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Charmed star Holly Marie Combs blames Trump ‘lies’ for grandfather’s coronavirus death despite experts praising response

CHARMED star Holly Marie Combs has blasted Trump "lies" in the wake of her grandfather’s coronavirus death despite experts praising the Feds' response. 

The actress blamed the president for downplaying the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic Monday, saying her late grandpa believed everything he said. Medical experts have praised Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, including his initial response to the threat.

 Combs blamed Trump 'lies' for the death of her grandfather
Combs blamed Trump 'lies' for the death of her grandfatherCredit: Getty Images - Getty
 Trump denied calling the pandemic a 'hoax'
Trump denied calling the pandemic a 'hoax'Credit: AFP or licensors

"He voted for you," she tweeted. "He believed you when you said this virus was no worse than the

"He believed every lie you muttered and sputtered.

"He died today from Covid-19 one day after his 66th wedding anniversary. You’re a disgrace to the human race."

Combs was responding to the president's Twitter statement denying he called the pandemic a "Democratic hoax" earlier this year at a rally in Charleston, South Carolina.

"I never said the pandemic was a Hoax!" he wrote on April 25. "Who would say such a thing?

"I said that the Do Nothing Democrats, together with their Mainstream Media partners, are the Hoax.

 Trump addressed the issue on Twitter before being attacked by the actress
Trump addressed the issue on Twitter before being attacked by the actressCredit: Twitter
 Combs said she had no time for 'Trumpers'
Combs said she had no time for 'Trumpers'Credit: Twitter

"They have been called out & embarrassed on this, even admitting they were wrong, but continue to spread the lie!"

During the February 28 rally, Trump had told supporters that his administration had the virus under control two months before the US became the worst affected country in the world.

He lambasted Democrats for criticizing his response to the outbreak, saying "they have no clue.

"They can't even count their votes in Iowa," he raged. "They tried the impeachment hoax ... This is their new hoax."

That night, he also compared the flu death toll versus coronavirus - the day before the first US fatality was confirmed. 

"Think of it, you hear 35 and 40,000 people [die from the flu every year] and we’ve lost nobody," he told the crowd. "You wonder if the press is in hysteria mode.”

 Charmed Holly Marie Combs with Shannen Doherty and Alyssa Milano
Charmed Holly Marie Combs with Shannen Doherty and Alyssa MilanoCredit: Alamy
 Thousands of Americans have died from COVID-19
Thousands of Americans have died from COVID-19Credit: Reuters

As of April 29, coronavirus infection rates in the country topped one million.

Nearly 60,000 Americans have died from the deadly bug, numbers which now eclipse the lives lost in the Vietnam War.

Although Combs received numerous condolences and support on social media, others leapt to Trump's defense today.

"Sorry for your loss but how dare you blame Trump!" tweeted @cindyinpgi.

"Absolutely disgraceful and your wonderful grandfather would probably feel the same way about your despicable behavior!"

 The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in New York
The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in New YorkCredit: Reuters

"It's not right to blame President Trump," @Geoffreydun88 agreed. "I don't know what it is about my favorite actors/actresses lately.

"It's sad there's such hate for our president. Your grandfather wouldn't have blamed him. Sad."

But Combs tweeted in response that she had "zero tolerance for Trumpers" in the wake of his death.

"Zero," she reiterated. "Take it to someone else’s timeline. Not today Satan."

Disease experts Dr Fauci and Dr Birx have been supportive of Trump's actions in ramping up testing around the country.

His son-in-law Jared Kushner also described the Feds' efforts to mitigate the rampant spread as a "great success story" as thousands die.

Speaking on Fox News' "Fox & Friends" Wednesday, Kushner said "the government, federal government, rose to the challenge, and this is a great success story."

"And I think that that's really, you know, what needs to be told," he added when asked why the pandemic office - an "NSC [National Security Council] situation - was initially disbanded.

 Combs lost her grandad to COVID-19
Combs lost her grandad to COVID-19
 Trump, interrupts Jared Kushner, advisor and son-in-law to the President, during a Coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday, April 2, 2020 in Washington, DC
Trump, interrupts Jared Kushner, advisor and son-in-law to the President, during a Coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday, April 2, 2020 in Washington, DCCredit: Alamy Live News
 Jared Kushner with his wife, Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner with his wife, Ivanka TrumpCredit: AP:Associated Press