3 datasets found

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  • Aanpassing zones deelmobiliteit sinksenfoor 2023

    Stad Antwerpen

    Bevat de nieuwe zones (dropzones, No-GO zones en NO-Park zones) die tijdelijk in werking treden tijdens de Sinksenfoor 2023.

  • Geodata_stadantwerpen

    Stad Antwerpen

    This site is the portal of GIS-departement of the city of Antwerpen. You find all their geodatasets en corresponding services here. The city of Antwerp has a wealth of geographical data about the city. Through this portal you are offered the opportunity to explore, visualize and download this geographical data. This data is open data and you can use it free of charge and free of charge. With the data sets you can, for example, develop new mobile applications that can improve the service for residents. Discover the data by searching below on the different themes or by entering a keyword.

  • Statistische_open_data_stad_Antwerpen

    Stad Antwerpen

    Contains static data of different themes in the city.