Gardening Plants & Flowers Flowers

How to Grow and Care for Lavatera

lavatera flowers

The Spruce / Autumn Wood

Lavatera is a genus in the mallow plant family that consists of 25 recognized plant species, both perennials and annuals. Like hibiscus, lavatera have large, showy, funnel-shaped flowers with five separate petals. The size varies greatly; some species are compact plants that reach only two to three feet in height, whereas shrub-like species can grow to a towering ten feet and six feet wide. The best planting time for most species is in the spring.

Lavatera plants are cousins to the hollyhock and like those plants, they are relatively easy to grow— especially if you live somewhere that is not prone to excessively hot and humid summers. Because lavatera are fast growers, they are a good choice as a space filler or as a centerpiece to surround with shorter, less showy options.

Common Name Lavatera
Botanical Name Lavatera spp.
Family Malvaceae
Plant Type Perennial or annual
Mature Size 2-10 ft. high, 2-6 ft. feet wide
Sun Exposure Full
Soil Type Loamy, sandy, well-drained
Soil pH Acid, neutral, alkaline
Bloom Time Summer, fall
Flower Color Pink, purple, white
Hardiness Zones 6-8 (USDA)
Native Area Europe, Mediterranean
lavatera flowers
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
closeup of a lavatera flower
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Lavatera maritima blooms prolifically
Consultaplantas / Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

Lavatera Care

Caring for lavatera varies slightly depending on the species, but generally, once established, the plants require little maintenance. Lavatera has good drought resistance and it isn't affected by major plant diseases or pests.

Shrub-type lavatera has a mounding but rather irregular growth habit, which can serve as a screen or as the backdrop in a flower bed. If you want to give it a neater, more uniform appearance, you can prune it to the desired shape.


Being a native of the Mediterranean, lavatera thrives in full sun and can actually begin to droop if you plant it in an overly shaded area. While flower output is best in full sun, if you live in a very hot area, a bit of shade during the hot afternoon could be beneficial.


The plant does well in light, fertile soils but can withstand poor rocky soil such as that found in its natural habitat. However, excellent drainage is crucial.


Water regularly until the plant has established a good root system, which takes about one year. After that, switch to occasional watering only in the absence of rain. Because lavatera does not like wet soil, make sure the soil has fully dried out before watering.

Temperature and Humidity

Lavatera needs warm and dry weather. While perennial lavatera is frost-hardy, it does best in a sunny spot and will die back in winter if the temperatures hover around the freezing mark. It should be protected from cold winds and might not thrive in very humid environments.


Only fertilize lavatera once with a slow-release complete fertilizer in the early spring before it starts growing. Over-fertilizing will result in lots of foliage yet few flowers.

Types of Lavatera

Popular lavatera species include the following:

  • Malva rose, island mallow (Lavatera assurgentiflora) with purple and white striped flowers that look a bit different than the more hibiscus-like flowers of other lavatera species. The plant, which is native to the Channel Islands, can reach a height of ten feet and will be evergreen in coastal climates where it can handle salt spray quite well.
  • Tree mallow (Lavatera thuringiaca) is a woody shrub that can be grown as a perennial in warm climates.
  • Rose mallow (Lavatera trimestris) is a shrubby annual that grows to be about three to six feet tall with saucer-shaped, white to pink flowers.
  • Lavatera ‘Barnsley Baby’ (Lavatera x clementii) is a compact perennial lavatera for small gardens and containers with light pink flowers and a rose-pink center.


For perennial lavatera, yearly pruning is key for prolific flowering. In the spring after the last frost and before the new growth starts, cut out all dead, damaged, and woody stems at the base. Only leave the stems where you can see a new shoot developing or the stem shows a swelling from which the new shoot will emerge. Cut those stems above the new growth, about one foot above ground level. If you are unsure whether a stem is dead, bend it. If it snaps easily, it’s dead.

Lavatera thuringiaca, native central and southeastern Europe
Lavatera thuringiaca, native central and southeastern Europe m  Lastovetskiy / Getty Images

Propagating Lavatera

Perennial lavatera can be propagated from cuttings in the spring or summer:

  1. Take a cutting about four inches long.
  2. Remove the leaves from the lower third of the cutting.
  3. Scrape or score the bottom of the cutting.
  4. Dip it in rooting hormone and plant in a four-inch pot filled with potting mix. Be aware that lavatera does not like to have its root system disturbed, so if you are planning to plant your cutting outdoors once it is established, you might want to place the cutting in a compostable pot that can go directly in the ground without the need for removing the plant.
  5. Water the cutting well and keep it evenly moist until you see new growth. When the cutting is large enough, harden it off before planting it outdoors in the garden.

How to Grow Lavatera From Seed

Because of the issue with sensitive roots, it's usually best to plant lavatera seeds directly in the ground right around the time of the last spring frost. If you start them in pots indoors before moving them outdoors, use a compostable pot that can go directly in the ground to avoid disturbing the roots.

For indoor starts, sow your seeds in potting mix about two months before the last frost and keep them at a temperature ranging from 68-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Seeds should be planted at a very shallow depth, just covered by soil. Keep them moist.

The seeds should germinate in two to three weeks. Move them outdoors into a full-sun location when there are at least two sets of true leaves and keep well watered until established.

Potting and Repotting

Lavatera can be grown as a patio plant in a container but it might have to be cut back more often to control its fast growth. Also, in a container, it needs more frequent watering. Plus, as mentioned, lavatera species really don't do well when their roots are disturbed, so be sure to put your plant in a sufficiently large pot that will be its lifelong home.


Perennial lavatera can overwinter outdoors in warm climates although they will die back but regrow in the spring. In a cold climate, bring your potted lavatera indoors before the first frost and keep it in a full-sun location in your home.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Lavatera is mostly free of pests, but deer and groundhogs are known for having an appetite for them. These plants are also sometimes affected by Japanese beetles. If they do show up, pick them off the plants by hand and drop them into a bucket of soapy water.

Lavatera can also occasionally contract hollyhock rust, a fungus that will cause drooping and premature yellowing of leaves as well as black spots on the stems which will quickly decay. There is no known cure for this disease so once a plant contracts it, your best option is to remove it and start again.

Common Problems With Lavatera

Most lavatera species are free from major issues. When the plants get overly thirsty, the flower petals will shed, letting you know it's time to give them a drink.

How to Get Lavatera to Bloom

If the plant does not bloom, the cause is often lack of sunlight. Lavatera needs full sun to bloom. Perennial lavatera could also fail to bloom because the flower buds were damaged during a late spring frost.

  • How long do lavetera plants live?

    Well-cared-for perennial lavatera plants can live as long as five years. While that's a relatively short lifespan, the plants often self-seed, so they will be present in your garden just as long as you'd like them to be.

  • What should I plant with lavatera?

    Dahlias, lavender, and spider flowers all make good companions for lavatera plants.

  • Do lavatera plants attract pollinators?

    Yes, the big showy flowers on most lavateras are particularly attractive to bees and hummingbirds.

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