
Why alliums are not just for spring

Stephen Anderton picks the best ones to plant now for fabulous colour later in the year

The Times

I expect you are used to thinking of alliums as those white-skinned bulbs you plant in autumn and the tall purple drumstick flowers that follow in May/June? They are rather wonderful, aren’t they, whether you have them in a border or manage to grow them in thin grass to beef up your meadow garden. There have been some years at the Chelsea Flower Show when you couldn’t move for the things.

But not all alliums are bulbs. Some of them are clump-forming perennials, admittedly with a rather bulbous base to each stem, and these you can plant now because they flower mid to late-season. They’re totally trouble-free and some of them I absolutely would not be without.

Allium senescens
Allium senescens

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