe ... O co
sabaudum E. B. not L.
90065 lsvigatum W. smooth 8 au.s Y 1804. D co
S0066 canesccna Lk. canescent 2 au.s Y 1822. D co W.h.b.16
20067 virescens Schl. virescent ... Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
£0068 umbellatum L. umbellcd 3 Is Britain woods. D co
£0069 stipitatum Hoppe stipitate ... Switzerl. 1819. D co
20070 bracteolatum 5m. braclcolatc Europe 1823. D co
20071 longifolium Horn, long-leaved 1821. D co
20072 fruticosum IV. shrubby 2 jn.jl Madeira 1785. C co
20073 hikmile Host humble i Germany 1804. D co Vil.del.a28
2 brachiatum Schl. brachiatc ijnjl Switzerf. 1819. D co
20074 calcareum Horn, calcareous * Y Europe 1816. D co
20075 nigrcscens W. nigrescent ijLau Y 1801. D co W.h.b.10
20076 indsum Hoppe cut-leaved i Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
20077 prunellarfimum AU. Self-heal-lvd Y Switzerl. 1820.* D co 22.3
Lcpicaunc prunelheflAia. Lap.
20078 auriculatum Horn, cared £ Y 1816. D co
20079 cilfttum IV. ciliated £ Y Crete 1824. D co
20080 rotundatum Horn, round-leaved 3 Y Hungary 1817. D co
20081 comp6situm Lap. compound 2 Y Pyrenees 1819. D co
20082 eriophorum St. Am. wool-bearing 1 Y S. Europe 1817. D co
20083 xnurorum L. wall 11 jl Y Britain rocks. D co
2 obtusifblium Schl. obtuse-leaved Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
3 sylvaticum Roth wood 2 Y Switzerl. 1819. D co Fl. dan. 1573
4 maculatum spotted 1 Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
5 LachcnaJtf Gm. Lachcnal's 1 Y Siberia 1827. D co
£0084 pictum Pers. painted I Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
2008.1 /apsanoulcs Gou. Li Y Pyrenees 1812. D co 21.3
20086 rambsum W. $ K. branchy 2 au Y Hungary 1805. D co
20087 glutinbsum L. clammy Y S. Europe 1796. S co
20088 fascicuKitum Ph. bundled 5 Y Canada ... D co
2212. HAPALOSTE*PHIUM D.Don HAPAL. (Hapalos, soft, stephos, crown; hairy receptacle.) Com.Cich. &
£0089 sibiricum D. Don Siberian ^ A pt 3 Y Siberia 1755. D co Gm. si. 2.10
/fieracium sibiricum W. Crepin sibinca L.
20090 py renaicum D. Don Pyrenean ^ A « li JLau Y Pyrenees 1723. D co
/fieracium pyrenuicum All. olattarioldef.iL.
£0091 pilusum D. Don pilose £t A I>r 1 Y Pyrenees 1723. D co Pier. par. 184
/fieracium olattarioldes L. Lepicaune multicaulis Lap.
20092 au6trlacum D.Don Austrian ^ A p r 1 Y Pyrenees 1723. D co 5.441
Crepis austriaca Jac. Lau
20093 grandiflbrum G. Don great-flwd 3t A pr * i Y Switzerl. 1791. D co W. & K. 1.99
/ficracium grandiflbrum L. Lepicaune grandiflbra Lap.
£0094 paluddsum D. Don marsh A p r l i Y Britain moun. D co
/fieracium paludbsum L. 1
20095 lyratum G. Don lyre-leaved A P" 1 Y Siberia 1777. D co Gin. si. £.9
/fier&cium lyratum L.
20096 spinuldsum Lap. spinulose A or '1 Y Pyrenees 1820. D co
Lepicadne 6pinulbsa Lap.
2213. LAGCySERISi. LAGOSEIIIS. (Lagos, a hare, seris, succory.) Camp. Cichor. 2.
20097 tadrica Bieb. Taurian O un 2 P Caucasus
Cauca 1817. S co
£0098 nemausensis Bicb. Nismcs O un 2 Y Caucasus 1794. S co Al. ped. 1.75.1
Crepis nemausensis Gou.
£214. BORKHAU'S/if B&'hm. BORKIIAUSIA. (Moritx Borkhausen, a German botanist) CompXichor. 21.
I. — Leaves undivided.
20099 alptaa Lk. alpine Y Italy 1739. S co
Crepis alpina L.
20100 ftcllidifbha Dec. Daisy-leaved O un 1 Y Corsica 1822. co
20101 macronhylla Spr. long-leaved O un 2 Y Numidia 1819. co
20102 GandollcJ Spr. Dccandollc's O un 1 Y 1817. co
20103 jcnccio'ides Spr. Seuccio-likc O un Y Egypt 18120. co
Crepis senccioldcs Del.
20104 apargioldcs Spr. Apargia-likc Q u n 1 Y SwitzerL 181& S co Joe. au. 3.293
/fieracium stipitatum Jac.
20105 Suffreniiina Dec. Suffrenc's O un jn.jl Y Corsica 1818. S s.l
20106 versicolor Spr. party-colored A un Y Dauria 182a S co

II. RUNCINAVA. — Leaves runcinate, It/rate, or pitmatifid.

20107 rabra Lk. red O pr 1* jn.jl P Italy 1632. S co
Crepis rubra L.
£0108 nicasensis Lk. Nice O un li jn.jl Y Nice 1823. S co
Crepis niceensis
20109 to'tida Lk. fetid Q> un li jn.jl Y S. Europe 1824. S co M.h.7.4.4
Crepis foe'tida L.
£0110 /faraxacifblia
i f b l i SSpr. Dandelion-leaved O un li Y Italy 1818. S co Bal.mis.<)
20111 carolin&na Nut. Carolina O un 1 Y Carolina 1824. S co
20112 bursifblia Spr. Shepherd's pursc-lvd^c, & ui Y
Lag6scris bursifblia Lk. Crepis bursifblia L. Sicily 1817. S co
£01131eontodonto1dcs5pr. Dandelion-like^ Q) un 1 Y
Lag6seris leontouontoldes Lk. Italy 1804. S co
£0114 raphanifolia Spr. Raphanus-lvd ^ A un 2 j l . a u Y
Lagoseris rapnanifblia Lk. 1816. S co
20115 intybacca Spr. Endive-leaved ^ Q u n Y
Lagoseris intybkcea Lk. Portugal 1816. S co
20116 gravcolcns Lk. strong-smelling O un li jn.jl
20117 aspcra/Jt. rough O un fijlau Y 1825. S co
S0118 hJspida Lk. hispid O un 2 jl au Pa.Y Sicily 1797. S co
Y S. Europe 1798, S co W. & K. 1. 43
*2215. CRE^PIS IF. CREPIS. (Name by Pliny to a plant of which he gave no description.) Comp. Cich. 19.-47.

Btiff-teoucd £ iAl un 1 Y Azores 1778. D co

II. I N D I U M . — Leaves undivided or toothed; stem leafy.
20120 difffcsa Dec. diffuse O un 2 JLau France 1818. S co
20121 virens W. green O un * jrijl Germany 1796. S co
20122 bann£tica IF. Bannatic O un l j j l a u S. Europe 1816. S co
20123 parviflora Jac. small-flowered U un 1 1816. S co
20124 rhagadiololdes L. Rhagadiolus-lk O un Spain 1810. S co
20125 Sprcngeridna All Sprenger's O un 1} jnjl Italy 1823. S co M.h.7.5.17
20126 Aieracioides Kit. HawkwcedJike^ u un 1£ Hungary 1816. D co W. & K. 1.70
20127 rigida Kit. rigid 5 A un 4"my.Jl
my.Jl Y Hungary 1805. D co W. & K. 1.19
20128 pulchra L. fair o un 4
in au Y Scotland hills. S co Eng. bot. 2325
Prenanthes /rieracifblia W.
20129 latifolia Balb. broad-leaved O un 2 JLau Y Eu'ope. 1818. S co
II I. LYRAVK. — Leaves lyrate or ruminate ; s t e m s leafy.
20130 hcterosperma Schr. various .seeded O un 2 Y Germany 1810. S co
20131 Dioscondw L. Dioscorides's O un jnjl Y France 1772. S co Schk.han.3.222
20132 lodominensis Bes. Lodomiria O un Y Germany 1817. S co
Gmellni Schulz
20133 neglecta L. neglected O un Y Germany 1800. S co
20134 scabra IV. rough O un 1 jn.jl Y France 1800: S co
20135 agrcstis Kit. field O un
j Y Hungary 180L S co
20136 corymbbsa Ten. corymbose O un 1
l Y Italy 1824. S co
20137 cernuA Ten. drooping O un jLau Y Italy 1823. S co
20138 tectorum L. roof O un lijn.i Y Britain past S co Eng. bot. 1111
20139 cinerca Pers. grey-stalked CD un 2 jn.
jn.s Y.B Europe ... S co
20140 segetum Seal. corn-field O un jjl Y
1 jn.jl Switzerl. 1819. S co
20141 bicnnis L. biennial Q> un Y England S co Eng. bot. 149
20142 taurinlnsis W.
' «WH*II|VII«IR WW • X 141 IH
Oun jn.jl Y Italy 182a S co
Lag6seris taurinensis Lk.
IV. PinsATI'FIVE. —Leaves pinnattftd; stems leafy.
20143 pinnatlfida IV. pinnatifid O u n 1 my jl Y Germany 181. S co
Germany 1816.
$20144 ffliformis IF. thread-formed £ Ol un li jn.jl Y Madeira 1777. S co
20145 lacera Ten. jagged O un li Y Italy 182a S co
20146 chondrilWrides Jac. Chondnlla-hke O un Y S. Europe 1810. S co
20147 tcnuifoha W. fine-leaved £ iAI un 1 Y Tauria 1816. S co
gramimfulia Led.
2216. HELMFNTHIA J. HELMINTIIIA. (HeJmirUhkmt& little worm: rugose BcedsreHemble.) J^mp.CichorX
20148 cchioldes W. Echium-like O or 3 jn.jl Y borfi. S co Eng. bot 972
Picris echidides L.
2217. MYO'SERIS Lk. MVOSERIS. (Mys, a mouse, seris, succory.) Comp. Cichor.
20149 purpiirea Lk.' purple A or li ray.jn F Tauna 18B4. D co
'Borkha6fl/a purpiirea Btv.
2218. TO'LPIS Gae. TOLPIS (Probably without meaning.) Comp. Cichor. 5.
20150 barbkta Gae. bearded purplc^ycd O pr 2 jn.jl Y.P France 1620. S co Bot mag. 35
Crepis barbata L. A
20151 umbcllata Bert. umbellcd O pr 2 jn Y.p Genoa 1820. S co
20152 altissima Pers. jnjl Y Piedmont 1823. S co Balb. dis. 4.1
20153 virgata Biv. tallest
twiggy O
O pr
pr jnjl Y S. Europe 1800. S co Desf. at. 215
20154 coronopifulia L. Buckhorn-lvd O pr jnjl • Y S. Europe 1777. S co Dc»f.38.9
Crepis coronopifolia Desf.
2219. ANDRTALA L. ANDRYALA. (Meaning unknown.) Comp. Cichor. 11. —13.
I. ANDRV^ALA. — Seeds sulcatt; pappous.
20155 cheiranthifolialfertf. Wallflowcr-lvd£ pr i my.o Y Madeira 1777. D co Her. st 35.18
20156 nigricans Pair. blackislu/livd pr i' Y Barbary 1804. S co
20157 pinnatifida if. K. pinnati(id-/vd pr f Y Madeira 1778. S co
20158 crithmitoha H. K. Sainphire-lvd pr £ Y Madeira 1778. S co
20159 raguslna L. llagusan i A] pr i Y Archipel. 1753. D e o MiLic. 1.146.2
201G0 incina Dec. hoary Q> pr 1 jnjl Y Pyrenees 1818. S co
Crepis incana Lap.
II. ROTIIIA. — Seeds marginal, naked.
20161 andryaloVtea Gae. Andryala-like O or 1 au Y Spain 1810. S co Gae. fr. 2.171
20162 cheiranthifbliaAo^A Stouk-lcavcil O or Y S. Europe 1768. S CO
201G3 runcinata Roth runcinatc Q> or 1 Y
20164 arg£ntea Lap. silvery O> pr Y S. Europe 1711. S CO
lyrata Pou. Pyrenees 1817. S CO
20165 integrifolia L. entire-leaved j£ Q pr 1 Y S. Europe 1711. D., co
2220. KRVGIA Schreb. KRTGIA. {Dr. David Krieg, a German botanist.) Comp. Cichor. 4. —5.
20166 virgfnica IV. Virginian O pr $ myjl Y N. Amer. 181L S co Jo.h.n.1.12
JEfydseris virglnica L.
20167 caroliniana Nut. Carolina O u n i jnjl Y Carolina 1827/ S co
i/yuscris rarohniiina Walt.
20168 ainplexicaulis Nut. stem-clasping ^ A un 1 jn jl Y N. Amer. 1799. D p.l.
Troximuin virglnicum Pers.
20169 Dandelion Nut. Dandelion A A un 1 jn jl Y N. Amer. D p.l
Tr6ximum.Dafufe/}0fi Pen.

2221. HYO'SERIS L. Ljayr, a hog, scris, succory.)

SWINE'S SUCCOBY. Comp. Cichor. 4
20170 radinta L. rayed ^ A un . j n j l Y S. Europe 1640. D co
20171 Ibcida L. shining 5 A un Y Levant 1770. D co Schm. ic. 39.41
rough O un au
20172 sc^bra L. ,
sand O un *ii!" X Scily ¥3 § co
20173 arenaria Schous. Y Morocco 1800. S co
2222 HEDY'PNOISL. HEDVPNOIB. (Hedys, sweet, JHUO, to breathe; scents breath.) Comp Cichor 7 —
20174 monsiMjlicnsis W. Montpelier O un 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1683. S co
20175 rhagadiol(Mdes L. Rhagadiolus-like O un 1J Y S. Europe 1773. S co Cav ic 1 43
20176 erotica IV.
SOW eoronopi folia Ten.
80178 tubarformis Ten.
8O_ ununun
1 jn. 1
| jn.jl
| jn. 1
Candia 1731. S co
Italy 182a S co
Naples 1824. S co
80179 mauritanica W. Moorish O un | jn. 1 Y Barbary ... S co
20180 pendula JF. pendulous O un 1* jn. I Y S co

2223. ROBE'RT/^ Dec. ROBEOTTA. { M. Aobert, a Conican botanist) Comp. Cichor.

80181 foraxacrides Dec. Dandelion-like * A n f jn.jl Y Corsica 1834, S co
80182 pinnatiflda Spr. pinnatifld 5 CD n 1 Y Naples 1827. S co
ifypocheVia pinnatifida Cyr.

•2224. SERrOLA L. SERIOLA. (Sens, succor}'; resemblance.) Comp. Cichor. 2.—riL

80183 setnlnsis L. -Etna O un f j l . a u Y Italy
., 176 i. S co Jac ob. 4.79
80184 ferens L. stinging O un v
jl Y S
S. E
Europe 1773. S co Schra. ic. 32
2225. RODI'G/il Spr. RODIGIA. (Rodig, a friend of Sprengel's.) Comp. Cichor, 3.
80185 commutate Spr. changed O un i Y Caucasus 1816. S co
Crfepis rhoeadifrlia Bieb.
80186 levigate Spr. smooth O un i jlau Y Candia 1772. S co Desf.at8.lii
Seriola lse\ igate L.
80187 alliata G. Don Garlic i Q u n J Y JEtna 1826. S co Biv.cen.2.7
Seriola alhata Biv.
8226. SOLDEVI'LLJ Lag. SOLDEYILLA. (SoUUvilla, a friend of Lagasca's.) Comp. Cichor. 1.
80188 set&sa Lag. bristly & A cu f my.jn Y Spain 1822. D co
*8227. JTYPOCHAHlISX. CAT'S EAR. for, choiris, a pig; eaten by.) Comp. Cichor. 11. —14.
&20189 helvetica L. Swiss * jn.jl Switzerl. 1779. D s.1 Jac. ic. 1.165
{20190 maculate L. epotted-leaved 1 jn.jl England ch.hil. D s.1 Eng. bot 225
80191 minima Detf. least i Barbary 1797. S co
80192 hispida W. en. hispid i S Europe 1804. D co W. h.b.1.46
80193 glabra L. smooth 1 Britain sa.hea. S co Eng. bot. 575
20194 macrorhlia Glint. long-rooted 1 Calabria 1820. D co
80195 dem6rpha Brot. deformed i Spain 1819. S co
80196 arachnites Biv. cobwebbed jn.jl Sicily 1827. S co
$80197 radicate L. long-Tooted If jn.s Britain mepa. D s.1 Eng. bot 831
80198 canescens Stev. oanesccnt 1 jnjl Caucasus 1820. D co
80199 Balbisti Noc Balbis's 1 jn.s Italy 1824. D co
2228. ZAPSA^NA L. NIPPLBWOBT. [Lapaxo, to purge; qualities.) Comp. Cichor. 8. —10.
80200 foetida Sco. fetid JAun t• jl Y
Y Italy
Itl 1722. D co W.&K.1.49
Hy6seris fo/tida L. Arn6seris fae'tida Lk.
60201 pusilla Sco. small O ' i my.jn Y Britain gra. fl. S co Eng. bot ifS
Hyoseris minima L. Arn6seris minima Lk.
80202 commbnis L. common Ow jn.jl Britain d t gr. S Eng. bot. 844
80203 crispa W. curled O un Jl i 1799. S
80204 pubesccns Zry pubescent O or 2 Europe 1816. S
80205 interm£dia Bieb. intermediate O un U my.jn Tauna 1823. S
80206 lyrata TV. en. lyrate un 22 Caspi. Sea 181 a
80207 grandiflura £if& great-flowered or 2i Caucasus 1816.
2£29. ZACI'NTHA Tou. ZACINTHA. (Growing in the Island of Zactnthus, now Zante.) Comp. Cichor. I.
80808 rerruedsa Gae. warty O un f jn.jl Y.Br & Europe 1633. S co Gac. fr. 2. 157.7
* Xapsana Zaointha L.
8230. RHAGAD1\)LUS Tou. RHAOADIOLUB. (Rhagas, a slit; divisions of calyx.) Comp. Cichor. 3
80209 stellatus W. starred O un 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1633. S co
80210 edblis Gae. edible O un 1 jn.jl Y Levant 1633. S co Schk. ban. 3.825
/apsanoides Dcsf. Lapsana Rhagadlolus L.
£0211 Ko3lpinw W. Koelpin's O un f jl Dahuria 1788. S co Pal. it 3. LI 2
Keelpfnto linearis Pail.
2231. MOSCAMlIARjBfr. MOSCARIA. [Moschos, musk: odor.) Comp. Cichor. 1.
80212 pinnatifida Fl.per. pinnatifid i jUau ... Chile 1823. S co
* 8232. CATANA'NCHE L. CATANANCRE. (Katanagke, strong incentive; used in philtres.) Comp.Cieh. 2.—a
802IS caralea L. azure i A or 3 iLo B S. Europe ln<X>. D co Bot mag. 293
80214 l&teaZ. yeUow O or f jn.jl Y Candia 1640. S co Alp. ex. 286
8233. TRIPTI'LION Fl. per. TRIPTIUON. (Treis, 3,ptilon, soft feather; seed-down.) Comp.Labiot. 2. —4.
80215 cordiftilium Lag. cordate-leaved O pr i W Chile 1824. S co Bot. reg. 8J3
80216 spinosum Lag. spiny O pr 1 B Chile 18:27. S co
8234. CICHO^RIUM L. Srecoav. (An Egyptian name adopted by the Greeks.) Comp. Cichor. S —7.
80217 Tntybus L. Intybus or wi!d£ A aS 2 B Britain gra. so. S co Eng. bot. 539
80218 pitmilum Jac dwarf O un B 179L>. .. co Jac. ob. 4.80
20219 Endivia L. Endive O cul 2 B E. Indies 1548. S r.m
80220 divaricatum Schous. divaricate O un 2 B Barbary 1798. S co
20221 spinosum L. spiny ITBlun 2 B Candia 1633. S co Bau. pr. 62
2235. BACASZIA FL per. BACAZIA. (George Bacaz, a prof, of bot at Carthagena.) Comp. Labial. 1.
80222 spinbsa Ft. per. spiny * l _ j o r 4 my.jl ... Peru 1825. C p.l
8236. SCCLYMUSZ,. GOLHEN THISTLE. (Skolos,a thom; plants spiny.) Comp. Cichor. 3 . - 4 .
80223 grandiflonu Detf. large-flowered ^t A « 3 my.jn Y Barbary 1820. S co Desf. at. 218
80224 maculatus L. spotted O or 3 Y S. Europe 163.1. S co Lam. il. G5t)
80225 hispfoicus L. Spanish ^ ^ or 3 ]Li Y & Europe 1658. D co
2237. il'RCTIUM L. BURDOCK. (Arktot, a bear; rough fruit) Comp6*it<r Cardudcea. 3 —4.
20226 Lappa /.. Lappa or moothJvd Q) w 3 P Britain S co Eng. bot 1228
major Schk.
20227 BardanaJF. Bardana woolly-headed^. (3> w 3 jlau P Britain* S CO Eng. bot 2478
^ ^ toment»Nfa Schk
20228 minus Bieb. smaller ^Qw 2 jLau P Europe ... S CO Schk. nan. 3.227

^^_2238.CESTRrNUSCass. CESTTEIMIS. «. _{Cestrinus,

_ . . the . wn of „ Helenua
n K and Andromache.)
„ „ „ Cotnp.CartL 1.
rthamus-lk <b
20229 carthamo\de& Cats. Carthamus-lk Ar AA or or 11 F Barbary 1797. D co Des£at2.223
Serratula acatilia Dec. Cynara acauus X
8239. SERRATULA L. SAW-WORT. (Dimin. of serra, a saw; leaves sawed.) CompCard.S8.-40.
I. U N I F L O R * . — S t e m one-flowered.
20230 cynarotdes Dec. Cynara-like 3 P Pyrenees 164a D co M.h. 7.25.1
Cnlcus ccntaurio^des L.
20231 cyanoldcs Gae. Cyanus-like & A or 2 R Siberia 1778. D co Scop. car. 53
alata Poir. Cirduus cyanoldes L. mullis Poll. „ „
20232 transylvanica Spr. Transylvanian £fc Q) or 2 jLau P Transylv. 1818. S co
simplex Baug.
20233 simplex Dec. simple ^ A p r 1 jl au P Nepal 182L D co Bot mag. 2482
20234 Kitaibelii G. Don Kitaibel's 5 A or 2 P Hungary 1816. D co W . & K . 1 . 5 2
Carduus nitidus Kit.
20235nudicaulis Dec. naked-stemmed^ A or P & Europe 1739. D c6 Cav.ic.3.226
Carduus cerinthifolius J'il. cerintholdes JV. glaucus Cav.
£0236 pannonica Spr. Pannonian i A or 2 P Hungary 1810. D co Jac au. 3. 5
Carduus pannonicus L. scrratuloldes Jac. Cnlcus pannunicus IF.
20237 depressa Stev. depressed or 1 jLau P Caucasus 1818. D co 11.58
II. MULTIFLOIUE. — Stem many-flowered.
20238 tinctbria L. common dyeing Britain woods. D co Eng. bot 38
rt/v#wto 2 alba white-Jfotucrot Britain ... D co
20239 roronata L. crowned Siberia 1739. D co Gm. si. 2.91
20240 quin'iuefblia JV. flve-leaved Persia 1804. D p. I Bot mag. 1871
20241 Behen Dec. Behen Levant 1797. S co
M Centaurea Behen I*.
20242 nltcns Spr. shining Caucasus 1823. S co Bux.c.2.15.1
Centaurea rittens Bieb.
20243 elegans Step. elegant Caucasus 1819. S co 11 37
20244 pulchella B. M. neat Siberia 1820. S co Hot mag. 2SKI
50245 ccntaurio\dcs L. CenUury-like Siberia 1804. D co Gm. si. 4 38.17
50246 arguta F$s. Bhzrp-toothed Hungary 1SJ4. D co
20247 nituia Fu. shining Siberia 1H27. S co
20248 caspica Bieb. Caspian Caspia 1*20. S co
20249 radiata Bub. rayed Hungary 1800. S co W . & K . 1 . 1 1
ccntaurioldcs Bieb.
20250 multiflura L. many-flowcrcd Siberia 1816. S co
tinearifulia Dec.
20251 xeranthemoidcs Bieb. Xeranth.-like Caucasus 1825. D co Gm. si. 47.1
20252 polyclonos Bieb. many-sprigged Caucasus 1820. S co
ambigua Dec. Carduus polyclonos
20253 heteroph^lla Desf. various-leaved 2 Dauphinyl824. D co
20254 rtflcchadiftlia Bieb. Stcechas-leaved Tauria 18iU D co
20255 Plcns Bkb. Picris 1 jlau Caucasus 1822. D co
20256 alata JV. winged 2 D co
90257 aspera JV. rough l s au.s Nepal" 1821. S co
2240. SAUSSU'REif Dec. SAUSSUBEA. (Horace Satasure, a Swiss philoa. andbot) Com.Canl 11.
20258 runcinata Dec. runcinate 2 Siberia' 1819. S co
20259 lyrata Fis. lyrate 2 Siberia 1827. S co
20260 alata Dec. winged 2 Siberia 1818. S co
20261 elongata Dec elongated 2 Caucasus 1820. D co
20262 salsa Spr. salt Caucasus 1816. S co
Serratula salsa Bieb.
20263 amara Dec. bitter P Siberia 1820. S co
Serr&tula amara L.
20264 angustifblia Dec. narrow-leaved 2 P Siberia 1816*. S co Gin. si. 2.33
_ Serratula angustifulia JV.
20265 ralicifulia Dec. Willow-leaved 2 R Siberia 1796. S co Gm. si. 2.37
20266 alplna Dec. alpine f jlau P Britain al.roc D p.l Eng. bot. 599
Scrratula alpina L.
20267 discolor Dec. discolored 1 jlau P Switzcrl. 1818. D co Hal. h. 6
Serratula discolor JV.
2 /apat hi folia Dec. Lapathum-lvd jLau P.B Europe 1816. S co
20268 pygme\i Spr. pygmy P Austria 1816. D co 440
Serr&tula pygms^i Jac.
2241. CA'RDUUS L. THISTLE. {Ard, a point, Celt.; plants mostly spiny.) Comp. Card. 40.—100.
I. SoLVTksm. —Flowers subsolitaryi leaves decurrent.
90269 iirgemone Pou. .__. ^. » „ II
ju «R Pyrenees 1810. D co
20270 dubius Balb. doubtful P ...... 1816. D co
crassifohus Horn, thick-leaved P 1805. D co
2W7 .' alatus Swt. winged P 1812. S co Sw.fl.gar.103
2Uv>7.3 scminfidus Bieb. half-naked P Caucasus 1819. S co
20274 defloratus L. deflorated R Austria 1570. D co Jac. au. 1.89
2()27'i alm'strw Kit. alpine P Croatia 1805. D co
»> JV. Burdock-like P Carniola 1804. D ca Scop. car. 53
&>- lius L. white-painted P Italy 1752. S co Jac. vin. 3.23
2(i>. < us L. silvered P Egypt 1789 SS co Jac. vin. 192
2027° rand icans Kit. hoary P Hungary 1805, S co W.&K.1.83
20280 hamulbsus Ehrh jptny-hooked P Hungary 1802. S co
80281 uncinatus Bu-b. hooked P Tauria 1817. S co
20282 corvmbbsus Ten. corymbose P Naples 1824. S co
2028S cinercus Bieb. grey P Caucasus 1818. S co
20284 coinnus Kit. hill P Hungary 1818. D co
20285 nigriscens Vil. nigrescent P S. France 1819. S co
20286 nutans L. nodding P Britain gra.fl. S co Eng. bot 1112
20287 podacanthus Dec. foot-spincd P France 1H19. S co
S0288 macrocephalus Desf. long-headed Numidia 1827. S co
20289 montbsus Pall. mountain p" S. Europe 1820. S co
90290 csiTUnafoliiis Lam. Carline-leaved P Pyrenees 1804. S co
90291 medius Got*. intermediate P Piedmont 1819. D co 2*
20292 lanugimNsus JV. woolly P Armenia 1820. S co
90993 ocanthoidcs L. A cant li us-like P Bntain S co Eng. bot. 973

II. A G G R E C A V I — Flowers aggregate ; leaves deeurrent.

20294 pcregnnus Retx. foreign O or 2 ...... 1816L S co
2U295 crispus L. curled & CD or 2 Europe 1804. S co Fl. dan. 621
2029ft clavulatus Lk. clavulatc Q or 2 Canaries 1827. S co
1*0297 <mopordio:dcs Fis. Onopurdum-lk ^ A or H J'-au Iberia 1818. D co
202118 pycnoccphalus L. dense-headed ^ A or If jl.s S. Europe 1739. S co Jac. vin. 1.4
20299 albidus Bieb. whitish O or 2 Tauria 1816. S co
20300 carlinoides Gou. Carlinclike & CD or 1 P>rcnees 1784. S co Gou. il.23
CarDna pyrenaica L.
20301 tcnuiflbrus Hud. slender-flowered O w 2 P Britain banks. S co
20.302 aribicus Jac. Arabian O or P Arabia 1789. S co Jac. ic. 1.166
20503 Pcrsonata Jac. Burdock . CD or 4 P Austria 1776. S co Jac. au. 4.348
SUJD4 onentalis Adam oriental . A or 2 jl p Iberia 1804. D co
20J0J parviflbrus L. small-flowered _ A or 2 jn.jl P S. Europe 1781. D co
III. SEBSILIFOLII. — Leaves sessile.
20306 volgensis Bieb. Volga O or 2 P Volga 1820. S co
white-flowered O or 2 W Spain 1816. S co
20307 leucanthus Cav.
IV. PETiOLA>ru&—Leaves petioled.
20308 fftriplicifulius Trev. Atriplex-leaved ^ A or 10 au P Siberia 1784. D co
Onopdrdum dcltoideum H. K.

2242. SI'LYBUM Gae. SILTBUM. Used by Greek writers for a plant not now known.) Comp. Card. 2 T>.
20JU9 Marianttm Gae. Virgin Mary's £ CD or 5 jl P Britain banks. S co Eng. bot. 976
CArduus Marianiu L.
20310 ccrnuum Gae. drooping £ A or 4 jn.jl Y Siberia 1755. D co Gm. si. 2.19
Cnicus cernuus L.

*9343. CI'RSIUM Fail. CIRSIUM. (Kirsos, a swelled vein; supposed to heal) Comp.Carduuceee. 89
I. SOLITA^RJA. — Leaves deeurrent; flowers red, subsolUary.
20311 lanceolatum Sco. com. lanceolate ^ CD 3 jll.S Britain bank's. S co Eng. bot. 107
Ciucus lanceolatus TV.
20312 veriitum Spr. dart-armed CD or, 4 jn.s Nepal 1820. S co
Cnlcus verutus D. Don
20313 strictum Spr. strict A or 2 Jl.s Naples 1819. D co
Chicus strlctus Ten.
20314 cichoraceum Spr. Succory-like A or 3 jl.s Naples 1816. D co
Carduus cichoraccus Cyr.
20315 italicum Dec. Italian CD or 3 Italy 1815. S co
Garduus italicus Savi
20316 canum Bieb. hoary A or 4 P Austria 1633. D co Jac. au. 1.42.3
2ft'J17 neglectum Fis. neglected — A or 2 P Siberia 1827. S co
20318 laniflurum Bib
Bieb. llfl
woolly-flowered^ A or 2 P Tauria 1819. S co
II. POLYA'NTHEMA. — Leaves deeurrent r flowers red, aggregate
90319 palastre Sco. marsh CD w 3 jl P Britain m.pas. S co Eng. bot. 071
CSrduus palustris L.
23320 pungens Spr. pungent CD or 3 P S. Europe 182a S co
Cn'icus pungens Seb.
20321 polyanthemum Spr. many-flowered CD or Pk Rome 1739. S co Tri. ob. 103
Carduus poiyanthemus L.
20322 paniculatum Spr. panicled A or P S. Europe 1781. D co
Carduus paniculatus L. or 2 jn.jl
20323 monspessulanum AIL Montpclier ^t Aor - Montpel. 1596. D co
20324 pyrenaicum Dec. Pyrcnean ^ A ^ Pyrenees 1816. S co Jac. ob. 4.93
C&rduus pyrenaicus Gou.
20325 uliginbsum Bieb. swamp ^c A or &3 Caucasus 1820. D co
20326 desertbrum Fis. desert ^ A « Siberia 18£l. D co
20327 Aclxma Dec. Acarna O or 2 Spain 1683. S co Cav. ic. 1.53
Cnlcus Acarna L. CarDna Acarna Bieb.
III. LEUCA'NTHUM.—Leaves deeurrent ' flowers whitish.
20328nxfescensRam. rufescent k A OT 3 J l a u ^ Pyrenees 1816. S co
IV. ERIO'PHORA. — Leaves sessile / flowers red, subsolUary.
20329 anglicum Lob. Dec. «_ English
_, . * ^ w 3 jn P Britain m.pas. D co Eng. bot. 177
Carduus pratensis IV.
20330 tubcrbsum All. tuberous A or 3 au.o P England woods. D CO T.ob. ic. 10.2
20331 ciliatum Bieb. ciliated ^ or 3 au P Siberia 1787. D CO Mur. 6.5.
20332 echinatum Dec. prickly A or 1 P * Baibary 1817. D CO
20333 eriophorum Sco. wool-bearing CD or 4 P Britain S CO Eng. bot 386
20334 cynaroldcs TV. Cynara-hke A, or 2 P Crete 1&7. S CO
Cnlcus cynaroides TV.
20335 ingrme G. Don unarmed A or 3 ...... 1824. D co
Cnlcus in^rmis TV. or
£0336 heteromallum Spr. one-side-woolly^t CD 3 Nepal 1S20. S co
Cnlcus heteromallus D. Don
20337 pazcuar&ise Spr. Pazcuara Mexico 1827. S co
Cnlcus pazcuarensis Kth.
20338 cernuum Lag. drooping Mexico 1827. S co
Cnlcus nivalis Kth.
20339 flmbn.\tum Bieb. fringed Caucasus 1816. S co
Carduus flmbnatus Bieb.
20340 arachnoideum Bieb. cobweb-like 2 P Tauria 1818. D co
20341 hdrridum Bieb. horrid liau.s P Iberia 1823. S co
20342 mfedium All. intermediate 3 jlau P Piedmont 1819. S co Al. pcd. 4(J
Cnlcus mudius W.
20343 orientdle Spr. oriental P Asia Min. 1827. S co
Cnlcus orientalis W.
20344 discolor Spr. discolored 2 P N. Amcr. 1803. S co
20345 altissimum Spr. tallest 6 au.s P N. Amer. 1726. D co Di. cl. 69.80
20346 hcterophtfUum All. various-lcavcd 2 P Britain D co Eng. bot. 675
20347 hclenioides Hud. Elecampane-Ik 6 P Siberia 1804. D co
20348 scrratuloldes Sco. Saw-worUike 3 jn.o P Siberia 1752. D co 2.127
2034U el&tius G. Don taller A or 6 jn.o P 1823 D co
Cnlcus clatior Lk.

20350 Casabbn* Dec. Casabona*s S P S. Europe 1714. S p.l Schm.ic. 51,52
20351 stellatum All. starred Q or S in.jl P Italy lffiS. S co Tri.ob.96
20352 muticum Afr. awnleas A or 2 P N. Amer. 1820. D co
Cnlcus gl&hcr var. Nut.
20353 virginianum Mx. Virginian A or 3 P Virginia 1824. D co
Carduus virgini&nus L.
20354 setbsum Bieb. bristly Q> or Silesia 1822. S co
20355 arvtnse Lam. corn or way A w Britain ro.sid. D co
Serratula arvensis L. Carduus arvcnsis S Sm.
20356 serrulatum Bieb. serrulated 4 P Tauria 1819. D co
20357 dealb&tum Bieb. whited 3« P Caucasus 18lJ0. S co
20358 echinoc£phalum2teo.prickly.hcaded 2 P Caucasus 1826. S co
20359 strigusum Bieb. strigose 2 au.s P Caucasus 1825. S co
20360 /appaceum Bieb. Burdock-like 4 P Caucasus J821. S co
20361 munUum W. en. armed 3 P Caucasus 1816. D co
20362 obvallatum Bieb. fenced 3 jLau P Caucasus 1816. D co
20363 pinnatlfidum Spr. pinnatifld 2 P Spam 1820. S co
Cricus pinnatifidus W.
20364 igmarium Spr. fire 2 P Russia 1826. S co
Carduus igniarius Pall.
20365 acaule All. stemlesj Jl-»« p Britain D co Eng. bot. 161
V. AGGBEoVrA. — heaves sessile ; flowers red, aggregated.
20366 rivulare AU. brook A or 3 Hungary 180*. S co Jac. au. 1.91
20367 salisburglnse G. Don Salisbury A or 3 Europe 1816. D co
Chicus salisburgensis IV.
20368 paludosum G. Don marsh A or 3 P Switzerl. 1819. S co
Chicus paludosus SchL
giganteum Spr. giant >fc Q) or 6 P Sicily 1820. S co
Carduus giganteus Desf. CMcus firmus Pres.
20370 pauciflbrum Spr. few-flowered P Hungary 1816. S co W.&K. 3.161
Criicus pauciflcrus Kit.
20371 niite Fis. meek P Siberia 1820. S co
20372 org^ale Spr. six feet P 1823. D co
20373 Hallerii Hort. Hallcr's P S. Europe 1816. D co
£0374 squarrusum Fis. squarrose P Siberia 1818. D co
20375 incanuin Bieb. hoary P Caucasus 1820. S co
20376 amblguum All. ambiguous lau P Mt.Cenisl820. D co
20377 afruraX>cc. African n.jl P Barbary 1800. S co Bot. mag. 22S7
mjl P Syria 1800. S co Lab. syr. 1.2
20378 diaennthum Dee. two-spined
VI. CHRYSA'NTHA. — Leaves sessile ; flowers yellow or white.
20379 olertceum All. oleraceous 3 Pa.Y Europe 1370. D co Fl. dan. 860
20380 tartaricum AIL Tartarian IV Siberia 1775. D co 1.90
20381 ferox Dec. fierce W S. Europe 1683. S co Al.ped. 1.50
20382 syrlacum Gae. Syrian W Levant 1771. S co Cam. h. 10
Egypt 1827. S co
20383 marcoticum Spr. Mareotic
Cdrthamus marc6ticus Del.
20384 Bertolonu Spr. Bcrtoloni'i Italy 1820. S co
Ctficus hurndus Bert.
20385 bse'ticum Spr. Bastic Spain 1824. S co
h6rridus Lag.
20386 rigens Spr. stiff alpine Y SwitzerL 1775. D co Ac.hel.4.16
20387 leucocfyhalum Spr. white-headed Y.w Crete 1816. D co
Crikcus leucoclphalus IV.
20388 hf bridum G. Don hybrid Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
M Cnlcus h^bridus Schl.
20389 ochrolciicum AU. pale-yellow 2 jl Pa.Y Switzerl 1801. D co
20390 £risithales L. Erisithales 3 Pa.Y France 1752. D co Jac. au. 4.310
2U391 glutinosum Dec. glulinous 2 Pa.Y S. Europe 1816. 1) co
20392 lacteum Schl. m\\k.colored Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. D co
20393 scmipectin\tum Led. half-pcctinatcd 3 jlau PaY Siberia 1819. D co
20394 carmolicum Sco Carmolan 2 Pa.Y Carniola 1792. 1) co'r2
20395 spinoslssimum Sco. spiniest 3 Pa.Y Switzerl. 1759. D co Bot. mag. 1366
20396 scleranthum Bieb. hard-flowered 2 jlau Pa.Y Caucasus 1820. S co
CarllnaEchinus Bieb.
VII. DU BIA.—Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
20397 angulatum Schl. angled ^ A or 2 P Switzerl. 1819. D co
20398 nudiflbrum Schl. naked-flowered & A or 2 P Switzerl. 1817. I) co
20399 Cervinu Thomas Ccrvini's 5 A or 2 ... Switzerl. 1825. D co

2244. ERYTHROLA^NA Swt. ERYTH. (Erythros, red, tena, cloak; scales of calyx.) Comp.Card. 1.—C.
20400 conspicua Swt. conspicuous ^ Q) or 8 s.o Pa.Y Mexico 1825. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 134
2245. ONOPO'RDUM L. COTTON THISTLE. {Onos, ass, perdo, pedo; effects.) Comp. Card. 13. —14.
I. CAULEBCE'NTIA. _ Having stems.
50401 jfegnthium L. Acanthium Q) or 6 P Britain eo Eng. bot. 977
20402 tafiricum W. Taurian Q) or 12 P Tauria 1800. co
20403 vlrcns Dec. green Q) or P Montpcl. 1818. co
20404 viscosum Schr. clammy Q> or P S. Europe 1818. co
20405 macrac&nthum Sehous.
In !
„ - .
long-spined O or P Barbary 1798. co Schou. 5
2040G illyricum L. - --
lllyrian jt Q)or P S. Europe 1648. co Jac. vin. S. 148
20407 elitum Sm. tall 5 CD or P Greece 1816. co
20408 gra^cum Gou. Grecian O or 10 jn.jl
jn. P Levant 1799. co Gou. il.25
20409 cynaroldcs Stev. Artichokc-liko 2jt Q> or 10 Caucasus 1823. co
20410 arJibicum L. Arabian ^ Q) or 8 "jl S. Europe \68G. co Jac vin. 2.149
II. ACAU'LIA. — Stemless.
20411 acatilon L. fitcmless 3t Q) cu | \V Pyrenees 1739. co Jac. ic. 1.167
20412 uniflorum Cav. one-flowered iJt Q) cu Ijlau W Spain 1626. co
20413 pyrcnaxcum Dec. Pyrcncan ^ Q> cuy i W Pyrenees 1820. co
2246. BERA'RDJ^ Vil. BERAADIA. {M. Berard, a botanist of Grenoble.) Cotnp. Card. 1.
20414 subaca6Iis Fil. sub-stcmless . P Italy 1791. co Vil. del. 3.22
jl'rctium lanuginbsum Dec. Onopordum rotunditolium
lifUiui All.

• 2247. CVNARA L. ARTICHOKE. (Kyon, dog; spines of involucrum like dogs' teeth.) Camp. Card. 8.
20415 £c61ymus W. Scolymus - cul 8 au.s P s. Europe 154S. D co Black. 548
20416 horrida H. K. horrid 6 au.s P 77 1) co
Madeira 1778.
20417 ftrox Ten. fierce A or B Italy 1840. D r.m
20418 spinosi6sima Presl spiniest ^ or
j B Sicily 182a D r.m
20419 Cardunculus L. Cardoon A cul 5 au.s B Candia 1658. D co Tab. ic. 696
204S0 integrifblia Vahl entire-leaved A cu 4 B Spain ... D r.m
20421 humilis L. humble A « n ljjlau B Spain 1613. D co
20422 pygma^a W. pygmy A or 1 P Spain 1820. D co
2248. CARLTJM L. CARLINB THISTLE. (Charlemagne; preserved his army from plague.) Comp. Card. 11.-18.
20423 acaothifolia AU.
20424 acaulis L. stemlesa
2 caulcscens Schl. caulescent
ACanthuS*lvd ^ A ,or or fi2 jh*
W Carniola
1X7 1818. it -«
/>«•»:«•. IQIO
W Italy
co A i —•—1 ei
1640. D co
or 1 jnjl w Switzerl. 1819. D co
20425 simplex Kit. 1. jn.jl w Hungary 1816. D co W.&K.2.152
204<J6 aggregata W. clustered A °f 2 jn.s w Hungary 1804. 1) ro
20*27 lanata /,. woolly Q or 3 Jnjl p S. Europe 16&?. S co Gar. aix 21
20428 corymbosa L. corymbose A or 3 Y ,S. Europe 1640. D co Col. ec. 1.27. 1
20429 vulgaris L. common ,Q> w lijll.8 P.Y Britain dry pa. S co Eng. bot. 1144
O or
20430 racembsa L. racemose 3 Y Spain 1638. S co
20431 BiebcrstcintAnaBcjnh. Blebcrstein's^t A or ? Jls Caucasus 1816. D co
20432 sicula Ten. Sicilian ^ CD or 1 Sicily 1327. S co
brartoata Presl.
20433 lyrata IV. lyrate £ Ol or C.G.H. 1816. S s.l
2249. ATR A'CTYLIS L. ATRACTTLIS. (Atraktos, spindle; light stems fit to make.) Camp. Card. 1 —2.
2(434 humilisZ. humble ^ A un 1 jnjl W Spain 1759. D e o Cav. ic.1.54
2250. jfCA'RNA TV. ACARNA. (In Theophrastus for a plant resembling a thistle.) Camp. Card. 2.—&
2C435 gummifera IV. gum-bearing ^ ^ u n f P & Europe 1640. D co Cav. ic. 3.228
i'0436 cancellata W. latticed O un J jn jl B S. Europe 1640. S co Lam. iL 662.1
yltractylis cancellata L.
2851. STOKE^SIil Herit. STOKESIA. {Jonathan Stokes, M.D, coadjutor of Withering.) Camp. Card. 1.
20437 cyanea Herit. azure-flowered £ LAJ pr 2 au B Carolina 1766. D co Her. ser. 27.38
2252, STOBiEM Thun. STOB*;A. {Dr. Stobceus, of Lund, one of Linnteus's first patrons.) Comp-Card. 1.—11.
20438 pinnkta Thun. pinnate tt. i_j or 2 year Y C. G. H. 1812. C co Bot mag. 1788
2S53. ONOBRCTMA Gae. OWOBROMA. (Onos, ass, brotna, food; grateful to.) Comp. Card. 5.
20439 ccruleum Gae. azure-flowered • A or 1 jnjl B Spain 1640. D co Bot. mag. 2293
Cdrthamus cacruleus L.
20440 arborescens Spr. arborescent < 1 lor 6 jlnu Y Spain 1731. C s.p
Cdrthamus arborescens L.
20441 cynaroldcs Spr. Cynara-like A or 2 jnjl W Caucasus 1820. S CO
Cdrthamus cynaroldes Bieb.
20442 leucocafilon Spr. white-stemmed ^ A A or 1 jnjl W Greece 1800. D CO
Cdrthamus leucocaulis Sm.
20443 gladcum Spr. glaucous O or P Tauria 1817. S s.p
Cdrthamus glaucus Bieb.
2254. CARLOWI'Z/i* Moen. CARLOWIZIA. (Carlowiz, some obscure botanist.) Comp. Card. 1.
20444 jaliciftlia Moen. Willow-leaved m \_J or 3 au Y Madeira 1784. C 8.1
Onobruma 5alicifullum Lk. *
S&55. CA'RTHAMUSh. CARTHAMUS. (Qortom, to paint, its Arabic name; flowers.) Comp. Card. 2.--20.
20445 tinctbrius L. dyer's O or 3 jn.jl O Egypt 1551. S s.l Bot. ree. 170
20446 Oxyacantha Bieb. sharivspined O or 3 Y Caucasus 1818. S co
2256. HERACA'NTHA Lk. HER. (Heros, nohlc, akanthat thorn; beauty.) Comp. Card. 4.—6.
20447 armenia G. Don Armenian
Cdrthamus armtnius W. O or S! jnau Y Armenia 1816. S co
20448 lanata Lk. woolly O or 2 Y
Cdrthamus lanatus L. Cirsium lanatum Dec. & Europe 1596. S co Bot. mag. 2142
20449cretica Lk. Cretan O or 2 jnjl W
Cdrthamus crcticus L. Candia 1731. S co
20450 taGrica Lk. Taurian O or 2 j.'.au Y
Onobrbma dentatum Spr. Cdrthamus tauricus Bieb. Caucasus 1818. S co
2257. CARDUNCE'LLUS Dec. CARDIJNCELLUS. (A diminutive of cardunculust cardoon.) Comp. Card. 2.
20451 mitlssimus Dec. meekest £k A or $ jnjl B France 1776. D co
Cdrthamus mitissimus L.
20452 vulgaris Dec common ^ A or f myjn B France 1734. D co
Cdrthamus Cardunclllus JV.
2258. CARDCPATUM J. CAROOPATIM. (Carduus, thistle, pa tos, beaten path ; habitat.) Comp. Card. 1.
20453 corymbosum Pers. corymbose f A « n 3 B Levant 1821. D co M.h.7.3S.I7
2259. STAHELPNif Lag. STADBLINA. {Benedict Stathelin, a Swiss botanist) Comp. Card. 3.—13.
20454 d&bia L. doubtful a fra 3 jnjl P S. Europe 1640. C p.l I*m. il. 6ffil 4
20455 arborescens L. arborescent • I pr 6 jl.s P Candia 1739. C p.1 Schreb. dec. 1. 1
20456 Chanurpeace L. Ground-Pine-/urf* _ J p r 2 jl.n P Candia
Candia 1640.
1640. CC IP
Ptcronia Chamepebce Spr.
2260. PALAFO'XJJ Lag. PALAFOXIA. (Palqfbx, a Spanish general.) Camp. Eupatbrear. 1.
20457 linearisZflff. linear-^a^d j£ lAJpr 2 Jn.jl W Mexico 1821. 8 co Bot mag. 2132
Stevfe hnearis W.
•2261. PTERO^NIA L. PTBRONIA. (Pteront a wing; feathery scales of receptacle.) Comp. Card. 9.— 33.
20458 camphorata A. camphor-uctd * i _ J o r 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Pluk.m S45 2
20459 stricta Thun. strict * l_J or 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l
20460 flexicaO Us Thun. bending stalked* LJ or 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C co
20461 oppositifblia /„. opposite-leaved * LJ or 4jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Brcy. pr. 17. 3
20462 scariosa Thun. scarious a i_J or 2 jn.avi Y C. G. H. 1815. C co
20463 echinMa Thun. echinato 2 ) Y C. G.H. 1818. C p.l
20464. fasciculata Thun. fascicled *uJor 2 jnjjj Y C G. H. 1816. C p.l
20465 glomerata Thun. glomerate *i_Jor 2 jn.j Y C. G. H. 1817. C p.l
20466 pallcns Thun. pale ** |_j or jn.jl Y C. G. H. 181ft C p.l
* 2262. VERNONNW Schreb. VERNONIA. (William Vernon, bot. trav. in N. Araer.) Comp.Card. 13—44.
I. CORYMDUSJB. — Floivcrs vanicttlate or corymbose ; herbaceous.
20467 noveborac&uia W. New York
20 prsalta JV. V very tall
TA A ooff TTiri
t A or
iri P
N. Amer. 1710. D co Di. el. 263.342
N. Amer. 1732. D co Di. el. 264.343
20468 8 an
20469 altl&sima Nut. tallest A or 12 s.n P Ohio 1820. D co
20470 angustifblia Mx. narrow.lcavcd ^ A A or 4 s.n P N. Amer. 1817. D co
20471 glauca IV. glaucous-fcava/^ A or 4 «.n p K Amer. 1710. D co Di. el. 262.341
20472 scaberrima Nut. most scabrous ^ A or 4 s.n P N. Amer. 1824. I) co
20473 pandurata Jac. fiddle-leaved £fc A or 4 s.n P 1825. D co
I I . SPICATIFoRMESi. — Herbaceous ,* flowers sessile, subspicatc.
20474 linearis Spr. linear O or 1 il PP S. Amer. 1H25. SS s.l Bot. re* 522
S. Am
20475 nericeu Rich. . A i *'•» Pa.P
«_ n Brazil 1823.
IT co
silky tf E3 or 5«r d. 1 n___'.! pn
1823. S co Bot mag. 2477
20476 flexubsa B. M. P Brazil
flexuose js [£] or 1J s
««.«.. ^ . HI. FnirncbBK. — Stems shrubby. *
20477 arborescens Sim. arborescent • CI3 or 5«n.d P Jamaica 1733. C co PI. am. 10.130.2
20478 odoratissiina Kth. sweetest-scented * O or 4 au.n P Caraccas 1817.' C co
20479 fruticosaSUM. shrubby • • o r 4 au.n P W.Indies 1818. C co PI. ic. 95.1
2263. ASCARICPDA Cass. ASCARICIDA. (Ascaris. an intestinal worm, ceedo, to kill.) Comp.Card.Fern. 2.
20480 anthelmintica Swt. anthelmmtic O or 1 au.s P K Indies 1770. S co ll.mal.2.24
Vernonia anthelmintica L. _ „_ _,
20481 triplinervia G. Don triple-nerved O or 1 n ' P Brazil 1825. S co
Vernbnja tripluiervia Spr.
226*. AMMONBIUM B. Br. AMMOBIUM. {Anwios, sand, bio, to live; habitation.) Cqptp. Card. Fern. 1.
20482 alatum R. Br. winged £ _AJ pr 2 mr.s W N. HolL 1822. S co Bot. mag. 2459
20483 plantaglneum G. Don Plantain-Zyd £ t A J o r 1 aus W N. Holl. 1827. C p.l

2265. LIjtTRIS Gae. LIATRIS. (Meaning unknown.) Cdmp. Card. Fern. 17. — £5.
I. TuBERiiHiE. — Flowers spicate or racemose ; roots somewhat tuberous.
20484 squarrbsa W. tough-cupped P N. Amer. 1732. D Sw. fl. gar. 44
20485 scanosa IV. scanous-cu/ijMvi P N. Amer. 1739. D p Bot.maR. 170U
20486 sphsroidea Mx. P N. Amer. 1817. D co Sw.fl.gar 87
20487 clegaiiH W. elegant P N. Amer. 1787. D p.l Bot. reg. 267
20488 turbinata Swt. turbinate P N. Amer. 1823. I) p.l Sw.fl.gar. ic. in.
20489 tcnuifolia Nut. fine-leaved P Carolina 1820. D p.l
204MU pilbsa W. hairy-leaved P N. Amer. 1783. D p.l Bot reg. 595
20491 gracilis Ph. slender P Carolina 1818. D p.l
20492 spicata W. long-spiked P N. Amer. 1732 I) p.l Sw. fl. gar. 49
20493 cylindracea Ms. cylindr'ic-cupped Pk N. Amer. 1811. 1) co
20494 intermedia B. R. intermediate P N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Bot reg. 943
2O4'>5 hcteroph^Ua Ph. various-leaved P N. Amer. 1790. I) p.l
20496 pyenostichya A/x, dense-spiked P N. Amer. 1732, D co Di.cL72.83
204U7 piimila Lod. dwarf P N. Amer. ... R s.p Bot. cab. 147
II. FIBRUSA. — Flowers corymbose or panided; roots fibrous.
20498 odoratissiina W. sweetest-scented £ _AJ el 3 au.o P Carolina 1786. D s.p Bot. rep. 633
20499 paniculata W. panicled ^ .Al or 3 au.o P Carolina 1826. D p.l
205U0 corymbosa Nut. corymbose ^ _AI or 3 au.o P Carolina 1825. D p.l Sw. fl. gar.ic. in.
2266. M1KANNJM W. MIKANIA. (Joseph Mikan, Prague.) Comp.Eupatbrete. 9 . - 3 5 .
20501 Houstbni W. Houston's * D u n 8 Pk Jamaica 1733. C co
»0502 haitata W. Jamaica C co Br. jam. S4. 3
20503 ain\ra W. bitter Guiana 1816. C co Aub. gui. 2.315
20504 suaveolens Kth. sweet-scented S. Amer. 1823. C co
20505 onnocensis Kth. Orinoco Orinoco 1826. C co
20506 scandens JV. climbing Pa.B N. Amer. 1714. C co Jac.ic. 1.169
20507 Gudco Hum. Guaco J_ QS W S. Amer. 1823. C co H.&B.2.105
20508 chenopodi folia W. Chenopod.-lvd J_ 123 un W Guinea 1824. C co
20509 oplfera Mart. opium-bearing %_ 6 au W Brazil 1823. C co
2267. SP ARG ANO'PHORUS Gae. SPARC. [Sparganon, fillet, phoreo, to bear; seed.) Comp. Eupat. 3 . - 4 .
2U510 Vailianto Gae. Vaillant's O un l j a u Y India 1823. S co Gae. fr. 165.4
20511 verticillato Mx. ~ ' au Y.w ~ ~
Carolina co
20512 Struchium Swz. Struchium un au Y Jamaica co Br. jam. 34.2

* 2268. £UPATO x R/r/Af L. EUPAT. (MUhridates Eupator used it arcotinter-poison.) Com Eupat. 55.—143.
I. BACCUAROI'DEA. — Calyx oblong cylindrical, imbricated, with many series of scales ; shrubby.
i. PAirtiPLiiRA.— Calyx few-flowered.
20J13 triflirum Aub. threeflowered % • un 4 au
three-flowered W Guinea 1823. C Aub. gui. 2.314
ii()."»14 iaccharokles Kth. Baccharis-hkc O un 3 ... P.T NcwGran.1820. C
i.0515 conhceum Fa/tl coriaceous
i Q u n 3 au ... Hispaniola ... C
ii. LJEVIGA^TA. — Calyx many-flowered: leaves
20516 macranthum Swz. long.flowurcd W. smooth.
Indies 1824. C p.l
Atriplicifiilium Fahl M I . il ....^ .j ^h f~™^ u n Q. Sill
M HM \AT «tr i_J!_. ion

20517 repandum W. repand 3 au W W.Indies ... C p.l Pl.ic. 130.1

atripliciftjlium Lam.
20518 populifulium Kth. Poplar-leaved • un 4 au W Mexico 1826. C pi
iii. PUBESCE'NTIA. — Calyx many-flowered ; Uaves pubescent.
20519 pulchellum Kth. neat tf. Q un 2 aus Mexico 18--'6. p.
£0520 floribundiim Kth. bundle-flwd n. CD or l j a u S. Amer. 1K23. P-
20521 chama'dryfolium A7/J (rermander-lvtt. • or 1 au » S. Amer. 1822. P
20522 veronicafo>\\uaiKth S)>eedwcll.lvd tt.Qor IJau B Mexico 1895. p.l H.&B.4.341
20523 Dalea L. Dalea « • or 6 au Pk Jamaica 1773. co Jac sc. 2.146
20524 acuminatum D.Don acuminate * i_J or 2 au Nepal 1819. P.1
nepalehse Spr,
205215 odordtum L. sweet-scented 11 • fra 3 au.o Pk Jamaica 1752. C co Pluk. aL 177.3
II. IRESI.VOI1>EA. — Calyx oblong, cylindrical, imbricated, with many series of scales j herbaceous
i. PAUCIFLORA.— Calyx few-flowered
20526 iresinoldcs Kth. Iresine-like 1.(23 or 2 au.o flo
W N.Grenad.1820. C co H.&B.n.34O
20.137 altfasimum L. tallest $t A or 5 Pk N. Amer. 1699. D co Jac. vin.2.164
20.028 lanceolatum W. lanceolate 5 A or 3 au.e W N. Amer. 1819. D co
20529 album L. white i A " ' 2 au.s W N. Amer. 1820. D co
ii. MULTIFLORA. — Calyx many-lowered j flowers corymbose or panicled.
20530 purpureum Z. purple-stalked ^ A or s.o Pk N. Amer. 1640. D co Cor. ca. 72
20531 /amiifrlium Kth. Dead-Nettle-lvd]£ [29 or au.s Pk 1823. I) co
20532 macrophjrllum L. long-lcavcd
—.„ £ ES or W Jamaica 1823. D co PL am. 10.129
molle Sun. .4ger:itum guianense Auh:
20:333 «rtica?folium Mutts Nettle-leaved .AJ or 1J jLau Pk S. Amer. 180.3. D co Sm. ic. in. 63
20534 squarrbsum Cav. squarrose iAI or 1J jLau P Mexico 1827. D co
20535 nutans Kth. nodding Mexico 1827.
20536 iwefi.lium L. Iva-leaved
LAJ or 2 Pk' Jamaica 17(>4. D co
D co
20537 «alviief51ium B. M. Sage-leaved CZ3 or 3 jn.jl Pk
A or 4 au.s N. Amer. 1814. D co Bot. mag. 2010
III. DAV.EA. — Calyx subimbricated, with few series of scales, or simple ; shrubby
i. PAUCIFLORUM.—Calyx few-flowered.
20538 parviflorum Swz. small-flowered *L • un 2 jLau ... Jamaica 1826. C co
Dalea Hort.
ii. MULTIFLORA. — Calyx many-flowered.
20539 montanum Swz. mountain tt. • or 2 jLau ... Jamaica 1820. C co
20540 cancsccns Vahl canesce*nt « L Q o r 3 jn.jl ... Jamaica 1821. C p.l
20541 villosum Swx. villous tt. • or 2 Jamaica ... C p.l
20542 xalapense Kth. Xalapa a. CZ1 or 3 W Mexico 1826. C p.l
IV. LUXURIA'NTIA. — Calyx, subimbricated, with few series of scales, or simple j herbaceous.
i. PAUCIFLGRA. — Calyx few-flowered.
20543 eoronopifolium W. Coronopus»lvd 3 jl.s W Carolina 1824. D co
20544/ccniculaceum W. Fennel-leaved 4 jn.s Pa.Y N. Amer. 1807.7 D co
20545 Aytssopifulium?,. Hyssop-leaved 1 au.s W N. Amer. 1699. 1) co Di. el. 115.140
20146 lineariftilium Walt, linear-leaved 1 au.s w N. Amer. 1830. D co
20547 Fra*ser; Poir. Frascr's ljau w Carolina 1820. D co
'20.148 sessilitolium L. seabile-lcavcd 1 s.o w N. Amer. 1777. D co
2(«549 truncatum IV. w N. Amer. 1800. D co
20550 teucTiifblium W. Tcucrium-lvd i*f w N. Amer. 1816. D co W.h.b.32
20551 melisso'idcs W. MelissaJike 2 au.n w N. Amer. 1811. D co
cordatum Walt. 2 s
20552 rotunclifMium L. round-leaved w N. Amer. 1699. D co
20553 ceanothifulium \V. Ccanothus-lvd au.s w 1824. D co
20554 pubescens W. pubescent jlau w N. Amer. 1819. D co
20555 cannabmum L. Hemp Agrimony jLo Pk Britain D co Eng. bot. 428
20556 trirohatum L. three-leaved au.o p N. Amer. 1768. D co
20557 syrlacum L. Syrian jl.s Syria 1807. D co Jac. ic. 1.170
' Calyx p man^floweredkmerm^
20558 verticillatum IV. D co
20559 macufttum L. hpottcA-stalkcd 3 au.s P N. Amer. 1656. D co Her. par. 158
20560 punctiitum VV. dotted 4 aiLS P N. Amer. 1815. D co
20561 perfolAtum L. per foli ate 2 nu.o W N. Amer. 169!). D co
20562 aromaticum L. aromatic 4 W N. Amer. 1739. D co 88.3
20563 ugcratoldes L. Ageratum-likc 4 au.o W N. Amer. 1640. D p.l Cor. ca. 21
20564 seritinum Mx. late-flowering 3 o V N. Amer. 1824. D co
20565 deltoldcum Jac. deltoid 3 jlau P S. Amer. 1822. D co
20566 scandens Lk. climbing El 6 au.s Y S. Amer. 1821. D co
20567 paniculatum Mx. panicled 23 or 6 au.o Pk S. Amer. 1818. D co
jSnopappus ]>aniculatu8 Hort.
*2269. KITHN//J L. KUIINIA. (Adam KUhn, of Pennsylvania, pupil of Linnaeus.) Comp.Eupatbre<e. 9..— t
20568 fupatoriolritt L. Eupatorium-lk ^ A or 1J jLau W N. Amer. 1812. D p.l L. f. dec. 11
Critonta eupatorioides Gac.
20569 Critbnta W. Critonia ^ A or 1} W N. Amer. 1816. D p i Gac. fr. 2.174
Critonta Kuhnui Gae.
2270. DUMERI'L/il Lag. DUMERILIA. (M.A. M. Constant DumerU, a French naturalist.) Comp. Eup. t.
20570 paniculata Lag. panicled "* ,, • D o r 3 au P Colombia 1825. C 'co An.rau. l'j.7
2271. AGE'RATUM L. AGERATUM. i priv. ,geras, old age; because it never grows old.) Comp. Eup. 6.-10.
20571 conyzoldcs L. Conyz.i-like O or 1 L.B America 1714. S p.l Sclik. han.3.238
20572 werCileuni Pars. azure iQJ or 1 B W. Indies 1800. S co Hook. ex. fl. 15
obtusifoliura Lam.
20573 latifblium Cav. broad-leaved O or Ii W Peru 1800. S co Cav. ic. 4.357
20574 strfctum B. M. strict O or 2 jn.jl W Nepal 1821. S co Bot. mag. 2410
205J75 mexicAimra B. M. Mexican
2057 O or Jljnjl B Mexico 1822. S co Sw. fl. gar. 3<)6
iQJor 1 W Ma Video 1827. S co
20576 angustif^lium Spr. narrow-lcavcd
2272. CiELESTI NA Cass. CJELESTINA. (Calestis, celestial; sky-blue flowers.) Comp. Eup. 3.
20577 rtgeratoldes Cass. Ageratum-Iikc j£ IAJ| <or 1 .jl.o B New Spain ... C co
20578 ca?rulea Cass. azure £ .AJ or 1 jl.s B N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Di. el. 114.139
£upat6rium oer&lcum L.
20579 tnicr/lntha Spr. small-flowered tt. | or H A* B - Amer. 1800. C p I Bot. mag. 1730
Eupatbuum micrjinthum Lag. Ageratum caelestlnum B. M.
• 2273. ST&VIA Cav. STEVIA. (Peter James Esteve, M.D. prof, bot Valencia.) Comp. Eup. 26.-38.
1. FavncbsJR.—Stems sub-shrubby. shrubby.
20580 ralicifrlia Cav. Willow-leavedd £ _AI pr 11 Ii au s Pk M Mexico 1803. D p l Cav. ic. 4.3S4
20581 subpubescens Lag. subpubescent jg iAI or 2 jl.s Pk N. Spain 1820. D p.l
90562 lacida Lag. shining £ iAI or 2 jl.s Pk N S i 1824. D p.l
20583 angustiloUa Kth. narrow-leaved £ _AJ or 1} jl.s Pk Mexico 1823. D p l
II. H ERBA*CEA —1Stems herbaceous.
20584 pubescens Lag. pubescent k -Al P' H J -8 p .
Mexico 1823. D co
80585 trifida Lag. tnfld ^c ^) or 1| jl.s W N. Spain 1827. D p.l
90586 incanescens Lag. incanescent 5t A] or 1 jl.B W ? N.Spain 1827. D p.l
canescelns Kth.
20587 tomentbsa Kth. woolly or ljjl.s V Mexico 1824. D p.l
Monarda-lvd or l/Ju V Mexico D p.l
lieaked w N. Sjwin 1826. D p i
2 au.s \v Mexico 1816. D s.
S CnS ^? AI or 1J au.s w N. Spain 1823. D s.p
20592 >aST r ^ paniclcd k-Ajor jl.s -w N.Spain 1824. D p.l
2JJ593 rhombiftha Kth. rhomb-leaved 3; Alor jl.s w Mexico 1827. D p.
»W ? e t ^5 U a /" A - Nepeta-leaved Of Alor w Mexico 1824. D p.l
% «•• w
•I 1
Sage-leaved Mexico 1827. D p.l
three-leaved *v, _Aj
A | f»r
or JI.S
w Mexico 1824. D p.l
Eupatoria S-Ajor jl.s
Pk Mexico 1798. D p.l Bot. mag. 1819
Hyssop-leaved i A pr jLi Fk Mexico ... D co Bot. mag. ISril
^ A pr 1} au.s
w Mexico 1816. D s.L
5 A pr 2 Jls
lanceolate £.AJpr 1 Jls p Mexico 1822. D co!
saw-leaved F Mexico 1799. D s.ifc Jac. ic. 3.300
3l A pr 11Jl.i
P Mexico 1812. D Co? Bot. rcg. 93
k A pr Is au.s
Pk Mexico 1820. D p.l
A -AI or jls
viscid ^f AI or jl.s 1* Mexico 1821. D p.l H. & B. n.6. 351
callous £k A or jl.s R Mexico 1826. D p.l
toS~iE H ALOTHORA Cav. CEPIIALOPHORV {Kephale, head, pAorco, to bear; flowers.) Comp. Anth. 1.
KWoglaucaCfli,. glaucous O un 2 j l . a u Y Chile 1798. D e o Cav.ic.6.599
*iymcnopdppu8 glaucus Spr. Grafmia aromatica Hook.
2275. AMPHE'REPHIS Kth. AMPIIKREPHIB. {AmpJterephes, well covered; double invol.) Com Card. Vern. 3.
***>7 intermedia Lk. intermediate O pr
p If P Brazil 1821. S co Sw. fl. gar. 225
*WUO arist&f•, VtU awned
-.._„_.! 7< or i
O __ _., P
-n Caraccas
i^-_..__«_ 1824.
loir* u _i H.&B.n.&314
»i < . n . e a i l
awnless O or P S. Amer. 1826. H . & B . n (i.315
on?*?5- HYMENOPA'PPUS /fertt. HYMEVOPAPPUS {Hymen, membrane, pappos, pappi pus) Comp. Hcl. 3 . - 5 .
22J0 tenuiff,]iu8 PA. slender-leaved j£ jQJ un 2 j n . a u W Louisiana 1811. S co
gjjl 1 scabiosas^us Herit. Scabiosa-like O c u ljjl.s W Carolina ISM. S B p Jo. h. n. 1. ic
*«1S peditus Lag.
peditusLrt/r. pedate Q c u 1- jl.s W S. Amer. 1803. S co Bot. mag. 2040
I POLYTTERIS Nut. POLYPTERIS. {Polys, many, pteron, a wing.) Comp. Sup. 1.
intcgrifolia Nut. entire-leaved O cu 1 jlau W Georgia 1823. S co
Hymenopappus integrifulius Spr.
.2278. ALC^MIA Kth. ALOMIA. {A, privative, loma, a fringe.) Comp. Eup. 1.
agcratoldca Kth. Ageratura-like j£ iAI or W N.Spain 1824. C s.l H.&B.4. 354
0*279. MELANANTHE^RA Mx. MELANANTIIKIIA. {Melas, black, anthera, anther.) Comp. Helidnth. 2.— 5.
-*81S hastata Mx. hasUte £. AI un 2 jn.jL W N. Amer. 1732. D co Di. el. 47.55
Bldeiis nivea L. m . ..
N. Amer. 1732. D co Di. cl. 4'1 £4
2n/i/- i Pandurata fiddle-leaved £ ^1 un 2 jnjl W S. Amer. 1799. S co Jac. ic. 3.583
doltoidea Mx. deltoid-leaved j£ Ofl un 3 Y
Calea Aspcra Jac.
t^jSJO- MARSH A'LL/il Ph. MARSIIALLIA. {Humphrey Marshall, a botanical author.) Owy>. //<•/. 3.—5.
lanoeolita/»A. uiiear./f/iwrf ik ^J pr 1| jnjl P Carolina 1812. D e o
latituliaPA. broad-le.ived ^ ^J pr lijn.jl Pa.P Carolina 1806. D e o Micam. 2.43
angustifolia Ph. narrow-leaved £ - A l p r 2 jl.s P Carolina 1800. D p.l
* SPILA'NTHES L. SPILANTIIES, (Spilos, spot, anthos, flower; brown disk of fls.) Comp.Hel 8.—14.
I. ABADIA>TAS. — Rays of flowers none.
lo. Acmella L. Bastard Acmella O un 1 jl Y Ceylon 1768. S s.l 159.
"ella la
Acmella lanccolkta Lk.
alba Herit. white-Jlowered O u n li jn.jl W Peru 178&*S co Her. s t 7 . 4
a ^ ? oleracea L. potherb O ™\ 1 jl.s Y E. Indies 1770? S co Jac. vin. S. 135
"««»brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian O un | Y Brazil 1827. S co
II. UADIAVE. — Flowers rayed.
Acmella O un \ Y E. Indies 1824 S co Ru. am. 6.63
°625 dc'bilis Kth. weak O un ^ Y S. Amer. 1821. S co
III. MUVICA. — Seeds at top mutic. *
20626 exasperata Jac. rough ArOJun i Y Caracoas 1818. S co Jac. ic. 3.584
IV. DU^BIA. — Not sufficiently known.
20627 uliginbsa Swx. marsh O un 4 Y Jamaica 1819. S co
2282. PETRO^BIUM R. Br. PETROBIUM. (Petrost a rock, bio, to live; habitation.) Comp. Hcl&ntheas. 1.
>628 arbTireum R. Br. tree " m a or 6 ... Pa.Y Sfc Helena 1816. C s.l
Bldcns arbbrca Rox. Spilanthes arbbrca Forst.

1 ?
) scandcni pec.
- SALMKA. {Prince Charles of Sahn Dyke, in Holland.) Cotnp. Helidntheaf. 2 . - 4
climbing ft • pr 6 jn!jl Y VcraCruz 1820. C co Bot mag- &06S
Htipkirkja scandciiti Spr.
S0R30 hirsfcta Dec. hirsute « J_ O pr G au Y Jamaica 182a S co
*2284. BIDENS.
{Bis, twicearfc/i5, a tooth; seeds.) Comp. Helidntheaf. 30. — 43.
I. I.\DI\lVv. — Leaves undivided.
20631 cernua L. nodding O un 2 jl.s Y Britain dit S co Eng. bot. 1114
*M32 chrysanthemoldes Mr. Chrysanth.-lk O un 1 jlau Y N. Amer. 1820. S co
20R3.3 Aclinntholdcs Kth. Sunflower like O un, 2 Y Mexico 1825. S co
20fi34 luxurians W. luxuriant ^ .AI un 3 Y Mexico ... D co
*JG35 folibsa W. leafy O un 3 jn.jl Y 1818. S co
206.36 hirtclla Kth. small hairy O un 1 Y "Mexico 1836. S co
IPJ37 procdmbens Kth. procumbent
-* O^ un } X Mexico 1827. S co
38 nodifldra L. knot-flowered O un 1 Y E. Indies 1732. S co Di. el. 44. Si
II. TRIPARTIVE. — Leaves triparted and ternate.
partite L. triparted O un 2 jl.s Y Britain S co Enc bot 1113
rtpens D Don creeping J t A o r 2 Y Nepal 1819. D co *
tripartite Rox.

20341 bullata L Uistered-leaved O un 9 Y N. Amer. 1759. S CO Ard.sp.2.18

20642 connMa TV. connate O un 9 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1817. S co
•J0i>43 hetiTophj Ha Or. various-leaved £ iAJ or 9 au.s Y Mexico 1803. S s.l Or. d. 8.13
S2W544 lumnWra IV. small-flowered O un 1 jn.jl Y Baical 1893. S co
206 k", angustissima Kth. narrowest iAJ un 1 jl
*^ IAJ Y N. Spain 1820. S co
20GK> btnita ScAotf striated-flowered O un 1 W Mexico 1824. S co Sw. fl. gar. 937
III. PINNA^TJE. — Leaves pinnate, bipinnatffid, or bipinnate.
90617 frondbsa i. frondose O un lj Y N. Amer. 1710. S co M.h.6.5.91
90648 leucantha Z. whitc-flowcrcd O or W S. Amer. S co
20649 chinensis W. O un 9 jn.jl W China 1801. S co 6.15.2
20fi50 chrysantha Or. Chinese O un 1| Y ...... 1824. S co
20651 pilusa L. yellow-flowered O un Y N. Amer. 1732. S co Di. el. 43.51
90652 fainbuci' hairy A or 3 S S. Amer. 1801. D co Cav. ic. 3.229
90653 reflex.i Elder-leaved iAJ un 2 jn.jl Y Mexico 1824. D co
590654 proct-ra _ 6 n Y Mexico l«i&. S co Hot. reg. 684
30655 crithmifbi reflexed ; 9 jn Y Mexico 18.24. S co
90656 Bcrteridmi tall 3 Y Porto Rico ... S co
Coreopsis curon^a Bert.
20657 grandiflor.i Btfft> great-flowered
Berter's O or 9 Y S. Amer. 1800. S co
odorMa Horf^. -.
20658 ortorftta Cav.% 4 sweet-scented fra jn.jl « W
20659 bipimi'itu L.
20fJ60 cynapifuha Kih.
-* bipinnate-/^atvd _ © r
Cynapium-leaved iQJ cu Y Y
Mexico 1825.
N. Amer. 1687.
Cuba 1827.
S co Cav. ic. 1.13
S co Her. par. 123
S co
2283. PLATY'PTJSRIS Kth. PLATvITEMS. (Platys, broad, pteron, wing; margin of seeds.) Comp.Hel. t
20661 crocata Kth. saflVon-co/orcd £ ESI or 2 O & Amer. 1812. D co Hot mag. 1687
Spilanthus crocatui B. M.
2936. LAGA'SCi* Cav. LAGASCA. (Don Mariana Lagasca, prof, bot., Madrid.) Comp. Catd. Vern. 1.
20662 m61lii Cav. soft £ O or 2 jn.s W S. Amer. 1815. S co liot mag. 1804
2287. VO'CCA Cav. NOCCA. (Dominic Nocca. a professor at Ticin.) " Comp. Card. Vern. 4.
S0663 rubra Swt. red » D o r 2 jl R Mexico 1823. C co H.&U.n.3H
I^agasca rubra Kth.
20664 rigula Cav. rigid * • or 4 au.s Pk Mexico 1825. C 6.1
Lftigasca Aelianthufblia Kth.
2065J suavcolvns Sivt. sweut-scented M • or 4 au.s W Mexico 1825. C s.l
LaK&M'a suavl'olcns Kth.
90666latifolia Ccr. broad-leaved 1 J o r 3 au W Mexico 1826. C fi.l Sw.fl.gar.215
8288. LAV&NIA L. LAVBNIA. (Supposed to be of Cingalese origin.) Comp+Helidnthete. 2.
20667 erecta Sivz. upright ED un 2 jl.s Y E. Indies 1739. S co Bur. zey.42
20668 decambena Swx. decumbent J c O u n , jLs Y Jamaica 1818. S co SI. jam. 1.155. J
9289. CACA^LIA L. CACALIA. (Kakos, pernicious,lian, exceedingly; supp. to the soil.) Com.Jac. 33—72.
I. VRUTicbuM. —Shrubby ; leaves fleshy.
90669 carntaa //. K. Qeshy.U-aved Y c. G. a 1757. S.p
90670 papilKiris L. iy 2 Y 1727. s.p 55.63
20671 cylindrica Lain. C L | | CU 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1H18. e.p Dec. pi. ic.
cylindrical Y C. G. H.
20672/lcoidcs L. g I tt. L J CU 6 jn.n 1710. s.p Dec. pi. 90
9067.3 Klcinta L. Klein's «. L-Jcu 3 s.o Y C. G. H. 1732. • P Dec. pi. 12
20674 ///f/cuphorbf'um L. AntcuphorbiumtL i_J cu 3 Y Canaries 1596. s.p Di. el. 55.9.3
20675 repens IV. creeping tt. i_J cu 1 jn.o Y C. G. H. 1759. s.p Dec. pi. 42
20676 Hawcirthii Swt. Haworth's «. i leu Y C. G. H. 1795. CO
Kleinia tomentosa Haw. not of Thun. C. G. H.
80677 longifMia Haw. long-leaved CL i_J cu 1 1820. C s.1
pugioniformis LA.
80678 articulata Thun. jointed CLUJCU l|s.n Y C. G. H. 1775. C s.p Dec. pi. 18
i. SUDCORIA*CEA. — Leaves subcoriaeeous.
90679 reticulata Lk. netted tt. i_J cu 2 ... Y Bourbon 1823. C s.p
ii. MsMBBAifAxCBiE. — Leaves membranaceous.
90680 tomentisa Thun. tomentose a.Jcu 2 ... Y C. G. H. 1795. C «.p
90681 appendiculata L. appcndagcil tt. i_j cu 2 ... m Y Teneriffe 1815. C co
H.^HERDA^CEA. — Herbaceous / leaves fleshy.
90688 radlcans Thun. rooting ^ i_J cu f jl Y C. G. H. 1893. C * s.p
1. INDIVIDUAL — Leaves membranaceous, undivided.
20683 bicolor Ros. two. colored •LCD or 5 my.s P E. Indies 1804. C co Bot reg. 110
90684 ovMis B. R. ova\-lcaved j£ O or 3 my.s Y £. Indies ... C s.p Bot reg. 101
20685 «onchifblia L. SowthUtle-lvd O or 1* Jl P E. Indies 1768. S co R. mal. 10.68
20686 cocclnea //. K. BcatXct-flowcrcd O or O •••••• 1799. S co Bot. mag. 564
90687 sagittata W. sagittate nm or 3 O.P Java 1823. S co
90688 hastata L. halbcrt-tazivrf k A °r 1 au.o • W Siberia 1780. D co Gm.sL2.66
90689 suaveolcns L. sweet-scented •*k A or 6 au.o W N. Amer. 1752. D co
90690 atnplicifulia L. Orache-lcaved •£ A or 4 au L.P N. Amer. 1669. D co Pluk.aLlOl.2
20691 rcmf6rmis W. kidney-formed ]£ A or 1|jLau W N Amer. 1801. D co
S0692 alpma L. alpine \ A or 2 P Austria 1739. D co 3.234
2069.3 cordilblia Kth. heart-leaved ',J Acu 1 au w? Mexico 1823. R co
20694 tuberosa Nut. tuberous A A OTcu 1 au N. Amer. 1812. R p.1
20695 dlbifrona L. white-leaved ^ A r 2 Austria 1739. D co Jac au. 3.235
20696 rlioinbifoha IV. rhomb-leaved ^ A ° 3 au.o Y Siberia 1816. D co
macroph^lla Bieb.
20697 leucoph^lla W. white-leaved ^ A or 3 au.o P.Y S. Europe 1819. D co
tomentusa Vil.
20698 sc&ndcns Thun. climbing fc, iAJ or 6 ap Pk C. G. H. 1774. D co
ii. DI\I\JB. — Leaves membranaceous, divided.
20699 runcinkta Kth. runcinate £^|un S ... Y Mexico 1825. D co
20700 radulefuha Kth. rasp-leaved tf _AJ un 2 Mexico 1827. D to
20701 peltaU Kth. peltate £^|un 3 ... ... Mexico 1895. D co H.&B.4. 361
2290. CULCIT1UM Bonn. CITLCITIUM. (Culcita, a stuffed bed; heads of palea-) Comp. Jac. 1.—S
20702 talfcinum Spr. WMow-leaved s» LJ or 6 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1820. C co Bot. rep. 923
C'acMia ralicina Lab.
ttjl. KLEI'N/^ Jac. KLRINIA. (James Henry Klein, a German botanist.) Comp. Jacob. 6.—13.
8 K 0P rud eralis Jac. rubble "~"
O un—* 1 W Jamaica ... S co Jac. am. 127
o S ! t o & M f o s Kth. Tagetes-likc ^^ 1 jlau W Mexico 1823. S co
gW«fi colortta Kth. colored O un 1 W . R Mexico 1823, S co
5(706 Porophfllum L. dotted-leavcd O un 14 Jn.o W N. Amer. 1699. S co Cav. ic. 3.222
20/07 viruliflbra Kth. green-flowered tt-Dcu i jn.o G Mexico 1823. S s.l
2U/08 sutfrutictaa W. Bufiruticosc tL I lun Sjn.o P Brazil 1820. C co Cav. ic. a 257
ETHJpLIA L. ETHULIA. (Meaning unknown.) Comp. Eup. 4 . - 7 . O un f Pa.P India 1776. S co Bot. reg. 695
L. divaricate O un i jl au P India 1815. S co 699
Brazil EJ un 2 P Brazil 1823. S co
-oTifulia D. Don entire-leaved ' iQJ un 1 P Nepal 1819. S co
ftnapifblia ROT.
QUEMlUCav. PIQUERIA. (Andreas Piquerio, a Spanish botanist.) Comp. Eup. 4.
mi*io\des Kth. Wormwood-likeg LAI un 2 my.s W Mexico 1827. C 8.1
orvia /T... tlirec-ncrved
ii... i 5» £ LAI I* a2
» • ..._ _.. W Mexico
Ti*~..:.._ 1798.
1111O C co CaV. IC. 3.235
0 7 1 6 2R
ovate three-ncnted £ iAl un 2J my.s t%T
W Mexico 1800. Cf »n
P»lr> pilose j£ iAI un 2 my.s W Mexico 1824. C 8.1
GOLDYLOCKS. (Chrysos, gold, home, hair; tufts ofyel. fl.) Comp. Card. Vern. 13.—32.
? m a(ireaL. Golden-hair i_J or 6 Y C. G. Hf. 1731. C p.l Bot. mag. 1972
spreading m, lor 3 Y C. G. H. 1810. C p.1
»l_|or 3 Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.1 Jac. sc. 2.11.147
drooping • i_Jor 4 my.s W C. G. H. 1712. C p.1 Com. h. 2.45
iltfc »i_Jor 4 jl.o W C. G. H. 1759. C p.1' Com. h. 2.48
rugged M |_j or 4 au.s W C. G. H. 1732. C p 1 Di. el. 88. 103
toothed-leaved * i_J or 4 au.8 Y C co Jac. sc. 3.368
L. Flax-leaved i A ° r 2 8.o Y Europe 1596. D co Eng. bot. 2505
twiggy 5 A or 1 au.o Y N. Amer. 1821. D p.1
Lam. Taragon-like 3t A or 2 8.0 Y Siberia ... D co
Mata naked *fc A or 1i8.0 Y Carolina 1818. D p.l
two-flowered ^ A <" 3 au.s B Siberia 1741. D co Gm. si. 2 82.1
villous-feaved £t A or 1} au.8 Y Hungary 1799. D co W.&K.53
22p5. OZOTHA'MNUS R. Br. OZOTHAM.VUS. (Oxo5, branch, thamnos, shrub.) Comp. Card. Fern. 3.
cinereus It. Br grey s% or 1 ap.8 Y V.D. L. 1820. C p.1 Lab. n. h.2.182
Chrys6coma cinerea Lab.
rosmarinifulius/f./fr.Roscmary-lvd * L—J or 1 ap.8 Y V.D.L. 1822. C s.p Lab. n. h. 2.181
Aiipaturittm rosmarinifolium Lab.
ferruginous R. Br. rusty aH i_J or 1 ao.8 Y V . D L L . 1822. C p.1 Lab. n. h. 2.180
•cupaturitfm ferrugineum Lab.
g2296 EUTHAXMIA Nut. EUTHAMIA. I E « . well, thames, crowded: flowers.) Cpmp. Card. Vern. 2.
^ • w /?raminifblia
Nut. ' Grass-leaved ^ A or 3 s.o Y N. Amer. 1758. D co Bot. mag. 2546
9 ys6coma /jraminifMia L. SoliiQgo lanceolkta JV.
'3* tonuifblia Nut. flnc-leaved ^ A or 2 o.n N. Amer. 1758. D co
Sohdago tenuifclia Ph.
7- TARCHONA'NTHUS L. AFIIICAN FLEABANE. ^Tarchon^ taragon, Arab, anthos,fl.) Com.Anth. 2 . -
phoratus L. camphor.sccntcd«
camphor i_J or 10 jn.o P C. G. H. 1690. C p.l Lam. il. 671
clllpticus T
Thun. lliti
elliptic • i_J
J 8 C
H. 1816
1816. C
C 1.8
LJ or 8
. CA^LEA R. Br. CALEA. (Kalos, beautiful; flowers.) Comp. Hclidnthear. 3 . - 6 .
iama\c6na\a Jt.Br. Jamaica • a »>r 3 jn jl P W. Indies 1739. C co SI. jam. 1.151.3
gJ(J8 cordifMia Sun. ' beart-lcavcd •Dor 2 Jamaica 1822. C p.l
^739solidaginea Kth. Solidago-like •Dor 4 Caraccas 1817. C p.1
ISOCA'RPHA R.yBr. ISOCARPUA. (Isos, equal, karphe,chaff; of receptacle.) Comp. Helidnthcct. 1.—3.
oppositiftlia R. Br. s^pposite-leaved £ Q3 un 3 ... W. Indies 1739. S co
. N E U R O L ^ N A R.Br.
R. Br. HALBERD WEED. (Neuron, nerve, Uenn, cloak: calyxJ Comp.Helidnthete. 1.
lobata R. Br. lobed « [ Z 3 u n 2 jn jl Y W. Indies 1733. C s.p Bot. mag. 1734
' 2301. HlPME/f Sm. HUME A. (Lady of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., Wormleybury.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1.
20742 £lcgans Sm. elegant j£ iQfl el 6 jn.o K N. S.W. 1800. S s.p Ex. bot. 1.1
_2302. CJESXPLW Box. CJBHVLXK. (Catsus, beaten : trampled upon.) Comp. Helidnthete. 1. — 3 .
20743 axilKiris HOT. a\\l\ary-Jiwd jf. ES un i jl.a W E. Indies 1804. S p.1 Bot. rep. 431
Me>era orientklis D. Don
2.103. IXO^DIA R.Br. IxoniA. (Ixodes, viscid; plants.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1.
W44 achi\lco)des R. Br. Milfoil-like * l _ J p r 2 mr.8 W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 153*
L. LAVENDER COTTOX. (Sanctus, holy, linum, flax; med. qual.)Co»i/x. Anthem. 6.—13.
or 2 jl Y S. Europe 1573. C co Lam. 1L 671.3
or 2 Y Spain 1822. C co
or 2 Pa.Y Italy 1816. C co
iarr?,sa W. squarrosc or Y S. Europe 1570. C CO M. h. 6. a 17
rosmarinifolia L. Roscmary-lvd
or 1 jl
or 2 Jl.s
S. Europe 1727. C CO
s. Europe 1683. c CO Ex. bot. 2.62
IMSIOSPE'RMUM Lag. LABIOBPERMUM. (TAMOS, woolly, sperma, seed.) Comp. Anthem. 5.
^ Lag. /o« if-petl uncled I U U . . f j n . s Y Italy
I t l 7 9 8 D co Bar. ic. 1105
nuntoDnanlplna /-. ervcta Rchb. 1 jl.s Y Italy 1816. D co
' um G Don woolly-seeded i*. _AJ or
eriosperma Prrs. i jl.s Y Italy 1727. D co
-; -...w.des G.Don Anthemis-likc JU A or
Santollna anthemo'idcs W. 1 jls Y Maccdon 1817. D co
Tithmifulium G.Don Saraphire-lvdt^ _^j or
^ntohna crithmifolia IV. Y Greece 1816. D co Fl gr.ic.ln.
*gidumCr.J)o;z rigid
rlgida 5///.
2306. OTA'NTIIUS Lk. OTANTHI/8. (OUS, ear, anthos, flower; app. at base of florets.) L\>?/;/>. Anthem. 1.
20756 maritimus Lk. sea f A Pr f J1-8 Y
England aea ah. C B.I Eng tut. Ml
Santoluia maritima 5m. Diotis candidinsuna Deaf.
2307. CALEA'CTE R.Br. CALBACTK. {KaJos. beauty, nlcte, sea-shore; ornament there.) Comp.Helidnthe*. 1.
20757 urticifulia 7t. 2?r. Ncttle-lcavcd * • or 2 Y VeraCruz 1740. C co
Solidago urticifulia MU.
2308. JTHANA^SIA L. ATUANASIA. (//, priv., thanatos, death; lasting flowers) Comp. Anthem. 17—28.
I. i f BJE. — Leaves undivided.
20758 capitata L. capitate 11 lor U ja mr C. G. H. 1774. C l.p M.h.6.3.48
2075<) longiftlia /.am. long-leaved 11 | or 2 C. G. H. 1800. C l.p
207M pubest-cni £. pubescent ti lor (i C. G. H. 1768. C co Com. h. 2.47
20701 punctata Berg. dotted 11 | or 3 myjl G. G. H. 1822. C l.p Pet.g.81.<»
20762 denftta /„. toothed Ujlau C. G. H. 1759. C l.p Com. r. 41
20763 tomentosa 7%IMI viooYLy-leaved 2 my.jn C. G. H. 1774. C l.p
207ti4 cancsccns Thun. cancscent 3 jn.jl C. G. H. 1820. C l.p Cav. ic. 1. 3
lanuginbsa Cav.
20765 crenata L. crenatc fi |_J or 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1816. C l.p
!2O7(it> cunciftlia Lam. wedge-leaved • \ | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. C Lp Lam. il. 670.1
20767 fllifbrrais Thun. liliiorm a i_J pr C J.p
2 au Y C. G. H. 1787.
I I . DlYl'dJR.
20768 virgata L. twiggy il |_J pr — 1
leaves divided.C. G. H. 1815. C co Jac. sc. 2. 148
20769 crithimfblia /,. Samphirc-lvd * L_J I*r il Y C. G. H. 1723. C l.p Coin. h. 2.50
20770 parviflbm L. small-flowered il L_J P r 2 ap Y C. G. H. 1731. C l.p Jac. sc. 2.149
20771 trifurc&ta L. trifiA-leavcd tt L_J P 3 Y C.G. H. 1710. C lp Com. h. 2.49
20772 tricuspis Pert. three-pointed • i_J or 3 my Y C. G. H. 1816. C l.p
20773 pectinata Thun. pectinated il i | pr U myjn Y C. G. H. 1774. C co
20774 pinnata 7%tm. pinnate [t myjl Y C. G. H. 1818. C Lp Lam. il. 670.4
2309. LO NAS Adan. LONAS. (A name of Adanson's, probably without meaning.) Comp. Anthem. 1.
20775 inodbn Qae. scentless O or 1 Jl-au Y Barbary 1G86. S co Bot. mag. 2276
itfthanasia &nnua L.
2310. 27ALSAMPTA Detf. COSTMARV. (Balsatnon,
balm ; strong balsamic smell.) Comp. Anthem. 5.-4!.
:- 20776 virgMa Desf.
VP1C ..:.«X»n I t . . . r twiggy
»•«•<•»» ••» 3 jnjl Y.o Italy 1791. D co Jacob.
1791. 4.81
" 90777 Agcratifolia Detf Agcratum-lvd i | un 2 jn.o Y.a Candia 1605. C co Alp. ex. 326
20778 grandiflora Detf. large-flowering Ol or 2 Y Algiers 1821. S p.1 Dcsf. 1.1
20779 vulghrid W. common A fr * 3 au.s Y.o Italy 1568. D co Schk. han.3.240
20780 £nnua Lk. annual O un 2 Jl au Y.a Spain 1629. S co Mil. ic. 2.227.1
Tanacetum annuum L.
2811. PF/NTZ///Thun. PENTZIA. {Charles John Pentx, pupil of Thunberg.) Comp. Anthem. 1.
20781 flabelliformis W. fan.form./c/iw// il uJ or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 212
crenata Thun. Tanacetum flabcllifurrae Ilerit.


8312. T A N A C E T U M L. TANSY. from athanatia.) Cmnp. Anthemidem, 14,—21.
20782 borealc //. C. northern 4 my.U Y N.Amcr.M818. D co
20783 sibericum L. Siberian 3 jn.jf Y Siberia 1820. I) co Gm. si. 2.63.2
20784 purpitrcum D Don \mry\c-Jlowered 1J jn.jl Pa.R Nepal 1H1B. D co
20785 myrionhy'llum W. myriad-leaved 1 myjl Y Levant 18K. D co
Achxllba bipinnata L.
20786 granditibrum Thun. /rreat-flowercd myjl Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l
20787 /inifolium Thun. Flax-leaved 1J au Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l
20788 vcstUum Thun. clothed 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
207N9 HiiffVuticr>sum L. suftruticose 2 my.s Y C. G. H. 1751. C p.l Com. h. 2.100
20790 canarilnsc Dec. Canary 2 myjl Y Canary Is. 1816. C p.l
20791 argentcum W. silvery 1 my.s Y Levant 1812. D co
20792 orientate TV. Oriental H Jn jl Y Armenia 1827. D co
20793 vulgarc L. common 2 Y Britain ro. sid. D co Eng. bot 1229
20794 crfapum Hart. curled 2 Y D co
20795 angul&tum IV. angled 2 Y Levant 1820. D co W. ach. 2.3
fllipendiilina Lam.
• 2313. jfRTEMI'S/ii L. WoaiviwooD. {Artemis, one of the names of Diana.) Comp. Anthem
I. FWJTICU8*. — Shrubby ; leaves undivided.
20796 chin6nsis Lou. ChineseMoxa ^ L J ™ 4 jnjl Y.a China 1818. C co
20797 cana Ph. hoary • J u n l|au Y N. Amcr. 1800. C s.l
20798 casrulcsccns L. csrulcsccnt sH or 1J au.o Y England 6ea sh. C co
20799 montevideensis Spr. Montevidean • l_J un 2 M. Video 1827. C s.l
20800 ambigua L. ambiguous i l u J un 2 ... Y.o C. G. H. 1800. C s.l
ided ; ; tems
II. INDIVI^BA. — Leaves undivided eraceous.
stems herbaceous.
20801 inodbra W. en. odorous
inodorous ^ 2 2 l YY.o SSiberia
bi 1548. D co>",r,01
Red6w6kfi Led.
20802 Dractfncul us L, Tarragon A cul 2 W.G & Europe 1548. D co
20803 japoiuca Thun. Japanese A un 3 o.n IV Japan 1804 D co
20804 rfracunculoldcs Ph. Dracunculus-lk^ A un 4 W.G Louisiana 1820. D co
nbtanB> Fra.
Fra. cernua Nut.
J0805 serrata Nut. serrated > A un. 6 jLs W.o N. Amer. 182,1 D co
20806 mte?riftMia /.. entire-leaved > A UIu n 2 Y.a Siberia 1759. I) co Gm.sI.2.5S.1.2
S0807 longifMia Nut. long.leaved 3 A » 3 Y.a N. Amcr. 1827. D co
S0B08«naphaloldcs Wiif. Gnaphallum-lk T A un 3 Y.o N. Amer. 1824. D co
S0B09 parviflura Ham. smalUflowered ^ A un I Y.a Nepal 1818. D s.l

MI. PAJJUTIFOL IM. — Leaves fur the moat pint palmate.
i. St' srrLicrj. — Stems simple.
icy ^w A or t 1) CO Jac au. 5. np. 3.1
SOftll hvivetira SeiL Swis» t Jl-au Y.o Bwltteri ISIft 1)
W815 Muhttina Vil. JVfu re Ulna S A or i Y.Q Alp. Kur. 1815. I) m V.I . M . a 3 5
jllociuliii (I'M/, rupi'rfltris All.
, Still. Wulfen'i ^ A of i Swluorl 1819, 1) ?.
pedunculate ^ A pr Caucatu ISIS. D R.1
80915 rurcfrta jHlfc-ft. rorkwl \ A pr i jn.uu V i^ Siberia ifKO. l> I.I
8061c alplna B/i'fr. cliangt-ahlc 5 A or jnjl Y.a CaucatU 1804. n CO
-^ f.'auc«uic.i If* iiiiknl .\ A or Br SwitMtl D CO Jac. au. 5. ap. Si
20618 BorvegUsa Friet Norway A pr i in Y.o Norwar 1819. 1) 1,1 11. dan. Mil
rup&trii /•'/. ilii/i. not
90619 gTotnlindica II urj» . tlrocnland ;^ A or i jl.atl Y.u Omn). 1810. D
ii. EUubuc— Stenu branched i thrubbu.
20890 juiluica/;. Juttean « | r,r 11 BU Y Lnaat C CO Pluk. al
308SI lii«punica Lam, Spanish tt 1 un I . iny.s Y.i; Spain C
20882 valiMitmii L a m , Vnicntia tt 1 or 1 Jura to,J
20823 arrafjouOnsiu Lnm. Arragmi • ( un 11 Spain c A H D ar. K. 1
iv. PunuTi'nu.-— Italics pinnati/lil.
c •. 1

J. Si'MPtictLH. — W«n^ simple.

3«Q4 coarclftta IK comprewed i A UH 11 au.* Y.u Siberia 1S1H. s CO
S08S5 denrtontn 8to\ di'sert Si A un B j l . a u Y.a Siberia 181C s CO
J eucan Lilt in itoli.i lhsf.
ti. EIHOM , ^» i heel.
8098B hlntita /In/A hairy E.India Mugw.b - A t UN 3 V,i- E. hi.ii,-.. 1WH(. ii
Wg7 mcxiciina W. Mexican Mugwort >fc A u« 3 eu.t Y.P u ctt
S08SS vulgar.* L. common Mugwort5 Aw s3 au.* P Hrit:ii(L I ]) I'll
Eng. bot. !)"S
*06S9 Indica ff. Indian 4 JOJ or M.O Y.u E. tiiilics 1) BO [(. HMI.
90830 India W. en. vul-lcavcd 5 A utl 1 j V.: It CO
JpftSl procunttwn* Dw. procumboat 3 A un 1! jl.uu V ii Siberia IMii. [1 CO
SOSaj canndeiult MJ. Caun A un 3 avi.s
Y.i' Caosila 181(1 [ ^ CO
SOBit cautllLi b A "» 8 au.a
\'M 1H17. D CO
V. GLAUruvr.K. - • Isaot't ftittnnte. i •»i with, Or SHHIQthhh.
9DB3i pectlnttCs /.. emab-Ueeed O frtt 1 jnjl Br 1 18tK7. s CO 3. Hh.2
SflS&'i jvoparin Ht
^JH^i tS'aiiUinlcM /
^0837 ratni'i'yli'i- !•
S,i]i((jiiica •
O or
A ^ 1 au
I IT. WM Hungary
W.o Siberia
)'!iit{]:iiitl i i a n . Ii. D
Eng. Iwt. S3S
^^ 2 alj/in.i Still. •ilpinp A " n 1 au Y.P I81B. I) W(
80838 naucifldra Stcch. Arw-flownad J A un i au Y Siberia •
D 1-11 Om. »l. B. 52.1,0
iluiUii W nuirtb1 O un
[I..KI Y Biberli 8 tim.ii
808*0 Delicti ncpU :i A 2 O.Y SllHTi.l I > CO
*"**! lifttniiis »»l. Ms ^ Ul) 1 .iii.n C.'trniitla i l l
C co
ru]ie*triii Sea
J*™ camphorhta VS. c.iini>li(jr;it(-il • un 5 W.o c CO
: (tui i i 1 uu S Y.o C • >* I'll

**** crlthminilia L. Saiuhliin:-/;^ « un 1 au.» Br Portugal L7» CO

VI. 1 N C A \ \ * , - - /.iVJi'fj hoary or tomtfUou, jimnate. c
g * j s Mxatiii« A'<(. rock i A of 3 Jnjl Hungary ... D CO
A "r 1 ]
] JitJI
a ISOB. n CO
*J*H7 julmuta Iiftm. IKilniJilvd £_Jor (j.v •
• n. Minwy -\A or '2 j' 1 il Siltorin 1S1& I) co
• i / , , iva 4 A or t nun l.r Briiniu i CO Eng. bot. r
1'runch S A or S .in.- Br i i CO l^iig. but. M>1
*WS1 •.ilin.i H', •alt S A of W e Hutignry IK'AJ. I ) CO
~uftf*2 audtrlaca ,/f/r.
« « M ork-ntlilit K
3 A M
S A or
un. nu.o
N jl.:lll
Br A i i ' . | j i , i
Armenia IS 10. l> CO
I,i!l7. i ) CO Jac. nu, MOO

**** frtgirta W. iriK'.i 5 A or 1 uu Y.o NilHTIU 1K2H. D CO

"0BA5 tertcca 5 A or H jn.jl W Sllwrin Gm. f
"Oftii rtpctii Pall,
creeplns 3 A or l Br Siberia n COCO
S0657 rami«a$cA^i"i/( lir.iiu'liy • t jcu 2
•*• •ti
Lranei bipinimlffid itnd bipinnaU:
< 1.1

i. Sr'Mi'l.irp.s. — SUms simple j leaves smoothlth.

-^^i-S rtii»thstris I,. rock i A or \\ au MT Denmark 1748 l) CO Fl. dan. 801
gMSPnili.-,; W. Vallos'i 5 A "r 1 \ Siberia 1880, n CO
green-feared Ii un 4 nu.o Y.; rope 18 C co
? ™ H Wbrotonuin /.. Smil liL'ruwnotl it or 4 an ii B1*ck. fiSS
SMiii'J ti-inui. tin |P^, clL'ink'r-leaved at I | wr 10 •.(1
s. Mi irope ]!rtX
cc CO
CO DLeL 33.37
ii, I U M I I & H . - • Slews broached ,; letwet tmaoitiieh
'ArA. tirrlinrcdiit i 1 B HI. 1J ji . i n Y.u Silieriu B CO
.\iictliuill.lvd 3l ! } l 111! .111 S Y.o atboria i>
t iiunoioUc-lrd 5 , A | nu i! [Uu , 135
annual O Ull 4 W.G
B, Euiopa
ma. (
CO Am ru, I'M 23
tiiciimul i O) un 2 MilHllll'l J74t. a CO .mg. S*71i
uu 8 I Y.u c CO
S06lt9 odoratlniima/)^^ ttwuftuai.KCuntrdtt _ J un i j j l . u u Numldfa l.p
EH, —' / •

CMt ; items lilnptr.

S0S70 tiiollinsiiM /J. linn ;n»(;«t N A un < 8
20871 tan.t, -tuaved 5 CD nn 1 jl .in r<> AL ped. 1.1U. 3
. in •j• i• i A
Q) u " 1
(Ubetia ITtW.
foQa nr. I'otcntilln-lvd £ A c u ] 4*1 1818. aj i CO
Armenian 5 A u u £ J1...U Yu D co
StJKS cuuescen* W. canoteenl 5 A >l» J Annenia Y.a D co l . i
IT. AtMi'miii'ii—LraiHrs pubescent; sfi-ntx lirtiaehtd.
g W 6 jtrgtntea //. K. nilvt-ry MiI | o r 1 jnjl Y.o 3777. C CO
2J[77 kfrsi .7(n;. Afric.ii! all I | o r au \V.<i C CO
S878 Inefilta ZW. iiiifiiltU-ated A un au.s Y o Ejrypt »l T.sis.
<fS ltdniecnii* SocA- I71C • cu S Y \ j Carpa ma
t. CO c
UfaoifaKn. 2, otburcicent • or Y.o I . I V H i t KM CO Lob. 1c. 755

80881 mtxa Hort. moxa China C co

20882 Absinthium L. Absinthium, com. Britain rubble, D co Eng. bot. 1230
20883 Sicversiina Ehrh. Sievers's Siberia 1800. S co
208H4 laciniata W. tmn-leaved Siberia D co Gin. si. 2.57
20885 pontica L. Pontinc Austria 1570. D co Jac. au. 1.99
20886 £alsamita W. Balsamita 1816. D co
20887 tafirica W. Taurian Tauria 1818. D co
80888 vallcsiaca Lam. Vallais Italy 1739. D co
20889 £lbida W. whitish D co
20890 fragrans W. fragrant Armenia 1739. D co
20891 fasciculata Bieb. fascicled Iberia 1823. D co
80892 nil tans W. nodding Tartary D co
20893 monogyna Kit. one-styled Hungary 1816. D co W. & K. 1.70
20894 MarachnWiana Spr. Marschall's D co
inodura Eicb. Caucasus 1816.
• 2314. GNAPH A^LIUM L. EVERLASTI.VG. {Gnap/talon, soft down j woolly herbage.) Comp.Card. Vem. 24.
I. GNAPHVLIUM. — Leaves broad.
20895 IJiteo-flbum L. yellowish white Ow 2 j l . a u Y.w England san. pi. S 8.1 Eng. bot 1002
20896 albescens Sun. albescent Jamaica tt. • or 2 m... W . Y Jamaica 1793. C co
20S97 sangufneum L. bloody ^ A or H yJl C Egypt 1768. S co Rauw.it285.37
208U8 undulatum L. waved O cu 1 Y.w Africa 1732. S co Di. el. 108.130
20890 obtusifulium L. obtuse-leaved O pr 1 Y.w N. Amer. 1699. S co Di. el. 108. 131
20900 purpiircum L. purple-^/ouvivrf^ Ol or 1} l jn.s P N. Amcr. 1732. S co Di. cl. 109.133
20901 involucratum Forst. involucrate £ IAI cu 1 Br.Y N. Zeal. 1823 8 co Bot mag. 2582
II. FILAYSO. — Leaves narrow ; flowers at base naked or involucrated.
20902 americXnum L. American £ E2 un I Y.Br Jamaica 1815. S co
20903 pennsylvanicum W. Pcnnsylvanian O
~ —un *1
" — Y.B Pennt>ylv. 1815. S co
spatul.itum Lam.
20i)0* monUnum IV. mountain O un i Br.Y S. Europe 1820. S co
Filago mnntana Pers.
20905 sylvaticum L. wood ^ A un 1 au Y.Br Britain al. pas. S s.l Eng. bot. 913
Filago sylv&tica W.
20906 rectum 5m. upright wood A un 1 au Y.Br Britain sa.pas. D co Eng. bot 124
Filago recta W.
ctatum W. compressed O un 1 au Br M. Video 1819. S co
fitum Lam.
ilnum Vil. supine A un i jn.jl Y.Br Scotland sc.alp. D co Eng. bot 1193
alp\nuin Light.
20909 piisillum I lav. small A uii lin jn.jl Y.Br Austria 1820. D co Kr.sil.41
\go pusilla IJt.
20910 sphii/ricum Lk. spherical A un 1* jn.jl W N. Holl. 1819. D co
I iligo sphse'rica Lk.
20911 cephaloideum IV. head-like O un | jn.jl Y.w N. Holl. ? 1823. S co
Filago cephaloidca I k.
20912 uliginosum L. marsh O un 1 au Y.Br Britain watpl. S co Eng. bot 1194
multicaulc W.
20913 germinicum Sm. German O un f Y.Br Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot 948
Filago gcrmanica L.
20914 gfilhcum Sm. French O un | Y.Br Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot. 2369
Filikgo gallica L.
20915 pyrainidatum IV. pyramidal O un i Br.Y S. Europe 1779. S co
Filhgo pyramidata L.
20916 minimum Sm. least O un | Y.Br Britain sa.pas. S co Eng. bot. 1157
Filago alpestris Presl
•30917 arvensc Pers. corn-field O un | Y.Br Europe 1804. S co
Fildgo arvensis L.
20918 Lagupus W. Hare's-foot O un | Y.Br Siberia 1820. S co
Filago Zagbpus Pers.
2315. SPIRA'LEPIS D. Dan SPIRALEPIS. (Speira, a spire, lepis, a scale; twisted.) Comp.Card.Vern. 4.
20919squarrtsa D.Don squarrose tLi_Jor 1 jl.o P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p.I
Cnaphalium squarrdsum L.
20920 glomcrata D. Don glomcrated ^ iAI or ft mr.s P.a C. G. H. 1774. S s.p.l
Gnaphalium glomeratum W.
20921 dcclinkta D. Don declinate jl.o Br C. G. H. 1787. S s.p.l
Gfnaphalium dcclinatum L.
80922 modesta G. Don modest £ tAJor 1 JLo R C. G. H. 18S6. S s.p.l Bot mag. 2710
Gnaphalium modestum Hook.
2316. ZEONTOPO'DIUM R. Br. LION'S FOOT. {Leon, Won, pout, foot; heads of fl.) Comp.Card.Vern. 1.-9.
20923 helveticum J). Don Swiss ^ A cu } jn jl Y Austria 1776. S p.I Bot. mag. 1958
Gnaphklium Leontopudium L. Zcontopudium vulgare R. Br.
8317. FILA*GO L. COTTON Rose. (Filum, a thread: covered with.) Comp.Card. Vern. 1.
80924 pygmaAi L. pygmy O un i Br S. Europe 1629. S co Cav. ic. 1.36
£J vax pygmava Gae.
•2.318. ANTENNAHIIA R. Br. ANT. (Awns of pappus like antenna of insects.) Comp. Card. Vem. 7.—11.?
90925 contorta D. Don twisted-leaved £ ^1 pr 2 jl W Nepal 1821. 1) co Bot rcg. 605
90M36 triplincrvis D. Don three-nerved j£ _AJ pr | au W Nepal 1823. D co Bot. mag. 2468
20927 dioica R. Br. dio?cinus ^ A p r \ my.jl Pk Britain ... 1) p.l Eng. bot 267
90928 alpina R. Br. alpine | ^ prr \ jn.jl Pk Alp. Eur. 1775. D p.l
80929 carpatica R. Br. Carpathian 5 A P i jn.jl Pk D p.l Fl. dan. 332
Gnaphalium alpinum Jr. not L.
80930 plantaginca R. Br. Plantain-/w* ^ A P' 1 jn jl W Virginia 1759. D p.l
80931 margaritacea R. Br. pearly £fc A P* H jl-s W England mca. D p.l Eng. bot 2018
2319. METALA^SIA R.Br. METAL A si A. (Meta, change, lastos, hairy; lvstumcdO Comp.Card.Vern J5.
20932 «eriphioldcs R. Br. Seriphium-like tt. |_J pr 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1825. C p.l
20933 muricata R. Br. muricated tt. i_J br 2 W C. G. H. 1816. C s.p
20934 divergens D. Don diverging tL L_J or 2
Gnaphalium divergens Than. C. G. H. 1816. C s.p Bur. af. 73.2
20935 festigiXta R.Br. peaked tt. |_J or 3 W
Gnaphalium fastigiatum Thun. C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Pet. g. 12.7.3
80936 mucronata R. Br. pointed tt. | | or 2 W
C. G. H. 1824. C s.p Bur. af. 66.3

2320. ASTE'LMA R. Br. ASTELMA. (Af privative, stelma, crown; construe, of tt.) Comp Card. Vern. 10.—
_. I. CONNIVE'NTIA. — Involucres connivent.
20937 exfmium B.Br. fine a. i_J spl 3 j l . a u C C. G. H. 179a S up Bot.mag.S32
20938 milleflurum D.Don 1000-flowcred a-L-jel 1 jus Pa.P C G . H . 1802. C s.p
GnaphMium milleflorum Thun.
20939 spirkle D. Don suiraUeaved tt-uJor 2 jl.o W C G . H . 1801. C s.p Bot.rep. 262
2?hchry«um spirale W. - » . ^ —
20940 Stehelina D. Don StahelinaJtte tt.i_]or l^year W C G . H 1801. C s.p Bot.rep. 428
.£lichry*um SteheFma W.
II. —.—Involucres radiate. . , „ „ „
20941 varieghtum D. Don variegated
JElichrysum variegatum W. tt.t_Jor 2 my.jn Br.WCG. H. 1801. C s.p
20942 spcciosissimum D. Don showiest
JEUchr&sum spcciosissimum W. 8 jU W C G . H . 1691. C s.p Bot. rep. 51
20943 imbneatum D. Don imbricated
JElichrysum imbricatum W. 2 jLo W C G . H . 1820. C s.p Pet.g.5.10
20944 can&cens D. Don canescent «t L—Jor 1$ P
£Iichry«um canescens W. C G. H. 1794. C s.p Bot. mag. 420
20945 retCirtum D. Don twisted back n-i lor 1 W
JSlichry^um rcturtum W. CG.H. 1732. C s.p Di.eL322.415
20946 fragrant) Swt. fragrant tt-uJor Iftjl Pk CG.H. 1803. C s.p Bot.rep.561
£Uchry*um fragrans And. rep.
_2321. A T H R F X I A AVr ATHHIIIA. (Atpnv.t thrix, a hair; absence upon recept.) Comp. Helidnthea. 1.
20947 capensis Ker Cape tt-Ljor 3 ap R C G . H . 1821. C p.l Bot.reg.681
n 2322. XERA'NTHEMUM L. XBBANTHEMUM. (Xeros, dry, anthemon, a flower.) Comp.Card.Vern. &
20948 finnuum L. annual O or a P S. Euronc 1570. S a.1 Jac. au. 4.388
20949 inapertum !V. unopened O or 2 j l . a u P S. Europe 1680. S co M.h.6.12.9
20950 orientile IV. oriental O or 2 W Levant 1713. S co
•2323 /fELICHRYWU Pen HEUCIIB. (Helios, sun, chryson, gold; blossoms.) Comp. Card Tern. 43.—
20951 grdndifloruml) Don f?rcat.flowered «. i_J el 3 W C G. H. 1731. C s.p Bur. ul 76.1
Criiapli'ilium grandiflurum L. _ _, __ ,__A _ _ A miM
20952 fnMicana D. Don shrubby * L j o r Y C G . H . 1779. C co Bot reg.78o*~
__ Astelma fr&ticans B. R. Crnaphalium fr&ticans X grandifltoum And. rep.
209J3 crispum D. Don curled £- lAlel
- - - - 6- ... Pk CG.H. 1809. C s.p
GnaphMtum crispum L.
20954 arboreum />. Don tree tt Ljel 6 W C. G. H. 1770. C s.p
Cfnaph^lium arboreum X.
20955 divaricktum D. Don spreading
GnaphaJium divaricatum L.
a.L-Jel 3 w C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Brey. pr 18.3
20956 congestum D. Don close-headed tt-L-Jpr 3 myjn p C. G. H. 1791 C s.p Bot. reg. 253
Gnaphulium congestum Lam.
20967 patulum D. Don spreading
(rnaphSdium pfitulum L.
tt.i_Jor 3 w C. G. H. 1771. C s.p
20958 discolorum D. Don discolored tLi lor 3 Br CG. R 1815. C co Bur. af. 97.4
Cfnaphalium discolorum L.
^0959 cephal.Mes 2). Don large-headed tt-Ljor 4 Ja.n Pk CG.H. 1789. C co
_. Gnaphahum cephalotos W.
20960 diosmafthum £w*. Diosma-leaved tt. LJ or W CG.H. 1812. C co Ven.mal.74
_rt Gnaphalium
G h l dtosnucfolium
1 f 7 l i Ven.
20961 cricoides D. Don Heath-like tt. LJ or lft Pk C. G. H. 1774. C s.p B*ot mag. 435
n Gnaphalium pricoides h.
»u962 tcretifiMium D. Don round-loaved tt. LJ or 1 Br CG.H. 1812. C co
on_ GnaphMium tcrctifblium L.
*0963 tephrodes Swt. cinereous tt LJ el 3 Y.w C. G. H. 182a C s.p
.___ GnaphMium tephrodes Lk.
*0964 acumin'itum Swt. acuminate tt. el 3 W C G . H . 182a C s.p
„ GnaphMium acuminatum Lk.
" lasiocaftlon Swt. woolly-staid tt. 3 W C G. H. 182a C s.p
Gnaphalium lasiocaAlon Lk.
• 5toe%chds D.Don %Stcechas, comjhr. tt. or 2 j n o Y Europe 1629. C co Bar. ic. 410
GnaphMium 5toc chaa L.
*09tJ7 ct'micum Swt. conic tt. or 2 jn.o Y S. Europe 1824 C co
GnaphMium conicum Lk.
20968 angustifdlium Swt. narrow.leaved tt. __J or 2 jl.s Y Naples ... C co Bar. ic. 1125
Gnaphalium angustifblium Lam.
20969 ignescens D. Don fxeTV-Jioxvercd it. LJ or 2 jn.o R CG.H. 1731. C s.p
nru Gnaphalium ignisccnsL
-0970 microphf Hum D. Don small leaved t L ^ J el lft jn.o Crete 1823. C s.p
20971 dasyatithum Suit, thick-flowered tt. ^J or 4 Y CG.H. 1812. C co
o Gnaphalium dasy&nthum TV. en.
WJJ2 crassifolium D.Don thick-leaved 1 jLs Y C G . H . 1774. C s.p
GnaphMium crassifolium L.
20973 maritimum D. Don sea tt.i_Jor 4 jnau W . T C G . H . 1772. C co
GnaphMium maritimum L.
120974 apiculatum D. Don apiculatc £ i A J o r lft year Y V. Di. III. 1804. C co Bot. reg. 240
GnaphMium apiculatum Lab.
20975 tiaccidum G. Don flaccid 1 Y Brazil 1826. C p.l
Gnaphalium flaccidum Wan.
20976 foe'tidum D. Don fetid tf ifTHor 2 jn.s L.Y C G. H. 1692. S s.l Bot mag. 1987
GnaphMium foe'tidum L.
20977 cyllndricum D Don cylindrical j£iAJpr 1 jn.jl Y C G . H . 1780. C s.p
20978 orientMe D. Don oriental or lft Y Africa 1629. C s.p Com. h. 2.55
GnaphMium orientMe L.
20979 arenarium D. Don sand A or 1 Jl.s Y Europe 1739. D co Bot. mag. 2159
Gnaphalium arei^rium L.
20980 graveolens Swt. heavy-smelling ^ A el 1 jn.jl Y Tauria 1819. D co
M Gnaphalium graveolens Bkb.
20981 odoratissimum Swt. sweetest-actd £ ^ fra 2 Y CG.H. 1691. C s.p Mil.ic. 1.1S1.8
„. Gnaphalium odoratissimum L.
20982 candidissimum D. Don whitest A or 2 my.jl Pa.Y Caspian 182a D co
GnaphUiumcandidlwimum Bkb.
Z 3

20983 rbtilans D. Don Bhinlng-jftiKi tf .Alor 1 jn.jl R.v C G. H. 1731. C s.p D!. el. 107.127
(Jnaphalium rutilans L.
20984 cymosum D. Don cyinose jp .Aior 1| Y Africa 1731. C co Di. eL 107.128
Gnaphalium cymosum L.
£0985 hehanthemifblium D.Don Heli.-lvd «LL_|or 1 Jl.o W C. G. H. 1774. C co Vol. nor. 194
Gnaphalium helianthemifulium L.
20986 dealbatum Swt. whitened tf iAlor 1} year W V. Di. Isl. 1812. C co Lab.n.h.2.190
20987 ffilgidum D. Don shining * | e| or
l 2 f.o Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Bot. mag. 414
20988 argenteum Swt. silvery n.1 2 apjl W C. G. H. 1800. C co Bot.reg.552
20989 rlgidum D. Don rigid-leaved tt. t | or limyjn W C. G. H. 1801. C co Bot. rep. 387
20990 herbaceum Swt. herbaceous f .Aid 11 jLs Y C. G. H. 1802. S co Bot. rep. 487
spllndens B. M.
20991 paniculatum Swt. „panicleil tt.i lor 2 jn.s W C. G. H. 1800. S co Bur. af. 67.1
20992 bracteJitum D. Don bracted O or 4 jl.o Y N. Holl. 1799. S co Bot rep. 375
20993 italicum G. Don Italian tt. | | or 2 jl.o Y Italy 1826. C co
Gnaphalium italicum Wnl.
2324. LEUCOSTE'MMA D.Don LEUCOSTEUMA. {Leukos, white, stemma, a crown; fit.) Comp.Card. Fern. 1.
20994 vestUum D Don. clothed tt.l_Jor
«L • i «r2 jl.8
Q «» W w C.r>G.n H.xi 1774.
iw* cS -_s.pYiW. at* ae
JSlichrysum vestttum L.
2325. PHCENO'COMA D. Don PncEVOCOMA. (Phoinos, bloody, home, hair; invol.) Comp. Card. Vern. L
)995 nrolifera J). Dwi
20995 proliferous • uJ el 4 au n C C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Bot. rcg. 21
JElichrysum proliforum W. Xerantheinum proliferum L.
2326. APHELEQCIS D. Don APHELEXLJ. {Apheles, simple, ens, habit: plants.) Comp. Card. Vern. 4.
20996 humilis D. Don humble «- i_J or 2 my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1810. S
£lichr^sum spcct&bile hod. pinifuliura Pers. s.p Bot. cab. 59
20997 *csamoldes D. Don Sesamum-liko tL\ | or S ap.jn P.w C. G. H. 1739. S
£lichrysum xesamoides W. Xeranthcmum ^esamoides L. s.p Bot. mag. 425
£0998 fasciculata D. Don fascicled a. L_J or 2 mr.s P.v C G. H. 1799. S
.Elichrysum fasciculatum W. s.p Bot. rep. 242
2 filba vihite-flowcrcd tt. uJ or 2 mr.s W C. G. H. 1799. S
3 r&bra red-flowered tt. LJ or 2 mr.s R C. G. H. 1799. S s.p Bot. rep. 279
4 verslcolor party-colored a. i_J or 2 mr.s Va C. G. H. 1799. S s.p Bot rep. 650
20999 cricoides Swt. Heath-like tt. L_J or i ap.jn IV C. G. H. 1796. C s.p Brey. ic. 16.2
£lichrysum ericoldes Pers. s.p 693.2
2327. (7ARPE\5IUM L. CARPESIUM. (Karpesion, a bit of straw: resembl. in lvs of invol.) Comp.Card. Vern. 2.
21000 cernuum L. drooping ^ u n i Y Austria 1739. D co Jac. au. 3.204
£1001 abrotanoldes L. Southernw.-likc^ A u n 2 Y China 1763. D co Osb. 10
2328. B R A C H Y L ^ N A R.Br. BOACIIYUSNA. [Brachys, short,Itena, cloak; calyx.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1.
21002 nereifolia Swt. Oleander-leaved* i_J or 4 aitn W C. G. H. 1752. C s.p
^accharis nereifolia L. Tarchonanthus dentatus Thun.
2329. £A'CCHARIS L. PLOUGHMAN'S SPIKENARD. (Bacchus, wine; odour.) Comp Card. Vern. 11.—101.
I. INTEGRIFOMA. — Leaves entire, flat s flowers corymbose, or paniculate.
£1003 angustifolia Ph. narrow-leaved * i_J pr 2 jLs W N. Amcr. 1812. C co
II. SBRRATIFOLI*.—Leaves serrated or toothed; flowers corymbose
21004 ivafolia L. Iva-leaved * i _ J p r 3 W America 1696. C Lp Schk. han. 3.244
21005 Aalimifclia L. Halimus-lvd St or 4 o.n W N. Amer. 1683. C co Schm. ar. 82
21006 DioscorldM W. Dioscorides's * | or 4 au.n W Levant ... C co 54
21007 Indica L. Indian sH(H)or 3 ... E. Indies 1819. C s.l Brey. c. 70
£1008 glutinusa Pers. clammy iDor 3 ... Peru 1824. C 8.1
21009 parviflbra Pers. small-flowered flkCDor 3 ... Peru 1820. C s.1
Molina parviflura Fl. per.
21010 adnata Hum. adnatc H • un 6 au.n P & Amer. 1823. C co
III. SESSIMFL6R£. — Leaves serrated or toothed; flowers sessile, glomerate, or spicate.
21011 conferta Kth. crowded IQor 3 Mexico 1826. C s.l
£1012 glomcruliflura Mx. cluster-flwd A or 3 au.o W N. Amer. 1817. C co
IV. SOLITARI/EFLOHA. — Leaves entire, flat; flowers solitary.
£1013 jcoparia Swx. Broom i D o r 3 jLau Crea Jamaica 1820. C J.I Br. jam. 34.4
Calea scoparia L.
*2330. COWZAL. FLEABANB. (Konis, dust; powder sprinkled to kill fleas.) Comp.Card. Vern. 42.-62.
I. Fnxjricbss.—Shrubby; leaves petioled or sessile, oblong-lanceolate.
i. CORYMBOSE. — Flowers corymbose or paniculate.
£1014 odorata L. sweet-scented H O fra 2 P India 1759. C pi PI. ic.97
£1015 balsamifcra L. balsam-bearing * O un 2 jl.s Br E. Indies 1822. D co Ru. am. 6.24.1
£1016 carolinensis Jac. Carolina * 1 I un 5 jl.o P Carolina 1821. C co Jac. ic. 585
£1017 inclsa H. K. cut-leaved * L_J un 3 P C. G. H. 1774. C p.l
ii. PEDUNCULAR. — Peduncles solitary.
21018 Candida L. white * _ _ J u n 1 jn.jl Y Candia 1714. C co Bar. ic. 217
£1019 verbascif5Iia W. Mullein-leaved * U u n 1 ... Y Sicily 1808. C co Boc. sic.31.2
21020 spatulata Lfc. spatulate £ E3 un 3 B ...... 1825. D p.l
£1021 /fmonifolia Sm. Limonium-lvd * \ | un 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Greece 1740. C s.l
Candida W. not L.
iii. SUBSESBILIFLORA. — Flowers subsessUe, glomerate^ or spicate.
£1022 arbore'sceni W. arborescent «i • un 6 n.d B Jamaica 173). C p.l
21023rigida Swx. rigid IQun 2 Jamaica 1820. C p.1
iv. ANOUSTIF&LIJE. — Flowers subsessile, glomerate, or spiked ; leaves narrow, subUnear.
21024 rnuloldes H. K. Inula-like si LJ un 1 P Tcneriffe 1780. C co Jac. ic. 1.171
£1025 rupestris L. rock Arabia 17!K). C co Schm. ic. Sri
£1026 Tentoii Lk. Tenore's 1 ... S. Europe 1824. C co
21027 sax^tiUs L. stone 1 Br S. Europe 1640 C co Schk. han. 3.241
21028 geminiflbra Ten. twin-flowered 1} au.s Br 1823. C co
21029 s6rdida L. sordid 1 jl.s Br & Europe 1570. C co Bar. ic. 368
21030 sericea H. K. silky li Y Canaries 1779. C p.l
v. DBCURRE'NTIA. — Leaves decurrent.
£1031 rugusa Vahl rugose • I_J «n 6 n Y Brazil 1772. C

II. HBRBA\:E2B. - Herbaceous ; leavespetkOed or sessile, undivided, broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate.
i. CoRYMBbsJS. — Flowers corymbose andIpanicled
21032 squarrbsa L. squarrose 3t O> w 2 Y Britain ch. pa. S co Eng. bot. 1195
21033 paniculata TV. panicled £ [29 un 1 jlau P E. Indies 1818? S co
21()S4axillarisZ,<w». axillary rm un ] | au.o Y 182a S co
21035 amce'na Lk. pleasing £ [23 un 3 P Congo 1824. S co
21036 panilatf.K. spreading O un Y.P China 1758. S co Mil. ic. 2.247
21037 blfrons L. two-fronted au.8 Y N. Amer. 1739. D p.l Pluk. al. 87.4
21038 camphorhta Ph. camphor-sctd 2k A un au.o P N. Amer. 1704. D co Di. el. 87.4
210.19 maryl&ndica Mx. Maryland tf Al un au.o P N. Amer. ... S co Di. el. 89. J05
21040 purpurasccns Swz. purpurascent P Jamaica 1800. S co SI. jam 1.159.1
21041 cinerea L. 0 un P E. Indies 1816. S co 6.14 1
21042 prolifera Lam. Py rm un P E. Indies 1819. S co Ru. am. 5.104.1
21043 hirsuta L.
21041 sgyptlaca H. K. Srohferous
ED un
]£ (ZD un
j Y
Y.p China
1767. S co
1778. S co Jac. vin. 3.19
21045 Gouani W. £ Ol un ! Y Canaries 1772. S co Jac. vin. 3.79
Gouan's 01 un
ii. PAUCIFL^R£. ]£ QOl— Peduncles one or two-flowered.
21046 amplexicaulis Lam. stem-clasping ^ u n 1 ... E. Indies 1820. S co
peaked O un 2 Jn.jl P Senegal 1820. S co
21047 fastigiata IV. iii. SESSH.IPLORA. — Flowers sessile.
Chinese £ Ol un 2 Y.p China 1796. S co ltu. am. 6. Ik 2
21048 chinensis L. iv. LINEARIF^LIA.— Leaves narrow, linear.
Sicilian O un 1 au.s Y Sicily 1779. S co Boc. sic. 31.4
21049 sfcula FT. v. PiNNATi'FiDf. — Leaves at base, or all pinnatffld.
21050 aurlta L. eared ? O un 1 au.o W E. Indies 1818. S co
21051 foytida W. fetid j£ iAl un 2 au.s Y Africa 1724. D co Mil. ic. 2.233
21052 pinnatifida Box. pinnatifid £ E3 un 2 ... E. Indies 1816. S co
vi. DECUURE'NTES. — Leaves decurrent.
21053 Jhapsoldes JSSieft. Thapsus-like ^ A u n 2 jl.s P Casp. Sea 1806. C co
S1054 virgata £. twiggy ]£ IAI un 2 au.s ? America 1783. D co SI. jan:. 1.152.1
III. GLOMERA^TA. — Flowers glomerate.
21055 glomerate Z*. glomerate O un 1} P 1825. S co

*2331. MJTDIA Mol. MADIA. (Madi, its name in Chile.) Comp. Heliunthece. 2 . - 3 .
21056 viscosa Coy. clammy O un lijLau Y Chile 1794. S co Bot mag. 2574
sativa Afo/.
21057 mellosa honeyed O un Y Chile 1825. S co
*2332, .ERI'GERON L. ERIGERON. {Er, spring,geron, old man; hoary in spring.) Comp.Card.Vern. 35.—56
I. MuLTiFLt.Ri. — S/«« many-flowered; flowers corymbose, paniculate.
i. LATIF&LII. — Leaves broad, oblong, or lanceolate.
8 N. Amer. 1640. S co Fl. dan. 486
21058 heterophyllus W. various-ieaved i Q pr 1 Jl-
if'ster annuus L. _
21059 chinensis Jac. Chinese O or 1 jLs W China 1818. S co Jac. sc. 3.303
21060 australis Horn. southern O or 1 S. Europe 1827. S co
21061 astcroldes Lk. Aster-like & A Pr Ii W 1823. D co
21062 purpbreus H. K. purple Jfc A pr 1 P Huds.Bay 1776. D co
21063 strigosus FT. strigose i C D p r 1 jlau W N. Amer. 1816. S co
S1064 kens L. sharp ^ C2> pr B Britain S co Eng.botH58
21065 rupestris Schl. rock 5 A prr " P Switzcrl. 1819. S co
21066 grandiflurus Hoppe great-flowered ^ __ A P f P SwitzerL 1819. S co
210G7 chilensis D. Don Chile Q> cu ~2J au.o Y Chile 1816. S co
Conyza chillnsis Spr.
21068 atticus Vil. Attic i A or P Attica 1816. S co
21069 podulicus Be*. Podolian [ Q) or 1 P Podolia 1818. S co
21070 canadensis L. Canadian O pr 1 au.s W England rubble. S co Eng. uot. 2019
21071 pu&lllus Nut. little O pr iau.s W N. Amer. 1823. S co
21072 rfelphiniftlius W. en. Larkspur-lvd OJ P' Ii jls P S. Amer. 181 a S co
21073 graveolem L. strong-smelling O pr Ii Y S. Europe 1633. S co Ger. em. 481. 2
21074 bonari6nsis L. Buenos Ay res _ . P S. Amer. 1732. S co Di. el. 257. 334
21075 philadelphicus IV. Philadclphian ^ A I>r Ii 1
Jlau P N. Amer. 1778. D co
ii. LiSEARiFOLii.—Leaves narrow, linear.
21076 contortus Desf. twisted £^ Q) or 2 l PP
Pa.P 1826. co
21077 laevigktus Etch. smooth-leaved S Q u n 1 W Cayenne
1822. co
21078 Anifblius W. Flax-leaved O pr 1 P S. Amer.
Conyza ambigua Dec.
21079 longifulius Desf. long-leaved
g A pr P N. Amer. 1820. D co
21080 divaricatus Mx. " '
divaricate CD pr W Missisippi 1818. S co
II. SUBMI'LTIFLORI. — Stem many-flowered i branches one-flowered.
21081 VillfirsM Bel. Villars's ^ A pr 1 Jlau P Piedmont 1804. S co Bot reg. 583
21082 caroUnianus L. Carolina 5 A pr 1 jlau P N. Amer. 1727. D s.p Di. el 306.394
III. PAUCIFLORI. — Stem few-flowered.
21083 tellidifMius W. Daisy-leaved A pr "w jLau""P* N. Amer. 179tt D co
Serpentarius Banks
21084 caucasicus Stev. Caucasian ^ pr f P Caucasus 1821. D co
21085 nudicatilis Mx. nakcd.stalked A pr 1 jl W N. Amer. 1812. D co
21086glabellus Nut. smoothish Aor 1 jlau B N. Amer. 1825. D s.p
S1087 jamaicensis L. Jamaica O p r 1 jl.s P Jamaica 1818. S co SL jam. 152.3
21088 m6nte videensi* Spr. Monte Videan O un 1 W? MonteVid.1827. S co
IV. UNIFLURI,:. — Stem generally one-flowered.
21089 alptaus L. alpine \ pr 1 jl P Scotland al.rills. D s.l Eng. bot. 464
21090 uniiltous L. one-flowered iJ au.s P_ Scotland highl.
g o Eng. bot 2416
D co
21091 comp4situs Ph. composite W.R N. Amer. 1811. Deo
21092 grammeus L. Grass-like P Siberia 1824. D co Gm. si. 2. 76.2
V. FRUTICOSUS. — Stem shrubby.
21093 glaucus B. R. glaucous il LJ pr 1 year P S. Aincr. 1812. C co Bot. reg. 10
<4'ster bonariensis Sm.
Z 'I

•2333. rUSSlLA'GO £. COLTWOOT. (Tussis, a cough; med.qual.) Camp. Jacobite. 13.—15.

I. UNiFLbBA — Scape one-flowered.
21094 alplna L. alpine £ L.P Austria 1710. D co Bot. mag. 84
210«5 discolor Jac. discolored i L.P Austria 1633. D co Jac. au. 3.247
21095 sylvestris Sco. wood 1 L.P Austria 1816. D co Jac. au. 5 ap. 12
21097 Farfera L. Farfara, common i mr.ap Y Britain moi.pL D co Eng. hot 429
2 foliia varicgatis variegated-lvd \I Y Britain gard. D co
II. THYBSIFL6R«. — Scapes p ihyrsiferous.
21098 frigida L. frigid * A or JJ my
my P
Pa L l
Lapland 1710. D co Fl. dan. 61
2)099 sagittate Ph. sagittate I ... N. Amer. ... D co
21100 laevigata IV. smooth J my Y Bohemia 1816. D co Gm.sL2.146.49
bohemica Hoppe
21101 fragrans Vil. sweet-scented Italy 1806. D co Bot. mag 1388
21102 alba L. white Butter Bur Europe 16SJ. I) co Fl. dan. 524
21103 nivea VU. snowy-leaved Switzerl. 1713. D co lletz. 2. 3
paradoxa Retx.
21104 Petasites L. Petasites, com. But. B. Britain D co Eng but 431
2 hybrida E. B. hybrid Britain m me D co
21105 sptiria Retx. spurious Germany 1790. D co Rets. 1. 2
tomentosa Ehrh.
21106 palmata H. K. palmate-fanwd Labrador 1778. D co H. kcw. 3.11

2334. WERNEPRM Kth. WBBNBBIA. (A. G. Werner, the celebrated mineralogist) Comp. Jacobhe. 1.
21107 rlgida Kth. rigid £ lAJ pr * Quito 1828. D p.e
Doronicum peruvi&num Lam.

* 2335. SENETCIO L. GROUNDSEL. (Senex, old man; naked receptacle like a bald head.) Comp. Jizc.104.—
I. FBUTICOSI. — Shrubby ; rays spreading £ leaves undivided j flowers corymbose.
I LATIFOLH. — Leaves broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate.
21108 tliciftlius L. Ilex-leaved L»J or 3 j n J , Y ' C. G. H. 1731. Com. r. 42
21109 Aalimifulius L. Halimus-lcavedf 11 | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1723. !l P Duel. 104. ICt
21110 sohdagineus Berg. Solidago-hke 1 11 | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1824.
21111 lanceus//./C aytenr-leaved I 11 | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774.
21112 rigidus L. haxA-leaved i I | or 3 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1704. Com. h. 2.75
2»111>3 lll'iCtllHS L k . lAlac-Jiowcred i J 6 myjl Li C. G. H. ? 182H.
21114 rigescens Jac. rigesccnUleavedi l_Jp 3 Y C. G. H. 1815. Jac. c. 5.6.1
21115argutusICtA. h J d i i_Jpr 3 Y Mexico 1827.
ii. LINBARIFOLII.—Leaves narrow, sublinear.
21116 rosmarinifulius L. Rosemary-lvd Ljp 3 C. G. H. C l.p Jac. ic 3.587
21117 Isper H. K. rough 'l-Jpr 3 C. G. H. 1774. C p.l
21118 longifblius L. long-leaved tl | or 3 au.n C. G. H. 1775. C p.1 Com. h. 2.71
21119 calcarius J&A. chalky i L J un 3 Mexico 1824. C l.p
21120 cineraridides Kth. Cineraria-like tL«Jor 2 Mexico 1826. C l.p
II. LiDivifei. — Herbaceous ; leaves undivided ; flowers corymbose ; rays spreading.
i. LATiFtui. — Leaves broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate.
21121 nemore'nsis Z>. grove r 3 Y Austria 1785. I) co Jac. au. 2.184
21122 ovatus IV. ovate r 3 jl.o Y Germany 1823. D co
21123 3 microph^llus
micp Bleb, small-leaved 4 Y Caucasus 1818. L) co
21124 croaticus Kit. Croatian 4 Y Hungary 1805. 1) co W.&K.2.143
21125 sarraccnicus L. Sarraccnic 6 jLo Y Britain ' 1) co Eng. bot. 2211
21126 Tournefortii Lap. Tournefort** _, 3 Y Pyrenees 1818. 1) co Bui. ph. 43.146,
nemorensis Gou. /Tersicxfulius Ram.
21127 palutlt>8ua L. marsh England fens. D c.p Eng. bot 650
21128 umbrbsus Kit. shady Hungary 1815. D Lp p
21129 coriaccus / / . K* leathery-leaved Levant 172a D ~ "l.p Di. el. 105.125
21130 Duria L. Doria Austria 1570. D co Jac. au. 2.185
21131 cacaliaster Dec. Cacalia-like France 1772. D s.1
Cacklia sarracenica L.
21132 «inuatus Kth. sinuate Mexico D 8.1
21133 op6rinus W. autumnal C. G. H. 1817. D 8.1 3.204
lanceus Jac.
21134 vdrnus Bio. spring O un 1 Y Italy 1816. S co
leucantiiemifbllus Sib.
21135 trilobus L. three-lobcd O un Spain 1728. S co
21136 rutundifblius Lap. round-leaved A un Pyrenees
P 1823. D co Boa mu. 61. ic.
21137 Barrelito Gou. Barretter's A un Pyrenees
y e e 1819.19. D co Bar. ic. 146
21138 baldensis Pair. Baldo A un Mt. Baldol820. D co CL h. 4.23. ic.
ii. ANGUSTIFCXIUS. — Leaves narrow ; flowers corymbose.
21139/inifolius L. Flax-leaved ^ A un 2 Y Spain 1820. D co Boc. mu. 49
iii. PAUCIFLORI. — Stemfevo-ftowercd ; leaves broad, ovate, obovate, or lanceolate.
21140 DorSnicum L. Leopard's Bane^ A or I ji.s Y S. Europe 1705. D e o Jac. au. 2. ap. 45
21141 uniflbrus All. one-flowered 5 A or Y Alp. Eur. 1799. D i p Al.ped.17.8
21142 specibsus W. showy
h lAJ or ^ jl. a u S China 1789. D s.l Bot reg. 41
III. DiviBiFbLii. — Herbaceous; leaves divided; flowers corymbose ; rays spreading.
21143 alrtnus Sco. S alpine
li " or 2"
" Y S." Europe
* 1683. D ~ co Jac.
" au. 2.17'
Cinerkria alp^na L.
21144 cordifblius G. Don heart-leaved A or 2 Y Austria 1749. D co Jac. au. 2.17
Cineraria cordifblia L.
21145 lyratifblius Ilchb. lyre-leaved A or 2 Y Austria 1749. D co
Cinerkria alptnaj3 L.
£1146aqu&ticus Hud. water A un my.jn Y Britain mar. D bog Eng bot. 11
21147 err&ticus Bert. strayed A un rayjn Y & Europe 1800. D m.s
aqu&ticus LoL
21143 rupestris Kit. rock A un i j j Y Hungary 1805. D s.1 W.AK.2 1.
21149 rnontanus JV. mountain O un 1 Y Switzerl. 1819. S co
parad6xus Hoppe
21150 vcrnalis Xif. spring O un 1 ap.jn Y Hungary 1803. S co l.'JJ
-'1151 JfelsamUaslF. Balsamita A un 2 Y Pensylva. 1820. D co
21158 obovatus W. obovate A un 2 Y N. Amer. 1818. D co
N. Amer. 1758. D
21153 a6reus L.
21154 hastatus L.
glutinusus Thun.
E Dlden i A un
albert-leaved ' lAlun
2 Y Y C. G. H. 1722. D Di. el. 152.131
21155 lyratus Thun. lyrate j£ lAlun 2 myjl Y C. G. H. 1816. D sp
21156 elegansL. elegant O pr 2 P C. G. H. 1700. S co
2 pl&no-r&ber double red-flwd n. Ljel 2 year F C. G. H. 1700. C s.1 Bot mag. 233
3 flore-albo white-flowered tt. 1} year W C. G. H. 1700. C 8.1
4 pleno-albus double white tt t_Jpr 1* year W C. G. H. 1700. C 8.1
21157 incdnus L. hoary ^ \_Jpr | Y Alp. Eur. 1759. D s.p Pluk. al. 39.6
21158 leucophfllus Dec. white-leaved ^ A un 1 Y S. Europe 1816. D 8.1
incanus Gou. A or
21159 parviflbrus if/?. small-flowered ^ 1 jLau Y Piedmont 1819. D co ALped.38.3
21160 carni61icus W. Carniolan & 1 jnau Y Carniola 1817. D co
incanus Sco.
21161 Jacobs\iL. common Ragwort^ A w 2 Y Britain dry pa. D s.l Eng. bot. 1130
21102 tenuifblius Jac. slender-leaved £L A un 2 Y Britain woods. D l.p Eng. bot 574
U116S squ£lirius L. squalid O w ljjn.o
j Y England walls. S co Eng. bot 600
21164 dentatus Jac. toothed tf IAI un 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. D co
21165 chrysanthemifblius Poir. Chrys.-lvd^ A un
,*•„,/.-• , , . o un 3 Y Sicily 1800. D co Boc. sic. 67
21166 glauclscens Spr. glaucesccnt 1 Y ...... 1824. S co
21167 Jycopifbhus Poir. Lycopus-lvd A un 2 Y 1820. D co
canescens Schr.
21168 arenarius Bieb. sand ^ A un 1 Y Caucasus 1818. D co
cinerariotdcs Viv.
21169 Othbnae Bieb. Othona-/ife £ A or S Pk Iberia 1816. D co
Cacalia pinnata W. en.
21170 delphinitnliusraM Delphinium-lvd^ A or I Y Barbary 1800. D co Boc sic. 51
21171 adonidtfulius Hort. Adonis-leaved £fc A or 1 Y Europe 1800. D co
21172 abrotanifbhus L. Southcrnwood-lvd^ A un 2 jl.o Y Alp. Eur. 1640. D co Jac. au. 1.79
2U73 rtrteinisi/p/<V/»«Pers Wonnwood-lvdjfcA un 14jnjl Y France 1816. D co
21174 prsaltus Bert. very tall £ A un 4 jLau Y Italy 182a D co
chrysanthemifblius Mor.
21175 canadensis L. Canadian 3t A or H Y N. Amer. 1820. D co
IV. VENI/STI. — Lea ues divided ; flowers subsolitary rays spreading; shrubby.
21176 publgcrus L. pubigerous • \ I or 2 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1816. C s.p M. h. 18.32
21177 venustus U. K. beautiful «(_Jel If jU P C. G. H, 1774. C p.l Bot.reg.901
V. REVOLU'TI. — Rays of flowers revolute.
i. Fauricbsus. — Leaves pinnatifid ; flowers panicled ; shrubby.
21178 cinerascens H. K. cinerascent ftUun 6 myjl Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Jac. sc. 2.150
ii. iNDivrsi. — Leaves undivided; herbaceous.
21179 UvidusZ,. livid O un 1 Y Spain 1801. S co Schk.han.a245
21180 nebrodlnsis L. Nehrod O un Ii Pa.P S. Europe 1704. S co Bar. ic. 401
21181 telephtfolius Jac. Telephium-lvd O cu 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. S co Jac. fr. 1.1.
21182 glaucusi. sea-green O un Y Egypt 1739. S co
iii. DIVI*SI. — Leaves divided; herbaceous.
21183 crassifolius W. thick-leaved O pr i JUu P S Europe 1815. CO Bar. ic. 261
2U84triflbnis L. three-flowered O un lj jl.a Y Egypt 1776. co
O un n jlau Y Egypt 1771. CO
21186 verbeneefbhus Jac. Vervain-leaved O un 1 Y Lgypt 180.3. CO Jac. vin. 1.3
21187 aurUus Desf. eared O un 1 Y Barbary 1816. CO
21188 giganteus'Ltetf. giant 3( A un 3 Y Barbary 1827. D co Desf. at 2.234
21189 sylvfiticus L. wood O w 1 Y Britain woods. S CO Eng. but 748
2ll90viscbfcUsZ.. clammy O w 1 jn.o Y Britain S CO Eng. bot 32
21191 erucifuhus L. Erucd-lcavcd £f O un 2 Y Europe 1816. D co Bar. i c 153
211U2 .~»... w .».Viv.
, m*. loose-flowered O un 1 jn au Y Numidia 1827. S co
21193 coronopifolius Desf. Buckhorn-leavcd O un 1 Y Barbary 1816. S co
VI. JACOBR\E — Rays of flower none.
i. FBITICOSI. — Shrubby.
21194 rcclinatus £. reciinate H |_J or 2 j n . a u P C. G. H. 1774. S co Jac. Ic. 1.174
_ graminifblius Jac.
21195 persicsefblius L. Peach-leaved * i_J or 3 jnjl P C. G. H. 1820.
2ll9G/)euccdanift>liu9/,. Pcucedanum-lvd • | | or 3 my.jn P C. G. H. 1816. Jac. ic. 3.581
CacXha peuredanifblia Jac.
**197 squambsus W. scaly *i | un 3 myjl Y C. G. H. 1820. pi
21198 ha?matoph^llu8 W. en. bloody-lvd * • or 2 ap Y 1789. c
c CO
ii. INDIVI^SI. — Herbaceous ; leaves undivided.
21199 glomeratua Desf. clustered 0 un ljau Y N. Holl. 1816. s CO
21200 scaber W. scabrous iAl or 4 Y
11 C. G. H. 1700. c s1.P1
2ia«)l divaric'itus L.
21202 AieracifbliusX.
0 1 or
O or U au.I* P
China 1801.
N. Amer. 1KK). s CO
s CO Her. par. S26
21203 c^rnuus L. drooping O or 1 jLau V E. Indies 1780. s Jac. \ in. 3.U8
iii. DIVI\JI. — Herbaceous; leaves divided.
21204 cacalioldes Fis.
21205 purpfircus L.
Opr 1 au
jg iA) or 2 jl.s
Y Brazil 182a s CO
212D() erub^scens H. K. erubescent tf OJ or 2 jn.o P
C. G. H. 1774. D CO Jac ic. 3.580
21207 Psefido-China L. Bastard China j£ iAl or Pk
C. G. H. 1774.
E. Indies 1732. s CO
Di. el. 258.335
21208 jajxJnicua Thun. Japanr k A pr 1 nu Y Japan 1774. c
21209 vulgaris L. JapanGroundsel
common O w 1 year Y
21210 lanuginbsus Spr. woollyG O or 5 o.d Y Britain rubbish. s CO Eng. bot. 747
^1211 valerianaftHivi* Lk. Valerian-leaved O O or 4
1826. s CO
21212 arabicus L. Arabian Q
1 | jl Y
Europe 1800. s CO
Q) un 1| Y Egypt 1804.
s CO

ft,2356.LE*RIi< Dec. LEHIA. (Leri, a friend of De Candolle's ?) Comp. LabiatiObr* S. 7

21213 nfctans Dec. nodding ^ • B u n 1 jnjl P W. Indies 1793. S co P U U l . l 7
O1#> russilago nutans L.
S}214 albicans Dec whitish O un f W Jamaica 1820. S co
^215 puinila Dec. dwarf j£ E0 un } jnjl P Jamaica 1816. S co

*2337. il'STER L. STABWORT. {Aster, a star; resemblance in flowers.) Comp.Card.Vern. 156. —

I. CYMBALAVUI. — Shrubby ; leaves broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate.
21216 rcfldxus L. reflcxed-leaved it I or 3 C 1759. C p.l Bot. mag. 884
21217 tomentb»us Schr. woolly , ii | or 1* myjl Pk N. S.W. 1793. C p.l Bot rep. 61
dontatus And. rep. ferruginea Wnl.
21218 erubcsccns Sieb. erubescent * |_J or 3 my.jn R N. Holl. C s.p.1
21211) stcllulatus Lab. •tellulatc * i_J or 2 my.jn V V . D L. 1823. C s.p.l Lab. n. h. 196
21220 myrsinoldes £aft. Myrsine-like *i I or 3 my.jn Pa.P N. Holl. 1825. C s.l.pLab.n. h.202
21221 sericeus Ven. silky-leaved *i I or 3 my.n B Missouri 1803. C s.p Ven. cel« 33
21232 Cymbalarie L. Ivy-leaved • LJ or 2 my.n W C. G. H. 1786. C p.l Ven. mal. 9.1
21&3 hratus A Af. ridged-stemmed A| | or my.jl W N. S. W. 1812. C I.p Bot. mag. 1:309
21224 argophfUus Lab. white-leaved M \ | or my.jl W V. D. L. 1804. C s.p Bot mag. 1563
II. ANGUSTIFMMI. — Shrubby ; leaves narrow or small.
21225 angustifblius Jac. narrow-leaved _Jor myjl Pa.B C. G. H. 1804. P Jac. sc. 3.370
2122o villtaus Tfttm. villous i L_Jor myjl W C. G. H. 1812.
21227 obtusatus 7%u». obtuse-leaved i I I o r my.jl W C. G. H. 1793.
21228 pluriflbrus G. Don many-flowcrcd L-|or my.jl W C. G. H. 1759. p.l Bot mag. 2288
fruticulbsus B. M.
21229 fruticulbsus L. rather shrubby «t-1 lor mr.jl B C. G. H. 1759. S p.l Bot. mag. 2718
21&J0 filifblius fins. thread-leaved « i | or 3 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1812. C I.p Ven. mal. 82
21231 aculeatus Lab. \mck\y-leaved «i lor 2 mrjl w N. Holl. 1818. C I.p Bot. cab. 830
21232 exasperatus Z.A:. roughened tt\ | or 3 mr.jl j w C. G. H. 1823. C I.p
21233 carolinianus W. Carolina tti lei 8 au.s p Carolina C co
III. PAUCIFLURI. — Herbaceous; stem one or few-flowered.
21234 alptnus L. alpine | my au P Alp. Eur. 1858. D p.l Bot. mag. 199
2 fibre albo white-flowered £ W Europe 1827. D p.l
21235 pulchellus IV. pretty f P Armenia ... D co
212-36 caucasicus FT. Caucasian 1 P Caucasus 1804. D co
21237 lusitanus 2fo-<rf. Spanish 1 myjl B.P Spain 1826. D co
21238 strictus Ph. •tart dwarf §s.n V N. Araer. 1806. D co
21239 biflbrus /&?*. two-flowered I jl.s V Caucasus 1820. D co
21240 percgrlnus Ph. foreign % B N. Amer. ... D co
IV. LINEARIPULII.-—Leaves entires narrow, sublinear; stem many-flowered.
21241 Ayssonifblius /,. Hyssop-leaved W N. Amer. 1683. D co Dod.m.60
21242 montanus Nut. mountain Carolina D co
21243 solidaginoldes Mx. Solidago-like N. Amer. 1699. D co Pluk. al. 79. 2
21244 tardiflbrus Mi. late-flowering w N. Amer. 1778. D co
N. Amer. 1820. D
21245 ncmoralis H. K. grove co
fcdifblius Ph. Li
21246 rigidus L. stiff-leaved P N. Amer. 1759. D co Pluk. al. 14.7
21247 paurifldrus Nut. few-flowered W Missouri ... D co
21248 linarifblius L. Toad-ilax-lvd Pa.B N. Amer. 1699. D co
21249 /jraminifolius Ph. Gra»s-leavcd Pa.P HudsJiay ... D co
21250 Tinifulius TV. Flax-leaved \V N. Amer. 1739. D co
21251 pilbsus W. pilose Pa.B N. Amer. 1812. D co
villosus Mx.
21252 folioltous W. leafy Pa.B N. Amer. 17S2. D co Di. el. 35.59
21253 aubulMus Mx. subulate Pa.B N. Amer. ... I) co
21254 tenuifblius L. slender-leaved W N. Amer 1725. D co Pluk. al. 78.5
21255 foiiosus H. K. leafy W N. Amer. 1799. D co
21256 dumbsus L. bushy W N. Amer. 1734. D co Pluk. al. 78.6
21277 trricoldes L. Heath-like W N. Amer 1758. D co
212T>8 multiflbrus H. K. many-flowered W N. Amer 1732. D co Di. el. 36.40
21259 ciliAtus W. ciliated W N. Amer. ... D co
21260 cancscens Ph. V N. Amer. 1812. D co
biennis Nut. cancsccnt
21261 paludbsus H. K. marshy B N. Amer. 1784. D m.s
21262 sparsiflbrus Mx. scattered-flwd Pa.P N. Amer. 1798. D co
21263 coridifblius Mx. Coris-leaved B N. Amer. ... D co
21264 surculusus Mx. shooly B N. Amer. ... D co
V. LATIFOLH. — Leaves entire, broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate; stem many-flowered.
21265 squarrosus Walt. squarrose ^ A el N. Amer. 1801. D co
21266 oblongifblius Nut. oblong-leaved 3l A or N. Amer. 1797. D co
21267 arg£ntcus Mx. bilver-leaved A el N. Amer. 1801. D co
21268 concolor L. self-colored N. Amer. 1759. D co
21269 reticulatus Ph. nctted-lcaved N. Amer. 1812. D co
21270 trinervis Rox. three-nerved Nepal 1818. D co
21271 filbus W. white N. Amer. ? ... D co
21272 cornifblius W. Cornus-leaved N. Amer. 1811. D co
21273 hhmilis Ph. humble N. Amer. 1699. D co W.h.b.67
21274 divaricitus L. divaricate N. Amer. 1800. D co
21275 amygdalinus Lam. Wmowd-leaved N. Amer. 1759. D co
umbellatus H. K.
21276 jaliofohus H. K. Willow-leaved N. Amer. 1760. D co Rob. ic. 207
virgatus Nees
21277 praealtus Pair. very tall N. Amer. 1800. D co
21278 aufivus //. K. summer N. Amer. 1776. D co
21279 tortifblius Mx. twisted-leaved N. Amer. ... D co
21280 rambsus G. Don sma/l-bnnchy N. Amer.?1816. D co
alp\nus 3 rambsus Hort.
21281 Novas A'ngliffi L. New England N. Amer. 1710. D CO Bot. reg. 183
2 riiber red-flowered N. Amer. 1812. D CO Bot.reg.183. inf.
21282 sessiliflbrus Hort. sessile-flowered N. Amer. 1700. D CO
21283 spurius W. spurious N. Amer. 1789 D CO
21284 cyancus Nut. bright-blue N. Amer. 1789. D CO
21285 rubricaulis Lam. red-stemmed N. Amer. 1815. D CO Hof. ph. 1. B. 1
glaticus Nees, cyancus Hqftn.
21286 grandiflbrus L. great-flowered A or 8 o.n B N. Amer. 1720. D CO Bot. reg. 273
21287 pulcherrimus hod. fairest A el l | s . o B N. Aincr.?1810. D CO Bot cab. 6
81288 phlogifblius TV. Phlox-leaved ' A or 1 | jl.o V N. Amer. 1797. D CO
21289 patens H. K. spreading hairy A or lj s.n P N. Amer. 1773. D CO Sw.fl. gar. 234
21290 punctatus Kit. dotted A or 3 au.s V Hungary 1815. I) co W. & K. S. 109
212^.11 acm L. acrid A or 2 au.s 1J S. Eun>|ic 1731. D co Pluk. al. 271.3

2J292 canusJBf. hoary-leaved Hungary 1816. D co W. & K. 1. 3D

21293 pann6nicus Jac. Fannonian Hungary 1815. D co Jac. vin. 1. 8
21294 ilmellus L Amellus Italy lf>9o. 1) co Bot. reg. 340
2 angustifblius narrow-leaved S. Europe 1596. D co
21295 ibericus Bieb. Iberian Iberia ... D co
21296 sallgnus JV. S&\lovr-leaved Germany 1815. D co
hungaricus Poir.
21297 Schreberii Nees Schreber's N. Amcr. ? ... D co
21296 longifolius Lam. long-leaved N. Amer. 1798. D co M. h. 7.22.26
VI. SEHRATIFOLH. — Leaves lanceolate and ovate, lower ones serrated.
21299 araplexicaulis JV. ~ stem-clasping A or 3' s.n B N. Amer. ... D co
pennsylvanicus Poir.
21300 prcnantholdcs JV. Prenanthes-like N. Amer. 1S21. D co
21301 adulterlnus JV. en. false N. Amer. ... D co
21302 lavigatus JV. smooth-rfmrf N. Amer. 1794. D co
glaficus Nees
21303 versicolor JV. various-colored N. Amer. 1790. D co
21304 mutabilis L. changeable N. Amer. 1710. D co Her. lug. 67
21305 keVis L. smooth N. Amer. 1758. D co
luculufl H. K.
21306 concinrus JV.en. neat N. Amcr. 1600. D co
21307 abbreviates Nees shortened N. Amer. ... D co
21308 wyrtifolius JV. Myrtle-leaved 1812. D co
21309 punlceus L. red-stalkcd N. Amer. 1710. D co Her. lug. 651
amoeNius Lam.
21310 firmus Nees firm N. Amer. 1816. D co
21311 rivularis Cos. river N. Amer. 182a D co
21312 hispidus Lam. rough-stalked China 1804. D co Kaem. ic. 29
21313 floribtindua JV. bundle-flwd N. Amer. D co
21314 Nbvi Belgii L. New York N. Amcr. 1710. D co Her. lug. 69
21315 Aellidiflbrus JV.en. Daisy-flowered N. Amcr. D co
21316 spectabilis H. K. showy N. Amer. 1T77. D co
21317 serotinus W. \aXe-Jtowering N. Amer. D co
21318 tardiflbrus L. late-flowered N. Aincr. 1775. D co
21319 marginatus Kth. marginatc N. Gran. 1827. S s.l
21320 amelldidcs A*. Amellus-like Podolia 1824. D s.l
21321 pyrenseNis Detf. Pyrenean Pyrenees D co
l.fc2 blandus PA. charming N. Amcr. 1800. D CO Bot cab. 959
**323 acuminktus JWjr. acuminate N. Amer. 1806. D CO Bot mag. 2707
S2324 conyzoMes FT. Conyza-likc N. Amer. 1778. D CO
marilandicus Afx.
21325 inuloides D. Don Inula-like ^t A or au R Nepal D CO
21326 nudiflbrus tfirf. naked-flowered^ A or au P N. Amer. ... D CO
21327 tataricus L. Tartarian £ A or au B Tartary 1818. D CO
21328 plantaginsfblius Nut. Plantain-lvd A or au.s W N. Amer. ... D CO
21329 ridula H. K. ra&p-leaued _ A or s.n W N. Amcr. 1785. D CO
21330 Tradescanti L. ~Tradescant's
" afc A or jl.s N. Amcr. 1633. D CO M.h.7.21.42
21331 recurvatus JV. recurved A or 3 au.s w N. Amer. 1800. D CO
21332 eminens JV. eminent A or 2 s.n Pa.B N. Amer. ... D CO
.. pubescens Nees L
21333 kxus JV. A or 2 s.n W N. Amer. ... D co
_ leucanthemus Detf.
21334 simplex JV. en. simple-stalked A or 3 au.o W.P N. Amer. ... D co
_ virginicus Nees
21335 bicolor Nees two-colored A or 3 au.s W.Y N. Amcr. 1759. D co Pluk.aLU4.8
Solidugo bicolor L.
21336 artemvuflbrusFoir. Wormwood-flwd^i A or 3 a u o W N. Amer. ... D co
_ <fracunculoldes W. not Lam.
21337 polyphfllus JV. en. many-leaved A or 3 au.o \V N. Amer. ... D co
^inifblius Nees
laxiflurus Lie. loose-flowered ^ A or 4 s.o N. Amer. ... D co
21.%9 junceus H. K. Rush ^ A or 4 s.o F N. Amer. 1758. D co
21340 lanceolatus Lam lanceolate ^t A or 4 au.n W.p N. Amcr. 1811. D co
21341 rfracunculoldes Lam. Tarragon-like^ A or 3 s.n W Tuuria 1811. D co
"*""* fragilis JV. britUe " A or 2 s F N. Amer. 1800. D co
camcus Nees
21343 miser L. mesigre-flwd j un 3 i.o \V N. Amer. 1759. D co
parvifl&rus Nees
21344 divergens H. K. spreading downy 1 A " n 3 s.o W N. Amer. 1758. D co
21345 diffusus H.K. A or 2 s.o W N. Amer. 1777. D co
«coparius Nees
2134G pendulus H. K. pendulous 3 A or 2 s.o w N. Amer. 1758. D co
21347 altaicus JV. en. Altaian ~i A o* B Siberia 1804. D co
pbxnilus Fis.
21348 surculbsus Mx. pggy l|aiLS P N. Amer. 1800. D co
21349 gracilis Nut. slender 1 JLau O N. Amer. ? ... D co
21350 tenellus Thtm. delicate fap.o B C. 6 . H. 1769. C p.l Bot mag. 33
21351 7Yip61ium L. Tripoly S au.s B Britain scash. D co Eng. bot 87
21353 sibiricus L. Siberian 2 jl.o B Siberia 1768. D co Gin. si. 2.80.1
21353 inclsus Ft*. cut-leaved B Siberia 1818. D co
Grindelia siberica Spr
81354 deserttrum Fis. desert B Siberia 1830. D co
81355 Regans JV. elegant B ...... 1790. D co
81356 pkllens JV. en. \Jl V N. Amer. ... D co
21357 rig{dulus Nees rigidish B N. Amer. 1816. D co
21358 luxbrians Spr. luxuriant B N. Amer. 1816. D co
expansus Nees
21359 vimlneua W. twiggy
"Rgy B N. Amer. 1800. D GO
p&tulus Lam. fltrlctus Poir.
21360 pnexcox JV. en. eaxly-Jlowering V N. Amer. 1800. D co
VII. CORDIFOLII. — Leaves serrated or toothed, cordate.
21361 undulatus L. mi\e-leaved ^ A or 3 au.o P.B N. Amcr. 1699. D co Her. iiar. 9t»
paniculatus H. K. panicled 5 A el 4 s.o B N. Amer. 1640. D co
•anguineus JV. bloody £t A or 3 s.o B N. Amcr. ... D co

21361 eordiftlfus L. heart-leaved P.B N. Arner. 1759. D co

81365 aagittaefblius IV. sagittate-leaved B N. Amer. 1700. D co
21366 corymbbsus L. corymbed W N. Amer. 1765. D co
21367 macrophyllus L. long-leaved W N. Amer. 1739. D co
21368 heterophy'llusfP'.en. various-leaved Pa.r N. Amer. 1811. D co
21369 alwartensis hod, Alwart R Caucasus 1807. D co Bot mag. 8321
VIII. DUNJIUS. — Doubtful to which of the sections it belongs.
21370 graveolens Nut. heavy-smelling k A or 2 Arkansa 182ti D co
2338. CALLISTETMA Cos. CHINA ASTER. (Kallistos, prettiest,sterna, stamen :: n.j
a^iieniff. seamen fl.) Comp.Card.Vern.
KfOmv.vara.rern. SL
21371 hortcnse Cos. garden O el B China 1731. S co Di. el. 34.38
A'ster chinensis L.
2 rubrum red O el R China 1731. S co
3 album white O el 1* jl.s W China 1731. S CO
4 variegatum variegated O el Va China 1731. CO
5 multiplex double O el 14 jl.s Va China
6 brachyftithum short-flowered O el IJJI.s Va China 1731. S co
21372 Sndicum O. Dun Indian O el 1 jl.s B E. Indies 1731. S co
A'ster indicus L. S co
2339. SOLID AN3O L. GOLDEN ROD. (Solido, to unite; vulnerary quality of planto) Comp. Card. Vern. 68. —
I. UNILATERAYES. — Racemes onesided.
i. TRINE'RVBS. — Leaves three-nerved.
21373 sp&ria Worst. spurious or 6 n Y? St,Helenal772. C p.1
Conyza rugbsa H. K.
21374 canadensis L. Canadian Y N. Amer. 1648. D co Sch. han. 3.24G
81375 fragrans W. en. fragrant Y N. Amer. ... D co
21376 proccra H. K. Call N. Amer. 1758. D co
21377 serotina //. K. lAtc-JUnoering Y N. Amer. 1758. D co
21378 amsiita Lo. C. A i t o / Y N. Amer. 1815. D co
21379 granted H. K. gigantic Y N. Amer. 1758. D co
21380 ciharis IV. ciliated Y N. Amer. 1811. D co
21381 renexa H. K. refiex-lt'aved ^ A Y N. Amer 1758. D co
21382 lateriflbra L. lateral-flowered £ ^ o r 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 175S. D co
ii. VENbas—Leaves veiny,
21383 aspera H. K. tough-leaved - - N. Amer. 1732. D co Di.eL305.392
21384 asperata Ph. roughed N. Amer. 1808. D co
21385 altlssima L. tallobt N. Amer. 1686. D co Mart.cen. 14
2 recurvkta Ph. rccurvate N. Amer. 1686. D co
3 virginiXna PA. Virginian K. Amer. 1686. D co
21386 pyramidata Ph. pyramidal N. Amer. 1790. D co
21387 rugbsa W. v/rink)e-leavcd N. Amer. 1732. D co Di. el. 308.396
21388 villbsa Ph. villous N. Amer. 1732. D co
21389 scabra W. scabrous N. Amer. "1811. D co
21390 nemoralis H. JL grove N. Amer. 1769. D co
21391 patula W. spreading N. Amur. 1H05. D co
21392 ulmifblia W. £lm.lcaved N. Amer. 1805. D co
21393 arguta H. K. sharp-notched N. Amer. 1758. D co
21394^uncea H. K, Rush-stalked N. Amer. 1769. D co
21395 virgaU Mx. twiggy N. Amer. 1800. D GO
21396 pulverulenta Nut. powdered K. Amer. ... D co
arg^ntea Lo. C.
21397 nohfblid Lo. C Folium-leaved N. Amer. 1826. D co
21398 elliptica H. X. cUiytticIeaved N. Amer. 1759. D co
21399 recurvata W. en. recurved . N. Amer. ... D co
rctr6rha Mx.
21400 scmpervlrens L. evergreen N. Amer. 1699. D co Cor. ca. 169
21401 odbra H. K. sweet^melling N. Amer. 1699. D co Fluk.aL116.6
II. ERE'CTJB. — Racemes erect.
i. SBRBA>T£. — Lower leaves serrated or toothed.
21402 petiolaris H. K. petioled N. Amer. 1758. D co
21403 stricta H. K. strict N. Amer. 1758. D co
21404 virghta Mx. twiggy N. Amer. ... D co
21405 squarrdsa Mhl. rough N. Amer. ... D co
21406 cai^ia H. K. N. Amer. 1732. T) co DLeLS07.395
21407 livida IV. en.
21408 hispida W.
U N. Amer. ... D co
N. Amer. 1800. D co
21409 hirta W. en. hairy X. Amer. ... D co
21410 /ithospermifbUa TV. hairy
Gromwell-lvd N. Amer. 1811. D co
21411 lavigfca //. K. smooth-leaved N. Amer. 1699. D co
21412 mexickna L. Mexican N. Amer. 1K83. 1) co Dod.m.4.219
21413 vimlnca //. K. twiggy N. Amer. 1759. D co
21414 specibs.i Nut. showy N. Amer. 1817. D co
21415 macrophy'lla Ph. long-leaved N. Amer. ... D co
21416 noveboracensis Ph. New York N. Amer. ... D co
31417 glomerata Mx. glomerated N. Amer. 1820. D co
21418 flexicaolis L. crook-stalked N. Amur. 1725. D co Her. par. 244
21419 elata PA. tall hairy N. Amer. 1811. D co
21420 latifolia L. broad-leaved N. Amer. 1725. D co
21421 amblgua H. K. ambiguous 1759. D co
21122 rfgida L. rigid-leaved N. Amer. 1710. D co Her. par. 243
21423 axillaris Ph. axillary N. Amer. 1811. D co
21421 Virgaurca L. Golden Rod, com. Britain woods. I) co
2 amerienna American N. Amer. 1800. D co
3 alpma Seal. alpine Swltzcrl. 1819. D co
21425 arenaria Pair. sand & Europe 1816. D co
montdna Pair.
21426 alpestris Kit. rock Hungary 1816. D co
21427 nudiflbra Viv. naked-flowered S. Europe 1820. D co
21488 puberula Nut. puberulous N. Amer. ... I> co
21429 cambrica Hud. Welsh Wales .» 5 co Di.eL306.
21430 nepalensisD.Don Nepal Nepal ... D co
21431 multiradiata A K. many-rayed Labrador 1776. D co
21432 simplex Kth. alpe 1 Y Mexico 1896. D co
2}433minutal,. minute Y Pyrenees 1772. D co Bet cab. 189
21434 decurrens £011. decurrent 1 jl.o Y ChiiM 1823. D co
£1435 littoralis Savi shore £ Y Etruria 1827. D co
21436 humilis Ph. humble 1 Y N. Amer. 1811. D co
ii. . —• Leaves all entire.
21437 pauciflosculosa Mx. few-florcted 2 au.o Y N. Amer. 1811. D co
21438 angustifulia Nut. narrow-leaved 3 s.o Y N. Amer. ... D co
21439 erlcta PA. upright 3 au.o Y N. Amer. ... D co
*2340. CINERARIA L. CINERARIA. (Oneres, ashes; down covering surfaces of leaves.) Comp.Jacobke. 51.
I. GEIFOLIA. — Flowers radiate.
— Leaves undivided s peduncles many-flowered ; shrubby.
21440 lactea W. en. milk-co/orw/ tt i_Jor W 1816. Lp
21441 PetasUes B. M. Buttcrbur-/iM2 * i A l o r Y Mexico 1812. co Bot. mag. 1536
21442 #cifolia£. Geum-leavcd tt. i_Jor Y C. G. H. 1710. p.l Com. h. 2.73
21443 canencons IV. en. canescent «-i |or Y C. G. H. 1790. Bot. mag. 1990
parvirlfnra H. K.
21444 aur'ita Herit. eared tt. 1 Inr P Madeira 1777. C l.p Bot. mag. 1786
21445 cruenta Herit. bloody-leaved tt. 1 | or 2 P Canaries 1777. II p.l Bot mag. 406
2144ft uopulir'iMia Lam. Poplar-leaved tt. 1 | or 2 jn.s R Canaries 1780. C pp.l Yen. mal. 100
21447 W t a W. lobed tt. 1 I or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. c P.l
y j m y Y Canaries 1818. cc Lp
21448 pulchella Suit. tt. \ |or P
21449 hybrida W.en. hybrid tt. 1 I or p.l
21450 praeNwx Cav. early tt. t_J pr 2 Y Mexico 1824. c
w ? c. <;. H. 1885. c lfp
31451 Mba I*. C. white a. 1 I pr IJ f.ap
21452 aincncana L. American • CD or 1 f.ap Y Grenada 18*5. c
21453 incana Swx. hoaryy tt. 1 | pr 24jnaii Y Jamaica 1823. c
21454 discolor Swx. two-colored-tori*
t O or 4 jlau W Jamaica 1804. c p
2145.> glabrkU Sun. smooth tt. O or 1} Y Jamaica 1822. c
21456 lucida Swx shining tt. CD or 2 Y W. Indies ... c Lp PI. ic. 2.154
21457 cacalioides Thun. Cacalia-likc n. 1 | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. c I*,
21458 rclicifrlia ATM. Willow-leaved tt. 1 | or 2} Y Mexico 1827. c p i
21459 angustifulia Kth. l d tt. y | or li Y
narrow.leavcd Mexico 1825. c pi
ii. Dms.EiA.LU3 — Leaves divided or pinnatifid ; peduncles many-flowered
21460 bicolor L. two-colored tt-uJor 2 Y Austria ... C co
amblgua Biv. nebrod£nsis Cav.
21461 AitonMna Spr. Alton's tt. • or 1 Y C
21462 maritima L. Ben Ragwort « . _ J o r 2 jl.s Y S. Europe 1633. C LP l.p Lob. ic. 227.2
iii. UNIFLORA. — Peduncles one-flowered ; leaves undivided.
21463 lanaia Herit. woolly
woolly tt. 1 Ioror 3 3 my.s
LJ my.s PP Canaries
Canaries 1780.
1780. C C p.l Bot. mag. S3
II. TUSSILAGI'N&K. — Flowers radiate ; peduncles many-flowered i stems herbaceous.
i. CORDIFOLI*. — leaves broad cordate.
21464 malvsftlia Herit. Mallow-leaved 2 au Y Azores 1777. R p.l
21405 elatior Bouchi taller 5 W D [p
214H6 gigant^a 5m. gigantic W Cape Horn 18*6*1. 1) l.p Ex. bot. 2. 65
21467 sibinca L. Siberian 4 Y Siberia 1784. D co Bot. mag 1869
21468 specidsa ScAr. showy 6 jlau Y Siberia 1815. 1) co Bot.reg.812
21469 lavigata i/orf. smooth-team* 1 Y Siberia 1819. D l.p Sw. fl. gar. ic.
ii. INTBGRIFOLIX. — Leaves undivided, entire.
21470 suddtica Koch Sudetic 1| Switzcrl. 1819. D Bot mag. 2263
21471 rivulXris Kit. rivulet 1 Hungary 18 in. D l.p
21472 crasmfolia Kit. thick-leaved 1 Carinthia 1827. D r.m
_ ovirensis Koch
21473 crispa L. curled 2| Switzcrl. 1818. D r.m 2.178
21474 alpestris Hoppe alpine t my.jn Switzerl. 1819. D p.l
21475 alplna Hoppe alpine i Switzerl. 1819. D co Jac. au. 2.177
2147G aurant^aca Hoppe orange A | my.jl Switzerl. 1819. D S fl. gar. ic.
21477 spatulaefolia Gm. spatulate-lvd A or \ my.jl Germany 1820. D
integrifolia Roth, longifolia Stvrm
21478 longifolia Jac. long-lcuved i or 2 jnau Y Austria 1792. D co Jac. au. 2.181
21479 papposa Rchb. pappose i or Y Galicia 1821. D p.l
21480 cainpftstris Jtetx. wild i or £ my.jn Y Europe ... D co Jac. au. 180
21481 integrifolia E. B. entire-leaved i or 1 my.jn Y England D co Eng. bot. 152
21482 palustris L. marsh k or 3 jn.jl Y England mar. D m.s Eng. bot. 151
21483 aurea L. golden L or Y Siliena 1827. D r.m
21484 parviflora Bieb. small-flowered , or 2 jl.auv Y Caucasus 1820. D l.p
21485 racembsa Bieb. racemose k or 1 jl.air Y Caucasus 1820. D p.l
iii. DIVI^A. — Leaves divided.
21486 canadensis L. Canadian ^ A or 2 Y Canada 1739. D co
III. PAUCIFLORX. — Flowers rayed; peduncles one-flowered.
21487 caucasica Bieb. i. 1NDIVIS\E — Leaves undivided.
Caucasian £ A or Y Caucasus 181G. D l.p
21488 huraiftiBa Herit. trailing £ tAl or \ Y C. G. H. 1704. R p.l
ii. LYRATJEFOLIA. — Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid.
21489 viscbua Jlerit. clammy jg OJ or 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l 12.7.2
2341. AGATHaTA Cas. AGATHAA. {Agathos, excellent; beautiful flowers.) Cotnp. Jacobeec. 2.
21490 cceiestis Cas. heavenly blue tt. i_J pr U f.s B C. G. H. 1759. C p.l BoLmag. 249
Cineraria amelloldes L.
21491 /inifolia G.Don Flax-kavcd & J p r S f.i B C. G. H. 1800. C p.l
Cineraria /inifulia L.
2342. SENECPLLIS Gae. SBN SBNBCILLIS. (P aps a diminutive
(Perhaps d of SenecioJ Camp. Jacobite 2
21492 glauca Gae. glaucous A or
6 Y Siberia 1790. D e o Gm. sL2.74*
Cineraria glauca L.
21493 purpurata Gae. purple 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. D p.l
Cineraria purpurata L.
- CALOTIS R. Br. CALOTIS. {Kalos, beauty, ous, an ear; paloa; of pappus.) Comp.CanJ.Vern 1 —
H94 cun^lMiaifcflr. wedge-leaved £ i A l p r 1 my.jn B N. HolT 1819. D e o Botreg.504

2344. KAULFU'SS/i* Nees. KAULFUSSIA. (G. Fred.UKaunas, M.D., prof, bot, Halle.) Comp. Jacobhe. 1.
81495 amclloldcs Nees Amellus-like O pr 1 i u B C. G. H. 1819. S co Bot.reg.4H0
2345. PNULA £. INULA. (Corrupted from Helenium.) Comp. Card. Fern. 41. —
I. SUFFRUTICOSUB. — Stems subshrubby.
21496 tuberbsa Lam. tuberous-rooted & A or Y S. Europe 1640. D e o M.L.7.19,20
£rfgeron tuberosus
21437 crithmoules L. Cnthmum-like * | or 4 ... Y Greece 1800. C co
21498 crithmifblia A/tf. Crithmum-lvd £ A or 2 au.s Y England D co Eng. bot 68
21499 raturejoldes MiL Savory-like • • or 1 ... Y VeraCruz 1733. C l.p R.Hou.8.19
II. SUBUNIFLORS. — Seems generally one-flowered; leaves broad, oblong, or lanceolate ; herbaceous.
great-flowered A or 2 Y Caucasus 1810. D r.m
21501 glamlulosa W. glandulosc A or 2 Y Georgia 1804. D co Bot mag. 1907
21502 hirta Z.. hairy A or 1 jn.s Y Austria 1759. D co Jac. au. 4.358
2150J montana L. mountain A or Y S. Europe 1759. D co Gar. aix 10
21504 calyclna 5pr. A or 1ft jLau Y Sicily 1827. D r.m
montana Biv.
21505 provinciMis X. Provence A or 1 Y France 1778. D
III. SUBMULTIKLOILE. — Stems generally many-flowered; branches and peduncle* one.ftowered: leaves broad
oblong, or lanceolate ; herbaceous.
21506 odura L. fragrant & Europe 1821. D co M.h.&7.21:6
21507 mariana L. Maryland N. Amer. 1742. D co Mil. Ic 1.57.1
21508 quadridentata Lag. four-tooth-Jfturf Spain 1820. D co
21509 salfcina /,. Willow-fc<ii*<* N. Europel648. D co Fl. dan. 786
21510 Zfcibonium Jac. Bubonium Austria 1801. D co Jac. au. 5. ap. 19
21511 Vaillantw Vil. Vaillant'a France 1739. D co
21512 Pulicaria L. Flea-wort England moi. h. S co Eng. bot 1196
Pulicaria vulgaris Gae.
21513 arabica Lk. Arabian O un lftau.s Y Arabia 1823. S co Pluk. al. 149.4
Pulicaria arabica Lk.
21514 undulata L. wave-leaved O un 1 jl.o Y Egypt 1739. co
21515 indica L. Indian rm un U JLo Y E. Indies 1739. CO Bur. %ey. 53. 2
21516 paludosa Lk., marsh O un * jLau Y Spain 1816. CO
IV. CORYMBOUB. — Flowers corymbose s leaves broad, oblong, or lanceolate; herbaceous.
21517 britannica L. Britannic Germany 1759. D co Fl. dan. 413
21518 dysenUrica L. dysenCbry England D co Eng. bot. 1115
Pulicaria dysenterica Lk.
21519 mCUisATjiA. soft D co
21520 conyzoldes Desf. Conyza-like Crete 1810. D co
21521 suavcolens Jac. sweet-scented S. Europe 1758. D co Jac. vin. 3. 51
21522 O'culus Christ* L. Christ's eye Austria 1759. D co Jac. au. a 1223
21523 campestris Bes. field Podolia 182J. O co
O'culus Christ*" Bicb. he\eno''dcs Dec.
21524 verbascifdlia Bicb. Mullcm-leavcd Caucasus ?1819. D co
/hapsoldcs Spr.
21525 jrossypina Mx. cottony N. Amer. 1823. D p.1
21526 vill6sa L. vUlous N. Amer. 1811. S p.1
Pulicaria villosa Lk.
21527 squarrusa L. squarrose Italy 1763. D co
21528 viscosa H. K, clammy S. Europe 1596. C p.1 Jac. vin. 2.165
f rlgeron viscosus Jac.
21529 germanica L. German Germany 1759. D co Jac. au. 2,134
21530 hybrida Baum. hybrid Podolia 1818. D co
521531 blfrons L. two-fronted S. Europe 1713. D co Her. par. 1S7
V.* ANGUSTIF5LI£. — Leaves narrow.
21532 ensifolia Z. sword-leaved Austria 1793. D co Jac. au. 2.162
21533 graminifulia Mx. Grass-leaved N. Amer. ... D p.1
21534 fcB'tida L. fetid Malta 1688. S co Boc. sic. 26.13
21535 saxatilis Lam. rock & Europe 1816. D co
frlgeron glutinosus L.

2346. COKVISA'RTIA Merat CORVISARTIA. (M. Corvisart, a man's name.) Comp.Card. Fern. 2.
21536 HcMnium Merat Elecampane ^ A or 4 Y Britain m. me. D co Eng. bot 1546
.Tnula HeXhnium L.
21537 caucasica G. Don Caucasian i A or 4 Y Caucasus 1818. D co
JTnula caucasica Pers. m
•2347. G R I N D E N L / J 1 W. en. GRINDELIA. (Grindel, a German botanist) Comp. Card. Fern. 8. — 9.
21538 glutinosa Dunal glutinous * l_Jor 2 year Y Mexico 1803. C Lp Botreg. 187
Don/a glutinbsa R. Br.
21539 inuloldes W. en. lnula-like il LJor 1 Y Mexico 1815. C Lp Botreg.248
21540 spatulita Lk. spatulate il L_Jor lft Y Mexico 1819. C Lp
21541 squarrusa Dunal squarrose j£ lAlor 2 Y Missouri 1811. C Lp
Don^i squarrbsa Ph.
21542 Larabertfi G. Don Lamberts
Lambert's 2 jl.s Y Mexico 1816. C Lp
2L543 angustifuha Kth. narrow-leaved 1 jl.s Y Mexico 1822. C l.p Botreg.781
21544 Duv.Mii Spr. Duval's L_|or lftjLs Y Mexico 1820. C Lp
angustifoha Duval
21545 ciUJita W. en. ciliated Q> or lft jl.s N. Amet. 1821. S Lp Hook. ex. fl. 45
D6nia ciliata Nut.
•2348. PODCyLEPIS Lab. PODOLEPIS. (POUS, foot, lepis, scale; stalks of fl. covered with.) Comp. Card. Tern. 2.
21546 rugata Lab. wrixiUc-scaled £ iAJ or 1 W N. HolL 1803. C s.p Lab. n. h. 2.208
21547 acuminata H. K. ih&rp-scaled £ j \ ] or | W N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Bot mag. 956
Sealia jaceoides B. M.

2349. CH^TANTHBPRA Fl. per. CHATAMTBBRA. (Chaite, bristle, anthera, anther.) Comp.Labiat. 2 . - 4 ,
21348 cilikta Fl.per. ciliat«T £ lAJor 2 j l . a u ... Chile 1822. D co
21549 chitenai* i £ w . Chile tfSjor ... Chil9 1827. D p.1
Perdicium chil^nse W.
«,fS°- A'RNICA L. ARNICA. [Arnahis, lamb'sskin; leaves.) .pomp. Card.Vern. 9. —SB.
21550 montana L. mountain l AAo r 1 jlau Y Europe 1731. D p.l Bot. mag. 1740
31551 helvetica G. Don Swiss : A or 1 jnjl Y Switzerl. 1819. D r.m
montana Schl.
21552 scorpioldes L. scorpion-like A or jlau Y Austria 1710. D p.l Bot cab. 913
21S5J con&ta WW. cordate Y Switeerl. 1819. D p.l
21554 lanjgera Ten. wool-bearing
: A or
A or | Y Italy 1837. D p.1
21555 DoUnicum Jac Leopard's bane A or l j j l a u Y Austria 1816. D hp Jac. au. 1.98
21556 Cl&sii All. Clusius's A or 1 Y SwitzerL 1819. D p.l Al.ped. 17.51.2
21557 c6rsica ioi. Corsican A or 1 Y Corsica 1844. D c.i•p
ley A or 1 Y SwitzerL 1823. D p.l
21558 g!acialis Jac. .1 Jac. i c 586
2351. BELLI DIA'STRUM Cos. BELLID. ID. (Bellis, daisy, astrum. an affix signif.Jike.) Comp.Card. Vern.h
21559 Michelii Cas. Micheli's £ A or | jnji W Austria 1570. D p.1 Bot. mag. 1196
Arnica Bellidiastrum Vil.
G Brm. GERBERIA. (T Gerber, German nat. and trav. in Russia.) Comp.Card.Vern.l.&
>e*n cranata
x*_ JLirotf.
r.-..j, _.
21560 crenated £ ^O l- p
r ».
. _
P C # G . H . 1822. D p.1 Botreg.85fi
2353. DORO'NICUM L. LEOPARD'S BANE. (Doronigi, Arabic name.) Comp.Card.Vern. 7 . - 8 .
21561 Pardahanchcs L. Panther-stranglerb A or 2 my Y Britain m. pas. D co Eng. bot 630
21562 scorpioldes W. scorpion-like
p " "
1 ap.jn Y Germany ... D co
21563 Colfonr* Ten. "'
Columna's" 2 ap.JQ Y Italy 1824. D co
21564 austriacum Jac. Austrian 1 ap.jn Y Austria 1816. D co Jac. au. 130
21565 altkicum Pall. Altaic 1 W Siberia 1783. D 8.1
21566 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian 1 Y Caucasus 1815. D l.p
orientale Adams
•"567 plantagfneum L. PlantauWtrf A or 2 my Y S. Europe 157a D co,
*2354. DIPLCCOMA D.Don DIPL. (Diploos, double, koma, hair; pappus two forms.) Comp.Card. Vern. 1.
21568villbsafl.Don villous ; ^ A o r 1 my.jl Y Mexico 1826. D e o Sw.fl.gar.246
Doronicum villbsum Sessi
„ 2355. PERDl'CIUM Dec. PERDICIUM. (Perdix, a partridge; fond of original plant) CompLobiat. I. — 2 .
21569 Anandria Dec. Anandria £ A un f mr ... Siberia 1759. D eo Gm. sL & 68.1
Tusbilago An&ndria L.
* 2356. MUTI'S/il Cav. MUTISIA, (Celestine Mutis, the discoverer, a S. Amer. tot) Comp.bOiat. 1.—2.
21570 arachnoidea Mart, cobweb-like L C D or 6 R Brazil 1823. C p.1 Bot mag. 270a
speciitsa B. M.
2357. TETRAGONOTHEPCA Herit. TBTBAO. (Tetragonos, fluadnmgular, thete, case.) Comp.BeH&n. 1.
2l57lhcUantholde8i/enASunflower-Ufce ^ A or 4 au.o Y Virginia 1726. D p.1 Schk. nan. 3.263
2358. XIMEME*SI4Cav. XIMENESIA. (Joseph Ximenes, a Spanish apothecary.) Comp. He lidn. 5.
*J572 ence/oides Cav. Encclia-like | \ l o r 3 jn.n
Jn.i Y Mexico 1795. S l.p Cav. ic. 2.178
21573 cordata Kth. cordate j| 3 jl.n Y Mexico 1826. IP
21574 Cavamlleui Spr. Cavanillcs's ; 2 jLi Y Mexico 1820. co Cav. ic. 3.268
Coreopsis heterophylla Cav.
* •" - fetid O or 2i jl.s Mexico 1824. S co Cav. ic. 1.77
576 heterophylla Kth. variable-leaved O or 2 jLau Y Mexico 1827. S co
,,2359. HELPXIUM L. HELENIUM. (Named after the celebrated Helen.) Comp. Hetiantheee. 7 . - 8 .
7 autumnale L. autumnal A or 3 au.o Y N. Amer. 1729. D p.1 Schk. nan. 4250
t pubescens H. K. pubescent 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1776. D~ p.l
' pumilum IV. dwarf 1 au.s Y N. Araer.?1818. D p.l
o --J canahculatum Lam. channelled 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1800. D p.1
*15R\ quadridentatum Lab. four-toothed 2 my.o Y Louisiana 1790. S F.p Bot reg. 508
£1J82 quadriparfitum Lie. fSur-parted 3 my.o Y 182a S l.p
•«oP3 mexichnum Hum. Mexican 3 au.s Y Mexico 1825. D p.l
*2360. TRICHOPHY'LLUM tfirf. TucHoraYLLUM.
(r/m>, a hair.pAy/Zcm.aleafO Comp. Helian. 1.
to84 oppositifolium Nut. opposite-leaved ^ or Y Missouri ... D co
2361. HE'LLIS L. DAISY. (Bellustpretty; flower.) Comp. Card. Vern. 4.—6.
-S1585 perennis L. common perennial £ ^1 £ W Britain past D co Eng. bot. 424
2 hort^n«is garden, large-double £ A Pr R ... D co Bot mag. 228
3 flstulosa piped, double-quilled £ & pr \ R ... D co
4prolUera proliferous, Hen SfChicksi £ pr St ... D co
21596 hfbrida Ten. hybrid H A or i mr.jn W . R Italy 1824. D co
21587 sylvestris Cyr. wood £ A pr fmy.U W ~
Portugal 1797. D co Bot.mag.25U
21588 annuaL. annual O pr 1 W S. Europe 1759. S co Bot mag. 2174
_ 23R2. BE/LLIUM L. BELLIUM. (Bellis, daisy; similarity.) Comp.Card.Vern. 2.
21589 tellidioldes L. O pr ^ jn.8 W Italy 179& S s.p 634
XttOO minutum L. Minute A cu linjn.o W Levant 1772. D co Ac. up. 1.5.2
9*iSP " - Undrew Daht, a Swedish botanist, pupil of Linn.) Comp.Bdidn. 2 . - 3 .
nr| A A or 6 Jl.n P Mexico 1789. R h.l Cav. ic. 1.80
Double Garden Varieties.
Agathe impcriale Eclipse Marquis Sans rival
Agathe royalc Excellent Morison Sovereign
Atropurphrea Fawn-colored Mutobilis Sprciusa
Beauty of England Fimbriata • Orange flag Spring grove lilac
Beauts supreme FloribAnda Princess Alexandria Straw-colored
Belvidcre Flonbunda n\na Victoria Sulph fcrea grandiflbra
Bright puri>lc F6lgida - Princess Elizabeth Sul)>hbrea specibsa
CuneUurjibra Grand Alexander Ptilchra Sunflower
Chancellor Grin de Lin Purp&rea ritgra Superb crimson
Changeable purple Henriette Royal olive Tendre Agathe
Comet Insignia Royal purple Victory
Crimson (Wells's) Komng Aza Royal sovereign Waratah
Crimson (Young's) L'Honneur d'Anvers Ruby White Dutch
Dodonse*us Lilac-striped Sablni
Sanguinca Yellow Clifton
Duchess of Gloucester Luttalu Yellow dwarf.
B'legans Ma Favorite

21592 frustranea ft K. barren rayed A A or 6 s.n S Mexico 1802. R h.l Cav.icl.SS6

$ 2 folgcns scarlet ji ^ or 6 sn S Mexico 1802. R h.l Bot. mag.762
3 aurantia orange-colored A A 6 s.n O Mexico 1802. R h.l
4lutea yellow A A or 6 8.n Y Mexico 1802. R h.l
5cr6cea saffron A A or 6 s.n Su Mexico 1802. R h.l
2364. BCE'BERil W. BCEDERA. (Barber, a learned Russian botanist) Comp.Jacobeaf. 2 . - 7 .
81593 chrysanthemdldes TV. Chrysanth.-lk O p r l j o Y Carolina 1821. S l.p
Dyssbdia glutinbsa Cav.
21594 porophylla Kth. PorophyUum O u n li Mexico 1817. S co
DysbOdia porophylla Cav.
• 2365. TAGESTES L. TAGETES. (Tages, a Tuscan divinity; beauty of flowers.) Cotnp. Jacobi*. 14.
I. INTEGRIFOLIA. — Leaves entire.
21595 lucida Cav. ahlningJeaved j£ iAJ or 1 jl.n Y S. Amer. 1798. D p.1 Bot. mag. 740
II. PINNAVC. — Leaves pinnated or bipinnated.
21596 co Bot mag. 150
21597 p&tulaZ.
erecta L. spreading£*%£ Matigold O
' erect African Marigold O oror 23 jl.o
Y Mexico 1573.
1596. CO lAm. il. 684
or l}aus P
21598 corymbbsa Swt.
2 latca
21599 subvillbsa lAg.
8 1
O or
or au.s
Mexico 1825.
Mexico 1825.
Mexico 1823.
Sw. fl.gar. 151

21600 miniita L. minute-Jlowercd O or 2 au.o Pa.Y Chile 17*8. CO Di. el. 280.362
21601 caracasana Hum. Caraccas O or 3 au.s Y Caraccas 1819. CO
21602 tenuifblia Cau. fine-leaved O or 3 JLo Y Peru 1797. CO Bot. mag. 2045
21603 angustifblia Kth. narrow-leaved O or 3 au.s Y Mexico 1826. CO
21604 clandestlna Lag. concealed O or 3 Jl.O Y Mexico 1823. CO
coronopifolia W. en.
21605 fllifblia Lag. thread-leaved O or 3 au.s Y Mexico 1826. CO
21606 micranth.i Cav. small-flowered O or 3 JLo Y Mexico 1822. CO
21607 glandulosa Sehrank glandular O or 3 JLo Y & Amer. 1819. CO
2WU8 glandulifora Sehrank glanduliferous O or 6 o.n Y Mexico 1826. CO

23fi6L HETEROSPE'RMUM Cav. HETEROS. (Heteros, variable, spertna, seed; shape.) Comp.Hclii'in. 1.—3.
2KM9 pinnatum Cav. wing-leaved O or 2 au.s Y NcwSpain 1799. S co Cav.icS.2tTl
23G7. SCHKU*HR/i* Roth SCHKUIIRIA. (Christian Schkuhr, acute German botanist.) Comp.Helian. f
21610 abrotanoldes Both Wormwood-like O un 2 jl.s Y Mexico 1798. S co Schk.han.3.250.b
2368. PE'CTIS L. PECTIS. (Pectent a comb j teeth of pappus.) Comp Helianthea. 5. —10.
21611 humifusa Sum trailing * -* iQJ un j} Y Jamaica 1824. S co Pl.ic.95.a
21612 prostrata Cav. prostrate Jc iQ] un i jUau Y W.Indies 1818. S co Cav. ic.4.324
21613 ciliaris L. ciliated O u n 1 jl Y Hispanio. 1793. S co PI. ic. 151. 2
21614 /im folia £. Flax-leaved O un 1 Y Jamaica 1732. S co SI. jam. 1.149.3
21615 cancscens Kth. cane»cent -* O un | Y Mexico 1826. S co
2369. LONGCH A'MFSIA I A W. LONOC. (J.L.A Loiseleur Deslongchamps, M.D., French bot.) Comp Heliun. 1.
21616 capillifoha W. hair-leaved O p r J jnjl Y Barbary 1822. S co
Leyaem discoidca
n. Leysera
Pectis discoidea Horn. discoidea Spr. Gnaphalium leysero)des Dcs£
2370. LEY'SEIM L. LRYBERA. (Frederick William Leyser% a German botanist.) Comp.Eup. 4. —10.
21617 pohtolia Thun. lijl.8
Folium-leaved a. i_J pr "" ' O~ C.
" "G. H. 1820. P-l
21618 gnaphaludes L. woolly «L LJ P* 2 jl.s O C. G. H. 1774.
21619 nquarrbsa W. squarrose
Staehellna gnaphalbdes I..
«. i I pr 2 jl.s o C. G. H. 1615. l Jac ic. 3.588
P Pluk.aL302.3 C
21620 cilihta Thun. ciliated n. \_J pr C. G. H. 1816. S p.1
237L SEI.LO^ Spr. SBLLOA. (Fred. Sello, a German botanist in Brazil.) Comp.Eupatbre<e. 1. —2.
21621 glutinosa Spr. clammy • • un 3 f Y Brazil 1819. C co Bot. reg. 462
2372. RELHAWil Herit. RELHANIA. (Rev. Richard Relhan, author FJ. Cantab.) Comp.Helian.5. —
21622 squarrb»a Herit. squarrose tL i_J pr C. G. H. 1774.
21623 pftngens Herit. pungent tt. LJ P' C. G. H. 1820. p. Bot reg. 587
21624 lateriflora Herit. side-flowering «. i_J pr C G. H. 1823. p.
21625 /^eniHtifulia Herit. Genista-leaved *L i_J pr 1 my.jn C. G. H. 1823. p.1
Athanasia fcnistifdlia L.
21626 paleXcea Herit. chaffy tt. | I pr 1 my.jn Y C, G. H. 1818. C p.1 Gac. fr. 173.9
Leyaera mco'ides Berg.
2373. ZI'NNi/f L. ZINNIA. (John Godfrey Zinn, prof. bot. Gottingen.) Comp.Heliantheee. 8.—
I. SESSIMFLORA. — Flowers sessile.
21627 pauciflbra L. few-flo'.vcrcd O or 2 Y Peru 1753. S r.xn Mil..ic. 1. 64
II. PEDUNCULIFLU&K —Flower* pedunculate.
21628 multiflbra L. many-flowered O or jn.o R N. Amer. 1770. S r.m Bot mag. 14!)
21629 verticillkta Andr. whorl-leaved O or R Mexico 1789. S r.m Bot. rep. 189
21630 ^legans Jac. O or ins S Mexico 1796. S rra Botmag.fi27
iriolacca H. K. elegant
21631 tcnuiflbra Jac. slender-flowered O or 2 jlau S Mexico 1799. Bot mag. 555
21632 revoluta Cav. revolutc O or 2 S Mexico 1817.
2163.) angustifolia HUTU. narrow-leaved O or 2 R Mexico 1824
21634 h^brida B. M. hybrid O or 2 jnjl S S. Amer. 1818. Bot mag. 2123
*2374. CHRYSANTHEMUM L. CHRYSANTHEMUM. {Chrysos, gold, anthemon, fl.) Comp. Anthem. 30.—dS.
I. FRUTICOSA. — Shrubby i rays white.
21635 pinnatifidum L. plnnatifid tk \__J or 3 W Madeira 1777. C p.1
21636 an«jmalum Lag. anomalous n. _J or 1 jn.jl W Spain 1816. D co
21637 radlcans Cav. xooWng-branciied ft i_J or 1 W Spain 1818. C s.1
II. ALBIFLORA. — Herbaceous ; rays white.
21638 paludbsum Desf. marsh ^ A 11 j j l W Barbary
B b 1810. S co Desf. at. 2.239
21639rotundifblium W.^r-K round-leaved Hungary 1817. D co
21640 mexicAnum Bonp. Mexican Mexico 1825. D co
21641 atratum TV. blackened-tai Austria 1731. D co
2 lobatum Schl. lobed Switzerl. ISltt. D co
21642 heterophjrllum W. various-leaved Switzerl. 1806. D co
21643 leucanthemum L. whitc-flowered Britain pas. D co

21644 raontanum L. mountain France 1759. D co Jacob.4.91

21645 lanceolktum Pert, lanceolate Hungary 1817. D CO
51646 sylvestreL. wood 1804. D co
91647 graminifulium L. Grass-leaved 1 myjl Montpel. im O co Jacob.4.92
21648 perpuslllum Lot. very email jnjl France 1825. D co
21649 flbsinthiifblium Fis. Wormwood-lvd Siberia 1824. D co
21650 monspeliense I. Montpelier Montpel 1739. D co Jacob. 4.93
21651 Aemha W. MMoiUeaved Italy 1775. D co Mic.gen.S4.29
21652 argcnteum W. sWvei-leavcd „ Levant 1731. D co
21653 arcticum L. arctic W.P Karatsch. 1801. D co W.h.b.33
21654 tanacetifblium W. Tansy-leaved £ A or W A. Minor 1818. D co
21G55 dauciftlium Pers. Carrot-leaved £ A or W 182a D co
2i656cartnatum ScAoui. keeled O or co Bot.mag. 508
21657 pumilum W. en. dwarf O or co
III. FLAVIFLORA. — Herbaceous; rays yellow.
21658 segetumL. corn O or 1| Y Britain com fl. § co
21859 Mycbnfc \V. Mycon'a Q or 1 Y Italy 1775. co Jacob.4.9*
21660 italicum L. Italian -* A or 2 jnjl Pa.Y Italy 1796. CO fl
21661 coronarium L. garland O or 4 jl.s Y Sicily 1629. co Lam. il 678.6
21662 indicum L Indian £ A o r 2 B.n Y China r.m
IV. VAlillFLbaA. — Herbaceous; ftowertvariable.
21663 tripartitum Swt. triparted £ A or 3 an T E. Indies 1800. C r.m Sw. fl. gar. 193
indicum Pen.
21664 sinense Sab. Chinese £ A or 3 o.n Va China 1764. C r.
Garden Varieties.
1 Purple Sot. mag. 327 16 targe Hquilled Orange Hort. to. 28 Pale Buff
2 Changeable White Sot. mag. *- - 29 Early Blush
2042 17 Expanded light Purple 30 Blush Ranunculus-flowered
3 Quilled White Sot. reg. 4 18 Quilled light Purple 31 Changeable pale Buff
4 Superb White Sot. reg. 455 19 Curled Lilac gar. 7 32 Two-colored Red
'5 Tabled White 20 Superb clustered Yellow Sw. fl. 33 Starry Purple
6 Quilled Yellow gixr. 14 34 Brown Purple
7 Sulphur Yellow 21 Semidouble quilled Pink Hort. 35 Late quilled Yellow
8 Golden Yellow Sot. teg. 4* tr 5.17* 36 Double Indian Yellow
9 Large Lilac 22 Semidouble quilled White 37 Parks's small Yellow
10 Rose or Pink 23 Semidouble quilled Orange Hort. 38 Tasseled Yellow
11 But!'or Orange tr. 5.17* * 39 Tasseled Lilac
12 Spanish Brown 24 Late pale Purple 40 Semidouble quilled pale Orange
13 Quilled flamed Yellow Hort. 25 Quilled Salmon-colored Hort. tr. 41 Golden Lotus-flowered
lr.4.14 5.17* 42 Two-colored incurved
14 Quilled Pink Sat. reg. 616 26 Small Yellow Hort. tr. 5.17** 43 Yellow Waratah
15 Early" Crimson Horttr. 5.3 27 Paper White 44 Double Indian White
2375. PYRFTHRUM Sm. FEVERFEW. {Pyrt firej hottasted root.) Compds&s Anthemidta. 49,
I. FnimcbSA.— Shrubby j rays white.
2W65 crithmifbliumJK.en. Samphire-lvd l_J_ or 3 year W Teneriffe 1815. C co
2{666anethifbliumJK.«i. Dill-leaved « i _ | o r S" year W Teneriffe 1815. C co
&6R7 /oDniculaceum W. en. FenneUtaiwd * LJ or 3 year W Teneriffe 1815. C co Bot reg. 272
|1668 frut&cens L. ftutescent « U o r 3 year W Canaries 1699. C p.1
*J669«)ronoi>ifbliumJKfn.Buckhorn.lvd«uJor 2 year W Canaries ... C l.p
oJ2°?T an
d'fl«rumH'.«i.gffcat-flowered • U o r S year W Canaries 1815. C Lp
oifl Broussoneti Cham. Broussonet's * i _ | o r 2 W Canaries 1817. C 8.1

«672 speciosum W. en. showy si LJ or 3 year W Canaries 1815. C Lp

II. ALBIFIAIRA. — Herbaceous rays white.
81673 simplicifblium W. simple-leaved ' W. Indies 1817. D co
"1674 latifblium W. en. broad-leaved Pyrenees 1820. D co
0 grandiflbrum Lap.
*«W5 maximum Dec. laTgest S. Europe 1818. D co
|J676ser6ttnunWK. \aXx-fiowering N. Amcr. 1731. D co Jacob. 4.90
21677 uligintoum Kit. marsh Hungary 1816. D co Bot mag. 2704
•J678 Ailsamita IK. Balsamita Levant 1779. D co Jacob. 4.89
21679 Halleri W. Haller's Switzerl. J819. D co Bar. ic. 458.2
21680 alplnum IV. alpine Switzerl. 1759. D co
_ 2 pubescens fpubescent Switzerl. 1819. D co
21681 diversifhlium Grah. variable-leaved N. Holl. 1823. D co Bot.mag. 1035
21682 Barrclien Lk. Barrelier's S. Europe 1820. D co
•J683 tomentbsum Lot. woolly Corsica 1818. D co
*J684 pulverulcnturo W. powdery M. « Caucasus 1806. D co
f\<m ceratophylloldes W. Hornwort-like £ A Piedmont 1819. D co Al.ped. 1.37.1
*J686 pal Astro W. marsh £ A or jj Armenia 1820. D co
iY$ Pinnatifidum W. pinngtifid £ A or 2 my.jn W 1823. D co
»HS88 macroph^llum W. long-leaved £ A pr Hungary 1803. D co W.&K.1.94
Q ilchillea jAinbucifdha Detf. 3 W
*|689 corymbbsum IV. corymbose £ A pr 1 W Germany 1596. D e o
*16«O cineraria!ft>hum 7>cv.Cmcraria-lvd £ A or 2 W Dalmatia 1»2(>. 1) s.l
xl691 Parchemum Sm. cotnmon l'ellitory £ A w 2 n.s W Britain rubb. I) co* Eng. bot. 1231
2flbrepli:no double-flowered£ £ or £ n.s W C r.m
21692 Manduna Hort. Mandiana £ A or lijnuu W France 1816. S co
*1693 parthenifblium W. Partheiiium-lvd £ A pr 2 jttil W Caucasus 1804. D co Ven.cel«43
21694 caucasicum W. Caucasian £ A P' W Caucasus 1804. D co
21»>95 sericeum Bieb. silky £ A F 1 jn au W Iberia W2;l D co
%W% tcnuifbliuro Ten. slender.lcaved £ A pr 1 W Caucasus I8C£. D co
21697 i>arvifl«»rum W. small-flowercd O un W IS'.'O. S co
2J698 pneVn Bieb. early O or 1 jnjl W Caucasus 1818. S co
•lfiy»ntannicttfblium W. Sncezowort-lvd£ A l>r lijLau W Caucasus 1803. D co
700inodbrum*«. scentless O pr 1 au.s W Britain dryfl. S co Eng. bot. 676
2 floribus plenis large-double Jk A « i W 1825. C 8.1
;randiflCirum Hort.
g Aegant Jc O or 1 W Mt.Baldol816. S co
niaritimum Sm. sea £ Apr 1 jn.o W Britain seash. D co
f shaded O or W S. Europe 1821. S g.l
fine-leaved £ A or 1 au.3 W Caucasus 1821. S s,l
A a

I I I . RUDRIFLORA. — Herbaceous ; rays red.

21705 carneum Bleb. flesh-colored £ A cl lftau.s Pk Caucasus 1804. D co Bot. mag. 1080
Chrysanthemum coccincum R M.
21706 rbseum Bieb. rosy £ A or 2 jLs Pa. It Caucasus 1826. D co BoL reg. 1026
IV. FLAVIFL5RA. — Herbaceous; rays yellow.
21707 Indicum Rox. Indian O un E Indies 1810. S p.l Bot. mag. 1.021
21708 brcviradiatum Led. short-rayed O or l au 1818. S co
21709 Boccbnii W. Bocconi'ii A or Spain" 182a S co Bar. ic. 1153
21710 trifurcatum W. three-forked O or Barbary 1820. D co Desf. at 2.235.2
21711 bipinnatum W. bipinnate-/w* pr f jjl Siberia 1796. S co Gm. si. 2.85.1
21712 millcfbliatum IV. thousand-lvd £ 2 my.8 Siberia 1731. D co Mil. i c 1.9
Milfoil-leaved -* A pr pr 2 au.s Caucasus 1823. D co Gm. sL 86.2

2376. MATRICA'RIA L. MATRICARIA. (Matrix* the womb; sup. mcd. qual.) Comp. Anthem. 4. —5.
21714 suaveolens L. swect-Binelhng Q un W Europe 1781. 8 co _
21715 Chamomilla L. Wf/tfChamonulc O w 1 my.jl W Britain ro. sid. S co Eng. bot. 1232
21716 capt'-nsia L. Cai>e JU Ol un jl.s' W •C. G. H. 1699. S CO Scba 1.16.2
21717 pusflU W. en. small O un S CO
2377. BOLTCN/i* Herit. BOLTONIA. (J. B. Button, an English botanist) Comp. Card. Vem. 2.
21718 astcroldcs Herit. Starwort-like ^ A pr 3 au.o F N. Amer. 1758. D s.l Bot mag. 2554
21719 jplastifblia Herit. Woad-leaved 3 A p r lh Pk N. Amer. 1758. D s.l Bot mag. 2381
2378. LIDBE'CK/4 Berg. LIDOECKIA. \R. G. Lidbeck, a Swedish botanist.) Comp. Anthem. 2. —4.
21720 pectinata Berg. pectinated I l l _ J p r 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. C Lp Berg. c. 306.5. 9
21721 lobata Thun. fobed I t i_J pr 2 my.jn Y ~ C. G. H. 1800. C l.p Lain. il. 701.3
C6tula quinque'loba L.

2379. CE*NIA Com. CENIA. (Kenos, empty: inflated calyx.) CompSsitcc Anthemidece. 1.
21722 turbinkta Pert, turbinated O un 1 W C. G. H. 1713. S co 701.1
Lidbcckia turbin&ta Thun.

2380. COTCLA L. COTULA. (Dim. of cola, old name for a species of j4'nthemis.) Comp. Anth. 7.-29.
21723 anthemcAdes L. Anthcmis-like
« _*.l • _ i:i._
un 14 jl:i au Y
tr St Helena
MSA. T T _ I _ _ _1696.
lens S0 —
co l \ j _i Qn QC
21724 aurea L. golden O or Y Spain 1818. S co
21725 coronopifolia L. Buckhorn-lvd KB un i Y C. G. H. 1683. S co Lam. il. 700.1
21726 viscosa L. clammy 2 3 un i au W VcraCruz 1739. D l.p
21727 tanacetifulia W. Tansy-leaved O_ un f Y C. G. H. 1783. S co Pluk.m.430.7
2HV& sphsrantha Lk. round-flowered jg ES un 2 my.jn Y Congo 1821. D co
21729 nudicaulis Thun. naked.stemmcdj£ iAJ or i Y C.G. H. 1816. C l p H. sys. 69.4

2381. GRA'NGE,4 J. GRANGEA. (Grange, probably a manfs name.) Compdsitat Anthemlde*. 7.—
21730 chin^nsis Lam. Chinese O un } jCs Y China 181& S, co 699.2
C6tula cuneifolia W.
21731 minima W. least O un Y : China 1768. S co Bur. in. 58.3
21732 decfimbens Deaf. decumbent O or Y N. Holl. 1816. S co
21733 maderaspatana Lam. Madras O un $ Y E. Indies 1780. S co 699.3
21734 cinerea Del. cinereous O or i Y 1818. S co
21735 bfcolor W. two-colored jl
un 1| W . Y ETindies 1804! S co Lam. il. 1599.1
Cotula latifblia Desf.
21736 wnchifulia Bieb. Sonchus-leaved O or A Caucasus 1821. S co
2382. ANA'CYCLUS L. ANACYCLUB. (A priv.vminvs,
l I'IIT. flower,HHWIW.
anihos,uuwW| circle; uvaiii;a>;
kyklos, biiiiiif) ovaries.) Comp.
vt Anth. 8.—
737 anthemoidcs
anthcmoidcs Zfl£
Lag. Anthemis-like
Anthemislike ^ AA unun 11 jlau Pa Y S.
Pa.Y S Europe
Europe 1727. 1727 D D ecoo
Santollna onthemoidcs L.
21738 crcticus L. Cretan O un 1 Y Candia 1759. S co An. mu. 11.22
21739 oricntalis L. Oriental O un li Y Levant 1731. S co Boer. 1.110
21740 aureus L. golden-flowered O pr Y Levant 1570. S co 700. 2
21741 valentlnus L. Valentia O un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1656. S co Schk.han.3.254.t»
21742 radiatus Lk. rayed O pr Y S. Europe
" 1596. S s.l Brcy. c. 75
if'nthcmis valenttna Jr.
21743 davatus Lk. clubbed O cu 1| W Barbary 1801. S co Biv. cen. 1.7
21744 divaricatus Cav. divaricate O un 1£ W Spain 1818. S co

* 2383. CLADA'NTHUS Cos. CLADANTHUS. (K/ados, branch, anthos, Bower; on branches.) Camp. Anth. '•
21745 arabicus Cas. Arabian O pr 1| V Barbary 1759. S co Sin. spic. 9.10
il'nthemis arabica L.

2384. if'NTHEMIS L. CIIAMOMILE. "(Anthemon, a flower; plants covered with.) Comp. Anth. 45.-49
I. FLAVIFLGUJH. — Rays yellow; leaves bipinnatifid or bipinnate.
21746 tinctoria L. y eFf*.
<Ly ^ A pr l i j n n Y Britain stopl. D co Eng. bot. 1472
21747 Rudolphidna Bieb. Rudolph's A or 1 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1824. D
Pyrethrum orientale W.
21748 Marshalliuaa W. Marshall's or 14 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1816. D
21749 discoidea W. discoid pr 1 Y Italy 1800. S
II. BiPiNNATi'FiDiF.. — Rays white ; leaves bipinnatifid or bipinnate.
21750 fallax TV. uncertain O pr W 1825. S co ag.4fS
21751 Pyrethrum L. Pellitory of Si>ain A or jnjl W S. Europe 1570. D s.p Jac. sc. SL 371
21752 globtea W.
21753 apiifolia B. Br.
21754 nubilis L.
f lobose
common noble
A ni
W S. Europe 1570. D co Bot. reg. Sia
China 1819. D co
Britain D co Eiig. bot. 980
2 fibre pleno double %r A
%, W Britain gard. D co
21755 grandiflbra Dec. grcat-flowcringj£
g j£ AA or jnau W S. Europe 1835. D co Eng. bot 602
21756 arvensis L. corn-field
fild £ £ Q> Q> w W Britain dryfl. S co Eng. bot. 177«
21757 Cotula L. Cotula Ow jn.s W Britain corn fl.S co W.h.b.1.62
rigescent £ A pr jl.s W Caucasus 1805. D co Jac. au. 5.44*
Austrian O un myau W W Austria 1759. S co
All. Triumfetti's j£ Q> or Pa.Y~ Switzcrl. 1819. S co
Nico O un W Italy 1819. S co
poreefma u\
21762 chla L. Chian O lijno W Chio 1731. S co
21763 altissima L. tallest O 4 au W & Europe 1731. S co
21764 Cite L. Cota O w Italy 1714. S co 17.5
21765 punctate Vahl dotted Ul au.s w Barbary 1818. S co
21766 publscens TV. pubescent A pr w S. Europe 1803. D co
2J767 Chamomilla TV. en. Chamomile £ Apr w S. Europe 18(17. D co
21768 fuscate Brot. brown-scaled O pr _ jlau w Portugal 1805. S co
21769 ruthenica Bieb. Russian O pr li my.jn w Tauria 1823. S co
21770 fruticulitsa Bieb. shrubby £ A pr n
\ w Caucasus 1820. D co
21771 retiisa Lk. rctuse O un w 1824. S co
21772 secundiramea Biv. side-branched O un 1 w Sicily 1833. S co
21773 ramosa Lk. branchy O un 1 w Spain ...... 1824. S co
21774 coronopifMia TV. Buckhorn-lvd 16 A pr 1 jn.jl w 1818. D co
21775 saxatilis Kit. rock m AM ... 1 w Hungary 1807. D co
21776 anglica Spr. English -X O un i jLau w England sea co. 9 co Eng. bot. 237a
maritima E. B. not L.
III. PIN.VAYE. — Leaves pinnate andpinnatifid; flower uthtte.
21777 incrassata £oj. th\ck-pc<tunclcd£ A or 1 W France 1818. D co
21778) pedunculate
pedunculate Desf. neduncled
Desf. peduncled nO un
un W W Snain
Spain 1816.
1816. SS CO
incrassata Lk.
21779 tomentosa L. downy Levant 1795. D co
21780 carpatlca TV. Carpathian Carpathia 1820. D co
21781 montana L. mountain Italy 1759. D co Ger. gal. 8
21782 percgrlna Bieb*. foreign Caucasus 1823. S co
21783 ibdrica Bieb. Iberian Iberia 1820. D co
21784 petrae\i Ten. rock Italy 1825. S co
21785 Barrclieri Ten. Barrelier's Italy 1825. S co
21786 mixta L. mixed France 1731. S co Mic.gen.30 1
21787 mclampodia Del. black-footed Egypt 1819. D co
21788 maritima L. sea Mcditer. 1800. S s.1
21789 alptaa L. alpine Austria 1824. D co Jac. au. 30
21790 KUaibelii Spr. Kiteibcl's Hungary 1823. D co
sax&tilis Kit.
ft2385. CENTROSPE'RMUMSpr. CBNTROBPEBMUM. (Keniron, spur, <p«wa, seed.) Gmp.Anthem. 1.
21791 chrysanthum Spr. yellow-flowered O pr I JUu Y Spain 182J. S co
2386. SANVITA^LW Cav. SANVITALIA. (Most probably a man's name.) Ctmp. Helidnthe*. 1 . - 2 .
21792 procumbens Cav. trailing -* O or 1 Y Mexico 1798. S co Bot. rcg. 707
•2387. ilCHILLEM L. MILFOIL. (Achilles, pupil of Chiron, first used the plant in med.)
I. lNDivi*afi. — Leaves undivided
21793 lingulata JPtf. tongue-leaved A o r 1 W Hungary 1815. D co W . & K . 1 . 2
21794 Herba-rote All. Herba-rota A oror 1 jn.jl W France 1640. D co Al.ped. 1.9.3
21795 grandiflbra Bieb. great-flowered A o r 1 jl.du W Caucasus 1815. D co
21796 Ptarmica L. Sncezewort
Snce £ A A 1 jl.n W Britain moi. pi. D co Eng. bot. 757
«,- 2 flbre pl&no A 1 JLn W D co
21797 finglica G. Dan double-flowcrcd£
English AA or 2 W Britain fields. D co Eng. bot. 2531
. serrkta E. B. not L.
21798 decolbrans Schr. staining A or 1 W.Y 1798. D co
817990 mong61ica Fis. Mongolian A or W? Siberia 1818. D co
SJ99 specibsa Hoe. showy A or H JU W 1804. D co
21801 biserrata 2?«r*.
biserrate _ A or 1* jn.jl W Albania 1820. D co
£ A or * Italy 1734. D p.l
21802 cristate Arte. Sweet Maudlin £ A or 2 au.o w S. Europe 1570. D s.p
21803 Y
^ g l II. PINNATI'FIDJE.—Leaves phmatMd, or doubly or deeply toothed.
21804 alptnaZ. alpine £ A or J j l . n W Siberia 173K D 8.p
21805 serrkta Retx. wn4eaved 2 au.s W SwitzerL 1686. D co
31806 coronopifblia W. Buckhorn-lrd li Pa.Y Levant 1823. D co W . ach. 1.2
21807 Clarenrup L. Clavenna's W Austria 1636. D p.l Bot. mag. 1287
,21808 impatiens L. impatient 2 jn.s W Siberia 1759. D co Gin. si. 2.8a 1
21809 Gerberi W. Oerber's li Pa.Y Siberia 1821. D co
21810 recurvifblia Lap. recurved-lvd U W Pyrenees 1820. D co
21811 pectinhte W. comb-leaved l i au.s Pa.Y Hungary 1801. D co W . & K . 1 . 3 4
ochroledca Wald.
21812 ehamaemclifbhaPotf.Chaniomilc>lvd£ A or W France 1825 D co
21813 asplonifblia Ven. Asplenum-lvd £ A or Pk N. Amer. 1803. D s.p Ven. eels 93
21814 squarrbsa H. K. ToughJicdded £ A or 1 W ...... 1775. D p.l
III. PINNAVJE. — Leaves pinnate.
i. TRANSVE'RSJS. — Leaflets transverse
21815 falcata L. sickle-fcavof £ A or jn.s Pa.Y Levant 1739. D co 683.3
21816 imbricate Ven. imbricated £ A or li Y Persia 1818. D s.l Ven. eels 54
21817 tenuiftlia Lam. slender-leaved n. | or 1 Y Levant 1733. C co
21818 Santollna L. Santolina £ A or 1 Pa.Y Levant 1759. D p.l
21819 santolinoldes Lag. Santolina-like jit A or 1 W Spain D co
21890 albida JV.en. whitish . £ A or 1 jl Pa.Y ...... 1819. D co
iL HORIZONTALS.— leaflets horizontal.
21821 onthemo'idca TV. Anthemis-lk 1 Pa.Y D co
21822 dcctiinbcns I<am. decumbent Jt* A or i Y Kamtsch. 1816. D s.l
21823 moschate Jac. musk £ A or 2 jn.Jl W Italy 1775. D co Jac. au. 5. an. 33
21824 atrateL. black-cupped £ A or Austria 1596. I) co Jac. au. 1.77
21825 nana L. dwarf £ A or 2 jjl.8 W Italy 1759. I) co Al. pcd. 1.9.3
21826 erotica L. Cretan £ A or W Candia 1739. D p.l Boc. mu. 34
21827 acgyptUca L. Egyptian «-i_Jor 1 jl.s l Pn.Y Levant 1610. C p.l 1.87
21828 holosericea Sm. velvety 5t A or l.s W Parnassus 1817. D co
218U9 auriculata TV. eared k A or Y A. Minor 1827 D co
21830 vallesiaca Suter Vallcsian W Switzcrl. 1819. D co
helvetica Schl.
21831 macroph^lla L. long-leaved £ A or 3 jLau W Italy 1710. D co Tri.ob:23
IV. BIPINNAVAS. — Leaves bipinnate and bipinnattfid.
21832 compacta TV. compact £ A or 1 P.i.Y 1803. D co
21833 glomerita ^wft. glomerateil £ A or 1 Y Caucasus 1818. D ro
Aa 2
21834 punctate Ten. dotted £ A or 1 Str Naples 1820. D co
21835 ieptophylla Bieb. slender-leaved £ A or 1 Pa.Y Tauria 1816. D co
81836 taftrica Bieb. Taurian 5 A or 1 Pa.Y Tauria 1818. D co
81837 pauciflura Lam. few-flowered £ A orr 1 Y Spain 1820. D co
S1838 EupatbTiu?n W. Eupatorium £ A ° 4 Y Casp. sho, 1803. D co
/ilicifblia Bieb.
81839 coarctkta Poir. compressed £ A or 4 jLs Y S. Europe 1816. D co
81840 aurca Lam. go\den-ftowered£ A or 1 jn.s Y Levant 1739. D co
81841 pubtaens L. pubescent £ A or 1 jn.s L.Y Levant 1739. D p.1
81842 crithmifblia Kit. Saxnphire-lvd £ A or W Hungary 1804. D p.1 W.&K.1.66
81843 micr&ntha W. small-flowered £ A or 1 n.o Y Levant 1805. D p.1
81844 tanacetifMia ^tf. Tansy-leaved 1 Pk Switzerl. 16j». D co M.h.6.11.14
81845 rbsea W.SfK. roseate 1} R Hungary 1816. D co
81846 distans Kit. distent 3 W Italy 1804 D co ALped.53.1
ambfgua Pott.
81847 Afillefolium L. Milfoil £ W 2 jn.o
Britain past D co
2 rubra red-flowered £ W 2 jn.o D co
81848 dubia Us. doubtful £ 1
W Siberia' 1820. D co
21849 montana & « . mountain £ W 1
Switzerl. 1819. D co
21850 hetcropttflla Spr. variable-leaved £ W 1 1826. D co
81851 dcntifera Dec. tooth-bearing £ W H
S. France 1818. D co
818.42 intermedia Schi. intermediate £ W
Switzerl. 1819. D co
81853 polyphyila Schl. many-leaved £
W Switzerl. 1819. D co
81854 strfcta 5cA/. strict £
W Switzerl. 1820. IX. co
2iaO5 banndtica W. % K. Bannatic £ W
Hungary 1816. O co
81856 magna L. great £ W 3 jnn
S. Europe 1683. D co
21857 lanata Sjw. woolly £ W 1804. D co
21858 tomenttoa L. tomentose £ Y 2 my.o
Britain hea. D co Eng. tot 2532
21859 microphjrlla W. small-leaved £ W 1 Jl.s
Spain 1800. D co Bar. ic. 1114
21860 ochroleuca £A yellowish-whitc£ 2 jl.s
Pa.Y 1804. D co
21861 odorata L. sweet-scented £ W
Spain 1729. D co Jac.c.1.21
21862 setacea JO*. bristly £ W Hungary 1805. D p.1 W. & K. 1.80
21863 rt6bilis L. noble £ W Germany 1640. D co Schk. han. 3.255
21864 /igfistica All. Lovage £ W Italy
4 1791. D co Al. ped. 1. 53.2
21865 myriopltflla W.. en. myriad-leaved £ W 1798. D co
21866 abrotenifblia L. Southern w.-lvd£ 2 Y Levant 1739. D p.1
238S. TRPDAX L. TBIDAX. (Tridaknos, thrice-bitten; 3 deep divis. of rays of fl.) Comp.Helian. 1. —2.
81867 procfimbens L. procumbent O un i Y Mexico 1804. S co
Balbiaia elongkta W.
2389. ilME'LLUS L. AUELLUS. (Name of a plant mentioned by Virgil.) Camp. Card. Vent. 3 . - 4 .
21868 ZychnUis L. Lychnitis JUi_Jpr f jn.jl V C. G. H. 1768. C p.1 Jac. c. 10.1
21869 vill^sus Ph. villous £ A 1 au.s Y Missouri 1811. D co
Siderdnthus villosus Suit. 2
21870 Bpinulusus Ph. spinulose £ A au.i Y Missouri 1811. D co
Sideranthus spinulbsus Suit.
2390. STA'RKE^ W. STARKEA. (Rev. M. Starke, of Gros Tschirna, Silesia, cryptog.) Comp.Card. Vern. 1.
21871 umbellate IK. umbel-flowered £ ES un lt jn.jl Y Jamaica 1768. D l.p Lam. iL 682.2
Amillvu umbellatus L.
2391. ANDROMA^CH IA Kth. ANDROMACIIIA. (Andromachus, phys. to Nero.) Comp.Card.Vem. 1.— 9.
21872 igniaria Kth. touchwood £ ES un 1 Y S. Amer. 1824. C s.l H. & B. 2.112
2392. COLUME'LL-M Jac. COMIMBLLIA. (L J. M. Columella, flourished 42 yean A. C.) Comp.Helian. I.
21873 biennis Jac. biennial £ iQJ un 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1821. S co 3.301
Nestlera biennis Spr.
2393. ECLI'PTA L. ECLIPTA. (Ekleipo. to be deficient; want of seed-crown or wing.) Camp. Bel. 6.—
21874. erecta L. upright O un 2 jl.s w America 1690. Di. el. 114.137
21875 prostrate L. prostrate «&[m un f j l s w E. Indies 1732. Di.el.113.138
21876 punctate L. dotted Ol un * w W. Indies 1818.
w Carolina 1818.
Jac am. pic. 197
21877 procumbens Mr. procumbent Jc O un w
21878 latifolia L. broad-leaved O | un t w E. Indies 182a
21879 undulate IV. waved Jk O l un , E. Indies 1826.
8394. TETRA'NTHUS Swx. TETRANTIIII§. (Tetras, four, anthos. flower.). Camp. Eupatbrea. 1. — 2.
21880 littoralis Sun. shore ArEScu ft jl.s W W. Indies 1820. D s.I
2595. MEY'EIM Schreb. MEYERA. (Gottlieb An&revo Meyer,a German botanist.) Comp.Helian.l-~B.
21881 sessilis Sun. sessile £ OS un 1 Y W, Indies ... D co
2396. CHRYSANTHE'LLUM Rchb. CIIRVSANTIIELLUM. (Dim. of chrysanthemum^ Comp. Helidn. I.
21882 procumbens Rchb. procumlient O un 1| jn.jl Y W. Indies 1768. S co Sw, ob. 314.8.1
Vcrbesina mutica IV. Co\lteya proc6mbens Spr.
2397. PT1LOSTEXPHIUM Kth. PTILOSTEPIIIUM. (Ptilon,feather,stephos,crown; pappus.) Comp.Helian. 2.
21883 coronomttittmnKth. Buckhom-lvd O cu 1 jn.jl Y Mexico 1823. S co H.&B.4.387
21884 trifidum Kth. triad O cu 1 jn.jl Y Mexico 1823. S co H. & B. 4.388
2398. SIEGESBE'CK/4 L. SIEOESBECKIA. (J. George Siegesbeck, M.D., a German bot) Comp.Helian. 6.
81885 oricntalis L. Oriental 2 au.o Y India 1730. S co Schk. han. 3.256
21886 triangularis Cav. triangular 2 au.s Y Mexico 1825. S co Cav. ic. a 2Ti3
£1887 drosero'ides Swt. Sundew-like 2 au.s Y Mexico 1825. S co Bot. reg. 1061
81888 cordiftlia Kth. heart-leaved 2 au.s Y Mexico 1826. S co
81889 flosculusa Ilerit. flosculose 2 jnjl Y Peru 1784. S co Her. st. 16
81890 ibcrica W. Iberian 1 au.s W 1818. S CO Bux. c. 3.62
i 2399. VERBESrNA L. VERBESIKA. (Altered from Verbena.) Comp.Helidntheee. 15.—
I. ALTEBNIFOLUE. — Leaves alternate.
i. HERBA V CE£. — Herbaceous. mimrm
21891 alkta /,. wing-stalked £ IAI pr 2 my.o OW S. C Lp Bot. mag. 1716
N. Amer.
Amer. 1699.
1812. D co
218<J2\irgfnica£ Virginian ^ A pr 2 jl.s
21893 salicifblia Kth. Willow-leaved iAIor 2 Y Mexico 1825. D co
21891 Boswallfe L. Boswall's O o r 2 Y E. Indies 1818. S co
ii. FRUTICOBA. — Shrubby.
21895 gigantea Jae. giant tQun 8 ... x W. Indies 1758. C l.p Jacic. 1.175
II. OPPOSITIPOLME. — Leaves opposite,
i. HEBBA'CEA — Herbaceous.
21896 Siegesbeckia Mx. Siegesbeck's ^ A un 3 o~n Y Virginia 1731. D l.p
Siegesbeckia occidentalis L.
21807 hehantholdes Mx. Helianthus-like^ A or 3 au y N. Amer. 1827. s CO
21898 serrata Cav. saw-leaved £ LAI un 3 jl.o Y Mexico 1803. D Lp Cav. ic. 3.214*
21899 satlva //. K. cultivatedOtf-wo* O un 6 au.s Y E. Indies 1806. S CO . Bot. mag. 1017
21900 pinnatitida Cav. pinnatifid £ IAI or 3 au Y Mexico 182f>. c CO Cav. ic. 1.100
21901 dich6toma Mur. forked O un Y E. Indies 1789. s CO Mur. 1779.4
21902 laciniata Nut. jagged £ lAI or 2 *"?. Y Carolina 1821. s CO
Siegesbeckia laciniata Poir.
21903 calendulacea W. Marigold-like Oun 2 jl.s Y Ceylon 1739. s CO Bur. zey. 22.1
_„_.-_ v ii. FauTicbaa. — Shrubby.
21904 frutiebsa W. shrubby a. D un 3 j n . a u Y W. Indies 1759. c CO PI. ic. 52
CoL h. rip. 31
21905 atriplicifolia Per*. • Atriplex-leavedn. LJ or 3 Y
Galinsbgea discolor Spr.
1823. c
A 2400. SYNEDRE'LLA Gae. SYNBDRELLA. {SynedreUa, a little bench: recept. nakedJ Comp.Helidn. \.—S.
21906 nodiflora Gae. knot-flowered O " i jn.jl Y W. Indies 1726. S 8.1 Hook. ex. fl. 60
Verbcslna nodiflora L.
,2401. GALINSO*G£i! It &P. GALINSOGBA. (Af. M. Go/trwo^a, superint. Madrid^gar^) Comp.Helidn. 3.—9.
219U7 parvifl?,ra IV. small-flowered O u n Umy.8 D.Y S. Amer. 1796. i> co Cav. ic. 3.281
21908 trilobata Cav. thrce-lobed O un U aun O Peru 1797. S co Bot. mag. :895
2l90ybalbisio}rf«Kth. BalbUia-like O or 2 au Y Mexico 1825. S co H.&B.4.386

2402. ACME'LLA Rich. ACMBLLA. (Aktne, a point; Comp.Helidnthece. 3.

21910 raauritikna Pen. Mauritian »m un 1| Y Mauritius I S 6.1
Spilanthes Acradla L.
21911 r£pens Walt. creeping Jc O o r Y Carolina 1818. S co
Spilinthes rt'pens Mx.
21912 occidentalis Pers. western Ji O o r Y S. Amer. 1825. S co
n 2403. ZAIAJZA SIA Pers. ZALUZ&NIA. (Altered from Zaluxianskia, obsc. Polish bot) Comp.HeUdn, 1.-2.
21913 trfloba P<rr*. three-lobed £ j^l un l*jLs Y Mexico 1798. D l.p
Acmella trllobkta Spr.

2404. VASCA^LIA Or. PASCALIA. (Dedan Pascal. M.D., and a professor at Parma.) Comp.Helidn. 1.
21914 glafica Or. glaucous-/«aiwid ^ A p r Y Chile 1799. D co Bot rep. 549

A 2405. HELIO'PSIS Pers. HELIOPBIS. {Helios, sun, opsis, aj ince; flowers.) Comp.Helidn. 5.«~
21915 la-Vis Pers. smooth k A or 6 jl.o N. Amer. 1714. D co Her. st 45
a. £uphthalmum helianthoides L.
21916 canescens Kth. canescent 3t A or 2 jl.s Y Mexico 1818. D co Bot. reg. 592
21917 sc-ibra Duval scabrous ^ A or 5 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1824. D co
21918 ouphthalmtiides Duval Buphth.-lk O un 1 jl.s Y S. Amer. 1798. S. co Jac. sc. 2.151
A, Acraella Auphthalmoldes L. Aiphthalmum scabrum Cav.
2191D ddbia Duval doubtful O un 1 jl.s Y W.Indies 1826. S co

JJUPHTHATiMUM L. OX-EYE. (Sous, ox, ophthalmos, eye; disk of ft.) Comp.Helidnth. 9. — 27.
gO sericeum
i L. silky J i i_J or 4 my.jl Y Canaries 1779. C p.l Bot mag. 1836 ,
*1921 stenophyllum Lk. narrow-leaved t|_Jor 3 jn.jl Y Canaries 1818. C p.l
21922 levigktum Brou. smooth-leaved t|_Jor 4 Y Tenerifie 1800. C p.l
a coriaceum Hort.
•1923 spinftsum L. spinose O or 3 jn.s Y Spain 1570. S co Bar. ic. 551
21924 aqufiticum L. aquatic O or Y S. Europe 1731. S co Brey.c.77
21925 maritimum L. sea .AJor 1 jl.s Y Sicily 1610. D s.1 Bocmu. 129
21926 jalicifMium L. Willow-leavcd A or 1} jn.o Y Austria 1759. D co 4.370
21927 grandiflbrum L. great-flowered Ujn.0 Y Austria 1722. D p.l M.h.6.7.52
21928 specioslssimum L. showiest 2 Y & Europe 1826. D p.l

ft,24O7.DIOMETD/^ Cas. DIOMEDIA. (Diomedo, daughter of Phorbas.) Camp. Helianthect. 3.

21929 glabrata Kth. smooth i L J o r 3 my.jl Y S. Amer. 1699. C p.l Di. el. 38.43
fuphthalmum arborescens L.
21930 bidentkta Cas. • bidentate t(_Jor 2 Y W.Indies 1696. C p.1 Di.el.28.44
fiuphthalmum frut^scens L.
21931 argentea Kth. silvery ILJor 2 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1884. C p.l
2408. TEL&KIA Baum. TELBKIA. (Not explained.) Comp. Helidntheaj. 1.
21932 specibsa Baum. showy A or 4 Y Hungary 1739. D co W . & K . 2 . U 3
2ftiphthaLinum cordifblium Kit.

Aa 3



*2409. HELIA'NTHUS L. SuNFtowER. resemblance.) Comp.Heliun. 28.-35.

sun, anthos, fl:
21933 annuus L. annual 6 jn.o Y
a Amer. 1516. S co Ken. spec. 63
21934 Indicus L.
21935 tuba»f6rml» Jac.
21936 multiflorus L.
dwarf Indian
3 jn.o Pa.Y
5 jLau Y S
1785. S co Tab. IC. 764
exico 1799. S co Jac. sc. 3.375
6 au.o Y
N. Amer. 1597. D co Bot. mag. 227
2 plenus double-flowered
- 6 au.o Y
N. Amer. 1797. D co
2l»37 tuberbsus L. tuberous Jerus. Art. 8 s.o
Brazil Y 1617. R co Jac. vin. 2.161
21938 angustifolius L. narrow-leaved N. Amer. 1789. D co Bot. mag. 2051
3 8.0 Y
21939 macrophyllus W. long-leaved N. Amer. 1800. D co W. h. b. 70
6 au.o Y
21940 m61hs IV. soft 4 jl.o Y
N. Amer. 1805. D co
21941 decapetalus L. ten-petaled 6 au.n Y
N. Amer. 1759. D p.l Rob. ic. 235
21942 prostritus W. prostrated N. Amer. 1800. D co
2 iLs Y
21943 strumbsus k. strumous N. Amer. 1710. D p.l Boc. sic. 27.4
21944 altissimus L. tallest M. Amer. 1731. D co Jac. vin. 2.160
21945 giganteus L. ' gigantic N. Amer. 1714. D co M.h.6.7.66
21946 pauciflbrus Nut. few-flowered Y
Louisiana 1824. D p.l
21947 fongiftlius Ph. long-leaved Georgia 1812. D co
21948 difiusus A M. diffuse N. Amer. 1821. D co Bot mag. 2020
21949 lincaris Cay. linear Mexico 1823. D co Bot. reg. 523
21950 trachelifdhus W. Trachclium-lvd N. Amer. 1825. D co
21951 cxce"Uus FT. lofty Mexico 1820. D co Cav. ic. 219
21952 missikricus Lk. Missouri Missouri 1821. D co
21953 parviflbrus Kth. small-flowered Mexico 1826. D p.l H.&B.4.578
21954 coroifdlius it/A. Cornus-leavcd Mexico 1825. D p.l
21955 lactiflbrus Pers. lively-flowered N. Amer. 1810. D p.l
21956 trilobatus £*. three-lobcd Mexico 1824. D co
21957 divaricatus Ph. divaricate N. Amer. 1759. D p.1 M.h.6.7.66
21958 pubescens Vahl pubescent N. Amer. 1795. D co Bot. reg. 524
21959 Hooker* G. Don Hooker's Y D co Bot. mag. 2778
pubescens Hook.
21960 villbsus JVjtf. villous Y N. Amer. 1820. D p.l
21961 atrorubens L. Y N. Amer. 1732. D p.1 Bot. reg. 508
2410. GYMNOLOXMIA Kth. GTMN. (Gymnos, naked, l&ma, border; margin of grains.) Comp.Hclidn. l3.-5.
2l9(i2 maculata B. R. spotted « • pr Y W. Indies 1821. D p.I Botreg.66 J
2f9fi3connate Spr. connate H Q o r 4 o.n Y Hra/il 1827. C p.1
21961 triplinervia Kth. triple-nerved H Q o r 3 o.n Y NewSpaln 1325. C p.l
•2411. RUDBE'CK/il L. RDDDECRIA, {Olqf Rudbeck, prof. bot. Upsal, died 1702.) Comp.Helidn. 15.—
21965 pinnata Ven. pinnated " " 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1803. D co Bot. mag. 2310
21966 digitata H. K. digitatcfeaved 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1759. D p i M. h. 6. a 54
21967 laciniata L. fagged-leaved 6 JLs Y N. Amer. 1640. D p.1 M. h. 6.6.53
219K8 columnaris Ph. columnar <* 3 au.a Y N. Amer. 1811. D co Bot. mag. 1G01
21969 subtomentusa Ph. rather downy 3 au.8 Y N. Amer. 1802. D co
21970 triloba L. three-lobcd 4 au.s Y N. Amer. 1699. D co Bot reg. 525
21971 hlrta L. great-hairy 2 jn.n Y N. Amer. 1714. D p.1 Sw. fl. ear. 82
21972 radula Ph. rasp 2 jn.n Y Georgia 1825. S p.l
% 21973 sertitina Sw/. latcjlowered 2 au P N. Amer. 1823. D co Sw. fl. gar. 4
21974 Ncwmant Hort. Newman's 1$ Y S. Amer. 1821. I) co
21975 napifolia Kth. turnip-leaved 2 Y NewSpain 1824. D p.1
21976 fuigida H. K. bright 3 Y N. Amer. 1760. I) p.1 Bot mag. 1996
21977 laivigata Ph. smooth 3 Y Carolina 1812. D co
21978 ampTexifulia Jac. stem-clasping 5 Y Louisiana 1793. S co Jac. ic.3.592
4 21979 purpurea L. purple 5 jl.o D.P N. Amer. 1699. D p.l Hot mag. 2
* 2112.G AILLA'RD/ii Lam.GAH.LAHDiA.(A/. Gaillard de Marentonneau, an amateur bot) Comp. Hclian. 2.
21980 blcolor Lam. two-colored ^ A or 2 jl.o O Carolina 1787. D co Bdt. mag. 1602
VirgiUa helbdes HerU.
21981 aristata Ph. awncd k A or 1 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D co
2413. T I T H O * N / J * Deaf. TITIIONIA. (Ttthonus, favorite of Aurora; flower couleur d'aurore.) Conip.Hcl. 1.
21982 tagetyibra Desf. Marigold-flwd * • pr 10 jl.o O VeraCrue 1818. C co Bot reg. 591
2414. CO'SMEA Cav. COSMEA. (Kosmos, an ornament; flowers.) Comp. Helidnthcte. 7. —
21983 liitea B. M. yc\\o\r-Jiowercd iQ] pr 2 o.n Y Mexico 1811. co Bot mag. 1689
21981 sulphurea W. sulphur-^wtf O pr 2 Y Mexico 179y. S CO Jac.ic.3.5U5
Coret'>psis artemisia-fuHa Jac.
21985 bipinnata W. bipinnate-/iMl iQJpr 2 P Mexico 1799. Lp Bot mag. 1535
21986 parviflbra W. small-flowered O pr 2 W Mexico 1800. GO Jac. sc. 3.374
Coreopsis parviflbra Jac.
21987 crithmifiilia Kth. Samphire-leaved iQlor UJLn Y Mexico 1825. CO
21988 chrysanthemifbliaJ&A Chrysanth.-lvd 2 o.n Y S. Amer. 1826. CO
21989 tenclla Kth. delicate iQJor Y Mexico 1824. CO
Coreopsis odoratissima Cav.
•2415. COREO'PSIS Jac. COREOPSIS. {Koris, a bug, opsis, resemblance j seeds.) Comp. Uelidn. 20. —
I. COMPOSITE. — Leaves compound.
21990/eruhcfblia Jac. Ferula-leaved Jt_AJor 3 o.n Y Mexico 1799. D l.p Bot. mag. 2059
21991 grandiflora Hogg large-flowcring & A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1826. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 175
21992 verticillAta L. whorLfmsnf 5 A or 3 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1759. D p.1 Bot. mag. 156
21933 tenuifolia Ehrh. slender-leaved £ A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1780. D co Pluk.m.544.4
211)94 chrysanthaZ,. goldcn-flwd £ Ol or 2 jl.s Y W. Indies 1752. S co P l . i c . 5 a i
21W5 tdpteris fc. Mirec-winged ^ A or 6 au.o Y N. Amer. 1737. D P.1 M.h.7.3.44
21i>96 Irivhosju-rroa Mi. hairy-seeded 5 Q or 3 av s V NewJerscyl818. S r.m
21907 ecnifblia Mx. six-leaved ^ A or 4 au.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D co
21998 filba L. white climbing J_ E3 or 6 Jn.jl W Jamaica 1699. D Lp Her. par. 124
2l999incisaAA cuUleaved t_ CD or 6 s.d Y W. Indies ... D co Dot reg. 7
22000 reptansi. creeping f_ O or 6 jLs Y W.Indies 1792. S co Sin. spic. 22
II. — Leaves divided.
22001 auriculata L. ear-feaved 3 6 au o Y N. Araer. 1699. D p.l
22002 aurea/f.JL golden ' 3 3 Juis Y N. Amer. 1785. D p.l
III. — Leaves undivided.
22003 latifolia/.. broad-leavod N. Amer. 1786. D co
22004 argtita Ph. aharp-notched Carolina ... D co
22005 lanceolate L. lanceolate Carolina 1724. S co Bot cab. 821
22006 crassifbha H. K. thick-leaved Carolina 1786. D p.l
22007 angustifblia H. K. narrow-leaved N. Araer. 1778. D P.1
22008 integrifblia Poir. entire-leaved Carolina D co
22009 dich6toma Mx. dichotomous Caroline 1827. D p.l
24ia V1GUIEMM Kth. VIGUIERA. (L. G. A. Vtgukr, of Montpelier, botanist) Comp. Helidn. 2. — 3.
22010 hclianthoWes Kth. Sunflower-like £ ES or 3 Y Cuba 1825. C p.l H.&B.4.379
22011 dentate Spr. toothed £ ( £ ] o r 3 jLau Y Mexico 1826. C p.l Cav.ic.3.820
Helianthus dentatus Cav.
„ 2417. ACTINO'MERIS. Nut. ACTINOMBRIS. (Aktin, ray, meris, part.) Camp. Helidntheat. 4
220K squarrosa Nut. squarrose k A or 3 Y N. Amer. 164a D p.1 2.110
Coreopsis altcrnifblia Jac. Vcrbeslna Core6psis Mx. „
22013 procdra Nut. tall £ A or 8 s.o Y N. Amer. 1766. D p.1
2^Whe7untho\de8C|Sf. Sunflower-like * A or 3 Y N. Amer. 1825. D p.1
22015 alata Suit. wing-stalked 5 A or 3 j l . a u Y N. Amer. 1803. D p.1 Cav. Ic. 3.260
Coreopsis alata Cav.
* 2418. C ALLIOTSIS Rchb. CALLIOPSIB. (Kallistos, most beautiful, opsis, eye; of fl.) Comp. Helidn. 3 . — 4
22016 bicolor Rchb. two-colored Od Y Arkansa 1822. S co Bot. reg. 846
Coreopsis tinctbria Nut. Louisiana 1523. D co
22017 palmata Spr. palmate £ A or 3 Y
_ Coreopsis palmate Nut. __ N.Casanal778. D co
22018 rbsea Spr. roseate i A or 2 R
Core6psis rbsea Nut.
, 2419. SrMSJ/f Pcrs. SIM si A. {John Sims, M.D. F.R.S. F.L.S.. editor of Bot Mag.) Comp.HeUdn. 1.
ft2£oi9amplexicaftlis/Vrr«. stem-clasping £ A un 4 Y 180& D p.1
Core6psis amplexicaalis Cav.
2420 OSMlTESZ. OSMITES. (Osme, per ftimej strong smell of camphor.) Comp. Helidn. a — 5 .
22020camphorlnai. cam P hor-,c«ifcrf«UP' 1* apjl W C. G. if. 1794. C fp Sebal.90.2
22021 dentata Thun. toothed J l J p r J4 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1820. C l.p
22022 BeUidiastrum L. Bellidiastrum ft il or 1 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1816. C p.l

n 2421. ENCEU.IA Cav. ENCELIA. (Egchelion, a little eel; seeds.) Comp. BeUanthe*. 2. —S.
22023 canijscens Cav. canesccnt »LJpr ljjl O Peru 1786. C l.p Bot. reg. 909
_ Pallasia Aalamifolia H. K.
22024 Aalimifolia Cav. Halimus-lvd *L_Jor Y Mexico 1826. C p.l Cav. ic. 3.216
PallasiA grandiflbra TV.
2422. SCLEROCA'RPUS W. SCLKB. (Skleros, hard, karpos, fruit; covering of grains.) Comp. Helidn. 1.
22025 africknus W. African O un 2 jLau Y Guinea 1812. S co Jac. ic. 1176
2423. CULLITMJ/1 IUBr. CULLUMIA. (Sir Thomas Cvllum, Bart F.R.& F.L,a) Comp. Hettdnthe*. &
22026 ciliaris R. Br. ciliated • L_] or 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Bur. af. 54.1
22027 setosa It. Br. bristled * i_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 178a C Lp
22028 squarrosa R. Br. squarrose • L«J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1786. C Lp Ac.haf.a5
2124. BERCKHExYi< Ehrh. llEitcKHEYA. (John Lefranc de Berekhey, Dutch bot) Comp.HeUdn. 10.—2XX
2i2Oi>I> cynaroidos W. Artichoke-like £ iAJ or 1 jn Y C. G. H. 1789. D Lp
i.'2()50obov^ta W. smooth obovate • L-J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1794. C l.p H.n.h.6.34.2
HxiXil incana IV. hoary 41 |_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1739. C Lp ' Jac. ic. a 591
22032 cuneata W. vredgG-lcaved * |_J or 2 Y C. G.H. 1812. C l p Ac. haf. a 10
220:33 palmate W. palmated ft j^J or 3 jnau Y C. G. H. 1800. Lp Ac. haf.3.13 c
22034 pectinata IV. pectinate H i_J or 2 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1818. pi c
2203., grandiflbra W. largc.flowered • j_J or Y C. G. H. 1812. fp Bot. mag. 1844 c
22i)j(j uniflura W. one-flowered M j_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1815. co Ac. haf. a 7 c
22037 cdrnua R. Br. drooping.^twd ^ O l o r 1 my.jl Y
spiniest ^ lAtor li Y
C. G. H. 1774. co Meerb. ic. 1.40 s
22038 spinoslssima W C. G. H. 1821. D p.1 Ac. haf. 12
DIDE'LTA Herit. DIDELTA. (Dist double, delta. Greek letter A: receptacle.) Comp.Helidn. 2.
• U u n 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Her. st. 28
22040 spinoaum J/. X. B pi ny • U u n 3 jn.jl Y C G. H. 1774. C Lp Wen.ob.4.32
2426. GORTETR/J L. GORTBRIA. (DavidGorter% Dutch prof, bot Harderwych.) Comp.HeUdn. 1. — a
22041 personate L. mask O or ft Y ' C. G. H. 1774. S co Jac. c. 4.21.1
2427. G A Z V N I A Gae. GAZANIA. (Gaza% riches; splendor of flowers.) Comp. Helidn. 5.—
\www*| I I V I I V 0 | vinvmiwi v« iiwir«iBay wmjv* JibMurii «#« ^ ^ ^ a

22042 rtgens R. Br. itifl* —n. .L_|.—or <1 my.s O«. C. *******
G. H. 1755.
.»».*•C «p.1_•Bot
— 90
GortertT* rlgcns L. C. G.H.
22043 hctcroph jrlla W. variable-leaved iC iA/or O 1812. W.h.b.97
22044 uniflora A 3/. one-flowered n. i | or Y C. G. H. 1816. p, Bot. mag. 2S70
22045 pavunia J?. /M peacock jf iAI or Y C. G. H. 1804. P.1 Bot. reg. 35
22046 subuftte R. Br. awUeaved £ iAI or Y C. G. H. 1792.
2428. CRYPTOSTE'MMA R.Br. CRYPT. (Kryptos% hidden, stemma, crown; seeds.) Ciwnn H
2«H7 calendullccum AJ^. Marigold.j7u.rf
Marigold-J7utrf O or 1 Y
O C. G. H. 1752.S S ^mjK"
""- hy|x)chondrlacumAJ?r. melancholy
"-"- O
" or Y C. G. a 1731. S co
29049 mncinatum R.Br. sxw-lcavcd O or 1 Y C. G. H. 1794. CO
Aa 4

6429. ARCTOTHETC A WtU. ARCTOTUECA. {Arktos. bear, theke, capsule; hairy seed.) Comp, Helidn. 9.
22050 repens JVnl. creeping lAI or 1 ] Y C. G. H. 1793. D co Jac. sc. 3.306
Arctbtis scapigera Thun.
22051 hirta Lk. hairy j £ i A | o r 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. Dpi
2430. SPHENO'GYNE R. Br. SpnESOc. {Sphen, wedge, gyne, female stigma.)
viuan; » DI Comp.Helian. 9. —11.
22052 anthemoides R. Br, Anthcmis-likc O el J jl s C G.W. ~ 1774. S co Bot mag 544
£2053/a»niculacea Swt. Fenncl-lcaved iQJor 1 jl.a
Uremia/crnlcul?tcca5/>r. Arctotis/cenicuKicca Jac. C. G. H. 1825. S p.1 Jac. BC. 2.156
22054 crithmifulia R. Br. Samphirc-lvd n. i_J cl 1,
. . y C. G. H. 1768. P Bur. af. 65.1
22055 scariosa R. Br. scarious «L i_J el C. G. H. 1774. Lp
22056 rtbrotanifolia R. Br. Southern w.-l vd tt. | | cl 1 apau Y C. G. H. 1789. P
£20:37 den tat a 11. Br. tooth-leaved XL (_J el 1 Y Y C. G. H. 1787. •P
220J8 odorata R. Br. sweet-scented «L i_j el 1 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. P
22059 pilifcra Ker hairy «. i_J el Y "C. G. H. 1821. Bot. reg. 604
22060 /eucanthemcAdes RBr. Leucanth.-lk O i jl.8 Y CG* H. 1825. 1-P Jac. sc. 2.164
Arctotis /eucanthcmoldcs Jac l
3431. ZCE^GEA L. Z<EOEA. {J.Zoega, M.D., published a Flora Islfindica.) Comp. Card. 1.
22061 Leptaurca L. Leptaurea O un \ O Levant 1779. S co Jac. ic. 1.177
2432. LElTZEi* Dec. LEUZEA. (De Leuze, a friend of Decandolle'a.) Comp. Carduuceaf. 5 . - 6 .
22062 conlfera Dec. cone-bearing ^ A or % jn.s F S. Europe 1683. D Lp 16.14
Ccntaurea conifera L.
22063 altaica Lk. Altaian ^ A or SJn.s P Siberia 1822. D co
22064 sallna Spr. * salt k A or 1 P? Siberia 1817. D co
Cirsiura salinum Fis. Ccntaurea altaica Bieb.
22065 australis Swt. southern ik A or 1 P N. HolL 1821. D e o Sw.fl.gar. ic
22066 carthamoldes Dec. Carthamus-likc^. A or 2 } P Siberia 1616. D co
Cnicus cartliamoide^ W.
2433. RHAPCNTICA Dec. RHAPONTICA. (Bha, rhubarb, Ponticus, of PontusJ Comp.Card. 3.
82067 scariosa Dec. scarious 5t A or P Switzerl. 164a D co Bot mag. 1752
Ccntaurea Rhapuntica L.
2 lyrata Dec. lyrate A or 2 P Switzerl. 1819. D co
22068 umflura Dec. one-flowered A or P Siberia 1796. D co
Cnicus uniflora L.
22069 Pallas/i G. Don Pal I as'a A or 2J P Switzerl. 1818. D co
Centaurea llhapuntica fl.
+2434. CENTAURETA L. CENTA. (The Centaur Chiron, who first used medicinally.) Comp. Card. 158.—182.
L CENTAURB^A. — Scales of calyx ciliated, sometimes at top spinosely mucronate.
i. PECTINX\JE. — Scales of calyx pectinately ciliated, plumose.
22070 phrfgia L. dry ^ A or H jn.o P Switzerl. 1633. D co Fl. dan. 520
2 ambigua Thomas ambiguous Switzerl. 1819. D co
22071 salicifolia Bieb. Willow-leaved Caucasus 1823. D co
22072 pectinata L. pettinatcd France 1727. I) co
22073 austrtaca W. Austrian Austria 1815. D co
22074 uniflbra L. one-flowered S. Europe 1819. D co Boa mu. 2.8
22075 flosculusa Balb. flosculous P Italy 1818. D co
22076 nervosa IV. en. nerved P S. Europe 1815. D co
22077 trichoccphala Bieb. hairy.hcadcd P Siberia 1805. D co;2
22078 capillata L. hairy P Siberia 1810. D co Ac. got 6
22079 rivularis Brot. rivulet Br Portugal 1812. D co
22080 AyesopifMia Vahi Hyssop-leaved ft. _J or P Spain 1812. C co Bar. ic. SOf>
22081 flnifclia L. Flax-leaved ilt A 1 jjlau P Spain 1827. D co Bar. ic. 139
linarifolia Lam.
23032 proctimbens Balb. procumbent -* A or \ P S. Europe 1820. D co
22083 nlgra L. blackKnapweed^i Aw 1 P Britain pas. D co
nlgricans Lk.
ii. FIMBRIAVJE.—Scales of calyx fringed, ciliated; flowers mostly red; disks for the most part green.
22084 panicuKita L. panided P Europe 1640. S co Jac. au. 4. 320
22065 Cineraria L. Cineraria 3 P Italy 1710. D co M.h.7.2b.2O
S2086 dcclinata Bieb. decimate P Caucasus 1821. D co
22087 lcucoph^lla Bieb. white-leaved 2 P Caucasus 1823. D co
22088 cincrca Lam. grey 1|jnjl P Italy 1710. D co Jac. vin. 1.92
22089 dealbata L. whitened If P Caucasus 1804. D co
22090 Triumfetti All. Triumt'ctti's 1 P M. Ccnis 1820. D co
22091 nigrescens W. nigrescent P t Hungary 1805. D co
22092 transalp'ma Schl. transalpine S|jn.o P Switzerl. 1619. D co
S2093 vochin£nsis Bernh. Vochin 2 P ' Austria 1817. D co
22094 bractckta Balb. bractcate 2 1» S. Europe 1817. D co
22095 pratlnsis T/iutf. meadow 2 P France 1817. D co
22096 astracanica Spr. Astracan £ P Astracan 1818. D co
22097 Marschalliana Spr. Marschall'i If P Caucasus 1820. D co
sibcrica Bieb. not L.
22098 Scabi^sa L. GreatcrKnapw.< t| P Britain D co Eng. bot 56
22099 coriacca Kit. H jn.jl P Hungary 1804. D co W.&K.2.195
22100 trincrvia W. three-nerved 2 jn.o P Podolia 1816. D co
22101 arenaria Bieb. sand < jL P Caucasus 1818. D co
22102 tntybhcea Lam. Sucrory-Zoiiwi • 14 jl.s P S. Europe 1778. D co
22103 leucantha Pou. white-flowered : 2 jl.s W S. France 1816. D co
22104 maculdsa Lam. f^oticA-culyxed < 1 P Siberia 1816. D co Gm. si. 2.44.1,2
22105 dissecta Ten. dissected • li P Naples 1823. D co
22106 Staiybc L. Stccbc • 1 injl R.Y Austria? 1759. D co
22107 Hmbata Lk. fringed ; P Portugal 1818. D co
22108 sempcrvUens L. evergreen li R.Y Spain 1683. C p.l
iii. ScARi&iUE.—Scales of calyx scarious, fringed.
22109 macrocephala W. long-headed Caucasus 1805. D co Bot mag. 12IS
2ill0pulcherrima^. very fair Armenia 1816. S co
22111 conctnna W. neat Caucasus 1818. S co
22112 atropurphrea Kit. dark-purple Hungary 1802. D co W.&K.S.11R
22U3 calophflla IV. bcautiful-lvd S. Europe 1816. S co
22114 negfectaA-* neglected Fodolia 1820. D co
sulphurea L*ig.
22115 caloc^phala W.en. bcautlful-head. 3 Y Levant 1816. D co
22116cicutajfC)lia7ior». Cicuta.leaved 4 jn.a Y Podolia 1820. D co
22J17 Ailsanrtta Z,. lialsamita 2 Y Syria 1820. D co
22ll8sibirical,. Siberian 1 R Siberia 1780. D co Gm. si. 2.42,2
22119 tataricai. Tartarian 2 Y Tartary 1801. D co
iv. FLAVIFLORJE. — Scrttes of calyx ciliated, mucronated, or terminated by a spinel flowers yellow,
> coronopifblia Lam.t. Buckhorn-lvd O or 3 jn.jl Y Levant 1739. S co
cxaltata Adan.
ooion r e f l exa Lam. Teflc\e*\-spined • A or Y Iberia 1801. D co
**132 y&co\uc<efolia Lam.Jacobaea-lvd « A or Y 1818. D co
50io, a^gyrophylla IV.
22123 eriophy^la Spr. woolly-leaved £t A or 3 Y 1827. D co
22124 omfiaV. ornamented 5 A or 2 Y Spain 1818. D co
*>125 centauroldes £.. Centauria-like ^ A or my.jl Y S, Europe 1739. D co Col. cc. 1.35
22126 colllna /,. hill a. ^ A or jn.jl Y S Europe 1596. D co
22127 rupestris L. rock £ A or Y Italy 1804. D co 1.& 2
22128 arachnoidca Fiv. cobweb-like & Q> or 3 jLau Y Italy 1820. S co 8
pens Jr. pubescent £ A or 1 Y 1804. D co
»nicae^nsis All. Nice 5 A or 2 Y Nice 1819. D co Al.pcd.74
»»wi radiMa /,. rayed ^ A or 1| W Siberia 1804. D co Gm. si. 2.47.1
22132 sabulbsa Led. sand ^ A or 1 W Siberia 1820. D co
Scales qf calyx ciliated, mucronated or terminated by a spine ; flowersredjor purp'e.
33 86rdi«la W. sordid £ A or 1 JLau P 1818. D e o *
«134 polymorpha Lag. multiform & Q) or 2 P Spain 1819. S co
'•"^ cav.
sheep's A or Jl.n R.Y Caucasus 1802. D co
a / / K. elongated A or au.8 V Barbary 1823. D co
washed A or Pa.P S. Europe 1781. D co
hybrid A or V Turin 1822. D co
IV. rigid A or jLau P ...... 1823. D co
r. Barretter's A or P Hungary 1820. D co" Bar. ic. 310
rigid-leaved A or 1} P Podolia 1820. D co
Roch. spinulose i* A or 1* P Hungary 1826.-. D co
g JJsanguineaSpr. bloody £ A or U P 1827.' 1) co
gj*4 acanthbdes Spr. Acanthw-lilce £ A or Ijjlau P , 1827. D co
g^spinosaZ l>rick\y-branch. 5 Al orr 2 jl.s P Candia 1640. C p.l Bot mag. 2493
p b r a smalUflowcrcd £t A ° H jj V Barbary 1823. D co
mcana Ten. hoary * A or 1* JU P Naples 1822. D co
vi. SUBLACERAVJE — Scales qf calyx scarious, subtacerated.
splendid i Q> or 3 P Spain • 1597. S co
burned 5 O» or
or 5 jl.s18
D.R Naples 1818. S co
fr umbens Dub. decumbent ^ A w M J- ** France 1815. D co
Brown Knapw. | A or ty2 jl.s P England pas. D co Eng. bot 1678
deceiving <k A J1-8 p
France 1816. D co
Tngus ^ A un 1} P Portugal 1640. D co Brotph.3
Babylonian 5 A or
or 7 jn.s Y Levant 1710. D co Alp. ex. 282
vi\i\te-flowered ^ A 2 jn.s W Spain 1597. D co
amira L. bitter ^ A or P Italy ... D co Boc. mu. 31.17
£ grandiflbra 5cA/. large-flowered ^ A or 2 P Switzerl. 1819. D co
b rida & ninnatifid 3t A or 2 P Switzerl. 1819. D co
. ^ hybrid
5 A or 2
£ A or •£ tl.o
Switzerl. 1819. D co
Switzerl. 1819. D co
ti Woad-leaved 5 A or 4 jn.s Y Siberia 1731. D co Bot. mae.62
tall * A or 4 jl.o Y Mauritania 1820. D co
creeping 5 A or 1 Y Levant 1739. D co
marshy S A or 3 jl.o Y Portugal 1816. D co
11. CRUPIVA. — Scales qf calyx entire.
S I S 5?osch»ta JL musk, Sweet Sultan O or 2 jl.o
great Centauria^ A or
P Pcfsia 1629. S
** wsntafirium
£ ruth J __.«
Russian " A*. or
._ 4 j , a u Y It. 1<igR
D CO Gm. si. 2.41
sweet-scented O or 3 Pa.Y Russia 1806. D Sw. fl. gar. 51
Crupina O or l | j l . o Y Levant 1683. S 8.1 CoL cc. 1.34
Crupina-like O or 3 jn.jl F Italy 1596. S CO
glaucous O or 1 Cop N. Africa 1818. S CO
alpine f jn.jl Pa.Y Caucasus 1805. S
3 Y Italy 1640. D CO Cor. ca. 69.70
III. CY\ANUB—Scales ofcaq/x at top ciliated.
oo17 i. CJUHYEJB. — Scales qf calyx fringed, ; flowers for the most part blue ; leaves entire.
**J7l montana L. mountain ^ A or B Austria 159a D co Bot mag. 77
*f}<2 axillaru W. axillary £ A or
22173 scsAna V*.' P Austria 1823. D co
Sesano S A or B S. Europe 1816. D co
variegata Lam.
22174 stricta Kit. strict A or B
22175 mollis Kit. soft Hungary 1816. D co
A or B Hungary 1818. D co
22176 depri5ssa Bid. depressed A or B
22177 hngulsita Lag. Ungulate Caucasus 1818. D co
A or B Spain 1824. D co
22178 siiatulata Ten. spatulate A or If B Naples 1825. D co
2217!) Fischerti Herit I1 ischcr's A or If B Russia 1820. D co
22180 americana Nut. American O or 11 It N. Amcr. 1824. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic.
22181 Pyanua L. Blue-bottle O or 3 B Britain corn fl. S co Eng. bot 277
22182 ochroleuca JV. i flowers yellow.
leuc&ntha Adams Caucasus 1801. D co Bot mag. 1175
**W3 ccheiranthifolia
W. Cheiranthus-lvd^ or Pa.Y Caucasus 1820 w
« < » Hort
Hagusan *Ljor 2 Jn.jl Y Candia
rgentea L. silver-leaved 1710. C Bot ... 494
« J o r Pa.Y Candia 1739. C
orientals L. oriental A or Y Siberia 1759. D
Bar.ic. 18

CALCI'TRAPA.—Scales of calyx spinosely pinnate.

93187 cri6phora L. wool-bearing O or f jn.o Y Portugal 1714. S co
22188 dpula Lam. Apulian O or 1 Y N. Africa 1817. S co
23189 Calcftrapa L. Star-thistle O or 1 Pk England S co Eng. bot. 125
22190 calcitrapdides L. Calcitrapa-like O or 1 jnjl P Levant 1683. S co
22191 aegyptlaca L. Egyptian £ .AJ or 1 jn.s W Egypt 1790. C p.l
22192 cancellata Sieb. latticed O or 1 jl au Y N7 Africa 1824. S co
22193 pullita L. shabby ^t CD or 2 P S. Europe 1759. S co Lob. ic. 542.2
23194 benedicta X. Btesscd Thistle O or 2 jn.o Y Spain 1548. S co Zo. 1c. 122
V. SERI'DIA. — Scales of calyx at top palmatcly spinose.
L RUBRIFLORJE. — Scales of calyx palmately spiny ; flowers red or purple,
22195 sonchiftlia L. Sowthistle-lvd 1 au.o Mcditcrr. 1780. D co Pluk. ph 39.1
22196 Seridis L. "Endwc-leavcd 1 Spain 1686. D co Pluk.aL38.1
22197 cnienta W. en. blood-leaved 1 1816. .D co
22198 romana L. Roman 3 jl.s 'Some 1739. S co Bar. ic. 504
Zannbnn Seb.
22199 ferox De*f. fierce ^t _AJor 2 Jl.s Barbary 1790. S p.l Oesf. at. 2. 242
22200 sph&rocephala
22300 sphseroceph
22300 s p s p L. globe-headed 5 A or 2 jlau & Europe 1683. D co Bot. mag. 2551
IsnanTs 3l A or 1 Britain Jersey. D co Eng. bot. 2256
22201 Isnardi If. Mouse-thorn £)t A or 1 jn.o
22202 myacantha Dec. France 182U S co
22203 I'ouz'ini Dec. Pouzin's ^ O or 2 jn.o S. France 1824. D co
Turnip-leaved O or 3 jl.s Candia 1691. S co Her. par. 189
22204 napifulia L. rough O or 2 jn.o
22205 aspera L.p S. Europe 1772. S co Boc. mu. 35.26
many-spined O or i jlau Portugal 1804. S co
22206 polyacantha IV. Iberian 3t Q) or 2 Iberia 1818. S co
22207 ibcrica Trev.
ii. CiiRY9A'NTiiiE. — Scales of calyx palmateh •s yellow.
22203 solstitialis W. solstitial, Barnaby's T. O or 2 id fields. S co Eng. bot. 243
22209 melitensis L. Malta O or i " ita 1710. S co Boc. sic. 35
22210 sulphurea W. en. sulphur-colored O or I ...... 1815. S co
22211 slcula L. gl cl H an ^ o r 1* } Sicily 1710. S co Boc. sic. a 1
22212 Stevenii Bieb. Steven's ^ CD or 2 Caucasus 1820. S co
22213 xanthlna Spr. yellow 3 A or 2 S co
22214 pallescens Del. pallcsccnt O or 2 Egypt 1816. S co
22215 Adam* W. Adam's O or 2 Siberia 1804. S co
22216 stramfnea W. straw-colored O or i Egypt 1801. S co W.h.b.26
23217 coarctata Viv. compressed O or i N. Africa 1827. S co
VI. CROCODY'LIUM. — Scales qf calyx at top one-spined.
i. SPINULOBJE. — Scales qf calyx entire, at top mucronately spinidose
SS218 salmfintica L. Salamanca 3 P S. Europe 1596. S co 1.64
22219 tenuiflbra Fis. fine-leaved 2 Y Siberia 1820. S co
22220 cichortoea L. Succory-like U P Caucasus 1816. D co Til. pis. 27
22221 alata Lam. vringed-stalked 1} au.s Y Tartary 1781. D co Ven. eels 80
222*2 percgrlna L. foreign 2 Y S. Europe 1749. S co
22223 murieata L. muricated 1 P Spain 1621. co
Lippi's 1 jjl Pa.P Egypt 1739. co Is. acpa. 1719.10
22224 Lippii L.
ii. SPINOSJB. — Scales qf calyx top one-spined.
2222<J Crocodylium L. Crocodylium O or P Levant 1777. S co Bar. ic. 503
22226 vertitum L. dart O or au.s Y Levant 1780. S co Jac. ic. 1.178
22227 a6rea H. K. A or jl.s Y a Europe 1758. D co Bot. mag. 421
great golden
2435. GAL ACTPTES Moen. GALACTITES. (Gala, milk: veins of leaves white.) Comp.Card. 2.
22228 tomentbsa Moen. woolly O or 1| _ P & Europe 1738. S co An. mu. 16.16
Ccntaurta Galactites L.
22S29 australis Swt. southern O or 1 P N. Holl. 1824. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic. in.



*2436. VJED&LZA Jac. WBDBLIA. (George Wolfgang Wedel, a Ger. bot d. 1721.) Coinp.Helidn. 6.-22.
22230 hispida Kth. hispid j£_A]or ljjn Y N.Spain 1819. D e o Bot. "-' reg.
—" 543
22231 radibsa Ker many-rayed n. • or 3 ap.n Y Brazil 1820. C co Bot. reg.610
23333 acapulclnbis Kth. Acapulca £ [SJ or 3 jl Y Acapulca 1826. C co
2223.1 heliantholdes Kth. Sunllowcr-likc O "or 4 n.d Y Guleto 1827. S co
222.34 bcngalcnsis lic/ib. Bengal 4 O un ijnjl Y R Indies ... S co
22235 carnbsa Rchb. teshy-leaved 3(E]cu } jnjl Y W. Indies 1820. Deo
2437. AhCVSA Car. ALCINA. (Fr. Ign. Alcina, a Spanish Jesuit and naturalist.) Cotnp.Helidn. 1.
22236 perfoliata Cav. pcrfoliatc iQJun 3 Y Mexico 1796. S co Cav. ic 1.15

2438. MILLE*R//f L. MILLERIA. (Philip Miller, F.R.S., auth. Gardener's Dictionary.) Comp.Helidn. 9.
22237 quinqucflura L. five-flowered O un 2 jl.o Y VeraCruzl731. S co Cav. ic. 1.82
22238 biflbra L. two-flowered O un 1 jl.o Y Campeachyl730. S co Mart. cen. 47.1
2439. B A L T I M O ' R J * L. BALTIMORA. (Isord Baltimore, proprietor of Maryland.) Comp. Helidn. 2.
22239 recta L. upright O un 2 jnjl Pa.Y Vera Cruz 1699. S co Schk.han.3.26l.C
q O un 2 jnjl W S. Amer. 1800. S co
22240 alba Pers. white
2440. SI'LPHIUM L. SILPHUJM. [Zalaph, Arab., given to Asafoetida plant.) Comp. Helidn. 13.—15.
22241 lachiMtum L. fagged-leaved & A w 12 jl.s Y N.
-• Amcr.
- - - •— D «co- L.f.fa.1.8
1781. » * - . . -
22242 comp6situm Mx. compound & A w 6 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1789. D co
22243 /crebinthindceum X. Turpentine ^ A w 6 au.s Y N. Amer. I7a5. D co Jac. vin. 1.43
22244 Rlaucum Wein. glaucous £ A or 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1786. D co
Coreopsis latifulia Mx. N. Amer. 1786. D co
22245 hiimiluin Mx. humble £ A or 2J jl.o Y
tomentoaum Ph.
< (
J224G pcrfoliatum L. perfoliatc ^ A w 7 jl.o Y N. Amcr. 17G6. D co

22247 conjunctum W. en. conjoined A w 7 jl.o Y N. Amer. ... D CO

**248 connatum /,. connated A w 6 jl.o Y N. Amcr. 1765. D CO
*~*49 Astcriscus L. Asteriecua A w 5 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1732. D CO Dl. eL 37.42
*J25O trifolrttum L. thrce-lcaved A w 6 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1755. D CO M.h.6.3.68
51 ternatum Retz. tcrwaie-leaved 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1806. D CO
2o2 atropurpiireumJfe/z. dk.-purp.-jr/Arrf A w 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D eo
«253 crythrocaulon Bernh. red-stemmed A * 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. ... D CO
2*41. GASTROCA'RPHA D. Don GASTBOC. (Gaster, belly, karphe, chaff; on receptacle.) Comp.T^b. 1.
22254 runcinata D. .Don runcinate-/wJ £ .Al or 3 au.s W Chile 1827. S» co Sw.fl.gar.229
8442. TTU'XIS Br. TRIXIS. ilar capsule.)
(Trixos, triple; three-ceUed triangula CompjMb. 2 . - 8 .
senecioldes Hook. Groundsel-like O P* 1J au.s W Chile 1821. S co Hook. ex. fl. 101
Leuceria senecioldes D. Don
auriculkta Hook. eared tt. • pr 1 au.s W Brazil 1827. C l.p Bot mag. 2766
Perdicium brasilicnse Dec.
2443. POLY'MNIif L. POLYMNIA. (Polymnia, the name of one of the Muses.) Comp. Widnthea?. 4.
*«57 canadlnsis L. Canadian
na £ A or 6 j l . a u L.Y N. Amer. 1768. D e o Am. ac. 3. 1. ft
*«58 Uvedalia L. Uvedalefs ^Aor 8 au.o Y N. Amer. 1699. D e o M.h.6.7.55
**£>9 abyssinica L. Abyssinian £ Ol or 4 Y Africa 1775. S co
^200 maculata Cau. spotted ^ A or 6 au.s Y Mexico 1824. D co Cav.ic.3.227
2iw. MONTANOM Lai. MONTANOA." {Montana, a Mexican patriot.) Comp. Hclidntheat. 2. —
***6l grandiflora Lai. _J un 4 n.d
great-flowered * i_ Y Mexico 1826. C co
22262 tomentbsa Lai. woolly j uij n 4 n.d Y Mexico 1826. C co
2445. CHRYSO'GONUM /,. CHRVSOGONUM. (Chrysos, gold, gonu, knee; fl. at joints.) Cowp. Helton. 1.
22263 virginianum L. Virginian £ , A pr * my.jn Y N. Amer ... D p.l
2446. A/ELAMPCTDIUM L. MELAMPODIUM. (Melas, blaok,pous, foot; seed.) Comp. HeMn. 5. — Ik
222h4ameri<AnumL. American O un ljau.o W VeraCruz 1733. S ,co R.Hou.9.21
ggfiS hispidum Kth. hispid O un l j l . a u W N. Spain 1820. S 'co tt&B. 4.399
22266 longifolium Brou. long-leaved O un 1 W N. Spain 1820. S co
22267 paludosum Kth. marsh O un 1 W S. Amer. 1817. S co
ovatifT.lium Rchb. Wedftlwi minor Horn. Alclna ovalifolia Lag. Dyssodium divancatum Rich.
h i l e Su*. humble O un lijn.o W Jamaica 1782. S co
*2447. CHAPTA^LJ^ Ven. CHAFTALIA. (M. Chaptal, a famous French chemist.) Comp. Labiatifi. 1.
«JW9 tomentbsa Ven. woolly A pr i my.jn W N. Amer. 1806. D e o Bot mag. 2257
Tussil^go intcgrifolia Mx.
*2448. CALE'NDULA L. MARIGOLD. {Calcutta:, first day of the month; flws monthly.) Comp. Hel. 20.—34.
2r227C\ arv6nsis
av»^ n e ;L.
a r
pnm.flolri _ or
O or 9. my.s
mv a D.Y
Tl V Euroiic
ITurniin T5O7 S co
1597. m
*2271 slcula IV. en. Sicilian O or my.s D.Y Sicily 1816. co
_^ aegyptiaca Pert.
stellKta Ctev. starred O or 2 jn.s O Barbary 1795. S co Schk. han.3.265
273 ffl officinal common O or 3 jn.s O S. Europe 1573. S co
o.,^ 2 plena double-flciuered O or 3 jn.s • ••• S co
g274sfinctai. holy pale-flvod O or 2 my.s o Levant 1731. S l.p
ggte iH hoary O
_ or Y Barbary 1796. S lp
rainy, Small Cape O or 1 Y C. G. H. 1699. S s.1 MiLic.75.8
i d a hybrid, Gr. Cape Q or 1 " W . P C. G. H. 1752. S s.1 Sw. fl. gar. 39
y I"
*g78 nudicaulis L. naked-stalked O or 1 w C. G. H. 1731. S s.1 Com. h. 2.33
Z5K L. Grass-leaved tf iAl or 1 my.s W.p C. G. H. 1731. C p.1 Bot rcg. 289
«) 7V\
/Vagus L
7Vi\gus G
L. Goat-rush, bendin»-stkd tt i I or 2 my.jn W . P C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Bot. mag. 1981
2 flSccida flaccid tt. | | or 2 myjn W . P C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Bot. rcg. 28
**j«l viscfcsa ft Jt. viscous tt. i_J or 2 jn.s o C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 Bot rep. 412
**~82 dentata B. R. toothed tt. i icr Umyjl o C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 Bot. rep. ic.
3 oppositifblia HI K. opposite-leaved tt. \ | or 2 au Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.1
- fruticosa
— . . « . » . X.
«. shrubby tt | | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1752. C p i Mil. ic. 2.283
u chrysanthcmifblia
h Ven. Chrysan.lvd tt. |_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 Bot rcg. 40
arborcscens Jac. arborescent tt. uJ or 3 Y Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Jac. ic.3.596
suffruticosa Vahl 'feuftruticosc tt. LJ or 1 d Y C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
denticulata Schous. denticulated n. i | or 2 d Y Barbary 1821. C p.1
muricata Thun. murirated tt. 2 d Y C. G. H. ... C p.1
2^49. ARCTOrriS L. ABCTOTIS. {Arctos, a bear, ous, an ear; fruit shaggy.) Comp. Helidn. 31. — 40.
I. INDIVISIFOLIJE. — Leaves undivided s shrubby.
decurrent tt |_J or 1} jn.jl W . R C. G. H. 1794. C Lp 2.165
paniculata Jac. panicled tt.i_Jor 1* jn.jl W . R C. G. H. 1816. C Lp
a Jac. roseate tt | _ | or 1 jl.s Pk C. G. H. 1793. C Lp Jac sc. 2.168
II. Fixxxn'FiWE.— Leaves lyrate or ptnnatifid: shrubby.
dark-circled tt. i_J or 11 Jn.jl Jn.j W . P C. G. H. 1812. P
narrow-leaved tt. i_J or liJI.s l.s P C. G. H. 1739.
Jac ear-leaved tt |_J or 1 jn.a Y C. G. H. 1795. l Jac. sc. 2.1A9
296 aureola It R golden tt. i__J or 1 jl.s O C. G. H. 1710. Bot. reg. 32
22207 aspera L broad roiigh-ZtxtfO, i_j or 3 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1710. Bot reg. 34
arborescent tt. |_J or 1* jii au C. G. H. 1818. Jac. sc. 2. 171
two-colored tt | | or 1 jl.s W . R C. G. H. 1812. P
pJB.itf: t__J or Y C. G. H. 1812. Bot mag. 2182
clatior Jac.
tt. | I or 1| Y.p C. G. H. 1820. P1 Jac. sc. 2. 172
l Jac. spotted tt. i | or U W.o C. G. H. 1812. Bot. rcg. ISO
pc. cop\K:r-colouretln. i_J or 14 Y.p C. G. H. 1823. 1 Jac. sc. 2.176
H squarrbsa Jac. squarrosc tt. | ) or 1* O.p C. G. H. 1825. Lp Jac. sc. 2.177
J gfabrata Jac. smooth ish tt. \ | or 1ft Y.P C. G. H. 1820. Lp Jacsc. 2.175
III. INDIVAUE. — Leaves undivided; stem caulescent; herbaceous.
2306arg6nteaH.X. Bilvcr./eaved £ OJor au O C. G. H. 1774.
|"07 flaccida Jac. Aaggmg-stalkcd iQJor W.R C. G. H. 1794. Jac. sc. 2.163
twiggy O or Y C. G. H. 1816. co Jac. sc. 3.307
plantaginca L. Tlautain-lvd f lAlor jnau O C. G. H. 1768.
lecumbens Jac. decumlicnt £ lAlor jLs Y C. G. H. 1790. I-P Jac. sc. 3.381
usa Jac. disdainful y£ OJspl yj O.R
rnyjl . C. G. H. 1795. co Jac. sc. 2.166
^ J 1 spinulosa Jac. small thorn) -Ivd iQJor 1| O C. G. H. 1795. co Jac. sc. 2.1(17
IV. LYRATIFOLIA. , pmnat\fid ; herbaceous.
82313 r&ptans Jac. creeping £ iAJ or jl.i W.o C. G. H. 1795.
1795. R P.I Jac. sc. 3.382
22314 grandiflbra Jac. great-flowered £ OJ or i Pa.X C. G. H. 1774. 7 S l.p
22315 glaucophy'lla Jac. £ iAI or 1 Y.p C. G. H. 1794, D l.p Jac. sc. 2.170
22316 revoluta Joe. revolute Jg IAJ or 1 Y G. H. 1820. C l.p Jac. sc. 2.173
82317 Cineraria Jac. Cineraria j£ iAJ or 1} Y.o G. H. 1824. Jac. BC. 2.174
V ACAU'LIJE. — Stemlcst.
22318 acafilis Z. stemlcss g iAlor * ap.jl Y.R G. H. 1759. R p.l Bot reg. 122
22319 tricolor L. three-colored g iA) or 1} my jl W.a G. H. 1794. D Lp Bot rcg. 131
22320 undulata Jac. v/SLVcleaved £ l 1 ap.jn O G. H. 1795. C p.l 2.160
2450. OSTEOSPE'RMUM L. OSTEOSPERMUM. (Osteon, bone, sperma, seed; hardness of.) Comp.Hel. 13.—27
T corymbose
-Axmtltnsn 4M• •i_JI ni>
or 51
3 au
an V **» J"± u 1822.
1OOO Cf Lp

22322 i n c W m Th hoary • | I or 3 a Y c." a H! 1815. S p.l

22323 spinbsum L. spiny
• i_J or 3 f.o
M \ | or 3 mr.jn Y
Y C. G. H. 1700. S l p Com. h. 2.43
1793. c •l.p Jac. sc. 3. 377
22324 spinescens 7 C. G. H.
22325 pisiferum L. pca-bcaring" M LJ or 4 Y 1757. S l.p Bot cab. 470
C. G. H. 1714.
22326 monililjsjum L. necklace-bearing M i) or 3 jLau Y l.p Di. el. 68.79
C. G. H. 1816. S l.p
J2.J27 ihcifolium L. Holly-leaved i l u J o r Y C. G. H. Bur. af. 172. 62
223S8 calenduloceum L. Marigold-like • l_J or 2 Y C. G. H. p.l c
Bldrns calcndulacca Thun.
82329 perfohatum L.
223J0 nivcuin L.
per foliate
3 Y
or 3 Y
C. G. H. 1820. S l.p
C. G. H. 1816. S l.p
22331 rfgidum H. K. rigid or 3 ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p
22332 caeriileum H. K. h\uc-ftowered 3 jn.s B C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Jac. Ic. 1.179
82333 polygaloidcs L. Milkwort-likc 3 jn.8 Y C. G. H. 1759. C Lp Fluk. m. 382
•2451. 0THO'NN A L. RAGWORT. {Qthone, linen; downy clothing of original plant.) Camp. Jacobic 25.—39*
I. DIVIDE. —Leaves divided; shrubby.
22334 digitata Thun. digitate tt-i_Jor If jn.s Y C. G. H. 1824.
22335 pcctinata L. pectinate-/^? i LJ or 3" ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1731. C p.1 Bot mag. 306
22336 jfthanasiic Thun. Athanasia-tfA? | or 3 n.d Y C. G. H. 1795. C p.l Jacsc. 27 242
22331 abrotaniftlia L. Southernw.-/vrf | or 3 Y C. G. ft 1692. C p.l Bot. reg. 108
II. — Leaves undivided ; shrubby.
J22338 rctrofracta Jac. rctrofracted \ | | or 2 C. G.T1 1812.
22339 crassifolia L. thick-leaved 11 lor 2 s.o C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Mil. ic. 2.245.2
22J40 denticulate Thun. tooth-leaved 2 apjl C. G. H. 1774. C p.1 Bot mag. 1979
22341 hetcrophylla Thun. various-leaved 2 apjl C. G. H. 1812. C tp
22342 arborcscens L. arborescent • L-Jor 2 Jlau C. G. H. 1723. C P.1 DLeL103.123
22343 frutescens L. frutcscent • i lor 2 jn.s C. G. H. 1816. C Lp
22344 cacalioides Thun. AiAJor C. G. H. 1774. D1. P .
22345 coronopifblia L. Buckhorn-lvd or C. G. H. 1731. Com. h. 2.70
22346 chciritoWz L. Wallflower-leaved Jfc, _J or Barbary 1752. C p.1 Bot reg. 266
III. Drvi&fiFbMA. — Leaves divided; herbaceous.
22347 pinnata Thun. pinnate jc iAJ or 3 ap.jn Y, C. G. H. 1759. C l.p Bot. mag. 768
22348 pinnatifida Thun. pinnatifid £ IAJ or 1 Y C. G. H. 1823. C Lp
22349 T&gktes L. Marigold-feaimZ O or 1 Y C. G. H. 1823. S co
22350 flabellifblia B. C. fan-leaved tt. uJ or 1 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1821. C co Bot cab. 728
IV. INDIVISJEFOLIJE. — Leaves undivided ; herbaceous.
22351 lfngua Thun. tongue-leaved tf lAlor 8 | my.s Y C. G. H. 1787. D ).p Jac. sc. 2.238
22352 fihcaulis Jac. thrcad-stmd AiAJor
„ . 14 Y C. G. R J791. D Lp Jac. sc. 2.241
22353 bulbbsa L. bulbous A iAJ 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. D l.p Brey. c. 66
22354 perfohata Jac. perforate £ iAI or 11 myjl Y C. G. H. 1789. D l.p Bot. mag. 1312
22355 parviflura L. small-flowered n. t-J or 2 j l . a u Y C. G. H. 1704. C p.1 VoL nor. 226
V. A NcusTiFuLiJi. — Leaves narrow.
22356 mcoldes L. Heath-like it. L-J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1815. C l.p
22357 tcnuissima L. fine&i-leaved tt. L_J or 1| ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1759. C Lp 2.239
22358 /inifblia Thun. Flax-leaved £ iAI or 8 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1824. C Lp
2452. HI'PPIA L. HIPPXA. (Hippos, horse; horses fond of original plant, chickweed.) Comp. 4nth. 2.—5.
22359 frutescens L. frutescent M |_J un 2 Y C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Bot mag. 1855
22360 integrifblia L. entire-lvd d un J Y E. Indies 1777. S Lp H. n.h.67.2
2453. SOLrV^ Fl. per. SOLIVA. (Salvator Soliva, a Spanish phys. and bot.) Camp. Anth. 2 . - 9 .
22361 anthemifulia R. Br. Chamomilclvd O cu ft jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1818. S co
Gymnostyles anthemifMia J.
82362 stolonlfera B. Br. stoloniferous O cu ft jn.jl Ap Portugal 1816. S co
Gymnostyles stolonifera Brot.
2454. PSI A^DIA Jac. PBIADIA. (Psias, a dew-drop; glutinous exudation on leaves.) Comp. Card. Fern. 1.
82363 glutinusa Jac. glutinous «L CD un 2 Y Mauritius 1796. C Lp Jac. sc. 2.152
Conyza glutinusa Lam.
• 2455. ERIOCE'PHALUS L, ERIOCBPHALVB. (Erion. wool, kephale, head: plant in seed.) Comp. Anth.
82364 africanus L. African r 6 j&mr Y C. G. H. 1732. C p.1 Bot mag. 833
82365 decussatus Burc. crossed 11 lor— 4A rnrjn
__ i_ Yr
x nC.*r>
G. H.
T » 1816.
C p.1
r* _ i "^

82366 purpfircus Bui c. purple 11 lor 4 mr.jn P C. G. H. 1816. C p.1

22367 spinescens Burc. spinescent ti lor 4 Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.1
82368 racemosus L. racemose ti lor 3 mr.ap Y CG. H. 1739. C p.1
2456. MI'CROPUS L. MICROPUB. {Mikros, small, poust foot; like Leontopodium.) Comp. Card. Fern. 2 . - 4 .
22369 sun\nus L. supine O un J jn.s Y S. Europe 1710. S Lp Schk. han. 3.267
22370 erfctus L. upright O un f jn.s Y & Europe 1683. S Lp Loef. it. 1.3
2457. PARTHEWIUM Z. PARTHBNIUM. (Parthenos, virgin j sup. med. qual.) Comp. Ambros. 3.
22371 Hyster6phorus L. Hysterophorus O un 1 jl.o W Jamaica 1728. S Lp Bot. mag. 2275
22372 incanum Kth. hoary O un 1 jl W Mexico 1824. S co
22373 integrifbhum L. entire-leaved ^ A un 3 jn.o W Virginia 1661. D p.1 W.h.b.4
— —- — w _ _ MM • *\ V A » (Perhaps from Yua, a name used by the older botanistO Comp. Ambros. 2 . - 6 .
82374 finnua L. annual O un 2 W S. Amer. 1768. S Lp Schm. ic. 15
22375 cUiaU W. ciliated O un 2 jl W N. Amer. 1820. S p.l
82376 frutescens L. frutescent A or 4 au W N. Amcr. 1711 C co Pink. al. 27.1

ooS59" A C ICA'RPH A J. ACICARPIIA. (Akist point, karphe, palea; appendage spiny.) Catycirce. 1. —3.
22377 spatulJita R. Br. spatulatc £ QS cu ft Brazil 1824. D p.l



ELEPHA'NTOPUS L. ELEPHANT'S FOOT.(Elephas, elephant, pous, foot.) Comp.Card.EcMn. 8.

rough-leaved £ E ] un 1 jn.s W E. Indies 1695. S s.p R. mal. l a 7
**379 caroliniknus W. Carolina £ IAIUIIlftjl.s R America 1732. S l.p Di. cl. 105.126
*w80 nudicafilia Poir. naked-stemmed£ EJun lj'jls R Jamaica 1816. S co SI. jam.3,4.1.150
woolly £ El un 1 R W. Indies 1733. S l.p
g382 m611is Kth. soft £ 2 jl.s W Caraccas 1820. S co *
***« angustifMius Swx. narrow-leaved £ El un
El un W Jamaica 1822. S co SI. Jam. 1.148.4
«384 nud.flbrus W. naked-flowered £ E ] unJ * !•• W W. Indies 1818. S co
28 r
385«picatusJ .1
^wwspicatusJl, spicate ££ El
E ]un
un2 l.s
1|JLS W Jamaica
W Jamaica 1816.
1816. SS co
co SL jam.i.iou.3,4
jam. 1.150.3,4
2461. G^DER/l L. CEDERA. (George (Eder, a Dane, prof, bot at Copenhagen.) Comp. Card. Echinop. 1.—3.
86 prolifera Thun. proliferous m |_J pr 3 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1789. C s.l Bot mag. 1637

2462. FLAVEHil A J. FLAVERIA. (Flaws, yellow: used in Chile for dyeing yellow.) Comp. Helidnth.
*7 Contrayerba Pers. Contrayerba £ 0 1 ™ 1* jl.« Y Peru 179*. S l.p Bot. mag. 2400
90 Milleria Contrayerba Cav.
«388 anguBtifoha Pers. narrow-leaved O un 1 jl.s Y Mexico 1820. S co Cav. ic. 3.223
ooon Millfcrla angustifulia Cav.
**>89 maritima Kth. maritime B3 un 1 jl.fl Y Cuba 1823. S Lp
linearis Lag.

2463. STCFBE L. STOJBE. (Stibas, a bed of leaves; original plant BO used.) Comp. Card Echinop. 4. — 21
«390 ethMpica L. Ethiopian
Ethiopian tL LJ pr 2 au ... C. G.
C. G. H. 1759. C pp.l
g391 erieo.des L. Heatffie «.B C. G. H. 1816. p.l M.h.7.18.12
**392 cinerea Thun. ly «.tjpr 3l.s C.G. H. 1784. p.1 Pluk. m. 297.1
393 refl£xa
fl£xa T/iun.
T/iun. reflexed
renexea «-tjor jU C. G. H. 1816. p.l
Serfphium alopecuro\des Lam.
2464. NAUENBU'RG/4 W. NAUBNBURGIA. (John Samuel Nauenburg, bot author.) Comp.Card.Echm. 1.
*239* trinervata W. thrcc-ncrved O un 3 jLau Y S. Amer. 1799. S l.p Sc. b. j. 1800.2.5
Brutera Contrayerva Spr.

n8465. C ASSI'NIil R Br. CASSINXA. (M. Henn Casstnt.a celebrated French bot) Comp. Card. Fern. 5. —11.
i R. Br. golden £ iAI or 1 N. Holl. 1803. D l.p 'Wen. c. 48
.Br. long-leaved n. i_J or 2 apjl N. Holl. 1822. C l.p
. bilis R. Br. showy O or 6 N. Holl. 1818. S co Bot rcg. 678
oosd afflni
« R Br. allied «L v_J or 2 ap.jl N. HolL 1820. C l.p
99 leptoph^lla i?. J3^. slender-leaved tt-i_Jpr 2 jl.o W N. Zeal. 1821. C co
ANGIA'NTHUS Wnl. ANGIANTHUS. {Aggot, vessel, anthos, flower.) Comp. Card. Echin. I.
atireusFPfi/. golden £ iAJ or 1 Y N. Holl. 1803. D l.p Bot.reg.764
Cassinia afirea H. K.
7. SPHJERA'NTHUS Z. SPHJEBANTHHS. (Sphaira, globe,anthos, flower.) Comp. Card. Echin. 3 . - 8 .
oo^ti in dicus L. Indian £ El un 2 au.d B E.Indies 169!). C p.l Bur. zey.94.3
SJ°2 africanua L. African iQJun 1 jlau B C. G. H. 1759. S co Pluk. m. 108.7
***03 hlrtus W. hairy £ El un 2 jLau B ...... 1823. C co Lam. il. 718.1

CHrNOPSJ,. GLOBB THISTLE. hedijehog, aspect; heads.) Comp.Card.Echin. 16.—

Bphsroccphalus .L. round-headed 5 Austria 15<X). D CO 923
g M exaltM
u 8 ScArScAr. exalted 6 , lau Austria 1817. S CO
gJJ6 spiniisus Z. snxny-headed 4 . w Egypt 1597. D 1-P M. h. 7.35.4
gJ07 vucbsui
cbsui Bieb. clammy 3 1.8 B Caucasus 1818. S CO
gjJ8 iftt
ifttro L Ritro 3 jl.fl B Europe 1570. CO Bot mag. 932
g}09 tenuifblius P»*. fine-leaved 2 jl.s B Russia 1820. CO o
Russian 3 jlB B Russia 1816. s
Caucasus 1816. s
g*JO ruthenicus Bieb. CO
JJH ht milis £if& humble B
S. Europe 1820. s
l|jl CO
SJJ? virgatus iflw. twiggy 2 jl B
ooT. polyrcphalus Gou. many-headed 2 1 B
s CO
S. Europe 1816. s CO
«414 taiiricus W. Taunan 4 ! 1.8 B Tauria 1816. s CO
__---»"••igunn *,. meagre 2 1.S W Spain 1729. Bot. mag. 2109
**416 lanuglnftsus Lam. woolly 2 n.jl B
Levant 1736. D lip*
82417 pamculMus Jac. panlclcd 6 B Spain 1815. D l.p. Bot. rcg. 356
22418 strictua B. M. strict 3 «.au Pa.B Europe 1822. I) l.p .Bot mag. 2457
22419 h6rridus Desf. horrid
persicus Fis.
«r B Persia 1818.
s CO
2469. ROLA'NDRilRtb. ROLAN. (DanielRolander, pupil of Lin., visited Surinam.) Comp.Catd.Ech. 1.—2.
224S0 argentea Rib. Bdvcr-leaved n - L j o r l , j l W W. Indies 1714. C l.p SI.jam. 1.7.3

L 8 4 7 0 ' BRCTERi* W. BROTERA. (Felix Avclar Brofero, prof, bot. Coimbra.^ Comp. Card. Echinop. 1
28421 corymbosa »K. corymbose ^ A or 2 jn.jl B & Europe 1640. D l.p M. h. 7.3117
Onobrbma corymbosa Spr.
-.2471. GUNDE^L7«4 L. GONDELIA. (Andrew Gundelscheimer, Ger. bot, its discoverer.) Comp.Card Frhi* i
22422TournefdrtiiL. Tourneforfs £ A cu L.G Levant 1739. D t-p MIL fear


. . beautiful, xerws, stranger.) R- ° ? * Echinop. 1.
^423 grata Cham. pleasant « . L J•-p r "2 . Y Chile C p.l Hor. ph:b.6



Berg. DISA. (Meaning unknown.) Orchideec. 12.—57.

I. ELOVGAVE. — Spur elongated.
22424 grandiflora L. large-flowered A iAI spl 1 S C. G. H. 1825. R B.p Bot.reg.926
22423 comikta Swz. horned Pa.B C. G. H. 1805. R s.p
22426 draconis Swz. dragon A iAJ cu W.p C. G. H. 1823. R s.p
22427 ferruglnca Swz. fcrrugincous A iAJ cu Br C. G. H. 1820. R 8.p
22428 prasinata Ji. R. G.R C. G. H. 1815. R s.p Bot. reg. 210
22409 chrysostachya -Sw*. lcek-grccn-jZwdA
yellow-spiked iAI cu f jnj Y C. G. H. ... R s.p
224JJ0 lacera Swz " A iAI or f j j G. H. 1826. R B.p
22431 flexuosa Swz. flexuous A IAJ or t jn-jl G. H. 1823. R s.p
II. BRB VES.— Spur short.
22432 bractehta Swz. bractcd small-flwd& iAJ cu | jn.jl G C. G. H. 1818. R s.p Bot reg. 324
22433 maculata L. spotted A iAJ or 1 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1816. R e.p
22434 /yraminifolia Banks Grass-leaved AiAJspl B C. G. H. 1825. R s.p Jo. sc. 6.1.2
22435 spatul&ta Sum. spatula-#/»pe4 A i A l c u jn.jl Fa.B C. G. H. 1805. R a p
2474. PTERYGCTDIUM Suit. PTERYGODIUM. (Ptcrugodes, wing-like: sepals.) Or chidece. 2 . - 6 .
22436 alatum Swz. winged A LAJ or - jn.a
1 ... C. G. H. 182L R Lp
22437 volucrc Swz. winged A iAI or in.s
1 jn.s ... C. G. H. 1797. R I.p
2475. DISPEMUS Swz. DISPERIS. (Dis, two, pera, pouch: outer lateral segments of perianth.) Orc/i. 3.-5.
22438 cuculKtta Swz. hooded AiAJor f jn.jl P C. G. H. 1822. R I.p
22439 capensis Swz. Cape A iAJ or § S C. G. H. 181(i. R I.p
22440 sec6nda Sjuz. side-flowering A iAJ or f jn.jl P C. G. H. 1797. R I.p
2476. CORY'CIUM Swz. Co VTCIUM. (Kort/st a helmet; form of flower.) OrcTildece. 2 . - 4 .
22441 orobancho'ides Swz. Orobanche-like A IAJ or f jn.jl Y C. G. H. 18*5. R I.p
22442 criapum Sum. curled A iAJ or } Y C. G. H. 1825. 11 I.p Bux.c.3.11
2477. SATY'RIUM L. SATYMUM. (Satyrus, a 6atyr: from aphrodtsiacal properties.) Orchldete. 5.—19.
22443 cucullatum Swz. hooded A tAJ cu i jn.s Pa. Y C. G. H. 1787. R s.p Bot reg. 416
22444 carneum A.
A f l i 14 —^ ¥•
** •_ * •
el '1J
A. • _l
<• ___. .
Vll. C.
^^ /^ 77 R
1787. T> B.P
a r k Bot
p 12«^«* mag.
g 1.11
•«»«» 1.112

22445 coriif61ium 5tuz. leathery-leaved A LAI or 1 p Y.B C. G. H. 1820. R s.p Bot reg. 703
22446 membranaceumSua.mcmbranaccousA iAJ or 1 jn.s C. G. H. 1826. R p.l
22447 parviflorum W. small-dowered A LAJ or | jn.jl C G. H. 1789. R p.l Jac. sc. 2.179
2478. PLATANTHE^R A Rich. PLATANTIIERA. (Plotys, broad, anthera, an anther.) Orchide*. 3. —11.
22448 biftlia Rich. two.lvd, Butterfly A A P' 1 m y J n w Britain woods. R p.1 Eng. bot. 22
O'rchis bifblia L.
22449 dilatata Hook. dilated A A pr H au W Canada 1823. R s.p Hook. ex. fl. 95
22450 orbiculata Hook. round-leaved A A cu 1 G Canada 1823. R 8p Hook, cx.fl.lti
2479. BONAM\EJ W. BONATEA. (Bonato. professor of botany at Padua.) Orchideec. 1.
22451 apecibsa W. showy £ G S e l 2 au W C. G. H. 1820. D s.p Bot cab. 284
2480. GYMNADE*NIA Rich. GVMN. (Gvmnos, naked, aden, gland : of stalk of pollen masses.) Orch. G.—7.
22452 con6psca Rich. gnat-like-/u/rf A A pr 1 jn.jl P Britain me pas. R h.l Eng. bot 10
O'rchis con6psea L.
2 £lba vrhite-flowercd A A pr I jn.jl W Scotland moun. R p.l
22453odoratissimaRich. swectcst-scentedA A p r f jnjl W
O'rchis odoratissima L. suavcolcns Vil. Switzcrl. 1824. R p.l 264
22454 angustifolia Spr. narrow-leaved A A pr f jn.jl W
O'rchis angustifblia Bieb. ibcrica IV. Caucasus 1819. R p.l
22455 vfridis Rich. green, Frog Orchis A A pr I jn.jl G
fat^rium viride L. Britain me.pas. R I.p Eng. bot. 94
22456 albida Rich. small whitish A A pr 4 jnjl W
22457 cucullata Rich. hooded A A pr f jn.jl W Britain sun.hi. R I.p Eng. bot 505
Podolia ... R p.l
*248L O'RCHIS L. ORCMS. (Orchis, testis; frequent shape in roots.) Orchidete. SI. — 54
I. TUBERbsiC — Roots tuberous, undivided.
i. iNDivTaE. — Labcllum undivided.
22458 papilionacea L. papilionaceous A A or 1} jn.jl Pa.P S. Europe 1788. R I.p
22459 laxiflora Lam. loose-flowered A A or % jn.jl P France 1820. R p.l
ensifolia Vil.
ii. Divps*. — Labellum divided.
22460 mascula X. male early A A or P Britain woods. n R i.p
I.p Eng. bot 631
22461 simia Lam. anc A A or my.jl P England R " p.l'
22462 Nicodemi Cyr. Nicodcmus's A A or P Italy 1825. 11 p.l
22463 parviflura Ten. small-flowered A A or P Italy 1825. R p.l
22464 palfistris Jac. marsh A A or f P Switzcrl. 1625. R p.1 Jac. ic. 181
22465 morio L. buffbon A A or f myjn P Britain mc.pas. Eng. bot 2059
22466 pauciflura Ten. few-flowered A A or | my.jl P Italy 1825. R rp
22467 longicornu Poir. or
[ P Barbary 1815. R p.l Bot reg. 202
long-horned A A R l p Jac.
22468 pallcns L. pale A A or I my.jl Pa.Y Switzerl. 1825. R Lp
au. 45
82469 provincialis Balb. Provence A A or [ apjn Pa.Y Switzcrl. 1825
£2470 Cyrilli Ten. Pa.Y Naples 1825. R p.I Cyr. ne. ic. in.
Cyrillo's A A or
22471 longibracte&ta Bio. long-bractcd A Al or P Sicily 1818. R p.1 Bot. reg 357
llohertiana Loi. R I.p
82472 varieg^ta Jac. variegated A Al or | Pa.P S. Europe! 1818.1818. R l.p Bot. rog. 367
22473 tnihtdris L. military A A or 1 my.jn P Switzcrl. 1825. K h.l Sw. fl. gar. 163
S2474 Smith/i Swt Smith's A A or 1 myjn P England R p.l Eng. bot 1673
nnt-,r -„-. *• B. not L.
A A or } my.jn P Switzcri. 1S25. U p.l Sw. fl gir. 162
32475 RiVrni Swt. Rivinus*s
22476 ffoca Jac. brown A A or 1 my.jn Br.P England ch.hil. R I.p 16
*2477 tcphrosanthos D^ash-colored-flwd^ A Ilmwin I ' n P Hritain ph hil W Jp
82478 undulMa Biv. wavy-leaved A •Alor . .. _ Sicily 1818. It lip Bot. reg. 375
22479 acuminata Desf. pointed-jftwi A iA|or 1 Pa.P Bnrbary 1815. R .p Bot rcg. 1932
22480 ustulataL. scorched - A A or i my.jn P England dr. pa. R P Eng. bot 18
22481 globbsaL. round-spiked A A or | jnjl Pa.P Austria 1792. R I.p Jac. au. 3.265
g482 conophora L. bug-bearing A A cu 1 jn.jl Br Switzerl. 1825. R p.l Sw. fl. gar. 219
22483 hirclna&o. float Jfc A, or lft jnjl Br England ch.wo. R Lp Eng. bot. 34
£atyrium hirctnum L
Roots tuberous, palmate.
S 2 *^ latifMia L. broad-leaved A A or 1 my.jn Pk Britain m. me. R Eng. bot 2308
oo,o. 2 fl white-flowered A
" re * l b o & A or 1 my.Jn W Switzerl. 1820. 11 Sw. fl. gar. ic.
g}85 iambfceina Z,. Elder-tte/iArf A A cu 5 Y Switzerl. 1825. R Jac. au. 2. 106
22486 Schleicheri Swt
_.,-„„ Schlcicher's A A °jr t R Switzerl. 1825. R Sw. fl. gar. 199
Oo O'rchis rambucina (2 rfobra ScA/.
**487 maculata £. sotted A A or lft Jnjl F Britain woods. R Eng. bot 632
*2488BulphbreaZJt. sulphur-cotorgrfA A|or 1 my.jn Y Portugal 1820. R Bot mag. 2S»
* NIGRITE'LLA Rich. NIGRITELLA. (Niger, black; color of flowers dark.) Orchldne. 1.
*89 angustifblia Rich, narrow-leaved A A cu ft jnjl Br.P Austria 1795. R lp FL dan. 998
£aty*rium ritgrum L.
*2483. HABENA'RIA R.Br. HABENARIA. (Habena, leather strap; long spur of flower.) Orchldete. 22 5a
ooAjnn. '• iNDwfax. —Labellum undivided.
t£™> hyperborea R. Br. northern A A cu ft jn.jl G Iceland 1805. R I.p
biola R.R.Br. little herb, ^/wmcan A A cu 1 jnjl G N. Amer. 1789. R p.1
S5*?i nertAola
alata Hook. winged OS ft jnjl Y W. Indies 1823, Hook.ex. fl.lC9
dilated AL G.Y W. Indies 1822. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 95
vircscens Spr. vircscent A A or Pennsylv. 182& R p.l
O'rchis virescens W.
spectabilis Spr. remarkable A A or ft jnjl Pk N. Amer. 1801. R p.1 Bot. cab. 78
O'rchis spertfibilis L.
A A or
orbiculata Hook.
'iractcata R. Br.
ridentata Pop.
three-toothed A A pr 12 myjn W
G N. Amer. 1822.
A A cu 1 my.jn G N. Amer. 1805.
Canada 1H20.
U Hook. ex. fl. 145
Sw. fl. gar. 62
Hook. ex. fl. 81
peltow-fringcd A Acl 1 jiijl Y N. Amer. 17Uo. Bot mag. 1668
00 cristkta R. Br. A A Y N. AineT. 18(Xi.
Iepharigl6ttis/foo&. eyelash-tongue A A P* 1 my.jn W Canada 18.U s.p Hook. ex. fl. 87
11. TRI'FID^. — Labellum trifld or triparted.
i. IsDivi^BJE. — Segments of labellum undivided.
i yellow A El or ftjlY N. Holl.
" 1823. R p.l
giO3marginata Hook. marginate A O or f jl Y E. Indies 1822. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 136
*2?04ochrole&ca R. Br. yellowish-whiteA IS] cu ft jr Pa.Y N. Holl. 1824. R p.1
S505gracilis Co/A. slender A123 or 1 )i Y.R R Indies 1823. R p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 135
oo3£ roacriceras TV. long-horned A E f c u 2 jn W W. Indies 1825. R p.1 Swz. ob. 9
a2 G.Y 1824. It p.1
aO7 leptoceras Hook. slender-horned A [Al cu lft o Bot mag. 27'JG
ii. MIILTI'FIDJE. — Segments of labellum cut multifid.
82508 cut A -AJ cu 3 jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1826. R p
indsa Spr.
O'rchis inclsa i
" e r a Mx. torn A Apr Pa.Y N. Amer. 1812. R p.1 Bot cab. 229
Spr. A A or Y N. Amer. 1826. R p.1
purplc-fvnged A A d lft jnjl P Canada 1789. R p.1 Bot. cab. 553

- BARTHOLPNil R. Br. BABTBOLINA. (Thomas Bartholini, Danish physician.) Orchidea?. 1.

Pectinata R. Br. pectinated AE3cu f o W C. G. H. 1787. R i p 4.8.2
Arethiisa pectinhta L.

Mitt 5 - GL<ySSULA Lindl. GLOSSULA. (Glossa, a tongue; tongue-like segments of labellum.) Orchlde'w.'l.
* « « tcntaculata Lindl. fccler-Jlovoered A E3 cu f d G China 1824. It I.p Hot reg. 862

AN ACA'MPTIS Rich. ANACAMPTIS. (Anakampto, to bend back; pollen masses.) Orchidea. 1.

Pyramidalis Rich, pyramidal A A or 1 jnjl R Britain h.l Eng. bot 110
O'rchis pyramidalis L.
J. A'CERAS R. Br. ACERAS. (At privative, keras, horn; absence of spur.) Orchidea?. 1.—&
anthropophora R. Br. man-bearingA A cu 1 jn G England R Lp Eng. hot Si)

£2488. CTPHRYSJ.. (Ophrys, an eyebrow; fringe of inner sepals.) Orchidea. 11. —1&
bee-bearing A A el | jn.jl P England R h.l Eng. bot. 383
drone-bearing A A cl 3 myjn P.u England ch pi. R h.l
pax Cav. woodcock A A cl ft myjn P Italy 1825. R p.1 Cav. ic. 2.161
^ speculum Btu.
««519 tenthrcdinlfcra W. saw-fly-bearing A Al el f Y.n Barbary 1815. R si Bot rcg. 205
2 m^nor B. It. smaller A -AJ cl ft Africa 1824. R s.l Hot rcg. 1093
22520 aranifera Hud. spider-bearing A A el $ G England ch. so. R s.l fhg. bot. ft>
2 2 g l t A A dark A ^J cl { Gibraltar 1835. R s.l Bot rcg. 1087
,sca B. R. brown A Alel | Rr 1825. R s.l Bot reg. 1071
6 looking-glass A A cl ' $ myjn Br.o S. Europe 1818. R P.l Hot rcg. 370
a/fti* fly-bearing A A cl { my.jn P England II h.l Eng. bot 64
arachnites All. cobweb A A cl f m y j n Br England R li.l Hot. mag. 2516
l t Cav. yellow { Y Spain 1818. R h.l Hook. ex. fl. 10
CH AMO'RCHIS Rich. CiiAMORcnis. (Chamai, on the ground, orchis, orchis.) Orchldece. ].
»7 alrina Rich. alpine A .Al P* ft W Swiucrl. 1824. R s.p Bot cab. 1188
0>hrys alpina L.
- RERMTNIUMR.Br. HERMINIUM. (Herminium, ermine?) Orckidea?. 1
monArchis R. Br. one-bulbed A A cu • jn.jl G . England R i.p Eng. bot. 71
O ^ h s monurchis L.

•2491. SERAyFlAS L. SERAPIAS. (Scrapis, an Egyptian divinity.) Orchideee. 2 . - 4 .

82529 lingua L. tonguc-lippcd A iAI cu 1 my.jn Br S. Europe 1786. R Lp Bot. cab. 655
92530 cordigera L. heart-bearing A iAI cu 1 Br S. Europe 1806. R l.p Bot rep. 475

2492. GOODYE^Ri* R. Br.- GOODYKRA. (John Goodyer, an obscure British botanist.) Orchidear. 5 . - 9 .
""* re^ns
22531 * R. Br. '
creeping k. A pr S W Scotland al.wo. D l.p Eng. bot 289
Ncuttia repens Swz.
S2532 pubescens R. Br. pubescent W N. Amer. 1802. D l.p Lind. col. 25
22533 discolor B. R. two-colored tf EJpr if2.d W S. Amer. J815. D l.p Bot. reg. 271
22534 procera Hook. tall £ E ) p r 2 jnjl w Nepal 1821. D l.p Hook. ex. ft. 39
82535 tessellata Lod, tessellated I jn.jl w N. Amer. 1821. D Lp Bot cab. 952
Neottia repens PA.

2493. DICTRIS Sm. DiURis. (Dis, double, oura, tail; lateral lobes of column.) Orchideee. 7. —
I. FLAVIFLORJL — Flowers yellow.
22536 afirea Sm. golden-flowered^. iAJ el 1* ... Y N. S. W. 1810. R Lp Ex. bot 1.9
22337 maculata R. Br. spotted A lAJ cu 1 Y N. Holl. 1823. R p i Ex. bot. 1.30
22538 sulphJirea il.Zf/\ sulphur-ea/ora/A lA) cu 1 jn Pa.Y N.Holl. 1823. R p.1
22539 pedunculate R. Br. pedunculate A iAI cu 1 Y N. HoiL 1826. R p.1
11. PURFU*REO-A'LHJS. — Flowers purple or white.
22540 elongate Swt. elongated A lAJ cu 1 Pk N. HolL 1822. R p.1
22541 longiffclia R. Br. long-leaved
g A LAI cu 1 J Jl Pk N, Holl.
. . 1824. R p.1
aa5mklbAR.Br. white 1 ji R p.l
jnjl W N.Holl.
2*94. PONTHIETVitf R. Br. Powni. (De Ponthieu, Fr. W.I. merch. who sent plants to Sir J. Banks) Orch. 2.
22543 glandulusa R. Br. glandulous j£ EJ cu 1 G W. Indies 1800. D l.p Bot. mag. 842
22514 petioUita Undl. stalked £ 23 cu 1 au Br St.Vincentl822. D l.p Bot. reg. 760

2495. PELE'XIA Pott. PELEXIA. (Pelex, a helmet; large.) OrcMdete. 1. — 3.

23545 spiranthoides B. R. Spiranthes-like ^ J ap W W. I;Indies 1823. D Lp Bot. reg. 985
Neottia adnata Swz.

**2496. NEO'TTIA Siwz. NEOTTIA. (Ncottia, a bird's nest $ interwoven fibres of roots.) Orchldex. 14.
I. NKO'TTIA. — Spike straight.
22546 nidus avis Swz. bird'* nest £ A cu 1 my B Br B Britain ch.wo. R Lp Eng. bot 48
22547 picta Sims painted pr ap.jn W Trinidad 1805. D s.p Bot. mag. 1562
Spiranthes pfcta Lindl.
22548 grandiflura Hook, great-flowered O or apjl G Rio Jan. 1823. s.p Bot mag. 2730
22549 elata Swx. tall * GS pr ap.jn W W. Indies 1790. s.p Bot. mag. 2026
Spiranthes elata Undl.
S25.Wplantaginca//00ft. Plantain./vtf iAJ pr jnjl R Nepal 1824. pi Hook.ex. fl. 226
22551 apltflla Hook. leafless Ed pr jn.jl Br.R.a Trinidad 1826. f.p Bot mag. 27*J7
II. SPIRA'NTIIE9. — Spike spiral.
22552 pudlca Suit. modest & E ) p r i n.d Pk China 1819. D s . p Lind col. 30
SpirAnthes pudlca Lindl.
£3553 australis Lindl. southern jf [(5)
j£ S pr R N. HolL 182a p.1
22554 bicolor Ker two-colored j£ E l P' W Trinidad 1823. s.p Bot. reg. 794
Spiranthes bicolor Lindl.
22555 cernua IV. drooping-/Jtwf 1 jl W N. Amer. 1796. D Lp Bot mag. 1568 .
Spiranthes cernua Rich.
22556 tortilis Swx. twisted ED pr *Jn.jl W W. Indies 1822. D p.l .l
22557 spiralU H. K. spiral, Ladies' traces Apr. W Britain Lp
kl E
Spiranthes ocstivalis Rich. CTphrys spirMis E. B. p Eng. bot 541
22558 autumnklis Swz. autumnal ^ Apr I
O^phrys spiral is a L W Europe 1800. D p.1
22559 estivhlis Dec nI 8 summer jfc A P* i
tdrtilis Ph. OY 7 spiralis y L. W N. Amer. 1822. D p.1 Bar. fl. 35.2
2497. STENORHY'NCHUS Rich. STENORiivvcnus. (Stenos,narrow,rhynchos,beak; pointedstig.) L
22560 specibsus Rich. showy £ El cl 1 ap.jn S W. Indies 1790. D s.p Bot. mag. 1374
Neottia spccitaa Jac.
22561 orchioldeB Rich. Orchis-like jg El el li my F Jamaica 1806. D s.p Bot. mag 1036
2498. CRYPTO'STYLIS R. Br. CRYPToam LIS. (Kryptos, hidden, stu . ..-_., Orchide*. 2 . - 3 .
22562 crecta R. Br. erect £ El cu 1 jnjl
jn.j D.Br N. Holl. 1824. D l.p
22563 longifulia R. Br. long-leaved £ El cu 1 jnjl• D.Br N. Holl. 1822. D Lp Lab. n. h. 2. 212
2499. ORTHO'CERAS R. Br. OBTHOCERAS. {Orthos, straight, keras, horn j outer sepals.) Orchidea. 1.
22564 striatum JZ. J?r. striated A IAJ cu ft N.Holl. 1826. D Lp
2/?00. THELY'MITRA Forst. THELYMITRA. (Wielys, woman, milra, cap; hooded fructif.) Orch. 8.-10.
22565 ixioldes Sun. A lAI cu • ap.jn
• B- N Holl. 1810. R- l.p
- '-
Sm. ex. bot 1.29
2J.ji;(> media R. Br. mediate A LAJ cu apjn B N. HolL 1820. R l.p
&2.~j<i7 pauciflbra R. Br. few-flowered A lA) cu ap.jn B N. Holl. 1820. R l.p
22.0('i8 angustifcMia R. Br. narrow-leaved A iAJ cu ap.jn B N. Holl. 1825. R l.p
22569 carnea R. Br. ' tlceh-colorcd A iAJ cu ap.jn F N. Holl. 1820. R l.p
22.T70 venosa R Br. veiny A iAJ cu ap.jn B N. Holl. 1826. R l.p
22571 Forsterii Swz. Forstcr's ., A iAJ cu apjn N. Zeal. 1N24. R l p
22572 longifulia Forst. long-leaved A iAJ cu ap.Jn V. D. L. 1824. R l.p
£501. LI'STERjf R.Br. TWAT BLADE. (Martin Lister, M D.,a celeb. Enplish phys. and nat.) Orchlde*. 9
22573 ovata li. Br. oxatc-leavcd ^ A cu 1 my.jn G Britain woods. R l.p Eng.Jjot. 154S
Neottia 1 ati folia Rich.
22574 cordata R. Br. heart-leaved ^ A cu I jn.jl Br Britain xnoi. h. R l.p Eng. bot 358
2502. CAL0CHl\LUS J R.5r. CALOCHILUS. (Kalos, beautiful, cheUos, lip.) Orchidear. 2.
29575 campestris R. Br. field A tAl or f ... Br N. Holl. 1824. D l.p
S2576 paludusus Jl. Br. mar»h A iAJ or \ ... Br N. Holl. 1823. D l.p
2503. ARETHU"^^ L. ARETHISA. (Arethusa, nymph of Dianafs, changed into fountain; habitat.) Orch. «•-*•
225T7 bulbbsa H. K. bulbous A -Al el i my.jn Pk.v N. Amer. ... R l.p Bot. mag. 2204
22578 plicata Andr. plaited A El or 1 ... E. Indies 180(5. R p.l Bot. rep. 321

2304. CALOPOX3ON R. Br. CALOPOGOV. ( M, beautiful, pqgwi, beard; fringe of lip.) Orchideee. 1.
22579 pulchellus H. K. pretty A -Al el 1J P N. Amer. 1771. R l.p Bot mag. X16
Linodbrum tuberdsum B. M. pulchellum 5a/.
2505. POGCTNIA R. Br. POOONIA. (Pogon, bean!; fringed nectary lip.) Orchidete. & — 5.
£2580ophioglossoWesJRff. Ophiogl.-like A i A J e l 1 jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1816. R l.p Bot reg. 148
Arethftsa ophioglussoides L.
22381 divancita R. Br. divaricated A A pr f jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1787. D i p 729.3
22382 pendula Spr. pendulous A A pr I au Pk N. Amer. 1824. D l.p BoL reg. 908
Arethusa pendula IV.
n 2506L LYPERA'NTHUS R. Br. LYPERANTIIITS. {Lype, sadness, anthos, flower; hue.) Orchide*. 3.
22583 suaveolens R. Br. sweet-scented A iAI cu ... jn.jl D.Br N. Holl. 1822. R R p.1
22584 ellipticus R. Br. elliptic A lAJ cu D.Br N. Holl. 1824. R p.l
22585 nfgricans R. Br. blackish A lAI cu D.Br N. HolL 1824. R p.l
•2507. SPIPA'CTIS Rich. EPIPACTIS. (Epipegnuo, to late; effect on milk.) Orchide*. &
22586 latifolia
atifolia Swz. broad-leaved ^ A or 1* Britain m. wo. D l.p Lng. bot 269
M Setkfnas latifolia L.
22587 palustris Swz. marsh A or | P Britain mar. D l.p
2508. CEPHALANTHE'RA Rich. CEPHALANTHERA. (Kephale, a head, anthera,an anther.) Orchideg.3.
22588 pollens Rich. pale ^^ AA or or 1 jn W Britain ... D l.p
. Epipactis
Epipactis p&llens
p&llens Sun Serkpias grandiflora
Sun. Serkpias grandiflora LL.
22589 ensifblia Rich. sword-leaved ^ A or l j j n W Britain m.wo. D l . p Eng. bot. 491
_. .Epipactis ensifblia Swz.
22590 rfibra Rchb. red k A or 1| Jn.jl P Britain m. wo. D l . p Eng. bot. 437
Swz. 5erXpia«rIkbra Z"
2309. C ALEfY;* R. Br. CALEVA. {George Caley, sometime superint of bot. gard. at St. Vincent.) Orchldece. 2.
22591 major A 5r. larger A i A J p r liJn.jl G.Br N. S.W. 1810. D l.p
*%m minor R.Br. smaller AiAJpr § jn.jl G.Br N. Holl. 1822. R p.l
2510. PRASOPHY'LLUM if. 2fc. P«ASOPII\LLUM. {Prason, leek, phyllon, leaf; similarity.) Or~h. 7.—12.
^ I. 1'NTEGHA. — Lateral segments qf column entire: germen obtong^ylmdricaLfrorn No. 22596. obovate.
5D3 elktumfl.2*,
elktumfl.2*, tail 8 £iA)or 2 ... ... {J-go • lfe4. R Lp
2Xmfr yellow
ll S lAI
S AI or 1 1 Y 1825. RRiipp
... gY gHoiHoi 1 1. 1825 p
22595 striatum R. Br. striated A lAJ or 1 ... ... g. Holl. 1824. R .p
22598 fuscum R. Br. brown A lAI or 1 ... Br N. Holl. 1824.
22597 pitens R. Br. spreading A-Al or 1 N. Holl. 182a R R lp
II. BI'FIDA — Lateral segments of column bifid.
22598 rMum R. Br. rufous AiAJor 1 ... Ru N. Holl. 1824. R l.p
22599 fimbnatum R. Br. fringed A LAI or 1 N. Holi. 1824. R l.p
2511. MICROPTISJZ. Br. MICROTIS. (Mikros, small,ous, ear; app. to anther.) Orchidece. 2 . - 6 .
22600 parvtflbra R. Br. smaU-flowered A lAJ cu 1 my.jn G.w N. Holl. 1824. R l.p
22601 llba R. Br. white A lAJ cu 1 my.jn W N. Holl. 1826. R l.p
2512. ACIA'NTHUS R. Br. ACIANTHUS. (Akis, point, anthos, flower; bristly tins.) Orchidece. 3.
23602 fomic&tus R. Br. arched A lAI or 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1822. R l.p
22603 exscrtus R. Br. exserted A lAI or 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1822. R l.p
22604 caudatus R. Br. tailed A i A l o r 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1324. II Lp
2513. CYRTO'STYLIS R. Br. CYHTOSTYLIS. (Kyrtos, convex, stylos, style.) Orchldeee. 1.—SL
22605 reniformis R. Br. renifornWwt A lAJ cu \ my.jn
my.jn ... N. Hull. 1823 D p.l
2514. C H I L O G L C T T I S R. Br. CHILOGLOTTIS. (Cheilos, lip, gloita, tongue; app. to lip.) OrcMde*. 1.
«606diphylla i i . ^ r . two-leayed. A lAJ or i ... R N. Holl. ... R p.l Bauer n. h.8
oo??i5- ERIOCHrLUS R. Br. ERIOCHILUS. (Erion, wool, cheilos, lip; disk of labellum pubescent.) Orch. 1.
22607 autumnalis R. Br. autumnal A i A l o r 1 n.d R N. Holl. 1823. R p.l Lab.n. h.2.211.2
-Epipactis cucullata Lab.
CALADE^NIA R. Br. CALADENIA. ((Kalos, beautiful,, aden,, gland;
_ 2516. CALAD gland; disk of labellum.) Orch. 5.-15.
608 &lb
22608 &lba RR. BBr. hit
white A lAJ
A AJ or
lau W N. HoA
N 1810. R p.1
HoA. 1810 1
22609 cSrnea R. Br. W N. Holl. 1826. R p.l
22610 caerulca R. Br. tosh-colored A lAI or F N. Holl. 1824.
blue A lAI or B R p.l
f26H alata R.Br. A lAJ or ... jn.jl N. Holl. 1823. R p.l
winged A i A J o r N. Holl. 1824. R p.l
226l2te8taceaA£r. testaceous . . . j n . j l
O-2517. GLOSSO^DIA iZ. J7r. GLOSSODIA. (Glossa, tongue, eidos, like: append, within flower.) Orch. 2.
*2613 major R. Br. larger A lAI pr ... B N. Holl. 1810. R p.l
22614 nrinor R. Br. smaller A lAI pr .. B N. Holl. 1824. R p.l
2518. PTERO'S^YLIS R.Br. PTEEOBTVLIB. (Pteron, wing, stylos, style; col. at top winged.) Orch. 11.—17.
— Stems leafy ; appendix of labellum at top pencilled.
large-flowered AiAlor Pa.Y N. H6U. 1824. R p.1
22617 outtisa R. Br. wsdexed
ded A lAJ or ... Pa.Y N. Holl. 1826. R p.l
oo*io llm y.}1?10.™'™*
A lAI'orle . . . j l . a u Pa.Y N. HolL 1810. R p.1
Scape naked radical
226 8 cuculUta A Br. hooded radical
A lAI orleaves stellate ; appendices qf labellum at top pencilled.
&bl9nhtans R.Br. nodding A lAI or
A jnjl P a i Y V . D . L. 182.J. R p.1
22620 acummjtta R. Br. acuminate A lAI or ... Pa.Y N. Holl. 1883. R pj
22fi2l cfirto R. Br. shori'lipped AA lAI
lAI or my.jn Pa. Y N. Holl. 1826. R p.1
22622 ophiogWSssa R. Br. Adder's tongue A AI or
A lAI my.jn Pa.Y N. Holl. 1822. R p.l
22623concinnaJ?.£r. -neat AiAJor Pa.Y N. Holl. 1826. R p.1
III. SQITAMA^TO.-— Stems scaly : appendix Pa.Y N. top
of labellum 1824. R p.1
22624 longifblia R. Br. long-leaved A lAI or ... j U u ... N. Holl. 1823. R p.1
22625 gibbosa R. Br. gibbous A lAI or N. Holl. 1824. R p.1
2519. CORYSA'NTHES R. Br. CORYSANTHES. (Korys, helmet, anthos, fl.; helmet of fl. large} Orrh ^
22626 bicalcarata R. Br. two-spurred A LAJ or ... D.Br N. Holl. 1823. R p 1
22627 unguiculata R. Br. unguiculate A LAJ or ... D.Br N. Holl. 1822. R p \
^QBB fimbriata H. Br. fringed A i A l o r ... D.Br N. Holl. 1821. R p.l Par. Ion. 83?

*2520. CORALLORRHPZA R.Br. CORAIXOIIIIIZA. (Korallion,coral, rhixa, root; branched.) Orch. 3 . - 4 .

22689 imiiita R. Br. inborn A A cu * JH 1 G
Scotland sc.wo. D Lp Eng. bot. 1554
252630 multifl.\ra Nut. many-flowered * A <m 3 jnjl G N. Amer. 182*. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 174
n l G N
22631 odontorh'iza Spr. tooth-rooted A A ™ 4J J - Amer. 1824. D p.l
0 phrys Corallorrlrtza R. Br.
2521. RODRIGUETZ/il Fl.por. RODBIUUEZIA. (Emanuel Rodriguez, a Spanish phys. and bot.) Orch. 1.—2.
SSG33 secunda Kth. Bide-flowermg ^ ( Z S e l | o R S. Amer. 1818. D p.r.w Hook, ex. fl. 129
Pleurothallis coccinea Hook.

2522. GOMVZA R. Br. GOMEZA. (Senor Gomez, a Spanish apothecary.)

,., Orchidear. 1.
22633 rectirva R. Br. recurved E l e l $ my.jn Y Brazil IE
1824. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 1748
Swz. CTNBIMIJM. (Kymbe, a boat i form of labellum.) Orchidece. 8.-58.
22634 tripterumStiiz.
tripterumSwz. three-winged./rwi/ttfje
three-winged-/™ El cu * jn.jl W Jamaica 1790. Dp.r.wSm.ic. pic 14
22635 flloifohum Swx.
22635 aloifohum Swx. Aloe-leaved
Aloe-leaved jg E
ES l or 11 my.jn Rr E. Indies 1789. D l.p Bot. mag. SB7
22636 ensifblium Swz. d l d ]£ E
sword-leaved E ll ffra 22ijn.o Br China 1780. D l.p Bot. mag. 1751
22637 sinense W. Chinese £ E l fra Hr China 1793. I) l.p Hot. mag. 888
22638 lancifblium Hook, lance-leaved £ E l d 2 my Y.R E. Indies 1822. " •l p Hook. ex. fl. 51
22639 fipliiitolium Lindl. Xiphium-lvd l«Elpr | G China 1814. D l.p Bot. reg. 529
22640 suave R. Br. sweet jg El or ... N. Holl. 1824. D l.p
22641 rcflexum It. Br. rcflexed j£Elor ... N. Holl. 1824. D l.p

2524. CIRRH^W B. R. CIRRIUB*. (Kirrhos,yellow; flowers.) Orchideee. 1.

22642 dependens B. R. depending f jL Y.G China 1822. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 936
Cymbidium dependens B. C.
2525. SARCOCHVLUS KBr. SARCOCHILUS. (Sarx, flesh, cheilos, a lip.) Orchideee. 1.
22643 falcatus R. Br. falcate £ iAI or . ... N. Holl. 1821. D p.r.w
2526. BRA'SS74 R. Br. BBASBIA. (William Brass, who collected plants on W. coast of Africa.) Orch. 2.
22644 maculata R. Br. S]tottcd-Jliud ^ L S ] f l 1 jn.jl Y.R Jamaica 180b*. J)p.r.w Bot. mag. 1691
22645 caudata Lindl. long-tailed ^ ( 2 2 el 1 jnjl G. v.a W. Indies 1823. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 832
Epidendrum caudatum L.
2527. LISSOCHrLUS it. Br. LiasocuiLUS. {Lissos, smooth, chcilos, lip; Up of flower.) Orchldea. 2.
22646 speciosus 21. Br. showy tf G3 spl 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1818. D l.p Lind. col. 31
22647 luteus Swt. yellow £ El or 1| np.jn Y C. G. H. 1822. D l.p

* 2528. DIPO'DIUM R. Br. DIPODIUM. (Dis, two, potts, foot: threads of pollen masses.) Orchideee. 1. —2
22648 punctatum R. Br. spotted ± El or R N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Sm. ex. bot. 1.12
Dcndrubium punctatum Sm.
0539. GEODO*RU M Jac. GEODOHUM. (Ge, earth, dot on, gift; blossoms lying on earth.} Or chide*. 3 . - 4 .
22649 purp&reum R.Br. purple El el P E. Indies 1800. D l.p Rox.c.1.40
Linodorum nutans Rox.
22650 citrinum H. K. Citron-colored f Q3 d 1 a d Y E. Indies 1800. D l.p Bot. mag. 2193
22651 dilatatum R t Br. dilated-tt/poi ^ E S l 1 Pk E. Indies 1800. D l.p Bot. reg. 675

* 2530. CAT ASETUM Rich. CATASETITM. [Kata, downward, seta, bristle; two horns of col.) Orchidea?.6.—7.
25652 tridentaturn Hook, three-toothed jg EJ or 2 j l . a u Y.Hr Trinidad 1822. Dp r.w Hoi.k.ex.fl.90
22653 Clavcringj Lindl. Cap/. Clavenng's jf El or 2 Y.Br Brazil 1822. Dpr.wliot.rcg. 840
22654 flonbfindum Hook, bundle-flwd £ El or 2 n Y.Hr Trinidad 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 151
22655 Hofikeri Lindl. Hooker's jS El or J J n Y.Br Brazil 1818. 1> p.r.w
22656 cristatum Lindl. crested ^ El cu 2 o.n G Brazil 182J. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 966
22657 semiapertum Hook, half-open jg El or 1 n Y.o Brazil 1824. D p.r. w Hook. ex. fl. 213

2531. ANGULOxil R. & P. ANGULOA. (Fran, de Angulo, a Spanish naturalist.) Orchideee. 1. — 3 .

22658 grandiflbra Kth. large-flowered _ £ E J o r 1 jlau ... S. Amer. 1823. D p.r.w H. & B. 1.27
* 2532. ZYGOPE'TALUM Hook. ZYGOPETALUM. (Zygos, yoke, petalon, petal; joined at base.) Orchideee. 2.
22659 Mackht Hook. Mackay's £ El or 1 jn.jl . B.o.v Brazil 1825. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 27+8
22660 rostratum Hook. beaked £E]or f o W.p.brDemcraral827. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2819
2533. SOPHRONI^TIS B. R. SOPHRONITIS. (Sophron, modest; appearance.) Orchidece. 1.
22661 cernua B. R. drooping i? El pr \ jn.jl R Rio Jan. 1827. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 1129
2534. HETEROTA'XIS B. R. HETEBOTAXIS. (Heteros, various, taxis, series.) Orchideee. 1. thick-leaved / ? E ] o r | my.jn Y Jamaica 1825. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 1028
2535. TRIZEIAXIS Lindl. TRIZBUXIS. (Treis, three, xeuxis, union; 3 segments joined.) Orchidece. 1.
82663 falcate LindL falcate " G W. Indies 1820. Dp.rwLind.col.2
2536. XYLONBIUM Lindl.dl. XVLOBIUM. (A>/on, wood, Wo, to live; growing upon.) Orchidets. 2.
22664 squalens Lindl. dirty flowered £ E3 cu \ my.jn Y.Br Brazil 1822. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 732
Dendrobium squalens B. R.
22665 longifMium Lindl. long-leaved / [ E l c u 1 my.jl N. Gran. 1822. D p.r.w
Dendrobium longifohum Kth.
• £537. MAXILLA^RI A Ft. per. MAXILLABIA. (Labellum resembles the maxilla* of some insects.) Orch. 7.—
22666 Barriiigtrini^ Lindl. Barrington'B £ El cu i jnau Y.G W. Indies 1790. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 119
22667 Harrison&e Lindl. Mrs.Harrison's/? El snl l j s Y.B S. Amer. ... D p.r.w Bot. reg. 897
22668 parvula Hook. small ' "gfA1< i mr.irgr Rio Jan. 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 217
22669 pallidiflora Hook, pale-flowered — Is Pa.Y St.Vmcentl826. Dpr.wBot.mag. 2806
22670 aromatica Grah. aromatic £ El cu 1 my Y.G Mexico 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 219
22671 Parkerii Hook. Parker's ft 17^1 orr §s Y Dcmeraral826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2729
S2672 racemosa Hook. racemose /> El ° f my.jn Y S. Amer. 1826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2789
2538. NOTY'LIA Lindl. NOTYLIA. (Notos, back, tplos, hump; singular callosity on stigma.) Orchidece. 1.—S>
SS673 punctau Lindl. dotted " .*_au.s
.._. G Trinidad 1822. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 759
Pleurothallis punctate B. R. Gomeza tenuifldra B. &
£»39- PLEUROTHA'LLIS R. Br. PLEUROTHALLH. (Pleura, side, thalleo, to flower.) Orchldea?. 3.-5.
•*674 racemiflbra Lindl. racemc-flwd « E ] c u 1 an G W. Indies 1823. Dp.r.w Hook.ex. fl. 123
**»75 rusciffclia R. Br. Ruscus-leaved « E ) c u £ G.v W. Indies 1791. D
" p.r.w Hook.
"" ex. fl. 197
22676 foli&sa Hook. leafy j| El cu f f Y Brazil 1825. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2746
2540. ONCI'DIUM Swz. ONCIDIUM. (Ogkidion. a tubercle; two prominences on lip.) Orchldcte. 17.—25.
*2677 "--! Swx. tallest - — lor 4 aus "
Y W. J
' Indies " Dp.r.wJac. am. 141
**678 carthaginense Swx. Carthaginian lor 4 my.jn Ol W. Indies 1791. I) p.r.w Bot. mag. 777
**«79 divarieatum B. R. divaricated 11 GR Brazil 1825. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 1050
22680 pulchellum Hook, neat
*»wl piibes B. R. downy
W.Y Dcmcrara 1826. Dp.r.w Bot. mag 2773
Rio Jan. 1825. I) p.r.w Hot. rcg. 1007
22682 bifbhum H. K. two-leaved Y.R S Amer. 1811. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 1491
:• El or IJ
! Y
*8fi&3 ornithorhynchon Kth. bird's-beak El or Mexico 18& D p.r.w
22(i84 GeboHMi Swz. Cebollet's ^lor jlau Y W.Indies 1825. 131.2
**ro5 tctrapctulum W. four.petaled I or jn.jl Y Jamaica 1824. D p.r.w Jac. am. 142
**686</uncifolium Spr. Rush-leaved lor jjl Y W.Indies 1833. Dp.r.w
Epidlndruin/uncifrlium L. Y
*26S7 trtquetrum R. Br. triangular-frd / Y Jamaica 1793. Dpr.w
gffiS l&ridum Lindl. lurid j H]or Ol S. Amer. 1822. Dp.r.wBot.reg. 727
~-(>S9 variegatum Swx. variegated j f E l or Y W. Indies 1824. D p.r.w SI. jam. 1.148.2
WO barbalum Lindl. bearded j E l or Y S. Amer. 1818. Dp.r.w Lind. col. 27
«W1 flexubsum 2?. JVf. flexuous j I E ] el jnjl " Brazil 1818. I) p.r.w Bot. mag. 2203
~2fi92 pfcmilum L/nrf/. dwarf j fDSlpr | jn.jl Ol Brazil 1824. D p.r.w lint. reg. 920
32693 papilio Zfatt. Butterfly Plants O.Y.H Trinidad 1823. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 910
•2541. CYRTOPCTDIUM fl. Br. CYRTOPODIUM. (Kyrtos, convex, portion, little font.) Orchidete. &
22694 Andersf.n/i R. Br. Anderson's £ El el 2 Y W. Indies 1804. 1) p.l Bot. mag. 1800
Staa? Woodfurdfi B. M. Woodford't g El el So Pk S. Amer. 1814. D p.l Bot. mag. 1814
696 glutinbsum Mey. clammy £ El cl 2 S. Amer. 1825. D p.l
2542. CGELCGYNE Lindl. C<ELOGYNE. _tf, hollow, gyne, female; form of stigma.) Orchldecc. 3 . - 7 .
22697 punctulata Li»irf/. dottcd->Iow«<l f El el 4 .« V E. Indies 1822. D p.r.w
2a&8 nltida LiW/. sliinhigVcflvcrf ? E ] e l 1 ... Y E. Indies 1822. Dp.r.w
92699 firabridta L/mtt fringed ; E l p r i jl-o China 1824. D p.r. w Bot reg. 868

o 2543. MACRADETNIA R.Br. MACRADENIA. (Makros,long,aden,.gland.) Orchidea. 1 . - 2 .

22700 lutescens R. Br. lutescent fSElcu i d Ol Trinidad 1821. D p.r.w Bot reg. 612
2544. ANISOPE'TALUM Hook. ANHOPETALUV. (Anisos, unequal, petalon, petal; sepals.) Orchidete. 1.
22701 C&reyunum Hook. Dr. Carey's £|S]cu | o Br.P Nepal 1823. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 149
2545. MEGACLI'NIUM B. R. MBOACLINIUM. (Megas, large, klino, to bend ; spike.) Orchldcar. 1.
22702 falcatum B. R. falcate £ E l o r 1 jl.s Y.a.R S.Leone 1824. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 989
2540 GONGOMl/J R.& P. GONCORA. (Anton. Caballeroy Oongora, a Spaniard, and friend of Mutis.) OrcA. 2.
2 2 7 r a a t w p u ^ a / / S ? dark-purple £ El or 1 JnJl T).P Trinidad 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 178
2Q7iJl="K?li5:*. °°* JJowy jlSor li Jn.jl Y Brazil 1826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2755
*2547. DENDRO^BIUM Swz. DBNDROBIUM. (Dcndron, tree, Wo,to Vive; growing upon.) Orchldea. 14.-24.
I. TERMINAYIA. —iJrtcflWM terminal.
22705 speciosum Swx. showy EJspl
spl 1 P N. & W. 1801. Dp.r.w Ex. bot 1.10
227W Pierfirdi Rox. Pierard's el 2 mr
Ell el
E Pk E. Indies 1815. D p.l Hook.ex. fl.9
22707 Calceolaria Hook. slipper El or 2 year Pk E. Indies 1820. D p.r.w Hook.ex. fl. 184
22708 fimbriatum Hook. fringed E] l 2 ap Y E. Indies 1823. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 71
**709 crumcnatum Swx. pursed 2 W Sumatra 1823. D p.l Ru. am. 6.47.8
?271O fe'mulum R. rival i ... W N. S. W. 1824. Dp.r.w
**7H canaliculatum R Br. channelled £ El or N. Holl. 1824. Dp.r.w
II. — Scapigerous.
22712 MyosHrus Swz. Mouse-tail £ El or 1 ... Society Is.1825. Dp.r.w
III. SOLITANIIA. — Peduncles solitary.
22713 cucullatum R. Br. hooded £ El el 2 mr Pk E. Indies 1815. D p.1 Bot mag. 2242
2*714 moniliforme Swz. bracelet-formed^ El pr £ ... P China 1824. Dp.r.w Kern. 865 .
IV. LATKRA^IA. — Racemes lateral.
ngusftrme Swx. tongue-leaved j g E l c u \
22715 ling ... P N.S.W. 1810.
g 7 l 6 undulktum
ndulkt R. Br. waved £ E] or £ year ... N. Holl. 1823. Dp.r.w
*»717 tcretifolium R. Br. round-leaved 1 P N. Holl. 1823. Dp.r.w
22718 rJgidum R. Br. rigid ft N. Holl. 1824. Dp.r.w

c.2548. CAMARPD1UM Lindl. CAMARIDIUM. (Kamara, arched roof; tip of stigma vaulted.) Orch. 1.—2.
«2719 ochroleucum Lindl. yellowish-white A El pr 1 jl W Trinidad 1823. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 844
Dendr6bium filbum Hook.
9S49. ORNITHI'DIUM Sal ORNIT. (Ornis, bird, eidos, like; upper lip of stigma beak-like.) Orcf.h
82720 coccineum Sal. K*v\et-Jlowered£\E\ov 2 year R W. Indies 1790. D p.r.w Bot mag. 1437

2550. ISOCHPLUS R. Br. ISOCHILUS. (I*OS, equal, cheUos, lip: sepals and lipO Oreh. 3.-5. ?
22721hneariBA5r. linear *Elpr fmyjl R W.lndiesl791 Dp.r.wBot reg.745
22722 prdlifei R. Br. nroliferous "Smpr * ... W W. Indies 1793. Dp.r.w Dot. reg. 82a
22723 SraminidiuV Kth. SrasstfSSed l ^ o r \ my.jn G.v Jamaica 1823. D p r.w Hook. ex. fl. 196
Cymbidium /fram'tnio'idcs Swx,
2551. PHOLIDO^TA L. PIIOLIDOTA. (Pholis,* scale: flowers covered with a scate-likebracteaO Orchlde* h
22724 imbricate Lindl. imbricated \ £ E l o r 1* ... Br.w Nepal 1824. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 138
* 2552. BROUGHTOW/* R. Br. BROUGHTONIA. (Arthur Broughton, of Bristol, bot. author.) Orchidce. 1.
22725 sanguines R. Br. blood-colored £US1 spl li jn.jl S Jamaica 1793. Dp.r.w Bot mag. 793
*2553. C A T T L E ^ Lindl. CATTLE Y A. (W. Cattley, member of the London Hort. Soc.) Orchidea. 3 . - 4 .
2272G labiate Lindl. </ar*-lipped A E J s p l 1 jLau V S. Amer. 1818. D p.r.w Lind. coL 33
VHZ27 Lodilig6*si Lindl. Loddiges's £ 2 3 el 1 jlau V S. Amer. 1815. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 357
-3728 Forbesft Lindl. Forbcs'a £ El or f jl au Pk S. Amer. 182a D P.r.w
Bb 2

•2554. EPIDE'NDRUM L. EPIDENDRUM. {Epi, upon,dendron, a tree; growing upon.) Orchidete. 19. — 67.
I. BULBOSA. — Bulbous s trapes few or manyflowered.
82729 cochleatum £. spiral E l cu 1 *f.d Br.p W.Indies 178a D s.p Bot. mag. 572
22730 fragrans Swz. sweet-scented IS]fra f o Y.G Jamaica 1778. D s.p Bot. mag. 1669
22731 angustifolium Swz. narrow-leaved C51 or £ au.o Y Jamaica lS'JO. D p.r.w
22732 punctatum L. dotted Eor 1 o W. Indies lfttf. D p.r.w
22733 anceps/,oft two-edged El or 1 au.o £ Indies 1820. I) p.r.w Bot. cab. 887
2273+ ellipticum Hook. elliptic ES or Pk Rio Jan. 18«4. Dp.r.wHook. ex. fl. 207
22735 ciliare L. fringed El or 1 W W. Indies 1790. Dixr.wBot.reg.784
22736 cuspidatum Lod. pointed El or 1 jn W.Y W. Indies 1808. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 783
22737 monophyllum tfooAr. one-leaved El cu £ d G Jamaica 1823. I) p.r.w Hook. ex. fl.IOO
22738 polybfilbon Sua. many-bulbed | d W Jamaica 1822L D p. r.w Hook, ex. fl. 112
II. ABULBOSA. — Destitute of bulbs ; flowers solitary, racemose, aggregate, or panicled.
22739 sccfindum __ side-flowering £ E l o r 2 jn.jl R W.T Indies 1793. C p.r.w Jac. am. 137
82740 fuscatum
, \ t . . m Sm.
CM brown
Itrnwn H V7C\ rn £ jn.jl Br W.
**•• ^*-" fn/tia. irrun Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 67
anceps Jac.
9Sflto elongktum Jac. long-stnlkcd W. Indies 1798. C p.r.w Bot. mag. 611
82742 uinbclfttum Sivz. umbelled Jamaica 1793. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. SO
82743 n titans Swz. nodding Jamaica D p.r.w Bot. reg. 17
82744 con«'>i>seum Bartr, gnat Florida D p.r.w
82745 diffusum Swz. diffuse Jamaica 1793.1816. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 846
22746 vcrrucusum Swz. warty Jamaica 18S4. 1084
22747 noctumum L. night Jamaica 1816. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 713
2555. POLYSTA%CHYA Hook. POLYSTACHYA. {Polys, many, stachys, a spike.) Orchidete. 2. —. 5.
82748 luteola Hook. yellowish jglAlcu f Y.G W. Indies 1818. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 103
Dcndrobium polystachyum Swz
82749 pubcrula Lindl. rather downy /ffTHcu \ o Y.G S. Leone 1822. D p.r.w Bot reg. 851
2556. CRYPTARRHETNA R. Br. CRYPTARRIIENA. {Kryptos% hidden, arren, a male.) Oichidece. 1.
22750 lunkta R. Br. crescent-lipped j£ ES de } Y W. Indies 1815. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 153
2557. ORNITHOCE'PH ALUS Hook. Onv. (Ornis, bird, kephale, head: upper end of column.) Orch. 1.
82751 gladiatus Hook sword-leaved / f Q S c u i ... G Trinidad 1823. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. li>7
*2J58. BLRTIA. {Louis Blet, a Spanish apothecary and botanist.) Orchidcte. 9. —14.
82752 Tankervill&r It. Br. Tankervillc's A ED spl 2 mr.ap W.Br China 1778. R p.l Bot. mag. 1!J24
82753 verecdnda R. Br. modest A El el 3 jamy P \V. Indies 1733. R p.l Bot. mag. 930
Limodoruin altum
82754 flurida It. Br. florid * A El el 2 P W. Indies 1786. R p.l Red. 111. 83
22755 speciosa Kth. showy A El or Mexico 1827. R p.r.w
9SH5S guincensis Cr. Don Guinea A El or 2 f "" P S. Leone 1822. R p.r.w
9SHS1 Ayacinthi/w R Br. Hyacinth-like & E3 el 1 rnr.jn P China 18()2. R p.l Bot. mag. 1492
82758 capituta R. Br. headed A Eld W. Indies 1795. R p.l
82759 pSllida Lod. pallid jn-jl W. Indies 1820. R p.l Bot cab. 629
88760 Woodfordii Hook. Woodford's f Pk Trinidad 1823. R p.r.w Bot. mag. 2719
jn jl G.v
2559. ETRIA Lindl. ERIA. (Erion, wool; woolliness of flower.) Orchidete. 3 . - 4 .
82761 stcllata Lindl. shirred A C S el 2 f Br.Y E.Indies?... D p.r.w Bot. reg. 90+
82762 publscens Lindl. pubescent £ ES el 1J mr Y E. Indies 1820. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 124
Dendrobium pubiscens Hook.
22763 rosea B. R. Rose-like Id R.w China 1824. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 978
8560. OCTOMEMIIA R. Br. OCTOMERIA. (Okto, eight, meris, part: pollen in eight manses.) Orchidete. 2.
82764 /jraminifbha R. Br. Grass-leavcd £ EScu f jn.jl Pa.Y W. Indies 1793. 1) Dp.r.
p.r.w Bot. mag. 2764
82765 spicata D. Don spicatc £ CSor
ra • l t|« si Nepal
vr._.i %1823.
I) p.r.w
»v _ __ .

82766 serratiftlia Hook, serrated-leaved £ El or Pa.Y Rio Jan. 1826. D p.r.w Bot mag. 2823
8561. TRIBRA^CHIA B. R. TRIBRACHIA. {Treis,three,brachion, arm; spikes) Orchidete. 1.
82767 p&idula B. R. pendulous . £ E J C U } jn.n G & Leone 1823. D p.r.w Bot reg. 963
•2562. BRASAVCTLi R Br. BRASA\OLV {Ant. Musa Brasavoto, an Italian botanist.) Orehidea. I.—2.
82768 cucullata R. Br. hooded £ ES el i jn.s W W. Indies 1793. D p r.w Bot. mag. 543
* 2563. SARCA'NTHUS Lindl. SARCANTHUS. (Sara, a Geuh,'anthos, flower; texture of sepals.) Orchidete. 5.
82769 panicufttus Lindl. panicled £ El el 2} Y China ... C p.r.w Bot. reg. 220
22770 premorsus Lindl. bitten 2 23 el 1 ... G E. Indies 1824. DD p.r.w
82771 teretifolius Lindl. cylindric-lvd "£ El cu 1| n Y.P China 1819. C p.r.w Lind. col. 6
82772 rostrktus Lindl. rostrate £ El P' In Y.R.G China 1819. C p r.w Bot reg. 981
Vdnda recdrva Hook.
99TI3 succlsus B. R. lopped off £ El pr In China 1824. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 1014
8564. VA'NDA R. Br. VANDA. {Hindoo name of original species.) Orchidete. 5.-6.
22774 multi flora Lindl. many-flowered E ] e l 2 jn Y China 1800. C p.r.w Lind. col. 38
82775 tessclKUa Lod. tessellated 1 W . P China 1816. D p.r.w Rox. cor. 1.42
Cymbidium tessellXtum Rox.
22776 Roxburfili' R. Br. Roxburgh's El el \\ n W.p China 1810. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 506
22777 trichortriza Hook, hairy-rooted Elpr | au P.G E Indies 1822. C p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 72
Trichorh^za teretifblia Lindl.
22778 crucnta Lindl. bloody-flowered £ El or 2 au R China 1819. D p.r.w
2565. AE'RIDES Sw. AIR PLANT. (Aer, the air; live for many months when suspended.) OrcMdear. 2.—11.
82779 odorktum Lou. fragrant £ El fra 1| ... Pk China 1800. C p r.w
82780 arachnites Swz. spider-like £ El or 1 ... Br.p Japan 1793. C p.r.w Kcm. 869.1
8566. RENANTHE'RA Lou. RENANTHERA." {Ren, kidney, antkera, anther.) Orchidete. 1.
82781 coccinea Lou. scarlet £ ES spl 8 mr.myS China 1816. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 1131
2567. IONO'PSIS Kth. IONOPSIS. (Ton, a violet, opsis% appearance.) Orchidete. 1.—3
22782 utricularidldes L. Utricularia-lk E J p r i o.n W.p W. Indies 1822. 1> p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 113
? Jantha pallidiflbra Hook.
*2T>68. EULONPHIAi?.flr. EILOPHIA. (Eulophos, well crested; surface of middle lobe of lip.) Orchidete. 8.-10.
82783 gricilig liiirf/. slender A El pr 2 my.n G.Y S. Leone IKS. R p.l Bot. reg. 742
92784 guincensis R. Br. Guinea A E l d 1 my.n Pk S. Leone 1822. R p.l Bot reg. 686

22785 barbita B. R. bearded AiAJor 1 ... C G. H. 1825. D p.l

22780 streptonetala B. R. narrow-petaled A iAJ or 1 jl.n Y C O . H . 1820. D pJ Bot. reg. 1002
22787 v'irens R. R. green-Jlowered A LAI or l\ G.v C. G. H. 1825.
D p.l Rox. cor. 1.38
22788 trlatis B. R. sad A lAl or H myjn Dk C. G. H. 1825.
22789 longiuimis B. longhome
long-homed *,Alor lljjnn..aauu C.G.
... C. G.H.a 1825. D p.l
B R. DD p.l
2790\Aii sword./w*
d/* S 11 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1826. p.l.s Bot reg. 1147
•2569. ANGRJPCUM Thou. ANG&BCUM. (Latinised from the Malay appellation aneree.) Orchidea. a—
22791 maculatum Lindl. spotted jgiZSpr I a n Pk Africa 1819. D p.r.w Lind. coL 15
22792 falcatum Lindl. falcate tfESpr * n.d W China 18J£ Dp.r.w Bot mag 2097
22793 lfcridum Lindl. lurid i&GSpr ljs.n Br S. Leone 1822. Dp.r.w
(Aer, air, anthos, flower.) OrchMe*. 2.— 3.
n 2570. A ERA'NTHES IAndl. AERANTIIES. f jnJl G.Y Madagasc.1823.
Madagasc.1823. Dp.r.wBotreg.817
Linrf/. large-flowere
22794 grandifltoa Linrf/. large-flowered fiU jjl
1 jn.jl W
W Madagasc1823
Madagasc.1823. D pr.w
p.r.w Thou. or. 66
22795 sesquipedMis Lmdl 18-inch-Jfaid
22795 sesquipedMis Lmdl. 18-inch-Jfaid
2571. CALA'NTHE R. Br. CALANTHE. (Kalos, beautiful, anthos, flower) Orchlde*.
B 22 .. --7 .
22796 veratriflfra R. Br. Veratrum-lvd £ El or 2 Jnjl W E. Indies 1819. D p.l Bot reg. 720
22797 sylvestris Lindl. wood £ 1 2 3 or l j l . a u W? Madagasc.1823. D p.l
* 2572. STETLIS Sun. STELI& (Greek name of some parasitical plant) Orchidea. 2. —10.
22798 ophioglosMfldes&itz. * E J c u } myjn G W. Indies4791. D pjr.w Bot. cab. 442
22799 micrintha Sun. suiall-flowered j g B S c u { n.d G Jamaica 1805. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 158
2573. MALA'XIS Sun. MALAXIS. {Malaxis, softness; delicate texture of genuine species.) Orchid. 1.—13.
22800 paludosa Swz. marsh ^ A de i jl Y.a England R p.g
*2574. PRESCO*T/i< Lindl. PREBCOTIA. (John Prescot, an Englishman residing at Petersburgh.1) Orch. 1 — 2 .
22801 plantaginea LintU. Plantain-feau<rt£ Q3 cu 1| G.w Brazil 1822. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 115
Orch le 1 m
*2575. M1CROSTYLIS Nut. MICHOBTYUS. (Mikros,small,stylos,a column.) £ f '' :f:±
22802 ophioglossoldes Nut. Ophiogloss.-lk & A <*e * j» Y.o N. Amer. 1824. R p.s Pluk. am. 434.4
*|57R LI'PARIS Rich. LIPARIS. (Uparos, unctuous; surfacelof leaves of original species.) OrchUc* 6^13.
22803 /iliifT.Ha Rich. Lily-leaved & A pr i jnjl G.p N. Amer. 1758. R p,s Bot. mag. 2004
22804 L ^ R f c h ^sel's ^ A cu i \\
22805 CorrcW Nut ^ Correa's 5 A or * jn.jl Y . England sa ma. R p.s
22806 bltuberculataLindl. two-tubercled £ E 3 c u f jl G N. Amer. 1823. R p.s
22807 fohf)sa Lindl. leafy £ El cu ft au G Nepal 182^. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 116
22808 refllxa Lindl. reflexed ^ E l c u 1 au G I. France 1823. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 884
N. Holl. 1824. Dp.r.w
2577 FERNANDETS/jtf R. & P. FERXANDGSIA. [George Garcias Fernandez, a Spanish bot) Orchidca. 1.
22809 elegans B. R. elegant ^ E J c u ft jnjl Y Trinidad 1817. Djxr.w Bot mag. 2715.
Lockh&rtia elegans Hook.
CALYPSO. (Kalypto. to conceal; habitat.) Orchidea. 2.
2578. CALYTSO Sal. A DT 4 my.jn Yi N. Amer. 1805. R s.p Par.Ion.89
22810 borcMis Sal. northern A or * my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1820. R s.p Hook. ex. fl. 12
82811 americkna R. Br. American
borealig Hook.
aromatica Sun. aromatic J - M ^ in W W.lndii 180ft C p.. Bot«b.7»
smooth-leaved L Q o r 1 0


Orchidca. 10.—10.
•2580. CYPRIPEMHUM L. LADIES' SLIPPER. (Ajw»r#*, Venus, podion, a slipper.)
I. FOLIUSA — Stems leafy.
my.jl England woods. R s.p Eng. bot. 1
22814 Calcfcolus L. common. Slipper : A o r R s.p
Swiss A my.jl Switzerl. 1825.
2 helveticum
Calcbolus Schl. N. Amer. 17S.Q. R sp Bot.mag.9H
22815 parviflorum Sum. small-flowered jfc A or
or myjn Y
22816 pubescens W. pubescent, yellow & A myjn Y N. Amer. 1790. R s.p Bot. cab. 895
22817 Rpcctfibile Sun. remarkable . ^L A or R N. Amer. 1731. R 8.p Bot. mag. 216
W N. Amer. 1800.
22818 album //. K. white ^ A or 11
-, N. Amer. 826 11 s.p Pluk. m. 418.3
228 H) candidum IF. white 1 W
5 A or 1 my.jn W . R N. Amer. 1808.
22820 aricftnum R. Br. nm't.head R !.'p Bot mag. 15G9
k A or j my
II SCAPI'UERA. — Scaptgerous. R «.p Bot mag. 198
22821 hhmile Sun. humble i A or * myjnHkw N. Amer. 786. R s.p Hot reg. /88
22822 ven6stum Wai. handsome tfGSel ijlau G.P **«pri- Jflfi. R g.p Lind. col. 32
22823 inslgne Wai. admirable IS el l j U u G.P Napal 1819.
Siylldea. H.—45.
•2581. STYLI'DIUM Sun. STVLIDIUM. (Stylos,column; stamens andI stjlc jogjed.) a.p Bot reg. !H)
2M24«paminirolium5ta«.Gra8S.leaved * lAJor 1 Pk N. & w. laoa. a s.p Par. Ion. 77
11 my.o Pk N. Holl. 1803.
22825 ftrutiebbum R. Br. shrubby
___ glanduldsura Sal. S jlau Pk N. Holl. 1803. S s.p
*^2(> Bcandens R. Br. climbing
22827 tenuifblium R. Br. flne-Icaved
£ iAJ°r 1 Pk N. Holl. 1818. S s.p Bot. mag. 2249
__ /aricifulium Rich. Pk N. Holl. 1824. S s.p Bot. reg 914
22828 adnatum R. Br. adnate L jn.jl R N. Holl. 1812. D p.l Ex. bot. 2. ft
22829 lineare Swt. linear
Ventenatea minor Sm.



•2582. JRISTOLO'CHIA L. BIRTIIWORT. (Aristos, best, lochia, parturition; sup. med. qual.) Asarina.SUiO.
I. TM'FIDJE—Limb <tf perianth flat, trifidj shrubby.
22830 slpho Ilcrit. tube A or 30 jn.jl N. Amer. 1763. L H.p Bot. mag. 534
22831 tomentosa B. M. tomcntose J or 20 jn.jl P N. Amcr. 1799. L s.p Bot. mag. 1369
22832 Arkinsa La. C. Arkansa J. or 20 jn.jl P Arkansa 1824. L 6.1
II. UNILABIA*™. — LimA qf perianth unUabiate.
i. OBLO'NGJS. — Lip ovate, oblong, or lanceolate.
22833 boe'tica L. Bcetic | ^ o r 6 myjn Spain 1596. R l.p M. h. 12.17.6
22834 glafica Desf. glaucous-fcam/JL i_J or 6 jl Barbary 1785. C p.l Rot. mag. 1115
22B35 maxima /,. greatest LCD or 20 jl N. Spain 1759. C l.p Jac. am. 146
22836 hasftta Kth. hastate &_ O or 16 jlau Cuba 1822. C p.l H.&B.2.116
22837 indica L. Indian A. O or 10 jnjl P E. Indies 1780. C s.l R.maL8.25
22838 acuminata Lam. /on&'-ixrintcd fr I lor 10 ... P Mauritius 1822.
22839 bilobdta L. two-lobed J I lor 10 ... P 1824. G p.l PI. am. 106
ii. SPATULAV*.— Lip spatulate, obtuse.
22840 baTbhta Jac. bearded fl_ ES or 10 ... P Caraccas 1796. R 8.1 Jac. ic. 3.608
22841 foe'tida Kth. fetid fi_CZlor 20 ... Mexico 1822. C p.l H.&B.2.119
iii. CORDAV/E. — Lip cordate, unguiculate.
22842 odoratfssima L. sweetcst-sctd i . D o r 10 jl P Jamaica 1737. C p.l SI. jam. 1.104.1
22813 surinamlnsis W. Surinam fl_Qor 20 ... Surinam 1823. C p.l Jacob. 1.3
trilobata Jac. V
iv. ODCORDA I\B. — Lip at top cordate.
22844 trilobata Z. three- lobeJ ft. O or 6 jn.jl P S. Amer. 1775. C p.l
22845 grandiflbra Swx. large-flowered fl_ • or 20 Jamaica 1824. C p.l
III. —Limb of perianth bilabiate.
22846 ringens Vahl ringcnt or 20 jnjl P.u.v Brazil 1820. C p.l Vahl sy. 2.47
22847 brasiliensis Mart. Brazilian or 20 ... Brazil 1820. C u.l
ringens Lk.
22848 panduriformis W. fiddle-shapcd D o r 10 ... ... Caraccas 1823.
22849 labibsa A A. • or 20 P.G.Y Brazil 1821. [p Bot.xeg.689
22850 arborescens W. arborescent l_Jor 20 jnjl Y.p America 1737.
IV. HKROAVE v.. — Herbaceous.
i. U.\iLAoiAvr.ii — Limb of calyx unUabiate.
92851 scmpervirens L. evergreen Candia 1727. D p.l Bot. mag. 1116
22852 Ionga L. S. Europe 1548. R co Mil. ic. 51.2
522853 Scrpcntaria L. \ong-rooted N. Amer. 1632. R s.p Jac. sc. 3.385
22854 bracteata Jtete. Snake-root E. Indies 1793. R si
22855 rot&nda L. bracted S. Europe 1596. R co
22856 sagitthta MM. round-roofa? jnj N. Amer. 1819. R s.l Pluk. m 78. 1
22857 paTlida JK sagittate W.p Italyy 1640. R s.l M. h. 12.18. 2
22858 ClematUis L. p&\e-Jioivcred Y England woods R co
Clcmatitisii. DILATAVA.— Limb dilated, ovate.
22859 hirta L. hairy )£ lAl or 2 myjn P Chio 1759. R s.l To. it. 1.147
iii. SUBIIENTAVA. — Limb of calyx sulbidcntate.
22860 Pistolochia L. Pistoluchia -* & or 2 jnjl P S. Europe 1597. R



2583. ARTOCA'RPUS L. BREAD FRUIT. (Artos, bread, karpos, fruit.) Urtlcea. 2.—a
22861 incisa 7* true, cut-lvd f Q clt 50 ... W.u S. Sea I si. 1793. Sk r.m Ru. am. 1.33
2nuclfcra nut-bearing JQor SO ... W.u E. Indies 1793. Skr.m
22862 integrifulia L. cntirc-lvd, Jaca Trce± • clt 60 jn W.o E. Indies 1778. C r.m R. mal 3.26.28
2 heteroph^llaXaw. variable-leaved j • or 60 ... W.u E. Indies 1778. C r.m
' 2584. FOILSKCPLEAL. FORSKOLRA. {Peter Forskol, a traveller in Egypt.) Vrticeie. 3 . - 5 .
22863 tenacissima L. clammiest O cu 1||
O jl.a W.G Egypt 1767. S Itl
22864 Candida L. white lA)) cu U jn.jl W.G C. G. H. 1774. C Itl
U jn.jl
22865 angustifblia Retz. narrow-leaved O
O cu 2 W.u Teneriffc 1779. S Itl Mur.24.4
S585. CASUARrNA L. CASUARINA. (Branches sup. like feathers of Cassowary.) Amentuaue. 9. —10.
s. — Flowers dioecious.
22866 stricta H. K. strict *' L J or 15 f.n Ap N. &W. 1775. S s.p Bot rep. 346
22867 distyla Fen. two-styled < i l_J or 15 .. Ap N. Holl. 1812. S s.p Yen. eels 62
22868 torulbsa H. K. twisted «i i_J or 15 .. Ap N. S. W. 1772.
four-valvcd •» I_J or 18 .. Ap N.S.W. 1812. S s.p
22869 quadrivalvisLfl*.
22870 tenudsima Sub. 1
slenderest Ivd » \_J or 10 Ap N. HolL 1825. S B.p Lab II. h. 2.218
S s.p
22871 muricata Jtox. muricated " u o r 15 .. Ap E. Indies 1822. S s.p
II. MONCEYI-E. — Flowers monoecious.
22872 nodiflbra Font. knot-flowered t i_J or 15 ... Ap N. Caled. 1823. S e.p
22873 ttuisctifolia Font. E
i f u or 15 o.n Ap S. Sea Isl. 177R S s.p Bot. cab. 607
»874 glauca Sieb. glaucous i_J or 15 ... Ap N. Holl. 1824. S s.p

2586. CERATOCA'RPUS L. CERATOCARPUS. (Keras, horn, karpos, fruit; calyx 2-bomed.) Chenopbd&e. 1.
22875 arenarius L. sand O un i jn.jl G Tartary 1757. S a Ac. pet. 1.9

2587. ZANNICHE'LLM L. PONDWEED. {John Jerome ZannichelH, a Venetian apothec.) Ftuvidks. 1.-8.
2287t>palustrUL. manh * O w 2 jl Ap Britain dit S aq Eng. bot 1844



. 2588. LE'MNA L. DUCKWEED. {Lepis. a scale; form of plants.) Fluvihles. 4.—11.

««77 trisfilca L. 3-furrowed, Ivy-lvd | O w ... Ap Britain sta.wa. S l.p Eng. bot. 926
228/8 minor L. less ^ O w ... Jnjl Ap Britain sta.wa. S l.p Eng. bot. 1095
2287!) gibba L. gibbous A O w ... jn.jl Ap Britain sta.wa. S l.p Eng. bot 1233
^SWw polyrhiza L. greater^ many-rooted ^ O w ... my.s Ap Britain dit. S l.p Eng. bot. 2458
2589. -4NGITRIA Tou. ANGURIA. (One of the Greek names for the cucumber.) CucurbitUce*. 4
22881 trilobltaX. three-lobed « E ] o r 20 jnjl Pk Carthag. 1793. R l.p 156
22882 pedata Z. pedate t [23or 20 jn.jl Y S. Amcr. 1820. H l.p
22883 trifolikta L. trifoliate JL E2 or 10 jn.jl Y St. Domin. ... 11 l.p PL am. 99
22884 umbrosatf.^J?. shady fl_C51or 10 jn.jl Y S. Ainer. 1827. R l.p

2590. CERA1TOLA L. CBRATIOLA. (Iteration, a little horn; stigma.) Empetre*. 1.

22885 cricoldes L. Hcath-likc * L _ l p r lijn.jl Br N. Araer. 182b". C s.p Bot mag. 2758
2591. AfELOTHRIA L. MELOTHRIA. (Mclothron, supposed to be briony j similarity.) Cucurbit. 2.—
22886 p&idula L. pendulous -* O un 4 jn.s Y America 1752. S co Pl.ic.66.2
22887 fartida Drsr. fetid -* O un 4 jn.s Y Guiana 1820. S co
Trichosanthcs fectidissima L.



2. COMPTO^NIA Banks COMPTONIA. (Henry Compton, Bishop of London, cult, exot) Ament&cea. L
asplenitblia H. K. Fern-leaved ill or 4 Br N. Araer 1714. Sk s.p Den. br. 166

2593. HERNA'ND/il L. JACK IN A Box. (Francisco Hernandez, M.D., Spanish bot) Laurinete. a
sonoraZ,. Bounding t O o r 50 ... W.u E. Indies 1693. C p.l Ru. am. 2.85
ovigera L. egg-bearing ¥ • or 50 ... W.G E. Indies ... C p.l Ru. am. 3.123
Guiana I D o r SO ... W.a Guiana 1820. C r.m Aub.gui. 2.309
f A'XYRIS L. AXYRIS. (Axyros, rough: leaves.) Chenopbdete. 3. —
ffmaranthoides L. Amaranthus-lk O un li jn.jl G Siberia 1758. S co Gm.ui. 2.2
hybrid O un 1| G Siberia 1780. S co 4.1
probtrata L. prostrate «* O un G Siberia 1798. S co

TRA.SGIA L. TBAOIA. (Jerome Bock, generally called Tragvs, Gcr. bot.) Euphorbuicete. 9.—19.
J»95volubilisX. twining i . [ Z ) u n 6 jnjl G W. Indies 1739. C co 2.15
involucrkta L. involucrcd ^ £D un 3 jnjl G E. Indies 1759. S co Jac. ic. 1.190
dunculata Beauv. pedunclcd JL • un 6 jnjl G Guinea 1823. C co Beau. ow. 1.54
II. ERB'CTJL — Stems erect.
stinging O un 3 au G Virginia 1699. Pluk. al. 107.5
Nettle-leaved O un 2 G N. Amer. ... R.mal.10.82
Mercury-like [CD un G E. Indies ...
inr68ta Vahl small-homed im un 1 jl an G Caraccas ...
22903 cannibina L. troublesome CD un 2 G
Hemp-leaved il*E2 un 2 Jnjl G
C l.p Bur. in. 63.4
E. Indies 1699.
ao£^uP N E M l D 0 / S Mart. CNBM. (Knetnis, spoke of wheel, stachys, spike.) Euphorbi&ccaf. 1.—19.
«2904 Chamelaj\i Spr. Charaelasa O un 2 Jnjl G E. Indies 1703. S s.p R.mal.2.34
2597. r r P H A L. CAT'S-TAIL. (Tiphos, a marsh; habitation.) Typhtnce. 4.^7.
jg*J» latifblia L. broad-leaved Jllii A ec 6 jl Br Britain dit. R l.p Eng. bot. 1455
j-*906 minor 5m. smaller J«I ^ ec 2 jl Br England mar. * R l.p Eng. bot. 1457
*2!)07 angustif&lia L. narrow-leaved jllk A ec 4 jnjl Br Britain pools. R l.p En* bot 14S6
82908 minima W. least jHb A ec 1 jl Br Switzerl. 1822. R co

_ 2598. SPARGA^NIUMi. BUR REED. (Sparganon, fillet \ riband-like 1-aves.) Tfoh 4, K

22{K)9ramJ.suin.yto». branchy ^ A un 2 Ap Britain dit. S 1 p | J c boL7«
22910 simplex Swx. simple * A un Ap Britain sta.wa. S L,, & * £ * 745
22911 nRtans/.. floating ^ A un lit jl Ap England fens. S lp En5bot'278 8
aSaiZl D. Don alpine * A un fit jl Ap Britain S Lp
Ub 4
*2599. CA'REX L. CAREX. (Careo, to want; upper spikes without seeds.) Cyper&cea. 121.—280.
I.— Dioecious, spikes solitary.
22913 dioica L. dkecious JUb A cu ft my.jn Ap Britain sp. bo. Sk bog Eng. bot 543
22914 Davalljana Sm. Davall's Jiifc A * my.jn Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 2123
II. PI/LICA*HI£. — Androgynous, upper part of spike male.
22915 puiicaris L. JUb A cu UJn.jl Ap Britain mar. Skbog 1051
82916leucoglbchin L.fU. white-spiked M A un } J»j} Ap Switzerl. 1819. Skbog
22J)17 pyrenaica Wald. Pyrenean M A un IJjnji Ap Pyrenees 1820. Sk bog Schk. ca. 5. D.15
22918 rupestris All. rock * A " cun } jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 1819. Sk bog Al. ped. 9*. 1
22919 pauciflbra Light.
g few-flowered M A 1| jn Ap Britain bgs. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 2011
III. CYPEROI'DEJE.—Androgynous,
CyperusUike M A un capitate; stigmas twos
jn.jl ~ Ap Bohemia #0.2292(1
Schk. ca. A.5
22920 cypero)dc$ L.
« i __ V ^% . . . . lilrA till* A i m L) £W* SI A _. X% 1^ — ! ~ _ 1OA1 Ol. ft___ O..1

22921 Juncifblia iJ/J. Rush-leaved M A un £ jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 1819. Skbog

22922 stenophf Ua JPirJIJL narrow-leaved Jllb A un 2 jn.jl Ap Austria 1822. Sk bog G.Ii.32
22923 chordortAza L. cord-rooted Jttb A un 1 jn.jl Ap Sweden 1823. Skbog Schk. ca. G.I i.31
2?y24 incurva ZfcA/. curved Jllb A un ft Ap Scotland Sk bog Eng. bot. 927
22925 fce'tida Jfaf. fetid Jllb A un f Ap .Switzerl. 1791. Sk bog Schk. ca. Hh. 96
22926 lobata Vil. lobed JUb A un ft my.jl Ap Switzerl. 1819. Skbog Al.ped.92. 5
22927 cfirvula il//. small-curved Jib A un ft jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 1824. Sk bog Schk. ca. D. 17
IV. BRIZOI'DEA. — Androgynous sjHkelets spiked, many-flowered.
22928 arcnaria L. sand jn.jl Ap Britain saiKsh. Sk bog Eng. bot 928
22929 ripens Bel. creeping Jllb A un jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 182a Sk bog Schk. ca. J. 11
22930 intermedia Good. intermediate JUb A un i y j Ap Britain mar. Skbog
22931 schamo\des Dec. Rush-like Jllb A un 1 my.jl Ap Germany 1823. Sk bog
22932 Schreberi W. Schrebcr's ij1 Ap Germany 1800. Sk bog Host gr. 1. 46
22933 frizoidcs L. Briza-like
jUb A un
A un 2 my.jl Ap y
Ap Germany 1815. Sk bog Host. gr. 36.47
22934 ovMis Good. ov&\.spiked Ml A un 2 jn.jl Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 306
22935 leporlna L. Swiss, hare JUb A un Ap Switzerl. 1819. Sk bog
28936 fagopodioldesW. Harefoot-like m A un Ap N. Amer. 1805. Sk bog Schk ca. Yyy.177
22937 jcopfria W. Broom JUb A un Ap N. Amer. 1812. Sk bog
22938 nemorbsa Lam. grove JUb A un jnjl Ap Germany 1824. Skbog
22939 vulptna L. fox JUb A un Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 307
22940 stipdta MM. crowded A un Ap p N. Amer. 1825. Sk
29941 divisa Hud. divided _ Ap Britain sal. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1096
22942 muricata L. greater prickly J
JllbU b AA un
un 2 my.jl
my.jn Ap Britain moi. p. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1097
22943 norvegica Wahl. Norwegian JUb A un lft my.jn Ap Norway 1822. Sk bog Schk. ca. 8. 66
22944 divfilsa Good. parted Jib A un 2 m y Ap Britain Sk bog Eng. bot 029
22945 stelluldta Good. stcllulate JU b A un ft my.jn Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 806
22946 rusea Schr. Hose JUb A un 2 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1812. Sk bog 179
22947 axillkris Good. axillary JUb A un 2ft my.jn Ap Engand bogs.
England bog. Sk bogg Eng. g bot. 993
22948 rcmbta L. remote jUb A un 2 my.jn Ap Britain groves. Sk bog Eng. bot. 832
22949 elongate L. elongated J U b A un 1 my.jn Ap England mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1920
22950 cGrta Good. short JUb A u n 1 jn Ap Britain pools. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1386
22951 faftic* W. fodder Jllb A un 2 jn Ap N. Amer. 1318. Sk bog
22952 tenella Schk. slender JUb A un Ap Scotland xnoun. Sk bog
straminea Donn
22953 lungipes D. Don long-peduncled Jllb I A I un IJJnJl Ap Nepal 1823. Skbog
22954 /ohacea L. Hay-grass-/i*e JlUi A un 2 jn Ap Sweden 1810. Skbog 104
22955 straminea W. straw JUb A un 2 jn.jl Ap
N. Amer. 1803.
V. PANICULAVJK. — Androgynous j spikelets paniclcd.
22956 multiflora MM. fld 1 Jllb A jn
many-flowered un 1A~my.jn Ap N AN. Amer. 11812. Sk bog L11.144
22957 teretifiscula Good. rather rounder M A uunn 2 my.jn Ap Britain bogs, Sk bog Eng. bot 1065
22958 parad6xa W. paradoxical Jllb A lft my.jn Ap Austria 1823. Skbog Host gr. 1.57
8SB59 paniculata L. paniclcd JUb A un 3 jn.jl Ap England bogs. Sk bog Eng. bot 1064
22960 appressa R, Br. close-spiked M A un 2 Ap N. S. V(. 1802. Sk bog
VI. RACEM&9iE. — Androgynous j spikelets racemose.
22961 bicolor AU. two-colored M A un If myjn Ap M. Cenis 1810. Skbog Schk c.Aaaa. 181
22962 atrata L. blackened M A un lft jnjl Ap Britain al. me. Skbog Eng. bot. 2044
VII. TIII;RINGI%ACA. — Terminal spikes male, the others androgynous.
22963 thuringiaca W. Thuringian JUb A un lft myjn Ap Germany 1810. Sk bog Schkxa.P.pp.155
VIII. GLAREO"B£. — Terminal spikes androgynous, the others female.
229G4 Buxbaiimif WahL Buxbaum's JUb A un 1 my.jn Ap Sweden l»2l. Sk bog
22965 glarcusa WahL gritty 41b A un 1 my.jn Ap Norway 1816. Sk bog
22966 microstachya Ehrh. small-spiked Jllb A un 1 my.jn Ap Switzerl. 1822. Sk bog Schk. ca. 6.11
IX. CLANDESTINE. —Spikes of distinct sexes ; male ones solitary, female ones sessile or subsessile: scapes
sheathed with membranous bractes.
22967 filba£, white Jllb A un 1 my.jn Ap Austria 1818. Sk bog Schk. ca.0.55
22968 clandestlna Good. clandestine England Sk bogg Eng. bot. 2124
JUb A cu ft Ap England
22969 inversa R. Br. inverted Jllb .Ai un 1 jnjl Ap N.lJoll.
~ 1818.
" Skbog
22970 digitkta L. fingered Jllb A un ft myjn Ap England woods. Sk bog Eng. bot. 615
22971 wlantaginca Lam. Plantain-like JUb A un ft my.jn Ap N. Amer. 18( 5. Sk bog Schk. ca. U. 170
22972 FrascnVmfl H. K. Eraser's jUb A or ft apjn Ap N. Amer. 1809. Sk bog Bot. mag. 1391
X. PILI/LI'FERJE. — Spikes of distinct sexes ; male ones solitary, female ones sessile or subsessile: culm lei
22973 piluMfera L. piluliferoui Jllb A un 1 ap.jn Ap Britain hea. Sk bog Eng. bot. 8
22974 fimbriiita Schr. fringed Jib A un 1 apjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. Skbog
22975 mucroniita All. mucronate JUb A un 1 jn.jl Ap Switzerl. 1819. Skbog
22976 lucorum, ^grove JUb A un U ap.jn A p N. Amer. 1825. Skbog
22977 coinna IV. \ •4tiM JUb A un 1 ap.jn Ap Germany 1824. Sk bog Schk. ca F. 29
22978 cilifaa W. ciliated JUb A un 1* ap.Jn Ap Germany 1812. Sk bog Schk. ca. I. 42
22979 praeNcox Jac. early Jllb A un 1 ap Ap Britain Skbog Eng. bot. 1099
22980 tomentbsa L. downy-fruited JUb A un 1 jn Ap England
g mea. Skbogg Eng.bot2046
22981 extensa Good. extended Jllb A un Ap Britain sea co. Sk bog Eng. bot 833
j n
* •
22982 flava L. yellow jllb A un Britain bogs. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1294
22983 CE'deri EhlW GSder's M A un M Ap England Sk bog Eng. bot. 1773
22984 fulvzGood.- tawny Jllb A un Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 1295
XI. PANI'CEA. — Spikes of distinct sexes ; male ones solitary; upper female ones sessile or subsessile, lower ones
stalked: culm leafy.
22985 distans L. distant JUb A un 1J jn Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 1234
22986 binervis Sm. twf-nerved jllb A un 2 jn Ap Britain dr.he. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1205
22987 saxatilisX. rtf * A A unftft jn
j App Greenlandl 1812. Sk bog I&Tt.4O
22988 pulla Good. rttwet Ap Scotland Sk bog Eng. bot. 2046
jllb A un 11 jljl A
J29$P ferruginea Schk rusty jUk A un I jl Ap Austria 1822. Sk bog M. 48
22090 Mielichhoferi U Scotland al. roc. Sk bog Eng. boL 2293
scotica Spr. Mielichhofcr's 1 ^ u n 1 Ap
22991 speirostachya Swz. Scotl. raar.ra, Sk bog Fl. dan. 1049
d #
<v,«~, ' stans Fl. dan. banded-spiked A A un 1 Ap
22092 phaeostachya Sm. Scotland roam. Sk bog
_ sallna G. Don brown-spiked Jllk A un 4 jn Ap
2299.3 umbrtaa Jforf shady A un 1J my.jn Ap Austria 1810. Sk bog Schk ca.Uuu.165
229W ptlbsa Sco. pilose A un 1 myjn Ap Europe 1820. Sk bog Schk. ca. M. 49
*2995 granularis Mhl. grain-seeded A un Ujnjl A P N. Amor. 1807. Sk bog Vvv.169
*»%* panfcca L. P&nic-leaued A un Ap Britain inoi.p. Sk l>og Eng. bot. 1505
22997 Michfelii Host Micheli's A un 1 my.j A l > Europe 1800. Skbog
2**J8 conglobata Kit. conglobated A un 1 my.jl Hungary 1812. Skbog
22<»99 rostrkta AM/. beaked A un myjl Ap N. Amer. 1816. Sk bog Schk.caHhh.lSl
2*KX) nitida Jforf glossy A un 1 my.jn Ap Austria 1805. Skbog Hostgr. 1.71
SgOOl inceps Mhl. two-edged A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1805. Sk bog 198
23002 alpcstris ^ « . alpine A un f myjn Ap Europe 1804. Sk bog Schk. ca. G. 35
23003 csspitosa L. tufted, bog A un 1| my.jn Ap Britain bogs, Skbog 1507
?UXtt stricta Good. strict-lt'aved A un 1 Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 914
2-3005 pendula Goof. great pendulous Ji< A un 4 myjn Ap Britain wood*, Skbog Eng.bot2315
2300G rfgida Good. rigid M A un * jn.jl Ap Britain moun. Skbog Eng.bot2047
XII. USTULAYK. — Spikes of distinct sexes ; male ones solitary t female ones stalked ; culm leafy.
23007 capillaris L. capillary Jllk A un ))\.au Ap " Britain Sk bog Eng. bot. 2069
23008 pallewens L. pallesccnt Jllk A un 1 apjn j Ap Britain moi.p. Sk bog Eng. bot 2185
21009 ustulata IVahl. scorched Alpine M A un J Jn.jl Ap Scotland al.riv. Sk bog Eng. bot 2404
2J010 rariflbra E. S. rare-flowered Jllk A un } \n Ap Scotland seal. Skbog
23011 HmosaL. mud Jllk A un lj n Ap Britain Sk bog Eng. bot. 2043
230KPseudocyueru8L. BaatardCyperusiii* A un 3 ln jl Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 249
23013 flcxuJisa MM bending JUk A un 2 jnjl Ap N. Amcr. 1807. Sk bug 124
2KJH sylvatica Hud. wood jUk A un 3 myjn Ap Britain woods. Sk bog Eng. bot. 99J
23pi5juncea W.en. Rush-like Jllk A un 2 my.jn. Ap N. Amer. 18.U Sk bog
23016 strigoaa Good strigosc jllk A un 2 Ap England woods. Sk bog Eng. bot 944
XIII. PALUDOS* Spikes of distinct sexes ; male ones not solUarp, two or more ; culm leafy.
23017 recurva Good. recurved ilk A un 1 my.jn Ap England hca. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1506
23018 nfitans Host nodding JUk A un 2 jnjl Ap Austria 1815. Sk bog Host gr. 1.83
23019 acuminata IV. acuminated JUfc A un Ap Mna 1818. Sk bog Host gr. 1. 97
23020 filiformis Good. filiform JUk A un 2 jjl Ap Britain bogs. Skbog
^3021 aquitilis WahL water Jllk A un yjnjl. Ap Lapland 1813. Skbog
23022 aedta L. acute JUk A un Ap Britain Sk bog Eng. bot. 580
23023 palud5sa Good. marsh Jllk A un 2 my.jn Ap Britain watpL Sk bog Eng. bot. 807
23024 riparia Good. Jlk A un 2 myjn Ap Britain Sk bog Eng bot. 579
%*>J5 vcsickriaL. bladdery Jllk A un 2 apjn Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot 779
?3O26 ampull^cca Good. cruet-shaped 2 myjn
Jllk A un 2 myjn Ap Britain bogs. Sk bog Eng. bot 780
23027 «ecilina IK Ryc-likc Jllk A un 2 myjn Ap Scotland bogs. Sk bog Schk. ca. 5. &>
2J028 Aordeifiirmis Host Barley-formed Jllk A un
2 Jnjl Ap France 1805. Sk
029 stictocarpa Sm.
3029 dottcd-fruitcd ^ A un 1 jnjl Ap Scotland moun. Sk bog
23030 angustifblia Sm. narrow-leaved 3t A un 1 jnjl. Ap Scotland mar. Sk bog
23031 hirta L. hairy JUk A un 2 my.jn Ap Britain Sk bog Eng. bot. 685
yg smooth-stalked Jk A un 3 my.jn Ap Britain bogs. Sk bog Eng. bot 1387
*83 cnnUa Lam. hairy Jllk A un Ap N. Amer. 1807. Sk bog
23034 aallnaJFnA/.
n. salt-marsA Jllk A un 1 jn Ap Norway ... Skbog
*?035 l
*?035 ambleocurpa W. obtuse-fruited Jiik A un l j j n , Ap Britain ... Sk bog Mic gen 62.32.12
23036 bullata W. blistered JUk A un 1} jn Ap N. Amer. 1811. Sk bog Schk,ca.Uuul66
XIV. DIBBLE. — Doubffut
achystachya Schk. short-spiked 1 A u jnjl Ap SwitzerT. 1819.' Skbog
sphsrostachya ScfU. round-spiked W A un jnjl Ap Switzerl. moun. Sk bog
KOBRE*S/il W. KOBREBIA. (De Kobrest a German, and great promoter of botany.) Cyperdcete. 1.
rfoina W. Sedge-like M E2 un } jl Ap Britain ... Sk bog Eng. bot 1410
SchceNius monolca E. S.
2601. TJNCI'NIA Pers. UNCISIA. {Offkinos, a hook; awn hooked.) Cyperhcetc. 2 . - 9 .
*£UO/>hIco'ides/»ra. Cat's-tail-like JUk El un 1 jl Ap S. Amer. 1821. Sk bog Cav. ic. 46*. 1
****! jamaicensis Pers. Jamaica JUk ES un 1 jl Ap Jamaica 1816. D bog Schkca.l3.G.3O
Caxex uncinata Swz.
INDIAN CORN. {Zoo, to live; used as food.) Grambiea. 2.
Mays Jllk O ag 2 jnjl Ap America 1552. S rm Lam. il. 749
Curagita Mol. Curagua JHh O »g 1 jnjl Ap Chile 1824. S r.m
1X L Joi|f8 TEAH8
- reARS.- (Applied by Theophrastus to a reed-lcaved plant.) Graminea. 5.—
hryma LL. common, tear JUb ES cu 2 , n.jl Ap E. Indies 15P6. S l.p Rot. mag 2479
agrentis W. |cu „ Ap E. Indies 1812. S l.p Ru. am. 6. 9L 1
eximJ n.jl Ap China 1816. S l.p Jac. ic. gram.
KW S|>r
x - Koenig's Ap R Indies 1818. S l.p
inacea Lam. lteed-like jiikEScu Ap Mexico 1818. S l.p

- TRI'PSACUM L TRIPASCUM. (TYipsis, a grinding; flour made from grains.) Gtamlnete. 2.

^actyloldes /.. Dactylus-like JUb A un 4 au Ap Virginia 1640. D p i 750
monostachyon IV. single-spiked JUk A un 2 au Ap N. Amer. 1825. D p.l W. h. b. 1

HETEROPOV3ON Jichb. HBTEROPOOON. (Heleros, varioua, pogon, a beard.) Gramineee. 2.
2^051 Allidnii Bcauv. Allioni'a Jllk A un 2 au Ap Switzerl. 1800. D co Al. ned. 91 4
oo glaberto**.
23052 contortus Bcauv. twisted JU QS cu 2 Ap E. Indies 1817. D l.p Schk han 3+2.A-
Andropbgon contortus L.

o 2606. OLY'RA W. O L Y B A . (A sort of grain mentioned by Greek authors.) Gramiiw*> 9 *

23053 latifollaL. broad-leaved m ES un 3 jl Ap W. Indies 1783. Sk s.p SItorn 1 ( 5 * 2
o , _ panicuIaU Stvx.
'i*}54 pauciflbra Swx. few-flowcred JUb|2Sun ] } j l Ap W. Indies 1817. S k s . p



2607. jl'LNUS Tou. ALDER. (Al, near, /an, edge of a river, Celt.; habitat.) Atnentacea. 15 —18.
23055 glutinbsa L. clammy ec 25 mr.ap Ap Britain L m.s Eng. bot 1508
2 laciniata fringcd-taiwrf or 25 mr.ap Ap Britain L m.s W. ar. 44
3 ffcliis variegatis varicgatcd-lvd or 25 mr Ap Britain ... L m.s
4 miercifolia Oak-leaved or 25 mr Ap Britain ... L m.f
5 indsa cut-leaved or 25 mr Ap Britain L m.s
6 emarginivta emarginatc or 25 mr Ap Britain L m.s
23056 oblongSta JV. oh\ong.lcaved or 20 jl S. Europe 1730. L m.s
2 clllptica elliptic-taivfti or 20 jl Ap L m.s
23057 incima JV. hoary-leaved or 20 jn Europe 1780. L l.p
2 angulata angular-fcat/t'd or 20 jn Ap L lp
3 pinnate pinnate or 26 jn jl Europe L co
23058 glafica Mr. glaucous or 20 my.jl Ap N. Amcr. 1820. L co
23059 unduftta JV. vnve-leaved or 20 iny.jn Ap N. Amcr. 1782. L l.p
23060 serrulate IV. Baxv.lcaved or 20 mr Ap N. Amcr. 1769. L Lp Ab. ins. 2.92
23061 cordifolia Ten. heart-leaved or 20 my.jn Ap Naples 1818. L co Bot. cab. 1231
230()2 macrocarpa Lo. C. long.fruited ^ or 20 my.jl Ap L co
23063 subrotunda Desf. roundish./eawdj or 23 my.jl A P L i:o
23064 rubra Detf. red *[ or 20 my.jl A p L co
23065 macroph^lla 2>ej^l long-leaved * or 20 my.jl A p Naples L co
23066 canadensis Lo. C. Canadian . or 20 my.jl Ap Canada L co
23067 oxyacanthif61iaXo.C. Oxycanth.-lvdY or 20 my.jl Ap L co
23068 pumila Nois. dwarf or 10 my.jl Ap L co

2608. 5 E T U L A L. BiRcn. (Betu, its Celtic name.) Amentieece. la —19.

23069 filba L. common white tm 40 ap.jn Ap Britain moi.w. S co Eng. bot. 2198
2 vcrrucosa Ehrh. warty *__
tm 40 — •_
An ap.jn - _ Britain
Ap ... S co
3 dalccurlica L. Dalecarlian tm 40 ap.jn Ap Europe ... S co
4 macrocarpa Lod. long.fruited tm 40 apjn Ap Europe ... S co
23070 j>endula Roth pendulous or 40 apjn Ap Britain woods. S co
23071 populifulia H. K. Poplar.leaved or 30 jl Ap N. Amer. 1750. L co Mic. ar. 2.2
23ffto excelsa //. K. tall tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1767. S co Den. br. 95
23073 daurica PaU. Daurian tm 30 jl AP Siberia 1786. L co Pal. ros. 1.39
23074 rtgra L. black tm 60 Ap N. Amer. 1736. L co Den. br. 153
23075 Ianul6sa Mx. woolly tm 70 Ap N. Amer. 1817. L co Mic. ar. 2.3
23076 rftbra 3 / J . red tm 60 Ap Canada ... L co Bot. cab. 1248
23077 papyracea H. K. paper tm 50 jn Ap N. Amer. 1750. L co W . ar. 2.1
23078 fcnta L. pliant tm 50 jl Ap N. Amcr. 1759. L co Den. br. 144
23079 carpinifblia £ArA. Hornbcam-lvd tm 50 jl Ap N. Amer. 1759. L co
23080 nana L. smooth dwarf cu 4 my AP
Scotland moi.h. L co Eng. bot. 2326
2 macroph^Ua Schl,, long.leavcd or 6 my Ap Switzcrl. 1819. L co
23081 pumila L. hairy dwarf N. Amer. 1762. L s.p Jac. vin. 2.128
or 6 Ap Turkey ... L s.p Den. br. 94
23082 p6ntica //or^.
23083 ovata Schrank
il'lnuB viridis Dec.
ovate £ or 12
or 6
Ap Hungary 1820. L co
Ap Den. br. 96
23084 fruticosa i>n//. shrubby i: or 6 Ap Siberia 1818. L co 97
23085 pube.sccns Ehrh. pubescent :
or 30 Ap Germany 1812. L co
23086 tristis Lk. sad or 10 Ap Kamtsch. ... L co
23087 latea Mx. yellow ; or 20 my Ap N. Amcr. ... L co

2609. BWXV8 L. Box TREE. (Pyknos, dense;; wood.) Euphorbihcccc. 4 . - 5 .

23088 baleitrica Zam. Balearic i i or 8 jl Y.G Minorca 1780. C co
23069 scmpcrv'ircns L. com. evergreen i t or 8 ap Y.o England ch.hil. C co Eng. bot. 1341
2 angustifblia narrow-leaved ; t or 8 ap Y.G C co
5 suftruticbsa subshrubby i or 1 Y.G Skco
23090 chinensis Lk. Chinese i 11 | or 3 n Y.G China 1802. C co
23091 australis Cun. southern i t L-J or 6 ... N. HolL 1820. C l.p
2610. SARCOCO'CCA B. R. SARCOCOCCA. (Sarx, flesh, kokkox, a berry : substance of.) Euphorbiuccce. 1
230D2 prumf6rmis B. R. Plum-formed » i _ J o r 4 jn.jl Pa.Y Nepal 1820. C p.1 Bot.rcg.f~~

9611. Cl'CCil L. Cicc/i. {Peter Cicca, who wrote in 1553.) Euphorbiiiceat 1 . — 2 .

23093 distichaL. two-rowed-/w* ± n fr 20 ... G K Indies 1796. C p.l 2.194
•2612. A/O'RUSZ. MULBERRY. (Alar, black, Celt.; color of fruit.) Urtkear. 12.—17.
23094 alba /,. white rtt 30 jn Ap China 1596. L co Schk. han. 3.290
2 macrophy'Ila long-leaved clt SO jn Ap China L r.m
3 nana dwarf clt 10 jn Ap China ... L rm
4 ovalifulia oval-leaved clt SO jn.jl A p China ... L r.m
5 rosc
rosca Rose-like
e clt 20 jn.jl Ap China L r.m
23095 constantinopolitiinaDe^. Constanti. clt 15 jn Ap Turkey 1818. L r.m
(23096 sinensis Hort. Chinese
clt 20 ... A p China 1825. L r.m
23097 p scabra L. scabrous
or 20 jn Ap N. Amer. 1817. L r.m
n s y f i
230*>8 pennsylvfinica y
or SO jn.jl Ap Pcnnsylva.1820. Is r.m
23099 Lam. Not. Italian
italica Lam
23099 pumila
italica Italian
clt 20 jn.jl Ap Italy 1817. L r.m
23100 Not. dwarf clt Ap ...... 1824. L rm
23101 tatarica Pall. Tartarian or 20 jn Ap Tartary 1784. L co Pal. ros. 9,52
23102 nlgra Pair. common black ft* SO jn Ap Italy 1548. L co 159
| 3 103 r{,l,raZ,. red or 10 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. lflJML L r.ra
£2 0 i ma "ritiana Jac. Mauritian I lor SO Ap Mauritius 182.'). C lp Jac.ic.&617
23105 indica L. Indian LI) or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1S24. C l.p Ru. am. 7.5
*2613. BCEHME'R/^ Jac. BOBUMEBIA. (George Rudolph Bahmer, a German botanist. ) VrHcea?. 14. — 111
I. OpposmpbLi^. — Leaves opposite.
23106 cylindrica W. cylindrical A un 4 G Virginia 1759. Sk s.p SI. jam. 1. 82.2
~ rotundi folia D. Don round-leaved 5 u M u n 3 G Nepal 1818. D s.1
I clongata Fis. elongated O un 1 au.a G Brazil 1817. S co
* CD un 2 ... G Jamaica 1820. C s.p
o,.-- r—'jfijJla D. Don broad-leaved * U u n 4 ... G Nepal 1820. C e.p
swill macrophJrllaD.Don long-leaved lUun 6 ... G Nepal 1819. C fl.p
11. AvtERjiiFbum. — Leaves alternate.
23112 rutescem Jac. rubescent * i _ J o r 10 f.ray G Canaries 1779. C s.p 5.1
OQf , i/rtlca arbdrea L.
~>J13 ramiflura Jac. branch-flwd i Q u n 8 G J a c 1823.
Jamaica W23. C cco 157
« } 4 f r o n d o s a I). Don leafy • i | un 4 ..'. G Nepal 1819. C s.p
5 >hiSwx. hairy tL O un 2 ... G Jamaica 1817. C s.p
rutcsccns 77«/»i. frutcsccnt * i | un 3 ... G Nepal 1819. C s.p
li Willow-leaved ^ A un 6 s.n G Nepal 1819. D co
*J}18 lateriflf.ra A/A/. Bide-flowcring ^ A un 1} f my G N. Amcr. 1820. Sk co
"119 interrupta W. interrupted £ 23 un 1 au.s G E. Indies 1816. D co

- P I ' L E A LintU. PILEA. (Pilos, a cap; nature of one of the divisions of perianth.) Urticete. 1.—3.
musebsa Lindl. mossy fc» 23 pr | G W. Indies 1793. S co Lind. col. 4
•2615. NETTLE. (J7ro, to burn; stinging qualities.) Urtlcece. 46. —114.
I. OPPOSITIFOLIJE. —. Leaves opposite,
23121 piluliferaL. Roman, pill-bearing O w G England rub. S co Eng. bot. 148
23 22balearicaJ, Balearic O un li jn.jl G Balearic 1.1733. S co Black. 321.1
g 23 convexa Horn. convex O un U j j l G ...... 1824. S co
Brlpta/*wi. black.hncd l cu 2 2" jjl.a Y Nepal 1818. D co
"epressa Swx. depressed a u G Jamaica 1820. D co
Dilirtii L. , Dodart's ^.-
m *8
fI G S. Europe 16H3. S co
""crophflla Stvz. small-leaved O un 1| G W.Indies 1793. D co SI. jam. 1.93.2
ptmil L dwarf £ 2 3 cu £ my.s G N. Amcr. ... co
23 29rnvolucrataA involucrcd O un I G W. Indies 1821. co Bot mag. 2481
23 30grandifbliaL. great-leaved jg 2 3 un 1 jLau G Jamaica 1793. co SI. jam. 1.83.2
S!21fA fierce n. • un 3 G N. Zeal. 1823. s.p.l
t i_J cu 20 G N. Holl. 1823.
- - • v « gigtui Cun.
23133 moridldes Cun.
23134 reticulkta Swx.
5 ;iant
f l_J cu
5 i_J cu 10
30 G
N. Holl. 1823.
Jamaica 1793.
co Bot. mag. 2567
23135 rdfa Swx. reddish a. •• unun 2 G Jamaica 1793. C co
23136 arena L. small stinging Qw 1 jn.s Britain cltgr. S co Eng. bot 1236
23137 dioicaL. common,
^ „d ii
dioecious^ A W 1 jn.s Britain D co Eng. bot 1750
23138 angustifblia Fis. narrow-leaved , 2JJI.S Siberia 1817. D co
*33139 membranacca Poir. membranous : A un 21 o.n Spain 1820. D co
23140 diffTisa Swx. diffuse 1 2 3 un jiJl.s — Jamaica lolo. D co
23141 crassifoha W. thick-leaved j 2 3 un 1
2 au.s
jl.s Ap S. Amcr. 1822. D co
S. Am
*j?142 ardens Lk. burning O un 1 jl-s Nepal 1821. S co
Germanderlike C un
«>143 chamaedryoldes Ph. Germander-like Georgia 1813. S co
*3J44 nummularifulia5tvz. Moneywort-lvd O un 1 jn.jl Ap Jamaica 1820. S co SI. jam. 1.131.4
155*2 cannabinaL. Hemp-like A cu 3 jl.s AP Siberia 1749. D co Am. rut 249.25
g l j j rugbsa Swx. wrinkled.5//M DQun 2 my.jl Ap Jamaica 1793. S co
nudicauli8Su«. naked-stalked n. I I un my.jl Ap Jamaica 1793. C co
Jiliff A un 3 Ap Huds. a 1782. D co
un JLs Ap Jamaica 1793. C co SL jam. 1.93.1
ciliated tL\ lun 1 jls Ap Jamaica 1815. C co
PhcllaL*. pretty fL^un AP E. Indies 1820. C co
scabrella Rox. roughish a. nun Ap E. Indies 1815. C co
11. ALTERNIFULUE. — Leaves alternate.
23f53iestuansL. raging _ O) un 1 jnjl Ap Surinam 1803, S co Jac. sc. 3.388
Canada ^t A un 3 au.o P Canada 1656. D co
divaricate 5 A cu 2 o.n Y Canada 1816. D co
tnovr-white-lvd 5 A un 6 au.s Ap China 1735). D p.l Jac. vin. 2.166
iccifern L. berry-bearing tLl ttQun 4 S. Amcr. Sks.p Bot rep. 454
capitellata Poir. small-headed tL lun
CDlun Java 1810. C co
caracasana Jac. Caraccas n. I
tL • un 8 Ap Caraccas 1824. C Jac. sc. 386
caravclKina Schrank. Caravellan O un Ap S. Amcr. 1825. S
dongataZA. 'lengthened
"" "' O un 3 Ap Philipp.Is.1823. s
g } e r s i f M iMiaL*.
a various-leaved \ | un 3 a u s s
E. Indies 1823.
hylla Wai. variable-leaved tL • cu 2 c
E. Indies 1819. R.mal.2.41
g}6* horrida Z*. horrid O un 3 au.a Ap Nepal s
"'borescens Lt.
« lHinWndra Rox.
arborescent *l I un 8 au.s Manilla 1822. c
pentandrous £ 23 un 2 au.s E. Indies 1800. D co

PROCRIS. (The wife of Cephalus.) Urticea?. 2. —19.

23167 punctita Ham. 1A1 un 1 G Nepal 1820. D co
231^tciftii iAJ un 1 jl au G Nepal 1820. D co

SSiftt£ P A / C ? Y S A ' N D R A iV*. PACHYSANOBA. {Pachys, thick, aner, man; stamens.) Euphorbidcea. 2.
23nnPr0?lfimbcn8iV*- trailing A A P' i mr.ap W N. Araer. 1800, D s.p Bot. reg. 33
23170 conicea 7/ooA. coriaceous i l Z I p r 4 jn.jl WW Nepal
" 1822. C co Hook. ex. fl. 148
^SfilS. DTCVTIS L. Duma. (Dis, double, ous, ear; two appendages at b.isc of florets.) Chenqphdcec. 3.-4.
1 ceratoldcs W. hom-like » or 2 mr Ap Siberia 1780. L e.p Jac. ic. 1. 189
I atripliciiiA Spr. Acriplcx-like O w 1 jnjl Ap Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 232
o _, ^'triplex pcuunculata L.
23173 candidissima Desf. whitest O un 1 jn.jl Ap 1826. S co
o 2619. EMPLEU'RUM H. K. EMPLEURUM. {En, in, Pleuron, membrane; seeds atUched to) Didsmete I
^^ serrulatum H. K. serrulated • i_J or 3 jnjl Pk C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Ex. bot2.' 63
; a AUCVB L. AUCUBA. (Its name in Japan.) , „ - . Rhamneat? 1.
75 japonica L. Japan« blotch-lvd > or 6 my.jn Ap Japan 17&>. C co Bot mag. 1107

2621. L.ITTORE'LLA L. SHORE-WEED. {IMtus, the shore j place of growth.) Plantaginete. I.

23176 lacustris L. lake, Plantain-lud * A P' i Jn*au w Britain D p.11 Eng. bot. 468
2622. SERPI'CULA L. SERPICULA. (Dim. from serpo, to creep; habit and size.) Halorbge*. 1. — 3 .
23177 repens L. creeping *r lAJ P* i j U u W C. G. H. 1789. D p.l Lam. il. 758
2623. MACLlTRjf Nut OSAGE ORANGE. {William Maclure, a North American geologist) Urtlcece. 3.
23178 aurantlaca Nut. common. Orange ¥ fr 20 ... Ap N. Amer. 1818. L p.l Lainb. pi. sup.
23179 tinctoria D.Don dyers', Fustick f • or 20 ... Ap W. Indies 1739. C r.m
MOTUB tinct&ria L. Broussonetia tinctoria Art.
23180 Plumiera G. Don Plunder's f • or 20 ... Ap W. Indies 1824. C r.m PI. ic. 204
A/orus Plumiera Brm. Broussonetia Plumiera Spr.



2634. EXOCA'RPOS Lab. EXOCARPOS. {EXO, outside, karpos, fruit j seed on fleshy rccept) Osyrideas. 3—6.
23181 cupressif6rmis IM. Cypress-shaped t i_J tm 40 ... Ap V. D. L. 1824. C p.l Lab. vo. 14
23182 humifusus R. Br. trailing &. i | or 2 ... Ap V. D. L. 1824. C p.l
23183 strictus R. Br. strict * i_J or 5 ... Ap N. Holl. 1822. C p.l
2625. SCHIZ A'NDR A Mx. SCIIIZANDRA. (Schizo, to cleave, aner, man; stamens split) Mcnispcrmece. 1.
23184 coccinea Mx. acnlct-ftowered JU i_J or jn.jl S N. Amer. 1806. L s.p Bot mag. 1413
2626. FRANZEMLM Cav. FRANZERIA. {Antony Franxer, M.D., a botanist.) Comp. Ambrosidcear. 2 . - 4 .
23185 artem\sio)des W. Artemisia-like * |_J un 6 jl.s G Peru 1759. C p.l W. h. b. 2
2J186 ambrosicAdes Cav. Ambrosia-like • U u n 4 jLs ~ "
Mexico '1796.
— C ~ p.l' Cav. ic. 2. 200
2627. XA'NTHIUM L. XANTIIIUM. (Xanthos, yellow; used by Greeks to dye the hair.) Comp Ambr. 7.
23187 Strumurium L. Small Burdock O un 3 jl.s G England dungh. S co Eng. bot. 2544
23188 orientate L. Oriental O un 4 jl.s G China 1685. S co Schk.han.3.291
23189 spinijsum L. spiny O un 3 jl.s G S. Europe 1713. S co Her. par. 246
23190 cchinatum Mur. hedgehog O un 3 jl.s G S co Mur. 1784. cic.
23191 canadense Mil. Canadian O cu 1 jl G N. Amer. 1700. S co
23192 macrocarpuin Dec. long-fruited O cu 1 jl G France 1817. S co
23193 catharticum Kth. cathartic O cu 1 jl G SxAmer. 1824. S co
S628. ifMARA'NTUS L. AMARANTH. {A,priv.,marainot to wither; durable flowers.) Amarant/iucece. 60.
I. TRIA'NDRIA.— Flowers triandrous.
23194 tonuifolius W. fine-leaved O un 1 jl.s G E. Indies 1801. S co
23195 angustifolius
g Bieb. narrow-leaved O un l}jl.s G Levant 1723. S co
lb LL.
23196 albus white
hit O un 1} jl.s G N. Amer. 1778. S co Wang 9.1.2
23197 graedzans L. Greek O un lftjU G N. Amer. 1759. 8 co Wang. 8.4.7
23198 melanch61icus L. melancholy O or U jn.s P E. Indies 1731. S co Wang. 15.9.18
23199 tricolor L. three-colored R.T E. Indies 1548. S r.m A.3.6
two-colored O or 2 jn.s R.Y E. Indies 1802. S r.m
232U0 bfcolor Noc.
23201 poljfeamus L. polygamous O or lfjl.8 G E. Indies 1780. S co Ru. am. 5.82
23202 gang£ticus L. Gangetic O un 2 jl.s G E. Indies 1778. S co Wang. 16.6.11
2320.') mangoMtdnus L. Mangostan O un 2 jl.s G E. Indies 1801. S co Wang. 13.12
23204 polyst^chyus W. many-spiked O un G E. Indies 1816. S co
2*205 tristis /,. sad, round-headed O O un
O un 22 jl.s P China 1759. S co Wang. 21.5.10
23206 inamac^nus IV. unpleasant fjl.8 G Japan 1820 S co H.pfl.72.1
23207 inc6mtus W. en. shabby G 1823. S co
23208 lividus L. livid O un 2 R N. Amer. 1759. S co Wang. 20.1.1
23209 oleraceus L. potherb O un 2 Pa.R E. Indies 1764. S co Wang. 17.5.9
23210 lancea'folius Rox. lance-leaved O un 5 jLs R E. Indies 1816. S co
23211 atropurpfircus Rox. dark-purple O dt 6 jlau P E. Indies 1820. S co
23212 fasciktus Rox. banded O or 3 E. Indies 1816. S co
23213 bulfotus Bes. blistered O or 3 au.n G 1822. S co
23214 2?lUum L. wild Blite O or 2
j G England dungh. S co Eng. bot 2212
23215 prostratus Balb. trailing O
O un 4
2 jl s G France 1739. S co
23216 spicatus Pert. spiked
kd O uu
Jk O un 32 jl.s G Europe ... S co
23217 vfrldis L. > green J OO
_ un 2 jl
3 au.s G Brazil 1768. S co Wang. 18.8.16
23218 /xilygonoldes L. Polygonum-lk Jc O un 11 G Jamaica 1778. S co Wang. 11.16.12
23219 scandens L. climbing I Q un 2 G America 1796. S co
£3820 deflexus /.. bending 3 O un G 1805. S co Wang. 10.10.20
23221 nallidus Bieb. pale O un Pa.R Caucasus 1817. S co
23222 lineatus R. Br. lined O un G N. Holl. 1823. S co
23223 persicarioidcs Poir. Persicaria-likc O un G Nepal 1820. S co
23224 camp^stris W. field O un G E. indies 1818. S co
2$225 interruptus R. Br. interrupted O un 2 R N. Holl. 1818. S co
2322G f,'racilis Poir. slender O un 1 R Guinea 1806. S co Jac. ic. 2. ZU
Chcnopbdium caudatum Jac.
£3227 Berchtuldii Jac. Berchtold's O un 2 R Europe 1825. S co
II. PENTA'NDRIA. — Flowerspentandrous.
23228 caulifldrus Lk. stem-flowering Q un 4 jn.s G Nepal 1821. S co
93229 h^bridus L. hybrid " O un 4 jn.s G N. Amer. 1656. S CO Wang. 26.9.17
23230 strictus IV. strict O un 2 jl.s G 1793. S CO Wang. 27.3.5
23231 celostodes Kth. Celosia-like O or 2 R S. Amer. 1818. S CO
23232 caracastaus Kth. Caraccas O or R Caraccas 1818. S CO
23233 paniculatus L. panicled O or 6 jl.s G N. Amer. 1798. S CO Wang. 32.2.4
23234 sangufneus L. bloody O or 3 jl.s R Bahamal. 1775. S CO Wang. 31.2. 3
232.15 retroflexus L. bcnt-back-Aatred O un 2 jl.s G Pcnnsylv. 1759. S CO Wang. 33.11.21
23236 lseHus W. joyful O un 2 jl.s R ...... 1799. S CO Wang. 28.8.15
23237 flavus L. yellow O or L.Y India 1759. S CO Wang. 35.3.6
23238 chlorostachj
chlorostachys W. green-spiked O un 3 G 1796. S CO Wang. 34 10.19
23239 hypochondriacus L. melancholy O or 5 jl.s D.R Virginia 1684. S CO
23*210 cruentus L. bloody D.R China 1729, S r.m

23241 hecticus TV. hectic O or 3 au Pk 1796. S co Wang. 25.7.13

jg**23 pumilus Nut. dwarf O un J N. Amer. 1821. S co
I M curvifolius Spr. curve-leaved o un R 1821. S co
*j«44 parisiensis Schk. Parisian O un 1 G France 1817. S co
-<«45 caudatus L. tailed, Love lies bleeding O or 4 au.s R E. Indies 1596. S co
o-o,,, 2 maximus tree O or 6 au.s R 1820. S co
o^T?, 'rumentaceus Box. frumentaceous O or 2$ au.s R E. Indies 182?. S co
; spinbsus L. spiny O un 2 I.s G India 16S3. S co Wang. 38.4.8
bsus B. M. snowy O or 6 R Nepal 1819. S co Bot mag. 2227
_„ ntbuaDie. giant O un 4 R „.... 1«17. S co
I rigidus Schulz rigid O un 1 G 1817. S co
' zanensis Horn. Zano O un 2 R 1822. S co
_^-2 sylvestris Desf.
wood O un 1 G Pyrenees 1819. S co
«a3 specitaus Bkb. showy, Caucasian O un 1} R Caucasus 1818. S co
ACROGLCPCHIN Schr. ACROGLOCIIIN. (Akros, summit, glochin. spear point.) Amaranth Acea. 1.
cfacnopodioidcs Schr. Chenopodium-lk O un 1} G Nepal 1821. S co
ifmaranthus Acroglbchin Spr.
,2330. LU'FFACvr. LUFFA. (Lovff, its Arabic name.) Cucurbithcea. 3. —7.
-»foe'tida Cav. fetid J*.QJor 12 jn.o P India 1812. S co Bot. mag. 1638
> acuUngula Ser. acute-angled Jk O cu 10 jn.o P India 1692. S co Jacvin. 3.73,74
0lJO Ciicumis acutangulus L.
*«57 agyptlaca Mil. Egyptian Jc £ft cu 10 jn.o P E. Indies 1739. S co Ru. am,. 5.147
Mom6rdica LUffa L.
2631. AMBROSIA. (Ambrosia, food of the gods; bruised lvs fragrant) Comp.Amb. 8. —10.
2.8 integrifolia MM. entirc-leaved O un I.s ' G ' N. Amer. 1816. S co
triM-teaved O un I.s G N. Amer. 1699. S co M. h. 6.1. 4
ior/, taller O un G N. Amer. 1696. S co Her. lug. 35
^ L. Mugwort-leavcd O un G N. Amer. 1759. S co
paniculate Mx. paniclcd O un |.s G N. Amer. 1811. S co 10.5
! i 7 sea O un G Italy 1570. S co Schk. ban. 3.292
^>«61 cumandnsc Kih. Cumana O un lau G Cumana 1825. S co
23265 heterowhflla MM. variable-leaved O un G N. Amer. 1817. S co
absinthiifblia Detf.
n2632. SECURKNEGA J. QrAnEiTE MYRTLE. (Sccuris, axetnegot to refuse; extremely hardO Eup. 1. —2.
83266 nitida W. shining-Zeaivd f • tm 40 jnjl W Mauritius 1793. C co Lind.col.9
n 2633. NAVAS W. NAJAB. (Natas, a water nymph ; habitat.) Fluviales. 1.
232(57 major All. greater O cu ... Europe 1816. S co Mic. gen. 11.8. S
monosp£rma IV.



AM A. (Greek name of darnel, applied to this plant.)

Graminea. 3.-5.
iuatica iMtn. water'. Canada Rice± O cc 6 jl.s G N. Amer. 1790. S cco Lin. tr. 7.13
rijftcca A/x. Mill illet-like * O ec 4 G Carolina 1816. S 1
itans Mx. floating * O ec 4 jLau G N. Amer. 1824. S 1
5as PH PHARUS. (Pharos, a covering; used for covering.) Graminete. 1.— a
71 latifWiius L. broad-leaved M 23 or 6 JLau G Jamaica 1793. S r.m Br. jam. 38.3
SRDA L. GUETTAITOA. (Etinn(Etienne Guettard, a French botanist) Rubiacccc. 7. —17.
rsiiu Pers. h
hairy Peru 1820. C p.l Fl. per. 2.145. a.
JO ^ 1 , cntf)sa Pers.
cntf)sa woolly ]or 20 Jamaica 1820. C p.l
«74 lucidad Ai A shining lor 20
ug^r/a ldcida Sum. Jamaica 1818. C p.1 Vahlsy.3.57
rkta Pers. sweet-scented £ • or 20
Laugerta odorata Jac. Jamaica 1818. C p.l
scabra Ven. scabrous J • or 20
MatthtolascabraL. W.Indies 1818. C p.l 1.1
specftsa L. showy-flowered f n SP! 30
rugbsa Swz. wriiMyJeaeed J Q or 20 E Indies 1771. S p.l R. mal. 4.47,48
W. Indies 1793. S r.m
SAGO PALM. (Sagu, Malay name of various palms.) Palme. 4.
Rumphius's £ • clt SO ... G £ Indies 1800. Sk r.m Ru. am. 1.17,18
Ruffia £• or 60 ... G Madagasc.1830. S r.m
pedunculate £ O or 50 Madagasc.1820. S r.m
50 ... G Guinea 1820. S r.m Beau. ow. 45
inifera Per*. wine-bearing * Q o
•ralma-Plnus Goe. Raphia vinifcra Bcauv.
C&COSL. COCOA NUT TREE. (COCO, Port.; end of nut like a monkey's head.) Pdlnue. 3. — ]].
L. common, nut-bearingi O clt 50 ... Pa.G E. Indies 1690. S r.m Rox. cor. 1.73
exubsa Mart. flexuous i • or 50 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart palm, ic
plumbsa Lo. C. plumose I D o r 50 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart.palm.ic.
combsa Mart, f
2639. E LATE L. ELATE. (A name adopted from the Greeks.) Palmar i
^S6 sylvestris L. wood Id or 14 ap.jn G E. Indies 1763. S r.m R. maL3.'22/25
2640. BA'CTRIS Jac. BACTRIB, (Baktron, a cane j stems made into walking-sticks.) Palm* 7 _ 10
?? minor Jac. less 1 O o rr 12
12 ... G & Amer. 1691. S rm JaTam 171 l
r Jac. greater 1 D o r 2525 G Carthag. 1800. S xm J w . 2 17ll2

83289 pcctin\ta Mart. pectinate £ O or 15 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23290 cuspidata Mart. cuspidate £ CD or 20 Brazil 1826. S r.m Mart. palm, ic
23291 macracantha Mart. long-spined £ CD or 20 Brazil 1823. S r.m Mart, palm ic
232i« guianensis Lo. C. Guiana £Oor 16 ... Guiana 1820. S r.m
S3293 caryouefolia Mart. Caryota-leaved £ CD or 10 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart, palm ic.
2641. LEOPOLDPNJI Mart LEOPOLDINA. (The late Empress of Brazil.) Pidmce. 1.—2.
23294 pulchra Mart. beautiful £ CD or 60 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart, palm ic
2642. CENOCA'RPUS Mart. CSNOCARPUS. (OHIO*, wine, karpos, fruit.) P&lvue. 1 . — 8
23295 Batata Mart. Bataua £ O or 40 S. Amer. 1820. S r.m Mart, palm ic
2643. EUTE/RPE Gae. EUTERPE. (Euterpes, pleasing j habit of trees.) Palmce. 4. — 4.
23296 globosa Gae. raand-frutled £ Cjj or 35 Mauritius 1819. S r.m 9.3
Areca spicftta Lam.
23297 pisiformis Gae. Pea-formed £ a or 30 Madagasc.1819. S r.m 193. 4
23298 olertcea Mart. potherb £ CD or 30 Brazil 1800. S r.m
23299 canbaAi Spr. Canbaan £ a or 30 W. Indies 1656. S r.m Jac. am. 170
Ai ica oleracea Jac.
*2644. W A L L I ' C H / J J Rox. WALLICHIA. {Nathaniel IVallich, M.D., superint of bot gard. Calcutta.) Palme. 1.
23300 caryotoldes Rox. Caryota-like i CD or 25 E. Indies 1825. S r.m
2645. ACROCOXMIA Mart ACROCOMIA. {Akros, top, kome, tuft; leaves.) Palmce. 8.
2.1301 scleroc.irpa Mart, hard-fruited £ • or 40 W. Indies 1731. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23302 fusiformis Suit. spindle-shaped £ CD or 40 Trinidad 1751. S r.m
Cocas fusiformis Svn
23303 minor Lo. C. smaller £C]or 20 Trinidad 1820. S r.m Gae. fr. 9.1
Bactris globosa minor Gae.
23304 globdsa Lo. C. globose or 20 St. Vine. 1824. S r.m
23305 aculeMa Lo. C. prickly or 40 W. Indies 1796. S r.m Jac. am. 169
Cbcos aculekta L.
23306 guianensis Lo.C. Guiana or 30 Demeraral824. S r.m
23307 fiorrida Lo. C. horrid or 30 Trinidad 1825. S r.m
23308tcnuif61ia Lo.C. fine-leaved 30 Brazil 1824. S r.m
2646. DESMO'NCUS Mart. DESMONCUS. (Desmos, band, ogkos, hook; tendrils at apex of Ivs.) Palnue.4.
23309 polyacanthus Mart, many-spined £ CD or 6 Brazil 1822. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23310 ortnacanthus Mart, straight-spincd £ Q or 6 Brazil 1822. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23311 aincricanus Lo. C. American £ CD or 6 ... ... St. Vine. 1824. S r.m
23312 dubius Lo. C. doubtful £CDor 6 Trinidad 1824. S r.m
ARYUM. (Aslron, star, karyon% nut.) Palnue. 5. —10.
3 1 3 i l Mt
23313acaiile Mart. stcmless
t l IDor
Dor 10 Brazil 1820. S r.m Mart. palm, ic
23314 acuicatum Mey. prickly • or 40 Guiana 1824. S r.m
23315 Murumhru Mart. Murumuru . CD or 40 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23316 vulgure Mart. common D o r 30 Brazil 1825. S r.m Mt.rt. palm, ic
23317 campestrc Mart. field CD or 10 Brazil 1826. S r.m Mart palm. ic.

•2648. SY'AGRUS Mart SYAGRUS. (The first who wrote the Trojan war in verse ?) Palmce. 1.
83318 cocdldes Mart. Cocoa-like £ O or 20 Brasil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm, ic



2649. DUVAUM Kth. DUVAUA. (M. Buvau, a French botanist.) TereUnthhcca. JL

23319 deplndens Dec. dependent % i_J or 20 ... W.a Chile 1790. C sp Cav.ic.&239
ifmyris nolygamia Cao. .Schlnus dependens Or.
83320 dentata Dec. tootlied J » _ J o r 20 myjl W Owhyhce 1795. C 6.1 Bot. rep. 620
Schlnus dcnt&ta Andr.



S650 ATHEROSPE'RMA Lab. ATIIEROSPERMA. (Ather, awn, sr.ermat seed ) Calycaniheaf 1.

£3321 moschata Lab. musk f L J o r 23 myjn W N. Holl. 1824. C sp.l



8651. CERATOPHY'LLUM L. HORNWORT. (Keras, horn, phyllon, leaf;

23322demlrsumL. demersed *= A «" * Jjs g 2"?"* Ait n i'E K!5"E+ "tah
23323 submlrsum L. submersed * A un 1 jl.s G Britain dit. D Lp Eng. bot 679
2652. WYRIOPHY'LLUM /.. WATER MILFOIL. [Myrios, myriad, pfiyllan, leafji divisions.) % & ) % » • & '
23324spicatumL. spiked iApr 1 R §"'«" **: g K S5"E2^£?8
23325 verticillatum £. whorled £A[>r 1 jl G England ponds. D Lp Eng. bot. 218

2653. SAGITTA*RIA L. AIIROW-HKAD. (Sagitta, arrow; form of lvs of some species.) Alistnace*. 15.-2L
I. SAGITTATIFOLI/E. — Leaves sagittate or hastate.
S E S «g»ttifMia L. common, arrow-lvd A or 2 W England rivers. D Lp Eng. bot 81
23327 latifolia W. broad-leaved A or * W N. Amer. 1819. D ].p
23328 Doni«»a Swt Don's w Nepal 1820. D " Lp
hastata D. Don
*3i 32{) obtiiHa W obtuse A .Al or w N. Amer. 1830. D l.p
23330 heterophflla Ph. various-leaved jfe Al or w N. Amer. 1822. D Lp
2J331 hastate Ph. hastate A Al or w N. Amer. 1818. D Lp
23332 obtusifblia L. blunt-lcavcd & El or 2 w China 1804. D Lp R. mal. 11.45
II. ANGUSTIFOLIJE. — Leaves subcordate, lanceolate, or linear.
gaaiancifbllaZ. lance-leaved *= iAI or Ifjn.Jl W W. Indies 1787. D Lp Bot mag. 1792
rigid-leaved **^ A Q T U W N. Amer. 1806. D l.p Hot mag. 1632
natans Mx. floating w Carolina 1812. D Lp
Af*. Grass-leaved * A or w Carolina 1812. D Lp
337 falcate Ph. falcate * _AJ or 1 w Carolina 1812. D Lp
23338 acutifolia L. acute-leaved or 4 jl w America 1816. D l.p Bot.reg.lUl
^^^9 angustifblia B. R. narrow-leaved jn au w Essequebol827. D s.p
III. TBI'FIDA. — Leaves trjfid or triparted.
Chinese =*=iAJbr 2 s.n W China 1812. D Lp Bot mag. 1631
*2654. BEGO^NX* L. BEGONIA. (Michael Begon, a French promoter of botany.) Begoniacea. 2 7 . - 4 7 .
I. lN£QUALicoRDA>rjE. — Leaves unequally cordate.
23341 njtidatf.*: shining-feaiecf n Q o r ljmy.d * y w Jamaica 1777. C s.p Par. Ion. 72
«w£r rt»ch6toma Jac. forked 2 jLau W Caraccas 1800. C s.p Jac. ic. 3.619
23343 discolor H.K. discolored 3 my.s W China 1804. R s.p Bot mag. 1473
KvansfVina Swz.
*4 rcnifurmis Dry. kidney-shaped Brazil 1818. C p.1 Lin. tr.
\!\ M.»»..k/'.ii, Jirtj long-lcavcd Jamaica 1793. C a.p PL ic. 34.45.1
tuberous Amboyna 1810. C Lp Ru. am. 5.169.2
shining W. Indies 181A C p i
J*T*o dnbia Haw. doubtful Brazil 1818. C p.1
liptera Dry. two-winged C G. H. 1822. C p.1
patulata W. simtulatc W. Indies 1819. C l.p Lp Bot cab. 107
Q ,--J picta Ham. painted Nepal 1818. c P Bot. cab. 571
233ij2 paucifl&ra LindL few-flowered 1816. c Bot rcg. 471
23353 p-itula Haw. spreading W. Indies 1818. C p.l
23354 undulate Otto waved Brazil 1825. C p.1 Bot. mag. 2723
233.>5 odorilta JF. sweet-scented ...... 1824. c i.P
23.«6 hirtella /,*. small hairy 1824. C Lp
23357 disticha LA". 1824.
II. SEMicoRnA^TiE — Leaves semicordate.
233.58 acuminate Dry. ttQor 1 my.d W Jamaica c
1790. 8 Bot reg. 364
? SI. jam. 127.1.2
*i*>9 acutifblia Jac. acute-leaved «.r~lor W W. Indies 18ia c
SSS? hlkmlli. 1>»L humble j£ D3or W W.Indies s
1788. Lin. tr. L 15
pulchclla /farf. neat O or w Brazil 182a S p.l
shaggy-leaved f ITPIor my.jn w W. Indies 1789. S l.p Aub. gui. 2.348
1 Jfew. sweet-scented n. I lor w W. Indies 1816. C p.l Bot cab. 69
: f/idtV. Elm-leaved tt r~lor my.jn \v S. Amer. 1822. C Lp Bot. cab. 638
> argyrostigma Fis. silver-spotted tt.r~lor jl.o w Brazil 1819. C Lp Bot. reg. 666
maculate Rad.
III. OvxTMFbus. — Leaves roundish^ ovate, or palmate.
66 scandens Swz. climbing L C D or 2 W Guiana 1822. C p.l Aub.gui.2.349
gKibra .dwft.
palmate D. Don palmate 1 W Nepal 1819. D p.1
^OTE^RIUM I,. BI'RNET. (Potcrion, a cup; infused in cooling drinks.) Rosacete. 6.—7.
jrimonif&liumCflv. Agrimony-Ivd £ A Pr 3 j> G
^P21111 1822. S co
inguisorba L. Sangmsorba, c& A ag 2 jl G England ch.hil. S co Eng. bot 860
>>ygamum Kit. polygamous £ A or 3 Br Hungary 1803. S co W. & K. 2.198
ybndum /,. sweet hybrid £ A or 2 jn.jl G France 1683. S co Bar. ic 632
i.udatum //. K. tailed shrubby n. LJ or 3 ja.ap G Canaries 1779. S p.1
'inbsumZ. prickly shrubby tt LJ or 2 G Levant 1595. S p.l M. h. 8.18.5
AMIRO LA Pers. AMIROLA. (Meaning unknown; perhaps of Peruvian origin.) Sapindacca. 1.
nitida Pers. shining-Zrawrd % • or 24 Peru 1824. C p.1
Lagunca nitida R.SfP.
ACIDO^TON Swz. ACIDOTON. (Akidotos, pointed; stinging pointed hairs of leaves.) Euphorbidcea?. 1.
rens Sun. stinging i Q u n 8 ... G Jamaica 179a C Lp SI. jam. L 83.1
..3 .TOELY'GONUM L. THELYGONUM. (Thelys, woman, gam, knee; joints supp. to resem.) Urtic. 1.
Cynocrambe L. Dog's-cabbagc Jc O un f jl G S. Europe 1710. S co Lam. iL 777
CASTA^NEA TOU. CHESTNUT. (A native of the territory of Costarica, in Thessaly.) AmentHcecc. 4.
vesca Gae. tm 50 my.jn G England woods. S s.l Eng. bot 886
intermediate tm 50 my.jn G Europe L co
3 asplcnifblla Asplenium-lvd tm 50 my.jn G Europe L co
uliis aurcis golden-leaved or 50 my.jn G L co
r American tm 50 xnyjn G America S co
cnsis Spr. China tm 50 my.jn G China S co
pumila Mx. dwarf or 12 jl G.T N. Amer. 1699. S co Micar. 2.7
26f»0. (^STRYA Mx. HOP-HORNBEAM. (Ostryos, a scale; scaly catkins.) Amenthcete. 2. — •.
vulgaris IV. common % or 20 my Ap Italy 1724. L 8.1 143
Cftrpinus O»tryaL.
virglnica W. Virginian or 20 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1622. L s.l Ab. ins. 2.75
,?661. 'RPINUS L. HORNBEAM. (Car, wood, pin, head, Celt.; made into yokes.) Amcnthcect. 8 . - 5
Birch, common3 tm 30 Ap Britein woods. S co Eng. bot. 2032
2 inclsa cut-leaved * or 15 Ap L co
3 variegate variegated 'E
or 20 Ap Britain gard. L co
ooq. 4 ^uercifolia Desf. Oak-leaved
American *E
or 30 my.jn Ap Europe ... L co
or 20 . . . Ap N. Amer. 1812. S co Den. br. 157
Szz* americana Mx. Eastern aE
or 12 . . . Ap Levant 1739. L co Den. br. 98
* oriental!* Law.

*2662. FAXGUS L. BEIZCII. {Phago, to eat; nuts used as food in early agea.) Amentdcat. 2.
83386 sylvatica L. common wood ¥ tm 70 Ap Britain woods. S co Eng. bot. 1846
2 atro-rubens Duroi dark-red-Zw* ¥ or SO Ap L co
3 incisa JK. cut-torvol $ or 10 Ap G s.l
83387 ferruginea L. American, rutty £ or 30 my.jn Ap N. Araer. 1766. L 8.1 Mic. ar.2.9

•2663. CWRYLVS L. NIJTTHBB. (K (Korys^a helmet; calyx enwrapping fruit.) AmcnttiC'Sie. fi.—7.
23388 ilvell&na L. Filbert fr 10 f.ap Ap Britain woods. S co Eng. bot. 723
2 alba white FUbert «• fr 10 f.ap Ap L co
3 rubra red Filbert ft fr 10 (ap Ap L co
4 grlndis great Cob ft fr 8 f.ap Ap L co
5 glomerata clustered ft fr 8 f.ap L co
6crispa frizzled ft fr 8 fap Ap ... L co
7 barcelonlnsis Barcelona ft fr 8 f.ap Ap Spain ... L co
8 variegata variegated ft fr 8 f.ap Ap L co
9 ovata ovAtc-frutted ft fr 8 f.ap L co
lOp&mila dwarf ft fr 6 f.ap __ Ap L co
23389 tubulosa TV. Lambert's, tubulose ft fr 10 mr.ap Apr S, Europe 1759. L co Lam. il. 780
23390 americann Mx. true American ft fr 10 mr.ap Ap N. Amcr. ... L co Walt. ca. 21). GJ
23391 hbmilis W. humble Cuckold^ fr 6 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1798 L co
americana TV.
23392 rostrata //. K. com. beaked CuckoldSk fr 5 mr.ap Ap N. Amcr. 1745. L co
23393 Coltirna L. Hazel, Constantinople ft 10 mr.ap Ap Constant 1665. L co Den. br. 99
8664. JXTGLANS L, WALNUT. (Joviselans, the nut of Jove.) Jugldndeee. 5.-6.
23394 regia L. common, royal tm 50 Ap Persia 3562. S co Lam. il. 781
2.2395 n\gm L. black tm 30 Ap N. Amer. 1629. S co Den. br. 158
23396 cinerea L. gtey,ButterNut*la tm 30 Ap N. Amer. 1656*. S co Jac. ic. 1.192
23397/raxinifoha Lam. Ash-leaved \ tm 40 Ap N. Amer. ... S co
23396 pterocarpa Mx. winged.fruited $ tm 40 Ap N. Amer. ... S co

2665. CAXRYA Nut. CARYA. (Karyon, a nut.) Jugldndece. 10. —14.

23399 tomentosa AT«f. woolly $ tm 30 Ap N. Amer. ... S co Mic. ar. 1.6
23100 microcarpa Nut. small-fruited If tm 30 Ap N. Amer. ... S co
23401 olivaeformis Nut. olive-shaped 3f tm 30 Ap N. Amer. ... S co Mic. ar. 1.3
Juglans angustifdlia //. AT. olivsfurmis Mx.
23402 BUlcata Nut. furrowed % tm 30 Ap X. Amer. 1804. S co Mic. ar. J. 8
Juglans bulcata TV.
83403 filba Nut. white shell-bark Hickory^ tm 30 Ap* N. Amer. 1629. S co Den. br. 148
Juglans squambsa Poir. alba Afr.
83404 compressdCr. Don compressed-//^ £ tm 30 Ap N. Amer. 1730. S co Mic. ar. 1.7
Juglans compressa A/x.
23405 amhra Nut. bitter Au« £ tm SO my Ap N. Amer. 1800. S co
Juglans amara itfar.
23406 obcordata Swt. obcordatc $ tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1812. S co Mic. ar. 1.9.3,4
Juglans obcordata Poir. glabra YT.
23407 porclna ^Tu/. hog nu/ 2 tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1799. S co Mic. ar. 1.9.1, *
Juglans porclna Mx.
23408 laciniusa Mx. jagged ¥ tm 30 Ap N. Amcr. ... S co
*266& QUE'RCUS L. OAK. (Quer, fine, cuex, a tree, Celt.) Amentacete. 62. — 110.
I. iNTEGRiFbUJG. — Leaves entire or a little toothed.
83409 Phellos L. Cork tree, Willow% tm 60 my n Ap N. Amcr. 1723. S 8.1 Mic. ar. 1.12
2h b i P humble " * tm 20 my n Ap N. Amer. ... S s.1
3 latiKilius broad-leaved tin 60 my. n Ap N. Amcr. ... S co
23410 maritima W. sea or 6 my. n Ap N. Amcr. 1811. S co Mic. quer. 13.1
23411 imbrickria Mx. tiled tm 40 my.jn Ap N. Amcr. 178H. S co Mic. ar. 2.13
23412 /aurifolia Mx. Laurel-leaved tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 178fi. S co Mic. quer. 17
2 obtusa Mx. b\\xnt-leaved tm 50 my Ap N. Amcr. 1786. S co Mic. quer. \b
23413 lutea Nees yellow tm 20 my Ap Mexico 1825. S co
2 mirrocarpa small-fruited or 20 my Ap S s.l
3 macrocarpa long-fruited or 20 my Ap S al
23414 cinfcrea Mx. ash-colored . or 10 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1789. S co Mir. nr. 2.14
83415 ambigua Hum. ambiguous <' • tm 60 ... Ap Mexico 1820. S l.p H.&B.2.93
83416 mexicana Hum. Mexican J • tm 60 ... Ap Mexico 1823. SS l.p H.&B.2.82
23417 sericea W. silky running * or 2 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1724. co Mic. ar. 2.15
23418 vlrens H. K. green t tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. S s.l Mic. ar. 2.11
2 latifblia broad-leaved J tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. S co
II. • Leaves toothed, spiny.
23419 lanuginosa D. Don lanuginous |tm Ap Nepal 1824. S P
23420 Phullata Ham. Phullata I tin 20 ... Ap Nepal 1822. S !
23421 -Hex /,. Holly, evergreen tm (iO my.jn Ap S. France 1581. S Den. br. 90
1 integriftlia
2 serrata
tm 60 my.jn Ap S France 1:181. S 8.1 iV
or 60 my.jn Ap S. France 1581. G 8.1 Duh. ar. 1.123
3 oblonga oblong-leaved [ or 60 my.jn Ap S. France 1581. G 8.1 1.124
4/agifolia Beech-leaved ] or 60 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1581. G co
5crlflpa cur\et)-leaved or 60 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1581. G co
23422 SCibcr L. Cork tree dt 20 jn Ap S. France 1699. S 8.1 Den. br. 89
23423 Pseudo atil)er Santi Bast Cork tree' tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1824. G co San. vi. 15R. 4
23424 coccifera /,. kermes-ncaring dt 10 my Ap S. France lf<83. G 8.1 Den. br. 91
23425 lusitanica TV. Portugal tm 40 jn Ap Portugal 1824. G 8.1 Cav. ic. 2.129
23426 2?allbta Desf. Ballota, Barbary] tm 60 my.jn Ap Barbary S 8.1
23427 rotundifblia TV. round-leaved \ tm 40 my.jn Ap Spain 1581. S 8.1
234 28 gramnntia L. Grammont or 30 jn Ap France 1730. G 8.1
23429 infectfcria Oliv. staining tm 40 my.jn Ap Levant 1822. G co
canariensis JV.
23430 Turners'W. Turner's ¥ tm 40 my.jn Ap ...... •» G co
39431 * rinUB XJ. * nniH|vimnmr tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1730. S 8.1
fi montfcolailfx. mountain-inhabiting? tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1730. S 8.1
23432 Michaiixi Nut. Michaux's * tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. ... S 8.1
^ Prtnus fi discolor Mx.
83433 Cartknea TV. Yellow Chestnut* tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1822. S a.1
89434 spicata Hum. spiked J O tm 60 Ap Mexico 1822. S Lp H.&B. 2.89

23435 montana W. mountain Chestnut x tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. 8.1 Mic. ar.2.8

25136 prinoidea W. Prinus-like m or 3 Jn Ap N. Amer. 1823. Mic.quer.SL 1
Chinquapin Ph
23437 hfcmilis Lam. humble or SO my.jn Ap Spain 1800. S co
fruticbsa lirot.
23436 bicolor W. two-cld, White swampx tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1811. S s.l Mic. ar.2.G
III. LODA\JE. — Leaves at top lobate.
23439 aqufitica Walt. water tin 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1723. Mic. ar. 2.17
23440 rigra L. black j or 20 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. Mic. ar. 2.18
2 ferrugf nca rushy 3 or SO my Ap N. Amer. 1749.
23441 triloba Mr. 3-lobcd, Downy blacky tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. Mic. qucr. 2fi *
cuneata Wan.
23442 nana W. dwarf 1 or 12 my Ap N. Amer. 1738. S B.1 Ab. ins. 2. 59
IV. MUCROWAV*.—'Leaves sinuates lobes mucrtmate.
23443 j&gilops L. JEgilops, Vctonia tm 20 Ap Levant 1731. 8.1 Mil. d. 7.215
23444 tinctbria dyer's, Qucrrifronf tm 70 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. s.1 Mic.quer.24
23445 hemisphayrica Ph. hemispherical at or 10 my Ap N. Amer. ... 8.1
23446 elongate W. elongated, Spanish % tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. ... 8.1
falcata Mx.
23447 discolor H. K. discolored tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1763. 8.1 Mic. quer. 25
23448 LeucombcunA Swt. Lcucombe's tm 70 my Ap 8.1
exoniensis Hort.
23449 riihra L. red, Champion i ¥ tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. 8.1 Mic. ar. 2.26
23450 ambigua Mx. ambiguous \ tm 40 my A
P N. Amer. 1800. CO Mic. ar. 2.24
23451 hcterophf lla PA. various-leaved ¥ tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. ... 8.1 Mic. ar. 2.16
2 J452 coccinca Wan. scarlet $ tm 50 my AP N. Ainer. 1691. al Mic. ar. 2 23
23453 Catesb^i Mx. Catesby's { or 15 my Ap N. Amer. 1823. 8.1 Mic. quer. 2!)
23454 palfistris Duroi marsh tm 60 my A P N. Amer. 1800. 8.1 Mic. ar. 2.25
23455 Banister* Mx. Banister's ft or 6 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. 8.1 Mil- ar 2.1U
ilicifrlia Wan.
V. MUVICJB. — Leaves sinuate ; lobes mutic.
23456 JE'sculus X. Beech, Italian tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1739. s.1
2tf457 austriaca Jac. Austrian 3 tm 40 my AP Austria 1824. CO Cl. !i 1.20
23458 Cerris L. Bitter Oak, Turkey] tm 50 my Ap S. Europe 1735. CO Don. br. 93
2 bullate tm 50 my Ap S. Europe ... CO
3 sinuate crooked-leaved f tm 50 my Ap S. Europe ... CO
4 scmpervlrcns evergreen *' tm 50 my Ap CO
5 dentate toothed <'
a fc
tm 50 my A P CO Den. br. 93
6 variegate variegated or 50 my AP CO
23459 macroc&rpaMx. long-ftd, cup white1 \ tin 40 my AP N. Amer. 1800. 8.1 Mic. ar.2.3
tm 50 my AP N. Amer. 1811. h.l,2
234<5l lyrata Walt. lyratc, Swamp-post*l or 15 my AP N. Amer. 1786. h.l Mic. ar. SL 5
23464 stellate W'«n. Bterred, Jrcm $ tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1819. 8.1 Mic. quer. 1
obtusiloba Mx.
23463 alba Z. white ¥ tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1724. 8.1 Mic. ar. 2.1
2 rcpanda 3/x. KpanfUnwca V tin 60 my Ap N. Amer. CO
23464 Abbur W. Robur, sessUe-fruitedx tm 60 Ap Britain woods. S Eng. bot. 1845
scssiliflbrum Sm. h.l
2 variegatum variegated Y tm 40 my Ap Britain woods. S
23465 fastigiata i.awi. peaked, Cypressf tin 40 Ap S. Europe 1820. G co
23466 pedunculate WI cow*. pedunclcd¥ tm 60 Ap Britain ... S CO Eng. bot. 1342
23467 apennlna IMM. Apennine $ tm 40 Ap S. Europe ... S h.l
cunglnmcrata Pcrj. co
23468 puWscens W. pubescent, Durmast % tm 40 Ap Britain S h.l
.n /aginea Zam.
2«>4G9 Tarom Pers. Aaary Tauxin t tm 40 Ap S. Europe 1822. G co
2 laciniate Desv. jagged-leaved t or 40 Ap S. Europe ... S s.t
3 digitate itov. digitete-/cuiv<l £ or 40 Ap S. Europe ... S s.1
A 2667. LIQUID A'MB AR L. LIQUIDAMBAR. (Liqutdus, liquid, ambart amber; exudes gum.) Amentheeee 2
23470 styraciflua L. sweet-gum-flowing % tm 60 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 168a S 8.1 Mic. ar. 3.194.4
23471 imbcrbc W. beardless, Oriental? or 6 Ap !-«„«•
An Levant 'ITK.»
1759. TL .,al •"
oricntale L.
' 2668. PLA'TANUS L. PLANE TREE. (Platys, ample; spreading branches and shady foliage.) Ament 4. —5.
23472 orientalis L. oriental ¥ tm 50 Ap Levant 1548. C co Den. br. 101
23473 cuneata W. wedge-leaved l *l or 6 Ap Levant 1739. C co
23474ifbli W
23474acerifblia W. Maple-leaved
M l e l e d \ tm 70 Ap Levant 1724. C co
23475 occidentalis L. western tm 70 Ap N. Amer. 1640. C co Den. br. 100
2669. SAL1SBITRL4 Sm. SALISBURY. (A. A. Salisbury, a distinguished botanist.) Amentucee. 1.
23476 adiantifulia Sm. Maiden-hair-lvd^ or 20 Ap Japan 1/54. C 8.1 Den. br. 168
Ginkgo blloba L.
CARLUDCVIC^ Fl. per. CARLDDOVICA. (Charles IV. of Spain, and Louisa his queen.) Aroidcce. 5.-JJ.
fngustiftlin Fl. per. narrow-leaved £ El or 3 ... W Peru 1818. Sk p 1
o w n i t - S ? an*ustifolia W.
oS?S a t , l f t l i a ^ . p r r . broad-leaved £E]or G.T Peru 1818. Sk p.l Bot. cab. 1068
"*~ iiata Fl.pcr. palmate £G5]or 3 W Peru 1818. Sk p.l
. aiccnsis Lo. C. Jamaica « CS or 4 ... W Jamaica 1825. Sk p.l
1 funtfera Poit. rope-bearing t El or 4 • ... W Trinidad 18S4. Sk p.l Mem. m. 9.1
Luddviafunifera " "
PoU. CTCLANTIIUS. {Kyklos, a circle, anthos, a^flower.) Aroideat. 1 . - 2 .
a^PiumTertP^it Plumier*s £ El or 2 ... G Trinidad 1820. S k i p Mdm.m.9.3

* 2672, CALfDIUM Ven. CALADIUM. (Meaning unknown.) Aroldea. 24.—

. I. CAULKSCE'NTIA.-MCaulescent J leaves simple, undivided.
23483 scandens JV. climbing J?Elor « ... W Guinea 1822. R s.p Reau.ow.3
S g J « c g u i n U m F < % Scgu\n,Dumb-Canea-C2 or 6 my
W America 1759.
" s.p Hook.ex.fl.l
W Pegu •- 1818.
; « 1 > Bot.rcg.641
apJJJodoratumiior. fragrant ]£ E o r 2 mr G 182«.
WN> cucullfitum Pers. hooded «*-CDor 2 mr China K s.p
A rum cucullatum Lou.
C c

S3487 maculatum Lod. spotted «. • or 6 mr G & Amer. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 608
segulnum /3 maculatum B. M.
23488 xanthorlrtzum W. yellow-rooted 1822. R a.p Jacsc. 2.188
A\um xanthorhizum Jac.
23489 grandifolium IV. great-leaved Caraccas 1803. R s.p Jac. sc. 2.189
234'K) arhorescens Ven. arborescent W. Indies 1759. R s.p Pluk. am. 44.60
20491 arbbreum Kth. tree Cumana 1820. C s.p
23492 lacerum W. torn Caraccas 1822. R s.p
II. Ackv'hik. — Stemless.
i. INDIVI"SA. — Leaves simple, undivided.
23493 esculcntum Ven. esculent Elclt America 1739. R fl.p SI jam. 1.106. 1
23494 pumilum D. Don dwarf £ lAlor W Nepal 1820. Sk l.p
23495 cddlc Mey. eatable £ Elclt W Guiana 1800. Skip
23496 sagittif&hum Ven. arrow-leaved £ El or W.Indies 1710.
w Virginia 1759. It fl.p Jac. vin. 2.157
23497 virgfnicum Hook. Virginian ill A or jn.jl R co Hook. ex. fl. 182
iTrum virginicum i.
23498 nympheilolium Ven.two-colored
Watcr-hly-lvd 4 ... W E. Indies 1800. R s.p R.mal. 11.22
tf £ fTH
E] or
or 1 Jnjl W Madeira 1773. R s.p Bot. mag. 820
23499 bicolor Ven. '
viviparous " "" ~
£ (2X3 or limy G K. Indies 1817.
23500 vivfparum Box, II Ip Bot. cab. 281
23501 ovatura Ven. ovate £ [23 or 4 ••• W E. Indies 1818. Sks.p
ii. DICITA'TA. — Leaves digitate.
23502 pinnatifldum TV. pinnatifid £(ZQor 2 ... W Caraccas 1817. R B.ji Jac. sc. 2.187
33503 tripartltum W. thre
iree-parted-torf BL CD or 3 ... W Caraccas 1816. R s.p Jac. sc. 2.190
iii. COMPOSITA. — Leaves compound.
2-3504 pedatum Hook. pedate £ El or 2 • ... W Brazil 1824. Sks.p Hook. ex. fl. 206
23.505 aurltum Ven. ear-leaved n. • or 3 ... W America 1739. R s.p Jac. sc. 2.191
23506 AcllcborifrliumKTi. Hellcborc-lvd £ E l o r 2 jn.jl W Caraccas 1796. R s.p Jac. i c 3.613

2673. ^RUM L. ARUM. (Supposed to be an ancient Egyptian word.) Arotdete. 37. —

I. CBMPOSITA. — leaves composite,
23507 crinttum H. K. hairy-sheathed 3| _AJ cu 1 mr.ap Br Minorca 1777. R 6.1 Bot. reg. 831
23508 Dracimculus L. Common Dragon ^5 A or 3 jnjl Br S. Europe 1548. R s.1 M.h. 13.5.46
23509 palmatum Lo. C. palmate ^ A or 1} 1825. R s.l
23510 Dracontium L. Green Dragon 3l A or 2 jn G N. Amcr. 1759. R s.l Bot. rcg. f)fi8
23511 venusum //. K. veiny purpleJlwd £ El cu 11 mr P 1774. R &1 Bot. rcg. 1017
23512 pentaph$llum L. five-leaved £ El or 1 E. Indies 1818. R 8.1 Ru. am. 23
2.3313 pedatum Fts. pedrite £ El or 1 ... S. Amer. 1820. R s.I
23514 polyphyilum Lk. many-leaved £ El or 1 S. Amer. 1818. R s.l
23515 campanulktum Rox. campanulatc El or 2 my... P EL Indies 1817. R s.l Bot. mag. 2812
Tricca phalifera Hum.
23516 ringens Thun. ringent 1 niy.jn Japan 1800. R
23517 flagelliforme Lod. whip-formed
' ' my Br' Bengal 1819. R l.P Bot. cab. 396
23518 triphfllum L. threc-lcavcd f myjn Br N. Amcr. 1664. R
N. Amcr. 1664. s.V
.V Bot. cab. 820
R co Bot. mag. 9:50
2 zcbrlnum zebra 1 my.jn Br
23519 atrorfibens //. K. dark-purple-s/Atf 1 jn.jl Br N. Amcr. 1758. R s.l Pluk. al. 148.6
23520 tcrnatum Thun. tcrnate-leaved myjl P Japan 1774. R s.l
23521 bulbiferum Rox. bulb-bearing Bengal 1813. R l.p Bot. mag. 2072
3 my P
II. INDIVINA.—Leaves simple, undivided.
23522 proboscidium L. proboscis-like ife Apennines1818. R s.l Boc. mu. 2. 53
23523 Colochsia L. Egyptian, Colocasia A G levant 1551. R s.p
23324 syrlacum Spr. Syrian Egypt 1820. R s.f
gramlneum Rus.
23525 gramlneum Lam. GraM-leaved 182a R 8.1
23526 spiralc Retx. 6piral Br China 1816. R l.p Bot. mag. 2220
23527 pictum L.fil. painted Corsica 1800. R 8.1
23528 marginatum Lod. margined E. Indies 1K20. R s.l
23529 macrorhizon L. long-rooted K Indies 1803. R s.p Her. par. 73
23530 divaricatum L. divaricated E. Indies 1759. R s.p R.mal. 11.20
23531 maculatum L. common spotted ,& A Britain sha pi. R co Eng. bot. 1298
2,152/1 orientale Bieb. oriental ^ A or 1 ap.jn ... Tauria 1820. R s.l
23533 it&licum Lam. Italian ^5 A or 11 my.jn UY Italy 1K83. R co Bot. mag. 24S~
23534 miniMum W. small AA E J c u t my.jl P E. Indies 1812. R co R.mal. 11.17
235.i5 tenuifbhum L. fine-leaved ^ A cu 1 ap.jn W
^t S. Europe 1570. R s.p Bot. rcg. 512
23536 indicum Lou. Indian t t
tt. - O c u 5 ... Br China 1824. R s.p
23537 obtusilobum Lk. blunt-lobed £ E l or 2
tf 1824. R l.p
235:38 sagittifblium Lk. arrow-leaved £ E l or 2 1824. R Ip
23539 intpfirifblium Lk. entire-leaved tt-Dor 3 my.jn G 1825. R Ip
23540 rambsum Lk. branchy tt-Dor 3 my.jn 1810. R l.p
23T>41 AtHleraceum L. Ivy-leaved j g E l c u 6 my.jn P W. Indies 1793. R Ip Jac. am. 153
23542 linguliltum L. tongue-leaved 2 t Z 3 c u 6 W. Indies 179a R Ip PI. ic. 26.37
III. SAGITTAVA. — Leaves sagittate or hastate, three Zohed.
23543 trilobatum L. threc-lobed A E l c u 1 my.jn P Ceylon 1714. R s.p Bot. mag. 339
2 auriculAtum eared A El cu 1 my.jn P . Ceylon 1714. R s.p Bot. mag. 2324
23344 onxe'nse llox. Orixian A (29 or 1 au,o P E. Indies 1S02. R P.p Bot. rcg. 450
2674. i*RlSACRUM Tou. FRIAE'B COWL. (Adopted from the Greeks.) Aroldetc. 1.
23545 vulgare Kth. common «fc .AJ cu 1 ap.jn L.Y S. Europe 1596. R 8.1 Jacsc.2.192
yTrum jfrisarum L.
2675. CARYOVTAi. CARYOTA. (The Greek name bf the cultivated date.) Pulma.S.
23546 itrens L. stinging, torn4eaved± • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1788. S r.m R. mal. 1.11
23547 mUis Lou. mild IDor W China 1820. S r.m
23548 horrida Jac. horrid £ d o r 20 ... |... & Amer. 1820. S r.m
2676. DIPLOTHE'MIUM Mart. DIPLOTBEMIUM. (Diploos, double, thema, snathe) Palm*. 2 . - 4 .
23549 marftima Mart. maritime I Q o r 10 Brazil 1823. S r.m Mart.palm. ic.
23550 campestre Mart. field 1 CD or 10 Brazil 1823. S Mart. palm, ic
2677. GOMIPTUS Rum. GoMurua. (Its name in Malabar?) Palnue. 1.
23551 weeharifer Spr. sugar-bearing £ O or 40 Moluccas 1820. S r.m
2678. MANICA*RIA Gae. MANICAHIA. (Mantra, a glove j spathe.) Pdlnuc. 1
23552 sacctfera Gae. sack-bg, Winc-palm± Q o r 30 & Indies 1823. b r.m Gac. fir. C. 1 <<>

2079. ATTA'LIA Hum. ATTALIA. (Attains,magnificent; trees.) Pdlmec. 7 . - 9 .

23553 htimilis Mart. humble i • or 10 Brazil 1820. S r.m* Mart. palm. ic.
23554 c6mpta Mart. decked * n o r 22 Brazil 1820. S r.m Mart. palm, ic
23555 funifera Mart. rope-bearing JLCDor 40 Brazil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23556 Rossi; Lo. C. Ross's Brazil 1825. S r.m .
23557 speciusa Mart. showy Brazil 1826. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
23558 spectabilis Lg. C. remarkable 2. • or 70 Brazil 1824. S r.m
23559 exctaa Mart. tall i d o r 70 Brazil 1826. S r.m Mart palm. ic.
2680. PARIiCNA Aub. PARIANA. (Its name in Guiana.) Gramine*. 1.
23560 campestris Aub. field n.£Z]cu 2 ... Ap Cayenne 1803. D co Aub.gui.2.337



„ S681. NPPA Rum. NIPA. (Its name in the Moluccas.) Palnue. 1.

23561 Mticans Thun. shrubby i d o r 10 ... W E. Indies 1822. S r.m Ilu. am. 1.16
n 2682. A RFC A L, CABBAGR TREE. (Called areec, in Malabar, when an old tree.) PulnuB. 10 — 14.
23562 Catechu L. medicinal, Catechu£ Q cit 30
iHIMWHl VOWIil W E. Indies 1690. r.m Rox. cor. 1.75
23563 hhmilis W. humble
humble £ • cit 6 W E. Indies 1814. r.m Ru. am. 1.7
23364 olerkcca W. potherb
potherb £ • dt 40 w W. Indies 1656. r.m Jac. am. 170
23565 crinita Sory hairy-coated
hairy-coated £ O or 20 w I. France 1824. r.m
23566 lutescens Bary
o«/-, . . *™„ »
£ O or 20 w I. France 1834. r.m
23567 rfcbra red. f HI or 30 Mauritius 1833. r.m
23568 Mdnicot £o.C Manicot or 30 S. Amer. 1822. r.m
23569 exUis Lo. C. slender or 30 W. Indies 1823. r.m
23570 montana Lo. mountain £ a or 30 S. Amer. 1820. r.m
23571 triandra Rox. triandrous £CI|or 20 E. Indies 1825. r.m

2683. CUNNINGHA*MIA R. Br. CUNNIKGHAMIA. (J. and A. Cunningham, trav. in N. S. W.) Conifer*. I.
23572 lanceolata It. Br. lance-leaued > i_J or 20 ... Ap China 1804. C p.l Bot. mag. 2743
Plnus lanceolita Lamb. Belis jaculifolia Sal.
2684. DA'MMARA Rum. DAMMAR PINE. (Its name in Amboyna.) Conifer*. 2 . - 3 .
23573 oricntalis Lamb. _ oriental $ CD or 50 ... Ap Amboyna 1804. C p.1 Lamb. pi. 38
Pinus Dthmnara Lamb. A'gathis loranthifblia
anthir" Sal.
23574 australisLawzo. southern, CowdiePine± d ] t m 100 Ap N. Zeal. 182L C p.l Lamb.pi.2.14.62

2685.PrNUSX. PINE. (Pin, a mountain, Celt.; habitat.) Conlfera. 39. —

I. GEMINAVA. — Leaves in pairs.
23575 sylvestris L. wood, Scotch tm 80 my Ap Scotland sc. alp. S s.1 Lamb. pi. 1.1.1
2 r&bra Mil. Ted-barked or 20 Ap Pyrenees ... S s.
23576 genevensis Lo. C. Geneva tm 80 my Ap Geneva 1820. S 6.1
23577 umilio Hae. dwarf or 20 Ap Carniola 1779. S 8.1 Lamb, pi 5.2
23578 L r Corsican, Larch tm 80 ... Ap Corsica 1814 S s.l Lamb.pi.2. 28.9
23579 Lamb.
Kiini/, pungent
pg tm 40 ... Ap N. Amer. 1804. S 8.1 Micar. 1.61.5
580 Banksfdna
sfdna k
L ' S.
Lamb.Banks's.Sm^P/w or 12 myjn Ap Huds. Bay 1785. S s.l Lamb. pi. 7.3
2jj8l Miighus Jac. J MMugho
h or 10 myjn Ap Austria ... S CO
Jac. ic. 1.193
23o82 PinTistcr //. K. Cluster, Pinaster » tm 60 Ap S. Europe 1596. S S.1 Lamb. pi. 9.4,5
*»83 uncinita Dec. hooked tm 50 my Ap Pyrenees 1820. S 8.1
OQ-O- 8an 8 u inea Lap.
tm 50 ... Ap Pyrenees ... S.1
ooiSf pyrenaica Lap. Pyrenean tm 40 my Ap Siberia 1820. S.t Lamb.pi.2.1.1
23585 Pallawawa Lamb. Pallas's tm 40 my Ap China 1824. S.1
* « ^ MassonMna Lamb. Masson's tm 40 myy Ap S. Europe 1548. S s.1 Lamb pi.llfi,7,R
23587 Pinea L. Stone, Pine (m 40 myjn S. Europe 1159. S s.1 Lamb.pi.13.9,10
J ^ o maritima Lamb. maritime tm 40 my Levant 1683. 8.1 Lamb.pi.2.30.10
23589 halepensis H. K. Aleppo tm 50 my AP N. Amer. 1739. s.1 Lamb. pi. 18.13
f^jpO ^nojw //. K. Jersey, poor tm 50 my N. Amer. 1756. 8.1 Lamb. pi. 20.14
resinfcsa H. K. pitchy Ap
riibra Mx. II. TERNA>T£. — Leaves in threes.
23592 variaWis variable, 2 and 3-lvd tm 40 myjn Ap N. Amer. 1739. s.1 Lamb. pi. 22.15
593 TsMa
23593 TsMa L. L. Frankincense tm 30 myjn A p N. Amer. 1713. 8.1 Lamb.pi.23.16,17
**f»eehlnaUllK cchinated tm 50 myjn Ap N. Amer. 1739. co
late or GO my.jn A p N. Amer. 1713. 8.1 Micar. 1.86.7
rigid or 80 myjn A p N. Amer. 1759. 8.1 Lamb.pi.25.18,19
g7 pal68tris /f. JC. swamp tm 20 Ap N. Anier. 1730. s.1 I4mh. pi. 27.20
2^598 ponderoaa Dou. weighty-wooded'! tm 50 N. Amer. 1828.
Ap Canaries co L.iinb. pi. ic. in.
^ n a r i £ n 8 » Schmidt Canary or 40 ... A P 1815. Dec. gen c. ic.
ifctea Walt voiinw tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1821. s.1
tm 50 my ...... 1820. s.1
Chinese i_J or 40 China 1825. s.1
23603 longifoiia Lamb. long-leaved I j i_J or 40 . . . Ap E. Indies 1801. p.1 Lamb. pi. 29. 21
III. . — Leaves in fives.
23604 Strbbus L Strobus, Weymauthf tm 100 ap Ap N. Amer. 1705. 8.1 Lamb. pi. 31.22
*3605 Latnbertidna Dou. Lambert's I tm 150 ... Ap N. Amer. 1S27. p.1 Lamb. pi. ic. in.
23606 pygmarti Hort. pygmy ~ or 40 myjn Ap 1827. CO
23607 excelsa Lamb. tall tm 100 myjn Nepal 1823. CO Lamb. pi. 2.5.3
236(18 occidentalis Sun. western • tm 80 myjn Ap W. Indies 1826. CO PI. am. 17.161
23609 Ctmhra L. Cembra, Siberian tm 25 my Ap Siberia 1746. 8.1 Iam.iu.Sl.23,24
2 helvetica Swiss tm 40 my Ap Switzerl. 1819. 8l
3 sibirica Siberian tm 40 my Ap Siberia 1825. 8.1
IV. — Species not sufficiently known.
23610 rigensis TJ). C. Riga tin 40 my Ap S. Europe 1824. 8.1
"n Lo.C. Taurian or 40 my Ap Tauria 1820. Si
Lo. C. blue or 40 my Ap ...... 1820. S.1
novaza?l£ndica Lo.C. New Zealand tm 50 my Ap N.Zeal. 1825. 8.1

2086. FIR. [Apios, a pear tree; cones like its fruit.) Conifene. 18.—
I. SOLITARLEFO^LIJS. — Leaves solitary, flat, subdistich.
Fraseri Ph. Frascr's, Double
• * • - -Balsam
• - t or SO my Ap l'ennsylv. 1811. 8.1
23615 Picea W. Silver, pitch f tm 30 my Ap Germany 1U03. Lamb. pi. 46. 30
pectinate Lam.
23616 Douglass Hort. Douglas's '' tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1827. Lamb. pi. ic. in.
23617 balsamifera Mx. b.ilm-bearing J or 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1696. Lamb. pi. 48. 31
23618 canadcnsisZ/.A. Can. hemlock-spruce. \ or 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1736. Lamb. pi. 50.3 2
23619 dumosa Lamb. bushy '' or 20 my Ap Nepal 1820. Lamb. pi. ic.
i!.'3620 sibirica Dirfl Siberian '! tm 40 my Ap Siberia 1820.
2.J621 /axifblia Lamft. Yew-leaved <| tm 90 my Ap N. Amer. 1823. Lamb. pi. 51.33
23622 spectabilis remarkable \\ tm 90 my Ap Nepal 1823. Lamb. pi. 2.3. 2
II. SFARBIF&LIJE— Leaves scattered, angulate or subulate.
23623 orientalis W. oriental t or 30 my Ap Levant 1825. S co Lamb. pi. 45.29
23624 Clanbrasil«ln/iH.K. Ld. Clanbrasil'siis or
— 6" my L co
23625 cxcOsa Pair, tall, Norway spruce ± tm 100 ap Ap N.Europe 1518 S s.l Lamb. pi. 37.25
Plnus A^bies L.
2 fblus variegatis varicgatcd-/iMi *| or 41 ap Ap N. Europe ... S si
23626 alba H. K. white spruce ] [ tm 50 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1700. S £.1 Lamb. pi. 39.26
23627 rubra Lamb. red spruce ] [ tin 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1755 S Lamb. pi. 43.28
23628 irtgra II. K. black spruce } [ tin 50 my Ap N. Amer. 17c0. S 8.1 Lamb. pi. 41.27
236*29 carpatica Hort. Carpathian £ tm 50 my 'Ap Carp. mo. ... S s.l
III. DIAHJS. — Not sufficiently known,
23630 romana H. Cel. Roman t tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1820. S s.l
23631 Pichta Fis. Pitch $ tm 50 uiy Ap Siberia 1820. S s.l
2687. LA*RIX Sal. LARCH. (Lar, fat, Celt. ; producing abundance of resin.) Conifera. 4. — 5.
S3632 europa^a Dec. European, com. white*£ tm 50 mr.ap Ap Germany 1629. S s.l Lamb. pL 53.35
.Finns Zarix L.
2 sibirica Siberian tm 40 mr Ap Siberia 1834. S s.l
23633 daurica Fis. Daurian tm 50 mr.ap Ap Davuria 1827. S co
23634 plndula Lamb. Black,, p pendulous tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 173i». S s.l Lamb. pi. 5fi.5fi
23635 microcarpa Lamb. lied, amall-ftd $ tin 80 my Ap N. Aincr. 1760. S s.l Lamb. pi. 58. SI
2688. CE%DRUS Barrl. CEDAR. (Cedron, a brook in Judea; plentiful on its banks.) Coniferte. 2.
23636 Libani Barrl. Cedar of Lebanon ± or 60 my Ap Levant 1683. S &1 Lamb. pi. 59.37
Pinus Cedrus L.
23637 Deodara Rox. Dcodara $ tm 90 my Ap Nepal 1823 S 8.1 Lamb. pi. 2.8.4
2689. S C H U B E ' R T / J * Mir. SCHUBERTIA. (M. Schubert, a Polish botanist.) Conifene. 2.
23638 distichail/ir. 2-rovrcd, deciduottsCyp.^ or SO my Ap N. Amer. 1640. S s.p Mic. ar. 3.4.1
Taxbdium distich urn Rich. Cupressus dfsticha L.
2 pe*ndula H. K. drooping $ or 20 my Ap S. Amer. 164a s.p
23639 capensis Spr. Cape * t _ j o r 6 Ap C. G. H. 1756. p.l
CupnSisus junipcroldcs L.
* 2690. PODOC A'RPUS Herit PODOCARPUS. (POUS, a foot, karpos, a fruit; stalked.) Conifer*. 9. —
23640 raacrophyllus Swt. long-leaved f | | or 10 Ap China
' 1804. S l.p
23641 vcrticillatus Hort. vrhor\-leaved t I I or 10 Ap Japan
23642 elongatus Herit. elongated J I—J or 10 jl Ap C. G. H. 1774. S. Lp
TVixus elongutus Thun.
23643 n CicifcrP<;/«. nut-bearing J LJ or 20 Ap Japan 1822. S l.p Ram. 815
7Yixus n heifer Kami.
23644 Yucca G. Don Yacca t O tm 50 . Ap W. Indies 1818. S r.m
23645 ncriifbliua Lam. Nerium-lcavcd f • tm 40 Ap E. Indies 1820. S r.m Ru. am. 3.20
23646 nsplcnifblius Lab. Fcrn.lcavcd J i | or 20 . Ap N. Holl. 1825. S r.m Lab. n.-fa. 2,221
ThaUimia rr^plcnifblia Spr.
23647 fexifblius Kth. Yew.lcaved t • or 40 AP S. Amer. 1820. S r.m
23648 chinensis Swt. Chinese f LJ or 30 Ap China 1800. S r.m
Taxus chinensis Rox.
23649 spinulbsus Spr. spinulose £ |_J or 20 . Ap N. Holl. 1820. S r.m
* 2691. DACRY'DIUM Sol. DACRYDIUM. (Dakry, a tear: gummy exudation.) Cmfycraj. 1.
23650 cupr&Binum Sol. Cypress-like £. |_J orr 20 N. Zeal. 1825. C 8.1 Lamb. pi. 1.41
Thalamia cupressina Spr.
2692. CUPRE'SSUS L. CYPRBS9. [Kuot to produce, parisos, equalIs IMi regular
I CgUl branches.) Conifene. 8. —12.
23651 scmpervirens L. com, evergreen or 20 my Ap Candia 1548. S co 155
1 stricta strict . or 20 my Ap Mediterr. ... S co
2 horizontMis horizontal or 20 my Ap Mediterr. ... S co
23652 lusitanica Ton. Portug.,CedarofGoa _ J o r 12 Ap Goa 1683. C p.l Lamb. pi. 95.42
gladca Lam.
23653/hyoules L. Thya-like, While Cedar ± or 20 Ap N. Amer. 1736. L co Den. br. 156
2'hfija sphsrroidca Rich.
23654 australis Pers. south,slender-bran. ± \_J or 10 apmy Ap N. Holl. L p.l
23655 ppendula Thun. ppendulous J LJ 20 my Ap Japan 1808. L p.l
23656 bacciformis }V. berry-khaped or 20 my Ap 1818. Lp.1
23(157 triquetra Lo. C. triangular J l_J or 12 my Ap C. G. H. 18iM). L p.l
23658 torulbsaZ). Don twisted J _ J o r 20 ... Ap Nepal 1824. L p.l
* 2693. IHUVA L. ARBOR VITA (77j#on, sacrifice; used in for fumigation.) Conifer*. 10. — 5.
23659 occidentalism western, American I; or 25 ray Ap N. Amer. 1596. L co Mic. ar. 3.29.3
23660 oricntalis L. or\enU\tChincse] [ or 25 my Ap China 1752. S co Den. br. 149
23G61 taturica Lo. C. Tartarian or 20 my Ap Tartary 1820. L co
83662 articulata Vahl jointed | or 15 Ap Barbary 1815. S co
23663 \)\\chta Lamb. plaited or 20 my Ap Nootka S. 1796. L co
23664 ptndula Lamb. drooping or 20 my- Ap Tartary 1828. L co
93665 pyramidMis Ten. pyramidal or 20 my Ap Italy 1824. L co
23666 nepalensis Lod. Nepal or 20 my Ap Nepal 1824. L co
23667 australis Bosc. southern or £0 my Ap & Europe 1820. L co
23668 cupressoldcs L. Cypress-Ik, Aftic. 5 LJ or 10 ... Ap C. G. H. 1799. L p.l
2694. TRICHOSA'NTHES L. SNAKE GOIJBD. (Thrix, hair, anthos, fl.; inner divis. ciliated.) Cucurb. ft-15.
23669 angulna L. common, snake -* O] or 4 my .in W China 1755. S co Botmfig.722
Cilcumis anguincus L.

23670 cucumcrina L. Cucumbcr-likc Jk .Q] unW E. Indies 1804.

4 jn.jl S co R. rail 8.15
23671 colubrina Jac. Bcriwnt-likc -* .QJ un
W 4 jn.jl 1817. S co Jac. c c 123
23672 lobata Rox. lobate -* _Qj unW 6 jLau
E. Indies 1812. S co
23673 cordata Rox. cordate -* jQJ un 4
W E. Indies 1818. S co
n 2695. LAGEN A*RI A Ser. BOTTLE GOURD. (Lagena, a bottle; form of fruit.) Cucurbitdeea. I. — 4.
23(>74 vulgaris Ser. common -* Q clt 10 JLs Y India 1597. S co Ru. am. 5.147
Cucurblta Lagendria L.
2 Gotrda Ser. Gourd Jfc o clt 10 jl.s Y India 1597. S co M.h. 1.5.1
3 depressa Ser. depressed -* O clt 10 jl.s Y India 1597. S co
4 turbinata Ser. turbinatcd «* O clt 10 jLe Y India 1597. S co M.h 1.5.2
5 clavata Ser. clubbed J± O clt 10 jl.s Y India 1597. S co M. h. 1.5.3
6 Courgo&rda Ser. Courgourde -* O clt 10 jl.s Y India 1597. S co Ru. am. 5.144
n269R CERATOSA'NTHES Brtn. CERATOBANTIIES. (Keras, horn, anthos, fl. j inner segments.) Cucurb. 1.
23675 tuberbsa J. tuberous S C3 un 6 j l . a u W W. Indie* 1810. R co Bot mag 2703
Trichosanthes tubcrosa IV. cornicuuua Lam.
2697. MOMCRDIC A Z. MOMORDICA. (Mordco, to bite; seeds seem bitten.) CitcurbUace*. 10.—19.
23676 ifalsanuna L. Balsam Apple _$ .QJ un 4 jn.jl Y India 1568. S co
23677 Chardntia L. hairy, Charantiajg .QJ un 4 jj jn.jl Y E. Indies 1710. S co Bot. mag. 2455
23678 operculktaL. lid-covered, rough-fid <fc Ol un jn.s Y W. Indies 1731. S co Coin. r. 22
83679 dioica Rox. dioecious $ fTHun Y E. Indies 1818. S co R.mal.8.18
23680 muricata W. muricated £ Oj un Y E. Indies 1817. S co K.mal.8.10
23681 tubiflora Rox. tube-flowered _jfA1un Y E. Indies 1825. S co
23«82 umbelliita Rox. umbelled j»/A7 un Y K Indies 1818. S co
23fi83 mlxta Rox. mixed _$ El un Y E. Indies 1820. S co
GH4 sencgalcnsis Senegal
Lam. Senegal
sencgalcnsis Lam. 3 OJ
A OJ un
un Y Senegal 1822 S co
^3G85£lateriumZr. Squirting Cucumberjc A un jn.jl Y S. Europe 1548. S r.m Bot. mag. 1914
2698. CUCU'RBITA L. GOURD. (Curvitas, crookedness; shape.) CucurbWacca?. 10. — 17.
23686 ovlfera L. egg-bearing -* O clt 3 jl.s Astracan ... S co
1 pyriftirrais Ser. pear-form-/^/ Jk O clt 3 ... S co
2 Hubglobbsa Ser. subglobosc//d -i o clt 3 ... S co
3 grisea
i S Ser. grey-fruited
f i t d -* O clt 3 ... S co
23687 siccraria Mol. intoxicating Jk O clt 4
intoxicating Chile 1824. S co
23688 aurantia W. Or*nt>e-fruited Jk .QJ clt 3 1802. S co
1 ordngmo Ser. false Orange Jk .QJ clt 3 1802. S co
2 colocyntholdes Ser. Coloquinclle -* .QJ clt 3 1802. S co
23689 maxima Duch. largest Jfc O clt 4 ... S co
maxima Pepo Dec.
23690 Pepo L. Pumpkin Jk O clt 16 Y Levant 1570. S co
1 subrotunda W. subrotund-//rf Jk O clt 6* Y Levant 1570. S co
2 obl6nga IV. oblong-//d jk o clt 6 1570. S co
23691 P<rfira Duch. Potiron, largc-ftdJk O clt 10 ... S co
I viridis Ser. green Potiron Jk O clt 10 ... S co
Gourd-bearing Jk O clt 10 ... S co
23692 verruebsa L. warty J* O clt 12 jn.jl 1658. S co
23693 subverrucosa W. subwarty Jfc O
—» \j clt
u» 12 jn.jl
i« JU.JI ... S co
23694 Jtfetfpepo L. Melon-pumpkin, squash O clt 3 my.s 1597. S co M.h.1.81
23695 moschata Duch. musky Jk O clt 4 ... S co Dalcch. 60(1.:
.2699. ClTCUMISZr. CUCUMBER. (Curvus, crooked; shape) CucuruUhcae. 2 2 . - 2 5 .
23696 Colocf nthis L. bitter, ColocynthJk ^J in 6 Y C.G. H. 1551, S r.m
vw,« - ' B B L prophets', globe Jk m cu 2 jn.s Y Levant 1777. S co Jac. vin. 1. <l
I. Anguria, round prickly -* £)} cu __ "2 :1jlau
— Y Jamaica 1692. S co Mil. ic. 1. &J
African -* X2J cu 2 Y C. G. H. ... S co Bot. reg. 980
*3700 muricatus muricatc JCJQJCU 4 Y E. Indies 1817. S co
23701 A/elo L. Melon JcX)jcul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m Sab.rom.65
1 reticulatus Ser. netted Jk .QJ cul 4 my.s Y ...... 1570. S r.m Black. 529
2Cantalupo Ser. Cantalupc -* jQJ cul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m
O n _ 3 maltensis Srr. Maltese -*lQJcul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m
23702 dclicibsus Roth delicious -* S^l cul 4 Y E. Indies 1818. S co
23703 utilissimus /for. ». most useAil — -_ 4 Y
j^u cul
-* JQJ E. Indies 1820. S co
23704 Dud&im L. Dudaim, " ' - jQJ
applc-sliapcd^k -• cu 6 jUu Y Levant 1705. S r.m Bot. rep. .1*8
23705 Chkte L. Chatc, /ia/>^ Jk XII cu Y Levant 1759. S co 117
£706 pubescens ff pubescont -* Xii cu Y 1815. S co
23707 saftvus i. common, cultivated-* O cul 4 Y E. Indies 1573. S r.m Sab. rum. G3
1 vlriflis &r. green Jk O cul 4 Y E. Indies 1597. S r.m
2 flkvus Ser. yellow Jk Q cul 4 Y S r.m
3 albus Ser. white -* O cul 4 Y S r.m
4 variegatus Ser. variegated -* Q cul 4 Y S r.m
nnM 5 fastigiatus Ser. peaked Jk Q cul 4 Y S r.m
23708 flexuosus L. flexuous, snake -* £)J cu 6 Y E. Indies 1597. S r.m Gcr. li. 7K>. 3
- 370!) jamaicensis A;;7. Jamaica -* jQJ cul 4 Y Jamaica 1824. S co
4*710 hnc^tuB »— lined Jk jQJ cu 4 Y Guiana 1825. S co
Muilrat Jk jQJ cu 3 Y E. Indies 1805. S co Pluk. al. 170.2
2IJ712 maculatus fK. spotted -* jQJ ru 4 Y Guinea 1820. S co Scr.dis.3
HK l»tllBrj<T'lius Xox. ciitirclcavccl
entire-leaved Jc Jk DJ
t^ cucu 4 Y E. Indies 1820. S co
2.7714 Homnrdira Rox. Kl.itcrium-//Ac Jk n\ cu Y E. Indies 1820. S co
23715 CUrullus Ser. Citrul 3 tf, clt Y
CucurbUa CttrOUus LL •*-" S. Europe 1597. S co Ru. am. 5.146
CucurbUa CttrOUus
1 Prf S JI>a8tcque Jk jQJ clt 6 my.s Y 1597. S co Black. 157
2 Jdrc Ser. Water Melon JkJQJcU 6 Y 1597. S co

2,5718 laciniatus L. * O cul 4 jlis W.Indies 1824. S co Bur am <

23719 parvinurus
«o/iy parviflbrus IV.
iv. Howcrcd ^J^O Ucul
BIU.UI-UUWLTCU cm 444 jl.s
jl.s Quito 1823. S co ur<ain
l Q cul jls 1823. S co
2J720 microph^llus Kth. small-leaved _£ O cul 4 jl.s
. 2701. EL ATEMIIUM L. ELATERIUM. (Elater, an impeller;
2.1721 carthagin^nsc L. Carthngcna ^ O cul 5 jn.jl Y
^722 <amiioUle5 W. Tamniw-likc £ o cul 5 jn.jl Y Mexico _ co Jac. am. pic. ^ i
S co

2702. SETCHIUM Br. CHOKO. (Sckizo, to fatten; given to hogs.) Cucurbitucex. 1. —&
23723 e<lule Br. eatable Jc.QJcul 6 Jn.jl Y W. Indies 1816. S r.m •
Sicyos cdulis Jac.
2703. NEUROSPE'RMA Baft. NEUHOSPERMA. (Neuron, a nerve, sperma. seed.) Cucurbitiicete. 1.
1724 cuspidata Rnfi.
23724 cuspidate -* O clt 5 jn.s Y Kentucky 1827. S co
Z10kBRYOyUlAL. BRYONY. (Bryo, to sprout u p ; rapid growth of annual stems.) Cucurbitaccee. 23. —61.
I. ANGULAVJE. — Leaves subangular.
23725 scabra L. scabrous, globe-fruited^ LAJ un 6 s.o W.o C. G. H. 1774. S p.l
23726 verruebsa H. K. warty ft.iAJun 4 ... W.o Canaries 1779. S co
23727 conftta Thun. cordate ft. LAI un 6 JLau Y.G C. G. H. 1816. S r.m
S p.l Ru. am. 5. Ifin. 1
23728 grandis L. greatflowered ft_ ES un 8 W . G E. Indies 1783.
23729 epigas^a W. II.
ground, umbel-flwd%_ IS un LnjuY*.—Leaves lobate.
W.o E. Indies 1815. S co
23730 trilobate Thun. three-lobed ft. IAJ un s.o Wo C. G. H. 1825. S p.l
223731 scabrella L. ruughiah J£ \rj] un W.o E. Indies 1781. 8 co
2 J732 latebrfcsa 1/. IT. my.jl W.& Canaries 1779. S co
shady ft. LAI un Jn W.o Britain hcd.
237:13 dioica Jac.
23734 alba L.
dioecious, red-brdj^ A m
iny.s W.o Europe 1807. S co
co Eng. hot. 4.i<J
23735 nitula Lk.
white, black-brdA £_ A m
iAI W.o ...„. 1834, SS co
Lam. ll. 796
£3736 cretica i. shining %_
£_ iAI
iAJ un
un jn.jl W.o Candia 1759. S co
Cretan £_ IAJ un 3 jn.o
Jl Br C. G. H. An. mu. 12 17
23737 quinqudloba TAtm. flye-lobcd
23738/icifclia Lam. Fig-leaved
fc. iAJ un u ... W.o Buen.Ay. 172<i. S co Bet. rcg. 82
S co Di. el. 50.58
III. PALMAYB. — Leaves palmate.
23739 paimata L. palmate %_ ES un 4 ' W.o Ceylon 1778. S co
23740 divlsa W. en. divided-feared fe_ iAJ un 6 ji a i l Y.G 1819. S r.m
£3741 Garcln* W.
Garcin's ft. QS un 6 jlau Y.G Ceylon 1812. S Bur. in. 57.3
23742 pinnatifida Burc.
pinnatifid (. LAI un 46 Y.G C. G. H. 1815. S co
2374.3 laciniosa L. W.o E. Indies 1710. S co Her. lug. P7
23744 africana Thun, laciniated $ (Z3 un 4
l W.c C. G. H. 1759. S co Her. i>ar. 70S
23745 dissccta L. African J_ iAI un 3 jLau W.a C. G. H. 1710. S p.l
&is6cctcd-leavedt_ iAI un
IV. DU*BIA — Doubtful to which sections they belong.
23746 tenella Box. slender ft. (22 un 6 Y.o E. indies 1820. S co
23747 filiformis Box. filiform ft_ ES un 6 jLau Y.o E. Indies 1817. S co
2705. /INDRA'CHNE L. BASTARD OUPINE. (The Greek name for purslain.) Euphorbvkcea. 1. — 2.
23748 te\ephw)des L. Tclephium-like Ow | W Italy 1732. S co Lam. il.797
2706. STILLVSGIA L. STILLINUIA. (Dr. Benjamin StUUnefteet, an English bot.) Euphorbidcea?. 4 . -
23749 sylv&tica L. wood tf iAI un 2 jLau Y Carolina 1787. C s.p
23750 /igfistrina W. TrixcUcaved ik un 5 ... Y N. Amer. 1812. C s.p
23751 sebifcra W. tallow-bearing • • ec 10 8 Y China 1703. C s.p 2
23752jDopulnea VaU Poplar-like { Q o r 14 Ceylon 182a C si
2707. OMALA'NTHES Grab. OMALANTHES. (Homalos. smooth, antftos, flower.) Euphorb. 1.
23753 populiftlia Grah. Poplar-leaved * • or 6 jl.s VV N. Holl. 1825. C p.l Botfmag.2780
2708. PHYLLA'NTHUS L. PHYLLANTHUS. (Phyllon, leaf, anthos fl.; on the al«es of the lvs.) Euph. 28.—71
I. HERBA^CBI. — Flowers solitary ; leaves subpinnute ; annual.
23754 obovatus W. obovato-featMrf O pr M. Amer. 1803. i.p
23755 obcordktus Box. obcordate 'f ITEInr G.Y K. Indies 1817. s.p
23756 gracilis Rox.
2X157 JVirftri L, Niruri a oipr ijn.s G.Y G
K. Indies 1818.
E. Indies 1692.
s.p a mat. 10.1/i
23758 cantomensis Horn. Canton EDpr I au.s G.Y Canton 1H20. s.p
S3759 cuneMus W. vrc&gc-leaved B3pr ijl G.Y China 1818. s.p
23760 Urinana L. urinary O p r } au.s G.Y E. Indies 1819. s.p Ru. am. 6.17.2
23761 simplex Betz. staple Ol»r | a u . s G.Y E Indies 1817. s.p
11. AGGRBGAVI. — Flowers aggregate ; leaves subpinnate.
23762 scandens Box. climbing f • pr 10 jLs G.Y E. Indies J822. s.p
237G3 grandifulius Lam. great-leaved HQiin 5 America 1771. s.p
23764 juglandifulius W. Walnut-feawd * • or 2 jlj s G.Y 1818. fi.p
23765 Ificens Poir. shining * i | pr " jl.s
" - G.Y China 1820. s.p Jacsc.2.1"i
23766 virusus Rox. G E. Indies 1802. s.p
23767 lanceolatu? Poir. venomous A • pr jl.s G.Y I. Bourbon 1822. s.p
23768 reticul^tus Hort. lance-leaved * • pr au.s R E. Indies ... sp Bot. cab. 116
23769/raxinifolius Hort. netted au.s G E. Indies 1819. s.p Bot. cab. 839
23770 Conumi Swz. Ash.leavcd 6 jl G W.Indies 1791. lp Aub.gui.2.354
23771 obscikrus Rox.
23772 ndtans Swz.
obscure BS 3 jl.s G.Y E. Indies
1| au.s G.Y Jamaica 1820.
nodding B.p
III. SuBBOLrTA*Rii. — Flowers subsolitary ; leaves subpinnate.
23773 maderaspatensis L. Madras m. • un 3 jl Ap E. Indies 1783. C s.p
23774 microphy'llus Kth. small-leaved m • pr 1} au.s G.Y Caraccas 1817. C s.p
23775 longifolius Lam. long-leaved • O pr 3 jLs G.Y I.Bourbonl822. C s.p Lam. il. 156.1
23776 turbin:\tusB.M.tUTbinatc,shinin{T-lvd* • pr 2 jl G China C s.p Bot. mag. 186*
23777 rhamnoldes Betz. Rhamnus-like * • pr 3 jl au G.Y E. Indies 1820. C s.p
23778 strlctus Box. strict • • p r 3 jl.s G.Y E.Indies 1824. C s.p
IV. Pi A^n.— Leaves truly trinnate, and bearing flowers between the pinna:.
23779 mimosoldes Swz. Mimosa-like m Q p r 10 au.s G Caribbees 1817. C s.p Bot. cab. 721
23780 polyph^Uus JT. many-leaved i Q p r 3 jl.s G E. Indies 1805. C s.p
2709. XYLOPHY'LLA L. XYLOPIIYLLA. (Xylon, wood, phyllon, leaf; rigidity of foliage.) EuphorUaceie. H
nrMn I. PIIYLLA'NTHUS.—. Bearing flowers on the margins of the leaves. ,.
23781 longiftlia W. long-leaved I Q o r 3 f.n Y.R £ Indies 1816. C i.p W
OVTQO f y»4nthus ceramiceus Pers. inof
23782 latifWia L. broad-leaved • * • < » 3 a u . g Y.R Jamaica 1783. C s.p Bot.jnag.lQK1
itifolius Suns. _tA
showy t Q o i 3 au.o Y.R Jamaica 1818. C s.p Jacic.3.610
23784 angustrffTliaV. narrow-leaved * • or 3 Y.R Jamaica 1789. C s.p Bot. cab. 577
•Pnyllanthus angustifbhus Swz. cpii>hyUanthus L.

23785 linearis Pers. linear • • or 3 jl.s Y.B Jamaica 1819. C s.p

Phyllanthus linearis Swx.
23786 clongtoa Lod. elongated-/tui • • or J1.8 Y.B Jamaica 1820. s.p Bot. cab. 1091
23787 media IJO. C. intermediate • • or Y.B Jamaica 1825. • n
23788 montana IV. mountain • • or \U Y.B Jamaica 1819. s.p Bot. mag. 2652
23789 falcfca H. K. falcate-leaved • • or Y.B Bahama 1.1699. fi.p Bot. reg. 373
Phylttnthus falcatus Swx. jLs
11. RAMiFtbRfi. — Bearing flowers on the branches.
23790 ramifK> branch-flwd • _ J o r
Y.B Siberia
1785. s.p Pal. i t 3. E. 2
1806. s.p
23791 obovatd W. obovate-leaved • _J or 3 Y.a
2710. E'MBLICA Gae.
23792 officinMis Gae.
/'hyllanthus E'mblica L.
%.T&nSTi~» nSW&Arii.
23793 racembsa Spr. racemose ft • or 2 G.v £ Indies 1793. C s.p
Phyllanthus raccmbsus L.
2711. ALEUR^TES For«f. ALEUBITEB. _ Mto«rifc#f mealy; appearance.)
23791 trlloba Forst. three-Tobcd • fra 10 Ap " Soclety Is.1793. C r.m
2712. OMPHA^LEA L. OUPHALEA. (Omphalos, navel umbilicated anthers.) Euphorbi&cce. 2.—
23795 tri&idra L. triandrous, long-lud " Q o r 15 jnjl G Jamaica 176* C p.l Bot.
Bot. cab.
cab. 519
23796 diandra W. diandrous, Mulbcrry-lvd ~~ 12 ... Ap W.Indies 1820. ~ p.l" Aub.gui.2.338
2 diversifblia • various-leaved 12 ... Ap Cuba 1823. l

n 2713. JJilPPO'MANE
i l P P O M A N E LL.. MAVcniNEEL.
MAVcniNEE (TffpjMW,( p j , horse, mania, a, madness;
madness; effec g
effects of original
797 Mancinilla L
23797 L. M h i l
Manchinccl, common± ±D Dp 80
80 G
G W Indies
W. Indies 1690.
1690 L L r.m
SAPHTM. (Sap. fat, Celt. ; unctuous exudation from wounded trunk.) Euphorb. 4 . - 8 .
o «714 SA^PIUML. " " ' ' • p o r 30 ... G W. Indies1692.
W.Indies 1692. C p.l 158
23798 aucupariumJinc. 30
CO E. Indies 18ia C p.l
237!)9 lndicum W. Indian Guiana 1823. C p.l
23800 tfippomane Mey. Manchineel 24
20 a Amer. 1820. C p.1
*3801 fllctblium W. Holly-leaved
Aipp6manc spinbsa L.
*2715. CRO^TON-L CBOTON. (Kroton, a tick j seeds resemble.) Euphorb&cee. 33.—158.
I. INTEGRIFOLI*. - Uavcs entire or serrated, Uncar, ^nceolate, oblong, or ovate.
W . G E Indies 1804. R.mal.6.61
23802 varicgata IV.
2 crispa Rox.
curled • (TJ •or 106 W . G E. Indies 1804. p Ru. am. 4.26.2
3 media Rox. intermediate 6 W.G E Indies 1804. p. Ru. am. 4.25
Dor W.o W. Indies 1733. p. Bot. cab. 481
23803 lineari* Jac.
23804 Cascarilla L.
23805 maritima IV.
maritime * •pr
i | un 4
4 W . G S. Amer. 1778.
W.o Carolina 1786.
p.l Cat car. 2.46
238(X> palustris _. marsh E2]un 3 W . G Vera Cruz 1731. p.l Mart. cen. 4. 38
2.181V7 Rlabe'Ua L.
L. a
smoothish, Laurcl-lvd • • or 6 ... W . G Jamaica 1778. p SI. jam. 2.174.2
%238O8 tinctbria W. dyer's r\ Hu 3 Jl W . G S. Europe 1570. p.l Ac. pet 1712.17
23809 flalium U Tiglium, purging • • ni 10 "au.s W . G E. Indies 179& CO R. maL 2.33
23810 Eleutferia L. Eleut., Sea-sute BalsamM • m 6 W . G Jamaica 1748. Lp
23811 castancaefoiia L. Chestnut-leaved US un 2 W Trinidad 1826. CO Bot mag. 2794
23812 picta Box. painted • • or 4 W . G E. Indies 1810. Bot cab. 870
II. COBDA^TJG. — Leaves cordate, entire or serrated.
23813 xalapcnsis Kth. Xalapa M lun 2 W.o Mexico 1824. p.1
2f814 argentea L. silver-leaved O un 2 W.G S. Amer. 1733. CO
23815 nitens Swx. shining • •un 3 W.G Jamaica 1818.
23816 liccra Desf. jagged • •un 2 W.G 1822. n.l
2»17 m^cans Swx. glittering • 1 lun 3 W.G Jamaica 1815. Lp
23818 macrophjrlla Sum. long-leaved • I lun 3 ... W.G Jamaica 1823. 1
2 33J lJ9 plf u9, gp e nf 8 j f l C . pungent • • u n 4 ... W.G Caraccas 1791. F Jac. ic. 3.622
*3820 pemcillata Ven. pencilled • • u n 4 W.G Cuba 1799.
l pP
Bot cab. 440
2S821 glandulbsa L. glandulous El un 2 au.s W.G W. Indies 1817. p.1i
23822 fldvens L. yellowish H I I un 3 W.O Jamaica 1818. p.
2|823 aromatica L. aromatic • 1 1 un 6 ... W . G Ceylon 1793. p.J Ru. am. 3.126
Jghi humble
• I lun
i • un 10
2 ... W.o Jamaica
W.o Ceylon
dna W. p.1
AlcurUes Ambinux Pers.
23826 astroltes H. K. star-like, woolly* • un 6 W.o W.Indies 1782. C p.l
23827 mvea Jac. snow-white • • un 3 W.G Jamaica 1823. C p.1
23828 lucida Swx. shining ••un 3 W.o Jamaica 1820. C p.l
23829 tomentbsa Lk. tomentosc • • un 2 iny.jn W.o ...... 1824.
I I I . LOBATIFOLIJE. — Leaves lobate.
23830 ijossypifolia Vahl Cotton-leaved * O u n 3 W . G Trinidad 1818. C p.1
23831 Tobfcta /.. \ohatclcavcd O un 2 W.o Vera Cruz 1730. S co Mart. cen. 5.46
23832 Aibiscifblia Kth. HibiBCUs-lvd • • un 4 W.o Mexico 1810. C p.1
digitata Hart.
23833 digitata Fu. digitate | un 3
N. Holl. 1810. C p.1
fan-leaved 3
W.o 1825. C co
23834 flabelUftlia Lod.
8716. BRADLEV,* Gae. BBADLEJA. (Rich. Bradley, first prof. bot. Cambridge ?) Euphorbuicctc. 2 . - 7 .
23835 sinica Gae. Chinese • • c u ... ... China 1816. C s.l Gae. fr. 2.109.1
23836 nitida Rox. shining • CZ)cu E. Indies 1820. C s.l
2717. JA'TROPHA L. PHYSIC NUT. ilatros, physician, trophe, food ; qualities.) Euphorb. 13.—21.
I. LoBATiPoLliE. — Leaves lobed or multifld.
23&17 napicifblia Desv. Napsoa-l un 3 Antilles 1825. C p.1
25838 multf Ada L. multifid or 3 G S. Amer. 1696. C r.m Par. Ion. 91
2383*1 frtgrans Kth. sweet-scented D or 10 Cuba 1822. C p.1
2.JH40 /rossypifolia L. Cotton-leaved • • or 3 G W. Indies 1690. C l.p Bot. cab. 117
5J.J841 glandulbsa Vahl glandulous • • or 3 Arabia 18S4. C p.1
23K42 Ctircas L. Curcas, angular-lvd • • or 4 ... G S. Amer. 1731.
2.M4.1 peltata Kth. peltate ftO 4 S. Amer. 1825. C r.m
2S844 iirens L. stinging • o r 4 my.jl G Brazil 1690. C p.1
S1845 herbheea I* herbaceous 3 G Vera Cruz 1759. S r.m B o t cab. 478
S3846 austrolis Lo. C. southern HQun 1} N. HoU. ...
S r.m R.hou.6.15
C c 4 C p.1
ANC — Leaves narrow.
ctf-/»d» D
23847 integdrrimaJfe&most cnt\retspict/-lvdm D or
o r 3 S Cuba 1809. S r.m Bot. mag. 1464
23848 coccinca Lk. scarlet H fI~ llor
or 4 Cuba J824. C p.l
23849 pandurafblia And. fiddle-leaved H • or 4 9 Cuba 1800. S r.m Bot.mag.G04
* 2718. JANPPHA Kth. JAMPIU. (Janipaba, its name in Brazil.) Euphorbulcete. 4.
23850 Loeflingii Kth. Lading's CJ clt 3 Br Carthag. 1820. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 244
Jatropha Jahipha L. __
83851 A/rf/«Ao/ Kth. Cassava • • clt 3 Br S. Amer. 1739. C r.m SL jam. 1.85
Jatropha Manihot L. ^, , ,
23852 osculifblia JT/A. Horsechestnut-lvd • • clt 3 Br NewSpainl826. C r.m H. & B. 2.109
23853 foe'tida Kth. fetid *Dor 3 Br Mexico 1824. C r.m
2719. iZI'CINUS L FALMA CnRisri. (Ricinus, a tick j seeds resemble.) Euphorbiiicete. 8. —10.
23854 commiknis L. com., Castor-oil Plant D J m 6 G E. Indies 1548. S co Hot. mag. 2219
23855 vfridis W. green .QJor 6 au G £. Indies 1802. S s.p W.h.b.4'J
23856 africanus TV. African * i _ J o r 15 G Africa ... S s.p
23857 lividus Jac. Vivid-leaved H j j o r 8 jl P C. G. H. 1795. S e.p Jac. ic. 1.1%
23858 inlrmis Jac unarmed.c<HMtt/grf Dior 6 jLau P India 1758. S s.p Jac. ic. 1.195
23859 armatus B. B armed-capsuled £21 or 6 jl.s G Malta 1807. S s.p Bot.rcp.4J0
23860 tanarius W. Tanarian, scallop-lvd .QJor 4 jLs G E. Indies 1810. S s.p Ru. am. 3 1121
23861 globosus FT. globose IQot 4 Jamaica 1826. S p.l
2720. SIPHCTNIA Rich. SIPIIONIA. (Siphon, a pipe; use of exudation, Indian rubber.) Euphorb&ccce. 1.
93862 Cahuchu Rich. Cahuchu • • or 6 Guiana 1823. C s.l Lam. il. 790
clastica Pers. Jatropha clastica L. Hevia guianensis Aub.
2721. AGYNEM A L. AGYNEJA. {A priv. gync, womanj neither style nor stigma.) Euphorbtice<e. 2. — 1.
23863 impbbes L. smooth O un 1 jLau G China 1820. S s.l
23864 pbber L. hairy HQun 3 ... G China 1823. C s.l
2722. KIRGANE^LIA J. KIBGANEIIA. (KirganeU, its Malabar name.) Euphorbiucece. 1.—5.
23865 clcgans J. elegant HO or 6 ... Mauritius 1820. C 8.1
2>hyllanthus Kirganilia W.;
2723. HIPRA L. SANDBOX TREE. (Its South American name.) Euphorbiiicce. 2 . - 3 .
23866 strepens W.en. sound\ngtvnequ.-toothf • or 12 ... W.v S. Amer. ... C l.p
23867 crepitans L. rattling, cqual-toothcd± O or 12 ... W.Y S. Amer. 1733. S p.l Lam. il. 793
*2724. STEItClTLIAZ,. STBRCULIA. (Stercus, ordure; some species fetid.) Byttnerihcece. 17. —2«J.
I. BALA'NGIIAS. — Leaves ovate or oblong, entire, rarely three-lobcd.
23868 Baldnghas L. Balanghas | Q o r 20 jn.a G.v E. Indies 1787. C p R. mal. 1.49
23869 pubescens G. Don pubescent _ J o r 20 W Guinea 1793. -
23870 grandiflora Fen. great-flowered i dor 6 E. Indies 1820. p
23871 cocc'inea Rox. 6carlct-/rutfai t a or 20 ... £. Indies 1817. -
23872 ndbilis Sm. noble J • or 20 G.v
£. Indies 1787. Bot. rcg. 185
Balanghas H. K. Southwells n6bilis Sal.
23873 angustifolia Rox. narrow-leaved f I lor 20 Nepal 182a P!
23874 guttata Rox. spotted f O or 20 E. Indies 1810. R. mal. 4.61
23875acuminuta Beauv. Cola, pointed f I lor SO W Guinea 1825. Ueau.ow. 1. 24
23876 Iv\ra Swz. Ivira f I I or 20 G W. Indies 1793. p i Aub. gui. 2.279
crinlta Cav.
23877 divcrsifolia G. Don various-leaved £ LJ or 14 N.Holl. 1824. C p.l
hetcrophylla Cun.
II. QUINQITE'LOIUE. — Leaves cordate, fivc-lobed.
23878 iirens Rox. stinging f CD or 10 E. Indies 1793. p.l Rox. cor. 1.24
t'o879 villdsa Rox. villous 5 • or 15 E. Indies 180J. p.l
2J880 Hclictcrcs Pers. Hclictcrcs-/jfc aQor 8 Ap Carthag. 1820. p.l Jac. am. Ml. 97
Helicteres an^tala Jac.
23881 plataniftlia L. Plane-tree-lvd t i_J or 30 jl China 1757. Cav.dis.5.145
23882 accrifblia Cun. Maple-leaved f i I or 20 N.Holl. 1824.
23883 colorata Rox. .colored $ • or 30 E. Indies 1818. p.l Rox. cor. 1.25
III. PALMA^TA. — Leaves palmate.
23884 foytida L. fetid * Q or 8 ... ... E. Indies 1690. p.l R. mal. 4.36
2725. HERITIE'Rif H. K. LOOKING-GLASS PLANT. (£. L. VHerUicr de Brut die. Fr. bot) Byltneriiie. 2. — S
23885 littoralis H. K. shore t • or 20 E. Indies 1780. C p.l R. mai. 6.21
23886 minor Lam. smaller I Q o r 12 E. Indies 1824. C p.l
2726. ^CA'LYPHA L. ACALVPHA. {A, priv., kalos, pleasant, aphe, touch; in handling.) Euph. S0.-60.
I. ANDR6GTNA. — Monoecious ; spikes androgynous.
23887 virgfnica L. Virginian O un G N. Amer. 1759. Sch.han. 3.311
23888 caroliniana Walt. Carolina G N. Amer. 1811. I^ 780.2
03889 ciliata Forsk. ciliated rm un G E. Indies 1799. Vahl sy. 1.20
23890 pauciflbra
p a b W.. en. few.flowcrcd O un G China 1816.
2389 brachyst;\chya
yy W.c». short-spiked O un G China 1816.
2 8 2 prunifdlia
23892 ifdli JBA
JBA. Plum-lcavcd i m un G Mexico 1825.
23893 indica L.
23894 r^ptans Sum.
23895 rubra W.
0Q] un
LfAlun ft1
JE O ) u n 3
E. Indies 1759.
Jamaica 1820.
R. mal. 10.81
SI. jam. L82. 3
23896 hispida TV. hispid G E. Indies ...
23897 cuspidata Jac. cuspidate O un 4 jDjl G Caraccas 1819.
I Spikes
lun of distinct sexes, female ones terminal.
23898 alopecuroidca Jac. Foxtail-like O un 2 jl.s G Vcnezuelal804. S co Jac. ic 3.620
23899 polysthchya Jac. many-spiked E) un 1 G W. Indies 1817. S co Jac. sc. 2.246
23900 mollis Kth. soft ED un 1 G Mexico 1825. S co
23901 Isvigata Swz. smooth-leaved I Q u n 3 jn.jl G Jamaica 1819. C co
co 2.245
IV. DKEVIJE. — Dioecious.
23904 integrifMia W. entirc-lcavcd «l • un 5 jn.s G Mauritius 1823. C co
23905 scabrosa Sum. rough il Q un 6 jn.jl G Jamaica 1820. C co

V. AXILLANIIS.— Spikes of both sexes axillary.

23906 vhrgJltaL. twiggy
_ i i Q__u n 6 jn.jl G Jamaica 1823. C co Dr.Jam.36.2
,2727. DALECHA'MP/i! L. DALECHAMPIA. (James Dalcchamp, French bot, d.1588.) Euphorbidcap. 3.—18.
J907 scandcns
23907 scindens L,
L. climbing ai •• un
un 12
12 Jnjl
Jnjl G.Y
- W. Indies
—.--- 1739.
-„-- C l.p
--•- Jac. am. 252.160
a u%
23908 "
~ brasihensis Lam. ~
Brazilian •-*=-•
8" • cu 6 -jn.jl * *. G.Y jjraZ,|
G Y Brazil 1824. Cc l.p
1824. l.p
23909/icifi)lia Lam. Fig-leaved I L O c u 6 jnjl G.v Brazil 1830. C l.p
O,2728. PLUKENETJJ L. PLUKENETIA. (Leonard Plukcnet, an English botanist) &q*m*Acew.JL 2.-5.
23910 rol&bilis L. twining t O u n 6 G W. Indies 739. C p PL ic. 220.2*6
23911 verruebsa Sm, warty * _ d u n 6 J1^" G Surinam 1820. C p.l
2729. GNETTUM L. G.VETUM. (Altered from gnemon, its name in the island of Ternate.) Urtfccar. I.—
^12 Gnhnon L. Gnemon tQor ... E. Indies 1815. C p.1 L71



,2730. PANDJCNUS L. fll. SCREW PINE. [Panda Mg.tOt to behold, Malay ; conspicuous.) Pamliinric. 20. — L'5.
W E. Indies 1771. S r.m Rox. cor.
•1 lor or 20
. W Bourbon ... S r.m Jac. fr. 13,11.1
[ lor 20 . W N. S.W. 1805. S r.m
?3916 htimilis Hum. dwarf • or 208 .. W E. Indies 1820. SS r.m
W Mauritius ... Jac. fr. 11.2
^917 amarylli/d/iw Rox. Amaryllis-lvd
^>918 candelabrum Beauv. candlestick
•1 loror 60 . W Guinea 1826. S r.m Beau. mv. 2]
-*3<J19 fascicularis Lam. fascicled 1 lor 20 . W E. Indies 1822. S r.m R. mal. 2. 6
23920 incrmis Rox. unarmed 1 lor ... • \V E. Indies 1818. S r.m
23921 integrifolius Lou. entire-leaved 1 I or ... . W E Indies 1822. S r.m
23922 refltaus Hort. reflexed or ...
•1 lor . W Klndies 1S18. S r.m
2392.3 alhus Hart. white ... . W E. Indies 1818. S r.m
**W* 86881118 JSOj. sessile 1 lor ... . W E. Indies 1820. S r.m
23925 latifulius Hort. broad-leaved I lor .*• * W E. Indies 1820. S r.m
£>92G marginatus Rox. margined 1 lor . . . a W E. Indies 1823. S r.m
23927 longifblius IA>. C. long-leaved 1 lor . . . • W E. Indies 1820. S r.m
23928 turbinitusLo. C. W E. Indies 1823. S r.m
J3929 furcatus Rox. forked •I loror . . .
... .
W E. Indies 1824. S r.m R.mal.£. 8
^>30 pcdunculatus R. Br. pedunculate W N. Holl. 1825. S r.m
2^31 foytidus Rox. fetid nor ... • W E. Indies 1818. S r.m
23932 ediilis Thou. eatable n o r •ti • W Madagasc.l82A. S r.m
S731. TR1CHCCLADUS P«r». TRICIIOCLADV9. (Trichion, hairy, klados, branch.) I.
%33crinUuaPer«. haired ft|_Jor . C G. H. 1823. C p.1.8



* 2732. SA'LIX L. WILLOW. (Sal, near, Its, water, Celt, j place of growth.) Amcntacctu. \u1.
I. SERRAS'JL — Leaves smooth, serrated.
^934 triandra L: triandrous tm 30 Ap Britain C m.s Eng.liot.1435
"> Hoffmanntfna Sm. Hoffmann's tm 30 my Ap England C m.s Cur. Ion. 72
. triindra Hqfm.
• lanceolata Sm. tm CO Ap England mca. C m.s Eng. bot. UX>
' Hoppeana W. Hoppc's tm 30 Ap Austria 1820. C m.8
wavc-lcavcd tm 30 Ap Gennany ... C m.s
on"'" "lla«i«»fl W. Villars's __ or 6 Ap S. France 1818. C m.s
«!M0 amygdalina W. A\mond-leaved ik or 6 Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot VXA
23!U1 dccipicns E. B. deceptive or 8 my Ap England woods. C m.s Eng. lx>t. VW
2.3M2 Rumvliana W. ItUHStf'S tm 40 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1S«
23J^3 Kumboldt/VJwrt W. Humbolclfs fnor 10 Ap Peru 1823. C m.s
2:?!)J4 tetraspL-rma lioth four-accded I lor 20 Ap E. Indies 17Uf>. C m.s Rox. cor. l.*7
2y945 nlgra Marsftr"*• black or 20 my A N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. hot 2. J. :>
23916 pentandra L. pentnndrous , or 15 mr.jn A Pp Britain C m.s Eng. bot. 1W>5
&JD47 niericans Sm. blackish broadUvdm or 10 ap A England os.hol. C m.s
23948 viul^cea Ander. or 10 P
violaceous A Ap m.8
Weigel's fll or io ;; P Silesia* "! C m.s
2J950 »hylicif(>lia L. Phylica-lcaved' flh or ^ Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 195S
or 8U mmy y Ap
2ii95l Borer tuna Sm. Borer's fll Ap Scotland moun. C m.s Fi. dan. 1052?
23952 nUens Ander. shining fll or 10 ap Ap Scotland moun. C
2J953 Davallinmi Sm. Davall's A or 6 my Scotland moun, C m.s
ylicifblia W. Ap
Wulfen's or 6 my Carinthia 1818. m.s
23955 sileslaca fK Silcsian or 6 my Ap Silesia 1816.
23956 Pontederana W. Pontcdcra*s or 3 my A P
Ap Switzerl. 1821. m.a
•3957 /aurina Sm. Laurel-like A or 8 apmy Ap England
23U58 teuuifulia IV. tliin-lcavcii or 2 myjn Ap Britain sto.hi. C m.8
m.8 Eng. bot. 18-ii
m.s Eng. UtfilW

23959 Ammannttna W. Ammann's or myjn Ap Austria 1821. C m.s Hof sal.17,18,11)

23960 hastata L. haXherUeaved or my Ap Lapland 1780. C m.s Fl. lap 8. f. g.
23961 serrulata W. serrulate or my Ap Lapland 1810. C m.s Fl. dan. 1L>&J
23962 /)rino ides Ph. Prinos-like or mr.ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
23963 discolor Mhl. discolored or ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
23964 angustita Ph. narrow-leaved or mr.ap Pennsylv. 1811. C m.s
23965 petiolaris Sm. dark, pctioled or 10 ap Ap England mar. C m.s 1147
231166 myncoldes Mhl. Gale-like or 8 ap Ap N. Amer 1811. C m.s An. hot 2.5.2
23967 cordata Mhl. heart-leaved or 6 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. n. 8
23968 rlgida Mhl. rigid or 15 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
23969 lucida Mhl. shining « or 8 my Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2.5.7
23970 ambigua Ph. ambiguous 3 or 20 ap Ap N. Amer. 1821. C m.s
23971 acutifblia JV. sharp-leaved i or 8 ap Ap Casp. Sea 182J. C m.s
2.3972 vitellina L. ye\\ovr.branched*\ clt 15 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1389
23973 fragilis L. brttUe J or 15 ap.iny Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1807
23974 prse^cox Hoppe or 20 A Ap Austria 1820. C m.s
rfaphnoldes Vil.
23975 MeyeriuTifl W. Meyer's or 20 Ap Germany 1822. C m.s
23976 babylonica L. Babylonian, weeping el 30 my Ap Levant 1692. C m.s Rauw. it 183.25
23977 annularis Ilort. nng-lcavi'd or 20 Ap 1823. C CO
23978 Napoleona Hort Naj>oloon's, weep. u J o r 30 Ap St. Helena 1823. C m.s
23979 purplirea W. bitter purple ! or 8 AP England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1S88
23980 poinerfinica W. en. Pomeranian or 10 my AP Pomeran. 1822. C m.s
23981 //Mix L. Helix or 10 mr.ap Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1343
23982 Lambertiana Sm. Lambert's Si clt 10 mr.ap Ap England riv. ba. C m.s Eng. bot. 1S5U
23983 tetrapla Lk. four-fold A or 4 mr.ap Ap 1825. C m.s
23984 rubra Hud. red Osier A clt 8 Ap England os.hol. C m.s Eng. bot. 1113
23985 Forbyana Sm. Forby's A clt 8 ap Ap England os.hol. C m.s Eng. bot. 13 i4
23986 Crowcnna Sm. Crowe's A clt 8 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 114ti
23987 malifulia W. Apple-leaved A or 3 ap Ap England moun. C m.s Eng. bot. 1(317
23988 Houstonidna Ph. Houston's A or 4 ap.iny Ap Virginia ... C m.s
2J9S9 falcata Ph. sickle-leaved A or 4 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
239!H) Starkeuna W. Starkc's A or 4 Ap Silesia 1820. C m s
23991 prumfulia Sm. Plum-leaved A or 3 Ap Scotland scalp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1361
23992 A/yrsinUesL. or 3 ap.jn Ap Scotland scalp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1360
Myrsinc-likc A
23993 Waldsteintitna W. Waldstein's A or 4 ap.jn Ap Croatia 1822. C m.s
23994 venuldsa E. B. veiny-leaved A or 2 apmy Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1302
23995 planifolia Ph. flat-leaved A or 2 ... Ap Labrador 1811. C m.s
23996 fuscata Ph. brown-s/rmmrrfA or 2 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
23997 wicciniifblia Sm. Bilberry-leaved A or 2 Ap Scotland s.of sc. C m.s Eng. bot. 2341
23998 carinata Sm. keol-lcavcd A or 3 Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1363
23999 corfiscans W. glittering A or 3 Ap Germany 1818. C m.s 408
24000 criantha Schl. or 2 ap Switzcrl. 1823. C m.s
Ap Scotland
24001 arbfiscula Sm. ' little tree A or 2 ap Ap England sc.hea. alp. C m.s Eng. bot 1366
C m.s Wa. lap. 16.6
24002 livida Wahl. livid A or 1 my Ap Spitzbcrg. 1820. C
24003 polaris Wahl. polar • or 1 Ap m.s
24004 humilis I>fc. humble A or l j a p Ap 1820. C m.s
24005 hcrbtcea JL. herbaceous J* or I, J" Ap Britain sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1907
24006 ulmif&lia Thuil. Elm-leaved -J* or Ap Switzcrl. 1821. C m s
Arbutus-leavedjK or 1 my Ap Switzerl. 1818. C m.s
24007 arbutiftlia W.
II. I'NTEGRJS. — Leaves smooth, entire.
24008 Kitaibeltfiw W. Kitaibel's JI oi 1 Ap p Carpathi. 2823. C m.s
24009 ret&sa L. blunt-leaved or imy Ap Italy 1763. C ms
24010 scrpylllfoUa W. Thyme-leaved or 1 my Ap Switzerl. 1818. C m.s
24011 reticulata L. netted or Jjnjl Ap Britain sc. alp. C co Eng. bot. 1903
24012 wyrtilloides L. Myrtle-like or 2 my Ap Sweden 1772. C
24013 rccurvata Ph. rccurvcd.a/ftu(/ or 3 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
24014 iTvaorsi PA. Bearberry like or } Ap Labrador ... C m.s
24015 cordifulia Ph. cordate-leaved or 3 ... Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
24016 pediceUaris Ph. pedicellatcd or 3 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
III. ViLLoSf. •—Leaves vtilous.
24017 glaAca L. glaucous or 2 my Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1810
24018 bcricea Vil. silky or 2 my Ap S. Europe 1820. C m.s VilTdel.3.51.27
24019 Janata L. woolly or 2 my Ap Scotland moun. C m s _,
240J0 Lapponum L. Laplanders* ft or 2 my. Ap Lapland 1812. C
24021 arenaria L. sand Sk or 3 my.jn A p Scotland sc. a. p. C m.s Fl.lap.8.T
24022 cinerea L. grey or 15 my Ap Britain woods. C
L'4023 obtusa Lk. blunt or 4 my Ap Switzcrl. 1820. C m.s Eng. bot. 1397
24024 bicolor Ehrh. two-colored or 5 my Hercynia 1820. C
or 3 ap N. Amer. 1811. m.s
24025 MuhlcnbcrgirlnaW. Muhlenhorg'B m.s _ Q
24026 Jacquininna W. Jacquin's A or 2 ap Ap Austria 1818. m.s An. bot. 2.-^
24037 trlstis Mhl. dark-/cavc<Z A or 4 ap N. Amer. 1765. _ m.s Jac. au. 1.4tt*
24028 foliosa W. leafy A or 6 ap Ap I*pland 1818. C
24029 longifolia Mhl. long-leaved A or 10 Ap Pennsylv. ... C m.s m.s
24030 argentea Sm. silvery, sand or 3 my" Ap Britain C m.s
24031 lcucoph^lla W. white-leaved A or 4 my Europe 1824. C m.s Eng. bot 13"*
24032 tlxagnoidcs Schl. Elaeagnus-Zw/ or 4 my Ap Europe 1824. C m.s
24033 ripens W. creeping or 2 my Ap Britain sa.hca.C ms 185
24034 fusca L. brown A or 2 myy Ap Britain m.hea. C
grey or 3 p S. Europe 1824. C m.s Eng. bot. WX jI
24035 cassia Vil.
240.36 prostrata Sm. prostrate A my.jn
my Ap Britain m.alp. C m.s
24037 Schradeiiana W. Schradcr's or 2 my Ap
A Germany 182a C m.s m.s
24038 nyrcnaica Gou. Pyrenean A or 1 my App Pyrenees 1823. C
240J9 hirta Sm. hairy-branched ¥ or 15 Ap England woods. C m'.s lj
24040 Dicksonwnfl Sm. Dickson's A or 1 ap Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. hot W
244&1 parvifuha Sm. small-leaved A or 2 Ap England moi h. C m.s
or Ap England moi.h. C ms 19^
24042 adscendens Sm.
24043 incubacea W.
or 3 my Ap Europe 1775. C m.s
24044 Dontana Sm. Don's A or 6 my Ap Scotland moun. C
24045 roBinarinifolia TV. lloscmary.lvd A or 2 Ap Britain C
24046 riparia W. bank A or 6 Ap Germany 1821. C m.s
narrow.icavcd A or 3 Ap Caspian 1825. C in.s
24047 angustifbUa W. grizzly A or 6 Ap Pennsylv. 1820. C m.s
24048 grisca W.

24049 spatulata W. spatulate A or 5 ap.ray Ap Germany 1818. C m.s

24050 aurita L. cared •A dt 2 Ap Europe 1830. C m.s Hof. sal. 1.22 1
24051 uliginbsa W. en. marsh A or 2 apjn Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot 1487
aurita £ . £ . Britain w. thi. C
f*052 aquatica Sm. water ^ or 10 ap Ap m s Eng. bot. 1437
240/33 oleiffclia TV. Olive-leaved S* or 4 mr Ap Britain thick. C ma 1402
*fO54 cotiniftlia Sm. Cotinus-leaved A or 2 ap Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot. 1403
*4055 sphacelata TV. withered-point. A or 2 apmy Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 2333
24056 caprea L. goat, great round-lod1^. or 30 Ap Britain dr. wo. C m.s Eng. bot. 1488
240.57 Stuartttna E. B. Stuart's < A or 4 Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot 2586
*J0a8 acuminata //q/m. acuminate J or 15 ap Ap Britain moi.w. C m s Eng. bot. 1434
*J059 conifera FFan. cone-bearing J or 10 my Ap N. Amer. 18*20. C m.s Wang. 31.72
<4060 viminalis L. twiggy, common Osier» clt 12 Ap Germany 1800. C m.s
24061 mollissiraa EArA. softest .¥ or 20 Ap Germany ... C m.s
2*0(52 Smithia»a W. Smith's $ or 20 ... Ap England os. gr. C m.s Eng. bot. 1509
Offt/,n mollissima £. B.
063 stipuTkrb fF. stipular clt d mr.ap Ap England os. gr. C m.s Eng. bot. 1214
24CM, Candida IK white or 10 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s
24065 FluggeAna W. Flugge's or 10 Ap S. France 1820. C m.s Vil. del. 3.51. 28
OA/V> patula &r.
common, white ¥ clt 40 Ap Britain woods. C m.8 Eng. bot. 2430
?JSS < « M e i JE- A blue j or 40 apmy Ap England m. me. C m.s Eng. bot. 2431
*J°6891 rup&tris Sm. silky, rock A or 3 ap Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot 2342
A d i d E. B. Anderson's A or 3 Ap Scotland sc. mo. C m.s Eng. bot 2,343
o^4° Forstenana E. B. Forster's ¥ or 10 Ap Scotland sc. wo. C m.s Eng. bot 2344
*jO71 hctcrophylla Deb. various-leaved A or ... Ap Europe 182.3. C m.8
*jO72 finmarchica TV. Finmarck or 10 Ap Sweden 1825. C m.s
2J«73 holoaericea TV. velvety or 8 Ap Germany 1822. C m.s
24074 obtusifolia TV. or ... Ap Lapland 1818. C m.s
1 chrysanthos Oed. blunt-leaved or ... Ap Norway " m.s FI. dan. 1007
IV. H E L V E V - — Swiss species not yetSwitzerl.
1824 C m.s
J4076 atrotf rens Schl. dark-green or ... AD
24077 australia Schl. southern or ap.ray Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
24078 carpinifMia Schl. Carpinus-lvd or mr.ap Ap Switzerl. Ib24. C m.a
24079 cydonifMia Schl. Quince-leaved or mr.ap Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
24080 subalplna Schl. subalpine or Ap SwitzerL 1820. C m s
24081 QTOlearfblia Schl. Protea-lcaved A or Ap Switzerl. 1820. C m.a
2408 J strupida Schl. creaking A or Ap Switzerl. 1820. C m.s
24083 glabrlita Schl. smooth A or Ap Switzerl. 1820. C m.s
24084 decumbens ScA/. decumbent A or Ap Switzerl. 182a C m.8
2408J murtna Schl. wall A or mr.ap Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.8
24086 nervos.i 5cA/. ncrvosc aft or mr.ap Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
24087 pannosa Schl. c\oth-leaved A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.8
24088 pallescens Schl. pallcscent A or Ap Switzerl. 1823. C m.s
2408<) pallida 5cA/. pale A or Ap Switzerl. 182.3. C m.s
240'K) tilaternoldcs Schl. Alatcmus-like A or Ap Switzerl. 1824 C m.s
24091 albdsccns ScA/. albescent tt or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
24092 cerasifolia ScA/. Cherry-leaved A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
*4O9'3 cinnambmia Schl. Cinnamon-5C/rf A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
gWW clcthrajfMia ScA/. Clcthra-lcaved A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
240«J5 grisoph^lla 5cA/. crcy-leaved A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.8
24OJ)6 lacfistris ScA/. lake A or Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.8
*4097 mespilifblia Schl. Mespilus-lvd
-r or apmy Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.a
•40989 obtuso-scrratd Schl. blunt-serrated or , ap.iny
, Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s
Si?? OTUWia Schl. Pyrus-leaved or
24100 Schlcicherid/M Schl. Schleicher't or , Ap SwitzerL 1824. C m.8

2733- CECR(TPIA L. SNAKE WOOD. (Cccrops, king of Athens, his legs fabled to be snakes.) Urticae. 3.
24101 peltKta L. peltate tOO or 30 ... Ap Jamaica 1778. C pi Lam. 11.800
24102 palmXta W. palmate • 20 App Brazil 1820. C p.l
1820. C p.l
*4I03 concolor TV. tclf-colorcd • or 20 A B i l
Ap Brazil 1822 C p.ll
D 20
_ 2734. BCTRYi* BORYA. (A/. Bory de St. Vincent, a French botanist.) Euphorbihcea?. 6 . - 7 .
24104 porulf,sa TV. small porous G Florida 1806. C m.s
24105/igftstrina TV. Privet-leaved G N. Amer. 1812. C m s
24106 acuminata TV. pointed G N. Amer. 1812. C m.s
24107 prinoides TV. Prinos-likc G N. Amer. 1824. C m.8
241f,8 nitida TV. shining G N. Amer. 1824. C m.s
24109 rettisa TV. retuse N. Amer. 1824. C m.s
VALLlSNE^RIil L. VALLISNERIA. {Antonio VaUlsneri, an Italian bot) Hydrochartdctc. 1.—4.
iralisL spiral ^ ^ J c u . . . jl Br S. Europe 1818. S aq Mic.gen. 12.10.1,3


M'PETRUM X. CROW . {En, upon, petros, rock; place of growth.) Empetrecc. 9. — .1
24111 mgrum L. \Aack-berried tt. or 1 Ap Britain m.he. L s.p Eng. bot 526
TtXl. CORFMA D. Don CORF.MA. {Korcma, a broom; habit of plant.)
24112 filba D. Don white-berried «L or 1 ap.jn Ap Portugal 1774. L I
•Cmpetrum album L.

2738. WILLDENO V/ilil Thun.
ILL s LoLouis Willdcnow,
{ {Charles i prof bot Berlin
2j 13
13 ttres Thun
Thun. roimUtalkcd
roimUtalkcd JIB.JIB. uM
uM pr
pr 22 jnjl
jn.jl A Ap C. C. G
G B 17Q0 R J
B 17Q0
24H4striatarAiin. striated M ^ 2 jn.jl Ap C G H 1818* R h. h. 1790.2. 2

2739. HYPOTJEW A It. Br. HYPOLJENA. (Ifypo, under, ch/aina, cloak; base of fruit.) Restttcea?. 2.
24115 fastigiata/f./fc. peaked JUILAICU 2 Jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. R a p
24116 exsu lea/*./?/•. furrowed M iAI cu 2 jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1821. It s.p
3740. LEPYRO X DIA It. Br. L E P . {Lepyrodea, scaly; bractes within scales of spike.) Restiace*. 1. — 4
24117 gracilis R. Br. slender Jim iAI cu 2 my.jl Ap N. Holl. 1824. It s.p
2741. THAMNOCHO'RTUS Berg. TIIAMNOC. (Thamnos, shrub, chortos, grass: habit) Rcstiuccce. 1.—3.
24118 dichdtomus A. i?r. two-forked M i_J CU 2 jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1817. A s.p Rtb. gr. 4. 2. 1
Restio dichutomus Thun.
2742. RE'STIO L. ROPE GRASS. (Restis, cord; use at Cape of Good Hope.) Restiiicea. 9 . - 5 2 .
I. SI'MPLICES. — Culm simple.
24119 tectorura 7%tf». thatch Jiifa iAJ un 3 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1793. R s.p 10.3.2
24120 virgitufl JJtf. i twiggy Jit tAJ un 3 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1824. R s.l 5.1. 2
24121 vaginhtus Thun. sheathed Ji!i> LAJ un 3 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1820. R s.p
24122 australis /«. 5 r . southern Jllb iAJ cu 3 my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. R s.p
24123 gracilis R. Br. Ji< tAJ cu 3 my.jn Ap N. HoU. 1824. R 8.1
II. lU.Mosi. — Culm branched.
24124 tetraphf llus R. Br. four, leaved lib tAJ cu 3 my.jn Ap V. Di. Is. 1825. R Lab. n. h. 2.226
24125 paniculatus Rtb. ' paniclcd Jllb iAJ un 2 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1824. R s.p 4. 2.3
24126 latoriflbrus It. Br. side-flowering JlUt l A l c u 3 my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. R 8.I Lab.n.h.2.228
s Calorophus clongatus Lab.
24127 festigiatus ft Br. peaked JlllriAIcu 3 my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. R 6.1
2743. LEPTOCA'RPUS R. Br. LEPTOCARPUS. (Leptos, slender, karoos, fruit; r ointed.) Rcstidcear. 1.— 7.
24128 tcnax R. Br. tough M i£l un 2 ... Ap N. HolL 18 13. D co Lab.n.h.229
Schocnbdum tenax Lab.
2744. J2LEGPA Thun. ELRGIA. (Elegos, lamentation: sad color of plants.) Restihcexe. 2 . - 3 .
24129,/Giicea Thun. Rush-likc JttiAlun 1 Ap C. G. H. 1789. D l.p 8.3.4
24130 racemosa Lam. clustered JtlfciAlun 1 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1804. D i p Lam. il. 884.4
2745. PHOENIX L. D A T E PALM. (The Greek name of the date.) Palm*. 8.
24131 dactylffcra L. com., datc-bcaring£ i_J fr 40
40 W.oW Levant
L t 1597.
1597 r.m Kami. 686.1,2
24132 reclinMa Jac. reclined £ i I or 10 W.o C. G. H 1792. l.p 27.24
24133 farinifcra Box. small, meal-bg £ CH or 28 W.o E. Indies 1800. r.m Rox. cor. 1.74
24134 aca fills Box. stcmlcss IQor 6 W.G E. Indies 1816. rm
24135 paludosa Rax. marsh £ O or 20 E. Indies 1820. r.m
24135 pygmaAi Lo. C. pygmy £ • or 6 Mauritius 1S23. r.m
24137 sylvestris Rox. wood £ • or 20 E. Indies 1823. r.m
24138 leonensis Lo. C. Sierra Leone * I lor 30 S. Leone 18:23. r.m
2746. STILAN3O L. SriLAno. (Stylos, a style; probably so called from its length.) AntuUsmccc 2.
24139 JKiniua L. Bunius, Laurel-1vdf CD or 20 au Ap E. Indies 1757. C p.l R. inal.4. 56
24140 diundra Rox. diaudrous f O or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1800. C p.l Rox. cor. 2.166
2747. OSVMSLam. POF.T'U CASSIA. (Ozos, a branch: numerous supple branches.) Osyrldete. 1—2.
24141 alba Lam. white •Jor 3 ... W S. Europe 1739. C l.p Lam. iL 802



• 2748. AU'LAX Berg. AULAX. lAulax, a furrow; furrowed leaves of first species) Proleucctc '2.
24142 pinifbl'ia Berg. Pine-leaved ft L_I or 2 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1780. S l.p Hot. rep. 76
24143 umbcllati it. Br. umbelled « i_J or 2 j n . a u Y C. G. H. 1774. S Lp Hot. rep. 248
2749. LEUCADE'NDRON L. LEUCADENDRON. (Leukos, white, dendron, tree; appearance.) Prot. S9.—4
I. A nc vHODE'Nnnos. — Xut vcntricosc s style and calyx persistent; leaves mostly silvery.
24144 argenteum R. Br. silver free i l _ J o r 15 au Y C. G. H. Hot. rcg. 979
24145 plumosum R. Br. fcRthcr-Jiivd 4 Y C. G. H. 1774.
24146 sericeum R. Br. silky 3 Y C. G. H. 1817.
24147 spatulatum 11. Br. spatnlatc i_Jor 3 Y C. G. H. 1818.
24148 rctiiaum R. Br. rctusc iL-Jor 3 Y C. G. II. 1810.
II. LEVISA NUR. — Kttt vcntricosc or lenticular, wingless, on both sides or margins pilose s style totally
deciduous or wtth the base alone rcfnainine; calyx a long time persistent, ^-parted.
24149 imbricatum R. Br. imbricated *» i | or 4 Y C. G. H. 1790. Lp
24150 AuxifMium Ji. Br. Box-loavcd il i | or 4 Y C. G. H. 1812. P
24151 Levhdnus R. Br. Lewis's ft i I or 4 aprjn Y C. G. H. 1774. Lp Bur. af. 100.2
24152 angustatum R. Br. narrowed il i | or 3 JnJI Y C. G. H. 1K20. Lp
24153 /imfblium R. Br. Flax-leaved il i_J or 4 ap.jn Y C. G. H. • P Jac. sc. 1.26
24154 fusciflorum R. Br. dusky-flowered il LJ or 4 myjn Y C,G. H. Lp Bot. mag. 881
Prntea stellhris B. M.
24155 tortum R. Rr. tmatcd-leavcd** i_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1790. l p Bot.rog.82G
24156 cincrcum //. Br. grey tt i_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. l.p
24157 corymbosum R. Br. corymbed A i | or 3 ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1790.
III. SAMARI'FERA. — Samara smooth, winged or wingless s style and calyx deciduous ; scales of strobile distil'
24158 dec6rum R. Br. Qr. decorous il LJ or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1790. C l.p
24159 squarrosum 7?. Br. squarrosc il i_J or 3 my.jl C. G. H. 1824.
24160 concolor 71. Br. self-colored il t | or 3 mr.jn C. G. H. 1774. C Lp Bot. rep. 307
2-1161 grandiflbrum R. Br. great-flowered it i | or 3 ap.jn C. G. H. 1789. C Lp Par. Ion. 105
24162 decurrens R. Br. decurrcut il i_J or C. G. H. 1812. l .p
24163 ovalc R. Br. oval il i_J or 3 ap.jl C. G. H. 1818.
24164 venbsum R. Br. veiny * |_J or 3 ap.jn C. G. H. 1816.
m !£ K1M>ru«n A Br. smooth il L_I or 3 np.jn C. G. H. 1810.
2416(> Ktrictum R. Br. strict il |_J or 3 apjn C. G. H. 1795.
C. G. H.
p Par. Ion.
L'il67 virgatum if. Br. twiggy My \ or 3 ap.jn P

21168 adscendcns R. Br. ascending «Ljor C.G.U. 1774. C Lp Pluk. m. 229. G

24169 coocinnum R. Br. neat m L J or C. G. H. 18(X). C lp
**170 falimu.m O »- Willow-fe/ietfrf
IVillsntf 1M • i_J or C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Boer. 2.204
R. Br. swamp « uJ or C. G. H. 1795. C Lp Brey. c. 21. 9
-M.A-. florid # L J o r _ _.._ C. G. H. 1795. C Lp Bot rep. 572
IV. PLATYSPE/RMA. — Scales of strobile connate;; samara „ smooth.
_ Lp
*-MmR.Br. flat-sccded * i _ | o r 3 apj Y C. (x. H. 18 8. C l.p
8 C Lp B o t rep. 429
SLte* 2 Hoi ijls Y C.G.H. 178J. C Lp B o t rep. 461
C Lp
rough » LJ or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1812.
V. DU\HA Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. C Lp Lam. iL 1.53
Globularia « U o r 3 apjn Y C. G. H. 1810. C Lp
inflcxed » u J 6 r 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1800. C Lp
tailed « L _ | o r 3 apjn Y C. G H. 1800. C Lp
marginate » L J o r 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1800. C Lp
pubescent * L J o r 3 ap. n Y C. G. H. 1819.
MISTLETOE. (Viscus, clammy j nature of berries.) Lordnthece. 1. — 25.
comtnon, white J5 cu 2 my G England trees. S m.a Eng. bot 1470
CANDLEBERRY MYBTLB. {Myrot to flow; found on banks of rivers.) AmeHtdce*. 13.-SL
24184 G«fcL.
£ « * uuic L. Sweet Gale
Sweet Gale » or 4 my Britain sp.
Ap Britain pp. bo.
bo. L
L s.p
&p Eng. bot. 562
24 85 N. Amer. Ifi99. S s.p Cat. car. UK)
**;g5 cerifera L. com. wax-bg N. Amer. 173ft S fl.p Cat car. 1.13
QH*'carolin6iisis wan. Carolina N. Amer. ... C ap
^1H7 pcnn^ylvaiucalam. PennsvlvanL Azores 1777. L s.I 2.56
L. liopian C. G. H. 17U5. L 8.1 Pluk. al. 48.8
saw-leaved ft C. G. H. 1793. L s.l Pluk. am. 424.3
jagged Oah-lvd tt C. G. H. 1752. L s.l Jac. fr. 2. L 4 '
Afli^Oak-lvd C. G. H. 1752. L r.m
hcart-Icaved C. G. H. 1759. L p.l Pluk. aL 319.7
Mexican Mexico 1823. L p.l
separated S. Amer. 1824. L p.l Jac.ic.G25
esculent Nepal 1817. L s.l
2752. NAG&IA Gac. NACEIA. ' (NagiAts Japanese name.) Amenthcca:.
Amp 1.—a
24197 Putranflua Rox. Putranjiva « D « n IS ••• Ap E. Indies 1892. C r.m
n 2753. DltY'PETES Vahl DUYPETBB. ( to lacerate ^ Rh&mneee. 1.-4.
2U98cr^ceaPo,7 copper-cofom* * C D o r 1820. C Lp
Schaiftn'a latcrillora Stuz.
754. S H E P H E ' U D / J N u t SnEPHEttDiA. (fK. Shepherd, curator of bot gard. IJverpooL) Elaagncx. 2.
*liWcanadensis N«/. Canadian £ or 10 Ap N. Amer. 1759. L co
T * t , J or 10 Ap Missouri 1818. L P .l
OJ27S5. HIPPO'PHAE L. SEA BucRTnonN. {Hippos, horse, oAoo, to destroy.) Elaagne*. 2.
S S i Hiamnddes X. «>« Khamnus-lk^ or 12 Ap England sea co. Sk co tng.bot425
2*202 *alicif61ia D. Don Willow-leaved » or 8 ... Ap Nepal 1822. L Lp
,2756. BROUSSONETT/il Ven. BUOUBSOXETIA. (P. N. V. Broussonet, a French naturalist) Urticae. 2.
" Papyrlfera Ven. paper-bearing ^ » r 12 fa A
P JllPan WSl. Skco Ktem.472
r r a
1 / f spatulatc/w* ^ or 12 f.s Ap . . v ... 1824. C co.'
2757. SCHjEFFExR7^ Jac. SCHJSFFBJIIA. {James Christian Schaffcr,* German naturalist) JUtumnca. 1.-SL
aOS complete Swz. complete, white-ftwm O or (i au G W. Indies 1793. C p.l 809
BBUCBA. lJ«»«« ^acc,
cc, cceleb, traveller in Abyssinia.)
y) r«rwAfe/Aa«r«. a
S}S°5 fcrrugtnea Ilerit. rusty, Ash-lvd mCD or 66 apmy G G Abyssnia 1775
Abyssinia 1775. C p.! Bot cab. 129
£4207 sumatrana Box Sumatra or 10 G K Indies 1820. C p.l
21208gracilisLref SSnder or 6 . . / Y.G E. Indies 1820. C p.l
-759. TTETRA*DIUM TETRADIUM. {r {Tetradion, a quaternion;
E T R A D I U M IML ; fruc
n.) TeTerebtnthdcete. 1
U 9 t i h 6 I
l<U9trich6tomumI^. h f k d
three-forked J or 2200
± ££J China
Chi 1820. C
1820 C p.ll
Brucca trich6toma Spr.
*AVCI0' ANTHOSPE'RMUM L. A M B E R T B E E . (Anthos, flower, sperma, seed.) Rubiaceee. 1.—G.
24210 ffithiupicumX,. Ethiopian * u J o r 2 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1G92. C p.l Pluk. al. 183.1
S76I Rwioov T R E E . . {Trophe
. .t fodder;. cattle oat in scarcity.) Thi/melca. 2. — fiL
24211 amcricana L. American
American ~t a or 20"" G~ W. Indies 1789. C l.p Br.jam.37.1
24212 aspcraArfe. rough-leaved I D o r 25 ... G E. Indies 1802. C l.p
87G2. M O N T I ' N / ^ L. MoMnwiA. {Laurence Montin, a Swedish botanist) rite. 1.
24213 cjnyophylftcca /.. 1 jT W C . G . H . 1774. C p.l spic. 14.15


2763. PISTATIA /.. PIBTACIIIA TREE. {Fbustaq, its Arabic name.) Terebinthheeee. 5 . - 8 .
I. Te.nnmfTiTHva.<—Leaves impari-pinnatc; deciduous.
24214 officinarum H. K. officinal
24215 rcticuUta W. wUleaved j S 15 S?"y Ap IS K2K BB 1752. S
C !•?
narbonens'w L.
,*2}6 rerebinthus L. tree*
H atlantica Dcsf. **«
398 JJltfcCJA ilUXAJNDltlA. CLASS A All*

II. LENTI'SCL'S. — leaves abruptly pinnate ; remaining. _

24818 7-entiscus L. Mastich tree • uJ cc 15 my Ap S. Europe 1664. L r.m Bot. mag. 1967
2 massiliensis Mil. Marseilles $ uJ « 15 my Ap . S. Europe 1661. L r.m
2764. Z ANTHO'XYLUM L. TOOTHACHE TREE.10 (Xanthos, yellow, xylon, wood.) Rutdcea. 14.—43.
S4S19 emarginMum Sun. notch-leaved • Oor G.w Jamaica 1739. C l.p SI. jam. 2.168.4
24220 clava Herculw L. Hercules's club « uJ or 10 G.w W. Indies 1739. C l.p Cat. car. 1.26
24221/raxineum Wf com, Ash-like or 6 mr.ap G.w N. Amer. 1759. .1 Duh. ar. 1.97
L s.1
24222 tricArpum Mx. three-capsuled ft or 6 ... G.w N. Amer. 1806. L 1.8
24223nitidumDec. shining • Q
M O o r 6 G.w China 1823. L r.m Bot mag. 2558
24224 Avicfnna Dec. Aviccnna's " or 10 ' China 1823. C l.p Lob. ic. 2.133.2
242-25 acuminktum Swz. acuminate or 10 Jamaica 1818. Lp
24226 nrtte W. mild life or 10 N. Amer. 1818.
• I l o r 10
24227 aromaticum W. aromatic W.Indies 1824. p
24228 armatum Rox. armed i f l o r 10 E. Indies 1816. Jac. ec. 1. 70
24229 sapindoides Dec. Sapindus-hke f I lor 20 Jamaica 1823. p Br. jam. 20.3
24230 australe G.Don southern I J o r 20 N. HolL 1824. Lp
F.igara australis Cun.
242.J1 argwiteum Lo. C. silvery • Dor 10 ...... 1825. C l.p
242J2 Budrunga Dec. Budrunga !Dor 20 E. Indies 1825. C l.p
Fk Budrunga Rox.
$765. PICRA'MNI A Swz. PICRAMNIA. (Pikros, bitter, thamnos, shrub; whole plant.) Cassuvuv. 2.
24233 Antidesma Sun. Antidisma il • un 4 ... G .Jamaica 1793. C p.l SI. jam. 2.208. S
24234pentandraSuns. pentandrous HQor 5 ... G W. Indies 1822. C p.l
2766. ANTIDE'SMA L. ANTIDESMA. (Anti, like, desmos, bond; bark used for ropes.) Antidesmets. 5.—11.
24235alexiteria L. Alexiteria i Q u n 10 my.jn Ap E. Indies 1793. C p.l K.mal.5.11
24236 paniculXta Box. panicled Q 10 Ap E. Indies 1800. p.
24237 zeyl&nica Lam. Ceylon CD or 6 Ap Ceylon 1821. p. Bur. zcy. 10
24238 pubescens Rox. pubescent 6 Ap E. Indies 1818. p. Rox. cor. 2.167
24239 guine£nsis G. Don Guinea 6 Ap Guinea 1825. l
2767. IRESrNE L. IRESINE. (Ebros. wool; woolly appearance of branches.) Amaranthitcc<g. 5 . - 8 .
24240 cclosio'ides L. Celosia-like tf Al pr W S. Amer. 1733. S l.p Lam. il. 813
24241 elongata Hum. \<mg-leaved 2 W S. Amer. 1822. Lp
24242 difKisa W. straggling ^ J p r n w S. Amer. 1818. P
24243 elatior Rich. taller iQJor 3 w Antilles 1820. P SLjam. L90
24241 flave'scens W. flavescent 1 jLau w S. Amer. 1824. Lp
2768. SPINA%CIA"Z.SPINACH/ (Spina, a prickle; prickly integument of fruit) Chenopbdea. 1. — S.
24245 olerkeca L. common, potherb O ccul
' li mr.o G 1568. S co Schk. han. 3.32*
1 spinosa prickly O u l H mr.o G S co
9 Z glabra Mil. smooth O cul H mr.o G ...... ... S co
2769. FLU'GGEi< W. FLITGGEA. (John Fluggc, a German cryptogamic botanist.), Euphorbiucca. 1.
24246 lcucop^rus W. white wheat H • un 6 ... Ap wE.1 «Indies
' 1 5 M 1QOK
1825. ' C r.m
2770. ACNPDA L. VIRGINIAN HEMP. (A, priv., knide, nettle; nettle-like, without stings.) Chcnop. 1.-&
24247 cannabina L. common, Hemp-Ik. O un 2 jn.jl G.v N. Amer 164a S co
2771. CA'NNABIS /,. HEMP. (Can, reed, ab, small, Celt.; or qancb, its Arabic name.) Urticeee. 2.
24248 satlva L. common, cultivated O ag fi jn.jl G.Y India ... S h.l Schk. han. 3.3JB»
24249 indica L. Indian Tobacco O clt U au.s G E. Indies 1800. S co

2772 HITMULUS L. HOP. (Humus, the ground; if not supported creeps along it) Urtlccar. 1-
24250 Lbpulus L. common, Mop £ A a8 15 J n a u Y Britain hed. D r.m
2773. MODE'CCA Jac. MODECCA. (Its Indian name.) Pasiifibrea. 4.
24251 lobata Jac. )obeA-kaved B CD or 12 au G S. Leone 1812. C r.m Bot reg. 433
24252 tuberosa Rox. tuberous • " • o r 10 jl.s E. Indies 1822. C 8.1
24253 dubi.i Rox. doubtful L D o r 10 E. Indies 1826. C l.p
24254 trilobata Rox. thrce-lobed 10 jl.s E. Indies 1818. C Lp

2774. NEGU'NDO Moe. Box ELDER. (Meaning unknown.) Acerinee. 1.— 3-

24255 Jraxinifbliiim Nut. Ash-leaved ¥ or — 35 ap G N. Amer. 1688. L s.1 Schm. ar. 1.1*
Afccr Negundo L. Negvndium americanum Dec.
2 crispum curled *£ or 30 ap G N. Amer. 1688. L s.1
2775. NEMOPA'NTHES Raft. NEMOPANTHEB. {Nemos, grove, ops, eye, anthe, flower.) Celastrine*.
24256 canadensis Dec. Canadian * or 6 N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Dec. gen. *
fascicularis Raft. /*lex canadensis Mx.



2776. XE'ROTES R. Br. XEROTES. (Xerotcs, dryness; aridity of herbage.) 12--2*1

I. CAPITA^TJE. — Female flowers capitate i leaves at top entire.
24257 flexifblia R. Br. curled-leaved £ iAl or 1 ... W.G N. HolL 1824. "' D r.m , _ 17 $
1824. D r.m T h u n . 4 * " '
24258 mucronata R. Br. mucronate £ IAJ or 2 ... W.o N. Holl.
«-rte« ^ . « "• RACEMbsiE.
II. RACEMOSJE — Flowers racemose, or female ones sptcate, male ones P™*cjrd. t ^
24259 filifiSrmU filiform
sR.Br. R. Br. filiformtf tf iAl
iAl oror 1 1 ...
... W.G
W.G N.«. MOII. aos*. D
Holl. 1824. _ r .-m T H u n . i u
24260 graclll RBJ ft./ aenAn
Sd tf tftSorS U r 22 ... W.G W.G N. N. Holl.
Holl. 182a D r.m
-" deJticulate | S or 1 ... W.G N.
W.G N.Holl.
Holl. 1825.
1825. D r.m
loose £ ubJ or 1 W.« N. Holl. 1823. D r.m

HI. D E N T I C U L A R * . - Flowers spiked or panlcled; branches opposite or whorlcd j male flowers sessile
imbricated, with bractcs ; capsules smooth s leaves at too gnticulates 'temless.
mountain N : H : 1824. D r.m
M montana R. Br. G.w N. Holl. 179b. D r.m
lifbliA^ long-leaved ]£ iAl or 3
fstrix i l . * r . porcupine £ iAl or o W.G N. Holl. 1824. D r.m
S^67 arenfina A 7?;-. sand tf lAlor 2 W.G N. Holl. 1820. D r.m
**268 ecbinata Ma. C. hedgehog tf IAl or 2 W.G N. Holl. 1824. D r.m


LY PALM. (Elaia, olive; natives of Guinea express an oil from the fruit) Pdltnte. 4.
melanococca Gar black-seeded
black-seeded £IQor Q o r 303 ... G.w fenad. . 1821.
8 . b co
occidentalis W. western £ CD or 30 G.w Jamaica 1820. r.m
Qjnlk guinecnsis
Buinecnsis JJac. Gunea
Guinea £ • or 30 G.w Guinea 1730. r.m Jac. am. 172
G.w Brazil 1825.
***72 pcrnambuc&na Lo. C. Pcrnambuca £ Q o r r.m
*. CHAMiEDC*REA W. CIIAMASDOREA. {Chamai, ground, dorea, gift; flowers low.)• ™ " J J " a S ^ i o
grAcilis IV. slender £ a o r 10 ... W.o Caraccas 1803. Sk r.m Jac. sc.2.«*7, -*«*
fragrans Mart. sweet-scented £ • or 8 ... W Trinidad 1820. Sk r.m Mart. palm. ic.
Nundzia frkgrans W.
SdSP' HYPJH^NE Gae. HYPIIJENE. (Huphaino, to entwine; fibres of fruit.) Pdlmte. 1.
***75 cori&cea Gae. le&thet-leaved or 20 Egypt 1824. S r.m 84.
A . 2 8 0 - BORA'SSUS Z. BORASBVS. (One of the names applied to the spatha of the date.) Palme. 1.—&
2*276 flabclliformis L. fan-leaved £ a or 30 ... W.G E. Indies 1771. S r.m Rox. cor.1.71,72
.,2781. MAURl'TIil L. fil. MAUBITIA. (Prince Maurice, of Nassau, the patron of Pisso.) Pdlmte. 3 . - 4 .
*+277 flexubsa L.M. flexuous-*m*«i £ CD or 40 ... W.o Surinam 181&
1824. S r.m
r.m Mart palm. ic.
olo-?. »"u-*wi armed • or Brazil
2+278 r m * U Man.
242/9 avinifera A f#
Mart. armed ^ i H o ror4 0
wine-bearing Brazil
Maranh. 1824 S r.m
1823. rm Mart,
Mart palm
palmic ic.
„ 2782. GE(yNOMA W. GEONOMA. (Geonomos, skilled in agriculture; propagation.) Pdlmte. 6. —13 13.
24280 Spixiclna Mart Spix's 1 • or 15 ... Pk Brazil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm, iic.
2J281 Schottttim Lo. C. Sl-hotfs 1 • or Ap Brazil 1820. S r.m
pn&tifrons W. pinnate-leaved ± • or -* Caraccas 1821. S r.m
428J simplicifrons W. simple-leaved £ O or Ap Trinidad 1818. S r.m
24284 acadlis Mart. stemlcss IQor Ap Brazil 182a S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
2*285 macrdstachysAfari. long-spiked £ • or Ap Brazil 1823. S r.m Mart. palm. ic.
278a SMrLAX L. SMILAZ. {Smile, a scraper j stems rough from prickles.) SmilcLcete. 40.—70.
I. ACULEA*T.E. — Stem prickly.
i. ANGULA'YE. —. Stem angular.'
24286 Jispera L. rough, Bindweed^ un 8 s W.G S. Europe 1648. Sks.p Schk.han.a328
nmnn 2auricuftta eax-leaved un 8 s W.G S. Europe 1648. Sks.p 110.3
24237 mgra W. b\*ck.berried un 8 s Y.G Spain 1817. Sks.p
**288 catalonica Pair. Catalonian un 8 s Y.G Catalonia 1817. Sks.p
**289 mauritanica Pair. Mauritanian un 8 au.o Y.G Mauritania 1820. Sks.p
2J290 cxcSUai,. tall ILl-Jun 12 au.s W.G Syria 1739. Sk s.p Bux. c. 1.27
*4291 horrida Desf. horrid un 8 au.s Y.G N. Amer. 1820. Sks.p
24292 zeylanica L. Ceylon un 10 W.G E. Indies 1778. Sk p.1 Ru. am. 5.161
quddrangulkrisMM. squaw-stalked ± un 6 jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1812. Sks.p 109
gifdlia Ric
inn.;rAii. i>--_t long-leaved * un 10 myjl G.w Cayenne 1820. C p.l
Sarsaparilla U Sarsaparilla m 4 W.G N. Amer. 1664. Sks.p Den. br.Ill
Wat*Sni Swt Watson's m 4 W.G N. Amer. 1811. Sks.l 110
[ongifblia Wat.
b r >li6nsisS/»r.
ili6iS r Brazil un 6 jl.s Y.G Brazil 1820. Sks.p
hastata JF. hastate un ... Y.o Carolina 1820. Sks.p Pluk. al. 111. 8
«W9 lanceolata Walt. s^eax-leaved un 5 my.jn G.w N. Amer. 1785. Sks.p Cat. car.2.84
ii. TERETICAU'LES. — Stems terete.
24500 CMna L. China |_ • m 6 m ... W.G China 1759. Sks.p Ksm.782
S?I n W. acuminate &. • un 10 Y.G W. Indies 1824. Sk s.n PI. ic 83
a6ca glaucous-leaved± un 2 my.jl G.w N. Amer. 1811. Skp.1 Bot mag. 1846
wW.Jr. southern l_ • un 6 W.G N. S. W. 1815. Sks.p
undifblia L. round-leaved un 6 W.G N. Amer. 1760. Sks.p
urifMla Laurel-leaved un 5 jl W.G N. Amer. 1739. Sks.p Cat. car. 1.1
4306 syphilitica A syphilitic in 10 ... Y.G Trinidad 1818. Sks.p
24307 tamnoides L. Tamnus-like l W.G N. Amer. 1739. Sks.p 1.52
24308 cad&caL. deciduous un 6 jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1759. Sks.p
24309 havan^nsis J«c. Havannah 10 jLau Y.G Havannahl823.
24310 ovalifblia Rox. oval-leaved Sks.p 179.102
10 ... Y.G E. Indies 182-3. Sks.p
24311 maculate itox. spotted f_ L J un 6 Y.G Nepal 1823. Sks.p
II. INE'RMES. — Stems unarmed.
24312 bona n6x L. 1. — Stems angular.
good night
24313 prollfera Rox. proliferous JL un 6 jn.jl W.o N. Amer. 1739. Sks.p Pluk. al. 111. 1
21314 glabra-Aw.
24315 Alplni W.
smooth t • un 10 "' "Y.G° ^E. Indies 1819<
IndiM 1819. Sks.p
E. Indies 1820. Sks.p
Alpini's A un 6 Y.o Greece 1820. Sks.p
24316 latifulia R. Br. broad-leaved JL I I un 8
24317 cuman6nsis W. G.w N. Holl. 179J. Sks.p
Cumana L C D u n 10 Y.G Cumana 1818. Sks.p
2*318 hcrbacea L. herbaceous
A un 44 jl G N. Amer. 1699. Sks.p Bot.mag. 1920
ii. TEKISTICAU'LES. — Stems terete.
24319 pcduncularis Mhl.
un 6 myjl G.w N. Amer. 1812.
24320 Psebdo-cMna L. Bastard Chinese! | un 6 my.jn G.w S. Amer. 1739. Skp.1
24321 canariensis W. " • i_Jun 5 Y.a Tcnerifle 1816. Sjcpl SI. jam. 1.143. l
24322 glycyphjrlla&'wz. sweet-lvd, Bot.B.T.i i I un G.w N. S.W. 1815. Sk s.p
24,'JiiJ pubcr Mx. downy B un G.w N. Amer. 1806. Sks.p
24324 rubens Wat. red j Un G.w N. Amer. 1812. Sks.p
'-1^25 virglnica Mil. Virginian ± un Y.G Virginia |kp.l 108
2784. TA"MUS L. BLACK oKS.p
|'^26 commiinis L. common Tumea. 2.-3.
-i327creticaL. Cretan A un 5 JlJu G ffla ?739. R

27S& TESTUDINA*RI A Burc. ELEPHANT'S FOOT. {Testudo, tortoise; outside of roots resembling.) Diosc. 2,
24J28 elephantiiWM Burc. cam., cleph. foot_| iAI cu 8 j l . a u Y C. G. H. 1774. R p.1 Bot. mag. 1347
Ttimus elcphuntipcs Hcrit.
24329 montona Burc. mountain 1 tAJ cu 8 ... C. G. H. 1816. R p.1
2786. RAJSNIA L. RAJANIA. {John Bay, a distinguished English naturalist) Dioscbreas. 3. —14.
24330 cordiita L. cordateJeaved &. El un 6 jl G W. Indies 1783. R p.l PI. ic. 84.98
24331 hastata L. hastate A El un 20 Y.o W. Indies 1822. R p.1 PI. ic. 155.1
24332 quinquefolia L. five-leaved JL El un 20 Y.o W. Indies 1818. K p.l PI. ic. 155.2
2787. DIOSCOMU^ L. YAM. (Pcdacius Dioscorides, a Greek physician.) Dioscbrece. 3 2 . - 5 3 .
I. DIVISIFOLIA. — leaves divided.
24333 pcntaphyila L. five-leaved A (23 cul 10 ... G £. Indies 1768. R r.ra R. mal. 7.35
24334 triph^lla L. three-leaved A (23 un 8- ... G Malabar 1820. R r.m Ru. am. 5.128
24335 trifoliate Kth. trifoliate AEJun 4 Trinidad 1819. R r.m
II. LOHATJISFOLUE. — Leaves lobed.
24336 quirfqueloba Thun. flve-lobcd A lAJ un 4 ... G.w Jaiian 1822. R r.m Ksm. ic. 15
24337 brasificnsis W. Brazilian A G2 esc 8 ... G Brazil 1823t R r.m
24338 trifida L. trifid AEJun 4 Trinidad 1818. R r.m
24339 heteropltflla Box. variable-leaved A LSI un 4 ... G.w E. Indies 1818. R r.m
III. Conrnvbum. —LeavesGcordate.
84340 aculcata L. prlckly-stmd A 123 cul 10 ... R Indies 1803. R r.m R. mal. 7.37
24341 alata L. ~-wing-stalked A (23 cul 15 ... G India 1739. R r.m R. mal. 7.38
24342 bulbifcra L. bulb-bearing A (23 esc 12 G E. Indies 1692. R r.m Par. Ion. 17
24343 leonensis G. Don Sierra Leone A E l un 10 jl W S. Leone 1822. R r.m
24344 Nummularia Lam. Moneywort A (23 un 10 E. Indies 1820. R r.m Ru. am. 5 168
84345 crispata Box. curled A Elun 5 ... W.o E. Indies 1818. R r.m
24346 angulna Box. snake A E J u n 10 ... £. Indies 1803. R r.m
24347 pulchllla Box. neat A >73 un 10 ... E Indies 1818. R r.m
24348 atropurpiirca Box. dark-purple A E J un 10 ... D.P E. Indies 1820. R r.m
24349 globusa Box. globose A (23 un 10 ... G.w E. E. Indies 1818. R r.m
24350 fasciculata Box. fascicled A Elun 10 ... G.w E. Indies 1817. R r.m
24351 glabra Box. smooth A Elun 10 ... G.w Indies 1803. R r.m
24352 saflva L. com., cultivated A (23 clt 20 au G W. Indies 1733. R r.m R. mal. 8.51
24353 rubella Box. reddish A Elun 6 ... R E. Indies 1803. R r.m
24354 purpurca Box. purple A Elun 8 ... P E. Indies 1803. R r.m
84355 nepalcnsis Swt. Nepal A (23 un 6 ... G.w S. Nepal 1816. R r.m
24356 pipcriftlia Hum. Pcppcr-lcavcd A E l u n 6 ... G.w Amer. 1817. R r.m
24357 coriucea Hum. leathery A E l un 8 ... G S. Amcr. 1818. R r.m
24358 schbra Hum. scabrous A (23 un 10 ... G.w Orinoco 1817.
Martiniq. 1821.
R r.m
24359 altissima Lam. tallest A 1—1 un SO ... G R r.m PI. ic. 117.1
34360 angustifulia Lam. narrow-leaved A EJ un 10 ... G Peru 1821. R r.m
24361 villbsa L. villous A A un 3 au R N. Amer. 1752. R s.p Jac ic. 3.626
24362 quatcrnata Walt. four-leaved A A un 3 au R N. Amer. 1811. R s.p
IV. OnLovfiiFOLIA.—Leaves oblong.
24363 oppositifolia L. opposite-leaved A (23 un 6 ... G E. Indies 1803. R s.p Pet. g. 31.6
24364 cinnamomifoliaifoflft. Cinnamon-lvd* fAior 6 n G.v Rio Jan. 1827. R s.p Bot mag. 9XS9
2788. CCCCULUS Bank. COCCULUS. {COCCUS, syst. name of cochineal; scarlet berries.) Menisp. 12.—50.
I. OBLONGIKOLII. — Leaves oblong, ovate, or oval.
24365 /aurifblius 2tar. Laurel-leaved fl_ • or 10 ... w.o E. Indies 1816. R l.p Deless. 1.97
24366 vUlosus Dec. villous a • or 6 ... G.Y E. Indies 1800. R l.p Plu. am. 384 9
. 2 hirstitus Dec. hairy I_ O or 6 ... G.Y E. Indies 1800. R Lp Plu. am.384.7
II. CoRDiPbi.ii. — Leaves at base cordate.
S4367 orbiculatus Dec. round-leaved 6 G.Y E. Indies 1790. R Lp Pluk. al. 384.6
24368 palmatus Dec. palmate
ILCDr 10 W.o E. Indies 1800. R l.p As. res. 10 5.3$
S4369 crispus Dec. curled 20 W.o E. Indies 1822 R Lp Ru. am. 5.44.1
94370 tomentiJ6us Col woolly LDor 10 W.o E. Indies 1819. R Lp
24371 incanus Col. hoary fl_Oor 10 W.o E. Indies 1820. R Lp 13.6.1
84372 Plukeneti*Dec. Plukenet's, qfficinalt. nm 10 G.Y E. Indies 1790. R Lp Plk.m.345.2
Menispermum Cocculus W.
24373 suberbsus Dec. Covk.barked JL HI or 20 W.o E. Indies 1800. R l.p 1.70.1
24374cordifblius Dec. cordate-leaved fl I lor 20 W.a E. Indies 18*0. R Lp R.maL7.21
84375rotundifuliusDec. round-leaved I I lor 20 W.c ...... 1820. R Lp
2789. COSCFNIUM Col. COSCINIUM. (Koskinion, a little sieve: cotyledons perforated.) Menhpirmacea. J
376 fenestratum
84376 fenestr^tum _Col.
_.. windowed L C D or 10 ... Y.G Ceylon 1800. R Lp Gae. fr. 1.4& *
M i e
Menispermum f t t
fenestratum G
2790. TILIACOyBA Col. TILIACORA. {Tiliakora, its name in Bengal.) Menispe'rmacea.
24377 raccmt>sa Col. racemose • or 20 ... Y E. Indies 1800. R r.m
Menispermum polycarpon Box.
2791. MA^BA Forst MABA. (Its name in Tonga-Tabu.) Ebenace*. 2 . - 9 .
24378 Auxifblia Pers. Box-leaved * O p r U ••• Y E. Indicv 1810. C s.p Rox. cor. 1
Ferrcola 6uxi folia Box.
84379 /aurina B. Br. laureUccved il LJ or 3 ... N. Holl. 1824. C s.p *
2792. CHAMiELI'RIUM W. CHAMJELIMI/M. {Chamai, ground, leirion, HlyO Melanthhcc*. I.
84380carolinianum W. Carolina tf A or 1 jlau Y N. Amer. 1759. D p.1 BoLmag. J
FeratrumlutcumL. Helbnias lutea B.M. dioica Ph. Afelanthium densum Lam.



I alba L. white, Abele Tree tm 40 mr.ap Ap moi.w. Eng. bot 1618
or 40 mr.ap Ap S. Europe 1800. C co
%™ h y b r i d a l . SJSSi* 1 * or 40 mr.ap Ap
p Caucasus 1816. C co
tm 40 mr.ap A
Ap England watpl.Sk co Eng. bot. 1G19
S S I can<»cens An. caneicent N. Amer. 18 W. C co Mic. ar. 3. 8.1
3 tm 30 ... Ap
*«5 trepida IV. trembling, Americ.
trembling, Aspen tm 50 mr.ap Ap Britain moi.w.Skco Eng. bot. 1909
r tm 80 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1769. G co Mic. ar. 3.11
'ita //. JC
6 twi ggy or 40 mr.ap Ap Canada 1820. C co
y or 70 mr.ap Ap Maryland 1824. C co Dull. ar. 184. Si
Greek, J ^ tm 40 mr.ap Ap ArchipeL 1779. C co Eng bot 1910
black tm SO mr.ap Ap Britain C co Mic. ar. 3.10.1
92 AetuHfolia PA. Birch-lvd, Bk Amer. tm 40 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. ... C co
dilated, Lombardy tm 70 mr.ap Ap Italy 175a C co
necklace-bearing '; tm 70 my Ap Canada 1772. C co Dim. br. 102
grandidentata Mx. large-toothed \ • tm 70 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 177& C co
2 pendula Mx. pendulous \' or 40 mr.ap A p N. Amer. 182a C co
Lindl. twiglesc 1?* /te««n ; tm 70 my Ap N. Amer. ... C co
Z*W angulata //. 1ST. angular, Carolina] | tm 80 mr Ap Carolina 1738. C co
^ ^ 8 baUamifera Z,. bolsam-bearing ' tm 70 ap Ap N. Amer. 1692. C co Mic. a.. 3.13.1
g . ^ rocawaAflca Mil.
T^yS suavbolens Pi*. sweet-scented Y or 70 mr.ap Ap Russia 1825. C c
*4400 longifulia Jfc. long-leaved ¥ or 40 mr.ap Ap Siberia 1826. C c
**JO1 macrophflla ZJIKH. long-lvd.Ofl/flrioY tm 70 •*• Ap N. Amer. 1820. C c
24402 candicans/f.JC whitish, heart-lud $ tm 50 mr Ap N. Amer. 1772. C co Cat car. 1.34
canad^nsis Afocn.
24403 hetcroph?Ua L. various-leaved £ tm 70 Ap N. Amer. 1765. C co
. cordifblia Burg.
2M04suplna£o.(7. supine $ or ... mr.ap Ap N. Amer.?1824. C co



ltfERCUMjfXIS L. MERCURY. {Mercury discovered the virtues of this plant) Euphorbttcece. 5.-7.
perennial k Aw 1 G Britain woods. D s.l Eng. bot 1872
doubtful O un 1 G Spam 1806. S co L. f. dec. 1.8
annual O w 1 jl.s G Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 558
c\\\\A\c-lcaved tt._jun 1 my.jl G Portugal 1802. C co Ven.celsl2
woolly tt-_Jun 1 jU G Spain 1640. C co
HYDRO'CHARIS L. FROG-BIT. {Hydor, water, charts, grace j pretty.) Hydrocharidea. I.
frsus rime L. corn.,frog's bite £ A cu i jn.jl W Britain dit. Skco Eng. bot 808
TRI'PLARIS L. TRIPLARIS. (Triplex, triple; parts of fructification In threes.) Polygbne<e. 1. — 2.
American J Ef) tm 40 ... PaY S. Amer. 1824. C r.m Aub. gui. 37



2797. CORIARIA. (Corium, a hide; used in tanning.) Coriarit*. 2. —7.

Myrtle-leaved * or 6 G S Europe 1629> L co 103
twiggy ft LJ cu 3 G N. Zeal 1823. C co Bot mag. 2470
L. KIOOELARIA. {Francis Kiggelar. a Dutch bot author.) 2.
African t |_J or 10 myljn W.a C. G. H. 1683. C s.
24415 integnfuliaJflc. entire-leaved I LJ or 10 my.jn W.a C. G. H. 1683. C s.1 Jacic.3.628
s (The Greek name for Pistacia ienttscua.) TereMnthdcear. 2 . - 6 .
24416 mile U c P e r w r t d / i j U o r 12 G Peru W L r.m Mil. ic. 2.246
24417 virgata 5ui/. twiggy * i _ j o r 8 my.jl G Lima 1822. C p.l
24U8 canadensis Lam. Canadian * or


2*419 PflpiyaL. com»iOjifPapayS
3}*20 citnformisJta. Orange-formed
**2l pyriformis W. Pear-formed lor 20 . > r.m
... Guinea
1S2J. s r.m

94422 cauiiflbra Jac. , stem-flowering f • or 20 O Caraccas 1806. S r.m Jac. sc. 3.311
24423 spinbsa W. prickly $ • or 20 W.a Guiana 1821. S r.m Aub.gui.34ti
digitita Aub.
24424 microcarpa Jac. small-fruited nor 20 W.G Caraccas 1806. S r.m Jac. be. a 309,10
1 CD 20
2 monoica itetf . monoecious W.a 1818. S r.m



5802. STRATIOTES L. WATER SOLDIER. (Strata, army; sword-likc leaves.) Hydrocharlde<e. 1.—2.
24^5aloldca i. Aloclike * A el 2 jn.jl W England dit. S k i p
Qflai HYJENA'NCHE U.K. HYJENA POISON. (Hyana,hyaena, af>cho,to strangle: poisons.)Euphorbihcea. 1.
24426Blob6sa H. K. globose * l _ | or 8 ap.s W.u C. G. H. 1783. C l.p
Toxicodcndron capense T/iun.
2804. EUCLE%A L. EUCLEA. (Eukleia, glory; neat evergreen foliage.} Euphorbulcear. 2.
24427 racembsa L. racemose, round-lvd* J o r 5 n.d W C. G. H. 1772. C p.l Jac. fr. S. 1.5
34428 undullita Thun. viwe-leaved * LJ or 5 ... W C. G. H. 1794. C p.l
2805. DATI'SCA W. DATISCA. ' (Meaningunknown.) Batiscea. 2 . - 3 .
24429 cannabina X. Hemp-like A or 4 jl.s Y Candia 1640. D co Alp. ex. 298
24430 hirta L. hairy A or 4 jn.jl G.v Pemuylv. 1826. D co
•2806. MENISPEOIMUM L. MOON SEED. {Mene, moon, sperma, seed; cresccnt-shapod.) Menisper. 5.-7.
24431 canadense L. Canadian or 10 G.v N. Amcr. I 9 . 11 s.p p Hot. nag. g JP10
24432 dauricum Dec. Daurian or 10 jn.jl W.Y Dahuria 1810. K K s.p D I
24433 virglnicum W. Virginian or 20 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. 1732. R s.p Di. el. 178.219
24434 «milacinum Dec. Smilax-like lor 10 ... G.v Carolina 1776. 11 l.p Jac. ic. 3.629
Cissampelos railacina W.
94435 Lyirai Ph. . Lyon's JL or 10 jn.jl W.a N. Amcr. 1823. R s.p
2807. ABXTTA Aub. ABUTA. (Abutua, its name in Guiana) Menispermhcecc. 1. — 2.
24436 rufescens Aub. rufescent fl. O or 10 ... G.Y Guiana 182a R L p Aub. gui. 2.250



2808. PETTMUS Pcrs. PEUMUS. (Peumo, its Chilian name.) Urtieat. 1.

2M37 fragrans Per*. fragrant O&a3° Chile 1824. C p.l
2809. GEL0%NIUM Rox. GELONIUM. (Meaning unknown^ Euphorbihccat.
24438bifarium Rox. S-ranked^aiwdsHQun 6 Ap E. Indies 1793. C p.l
24431) fasciculdtum Rox. fascicled aQun 6 ... Ap £. Indies 1818. C p.l
24440 lanccolittum Rox. lance-leaved > D u n 6 Ap £. Indies 1818. C p.l
2810. ROTTLETU Rox. ROTTLEHA. (Rev. Dr. Rottler, a Danish missionary.) Euphorbiucece. 3.—10.
24441 tinctoria Rox. dyer's H • un 15 ... Ap E. Indies 1810. C p.l Rox. cor. 2.168
24443 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian IQun 5 ... Ap Brazil 1827. C p.l
24443 paniculata Jac. pamcled IQun 4 ... Ap Ceylon 1823. C p.l
Cruton paniculata Lam.



2811 FLACOU'RT/i! Herit FLACOURTIA. (Etienne de Ftocmtrt, a French botanist) Ftacourtianie. 8.

24444 RatnOntchi Herit Ramontchi ft • fr 12 jn.jl W Madagasc.1775. C p.l Her. st. 59.30
24445 flavdscctis W. Aavescent-flwd ft CD fr 15 W Guinea 1780. C p.l
24446 cataphracta Box. all-armed ftOfr 4 W E. Indies 1804. C p.l
24447 sapida Box. well-tasted, esculent * • fr 10 W E. Indies 1800. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.69
24448 inermis Box. unarmed ., f nor W E. Indies 1819. C p.l
24449 sepforia Rox. hedge • or 6 W E. Indies 1816. C Lp
24450 rotundiftlia Rox. round-leaved • or 12 W E. Indies 1820. C l.p
24451 rhamnoldes Burc. Rhamnus-like or 4 W C. G. H. 1816. C l.p
2812. CLIFFO'RT/i* L. CLIFFORTIA. (G. Cliffbit, of Holland, first patron of Linnaeus.) Rosace*,
I. MULTINE'BVLE. —Leaflets solitary,at base, many nerved ; stipules simple, but rather with a leaflet a
bath sides, stipulate, Joined into one. . „_
244.T2 ilicifolia L. Ilex-leaved * L_I or 3 my.s G C. G. H. 1714. C p.l Di.cL3l.35
24453 cordifulia Lam. heart-leaved * il or 3 jn.jl G w C. G. H. 1820. C p.l
24454 tridentata W. three-toothed * LJ or 3 my.s G.w C. G. H. ... C p.l
24465 ruscifuha L. Ruscus-leaved • uJ or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1752. C p.l H. cL 31
H. D — Leaves at first sight solitary, one nerved i stipules bffid, or rather leaflets bistipvJate
«.«„.-„», __ . trifoliate; lateral leaflets small, dentiform.
34456 cuneataHK wedge-fcowd . f t LJ or 3 ap G.w C. G. H. 1787. C p.l

III. TENUIFOLIJ:. — Leaflets three, subtdate, linear, or oblong ; stem ones often all abortive, new ones
o^p, in bundles in the anil of the stipules.
*J«7 strobilifera L. strobilifcrous » i _ J o r 3 myjn G.w G.w _ . ...... p Pluk. al.275.2
. . . . . 1818. C p.1
*H58 cricBttMia T. Hcath-lcaved * i _ | or 3 jLi G.w C. G. H. 1799. C p.1
twiggy ft I | or 4 W C. O. H. 1793. C p.|
falcate * < | or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1818. C p.l
jf. LATIFOLIA — Leaflets three, oval or obcordate, dissimilar; stipules small; lateral leaflets stipultform.
MternataZ. tcrnate » i _ J o r 3 jnjl G.w C. G.H. 1818. C p. H.clSB
three-leaved « t j o r 10 apjl G.w C. G. H. 1752. C p. 319.4
obcordate-/i«# * i _ J o r 3 G.w C.G.H. 1790. C p
t obllqua Spr. oblique A l_J or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
V. J3IFOMAY£. — Stipules small/ leaflets opposite, bmate, from the middle one being abortive,lateral ones
aAtts- larger i petioles none. _ .
S*£5 crenata L. notched-fcawtf • i_j or 3 G.w C. G. H. 1791. C p.1
»pulchellaL. beautiful * i _ j o r l^ap.ray G.w C. G. H. 1795. C p.1
r cin&ea Thun. cinereous m \_J or 4 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1800. C p.1
CYCAB. (Greek name of a palm said to grow in Ethiopia.) Cychdea. 5.-7.
round-leaved £ D c u 3 ... Ap £. Indies 1700. Sk r.m R. mal. 3.13. SI
*» revoluta Thun. revolute-faiimi £ O cu 3 Ap China 1737. Skr.m Lin. tr. 6.29
JJgJ Rlaiica Lk. glaucous £ CD or 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. Sk r.m
JtZJ "VMrroia Lo. C. rough £ • or 4 ... Ap E Indies 1824. Skr.m
angulatc £Oor 4 ... Ap N. Holl. 1824. Skr.m

ZA^MIA L. ZAMIA. (Zamia, loss; sterile appearance of male fructification.) Cychdea. 21.—
fin I. UNILOCUIVRES. —Leaflets confluent with the rachis; anthers oncjxlled.
2j}??P Bens H. KK. pricking
ki £ CD cu 10 ... Ap C. G. H. 1775. Sk l.p Til. pis. 129.45
o!J74 latifolia Lo. G jroad-ieaved
br Ap Sk p.l
?5 Pnmifera Lo. C. plum-bearing Ap Sk p.1
7o repinda /.o. C. rcpand Ap Sk].l
Cycas.lcavcd Ap C.G.H. 1775. Skl.p Jac. fr. 1.25,26
Z J d f CaflVarian
C. G. II. ... Sk p.l
C. G.H. 1812. Skp.l 27,28
a Jac. long-feared £LJCU Ap C. G. H. Skp.l Jac. fr. 29
tata W. thrcc-toothed ]£L_JCU 2 ... Ap C. G. H. 1818. 1814. Skp.l
UjcycadisW. Cycas-likc 3 ... Ap C. G.H.
1775. Skp.l Til. up. 2.5
ST«3 spirkhs Jac. spiral 3 Ap N.S.W. Sk p.l
tr*Wi h6rrida Joe. horrid 5 ... Ap C. G. H. 1796. Sk p.l 27.27,26
4485 spinosa Lo. C. spiny 5 ... Ap 1800. Skp.1
o... II. BILOCULA"RES. — Lo Us jointed at the base, anthers two-celled.
5**M> angustifbli
angustifblia Jac. narrow-leaved cu 2 Ap p Bahama I. ... Skp.l kp.l Jac. ic. 3.630
~M«7 t.'nuis W. slender 1
1 ... A
Ap li.ihnma I. . . . Sk p.))
intermediate _ Ap W. Indies ... Skp.l Bot. mug. 1838
bilis //. K. weak, long-lvd tf t leu 1 Ap W. Indies 1777. Skp.l Bot. cab. ].'5
mtcgrifolia H.K. cntiru-lvd, <itua>/]£ • cu 2 Ap W. Indies 17(58. Sk p.l Hot mug. 18.01
Pygmae^a «. Af. pygmy tf D cu 1 my Ap W. Indies ... S k p l But. mag. 1741
furfuracea A if. furAiraccous £ O cu 3 Ap W. Indies lfl<U. Sk p.l Bot. mag. 1969
pfimila L. dwarf j£ t_J cu li Ap C.G.H. 1812. Skp.l Bot. mag. 2006
. LODOITEJ Com. LODOICEA. (Laodice, the daughter of Priamus and Hecuba.) Pulmat. 1.
sechellarum Lab. Sechellcs £ • or 80 ... ... Sechellei ... S p.1 Bot. mag. 2734
Coco* maldivica Gm. [to 2738
T E ' L E P H A S R. * P. PIIYTGLEPIIAS. (Phyton, plant, elephas. ivory.) Pandanear. 1.—2.
macrocarpa A #P. long-fruited »CDor Peru 1822. S p.1
" TUE'WJil L. TRKWIA. (C J Trew% of Nuremberg, bot author.) 1—2
macro™ 7 " naked-floweredftaor* 6 ... ... ELlBdlM


rNIA Com. BOURBON PALM. (Latanier, its name in Bourbon.) PiUnue. 3.
ic. red £ O or 15 ... G.w Mauritius 1788. S co Jac. fr. 13.8
com., Bourbon £ • or 20 ... G.w Bourbon 1816. S co Jac. fr. 11.1
c. glaucous-lvd £ • or 15 G.w E. Indies 1823. S s.l
{Beus, box, kclem, holly, Celt. ; box-holly) Smiliiccar. 7.
or 1 jn.d G England thick. Skco Eng. bot 560
or . ja.Jn
«. :_i- «
G «
PoFtugal s k c o

leaf under leaf «- or my.jn G Italy Hi40. Skco Bot. mag. 2049
izuctt. or G Italy 159a Skco Schk. han.3.340
3 G.w Canaries 1713. Sk p.1 Bot. mag. 1898
twining 6 G C. G. H. 1816. Sk p.1
netted 4 G C. G. H. 1816. Sk p.1
racemose or 4 in G.v Portugal 171J. Skco 145
*• & p
- ABAUCABIA. (Araucanos, iU name in Chile.) Conifer* 9 _
» ... AP a.,,, 17
ma Lamb. Brazilian » i I tin 100
Ap Brail 1819. S p.1 Lamb. pi. 2.12,5
ALTTNGL4 Nor. ALTINGIA. (AMng, some obscure German botanist ?)
exc^lsa Nor. tall l l _ J o r 100 ... Ap Norfolk 1.1796. S p.1
Arauchria cxcelsa H. K.
" inninghamj G.Don Cunningham*af i_J or 30 Ap N. Holl. 1824. S nl
8823. JUNI'PERUS L. JUNIPER. {Jurwprus, rough or rude, Celt. ; stiff shrubs) Conifer*. 2 4 . - 2 6 .
94511 thurifera L. frankincense-bearing fll or 10 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1752. L s.l
24512 bcrmudiana L. Bermudas. Cedarf | tm 20 my.jn Ap Bermudas 1683. Her. lug. 347
24513 chinensis L. Chinese a_Jor 10 my.jn Ap China 1804.
24514 excelsa Bieb. tall t tm SO ... Ap Siberia 1806. L
9*515 Sab'ina. L. common Savin * or 4 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1548. L
2 variegate variegated or my.jn Ap Europe L
34516 temanscifolia Hort. Tamansk-lvd or my.jn Ap S. Europe 1562. L
24517 cracuvia Lo. C. Cracow or myjn Ap 1820. L
24518 squamiita D. Don scaled or my.jn Ap Nepal 1824. LL s.1
24519 prostrate Mx. prostrate or niy.jn Ap N. Amer.
rhpens Nut. . S
24520 daurica Pall Daurian or 8 Ap Dauria 1791. L s.l Bot rep. 534
tm30 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1664. S s.p
24521 virginiana L. Virginian, lied Cedar±
carolin&na Duroi .. or 12 my.jn Ap N. Amer, 1800. L s.l
2 humilis humble or &0 my.jn Ap Canada 1820. L s.l
S4522 canadensis Fis. Canadian tm 15 my.jn Ap Britain heaths. S ,s.l Eng. bot. 1110
24523 cominunis L. common or 15 my.jn Ap N. Europe ...
24524 su&ica Mil. Swedish or 2 my Jn Ap Siberia S l.p Pal.ros.2.54.A.B
24525 n&na W. dwarf or 3 my.jn Ap Siberia 1800. L si
24526 bibirica Burg. Siberian or 4 my.jn Ap Nepal 1817. L s.l
24527 rccurva Ham. recurved or 4 my.jn Ap Syria L 8.1
24588 drupacca Lab. drupaceous or 1 niy.jn Ap Britain scmo. L 8.1
24501) alpina Hort. alpine or 4 my.m Ap China 1816. h s.l
94530 glauca W. glaucous or 15 my.jn Ap Spain 1739. C 8.1
94&I1 Oxf ccdrus L. Sharp Cedar or 15 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1683. C s.l Pal. ros. 2.57
24532 phcenicca L. Phoenician or 10 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1693. L s.l Pal. ros. 2.56
94533 tycia L. Lycian lor 20 ... Ap Florida 1811. Pluk. al. 197.4
24534 barbadensis L. Barbadoes Cedar £
2898. TA'XUS L. YEW TREE. XToxon, a bow j much used in making.) Confrere. 3.
24535 baccate L. common, berried f or 20 f.ap Ap Britain m.wo. S co Eng. bot 746
2 hibdrnica Hook. Irish $ or 12 ... Ap Ireland ... S p.l
3 proc&mbens procumlwnt fll or 8 f.ap Ap Europe ... S co
4 variegate variegated t or 20 f.ap Ap Europe ... S co
94536 canadtnais W. Canadian $ or 20 f.ap Ap Canada 1800. S co
94537 nucifera Kttm. nut-bearing £ LJ or 20 ... Ap China 182a S co
2824: f'PHEDRA L. EFHEDRA. (Greek name of the herb horsetail; resembling.) Conifene. 3. —5.
24538 distachya £. two-spiked fll cu 2 jn.jl Ap France 1570. L co Schk. han.3.339
24539 monostachya L. one-spiked fll cu 2 s.n Ap Siberia 1772. L co Den. br. 142
24540 altissima Desf. loftiest ft |cu 24 ... Ap Barbary 1825. L co Dcsf.aU.253
2825. CISSA'MPELOS/,. PABEIRA BHAVA ROOT. (Kissos, ivy, ampelos, vine.) Menispermacea?. 6.—28.
24541 Pareira Lam. Pareira 6 G S/Amer. 1733. C sJp Lam. il. 8o0
94542 mauritiana Thou. Mauritian *_CZIor 6 y.o Mauritius 1824. C s.p Thorcj.2,3,4
94543 mieroe.'irpa Dec. small-fruited 6 ... Y.o W. Indies 1823. C s.p
hairy Nc|Nil
Y.o S. 1819. C s.pj
24544 hirsute Ham. Amcr. 173a C s.p PI. ic. C7. 2
24545 Caapeba L. Caapeba G
94546 capensis Thun. Cape G C. G. R 1775. C p.l
2826. EXCiEC AERIAL. EXCACARIA. (Exaeco, to blind; juice causing loss of sight.) Euphoibi&cear. 3.-10.
94547 serrate //. K. suvr-tcaved fllQor 6 f.n W Chile 1796. C p.l
24548 agallocha L. Ceylon fll • or 5 f.n W E. Indies 18'JO. C p.l Ru. am. 2.79.80
94549 glandulusa Swx. glandulous fll D or 5 f.n W Jamaica Ib21. C p.l bl jam. 2.1I»8. S
2827. ADBTLIA L. A DELIA. {A, prir., delos, visible; partf of fructification minute.) EupJtorbidcear. 3 . - 6 .
94550 Bernardia K Bernard de Jus$icu's fll • or 6 G Jamaica 1768. C p.l
24551 Ricinclla L. Iticinus-like fll • or 6 G.w Jamaica 1768. C p.l
94552 Acidoton L. minted, spiny fll CD or 3 jn.jl G.w Jamaica 1768. C p.l
282a LOUREPRi* Cav. LOUREIRA. {Father John de Loureiro, a Portug. bot. auth.) Euphorbihcete. 2.
24553glandulusa Co* glandulous fll O o r 6 Mexico 17i>9. C pi Cav.ic. 5.430
24554 cuneifblia Cav. wedge-leaved fll • or 6 JLau W Mexico 1824. C p.l Cav.ic.5.4i9
2829. MYRI'STICA L. NIITMEO. (Muristikos. sweet smelling: odor of fruit) Myristice<c. 3. —16.
24555 mosch^ta Th. tiucmutV. i • clt 30 ... Pa.Y K Indies 1795. C p.l Bot. mag. 2756-7
offlcinalis L. aromatica Lam.
94556 fatua Swz. tasteless J • or 30 G.w Surinam 1812. Pluk. al. 250.6
24557 scbifcra Swz. wax-bearing «Dor 10 Y.o Guiana Aub. gui. 2.345
Virbla sebf fera Aub.
i 9830. NEPE'NTHES L. PITCHER PLANT. (AV, jtriy., penthos, grief; quaL of original plant) Cyttncee. 2.-3.
94558 distillatbria L. distilling, Chinese fl. • cu 6 G.Y China 1789. C p.l Bot mag. 2798
94559 Phyllamphora W. Pitcher-leaf %_ Q cu 6 Y.a China 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 1017
distillatbria Lod.
9831. CLVY'TIA U CLI/YTIA. (Outgets Cluyt, a Dutchman, prof. bot. Leyden.) Etiphorbtilcetc. 12.—lfiL
94560 alaternoldcs L. Alaturnus-like fll| |pr 2 mr.d W C. G. H. 1G92. C p.l Bot. mag. 1&21
245(>1 polygonoldes L. Polygonum-likcfll l_J pr 2 mr.d W C. G. H. 1790. C p.1 W. h. b. 51
24562 rfaphnoldcs W. Daphne-like fll LJ pr 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1731. C p.1,
24563 <rrico\dca Th. Heath-hke fll LJ pr 2 ap.jn W C G . H. 1790. C p.1
24564 tenuifiiha W. slcndcr-lcavcd fll i | or 3 my.jl W C. G. H. 1617. C p.1
24565 solifrlia Jac. Poly-leaved fll i_J pr 2 ap. n W C. G. H. 179a C p.1 Jac sc 2.50
24566 tomentosa L. tomentose fll LJ pr 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1812. C p.1
24567 imbeacens Th. pubescent fll i | or 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. H. 1800.
._.. C p.1
245tW heteroitl^lla Th. variable-leaved fll t_J or 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1818.
245(59 pulchella L. neat * i _ J p r 2 ja.jn W C. G. II. 1739. p.1 Bot mag. 1945
24570 coinna Box. hllL flfcOpr 3 ... £L fndies 1807. C p.l ubx.cor.2J
24571 pfitula Box. spreading fll • or 3 ... W E. Indies 1812. C p.1
2832. J O L L I F Y BoJ. JOLLIFU. (Jolty, a friend of Bojer's.) Cucurbit&cear. 1.
24572 afric\na Del. African * E! cu 20 jl P Zanzibar 1825. C p.1 Bot mag. 2(181
Teuairia pedato Hook. FeuiUea pedata 8m. [2751,27»


33- rNGA Plu. INGA. (A South American name adopted by Marcgraff.) LegMimbsea. 25.—113.
I. VE X R& — Leaves simply pinnate ; leaflets large, 2 to 9 pairs, upper ones larger ; unarmed.
i. PTER6PODJ5. — Common petioles evidently winged.
1*!>IZ quassutfoKa W. • Quassia-leaved l d tf 1• lor 2 0 ...
20 „ "Brazil"
" '1820. p.
**^4 sitifera Dec. bristle-bearing f 1 lor 20 ... Pk Guiana 1824. p.
&1& *»» W. white 1 Dor 20 ... W Cayenne 1804. C p.1
Dec Feuillee's 8 ... W Lima .... Feu. ob. 3.19
1824. C p.1
proud •IDor•or 16 ... R Caraccas 1820. C ~ Pjpi' 10
veluftna IV. velvety 20 ... ., Para 1820.
kindred ilDor 20 ... Pk Brazil 1800. P-
spurious 1I Dor
Dor 30 ... W Cumana 1820. C p.1 p. Kth. mim. 12
common, true '•Dor SO W W. Indies 173W. C s.p1 SL jam. 2.183.1
Pomegranatc-lvdsl • rior 12 ... Brazil 1815. C s.p
ii. •AprERuPGDiB. — Common petioles scarcely winged or perfectly naked,
ih. margined t D fr 20 ... Pk S Amcr. 1830 C s,
torgfmj Dec. Bourgon's $ O or 20 ~
Pk ~ "
Guiana "— C
1752. " p.l Aub.gui.2.358
marginato W. Mimbsa/kgifi.lia 7~
~ W. LzureLleaved JO or 20 ... Pk S. Amer. 1818. C p.1 164
r,ar .Awif
™ punctata W. spotted IDor 20 Pk Caraccas 1818. C p.l
1690. C s.p
T~ iDi uror 20
QJ.-UU •"""••a rr. Knotty zu
Pk Ceylon
Pk Cumana 1815. C s.p
sH roph^lla W. long-leaved $D D oror 20
Para 1824. C p.1
2?toX fP^ndens W. splendid ~ l o r 20
f l~~)or 20
"•**) hymcnoidcs Desv. Hyinenia-likc $ DI or
or 20 Pk Cayenne 1823. C
AlzcWoldes 1M. C. ?
**• HYMEN JSODEJL — Leaves conjugately pinnate, scarcely bipinnate ; pinna one-paired, bearing two, three,
or many leaflets ; spiny or unarmed.
i. BIGE'MINA. — Leaves bigeminate ; leaflets ntenly one pair in each pinna.
microphyila W. small-leaved f D or 16 ... Pk Cumana 1S17. C p.I
clAlcis W. r
sweet ^ D or 20 ... Pk E. Indies 18U0. C n.1 Rox. cor. 1.99
. cat's claw ' ' Q o r 20 ... Pk W. Indies lffiM). C p.l Jac. sc. 3.3y2
IV. honey-bcaring '' • or 20 ... Pk Arabia 1822. C p.l
fetid J D o r 20 ... Pk AV. Indies 1816. C p.1 Jacsc. 3.319
. —Leaflets in three or five pairst merely sit or ten in each pinna, with the interior deficient of
f ppair.
the inferior
Bemina W.W three-paired
threepaired ID D oor r!W!W ... Pk Pk W.W Indies
1820 CC pi
pi Jac. am. 177.81
Jacam 17781
pmarginata H. &B. emarginate O or 20 ... P Mexico 1825. C p.1 Kth. mim. 17
lLaJr. broad-leaved • or 10 mr.ap P W. Indies 1768. C p.1 Pl.ic.9
—Leaves conjugately pinnate; plnnje bearing two or many pairs of leaflets,
all oppst.
all opposite.
24fl?S circ>nali« W. round-podded f f •• or or 10 1
00 ...... P W. Indies 1726. C pi Pl.ic.5
P W. purple, Soldier Wood* d* ••oror fifi mr.ap I* W. Indies 17A3. C p.1 Bot. rcg. 129
dfitd tQ Q o r 6060 Pk £. Indies 1816. C p.1 Rox. cor. 1.100
y c Rox.
mina IV. two-paired Q or 20 Pk Malabar 1820. C p.1 R.mal.6.12
III. SAMVNUJE. — Leaves duplkalely pinnate.
. —Pinna from two to nine ; leaflets of the pinna from two to twenty; spines none.
Zygia J D o r 20 ... Pk Jamaica 1818. C p.I Br. jam. 22.5
FT. tufted I D o r 30 ... Pk Jamaica 1818. C p.1

fairest f D o r 20 Mexico 1822. S pi

„. vn 6 8 a i Dec. Houston's • • or 10 P Mexico 1729. C p.l Bot.reg.98
21G07 ??" Houstbni Herit. Ac\c\i Housthnl W.
""V^la Kth. anomalous t D or 10 R Mexico 1729. C p.1 Col. h. rip. 9
Acacia grandiflbra W.
I-E V MIMOSA. [Mimos, a mimic; mimics animal sensibility.) Leg.Mmosea. 21.— 7S
. UMIMO8A. — Legumes compressed, moniltform, with the ribs at the articulations contracted ; flowers red.
—Leaves conjugately pinnated; leaflets two pairs, interior pair smaller than the inferior ;
, stamens four, rarely five.
L. Sensitive Plant £ O J c u H a p s Pk Brazil 1648. S l.p Bot. reg. 25
a W. en. blunt-lcaved B - D e l 3 ... P Brazil 1816. S l.p
<inorill[lh.' ' strigoss M - D p r 1 jn.jl Pk Trinidad 1818. S p.l
ii. i» ™ ( i n d a Iiu**- bundle-flwd n. D pr 1 Jnjl Pk Cumana 1824. S p.1
uni c i , —. Leavcs conjugately or subdigitately bipinnated ; partial petioles few-paired, approximate at top
viira r of common petiole ; leaflets subequal j stamens four, rarely five.
lively ft? GHor lfjl.s P
" Jamaica
" '— *"""
my. p.1 SI jam. 2.182.7
chaste. Humble Plant n. D cl 1 ap.s W Brazil 1638. r.m Bot. rep. 54*
n. hispldish «. D pr 1 J>'-J1 P.I.R Trinidad 1820. p.1
K,.,. -, IV. blush tt CD pr 2 ..• P Pa.R Balua 1H18. p.1
Brazil 1822.
)| l>olydictyla many-fingered r.m Kth. mim. 5
24filV'' .^^'^NAViU. Hum,
— Leaves bipinnate ; tt. D cl distant,
pinna: 1} jn.jl
not crowded at top of common petiole ; unarmed.
aJS Z vI?cida W. viscid a^Dpr 2 Brazil 1825. S p.1
^ microciphala / / . * B. small-headed « - D p r 1 jn jl Pk Orinoco 1820. S p.1 Kth. mim. 88
' HABKA*SIA. — Legumes compressed, hispid ; margins straight, not contracted at the articulations •
fil9 -. IV. branches
canescentand petioles jtrickly ; leaves
jnjl biphmated ; flowers 1822.
w Guinea white. '
H. & B. sleeping jnjl w S. Amcr. 1818.
^ L.a
AuW-spined jnjl w VeraCruz 1713. Hrey. c. 20
avperata W. roughened \v W. Indies 182J. Dec. leg. 63

H I . BATAUCAU'LON. —. Legumes compressed, flat, smooth, or scarcely pubescent ; ribs parallel, not con-
tracted at the articulations, unarmed orprickly; leaves bininnate ; flowers whitish or pale yellow.
24623 c&sta .L. chaste **-(_) pr 2 jl Pa.Y £. Indies 1741. S p.I Com. h. 1.28
24624 rubicaulis W. bramble-stalked* • cl 3 jn.jl Pa. Y E. Indies 1799. S F.p Kox. cor. 2.200
S4625 abstergens Rox. cleansing «- • Pr E. Indies 1826. S p.I
24626lorruginea Rotl. rusty *- • P* E. Indies 1818. S p.I
S4627 Barclayarw Host Barclay's «tDpr ...... 1824. S s.p
24628 latispinosa Lam. broad-spined ft • el Madagasc 1823. S s.p

2835. SCHRA'NK/ii W. SCHRANKIA. (Francis von Paulo Schrank, a German bot) Legum. Mim. 2. —5.
24629 aculeata W. prickly A C S c u 2 jLau Pk Vera Cruz 1733. S p.I Mil. ic. 2.182.1
24630 uncinhta W. hooked A i A l c u 2 jLau Pk N. Amcr. 1789. S p.I 28

2836. DESMA'NTHUS W. DBBMANTIIUS. (Desme, bundle, anthos, fl.; fascicles of fls.) Leg.Mhn. 12. —19.
I. NEPTU^NIA. — Legumes oblong, 4 to 6 seeded; sterile filaments always petaloid ; herbs aquatic, prostrate,
often rooting; leaves sensible to the touch; pinnae two or three pairs; leaflets 10 to 12 pairs; peduncles
axillary, solitary.
24631 nitons
„- ..» W.
„, floating
a«..t:._ -£. [D]
n-n .un
.- 2o jl.s
» _ W
«» C h j n a j m Q ^ Bot. rep. 629
24632 lac&utris W. lake ^ Elpr ijl W S. Amer. 1818. D s.p H. & B. 1.16
24639 plenus W. double yellow ^ BH un 2 jl.s Y Vera Cruz 1733. C p.l Mil. ic 2.182.2
24634 triquetrus W. triangular * tAlpr 1 jl W E. Indies 1820. D p.l
II. DESMA'NTHEA. — Legumes linear 10-15 seeded; sterile stamens subfiliform; neutral flowers often
apetalous ; shrubs or subshrubs ; leaves not sensible to the touch ; pinnte 2-5 pans ; leaflets J2-15 pairs.
24535diffi&sus W. diffuse t D u n 3 W W.Indies 1731. C p.l
24636 virgatus W. Zong-.twigged ft • un 3 Y W. Indies 1774. S p.l Bot. mag 2454
246J7 stnetus Bert. strict * O p r 3 W W. Indies 1800. S p.l
24638 punctutus W. spotted-stalked ft • un 3 W Jamaica 1636. C p.l Com. h. 1.31
III. DICHRO'ST&CHYS. — Legumes linear, twisted or subfatcatc ; sterile filaments linear, elongated, those with
the fertile anthers at top bearing a pedicellate gland ; petals five, dhtinct or joined ; shrubs with branches,
often spincscent; leaves bipinnate, pubescent; pinna 5 to 10; leaflets many-pairs, linear, with glands
between the piwiue, especially the lower ones; spikes of flowers oblong-cylindrical, two-colored ; fertile
stamens yellow ; sterile white, or variously colored.
24639 cincreus W. grey ft • un 3 jn jl W E. Indies 1739. C p.l Rox. cor. 2.174
24640 divcrgens W. en. diverging ft CD un ti jn jl W Abyssinia 1816. C p.l Bruce tr. 6
24641 callfetachys Dec. beautiful-spiked ft • pr 3 jl R.Y Teneriflb 1824. S p.l
24642 leptustachys Dec. slender-spiked ftCDpr 2 jl W Guinea 1825. S p.l

*2837. jfCA*CIA Neck. ACACIA. (Akaxo, to sharpen; many species thorny.) Leg. Mim. 245. —-C98.
I. PHVLLODl'NEiB.—Leaves of twofotms; leaflets, especially in the adult plants, abortive; petioles dilated
or filiform, changed into phyllodia: ; flowers yellow. Species all from New Holland.
i. CAPITAVJS. — Flowers collected into globose heads, with aN. solitary
Holl.head on each
1803. peduncle.rcg.396
C fl.l.pBot.
24643 alata R. Br. vring-stalkcd « i_J or 6 apjl
24644 dolabriformis Wnl. hatchet-slipd-lvd* ii_Jlor or 36 mr.jn
apjl N. Holl. 1818. C S.1.D
24645 decipiens R. Br. deceiving N. HolL 1803. C s l.p Bot mag. 1745
24646 trapezdides Dec, trapezium-like * i _ j o r 4 mrjn N. Holl. 1810. C " s.Lp
24647 biflora R. Br. two-flowered H i I or 3 mr.jn N. HolL 1803. C s.Lp
24648 hastulata Sm. hastulatc *l_Jor 4 apjn N. HolL 1824. C s.I.p
24649 nervosa Dec. nerved Mi lor 4 apjn N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24050 ornith6phora Swt. bird-bearing • i_(or 6 apjn N. Holl. 1824. C s.Lp 24
24651 armata R. Br. iitrple-lvd-axmed ft i_J or 10 apjn N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1653
24Ti52 htfjrida Swt. hybrid My | or 5 apjn hybrid 1823. C s.l.p
24653 pendula Cun. )>endulous ft i | or 3 apjn N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24654 /jenistifolia Lk. Genista-lvd ft i I or 3 Y N. a w . 1825. C a.l.p
24655>unipcrina TV. Jumper-leaved ft i_J or 6 mrjn Y N.S.W. 1790. C s.l.p Bot cab. 308
ulicifiilia Wnl.
24656 osparagoldes Cun. Asparagus-like ft i I or 5 mrjn Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.1.p
24657 Brdwnti Steu. Brown's ft uJ or 6 Y N. S. W. 1796. C s.l.p
acicularis R. Br.
24658 echinula Dec. prickly •i-Jor mrjl Y N. HoH. 1824. C s.Lp
24659 pugionif6rmis Wnl daj T-shaped ft t_J or mrjl Y N. HoH. 1818. C s.l.p
24660 difiusa B. R. e ftuJor myjn Y N.S.W. 1818. C s.Lp Bot. rcg. 634
prostrata B. C.
24661 sulcata R. Br. furrowed-/yd 2 Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p
24662 *aligna Wnl. Willow-leaved iL-Jor 10 mrjn N. Holl. 1818. C sl.p
24663 emarginata Wnl. cmarginate iL-Jor 8 mr.jn N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24664 mucronulata Ma.C. mucronulate t|_Jor 4 apjn N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24665 strlcta W. strict,Vdouble-headed ti_Jor 2 N. S.W. 1790. C s.Lp Bot rep. 53
24t>6i> leprosa Sieb. leprous i\ | or 6 mr.jn N. Holl. 1817. S s.l.p
24667 doAonarifblia W. Dodoiuca-lvd ftl_Jor 5 mr.jn N. Holl. 1817. 8 s.Lp
vibcosa Wnl.
534668 in ul finer via Dec many-nerved • Ljor 5 mrjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C 8.1.D
24669 lanfgcra Cun. woolly fti_jor 6 Y N. Holl. 1824. C sl.p
24670 eglandulosa Dee. glandless ftLJor 6 mrjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24671 rigens Cun. stiff • i_Jor 5 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24672 hispidula W. rather hairy ftLJor 2 Y N. S. W. 1794. C sl.p
24673 lincata Cun. lined • i_Jor 6 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24674 cochlearw Wnl. spoon-leaved • l_Jor 4 myjn Y N. HolL 1818. C s.l.p Lab. n.h. 2.2
24675 coriacca Dec. coriaceous • i_Jor 5 myjn N. HolL 1824. C s.Lp
24676 anccps Dec. two-edged ftLJor 4 myjn N. Holl. 182a C s.l.p
24677 Mangium W. Mangium • •or E Indies 1820. C s.l.p Ru. am. 3.81
24678 /aurifolia W. I«aurel-lcavcd » d o r 4 myjn Tanna 1775. C s.l.p
2+t>79 elongaU Sicb. elongated »t_Jor 6 apjn N. HolL 1824. C s.Lp l
24H80 trinervata Sicb. three-nerved ftLJor 6 apjn N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p
246S1 hcbcn'-phald Cun. heavy-headed • l_Jor 6 Y N. Holl. 1817. C alp
24682 vcrniciflua Cun. varnish-flowingft
hfl i LJl or d Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.l.p
24H83 daviesiafblia Cun. Daviesia-Ivd f t L J o r 6 myjl Y N. HolL 1817. C s.l.p
24684 calamifMia Swt. Rced-leavrd • i_J or 3 myjn Y N. HolL 1823. C s.l.p
24685 quadrilatcralis Dec. four-sided LJ 4 ir.yjn Y N. HolL 1820. € s.l.p
£4686 ranaliculku Swt. channelled 4 ap.jn
i_Jor 4 apjn Y Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
S4687 uncinata Lod. hooked-leaved N. S. W. 1819. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 859
JJ588 texifi.lia Cun. Yew-lea vetl ftLjor 4 apjn Y N. HolL 1823. C 8.1.D Bot cab. 122J
ndulaefolia Cun. wave-leaved ft |_J or 4 anjn Y N. Holl. 1824. S sli>
onfcrta Cun. crowded ft i_J or 4 f.jn Y • N. HolL 1824. C sAp
ii. HETEROUENEO-PIIYLLODI'NEJE —Kot known to which subdivision they belong.
fjjgj Cycl&pia Ma. C. Cyclopis-«te ft \_J or 4 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C sl.p
U ^ 2 Aspera Ma. C. rough ft tj or 4 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
!jj®? Ma C. Brown's ft LJ or 4 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.Lp
|*W4 Esterhs\z/a Ma.C Ma. Prin. Esterhazy'sft
rin. Esterhazys L_Jj_J
or or 4 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C 8.l.p
*3g5platyph?llaS«;* broad-lcaved f t D o r 10 myjl Y N. Holl. 1820. C e.I.p
*™»fi Kichardson/ n/ Sw
Swt Richardson's « Q o r 10 myil Y N. Holl. 1822. C sAp
wyn/atfitfa M Dillwynia-Ivd ft i_J or 3 ap jn Y N. HolL 1824. C B.l.p
cucophylla Sutf. white-leaved » i _ J o r 6 apjn Y N. HolL 1822. C 8.1.p
a r i S / kindred « L _ | o r 5 apjn Y N. Holl. 1822. C B.1.P
Cun. hcavy-smclling fti_J or 15 apjn Y N. Holl. 1820. S sAp
n«-WITAVO-RACEMOS* — Flowers collected into globose heads: heads racemose along the axillary peduncles.
STiJii tngonocarpa.Ciin.
ap, triangular-poddedft i_J L J or 3 apjn
apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C 8.1 p
Cun. Oli\ e-Ieavcd ft i_J or 6 apjn Y N. HolL 1824.
/a/to Cun. Podalyria-lvd ft i I or 6 Y N. H«4L 1824. C sAp
lajfclia Cun. Polygala-lvd ft LJ or 6 Y
oT4"*Polygalicfc N. HolL 1824. G 8.1.p
g 7 0 5 felcAta W. sickle-Zoiwri ft i, I or 6 myjn Y N. S. W. 1790. C b.l.p
Sjijg falciforaiis Dec. sickle-shaped ft LJ or 6 apjn Y N. HolL 1818. B.l.p
**'W penninervis Sieb. pinnate-nerved ft t_J or 6 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C fl.l.p Bot mag. 2754
Pressa Cun.
jnelanoxylon R. Br. black-wood 8 apjn Y V. D. I. 1808.
C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1659
heteroph^lla W.
W variable-leaved i fcl_Jor 5 apjn Y C s.l.p
N. HolL 1824.
iLjor 5 apjn Y N. Holl. 1820.
C s.l.p
wiyrtifnlia W. klyrtle-leaved i_J 3 1789.
C 49
l A clothed i_Jor 6 apjl Y N. Holl. 1820.
S eAp Bot. reg. 698
marginatc-/wt l_Jor 4 ap jn YPa. Y N.
N.SS.W.W. 1803.
C 8.1 p
puhformis Cun. blister-shaped |_Jor fi Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
divaricata Cun. divaricated j 6 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
v * 2 umbrosa Cun. shady fi Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
o 5 k PjMtohL Dec. Pear-leaved «LJor 6 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C s.l.p
U?8WnervataD«r. two-nerved »l_Jor 8 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C s.l.p
two-veined • J 10 apjn
... Y N. HolL 1824. C 8.1.p
24720 lunJita Sieb. lunate ti lor 2 apmy Y V. D. I. 1810. C sAp Bot. cab. 384
S4/21 brevifblia Lod. short-leaved 11 | or 3 apjn Y N. Holl. 182a C s l.p Bot. cab. 1235
«4/22 obtustita Sieb. blunted 10 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C 6.1.p
24723 crassiuscula Wnl. rather thicker-lvdft i_J or 10 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
24724 suavtolens W. sweet-scented ft i | or 4 fjn Y N. S. W. 179a C sAp Bot cab. 730
_ ambigua SaL
24725 ambfgua
ftuxifblia Sal.
Cun. fjn Y N. HoU. 1824.' C 8.l.p
**726 pruminens Cun. Box-leaved ft i I or fjn Y M. Holl. 182*.
21727 angustifblia Wnl. prominent ft i I or Y N. S. W. 1816. C s.l.p
24/28 /inifolia W. narrow-leaved ft i I or my.jn Y N. S. W. 1790. C
C s
s.l.p Bot calx 763
l p Bot. mag. 3168
|Jig«bietinaFT. Flax-leaved ft i_J or apjn Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.l.p
1^30 rfcbida Cun. Fir-like ft LJ or mrjn Y N. Holl. 1S23. C s.l.p
J731 subu reddish ft LJ or apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C si.p
24732 virg subulate ft LJ or apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
iv. SPICVHE. — Flowers disposed into cylindrical spikes.
Cun. spur-fruited ft LJ or 6 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
whitened ft LJ or 10 mrjn Y N. Holl. 1823. C s.l.p
thick-fruited ft i_J or 6 Y N. HoU. 1824. C s.Lp
vrhorUeaved ft I_J or 10 Y V. D. I. T80 C
narrow ft LJ or 10 inr.iny Y N. HolL 178o! 1 Bot. mag. 110
Mimosa verticillata Herit. C 8.1.p
Slatlfijlia Dec. broad-leaved ft LJ or 10 Y N. HolL 1780. C s.l.p Wen. c. 1.30
Mimtaa verticillita Wnl.
Yew-leaved t| | or 7 myjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.Lp
Sieb. Sharp Cedar ft i_J or 7 apjn Y N. Holl. 1824. C
Ruscus-Icaved ft i I or 10 ' Y N. Holl. 1824. C sl.p
linear ft i_J or 3 myjn Y N. S. W. 1820. C B.l.p Bot mag. 2l.r>R
mucronate ft i_J or 4 myjn Y N. Holl. 1818.
onglssima Wnl. longest-tourcrf ft O or 4 myjn Y N. S. W. 1819. C s.l.p Bot. maK. 2747
|>»i L C 8.1.p Bot reg. G80
bundle-flwd ft| | or 6 my.jn Y N. S.W. 1798. C
247l£ ;lon>omalla Wnl. equal-woolled ft i_J or 6 apjn Y N. Holl. 1822. C s.l.p
247i2, Somalia Swt. l-side-woolly-/urf ft • or 10 myjl Y N. HolL 1818. C s.l.p
"•^fi Jpngifblia W. long-leaved ft i_J or 10 Y N. S.W. 1792. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2166
n spear-wood ft|_Jor 10 mr.jn Y N. HolL 1823. C s.l.p
Sieb. interwoven ft I | or fi ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p
blunt-leaved • i_J or 6 ap in Y N. Holl. 1823. C s Lp
cinerascent ftLjor 10 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C s.Lp
W. „
glauccsccnt «l_Jor 3 fjn Y N. S.W. 1790. C s.l.p
Sophora./HM&fcrfft i_J or 10 apjn Y V.D.I. 1805. C s.l.p Lab. n. h. 2.237
H. ,—Leaves conjugately pinnate, leaflets bipmnafe. An artificial series of
heterogeneous species.
li aue w
Q&Kl r '6n. camelopard's i • or 40 C. G. H. 1816. C p.l
g £ * strombulifera W. Miiral-podded ft LJ or 8 ... ... Peru 1825. C s.Lp
S?^ T»t«R»lla Lk. Rue-leaved ftDor 4 ... Y ...... 1810. C s.l.p
o S « ol|gophjlla Hofm. few-leaved ft CD or 4 ... Y ...... 1817. C s.l.p
tiirl Summifera W. gum-bearing t i_J or 30 ... Guinea 1823. C s.l.p
^758 coronillffifT.lia Desf. Coronilla-lvd ft • or 10 ... ... N. Africa 1817. C s.l.p
MimoHa girajfic Brou.
*4759 pilbsa Bert. • . pilose f O or 30 W Jamaica 1800. C s.l.p
24760 reticulata W. en. netted ft uJ or 10 W 1816. C
24761 milchttla H. K. pretty ft»_Jor 4 apjl Y 1803. C
24762 hispidissima Dec. hairiest ftl_Jor -3 ... W 1800. C
247&3 detincns Burc. detaining fti_jor 3 apjn Y
*J764 viridirhmis Burc. green-branched ft i_J or 4 '.„ y 1824. C
-4*765 cassioldes W. en. Cassia-like J • or 20 ... W C G. H. 1816. C
...... 1820. C

24766 dtptera W. two-winged f • or 20 ... W S. Amor. 1818. C s.l.p

24767 robusta Bure. robust ft uJ or 6 C. G. H. 1816. C s.l p
24168 litakunensis Burc. Litakun ft i_J or 6 Litakun 1816. C s.l.p
III. SPICIFLUR£. — Leaves bipinnate, many-pairedi flowers spiked.
i. INE'RMES. — Unarmed.
24769 lophantha W. crest-flowered ft L-J or 6 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2108
Caraccas 1818. C s.l.p
24770 arenosa W. sand • Q 0 * 1° Jamaica 1820. C s.l.p
24771 lophantholdes Zfcc. Lophantha-like ft CD or 20 ... y Cayenne 1803. C s.l.p Aub. gui. 2.357
24772guianensis TV Guiana |Dor « ... W £. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
24773 liicida Box. shining i U o r 40 E. Indies 182-2. C s.l.p
24774 Sertssa Rox. Shireesh J • or 20 Mauritius 1824. C sl.p
24775 acapulc^nsis"
24776 chrysfistachysKth. yellow-spiked ^—
Sw*. Acapulca • or 15 W Acapulca 1825 C s.l.p Kth.mim.24
24777 elephantortfiza Burc. elephant root ¥ uj or .„ . . . C. G. H. 1818. C s.l.p
24778 Rohri«n« Vahl Bohr 1 CD or 30 W 1823. C s.l.p
Mimosa nlgricans Vahl
24779 scleroxyla Tus. hard-wood W.Indies 1822. C s.l.p Fl. ant. 21
24780 pulch<rrima W. fairest H~~lor Brazil 1823. C s.l.p
S4781 Wallichrtffa Dec. Wallich's i Q or E. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
ii. ACULEAVA. — Prickly or spiny.
2*782 S&ndra Dec. Sundra t • or 15 Y E. Indies 1789. C s.l.p
24783 fcrruglnea Dec. rusty ftQor ... ... E. Indies 1818. C s.l.p
24784 Catechu W. Catechu t • m 40 Pa.Y E. Indies 1790. C p.l Rox. cor. 2.175
24785 viridiflura Kth. green-flowered J • or 20 W.o S. Amer. 1823. C s.l.p Kth. mim. 25
24786 ckfra W. Caffrarian 9 L J or 12 Y.w C. G. H. 1800. C s.l.p
24787 cornigera W. hom- bearing <> • or 15 Pa.Y S. Amer. 1692. C fl.p.l Pluk.aL 3.122.1
247H8 monncantha W. one-spined <» • or 20 W Brazil 1818. C sl.p
24789 Spin* Balb. Spini's J • or 15 R.Y C s.l.p Col. h. rip. ap. 5
£4790 latrunum W. plunderers 1
t CD or 20 W E. Indies 1824. C s.l.p
24791 Senegal W. Senegal J • or 30 W Africa 1823. C s.Lp Alp. eg. 15
IV. GLOBIFLORA — Leaves bipinnate ; flowers collected into globose heads.
i. AcirLEisn'puuE. — Prickles all stipulart straight; legumes unarmed; stamens twenty or more.
24792 eburnea W. ivory-thorned ft D o r E. Indies 1792. C s.p.l Rox. cor. 2.199
24793 tortuosa W. twisted ft I lor Jamaica 1824. C s.l.p
24794 Burmannimi Dec. Burman's *Oor Ceylon 1818. C s.l.p
Mimosa tortuosa Brm.
24795 h6rrida W. horrid ft Dor 6 ... Africa 1823. C 121.4
£4796 vera W. tmctEgyptian Thorn t • or 12 jl W ypt 1596. C s.p.1 Pluk. al. 123.1
24797 arabica W. Gum Aral>ic tree J • ec 20 W E. Indies 1820. C s.p.1 Pluk. al. 251.1
24798 hebeclada Dec. young-branched J j_J or 40 C. G. H. 1816. C s.Lp
stolonf fcra Burc.
24799 lcucophls^a W. white f • or 12 Pa.Y E. Indies 1812. C s.p.1 Rox. cor. 2.15
24300 mauroceana Dec. Moorish ft i_J or 6 ... Morocco 182.-). C s.l.p
24801 farnesftna W. Farncsian t • fra 15 Y St.Domin.1656. C
94802 haemat6xy]on W. £». bloody-wooded J Q o r CO ... Y.w C. G. H. 18ia C s.p.1
24803 tomentbsa TV. woolly ft Q or 20 E. Indies 1816. C s.l.p
34804 indiea Desv. Indian ft CD or 10 E. Indies 1800. C s.l.p
24805 macracanthdides Bert, long-spined £ • or 20 ... Jamaica 1820. C s.l.p
24806flexu5saH.#5. flexuose ftQor 6 ... Cumana 1824. C p.1
ii. AcANTiiocA'RPJi. — Prickles stipulary in pairs, also qften petiolar, and along the ribs of the legumes j
stamens ten.
84807 acanthocarpa W. spiny-nodded ft • or 10 ... Pa.R N. Spain 1822. C s.l.p
24808 acanth61oba Hum. gpiny-lobed W S. Amer. 1823. C s.Lp
ill. AcANTHOCLA^DiE. — Prickles on branches scattered ; stems not climbing.
24809 tamarindifbWvL W. Tamarind-lvd ft I lor 4 W W. Indies 1774. C s.p.Uac. sc. 3.396
24810 conclnna Dec. neat f • or 20 W E. Indies 1823. C s.l.p
248111'ntsia W. Ir.tsia f I I or SO Y.w E. Indies 1778. C s.p.1 R. mai. 6.4
24812 pennata W. fc&thcT-leaved ] | • or 20 Y E. Indies 1773. C s.p.I Bur. zey. 2.1
24813 CJE^sia IV. groy * | • or £0 Y E. Indies 1773. C s.p.1 Pluk. 330.1
24814 centrophyila Dec. spur-leaved J • or W Jamaica 1818. C s.l.p
24815 Courrantiiina Dec. Courrant's f \ | or SO Canaries 1818. C s.l.p Pluk. ic. 330.3
24816 arrophula D. Don Arroophul I LJ or 20 Nepal 1818. C s.Lp
iv. SCANDE'NTES. — Prickles scattered j stems climbing.
24817 scfindens W. en. climbing fl_ • or 10 ... P India 1780. C s.l.p R. maL 8.52.34
24818 Guilandlna Dea Guilandina-Mr £_ • or 10 ... Y Cayenne
,. 1820. C s.l.p
24819 sarmcntbsa Desv. C s.l.p
twiggy fl_ • or 10 1820.
v. TRICHO%DEA. —'Unarmeds anthers hairy ; stigmapenictiltform.
24820 trichudes IK hairy ftQor 10 ... Pa.Y Peru 1818. C s.l.p Jac. sc. 394
vi. JULIBHI'SSIITC. — Unarmed ; anthers smooth ; stigma simple.
24821 nlgricans R. Br. blackish ftLjor 8 myjl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s l.p Bot mag. 2188
24822 formosa Kth. beautiful • D o r 10 ... W Mexico 1825. C s.l.pKth. mim. 32
24823 ciliata R. Br. ciliate-iuingcd ft l_J or 8 mr.jn Y N. HolL 1803. C s.l.p
24824 Mbbeck W. Loebach t • or 20 mr.jn Pk Egypt 1893. C s.l.p Pluk. m. 331.1
24825 v^ga IV. common ¥ • or 40 ... W Brazil 1818. C s.l.p Pis. br. 80.2
24826 odoratissima TV. most fragrant f • fra 40 W E. Indies 1790. C s.p 1 Rox. cor. 2. 120
24827 procOra IV. tall f • or 60 Pa.Y E. Indies 1816. C s.l.p Rox. cor. 2.21
24828 speciosa W. showy » • or 10 au.s P E.Indies 1743. C s.l.p Jac ic. 1.198
24829 glauca IV. glaucous ft i_J or 5 W America 1690. C sl.p Cat car. 2.4S
24830 leucoccphala Pers. white-headed ft • or 5 W S. Amer. 1823. C s.l.p
24831 lomatocarpa Dec. fringed-podded ft • or 30 Pa.Y E. Indies 1824. C s.l.p R. mal. G 5
Mimb«a margin^ta Lam.
24832 latisiliqua W. broad-podded ft! 1 or 10 mr.jn Pk W. Indies 1777. C i.l.pPLic.S.6
24833 |»ortoricensis W. Porto Rico • D o r 6 W S.Amer. 1824. C s.l.p Jac. ic. 633
24J34 caracaskna W. Caraccas • • o r 12 Caraccas 1817. C s.l.p Jac. ic. 632
24835 quadranguUris Lk. quadrangular • • o r 4 j l s " W 1825. C s.l.p
124836 Lambertrina D.Don Lambert's • J ! 6 my.jn P Mexico 1818. C s.l p Bot. rcg 721

9*£I totragona W. four-angled H A or 26 jn.jl w Caraccas 1820. C alp

^38discoforJT. two-colored m 11 |or 10 mr.jn Y N. S.W. 1788. C s.l.p Bot. rep. 2:-o
S«39 angulfca Desv. angular |or 26 jn.jl N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p
Y N. S. W. 1790.
sSJ? Pubescens R. Br. dovrny-stemnu l lor 10 mr.jn Y Mexico 1825.
C s.l p Bot map. 12.13
Fern-leaved 1 1 lor 20 ... C B.l.p Cav. ic. 1.78
1 1 6 IV. villous 1 lor 6 ... W* Jamaica 1800. C s.l.p
2«t?r' ^"'
**84Jfrond6safT. leafy or 30
*>•1 lor ... W E. Indies 1816. C s.l.p
gJJtstipulMaDec. //irge-stipuled 20 ... W Bengal 1800. C s.l.p
**»43 divaricata W. divaricate i • or 20 ... W E. Indies 1820. C s.p.l Jac. sc. 395
g846arbbreafF. tree '* 1 lor 40 ... Pk Jamaica 1768. C s.p.l Pluk al. 6. 2.51.2
E. Indies 1816.
ISii a,m"ra w- bitter >• or 30 ... W C sl.p Rox. cor. 2.122
Silk tree •r 20 au W Levant 1745. C s.l.p Scop. d. 1.8
^9polyphyllaJD«. many-leaved m • or 20 ... W W.Indies 1824. C s.l.p
5*2?? decurrens W. decurrent , i lor 6 my.jl Y N. S W. 1790. C s.l.pBot.rcg.371
^*8ol mollis B. R. soft
m Y N. Holl. 1810.
oiom mo»»s8ima IT.
m • or 6 C s.Lp 12
24S52dealbataL*. whitened m 1 lor 4 Y ...... 1824.
C s.l.p
S ^ J pnsmatica //I^HJ.
oS-J c
°nt6rta Dec.
m I1 ilor
Y ...... 1818
C s.Lp
C sl.p
"". W
** esculenta Drc. eatable • or 20- ••• W N.Spain 1825. C s.l.p Fl. mex. ic. in.
— Species not sufficiently known sleaves bipinnatedt prickly, or unarmed.
tall t • or 60 E. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
„. duskyj J5 • or
or 15 1824. C sl.p
Jacaranda Lo. C. Jacaranda-ftfe
Jacaranda-ftfef $• •oror 20
_. S. Amer.? 1825 C s i p
)ra Rox. Kalkora f I lor 45 E. Indies 1818. C sl.p
:uea Rox. shrubby 41 • or 4 E. Indies 1820. C s l.p
tiana Rox. Smith's f • or 45 E. Indies 1818. C s.l.p
femicordata Rox. half-cordate f I lor 40 E. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
Ross's f • or 40 1822. C 8.1. p
gum copal J • or 20 1825. C sl.p
ojj£? Peregrtna W. foreign, whitc-fiwd* • or 8 W S. Amer. 1780. C s.l.p
an or
i?Iw!r-) .8ustifiilia Wnl. narrow-leaved f • 20 ... W W. Indies 1820. C s.l.p
, -,-..„ ..a W. small-leaved 10 Caraccas 1826. C s l.p
, * grata W. en. grateful 10 Brazil 1820. C s.l.p
* venfista W. en. charming 6 ... Pk S. Amer. 1816. C s.l.p
24RS , e(l " li8 w- **- eatable 20 S. Amer. 1820. C s.l.p
24»?J brachyacantha W. en. short-spined 4 S. Amer. 1824. C p.l
o?^?3 Peruvii\na W. en. Peruvian 6 Peru 1820. C p.l
oS-i 'ei»toph^lla Dec. fine-leaved S. Amer. 1824. C s.l.p
oT2i4 vir^scens Dec. virescent S. Amer. 1820. C s.l.p
^ < 5 /entiscifMia Desf. Lcntiscus-lvd Mexico 1824. C s.l.p
**N76 patula Hum. spreading S. Amer. 1818. C s.l p
2uR8guiaquildnsis Desf. Guiaquil Guiaquil 1818. C alp
oifiZ urachyacantha Hum. short-spincd S. Amer. 1820. C s.l.p
Sisoin J" °dacantha Detf. rcd-spined j C
2 ^ ' ' nctcracantha Burc. variablc-spined \ C.G. «. 1816. C s.l.p
an roft na
> _ 9 <° Bert. Bancroft's Jamaica C
_ s.l.p
ciliated S. Amer. 1822. C s.p.1
_ bushy E Indies 1818. C s.p.1
Lpncordiuna Rox. Concord's E. Indies 1818. C s.p 1
sratunia W. Ceratonia W S. Amer. 1800. C s.p.l PI. ic.8
dunculata Rox. pedunculate E. Indies 1822. C s.p.1
"ailiensis Spr. Brazilian Brazil 1825. C B.p.l
, ENTADA. (Its name in Malabar.) Legumin, Mimbseai. 5.—&
single-spiked ~ o r 20 ... W Malabar 1800. C l.p
vf ftha D e c 7 Pursatha A. • or 20 W E. Indies 1780. C Lp
24890 }}?&**
enan seandens Rox.
?S c n a nthfera Dec. Adenantbera-/*A. • or 20 W S. Sea Isl. 1817. C l.p
24891 r •Ra hera seandens Forst.
if! ! oWum
Dec. Gigalobium L O o r 20 w W.Indies 1819* C Lp
Sii^^ascandens Swz.
{"'ystachya Dec. many-spiked | _ a o r 26 w W. Indies 1816. C Lp
VERATRUM. (Vere, truly, ater, black; root) Melanthaceaj. 5.—7.
white Am
5 L.Y n
1548. Skp.l Fl.dan. 1120
l At% e 1
24895 w iAein H- K- vreen-ftmvcred «• 5 jlau G- N. *Amer. '1742.
' Sk' -p.l
' "-*
Bot mag."~
248S J1Rn . » L.
dark-flowered 3 jn.jl D.P Siberia 1»96. D p.l Bot. mag. 963
24897 J orum Mx. smali-flowcred G Carolina 1809. D p.l
•" sngustifblium Ph. narrow-leaved 2 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1823. D p.l
2 jn.jl
** i, meadow, an/hos, flower.) Melanthhcete.
Br N. Amer. 1768. D Lp ™ '
Helbnias virgSnica B. M.
11J1 Br
Tv'ir- w~ " "\.r Walt.
Walt, polygamum t ' N. Amer. 1817. D Lp
, j ^ i d " m Sw'\,. . . W?™ , . . - 3 ^ or 2 jnjl w N. Amer. 1822. D Lp
Jl/claiithium hybridum Walt, latifolium Lam. racembsum Mr.
ANDROPO^GON W. ANDROPOCON. (Aner, man, pogon, beard: tufts of hairs on flowers.) Gramin. 10-67.
"rc;itus Mhl. forked
M annul'itus Forsk. ringed A un
_&J 2 Ap N. Ainer. IS 18. D co
un 2J A Egypt 1810. D co
'J com^l8U8 Spr. tufted *' —
_AJ un 2"" "P Egypt
~ For.
1824 D coceg. 7
H sprratus Thun. serrated lAlun 2 Ap Japan 1816. D co
laxus W.
J -"chs^nuin L. Ischtemum M A un 1 au Ap S. Europe 1768. D co Schreb. gr. 2.33
angustifolius Sm. narrow-leaved jflk A un 1 au P S. Europe 1818. D co
* A un l j a u Ap S. Europe 1802. D co Jac. au. 4.384
2-t'xia '"Kuroldes Dec. Lagurus-likc Jlib 123 un 1 Ap N. Spain 1820. D co Host gr. 4.1
24n" ?acoharo'ides Swz. Sugar^anc-likeJii fAl un 4 A | > Jamaica 1816. D co Dcc< mon. G9
argenteus Dec. silvery M EJun 2 au Ap Mexico 1825 D co

2842. RIPPDIUM Trin. RIPIDIUM. {Rhipulion, little fan; application not evident) Graminea. 2.—
24911 Ravenna? Trin. Ravenna Jilt A or , 2 J Lau Ap & Europe 1810. D co Host gr. 3.1
Andropogon Ravenna* Hort. Saccharum Ravenna W. Eriantlius Ravenna? Beauv.
24912strictum Trin. strict Jilt A °r 2 i l a . u Ap Hungary 1802. D co Host gr.2.2
Andropogon strlctus Host, Saccharum adpressum Kit.
2843. POLLI'NIif Spr. FOLLINIA. {Cyrus Polling professor at Verona.) Graminea. 3. —16.
24913 distachya Spr. two-rowed
Andropogon distachyos W. jllii A un Ap & Europe 1805. D co flgr.69
24914 striata Spr. striated
Andropogon stri&tus W. * E ] u n 2 au Ap E. Indies 1793. D co
24915 undata Spr. waved
Andropbgon undatus Jac. JllbCSlun 2 jLau* Ap Mauritius 1823. D e o Jac.ic.3.361
2844. CYMBOPO'GON Spr. CYMBOPCKJOV. (Kymhe, ho&t, pogon, beard: valves of calyx.) Graminea. 1-6.
24916 Schoen&nthus Spr. Lemon-grass jiiii(ZQfra 2 ... Ap E. Indies 1786. D i p Ru. am. 5.72.2
Andropbgon Schflenanthus L.
2845. HETEROPCTGON Beauv. HETEROPOOON. (Heteros, variable, pogon, beard; awns.) Graminea. 2.
24917 Allibnii Beauv. Allioni's * A un 2 j l . a u Ap S. Europe 1816. D e o ALped.91.4
Andropbgon Allibnts W.
24918 contortus Beauv. twisted M El un 2 jl.a Ap E. Indies 1779. D co Schk.han.3.342.II
Andropopon cont6rtus W.
2846. APLITDA L. APLUDA. (Apluda, chaff; involucres.) Graminea. L—5.
24919 aristata L. awned Jk El un 1 jlau Ap E. Indies 1820. D p.l Schrcb. gr. 2.42
Andropbgon involucratus Kion
2847. AN ATHETRUM Beauv. ANATH. {A, prlv.t other, awn; valves of calyx awnless.) Gram. 3. —10.
24920 rouricatum Beauv. muricate M E) un 2 ... Ap E, Indies 1816. D co
Andropugon muricatus Retz. nquarrosus W.
24921 virgimcum R. $ S. Virginian M A un 1 jlau Ap Virginia 1819. D e o SI. jam. 1.68.2
24922 miiticum R. % S. awnless Jlii iAJ un } jl.s Ap C. G. H. 1794. D co
Andropdgon mCiticu3 L.
2848. ANTHISTFRIA TV. ANTHISTIRIA. (Anthistemi, to resist; harshness of stubble.) Graminea. 2.—13.
24923 ciliita Rctz. ciliated M ED un 1 au.s Ap Jamaica 1826. S co Cav. ic. 5.45!)
Andropbgon quadrivalvis L.
24924 austrklis li. Br. southern M _AJ un 1 au.s Ap N. Holl. 1818. D co
2849. CHLCTRIS Swx, CIILORIS. {Chloros, green; color of herbage.) Graminece. 15. — 27.
24925 ciliata Swx. ciliated JtfTHpr | jl.s Ap Jamaica 1779. D co
24926 pallida W. pale - - Mi O pr * au s Ap S. France 1816. S co
24927 polydactyla Swx. many-fingered m O pr I Ap Jamaica 1810. S co Jac. gram. 1.9
24928 clegans Hum. elegant • Jilt rm pr 1 jlau Ap S. Araer. 1818. S co H.&B. n. 1.49
24929 compressa Dec. compressed Mi O pr 1 Ap & France 1820. S co
24930 barbate Swx. bearded 1 jn.jl Ap E. Indies 1777. S co Jac. gram. 1. 8
24931 Roxburghjtina R. & S. Roxburgh's Jlfc i Ap E. Indies 1820. S co
24932 inflkta Lk. inflated i Apt 1 Ap California 1826. S co
24933 fasciculate R.SfS. fascicled M O-pr | Ap Brazil 1827. S co
24934 radiate Sum. radiated } au.s Ap W.Indies 1739. S co M.h.8.3.15
24935 ventriebsa R. Br. ventricose | Ap N. Holl. 1820. S co
24936 truncata R. Br. truncate lAl J Ap N. HolL 1818. S co
24937 dolichostachya Lag. long-spiked M O pr Ap PhiLIsl. 1822. S co
24938 rctitsa Lag. rctusc m O P* % jLau Ap B. Ayrcs 1824. S co
24939 grteiliB Durand slender Mi O P' Ap ...... 1824. S co
Durandsdna R. & S.
2850. ATHEROPO'GON Mhl. ATHEROPOGON. (Ather, awn, pogon, beard; awns bearded.) Gram. 1.—17.
24940 apludoldes W. • Apluda-like it ^ pr f au Ap & Europe 1768. D e o Schrcb. gr. 2. S3
Cnloris curtipendula Mx. Dintbra curtipcndula.
2851. EU^STACHYS Desp. EUSTACHTS. (EU, well, stachys, a spike; large.) GranunecB. 1.
24&41 petraexa Desv. rock jUkQSpr jt Ap Jamaica 1779. D co VahUy.2.27
Chloris petrs^a Thun. ilgrostis compianate //. A.
2852. S&RGHUM W. en. SORGHUM. {Sorghi,- its Indian name, according to Bauhin.) Graminea. 10 —12.
24942 bicolor
• — W.en. two-colored ~ clt 3 jl
O Ap Persia 1731. S co Ac.heL8.4.4
24943 cernuum W. drooping Mi O clt 3 jl Ap 1810. S co Host gr. 4.3
S4944 aven&ceum Beauv. Avena- a-Uke O Clt 3 Ap C. G. H. 1816. S co
/fulcus avenaceus Thun.
24945 vulgare Pert, common JndianMilUm O clt 4 jl Ap India 1596. S co M. ache. 8.4.3
24946 n^grum R. & S. black Mi O clt 4 jl Ap India? 1816. S co Aid. sag. 1.5.1
24947 rubens W. en. red-seeded Mi O clt 3 Jl Ap Africa 1817. S co
24948 saccharatum Pen. sugared Mi O clt 6 A P India 1759. S co Host gr. 4.4
24949 Cafirbrum R. $ S. CafiVes* Jir O clt 3 Ap C. G. H. 1816. S co Ard. sag. 1.1.1
Ardu'int Jac.
24950 halepense Pert. Aleppo M A un Ap Syria 1691. D co FLgr.1.68
24951 elongatum R. $ S. elongated JUb .AJ un Ap N. HolL 1823. D co

2853. CHRYSOPCTGON Trin. CHRYBOPOGON. (Chrysos, gold, pogon, a beard; yellow.) Graminea. 1*
24952 grfllus Trin. cricket Mi A un jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1791. D e o 1.67
Andropogon grf llus L. Holcus gry'llus R. Br. Pollinia gryllus Spr.

2854. HCKLCUS L. SOFT GRASS. (Helko, to extract: original plant supposed to extract thorns.) Gram. 2.—*•
24953 m6llis L. soft, creeping JH A ag 2 j l . a u Ap Britain cornfi. D h . l Eng.botHTO
24954 lanatus L. woolly, meadowM A a g 3 jn.jl Ap Britain D h.l

2855. ARRHENATHETRUM Beauv. ARR. (Arrhen, male, other, oint; male spikes awned.) Gram. 2.
24955 avenaceum Beauv. A vena-like M & ag 5 jn.jl Ap (ritain D co Eng. bot. 813
•Holcus avenSceus Sco. Avtna, clatior L. a
^ 2m&ticum awnless M A 8 * jn.jl Ap Scotland hills. D co
8*966 tmlbtaum Swt. bulbous Mi A ag 3 jnjl Ap Germany ... D co
//ulcusbulbosu* Schr. ilvena bulbbsa W.
2856. JSCHA?MUM L. IacHJSMUM. (Tscho, to stop, haima, blood; sup. ined. qual.) Gram. 3. — 21.
24957 aristatum Sal. awned Jllli C23 un 2 jn.jl Ap E. Indies 1803. 1) co
24958 rugosum L. wrinkly juiu O un 2 Ap E. K. Indies
Indies 1791
1791. « co SdL st. 1.1
24959 australc R. Br. southern Jilii iAJ un 2 jLau Ap N. HolL 1822. Deo
„ 2857. ^ G I L O P S L. HARD GRASS. (Aix, goat, ops, eye; sup. med. qual.) Graminea. 7.
24960 ovata L. ovate-apitaf M O un f jnjl Ap S. Europe 1683. S co 1.93
24961 triuncialis L. 3-inchJipiked M O un |jLau Ap S. Europe 1739. S co 1.10.1
24962 triaristata W. threc-awned M Q un 1 jLau Ap S. Europe 17 J9. S co Host gr. 2. 6
triuncialis Host
24963 cyHndnca Host cylindrical M O un Hungary 1805. S
1 jn.jl Ap co Host RT. 8. 7
24964 squarrosa L. tough-spiked M A un 1J jn.jl Ap
Levant 1794. D co
24965 hystnx Nut. porcupine Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap
Missouri 1819. D co
24966 caudata W. tailed, Cretan M Q un 1 jn.jl Ap
Candia 1739. S co 1.95
2858. POTAMOTHILA A-Br. POTAMOPHILA. (Potamos, river, phUeo, to love.) Gramfaea?. 1.
24967 parviflbra B. Br. smalLflowered M iAI un ... Ap N. HolL 1820. D aq

A 2859. VALA'NXM L. VALANTIA. (Sebastian Faillant, a French botanist) Bvbidcea*. 11. —12.
24968 muralisL. wall O un 4myjl G S. Europe 1739. S co 297
24969 hispida L. bristly O un 1 G.T S. Europe 1768. S CO
24970 filitormis H. K. thread-shaped O un Ijl.s G.v Canaries 1780. S co
24971 Cruciate L. Crosswort Jk A or 1} my.jn Y Britain ... O co
Galium cruciatum Sm.
24972 chersonensis W. Cherson - * A or 1 jn.jl Y Chenon 1817. D co
24973 fispera W. rough Jk A un G.Y Siberia 1804. D co
24974 vema G. Don spring Jc A °r 1 my.jn Y SwitzerL 1819. D co
glabra VU. Galium vernum Hal.
24975 pedcmontkna Bel. Piedmont O or jl G.Y. Hungary 1799. S co W. & K. 1. S3
Galium pedemontanutn All.
24976 articulata L. jointed O un 1 G.Y Egypt 1752. S co
Galium articulktum R. A S.
24977 humifosa IV. trailing A or i jn.jl Y Asia Min. 1816. D co
21978 glabra L. smooth ^un 1 jLau G Germany 1371. D co W. & K. 1.32
Galium BauMni R. & S.
A 2860. BENINXA &4 Savi BENINCASA. (Count Benineasa, an CunrbUhce*. 1.
24979 cerifera Saoi wax-bearing - * i Q | u n 6 my.jl Y L. Indies S co R.mal.8.3
Cucurbita cerifera Fis.
L. PBLLITORY. (Paries,aawall;
(Paries, wall; commonly found on oMwalls.) Urtke*. 10.—19.
4980 indicaX.
indicaX Indian ££ IS)
IS) un
un 1J p
apmy GG E.K Indies
I n ( l l M 1790!
17Qn nD e o
24981 officinalis L. officinal £ A w 1 jn.s j Britain walls. D co Eng. bot 879
24982 judaica L. Jewish, Basil-lvd £ A un 1 jn.s Germany 1728. D co Schk.han.3,346
24983 pennsylvanica MM. Pennsylvanian O un i j Pcnnsylv. 1821. S co
24984 floridina Nut. Florida O un *jlau Florida 1827. S co
24985 urticsf^lia L. Ncttle-leavcd [HI un 1 jn.s Bourbon 1700. S co
BochineriA tirticefblia Spr.
24986 lusitanicai* Portug., CMckweed-lvd Jt O un i Spain 1710. S co Boc.sic.24. B
24987 cretica L. Cretan O un | Crete 1818. S co
24988prostrateLk. prostrate Jt A un 1823. D co
24989 polygonoldes W. Polygonum-like O un } Armenia 1728. S co
2862. ifTRIPLEX L. ORACHB. (Ater, black; dark color.) Chenopbdea?. 35.—51.
I. FRUTicbsiE. — Shrubby.
24990 tfaTimus L. Halimus or 5 G Spain 1640. Par. th. 724.2
24991 Aniftlia Kth. Flax-leaved ti L-Jun " S. Amer. 1819.
^9922 canescens Nnt. canescent
canes « L _ J u n 2 G Missouri 1818.
O4r^ Calligonum
Cll canescens Ph
24993 portulacoldes
rtulaco L. Portu
Portulaca-like tt. or Lau G Britain mud. s. C co Eng. bot. 261
laAca LL.
5 ^ 4 glaA l
glaucous tL i I un l au G S. Europe 1732. C B.I Di. el. 40.46
i _ white Jun n.jl G C. G. H. 1774. C si
rcniformls R. Br. kidney-shaped Lau G N. Holl. 1824, C s.1
II. HERB^CRE. — Herbaceous.
**&? rosea L. Rose-like O un 1* jn.jl G S. Europe 1739. S co Schk. han. a 350
teSco white O un liJLau G Italy 1820. S co
rtkea Bert.
sibirica L. Siberian O un 2 G Siberia 1783. S co Schk. han.S
Obibne sibirica Gae.
t n c a L. Tartarian O un 2 G Tartary 1778. S co Schk.han.3.539.
Kth. small-leaved O un 1 G Mexico 1827. S co [349
Monte Video O un 1 jlau G MonteVi. 1827. S co
diffuse O un 2 G Naples 1825. S co
hort^nsis L. garden O cul ti G Tartary 1548. S co
2rbbra O cul 6 G Tartary 154a S co
red, garden
> acuminata Kit.
O un 3 G Hungary 1818. S co W.&K.103
25006 virgata Roth twiggy O un G R Indies 1810. S co
«007 oblongifLlia Kit. oblong-leaved O un 1 G Hungary 1S1& S co W. & K. 221
prostrata Bouch. prostrate iOun ijlau G N. France 1820. S co
decAmbens R. & 5. decumbent n i G N. Holl. 1820. S co
prostrata R. Br. Eng. bot 165
fringed O w 1J G Britain S co
> lacini&ta L. spreading Ow S jn.s G Britain dungb. S co Eng. but 936
" i Hud.
Venetian O un ijlau G Venice 1816. S co
|-W13 incana R. % S. hoary O un 1 G Spain 1818. S co
-SOU hastata FLdan. hastate O un fJLau G N. EuropclbOO. S co Fl. dan. 1286
obtuse O un 1 G Siberia 1825. S co
o»7v*v ••iHu^tiftilia Sm. narrow-leaved Ow } G Britain rub. S co Eng. bot 1774
25017 campestris Koch field O un 1 G Germany 1816. S co
tatirica Schk.

85018 err<i« Sat. uj.rijtlit

O Nil
,, au
nwimi flrUI. 1
i»a). s
KIIB. bol «2*
Cav. h. m. SI
SMMU t u l e a u 1 tuIrate O J s CO
SMKI Irian iri.niKUlar O u^ J jLaa O 1KIS. s CO
•m.'l lltlnralit !.. •ban 1 •u a itritain niu.l >. s En<. but. 7W
IHHi neriu
MM mtawptnni Dt
8fj :un '• Jl a
Jl-i o
Kngljind »j| tn. -S CO
Hungary lW.i. !> CO

«B nilA(;o'l)lA It ft. HitM.i 1,11 (/Mitr.s nrniciiul (liMiiinlwi.5 Chrnojtoiirtt. 4. — 7 .

B5OS5 haitau /( Hr. fLl_Jtll N. s \v Wi{. C
warn Biiuniii-ri n Hr liil]jrilirf'«
Chri<Mj>xliiiiii luti-ciium /-ii*.
«.l_|CO 1
KB !••.;. G Li Lob. o. h. 1.06
25RB7 paraMltra A. //r. |iaratx.)><' «. i_Jru 3 N. llnll. BBS C p i
SMB8 noun* 1 $ iiwldins t . l<\l CU 1 HBO 1)
8864, TEUMIN.VUA7. T M v i « . (Tnmkm,end( Ivi In bunchC* At vnUof brunch0 OombrttAct*. !<:—Jl.
..r mflr/M, n aUfKUaira.
narrttw-lsavait IQor 80 ''W.ii' "i-:" ih.i'u-.
S0O3O molin-i ) n i /-""• I4 1E3°'
! "i
w.. UM, < •

45033 & ( ( ' « « I'
SS03J inaitritl.'ua / J I M . f t i"r *** J a c k . 1.197
Mam T L-J ' " BO ^,. i w% [•I
tft uvaU or • tbctmprrtu-ti, dry or battate; putamtn round anoint fly ittlratf.
Hor w ... Y.i. E Iii-lin 181 p.l Itos. cor. 3. SM

P Of BO M l Y.o KatafM tSSB, t PJ

\)i> Mrrnbilanui itr2*ti Pair.
It.JX C i.r t«« p-1
alia H nr SO -a** c 111 Rux. cot. 2.1ST
IT, : <• 0 *** • i C p.l
lr,MIK('tir J ••' •M • i* i (' p.1
4 * • 1 '1 t f l HI- BO yo c
SSdt'i ttiitirtin /j>. C twrbmwni
SJVM.i r.iiiiui!i( h.i / J J . C. i T.lravnl
• Q or L1I
• n i: I..
i i c pi
< p.l
SSOH artnitcuU San. dirub <
ina K . . . S. Ai.
tan (
' MM. i r L. C O L F O O M . IFuiltiit, <i|iiliii] - rr.•••, /r anil Icarct like.) San!ali'tft*e. J. — 5
S5WS cmnpr^uui /.. cainpfCTwrt-rta/ifd ft ( | un i> . . . U.w l.|. «ur|f. C.J8.1. 1

SOU. B It Alii-" /,. A r R i i i H ALKnNO, [Hratieiim, a >• ; NCtmn or flowen.) «w. 1.

2HHd uiu 7VJUH. ilirail 1 l_Jur lump W ( Brey. a i 1
u 1.P

" 2807. JPCER I. arp t •linr|iiiPM ttfltij 4a n»t m. sa.—so.

]. IiunlW. — l*am ttmlit'iiltii
• _jor 90 s
SWtt Uliflrum /. " 1 4 ini NIV ,11 T% L CO DM. br. liU
11 1 HI Mini. — •
SSMD hi(iT..|iliVlliim IK rarlnui-leaired • or 4 luy.]n O.v .s CO I
M')ll|. rm
. •
U or
( my jti ... !. CO Sriiiu. ar. 15
Mas / M , < 111.. " il or i my FnoM 1. i ar 1.14
V rir iny.jn
tirjfliun. t.trrtt fi
r ... > . .1 nit r. 1 #-W. Ei (TO r.8.17
apmy N, Amer. IBIS. B ftl
111. Qifrwuit'toa*. — Ltitveijifi
SCOT'S mrintitiiliu //. A'. 11 Uln BB d[ K A in tr, I73Q L •J Schm.*r. 1 II
*iJlt"fttl|IM /.
•WMjff AvtU'uttJTn hit liUtnt^cim i/ • or H mjr I. CO
28067 opalit' ft/. •• IM nr I t ti (. V i- CO 1 :
' ' Etnlui // A'. OMMM • my i t ( . V Italy I. CO
45OW Cam|M'»ti. SoU 1 . i, r n KIIJJ. boL 304
S varirvjtwn v iriatttsd 11 OT n I.
Uwk *f till 40 s 1.1
Ilk. ir. a in
L. Sycimnrp till M ,•11.111 V Britain CO
\.\\i\ BBlBjd
Of BO , l | > I I . V Britain E.ilil. •r. I'll
" • /.. m«»r • tm :i|> in) Y N. Amcr. B 1.1 Mir ar. !. 15
tin ti.V Enrapa s CO Si lirn ar 1. ,'1, 4
rut let tm Eurupt ll*'l. [. S> Ian. at 1
vnrii-u.ttnt <
ur mjr jl i'.m.|.i-
• ArA, i 1 tm .i|, in y so N. Amtr. li,,t,. 1. 1.1 Mir. ar.!. 14
tGOGS daifrt'irpfni KM hnifv-iniiiiil tm •y my so It
c.s N. Amcr. I. t.l Mil- ar. 2.13
SSOQtiuarriiflo Hutu /'A. lung-leaved * or as G N. Atnw. MSB. I. CO
IV. Miwn'ni u. — U-aeri tmUtf/tif.
2WW7 nnlinftmm 7'Aun. pi mate V or ts ... (. fapao BJBO I rn
SBtttf IniMium / < , . IMIMII $ or ao Siberia Uft I M
flWl if ATT I M*TT«jnm. (MaylfK, It. ii.nm- In (tills.) tn 8.-
SfiOGi iK'l.iK-iiii iguUr • l_Jot B O i l w l'ii ii •P
"i i i ' ' ^ ii * ^. • * • i i* Ifrrit
vi-rd a ( [or e o.n w tan 17«i c FI. per, ££%>
t«Ubt'n. rerticUlitui A * P.
„ 9B00. MF.RTE'N'S//( Kill MlHTKXllJ tfor F. •VSi, r.j1 Up m. 9.
Mp^l larrlgat* A'M, illi * r~j mi M i
0 ]>.! II &H.n.«. 103
2JWB ijuitica Art. IglM Jamaica t v\
• L i HI'
... ... . . .

WO. CR-LTIS /,. NrrTL« T i n . (One of llip nncicnt tmnin (?ivi-n 1,, Ult ti>lu)O 1 , 11-1".
".'jtiT.l .urn j, i,. j t >-'JIII hrnj orI'l my s Kurope s CO

SI5O7t 1'otJtNcforii L A I D B li ].,••. s CO To. I!.?. 41
or £0 N. Anwr. IGSd.
ur 90 py N. Ainrr. ,., L Co
N. Amor. ... L CO
fapcr* /ji». C.
V SO ajuny (J
-»'",« l.vviyil.t II ] or SO ap,niy G i.iii.i .,. I.
SSOTJ crunfijlia f.itnt. \ or SO i p i ! N. AIIHT, IHI'i i
thick. tared
•507B i- dwarf or 6 ray O N. Amur. 1HJS- I
8S07 •'< 12 ... p. I
ur 10 an.i
or SO G.» 188). C p i II
Bo • O.v \v IWUM 1
' ... i.

lTA*S Gil''* M l . Guuan, c.r..f m.t . MontpaBar.1 Hhammem. tt —

or i o ... 180a <: I'i
HI I nj(n 10 m W Indlc I , link. ,tl. SOI i
OT 111 Q Hi...l.iii IS.'I < |>l
(...mri'.i. i 10 O.I \V I.,.- i: |i.l, 3. Iftl 1
mam 10 li.T ' li. V p.l
• or 1U mjf.Jl O i.l H » K . cor.
SfiTS. G Y R O C A ' R P U S Jne. ClY*oc*mni<i- ( , * to luru round, koTpM, rrull t In sir ) IMUT pffinf 4 — t .
O S aDf rl W
i irJi cb i eJ . AIIK'IMMN 1 O u r Y W7h, a m 178
Jwqu'illi <}««.
•m PK Attallo f CD or C Lp Hut. tor 1.1
Jactguitii [tux.

: boa Htam*. unknown, i rtK ff, —a

halrj Ii i <• II BOS ii Lp Bur.«C71.1
- UBSgtannti TYtMN. t lAlrti I • . II. I7'H. D i p A
ted it iAJ«« •- JI Ifllfl u 11. Bui LI
.uii Biiorui w. BuDBLU. jPrgftmorBn
g MinhJ
aaoBeSSBd.n ;.• •to «i
SO ) U Ap I. mn. C li
W. Ap E. Ittdle* C Lp
(50P7 mooUna if. iiioiuitain «0 ...
• JtVA Ttom. 1 , !ir««l; «npllr4tl(in n«( r Temitrtcntl&oeit. i — 4.
BS09S chinfml. H. Br. t J ( r li ?d W C 1883. C p.1 fal
^BM. .(/; DPIC AtLitrrtM. [Atiania, tree of h w m ; lodjf trowth.) Terrblnihitcr.r, V. — +,
uitbu Of/ RlaiHluloui or i » an I K l.p I' n bi
|—I or S*> ... 0 K. Imilc* JMK). C «i> li»x. cur

„ «877. CLU'SIA L. B * u * t i T « « . (CArtr/« de rZcittx (Cfw/w.

&5I01 r,'4M L. *
SSI09 ilh* /,. f O or :tit ... W
*SiW venvta L, uj.Ua*ed I Q n SO ... W & A n n I,, i I
„ W7fl OPHIOTCYLON /. OMBOXTUW. fO/»Aii, rerpcnt, fjrfow, wowl j lortn.. U-&
SfilOS •(•iimittntmi /.. icrpvlitlHO ML O "' ^ Piyju W B. IsdtM MM I' n>' Hot-1 *""
0^m. MANOl'tEUAX, MuraoTwu. iVOHV, 11,11111-
£1OS Ittdlca /.. W
\ Lam. fulid 11 . IIH S |>l : i»

I VIM /,. ltii*««. {lt,tphh, « ««-(11c i arutP awin i.f n.rc: P,ltma>. 9.
il //. K. I
A". l U l J lAJ ur li * ti . I t pj
. SEAFO'RTM R. Br. A. In i to ii lea I patron.) /Mfat*. 1.
van* B. Br. cltg S Hull r.m
MIUA'N^Mart. i MuteOKm PrinM Wdd-Kpiiwlnt) I. — f.
ft) Ul Mitt. B I'I «



the n run mi, r*i r-Hm* 7 -

low, Km i'altn t l_J or '10 f,tm Sk Dol
mw.;,-:ii«l t i_ J ttk > in

f«o ,y* • ... <• vv '

neilm trail un ? i_|or or »VI) ... <•:•« Nmwt
Uulan.i .-. Q w tiuuii. f "I
lor in ... 0 *t. Ihvi I
OLKDITSCH/.* L \ u n u i i k t , I * I | N J » . J L r s i m . f«»fj;,r ] l , _
s \ . u . i. iViNt B <1 Dvn. In
Mr Mil it 111 i.l lino) or 3 0 jjnu jj i S a.) iXlOO

N. A N S *.l
N. Aiatr, I7£l. a |>.l Cat car
25128 h6rrida W. horrid or 10 jn.jl G China 1774. L p i 75
2 purpurca purple or 20 jn.jl G China 1774. L co
85123 ludica Pers. Indian or 20 jn.jl G Bengal 1812. L co
25124 latisfliqua Lo. C. broad-podded or 20 jn.jl G L co
25125 Hinensis Lam. Chinese Jor 20 ... G China 1812. L p.l Dec. leg. 1.1
25126 ftrox Desf. fierce or 20 jn.jl G L co
orientalis Bosc
25127 macrac&ntha Desf. long-spined or 20 in.jl G L co
25128 micracanthos Lo. C. small-spined or 10 jn.jl G L co
25129 c&tpica Desf. Caspian or 20 jn.jl G Caspia 1822. L co
2885. CERATCTNIA L CAROB TBEE. (Kcras, a hom; horn-like pods.) Legum. Cassiea. 1.
25130 siliqua L. pod 1 Lj cc 15 s.o R.Y Levant 1570. S d.l Bot. rep. 567
2886. D A L R Y ' M P L E J ! ROX. DAI.RYMPI.KA. (Alex. Dalrymple, auth. Oriental Repertory.) Celastrlnae. 1.-2
25131 nomlfcra Box. apple-bearing Si uJ or 10 ... Nepal 1820. C s.1 Rox. cor. 3.27! 279
Turpfnto pomlfcra Dec.
2887. FRA'XINUSX ASH TREE. (Phraxis, a separation; used in formini ,) O&inte. 41.
25132 americana L. American, whiie% tm 20 my G N. Amcr. 1723. G co
poi green n tm 40 my G N. Amcr. 1723. (i CO
25133 acuininitta Lam. a 40 my.jn G
25134Juglandifblia Lam. Walnut-Tvd
25135 carolinftna Lam. Carolina a oror 30 my.jn G
N. Amer. 17&). G co Duroi 1.
N. Amcr. 1783. G co Cat car. 80
95136 pubescens Walt. pubescent a or 20 my G N. Amer. 1811. G co
rfigra Duroi
25137 pannosa Fen. cloth-taiwwf V tm 30 my G Carolina 1820. G co
25138 cplptcra IV. tving upon wingx tm 30 my G N. Amer. 1825. G co
discolor Mtc.
25139 lancea Bose lance-Avivt'rf or 30 G N. Amcr. 1820. G co
25140 quadrangulata Mx. quadrang., blue or 30 my G N. Amcr. 1822. G co
25141 platycarpa Mx. broad-fruited or 30 my G N. Amer. 1820. G co
25142 expansa W. expanded or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G co
25143 mixta Bosc mixed or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G co
25144 pulvcrullnta Bosc powdery or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G Co
25145 rubictinda Bosc ruddy-veined or 30 my G N. Amcr. 1824. G co
2514f> longifolia Bosc long-leaved or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G co
25147 vfridis Bosc green or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G co
25148 cinerca Bosc grey or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G co
2514!) Jilba Bosc white or 30 G N. Amer. 1823. G co
25150 Rich&rdi Bose Richard's or 30 G N. Amcr. ... G co
25151 oviita Bosc ovate or 30 G N. Amer. ... G co
25152 clllptica Bosc elliptical or 30 G N. Amcr. 1825. G co
25153 irigra Bosc black-branched i or 30 G N. Amcr. 1825. G co
25154 fusca Bosc fuscous or 30 G N. Ainer. 1823. G co
25155 rufa Bosc rufous or 30 G N. Ami-r. 1822. G co
25156 palllda Bosc pale or 30 G N. Amur. ... G co
25157 exc61sior W. taller tm 80 G Britain woods. S s.1
crispa Bosc
1 araentea t\\vcr.edged or 20 G Britain gard. G co
2 aurea goldcn^dged or 20 ap.ray G Britain gard. G co
3 fungbsa fungous or 20 G Britain gard. G co
4 honzontklis horizontal or 20 G Britain gard. G co
5 nsiua dwarf or 10 G Britain gard. G co
6 verticillaris whorled or SO G Britain gard. G co
7 crtoa gnawed or 20 G Britain gard. G co
8 striata striated or 20 up. my G Britain gard. G co
9 pcndula Hort. pendulous or 20 G G co
1 or 30 G
10 jaspideaWro. Jasper-Ik yel.-barkcd '• G co
95158 atrovirens Pers. dark-grccn or 4 apmy G Britain gard. G co
25159 vcrruutoa LA. warty ii or 60 G England Norf. G co
25160 lietcroph^lla Vahl vario'us-leavcd l '• tm 30 G England woods. G s.1
simplicifblia W.
25161 macroph^ila7%ouiiilong.lcaved or 40 G 1823. G co
25162 parvifolia W. small-leaved or HO apmy G Levant 1822. G co
25U» /cntiscifulia IV, Lentiscus.lvd or 6 my.jn G Aleppo 1710. G co Fluk. al. 182.4
25l(>4 argentea Lot. silvery or 15 my.jn G Corsica 1825. G co
251G5 rambucifblia W. Sambucus-lvd cr 30 my.jn G N. Amer. 1800. G s.1
251W nanu Bosc dwarf or 6 my.Jn G G co
251G7 oxycarna W. sharp-fruited or 20 G Caucasus 1815. G co
2 oxyphVlla Bleb, sharp-leaved or 20 ... G & Europe 1821. G co
25168 lbcida Lo. C. shining or 20 G G co
251«i!) amarlssima Lo. C. bitterest or 20 apmy G G co
25170 appendica Lo. C. appendaged or 20 G G eo
25171 appcndiculata Lo. C. appcndiculate i' E ; or 20 G G co
25172 vlrens Lo. C. green or 20 G G co
2 variegate variegated or 20 ap G G co
•2888. BRO'SIMUM Sun. BREAD NUT. (Brositnos, good to eat; fruit eatable.) Vrtlcea:. 2.-4.
25173 ijlicastruin Swx. Alicastrum M • or 6 ... Ap Jamaica 1776. C r.m Swz. fl. 1.1.1
25174 sphrium Swx. spurious, AJUkwoodM Q o r 6 ... Ap Jamaica 1789. C r.m
£889. DIOSPVBOS L. DATE PLUM. (Dios, divine, pyros, (err.) pear; resemblance.) Ebenuccte. 22. — S
1. GL&BRiFbuji. — Leaves on both surfaces smooth.
25175 virginikna L. Virginian, American** dt 20 jn.jl Y.u N. Amcr. 1629. S s.1 146
25176 lucida Lo. C. shining $ or 15 jn.jl Y.u N. Amer. 1820. L B.1
9BITJ Mabbla Rox. Mabola • Dfr 8 Y.a Philip. Is. 182& C s.1 Bot rcg. 11 f
25178 sylvfitica Box. wood £ • or £0 E. Indies 1812. C 6.1 Rox. cor. 1.47
2517!) /ycio'ides Desf. Lycium-hke • G o r 10 , 18011 C s.l
25180 A"bcnum Retx. Ebony f • tm 30 . Ac.haf.2L5
W E. Indies 17U2. C s.l
251H1 Ebcnastcr lictx. Ebenastcr '* • or 20 , Bengal 1792. C B.1 1.6
wooded «' O or 20 w" E, Indies Ihl7. C s.1
Einbryoptcris ; ; l_J or 25 jl E. Indies IS 18.
W.c Mauritius 1824. L rin Cot. rcg.41'9
netted L_J or 20 C s.1
25185 cdulis Lo. c eatable ' • • clt fcO E Indira 1S-24. C «.l
25186 lobitta Lou. ' » |_J clt IS China 1822, L s.1

25187 Kiccinioldcs Litutl. Vaccinium-likcii il pr 2 W China 1823. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 139
25188 discolor W. discolored f 7~\ fr 20 Philippin. 1823. C r.m
25189 montana Rox. mountain *i_|or 6 ... W.a E. Indies 1822. C r.m
II. PUBEBCE'NTBS. — Leaves underneath pubescent.
25190 L&tua L. Lotus, European* dt 20 jn.jl Y.a Italy 1596. L s.1 Mil. ic. 116
25191 pubescens Ph. pubescent $ clt 20 ap Yc N. Amcr. 1812. C s.l
25192 Kiiki L. Kaki, Japan «» i_J fr IS W.a Japan 1789.
25193 hirstita L. hairy • or 20 ... Ceylon 1820. L r.m Kami. 806
25194 chlorAxylon Jto*. pale-wooded or 20 W E. Indies 1822. C s.1
2.0195 cord) folia Rox. heart-leaved or 15 W.a E. Indies 1794. C s.1
2fili»6 rugulosa A. Br. small-wrinkly or 20 N. Holl. 1823. CG B.1
co Rox. cor. 1.50
25197 obovata J<ic. obovate or 15 W.a W.Indies 1796. G co
2890. CARGIXL/il JR. Br. CAROILLIA. (James CargUL M.D., of Aberdeen.) Ebenacc*. 2.
251CJ8 australis R. Br. southern t t_J or 15 ... ... N. Holl. 1816. C 1 p
25199 laxa R. Br. loose f l_J or 15 N. Holl. 1827. C l.p
2891. AfY'RSINE L. (A Greek name of the myrrh.) Myrsine*. 19. — 26.
25200 africana L. J o r 4 mr.myBr C. G. H. 1691. C p.1 Coin.h.l.M
2}201 retusaL. L j p r 2 jn W.a Azores 1778. C p.l Ven. eels 8(i
2.Vj()2 scmihcrrata JZox. i lor 40 Pk Nepal 1822. C p.1
25auJ capitclKita Rox. i (or 30 G Nepal C p.1
2W04 biiaria Rox. l_Jor 20 V/.pk Nepal 1822. C p.1
2o205 subspinusa D. Don Kubspinose L_Jor 20 Nepal 182a C p.1
25206 coriacca A. Br. leathery • or 8 W.a Jamaica 1823. C p.1
Samara coriacea Swx.
25207 S&mara R. Br. Samara 3 f.n W.a C. G. H. 177a C l.p
Samara pentandra H. K.
25208 melanupnlcos B. Br. black paper W.a C. G. H. 1783. C l.p Jac. vin. 1.71
Sidcruxylon melanuphlcutn L.
25209 vari&bihs R. Br. variable l|_Jor 3 Jnjl N. Holl. 1824. C >.l
25210 ilicifolia Lo. C. •> Holly-leaved (|_J or 3 ... 18&L C >1
25211 venulbsa Spr. small-veiny L j o r SO C. G. II. 181d C
Siderfxylon venuldsum IV.
„ 2892. NY'SSil L. TUPELO. (The name of a antal
water nymph (?); habitat) Santal&cca*. 7. — •).
25212 villbsa Mx. hairy, Sour-gum or 10 my G N. Amer. 1806. L s.1
25213 biflbra Mx. two-flwd, mountain^ or 10 G N. Amcr. 1739. C s.1
aquatica L. caroliniana L.
25214 capitkta Walt. round-headed *t or 10 ... G N. Amcr. 1806.
25215 toment&sa Mx. downy $ or 50 G N. Amcr. 1818. s.1
grandident^ta Mx.
25216 candicansA/r. whitish, Oacchce tinted or 20 G N. Amcr. 1812. C s.1 Mic. ar. 20
25217 dcnticulata H. K. sraaH-toothed $ or 30 G N. Amcr. 1735. L s.1 Cat car. 1. GO
-„ angunzans Mx. angulftsa Pair.
*5218 sylvatica Lo. C. wood ? or 15 G N. Amcr. 1824. L s.1

n 2893. HAMILTO*N/if Mhl. OIL NUT. (Mr. Hamilton, an American botanist) Santaldcea?. 1.
25219 olefrera Mhl. olive-bearing i _Jor 6 ... G.Y N. Amcr. 1800. C s.l
Pyrularia piibcra Mx.
n 2894. LAUROPHY'LLUS Thun. LAUROPIIYLMIS. (Lanrus, laurel, phyllon, leaf: resemblance.),
25220 captasis Thun. Cape i j o r 6 ... G C. G. H. 1801. L p.l
5. BU'RSERif Jac. BURBBRA. (Joachim Burser, a disciple of Caspar Rauhin.) Tcrebinthhccee.
Terek 2.-4.
£~22| gummlfcra
gummncra Joe, Jamaica, gum-bgt • or 20 ... W.a W. Indies 1690. SS p.l Jac. am. G3
222 serrate Rox,
Rox. serrated J • or 30 E. Indies 1818. C p.1
orS5°- ANACA'RDIUM Rox. A.VACARon;»r. (Ana. without, kardia, heart: seed external.) Terebinthueear. 1.
^223 occidcntMc L. western f Q f r 20 ... G.B W. Indies Ni99. C Jac. am. 1.18135
2 indicum Dec. • Indian $ • fr 20 ... G.B E. Indies 1699. C r.m Hu. am. 1. GO
r*2«97. SEMEC A'RPUS L. SEMRCARPUS. (Semeio, to mark, karpos, fruit; use of juice.) Terebinthdccar. 1.
**«* Anacardium
nacardium L. Anacnrdium ± ± • fr• lJ0 ... G.Y E. Indies 1820. C r.m Itu. am. 1.70
Anacirdium longifblium I*a»t. Cassitvium Spr.
2 cuneifolium Dec. wedge-leaved f • flr 20 G.Y E. Indies 1824. C r.m
, 28U8. ARCTO^PUS L. ARCTOPUB. r, a bear, pous, a foot) UmbeUiferar. 1.
"°olr cchinatus L. heilgehog 1 my.jn G C. G. H. 1774, D p.1 Bot reg.70*
PANAX. (Pan, all, akos, remedy; medical qualities.) Aralidce*. 9 . - 1 1 .
Ginseng, 5-lvd k A pr l | j n L.Y N. Aincr. 1740. 1) s.p Bot. mag. 133.1
pr « G N. Amcr. 1759. D s.p Bot mag
. K. prickly m 1 \ n G China 1773. C sp Jac. ic. 3.634
ai. shrubby pr 6 au.s G Ternatc 1800. U r.m Bot rep. 595
«uMa Sum. attenuated • or 20 W. Indies 1823. C p.1
S o Jbbi f r tree J L-J or 20 N. Zeal. 1820. C p.1
S&'u frchryuophflla Vahl goldcn-lcavcd J • or 20 Guiana 1822. C p.1 Aub. gui. £. 3(10
Stoii ^grans Box. fragrant • Dor 10 E. Indies J81f». C p.1
^ conchiftlia Rox. shell-leaved f • or 20 E. Indies 1820. C p.l
*2900. FrcUS L. Fro TREE. (Derivation unknown.) Urticca?. 74 - 1
I. CORUIFOLIA. — Leaves cordate, entire.
— Leaves smooth.
§£?£ "lacroph^lla Desf. long-leaved (
or 14 Ap N. Holl. ... C p.1
Vrf,2 rwymphojiRaia L. Water-lily-lvd or 10 Ap E. Indies 1159. C p.1
C"giosa L. religious, PotJar-lvd r—i 95 Ap E. Indies 17-31. C p.1 R. mal. 1 27
" pcdunclcd « O o r ti
A S. Amcr. 177f>. j » l Pluk. al. r/ri. |
2»w. 6 AP C. G. H. 1802. p.1 Thun. fir 8. c.
»«yrtif61ia Lk. Myrtlc-lcavcd f I 1 or 4 Ap 1824. p.
c r
i ' Desf. thick-ncrved $ • or 10 A S. Amor. 182.3. p.
rib-lcavrtt I lor 10 P E. Indies 17(23. P-
••X'VIR^U Vahl poUshcd 6 AP W. Indies 1823. p.
corUcca H. K. leathery-/i'/iwy/ I lor 10 A P E. Indies 1772. p.1 Hook. ex. fl. «23
' '^cida H. K. 6hining^t*awrf 10 E. Indies 1772. P.1
' oblongate Lk. ob\ong-ieavcd J Q o r An C. G. H. 1825. p.1
416 POLYGAMIA DItECIA. Cfc. XX1I1. ()». II.
252*7 lontiginbu Tahl ipw.Wrf J a or 14 Ap W. Indies 1830. C \>
«.«« venfea //. K. ntWT tifiwri J C!II or in ... Ap E. Indie* p B. mal, 3.64 c
*52W Infcct&ria JK •ulnina f CD or , 4 . All |; hiilk'H p (•

£5250 Icucatoma Polr. wliite-i 1L'(1 • LJ « BO Ap K. Indies 176U

c W. h. 1x1.36
. . .

vcntwa W. not / / . if. ICIJCIMKCU Spr.

S5S51 rUclfblte 1* a tlainniy-leavtil 10 . . . Ap isai. c P.
SMW itipulita ? W •ttpnteM
. . .

. . .
Ap 1810. c ... 1 p.
It. Susnras Liatrt utuh-rneath pttbetcrnt. c
S5254 lomcntbia A u , woolly t dor Ap . . . K huliM 1816. r 1--
II. M M ( vaU, entire.
1. L*tiu» N r. *• —Leovet smooth.
25S55 tinctorlA Font. •UitiUiff J LT~I Of 15 my.jn Ap Swioty 1.
itrnjatMB tnn f CD ts 10 Ap \\ 1 nniffft c p
P I! nal i.HT
2S256 Be7[fam)im L,
95937 tx-tijghalciui* £• IkiiKtl i i i or « Ap K. I i .
(• • •
It unit. l . i »
25S5S pDmila L. dwarf £. | | or J Ap ( Mai i l l •

c P bmtflM
SSSSB popfllnea ff^ 12 Ap S. Amcr. 181V.
tupomtiTiiiu* *, 2 8 c Pi

£SSS1 caijculit* JW- c«Jyculato nt ... Ap N. Spain 1CU0. c

ii. LASIOI'IIY'I, - / 4M1VJ pubeicrnt.
2SSGS butoprtfll* U.
£5483 r a s o M 0 . A M wrinkly"* 1
IBS u ,»> Ap
Ap S. Leone ten c PP.
i oblong, entire.

1 1 1 'si S — I riivtrt smooth

«fla» long! folia Lo. C. long. Ii-av til i
* f ) n Ap 1825. P
£5265 alllptira Kth. (.'Iliptic ' C i or £0 MM Ap S. Ainer. 18S4.

• •-a • w F

$5306 dumiiis Lo. C. tnuny 1 i
' i 'if 6 AP P- cc
S52n7 return L. tiiiiiu-/('ii(^ • 3 at (t Ap h 1 Nil 111 l7Wf
£52»i di.tica Ro*. elaitic K»m i _ i i.r '.II Ap . 1 . V [I c
S528!) Af*£lM Ci Don Atii'liuit'i 1 U Ap Pl
SM70«UbrfcU AM. Ml II ii'l tl <i
I] or in •J
• •« & !.•
Ap Cam ecu P. c
SSB71 nltidu 7'Aun. u\i**y-tfaw.d i• 3« 6 mr!jn A | i 1- l R moi. a r,r,
£5279 Hookfcrir riwt. Houkcr'i • O or 6 Ap IndiLf 1'. 1 Ill c
11 III 11 (4 ttOOHi
25?]'} glomorita Rax.
74 minima /to*. d
i • or
T 1 J ur
Ap )'. 1:
Ap !•:. lrulii-» in IN.
JB18. P cor. 1.1?3
P Jtox. c o t it \Sb
brtu »f. pil'UllI T t ' "i Id
Ap M . i i i r i
*t* l i u t i ; P Jtury 17 c
pisTOOlUMMnf « ; of 8 Ap H. Atucr. c
, L*. Artiutu*-lcavcdA Q or 3 Ap ...... t: Dh •

IOIOU Li. clh • • i |or 4 Ap ......

S5S79 aiiirrii.tii.i Aubl, A iiii'ricaii • .., 8 __ Ap IIU Wll).
.m. 132. S c
cluv'. • D °r 4 Ap 1 I l l i l i l M
U. uial. 1. 'Ji c
( •

SSSAtl niiir.K-,<I|>;I /VrA/ imjill.tniitul 90 .. K\> Oula IBI'J. \t. ( •

£5VH\f 111! I I H J I M H . I AM. Cut Ulllt 1 fit VLtf 10 Ap Mi-k 1 p (

25283 obluiifblia JCU blunt-lMvcd 90 .. Ap Wii. I p I

ii. 1 it, — Leave* pvbtKrnt.
£5284 auitrklU IT. •outtittn mr.jn Ap 1789. P. I "Veil, msi.114
IV. [lAXCirbum. —Letters iancculaie.
S598S Logfcnfi G. Don. l>ij{iiii'i t CD or • Pi
n Ap p 1 ( •

SSB8B mart in iL-i-iwii IK Martinltiue I CJ M SO Ap W, Inditi 11M. 1 SI. Jain.2.ia3

. . .

c ! ' •

i UPBRJ / / . A.
fifflBV Initn-.i Fit*/
Indian J CD "T no «** Ap R liuli« 1750. c P. R. mal. 3 03
Wlluw-leaved r L i ^^ 10 a*« Ap Arutii.i
c p
•invifc«« Hurt, indlca
25285) rtrnaJa Rtut.
so t n Ap R Indii-i (• I1 1
25SU0 IniicwillitJi /Itur. J CJ "T Ap 1 IlllliM .
S52U1 an r.w fulfil 7.0. C. (>r:nij:c l i k e

T f*~) or no __

Ap c 1'
£ W f p<?iiclu]a Lk. IM'Dlillldllll f CD °r IS All 1'.
95SB3 brulll&uil Li. liraiilian *D»r 4 • M Ap BcuU 1823.
•••»• + • •

cc P-
V. Sean* ripbu.v.- -L«nw'i serrated ur teoUUcL
L . — i
•., -i i-.i|)CQiii 2 1 w Ctpt • i | «t 4 iM Ap C G. H. I8IU. (• P. I
Llchtciuteln'* B^ [ ] or C G. If. 1821. p,
m^qj^ TjchtcjijtciniJ TrV
if. Si HMlll*LIJt..
89sB0 fcncnt if * rriirjiii if;-«/»)!(/ * n of i Ap i; iMtiii'i 1SQ5. p
SM6« BriM« ft. Itr. '
Mm Icavod
•1 CD or
• j 1 Tl

( •
35S99 oxsiportU r«A/ nuHpmtad 6 Ap Guinea 1S00. t: ! ' •

K M I ' V H-
Ff i
i'1 • 1
hi Lll!
t*n 7/ur'
25300 onpoiltipjla /{or. Ut>iHM)!aVCf • •or 4 Ap B. ItidlM 1802. c P. ROK. COT. 2, IS4
icftbra jnC' myjn
85301 coronhta .yp/rt
crowned • dor 6 Ap t ' . i r . IS00. ( • P («,l. h.r)p.B
•iij-iu M. llluill • r*~l or 4 Ap * P
If until A I J or 4 •** Ap Boa |,
£5304 mtatairrti lir. K d . HIT VCll
IDor 10 .+ . Ap
Brutl c BO
11 ] B M H I J r^
ill. olnVJ \IH'i Sit
S0305 i»pora Font. rough -/^i' • i _ | i.r 3 Ap ' N. Holl. 1807. c P-
Iv. I.IT
KBOfl ,,;.,.fn-.-, (1 . aquatic J O or III Ap ii i. 1750. (• I.I 1
; Us i . varutbie-iuTd III labaT P n.niii!. 3. *32
common, fig 15 Ju.Jl Ap • 1548.
c II '1'r, clir. T-i- 4



*m •
•2901 POLYBO'TRY A H.% B. POLYBOTRYA. (Poii/s, many, botrus, raceme: fertile div. of frond.") 2 . - 6 .
S5J09 cervma AT/IM//. hart's/oMgu* j g E l o r 4 Br Jamaica 1823. D Lp Petfll.8.3
**3lO vivlpara Hook. viviparous £ El or f Br W. Indies 1883. D-I.p Hook. etVfl. 107

*2<X)2. ACRCSTICHUM L. AcROSTicmnr. (Akros, highest, stichos, order; lines on reverse of lvi.) 9.-65
,c... I. INPIVIN\. — Fronds undivided.
J5311 simplex Swz. simple jg El or 1 ... Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p
**j 2 longifdlium Jac. long.leavcd jf El or 1 my.s Ilr Jamaica 1817. D l.p
Jwl3 crmltum Swx. hairy jf. El or J Br W. Indies 1793. I) f.p Tl. fil. 12ii
**314 glandulusum Hook, glandulous jf El or 1 ... Br Jamaica 1825. I) l.p H-.-&G.3.
11. Di VI\IA . — Fronds simple, divided.
> alcicurnc Swx. elk's horn jfi iAJ CU f au.o Br N. & W. 1803. D §.p Bot. rcg. 862-3
U> Stcmaria Beauo. Stcmaria £* El or 1 Br Guinea 1823. D l.p Beau. ow. 1.2
Oeo III. PiNVAVA. — Frondspinnate.
* 5 3l7appendiculatum7/ooJlr.appcndiculate ji fTvior Br W. Indies 1824. D i p H. & G. 100
*'3I8 fimbriatum 11. L. fringed < |S or 1 ... Br Brazil 1824. I) l.»
*5319 aurcum L. golden j£ El or 4 au Br W. Indies 1815. D l.p PI. fll. 101

2903. J/EMIONITISL. HRMIONITIB. (Hemionos, a mule; supposed to be sterile.) 1.

20 palmata A. palmate £ (29 el } Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Hook. ex. II. J3
* 2904. OYMNOGRA'MM A Dcsv. GYMNOOR. (Gymnos, naked,gramma, writing; naked sort.) 10.—31.
O.M I. HIRSUVA: — Fronds underneath hairy or scaly.
32l pedata Kaulf. pedate £ El l>r ft jn.jl Br K. Spain 1822. D l.p Swz. fil. 1.3
//cmiorittia pedata Swx.
i myrionhylla Swz. myriad-leaved jf_ El or 1 ... Br Brasil 1824. D i p H.&G.4.1!
\rhfa Desv. red-haired jf El pr ft Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Schk.flL17.21
7/emionitis rufa Swx. Acrostichum rilfum L.
or<v , I I . FARI\O\IJK. — Fronds underneath mealy.
«24 trifoliate Desv. three-leaved jg El or 2 Br Jamaica 1810. D l.p PI. fl|. 144
Acrostichum trifolintum L.
* JJ *5 chrytophyila Kauff. gnldcn-leavcd El or 1 * Br W. Indies 1824. D i p PI. fll. 44
5t Acrostichum chrysoph^llum Swz.
| r g j j Bulphurea Desv.
* > J 8 7 tartarea Desv.
infernal llEEll el 1 au Br W. Indies 1R0R.
1 Jn.jl Br Jamaica D l.p Schk. cryp. 4
1817. D l.p
//emionitis dealbMa W.
JDcruvikna Desv. Peruvian jp El or 1 Br Peru 1822. I) l.p
calomelanos Kau{f. beautiful black £ El el 2 j l . a u Br W. Indies 1790. D i p W. h.b.4l
Acr6stichum calomelanos L.
III- Nu^oA. — Fronds without any hairiness or mealiness.
cptoph^lla Desv. slendcr-lcaved ^ A or 1 jn au Br S. Europe 1819. 1) l.p H. A ii. '23
^'oly])buium luptophy'llum L. Acrostichum leptophyllum Dec.

MENI'SCIUM Sehreb. MENISCIUM. (Meniskos. a crescent; shape of fructification.) 3.-7.
proliferiitn Swx. proliferous £ Q S o r 1 ap.jr Br E. Indies 1820. D co
25?Mn ""-'WionUis prolifcra Ilefx. • < *

^ i I 3 Z *orbifbliutn IV. Sorbus-lcaved jf. El or Brazil 182 J. D co

4spli"niuni «orbifblium Joe.
cticulatum Swx. netted £ El el f np.iny Br Martinico 1793. D l p PI. fll. 110
•folypbdium reticuliltum L.
XIPHO'PTERIS Kaulf. SWORD FERN. (Xiphos, sword, pfcris, fern; form of fronds.) 2. — 8,
"errulata Kautf. serrulate £ El pr * Jn.jl Br W. Indies 1823. D Lp Schk. cryp. 7
Stair J'rammMis scrrulata W.
"^ hctvrnph^lla S/tr. variable-leaved ^ iAJ or \ v Dr N. 11 oil. 1824. D co
urammitis hetcrophy'lla Lab. Polypudium grammitoidcs R. Br.
CF/TERACH W. CETERACII. (Called chetherak by the Persian physicians.) 1. —4.
niiiArum W. officinal <: A m f my.o Bjr Britain cal. ro. D l.p Eng. hot 1244
^oplcnium Ctterach L. GrammUis Citerach Swz.

J*OLYPO*DIUM L. POLYPODY. (Polys, many, pow, foot; multitude of roots like.) 52-1'JO
I. iNnm*HA. — Fronds simple, undivided.
\. DISCREPA'NTIA. — Bearing fertile and sterile fronds.
§337 Mousc-car-hkcJuElor i AU Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p PI. fll. 118
variablel HW El or i Br W. Indies 1820. D l.p PI. fll. 120
creeping JWElpr ftmyjn Br W. Indies 1816. D l.p PI. fll. 121
ii. FKRTI'LIA. — Fronds all fertile.
i R. Br. attenuated * mrjl nr N. Holl. 1823. D l p
itbliinn Swx. narrow-leaved ftinrau Ilr W. Indies 1H90. 1) l.p
un Hum. banded 2 inyjn Br S. Amor. 1H15. I) l p
creeping ii inyjn Br Br W. Indies 1810. I) l.p PI fll. 134
'<*', 11* >"»lM»dHAde8 /,. Club-moss .... - " Br
"- W. Indies 179.?. 1) l p Schk. fll. 8
ft ' • • w U W L L. lanceolate jf EJ or i Br W. Indies 1812. I) l.p 1M. III. 137
2-![!, lJ1 l'y"ifulis/.. Ilart'8-tongue jf El or 1 an Br W. Indies 1791. S k s p l'l. 111. ISO
8 - . : ' 'iKMiOMiin Swx. Br E. Indies 18<J3.
j? E l or 3 au.s Br W. Indies 1823. ?? !-P
2 jn.s
l r ll
4"i:vii " ' "»itol»um L. thick-leaved D l.p p|. fll i 2 3
l u a Plantain-like £ El or 1 Ur W.Indies 1817. D l.p Jac c . l i t

11. PI.VNATI'FIDA. — Fronds pinna/ifid,

I. IMTEOERRIMA.—Leaves very en/ire, smooth, from No. 125 Jfil. pubescent underneath.
25350 phymatddps L. tubercled £ Q5I or ,•£•_•»_ J}r I * Indies 1823. D l.p Pluk. ph. 404.5
25.151 pustulatum For*/. puitulcd £ | or Br N. Zeal. 1H20.
25352 Billarditri R. Dr. La Billardicre'sJW I lor Br V. U. I. 1823. D fp Lab.n.h.2.240
scandcns Lab.
8535.1 aurcum L. golden f El or 3 mr.ap Br W. Indies 1742. SkB.p PI. fil. 76
25.r>4 7uercifT»hum fc. Oak-leaved £ El or Br E. Indies 1824. I) l.p Ru. am. 6.36
25.lw arcollttuin //MOT. areolate £ 123 or Br Brazil 1824. I) l p
25.J5ti Catharine Fin. St. Catharine's £ El or Br Brazil 1824. I) l.p
253.07 curvatum .Siuz. curved £G5)or Br Jamaica 1823. 1) l.p
25.158 pcctiintiun L. c o m b / £ ED or Br W. Indies 17!)3. Sk B.p
25359 plbmula //«>». feathered IE E l or 1 Br S. Amcr. 1824. D l.p
23.Mi() icoloiKMHlncmlcsJ,. Scolopendrum-lktf pg or 1| Br W. Indies 1820. D l p PI. fll.91 /rirhcimanoldcs.Swz. Trichumanes-lk£ LS or 1 my.jl Br W. Indies 1822. 1) l.p Schk. rryp. 10
Splucnwort-lvd £ [[A] £ ] or Br Martinico 17SK). Sks.p PI. fll. 102. A
£ p hoary %, (23 or Br S. Amcr. 1811. D l.p Schk. m. 11. u.
2536J incanum Sun. ii. SBRRAVA. — Leaves dentate or serrated.
£5.364 decumanum W. tall £ El el 5 au Br Brazil 1818. D l.p
9*13(15 inciuim Sws. cut £ El or 1 au Br W. Indies 1810. _ D l.p
2u3f»6 trifurcatum L. thrcc-forked £-'—22 or jau Br W. Indies 1820. I) l.p PI. fll. 138
25367 vulgtoe W. common 5 A or 1 my.o Br Britain D l.p 114!)
2 cambricum Welsh 1 my.o Br Britain ... D l.p Bolt. fll. 2.5. a
25368 virginianum L.
Virginian £ Z or 1 jl Br N. Amcr. ... D l.p PL fil. 77
III. PINNAVA. — Fronds pinnate.
L INTEOE'RRIMA. — Leaves very entire.
25369 hastatum Swx. hastate / » E J o r 2 ... Jamaica 1820. D l.p
25370 longifblium Presl long-leaved / f E l o r 3 ... Brazil 1819. D Lp
25J71 aunculatum Presl eared fi El or 2 ... Brazil 1824. D l.p
25372 diaslmileL. dissimilar £ El or 2 ... Brazil 1820. D l.p Pluk. al. 228.1
ii. SERBAVA. — Leaves rcpand, crenate, serrate.
25.173/raxinifblium Jac, A A«h-leaved
lea tftf ElEl el 2 au Br Caraccas 1817. D l.p Jac. ic. 639
25374 rc|>aiidiiin Sun. rcpand £ El or 1* au Br Jamaica 1820. D Lp
25.175 tenullum Furst. slender &riA|or 11 au Br N. Holl. 182}. D Lp
25-J76 crenatuin Swx. crcnate 1}au Br Jamaica 1823. D Lp
25J77 Juglandifbhum //. 4 B. Juglans-lvd££ El El or " Br & Amcr. 1822. D Lp
IV. BIPINNATI'PIDA. — Fronds bipmnntiftd, pubescent.
25378 Phcgopteris L. Sun-fern k A or or
f jn.jl
jn.J Brr Britain moun. D l.p
25.T7!) hexajjonupterum Mx. ft-anglwl-wgd ^ A 1 Jl 5 N. Amcr. 1811. D l.p Pluk. al. 284.2
g p
Q."|.'1K() CUIlllL>Catlll> MT. ffg
(MtniUMTtLHl ^ ^ jl p
&VW0 coniiectile Mi. connected 5 A or 1 Br Canada 18'23. 1) l.p
25J81 jamaicense Dcsv. Jamaica £ E J ° r 1 Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p
25382 sanctum Swx. V. BIPINNA*TUM. — Fronds bipinnatc.
holy £ E ) o r Br W. Indies 1820. D Lp
25383 DryAptcris L. V I . TRIPINNAVA.--FrondsMpinnate or supra-deeompound. Eng. bot Old
25384 calcareum Sm. Dryoptcris ^ ^ or 1 jn.s Br Britain D l.p Eng. bot 1525
25385 effusum Swx. snur.hranched 5 A or Jjl Br Britain 1) l.p SL jam. 1.57.3
25386' pruinatum Swx. spreading * El or 3 n Br Jamaica 176!). Sk s.p
froaUcavcd £ El or 2 s Br Jamaica 1793. D Lp
VII. DU'BIA. — Doubtful to which of the sections they belong.
25387 tetrag&num
25388 polyfinthum //. many-flowered £± I[51 or
H. L.L. four-angled Br Brazil
Br Brazil 1824. D
1827. D l.p
25388 t t & // L f l d £
290!). T ^ N I T I S Swx. (Tainia, a fillet; long narrow frond.) a—9.
25389 lanccolata Kaulf. lanccolato Ar El pr 1 au Br W. Indies 1818. D Lp
/'tens lanceolata L. PI. fll. 132
25.390 ^rammifolia Hook. Grass-leaved I or Br Trinidad 1820. D Lp
25391 angustifMia Spr. narrow.lcaved I or i Br Jamaica 1816. D Lp Hook. ex. fl. 77
Pteris angustifblia Swx.
•2910. NOTHOCHLfl^NA R.Br. NOTIIOCYIL. (Nothos,spurious, chlaina, cloak: seeminginvol.) 4.—13.
25392 pilnselloldca Kautf. Pilosclla-like £ El or i j n . a u Br E. Indies. 1822. D Lp H.pfl. 96.2
/*teris pilosclloidcs L.
25393 Marantr/> II. Br. Maranta's £ lAJor Br N. Holl. 1820. D Lp Spr. cryp. 2.18
AcroHtichum MaranUr L.
25394 distans
i 11.
Br. distant £ iAJ or f Br N. Holl. 1823. D Lp
253U5 lanuRintaa Desf. woolly ll tf IAJ or \ au.s Br Madeira 1778. R i p Desf. at 2.256
Acrostichum vlllcum //. A. lanuginuaum Desf.
291L NIPHCyBOLUS Kaulf. N I P . (Nip/iobolos, covered with snow; indusia like flakes of snow.) 6. —17.
1. DiHCUPA'NTBfl. — Bearing fertile and sterile fronds.
25396 adnAsccns Kaulf. adnasccnt %, El cu \ Br E. Indies 1824. D Lp R, mal. 29
Polyp«Klium adnascens Swx.
25397 pcrtuKiiH Spr. Iwred H ^ E l c u | Br China 1821. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 162
Polypbdium pcrtusum Hook.
25398 rup^stris Spr. rock ^ El cu | Br N. Holl. 1824. D p.l
Polypudium rupestre Jl. Br.
11. CONF6RMES. — Fronds all fertile.
25399 confluent 5pr. confluent IWEJcu f Br N. HolL 1820. D p.l
Poly|>odium c6nflucns R. Br. /_
25400 lingua Spr. tongue HW El cu } mjujn Br Japan 1817. D p.l Thun. jap. 38
Acrostichum lingua Thun. Polypodium lingua Swx.
25401 linearc O. Don linear HWEJcu | Br Japan 1822 D p.l Thun. Jap. 1°
Polypodium linc^rc L.
2912. ONOCLESVA L. ONOCLBA. (Onos, a vessel, kleio, to enclose; apparent capsules.) 2.
25402 sensibili^i. sensitive ^ A or 1} au Br Virginia 1799. I) Lp Schk. fil. 102
25403 obtusilobata Schk. obtuse-lobed S A or 1 jl Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Schk. «L lO*
Ar8»13. STRUTHIO'PTEniS IV. STBUTHIOPTBRIB. {Strnthios. ostrich, pteris, fern; fronds like feathers.) &
*5«O* germfimca IV. German A A or 2 jLau Br Europe 1760. D l.p Schk. 01. W-*
n u n , G"ndnd<i StruthWpteris L. , _. , . .
25405 pcnnaylvinica IV Pennsylvanian £ A or 2 an Br N. Amcr. 1812. D i p Schk. fil. Ill
2914. ALLOSOXRUS Bernh. ALLOSORUS. (Alias, various, torus, heap; sort changing at different period*.) 1.-4.
2540S crispuB Bcrnh. curled i ^ cu i jLau lit Britain sto.hi. 1) l.p Eng. bot. 1160
/tferis crfspa Stvz. OsmGnda crlspa L.

2915. ELLOBOCA'RPUS Kaulf. POD F E E V. (En. in, lobos, apod, karpos, fruit; div. of frond.) 1.—2.
25407 olerucous Kaulf. potherb £ fZS or 1J au Br Tranqueb.1818. D l.p Pluk. al. 215. S
Ceropt6pterw /halictroidcs Broeg.

2916. PAHKEMl/J Hook. PARKERIA. (C. S. Parker, who first found the plant in Esiicquibo.) j.
25408 ptcTo\dcB Hook. Pteris-like ^E]or J au Br Esscquibo 1825. D l.p
2917. LOM A'RI A JV. LOMARIA. (Loma, an edge; marginal position of indusia.) 5 . - 4 3 .
p al
25409falcataSpr. falcate'
Stcgania falcata R. Br. ' £ I A J O T 2 ^"vlSi. 1823. D p.l
25410 Stcgania
nfida W. falcta R Bnaking £ iAI or 2 Br V . D . I . 1822. D p.l Lab. n. h. 2.218
Stcgania nuda R. Br. ftnoclea niida 7,a6.
25411 nAcant Desv. spike £ ^ or 1 jl Br Britain heaths. D p.l Eng. but. 1159
J?lechnum bore'ilc Sm. Suu.
_. J-#1 ^_ U.VwsfTJL—Sterile fronds pinnate; leaflets serrulated. n^m
25412 procdni Spr. tall £ lAi or 3 Jl Br N. Zeal. 1822. D p.l Lab. u. h. 2.247
Stegania procfra R. Br. Osmfmda proccra Forst.
25413 Ionpifolia Kaulf. long-lcavcd J k E j o r 2 jn.jl Br W. Indies 1810. D l.p Pl.fil.117.rfc.rf/-.
Acristichum torbifulium Vahl

• 2918. .BLE'CHNUM L. BLBCITVUU. (Bleehnon, one of the Greek names for a fern.) 10 — ;i.
I. INTEGE'REIMA. — Fronds pinnated ; leaves entire.
25414 australe L. southern £ IAJpr 5mr.s Br C. G. H. KJ01. R ip Schk.fll. 110. b.
25415 occidental L. western jj CS3|>r 1 mr.s Br S. Amcr. 1777. 11 i.p Jac. ic. 3. 641
85416 glandulbhiim Lk. glandiilous i? C3 or } Br Brazil 182 i. II n.p
25417 pectinatum Presl i>cctinated £ 123 or 1 ... Br S. Amcr. 1827. R s.p
25418 longiftlium Hum. long-lcavcd £ El or 1 mr.s Br Caraccas 18'.'(). R s.p Bot mug. 281H
II. DBNTICULA'TA. — Fron</» pinnate ; /rrtiv* serrulated, crenulated, or denticulated.
25419 hevigatum Cav. smooth jg lAlor 1 mr.s Br N. Holl. 181.M. R s.p
254'JO serrulatum Mx. serrulated £V A or f mr.s Br Florida 1818. R n.p
25421 stratum /{. Br. striated fl! iAi or { mr.s Br N. Holl. 1824. R sp
stramlneum Lab.
25422 brasilicitec Desv. Brazilian jg El or mr.s Br Brazil 1820. R s.p
cavadlnse Had.
25423cartilagincum Swx. cartilaginous tf lAlor 1 Br N. Holl. 1820. R s.p

2919. WOODWA'RD/if Sm. WOODWARDIA. {Thomas Jcnkinson Woodward, an English botanist.) .1.
2.H24angustifolia Sm. narrow-lcavcd ,* A or 1 au Br N. Amcr. 1812. I) p.l Schk.fll. I l l
onoctarides IV. Osmfimla caroliniXna Walt.
2->42."i radlcaus Sivz. rootinp./cnwrJ #. IAJ or 1| s llr Madeira 1779. R sp Schk.fll. 112
25426 virgfnica Swx. Virginian £ A or 1 au.s Br N. Amcr. 1774. D l.p Pluk. al. 179 2
ifli'chnum virginicum L.

_ 2920. DOO D7if R. Br. DOODIA. (Samuel Doodt/, a London apothecary, and first Brit cryptogamist.) 3.
25427 aspcra R. Rr. muffr-stalkcd f uM l>r } mr« Br N. S W. 1S08. R «.p!)
£»428 media R. Br intermediate £ u\j or $ mr.s Br N. Holl. 182J. 1) l.p
25429 caudata R. Br. tailed ^ iAl or 1 mr.s Br N. Holl. 1820. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 25
Woodwfirdia caudata Cav.

*2D21. ifSPLETNIUM L. SPLEENWORT. (//, priv., splen, the spleen; mod. qual.) 47. —154.
I. INDI\ IVIA. — Fronds undivided.
25430 Nidus L. JWrrf'* Nest K Indies 1820. l.p Brey. c. 99
*^»1 brasihcnsc Sun. Brazilian Brazil 18^.>.
taxi-leaved W. Indies 17<U.
*<>43.'l rhizophyllum L. rontiiiK-lcavcd N. Amcr. 1<»H(). .p Snhk. 111. t'A
attenuatctl N. Holl. 18'.'k '!> l'luk. al. 105.3
t attcnualum p.1
II. LODATIFR6NDKS. — Fronds angular, lobate, divided.
a palmate j£ iAi or { au.s Br S. Europe lHlfi. I)
o5*25 P 'matum Lam. i«...n«w.- Bnt. cab. 8fi8
^>*36 septentrionUc Sun. northern 3t A or \ jn.o Br Britain Eng. bot 1017
25437, i. SIIRINTEURIFOLIUM. — Leaves subentirc.
J D l.p Schk.fll.C7. fi9
angustifblium Mx. narrow-leaved ^ A ^ 1 jn.jl Br N. Amcr. 1812.
knife-leaved — Leaves
1 crenated,
Br toothed, or
W. Indiaserrated. . n.1 PI. 111. & 1
«4jf HhcphfaUJ apr. Shepherd's jn.jl Br Jamaica 18U0. l>
^440 obtiiHritum Forst. obtuse
i Lab.
Hi jnjl Br N. Holl. 1824. p.l Lab. n. h. 242.1

marlnum L. ^r A or Br Britain rocks. D s.p Eng. bot. W

pinthemum Sm. one-floweretl £ iAi cu
" p i t h Lam.
If lAlor 1 Jnjl Br
Br (\ O. H. 17!*). D l Sm. ic. in. 73
fah-ntuin falcate N Holl. 18i'5. I)
* h*'"nijefiMium IV. •f E J c u Br Caracras IHL'O. 1) Bot. cab. &">4
i M««rtltuni IV. Zamia-lcavcd )f_ E ] or 14 jug Br JmnaiiM 1S'2(). I)
S ?>cnpum II. K. bipartcd i A or Br N. Anicr. I77>). 1) Schk.fll.73
formf«um IK. ebony-stalked ic rXior 14 jn.jl Br W. Indies 18^2.
TVhfi L beautiful ^ A Pr 1 Jn.s Br Ilritaiii sh.roc. n D Eng. bot 57fi
Maiden hair Br N. Aincr. 1812. D
IV. black-stalked h A l»rr
d c Uud £ A P I Jn.« I!r Britain al. roc. D Eng. bot. 22.07
H -
Petrarch* Dec. Ietrarchs
I'etrarch's A or « jn.s Br France 1819. D
VfilliB-elafisa; Req
"entatum /.. tootheil _ - o r 4 jnjl Br W. Indies 1820.
flabellifMium r«i>. fiin-lenved i jnjl Br N. Holl. IRL'0. Hook.ex. fl S08
^ H rhizi'iphorum //. root-bearing $ E ] pr 1 an Jfr Jamaica 1793. SI. jam. 29,30.1
'H5j altermfolium Sm. altcrnatc-lvd £lt A cu » jn.o Br Scotland ... Eng. bot. 2258
germanicum It'eis

IV. BIPINNATI'FIDA. — Fronds bipinnatyfld.

S5456 pbmilum Sivz. dwarf £ El pr * j n J 1 Br
W. Indies 1823. D l.p PL fll. 66. A.
25457 difflirmc R. Br. two-formed £ LAI or J jn jl Br N. Holl. 1823. I) pi
25458 fontanuin R Br. fountain ^ A el f Br England w. 8c r. D l.p Eng. bot. 2024
Aspidiuiu futitanum IV. /'olypodium fontanum L.
25459 birtctuin Swz. binccted £ El or 1| au Br Jamaica 1821. D l.p
25460 praunonum Sun. bittcnUeaved £ E ) e l }au Br Jamaica 1793. K i p Pluk. al. 73.5
25461 itnatum L. striated £ El pr 1 Br W. Indies 1793. It s.p PI. fil. 18,1!)
254G2 fliclypteroldes Mx. Thclyptcris-likc S A or 1 Jl Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.1 Schk.fll.7a6
acrosticho'idcs Sun. __
25463 radlcans Sun. rooting £ El or Br W. Indies 182a D p.l Schk.cryp.76
rhizophoruin Schk.
V. BIPIVNAVA. — Fronds bimnnate.
251C4H4lleriR.Br. HallerVi * A or 1 Br Switzerl. 1819. D p.1 Schk. cryp. 53
Aapidium lontanum Sun. Halleri W. Athyrium Hallcri Roth
25465 F\hx.fa/mina. Hernh Female Fern^ A or 2 jn.s Br Britain pi. D l.p Eng. bot. 1453
Polypudium niix-fin'mina L.
25466 Athy'riuin Spr. .Athynum i A or 2 Jn.s Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.1 Schk. cryp. 78
Ncphrbdiuin fliplcnioidi* Mx. Aspfriium nuplcnioldes W.
25467 Michadxii Spr. Michaux'u & A or If jn.s Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l
Ncplirbdiuin /-"ilix-ftu'inina Mx. Aapidium angiibtum8 IV.
25468 lanceoUtum Hud. lanceolate £( A pr i J"- Br England rocks. D l.p Eng. bot. 240
2546V Hhia muraria L. Wall Hue 5 A cu 4 Jn.o Br Britain sh.roc. D l.p Eng. bot. 150
25470 bulhlferuin Ford, bulb-bearing £ tAl or 1 jn.s Br N. Zeal. 1820. D p.l Schk. cryp. 79
25471 viviparum / / . K. viviparous £ El or 1 Jn.s Br Mauritius 1M20. D p.1
25472 fragrant! Sun. fragrant £ El cl f Jl
Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Pluk. al. 282.1
25473 /(di&ntum ii^grum L. Bk Adiantum^ A P' I P-0 Br Britain D l.p Eng. bot 1950
25474 mont'inum W. mountain ik A pr i jl Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p
25475 cicutanum Sivz. Cicuta-likc £Elor 1 Jn.s Br W. Indies 1820. D p.1 PI. fil. 48.a.
V. TRIPLICA^TO-PINNAVUM. — Leaves triplicately pinnate.
25476 acutum Bory acute £ iAJ or 2 Br Tcnenftb 1818. D l.p

2922. C J E N O ' P T E R I S Berg. CAWOPTERIS. {Kain'os, new, pteris, a fern.) 2. —13.

25477 Odontltis Thun. Odontitcs £ tAl or f Br N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Schk. crypt 82
ifsplemum Odontltw H. Br. Darl-a CJdonlUes W.
25478 appendiculatum Lab. appendaged £ LAJ or # Br N. HolL 1822. D p.1 Lab. n. h. 2.243
ifsplemum l&xum R. Br. Darca appcndiculata W.

2923. ALLANTO%DIA B. Br. ALLANTODIA. {Allantos, a sausage: resemblance in indusia.) 4 . - 5 .

25479 tcnera R. Br. tender £ lAJ or 11 jn.s
jn.s Br N. Holl. 1820. 1)
1 p.1
S54H0 auNtralis R Br. southern £ lAl 2 Jns Br V. D. L. 1820. D p.1
25481 axilTiritf Kaulf. axillary £ lAJor 2 jn.s Br Madeira 1779. D l.p
PolypTidium axillhre //. K.
23482 umbrosa R. Br. Hh.tdy l or 4 Jn.s Br Madeira 1779. D l.p Schk. fil. til
umbriisuin II. K.
2P24. SCOLOPE'KDUIUM Sm. HART'H TONOUE. (Scolopendra, a centipede; underside of fronds.) 2—4.
25483 offlcin\rum Swz. officinal A cu Br Britain D l.p Eng. but 1150
ilapW-muin 5coloi>eiidriuin L.
2 criHiium cuT\e&.leaved A cu Jlau Br Britain D l.p
3 undulatum
4 multifidum
wave leaved
A cu
A cu If jlau
l.p Pluk. ph. 248.2
5 ramoHUin brunchy A cu Br Britain 1) l.p Pluk. ph. 248.1
25484 Hemionltis Cav. llemionitis I or 1 au.s Br Spain 1779. 1) p.1 Schk. cryp. 66
i //einionlti* L. palmatum BTC.

2995. DIPLA^ZIUM Swz. DIFLAZIUM. {Diplaxo, to be double; indium double.) 9.—2a

I. SiMPiJCiPR<')NDEa. —Fronds simple.
£5485jriantaglneum£t0z. Vlmta\n4eaved£ El or 2 au Br W. Indies 1819. D i p
ifsplenium plantaglneum L.
25486 castanca?f>»lium Swz. ChcstnuUlvd £ El or 1 Br Guinea 1824. D l.p
11. PIN NATIFR6NDES. — Fronds pinnate.
25487 scramporense Spr. Scramporc £ E J o r 3 ail Br- Scramporcl820. D l.p
25488 grandif Mium Sun. large-leaved £ El or 4 au Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p
//emlon'itiM grandifnlia Sun.
254R!)^uglandif«ilium Swz Walnut-lcavcd $ El or 3 au Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p Schk. cryp. 85
25490 aurirul/atum Kautf. auriclcd ± CJ or 10 au Br Caraccas 1820. D l.p
111. BIPINNAVA.—Fronds btpiwiate.
25491 malab£ncum>.Vor. Malabar f • or 8 ... Br E. Indies 1818. S l.p
jfsplenlum ambtguum Sun.
25442 arboreacens .Viuz. arborescent or 12 Br Mauritius 1826. S l.p
25493 cfculentum Sivz. eatable £ l or 3 Br E. Indies J822. D l.p
//cmionitis esculenta Retx.

• 2926. PTITRIS L. BRAKE. {Pteryx, a wing; appearance..) 15. —119.

I. SI'MPLEX. — Fronds simple.
25494 sagittafblia Rod. sagittate-leaved £ El or | Br Brazil 1825. D p.1
II. DiviNuB, — Fronds divided.
25495 peiUUL. pedate k A or f Jl au Br Virginia 1820. D l.p PI. fll. 152
25496 palmata W. palmate £ El or f Br Caraccas 1821. D l.p
III. TERNA\A. — Fronds ternate.
25497 arg^ntea Gm. , •livery k A or f Br Siberia 1816. D p.1 N. c. p. IS. I
pedata var. L.
IV. SIMPLICIPINNA'TJE. — Fronds simply pinnate.
fSJOJrotundlfMlaFor*/. round-leaved £ El or 1} Br N Zeal. 1824. D p.1 .
long-leaved £ El or 2 jl s Br W. Indies 1770. Sk «.p Jac. sc.3.399,400
falcate £ iAI or 1 jn.jl Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l
25501 grandifbtia L. large-leaved £ E I o r 2 au Br W.Indies 1793. S k i p Schk.fiL89
V. CoMP*SaiTo.piN.VA rJi. — Fronds pinnate ; lower leaves compound.
25502 denticulate Hook. toothed ^ [Q or S jl Br Brazil 1824. Sk s.p
25503 crdtica L. Cretan £ tA| cu 1 Br Candia IH20. I) l.p Schk. cryp. 90
8S504 serrulata L. serrulated £ EJ pr 1| au.s Br Schk. fiL 91
25505 umbrtaa R. Br. shady £ L&| or 3 Br India 1770. Sk s.p
25506 atropurpiirea L. purple. 5 A pr i au.s Br N. N. Amer.
Holl. 18W.
1770. Dl) l.p
p.l Schk. fll. 101
VI. BIPIVNATI'FIDA. — Fronds bimnnatiftd; lowerN. Amer.
bMd. D l.p
85507 Plumierfi W. Plumicr's £ (23 or 2 jl Br S. Amer. 18.18. I) l.p
85508 ncmornlia W.
25309 arguta /'«*/
grove £ El or 1} my.jl Br Bourbon 1823. D D l.p
Pet. g. 80.3
tharp-notched £ iAi el 1 au a Br Madeira 1778. Huk. «l. 2'JQ. %
VII. BIPINNAVA. — Fronds bipinnnte.
25510 hastate Sun. hastate £ lAJor 2 Jl« Br C.G. H. 1883. D l.p Pluk. ph. 403. 5
155II cordata Cav. heart-shaped £ (23 or 3 jn.j .jl Br Mexico 1880. D p.l
85512 sagittata Cav. arrow-shaped £ EJor 3 l Br S. Amer. 1826. D P.1
85513 f legana Pair. elegant £ El or 3 au.s Br E. Indies 1824. D l.p
25514 discolor *M/IX<? discolored 3 au.s Br Brazil 1825. D l.p
clegans Swz.
8551.0 heterophylla Suiz. variable-leaved £ | ]or 4 jLau Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p PI. fll. 37
£5516 aculeate W. prickly-rfmd "} lor 10 au.fl Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Pl.tiL5. e t l l
% %
VIII. TRimcA ro.nsitA TM. —Frondstriplicatclypinnated.
25517 vespcrtilibnis Lab. bat-iiMit/pif tf tAJ or 3 Br N. Holt. 1823. D l.p Lab.n.h.2.845
25518 tremula R Br. trembling 2 i £ | or 3 Br N. Holl. 1820. I) l.p
eatable £ L&J or 3 au.s Br N. S. W. 1815. D Lp Lab.n.h.2.844
25519 esculcnta Font.
IX. DECOMPUSITAC. — Fronds ilecompound.
25520 caudata L. tailed k A I>r 2 s d Br N. Amer. 1777. D l.p Jac. lc. 3.615
85521 aquiHna /,. aquiline ^ A or 3 Br Britain hea.w. D l.p £ng. but 1679
85522 leptoph?lla Sua. slcnder-leavcd f |S or 2 Br Brazil 1824. I) 1 p
2552J Unuguiusa Itory woolly £ E3 or 3 Br Bourbon 1819. D l.p
X. DU BIJS. — Doubtful to which section they belong.
355'>4 chintasis Lo. C. Chinese £ iAJ <>r 2 Br China 1824. D p.l
85525 crenulata Lo. C. crcnulatcd f iAi or 2 jl Br 1827. I) p.1
25526 Cervantes** H. L. Cervantes'* £ tA] or 1 jl Br Mexico 1824. D p.1
8927. VITTAMU A Sm. VITTARIA. (Vitta. a riband: shape of narrow fronds.) 2. —10.
2*527 lincata W. YuicvrUeaved £ El cu 2 au Br America 179.L D Lp Schk. fiL 101. b
85528 #ramiuifulia Kaulf. Grats-leavcd £ El or 1 Br Brazil 1820. D Lp

2.028. LONCIIPTIS L. LONCIIITIS. (Louche, a lance; form of fronds.) 8. — 5.

2VV29 himuta L. hairy £ E l p r 1 jn.s Br W. Indies 1793. O l.p 1Schk. fll. 86
85530 peduta L. pedatc £ E J o r 1 jn.jl Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Br. jam. 89.1
Plbus podophy*ila Swz.
8929. ANTRO'PHYUM. Ktiutf. ANTROPIIVUM. (Antron, a cavern, vhyo% to grow; habitation.) I. —8.
85531 lanccolhtuin Kaulf. spear-tawed £ f jl.s Br W\ Indies 1793. D Lp Schk. fll. 6
//emionitis lanceolate L.
* 89.30. ADI A'NTUM L. MAIDENUAIB. {Adiantos, dry; plunged in water, yet remaining dry.) 20. — 63.
I. UKNIPORMK. — Leaves simple, rrntfonn.
85532 rcniforme L. kidney-leaved £ iAi I* $ jn.s Br Madeira 1699. II s.p Bot. cab. 841
II. SIMPLICIPINNA'TA. — Fionds simply pinnate.
25533 macropli^Ilum Swz. long-leaved 1 JLau Br ~ Jamaica 1793. I) l.p Br.jam.38.1
25534 lunktum Cav. lunated Br Mexico 1823. D l p
o. III. COMPOSITO-PINNA^TA. — Fronds at base compound or bipinna/et above simply pinnate.
* »535 deitoidcum Swz. deltoid £ El or 1 jl au Br Jamaica 1824. I) l.p
f5!t:i(i varium Hum. various £ El or 1 Br S. Amer. IK20. 1) l.p
*5537 scrruiatum L. serrulate £ E l o r 1 au Br Jamaica 1822. D l.p Pluk. aL 185.2
IV. DIGITAVO-PIVNAVA — Fronds triparted, digitate* or pedatc ; branches pinnate.
^ »38 tcrnatum 7/iim. tcrnate £ E l or S. Amor. 1H1<). 1) l.p
^2}-''> radiatum L. radiated £ iAI pr J Dr W. 1 mlk>« 1776. D Lp Pl.flLlOU
*"»'t" pedatuin L. pedatc 1 au.s Br N. Amur. 1K4O. H s.p Schk. 111. 115
^'•Hl patens IF". _ _ spreading £ El or 1 au.s Hr Brazil 1821. I) s.p
iiispidulum It Br. rather hairy £ lAJor 1 Br N. Holl.
1822. 1) l.p
V BiPistiAsrk. — Ftonds all bipinnnte.
?M3 villbsum /,. haWy-stalked £ El or 1 jn.s Br Jamaica 1775. D t.p Schk. fll. 120
pulverulenium L. dusty £ E I i >orl U J nH B Br W. Indies 1793. D s.p Schk.fll. 119
*»*> rhomboichuim Kth. rhomboid f El 1 J " Br S. Amer. 1820. D l.p
16 C'apilluK Vcncri* L. Vcnus's hair £ iAJ cl $ my.a Br Britain rocks. R s.p Eng. bot 1564
VI. SUPRAI)KCOMP6SITA. — Frond triplicately pinnate or supradecotnpound.
r cuncMum Houk.
m Hook. wedKC-sha|)cd £ iAJ or 1 au Br Brazil 1820. D p.l H. & G. 30
'>rme L. Thomb-Jeaved £ t Z 3 e l l|jii.jl Br W. W. Indies
Indies 1793.
1793. It
It ».p
s.p Schk. fll. 112
tender £Elel 1 jl Br " Jamaica
" 1793.
" D i.p Pluk.
" al. 354.1
tsalmile Swx. assimilated £ iAI or 1 Br N. Holl. 1823. D Lp Lab. n. h.2jMtf t
lmmm trigbnum Lab.
formosum R. Br. handsome £ IAJ or 1 Br N. Holl. 182a D Lp

893L LI NDS JEM Dry. LINDHAA. {Lindsay, an Englishman, who wrote on germination of mosses.) 5.—89.
I. PiNNANr«. — Fronds pinnate.
linear tf iAI <>r $ ap.jn Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.1
•icklcshancd £ El or } apjn Br Trinidad 1819. D p.1 a 7.8
orj_ II. DECOMPOSITE. — Fronds decompound.
~*54 microph^lla Stvz. small.lcavcd £ ,AJ or { apjn Br N. Holl. 1820. D p i
5 S 5 tr«lH'zaBf.'.rmi8 Dry. Trapi'iium-findtf El or 1 apjn Br S. Amer. 1819. D p.1 Lin. tr. 3.9
™rr1 midia R. Br. Intermediate £ uQJ or 1 apjn Br N. Holl. 1823. D p.1

* 29.32. CHEILA'NTHES Sun. CIIBILANTHES. (Cheilot, lip, anthos, flower; form of induiium.) 10.-38.
I. BiPiNNATi'pinA. — Fronds bipinnattfld.
«-r«557 Kr.'icilis Kautf. slcmlcr k & or # jl Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l
Plferis grucilis MJC.

IL — Fronds bifiiumitt.
Pkvu-Ukc i ji s Br (.. O. H. 1775. D Lp 11. n. ii.(«.3
__i R. Dr. tailed ft fir N. Holl,1BB4. D p.1
25S6U odhxa. Sun. •wcct-im riling IJu.ji i;r 1) p.l
HSH61 frattran* Sim. •WMUoenlad \ au Br Madeira 177B.. U l.p
l.p Sw*. fll. 3. 6
^olypoiliuin to gran* L.
BBSS iiiH-rnjili«lt« fa* mwU-teawd my.Jl Br w. iniiiMissa D p.i nai5s
NofboWu i Spr.
2KKJS vwtlta Sum. •it Br N. Amor. 1815. D i p Sclik. HI. 124
555ft! hfrtJi
UuiiS fcrrugineu /Jt.
111 SlI'H.:
I. rruginou* J l!r
my an Br
C 0. H. 181(1 D p.l
... 1816. U pi
Frauds trifllictttelff pinnate, or tupradecomnuund.
2J&KJ letidigera /Jura. mosiioti (ZQpr J Br a ... I) l.p
298S.DAVA'L1.' DafallU. (KJmunJ DgaaB, a Swim botanist.) 7. —45.
1 t'rondt fiipimuKf.
damn! tw 1 np,« Hr N. Holt. Ift&t. D p.1 Schk. cryp. ll?7
25M8 pyxldau «w. Uu-lika or 1 ap.i Ur N.S. W. ]«». D [n
11 Vttintit tiinlicattly pinnate or itipradfcompounA
ffiJBffil cniinrii'niii .S'ws. ('itnnry tAJ »r Jj ap.i Br Curmrii* Iti'Kj. H t .p J,,r, ic l 200
SSi7D ptilirr.'.iu Sun. giuboiw-roflfrd lAJor Jj ai> up Br N.Hull. IH&i. D ».p
7i iili«'>iti4inM gibberui.t Fan*.
•J5S71 flfacida li. Itr, (lju'i -I jap* Br N. II..11 1820. D
J i U lir, doimllMl 1 ap.t Br N. mi n
' ivaijuntii II. L. Br Braxil W. H

• SS3*. DICKSOWV.I Hfrit DK.'KWNM.. [Jiitim jykiam.» BrilWb cryptogamwO —28.

• i //i ri/, lir I on vuiil •iLd Jlr < lp
i i S'ldi. cut i- 3 «.(i Br Jamaica 1793. i) l.p
ratbef hairy Lj l)r N. Atoer. 1S1I. 1> l.p Sclik, fit. 131

. H A L A ' N T I U M Kautf. (Sittanlion, a. purse; form of Induilum 1 I.— t

i ulcit^i Kaulf cuihlon i V-} ir 3 au Br Ma4dra ... D l.p
l)lck*..iniJ mitcila UerU.

'. ' .. i 1 i;<» v l'lt:M Kmi/f.

BlIlantIM KattuX HllLirtUer'i
Die Lib iiia ajilirctlca Lab.
J KiMhn, n little chat; form of liuluiium.}
or 3U ... Br N, Hall. WH. It Lp
1. — 2.
Lab. ti. h, 3. SM

7 AUBOTHILA B. A AISOTOIL*. {A)u>3, grave,phIIfo, to love; haUltJitiim.) 1—ft

e<i:i7U aiihlriilu /(, ti. touthurn £ lAJor 1 . Br N.. I" Hull. US •• 1 >

9338. ASIM'IMUM Sun. Sirli'Xu 1"I;H>'. (Asphlhm.n littlo buckler; furni of iuiluilum.)
• trifuliftlum Surt. ttirof-lfnvcil
)or fi itr W. Indiw 17m. D Lji Jae. if. 3. 038
£&>B1 ricutuiiuiu Siut. jor .-likeap.ji i Br Jamaica 18S(). D Lp
i i . ri.M^*"^*.— innaU i team cmtntr, tlntlnti; or terra fed.
IpJI Br W. li 1) lj
S596S m«r<i;.li\ IUITII ,Stra lonn-1
SVrfli) aiirn • .. carnl or j )i I!r EL Indies I7'J3. 1> l.j ft at w
,,(k't .'in.^.^ A or Br N, Atncr. ... 1> ti Schk. cryp, Jfi
E lll.ll rull.itr f Caor B Jl Br In ISM), n p.l
Loncliltti '•* A or } my.iu Br i at. rnc, 1) l.p
pcciitiateU fA) or 1 lir W. ItidiM 18ao. I) l.p Befit <ajp.S9fl
tr,i|ii'zium-likc ; ] or jl Br Jamaica I8!t ni|. SI. jam. 1. Sll I
.mi .S'IWC f I i ] or t jl Itr Jamaica I78& D Lp Stilt:, (il. ,,v' I).
ium Surz. • leaved j; E] or I jl an Br .liim.iiiTa JKV-I. i) l,p Pt. Ill
rool-lcjiveil i f3 '" j jii.jl lir J-imaira ISiK), U Lp n & a. so
111 HiM vMAII'n11*. — I'rondt liijiitintttifid.
.Slitt. iprontllng •

Jamaica I.P Bchk.fll.a9.

SSSKiiii'.ll' Siux. ( t r i n .i. l.p
I lira. l.p :, iKit. 1010
iin-11 EI .irilll'lli'Ji

uw Janutea 1' 3H.1
£iS;f7 II 1.1 turn .SIUJ: JllilK'tl
iiiniiitii i< lir. ». Hull.
E Imlici IT!II
Mav para ito 1' Iii'lii't \82*. H.ui.11. 12.
SOOOtiov.. Vi.ils
S500] rhelj ptcrl I irn 1'rit^in mar. Kiig botjoia
uriiiiunu • •
Britain w ih. p
I crisi /rtier crested England
I i l r l i t . i t u m .Vlitt. 1> l p
deiilhtn Sm.
IV. IIIHNV^'T*. — Fremdi liipimmU.
frnttrant 1S20.
utoatuni mm., prickly hriuln thn pi, Lp
• lobltum 9B ( I.P Knit. In •
85 08 margin kle Sws, • I77H. '•P
. •

SSnOD J'llix.tnai .S'tra. ID iha.))I.


HI Xt»!*, • pnUly
mti-niii-iliuni If, Ditermediale N. Aincr. I
dil,,t, .1 . III W.lll.p.
l.p I ,,i«. tjol, m i l
isia Lp Sclik.crjn.y8
' : V. I). L. ; l.p
Mnilt'ir.i Ii -P
-•••sik- .sit* Br Britain wall).
I !' Eng. Iwt. IX}
atomed A A or Br N. Amcr. 1820. D l.p
9V ? r ? m
Rhartian 5 A el Br Britain rocks. D l.p
i swx. royal 5 A el tin Br Britain al.roc. D I n Eng.botlSS
SSL r ' iferum Swx. bulbiforous S A or 1 Br N. Amcr. 1638. D Lp
anRuIarc Kit. angular
» " M S pubescent
JwuinSiw. villous Schk. fll. 46. b.
ae'inulmn Sun. rival _ 1 Alor
°«J uecompohitum Sjw. decomposed £ lAJor
nCro/, ^ciiliriidium dccompiisitum 7f. ^
SAW* a l l > l m i n » *««. alpmc jnjl Br S. Europe 1825. D Lp Jac. ic. 3.612
* * « ' montanum Suo. mountain Br SwiUerl. 1819. D l.p Vil.deL3.53
LEOPE'LTIS Ftfm. PI.EOPBLTIS. (P/eoi, full,/Wte, shield; form of indusium.) S.—8.
S f i 2 f n .'£': ha / / 0 0 *- •word.lcaved * EJor ft my.jn Tir S. Amer. 182.1. I) l.p Hook. ex. fl. 62
2fc* latifoha /A £ broad-leavcd tf El or J my.jii Br S. Amer. 1823. D Lp
-SJW nhda D. Don naked j £ E J o r | my.jn Br Nepal H o o t ex. fl. 63
*JJj40. WOO'DS/^R.Br. WoonsiA. Woods, a British botanist) 3.—4.
5S^i P ^ Spr.
S pubescent ... Br Brazil 1820. 1) l.p
yperbbrca H. Br. northern 4)1.1 Br Scotland al. roc. J) l.p
Ilva i Jn.jl Br Britain 1812. D Lp Eng. bot & 2b*lti

. CYATHEVA Sm. CYATIIBA. (Kyatheion, a little cup; cup-shaped induslum.) 2.-17.

arbbrca Sm.
« cxculsa Swx.
arbbrea Bory
tall las;
-* 15
~Br W. Indies 17U.J. "D "l p PL fll. 1.1,8
Br Mauritius 1825. S l p

TRICHCM ANES L. TRICHOMAWM. {Thrit, a hair, manos, soft; stems like fine hnlr.) 8. — 46.
reviseium H. K. short-bmtlcd £ A el i my.jn Br Britain D Lp Eng. bot. 1417
Hymenophf Hum alMum £ A f
mcmbran&ceum /,. membranous )fc E3 or ft my.jn Br W. Indies 1820. D Lp Hook. ex. fl. 76

HYMENOPHY'LLUM Sm. FILMY LEAP. {Hymen, membrane, phyUun% leaf: thin leaves.) 1.—4(1
tunbrulg^nse 5un. Tunbridge £ A cl 4 my.jn Jlr Britain I) Lp Eng. bot. 162


I. TCPDEA W. TODEA. (Henry Julius Tode, of Mccklenberg, an experienced mycologist) 1.

africtaa W. African £ 1AI or 2 Br C. G. II. 1805. D Lp S e n t fll. 147
Oimumla barbara Thun.

L. OHMUNDA. (Osmunder, one of the names of Thor, a Celtic divinity.) &—8.

I. CINNAMOMIA. — Bearing both fertile and sterile fronds.
cinnamumca L. Cinnamon ^ A or 2 jn Br N. Amcr. 1772. D Lp Schk. fll. 146
II. REGALES. — Fronds all fertile.
&reRMisL royal 2 Br Britain D Lp Eng. bot. 20!)
*.J|}8 ClaytonMM
y I* Clayton's 2 au Br N. Amer. 1772. D Lp
S i 1 1»»nterr6iiu
nt6 Jf interrupted 2 jn.jl Br N. Amcr. ... 1) Lp Schk. (11.144
spcct&bilii W. showy • 2 jl Br N. Amcr. 1811. D Lp
graciii slender ^ A or 1 Jn.jl Br ...... ' 1827. D p.l


j L Y G O ^ I U M Swx.
S SNAEB'S TO.NGUB. (Lygpdes* flexible: twining plants.) 6.-23.
L) ocAndens
A Swx. li
climbing I _Q
Ejel my.s
6 my.s Br E. Indies 17!M. 1) l.p Bot cab. 742
»^t»m Sum. circiuate i_EJel fi au Br E. Indies 1823. D l.p Ru am. 6.33
PalmMum Swx. palmate 6 ou.s Br N. Amcr. ... D l.p Schk. fll. 140
polymfirphum Kth. multiform 6 au Br S. Amcr. 1820. D Lp Cav. 1c. 0.595.1
Hyiirogh'tMum hirsatum W.
vulfchiie Stiff. twining 6 au Br W.Indies 1810. D Lp SI.jam. 1.46.1
P a m ^nda sc&ndens Aub.
hastitum fT. hastate JL El or 6 au Br Maranh. 1820. D Lp

ANEMIA, (Aneimon, naked j naked spikes of inflorescence.) 5.— 27.

hairy £ E! or 3 ... Br Jamaica
J 1794
794 I) Lp PI. fll. 1«2
liantifblia Sun. Maidcnhair.lvd£ El or au.s Br W. Indies 1793. D p.l PI. fll. 158
Phillltis-likc £ El or jLo Br Trinidad 1820. D Lp PI. fll. 156
la Phillitidis L.
Hook. lanceolate £ Elor |Jl.o Br W. Indies 1820. 1) p.1
- n. dwarf 5 A or Br M. Amer. 1823. D p.1 Hook. ex. fl. 28
\a humilis Cav.
inifblia Hook. Ash.lcavcd £ El or Br Brazil 1825. D p.1

(Schizo, to cleave , appearance of aggregate fan-like spikes.) 4—12.

elegant £ El °r S ,fn.T Hr TrlnidaiT 1H19. 1) p.l Vahlsy.2.50
Hum. pencilled £ E) °r f Br S Amcr. 1816. "
1) p.l'

«ua swx.
£ lAJ or f
£LA)or I
k ^ J o r « n.jl
31 Br
N. Holl. 1822.
N. Hull. 1822.
N. Amcr. ...
pi W.m.far.3.2
l>u»Hla Ph. D p.1 H.&G.47
(Baron P. von Gleichen, a German botanist.)
!;l>ub6bccnsX/A. pubescent - 3 Br S. Amcr. 1822. I) p.l
x,r|."* "pelfincip It. Itr. cavern iAlor N. Holl. 1KV4. D p.1
*."»'«' inicrnnhyllo JL Br. small-leaved nr N. N. Holl. 1824. I) p.l
t" >(4i flabcllata R. Br. fan-'.cavcd jn au Ur Holl. 1823. 1) n.l
"'"* pectinated DM or 3 au Itr Trinidad 1S24. Ac. hoi. 1804.4


2950. BOTRY'CHIUM Sua. MOONWORT. (Botrys, a bunch of grapes; form of fructification.) 6.—10.
25668 Lunaria Stux. common, Moonwort^ A cu ft my.jn Br Britain D p.l Eng. bot 318
Osmundrt Lunaria L. • or
25669 aUitrMe R Br. southern £k 1AJ i my.jl Br N. Holl. 1823. D p.1
25n70/umarioldes IV. Fumitory-like * A cu ftjl.uu Br Carolina 1806. D p.l Schk. fil. 157
25071 disscctum 5 cut-leaved 5 A cu * jl Br N. Amur. 1806. D p.l Schk. fiL 158
gr&cile Ph.
25672 virKimcuin Swx. Virginian A cu 1 au Br N. Amcr. 1790. D p.l Schk. fil. 156
25613 obliquum Mhl. oblique A cu ft au Br N. Amer. 1821. D p.1

2951. OPHIOGLO'SSUM L. ADDER'S TONGUE. (Ophis. a serpent, tfossa, a tongue; leaves.) 7.—12.
2T/D74 vulghtum L. common & A cu | my.Jn Br Britain' m. me. I) p.l Eng bot. 108
SJ5U75 pctiolatum Hook. |M!ti»latcd 5E)cu Br Jamaica 1820. D p.l Hook. ex. fl.56
25o*7t> rctirulatum L. netted £ [SI pr i my.jn Ur W. Indies 1793. D p.l H.&G.26
VTriffl bultmsum Mr. bulbous A .Al pr \ Br N. Amcr. ... D l.p P
&in7H luHituiiiciim L. £ A cu , my.jn Br Portugal 1816. D p.1
QTAYW ^ramineiim IV. GrmtK./zAtr ffc LAJ cu f my jn Br N Holl. 1820. D p.1 W. erf. 1802.1.1
25U8U costiktuin It ttr ribbed 3t IAJ cu f my.jn ISr N. Holl. 1820. D p.1


2952. MARA'TTM Sm. MARATTIA. (J. F. Marati, of Vallombrosa, in Tuscany, who wrote on ferns.) 1.-5.
25681 alaU Sm. • winged £ (Z3 or lft au Br Jamaica 1/93. D l.p Sm.ic. in. 46
2953. A: Sm. (Pierre Martin Dana, who wrote on plants of Piedmont.) 1. — 3.
2J682 alata Sm. winged £ ES or 1 ... Ur W. Indies 1823. D p.l PI. fil. 109


uyuus, horse,atria, hair;
seta,iiuir fine un
, IIIIC branches.) 10.—18.
I. POLYSTAYHVA.- - Fructiferous fronds many-spiked.
85683 pratlnse£ArA. meadow ^t A cu 1 jn.jl Br ( 18! D pi
marsh ifc A w l|Jn.jl Br Britain bog.pi. D p.l Eng. bot. 2021
II. MO.VOSTA\-IIVA. — Fructiferous fronds oncspiked-
25645 umbrbflum W. sliady cu 1 Jujl Br Germany 1816. D p.l
STifWG sylvnticum L. wooti w 1 Br Britain m.s pi. 1) p.l Eng. bot. 1874
256K7 hycmalc /,. winter pc Br Britain moi.w. D p.l Eng. bot. 915
Wm Itinttoum L. nvirsh w 2 jn.jl Br Britain I) p.l Eng. bot. 929
urmii fluviatilc L. great-river w d Br Britain I) p.l Eng. bot. 2022
'25UM arvense L. corn w i mr.ap Br Britain 1) p.l Eng. bot. 2020
!2AH)i varicgatum W. variegated or f jn.jl Br Scotland I) p.l Eng. bot 1987
25GU2 acirpoidc* Mx. Scirpus-like cu ft jn jl Br N. Ajaer. 1820. D p.l



•2955. LYCOPOND1UM L. CLUB Moss. (Lykos, wolf, pous, ftiot; resemblance i rocts.) 18.—140.
1. PEDUNCULAR.—Spiked, pedunculate.
2Mm caro?ini?inum L Carolina t A cu { au Br Carolina 1812. D pi Di.muse.62.
25694 clavAtum L. common-club £% A cu | jl:tu Br Britain hca. I) p.l Eng. bot. 224
25&J5 complanatum L. smooth./(M/ £ A cu \ Br N. Amer. 1770. D p.l Fl.dan.78
II. SBHSI'LIA. — Spi/ws sessile.
i. VANHIA — Leaves in various directions.
95R9R alplnum L. alpine tU. A cu i n u Br Britain al.bngs. D p.1 Eng. bot. 234
250!)7 dendrofdeum Mx. tree-like £ A cu Br N. Amer. 1770. 1) p.1 7
S.0r|98 denpum Lab. dense £. IAICU £ au Br N. Holl. 18'J0. 1) p.1 I-tb. n. h.2.251.1
85('i!X) annotinum L. year-old JU ^ cu I Br Brit.'iin nl.hca. 1) pi Kng. bot 1727
257(X) inundhtum L. overflowed JU A cu * jnjl Br Britain turbo. I) p.l Eng. bot &»
25701 Alopccurfl^des L. Foxtail-hkc JU. A cu Jau Br N. Amer. 18'Jl. I) pi l)i. muse. 6& 6
25702 xelagino^dcs L. Sclago-hkc Is A cu 1 au Br Britain 1) p.l Eng. bot. 1148
25703 rupeuttc L. rock JL A cu Br N. Amcr. ... D p.1 Schk. fil. 165
ii. Di'tn K.iiA. — Leaves distich, stipulate
2.170* ornithopodioidcs L. Ornitliop.-hkc 1*. A cu } Br 1812. D p.1 DLmusc.661.B-
2570:1 denresiium Swx. depressed iAJ cu 4 au Br C. CJ. H. 1816. I) p.1
2J7<Mi helveticum L. Swiss > : A cu I'm .. Br Switzcrl. 1779. D p.1 Di. muse. 64.8
25707 dcntlciiKitum L. toothed fL. A <*u 1 in Jl Br Swilzcrl. 1779. D p.l Dimusc.66.l-A*
S5708 apudum L. stemlcss JU A cu i au Br N. Aincr. 1819. D p.1 Di. muse. 64.3
III. AXILLA^RIA — Capsules axillary.
25709&lJigo7*. Selagn
n JL. A cu | an Br Britain D p i Eng. bot 233
2^710 luclclulum L. rather glittering JU A cu J au Br N. Amcr. 1823. D p.l Schk. fll. 1-™
. - • - " " « « » i w i u n i StVZ. PHILOTII'M. (Psilos, naked; destitute of leaves.) 1.—3.
•/11 trlqiietrum Sivx. triangular ZQcu 9 jiaii Br W. Indies 1793. D p.1 Schk. fil.
iicrnnfird/(i dich6toin:i W.


2!»37. ISOETES L. QUILLWORT. (Isos, equal, etos, the year; remaining the same throughout.) 1 - 4
laciistris W. marsh & A cu 1 my.o Br Britain al.lak. D p.l Lng. bot. 1084
P1LUL A'RI A L. PILLWORT. (PUulat a pill: little heads containing the reproductive organs.) 1.
lobulifcra L. globule-bearing t A cu ± jn.s Br Britain moi. h. D p.1 Eng. Dot 521
-.SJW. SALVI'NM Mich. SALVINIA. (Antonio Maria Salvini, Greek prof, at Florence.) 1—4.
^IU nkuaw All. floating ^ lit ^ ... Italy 1818. D p.1 Schk. cryp. 173
9f;!M;x). MARSVLEA L. MARBILBA. (Count L. F. MarsiglL founder of Acad. of Sciences, Bologna.) 1.—8.
*'*» quadnfolw L. four-leaved ^ cu 4 ... Europe 1820. D p.l Juss. sci. 1740



English Popular Locality. Refrain

NUM. Character. to Figures.

PH A'SCUM L. PHASCUM. (Phaskon, an ancient Greek name for a moss.) —39..

I. teOLOSi'nwM.-Shoots creeping, leafless, articulated, branched.
scrratum Schreb. serrated solitary & spring Pa. G shady banks Muse. brit. 5
stolon ifcruin E. B. 2006
II. ERE'CTA. — Creeping shoots none.
altcrnifolhim Dick, altcrnatc-lvd solitary •& spring Pa.G moitit banks Muse, brit 5
crispuin Htulw. crisp solitary £ spring Pa.G banks and II. Muse, brit.5
sulnilatuin L. subulate small patches i spring L.G dry banks Muse, brit R
axillare Dick. axillary lax. sol. | sp.iuinmcr Y.G moibt banks Muse, brit 5
strictum E. B. 2093
pateni Hedw. spreading solitary -fa sp.summer Pa.G clay fields Muse.brit.5
niuticum Schreb. pointless solitary * »j>. summer Bt.G moist banks Muse brit. 5
1 inkjus Hook. larger solitary ft Hp.siunmer JU.G moist banks Eng. bot. 2027
2 minus Hook. smaller solitary -J"J np.suinmer Bt.G sea coast Muse. brit. 5
jiuKitum Schreb. cuspidate solitary & sp.summer G hcd. moi. ba. Muse. brit. 5
apiculatum Hook. small-tufted solitary | sp.summer Gsh hcd. moi. ba. Eng. bot. 2025
"fhrcbcrttfititti li B. 2026. ;um E. B. 2959
85:5? i llll
.%«*. pilifcrd» patches | sp.summcr Hoa sandy downs Eng. hot. 1888
ST.?-1 ^ynWes 7>/c*. Bryum-like solitary } sp.sumtncr G banks und fi. Muse, brit 5
solitary ft sp summer L.G moist banks Muse, brit.5
j«^2 r c r t u m "**• upright solitary -fa sp.summer L.G moist banks Muse, brit 5
'-« curvicollum Hedw. bcnMicckcd
SPH A'GNUM L. Boo MOBS. (A name employed by Pliny to designate some kind of moss.) 4,—11.
cleaved aquatic
blunt>lcaved 7 year Y.G bogs Muse, brit 4
-„—J Hook. common aquatic 7 year Y.G bogs Eng. bot. 1405
lniiloUum E. B.
* minus Hook. smaller aquatic 3 year Y G bogs Schwffig. sup. 3
Turn. floating aquatic 24 year Y.O bogs
Web. squarrosc aquatic 7 year Y.G bogs Muse. brit. 4
] Ehrh. sharp-leaved aquatic 6 year Y.G bogs Muse, brit 4
'<* cuipidatum Ehrh. cuspidate aquatic 6 year Y.G bogs Muse. brit. 4
SCHISTO'STEGA Mohr SCHIBTOSTK«A. (Schistos, split, stege, covering; lid at margin split.) 1.
Ppnii ita Hook. feathered solitary * spring L.G banks, Dev. Muse. brit. 8
^ymn6stomum pennatum E.B.9319
GYMNCySTOMUM Hedw. GVMNOBTOMUM. (Gymnos, naked, stoma, mouth j orifice of theca.) 15.-47.
I. RAMOSA. — Slcf/is long. In anched.
Jfrrfw. Lapland dense tufts 1 spring I) G alpine rocks Muse. brit. 8
v uln Ifeittu
. - «ummcr thick tufts \\ spring BtG wet rocks Muse. brit. G
VH"° "in £.B.2201
viridfMimiim— - - . _...
E. —.
B. greenest tufts f summer BtG trees & rocks Muse, brit 6
;'nmmiVi Forster/ E.
S57J71'"mniOT E B. 2225
2*^ i r 6 »tn"n Hedw. benUbcakcU tuffs 1} spring Pa.G moist rocks Muse. brit. 6
tt i
857M • 'll>i nini K.B. 2202
* r"«»^*-» Schwtc. rock large tufts If sp.summer D.G Schweg. sup. 11
II. SIMPM'CIA. — Stems short, simple.
Grifllthsiriftiun E B. Griffiths'* little sjmts J summer Pa.G mountains Muse, brit 7
°vatum Hedw. ovate broad jwtthes \ year GG ba. & wa.topa Muse.brit
pa Muse. brit. 7
vulgaxe Hook. common broad patches i year **-
G »- &
ba. - -wa.tops
- Eng bot. 1889
3574.1 Kt&cile Hook. slender broad patches I} year G ba. & wa.tops
'*i trunc^tulum Hofm. small truncated patches iycar Bt.G fields *j ban. Muse. brit. 7
">tcrmfedium E. B. l!/76
25742*HcfmJJ Hcdw. Heim's small patches 1 summer Rsh marit. banks Muse. brit. 7
oljtusum E. B. 1407
2574.3 romcum Schuue. conical little spots ft summer Pa.G fields, S. Irel. Muse, brit 7
2-J744 lasncul.'irc Hedw. bundled patches ft hummer Y.G clayey banks Muse. brit. 7
2A745 pynliinnc Hedw. pear-shaped dense patches J summer Bt.G moist places Muse, brit 7
'25146 tlnuc Hcdw. slender little patches lft spring B t G sand^t. rocks MubC. brit. 7
paucifolium £. A 2506 .
Pa.G banks Muse, brit 7
25747 micr6stomum Hedw. small-mouthed little patches ft spring
Pa.G Scotch rocks Muse, brit ^
25748 Donniunum Sm. Donn's thin patches ft spring
2965. ANICTANGPUM Hedw. AWICTAWHUM. (Anoiktoi, open, aggeton, Taie: open theca.) 2.
25741) ciliitum //<r</tu. ciliated depress, tufts 1 summer Hoa rocks Muse. brit. 6*
Gymn6btoimim ciliatum .£. A1179
bear 11 8 de reM tuft
25750 hnbcrbc 7/ooJt. ^ ? M>m P - * 1 summer Pa.G Irish moun. Muse, brit 6
Gymnustomum imbfrbc E. B. 2237


9966. DIPHY'SCIUM Mohr DIPIIYSCIUM. (Dfr, twice, phytkton, a vesicle: shell of theca double.) 1.
S5751 foh>')suin Mohr leafy matt patches ft spring D.G woods Muse, brit 8
ISuxbaAmitf f'oliusa^. B. 329
8967. TE'TRAPHIS Hedw. TETHAPIIIB. (Tefra, four; theca four-toothed.) 2.-5.
«5752 pcllucidu Hedw. pellucid wide tufts 1 year Pa.G dry banks Muse, brit 8
25753 mowniiiiin Grev. Brown's solitary ft year Ol.G roofs of caves Grev. cryp. 169
ovata Hook. GrSmm/tf Brounidn/i E. B. 1422
2968. DI'SSODON G. $ A. DISHOIIOV. (DM, twice, odous, a tooth.) 2. — 4 .
25754 fnlachuoUU's (1. $ A. Spl.icliuuin-lk wide tufts 2 summer D.G alpine bogs Grev. cryp. 145
vS'fi.«sw spl.u'hnoldcs Hook.
25755 IrtHu I>/<IM//M G.& A. l'ru'lich's tufts 1 summer Pa.G mountains Muse.brit9
Aiplaclimmi i'ra'hchintttmj Hook, rcticulktum E. B. 2507
2969. SPLA'CHNUM L. SPLACHNUM. (Splagchntm, one of the Greek names for moss.) 6. —19.
25756 spha/ricum /.. spherical solitary 2 summer Pa.G dung of ani. Muse, brit 9
25757 t6nuc Dick. slender subsolitary lft summer Pa.G Scot. moun. Muse, brit 9
Grhmnto cplaehnoldcn Fl. br.
25758 mnioKies L. Mnmm-like tufts 2 year B t G mountains Muse. brit. 9
1 minus Hook. smaller tufts 1J year D.G mountains Hed. cry|).2.11
2 niajuH Hook. larger tufts 2 year Pa.G mountains Hed.cryp.2.^0
25759 anguMt.ituin L. rfarrowed tufts ft spring Pa.G cow-dung Muse, brit 9
25760 anipulltccuni L. hotticheaded solitary 3 summer, aut P&G bogs Muse. brit. <J
TurncriuNum K. B. 1116
25761 vasculusum Hedw. vascular tufts 3 spring Pa.G mountains Grev. cryp. 17H
2 rugosum E. B. wrinkled tufts 2 spring Lu.G mountains Grev. cryp. 311
2970. CONO'STOMUM Sivx. CONOSTOMUM. (Konos, cone, stoma, mouth; teeth of theca united.) 1.— 4.
257(/2 Iwrealc Sum. northern small tuft* 1 summer Bt.G moun., Scot Muse, brit 10
Grlmraw con6stoma E. B. 1135
2971. POLY^TRICHUM L. POLYTEICIIUM. (Potps, many, thrix, hair; calyptra hairy.) 10. —22.
I. mu^DA. — Calfflitrunaked. gs^
5Z5763 undulhtum Hedw. vrnvc-lcavcd solitary 4 autumn M>1.G moist banks Muse, brit 10
25764 hcrc^nicum Hedw. Hercynian solitary 3 autumn O1.G mountains Muse, brit 10
II. HIHHUHA.— Calyptra hairy,
25765 pillfcrum Schrcb. hair.bcarlng solitary autumn 01. G heaths Muse. brit. 13
25766junij)erinuni W. Juniper-like solitary autumn O1.G heaths Muse, brit W
strlctum E. B. 2435
S3767 septentrionale Swx. northern solitary 3 autumn Ol.G Scot moun. Muse, brit 10
scxangularc E. B. 1906
25768 commune L. rommon broad masses year Ol.G heaths Muse, brit 10
1 yucaefitWum Ehrh. Yucca-leaved broad masses year OI.G heaths Eng. bot. Utf
2 attcnuatum Mrnx. narrowed broad masses year OLG heaths Eng. bot. 1198
gracilc E. B. W/l
257G9 alplnum L. al|>inc patches 4 summer Ol.G alp. regions Muse. brit. 11
iLVHO urnigeruin Mcnz. urn-bearing scattered 4 summer Gl sides of Btrc. Muse, brit 11
*Mtni fllcmli'N 7/iv/w. Aloe-like scattered lft autumn Br.G heaths Muse, brit 11
1 inajiiH Hook. larger scattered lft autumn Br.G heaths
rulieilum E. B. 1939
2 Dicksbn^ Turn. Dickson's scattered 1 autumn Br.G heaths Eng. bot. 1609
85773 nhnuin Hedw. dwarf scattered 1 autumn lir.G moist banks MUM:, brit. 11
subrotiindum £. J?. 1624
8972. CINCMDO'TUS Beam. Ciif. (Kigklis, lattice, odous, touth; cilia of peristomc in parcels.) 1.
25773 fontinuloldes Beauv. Fontinatis-lk floating 5 summer D.O1 in streams JEng.bot557
Fontinulis ntinor E. B.
£973. TO'RTULA Ehrh. TOUTULA. (Tortus, twisted j teeth of peristomc.) 11.-38.
25774 encrvis H. * G. nerveless subsolitary ft year D.G clay banks Brew. jour. 1
rigida E. B. 180
25775 brcvir6stns H.$G. short-beaked subsolitary ft year D.G old walls Grev. cryp. 3SI
25776 rtgida Turn. rigid small patches # year D.G rocks & walls Grev. cryp. 348
SI5777 nuiriilis llcdw. wall tufts 1 year D.G everywhere Muse. hrit. 12
ruralis Elnh. country deep patches 2 year D.G treeb & ban. MUM:, brit 12
2SVJ\) subulata Hedw. subulate thirk tufts lft year Y.G banks Muse. brit. 12
S51H0 eunpifblia Roth wcilgclcavcd solitary ft spring Y.G banks Muse. brit. 12
U57H1 stellata Sm. stellate Military ft spring Y.G riv. sides, Sc. Muse, brit It
»i782 tnrtubKa Hedw. tortuous broad masses lft sp.summer L.G limcbt. rocks Muse, brit )S
25783 fallax deceitful tufts lft year L.G everywhere Muse. brit. 12
unsuiculata E. B. 2316, imberbis E. B. 2J29
2.V784 gracilu 11. $ G. slender lax tufts 1 summer R.Br clay banks Muse. brit. bi'l1 *
2J<85rcvoluta7?rftf. revolutc tufts spring L.G banks Muse. brit. 13
9~U/. ncrvf,* E. B. 2383
unguicuKiU Hook, unguiculate tufts 4 spring Dp.G ban. & hedg. Muse, brit 12
inucroniilata E. B. 129!), anstataE. A'J392, barhMa E.A 2J91, humihs E.B. 16UJ, apiculiUa B. B. 2494
i convoluta Swz. convolute loose patches f spring Y.G moist banks Muse. brit. 12
. ENCALY'PTA Hedw. E.VCALYPTA. (En. within, kalypter, covering; large calyptra.) 4. —7.
£1'$ »treptocirpa Hedw. twisted-fruited tufts 1} year Bt G moibt rocks Muse, brit 13
vulgaris Hcdw common wide patches ft year D1.G wall tops Muse, brit 13
7fryum cxtinctorium E. B. 558
) rihMa Hcdw. ciliated tufts ft spring Pa.G mountains Muse. brit. 13
1 concolor Hook. self-colored tufts ft spring Pa.G mountains Eng. bot. 1418
2 alplna Hook. alpine tufts | spring Pa G Scotch alps Eng. bot. 1419
I rhaptocArpa Schwet. bundle-fruited tufted f year D.G Scot, mount. Grev. cryp. 163
'• Gltl'MM/J HCJW. GBIMMIA. (J. F. C. Grimm, a German botanist.) 11.—29.
I. IMME'K&K. — FruUstalks scarcely any. „ , .4 mm
apocirpa Hedw. distant-fruited dense tufts lft year D.O1 rocks ft trees Muse. brit. 1.3
1 nlKro.vlndis Hook, dark-green
g tuto Ift year D.01 rocks tk trees Kng. bot. 1134
2 stricta rar/t. strict loose tufts 3 year Ilu mountains Muse. hib. 2.1
maritima Turn. sea-coast tufted *f spring, aut
aut Br?G marine rocks Muse, brit 13
11. EXSE'IITJK. — FruUstalks longer than leaves.
£ » S 8nxI co'a Hook. rock-dwelling subsolitary ft summer Ht.G rocks Muse brit 13
£££ PulvinMa E. B cushioned round tufts { year Br.G house tops Musr. brit 13
russet broad tufts J year D.O1 subalp. rocks Wcrn. tr. 4.6
W.. »j i n .
--—,»» rr ovate
U1OH tufts f • sp.summcr D.G alpine rocks Muuc. brit. 13
Dicranum ovule E. B. 2165
Ha Grev. hair-leaved tufts f summer '» Hoa stone w., Sc. Grev. cryp. 100
p tufts If-autumn Hoa alpine rorks Grev. cryp. 203
Worn*. twisted tufts 2 ? Br alpine rocks (irev. crvp. 199
one-colored tufts 2 autumn B.G aljiinc rocks Grcv. cryp. 1%|
oniuna Sin. Don's little tufts \ spring D.G loose stones Muse, brit 13
VfEl'SSIA Hcdw. WfiMSiA. (F. W. lVeis, a German cryptogamlc botanist.) 19.—54.
I. FUNA^RIA. — Thcca wUh an apophysis.
JeupletonJ Hook. Templcton's little patches ft spring L.G banks Muse, brit 14
*unaria Tcmplctuni E. B. 2524
II. GRI'MMIA. — Thcca without an apophysis.
. , I. LANCEOLAVJK. — Leaves ovate or lanceolate.
nndaT/ooAr. naked little patches ft summer L.G clayey soil Muse. brit. 14
» « "uda E. B. 1421 Br.G mount bnn. Muse, brit 14
" n«Rrtta 77«v/u;. dark-colored tufts f summer
[ntifbha nigrlta E. B.broad-lcavcd
1825 Pa.G Scot, mount. Grev. cryp. 149
"*•*" " "Hcdw.
StarkctbM Starkc's tufted i autumn D.G banks and A. Muse. brit. 14
(irfmmiff Starkeuna K B. 1490 little |>atchcs ft s|»rlng
ntt'lnis Hook. kindred subgolitiiry & spring Pa.G fields Muse, brit 14
lanceolate Hook. lanceolate subsolitary | summer L.G moist banks Muse, brit 14
Grimmia lanccolata E. B. 1408
ii. SUBULAVA. — Isavcs linear or subulate.
ftriata Hook. striated round tutu spring BtG alpine hanks Muse. brit. 15
23 minor Hook. smaller round tufts ^ spring B t G alpine banks Hed. muse. 13
gv.. nakjor Hook. larger round tufts j spring Bt.G alpine banks Schwu/f. sup. 19
** trit'hocles Hook. hairy • ininutcpatch. ft spring Bt G granite roc. Muse, brit 15
25SIO G l r l m i n'« trichodes E. B. 8163
• ° ° « clrrata 77ft/u;. tcndrillrd tufts ft summer L.G decay, wood Muse, brit 15
v>rlmm/a cirrata A1. A 2J5(>( Dicksoni E. B. U20
> tcnuirobtni 77. Xf T. Blender-beaked lax tufts 1 summer B t G shady rocks Muse, britsup.3
* curvlrostra Hook. bent-beaked tufts 1 year 11.G roc. and ban. Muse, brit l4
i rccurvirostra E. A 14J8
Hcdw. rrispish dense tufts ft summer, aut D.G rocks Muse. brit. 15
i crispuia E. B. 22U3
controvlrsa Hcdw. disputed dense patches ft year B t G banks Muse. brit. 15
^rhnm/'/i controvtfrsa E. A 1J67
' ralc:iroa Hcdw. chalk subsolitary ft spring 01.G chalk cliffs Muse, brit 15
, 'fryum calcarcuin E. B 191
»Jwuirvata Hook. recurved solitary A spring L.G rocks Muse, brit 15
Stain U r "nm/« rccurvata E. R 1489
*-'«9 pusilla Hcdw dwarf dense patches-^r spring BtG calcar. rocks Muse. brit. 15
. Griinm/n pusilla E. B. 2551
yerticillata Schwa, whorled tufts f summer Bt.G moist rocks Muse. brit. lfi
, ^rimni/Vi vcrticillata E. B. 1258
acuta Hedw. acute tufts 1 summer, aut Ol.G moist rocks Muse, brit 15
n*fl acuta £. A 1(144
• PTKUOGO^NIUM Sin. PTBROUONIUM. {P/cron, a wing,gonos, a shoot; pinnated Nti'inO :} —7.
Sinlth/JSwz. Smith's creeping 3 year B t « trees, S. En* Mimr. brit 14
"•irile Sin. slender creeping 1ft year BtG subalp. rocks Muse. brlt. 14
>f«'»rtne Hcdw filiform creeping 1ft year Bt.G inoiiiitains Muse. brlt. 14
1>I'CR ANUM Hedw. DICRANUM. (Dikranos. two-headed; dlv. of teeth of capsulo fringe.) 20. — 47.
I. Di'a-nniA. — Leaves distich.
nroldesSwz. Bryum-liko patchcM ft npring Pa. G nroist banks Muse, b n t 16
Pfcranum virfdulum E. B l.kW, mmundiohies Ii II. I|»i2
"diantoldes Swz Maidcnhair-lvd patches 2 summer L.G wet pastur. Muse. brit. 16
•'Jpniiin r/diantoidet) E . A4J(»4 » * , . . . „
^xif.huin Swz. Vew-leaved tufts $ summer L.G moist banks Muse, brit 16
ypnum /uxifulium E B. 416
11. AHTRITMAN-KA. — Thcca without a strumn.
Blaticum Hedw. glaucous broad tufts 4 autumn W.G moors Muse brit 16
lutifoiiiun Hcdw. broad-leaved subsolitary $ spring Bt.G mouu. banks Muse brit" 16
I richustoinum piliferum E A -53b%

23R30 longifblium Hcdw. long-leaved dense tufta 3 winter, sp BtG wet rock Muse, brlt 16
258.J1 fluxiiiisum Hcdw. flexuewe loose tufts 3 winter, sp D.G peat bogs Mime bnt. 16"
85832 fldve'sceiM Sm flavescent tufts 3 winter, sp Y.G river banks Muse. lint. 17
2.08-i.l btju.irrb.iiiin Schwa.squarrosc large wastes 3 summer Y wet san. pi. Muse. bnt. 17
258J4 pelluciduin Swx. pellucid tu(U 1J sp summer D.G Muse, brit 17
25835 spunum Hedw. spurious dense masses 4 summer BtG bogs Mu*c. bnt. 17
25H.M crispuin Iledw. crisp loose patches J year BtG moist banks Muse. briL 17
25837 Scollhihum Turn. large masses H summer, aut Bt.G moun. rocks Muse. briL 18
flagi-llArc E. B 1977 Scott'*
S.J&J8 polycar|>oii Ehrh. many.frulted round tufts t year B t G rocks Muse. brit. 18
25839 ir /fort w&veJeaved tufts 2j summer BtG woods & roc. Muse. brit. 18
j rock patches 3 winter, sp Dp.G woods & ban. Muse, brit 18
2 m\]UH //oofc. larger patches 3 winter, sp Dp.G woods 8r ban. Eng. but 354
A fusclsccns Turn. fusccsccnt tufts 2 spring Brsh heathy plac. Kng. bot. 1597
25841 varium Iledw. various loose patches i spring 11. G moist banks Muse. briL 17
vlruiu //<w/r.
2 vlruiu / / / green loose patches i spring D.G moist banks Eng. bot. 1215
callUtomum Fl. or.
rufcsccnt loose patches i spring Rsh moist banks Eng. bot 1216
4 lhnduin lurid loose patches i spring Lu moist banks
258(2 ful vellum Swi. rather tawny dense tufts | sp.summer BtG crcv. of roc. Grcv. cryp. 188
2584.1 hetcromallum Iledw. various-woollcd large patches | spring B t G moist banks Muse. bnt. 18
25844 iubuldtum Iledw. subulate loose patches | spring BtG moist banks Muse. brit. 18
III. STRUM A YEA. — Theca with a struma.
2581.') cervicuWtum Iledw. small-necked small spots ft spring Str bogs Muse. brit. 16
pusilluin E. II 24«J1, uncinatura E. B 22til
25846' virem HcUw green tufts 1} year B t G mount, mar. Muse, brit 17
20847 strumifiTuin Sm. wen-bearing tufts 1 year BtG mount, mar. Muse, brit 17
25818 falciilum Iledw. falcate large patches 2 spring, aut Bt G alpine rocks Muse. bnt. 17
95S4!) SclirelH.'r/n»ttwHedw. Schrebcr's tutted \ spring BtG, Scot Grev. cryp. llo
'25050 Slkrkit VV.&M. SUrke's tults 1 spring BtG alpine rocks Muse, brit 17

807!). TRICHO'STOMUM Hedw. TBICIIOM-MH M (T/irir, a hair, storna, the mouth.) 9. —18.
95851 lMtons Sckwa. spreading deep |utchcs G year Hoa mountains Muse, brit 18
Dicranum pAtcns E. B. l'WO, obtiisum /•'/. in:
2M852 iHiiuginr.Hiim Hcdw. woolly dei>p tufts 4 year Hoa stony moun. Muse, brit 18
258.r)J cani'-HcciiM Ht'dw canoscent tufted creep. If year Y.G heaths Muse. bnt. 18
rru-(M(ii-s E. II. Wft
2')8Ti4 lu>UTi'ihtii'luim Iledw. various-rowed broad tufts 1 year Hoa ston. on mo. Muse. brit. 18
li.W5!i microcAr|Mjii IL'dw. sinall-fruited deep patches 2 year 01 rocks Muse l>nt. 18
2585<i auiculhre Ifrnuv. nctnilc-potnted loose tufts 1} summer OI.G wet rocks Muse, bnt 1!)
Dicr mum aciculhrc E. B. Vu%
STATI rascicuUre Sc/tr bundled broad patches 2 year Y.G moun. rocks Muse, brit 19
25858 iKilyphy'lluui Scfiwic. many-leaved round tufts f summer B t G moun. rocks Muse. bnt. 19
J)icriiuuin ]M>lyph?Uuni E. B 1217, cirratum VI. br.
25S5i)Hl1i>tHHmi//rwJk. elliptical little tufts f sp.Butnraer BtG moun. rocks Muse, brit 19
Dicranum ellipticum E. B. 1901
2980. GLYPIIOMITRION Briil. GLYPMOMITHIOV. {Glypho, to emboss, mitrkm, a little diadem.) 1.
25860 DavicH/i IJrid. Davies's tufts i spring B t G marit rocks MTisc. brit 13
GrlimmVi Davicsii Turn. Encalfpta Daviesii E. B. 1281
9981. LEITCODON Schwa:. LBUCODON. (Isukot, white, odous, a tooth; color of per'mtomc.) 1. —17.
25861 sciuroKlrs Schu/ar. Hi|uirrcl-likc creeping 3 summer D.G trun. of trees Muse brit 90
Dicranum Bciuroldes E. B. 11K)3
2982. DIDY'MODON Iledw. DIDYMODON. (Didymos, double, odous, a tooth; teeth or fringe in pairs.) 10.
25862 purpiiri'iim Hedw. purple large patches ft year _Ksh moist rocks Muse bnt. 90
JTryum bipartitum If. B.1 2357, Dfcranum strlctum £'.£.2294, Dicranum Cfilsii E. B. 2414,
fltomuni pupil lusum A . B. 2J33
S5863 inrlinatum Swz. inclining spots f spring L.G moist heaths Muse brit. 00
(irimmiA inrlinuta E. B. 1824
25S64 ncrvmum Hook. nerved loose patches ft spring Dp.G dry banks Muse. brit. 90
(irimin/'a atrovircns E. B. 2015
2586*5 flexifolium Hook. bcnt-lcavcd loose tufts | sp.summer B t G banks Muse. brit. 90
TricliMstoiniun flcxifblium E. B. 2490
258nn ripidulmn Hedw. ngidiwh tufts f sp.summcr Br walls & roc. Muse. brit. 80
Trirliostdiniiin rigidiiluin /.'. B. 2178
25867 tnt.iriiiin Sivx. three-rowed tufted I sp.summer BtG moist banks Muse, brit SO
TnrhoMoiiunn trifaritnn E. B. 1707, /ino'ides E B. 221)5
25868 cupid'u't'iim Schr. hairy dense tufts 4 year BtG moun. banks Muse, b n t 90
Triclh'.htoininn capill^ccum E. B. 1152
25809 hctcroin&llum Hook vjirious-woollcd patches A spring Y.G mountains Muse, brit 80
tirlmmia hctcromalla E. B. 189U
25870 olwimim Knulf. obscure broad tufts 1 sp.summer L.G alpine rocks Grcv. cryp. 110
Bruntitni Muse. brit. sup. 4
25871 glauccsccns Grev. gUuccscent closely tufted 1 summer, w Gl Scot moun.' Grev. cryp. itf


WAS. FUNAHUA Iledw. FUN&RM. (Funit,a rope; twisted structure of fruitstalks.) 3.
525S72 hyfrromltrica Hrdw. hyi?romctrical tufts 1| winter Pa.G everywhere Muse. brit. W
25873 Miihli>nl>rrK/i Turn. Muhlcnbcrg's tufts | spring Pa.G rocks Muse. brit. W
25874 hibrrniua Hook. Irish tufts f spring Pa.G cottage roofs Muse, brit 90
2984. OKTHOTRICHUM Hedw. ORTIIOTRICUM. (Orthos, straight, thH*t hair j teeth of pcristome.) 1&-49'
I. Kv%nA. — Perittomc without ciliary processes. 1f «
25R75 Drummondi H. & G. Drummond's creeping li summer DG trun. of trees Grcv. cryp-'^
2.1870 anoinaluin Iledw. anomalous broad tufts } year D.O1 rocks & walls Muse. brit. j»
25877 cupuKUum Hofm. small-cupped tufted 1 year D.O1 wo. & stones Muse, bnr "
nhdum E. B. 1325, animal urn E. B. 1423
Ae<no rt_< u 1'- OCTOCI'LIA. — Peristomc with eight ciliary processes. ^ ,,,
S S K $ »P w> Hedw. crinp round tufts 1 summer BtG trees & ston. Muse, bnu -*
2J879 Ludwlg«« Brid. Ludwig's rreep., branc. 3 summer, aut Pa.G smth. branc. Grcv. cryj*. w*

SgJOspeciosumMv* showy tufts 1 summer L.G trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 137
g«J.rupSncoia Funk rock-dwelling branched, lax 1 myjl Br rocks & walls Grev. cryp. 105
Miss Hutchins's tufts 1 spring Br.G rocks Muse. brit. 21
kindred tufts If spring Pn.G trun of trees Muse. brit. 21
2 maj larger tufts 1} spring Pa.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 1323
3 pumilum E. B. dwarf tufts | spring Pa.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 2KJ8
S58 III. PLIIRICI'LIA. — Peristome with sixteen ciliary processes.
WdiaphanumScAr. Muse, brit 21
. arlbt\tum Muse. transparent tufts I gn.summer Iloa trees ft walls
> pulchlllum Sm. hib. 9.2 Muse. brit. 21
' nvulhre Turn. pretty tufts iyear L.G trun. of trees Muse, brit 21
,1 "triMum Hedw. rivulet floating 2 year 01. G roc. in strea. Muse, brit 21
Lyellw Hook. striated tufts 2 year BtG trees Muse. brit. 22
Lyell's branched 3 year Y.G trees
ZY'GODON Hook. ZVOODO.V. (Zygott, a yoke, odous, a tooth; teeth yoking together by pain.) 1.
conoideum Hook. conoid small tufts f spring Pa.G trun. of trees Muse. brit. 21
MA um conoideum E. B. 1239
ANO'MODON Hook. ANOMODOV. (Anomos, irregular, odous, a tooth; peristome.) 2. — 8.
N c c k cc
short pendulous pinnate 8 summer D.O1 roc. & trees Muse. brit. 22
« curtiptfndula
curtiptfndula /;. B 1444
v t K
viticuKrium H
Hook. dl
tcndrillcd creeping 6 spring Y.G trees & roc. Muse, brit 22
tfypnura viticulbsum E. B. 265
J^fCKEKA Hedw. NBCKERA. (N. J. Necker, a German botanist.) 3.-24.
P&n»ila Hedw. dwarf creeping 2 spring Pa.G woods Eng. not. 1443
criupa Hedw. crisp creeping 6 summer Bt G tr. & roc. Eng.bot61(i.H.^pnL
Pennata Hedw. feathered flat-branched 3 sp.summcr BtG trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 109
I??8- DALTO^N/^ Hook. DALTOVIA. (Rev. James Dalton, an English muscologlst.) 2.-5.
«plachii6\dcs Hook. Spluchnum-lk tufts \ summer JUG Irish moun. Muse, brit 29
Neckem jplathno'idcs E B. 2564 w n
hetcromalla Hook, various-woolled tufts \ summer L.G trun. of trees Muse, brit 22
Ncckera hcteromalla E. B. 1180
9. FONTINA^LISL. FONTINALW. (Fans, fountain; place of growth.) 3.-r9.
antipyrltica L. heat-proof floating 12 summer Dl.d rivers Muse. brit. 22
s'luainbsa L. scaly floating 6 summer OI.G rivulets MUST. brit. 22
capillkcca Dick. capillary floating 6 summer Br.G alp. rivulets Muse. brit. 22
fc BUXB AU'M I A L. BUZBAUMIA. (John Christian Buxbaum, a German botanist.) 1.
aphylla L. leafless solitary 1 summer Br Fir woods Muse. brit. 22

BARTRA*M/itf Hedw. BARTRAMIA. (John Bariram, an American botanist.) «. —

I. Lov<iiPEOiiicuLA rA. — Fruitstalks very long, not curved.
°* pomiformii Hedw. apple-shaped tufts ii minimcr Ht.G heaths Muse brit. 2J
2 nrtnor Hook. smaller tufts 1 i summer Ht.G heaths Eng. bot. 998
-,,,, ? major Hook. larger tufts 2 summer Ht.G alp. hca. WiG.B.crU.
<U itliv»ktfii. Brid. straight-lvd tufts 1 summer B t G dry banks Muse, brit 23
KriciliHF/o. slender deep patches 3 summer I)p.G alpine rocks Muse. brit. 23
"'* J»»tana Stvz. fountain thin tufts 3| summer Bt.G wet places MUST. brit. 23
* major Hook. larger thin tufts 6 summer B t G wet places Di. muse. 44.2
•ffryum fontanum E. B. -J5K)
« marchica Stox. La Marche tufts 1 summer Bt.G wet places Eng. bot. 207*
II. BRUVIPEDUNCIILAVJR — Fruitstalks very short', curved.
rMna Hedw.
H Hallers
Haller's deep patches 6 summer, aut B t G moun. rocks Muse. brit. 93
arcuate Brid. arched loose tufts 4 summer, aut Bt.G mountains Muse, brit 23
HOOKE'RLf Sm. HOOKERIA. {William Jackson Hooker, LL.D. rcg. prof, bot, Glasgow.) 2 . - 2 7 .
8J21' JncCTw Sm. shining procumbent 3 summer Pa.G moist banks Muse, brit 27
""* late-vlrens Hook. bright-green procumbent 3 summer B t G Irish bog Muse, brit 27
>• LE'SKEitf Ehrh. LRSKRA. (N. G. Lcskc, prof. nat. hist. Marburg.) 10. — 43.
'cichomano'ideHMv/io. 71richoman.-lk entangled 2 spring Y.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 1493
Uttlw. flattiMifd entangled 4 spring Y.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 1492
pnlycarjMi Ehrh. many-fruited _cntun|<lud 3 spring
spring Lu trim, of trees Eng. bot 1274
25t»io • 'ypnum medium E. B. inuiuUUum E. B. 1922
Kicea Mohr downy prostrate 3 spring Y.G ground Eng. bot 2525
25ftn pu ler°K''«Miuin
n ? rotundifblium E. R
asSiirureRfc «H« Hedw. pretty dense tufts | gp.8ummer B t G moist hanks Eng. bot. 2006
**)\\ e Schwa. rufescent creeping 4 sp.Bummcr Rsh moun. rocks Eng. bot. 2296'
f? 1" «««»a/fcrfio. silky entangled 3 sp.sumrocr Y.G roc. & trees Kng. bot. 1445
L Jendrrf.des//erfw. tree-like erect 3 sp summer Y. G wo. and bogs Eng. bot. 15i»5
w inrurvata Hedw. incurved procumbent
F 3 sp.summcr D.G trees & rocks Eng. bot 2422
" {Pnum
n u m atrovlrcns
atrovlrc E. B. attcnuatum E. B. 2120
th HHedw. many-flowered creep, tangled 3 summer Y.G trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 151
*- H Y'PNUM L. HVPNIW. (Hypnos was a name among the Grooks for a moss.) 07. —119.
I. PLANICAO'LIA. — Stems plane ; leaves distichous.
river bank loose patches 4 summer, aut Bt G ban. of ditc. Eng. hot. 20fiO
wavy lax masses fi summer, uut W.(r heathy pine. Kng. bot. 1181
ftn toothletcd prostrate 1| summer, aut Ht.G roots of trues Kng hat. l'.'(!0
* gu«tifY,lium//00X\ narrow-leavcd prostrate II summer, aut Ht.G roots of trees Hod sti. cr 4.31
* °btusifbhum Hook. blunMcaved prostrate 1§ summer, aut Ht.G mountains Eng. bot 144U
11. PATE'NTI A. — Leaves spreading on all sides qf the stems.
delicate denwe patches 1 spring up u roc. Eng. bot IRTA
creeping l>atche"s 1 spring Bt.G roots of trees Eng. bot 1037
Poplar entang.patch. 2 spring D.G trees ft ston. Muse. hib. 16
85925 1584
reflcxed loose masses 2 spring D.G mountains
entangled 3 summer R.G alp. rivulets Grev. cryp. 282
alpine much tufted 3 summer, aut fLu
soft " alp.nvulcte Grev. cryp. 283

SfflKS Sertri-bwi W. IdmblCk las tufti B *ummer R»h wo. ami ban. Enir. bot. JfSl
SES3S0 cateuulktutn Scfiwtr. ehalMd rlo«c tuftt £ •p. «u turner wet rook* JJriil. uiu*. 5.4
S5Kft<tr.iii>ii»-:n!i Dick. 11 raw. colored EMM pBtetw wet places Eng. bot. 2405
SSftil trii.iriiiin if A - . I / . thrifejovtd «iil).if(ii»tie 8 .-liiiiiiicr I'.O aliuix-hogi Grer. crjrp. 479
891)32 nrtnUe // IlAlcht-t IJ year L.0 wall* ft .ton. Hi. mu>c. 41.52
con/Viftiim A1, J!. 1038
SSBSSattna pure broad roauM 7 •pring P.G WO. and ban. Eng. boL 1539
SWifluitam /., floating •tputk »p.»umtncr V« pooli&dtre. &)([, bot 1+JS
25935 tilumbiuiit /,. Icatberj dctuemat 4 apwimrncr Y.G moist rock« Etig. bot. £C71
ajpinuni A.', /f. 149G mwran docutnUmo, 4 •umrner ft G roc. & (troun. fircf. orya )9»
•-"••;<, •.ilclriTifiiini Ilrjtu. in in. at' trt-M Jinn. Imt. .
cent lummer
25938 niU-iw S t n f l . •hining iT.ltklll'll .•J >u tinner befi Eng
95839 Jklbicaim ^-ob «• Intoned Mtelm g . |, r i u).' hci. & bntpi VMV l«.f.
Paxtall HMM EOMMi »[!. iiummer n <i tnoiftwoodt EOR. boL HB3
B51H1 t'Urvfd lax tufU a
.•j •|i lunmff tree* & roc. Eng. bof 1
OHMS ipltndfiis J/.-./(»- IJX tuft* 'i year bea.& bank* JEng. bot 1
251H3 prulii'-' 1 "" '-• lirolifcroia laoaa |.it. In* i: >.-..r wo. and bau. Etig. boL J4W
ncoanitum A'. JT, 1405
very long looM tufti year DIG woodj
l t o k i - - J J 11 -'• < • wartiii' £ H
SKH6 rUgeli&rc Dick. broad ratchet nmna
a •l|iinp rocks
2594ft abicflnuni L, Kir- tiFtt itfUal slraKK"t>B Q
f nuinmrr inniiin ,un> Kiig. but. 2U37
25*47 UlaiiUov/i Web. UUiC* , tjiiummcr klptna riK'ht
SftHH pilflerum St/tnti. ti.tir.tienring DtraggHitg 7 nuiniiur 1M; wu. & bJiitt FJII4. 1M.I. 1 JIB
SSSW!) blindum /..Vr« charming lax mat* .1 tumincr braki Mil c. brll Mjp,5
25U5U ruuibultiin ( l)l>klT dcnic mou o year BUO everywhere Enit. l>ut. lt>O
crentil'iniii /•:. 3. 1361 ratriOrt
26R51 vduflmim £, velvoty 0MM pstoln Y.G hedge hti>k* E»g. IxtL 1568

253M 1 liillrri L.
inlrii' 111 iin J? tt Qi3.\

III JTJ, X*t *• 1» 1

• 'lewe
u nummer
a Y.Hr BeUeh rockt Gr«v, cry|>. 174
a5U53Uini|-|r|ihi]m flr«. tno-fnrraeil l.'ix j.r'.cumb. 8 MMMIIKT tli ml v placu* lirov, crvp, IflO
95064 ilelllunn Sctirrti. tiraad tu(U i iji.DUtnmrr Y.llr n n u i:M«
9 •nii.irriilusllin E. IS. •qtuROM nttcbi l ip.Kimmer stone wiillt Unj;- Iwt. 1709
25065 lore,.. broad mauea DH *prlng WO. ntid h t a . Kny. boL BtW
SStf-jfi ruuriltilittin AVr*. HiihCU-.-li.iVi-! 1!.I;I(II.K 1, •p. IU miner D.Ol ill rivulets Kng. tML 1
SBS07 ilrintuin Scttrfh. looic tuttl fl 4pring POodl Eng. boL W4S
'JU.'M 1'uufL'Ttnm h>,K. cnnijinct mull patchct IJ >|.nnt! Ttt.0 [tun, of trcM Kn^. DOt. £407
4*O59cuiiiNli'' OUjpldMO
In- LI i .leaved
loCMC tllftt
lufMc t u n t
niniiiier Ta.G bogi
.' '*" 1 li'.l) lltliu/ mulUH :
pate he* • r,»|l hini-jit. rnt-i
859m trlquetnan /.. Lbrae-wiriMi«9 bnocn. tuftt B year tn. and ban
BSBBSbrevir^tn l-h,h almrt-bcnkod i., \. mu(Ai 9 autumn wood) Ore*, cryp. 357
85964 iquarruium L. •qnsMM patchn 7 r«n BLG wo. and lies. Eng. boL Jl)j3
I I I SEcuxnirt».t*. — £faw*o»£Mf iW.
9S065/i1Iclnum /,. I'Vrn/i'dwrf Mtii.ll m u m .j I f -Ii bogi £n K . bot. 1570
dQWmn Eli. L'l
SS006 p,nl ii-l ri- A. crmiins luftt •j spring' L.G bun. ofitre. Eng. boL Itiflfi
fluviAtilo A'.//. 1303, nn ,E. J5.840
SG967 addnrum L. booked lir»!nl pati-lie • 3 ip.aummor Va bog* EnK
9 rug6*um B. ft rugoM ItriMil p a t c h d •p. sum me r Va IHJJ;™ Elijf. l i d t
1111 Itrttw. in it-iii ate thitk pntdiet bDL liiOO
SH*!* rUKUltmiiii KVA. wrinkled Jciiao (lift* a9 lifJith, |.|:ir-
25n*;u eon itftlura HnFiv, ch«li; droop, raaitei B mnrg. (itstr> I
" . ' • ; i H i . . i•.• - .ii
II. like iii-n.i- HIMM •
/ •i mnsMv uut Engi Hrauv. SilciUlD patdhei 7 •mriBMc ItIO mountadni
95B73 CTlprcHlfrtrmi.'r
/.. i \ [ i t ( ' - . - - i . r r i ^ i * ! thick mau 1
* year llt.G trt't's & rocks Kn^. IKJL 18G0
lJi'tI K
if Ir*iv 1 rli lr> / " /? 1 AW
' ' * IE Mil j #, J l , 1 If^i,

9 polyaiitlicii 7-;, A > year nt.G woods mnny-flowi'r«l thick tnau

Kng. bot.
39974 cr(«U cutrfntt* L. B sunfitncr BLG •modi linsad I..UHJ1 l a \ 111 It4
EIIK. bot
2cWi mollutenin licdui. tiimrntr Y.CJ roclu MA Hng. cutangl. tufU
bot. 13S7
29M. TI'MMW ilwlw. TIM MI*. (J. C. Timvi, • dtruaa boturinp] authnr.)
Bfitfjii megapotit&iu Mcgatojiolitan bnuu mtmm J «u in nn t Ut,(J mout n o . pi. Grev. cryp. SBt*

90K. ffllY^TJM lUdui. BHVUN, {Bryot to abound ; (1 ouri*lict everywhere.) 27. —4J.
95977 andrdjrjTiuTD }t,-,iu: nnilrnin' i> Y.I; wo. and ban. Mute. brit. 23
Wnluin andrijuynum ^. A ] 4
£6978 pal futrc .Viirt in.ii-li deep tuft* #uiiiTni r, nu bogi Mute. brit. OH
I I . ItV.KQLtAFBBl 'KTrmA. — Exterior ptristome thorUr titan Mi ftm ntst turrmved.
85979 trlchiido* L tfo'iT-paiitliii patchM V Miiniii' i vG liifilil. numn. Miir.t-. brit. 98
SSB80 drmiMum Hook. ll.W imail tu Its | July, uigutl \G ScoL miiun. Grev. rr\:
SG881 trfijiii'trum 7'ur«. three-cornered tooM pttcbM <> July, mi^tiDt L0 bor. oflaktj Mum; lirit. 5#
9G9S9 dcalbdtum Dick. patchM whitened
IJ • i i i n i i i c r Gy mount, boga MuacbrlLV
HI. »A. — Pcriitomct equal; tfifca not furrowed.
t. rt.ANIFi>UA — Leave* ivit/iimt n thickened mar gin.
SSB63 iiyrif.'.riuo .Vmr. pyrtrorro patcbet (IIU1M
v.<; r<Hk< MUM. brltff
sfirniiii /;. «. 38D a
2SW4 hiUccuiii .VAr. down putcliiw sumim r mountain! Mine, tirit. SJ
259R., i rtiilimi Hint. iVnh turti MIlllllUT lit ti rrtck» Mute lirlt S*
tmUekturum I, toby putchei •untmrr I..G banki i«9
263K7 nrKi-M'ii'n t . (livery patcha (|trlrtg on (tround
83988 Zitrii Dick, Zlcr't palcbu i •pting mountain!
MMB t twr'inn Scnrcb. Rote-Dke tutu % (Utlll Pk IKMUIS MI
'*&.X> Cain II ii / 'i.iry patchc* i MJIlll hcatht Mu«r. brtt.l»
_* •tcilare /•;. JJ.B434
HBUeMnrUthnii /.. tufted palettes i j year evarywhen MUK. bi
J mfiju» /7uok. larger pa tch PI everywhere [Oiii;. hot. l!f
9 nAnii* Hook, Him Her patche*
i \
1 year arbeM*.IB" 1

2^092 turbinatum SVJX. top-shaped thin tufts 2 rammer Pa.G Musc.brit.S9
nfgricans E. B. 1528
» nfitans Sehreb. nodding little patches 3 summer Bt.G walls &hca, Muse. brit. 29
compactum E. B. 1527 ?
1 alplnum £. alpine tufts summer P subalp/rock* Muse. brit. 28
ii. CRABSIU'BCULA. — Leaves with a thickened margin.
-Jgatum Die*. long„ aubsolitary d 1* summer Bt.G mountains "lusc. one. «ju
f> ventnebsum Dick. ventricosc deep
- » - -tufts
'- 4 summer Br mar. ground Muse. brit. 30
r. 1518, cubitale £. 27.2554
eri Grcv. Tozcr's solitary | summer Rsh clay banks Grcv. cry p. 285
i feArto. dotted solitary 3 summer, aut L.G mar. places MUHO. brit. 30
'jijViT "B"" 11 11
" * Sehreb. ligulatc solitary 4 summer, aut L.G moist banks Muac. brit 30
Sail r o s t r atum &*r. rostrate solitary S summer L.G subalp.coun. Muse. brit. SO
SJJI! '"•""Kinatum Die*. edged tufts 2 summer Y.G shady banks Muse brit. 31
£*K« htonum Sehreb. this year's deep tufts 5 summer Y.G mar. places MUAC. brit 31
> cuspidatum ScAreA. cuspidate subsolitary 2 BU miner L.G wo. At walls Muse. brit. 31


ANDREJEM Hedw. ANDREAA. (J. G. Ii. Andrea, a German botanist.) 4.

'• alplna Hedw.
alpine loose tufts 1} summer D.Br rocks Muse, brit 8
" riiitesttris Hedw. rock dense tufts * hummer D.Br rocks & ston. Muse. brit. 8
HnthM Mohr Roth's dense tufts {summer D.Br rocks & ston. Muse, brit 8
nivalis Hook. snow deep patches 3 summer D.Br mountains Muse, brit H



JUNGERMA'NN/itf L. JUNGEHMANNIA. {Ijouis Jungcrmann, a German bot, died 1G53.) 81. —

I. ABTIPULAVTJL — Stipules none ; stems leafy.
— Leaves inserted many ways. u
oph^lla Waht. hair-leaved loose tufts 1| summer turfy heaths Hook. jung. 7
sctac«JB.A setaceous dense tufts 2 spring Pu.G bogs Hook. jung.8 H.I
lulaeea //oo*. downy dense patches | summer Pa.OI mountains Hook. Jung. 2
' t l i Ho. Hk loose-leaved cush.-hkepat J sp.summcr Pa. G mountains Hook. jung. 59
juni|)erina 5uo. Juniper-likc crowded tufts 3 summer 11. Br mountains Hook.hing.:.JU 4
Hooker! E. B. small patches g winter, sp G ditches Hook.;.Ju
Jung. 54
11. BIFA'RIA:. — Leaves btfarious.
i. INDIVI\I* . — Leaves undivided.
wll J««plenio\desI. Asplenium-lk loose patches 3 year OI.G moist woods Hook. jung. 13
5SJ|?. "Pinulbsa Dick. spinulosc crowded tufts 3 year Y.G mountains Hook. jung. 14
n.? u clecipicns Hook. deceitful dense tufts 1 autumn OI.G Irish heaths Hook. jung. 50
[ boniuna Hook! Don's cntangl. tufts 2| September P.Br Scot mount. Hook, jung 39
^mila Hook. dwarf small patches | winter, sp 01 rocks Hook, jung 17
, 'anceolhta Hook. lanceolate dense clusters £ autumn Pa. G damp woods Hook, jung 18
cordiiblia. heart-leaved dciiBc tufts 2 august . 1 mountains I look. jung.
D.O1 jg 32
Sphagnum cnlang\. pate, 3 autumn Y.G
Y G maTahypl. Hook.jung.a3.s.2
H k a 3
ft, <>rrna>r
nulata Sm. crenulatc matted patch. f o.novcmber K.G tiogs Hook. jung. 37
-*i ?'' °ca.rpa Hook, round-fruited dense tufts \ early spring Pa.G Irish bogs Hook. jung. 74
-*:. '•ysilina Lyelt
Lufll transparent broad tufts 1 early spring D.G bogs
compressed dense tufts Hook. jung. CS
4 June rivulets,IrcL Hook. jung. 68
ii. EMARQINAVJK. — Leaves emarginatcd or h(fid ; segments equal.
) cmarginata Ehrh. emargmatc large |>atrhcs \ may, junc Br wet pi. on m. Hook. lung. 27
2ft|j£ concinnata Hook. neat thick tufts | may, June Sil wet pi. on m. Hook. jung. 3
€>£**** orcad/inaig Hook, Orcadcs loose patches 1 may, junc Bt.G mountains Hook. jung. 71
inflated dense patches \ j*> July OI.G boggy places Hook. jung. 38
Dick. cut out scatter, patch. \ spring D.G shady woods Hook. Jung. 9
ventricosc dcnt»c patches \ au.n Pa.G woods Hook. jung. 28
Hook. Turner's small patches i march Pa.G Irish rivul. Hook. jung. 29
ata Hook. two-pointed larRC tufts * march, april Pa.G damp bunks Hook. jung. 11
Hook. Byssus-likc dense tufts | march, april D.OI heaths Hook. jung.
connivciit loose patches | april, may Y.G wet places Hook. jung. 15
curve-leaved small patches I april, may Dp.P mountains Hook. jung. lfi
Hi. QIIADRI'PIDJE. — Leaves three or four cleft; segments equal.
capitate very sinll. pat. 4 s.Ja Pa. G bogs Hook. ung. 80
cut sml.dcnscpat \ July Pa.G heaths Hook. ung. 10
dwarf sol.orthk pat. October, may Bt.G moist banks Hook. ung. «9
bristle-shaped dense tufts 2 spring G.Br mountains Hook. ung. HO
io. — Leaves bifid
ifi ;; segments
g unequal, folded together.
L. grove matted tufts 2| July, October P woods Hook. jung. tl
Hook. flat-leaved crowded pate. 2 Din.Br mountains Hook. jung. 67
shady dense tufts \ march, april G. Br shady places Hook. Jung. 24
wavy large tults 3 may, June Bt.G wet places Hook. jung. 22
rcaupinate very unl.tufts J may, June llr.G heaths Hook. ung. 23
CIIIS L. whitish ' broad tufts If april, July Pa. G hedge banks Hook. Jung. 25
Hook. blunt-leaved little tults ± march, april Pa. G damp places Hook. jung. 26
Dickson's dens inat.tuf. \ august 1)1. Br mountains Hook. jung. 48
minute loose patches f sp.summcr Ol.Br mountains Hook. jung. 44
Schmidt cut out small(Nitches
. l h i, Pa.G heaths Hook. jung. 19
iilearitormia Weis spoon-shaped llarge nnlches 4 summer R.Br mount, bogs Hook. jung. 68
>planata/«. flattened cush.-likcpat. 1| summer Pa.G trun of trees Hook. jung. 81
11. STIPULAV*. — Furnished with sttputet.
L IVTEOIIIKOU*. — L*nw« i'n/jrc or rarely emtti
fGQSJandmala//<«*. anomalous IIKHC patthe« 1 o.ruivcmuc . jiiiia. ;JJ
esUat TnyK.ri lluok. Taylor'* largo patchet 3 tumuicr Pk IQOUlltaiill Hcink, jung. .77
MOSS ieaUrl. /AM*. ladder brood pjtchci j lummox Pa.<J loamy toil Hook. jt,..
many-flowered !oo*c pati-he* !} april, may Pa.O wet placet HDOIL jin
weilge-lcaved paraiitiiral £ tuminer Br oiiJiiiifr.'r.nn. Iliuik. jung.
S6U5B vlticuibM I,. twiggy loote patches ]l anting Y. (lr par. dump pi, Hwik. Jung. 60
86UM TYkhomanU Dick. TricKomane* large patches 1} M U M * V.\Xt nolit place* Hook, jutig. 7S
it. Bid'tiM. — Leave* twu or three cleft; mgmentt equal.
90000 bldenUU /.. ccrowded
w d n l pat
pate, li o.nnvcmbor Pa.G inuiit plane* Hook. jung. 5&
'-'^x,i heterophyiLn,
3MSI p J ScSr. <1 MI.all tulb tnpnl.n item of tree* Book. Jung. 31
860&2 ftipulacon d cuih.-Ukc tuf. J summer Pn.Ol slimly placci Hook. juliK ' '
20063 Franritct Hook. Ji crowded pate. iaprll.july Pk inottt plaew Hoak.jtin
SMA4 barbiiia 7/ bearded crowdedpntt'. It M'niiK P B . 0 WlHHll\ IllM. l i m i t . jllllH. 7 0
loose [wtthes J turn me r r,. i; ikn Hoak-JuBf.7S.M
2fil)6fi rti'(iill){ 1 Jimmii r fm.0 wood*
hriH-.lotml : pat tint 3 Ol.O rock* Hook. jung. 76
iii. HiVin«(. — fsnecii li\fid ; tfgmtnlt unequal, fiiitied together.
P l i N ' c * i nli, or tmntlfr onft,fiitt.
hylla I~ wide pntcht'i 'i march, au uld wa Hnok.jung.40.*.5
j g l a Hook. liKne tufti 9) iiimiticr I : ' ) ! woinii HtKik, iiu. •
) dllkri* L, 2 *|>.iummcr tLBr rocks A hea. ijmik.
d<>iiM.-patrbm 2" Hook juijm
40071 Wo6dwi Hook. \Vi)ixl«'ii 5
cmwileil tutli fi ip.jiuminer ILDr llttb moun. Ilimk. jimg. fO
E El,rh. •mall ilowny broad patchct 3 march, oct. Pn.G maitt placet Hook. jung. 36
1 svoixm'nott. — Latuer segments, or tmaller onet, invalntr.
96073 Mackiii Hook. HaclLty'4 dents patchei 1 tnovember Blt.U tree* & roc, Unok. jung. 53
2SJ74 ren>» Hook. Tliyine.le.ived ImbHctnuKt ^ april, junu Pa. 6 trim, of trees Rook. Jung. 42
90075 hamatir.lia Hook. hook-leaved very tmll.pat. 1 iprlng (r rocks Hook. JIIIIK,51
8fflJ76 aiiiultMtma Hook. minuteit little patche* | april. may V.C) hnrk of trcM Hcmk. jung. SB
26077 calyptrii'cilia calyptra-lvd little lufU t •nminer Pn.G on f*lc« naa.Hook. jung, *)
iii. S*CCATl'nOJi — /,fiiu.T KjfmenU, or smaller onet, saccate.
HutcliliMbr Hook Jlift Hutehlmii (OOM patohM 1 summer dainp pl.t lr. Hocvk. Jung. 1
.il.itiilu /.. MiLiti'l )tr.P Inn: 1 'nnk, Jung. 5
TmmariKl Umtk. TamarUk large pfltrdei 3 april, t ••n tin 1'.irth llnnk. Jung. 5
111. BMOTIMUL — Framlosr nervrlen,
SS08I fat Mtcboi 'J minmer moiit slia pi. Hook. Jung. 48,
Vitiid.1 L. uuuiy^ut crowdett tuf» 1 apring PJLG inuist pl.hca. Hook. jung. 4&
o — Frontiote ncrvetl.
48083 Diuia 1 rpring D I heathi Hook. jung.
U leaf upon \- .\ larfic pat
a} (prills ml f'.i.O rntiltt hnlg. Hook. Jung. 47
Ibrtad o. mm :h Pa.O (run nfu. Rook.Jung.BSS
S Schrank. uubcu'i'Mt 1 -[if in;-; {i| rock* Hocik. jnnjt 7,''
S60S7 t,yi!l»i IlrH.k. vdl1- IOOM pilolUi ] mny Po.(; Houk. jung. 77 _
S6D68 htWrniw Hook. I mil ] ajiril Pa.ti lr. thore*

M.\i:< HATSTIAVx. M*UCIIAVTI,I. (NieMobu Marehant, a French botannU 4,*-7.

yi /, nuiUtfurm liri);ni p.iti-hn inuitt rock* Eng. U>t
hcrnitiiliK rrica I-
S(»9» hcrnitiiliK l i i i i i i - i ' l i ' M ' ' I lin molitroclw KUK. Imt. 1XA
! > (
conical ' »liady biink* E»K- bc>i
90Q9Z aiidri'ijrynn A'. a n d n i g y n o i u Ijrtmil IKIICIILH li»i. P a . O wet rocka Eng. but. 3HS

3000. lU'CCl^ E.B. RlCOU. (ncrrM Frattdsra Jtieciu, a Tloronl Inc boUnliL) 4.
idea ft // hM 1 •prii)({ i.l rock«*
* n Hum £, /(. tWillllllillJ fluting 1 tpring <. ii.u-hM Eng. bnt. 552
fltiltnn. K A float) Df n i MTUIK Jit. :
Kng. 11
Pu.ti mount, mitr. Uick. IT, 11.

3001. ANTHOCEROS J! B. ANmocimoi. (/(rt/Aoj, a flower,kertxis,horned;form of ther.i} 3 . - 5 .

SfiO37tnuUittdin Dick. uy-clcft patrhw |mamct H crer. in roc. !>• '
SfiOtW |iuiiri.iitis /. di.iti-d patebei 1| tpi Pa.G damp place* KUR. linl
9009D tnijor /;. K. larger broad patche* i n-i • D,G dutnj>ptarr> B t g , b o t . l M |

anfia. TAIIGIO^NI/* K B . TAWHOKI*. (John Anthony Targiimi, a Florentine ixil.-uiUt.) 1. — 3.

SS1OO hypophjlla /,. Unf under I L-af broad patch la \ winter, »p U.U wtl plucw Eng. bot S87

30Ca. HXnOA ;. B. SniJiKoCiirTft. , a globe, karpoi, fruit; jccd.vouel.j J. — *•

36101 terrJrtrU g. B, curt h ipot* winter Bt.O (Ulnji |)Ucei Kng. bol, (nW



Tame t.
ACHNA'NTHES Ag. A e n u r n u H. i.Achnr, the froth of tiie orean, anthns, a flrjv
i Ag. lotiK-• t;iiked fine down -jfy jl (>«h diL.ica coaal,&
IftJ lirevipei Ag. *hort-ita1ked fine down IJ KU O«h orean>,
EGlOi unipuncUlu Oirm. *inglc-«potl«t Hnc down lj iu Cih ocean Orer. i

aotfi. I X I I . A ' R I A Grew. E X I U I H I * . {Kxilh, tlwider ; jiluitli.)

,,,•)'. circular line m a n Ar •(•ri'tB BtO watery pi.
iilt:i fftcti bundled Ittik- tuft* •ft tit U.Y MM
i tliiriing littio tiifti -^ tu O lea
hd t< • t npiing li te*
m.vroMA^r. [niai,imt\ M>paralion; ftuirnenU divided into juinls.) 7.-1(1
Ag. Him
hn & Ml Y Ilr dltche* Kti K li... r,i\\. CunfC-
• k t T nrt clown
tlnirt down *l>ring
ili| »i>ritur
] llih prrnN Ajr. »viui. hot. 491
Ml] njfe rioasttcd riMHtdmrn M *»ri iring illl water t n i hyil lit
in 4 J . in. little tnfu *f y.O i>rtwn K.
>'ni"iui[.h*,jiiii»j Ag. &tin Btildutpli kliort down A n.d O Kil
ortdawn •

iff. oblique mlnuu

l bnuie.i « IX Br ocean Eng. ba ^riw
I.T..VIUA Ag. 'is, brittle; nature] - 8L
.it;, i like limit tiiit- j mi- V 0 on w . l t plfJIL Kliji l u t t . l t i l l .
9*nkBi Ag. winter dense n. tufu 3 ap O. Br rivulet* Lyng. liyd. (U
MKE.OSEI'RA As. MKUKHIU. i U./(in,au ant!*| n1,r ,« chain ; form (if filament*.) 3.-5.
vn-Uko vt V»li unit nuirthcs- :
m lllu-l lown -jV mr
short duivn ,' t tit
riviili'tn DlW.ron, i
ivs of aquat. l>tw. COD. '~>. B t.'.nuiii.

(DnmuM,a boml; parti palMlini whan in a itntc of dlttoiulion.) %

niiupips tj MI i. Gnnr.ervp.eaS
•"Cyllililrn'j II'HWO IIMIMI 1 ipring Y.U tlltchet Gnr.ervp
' ri.iiliMillcUJjE, li. •

i, to divide, n,-wM. n fltament,) 2, — 9.

tUpp. nu Br»h smicoaiit Ejig,bot,£101 Curttjh-'t.
filuiji l ->i ltr>]) lakes
f.Woniw, nuc, Ktma, a Rianveut, ib) . 4,
lax i- li<u V u IH A-.cryp.30S
ttmall-tiincit iTirl tuft* \ »)iri.iH V . l l MM I .r. .
ft: .TV. 'J'llw. lliiln-riiV - Ml Ol.CS MM
QU Lilripunct mini Grev, four-dottod l.ix tuttit 1! «u OL« tea
GOMPHONFTMA 4f. (">s MtM»- ;-Aij.f, .i dab, rirma.n tllnment.) 1
P«riul6xiitn J/f, pnradnxiciil due down 1 HI lirfV.lTTj. .
KrmiutLtum Ag, twin round HUM f i|)ririit U*h.Y nip. rivulet* lir.••.
toinuiisjiinmn Grev, miitulctt i <]>riiig U i h . V IHM:J . cryp. !M

Trnin- II.
S- CHLOROCO'CCUM A * * C\n- year

O tntn. aftroet Orer. cryp, 208

*'ilj(iirr (. cum ii ii .it thin magi
« ] , I*prirla butryotdd £. H. ai*»
it ill Diiti h yoar O Crev. cryp.325

A'- (Proio*. *, berry.) J.

linn liiyi-r rocks Grev,crvp,£31
AI-ME'LLA Ag, {Paltruu, Tibration j Jelly-like nature.) 7. —12.
f t ' l ni ht " ill* 1 »prlng <+ utrenmii Orcr.cryi'
innta | ep.auL G rookl Kng. bot. B 8 a U'ftm
lik thill «kiii ... nut 0 damp place* Orev. cryti
ntinntc grcgariinii } aut Y.Hr mount.rock* Lyn)f.!) Brcenridui ...MI Pk on litln
mountain iciiWiko H MI H.Ci alpine rock* Kni;, IM«' BW5. U'/i-n
thlncruit ... year Jt.Br damp walU Grcv,cryp.UU5
'-'..ul1' IvI. g. !•:. IIIM-II.I lEchimiM,a. hedffehog; brlmly appcarttneo.) 1.—
•rtlcuL\u Ag. JointLiI thin Him ... jn.jl 0 1ukc» Eiig.lwl. LJ7S.t',rt:Wjiui
Ag. ALPvostnti'M. (ffnflywiftasthtfcwnoftb>wmihiltot) .T.—7,
trAim|Kirvrit flc«hy maw (i M> V txran Knjj, bot. U(U. tl'/in
rlavacetit flwhy mam 3 IU \ oana PI djin.ttia.UVM
broken vermicular 4 »u Y.Pk ocean Eng, bot. 1CS& Viva

(Without explanation.) 5.-32.

common lobnl m.i«» 'i m. OLO dampplacw Enu. tot.4fil. Trcm&a
ptum-ibaped little bmHi | ra OI.G lakn - hyrt.ffl
* HUtiericnl littl< \ iu (11.0 Kill wateri 111 mu«c. II). 17
"in if. w;irty (trcfpirinuii ] ap o n ; rwk* Di. muse. II). K,
blue minute balls ,., in t; (Srcv. eryj

0 rov. (IL-v. Mr. BiTkrtfy, an K.igllih crypt, bot.) I.

i. •Upp, I'll I | itirtnjj lit tea Orar.erjp

Mvill.lMiH*. (Myritu,, nrmrt, filament.) '

ite ... »u l).l)r tea v cryp. 300
1S3 ' ° R Y N E ' l 1 MORA At. ConVNKPRUM». (Koryn?,n club,pAi^mi, tol»e»r j club.iha]NHl tllnmwiU> J,
mnit DO i-< l i Htl iore Oref. cryp, 53
lubwiWrmui 5. S. 1056
\ Uit'ii/ux, n rh A. —11.
.lr>rk mtnUM iluts fif o MM ptanoi Bttg, bot IT98
•Mte J aut ' • >on
i nil HI Q ii.ii'hfH Kng. lw.t <¥W
K iiitillu DUM. 1J
l'O'l'HORA j*tf. CHJrronnoM*. tC***** • brirtl^jpftoneo, to btari tllamcnlii.) 4 —12
fur-ditfl tiiin l.iyt-r ^j aut nMrinerock* Lynn, hyi
wariv balli G Uirut.;ria
Ktiihvc-loavjil lirniwhitl G •till IV . ft, liyii '
*«*m b h d tf t u KiUj.tnit. *K7. U.

£6161 pfadffirmif Ag. pea-shaped little ball i §u G lakes Grev. cryp. 150
Ciifftophora eleganfl Grev. cryp.
(Sy leather,
3024. SCYTHYMETNIA Am. SCVTIIYMBWIA. (Skytoa ea h , membrane; substance.) 1.
86102 rupestris Ag. rock broad mass 2424 su B rocks Eng. bot 2194


3025. BYSSOCLA'DIUM Ag. BYSBOCLADIUM. (Byssot, fine fax,kladost branch.) 1.—
86163 fcncstrilc Ag. window fine tuft ft year G on windows Dlw. con. 94
3026. MYCINEWf A Ag. MVCINEMA. (Myket, a kind of minute fungus. ne?na, a thread.) 5.-6.
2(»lti4 arachnoitlcum Ag. cobweb-like patch ft ycar p a ,Q dead trees Ulw.coti. C. Conferva
26It« fftlvum Ag. tawny down-like ft aut Br rotten wood
26166 rubigiubsuin Ag. rusty patch ft year Rust rotten wood Dlw.con.G8.C0///VVM
26167 nhosphbrcum Ag. phosphoric |»ichcs ft year V rotten wood Dlw. con. HH. VoiijMm
26168 p pulvireum Ag.g powdery thin crust ft year G rotten wood Dlw. con.78. D. Cotrf.
3027. CHItOO'LEFUS Ag. CIIIIOOL. (Chroos, skin, lepo, to decorticate; inner memo, changing to powder.) 5-6.
2616!)Jolithus Ag. Hock Violet patches ft ft year
yearP P rocks
s Fl. dan.
Fl. dan. 899. 899.
1 1
26170 odoratus Ag. sweet-scented patches ft ft winter
winterBrBr trees
trees Lyng
Lyng. hydhyd
£7 £7
2(il71 /ichenicola Ag. Lichen-dwelling down ft >u II.O on lichens Eng. liot. 1609
2fil7'2 rubicuiidus Ag. ruddy patches ft su
20173 rbencus Ag. Ebony patches ft year Ilk rocks Eng bot.702.Bpssus nig-
3028. TKENTEPO'HLJJf Ag. TRENTEPOIILIA. (Trentepohl, an obscure German botanist) 3.-4.
26174 purpurca Ag. purple , patches tW ycar P scacoa., roc. Eng. bot. 192. Bi/ssus
86175 afirea Ag. golden patches ft ycar Y roc. & sub w. Eng. bot 212. liyssus
2 ilicicoia Ag. llolly-dwelling branch, pate, ft spring Y holly bark Kng.botl6;>9. l'«t/V?r*»
86176 pulchclla Ag. pretty downy tufts ft spring It Br on Conferva: Kng. bot. 2585. C. natut
2 chatfbea Ag. iron tufts ft s D.O1 fresh water Eng. bot 1996
3029. SCYTONtTM A Ag. SCYTONEMA. (Skytos, leather, nema, filament: nature of filamentous fronds.) 6.—17.
»I77 compuctum Ag.
26177 „ compact tufts 1 su Ilksh mountain* Lyng. hyd. 28
"" byssoitlcum Ag.
26178 Byssus-likc "-
tufts * su II rocks Di. muse. 1. 18
' "
26179 myochrouM "
Ag. mouse-colored sjimy coat su D.Br rocks
2 ocellMum Ag. eyed slimy coat 1 su D.Br aquat plants Eng. bot 2530
A imindutuni Ag. inundated fclimy coat 1 su D.Br inund.places Eng. bot. 1555
26180 BaiiK'f I<y»K- Hang's compact tufts lft su Ttlrug subalp.banks Lyng. hyd. 28
261K1 Sowvrbyu,iu/n Ag. Sowcrby's short down ft su Ol. Br ocean Eng. botiWl9. C. mir&O-
86182 comoides Ag. hair-like broad
i patches fto R.Br
ft ocean Eng.
g bot. 1" nf ~"
SOSO.STIGONE . STIGONEMA. {Stigon, dotted, nemb, filament; regular annular dots of filaments.) I--3'
86183 atrovircns Ag. dark^recn bushy tufts ft su Bk.G rocks Dlw. con. 25. Vonfirv*
3031. P R O T O N E ' M A Ag. PHOTONEMA. (Protot, first, nema, a filament; simplicity of structure.) 7.—10-
26184 rr|iens Ag. creeping
pg ii»tches ft su G pots
p in hoth.
261K.J umbrusum Ag. shdy
shady pths
patches ft ft su su GG on the earth Dlw.Dlw con.
con 61.
61 Conj
SlilHo vulutmum Ag. velvety patches ft n G on the earth Dlw. con. 77. Cotif<lr**
2iilH7 fragrans Ag. fragrant patches ft n G on the earth Eng. bot. 1556. Cfrva
SdlKH crypt&ruin Ag. vault patches ft su
2(ilH» OrtlK'ilnchi Ag. Orthotrichum ddciiM tufts ftft su
M tufts (r caverns
26190 7/iuscicola Ag. Moss-dwelling minute down ^ ap Br on Orthotr. KghtWiS
Br on mosses Eng. bot. 1701.
0 HYGRO'CROCIS Ag. g HYUROCROCIS.. (Hygros, moist, krokit, a little tuft.) 7.-9.
27IMIM barjrttca
b j t t AAg. bt
barytcs fifinctnfts | ycar Tran solofmur.b.
2til"2 atram.'nti Ag. ink fine tufts A year Whh surf, of ink Lyng hyd. 57
2«»1«W typhloderma Ag. obscurc-skinncd tine tufts ft ycar Ol in sol Dlw. con. 83 C
26194 pallida Ag. pallid fine tufts ft year Y sol. of ochre Dlw. con.
86195 Rbsai Ag. lime-water fine tufts <fa year Tran rose water
26196 sanguinca4g. blooilcolored fine tufts ft ycar C ibinglass size
86197 vini Ag. wine fine tufts ft year
Y in Mad. wine
3033. L E P T O ' M I T U S Ag. LEPTOMITUS. (Leptos, slender, mitos, a thread.) 4.—15.
86198 minutissimus Ag. minutest little tufts •& year Tran on mar. alga;
261<)<) lActcus Ag. milky patches ft winter Tran pools Dlw. con. 79. Cm\f.
SiYKHi n\n\M Ag. dwarf like down ft aut G rotten algae Dlw. con. 30. Coiijf*
SOaoi clavatus Ag. clavate minute ft aut Tran dead fishes Lyng. hyd. 22
3034. MESOGLO"!
MESOGLO! A Ag. MES.(Mesos,
Ag. MES. iddle, gloios,
(, middle, viscid:spines
gloios,viscid: spin sofofbranches
brances a solidd mas
mass.) 5 — 8.
202 multlflria Ag.
Ag many-cleft tufts 33 aut
aut 11
11 Germ
ocean Lyng .hyd
hyd.1669 ChO^T
862(13 Hudsbni Ag. Hudson's branched 6 aut II ocean EnK.t.H^7.U
86204 coccinca Ag. scarlet bushy 4 su R ocean Eng. bot 2466
UivuKiria verticillata E. li.
86205 capillaris Ag. capillary tufts 3 su It ocean Lyng. hyd. 12
86206 vermicuh\ns Ag. vermicular bushy 5 au Brsh ocean I-<y"g. hyd. 65
2 coriacca Ag. leathery bushy R au Brah ocean Eng. bot 1819
Rivularia vcrmiculata E. B.

T ARC A U MAg. BATRACH.( (Batrachos,
Ag.BARACH. B t , frog, tperma, seed;
g , tperma, seed; grows in marHhcs.)) 2 . —
2G7 vagum A
862G7 Ag. bli
rambling fi
fine ttufts
ft 3 my Bh dith
Bsh ditrhes L
Lyng. hd 64
hyd. 64 Alfg
2 tcniifssimiim Ag. slenderest fine tufts lft my D.O1 ditches Coty*a
26208 moniliformc Ag. necklace-shaped fine tufts 2 su G fresh waters
1 stagnMc Ag. pool fine tufts S IU G pools Di. muse 7.44
2 simplicius Ag. simpler fine tufts 2 su B pools' Di. muse. 7.45
3 purpurascens Ag. purpurascont fine tufts 2 iu Pk sea shore Di. muse. 7.40
4dctersum^. cleaned fine tufts 8 su D.O1 pools Dlw. con. l l t

3036. DRAPARN ASLDIA Ag. DRAPARNALDIA. {Jamet Philip Ralf. Draparnaud, a French bot.) 3,-j
? S ! ! 1 * IpI U " ' 4 B T . slender fine tufts * year DI.G pools Dlw.con (»T ^ P S
& ££KK
20211 ! !S4
p umb
glomerata 4 eathry
d tuft
broad tufts 6 s uu Bt.G rivulets Eng.lmt.a0H7 J.
Eng.lmt.a0H7. J
gelatin, tuft* 4 BLO pools

OSCILLATO^RIA Ag.. OSCILUTORU. (Plants having an oscillatory motion.) 13.—47.

ata Carm.
C winged
id patches 4 spring Hr wet rocks Grev.cryn.3tt
limbata Grcv. bordered thin layer } spring V.C wet rocks Grcv. cryp. 246
_^ rupestris Greu. cryp.
««14 tenuissima Ag. slenderest patches su Pa. G warm springs Eng. bot 2584. Conf.
»autumnalis Ag. autumnal slimy mass If su 01. G on the earth
, 2 vaginata Ag. sheathed slimy mass 11 su O1.G in the earth Dlw. con. 99
black floating tufts 4 su D.G still waters Dlw.con.64.0/o/j/m,Vj,
lcathcr-/ife broad layer i spring Ysh rocks in wat
brownish tufts 1 year Br.V stones in riv.
thin masses 1| year Fa B wat in both.
S tlendid
slippery layer * spring Pa. G still waters Dlw. con.'Ju.t./////»>*«
floating mass. G year /Erug inud. bot. po. Fl. dan. 1.W). M
blue thin film ... year B church walls Eng.uot 2578. Conferva
barking thin flakes } mr B.G damp wood Dlw. COIL 2(5
ochricea Lyng. ochre-colored gelatmasscs i year Och pools Dlw. con. 62. Conferva
{ , beautiful, thrii, a hair; beauty of filaments.) 8.—12.
SvSlutfeola °W' yellowish fine down ... aut Y marine alga* Grcv. cryp. 299
Oficxn nWca A
K- snowy fine tufts \ year Pa.Y sulph. sprin. Dlw. con. C. CanfJrva
! , c°nfervicola ^ . Conferva-dwelling minute tufts i s u Gl marine alga; Eng. bot.2576. Conferva
! •col»uli\rum 4f. rocks patches Pa.G marine algae Eng.boU 2171. Conflrva
! l^'culata 4g-. fascicled tufts t »u Y.G roc. on sea c.
bilis Ag. wonderful little patches
p \\ su JErug onH.fluitan* Dlw. con. 9»>. Conferva
? lrt °rta if*, distorted flti tgpate.
floating p 1}} su B.G. lakes Conferva
lanata^ woolly floating
flt te. If pate. Ifsu G springs on st.
* fuscescens Ag. fuscesccnt floating pate. 1|
1| su Taw pools Eng.bot2577.flg.sinistr.
1 L
Y'NGBY^ Ag. LYNGBYA. (//. C. Lyngbye, a Danish botanist.) 3. —7.
mur l
- »>« Ag. wall patch ^ year G damp earths Kng. bot 1554
cri8 thick mass. 3 D.G seashoro Dlw.con.A.Co/{/<£rwi
Pa^ff. crisped floating mass. 1 winter P lakes Grev. cryp. 303
prolificaGreu. prolific
; BA'NO/if Ag. BANOIA. (Christian Frederick Bang, a botanical author.) 3. — 5.
Lamin Laminaria little tufts A su G on L. cscul Lyng. hyd. 24
ai"iic f
t . dark-purple kilky tufts U su D.P marincrocks Dlw. con. \{)3.Conf<!rua
2 ftsco-ii .brown-purple hilky tufts 2 su Br.P sea coast 1)1 w. con. 22. Co '
la Carm. beautiful thin patches ft aut G stones Grcv. cryp. 210
3041. ZYGNE^MA^. ZYGNBMA. (Zygos, yoke, nema, fllamcnt ; fllam. jointed together in pain.) 9.— 21.
"*» cruciatum Ag. crossed entangl.mass. \ ap Y.G ditches S4G3.C.bipuncf.
2 longi-articuPitum , \g. long-jointed entangl.mass. \ ap Y.G. ditches Dlw. con. 2. A.
3 brevi-articulatuin. fg. short-joint, cntangl mass. \ ap Ybh rivulets Dlw. con. 2. B.
lecusshtum Ag. decussate floating tufts H su G ditches Dlw. con. 39
icolor Aa. two-colored floating tufts 3 su G sto. in rivul. Confdrva
pectinate patches llmr G rivulets 24(».B.(<o;^Jr.
curved patches ]} mr G rivulets«/<c/.
(juinliiuin quinatc large masses } 1)1. G still waters Van. con. 5.1
Ag. decimate large masses isu Bt.G still waters<fti
shining float.patchcs 2 su BtG ditches Eng bot. 1656. C.spirdlis
punctatuui' Ag. dotted floating cloud BtG pools Dlw.con.51. Confthva
2. MOUGEO^T/4 Ag. MOUGEOTIA. (J. B. Mougeot, a cryptogamic botanist) 2.-6.
genuflexa Ag. knee-bent cntangLmaes. A ap Y.G ditches Dlw. con. 6. Conferva
t'arulcsccns Ag. cserulcsccnt pale patches ljjl P.B ditches Coi\jf4rua
- HYDRODI'CTYON Ag. HYDRODICTYON. (Hydor, water, dickfyon, net; reticulated structure.) 1.—2.
utriculatum Ag. purse-like floating web 6 jn.s G riv. & lakes C.reticul.
*• CONFE'RVA Ag. CONFERVA. (Conferrumino, to consolidate; close coherence.) 52.—13a
— Filaments simple.
i. CoLORA nK.— Floating,
AriK. Fl ,cobwebbed,
w colored.
SugJ Jpcetorum ilttfA heathw <i..Aweb
flue »«u
fine web
A « I . . I Br.P dry bogs Grcv. cryp. 261
1 Br nuiuntains Grcv. cryp. 261
banded fine web \ spring P.Br pit. on rarr. Dlw. con. B. Conferva
silky floating cloud $ su G pools & dit Dlw. con. GO.C.s&rdida
ii. VI'RIDES — Floating, cobwebbed, green.
napped float, masses 1$ spring G ditches C sdrdida
mucous float, masses 1} spring G bogs Dlw. con. B. Conferva
zoned long tuft 3 year G sto. in rivul. Dlw. con. 47. C. lucens
bursting floating tufts 3 su G ditches Eng. bot. 2461
Dil. entangled broad mat 3 su G sea-shore<fxa
i. — Capillary or setaceous ; articulations filled with globose granules, when dry alternately
tumidish fine film 1 mr G pools Eng. bot. 1670. Cinflata
blistered float, masses 6 mr C, ditches KIIK bot.ZMH.C.a/fcni,).
fuscesccnt float, masses 6 mr G ditches Dlw. con. B.
rivulet long tufts . sp su G
24 rivers Eng. bot 1654.
English long tufts 24 HJJ.SU a ditches Dlw. con. 79
capillary long tufts 3 G ditches Di. muse. 5.35. B
Flax long tufts 3 G ocean Lyng. hyd. 50
matted small tufts spring G sea shore
tortuous crisp masses G sea shore Eng. bot. 2220
thick crisp masses ap G salt marshes Dlw. coa 9
Melagonium tufts su ocean Dlw. con. II
brazen long tufts 6 year ocean Dlw. con. 80
Young's minute tufts 4 sea shore Dlw. con. 102
ncfklace-Ukc minute tufts su sea shore Lyng. hyil. 49
slippery floating tufts p SU Germ, ocean Eng. bot. l'fia C. *\ea
flaccid tufts ! year
equal-jointed float patches . spring G onHutchiiw. Dlw. con. 49
QftQ^/ucbrum tufts
^ 7 6 fl 4 c c i d a Hoth
t™ Fucus
drooping tufts
isu lwc on r
gEng. - 2310
t bot - C-
Ff 2
iv. ADNAVJK. — Adnate, pencilled, fastigiate, colored.
96977 ferruginea Both rusty tufts 1 year Rus. on Fuel D1w.con.66. C. fucicola
86378 cflrta Dil. short minute tufts ft HU Ollir on .Fuel Dlw. con. 76
26279 cornea Dtf. flesh tuft* 1ft aut Pk on Dlw. con. 84
11. RAMUUK. — Filaments branched.
26280 a>rugin6sa Hud. vcrdigrise tufts lftsu BtG seashore Dlw. con. E.
26281 Hriwnii DiL Brown's patches spring G Irishcaverns Dlw. con. D.
W2H2zii\\$iTx*Fl.dan. starry floating tufts 2 su G ins.ofwa ves. Fl. dan. 600. 1.
2H28.3 rip&ria ZW. bank floating tufts 3 su G salt ditches Eng. bot. 2100
2&2H4 gloincrata L. clustered bushy tufts 1 su B t G riv.on stones>)r
2fi2H:")enspiU /fe/A curled p itches 2 G lakes Eng. bot. 2350
StiSHG lracta I)//. broken large tufts 6 pools Eng. bot. 2338
25287 patens Ag. spreading large tufts ftsu ditches
2 prolifcra Ag. proliferous large tufta ft su ditches Dlw. con.lO.C.Jlt'xuusa
111. CUMULAVM. — Filaments branched and heaped.
26288 congregate i*g. heaped tufts 811 G roc. sea coo. Lyng hyd 5G.C.unciali»
26289 lanbua y*/». woolly tufts SU G on /J'lgic Dlw. con. E.
26290 flavescens Atf. flavescent tufts SU Y.G salt ditches Eng. bot 2088
2&J91 sertcca Hud. silken shining tufts SU Y.G ea
sea sh
96*4)8 rcfrActa /to/A broken crispcnt.tufts jnjl Pa.G ocean Eng. bot 2327. C. albida
SftttKJ HHpcra 4?. rough tufts . year G ocean Dlw.con.EX. nfgncani
26294 hctcriichloa ^. various grass tufts i year D.G ocean
SO2!I5 rupi'strih A rock dense tufts 4 BU Gl ocean Eng. bot. 1699
22(« „. . l wild goat balls fcoft ball 3 su G lakes Eng. bot. 1377
2fi2!J7 arcta K. B. close floating tuft 3 su Tran ocean Kng. bot. 2o<J8
86298 vuueberiajformis Ag. Vauchcria-lk branched 1ft su G ocean Dlw. con. E. C. arcta
86299 catenate L. chain-like patches 1 su lir ocean Di. muse. 5.27
aiJOJ) Hutch\nsi<e Dil. Miss Hutchins's dense tufts 4 su Gl ocean Dlw. con. K/y
26301 pcllficida Hud. pellucid finely branch. 5 au Pa.G ocean Eng. bot. 1716
86302 di*tans Ag. ' distant loose bundles 6 aut Pa.G ocean Dlw. con. 21.
3045. BULBOCHJETTE Ag. BULBOCIIJETE. {Bolbos, bulb, chaite, bristle; primary filaments.) 1.
86303 setigcra Ag. setigerous delicate tufts 6 aut D1.G lakes & riv. Dlvr.con.59.C.vivlpara
3046. NITE'LLA Ag. NlTBLLA. (Nitco, to shine; shining plants.) 5.—11.
2ft3O4 traintluccns Ag. transparent branched su Y.O1 pools Eng. bot 1855. ChUra
86305 fllxilis Ag. flexible branched su Y.O1 pon. & rivul.
Chara flcxilis L.
86306 oiwca Ag. opaque branched 12 Y.O1 pools 1070. OMrJfe*
263(J7 nidlflca Ag. nest-making branched 12 Y.O1 pools Eng. bot. 1703. ChAra
26308 gracilis Ag. •lender muchbranch. 6 • Y.O1 pools Eng. bot. 8140. C " - *
3047. CHAyRAL. CIIARA. (Chairo, to delight; delights in water.) 3. —16
8630!) hlspida L. hispid branched 9 Y.G ponds Eng. bot 465
26310 vulgaris /,. common branched 12 jl Y.G ponds Eng. bot 336
86J11 aspen W. rough branched 5 su Y.G lakes Grev. cryp. 339
. 3048. CERA'MIUM Ag. CBRAMIUM. (Keramion, a pitcher; appearance of capsules.) 23.-38.
I. FABTIGIA^A. — Filaments short, fastigiate.
car Br on i<'lga» Dlw. con. 45. Confir*
26312 Ianuginr.sum Ag. woolly fine down <fe y
2631.) floridulum Ag. flowering. little tufts ft year Pa.G roc. sea shor. Dlw. con. F , _
26:314 rfcjKMis AR. creeping short down <fe Jl Pk on large^'lg. 1608. Confer*
86315 pl&ma Ag. feather fine tufts ft su R on largcyj'lg. Dlw. con. F.
26316 DavitsM' Ag. Davicv's small tufts ft jl It sea shore Eng. bot. 2329
86317 R6thii Ag. Roth's broad tufts ft su V sea shor. roc. Eng. bot 1702
II. DICIIOTOMA. — Filaments dichotomous ; branchlets forked ; Joints obscure j theca mvolucred.
86318 dlaphanum Ag. diaphanous diffuse 5 su Va ocean Eng. bot. 1742
8 pilosum Ag. pilose diftUse 5 su Va ocean
86319 rubrum Ag. red solitary weak 10 su P ocean Engbot.llfifi.
III. RAMbsA. —Branches furnished with branchlets, which are more or less dense and shortened.
26320 tctragonum Ag. square tufts 3 su R ocean Eng. bot 1690
2<i321 pedlccllMum Ag. stalked dense tufts 4 su O sea shore Dlw. con. 108
9&W2 Houkeri Ag. Hooker's fine tufts lft su sea shore Dlw. con. 106
26323 lutens Grev. spreading solitary? 3 spring Fi.R sea Grev. cryp. 318
26324 urb(j8cula Ag. little tree Eng. bot. 1916
bushy tufts 3 year D.R sea shore
IV. ALTERNAVA. — Branches pinnulatej pinnule alternate.
86325 corymbbsum Ag. corymbose little tufts lft jl R seashore Eng. bot 2352
86326 pinnulatum Ag. pinnulatc tufts 2 ... R sea
2(»27 roscum Ag. roiiy finely branch, lft su R ocean Dlw. con. 17
86328 /hujUlcsVf£.
/hUlVf Arbor-Vitoe-lk finely branch. 6 jl R ocean .
2TK'}-2«) veraicolor Ag. vannus.colorcd fine tufts 3 RU P.R on Fiici Eng bot.966. C. rbsea
863J0 Bomri Ag. Borrcr's little patches 1ft o O.R ocean 1741
26331 tdtricum Ag. rough tufts 6 spring Dl.P sea shore Eng. bot. 1<M5
86332 intcrruptum Ag. interrupted little tufts ft jl Dl.P sea shore Eng. bot 1838.
V. OPP6BITA. — Filaments pinnate s pinna} opposite.
26333 Ttirneri Ag. Turner's delicate bran. 2 Pk seashore Eng. bot 2339. ^
26334 plCimula Ag. featherJife delicate bran. 2 Pk seashore**
3049. GRIFFl'THS/ii Ag. GRIFFITHS™. {Mrs. Griffiths, of Devonuhire.) 5-7.
'33.r> multiflda
26.»35 ltifld A
Ag. many-cleft l f tfine
fi tufts 3 Jl Jl RR sea
s e ashore
hre 1816.
26.3.36 cqiiihCtifolia Ag. Equfsctum-lvd spongc-lk-tu. 6 su R sea shore Eng. bot 1479
26337 setdeca Ag. bristly lax tufts 4 year R sea shore Eng. bot 1<«9
2(^338 barbate Ag. bearded flocculent lftjl C sea shore Eng. bot. 1814
2tUJ9 corallina Ag. coralline branch, tufts 3 Jl O.R sea shore Eng bot. 1815
{ CIIJETOSPORA. (ChaUe, bristle, spora, seed; on fine divisions.) vtkeut'
26340 Wfggfi Ag. Wigg's finely branch. 5 su RBr seashore Eng. bot 1165.*"17"
3051. POLYSIPHOXNIA Grev. POLYBIPHONIA. {Polys, many, siphon, tube; tubes for color.) -—
I. SIJBPINNAVJS. — Purple or scarlet, flat, somewhatppinnated.
parasitical small patches lft su R.Br on Fixci
R ? r on Ffcci Eng.bot142»
2 p a Grev py
Bpmy-sttnd small patches lft ~ R Br Ma shore
2(K343 cocclnea Grev. ncarlct bushy tufts ycar S ocean Eng bot

QMAA.M . * ~I!l 8E
CUNDIRA % MBA. — Creeping j branches divaricating, often one-sided.
*»M divaricate Grrir. divaricating
ricating tufts 33 su 11 ocean Lyng. hyd. 34
PUR —PPurple
l h l colored,
whole l d adhei
adheringtto paper.
wu*5 gracihs Grev. slender long tufts
tutU 4 year P ocean
ocean" Dlw. con. 40. C. stricla
IV p 1, Mack, generally rose-colored above, adhering to paper.
t « - *
violkcca Grev. violet ..^._bushes
little ...._.-„ 9« su „. Vi
v: ocean
~. M« Lyng. hyd. 3.i
larger bushy tufts 6 su D.P sea shore Eng. bot. 2340. C. n\gra
26347 nigrescent fine tufts 6 su D.P ocean Eng.lwt.1717. Conferva
. I iLi
i |
t f pectinate little tufts 1| su D.P ocean Eng. bot. 123!) C.Jibrdta
unttil Gtvo. urceolatc long branches 8 year li.Br ocean Dlw. con. G. Conferva
jJ»*»i»eliiii KiU elongated shrubby 8 year H.Br ocean Dlw. con 33. Conferva
5 ^>'« allochroa different-cld small tufts 1} year V ocean Dlw. con. G. C.jtbriUa
£to ira
jg t
' Brodie's large tufts 15 year D.R M.M. ocean
» »*.*.».. Dlw. con. 107. Conferva
utrorublscens Grev. dark-red long tuft* 6 su B.R marine roc. Dlw. con. 70. Conferva
« . v- Ni\jRJt — Black or blackish-brown when dry, rigid, scarcely adhering to paper.
« astigiata
•?•"•"«« Grev. urev. peaked littlo bushes 2 su D.IJr ocean Kng.lwt.176*. C.polym.
* Agardhttna Grev. Agardh's bushy tufts 8 su 11 sea Grev. cryprSlO
*h\d\& Grev. brown fine tufts 3 su D.Br ocean Dlw. con. G. Conftrva
va Grev. recurved fine tufts 3 su D.Br seashore Dlw. con. G. C. pdtens
VI. LATERAYES. — Branchlets lateral, short, fascicled.
W7by S goWesGrw. Uyssiis-Iikc slender tufts 6 spring R sea shore Eng. bot. 597. Conferva
Z?* Jmticulbiia Grev. small-shrubby finely branch. 4 su Br ocean Eng. bot. 1686. Fiicus
''•*« nlamcntosa Grev. filamentous bninch. tufts 4 mr II ocean GrtfWA
LJE Ag. RVTIPIIL.KA. (Rytis, a wrinkle, phleo, to abound In.) 2.-3.
Gwit dyer's masses 6 year OI.G ocean Turn, fuci 224. Fiicus
plane tufts 5 su R sea Turn, fuci 23.h.Fucus.
.ECTOCA'RPUS Ag. EcrorAapua. [Ektos, outside, karpos, fruit; theca not enclosed.) 4.-8.
>ilif!ui;.aiic A~
KlllCUluSUK Ag. smalUiKHldcd bushy (| spring D.G ocean Dlw. con. E. Cotft-rva
I atrovirens Ae. dark-grccn bushy 6 spring Rus. ocean Eng. hot.2!l<).
•I r..__ • *\ ferruginous bushy 6 spring Rus. ocean VMlX.Mtoral.
brachiiitc floating tufts 3 ap ocean EiIK. hot.&V, I. Voujvrva
RanulususjKr. granular flocculcnt 3 jl O1.G on Fbci Kng bot.&l.r>l. Conferva
tomentbsus Ag. downy fine down 2 jl Br ocean Grev. cryp. 31G

Jffl- kPHACELLA%RIA Ag. SPH. (Sphakelos, gangrene; appearance of truncate extrem. of frond.) 6,-14.
graccimWGw. racemose tufts 1 f OI.G sea shore Grev. cryp. 96
cirrnoaa Ag. cirrhous dense tufts . su OI.G ocean Dlw.
W67 cirrh.W A. -:__U— -•—»*••«. if su
— 01. nGi r , on
Fiici Dlw. con.
RTTQ 2 intcntissima
' V ! t c i l t l M » « n Grev. most spreading little tufts Grev. cryp. 317
radicans Ae. rnntimr
rooting fliu*fine tufts f su Br.Ol marine roc. Dlw. con. C. Confirva
plumose flarcid 3 spring G.Rr ocean;>.'H). V.vinndta
o«.«" ^""Wniiii Ag.
Alcrtcns's elegant tufts 4 su Ol.Ur Bcashoro Eng. bot. IM). Vonffrva
J7l fcoparU Ag. Broom dense tufts 3 su Br ocean Eng. bot 1552. Conferva
CLADOSTEPHUS Ag. CLAD. (Klados, a branch, stephos, a crown; whorlcd branches.) 2 . - 7 .
spongiosus Ag. sponj rigid tuft 3 su G ocean Eng. bot. 2427.1. Conf.
myriophyUum Ag. m; ' leaved rigid tuft 5 iu G ocean Eng. bot. 1718. Cvcrtic.

' - " ' TRIBE IV. ULVA^CE-E.

VAUCHE'R/^ Ag. VAUCIIERIA. {Rev, M. Voucher, , a bot author.))
of Geneva, 7. —29..
chitoma Ag. two-forked large tufts su DG ditches Eng. bot 932. Conferva
- ? "uhmarlna /f submarine large tufts su D.G submar.ditc. Lyng. hyd. 20
?.1 tp»«wyn« Ag. Dillwyn's thin mat D.G on the earth Dlw. con. 16. C.frieida
crrt V 2con. 32. 3
*™ ^/f. ground creeping sp.aut G moist grou. VBU.
J r*li«at 4,7 rooting patches \% D.G dry ditches Eng. bot. 324.
double large masses 6 su D.G still waters Eng. bot. 1766
racemose large masses 4 su.aut D.G ditches Lyng. hyd. 23
ris Ag. many-fruited patches & su.aut D.G dry banks Dlw. con. 71. Confflrva
CODIUM. (Kodion. a skin ; appearance of second s|icclcii) £. —7.
downy coralloid 6 Jn G ocean Kng. bot 718. FUeus
purse spong. mass 3 year G ocean Eng. bot 2183. Fiicus
BRYO'PSIS Ag. BBVOPBIB. (Bryon, a moss, opsis, resemblance.) 1. — 7.
uindsa^. feathery fine tufts 2 i Dp.G ocean>/«0i.
p. compound fine tufts 3 su D.G marine roc.
Ag. SOLENIA. (Solcnt a tube; tubular nature of fronds.) 4. —18,
intubtinal simple' 24 su G ditrhes
largest simple 24 su G ditches Di. must 9.7
Linza simple 18 su G ocean Dl. muse. 9. d
»KK7 2 lallce
» l a t a Ag. lanceolate simple 18 su G ocean Di. muse. 9. 5
*l eonmriiisa Ag. compressed nearly simple 12 su G ocean Eng. bot 1739. Viva
haired compound 12 su G ocean Di. muse. 2. 7
latticed branched 3 su Vsh frctih water Dlw. con.F. Cparaddxa
uncliiQta Ag. hooked irreg. branc. 3 su Ysh ocean Eng. bot.2137.U7if.nim.

ULVA. (Ul, water, Celt. ; place of growth.) 5.-12.

broadest soft leaves 12 su.aut G « . . . Eng. bot 1551
Lettuce soft leaves 5 spring G marine roc. Grev. cryp. 313
blistered soft leaves 6 su.aut (j ditches Eng. bot 2320
crisp broad mass | iu G on the earth Di. muse. 10. 12
furturaccous minute leaves &aut G walls Grev. cryp. 265

. POBPIIYRA. (Porphyra, purple; plants.) 9 3.

torn soft leaves 4 IU P sea shore Fl. scot 33
purple soft leaves 8 su P sea shorn

PuLYinBa {Polyeides, multifarious; diversity of appearance.) 1.
worm-like coralloid 6 n Br ocean Eng. bot. 1738. Fhc. rot.
Vf 3

306.1 P T I I J O T A Ag. PIILOTA. (Ptilolos, pinnated; form of frond.) 1. — 4.

2(«J97 plumusa Ag. feathery fine tufts 4 hii.aut It ocean Eng. bot 1308. Fucus
2 tcnufssima Ag. most delicate fine tufts 4 su.aut 11 seashore
9064. RHODCMELA Ag. RIIODOMELA. (Rhodon, a rose, melos, a limb: color of fronds.) 5. —21.
2ffW8 dentata Ag. toothed flat branched 4 su Ol.Br sea shore Eng. bot. 124L Fucus
lycopodioidci Ag. Lycoixxlium-lk coral!oid 6 su Ol.Br ocean ~
Eng "
bot. 1103. Fiicus
• • " ' - Ag.
>KJO »ubfusca *- brownibh finely branch. 6 su Ol.Br ocean Eng. bot. 1164. Fiicus
26401 bcorpididcs Ag. scorpion-likc feathery 4 su R.P ocean Eng. bot. 1428. Fucus
26402 /iiuastro'idcs Ag. Pinastcr.likc acicular 3 su Br ocean Eng. bot 1042, Fiicua
3CKS. CHO'NDRIA Ag. ClIONDRIA. (Chondros, cartilage: substance of fronds.) 9.-38.
2640.3 pinnatlflda Ag. pinnatifid bushy 6 su Pan ocean Eng. bot 1202. Fucus
96404 obtiua Ag. blunt bushy 4 su Y.Pk ocean Eng. bot. 1201. Fucus
9640.1 ovalis Ag. oval rigid branch. 4 su Br ocean Eng. bot 711. Fucus
26406 tlasyphyila Ag. thick-leaved 4felum.likc 4 year P ocean Eng. bot. 847. Fucus
96407 tcnuissima Ag. slenderest asparngoid 6 year Pa.Ol ocean Eng. bot. 1882. Fucus
96408 davcllbsa Ag. small-studded gelatinous !) Pa pk ocean Eng. bot 1203. Fhcus
26409 kaliformis Ag. kali form coralloid 5 jn Dl.P ocean Eng. bot 640. Fucus
96410 articulata Ag. jointed much branch. 6 su H.Pk ocean Eng. bot. 1574. Fiicus
9066. SPHA:ROCO/CCUS Ag. SPIUBROCOCCUS. (Sphaira, orb, kokkos, fruit; theca round.) 23.—128.
Mil renifl'»nnis Grev. remform broad leaves 4 aut Fi.R
Fi.R marine
marine roc.
roc. Turn, fuel 113. Fucus
!412 rubena Ag. red tufts 4 winter Psh ocean Eng. bot. 1053. Fucus
J41'J HrodiaO* Ag. Brodic's proliferous 4 su.aut Psh ocean Lyng. hyd. 3
ft 14 mcinbranif6lius>4£. mcmbranous-lvd branched 6 o.ja
o.ja R.P ocean Turn, fuci, 74. Fucus
>4l5 Palmltta Ag. Palmetto flatflat branched 3 su sea shore
Dl.P seashore Eng. bot. 1190. Yhcus
9A416 norvi-gicus Ag. Norwegian little tufts lftaut D.P marine roc. Turn, fuci 41. Fucus
96417 crlnpus Ag. crisp branched 4 R.Br ocean Turn, fuci 216. Fucus
26418 mammillosus Ae. teatcd branched 4 year R.Br ocean Eng. bot 1054. Fucus
26419 ciliatus Ag. ciliated flatlobed G winter R.Br ocean Eng. bot 1069. Fucus
2 palmatus Ag. palmated flatlobed 6 winter R.Br sea shore
3jubutu8 Ag. " mancd finely cut 6 winter R.Br sea shore Lin. tr 3.17. 2. Fiicus
4 ang6stus Ag. narrow finely cut R winter 11. Br sea fhore
5 spinbsus Ag. spiny finely cut 6 winter R.Br sea shore
96420 gigartlnus /U. grape-stone coralloid 3 year R.Br seashore Eng. bot. 90S. Fucus
&6W1 Tecdii ife. Teed's flat branched 4 Dp. 11 ocean Turn, fuci 208. Fucus
96422 c6rneus Ag. horny finely pjnnat. 3 ocean Eng. bot 1U70. Fucus
2p pinnatus Ag.g pinnated finely pinnat. 3 sea shore Turn, fuci 257. d.
3' pulchlllus Ag.
Ag pretty finely pinnat. 3 dp pk sea shore Turn fuci 257. p.
4 Ncrefdcus Ag. Nereid finely pinnat 3 sea shore
5 clavifcr if \Ag. club-bearing finely pinnat. 3 sea shore Turn, fuci 257. 9
6 clavatuti J£ clavate entangled I K marine roc. Grev. cryp. 79
Ch6ndria pusilla Hook.
96423 cartilaginous Ag. cartilaginous finely pinnat 8 year ocean Eng. bot 1477. Fucus
96424 coronopifulius Ag. Buckhorn-lvd
" " rigid bushy 6 su Dp.R ocean Eng. bot 1478. Fiicus
96425 laciniatus ite. lagged flat lobed 3 Pk ocean Eng. bot lOfft Fucus
96426 bifidus Ag. id bU6hy lobed 2 p.nk sea shore
bushy Eng. bot. 773. Fucus
964^7 cristatus Ag. crested small tuft 1} su Pk ocean Grev. cryp. 85
96428 confervoides Ag. Conferva-like much branch. 6 aut.w Ol.G ocean Eng. bot. 16H8. FitCUS
2CrV29 plicatus Ag. plaited coarse bush 3 year Ol.Br ocean Eng. bot 1089. Fucus
96430 Griffiths** Ag. A/rf.Grifflths's coarse tuft 1* aut Br.R marine roc. Turn, fuel 37. Fiicus.
264-31 acicularis Ag. pointed branched 3 aut Dl.R ocean Turn, fuci 126 Fiicus
26432 purpur&sccns ^g. purpurascent thinly branc. 6 year Pa.Y ocean Eng. bot 1243. Fiicus
96433 Achcno'idcs Ag. Lichcn-llkc thinly branc. 9 s II ocean Grev. cryp. 341
3067. HALYMETNIA Ag. DULSE. (//«/*, the scat hymen, a membrane j fronds.) 6. —21.
26434 cdMis Ag. eatable broad leaves 8 aiit ocean Eng. bot. 1307. Fitcus
2 media Ag. intermediate broad leaves 8 aut R ' sea shore Turn, fuci, 113. g.
26435 palmata Ag. palmate broad leaves 8 o.ap psh.R ocean
2 marginifera Ag. margin-bg broad leaves winter r ocean Stack, fuci 12
3 sarniensis Ag. Guernsey broad leaves winter P sea shore Turn, fuci 44. Fiicus
26436 ligulMa Ag. ttmn-shaped lobed fronds winter P ocean Eng. bot.421.U7i«0
SGt.ll furcclPita Ag. small-forked much lobed winter P ocean Eng. bot. 1881. Viva
25438 Opuntia Ag. Indian fig matted sp.aut Pap ocean Eng. bot. 1868. Jlivul.
26439 purpurascens Ag. purpurascent much branch. 6 su Pbh ocean Kng. bot. 641. Viva
1 crispsita Grev. crisped distorted 9 su dk.p sea shore Grev. cryp. 240
3068. BONNEMAISO^N//* Ag. BONNEMAISONIA. (M. Bonncmaison, a French cryptogamic botanist) I-
26440 asparagoWcs Ag. Asparag-like finely branc. 4 jLn Dl.pu sea shore Eng. bot 571. Fitcui

3069. DELESSETR.M Ag. DRLKTOERIA. jsterr, i a French bot. natron.)

(M. Benjamin Delessert, 11.—24.
26441 sangufnea Ag. \t\ooA-colorcd bushy
" •-- 6"
• "- •
ri.pkocean Eng. bot. 1041. Yhcui
2f*442 sinuiisa Ag. indented leafy tufts Fi.R ocean Eng. bot. 80S Vheus
WAW riiwWWiii Ag.
7 su
lttiHCiifulrnvrri lint IOIMNI Knu. lint. l.J'W. FtVrwf
'2M>V\ liy|M>glt'iiMUiii Ag, ton/ft/tf-uiidcr-tonguu lulls 4 Ja.f Fi p ocean F^ig. bot. 139(1 fiiCM
26445 afata Ag. winged finely branc. 3 ]n.s ocean Eng. bot 1387. T
2 dilatita Ag. dilated finely branc. 6 ja.aut ocean
3 angUAtiHsima Ag. narrowest finely branc. 6 ja.aut sea shore
26446 Plocamium Ag. Plocamium finely branc. 6 ja aut sea shore Eng. bot 1242. Y. cocci*
26447 glandulbsa Ag. glandular finely branc. 4 su.aut Fi.R ocean Eng. bot 2135. Fucus
2T)44H laccrata Ag. torn nearly simple 61 aut
jl.o Pa. 11 ocean Eng bot 10(77. Fucus
2(H4'J punetUto Ag. dotted very tender 4 su sea shore Eng. bot. 1573. Fucus
26150 occllata Ag. spotted very tender 5 su ocean I^nmour. dis 32
26451 Bonncmaisoni Ag. Bonncmaison's very tender 3 su I' ocean Grev. cryp. 322


3070. L,EMA^N£i4 Ag. LBMAHBA. (M. Leman, a French botanist) 2. — 5.
26452 fluviatilis Ag. river lax tufts 6 su Dl.G stones in riv.
M M « media Ag. intermediate lax tufts 6 su DIG rivers Eng. bot 1763. .
2G453 torulbsa Ag. torulosc tufts 4 aut D1.G rivers Ac. hoi. 1814.2. 1
~?f£l\ CHORD A % R1 A Ag. CIIOBDARIA. (Chorde, a cord j appearance of plants.) 1 . —5
1. -5.
86454 flagelhf6rmis Ag. whip-shaped long masses 24 su 01. G ocean Eng. bot 1222.
3072. SCYTO'SIPHON Ag. SCYTOSIPIION. {Skytos, leather, tiphon, tube; fronds coriaceous and tubular.) 8.
o* tnrix
JUS? 4£ thread simple 240 su Br.Ol ocean Turn, fuci 86. Fiicus
Ag. hair simple 24 su Br.Ol ocean Stack, fuci 12. Fucus
i •» "'•••i-iiiuaum i i * , downy simple 60 su Br.Ol sea shore Lyng. hyd. 19
'/ccniculaccus Ag. Fennel-leaved simple 30 su Br.Ol ocean Turn.fuci XH.F.s&btiHs
R- SPOROCHMUS. {Sporos, seed, chnous, wool; reproductive organs.) 6. —14.
stalked downy 6
6 su
su LtG
LtG seashore Eng.
Eng bot 545.
545 Fiicus
ei much branc. 24 O1.G ocean Turn, fuci 187. Fhcus
viridis 4 * aculeate
very finely br. 18 su Ol.G ocean Eng. bot. 16fi9. Fiicus
H BUg i r . green
downy 6 su Pa.Y sea shore Eng. bot. .046 Conferva
rhi*;,des Ag. villous
rooty smth branch, 2 su Y.Br ocean Lyng. hyd. 13
larger smth.branch. 3 su Y.Br ocean Eng. bot.l(J88 C.vcrrue.
ligulatc much branc. 48 su 01. G ocean Eng. bot 16J& Fucus
HALISERIS. {Hals, the sea. seris, lettuce; membranous fronds.) 1. — 5.
Polypodium-lk flat branch. 6 year O1.G ocean Eng. bot 1758. F. memo.
wSS blistered
ENCO3LIUM. {En, within, koilos, hollow; fronds tubular and bladdery.) 2. — 4.
simple tubul. 6 su Ol.G sea coast Eng. bot 2570. U.Turn.
, „ jhnuin Grev. Lyngbyc's
r simple 12 aut OLG seashore Grev.cryp.290
'lva Pstulosa Eng. bot. 6*2.
ZONARIA. {Zone, a girdle j transverse lines.) 4.-34.
peacock flatlobed su Br.G ocean Eng. bot 127& U'/va
two.forked branched 4 su Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 774. U'lua
entangled branchud 6 su Ol.G ocean
many-cleft flat cut 3 au Pu.Ol ocean Eng. bot 1913. Viva
atom fan-leaved 5 su Ol.G seashore Eng. bot. 419. Viva
Grev. STRIARIA. {Stria, a groove; plants marked with.) 1.
iuata Grev. tapering branched 9 su O1.G ocean Grev. cryp. 288. Carm.
g. LAMINARIA. (Sori upon the lamina of fronds.) 8.—25.
Agarum large masses 60 su Br ocean Turn, fuci 75. Fiicta
esculent large masses 60 su Br ocean Kng. bot 1759. Fitcut
digitate large masses 60 year Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 2274. Fitcus
bulbous large masses 60 year OLBr ocean Eng. bot 170). Fucus
saccharine large masses 48 year Ol.G ocean Turn, fuci 1(53. Yiicus
blistered large muses 48 year Ol.G ocean Eng. bot. 137fi. F. sacch.
weak simple 8 su Ol.G ocean (Jrev. cryp. 277
broad simple 16 su O1.G ocean Fl. norv. 7.5
Phyllitis simple 12 su BtG ocean Eng. bot. 1331. Ffoitf
L1CHPNA LICIIIVA. (Lichen, a lichen; resemblance.) 2.
ygmrfa^. rgmy small patches £su G.B Grev.cryp.219
conflnis Ag. l
fhed small patches • - - G.B
"- Grev.cryp.221
" - *»* —
[0. FURCELLAXRIA Ag. FURCELLARIA. (Furcilla, littlefork;
(Furcilla,aalittle fork; arrangement
an of fronds.) L
fastigiata Ag. peaked much branch.
mh 9u aut.sp
m,f Kn li.Ol ocean
ii n\ ,*.».,„ Eng.bot824.F./«»iWd
FUCUB. (Phykos, a Greek name for sea-weed.) 8—18.
nodosus L.
knotty leathorybran. 36 d Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 570
MkX Mk
Mackay's leathery bran. 24 d D.Br ocean Eng. bot 1927
bladdcrcd loose masses 24 spsu Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 1056
ifrftctus Ag. long-fruited loose masses 24 Ol.G ocean
- "neAris Ag. linear loose masses 24 Ol.G ocean Espcr fuel 146
J BubocostMus Ag. rather riblcss short masses 2 su Ol.G salt marsh Grev. cryp. 181
® "aterifructus Grev. lateral-fruited loose masses 30 su Ol.G ocean .Grev. cryp. 319
ceranpMes L. thunderbolt-like bushy 12 Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 2115
two-rowed bushy 12 O1.G ocean Turn, fuel 4
serrated masses 36 sp.aut U.O1 ocean Eng. bot. 1921
channelled small masses 6 sp.aut Y.O1 ocean Eng. bot. 823
wartcd • branch, wart 6 jn Y.O1 ocean Eng. bot 736
strap-Mr* masses 36 su D.O1 ocean Eng. bot 569
Ag. (Kystis, bladder, aelra, chain ; upper part of fronds.) 7.-45.
Heath-like coralloid 6 su.aut 01.Ur ocean Eng. bot 1968. Fucut
granulated bushy 12 spring OI.G ocean Eng. bot 2169. Fiicus
bearded much branch. 6 su.aut Ol.Br ocean Eng. bot 2179. Fhcug
variable bushy 6 su.w Ol.Br ocean Eng. bot 9151. Fucus
southernwood bushy 14 spring Ol.G ocean Eng. bot 2130. Fticus
fibrous bush, deform. 6 su.w Ol.Br ocean Eng. bot. 1969. Fiicus
podded loose masses 24 autsp D.O1 ocean Turn, fuci 15». Fucus
Hinallcr InfMc mnwn 8 out.up D.O1 oconn Stack. Aid 11.
naked loose masses 24 autsp D.O1 ocean



{Spiloma, a spot; appearance of fructification.) 12.-S0.
tumidish thin Am J year O bark of trees Kng. tot. 2151
chaiigeablc-cld spotted crust 3 year Gy bark of trees Eng. bot. 2070
small-branch, cloudy J| year Wsh aged oaks Eng, bot. 2150
black-faced eooty spots 2 year B apple trees Eng tot. 2358
obi. patches If year SeaG old boards Eng bot. 239(i
* • crust 3 year YBII old mortar Kng. bot: 2397
Ff 4

26503 dUplrsum E. B. scattered even crust 1 year Gy old rails Eng. bot. 2598
26504 decolnrans E. B. staining lobed iwtcbca 1| year Gy old wood Eng. bot. S»3fli*
20505 punctatum E. B. dotted crust 2 year Gy old oaks Eng. bot. £472
26506 varioloNUin E. B. speckled cracked crust 2 year Wsh old trees Eng. bot '2077
26307 auralum E. B. gulden tumid crowd. If year Wsh _ walls
old Eng.
„ bot. 2078
26508 tubcrculbsum E. B. wartcd even patch 3 year Caes sandst. rocks Eng. bot 2556

3084. SOLOR1NNA Ach. SOLORINA. {Solos, solid mass, rhinos, skin; texture of fronds.) 2. —10.
26509 crocca Ach. yellow leafy frond If Ol.G tops of mou. Eng. bot. 498
96510 saccate Ach. hollowed leafy frond 2 su Gysh on the earth Eng. boL 288

3085. LECI'DEA Ach. LBCIDBA. (/.dfcia, saucer, riiios, like; shields.) 66. —183.
I. RBNIFORMES. — Thallus crustaceous, renfform.
I NI\JBJE. — Apothecia constantly black, naked, not pruinose.
26511 atro-clnerea E. B. dark-grey close patches 1| year 1S1 rocks
.WM Eng. bot. 2096 .
26512 coraclna Ach. raven tessellated 2 year Gy.B granite rocks Eng. bot 2J35. L corad.
26513 atro-alba Ach. black & white cracked crust 3 year Bl rocks Eng. bot. 181) ,
26514 luaco-Mra Ach. dark-brown thin crust 2 year Bl rocks Eng.uot.1734. Yudendrl
26515 fumtaa Ach. wnoky tessellated 3 su Br.Gy alpine rocks 1830.L.arAi./*
/.lchcn athrocarpus E. B. 182!)
26516 luplcida Ach. stone-splitting broad patches 3 year G brick walls»J'fe*
26517 pftriL'^a Ach. rock thin crust 1J year W roc. & stones Eng. bot. 24(5
26518 cwiiHucus Ach. confluent tartarcous 2 aut Gy.Br rocks Eng. bot. 1964
2651!) parahema Ach. well-marked membranous 3 aut W hh bark of trees Kng. bot. 1450
2(>i2() sanguinaria Ach. hiood-fruUed rugose crust 2 year Wbh rocks Eng. bot 155
26321 oabulvtoruin Ach. gravel-pit thin cuticle U year Wsh bark of trees
2 gcnchroa Ach. carth-colorcd thin cuticle U year Gy bark of trees 1450. L.pat an-
26522 miscclla dc/k. mixed lobed crust 2 year Pa.Ol whinstrocks Eng. bot. 1831
2fi"i&1 cHcharcAdcs E. B. scar-like granul. crust m D.Iir earth ftrocks Kng. bot. 1247
2IJ-J24 aromatiea jfc/*. aromatic lobed crust year Ol old walls Kng. bot. 1777
2(tf25 dolbba A:*. deceiving broad cuticle year Ca»s rocks Eng. bot. 2581
26526 atro-vlrens Ach. dark-green thin coat year B rocks
2 gcographica jit/V geographical figured crust year Y.Ol rocks Kng. hot 245
26527 silftcca Ach. l l l
yellow-colored lld
tessellated year Y.R rocks Eng. bot. 1118
26528 (E'dcri Ach. USdcr's te»scllat.powd. 2 year ltsh rocks Eng. bot 1117
MiWi alba Ach. white membranous 3 aut W bark of trees Kng. bot 134!). lspM*
265.S0 citrinclla jfcA. Icmon-pcel-crtist. cracked coat 3 spring Y.G sand, ground Eng. bot 1877 uliginbia Ach. marsh whole colored 3 spring B sandy heaths Kng. bot 14G6
265J2 scabrosa Ach. Tuggvd-shicld. lobed patches 2 year Pa.G tilcd'roofs Kng. bot. 1878
ii. MUTA'DILES. — Apothecia black, naked, when moistened becoming red or brown.
26533 immcrsa Ach. immersed even crust 4 ycai Pa.Y calcar. rocks Kng. bot. 193
26534 rivulosa Ach. rivulet %
broad incrubt 6 year Br.Ol rocks Eng. bot 1737
iii. CINB REJ£. — Apothecia black, with agicy bloom.
26335 allwvcBcrulescens Ach. A. bluish white tartarc. crust 3 su Wsh Scotch alps _ .
2 turgida Ach. turgid sinuated crust 3 su W btone walls L.t/iut
26536 abictina Ach. Pine tree pruinoso 2 year Gl. trunks,j4Nhics
26J.'I7 S|tcirca Ach. spiral sinuated crust 4 spring W.Y flint, pebbles Kng. bot lflfM
2f)5.JH vpipolia Ach. superficial tartarc. crust 2 su W Scotch ah,* Eng. bot. 11.>7
265.19 corticola Ach. bark-inhabiting small vcrruc. 1 aut COBS old trees Eng. bot lb<8
26340 couspurcoia E. B. defiled rimobc crust If aut Caes old walls Kng. bot !)64
iv. RnV«. — Apothecia blackishJirown, brownish, or deadened by some other color.
26541 LiKhtfo6i» i» Ach. Lightfoot's sinuat. patch, f year Pa.G smooth bark Eng. bot 1451
26">42 oucrnca Ach. oak thin crust 3 year Y.G clefts of bark Eng. bot 485
26543 virid&ccns Ach. viridescent thin crust 1| year Pa.G dead trees
26544 incana Ach. hoary leprous 2 aut Gl trun. of trees Eng. bot 1683
26145 Hulnhiirca Ach. sulphur cracked crust 2 aut Su rocks Kng. bot UR6
2654(> orosthca Ach. perennial toment crust 3 year LtG trees & pales Eng. bot. 1549
26547 dccolorans Ach. discoloring granular 2 su Gysh on earth
2 granulosa Ach. granular
g granular 2 su Gysh on earth 1185. l^q
Z.%ichcn cscharoldcs E B 1247
E. B.
26548 an6mala Ach. anomalous spotted patch. 3 aut Pa.Ol on earth Eng.bot2155.
26549 rupestrib Ach. rock tartarcous 2 su Gysh rocks Eng. bot. 2243
Lichen calvus E. B. 948
26550 lutfeola Ach. yellowish thin crust 3 year Wsh bark of trees 845. L , „.
26551 carneola Ach. horny-cupped papillobc crust 3 year Wsh on oaks Kng. bot 9»i5. I*rorn<%; w
2 arcehtina Ach. Jumper tree smooth coat 2 year W.Hrbark of trees 1735.h.GrV '
26552 ftisco-lutca Ach. yellow-brown thin crust 3 su Gysh mountains Eng. bot. 1007
26553 cinerco-fasca Ach. cinereous-brown cracked crust 3 year Gysh trun. of trees
26554 anthracma Ach. coal-like scaly crubt su D.Br rocks & trees Eng.bot432. L.ty*
v. Ili)NaRJE. — Apothecia dark-red, or whitish flesh-color.
26555 CffiYio-rufa Ach. reddish grey tesscllat.crust 3 su JXGy rocks & trees Eng bot. 1650. ]
26556 ichmadophila Ach. moisture-loving leprous crust 2 year G.w on ear. in he.^. L
26557 marmorea Ach. marbled thincrubt 3 year Gy.Wbarkof trees Eng. bot. 739 ,,,ut
26358 alabastnna Ach. Alabaster thin crust 2 su Gy.W Scotland*«/Mf
vi. hv\i'JL. — Apothecia pale yellowish, waxen, or orange-colored. ,
26559 mclizca Ach. ycWovi-shtild. crackud crust \\ spring Y.Ol moss, truitks Eng. bot.1263. L. /'
265f!0 EhrhartifiNA Ach. Khrh.irt'd cartilng. crust 2 year Gsh rocks Eng. bot. 1136
2&561 pol^tropa Ach. variable tessellated 2 year Pale rocks Eng. bot 1L'B4
2a%*2 (ucida Ach. shining soft crust 2 su G.Y rocks ' Eng. bot 1550
2656.3 atro-flava Ach. dark-yellow ragged crust 2 year Ur expos, flints Kng. bot 2(4)9
26564 luteo-dlba Ach. yellow-white smooth crust J * year W rocks Eng. bot 1426
MA. — Thallus crustaceous, of a regular flpiirc or leaf, not reniform.
26565 Candida Ach. hoary sinuous 3 year Wsh old walls Kng. bot. 1138 }g
26566 vcsicularis Ach. blistered imbricated
26567 Ifirida Ach. ...
lurid J ,_,._=_-*_.,
imbricated 3 BU Br B 1139.L.c*>-n'*
S6568 atro-rtifa Ach. dark red imbricated 3 su G.Ur Scotch alps Eng. bot 13*9
265(H) scaKiris Ach. ladder imbricated 4 su Br red san. gro. Eng. bot. 1102
26570 verruculbsa E. B. small-wartcd irrcgul.patch. 31 aut.w Pa,01 rocks &earth Eng. bot 1501
aut.w 11 hardrockrf Kng. bot. 2317
26571 rubif6rmis Ach. Briar-Bhapcd patches \ winter Pa.G turfy earth Kng. bot. 2112
26572 dcciiiicns Ach. deceitful imbricated 2 spring F earth Kng. bot 870
26573 phoUdibta Ach. scaly leafy crust 4 spring COM quartz rocks 1955JL.g
26574 microphf lla Ach. smalUlcavcd broken patch. 2 spring Gy.G trees Kng. bot. 2128
KHf canwcens Ach. cancsccnt round, patch, If spring W bark of trees Eng. bot. 582
*C576 dodalea E. B. intricate leafy lobed | spring Y.G rocks Eng. bot. 2129
G5??6;- * ? A L I ' S I U M Ach- CALICIUM. (Kalykion, a little cup; appearance of reproductive organs.) 17.—29.
wn tigillare Ach. rail soft crust 2 aut Gl trees Eng. bot. 1530
2ffi?« l
V ° n c l u m Ach
*'"> SUKOIlfMltim Afh- small-dotted
nwvtnli #iA»»nJ npimpled
imni»i 3 aut
<i •>••» Pa.Ol on T.wnpna
Pa (11 nn Lichens VnirKng.i«««
2520. n _.#__».
. small-headed cloudystrcaks $ d Ol.G oak rails Eng. bot 1863
G"dM claviculire
—:" ire Ach.
ifcA. club-headed granul.crust f .....
aut Gysh naked wood
SKHO u>>nxroccl>halumilcA. sphere-headed thin crust . spring Gysh old pales Eng. bot. 414
2 ^ Q nypcrdllum
b0( c M
Ach. bench irregular
irrejjularccoat 2 spring Bt.G old oak Eng. bot 1832
"tiSRi »,y ab' n£I1P AlumilcA. yellow-headed i>atchcs aut I .cm trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2501
fivT* _"L A ^.m * * • small beam dense granul. aut Br.Ol boards Eng. bot. 1540
small rafter obscure crust aut Wsh decay, wood Eng. bot. 2537
small-headed irrcgul. patch, G.Y sandy soil Eng. bot. 1539
acicular irrcg. incrust 3 su Ol Scotch lira Eng. bot 2.J85
rusty lobed crust aut Pa.Ol pales Eng. bot. 2473
is. fouUcnobbcd tesnellatcrust winter W.Br dead wood Eng. bot 810
B. dewy mealy coat year G old boards Eng. bot. I4fi4
weak cloje-sct pate. aut Br old timber Eng. bot. 24(i2
ruumoHUm JE. B. vcrdigrise granular winter 1)1 G old boards Eng. bot. 2502
curium E. B. ahort-stalkcd rrowd. patch. winter DIG decay, wood Eng. bot. 2503
K l§Jll5>PHORA Ach
- G.1fll0WIOK.A- „ [°y™s*a « r o l e i phorcp, to bear; in disk of shields.) 8.—19.
smooth leafy thallus 2 su" D.O1 rocks
U'ahl. many-leaved leafy thallus 2 su D.O1 rocks Eng. bot 1283
Ach. proboscis-like netted frond 3 spring Smo rocks Eng. bot. 24H3
arctic smooth lobed 14 winter Br rocks Eng. bot 2485
cylindrical folded frond 2 spring Cir.Ol rocks Eng. bot. 522
gnawed ragged 3 year Ol.Brrouks Eng. bot. 2066
scorched rough leafy 3 year Ol. Mr rocks Eng. bot. 2483
pimpled blistered frond 2 spring Cm (J rocks Eng. bot 1283
Aeh. furred shunted 2 year Gy.Brtnck* Eng. bot. 5131
irregular lob. 1 year Br rocks Eng. bot 248<3
2*«8. ENDOCA'RPONAch. END. {Endon, within, karpos, fruit; reccpt. embedded in leaf.) 10.—22.
— « 8»nopicum Ach. red tcsscllatmass. 1 su O schist Eng. bot. 177n*
•amaragdulum Ach. emerald little patches f su Y.G rocks Eng. bot. 1512
tcphroldci Ach. little patches 1 su Gl earth Eng. bot. 2013
/'lchcn fusci'llu r. bot. 1500
Hcdwlgif Ach. Hedwig's crowd, patch, J su Ol on the earth £<)."> htrapexif.
pall.duin A-A
black-vrodllcd crowd, patch,
pallid finely lobed
D G on the earth Eng. bot 1698
Pa.Ol rocks Eng. bot 2541
f year
parasitical round, patch, |8U
Cop on Lichens Eng. bot. 1866
Ach. vermilioned thick crust Gysh nicks Eng. bot &)3
. . . jm Ach. fine-leaved round patches 1f spring
year Br rocks Eng. bot. 2012
complicatum Ach. entangled coriaceous f year Gysh rocks Engbot.593A L.atnpM.
Wuberi Ach. Weber'a cartilaginous f w.sp G.Br wet rocks L.aqtiatic.


26K «
MWI( :ne"»'e&cum E. 1 Eng. bot. 2461
» hymenimn E. B. Eng. bot. 1731
R«?YR?'NULAilcA. PVRBNLLA (Dimin. otpyrcn, a kernel; receptacle in thalmium.) 4 . - 3 4 .
.__..i—: |i v e a r jjjj bar. of beech Weig. obs 2 14
nigrescent tartarebus If year Br.B rocks UM.Ver.umb.
tessellated circular dots 2 year Ol.G slate rocks Uviridul.
uoibonAta Ach. nippUr-ihleldcd even coat 1 £ year Br rocks
®»2l V n y ^ R l ° L A A R I A Ach. VARIOLARIA. {Variola, measles; eruptive aspect of fructification.) 9 . - 4 6 .
^••'^ tniilr -• veiled sinuous surf. 1| aut. Cii ash trees Eng. bot. v0f>2
much-dotted granular 2" winter Gl beech trees Eng. bot. SOh'l
globuliferous uneven crust \\ year Gysh trees & rocks Eng. bot. 2008
common radiated II year D1.W trees
sprinkled radiated 1} year Y.O1 rails Eng. bot. 2401
bitter cracked crust 2 year Gysh bark of trees Eng. bot. 1713. L. (agin.
discoid pulverulent 2 \V bark of trees Eng. bot. 1714
milky tartar, crack, winter \V rocks Eng. bot. 2410
greyish green tubercular 14" aut D.O1 smooth bark Eng. bot. 2400
whitened cracked crust 3 year LtBr hard rocks Eng. bot. 2519
cinereous tubercular 2 year O1.G whinstone Eug. bot. 2411
UKCEOLARIA. (Urceolus, a little pitcher:
biw uiu.ui;i form of shields.) H. —23.
1 11
Acharius's cracked crust 2 year Pa 11 rocks Kng. bot 1087
convex-shielded tcsscll. crust 2 year Rsh rocks 450. L punctilt.
globose fringedpatch. 3 year Br flints Kng.bat.l732.L'" v
cinereous concent, zones 3 year G.Br flinU Eng. bot. 17/)I
gravelly solid crust 1 year Gysh rocks Eng. lx>t W*
Gage's obscure crust 1J year Pa.Y rocks Eng. bot 2580
calcareous crowd, warts U year W roc. fk stones
Hoffmann's sinuous pate. If If year Cats roc. & stones Eng. bot. 1940
Ach. LECANORA. (Lckanc, a basin; form of shields.) 46.-79.
I. RINODI'NJS.— Thallus adnate, uniform,
i. KI\SRA. — Disk of apothecia constantly dark or black.
dark granulated \{ year Gysh bark of trees Eng. bot 949
white-scaled warted crust 2 su Pa rocks
eyed oinooth. crust 2 bpring W roc. & earth Eng. bot. 183.}
compressed brood patches 4 year Br brick walls Eng. bot. .034
SGSW perScle* Ack, included little tpoU i year W«h til u pott* Eng. bot 1850
V ex igua Ack. diminutive little ipoU yew Br old pale* Eng. bot 184U
i i \fi n1
.M. ' A f e l i d - h T ^ L & . ^ L r t l
26V41 tophudea Ach. wm- mealy criut 1] iut. G <:>n I r e a Eng. bot 1791
i:r>jL — Dwi- of apothecia black, hlpmm, hrvvmith or clouded milk other colon, naked.
S6M3 fubft'ira Ach. brown iih r.^riMnrtint^UA vear Gyih mm "t trv.-. EiiR. bot, SKB
. mMS vent.*, Ach. cspo*cd to wind warlfil Y . l . rooks K..K DOt BM
9 8 t ; D .-•• ! -.i .*<•*. bmken tartaroous Jyear Va rodu s E»g.botJH73
26615 efJTua Je». *t*at i. thin coat 3 aut G bark of fin Eng. bot. IStS
2&*S cMnrolehca .<cA. tcjinmi I)*u \s monutatoi Eng. boL 13T3
SSn+7 v;irU Ark. ' iTowited ; year I.I Q Old H alb
rlmi.h I'm-: t| iunti-r old po*ti Eng bM.aJ75.&VitfVf*
SfiSId a-wchroAi /IcA.
SK64O ruliriei*a jleA. round patch. >o,r Engbn- .-'jji.
oy old walti
IT C * * » I * —Ditk iff apothecia UiirA, att'tout, giaucout Or wariotuty colored, almayt pmiaow.
year U O I rnciu Eng. bot 1733
XSSOtattcmiitM Ack.
99S51 p.i'nnlii.l .JiA.
waned watted mug.
glaucoos.Uifteil temlbitcd a
\.-ir D.O1 r w k s Eng. bot. S156
Hagcn'i spotted i winter D.OI bark of tree* H*g. lich. 1.5 •
2 crcnulitt JcA. rri-imlattHl •mall cpoti j1 w inter DIG limett. rock* JJ.K b a t EDO
98SS3 albctU £. B. whitish obscure cnut >i winter Wsh fmooth lurk Eng. bot 2154
v. C V K K U L — Disk qf apotkecia totnetvhat ficth-cotortd, pale, tetfacrxmt, wuem or artnge fotortd.
S6854p*rt'ILa Ach. equal w.ittvtt 2 year VV rock* Enjt. but 7*7
95655 upaalitau* ,-fdi. mi'tiiUranoui I Ol.Wmuunt ongr Eng. bot )6»
26S56 TCrner* Ach. Turner 'i mt-aly cruit aut DLG old tree* i-:>.i! hot. 887 •;

26S57 c i m e c l u t t a JrA. vi*ll. tlihth -f IA cracked cruit l I U trun. uf tJbSM Kng. bot. 2010
86658 tartirca . * * . tartarcout Cudbear tutareoiu I Gyih rock* Eng. bot. 156
.;uU Ack. cold thin enwt aut Gt earth Eng. bot. 1879 •>

rina ,-(rA. 1 wiBtBI U trun. of tree* flllf- l*/t. <•-".

SHMJ Stint* Act). Stone'* oblong patch tj winter G trun. of tree*
SStiol vitetnna JcA.
SfiSfS Jallcina J c * .
36o63 erythrilU Ack. of egg
WiUow-Cko granular

crack, rugate 1 >uar

on tree*
Eng. bot 179S
Erg. bot 1305
•lone wall* £ng.boL 19S8
*L ni f^nmm. — Di*k of apotkeda red, tearlet, or fnttylc, ami tangnrKi
SGfiM r&lim Ack. red metnbranoui 1J tu W tmn of tree* Eng. bot 2S18. L.V'lmi
96SS5 h e m a i o r o m a .icA. bloody-eyed powdery 1 SO VVth rocki Knc bat M
8 porphyTia Ach. purple thin crutt s CU Gl rocki ]Eng.bot9SS.L.cocditrW
II. 1»L*(:O DIML — ThulUi admit.; radiate. fletlaie, and lobed in the cirevmfernee.
93SHS e p i g i a jfrl. earth lii.iilot year
\v earth Eng, boL177S. uefhuhc
S8KJ7 lent igera .<< A.

86%? is u rvruiii vtcA.

pfataM round, patch.
rork - Inh ubitlnfl; icalv crurt
vail cracked cnut H \
p .r Wan dr\ In'jtln Eng. bot 871
p ^ i ; r o c A K alii Kiin. b o t 1GBS
V.Or rock* Eng. b o t S1
2GS70 rk-gans Ach. I Taw rock* Eng. bot. V181
96671 lul K eu* ,frA. refulgent email paulit-i «u nick* Eng. b o t 1GS7
S&r.H cin-inlta Ack. circle! crarlvLtl crust taut t»y»h Bat ItODCt Eng. b o t 1^41
XSll^fCliltM. Ack. crarked iTutl 1 (MM rock*
SbtiTl galactloa Ack. tern
milky rugocecriut Ij W i h roc. & wall*
Eng. bot 698

III. I MBatc* \xx — TSallm imbricated throughout.

28675 c n r l n a vtek. •tai lobedtealM 1 HI r.-i1 A. htonc* Eng-bot°0ll looum*
9SS7HCTMM Jr*. Katy crust |»u (.inh en r<H- Eng. bot. 1WW
BSBH rtrBh JdL grecniih multiiut pate fBU BtG trt-r- ,v |^!o> Eng, Lot IGBfi
aatganXWtakJtA icily cruit l year I t w i patM Eng. bot )
timlhwl lobed I old port! bot 1796
S6S7P AvpttLirunn Ack. Hypnuai »c.i!y rnirt i wtntri Dt wuudi Eng. lk>(. ~,A»
brown lolidl i iT.ring on i l i c ITOU. •

96681 Uofikeri Jdt. Hooker** imbricated : tpring t;>*h wet rock* Bkf, bt*.MS
309t P A B M r L t A .*<*. P u n u t , {Parma, a tort of n u l l (hit-Id, hriln, to cncltwe; thatltu.] 3S. —
88GH flonmlifcn JeA. globuic-lxuriti); round patch. • I i n i . y 01 trun.oftrcw Eng. botaas
SS«3 a p e t i u ,*rA. wrinkled ruiind natch. (priog trun. uftrws FniL bat. •
99GHtoAnea J,:*. kaflury lobed patchd year & ]',ilf- Kug. but. fitk>3
SSSSS prrlau ^rA. rcry broad year iruu. i
9BSK nerfbr&ta JfA. pcrfctaM 3s old tree* Ettf. b o t MSI
htittaceou* IJjrt trun. of nm E M . b u t S5*i
JUSBS J i n i • t g ^ f * Ach. wrinkled imtiii. Vtif on tree* •

S6SS* oliTia* ^i^A. olive round patch. 1 iiar Ol.Hr rocl-

H a j ukrictitia .(rA. waU round tiatrh. I yur (rrr» h *alt<
9ft?'i rUc na jfdk. orlitMlar OUTC »IU.I)I | auMti ^ t - i i i at irrr. •

j T w a ACM. •curfy nat-U'aMi'd j|

9BQp3 dvuit ntiiiiuj AL'II.
9BBM M i i n w 1
nVti.r.. u ^ i-At

*u rock*
SKBS6 Borrcrt Ach.
S A M b n u g u i ^ M ,<cA.
woolry i
can 4 aut
' patch. S r«*r
r •

W plbtnbn ,fc+. • aui frr*« tut 553

iffiffl rublgin^M Ach. tu-'v found patch. 3 •u Br.GiF iron, of treei '•VOL 5K.1
WiO3 oni[iT>»linlet /IrA. nsTd shining dott • > PBr r(^l* Eng bot. 604
SfiiW faxitili* .-fcA. ndi >_i Oyfh ttf'lsii 1' BB bat iJH
S6T01 fahlmctMif JfA Fahlun «nth thallui ;l vcar J'itrh T * •<" ki * I r w i i i t"o3
SATttaCMk JBBL infernal IU I B tnouhlair^ IS BOLBM
SmaqtSIa^t. multifld lobe* 4 Ml rock* £n«!bdLS«t
r l i I •
ili-ii d n t t
. I I I V* U l P l t • 1'iQw
C am. **^
•u r-cl*
Pa.G n.-.r-r«nr* FHK n*t.rjn
Sfi7«J5 rrcorra .Jr*. warlcil
V K * t i n u o u JcA. BlBBiaM 1 jfj*r P-.V fc^ boLffM
1 i-iti'tl 1 aut.w P*.wy Irun.i>f trew
£ £ ***y^tc< •*<•*• mealy
ptarry wartrd
M ambtgua .lea. atDUnow aut w trun oftrce*
nrinVlcd vmtn. dotted II ^ < • . • r rock*
M«vy • t j r r y gUbr, Bjeta
Ua^S^L?*^ •Mw •tarry 3 »;.r:iL^ oo trw*
J* •• TtttrmtUnta Ack. BM »-• rj pruinotv mut. *I""'K trun. of trees
tUf?^t*d IT'ttJll i' Bjrtkj tnm.oTtree*
S52*"?^* *****
9S7H em' my tared! b r a n . »tooc» Eng
KSgM grauular
M If4heip«a /: a BMkM
S mm * BMMi 5 * bat. U »
bbddety mulrtC «mth. 2 Will rock* Bag. botlSS
*>7I8 diatrypa pierced through muki I MM!I.. 2 year Gy.G wet rock*
BO'RRERJ B>»BEKA. {William Borrrr. Y. L. S., .) 7. —23.
•lender branch, tcftn 1} year hrjti. oftrrv* EtiK- boL 1351
black and white den*e tufts .i i-.ii ilin cirtli l-jig. IHII. SSi8
li year i- H> trun. uf trees Eiig. boL 964
,.,,j l i|ialiiM JcA. golden-eyed buihy O apple Irev* Eng. bot 1088
u yt-llowUh
y branched I yew Y trun. ortrces Ens hot 2113
II year Gl trun. of trees Eng. Lw>t
* atlantica vtcft. Atlantic b) tafii Ij ap 0.01 dull Eug. bat. 1715

(.Cefrxt, a buckler;rece] &. —14.

Junijior bujby
tw*hy 11 year
hedge-mhablting btuhjr waved Ol.Br st»n.
guucoui •. shining year Gl nn Che groo, Eng. bot. 1606
ClllU'lUll: year W on the grou. Eog. bot £373
• UUW hjr tuft* yemr Su rocks Eng. bot US*
yc*r OUBr rocky place* Eng- bot 1330
Iceland MiHt bu»h r
IStiMlo*, dotted : under jurfaw of fronds.) 7. —18.
SrtCT*. ydlow waiti 3 year GI.Brrock* Eng. not
gililod 6 year Br trun. oftree* bng. bot 9SSB
lung reticulated year Oliv.i truu.oftn
tin—furrowed roun Hah pat ye»r tiy*h trun. of tree* Eng. bit'.
bordered nippoCfl I»fi MLKI year GtBrrnckf E»g
•tnutty round patch, year X< moitt riM'ks Eng. bot
wood pitted i Vi>.ir • hady wood* Eng. bot. SttA
uiKi. (Pdte, • targrt, f*rfo«, Twcroblwire; form «f thirfdi] p. — .'L
vctny 2 (U Qth onthi'tMtlh Fjit-
ted 11 year Cin bark of In-
horiuntal •binins, c m . 2 year Br.G thadyrock-
mrtjimn ilorv wartca 2 aut G ainong n n u Eng. Ixn
rufnevnt iijcurred S year ILBr on tin-cnri ti Hug. bot. 2300
u in.i bmad4obed 2 year Gy»h on th> ,-. bot. S299
inrmbnuiicea Ack membnuiotu 11 year Gyih thatfh
i •>
*purtou> lobedfroad 1 ( jl Ol.Br thatch Eng. bot 1512
*6 polyductyla' Ach. many.Angered
A siuixxh-hood IJ jl Gl on the earth Jac c. :

NEPHHO\MA cA. Ksnikoiu. (AVpArtu, a kidney; fonn of apotheci*.) £, —B.

renipinate thorUtobcd 3 year Gy.Bramong m o u Fs\g. bot. ,1!05
*8 nirllii Ach. equal foUaccom S year Br none quarr. Eng. boL ftjfio

RfiCCETLLA Ach. {Roceka, a rock, Port. ; place of growth.)

»linct..ria Ach. Iruc dyer'i bu*hy tu(l» 1} year Y.Ilr tuarit.-rock> Eng. bot 211
Ick. Futut'-funncd bushy iuft» 4 year Gl granite rocka Eng. bot 7SS
/;. ElElMl. t, well branched ; buihy plasta.) 1.-6.
Prun4*tri Ach. PruoMter inuiiii1. tegm. 2 year G.W tree*
I «Jrtoccro* Emg. bot. 13S3.

Ach CKMOMVCE. ( A > » t , empty, wpto*, fungui; hollow receptacle.) SO.— 43,
Pi i sv,i m;Yi i.— ThatJut mltcnutaccouM, uniform; vodetja hollow.
Ach, pimpled graDuL e m i t } winter Gjih uamp earth Eng. bot 907
ScvfBo'ryoB* — Thnllitt ftilidctmu ; podetia fiitular, dilattd upwards andJertiit; ur turtle and
tabulate i apotkeda cbmd aM a membrane.
tCM. — Apatkccia Aunui or pallid.
t i l born
luuliifid tuft» dry placet Enjj bntKAit
StagVh«,rn mult.fttl tufti 1J rocky beatbi Eng. be
•<<•*. lift* tuiU bank* Eng. bot 1399
fringed coralloid tuft. ] | n o o n ft hea. Eng. bat M38
left. corallotil tuft* S on the ftrou. Eng, bol, 1835
^ f t Aeh. rw coralloid tu(U m o o n ft IIM. Eng. boL IMS
eushiL-n-fprouting tuft* Lin raounlalot brittle tuft* 1 hiUi Eat. bot 18o7
imitative fine tuftj | Gy raoun.
iltt line tuftJ < hca.& mouu. Eng toot. ISSt
V'OCCI'XEIL — Ap tcarttt or dari red.
rod-ttke brmnc 3 y « « Wth woodi t
finaered pow.lery 1( year Y.G wood* Eng. boi. ?*»
!(icd branch, tuft* 3 yea- rouuortr«e* Eng. bt-
berry-bearing l^mp • 3 winter Gy G moor*ft h*a. fcng. bot SW1
Rolde* ,|cA cornucojHj-lk thort tuft* 1| winter Or.G moon4 hea.
i Ach. Dilty.Rwd »Hff». .Ic Mly nrnin. Ear bot. 181*
n t — TkallmifOiaettM* ; pvlHiajit tuiar, p j , dilated u upward*, andftttUi; apotkteia prrtiouu
ML ttrrn bh
branch, ft it it year
ttuft, Gl to w o o i Eng!buL 2TT
diptott i r G ratten ra i It Eng. bot SOSS
drtk-ate mealy patch
eartilofimtiu, rigid,JUlular, aU taprriu* tuluteU
If bortdthrougM
G*h h«ath* Di. mtMC. l'i, £5
•UbulfttC hllybr
S.1 year wood*
l| winter Pa.G moor*
16. Q
Inch Eng. bot 174
S year Hoa wood* Eng. bot S77
I i-d tu/l S ysar Gy commc E»ff. bot 9«M
- titd, tubulate, tomeiahjit branched
3103. BJEO'MYCES Ach. BJSOMYCES. (Baios, small, mykes, fungus; appearance of fructification.) 4. —10.
26772 roseus Ach. rosy granulated \ su Gsh heaths Eng. bot 374
26773 ruAu Ach. rufous powdery \ su Gsh sandstone Engbot.373.L.6ywol<fc*
26774 microphy'llus £. 2?. small-leaved imbri. patch. 3 winter D.G wet heaths Eug. bot. 1782
26775ca»pititius£.A turfy leafy tuft 3 aut Pa. G oaks Eng. bot 1796
3104. ISI'DIUM Ach. ISIDIUM. (ISOS, equal; small differences which exist between the podetia.) 5.—11.
26776 microstfcticumfloo*. small.dotted tartareous £ aut Brsh rocks Eng. bot 2243
26777 corallinum Ach. coralline crowded pate. £ aut Gysh rocks Eng. bot. 1541
26778 Westringfi Ach. Westring'a cracked crust \ aut Gysh rocks Eng. bot 2204
26779 uhymatudes Ach. bladdery powdery crust 3 winter Pa.Su stems,old tr.
2 phragmse\im Ach. bushy powdery crust 3 winter Y.O1 stems, old tr. 1529. L. lutis*
26780 cocebdes^cA. berried powdery crust 2 aut Pa.Ol park pales 1511
3105. STEREOCAUXON Ach. STEREOCAULON. {Stereos, rigid, kaulon, a stem.) 1. — 6.
26781 paschale Ach. Easier branch, tufts 2 year Gysh mountains Eng. bot 282
3106. SPHiERO'PHORON Ach. SPILE a. (Sphaira, globe, phoreo, to bear; form of fructification.) 3. —14-
26782 coralloides Ach. coraUlike bushy 1* year Pa. Br rocks Eng. bot. 115
26783 fragile Ach. brittle bushy 1 year Gysh rocks Eng. bot 2474
26784 compressum Ach. compressed bushy 1 year Wsh rocks Eng. bot. 114. L fr&gw*


3107. ALECTCTRIA Ach. ALISCTORIA. {Alektor, unmarried; uncertainty respecting male flowers.) 2.—7«
26785 jubata Ach. maned long tufts 3 winter Br on flr trees Eng. bot 1880
2 chalybufurmis Ach. steel-formed long tufts 3 winter Gy.B on fir trees
26786 sarmentosa Ach. twiggy much branch. 2J winter Pa. Y mountains Eng. bot 2040
3108. RAMALPNA Ach. RAMALINA. (Ramale, a withered branch; habitat.1) 5. —19.
26787 /raxinea Ach. Ash-like loose tufts 2 year Gysh bran, of trees Eng. bot 1781
26788 fastigiata Ach. peaked loose tufts 2 year Gl rocks & trees Eng. bot. 890
2 caluuris Ach. calyx-like loose tufts 1J year Gl rocks & trees
26789scopulurum Ach. rocks loose tufts 11 year Y.Gy marine roc. 688
26790 farinacea Ach. • mealy bushy tufts 2 year Gysh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 889
26791 pollinaria Ach. powdery bushy patch 3 year Bt.G old oaks Eng. bot. 1607
3109. CORNICULA'RIA Ach. CORNICULARIA. {Corniculus, a little horn; divisions of thallus.) 7.—I6*
26793 tristis Ach. dingy shrubby 1| year Dp.Br alpine rocks Eng. bot. 720
26793 aculeata Ach. prickly shrubby 1 year Ch Highl. mou.
2 spadicea Ach. scarlet shrubby 1 year Ch Highl. mou. 452. "L.hlspW*
26794 bicolor Ach. two-colored shrubby 1 year B Highl. mou. Eng. bot. 1853
26795 orhroleuca Ach. pale-yellow shrubby 1} year Pa.Y Highl. mou. Eng. bot 2374
2679i) lanata Ach. woolly shrubby f year Gy.B rocks Eng. bot. 846
26797 pubescens Ach. pubescent entangl. tufts 3 aut B rocks Eng. bot. 2318
26798 heteromalla E. B. wrious-woolled rough patch 3 aut B bark of trees Eng. bot 2246
3110. U'SNEA Ach. USNEA. (Achneh, lichens, Arab.) 3.—10.
26799 fMrida Ach. flowering erect 2} winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot. 872
26800 phcata Ach. plaited pendulous 4 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot 257
2 hirta Ach. hairy nearly erect 2 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot. 1354
26801 barbata Ach. bearded pendulous 4 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot 258.2
2 articulata Ach. Jointed pendulous 4 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot 258.1
Sill. COLLEGIA Ach. COLLEMA. (KoUema, glue; fronds gelatinous.) 27.—41.
I. PLACY'NTIIIUM. — Thallus crust-like, irregular or uniform.
26802 nigrum Ach. black regular patch 3 wet w B.G calcar. rocks 1161
II. ENCHY'LIUM. — Thallus imbricated, plaited, roundish, composed of minute lobes, becoming very turgid
when wet.
26803 rhelleum Ach. lipped round, patch 1$ wet w B.G roots of trees
26S04 fragrans Ach. fragrant small patches i wet w D.O1 trun. of elms Eng. bot 1912
26805 crfcpum Ach. crisp round patch, i wet w Gl on the grou. Eng. bot 834
26306 tenax Ach. tough lobed tuft 1 wet w G moist places Eng. bot 2349
«6S()7 plicftile Ach. plaited lobed tuft 1 wet w 01. G wet rocks Eng. bot. 2348
S68u8 fluvnle Ach. river many-parted * wet w Br calcar. rocks Eng bot. 2039
26809 mcl u:\ium Ach. blackish starry * wet w Br rocks
2 margin-lie Ach. marginal imbne. lobes 1 su Ol Highlands Eng. bot 1924
2GS10 fnscicularc Ach. fascicled roundish 2 aut.w Br trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1162
26811 cretdceum Ach. cretaceous minute dots •& winter Br chalk stones Eng. bot 738
26812 corrugatum Ach. wrinkled small patches $ winter D.G rocks, sea co. Di. muse. 19.19
III. SCYTI'NIUM. — Thallus somewhat foliaceous, irregular, formed of naked, expanded, thick, turgid*
naked lobes.
26813 palmatum Ach. palinated lobed patch 1 sp. su Br sand ground Eng bot. 1635
2(814 granulatum E. B. granular imbrie. patch 1} wet w Br gravel walks Eng. bot. 1757
26815 multipartUum E.B. many-parted lobed patch 3 su OLG rocks & walls Eng. bot 2582
IV. MALIA.TH'M. — Thallus foliaceousi lobes rounded, downy, or fibrous beneath.
26816 saturnlnum Ach. dingy leafy 2 year B.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1930
26817 Burgcssif Ach. Burgess's leafy 2 year Gl trun. of trees Eng bot. 300
V. LATIIA\JRIUM. — Thallus foliaceous ; lobes somewhat membraneous, lax, naked, dark green.
26818 nigr6<cens Ach. nigrescent leafy 2 year D.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 345
26819 fliccidum Ach. flaccid leafy smooth 2 year D.G Scotland Eng. bot lj>g
26830 flirvum Ach. dusky rugose memb. 2 year D.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1/37
26821 scoftnum Ach. dark flat patches 1* su Ol old walls
2 sinuatum Ach. sinuous flat patches 1J su Ol old walls Eng. bot 77*
VI. LEPTOUIUM.— Thallus foliaceous ; lobes rounded, membraneous, thin, naked, cinereous, glaueovs,
Oj . M somewhat transparent; apothecia slightly stalked. ,
26822 tremelldldes Ach. Tremclla-like half transpar. 1 spring Lead rocks Eng. bot. I S "
26823 lacerum Ach. lacerated half transpar. 1} spring Gl earth 1»»
OCQO* , >. VII. Mraci'coLUM. — Thallus very finely ladniated and branchlctted. .^.
26824 subfile Ach. BUbtle starry D.G earth Eng. boj. 1008
E S S £tul-"Jlinu1111 Ach. finest flat patch 2 jl. au D.O1 dry banks Eng. bot. HZ7
2fi826 bchradcri Ach. Schrader's small tufts * jn Y.G old walls Eng. bot.
S § £ »»U8c1cola Ach. Moss-dwelling cushion-like § spring Br among moss Eng. bot. 22ii4
' sPongiusum Ach. spongy large fruit 3 year 01. Br rocks Eng. bot. 1374


. LEPRARIA. (Lepra, leprosy; scurfy crust.) 4. —13
85 K \ -
cushion-like 2
thin coat 2
winter Su rocks
winter Bt.Y old pales
Eng bot 8U&J
Kng. bot. 1350
ochn-colored scatter, warts \ winter G.Y old trees Eng. bot. 2408
ochracea E. B. granular | winter Y.G elm trees Eng. bot. 2149 virescent

3113. OPB/GRAPHA Ach. OPEG. (Ope, a chink, grapho, to write; shields of apoth. crack-like.) 10 —35.
!• HVSTERI\VA. —Disk of apotheca very narrow, crack-like, somewhat covered in by the conniving
tumid margins.
cloudy variegated liyear Pa.Y old trees Eng. bot. 2346
E.B. veiny flat patch U year na.och beeches Eng. bot 2454
Ach. Persoon's tartareous year Wsh stones
poreless leprous 2 year Wsh slate& stones
calcareous angular dots & year B mort, old w. Eng. bot 1790
spotted largish spots | year Brsh b.irk of trees O.epiphe.
Jjerpetica Ach. eruptive dotted cruot 1 year l'a.Ol bark of trees Enjj. bot. 1789
d mealy crust
g ta cA Ach. common
,wparata different 1 year Pa.Ol bark of Irccs 0. rubella
F^ -
. . Ach. sprinkled
scaly 1| year G.W bark of trees Kng. bot. 1811
smooth skin 3 year Gy smooth bark Kng. bot 1828
smooth skin 3 year
microscopic smooth patch. 1| year Ol
2 microsc.'.pica Ach. narrow-fruited Ol
smooth bark Kng. bot 1911
smooth bark
demgrata 4hAch. blackened fil smooth patch. 1ft year Pa.G smooth bark Eng. bot 1753
•• ALYXURIA. — Disk of apotheca concave channelled, or flat appearing between the separated margins.
notha Ach. spurious dotted crust 3 year Wsh old trees Eng. bot. 1896
2 diaphora Ach. various-fruited dotted crust 3 year Gy trun. of trees Eng. bot 2280
3114. VERRUC A"RI A Ach. VERRUCARIA. (Verruca, a wart j warty nature of shields) 11.—56.
I. LICOPHI.EA.— Thallus cartilaginous, membranous, contiguous, polished.
• mafira Ach Moorish
»»— : _i-
1.-^ crust.. 2n year JJ rocks Eng. bot 2156
44 punctiformis Ach. dot-shaped thin coat 2 year Br sm. ash bark Eng. bot 2412
45 analcpta Ach. not oily thin coat S year Br sm. oak bark Eng. bot. 1848
epidermidis Ach. cuticle thin coat 1 year W birch bark
847 stigmatella Ach. small-dotted thin coat 3 year Pa.Br smooth bark Eng. bot. 1891
II. BLENNORIVIA— Thallus nearly solid, somewhat gelatinous.
48 ceuthocarpa Ach. hidden-fruited tessellated 4 year Pa.Ol slate rocks Eng. bot 2372
[. LITHOCIA. — Thallus subtarlareous, crustaceous, contiguous, cracked into areoUe, or powdery.
ir&deri Ach. Schradcr's dotted crust 4 year Wsh calca. stones Eng. bot. 1711
ammanni Ach. Harmnann's small patches 1 year Br.Ol hard rocks Eng. bot. £539
pltimbea Ach. lead-colored lobcel patches 1$ year Ol limest rocks Eng. bot 2540
2 striatula Ach. striated cloudy spots \ year Pa.G flints
2 acrotella Ach. small-peaked cloudy spots f year Pa.G flints Eng. bot. 1712
IV. INODE'RMA. — Thallus soft, cottony, somewhat spongy, or thin and arachnoid.
ground mealy tessell. 1| year G dry banks Eng.botl681.L.fcrr&J,
3U5. PORl^NA Ach. PORINA. (Porinos, any thing that crumbles away; nature.) 1. —19.
*»» Pertbsa Ach. perforated crust i aut Ciu bark of trees Eng. bot 677
Ach. ARTIIOXIA. (Unexplained) 4. - r 14.
IB. unpolished spotted patch. 4 year Rsh
Rsh trun. of trees Eng. bot 981
Ach. Swartz's cracked crust 1} year Wsh smooth bark Eng- bot 2079
star-like membranous \ year Cin smooth bark Eng. bot 1847
obscure warty 3 year D.O1 bar. of old tr. Eng. bot. 1752
]ynx-spotted broad masses 3 year Wsh bar. of old tr. Eng. bot SOU

m , Ach. GRAPHIS. (Grapho, to write ; apothecia like writing.) 5. — Id.

JcrJpta Ach. written shining crust 1J year Gysh smooth bark Eng. bot. 1813
* Pulverulenta Ach. powdery thin crust 2 year Pa.Y trees Eng. bot 1754
2 Cerasi Ach. Cherry tree thin crust 3 year Y oJd chcr. tre. Eng. bot 2301
tree-like smooth patch. 1} year Y smooth bark Eng. bot. 1756
serpentine even crust 3 year Pa.01 smooth bark Eng. bot. 175-1
LyelPs cracked crust 4 year Pa.Ol rugged bark Eng. bot. INTfi
is Ach. elegant uneven crust 3 year Pa.Y smooth bark Eng. bot. 1812



Class I. HYMENIVI. — Division I. PUeati.
^GA'RICUS L. AGARIC. (Agaria, a region of Sarmatia.) 314. — 715.
I. VOLVAYEI. —Stem central, with a veil; gills unchangeable ; sporidla white,
h 1. AMANI^TA Pers. — Veil double, universal, separate, partial, annular, somewhat persistent
i. _ Volva loose j edge of cap smooth ; unwholesome.
vernal fetid «-6 sp su W woody Bui. her 108
phallus-like scentless 4 jl.o W woody places Bui.her.2.577 bidbhsus
- verruebsus Fl. Ion. warty scentless 4 jl.o Y woody places Fl. Ion 3l<» d< *
!(S.r7 ? n8 W. dan. virescent scentless 4 jl.o Pa.G woody places Fl daii 1246
<*«7 porph^rius Fries puq»le scentless 4 jl.o Ld among moss Mic gen 76?3

ii. — Volva loose ; edge of cap striated; eatable.

26868 vaginatus Bui. sheathed eatable 6 aut W waste places Bui. her. 512
1 vMmbeus Schaff. \cad-colored eatable 6 aut Lead waste places Schseffi 85. 86
2 hyahnus Schaff. transparent eatable 6 su Css waste places Schaetf*. 244
3 pulvin<\tus Bol. cushioned eatable 6 su Br waste places Bolt. pit. 49
4 fulvus Schceff. tawny eatable 6 su Taw waste places Bolt. pil. 38.2. trUobatu*
26869 nivalis Grev. snow delicate 5 au W Scotch mou. Grev. cryp. 1.18
iii. — Volva obliterated; edge of cap striated; poisonous.
28870 muscarius L. fly-Mown poisonous 8 au.o O.R woods Grev. cryp. 1.54
26871 pantherlniu Dec. panther-like warted 3 au.o 01 moun.woods Schaft*. 90. maculatus
iv. — Volva obliterated ; edge of cap smooth ; unwholesome.
26872 rubescens Pers. rubescent nauseous 3 jl.s F. Col heaths Schaeff*. 91. pustulutus
26873' toper A. #S. rough fetid 3 jl.o Rah open woods Bui. her.3lG.verrucbsU$
\ 2. LEPI&TA Pers. — Veil simple, universal, concrete, annular, somewhat persistent.
i. — Veil finally separated; gills distinct; eatable.
86874 procerus Sco. tall esculent 10 au.n W.Br woods Sow. 190
26875 excoriatus Schaff. flayed esculent 7 Wsh fields Scheffi 18,19
ii. — Veil fixed; skin of the cap peeling off; gills separate.
26876 clypeolarius Bui. buckler insipid 2 au.o Wsh beech woods Sow. 14.
2 fellnus Pers. cat insipid 2 auo Wsh hot-houses
3 Meliagris Sow. Guinea-hen insipid 2 au.o Wsh pine woods Sow. 171
26877 cristatus Bol. crested fetid 1| au.n Wsh grassy places Grcv. cryp. 3. 176
iii. — VeUfixed; gills separate ; skin of the cap adhering.
26878 illinUus Fries besmeared mucilaginous 3 jl.o Wbh meadows Fl. dan. 600
iv. — VeU fixed ; cap covered ; gills somewhat united.
26879 granulbsus Pers. granular muricated 2 jLd Y heaths Grev. cryp. 2.104
cibceus Sow.
3. ARMILLA'RIA Fries. — Veil simple, partial, separate, annular, somewhat persistent.
i. — (UespUose ; cap smooth.
26880 nracidus Schr. musty glutinous 2 jl.d W old trees Fl. dan. 773. niiidus
ii. — Caspitose; cap not smooth.
26881 milieus Bol. honey-colored esculent 4 au.o Dl Y trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 332
2 Zaricinus Bol. esculent 4 au.o Dl.Y trun. of trees Bolt pil. 19
3 elisticus Bol. elastic esculent 4 au.o DI.Y trun. of trees Bolt. pil. 15
4. LIMA*CIUM Fries.— Veil very fugacious, viscid; lamellae adnate, decurrent.
L — Cap smooth, floccose at edge ; unwholesome.
26882 chrysodon Batsch golden.toothcd noxious fs.o Fa.Y beech woods Batsch fun. 2.212
26883 carnteus Sow. fleshy noxious 3 s.o among grass Sow. 246
ii — Cap smooth ; stalk scaly j eatable.
26884 ebfimeus Bui. ivory shining 4 au.n woods Sow. 71. nitens
2 mtens With. shining shining 4 au.n woods Sow. 121. cussus
iii. — Cap finally depressed ; stalk spotted.
26885 olivaceo-a'lbus Fries olive-white viscid 4 jl.o Ol pine woods Schaeffi 312. limaclnus
26886 hypothejus Fries sub-sulphur-c/rf clustered 4 o.d Ysh heaths Sow. 8. limachuis
26887 aroma"ticus Sow. aromatic glutinous 3 o.d Pa. Br woods Sow. 144
% 5. TaicnoLbMA Fries. — Veil very fugacious, fiocculose, marginal; lamella emarginate or rounded.
i. — Cap truly fleshy, somewhat blunt, humid, viscid, with an involute downy edge ; gills white or yellow,
emarginate ; stalk clothed, separate from the cap.
26888 £lbo-brtinneus Pers. whitish-brown glutinous 3 au. o Br fir leileaves Schaeff. 58. striatus
26889 fulvus Dec. tawny smells of flour 4 au.s Taw thickets SchtofT. 63. incirtus
26890 usUlis Fries scorched scentless 3 au.o R.Br beechwo.&c.
26891 RAssula Schceff. Russula delicious 2 aut Pk woods Scha?ff 58
26892 aur&ntius Scheeff. orange bitter 3 aut O pine woods Schaeffi 37
26893 prasinus Schceff. leek-green tuberous 3 aut Y.G mossy places Schsft: 218
26894 fucatus Fries painted mild 2 s.o Lu way sides
26895 luridus Scheeff. lurid gregarious 2 s.o Dl.Ii pine woods Schaeffi 69
ii. _ Cap always dry, scaly, with the young edge involute, downy or villous ; gills separate or emarginate i
stalk scaly, separate from cap.
26896 equestris L. horse mild 2 s.d Y.Br way sides Schsffi 41. aUreus
26897 rutilans Schaff. glittering splendid 3 au.o Y roots of trees Sow. 31. xerampetinw
26898 vacclnus Schaff. cow scaly 3 o.d Ru damp places Schaeff 25
26899 My6myccs Pers. Myomycos smells of mice 3 o.n Ld plantations Sow. 76. tirreus
26900 columbetta Bauh. small pigeon eatable l}au.o W sandy places Bui. her.428.1
iii. — Cap always dry, smooth, but often fibrillose, with a naked edge; gills separate or emarginate ;
solid, smooth, striated, separate from the cap.
26901 a'stuans Fries burning very acrid 3 au.s Y among moss
26902 scjdnctus Sow. disjoined bitter 3 s.o Pa.Y dry pine wo. Sow. 126
26903 virgatus Fries streaked bitter 3 s Gy plantations
iv. — Cap always dry, smooth, with a thin floccose, parted, involute edge ; flesh soft j gills rounded,
clustered, obliterated in front; stalk united with cap.
26904 decastes Fries tenth stipes naked 3 au.s Cin beech woods
26905 gambosus Clus. ox-hoof smells of flour 2$ my.jn Pale chalk, mead,
26906 personatus Fries mask variable 3 s.n P woods Sow. 209. i
26907 nftdus Bui. naked wavy 2 s.n V gardens Bui. her. 439
26908 albus Schaff. white not spotted 3 s.n W woods Schaeffi 256
26909 splendens With. shining juicy 3 jl Cop alder stump
II. NUDICAU'LBS. — Stem central, naked; gills unchangeable; sporidia white.
6. RU'SSULA Pers. —PUeusfleshy, becoming depressed; lamella equal, juiceless.
i. — Gills all equal; sporidia yellow.
26910 alutfceeus Pers. tanned leather eatable 2 au s R shady woods Bui. her. 509
2 x&nthopus Fries yellow-stalked eatable 2 au.s R shady woods
auratus With.
26911 lfateus Hud yellow brittle 1} au.B Y beech woods
2d912 nitidus Pers. shining nauseous 1 au.o Rsh woods Srhseffi 2D4
26913 emelicua Schaff. emetic acrid 3 su Rsh woods Sow 201. »«'••*
2 Ge6rgi» L. St. George's acrid S su Y woods liul. her. 50%

26914 ii. — Gills nearly equal; sporidia white.

depfiUena Pers. pallid
nauseous l*jl.s K.Br heaths
red iii. — GUIs veryforked,
bitterand many
2 j'l.s'of them
R halved.
woods Bul.her. 42. sanguineus
tens *W<w fetid rigid 2 au.s Y woods Bui. her. 292. mperatus
w}7 furcatus Fries forked bitterish 2 au.s G woods Bui. her. 26. bifidus
26918 adfistus J\>r,. scorched very compact 2 jl.o Ol woods Bui. her. 212. nigricans
» elephanfinus Bol. elephantine very compact 3 jl.o Y.Br woods Sow. 36
I 7. GAXORHJSHJS Fries. —Pileus becoming depressed; lamella unequal, milky.
2691Q rnn». ' ~ I —Edge of cap rotted, inwards downy; hot, poisonous. „. , . mM
g g w controversus Per*, controverted meteoric 2 s.o Va beech woods Bui. her. 538. dcris
iculatus Sco. furrowed gigantic 4 au.o Y damp woods Schasff 227
griping dangerous 2 jn.o Pk way sides Sow. 103
destructive poisonous 2 au.o 01. Br woods Bui. her. 14
*««3 ciUcioides Frfe* downy very downy 3 s Dl.Pk pine woods
ii. — Cap smooth, viscid, with a naked edge; hot, poisonous.
lurid flattened lfso Lu Heaths Sow 203. zondrius
acrid very acrid 2 au.n Cin groves Bolt pil. 60
moist brittle 1} au.o Li.Pk damp groves
withered very acrid 2 au.n Ld woods
inus Fries Hysginum variable 2 | au.o Pk grassy places
ennius Fries dull very acrid If jl.o Gsh beech woods
pallid gregarious J| au.o Pa.Y beech woods
delicious eatable Ii jl.n O pine woods Sow. 202
auranftacus Pers. orange acrid 3 au.o O woods Batarra, 16. A.
1 1
Ofinqo " '.""" Cap dry, naked at edge ; gills close, when young white, afterwards yellow ; eatable, but acrid.
£5"f mitissimus Fries mildest sweet 3 au.n O woods
*M>iW* quietus With. Fries still sweet 3 aut Pk oak woods Fl. dan. 1069. rub* rubiscens
sweetish nauseous 3 6U Brsh woods Sow. 204. lactffluus

rub^scens With.
sulphur-juiced poisonous
Tithymallus-lk very milky
rufous scentless
2i s.o
3 s.o
2 jl.o
Ful shady woods Bui. her. 567. A.
Pa. Y shady woods Batsch fun. 60. ichorht.
Br pine woods
ggfc hfilvus Fries pale red acrid 2| jl.n R.Och damp places
SgW glycy6smus Fries sweet-smelling esculent 3 jl.o Lu thickets
* oa *l plumbeus Bui. Lead damp places Sow. 245. Listen
\ead-colored insipid 4 au.s
"7" ~~J??P rfr^» 5 a * ?rf at edge ; gills not altering, substance compact, tough ; very acrid.
. aius
ilus Bui
Bui. flervluiced
fiery-Juiced v»rv very acrid
acrid If >..«
11 au.o T^ agroves m v « *" n i Vher.
Bui. J l e529.1
lexiibsus Pers. flexuose compact 1 jl.o Br grassy places Bui. her. 559.1. A. axon,
ojj-** vpiperatus Sco. peppery eatable 2 s.o W woods Bolt. pil. 21
9Rm ellereus Fries fleecy gregarious 2 au.n W thickets Sow. 104. Listen
sweet gregarious 2 au.n W thickets
' *7 depressus With. depressed variable 2$ au.o Pk grassy places
CLIT6CTBE Fries. — Pileus fleshy, when young convex; lamella unequal, juiceless.
A. AcuVi. — Gills equally narrowed backward, acute.
i. — Cap dry, smooth ; gills close, decurrent, or acutely adnate.
, '•.—• Cap more or less fleshy, when young convex, deflexed, when old depressed: gills truly decurrent.
Kiganieus Leys. gigantic very broad 6 s Wsh thickets Sow. 244
Ivus Pers.
" ti-colored
" * gigantic 3 au.n
au.n Dl.Y among moss Grev. cryp. 1.41
flaccid pretty 3 s.o W woods Bolt. piL 185
gibbous fragrant 2 o Br plains Bui. her. 573. 1. 2
turfy scentless 1 n Br turf Sow. 210
perforated tough 2 s.n Pk woods
K/"iT".CoJP rto*dy fleshy, convex, opening out flat; gills truly decurrent: stalk strong ; eatable.
Iff-*"*** Batsch clouded gregarious 3 s.o Cin heaths Boit. pil.40.~md/to
26955 ~*8eU8 With.
^*** l«rgidus Grev. turgid solitary 2 aut Sooty dry woods Grev. cryp. 9
&. mm Cap truly but not firmly fleshy, flattish or slightly depressed; gills adnate, not properly
2695fiwf... decurrent; stalk slender.
26957 c4b WUh- ggreen
scented slender
eatable 2J
3 auau.n G Cin woods
woods Bolt
Grev.pil. 12.Lcternleus
cryp. aeru
hoary shaggy au.n W dead leaves Bolt pil. 17
whitened gregarious au.n Wsh meadows Sow. 123
lincar.stalked shaggy 3 o W grassy grov. Sow. 281. graveolens
dog's collar depressed 3 ja Brsh woods Sow. 184
unadorned pretty 2 aut Ld.G upon earth Sow. 342
fringed gregarious 1 au.s Wsh rotten wood Bolt pil. 61
lu. — Tufted, variable, some growing on wood, some on earth.
wood ' ' irregular 2 au.d Wsh rotten wood
adhesive irregular 3 s W.Br plantations
pus 5cA«if:sweHcd-sUlked tufted 2 sp.aut Ru woods SchsefT. 259
«8 Dick coral-like tufted 2 sp.aut Ru hollow trees Battarra, 9. F.
118 With lfau W.Br pastures
- squat tufted 2 ap.s
"* °p a< J ue crackin
« S au W among grass Sow. 142
Wsh among grass
ii. — Cappestlc-like crookeddry ; gills very distant, arcuated, decurrent.
somewhat compact,
us Fries arched-leaved brittle 4 au.o Sooty damp woods Sow. 172. elixus
'ers. meadow eatable l|au.n Ysh waysides Grev. cryp. 2.91
ormis With club-shaped eatable 11 au.n W way sides Schaeff 307
With. heath eatable U s.n W heaths Bui. her. 467 erieetusus
Wul. virgin-tuAfc. eatable 2 s.n W heaths Grev. cryp. S. 166
•«W73 M ••» »>• — Cap thin, viscid, wet; gills variable ; stalk hollow, terrestrial.
2jj^ wittactaus&faed?
r cc
parrot-cotorcd pretty 2 an Gsh.Y meadows Grev. cryp 2 74
86975a «? ? us5ow. wax-colored gregarious 2| au.n Y pastures Sow. 20
' conicuB Schasff: conical watery 4 my.o Ysh meadows Sow.S81 aurantiacus
86976 punfccus Fries crimson beautiful 3 au.o O.R among grass Bui. hcr.202. coccineus
26977 coccineus Pcrs. scarlet beautiful 2 au.o S meadows Sow. 381
B. INEQUAV.ES. —GUIS unequal at back, that is, toothed; or arcuated, decurrent, sinuate, emarginate.
iv. — Cap dry, minutely scaly ; gills generally arcuated, decurrent, rarely adnate ; firm.
26978 laccatus Sco. lake-colored Jiandsome 2 jn.n Ro.R on earth Grev. cryp. 249
2 amcthystinustftai. amethystine handsome 2 jnn V shady places Sow. 187
26979 ovinus Bui. sheep mild 2 au.o Brsh meadows Bui. her. 580
26980 sulphurous BuL sulphureous fetid 4 s.o Test trees&woods Sow. 44
SKW81 turtilis Bol. twisted distorted \ aut Br gard. mould Bolt pil. 41
26982 ovalis With. oval satiny 2$ s.o It. Br fir woods
v — Cap r
smooth, somewhat humid ; gills arcuate at their connection with the edge, reticulated at
their union with each other, with appendages at edge.
26983 pelianthinus Fries dark violet beautiful 3 au.s P roots of trees Bolt pil. 4.1. dentieul.
vi. — Cap thin, dry ; gills emarginate, brittle,
i. — Cap fleshy, smooth, and stem regular, terrestrial.
26984 mclaleucus Pers. black and white elegant S au.n Sooty damp places
it. — Cap somewhat fleshy ; stem rootless, irregular, terrestrial.
26985 comprcssus With, compressed pellucid 3 jn Br among grass Sow 66
26986 murinaceui Bui. sweet-scented fragile 2 au.o Cin pastures Sow. 106
wi.— Cap somewhat fleshy ; stem rootless, regular, growing on wood.
26987 platyphy'llus Pers. broad-leaved large 4 jl.o Wsh trun. of trees BuL her. 594. gramma.
G OBTUVSI. — Gills equal, behind blunt.
vii. — Cap fleshy, glutinous ; gills somewhat united ; stem rooted.
26988 radicMus Rel. rooted gigantic £ jn.s W trun. of trees Grev. crypt. 4. 217
26989 gracilis With. slender more slender li jn.s W trun. of trees
26990 vcKitipes Fl. Ion. velvet-stalked caespitose 2 Ful trees Sow. 384. 3
viii — Cap tough, dry; gills separate, close, white.
26991 fusipes Bui. spindle-stalked eatable 2 jl.n W woods Sow. 129. crdssipes
26992 cunfluens Pers. confluent csspitose 4 au.o Wsh shady woods
269H3 colllnus Sco hill caespitose 4 s.o Pallid among grass Bui. her. 403. arundi*.
26994 tfryophilus Sow. Oak-loving oespitose 2 o.n Wsh heaps of Ivs Sow. 127
iz. — Cap somewhat leathery, dry ; gills separate, distant, pallid.
j. — Cap fleshy ; stem solid.
26995 peronatus Bol. clasped changeable 2£ jl.n Test dead leaves Sow. 37
26996 oreades Bol. Oreads eatable 3 my.n Pa.Ru grassy places Grev. cryp 323
it. —Cap fleshy ; stemfistulose.
26997 porreus Fries Leek-scented fetid 3 o.n W plantations Sow. 81. alliaceus
26998 fusco-purpiircusPers. dark-purple caespitose 2} jLs D.P beech leaves Pers. ic. pict 4.1
$ 9. COLLV'BIA Fries. — PUeus fleshy, membranous, flatfish, small, dry.
i. — Cap slightly fleshy, smooth, scarcely umbilicate; gills true; stem hollow, or somewhat fistulose.
26999 icorodonius Fines Garlic-scented strong smell 1J au.o Wsh heaths Schaeff 99. aJUutus
27000 carneus Bui. flesh-colored dwarf 1 au.s R grassy places Bui. her. 533.1
puniceus With.
27001 cscullntus Wul. eatable esculent 1J Clay way sides Scharff. 59. clavus
27002 conigenus Pers. cone-sprung filiform 2 aut Gy on fir cones and dead leaves
47003 tenaclllus Pers. small tough long 4 aut fir woods Pers. ic. pict 1.2
27004 tuberbsus Bui. tuberous gregarious ft au n W on fungi Grev. cryp. 1.23
alfimnus Bol.
2700/) racemosuB Sow. racemose - compound J aut Gy on fungi Sow. 287
27006 cftvus Bui. club' gregarious 1 au.o O.R dead branch. Bolt. pil. 39. B.
27007 ramcal is Bui. branch Jiving gregarious £ year Wsh dry branches Bolt pil. 39. D. cdndidut
27008 parasiticus Bui. parasitical meteoric £ au.o Gy on fungi Sow. 343
ii. — Cap thht, membranous, flat, becoming depressed, plaited, rugose ; gills veiny, qf the same substance as
the cap ; stem horny, black.
27009 Vaillantii Fries Vaillant'a tough 1 a«-« W dead branch. Vail. pa. 11. SI-S4
Mcriiliim <inclroB\ceu8 With.
27010 r6tula Sco. little wheel gregarious 1 year W woods Sow. 95
27011 androstaeus L. Androsace-lk tough ljyear W.Br dead leaves Bolt pil 32
27012 fce'tidus Fries fetid gregarious 1 au.s Br fallen branc. Sow. 21. Merhlius/aft-
27013 perforans Fries boring fetid 1 year Pallid dead fir Ivs Sow. 94. androsaceus
27014 epiph^llus Pers. leaf-borne grrgarious f s.d W dead leaves Sow. S3. squdmula
27015 Hudsoni Pen. Hudson's hairy f aut Wsh holly loaves Sow. 164. pilbsus
\ 10. MYCRXNA Pers. — Pileus membranous, campanulate, slender ; stipes hollow.
L —Dry cap, generally umbonate, not depressed ; gills separate or adnate, not decurrent.
i. — Stem rooting, smooth, Juicelrss ; gills separate, whole-colored.
2701fi alliaceus Jac. GmWc^centcd fetid 6 jl.n W.Br dead leaves 82
27017 atro-albus Bol. black and white scentless 3 au.n Bsh damp places Bolt. pil. 137
27018 f Hopes Bui. thread-stemmed campanulate 3 aut moist woods Bui. her. 320
ii. — Stem smooth, juiceless, somewhat rooting ; gills adnate, whole-colored.
27019 alcannus Fries alkaline fetid 2 my.o Cin on earth Vail. pa. 12.1,2
27020 galericulatus Sco. small-capped scentless 3 my.o Brsh trun. of trees Sow. 165
vftrius With, prolffcrus Sow.
Hi. — Stem juiceless, striated; gills whole-colored.
27021 polygrammus Dec. much marked csspitose 6 s.d Cin dead leaves BuI.her.518.J7t/!*A'"'51"
iv. — Stem smooth, milky, somewhat rooted; gills attenuated, united at edge. .
27022 galopus Pers. milky-stemmed scentless 4 au.n D.G1 woods Fl. dan 1550. 2
27023 heematopus Pers. bloody-stemmed caespitose 2 au.o Pk beech trunks
87024 cruentus Fries bloody solitary 3 au.n R fir leaves
v. — Stem smooth, juiceless, somewhat rooting ; gills adnate, discolored at edge.
27025 llegans Pcrs. elegant fennel-scented 2 au.n Ld.Y pine woods
27026 strobillnus Pers. .strobile-like gregarious 2 au.n C pine woods Sow. 197. coccineus
27027 roseuB Pers. rosy gregarious 2 au.n Ro pine woods Pers. syn. 3.5
vi. — Stem smooth, juiceless, scarcely rooting; gills affixed, whole-colored; color pure.
27028 piirus Pers. pure gregarious 3 jn.n Ro woods Sow. 72. roseus

S 5 S Adunli Bui. Adonis various-dd SJs.n Rosy woods Bui. her. 560. 2
S ? S J^te^bus Bol. yellowish.white pretty 2 au.s Y among moss Bolt pil. 38. 1
lac teU8 14 JLn W.Y heaths Sow. 385.5. Nnuis
SnS , Per*- milky gregarious
«7032 stylobatcs Fries pedestal solitary Ijsu Pa dead lva& bran. Neespilzel89
9«*» * vii- — 5te/n juiceless, rootless, but swollen at the base into a globe ; cap blunt.
Z/U35 pihpes Sow. hairy-footed caespitose 2 aut Pa.Br dead agarics Sow. 24
ii. — Cap or stem viscid ; gills adnate or decurrent.
Fern .borne variable 1$ aiui Cin among moss Sow. 92. nhtans
*7Q35 vulgaris Pers. common gregarious 1J au.n Cin fir leaves FL dan. 1678 2
iii. — Dry cap,finally depressed; gills decurrent.
i. —Firm, persistent, ivith a firm stem.
27036 pellUcidus Bui. transparent thick 1} aut Ru the ground Bui. her. aoO. 2
it. — Delicate, withering, with a capillary stem.
27n*i C 0 I t i r M i 8 Bul' bark delicate } o.f Ru bark of trees Sow. 243
*/UJB pterigenus Fries Fern-sprung beautiful 1} au.o Rosy among moss
k rosellus With.
S°39 "Plnlpes &nu. spiny-footed gregarious au.o Br pine cones Sow. SOS
*7040,/unclcola Fries Rush-dwelling gregarious o Rsh rotten Junci Mic.gen.80.9
OMPIIAXLIA Pers. — Pileus membranous or fleshy-membranous, when young umbilicated.
i. — Cap somewhat membranous; gills decurrent.
i. — Small cap membranous.
starred gregarious 1 W hollow trees Sow. 107. buecmalis
button slender 1} my.o O.Y among moss Sow. 45
j y u 5 « / box-like variable 2 my.n Test on earth Bui. her. 568.2
J* muralis Sow. wall suhgregar. f aut Br among grass Sow. 322
iceturumP«,. heaths variable 1 my.n W damp heaths Bui.her. 2
caulicinalis Sow. thick-stalked solitary 8 jl.o Fer pine woods Sow. 163
ii. — Large g cap, somewhat membranous.
SH2 ^Pkhfiium Pers. tunnel tender
tender 1 jl.o
jlo Cin wi will, trunks Pen. ic. pict. 13. 1
bllquus Pers. oblique solitary aut Pa.Ci on earth Pen. ic. met. 13.3
ii. — Cap p fleshy, fly,
membranous; ;g gills admte.
g . fragrant nt anisescented l}au.d
anise-scented l } a u d LdLdamong am grass Sow." 10
70a0 caapitteus Bol. csspitose .pellucid 1 au d Y peat Bolt. pil. 41. C
*7O5l cyathifArmis Bui cup-shaped club-shaped 3 o.n D.Br earth Sow. 363. sordidus
_ clavatus With.
*P52 murlnus Sow. sweet-scented solitary 2 s G earth Sow. 162
27053 DunWti Dec. Dunal's gregarious .. spring W will, trunks
«*._„ , _ »"• — Cap fleshy, coriaceous, somewhat corky, soft; gills decurrent.
•7054 (ignnus Bul. tiger-spotted gregarious 1} my.jn Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 64
*7055 lepideus Fries scaly variable 1 my.jn pa.och pine trunks SchsfT. 2a squambsu$
_ S monstrusus Fries monstrous deformed 3 my.jn pa och pine trunks Sow. 3S2. tu&tfdrmis
*/Q56 cochleatus Pers. spiral csspitose 3 sp.aut Wbh old trunks Sow. Iu8. confluens
III. ACAU'LES. — Stem out of the centre none; gills unchangeable; sporidia white.
4 12. PLEUEOTU9 Fries. — Pileus out of the centre or lateral.
i. _ Veil universal; cap compact, horizontal.
*fo57 rfrylnus Pers. Oak solitary 1 au.n Wsh oak trees Scheff. 233. dimidiatus
ii. — Veil none ; cap fleshy ; gills decurrent.
i. — Cap always entire.
'en. twisted very tough Ii jl.o Rsh birch trees Mees pilze 176
ii. — Cap entire or halved.
shell-shaped gregarious 1 jLs Cin birch trees Bui. her. 298
oyster-shaped eatable | sp.aut Cin trun. of trees Sow. 241
iii. — Cap always halved, somewhat ascending.
ui. petal-like gregarious i «.o Brah beech trees Bul. her. 226.557.2
8 Pers. stretching imbricated 1 jl.n W pine tree*
ittrinis Bol. fan-shaped thin i Jl.n l'o. Dr sided of tree* Bolt pil. 157
- — Veil none j eapflethy, when younq horizontal; gills terminating in a determinate manner.
££X>4 ulmdrluH nut. nut. Kfm
Kfm cnapitoHc 3 o.d
cnapitoHc 3 o.d Talc trun
a of trees Sow. 67
£j°85 palmatus Bi
Bui. l t
palmate it
caespitose 2 o.d d B
Br oak trees Sow. 62
trun. of trees Bux. c. 5.2.2
S 2 6 6 •erotinus Pers. late dwarf 1 o.ja Ol trun. of trees Sow. 109. flabelltf6rmU
*067 Btipticus Bui. Htiptic gregarious % o.ap Tan
/icoides iv. —.With.
Cap fleshy, when young resupinate ; gills running together in a point out of the centre.
nidulans Pers. nestling imbricated 1 o.d Ysh fallen trees
furred imbricated 1 s.n Gy beech trunks Sow. 99. echindtus
soft gregarious £ s.n. Y.Br beech trunks Sow. 98
variable gregarious | s.n W beech trunks Grev. cryp. 2S5
sFl.dan. lateral imbricated 1} su Umb birch trunks Fl. dan. 1556.2
v. — Cap membranous ; gills adnate or running together in one point.
reraulus Schaff. tremulous almost sessile \ au.d Gy earth Sow. 242
tepticus Fries putrefactive delicate \ au.o W decay, trun. Sow. 821. pubescent
applicatus Batsch applied delicate \ autsp Cin decuy. trun. Sow. 301
IV. ROSEI. — Stem central; veil none ; gills changing color ; sporidia rose-colored.
13. MOU'CERO.V Bauh. — Pileus fleshy, becomes depressed; lamella long, decurrent; odor of new flour,
prunulus Cats. little prune esculent lj.jn.o W woods Sovr. Ii3. pdllidus
ft 14. CuTOprLUS Fries. — Pileus fleshy convex.
i. — Gills affixed, terrestrial.
garden clastic 2f aut Sooty gard. on ear.
rosy white beautiful 3 jl.n Ld damp places Bolt. pil. 6. repandus
prolific gregarious 3 aut P.Ld hedge rows Bul. her. 534
^us2?«/. sinuated fragrant 5 o W.Y damp woods Bul. her. 579.1
maritimus With. seashore small 1 o W damp woods
ii. — Gills altogether distinct, upon wood.
Won-colored fragile 3 au.o Y beech woods Schaeff 43
penthouse variable 3 my.n Sooty trim, of trees Sow. 106
27084 phlebophorus Bit. vein-bearing gregarious 4 jl.o 01 decay, wood Grev. cryp. 3.173
reticulatus With.
$ 15. LEPTONIA Fries.—Pileus fleshy, membranous, from convex becoming plane, small.
27085 griseocyancus Fries blue-grey solitary 1| au.s Li grassy hills Bolt nil. 41. purpureus
27086 chalybeus Pen. steel pretty 2 jLi B among grass Sow. 161. columbarms
J 16. NOLAVEA Fries. — Pileus membranous, campanulate ; slender stipes hollow.
27067 majalis Fries hog csBspitose 4 spring Cin fir woods Sow 174. mollifaculus
27088 pascuus Pers. pasture variable 3 year Sooty everywhere Bolt. pil. 35. Jissus
% 17. ECCI'LIA Fries. — Pileus umbUicate ; lamella? adnate.
27089 asprellus Fries roughish gregarious 1{ su Gy grassy places
27090aquilusFries swarthy subsohtary 1 au.s Umb riversides
27091 polltus Fries polished gregarious 3 au.o Ld among grass
97092 carneo-albus With, light-flesh gregarious 1 au.o W among grass
V. OCUR/SCRI. —Stem central; veil like cobweb ; gills changing color, becoming dry ; sporidia ochre-colored.
& 18. TBLAM&NIA Fries. — Veil annular, woven, somewhat persistent; lamella; distant.
27093 torvus Fries grim strong-sctd 4 jl.o Br damp woods Bui. her. 6Q0.araneb$U3
27094 brunneus Pers. *wown weak-scented 4 jLn Pa.Umb pine woods
spongibsus With.
27095 ev*rnius Fries well-branched solitary 5 jl.n P. Br pine woods Sow. 125. impuber
27096 sublanHtus Sow. half-woolly radish-scented 3 au.o Ol Br woods Sow. 224
27097 bulbosus Sow. bulbous radish-scented 4 au.o Br among grass Sow. 230
§ 19. I tiOLuM A Fries.— Veil fugacious ; lamella emarginate ; stipes bulbous ; color something of violet.
i. — Cap always dry, scaly, or fibrous, obtuse, or mnbonate, never depressed.
27098 violaceus /„. violet showy 4 au.o V groves Bolt. pil. 52 [cephalu*
27099pholidius.F//a scaly solitary 4 au.o Cin woods B\\\.heT.586.l.psamtno-
27100 spilomdus Fries spotted solitary 3 au.s Pa. Br woods Sow. 384.1. araneusus
ii. — Cap smooth, humid, viscid, always obtuse, finally depressed; stem blue, becoming white.
27101 scafirus Fries club-footed soft 3 ja.o Ol woods Batsch fun. 2. 184
27102 calluchrous Per*, fine-skinned insipid 4 au.o Psh woods Batsch fun.I.14.subpur.
27103 gla6copus Schteff. glaucous-footed gregarious 3 au.o Ol woods & hea. Sow. 223
27104 varius Schaff. variable variable 4 au.o Y everywhere Sow. 102. turbindtus
27105 turbinatus Bui. turbinate soft 4 s.n Y damp woods Bui. her. 110
$ 2a DERMO'CYBE Fries. — Veil fugacious; lamella closely packed ; stipes equal.
i. — Cap scaly or fibrous ; stem same color as cap or paler ; growing on earth*
i. — Cap fleshy, at first convex.
27106 sangulneus WuL bloody handsome \\ jn.n C woods Sow. 43
27107 cinnambmeus L. Cinnamon variable 3 jn.d Cin everywhere Sow. 205
27108 helvolus Pers. pale red dirty 2 jn.d Cin woods Sow. 173. hinnhleus
U _. Cap somewhat fleshy, at first campanulate.
27109 Cbcumis Pers. Cucumber-scftf strong smell. 3 au.oc. P.Br woods Sow. 344. tugripes
ii. — Cap smooth, but with a few surface fibres ; stem white ; growing on earth.
27110 armenlacus Schceff. Apricot-cW sottish 3 jl.n Pa. Br woods Schteff.81
27111 castaneus Bui. ChestnuU&J gregarious 2 jl.n Ch woods Bui. her. 268
iii. — Cap smooth, dry ; gills affixed.
27112 hytoidus Sow. hybrid variable 2 my.n O fir leaves Sow. 221
27113 tcsttoeus With. testaceous crooked 4 s Y plantations
27114 flavidus Sow. yellowish soft 2 s Ysh among grass Sow. 366
VI. DIOTI'NCTI. — Veil distinct, not like a cobweb; gUls discolored, somewhat persistent; sporidia ferruginous.
*> 21. PHOLIOTA Fries. — Veil dry, annular.
27115 afireus Sow. golden subcospitose 6 s.o Ful damp earth Sow. 77
27116 caperatus Pers. tendrilled solitary 5 jl o Lem mount wo. Fl. dan. 1675
27117 aunvfllus Batsch golden-fleeced solitary 3 o.n Y old trees SchcfT. 209. filament"-
27118 squarrosus Pers. squarrose csspitose 2 au.d Fcr roots of trees Grev. cryp. a. Jioccbsu*
27119 flammans Batsch tiamccolored elegant 3 jl.o Y pine trees Batsch fun. SO
rheo}des With.
27120 muricatus Fries muricated variable 2 jLo DLY commons
scaribsus With.
2 inaequalis Batt. unequal variable 2 jl.o Dl.Y commons Bolt pil. 50. Ihteus
27121 mutabilis Scheeffi changeable eatable 3 my.n Pa.Ci on trees Schsff. 9
27122 constrictus With. constrained watery f s Y.Br rotten wood
\ 22. MYXAVIUM Fries. — Veil viscid, fugacious; lamella affixed.
27123 collinUus Sow. besmeared solitary 5 jl.n O woods Sow. 9
27124 longicafilis Fries long-stemmed membranous 4 o Tan pine woods
flexuosus With.
I 2a HEBEIAMA Fries. — Veil marginal, fugacious; lamella emarginate.
27125 fastibilis Pers. haughty fetid i\ jl.n Wsh everywhere SchaefT. 221. gUvus
VII. FUOA^CBS. — Veil very fugacious or spurious, not like a cobweb ; gills discolored, somewhat persistent '>
sporidia ferruginous.
\ 94. FLA'MMULA Fries. — Pileus fleshy, convex, smooth, somewhat viscid; lamella not emarginate.
i.— Cap dry; gills adnate, tufted; growing on wood.
27126 flavidus Schaffi yellowish ca»pitose 2 au.n Ysh trun. of trees SchefT.35
27127 Inopus Fries destitute subesspitose 2 s.o Ysh trun. of trees Bolt, pil.148. rad.-
connatus With.
ii. — Cap viscid ; gills adnate, not tufted ; growing upon both wood and earth.
27128 spumbsus Batt. frothy gregarious 3 au.n Ysh on earth, &c. Battarra, 22. C
% 25. INO'GYBE Fries. — Veil formed of the longitudinal fibres of the fleshy convex pileus; lamella whiti*
i. — Stem fibrous or scaly with fibres.
27129 scaber Sow. rough solitary ljau Sooty pine woods Sow. 207
87130 plumosus Sol. feathery solitary 4 aut Gy woods Bolt pil. SS
«#I31 lanuginosus Bui. woolly solitary 3 jl.s Brsh waysides Bui. her. 370
ni4Q . . ii. — Stem near the top covered with white scales. 1<M
27132 nmbsua Bui. crarked variable 2 jn.s Y.Br woods Grev. cryp. 3. I**
S I S p ° l f » « • Sow. earth-leaf variable 2 jLo Wsh woods Sow. 124
27134 furfurb»us With. scurfy watery 1 jn Y.Br hedges
J *£• NAUCORIA Pries. — Pileus fleshy, membranous, flattish, squamulose, small j lamella cinnamon-colored.
2**5 consptfrsus Pers. sprinkled " gregarious If jn.o Cin damp woods Pers. ic. pict. 12.3
*/136 furfuraceus Pers. scurfy gregarious 2 au.o Cin dead lvs.,&c. Schtcff. 226. pulvervMn.
J»«Wariiw With.
hippopmus With. horse-pine crooked i aut Pa.BrSco. fir cones
A L E B A FrieFries. —PUeus membranous, campanulate, slender; stipes hollow.
With. d itff
distaff brittle 6 jl.o Pa.Brhea. of rubb.
Scheeff. tender brittle 4 my.n Y.Br grassy places Sow. 35
yPnurum Schrohk Moss small 1 jl.n Fer among moss. Schsff! 63. campanul:
g j f j atrorufus Bol. dark red slehder 3 aut Br pastures Bolt. pil. 51.1
*'142 nuceus Bol. Hazel nut slender 4 o Fa.Br fir woods Bolt, pil.70
§ 28. TAPI'NEA /We*. — IVfetif umbUicate, viUous at edge.
27143 involutus Batsch involute compact 3 au. no. Fer woods Sow. 98. contiguus
adfat With.
27-j. I 29. CREPIDOTUS Fries. — Pileus out of the centre or sessile,
tour *aurant-ferrugi.
-fewugL With, rusty orange solitary 2J aut O.Br roots of oaks
£7145 fa/tidus Wah. fetid' solitary 2~ aut Dl.Br old willows
gMgvulpmusSow. foxy solitary 2 aut Taw hollow trees Sow. 36
soft gregarious i au.o Pa.cin trun. of trees Sow. 9*
s Fries little absozbing small | au.o Pa.tar rotten branc.
! * t l M Nees
27149 pezizoldes \ W i i h . Peziza-like gregarious J aut Ol.Br rotten wood Ac. bon. 9.6.18
ARACHNOI'DEJE. — Pei/ present, not unlike a cobweb; gills becoming discolored, cloudy, dissolving ;
sporidia brownish-purple.
\ 30. VOLVAVUA Fries. — Veil universal, separate ; a volva.
y s & f c silky eatable 6 w trun. oftrees SchnfF. 98
cepe'stipes Sow. Onion-stiped tufted 4 su W bark bed in stove Grev. cryp. 333
i 31. PSALLIOTA Fries. — Veil annular.
27J52 cretfceus Bui. chalky Mushr. eatable 3 au.n W meadows Bui. her. 374
§7153 campestris L. field Mushr. eatable 2 my.o Wsh meadows Grev cryp. 161
*;154 Georgjj Sow. St. George's eatable 4 aut Wsh mead.&woo. Sow. 30+
«7155 pre'cox Pers. early tufted 2} Ysh among grass
2 appendiculatus Sow. anpendaged tufted 2i sp. su Y
Ysh among grass Sow. 324
_ 3 delicatus With. delicate solitary 2 sp. su Ysh among grass Bolt pil. 67.1. liurus
*£15fj semiglobatus Batsch half-rounded gregarious 3 my.n Y meadows Grev. cryp. 344
••157 squambsus Pers. scaly solitary 4 s.n Y woods
*7158 versfcolor With. changcablc-cld spongy 2 jl G.Br groves
*7159 sruginosus Fl. Ion. verdigriae pretty 11 au.n Y.G woods Sow. 264
^lSO littoreus With. sea-shore solitary 1 o
Y.Br woo. & fields
__ \ 32. HYPHOLUMA Fries. — Veil marginal, fugacious s lamella emarginatej stipes bulbous.
*;16l lachrymabundus Sow. weeping fragile 2 au.n W.Br on ground Sow. 41
*7HJ2 lateritius Schceffi brick-colored csspitose 2 my.o Ful trun. oftrees Bolt. pil. 5. pomphsus
37163 fascicularis Hud. bundled caespitose If my.n Ysh decay, trees Grev. cryp. 329
~._ % 33. PBIL6CYBE Fries. — Veil very fugacious ; pileus somewhat fleshy, and stipes equal, tenacious.
S 1 6 * Afyosotis Fries Mouse-ear gregarious 3 s.n G.O1 damp places
fl stercorarius
* 1 ~ -' ' - •Schum.
- - Hud. - dung
- brittle
• 4 jLo Ld.Y cow dung
~._ adnatus
2 } g ericse^us Pers. heath variable 4 jl.o Br damp places SchsfT. 210. htlvolug
SrtlS fu8Co-PurpurcusFFfM. dark purple twisting 2 aut Ta.Br among grass
•»M8 callusus Fries callous gregarious
gregario 3 au.n Y way sides Sow. 240.1. semiglob.
2 varius Bol. i
gregarious 3 au.n Ld waysides Bolt. pil. 66.1
$ 34. PSATHT^RA Fries. — Pileus somewhat membranous, and stipes brittle,
s. stalked tufted 3 jl.n Br trun. of trees Bolt nil. 15. concinnus
lulum Sow. feeler fragile 3^ au.n Brsh gardens Sow. 385.1
cuspidatus Bol. cuspidate thin 4 aut R-Br pastures Bolt. pil. 55
35. COPRINA*RIUS Fries. —ae
Fries. Lamella! with a tendency q y veil
ency t to deliquescey veilpartial;
partial; sporidt
sporidia black.
27172 aemiovatus Sow. half-ovate upright 6 su Wsh cow dung Sow. 131
*• With.
rotten dung fragile 4 au.o Cin horse dung Bolt piL 57. clypetitus
2717s butterfly unpleasant 3 my.n Sooty dunghills Bui. her. 58
2717 Bolton's fragile 3 spring Y dunghills Sow. 96. fldvidus
tottering delicate au.s Y dunghills Sow. 128
papery semitranspar. aut Wsh oak trees Boltpil.ll. memoranda.
scattered gregarious Ysh trun. oftrees Sow. 166. striiitus
{Kopria, dung; found on dunghills.) 11. —24.
gregarious 2 au.o W gardens Grev. cryp. 119
27180 S l l n d r i c u 8 S o i « - subsolitary 5 s.o Wsh shady woods Sow. 170
27181 2lchceua Fries inky tufted 6 jn.d Br trun. oftrees Sow. 188. A.fimctiirius
glittering tufted 7 my.n Fer trun. oftrees Grev. cryp. 76
snowy variable 3 au.n W horse dung
cinereous solitary Jl.o Cin dunghills Boltpil. 15G.tomentbsus
domestic pretty wet w Sooty walls Bolt piL 26
Hare's foot weak aut Wsh on lvs in wo.
plaited tender su Cin damp places Sow. 364
ephemeral fugacious my.o Br dunghills Sow. 262. stercorurius
radiated very delicate my.o Cin dung Bolt. pil. 39. C.
{Gomphos,a club; form.) 2.-4.
solitary f JLn P . pine woods Sow. 7^
red 3 au.o Brsh pine woods Sow. 105
2710O1; C*NTBARE'LLUS Adans. CANTHARELL. (Altered from French name chantarclle.) 8.-43
umDonatU8 Pjrg
mtoT^nPers.umbonate umbonate
3 au.n Cm Ci among
amonmoss Jac. c. 2 16.1
orange i>oisonous 2 aun O.Y fields Jac. c. 2.14.5
Y fields Grev.
Grev. cryp. 258
eatable esculent Bsh among moss Bolt. nil. 34. infundibuL
5 ««-!**• "• *'^w* cinereous tufted 2 au.n Br woods Sow. 74
2 r n u c o P">Wes Fries comucopia-lk elastic f year Pa
27197 SSSiY* PW«ifctU8 With. on ground Sow. 75. florifdrmis
Gg 2
unauiatus Fries wavy tough

27198 lottitus Fries lobed tough ft spring Brsh humid plac. Bolt. pil. lTI.membranH.
27199 lutescens Fries lutescent spirit-scented 2 jl.n Y*h humid plac. Sow.47.A. cantharello).
3122. MERITLIUS Hal. DRY-ROT. {Mcta, pillar; resemblance in original fungus metulius.) 1. —10.
27200 lachrymans Schum. weeping parasite 4 year Y.Br decay, wood Sow. 113
2 obllquus Bol. oblique parasite 4 year Y.Br decay, wood Bolt. pil. 74
3123. SCHIZOPHY'LLUM Fries. SCHIZOPHVLLUM. (Schizo, to cut; phyllon, a leaf; appearance.) 1.
27201 commune Fries common gregarious 2 wet w Gysh trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 61
3124. DiEDA^LEA Pers. D*DALEA. (Dcedaleus, artificial: appearance of sinuosities.) 7.—30
27202 ouercina Pers. Oak variable 0 year Pa. Y oak trees Grev. cryp. 238
27203 biennis Fries biennial 1 year Fer rotten wood Sow. 190
27204 ftetulina Pers. Birch smaller 0 year Pallid birch trees Sow. 182
27205 confragbsa Pers. rough woody 0 year Brsh service trees Bolt. pil. 160
2720(1 unicolor Fries one-colored imbricated 0 aut Sooty trun. of trees Sow. 325
27207 gibbosa Pers. gibbous six inches br. 0 aut Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 194. tinubsus
27208 angustala Fries narrowed two inches br. 0 aut Cin poplar trees Sow. 193
3125. POLY'PORUS Mich. POLYPOMJS. {Polys, many, poros, a pore; under surface.) 36.—143.
t 1. FAVOI.US Beauv. — Pores ample, with four or six angles resembling a honeycomb.
27209 squambsus Fries scaly 3-18 inc. wide 2 jn.n Och trun oft roes Grev. cryp. 207
27210 heteroclitus Fries variously bent 2J inch,inch wide 0 aut O on earth Bolt pil
Bolt, 164
2. MICROPORUS Beauv. — Pores minute, roundish.
27211 leptocfphalus Jac. small-headed one inch wide 1 aut Gy on wood Jac. m. 1.12
27212 brumalis Pers. winter 1-4 inch wide 2 year Sooty trun. of trees Schacff*. fe81. pileus
27213 pcrcnnis Fiies perennial thin 3 aut Cin trun. of trees Sow. 192
27214 strobiliformis Dick cone-like lumpish 2 aut Br trun. of trees Dick. cr. 3.2
27215 pellucid us With. pellucid two inch. br. f au Br old wood
27216 varius Fries variable patches 2 year Br trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 202
2 lateralis Bol. lateral patches 2 year Gysh trun. of trees Bolt pil. 83
3 nummularius Bui. Moneywort patches 2 year Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 368. fig. min.
27217 Ihcidus Fries shining variable 1 to 6 su Ysh trun. of trees Grev. cryp. S45
27218 frondusus Fries leafy broad patches 2 s.o Sooty roots of oaks SchefE 127
27219 velutlnus Fties velvety thin 2 sp.aut Wsh trun. of trees
27220 gigant&us Fries gigantic tufts 24 su Pa.Br beech trees Sow. 86. imbricutus
27221 sulphurous Fries sulphur-c/d tufts 24 su Rsh.Y oak trees Grev. cryp. 113
27222 tetblinus Fries Birch acid 2 su Brsh birch trees Grev. cryp. 229
27223 sphmeus Fries frothy thick 3 aut Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 211. stipitdtus
27224 cas'sius Fries grey very thin 2 aut Bsh trun.of pines Sow. 226. t'Ulndus
27225 hispidus Fries hispid spongy 6 su Fer oak trees Grev. cryp. 14
Ifaletus velutlnus Sow. 345
27226 cuticularis Fries cuticular imbricated 3 aut Fer trun. of trees Sow. 195. impuber
27227 adfistus Fries scorched imbricated 2 aut Pa.Br trun. of trees Sow. 231. Qurpinus
27228 tilmarius Fries Elm 3-4 inch, wide 0 aut Pallid elm trees Sow. 88
27229 suaveolens Fries sweet-smelling fragrant 3 aut W willow trun. Sow. 228
2 «alicinus Fries Willow fragrant 3 aut \V willow trun. Sow. 227
27230 verslcolor Fries changeable tufted 1 su.aut Bsh trun. of trees Sow. 22!)
27231 radi&tus Fries radiated imbricated 1 aut Y.Br trun. of trees Sow. 190
27232 pallescens Fries pallcsccnt imbricated 2 aut pa.orh trun. of trees Sow. 250. pclleporus
27233 abiltinua Fries Pine tree imbricated 1} aut Wsh dead pines Grev. cryp. 22ti
27234 fomentarius Fries soft spongy 6 year Sooty beech trees Sow. 133
27235 igniarius Fries fiery hard 6 year Fer trun. of trees Sow. 132
27236 Kibis Fries Currant appressed ft aut Fer red curr. ro.
27237 spongiosus Fries spongy tufts 2 aut Fer trun. of trees Boltpil.l6i>.r4Y!fBf/id/tf«
27238 medfilla p&nis Fries bread-crumb thick 4 aut W fallen timber Bolt. pil. 1(56. 1
27239 vulgaris Fries common fragile 12 year W fallen timber Bolt. pil. 163. Proteus
27240 ferruginosus Fries rusty unequal 1 6U Fer fallen bran. Grev. cryp. 155
27241 moUuscus Fries molluscous variable 3 year W dead trees Sow." 326. tncdHl. pants
27242 incamatus Fries flesh-colored firm 3 su Pk pine woods
— Dots superficial only.
27243 reticulatus Nees netted su W pine wood Nees pilze 225
very delicate
27244 CarmichslidW Grev Carmichael's crust-like aut W decay, trun. Grev. cryp. 224
3126. .BOLETUS Dil. BOLETUS. (Bolos, a mass; globular form.) 9.—20.
27245 luteus L. yellow 3 inch, broad 2 aut Y woods Grev. crypt. 183
21246 lactifluus With. milk-flowing 2-4 inches br. 2J aut Buff" pastures
27247 piperatus Bui. peppery «i inch, broad U su.aut Ysh woods Sow. 34
27248 vancgatus Sum. variegated 4 inches br. 3 aut D1.Y fir woods
27249 subtomentbsus L. rather downy cracked 2 jn.o Ol woods Bui. her. 393
2 sanguineuB With. bloody cracked 2 jno C woods Sow. 225. commututus
27250 Inridus SchafT. lurid 6 inch, broad 2 su.aut Ol.G groves
rubeolus Sow. Grev. cryp. 121
27251 edblis Bui esculent cracked 4 su.nut Sooty woods Sow. I l l
27252 scaber Fries rough 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut W woods Bolt. pil. 86. procervs
2 aurantlacus Sow. Orange-cW 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut Ru woods Sow. 110
3 bovlnus Schteff. ox-like 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut Sooty woods Sow. 175. sciiber
27253 cyanescens Fries bluish frosted 3 su.aut Str woods Bui. her. 369
3127. FISTUL^NA Bui. FISTUUNA. {Fistula, a pipe; tubular.) 1.
27254 hepatica Bui. liver patches 6 aut C oak trees Grev. cryp. 270
S128. JIY'DNUM L. HYDNUM. (Hydnon, truffle. A Greek name adopted by Linnseus.) 15.—87.
I. PERPENDICULANRIA. —Stem perpendicular ; cap distinct, round, nearly entire; growing on the ground.
27255 lmbric&tum L. imbricated esculent 1 s.o Umb pine woods Grev. cryp. 71
27256 repandum L. repand esculent 1J su.aut Ysh woods Grev. cryp. 4* ,,,„,,
2 squamosum Fries scaly esculent 1} su.aut Y*h woods Bolt. P i l ^ ' ^ ^ T j L
27257 ruftacens Pers. rufescent eatable 3 su.aut Pksh beech woods Bolt pil. 68. repanaiu
27258 auriscalpium L. ear-pick curious 2} year B pine cones Grev. cryp. 19o
II. HORIZONTA\IA. — Stem simple, somewhat horizontal; cap halved or out of the centre, fleshy ; growing
on wood.
27259 gelatinbsum Sco. gelatinous curious i aut Fus pine woods Jar. au. 239
£7860 erinaceum Bui. hedgehog variable 3 o W beech trees Bui. her. 34
III. OBLITBRA'TUM. — Cap confounded with the stem, obliterated, fleshy, growing on wood.
27261 coralloldes Seo. coral-like tufts 1 aut W trun. of trees Sow. 252
IV. LATERA\IA. — Cap sessile, lateral, growing on wood.
27262 erf spurn ScAatf: crisp 4 inches wide 0 o Brsh dead wood Schsffi 147. 1
*/863 ochraceum Pars. ochre-colored variable 2 year Ysh pine wood Sow. 15. Daviesil
x/264 minimum Bol. least curious ft aut Taw rotten oak Bolt. pil. 171
-,aw V. RESUPINAVA Cap resupinate, effuse; growing on wood.
27265 membranaceum Bui. membranous effused 0 su Fer pine wood Sow. 327
27266 b&rba Jbvb Bui. Jove's beard 12 inch, wide 0 su Wsh hollow trees Sow. 328
*7*fi7 spatulatum Fries spatulate very delicate 0 year W pine trees Nccs pilze 231
*72h8 r£dula Fries rasp irregular ft aut Ysh. W dead bir. trun. Grev. rryp. 278
R»Br rotten trun. Nees pilze £48
¥7269 fcrruginosum Pers. rusty byssoid ft aut
3129. SISTOTRETMA Fries SISTOTREMA. (Sisto, to place, Lot, trema, orifice; rows of pores.)i -
*727O c6nfluens Pers. confluent ious
gregarioi 1 au.n Wsh waysides Grev. cryp. 248
- PHLE^BIA Fries PIILEBIA. {Phleps, a vein; veiny branches.) 2.-4.
dro^v*fca.Fries wandering membranous 2 s.n Su alder trees
*7*72 merismoldes Fries Merisma-like confluent 1 aut O mossy wood Grev. cryp. 280
3131. THELE'PHOR A Ehrh. THELEPH. (Thele, nipple, phoreo, to bear; papillose surface of pileus.) 30.—75.
«__ I. I'NTEGIUE — Cap entire, with a stem, terrestrial.
CTKJ, P^noBa Fries ragged gregarious 2 aut Pallid on ground Sow. 155
*<*74 caryophyllse^a Fries clove tough 1ft aut Psh among grass Schseff. 325
*7Z75 ftegans Mey. *'—
elegant erect 2" aut P.Br on ground
II. LATERAYIJE. — Cap lateral, somewhat stipulate, terrestrial.
27276 tcrrestris Fries terrestrial gregarious lft aut Brsh on ground Bui. her.268.caryophyl.
27277 laciniata Fries ragged gregarious lft aut Fer on ground Grev. cryp. 264
III. SE'SSILES. —— CapCapsessile,
i lateral;
-. . growing
w „ on wood.
27278 Padi Pers. Bird Cherry broad ' 4 aut" " P.Br* trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 234
27279 rubiginosa Schr. rusty woody 2 year Bt.Br old oaks Sow. 26. Au.ferrugin.
27280 tahacina Fries Tobacco elegant 6 suaut Fer bran, of trees Sow. 25
_, Auriculkria Nicotid/ia Bui. 174
»7281 hepatica Fries liver imbricated 4 aut Dl.Br trun. of trees Sow. 38S. 2. Aur. lafvu
27282 hirsute W. hairy firm 3 year Ysh trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 256
•7283 ochroleuca Fries pale-yellow membranous 3 aut Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 349. An.yapyrinus
*7284 purptlrea Schum. purple wavy 3 aut P trim, of trees Sow. 383.1. A.persistens
27285 intybacea Pers. Endive-like very irregular 6 au.sp p Rsh stumps of tr
- 87286 slnuans Pers. sinuous i
gregarious 1 au.w Y.Br oak branch.
27387 coi-jrlea Pers. Hazel tree imbricated 6 year Och decay, hazel
27288 cbrium Pers. leathery thin 6 aut Buff dead trunks Grev. cryp. 147
27289 ochracea Fries yellow-ochre very broad 12 aut Och rotten trun.
27290 radiato-rimbsaGrec ray-cracked confluent 4 aut R.Br damp fir tim.
27291 sanguinolenta Fries bloody very gregar. 2 n Psh dead trees Grev. cryp. 225
IV. OBLITERAVA. — Cap obliterated, resupinate ; growing on wood.
27292 fuercina Pers. Oak tree brittle 6 sp.aut Bsh fallen oaks Grev. cryp. 142
2J293/raxlnea Pers. Ash tree thin 1 aut Gysh dead ashes
27294 niias Pers. Lime tree irregular 2 aut Cin woods
27295 epidermea Pers. cuticular irregular 3 n Pa.BufTdcad trunks
«7296 incrustans Pers. incrusting spreading 3 aut Ysh carth,tr.,&c.
•J297 calcea Pers. chalky cracked 6 aut W decay, wood
"298 Samb&ci Pers. Elder tree membranous 4 aut W decay, elders Grev. cryp. 242
V. PHYLACTENRIA Pers.—Sporidia four in a row, resupinate; growing on the earth
mis Fries biennial plaited 4 aut Wsh on ground B u i her. S46
VI. HIMA'NTIA Pers. — Ftfuse, resupinate, when young byssoid; sporidia few, innate in the hymenum,
"> domestica Pers. household smooth 6 wet w Br da.pla. in ho.
27TfioiUSCa Fries brown rugose 2 aut V.Br trun. of trees
i*a lactea Fries mi\k-while very thin 9 aut W trun. of trues Grev. cryp. 828
Himantia Candida Pers.
t- LEIOSTROMA Fries. •— Resupinate, somewhat contiguous, smooth, or with spurious papUUt; asci none.
cmerea Fries cinereous uneven 4 Cin elder tree Sow. 888
• MERI'SMA Ptfr*. MERIBMA. {Merismos, division: branched habit.) 3. — 0.
fce'tida Pers. fetid tufted 3 aut P.Br woods Grev. cryp. 46
2 anthocephala Fries flower-headed stinking 2 aut Fer woods Sow. 156
"rist*ta Greo. crested crust-like 2 aut Pallid damp places Sow. 151.
:uberbsa Grev. tuberous solitary 1 aut Pa damp groun. Grev. cryp. 178.

Division II. Clavati.

3- CLAVA^RIA VaU. CLAVARIA. (Clava, a club; form.) 24.-66.
I. CRAS8ICAU'LE9. — Much branched ; stems thick.
bunched much branch. 3" su Wsh beech woods Schaeff 76. acroporph.
yellow delicious 3 au Y woods SchajfF. 175
coraUlike very smooth 3 aut W on ground Sow. 278. fig. sup.
Tine-wood gregarious 3 aut Och fir woods Grev. cryp. 117
crested polymorph. 2J aut W woods Grev. cryp. 190
cinereous tufted 3 su Cin damp places Grev. cryp. 64
rnea Pers. corneous gregarious ft aut Y dead fir trees Sow. 40
II. TENUICAU'LES. — Branched; stems thin. .
strict thin 1 au.o Brsh trunks Schaeff 286. pdllida
meadow viscid 1 aut Y meadows Bolt pil. 114. muscoidcM
corniculata Schaff. small-horned solitary 3 aut Y meadows Sow. 157. musco,des
wrinkly toughish SJ aut W damp earth Grev. cryp. 328
III. CLAVA^TA — Simple, clavatc.
p r i s L . nestle-like largest 12 au.n Ysh beech woods Sow 277
Ardenia Sow. Lady Ardcn's opaque 6 s Brsh bran, of lime Sow' 215
f r m i s Sow. fusiform regular tufts 3 s Y among grass Sow' 204
ceranolde? Pers. thunderbolt-like much tufted 3 aut Ysh upon trees Sow 235 ruri*.
G ff 3 " rUg0**'

87322 insequalis Fries unequal 2| aut

gregarious 2J Y meadows Sov/.253.vcrmicul&ris
1 fragilis Pers. brittle gregarious 1 aut
gregarious 1 aut Ysh damp places Grev. cryp. 37
gracilis Sow. 232
27324 acuta Sow. acute gregarious 2 aut W upon trees Sow. 333
27325 fimbriata With. fringed polymor. 2 aut W upon trees
27326 hllvola Pers. pale red flexuose 1J aut Y meadows
27327 vermicularis Fries worm-like crowd, tufts 3 —•• aut W meadows & pasture
27328 uncialis Grev. inch very greg. "i aut
auc W
w rotten twigs
twigi Grev. cryp. 98
27329 setipes Grev. bristle-footed gregarious taut W —J "
dead leaves Grev. cryp. 49
3134. CALO'CERA Fries CALOCEBA. {Ka/os, beautiful, keras, a horn; divisions of plants.) 2. — 6.
27330 tubcrosa Fries tuberous root round. 2 aut Y under bark of trees Sow. 199
27331 c6rnea Fries homy tufted jl.d various trees Sow. 40
3135. GEOGLCSSUM Pers. EARTH-TONGUE. (Ge, earth, glpssa, tongue; form.) Clavhria Sow. 4 . - 9 .
S7332 hirsutum Pers. hairy solitary 2 aut B bogs & meadows Grev. cryp. 185
27333 glabrum Pers. smooth gregarious 1 su Bsh among grass Bolt. piL 111. 2
27334 viscosum Pers. viscid cylindric. If aut B moist meadows Grev. cryp. 65
27335 viride Pers. green gregarious 2 aut G moist meadows Grev. cryp. 211
3136. SPATULA*RIA Pers. SPATULARIA. {Spathula, a spreading knife; form of head.) 1. Clavhria Sow.
27336 flavida Pers. yellowish variable 1J aut Ysh dead leaves Grev. cryp. 165
3137. MI'TRULA Fries MITRULA. (Mitra, mitre; form) 1. — 5. Clavhria Sow. LebtiaYen.
27337 uliginosa Pers. marshy hollow 1 Y wet ditrhes Grev. cryp. 312
27338 minbta Fries minute gregarious } su Y brae, of Dips, pilos. Sow. 391
27339 jfbietis Fries . Pine dry i aut Cin fir woods Sow. li.ferrugineum
Lebtia Mitrula Grev. crypt-%1
3138. TY'PHULA Fries TVPHULA. (Dimin. oTTpphaj heads resembling in miniature.) 4.-11. Clavhria Sow.
27340 PhacorhUa Fries Lentil-root flexuose 2 aut W woods Sow. 253
27341 crythropus Fries rcd.foot gregarious | aut W sticks and leaves Grev.cryp.43.PAacor<
27342 tenuis Fries slender gregarious \ su Bsh on wood Sow. 386.5
27343 filiformis Fries filiform creeping i aut Cin dead leaves Grev.cryp.93.P/wicor
3139. PISTILLA*RIA Fries PISTILLARIA. (Pisttilum. a pestle; form.) 1.— 7. Clavhria Sow.
27344 quisquiliaris Fries dead leaves gregario. i aut W dead fern leaves Sow. 3311. obtusa

Class I I . U T E R I V I V. ELVELLAXCEAE. — Division I. Mitrati.

3140. MORCHELLA Dil. MORE** (Latinised from rnv/uicti the
•IVIU inc German
uciiuau name
uaui of
__ the plant) 3. —14.
27345 escultata Pers. esculent 'eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Grev. cryp. 68
1 rotunda Pers. round eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. sinistr.
2 vulgaris Pers. common eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. dextr.
27346 patula Pers. spreading eatable 3 spring Ysh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. med.
27347 hfbrida Pers. hybrid cap brown 4 spring Wsh woods Grev. cryp. 89
3141. //ELVE'LLA L. HELVELLA. (A name employed by Cicero, as the name of a fungus.) 5.—15.
I. PLICA^ME. — Cap waxy, membranous, at first united, afterwards wavy in plaits.
27348 copha Pers.
leucopha^a grey
gy solitary 4 aut Ysh borders of fields Grev. cryp. 143
27349 mUr
mUra L L. mitr/*
mitre./*** solitary 4 aut Ld hedge banks Grev. cryp. 36
27350 esculenta Pers. esculent eatable 33 BrshBrsh pine
pine woods
woods Schaffi
Schaffi 160
27351 infula Scheeff. raitre./ifc eatable 4 aut Cin damp scorch.places Fl. dan. 835
II. SEPARAVA. — Cap somewhat membranous, smooth* always separate.
27352 elastica Fries elastic slender 4 su.aut Bsh damp places Sow. 154. J'uliginous
3142. VE'RFA Sun. VERPA. (A Latin word synonymous with phallus.) 1. — 6.
27353 ctaica Swx. conical fistular 3 aut Br on ground Sow. 11. JtelhAni
3143. LE&TIA Hill LEOTIA. (Meaning unknown.) 3. —11.
27354 infundibuliformisJWiffunnel-fmd solitary 3 o Cin on ground Sow. 153
27355 nana With. dwarf subsessile j aut W on trees
27356 lubrica Pers. slippery gregarious 2 aut Ol moist woods Grev. cryp. 5b.

Division II. Cupuldti.

3144. PEZPZA Dil. PEZIZA. (Pexica?, a tribe of fungi in Pliny.) 49.—300.
I. ALEU%RIA Fries. — Fleshy, or fleshy membranous, pruinose or scurfy, withflocculent matter ; usually
on earth.
i. HELVELLOI'DEC —. Cupule always open, or when young conniving; veil superficial; sporidia with two
smaller sporidia.
27357 acetabulum L. saucer clubtcrcd | spring Sooty damp woods Sow. 59
27358 badia Pers. brown tufted 1 su.aut Br grassy places Bolt.pil.99.eocA/rf"
27359 leporina Batsch hareWar gregarious 1 au.o Brsh on ground Schaeff. 156
27360 on6tica Pers. asinine gregarious 1& au.o Brsh dead leaves Sow. 79. lepor)na
27361 aurantia FL dan. Orange beautiful f aut O sandy places Sow. 78. coccineo
27362 concinna Pers. neat very broad 1 su Lem dead leaves Bo\t.p\Ln5.vesicul&*
27363 cochJeata Hud. cochlcate brittle 2$ su.aut Y.Br fields Sow. 5
27364 cbrea Sow. waxen gregarious} su Sooty dunghills Sow. 3
27365 vesiculosa Bui. bladdery crowded 2} aut Wsh dunghills Grev. cryp. 107
27366 repdnda Fries repand fleshy 1| aut Wsh on ground
Grev. cryp. 59
ii. GEOPY'XIB. — Cupule atfirst closed; veil innate ; sporidia simple.
27367 m&cropus Pers. long-footed " solitary 2 su.aut Cin shady woods Grev. cryp. 70
27368 tuberbba Bui. tuberous slender 2 mr.ap Br shady woods Sow. 63 _ ^
27369 cupulkris L. cupped fringed i aut Pa.Br scorched earth Bui. her. 396.3
27S70 argillacea Sow. argillaceous scattered \ aut Ysh clay Sow. 148
27^1 granulita Bui. granular gregarious A su O.R cow dung BuLher.348.3
21372 reticulate Grev g fi 4 spring Br on ground Grev. cryp. la°
—«,«,. netted very fine 4 spring Br on ground ..
iii. HUMA^BIA. — Cupule a UtUe fleshy, small; veUfioccose only at the edge, or fugacious i sporidia u>»*
27373 crecta Soto. solitary little sporidium. Sow M9.10
2131* humosa Fries erect patches \ aut Ysh shady woods Sow. 369. 2
earth scuttcrcd Jt aut C damp earth
, — Membranaceous, bursting forth with a separating veil; sportdia simple.
27375 than Fries split solitary ± winter Br hazel bark
II. LA'CUNEA Fries. — Waxy, hairy or villous externally ; usually on wood,
w i. SABCOBCVPIIE.— Cupule fleshy or fleshy-membranous; crust none.
^376 ecoccinea Sco. scarlet subgrega. ft spring W dead branches Grev. cryp. 171
a*cm P'dendra Sow.
g377 melastoma Sow. black-mouthed solitary J Pa.Br heaths Sow. 149
™° atro-riifa Grev. black and red solitary faut Bk.R rotten sticks Grev. cryp. 315
radiculata Sow. rooting clustered \ su.aut Su earth in gardens Sow. 114
hemisphe'rica Wig. hemispherical s scattered 0 jn.d Brsh earth in woods Sow. 147. hispida
hirta Schum. hairy
hairy scattered &au.o Brsh earth Sow. 369.1. hfbrida
• -'—
cenna Pers. - waxen
waxen much • crowd. 0 sp.aut Ysh decayed dry wood
-,—3 scutellkta L. shielded beautiful *sp.aut O old cow dung Sow. 24
27*!*cna l druMI ue*a Pers. bird's-nest punctiform 0 aut Br decayed stems
27«? : Bol. blue punctiform ft aut Bsh pine trees Bolt piL 108.2
£7387 plano - umu il>cata Grev. plano.umbilicat hairy 0 su.aut W decayed nettles
dung gregarious TO, Taw cow dung Sow. 352. equina
:sPadJcea Cr light red handsome TO aut R.Br bare earth
sulphdrea Per*. sulphur pretty 0 aut Y decay.herbacstems Grev. cryp. 83
DASY'SCYPBB. — Cupule waxy, dry, villous ; crust none; epiphytes.
solitary ** aut
virgin white solitary at W rotten Bticks ISow. 65. nivea
two-colored beautiful * aut W larch twigs Sow. 17
various-colored grcgario. 0 year Ysh rotten wood Sow. 178. hydnoidea
shapeless depressed 0 aut Och dead branches
pimpled gregarious 0 year W upon wood Sow. 177
bsa Fries villous crowded 0 aut W dead herbac. stems Sow. 389. 1. scssilis
Grev. leaden crowded 0 aut Ful.ol rotten wood Grev. cryp. 11
iii. TAPE^IA. — Cupule waxy or coriaceous, seated on a downy crust.
anomalous crowded « year Dl.Y fallen branches Sow. 3o9.3. rugbsa
domestic minute 0 ayear
Ru damp walls Sow. 351
chwG Wauch's beautiful TO Pa.Br dead wood Grev. cryp. 139
sca Pers. brown spots 0 Gy dead branches Grev. cryp. 192
III. PHIAYEA Pers. — Waxy or membranous, rarely gelatinous, smooth, naked; on wood.
I HYMENOSCYPIIE. — Cupule somewhat membranous, distinctly stalked; hymenium distinct.
~ r r i finna Pers. firm ' gregarious 1 aut ~ Och. Br rotten sticks Sow. 115. ochroleuca
27402 vinosa Alb. » wine-like minute 0 aut R dead branches
27403 Persoonii Moug. Persoon's aggreg. I aut R bogs on JEquisetum Grev. cryp. 162
27404 fructfgena Bui. fruit-borne clustered } aut Ysh nuts, &c. in woods Sow. 117
27405 ser6tina Pers. late clustered 4 spring Y damp shady places Holt. pil. 98
27406 inflexa Bo!. in flexed gregarious } aut Wsh rotten sticks Sow. 306
27407 campanula Nees bcW-shaped gregarious £ aut W rotten sticks Nees pilze 295
2/408 pediccll^ta Sow. stalked solitary J aut Wsh rotten sticks Sow. 369.4
crj4 ii. CALYcpNiE. — Cupule fleshy, waxy, firm, obconlcal, somewhat stalked ; hymenium distinct.
~H09 tiiba Bol. tubular gregarious ft aut Y fallen branches Bolt pil. 106.1
"7410 calculus Sow. small-cupped gregarious £ aut O.Br rotten wood Sour. 116
aruginbsa Pers. verdigrise destruct 0 su.aut Bt.G damp wood Grev. cryp. 241
&Rl*ved Swed.
«Pegreni/ Fries Aspegren's gregarious i aut Ysh damp wood Sow. 309.7. blcolor
cfainBth Leinon-coior^ crowded 4 a^ Y fallen branches Sow. 150. aUrea
v,±.A cyatholdes With.
gl!*Pallescens Pers. pallescent numerous | aut Pa.Y old trees Sow. 151. cUrina
1 tricolor Sow. three-colored scattered 0 aut Sooty trunks of trees Sow. 369.6.
> campanula Nees bell delicate & aut W dead twigs Nees pilze, 38.295
sieve-like curious 1 aut Bl sandy places
Grev. bright-yellow punctiform 0 aut Y decayed wood
Grf». dotted punctiform 0 aut Y dead leaves Grcv. cryp. 63
erbarum Pers. herbs crowded TO a u t W dead herbac. stems

iii. MOLLI'SIA. — Cupule waxy, soft, watery, sessile, or obconical; hymenium confluent.
cone-borne gregarious 0" autsp W pine cones
yellow-haired crowded 0 aut Ful.O posts & rails Sow. 152
cinereous crowded A aut Ash }>osts 8c rails Sow. 64
common patches 0 winter Wsh dry bark
^424 vul With.
27491; * a.1&pnana Sow. transparent scattered 0 winter Tran rotten wood Sow. 389.7 i
breaking forth scattered 0 aut Css stalks of sycamore Grev. cryp. 99
iv. PATE'LLEA — Cupule waxy, dry, sessile, flat at base, or innate edged.
ochrcous puckered 0 aut Och Br fallen trunks Grev. cryp. 5
--"~uwa rers. dark green crowded 0 aut G rotten wood
AbbotU'dfM Sow. Abbott's scattered 0 aut Sea G wood Sow. 389.8
7429 IV*. HELOTIUM Pers. — Plane convex; growing on wood.
2/430 button-shaped gregarious J aut Y trunks of elms Bolt pil. 176
*ers. needle-like gregarious f au.d W hollow oaks Sow. 57 agariciform.
ASCOBOLUS. (Askos, a bladder, baUo% to eject; seeds ejected from cases.) 1—11.
eu8 Pers. scurfy gregarious 0 year Brsh old cow dung Grev. cryp. 307
27430^in<B U LGA N RIA Fries BULOAVIA. (Bulga, a leather bag; its saccated form.) 2. — &
27430 iuinans Fries staining gelatinous 0 aut.w Umb dead oaks Sow. 428
**» Barcoidcs Fries flesh-like polymor. \ aut Pa.R decaying trees Bolt. pil. 101. 2.

PL A Fries DITIOLA. (Dittos, double, hulos, down; nature of pubescence of velum.) 1. — 5.

radicata Fries rooting gregarious i ap.jn Go barked pines Fl. dan. 1378.2
STICTIS. (Stiktos, dotted; dot-like appearance of many species.) 3. __ c
radiated spots 0 aut W seems & branches Grev. cryp 227 1
changeable oblong 0 year Y.W.Br dead wood Alb. & S c h w a
Fir parallel 0 year Bk dead fir wood Hyst i
t. CBYPTOMYCES. ( y p , hidden,, mykes,
(Kryptos, y , a minute
nut fungus\ \
ungus 1
Wauch's firm 00 su.aut
su.aut Br.
Br willow branches
willow branches Grev.
Gre cryp. 206
515a TREM E'LL A L. TREMELLA. (Tremo, to tremble; gelatinous, tender, tremulous substance.) 6.— 13.
I. CEREBRI*N£ Fries. — Gelatinous ; surface at length powdery ; form various.
27439 McsenteYica Ret*. Mesent.-like subsoht 2 aut.sp Y fallen branches Eng. bot 709
27440 albida Hud. whitish clustered 1 aut Wsh fallen branches Eng. bot. 2117
27441 intum&ccns E. B. tumid twisted lobes 2 wetw Br trunks of trees Eng. bot 170
II. CARYNE Nees. — Fleshy>, gelatinous, somewhat clavate.
27442 sarco'ides .Frfe* flesh-like clustered £ aut P -rotten wood Eng. bot.2450
27443 clavarisffirmis Pers. Clavar.-lk gregarious 1 su.aut DLO juniper stems Jac. ic. 648.
III. PHYLLOPTA Fries. — Somewhat cartilaginous, expanded, leafy.
27444 biparasitica Fries parasitical deformed i s Bl dead agaric
3151. EXI'DI A Fries EXIDIA. {Exidio, to exude; sporidia from receptacle.) 4—14
27413 auricula Jbde Fries Jew's-ear tufted 3 aut.w Blsh elder trunks Bolt pil. 107
2 redcL-brown tufted 3 autw Rsh elder trunks Eng. bot 2447
27446 reclsa Fries cutoff gregarious f winter Brsh dead willows
27447 flaccid* E. B. flaccid thin \ winter Dark oak bark Eng. bot 2452
27448 glandulosa Fries glandular verygelat 2 aut Br dead trees 2448. T.arbbrea
3152. DACRY'MYCES Nees DACRYMYCES. (Dakry, a tear, myke, a fungus; deliquescent nature.) 2 . - 7 .
27449 monlttrmis Fries mulberry-Ik sessile 0 aut Bl dead wood Eng. bot 2446
27450 stillatus Nees trickling very soft ft year O.Y rotten wood Grev. cryp. 159
3153. PYRE x NIUMFri« PYKENIUM. {Pyren, a kernel; appearance of plants.) 1.—2.
27451 lignatile Fries wood firm ft aut Fk. W on dead wood Grev. cryp. 276
3154. AGY'RIUM Fries AGYRIUM. (Agyris, a crowd; its clustered disposition.) 2.-6.
27452 ceYmm Fries csssious punctiform 0 year Caes dead pine wood
27453 rufum Fries red punctiform 0 year R dead wood Grev. cryp. 232
3155. HYMENE'LLA Fries HYMEVEF.LV. (Hymen, a membrane; plants) 1. — 4.
27454 vulgaris Fries common tumid £ aut Blsh nettle steins
3156. N-flEMATE'LLA Fries NJEMATELLA. (Nuima, gelatine, ello, to contain; nucleus in recept.) 1. — 3.
27455 enclphala. Fries brain deformed | aut Flesh dead pine wood
3157. SPHA?RIA Hal. SFIIJERIA. (Sphaira, a globe; figure of plants.) 133. —350.
I. C6RDICEP9 Fries. — Compound, club-shaped, simple or branched, stipitate.
27456 militaris Ehrh. military simple 2 aut R woods Sow. 60
27457 entomorrtrizaDfrAr. insect-rooted stalked 2 aut Fus dead larva? of insects Dick. cr. 1.5.3
27458 gracilis Grev. slender simple 3 aut Br moist places Grev. cryp. 86 .
27459 capitata Holmsk. capitate tufted 3 aut Br on Scler. cerftaum Sow. 354
27460 ophioglossoldes Ehrh. Ophiogl.-lk stalked 2 aut Bk.Ol woods Bui. her. 440.2
27461 alutacea Pers. tan-like brittle 2| aut Tan dead pine leaves Sow. 159
27462 digitata Pers. fingered tufted 2 year Bk stumps of trees Bui. her. 220
27463 polymurpha Pers. multiform variable 2 aut Bk stumps of trees Grev. cryp. 237
27464 hyp6xylon Ehrh. on wood gregarious 2 aut Bk old trunks Sow. 55
27463 carp6pm\a Pers. fruit-loving long-stmd 3 aut Bk on beech mast Pers. obs. 1.3
II. PORUNIA Pers. — Compound, cupulate, stalked or sessile, dotted.
27466 punc&ta Sow. dotted gregarious | year Bk.W animal dung Grev. cryp. 327
III. Pui.viNAxra Fries — Compound, subhemispherical, sessile.
27467 concentrica Bol. concentric subcrosc 1 year Bk ash trunks Grev. cryp. 324
274ti8 fragiformis Pers. strawbcrry-lk clustered 0 year K dead branches Grev. cryp. 136
27469 fiisca Pers. brown subcrose 0 year Br dead hazel Nees pilzc 310
"27470 multifurmi* Fries many-shaped rough 0 year Bk dead branches Sow. 355
IV. CoNNA^TiE Fries. — Compound, effused, undefined, plane.
87471 cltrina Pers. lemon-cld downy 0 aut Y ground, trunks, &c. Grev. cryp. 215
27472 rubiginusa Pers. rusty efllued 0 year Br.R dead trunks Grev. cryp. 110
27473 alrpeus Pers. creeping effused 0 year Bk dead branches Sow. 372.11
27474 rambsa Sow. branching plane 0 aut Bk dead wood Sow. 395.1
V. GLEBOSJE Schmidt. — Compound, determinate, separating from the subjacent body ; perithecia large,
27475 deosta Ilofm scorched unequal {aut Brsh rotten stumps Grcv. cryp. 324
27476 succcntunMa Tode substituted oblong 0 year Bk dead branches Sow. 3!H. 8
27477 nummulXria Dec. money eflVised 0 year Bk dead wood Sow. 373
VI. LicNosJi Schmidt. — Compound, determinate, adhering to the subjacent body; bursting forth.
2747S bullMa Ehrh. studded gregarious 0 spring Bk dead branches Sow. 216
27479 undulata Pers. wavy broad 0 year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 223
27480 stigma Ilofm. dot eftused 0 year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 223
27481 diseiforniis Hoftn disk-shaped gregarious 0 year Br.Bk dead branches Grcv. cryp. 314
27482 vurrucaefonms/iftrA. wart-shpd gregarious 0 aut Bk dead branches
274H3 flavovirens liofm. yellow green gregarious 0 year Bk dead branches Grcv. cryp. 320
27484 immcrsa Sow. immersed eftused 0 year Bk dead hazel Sow. 374.1
27485 uda Pers. moist sub-immers. 0 year Bk dead wood Sow. 374.4
VII. VERSA'TILKS Fries --Compound, determinate, adhering, at length bursting forth ; perithecia scattered,
274R6 irregularis Sow. irregular prominent 0 aut Brsh dead wood Sow. 374.9
27487 oucrcina Pers. Oak gregarious 0 aut Bk dead oak branches Nees pilze 321
27488 ferruginca Pers. rusty gregarious 0 year Bk decayed hazel • Pers. obs. 1.5.1
S7489 elliptica Grev. elliptical gregarious & year R.Br dead beech Grev. cryp. 114
VIII. CONCRESCB'NTES Fries.— Compound, effused, indeterminate, adhering ; the perithecia only emergi*R'
27490 ftU Pers. broad effused 0 year Bk dead wood Sow. 373.9
27491 million a Fries thousand eftused 0 year Gy dead wood
27492 vclata Pers. veiled broad 0 aut Bk dead branches Sow. 373.10
IX. CiRcu\iscBi'PTiE Fries. — Compound; perithecia converging in an entire receptacle, distinct from epidcrvus.
27493 sninusa Pers. prickly effused 0 year Bk rotten wood Pen. syn. 2.9
2749* Prunastri Pers. Plum gregarious 0 year Bk dead sloe branches
27495 sr.rbi Schmidt Mountain Ash roundish 0 year Bk dead mountain ash
27496 uornicul&ta Ehrh. horned sub-immers. 0 >nar Bk dead branches
9-7-in?" i,vI eNaC U 9£ FTICS- — Compound ; peritheda converging; stroma dimidiate, adnate with the epidermis.
ViZL ? HoA*> snowy pulverulent 0 year W dead branches Sow. 219
eucostoma P«-«. pale-mouthed imbedded 0 year W dead branches Sow. 372.7
XI. OBVALLK\X Fries. — Compound ; stroma spurious ; orifices collected into a disk.
eiphaAnia Fries pale cortical 0 spring Pa dead oak branches Sow. 218?
alicina Pers. Willow circular 0 year Wsh dead willow Tode fun. 107
XII. CIRCINAVJE Pers. — Nearly simple ; peritheda in a drcle beneath the epidermis.
tllla Per*, pretty depressed 0 year Bk dead beeches Grev. cryp. 67
j jIgu
- - ^ quaternata Pers. quaternate circinnate 0 year Bk dead branches
* convergens Tode convergent subixnmers. 0 year Bk dead branches Sow. 374.6
ow, . , XIII. GESPITOSJB Pers. — Peritheda tufted on a subjacent stroma..
«*« cmnabarina Tode vermilion prominent prominent A year 11 dead branches Grev..255
cryp. 135
e scarlet tufted 0~ year R dead trunks
Currant tufted 0 year Br.R dead currant Tode fun. 103
Tode Laburnum tufted 0 year Bk dead laburnum Nees pilze 325
Pers. Berberry tufted 0 year Bk dead berberry Grev. cryp. 84
cup-shaped tufted 0 winter Bk dead branches Pers. syn. 1.9
nii Sow. Whortle-beiry tufted 0 winter Bk dead whortleberry Sow. 373.1
a Sow. nedt-like tufted 0 year Bk bean roots Sow. 394.2
Pi Pinaster tufted 0 year Dk R dead spruce branches Grev. cryp. 50
27511 Ai » - CONFLUE'NTES Fries. — Peritheda emerging from the stroma, at length confluent.
27514 e i o n 8 H t a Fries long black cracks 0 year Bk furze branches Grev. cryp. 193
">n melogr&mma Pers. black-lined lines 0 spring Bk dead beeches Bui. her. 492.
27iii: *-ir{cixl• XV. SERIANIVE Fries. — Petithecia immersed in the sttoma, in parallel lines.
Sn%\J}} J(x
* Fries Fern lines 0 spring Bk dead brake stems Sow. 394.10
27517 8triJC }Ki Fries Rush interrupt lines 0 year Bk dead rushes
27*10 a r u n*ormis d
Fries channcl-fmd crowd, lines 0 aut Bk dead herb stems
inacea Sow. Reed conn, lines 0 spring Bk dead reed stems Sow. 336
nebulfaa Pers. cloudy dim spots 0 spring Ciy dead herb steins Nees pilze 341
n ^ CONFE'RTC Fries. — Stroma little or none; peritheda innate in the substance of leaves, crowded.
Taminis Fries Grass I'onfl.patch. 0 aut Bk dead grass leaves Nees pilze 314
fimbriiita Pers. fringed little mass 0 aut Bk hornbeam leaves
; Coryli Batsch Hazel circles 0 su Bk live hazel leaves Grev. cryp. 330
" " ons Schmidt two-fronted scattered 0 year Bk dead oak leaves Sow. 373.4
BY Fries. — Simple ; peritheda glabrous, on a subjacent tomentosc stratum.
a u r •a*
n«t i«
a-»-» Orange-dd byssoid 0 aut O decaying fungi, &c. Grev. cryp. 78
U pink byssoid pat. 0 aut Pk moist wood, &c. Grev. cryp. 138
f>>z6 bysaiseda Tode flax-like patches 0 spring Gy.Br dead wood Tode fun. 69
27527 tristis Tode
melancholy byss. spots 0 spring Bk dead trunks Pers. ic. pict 12. 5
2528 lignaria Grev. XVIII.
wood ViLLdsf Fries.—Simplei
emerging 0 year "Bk peritheda haity
dead or downy. Grev. cryp. 82
*J529 ovlna Pers. fleecy moist 0 year Wsh rotten wood Sow. 373.12
*7o30 canescens Pers. canescent hairy 0 aut Pa rotten wood
two-formed hairy 0 spring Bk ground, and rotten wood Sow. 37a 7
oSe«* Racbdium Pers. Racodium broad 0 aut Bk dead wood
gf33 hirsuta Fries hirsute aggregated 0 aut Bk dead wood Sow. 386.3 ?
1 criiAta Pers. hairy imbedded. 0 year Bk soft decayed wood
Pilosa Pers. pilose short-hair. 0 aut Bk dead wood Pers. ic. pict 10.9
nispida Tode hispid scattered 0 aut Bk dead branches' Tode fun. 84
ilva Tode bald shining 0 aut Bk dead branches Tode fun. 10.83
27K4Q , XIX. DENUDA^TJE Fries. — Simples peritheda glabrous, rounded at the base.
a Grev
87?*! » f ' golden crowded 0 aut O decayed large funei Grev. cryp. 47
S S S P e r t l a Pers. Peziza little dust. 0 aut R --- •" * - JF
a uinea dead wood Grev. cryp. 175
27541 i?f Sib. blood-red minute 0 spring R B&ngia atrov^rens Grev. cryp. 186
27540 a I t . l n w Grev. allied parasitic 0 aut R Sphagna stigma Grev. cryp. 175
» pomiformis Pers. applelshaiicd minute
-^f«.| cpispnarria upon SpheMa punctiform 00 year Bk dead wood Sow.:
mammiform Tode
is/*«r«. nipi>lc-shi>d large O spring
year BkR rotten wood Sow. 52.16
; oombdrda Batsch musket long 4 year Bk rotten wood Noes pilze 357
| spermoldcH Hofm. crowded 0 aut Bk rotten otuuips Cirev. crjrp. 6
morif6rmis Tode mulberry-shpd wrinkled O year Bk dead branches Sow. 3J7. J73. 2
97RT* verrucbsa Grev. warty scattered 0 aut Bk dead Polyp, abietina Grev. cryp. 39
H-H9 puivis pyrius Pers. chimney-dust crowded 0 year Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 152
pulveracea Elirh. dusty crowded 0 year Bk dead wood
• myriocarpA Fries myriad-fid shining 0 year Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 152
XX. PERTU*SA Fries. — Simple; peritheda glabrous, flattened at the base.
nucula Fries small nut minute 0 year Bk oak trunks
27fcQ p.. llIfo
Fries. — Simple, subimmersed ; mouth cylindrical, elongated, free.
27554 . fa Fries hair-bearing naked 0 year Bk dead pine wood Nees pilze 354
*** cirrhusa Pers. tendrillcd emerging 0 year Bk soft dead wood Pers. ic. pict. 24.3
275ee ?^XII. OBTE'CTA Fries.—Simple, quite immersed, protruding a neck which contains the orifice.
27&-R u yP* Pries well marked minute spotU year Bk dead branches Sow. S17
275/J7 a?lbruti
l»a Frirs double volva minute diokO spring Bk dead alder branches
? »8 Flies quivering concealed 0 aut Bk dead plum branches
°oo Inquinans Tode staining black spot 0 aut Bk dead branches Sow. 372.3
XXIII. QBTURAV* Fries. — Simple, innate, at length bursting from the epidermis.
tccra? Sow. Honeysuckle cracks 0 year Bk dead honeysuckle branches Sow. 393. b
strobillna Holm cone irregular 0 year Bk dead fir cones
XXIV. SUBTE'CTJJ Fries. — Simple, innate, the upper part at length exposed.
57'eS* '•mariscinus Gf Tk idimmersed
Grev. Tamarisk 0 ear0 year Bk Bk dead ' 'deadTfcm
germ. Orev
Grev. cryp. 45
«*'™ semuimmersa Pers half-immers. shining 0 year Bk dead honeysuckle
i. Klnbc-headcd grcga. 0 year Ilk dead branches Sow. 375.2 ?
inhabiting minute 0 year Bk dead branches Sow. 370.5
Sow. Arbutus dwell, confluent 0 year Bk dead ^rb. UV TJ'rsi Sow. 370.6
Sow. Yew distinct O year Bk dead yew leaves Grev. cryp. 13
-v\reneTode (0) dark-green wrinkled 0 year Gy dead box leaves,&c.
XXV. CAuu'coLiB Fries. — Simple, concealed, at length exposed by the deciduous epidermis.
acuminata Sow pointed gregarious 0 year Bk dead thistle stems Sow. 3M 3
curvirostra &nu crooked-beaked gregarious 0 year Bk dead Umbelliferae Sow. 373.5
acixta Hofm. acute dot-like 0 >ear Bk dead Uinbelllfcrs Grev. cryp. 239

27571 millepunctataGren. lOOO-dotted minute 0 year Bk dead ash branches Grev. cryp. 201
27572 complanata Tode flat punctiformO year Bk dead herb stems Tode fun. 88
27573 doliolum Pers. little-cask conical 0 year Bk dead herb stems Grev. cryp. 239
27574 Piai Sow. Pea scattered 0 winter Bk dead peas haulm Sow. 393.8
27575 herbirum Pers. herbs punctiformO year Bk dead herb stems
27576 nigrella Fries blackish long spots 0 spring Bk dead hemp nettle Friesobs.4.8
XXVI. FOLU'COLJE Fries. — Simple, adnate, concealed, not on a circumscribed spot; epiphyltous.
ZISTI tubsf6rmis Tode tube-shaped scattered 0 winter Br dead tree leaves Grcv. cryp. 335
27578 gnbmon Tode . gnomon punctiform 0 winter Bk dead hazel leaves Grev. cryp. 3J5
27579 scftcea Pers. bristly minute 0 winter Bk dead leaves
27580 So\\n\ Pers. Potato punctiformO aut Bk rotten potatoes
27581 petioVorum Schutein. petioles rigid 0 aut Bk dead leaf-stalks
27582 duplex Sow. double immersed 0 aut Bk dead reed-mace, &c. Sow. 375.4. & 394.7
27583 /flSJera Sow. Ivy scattered 0 year Bk dead ivy leaves Sow. 371.5
27584 £'mpetri Fries Crake-berry punctiform 0 year Bk dead crake-berry leaves
27585 microscdpica Grev. microscopic dot-like sp. 0 year Bk dead Port laurel leaves
27586 macuteformis/Vr*. spot-shaped punctiform 0 year Bk dead leaves Sow. 370.7
27587 punctiftfrmis Pers. dot-shaped shining 0 year Bk dead oak leaves, &c.
27588 iEgop&dii Pers. Gout-weed spots 0 aut Bk dying gout-weed leaves
3158. VERMICULAXRIA Tode VEEMICULARIA. (Vermiculus, little worm; arrangement of seeds) 1. —
27589 trichella Fries small hairy minute 0 aut Bk dead ivy leaves ""
Grev. cryp. 345
3159. DOTHI'DEA Fries DOTH IDE A. (Dothien, a tubercle, eidos, similar.) 8. —54.
27590 ribesia Fries Currant elliptical 0 year Bk dead R. currant stems Nees pilzc 318
27591 ftetiMina Fries Birch shining 0 su Bk dead birch leaves Grev. cryp. 200
27592 tf'lmi Fries Elm convex 0 aut IronGy dead elm leaves Grev. " cryp. 200
27593 Ptc-ridis Fries Brake irregular 0 aut Bk dead brake leaves Kcb. neo.1.5
27594 Gertnil Fries Geranium spots 0 su Bk live Geran. leaves
27595 Himantia Fries Himantia broad 0 aut Bk dead UmbeUifcra
27596 dlnea Fries Alder numerous 0 aut Bk live alder leaves Grev. cryp. 146
27597 Robcrtaiina Fries Herb Robert Bhining 0 su Bk live Geran. Robert. Grev. cryp. 146
3160. POLYSTI'GMA Pers. POLYSTIGMA. {Polys, many, stigma, a mark.) 2.
27598 rubrum Pers. red innate 0 aut R live sloe leaves Grev. cryp. 180
87599 fulvum Pers. fulvous innate 0 aut Br.R live bird-cherry leaves

3161. TY'MPANIS Tode TYMPANIS. (Tympanon, a drum; resemblance of the young velum.) 2 . - 8 .
27600 a'lnca Fries Alder minute 0 spring Bk dead alder branches
27601 consp£rsa Fries sprinkled crowded 0 year Gy dead branches Grcv. cryp. 3.38
3162. CENANGI UM Fries CENANGIUM. (Kenos, empty, aggeion, vessel.) 5.~-30'
27602 Prunastri Fries Plum tufted 0 aut Bk dead plum branches
27603 Cerasi Fries Cherry variable 0 year Bk dead cherry branc. Pers. ic. pict 10. 1
27604 Aucu|>aris Fries MountainAsh tufted 0 aut Gy dead mountain ash
27605 ferrugintoum Fries rusty tufted 0 aut RBr. on dead firs Grev. cryp. 197
87606 guercinum Fries Oak waved 0 year Bk.Gy dead oak branches Sow. 373. 3.
HETEROBPBARIA. (Heteros, variable,
(Heteros, variable, sphere.) 1.—8.
sphaira, -r
87607 paella Grev. dish shining 0 year Bk
Bk dead
d d herb
h b stems
t Grcv.
G cryp.
cr 103
3164. LCTPHIUM Fries LOPHIUM. (Lophion, a hillock; completely evolved.) 2. — 3.
27608 elatum Grev. tall scattered & year Bk pine bark Grev. cryp. 177
27609 mytilinum Fries limpeUshaped crustaceousO year Bk pine bark Grev. cryp. 177
Y M (Ry, a wrinkle;pplants.)
(Rhytis, ) Xylbma f authors. &—: } ,
y a oof
27610 corrughtum Fries wrinkled gregarious 0 year Bk crust of lichens m' L. gram'
27611 Andr6mcd<e Fries Andromeda shining 0 aut Bk live wild rosemary
27612 jalfcinum Fries "Willow solid spots 0 aut Bk liv.SM capne^alvs Grev. cryp. 118
27613 acerinum Fries Maple broad spots 0 su Bk liv. sycamore lvs Grev. cryp. 118
27614 punctatum Fries dotted gregarious 0 su Bk liv. sycamore lvs
broad spots 0 aut Bk dead nettle stems
27615 tfrtlca Fries Nettle
3166. PHACI'DIUM Fries PHACIDIUM. {Phakos, a lentil, eidos, similar.) 4.—SO.
27616 coronatum Grev. crowned black spot 0 year Bk dead oak leaves Grev. cryp. 58
27617 dentatum Schmidt toothed white spot 0 year Bk oak leaves
27618 P\ni Fries Fir disk-like 0 year Bk Scotch fir trunks Nees pilze 399
27619 Aiibi Fries . Bramble confluent 0 spring Bk raspberry leaves
3167. HYSTE*RIUM Tode HYSTEBIUM. (Hysteresis, penury; appearance of infested trees.) 16. - 5 *
27620 lineare Fries linear lines '0 year' * Bk ' 'dead wood Grev. cryp. 167
27621 maculare Fries pale spotted blotches 0 aut Bk dead leaves * Grev. cryp. 129
27622 JZhbi Pers. Bnmh\e-stmd lines 0 aut Bk bramble branches Grev. cryp. 84
27623 foliicolum Fries leaf-inhabiting dot-like 0 spring Bk common ivy leaf Grev. cryp. 189
27624 melale&cum Fries blk& white dots 0 au Bk Fac. m i s fdafti Grev. cryp. 88
27625 pulicare Pers. flea-like verygrega. 0 year Bk rugged oak bark Grev. cryp. 167
27626 FMxini Pers. Ash corneous 0 year Bk dead ash branches Grev. cryp. 78
27627 gucrcinum Pers. Oak gregarious 0 year Gy. Br dead oak branches
27628 angustatum Pers. narrowed minute year Dl.Bk dead wood & stumps
27629 Pin.istri Pers. Pinaster scattered year Bk dead Scotch fir lvs Grev. cryp. 60
27630 Juniperi Grev. Juniper spots year Bk dead juniper leaves Grev. cryp- 8o
276.31 gramfneum Pers. Grass gregarious year Bk dead grass leaves Grev. cryp. 87
27632 varium Fries variable unequal year Bk oak bark Grcv. cryp. 233
27633 dcg£nerans Fries inconstant emerging year Bk dead bog whortle-berry branches
27634 arundinkceum Schr. Reed innate 0 spring Bk dead reed culms Sc. sam. 2. 3.3
27635 conlgenum Moug. cone-sprung punctiformO year Bk dead fir cones
3168. EXCI'PULA Fries EXCIPULA. (Excipio, to catch j roughness to the touch.) 1-;
S7636 .A&bi Fries Bramble punctiform 0 aut Bk dead raspberry stem Grev. cryp- <

3169. SPHiERONJETMA Fiies. SPBJERONJEMA. (Sphaira, sphere, naima, gelatioe j receptacle) .-1*
87637 subulatum Fries awl-shaped spiculiform & aut Cin on agarics Grev. cryp. "
317TX SEVT&RIAFHes SEPTORIA. [Septum,a.division; sporidia.) ""*,«,
27638 tfimi JS^M Elm-fetf stains 0 aut Br elm leaves Grev. cryp. 112
3171. CYTI'SPOR A Ehren. CYTIBPORA. (Kystis, a bladder, spora, a sporule.) 4. --18- W*\iaSow.
27639 chrysosperma *W« yellow-seed, spots 0 year Bksh poplar bark Sow. 138 arrhUta
276W W a r u S G™. E t o f c pustular 0 Jut Pallid dead rose branches Grev. cryp. SO
g e j U e u c o s p e r m a ^ pale-sVe&d scattered 0 year W dead branches Hof. cryp. l.
27642 guttifera*W« drop-bearing gelatinous 0 year Pa dead branches

3T72. CEUTH(ysPORA Fries CEUTHOSPORA. (Keutho,to hide, spora, « JP°™le;] *-?

S S ? e h ^ i d i o W e s G « i ; . Phacidium-lk innate 0 year Bk dead ho ly leaves Grev. cryp. 253
2 S ! kitiri Grew. Laurel pustulate 0 year Bk dead laurel leaves Grev. cryp. 254
27645 *W« dark-haired minute 0 aut Bk dead H61cus mttlis Grev. cryp. 69.

3TO. PHOBIA Fries PHOMA. (PAcw, a pustule; appearance of plants.) iz

g6J6 «aljgna Fries Willow-fetf pimpled 0 w.sp Brsh dead willow leaves Sow .
$W P6puli Fries ' Poplar-/^ pimpled 0 w.sp Test dead poplar leaves Sow. 374. 2
^wB pustula Fries pustule-W^ prominent 0 aut Br dead oak leaves

B J J E 4 ; , ACTINOTHY'RIUM Kitnxe ACTINOTHYRIUM. (Aktin, a ray, tkyrion, a little door.) 1.
' w 9 Graminis Kunze Grass gregarious 0 spring Bk culms of grasses Grev. cryp. 818

Si'»™0 P« <JeJl«»e.of«ricc. Frie.oto.a7-4

SB Kurd wjtUn 0 aut Bk dead laurel leave*

S17a ASTEBO^MABw ACTEROXI- (i*r ,»iUi. ) , *• —

« ? i n m i G H m P«le .pot. 0 year Bk Mving elm leave.
Grev. Lad?Ubntle pale .port « y«« SJ &^ei3£"ft
rert S8S5S-,SSSS3iS

Class I. ANGIOGA'STRES Division I. PhaUotdete.

3179 PHA'TT n a n / * PHALLUS. (Phallos. Gr.; resemblance.) 2.-9.
^ foytidusJpKS fetid Mor%
fetid Mor% fetid su
8 su' Wsh woods
Wsh woods ftft hedges
hedges Grev.
cr 213, & 214
^SESSEt dog llsmaller 4 aut
4 aut PkPk rotten hazel
rotten hazeltrunks Sow
trunks Sow.330
3180. BATTA'RREA Pers. BATTARREA. {A. J. Battarra,\a cryptogamic boUnist.) 'l.
^665 phalloldes Pers. Phallus-like long 7 aut Br banks San. spic. 1.12.

Division II. Tuberdceu

3181 TtTBER Mr. TRUFFI*. (An ancient Roman name for a fungus.) S.—5.
6fi6 cibirium Sibth. food esculent 1* winter Bk underground Bui. her. 356
bidum Cas. whitish less fragrant £ su.aut Wsh underground

RHIZOPCPGON Fries RHIZOPOCON. (Rhhnt root, pajon, beard.) 1. — 4.

albu"iffii white flocculcnt \ aut W.R waysides Bui. her. 404
Lycoperdon gibb5sum Dick.

Division I I I . Nidularuicei.
- N IDULA^RI A Bid. NIDULARIA. (X/rfiw.nest; planU consist of cups containing egg-like seeds.) S.-12.
rtriatai?!//. striated gregarious J aut Br rotten leaves Sow. 29. htrsuta
^ P a n u l a t a Sib. bcll-shaped flocculent t aut Gjr rotten wood Saw. 28
Crucibulum Pers. crucible coriaceous j aut Ysh dead wood Grev. c r y p - »
3J84. MYRIOCCCCUM JWf* MYRIOCOCCUM. . (Myrio*, myriad, *o**o», berry.) 1.
^pr^coxj^i^^^riy confluent i spring W dead leaves
3185..POLYANGIW Lk. POLYANCIUM. iJ^l^-^!T!SrttS!
eVSvitelllnuL* yolk-«rfortfrf gregarious 0 aut Y damp trunks

Division I V . Carp&boH.
87^86. ATRACTO'BOLUS Jbde ATRACTOBOLI.B. C^Ajf*^aaplncJjJW*toc^ect) 1
*7674 ubiquitaTius Tode universal powdery 0 year W wood, stonen,«c. lode run. 9
3187. THELE'BOLUS 7bA; TIIBLEDOLUS. (Thelet a nipple, Wfljj to eject.) 1 — 3.
fcte sturcSreuTnS2T dimg gregarious A au.sp Ysh cow dung Neespilxc363
3188. SPHJERO'BOLUS Tode SPIIAROBOLUS. (Sphaira, a 6phcre, boleo, to eject.) 1. — 2-
27G76 stcllktus Tode starry emerging ^ su.aut Pa. Y dead wood, &c. Grev. cryp. 158
3189. PILO'BOLUS Tode PILOBOLUS. (Pilos, a cap, boleo, to eject.) 1.
27677 crystallinus Tode pellucid fugacious \ year Bk horse dung Bolt pil. 133. 1
2 xondus Pers. dewy fugacious } year PI horse dung Bolt. pil. 133.4.

Class II. TRICHOSPE'RMI. — Division I. Sclerodhmeu

3190. SCLEItODETlMA Pers. SCLERODERMA. (Skleros, hard, derma, a skin; nature of coat) 4. — U-
27678 verrucbsum Pers. warty handsome 5 aut Y.Br plantations Grcv. cryp. 48
27679 Cipa Pers. Onion Burf.variab.2 aut Y.Br plantations Grcv. cryp. 66
Tuber s61idum With.
27680 dtrinum Pen. lemon-cld tessellated 2 aut Pa.Y about oak roots Bolt. pil. 116
27681 spadiceum Pers. light red tessellated 1 su Pa.Br beech trunks Schaett: 188

Division II. Lycoperdinei.

3191. LYCOPE'RDON Mx. PUA-.BALL. (Lykos, a wolf, perdo, crepito; application not known.) 5. — 11-
27682 Bovista Pers. Bovista turbinate 3 aut Wsh pastures Sow. 332. Proteus
27683 pratlnse Pers. meadow | subterra. 2 su.aut W pastures Bui. her. 435.2
276K4 excipulif6rme Pers. Excipuia-lk chan. to br. 2 aut W pastures Bui. her. 430 2
276H5 pyriforme Pers. pear-shaped tufted 1} su.aut Pa.Br about tree stumps Grev. cryp. 304
27686 perlatum Pers. pearled tufted 3 aut W woods Fl. dan. 1120

3192. BOV'ISTA Pers. BOVISTA. (Latinised from bqfist, its German name.) 2.-4.
27687 nigr&cens Pers. nigrescent becom. blk. 2 su.aut w pastures Sow. 331
27688 gigantea Nees gigantic cracking 12 su.aut Y.W pastures Grev. cryp. 336

3193. GEA'STRUM-Mx. GEASTRUM. (Ge, the earth, aster, a star; stellate appearance,) 4.-5.
27689 coliforme Pers. distaff-shaped subsolitary 2 aut Brsh pastures Dick cr. S. 4. I.ycoper*-
27690 Woodwards Pers. Woodward's subsolitary 1 aut D.Br dry banks Bry.h\stA9.Lycoperdon
27691 quadrifidum Pers. quadrifid subsolitary 2 aut Wsh pine woods Schaeff. 183.Lyfornicatutn
27692 multffidum Pers. many-cleft subsolitary sp.aut Br moors Grev. cryp. 305
Lycoperdon recoiligens Woodw.
3194. TULO'STOMA Pers. TULOSTOMA. (Tulos a wart, stoma, the mouth; nature of orifice.) 1. — 3-
27693 bruraklc Pers. winter subsolitary 1 au.o W.Br pastures Gre^y. cryp. 340

Division III. Physarei

3195. LYCCGALA Mx. LYCOGALA. (Lykos, a wolf, gala, milk j early state like a mass of thick cream.) 1.—>?
27694 miniata Pers. vermilion granular 0 sp.aut R rotten wood Grev. cryp. 38
3196. DIDY'MIUM Schr. DIDYMIUM. [Didymos, double; inner and outer peridium.) 1. — ] * , _ ,
27695 globosum Lk. globose sessile ft aut Gy dead leaves Grev.cryp.122.Dia"771'
' 3197. PHY'S ARUM Pers. PRYSARUM. (Physat a bladder; appearance ofperidium.) 6.—?
27696 sulcatum Lk. furrowed weak ± sp.aut Gy rotten wood
27697 ntitans Pers. nodding weak i aut Gy rotten wood Bui. her. 407.3
27698 nigripes Lk. black-stind firm ± aut D.Gy rotten wood Stur. dcu. 42
27699 vlride Pers. green rather weak} aut Y.G rotten wood Bui. her. 481. L
87700 leucopus Lk. white-stmd very stiff ft aut Gl dead beech wood
27701 adruum Pert. golden grrgnrlous -jfe sp.aut Y decuylnff trunks Grev. cryp. 185
3108. LEOCA'llPUS Lk. LKOCAKPUB. (.Leios, smooth, karpoa, fruit j peridium.) 1. — ?
27702 vernicoaus Lk. varnished encrusted ft aut R.Br stems of grasses Grev. cryp. Ill
Lycoperdon fragile Sow.
3199. LEANGTUM Lk. LEANGIUM. (Leios, smooth, aggeion, a vessel; peridium.) 2. — ?
27703 floriforme Lk. flower-like scattered & aut Y decaying trunks BuL her. 371
27704 Trevelyani Grcv. Trevelyan's scattered A aut Pa.Br leaves of mosses Grev. cryp. 132
3200. PERICHJFNA Fries PBRICHJENA. (Peri, around,ischano, to compress.) 2.-4.
27705 strobillna Fries Fir-cone crowded & year Br cones of P.A'bies Grev. cryp. 275
277WJ populuia Fries Poplar gregarious A aut Br. Y dead trunks Grev. cryp. 252

3901. CR ATETRIUM Trent CRATERIUM. (Krater, a cup; form of peridium.) 2. —6.

27707 leucocephalum Trent, white-head pretty | aut R.Br mosses, &c. Grcv. cryp. 65
27708 vulgare Dit. common pretty | aut R.Br mosses, &c. Sow. 239
Cyathus minutus Sow.

3202. LI'CEA Schr. LICEA. (Meaning not explained.) 1. — ?

27709 fragiformis Nees strawberry-Ik pulpy 0 aut DLR rotten wood Grev. cryp. 308

Division IV. Angioridii.

3203. ANGIORI'DIUM Grev. ANGIORIDIUM. (Aggeion, a vessel, e*Aos% like.1 1.
27710 sinubsum Grev. waved gregarious t aut W dead sticks, &c. Grev. cryp. 310
Reticularia sinuosa Sow.

Division V. TrichidceL
3204. TRI'CHI A Pers. T n . (Thrix, hair; internal mass of elastic fibres expanding after head bursts.; 4.-
27711 reticulata Pers netted pulpy 0 aut Ysh rotten wood Grev. cryp.»».
27712 ovata Pers. ovate crowded 0 aut Y rotten wood Sow. 85. turomuw
27713 fallax Pers. deceitful variable 0 aut Rsh rotten wood Sow. 279
Sphserocirpus frigilis 5ow. , ^ OQI in
27714 nUens Pers, shining gregarious A aut Rsh.Y rotten wood Grev.cryp. 281. m I

3205. ARC Y'RI A Pen. ARCYRIA. (Arkys, a net; sporules fastened together by a network of fibres.) 4- ?
"lopuniceaPm. crimson gregarious ft su.aut C rotten wood Grev. cryp. 130 T'.chiadenud?itaScnW. 29
*#/id nava Pers. yellow weak ft su.aut Pa.Y rotten wood Grev. cryp. 309
*//[7 mcarnkta Pers. fash-colored conical ft aut Pk rotten wood
* " « leucocephala a>/in. white-head, gregarious ft aut W rotten wood Hofgcr.2.6.1
S T E M O N m s Pers. STEMOxma. (Stemon, a stamen; form of some species.) 2. — »
^p'culata Pers. fascicled dense f su.aut Bk Br rotten wood Grev. cryp. 170 '
pimpled scattered ft aut D.Br rotten wood Nees pilze 10.118
'• pRIBR A%RI A Schr. CRIRRARIA. (Cribrum, a sieve; upper part of peridium.) 1 ?
micropus Schr. small-stmd pin-headed & aut Br pine trunks Sc. gen. nov. 2.1-2
3208. piCTY'DIUM Schr. DICTVDIUM. (Diktyon, a net, eidos, similar; peridium.) 1.—?
"«ecernuumMv« drooping pin-headed •& year Bk rotten wood Grev. cryp. 153

Class I I I . TRICHODERMA'CEI. — Division I. (Ethalinu

A Per*. SPUMARIA. (Spuma, froth; appearance.) 1. — ?
go Pert. Mucilage frothy 1 aut Br rotten wood, grass, &c. Grev. cryp. 267
Lk. JETHKUVM. (AUhales, splendid ; appearance.) 1. — 2.
yellow flocculent 1 aut Y.Br on bark in stoves Grev. cryp. 272
2770J1: KETICULAltlA Bui. RBTICULARIA. (Reticulum, a net; appearance.) 2 ?
2770A ff Kcntea Bui silvery fragile \ aut W rotten wood, &c. Grev. cryn. 106
"W> minuta Grew. minute fragile 0 aut W dead leavea and sticks Grev. cryp. 40

Division I I . Trichodermei.
AMPHISPO%RIUM Lk. AMPHISPORIUM. {Amphi, on either side, spora, a sporule.) 1.
versicolor L*. changeable spots 0 winter Y hyacinths in glasses Nees pilze 100
. v ^LE Fries INOTITALE. (TnttUa, a fringe j appearance of plants.) 2.
iata Fries radiating woolly ft aut Br on plastered walls Sow. 145
fgariciftrml&Frto Mushr.-like downy & «* * rotten wood Sow. 146
Mcoperdon radfttum and agariciformc Sow.

Division I I I . PUicrinu
ASTERO'PHORA Dit. ASTEROPHORA. (Aster, star, phoreo, to bear.) 1.
ycopcrdoldes Dit. Puff-ball-like woolly 1 aut Rsh rotten mushrooms Bui. her. 519.1
3215. ON Y'GEN A Pers ONYGBNA. (Onyx, hoof, genos, offspring; on hoofs and horns of animals.) 1. — S.
" a *equlni Pers. horse-hoof minute ft aut Wsh decaying hoofs.and Grev. cryp. 343
similar substances

Division IV. Afyrothecn.

27>?i6- DI CHOSPO > RIUM Nees DICHOSPORIUM. (Dicha, double, spora, sporule; double coat of peridium.) 1.
"•« aggreg^tum Nees clustered spoU 0 aut Bk bark of trees Neespilse99
Spumkria physartfidea Pers.
M Y n O T I I I - r c i U M 7W»- Ml miTiiKt HIM. (.Muru, to tllatll, /AcJrf, tlioulum.) 1.—&
•michaeliiUrcv. Carmlchacl'N grcffarlou* O out W rotten bog matter Grev. cryp. 140
TRICHODE'RMA Pers. TRICIIODRRMA. (Thrix, hair, derma, skin; downy covering.) 1.—?
hide Pers. green pulvinate ft aut W.Gr dead branches Grev. cryp. 271

Class I V . SCLIROTIA'CEJE. — Division I. Rhizogbnei.

9. RHIZOCTOXN1A Dec. RHIZOCTONIA. {Rhixa, root, destroy; rooU it grows on.) 1 —3.
Crocorum Itec. Crocus-blight clustered 0 year Rsh saffron roots NeespilielSj

Division II. Apiospbrei.

, CH^TO'MIUM Kunxe CHOTOMIUM. (Chaite, a bristle; hairy appearance of plants.) 1.—S,
&tumjfimtf tall bristly &aut Bk damp straw, &c. Grev. cryp. 230
2 ^ 1 . ILLOSPOXRIUM Mart. ILLOSPORIUM. (//to, to envelope, sporos, a sporule.) 1.—?
'*i roseum Fries rosy minute 0 aut Pk on Borrera cilians, &c. Grev. cryp. 51

Division I I I . SderbtU.
PERKFLA Fries PERIOLA. (Peri, about, ioulos, down; appearance.) 1.
tomcntbsa Fries downy scattered ft spring W potato roots
. SPERMCE^Dl A Fries ERGOT. (Sperma, aeed,oidro, to swell i diseased seeds.) 1. - 2.
clivus Fries spike, horn-shpd nauseous 0 su Bksh glumes of grasses
ACROSPE'RMUM Tode ACROSPBRMUM. (Akros, the summit, sperma, seed; situation.) 2. — 5.
ornbtum Fries eonnSn gregar JL aut Rsh putrid agarics Bui. her. 256
ompressfimSwc. SSfprSised fcattered «* aut Bksh dead herb stalks Grev. cryp. 182
27?S5> SCLERO'l'IUM Tode SCLEROTIUM. (Sklerotes, hardness; texture of plants.) 11.—54
277S "ajellatum Alb. shield-like regular 0 spring Br dead leaves Grev. cryp. 144
"«Suercinum Pers. Oak scattered 0 aut Bk dead oak leaves Grev. cryp. 77

27744 stamen Tode scc&Jike hard JL aut Br dead leaves, stalks, &c. Grcv. cryp. 144
2 Arassica Boi. Cabbage liard ° 0 winter Br dead cabbage leaves Sow. 393.3
27745 A/uscurum Pers. Mosses irregular 4 spring O.Y stems of mosses Grcv. cryp. 101
27746 Fungbrum Pers. Fungi roundish 0 aut Br gills of dead agarics Sow. 287
27747 frfictuum Grev. fruit confluent -Ac aut Bk rotten fruit
27748 bullatum Dec. blistered confluent 0 aut Bk rotten gourds
27749 dfirum Pers. hard oblong 0 winter Bk dead herb stems Grev. cryp. 1
27750 paphlinum Pers. Poplar patches 0 autw Rsh poplar leaves
27751 «alicinum Dec. Willow patches 0 aut.w Rsh willow leaves
27752 herbarum Fries herbs cunate 0 aut R.B herb leaves

Division IV. PerisjMu

3226. ERY'SIPHE Dee. MILDEW. (Greek name of mildew.) 9.-24.
27753 fuliginca Lk. dark patches 0 aut D Sanguis6rba offlcinalii
27754 communia Lk. common powdery 0 aut Wsh
1 liCguminosXrutn IJc. Lcgum. powdery 0 aut Wsh various leguminous plants. Grev. Cryp. 194
2 Umbcllifcrarum Lk. Umbelllf. powdery 0 aut Wsh on various Umbcllifere.
3 fichoraccarum Lk. Cichoriic. powdery 0 aut Wsh Composite?, Tragopbgon, Scorzonira, &c.
4 /fanunculaceJlrum Lk. Ranunc. powdery 0 aut Wsh .Aanunculto. JfonQnculus, Anuildgia, &c.
5 Polygonearum Lk. Polygftncs powdery 0 aut Wsh Polygbncae. Common on Polyg. aviculare.
27755 lamprocarpa Lk. shining-fid
_ patches 0 aut Blsh Plantago media and major
27756 depressa Lk. ' " wide-spreading
depressed "" 0 su.aut Wsh on Composite
1 Bardanas Lk. jlardana wide-spreading 0 su.aut Wsh on A'rctium Bardana, and /.appa.
2 Artem\auc Lk. Wormwood wide-spreading0 su.aut Wsh on ifrtemisia vulgJiris.
27757 adonca Lk. hooked patches 0 aut W on trees and shrubs Grev. cryp. 296
1 P6puli Lk. Poplar patches 0 aut W on various species of PVSpulus.
2 Prunastri Lk. Prunaster patches 0 aut W on Primus spindsa.
27758 bicornis Lk. forked powdery 0 aut Wsh on various species of jTcer
27759 divaricata Lk. divaricated powdery 0 aut Wsh on Lonic&ra Caprifulium
27760 pcnicillata Lk. penicillatc powdery 0 su.aut Wsh on various trees and shrubs
1 Grossuftrie Lk. Gooseberry powdery 0 su.aut Wsh on R'tbes Grossularia.
2 BerUridis Lk. Barberry powdery 0 su.aut Wsh on Birberis vulg^ris.
27761 guttata Lk. dropped distinct 0 aut Rsh on various trees
1 C6ryli Lk. Hazel distinct 0 aut Rsh on C6rylus jlvellana.
2 Ulxhbxum Lk. Elm distinct 0 aut Rsh on species of elm.
S227. LASIO'BOTRYS Kunze LASIOBOTBY& (Lottos, woolly, botrys, a bunch of grapes.) 1.
87762 Lonicene Kunze Woodbine spots 0 flu Bk live honeysuckle lvs Grev. cryp. 191


Class I. TUBERCULA'RINI. — Division I. Cephalohichei.
3228. ISA"*RI A Pers. ISAHIA. (/SOT, equal; fllamenU.) 1. — ?
27763 microscopica Grev. microscopic verymin. 0 spring W Trichia clavdta Grev. cryp. 3
3229. A'NTHIN A Fries ANTHINA. (Anthinus, florid; color.) I. — ?
27764 miniata Grev. scarlet gregarious 1 aut O.R on dead leaves Purt. fl.3.18. Clavcltfa

3230. CEPH ALOTRICHUM Lk. CEPHALOTRICHUM. (Kephale, the head, thrix, hair.) 1. — ?
27765 nanum Lk. dwarf gregarious 0 aut Bk dead branches, &c.
3231. AMPHICHO'RDA Fries AMPHICHORDA. (Amphi, on either side, chorda, a cord.) 1. — ?
2776t> farindcea Grev. powdery long 0 aut W rotten trunks under ground

Division I I . Scoriadei.
3232. CER ATIUM Alb. CERATIUM. (Iteration, a little horn; form of plants.) 1. — ?
27767 Aydnoldes Alb. Hydnum-lk fugacious & aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 169

Division I I I . DermosporeL
5223. JEGE'RITA Pers. JEaEurrA. {Aigeiros, a poplar: first discovered on it.) 2.-8.
27768 cindida Pers. white punctiform 0 aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 268
27769 set?JaCarm. bristly minute 0 aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 2«»

Division IV. Tuberculareu

3234. TUBERCULA RIA Tode TUBERCULARIA. (Tuberculum, a pimple; appearance ofJrtants.) 4.—13.
27770 vulgaris Pers. common gregarious ^ y e a r Dp.R decayed sticks Sow. &H
_ Clavaria cocclnca Sow.
27771 c6nfluens Pers. confluent gregarious 0 autsp F.R dead sycamore branches
27772 granulata Pers. granulated scattered ^ a u t Br dead branches Grev. cryp. 187
27773 discoldea Pers. disk-like crowded | aut R sycamore branches
3235. FUSA'RIUM Lk. FUSARHJM. (FUSUS, a spindle, shape of sporules.) 1.
27774 tremelloldesGrtfw. TremeUa-lk very smaU 0 spring Pksh dead nettle steins Grcv. cryp. 10

Class II. MUCOBIVNI. — Division I. Stilbinu

3236. STI'LBUM Tode STILBUM. (SHlbos, shining; plants at first watery and gelatinous) 3.-?
Z75 l
T erymjn. 0 aut Wsh decayed stems Tode fun. 2.16
*7776 cftrinum Pers. lemon-cld very min. 0 aut Y decayed stems
*itn tomentbsum Schr. tomentose verymin. 0 aut W Trfchianltens Grev. cryp. 281

PHO Tode
ASCOPHORA. (Askos, a bladder, phoreo, to bear.) 1-
Tode Mould crowded 0 year Gl putref. paste, &c. Grer.cryp.269
Division I I . Mucbrei.
o j g . AftTCOR Pen. Mucon. (Muceo, to be musty t on musty bread, vegetables, Sec.) 2. — 34.
*7T79 stercdreus Grev. dung watery 2 winter W dung
o^^.^ HydrAphora stercbrea Tode
*778O canlnus Pers. dog minute } year Y dog's dung Grev. cryp. 305

3239. THAMNI'DIUM Lk. THAMNIDIUM. (7%fl»m<«,atwig: appearance ofplanta under microscope.) 1.

*7781 elegans Lk. elegant whorled & aut Pale putrid substances Ncespilzc75

3240. EUROPIUM Lft. EUROTIUM . (J?I»W was the Greek name of a sort of mouldiness.) 2. —
SZ2* herbari&rum L*. herbarium punctiformO year Y dried plants Grev. cryp. 164
^'83 ifasarum Grev. Roses patches 0 su W rosebushes Grev.cryp. 164

Division III. Acrembnii.

erSi1' ST\iCHYLI'DIUM Lk. STAOIYLIDIUM. (Stachys, spike, eidos, similar; disposition of sporules.) 1.—9.
*'/84 tcrrestre Lk. ground spreading & aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 257
Lk. ACRBMONIUM. (Akrcmon, a branch ; thece clustered about the plants.) 2.
Schmidt brown patches 0 aut OI.G dead sticks Grev. cryp. 124
verticillatum Lk. whorled creeping 0 aut W dead trunks Grev. cryp. 124

Class I I I . M U C E ' D I N E S . — Division I . Trichoth&cii.

tJS!& CHLORFDIUM Lk. CIILOBIDIUM. (Chloros, pallid, eidos, appearance.) 1. —2.
*' «7 griseum Ehren. grey very min. 0 year Gy rotten wood Grcv.cryp.236. Chtetop.

Division II. Botrytidei.

*- CORFMIUM Lk. COREMIUM. {Korema, filth; found there.) 1.—2.
glaucum Lk. glaucous powdery ft year Gl old paste, &c. Grev.cryp.301. Floccdr.
- PENICI'LLIUM Lk. PENICILLIUM. (PenicUlum, a painter's pencil; form of filaments.) a — 4.
«Pfirsum Grev. scattered broad lines & aut W rotten herbac. stems Grev. cryp. 58.2
glaucum Lk. glaucous tufts A year Gl rotten substances Grev. cryp. 58.1
- ASPERGI'LLUS Mick. MOULDINESS. (Aspergillum, a brush for lustration j resemblance.) 4 . - 9 .
Kladcus Lk. blue patches 0 year B rotten substances Mag. ber. 3.1.23
ncusLk. woolly patches
patches tW aut
t aut Wsh putrid fungi
vlrcns Lk. green broad
b d ospots
t %% aut
t Gsh
G h putrid
utrid fungi [barium
penicillatus Grev. pencilled spots 0 year D.Gy damp specimens in Her. Grev. cryp. 22
p3247. BCTRYTIS Mich. BOTRYTIS, {Botrys, a bunch of grapes; clusters of seeds.) la — 25.
aU*5 diftTisa Alb difibse broad tufts £ aut W rotten herbac. stems Grev. cryp. 126
| U S ogaricina Lk. Mushroom wool coat 0 aut W decaying fungi Grev. cryp. KG
Grev. ertUsed spots 0 aut P.Gy underside of live leaves
a*itica Pers. parasitic lax 0 W on shepherd's purse Sow. 359
graZ*. black very powdery J aut Bk rotten trunks Grev. cryp. 274
ensa Dit. dense roundish 0 aut W on mosses Stur. deu. 52
Pol^spora LA. many-seeded broad 0 aut W dead branches Stur. deu. 35
aJES ma «"8pora Lk. long-seeded spreading 0 aut Ro.R dead leaves Stur. deu. 50
27»S >a -W*. mouse-c/rf tufts 0 aut Gy rotten branches Stur. deu. 36
•°u* Ieuc6spora Lk. pale.seeded woolly tufts 0 year Gy rotten pears
ACROSPO^RIUM Nees ACROS. {Akros, summit, spora, sporule; upon summit of filaments) 2.— 9
niHdides Nees Monilia-like spots 0 sp0 sp
^niHdides autautWW leaves
leaves ofof grasses
grasse Grev. cryp 73
sciculatum Grev
> fasciculatum Grev. fascicled
fascicled patches
patches 00 spring
spring Gl
Gl rotten
rotten oranges

Division III. TrichSmyci.

(Spora, a sporule, thrix, hair.) 9. —49.
H l l

87819 b » u m £*• brown spreading 0 aut Fer rotten trunks

278n l S * ? 0 ^ " " 1 **• dun
K tufts
° year ° damp cellars .
878U S- tobA n»m Lk. cavern broad \ year W rocks
^••ttumimrL golden spreading 0 year O.Y rotten trunks Bui. her. 504. 5
Window spots 0 year W damp glass Necspilce47
-"••« nta. , £*• TRICHOTHECIIIM. (Thrix, hair, theke, thecium.) 2L —?
U m Lk rot tuftB aut w w
27817 ? h - J ° - rotten wood Grev. cryp. 172
"eterosporum 5prvariouB-seeded spots 0 aut Br dead caps. Gentidna campestris
S7818L S ? PE . D O' I NIUM Lk. SEPEDONIUM. (Sepedon, putrescence; growing on putrid substances.) 1.
TOycophilum Lk. Fungus-loving cloudy 0 aut O dying fungi Grev. cryp. 198

S f c l a L T ^ ' D I U M ^k. FUSIDIUM. (Fusus, a spindle; fusiform shape of sporidia.) 2 . - 7 .

27820 flPV8euTn Grev. grey effused spo. 0 aut Wsh dead beech leaves Grev. cryp. 102
27821 oi ^ r e n s DX. yellow-green effbsed spo.O aut Ysh dead beach leaves Grev. cryp. 102
*' candidum Lk. white effused spa 0 aut W dead oak leaves

Division I V . SporSmyci.
L-YTHRI'NCTUM Kunxe POLVTHRINCIUM. (Polya, many, thrigkos, a little division) 1
»Kunxe Trefoil punctifonn 0 aut Bk clover leaves Grev. cryp. 216 '
3254. DEM A riUM Pen. DEMATIUM. (Diminutive
of Aetna, a bundle; mode of growth.) 1.—»
87823 articufttum Pert, articulated minute *ut Bksh stems nf hnrha lwa *!•«*

Class I V . BVSSA'CEJB. — Division I. Rhizoinorphece.

3255. RHIZOMO'RPHA Jto/A RHIZOMORPHA. (Rhixa, a root, morphet form: resemblance.) 4. — ?
87824 subcorticalis Per*, subcortical net-like 72 year Br beneath bark Sow. 392. 1 & 2. pit/ens
87825 divlrgens Grev. diverging creeping 24 aut Rah beneath bark Grev. cryp. 154
27826 subtcrranea Pen. subtcrranc. filament. 24 year Bk mines
27827 medullaris Sm. medullary much bran. 144 year W cellars Lin. tr. 12. 80
3356. OZO^NIUM Lk. OZONIUM. (OXOS, a branch; filaments branched.) 1—?
S7828 auricomum Lk. yellow-haired byssoid 3 aut O rotting wood Grev. cryp. 260

Division II. Racodiucece.

3257. R ACO*DIUM Pert. RACODIUM. (Rakos, a torn garment; appearance of plants.) 1. — ?
87829 cellare Pen. iw/u?-cellar shaggy 3 year Sooty cellars Grev. cryp. 259
Fibnllaria vinaria Sow.
3258. HELMISPOXRIUM Lk. HELMISPORIUM. (Helmins, a worm, spora, sporule.) 2. —8.
27830 macrocfirpon Grev. long.fruited broad 0 year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 148
27831 velutlnum Lk. velvet spreading 0 year Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 148
3259. CLADOSPCPRIUM Lk. CLADOSPORIUM. (Klados, a branch, spora, a sporule; attached to.) 2.—&
£7832 herbarum Lk. herbs very min. 0 su aut Ol G. dead stems Nees pilze 5. 64
87833 velutlnum Grev. velvety patches 0 spring G.Bk rotten wood

3260. HELICOSPCPRIUM Nees. HELICOSPORIUM. (Helikos, twisted, spora, sporule; sporules curved.) 1.
27834 vegetum Nees vigorous cloud-like 0 o Gy foot of trees Nees pilze 66

Division III. Byssece.

3261. MONI'LIAPm. MONILIA. (Morale, a necklace; filaments articulated.) 1. —12.
87835 antennata Pert. antennas-Ik tufts 0 aut Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 855
3262. TCRUL A Lk. TORULA. (Diminutive of torus, a twisted cord; appearance of filaments.) 1.
87836 herbarum Lk. herbs fragile 0 aut Bk dead stems

3263. ERI'NEUM Pers. ERINEUM. (Erinos, a hedgehog erinaceous appearance.) 19.—40.
27837 aureum Pers. golden velvety spots 0 su Bt.Y Ivs P6pulua nlgra Grev. cryp. 33
87838 grfseum Pers. velvety spots 0 Dl.P under oak leaves Grev. cryp. 141
87839 ocerinum Pers. laple depres. tufts 0 sp.aut R.Br und. sycamore Ivs Ed. ph. jour. 6. 2.1 &
87840 joyrinum Pen. Pear tree depres. tufts 0 aut R.Br on crab tree 1\ s Grev. cryp. 22
87841 tortubsum Grev. tortuous depres. tufts 0 Wsh on birch leaves Grev. cryp. 94
27842 Juglandis Dec. Walnut depres. tufts 0 su Pa under walnut Ivs Grev. cryp. 263
87843 clandestinum Grev. concealed depres. tufts 0 su W.Pk und hawthorn Ivs Grev. cryp. 141
87844 rbseum Schultx rosy depres. tufts 0 su C on birch leaves G rev - cryp. 21
VIET. VilWi * • •

27845 Aetulinum Reb. Birch deprcs. tufts 0 Wsh on birch leaves Ed. ph. jour. 6.3.16
87846 purpur&scens Gae. purpurasccnt depres.tufts 0 su P.Br maple leaves
27847 Surbi Funk Mountain Ash depres. tufts 0 su Rsh.B mountain ash Grev. cryp. 283
87848 Pkdi Duvai Bird-Cherry depres. tufts 0 su D.Br on Primus Padus Grev. cryp. ]57
87849 alneum Pers. Alder depres. tufts 0 su O.Br alder leaves Grev. cryp. 157
27850/agtneum Pers. Beech depres. tufts 0 su Pk.Br beech leaves Grev. cryp. 250
27851 /muulinum Pers. Pcplar depres. tufts 0 su D.Br. on trembling poplar Grev. cryp. 350
87852 /iliaceum Pers. Linden depres tufts 0 su Pa lime tree leaves
87853 lanbsum Grev. woolly hidden tufts 0 su Pa margin of pear lvs
87854 FUis Dec. Vine woolly tufts 0 su Rsh.Br vine leaves
87855 Pseudo-platani Pers. Sycamore depres. tufts 0 su Rsh.B sycamore leaves

Class VI. EUTO'FBYTI. — Division I. Sporodtsmii.

3264. CORYNETJM Nees COBYNEUM. (Koryne, a club; form.) 1.—7.
87856 pulvinatum Nees cushioned minute 0 aut Bk dead branches Nees pilze 31
3265. SPORIDE'RMIUMLJt. SPORIDERMIUM. (Spora, a sporule, derma, a skin ; situation.) !• rj?
87857 atrum Lk. dark parasitic 0 aut Bk on species of Thclephora Grev. cryp. »*•
3266. EXOSPO'RIUM Lk. EXOSPORIUM. (Ego, outside, spora, sporule.) 1- —
27858 nine Lk. Linden punctiform 0 year Bk linden branches Grev. cryp. SOS

Division I I . Stilbospbrei.
3267. ASTROSPO^RIUM Kunxe ASTROSPORIUM. (Aster, a star, spora, sporule; form.) *•
87859 Hoflmanni Kunze Hoffmann's minute 0 year ~k
B dead beech branches
3268. STILBO'SPORA Hofin. STILBOSPORA. (Stilbo, to shine, spora, a sporule.) 3. —\*»
87860 tetulina Pers. Birch raised 0 year Bk dead birch trunks Grev.cryp.273.-D«W71'
87861 biloculata Grev. two-celled emerging 0 year B dead furze bran,
87862 profusa Grev. profUse spots 0 year Bk dead sycamore bra. Grev. cryp. 912
a 0
3269. MELANCONNIUM Lk. MELANCONIUM. (Melas,black,konis,dust; appearance.) a—*v
87863 ovktum Lk. ovate minute spots 0 year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp.
87864 conglomer&tum Lk. conglomerate spots 0 year Bk dead branches Lk. obs. 1.1.7

Division III. Namasp&reL

3270. NJEMA'SPORA Pers. NJSMASPORA. (Kema, a thread, spora, a sporule j resemblance.) &-" ?
«»Cfirpini Sow. Hornbeam irregular 0 year Bk dead hornbeam branches Sow. •>/"
" " " t. filamentous tortuous 0 year O dead branches
'ers. utfiVon gregarious 0 year O dead beech branches

Division IV. Hypod&rmn.

l l
J£L PUCCPNM Mich. PUCCIHIA. (T. Puecinius, a professor cf anatomy in Florence.) 21. — 50.
*7868 ^sparagi Dec. Asparagus two-celled 0 aut Bk dead asparagus
SSSJ Chr CircaeV Pers. Circsa two-celled 0 aut Pk.Br under urc&\i lvs
S S ? y«oiplenii Grev. Chrysosple. two-celled 0 my Pa.Br under Chrys. opp. lvs
. Ayicularia Dec. Knot-grass two-celled 0 aut Bk under Polygonum lvs
Straus ^gopodium two-celled 0 aut B.Gr on /Egopbdium Ivs
Grev. tumid two-celled 0 jn Br.Gr on Zfuniuin Bulbocastanum
Pers. Mint two-celled 0 spring Bk under 3/cntha lvs
. joni Pers. Polygonum two-celled 0 aut IIBr under Po)fg. amphfb. lvs
Centaureae Dec. Centaury two-celled 0 aut Bk on Centaurtanlgra
, ymbelliferarumDec. Umbellif. two-celled 0 aut Ve.D on Umbellifera; Ivs
e».7£- -aniculaj Grev. Sanicle two-celled 0 aut Bk Br under Sanicula Ivs
S2Z?1 variabilis Grev. variable two-celled 0 aut Bksh on Leont. Taraxacum Grev. cryp. 75
i/eraclet Grev. CowParsnep two-celled 0 su Bksh under Sphondylium lvs Grev. cryp. 42
: Epilbbii Dec. Epilobium two-celled 0 jn Br under Epilobium palustre lvs
cai Dec.
Dec. Betony two-celled 0 aut Fer under ifcton. offic. lvs
p u l e n t a Grev. powdery two-celled 0 su D.Br under Epilobium lvs
* Ad6
Ad6xas D Dec. M
Moschatel two-celled 0 su D.Br on Adoxa MoschattUina
D.Br under primrose lvs
i l G Primrose two-celled 0 su
/oob Tmls Dec.
^887 Valanti* Pers.
Violet two-celled 0 su
Cross, wort two-celled 0 su
D.Br under /'tola canlna lvs
Dp.Br on Galium verum
heaped two-celled 0 Dp.Br under Senecio JacobaAi lvs
Ulmaria two-celled 0 aut P.Bk under Ulmaria lvs
two-celled 0 aut Bk en tfirex leaves
Grass two-celled 0 aut Bk on corn & grasses Sow. 140. U./«
globose one-celled 0 aut Bk on bean leaves Grev. cryp. 29
Box two-celled 0 su Br leaves of box Grev. cryp. 17
Anemone two-celled 0 su Br on Jnemonc leaves Sow. 43.

3272. PHR AGMI'DIUM Lk. PIIRAGMIDII'M. {Phragma, a division or partition, e'tdos, similar.) 4 . - 5 .
*(895 Aosae Grev Rose many-cell. 0 aut Bk under ros.e leaves Grev. cryp. 15
*/896 flubi Dec.' Bramble many-cell. 0 aut Bk under bramble lvs
sracile Grev. slender many-cell. 0 aut Bk under raspberry lvs
Potentille Pers. Potentilla many-cell. 0 aut Bk under Potentilla lvs Grev. cryp. 57
Uikion, a wheal, cidos, like; pustules.) 26. — G*.
Pine scattered 4 su Pa.0 on Ptaussylvestris Grev. cryp. 7
Dec. Epilobium beautiful 0" su W on Epilbbium montanum lvs
Dec. Violet crowded 0 su Wsh under flola cartna lvs.
Grev. albescent beautiful 0 ap W Ad6xa Moschatellina
Grev. Dandelion spreading 0 su W under Leontodon Taraxacum lvs
Woodbine large
^ e n i Dee. Woodbie g spot
p 0 su Ysh under woodbine lvs
Dec. Ground Nut deformed 0 spring Ysh on 2?unium leaves
Ragwort apglomerat.O su Ysh under Sen. Jacoba?\z lvs
Prenanthes spots 0 su W under, //icrac. sylvat. lvs
Nettle clusters 0 su Ysh on ITrfica dioica
Dec. dense clusters 0 su Wsh on Ficaria
Gooseberry bright sp. 0 su R under gooseberry lvs Grev. cryp. 62
unculace Dec. Crowfoot clusters 0 bU Wsh under /{.mine, lingua lvs
S m l C i lrbffth
® Grev. Caltha bright 0 spring O under Caltha palustris lvs
So!? ?* ridis Pers. Berberry spreading 0 su O
~ on Bctb. vulgaris Grev. cryp. 97
» o i e I aocrenri la t u i n Dec. ragged swollen 0 su Br on hawthorn Grev. cryp. 209
£ tum Pers. cornute spots { 6U Y.Br on mountain ash Grev. cryp. 180
aginis P Coltsfoot concentrical 0 su Psh under Farfara lvs Sow. 397. 1
'"helium C under Atimex lvs Sow. 405 Rhinitis
11 Pers Dec. reddish concentrical 0 su
4- " -
^halictri Grev.
Garlic concentrical 0 su
Thalictrum clustered 0 su
under jf'll. urs'inum lvs
Thalictrum alpinum Grev. cryp. 4
Buck-thorn clustered 0 su Hah. Y buckthorn leaves Pers. oba. 1.2.4
Icucosplrmum Dec. pale-seeded scattered 0 su W anemone leaves
1'rSmuls Dec. Primrose scattered 0 su Pa.Y primrose leaves
MintYue Dec. Mint deformed 0 su O. Y mint stalks & leaves
iminosarum Grev. Lcgumin. scattered 0 su Wsh leaves of Leguminosse
3274. URVSDOPers. D (Uro% to scorch; plants called mildew or blight.) 40. —105.
|7925 Geranii Dec. Geranium scattered 0 su D.Br on Geranium lvs Grev. cryp. 8
*5J26 Ficaria! Alb. Pile-wort .
pulverul. 0 su.aut D Br under Ficaria lvs
VSM suav^'olcns Pers. odoriferous fragrant 0 P.Br Criicus arvlnsis lvs
ow 9^olygonbrum
ygonbrumDec. Polygonum
yg spreading
pg 0 su aut Pa.Br under 7'olygonum lvs Grev. cryp. 80
l P r l li"ul«
l Dec.
D P i
Primrose t t d
scattered su Pa Br under primrose lvs
. Cichoraceae spots su.aut D.Br on Composite leaves
CowParsnep patches su Pa.Br under Sphondylium lvs
two-fronted spots aut Pa.Br both sides of sorrel lvs
Dk small" aut Br on Abmex leaves
Bean patches aut Pa.Br on bean leaves Grev. cryp. 95
arum Dec. Labiate pustular aut Y.Br on mint leaves
27937 «M r Q s a Grev- intruded scattered aut 11.Br oil Alchcniilla leaves
27ftS?V?»gataZ.*. oblong pustular su R.Br on Liizula leaves Grev. cryp. 12
5dllcis aut Y under S\\\\ )>cntandra lvs
27oS Dec. Willow mottled
GoldenOsier pimpled my.aut
y Y under Salix vitelllna lvs
27941 ^ n n { l 8 a Per
*- mealy mealy aut Pa.Y under Salix caprea lvs
Colt's-foot gyrose su O under colufoot lvs
Dec. Ragwort blotches su O under Senecio lvs
confluent gyrose su Y on il/ercuriatf* lvs
Cinquefcil powdery su Go.Y on Fragariasterilis-lvs
Rose mottled su O under rose leaves
Bramble very powd. 0 su Go.Y under bramble lvs
effused spreading 0 su R.O under itosaceac Ivs Grev. cryp. 19
circled gyrose sp.SU Y on raspberry leaves
my.jn O under AlchemlUa Ivs
7 Q 2 ! S t A c w i f / / * l*ers. Lady's Mantle spreading su.aut R.Y Scrophularines
27QVT ? h l i l anthekrum Dec. Rhinanth. spots su O.Y Llnum catharticum Grev. crvn 31
279M c in » ^ c - Flax shining su O saxifrage
27QM 5 a x » f r agarum Dec. Saxifrage brilliant 0 su under Campanula Ivs
^3 Camp&nulsa Pers. Campanula bright

£7954 Pfroia Grev. Winter Green minute 0 su Go under Pyroia Ivs

27955 //eliosuupis Dec. Euphorbia round 0 aut Go under £uph6rbia lvs
87956 linearis Pets. linear, very com. 0 sp.aut Y on grass leaves Sow. 140. frumtnti
S7957 jBcidiiformls Grev. £fcidium-lk pustular 0 spring Y on Sphond^lium lvs
27958 Cerastii Grev. Cerastium punctiform 0 su Go on Ccrast. visebsum lvs
£7939 pustulata Pers. pimpled punctiform 0 spring Y on Epilobiuin palustrc lvs
£7960 Sonchi Pers. Sow Thistle spreading 0 BU R.O under Sunch. olerac. lvs
S7961 PetasUes Dec. Petasites gyroae 0 aut O under Petasites lvs
£7962 populina Pers. Poplar beautiful 0 aut Go under Populus nigra lvs. An. wett 2.11.5
£7963 ovata Straus ovate spots 0 aut Taw on P6nulus tr^mula lvs. An. wett 2.11.6
£7964 Candida Pers. white spreading 0 aut W Cruciteras . Grev. cryp. £51
3275. I7STIL ANGOLA. UBTILAGO. (Ustus, scorched; appearance.) 5.-
£7965 Sdgetum Pers. corn spreading 0 su Bk within grains of corn
£7966 tfrccolarum Dec. Pellitory spreading 0 su Bk on fructif.of Ckrex
£7967 caries Dec. cankering destroying
_ 0 aut Bk.Br within grains of wheat Stur. deu. 34
£7968 antherarum Dec. flowers spreading su P on Caryophy'llea?
£7969 flosculbsa Dec. floret spreading su P.Br on Scabiosa arvensis Sow. 396.2. Scabibta:
3276. CYLINDROSPOTUUM CYLINDROSPOBIUBL (Kylindros, cylinder, spora, sporule; form.) 1.
£7970 concentricum Grev, concentric 0 my.jn w cabbage leaves Grev. cryp. 20

To save unnecessary reference from the body of the work to this Supplement, and at the same time
to indicate when a reference to it is necessary, an asterisk (*) is placed in the body of the work
before such of the genera as are divided or repeated here, and also in those places where new
genera should have come in. Those genera or species in this Supplement, which are merely
alterations of the names, or distribution in the Natural System, of genera or species in the body of
the work, are distinguished by a section ($). The same mark, in the body of the work, indicates
that the name, or its place in the Natural System, is altered in the Supplement



s | £1*1 •

llll U H
S7<m / L CA'NNA.
*»/l 5a discolor Lindl. various-cld.-/»rfjg ED or 10 n S Trinidad 1827. R r.
r.m Dot. rcg. 121a

51a grandifulia Lindl great-leaved £ ES or 2 year Y Rio Jan. 1826. D 8.1 Bot ree 1210
- - macitenta Lindl meagre £ BS or 2 year W li St Rio Jan. 1826. D r.l Bot cab. 1781.
59a setosum Rose. bristly £ E2 or 2 my.jl P Rio Jan. 1824. R s.1 Rose, scit icon.
ia2fl abnorraisZimfl: irregular jg E3 or 10 s W China 1824. D s.1

H7a RoscoeanallMe. Roscoe's £ E] or * o W E. Indies 1827. R s.1 Bot reg. 1212


239a sabulosum Led. sandy O cu 1 Ap Siberia 1826L S co


MlLLINOTO^N/il Rox. MILLINGTONIA. (Sir T. MMingtm, Szv. Prof. Oxford.) Oltinat. 1.—5.
- - simpliciftlia Rox. simple-leaved f CD or 20 ... Y E. Indies 18*28. C p.1
spic&tum D. Don spike-flowered A or 8 jn.jl W Nepal 182a C co Bot mag. 21)21
nepaltnse Wai
.J**3- «/ASMrNUM.
304a lanceolariumRox. lanceolar^wf J . Q o r 10 ... W Silhet 182& C s.p

87982 S 2fl° ca"wtachya Led. prettiest-spiked^ A or 2 B Podolia 1829. D co

I1 JJ| stolonlfera Ish. stoloniferous * A or 1 Jn.]l B ...... «. D co
**« dianthifblia Cun. Pink-leaved £ IAJ or | my.jn B N. HolL 182S. D p.l
«4a?oii£ r i? r X > 4 * 2 ' poUshed i O w I mrjl B Britain dtgar. S co Eng.bot783
58 J
87984 ii* - UST1'C7 4
«?985 S ? " ve «ric6sa Wai ventricose *Qor S Jajl W.a China 182& C p.l Bot mag. 2766

oblongata L*. .
Hh 2
{27987 558a spintoa Lod. spiny 2 apjl Y Mauritius 182*. C p.1
27988 577 integrif&lia.
2 angustifolia Lindl. narrow-lvd n. \ | or 2 au.s Y Chile 1822. C Lp Bot. reg. 1083
27989 577a asclndens B. R. ascending «. i_J or 1 jLs Y Cordiller. 1826. C Lp Bot. reg. M*
27990- - thyrsifl&ra Grah. thyrse-flowereda. L_J or Ijjas Y Chile 1827. C p.1 Botmag.29#
27991 - . polif 61ia Hook. Poly-leaved £ iAi cu 1 jl Y Chile 1826. D Lp Bot.mag.28g
27992 - - connate Hook. connate-leaved £ OJor 3 Y
floribunda Lindl. Bot rcg. 1214. paniculate Herb. Chile 1824. D l.p Bot. mag. 2887
27993 578a purpurca Grah. purple-/ifoM/ma"]£ LAJ or 1 jl.s P Chile 1827. D Lp Bot mag. 2775
27994 - . arachnoidea Grah. cobweb-like £ iAl or 1 jn.s P Chile 1827. D Lp Botmag.287 4
tinctbria Gill. .
27995 579a planteginea Sm. Plantain-fcawdjfc iAJ or 1 au Chile 1827. D Lp Bot mag.
74. MONA'RD^.
27996 621a mcnthatfblia Grah. Mint-leaved ^ £ 3 jn.s Li N. Amer. 1827. D co Bot mag. i
3278. 74a. BLEPHI'LIA Raf. BLEPIIILIA. (Blep harts, eye-lash j sepals fringed?) Labiates. 2.— 3-
L - "- ciliita Aq/*. ciliated 3t A « 3 jni R N. AmerT ... D co
Mondrda ciliate X. Na 630., irsute No. 632.
•76. SA'LVIA.
27997 686a involucrate Cav. involucred • 14 jl.s R Mexico 1824. C p.l Bot. mag. 287$
27998 717a descrtbrum Sthan. desert A or 2*o B Siberia 1829. S co
27999 721a Simstfna B. R. Sims's A or 3 jn.jl Pa,B Russia 1820. D p.1 Bot rcg. 1003
bracteate Bot. Mag. 2320.
3279. 78a. STREPTOCA'RPUS Lindl. STREPTOCARPUS. (Streptos, twisted, karoos, fruit) Bignoni&cea?. \
) . . R6\ii Lindl. Rex's £ E 2 p r i year B C. 6. H. ... S p.1 Bot.reg.1173
Didymocarpus Rex» Bow. Na 15434.
82. A C ^ N A .
£8000 775a myrioph^lla Lindl. many-leaved A cu 1 myjn G Mendoza 1828. D co

3280. 82a. MARGYRICA'RPUS R.$P. MARGYRI. {Margaron, pearl, Jcarpos, frmt; resemblance.) Ro3(ict*-\
28001 - - BetbuuBRSfP. bristly I Q c u 2 ... G Peru 1829. C s.p FLper. 1.8. *>

£8002 805a davate Lab. clubbed 3 W N. HolL 1824. C s.p
28003 796a humilis R. Br. humble |_Jor 1 my.jn W N. HolL 1824. C s.p Bot reg. 1


$8004 922a cong&ta Lindl. crowded-Jhwered O or 1 Jl R Columbia 1826. S co Bot reg. 109*
•116. CRO^CUS.
£8005 1014a argenteus Sab. silvery tf A or * W.Br O co
28006 1019a lacteus Sab. milky A or i Pa.Y O co
•3281. 117a. STREPTANTHE'RA Suit. STRBPTANTHERA. {Streptos, twisted, anthera. anther.) Iridcee. 1-^
28007- - Regans Suit. elegant tf^Jpr I my.jn W.B.Y C. G. H. 1827. O s.p.lSw.fl.gar.8*
28008 1155a parviflora Lod. small-flowered tf iAI or ft Y C. G. H. ... O s.p.lBotcab.443

3282. 141a. LEUCOCO'RYNE Lindl. LEUCO. {Leukas, white, koryne, a club; sterile anthers.) p
28009 - . odorata Lindl sweet-scented X _Ai or 1 au W Valparaisol826. O p.l Bot reg.
Na 1228. and 1230. of Brodue\z belong to this genus.

3283. 1416. TRITELEPA Lindl TRITELEIA. {Treis, three: stigmas.) Asphodilea?. 1.—3.
28010 - - grandiflora Lindl. great-flowered tf or 2 W? N. Amer. 1826. O p.l
•148. TRIS.
28011 1303a tenax Don. tough £ A or 1 P California 1826. D p.1 Botreg.1^ 10J
28012 1313tf dandestina Le clandestine f fTCIor Brazil 182P. O s.l.p 4en g
28013 1255a ta6rica Lod. Taurian ^ A or £ Y Tauria 1827. O co Bot cab. I**1

143. MORTEM. •
28014 1327a catenulata Lindl. ch&mjotted 1 my W . B Mauritius 1826. D s.p Bot rcg. 107*
•144. MA'RICA.
28015 1339a ccelestis Leh. sky-6/«« 1 ... B Brazil 1829. O p.l
28016 1343a chilense Hook. Chile 1 B Chile 1826. D p.1
28017 1352a ^raminif blium Lindl. Grass-leaved h Y Chile 1825. D fl.p
28018 . . pedunculatum Gill. ste!ked->furd 1 s.o Y Chile 1827. D s.p
28019 1353a odoratissimum Lindl. sweetest-sctd 1 jn W S. Amer. 1828. D s.p Bot reg.
1433a montevidelnseG.Don MontevideanJBIi ES un 4 my.n Ap SL Amer. 1827. D bog
Eri6phorum montevideense Lk,
. . Lockhartii G. Don Lockhart's jBkEJun 4 my.n Ap Trinidad 1827. D bog;


^2 1576a' etiog&na Schr. ' woolly-angled M O un 1 jn.Jl Ap Germany 1827. S co
221 DESCHA'M1*SZ^€
88023 1
850« paludbsa Marsh, marsh Jlk A un 3 Jajl Ap Germany 1829. S co
oiS 8 " MOLl'N
•128 caeritlea. _
2 depauperata LmdL starved I A un 1 au Ap Scotland Cla mo D co



8487a spcrguloldes Leh. Spurrey-like O un | jl W Europe 1829. S co
2415a dccangulare Mx. ten-angled * A cu 3 au W N. Jersey 1825. D bog Bot cab. 1310


- 311a. Sl'MS74 R. Br. SIMSIA. (.7o/in AAM, M.D.,anEnplishliotanist) Protehce*. L
- - anethifi>lia B. Br. Fennel-leaved « L J o r 1} ... Y? N. HolL 1825. C p.1

i ?yJ1 o s i s lit s si
- 314«. ANADETNIA/?.»•. ANADBNIA. C^f, priv.,a<fen>aglandi nectariferous wanting.) Prote&cca.
- - pulch£lla B. Br. neat • i_J or 2 ... Y N. HolL 18S4. C p.1
- ^^a. QUA'DR/^ R. & P. QUADRIA. {Antoinc de la Quadra, a Spanish cultivator.) Protedceee. 1
- - heteroph^llaA^P. variable-leaved j L j f r 40 Chile 1826 C p.1 FL per. 1.99.6
G l l l MoL
* 324a. EMBOTHR1UM Fora. EMBOTHRIUM. [En, in, bothrion, a little pit; anthers.) Protedceee. 1.— 2.
- - strobillnum Loft, strobile-like s« LJ or 3 ap G.Y N. HolL 1824. C s.p Lab. n. h. 265

/ e i f ulia 6'«ji.
* 2714a' /edif ji Ledum-leaved * LJ or 6 year Pa N. Hofc 1824. C s.p
Cunningh&nu Sieb.
*331. POSTHOS.
2781a longifotta/.*.*O. long-leaved jgCSIcu 1 ... Ap Mexico 1829. SkLp
- - fflauca Lk. 8c. 0. glaucous ± US1 cu 1 ... Ap Mexico 1829. Sk l.p
- - microphy'lla Hook. smalMcaved & E] cu ^s Ap Brazil 1829. Sk Lp Bot. mag. 2953
2836a' tubiclna B. % P. trumpet->Itwf ^ C S c u \ au G .Trinidad 1817. D p.1 Bot mag. 2804
* 3*3. HOUSTO^N/il.
*857a serpyllifblia Mx. WildThyme-/»rf£ A pr W N. Amer. 1826. D i p Bot mag. 2828
'• 346a. SUCCI'SA Vail. DEVIL'S BIT. (Succisus, lopped; appearance of roots.) Dfpsdceie. 18.—24.
- - pratensis Moen. meadow & A c* * «" v Britain pas. D w En& bot 878
Scabibsa Succlsa L. No. 2887 and 2888; also those species from the beginning to Na S881 of Ccpnalana
*?*• 3466. ASTEROCE'PHALUS Vail. ASTEROCEFHALUS. (ifcfcr. star,*«»*«&, head: seedfc) A ^ - ^ r 8 0 -
* - - canteens Spr. canescent ^ A or 1 U ^Hungary I80i D co W.&K.53
Scabibsa canescens Kit. Na 2906.; and from this to the end, Na 2923. excepted.
*l" 3 4 6 c \?T E R OCE'PHALUS r«»7. PTEROCBPHALUS. (Pteron,wing,ArepAafe,head; seeds.)
- Vaillantit Lag. Vaillant's O or 1 jl B Aleppo 1822. S co
- "-'" n o o c - —•«« M ^-a > Nai905L and 2923.

. Kentucky 3t A cu J jnjl W N. Amer. 1829. S co

§042 S S " ; ? S £ ^ f P. connate-feawrf^nor 5 my O Peru 1S26 C Lp Bot mag 2853

^ * * 3226a heterophylla B.B. variable-leaved • • or 10 my Y & Amer. ... S Lp Bot reg. 1259

3240«' ffi^Gr**. imbricate-/!*! « l _ J p r 2 jajl Pk C. G. H. 1824. C p.1 Bot mag. 2809
H h 3

28044 3278a atailis Wai. teasile-flowered • • or 4 ... W E. Indies 1828. C p.1

ago PA VJ§?TTA
£8045 3895a" caffra Aw. ' Cafflrarian «iJor • ... W C. G. H. 1823. C p.1
3291. 388a. LIPO'STOMA D. Don LIPOS. (Leipo, to fall from, stoma, mouth; lid from capsule) Rubiai
28046 3308a campanulifl6raD.Do»bell-floweredl.IZ2priiN* jn;au B BrazU 1825. C Lp Bot mag.
Mghxhtia capitata Grah. Hedyutis campanuliflyra Hook.
397. AMMA'NN/i< , . „ , _. , ., „ „ ., ,__ _
28047 3327a.Wormskioldii H.ber. WormskioWs O u n 1 jl R Brazil 1827. S co
405. ALLKFNM. , • _ ,, ., „ „ A ,«-, -
28048 3402a ovata Ph. ov&teJeaved O or lft F N. Amer. 1827. S 00

CLASS I V . O R D E R 4.

•414. POTAMOGErrON. 0
28049 3444a acutifblium Lk. acute-leaved A A cu fit jn.jl G.Y Britain dit D co Eng. botsu.x


422. ABRO'NIA.
28050 3467a mellifera Dou. honey-bearing-* A pr W California 1826. D s.p
28051 3469a micrantha Led. smalUflowcred ^ A or 3 W? Siberia 1829. D co
28052 3473a mcxicana Lk. £ O. Mexican • • or 3 jl W Mexico 1829. C p.l
28053 3475a rhombif olia Hook, rhomb-leaved DD3 or ft s B S. Amer. 1826. S p.l Bot mag. 8917
S519 patulum Leh. is squarrbsum, No. 3519.
448. NOLA*NA.
. 28054 3748a taitila Lindl. slender Jt O or ft JLfl B Chile 1824. S p.1
28055 . . grandiflbra Leh greaUflowered Jk Q or ft jl B Chile 1829. S p.1
449. ARETif.
28056 3750a publscens Dec. pubescent ft my.jn W SwitzerL 1824. D 8.p Bot cab. 1&5
*450. ^NDRO'SACR
28057 3761a carinatn Torrey keeled A ft ap Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.f
S8US8 3763a linv&ris Grah. linear-leaved ft W N. Amer. 182a D i.p
•451. PRI'MULA.
28059 57f>7a vcrtici\V\t&Forak.v>hoT\ed.JlwtlS(lvd£ iAl P' ft mr Y - - , . . 1826. D s.p Botmag.28g
$ 3798a glauclBccns Morel, glaucesccut £ A or ft JILJI Switxei 1826. D p.Tf Sw. ft gar. 25*
calyclna Gau. Na3798.
28060 3816a intcgrifblium Mx. entire-leaved or ft ap.jn LP N. Amer. 1829. D p.1
*455. (TY'CLAMEN.
3820 plrsicum
4 laciniatum AiAJpr \ apjn R.W S p.1 Bot reg. 1095
28061 3867a geminata R. Br. tmn-pcdunclcd &\J£ox fit jn.jl N. HolL 1828. O p.l
465 CHIRC*N/i4.
28062 3872 terpyllifblia Leh. Wild lliyme-lvdtt. uJ or C G . H. 1829. C B.p
•472. PPILOX.
28063 3905a Sickmanni Leh. Sickmann's ^ A or 2 au W N. Amer. 1826. D p.1 Sw.fl.gar.n.«"
longirtura Swt.
280H4 3907a cordata Ell. coxAaic-leavcd % A or 3 ... Pa.P Carolina 1827. D p.1
£8065 3908a refl£xa Swt. reflcxed 5 A or 3 jl.s It hybrid. I) p.l Sw!n'.gar.g§
28066 . . scllbra Su>/. scabrous ^ ^ or 3 au Li N. Amer. ... I) p.1
28067 - - odorata Swt. sweet-scented ^t A or 3 au Li N. Amer. ... D p.1
28068 3920a procumbens Leh. procumbent £ A or ft my F N. Amer. 1827. D p.1
M 473. COLLO'MIA. 5
28069 3924a heteroph^lla Hook, various-leaved O cu Pk Columbia 1826. S co Bot mag-SJ
28070 - . grandiflora Dou. greaUflowered O or 2 Pk Columbia 1826. S co Bot. reg *
Mnm *474. POLEMCN1UM.
28071 3926a lacteum Leh. mWk-coiored A or lftmy.jn W 1829. D co
28072 3927a moschatum Worm, musky A or lft my.jl Bk N. Amer. 1827. D co
|j~73 - . Richardsunii Grah. Richardson's A or ft jl.o Pa.B N. Amer. 1826. S co
*w74 - - vilKisum Rudol. villcus A or ft jno PaB Siberia 1826. S co Swr.
28075 - - htmiile R. if S. humble A or ft jno B N. Amer. 1826. S co
««^^ *78. NEMO'PHILA.
28076 3938a parviflora Don. ? small.flowered ^ A or 1 I! X. Amer. 1836. S p.1
Phacdha parviflura Ph. Eutoca patviflftra It Br
Supplement. PENTANDRIA M0N0GYN1A. 471

^jJ292. 478a. EUVTOC A R. Br. EUTOCA. lEutokos, fruitful; number of seeds.) Hydrophyllecc. 2.
7ZZL' ' - multiflora Dow. many.flowered 3 el 1| my.Jl Pk N. Amer. 182ti S co Bot reg. 1180
ZW78 - . Frankllni R. Br. Franklin's Q> el 1 apjl Pk N. Amer. 1827. S p.l
D ttira r o r 8 k
? - DatunuJMte tt_Jor l,myjl Y Egypt m 1829. C p.l
nucriuthus Led. small-flowered O «n 1 jn.jl Y Armenia 1829. S co

40G0a glatfca Grah. ' glaucous O or SO au.o Y.o Bu. Ayr. 1887. S co Bot mag. 2837
- - noctiflora Hook. night-flowering O or 2 au W . P Chile 1826. S co Bot mag. 2785
- - alataL*. winged O or 2 au.o W? & Amer. 182a S co
acuminata Grah. acuminate-/** £ .A] or 2 jn.s W Chile 1827. S co

2 ^ I S ^ 6 • Pa.Pk AlgoaBayl823. C p.1 B o t reg. 1116

S80RR AJ^ ' Gl'LlA.
^ 4266a gracilu Dou. slender O or } jnjl Pk N. Amer. 1826. S co Bot mag. 9924
^ 49g<i. IPOMO PSTS Mx. IPOMOPSIS. (Ipot to strike forcibly, optis, sight: dawling flowers.) PoUmonideee. L— .
> a - Regans Mx. elegant £ Q spl 2 jl S N. Amer. 1826. S co Bot. reg. 1281
GUia pulchfilla Dou. Gilia coronopifolia No. 4265.
S12B. SPHENOTOMA Swt. SPHENOTOMA. (Sphcno, to bind, tome, a slice or section.) Epacridra. L—2.
" * gracilis 5w/. slender * i_J or 2 W N. HolL 1823. C s.p Sw. au. 44
Dracophyllum gracile R. Br. No. 4314.

2 5 S 4330a iwVtSSiv?J? fl?' manv smked « i _ J o r Z W N. Holl. 182a C l.p Botcab.l43&
S 8
^ 4 3 r S ; S 2 : J ^ " SntSrVupied I J o r 3 myjl W N. Holl 18«6. C LP Bot cab. 1451

4341a JctiftUa^'a*. Ledum-lcaved »U or 8 W China 1819. C p.l Bot. reg. 811
88089 N a 4 :
4347a l f a ^ / % ]|W. • or 4 my.jn F hybrid ... L s.p Sw.fl.gar.n.s.lO
2 prae'stans Swt. excelling • or 4 my.jn Cop hybrid ... L u.p

1 • or 20 ... W Caracca. 182a C r.m

cymose t^orlO R Indies 182a C p.1

4j£ g Ta^S 6 my.s W Kindle. 18% C ? jj

- - densiflbra Wai dense-flowered • • or 4 jn W K Indies 1824. C p.1 Bot reg.
- 550a. ANTHOCLEPSTA Afz. ANTHOCLEISTA. {Anthot, a flower, kleistos, shut up.) Apocyne*. L
- - macrophylla G. Don Jong-leaved 1 • or 20 *». W S. Leone 1820. C p.1

4572a hymen&ndra Wai. mcmbrane-ant«i_J or 8 myjl Pk Silhet 1883. C p.1

4591a obovata Wai obovate-taww* 1 • or 20 ... W Silhet 1816. C «.p.l

- 581a. ULLOM Pers. ULLOA. {Antonio UUaa, a Spanish naturaliit.) Ataaew. L
- - pararitica Pers. parasitical £ • or R Peru 1824. C h.r m FL per. S. 185
Juanulloa paruitica R.$P.
. Alaternus-like i l ^ o r 6 f.ap Pa.Y Trinidad 1824. C p.1 Bot mag. 2929

V&S&SSJM ^vhitened J J o r 3 Jn ... Chile 1825. C U

- - wiyrtif ilium Lad. Myrtle-leaved * LJ or 3 ... B C 8.1 Bot cab. 1431

4885«aSmL?Jrf/CTYaz^ • • o r 4 J a Pa.B Nepal UBS? C Lp Bot reg. 1235

^.n - ADENO'PHORA. „ „., . ,ortrt _
4016a reticulata Fis. netted k A or 2 ... Pa.B Siberia 1829. D co
4965,,' /iliif biia w. Lily-leaved ^ A or 3 my.s B Siberia 1784. D p.1
Adenuphora ril'iifblia Na 4917.

8iS ?® iSSf"il" sharp.notched tfEIor 2 s

s Y Chile
Y 1824.
Chile D i p Botp reg. 973
^Kiftfiwd. SSSClTd fcSlpr Pa-B Nepal 18g D co
crispa Graft. SSSC
curled fcSlpr
^ o r
jl.o Pa-B
B Nepal
N. Amer.18g
1825. DDco
^ o r S jl.o B N. Amer. 1825. D s.p
O ^uS a |J}
Baxteri, No. 5182.
-uJpr 1 ap.Jl O N. Holl. 1824. C p.1 46

« S i ^ u S T S l d L ^ Douirlas's A or 20 Jl.s O N. Amer. 1824. C co

S219« S S S S S i 1 Sal toSSSowered ] or 20 jU Y.w China J826. C co Bot reg. 1238

^ t a T r t J S t r . involucred & cu 3 my Y HudsJJay 1824. C p.1 Bot reg. 1179

• • campanidbra bell-flowored ft or 2 my Y N. Amer. ... C co Bot cab. 1361
XylOstcum campaniflorum Ijfd.
646. WE'BER/f.
SS11O 5336a coriacea Wai. coriaceous-tod sH • or 6 ... W E. Indies 1828. C p.l
32g7. 649a. UNCA*RIA Gae. UNCABIA. (Uncvs, a hook; old petioles.) Rubihcea. 2. —10.
28111 . . sessilifrtctus Rox. sessile-fruited I _ O o rr 10 E. Indies 1839. C p.l
& . . GdtnbierWzl Gambier L D ° 10 ••• Pa.R E, Indies 1825. C p.l
Nauclea Gdmbir, No. 5347. •
660. ZI'ZYPHUS. ,, ^ ,
28112 5136a melastomffidesGrm. Melastoma-like*i_J or 6 N. HolL 1824. C p.1
3298. 667a. RETANI'LLA Brong. RETANILLA. (Its name in Peru.) Rhdmne*. 2.
& . - obcordata Brong. obcordate./wf * p o r 2 ... Y p e ru 1822. C Lp Ven.cels92
ColltUVz obcordCta Koi. No. 5488, also 5489.
•3299. 6G7&. TREVOM Cav. TRRVO*. (r#wo, the name of some botanist) Rhdmnete. 1 — 2.
28113 - - triplintfrvis Gitf. triple-nerved *|_jor 4 ... G.Y Chile 1828. C p.l Bot mis. 55
3300. 668a. COLUBRrNA Brong. COLUBBINA. (Coluber,a snake; twisted stems.) Rhdmnear. *—

SJ01. 6636. WILLEME*T//f Brong. WILLEMETIA. (P. A.tf7/fejB<?/,auth. of Herbarium Mauritianum.) Rhanmeee.
4 - - africana Brong. African • L_| or 6 mr.ap B a C. G. H. 1712. C p.l
Ceanuthus africanus, No. 5510.
673. DIO'SMA.
28114 5562a sphseroclphala lad. round-headed * | _ J o r W? C. G. H. ... C p.l Bot cab. 1490
3302. 673a. ACMADETNIA B. $ W. ACMADENIA. {Ahne, a point, aden, a gland: anthers.) Ruthcece. 1 . ^
\ . . tetragoiia Hil. four-angled « i _ ] o r 2 apjl W C. G. H. 1798. C p.l Thun. v.4.5
Adenindra tctragbna Swt. No. 5573.
t . linearis Hil. YmezrJeav'ed n. i_J or 1 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1800. C p.l
Di6sma linearis Thun. No. 5541.
3303. 675a. COLEONEWf A B. & TV. COLBONEMA. (Koleos, a sheath, nema, a filament) Rutucece. L—&
& . - alba 5. # W. white fLi_Jor 2 mr.jl W C. G. tt 1800. C p.l
Ditoma alba Thun. No. 5544.
676. BARYO'SMA. • ia
\ 5579a pulchdlla Hil. neat * L_J or 2 f.s P C. G. H. 1787. C p.l Bot mag. I
Agathosma pulchella W. No. 5581, also 5582.
3304. 676a. MACRCSTYLIS B. % W. MACBOSTYLIS. (Makros,long, stylis, a style.) RiittVea. %—*•
\ . . bartnta//»/. bearded * i _ J o r 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1810. C p.1
Agathosma barb^ta Spr. No. 5589. and i>583. belong to this genus.
28115 5622a dumosa Cun. bushy * i_j or 2} my.jn W N. Holl. 182a C p.1
687. ESCALLOxN7il. ,_-
28116 5639a glandulbsa 5m. glandular « J o r 3 s R Chile 1827. C l.p Bot cab. l&
28117 - - rubraPers. rcd-flotoered i j o r 3 I R Chile 1827. C Lp Bt m a g 8
28118 - - bitidaZ.ft.4rO. bifid ft LJ or 3 S. Amer. 1827. C Lp
3305. 692a. BERZETLI^ Brong. BERZEMA. (Berzelius, a celebrated chemist) Brutudcae. 9-T '
{ . . abrotanoldes Brong. Southernw.-lk* |_J or 1* my.jl W C. G. H. 1787. C p.1 Bot cab. 55?
Briinia abrotanoldes, No. 5658., and also 5651. belong to this genus.
3306. 6925. RASPA?UA Brong. RASPALIA. (Raspail, a French botanist) Bruniacea?. 1.
$ - - microphy*lla Brong. small-leaved tL |_J or 1 W C. G. H. 1804. C 8.1
Briinia microph^lla, No. 5660.
3307. 692c. BERA'RDIA Brong. BEHABDIA. (Berard, professor of chemistry at Montpelier.) Bruniacee. *•
\ - - palc\cea Brong. chaffy • i_J or 2 W C. G. H. 1791. C p.1
BrumVi paleocca, No. 5667., and also 5661. belong to this genus.
3308. 6924. AUDOUI'N/J Brong. AUDOUINIA. {A. Audouin, an entomol. and friend of Brongniart) Brvn*"'
% . . capitata Brong. headed «. LJ or U P C. G. H. 1790. C p.1
Diosma capitlte L. No. 5552.
3S09. 69&. STAA^V/il Thun. STAAVIA. (Martin Statf, a correspondent of Linneus's.) Brunttce*. *T"
28119 - - radiata Thun. radiated a - L j o r 1 myjn \V C. G. H. 1787. C p.1 B r e y . c »
Phjlica radiata L. Briinia radiata L.
£8120- - glutinbsa Thun. clammy tt.i_Jor W CO. H. 179J. C p.1 Bo
BrumVi glutinbsa L.
& . . ciliata Brow;. ciliated-feawd tt. i_J or 1| my.jl W C. G. H. 1812. C p.1
Briinia ciliata, No. 5667.

*695. CLAYTON/il.
£8121 5681a cuWnsis H. $B. Cuba O c u } my.jl W Cuba 18129. S co
•701. JTOLA. - A f refi.125*
28122 5728a prsm6rsa Dou. bxtten.rooted ^ A or ± my.jl R Columbia 1826. D co Bot res
2812.3 5752a flavicornis Sm. yellow.horned £ A or \ my.jl Y.B Britain ch. pi. D co
28124 5783a epipsHa Led. naked above £ A or \ my.jl Y Livonia 1826. D co
3310. 709a.HYMENANTHE'RA R.Br. HYMENANTHERA. (Hymen, membrane, anthera, an anther.)
28125 - - teniiita R.Bt. toothed-fcawrrf • i_J or 6 Y N. HolL 1820. C p.1
&JI1. 710& SOULA'NG/if Brong. SOI^ANCIA. (Soulange Rodin, a nurseryman near Paris.) Jttrf*"'*
{ . . axillem Brong. axilflowcred « LJ or 2 myjn W C. G. H. 1812. C p.1
Ph^hca axillaris, No. 5860., also 5856. .Wott 58*4. 5854, and 5855. belong to this genus.


alplnum C co
819 2 pumilum Lindl dwarf A cu 2 G N. Amer. ... C co Bot reg. 1274
28127 teniufKjrum Lindl. slender-flwd A cu 6 Y N. Amer. ... C co Col. h. rip. ]. B
- flavum Coll. yellow «• cu 6 Y
aareum sanguineum Lindl. Siberia 1826. C co
atropurpureumLerf. dark purple sit or 4 G N. Amer. 1827. C co Bot reg. 1263
8lS cereum Dow. wax Ss or 2 ap W
Chile 1826. C co Bot reg. 1278
28lji - punctktum A * P. dotted A _J cu 3 G.v Siberia 1829. C co
28132 n
" decumbens Led. decumbent flk fr 1} G N. Amer. 1810T C co Bot reg. 1237
setosum Lindl. bristly A or 4 W
viridiflurus Mty. green-flowered ^Qcu 10 s G
G S. Amer. 1826. C p.l Bot reg. 1126
Pallida Lindl. pale JL • or 6 W E. Indies 1815. C r.m Bot cab. 1309
lanceolate Hart. No.
anceolata Hart. asm acbta Haw.
Na 6204.
spatulata Lindl. spatulateJvrf AiAJcu 1 jn.jl C G. H . 1826. C a.1 B o t reg. 1113
Pa.Y E. Indies 1829. C 8.1 WaL pi. as. ra. 8
I cu
mbriata Wai. fringed cu
crenulata Wai. crenulated Pa,Y E. Indies 1829. C s.1 Wai. pL as. ra. 7

fibre albo white-flowered k A or 1 au.s W N. Amer. 1826. D p.1

Richardstaf'i Dou. Richardson's £ A cu 1 ... G N. Amer. 1827. D co

carpinifblia Lindl. Hornbeam-lvd tm 40 Br Britain hed. L co

- etricta LindL strict tin 60 Br Britain hed. L co

Na 6582. and 6577. of Cherophy'llum belong to this genus.

2814A * 2 821a. CONOPCTDIUM Koch CONOPODIUM. (Konos, a cone.podion, a little foot; disk.) Umbdlffene. 3.
- denudatum Koch denuded & A un 2 jnjl W S. Europe ... D co
•Bumum denudatum Dec.
- canadense Koch Canadian ^ A un If W N. Amer. 1699. D e o
Chaerophyilum canadlnse Pars. Na 6*599. and also 6o00. belong to this genus.
I * 826a. ORLA^Y^ Hofm. OHLAYA. {Orlay, probably tbe name of some botanist) Umbellifera>. a
- platyc&rpos Koch broad-fruited O un 1 jn.jl W S. Europe 1800. S co M. h.9.14.2
Cadcalis platyc&rpos, Na 6659., also 6663. and 6656. belong to this genus.
J14 - •'8266. TURGE^NIA Hofm. TuaaENiA. {Turgeo, to swell; seeds.) UmbeUlterts. 1.
- latitulia Hofm. broad-leaved O un 3 jLau R England S co Ene K
bot 198
Caticalis latifbUa, Na 6657.
835. ^THAMA'NTA.
'<Ua macedonica 5/>r. Macedonian £ Q) cu 2 Pa,Y Greece 1596. S co Black. 382
jffubon maced6nicum L. Na 6745.
No. 6746,6747,6748, 6749,675a of iftbon, and 6703. of jfthamanta, belong to this genus.

and 6780. of
Atfseli, belong to this genus.

podohcum Hori. Podolian un 1 jl W Podolia 1827. D c o

virescens Spr. greenish un 1 Jl Europe 1829. D c o
3316. 8
*8a- HELOSCIA^DIUM Koch HELOSCIADIUM. {Helos, marsh, skiadion, umbeL) UmbeWfene. 5 . - 7 .
- nodiHbrum Koch knot-flowered *W A w f W Britain rivuL D aq Eng. bot 639
51um nodiflbrum L. No. 6796., also 6797.6804.; and Na 6809. and 681 a of Sison, belong to this genus.
3317. 8
*86- BRIGNCTLIJ Bert BRIGNOLIA. (J. L. Brignoli, a professor at Verona.) UmbeU[ferte. ].
- panacifT.lia Brig. Panax-lcavcd j A or 1 W Sicily 1686. D s,p Jac vin. 2.133
S\am siculum L. No. 6800.
**&c- DREPANOPHY'LLUM Hofm. DHEPANOPH. {Dreponan, scythe, phyllon, leaf; form.) UmbeL J,
- agreste Hofm. field ^ A un S jn W Europe 1726. D m.s Jac. au. & 257
Slum Falciria L. No. 6798.
33 19
. -;85*«. ZI'ZMKoch Zizu. (J. B. Zizii, a German botanist) UmbeMlferte L
f olden i A o r 2 ray.jn Y N. Amer. 16S9. D r.m
X. No 6831.
6811. of Slson belongs to this genus.
474 PENTANDRIA TR1GYNIA. Supplement-
860. GNI DIUM. _
{ 6851a a\no\des Spr. Apium-like £ A un 2 jnjl P.Y ConstantL 1816. D e o Ven.cels97
Zaserpitium rilaiftlium Jac. No. 70I&, auo 6766. under G. venusum.
28144 6922a csriilea Grah. sky-blue O pr 1J jl.s B N. HolL 1827. S s.p Bot rcg. 12»
Didfscus csrbleus Dec. Bot Mag. 2075
333a 873a. MELANOSELPNUM ttifin. MELANOSEL. (Melas, black, «rfi'iioii, parsley; appearance.)
& . . decipiens
decipiens Hofm.
Hofm. ddeceiving
eceivg j i A u n 2 jn.jl W Madeira 1785. I) co Set han.
Sellnum decipiens mrf.
mrf No.
No 6941.
3321 874A. ARCHANGE'LICA Hofm. ARCH ANGELIC A. (Supposed archangelic virtues.) UmbeUtfertr^J
& - - offlcinalis Hq/>». officinal kCDcul 4 G England wat.pL S m.s FI. dan. 206
Angelica Archangelica L. No. 6957., and also 6968. belong to this genus.
3322. 8746. OSTFRICUM Hqftn. OBTERICUM. [Osteon, a bone; seeds ?) Umbetyferee. I-
h . - pratense Hofm. meadow £ A un 3 F Galicia 1818. D co
Angelica prate"nsis Spr. No. 6964.
& 6971a /erulaceum All. Ferula-likc 9t Q) un 1 j] Pa.P Switzerl. 1775. S co
/.ascrpltium lucidum W. No. 7018. and No. 6938. of Sellnum.
3323. 875a. MOLOPOSPE RMUM Koch MOLOPOSPERMUM. {Mobps, a wheal, sperma, a seed.) UtnbeUtfere-9 l
\ - - peloponneslacum Koch Peloponnes.^ A or 4 my.jl Pa.Y Switzerl. 1598. D co Jac au.5.1
iigfisticum peloponneslacum L. Na &X&.
3324. 8756. LEVI'STICUM Koch LEVISTICUM. [Levo, to assuage: relieves flatulency.) UmbeWfera. 1.
t . . officinale Koch officinal 4 A cul 6 jn.jl Y Italy 1596. D co Black. 275
Ligusticum Levisticum L. No. 6966T
3325. 875c. TROCHISA/NTHES Koch TBOCHISANTIIES. (Trochiskos, a small wheel, anthos, a flower.) Undgl-^
§ - - nodiflbra Koch knot-flowered ^ A un 3 G Alp. Eur. 1810. D p.1 Alped.72
Lig6sticum nodiflbrum VU. Na 69667 belongs to this genus.
No. 68291 of Smyrnium belongs to this genus.
88a FE'RULA.
28145 6987a camnestris Bes. field j| A or 3 jn.jl Y Tauria 1829. S co
28146 - - sylvatica Bes. wood k A or 3 jn.jl Y Podolia 1829. S co
3326. 880a. FERULA\5O Koch FERULAGO. (Ferio, to strike: used as rods.) Umbelllfcr*. 2.
^ - - no&iflbnKoch knot-flowered 9t A un 3 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1596. D 8.1
Ferula nodiflora L. Na 6990., also 6988.
3327. 881a. SVLER Sco. SILER. (Salio, to shoot up; quick growth.) UmbeWferte. 3. '
§ - - trilobum Sco. three-lobed-/pd ^ A un 4 my.jl W Austria 1796. D e o Jac. au.
Laserpitium trilobum L. aquilcgifonum 5/>r. Na 7006.
No. 6934,69J5.6937.694a 6914,6945.6947. of ftnnam, Na 6932. of Thyssellnum, and Na
belong to this genus.
3328. 882a. SILA'US Bes. SILAUS. (A name used by Pliny.) UmbcU\fer<e. 3. tAA
$ - - prat^nsis Bes. meadow ^ A un 2 Y England mea. D co Eng. bot 21**
JPeucedanum ffilaus L. Gnidium Silaiis Spr. No. 6852.; also Na 7052. and 7036. of PeucSdanum.
3329. 883*. OPO'PANAX Koch OPOPANAX. {Opos, juice, panax, the plant y'elding it) Utnbellifer*- *
| - - Chirum'cutn Koch Chiron's £ A m 6 jn.jl Y S. Europe 164a D co Gou. iL 19-
Pastinaca Opupanax L. No. 7049.
3330. 885a. PETROSELrNUM Hofm. PARSLEY. (Petros, a rock, selinon, parsley: habitat)
§ . . satlvum flo/wi. cultivated f O cul 2 jnjl L.Y Sardinia 1*48. S co
^Tpium Petrosellnum L. Na 6833.; also Na 6807. of Sison, and Na 6975. of Ligusticum.
3331. 8856. CONDYLOCA'RPUS Hofm. CONDYLOCARPUS. {Kondylc, a knob, karpos, fruit; margin.) U
\ - - officinalis Koch officinal Ow 2«jl F England cor. fi. S co Eng bot.
rordylium officinale L. No. 7082., also Nos. 7084 and 7087. belong to this genus.
S332. 885a PLATYSPE'RMUM Hofm. PLATYBPERMUM. {Platys, broad, spcrma, seed.) UmbelW
4 - - muricatum Hofm. xtfxcMyseeded O un 2 jn.jl Pk Barbary 1683. S co M n. 9.
DaAcus muricatus L. No. 6648.
i - - pulchfrrimum Koch fairest O un 2 jn.jl W Levant 1699. S co
Caucalis orieutalis But. Na 6664. and also Na 6667. belong to this genus.


28147 7254a gracilis Li: slender ^ (23 un } jn.s W Brazil 1829. S co
906. PHARNATEtfAf.
S8148 7259a Ho«VnanseggiaiitimR.&a Hoffman.^ iQJ cu W Brazil 1829 D e o



mall-pierced fctAlor 1 an W C G . R 1824 C .1

wavy.,,**, - t U o r | au W C ft H. IK C P-»

CLAW VI. Oftsn 1.


iU« W M««, W.O«

.2Kg •a.ssr.
Pancratium incarnatum iUA.
bloody £ El or 2 au.s B.w Rio Jan. 1834. Skr.m
77<§5; LLA'NDSJM. ,,-„. ,.u w

-WLLBERGJil. ,, , m i w ,lM n. RioJan. 182& Sk r.m Bot.reg. 1130

Am '
ruseus Swrfc rose-colored
rose-colored i A P *

Imatoph^llum Aitbni Hook. Bot Mag. 2836.

S « El cu 1 « Pa C. G. R 1826? 0 r.m Bot reg, 12W
Amar^UU coranica var. pallida Lindl.

ffig^unculatal^tong-pedtf tAJor 2 mr.ap 0 Mexico 1826. 0 r.m Bot reg 1188

acuminate var. longipedunculata Bat. reg. 534

Sr*AJt2«AS?Uarobu«t * jUorUnjl R Ba Ayres 1887. 0 r.n*

*979. ALSTRffiME^RLi. „ „ ^^
2<H3 Hookerff SwL » pulchtfla Sims Bot cab. 1272. Na 80W.
Sims/i Swt. is rbsea Hook. Sw.fl. gar. 2fi7. No. 8W4. „ , , . « . . , „ t 0 - n ,„
nallida Grah pale AiAJel 2 «.o Pk-R Chile? 1827. 0 Lp
^^S^SnaifA. parrot * ! S e l 6 «.o C.r Mexico 1829. O Lp Sw.fl.gar.n.».15
^ 980o. CDMMI'NGW D. Don. CUMMINOU;AlAdy Gordon Cumming, of Altyre, nearForres, N.B.) Amto. 1.--2.
'" • campanulataD./)o»cainpanulate tf J£t\ \ jln B Chile 182a 0 Lp Sw.fl.gar.257
Conanth&ra campanulas Hook. Na 805a

8100a n ^ S I 8 ' S S ^ noddingjfwd £ E 3 c u 1 n Ld E Indie* 1822. R Lp Bot reg. 1223

Cape mjUun 1 myjn Ap C.G.H. 1829. D mi

l£IZaor W Brazil 182, D co B * ~ » »

, n.y..uG.T C.G.H. 1824. m*

or 4 MP W China ... O co

SBk Penia
SteJUML Pe«.««Vy «l 1 ™ » ° » Batit«.ll«
28®' 18o. CYCLOBCTHRA SwL (A'^ft»,acircle,»ottr©s,apit; each sepal.) Tuiiphce*. 2.
" E^reaSuJ pu^le S i5Jor 3 au.s P.G Mexico 1827. Op.1 Sw.fl.gar.n.«.2U
•- tet£l^TC^Xl «^lor 3 a,, Y Mexico 1837. O pi Sw. fl. gar.273
Pitlhna barbata Kth.
1020. DRAC£?NA.
28171 8461a brasilifnsis Parm. Brazilian * • or 6 ... W BrazU 1825. S p.1 ,tea
28172 8471a surculbsa Lindl. surculose s* • pr 4 Jl W S. Leone 1821. Skp.1 Bot reg. 1169
•1027. YU'CCA.
28173 8518a puWrula Haw. small downy £ A or 7 au.s W .". S k r i Sw.fl.gar.251
28174 8525a gracilis Lk. slender £ ES or W Mexico 1829. Skr.l
•1046. A'UAVM.
28175 8708a nudicaule Leh. naked-stmd tf A or 1 Jn.jl 182a O co
28176 - - eu6smon Lk. 8c 0. welUscented V A or 1 jn.jl W 1829. O co
28177- - glanduldsum Lk. $ O. glandular tf A or 1 jn.jl W? 1829. O co
3338. 1050a.
HESPEROSCOR Lindl.d HESPERO. (Hesperos,evening,
PERO.(Hesperos, evenin rtordott, garlic;
g ; smell P) Asphodel**-
8178 A- y Ayacinthmww
28178- c i t h w LindL Hyacinthlike
LindL $ $AJ.AJoror 11 JLu JLau BP 1826 Op.1
1826. O1
Brodug\> grandiflura Nutt.
*1054. SCI'LLA.
28179 8821a obtusifblia Poir. blunt-leaved tf A P» .4 Cap R S. Europe 1829. O c
28180 8822a rosea Uh. rose-colored tf A Pr R Nuroidia 1827. O c
1085. CYANE'LLA.
28181 9035a odoratissima LindL most fragrant £ tAl or 1 jlau C. G. H. 1826. O s.p Bot. reg. UU
•1091. MAH0 % N£4.
28182 9069a repens G. Don creeping ft or 2 ap N. Amer. 1824. R r.m Bot reg. H7fi
Berberis repens LindL
1099. F R A N K F N M . _
28183 9089a pauciflbra Dec. few-flowered tt.i_Jpr 1 jaau Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Botmag.289&
1100 .PE^PLIS.
28J84 9091a occidentalis Spr. western \ jl O Guadalou.1829. S bog


3339. 1111a. CALOCHCKRTUS Ph. CALOCHORTUS. (Kalos, handsome, chortos, grass.) Lilihccce. 3. Q
28185 - - nitidus Dou. shiping tf _A| pr | au P Columbia 1826. O s.p Hort tr. l-^
28186 - - macrocarpus Dou. long-fruited 9 ^J spl 2 au P Columbia 1826. O s.p Bot reg. 11°*
28187- - degansPA. elegant tf^lpr | jn.jl W Columbia 1826. O s.p Horttr.7- 9


• 114a TROP-flFOLUM.
28188 9317a tricolbrum Swt. three-colored A el 12 jas O.p Valpara. 182a C p.1 Sw.fl.gar.tf0
1172. BJE'CKIA.
28189- 9397a sax i cola Cun. rock-inhabiting II i_J or 2 jLau W N. HolL 1824. C p.1
•1173. ERPCA.
28190 942^1 rigida Lod. stiff *Ljor 2 Pk C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot cab. 12"
28191 - - rubida Lod. ted 2 myjn W.R C. G. H. 1826. C s.p Bot cab. |1$°
28192 - - crinlto Lod. hairy 2 ... R C.G. H. 1826. C p.1 Bot cab. 1**
1177. MICHAU'X/J.
28193 9951a decandra Fit. decandrous ^ Qb or 3 jlau L B ? Persia 1829. S s.l
23194 9969a Cua Paullinia-lvd il t_J un 4 jn.jl G N. HolL 1826. C p.1
•1181. OSBE'CKFA.
28195 9978a glomcrata Dec. g\amerate.Jlwd J* O pr ltjLau Pk Trinidad 1818. S p.1 Bot mag. 5
Xhtxiti glomerata Bot. cab. 3M.
•118a ffiNOTHETRA.
28196 10019a dec6ml)en8 Dou. decumbent O pr 1 j a n P California 1827. S co Bot. mag.
28197 • - viminea Dou. twiggy O prr 3 j a s P California 1826. S co Bot mag-
88198 . . tenuifulia 11. # P- finc-Tcaved O l> I jn.s P Chile 1828. S co flr
28199 - • miadrivftlncraDott. 4.*pottcd.pctalcd O or II 8 Pk N. Amcr. 182a S co Bot. reg. l
28200 . . Lindleyii Dou. Lindlcy's O or U jn.n P N. Amer. 1826. S co Bot mag.
28201 10020a pallida LindL ra\c.jiowcrcd ^ ^ or I* j a s W . R America 1826. D p.1 Bot reg. 1
28202 10037a f araxacifblia Hort. Dandelion-lvd £ A or i W flr
Peru 1825. S co
28203 10053a crassiftilium Leh. thick-leaved A or 1 jn.j1 R 1829. S co
*118R FU'CHSW.
28204 10077a microphy'lla Kth. small-leaved * LJ pr 6 jn.i S.P Mexico 189R C Sw.agar.r . n , ^
28205 10079a thymifolia X/A. Thyinclcaved ft LJ or 6 my.o R Mexico 1827. C p.1 Bot reg.
3340. 1192a. PIERA'RD/JJ Rox. PIERARDIA. (Mr. Pierard of Kew Green.) Sapindheeatt 1.
- - sapida Rox. well-tasted f • fr 20 ... Y Sumatra 1820. C p.1
3311. 1195a. MA1 RLE A Rox. MARLUA. {Marliyat its Bengal name)
28907 - - begon/d^o/ra Rox. Begonia, leaved I jor 4 ... Y China C p.1

ogo^ 1199a. GNl'DIA.

^*w 10174a ochroleuca Laf. yellowish white* i_J or 1J Pa.Y C. O. H. 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 1184
* } * • 1204a. APLOPHY'LLUM J. APLOPIIYLLUM. {Haploos, simple, phyllon,,lcaf j leaves simple.) IlutHcett.6 a
» - - patavlnumJ. Paduan * A un l^jns G.v Italy 1819.C co Mic.gen. 19
fluta patavlna L. Na 10920., and aboTfoi 10921,10922,10923,10924,10925. belong to this genus.


28210 i!Si "ijucftndum B.H. disagreeable «. _] un 2 my G.w Valparaisol825. C co Bot reg. 1250
*1U 10279a acutatum Leh. sharpened O or 2 jLau Pk 1838. S co


*1237. SOPHCWA.
104«Jo velufina Lindl velvety * i _ | o r 6 jn Pk Nepal ... C p.l Bot. reg. 1185
• 1239a. PIPTA'NTHUS Surf. PiFTANroua (Pipto, to fall, anthos,* flower; soon falling off.) Leg. Pap Soph. 1.
* - nepalfnsis Swt. Nepal a or 10 my.jn Y Nepal 1821. Lr.mSw.fl.gar.SW
ilnagyris fndica Wai. So. 10162.
fine-leaved « L J o r Y C G. H. 1829. C p.1

smaUer k A or lijnjl B N. Amer. 1829. D co

i lor 1 my Y N. HolL 1820. C s.l.pBot.raag.28G0

t j o r 2 apjl Y N. HolL 1824. C l.p

& S i ^ o p h y S 1 ^ . slender-leaved ; L J or 2 apjn Y N. Holl 182J C s.Lp

- - phys&des Cun. bladdery • i_J or 2 apjn Y N. HolL 1824. C s.Lp

* . • « 20 jl W Cumana 1826. C p.l Bot reg. 1133

10805a" &™jtyfNA' royal 1 | I ] s p l 4 0 ... C liadagasc.1828. C r.m Bot mag. 2881

1308a WALLSITRA Rox. WALLSUIUL^ (^a/te«i,itsTeUnganame) ¥dte. 1.-2.
- - robusta Ao*. robust t O or 20 E. Indies 1827. C p.1

11004a prostrtta Swt. prostrate a. or J myjn W N. Amer. ... L p.s Sw. fl. gar. ic in,

28229 n i ? ? ' *HODODE'NDRON. • » v u -^ T I C - MO

^ U0l5a Gowenianum Swt Gowen's « or 4 myjn R hybrid ... L p.1 Sw.fl.gar.263
^* ^I43a Banksii Cun. ' Banks's II LJ or 1| N. Holl. 1824. C p.1
Steal5* 1362a- CHJETOGA'STRA Dec. CIIATOGAOTRA. {Chaite, hair,/o<^r
W r belly; ovary.) Melastbmear. 1 28.
* - - lanceolita Dec. lanceolate-/ptf O P' 1 j* Trinidad 1820. S p.1 Bot. mag. 2835
JZh£xia lanceolita Bon. Rhex. 21
r6" 1364a. MOTJRTRIA J. MOURIRIA. {Mouriri, its name in Guiana.) Memecpleet. 1—5.
- - guianinsis^«ft. Guiana * f a o r 6 jLs Y Guiana 1817. C p.1 Aub. guL 1.180
' Petalbma Mouriri Swz. Na 11189., and also 11188. belong to this genus.
13646. POI'VRE^ Com. POIVREA. (N. Poivrc, intendant of the Mauritius in 176&) Combretacete. 6.-14.
• - coccinea Dec • scarlet tf • or 20 jn.d S Madagas. 1818. C r.m Bot. mag. 21C2
Combretum purpureum Vahl, Na 10197., also 10198,10199.10201.10207, and 10208. belong to this genus.
4* '372a. DE/CODON Gm. DECODON. {Dekas, ten, odous, a tooth; calyx.) Salicariite. 1.
" - vcrticillatus Ell. ytYtorX-fiowered ^ A " 2 jLi P N. Amer. 1759. D p.1
Nesa;\i verticiUata Kth. No. 12199.
88§J9- 13726. HORKETLJM Cham. HOBKBLIA. {John Horkel. profcMor of Pfywologyat BerUn.)
- - congeita Duu. crowded-yfturf i A cu 8 au W N. Amer. 1H26. D co



ili9Sa/AXI'FRAOA- . A. A or * B W N. Amer. 1827. D p.1

BffiSaMFSS l i S **myjn W Europe 1826. D co
coloring £ A un * jnjl W N. Amer. 1827. D co

&JS5S£;LL pentandrous k A « *> Y g. Amer^ 1827. D co Botm.g.2933

- - trifida Grah. trifld-teawed 5t A cu * my w K. Amer. 1BZ7. V co
• 3350. 1383A. TE'LLIM A it. Br. TELLIMA. (Anagram of Mitella; separated from it) Sarifrbgete. I-—*-
28231 - - grandiflbra Dou. great-flowered f ^ e u 1 Pk N. Amer 1826. D s.p Hot reg. U7»
28232 11353a pubdscens Led. pubescent 3t A or 1 jnjl W Siberia 1839. S co
28233 11393a giganteus Urv. gigantic £ A or 3 jlau F Greece 18:24 S co Sw.fl.gar.
28234 11449a siculus Pretl Sicilian £ A or { R Sicily 1829. C 8.1


•1388. SILE'NE.
28235 11489a Stevent'Spr. Steven's ^ A un I jnjl W Caucasus 1827. S co
84236 11538a cernua Thun. drooping £ OJ un 1 ... W C. G. H. 1829. S co
3351. 1389a. LARBREVi Hit. LARBRBA. {Abbe Larbri, a botanical author.) Paronychiles 1- _,
28237 - - aquitica Hit. water O un | jail W Britain rivuL S bogs Eng. bot 10/»
Stellaria uliginbsa Cur. aquatica Poll. JLarbr&a aquatica, No. 1417., is a true Ccrastium.
1390. ARENA*RIA.
£8238 11684a rubella Wahl. redduh-flwd jg A _ . P ' . k ny.&u R_ ScotLBenlawers. D s.p Wa.lap.6
cherlerrfilia G. Don (discovered in Scotland 1790), hirta Fl.dan. 1646
3352. 1398a. THRY A'LLIS L. THRYALLIS. (Greek name for a plant of the mullein kind.) Malpighu
28239 - . brachjfetachysLind/. short-spikedfl. O el 10 s.o Y Rio Jan. 1823. C p.s Bot reg.
*3353. 13986. GALPHI'MLl Cav. GALPHIMIA. (An anagram of Malptgkia.) Malpighidce*. L—
28240 - - glafica Cm. glaucous J . D " 8 — Y Mexico 1829, C l.p Cav. i 5


28241 11797a cuneif6rmis Haw. wedge-shap.-lv tt. |_J cu | C G . R 1823. C s.1
28242 11808a interjecta Haw. interjected a. i_J cu | C. G. H. 1824. C s.1
3354. 1409a. UMBILPCUS Dec. UMBILICUS. (Umbilicus, the navel j hollow-leaved.) Crastuldcae. *iTu2
* - - serratusDa. serrated-feawed£ A cu jajl P Siberia 1732. C si Di.d.95.t.*'
Cotyledon serrata L. So. 11829., also 11828.11831. and 11832. belong to this genus.

3355. 14096. PISTORI'NI A Dec. PISTOBINIA. (Pistron, a cup; affinity to Cotyledon ?) Crasndace*. '•
^ . . hispamca Dec Spanish £ Q> pr ft jnjl R Spain 1796. S s.1 Dec pL v*
Cotyledon hispanica L. Na 1183a
•3356. 1409c. ECHEVE*RL« Dec. ECHBVBRIA. (Echeveri, a botanical draughtsman.) Crassuldcea. 4.TL*
I . - coccinca Dec. sc&rlcujlowcredit. uJ or 2 o S Mexico 1816. C s.1 Bot cab. 03*
Cotyledon coccinea Cav. No. 11823., and also 11826. belong to this genus. -,5
28243 - - grandifulia Haw. great-leaved o. |_J or 2 oo O Mexico 1828.
i«» r.C •s.1 Sw.fl.gar.^
1 Sw fl car.2H7
28244 - - gibbiflbra Dec gibbous-flwd n. i i or 2 jLo Y.Pk Mexico 1826. " C~ s.1" Bot reg. I *
* 1410. SE'DUM.
28245 11858a truticuK>sum Brot. small shrubby «- A pr I ••• Y Portugal 1829 C co
28246 11869a viridulum/fato. greenish «-APr i jnjl Y Europe 1824. D p.l
28247 11884a Guettirdi ViL GuetUrd's O un ft jLau W Dauphinyl829. S co
* 1414. O'XALIS.
28248 11931a tortuosa B. R. twisted «-l_Jor I jn Y CordilL 1825. O s.p Bot reg. 1244
28S49 11932a MartiAna Zuc. Martius's C(2Q
C (2Q ijl
til Y Brazil 1829. O s.p
282JU - - papilionacca W. butterfly tf iAJ or ft ... Va Brazil 1819. O s.p , .
28251 - - DeppeiLod. Deppe's tf tAJ or ft jajl ... Mexico 1827. O s.p Bot cab.:
1418. SPE'RGULA.
£8252 12072a pilifera Dec. hair-bearlng £ A pr ft jn.jl W Corsica 1829. D co
/aricina Wul.


1434. EL^OCA'RPUS.
2L253 12117a grandiflorus Wai. large-flowered 1 • or 20 W E. Indies 1829. C p.l
• 14+7. PORTULA CA.
28254 12158a grandiflbra Hook. greaUflowered A lAl or ft jnjl Y.P Chile 1827, S »1 Botnia«- !

3357. 1448a. CALANDRVNL* H. & B. CALANDBINIA. (J. L. Calandrmi, a Genevese botanist)
28255 . . grandiflbra Lindl. great-flowered . . . . - — - -
- - asc&idens Hort.
\ - - paniculate Dec p
nnum paniculatum
28257 12183a intermedia Haw. intermediate «. LJ CU * jLau Pk C. G. R 1824. C s.l
. J « a HEl'MM.
*2200n tnyrtifblia flbr/. Myrtle-leaved M _J Y S. Amer. 1826 C l.p
- • hnarisfolia ffort. Linaria-lcaved * _J Y S. Amer. 1829. C Lp


•vun» Pcntag&na a w . five-angled « Z D g r 3 Y C O . H. 1824. C pi
io^ia "P^deni By. shining ft • spl 4 Jn.s S 1. France 1886. C p.l Bot. mag. 2902
JrrJ™1 angustifblia Lock, narrow-leaved • CD cu 4 Y Trinidad 1827. C p.l
'2422a KunzeiLch. Kunze'a O un 1 Ap Europe 1829. S co


1470a. MELOCACTUS C. Bauh. MELON THISTLE. {Melotya melon, cactus ; shape.) Carte*. 6. —10.
- - commimis IJc. $0. common tt. ZD gr | ft W. Indies 1688. O s.p Dec. pi. 112
Cactus Melocactus L. No. 12511., and_also 12512. belong to this genus.
- pyramidnlis Lk. $ O. pyramidal « r
». R Caraccas O s p L.&O.dis.25
- - placcntif6nnis Dec. placciita-shpd n. | gr R Brazil O s.p L & O. dis. 21
Busier/ Lk. & O.
- - Sellbwt'i Dec. Sellow's tt. ZD gr Brazil O s.p L.&O. dis.22
Echinocdctus SelluwtY Lk. & O.
- . polyacAntha Dec. many-spined tt-ZDgr i Brazil O s.p L.&O.dis.l&l
Echinoc&ctus polyacintha Lk. $ 0.
1470ft. ECHINOCA'CTUS Lk.&0. ECUINOCAC. (Echinos, a hedgehog, cactus; spin..) CActeee. 22.—40 ?
- - gibb* sa Dec gibbous tt. ZD gr \ jLau W Jamaica 1808. O s.p But reg. 1S7
Cereus gibbbsus Swt. No._. 12545., nd ViStil. of Cereus belong to this genus.
- obvallata Dec. fenced round tt. ID gr P Mexico O s p D e c cac. 9
- melocactiformis Dec. Mclon-th.-lktt. ZD gr W Mexico O s.p Dec. cac. 10
- - cornigera Dec. hum-bearing tt. ZD gr J P Mexico 1823. O i.p L. &O.dis. 14
platacantha Lk. $ 0. Cactus latisplna Haw. No 12517.
• - crisp^ta Dec. curled it ZD gr f ... P Mexico O s.p Dec. cac. 8
• - tenuispina Lk. % 0. fine-spined tt. ZD gr } ... Y Brazil O s.p L.&O.di«. 19.1
* - recurva Dec. recurxeiLspincda. ZD gr 1 ... Mexico 179R O 8.D
Cactus recurva Mil. nobilis L. No. 12519.
" - intorta Dec. twi&tcft-spined tt. IZ3 gr 1 Jn.jl P Antigua 1768. O &p PL am, & 8
Cactus intorta H«w No. 12520.
- - SahmTwa Lk. & O. Salm's tt. ^ gr Curacoa O a.p L.ftO.dis.13
• - tubcrcuftta Lk. $ O. tubercled tt-ZUgr Mexico O s.p KftO.dis.2fi
* - gladiata Lk. $ 0. gladiatcd tt. ^j gr Mexico O &p L. & O. dis. 17
• - subulilcra Lk. $ 0. awl-bearing a. ZLJ|gr Mexico O s.p L.&O.dis.27
* - depr^ssa Lk. A 0. depressed tt. ^ gr S. Amer. 1798. O <«p
C&ctus depr£ssa Haw. No. 12513.
" - orthacintha/./f.^ 0. erect-spined tt. ID gr M. Video O s.p I,. & O. dis. 18
* - arcuata Lk. & 0. arched tt. ZD gr M. Video O s.p L.&O.dis.23
- - parvisplna Lk.&O. small-spined tt. ZZ1 gr • S. Amer. O s.p
C&ctus parvispma Haw. Na 12514., and 1251
j O. intricate M. Video O «.p L.ftO.dis.84
* - meonacantha'Z,i(r. lcHS-spined Jamaica O sp L.fcO.dii.15
" • OttonuLk. Otto'g Mexico 1829 O s.p
* - dC-n&aLk.&O. dense Mexico 18 9. O s.p
* - Depnei Lk. & O. Deppc's Mexico 1829. O sp
* - sulcau Lk. Sf O. furrowed Mexico 1829. O s.p
l Brazil 1829. O &p
^5£7a fulvispina Haw. brown-spined
\*£r CE^REUa
loelJr ^ignus Haw. large tt. 3 gr SLDomin. 1829. C s.l
'2549a senUis Saim old tt-ZJgr i ... R Mexico 182& O s.p
j ^ r «roxHow.
lito Haw. ferocious «.ZDgr Brazil 1827. C s.l
wavy ttZDgr ... China 1629. C 8.1
Jog** undhtus Haw. three-winged tt. ZD gr O ip
"quamultaus&r/m small scaly tt.ZDgr Brazil ... O g.p
•etaceus Salm bristly tt. ZD gr ... * Brazil ... O s.p
pnsmaticus Salm prismatic tt. Z3 gr
coccineus Salm scarlet tt. ZD gr S Brazil ... O s.p
extended tt ZD gr
slender tt ZD gr R Brazil ... O s.p
bristle-bearing «• ID gr Brazil 182a C s.l
Ethiopian tt-ZDgr Brazil 1829. C s.1
« Hookeri" Haw. Hooker's tt. ZD or 2 jn W S. Amer. C s.p Bot.mag.SG9S
Wctus PhyllAnthus Hook, but not of Haw. 2 jn S Mexico 1829. C s.p
Ackermanni"Haw. Ackermann's tt. ZD or Brazil 1829. C 8.1
cnspitum Haw. curled tt. m gr
ruhescent «.rDgr 1 Brazil O 8.1
long-spined tt. ZD gr Brazil 1829. C 8.1
----.«dta Haw. glomerated tt-ZDgr Brazil 1829. C 8.1
cvlmdrica Dec. cylindrical tt-ZDgr 3 Peru 1799. C 8.1
lereus cylindricuB Haw. No. 12578., and also 12576 belong to this genus.
he body of this catalogue, several Chilean species of C&ctese have been referred to eenom frnm
lUng state, without any knowledge of their fructification or habit when full growa
28304 12630a cerefiscula Haw. small Cerew-ftfctt. ZD cu Brazil 1829. C 8.1
28305 12640a Zcyhcri Schr. Zeyher's or 4 jn W N. Araer. L co Sc. phiUe-
28306 . . floribfi ndus Schr. bundle-flwd or 6 jn W N. Amer. L co Sc.phil.ic. u
28307 - - verrucbsus Schr. warty or 6 jn N. Amer. L co Bot. reg.5'
grandiflbrus B. R. w
28308 . . latifblius Schr. broad-leaved or 6 jn w N. Amer. ...• L co Her. am. 28
28309 12645a specibsus Schr. showy or 10 jn w N. Amer. ... L co ScphiLic
randifl&rus Hort. and£laxus
28310 - - Lewisjwisji Ph. Lewis's or 6 jn W N. Amer. L co
336a 1482a. ANGCPHORA Cav. ANGOPIIORA. (Aggos, a vessel, photo, to bear; form of fruit) Myrt&cea. 2-
& - - cordifolia Cav. heart-leaved ft i_J or 6 Y N. HolL 1789. C s.l Bot. inag.
Metrosideros hispidus Sm. No. 12G79., hirsutus Andr.
& - - lanceolata Cav. lanceolate-tod * I_J or 6 Y N. HolL 181& C s.l Gae. fr. 1.
Metrosideros costatus Pen. No. 1268J.
S361. 1482ft. ACME^Nil Dec. ACMENA. (Acmena, a nymph of Venue's.) Myrthcece. 1."—2L
& . - flonbiinda Dec. bundlc-flwd * i _ J o r 6 jLau W N. HolL 1788. C s.l V
Metrosideros floribundus Sm. No. 12680.
28311 12693a xaltgnus Dec. W\\\ow4eaved * LJ or 6 my.jl Y N. HolL 1788. C p.l Bot mag. 18*
t e o jalfgnus Sm.
28312 12701a scaber Lod. scabrouB kLjor 4 jl R N. HoU. 1820. C p.l Bot cab.
3362. 1484a. JOSSFNIA Com. JOSSIMA. (Not known.) Myrthcea. 1.—8.
28313 . . orbicul&ta Dec. orbicular-fri 6 ... W Bourbon 1823. C p.l
3363. 1487a. JAMBCPSA Rum. JAMBOSA. {Jambos. aboriginal name.) Myrtacea. 6. — I8*
t - - vulgkris Dec. common il D fir 25 f.jl W E. Indies 178a C s.p Bot. mag-
-Eugenia Jambos L. No. 12732.; also 12745.12721.12729.12738. and 12725. belong to this genus.
3364. 1489a. MY'RCM Dec. MYECIA. (A surname of Venus.) Myrtdcear. 2.—
t - - hcria Dec. sharp II CD or 10 my.jl W W. Indies 1759. C s.p Plul
Mfrtus acris No. 12766; also 12768, and perhaps several of the South American Eugenias.
33G5. 14BQa. SYZY'GIUM Gae. SVZYGIUM. (Zuxygiumjta aboriginal name.) Myrticeof. 3.—24. -
k - . caryophyllifblium Ztec. Clove-lvd 2 O or 20 ... W E. Indies 1822. C s.p**
Calyptr&nthes caryophyUifolia, Na 12773. j also 12771. and Eugenia 12741. belong to this genus.
1502. CERASUS.
28314 12863a serrulata serrulate-Zvo' i j o r 4 W China 1822. O co
Prunus serrulata Lindl.
28315 . . salicina Willow-feaved* 4 W China 1822. O co
Prunus salicina LindL
3306. 1503a. VU'RSHIA Dec. PURSHIA. (F. Pursh, author of FL Amer. Sept)
28316 . . tridenlata Dec. 3-toothed-leavedA or 2 ... Y N. Amer. 1826. C
Tignrea tridentata Ph.


1506. HtATJE'GUa
12919 Oxyacantha
7 punicea scarlet or 15 my.jn S B co Bot cab. 1

• 1507. PY'RUS.
28317 12957a sinensis B. R. Chinese A or 4 my.jn W China L co Botreg- 1
12965 jfria
3 undulata vravy-leaved $ or 30 my W S. Europe G co
4 rugbsa wrinkled./w* $ or 30 my W S Europe G co
5 cretica Cretan $ or 30 my w Crete G co
6 bullata blistered-leavcd* or 30 my w S. Europe G co
12979 arbutifblia
2 intermedia Lindl intermediate A or 4 my.jn W G co
3 serotina Lindl. late ift or 4 jail
" ijl W
28318 12979a grandifblia Lindl. great .leaved A or 5 my W N. Amer. gS Botrcg-. 11"'*
28319 - - piibens Lindl. downy HI or 5 my W B co
28320 12980a depressa Lindl. depressed tt or U my.jn W L co
28321 13006a laxiflora Jac. lax-flowered A or 4 ap R.w L co Bot fjj •
28322 . . frfgida Lindl. cold A or 10 W Nqial 1820? L co g ^ S ' l
28323 13007a UVa-ursi Hort. Bear.berry.lvd A or 4 W Nepal 1825. Botrog-
microphjrlla var. UVa-ursi Lindl.
* 1515. SPIRAEA.
28324 13013a vaccinufbtia D.Don Strawberry-lvd* or 2 W Nepal 1820. C p.1 Bot cab-
13177a lacerum Salm jagged JL. LJ or | Pk C. G. H. 1811. C s.l Bot
dimidiatum Haw. No. 13177.
13298a alsinifolium Hort. Chickweed-lvd iQJ or J jl ... N. HolL? 1827. S s.l


DfckriirfCiiidL Dickson's A or 5 myjn D.R Ireland L co
alplna showy A or 3 Jn.jl S L co
4 speciosa UndL
28327 & - A U 'BUS.
K^L **1JO abrfiptus Weihe abrupt Jk 8 Britain m.hed. L co
macrophjllus Weihe long-leaved Jk 8 w
Britain m.hed. L co
vulgaris Weihe common Jk 8 j w
Britain m.hcd. L co
28831 » diversifolius Weihe divers-leaved Jk 8 jn.s w
Britain m.hed. L co
discolor Weihe discolored Jk 8 jn.s w
Britain m.hed. L co
ffisco-ater Weihe brownish-hlack Jk 6 jn.s w
Britain m.hed. L co
P&llidus Weihe pale Jk
8 jn.s w
Britain m.hed. L co
Kohleri Weihe Kohler's Jk
8 jn.s w
Britain m.hed. L co Eng.botsu.2o05
echinatus Lindl echinated Jk
6 jn.s w
Britain m hed. L co
dumetbrum ±*iuu. uiiuKeui
Undl. thickets' -x
8 jn.s
or B jn.s w
uniain m.hed. Li
Britain m.ned. L co
All the above are said to be natives of Britain as well as Nos. 13522.13525. and 13527.
RussellitowSwt Russell's A spl S hybrid D co Sw.fl.gar.279
Drummdndi* Hook. Drummond's !U _ J p r W N. Amer. 1828. D s.p
octopttala Ph.


- - • » « . f i l l 10,

peltata ioc/t. peltate.fcwai A i _ | o r 6 Trinidad 1827. C p.l

" grandiflbra Rose, grcat-flowcred A A or £ apjn W M. Amer. ... R p.]
> l • GLAU'CIUM.
»2 ' tricolor Bernh. three-colored O*n 1 jn.s R Persia 1828. S co
Persicum Dec. Persian O or 1 jl.a R Volhynia 1829. S co
'»oa ochroleiica Swt. yellowish white O or 2 jLau Su Mexico 1827. S co Sw fl ear 245
Milphurea, No. 1379& ' 'e
834, ' 1 5 5 5 a - J J W P S / ^ Ph" LEW
? S I * - (^flP<- M. Lewis, who accompanied Clarke to Rocky Mountains.) Crasstd. I
redivlvaPA. revived % A or * ... W N. Amer. 182& D s.p
u (JbA» Hunneman, a zealous botanist) Pnpnverucca*. J.
lor 2
»• Y Mexico 1827. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 276

, 18B91 CI'STUS.
'3932a rotundifblius 5w/. round-leaved i or 2 jnjl S. Europe
villosiis ^ vire'scens Dec. C s.l Sw.cis.75
acutifblius Swt. acute-leaved A ox j my.s W S. Europe C s.l
«ivifi,lius |3 humiftsus Dec.
Cupanianus Presl Cupani's • _Jor 2 jnjl w Sicily C s.l Sw.cis.70
ongifolius Swt, oblong-leaved • or 3 jnjl w S. Europe C co Sw.ci8.67
wperitolius 5w<. rough-leaved A or 2 jnjl w S. Europe C 8.1 Sw.cis.87

P or 3 Spain C s.p Sw. cis. 108

neat S. Europe C co Sw.cis.74

saffiron-co/owrf ft* or Cop Europe ... C co Sw. cia93

Miller's ft* or Cop S. Europe? ... C co Sw. cis. 101
bearded-j/i/mfaftt. or 1 Jnjl S. Europe ... C co Sw. cis. 73
Taurian tt. or 1 myjl Y Tauria C co Sw. au. 105
small-leaved t L ^ J o r Y Europe C co Sw. cia. f)7
thum Swt. long-flowered ft* or l*myjl W.Y C co Sw. cis. 103
plex&W. manifold ft. or 1 myjl W.Y C co Sw. cis. 104
or W S. Europe C co Sw. cis. !U
straw-colored or 4 ... St Europe C co Sw. cis.Pt
manifold or 1 ... St Europe C co Sw.cis.95
or J my.jn st S. Europe C co Sw. cis. 90
or 1 my.B w S. Europe 182a C s.p Sw. cis. R»
or iJn-jl R hybrid? ... C co Sw.cis.66
1 R S. Europe ... C co Sw. au. 106
* jnjl Pk ...... 1815 C s.p Sw.cis.66
hum5w<. divers-leaved I F Europe ... C c6 Sw.cis.96



14094 Motitan
or 2 ap.jn P China 1817. C p.1 Bot reg. 379
5 Humei Sir Abr. Hume'sll
or 2 ap.jn R China 1794. C p.1 -«
76 rbsea-semiplcna
rfcsea-plena semi-dble
doublcrose rose £ft
tt or 2 apjn R China 180+. C p.1 And. rep. 373
8 RawfesiY Rawcs's. it or 2 ap.jn Pa Pk China 182a C p.1
9 cirnea-plfcna double tie&h-cldik or 2 ap.jn F China ... C p.1
10 albid«t-plena double white II or 2 ap.jn W China ... C p.1
$8364 14112a Briwntt Dou. Brown's t A or 2 my.jn R N. Amer. 1826. R s.1


1599. i>ELPHFNIUM.
£8365 14133a Menziesii Dec. Menzies's A A spl 2 jn.jl B N. Amer. 1826. D p.1 Bot reg. U#
£8366 14135a altaicum Fis. Altaian £ A or 4 jn.jl B Altaia 1829. D co
* 1600. JCONl^TUM.
28367 14188a Lamlrckii Rchb. Lamarck's A or 2 Pa.Y Pyrenees 1817. D co
pyrenaicum Lam. not L-
- pallirinm Nutt. pale A or 3 Pa N. Amer. 182a D co


337a 1602a. ESCHSCHO'LTZ/i* Cham. ESCHSCHOLTZIA. (Dr. Eschscholtx, a botanist) Papaverhcea.
£8369 - - californicaCfcwra. Californian A A or 1 jl.o Y California 1826. S co S ~


28370 14311a vermiculata L., vermiculated tt- _J pr 1 jLo Pk Sicily 182& C i.p


*161& MAGNCTL/,4.
S8371 14348a odoratissima Aeinw. sweetestsctd ± O o r Y.w Java 1829. 6 p.1
* 1629. i*NEM(FNR
88372 14430a Hudsonidna Rich. Hudson's A or \ jn.jl W N. Amer. 1827. D co
S8373 - - NuttalltanaDec. Kuttall's A or i jn.jl W N. Amer. 1827. D co
*1631. CLFMATIS.
14460 grandiflbra Dec. is Chlorantha Lindl. Bot reg. 1234.
£8374 14468a railacifelia Wai Smilax.leaved ft. O un 20 ... E. Indies 1824. C p.
• 1637. flANU'NCULUa
28375 14629a afflnis R. Br. allied ^ A un | my.jl N. Amer. 1827. D co
28376 - - ovalisAq/!. oval k A un | my." N. Amer. 1827. D co
£8377 - - SchlechtendoliiHook. Schlechtend.5 A un % my.'Jl N. Amer. 1827. D co
£8378 14640a laciniatus Bang, fringed O un 1 Transylv. 1827. S co
£8379 146500 oconitifolius Lk. Aconitunulvd A or 2 my Y 1829. D p.1


1648. TEITCB.JUM. 125*
28380 14698a orchideum Lindl. Orehii-like «*•_|or 1 jLau Pk Chile 1826. S co Bot. reg-
heterophyilum Cav.
3571.1653a. LOPH A'NTHUS Benth. LOPBAN. (Lophas, crest, anthos, flower: appearance of flower.) Labut*m
2 S i " - wticiftliua Dm. Nettle-leaved ^ A or 2 B K Amer. 182«. S co ^.#
S8382 - - anisAtus Benth. Anise-scented ^ ^ or 3 jl.s B N. Amer. 1825. S co B o ^ f ^ n
Hyss5pu8 anisktus Nut. discolor J5esf. as well as No. 14772. 14773, and 14774. of flyssopu»>
14812. of N£peU belong to this genus.
,. - ME'NTHi*.
14676a brevispicata Leh. short-spiked ^ u n I ... P Siberia 1829. D co
*3372. 1659c APHANOCHrLUS Benth. APHANO. (ApAanos, obscure, cheilost& lip j lip of flower.) LflWoto. 1.-&
**** - - inclsus Benth. cut i ^ o r !« W Nepal 1824. D co
Jlfentha blanda Lindl. but not Wai.
16596. DYSOPHY'LLA Blume. DYSOPIIYLLA. (Dysodes, fetid, j>tetffo»» leaf i smell ?) Labiate. 2. —12.
- - quadrifoha 2fc»/A. four-leaved «. LJ or 2 jLau P Nepal 1820. C s.l
-M^ntha quadriftlia Box. No. 1*859. „ __ . i o ._ ~ _ A
- - pfamila Benth. dwarf i A cu | jl.8 P Nepal 1826. D e o Bot.mag.2907
frenthapumUaGraA. verticilliitaD.Don
- -ffORMPNUM Pers. HORMINUM. (Jfemao, to incite; qualities.) La™***: Jj .__
- - pyrenaicum Pers. Pyrenean £ A or 1 jn.jl B Pyrenees 1820. D e o bw. fl. gar. 252
OD 1669 STATHV1!
}£^°hirautaJftA. hairy £^|or S ... R Moxico 1329. C p.1
a pubescens ZindY. purple »? A *pl 2 au.o P Germany 182S. D p.l Bot reg. 1289
1669. S P H A ' C E L E &»«A. SPHACELB. {Sphacck, Greei name for Sage.) LaMbia. L— 1
" - Lindleyif Benth. Lindley's *Li_Jun 2 au PJt Chile 1825. S co Bot.reg. 122b
ftachys Salvis Lindl.
7& 1671a. ROY'LEil WaL ROYLGA. (Dr.Boule. superintend, of the botaa gard. at Saliarumpoor.) Labtitx.L—3.
* - - ^legans Wai. elegant fe A or 2 jLau P Nepal 1824. C s.l
•Ballbta cinerea D.X»y/» No. 15028.
^ 1Itf72a. BERINGE^R/^ Neck. BERINGERIA. (Beringer, probably a man's name.) Labtitoe. a—9.
* - cinfcrea Benth cinereous ^ A °* 1 Jn jl Pa.P Spain 1823. D co
Afarriibium cin6reumS«r. Na 150+*. 15048,15043.1504a 15045.15043.150-16,15047. belong to this genus.

U U £ ? flocky *_]or 2 jl.o Y Egypt 1828. D s.Lp Bot rep. 1300 ,

*• 1677a. CHASMO^NIA Lindl. CHASMONIA. (Chasmao, to gape wide; calyaO Labiate. \.
- - inclsa Lindl. cuUeaved O or 2 ; Pk Levant U93, S co Bot reg. 1244
Moluccglla spinosa, Na 15101.
.1680. ORI'GANUM. „, _ . .. tano ^
H6 stolonifcrum Bes. stoloniferous ^ A or 1 jnjl Pk Podolia 1328. D co
>• 1681a. MICROME*RIA Benth. MICROMERIA. (Mikros, small,meris,,a part) Labiutce. 2.—?
- - Teneriffte Benth. Tenerifffe «- _J s_ 1 jnjl P Tenenffo 1829. C co
TTiymusTeneriffie P^r*. as well as Na lol&>. and several others.

J°-1685a. PHYSOSTEXGIA J5«»/A. PHVSOSTECIA. (Physa, & bladder, stege, a covering; calyx.) Labiate. 5.
> ' - virginiana Benth. Virginian ^ A or 2 jl.s R N. Arcer. 1683. D Lp Bot inag. 467
Dracocephalum virginihnum L. No. 15192,15193,15194,15195,15196, belong to this genus.
^ l * 1688a. MOSCHO'SM A Rchb. MOSCHOSMA. (Moschos, must, osme, smell: odor.) Labiate. 2.
ocymoldes Benth. Ocymum-like ED or 1| jl.s W ...... 1823. S co
Lumnitzera ocymoldes Jac. Na 15237. and 15238.
^^•16886. ACROCE'PHALUS27£R/A. ACRO. (Akron, summit, kephale, head; flowers on branch tops.) Za&.l.—3.
^^ - . capitatus Benth. headed O ec lfjLau W China 1806. S t.\
Lumnitzera capitata W. No. 15240.
^J^ 1689a. CO^LEUS Lou. COLBUS. (Koleos, a sheath; united stamens.) Labiate. 2. —11.
» - - barbatus Benth. bearded tt-Oor 3 o.n B Abyssinia 1806. C Lp Bot mag. 203
Plectranthus barbatus Bot. Rep. 6. Forskbhlii B. M. No. 15251. and 15242. belong to this genus.
16896. ANISOCHPLUS Wai. ANISOCHILUS. (Jnisos, unequal, cheilos, a lip.) iMbiaUe. 1.—4.
" - carnosa 5w/A. fleshy jgOor lfjn.8 Li K Indies 1788. S co Am. ac. 10.3
L d l carnbsa
b W W. NNa 14828.


88335x ISSS" raacrwrachya' Lindl. long-spiked A E3 spl 2 year S Rio Jan. 1825 C p.1 BO. reg. 1S0J
^" -329a rutila Lmdl. brilliant ? S •& 2 au.s S.Y BrazU 1825. C p.1 Bot reg. 1158
amcenaJFa/. pleasing f O o r 20 K Indies 182a C p.1
'•ljS l 212 l M 8 I a p aSBied O«pl 2 myjn Va Chile 1820. 8 Jo Sw.fl.gar.258
- atropurpfareaGraA. dark-purple O or 1* • P CoidiUer. 1826. S co Sw. fl. gar. 271
1715«.CALA'MPELIS D .Don. CALASiwtls. {Kofi*, pretty, ampelis, a vine.) J>g»onrtcctf». L
- schbra I>. Z)OW scatfrous «L J\J pr 6 jlau O Chile 1824. C Ls Sw. fl. gar.n.s.50
£ccremocj[rpus scabcr Jl * J*. Na 1&438.
PulchaiusXim//. pretty / _AI pr l} Li Mexico 1827. D p.1 Bot. reg. lMl
Chelbne «legans Kth. Pcntotemon clegans No. 15444.
Ii 2
484 TETRADYNAMIA. Supplement

28399 _ . Scotileri Dou. Scoulcr's 3 my.jn

£ A or 1} P.B N. Amer. 1827. D co
28400 15447a diflusa Dou. diffuse £ or jn.n P N. Amer. 1826. D p.l
Hot reg. 1245
88401 - . triphylla Dou. three-leaved £ A or 2U
Pk California 1827. D p.l
Bot reg. 1262
28402 15457a glandulusa Dou. glandular A or Pa.P N. Amer. 1S27. D co
Bot mag. 2905>
28403 - - ovata Doti. ovate-/eoi'cd £ A sp 34 jls B
N. Amer. 1826.
N. Amer. 1827.
D p.1
1) co Bot.rcg.l27C
28404 • specibsa Dou. showy A or
28405 • acuinin&ta Dou. acuminate if A or 1 P N. Amer. 1827. D co
28406 • veniibti Dou. graceful £ A or 2 jls P N. Amer. 1827. C co
28407 • pruinusa Dou. frosted A or 1 jnjl B N. Amer. 1S27. I) co Bot reg. 12W
28*08 • defista Dou. blasted £ A or P N. Amer. 1827. D co
Bot. reg. 1295
28409 • attenuate Dou. tapering £ A or 1 i Pa.Y N. Amer. 1827. 1) co
Bot. reg. 1286
S8410 - glauca Grah. glaucous £ A or 1 jnau Pa. Li N. Amer. 1827. I) p.l
S8411 - procfira Dou. tall £ A or 1 P N. Amer. 1827. D p.l Kot mag. g *
28412 • conflrta Dou. crowded-Jlwd £ A or 2 Pa.Y N. Amer. 1827. D p.l Bot reg. 12*
28413 15460a ncmorosa Dou. grove & A or 1 jls P N. Amer. 1827. S r.m Bot reg. 12H
•1727. RUE'LLI/f.
28414 15507a Sabinidna Wai Sabine's ttfior £ year B Silhet 1826. C p.l Bot reg. 1238
*1738. LANTA NA.
28415 15584a m6Uis Grah. 60ft • •or 4 R.w Mexico. 1828. C co
1740. LITPIif.
28416 1588a dulcis Hurt. sweet £123 pr 1 jn.s W Trinidad ?1827. D p.l
28417 15622a rosmarinifbliaCfrn. Rosemary-lvd 2 jaau G.Y N. HolL 1823. C p.1
• 1749. fERBE'NA.
28418 15638a barbata Grah. bearded £ A m 1 jn.s Pk Mexico 1826. S co
28419 - - alata Lk. t wing-stemmed £ A or 1 jl.s F S. Amer. 1829. D co
28420 15641a pulche'lla Swt. neat £ Ul el 1 jn.s P B. Ayres 1827. S co
S8421 15642a chamaedrifblia&n. Germander-lvd £ LAJ el 1 jn.s S B. Ayres 1827. C p.1
Mellndres Gill.
28422 15691a emirntase Bo). Emire tO or 3 W Madagasc.1822. C p.1 Bot. mag. J
28423 15737 viscosus Grah. clammy IJor 2 o Y N. Holl. 1824. C e.p Bot mag. S
28424 15779a monteviddnseL*. Monte Vidcan O or 1 jl R M. Video 1829. S co
1775. LINA%RIA.
S8425 15786a asquitriloba Spr. equal 3-lobed t A o r | jnjl P Sardinia 1829. S co Bot. mag-'
S84S6 15818a purpur&sccnaifernA. purpurasccnt ^ Q> or 1} jnjl P S. Europe 1829. S co
£8427 15922a laciniata Lindl. fringed-lcaved ^ A jnjl Y Spain 1827. D r.m Bot reg. 1201
3386. ? 1789a. ADA*M7J Wai. ADAMIA. {John Adam, M.D., of Calcutta.) Aralihcete. 1.
88428 - - cyfcnea Wai. blue CD or E. Indies 1829, C p.1
3387. 1811a. FRAISCI'SCEA Pohl. FRANCISCEA. {Francis, emperor of Austria) Soldnccp. 1.—1*- ,
28429 . . uniflbraPoA/ one-flowered A • or 3 W.p Brazil 1826. C l.p Bot. cab. 133-
Hopedna Hook. Bot mag. 2828.
1813. ALONSOM.
28430 16071a intermedia Lod. intermediate tt. LJ or 2 year S hybrid? ... C s.p* 56


1826. T U R R m a
28431 16132a pAtula Grah. spreading O un | my.jn W N. Amer. 1827. S co
28432 - - strictaGtah. strict O un | my.jn W N. Amer. 1827. S co
28433 16241 arctica Rich. arctic ± J£ pr au.s Y N. Amer. 1828. S s.p FL dan. 1520
A\$ssum arcticum Fl. dan. 1520.
28434 • - arenbsa Rich. sandy £ Al pr au.s Y N. Amer. 1836. S sp Bot mag-'
j41y*sum Srcticum Hook.
184a DRA'BA. -
28435 16292a crassifTjlia Grah. thick-leaved £ A or myjl N. Amer. 182a S 8.1
28436 16315a grucilis Grah. slender O cu jnjl N. Amer. 1827. S co
lutea ,3 16ngipes Rich.
28437 16317a nummulaxia Lk. Moneywort-lvd O un \ myjn W 1828, S co

•1863. JflE/SPERI&
28438 16429a excclsa Hort. lofty A or 3 my W 1828. S co

W439 1646*o brachycarpumifccA. short-fruited O un ijnjl Y N. Amer. 1829. S co
28440 - - canescens Rich, canescent O un 1 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1827. S co
18fi7. URY'SIMUM.
28441 16487a exaltatum Amir, exalted .^ CD un 1 myjl Y Podolia 1829. S ro
28442 16493a Marschalh'anumAndr. Marschall'sji Q) un 1 myjl Y Podolia 1829. S co
oblongata Dec. oblong jg Q) or 2 my Y Baical 182a S co
284T: - - variegata Led. variegated £ Q) or 2 my Y Siberia 1828. 8 co
SoT^ - - megacarpa Fis. large-fruited ^ CD or 2 my Y Persia 1829. S co
thick-fruited ^ CD or 2 my Y' Siberia 1828. S co
- - latisiliqua Fis. broad-podded ^ CD or 2 my Y Persia 1829. S co


atrata Lod. darkened cu i my.jl D.P C. G. R 0 e.p Bot cab. 1356
I9tfo. SEATALA'NTHUS Swt. SPATALANTHUS. (Spatalos, delicate, anthos, flower.) Iridcce. 1.
- specitaus Swt. showy tf ^1 spl i jaau R C.G.H. 1825. O 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 300
Trichon&ma monadelphum Swt. No. 1064.


28*30 R1EDLEVM.
borb6nica Dec. Bourbon tt.Oun 2 Bourbon 1829. C p.1 Cav. dis. 174.1
28451 i*! - PASSIFLO^RA. j L O o r 10 jLs W Brazil 1825. C p.1
16898a Raddtfna Dec. Raddi's
338! ' 1923a. DISE'MMA Lab. DISEMMA. (Dis, double, stemma, a crown: crown double.) Passifibrae. 2. —4.
\ - • Herbertia«rt Dec. Herbert's £ d o r 30 jLau G.w N. HoIL 1821. C Lp Botreg.737
Muruciiia Herbertidna Swt. No. 16925., and also 16926. belong to this genus.
pinnatistfpula J. pinnate-stipuled j£ • or I Chile 1828. C p.1 Cav. ic 5.428
' 1927a. CLINTO^N/J Dou. CLINTONIA. (De Witt Clinton, late governor of the State of N. York.) Lobelid. L
- - elegans Dou. elegant O pr * jLau B Colombia 1827. S co Bot reg. 1241


Garden Varieties.
abutilSides Sw. ger. n. s. 2. flagrans Sw. ger. n. s. 15 nutans Sw. ger. n. s. 66.
acetabulbsum Sw. ger. n. s. 40 glabr^scens Sw. ger. n. s. 41. Gbfienidnum Sw. ger. n. & 10.
acutidentatum Sw. ger. n.s. 36. graph icum Sw. ger. n. s. 11.
hannastictum Sw. ger. n. s. 17.
ananthiftlium Sw. ger. n. s. 12.
alatum Sw. ger. n. s. 25. papyraceum Sw. ger. n. s. 21. -
anacampton Sw. ger. n. s. 61. hetcromallum Sw. ger. n. s. 30. prtEclarum Sw. ger. n. s. 67.
amsodunton Sw. ger. 398. Hillf()nr<?» Sw. ger. n. a. 47. penastictum SIP. ger. n. s. 24.
bipinnatifiddm Sw. ger. n. s. 62. inscfilptum Sw. ger. n. s. 65. poramplum Sw. ger. n. s. 61.
calamiHtratum Sw. ger. n. s. 32. Kcnriclue Sw ger. n. s. 58. rcytbuia: Sw. ger. n. s. 42.
calliston Sw. ger. n. s. 8 laciniatum (mi.) Sw. ger. n. s. 2. picturttum Sw. ger. n.s. 31.
carbasinum Sw ger. n. s. St. latidentatum Sw ger. n. s. 27. plectoph^llum Sw. ger. n. s. 37.
coilophjrllum Sw. ger. n. s. 3. Lawrences num. Sw. ger. n. s. 22. poculifulium Sw.ger.n. s.31.
compactum Sw. ger. n. s. 70. Littlednum Sw. ger. n. s. 72. rhodopetalon Sw. ger. n s. 13.
commixtum Sw. ger. n. s. 71. I,oudonidnum Sw. ger. n. s. 16. saturatum Sw. ger. n. s. 33.
concretum Sw. ger. n. s. 23. magnifolium Sw. ger. n. s. 9. succukntum Sw. ger. n.s. 69.
cordifdrme Sw. ger. n. s. 45. malacophyllum Sw. ger 397. suffusum Sw. ger. n. s. 43.
cratsgifulium Sw. ger. n. s. 18. «talachra?fcilium Sw. ger. n. s. 1. tinctum Sw. ger. n. s. 29.
Cumming?Vr Sw. ger. n. s. 35. megalanthum Sw. ger. n.s. 3. tortuosum Sw. ger. n. s. 39.
DarnlcyiiNiiM Sw. ger. a s. 63. mpgalclon Stir. ger. n. s. 4. translucuns Sw. ger. 395.
Deb6rgh<e Sw. ger. n. s. 20. mcgalostlctum Sw. ger. n. s. 7. urbanum Sw. ger. n. s. 46.
decbrum Sw. ger. n. s. 14. melanostictum Sw. ger. n.s. 5. vestifluum Sw. ger. n. s. 26.
divergens Sw. ger. n. s. 35. mirabile Sw. ger. n. s. 57. Wictorianum Sw. ger. n. s. 6.
dissimilc Sw. get: n. s. 60. nodusum Sw. ger. n. s. 68. Yeatmanr^num Sw. ger. n. s. 59.
eratlnum Sw. ger. n. s. 28. nbbilum Sw. ger. n. s. 19. xingibdrinum Sw. ger. n.s. 38.
flabellifglium Sw. ger. n. s 44.


] R
7274a grandioips Jac. large-headod « C *pl «» •» Caraccas 1829. C 8.1 Jac. coi & 22. a.
28455 ^JpW. HO^VEil.
17282« apiculata Cun. small-pointed • LJ or 3 mrjl P N. Holl. 1824. C s.p
28456 a
" s COTT/i<
«ngustif51iaZiVutt narrow-leaved * LJ or 6 i""1 P k T N . Holl. 1826. C p.1 Bot reg. 1268
28157 M ^ * ' * CROTALA^RIA
*'387c dich6toma Grah. dichotomous tL uJ or 1 jl Y Mexico 1824. »."
T 5 *\
£8550 23369a •errucosum Lk. warty & A un 2 Jl O 1828. S co
2672. CALtfDIUM.
28551 - - zamisfulium hod. Zamia-leaved £ E l c u 2 ... Y Brasfl ... R i p Bot cab. 1408


3416. 2693a. CA'LLITRIS Yen. CALLTPRIB. 'Kallos, beauty; appearance.) Conifer*. 1 2.
285/i2 - - cupreB8if6rmiBr«». CypresB-fknd £ LJor 20 ... ... N. HolL 1826. S s.l
88553 23804a rosmarinifbliaCttft. Itoscmary.lTd m or 5 jn.jl ... N. HolL 1824. C co
3417. 2715a. CROZOTHORA dNeck. CaozopnoRA. (Notexplained.) Euphorbihceat. 1.—1& ,-
$ . - tinctoriaJ. a , Jg«C- Qno O dy 3 jl W.o S. Europe 1570. S p.! Ac. pet 1712."
Croton tinctdna JP. No. 23806. *- «-
28554 23873a lanceolata Cav. lanceolate-tod 2 LJ un 20 my.jn Br.R China 1822. C p.l Bot reg. 1256


3H8. 2793ir. RHODIH)LA L. R o n ROOT. (Rhodon, a rose; roots smelling like roses.) Crassutocae. 8,
C8555 - - rbseaL. Roue-smelling ^ A o r 1 rnyjl Y Britain moun. D co Eng.bot508
28536 - - sibcncaJforf. Siberian i* A °* imyjl Y Siberia 1827. D co


2799. SCHrNUS.
£8557 24416 ferebinthiR)liaiJfl<f.Tercbinthu5JrdJ uJ or 20 Brazil 1829. C s.1


28558 24435a planifoUum WaL flat-lcared fl_Oun 20 ... Y E. Indies 1828. C p.1


*2837. >fCA^CIA
98559 24740a pendula Cuif' pendulous * LJ or 8 Y N. HolL 182a C p.l
3419. 2873a. FENTACRY PTA Leh. FENTAcaYPTA. (Pente, five, krvpte, a vault) UmbeUtfer*. t
285G0 . . atropurpurea Leh. dark-purple £E3un 2 ... F Mexico 1829. S co


3420. 2688a. GALACTODE'NDRCN Hum. Cow TIIEE. {Gala, milk, dendron, a tree.) Urtlccx. 1*
28561 - ' utile/fawi. usefal a • 50 Caraccas 1829. S l.p
3421. 2890a. SCRINDEtA Thou. SORINDEIA. (Unknowa) TerebinthUcecc. I
. . madagascarie'nsis Thou. Madagasc.ft • • o r 8 ... P Madagasc. . . . C p.l
« 3422. W,0la. MEL ANORRKCE'A Wal. BLACK VARNISH TREE. (Melas, black, rheo, to flow; juice.) Tercbi*- ^
28563 - - usitJita Wal. common £ • us 50 ... R E. Indies 1829. C l.p WaLpLas.ra.lV
•2900. FlXVS.
285G4 25271a luUsccns Nois. Hitesccnt ft • un 3 my.jn Ap ... 1824. C p.l


2940. WOO'DSJA
385G5 25633a PcrrimViRA Torrcy Perrin's £ A el | jn.jl Br N. Amer. ... 1) I p


toS&i thea*6rn*»Cu*. 'Tea-shaped «Uor S ... .» N.HolL 1884. C s.lp
2179a. ASTARTEM Dec. ABTARTRA. - {Astarte, the Syrian Venus.} Myrlhce*. t
- - fascicularisDec. fascicled * LJ or 8 N. HolL ... C &LpLab.ah.2.170
Melaleuca fascicularis Lab. No. 19627.


19803a angustifoliumLed. narrow-leaved ^ Q> un 1 jn.jl Y & Europe 1828. S Co
19630a julia Vest July & A un 1 my.jn Y Austria 182a S co

belong to this genus.

2203ft. AT AL A'NTHUS D. Don ATALANTHUB. (Atalos, soft, anthos, .ajower.) Comp. Cieh. 3.
- - pinnatusD.Don pinnate ftjun 3 jnjl Y Tenenffe 1820. S co
Pren&nthes pinnkta L. No. 19915., and also Nos. 19914. and 19916. belong to this genus.

2208a. OPORI'NEA D. Don OPORINEA. (Oporinos, autumnal; fame of flowering) Comp. Cich. 1.
- - autumnalis D. Don autumnal £ A w 1 au Y Britain mea.pas. D co Eng. hot 830
Apirgia autumnalis IV. No. 1994a
2211a. CALLIOPEM D. Don CAIXIOPEA. (Calliope, one of the Muses.) Comp. Cich. 1.
- - aftrea D. Don golden £ A or ft my.jl D.Y Italy 1789. D e o 3.297
Leuntodon afireum L. -Hieracium aureum Seo. No. 19973.
9. 22116. JETHCTNW D. Don ^JTHONIA. (JEthon, one of Phcebus's horses.) Comp. Cich. 2.—a
h - - frutiedsa D. Don shrubby «-i_Jor 2 jn.jl Y Mndeira 1785. C co
JTieracium fruticosum W. 20072., and also No. 20144. of Crfcpis belong to this genus.

* 2215. CRE*PIS. ^ . . «. ^
20142a croaticaW^K Croatian O un 1 Y Hungary 1829. S co
opargiBldes Tineo Apargia-like £ A or 1 Y Sicily 1829. S co
gfauca Tineo Glaucous £ A or 1 Y Sicily 182a S co
ilbicans Tineo whitening £ A or 1 Y Sicily 1828. S co
*°0- 2227a. ACHYROTHORUS D.Don ACHYROPHORIJS. (Achyron, ch&ff,phoreo, to bear; receptacle.) Com.Cfeh. 8.
I - . maculalus D. Don spottcdJcaved & A un 1 jn jl Y England ch.hi. D s.1 Emr bot 225
fTypochaeVis maculkta L. No. 20190., and also Nos. 20189. and 20197. belonf to this genus.
2247. CY'NARA.
20422a glomerata Thun. clustered £ ^J or. i jLs P C. G. H. 1824. D co
Stobce'a glomerata Spr.
'• 2261a. CRASPEM3IA Font. CR*8PEDIA. (Craspedon, a fringes flowers.) Comp. Card. 1.—2.
- - plebeia Cun. plebeian * L_l cu N. HolL 182a C s.1
2269. KIPHN/il
20569a rosmarinif61ia£aft. Rosemary-lvd£ iAi or 1 jLau W Cuba 182a D p.1
- - linearifolia Spr. linear-leaved lAJor 1 Brazil 1829. C p.1 An. mu. 12.61.1
Klcinia hnearifulia J. Jadmea linearis Pert.
nacrosperma Fit. long.aeeded O or 1 jnjl Y Siberia 182a S co



^ A un | Jaau Y.Br New York 182a S co

£iAlpr 2 my P.T V. D.L. 182a S s.p Botma^SSSl

20131a* SSSSS&tOsm. Genista-like • • » 4 ... Y & Amen 1824. C p.1
I i 4
• 2332. JERI'GERON.
SB5O1 21090a humlle Grah. humble A Pr I au
>* F . Amer. 1828. D co
28502 21106a purpurea H K. purple _J or 1 P C. G. H. 1824. D co
3402. 2335a. ADENOTRl'CHIA LindL ADENOTRICMA. . thrix, hair.) Comp. Jacobhe. 1.
28503 • . amplexicaulisLt'nd/. stem-clasping £ LAI pr 2 my Chile 1826. S co Bot.reg.ll!*>
• 2337. iTSTER.
21234a alplnus
3 ramosus branchy A or } B Europe D co Bot cab. 1829
28504 21457a vesttta Haw. clothed Y C. G.H. 1824. C p.l
ecape-flwd Y C. G. H. 1829. C Ip
28505 21488a scapiflbra Herit
2347. GR1NDE*L.M.
28506 21543a coronopifulia Leh Coronopus-lvd £ iA) or ij ji<8 Mexico 1826. C l.p
3403. 2348a. STYLCLEPIS Leh. STYLOLEPIS. {Stylos, a style, lepis, a scale; form.) Comp. Card. Vern.}*
28507 21547a \\\*Leh. slender & A pr 3 jLs Pk N.&W. 1826. S co Sw. fl. gar. 285
1cpis gr&cilis Grah.
3404. 2354a. N&JA D. Don NEJA. (Without meaning.) _._/>. Aster. 1.
28508 . . gracilis D. Don slender jg .A) un 1 au Y Mexico 1828. S co
3405. 2360a. ERIOPHY'LLUM Lag. ERIOPIIVLLUM. (Erion, wool, phyllon, a leaf; woolly foliage.) Comp. Helta. 1>
28509 . . caespituBum Lag. turfy t A o r 1 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1826. D e o Bot reg. 1167
Trichoph^llum lanatum Nut. Actinia lanata Ph.
2363. DA'HLIA change to GEORGVNA.
* 3406.
06 2363a.
2363. GEORGl^il
G W. GEORGINA. ((J. G. Georgi, a Russian botanist.) Comp. Helianth. 4.
28510 - - crocata Lag. szffron-colored A A or 6 jLn S Mexico 1802. R p.l Sw.fl.gar.282
DShlia rfrustranea
DSha u t e 22 i<x\gem,g , No. 21592.
C t i L Lag. Cervantes's
28511 . . CervanteBti C t ' ^ A or 7 n S Mexico ... 11 p.l Sw.fl.gar.n.s.4
2365. r A G E r ^
28512 21595a fl6rida Swt. florid JI.AJor 1 jl Y Mexico 1827. D co Sw. fl. gar.n.*3*
28513 21649a ruthenlacum Fis. Russian k A or } Pk Russia 1827. D co
• 2409. HELIA'NTHUS.
28514 29134a ovktus Leh. ovate-leaved O or 4 jn.o Y Mexico 1829. S co
&515 21935a lenticul&ris Dou. lenticular O or 6 au Y N. Amer. 1827. S co Bot rcg. 1
28516 21961a patens Leh. spreading k A or 3 jl.o Y N.Amer.? 1829. D co


• 3407. 2411a. ERICCOMA Kth. EHIOCOMA. (Erion, wool, tome, hair; p Comp. Hel. 1.
£8517 . . fragrans D. Don fragrant i j o r 3 i W Mexico 828. C co
* 3408/ 24116. ECHINAX3EA Moen. ECHINACEA. (Echinos, a hedgehog; receptacle.) Comp. Hel. 3.
^ . . heterophflla D. Don variable-l?d ^ A or 1J s.o P Mexico 1829. D e o Sw. fl. gar.
Coreopsis heterophylla Cav. and No. 21973. and 21979. of Rudbeckta belong to this genus.
h 21997a amplexicaulisCav. stem-clasping 5fc A un 4 Y S. Amer. 1800. D p.l
Simsia amplexicaulis Pers. No. 22019.


28518 22235a afirea D. Don golden A-AJor 2 s Mexico 1829. S co
3409. 2436a. ZEXMETNU Lai ZBXMENIA. (An anagram of Ximenesia.) Comp. Hel. 1.
28519 . - tagetijibra D. Don Tagetes-flwd £ j \ | o r 2 s Y Mexico 1829. S co
28520 22272a mexicana LJc. Mexican O or I jas Mexico 1829. S co


5410. S*7S«.PODA'NTHU8 log. PODANTHW. (POW, a foot, anthos, a flower; stalked.) Comp. Card. Ech*.
1521 - - Mtt)qttiUnd\. Mitiqui ft or 3 au.n Y Chile 1824. C pi


8488 (TPHRYS.
22520 aranffera
2 limbata Lindk limbate *.Alcu 1 Br Rome 1826. R s.1 Bot rcg. 1197

2°lon^e\alaLiiMf/. long-petaled A IAI cu 1 Br Rome 1826. R Lp Bot reg. 1189

^ S ^ i n S K S l W great-flowered ^ El or 1 jl.s W StVincentl829. D p.l Bot. mag. 2956

2528a. GASTRO DIA B. Br. GASTRODIA. {Gaster, a belly, odous, a tooth: top»of column.) Orchidca. I.
- - fesamoldes R. Br. Sesamum-Uke £ E] cu \ W N. Holl 1826. D p.r.v.r.vr
,12537. MAXILLAXRIA. ttttl%m _ „ , M 1pn-
"^Oa ciliata Lindl. fringed £ El cu i my G S. Amer. 182R D p.r.w Bot reg. lSJOb
squalens Hook. Bot. mag. 2955. is Xylbbium squalens Bot. reg. 1897. No. 22664.
£2539. PLEUROTHA'LLIS. gttrtm n „ t ,nnO
~^6a prolifera Herb. proliferous . £ El i jl R & Amer. 1827 P D p.r.wBot. reg. 1298
82714a" anceps Lindl. two-edged-rf»itfjg E) cu * year Y.o Bengal 1826.? D p.r.w Bot reg. 1239
am, " - pygmseNum Cuiu pygmy £ El cu \ N. Holl. 1825. D p.r.w
Ssyo^L" Becrtndum Zimfc secund 2 El or *jnjl Pk Sumatra 1828. D p.r.w B-t reg. 1291
7 ^ 9 ^ l S a chrysanthum Wai. golden-flwd J H o r If Y Nepal 1828. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 1299
*'"" 2547a. CERATOCHrLUS Lod. CERATOCHILUS. {K"™>*£om*£?il%>?X\lL^^
- - grandiflorus Lod. great-flowered £ El cu 1 jLo P Tn n ! d a d \*% ^ K"I Snt m« S«
- - insignis LifioV.; noble ^ I S o r 1 jl.o P Tnmdad 1826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2948
Stanhopea insignis Hook.
* 2553 CATTT T**^Y>4
»728a" intermedia Gr'ah. intermediate « E I o r l a p * Pk Rio Jan. 1824. D ^ 5 ^ ^ - 2 8 5 1
- - crispaLindl. curled-/lu>d £[&*& 1 au W.PkRioJan. 1826 Dp.r.wBotreg. 1172
2553a. EKCYCLIA Hook. ENCYCLIA. (Egkykleo, to wrapi roundk column byaip.) OrcMdete. 1
- - viridUtora Hook, green-flowered £ El cu 1 f G Rio Jan. 1827. D p.r.w Bot mag. 2830
22768a tuberculata Hook, tubercled £ E3 P* * Jl W.¥ Bontaf. B. 1827. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2878
? i e S ? i ? « i M . Mexican *.Alcu ftjl. G Mexico 1829. R p.1 Bot. reg. 1290
e\tt& Lindl. taU ^Elcu 2 jlau Br Rio Jan. 1826. D p.8 Bot reg. 1175


-_. ventricosum Swz. bellied tf A or f ... P Siberia 182a R i p Sw.fl.garns.1
S^gg - . macr&nthum Sun. long-flowered tf A or f ... P Siberia 1828. R s.p Bot mae 2938
* - - guttatum Swz. spotted tf A or f ... Spot Siberia 182& R s.p Am. rut 22


' 12a. CONOCE'PHALUS Btume CONOCEPHALUB. {Konos, a cone, kephaley a head; form.) Urticea 1 -12.
* ' naucleiflorusLin*//. Naudea-flwd » Q c u 10 year Y Chittagon.1820. C p.1 Bot reg. 1203
l/rtlca naucleiflbra Rox.


,^ 8fl - KU'NTH/^ Hum. KUNTHIA. (C S. Ktn*h9 an acute French botanist) Pahna. 1.
• moutana Hum. mountain i C D o r 10 N.Grenad.1829. S r.m



bloody tt.Oor 1 Brazil 1829. C l.p

ever-flowered n. • or 2 ap.s Pk Brazil 1829. C Lp
vanous-leaved £ El or 1 o Pk Mexico 1829. C Lp
papillose B . D « w 3 ap.s Pk Brazil 1826. C l.p
remarkable «. • or 2 d Pk S. Amer. 1826. C l.p
villous EQw i Jl W & Amer. ... s Lp
aL*. bulb-bearing £ i _ J o r 1 jLau W.PkPeru 1827. C tU
rah. two.petalfd «. • or 3 ap.s Pk Bombay 1827. C Lp Bot mag. 2849
liJMH I.l'UI \ DHL

17M1 eurojV*
| rt,.r. J . I * : " '

i.r 0 •PJr, V JlriUln 8 DO

» * » HOMa botwrUMb U*4t, rtttrtM* A r m o*l (it 10 jn.Mi P B. AT ret . . . c Lp Botntl
I77WU mirrinlliu. 0o» o ,,f
1mjjl P.I s AMMt.un s co Bot.rt»!

nrn&lui />DH.
int.itiii. /;<*.
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• f

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1 MIL*
1 In.a
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it n i
( ottiintiM UM


Ik*, ft*
n S _ J ••r Mil CaUJtanUIKVti ti Co

• I 1.1 M
1| A i W. Amcr. IW7. ,s CO
1 ur J N. An-
s uia ... a
H4ffl I plut^«i« Aw. A nr jn.jl n s CO
flWH I was**** * * • — I or s I'k.ii • • •
<• s* n i»r
WMU 17717- • _ J <ir Vil Pk.w CO
s«. a f«
rhanrwllwl • J w 4 it n Aym UM b « . B. JiU

>u XVI. Om»8,

' « 0 1 JTA'l.VA.
3 P llalr IB* I> *>
rrnu HUM
am. dLTHJCA.
:a n&^M SM*T» H iMpii i o or 5 JLU P MA 8 <»
l7MHlo kucintbi ft» Ii nudltiarm t.i*JL

I hfte hybrid M.iuritiml!i««l. ' {tot. m
ITBMi rnoui k A or 4 H I'k lulf Sw. n

7i liOOtn glotur W C l.p Rot

i'*» MwUlS&ra Hook nf 3 n 7. C to Hot.
3391. HKBVfc-SM ]tcE« (Join ller*ti <••
; <1 IWL C p.1
!!<*•• t_Jor 10 rmy H hjUui ... D lj«



larjttf 3 my.Bii I' C.O.H

CI.*MXV1I. O«»r.ii A.


•I J - A <" ( ft* Vw
a at i Y N, Amcpr. 1W4. 8

a i e t; \ i i
Ii II. ™
r,, ,1
• I •

• •or jLul P K IndiM 18M C t.p Bnt-rw* 1
1 W A ffii&.ui J / « 1 & or 4 injl W.« IVntwylv, ... i> i i

UBtti J- A « I P SlbMtft' ... R rn

or 0 ( nJ P N.Ai7iw.r... Deo
(UpuUcaotu 5 A

. CUM. No. IU387. «nd HBW. rtiould t» pUeed » n « fubtcfiwU, Na IMTtt




'• (peck*nMter thedlOumtt Claw,Order*, and i
^ " " t , JIM ( ] , 4 |

, . ' / " • • • : . H i m . ,,n.l li.rl,... i - i l ., i

C^JraWUif ntlr* hart-bcrn mllnri.l In .-Tin- rootln* Crrptociinia,
2* bKludod. All ctimbm, wMtwr ligneous or bwtwawt, tu*« W.
S? AH uUitr hardy pUnU, whrthrr lifiici
Tjy"«l a njiini,. or oni- root on thu mil
tZT i «11 of two fcrt and IUI
S s i y " "' '•'•'" ; • > " • "•»' •"• t till* W l . i l t t I «>l '. 1 ' • 111

IT?1 *ould OMnb>

/ '•"<• i r » , t ,,i n,,'i,t,i b t S t d iii

*'i' ; ill < lf • , i (' \ ! 1 if t 1
.. ' " j l Ml M Vi'..'lr,U M un'i.V 'l!'.
, 4 ''"• MUMiiriumi h w o / c o u m t a M At l , , . » . i | 1,1 .'.'ill':...!.!!;: Illl ••" '•' |!
'' ""

^ • ' " w W i i * • * • « » * * « in • .U'I"'L mU. of a iquare v
t ****rtit*<w lilt fr#i*r nouialift Av
' ' ' l . f l v , ( ' | ' ! [ ,1 III l.t €' 1
' ' ' ' !/n l i j v o i.| , 1 , ( 1 i.l.iii'iim IH •

h " * * t *""' •1"*'

5 2 ? ^ <* »quarM, th* iiil
*• »i " l " * r d r c u U r b<-l1
->r «Ulr U rqUjU If

i TPfltH bt Mo I U I I I I :

* nU| and a mM I'Unt • , KM I I.inly

•iKinnj: krinirt'tnmt Of hnl>

' * ''


i- n . i n l m hl.i • . ! 1 1 ... mi llir Ii tin

la | , "•;

In tw» than a tenth orthwe fpaOM. In
the*e fpaCM. tn *Awork
which will ihf.rtty appear *, will be found • **"'*
of plan* for herbuwout d andd arbon'
jrroumU bl eo»|KMcd hi tin- nutirwr detcrilxil, a»»l Tur |>lantinK nil i—
i n i t a d l ..! | M idMM fti i urdiiiK 1" the N itural Kjrt* •
n w a a m n e n U o n o i thoipecJt< i n » i n ti» iii«r<?fftii mM.T, >::•-LOOW • — m y . n i i i w
U» bOtklliC lltiUloCUO ii , tl . •-. .M .' ''" -in;- ami varied 11 ,!. rr.l,
I'uHurc, regftabtp gaosraph''
we prcturao to be to oUviou* tr> every gardtnrr arid botanut at not to require explanation


MOO, VAS( (t with npiral'

ami I flJ ip.


SuMiriiion f. Wchlamyds.r A*, two, and chlaatfii. a coat w Dovarltur j <* .w^S
calyx ami
„ *4f o f Jiwil. IJII.VI * ^
claw I. Ttialjmtabrw {i/wliimui, a bed, yicv, a flower; nit.
men*underpiihllura). — 1. [tain- t iiillenlftcM!, 1
dMt, 7 I'oduphyllir™, 8. t!ydn>(*ltnlnr.
elan 9,
SuMlHi Calrriflto* {rtiy* and jlm ; •(*-
itCJT, 01 ' rw, SS.
tmtni on tln<
t. m
El J
uiithacoiL1, 87. I'CKun . 5Et • ' , &

f l a n 3, CornilM'.n- 'evrotla Kivijtotj •!«- •

— 117 K|. iDidutfticv, ll'i. \|>r.

•Ini'ip, 191. >tii rax-iiftcca ,
US..I ,,ca!, ii-.,to IAl
Subdlrliioti II •ifrUi* DP. r/i/umi/tt a coat j
I Dorolla
. l.VJ. Aina. t f Art
•-i m .
- *{*. ©a
JWionri Ctua, (tnuiidj, one, anil kotyhiliin
, ITU. IltilTuulijirtili'ir, IKi A1i>. I. BuliV f . „ T/
1 Juiic»(tin.-ti-. EM OrctiSdme, he..

IQnnd Diviiitm, < i MM •'.i. a lilltr I

tiMUC Olll)

;/i««tr^ui,iraiy;; nau.i
1. FlUet*. tt, KqulMMeam, 3. Lycopodlnc*, Ac
C U M , A P I U ' L U I [a, priv., Ithyltvn, a leaf) I M S M I ) .
7. A'lKtt, R, Lichenc*,

1 111: li.iii, i!'..-« cMitUK-tnl m i ' . ' inol'iiliiiiti are t l i e w , — l h a t Ih'

At the

MMnl tkM can In b n w

H probably upawnri, or of it

• illiistr.iiifiMi i.i l,.itiiiniM| rden Archill

' Eurui*, and in Nr.rtJi An In Imfcrlal iii1id|u.(i qiuru-rl}, SI <
. UAL Al
*"'/' i* hi h; * ilfscovend ih*it hLi tilanl tiMunrt to RuUicOa

'vrfal "fill

their general stnulu <>"> pmuJ ifivUioiM c*ll

, " .».n r i i r i . » t i . l . . ~ l ». . l _ ..ILr.1 Aa*»hdhM : tin- VUCU

it. Celluliu

« •< "•> W M

a •
{that it, flowers funiit)iet] either with ttntnlnu, or pMtlUum, or both), which will slway* prevent their!
I with the l>i|fh«< ti ilif» of Ct'iluljre*.
/•'•>•'• Slonucotylfdimuus ]il:inU. arc Che. first remove frum CuiluUres, and hold nil iritcrmttliatc I
boiwfim them ami EI^III »•••• or <>>•>itt/ted(tnmu plants, in whieli vegetation acquire* lu highrat Conn oft'
lopemuiit, Tlmy were formerly eha raft Priced by" having it jingle cotyledon, hut this circumstance It Of*
not abnuiutu, but difficult »r ricti'rroination, accept after minute aiply»U, The real ilifli;rLlin,'ti in the
them and Dicotyledon! U thii, that in Monocotyledon! there it only nuc cotyledon {Jig. 3. t)j or, if 1

iun oT • mcmocotjli item *, Section of* (ttnnlruuind tnibrjni of * m i . Is ihow t

• l i m i t . ODfjtadon. at umxitu) ilzc; ilirlmrt
f, HKtlon of ditto, to 4how ttw tatstmiaa imnatctng In Ih* n p r w n t thMt, ttw middle lob* u tteiiluinula.

t h e y arc t i l t m t a t o w i t h i-ni-h o t h e r ((), w h i l e in D i c o t y l e d o n l t h e y a r c n l w a y i opposite, and m o r e t h a n <"jj

MtiltM itevcral, nt in /'Unix .ft/. 4. y ) . T h e pli of tin- t u n cbuac* i t , h o w e v e r , it' 1 ' Lj.
whii'li they are (itniili il, and e x h i b l u a iKrautiliil pruHfol iln- h a n n n n y that u\'\iU bctwecu WJ
their lir.t i>ri]ii'ipk'. t h r toed from which t h e y o r i g u i t t v . In K 1 ^
ifonoculj/ti-ilmti, than i» no d W i n c t t m balHlWJ trOOd .tiul 1Mrk y/^ ' } . ' / • ; in / l>u%ty
wood mill bark arc dUtinct]} •cfutntcd •''Jig.i. •>. In HonocotThuooi the wood nud CL] tluucare
t d l • without
i t h t any dirtinet
lii winunil lInyi-n off the furrmr IH-IHK in Dtcotvladoni tht wood •*!,,
cellular ti»tuc h n i atoi their [>.irticuliir limiu uMignc-d them, a distinct layer of the former betas
dffpotttad. In Monocotyladotu than ate no radiation* oedulla lu tin- Imrk ; in Dicotyledon'
i.hiinEiuiiN an i h ^ i i n c i l v nitirli'd. I n M o l i n e o t y l e d c i n ! t b c r t i ' ^ ^ t h i ] < - r ; i l l y ni> a r t i r u L i t i ' i T i U i - i u t ^ ' i i i l
.1 u I t))g stem, wink* in Dicotyledon! Uli i n nrhiirli Ihey f»" |
lenlng n tear behind. In Mono tlieyetm i I ]>aH! in parallel QHM from tin- '
a|>ex, in U i c o l \ l c u o n e they iliwi'KL- ii'tmi t h e iniilril) t u w u r d s t l i r m a r g i n ut v n r i o u s .•iujflc .; in t b e fuiiiH'r I
;iro unbrsneheo, the principal veins 1" sted bj m-arly itniplc secondary vclni; in tin- Inner t( *"
much britiiuttctl, ramifying in many directions, and ^iviu^ the sum™ of the lcai' a rjetlfd a|>iirarancc.

B, T n i m i H lection o* • dkotjUdeoou tUm a, An *mbrro with m m ; cotylidou.

it-, An unbtjo with two rotjlwiinu. x. Stem and Ua*n <f a dloMfhdamtu iilani.
a, An mibrju wlUi tbor cotjlsfaM*.

Such ore. lht> very y obvloui dlttlnctlonj of the two ggreat cbufet of phanogamoiis,
p g , or taw
f U tt
to far tt from
fr 6>«w
6 bi
being lt for
any nccawlty f dUiectLnfl
d U t L a »eed d in
i order
d tu t atevrtain
ti it
i one 'it the IIUKI md about which there cannot U- in niic HK "•
*lj^riTi*at ciuic
tllffhtivt <Mii(Cofdoubt
diffleull It hi almc*t Impoutble tc il mriMcl of a plant without U
iti pfi«M!»n. ire ut' iln •• n meet tti tli-
IIFM • i ir liave we :n batactc to iinpvde m. In all farther im
reeof fcnowledgooraptdlwtion li reqidatte than what ou^ht to lx< pen re»j a
y p ,,.[ upon
p the inn
• the utiriuin mul (HWitiim u( [he • •
i Omit: .iinl t h e n a t u r e of the ti*Jiji;<j and
tttOtlgh SKIH ;cschcr- '• U tiii[lit"itl Ml Itta'IH* '•'
he chataeten < in thii placf, neither li It ueoMMurf to advance farther in nn csp»™
Qio niEiiiiu-i of di ilu'in; upon Unit point each order •roala roqulw :i particular note. " ''
-itly lh'licvcfl, th
mt there, MI- no rcatci Unpcdiroenti in the road to an acqualirtance' * ,^
thoH! that tum b a n already retnovud ; mid tluit ollltonijh lllllnaT » l c **•

£J>otany, nor anyy other Ktenco, Ii to bo taken by rtorm, yet thnt the Tarxreu u sure to be reduced by *tlent
Iuticnt approach.
It only remain! to ox plain briefly upon what principle! the names of the orders, suborders, x c , are funned.
'* usual in the school of J u u i c u , to give a natural order • ••'••' " thai ••' the penui which is
-v..MJoti to be the type of the onlur, .n Itanum ""•• ""•&'•';"' Irom Itbtn. und no on.
«Utseveral deviation) from thU principle haii "•«« »" • » « « » r cfrt.ui. groups of pUnti,
g known by other popular names, deriv, ^ "",,',
oll« are Inbiaic; Composite, became their flower* are wli:it i« commonly called compound ; Guttiferw, on
, - W u n t o f the resinous juice in which t.hev iihnuml, and nome other*. It wftiilil, pernsp", nave been I.:
l h l
'• Uniformity in BomeaelatUM bad not thus been sacrificed tr. a dn '• >U1* «» '
•™Wiy the evil, if Mich it lie; would the art* • m be »1 t l l !
f e n c e . For the purpose of making it at ones apparent, whether, In ipealdng ol i t,'""'!' "' I
™ lad to an order or a suborder, it haj i>r late year* been tlmuiili'
?*tu]rBj order in ac<\r, ntnl of die *uborder in ew. Thus, in >;
"trie r»prc»entativL', the word Ii
r* which AAtirinciilii* form* iff U employed.
jrpreicnt, very partial in it. appUcatlon, and is of tittle importance, except in a fi>w c*ic*. of w
JJr * 1* ° » e of the taost •triktng exntnple*. In thcinc orders, UIL- tld< ". nccenat
wtlca] construction, end in rw, as Orchldcie, it is obviously inap] 'al change in a Kt^'at
f 5/ft 'the
fj ie
nomenclature naturalorder*,
orden,a *incnuurc
inensurc vrhivfi
whivfi canni Ur I
''"wy,', perhapt,
ptrrhapi, 1»
1» fliuitly
fiiuitly expected, that these remarks
remirks *hould
ihuul.l be concluded id l>y n mrommcndni
by -i reeommcndati.
, " « , trrnn which thow who aro ansinui to become Ctilly iii'nii.iiiiinl will) the prbielnlei ami ilmliiiKmihi
nnroctcr. of the Natural System of Botany, may derive the neceuary InformatioD. LTulbrtunately, bowen
work hM at prctent no cxlttencc M. Decnndolie'* Thiorf, I'1 ll"» tthe
Jj'nciplei upon which the orders of plnntu art- constituted; and M. tie Juuicirs i BDtalM
J * " o l i i i i i c t « i , j i « U c t e n n l t i . ' , l in 17H!>: liiii i h i - h i t < - r 1« i i o w f a . - - "
" own langtuwc, i the bctt work to coniult is the Sw» tl \ \«' imdirr-
d ™WtniOT« cxtcmivr i ihe iiubjett is in prqiaraiton l>y tin
ernturn in th of llutnuy will be tuppUed It winy (
. in wi. ver, t h e reader may consult Bichn'nl •' OOawHsl
unii of j , .lturnl (Jrdcrs; or he may refer to the Dictiannairx dtt Menrrs MMMrWm

' " t h e li.t of u r n e n under each order. In the fnllnwinK arrangement, t l l f '
. in the former iwrt of the work, (it the genus to which thc ••> ' " 'he
golumn or figure* thow l£s number of hiwdj li
M t d j hcrtMueoiM i p L t i e s a n d v a r l e t i e * , beli> ro low. Where a genui includ.-.
» a t [ v c IJritiih i p c c i e t , a l U r {•) is p r e f i x e d to II- • h ^'^


i 3040, Spueit* S77S"; IM.hmat . wjJ T«8 I H"nfu ligneous SptHeti
Ihirilij lUrbact'oiii Sj 482J frrt; £ &«* *<*<! * «* '«*•

ss I. DICOTTLEDCTNBJB, OR EXO'GENJE fo», ouisi.lf, gtfnumoj, to grow).

Qtotra £+07, Specfef 5.1OC7; HoLhout,- Spt ek*4S ii ; //nufy/ Uaneou*
^ M O f t t M R ] ILinly ILibticrotts Specie* \>®n. f 4H'J feet; £ 214 |.

livliion comprehenilti all the Dicotyledonous planttj that have both a c.ilvx and •urtilla, by which
ulshed tripui \t dcir, in which thr> calyx only exiits. It i-. In eon of this
lint r l i f g r e a t e r juii • : ,,ri.
IN DlctUamfd ning ihut thorn witti ;i , !iri
rning have anj oalortnt
I.ASS I. T i l ALA M I \ l.<yRJE. Petals and Stamens mierud in the Bttxptaett.
« 5 1 7 f74UU lSt

» Hard,/!i, •> ,

in«ertlon of the petal* and stamens into tho recc])tacle is the RTMt character of this cubrlais, which,
g?«brccont«ina all the polymidrous nlant* of Llnnscu*, a* the Calyciflurcc contain the ieoeandrous gen

SXCTION I. CarptBa numerous, or Statttmis oppotite the Petals^

i 29, Specif* ffll; Speciet ft; ffntm tour 8p <i^ 10] Itarify l.ifrneota SpecitliSi
I fart}y Herbaceous Species 561. f LSfeet) f
ihp R r e * ' c r P01^ ofthe plant* of this order U I'intcrwl wish gardenen, eontjiinmjr. ^i* ii <••
nost^ elegBnl or thaw; •>! the trilir.* Ut* linrdy plutiti. It in here the (ir.n•. ; , rlic luwly
- ^litti-n IIIIH, niul the (f.iuiiv 1' : . Jllii appear.
mbliiMby ti.d characteti of tin i mi. t i n re T, that thi
planb i ne.uiv .i I 1 "" 1
ij> >nnn v ,, i* in il;in • •' tliat
i>n i n
J-!| mi' ; tint ir> honey,
. . in r l y liv M i t t . 'H

7h!i!r, filch ;ir<'

Ir i«tic ; i •

pepj [ i n •'I'd III lf...i
gratt number have t. , Hl
Europe, but they arc so abundant in all parts of the world that an order can scarcely be found more universally
and equally disjicrscd. It is singular, that, with the exception of the climbing species of Clematis and of
Xanthorhizn, scarcely an instance occurs in Ranunculaccae of a shrubby stem. All the perennial species may
be propagated by division, and those which arc woody by that mode or by layers or cuttings: the annuals
and most of the perennials bear seeds freely.
2. Tribe 1. CLEMATIDEJE. 4. Tribe 3. RANUNCU'LEA. 1639 /sopyrum L. 0 2
lig. 31. herb. 7. £ H f t . ; £9}ft. lig.O. herb. 131. £ 18 ft.; *= 3ft. 1392 Garidllla TOIL 0 1
1631 CMmatis L. *26 7 930 Myosurus L. 0 *l 1606 Nigclla Tou. 0 14
1630 Atragl-ncL. 5 0 931 Ccratoccphalus Moen. 0 2 lfiO.1 Aquiltgia /,. • 0 21
1632 Naravtlia Dec. 1637 /ianftnculus Bauh. 0 *126 1599 Delphinium Tou. 0 *61
1636 Ficaria Dit. 0 *2 16C0 ^conltum Tou. 0 128
3. Tribe 2. ANEMONES
lig.O. herb. 12*. £22$ feet 5. Tribe 4. HELLEBG*REJS. 6. Tribe 5. P*O.VIAYEM.
»59 Ug. 0. herb. 254. £ 43 ft. j * 4 £ f t lig. 12. hcrb.4& f 10$ ft. ;£ 20ft.
1633 rhalictrum £.
9 e *45 1643 Caltha /,. 0 *8 1604 Cimicifuga £. 0 4
1628 Hepatica Dil. *1O 1638 Trollius L. 0 *10 1546 Macrbtys llafi. 0 1
1645 Hydrastis L. 1640 Eranthis Sal. Q 1545 Acts^a L. 0 *3
1635 KnowltunfVi Sal. 1641 /felMborus L. 0 932 Xanthorhiza Ilcril. 1 0
1634 Ad6nis L. 0 *10 1642 C6ptis Sal. 0 1596 Pasbnia L. *J1


Genera 12, Species 29; Hot-house Species 11; Green-house Species 18; Hardy Ligneous Species 0:
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet; £ 0 feet j *= 0 feet.
Fine plants, almost exclusively confined to tropical countries. Dillcnia specibsa, a native of Tndia, is a most
noble tree with large yellow flowers, rivalling those of a Magnbl/a. Hibbe'rtia volubilis is a grcen-houec plant
well known for the beauty of its blossoms, and their powerfully fetid smelL The medical properties of thij
order arc scarcely known; a decoction of the leaves or bark is astringent, and used tor gargles; and the acid
juice of the fruit of some of the species of Dillenia is used in India, mixed with water, as a pleasant beverage
in fevers. The foliage of many ot the species is extremely scabrous, whence the dried leaves are used for the
same purposes as fish-skin and sand-paper in Europe; those of Trachytella aspcra arc even employed in China
for polishing works of mctaL Most of the species strike readily by cuttings of the ripened wood in sand under
a bell-glass.
8. Tribe 1. 9. Tribe 2. 1610 Wurmw Rtb.
1609 Tctraccra L. 1376 Pachynema R. Br. 1608 Colbertta SaL
1584 Doliocarpus Sol. 1595 Pleurandra Lab. 1614 Dillenia L.
1583 Delima L. 2185 Candollca Lab.
1594 Curatillla L. 1597 Hibbertfa Andr.
1603 Trachytella Dec.
Genera 5, Species 37; Hot-house Species 3; Green-house Species 11; Hardy Ligneous Species 23;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 62 feet; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
.....rant of
of their blossoms
them is said to have a bitter flavor without any astringency/nnd combined with a hot aromatic P r i n c 'l ) l c -_-*
the United States, the bark of Magnolia glauca and Liriodlndron tuhpifcra is employed for the same purp^r:
as Jesuit's bark, and from the fruit of Magnbl/7i acuminata a tincture is prepared which has some rcputattf"
for removing attacks of rheumatism. The fruit of lllicium anisHum is the material which flavours the liqu*l"
called Anisette dc Bourdeaux. The Magnolias are exclusively inhabitants of Asia and America, no specie?
naving hitherto been found cither in Europe or in Africa. The shoots of most of the species do no
roots freely, and therefore they are generally propagated by layers, grafting, inarching, and sometimes
seeds; two or three of the species by cuttings.
11. Tribe 1. ILLICIE\E. 12. Tribe 2. MAGNOLIE\E. 1618 Magnolfo L. 21
lig. 23. herb.O. ± 62 feet 1617 Liriod^ndron 2
1615 lllicium L.
1602 Drlmys Forst. 1619 Michelifl L.
Genera 9, Species 45; Hot-house Species 40; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Species 4;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 11J ft.; £ 0 feet; =*= 0 feet.
The plants of this order are closely allied to Magnolftcee, from which they are principally distinguished PJ
the absence of stipule, and by the structure of their anthers and seeds. The latter consist of a hard maw
albumen, ruminated, as the botanists call it, that is to say, perforated by the substance of the sccd.coac, ^
every direction. They arc all trees or shrubs, and chiefly inhabitants of the hottest parts of the tropics, D*"
few have been discovered straggling into the temperature zones of America, The fruit of the Anbtia i" '
many species highly esteemed as an article for the dessert, especially that of the Chcrimoycr, which has 1« *
reputation of being the finest fruit in the world, next to the mangostcen. The hard fruits of the spec"- '
Uvaria arc highly aromatic; those of one of them furnish the i'ipcr athiopiciim of the shops. The £ c " jy
Asimina is the only one which contains any hardy species, and these arc so delicate as to be seen vcry.T^J.
in this country. In Brazil, the bark of Xylopia sericca is used for cordage; for which it is admirably adapt
Cuttings or layers.
1622 Anona Adan. 1626 Asimina Adan. 1624 Artdbotrys R. Br.
1623 Monodora Dunal ISA) Uvaria L. 1627 Xylbpia L
1538 Eupomatia R. Br. 1621 UnonaZ,. 1625 GuatttTia R. & P.
Genera 8, Species 29; Hot-house Species 20; Green-house Species 5; Hardy Ligneous Species 4;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. £ 4 feet; £ 0 feet; *= 0 feet
The order of Menispormuceie consists entirely of twining shrubs with minute flowers They arc c *[' c jy otf
dissimilar in habit from the orders which arc placed near them, and occupy their present station ^ l . / ndr»
account of certain minute but important characters in their fructification. With the exception o/.J~JJJta ar«
cocci nea none of them arc worth cultivating as plants of ornament The berries of Lardizabal/i uiterw r c p t
sold in the markets of Chile, under the name of Aguilboquil, Gui/bogui, or Coguill-Vochi, according|*»J" pcJo*
travellers. The bitter, diuretic, and aperient roots of Pareira brava are the produce of the Cissan i
aiuf i *v •;t?lltL famous:
r is
Col iiiribn root, to much ertcemod for Its Intense bitternes-t. nnd for it* use in diarrhrca
ilini - .' 'y,y. the
the pproduce of the Cocettfan palmftms. The poieouuuK ttru([ g called
ed Cocmihn
Cocculus indicus
indJcus in tho
thc accd of ft oeie* nf fYu-ri , probably tuberous, Several Brazilian tpedoi 3a of Coecalmn>..|nnd
w powerful (ebrifmrnl proi*rti(?s. So S]«cic* of Mcuftperniaceai 1* found in
" r e "^ to PO"e" powerful (ebrifmrnl
f t i l A i proi*rti(?s.
d Ai Cutting*.
they we chiefly native* of tropical America and Asia.
. Tribe 1. BTOO Tiliacura Col 2807 Abaia Aub
1129 Wendlhndia W,
16. Tribe £. SCIIIZA'ND JLE.IL
Coscinimn Cot 2GS5 )£fc

17. OanEitVI. BERBER I'D E-fc.

, Spteies 33; Hot.home Specie t0 •, GrccnJumse Spccirs 10; Kanty Li&wu* Specie* 20
/Arrrfy llahaceuns Sjxciet 3.f 35) feet; £ £ feet; * 0 reet
l e
»rt i 'o w^ "ceplion Errher thUorder
herititthU orderdoes
does not
not contain
contain any
any genu* of much Interest;
Inte most of tlir > •
oniipicuiiiii herbaceous
,L ! iJ inconiipicuiiiii, herbaceous plants;
plants Sanifinn
Safi U U an aelegant
n l t Japanese
J h u b TheBertwrit« «
Jtflh ' ' * beauty unit Interest, especially the «|is>cic« with pinnnt whi ch are Bornctimoti cullnl
j^™onia», These arcN all inhabitants
ants either
eit of Europe,p, Asia,a, or
o North nnd South A America;
e c ; mint turn
nwnj110 ™ '" '" A
A ff rr ll cc aa or
or N cc w
South Wales.
Wales. Slsny
Slsny ol
ol the
the fineiit
fineiit spL-ciCT
spLci from Chile Ri
11 Tll£
Tll£ l ll 1 from Chile Rid [mlin yt-t ramaill to be
in ilr ?™- "" >"
ilr ?™- >"T w of of 'he
'he m-rlwrisw
m-rlwrisw are
">c *tcm and bark. Cutting*, luycri, Uiviiion. and seed*.
are acid
acid and
and astringent:
astringent: the latter quali
the latter quality U specially abumlaut
•19 108(1 m I..
NuL 1 10S7 Mr, 1088 Mr.
Th U n.

la. OntiF.ii v i i .
Gerura 2, Species 2s Uot-houtr Species 0 j G)«m-A«iiw Specirj 0; ILirity IJgneotuSpeci'tQ;
Hardy Herbaceous Spte&i 8 f tJ fwl; £ 1J tM S " f « t
kittle, intcrettlnft, herbaceous North American plants, nearly related on the one hand to Nymphteacete, and
Uie other to the hwbaceom gnncra of Btrberldeit Their juice Is held to be purgative Dl nslon.

1548 I, 1178 Je8erAn«i Bart.


G«it« 1 Speeiei I ; HaUbmts Specif} 0; QwWt house Bpedtt 1 ; llarffi/ I.iR
trrij/ O M M N M Bptcfa a J 0 feet | f U feet; * U feeLL
order riiffrri from Nymphipice* chiefly in hnvins a drfinite number of seeds, tt consist* of only two
f e era, Mch containinji
r a , Mch containinji a jdne>
jd"ne> ipec
ipeciw. Both nrc little floating plants of tropical and northern America.
othing i( known
thing k off their
hi iiropertics.
ti D i i i uuoflM»
Divisiim flM»
Ilydropt'llii L.


Genera 4, SpreiW S i ; IJttf.hmse Speeiet 19; Green-house Species i>; Wrrrrfif Ligneuut Sprtits 0;
JAirrfy Herbaceous Speciei 18. }0 fcet; i 0 feet; £ 3 J ft
^ilce 11
the last, these are all flo.itinft plnnts, and to gardener*, possessed of great interest, on account of the
' form mid various hue* of their flower*. Three species are known .\s the lilies of nur own utreanu nnd
) s am) tin.1 remainder
) tin. remainder occupyc p y similar e tat ions in otlier countries. Some ofe the Indian .i ^ s otf
U h y t U ffrafrratit. The
Jc deUnhytjUy Th JwlyJl Cy.-nnu*,
C or Ph
Pyihaporeanbbean of f antiquity, is the produce of the Nt-lum-
u ""}> •anstately 6aquatic, of toaA
1 ne
nbuiinds in all the hottfr couiiLries of the Vast, where iU roots are frequently
It* i"* "J™' - ' ditchis aixiut Pokin and other Chinese cities, are literally choaked up with
»ft , unr 'aiiee. Tin- petfoatyta or tieant are dhlnng, hard, nnnitlh t»dLi», and jjotmetw thi; power of veseuting
J ' w having ing beanbean tlriiil
tl (or wnm thirty y yyt-jirt The flovers and rootii of the common ommon white A'yinirf)a?«
Ayinirf)a?« have
llon(j cetebra]t e b ] edatd t i and dantiaphrotlisiocal
ir sedative t pi h l i i l <|imlitie<,
| , liti whtefa whtefa are,
,r ehowever,
h o e e r now
however, n
now conriderrd ridd
'utful in Kv.
fl i K
bark of /*lntM aylditrii. ot'
' tcorcity,
i the
h roots off A'liphor
A ' h lliitea
i t aruu poundod
poundod into cake* alone with the
l is iorder bsa been the cause of much difference among botanists, as to its true station In a natural clasiifl-
r\i °"f t s structure being of BO doubtful a character as to leave room for disputing whether it belongs tn
^"*ty)4donct or Monocotyltfdones. U|«in thlt subject M. Uecandollc has t)ic rfillowinif remark*:—*' (tsjrtner
^ w ihat the theembryo
embryoi sisundiided,
undivided, n andt there
e Fare monocotyledmioUB. y. In1803,
1803,I I rvmnrkifl i inthe the Bvtlrtm
"jfontathique that the h embryo b both b h of f#Tmph(e*a
# T h * and and Nfiphar
Nfph i»i enclo««d l d iin • peculiar
l i in i ttegument, and d that
'''cotyledtmoufi i I apparent when that integument in removed ; *hur()y after, M, Mirbci declared
* 'thet h embryo of Xelumkium has h two thick t h i kcntylwlnns
ootyUdtM; In I 18i«j,
J 8 j M. M Turpin
Ti pave an accuratet description
d i t i t*t
'r»it <if Jiclun im, without however removing the doubts about the real structure of the oinhryn,
two years afterwards his CoQeCgUb H. IMite.iu, desrrihed the seed and germin.itinn of, the tame pbnt,
ft out that the embryo consisted of two thick cat vied, out enclosed « ijiular membrane, but
r.idicula : this was subsequently confirmed by M. Mirbel after very minute anatomical exnmina-
'hut observer compAred the seed of Krltimbinm to the seed nf Jmygdalui, and also t t'lpn
aUo demonstrnted that the structure of the storn waa anainKOu« to that of or
H* (limits. A very ilitrrri-ni i : t!y afterward* held by M I
I order, "do admitted iuti i\n- I
il htfan taken hy previous obeer c. III fact, a mere i
were M entlreli CvmHi in tbsj mi
to the ulii upinkm, that Nyit.. nnmi* ; iii wtiiirh . HIP late
ill i I laid, a nans for > ' i Lain orCarjiol",1 I a new
i ilccesstirt.
5 c
,1 material
littnn, arnl ! «•(" that
io nnaiomic
piuetcoE among Bs^gvncs, for 1 IK- l
i hi
«nflirt of opinion*, I have detrnniui
I>t, because the structure of their steift w that p»n« rather than of BMtogeaM ; Stlly, heeausi»
it.- luMliv,,, ,.in>lnn,'il within the little h . -ipili'lLT bll
- - - « . . y cntyledoni. which i. BonflnBwi by t)u< | nthpni in Neifmihium -
"Ucame of the itrudui flower, whith has a (ji /'3-dinVi, MagnW«. ami
W; 4thly "on Acii'iuVnt'ot''the"flmiliirity Ijctwceti their fruit mid etiginn and that it ofof /'apAvi>r;
i'A Sthly
•"Ute oftheir'milkv juice .ntui convolute leave*, two Khararters which are not known to t-si-t among lind/,1
ThoeewhonrelnterLitted in pursuing this curicm* itiseuwion any farUicT.wLll find m;iny remark): anci
in the English edition of the Anaiytc tiu Frail, published by Mr. XJiidlcy in "*
ibe 1. NHLU»(BO\SI £2. Tribe 2. Nr^pn^BA-
lt!13 Neltmbtum 3 tig. 0. kerb. IS. *_ Si feet.
ISM Barfwii SaL
MM A'yiNphac'a Mae*. 0 *T
1557 A'fiphar A'm, 0 *5


Gentu 1 i Species 4; Hot-house Specie* 0; Qreen-koute Species 4; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;

Hardy Herbaceous Specie* 0. •_ 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
Plant* remarkable for the singular form of their leaves, which are tubular and bold water, and some s]>e<:ie«
have lids or covers, which, it in alleged) shrink and dose over the mouth of [he tube in dry weather, so us to
prevent the exhalation of the water. 'Ihe rirder it chiefly distinguished from PajmvL'racctc and Nyropbeapa** '"
having a broad peltate leafy stigma. It consists only of one genus, containing «\ sin-cits, all inhabiting ''
*warnps of North America. Division.
1555 Sarracen/o L.

SECTION II. Carpetta solitary or connate; Placenta parietal.

Gem 12. Specie* (& ; Hot-house SpeeiaS ; GreenJkotue Species 1; Hardu Ligneous Specie* d;
Hardy Herbaceous Species (& I 0 feet; £ IS ft: Fret
These plants arc better known Tor their medicinal properties than for their beauty. Some of them are th*
common pests of com fields, and with grain have been disseminated over all the world. Sangulnkrla Is a neat

little American plant well known for its erinisHii juice, Jiiid the emoti? purgative powers of its roots., Th*"
peculiar power of the poppy is, us \a welt kiuiwii, narcotic; n property wbich pervades all tlie order, alt hough
In a less intense degree in all than in the r>fli( inal P. (omnlferutn, from whleo exclusively the drug opium i*
obtained. The Mexicans use the expressed oil of the seeds of Argimbiie inuxicarut for polishing furniture-
Division, seeds, or cuttings.
1552 Papiver »38 I-Jt" Sanguin'iria Z. 0 2 .1770 KschschViltzm Cham, 0
1554 Argentine
g Ton.
n 4 |«B Boociniii i,. o
1553 M 6 i Vi
5 Mecon6j»i< Vie. *1 1423 Macleftyu R. Hr. 0 1 1516 nu-liiiunnini /!„„/, I
3368 HuBBcmSuu'A Sw t. 155U Uumeri'u Mcd. 0 MM i/yii&omM /.. o


SpeeiefU; Species 0; Green-house ftwefetO] Hnrtly Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species U. 1 t) feet s £ 13 ft.; * U feet
Tender herbs, with fltielycut leaves and annual stems, abounding in • watery juice; -without any
ant* of milkiness. They arc reckoned slightly diaphoretic and aperient, but their medi™] pmoertte*
trifling. Formerly they were combined with 1'aimveraceffl, frotn whti-h they arc now unlTenall) di>ti»guisb

The greater part of them arc natives of hedges or thickets in the cooler parts of the norllu-nt heiniaphe
two are natives of the Cajie of Good Hope. Many of the species arc beautiful ornaments of the flower-gar
Division or seeds.
SOW Diclytra Sore 0 9 | 2048 Cystic&pnos Boer. 0 2 1 2051 SarcocSpnos Dec. 0
8050 Adlumia Jfiafi. 0 1 | SIH7 torydiilis Dee. 0 *23 | £052 fumurik Tuu. 0
28. ORDER XIII. CRUCI'FER.E {erut, a ctoa»,fen>, to bear; form of corolla}.
Genera 88, Species 7G1; Hot.fututc Specie* 0 ; Green-house Species 7 7 ; Hardy Ligtuous Spcciet I S ;
Hardy ffcrftsjirwu Species GO5. J (JJ f t ; ]£ 50 feet; £ 3 fat,
The importance of this order to mankind, and tlie singular nnture of iu botanical ctmracters, render
expedient to speak very fully upon It: in irbich tin: remark) at the l e t i i u l M Di-camlnHi-. who has "
Cruciferie fiarticuiar attention, will be chiefly followed. Thi; older omulttl wliully of annual oi
a A n biitinial, herbs, occasionally assuming a suMVutesivnt habit; then, however, never exceeding tlie I
of three feet The roots are either thick and perennial, or or biennial and slender, idntott "
perpendicular and undivided. The young r(tots are t'tppea with a little tilicjiih, called the i-oleorliiia, 1
produced by the extended ruptured ceat of the epidermis when the rootlet tirst api«ani. This is a
character, and deserves attention. The stems are round or somewhat angular, branched, and often, t'VOJi
the annual species, indurated at the base The branches proceed from the axiilir of the leave*, but the
most ones are abortive In most case*. The racemes are always opposite J^—^V/N.
to the leaves; sometime* the terminal branch is abortive, when the /r XX a
raceme appears to be terminal; but this is merely owing to that circuin.
stance. The leaves arc simple, generally radical or alternate, I.
opposite. The flowers are cither white, yellow, or purple, or in a
few t!ape species bright blue. The fruit in called cither a siliigua or
slllcula, the former being a linear pod containing many seeds, the
Utter a roundish pod containing one or very few seeds, whence this
— f\ h ^TZ^r^ f
5 I •

Older, which is the same as the Lintiean class Tetradynhmia. Is

divided bj TJnnsui Into two pans, L-alitil Siliijutus.- and Silirutbsw.
In the Mod, tlm raiiu'al ami ciityliit.nm arc sjinlietl to emcb otbar in
ditttront wt;>, from which tlie subordLTD or M. IJoonJulU itt-rive
their characters. When the edffe of the cotyledons is presswl doted
to the radicuU, so that a cross section would be an at jig. 5. a, tat
cotyledons arc said to be necumbent, ns in all I'lciirnrhlxea.'; wbeo
the side Of tin; rii£y!ixlui)> i.- jtrttwetl to the r.idiciila ns at b, the R
are called ineurubeiit, as in Nuturliizeii-. If the cotyledons arc inculn-
t, and at the same time half folded together or LDiuiuplicate,
u at c, the suborder Ortho|ilur«e Is formed; when the cotyledons are iiu-untbriit anil spirally p s w •
that a sts-tion would be ai at d. they constitute the suborder BpinUbesi: and finally, when Hie cot) <"•
arc incumtn!iit, »itd doubled twice \a their length, as at t, we have DilecolMjttB
7a^ne w h o l e order is preeminently European; 166 species are found in the north and middle of Europe, and
'* ° the seashores of the Mediterranean; 45 are found between Mogadore and Alexandria: 18* in the
70 at
» 5 in
Canaries; 2 in Saint Helena; 2 in the We ; erica: 48 in North
r? Kamtchatka and the bordering islands; and finally, 33 are common to several parts of the
nortk' r o m t h i s !t appears that there are about ICO species in the southern hemisphere, and about 800 in the
znn ofJ 11: or» if t h °y a r e considered with reference to the zones of temperature, 2U5 are natives of the frigid
uT™f. the northern hemisphere: 30 of the whole of the tropics; 548 of the temperate zone of the northern
•JJpWere; and 86 of the southern. The forty-first degree of north latitude may be considered the equa-
v»i-i Ki ne of
; man
Cruclfene, about half being found on one side of it, and half on the other. Their station is very
•no y i n n a ° i ' open sandy places, some form the vegetation about the limits of the perpetual
•tows ol lofty mountains, and many follow the footsteps of man through all parts of the world.
* n e useful qualities of the turnip, the radish, the rape, and the cabbage and its multiform varieties, are all
"cur known. The greater part of the order consists of plants possessing high antiscorbutic powers. These ap.
j?a to depend upon a certain acrid, volatile, oily principle, the chemical nature of which is imperfectly known.

mo- --„-—, j herbage of the scurvy-grasi, ».— -..- ,

"ree mildly when taken inwardly; thus, when any cruciferous plants are found to be b eatable,, cither from
_uicure Fe or
oro tother
h e r circumstances, it is tn h«» imrior<tnr»i tn fin»n»H unnn a reduction of this acrid principle. The
exp-f- circumstances, it is to be understood to depend upon a reduction of this acrid principle.
Usof i ng P ° w e r s of t l ? i s l a s t a r e w l l a t render the horseradish, the scurvy.grass, and d thothers, so remarkably
viui ag antiscorbutics;
viui ag antiscorbutics; they they arc
arc also
also believed
believed to
to possess
possess diuretic
diuretic and diaphoretic properties, It is to be
radih a n dt ht antefera
radik C r u c I f e r a j a ar
. re
always y eatable ewhen
when their
textureis succulent and watery,y,as in the roots of the
ProH ."P» a n d *hc leaves of the cabbage tribe. A further diminution of the acrid principle ii
*£°auccd by blanching. Crucifere arc said to possess a greater share of azote than any other tribe of plants;
?*j* CSapparent in their fetid smell when fermented. The embryo of all the order abounds in oil, whence many
offK e sa r ee cemployed with much advantage for expressing, cither for eating or for feeding lamps. Some
Can!l P i c s a r c extremely beautiful and fragrant, as the Stocks, the Gillyflowers, the Hespendcs, the
andytufts, and many others. The Hutchinsias, Drabas, Cardttmincs, &c, arc among the most interesting of
"Wiic plants. Almost all the species arc propagated by seeds, but some of them grow by cuttings, and the
Perennials by divibion.
>i?£ B < m i ) E R L PLEURORHI'- 32. Tribe 5. ANASTATI'CEJJ, or 1884 SiiK'ipis Ton. 0 *32
ff *•& ipleuron,a aside,
& ipleuron, rhiza,a a PLEURORHI'ZEJS SEPTULAT^B
side,rhiza, 1885 MoncindVa Dec. 0 1
root; radicle at the side of the (dim. of septum, a partition) 1886 Diplotaxis Dec. 0 *11
cotyledons). 1887 frCica 7b«. 0 10
1858 Anastatica L.
* Tribe 1. ARABi'DEJ£,orPLEU- 42. Tribe 1& VE'LLEJC, or .OR.
KORHI'ZEJ£ SILIQUOVK[ [sUiqutt. a 33. Tribe 6. CAKILI'NE.E, or PLEU-
n g pPod).
od) * ' RORHl'ZEJB Lo.MENTA x CE«
mentum, a loment). lig.Q. hetb.2. gljfcet.
>> herb. 149. £ 1 9 s f t ; 1888raiaL.
Matlrtol/i R. Br. 0 lig.0. herb. I. £31 feet 1889 B61cum Dcsv
ChcirAnthus L. 1859 CakileTou. 0 1S90 Carrichti-ra Adan. 0 *1
Nasturtium R. Br. 1861 Cborisporaltec. 0 1891 Succuw/a Mcd. 0 1
Lcptocarpx*a Dec.
Notoceras R. Br. 34. SUBORDER II. KOTORIH'-
43. Tribe 14. PSYCH I ' N U C , or Ou-
? t o R, B
ZEM (notost the back, rhixa,
a root j position). TUOPLOxCEiE ANGUBTISE'Fl'^.
«nirt Adan. lig. 0. herb. \. ±2 feet.
J Ster. 35. Tribe 7. SISY'MBREJB, or No- 1892 Psychlne Desf. 0 1
« L. lig. 1. herb. 123. f 3 ft.; £24} ft. 41. Tribe 15. ZI'LLEK, or ORTHO.
»cropodium R. Br. 1862 Malcum/a R. Br. 0- -9 rLO^CEii NlJCAMENTAxCIiiE.
S d i L. 1863 /Ksperis L. 0 •22 lig. a Aer& 1. ± 2 feet
1864 Andreuskia Dec. 0 4 1893 Z/7/a Fojsk.
1865 Siftvmbrium L. 0 •43 4894 Muricaria Desv. 0 1
1866 Al\ftfmAdan, 0 •2 1895 Calcphia Adan. 0 1
1867 £rfsimum L. •1 42
ALYSSI'NFA, or 1868 LcptMcum Dec. 0 1 45. Tribe 16. RAPHVNEJS, or OR-
LATISE P I * {la- 1869 Stanlcya Nut THOPL%Et aiENTA\:E£.
L \
in lig. 0. het b.33.£
lig. 0. b.33 Hi feet
36. Tribe & CAMELI'NEA, or No- 1896 frambe Zbit
TORIIl'ZEJi L A T I S E ' P T . K . 6 frambe Zbit 0 •9
1860 /fapbtrum Bauh. 3
lig.0. herb. 8. £5jfcet 1898 Pidcsinis i)«i».
1870 Camcllna Crz. 0*7 2
1809 Enarthrocarpus Lab. 2
Berterba Dec. 1871 Ntslia Dcsv. 0 1 1897 Aaphanus L. •17
Aubrietfo Adan. 37. Tribe 9. LEPIDI'NEJE, or No-
Vesicaria Lam. TORIII'ZEJE A N G U S T I S E / F I < J S . 46. SUBORDER IV. SPJROLO\
S Andrz. lig. 2. /MT^36.t3ft.f ll$ft BEM (speira, a spire, lobos, a
lSiV iVwum L. 1872 Scncbiera Poir. « pod; cotyledons).
1840 iocus Dew 1873 Zcpldium L. *2
I8te ? o n \g« R. Br. 1874 Bivon^a Dec. 0 47. Tribe 17. DUMA'DEJG, or SPI-
1875 Eunbmia lig.0. herb. 3. £3ifeet.
1876 JEthioncma R. Br. 0 1900 £unias Z. 0 3
38. Tribe 10. ISATI'DEJ c. or NOTO- 48. Tribe 18.
lig.0. herb.22. £ Hi ft . //'A'. 0. AtrrA. 3. £ 3 feet
J877 Mtis Bauh. 0 *18 1901 Eruckria Gae. 0
1878 Tauscheria Fis. 0 2
Anammn 1879 3/^aprum L. 0 1 49. SUBORDER V. DIPLECO-
' » septum, a par. 1880 Sobolcwbkia Bicb. 0 1 LO^BEJE (diplax, double, lobos,
a p o d ; cotyledons).
39. Tribe 11. ANCHONH.\E,
NoTomii'/.K.i: LOMENTA^CEJE. 5a Tribe 19. HKLlopin'i.F.iK, or
lie. 0. herb. S. £ 4 feet. P / SIIQUV
1881 OoldbaclwVi I>cc. O lig.O. herb. 11. j£<jiieut,
1882 Sterigma Dec. 0 1902 HcUophilaX. 0 17
4a SUBORDER I IT. 0RTII0- 51. Tribe 20. SUBULARIK^,
acarpa^a Dec. PLO^CEJE {orthos, upright, DlPLECOLO^BEJE T
EITCLIDIE^ ploke, fold; cotyledons). lig. 0. herb. 1. foot.
1903 Subularia /» (>
41. Tribe 12. BRASSICE.E, or OR.
u I5 dium
£Ochthodium Dec.
£ .
**• to-
lig. 0. herb. 94. £23* feet.
1SS3 A&ssica I.. 0 *40 1816 Schizopctalon Sims.
Kk 2
Genus 1, Species 23; Hothouse Species 0; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 17. ± 0 feet j j£ i o | ft.; £ 0 feet
This order differs from Crucifcre in the capsules being unilocular and the stamens indefinite, as well Rt
in the seeds being destitute of an umbilical cord. Weeds of no interest, except the Reseda odorata for its
delicious fragrance. R. Luteola, a common annual in waste places, yields a yellow color fit for dyeing. A"
natives of Europe and North Africa. Seeds.
1459 iZeseda L. Q *YI


Genus 1, Specks 2; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0: Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. £ 0 feet; £4}feet; ^ 0 feet
Differs from the preceding order in having an inferior ovarium, and in the seeds being furnished with
albumen. This order consists only of one genus, containing three species, natives of the south of Europe*
Nepal, and North America. They are strong coarse hardy perennials, with the appearance of hemp.
' 2805 Dattsca W. 0 2
Genera 11, Species 72; Hot-house Species 51; Green-house Species 5; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 16. £ 0 feet; £ 8ft feet; * 0 feet
These are nearly related to Crucifers, of the properties of which they partake. Many are very pretty plant*,
especially Cleome rusea, and the various species or CrataeVa. The common caper is an elegant bush, remark'
able for its large white flowers and long purple stamens. The species arc found occasionally in various parti
of the world. The different kinds of Capparis are reputed to be stimulating, antiscorbutic, and aperient The
bark of the root of the common caper passes for a diuretic medicine. Several species of Cleome nave an acrid
taste, which has been compared by travellers to that of mustard. The root of Cleome dodecandra is employed
as a vermifuge in the United States; and the leaves produce an inflammation of the skin, whence they are
used in Cochin-China as a sinapism. Dec. Cuttings or seeds.
56. Tribe 1. CLEO^MEA. 1455 Polanisia Rqfi. 0 1540 Niebtihr/a Dec.
lig.O herb. 16. £ 8ft feet 1442 Boscirt Lam.
57. Tribe 2. CAPPA^REJB. 1539 CdpparisJL
1905 Peritoma Dec. 0 1101 Stephania Dec.
1906 Gynandropsis Dec. 0 1440 CrateV* L. 2045 Morisonia Flu.
1904 Cleome W~ 0 1441 Richie* R. Br.
Genera 3, Species 11; Hot-house Species 8; Green-house Species 3; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet j j£ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
A very small order, formerly comprised in Tiliacee. It is remarkable on account of the structure of |*f
fruit, to the inner lining of which the seeds are attached upon a branched placenta. Nothing is known of tn«
properties of the Flacourtias. The berries of Flacoftrtia Ramontchi are eaten in Madagascar. The order
consists entirely of small tropical trees or bushes. Cuttings.
59. Tribe 1. PATRISIE\E. I 60. Tribe 2. FLACOURTIE^E. | 61. Tribe & KIGGELARIE'A
1541 Ryania VahL | 2811 FlacourUa Herit I 2798 Kiggelaria L.
Genera 4, Species 9; Hot-house Species 9; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 10 feet; £ 0 feet j =*= 0 feet
The plants of this order are few in number, and not remarkable either for beauty or use. The Bixa OreUty1*
is chiefly known for producing the seed catted in the shops Arnotta (JZocon, FT.) and used for coloring
cheese; the properties of the Arnotta are slightly purgative and stomachic. They are all bushes or 10*4
trees, and mostly tropical Azaras, Chilian shrubs with fragrant flowers, are not yet known in the garden* °*
Europe. Cuttings.
1565 Bixa L. I 1567 Pr6ckia L. I 1568 Ludia Lam.
1569 Lartia L. | |
Genera 4, Species 187; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 55; Hardy Ligneous Species 111;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 21. ± 22 feet ;< 6ft feet; * 0 feet
The common rock roses of our gardens give an accurate idea of this order, which contains little else.
are all very ornamental, and particularly well calculated for covering rockwork. They are natives of nio»
parts of the world in dry elevated places. The gum called Ladanum is the produce of some kinds of Cktus i
it exhales a fragrant perfume when burnt, and possesses slightly tonic and stomachic properties. Cutting* °*
1589 Cistus Ton. 40 0 I 1445 Hudsunia L. I 292 Lechea L. 0
1590 Helianthemum Tou. *71 17 | |
Genera 12, Species 135; Hot-house Species 13: Green-house Species 13; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 109. ± 0 feet; £ 11 feet; £ 0 feet
This is one of the most favorite orders with gardeners; consisting, as it chiefly does, of the Violet £*nu?
irom which most of the others are recent dismemberments. The greater part are hardy herbaceous P|***Jv at
some of which are remarkable for their perfume, others for their brilliant colours, and all for hi ?
They are natives of the temperate or cold zones of both hemispheres, often growing at great elevations aDo
the sea. Among them is a tribe called Alsodines, consisting of ^ffrutcscent tropical plant&; but none oft 0 i"
^ave been introduced into the gardens of this country. The attention of collectors should be directed J i n C
curing the shrubby Violkces of Brazil, some of which possess great interest The medical P ro PC rtlCS °' a t e r
order are found principally in their roots, which appear to possess, in all cases, emetic properties, in a F^
or less degree. One of the Ipecacuanhas is the root of a Brazilian violet. M. Decandolle has the -
observations upon the affinities of the Violaride: — They are very nearly akin, he observes, to the r uia»
£iid .Droseraceie, and especially to the Passiflorea?. From the first they are distinguished by their " n Vfr ff ,h-
fruit, leaves furnished with stipules, and two-celled anthers j from Droscraceie by their lolitary style, lengi
*%? embryo, and stipulate leaves, the vernation of which Is lnvolutlve, not clrclnate. From Passlflbre© they
J»»er in their fruit being capsular, not berried; in their albumen being compact and shining, not pitted; in
ineir stamens being hypogynous, not perigynous; in their anthers being attached along their whole length, not
jxedby their middle; finally, in their stigmas being one and not three. The genus Calyptrion approaches
fassifl&reae in its twining stem, and Hymcnanthera borders upon .Polygalee on account of its monospermous
Pericarpium with solitary pendulous seeds. Divisions, seeds, and cuttings.
703 SMea Ging. 0 709 Ceranthera Beauv.
65. Tribe 1. VIOYEA. 704 Pombalia van. 700 Lavrtdia Vill.
r-0. herb. 109. £ 11 feet 705 Ionidium Yen. 3310 Hymenanthfcra R. Br.
H. & 67. TribeS. SAUVA\SE&
?°1 £ola Tou. 66. TribeS. ALSODI'NEA
689 Sauvag&sia Jac.
'<« Erp&tion Swt. 708 Alsodela Thou.
Genera 5, 5jKde<16; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 5; Hardy Ligneous Species 0
Hardy Herbaceous Species 11. f 0 feet; £ 2 feet; £2}feet
e o r d e r of
t J P j p a r t s of tsun-dews
n e W0Tld
is a small group of plants, natives of marshes or inundated grounds in all the tem-
aU ?k 1 8 of t n e * The species are very remarkable for the abundance of glandular hairs with which
aiL P* * forage are covered. Only two species are in any degree frutescent The young leaves are
•ways rolled up in the circinate manner, so remarkable in ferns. Their medicinal properties appear to be
""ling : the leaves have the power of curdling milk. Divisions or seeds, some by leaves.
§22 DnSsera L. 0 *6 I 923 B?bli« Sal. I 910 Pamassia L. 0 «1
25 Aldrovanda L. 0 1 | 1331 DionaeVi L. I
69. ORDER XXIT. P O L Y G A ^ L E J E .
Genera 6, Species 64; Hot-house Species 5; Green-house Species 41; Hardy Ligneous Sproies 1:
Hardy Herbaceous Species 17. 2 1 foot; £ 5 feet; £ 0 feet
Most of the plants of this order are interesting, and deserving the attention of the gardener, some for their
neatness, some for their beauty, and some for their use in medicine. They are natives of most countries, and
are either low herbaceous plants, occasionally less than an inch in height (small specimens of Pol^gala pur-
Purea), or shrubs varying from a dwarf, rigid, spiny habit, to a tall, graceful, drooping appearance. Polygaleae
are remarkable for the union of their stamens into a single body, their one-celled anthers opening with a pore,
jutf their irregular flowers, one of which is often keel-shaped, and beautifully crested or bearded. The leaves
nave generally a bitter astringent taste, which is much more abundant in the roots, combined with an acrid
and somewhat resinous flavor: these properties are particularly sensible in P. Senega, which is reputed a

cularly used a s a remedy for dysentery. T h e well known R y , Ratanhia root, o f Chile, i s the
Produce of a plant of this order, and possesses powerful tonic and astringent qualities. According to t h e
analysis of a t r e n c h chemist, it contains gallic acid, but neither tannm nor resin. Cuttings or seeds,
£053 i>oKgala Tou. *1 17 I 2055 MAndia Kth. I 1703 Kramen'a I*
* Murflt/a Neck. ' I 3056 Sccuridaca L, \
Genus 1. Species 6 j Hot-house Species 0 ; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Species 0 •
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet: '
A very small order, containing only seven species, all small bushes, natives of New Holland, and remarkable
J* the peculiar neatness of their appearance. In habit, they may be compared to heaths, with which thoS
agree in the anthers bursting by a pore at the end. Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings or seeds!
1153 Tetratheca Sm.
Genera 4, Species 82; Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 20; Hardy Ligneous Snerio* n.
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; j£ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet ^^ * '
Beautiful shrubs and small trees, with simple alternate leaves destitute of stipulas and
lowers, chiefly natives of New Holland and the African islands. The order is distinguish*?
•estivation of the sepals and petahLwbich i^t, as well as the stamina, are & w S $
nnuute embryo. Cuttings and seeds.
671 Billardiem Sm. I 689 Bursaria Cav.
679 Pittosporum Ban. | 665 Senac/a Com,
Genus 1, Species 10; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 4; Hardy Ligneous
Hardy Herbaceous Species 6. * 0 feet fV2*feet; *o feet
ti* BU"hed from Caryophy*IIes rby the fruit not having a central separate placenta, but bearing the seeds
A n w l n n e r m a r ?rgin
i n of t n e
of thevalves.
valves. The
. species are natives of arid situations in Europe, Africa, and South
T h e y ' nave
thel-1 " a v e n not
o t mmuch beau
. uch beauty, andno
known medical
medical properties.
properi Besides the genus here recorded.
are two others hers mentioned by W M. Decandolle. Cuttings, division, or seeds.
1099 FrankemVz L. 0^6

SECTION I I I . Ovarium solitary ; Placenta central.

Genera 26, Species 531: Hot-house Species 11; Green-house Species 27; Hardy Ligneous Species 1;
_ Hardy Herbaceous Species 492. f 1 foot; £ 38* feet; JklJ feet
e s e Consis
In v t of herbs or low undershrubs, inhabiting the mountains and pastures of all parts of the world,
conf Ur °l >e and Siberia they are particularly abundant, and least so in Africa and South America. Many are
a^ weeds, , as most of the Cerastiums,, Spcrgulas,
pg, and others. Several of the Silenes are very y ornamental
ML " aee°«g
«i |gthe
° ril| theArenarias
speciesofof considerable
considerable elegance.
elegance. ButBut it is in Dianthus
hM P e of the order consists : this h i genus is ialmost
l t unrivalled
i l l d f fort the
h billi
brilliancy off iits
t colours,
l the neat
its flowers. From the finest of its species the title of the order ha

Kk S
74. Tribe 1. SiLE\\Kifi. 75. Tribe 8. ALHI'NE.E. 290 tfotfslcum /,. 0 •2
tig. 1. herb. 315. f 1 f t ; £34* ft. lig. 0. kerb. 177. £ 16 ft 1418 Splrgula /,. 0 •9
1384 GysAphila L. 28 114 Ortegfe L. OS 1417 I*rbre/i Hil. 0 •1
1386 Dianthus L. *93 406 Buffbnia IV. 0 *S 903 Drymaria W.
1385 Saponaria L. 416 SagtaaZr. 0 *6 1389 SteUaria L. 0 •21
1387 CucubalusL. 0 *1 1208 MoehringtaL. 0 2 902 jflslne L. 0 •5
1388 Silenc L. 0*153 1223 £latinc L 0 * 2 1390 Aren&riaZ. •71
1415 Zycbuii L. 0 *28 1419 Borgia L. 0 1 1416 Cerastium L. 0 •49
802 Velezftz W. 0 1 295 J/ollbgo L. 0 1 1391 Cherleria HaL 0 •1
901 JDrypis L. 1 0 906 7'harnaceum W. 0 1 1402 Spergulistrum Mx. 0 1


Genera 2, Species 43; Hot-house Species 0: Green-house Species 6; Hunlardy Ligneous Species 2;
jftmfy Herbaceous Species 35. £ 3 feet; £ I2fcet; A 0 feet
Separated by If. Decandollc from Caryophy'lleae, from which it is well distinguished by its fruit having
several cells, or in the language of the botanist just named, being formed by the cohesion of several carpclla.
Most of the species are pretty plants, bearing yellow, blue, or white flowers. They are of immense import-
ance in the world, on account of the tenacity of their fibres when made into flax. The seeds of common flax
are between mucilaginous and oily; the leaves of LlnumL catharticum and L. selaginoldes, the latter a native
off Peru,
Peru arc
arc purgative.
purgative Cuttings,
Cuttings division,
division or
or seeds.
* 921 Zlnura Bauh. *2 34 419 RadAola Dil.


Genera 22, Species S91; Hot-house Species 203; Green-house Species 97; Hardy Ligneous Species 8;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 83. f 28J feet; £ 25 feet j £ 0 feet.
Before this order was dismembered of Bombaccs and Byttneriiceaj, it contained most of the grandest flower*
in nature. Even now? the splendor of the various species of J/alva, yilthseVi, to which the hollyhock bclong'f
and //ibiscus, renders it one of the most remarkable groups of plants. With the exception of the numerous
f enus Sida, nearly all Malvaceae arc objects worthy of the gardener's care, particularly those which arc hardy,
n stoves or green-houses, the softness of their branches and leaves renders them peculiarly liable to the attacks
of the red spider, mealy bug, and scale, from which few collections arc free; a circumstance which makes
them less generally esteemed than the surpassing beauty of many of them merits. The greater part of the
order is clothed with stellate pubescence, and a rcnifbrm one-celled anther is a character common to the whole.
These two peculiarities, together with the alternate stipulate leaves, distinguish Malvaccs from all the rest of
Dichlamy'dcr. All the species abound in a nutritive mucilage; a quality which renders the young heads of
the Ochro, or Hibiscus cscullntus, an object of great value within the tropics, as an ingredient in soups. In
Brazil, the Abutilon, csculcntum serves the same purposes. The emollient properties of //Ithaca oflicin&li*f
or Guimauvc of the French, arc well known to physicians, ns a remedy for catarrhs and pulmonary complaints.
A decoction of the leaves of Spharfxlcea cisplatina is used for similar objects in Brazil. A species of l'avbnw*
is employed in the same country as a diuretic in the form of a decoction. The straight shoots of ,SW*
micrantha arc employed as rocket sticks at, Ilio Janeiro. The chewed leaves of Slda carpinifblia allay the
inflammation occasioned by the stings of wasps. The tough fibres of many Malvaccs are manufactured
into cordage. Their petals are astringent; whence those'of J/ibiscus rbsa sinensis arc used in China to
blacken the eyelashes and the leather of snoe& The fibrous threads in which the seeds of Goss>pium arc
enveloped furnish the valuable cotton, an article of immense importance to the world; these threads, when
examined by the microscope, will be seen to be finely toothed, which explains the cause of their adhering
together with greater facility than those of Bi'mbax and several Apocf ncae, which arc destitute of teeth, and
which cannot be spun into thread withoufjgan admixture of cotton. Division, cuttings, or seeds.
78. Division 1. Calyx double. 2010 Uriiia L. 2018 Lopimia Mart.
2003 Afalope L. 0 2011 PavbmViCav.
1 i/2012 79. Division 2. Caly* simple'
2004 Mfilva L. Malvaviscus Dil.
0 *38 2013 Lebrctbnfo 2019 PalKvta Cav. 0
20U5 Nuttfillia Dick. - 0 2 2014 7/ibfocus L. Schrank 2(tS0 Cristiria Cav. 0
2()06 KitaibMtTTW. 0 1 2021 A'noda Cav.
L'007 ifltha^a L. 0 *16 2015 Thcsptsia Corr. 2022 l'erfptcra Dec.
2008 Lavivtem L. 0 *J2 SOlti Gossypium L. 2023 Slda L. 0
2017 Redoutta Ven. 2024 Lagun^a Cav.
2009 Jfalachra L.
Genera \\f*Species 28; Hot-house Species 27 ; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Species 0 :
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. }0 feet; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
Distinguished from the last by tho imbricate aestivation of the calyx, and the arrangement of the stamens in
five sets, or, in Linnean language, brotherhoods The species are mostly fine trees with large showy fl°we/^
and natives of the tropics. Some of them arc among the largest trees in the world; Adansonnr, the BaobaD
of Senegal, has been seen with a diameter of twenty-five feet, and specimens of Bumbax Cciba and Eriodcn-
<lron anfractubsum arc not uncommon an hundred feet in height The wood of all the species is light an«
toft, as in Malvaceae, from which this order probably docs not differ in its medical properties. Cuttings or
Vm Hciicteres L. 1995 Montexuma M. & S. 1921 OchrbmaSw*.
£031 Myrbdia Schreb. 2027 Caroline** L. 2177 Diirio L.
2002 Plagi&nthus Font 2029 Bombax L. 1H34 Cheiroitemon H.%B.
2028 Adansoma L. 9050 Eriodendron Dec.


Genera 28, Species 151; Hot-house Species 78; Green-house SpecimlS; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. £ 0 feet; j| 0 feet; h. 0 feet.
Much the same kind of plants as those of the two last orders, from which they were not formerly dis-
tinguished ; and from which they scarcely differ, except in their bilocular anthers. Many of the Sterculia"
arc fine umbrageous trees, the seeds of which arc large and eatable; especially those of the famous ^oia*
which possess the property, being chewed, of rendering bad water pleasant to the palate. The seeds of tnt
Chicha, another and very noble species of the genus, are liighly esteemed in Brazil for the dessert Astrap«»

in gi'uuirnaca. uuttzuina tiimiiona nas us iruii nuca wun a pieasani mucuagr, wnicn is swcvi *«*• -- .-
agreeable; an extract of the bark of the same plant is used in Martinique to clarify sugar; its old bar*•*
employed, in the form of a strong decoction, as a sudorific. \VaRlu>r;« Douradinha contains a great w*
of mucilage, and is employed by the Brazilians as an antisyphihtic. Cuttings or frccds.
82. Tribe 1. STKRCULIK\K. 84. Tribe 3. LABIOPBTA*LBI£. 86. Tribe 5. DOMBBTAVBA
5 2 t StercMia L. 682 Scr'.ng/a Gay 2025 Ru{»'aCav.
*»J Recvesfe Lindl. 680 Lasioiu'taluin 5m. 1997 J'entipetes L.
*725 Heritiira H. K. 681 Thomasi'a Gay 1996 Assbnt'a Cav
fl^ 8 3 " Trib
e2. BYTTNERllixJE. 1994 Dombeya Cav.
1920 Melhania Fortk.
8J. Tribe 4. HERMANNIE\£. 2000 Ptcrospermum Schrtb
5J78 Abrbma JL
Guaxhma Plu. 1998 Astraps'a Lindk
1918 Melbchia L. 1999 K^dra Rox.
Coinmcrabnfa W. 1919 Riedleta Ven.
RulmgiVf R. Br 1915 Waltherra L.
Byttnlrw Loe 87. Tribe 6.
1916 Hermann/Vi L
AvfewViL. 1917 MaherniaL.
Kleinbufifl L.
Genera 12, S/wfes 77; Hot-house Species 61; Green-house Species 5; ifanty Ligneous Species U;
Ain/y Herbaceous Species 0. 114 feet; £ 62 ft.; £ 0 feet.
c n i , e e s > g hrubs, or herbs, in geneial not remarkable for their beauty, the greater part of the last being the
win r n e 8 t w e c d s o f the tropics. The Lime, from which the order derives its name, is a genus of fine trees
Dlin* r a B r a n t . flowers, and Sparmannui and Entelea are handsome broad-leaved green-house arborescent
u&Rri u inner bark of 711ia is tough and separable, and supplies the material whence the Russia mats
vUrLv.gardeners and others are prepared. Curchorus olitbrius is cultivated in Egypt as a kitchen-garden
o f f h r • * t n e f i D r e s o f the bark of C6rchorua capsularis arc twisted into fishing l i n e s ; and the roasted nuts
« e Lime tree arc reported to bear some resemblance to chocolate. Cuttings or seeds.
JSn E " t e l e a R. Br. 1443 Triumfttta L. 1574 MuntingrVi L.
KI? Sparmannia L. 1575 Grtwm J. » 1571 Ape\ba Marg.
i £ E Heliocirpus L. 1568 Brownlow/fl Rox. 1570 Sloknea L.
« 7 7 Corchorus Z.. 1576 Tilia L. +11 0 1566 Berrya L.


Genera 4, Specks 6; Hot-house Species 3; Green-house Species 3; Hardy Ligneous Specks 0;
/farrfy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; j£ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
These differ from Tiliiceae in nothing except their lobed petals and anthers opening by two pores at the
Apex. The flowers of some of the species of Ekeocarpus arc fragrant, the fruit eatable, and the hard rugose
"tones manufactured into necklaces. Cuttings.
1434 Ela;ocarpus L. I 1436 Diccra Font. A
1435 Aceratium Dec I 1437 Friesia Dec
Genus 1, Species 25 Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Specie* 0»
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet 5 £ 0 feet j ^ 0 feet
This order, according to Petit Thouars, is allied to Malvaces, in having an involucrum to the flower, and
the stamens being monadclphous; but, according to Jussieu, it is allied to Ebenaces, from the petals being
at the base, and in the seeds being furnished with albumen. Shrubs and trees, with simple
ternate rtipulaccous leaves, chiefly natives of Madagascar. The genus Hugoiua does not agree with the
rest of the genera of this order, in being destitute of the involucrum to the flower, therefore it is placed in
Chlcnaceis afflnes by Decandolle. Cuttings. •
* 1935 HugtwwViL.
Genera 11, Specks 19; Hot-house Species 10; Green-house Specks 41 Hardy Ligneous Specks 5:
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. f 18 ft 3 £ 0 feet; * 0 felt ,
A very small order, consisting wholly of trees or shrubs, bearing handsome white or yellowish flowers They
are nearly related to Camellies, from which they do not differ at all in habit Nothing is known of their pro.
Perties. Noronha states that a species of Saurauja found in Java has a subacid fruit, in flavor rescmbline the
Tomato, and that is eaten by the Javanese under the name of Koleho. Inarching, cuttings, or layers.
SSL Tribe 1. TRRNSTR(EMIE\E. 1562 Letts5m(aR.ftP. 96. Tribe5 ? G O .
59 TertMtraVnia L. 94. Tribe 3. SAUBAU'JEJS.
Ug.5. herb.0. ± 18 feet
1612 Sarauja W. ^ 2035 Malachodlndron Cav. 1 0
93. Tribe 2. FBEZIB X BE& 2034 Stuartia Cav. 1 0
2033 Gordbnia EL 3 0
95. Tribe 4. LAPLA%CE«. 2036 Pol^spora SwL
JgJ Freriftra Sw«.
2875 Eurya Thun. 2032 Cochlospermum Kth.


Genera 2, Species 59; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Specks 59; Hardy Ligneous Specks 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet
T h m c l ^ a a a r c t°° w e U known in our gardens to render it necessary to say much upon their peculiarities
* "VVcs
t-ami'llia is one of the most beaatiful, and the tea one of the most useful, plants in the world. Both arc
iih*! of China, Japan, or Nepal. The tea is well known for the stimulating influence of its decoction
of?!? t n e nerves, which is attributed by Cullen to the presence of a narcotic principle. The seeds of Camellia
"circra yield a flne oil. None of the species bear fragrant flowers. Their nearest affinity is with Ternstroenu*.
<£, from which they probably ought not to be separated. Cutting, grafting, or inarching.
2037 Thea L. I 2038 Camellia L.
Genera 4, Specks 6; Hot-house Specks 5; Green-house Specks 1; Hardy Ligneous Specks 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. ± 0 feet j ± 0 feet; ^ 0 feet,
trees or shrubs, with simple stalked exstipulate alternate entire leaves, and little axillary flowers,
s doubt whether what is called a calyx is not rather an involucrum, in which case the corolla would
a calyx, and the station of the order among Monochlantfdee, rather than in this place. Cuttings.
104 OMax L. I 1319 Heistcria L.
105 Spcrmixyron Lab. I 1171 Ximenia L.
Kk 4


Genera 11, Specks 32; Hot-house Species IS; Greenhouse Species 20; Hardy Ligneous Specie* 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 0 feet; £ 0 feet i & 0 feet
These are also known under the name of Hesperidete. They consist of trees or shrubs of the greatest beauty
and utility. The well-known orange and lemon are the representatives of the order, the characters of which
are so well defined that there is no material deviation from the type afforded by those species. The thick
leaves, articulated with the petiole, and abounding in transparent reservoirs of odoriferous oil, are the most
obvious peculiarities. The flower* are fragrant, and the fruit in all cases fleshy, and generally eatable. The
wood is particularly close-grained. The volatile oil contained in the reservoirs of the leaves and fruit possesses
powerful tonic and stimulating properties. M. Decandolle thus explains the singular structure of the fruit of
the orange. In the opinion of this learned botanist it consists, first, of a thick, valvcless, indchiscent indusium
or coat, which is most likely to be considered a continuous torus. Secondly, of several carpella, verticillate
around an imaginary axis, often separable without laceration; membranous, and either containing seeds only,
or filled with pulp, lying in innumerable little bags proceeding from the inner coats of the cells. Cuttings, and
sometimes by layers, budding, grafting, and inarching.
1322 Atalfintt'a Corr. 1326 Murraya Ron. 1325 Ferbnia Corr.
654 Triphasia Lou. 1321 Bergera Kon. 1585 JE^gle Corr.
1320 Limonia L. 1324 Claustna Brm. 2187 Citrus L.
1327 Coukia Sonn. 1323 Glyc6smis Corr.


Genera 7, Species 90: Hot-house Species 4; Green-house Species 34; Hardy Ligneous Species 14;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 38. 1 9} ft. j jg 14* ft. j fe 0 feet
The whole of these abound in a resinous juice, and are in most cases glandular in some degree. Their leaves
are all dotted, and, which is very remarkable, the dots are often black, even upon the yellow petals. These
latter have a singular obliquity, which is not indicated by their outline, but by the arrangement of their
veins. The juice just noticed as abundant in this order is yellow, viscid, rather bitter, often purgative or
anthelmintic, and so very analogous to Gamboge, that the juice of ffypfricum baccatum, and some other
Guiana species, has received the name of American Gamboge. Most Hypericinee are bitter, and slightly
astringent, whence they have been used as febrifuges. A small part of the order is tropical; but in its most
genuine form it consists of herbaceous or undcrshrubby plants, delighting in the shade of groves and thickets
in the cooler parts of Europe and Asia. Nearly all the flowers are yellow; those of H. cochinchinense are
dull red. Seeds, division, or cuttings.
KEJE V&RJE. /iff. 14. herb. 37. £9* ft. ;£ 14} ft. NEJE ANO*MALJE.
108. Tribe L 2043 j*ndrose*mum AU, 0 »1 1611 Carpod6ntos Lab.
2191 Har&nga Thou. 2190 flypericum L. *14 37
2044 /Tscyrum L.
2192 Vfsmea Van. 300 V Elodea MM.


Genera 11, Species 28 j Hot-house Species 26 j Green-house Species 2; Hardy Ligneous Species 0 ;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet
Trees or shrubs found in the hottest parts of the world, and well known by their thick entire opposite leaves
and resinous juice. In the countries where they grow they are of great importance. One, the Garcfnft
Mangosthna% bears a fruit, the equal of which is supposed not to exist The well known Gamboge is the in-
spissated juice of GarcinlM Gambbeia, and, perhaps, other species; the juice of others is found an efficadoui
vermifuge, and also a remedy for the chiggers, one of the wont pests of equinoctial America. The bark and
fruit of many Garcinias are astringent The unripe fruits of Grias cauliflora are pickled. The dowers of all
the order being showy, the foliage good, and the properties interesting, every species deserves cultivation*
Cuttings or layers.

106. Tribe 1. CLUSIB'A. 108. TribeS. CALOPHY'LLEE. 109. Tribe 4. SYMPHONIES

2877 Clbsia L. 1580 Mammea L. 1439Can«llaP.£r.
3369 Godoya R. & P. 2188 Xanthochymus Box.
1581 Bonnetta Schreb. 1579 Calophjllum L. 110. DOUBTFUL.
107. Tribe 2. GARCINIB\B.
2189 Pcntadcfeina R. Br. 1578 GrlasZ..
1429 Garcima L. 1533 ? Rheedta U


Genera 4, Species 6; Hot-house Species 6; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0:
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet j £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet.
Very curious half-climbing shrubs, all natives of hot countries. Some of them bear among the flower*,
hich are large and showy, singular hollow bodies, like the pitchers of Sarracento. The order has been well
lustrated by Professor Hooker, in the 160th article of his Exotic Flora. Cuttings.
1543 AntholumaZo& 1544 Koraniea Aub.
» 1542 Marogravia Plu. 688 Raysch/a Jac.


Genera 5, Species 13; Hot-house Species 13; Greenhouse Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species Oj
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; £ 0 leet
Little is known of this ordei. The species are tropical arborescent or climbing shrubs, with opposite *••*!**
leaves, and small inconspicuous flowers. The genus Tonsdlla contains some species known iu Sierra Leon* ••
bearing poisonous fruit. Cuttings.
100 Hippocratta L. I 101 Tonsitta Vahl I HIPPOCRATEA\:E« sr</Ri*
102 A'nthodon B. $ P. \ 10S Johnfa Rox. | 19S6 Trigbnia AubU
Genera 8, Specks 4j Hot-house Species*', Green-bouse Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Specks 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; *= 0 feet
iJS*?. o r d e r is distinguished from Malpighiaceae in the presence of albumen, and in the petals being
jyrnwhed at the base with a scale; the habit of the plants is also different Shrubs and trees, with simple
Alternate leaves furnished with axillary stipulas. Native of South America, Mauritius, and Madagascar, and
one from India. Cuttings.
1400 Erythroxylon L. | 1401 Sethwi Kth.


Genera 13, Specks 78: Hot-house Species 72; Green-house Species 0 j Hardy Ligneous Specks 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. ± 0 feet; j£ 0 feet; =& 0 feet
* i ?1 n0i ? u l a t e d unguiculate spreading petals form one of the most obvious characters of this order, the species of
ft" . " a'e ill tropical, and are either trees or shrubs, often climbers. Many of the Malpighias are well known
JJJJlorthe prurient hairs produced on the surface of their leaves; their fruit is eatable, their timber of a deep red
r? i and their bark a febrifuge. Their showy pink or yellow flowers, and firm neat foliage, render all this
"»« worthy of cultivation, except Aspicarpa, which is a weed. Cuttings.
"7. Tribe 1. MALPIQHIB**. 118. Tribe 8. HIFIVQEJL 1396 Tri6nteris L.
1388 Gcrtnera Rox. l&fl Tctr.ipteris Cav.
1395 Banister/a L.
3352 Thryallis L. 1398 Heteropteris H. * B.
r 31 Aspicarpa Rich. 1165 pVittmanniaVahl
Galphimia Cav. 119. Tribe 3. BANIBTERIE\B.
1399 HiraVi Jac.


Genera 2, Species 88; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Species 87
Hardy HerbaceouTspecksO. f 73* ft. j ^ 0 feetj fe 0 feet
«ble trees, natives of the woods of Europe, Siberia, and North America. Their flowers are in all cases
ahn?,P l c u o l M i the breadth and rich color of their leaves constituting their beauty. All the larger species
•{ounds ain a very saccharine sap. from which sugar is prepared in North America: it is chiefly made from
but n c c h a r l l ? u m a n d Hegundium, but may be obtained from many others. Commonly by layers or seeds,
au the species will grow by cuttings in sand.
8867 iTcer L. «85 0|8774 NegundoMce


Genera 8, Species 14; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Specks 14;
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. 1 4 1 * f t ; £ 0 feet ; * 0 feet
e order
all k »• much valued for the grandeur of the foliage and flowers of most of the species, which are
'lardy trees. Their bitter fruit has sometimes been used as a sternutatory; it contains a large quantity of
vr**n, and an abundance of starch. The bark is astringent, bitter, and febrifugal, and has been recommended
- a substitute for Cinchona. Seeds or layers, and by grafting.
1137 ^'scului L. 6 01 J1S8 Pavia Boer. 8 0


Genus 1, Species 3; Hot-house Species 3; Green-house Specks 0; Hardy Ligneous Specks w0 •
Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. J 0 feet; « 0 feet; ^ 0 feet •*-"" »
v er di ti
and a . lmna
y. « nct order closely allied to the Terebinthaccae, but, from the hypogynous insertion of the Detals
in th •l n *.O na n d t h e structure of its fruit, differs essentially from that order. It agrees with Hippocastanee
laUL r a*^! °£ Petals and stamina, and in bavin* opposite palmate leaves, but differs from it in having
con* • n s odnl dl veoand
small cotyledons, not with a small radicle and large cotyledons as in that order. The order
enus the
for £ ! r i n g t n e B u K *
Caryucar, the Rhiz6bolus of Gsertner and Ptkea of Aublet: a genus remarkable
is BW a n d Saouari, or Suwarrow, nut The last is not unfrequent in our fruiterers' shops It
tre». palatable, containing a rich oil, and the pulp is dry, not buttery as in the Butter.nut Large
'» natives of Guiana and Essequebo; propagated in our stoves by cuttings, in sand under a bell-glass
1601 CaryocarZ.


Genera 19, Species 88; Hot-house Species 78; Green-house Species 15; Hardy Ligneous Species 1;
_ Hardy Herbaceous Specks 0. ± 10 ft.: * 0 feet: £ 0 feet
t ^*ne of *u '
inside nr
a of
distinctive peculiarities of this order consists in the petals having an additional lobe in the
few of f if hairs instead. Nearly all the plants have compound leaves, and bunches of white flowers;
*e woi-i i aemn da r ei ntwining herbs, but the greater part are trees or shrubs, all natives of the wanner parts of
^lreii?^* a a » flnea great proportion, of the East The only genus which will bear the climate of England is
'itnor-a r p 8» a r e shrub or small tree, with panicles of white or pale yellow flowers. Nephelium and
anv V both genera bearing excellent fruit The rind of the berry of Sapindus Saponnria is of a
e ex2Si lty » as t h e n a m e of the plant indicates. The pulp of Melicocca and the arillusof BUghia sapida
^tient eating. Cuttings, layers, or seeds.
PAULUNIE%4 1163 Talisia Aub. 1160 Melicocca L.
" 6 2 Matuyba Aub. 1108 StadmanniVi Lam.
nnum 1W7 Schniidelifl L.
Kth. 126. TribeS. DODON*A N CE«.
i 2159 Euphoria Com.
5340 Pierardia Rox. lig.l. herb. ti. £ 10 feet.
1164 Thouinia Poit 1166 Kolreuteria Lax. i (
1158 Cupinia L, 1179 DodoiueVi L.
1093 Cossignia J. S656 Atnirbla Pen.
Genera 14, Species 85; Hot-house Species 29; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet; j£ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
The nearest affinity of this order is probably with Sapindacess. It is particularly distinguished by JjjJ
•tamens being united into a tube bearing the anthers. The leaves are usually pinnated, .and most oftnw
species, which are all cither trees or shrubs, are natives of tropical forests. 3/t:lia bears bunches of fine liiae-
colored flowers, but few of the genera are interesting on account of then inflorescence. The qualities of w"
different species arc little known. The bark of Guurea trichilioldes is said by Aublct to be purgative**"
emetic. The pulpy fruit of Melia Axedarach is said to be poisonous; both this part and the inner bark have
been used as anthelmintics either in substance or in decoction. It is asserted by Michaux, that the pulp «*•*•
surrounds the kernel is considered in Pekin a specific in scrophulous cases. The oil expressed from tne
seeds of the same plant is said to have strong antispasmodic powers. Cuttings or layers.
128. Tribe 1. MBLIB\B. 12a Tribe 2. TRJCIULIB\& ISO. Tribe a CRDBBYS*
690 CedrelaX.
1295 Turned L. 1292 Trichilia L. 1297 SwietfeniTiI*
1296 Quivisia Cav. 1301 Ekeblrgia Spar. 1298 Chloroxylon Bee.
1294 Sandoricum Cav. 1167 Gudrea L. 1299 FlindersiaR.Br.
1293 A/elia L. 1302 Heynea Rox. 1300 Carapa Aub.
3344 IValisura Rox.


Genera 4, Species 53; Hot-house Species 31; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Specks 16;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 13 ft j £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
The vine is the type and representative of this order. Cissus and Arapel6psis differ little from it in botanicjj
characters, and not at all in habit. The common grape is the only species that bears really good fruit; tv*
American kinds, with large fleshy berries, being spoiled by a disagreeable foxy flavor, which is not found >°
be removed by cultivation. Cuttings.
132. Tribe 1. VINI'FERA, or SAR- 656 Ampelupsis Mx. 4
655 n t i s Z 12
% 16. herb.0. ±13 feet. 133. Tribe 2. LEEA'CEJB.
400 CSssus L. 594 LeeaL.


Genera 5, Species 366; Species S; Green-house Species 276; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 87. 2 0 feet; £ 15 feet; * 0 feet
The Geraniums are well known to all gardeners for their beauty, and the facility with which h y j f
varieties are produced among them. Geranium and Erudium arc chiefly natives of the northern hemisphe™
and Pelargonium of the southern. Different as they appear from Vinifcre in most respects, there are so0*!
points in which a curious resemblance may be found between the two orders. The young stems of both •*•
articulated and separable at the articulations; and the lower leaves arc opposite, while the upper onC- ,.2r
alternate. In Geraniacea? no tendrils are produced, but the peduncles are opposite to the leaves, as in }'rSL
and occupy the place of tendrils. M. Dccandolle observes, that of the true Gcraniaceae, some are d*?, i
acid, especially those of which the leaves and bark arc succulent; several exhale a resinous smell whicn »•
sometimes agreeable, but occasionally so powerful as to be unpleasant. The resinous principle is so abundav

wnicn are DUUI dccuunieu vulnerary, ana in £,. moscnaiuin, tr. praicnsc, anu otners, in wnicn it IS Unueu •*
slight aromatic principle, whence they have been recommended for various purposes, and among others i
removing calculous disorders. The astringent property of the geraniums is also present in G. maculatum
which grows in much abundance about Philadelphia; the root of this plant, boiled in milk, is used for tn*
cholera in children. Barton is of opinion, that it would be a good substitute for gum kino in nephritis ft'10
obstinate diarrhoeas. Cuttings, division, or seeds; or sometimes by cuttings of the roots.
135. Tribe 1. GERANIE'JE. 1991 Monsbn/j I* 136. TribeS.
lig.Q. herb. 87. £15
b 87 £ 5 feet 1932 Geranium Herit. 0 *58 1929 Pelargonium Herit.
aulon D
1992 Sarcocaul Dec, 1927 ErtdiumJfer*. 0 «29


Genus 1, Species 11; Hot-house Species 1; Green-house Species 7; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 3. ± 0 feet; £ 3 feet; =*= 0 feet

in which the peculiar acrid flavour of Cruciferae is found to exist Trope\>lum pentaphf Hum, with P
other species, is a powerful antiscorbutic. All are natives of shady places in various parts of South A
The roots of some are fleshy and eatable. Seeds or cuttings.
1148 Tropafalum L. 0 3


Genera 2. Species 19; Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 9; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 8. ± 0 feet; £ 7 feet; * 0 feet
The flower of this order has been remarked by a learned botanist to be that of Fumariacca?, the
Cxalis, the embryo of Z.lnum, and the habit peculiar. The well-known clastic spring with which
arc ejected constitutes a principal character ot the order. All the species are annuals, with the ex
Impatiens fruticosa; they delight in moist hot situations, generally within the tropics j and are r<
for the singularity and varied colors of their flowers. Seeds, and sometimes by cuttings.
697 Jfolsamlna Use. I 696 Impatiens Riv. 0 *8

139. ORDER LIIL O X A L I D E ^ .

Genera 3, Species 112; Hot-house Species 8: Green-house Species 9 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0
Hardy Herbaceous Species 11. 1 0 feet; £ 6 feet; *= 0 feet
ml"?™10*1* confounded with the last order. It is the opinion of modern botanists, that the species arc more
•early allied to Rutaceae or Zygophy*llea», and that their character and peculiar habit are quite sufficient to
nSS™*111* 'hem. The beauty of the genus O'xalis is very great, and the readiness with which the species
nS u cultivated and caused to flower, would have been expected to make them universal favorites; they are
»_ .» nowever. munh soon in puitivatmn Their properties arc well known: all of them have a slightly acid
- - - " * "- nd depends
of thi.
"* exists in great abundance. Several species are employed in Brazil as i
country. Most commonly by division, offsets, or seeds, but also by cuttings.
0 *10
Genera 7, Species 32; Hot-house Species 8; Green-house Species 22; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. ± 0 feet; £ 3} feet; ^ 0 feet
stem0 hardnesstlle
of the wood of the shrubby species of this order is most remarkable, if the softness of the
be -m °iu t p d herbaceous ones is remembered. To this the extreme difficulty of propagating Gualacum is to
lUeS! cali - Zygophyllum FalAgo is employed as an anthelmintic, but it is in the Guaiacum that the great
Oc ,^' o fvirtues
of the order arc found : all the genus is extremely exciting; the wood and bark of Guai-
rtianh tlC8 or and sanctum have a rather bitter acrid flavor, and are principally used as sudorifics,
? »wh alteratives; they have been found to contain a particular substance differing both from gum
*iui 1 111
Tniii ?" cs* >ch has been called guayacine. Many of the species bear beautiful flowers, especially the
N'onn » which, with their brilliant yellow Cistus-like blossoms, enliven many an arid waste in the tropics,
"c arc found in the colder latitudes of the world. Cuttings, division, or seeds.
J ^ u l u s TOU. 1304 Zygophy-llum L. 1155 Porlier/o R. & P.
? ag0nitf Tou- 1303 Guaiacum L. 1704 Meli&ithus L.
Urrea Cav.
Genera 37, Species 162; Hot-house species 18; Green-house Species 137 ; Hardy Ligneous Specks I;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 4. ± 22Jfeet; £ 5feet; *0 feet.
atin,? intCTesting and extensive, but rather heterogeneous, group of plants, natives of all countries and all situ-
sh'.if- wThe species are cither fetid northern herbaceous plants, as the garden rue, or neat heath-like southern
]>uh ' i t h an aromatic odor, as the Cape Diosmas; broad or long-leaved Australian shrubs, with a stellate
tiJo^cence, as PhebMium, or tropical trees with panicles of pallid minute flowers, as the Cuspanas and Zan-
anth 1i u m s - T n e medical properties of many genera are considerable. Ifuta and /V-ganum are emmenagogue,
8e y"f jnmtic, and sudorific. Cape Diosmas alx>und in a volatile oil of an agreeable smell, but acrid flavour;
or f allc of i t s species are reputed antispasmodics. The Zanthoxylums are said to possess acrid, stimulating,
Win qualities; Clava Herculi* and Jraxineum are said, in America, to be powerful sudorifics and dia-
b e t i cas . According to Barton, they possess a remarkable power of exciting copious salivation, not only
Hi , araPPKcd to the mouth, but even when taken internally; they have both been found powerful remedies
VQIJ 'ysis of the muscles of the mouth. Zanthoxylum caribarum is regarded in Guiana as a detersive
• rv and febrifuge. Brucca is used as an astringent in dysenteries. The famous febrifugal Angostura
* >s the produce-of Cusparia febrifuga. Cuttings, division, or by inarching.
Tribe 1. 3303 Colconema B.Sf W. 144. Tribe 3. CUSPARIE\E.
3ft; 3304 Macrostylis B. % W.
2619 Emplearum H. K. 678 Spiranthera St. Hel.
48 Galipea Aub.
lul A p b ^ m \ 3. DI6SME.E AUSTRALA'SICA. 2046 Monnieria W.
lS g a n u m Z - 1134 Corr^a Sm.
1312 Phcbilium Vcn. 145. Tribe 4. ZANTIIOXY'LEJK.
Tribe 2. DI6SME& 1933 Philotheca Rud.
1310 Crowes Sm. lig.5. herb. 0.1&1 feet
1311 Eriostemon Sm. 2758 Brucca Herit
1152 BorbniVi Sm. 2764 Zanth6xylum L 3
i 2. DloSMRiB CAPE'NSESt 399 Zieria Sm. 398 Fagara L.
! Calodcndron Thun. 909? Poranthera Rud. 686 ToddahaJ.
391 Ptelea L. 1
5? Adcnandra
AcmadenUA^I § 4. Dl<SSMEB AMERICANA. 2876 Aildntus Dcsf. 1
2« Baryosma W. en. 1191 Melicope Forst.
^Sth6 W. en. 396 Evbdia Forst. 146. AFFlNEa
1190 Elkphrium Jac. 2759 Tetradium Tou.
WuL 1313 Choisya H. & B.


i 3, Species 5; Hot-house Species 5; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0:
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
pr M
u rr e
'pants, found in equinoctial America, constitute this order. They are trees or shrubs with an
e >utcruarK
Orr( and in* bark,» *a"»»Kymilkyjuice,
leaves. x,The Simaruba oflicin'alis is well known as the most
ne simarulMZ
dfcr. oil • - c b i t t e r hitherto discovered:" the same property exists,- i in a milder degree, in the rest of the
1316 r\ amara is a very ornamental plant, but rare, at present, iiin collections. Cuttings.
| 1317 Simaruba Aub. | 1318 Simuba Hil.

°K IV. Fruit (jgynobasic) inserted into a fleshy Receptacle, with which the Style is continuous,
encra 3, Species 15; Hot-house Species 14; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
B^ . Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
^* KalnJiIu\ yellow-flowered
tropical shrubs with lucid leaves. The roots and leaves of WalkeriTz serrata, a
iP* antift£feant
Ut tlc
> areT Di
*ter; a decoction of them, either in water or milk, is used in Malabar as tonic, stomachic
»*il hv
*2 - e bark of G.'.mphia hcxasperma is found useful in healing sores produced in cattle in
* Nestings of insects. Cuttings.
1582 <ychn* Schreb. 1315 Gomphia Schreb.
744 Walkeria Schrcb. 1151 Casteki Turp.
Genus 1, Species 2; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Species 1:
Hardy Herbaceous Species u, fl foot; £10 feet; £ 0 feet
Fivee species constitute the whole of this order, distributed in South Europe, New Zealand, Peru, and
co. They possess no beauty, and are only interesting on account of their problematical station in a
botanical arrangement The leaves of C. wiyrtifolia arc astringent, and are employed in dyeing black. f»
berries are very poisonous. On one occasion, during the Spanish war, fifteen French soldiers were taken u*
after eating them, and three died from their powerful narcotic effects. Cuttings and suckers.
2797 CoriariaL. 1 0

SUBCLASS II. CALYCIFLO'IUE. Petals separate, inserted in the calyx.

Genera 1149, Soecies 11435; Hot-house Species 2089; Green-house Species 3486; Hardy Ligneous Species 1&»
Hardy Herbaceous Species 4552. ± 283 feet j £ 15dfee^ *= 7 feet


Genera 18, Species 114; Hot-house Species 19; Green-house Species 53; Hardy Ligneous Species 42:
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 46} feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
This order differs from the succeeding, in having the stjunens alternate with the petals; the sepals imbri-1
cated in aestivation; and the ovarium wholly superior. It consists entirely of shrubs or small trees, wit*
simple, rarely compound, alternate or opposite leaves, and inconspicuous flowers of a greenish or white colour.
Several are favourite ornaments of our shrubberies, as the Staphylfea, the Celastrus, and the £u6nyraus; th *
latter of which is valued on account of its beautiful-colored fruit The fruit of fuunymus curopu%us is a bri{*e
purgative, as is also the inner bark, and in strong doses powerfully emetic. The famous Paraguay tea U tn
foliage of a species of /*lex. The bark of Prinos verticiUatus possesses such active, astringent, bitter, toniCt
and febrifugal qualities, that it is used in North America, with success, as a substitute for Cinchona. A
decoction of the twigs of Maytenus boaria is used to bathe the swellings produced by the poisonous shade &
the tree LitliL Cuttings, suckers, layers, and seeds; sometimes by grafts.
151. Tribe 1. STAPHYLEAYEJS. ^ j Maytenus MoL & Feu. 664 Hartftgfe Thun.
lie. 2. herb.0. 114feet 393 CurtWa H. K.
897 Staphylfca L. *2 663 Alzatta R. & P. 410 MygindaJac.
2886 Dalrf mplea Kox. 672 Ekcodlndrum Jac ?804 BumaldaThun.
394 Ptelidium Thou. 411 /"lex L. •13
152. Tribe 2. EUONY'MEJL 9 1496 FtBtidia Com. 1089 /Vinos L. 10
tig. 15. herb. 0. ± 8 feet 2775 Nemop&nthcs Rafi. 1
666 £Tu6nyinus Tou. •IS 153. Tribe 3. AQI;IFOLIA*CE£.
«62 Cclastrus L. 2 lig.95. herb.Q 143Jfeet
712 Plectrdnia L. 895 Cassne L.


Genera 18. Species 171; Hot-house Species 32; Green-house Species 87; Hardy Ligneous Specks 511
Hardy Herbaceous Species 1. f 79* feet; £ 3 feet ;£ 0 feet
In habit, this altogether agrees with the last, from which the medical properties of the species are not J2
different Throughout the order, as far as it has been examined, there is a remarkable agreement bct*ee>
the fruit and the inner bark, especially in iZhamnus catharticus, Frdngula, and others, in wnich they both a**
purgative and emetic. Some, as the Jujuba and the African Lote, nevertheless, yield a wholesome and aSree JZ
fruit; and the berries of the greater number yield* under the chemist's hands, green or yellow dyes of mlWl«
importance in manufactures. The leaves of Ahamnus Theeians are substituted for tea by the poorer u°y
among the Chinese. The bark of Ceanbthus csruleus is esteemed in Mexico as a good febrifuge. Cutting*
•uckers, and seeds.
zyph 4 0 3298 RetanUla Brong. 3311 Soul&ngia Brong.
659 Pahfirus Tou. 2 0 668 Ceanothus L. 7 711 Cryptandra Sm.
658 Betchem/a Neck. 1 0 3300 Colubrlna Brong, 3299 Trevba Cav.
657 Ahamnus L. •37 0 3301 WillemettVi Brong. 2871 Gouan/a L.
661 Condah'a Cav. 670 Pomadlrris Lab. 691 Hovtnia Thun.
667 Colleti'a Com. 710 Phyiica L. 2757 Schcefleiia Jac.


Genera 7, Species 30: Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 30; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet
Small heath-like shrubs, all natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and extremely ornamental, both in
and foliage. Their properties are unknown. Cuttings.
6f2 Brtmm L. I 3309 Staavia Thun. 1 803 Lincbnia I*
&00 Berzelia Brong. I 3307 Berfird/a Brong. I 3308 Audouinia Brong.
3306 Raspalta Brong. I I
Genera 2, Species 14; Hot-house Species 14; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet d
Tropical shrubs or small trees, with entire, stipulate, alternate leaves, covered with pellucid dot*» * |(>
axillary flowers of little show. Some of the species of Samyda are pretty, but very rare. Their Pr0PJ*lt on
are unknown. M. Decandolle remarks, that in their fruit they approach Bixineae and Flacourtianeo i z^gt.
account of the position of their stamens must be arranged in the vicinity of Rhamneae and Rosaces. Cum **
1368 Samyda L. 11369 Casearia Jac.


Genera 4, Species 8; Hot-house Species 5; Green-house Species 2; Hardy Ligneous Species 1;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 3 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet . eV
Evergreen handsome shrubs, with alternate leaves and deciduous stipule; they are readily known by g p e
Parietal placenta?, an unusual character among the orders that surround them. Blackw£lli7i./agif *'U» ""T^ie*.
bunches of starry white fragrant flowers. Anstotelia is an evergreen half hardy shrub, with eatable
Little is known of their medical properties; the root of Homalium Racaubca is used in Guiana as a c
fonorrhcea. Cuttings or layers.
159S Homalium Jac. 11146 Astranthus Lou.
1465 Blackw«lli7z Com- 11*38 AristoteJw L. 1 0
Genus 1, Species 1; Hot-house Species 0: Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Specfes 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feetj j£ 0 feet; & 0 feet
. T h i s order contains only three genera, Chailletirt, Leuc&sia, and Tapiira. It agrees with Teiebinthacea in
1 ^ 8 furnished with a corolla and calyx. Fruit furnished with a dry covering, including a two or three celled

815 Chailletfc Dec.


Genus 1, Species 1: Hot-house Species 1; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet ; £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet
he p l a n t
hȣ * contained in this order are very imperfectly known. It differs from the preceding in the seeds
rf ln 8 erect, not inverted, as well as in the capsules being 2-valved. Trees with alternate entire leaves, natives
Asia. Cuttings.
1370 AquilariaZ.


Genera 27, Species 142; Hot-house Species 58; Green-house Species 62; Hardy Ligneous Species 22;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 140J ft.; ]£ 0 feet j =*= 0 feet
sun?!e8 notr d e r i8» notwithstanding the labours of several botanists, in a veryconftised state; frc.71 ft71 want
wanto of
e i t h to knowledge of many of the genera, which have been hitherto imperfectly described, i* it •-
is *«•—»•
Ai??£ 8 determine the value of the characters assigned to the tribes, or the dignity of the tribes themselves.
in i u P cies are shrubs or trees, with alternate exstipulate leaves, and inconspicuous flowers.
thV oalsamiferous resin, which is chiefly present in the leaves and bark, and from which J .-1...M.
JJe wder has been derived. Notwithstanding the minuteness of their flowers, many ofthe species^are jaluable
« ornamental planU, on account of the beauty of their foliage, others for the sake of their utility in arts or
JSJd'cine, and others for their fruit The Cashew and the Pistachio are valuable for their nuts, which
5?« Weil ^ n o w n a r t i c l es in the markets of Europe. The Spondias and Mango are equally famous in the tropics,
iff. hwell-known balsam of Mecca is the produce of the BalsamodtJndron gileadSnsis j and balm of Acouchi,
ati- ?.7'CIC« heterophylla; gum comes from Amyris elemifera and I'cica leptophflla; mastich from Pistacia
*«iintu.« - « J v—«/.._•: _LJ\r—*.:— * ,.1-Z *•_„— u:.*\«:. >n»-uk(nthiiji. Echinus Molle produces a resin,

hich the order chiefly consists, lie concealed others in which acrid and poisonous qualities
e abound Such are several species of #hus, the juice of which produces blisters upon the skin 5
•yn d th e : oxifera, the juice of which is accounted poisonous. To conclude this long list of the usea
* . dangers of TerebTnthkce«7 th
the b r k of
bark of /thus
Bhixs glabra is used as a ffebrifuge
glabra'is bif andd as a "mordant
d f red
for d
»;. 8i and that of Ah us Cbriaria as a powerful means of tanning the skins of animals. Cuttings, layers,
•"d seeds.
- Tribe 1. ANACARDIB*JE or 2649 Duvaua Kth 3421 Sorindeia Thou.
. CASSUVIE\E. 2799 Echinus L. 1332 Garuga Rox.
W. a herb. 0. 117* ft. ? 1408 RobergM Schub.
An 165. Tribe 5. AMYRiDEJB.
acardium Box. 163. Tribe 3. SPONDIA^CEA 1168
ha^a Wai. 1405 Spondias L.
«ifera L. 1407 Poup&ru'a Com. 166. Tribe 6.
Buchanania Roz. 106 Chehrum L.
Pistacia L. 3 164. Tribe 4. BURSBVUVBA. 896 Spathelia L.
Comocladia L. 1333 BoswelliVi Rox.
Picritmnia Sum. 11G9 Balsamoddndron Kth. 167. Tribe 7. CONNARAYEC
1334 I'cica Aub. 1937 Connarus L.
^ Tribe 2. SUMACH(NE& 2895 Biirsem Jac.
'g. 19. herb. 0. ± 37 feet. 1170 Hedwigia Sws, 1936 Omphalbbium Gae.
1403 Cnestis J.


^era 244, Species 2626; Hothouse Species 886; Green-house Species 675; Hardy Ligneous Species 177:
HardyHerbaceous Species 888. f 117* ft.; £ 58} feet; i 0 feet
—*>e.. „ - h e m..J the various kinds of pulse belong is one of the most familiar to the world, and at the
their ivllfS oann ed of t inn ost
useful to mankind. Their papilionaceous flowers characterise a large number, and
As ohi»»! 8 of P ate leaves the remainder, with a few exceptions which it is not necessary to particularise,
the RAwT oroament, many are possessed of unrivalled beauty, for example, among hardy flowering trees,
tribe* r a a n d the Xabdrnum: among shrubs, for decorating the borders of the flower-garden, the various
Chhil ^tisus, Caragana, Cblutca, Am6rpha, and others; among hardy climbers, the far-famed Wistaria of
last]!, * a n d itH s i s t e r of North America, with the species of the herbaceous genera Picia and Xathyrus; and,
~" '^^ong hardy herbaceous plants, the numerous species of Luplnus and Astragalus. Great, however, aa
- oeauty of the Leguminossa which can brave the inclemencies of the seasons of Northern Europe, it must
way before the splendor and elegance of their brethren of the tropics. The flowers of the Erythrlna, or
£» are of the deepest crimson, and borne in profusion upon some of the loftiest trees of the forest.
. with their twin leaves, hang in festoons of flowers from branch to branch, and are only
less vigorous and elegant, but more richly colored blossoms of the Mucunas. But all these,

m<^Jr r i c a - While the forcbts or not countries are mua uiucuivu w swuia ui wii» uiuw iw meir limber,
jneadows and pastures of the same latitudes are enamelled with the flowers of myriads of Hedysarums
"esmocliums, and animated by the wonderful motion of sensitive plants. As in our own country, the Ravest
ri^Hu ^enery is in many places indebted to the yellow flowers of our furze and broom, to in other
nes the same effect is produced by other genera of Leguminose; by Lipana, Borbonia, and ifspaUthut
at the Cape of Good Hope, and by the Pultenaas, Daviosias, Aotuses, and multitudes of similar genera to
New Holland. The wood of the order is very hard and durable, with a yellow tinge, sometimes changing m**
green, as in the .Laburnum of Europe, and in the better known Brazil wood of commerce, produced by Caesa>
pintVz. The following useful remarks upon the properties of the order are made by M. Decandollc: — .,
" The family of leguminous plants, though established upon characters of primary importance, offers, never-
theless, so large a number of species and such singular botanical anomalies, that it is easy to foresee that iv
properties will exhibit little uniformity. Still more exceptions may be anticipated, if one reflects that tne
chemical principle which is found most abundantly in every part of leguminous plants, and to which we must
attribute their principal properties, is the extractive. It is probable that this principle, either from its own
nature, or from its peculiar power of uniting with different matters, or perhaps instead of being a simple prin-
ciple, it is rather a compound of different matters; it is probable, 1 say, that the extractive principle exhibit
much less uniformity in its results than any other. It is, without doubt, to the presence of the extractive
principle, in considerable quantities, that many leguminous plants owe their purgative properties, whicn
are common to several extracts, and which many chemists attribute to the acetate of potash, which they
are almost universally found to contain. Thus the leaves and foliaceous pods of Cassia SJnna Lin., of Castf*
lanceolkta Forth., of Cassia emarginata of the Antilles, of the Cassia marylandica employed in the United States,
of Coliitea arborescens, of Genista purgans, and perhaps also of Coronilla E'merus.act as brisk purgatives, and
often cause wind and pain in the bowels. The juice of Coronilla varia excites vomiting, and may even become

Juicy pulp that exists m the Cassia fistula Lin., in the Tamarindus indica Lin., in the Ccratbnia siliqu*
Lin., and probably in the Inga vera and I. punctata, which are eaten in small quantities in the Antilles*
but which, taken more copiously, would have the same effect as our Carobs. There are some fruits of
Leguminosae, for example, the Sophbra and the GleditschiTi, with tumid pods, in which is found a juice wliic"
surrounds, it is true, the seeds, as in the plants just mentioned, but which differs from them altogether in iW
very astringent and nauseous flavour; the nature and properties of this juice deserve to be examined W
chemists, and would undoubtedly throw some light upon the nature of Lcguminbsx. I*am induced to thin**
that the astringent Juice of the Sophbra is a secretion of the pericarp, whilst the sweet and purgative juice
of the Cassia would be a secretion of the external part of the seed; but this hypothesis requires to be verified',
what leads me to thi3 opinion, is the flavour commonly found in husks j in the Carobs, for example, the hufl*
is astringent, and the pulp sweet and laxative. But let us return to the properties which may be attributed to
the extractive principle. It is undoubtedly from some one of these modifications that the singular property o»
the Piscidia and many Galcgas is derived, which are employed in America to stupefy fish, which arc taken W
this means as readily as with Nux v6mica. The decoction of the root of Galega virginiana is considered
in America as a powerful vermifuge. It is, perhaps, indeed, to the very same cause that the rubefacient power!
of the fresh leaves of some Leguminosae arc to be ascribed, which act readily upon the skin if applied as plasters I

found in small quantities, the seed may serve as food for man and animals, as we see in French beans, pea'i
lentils, chick peas, beans, and many others, &c If found in a more considerable quantity, it will render thenj
purgative or emetic, as in the Cytisus Laburnum, the ^nagyris fue'tida, and even in most Coronillas. **
is remarkable that the botanical characters of Legumindse should so strictly agree with the properties of their
seeds: the latter may be divided into two sections; namely, first, those of which the cotyledons are thick and
filled with fscula, and destitute of cortical pores, and which, moreover, in germination do not undergo
any change, but nourish the young plant by means of that supply of food which they already contain j secondly*
those of which the cotyledons are thin, with very little faecula, and furnished with cortical pores, and whic|>
change at once into leaves at the time of germination, for the purpose of elaborating food for the young plan**
All the seeds of the first section are employed as food in different countries; none of those of the second
section are ever so employed: the Cajan, which has long been classed among the Cylisi, was apparently
an exception to this general rule; but observation has proved the contrary. Bearing in mind its know"
properties, 1 formerly paid particular attention to its structure, and I have shown in a note which accomp*"
nies my catalogue of the Montpelier garden, that the Cajan forms a particular genus much more nearly allied to
the French bean than to the Cjftisi, and that it, in fact, belongs to the first of the sections which I have
r just described. The seeds of Leguminosae present also many other anomalies more difficult to reduce to any

or Coumarouna odura of Aublet, which, under the name of Tonquin bean, is used for perfuming snuff: there
are others which, like the chick pea, have rather a bitter taste and exciting properties, and arc on thai
account administered for the jaundice. There arc others again, like those of the Andlra, which arc so bitter
as to be used in Java and Brazil as tonic, alcxiteric, and vermifuge. In a word, are not the aperient and
diuretic properties which are observable in the herbage and the roots of many leguminous plants, such *•
broom, beans, Ononis, Moringa pterygosperma, itfnthy'llis cretica, &c, to be attributed to a modification of tp1"
extractive principle ? There are, in another view, roots which are furnished with tubercles, that is to say, wi*j|
reservoirs of faecula, which furnish mankind with wholesome food, as we see in the L&thyrus tuberbsus, whic/j
is eaten in Holland, the Dolichos tuberbsus, and the D. bulbosus, which the Indians use as food. The TOW
of the liquorice have a sweet and mucilaginous taste, which is well known by every body, and which, «nitctV;*_
an acrid and rather exciting principle, causes it to be employed as a pectoral; the analysis of this roon
published by M. Robiquct, proves that, independently of its woody skeleton, the same kind of amylaceous
fascula is found as in the tubcrouB roots of which we have just been speaking; it is thence seen that the acr«*
flavour of decoctions of liquorice depends on the small quantity of resinous oil which it contains, and tnf*

for their bitterness, and are used as febrifuges; the different kinds of Geottrbya and Andira possess this bitW» •
and febrifugal quality in a remarkable degree; in India, the bark of the Agati grandiflora and of *"
Guilandina Bondudlla are employed for the same purpose. The barks of many leguminous plants arc a*w
remarkable for their astringent qualities, caused by the quantity of tannin which they are found to contain'
this is observable in the Acacia Catechu, and in the jfcacia ar&bica, which is used for tanning l e a t ,J
and elsewhere. It is well known that almost all colouring matter proceeds from the extractive principle;•'*£
as it appears that this principle abounds in Leguminbsa?, we ought to find in them a considerable number
the colors which are used by dyers: to this family, in fact, belong the principal blue colors, K n o w ? a r £
the name of indigo, extracted from every kind of Indigufera, and from some Galegas; and the redwnicoio g
which are yielded by all the species of Ca?salpinia and of Haematoxylon. We may add the red juice, *. o m
drawn from the Pterocarpus dr&co and santalinus, under the name of sandal and of dragon's blood; »* ^
Biktea frondbsa, under the name of gum lac; and also from Dalbergia Monetaria. These juices appci»» -^
differ in many particulars, but their history and analysis are at present so far from being known, tj,1* fL-m
impossible to form a true estimate of the nature of their differences. But anomalies of this nature are far w*
being confined to the plants just mentioned. Among the exotic drugs employed in the art)) they a r c , IIIV vj|,,
common: such, for example, are the balsam of Capivi, produced by the ropaifera; the balsam of Peru, «
Jfuttg says, If obtained from Myrosp^rmum perufferum, and the balsam of Tolu from M. toluifenims th*
Cachou, which has been found to be almost pure tannin; and which is supposed to be produced by Jcftcia
S S F * " ' of t h e "ame character is that remarkable resin that is yielded by Hymen* aCoHrbaraj gum Arabic,
Produced by the bark and roots of Acacia vera, Senegal, arabica, and others; gum tragacanth obtained from
and g a l u s c r t t l c u s » ?6mmifer, and vdrus; and finally, manna, secreted by AUtagt Maurtrum." Cuttings
The arrangement tfYhfo tribe of plants has been found to be attended withmuc h difficulty By Linnaeus,
and the writers who succeeded himfthe number of genera was much smaller jthanithose **^*ty*™™**
Jf the present age; many additions have been made in consequence of the discovery^otNew'Holland.and a
jarge number of subdivisions in old genera have been from time to time .introduced % " " * " £ * <*' A {"*«;
Jo combine these scattered improvements under one uniform systemi has lately-ben^attempted ^ the earned
S^nist, from whom the foregoing extract has been taken. M Decandolle's ^ ^ . ^ " J . ^ a t l o p t e t !
J £ I U be useful to explain the principles upon which it is founded. He divides Lcguminuw ntc• twoffrand
Jiywions, the first of which consists of plants the radicle of whose seed is curved ^JS^SS.SS£SS
gtyjedons, and the second of those whose radicle and cotyledons are straight: * e . f ™ 5 i 9 j 2 S £ 2 S I
J?e latter RECTK'MBRI,E. In the Curvchnbrite, cortiin diversities in the structure of the caljx and corolla again
?lv»de into two principal forms: one of which, comprehending all the genera with papilionaceous flowers,
Ued Papilionace«erand the other, consisting of a very small number of species, with one °r two petata OT
'. anu an obscurely lobed calyx, is called SwartzieV. The last is not subdivided, but the PapilionAcca
ve themselves into the two great tribes pointed out by M. Decandolle, namely, those with fleshy cotylc-
and eatable pulse, Sarcolobat; and those with foliaccous cotyledons and seeds which are not eatable,
'•oloba>. Each of these is divisible by three, upon slight differences in the fructification. In RccUmbrtte
suborders, MimCisee and Cesalpinese, are fonned upon variations in the estivation of the calyx and
u,vJ lea iJn t 0int nthe
former, it is valvate, in the latter, imbricated; the first constitute a single tribe, the U t i T
thl'r . distinguished by less momentous peculiarities of structure. Having premised thus much,
"e following tabular explanation will be intelligible: —

i<59. Div. I. CURVE'MBRI«ffi. 1962 5partium L. 2 0 2101 Oxy"trop;s D, c. *0 29

1963 Genista L. •38 0 2102 Astragalus /,. *S 98
J 2103 Uuldcnbta^dtni FIJI 0 1
70. SUBORDER I. PAPILIO- 19fr* Cytisus L. •33 0
1965 Adenoctfrpus Dec 4 0 21M Biserrula L. 0 1
Subdiv. i. PhylWoba:. 1966 Onbnis L. 5 29
1967 Requienia Dec. 17ft TribcS.
T r i b e ] . SOPHONBEJR. 1968 Jth^llis L 0 14 180. Subtribc 1. Coronillex.
Jac. 175. Subtribe2. _.„_ jlttte. lig. St. herb. £9. % 4| ft. j £ 9 it
lig. 5. herb. £91. * 15 ft.;;£8Oft 2105 Scorpiurus L. 0 6
gg JUwardsiVi Sal. 2061 Medicago/,. •1 75 2106 Coronilla L. 2 6
gg Orm&sia 1
Jack. 2062 Hymenorarpus Sam 0 3 2107 Astrolbbium Dcsv. 0 4
l o g Y?Iacr *"* Lam. 1 0 2063 Trigom'lla /,. •0 27 i>l08 Ornithopus /.. «0 4
lfca * «itropis Dec. 2064 Pocockm Ser. 0 1 2109 Hippocrepis /,. *0 8
2065 Jl/elilbtus Tou. •1 27 2110 Secungera Dec. 0 I
SJ? U'Ptanthus Swt. I 2066 7Yil6huin Tou. •0 119
I fi enn6psis R. Br. 0 2067 /Jorycnium Tou. 3 4 181. Subtribe 2. Euhedyturea.
SpMsia Yen. 0 2068 Lbtus L. •0 27
Ven. 0 5 lig. 2. herb. 75. m ft; £ 19 ft.
2069 Tetragonulobus Sco.
3S9S Hoskckta Dou. 0 2 2111 DiphacaJLou.
2070 Carmichaelia R. Br. 2112 Pictetw Dec.
J**7 \.Br. 1969 Cyam6psis Dec. u x 2113 Ormocirpum Beauv.
1976 Amicm H. ft B.
Ven. 176. Subtribe a Cliibria. 1977 Poiretjfl Ven.
— . . » u . . . i R. Br. lig.O. herb.1. 1 0 f t ; £ » & 2114 Myriadenus Desv.
, ^ompholobium Sm. 2071 Psoralea L. T) 5 1978 Zom/o Gm.
?urtbn«« R. Br. 2072 IndiguferaX. 1979 Stylosanthes Szrz.
Jacksbn/o R. Br. 2073 Clituria L. 1980 Adesmia Dec.
2074 Ncurocarpum Desv. 2115 jEschyn6mene Z,. 0 1
2,(R 2075 Cologania Kth.
£076 Gal.ktu Br. 0 2 2116 Smiths H. K.
1257 2077 Vilinorin/fl Dec 2117 Uurea Neck.
, - ~ x i a R. Br. 2078 Barbierw Dec 2118 Ururia Dcsv.
1970 Pueraria Dec 2119 Nicolsbnm Dec.
1 "clerothamnus R. Br. 2120 Desm<\dium Dec. 0 l.>
GastroK.bium R. Br. 2079 Dumasia Dec
, Euchllus R. Br. 2080 Glfcinc L. 2121 Dic^raia Dec.
Pulten^'a Sm. 2081 Chictocalyx Dec. 2122 Tavermcra D e c
pavieata Sm. 2123 //cdjsarum L. 1 28
177. Subtribc 4. Ga&gcte. 2124 Onobrychis Tou. *0 SO
' Mirbelia Sm. lie. 45. herb. 24. f 841 a ;£13Jft 2125 Kleibtis Dec.
73. Tribe 2. 1922 Petalostemuin Mx. 0 4 21S6 Lcspedeza Mx. 1 11
Subtribcl. Genistcar. 1971 Dalea L. 0 4 1981 f'benus L.
«. f 49 ft j l£10ift 2082 Glycyrrhlza Tou. 0 8 2127 Flemingta Rox.
R Br. 1972 Galega Tou. 0 6
2083 Tephrosia Pert. 0 1 182. Subtribe a Alhdgea.
1973 AmorphaL. 3 0 2128 Alhagi Tou.
2084 Nisftbljri Jac 2129 Alysicarpus Neck.
1974 Mullera L. 2130 Bremontiera D e c
2085 LonchocArpus H. & B.
2086 Robinia L. 17 0 183. Subdiv. it SarcOlobte.
2087 Sesbania Pera. 184. Tribe 4. V I C I E \ « .
2088 Agati Rh.
2089 Glottidium Desv. lig. a herb. 190. 0 ft. j £ 2 8 | ft.
1975 Piscidia /.. 2131 Clcer Tou. 0 1
2090 Daubent5nia D e c 2132 /•'aba Tou. 0 2
2091 Caragana Lam. 16 2133 Ticia Tou. *0 74
2092 Halimodlndron Fit. 3 2134 ^ r v u m /„ *0 10
2093 Diphysa Jac. 2135 Fisum Tou. *0 12
2094 Calophaca Fit. 1 2136 7>athyrui L. »0 51
2095 Colutea L. 5 2137 OVhrus Pert. 0 1
2096 Sphierosphysa Dec. 0 2138 C'rohus Tou. *0 97
2097 Swainson/rt SaL 2139 Plat^'btylis Swt. Q 9
20116 Lcsserti/i Dec.
2099 Sutherland^ H. K. 185. lYibefi. PHASEO\F..«.
178. Subtribe 5. Astraghle*. lig. 3. A« ft. 71. 1 S J ft.; £ 19| ft-
lig. 8. herb. 139. t 5 ft.; £20* ft 2140 AM
2140 As X X.
2110 Phaca /,. 0 10 2141 SwceUVj Dec.
2142 Micranthus Poir. 187. SUBORDER II. SWART-2884 Gleditschia L.
1982 Rothia Pers. 0 ZI&A3, or Tribe 7. 2800 Gymn6cladus Lam.
1983 Terfimnus Br. 1591 Swartzia W. 1278 Guilandlna J.
2143 Amphica'rpa £/& 0 1291 Baphia A/%. 1277 Coulteria Kth.
2144 Kenned/a Ten. 1275 CssalpiniTi Plu.
2145 Rhynchbsia Lou. 0 188. Div. II. RECTE'MBRI.E. 1285 Erythrophleum A/%.
2146 Fagilia Neck. 189. SUBORDER III. MIMO*- 1274 Poinciana L.
2147 Wistaria Nut 3 o 1276 Reichardm Roth
2148 ^ i o s Boer. 0 SEM, or Tribe 8 1280 HoffmanslggfYi Cav.
2141 Phaseolus L. 0 29 lig.i. herb.O. 110 feet 1287 Haematoxylon L.
2150 A'mphodus Lindl. 2838 Entiida Adan. 1273 Parkinsunra L.
2151 Sola Moen. 2834 Mimosa L. 1282 Cddia Forsk.
2152 D61ichos L. 0 1286 Gagnebina Neck. 2885 Ceratonia L.
2153 Vigna Savi. 0 2833 I'nga Plu. 1290 Hardwickm Rox.
2154 Lablab Adan. 1939 Parkfe R. Br 1139 Jonesta Rox.
2155 Pachyrhlzus Rich. 2835 Schrankfo W. 1289 Tachyghlin Aub.
2156 Parochetus Ham. 743 Darlingtbnia Dec 1989 Tamarindus L.
2157 Dibclea Kth. 2836 Desmanthus W. 1471 Cassia L.
2158 Psophoearpus Neck. 1281 Adenanthera L. 1267 Omphalbbium Jac.
1984 CaTWvalia Dec 1283 Prosdpis L. 1266 Schiitia Jac.
2159 MutAna Adan. ft Dec. 1284 Lagonychium Bieb. 1288 Copaifcra L.
2160 Cajinus Dec. 2837 Acacia Neck. 1 0 1270 Cynomttra L.
1985 7,up1nus Tou. 0 27 2173 Parivba Aub.
2161 Cylfsta H. K. 190. SUBORDER IV. CJESAL- 109 OUtea Aub.
2162 Erythrlna L. 108 Vouupa Aub,
2163 Rudolphsa W. Tribe 9. GE6FFREJ& 1269 Hymeiue\j L.
2164 Bdtea Rox. 2169 i^rachis L. 1268 Bauhinta Plu.
2170 Foandxeia Thou, 1265 «rcis /,.
186. Tribe 6. DALBSRGIB'A. 2171 ifad/ra Lam. 34 Codarium TaM
2165 Pongamia Ven. 2172 Geoffftya W.
1938 Br6wnca Jac 192. DOUBTFUL.
2166 DalbVrgia Rox. '
1986 Pterocarpus L. 2174 Dipterix Schrtb. 1990 Phyllolbbium Fis.
2167 Drepanocarpus Mey.
2168 Ecastaphy" Hum Br 191. Tribe 10. CASSIB'A.
1987 jfmerimnum.Br. lig. 17. herb. 3. £ 51 f t ; £ 5 ft
1988-Brya-Br. 1279 Moringa Dec.
Genera 46, Species 783; Hot-house Species 12; Green-house Species 73: Uardfr Ligneous Species 478;
/forrfy Herbaceous Species 219.1199Jfeet; £28* feet j ^ 0 feet.
With the exception of Chrysobalaneae and Sanguisorbee, this order is so uniform in its appearance, tb»*
JZosa, the type from which all the other genera are to be considered variations, when justly understood, *>"
be found to contain every form of structure which is essential to the order. Having stated this, it will be •>
once obvious, that if the other genera have such close affinity to /tdsa, they must also bear a great analogy f^
beauty. And this is, indeed, the fact .rfmygdalus and Prhnus among trees, and Potentilla, 6'feum, ft*"
others, among herbaceous genera, rival the rose in their blossoms, and, in many particulars, surpass that 0°*2
lovely of all flowers in foliage and general appearance But it is not for charms alone of smell, or blossom, °\
foliage, that this order has fixed itself so high in the estimation of mankind. It has also the rare merit»
comprehending all the most important of the fruits of the temperate regions of the world. Thus the apple an»
the pear belong to Pyrus, the apricot to Armenlaca, the plum to Prbnus, the peach and the nectarine to f^***!?I
Eriobotrya produces the loquat, Mlspilus the medlar, and, finally, the quince is borne by the Cydbnia. TP*
medical powers of many plants of this order are not less active than their fruit is excellent. The principal"*
these is the well-known Prussic acid, which exists in abundance in the leaves and kernels of many KenC*?(
especially of Prunus and yfm?gdalus: it is the basis of Laurel water, which, when taken in small doses, ac*"
either as a violent purgative or as an emetic ; and, in stronger doses, is said to destroy irritability witnou
exciting inflammation; these properties, however, although thus dangerous in the distilled water of the l aur lf
and other similar plants, can scarcely be said to exist in any important quantity in the plants in a state <J*
nature. The kernel of the bitter almond, for example, in which the Prussic acid is more abundant than usu«)»
is used for many culinary and other purposes without any bad effect. There are, however, cases in which »•
if said to be dangerous to cat the fresh leaves or kernel; as in the Clrasus virginiana, the leaves and fruit o\
which are reputed in the United States to be poisonous to certain animals. Besides the Prussic acid, there aj*
several other principles which abound in the order. All Drupnccae yield a gum which is nearly allied to fT*81^
Arabic, and which affords a strong evidence of the affinity that exists between Rosaces and Leguinino ^
A great deal of astringency is found in many species, whence different parts have been occasionally employ^
as febrifuges, and as remedies for hemorrhage, diarrhoea, and dysentery. The root of the Tormentilla is y*~Z
fox tanning in the Ferro Isles; and that of the Capollim cherry in Mexico. The bark of Clrasus virgin'*"
la uottri na a fohriftHTP in the United Statm • Pntontilia r£ntan« has ho»n nrnismi fur thn u m p nrnnertieS A \

of tanmn; it nas ueen usea DOUI in America ana Europe as a sunstitute tor Jesuit's baric, i n c ltr" ."-,.
DrVas octopetala in the north of Europe, of Jtobus ircticus in Norway, of Prunus spinbsa and C^rasus aviu ^
and of Aosa rubiginbsa, have been manufactured into a sort of substitute for tea. The bark of the *°°x •-

It must not be omitted, that the order Rosacee nearly answers to the fcosandria of Luinseus.
194. Tribe 1. CHRYBOBALAVEJE. 1531 Kerrifl Dec.
1515 Spirae^a L. *35
Fragaria Tou.
Tormentilla L.
•0 •I
Chrysobalanus L.
Parin&rium J.
Grangcria Com.
1516 Gilltnia Moen. 0 2 1528
Potentilla L.
C6marum L.
653 Hirtella W. 197. Tribe 4. NBURA'DEA. 924 Sibbaldta L.
1458 Agrimbnia Tou. •0 9
1412 Grielum L. 0
195. Tribe 2. AMYGDA*LR£. 1209 Aremonia Dec. 0 I
hg.96. herb.0. 1 198. Tribe 5. DRYA'DBA. 3349 Horkelta Cham.
1498 i<m^gdalus Tote 12 0 Hg.6< herb. 171. 199. Tribe 6.
1499 P^rsica Ton. 7 0 1535 Dry as Z,. lig.0. herb. 32.
1500 j4rmeniaca Ton. 7 0 1530 Geum L. *0 . . . AlchemUlalj.
1501 Prunus Ton. •20 0 1537 Siev^rsia W. 0 1467 Cephalbtus Lab.
1502 Ceraaus J. •50 0 1536 Coluria R. Br. 0 82 Acs^naL. p
1514 Waldsteinia W. 0 3280 Margyrocarpus R. 9 r^
196. Tribe 3. SPIRJEANTELE. 1525 Coraar6psis Rich. 0 338 Sanguis6rba L. J
^ . 3 7 . herb. 16. £ l 8 f t . ; £ l U f t 1523 Jttbus L •58 2655 Potiriura L. . J ^
3366 Porshia Dec 1 0 1524 Dalibarda L. 0 2812 Cliftort/a L.
800. Tribe 7. R O S E * 901. Tribe 8. POMADE*. 1513 Cotone&ster Med. 6 0
**• 145. herb. 0. f 81 ft. iig. 137. * « * 0 . jt 1!» It 1513 AmelAnchier Med. 4 0
Aosa 1506 ftategus L. *J8 1505 JWspilus L. *4 0
1509 Photinia Lindl 1507 i»ynis £. •58 0
1510 Eriobutrya Litatt. 150S Cydbnia Tbw. 7 0


Genera 2, Species 8; Rot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 8;
Hardy Herbaceous Species0. £21 feet; £ 0feet; | 0 f e e t .

a ii_."* woou, leaves, ana nower* or uaiycanthus noricius are sweet-scenica, nence it i» twicu AUIWIUSH
"pice. The order differs from Kosaccs in the form of the embryo, and from Gran&tee in the imbricate
Cutti ° f t h e C a l y x ' f r o m b 0 t h > in t h e a b 8 e n c e of P e t a H and in the numerous diviuons of the calyx.
1532 Calycanthiu L. 5 0] 1534 Chimonanthus Lindl. 3 0
Genus 1, Species 5; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species I; Hardy Ligneous Species 4;
tfanty Herbaceous Species 0. £20 feet j £ 0 feet; * 0 feet.
teM Jfl o n i earcccoonus instt of8 °f
only one genus, the well-known pomegranate, which
is well worth a place in every
Pelh. "*i °Pt8 as w e I 1 M i n < t n e
beautiful scarlet flowers. It differs from Myrtaces
in the leaves being destitute of
m »?• • » seeds being enveloped in pulps from Calycantheae in the calyx being w Ivate
estivation; and from Memecy'lee in the stamens being indefinite. Cuttings, layers, or seeds.
1197 Punica W. • 4 0
Genera 3, Species 4; Hot-house Species 4; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
^ Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 0 feet j £ 0 feet; =*= 0 feet
shrubs or trees, with opposite entire smooth cxstipulate leaves destitute of dots, axillary or terminal
uii.violet or white flowers, and edible fruit It is a very doubtful order. Cuttings.
Afemecylon L. | 3346 Uourlria J. | 1364 Petal&ma Swx.


General, Species39: Hot-house Species37 -, Green-house Species 2; Hardy Ligneous Species0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 tect
t J ^ b r e t u m and Quisquhlis are among the most splendid of the climbing plants of the tropics, adorning the
is n f r o m w l l i ch they depend with garlands of white and crimson, and yellow. The bark of Buclda Bbceras
used with success in Guiana for tanning leather. The juice of Terminalia ylrnix is employed by the Chinese
A * varnish: it is, however, caustic, and its exhalation dangerous; benzoin is the produce of Termin&lin
The kernel of several species is eaten as a nut, and the expressed oil has the remarkable quality ol
becoming rancid. Cuttings.
£06. Tribe 1. TEHMINALIE\B. 713 Conocarpus Joe.
1367 Bucida L.
2864 Terminalia L. 207. Tribe 2. COMBHE^TEJE.
1354 Getbnia Rox. 1203 Combretum L.
3347 Poivrcfl Com. 1355 Quisquolis L.


Genus 1, Species 1; Hot-house Species 1; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0 •
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet f£ 0 feet; ^ 6feet '
trees and shrubs, natives of tropical America, with terminal panicled or thyrsoid racemes of yellow
» and opposite or whorled entire feather-nerved leaves, each furnished with two stipulas at the base
ler agrees with Combretocete in having convolute cotyledons and inverted seeds, and with Onagraria*'
arly with the genus Loptzw, in the flowers being monandrous, or, if triandrous, two of the anthers
ways sterile. Cuttings.
21 Vochijsia Poir.


Genera 2, Specks 2; Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 0: Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
nn-oves are plants of arborescent stature, which are remarkable, in tropical countries, for growing
snores of the sea and rivers, even as far as low water. The seeds have the singular property of
ng, while enclosed within the capsule and adhering to their parent, and pushing forth a long fusiform
'izimh lengthens till it reaches the soil, where it takes root, and forms a new individual. The bark of
pnora gymnorhiza, which is very astringent, is used in India for dyeing black. Cuttings.
14S8 Rhiz6phora L. J 1430 Carallia Rox.
Genus 1, Species 1; Hot-house Species 1; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
A v Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. I 0 feet j £ 0 feet; i 0 feet
ymh7 *l oubtftj l order, containing only one genus. A beautiful shrub, native of Sierra Leone, with terminal
^ or 'white
whiteflnwon andaanna.iaav«i
flowers,*nA one-leavednorniAnent
permanentmlvT. Leaves lonff.
calyx. Leave* entire, and
long, entire, and coriaceous.
coriaceous. Semic
1504 Lophlra Banks

a single style. From this form there are some anomalous variations, such as Circse'a and Lopezftr, which arev
however, easily reconciled to the usual structure of the order. Most of the genera are preeminently beauti-
ful ; as Epilbbium, ffinothera, and Fuchsia, which are old favorites among gardeners. The properties of
Oiidgrkricc arc little known, and probably very weak. The leaves of JussiaYi peruviana are used as an emol-
lient poultice, the seed of Trapa nitons as an eatable nut, and the root of (Enoth&ra biennis as a sort or
salad. Cuttings and seeds.
212. Tribe 1. MONTINIE\E. 1184 Ga&ra L. 0 4 21& Tribe5. CIRCJS'A
2762 Montinia L. 1183 tEnothera L •0 58 lig.O. herb.T £4Jft
? 1462 Visnea L 1185 Clarkta Ph. 0 1
?1187 Gfela Lour. 18 Lopezia Cav. 0
215. Tribe 4. JUSBIEU\E. 85 •0
213. Tribe 2. FUCHSIE\E. lig.Q. herb. 5. £3|ft.
217. Tribe 6. HYDROCAVITBS.
1188 Fuchsia L. 1353 Jussicua L.
404 Ludwlgja L. 0 lig.O. herb. I. ^ l f t .
2H. Tribe a ONAVJB 340 Isnarda L. «Q 403 Trapa L. 0 1
lig. 0. herb. 86. £ 22ft-; £
1186 Epilbbium L. «U 23


Genera 7, Species 12; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 3; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 9. $. Ofeet; )£ 3feet; *4*feet
Obscure weeds, chiefly distinguished from Onagraris by their naked and solitary ovula. They are natives
of moist places or ponds, in various parts of Europe and North America. Some of the species of Halorhgis are
tropical. They arc not known to possess any medicinal properties. Division and setols, sometimes by cutting*
219. Tribe 1. CERCODIA'NJS. 299 Proserpinaca L. 0 2 221. Tribe 3. HIPFURI'DK*'
lig. 0. herb. 5. £ 3 ft. j £ 3 ft 2652 A/yriophyilum «0 2 lig. 0. herb. 1. * 3 ft.
2622 Serpicula L. 220. Tribe 2. CALLITRICHI'NEJE.
420 Gonocarpus Thun. 0 1 lig.O. herb. 3. i 24 J/ippuris L. *0
1224 Haloragis Forst. 28 Callitriche W. «0


Genus 1, Species 2; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. £ 0 feet; £ 0 feet; =¥= 3 feet.
Aquatic plants, with the habit of 3/yriophyilum. The order consists only of Ceratophyllum, which contain*
two species, both natives of lakes and ditches in Britain. Seeds.
2651 Ceratophyllum X. *0 2


Genera 11, Species 61; Hot-house Specks 23; Green-house Species 13; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 25. ± 0 feet; £ 10J ft.; ^ 1 foot
Most of these are very showy plants, in particular the genera Lythrum and LagcrstrceWa, which are *Jf
representatives of the order. They arc chiefly natives of temperate climates, on mountains and among busne*
Pcplis is a common bog plant in England. Heimia is remarkable for its yellow flowers. Little is known »|
the properties of Salicdriae; they are mostly astringent; the common Salickria is used in inveterate diarrhcea**
a species of Lythrum is used in Mexico as a vulnerary and astringent; and Lawsbnia, which is used by tn»
Turkish women to stain their nails, is also supposed to possess similar properties. There is a plant of this ord«»
called Hanchinol in Mexico, which is said to possess much more remarkable powers than any of the preceding*
its expressed juice, taken in doses of four ounces, excites violent perspiration and secretion of urine, and »•
said to cure venereal disorders in an incredibly short space of time. Cutting, division, and seeds.
224. Tribe 1. SALICARIE\E. 1454 Cuphea P. Br. 1180 LawsoroTi I*
lig. 0. herb 25. £10* ft. ;=*= 1 ft 1365 Acisanthera J. 1150 Grislea L.
1100 Pdplis L. *o 2 1453 Heimm Lk.
397 Ammannia L. 0 12 1452 Nesae\> Com. 225. Tribe 2.
1451 iythrum X. «0 9 3348 Dlcadon Gm 1587 LagerstrosVnja I*


Genus 1. Species 6; Hot-house Species 3; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 3;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 17J ft.; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
Shrubs, rarely herbs, with twiggy branches, small entire scale-like leaves which are usually g'a
small white or rose-coloured flowers which are disposed in spikes or racemose spikes. This order differs[ "^
Onagrariae in the ovary being free, and in the imbricate estivation of the calyx; and from Lythrarieas *n »f
petals being inserted at the bottom of the calyx, as well as in its aestivation. The species are > i a t l V ^ 0
Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some of the kinds of r&marix have an astringent tonic bark, and yield,
burnt, a large proportion of sulphate of soda. Cuttings.
899 T&maiixL. *3


Genera 12, Species 76; Species 69; Green-house Species 3; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 4. JO feet; £ 2 feet; *: 0 feet
All these are remarkable as handsome tropical shrubs or trees, with large purple or white ^owen»f^e furor*
with several cost*, or nerves as they are incorrectly termed. The genera admitted in the body of ""J^ptty
are those received by the greater part of previous writers; they have been much increased, and api» nOt
with great propriety, by Mr. D. Don. The species are generally ill treated in collections, where fj ie ^ Jgadin^
unfrequcntly to be found under the form of sickly stunted plants, instead of noble broad-leaved sj< thC
shrubs, with masses of brilliant flowers. To be grown well they require much heat, much moisture L" berry»
summer, and much pit-room and head-room. The fruit of true Melastomas is a fleshy insipid JuYr* e who
which is for the most part eatable, and is often so deep a black as to dye the teeth and mouths pr «• ^ the
eat it They are nearly related to Myrtacese, from which they diflfer in the want of essential o"i £"". tlf ea
dot-like reservoirs of the loaves which contain it The juice of the leaves of Micom'a succosa ana a»w»
as a lotion for recent wound* by the inhabitants of Guiana. Cuttings and seeds.
SSO. Tribe 3. OSBE'CKJA. . J ? ' - , . Tribe*. MICOMB\E.
1181 Oflbeckw L. 1359 Clidfemia D.Don
1356 Melastoma X. 1361 Tocdca Aub.
*»• Tribeg. RHEXIB\ ifhit6niaD.Do»
1360 Pler&ma D. Don 3345 ChastogastraDeft,
1362 Acibtis D. Don 1357 Miconia R. & P.
1425 Blakea h.
Genus lt Species 9. i Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0:
£&••<«» H ~ W ~ , . , . c—CIM 0# £ 32* f t f £ 0 fcetj £ 0 feet

n» *n •«•—. .»••«, KIUVI wnijr buitsisLS ui uuc g e n u s , ib UIIICIO iium iuiuabCK ill me
ng more numerous and in the anthers being adnate, as well as in the fruit being one-celled. Cuttings.


Genera 2, Species Ha 18; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy IJgneout Species 18;
^dy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 7 feet j £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
en ofa which
"'"K1®*611"8* w h i c h *"
*" formerly
formerly referred
referred to
to MyrtSicess,
MyrtSicess, but
but which
which has
has llately
* n! i£t e™i
****** by Mr. Don. speciesare
The species arehardy
ornamental shrubs,
hb natives
ti off North
» »n some cases fragrant Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings and
1479 Philadelphia L. 15 0 J1433 Decumaria L. 3 0


G«i*ra 37, Sjucia 293; Hot-house Species 85; Green-house Species 208; /7or<& Ligneous Species 0;
2far<ty Herbaceous Species 0. i 0 feet j £ 0 feet j * 0 feet
^yrt&SL le SX esy awriet h marginalfine
ribs, and an inferior ovarium and single style, are the great features or
frodurin8 » u f r u***
8ta it
evergreen shrubs or trees, generally bearing white flowers, and in the first section
lt is t h e r e t h a t t h e
ti O n i ?u ? - Allspice, the Clove, the Rose-apple, and the Guava find their
the Ji y . sJLEdeu cofa l the common myrtle. The section with capsular fruit comprehends, with the exception
,W|>'te or 8 crimIC8on yptuses, almost wholly handsome hard-wooded New Holland or South Sea shrubs, with
'Utle r«L rvoi . s flowers
and stamens: yellow flowers are very uncommon. The volatile oil contained in the
lt 1
UsedVh 1 » °[the b a r k » t n e Jeaves, and the floral envelopes, gives these plants the fragrance which has
' >iulant k ° celebrated by poets of all ages. It is very aromatic, a little acrid, and slightly tonic and
°ves7> w hmevtrnt el er ^ Inis under the form of Cajeputi oil, the produce of Melalc&ca Lcucadtfndron, or of oil of
the caiv ° ' the clove this oil is so abundant as to constitute nearly a fifth of the whole weight of
the b ar l l , t h a t Produce it There is also a considerable proportion of astringent principle in these plants - in
~ * °f •A/y'rtus U'gni and multiflora of Chile, and Jambbsa malaccensis, it is so abundant as to render a
' o* those plants of great use in cases of dysentery. Eucalyptus resinifera produces an astringent
J r ? 0 U 8 substance resembling gum kina The leaves of the Chilian myrtles, Leptospermum jcoparium
ome other species, have been used as substitutes for tea. Cuttings and seeds. '
1483 Callistemon B. Br. 1488 CaryophvllusZ.
1482 Metrosidtros Gae. 1487 Eugenia L.
3360 Anguphora Cav. 3363 Jambbsa Rum.
Hud. 3361 Acmena Dec. 3362 Josslnia Com.
1480 Leptospermum Forst.
Tribes. LEPTOSPB'RMES. 1481 Fabricia Gae. 240. Tribe 4.
ribe I. Melaleucece. 1172 Bffi'ckm L.
2039 Barringtbnfo Forst
r. 239. Tribe & 2040 Stravadium J.
218$ 5l R. Br. 2041 GustaviaL.
218? J Ioth l. 1485 Nciitris Gae.
2l?i Vf amnus 1484 Psidium L. £41. Tribe 5. LECYIUI'DE
Melaleaca L. iS £6cytnis L.
1489 A/yrtua L.
3364 Myrcia Dec J586BertholetiaH.&a
3365 Syzffgium Gae. 2042 Careya Rox.
Subtribea Euleptosperme*. 1492 Olfnthia Lindl.
1491 Ptmenta Lindl. 242. DOUBTFUL.
Eucalyptus Herit. 1427 AgathophyUum^.
1490 Calyptranthes Sun.
*nera 18, Species 123; Hot-house Species 27; Green-house Species 54; Hardy ligneous Specks 0
H Hardy Herbaceous Species 42. £ 0 feetj * 41* ft.; £ 0 feet
•W1>>chea!f 41^c. istcra
18 of
tation of the gourd, the melon, and the cucumber, succulent climbing vegetables, the fruit of
t0 us
the ir k many of our comforts and necessities. The importance of the gourd m hot countries
*bundant l8n . ' de gree, where, from the nature of the climate, few of those culinary vegetables that are so
'eihik-u . - t h e n o r t h nan ha m>Ha •« ».,«««~» A—.*.— *.U~.~ ._.».« e _i •-: •- *• »- -

a ^eieatabio 'ourd
Pur8atJve qualities, which are, indeed, to be found, in a slight degree, even in the mildest of
h h>ed bv t £ *- M- Decandollc observes, that as the violent action of the Colocinth resin is much
ii B lothe \}» r mixture with it of gum, it is probable that the difference in the fruits of the order depends
' n.fWW e r e n t Proportions between these two substances. The seeds of the gourd, like those of the
nUl«;~ " i POSSeU none Af tha nrnnortinfi n f t h a nnln • thav aw ewM»t and nilttv and reail'ilv fnrm .»

0 2701 flatcrium L. 2696 Ceratosanthes Brnu

0 2697 Mom6rdica£t 2832 JoJliffSa BoJ.
0 2703 Neurospfirma Rafi. 2698 Cuc&rbito L 0 16
Vim Sechium Br. 2589 jfngoxia Ton,
•0 2591 JV/el6thria L. 720 Gronovia L.
0 2694 Trichosanthes L. ?2801 CarienL.
LI 2
«, Sptciei M; nothmtr SpeeinlS; Grre^haute Sprrirt 5 ; Unrdu Ltgnxoiu Spttift'.

The beauty Of PMofloru it well known: they *re remarkable for tbe tiflfuUr uranmnem of the »unt*»jj
and uUiilliitn, upon a column mrrounded by *e*eral lino uf circuntirallatian, funned by ai nuns ro«i •»
barren thrtuil.liLc colored Manteo*. which are popularly called the ray*. The fruit of aevcnl • « • •
uufion-flomr U ailed with pta**ant acidulated pulp, on which account they are eatea a* d a u n i
not known that they poMM* any medical properbtt. The tUUon of tbe order it not *etU«d; I
vexy new CucurbiiiCQ*. Cutting* »>d i
9(1 Tribe L PAKorslK'm Tribe!. F i t u n b u i 198*
1925 Taabua J.


$ Ltgtwmt
Hard* RethateQUl Spetic* 5. X 0 feet P2 5| f«M t & 0Tcct
NatMni U known of the quAhii«* of this order. It oonct*ta of .mxuknl cuUmmd pUnu, tCMndly « * * | j j
with uperiliw or rigid Hinging hain, aitd yellow or white Haven. They are all native* of Arif
hanrltrfff* *""•••'*• A rerj few of them are climben. Lulling and *e«dt,
UT7 Hutbnt** Sim* 1 2193 t o i j j AtUn. 1) 3 I 1*78 llcntittia L.
Sltft Blumenbkctua Sclir. 0 I I 2195 &7pU°tnui Swt. 0 ] |

Spetie* IS; mt-kinur Sprcirt 10; Ow»Jk(m»f5^ri™Ui Hardy l.fpteoit Specie*0-t
llsriy Utrbteeemt Svrcift 2. JO feet; £ 3 feet; f> d fort.
This order couliU on); of two genera, Turticrnr and Ptri^mHa ; thej arc imall tuffrutkoae or I
planu, chiefly iiativw o[ trofjica) Annrici, wtlh »]tmi»te euUpulate Iravei, and isUlary ydhnr
Uti_j thot*
th of fHeltinthemum.
Htiith Th OPJCT
Th« i UI* lt a d di^nguuhed
cbkedy i r t M h l rr»m Lo4*Mt in the I U M
equal in number with tbe petal*, and iiu«*tod at the bottoo) of tbe Calyx, not in the ttiroat Of the I
that order. Cutting* or toed*.
900 Turnena I* 6 2


Otmra 10, Specie* 35; JtotJumte Spetiet £ t ; OrcctJuiute Specie* I*; liarty Ltg*
tlanfy Htriaeewu Specie* Si. f o feet; £ 5 feet; fe H feet,
h the exception of Tallnum and CalandrtnU, and a few tpccinof CUyt; run, the wl
coniiat* of ituignffluot weedy plant*, of no beauty, and little u«. Oayttnfr perfotliu and cumma
which arc ocra*ioria)ly u*ed a» labwu, being the only (peciet of » utenil kind. They are chielty
planu, frcqueeting dry b u n t lituatiofu, or the *«a-*hi>re of all part* of tbe world; all are
modorou*, and destitute, •• far a* 1* known, ofuiedlcinai propcrtiea. Cutting* *nd MMb\
137* Triinthenu L. I 3357 CalandrlnU H. & a I W Cfc»ytuo*<i W.
1W7 AvtuDca 2.. 0 * 1 1*50 Phacotjirrroa How. Mdiilia L.
1«H ,<nacimp»eToa£*r*. I 90} portuiaefcria Jac, I ''Jit* /. uieuui/*
IMS Tallnum J&m.


Gncral6>Sf*tic*5H; Iltl-ktnuc Sptru* 5 ; Gt¥oi4o*u<- SprtM 15; W«r«fr IJgmeotu S/xt.
HJ Herbaceous
Hb Specie*
Si 5757. II 1 1foot
f t [ ( ^(^ft
f M t ; ftft 11fool,
Thit order eomktt chirBj of mull lnsigniAcant wwdy, hnt»n>aui, or ui pbnU, with
i off Corrtoota,
exception C t o t TWtalU
TWtalU/Ufob /Ufoobrum, Midd a tew te•perkTaf kTf L*h*r«.
Lh* life flo<
whktc or gnenub-whtte, KMnvnmc* axillary and totnetlnMa diajdaul ta tcnnitul c-ytrm, the l
and entire. The order difffcn Iron PortuUce* in the rtMacw being wpporite tbe lobe* of
alternate with them. Cutting*, teeda.
; Tribe 1. Taxeraii'x 253. Tribe a SSS. TriboS. Ql'MJ*
iig.Q. lurb.1 f i l l *<T*. 6. £ 3 | t t % 0. Afrfi. 1. ft 1 ft.
SO* TUephrktM L u 1U Ortegid L O
29t Polycirpnn L. S97 CuirtflLot
80S Corriglob L. •- O
«9 Poliich^i \V,
Ml Tribei IU.ICB««ML 30 Hnrknin ATVE,
f S i t l 7W 0 2
813 Hemiiria L
730 AnfchU W*, 0 25*. Tribe*.
796 71W«brura J..
7W /•arottfehia Dw.
UrfaroaHiL 1375
237. O B M » XCL

i n t o or nn*n thrubiwIOi tttai rum,and bMutirui rad, orwjfp, yellow, or white Bowen.
put* of tbe world. The (rrder i* chtrtSf dutinfublMid ftow Fkoide* ID the embryo being *tr»«M»
T«d, Cutting, «Md(, (tflnetlnw* by dhrttbo.
Ssa Tribe 1. CKutu*!**, or U«> BryophV Uum &>L
I UtOfttMX.
019 Vauittthe. Umm. MIS BboAou'L.
/•jr. a l«sB Scttpctmum L.
417 TUW\t L. •0 I4tB Monit>U>c* tf^»
418 Bull lird« Dec <•
11«; Septa* i.
SU Crt*. 3S5S PU«onni«flnr.
tlS TiM»6Ma Hair. 19U X I d HU
n. lirirtrr ItT. HetJmmtt Sprit* Si O n M J t w ^ d M t S i
t 4 i f
Tbeat »rt an plant* with a crecter or Urndraw*
Mttcitienc*;OOf it
art n B t o m <f» t—n t>U&U, rf u* toutJblJ In the
rf whteb
le Bower* arc of all colon, many of tb« m o t vivid hues, and rrnurkaUlt- for cxuandlnft
r" *""*•'—• T-:-itiiniMiiBnii. liiitwil IT *- " " - ' r i r mdn Tetrat^nu cxDitua.
PortiJacirtnia, and U^SSyi^Smm^S^m ae^tm ttib^M^ tM ^mm^tm^A
y? w aaline matter 1* contained in all of them ; in tuaumnrw vermlcuUta a iub»i.
« b e c n (bund by chemical aoalriu to cmuiat of muriate of torfa and nitrate of )mta*h. Xfce whole
™«» tnverj dry or *alitie place*, in the temperate region* of U i f * w U F.iur rillfi, »i the whole are
^ther» p e of& W odHope!TT ) el«»e.oftKdirrcr«il*peri«of Me*aabrraath«rnum oflbr theT
** uutancw of figure known to the vegetable world. Cutting*, olbett. division, or aeed*
1519 Tmaii'.nla L. «& Snrtux.
1517 Setirmm L. Xfc.S. fcro.a J3Jn.
L. 0 3 1518 A,tb,m L. I SIT RfMuradrw L.
Mmui/. 1+46 Nilriru /. 3
961 OuwtXCMl r A C T E X o r OFLTNTIA'CELE.
^rnn; y
jyj Aarrfjr
AarrfjrA A
r lrm
i 3|p/nrt
i 3|p/nrt0.0. i00feet
feet jj £0
feet t ** 0
0 ft*t
"•"•t B r f ! * 1 *>t<nt» dAttttlte for the mat pm tf tear**, the ]4)K» of which te tupplwd hr fWiv
fWi *)*ai«fllM
f " iunnM?,? ^ " 1 * ; * m l * ""f1*1"! «»d attatiiing (he hmght c
t r
L othew roundish, covered with
"wiiJrL i r fctd|flM|
' "^ "^ tllwd[n
l ' "" * ' " » ' "f* ** " > * * Their tower* are nun) i-a»i»
k m n an-in
fr£i™™*rfcy • • ^ -. varying i from pore white h to nrhhacariet
kand d purple,l through
h h lall
l the
h intermediate
The ipccie* ere rbieav native* of the hoReat and b i n t part* of tlie Unpto, and
with hale oar*, in pad nlfcd with rut*n*b, in a dry jture. Their fruit U fleshy and water*, and
•JW, but it u oaten in their n«tiTw covatti** tat the n l u x* kU nflmhlnt: wMiattm t«d eoobw*.
'"'« opuotu .m-luiMi
. j t . . r : ? 1taOnM
11 i.retl Britain
i!r.u. : ; I'hecharacter* of lh« order and the next are very iim:Ur,
tneir haUt
habit bu to
u w^uiv j,iihM.t f*cti arr
vidclr dMtewBL imrt called \ fi*lc» Cutting*, oflkaU, or
H T l Xi 1 I It:i, PerfekM Haw.
i IpiuhVliuD) //•*«• flUi Tritefl.
1471 Opuitua U w . HIS
W; Htrf /hiwtf Sptrif n; Grrfw ^ 1 H * p i v " I ; Hardy Ligacout Specie* 18;
Hflrrfy f/rrtdMni .'^•CIVJ Q. j 3» feet; t 0 feet j ^ 0 feet.
from the lart by the definite number of their tUmeu* and woody tnfy item*. The utility and
the gooMbomr and currant are known to every one. None of the other specif* equal ihwe.
•f xrenJ po*ae»aea conridwablf eKcritenca. The berry of too*t of these U «w»i, water},
• t that of AkAet nlgrum, and a few more, I* tonic and ttbnnUat, which appear* to have NOW
the presence of gland* upon the leave* of tho*e specie*. Cutting* or H-eds.
Rita L. *i8 0

S67. O w n XCV. fiBCALLO'ytAl

tirtr*Jhna* Speciei i; Hard;, Lijpwvw* Specici 0;
• £ 0 fret; ^ 0 fecL
ertTyreen .hrtibt, natives of Chile, with the h*H< of AndrtVmoda, and which probably thould be
HBMr lt
^ttb, > with terminal raceme* of mull white or rait dower*, Nothing a known of their propcrur*.
""&» and *aed».
687 E«cal!.:,niii K u t

Sl lliiftienifrt
* ^ t> cocutitut? the glorj and deBgbt of the culm.- nt«. jhi* I* to
— aaM perpetual verdure of thjoT lasTn, and the nqutaite tAmiifii'i* * and *!••• •«i •
rather than to any ttr&tng attracttow, of which they are «£ • . . _ . . ' . . . J . L -
whtte oc pale pink,
iptonta, aHfcrt i ng n«
upon dry walk. AD am watt*** of edU regta«u, or of the s m t taaMWaV?
a irf them, a* 1
* *h aweceal in eancerow don u Arubby,
•0 Mitclla L. O A
3m Tellina A Br. 0 "0 1
0 * 1379 Cfarytotplenlum L. 6 0
0 1 0 1

; Hardy Ligtuvmt Sptciet 01
• : « t ; A 0 Alt
which Mr. Brawn fint djatnmkhed t h™ 1-faey are
and white or rnl fl, >crana and
bark of a tpnun of WViinUtttu* i»
far tawnteg lewther. and t* MM to be «l»o owed far adwHertlng tb» ontoqnin*. Notlting t*
f .t .
Uto Ifgl I U , , r j H K

«a O t n u XCV11I. r*BEl.MTER.K
' ffuBpi of plant*, ant at the •» T
a* teal than they an dain
venja, hot under the brtw! r Tentm, jnkd
food for »"Tt1 TbffY an geocraUy rccogBbed by their hollow stem* and rot leave*,
that t* to nay, with a petiole, the buo of wbtrh w

"" I'lnfllli! lllllH|Hllil'T""~~ ^"ll*—i aluiL ° .JM

natives of damp ditches or way-sides, in cool parts of the world; In the tropics they are extremely rare
The simplicity of their structure, and uniformity of their appearance, have rendered their classification
a matter of very great difficulty. It has been attempted in modern days by Sprengcl, Lagasca, Kocn,
and Decandolle, all of whom have added much to our knowledge. The arrangement of Koch and IK*-
candolle is here adopted as the most perfect, upon the whole, of any yet published. The culinary ana
agricultural importance of many species is well known; the parsnep and carrot form a large part of tne
staple winter store of the inhabitants of Europe, as the Arracachas do of those of South America: ana
the Prangos of Thibet is supi>osed to be the most important and productive of any in the whole world, as
a forage plant The medicinal properties of Umbellifera? arc not more powerful than they are at variance wiUJ
each other. While the seeds of some are aromatic, and stimulating in the highest degree, the fresh roots ana
leaves of others arc not less narcotic. This has been supposed to arise from the difference in the state of toe
aap in different parts of the plant; and it has been thought that the narcotic principle is only to be found in
the ascending sap, while the aromatic stimulant properties are found in the juices, which are fully elaborated
and matured. It has been already observed, that their dangerous properties are often removed by cultivation;
the common celery is a familiar instance of this; but the most remarkable, that of CEnanthc pimpinclloldes, a
most dangerous species when wild* which is cultivated about Angers for the sake of its roots, which are there
called Jouancttcs, and about Saumur, where they are known by the name of Muchons. The roots of some
Uml>elliferae contain a large proportion of sugar; those of the carrot, when dried, more than an eighth; those
of the ]>arsncp just an eighth ; and those of the chervil about eight parts in 100. Galbanum, Opopanax, ana
Assafretida, are all the produce of different species of Umbellifere. Division or seeds, sometimes by cutting**

871 SI'BORDERI. ORTHOSPER- 838 Phellandrium L. «0 1 283. Tribe 10. THAPSIEV Koch.
MM {prthos, straight, spcrma, 869 iEthusaL. *0 4 lig.O. herb. 28. £16ft.
seed; form). 844 Seseli L. *0 27 845 fhipsia L. 0
272. Tribe 1. HYDROCOTYLI'NEA 860 Chldium Cus. 0 7 881 /.aserpitium L. 0 *
Spr. Koch. 3325 Trochisanthes Koch 0 1 3320 MelanoseUnumHQfwi. 0
833 ^thamanta L. 0 18 879 Artedia L. 0
273. Subtribe 1. Hydroc6tuUe. 875 i,igi'isticum L. *0 13
lig. 0. herb. 4. £ 2 ft 3317 Brignblia licrt 0 1 284. Tribe 11. DAUCINEJR Koch-
863 Hydrocntyle L. *0 4 3323 MolopospL-rmum Koch 0 1 lig.O. herb. 23. £ 12} ft „
867 Trachymene Rud. 3324 Lcvisticum Koch 0 1 3313 Orlaya Hofm. 0 *
864 Bowlcs/a R. & & 3328 Silaus Bes. *0 3 825 Dabcus L. *0 ljs
832 Wallruthia Spr. 0 8 3332 Platysp£rmum Hqfm. 0
874 Subtribe 2. Mutims. 857 3/ Tou. «0 4
866 Drusrt Deo, 834 CrithmumL. 0 1 285. SUBORDER II. CAMPYLO-
SPE'RMM {kampytos, curvedi
865 Spananthe Joe. spcrma, seed; form).
878. Tribe 5. ANGEL(CE£
875. Tribe 2. SANICITLE* Koch. Koch.
lig.O. herb. 35. £ 14} ft. 88a Tribe 12. CAUCALfNEjeJft**-
lig. 0. herb. 25. ± 13| ft. lig.O. herb. 16. £ 9 } f t .
846 Actin.Mus Lab. 874 Angelica L. *0 7
823 Sanlcula L. *0 3 3321 Archangelica Hofm. *0 2 826 Caucalis /,. «0 f
886 Astrantia £. 0 6 3322 Ostericum Hqfm. 0 1 3314 Turgenia Hofm. «0 J
839 DondiaSpr. 0 1 873 Scllnum L. 0 14 827 Torilis Gae. «0 f
822 JFrfngium L *0 25 ?872 Thyssellnum J/o/m. 0 1 ?840 Trachyspcrmum Lk. 0 *
ST.6. Tribes. AMMI'NKS Koch, 887. Tribe 13. SCANDICINE* Koch.
dist. 279. Tribe 6. PEU lig.O. herb. 31. £ 1 5 ft. .
tig. 1. herb. 113. f 3 f t ; £ 24 ft. Koch, dist. 819 5candix L. *0 ^
lig.O. herb. 93. 820 ifnthrfscus Pcrs. «0 ^
888 ilamia Hqfm. 0 3329 Op6|>anax Koch
851 Cicuta L. *0 0 1 821 Chtcrophfllum L. «0
3319 Ztz'ui Koch 0 880 Firula L. 0 18 830 Ar^rrhU Mor. •0
855 iTpium L. «0 3326 Ferulago Koch 0 2
882 jPeucfalanum L. *0 24 888. Tribe 14. SMY'RNEJE ATHT*-
3330 /'ctroscllnum Hqfm. *0 lig.O. herb. 89. £ 1 3 f t
847 Trtma Hofm. *0 870 Imperatoria L. *0 3
3316 Helosciadium Koch •0 871 Callisace Fin. 0 1 717 LagoeVia L. 0
842 Jftibon L. 828 Oliverra Ven. 0
3318 DrepanoprKllura Hqfm. 858 jfni-thum L. 0 6 824 Echindphora L. *0
3315 Ptychbtis Koch 0 853 Capnoprtf Hum Gae. 0 1 2898 Arctbpus L.
849 S\aon L. *0 5 883 Pastinaca L. «0 8 889 Cachrys L. 0
850 Schultzfa Spr. 0 1 884 //cracleum L. *0 88 891 i/ippomarathrum Lk. 0
841 A'mmi L. 0 8 887 Zosimja Hofm. 0 1 890 Agas^Uis Spr. 0
856 iEgopbdium L. *0 1 287J Hernias Thun. A
859 Carum L. *Q 3 880. Tribe 7. TOHOYLINE* Koch. 852 ConiumL. *0 *
831 Aanium /,. «0 4 lig.O. herb.U. ^ 7 * f t 3419 Pentacrypta £<*A. t
836 PimpinellaZ. *0 11 868 Ulospe'nnum Lk. 0 1 877 Pleurospermum Hqfm. 0 i
837 Tragium Spr. 0 7 878 Hasselquist/a L. 0 8 854 An^'rnium L. *0 L
829 Ledeburm Lk. 0 1 885 7*ord?lium L. «0 5 876 Physosperraum Cus. *0
828 Oliveria Ven. 0 1 3331 Condylocarpus Hqfm. •O 3
848 Slum L. *0 9 289. SUBORDER 111. CO1LOSP&%
3312 Conopodium Koch 0 3 881. Tribe 8. SILERI'NEJE. MAC {koilos, channelled, sperm"'
861 iTupleurum L. *0 33 'g.O. herb. I. £ 3 ft.
862 Tenona Spr. 1 0 S iler Sco. 0 1
seed; form}.
290. Tribe 15. ND
277. Tribe 4. SESELI'NEC Koch. 282. Tribe 9. CUMINEJE Kochtdiss. lig. 0. herb. 1. £ S It
lig.O. herb. 93. £24$ ft.
lig. 0. herb. 1. £ 1 ft. 818 Bfforis Spr. 0
833 ffihanthe L. *0 15 843 CumlnumL. 0 1 817 Coriandrum L. 0


Genera 7, Species 43; Species 26; Green-house Species 5; Hardy Ligneous Species 7 i
Hardy Herbaceous Species 5. ± 15 feet; £ 6 feet; * 0 feet
Arallacea are a slight divergence from the well-known Umbellifenr, with which they nearly agree '"
except in being usually frutescent, and from which they arc obviously distinguished by their 5-celled ir» ^
Their flowers have no beauty, but the foliage of many is extremely fine, especially of the species of &i^aj«u, of
lum; that of our common ivy must not be omitted. Their medicinal properties are much the same as "*5*f-p
Umbellf ferae, except the fruit, which differs in virtues as it does in botanical structure. Their bark e* ude l«n.
aromatic gum resin, as in Aralia umbellifera. Their roots arc tonic, with, in some cases, the flavor of pa™"7,
The famous ginseng, which is produced by a Panax, is reputed to have powerful tonic, restorative a n d f!
apnrodisiacal qualities; but it is probable that these have been greatly exaggerated.tonic, restorative,
p qua td Cuttings, layers,
awne by division
awne by division.
«£ £anax L. 911 Aralia L. 3386 Adamia WaL
8J6 CussoniB L. 1466 GastonrW J. 718 i/edera L. •
912 Sciodaphfliura B,
°t*tra 11, Spctkt 118; Uot.hoiuc Speck* 3 j Grecm-honte Sjpopfm 10 ; Hardy Ligntmu Specia 9 6 ;
Hardy Htrtxtcemu Specie* 9, $ 7V feet; £ 7 WC ; * 0 M
n eniln
* !? * w t l ) r beautiful M a r , W f M f t i t cither of twininji or erect shrulw with r l u s l e n of trumpet.
•"fragrant w h i t e , tcarlet, or fellow, fliitm, or of flue buihca having cyme* of while MUMMIM. T h e lioni nejr-
,"a the repniii'iitatiw of the former, the dogwood «f the latter Hero too la found the modeat ami dafio. cjt*
bm",, "' " h i c h , however Inferior iu attraction* r»r the vulgar eye may be to lho»e of it* more o s t e n t a t i o n net
U^™.TJpia» to Done of ( b e n in ttatSIRC or Intaftjrt lur the botantat Ml the Konera have a i n f l r e o r l f u a a rin.
L ,,,, r k .i ">at of I*,, , hile fbrdjingtJaek ; of C t t n u i flurida n.
th\n •'lte"t revt-r*, «* i« «l*» thr b.irfc uf tornti* icricoa, rtiich, according lo Bart'"'.
l*f)..v ' KWvrt are the link between honey tuck to* nnd iinilit-llilcrc.u* planH, I
'illr h fl< ffi? l i v " l l ' ' r *'"'*>"« divided fnliajte nn.! half herbaceous hatiit; their flower* Utmtotifi,
u l n J " • ?'> tli-urif, iheir leave* and inner bark art- emetic* and draatir purgative*. Tno«t<
= -.'"•"«<•• i n this order ami Ktiblicea;, with i h c fomier of wfiich it agree* in It-
"e Utter in iu emetic, qualities, which resemble thoio oT Ipecacuanha. All C a p n w l u c e e love *Mdv
in both hemUpheresi hut few b a v e been tbuud in fuch as endure a very torcre cliinak-. ( i . n .

•15 S I (S» nii-rvilln Tou. 6S6 y

•13 3 I tKl (.'.-ipriltiliuin H AS •16 10OG Schradera Vaiil
•48 0 r>3.' l,onl(.-era |; 170* Uniue'd tiro.
3 0 I 623 Tridatcum L.


Grwra 2, S/trc^n If; Hot-hotuc Specie* Q; Grte*~hott»e Specia fi j B m b f

th^r 0116 o f th™e > r c " * * » r t * B ; they are all /tenuine ititrjulUM, looting benenth the b» bark of the tret
h.,;,,Kfuw, and d c h v i n c from their. juice* juict-r. the
tin.- whole
wlrole of of ltheirl m r nulrimt-iit.
in ' I>u>
lie VI
T^*wlV. X. Klirbut Ihr.
the 1ijar'AKtin
, . . ' . . . l l . . are
. n K a u tht-
\v . m«»t lovrly Of. plant*, n l a u l i Ihnn|ting
i • I I I P I I I I T In
I n rJuftcn
rlljltl'l'l ,

">c branches of trees in the tropic* u h i r h tli 'lit- willi a IKMIKV mil I'll
Oruid* ig - n», the common ' In-um never bri
i c oak. f/h thei irr,- Ii t
' " t l | , , kin "Ugb now DOW extinct
c\tiin:t I1 ngoeitod,
though 1 J ^ , that i l l veatigei nr tl
• itlt i l u 11.
11 .-• i i..r t h e I j i r
he Ixiranthus. i u t h i i * having
Itavinit dliaii|K;.tritl I
iy held

Specirt 3 ; Hoi-housr Sj ; llafdg I.igntout Specia 0i
t J » 0 ftc-t.
Hantp Herbaceous Specie* 0. ± 0 feet ; ( - •
'ncotwjtltuou* »hrut» with terminal eplkc* oT sfreoi) flower*, wholly destitute uf ij>terett for garden*.
uuia^ gf jncfcgj^
26 Chloriillhu-


Centra 73, Specie* 3«71 HaJuxue Species M I ; GrenJtoute S/xeiei 3 t ; Hardy Ugneotu Sptciet:
*^ Manly Herbaaxnu Sptciet W. il(4ft.;£19t .HA
f^Pposite e a t i n U n a with intcri-pning itipulac, a monopetalou* *upcri(ir corolla, with a drtinit.
and a bUocular ovaiitun, -in- '.in- peat rlmnicteristics of Ruhihc«c ; nn urili-r of pitirh exl
a very large proportion of the whole 04 |-im imjrainoiH plants, iin-Kidinjr within
and lofty tree*, plant* with important noted drMt 'i'li
which Die (irdcr baa bMB dlvldea are nil m of SjiermartceaL G4lc
it ho*, which are the representatives t if tin i irtbern regioni. Amoti^ ttteae lhi> Au
it Lhe mart ImporUnt on account of it* dye: GfcUtna al»" potMMH Man* ((uaMicsiif JJIUK,
ihe planti,. . iiiiiuinerah(c: of the ronner d a t a
j , v Kcnera ixor: iuttur'nda \i*xniUiii C'etiliU
1 ll 1 1 U1
v'u ' '•" - "" ' ;. '">'' tiu* ha*"a contribution tit <>•
r ."'l or amitJier. llw n«>[ .>i l l n l y h i i , urn! ; t J ^ i r i . tUat ( l f Mo
Lta ill the Motuirm, ami ut Moi lia in Indi;
t T " fi-brifudal proptsrties of th< I :-i<titl on ; it u ISM g m e n l l } Known t l u t tl
" of Fiiicknt'Ya [IUU-II«, Mjciocneinum rurymbtMnim, W T U O icccinea, aii<i i nrwuiiHora,
it weaker, [ifjvrrr*. T h e tjark and root* of AMirhbx are u»ed, in the Idc of Bourboo,
. and that of Morfnd - uaed fi>r inV. Antringcnt irrn(MTtii>B of a v•^>r^
"~I«T arc found iii tin nil i of S; •'>;' of Hunter, l h e Unchria tidmbtr of tt<txliur((h, whit
conftiuiided with Gum kino, th nt plant
idi'd under the p i cc •eparatt'd by I h l t i U M O i l.Mwtt-mm.i, po*teu
I/Into, and
utV(., ul lhe Citfia iiirnishi-j the vahuble
cut w 1 1 u
Uuu "' '' i» * much esteemed in Europe u :, UII.UT the DBN of coltec. Utvliion, »eed*, w

M Schrcb.
tin It. lit. 1. hrrb.M, 210ft.
&6 Cocror^pvlunt A. Br. ST7 Adlnn S»{.

n 4. L.
*» Baa ouaidium CvL

301. Section >•.

:*s HctlyMii IF,
inn Ii.
" Aub.
,JJ. 6JI j 355 Bigt\b*ia j
: i L Sit NtmaWi* 358 Bpernwdkv /..
-'•j I M U a Sir: 8S) PitK-ftrta A
05] CrAphila />
BS C h t o d c c W. 30t Section n,
J 1 ft. Ml Pttfemu'//. A'. //*. ft herb. ISA
&70D AntbcMpinntnn i,
.Mill* /* II
30* fertlonR •y>[ Mu><tt<j U 4
MB BftMa /- "0
tig. t. Ar-rft. S. J 3 ft M
ii riutit tiof. riif liii I^ • ,j L . II
•-v.iiiuKth, 118 OUtaOD f. *0
306. O I M I C I V . < AIUIT.E,
amen 3, AMVfal S, IlolJumtt SprOn 1 , UretnJumtr Sptein ', , y l.igmetm* Specie* Q.
I/.-..i// H n t m m m \ - < > . . • > ? u I.,I, ( M M AOM
, Marl* related to BubthcnD. Their pro^erti nknown, M, ile JuMiru h« ,.
tlnl their illiiiiiy to Valortaneat la tummrtnl by r oil
•y thr HI turdi devour the >im«H • h o *
of Uic Oi*ituL»UiU ii they do t i m e of tin; c um-ulailt. BaM*
S29 P<r».

3WL O i t u C V . V A L E E I A X K E J £
5, Spain ft) t Uot'lmiut Sperk-i (I; Orcn-Ai-tut- .Vjn«v» I; Hardy Lintout Spctki Q i
Hardyy Herbuetma >• ? » } (t I ft. 0 fte*.
( r « r ! . . u f . ) U ^ i.lfli.t.. tii..r,- i n t . i ,- . U H * f..r II,.- . i k - i > f (!•• -r «ru] than on a.-.
U il be riKni
DM Vttcrriani, ami all thr I'
• II undM I
of tuUrii 8cin41U, /**<!, Md uthrrt,
flFP OOOMRHHI V u*ed m* rrijfUUfM. The odor of Valcrtan b not arnmltr u m i U i , but v
\n«irl.i, the roouor i .. with wh.
.1 thu lUy, wn|iliiy tlit- I'nti-ri&na jatam&iut, the iiiikmard • •. • * •
e, and • ( • m i l hy«t. b ]••> DnntuJi ot n.
3f) r^itrinlliiw ZJrr. 330 Patrlm.i J 80 ValtrianWa Uufr. «0 ••
!»5 fal •0 H Fidia Mocn


Ofjiira 8, Sprclff KM I Hot-kmitr Spedrt 0; OrrmJumu S/x-nVi !>, Airrfy l.igwotu 8ptci,
••<m«.l,>irrtVl!«. 1 V M | (£25|r««>t; * t f A c C
Very nrarly akin to Compfalur, of wbleh UMJ ba. Uw WhK All are hfrbacaoui i | l a n l * * l i
flowon rrowlnB In hrada. So..- i.mulninif, and\r I**"
Hiiwprt I
MJ i t l i i p l i M l i ' t i . j i n d a i l t i » > | . | n l i t . i L t b u t A i r DJOW J H ' ^ r l r i ' l . • I "r AGOda

HI KOrtlM L. I S*H *»,, M rVii/.t *0

SciblbM IW/. *O 17 I r". U


Sp-cir$ It ;| <!rrsn
J 1 i UoUiauuf Spcdct I ./tout? S)X-cu-i 0; /Mnfy /.«^M
/;.,,./// Uertocum Sptdtt u. JU f w i . t
(MMH'iirr WFittj
weedy South American pl«nt<, diflfcring from CinnpAtttEt ehiefty in the pcxllion of U»
2W.)|itia J.

• 009; Hardy IJgtti-ou* H)
T l!»l»-i
A ino«t • S t M O l n and it.ilt.ntl ortlrr, nlivli>iuly idarsi Itrltu^l b)
b d r florela In involurrntcil In !n : ,.pf i nir IIHH > Ht <il <<<
i i . ii. ..n ,• i • '..I p l a n t * , a n d (fel but • v r n '• •' ' • ' " >' • ' •'• • • • ••• " ' . I ' l " " " 1 " <»• tin- |.ultlic

i ti
«IH! Airtutttr>. •* flndi a pUec In a Aahh
. • , |ltll|.l(', I.I

|Mirrflivcly HIM'i<fni!>..M 'Id.

nr. IIIOIP f r n j i n n l i v ttul.'-i . i I I I . K I I H i , , . M,
>, floUdUD, VlrgaOro, M
Dai of ilir nrfifticf of | i * {IIIAI ^
H H k l M g a i W . " " " • • I "!•••• '

ii ••• nwraaii uirw r " 1 " — WWMMOI, « ~ —« • •-.- • .. . 3 ^ ^

irt, •• the Ayauana (if ilraiil, ai
.iMinr 1 rfSfBUl On- i i i m r »if
M d p U n h l n , ni(N i t n * . .iiiil'ujncjta. >• !
.-. f..t let " • wrtliol ui»riy <v,tn|«'ti»'. »* iVrirfiii and Verbutlua, >n-i»i • «••"
flfl'T rooU of HeMnthui tubcrbfui. * vtwImM* food far TIM Juke
J of /.M-tttci virttta I*
narcotic, and hi* been «v*n nnployni « *"7*•*•»*•• •• • • i»n. It
*—*n to mention the utility of • • .we, !***<• 'Mh
" -JW Scvrtmhm and SalaaO*. u culiiun
. t. f l ™ h I '«*P«*cl* of Ilir '* IwanUr to .111 M I I reader*, >i BI
«"«o of tinder; ihax- of thr arti .•. tin t n l
lofCompfett* . 'i inmfr
« n In. i riuiu, *
*. -tint N M M M I l.v i

31ft ftUMIDKN III. <

3 S I J)ivim.n I . 0 3
'l- Tribe J.

UJft. //,. I. kerb. 3WL

"i«wu,,, le W.7 .< ntium I.
l /J DM •0 384. Si »N»III H 1

n ill
i. it*'.'!"!
1 Mil / , . i /. •0 0
o I) hum tf.'ar. •0 X.Br.
I t. / •0 M n HQ

° I)

.-.•*. Lull
i •0 70
tl i
* Tribe Z a •J
i 11
Itiun. •o !ki si , , ;
•0 0 I
4 •n
•0 • . - • • -

/••-/A •o MSI 0 I
0 .:: 0 I
•:t' 0 1 0
Bflr 0
a Jut
0 S8 .|
ia 7bM. G na t
0 MK
! D 1
•0 0 B

DO 0 •J

n fl
Trtb.3. •0 »*.ltS mi i., B
.1 1
0 uat MM aim W,
S3. t)
•0 ssii
IN, t 1SJ ft P
/ o Virf, 0
0 AM.
0 0 i ( ar,
0 1 ti.7
•'i(».i.rla«. / N^ V
W ; 3M. Si' V i
I "l 7",',', *"* • "• Illl I..
/.>, I). Art* 1 ,
0 3
I). Don »0 9
ii a XJkM uli-iiluni /(-mil,
•0 17 i /.. i' II
ii'ttia IWilim. II •M •0
,122. I •0 711

i II 9 >i 3

I hrtb. t
0 •.- i . I . • . . ! , < > '-.ii i
tl 0 It
2 • i \\ Ij
"("•full /,.
ClCIlf-BM. I: 0 B
• / • S t m m I T u V I I UK I .'
7 ft
•rhnni »0 MeMt Till
• v ''ulyinii, ;., 0 tig. 1 • f fi.; t

0 D l
N. Br. l
R :
i in, 11
v T I I U ' H 1,- 0

S4M UL|46«wi» D, Don 0

i -S] II Id n l In-
313, DivMoni - ;M tin Wi,-*.
o 9iR^ AninnMinnti / I . Mr,
SB ii... 0 . fl. fit. • I ' l i l l l l /.' /.';
in /(. Hr • k\v* n, lit.
iHntn ' "o i'l . fir
• C M « " * ••• * ' <»
• • • » .. I toeiipha A. fl,-.
baiX 3315 S(m ilr|'i« IJ. Don s<-iiniln'*riji ;; / / ,
BS31 .Vurfta MoL i)
^ Flp*r *. 2 rft i)
Lag. D M j.< . i ' . | Bmu i>. Don
lAinium L. 0 3407 Ertooom* Kih. MM
3405 Kiif,j.livlltim I At, (I H14 < V.amrai tin* 0 £ .InilirtMia I»
Trir/iophfllum Nut. 0 Dahlia Cav. 0 I AVnithium A.
ma Zinnia L. 0 :WM Geora-Uo W.
Core£paia Jnr.
8 fi Framer/o Cav,
Helhinm HeriL II in
Aihrixla Kcr | 0 3 Sl'SORMtR IX.
BMB ijOiiKChlnnpsiu W. 0 .. i . »0 89 Ml'DF.JP.
Trldax /,° 0 {971*
1302 CutumcIlia Jac. llr 2274 Cep).a1i'>jihora Car, 0 *
Knllnta /.. Khrh.
S3»i Motfern Sehwb. MV. •

8396 y 1 .in liiiiiiiiithui /..

SW-1 SraeaMckta I. '.iila «««•. Otanthui t.k. *0 J
83S Vcrbcina /.. W CrypttHt/mma A. J9r. 0 Laiitujn'rnnun
j /.«#. 0 *
S47S Kuxenia Chant, liebxhtci ; •: m Santniiii.i A
."(xUnthtu /^i(f- ••/(.*•. 0 CM
••> i i r . t r . - h i W a r . . ^ UmoM Allan. 0

• \ntrtlin /,. 0 1 0
g/v. IL ft P. 0 (Wiltlub /.. (i 11 ttll 1 IUII.
0 l'oljinnin I. n .; BS1 . tiini /_ •0
SHU Zjhi'iliixi I'cri. Bi MoiiUntM I,aL •II
MM !'.i«vllm Of. 0 '2W> Cliryn'ifjiitium f- 0 1 phaliu i.
, K U /•«•*. (I SM6 .lli-Liiiiu.Kliuui A.. 0 3 /.
OiomWirt C M . B437 Alrliw C«v. .1 p.; l"[. per,
mn to lUura. 0 £438 Mill. -
Jfupiliftlnuiin £. II Flavtni ./ 0 1
S4.W W l t l Jot 0 SHU NsuM)1)irf{'» W. 0 1 r-imia i.
i M. ti) B«ltimorit L 0 It g w i .
Sut. 2*40 tftphlum /.. I • M AntopUu /.
Sil!) s • W30 O ' S3Si W'nilivii,,, >U
IMitnilhui L. Ou.
24l VlguMra Kih. 328. SuaoanM VIH. AMBRO- M.itrklrti / •»
9412 U . i l ( i n ! « t I j i m . UfCMM ; »0
i'U I Idol:*'••.-Via I. mum /,. *O
MOO lig. \. ktrh, i!l. t 3 ft.; » itin iSjir. 0
Bohlnto*. IINM. 2457 /'arthSntum /,. 0 3 S.T7S S *0
6VIKT« 6,5,flrriM 90; Tlol-hnutr Shrift H ; (irtrn-hmtt. , }l<i,,lv l.^aeaut SpedM 0 j
Jturdg llerbiifnmi 9ptci<* U f 0 fi-vl; j£ !l fet-t; i K ft-eL
_ ornamental herbtceoua plant i, with blue, white, or K > r M flowcra. T h e ant h e n arc of the
ftrurli'irc »• UlOM nf Cum(i6tita. T h e jute-t of tome ul'tho l>obeliad il highly c.n
taken niirrn.illy, jirmluiinu vumKtDK, nii'l i v m d e a t h : IK-M-IIIK II '•--, tin- rout of Ixibelm aiphtlitiia, nt no*"
dote*, acta ai a ttmji Rreatoi '(iianllty, aa dlurtlii or purgative; and, if taken n
quantitttt, a a MII •nrit-tic. An infiuioii (if LobfcUa infliita La uied in North America a* a remedy fur li-unirrhi** •
and tlic root of Iitibtb'd c«rdlnaJti U employed In the tame country M a vermifuge. Stedi, division.
8» LobtUo L. •0 17 1 3390 ClintoDM Don. 0 1 I 714
610 M
«10 afonfiptti Sal. 0 S I 614 LwlicnafilHo B.
61+ UcheiudlUa II. Br.
331. Oaina CX. STYtA'UEJL.
1, Specie* fi; Hoi.hotttr Hprriti (»; O l W JtPMM Sircin (\; Hardy Jjgneaut Spfcifi 0;
l/urrfy HfrtaenwJ .S>xi.'j II. fO tat] j£ t) f e e t ; A, 0 f « t t
Like Hii; l.T.t, the nropcrtln of tiiti very tniall bul cnrlnui onler «rc, it any, u d. All are inh>.
JOT* i»f Sew 1 liiltaiui, ami nlhiT Ju'tir* ai : tuua ahrui)*. Tl link Aower#, i I^ h
tUtterin* itlandi: their atameoa are united into n oohtmn. irhlcti ii timmiatnl by a teuilc (ti^ina, anil
fa imUblc in ao hlf b * degree, that, if touched with a pin, It luautitly tUrU from lu place with clu
2581 Stylldiutn Swz.
i, Spedn 21; Hot.hotue Spedet .1; Grftn.kouar Sjiretes IS ; Hnrda Lt&tfoiu SpceitfO;
Hardy Htrbactotu Specw 0. I 0 feet; f <•> i-
Now Holland and South Sea herbt or undcratirabu, vory np«rly akin to the latt, rrow which th.'y '•'JJ
more in artificiall charnrtera
h h
than ID habit All of them ant pretty, and dmrvtng culture. Nothing u I"™"
of their propertied Wi
('uttingt, ilu HKHI, d
or aecda.
CIS GoaStnia R. Br. fil'i \vUHn Km. G17 Dam|iicra IL Br.
Bid KUthakt H, Br. 6S0 Scar'vola It. Br.

833. O»nR* CX11. C A M P A NI I. \ • < KJE,

Genera II, I f t t t o m Qp&tm 1 ; Grttn-htmst Species33 j //drrfy Liewuv Specif
hrbaceoui Species 188. 1 () h^ . ,
T h o c differ Del l i n i n g Uu lioyrt-w lii lieadii, in tbti i u.u.illy diattael a) I
poly»iHTiin)iis / n u t , .in<l'.il"> tn exuding i milky h t k * All the fti-'iicra arc- protl
mental. '1'hey nre inewtly hcrlwccou*, and by far the gtenter numU'r <tre extra-trnjnral, abouodin
tn the w(M>d< and cupptcco (if the north. The rood nf t j m p i u u l a Aapdiuuhin an uaed aa a > •
the name of lUinpnui Citttinga, divUlon, and H.-ctliv,
J09B Canarlnn /.. VRIVI Sehr.0 3 /'hytoitma
d\\ /'II'
(ill It //,.
1177 MvhiiiDtM Merit. •0 ) I'hi'titnii /..
715 Lightfo Ua ll.-nt fil« Prlamatnrirtiua HerU I Ktnc /.. •0
003 Aituni'iiili-T.i ffa 0 16 i.l;f Kurlki L,


Genera S, Speciet 38; Hot-Aoute Specie* 38 j Green-home Specie* 0 j 7/<m/;/ Upwowl Spfdt* ° i
llnrtiy Herbaeeau* Specie* ft 1 0 Ihet; tf 0 feet j A <) n t t
F i n e tni|>ii-,il ln>riM, with brond, fl«!i)*, tlowny Iraven, and |iur|ili> or irorlet ttuwprt, Tlmy »H fC1
heat, and decayed vegetable aoll; In thiir Dative i-.imitry, wliiih >» cliUflv rqulnncttal A n i n
foiuid (trwinjt In the womla, where the earth ta little- more than a bed of rotten leaves and bark. C W « « P
Qnntrfti L
Codunuphors Lindl. I 1700
1701 I rf
UUSt U l o x i n / o Mi rit


&**ra S, SpteUt 56; JlotJiouie Specie* t; QrtnJnw Specie,! \ Hardy L^out Spreia S3 j
£ » % H,-rlHuxJZ Specie (X f 84 ft . , S 0 (bet
ihrubi, chiefly native* of North Anu-riM. Europe, and A«la. Thr OxjtCcea, tnacrocftrpui
liucranbcrrle«»ciu from North America, and tiie (lxynWcut paluitrli Ihowoi l.uri.j*-. )«ci,,iura
"•ymiiu, u the well known wbottle-lurry. The order ii chiefly dlitinpiUhed by id inferior brrry. The
J Pe % «f the fruit of I'«:ciniuin » well known« IU baik I* reckoned tonic, •llmulaiii, and astringent, am)
" fruit illKhtly ityptir. Cattbqp, Ujer», ami weda,
1194 facciniura A. ' 0| HOT Oxycflccui Pert. H 0


HotJtouic Specie* 7;
Hardy Htrbacrout S/ii-riet la ITflifret , a(j"recL
frnjn I Jit' riflKhlHiuriiiM ortlcni by itn-i trint, triatatt .'iiilhrrt, and
!i.,l,!i i i i K i i l l y LHMUtilul, .iisd wnrtt lint
•'llH- 11 a native nf liill.iid™ and open plain*, chiefly ol the
(»T Ihrir liciutr, »(nnf fiir their fragrant1?, ami i
* tape, the Arbutturi ol Europe, the And;'1
•re princtpaJW North Ameriran. i niaiul m " • I IN I I I . J T

»«Ml», lovi-ly lierbt arnuriK thicket* ol' liualit-* and trw* Hhoil
\ art? chiefly North Ami i r (!»WL<» arr \vt tubular (Man thnn- a ilitiuirl
mil the Ahcximli'
Italian T h n lx
•d (in,
t.dni arc
- u / c h i m a i i h i l a IIIHIH " ' I " " 1 . ' " <*o»ea o f ll» a da]
! )l( t l . l . IM < ll
' -ii UM-«(PI itrnwy
i A m w o l OMtfB^tnu poiMMtd • ••••'• • ' • • •*•*-»i»t»• • , iin>
>t - -.'iiiiin, y(iifxi««i " y Atklya
"ih t
"it-lit, i. ..tuiiitohavecauied lli> ,:• .Hi i.f iimiywldiiTi in tt.e faiiiini- <n«IN
•I thai of
of /{)<Hl.'inliiin mAxiinuin I* iweii i" Anicrita in ca»M ol chroh
l»,iiiii:uin \n Alia, againit guul and Thcuoutiim. Cutting!, Uycrt, dmni ,
*»SSBT 340. Sections
^.S-flionl. 375 grmpleu
1173 /Trie*/.-
y 1174 M««ie»ia Sin,
I.. 13*1 K
^ A n t h i u /,„ WJJ. 0. ftrrfcK. j£ J#«. L. ]
d ' 6 n i * d o L. •37 /, 39
1330 Monutropa L. *0 St] A»ilca t.
• ].'U7 Arutnyrilni- Pit. S
330. Section 3. • i..iitm-lhl»ii I.I. S
• U
tig. a fcro 11. • Mum /
vm pymia L. ,in,i Mi.
hinuiphila /'A. 0


Gntw t, Species 8 j Hot-home Speciei If [ (>r«n.Ati«<f Sp-ci.->«; //nrrfy J.rjrwtBw .?prcr>J 0 j
J/nr.ii( lUrbamui Spmet U. I D hM ; f OfMt; ft 0 fwt.
ntf*!' "**1 >hm)M, nntivni oftlu< Ca|ieorOiNid M«t>c, u itli the habit nf 1'iinrl^a, and with corymbt of e l e n n l

'« SnwiT». Cblefly iliitiiiKulshn! from r:|iarndi-« In the ealy» being i.( two tasTH, and in th« ttlguM
'"g 4.1-oriicrvil, JU wtl! at In the fruit being with two Mcd« In each celt Cutting*,
J7J PeiUf^a I*

III. COEOLLIFLO'RiE. Prfoto w/tcrin/i in (A, / , r m n \Vpof!j/m>ut corolla,

which i) not nttai-hett In the calyx.

Genera 485, Spcckt +190; Hit-iimte Sptekt lSSfl; Qreenhmm Speciei9021 Hardy r.irnrout Srxiitt £33•
ll.mfy IhrlMceauSpeck* 178ft I 1«*ft.; f S § O « ) ft 8 feel. '
h S t f * 'ubrlaM arc to be referred all g-ncr* which hove a nionojietalouj corolla, with the itameni inicrtc-d
«, and a auperlor ovajium.

Genera 18, Specie* 71 ; Ihit-hmtr Speciei D mw fTjMI «ll T1 I B t n b*eovs

w^ J/«rrfy Herbacevut Specie* 0. f ll feet ; f 0 M ; • liiU 0ow*n
• T W " " ' jh'Uhl, all liatJvM of Ni'w BotttBtt, nf a dry prloU) Imi.n, with tubular
/ «« ctiiufly iliilinituiihitl fVom liricca; In the anther* bring awnlrM,
"~~>l. KrAcsiDB* vf«j», 511 Lvalncna //. ft ft,
, Jt ;;r, «>* E'pncrlii /iirrt. • rnth;«iw (
Sections. NTVMIK LIJL l'i iiiiiKlifrn It. Itr.
51 rpn R. Br •ill* ll. Br.
5H Ai-rutriche It, Br. 506 Attrolbma «. /;,-,
SUB Styphilia /t. /.V,


1, Sptcicti; Unt.hmur Specirt 11 UreenJioUM Speciet :l; J/rtrrfy Ligtuvut SpectrlQi

n ^ i i 1 •"Wtcil
• " W t l icavn,
i ll
tnrnlnu yellow I d
In i
drying, d tmallwliitn
and lllit D h i h arCKraietimeifrn
Dower*, which
t ^ I > '?"•* ^ t h c ™ n r u antTliiKWit; tlioMi of Symploco* Unct&ritt arc u»c*l In America und« the
°"'. for dyeing yellow tutting*.
£166 S?mploc«;
Genera 2, Species 7; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 7;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 23 feet; jg 0 feet; i 0 feet
Elegant trees with white flowers, chiefly natives of North America The Styrax offlcinalc afford, the
officinal storax of Asiatic Turkey, which issues from incisions made in the bark. The Halesta tetreptens »
the well-known snowdrop tree, with its pendulous white flowers. Cuttings, layers, or seeds.
1353 Styrax L. 4 01 1432 Halesin L. 8 0


Genera 8, Species 52; Hot-house Species 31; Green-house Species SI; Hardy Ligneous Species 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; ^ 0 feet
Showy shrubs, with evergreen undivided leaves, and cymes of white or red flowers. The Ardisias are com-
mon in collections. None are natives of Europe, but arc found in the hot parts of Asia, Africa, and America.
Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings and seeds.
581 Ma^sa J. I 669 Corynocarpus Forst. i 570 ManglWa J.
560 Jucquinfo I*
" I 572 Embclia Brm.
572 EmbLiia Brm. I 527 ClavTja Fl Per.
571 Ardisia Swz. I 2891 A/yrsinc L. \
Genera 11, Species 44; Hot-house Species 31; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Species 7;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 25 feet; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
These arc also shrubs and trees, which arc mostly evergreen, and natives of the wanner regions of the world-
Some of the Burnt-lias are found in the southern states of N. America, but none of the order exists in Europe.
They are chiefly valuable for their fruit, which, in many cases, contributes richly to the dessert. Mimusops
EUngi, lmbricaria malabirica, and Arghnia Sidcroxylon are all of this description; the star apples of the W»»
Indies, the produce of several species of Chrysophyllum, and particularly of C. CTiini/o, are esteemed delicious;
and the Medlars, Lucumas, and Sapotillas of equinoctial America, all the fruit of diffbrent kinds of yTchras,
are among the most valuable productions of the western world. The seeds of all the order arc oily; those ol
./Pchras Saputa are accounted diuretic and aperient. Their oil is not fluid, but so concrete as to havctne
appearance and consistence of butter, whence the name of butter.tree has been applied to diffbrent specie*
both in Africa and India. The most famous of this description is the Indian mava, mahva,or madhuca.tne
B.'issia butyracca of botanists; the seeds of which arc so oleaginous, that a single tree has been known to
prorlucc three quintals of oil; the dried flowers of the same tree are mixed by some Indians with their food*
and a kind of spirit is distilled irom them by others. The juice of all the sapotas is milky, but not acrid ana
poisonous like that of most other lactescent orders, but, on the contrary, yielding a wholesome beverage or
food. According to Brown, the bark of some of the Achrases and Lucumas is so astringent and febrifugal *»
to be substituted for quinquina. Cuttings and seeds.

1351 Inocftrpus Forst. 559 Argiinia R. & S. 562 Luchma J.

555 /fcimeha Stoic 556 Chrysophyllum L. 1156 Mimusops L.
569 Scrsalisia It. Br. 557 Nyctcrisition R. &
SfP. 1424 Bassfo L.
558 Sider6xylon L. 561 -/TchrasZ,.


Genera 4, Specie* 38; Hot-house Species 12; Green-house Species 22; Hardy Ligneous Species I,
Hardy Herbaceous Species0. ± 6 feet; £20feet; A 0 feet
Some of these are hardy trees or shrubs, with deciduous leaves and white flowers, natives of woods, moun-
tains, and banks of streams in North America, Europe, and New Holland; others are tropical evergreens'
Of the latter, many of the Diospyruscs produce eatable fruit; as, for example, the Mabolo of the PhittppinC
Islands, which is as big as a peach, and the Kaki of Japan, which resembles an apricot. All these fruits are
remarkable for their extreme austerity before maturity, and the necessity of letting them decay, like our
medlars, before they are fit for table. These arc also distinguished for the excessive hardness of their v/ooa,
and for the black color it sometimes acquires when old, as the Ebony. The bark of Diospyros virginiana »*
used in North America in intermittent fevers. Cuttings and layers.
S791 Maba Forst 12889 7>iospyros L. 4 0
2890 Cargillfe U. Br. 11373 Royena L.


Genus 1, Species 3; Hot-house Species 3j Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0,
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 0 feet; £ 0 feet; * 0 feet
A very obscure order, its place in the Natural System is extremely doubtful. Fine trees with the habit of
Thcoplir&Bta, and with axillary bunches of white flowers. Cuttings.
523 Brexia Nor.


Genera 11, Species 124; Hot-house Specks 11; Green-house Species 23; Hardy Ligneous Specks 90;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 1374 ft.» £ ° f c e t > S ° "**•
The olives are known by their monopetalous corolla, with a valvular aestivation, two stamens alternate wi*^
the segments, a bilocular ovarium with no discus at the base, and pendulous collateral ovula. They we*
fnrmprlv rnmhinnl with the iasmines. Thev have all simnlc onnnsito lnavrw • thnir flnwpra cither * n i .

to the order. The seed of the olive contains so large a proportion of fixetl oil, that it has long
the most important objects of cultivation in the south of Europe. The bark and leaves of many
bitter and astringent; these properties are particularly apparent in the ash, which has often been m ^
successfully as a febrifuge. From the exudation of many species of that genus, the mild purgative called ? t n C
is formed; it is most commonly found upon the 0'rnus europae^a. M. Decandolle remarks, that in pi oof ?'. ^
natural affinity of the plants here combined, and of the propriety of separating the jasmines from t n t l i n ' ' *
been found that all the olives, as now restricted, will bud or graft upon one another, but not on the Jaf!
Thus the lilac will graft on the ash, the ChionSnthus, and the FontancsiVi and even upon fhiilyrea la
and the olive will take upon the />hill?rea, and even on the ash Cuttings, layers, and by grafts or buds.
•R&xinua L. *S3 o 81 Linocifera Swz, 37 Phillfrca L. 13
O;rnu8 Pers. 5 0 80 FontanesrTi Lab. 40 ZigQstrum L, •7
Chionanthus L. 20 39 Notelac'a Yen. 41 Syringa L. 10
Millingtbnia Rox. 36 (Pica L.


Genera 2, Species 40: Hot-house Species 22; Green-house Species 12; Hardy Ligneous Species 6;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ± 6 feet j * 0 feet: * 0 feet
ofVk a 8 r a n c c ta t h e predominant property of the jasmine, and has made it for ages the favourite of poets and
• ine people; this arises from the presence of an oil which can be extracted so as to retain its perfume. In
bo£!f-inal qualities, the jasmines do not differ materially from the last; they are neatly distinguished by
""wnists by the direction of their ovula, which are erect in Jasmine*, and pendulous in Olcinic Cuttings.
42 Nyctanthes L. | 43 Jaunlnum L. 6
Genera 3, Species 10; Hot-house Species 9; Green-house Species 1; Hardy Ligneous Specie* 0;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 0 feet j £ 0 feet; =*= 0 feet
ic al t r c e s
is iI2P
, » nearly allied to Apocy^nere, and like them truly poisonous. The 5try*chnos ndx v6mica
th« blcfor its bitterness and acrid deleterious effects, which are indicated not only when introduced into
•tovo ? m a 'wbi.tuth sti11 m o r c violently when introduced into the system by inoculation. Theophrastas are fine
wn es, witn "imple
S?' simple stems,
sten and undulated spiny-toothed leaves, which are disposed in something like
orls Cuttings
Cuttings and ad seeds.
Theophrasta L. 574 Stry"chnos L. | 575 FagraAi Thun.
Genera 36, Species 145; Hot-house Species 115; Green-house Species 14; Hardy Ligneous Species 9;
Hardy Herbaceous Species 7. f 7 feet; j£ 8 feet; * 0 feet.
now turn from the contemplation of plants endued with mild and agreeable properties, and fragrant
y-t•-"••1- ana
and orccn
often Hearing
bearing rood
food for
arc among
among wi«the most
uwKi-nnu mmand
IUMI kilt

jnose juices though milky are not a wholesome and delicious beverage like those of Sapbteaj.but, on the contrary,
jj-na,, caustic, or bitter. They are readily known by the twisted direction of the segments of the corolla, which
far »i e e n compared to the rays of a Catherine's wheel, whence they were called by Linnrous, Contort*. By
Vin greatest part of the order consists of tropical trees and shrubs; a few Apocynums, Amsonias, and
are natives of the colder zones of the earth. Many arc elegant climbers, as the different sp

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