My top plants for golden berries

Stephen Anderton picks pyracanthas and a holly that will glow all through the winter
Pyracantha Soleil d’Or, left, grows easily on a wall
Pyracantha Soleil d’Or, left, grows easily on a wall

I never quite believe people when they say they don’t like yellow. It’s such a heartening colour. It lights up an area, whether it is sunflowers in August, rudbeckias in September or crab apples in October.

Or, of course, golden berries, later still. And if you like your golden berries, there are two plants you should seek out for impressive results: pyracantha and holly.

A really well-berried golden holly is a marvellous sight, fruits crusted round the stem like corn on the cob. Trust me, it won’t leave you feeling that they ought to be the typical red colour. Hollies in the wild are all shades of red, from pale redcurrant to a cherry brown. Nature plays games, and yellow is just one of its